Discord's Holiday Vacation

by ManeShadow

First published

After being reformed, Discord is now on good terms with Princess Celestia, and is being a wonderful assistant to the busy Princess. He is doing so much good work Celestia gave him a few days off to celebrate the holidays

After being reformed by the Mane Six, Discord is a helpful assistant to Princess Celestia in Canterlot. Truly a nice guy.

As the holidays approach in Equestria, Celestia allows Discord a week off to celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve. Discord decides to travel to Ponyville to spread the joy of the holidays.


Hello! I would just like to thank you all for the support and for liking my work. I hope you all have a happy holiday season. My gift back to you is a story starring the good guy lord of choas. Discord!

I hope you all enjoy!

Happy Holidays Everypony!



Happy Holidays.

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Princess Celestia's morning started out by walking into her throne room to find it completely covered in snow.

Celestia stood in the large doorway with her mouth agape, shocked by the condition of the place. How could this have happened? Was a window broken somewhere? Celestia went to the middle of the room and stood there, unsure of what to do. As Celestia looked over the room, a bright flash of light appeared in front of her and before she could comprehend, sitting on her throne, was Discord.

"Discord! What did you do to my throne room?" Celestia asked angrily, clenching her teeth.

"Oh, this. Well I thought that this room needed a more festive look to it. After all, it is almost Hearth's Warming Eve. I'm practically counting the days." Discord pulled out a small desk calendar which had every date accurately crossed out in a red X.

"Discord, this is hardly appropriate!" Celestia growled at Discord, who didn't react to her angry tone. "And frankly, I'm going to need you to clean this up now."

"Oh come-come Celestia, you really need to lighten up!" Discord laughed. "It's just snow, after all!"

Celestia charged her horn as a sign of aggression. Discord frowned and turned around.

"Oh, alright, fine. If you really insist-" Discord is cut off when he is hit in the back of the by a cold, soft object. "Hey! What did you?-"

Discord turned around to see Celestia levitating a snowball with her magic as she giggled to herself. Discord stood watching her, confused.

"Oh, you are SO on!" Discord laughed out. He grabbed a clump of snow and began to shape it into a snowball, by the time he was finished Celestia had about three more completed, ready to fire. As the two engaged in a playful snowball fight, Princess Luna walked into the throne room, yawning. Luna stepped into the cold snow,

"Eeeeeeek!" Luna screeched in surprise, she looked up to see her sister staring at her, giggling like she did when she was a filly. Luna grinned, embarrassed. Luna's upset managed to distract Celestia enough for Discord to hit her with a snowball.


"You've been a very helpful assistant Discord, I am most pleased with your performance." Celestia sat in her throne with Luna at her side and Discord bowing in front of her.

"Oh, but it's my pleasure Princess." Discord ceased bowing, and stood in front of Celestia, awaiting her words.

"I've decided that you can have a week off for the holidays, you've been working so hard after all, and we don't have much left to do around the castle. Perhaps you can visit our friends in Ponyville?" Celestia took a sip of the hot chocolate being served to her by a guard. "You may leave whenever you feel like it."

Discord bowed, gave a polite "Thank you." and held up his hand, a ball of pale yellow energy forming inside it. He throws the ball towards the ground in a flash of light, and disappears.

Part 2

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"Then what happened?"

Rarity was reading stories to her little sister. Sweetie Bell listened to her big sister with great interest in every word she spoke. The night sky was cloudless and dotted with stars. It snowed lightly outside Sweetie Bell's window, and faint voices of late night carolers could be heard from inside.

"Well, as I said, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna found the Tree of Harmony underneath their old castle, and they used the Elements of Harmony to defeat Discord. As-"

As Rarity was speaking, a bright yellow light suddenly flashed from Sweetie Bell's open closet. Rarity stopped talking as her and Sweetie Bell looked over towards the sudden disturbance. The light faded and almost like a snake, Discord slid out of the tiny closet.

Discord looked at the two shocked ponies with a wide grin. "Hello girls!"

Rarity shrieked and jumped in front of Sweetie Bell, bravely holding the story book forward like a sword to protect her younger sister. "What are you doing in here!?"

"Woah! Now calm down my little ponies, I was just visiting!" Discord wrapped around the two ponies and bopped Sweetie Bell on the nose. "You two are really dramatic aren't you?"

On the opposite side of the room, Sweetie Bell's window was burst open from the outside. Rainbow Dash flew inside and put her hooves up in a boxing position, ready to whack any intruders. Her rainbow colored mane was dotted in snowflakes. She was shivering slightly.

"Don't worry Rarity! I'll save you!"

"Rainbow, we're fine. It's just Discord. My goodness! How long have you been outside?"

Rainbow Dash put away her hooves and landed, and she insisted she was okay. She looked up at Discord, who had released the two ponies from his circle. Had he gotten taller from the last time she'd seen him? He could hardly fit in the room.

"What are you doing here? Haven't you ever heard of knocking? It's late!" Rainbow Dash frowned at Discord, and waited for a response, still shaking from the cold.

"Geez! So much hostility! What did I do? On second thought, don't answer that. Princess Celestia gave me the week off for the holidays. And I decided to visit all my friends in Ponyville"

Discord struggled to wiggle around in the tiny room, Rainbow Dash sighed and began to flap her wings to leave. She pushed the window open the opposite direction.

"Okay, just don't go around scaring everpony. Not everyone in Ponyville's used to you being a good guy just yet." Discord paused, his eyes wide as he stared at her. Rainbow Dash noticed him and looked around. "What?"

"Nothing, forget it. Sorry to bother you. I'll be on my way to Twilight's to see if she can give me a place to sleep for a couple nights" Rainbow Dash laughed at Discord's answer, and then sneezed as a snowflake landed on her nose. Rainbow Dash blushed slightly.

"Good luck with that buster!" And with that, she flew off into the night. Sweetie Bell's horn glowed with magic and she closed the window and locked it, then she smiled and bounced over to Discord.

"You don't have to, you can stay with us if you want!" Sweetie Bell offered in excitement and she began to bounce around. "It'll be fun!" Rarity's eyes widened, and she pulled her sister aside and leaned into her ear.

"What did I say about inviting people without asking me first? Sweetie Bell, he's nearly as big as my design room!" Discord sighed

"Oh it's fine. I didn't really want to anyway, your place is too clean for my tastes frankly."

Discord walked towards the other side of Sweetie Bells' room and stood up as straight as the ceiling would allow, he snapped his fingers and vanished in the same flash of light he arrived in. Rarity stood watching the spot where he used to be, utterly confused at the events that just unfolded. Sweetie Bell walked beside her, growling, and lightly hit her in the ribs.

Rarity jumped, "Ow! Sweetie Bell? What was that for?"

"You drove him off! He didn't do anything wrong. He just wanted to be our friend!" Rarity turned and looked her sister in the eye with a serious expression on her face, an expression that Sweetie Bell saw almost daily.

"Sweetie Bell, listen to me. Discord is not the most trustworthy dragon, pony, lion...thing. Do you understand?" Sweetie Bell frowned and almost looked like she was going to pout, but instead she turned around and walked towards her bed.

"Yes Rarity..."

Sweetie Bell flicked off her lamp, hopped into her bed, and began fake snoring. Rarity looked down glumly and walked out, closing the door behind her.

Part 3

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At Twilight Sparkle's library, the holiday season has not gotten in the way of business. Twilight constantly counts to make sure that their inventory is one hundred percent accurate, every book has to be in the right spot or the entire shelf gets redone. No time for distractions. As Twilight and her always faithful assistant Spike work through the long process, the sound of the wind howling outside is the only sound to be heard. As they sort through the countless books a large yellow flash of light blinds the two for a moment. Twilight isn't surprised, she had gotten the message from Celestia an hour ago. Twilight rubbed her eyes and looked at the source of the flash.

"Hello Discord! I'm so happy you could get a week off! Celestia must be pleased with your work I presume?" Twilight attempted to talk with her work-in-progress Princess Voice, she didn't like using it, too formal. But Luna had suggested the change, so she thought that it must have been a good idea. Discord made himself at home on Twilight's new couch, entertaining the idea of conversation. After a while, Twilight began to turn away, no longer expecting an answer.

"Well, thank you Princess Sparkle. You know I tried stopping by your friend's house a little bit ago, and I must admit they were very hostile about it. I thought that we had gotten to know each other." Twilight turned back around and faced Discord.

"Did you knock?"

Discord shook his head and stretched out on the couch.

"Of course not. Well, it doesn't matter, I'm sure everything will be better in the morning, then you can help with the celebration preparations!" Twilight nearly squealed at just the very mention of the idea, it was by far one of Twilight's absolute favorite Ponyville activities.

"No mean to be rude Princess, but I must remind you that Celestia told you that I had a week off. I would prefer a choice of my activities."

"Oh! Of course Discord, I was just suggesting-" Discord snapped his fingers and Twilight's muzzle vanished into thin air, she looked down in horror and made a muffled screech, flapping her wings like a madpony.

"Don't worry Twilight, I'll help, I just request you treat me a little less like a servant." Discord snapped his fingers again, and Twilight's muzzle re-appeared. Twilight looked furiously at Discord.

"Discord! That is highly inappropriate behavior! Do I have to spend my time sending another letter to Celestia about this?" Discord looked at Twilight confused, what was the big deal with everypony? That used to happen to him all the time, he had gotten used to it by now.

"Of course, Princess Twilight, whatever you say..." Discord teleported up off the couch into a standing position. "Now, go to Fluttershy's. It's late and I don't have a room for you to stay here." Twilight gave a scolding look at Discord and went back to her sorting. Discord sighed and snapped his fingers to disappear again, he re-appeared outside of the library. Discord stood in the freeing snow and wind, hurt and confused. He simply didn't get what he had done wrong, he was just acting like he did when he was young, no-pony had a problem with it then.

"Discord? What are you doing out here? Aren't you freezing?" Discord turned to see Fluttershy looking up at him. She was wearing a brown cloak with a thick wool inside, and she had a satchel tied around her. Her tail blew sideways in the wind as she shivered. She smiled as Discord looked back at her, she pointed her head out into the blizzard. "C'mon. It's freezing out here! I'm sure there's room in my house for another guest."

Fluttershy explained what she had been doing outside as they slowly trudged through the snow, she had been collecting food for the hibernating animals that had run out. She had meant to head back right away but she had gotten caught in the storm, and nearly got trapped in the town hall. Finally, they had reached Fluttershy's cottage. Fluttershy opened the door for Discord.

"Go in, I'll be right inside."

Discord walked in to find the house surprisingly empty. Discord heard the door slam behind him and Fluttershy walked inside.

"They prefer their caves and holes during the winter, I usually have the house all to myself, and Angel of course." Discord rolled his eyes at the thought of that little critter. "Go on, make yourself at home, maybe get some sleep. You look tired."

"Well, I'm glad that once again, at least one pony decides to give me a friendly welcome!" Fluttershy looks at Discord worried, but decided she would ask in the morning. She needed some sleep as well.

Part 4

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The Mayor of Ponyville winced as she shoved herself through the panicked crowd. The blizzard wouldn't stop, no matter what they did it kept on snowing and snowing. She had received word from Cloudsdale that it wasn't scheduled and that no matter what the weather ponies did the clouds simply wouldn't move. The Mayor made her way the middle of the crowd. As she did, she could hear ponies desperately asking her questions.

Why isn't the snow stopping? What in the name of Celestia is going on?

The Mayor was surrounded by a group of concerned ponies who wouldn't let her through as the crowd's murmurs and fear got louder and louder. The Mayor almost felt tears flowing down her eyes as she cowered from the masses of ponies, she didn't even have an answer for them.

"Enough! Enough!

The voices silenced as the crowd looked to see Twilight Sparkle standing in the middle. Her hooves were buried deep in the snow and her mane had specks of snow all over it. Twilight took a step forward and took a deep breath.

"I know you all are scared, I get it. The blizzard looks as if it will not stop unless we do something about it. But before we do that we need to find out how it started."


Discord sat up from the couch and took a look outside the window. He couldn't see anything. Discord almost immediately realized something was wrong. Discord went over the entire weather schedule for Celestia and he did not remember this being in Ponyville's schedule. Discord opened the door to Fluttershy's cabin and was blasted in the face by cold air that stung at his face. Discord winced and continued forward to the only place he could think to go. The Town Hall.

Twilight was still discussing the issue with the crowd of ponies when she heard the distinctive sound of a teleporting spell. She turned around to be face to face with a concerned Discord. She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sight of him.

Twilight got a hold of herself and looked Discord in the eye. "What are you doing here? Do you know what's going on?

Discord shook his head. "No! I was coming to ask you! It doesn't matter, I think I can-" Discord was cut off when he was hit in the face with a rock, chucked somewhere from the audience. Twilight's looked toward where the rock was thrown but couldn't find anyone. But she heard a colt's voice rise above all the other's.

"It was him! He isn't on our side! He's responsible!" Soon, more angry voices joined in to support the unknown pony.

"Yeah! He's just being Celestia's pet so he can destroy the land again!"

Discord took particular offense at that one. He turned to face the crowd with a pleading face. "Listen, please. I know I've done some things I regret. But I'm trying to help you all!" Discord something step on his toe lightly. He looked down to see Sweetie Bell smiling up at him.

Sweetie Bell took a step forward to face the crowd. "He's telling the truth! He just wants to be our friend! He's changed, I promise!"

Discord smiled, and held his hands up towards the sky. A blue light began to form inside it. It was an old spell he had learned, but it should do the trick. As it was almost charged. He was knocked off balance three large rocks hitting him in the head at once. He releases the spell early and it shoots towards the town hall. It impacts the wall of the building and erupts into an orange flame. Ponies below him scream and Twilight looks over at the crowd, angry and terrified at the time. Discord looks in horror as the Town Hall burns to the ground. Ponies begin yelling at him as he stands there, frozen and unsure of what to do. He hears the sound of a familiar pony yelling. Rainbow Dash flies next to him with a furious look on her face.

Rainbow Dash looks Discord in the eye and growls. "What did you do?!" Discord manages to stutter out.

"I...I didn't mean to!"

Discord hears the same colt who had yelled him out the first time shout out. "Turn him back to stone!"

Discord stops listening to Rainbow Dash, triggered by the pony's words. He had tried to be accepted, he had tried to help. But he was right, he was just Celestia's pet. Just someone to do chores. He was tired of it. Discord roared in anger and the whole crowd went deathly silent. Rainbow Dash flew back slightly in fear and Twilight did the same. Discord looks at the entire crowd, furiously panting.

"Is...that what you all think?"

Sweetie Bell looks up at Discord's stunned face. "No! That's not-"

"I'm done with this! I tried to help you ponies out but it seems the magic of your stupid 'Friendship' only applies to the other ponies in this horrible town!" Discord bends down to look at Twilight "You're pitiful! The fate of Equestria rests upon..." Discord couldn't bring himself to yell at Twilight and her friends. They weren't bad... mostly. "As for the rest of you! You can bow under your stupid sun princess, see if I care! I don't need you're friendship!"

Discord charges a teleport spell in both hands as Sweetie Bell watches with tears running down her face. She runs towards him just as he vanishes in a large blast of light. She is knocked back and lands on her rump, tears splashing the snow covered ground.


Sweetie Bell put some supplies she had borrowed from the Cutie Mark Crusader's clubhouse in her satchel bag. She packed some food, water, a compass, and some rope. Sweetie Bell threw the bag over her shoulder and prepared to head out. But she paused, and turned towards the kitchen table, there was a piece of paper lying on it. She opened a nearby drawer and grabbed a pencil with her magic. And she began writing a note.

Dear Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Scootaloo, and Applebloom.
I'm heading out to find Discord. He didn't mean to do anything wrong, and he just wanted to be our friend. I'm very disappointed in all of you. Don't come looking for me.

-Sweetie Bell.

Part 5

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Sweetie Bell tried to push herself further up the mountain. She had a feeling that Discord was at the top, it had been the home of a dragon who nearly covered Equestria in smoke, but it was empty now and it would make a perfect hideout for a depressed Draconequus. Sweetie Bell licked her chapped lips once again, even though she knew she shouldn't. Sweetie Bell looked at her satchel pack and used her magic to open it. No food left. Sweetie Bell whimpered and continued walking through the deep snow.

Sweetie Bell groaned. "This was a horrible idea..." But her faith was partially restored as for a few seconds, the fog and snow in front of her cleared and she could see the cave not too far ahead. Her eyes filled with determination, she began to run toward the cave.


Meanwhile, in Ponyville. Rarity was running around in the blizzard, desperately calling out her sister's name.

"Sweetie Bell! Sweeeetie Bell! Please! Come out!"

As Rarity wandered around, she heard the voice of Applejack. "What in the hay is going on out there?"

Rarity turned around to see a shivering, hat less Applejack. Rarity took out Sweetie Bell's note and showed it to her. Applejack's eyes widened in fear as she read the note.

"We gotta find her! I'll go get the others, you get something warm on. You'll freeze to death out here!"

Rarity was about to protest, but she decided against it. She nodded and raced back to her home. Applejack turned around and went in the direction of Twilight's library, it's branches were blowing in the cold wind. She went up to the door and banged on it with her hooves with no intention to stop. At long last, the door opened and Spike peeked out.

Spike stepped outside and looked at Applejack, rubbing his arms. "What's the matter Applejack? You're acting strange-"

Before Spike could continue, Applejack began blurting out: "Sweetie Bell! She's gone! Rarity doesn't know where she went, she left a note saying she was going after Discord."

By now, the commotion had gotten Twilight's attention, and she was hovering in the middle of the stairs. "What? Oh dear...Oh dear... I'll get a search party."

In five minutes flat. Twilight had gathered all her friends outside Rarity's house. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash were searching the area for any clues to her disappearance while Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack looked over the note.

Twilight took the note and flipped it over, looking on the backside for any possible evidence. "I don't think there's anything else on the note." Twilight looked at Rarity. "You found this in the morning right? Sweetie Bell must have left sometime in the night, or else we would have found-"

"I FOUND SOMETHING!" Fluttershy bounced over to the group. "There are some footprints! They lead to the mountains!"

Twilight smiled and opened her wings. "Then lets get going! I think I know where she's going!"


Sweetie Bell finally reached the cave entrance. She looked inside and called out. "Discord?" She didn't receive and answer. She walked inside and began looking around the cave. She reached the back of the cave and began to think it was a lost cause. She was about to turn around when she saw Discord sitting on a rock facing away from her. "Discord!"

Discord turned around and Sweetie Bell saw his depressed eyes, he frowned and turned back towards the cave wall. "Go away, I want to be alone."

Sweetie Bell tried to smile and looked at him. "But Discord! We're sorry, we didn't mean what we said. We want-"

Discord signaled for her to stop talking, which she did. "Forget it, I said leave!" Discord sighed and teleported in front of Sweetie Bell, he bent down to face her face-to-face. "I can tell when I'm not wanted."

Sweetie Bell felt a tear rolling down her face, and she saw it splash on the ground below her. She stepped backwards a few steps and said with a heavy heart. "Goodbye then, I'm sorry." Sweetie Bell turned around towards the way she came and slowly walked out of the cave. She reached the edge of the cliff and looked towards the horizon to at Canterlot. At least she had tried...

Sweetie Bell heard a crumbling sound below her, and she instinctively looked down at her hooves. Just behind her hind legs, the stone was cracking. Sweetie Bell realized what was happening and she turned around to run, the rock under her gave way and tilted downwards, she lost her footing and slid backwards. She screamed as the rock broke off and she began falling down. Discord turned around at the sound of Sweetie Bell's scream, he quickly teleported to the edge of the cliff as the entire thing began to fall, he gasped as he saw Sweetie Bell falling. He flopped on his stomach and hastily grabbed Sweetie Bell's hoof and held on tight. He felt the rock underneath him crumble.


The Twilight led the group up the path to the peak of the mountain when they heard a crumbling sound coming from directly above them. Rainbow Dash glanced up to see nearly a dozen giant boulders falling down towards them.

Rainbow Dash turned towards the group and yelled. "Whoa! Watch out!" The group looked up, eyes wide. They scattered, trying to evade the smaller tumbling rocks. Twilight stopped and charged her horn, the remaining pieces outlined in a purple glow, Twilight stood, sweating. Right as the rocks are about to impact on the ground, they are turned into large snowballs, and harmlessly land on the ponies. Twilight sits down, satisfied and exhausted. Rarity glances up to see Sweetie Bell dangling far above them. Her eyes wide in fear.

"Sweetie Bell! I'm coming!


Discord felt the cold wind sting his face as he held on to Sweetie Bell's hoof and the snow blowing into his eyes. Sweetie Bell looked up at him terrified and close to tears, her mane covered in snow and a red bruise on her side. Discord blinked the snow and dirt out of his eyes and smiled down at her.

"Sweetie Bell, I'm going to need you to hold on! Can you do that for me?"

Sweetie Bell nods up at him. And Discord attempts to lift his arm as the rock begins to give way under him. Grinding his teeth together. With determination in his eyes, he throws Sweetie Bell up and over him, she lands on behind him and skids backwards.

Discord spins his head around like an owl and looks into Sweetie Bell's eyes. "Back up! The ground's not stable, it'll give way any second!"

Almost on cue, the ground underneath him gives away and he is caught in the collapse, he begins to plummet downwards to the rocks below. Sweetie Bell sits up and looks over the ledge, tears in her eyes.


Discord knew he couldn't survive the fall, he was too tired to cast any magic, but it didn't seem to matter to him. Discord looked upwards at Sweetie Bell, he had saved her from a certain demise, and that was worth it. As he felt the cold wind blast against his skin, he feels like his heart is melting. Discord smiles, proud that his last action was saving a filly who had much more to live for. Discord noticed three moving shapes above Sweetie Bell, crying out in pain. Windigos, that was what caused the blizzard. The distrust, hatred, and fear the residents of Ponyville had for him had fed their powers, causing an almost everlasting blizzard. But he knew they were growing weak. Discord loved them, despite what had happened, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Twilight and her friends, and especially Sweetie Bell. Discord closed his eyes and felt happy as he neared the rocky ground below him.

Part 6

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Discord felt the wind being knocked out of him as he impacted with two large objects below him, stopping his descent. No, not objects...Ponies... Discord looked under him to see both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash smiling up at him.

"Gotcha!" Rainbow Dash yelled out in happiness. Discord laughed, he didn't even know why.

Fluttershy smiled at him. "We would never leave you! I'm sorry about what we said."

"We all are." Rainbow Dash added as they slowly carried Discord down.

The two ponies landed and Discord stepped onto the ground again, the rest of the group standing around him with sad expressions on their faces. Twilight stepped forward and began to talk

"Discord, we're awfully sorry about what we said and did to you, I hope you can-"

Twilight was cut off when Discord grabbed her and hugged her tightly, spinning around and laughing joyfully. Twilight and her friends smiled and laughed along with him. "I'm so happy to see you all!" Discord felt the other ponies huddling against his legs, and he bent down and placed Twilight down on the ground. Discord looked up at towards the cliff and saw Sweetie Bell sitting on the edge, smiling as tears of happiness rolled down her face.

Discord was welcomed back to Ponyville with smiles and open arms. For the first time in a long time, he felt accepted by others, and he was happy. Evil and destruction no longer interested him. Over the remaining days of his vacation, he spent time with all the ponies in town. But the one pony he spent the most time with was Sweetie Bell, he loved her company, and when it was time to leave for Canterlot, he couldn't wait for the next opportunity to see her. And Sweetie Bell couldn't wait to see her friend Discord again.

The End.