> Abrupt Sense of Flames > by Zippidey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One- As you hear a faint noise, scuttling below your hooves, you could care less as your eyes remain shut, drunk of the morning and being in your bed as you know you won’t be for much longer. Knowing what importance today holds, you slowly crawl out of the confines of your bed sheets. Rubbing your eyes you drag your self over to the mirror to find a young colt staring back at you. His cyan main in a jumbled mess, the feathers of his wings are spread in every direction and his slightly darker shade of cyan coat stuck together of grime and Celestia know what. "This is going to be.. fun", you think to yourself. Your uncle (or what’s left of one), Shrivelton, is sending you down to Ponyville. You don’t even know why. It may seem that he just doesn’t want to take care of you or even see you. Or perhaps it may be that he is being forced by the Cloudsdale Police. Your uncle has never been a roll model or even a figure for that matter, coming home late, drunk, and yelling at you for little to no reason. You've always thought about running away but where would you go? Where could you take your sister and be safe? After finding out about the house you think that this may be a spark of hope for you and Cherry Twinkle. Now all those aforementioned thoughts are no longer needed. You would be in Ponyville, caring for only yourself and your sister. Your uncle already somehow, knowing his drunken, nonchalant, irresponsible self to not get anything done but eat, sleep, shit day-to-day basis, has somehow gotten you a job in the library for some part time work, as an assistant. You know nothing much of the place. Not even what the building looks like. But you are to be an assistant to who ever works there full time. Your not a big fan of the idea but its something to do while your there. Shrivelton is leaving you with 700 bits to last you as long as he says “whenever I see you again”. He says it’s supposed to be used for “emergency’s only” but you could give less shits about his rules. Taking your bag in which you had packed in the quondam night. Filled with only what you had perceived to be the essentials. A tooth brush, tooth paste, clothes, some candy, the small leather sack of bits, and picture of your parents. Your head down the hall to your sister room quietly. Not trying to wake her abruptly, you slowly peeled the door out of its resting slot in the wall, being careful of the loud creeks the door is known to have, and slowly began to saunter towards where little Cherry slept. Content on Celestia knows what kind of dreams this hyperactive little filly could have. “Wake up Cherry,” you whisper “The shipping ponies will be here soon so you need to get ready to go.” She slowly turns he head towards you, as it was facing away from you and whispers, “But I don’t want to get up,” in a jiving and yet solemn tone. “I know but we will be leaving soon, can’t you not wait to see your new friends?” you ask in a ecstatic attempt to get her up. “No,” she says sharply, “Im almost out of my grade and im the only filly in all of Cloudsdale to not have her cutie mark yet! Its not going to change at all there, I bet they all have their cutie marks. All the fillies will make fun of me.” “No they wont Cherry, this is a whole new group of ponies. Im sure you can find one that hasn’t found their special calling. You need to think on the Brightside!” cheerfully, still trying to get her out of bed. “Its no use, nopony wants to be my friend.” Sending another sharp glaze at you before turning back over on her pillow, flailing the sheets back over her head. “I’ll make cinnamon rolls.” You say galvanizing to the mount of sheets. Instantly the mound of covers that previously enveloped the young filly erupts all over the room, simultaneously grabbing her clothes and negligently throwing them into her rucksack. “I’ll take that as a yes,” You say chuckling to your self from the excitement and energy be exerted by the filly. > Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two- The sound of knocking hooves on the front door brings you back to your cinnamon roll-induced coma as you jump a little and Cherry giggling to herself slightly. She always got a kick out of how jumpy you have always been. You’ve sort of always been that way sense you parents passed. I guess it’s because having the roll of Big Brother and taking a new title, and still keeping the old, of man around the house was a bit intimidating from all of the responsibility that was so suddenly thrown on your shoulders. Being of course your uncle the few times he was ever here never did anything and you ended up on the other side of responsibility that a kid should be on, taking care of him and cleaning up his messes. You had no idea where he was currently. Probably hung up in some bar somewhere. Not even here to see his only family leave. Shame. Getting up from what felt like an eternity, you walk to the door. Shaking your head a bit to wake you up more for who ever is on the other side of the door. “Good day Mr. uh.. Shrivelton?” the broad, strange colt asks in inquiry. His mane a light red and his coat a soothing yellow. A strange combination for such an immense colt. “No, that is my uncle,” you tell the strange colt blandly. “Oh well were here for some kids to pick up to ponyville?” “Yes that’s us.” ‘The kids’ you thought to yourself. Walking back into you’re soon not to be home, grabbing your suitcase and calling for Cherry to get her things. After returning to the door the door with Cherry the colt leads you to a carriage drawn by himself and another colt, similar in size. You didn’t catch much of the other colts’ features other than his mane. A dark blue. More suiting than his friend. As you get into the back, throwing your only luggage into the small and cramp corner of the compartment near the left end of the carriage. Without warning the two colts driving this carriage start exigently, catching you and Cherry of guard as you fall down near the end. Clutching your self’s to the rail that stood between you and the sky next to you. Aparently, Shrivelton couldn’t have found anypony cheaper, and ruder than these two morons. The sound of Cherry yelling of excitement woke you up. Apparently you were arriving. ‘But Ponyville isn’t even that far away?’ you though. ‘How did I fall asleep?’ You shrug the question out of your mind. Finding it irrelevant to your current task of finding this Library. They had dropped you off near the entrance to Ponyville. Stepping out, your legs wiggle a bit, finding the new earth below you. You look up and you see a town not to far in the distance that apparently was Ponyville. Along the town seemed generally the same height buildings from what you could see by just looking, other than a tall clock tower that read 11:23. “Good thing I took this map!” exclaimed Cherry. Waving it around like its some sort of prize that they give out for being awesome. “Where did you get that?” You ask sternly. “I foooouuunndd it!” She says, stretching her sentence to hint that she didn’t actually find it. “Ok now, give it here,” You tell her, giggling a bit. She hands you the map and the second you lay your eyes on it you can tell clearly that they had left you on the opposite side of town that you wanted to be. Cursing under your breath you turn to Cherry who’s found a monarch butterfly to amuse her. “Were not that far from here.” You tell her, not trying to be a complete buzz kill about your situation but she will find out anyways. Good now to keep her happy. “We need to walk straight through ‘Sugarcube corner’.” You say to then realize that there is no audience. Cherry is off playing, nearing these dark and creepy woods. “Cherry? Comeback lets go!” Yelling to her as she drifts off farther away from you. She hears you and happily comes bouncing back. “Ok let’s go.” And you’re off down a dirt road into this new place you have never been to. You have to admit that it does seem a bit nice her. Nicer than you expected. You’ve had little to no experience with earth ponies, but from their name, they don’t seem like the cleanest ponies. They are quite clean, and their buildings are varying with an array of colors and unique designs that you star in aw around you. You begin to near this ‘Shugarcube corner’ after what seems to have been an hour. To your surprise that random guess was true. There was a tall clock tower that you had noticed on your way in, read 12:31. Entering Shugarcube corner was a busy place. Ponies were everywhere. Coming and going from shops and stands that lined the streets. Nopony seemed to be in a rush, other than a grey coated, blond haired mare who was rushing around with a messengers satchel around her shoulder was flying high over head. The calm and relaxed atmosphere that was Shugarcube corner made you felt good, and a bit hungry. Even after that huge breakfast of as many cinnamon rolls that one pony could eat, you do find yourself craving just a snack. Perhaps a sweet? Right on queue, a desserts shop with a sign over it labeled “Mr. and Mrs. Cake” appeared in the corner of your eye. You begin to cross over to your right and approach this establishment when you trip Cherry who you had forgotten you were with. “Ow!” Cherry shrieks as her front hooves stopped by yours ran to a halt, and her backside running of inertia, flips her over onto her back. Scramming back up, she hits you on your calf. “Hey watch where you’re going!” she yells filled with rage. “Sorry Cherry, I was thinking that we could pick up a sweet from this place.” “OH! A SWEET!” Cherry barks out loud. You giggle a bit from her intense mood swings and continue on your track into the building. Opening the door, you see a pink puffy haired and pink coated mare sitting near the register. This mare’s face suddenly exploded (and when I say exploded, I mean EXPLODED!) with ecstasy so great I thought I might be blown over from how fast she ran up to me. “HI! WHO ARE YOU?! I’ve never seen you in Ponyville before! That’s weird because I know all the ponies in Ponyville! You must be new! Im Pinkie Pie! I gotta throw you a party! You suddenly regret your decision. > Chapter Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “And we can have streamers! And confetti! And, and, and...” Pinkie continues on an uncontrollable spree of ideas. You slowly begin to walk back, sticking out your arm to push back Cherry simultaneously. Moving ever so slowly towards the door every time her back is turned. You think these movements can’t be seen by anyone but this ecstatic pink mare seems to be taking in everything you do. “Where are you going silly willy billy!? We just met! We need to talk and you two can tell me ALL about yourselves!” Pinkie exclaims so even ponies outside could hear her. “Um well, I uh hav-” Cherry cuts you off, noticing your large stuttering. “We need to get to a library and were late.” Conveyed Cherry. The Pink mare’s coat instantly turned a shade lower and her hair proofed down a bit, lowering just below her eyes. “Oh, ok...” The mare said emptily, her ecstasy instantly vanished. It reminds you of a certain filly you know. You begin to walk out of the door when the mare tapes you on the shoulder. You jump from her startling you. Cherry doesn’t seem to notice, she’s too tired from all of the walking. You have to admit your pretty beat too. “Can I walk you there!?” Pinkie asks her coat and main proofed back to its normal state. You really didn’t like making her sad so you say ok and you three begin towards the library. About 45 minuets later your about to kill yourself from the amount of questions coming from this one pony. You have found out a bit about this library though. She assumed you’re new and gave you some info. Like that a unicorn ‘Twilight Sparkle’ runs the place, which is one of her best friends. That she already has an assistant named ‘Spike’, who is apparently a baby dragon. You’ve never seen a baby dragon before but they can’t be that bad if they work in a library. “Ok were here!” Proclaimed the mare’s whose energy seems to grow with the more she exerts herself. The building to your surprise just seems to be a hollowed out tree. It’s so strange how this mares energy continues to grow. You brush the topic off your mind, right before you nock on the door. Clearing your throat. The door opens with a purple and green dragon looking up at me. This must be Spike “Ah hello, ‘new guy’,” He says. “Hello. You must be Spike.” You posit to him. He turns and yells up stairs for Twilight. It might have a few levels because he yells pretty loud. He then quickly turns to you and leans in, hit tone slightly softer. “Im the number one assistant got it buddy? Don’t think you can do better than me because you can’t!” He preaches, then steps aside just in time for who must be Twilight Sparkle. Her main was multitude of colors from dark all the way to a highlight of light purple. Her eyes a gradient of purple and her coat a similar yet lighter shade of purple. The second your eyes meet hers, her pupil’s dilate, her mouth swings open and continuously roll up and down, checking out all of your features. She reacts a bit stranger than normal than you would meeting somepony new. Maybe it’s because you will be working with her and she wants to know what you look like, or if you had any sense you could tell that she was checking you out. You break the ice with, “Hello, you must be Twilight Sparkle.” Her eyes flutter and she pulls her left hoof slightly under her right, brushing the ground. Her cheeks turning a bright crimson. “Oh… uh… hi…im uh... Twilart... sartel...” She says, her voice became quieter and cut off after that. She clears her throat and tries again, “Sorry im, uh Twilight Sparkle. I work in this… uh place. Would you want come inside me? UH I MEAN inside here?! Twilight screams, correcting herself instantly. You can tell that she is very surprised by you from her lost of words. You try not to judge her by not laughing, but you shoot Cherry a very concerned look. After all you just met her and you will be working with her for a while. Celestial knows how long. You step inside and the first thing you notice is the large book shelves that lined every wall except where the door stood, still books lined around it. A small pair of stairs in a slight spiral up the tree to another floor which you could only imagine would hold more books. “My apologies, uh, for that,” She says. You can defiantly tell that she is slightly, if not profusely attracted to you from how her brain jumped right to ‘come inside me’ mode. “Oh its fine. So this is your library?” You ask, trying to change the subject and make the mare not seem so awkward. “Um yeah, this is where… my um… books are… and things…” Twilight mumbles. You realize that the pink mare isn’t with you anymore. A quick glance out side and you can tell that this pony throws a lot of parties. She’s running around, carrying streamers, confetti, and muffins that would surely fall out of somepony else’s hooves, but not hers. You know Twilight is still staring at you but you don’t turn around. You try to change the subject yet again so she can focus on something other than your hoof shape and what ever else she’s staring at. “So that Pinkie Pie mare told me that you’re her friend, right? You ask, as you turn around to the now... ‘panting’ mare? “Um, Twilight? Are you ok?” No response, she seems to have a thousand yard stare that the ‘I like turtles’ kid had. Her breathing becoming shorter and faster. You run over to her as she begins to tip over, catching her before she collides with the ground. As you catch her, you could clearly hear a moan of what? Pleasure? That came from the mare that now rested in your arms. “What happened? Are you ok?” You ask in a panic. This sort of thing has never happened to you before. Her eyes begin to comeback from which ever galaxy they were in, returning into my eyes. You would think that her pupils couldn’t get any larger, until they occupy the entire eye. “Arug… sarenebareh… maesonarety… shu…” As the strange noises begin to flow out of her mouth, you look around for the little dragon to assist you. “Spike!” You call out. He returns into your vision in an instant. “Whats going o- WAAH!” He shouts running over to Twiligh. His head turns sharply to you. “What did you do to her!?” angrily snorting at me. “I didn’t do anything! She started to breath really fast and then she fainted or something!” You explain to the small dragon. “Hm… well let’s take her to her room. Grab her legs, let’s go.” Spikes quick instructions shoot through your mind and you react instantly. Apparently this situation has triggered some adrenaline in you. Moments later she’s back in her bed. Her pupils still dilated but no as much as before. Hopefully she will just sleep it off. It turns out that this tree has 2 and a half floor. The second floor has some sort of half floor above it, like it was divided into one half which stayed up. “That’s where you’ll be sleeping,” Spike says after regaining his breath from carrying the mare. He points to a slightly smaller bed directly across from where Twilight slept. Cherry will be sleeping to a bed identical to mine and on the same side. ‘It’s only about 1:30,’ you think to your self. But you still climb into bed as your eyes plunge into darkness. > Chapter Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you wake up it’s about 9 in the morning from what the light that seeps through the curtains tells you. As you attempt to sit up you notice that it’s a bit harder to get out of bed then you previously had. There’s about 5 or 6 flannel bed sheets over you. As you ponder for a moment on how they got there you sit up and see a Purple mare staring back at you, eager to see you awake. “Um… Twilight?” You ask as you rub your head gradually. “Yes?!” She answers before you could even expect a response. You noticed her eyes are still extremely large. “Um… Are you ok? Why are you up? You should be getting some sleep from what happened earlier.” You say trying to understand why she’s leaning over you. “I… Like you mane…” Twilight stutters as if it took a lot of nerve. "Thank you Twilight but you should be resting." You tell her as you sit up further in your bed. You begin to feel light headed and you wobble for a second. "Oh! Here! I'll get you some water!" She yells in ecstasy, running off downstairs. "Wait Twilight!" You yell at her while she's already half way down the stairs. She ignores you. "You really need your rest!" You shout down to her, getting out of the multiple covers to chase after her, bringing along some of the bed with you. You get to the steps, trying to shake off the covers that still remain over your wings. To no avail, they stick with you as you scuttle down stairs to retrieve the sick mare. Your first hoof makes it down onto the first step but your second is not so lucky. Your speed causes one of the bed sheets to knot with another around your left hoof. As you stretch the second hoof to meet the step, it pulls the back of your main and tail to a very uncomfortable twist as you relentlessly tumble all the way down the steps to Twilights hooves. "Oh sweetie!" Twilight says. Your ears perk up. What did she just call you? "Here I'll help you get fixed right up!" She exclaims in having great pleasure of the thought of taking care of you. 'Oh Celestia, we got a crazy one.’ "No." You say sharply, beginning to stand up, "You need your rest. I'm fine. Go back upstairs now." You tell her firmly but yet a bit soft to not make her sad. "But... But... You..." She tries to get out. Her eyes start to change directions and one goes up as the other goes down. "You’re delusional. It's going to be ok. Let's take you back upstairs ok?" Twilight nods, she looks down at the floor and makes a quiet mumble. Her face is mixed with the strangest combinations of new emotions you've never seen before. Was it because she was sick? This thought jumped around your head, trying to come up with solutions that always end back up with ‘delusion’ or ‘insane’. As you walk the ‘crazy’ mare back up to her bed, she makes an occasional grunt as she trips over her feet. Passing the second floor, that contains Spike, as he is still lost in his slumber. “I gotta go potty.” Twilight says as she limply flings her head to the right, where you have your arm, guiding her. “What?” You ask in disbelief. “I gotta go pee.” Twilight says then crossing her legs in mid climb to signify her need to relief herself. “Ok, I’ll walk you to the bathroom.” You say. “But, aren’t you gonna help me?” Twilight asks as her eyes begin to cross again. “Can’t you do it yourself? You’re a grown mare!” You start to increase your panic as you mind knows what going to the ‘potty’ requires. “I gotta go now!” She wines like a little child. “Ugh fine, but im not touching anything.” You say, giving up. She is grown but she’s sick. She might piss everywhere. You guide her to the bathroom which is right under the bed rooms. Her body falling limp almost every second, you put your other arm around her waste for support. You open the door for her and guide her in, staying outside the door. “Aren’t you gonna help me?” Twilight fussed, slinging her limp neck every which direction. “No, you can do this much yourself.” You say with sobriety. “Ok Mr. ICantHelpMyFriendGoToTheBathroom, but you’re gonna clean this up.” Twilight says with an almost drunken-slur. “Im not gon-“ You begin, but you remember that she is the boss now, and your getting paid so you have to do what she says. “Uh, fine. Just don’t try to make a mess.” About 25 minutes later she returns from her manly piss. As she opens the door, the only thing you can see is that it went everywhere except the toilet. Almost everything in the bathroom was soaked from her relieving herself. “Mother of Celestia…” You say as your mouth drops to the floor. You then grab the mare that seemed that she even managed to get her urine all over her coat. Trying not to touch as much of her as possible, you grab her hoof and scavenge for a towel. Luckily there was one not to far away from a little closed next to the bathroom with all of the necessary cleaning supplies. You grab a towel and begin to dry her off. You dry off her arms and legs first then her horn. You start to dry her belly, the second you begin to rub her there, she moans and throws her head back. You try to clean the best of you can of her mane, still wondering how she managed to become so dirty. You’ve been avoiding going near her tail and inner thighs, but there is no where else except the eluded regions. You start on the end of her tail. Slowly making your way up to the base. You can see Twilights cheeks begin to turn a bright crimson and her breathing has gotten faster and shorter. After her tail is dry enough you sit there, thinking on the best approach to what lies ahead. Closing your eyes, you stuff the towel from her knees to her crotch, as Twilight jumps in excitement. “Oh! Slow down there tiger!” She says with her shortened breaths. You begin to remove the towel, finding that that was defiantly the place that needed cleaned the most. You throw the towel on top of a basket which you guessed was for dirty laundry. You walk Twilight over a few steps to her bed and manage to get her inside. You put your hand on her forehead, checking her temperature. “Holy shit!” You accidentally scream out loud. Her head must have been 120 degrees. ‘Good thing she is so out of it’ you think to yourself. You have never seen a pony so out of it. What can you do? You’ve never taken care of somepony like this before. Should you take her to the hospital? You can’t carry this mare all the way to a hospital that you don’t even know where it is. Maybe you can just let her sleep? Well you remember how well that worked out. She just got out. Maybe that pink mare can help. Well where would you find her? You can’t leave Twilight like this. Well you should alert Spike. He will know what to do. You run down to tell Spike. On your way up to her, you describe her symptoms. You get up and Spikes face does not help you at all. “Well I Don’t know what to do!” The little dragon called out in a panic. “Oh Celestia.” “I’ve never seen her like this. I’ve never seen this ever!” Spike is now in a bigger panic than you are. Twilight’s temperature has skyrocketed even higher than last time. Her pupils have even dilated more than when you saw her when you woke up. “Uh do you think we should take her to the hospital?” You ask in a quickened breath. “Well I guess that’s the only thing we can do.” Spike says. You use the same system he and you used yesterday. You grab her legs and Spike takes her arms. You could have not made it down faster if you were in the Ponylimpics. Both adrenaline from you and Spike were creating this super team as you break open the door and shout for every pony to move out of the way. What seemed like and hour was about 5 minuets of intense and pungent sprinting while carrying the delusional and quickly degenerating mare. The entrance of the hospital is visible now and you unfold your wings and use them to carry Twilight up the steps. The pivoting door of the hospital was opened with such force it shot back and reflected off the wall back into Spikes head. “Fuck!” Spike yelps as the door makes contact with his head. The ponies from the counter rush over to you and spike and take Twilight out of your hooves. As they rush her to an ER room they ask you about her symptoms. You explain all of what they needed to know, other than the part where you cleaned all the piss off her. They rushed off as a pony’s hoof made contact with your abdomen, preventing you to move on. You turn around and pick up Spike, bringing im over to the waiting-room chairs. Both of your perspiration stains into the lavender couches as you catch your breath and spike still holding his eye from the door making its ‘welcome to the hospital’ greeting. ‘And now we wait’. > Chapter Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Excuse me sir?” The orange coated hospital pony asks you, waking you up. “HUH? Oh, yes?” You say to the mare looking down onto the couch where you lay spread out over its cushions, your sweat dried and crispy, and Spike leaning against your right hoof. “Mrs. Sparkle is ok for now. She seems to be suffering from Palethorisum or you might know it as ‘Love shock’. “Um what’s that?” You ask in intrigue. Your head still heavy from your deep sleep on the couch being rudely interrupted, but it is worth being up now. “It’s a disorder more commonly found in mares, caused by them seeing or finding a… um how would I say this… ‘Dream Companion’. “Uh…what are the symptoms?” You ask lost thinking that maybe you are the ‘dream companion’. “Usually pupil dilation, shortness of breath, fainting, fever, low blood pressure, and dizziness.” The hospital pony responds, glad to answer your questions. “Is delusion one?” You ask. “No? I don’t believe so.” The orange mare responds. “Ohkay then,” You say. Well if delusion isn’t a symptom, then what was all the ‘sweet talk’ about? She called you ‘sweetie’ and told you to clean up her piss! “Can I see her now?” “Yes. She is back here. Follow me.” The orange mare says, turning on her back hooves to the far right hall of the hospital. You tap Spike who’s been asleep on your arm, waking him and him following soon behind you. What are you going to say to her? Well first of all, you barely know her. But after this morning it’s like you’ve known her for years. Maybe she was looking into books too long. Pinkie told you that she can spend 5 days straight reading books, with no sleep. Maybe she was delusional and it wasn’t because of the Pale- paleo, Love Shock. Maybe it was something she already had. Or maybe she really likes you. Apparently that’s what causes this ‘Love Shock’. On your way back through the ER rooms. You see some very ‘unlucky’ ponies. Some more fortunate than others. Some in an arm cast and some in full body casts. Others their blinds were shut and you could hear many ponies rushing around in such a cramped room. So many ponies in distress, hocked up to machines that carry their life. When you reach Twilight's room, it varied quite differently than all the others. Since it was only ‘shock’ it doesn’t require many ponies, only about one. She was also hocked up to a smaller machine. Her eyes were closed. Her hooves were pulled up against her chest, grabbing the covers, as her slow breathing gently raised and lowered the sheets. She seemed so peaceful since the last time you saw her, huffing her shortened breaths, eyes wide open, head burning, and twisting everywhere. You couldn’t help but stare at the mare as she slept. The orange pony guided you and Spike over to some chairs lined against the wall, next to her bed. We sat and stared for a while. You don’t know how long. The slow steady beeping of her machine kept your mind in a rhythmic dance, but it felt like only seconds when she started to slowly flutter her eyes open, adjusting to the light of the room. Spike was the first to get up. He moves over to her side, sliding a bench over to him so he can step on top of it to look down on her. “Hey Twi.” He says softly, trying to sooth any panic left inside her away. Twilight only hums a hello as her eyes slowly shut again, seeing Spike put a light smile on her face. Spike didn't say anything. He didn't need to. His presence was already taking away her anxiety. You start to get up but Spike puts out his hand, signifying that you should stay put for now. That was probably best. She needed to see someone she knew, and trusted. Not a stranger like you, especially because you believe your the cause of all this. Why was it your fault anyways? It's not your fault this made fell head over hooves for you. But you understand and stay in your seat. Spike sat there for about 10 minutes. Just letting her feel the presence of such a close friend. He turns and waves to you that now is the time to see her. Your mind races. Should you say something? Or should you just look at her? How should you look at her? Should you be happy? No, she's in a hospital. How about sad? No, that wont maker feel any better. After arguing with your mind you give up and decide that you will just stare into her eyes with a blank expression. The moment you move into Twilights vision, her eyes widen, her mouth curling upward to an ear to ear grin, checks turning yet again that bright shade of crimson, and her machines rhythm speeds up to an allegretto tempo. Two medical ponies fly in with puzzled and serious looks on their faces as they heard the acceleration of the machine. They grab your shoulder and begin to take you outside. Twilights grin soon became open and her eyes jolt open in a panic. The machine beeping faster as ever as you near the door. The two ponies stop and find that taking you away may cause her to go into a panic attack and faint, so they give you an apologetic look and send you back into the room. The beeping became relaxed again and her eyes lowered. She let out a sigh or relief. "Are you feeling better?" You ask. Being even soothed than you originally aimed to be, knowing how sensitive she was at this moment. "Yeah, now that your here." She smiled. Spike got off the chair, pointing his finger into his mouth and sticking out his tongue. "I'm sorry for what ever I did to scare you Twilight." You say expecting and brief pause. "No, I'm sorry I scared you. This must me so scary; to do all this with a pony you don't even know." She says, turning her head to her left, away from you. "It's ok. Well there's really one thing I'm still a bit shaky on." You say, your voice leading on. "What's that?" She says with a small sense of fear in her voice. "When you made me clean up your pee." You say giggling a bit at the end. Her cheeks turning such a dark shade of red that I thought she might have another super fever. "Heh, uh did I make you do that?" She asks innocently. "Yeah, I thought it was because of your delusion but..." your voice trails off. The far sides of her brows lower and she asks "But what?" A larger sense of panic in her voice. "Well," You continue on, "the doctor pony said that symptoms for your case did not include delusion. And that's what I want to clear up now. Why did you say those things, and more importantly why did you make me clean up after yourself?" You ask. Trying not to sound accusing or any tone that would be considered negative in this situation. The sudden magnitude of your question threw Twilight for a spin. Her brain kicked into overdrive and the machine speeding up again. "Well I uh... Wanted to uh... Maybe... I don't know... Uh... See if... Uh... You umm... Liked me?" her continuous pausing confused you. "What?" You ask her. Your tone a lot louder than you wanted it to be. Your almost yelling forced her a bit lower in the sheets. "Well when I saw you, I uh... Really umm liked... You." She says, letting out a small smile near the end, half hidden by the bed sheets. A small smile began to form on your face. Your eyes lock back on to hers. "That still doesn't explain why you made my clean up your pee." You say a bit more than you ask. "Well um... When I comes to colts, I've always been a bit passive. Letting others have then and me standing in the dark, alone. When I saw you it changed that. I realized that you were the most beautiful and handsome colt I've ever seen and if I don't act, somepony else will. My mind got so froze up with you and what to do, I-I-I guess I got overwhelmed and. couldn’t handle it." She takes a small break from her words to look into your eyes with great embarrassment. "And I guess I got carried away trying to show you that I'm out going and independent, and it got of hand. I'm so sorry." A tear began to forum under her right eye. Slowly making its way down her cheek and being absorbed by the bed sheets. "You must think I'm a complete idiot." Twilight says. Her words an attempt to beat herself up. "Oh don't be hard on yourself. Everypony gets carried away and makes mistakes. Even I do." Your words are like a verbal soother to her as she begins to relax a bit in her bed. You and she no longer need to exchange words. You too just sit there as she glazes into your eyes. You have not ever been in a situation like this, but you can tell that Twilight is enjoying it. You on the other hand, not so much. A crazy mare making you clean the piss off her, because she's crazy in love with you. Then going into some love shock, requiring more tedious and horrifying thoughts. Then comes to realize that she wasn't sick half the time, just trying to get funky. "How about we get out of here hmm? Im starving." You say happily to Twilight, attempting to break the ice. "Sure let's go." Twilight agrees, your attempt being successful. On your way out you see Spike waiting in a chair just outside of the room. You signal for him to follow as you go and check Twilight out of the hospital. You begin to walk to some sort of eating establishment, you didn't care, you were hungry as fuck. By the sun it was about 3 and all that running and cleaning piss off of crazy mares was getting the best of your appetite. On your way you accidentally bump into an orange coated, blond haired mare warring a cowboy hat, and had 2 baskets on either side of her filled with apples. The apples went everywhere. "Sorry!" You exclaim to the strange mare. "Oh nah, Ahm sor-WAAHGH!" the orange mere screams, her pupils dilating as she stares into your eyes and around your whole body. 'Not again'. > Chapter Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: SOME MATURE CONTIENT     As the orange mare steps back, her eyes scan over you. ‘Oh Celestia, why?’.   You expect her to start breathing rapidly and pass out but instead she lowers her chin and starts to pump her eyebrows up and down rapidly.   “Hey there, hoot hooves. Wanna come back with me and ah’ll show you aroun’ ALL of town...” She says lustfully. She begins to approach you with a devious smile.   “Applejack!” Screams Twilight. ‘Ah good, Twilight might straighten her out.’ “He’s Mine!”   “WHAT?!” You scream louder than Twilight.   “Yeah Applejack! You can’t have him. I got him first!” Twilight says. Her head turning towards you. She sees the panic and antipathy in your eyes as you step away.   “Um no Twilight. I thought we cleared that up? And who is this? Another one of your crazy friends?” You interrogate Twilight, motioning your hoof towards the orange mare’s direction.   “What? But you feel the same! Don’t you?” Twilight asks as her melancholy begins to turn a liquid in her eyes.   “No. Not after what you put me through. I don’t hate you. I barely even know you!” You say in distress from the lack of understanding that this mare has undergone.   “Ha! So ah can have this big hunk uh’ colt all to mah self!” Applejack says, moving even closer to you.   “Um, no-ah!” You start but the orange mare suddenly throws her hoof down in between your legs and grabs on firmly. Your cheeks begin to blush but your other expressions are showing the opposite.   “Hmm, you sure got a lot down there,” Applejack says to you moving her chin up to yours. Your mind now has no idea what in the hell to do. You’ve never been in a situation close to this at all! You’ve never had to mares fighting over you, nor even had one attracted to you. You’ve always avoided relationships. Probably because you’re still waiting for that ‘special somepony.’ And these two are defiantly checked off the “Possible” list.   You try to step away but her warm hoof is still latched on there good. A slight tingle erodes from your stomach and you jolt away, bringing the mare with you.   You have not been paying much attention to the conversation between the two as this mare continues to explore where you have never expected somepony to explore before.   “Oh mai, you sure are a big pony.” Applejack says as her grip finally releases.   “BLARH,” the sound coming out of your mouth from a breath that has been fastened in your lungs for the duration of the assault. You regain your breath and attempt to confront the “star struck” mare from her outgoing actions.   “What was that about?!” You scream as your anxiety begins to flood your brain.   “Oh don’t act like you didn’ like it!” Applejack says pulling her chin even closer to yours.   “Applejack! Why are you acting like this? You always act like this when I find somepony!” Twilight cries.   “Oh shut up Twi. He even said he doesn’t like you. Why should try to keep him all to yourself!” Applejack argues back to Twilight, who is now leaning on her front hooves, barely sustaining her weight. Her tears from your heart break and from Applejacks yelling is killing her.   You feel terrible about what you did to Twilight but you had to get out of there. You seem to be making the problem even worse. You wanted to apologize to her but didn’t want to risk another assault from the orange mare.   The two ponies snagged in an argument that Twilight was barely in from all her sobbing, had them distracted enough for you to step away.   As you turn to leave the situation, you notice that the scene has caused a bit of a crowd. You see all the ponies eyes fixed on you. You began sprinting through the crowd, bumping shoulders with everyone in you way. You don’t bother to say ‘excuse me’ or anything from fear that the two mares would hear your attempt to get away.   Once you get out of the circle that has formed around the arguing couple, you run back to the library. On your way, your brain begins to think about all that’s occurring.   ‘What the fuck just happened?’ is the first to pop up. Then the next was ‘Where’s Cherry?’ and then ‘Where am I going to go?’. You couldn’t stay at the library. She would constantly bug you. Or would she? You barely know her. She said that this kind of thing has never happened. Maybe it would be nice to have her around. Maybe since she liked you, you would have to do less work and get paid more! No, that would be wrong. Living there won’t be that bad, if it is you could find somewhere else to go. Your sure there’s somewhere.   Concluding on at least trying to stay there, for Cherry. You haven’t thought about her much. Your own selfish needs have been hungering to be solved before you could think about your little sister. You’re her big brother. You should be taking care of her and you haven’t.   As you’re brisk jog slowly develops into a fly, you make your way back to the library but something catches your eye. A small streak in the sky. Red was it? Or blue? No it was green. What ever it was that flashed in the sky captured your mind and you stood and watched the last of the particles fade into nothing.   You eventually brush it off and continue your way to the library where Cherry lays confined in her bed. When you enter you spot that she’s been up for a while. Often back home you would leave early to the market for sustenance. Cherry has grown independent from these many lonesome mornings and has taught herself how to cook, bake, and even finish some of your unfinished chores!   Cherry has been up for about an hour, cooking and unpacking your stuff. Leaving is now not an option for you at all. She has already made this place her home. She seems to spill an influence over everywhere new she ventures. You know that she won’t have a problem calling here home, but school on the other hoof has always been a problem for her.   “Hey Cherry!” You holler into the empty arch which leads into the kitchen, assuming that’s where she is.   She marches out and call’s you by your full name, with an apron tied around her waste that she must have found. She’s angry. “Where have you been?” She stomps.   “Oh uh Twilight had a ‘breakdown’ so we took her to the hospital. Sorry we were gone so long. I didn’t want to wake you.” You say politely.   Cherry’s face suddenly morphing from anger to disquiet. “Oh my! Is she ok?” The distressed filly asks you.   “Oh she’s fine.” You answer as your eyes try to avoid Cherry. Your pupils jolting around the room from one side to the next. You begin to get a bit warm and hope she doesn’t sense any ‘fib’ in your voice.   “Well where is she?” Cherry asks as she leans back, crossing her arms and begins to tap her hoof.   “Uh… She’s talking to a friend!” You quickly spurt out.   Cherry takes a second you stare deeply into your eyes before speaking. “Huh, what ever. Want some eggs?” The suddenly ecstatic mare asks you. Her moods snapping back and forth again.   “Hmm… would I ever! Im starving!” You reply gaily running into the kitchen.   After about 15 minutes of intense grazing, there is a sudden nock on the door. You don’t get up right away because you’re not in a rush. The knocking becomes faster and in a cheerful rhythm. You get up and trot to the door, satisfied with your meal. Your little sister can always make something good. You pull the door towards you slowly and see the pink mare standing at the doorstep.   “Hi! How are you? Long time no see! What’s up? I’ve been so busy planning your party! Anyways, here’s your invitation!” She hands you a pink letter with her mouth. Clearly an invitation to her party.   “Thanks Pinkie! I’ll be there!” You say, very excited to attend this party. Nopony has ever thrown you a party before. You wonder if she does this for everyone, but you don’t mind if she does.   “Hey! Where’s Twilight?” Pinkie asks. Her eyes squint and look inside behind you.   “I don’t know. I thought she would be back by now.   “Okie dokie! Well see you at your party!” Pinkie hops and makes a one eighty degree turn and bounces away down the street.   You turn back around, closing the door. You return to the kitchen to assist Cherry as she cleans up. ‘This is going to be nice’. The only thing you are discomforted about is seeing that ‘Applejack’ again. You’ve never felt so uncomfortable in your life. Not even with Twilight. > Chapter Seven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your eyes gleam open, awaking from your slumber. You haven’t had a hard time sleeping since you got here. You guess that your mind doesn’t even try to think about that kind of stuff so you can sleep. Your right fore hoof stretches straight upwards as your left uncovers your bed sheet, using your legs to assist you. You sit up and glance around the room. You notice that Cherry is snug inside her bed but no Twilight. “Where’s Twilight?” You think out loud. Were is she? Well she never came back to the library yesterday, at least not to your knowledge. Maybe she was downstairs. That’s enough for you to get out of bed and go check. You don’t wake Cherry; she’s so cute when she sleeps! You make your way down to the second floor, no Twilight. You go down to the first floor, still no Twilight. ‘Im sure she’ll show up sooner or later.” You ascend your way back up to your room (or at least where you sleep) and remember that you haven’t even opened the invitation that Pinkie gave you. You slide it off your nightstand and begin to slowly pierce the insanely pink letter open, extracting its contents. A brightly colorful piece of paper, loaded with stickers and paint. It reads “Hello and I would like to invite you to a Super Duper Spectacular Welcoming party as the guest of honor. There will be punch, cake, muffins, cupcakes, sweets and dancing! It’s at Mr. and Mrs. Cakes at 2:00. Sincerely your bestest friend, Pinkie Pie. You giggle slightly under your breath from her ecstatic letter. Well what are you going to wear? Oh right, you don’t wear clothes. ‘Well that’s not a problem then’ you think as you initiate your way towards Cherry to finally wake her. “Come on Cherry wake up. We’ve got a party to go to!” You tell her encouragingly. Her eyes leisurely open, squinting at first. Her right hoof takes her face as her other assists her up by propping her elbow up below her. She sits there for a while. She gets up, slightly tripping on her bag which lay empty on the floor next to her. She regains her balance impressively fast and goes straight to the bathroom, slamming the door. After some more eggs and exploring around the library you gather Cherry and head out towards your party. You bring the invitation with you just incase there is some need for it to get in, which you doubt. About 15 minutes later and you come up on Sugarcube corner; you espy some streamers and balloons hanging from the sweets shop, which apparently from her invitation is Mr. and Mrs. Cakes’ store. You approach the door and open it. About 30 ponies are in this place. There are tables of cakes, sweets, punch, cupcakes, and other things. She wasn’t lying in her invitation. You didn’t doubt it much because she does work here. ‘These Pink mare’s parties must be good’ you think as you clop your first hoof onto the tiles, alerting Pinkie. “Oh HI! This is your ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party!” She screams as she runs off and pulls a string that was hanging from the ceiling. Confetti bursting from each side of the room, radiating all over the room as many ponies cheer as they dance. You glace around the room to see if there is anyone you notice. Trying to look over the crowd, you see nopony. About an hour into the party you remain near the punch, slowly sipping your cup and refilling it as Pinkie stands next to you and talks. You zone her out most of the time, but you begin to pay attention as she begins to talk about Twilight. You want to know more about her because you will be working with her. She talks about her other friends also. You listen to all of it just so when ever something about Twilight pops in there you are there to catch it. You learn that Applejack (The one who ‘touched’ you) is one of her friends. She doesn’t seem bad at all from how Pinkie Pie explains her. She works on Sweet Apple Acres so that would explain all the apples. She has a large Apple family and Pinkie has formed a crush for her brother “Big Mac”, who ever that is. She also tells you about how she and Dashie got into an Iron Pony competition. Dashie sound a bit strange to you so you step in. “Im sorry but who is ‘Dashie’?” You ask, tilting you head a bit. “Oh! That’s Rainbow Dash! Would you like to talk to her? She’s here!” She asks. She runs off to fetch her friend. None of your attempts to stop her work. You don’t want to talk to yet another strange mare, at least you don’t after noticing the effect you can have on them. It’s ok talking to Pinkie because it doesn’t seem that she’s into you. Her feelings reside with that fucking crazy ‘Allpejack’s’ brother. Not to much later Pinkie returns, dragging a refraining cyan Pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and her strikingly bright eyes. Something about her colors seems so familiar to you but you don’t know where you would have seen them before. Also something about seeing her just makes your heart warm and feels as if your mother is holding you, rocking you back and forth. She slides over towards you, rebelliously pushing against her friend, muttering something out of her maw. When Pinkie ceases her pushing the cyan mare makes contact with your eyes. The beautifully sculpted and illuminated eyes of this multi-colored mare, her face flabbergasted as your eyes meet hers. An awkward silence forms around you and her. Speechless. ‘Great, she probably knows about what you did to Twilight, being her friend and all.’ Pinkie splits the ice, “So!” She nudges you, “This is Rainbow Dash! And Dashie, this is…” Pinkie continues. You zone out again, lost in ‘Dashies’ perplex features. Something about this mare is making your mind shut down all spare functions and limelight on her. You’ve never felt this way before. Not for anypony. Rainbow is the first to speak, “Um, hi. So uh, you’re new around here.” Her voice fractionally directed to you. “Yeah…Im uh…” ‘What the hell is happening’ “Um… it’s…” ‘GOD DAMN IT MAN. TELL HER YOU’RE NAME’. “It’s Beautiful.” ‘WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!’ She giggles a bit. That makes your head drop even more things. Almost 100 percent of your brain is concentrating on her; the only thing left is breathing and standing. ‘Nope I take that back, not standing’ as your eyes fill with black. > Chapter Eight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You attempt to open your eyes but they won’t budge. For some reason they feel shut closed as your lids strain firmer outwards. It’s no use. The cold tile floor sends a chill throughout your crest. You hear some voices. “Oh my god, Is he ok?” “Um, I should help, well if you want me to.” “No darling. He’s just passed out. I wonder what must have caused it.” “I ain’t sure, but he does look pretty fair in ‘dat position. OW!” You hear a thud of a hoof. “I don’t know! He just fainted in front of me.” “Come on Everypony! He’s the guest of honor! Let’s help him up and start. The. Party!” You could only make out that to be Pinkie. Some hoofs wrap around yours as they lay against the tiles. You writhe slightly as so many ponies attempt to help you. They lean you up in a seat and step back, except one stayed. Their warm hoof stays on your shoulder. Slowly flourishing you around, they speak. “You okay there? You hit your head pretty hard.” They say, concerned. You didn’t hear much of Dashie speak to know if it was her or not, so you attempt to open your eyes again, succeeding. It was Dashie. Her troubled expressions lay her eyes next to yours. Behind her stood everypony, sharing the same look of trouble. Even Twilight finally decided to show up, and of course that Applejack. You attempt to stand up, exerting your neck. Dash grabs your fore hoofs in hers and slowly sets you back down, her warmth radiating down on you like Tia’s sun. You don’t speak, just look back into her eyes. Nopony around you was moving, all eyes still fixed on you. Dash gives you a reassuring nod of the head and you try to sit up, one of her fore hoofs placed on your back assisting you. Your flank scoots back and you reposition yourself. Dash doesn’t let go. “Wow uh, nice to meet you ‘Beautiful’.” She giggles a bit. “Sorry.” You say timidly, “That’s not my name.” “I could guess that much.” You tell her your name and she inches a bit closer to you, placing her hoof that resided on your back to your stomach. “It’s nice to meet you.” Her cheeks glowing a faint shade of crimson. She leans in and gives you a quick kiss on your forehead. You don’t resist. She backs up and offers her hoof to assist you off the ground. You accept her offering and slowly but surely you stand back on all hooves. You didn’t wobble at all, feeling safe as your and Dashies hooves connect. Once your hoof embrace breaks from Dashie, all eyes are on you. Some looked relieved and some hold their hoof over their mouth, tears forming in their eyes. “Um, you can go back to partying now.” You eyes scattering over all the contemplating ponies. “Ok everypony, PARTY TIME!” Pinkie jumps in, queuing the DJ to start the music up again. Most everypony resumes their partying except 6. Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and two others you haven’t seen before. “Hello darling, my name is Rarity.” The unicorn introduces herself. You nod in recognition. The other yellow-coated Pegasus steps behind Rarity, dropping her head. Rarity gives her a bump with her hips and she slides into the open. Her eyes panic and she begins to shake. “Mhh nmm… emm flmmtrmm… shmmm” She manages to let out. “Um, what?” You ask. “My name is umm… Flutter smmm.” “Im sorry I can’t hear you.” “Come on darling, he’s a nice pony.” Rarity chimes in. “My name is Fluttershy.” She retreats further back. “Hello Fluttershy.” You say welcomingly. You don’t approach her, sensing her obvious fright. Pinkie returns from you not even noticing she left, holding 7 punch glasses. You take one as does everypony else. She speaks, attempting to break the ice. “So, these are all my BEST friends! I have a lot of friends. Everypony is my friend but these are my BESTEST FRIENDS!” Her excitement vibrates your glass, shivering your punch to make some ripples. “Hello everypony.” You say brushing your eye along all of them, lingering on Dashie before moving to Rarity. They nod. Twilight steps up to you. ‘Oh god. What does she have to say now?’ “Hey there. I just wanted to apologize on how I acted. Especially with Applejack. I just was over-protective and assuming that what you said and did back there in the hospital was just confirming your feelings with me. I really like you just I don’t think I can put you through being with me for my selfish needs.” She takes a quick pause, lowering her head. “I just want to apologize and beg you to stay with me, in the library of course.” She giggles slightly. You join her to make her feel a bit less awkward, even though you really didn’t like being in this situation AT ALL. “It’s ok Twilight. I will still work in the library, just don’t faint again.” “Ok, I’ll try.” You turn to look back at Rainbow how has been staring contently at you for the duration of Twilights talk. Applejack steps in-between your sight of Dash and walks towards you. “Hey there. Can aih’ uh talk to you in private? I have some things to say and aih’ just wanna apologize.” She says with her head lowered. You can tell that she’s sincere. “Ok”. You and her walk back into the kitchen of the store. She closes the door behind you as you walk in. “So Applejack, what did you want to say that had to be back here?” You say as you turn around. Applejack wears a devilish grin as she slides the lock on the door. She approaches you. “Um, Applejack? You can jus-” “FUCK ME” “WHAT?!” You run for the door but she is quicker, tackling you to the ground. She gets hold of your flailing fore hoofs and slams them to either side of you. “NOW AIM’ GONNA SHOW YOU AN APPLEBUCK!” > Chapter Nine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: MATURE STUFF lol :D Applejack’s eyes fill with lust as she stares back into your eyes. She bites her lips and looks over your helpless body. “HELP!” You scream out. “Ha ha. No one is going to hear you over this music!” She says sensually as she thrusts her face towards yours. Her tongue infiltrates directly through your lips, licking in and out around the inside of your mouth. You squirm and protest as much as you can but to no avail as her body is dominating yours, her firm hooves restraining yours from any movement. You try to get up and away as your tongue retreats back down your throat to flee from the intruding muscle. She pushes you back down and pushes her face even deeper into yours. Her warm lips and tongue exploring as she makes involuntary grumbles of pleasure through her maw. You didn’t want to do this, but this has gone far enough. You suddenly bite down on her tongue. Her entire body jolts back and she lets out a loud yelp. “OW!” She yells as her left hoof lets up a bit. You take advantage and throw your right shoulder out and pull her off you. You begin to make a run for it. Heading towards the door as fast as you can go. Not chancing a look back as she might catch you. You reach the door. It’s locked. Your eyes panic across the room, looking for an escape. Soon your vision is blocked by the panting mare running straight for you. Her tongue outstretched to meet yours as she throws herself towards you. Thinking fast, you duck down, sliding your hoofs to the right. Applejack slams into the door. You spot a closed window in the corner of your eye. You run for it, making every gallop bigger than the last. Your hurl yourself at the window trying to break through, but it doesn’t break. You slam straight into it and fall straight onto your face. Your vision begins to blur. You hatefully stand straight back up again, attempting to break the glass. No success. You hit back down on the ground straight on your back. You hear a loud snap and your back begins to reek of an intense pain. “AHG!” You scream, pulling your fore hooves back to try and grasp the afflicted area. When you pull your hooves back you hit a chest of fur. Applejack is standing over you now. “Oh you ain’t getting out… GET OVER HERE YOU SEXY BASTARD!” She grabs your hooves and flings you around. She slams you back on the ground. You wince in pain as your back hits the ground. She lunges in and forces her tongue back into your mouth. The pain in your back has tired you. You wiggle back and forth but there’s no winning. You don’t give up. You wiggle and twist but she is still dominant. Her right hoof begins to slowly creep off of your left and starts to stroke down your chest and to your stomach. With your now free hoof you attempt to swing at her. She shifts her weight forward and presses down harder on you. Her body is too strong. Your arm can only reach straight out. Her hoof starts to near your nether region and you begin to panic. With a burst of adrenaline you swing your front and back hooves ferociously, knocking down anything that stood on the shelf behind you. She presses down harder and lowers her hoof and grabs you. “GA!” You unintentionally yell. Her hoof begins to stroke up and down you. Small moans come from the pony on top of you. She releases you from her mouth and bites her bottom lip. “My… Aih can’t wait fer ya to be inside me…” Applejack whispers. She leans back, still stroking you. You manage to get hold of a small flower pot that was sitting on the window sill. You don’t hesitate to bring it down on top of her head as hard as you can. “FUCK! WHAT THE HAY!” Applejack yells, removing her left hoof from your arm. You pull back both hooves and smack her in the face. She covers her face. You shove her off of you and break for the window again. This time you have time to see the latches and begin to undo them. “WHY YOU LITTLE FAGGOT!” You hear the mare scream from behind you. The latches lift open and you slam the window up. You dive out and onto the sidewalk. A couple gasps come from ponies walking down the street. You throw yourself up and break off towards the library. You don’t risk looking back because the insane mare might be right behind you. Your mind finally has a chance to start thinking again. ‘What the fuck? What the hell man? Just like… what the fuck?!’ You sprint down the nearest alley way and crouch under a nearby garbage bin, sliding your back hooves forward. ‘Where am I going to go? I can’t go back to the library… she’ll know I’m there!’ You peak your eyes above the bin. Nopony saw your prompt escape down the alley. You fall back down in perturbation. ‘I could run into the woods? YES! That could work!’ You conclude as you bolt out from the bin. Your hastened gallops dart from one side to another. You fold out your wings and begin to take off until a colossal pain strikes your right wing. “AGH!” You scream as you tumble down onto the ground. No time to stay and cradle your wing, you pick yourself up and keep running. Your vision begins to blur and your heart is pumping harder than you have ever heard it pump before. ‘You can’t stop. Keep going.’ Soon you have escaped the bustling town and entered a thickened, dark wood. This doesn’t stop you however. You rip and thrash through any vegetation that stands between you and somewhere safe from the psycho bitch of a pony. After about 10 minutes of sprinting, you fall against a large tree. Your fore hooves stretch out and block the oncoming earth that is on a collision course with your face. You slide against the dry ground and come to a stop at a small purple flowered shrub. You lie there for a while, not thinking about anything, and letting your body recover, with your eyes still blurred. You hear a small nestle behind you. Your head shoots straight up, looking from one side to the next. A gray blur of a pony slides into your vision, right above the purple shrub. It speaks. “My oh my. A lost pony. Hello. If you wish to be healed, follow me into my hut and I shall fix you up!” The gray pony reaches down towards you, offering her hoof. You accept and she pulls you up and grabs your hoof with hers, guiding you in some direction. > Chapter Ten > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your eyes squint open, adjusting to the strange new lighting. Your eyes are no longer blurred and you can make out strange fixtures on the walls and ceiling. You try to pull your fore hoof to your head but a thick blanket impedes you. You look back and behind you your left wing is wrapped in a damp green, raggedy cloth. You hear a few clops of hooves in the other room and your head jolts to the side in a panic. You see a black and white striped “pony” with golden bracelets fashioned around her neck and fore hoof. She steps in with a small wooden bowl filled with greenish puss. “Oh the lost pony is awake. Are you feeling alright?” The strange ponyish thing says with some strange accent; you can’t put your finger on where it is from. You don’t reply. She makes her way towards the risen mattress in which you lay, helpless, again. She places the wooden bowl on a small, hand crafted wooden table, located next to the bed. She sits and looks at you for a while until she speaks. “I do not need to know why you are out here, so I will not ask. You have broken your left wing, it will heal in time, but you may not fly for a while.” She gets up and grabs the wooden bowl filled with the green uh… stuff. “Please take this. It will help you heal.” She offers you the bowl. You take it and exchange looks from the green mush and the black and white pony. You take your other hoof, and with it, you scoop some of the mush out, pulling it near your maw. The smell is unbearable. ‘It can’t taste any better than it smells’ you think. ‘Well it’s going to make me better. Wait… I don’t even know this lady! She doesn’t even look like a pony! And she lives in this forest! With creepy things all over the walls! How do I not know she’s trying to poison me!?’ Your eyes shrink and your brows narrow. You throw the bowl across the room and jump straight up, attempting to get out as soon as you can. The bed blanket shoots straight off. Your wing jolts an unbearable pain but you do not show any sign of weakness for this… this… thing is going to do Celestia knows what. The black and white thing’s eyes spring open. “No! I am trying to help you!” She makes her way towards you and your eyes scan across the room. You find only one door which seems that it leads to the main section of the home. You sprint through the door and find more strange things covering the walls and furniture. You see 3 more doors. With no time to ponder where they can go, you choose the one on the left. The thing runs into the room where you were and calls out for you. This room you are in has nothing but strange plants! Plants of all colors, shapes and sizes fill the shelves. Finding no exit you run back into the room where ‘it’ stands. “Do not be scared! I will not harm you!” It says in an attempt to mess with your mind! You take through the middle door, this one leading to an exit. With no hesitation you dash out of the door and break down a path marked with strange colored stones. It has to lead somewhere. After only a few minutes of sprinting you stop near a yellow leaved tree over hanging a small brush. ‘I think I lost it. I don’t think it would have followed me all the way out here.’ You sit down, leaning your head on the base of the tall tree. ‘What was that… that thing? It was a she I think. But it wasn’t a pony that’s for sure.’ You shutter. You don’t want to know why that thing is like that, or even what it does. You’re just glad you’ve gotten away un-scathed. You lean back against the tree and take time to assess your “situation” on your wing. It has a tightly wrapped greenish cloth wrapped around it, wreaking a light stench of whatever she soaked it in. It did do a good job of soaking up the blood from whatever cut you have. You begin to un-wrap the cloth from your wing. It leaves small strings of goo and blood as you remove it. Once the cloth is off, you stretch your wing outwards before quickly retreating it back into a tight fold on your back. “Ow! Well, I can’t fly any time soon.” You grumble to yourself, agitated. You whip your eyes, removing a surprisingly thick layer of mud. You lay your fore hooves on the ground and relax your shoulders the best you can without putting pressure on your wing against the log. Your head lightly thumps the log and you close your eyes. You just begin to let your body relax when… “AH! CHERRY! WHERE’S CHERRY!?” You scream in sudden realization. You shoot up, scraping your withers against the tree. Another strong wince of pain shoots throughout your body, but you pay no attention. You must find Cherry. ‘Oh, Celestia! Is she still at the party?! How long was I out?! Is she ok?! Where am I?!’ You have too many questions and not enough time. Cherry is out there, lost, alone, and you’re supposed to be there to protect her, and you’ve failed. You have no memory of this place. Not until now have you ever been in this forest. You’re still new to Ponyville! That doesn’t stop you. You begin heading in some direction, anywhere away from where you just came. Small bushes and shrubs knock out of the way as your body tanks through the vegetation. One stride after another, your head begins to ache from the rapid flow of blood around your body. For about 10 minutes, your environment hasn’t changed in the slightest. There are still thick woods reducing your vision to about 10 feet. You fun faster and faster, squinting your eyes more and more to block flinging tree branches. You begin to lose balance and your hooves tremble down, your knees land in the grainy… sand? Your eyes shoot open, taking in the, thought to be forest, but what appears to be a river. It’s on a gentle slope coming from your left, quietly trickling down rock after rock. You sit there, admiring the peaceful setting of this forest. The way the sun lightly penetrates through the leaves, how the water plays a peaceful melody against the stones. You’re eyes rest, fixated on nothing, just looking. You snap out of your trance when a drop of warm blood slowly runs down your barrel. ‘How long was I out?’ Cherry could still be at the party, or…not. You stumble your way back onto your hooves, following the river downstream. Nothing but rocks, sand, water, and occasionally some moss. The damp sand soothes the soles of your hooves, somewhat relaxing you. No need to run anymore, you’ll just hurt yourself more. Your journey treks for who knows how long this time. All of a sudden, a small bridge comes into site. A simple bridge, made out of a few pieces of lumber and some nails. No painting or fancy engravings. Just a bridge. About one foot off the ground, as if built for a foal. The stream, trickling under its feeble planks, creates a rhythmic pitter patter against the stones. You approach the structure, not knowing what to make of it. ‘Why is it here? Maybe somepony lives close!’ You run across the stream, splashing water everywhere. Continuing past the bridge, around some rocks and you find a cottage. Around the cottage are flowers and small animals roaming around, continent with their habitat. What looks like to be Fluttershy is watering a tree around the end of the cottage. The tree is small, with an abstracted branch sticking out at about waste level, and no leaves. “Hey!” You call out to the Pegasus. You take a deep breath, “Thank Celestia I found you! I’ve been in the woods forever because Applejack tried to rape me, and I don’t know where Cherry is, and I need to find her and I passed out in the woods, and when I woke up I was captured by this weird looking pony-thing, but it wasn’t a pony! I don’t know what it was, but that doesn’t really matter. Do you know where Cherry is?! I need to find her!” You begin to pant, noticing that the Pegasus has retreated back behind the tree. “Oh don’t be scared, it’s me!” You tell her your name. “Oh, it’s uh… you… from the party.” Fluttershy says inaudibly. “Yes! It’s me! Do you know where Cherry is?” She flinches back. You look down and notice you’re leaning over her. You sit back. “Uh I uh… I don’t know.” *I like to think of this chapter as "fahsionably late"* > Chapter Eleven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your hooves kick up a dust cloud in your wake as your chest burrows into the wind, sprinting down the dirt path of Fluttershy’s house. First place you should go, Sugar Cube Corner. That’s where you were last, right?   You run straight forward, hoping you’ll end up in the middle of town. A few ponies out galloping notice the panic on your face. A large red stallion, baring a yoke around his neck sticks his hoof out, stopping you.   “Aye buddy, slow down there. What’s botherin’ ya?” the red stallion renders.   “Get out’a my way! Need to find my sister!” you declare.   “Ah haven’t seen you ‘round here before. Are you new? I’m Big Macintosh but you can call me Big Mac”.   “Yes, nice to meet you. Now please, let me find my sister!”   “Ah! You must be that pony my sis keeps rattlin’ on ‘bout” Big Mac says with a big smile on his face.   “Who’s that?” This intrigues you. Somepony is talking about you?   “Applejack.”   Your eyes bulge, and your heart races. This is Applejack’s brother. “OH! Please! Just stay away from me!” You dash away, down the path you were just on.   “Is it somethin’ ah said?” The stallion says, baffled.   ‘No. Keep running. You’ll find her soon enough. You shouldn’t have let her out of your site. Just. Keep. Going.   As you near the centre of the town, buildings becomes more clustered, ponies blanket the streets, your brain not once thinks of slowing down until you’ve made it back to Sugar Cube Corner.   You can feel the eyes of a few ponies as they watch you frantically scuttling around. You pay them no attention as the gaily decorated building covered with baked goods and lined with icing around its edges comes into few only blocks away.   The sun is about mid way across the sky. ‘What time was that party? 4ish or somethin’?’ Doesn’t matter. You can figure that out later, once Cherry is safe.   Right when you get to the door, you hurl yourself at it. The second you touch the door, it opens, catching you off guard as you slide across the room. The sharp pain returns to your back.   You stand up, noticing the red smear on the ground and the bouncy pink pony standing over you.   “Hay! It’s you! Are you okay? That entrance sure was a doozie woozie!” Her face is so near yours you can’t help but smell the cupcakes and sweets dissipating from her maw.   “Where is Cherry!?”   “She’s with Sweetie Belle and all of her friends! Silly willy billy nilly po-pilly ka-chilly ma-nilly sa-hil-”   “Oh thank you!” You cut off the party pony, clutching her, shooting up off the floor. She accepts with a hug of her own.   “Gee, you sure are worked up aren’t ya?”   “I just didn’t know if she was safe. Sorry for barging in on you like this. I’ll uh… clean up that mess.” You release from the embrace.   “Well it’s not like we were just gonna leave her here! It was nothing to get worked up over. After you disappeared the girls had a sleepover at Rarities. Speaking of, why did you disappear?”   “I uh… left my saddlebag and uh needed to go get it…”   “So that took you all night?” She gives you a quizzical look.   “Yeah I got… tired.” You never have been a good liar.   “Well whatever you were up to, I’m sure it was super important you just don’t want to tell me!”   “Yeah… right. Well, I’ve got to go get Cherry now. I’ll come by later and clean that up.”   “You should really get that checked out. Looks like a broken wing. And especially if it’s oozing green like that!”   “Yeah thanks for the advice Pinkie. See ya”. You nod her off and make your way out of the store and in which ever direction Rarities house is.   ‘Why did I freak out that much? Obviously they weren’t just going to leave her there.’   You’ve been having these kinds of panic attacks since your parents died. They’re pretty rare. Last time you had one was when you left the oven on when you left for school back in flying school. Cheery was too young at that time to be even going to school. When you got home turns out the oven wasn’t even on. You missed class just for that so you had detention all week. Apparently Rarity is some popular “fashionista” in Ponyville so it isn’t that hard to find her house. It was a few blocks down from Pinkie’s.   Three little foals and Cherry are messing with some contraption made out of wood, brass, and gears that looks like a train wreck outside.   “Cherry!” You run up to her with a strong embrace, lifting her up off the ground.   “Hey! These are my friends. Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo”.   “Nice to meet you girls.” You reply with a grand smile.   “Hello!”   “Howdy!”   “Nice to meet you!”   You return Cherry back to the ground. “How would you all like to go out and get some ice cream? My treat!”   “YEAH!” All four foals reply at once. > Chapter Twelve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your world blooms into it’s magnificent colors of life before your eyes, which are still blanketed with the fuse of the night princess as they wedge themselves open. After coming home from your ice cream venture accompanied by the delightful crusaders, including your beautiful sister, and tending to a few of Twilight’s duties you take your needed night’s rest. An attempt to let your wing and mind recuperate from both physical and psychological damage.   Your left hoof, which rested under your head slides down to shift the quits that cover only down to your hock. Sliding your hooves to your bed side, you depart a morsel too fast, rushing blood into your skull. With your head pounding you make an attempt to survey the room; it seems it’s already far past noon. Neither Twilight nor Cherry are in their bed and a soft warm glow emits into the room through a small window, slightly cracked open.   ‘Cherry must already be out with her friends’ you hunch. Considering she told you yesterday that that’s going to be her primary activity until the semester picks up again in a week or two.   You can hear faint sounds coming from down below your hooves. The rustling of books, furniture, pots, pans, and jimmies radiate through the thick wood of the tree house.   You make your way down the steps, mind still pounding and groggy. Twilight is coursing around the floor as if it were a train wreck of a ballet performance, tossing everything she can wrap her magical arm around into what you assume is supposed to be assorted piles, and Spike is just sitting on the table.   You trace down the final step, alerting the fraught purple unicorn. “Ohhello! Gladtoseeyou’reawake! Youcanjustfixyourselfupsomethingtoeatorwhatever.” She says in an airy, slurred mishmash.   “Um Twilight?” You step forward, slightly concerned. “You could have woken me up and asked me, no, TOLD me to help. After all, this is supposed to be a job.”   She stops her frantic sorting to catch her breath. “Oh no no no. I couldn’t do that! You were sleeping like a sexy col… uh filly! Youweresleepinglikeafilly!” Her eyes spring open wider than they were already and hastily continues what she was previously doing.   You disregard that comment and trot into the middle of the mayhem; projectiles hurdle over and around your body. “Um what exactly are you doing anyways?”   Without missing a beat Twilight answers you “Oh THIS?! This is just my annual CLEAN EVERYTHING DAY!”   “Oh here we go...” Spike adds in under his breath.   “OH!” Twilight yells. “I almost forgot! I scheduled you a tour with Rainbow Dash around the town! You know, she’ll show you around… and… stuff.” She looks around for a moment, then continuing her cleaning of ‘everything’.   You can’t help but blush from that. The thought of you alone with Rainbow Dash, around the town, alone just makes you get butterflies in your stomach.   Since apparently your assistance isn’t needed, you decide to visit the lavatory and make sure you look in your tip top shape for Dashie. Your mane is a complete wreck and your coat smells of mud, piss, blood, sweat, and the soothing scent of the dried green mush slathered over your wings by that black and white thing.   Since this is your home now, you decide to take a shower in which seems the only bathroom in the house. Twilight’s and Spike’s towels, bottles, and other bathroom necessities litter the room. ‘This is a mess. I should clean up but, fuck it, I’m not a maid.’   You open the curtain and can’t help but notice the magazine labeled “Playmare” and a very ‘confident’ looking colt strangely positioned over a stack of books. ‘This better be Twilights…’   As you step in there’s a thin layer of clear liquid that cloaks the base of the tub. ‘Is that… what I think it is?’ You quickly retract your hoof and turn on the tub, letting the liquid wash out. The thought of Twilight doing that here is mildly disturbing and hot, but nevermind that, you have business to tend to. After your thorough cleansing, scraping off what looks like weeks of grime and dirt build up in your fur, you washed your mane with Twilights shampoo named ‘Purple Velvet’ which indeed smells her signature smell, purple velvet. There was one deep cut on your nose, but it was hardly noticeable. As for your wing, you brush it gently, tuck it as close to your body as possible, and grab the nearest gauss roll, which is, for some reason, very common in this bathroom, and wrap it a few times to cover the bent portion of your wing. Now that your skin is raw to the bone, your hair as luscious as it’s ever been, and your wing is as good as your going to get it, you’re ready to see Rainbow.   You make your way back downstairs. Twilight is still busy as ever so you take up a place on the table next to Spike who is flipping through a thick tome labeled ‘Dragons History and Folklore.’   Not a moment later a there’s knock at the door, Twilight yelling something in tongues, and Spike opening the door to a stunning Rainbow Dash. She looks at you and you immediately look away and blush.   “Well, are you ready for me to show you around or not?” The cyan pegasus says firmly with a raised eyebrow.   You don’t hesitate getting onto your hooves and heading towards the door. You give her a friendly nod and a smile.   “What happened to your wing?” She says, curiously touching it with her hoof.   You can’t help but wince when she touches the distinguished bone protruding out of the gauss. “Uh, don’t ask.” And thus, you leave the library to begin your journey around the town, alone, with Rainbow. You went to Rarity’s boutique, and it was nice meeting Rarity again, aside from her attempt to use you as a live dress form. The visit to Sugar Cube Corner was cut sort due to the sleeping little foal and colt she was looking after. Fluttershy’s shed wasn’t all that exciting. Animals are nice and all but you wouldn’t want them running a much in your house.   Rainbow tries to show you the Town Hall, but it was closed due to “repainting the floors” or something. Apparently they hired an artist to redesign the floors so it’s going to be closed for a few days, so you just continue on to Rainbows home. Sadly since your wing is broken, you can’t go inside.   The day burns on and she shows you the school house, a few shops here and there, and Golden Harvest’s carrot farm. By now the sun is just beginning to set, and you make your way to the final point on your tour, Sweet Apple Acres.   Rainbow guides you around the barn, through the trees and out into a clearing with a small tree house. She stops, turns to you, and says “Well… now that we’re here, alone, in the woods, what do you want to do?” She lowers her head and looks around. You lean up against the tree house. She nudges herself closer to you ever so slightly. You can feel the warmth radiating off of her body.   ‘Ermahgerd. She’s right here. What do I do? Do I kiss her? No, it’s too early. Do I wrap my hoof around her shoulder? No, that’s cheesy.’ Without any idea of what to do, you simply look at her. Your eyes meet, gazing into each other’s thoughts.   ‘Tell her she’s beautiful.’ You open your mouth to speak, and everything turns black.