The Aftermath of a Downfall

by shadowpheon

First published

Space is big. Magic is powerful. Who knows what can happen when an ejected crew member lands on the powerful world of Equestria. To bad planetfall can do horrors on one's mind.

Alissa Vincent was the head of security aboard the planet cracker Ishimura. She did her job well, lead her team to the best of her ability, and always tried to serve the crew of the ship. During their mission to Aegis VII, a terrible outbreak of a parasitic alien life tore the crew apart, both physically and mentally. Alissa and her team fought hard, and she lost them all. But she finished her mission. She warned others about the danger. She gave her life to save countless others. But is it truly over for her? Space is big. And magic can do a lot of things.

Prologue (Contains the ending of Dead Space: Downfall)

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Alissa finished recording the message. She sighed and wiped the tears that had formed, leaning over the console as the message was sent to the emergency beacon on the shuttle that had originally brought this hell aboard the ship. She looked over at the shuttle, and the hoard of monsters stumbling around Bay 17. This was it. This was the end. Time to finish the mission. She sat up, and turned back to the console. She began imputing the codes for the doors. Alarms began blaring, lights flashed, and a voice called out, "Venting sequence initiated. Warning. Venting in twenty seconds."

"Here we go." She spoke to herself. Standing up, she began running. Running by all these monsters that had slaughtered the entire ship. She ran to the shuttle, ducking and dodging the swipes and slashes at her. She jumped onto the side of the shuttle, climbing it rapidly. She dove for the beacon case, and as soon as she slid to a stop, the bay doors began grinding loudly, opening the bay to the void of space. The oxygen began rapidly evacuating into space, the monsters on the shuttle being sucked out.

Alissa held on, her body being lifted up due to the rapid evacuation. She growled, pulling herself forward, and smashing the beacon eject button. The case slid open, the beacon slid up, and blasted away on a rocket. And it was done. The mission was finished. And she slipped. Her grip failed, and she was evacuated into space. She spun over and over. The Ishimura. Space. Aegis VII. Ishimura. Space. Aegis VII. Air was nowhere. Her lungs gave out. It was over. The last thing she saw was the Ishimura. Her last thoughts were of everyone who died. Dobbs. Pendleton. Shen. Hansen. Irons. Ramirez. Captain Mathius. Mr. White. Chic. Everyone on that ship. They were all dead. And now, so was she. At least she wouldn't become one of those freaks.

Silence. Death was only silence and darkness. But... But... There was something. A, chirping? Alissa gasped loudly, sitting up straight. She flung her eyes open, but instantly snapped them shut, the sun blinding her. Panting, she peeked open one eye, then the other. She was in a forest. But, how? Last she remembered was, was... She didn't. She didn't remember. She blinked a few times and looked around. She had on her shirt, pants, and jacket. Then she took notice of the items around her.

First thing she picked up was the badge. It gleamed in the sunshine, and as soon as it was in her hand, her vision flashed. Blood, death, decay, internal organs. She blinked again, it all happening so quickly. She put down the badge, and then moved to pick up the pistol next to it. As soon as her hand touched it, her vision flashed again. Monsters, blood, screams, pain, death, bullets, growls, plasma, Ishimura. She backed away from the two items, backing into the third. She turned to come face to face with the beacon she had sent, still smoking from it's rocket engine.

She looked at the capsule. It had blown a crater in the ground, in which she sat. The tree cover was also blown open, most likely from impact, judging on the lack of tree debris in the area. Alissa stood slowly, looking around the forest. It was quiet besides the chirping of birds. Where in the hell was she? And why couldn't she remember anything? She knelt down to pick up the two first objects, placing them on her person before stumbling out of the crater. She disappeared into the dark forest, RIG flashing red behind her.

* * *

Twilight walked with Fluttershy around her cottage home next to the Everfree forest. "Thank you so much for taking the time to help me Twilight."

"Of course Fluttershy. Besides, I need a break from all this princess work and figured it'd be nice to spend some quality time with my friends." Twilight smiled at her.

"Of course." Fluttershy nodded as they approached a table. Seats for seven were set, and the two began to prepare for the little tea time they had arranged with their friends. They worked quietly for the most part, the peace being accepted greatly by Twilight. Suddenly, a loud crack sounded in the air. They looked up and saw a very, very distant object in the sky.

At first the object may have been mistaken for a Pegasus or something just flying around. But there was a smoke trail behind it, and it was coming down at a speed that would put Rainbow Dash to shame. It screeched loudly as it got closer, and slammed down in the deep forest, sending a large cloud of dirt and tree into the air. The ground shook under Twilight's and Fluttershy's hooves, and the two held onto each other to keep from falling.

"What in Celestia's name was that?!" Fluttershy all but squeaked out.

"I don't know, but we should check it out." Twilight stated, already leading the way into the forest. Without protest, Fluttershy meekly followed close to her. The two walked for some time, using the still dissipating smoke cloud as a guide to where the thing had landed. They finally broke through a bush, and both stumbled into the impact crater of the object. Both freezing up, they just looked at it.

It wasn't much bigger than them, and just looked like a big, shiny cylinder. The back of it which pointed to the sky was smoking, and the whole thing had a soft red tint to it, almost as if it were glowing hot. "Where did this come from?" Twilight asked aloud. She slowly approached it despite the protests from a trembling Fluttershy. She stopped merely a foot away from it.

"Twilight, maybe we should get the princess or the girls or somepony else to help us." Fluttershy weakly called, hiding in the bushes near the crater. Twilight turned.

"You're right. We need to inform the princess of this right away!" Twilight took off in a sprint back to the cottage, and Fluttershy wasted no time following close behind her once more. They ran, but as they came to the edge of the forest, they became aware that they were not the only one's heading to the cottage. They stopped dead in their tracks, looking at some creature stumble around the back of the cottage. A red light flashed on it's back while it wandered aimlessly around the yard.

* * *

Alissa shielded her eyes as she broke from the tree line. Once she could see properly again, she noticed she was near some sort of building. The specs on it looked almost like it was some old time-y cottage. She groaned, feeling weak and drained, and walked towards it. Any form of help would be appreciated, along with some proper rest. As she wandered around the building, she noticed a lot of animals of all kinds in the area.

"What the fuck is going on here?" She asked aloud to no one in particular, and she just ended up getting stares from most of the animals, minus the ones who seemed to be ignoring, or not caring for her presence. She then saw a table. There were seven little, cushions? Odd. She walked towards it, but as she went on, her body screamed louder for her to stop. But she couldn't.

She almost made it to the table, but that was when her body quit. Her legs gave out, and she just fell forward. Landing with a loud thud, she sighed and lay there. She was thirsty, hungry, and for some reason, cold, even though she was lying in the sun. She closed her eyes. Some rest wouldn't hurt. Hopefully, whatever this table was set for wouldn't try and harm her. The world began to fade from her. Just the sounds of birds and squirrels and other animals chirping and making their noises.

But there was something else. A soft sound, like something was moving. But it wasn't a small animal. It was larger judging by it's sound, and it was moving slowly, almost like sneaking. And the sounds, were getting closer. Her eyes snapped open. Something was sneaking up to her! Grabbing the pistol, she spun her body around and aimed at whatever was trying to get close to her. She was not expecting to come face to face with large purple eyes.