The Wild Star.

by GhostNpc

First published

The Sea's Angel, The name of a pirate ship which traveled the seas and explored unclaimed areas. One day the captain leaves the ship along with the rest of the crew. Leaving the ship to young Wild star.

The Sea's Angel, The name of a pirate ship which traveled the seas and explored unclaimed areas. One day the captain leaves the ship along with the rest of the crew. Leaving the ship to young Wild star. The first thing he does is travels to ponyville docks to think on what to do next and to look for crew mates.

Chapter 1: Young Captain

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Wild star yawned.He went into the captains cabin and flopped on the bed.

"Well now im the captain of this bloody ship I should probably look for crewmates, And a map. But where am i gonna find those here!? This isn't my type of place and without a map i cant go anywhere!..Great"

He couldn't fall asleep so he decided to walk outside and look at the stars. He went up to the head of the ship and looked at the moon.

"If only the crew was here...Oh screw them! they leave a mere 11 year old to manage a ship! to hell with them!"

Wild star kept thinking on how to manage the ship. He couldn't leave without a map. He would get lost easily. This bothered him. Every captain should know there way around without a map.

He fell asleep at the head of the ship. He had dreams about the fu ntimes with him and the crew. But those went away quickly. Then came his victories on the future.

Ill show them what it means to be a true captain!

He slowly woke up and got up. He checked the boat to see if any thing was stolen. He went to his journal and started to write.

Date, 1/11/13

Ive been here for a couple days. Ive been staying on the ship still trying on to think on what to do. I think ill leave for town soon for atleast a map. I doubt there will be any good shipmates here. but i have to keep searching.

End of log

He got up and walked outside seeing the dock. There were other ships there. Except they were trade and travel ships. He sighed and took a carriage to town. He looked at the lush greenery. He misses traveling on the seas. He brought the ownership of the ship to prove he was an official captain.

He arrived at the town and payed the carriage owner 5 bits for the ride. He walked through the town with his trusty backpack. He saw a library sign but it was hard to figure it out. He didn't know how to read. He forget by being on the sea too much.

He walked up and rubbed his feet. He knew little manners.

the unicorn who owned the place looked at him. "Oh hello! how can i help you?"

Wild star had a tired face. "Im looking for a map of the seas." Please dont ask why"

The Unicorn looked confused "What for?"

Damnit! oh well" "Im a captain of a ship and i need a map so i can travel the seas again..."

The unicorn looked startled "Your a captain? But your so young!"

Wild star sighed and pulled out the certificate of being a trained captain and the owner of the Sea's Angel.

The purple unicorn was shocked "Wow! ive never seen a trained captain so young! well anyways if your looking for a map i have one right here. Where is your crew. Are they here too?" she said with curiosity

Wild star looked down "They kinda..Left me in the dust..Im stuck here untill i can get a crew going.."

Twilight smiled "I could help you get a crew." She said handing the map to wild star."

Wild star took the map and put it in his bag. "That would be nice. But i doubt anyone here is trained so i would have to train them.."

Twilight shrugged "Well, Life is tough sometimes. Come back tomorrow. I probably have some more info on getting a crew." She said with a smile.

Wild star nodded and simply walked towards the exit of town to the carriages. But was bumped into by a certain group of fillies.

Scootaloo was super speeding down the road. Wild star did a blackflip over scootaloo as she bolted by. Scootaloo shocked by seeing this stopped.

"How did you do that?" She asked with curiosity.

Wild star shrugged "I dunno i just did.." He said walking towards the carriages

He had no cutie mark. This caught Apple bloom's attention.

"Hey!" She said trotting up to him.

Wild star stopped and groaned. "What do you want? I have a ship to manage.."

Applelboom stood up to him.

"You have no cu-Wait you own a ship?" She said with amazement

Wild star was tired and grumpy. He pulled out his certificate and showed it to them "Yup, Now leave me alone. Im very tired and grumpy.."

Sweetie bell walked up to him. "Can we come on your ship? Maybe we can earn our cutie marks on the sea!" she said with a hyper tone.

Wild star grinned "Well first ill need to train ya. And i guess i could show you the ship..Go ask your elders first. Ill be here.." He said yawning.

The 3 fillies nodded and burst off each in a different direction. Wild star just waited there for 15 minuets when he saw the 3 fillies and what looked like their older siblings.

The one with the hat walked up to him. "Your a captain?" she said with a little concern

Wild star nodded pulling out the certificate again. Every pony looked at it and read it carefully.

Applejack noddeed and smiled "Thats good enough for me! How bout you rarity?" She said looking at rarity.

Rarity grinned "Well he is a young captain. I dont mind lettign them to see his ship. but im coming too. Just to be sure.."

Scootaloo looked at Rainbow dash. "Wanna come?" Said scootaloo

Rainbow dash shrugged "I dont mind. Comon!" Said Rainbow dash with a grin on.

Applejack noddd "Alright everypony lets go!"

Wild star nodded and got onto the carriage. Maybe i could star a crew with some ponies here. It might be hard but its worth a shot!

They arrived at the docks and Wild star led them to the ship. "Here we are!" He said boarding the ship. Rarity was shocked to see how clean it was. Wild star let the ponies look around everything. Rainbow dash looked over at the cannon.

"Whats this?" She said with her head turned

Wild star flew over. "Its called a cannon. It fires heavy steel balls at evil things. I only use it on the ship for self defense.

Scootaloo found the lighter near by and lighted the cannon. "What does this do?" She said lighting the cannon

"No dont!" Wild star said facepalming. The cannon fired. A loud Boom was heard throughout the docks.

This might be harder than i may have expected...

Chapter 2:Easier said than done

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"Geeze watch out! Where did you even get a lighter for it!?" Wild star said shocked

Scootaloo shrugged "I dunno..I guess i found it near the cannon..." Said scootaloo

Wild star shrugged. He didn't want to show them he is just a grumpy sailor.

"Ok. Please dont touch the cannons again. They make a huge noise and can sometimes hurt people..."

Everyone nodded and went back to exploring the ship. Applebloom went to the steering wheel of the ship.

"Whats this? some sort of wheel?" Said applebloom with curiosity.

"Yup. It steers the boat. Turn it left you ho left turn it right you go right. But its on safety right now so you cant steer the boat." Thank god.... Said Wild Star.

Applebloom shrugged "O.k...You know..I wonder what its like to travel the sea.."

Wild star flew over to her "Its an adventure that will change you forever..."

Applebloom lit up. She ran to applejack and whispered into her ear. Applejack looked a little concerned.

"Im sorry applebloom. But you cant leave sweet apple acres to go sailing!"

Rainbow dash starred into the sea. "Im sorry scootaloo. I have to agree with applejack. Even for him hes just a child. But he is trained. Your just a pegasus..Im sorry"

Rarity said the same to Sweetie bell. It was getting late. They said their good byes to Wild star and trotted home

Wild star flew to the top of the ship

They would have been a good crew...I would just have to train them...

He sighed but then had an Idea.

What if they had a reason to sail. But i doubt id get one soon..."

Wild star flew to his bed in the captains cabin. He went over to his treasure chest and opened it. His family heirloom. It was a book. A book about ancient history and the worlds lore that no one knew except 3 people. Princess luna, Princess celestia, And of Course, Captain Bright star, His father. He read through it again. His father used to read him those stories. Once he finished the book he put it away and went to sleep.

He got the map from the library and went onto the deck only to find a large group of ponies outside his ship.

"What the heck is going on here!?" Shouted Wild star.

Everyone just stepped to the side to let the princesses walk through. Wild star turned his head.

"Are you some sort of princess or somethin like that?" He said with curiosity.

Luna smiled "Yes. Im princess luna, And this is Celestia. We raise and set the sun. Now we need you to get something in the sea. We will reward you well." Said Luna. A few seconds later 2 guards carrying a huge chest went up to him and dropped it onfront of him When they opened it it was a crap load of treasure. I mean ALOT of treasure.

Wild star shook his head and sighed. "I dont work fro gold. I do it for the advennture..Not to the point..What am i getting for you?" He said a little happy.

Celestia was shocekd by denying the offer. "Very well. Were looking for a special..Book..It contains somethings that you and everypony else should not know.Wild star grinned

Wild star pulled out his dads journal "You mean This book?" Wild star said with a grin

Celestia and luna were shocked as hell. "How did you get that!? Only one sai...Your his son aren't you..." Said celestia with shock

Wild star nodded. "Yup, But im keeping this book. Why do you need it anyways? And why do you want to keep it?"

Celestia and luna looked at the crowd then back at Wild star. "Your just a child anyways. What use is it to you? And how can you manage a ship all on your own?" Said Celestia abit frustrated

Wild star shrugged "I guess i like what it is in it...." Said wild star looking at the crowed. "But since im nice ill give it to you..Just keep it a secret for now..." He said with a grin

Celestia took the book and the chest. and she began to leave.

"Hey wait!" Wild star yelled at the princesses

Celestia and luna stopped and turned to loo kat him.

"I left a little surprise in the book!" he said with a smile waving. He gave them a fake. Afterwards A group of ponies ran up to his ship.

It was the group before. Applejack walked up to wild star.

"We have a made a decision.. You take them out on a sailing trip for 1 month. after that month we expect them home safely.." Said applejack

Rarity and Rainbow dash nodded. The cruesaders boarded the ship and saluted to wild star.

"We, The cutie mark crusaders pledge loyalty to the captain of the Sea's Angel!"

Wild star chuckled "Well if you really want to go on a trip i have some rules. Number 1. No going into the captains cabin. You will all have your own chest and bunk to sleep in. Second Dont do anythng i dont tell you. Got it?" He said in a nice tone

The crusaders nodded. Wild star looked at the 3 older ones.

"I promise to return them safely. And if i dont then i owe each of you 3 favors"

the 3 elders nodded "Alright..Well see yall later!" She said walking away and waving" After they left wild star turned to the crew. "Now to begin to teach you and what you will do in each situation on this ship. Ill just remind you.. All of what im about to tell you is easier said than done..."