Happiness can't be bought, sir.

by Dzinkey

First published

An opratunity for Sweet Apple Acres to prosper, or a chance for Big Macintosh to find his love.

It was a usual Sunday morning. Applejack rushed downstairs and out of the doors saying that she is late. She's going to meet her friends at the spa. Big Macintosh slowly woke up, he didn't have to work today, so he decided to sleep in. Slowly getting out of bed, he realized what day it is.
-Damn it, we are not ready yet! - He rushed out the door.

My first fanfic ever, so please leave constructive criticism.

Chapter 1

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It was a usual Sunday morning. Applejack rushed downstairs and out of the doors saying that she’s late. She’s going to meet her friends at the spa. Big Macintosh slowly woke up, he didn’t have to work today, so he decided to sleep in. Slowly getting out of bed, he realized what day it is.
-Damn it, we are not ready yet! - He rushed out the door.
-Pardon? - Appleboom mumbled with her mouth full of oatmeal.
-Them restaurant folk, from Manehattan, they want to buy lots o’ apples. – He was rushing, no doubt, but his voice remained as calm and subtle as always.
Applebloom continued to eat her breakfast, and was watching Big Mac pull the cart out of the barn. Suddenly he turned, and walked to the house.
-Where’s Applejack? – He asked, while looking for a bite to eat.
-She went out with her friends, why ya’ asking? – She seemed rather surprised; Mac never asks where AJ is.
-I need all of the help I can get right now? -He seemed a tad worried.
-What’s with them apples? Why are you so nervous? – Applebloom stared into his eyes.
-Uhh, nothin’
Applejack came home in the afternoon; Applebloom and Scootaloo were playing in the front yard. When she saw her big sister coming, she ran to her, gesturing Scootaloo to wait.
-Sis’ there’s something wrong with Big Macintosh! – She looked worried, she never saw him behave that way.
-What’s wrong, sugarcube? What’s he up to? Is he sleeping this late again?
-That’s the point, he got up early, I was still eating breakfast. He said something about Manehattan.
-Oh that,- Applejack laughed – don’t you worry, sugar, it’s nothing urgent, Mac is just trying to impress his fillyfriend.
-Mac’s got a filly? Since when?
-Long time now, Bloomy. - AJ laughed and went inside the house to put her bags away.

It was the evening, Granny Apple came back from town, Applejack and Applebloom were making dinner. Applejack greeted Granny and took her bags. She just came back from her trip to Applelousa, her old friends from school live there. Applejack took the meal out of the oven and went out to look for Big Macintosh.
Going in the orchard, she heard loud punts and sighs, Macintosh was bucking like crazy, she never saw him work this fast. He always did everything slowly, but surely. But not now, he left a few apples in the trees, and he always thought her that an apple in the tree is a bit lost. He didn’t even see her come close, something is definitely up.
-Mackie, what’s wrong? – She came up to him and put her hoof on his shoulder.
-Nothin’- He didn’t even look her in the eye, that’s not Big Macintosh; he always looks one in the eye while he’s talking to him.
-It’s Jessie isn’t it- Applejack’s voice was compassioned, but her face had a small grin.
-No, we got a big order of apples coming up, and you aint’ helping! – Macintosh replied, clearly not willing to talk about it.
-It’s Sunday! You never work on Sundays, even when I ask you to. Something is clearly up. Y’all are telling me everything after dinner. –Applejack commanded, and pointed at the house.
-Everything! - She shouted without even looking at him.

Dinner was quieter than usual, little Applebloom told about her crusading adventures, but that was about it. Applejack was staring at Macintosh, who didn’t even touch wish apple casserole. It was very unusual. Usually AJ and Bloom had to cook a separate casserole for Mac, it was his favorite. After the dinner Applejack told Bloom to clean up, since it was her turn. After the usual complaining session, she got to it. AJ took Macintosh by the hoof, and dragged him outside.
-Gosh darn it, Mac! You know how big you are? And I, a filly, need to drag you outside! Show some decency! - Jack let his hoof go, to catch her breath. Macintosh grunted, and walked to the door. They both sat down at the bench, near the orchard.
-Mac, - Applejack said gently- If you like Jessie just tell her so, she’s a gentle gal, know.
-We haven’t talked since last year, what will I say to her? - Macintosh clearly didn’t have anything better to say.
-The truth, - Applejack replied bluntly- If you want to say something to her do it tomorrow, she and her family will come over to taste our apples, just call her over and tell “it” to her.
-Ya’ know I’m not good with words! – Macintosh was looking for an excuse not to talk to Jessie.
-Only you can tell her the things you feel, sugarcube, -Applejack said gently, and patted her big brother on the head – If you want to, I can ask Rarity to make something nice for her, so you can give her a gift. What ya’ say?
-Ok, -Macintosh blushed- But what if she d…
-It’s settled then! - Applejack interrupted and headed back into Ponyville.
She came back right before Bloom’s bed time, Granny was telling her some old fairytale. She looked around the house, she found Macintosh sitting in his room, staring at the wall.
-Sis, - He suddenly said, almost whispered, while Applejack was going past the door, - Thanks for your help.
-No problem, sugar, - AJ laughed, - You maybe be “the” colt when it comes to buckin’, but lil’ sister AJ knows a thing or two about this romance stuff.
-True,-It was Macintosh’s first smile the whole day.

Mac didn’t sleep tonight, he was thinking about her, about Jessie. They met in class, in his final year. She was a good student, and helped Mac a lot. He didn’t do very well in history, since he slept through the classes all the time. In return, he helped her with math, although a good student, she didn’t have her way with numbers at that time, Mac wasn’t the best too, but he always volunteered to help her first. Jessie was often picked at because her family was from Manehattan, but moved to Ponyville to work. Macintosh always stood up for her, and nopony dared to say anything to Mac, since he was the biggest colt in school. But Mac would never hurt a fly, he just stood up for her because his parents brought him up as a gentlecolt, and he had feelings for Jessie.
Jessie was from a rich family, Cater, who ran several restaurants in Manehattan and Fillydephia, they were trying to open a branch of restaurants in Ponyville at the time, and Jessie often invited Mac to study while they were children. Her parents didn’t like Macintosh, not a bit. They said he was simple minded, dimwitted, a slob, but Macintosh has a thick skin. Jessie was a nice filly and apologized for her parents many times.
Big Macintosh woke up at sunrise, he didn’t sleep for too long, and his head was throbbing. He went down and started making oatmeal for him and the girls. He put the food in the bowls and started chowing down oatmeal. The girls came down into the kitchen greeted each other and sat down for breakfast.
-So, you ready to show them city folk what our apples are worth, Mackie?- Applejack tried to cheer Macintosh up.
-I guess… -He didn’t even look up.
-Cheer up, big brother! – Applebloom hugged Macintosh and snuggled her head to his shoulder.
Big Macintosh petted Bloom, got up, and went up to get his “good” working clothes.
-Looking sharp! – His sisters laughed, he tried to look his best, but he didn’t have any good clothes, he rarely wore any.
-Let’s get this over with. – He said, his voice sounded so soulless, that little Bloom shivered.
She looked up at Applejack, who winked in return, and went out the door with Macintosh.
Rainbow Dash flew in the orchard, blowing the old apples off the trees. She tossed AJ a package, saluted and flew back into the town. Applejack giggled at her gestures and went to show the gift to Macintosh.
-Big brother, come here, I’ve got something for you!-She waved to box in the air.
Macintosh turned his head sharply, and ran to his sister.
-What is it? – He asked excitedly.
-I don’t know, it’s your package, y’all should open it!
He opened the box. Inside there was a beautiful, yet simple necklace, and a note saying “Good luck, Big Mac, you stud. xOxO Rarity.”
Macintosh blushed; AJ walked up to him and read the note too. She fell on the ground and laughed. When she got up, Macintosh was staring into the hills and shacking. He was nervous; he never made the first step. He didn’t even have a serious relationship, only some filly back when he was in school.
-Don’t worry, it will be fine. Let’s get some rest, we have a tough evening ahead of us. – Applejack patted him on the back and went into the house. –You hungry for leftovers from yesterday’s dinner?
-Eeyup… -He said silently.

They had their brunch and Applejack went for a nap, Macinstosh was looking out of the window. He worried about Jessie’s parents. They weren’t the friendliest folk around. How did they bring up such a sweet and caring daughter? He closed the box with her necklace, and nervously walked outside. He was confused: He was never nervous before, not even at the exams, or the prom. There was one time though. He remembered and a tear fell from his eye. Applejack was awake; she saw that trough the window.
-Thinking about mom and pa’ again? – She came down the stairs, and sat next to him on the ground.
-I promised I wouldn’t tell ya’ fillies about them. They asked me, before they left. – He looked Applejack in the eye, his eyes were watery, but he didn’t cry. He tried to hold himself together. He was the colt of the household now. Pops told him that.
-You were just a little filly, AJ, you just finished first grade. Bloom couldn’t even walk. They said they’ll be back. – He hit his head against the fence.
-It’s not your fault, Mac; you’re the best big brother I could wish for. You and Granny brought us up. Look where’s you big sis’ now! – She tried to cheer him up. She knew it won’t work. It’s not the first time this happens; he had a breakdown a month ago.
-Don’t tell lil’ Bloom about this. I’ll go wash up. Them manehatanites will be here soon. – He got up and wiped his face.
- I’m such a softie. – He turned and laughed.
-You sure are. – Applejack smiled in return.

He came back out of the house, fresh as a leaf in spring. Applejack could hear a carriage rattling. She knew that sound. It’s a carriage from Manehattan. She looked at Big Macintosh, he looked back and closed his eyes. He was ready. Applejack chuckled and Macintosh took a step to her, to stand by her side.
When the fist cart appeared from the turn, another one followed. They stopped near the house. The bulky carriage colts took of their harnesses and opened the doors. The carriage ponies were huge, but not as big as Macintosh. They stared at him when they entered Sweet Apple Acres. They never seen a colt this big back in Manehattan. Most ponies there are quite small.
Two fancy dressed ponies climbed out of the carriage, two other ponies followed. The second carriage stopped behind the first one. A finely dressed filly stepped out of the carriage, a regal gentlecolt followed. He raised his hoof to the carriage door. A slender hoof appeared. Macintosh’s heart jumped out of his chest. He lost his breath. As he gasped for air, the young pony appeared out of the carriage. She was finely dressed, but not as fancy as the other ponies. She was wearing a plain blue dress. “Not something Rarity would make” Applejack thought to herself and chuckled. As the ponies formed a neat square and walked to Applejack. AJ was wearing the dress Rarity made for her for the Gala. She tried to make an impression on them. So did Macintosh, at least he thought so, he’d put on his least torn overalls. Applejack quickly looked him over. He was nervous, she could hear the necklace shacking in his pocket.
-Howdy! Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres! I’m Applejack, and that’s my brother Big Macintosh. – She greeted the guests and pushed Macintosh to shake hoofs with the gentlecolts.
-Hello. We are the Cater family, Clarissa, Jessica and I am Reginald. These are our associates. Redbloom and Smallsaddle. – The most regal pony proudly pointed his hoof at his posy.
The associates clearly weren’t from Manehattan, as Applejack already noticed. Macintosh was scared, he was afraid that Jessie’s father will recognize him. He shook hooves, and took a step back.
-Are y’all hungry after your trip, we have lunch cooking! – AJ tried to break the ice.
-No, thank you for the offer. – A dry reply followed.
She showed the guests the orchard and followed them to the apple trees. She shoved Macintosh lightly with her elbow.
-Time to act! – She leaned to Macintosh and whispered.
He gulped in return and walked towards Jessie. His heart was ready to explode. He tripped, but didn’t fall. “Hold yer reins together, Macintosh Apple” he thought to himself.
-Eh, Jessie, hey… - He shyly said.
-Mac? Is that you? - Jessie clearly was excited to see her friend again.
-Let’s go somewhere else to talk, I don’t feel comfortable around these fancy ponies… - “You dimwitted…” he thought to himself “that didn’t sound strange at a-aa-all.” His cheeks were burning, and he almost lost his breath again.
-Sure thing. – Jessie didn’t seem to mind.
Macintosh played every possible outcome in his head, but that didn’t help him at all. That made him even more nervous.
-Wanna see the best trees? – Macintosh tried not to reveal his intentions yet, but that suggestion sounded very fake, even he understood that.
-Uh, yes… – Jessie giggled.
“She knows!” he started to panic “She knows, what will I do, oh sis’ I wish I had your advice now.”
While Macintosh and Jessie walked to the most beautiful part of the orchard. Applejack showed the esteemed guests the most productive and most tasty breeds.

-Here we got “Red Delicious”, best desert apples you can find on Equestria, they make darn good juice too. Over there we got “Autumn Green” perfect for side dishes, they mature late, but they don’t turn rotten for long. Do you want a taste test? – She tried to please the guests, with all of her heart.
-Yes, please. – The smaller pony, Smallsaddle proclaimed.
-There ya’ go!
They went on with the tour until they came back to the house. Reginald was clearly unimpressed. He yawned all the time, and didn’t even listen. Applejack worried, and tried to cheer her gloomy guest up.
-You don’t know how good they are until you’ve tasted ‘em, y’all are invited to join us for dinner. We’ll cook our best. – She put on a fake smile, she didn’t want these smug ponies in her house, or even near it. But the farm needs the money, so she hid her pride.
-Uh, thank you… -Reginald wasn’t too excited- We’ll be there.
-Did you see Jessica anywhere? –His wife, Jessie’s mother, Clarissa asked.
-Oh, she’s with Macintosh. He’s showing her the farm. They will be there, at dinner. – AJ tried to buy Macintosh some time.
-Macintosh. Hmm. That name seems familiar. – Reginald tried to remember who Big Macintosh was.
-Y’all want a tour of Ponyville? – Applejack asked loudly.
-We…- Redbloom, tried to refuse, but Applejack was already dragging them to the city.
-You’re quite a strong young mare, you are. - Reginald chuckled.
-Been working on the farm since I was a lil’ filly. Now let’s go. –Applejack kept on dragging the guests to the city. She threw a glimpse at the farm. “Good luck, big brother” she thought to herself.
Back at the farm, while Applejack was keeping the guests occupied, Macintosh and Jessie had made their way to the oldest apple tree in the orchard.
-This here tree is older than I am. It’s been here since we moved in. – He tried to take his mind off the gift.
-Wow, it’s beautiful. – Jessie looked at the tree,- So, how you’ve been. You’ve got so big, well bigger at least!
-Eeyup, all of the work at the farm pays off. – He tried not to seem too smug, but wanted to show off a little bit, - Well we’ve been doing ok. You remember Applejack right? She’s been into all kinds of adventures. I’ve been working at the farm, nothing interesting. Lil’ Bloom and her friends are crusadin’ or somethin’, trying to find their cutie marks.
-How cute! Remember when we didn’t have cutie marks? You were the last in class to get one and everyone called you a “blank flank”. You sure have a thick skin.
-Heh, yeah, with soft spots too. – He looked in her eyes. They were more beautiful than he remembered.
-You know what! Let’s go to the town! I haven’t been there in a while! – She jumped up from the bench, and took Mac’s hoof.
He gulped, and nodded. They went out of the farm, but they stopped at the hill, just outside the the farm.
-Look isn’t it beautiful? - Jessie awed.
-What? Where? – Mac got confused, he wasn’t paying attention to where they were going, he was lost in thought.
-The sky, silly, - She giggled and pointed upwards, - I’ve never seen something like that. It’s always dark in Manehattan, the streetlamps ruin the sky.
-Wow. – He never looked at the sky like this before.
-Let’s go, I want to see the town! - She pulled him.
As they entered the town, Jessie’s eyes shined. She loved this place; she used to play here while she was a little filly. Macintosh rarely played with the other ponies, he was too big, and nopony wanted to play with him. As many knew, he didn’t have many friends. Just a colt who moved to Fillydeplhia after school. Macintosh sank into those thoughts , and didn’t notice, as they entered Sugarcube Corner.
-Ooh! My favorite bakery! Let’s go in! – She dragged him into the shop.
-Hey there! I’m Pinkie Pie and I’m the baker here! What can I do you for? Cupcakes? Cake? Pie?
-Hey, I’m Jessie, I used to live here. Some chocolate cake please! And what about you Mackie?
-Huh? Some of that, double please.
-Big Mackie? Is that you?
Macintosh realized who’s behind the counter. His eye shifted across the room. He got even more nervous?
-Is this your girlfriend, the one applejack told me about? Is she? Huh? – She put her face right next to his.
-Girlfriend? Uh… - He blushed and gulped.
-I’m his old friend, we went to school together. - Jessie giggled and gave pinkie nine bits for the cake.
-Have fun, lovebirds! – Pinkie was clearly enjoying it.
Macintosh’s head sunk between his shoulders. Jessie pushed him lightly to the table.
-The people are so fun here! Don’t you think?
-Uhh, yeah. – Macintosh blushed even more.
They ate the cake and went out into the street. They walked by the pond. Jessie stopped like frozen.

-What? What’s wrong?
-Look at the lake. – A tear ran down Jessie’s cheek, - It’s so beautiful!
-Listen, Jessie, I… - Mac started couldn’t talk anymore, he was to nervous.
-What is it? Mac? – She looked into his eyes.
-I…I b… brought you t…this. – He was shivering. He handed her the box, his huge hoof were shacking like leaves in a storm.
-“Good luck, Big Mac, you stud. xOxO Rarity”… -She looked up, and a wide smile drew itself on her lips – Oh Mac, you’re so funny!
-Wha... – He took out the note, and threw it into the pond, - Sorry ‘bout that.
-What’s this? It’s so beautiful! You got this for me?
-Yes, uhh… I li… I… - He couldn’t make his tongue say what his heart was screaming the entire evening.
-You? – Jessie looked at him, she understood what was going on, but she wanted to hear it from him.
-I like you, I really do. – Mac mumbled so fast, she could barely understand.
-Since when? – Her eyes became teary.
-Since school…
-Why didn’t you tell me sooner?
-I, uhh…
-It doesn’t matter… - She looked away.
“You big dumb mule, you blew it. YOU BLEW IT” His mind started to torment his body, and he slowly walked way. Suddenly he felt someone hugging him. It was her. “Yes! I did it. Wha’ do I do now?”
-I always loved you, - Her face was covered in tears, -But I…I couldn’t. Do you understand? Do you?
-Eeyup. – He let a single long approval out, closed his eyes and hugged Jessie back.
Suddenly, he heard weeps and sobs. He looked around. Up in the dress shop, at the balcony. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, all were weeping. “Applejack… Typical” he thought to himself, and grinned slightly.
-Look up.- He said to Jessie.
-Wh…What?- She was still crying tears of joy, she’s just as emotional as Mac remembered.
-Up on the balcony, - He pointed up, - They are Applejack’s friends, we’ve put on quite a show. Heh…
-Oh, Mackie, -Jessie sobbed, and squeezed him,- Let’s finish the show with something special.

-What do you have in mind?
Jessie closed her eyes, smiled and leaned towards him and kissed him. His first kiss. He couldn’t be happier. But a gust of weeps broke his train of thought.
-Let’s go back to the farm, I bet they are waiting for us… - He put his huge hoof over Jessie, looked up, and smiled at the ponies on the balcony. He bobbed his head gesturing “Thank you”.
When they came back, Applejack was already cooking dinner. The restaurant ponies were discussing something quite lively. Applejack saw them coming through the gate, she smiled at him, and a single tear ran down her cheek, she never saw him that happy.
They entered the house. Everyone looked into the corridor. The two ponies, together. Applebloom ran to Macintosh and hugged him and Jessie. Suddenly Reginald got up, and made a threatening gesture.
-You, -He growled, - I remember you, you’re the dimwitted colt who came to our residence here!
Macintosh, being as docile as he is, reared up, and tried to convince Jessie’s father.
-Sir, I love your daughter…Please…Please let me see her… - He begged on his knees.
-I’m a grown mare, you know, -Jessie interrupted, - I can see whoever I want.
Her father was speechless, the assistants chuckled, Applejack smiled at Jessie, and Macintosh got up.
-You, - Jessie’s father pointed at Applejack, - You set this up!
-No… - Applejack made a suspicious face, - Why would you think that?
-Oh come now, you were clearly stalling us. – The regal pony slammed his hoof on the table.
-Don’t you dare speak to my sister that way! – Macintosh threatened Reginald.
-Mac… - AJ didn’t expect that.
-Nobody. NOBODY accuses my sister while I’m around. You have a problem; you talk to me, the man of the house.
-Well, “the man of the house”, if you talk to me in that matter, I guess you don’t need the deal. – Reginald grinned.
-Keep your dirty money! – Applejack yelled.
-Jack, stop! Think about it. The farm needs the cash; this is one in a lifetime deal! – Macintosh tried to hold Applejack back.
-Sugarcube, your happiness is more important than this deal, I’ve gave all the though I need, and this scumbag is not welcome here. – Applejack looked Big Macintosh in the eye.
-We go… - Reginald yelled, - … Do you hear me?!
-No sir, - The assistants looked at each other, - There apples are the best we’ve tasted, we can’t miss out this opportunity. It’s now or never.

-Bah, you’re both fired! – Reginald spit on the floor.
-You can’t fire us…
-Why not? I most assuredly can!
-We are the main stockholders, without us, the restaurant chain will crumble. – Smallsaddle pointed out.
-Clarissa, Jessie! Out, now! – He was enraged, his two main stockholders turned against him, his daughter loves some tramp, what could go worse.
-Reginald Mariah Cater! – Clarissa yelled, - What kind of father are you!
-…Mariah? – Applejack and his associates laughed.
-You will let our daughter see this young colt, and you’re going to be ok with it. Did I make myself clear?
-But… - He was clearly shocked.
-No “buts”!
He slowly walked out of the door, he closed it without a sound. Clarissa picked Jessie from the floor, she was crying, and Macintosh tried to calm her down.
-She never seen her father like this. – Clarissa wiped Jessie’s tears, - He always cared for her. Now, now it’s different.
-I’m sorry… - Macintosh whispered, - I’m sorry this happened.
-It’s not your fault, dear. Old Reggie was always too protective of his little daughter. It’s time to let her go, she’s a grown mare after all. Ain’t that right sweaty?
-Yes.. Yes I am. – She sobbed.
-I’ll go talk to him. –Macintosh said as he walked out of the house.
There he was, sitting near the carriage. Staring blankly at the sky. Macintosh only meant others well. He didn’t like to hurt anypony.
-Sir, I’m sorry.
-It’s ok boy, no need to apologize. – Reginald looked at Mac, - Big Macintosh, is it?
-Eeyup. – Mac sat down near Reginald.
- Well, I’m sorry if I sounded harsh, I didn’t mean that. It’s just… -Reginald sniffed the air,- …I’ve never had my daughter away from me.
-And I’m like a father to my sisters, our parents… -Macintosh looked at the stars.- … went missing when they were little.
-Oh, I never knew…
-Me and Grandma’ brought them up. – He swallowed his sadness.
-She talked much about you.
-Who? – Macintosh Seemed surprised.
-Jessie, she talked only about you when we left Ponyville. She hated Manehattan. So did I. But I wanted the best for her, and Manehattan was the place to make me the bits for that.
-Happiness can’t be bought, sir. – Macintosh looked at Reginald.
-I know, son, but I wanted the best that Equestria had to offer for her.
-Hmmm… - Macintosh glimpsed at the stars again, -Let’s go inside.
-I agree. – Reginald got up.
Macintosh smiled and walked with Reginald to the door. When they entered a sudden silence too place, everypony expected them to talk. But they just sat down. Together. Applejack sighed, and smiled at Macintosh, who winked in return.
-Now, when that’s out of the way, who wants grub!
Everypony cheered, Macintosh got up to help Jessie to hear seat, and to help Applejack. Apple casserole, his favorite. After dinner, they talked deep into the night. Applejack came to accept the Cater family. It was almost dawn, Bloom fell asleep on the couch, Macintosh carried her up to her room, at the same moment he heard a loud “D’awww” from the kitchen, followed by a laugh.
Applejack showed the guests their rooms. “Silence, at last” Applejack thought to herself, and passed out on her bed. It’s was the afternoon, Applebloom was outside, playing with Scootaloo and Sweaty Bell. Macintosh was deep asleep, and Jessie was talking to Granny. She greeted both of them, and started to make breakfast. Jessie got up, and offered her help.
-Can I? – She asked, quite timidly.
-Of course, sugarcube. – Applejack handed her an apron.
-Thank you…
-No problem, it’s an old apron, do what you want with it. – Applejack laughed.
-No, for Macintosh. I love him, but he couldn’t have bought that necklace himself. – Jessie blushed.
-No kidding, have you seen my birthday present. Never seen a shirt more disgusting, but it’s the thought that counts. – AJ laughed so loud, that the fillies outside turned their heads, - Everything for my big brother. And his filly.
-By the way, who were the mares on the dress shop balcony?
-Uhh, my … friends. –Applejack blushed, - they weren’t trouble, were they?
-No not at all, we’ve put up quite a show for them; Mac said he heard them cry when we were almost the farm. –Jessie’s smile widened.
Both mares laughed, and, suddenly, they heard a bump. Macintosh fell out of bed. Jessie went up to wake him up. After quite while she came back to help with breakfast.
-He sure is deep sleeper.
-Indeed he is.
The mares laughed again and kept on making breakfast. Macintosh came down the stairs, with his mane all in his face, he greeted Applejack and gave Jessie a kiss on the cheek. Applejack’s eye’s became watery.
-What’s the matter AJ? – Jessie asked.
-I’ve…Never seen him so happy. – Applejack tried to hold her tears, -And did you call me AJ?
-Yes…Is that a problem.
Suddenly she jumped on Jessie and gave her a hug.
-Welcome to the family.
The business ponies woke up too, but they came down already dressed and groomed. Clarissa was quite shocked at first when she saw Mac’s bed hair, but then laughed and game him a brush.
-No thanks, ma’am. – Macintosh refused, with a smile, - I have my own way.
He walked out of the door, to the barrel of ice cold water, dipped his head in, and whinnied from the cold. The guests were shocked, Applejack giggled, and gestured him to come and eat.
-How…Why… - Redbloom was speechless.
-Years of practice! –Applejack replied for Macintosh.
-Eeyup! – Applejack didn’t hear such a lively answer from Macintosh in a long time.
At breakfast, they discussed the details of the sale. After, the guests went packing, it was time for them to return home. Mac and Jessie went out into the orchard, and sat down by the old apple tree.
-This it, huh? – Macintosh was devastated.
-Seems so… - Jessie tried not to cry too.
-Hey guys, - When they came in, they didn’t notice Applebloom and her friends by the tree, - If you really love each other, why doesn’t Jessie just stay here?
-Sugar, she can’t… - Macintosh said that, but he hoped it wasn’t true.
-Bloomy, for a small filly, you sure are smart- Jessie smiled, and patted Applebloom on the head, -Let’s go Mackie.
-Im not small… - Applebloom didn’t get the point.
Jessie ran to the house, where the city ponies were already packing, Macintosh followed her, he was eager to find out her plan.
-Daddy, - Jessie approached her father, - We need to talk.
-What is it, honey bee.
-I… -she couldn’t see her father in the eye, - I want to say here, if applejack and Macintosh don’t mind, and you allow me to.
-You said you’re a grown mare, dumpling, - Reginald smiled, although his eyes were sad, -Why are you asking me?
-Because you’re my daddy, and I’ll be your daughter, no matter what- Jessie hugged her father, - can I stay with Mackie, and AJ, please, daddy?
-Only if you promise to write every week. – He sighed, and kissed his daughter.
-Thank you, thank you, thank you! – Jessie jumped of joy.
Macintosh jumped a few times too, but then he noticed that Jessie’s father is watching him.
-As for you, young colt, -Reginald said in a commanding voice,- Take good care of her, or else.
-Will do, sir –Macintosh nodded and smiled back at Reginald.
Reginald hugged his daughter, shook Mac’s hoof, thanked the Apple family for having them there, and promised to send carts for the apples when they arrive. Clarissa couldn’t hold her tears:
-My baby girl, all grown up! – She squeezed Jessie and Mac, - You two are such a sweet couple!
-Aww, shucks ma’am… - Macintosh blushed.
- I’ve always known you’re a good boy, Macintosh.
Jessie let out a tear or two, kissed her mother goodbye, and the associate ponies shook hands with AJ and Mac, and got into the carriage. The carriage ponies saluted and started moving. While the cart was leaving the farm, Jessie shouted:
-I love you guys, - She stopped to think for a split second, - And send me my things!
They could hear her parents laughing; Applejack patted Jessie on the back, who was a little bit sad, that she’s away from her parents now. Macintosh quickly threw Jessie into the air, she screamed, and landed on his back, and he ran to the house. Applejack followed them.
Later that day, at dinner, Applebloom came back from Sweaty Belle’s house, and found out the news. She was very happy, and didn’t let Jessie go for the entire evening.
The next day Mac and AJ got up early to finish bucking apples quicker, so they can take Jessie out to the town, to meet Applejack’s friends.
The petite silver pony quickly became one of the friends, but she preferred to spend time with Mac, on the farm or otherwise.
That evening she wrote to her parents, she couldn’t be happier, she now had friends, and somepony to love. A “really” big somepony.