> The Equestrian Tales of Macabre > by Hoshiro > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Mane 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One chilled October night I rose, And sat down to my writing For only one has bothered to propose A story, that I am liking So I crafted a macabre in this darkened room To write of ponies... and their DOOM ----- Twilight Sparkle Our first target is the renowned egghead Greetings Twlight Sparkle, who is now getting ready for bed But first she must finish her new experiementation But you know how these things go with unnatural creation A puff of smoke, a greenish glow... voila! A horrible abomination! "Alright Spike." Twilight said as she has pouring some green liquid from a beaker into a flask. "If this works, then we will make an excellent discovery for Princess Celestia, and help prove one of those so called myths in Cloudsdale are in fact.. fake!" "Are you sure Twilight?" Spike asked nervously. "Usually these things are a bit... you know..." Spike slowly started to step back away from the table Twilight is working at. "Don't worry Spike. I've studied enough about these chemicals! It should have a 90% chance of making a..." Twilight was interrupted by a greenish glow radiating from the flask. She and Spike both stared in awe at it as it started to work. the flask then erupted with green smoke and filled the entire room. "Whoa!" They both exclaimed. "Spike it's working!" Twilight exclaimed with enthusiasm. "Er... I really think this isn't a good idea!" Spike said, coughing through all of the green smoke. After the smoke cleared away, Twilight and Spike looked around, but nothing seemed to have changed in the library. "Hm... it was supposed to create a rainbow over our heads..." Twilight muttered. "Oh!" She exclaimed with excitment. "I get it now... when it says overhead... it means like over the houses! Let's see!" Twilight then ran up to the front door, which somehow opened itself on it's own all of a sudden. And what makes it more odd is the door was being lifted upwards like a castle gate. "Huh?" Twilight said as she stepped into the doorway and took a peak up. "Raaaaggghhh!" A voice shouted from within the library. "Wait... WHAT?! This was supposed to create a rainbow overhead! Not turn into Rainbow's head!" Twilight muttered in frustration and she saw the trunk of the tree being cyan colored with red eyes painted on it. The leaves of the tree were now in a rainbow color much like Rainbow Dash's mane, and the door way happened to be Rainbow's mouth. "RAARRRGGHHH!" The tree yawned. When the treehouse was done yawning and before Twilight could pull her head back in, the door shut down on her neck, chopping Twilight's head off like a guillotine. Dun dun dun! ----- Applejack The local cowgirl, the honest one Her name is Applejack, another victim, she becomes This late hour, she is apple bucking But here comes a monster, who is known for clucking! Applejack was finishing up bucking the trees with empty baskets surrounding them just as midnight was approaching. Just as Applejack smashed the tree with her rear hooves, she heard a clucking voice. "Hrm? What was tha'at?" She asked, looking around. She then noticed a chicken head pop out of the leaves of the tree in front of her, the chicken having its eyes closed. Applejack laughed for a bit and said, "Ah, ha ha! Ah reckon' you Fluttershy's? Come on outta there!" "Cluck cluck cluck. CLUCK CLUCK!" The chicken shouted angrily as it opened its eyes staring into Applejack's. "Huh? WHOA! Oh no... Ah got to..." Applejack was unable to finish her sentence... as she was now a sculpture of a frightened southern pony. Dun dun dun! ----- Rarity A beautiful and generous one, she is whom Spike shall love Here she is in the middle of the night, sewing for him, a nice little glove But what if instead of hooves to band She instead has human hands?! The white mare was at the sewing machine putting together some small gloves for her favorite dragon, Spike. She was humming to herself with her red glasses on, looking down at her work as she crafted them. "Oh, I bet Spike will love these for his costume." All of a sudden, with a poof and a puff of pink smoke surrounding her front hooves, Rarity looked in confusion as to what happened. After the cloud was gone, she saw the most hideous thing ever. "WHA?! WHAT ARE THESE?! THEY... LOOK... DISGUSTING!" She whined, lifting her front hooves... or was front hooves, up and was waving around her newly acquired fingers on her new hands. She waved them around and was absolutely disgusted at them. "WHHHAAA!" She cried, "I LOOOOKKK SOOOO HOORRIIIBBLLLEE!!! I CAN'T EVEN DOOO ANYTTHING WITHH THEESE WAAGGLLY TENNDRRILLY MONSTROSITIES!" She screamed as she tried to pick up the gloves, only failing to do so as she doesn't know how to use hands. Dun dun dun! ----- Fluttershy The gentle and lovable pegasus, one who is very shy She is known for her care for animals, and her lack of skill to fly This cute little mare, giving pets to caring owners for free What happens if... we turn her into a tree?! "La la la la la..." Fluttershy sung as she was finishing up feeding her chickens at night. She grabbed some chicken feed and poured some in the trough for the chickens to eat in. After she was done, she opened up the gate to the fence for the chicken coop and then shut the gate as she went out. After trotting a fair distance away, a cloud of pink smoke appeared in front of her, stopping Fluttershy dead in her tracks. "Huh? What?" She said as the smoke enveloped and covered her. Fluttershy started coughing as the pink smoke was surrounding her, and then, when the smoke faded, a tree stood where Fluttershy was. Or more like... Fluttershy WAS the tree. "Whoa? I'm a tree?!" The tree said. "Woohoo! I've always wanted to be a tree! This is definitely a dream come true! Yay!" Okay then... allow me to revise if you please? What if she was a home... to several bees?! A bee hive appeared on one of the branches on Fluttershy and bees started to buzz around the tree. "Actually..." Fluttershy started. "I've always wanted to be a tree so I could be a home to these cute little creatures myself. I get to watch them go to sleep... cuddle them in my warm hallow... oh... possibilities are endless! Ah, but I won't be much of a help to the chickens..." The tree said with a sigh. Oh now there's an idea... Some fried from kentucky, some made in a home kitchen For you Fluttershy, I'll force feed you... your own fried chicken! Another pink smoke enveloped the tree, and then when the cloud was gone, Fluttershy was tied with her back against to the tree that she once was. "Wait... what?! What's going on?!" She cried out, struggling against the ropes tying her to a tree. Then a hovering silver plate with a glowing pink aura with some fried chicken appeared in front of Fluttershy's mouth. "Wait..." Fluttershy started, "What's that? Is that... is that... CHICKEN?! FRIED CHICKEN?! YOU F-FRIED o-ONE OF MY chi-chi-CHICKENS?!" Fluttershy started to tear up. "You... you monster! You ki-kill-killed one of mu-my chi..." Oh great I feel bad now... Let's revert this situation on her as if nothing happened Dun dun dun? ----- Pinkie Pie Halloween is heavenly and handy For those with appetites for candy Especially for the greedy little guys Like Pipsqueak and Pinkie Pie All night long they gathered sweets All thrown upon, their piling heap When finally struck, the midnight hour Twas' not just candy Pinkie devoured! "Alright Pipsqueak!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Tonight is the night we raid the houses... plunder for candy... and then MORE CANDY... AND MORE!" "Yeah!" Pipsqueak exclaimed in a pirate costume. "A'hoy, Pinkie Pie, let's go raid for candies!" Later that night, they had a huge pile of candy somewhere in the middle of town. The two ponies jumped into the huge pile of sweets like as if it was a pile of autumn leaves and then popped their heads and hooves just out of the pile and grabbed hoof fulls of candy and stuffed their faces with it. "Om nom nom om nom!" They exclaimed as they scarfed down the sweets. "WHOA!" Pipsqueak exclaimed as he somehow fell back into the pile, not being able to be seen from anypony outside of it. After another few minutes, Pinkie Pie started to choke on something in her mouth. She coughed and gagged, and then saw white hairs come out of her mouth. After she was done, she was wondering where the white hairs in her mouth came from. She then noticed that Pipsqueak was nowhere to be seen. "Uh, Pipsqueak? Where did you go?" She then looked down at her belly and saw that there was a huge figure even for her, the size and shape of a foal. However, she was Pinkie Pie, so she really didn't feel any pain from the thing inside her stomach itself, but then she realized what that figure was. "Wait... I ate... Pipsqueak?! NOOOOOOOO!!!!" She screamed with horror as she realized what she's done. Dun dun dun! ----- Rainbow Dash And now finally, the best one saved for last Rainbow Dash, everyone knows her because she's fast The very stubborn and obnoxious pegasus, full of pride To shut her up, let's use candy flavored cyanide! "Aw yeah! I'm the best!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she was on a storm cloud dressed up as a Shadowbolt, already prepared to face her doom. "I bet the most awesome and epic doom was reserved for me. I'll fight it off like this and this!" She exclaimed as she got on her hind hooves and punched the air as she was air boxing. Put then a puff of pink smoke popped into her mouth and left behind something that tasted like a blueberry Jolly Rancher. "Huh? Hm... what? You trying to choke me to death with candy?" Rainbow Dash sneered as she tasted the thing in her mouth. "Tasty though, but you insult me!" She shouted as she bit down on the "candy." Then she started to go limp, her eyes rolling back with her mouth foaming. She fell on the cloud, still as a stick. It was a cyanide pill she bit on, and she was out of commission. Dun dun dun! ----- And now their doom, was revealed to them all The first six mares, that number is too small If you want to choose the next, just say "I" So tune in next time, when more victims die Well, not really... as it really was just in their nightmares. I just wanted to give everypony a good scare in their dreams. It's NIGHTMARE NIGHT YOU KNOW! DON'T JUDGE ME! Dun dun dun...