> The Mother Test > by DrTechno > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Parents - part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Chapter 1: The Parents - Part 1 ----- Warning, this chapter contains: bondage, future family-in-law sex, threesome, anal. "Which one do you think would look better; bouquets with white and purple liliums or maybe the one with pink and white surrexerunt?" Twilight holds two pictures in front of you with her magic. “If you mean who looks best between the lilies and roses, I'd say the roses," you say hastily. "Are you feeling alright? You tend to be more enthusiastic than this. You're not getting cold feet, are you?" "Of course not sweetie," you reach over and grab her hands. "Why would I get cold feet I am marrying the girl of my dreams?... Actually yeah, that would give cold feet, getting to marry the sweetest, prettiest, most intelligent girl in the whole world. The reason I'm not nervous is that I know we will pull this off just fine. The only thing is that I'm just a little drowsy when it's eight in the morning." "Yeah sorry, I'm just so eager to have all the plans ready." You smile at her and let her hands go. "I get it and I do think the surrexerunt would look best, especially with the tablecloth and napkins we've picked." “Okay then, have you started packing for the Mother Test trip?” Twilight asks you in the middle of a sip of coffee. “Mmh, you mean what we talked about yesterday?” She nods eagerly but you get a knot of regret in the bottom of your stomach. “Yeah sorry, the drinks we had last night kinda blurred it out.” She gives you a look of disbelief and irritation. She has put her chest-long purple hair with two stripes of different shades of purple up in a ponytail, giving her a somewhat childish look but at the same time cute on her. She is wearing her red reading glasses which you bought her when she was told she needed them. Her purple skin had no sign of makeup seeing how she said it was a waste of time. “Really, you forgot something that important? I can’t believe you sometimes.” She puts her arms across her chest. “Hey, I’m really sorry Twi, I just don’t have eidetic memory like you. Could you tell me again?” "Okay then, since it’s you," she said, smiling a little as it gave her another chance to have to lecture you. "It's got to do with an old tradition dating back before Princess Luna ever became Nightmare Moon. It was called the 'Parental Femininity Conscientiousness Act'. You see, way back then, in order for a bride to prove herself worthy of being wed to the groom, she had to perform a series of tests for her soon-to-be father in law in order to be given consent to the marriage. However, in the event the father in law can not perform the test on the bride, or is unable to give consent due to reasons of illness or death, there is a sub rule of the 'Parental Femininity Conscientiousness Act' that covers this known as sub rule 42m- 'The Matronhood Appraisal Act', or more commonly know as: "The Mother’s Test", which switches the role to the groom needing to perform an act to prove himself to a 'motherly' figure of the bride." It starts to get back to you, somewhat of the reason you took something to drink. Seeing how you’re from Europia, these were not the type of wedding rituals you were used to. Having traveled most of your childhood across Europia, you had heard about many types of weddings in connection with religions and such, but there was something special about the Equestrian which you still couldn’t remember. "So, I need to perform a task for the person the bride considers your 'mother" Twilight smiles. "Those are the basics of it, yes." You nod. "Makes sense, somewhat." “It’s supposed to determine the quality of the marriage, and I know it sounds weird, but it’s tradition and I don’t want to doom our marriage.” You can’t help but raise an eyebrow. “Oookay, I didn’t think you were superstitious.” “I’m not, it’s a tradition and dishonoring it would be like breaking a rule.” Her voice grew more and more frantic. “Breaking a rule like that would shun us and our families and cast bad karma over us, our house will burn down, we’ll have to live in a cave for the rest of our lives in eternal misery and when they one day find our bones, they will put them on public display to commemorate what happens to those who dishonor tradition!” She was now on the brink of hyperventilating. “Twilight, calm down, it’s okay. Whatever this test involves, I’ll do it, just... don’t overreact!” She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath in and releases it again slowly. “You’re right, sorry I went overboard there.” She had folded her hands in front of her so you put your hands on top of hers. “It’s okay, I get this is important to you and I will do anything to make you happy. Could you tell me what this test will involve? Some athletic challenge? Survive a week in the wild? Manage to design a room with matching interior?” She giggles and puts some strands of hair behind her ear. "Oh no, it's nothing like that silly. You just have to prove to her your skills of satisfaction and procreation!” You sit there in silence for a moment as Twilight looks up at your reaction before speaking again. "It means she wants to know how good you are in bed." Again you are forced to sit there in silence as you try to comprehend what Twilight was trying to tell you. You hear her speak up again. "It means, you have to have sex wit-" "I know what it means Twilight!" Twilight jumps as you interrupt her. It was mostly irritation over that you could forget that important detail. "If this is a joke, it's not funny." The look in Twilight’s eyes confirms your suspicions that she is in fact, not joking. "Oh sweet Celestia, you want me to go to bed with your mother to show that I can be a good partner to you? I mean, I will respect your ethics but sleeping with someone that you see as a motherly figure is crossing some lines I may not be comfortable with. I can't do it!” Twilight hangs her head low. "But.... It's the rules." You are about to bring out an argument against her, but you stop as she starts to tear up. You know how much Twilight cares for following the rules. It should have been quite clear she wouldn't have asked you to do this if it wasn't important to her. And now you've made her cry. The most beautiful, smartest, and caring unicorn you had ever known is now crying. You want so much to cheer her up. But... could you really do what she was asking? You sighed. "Fine, I'll fuck your mother." Twilight lifts her head up and she tries to clear the tears in her eyes. "You'd better, mister! And you'd better do her good, or we can't get married!" "For you Twilight, I'll pass that test so well, they'll hear your mother from the Moon." Twilight smiles and jumps up to throw herself around your neck. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! This means a lot to me." "No problem," you chuckle and squeeze her hands tightly. "I know how much this means to you. It will probably be embarrassing and awkward, but for you I'll do it." You laugh nervously. "How hard to could it be to please one woman?" "Three women, sweetie", Twilight corrected. "The Test involves Motherly figure. As such, I sent letters to the three most important mares in my whole life growing up." "What? But why?!” Twilight looks at you innocently. “I wanted to make sure our marriage would be perfect! More approval means happier marriage, it's simple math...” Great, leaving out the small detail of having to sleep with three instead of one. Arguing about it would only make matters worse and you've already agreed on it. You can't afford another tear flow from her, you can't stand seeing her so sad again while knowing it was your fault. "So when are we leaving?" In under six hours you find yourself sitting on the train heading towards Canterlot with two bags of clothing- enough for a week, which was the amount of days you've found out you'd need. The lively chatter from Twilight’s friends fills the car with Applejack and Rainbow Dash arguing over the usual of whom was stronger, Rarity talking with Fluttershy about dresses for the big day and Pinkie talking loudly to Twilight about the wedding cake and trying to make her have a ridiculous amount of layers. You just let the voices wash over you as you stare out the window. "You never heard of the Mother Test?!" You jump as Pinkie Pie is suddenly right in your ear. "Pinkie, you have to do that every time I doze off a little?" She just laughs at you as she usually does. "Come on answer me, you've never heard of the Mother Test before today?" You shake your head. "Wow, I would have thought you'd known that by now being with such a book lover as Twilight." She lowered her voice suddenly and whispered in your ear. "I think she actually made love to one of her favorite novels once." You can't help but get interested. "Are you serious?" “Phahahaha, of course not silly," she said, exploding in laughter in getting you to bite on another one of her pranks. "I really got you there, you're face is so red right now!" Pinkie’s outburst called the attention of the others in the cabin as she falls on the floor, laughing her ass off. You have to smile too since she had set that one up and you had walked right into it. Just as she starts calming down and breathing in more than short gasps, a whistle blows and a voice echoes through the old speakers. "We are now arriving at Canterlot Station, I repeat, we are arriving at Canterlot Station. Please remember all luggage as you exit and thanks for choosing Equestria Trains for your travels." "Finally," Dash groans and gets up as she stretches her wings. "I've been dying to get some wind under my wings." "Then why the hay didn't you just dive out the window and fly beside the damn train," AJ complains as you start to make your way to the exit. "Woulda saved me a lot of complainin' and mah hearin' not listening to you." You get off on the station and move away to the other people pass as well. "Well firstly it's illegal, which I don't care much about, secondly because even though I'm the best flyer there is, even I can't fly from Ponyville to Canterlot without having to take a break and thirdly, last time I did it I got bare spots on the wing joint. Not very pretty or attractive, had them for a month before the feathers grew back." "Didn’t know you could count that high," she mumbled, but Dash didn't seem to catch it. You could almost put money on the fact that there were something under their fighting. "Hey look," Twilight said before they started again. "There's my parents." She pointed out a couple with horns by the station's entrance with a sign with hers and your name on it. They spotted you as well and waved to you. Twilight waved back with her free hand before grabbing you and pulling you after her over to them. Having seen pictures of them you knew what they looked like and in reality they weren’t much different. Twilight had definitely gotten her mother's hair and looks, the same long hair and face shape with only difference being she was pale with a hint of grey instead of violet as her daughter. Her hair was paper white with three stripes of the same violet as Twilight and she wore a simple pastel blue dress with purple heels. It was clear her nose and eyes were from her Father who was night blue with slightly darker hair. He had a plain white shirt beneath an emerald green vest with a low cut and light brown pants. A pair of quite normal-looking parents and you felt, not for the first time, you wish you knew who your father was. Twilight immediately went to embrace them. "Hi Mom and Dad, it’s been so long since I last saw you. I've missed you." "Oh sweetie, we've missed you too," her mother says as she holds around her daughter. "I can’t believe you're getting married, you've grown so fast." "Think, our little girl is getting married," her father said. "Feels like yesterday you got sent to Ponyville." "Come on Dad, you're embarrassing me." They let go of the family reunion hug. "Come over here, you, too; don’t stand there so awkwardly." She waves at you to come closer. "Uhm, hi," you say nervously. "I'm-" A sudden embrace from her father stops you. "Of course we know who you are, Twilight never talks about anything but you in her letters." He lets go and holds out his hand for a more formal greeting. "Nice to finally meet you, I'm her father, Night Light." Knowing that first impressions are important you take his hand and shake it with a steady hand. "Nice to meet you, too sir; I've heard a lot about you." "And I'm her mother, Twilight Velvet." She gives you her hand as well and you take it, a bit more firm than with her husband. “Good to meet you miss, I'm glad I finally get to meet the parents of such a wonderful girl as Twilight." The formal tone doesn't really suit you and it's easy to see her parents can see right through it. "Oh stop the formal façade, if you are anything like what Twilight has told us you can lower your shoulders. And call us Velvet and Night, it sounds better.” You sigh, relieved, and let your shoulders drop. “Thank you, Miss Velvet, I've been pretty nervous about this on the way here. I did look forward to meeting you in person and I heard nothing but good things, it's just that... I just recently learned about this Mother’s Test." You notice that Night gets this embarrassed look while Velvet just smiles wide. "Well let's not discuss that here, I see you have brought your friends along, too sweetie." The second part was meant for Twilight. "Yeah, since this trip is gonna take a while I thought I might bring my wedding planners with me." She turns to the waiting group of mares. "Come on girls, no need to stand in the background anymore. If needed they can stay at a hotel nearby," she says, turning back. "Nonsense, we’ve got plenty of room and sofas to go around so don't worry about that." As the five girls come closer you hear Dash whisper something and Pinkie giggling. Probably plotting something so you decide to be on guard with them around. The trip to her parents house took another hour since it was a bit on the outskirts of the big city. It did however, turn out to be a pretty decent sized place. Not big enough to be a mansion of course, but enough room to host your group with a pair sharing each sleeping quarter. After having placed their luggage at their decided rooms, you had dinner with you, Velvet, Night and Twilight at the end with the rest holding a mild tone over the table. The thought of what would be going down ran through your head and you didn’t really listen to what they really said. “So, please tell me how you and Twilight first met.” the father asked. “For some reason Twilight hasn’t really mentioned it.” A look over at her reveals she’s looking at her plate with a slight blush. “Well, she sees it as a little embarrassing. It started when I still was new to Equestria and I was reading up on some less common knowledge, we don’t get more than basic info over in Europia. It was running late but Twilight let me stay a little longer and even joined me for a while. Of course the lights goes out and seeing how it was past closing time, she had closed the doors and put the key and couldn’t find it in the dark. We continued reading nonetheless with a candlelight until she falls asleep in a book. She was wearing a thin shirt and skirt and there it was surprisingly cold so I found a blanket for her and wrapped her in it. The next morning I woke up with her cuddled up to me with an arm around me.” “That’s a rather lovely story, why wouldn’t you tell us sweetie?” Twilight was rolling a pea around, not looking up. “Because… in reality, it wasn’t really that romantic. I dropped a couple of books on his head when I was carrying a rather large stack, the ladder fell over and he caught me only to twist his ankle and me getting a bruise on my shoulder, I burned myself while lighting the candle and dripped wax in important books, not to speak of the fact that I woke up drooling on his arm. If it had been a planned date it would have been our last for sure.” She pierced the small green vegetable. "Either way it was how you met, no matter how bad you might see it as." Velvet put her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "You know how your father and I met so at least it wasn't that bad." Night suddenly coughed as if he'd swallowed something wrong. "Let's not dwell in the past, it’s your big event we're gathered for here, isn't it? Now I was wondering if you'd made any decisions regarding food..." The rest of the feast went on with them asking both you and her about what you had planned so far and sometimes some of Twi's friends would say something if there was a part they were involved in. Pinkie barely managed to control her childish instincts which included shooting peas and carrot pieces around, tilting her chair as far back as she could before falling and not making too much of a mess in general. After the dinner you all start to get ready for a good night's sleep, well except you of course. "I'm not sure if I can do this," you say standing in your boxers in yours and Twilight's room which was her old one. "I mean, they're your parents for Luna's sake. The thought alone just feels wrong to me." "What, you stand here about to do it and you want to go back?" She looks at you in confusion before putting her arms around you, butting her head to your bare chest. "I know it seems weird for you but it's a tradition and you aren't the first one to do this." You just hold around her to give you a little comfort. "It's just a test, they have agreed to take it just as you did because both of you want what's best for us. I know you will make her moan in delight, you're going to ace the test and we'll be one step closer to getting married." “I know, it’s just… it’s your mom. I can’t help but find it wrong. Call it cultural difference but it just doesn't sit right with me.” “But you promised, you agreed to go with the tradition. You know it means a lot to me and I just want the best for us. No approval means bad marriage which means instant divorce.” “Can’t we just go with our love for each other and forget any approval? I mean, I know you want to go by the book which I respect you full out on, I just- argh, I don’t know.” “Listen here, I love you but I need the security that we will last so please, please, please, do this. I will let you do the most of the decisions for the wedding if you just do this for me.” "No need to give all that up, I just needed to know how much you needed me to do this." You take a deep breath in and let it out, similar to what she does when she's angry or stressed. "Okay, I'm ready now." You give her a last hug and a kiss before you head towards the door. "Best of luck." You smile from the doorway. "Thanks, I'll need it." "And remember, if you back out of your promise now, I will never forgive you." You walk down the corridor to the end where her parents bedroom is. There are a few rooms between theirs and the next guest room which you hope is enough to isolate the sounds. You knock on the door three times, somewhat shaking, before you hear Night's voice from inside. "Come in." You do as he says and enter the room. The room is dimly lit, the only light coming from the moon outside, shining through some thin curtains. Velvet stands beside the bed as he came in, wearing a grey night top and matching panties while Night stood in the middle of the room, still fully dressed. "Why, aren't you forward?" she said smiling. "Coming in here in just your underwear." You feel like you've already screwed something up. "I-I’m sorry, I just thought that-" "It's okay," Night said. "As long as you didn't come in in only your birthday suit on. How are your nerves?" "Still a bit shaky, it’s gonna be my first time so...yeah, I'm pretty nervous." Night nodded approvingly. "I bet Twilight said she wanted to wait until after the wedding, always wanting to do things the right way. It's not required for the bride to be a virgin but it is preferred, but enough about that. The test is simple, pleasure my wife until either she or you surrender. Even if you were to give in, you may still pass, it all comes down to how passionate and respectful you are to your partner. Manage to read body language and so on and so forth." "And you will…?" You let it linger for a bit before Velvet answers. "He will watch, he likes to watch others in the act. Can't say I don't find it arousing myself." Okay, maybe not quite as normal a couple as you first thought, but after years of being together they would have found something to spice the relationship a little. "I hope you're okay with being a bit frisky," Velvet said. "It's just to see if you can be a bit flexible in bed and somewhat for my sake, too." You nod, not sure what to expect. "Good." You get the feeling you just made a mistake seeing how she gives you a devious smile but before you can ask, her horn lights up with a pinkish glow. It illuminates the room a little, enough for you to notice the ropes suddenly snaking out from beneath the bed. Before you can do anything they tangle themselves around your feet, making you fall onto the floor. As soon as you land another pair ties around your wrists with magic in front of you. They snare tight enough so you can’t get loose but loose enough so it didn’t hurt too bad. You automaticly struggle to get free when you get a feminine foot placed in your chest. Following up the leg, you find Velvet standing over you with a black thong and a black leather bra. End of Chapter 1 > Chapter 2: The Parents - part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Chapter 2: The Parents - Part 2 ----- “Now,” Velvet said pointing a flog at you. “You better give me exactly what I want or there will be no approval from me, got it?” The sudden authority in her voice and change of character stops any verbal answer and you just nod. “You better. Now then, lets see what hides behind the covers.” Her magic activates again and with a sudden thrust at your hips, she tears your boxers off. Your now revealed member had started rising and standing half-erect, mostly clean shaved with some hair coming back. The overbearing mistress raised an eyebrow at the growing tool between your legs before moving her foot from your chest to groin, pressing it against your waist. “Look at this little thing. Think you’re man enough to please me, let alone my daughter?” Still at a loss for words you nod again but receive a painful smack over you ribs, making you groan as you feel it burn. "Speak up kid, I know of worse places to whip. Do you think you can please a woman?" "Y-yes," you say through gritted teeth, your chest already getting red from the whip. "Come on, at least say it with dignity." You get another threshing, this crossing over the other and sending another shot of pain through you. "YES," you yell, maybe a bit louder than needed. "Yes, what?" A third strike, this one straight down and just about misses your chin. "Yes, I can please Twilight and can definitely do you," you say in a determined tone, undermining the burning on your chest and your breath is already heavy. She looks at you semi-interested and releases some of the pressure under her foot. "Are you challenging me? Are you willing to pull the string so far?" "For Twilight's sake, I'll do anything." Velvet looks back at Night who sits leaned forward on a chair before looking back down at you. "You're lucky, I'm in a good mood tonight which means-" she gets down on all four, "We will move on to the next part." She uses her horn again to pull out a pair of elbow-long black gloves and puts them on. Gripping somewhat tight around your stiff cock, she slowly starts stroking it up and down. "You have a pretty decent length," she comments. "But I've seen bigger." "Do you think size really matters?" Her strokes feel good but not enough to set you off anytime soon. "Mostly no, it's more about technique than mass that counts. Are you thinking about increasing?" She's close enough that you feel her hot breath against your sensitive head. "No." The sexual tension is almost too much for you and you feel yourself start to cold sweat. "Good, decent is always better than oversized. Besides," she licks herself deviously on the lips. "Natural is easier to swallow." She lowers her head and before you get it, you get chills up your spine as she runs her tongue from your base and all the way up the back of your dick. You sigh, pleased and a bit frustrated as you feel her strokes have stopped. Looking down you see her looking back at you before hinting behind her. Night has now stripped as well and is sitting and stroking himself as he watches his wife teasing you. "You're doing good so far," she says in a very sexy tone. "Now let’s test how long you can last." She begins jerking you off again, faster than before and starts licking around your tip like she was licking a lollipop. The pleasure from her tongue play surges through your body which she seemed to take note of by putting her lips around your tip, toying and sucking on it. You can’t help but squirm what with your limbs all tied up and you’re tempted to put your hands on her head but as you go to do so, she uses her magic to give your fingers a smack without her looking up. “Well look at you, trying to take control,” she says as she stops sucking, still keeping you in a tight grip as she moves her hand up and down. “You’re forgetting I am the one pulling the ropes here and disobedience is something I will not tolerate.” She gives you a fourth whip across your chest, your wounds not drawing blood but they would leave their marks in the days to come. “I’m sorry mistress, I promise it won’t happen again.” You first now notice her other hand has been between her own legs. She pulls her hand back up with two fingers connected. Separating them made a string of what you presumed to be her pre-juices between them. “Now look what you’ve done, you made me all wet. I hope you intend to take responsibility for this.” “Yes ma'am, I do.” She smirks. “Good boy.” She puts the fingers to your mouth and you take the hint to suck on them. Her fingers taste sweet and slightly musky, a very pleasant taste. She receives them slowly, making you lean after them before she drags them down your chest. You groan a little as she puts pressure to your wounded chest which seems to please her. As she gets to your pelvis she puts her hands on each side and slide herself up until your sex rests against hers now exposed with the thong moved over. You feel the warmth from it and the wetness from her as she presses your aching stiff member onto your lower torso. You throw another look over at Night who seems to really be into this and breathing heavily. “Now then,” Velet says, making you focus on her again. “I will allow you a little freedom so don’t ruin this for yourself, you got it?” “Yes ma’am, I got it.” She smiles as she nibbles on her lower lip. “Good, you’re starting to get the hang of this.” She loosens the knot holding your hands but doesn't remove the ropes. You separate your hands before they tighten again. “Now place them on my hips.” You do as she says. “Okay, now move them with me.” She starts rocking back and forth, grinding your rod into her folds and rubbing her wetness along your length. You help her grind on your cock, making you moan from the intense pleasure her moist womanhood gives you and she seems to enjoy it too. Continuing to thrust her hips and rubbing her soaked pussy against your rock-hard cock, she put her hands to her chest, grabbing her breasts. Your breath is growing quicker as the ecstasy rives through your body while her moaning grows louder and louder. “Sweet Celestia, Velvet, it feels incredible,” you say feeling that you’re getting close to your limit. “I-I don’t think I can go much longer.” “Then let’s finish this,” she said teasingly and increased her rhythm somewhat. “Let me see how big of a load you can give.” You clutch your eyes shut as you buck your hips, sending you over the edge and into a world of bliss. The sexual pressure inside you explodes as your member twitches and shoots out thick streams of white goo. Your mind can’t focus on anything else but the relieved feeling so you don’t pay much attention to your torso getting hit with your own seeds. You feel the weight of Velvet disappear as well but you just lay there for what feels like a minute to calm your lungs and look straight up at the roof. Suddenly Velvet comes into view, looking down at you still in only her bra. “I got to say you lasted longer than I’d expected.” Her breath was still a bit off so she must have started getting close, too, you think. “You played good into the foreplay and you managed to please me a good bit as well.” “And the finish?” You see her eyes go to your stomach. “I think you got that pretty well covered.” You look at her in confusion before looking down yourself and you get what she means. Your outlet had sent jizz up to your chest and over your wounds. There was way more than what you would get with a normal jerk-off. You use your magic to levitate a box of tissues over to you to dry yourself of the sticky stuff, your hands still tied. “I will give you that it was impressive for a first-timer. If your performance was a tad lacking I’m-” “Ehm, sorry if you find this rude but, is that it?” Velvet blinks, surprised. “You mean you can do more? I mean, overdoing yourself might- aah, Night!” Her sudden yell was because of Night’s hands grabbing hold of her chest, groping and fondling his wife’s sizeable melons. “Come on honey, can’t you see he wants to prove to us he will do anything for our daughter?” He kissed her neck and planted more going higher up until he got to her ear. “Why don’t we have a little more fun?” “You mean you want to do…” “Why not, this is as good time as any. He wants to go more, I'm still hard and you are soaking wet. Are you ready for a switch of power and being manhandled?” “Oh, I have been waiting so long for you to say that.” She leans back and goes into a deep, passionate kiss with Night, stroking his cheek. “Yes, let’s do it.” “You mind releasing your prisoner then?" She nods and unties you with her magic. "Good girl, now get in bed right away, tie yourself up, and put on your blindfolds. I will inform him of what's going to happen." She did as he said and got in bed, pulling out the eye covers from under the bed again and you wonder how much is under there. "Up on your feet now, no need to be lying on the floor." You stand up and look over at Velvet who was about to take off her bra. "So switching power means she will be the one bonded?" "You're catching on quick. Now how this is going to work is she will be blindfolded while we do her in different positions and she'll have to guess who did what at the end. I'm gonna start by casting a protection spell on her womb just to be safe and we’ll take it from there. Feel free to be a bit rough just not too rough ‘cause if you hurt her there won't be any approval. Got it?" "Yes Night." You feel like a soldier saying it, taking orders from your general. "Good, we tend to have a signal for when it gets a bit too rough which is turning on the lights. If that happens, you're out of here." You feel your nerves starting to come back, it sounded like he was anticipating it. "Got it," you say, a bit unsecured now. "Bo~oys, I'm ready for you," Velvet sings. You turn to see her standing on her knees in the bed, slightly spread to reveal her dripping sex. She had tied herself up with ropes going below and above her breasts, making them stand out more. Her arms seem to be tied behind her back and she smiles with lust with a black cloth covering her eyes. Only her legs aren’t tied but as you get into bed, you see two ready nooses on the floor, probably for something later. "Why look at you," Night said, climbing into bed and turning his wife's head towards him. "Completely naked and powerless, left in the mercy of two men. I guess that leaves you with only the option to follow our orders then." "I guess it does," Velvet responded. "What are you going to do with me?" Night ran a finger up her horn which made her shiver. "Oh I can think of a few things. First I want you to get us ready." He stands up and hints to you to do the same. He puts one hand on her head and the other on his erection, holding it in front of her. "Open wide." She opened her mouth and let her tongue hang out, letting him slap his erection on her tongue before locking her lips around it. Starting to bob her head, or maybe it was him pushing her in, she took his whole length to the hilt as she moans, pleased. Going slowly at first but picking up the speed til a faster pace, she came with muffled gulping sound from him downing his member in her throat and coating it in her salvia. Night seemed to enjoy it just as much as she was, pushing his hips forward to meet her and grunting for each thrust. “Oh yeah, you like that, don’t you?” He grunted. “You like the taste of your husband’s cock deep down your throat?” She could only nod slightly as she gurgled on his length. “Care to share her with me?” you ask, stroking your hardened dick. He smiles as he pops his tool out of her mouth, her gasping for air at the release and turning her towards you. “Be my guest.” She was still panting as she let her tongue loll out. “Come on now, let your little prisoner taste that big cock of yours.” “Okay then, since you asked so nicely.” You put it in her mouth and, maybe a little too fast, thrust forward. She comes with a surprised sound but doesn't make any attempt at pushing away. You do as Night did, putting your hand on her head and pushing her head down on your dick. You let her bob her head for the most part but push for her to go all the way down, gagging slightly but continuing the blowjob. You keep her going slower than she was on Night to enjoy the feeling of her tongue wrapping around you and because you don't want to come again so quickly. It doesn't take long before your member is fully hardened and coated with her spit. You let her pull back, taking in air in big gasps. “Now then,” Night tugged Velvet’s hair which she groaned at, sounding somewhat pleased about the tug. “How about we stop the foreplay and just get down the main event?” “Bring it on big boys,” Velvet said smiling. “I will take on both of you.” “Yeah you better, ‘cause we will do this all night.” Night made her fall onto the bed before turning to you, a bit surprised about what just happened. “Okay,” he lowered his voice to a whisper. “I go in from the front and you take the back, sounds good?” You get a shocked look. “Wait, you want me to do her from- you sure about this?” “Of course. Besides, you were the one who wanted to keep going. We’ve kinda lost a bit of the touch so doing this as a part of the approval test helps us all.” You can’t help but feel you’re regretting asking for more. “You’re still in on this, right?” Backing out now would be a bad idea, getting into an extended test and then getting nerves. Twilight would definitely not forgive you for doing it and your wedding would be off on the second. “Yes, I’m still in.” He patted you on the shoulder. “Good, now let’s keep going.” He moves over to her head while you lift her rear up so she stood on her knees. “Oooh, what are you planning on-Mmhf!” Velvet got silenced by Night’s cock in her mouth, gripping a hand around her horn to keep her in place. You spread her cheeks a little and put your head to her back entrance before slipping in her. You hear her cry muffled as you penetrate her ass. It’s clear, even for you, that she usually doesn’t get taken from behind. She was clenching hard around your rod, something that would have made it difficult to move if it hadn’t been for the coating of spit. With a good grip around her hips, you start to thrust in and out of her tight hole, almost pulling out before slamming it back inside her. It feels totally different from the blowjob you got, her tunnel clutching around you like a fist and squeezing it and making your movements even more pleasurable. The ecstasy of sex hums in your ears like a faint engine mixed with Velvet's loud moans with Night's dick in her mouth. Your breathing is heavy and the smell of sweat hangs in the air as you feel the pressure of another load coming. You decide to go a bit more out at the end here so you give Velvet five across the ass. She cries out, still with her mouth full, but doesn't make any signals for you to stop it, rather she seems to put her rear a bit more up. You smirk that your attempt turns out successful and give her another flat hand on her other side. Another muffled scream which makes you put some more force in your slap, this one giving her a red mark almost instantaneously. Instead of continuing to smack her rear, you let one hand slide below to her belly button and further down to between her legs until you found a very wet spot. Her pussy is dripping wet and her clit is swollen, just touching her makes her quiver in delight and pleasure. Throwing a look up to Night you see him fight like you to not finish off yet. He must have seen what you were planning and he nods once. You thrust yourself inside her, burying your length to the hilt as you plunge three fingers into her soaked pussy and vibrate them furiously. The response comes at once. Her inner walls clench around both your fingers and member as a spray of juices drench your hand. You give up on holding back anymore as you groan deeply and let your hips buck as you shoot big loads into her ass. Your mind blanks out with the pure blissful feeling as your limbs grow weak from the release of tension. Relieved, you pull out of her anus, her muscles still twitching after having your cock shoved inside her. You hear Velvet suddenly inhale sharply and you understand Night had gotten off as well. Other than your groaning at the end you feel you managed to stay anonymous on who did what and you sit down to catch your breath. Night lays her on the side so she doesn’t face down into the mattress as he as he moves over. “You really did a number on us there baby, you’re a real piece of work," he says, still breathing a little heavy. "Mmm, you guys really gave me a round, too," Velvet moans. "Was I good enough to be released or do I have to prove myself more worthy of my freedom?" She spreads her legs to display her drenched pussy as she bites her lower lip teasingly. "Oh that was just the second warm-up, this is where we start to work." Night Light pulls her onto the middle of the bed on her back before turning to you and whispers. "This time you take care up front while I work her lower part." "Really, more? I'm all for approval and that but I don't know if I can do three." You feel the burn from Velvet's whip from earlier across your chest each time you take a deep breath. "Hey, you're doing great, you can do a little more. I approve of that finger work you did, pleasing the woman is just as important as your own pleasure." It almost sounded like he was coaching you which you guess is some of the intent with the test. "Okay, I will remember that. Really I mostly did it because it felt natural." "That’s because it's meant to be, sex never is supposed to involve any complicated thought process. You ready for the next round?" You nod. "Yes, let's do her." He smiles approvingly and places his hand on her pelvis below her navel. A golden glow appears under it and Velvet 'oohs' and shivers slightly as if someone had placed an ice cube on her horn. You guess it's the protection spell he mentioned earlier which means they are both in the clear. He nods to you to get into position and you do so, standing on your knees right below her chest. “Ooh, one of you is gonna have a little fun with my womanly pumps?” You stay silent as you put your member into her cleavage. “You’re really going for the silent treatment I see, or rather hear.” You try to ignore her attempt to spoil who does what and instead focus on her breasts. She had quite the pair of motherly breasts, her nipples standing stiff and perky against her pale skin. You grab ahold of her melons with a firm grip, feeling the soft and tender flesh under your fingers as you start to squeeze and massage them. She lets out a throaty moan from your breast massage when she suddenly gasps sharply. Looking behind you, you see Night with his face between his wife’s legs. “Oh Celestia yes, whoever’s down there, keep going. It feels so fucking good!” You get a bit upset by this so you pinch her nipples somewhat hard to call her attention, which it does. “Ooh goddesses, yes you’re fantastic on my breasts, too. Please, play with my breasts more.” Happy to oblige, you press her chest together with your thumbs on her hardened bumps as you start to rock your hips back and forth. It’s not as tight as her rear but the softness makes up for it. The ecstasy starts running through you again as you squeeze her breasts and push yourself hilt-deep into her melons. Your cock sticks up till her collar and she lowers her head so that she gets your tip past her lips. You get another wave of pleasure over you as her eager tongue toys around the head of your dick and you put your hands on each side of her head to help her further down. You use for the first time as you pull her nipples and keep her chest squeezed around you as you thrust with renewed energy. She suddenly hums loudly, sending a vibration through your length that almost makes you come. You feel that her hot body starts to rock up and down slightly out of rhythm with you and you guess Night has entered her dripping wet oyster. You hear him pant heavily behind you and almost feel him breathe on your neck as he begins to ram into his wife. You start to go opposite of him, thrusting in as he pulls back, helping you drive yourself a little further into her mouth. She still makes little resistance to what you do to her and only backs off for a few breaths of air. You feel the familiar pressure in your groin building up again so pull back to only focus on rutting her breasts. "Oh yes, YES! Fuck me, fuck me as hard as you fucking like!" Velvet almost screams, her mouth no longer occupied with anything. "It feels so good being fucked by two men! Please, pinch my tits harder, come all over my breasts and in my cunt! Aah, FUCK ME!" You stop holding back and let go of your third load that night. There is a sharp but dim pain running through your groin as you ejaculate between her breasts and some on her chin. Your hands tighten on her melons as you come, making it spill between your fingers and pinching her nipples hard enough for something to leak over your fingers. Looking down you see that she was lactating and not bleeding as you feared. A heavy grunt behind you tells you Night came as well, or at least you think so through your slightly pained bliss. You slowly pull back and get off her torso, realizing the smell of sweat, sex, and hormones is now hanging heavy in the, surprisingly, chilly room. “Aww come on, this is unfair,” Velvet whines. “I was so close. Please, just finger or something just let me come, too.” “Sorry sweetie,” Night says, panting heavily as he answers. “You’re not getting off that easily. Now it’s time for the big finale and trust me, you will walk funny after this one.” He looks over at you, beads of sweat on his face. “Right?” Your breath is still quick and you feel the scars from earlier burn across your chest like lines of hot wires. Your drained balls and cock ache from your performance so far this night and it would probably hurt even worse the following day. “Oh yeah,” you say tired. “Might not even be able to sit for a few days either.” She shifts a bit as she nibbles on her lower lips with an excited smile. “You’ve already done so much to me and you think you can do one more? Okay then, if you guys think you’re men enough to take little me for a final spin.” You smile as you get what the spare ropes on the floor are for. “Oh we are.” You pick them up with your magic. “But I think you really wanted this from the beginning seeing how you had these ropes ready from the start.” “Yeah, I’m quite the naughty girl sometimes. What you gonna do about it?” “I think we are to strip you of some moving privileges.” You put the nooses around her knees. It was difficult to spot at first but there is a hook put into the roof. You loosen the knot holding her hands only to lift them above her head. Night Light managed to lift her up, holding her around her thighs. You thread the ropes from her knees, through the hook and around her wrists. Velvet is now suspended three feet above the bed, her legs spread a little . Her hair is a mess, drops of sweat run down her body and she looks physically worn from the rounds and still she smiles. “You’re wondering why I’m smiling, aren’t you?” It’s as if Velvet had read your mind. “It’s because you’re proving to me that you are quite capable to be my daughter's lover. You’re pushing yourself to please me for the sake of her which is very admirable and shows me you really do love her.” “Thank you Velvet and trust me, I really love your daughter.” “Now then,” Velvet says and moved so her wet pussy shows clearly. “Why don’t you boys have at me a last time? You better make me squirt like a fountain.” “That’ll be our pleasure,” Night says and moves to her back. You look at him a bit confused. Does he want me to do her from the front? You see him put his hands on her sides before letting them travel up her pale belly to her bust. She lets out a small moan of delight as he give her breasts a light squeeze, probably being quite sensitive after the tough treatment you gave them. You gesture to her crotch to ask if he really wants you to do Velvet from the front, which he just nods to. You figure you should make the most out of this last lap of sexual gymnastics and you get on your knees, perfect position with her soaked female parts. You drive your tongue, with no intent of being careful, into her. Using your thumbs, you spread her lips further to dig deeper into her pussy. She throws her head back as she screams in delight as you plunge into her nectar-filled cavern. The musky smell of her sweet juices fills your nose and you take a deep sniff to fully take it in. You ignore the tired feeling as you start to lapse furiously on her love button, making her quiver in lustful delight as her husband was pinches and rubs her stiff nipples. Her loud moans and cries quickly grow into short gasps and her inner walls twitch around your tongue, but you pull out and leave her unfinished just as she is about to climax. Night stops as well, leaving her at the brink of release. “Why did you stop!?” she gasps desperately. “Come on and get me off already you sons of- Aaah!” Night gives her a audible slap on the ass. “Fine, I get it, you are the ones in charge and I’m the prisoner. I’ll do anything you guys say, just please, help me come.” You just stand there and watch her pant heavily. She sighs, irritated. “Aww, you two are such teasers, you know that? Argh, fine! I want you to fuck me hard, pound my ass and cunt, ravage my body in any way you want, just… just do me already!” You smile as you oblige her wish and prop your stiff dick against her swollen pussy lips before thrusting inside her. She gasps in pure pleasure as you impale her with your rod. Night isn’t far behind as she yelps in surprise from him penetrating her from behind. “Oh merciful goddess of the the sun, YES! Give your little prison slut those big cocks of yours!” You grab her by the hips to hold her steady as you start humping in and out of her, the ropes holding her legs and arms creaking as she sways slightly. Her clamping tunnel holds a tight grip around your buried member, squeezing you and almost begging you to keep going, something you gladly do despite the tiring pain. You feel something bump against you for each time you thrust yourself into Velvet's soaked cunt. You can’t help but feel a bit weirded out by barely feeling Night trust in from the other side but not enough to stop you from the immense pleasure it all is giving you. You see Night has gone back to playing with her boobs and holding onto them with a firm grip as he slaps his hips against her sore ass. The room as this point is nothing but a big sex party with sweaty bodies and a clear smell of sex lingering in the air. The cooling air is also filled with the sound of Velvet’s moans. Her cries and screams of pleasure and bliss is accompanied by your and Night’s heavy grunts as you both give her all you’ve got. Her breath comes out as fog with her tongue lolling out in mindless bliss and burning red cheeks. You could bet that if you took off her blinds you would see her eyes being rolled up in her head, which actually turns you on. The image of her completely blissful face makes it difficult to hold back any longer and you start to lose your grip on yourself. “Yes, oh YES!” Velvet yells out at the top of her lungs. “I love this, I love how you’re double-teaming me so hard! I can’t think straight anymore, hnng, I- I can’t hold on much more! Don’t any of you dare pull out, I want you both to fill me to the fucking brim!” You take a leap of faith and kiss your bride’s mom without it being the worst thing you’d done that night. The kiss is a very sloppy one with her being fucked out of her mind and you concentrating on the big pressure building up in your groin. The meeting of lips doesn't last long as her burning hot pussy locks around you with an iron grip and a flood of warm liquid splashes against your cock which is hilt-deep inside her. You feel her juices spray out and run down your legs as she throws her head back again and screams in ecstasy, a long, drawn-out scream. You, not being able to hold back, let your overworked, stone-hard dick spray its last load of semen inside her. In a mixture of pain and bliss, you unload a surprisingly big amount of seeds into her, quickly filling her as you keep on shooting off until it leaks out. Night comes with a mighty roar, signaling he is also hitting his climax as he bucks uncontrollably into her ass. His hands remains at her tits. Just as you did earlier, he manages to draw a little bit of milk from them. You all stand there and try to take in what just happened for what feels like an eternity before your legs give in and you slump down, your chest racing to take in enough oxygen. Night manages to free his wife, getting her down before he also lies down in the bed stained with love juices. Velvet uses her magic to tie up the knots before she joins the two of you, herself in the middle. "I think," she finally says, gasping just somewhat for air now. "That I can safely say I got thoroughly fucked over." "Well, can you guess who did what sweetie?" Night was the second one to regain his breath. "If you guess one wrong, he will get his approval from me." You don't have breath to answer but in your head you think, Is he joking? Prove myself worthy by fucking like him on my first try? "Well," Velvet puts a hand to her temples. "First time was a deepthroating and anal... I'm not quite sure, the slaps on the ass felt pretty determined but with the horn holding I would say... it was Night in front and you who slapped me." Night nodded. "Good guess. The second?" "The second one was a bit easier to guess, Night would've been a bit more forceful with the blowjob." "Two out of three, not looking good for you." He looks over at you, who are starting to feel anxious about this. "The last one?" "The last one..." She rubbed the sides of her head as if it would help. "I honestly don't know. The one behind me was pretty enthusiastic and made my breasts quite sore, but the force and tongue-work from the guy in front was excellent. I’d have to say..." You think of how Twilight would react if you don’t get full approval. "I'd say you were on the front, Night." An invisible weight lifts up from your chest and lets you breathe properly. Looking over you see Night smile. "Nope," he says. "That was your future son-in-law. Good job." He leans over to shake your hand and you do so, a bit powerless. Velvet has a look of disbelief. "That was you? After, what, four rounds you still found strength to fuck me hard enough they've must have heard me no the moon? I mean, look at this," she stuck two fingers inside her pussy and pulled them out again. They were coated with glistening, thick stuff. "You flooded my tunnel completely after having finished three times. How long have you been saving?" "For about half a year, it was then I was sure Twilight was the one. Then came this test and... well yeah. At least it paid off anyway." Night got a pondering look. "You know in university I was messing a little with body spells... nah, sorry that's not interesting right now. Why don't you go tell Twilight the news? You can use the shower first, it's the one two doors past your room." "Thanks, I think I'll go do that right now." You get out of bed and find your underwear again. You look towards the previously shut window which must've blown open while you were busy. "Oh, and remember what we've told you," Night says as you stand by the door. "Don't put too much thought into having sex, just let it be natural." "Trust me, I'll remember that." You close the door behind you and breathe out. Every muscle in your body aches, especially your crotch, which pulses with sharp-shooting pain. Thinking that it was all for her sake makes it feel at least a bit better as you walk past the rooms back to your and Twilight's room. Going by Rainbow Dash's and Pinkie’s room you hear giggling clear though the door and you continue walking, a bit faster now and with a growing embarrassment. End of Chapter 2 > Chapter 3: The Princess of Love - part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Chapter 2: The Goddess of Love ----- Warning, this chapter involves: lots of foreplay, slight hornjob, blowjob You are lying in the bed on a train- the train to the Crystal empire to be exact. You're lying on your back and staring at the boards for the bunk bed above you while you feel the rhythmic ticks and jumps as you pass over connecting points in the tracks. It still stings in your chest each time you take a deep breath and your muscles are still complaining from every sudden movement. Luckily for you, Princess Celestia was currently busy with some embassy which would take a week, tops, so you had decided it was best to visit Princess Cadance in the Crystal Empire which was a day's train ride away. At least you got a chance to rest up a bit in peace- "So, how was it!?" Pinkie calls out, suddenly standing by your bedside. You don’t jump in surprise; your body is too tired for that so you just sigh deeply. "What do you mean Pinkie?" A innocent smile spreads across her lips. "Oh, you know, having sex for the first time. I bet it felt reeaally good." "Yeah, come on tough guy," Dash peeks her head down from the bed above. "How was it doing the mother of your girlfriend?" You let that sentence drift around in your head a second. "It was... strange to say the least. I'm not used to such a weird tradition." "You know, it’s not really a requrie- reckur- you don't really need to do it." You raise an eyebrow at her. "Yep," Dash nods. "Some get married without taking the test. You just ended up picking the girl obsessed with following the rules, though they tend to end up living distant from anyone else." "Maybe that's the reason Europia is so far away from Equestria?" Dash can't help but laugh. "Pinkie, what are you even talking about? That was so random." You hear the door to the second cabin open and the rest of the girls come in. Great, so much for a little break. "Dash, Pinkie, can’t you see he’s tired after last night? Give the poor man a rest, he needs it for the task at hand," Rarity says. "Oh I bet he's tired," Dash teases. "He made it difficult for all of us to sleep." "Well it sure did sound like he packed quite the punch," Applejack says and you're not sure if it was a compliment or another tease. Pinkie giggled. "I know, I was sure the neighbors would come and complain about the noise." "Uhm, I didn’t notice it too much," Fluttershy says, hiding some of her face in her sweater's big turtleneck. "I mean, I heard maybe some b-but not much." Dash snorted. "Yeah right, you could hear them from everywhere in the house but you were hiding in the bathroom the whole time. What took you so long in there anyway?" "Could you all stop bothering my husband-to-be?" Twilight says, a bit upset. "I know he's not my husband yet but he will be soon and I would appreciate it if you gave him some privacy." "Aww, come on Twilight," Dash says with a frown. "We're just teasing him a little, he can just tell us to stop if it gets too mean." "It's okay sweetie, I don't mind them too much," you say. Twilight walks up beside you and sits down on the bed corner. "Well I just want you to be best prepared for the next test, you know how much I worry about you." She puts a hand on your chest as a loving motion but you make a slight groan of pain. "Something wrong honey?" "N-no, no," you say dodging and put your hand over hers. "I just took a deep breath, I'm fine." You haven't told her specifically what really happened that night, mostly for her to not worry. She probably had enough on her plate as it was with the preparations for the wedding, and you whining about some stiff and sore muscles wasn’t something she needed on top of that. Besides, you thought it would go away but it feels to have only gotten worse since last night. You had never bothered to add any muscle relaxation spell to your repertoire either, so you just had to suck it up and hope it would at least ease up later on. “Yeah, sorry, I just want you to be at your best for the next part.” She stands up. “I’m just gonna go check on a few things. Do try to get some rest, you look a bit tired.” She walks out and you can’t resist but look as she sways that beautiful ass of hers. Her friends notice the direction of your stare and they giggle. As soon as Twilight leaves the room you scoot a bit up in the bed. "Now, I have something to ask the five of you." You have been thinking on this for a while now but asking Twi would be both awkward and wrong. "I know Twi and Shining Armor are close. Twilight talks about him a great deal, as well as his wife-" "You already know about Shining Armor?" Pinkie Pie interrupts you and leans in uncomfortably close as if she wants to check your irises. "She didn’t tell us before the end of season two, boy did that come as a surprise! I was like 'what, you have a brother?!' And then we were suddenly responsible for decorating and doing everything to this wedding we just got invited to." You blink. "Wait a second, what do you mean about season?" Dash peeks her head back down to explain. "Pinkie has her own calendar, marks off certain days and then calls them a season. Don't ask how it works, she'll go on and on about conspiracy theories and such." You just nod your head. "Anyway, I need to ask all of you. As good friends of Twilight, do you know how close she is to her brother?" Applejack shrugs. "As close as I am to my brother, I guess" "Ok then, is there any rule which limits how close two siblings can get?" It was a question that had been nagging on your mind since you got introduced to the Mother Test. The five of them laugh. "Why would there be a rule against how close siblings can get?" Applejack said. "That's just plain silly!" "So a brother and sister can go all the way if they wanted? There's no law or taboo against that sort of thing?" You begin to sweat as the feeling of dread starts to wash over you. "Say what now?" Applejack asks. "What do ya mean, 'go all the way'?" Rarity eyes light up. "Sweet Celestia! Are you asking if Twilight and Shining armor...?" As Rarity trails off, she makes a circle with one hand and moves two of her fingers in and out of the hole. The four girls look at Rarity trying to figure out the question. Pinkies face lights up as she raises her hand in the air. "Oh! I know! I know! He's asking if Shining Armor has ever banged Twilight!" Pinkie folds her arms together with a smug look on her face as the other three gasp in horror. Applejack buries her face into her hat and begins to mumble something you can't make out. Rainbow Dash claps her hands over her ears and shakes her head in disbelief. Fluttershy places her hand over her mouth, covering up her already quiet voice as her wings suddenly stretches outwards with alarming force. You recognize the gestures as the ‘see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,’ and you wonder if they maybe had been rehearsing it for a time like this. Pinkie's smile fades as quickly as it showed up as the answer dawns on her. She grabs you at the shoulders and starts shaking you violently as she yells. "WHY WOULD YOU THINK SUCH A DISTURBING THOUGHT?!" The pain shoots through your body, robbing you for any hope of relaxation any time soon. "I don't know all these weird laws of yours, this Mother Test thing just got me thinking, that's all. Please stop shaking me!" "Sorry!" Pinkie says as she go of you. "So very sorry, but that was a down-right and up-left wrong type of question." "Well for your information, " Applejack says strict. "There are laws against things like that. We don't go marrying out siblings, and we sure as heck don't go having sex with them. And since its a law, you know quite well Twilight would never go against it!" You lay back with that nagging weight lifted from your spirits. Your body is aching almost just as bad as when you went to sleep last night, but at least you got your mind settled. "Having sex with a brother. Hmph." Applejack continued. "Ah mean, sure, ah've gotten a hug from my brother when ah was feeling down but there's nothin’ wrong getting a hug, is there?" You simply shake your head slightly as you try to relax. "Of course not!" Applejack continued, not even looking for a response from you. She seems to be talking to herself now. "Ain't nothin’ wrong with having your brother put his strong musclebound arms around you and pull you in when you’re having a downer.." There was something about that sentence that put you off. "Or compliment him on his looks, and have him compliment on your own." You feel the tingle of dread start to creep back in. "Or feel his lips as he brings you in for a kiss." The pain in your body is now overtaking the uncomfortable thought of Twilight making out with her brother and you feel the room starting to spin. Fluttershy takes notice of your decreasing health to Applejack’s story and tries to speak. "Um, Applejack? Maybe, um, you should stop-" "Heck, ah do enjoy a good cunnilingus from Big Mac, now and then. He's got a mighty powerful tongue but have Big Mac stuff his penis into my vagina? Never! The thought of anythin’ past oral is sick." You force yourself out of the bed and towards the door. You need fresh air, and fast. You could hear Applejack’s voice behind you as you open the door. "Now what's his problem? Is cunnilingus illegal from where he comes from? Boy, is he missing out then." You take a deep breath of fresh air as you watch the mountains of Canterlot become almost out of sight. Soon the forests around would be gone and the land would be covered in snow and Ice. Applejack’s words spin in your head. The thought of anything past oral is sick, she’d said. Did everyone in Equestria to think like that? Does Twilight think like that? Does that mean Twilight and Shining Armor... Your head started to spin again and you try to banish that thought pattern from your head. Your main focus right now was to get well and pass the next test, for Twilight. Whatever she did in the past is in the past. Right? “Hey, I thought you said you were okay.” You jump lightly as you hear Twilight follow you out on the small balcony on the back of the train. “You know, you’ve got to tell me if anything is wrong.” You shake your head. “Nah, I just needed some fresh air. I’ll be fine in a minute or so, I guess it just got a bit crowded in there.” You expect her to pat you on the shoulder or something and go back inside to leave you to your thoughts but instead she leans against the railing beside you. She puts her hand yours which you really don’t mind at all. You take some time to just listen to the train, the wind blowing by and feel the chill air as the day turns to night on your journey further north. “You know, in a bit we will be able to see the Aurora Borealis. Won’t that be romantic?” "If you say so." Twilight frowns. "Whats wrong? I thought you would have liked to watch it." You shrug. "It sounds ok, I guess. I just don’t like the night too much." Twilight looks at you in confusion. "More of a day person huh? Well in the morning the sun reflects off the ice, making an upside down rainbow buried in the ice. It's also beautiful." “Actually, I don’t like the day either to be honest.” Twilight throws up her arms in frustration. “Seriously? You don’t like the day or night? Which time of the day do you like then?” You smile devious, having found something that puzzled her. “Oh it’s that’s special time of day right after sunset and nighttime and right before night becomes morning where the sun rises.” You look at her and you see she gets it. “It’s just special moment which I feel that everything is right and that it is my moment where it’s you, me and the person I love.” “That was so sappy,” she says before putting her arms around you. “I love it when you’re sappy.” She locks her lips with yours in a sweet and long kiss and you put your arms around her too. You stand there for a while in each other embrace as you actually feel the air get colder. As you stand there, the wavy turquoise carpet that is the Northern Lights appears in the star-covered sky. It feels like it’s a display put on just for the two of you, standing tightly together, partly due to the coldness creeping in, before you decide to go back inside. Arriving at the Crystal Empire train station, you were met by royal wagons which took you all to the castle. You feel embarrassed riding the golden wagon through the street, having children pointing and asking if you are important people. You are guided into the palace made of giant plates of pastel blue crystals, which you mistook for ice at first, where you are met by Prince Shining and Princess Cadance. Shining has short blue hair with stripes of lighter blue and is dressed in a rose red uniform with a blue sash across his chest and a shield symbol on it, something dedicated to the top elites of the royal guards in Canterlot. Cadance has an easy and casual-looking pink dress with lines of yellow, something that matches her hair pretty well. "Hey Twily," Shining says as soon as you enter the door to the hall and pulls her into a hug. "Wow, I can't believe you're getting married sis. I really hope I don't have to go through the same as you have to at my wedding." "Don't worry," Twilight laughs. "Not every wedding has to go like that. Hey Cadance!" Twi goes over to the princess who stands a bit in the background. She smiles brightly as she notices her and they do a childish clapping game. You only assume it's some sort of special greeting for them. At least she hasn't told you about it or tried to teach it to you. Shining steps in front of you and reaches out his arm for a more formal greeting. "I'm guessing you are the lucky groom?" He's about a foot taller than you and the slightly aggressive tone in his voice makes him seem like the protective brother you thought him to be. "That I am, and one of the luckiest to get to ask for Twilight’s hand." You take his hand and almost croak as he grips yours quite hard. “Sorry.” Shining apologizes and loosens his grip. “Sort of a force of habit after shaking hands with so many military figures. I tend to forget just how strong my handshake is.” "I’m so glad you said you were able to help out with the Mother Test Cadance," Twilight says joyfully. “I really appreciate it; you know how important the rules all around this is to me. I mean, for me, this is life or death and I just want to go exactly by the book.” Cadance laughs, slightly nervously you think. "Of course I know you take this serious Twilight, such important traditions must be upheld. As Princess it’s almost my duty to keep this tradition going. Now then, you all must be really hungry. Come, we’ve prepared dinner.” “Oh boy, yes please.” Pinkie grabs her stomach which growls as if on command. “The train food was barely more than a few lettuce leaves.” No one can help but at least giggle at her extreme comparison, though it wasn’t too far off. You all let your baggage get taken by the servants to your rooms as you go to dinner. The servant girl finishes pouring your drink. You marvel at how her hair looks almost like glass. The seats were arranged with Cadance at the end of the table, followed by Shining, Twilight, you and then Applejack. Opposite for Cadance is Rarity and then Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and ending with Fluttershy. Funny enough, your group seems to only take a fraction of the very long dinner table, you'd say about one-fifth of it, maybe a little more. Fluttershy nervously eyes the drink she has gotten. "What is this?" she ask. "A wine made from crystal grapes that grow up here." Cadance answers, taking a sip to prove it. "Wine? Oh, I don't know..." Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. "Come on Fluttershy. It's just wine. Even you should be able to handle that." Fluttershy takes one more wary glance at her glass before picking it up and taking a sip. "Mmm, it is pretty good." You take a sip of your own glass. You have to agree with Fluttershy, it was quite good. The servants came back with plates of food. Fluttershy gets a refill on her wine. Once her food was set in front of her, Rainbow Dash asks "So! Seen any military action since the last time we all came to visit?" "Rainbow!" Rarity scolded. "What kind of question is that to ask?" "What? I'm bored. It was the only thing I could think up." Shining Armor chuckled. "No, all has been quiet since you have been gone." "That's because we're all awesome," Rainbow Dash proclaimes as she places her hands behind her head. "Any trouble shows up and the six of us can put a stop to it any day." "It's true." Shining Armor turns to face you. "It's quite a woman you've picked for a wife. She could hold off an army single handedly with her magic." "Brother, please stop trying to scare him," Twilight says with an annoyed tone. "I'll have you know he has talents in magic too." "Yes, but not nearly as much as you, dear sis. You've been powerful ever since you were little." "I said stop it Shining. I mean it." Twilight grabs her fork and begin to eat. "In fact, I remember a certain event that happened when Cadance was babysitting you..." "SHINY!" Twilight shouted. Her tone had changed from annoyed to embarrassments. "Don't tell him that story!" This perks up all of Twilight's friends. "Oooh, if you can't tell him it, tell the rest of us!" Rainbow says. "Yes! Tell us! I love stories!" Pinkie shouted. "Is it one of those 'Once upon a time' types of stories or is it the opening book? Oh wait, maybe it's both at the same time!" She was clearly in her own world so he got on with the story. "Well'" Shining began with a grin on his face. "I had gotten home early from practice, and our parents would not be home for at least an hour. Cadance needed to put Twilight to bed and we wanted to be left alone for a while..." Twilight buried her head into the dinner table and muttered "No, no, no!" over and over. Her face was red, you could tell. You felt bad for her, but you just had to hear the rest of the story. Cadance continued, "So I had gotten out a book of bedtime stories to tell her. I began to tell her the story of the ghost who haunted her brother’s room. A ghost who only made noises whenever I came over to visit. Scary moaning noises and sometimes screaming noises." Cadence giggled while everyone else smirked at the thought of what came next. "I thought for sure it would keep her out of Shining’s room. Instead, she eventually got the courage to face the ghost and burst into the room, blasting everything in the dark she thought was a ghost." Shining armor laughed. "Oh, I had a time trying to explain to my parents why I and Cadance were indented into the walls, and where some of our clothing was." Everyone had a good laugh at this; even Twilight had a small giggle. "It was kind of silly," she says as she lifts her head up. You laugh at the image of young Twilight pinning a teenage Shining armor to the wall. But soon your bright mood starts to darken as your thought pattern returns to what Applejack said on the train. You push back any more mental image of little Twilight and her big brother before they could depress you anymore. You stare at your food for a while, before you return to eating. Twilight broke the silence in the room. "So, how goes training the new guards for the Crystal Empire Shining?" You could hear Twilight and Shining Armor talk, but you aren't listening. You try to think about what’s to come. You've gotten most of the worst pain out of your body but the stripes across your chest are still burning red. Overall you believe you can handle yourself for the test, if Cadance doesn’t try anything extreme. Still, the thought of having to force someone’s wife into- Your thoughts get interrupted as you think you feel something brush past your right leg. “Well that’s understandable. Even with all your training there was bound to be some…” You couldn’t tell what it was at first. You wait as Twilight continues to talk to Shining and Cadance. Then you feel it again. You are sure it was a foot! Someone was rubbing their foot against your leg.You can’t believe this! You gaze around the table to see if you can spot who it is. There was no way Rarity could reach you from here. Rainbow Dash had a bored look on her face, so it was possible for her. Pinkie Pie just looks back at you, smiles, and wave. This would have made anyone else the guilty party, but with Pinkie Pie it was hard to tell. Then there was Fluttershy, having her… was that her 6th glass of wine? You lost count how many refills she had gotten by now since they had given her a bottle for herself. Was she drunk enough to do this? And then there was Applejack sitting at your right. She seems to be looking at Fluttershy as she's getting a refill as well. You weren’t sure if she was trying to avoid eye contact or she was concerned for Fluttershy. You’d like just to have a glance under the table to see who it was, but not in front of Twilight and her family like this! “…why, you could always trust what’s written down in the book. They’ve had many years of theories and test that…” The foot rubs up and down against your leg and then disappears again. Still no clue as to who the culprit was. You are not going to sit idly by! You ready your right hand under the table for the feeling to come back. “…Men will be men as they say which is why you need to…" Wait for it. “…discipline. Without that, the entire troops would…” Wait for it. “…but you can’t be too harsh or…” There it was! You grab hold of the toe of the foot. “… As such it’s always important to rememBEEEEERRR -“ Twilight’s voice suddenly goes to high pitch as she starts to breath heavily. You had found who the foot belongs to but not in the way you intended. Not only was she good at multitasking it seemed, but she was also very ticklish. “Is there something wrong Twily?” Shining Armor asked with concern. “Oh nothing," she says as she tries to calm down after the shock. "J-just these potatoes here have *cough* a b-bit of a kick to them. It caught me by surprise.” Twilight’s friends and Cadance look at each other puzzled. Shining takes his fork and try some of Twilights potatoes. “Hey she’s right,” he says “these do have a kick to them. Cadance, why don’t my potatoes. Have they used some new spices on them?” You could hear Rainbow Dash whisper to Pinkie Pie. “What was that all about?” “Beats me, it was funny though.” Pinkie whispers back. “Why did you grab my foot?” Twilight asks when you and her are alone. “I don’t know, why were you rubbing your foot against my leg?” you ask. “Well you looked so down at dinner; I thought it might cheer you up.” “Where did you get that idea from?” you interrupt Twilight before she answers back. “Right, you read it in a book. Stupid question from me.” You take a deep breath and sigh. “I’m sorry I embarrassed you Twilight, I’m just a bit stressed out. Is there any chance we can wait to take this test?” "Uhm, I'm sorry but that just isn’t possible. I kinda made the schedule a little tight so we'll have to travel back to Canterlot as soon as possible. I really should have put in a space but it totally slipped my mind." "It's..." you sigh, a hint irritated. "It's fine, I was just wondering." “Look, is there something bothering you? Is it something other than this test? You can tell me, you know.” “It’s nothing.” You lie. “I think I just need a moment to clear my head.” You feel a wave of guilt wash over you, it never felt right lying to her which is why you made a note to never do it again. “Well there’s still much of the day left before you have to take the test. Let’s go clear that mind!” The rest of the day you spend with Twilight and discuss wedding plans, taking a third look at the seating for everyone, a fourth look at optional wedding dresses with Rarity, the menu with Applejack and Pinkie who were also in charge of helping out with the music together with Fluttershy and lastly you had a brief chat with Dash about performing a sonic rainboom. The sun sets and as it starts to become night, you head to your and Twilight’s room to prepare yourself for the second part of the extended Mother Test. That’s when you run into some complications.Twilight pulls over one of the servant girls to ask her. “Excuse me, all my luggage was brought to this room, but my finance's luggage doesn’t seem to be here.” “We were told to only put your luggage in there, Miss Twilight,” the servant answers. “Well, where is his luggage then?” “In the master bedroom.” Twilight looks back at you with confusion. “Why would Cadance ask to have your clothing and stuff moved to her room?” That was a good question. Why was all your-Oh sweet Celestia, she wasn’t going to…? A new dread had begins to form in your mind. You were mostly ready to take on the task at hand, but it seems Cadance had more planned. At least Velvet had let you return to your room when everything was over but Cadence seems to hinting that she was going to keep you there all night. You’re doomed. “Sweetie?” Twilight broke you out of your train of thought. “Sweetie, don’t you panic. I’m sure Cadance has a very good reason for doing this. And I know that you can pass any task she can throw at you. Just believe in yourself, give her as good as job as you did with my mom and it will be just fine." That's asking too much of me Twilight, you think but instead you say, "I'll do my best." You give her a kiss on the head before walking out. "Just remember," she says as you are about to leave. "Just because you got one doesn't mean you will get a free pass. If either Cadance or Celestia disapproves, it’s all off. No pressure though." "Yeah, I get it," you say with a smile but drop it as soon as you close the door. “No pressure at all,” you mumble and you begin to walk the corridors to where Cadance room is. You walk down the long hallway and notice one of the guest rooms are opened. You can hear the voices of Rainbow Dash and Applejack inside:“Tarnation! Look at the size of the shower they got in these guest rooms! These are bigger than the ones Ah have at home! And Ah have to share them with Big Mac!” “Oh yeah? You bathe with Big Mac, huh? Bet you like to help him wash up, huh?” “Whatcha talkin’ about, Rainbow? Big Mac doesn’t need help washin’ himself.” “Yeah, but you’d love to help him out, right? Particularly below his belt, I bet.” “Why the hay would Ah do that? He’s his own grown self. He’ll wash everything above and below the belt as he likes by himself. He doesn’t need any help from his sis.” “Ah come on, are you telling me you two never did it in a shower at all?” “Did what in a shower?” “You know, relieve some of his pressure. From below. With your hands.” “Rainbow, Ah ain’t never touch touched my brother there my entire life.” “What, never? But on the train you admitted-“ “That’s cunnilingus. That’s completely different.” “So wait, you’ve never helped out Big Mac with his issues, and just used him to solve yours?” “…Gee, when you put it like that, Ah sound awfully terrible. Wonder why he never asked me to do it.” “Maybe he’s just not into girls?” “That’s a joke, right? You don’t think he’s actually…? Oh that’s just terrible if he is.” “What? You don’t approve of him liking men?” “Only on the part where you can’t get men pregnant. If Big Mac can’t have children, then it falls to me to raise a family…” “What about Applebloom?” “What kind of older sister would Ah be if Ah just dumped the responsibility on my younger sister like that? No, Ah got to start looking for a boyfriend….. And Ah just realized now that Ah’ve never even had a boyfriend my entire life. Ah don’t even know where to begin to get one!” “Hey, don’t worry Applejack. I’ll help you out!” “You? You don’t even have a boyfriend either!” “What? Sure I do!” “Oh yeah? Name him!” “He’s name is…. Um… Feather Racer.” “….Rainbow, that is the most made up ridiculous name Ah’ve ever heard.” “Hey! Don’t insult the name of my boyfriend!” "Interesting, I always thought Dash was a lesbian." You jump as you hear Pinkie talk right into your ear. Somehow she managed to sneak right up to you without a sound. "Holy shit, Pinkie, what are you doing?" you hiss as to not alert the other girls. "Eardropping, just like you, though our ears sit pretty good to our heads so I don't know why they're calling it that." As usual, she made little to no sense. "I wasn't ear dropping, I was just passing by and the door was open. Anyway, I'm off to take the Mother Test." "Hmm, I don't think it will go like you think it will," Pinkie says thoughtful. "What, did your Pinkie Sense tell you that?" You had your doubts about this sixth sense of hers but it had yet to be proven wrong. Heck, even Twilight had some respect for it. "No, it's more that they are canon which makes them a really good couple. Just don't expect too much, she's the Princess of love after all." With that, Pinkie goes down the opposite way, humming to herself and jumping an invisible hopscotch. You shake your head, sometimes you think she's planning things in advance just confuse everyone. You can still hear AJ and Dash talking but decide to move on. Their voices start to die down as you round the corner until you can't hear them at all. At the end of the hall you can see Shining Armor walking down with a smile on his face and a bag in his hand. “Looks like I’m sleeping on the couch as it were, tonight. Taking up one of the guest rooms, it seems. Good luck on the test,” he says. You stand there, trying to comprehend what you are witnessing. Here you are about to head to the bedchambers of this man’s wife, and he’s smiling away as if nothing is wrong. “How can you be so calm? Do you not know what I’m about to do?” “Sure! You're about to take part in the Parental Femininity Conscientiousness Act sub rule in which you are to prove how good of a husband you are going to be to my sister.” “By sleeping with her! Doesn’t that upset you in the least?” “Look,” Shining's entire ‘nice guy’ tone suddenly dropped so fast, it takes you by surprise. He looks down at you, with the stare of a disciplined military soldier. “Do you think I don’t know what is going on? I am well aware of the situation at hand, far better than you are it seems. I am aware of the long standing tradition my family has had and what it means to them. If I had the slightest belief you were trying to use my sister so that you can use some loophole to ravage my wife within the law and bring harm to my sister, I would have locked you in the deepest, darkest cell we have. Not because that would be your punishment, but to save you from the beating you would receive from me! I come from a line of powerful unicorns, and my magic could do some terrible things to you. But even if I held back on the magic, I am strong enough to break every bone in your body. So the real question you have to ask yourself is ‘ Why is Shining Armor not snapping my spine in two?” Shining looks down at you and you feel the sweat drops of terror run down your forehead. “Because Cadance trusts you.” You go from fear to confusion in record time. How could she trust you when she had barely spoken to you? “Cadance is the Goddess of Love.” Shining continued. “She can see right into the heart and soul of anyone she gazes at. She told me after meeting you today that she saw love in your eyes. You deeply love my sister, and you are here at her request to pass a test from a tradition you barely understand. All for her. And I trust the word of my wife. So because of that, I’m leaving you alone with Cadance, to take the test.” He walks past you. “Wait,” you call after him and he turns. “I just need to ask about something. It’s pretty embarrassing but I just need to know.” He just waits for you to ask. “Well, uhm, I was recently told that people here in Equestria have some different rules surrounding family and something pretty… intimate.” “Please, you are about to enter my wife’s room alone with the intent of sleeping with her, I doubt it can be any more embarrassing than that.” ”Right,” you chuckle nervously. “The thing is that… has Twilight ever performed oral sex with you?” Shining stood a minute and just looks at you without a hint of shock or surprise. “I think you should ask Twilight about that, she is your girlfriend after all and you two should really be open to each other about such things.” With that he walks off down the corridor, leaving you alone outside the door. Pushing the big double door open, you step into the room. It was very much like the room Twilight had gotten, only more decorated with pictures and other objects that made the room more personal than the guest room. On the heavenly bed with see-through pink drapes sits the princess, still with her dress from earlier on. You want to say something but she comes before you. “You are wondering why your luggage was moved into this room, right?” You nod. “It was the best way to make sure you showed up with clothing on.” You blink, did she think you would run around the castle naked or something? “So now that I’m here, what do I need to do? Should I take my pants off first or-?” “That will not be necessary. You’ll be keeping them on for the entire night.” “Really? But then how do we…?” “Oh, that part is easy. I won’t have sex with you.” You blink in surprise. “O-okay?” You really didn’t expect this, she seemed very okay with it earlier that day but now she totally rejected the idea. “You look shocked, let me explain.” She pats the bed beside her and you take a seat next to her. “I know how much keeping the tradition means for sweet Twilight but being the Princess of Love I can’t stand the thought of being unfaithful to my beloved Shining. Even if he can.” “That is actually quite understandable Princess, I think you should stay true to him no matter what.” She giggles slightly. “Spoken like a true romantic." “But if you didn’t like the idea, why didn’t you turn it down?" Cadance sighs. “When I received the letter from Twilight, I was shocked. I knew she and I were close, but to be chosen for this, she had considered me one of her motherly figures. I was trusted and beloved to Twilight as Celestia herself, not to speak of her own mother, to test the man she would spend the rest of her life with. How could I refuse such a letter?” You could easily see how devastated Twilight would be if she had rejected her letter.“So is that it then?” “No, unfortunately I can’t just give you approval without testing you in some way, that just wouldn’t be fair.” There goes your small hope for an easy getaway. “Besides, Twilight would find out. There’s no way you would be able to keep it a secret from her. Nor should you keep such secrets from her. Twilight would be devastated if I didn’t go through with the test.” “Now you’re just confusing me. If I can’t take the test-“ “Oh, you are taking the test. You're just not sleeping with me.” “What? But isn’t that…” Cadance clears her throat for a moment. Then reaches her hand out as if to grab some invisible document and she closes her eyes and speaks. “Parental Femininity Conscientiousness Act sub rule 42m- 'The Matronhood Appraisal Act', requires the groom to perform an act to prove himself capable of the skills of satisfaction and procreation to a 'motherly' figure of the bride." She opens her eyes and faces you. “The rules say you have to prove your good at sex. But it doesn’t say you have to have sex to prove this. That is why I have decided I’ll test you in foreplay, that way we can get around having a type of sex without you having to stick your penis in me ...Sorry, that last part sounded so wrong.” “None taken. So you want to test my skills of teasing?” “Indeed. I’m sure Velvet skipped over such. She was never big in foreplay.” You blink . How did Cadance know about- you recall what Twilight had told you about the test back home. ‘It was called the 'Parental Femininity Conscientiousness Act'. You see, way back then, in order for a bride to prove herself worthy of being wed to the groom, she had to perform a series of tests for her soon-to-be father in law in order to be given consent to the marriage.’ Oh no. Cadance….You shake the mental thought out of your mind and try to concentrate on the task at hand. “How do you want me to start out?” you ask. “Good, you let the woman choose first, that’s very gentlemanly of you. As you probably have had some practice with earlier, I want to see how good of a kisser you are. I don’t see kissing or oral as being unfaithful since that’s considered okay between siblings.” ”Okay then,” you say and try not to think too deeply about what she just said. “So you just want me to kiss you and then… just go from there?” “Yes, try to let it be as natural and passionate as possible.” You take a deep breath to calm yourself. “Okay then.” You put your hands gently on her shoulder and put your lips to hers, tilting your head slightly to the left. You imagine it’s Twilight, her faint scent of licorice tickling your nose, her incredibly soft skin and her luscious long hair. However, Cadance was a more careful kisser than her and she had more of a strawberry odor which cracks your imagination and disturbs your kissing. "You're thinking of her right?" she asks as you break the kiss. "Don't do that, thinking of another whilst kissing will only distract you. Don't fool yourself by imagining her and instead think of the person you're kissing, okay?" "Oh. Okay, sorry." You feel embarrassed but try again nonetheless. You lean in and kiss her again, this time instead of imagining Twilight, you try to enjoy her taste and scent. It feels weird kissing someone else than Twilight this way, last time you'd kissed someone else it was a heat-of-the-moment thing but this was a more passionate setting. You give in to it as much as you can allow yourself and you start to push her back into the bed and she lets you do so. You attempt to deepen the kiss, pushing your tongue easily against her teeth which she agrees to by letting you enter. You find yourself enjoying this deep embrace with her, not as much as with Twilight of course but still pretty pleasurable. Her taste isn’t a distraction any more as you don’t expect it to be Twilight but instead inviting and teasing you to continue. "Okay,I gotta admit," she says as you take a breather with the kissing. "You have been very well trained with kissing at least. Now, I want you to proceed to tease me but any wrong move and I'll stop you. Got it?" She has a undertone of strict authority as she speaks to you. "Yes, I've got it." You start to feel the same nervousness you had with Twi's parents. “Good, I'll guide you a little at first just to help you along. Now then, you need to begin to eager me, try making me want this as much as you do but don’t be too forward. You think you can do that?" "Of course, at least I will give it my best shot." You start by placing gentle kisses along her neck with one hand on her arm, stroking it slowly. She seems pleased about your approach since she hums pleased into your ear. After a while you let your other hand drift lower down and you temptingly touch her leg. She doesn't give you any signal to stop so you gently try to tickle her but she puts her hand on yours and makes you hold around her leg. "You need to be a bit more forward, you won't get anywhere with just barely brushing a woman's leg. With moving further up the leg on the other hand, that might need to be taken slowly." You do as she says and stroke her smooth, bare leg, inching a bit more up each time as you go back to kissing her. You feel yourself reaching her thigh and soon her hips but stop a second as you find a thin string instead of the anticipated silk fabric. Realizing she's wearing a thong instead of panties, you wonder if she might have planned it, maybe to see your reaction. Her breath quickens as you start to ease the strings off her hips and down her legs. You control the urge to penetrate her with your fingers just yet and instead feel her stomach just above her groin. It's now easy to tell that she's excited so you lower your hand so the bottom of your palm meets her clitoris. She hicks slightly in surprise but doesn’t to push you away, meaning your risky game works. You begin to move your hand in circles, rubbing the sensitive spot when Cadence's horn lights up with a pink glow. She doesn't seem to register it herself which was impossible since you need to consciously think of the spell to use magic. You suddenly notice that her magic is grabbing your shirt and before you know it, your shirt is ripped open, sending the buttons everywhere. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry," Cadence gasps. "I knew I had forgotten- sweet Celestia, what happened to your chest?" "I... I got a bit of a rough treatment by Velvet," you sigh. "Then why haven’t you healed them? Or Twilight for that matter? What are you actually thinking by not getting these treated?" "I don't know any healing spells for muscles and I didn't want to give Twilight another thing to worry about. She has enough with the wedding plans and I thought it would at least look better than this for the next part but it didn’t." There was a moment of silence. "You idiot." You look at her. "Excuse me?" "You're an idiot." She pricks you in the chest to mark the point. "How can you be so selfish?" You are totally lost on her and the reawoken pain didn't help anything. "I-I don't..." "When you're so close as you and Twilight is, you're suppose to share everything with each other. Sadness, joy and pain, that's what couples do, talk about their feelings. You think she is better off not knowing you've been suffering because of her?" "No, of course not! It's just that it seemed like a meaningless thing to add on top of the wedding planning. Trust me when I say I regret not telling her since it has been nothing painful for me in more than one way." She looks at you for a while. "I understand, you saw it as a personal problem that would fix itself. At least you see the mistake of not telling her." Another pause from both of you before she claps her hands together as she decides on something. "Tell you what, I add a little to the test and I'll help you with those marks and the secret about them will just be between you and me. Deal?" You shake your head. "No, it would be wrong to hold it a secret. I can agree to your term if you help me heal but Twilight needs to know." "Smart choice," Cadance nicks. "Do you want me to tell her?" "No, I can do that myself. It was my mistake to her so I should own up to it myself." She puts her hands on your shoulders. "That's what I want to hear. I can tell you're gonna be a great husband to her if this continues. Let me just get the extra thing for the test and I will fix you right up." She scoots out of bed and heads for a dresser. "Please turn, I want it to be a surprise." You can't say you like the thought of a surprise like this but it couldn't be worse than the marks so you do as she says. "So what happened with your magic just now? It didn’t seem like you did it on purpose." "No, I didn’t. Being the element of love means my magic gets more powerful with the influence of love. Even passion can strengthen my magic, though its not nearly as powerful as true love. It was with this power I and Shining Armor were able to repel the changeling horde. However it can get too much and with my mind lost in the moment, the magic builds up and starts to acts on it's own. Luckily I have something to keep it under a lid, I just forgot it for a moment." You hear her pull up a zipper. "Okay, you can turn around now." You turn and your jaw drops. Cadence had changed into a somewhat tight, pink nurse uniform complete with white stockings and a small nurse headwear. You notice a light purple ring around the base of her horn as well, probably the security for the loose magic. She giggles at your expression and comes back to the bed. "It's just that I have this little thing for cosplaying after Shining wanted to experiment. Do you think it suits me?" "Very," you manage to say. "A little bit too small but I guess it's suppose to be like that." She sits down across your legs facing you. "Correct. Now lay on your back and I will ease the pain." You lay back as she places her hands on your chest. Her horn lights up again and you can feel her hands becoming warmer, a warmth which spreads through your whole body which puts your tense body to a rest. Looking down you see the scars closing beneath her fingers and the burning cooling down. The magical glow fades and she removes her hands and you see every trace of the incident is gone. "Feeling better?" "Better than ever," you say amazed. "Thank you so much." You try to sit up again but she pushes you down. "Sorry but not everything comes for free. You have to repay the favor, remember?" You see her smile slyly and you get what she wants. "With pleasure." You grab hold of her legs and turn to the left, making her fall with a yelp on the bed and you now on top. You lean down and kiss her as passionately as you can with your hands on the lining to her stockings. As your kisses starts to go down her neck again and further down her chest, you smoothly let your hands go back to their positions before you got disturbed. But you reconsider it and instead put your hands on her waist, going for what you think will be a more acceptable approach. As you go back to kissing Cadence deeply, you slide from her lower body and up to the sides of her chest. She gives you approval with a deepened moan and you cup her breasts. They feel very round and soft in your hands, smaller than Velvet’s but you find it easier with Cadance’s C-cups. Squeezing them gently, Cadence hums loudly into your mouth, you clearly found a sensitive spot. "Wow," Cadence says a bit breathtaken after the kissing. "I got to say you're making a fast recovery. I must be a better nurse than I thought." "The best nurse there is, but you seem to be a bit too hot, you better stay in bed." You don’t know why you said that, it sounded stupider than the brief second it passed through your head. Cadance giggles. "A compliment and a joke, that’s good. It's important to give compliments but it also depends on the situation. Now, what's your next step with me?" "I would loosen that outfit of yours to counter that rising fever you seem to have." She smiles seductively. "Alright then 'Doctor', would you be so kind?" She struts her chest so it sits even tighter to the point you think the button will pop off. You manage to unbutton it, revealing a thin, pink bra. Her nether region had been barely covered with the length of the dress but now that it was gone, it was open for all to see, and with all you mean yourself and her. There is a hint of sweetness in the air, the scent of female excitement but you choose to further tease her breasts. This was a test to see your foreplay skills so playing around a bit more could only help. As you grab her tits you start to roll her perky nipples with your thumbs through the bra, making her shiver slightly in pleasure. Her horn starts to glow again and for a second you think its going wild again but since she had the ring it couldn't be. She puts her hands on yours and you feel as a boost of energy surges up your arms and filling some your body. "Consider it a 'good job' reward," Cadance smiles. "You look a bit worn out so I will give you a little for each time I think you deserve it." "Then I better be on my best behavior." You start going a bit rougher on her, pinching her nipples and little and squeezing her soft breasts. She moans in pleasure from your slightly rougher treatment and bite down on her knuckle as you continue to massage her chest. You feel you kinda start to overplay the breast play so you begin making your way lower down while planting kisses down her stomach. You reach her waist and discover first now she has shaved herself so it looks like a heart, a cute touch. She is dripping wet, her outer lips glistening with her pre-juices and wet spots on the bed show she's been pretty excited for a while. Letting your tongue travel from the bottom to the top of her opening, she quivers with anticipation by you merely brushing over her pussy lips. The sweet strawberry smell is intoxicating so close and kind of makes you interested if she tastes as strong as the smell. You use your thumbs to spread her lips a bit more before sticking your tongue a bit further in. A gasp escapes the princess as you stick your tongue into her royal chambers and begin lapping on her repeatedly. It doesn't taste as strong as you first thought, it had more of a mild taste but it didn’t stop you from enjoying it nonetheless. You roll your tongue around her little nub, making her moan loudly and tugging the sheet hard. Being busy teasing her clit, you barely notice her putting a hand on your head, sending another wave of energy into your body. As a way to repay her, you drill further into her which makes her throw her head back and groan in ecstasy. Even after giving you a boost of energy she still holds your head, tugging your hair a little as you continue to eat her out. You bury your tongue deep inside her as her breathing becomes short, high pitch gasps. You feel her walls starts to twitch and you know what's coming but you keep on driving your tongue around in her. "Oh goddess, you have a good technique. It-it's too much for me, I'm gonna come, AAAH!!" Her back shoots up in a sharp arch as she screams at the top of her lungs. Her hand tenses up, forcing your face into her crotch with surprising strength as she spasms. Her legs clamp around your head and you can’t do much other than drink her squirting juices which you gladly do. “You have a very divine taste Princess," you say as she calms down from her climax. "Please," she pants. "Just say Cadance. Now then, shall we move on to the next part?" "What, you intend to keep going?" "Why of course," she says. "It wouldn't be much of a test if it was just one thing. Please sit against the end of the bed." You get off her and go to the top of the bed, resting your back against the wooden board. Still, even getting those surges of energy, you were breathing heavier than usual. It was mostly because the lack of oxygen just a minute ago but also a bit of tiredness. Cadance starts crawling on all four over to you in a very sexy, or predator-like, way before placing herself on your lap again. "You poor thing," she says, now back in character of the sexy nurse. "You really don't look to well and you're burning up." She puts the back of her hand to your forehead. "I hope you didn't catch that from me. Let me try to kiss it better." She starts tongue wrestling with you again and you put up as best you can but your full focus isn't quite there. Of course, you had become more than aroused by teasing her earlier and with the lack of pain to stop you, your erection is starting to ache with sexual tension. Yet, you push the thought back, embracing the kissing fully. As you let your tongue dance in and out of your and her mouths, you let your hands stroke her back, slowly getting further down until you get to her round, well-formed butt. You squeeze it slightly and she moans approvingly. She moves closer to you, pressing her bare chest against yours as she puts her arms around your shoulders. Breaking off, a string of saliva hangs between you and she giggles embarrassed. “You really have a trained tongue, in more than one way. It seems kissing it better only made your fever worse so why not see if these can help.” She straightens up so that her chest is right in your face, putting her hands on her collarbone and sliding them down her curves till her stomach. “We can’t leave anything untried to help you get healed.” “I’m willing to try anything Nurse Cadance.” You grab her boobs. “For better health.” You carefully pinch her two perky, pink nipples and roll them between your thumb and index finger. She had made it clear she wanted to use your mouth but a test on your hand capability as well and she seems pleased with it either way. You pull ever so slightly at her breasts and she goes up an octave in her pleasurable sounds. Her bust feels soft and tender in your hands as you massage them, making her bite her lower lip. After a while you think you've shown her enough with your hands so you lean forward and start sucking on her left teat. You roll your tongue around her little top, tasting her sensitive skin. She gasps in surprise and excitement by your sudden assault on her weak point and clutches your shoulders for a second before relaxing again. She tastes somewhat salty due to the sweat from the earlier excitement. You keep your hand on her right side, continuing to messag and pinch it. You begin to nibble slightly on her breast, carefully biting her stiff nipple. Cadance seems to be totally on board with it as she screams ecstatically and in endless pleasure. With your right hand, you move it to her waist and further down between her legs. Her moist pussy lips feel smooth on your fingers and they get coated with her pre-juices pretty quickly. Wasting no time, you slip a finger inside her, setting off another loud cry of surprised joy. "I think this is a bit unfair, you have an advantage over me. Here, let me even the odds." Before you know it, Cadance grabs your horn firmly. A unicorn's horn is always a very sensitive part of the body much like wings are for a pegasi, alicorns are a bit more debatable since they have both. You were never really the person to jerk off with your horn, it just didn't feel quite right to you but now, having someone else touch it was different. Feeling her slender fingers grip around it and stroking it sent waves of pleasure directly into your head, making your already painfully stiff member twitch. You counter her by adding one more finger into her womanhood and starting to pull them in and out. The speed isn't great but it does the trick on her as she cries out. For some reason you feel her sending a third bolt of power through your horn and you now feel like you could take the night with Velvet five times over. You're not sure why she did it but it helps you hold on a little longer. You bite a little harder on her breast while pinching the other a bit more. Your fingers speed up as they plunge in and out of her. Her voice reaches new heights at this sudden attack but she keeps holding on to your horn. Her inner walls start retracting around your fingers and she pulls you suddenly against her body. "Dammit, you're so fucking good at this," she pants into your ear. "Not even Shiny has managed to make me come twice with his hands. Oh goddess, I'm gonna- AAAAH!" Your fingers get squeezed together inside her tunnel as they get soaked with a flow of her fluids. Her arms press you even closer to her and push your face into her bust as she screams, having climaxed for a second time that night. She seems to clutch you closely for what feels like minutes before she goes limp and falls onto the bed, heaving for breath. Your breath is quite rapid too from the power strain and for holding your breath but you don't feel much tired. "That was really... something," Cadance finally says. "I will say you're quite capable of being a good lover for Twilight." "Does that mean I passed?" It was pretty clear but you needed to be quite sure. She sits up and notices your pants. "Oh, is that a side effect of my treatment?" It was pretty difficult to hide the raging boner of yours. “It’s okay, it’s just a minor thing I can deal with myself.” “No, no, no, no. You have pleased me two times already and the least I can do is relieve you from what I’ve caused you. See this as the last part of the test.” “A-are you sure? I mean, you don’t have to-” She puts a finger to your lips to shush you. “I’m sure, now be quiet while I please you.” She lets her finger drop and trails it down your healed chest to your pants, gripping the zipper and slowly pulling it down until your member pops out from its prison. She giggles slightly and you’re not sure if you should be offended or just take it on the chin. A smile plays on her lips before she puts her hand around your length and begins to jerk you off. Starting slowly but building up speed, the princess leans down and licks the tip. The tension buildup almost makes you finish right there but you manage to keep it controlled, for now. You must have let it show how much it pleased you since she smiles deviously before putting the head in her mouth. Letting her tongue roll over the sensitive tip of your dick, you sense the immense pleasure hitting you. You can't help but groan deeply by this which only eagers her more. She starts bobbing her head slightly as she keeps her hand stroking you, driving you closer and closer to the edge. However, you are determined to see this through to the end and fight the urge to just let it go. She takes in more of your length and you feel her tongue run down the backside of it. The blowjob feels incredible after having it pain you under the whole test. The warmth and wetness of her mouth was absolutely wonderful and she just seemed to keep getting better for each bob. You start to thrust against her to help her with the job as she takes your whole cock. Having no room to use her hand, she instead use it to play with your balls. She treats them gently, yet in such a way that you can't hold back anymore. "Cadance," you grunt but she doesn't slow down. "I-I can’t hold it-" "In my mouth," she says, taking your dick out and using her other hand to keep going. "I don't want to ruin the blankets." You let loose the pent up pressure and aim for Cadance's open mouth. Streams of white, sticky cum shoots out, most of it hitting the target but a few going a bit off course and landing on her face. The bliss following your release makes the world around you spin and you fall back, out of breath for a third time, dizzy but not as tired as you should be. Your burning member feels almost detached with your elevated pulse pumping through it as you empty your last drops. Barely feeling it, Cadance sucks the last which didn't leave your cock and you hear her swallow it. "That should take care of any illnesses between us and your side effect for a while. I hope I've been a good nurse." "Better than best," you say as you get up in a sitting position. "So, how did I do?" Cadance taps herself thoughtfully on the chin. "Well I've got to say you're quite on par with Shining. You have a few things which were at a bit lower standards than what I am used to but you're still young to sex. You did have slightly better hand techniques but he's more pleasing in the act, which we won't test. You have a nice length on your tool, you held out well considering you teased me for so long and you gave quite the load seeing how I only replenished your strength and not your sperm amount." "Okay..." You sit in anticipation; you thought you did pretty well despite the start. "I'll have to say... you pass. With flying colors." "Ooh, thank you. Thank you so much." A wave of relief goes over you and the last tense knots loosen. You didn't even realize you were tense. "You're quite welcome, you have proven yourself worthy and I bet, no, I know you will make Twilight happy." "Trust me, I will do my very best each and every day to make her the happiest woman in the world." You hear how ambitious it sounds out loud but it's something you really intend on. "I bet you will. Now, you might want to go back to her for the rest of the night. I will take my rest soon too so I will bid you good night." She bows a little and you bow back but you think of something you want to ask before leaving. "Ehm, before I do so, may I ask you for a favor?" "It depends," she says and crosses her arms. "What kind of favor?" "I was wondering if you would mind teaching me the spell you used on me, the rejuvenation spell." "Well I did plan to give it to you if it comes to a wedding but I guess a bit of practice with the spell before hand won't hurt. Okay then, follow my lead." You start practicing the spell which turns out to be more complicated than you thought it to be. What it really did was convert your magical energy over to physical energy. It took a couple of tries before you managed it once in a very small amount but you were determined to get it right at least two times. As you practice you talk a little back and forth until you just have to ask. "So how was the Mother test for you? I mean, we both dealt with them." "Oh, well mine was pretty different from yours. I do think mine also have had an effect on yours." You blink co confused. "Really? In what way?" "I don’t know if I should tell it, it’s a bit embarrassing… okay fine, just remember I did it to be able to be with the person I love just as you and don’t tell anyone, okay?” Wow, this had to be quite the story. “I promise, my lips are sealed.” She looks around as if she expects someone to suddenly have appeared in the room. “Okay, so I had mine right after a class, I was in my finishing year of college but I knew Shining was the one for me…” End of Chapter 3 > Chapter 4: The Princess of Love - part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----  Chapter 4: Testing the Princess  ----- Warning, this chapter contains: 3rd POV, toys, mind break, blowjob, some bondage Cadance was sitting in the kitchen of her fiancé's parents, Night Light and Velvet Sparkle. She had been there a hundred times before but today she was there for more than just visiting. She had gone straight from school and met up here, still in her school uniform which was a black blouse, a short white tie and a brown skirt. Shining was still at school, having football training whilst Twilight was with her grandparents. The windows that usually showed out into the garden was covered with curtains, making the room feel smaller than normal. Velvet hadn't gotten home yet but the test just needed the fatherly figure of the groom, unless the groom didn't have one in which case it would be the groom proving himself to the bride's motherly figure but that wasn't the case now. Night Light was standing in front of her, seeming a bit nervous but also excited over the fact that his son had found a girl. "Look here Cadance," he finally said. "I hope I don't seem like a creep, I'm only following tradition and I want what's best for my boy, alicorn or not." "Believe me Night Light, we are both after the same thing. I love Shining with all my heart which is why I'm here today." "Yeah, right, I just need you to know what you're getting yourself into here." Cadance smiles warmly to him. "I am fully aware of it. You have to inspect me to see if I truly am fit to be his wife." "Quite right. Personally, I just see this as a bit more thorough inspection of you than what I already know and just between you and me, I think you are the perfect girl for him." "Thank you Night," she sighs, relieved. "I have been pretty nervous about what you and Velvet thought of me and Shining but to know you think we are a fitting couple really helps." Night smiles and pats her on the shoulder. "Okay then, stand up and strip please." She stood up and started unbuttoning her blouse while Night was looking a bit away to give her some privacy. Taking off her tie and skirt, she put it all neatly over the chair before coughing to say she was ready. He turned around and got an interested look seeing the young girl in only a bra and panties. She took the blue ribbon out of her hair and let the ponytail fall free as it would only bother her. With that, Night started inspecting her body and started with her arms, running his hands up and down before looking at her hand. "Hmm, you have very smooth and healthy skin. Your hands are well kept, giving me the impression you are a very clean person but your fingers tells me you tend to do some work. I would say that's a good thing to have a woman that can work and be able to take a lift now and then." "Thanks," Cadance said a bit surprised. "How can you see that?" "Your nails, they're not much longer than your finger plus the fingertip is pretty flat. Someone who's never worked would have more of a bump, again, not a bad thing." He's about to move on but hesitates a little before cupping her breasts. Cadance looked off to the side, getting a little red both from embarrassment and a bit of pleasure. Night did a thorough check on her bust, lifting them, squeezing them lightly, pressing them together and even telling her to jump a bit. He also felt down her waist to her hips and checked her stomach. The whole thing started to get Cadance aroused and she felt the blood rushing to her head. Night must have noticed her over-excitement as he seemed a bit embarrassed. "Well I have to say you have very wonderful breasts," he said, standing up from having kneeled down. "Quite soft and a bit above normal size, no sign of enhancement spells and perfectly aligned." 'Your son could have told you that, he has gotten a good feeling of them,' she thought to herself. "You also have a nice curve to your waist, not unnaturally thin which I see in others these days, very nice." He goes around her to her back and starts feeling her shoulders and back. It almost feels like a massage to Cadance and she relaxes a bit more. Night moves further down her back and looks at her wings, having her spread them out to see their span and feathers. He checks them carefully from tip to root before continuing lower until he comes to her butt. He gives it much of the same treatment he did to her boobs before seeming satisfied. Continuing down, he strokes her thighs and down her legs and once again Cadance couldn't help but feel slightly aroused. Finishing up he feels her ankles and toes before standing up. "Before I say anything I just want to say I'm sorry if this makes you feel uncomfortable." "Well, it's a little embarrassing but it's fine," Cadance says. "At least you don't demand me to have sex with you to test me." She plays with a lock of her hair nervously, at least she had been doing well so far. "Oh I would never," he says. "I don't want to ruin you with something like that. It would also be wrong towards Velvet so just rest assured that won't take place. Anyway, you have a pretty strong back as of that of a pegasus due to your wings, your wingspan is normal if a bit long but that's because you're an alicorn. Your butt however is a bit small but it could be that you don't eat much or any fat food types." "That's right, I never really got the taste for sweets except chocolate which I barely have any of. I focus a bit more on my figure you see, training every now and then when I get the time." Night pats her on the shoulder. "Well then I can tell you that it's okay to maybe enjoy yourself a bit more than you do. Health and right food is all well but you might let yourself loosen up a bit." She smiles. "Okay, only a little though." "We're almost finished now, I just have one more thing to check." He holds her head and tilts it from side to side but keeps eye contact with her. He stares deeply into her eyes and she gets the feeling he's trying to look right into her soul. Then he smiles. "I see you truly love him with all your heart. You have such a determined and loving look in your eye. Shining is lucky to have such a wonderful girlfriend." As they sit there, they hear someone unlocking the door and coming in. "Hello! Night, are you home?" Velvet yells. "In here sweetie," he respond and Velvet comes out on the kitchen. "Oh, excuse me. Am I interrupting the Mother Test?" Velvet was wearing a very elegant yet easy white dress. "No, not at all. I was just wrapping it up." Velvet looks confused at him. "What, already? Well I want to have a bit of say in our son's future wife. Did you check her thoroughly?" "Of course sweetie, I even checked under her nails." Velvet hesitant to what she was about to say. "Okay well I'm pretty sure you didn't check one thing. What about her vagina?" There is a pressing silence from Velvet’s question before Night answers. “Velvet, you’re not seriously suggesting I sleep with my son’s future wife, are you?” “Of course not sweetheart, we’re not living in the medieval ages. I would never suggest anything that might ruin her, we have modern devices that can help us with these things.” She used her magic and with a flash she teleported a short, pink dildo into her hand. Both Cadance and Night looked shocked at her, Cadance never thought they were the kind of people to use such things. "Look, Cadance," Velvet continued. "I know you probably don't want to do something like this but the tradition clearly says you have to prove pleasing to the parents of the groom. Night might be pleased by your physical appearance but I as a fellow woman know there is more than just what you look like. Now, as I see it, this is a choice; you can either say no to this part of the test and I will agree with Night and give you our blessing. This will end in me having to come on unexpected visits to you and ask embarrassing questions about your sex life. I will also make clear hints towards the wish of grandchildren by the dinner table. The other choice is that you take a bit embarrassment now with some lewd toys and that will be that. Your choice dear."  That's more of an ultimatum than a choice, she thought, making her decision with a dim sigh. "I understand Velvet. I see your concern, and to show that I will be capable to be a good lover to him, I'll gladly do it." She had hoped to skip this embarrassing part but it was a part of the test. "Thank you Cadance," Velvet smiled. "I knew you would make the right choice. Would you mind taking off your remaining clothing?" With a bit of resistance, Cadance reached around her back and unbuckled her bra. Letting it drop to the floor, she revealed her round bosom to the married couple. She went on to taking off her panties and letting them fall too. She felt embarrassed, standing there completely exposed with no clothes but Cadance found comfort in that it was something almost everyone did at some point, at least in Equestria. Velvet came forth, now having a small bottle of something as well, and scanning her from head to toe. "You have a wonderful body dear," she smiles. "You remind me a bit of myself when I was younger." "Thank you," Cadance says, returning the smile. "I bet you were quite the looker back then. Not that you're not a pretty woman now," she quickly added. "That's alright Cadance," she laughs. "Back in my day I had all the guys after me… ah, but this isn't about me, it's about you. Now please sit down on the floor, it will make it easier to do the test." A bit nervous, she did as she asked, kneeling on the floor as Velvet emptied some thick, clear liquid over the pink tool. She smeared it along the length of it until it was glistening with lube, since that’s what it was. Velvet kneeled down in front of her, holding the blunt object in front of Cadance with her magic. “You’re ready sweetie?” She nods.  "Yeah, just be gentle.” “Of course I will. I’m only going to test you, not break you.” Velvet lowered the dildo further down and Cadance spread her legs, a little doubting, for her to start testing her. The toy pressed against her outer lips, the slick oil quickly coating her folds. It was surprisingly cold and made Cadance squeal as it touched her nether region. The tip of it dug a bit deeper into her sex and rubbed up and down her slit. Just this slight tease was enough to arouse the alicorn and she bit her lower lip as the toy started going deeper. The dildo began moving faster up and down and was now meeting her clitoris as it went up. Cadance could feel herself starting to breathe faster and felt a tingling in her forehead. She barely noticed the feeling of her horn preparing to use magic but Cadance quickly stopped it. Her magic was always acting up like that when she was passionate; it had caused more than a few embarrassing moments when she was kissing Shining. She was brought out of her trail of thoughts as she felt the dildo going further in and started to rotate instead. It was halfway buried in her pussy now and there was more than just the lube that was dripping onto the floor. Cadance's breathing had become moans and she couldn't help but get the feeling of pleasure that flowed throughout her body. Her nipples were stiff and her wings were half spread due to the rotating tool inside her. Cadance noticed Velvet had gotten a burning red on her face before she started to take off her dress until she sat there in just her underwear. "It just got pretty warm all of a sudden," Velvet excused herself. "Besides, it didn't seem fair that you were the only one without clothes." "That's, hmm, very kind of you," Cadance said as the toy went a little deeper. There was still two inches plus the black bottom of the dildo visible. "I d-don't think it's safe to to go any deeper." "I don't intend to sweetie but I think it's time for the real test." "Real test?" Cadance asked a bit worried. "You mean you haven't started?" "Just a little, the insertion was okay but now it's time to activate the vibrator." As she said that, her magic turned the bottom of the dildo. Cadance had never used anything else than her fingers before; the thought of her parents finding something like that wasn't very tempting so when Velvet turned it on, it felt like her pussy suddenly caught on fire. She yelped in surprise from the explosion of pleasure in her crotch and the tingling in her horn almost became uncontrollable. The ecstasy suged through her body and made her feel weak, making her have to support herself by leaning back on one hand. Her breathing had reached panting now and she barely managed to keep her loose magic in check as a hungry lust started building inside her. Some glimpses of magic escaped her, making the chairs move a bit but nothing more. The vibrating toy was going in and out now, sinking in deeply before pulling out again, going slightly faster with each thrust. Her wings was starting to get fuzzy due to the situation and she would have to fix them afterwards. Velvet had gotten invested in it as well with one hand in her panties, clearly rubbing herself. She was in a similar position to Cadance with one arm behind her, almost as if she was posing. She was biting her lower lip as she slipped two fingers in and out of her increasingly wet hole and hummed, pleased. Cadance couldn't deny it turned her on a little to see the woman pleasuring herself on her behalf, but she wasn't about to start a make out battle with her. After a while Velvet turned the pleasure tool off and carefully removed it; Cadance was almost sad she didn't let her get to finish. "Well, I would say that was very good, wouldn't you Night?" Velvet said, looking back at her husband who stood a bit off to the side. "Yes *ahem* very good," he said with a red look on his face. "I take it you are done now?" "Oh no dearie, we need to test her behind too." There was another moment of silence. "Night, we don’t know if our son prefers to do it from the front or the back best and as such we need to test that option as well." Night sighed. "I guess you have a point... so how are you going to test that then?" "With this." Velvet used her teleportation magic again and suddenly she had another dildo, this one more lifelike and bigger. Night Light looked just as starstruck as earlier. "Don't act like you didn't know we had these, you've been using them on me every-" "Please Velvet, not in front of the guest," he hissed embarrassed. Velvet smiled. "You're so cute when you're flustered. Now, Cadance, I know this might be a bit embarrassing, not that what you just did wasn't, but I need you to be on all fours." "Ehm, okay." She did as Velvet said and got on her knees and hands. 'I wonder if Shiny actually would prefer my butt over my vagina,' she thought to herself. “Now try to relax, tense muscles will only make it hurt, even with lube." She put more of the transparent lube on the new toy until it was glistening with it. Velvet brought the lubed toy around to Cadance's ass, letting it rest in the crevasse of her cheeks for a second. The cold wetness made her shiver slightly as the rubbery dick began rubbing its length in between her cheeks. It felt bigger than it looked and she started to get a bit worried as she felt the tip start to press against her anus. It seemed Velvet had grown tired of the teasing since she seemed to put more pressure until the dildo suddenly popped in. Cadance shuddered as the first inches of the tool plunged into her rear, sending a wave of surprised pleasure through her. It was weird, feeling something enter her rectum like that but it felt good at the same time. She couldn't help but tense up, clenching the bit of the rubber shaft that had penetrated her. The surge of uncontrollable magic came back, making her have to focus on holding it under control but it wasn't as easy this time around. Velvet had decided to test her ass a bit harder than her pussy, the virginity only counted for the front anyway. With a bit of force she sank the toy further into the alicorn's ass, making her whimper and shudder more as she tried not to scream and not let the magic run free with her. There was something with Cadance’s expression that really turned Velvet on, the look of trying to fight the lust and remaining sane. She started to pull the sex toy out until only the head was in before inserting it again, repeating and increasing in a steady rhythm. Velvet couldn't help but to start fingering herself again as she let the fake dick pump in and out of the young girl's asshole. Cadance's ass felt like it was going tear in half, the relentless hits from the toy were making it hard to think with the mixture of slight pain and pleasure. She came with short moans each time it struck, almost going all the way in before almost leaving her. Her arms had grown weak and collapsed, resulting in her leaning on one elbow as the rubber tool hammered down on her. Her wings were fully spread and were quivering as they tried to stretch past their limits. Saliva ran down the side of her mouth; she was fighting a mental battle which she was clearly losing. "You're enjoying this, aren't you Cadance?" Velvet said, her fingers still stimulating her own sex. "It's completely normal dear, we all have needs sometimes." Cadance knew she either had to give up her concentration or give in to the bliss which would end the test. She gave up holding her magic back anymore and let it flow, relieving her from the pressure in her forehead. The loose magic didn't really do as much as she'd thought it would, merely tipping over the chairs, rattling the drawers and pulling Night's pants down. The release of magical energy took Velvet by surprise and made her stop what she was doing, both with the toy and her hand. "I-I'm sorry," Cadance gasped, still feeling somewhat unfulfilled and at the brink of climax which was fading away. "My magic acts up whenever I get really aroused, I really try to control it but sometimes-" "It's okay sweetie," Velvet said, taking her hand out of her panties. "No damage done, the only problem is, will this become a problem when you are together with my son? I can't imagine what could happen if you were in the middle of something and your magic suddenly did something more dangerous than just now." A flood of terror came over Cadance - her loose magic could cost her her happiness. "Velvet, no need to be so dramatic," Night said. "I'll admit, uncontrolled magic can be dangerous but as you said yourself sweetie, we're not living in the medieval ages anymore. There are some who can't control their magic during sex which is why there are rings to put around the horn to prevent such things; don't let this count against her." Cadance wanted to jump up and kiss him if she wasn't naked. "Hmm... you're right dear," Velvet agreed. "Something like that shouldn't go against her." She was about to tell her husband to pull his pants back up when she noticed he was fully erect and spawned an idea in her head. "Say, I think we will give you a final test and this time we'll try with the real deal." "I told you Velvet, I won't ruin her just for the sake of testing, I thought we agreed on that." "Of course dear, I was just thinking you could see if she could give a good blowjob. It's difficult to judge something like that with a toy." Night Light tought about. "Okay then, if you're okay with that Cadance." She nodded, her sexual urge at the moment was too much and she needed some relief. "Alright." He switched place with Velvet who leaned against the wall to watch. He pulled down his boxers and revealed his manhood, standing hard as a rock. Cadance took a moment to prepare herself, she took a deep breath before quickly grabbing the base of his cock and putting her lips to the head. She tried to ignore the manly smell but there was something with it that made her crave more, a very similar scent to Shining's, only a bit weaker. She started on her task by putting the head in her mouth, rolling her tongue around it and coating it with her saliva. Night moaned, pleased - Velvet wasn't big on blowjobs and tended to want to get straight to it, which it had been less often lately. Cadance began going further down his shaft, sucking and rolling her tongue around him as she started to bob her head. Velvet was back to pleasuring herself as she saw Cadance giving Night a deep blowjob. Night Light was simply amazed with her skills; her use of her mouth was so incredible he almost thought she had been practicing. "Okay Cadance, that's enough. There is no doubt in my mind that you will be a wonderful wife to Shining." Cadance stopped, somewhat unwillingly, and took his still stiff member out of her mouth. Velvet looked disappointed too. "If that is your final word then all we need to is give you two our blessing. Still," a teasing grin appeared on Velvet's lips. "It would be cruel to stop now." "What do you mean?" "You've gotten her in the mood dearie, it wouldn't be right to just tease her and leave without finishing." Velvet was right, Cadance felt the lust riving through her and a desperate wish to end this burning feeling. She openly admitted she was horny and she wanted to do almost anything to satisfy her needs. Night looked at her and she looked at him with begging eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this? You've already passed the test." Cadance nodded. "Please Night, I need this." He sighed. "Okay then, let's do this." Lustfully, Cadance started working Night's shaft again, engulfing half of it in her mouth as she hummed, pleased. She ran her tongue along the backside of his dick, licking around the head and sucking as if she were trying to get the last drops of juice out of a juice carton. Night was gritting his teeth in the immense pleasure he got from her as he thrusted a little to help her. Velvet enjoyed watching her husband getting a blowjob from their future daughter-in-law as she played with her breasts and clit. She could tell Night was enjoying it too but she knew Cadance would need more than a blowjob so she picked up the toys with her magic and levitated them in front of her other holes. Cadance's eyes widened as she suddenly got pushed forward by the toys from earlier entering her holes again but she didn't stop working her mouth around Night's cock. The vibrator came to life and started to move in and out of her drenched pussy as the bigger toy started the steady thrusting it had done before, making Cadance cry out in pleasure, muffled by the real cock she was sucking. Night was grunting heavily as the vibration from her mouth sent shivers of pleasure up his spine, on top of her vigorous tongue giving him even more ecstasy rushing through him. He put his hands on her head for support and to give his thrusts more momentum. Cadance had trouble concentrating on one consistent thought, her mind was overrun with blissful feelings and sexual pleasure. The constant pounding of her ass and the vibrations in her cunt were enough to make her silly and she couldn't wait to try this out with Shining. The idea of doing this with her beloved eagered her even more as she grabbed Night around the waist. She had been played around and denied completion three times already and she wouldn't let there be a fourth. She had reached the point of deepthroating now and each bob ended with Night's dick down her throat, making her gurgle slightly. Cadance's unchained magic, now having much less resistant than before, started acting up again but not in the same way as before. Some of it got sent to Night Light, giving him the feeling of being re-energized. The rest of the runaway magic went into a thick extension cord Night had used earlier that day. The cable came alive and as a snake, it jumped up onto Velvet. She didn't get time to scream before the cable snake coiled itself around her mouth, leaving the nose her only breathing option. Soundless, at least beyond Cadance and Night's hearing, the animated cord pulled Velvet against the wall. While the end with the socket was around her mouth, the other end  began tying up the unicorn's body, going into her panties, around her arms and putting itself around her breasts to easily remove it and expose her perky nipples. Velvet struggled against its grip but the more she fought, the tighter it got around her. She gasped in surprise when she felt how tight the cord grinded against her crotch and realized she actually enjoyed the feeling of powerlessness. Her magic had gone on auto-pilot but now that Velvet felt herself getting closer to climax, the thrusts from the toys becoming sharper. Cadance couldn't control herself anymore, the dildos were driving her insane and the powerful thrusts from Night told her that he was getting close as well. She was sure if she looked over at Velvet she would be moaning on the floor but her eyes had rolled up in her head as she finally couldn't take it anymore. Her leg spasmed as a flood of juices came out, her inner walls clenching both sex toys and trying to get imaginary cum out of them. Night gave in as well with a deep grunt as he pushed his whole length down her throat and released streams of white fluids. He bucked uncontrollably until he was finished before letting go of her. Cadance fell onto her side, completely exhausted and out of magic and with the toys still inside her. Night removed them with his magic and  picked up her clothes as he took her in his arms and carried her out into the living room to put her on the couch. "You did amazing Cadance," he said as he brought a blanket over and put a pillow under her head. "Shining is a very lucky guy to have you. Sleep well little princess." Night noted that he didn't feel as tired as he should, he still felt like he had lots of energy left. Had Cadance used some sort of rejuvenation spell on him? Going back into the kitchen, he started picking up his pants and boxers when he saw his wife bound by an electrical cord. "Velvet, are you okay? Here, let me help you down." "No, don't," she said quickly. She looked down to discover her husband was still rock hard and looked back up at him. "Night, listen carefully. I want you to carry me to the bedroom and fuck me senseless. I am so horny from these cables and I want you to fuck me like this." Night looked at her shocked. "Yes ma'am." He took her down with surprising ease and started carrying his tied up wife to the bedroom. " Where did this sudden rush of stamina come from?" "Cadance must have used some rejuvenation spell on me and trust me when I say that you won't sleep easy tonight." He opened the door to their bedroom with his foot and stepped in. "If I'd known she knew a spell like that, I would probably have gone easier on her. Is she okay?" Night placed a finger on her lips. "She's just fine but let's just her rest and rather think about us." Velvet smiled lustfully. "C'mon my stallion, show me that big cock of yours." You sit in silence on the bed as Cadance finishes her story. "That was... an interesting story," you say. It actually answered a few questions and some you didn't realize you had. "Have you told Shining about that ordeal?" "I have," she said, a bit embarrassed. "Not right after of course, I didn’t want him to get the wrong picture. When I told him however, he said it was okay. That's real love, being able to accept things we don't normally tell right away." "I just hope Twilight can do the same for me," you say. "Of course she will, just explain your reasoning and you should be fine." "You're right, I really should stop prolonging this. Thanks for teaching me the rejuvenation spell and sharing that... interesting story with me." Cadance smiles at you. "You're welcome, have a good night." You pick up your luggage which Cadance had brought here and you go over to the door and push it open.  It wasn't locked...? Oh goddess, what if one of the servants looked in during the test or Cadance’s story? Worst yet would be any of Twilight's friends. Then again, you could just have forgotten to lock it properly. Even with some of the rejuvenation spell left in you, you feel it's time to go to sleep so you wander back through the corridors with your luggage and back to your and Twilight’s room. "Oh finally," Twilight jumps you as you open the door and throws herself  around your neck. "You were gone so long, much longer than with my parents. I thought you were going to sleep with her all night. Come on, tell me how it went." She takes your hand and pulls you over to your bed. "W-well," you stutter, a bit overwhelmed by the greeting. "It went pretty well and I passed. It took some extra time since she told me a story with some personal experience, that's all." You took both her hands in yours and got serious for a second. "Now Twilight, I need to ask you something that’s been bothering me." She looks at you concerned. "Oh, what is it?" 'Time to bite the bullet,' you think. "So I never looked too much into Equestrian law but I was recently made aware of one. What I mean to ask is… have you ever ‘pleasured’ your brother?” Twi’s expression went from concern to confused to anger to empathy to laughter in under a second. “Wha- no, of course not!" She laughed. "I mean, yeah, it’s legal but personally I never even liked the thought of getting near my brother’s genitals. Besides, I was still too young for it to be legal when they got started seeing each other. And just so you know Mister Worryhead, there are age limits in this country. What in Equestria made you wonder about something like that?” You breathe out, feeling way lighter. “I’m terribly sorry Twi, it’s just I heard it and my mind just started spinning. It’s stupid really, I’ve known you for over two years now and I should’ve known you wouldn’t do anything like that.” You pull her into a deep hug of relief, she returns it and you hold each other for for several minutes. “There’s something else I need to tell you.” “Mmh, what is it?” “You know how I was so tired at the train and such all day? I… I wasn’t telling you the truth, I was completely out of it and sore from top to toe. I didn’t want you to worry about me what with all the wedding plans and such so I didn’t mention it.” Twilight giggles. “I know dummy, you know you can’t hide something like that. Mom can be a bit rough sometimes.” You take Twi and hold her on arm length. “Wait, you knew?” “Well yeah, I mean after growing up with a brother that came home with bruises from guard training and said he was fine you learn to spot things like that.” She must have noticed your look. “Hey, it’s okay if you wanted to deal with things yourself sometimes, just remember to tell me next time.” “Trust me, I will.” You give her a kiss. “Still, I should have told you at least something.” “Hey, I said it’s okay, stop worrying about it. Now get to bed and get some rest, we still have another test coming up and you need to be at your best.” With another kiss and a smile you undress and go to bed, Twilight snuggling up against you. Her warm skin, her beautiful hair, her face... you really are the luckiest guy in the world. For some reason the thought of her taking the test popped into your mind. The thought of her in her underwear, standing in a room with some clouded shadow who was suppose to be your father standing beside her. The thought of someone else touching her, feeling her, caressing her and then planting a blue ribbon on her to prove she was a good wife, the thought disturbed you and for once you’re glad you never had a dad. With your arm around her, you drift off into a deep and relaxed sleep. The End of Chapter 4 > Chapter 5: The Ruler of the Sun - part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----  Chapter 5: The Ruler of the Sun - part 1  ----- Warning this chapter contains: Domination, spanking, rough sex, mind break. It's the last day of your staying in the Crystal Empire. You, Twilight and Rarity sit around a table with pictures of some of the empire's table decoration. Rarity had suggested it on account of 'being the most bedazzling type of decor in all of Equestria.' Fluttershy hadn't shown herself yet, probably due to the fact that she finished that bottle of wine alone. Dash and Pinkie were off doing Celestia knows what while Applejack was busy going back and forth with different dresses and arguing with Rarity why she didn't think they would do in the wedding. Rarity was in the middle of showing a figurine of a crystal Swan when there was a knock on the door and someone came in with heavy steps. Rarity sighed. "Applejack, darling, I told you you can’t wear those boots with- oh, why hello there Shining." You look up to see Shining standing there. He looked a bit more tired than normal. "Hi, I wondered if I could have a talk with the groom for a bit. It's about the Bachelor party." You realize in all the commotion about the Mother Test you had totally forgotten it, plus the fact that you weren't sure if they had Bachelor parties here. "Yeah sure," Twilight smiles. "Rarity and I can figure out a few good ones so you can have a look at them later. Just don't tell more embarrassing stories about me Shining." "Can't promise anything sis," he says with a smile. You stand up and follow Shining into the hall. "I feel somewhat bad about having Twilight do most of the preparations," you say to start off the conversation. "Don't be, girls are naturally better than us when it comes to things like that. Cadance barely allowed me to look at the sitting arrangements." You both chuckle, the type of nervous and embarrassing chuckle you do when you know the other person is about to ask or say something that might baer impact. "So," you say after a walk in silence. "You said you wanted to talk about the Bachelor party?" "Yes, I did. Well, that and a little about you.” As long as you don't plan to make actions out of what you said yesterday, you think to yourself. "About me?" "You're not planning to kidnap her, are you?" The question came right out of nowhere. "Marry her and then disappear back home for us to never see her again." You look at him in confusion,  what had given him that idea? You notice a slight smirk and you get that he's joking. "No, I don't plan to do anything like that," you say smiling. "I might miss my home across the sea but I have made Equestria my new home." You wander in silence a bit longer. "Listen," Shining finally says. "I know I bragged about Twilight at our first dinner and how talented she was with magic but I bet she didn't fall in love with you just for your looks. I just want to know about my future brother-in-law and what makes you special from everyone else." He opened a door, seemingly at random from the others you had passed. You enter a room with a coffee table, two big chairs and the usual drawer and cabinet around various break rooms in the castle. "Have a seat," he says and gestures to you to sit in the other chair as he takes the other. "First off, tell me how you met my sister." "Uhm, well," you say as you scratch your head, you really didn't think this would come up. "We met at her library, I know this will sound like a cliché but I had recently moved into town and I wanted to get a better grip on Equestrian history." "Well then you certainly went to the right place," he commented. "Go on." "She helped me find a good stack of books on Equestrian history and gave me a hand in some of the earlier linguistics from way back when. To be honest it was a bit of a clumsy first meeting but taking how it evolved I think it was pretty good." Shining just nodded thoughtfully. "Okay. Now tell me, how did your first date go?" "Our first date? Let's see, we had it three weeks after I first met her, I was very nervous about asking her and I remember I was prepared for her to say 'sorry, I already have a boyfriend,' but she said yes almost before I could ask. Technically it was more of a reading date, we sat and read together for a couple of hours which went by way too fast." "I see. When did you first kiss her?" Wasn't that a bit of a personal question? "We first kissed after the third date, it was in the start of December and about five months after I first met her. I had helped her putting up decorations for the holiday, she likes being ahead of schedule sometimes. On the way out I noticed the mistletoe she had put up above the door and before I knew it, she’d kissed me." Shining smiled. "You went went five months before kissing her? I'm not blaming you for taking it slow but Cadance and I were on second base within a month." You shrug. "I guess neither of us wanted to make the mistake of going too quickly forward. Then again, five months is a long time when you think about. Do you mind me ask how it was for you and Cadance?" "Of course not, it's just fair I tell you after what you told me. We met first day at Canterlot University, she had the locker next to mine and had a very similar class list to mine. The first kiss came before any real date however, after training she met me and planted a kiss right in front of my team. Our first date was at the prom, or first official date rather, we had a few unofficial ones in the weekends after sunset. She was also Twi's babysitter which also gave us some time together." You remember they mentioned it during dinner the other day, that Twilight had burst into her brother’s room to take down a moaning monster. Easy enough to figure out what that meant now. "So you and Cadance got to third base before getting married?" It didn’t quite match the story she told you about her Mother Test. "Well not exactly. We never really did it before the wedding, we merely pleasured each other. Not strictly sex but not far from it. Besides, the bride isn’t required to be a virgin, it’s just preferred." You think about that for a minute but push it aside. "Anyway, let's forget about that for now. Seeing as how you wanted to talk about my Bachelor party, how was yours?" "Oh, why it was..." he sounded a bit embarrassed and his eyes wandered the room. "To tell the truth, I didn't have a Bachelor party. The wedding was held pretty strictly due to the threat of a changeling attack, which happened, and so I didn't get one. It's actually partly the reason I want to help out with yours. I hope that's okay with you, it's you who's getting married here." "Yeah, I don't see why not. Personally, it completely slipped my mind. I'm not sure I even know what goes on at a Bachelor party." Shining Armor looked surprised. "You don’t know? Wow, you kinda remind me of Twilight before she moved to Ponyville. Just give me a list of friends you want along on this and I can fix the rest for you." "Thanks a lot Shining, I'm not quite sure what to say." "Don't think about it, at least I can make sure you get a party before your wedding. Do you know anyone off the top of your head?" "Well I do have a friend who moved with me to Ponyville, never really liked staying in such a quiet, little town so he went off to experience Equestrian culture first hand. He comes by from time to time to brag about what he's seen before going off again. There’s also some guys I've befriended back in Ponyville but that's mostly it." "Well that sounds like plenty to me... Oh, one thing, I would like to add one name to the list: Spike. Twilight probably told you about him." Spike; fire breather, Twilight’s former assistant and right hand, even though she wrote with left. She had hatched him at her interim exam to get into higher class magic study and become her childhood friend after Shining moved out. He had lived with her in Ponyville for a while and, after what Pinkie told you, he'd had a keen interest in Rarity. However, he had moved back to Canterlot after reaching maturity and was now a part of the royal guard after what Twilight had told you. You remember meeting him once around the holidays when you and Twi had your first kiss. She had been invited to an evening meetup with her friends and Spike who'd taken the trip to Ponyville. You hadn't read too much into the kiss other than that she liked you which was why you were just as shocked as the others when she told that you and her were a couple. The words 'I love you' had passed more than twice between you and you couldn't deny that you had started getting feelings for her. Spike however seemed a bit less pleased about it and gave you the cold shoulder while making sure nothing developed between you and Twi. You start to wonder how he would take the news about you marrying Twilight now. "I'm just thinking since you will probably meet him back in Canterlot," Shining says, pulling you out of your thoughts. "You didn't get to meet him last time in Canterlot I bet, he was probably off on the annual training camp, they tend to be off this time of year. Trust me, he’s a real good guy when you get to know him.” Lets just hope he doesn’t fry me first, you think. Dragons were known for their long-lasting anger but then again, dragons didn't normally join the royal guard or grow up amongst people. "I fucked it up!" Twilight yells. "I completely and utterly fucked up and now we're doomed!" Twilight wasn't normally the type to curse which meant she really screwed something up. Luckily,  there were only her friends and you in the train car so she didn't embarrass herself in front of strangers. You were about half way back to Canterlot so it was surprising she first found out she'd done something wrong now. "What's the problem now Twi," Dash grumbles as her yelling woke her up from her snooze. "Ya didn't forget your bags in the Crystal Empire, did you?" "Did we?!" Rarity jumps up. "Oh no, what if we did. What am I going to wear at the dinner with the Princesses? I had just gotten a new dress for this occasion and everything. We need to turn back right this instant!" "Calm your horses Rarity," AJ says. "Ah checked; we got'em all with us." "I did too," Pinkie exclaimed, waving her hand like she was in third grade. "I even counted them backwards and I'm absolutely duper sure we got them all. Now what did you fuck up Twi? Wait, have you forgotten to make the invitations? Or did you just realize Cadance wasn't Cadance but instead a giant mantis which plans to take over Equestria?" You all stare dumbfounded at her. "What, you never seen a totally bonkers sci fi movie before?" "It doesn't matter," Twilight says as she started to get a panicked look. "I just realized who I set him up against and now the wedding is as good as over. I will become depressed and bury myself in my own books and not see real light other than the candle I will use for fifty years. I will end up without friends and six cats as substitute for human interaction and I will become the failed student of Celestia who gave her fiancé an impossible task just to see him suffer and everyone will-" "Don't say that Twilight, you can't know that yet." You put a hand on her shoulder. "I have already managed one princess plus your mom, I won't let some goddess of the Sun scare me away from you." She laughed nervous. "Haha, excuse me if I sound disbelieving but you don't really know what you're up against. Here," she gives you a bunch of papers she's been working which you assumed was wedding plans. "I've done the math and found out it will be almost impossible. The numbers don't lie, I looked over it twice." You have a hard time believing she has calculated your chances but  looking over the papers it seems she actually did it. "Nonsense Twi," AJ says, sounding as disbelieving as you were a second ago. She takes the papers from you. She looked at them before turning them upside-down. "Ah don’t get much out'a these numbers but ah sure as heck ain’t gonna base any outcome on these." "I wanna see too." Pinkie snatches the equations from AJ and looks through them. "Ooh, look at these diagrams and stuff on page five. Can you make a cake diagram with chocolate frosting? Or maybe one with lots of creamy frosting." You notice she gets a distant look, the type she gets whenever she imagines something delicious and starts to drool. "Hmm, creamy, sugary frosting of deliciousness." Embarrassed, Fluttershy gets up and wipes it away with a handkerchief. You put your arms around Twilight, trying to calm her down. "Take it easy Twily, just breathe calmly." Her heavy breathing starts to slow down and you look over at her friends. “Could you give us a minute?” With a little mumbling, they all left the cart. You sit her down  before sitting yourself and let her rest her head against your shoulder and you stroke her head comfortingly. It seems to help her and you find it soothing for yourself. She takes off her red-rimmed glasses and puts them on the small table she was writing at. "What if Celestia is into something like vore or dismemberment? Do you think you would still go through with it?" She seemed to have a difficult time letting go than you first thought. "What if she want you to put your horn in her? What if she snaps your horn off?" “Let’s talk about something else," you say quickly, not wanting to imagine that image. "Let's talk about us living together, you said you want to stay in the library." She seems to relax again. "Yes, I mean, it has a lot of rooms which we just need to work on. We might have to have some building done too." You hum in agreement. "We would have to get the double bed that we found two weeks ago, change out some stuff and maybe do some painting together." "Hmm, we could use that one room which I tend to use as guest room into something else." "What about a children's room?" Twilight turns and looks at you. "Children's room? Isn't that a bit far ahead? I mean, yeah it sounds wonderful but... it just seems a bit sudden and I never really pictured you as the one to ask about kids." You shrug. "It's just a thought. Besides, isn't it you who always says we have to be well ahead? We don't have to decide now, just put it on ice for a while." She nods and sinks back against your shoulder. "It does sound nice though, having a kid." "It does, doesn’t it?" You sit and let the thought drift around for a bit. "And then we would need a place for you and your studies." "A study... one of the upper floor rooms would be pretty good, just move some boxes and such." A question pops up in your head, one you haven't thought of since she first mentioned that she was Celestia's student. "Can I ask you something?" "Anything." "I know how hard you work and read and stay prepared for everything Celestia could ever ask you but what actually happens when you’ve finished with it?” Twilight gets a thoughtful frown. “You know, at the time I thought just about the honor of being the student but I’ve never thought what will happen when I’m finished.” She crawls closer to you. “Everything in my life is changing, if that goes too…” “Twilight, I can promise you that I will never change unless you want me to. Know that whatever happens, you can trust me to love you just as much as I always do, with all my heart.” She looks up at you and gives you a smile that makes you feel warm inside. “How do you always manage to make everything feel so much better?” “Because I’m gonna be your husband and I need to be able to make you feel better in any way I can since you deserve to be happy.” You lean over and kiss her on the head. Twilight wasn’t satisfied with a pat on the head and instead went for one on the lips. You are about to say something but she puts a finger over your mouth. "Let me guess, I love you?" You smile and nod. "Me too. In the sense that I love you too I mean." You chuckle silently before you start making out again. "What is pie divided by seven?" Pinkie calls out as she pokes her head in. Out of instinct, Twilight jumps up, flushing with embarrassment. "Oh oops, did I come in at a bad time?" "Kinda, yeah. What do you want?" Pinkie taps herself on the head to remember even though she just said it. "Oh yeah, pie divided by seven." She had to think about it for a minute. "Pi devided by seven is… zero point four four eight seven nine eight nine five zero five... why do you need to know that even?" "Well we got a pie and I need to cut it up so everyone gets a piece. Oh, I forgot to ask too, do you guys want some? It's red apple." "Yeah, sure." You get up as well, a little red in the face too. "Come on Twilight, it’s your favorite." You follow Pinkie back to the cart where AJ has already cut up the pie. You sit down and take the slice they hand and you all sit and talk about this and that as the train continues to get closer to your destination. The ride from the train station to the castle wasn't as glamorous as the one in the Crystal Empire- which was good, that ride had been a bit too much for your liking anyway. As you arrived at the castle, you were greeted by the Princess secretary, a pale unicorn with dark hair called Raven, and two generals from the Guards. You were all escorted through the halls with a seemingly endless red carpet and banners with the moon and sun on them. After having walked in what feels like an hour you finally reach a set of doors which the secretary says is where they are waiting. You enter a half circular room which seems to be used as a strategy room with a table covered with the map of Equestria. The floor has the moon and the sun merged into one circle much like a Ying and Yang symbol. Behind the table, overlooking some scattered papers over the lower part of the country, is Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Spike. The Sun Goddess was wearing a purple top which seems to start from her golden necklace and connect with the backside above her sides. Her flowing pink, green and light blue hair reached to about her beige jeans held by a belt with the sun emblem on it. The Princess of the Night had a more formal look, a dark blue dress that split by her hip and ended below her knees. Spike however, was wearing an armor made out of gold and white over his purple and green scales. It was mainly a chestplate, shoulderpads, plates along the upper sides of his arms and a pair of gloves, his lower body had full protection. They look up as you come into the room and the three of them smile, spike having the widest one. "Twilight!" The dragon ran around the table which was when you notice his tail as well. "Spike!" Twilight goes forward as Spike embraces her. You realize first now the height on Spike and the two goddesses. Last time you saw Spike he had been a little smaller than you but now he was as tall as Big Macintosh who was half a head higher than you. Luna was about the same height if a bit taller while Celestia herself had to be a head if not a little more. The rest of the girls join in on hugging the armored dragon, only you stand beside as they hug it out besides the royalties. "It's so good to see you again Spike," Twilight says. "Have you been given a new armor?" "Yep," he says proud. "I am officially the first dragon captain of the Royal Guards." "That's absolutely wonderful Spikey Wikey," Rarity exclaims. "I must admit I regret turning you down when I see how tall and handsome you have become. I mean, look at those muscles." “Uhm, thanks Rarity,” he says embarrassed. "Hey Spike, do you think you can run faster than I can fly? I've been dying to have some real competition to test out my awesome flying skills." Spike chuckles. "Okay Dash, I'll give a run for your money afterward some time." "How strong are you now?" Pinkie asks. "How much can you lift? Do you even lift? Lift me, lets see if you can lift me!" "Okay then." He grabbed Pinkie under her arms and lifts her in the air with only minor difficulties as she squeals like a little kid. You hate to ruin such a lovely reunion but you cough to remind them you were still there. "Oh, right," Twilight says, coming over to you and taking your hand. "Spike, I know this might seem sudden and I should have told you earlier but... we are engaged." A pressing silence fills the room as you await his reaction. "That's great Twilight, I'm so happy for you." He really looks to be happy on her behalf. "You are? I mean, you and him didn't exactly part as the best of friends last time." "Oh that, yeah sorry about that. It was childish of me to behave like that, you know how much I see you as family." Twi smiles. "I know, no reason to forgive." "My, this is quite the reunion." Celestia steps out from behind the table. "Princess Celestia, I'm so sorry." Twilight quickly bows followed by her friends and you. "Please Twilight, you really don’t have to do that under these circumstances. You are getting married my faithful student, if anything I should bow to you." "No, please don't," Twilight says quickly. "The Princess should never bow to anyone." Celestia giggles. "Very well then." "I guess congratulations are in order, though it is not yet decided," Luna says as she shakes Twilight hand. "It is my understanding you have set him on the quest on a triple Mother Test, is it not?" "That's right, he's completed the one of my parents and Cadance so now we are here." The secretary comes into the room and bows. "My princesses, Captain, guests, the dinner is ready in the dining room." "Thank you Raven," Celestia says. "Come everyone, it must have been a long trip from the Crystal Empire and you're probably all starving." "Am I ever." Pinkie jumps after the goddesses as they leave for the dining room. "I could eat a horse, well, maybe not a horse, more like a small pony. You know what I definitely would eat? A pony cake, a cake shaped like a pony. How's that for a sweet pet?" "Can you believe Pinkie hasn't gotten diabetes yet?" Dash whispers to you as you walk down the hallways again. "I think it's unfair she is that slim for eating so much candy, I have to fight to stay like this with all the parties she's throwing." "Some people just burn fat and sugar quicker than others," you explain. "It explains why she's so energetic all the time since her body produces glucose from the-" "You're such a nerd," she groans, clearly not interested in hearing the silence behind it. "No wonder Twilight wants to marry you." You feel someone tap you on the shoulder and turn to see it was Spike, a somewhat darker look than before. "Could I just have a word with you before we eat? There is something I want to clarify." "Yeah, okay Spike." You follow the armored dragon as he turns a corner away from the group. You enter a room with closed curtains and only a dim light from the sunset outside lights up the place. "So what seems to be the problem?" Spike gives you a foul look. "You, you are the problem. Twilight is like a sister to me and I don't want her to be left with a broken heart." You blink. "Broken heart? Do you think I would-" "I'm not finished," he interrupts. "As the Captain of the Royal Guards I have a reputation to uphold but I wouldn't hesitate a second to throw it away on you if I get the word that she is unhappy because of you. Torture is illegal in Canterlot and personally I agree with that but I will make an exception for you if it comes to it. Got it?" "For Celestia's sake," you mumbled. You're really getting tired of threats and the general way people treat you. You get it's for Twilight’s sake and that they only wants what best for her but you had pretty much enough of it. Spike grabs you by the collar. "I said, do I-" "YES!" you snap back. "You, Night Light and Shining have made it crystal fucking clear! All I want is to marry the woman I love and I get the protective role you and the others take, but honestly, I'm getting pretty sick of getting threats of harm, prisons and torture. I can assure you and everyone else that her happiness is my highest concern. So please, if you could, leave me the fuck alone." He holds you for another second before he lets go. "Good, that's what I wanted to see." "What do you mean?" "I wanted to see you stand up for her and yourself," he smiles. "There aren’t many soldiers who dare stand up to me. I will say you got some guts doing that." You straighten out the collar, luckily his gauntlet didn't poke a hole in your clothes. "So this was sort of your test on me. As if I didn’t have enough already." He pats you on the shoulder. "At least you only have one left. You know, I really am sorry for how I was around winter when she announced you were together." “It's... It’s okay Spike." You weren’t the kind to hold on grudges and especially not with the Captain of the Royal Guards. "I can guess how it must seem, Twilight suddenly being with someone you’ve never seen. If it helps any then I can promise I have done nothing but love her the past two years." "Actually,  it does help. It's just good to know you really like her, I guess that's what the Mother Test can prove." You smile and suddenly remember something. "Hey, Shining Armor said he would help out with the planning of my Bachelor party and he thought you might like to come with us." Spike gives you a wide grin. "You bet, there aren't many who want to spend a night on the town with a firebreather. Just give me a place and date." “I will but we should join the others for dinner first.” “Right, let’s go.” He opens the door but lingers. “Does this mean we’re square?” “Sure, I see no reason to hold anything against you.” Spike nods and smiles. “Thanks.” He leaves and you follow him. The dinner was more of a banquet or even Celestia’s subtle way of suggesting the menu for your wedding. There were various choices of servings, from warm to cold food, luscious, colorful servings of greens and fruits. There was some that contained meat but those were made for Spike's sake, crystal eating was just a starter phase for younger dragons to strengthen their teeth and fuel their fire breathing. Seeing how Spike was past that, he had acquired a taste for meat but since he only got prepared meat, it kinda made it more acceptable seeing how it was already dead. Fluttershy however didn't seem too comfortable even if Spike used knife and fork. "So," Celestia asks. "How has your trip back and forth been Twilight?" "Oh it's been very fun, I've gotten a few new ideas for decorations to the wedding and some interesting dress designs." "That's good to hear, I hope it won't be too difficult to make those changes to the prepared dress, what with the planned date for the wedding." "Oh no your highness," Rarity says. "It might come close but I can assure you it will be an easy fix." "And everything else is in order for the big day? Of course, I know you are quite thorough and with this I imagine you're even more so, it's just out of curiosity I ask." "Well I hope it's all in order." You see Twilight getting a glimpse of panic in her eyes. "There are still some minor things which could still turn out to be big things, though I sincerely hope not." "It always feels like that Twilight, weddings are big things but they turn out to go smoother than you think." Celestia’s words seems to set Twi's mind at ease. "Now what I also want to know is the groom's story." You look up and almost gets the carrots stuck in your throat. "M-me?" You are used to people asking either Twilight or both of you about the wedding plans and what you plan for the future. Celestia rests her chin on her hand as she looks at you. "Yes you. With Twilight being my student, I already know most about her but I don't believe I know your backstory." "Ooh, a twist," Pinkie exclaims. "This is gonna be an interesting episode." Dash rolls her eyes at Pinkie. "I know you're from Europia, the land across the sea. I know you don't believe in me and my sister being the rulers of day and night which was why the first colonies traveled from Equestria. You live in, the way I see it, a more inclosed community with more strict taboos than us yet you have bigger metropolises than us. This just gives me a general idea of who you are but I would like to know some more personal things about who my student is going to marry." "Okay, well... my mother has a job at a traveling agency which requires a lot of traveling across the continent. My father died when I was young so I never really knew him but due to his passing I ended up in boarding school since my mom was out so often. I wasn't really big on making friends, the only friend I had was the guy I shared room with who came with me to Equestria and is traveling around to see the country. I passed school with mostly A’s, I got a B in advanced physics and shameful C in gymnastics, and got first place in a region chess tournament. My mom has actually been very supportive even though she wasn't much around, she would take days off for my birthdays and we were mostly always together around the holidays." "Well that does say alot about you," Celestia says. "Any other things like favorite sport, a book, older flames..." You chuckle. "Oh no, I was way too shy to ask any girl out back then. I was definitely a bookworm, mostly an interest in grand adventure books and some science fiction. I remember reading one adventure book with some guy called Crescent Sunrise who wielded a sword with fire enchantments and a fiction about some one-eyed man, having lost the other for some reason, who crossed between universes through a green door." You pull yourself together. "Sorry, I'm going out on a tangent. Other things about me... I once punched a guy, a bully, which gave me a bandage for three weeks. I'm also slightly allergic to manticore venom, found that out in science class." Celestia nods. "Interesting, there aren't many who react to that venom. It also stains worse than wine on the carpet." Fluttershy seems to twitch ever so slightly by the mention of wine, probably still feeling the bottle from the Crystal Empire. "May I ask, have the two of you planned how you want to spend the following wedding days?" Luna asked. It took you a second to understand what she was asking. "Oh, the honeymoon. No, we haven't made any specific plans on where we want to go yet, we're still looking." It looks like an idea pops into Celestia’s head but instead of speaking up, she continues to eat. "Well I would like to know as soon as possible if you pass the test so that I may prepare a little something for your first night together." "Ooh, are you planning to maybe do something like copy the night sky in the church's ceiling or lend them your wagon of the night?" Pinkie asks in a mouthful but swallows before continuing. "No wait, it does look a bit too intimidating for a wedding... I know, I could repaint it for you! It could be in red, green, blue, yellow or maybe a flame design?" Luna starts to explain she wasn't planning on anything of the sort but she kept going on and on about paint jobs which Dash only added on with. You all have to laugh as the suggestions got more and more ridiculous and how the night goddess continued to prevent more ideas. The rest of the dinner kept almost the same hype after Fluttershy got talked into trying out something stronger than wine. Of course this time it doesn't get so much out of hand as before, just enough to make her a bit less shy. End of Chapter 5 > Chapter 6: The Ruler of the Sun - part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----  Chapter 6: The Ruler of the Sun - part 2  ----- "I'm sorry but I can't help but get anxious about this," Twilight says as you stand ready to go meet Celestia. At least this time you had gotten your luggage in the right room. Funny thing was that she had requested you to meet her in a room other than her bedroom. "After so many years, who knows how hard it will be to please her." "Twilight, don't you think she will be considering that?" you say, trying to calm her down again. "I don't know, maybe? Dammit, why didn’t I consider this when I first planned it? If you fail now, it's all my fault." You put your arms around her. "Don't you ever think that, Twily, no one can blame you for anything. I promise I will do nothing but my absolute best until she gives us her consent." Someone knocks at the door and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie come in. "Oh good, you're still here," Dash says. "We just wanted to wish you luck." You blink. "Wait, why are you wishing me good luck now? Why not at Velvet and Night or at Cadance?" "Because this is Celestia you big dummy," Pinkie says and taps you on the head. "She's like thousands of years old and probably fucked more than... I don't know, more than you can imagine. I heard she can get off six guards without magic and still haven't climaxed herself." You can't help but count the ways she could possibly do so many at once. "So from the front, behind, mouth and hands... that's five Pinkie." "And the feet silly." She pointed at her foot. "She uses her feet on the last guy." "By Luna, I should have kept it to just one," Twilight cries and clutches her head. "Why did I have to ruin my own wedding like this? Fuck, fuck, fuck!" "Yep, Celestia will probably do that. I hope you don’t die of exhaustion,  death by screwing the goddess doesn't sound very pleasant." "Pinkie, that's enough," you say, starting to get pretty worried yourself. "Look, I don’t care, at least before now, what Celestia’s sex reputation is. I will prove myself worthy of marrying Twilight even if it requires losing the feeling in my dick for a week." "Thank you, that was way more than I needed to hear," Dash says. "We just came here to wish you good luck before you started so now that we've done that, you can go and fuck over the sun." "Please, come back in one piece," Twilight says, having calmed down from the panic attack a little. "Trust me, I will." You step out and leave the three girls to wait. "At least I really hope so." You traverse the twisting and turning corridors of the castle, meeting a guard every now and again who only responds to your greeting with a grunt or a nod. According to Celestia's instructions you were suppose to meet her in one of the lower floors, basement to be exact. You manage to find the stairs she spoke of and start going down, the walls changing to some less decorative stone. The hallway at the bottom wasn't the expected dirty prison room with pools of dripping water, moss and mice but not far from it with grey stone walls, only lit with some everlasting lantern. Finally you reach a thick, wooden door with a note on it. 'Enter.' Doubtful and with Pinkie's words still in your head, you push it open without a creak. The room beyond was nothing like the hall, it was well lit with light purple walls. The room was circular with six pillars in a closer circle to the big double bed in the middle. On the floor there was a pretty covering, round moon carpet and in the roof a painting of the sun which seemed to emit some light as well. You stand and marvel at the details in the ceiling and the night floor around the moon. “You like my and my sister’s snuggle room?” You jump as you hear Celestia as she steps out from behind one of the pillars.”Oops,” she giggles. “Did I scare you?” “N-no, I just… yeah, you scared me. You said this was your and Luna’s… snuggle room?” She nods. “Yes, she and I tend to use this room when we get some special company. We sometimes even use it at the same time which can get really interesting.” Ideas starts spinning in your head and she must have read your expression. “Do you believe the rumors about me?” “The sex rumors? I’m starting to wonder now.” Celestia gets a slight smirk. “Well I can assure you I’m not as bad as people make me out to be, especially the rumor which says I slept with two fully mature dragons at once.” Still not helping your impression for me, you think to yourself. “Soo… There’s something I’m wondering about. Is it true alicorns have… more lust than normal people?” Celestia takes a second to think it over before answering. “I guess that’s true, not to sound superior but we goddesses are definitely harder to satisfy when it comes to pleasure. We do recover faster than normal when it comes to most things, including the act of sex. The downfall is that we don't get to enjoy the climax for too long due to the recovery, making us seem like lustful goddesses. If you are worried about the test, I will try to make an account for it, you’ve already done a pretty decent job with the two others.” “You have gotten reports from Velvet and Cadance?” "Of course, we all need to know how you've been with the others so that we don't test you in exactly the same thing. Velvet said you were very cooperative and played along well as you did a little roleplay. However, you went over your limits and gave yourself a sore morning the next day. I know you probably did it to be sure to pass but the intercourse between partners should be enjoyable for both. For Cadance you had a more seductive test, managing to make her reach climax without your penis. She says you did a good job but that you didn't tell Twilight about your pain from earlier which you really should, though you told her afterward which is good." "You seem nervous," she continues. "Come sit on the bed with me." She sits on the bed but you linger on it. "We have all night for this, or you can simply call it off until another day if that's what you want. Right now I just want to talk." You walk over to her and sit down, Celestia giving you a warm smile. "I guess I'm just nervous since I don't really know what to expect." "I understand, you need all things to be in order beforehand. This is the only chance you'll get and you don't want to ruin it for some minor detail. What I want you to do is dominate me. I want you to show me who's the man and prove your dominance in the bedroom. I want you to put me down and teach me a lesson. Understood?" "Can alicorns get pregnant?" you ask quickly, not thinking the question over. "I-It's just something I've been wondering about since you sound like you're very active but I haven't heard anything about alicorn children." "No, that is true," she says in a sad tone. "Alicorns can't, in theory, get pregnant. Normally, the magical powers of an alicorn will become uncontrollable when they come close to finishing. Of course, there are different things to prevent the magic from going wild but it comes at the expense of being unable to receive sperm to get pregnant. Being the goddess of the sun, my magic would probably burn your member whilst Luna’s might freeze it to an icicle." "What about Shining and Cadance in that case? Won’t they be able to?" It seems sad to you that such an attached couple wouldn’t be able to have children. "Cadance is a different case, her magic is love based so it would only come to harm those beside herself and her lover. I guess she could bear child, being the goddess of love but if it would be an alicorn I'm not sure. She uses a magic ring to hold her energy under control during intercourse but it's not enough to contain my and Luna’s magic so we have another ritual which we use to prevent devastation to our partners." The conversation was left hanging before she spoke again. "Can I show you something? It's something I have been holding onto for a while now." "Ehm, okay." You weren’t sure what to expect or what she was talking about. With a swift hand movement, an envelope appears in her hand. It looks a bit tattered from maybe a few months or so ago. Celestia opens it and starts reading. "Dear Princess Celestia, I hope you and Luna have an amazing holiday. The snow has been falling pretty steadily this year and it's shaping to be a good end year. Please wish Spike a happy holiday from me too, it's too bad he couldn’t make it this year even though he seemed a bit grumpy the previous year. My boyfriend and I are still going steady, he is very loving and, well, he's basically all I could ask for. Just this past week we've kissed twenty four times, not that I'm counting or anything. Being with him always gives me this incredible, warm feeling and when he holds his arms around me, it's like everything in the world is right. I should probably stop before I start making this like those fan fictions you caught me writing long ago. Again, happy holidays. From your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." "Wow," you say as she finishes the letter. "I'm taking that's from last winter?" Really you are a bit embarrassed about the letter even how lovely it was. " Yes," she waves her hand again and the paper disappears back where it came from. "Every letter from two years ago has had mentions of you in them, always talking about how good and perfect you are. I see you truly make my student happy and that you share a special bond. Personally I am all for the two of you but I still have to do the test fair and square. I won’t let it cloud the outcome of the test but I can say it won't count for something." You feel yourself relax a bit more which she must have noticed. "Do you think you're ready for the test now?" The slight eager in her voice tips you a little bit off. “Well, ehm…” “Ah, I get it,” she says before you can answer. “The setting isn’t completely right. I know, the whole goddess impression might be a bit distracting. Give me a second.” Before you can say anything, she closes her eyes and a blinding, white light comes from the tip of her horn. You blink away the spots the light gave you to discover the room is totally changed. The room is now square  with plain walls and a couple of class benches, like a smaller classroom. You stand in the front of the class tables with a big, solid desk behind you but there was no black board which took some of the classroom feel from the place. You notice your clothes has changed as well, a white shirt, red tie and some formal pants. You remind yourself of a teacher you used to have back in school. A door opens and in comes what you assume is a student. She has a very short, deep red school skirt, a white shirt tied up to a sort of top which was very revealing and her hair was put in two, short pigtails. Her shoes reached halfway up to her knees with two straps on each boot. It takes a second before you realize this is Celestia just without the goddess look and the flowing motion in her hair. She gives you a lazy and irritated look as she comes up to you and slams a thick folder filled with papers in your chest, knocking the air out of you. "Here's my 'assignment' teach, hope you like it." Coughing to get your breath back, she walks to one of the desks and swings her legs on the table. "Well, are you gonna look at it? This detention is taking up enough of my time as it is." Still confused, you open the folder and start looking through it. There was several drawings on the pages, some skulls and the likes and some rather risqué ones. The text itself was dislocated, broken, had many typos, and was a general mess. It seemed it was a report about Equestrian history but escalated into a story of mostly sex. Had she meant 'teaching her a lesson' literally? You figure you just had to play along for now. "Celestia, what is this?" The goddess was falling right into the irresponsible teenager by having plugged her ears with music. "What was that?" she asks and pulls one plug out. You sigh. “Did you even read the assignment? From what I can gather you went for Equestrian history but ended up making some sort of porn out of it.” “Isn’t that what you meant like, raw and hot sex?” She starts checking her nails. “Beside, there's a little extra for you on the last part." You flip the pages until you reach the last five or so pages. You find what seems like a sneak picture of a woman undressing in a locker room. The following photos was of her showering and you can’t help but feel the heat rising by looking at them. You pick one of the pictures out and hold it up to Celestia with your magic. "Care to explain what this is?" "Nude photos," she answers simply. "A better grade against some jack-off material for you teacher pervs. You guys never really get the whole dating thing, you just got these boring places like the library or museum so giving you some nudes of my classmates helps me." You put the files on the teacher desk and walk over to her but apparently her fingers were more important to her. “I’m sorry but I can’t let something like this pass.” She groans as if you were being the impossible one. “I don't really give a fuck about history, just give me the fail so I can get out of here. Just because you don’t have a life doesn't mean you have to ruin mine, I have friends to hang out with.” She uses her magic to hold a magazine between you and her, the magazine's cover showing someone fucking. You rub your eyes as you understand the hardship of some real teachers. “Listen Celestia, taking naked pictures of your fellow students is wrong and illegal. The least I can do is prolong your detention with a month.” “What?! You got to be bullshitting me!” She stood up and leans on the desk, her wings shooting out. “I have things planned this whole month.” You counter with leaning on the desk as well. “Well tough luck missy. You either get you shit together or-” You receive a slap to the face from her left hand. “Ow! What the fuck?” “What, you can’t take a little slap on the cheek from a little girl like me?” she says with an innocent smile. “I thought you were a man teacher, not a wuss who can’t take a little pat on the chin.” You point a finger at her. “If you try that again I swear I will-” “What, this?” She slaps you again with her right hand this time. “Haha, you really fell for that?” “That’s it!” You hit the table determined but she doesn’t seem fazed. “You are going to stay for detention for the rest of the year.” “Oh, I’m really scared of you.” She stands up, trying to work the intimidation on you. “Do you really think you can punish me?” “Fine then, we’ll do this the hard way.” You grab her hand and start dragging  her up to your desk. She tries to pull her hand free but you refuse to let go of her. “Hey, let go you creep. What are you doing!?” “Just be firm with her," you think to yourself. "This is just a test, just the test that will determine if you are man enough dor the love of your life." “Since you obviously aren’t threatened by detention or homework,I will have to take more drastic action.” You sit down at the table and pull her over your lap before flipping her skirt onto her back, revealing her white panties. “It’s time you learned some proper manners.” You slap her across her juicy ass with a loud, audible smack, making it jiggle slightly. Celestia yells in surprise and… pleasured pain? Her wings spread halfway as the mark from your hand shows light against her snow white skin. You slap her again and this time the pleasure is clearer even as she bites her lip so as not to yell. You give her three more powerful slaps, giving her rear a burning red color. “You’re a real fuck, you know that right?” she cursed but did little to fight you. “The principal is going to hear about this!” "Technically you are the principal, I'm just doing my best to satisfy your standards." “Do you think the principal will believe the school’s biggest trouble maker? Besides, you couldn’t really expect going around dressed like that and think no one would act on it.” You run a finger between her legs and feel a dampness. “What’s this, you were enjoying the punishment?” "Screw you," she hisses. "Of course not, why would I get aroused from my shitty teacher spanking me?" "Maybe because you're a horny little slut?" You push on her wet spot and rub the thin cloth which makes her gasp ever so slightly. "Maybe you want me to be vile with you, penetrate all of your holes and leave you gasping on the floor. Is that what you want?" "You'll fucking regret this," she tries to threaten you. "If you as much as stick a finger in me, I'll-" You hesitate. "Does she mean it? No, she just wants to see if I will break the act. Tough luck Princess,  I'm going to pass this." "You'll what, hit me again? I think I can take a few of your wimpy flails." You stroke her sore ass which now seems to be very sensitive. “You have a very sweet ass.” “You-hmph! You bastard!" Her wings quiver as you caress her bruised butt. "Call me whatever you want, your body is telling me another story. Just admit it, you want to be taken by me and have me dominate you completely." your hand glides past her rear and down between her smooth legs. “You know what, fuck this,” she says impatiently. “Yes, all this smacking and caressing has made me horny and I can tell from your heated face and your dick poking me in my stomach that you’re getting off on this too so let’s just get to the fucking already.” You have to say you are tempted to do so but doing so would maybe show you could be easily persuaded. Since this was a test to basically check his manliness and control in bed, you decide to not take the bait just yet and keep teasing her just a little longer. "Hmm, I don't know..." You push on the moist fabric covering her womanhood.. "I think you have to be a good girl first. You won't get what you want if you don't ask nicely." She glares at you. “Are you serious? I’m not gonna beg for you to put your junk in me you shit, just do it already!” You reward her needy tone with another smack across her bottom. “You are not really in a point of negotiation missy, now you better show some manners or you’ll have to sit on your sore butt for the next year.” "Fuck you." "If that's the way you want it then." You tuck her wet panties to the side and penetrate her with two fingers. Celestia gasps loudly before biting her lip to keep herself from exclaiming out of more pleasure. "I'll never beg a pervy teacher like you to fuck me," she hisses through her bit lip. "Okay then," you say as you rotate your fingers inside her soaked pussy. "I can do this all day if I have to and I will until you behave." You spread her lips with your fingers, holding it open with your index and ring fingers while sticking your middle finger inside her hole. She turns her head away before muttering a timid, "Please." "What was that? I didn't quite catch it," you say as you let your middle finger go a bit further up to gently brush over her swollen clit while still holding her lips parted. Her wings rise higher from the easy stroke. "I said please," Celestia says a bit louder. "Please, what?" You press your finger against her button and rub it. A gasp escapes the goddess as her wings extend almost fully before she bites her own lip again. "Please stop teasing me and fuck me already! Just please, please start fucking me, I'm fucking begging you!" You smile. “See? That wasn’t so bad, was it? Now get up and show me what you've got." Celestia gets up from your lap and stands up. You keep sitting on the edge of your desk as the sun goddess unbuttons the one thing that keeps her breasts covered. You have to say they look pretty impressive, they looks bigger than Fluttershy's double D cups though Celestia was a fairly tall woman. She runs her hands down her big boobs and stops to rub her stiff nipples. You start unbuttoning your shirt and take it off but keep the tie loose around your neck. Before you can say anything, Celestia leaps forward and kisses you unexpectedly, almost making you fall backwards. It seems like she was really impatient to get on with it since she kissed you like she wanted to eat you. Her boobs was pressing against your bare chest; they feels warm and extremely soft as they took up most of your chest. You feel her hand trying to unbuckle your pants when you understand what she's trying to do and you pull back. "Oh come on," she whines. "First you tease me and make me beg and now you won't let me fuck you?" "Well I was going to give you your reward for asking so nicely but you just couldn't wait! I guess I have teach you to wait for it and not try to take what you want." Celestia crosses her arms and frowns. "Urgh, fine then 'teacher',  what do you want me to do?" You give her a smirk. "I want you to get on your knees and give me a blowjob, from what I hear of the football team you're quite good at it." "Oh fuck you, that was just half the team and they were all virgins." "We really got to do something with that filthy mouth of yours." Wanting to tease her a little more you start dragging a finger from her arm and run it up to her neck. "You know, the good girls that do what their teacher asks gets what they want, bad girls end up in detention for a very long time and will be left unsatisfied." Letting your finger continue on from her shoulder, you trace it down her chest where you circle around her left nipple. You look her in the eyes. "Question is, are you a good girl or a bad girl?" She consider her choices for a second. "I guess I am a good girl then," she sighs before getting down on her knees in front of you. This time you let her open your pants and pull them down, releasing your hardened cock. She takes a moment to marvel at your member, letting her fingers grip around it and slowly pulling it up and down. She doesn't take much time though as she begins licking the base, sucking your balls with a deep moan. Feeling her tongue toy with your stones adds to the further hardening of your tool and you let out a pleased groan as well. She goes on to drag her tongue up the back of your shaft until she gets to the top where a small drop of pre-cum has appeared. She lets her tongue roll around your cock head before putting her mouth around it and starts taking your length into her hungry and warm mouth. It feels like she could take you all the way in and you would barely hit the back of her throat. With one hand she massages your balls while the other is under her skirt it seems, stimulating her growing lust. As she begins to bob her head, taking your whole length with each bob, you place a hand on her head. She looks up at you with big eyes and a slight smile, hearing you starting to breathe heavy due to her work. You suddenly push her against your crotch,  forcing her to take you to the hilt and holding her there. Her eyes shoot open in shock as she comes with a muffled yelp. You keep her down as her gag reflex twitches around your dick and you feel her quickened breathing through her nose on your pelvis before you let her go. She coughs slightly as she pulls back, a bit of makeup starting to run down her face. "What was that for?" she says after she's done coughing. "For slapping me, giving me a bad report, being a nuisance in my classes or maybe just to teach you some manners." "Fine," she murmurs. "Well I have been a good girl, now could we please get to the good part? I'm freaking burning up here." "Hmm, you sound a bit impatient. Maybe I should make you wait a bit longer." Celestia gives you an irritated look but doesn't word her complaints. “On the other hand, you have been a good girl." You scoot down from the desk. "If you would lay on my desk." As she lays down, you see that the table is just long enough, going from her knees to her shoulders. She puts her legs on each side of the table, lifting her skirt and exposing her pussy to you. It's glistening with her own juices and as you brush over her slit with a finger, she shudders slightly. She was aching for you to do her but you want to be sure you get her obedience. "You know, the students that really have respect for their teachers tend to give them the title of master when they address them. They also call the teacher's favorite or best student the teacher's pet." You put your hands on her big hips. "Now tell me, who am I?" She seemed to understand what you were going for. "You are my master." You grab her hips and manage to get her to the edge in one pull. "Good, you're learning something. Now who are you?" "I'm your pet," she says with a lusty smile. You rest your rock hard cock on her damp lips. “Correct. Final question, what does the little pet want from its master?” You slowly grind yourself into her sex to tease her a little more as she bites her lower lip and blushes. “The Pet wants her Master to stuff his big dick inside her. Can she have her reward now Master? Please? She's been such a good girl." You smile and prop you member against her opening. “Since you ask so nicely,” you say and thrust forward. Celestia gasps loudly in shock and surprise by your sudden entry. You admit to yourself you would never do it so quick with Twilight but seeing how this is a test of authority, you don't fault on your decision. You’re surprised by just how warm she feels inside. You start to pull back out until less than half your length is inside of her before slamming back into her, making her gasp in pleasure again. Her muscles tighten their grip on your shaft and her tunnel begins to feel hotter. You shorten down your easy start seeing the years of experience she has and that you can't wait any longer yourself. The whole desk creaks as she rocks back and forth on it, moaning with joy by your repeated penetration of her cunt. You quickly work up a steady pace as you continue to hammer her wet, heated hole and have a good grip on her hips. You feel the heat seemingly spreading throughout your body from your groin and small beads of sweat form on your forehead by your horn. Celestia’s head leans back and she clenches the sides of the desk so as not to fall off. She looks at you with hungry eyes and her mouth opens as she yells and moans in blissful pleasure. "Oh fuck, it feels so fucking good! Don’t stop master, please don't stop! Oh shit, that's right, teach your little pet a lesson!" Celestia screams and you get worried if someone would hear her but you remember you really were in the castle dungeons. "Oh I will," you grunt. "I will teach you a lesson you won't forget." Moving your hands from her hips, you grab a hold of her bouncing breasts, her pale skin spilling between your fingers as you squeeze them. This throws her into another loud moaning session as you keep pounding her leaking cunt. You feel Celestia crossing her boots around your back, locking you so it would be impossible for you to pull out. You keep on ramming into her, massaging and clutching her boobs as she writhes in ecstasy and pleasure as you groan for each thrust and you feel yourself sweating from the heat. Celestia leans up and flings her arms around your neck, putting her mouth to yours in a lusty and sloppy kiss. It comes unexpected on you but you return her vicious tongue as best you can. Her moans start to rise higher and her pussy starts twitching around your cock, you feel you can't take much more yourself so you put in a little extra in your hits. "Oh Goddess, I'm coming master! I can feel you're close too, please fill me with your cum master! Please come with your pet, give it to her. OH GODDESS!" Her legs tighten around you and force you all the way inside her. She throws her head back and screams as a flood of her warm juices hits your member in her clenching love tunnel. You come as well, clutching her breasts as you shoot your white, sticky seed inside her. Her grip on your cock drains you for every drop as you coat her insides with your sperm. You come down from your cloud of bliss, gasping for breath from the exhausting round. However, the tiredness you felt withers away for the feeling of rejuvenation. It feels like it spreads from your chest and throughout your body until your fingertips and toes. You are puzzled as to how, you hadn't seen Celestia cast any spell which leaves you to believe the spell holds an after effect. It worked surprisingly long after having been used but this gives you a chance to secure your scoring chances so why not use it? "Hmmm," Celestia cooes as she relaxes again and lays back down on the desk. "Wow, this is a detention I can get used to." You pull out, the corner of the table dripping with your mixed juices. "Wow, you really gave me a good filling master, such a big load." She's about to get up but you pull her to the table. "Wait a minute there missy, I don't think you're off the hook so easy." She looks at you. "Are you sure you're up for another round? Most people can only handle one." You smirk. "Trust me, I have enough for more. Now get up against the wall my little pet." "Yes master," she says eagerly. She swings her legs over the table, walks over to the walls, puts her hands on it and spreads her legs, bending over to show off her still dripping wet sex and her juices running down her legs. Without warning, you stick your middle and ring finger deep into her cootch, making her cringe with a small yelp of excitement. "You are such a filthy girl, aren't you? I come inside you once and you ask for more. Well, if you behave well, I might give you what you want." "Thank you master," Celestia purrs. "I promise I'll be a good girl, I'll do anything you ask." "Good," you say, pressing your cock head between her soaked lips. "That's what I like to hear from my pet." You thrust your dick forward into her again, making her gasp in surprise as you plunge deep inside her. Holding around her waist, you start rutting her as your pelvis hits her ass with loud slaps in relentless waves. You feel the heat from before flaming up inside you again but you keep going nonetheless as the warmth increases seemingly from Celestia. For each thrust, the goddess moans loudly, her heavy breasts swinging back and forth. "Oh fuck yes," she yells. "Master, you feel so fucking good! Give to your little, dirty pet, punish her for being bad to you!" You smack her ass, adding a stronger redness to her earlier pearl white rump. She gasps as you hit her, trying to hush herself by biting her lip but in vain. You smack her again and she yelps, her whole body shuddering as her arms weaken and she presses her face against the wall. It's clear she is nearing her breaking point again, her eyes having rolled up in her head and a blissful smile with lolling tongue. You lean down and cup her swinging breasts, feeling the placement of them is a bit off due to the height difference. You pinch her pink, perky nipples, making her loud moans even more joyful as she tips over the edge of another climax. Celestia’s body shudders as she yells in extreme bliss, a new wave of her warm fluids hitting your pumping member. You see her nails scrape lines on the wall as her knees give out and sinks to them. The princess was laying with her face lowered and gasping after her orgasm, trying to get her scrambled mind collected but you were not done with her just yet. Your dick still stands like a flagpole and you want to make sure you pass this last test. "Come on now," you say to her as you hook your arms under hers to pull her up. "Don't say you're tired just yet my little pet." She stands up on shaky legs and you lead her over to the teacher's table again. "More?" she asks, seeming surprised on your eagered behavior. "Yes more. That's what you want, isn't it? You want to satisfy your master, right?" She nods. "That's what I want to hear. Turn around and lay on your stomach." Without a word, Celestia turned and bent over the desk. You waste no time and set your hardened tool to her plush and still red ass. She whimpers slightly as you push forward until you sink into her rear and she lets out a gasp. Her back entrance felt much tighter than her pussy and you have some difficulties but you manage to plunge all the way into her ass. She looks over her shoulder at you with an almost pleading look so you start rutting her from behind. With a hold on her hips, you begin to rutt the goddess against the desk, a bit careful at first but faster as she loosens up. You are now hammering yourself into her, making the desk creak for each thrust as it follows your movement. You thought Celestia had yelled out her lungs earlier but she still had voice left to continue to squeal in ecstasy as you keep fucking her rear. Sweat runs down your body as you work the princess with all your might and breathe heavily with her. The heat of the moment takes you and you give her butt a sharp smack which makes her groan quite loud. You give her another round of flat hands across her flank as she keeps exclaiming her painful pleasure. “You like having your rear penetrated by your master, don’t you?” you grunt to her. “You like being violated by men and feeling them fill your holes.” “Oh yes!” she yells. “Yes, more!! Oh goddess, yes!” Her tongue was lolling out of her mouth again, her expression telling you she was in pure bliss with her eyes having rolled up in her head. The goddess’s wings were standing straight up with small flaps from the immense pleasure. You take her wings and curl your fingers around the middle digit, squeezing them firmly and pulling them easily. This seemed to be a sensitive button for the goddess since she shot up and stood as a figurehead on a ship, screaming at the top her lungs. The building pressure in your crotch, indicating a coming orgasm, came sudden on you this time and before you get the time to warn about it, you go off. Planting your member as deep as you can, you release your second load inside Celestia’s royal ass. You buck against her burning red cheeks as you shoot thick streams of semen into her. Clutching her joints, Celestia enters her third climax which clenches your cock in her ass, squeezing out all your seed and emptying you completely. Another flood of liquids runs from the royal cooch and down her legs. You stand tensed up for several minutes before you both fall onto the desk, you on top her as you pull out of her. “That was… quite the workout,” Celestia finally spoke after having caught her breath. “I think we’ll say that’s the end of it.” Her horn glowed golden and the classroom turned back to the circle room on the double bed. Her hair returns to its long, flowing state and you both lay there naked. You roll off her back and onto the bed beside her, heaving for breath as the spell leaves your body. You feel exhausted but not as bad as you guess you would’ve been if not for the spell. The bedsheets cling to you due to your heavy sweating, the intense heat you felt welling up inside you as you fucked Celestia lingers but it begins to decrease just as the spell. “Do you feel a deep heat inside you?” You jump slightly, you had almost forgot she was still there. She smiles as she stares up into the roof. “Even though I have a ritual to prevent totally frying my partners, some does leak out. Most don't even notice it though. Of course, most don't go for as many rounds in such a short time as you just did. Not to worry, it will go away shortly.” "Good," you manage to say. You lay there for another couple of minutes before you speak again. " I don't want to sound-" "You want to know how you did, don't you?" She looks at you. "After the two other trials I can imagine how much this last one has put on you. However, you surprised me, you manage to bring me to three orgasms while having two of your own with no obvious signs of overworking yourself." “Yes?” you say leading as she lingers. “You were quite enjoyable, most partners would have stopped at the first release due to the heat and you do have a nice girth, you even managed to numb out my brain which hasn’t happened in ages. However, you were a bit rough with my wings on the end, I probably will have problem sitting the coming days and you didn’t prepare me for your second time.” “Yes, that did slip up. I’m sorry for that.” You feel a growing uncertainty and the fear of maybe failing after having gotten so far rises in you. “You are a handsome, young man.” She strokes a finger through your hair. Her words worry you even worse. “You could probably get many other girlfriends if you wanted.” “If I can’t be with Twilight, there won’t be anyone else. Living without her would be like removing my horn and I would rather cast away my magic if I could be with her.” The princess raises an eyebrow. “What if I said my price to approve of the test was your horn?” You hesitate for a short second. “Then take it if that’s what you have to do.” “You are willing to give up your magic, something you have lived with your whole life, for Twilight?” You sigh heavily. “As I said, I’ll do anything for her. It might be difficult to live without magic but it will be impossible to live without Twilight.” A warm smile spreads on the goddess’s lips. “Then it’s settled, I approve.” You blink. “Wait, you approve? What was that whole thing about taking my magic then?” “A final test, love is more than what you can do in bed but I needed to be sure that what Twilight was writing about was true. I admit, a little cruel but to give up your magic so willingly means you truly would put her before you and that is a strong love which is why I approve.” You look at her for about half a second before you try to get up. “Where are you going?” “To Twilight, I need to tell her the amazing news.” You sit up but a hand rests on your shoulder. “Rest up, you have been through alot this and the previous nights. I will send a letter to her.” A piece of paper and a quill appears out of thin air and the quill writes eagerly. It seems to write several paragraphs before it finished and rolled itself up only to turn into smoke and disappear out the door… that was slightly ajar? “Now then,” Celestia pulls you back from your sitting position until you lie down. “just rest up here, no coming trial or tasks, you have proven yourself worthy.” You do as she says and let all your worries drift off. After having traveled the last couple of days and worrying about performance and prestige, you find it surprisingly easy to let it all go and only feel the satisfaction of completion. The knowledge of knowing you had accomplished thrice the standard test amount gave you even more pride and you lay there and relish in it. You can almost swear you hear Twilight yelling from far away, maybe the note reached her. You smile as you imagine her bouncing around her room, squealing with joy and happiness. End of Chapter 6 > Chapter 7: The Bachelor Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----  Chapter 7: The Bachelor party  ----- Warning, this chapter contains: Strippers, cosplay, drunk flirting, lap dance. "Could you turn a bit to the left darling? This part here just won't work if you are to walk with the dress like this." Rarity was making the final adjustments to Twilight’s wedding gown. "I don't think that particular spot matters too much Rarity," you comment from the doorway. "It's probably gonna be hidden in the folds of the dress and it looks okay from here." "Nonsense, if as much as one border is slightly out of line the whole dress can come apart." You throw you hands up. "I won't argue with the professionals." "Aren't you suppose to meet the others for the bachelor party?" Twilight asks. "I'm on my way, couldn't go without seeing you first." "There!" Rarity exclaims. "I think I've got it now, try turning towards us." Rarity backs up next to you as Twilight turns around. Her hair was bound in a bow behind her head while still having her hair free-flowing. She had a see-through veil that would be in front of her face but was folded back over her head. White silk bands went from her cloth collar to the front of her dress. She had white gloves with small, white roses on her wrists that reached up to her elbows as she stood with her hands folded over where the long skirt starts. The dress had a very natural split far down in order for her to not trip as she walked down the aisle. The train of the dress didn’t look to stretch on very long as wedding dresses usually had. "How do I look?" "Ehm..." you freeze up as you try finding a fitting word. "Give me a minute to find a thesaurus to find another word for magnificent." Twilight sends you a warm smile. "Watch yourself, " Rarity says to you while keeping her eyes on the dress. "You're not supposed to really see the bride or her dress before the wedding. They say it brings bad luck." "What?!" Twilight steps down from the short chair she stood on. "Out, out, out, out!" she says strict as she pushes you through the hotel room. It wasn't as easy due to the boxes and papers lying around for the upcoming day. It had taken a month from the last part of the Mother Test and now that the wedding was mere days away, Twilight was extra on guard for anything that might slip. "Come on Twilight," you say as you step over a hat box, "I get you want to be a hundred percent sure our wedding goes well, I want that just as much as you but do you really believe it would be that bad for me to see you before the wedding?" "What I believe is that we both have worked too hard to start taking chances now. My brother's wedding got invaded by shape-shifting bug monsters! For all I know if I ignore this our wedding will become so unlucky that sky pirates will crash our wedding and kidnap you, and then I'll have to go all across Equestria to save you, but by the time I do it'll be too late because the wedding time will be over and any retake on the wedding will be a fake mockery because the real wedding was ruined!" "Ok, I wasn't going to say anything before, but I think you need to stop reading that 'Captain Catherine' series before you go to bed." "But I'm only up to book four! That's the one where Catherine is chased by the prince's ship and she thinks it's because she stole the royal treasury, but in truth he's chasing her because she stole his heart!" "....That's the plot? Seriously?" "Yes, I admit it's a bit cliché and that they maybe didn't need to bring in that guy with the eyepatch in book three and then just drop him again but I like it. The prince kinda reminds me of you, you know." "Really?" You pick up one of the books from the series. The front picture shows a girl dressed in pirate clothing and the supposed prince, both standing on a ship and staring each other down. "He looks a bit pompous if you ask me." Twilight snaps the book from you. "Don't you have a bachelor's party you need to be going to?" “I will, and watch out for Fluttershy, she can get a bit carried away with the drinks.” She giggles. “I will.” She gives you a goodbye kiss as you put on your jacket and get ready to leave. Going downstairs, you find your friends from Ponyville, Spike, Shining Armor and your friend who moved with you from Europia. He had taken time out of his constant travels for you, plus he would never let the chance of a good party pass him by. "Hi there buddy," he says and steps forward, throwing an arm over your shoulder. “Wow, getting married and starting a family, I could never see myself in your situation but believe me when I say you deserve this.” “Thank you,” you say somewhat embarrassed. “Never really expected to do this myself but here I stand, on the door to marriage with more friends than I can count on one hand. Certainly more than I ever imagined,” you add to attempt a joke and they all chuckle. “Well you better believe it,” your old friend smiles and pats you on the back. “And since you have mere days left to enjoy your freedom, it’s our duty as your friends to get you drunk, do stupid stuff and other things you probably will want to wish you never did.” A collective sheer came from the rest of the group. “Then let’s go everyone,” Shining says and leads on to a very fancy black wagon with gold lines. “I’ve planned a night we’ll soon forget.” All of you climb aboard the cart and Shining Armor gives a signal to the driver who sets the cart in motion. Looking out the back window as you go down the road, you keep the hotel in view until you turn a corner and you instead focus on the people with you. The red seats were very comfortable and it even had a built in ice bucket with two bottles of champagne, or it would have been two if not the first one was already being opened. You get handed a glass and you join in the others' loud chatter, this was going to be one of your last days unmarried and you wanted to make the most out of your last time. The ride felt pretty short as you stop. However, you'd managed to drink both bottles so it had been a bit longer than you thought. Stepping outside you are greeted by a high class-looking building with a big, neon sign with the text 'The Lusty Unicorn' in bright pink over the door. Spotlights waved their lights into the night sky on either side of the entrance with two guards in black suits watching the door. You walk up the red carpet with Shining leading on but one of the guards stops you with a hand motion. "Registration?" the guard asks with a husky voice. "Shining Armor, we are held off on a bachelor party." The guard looks to the other who checks a book. He looks up and nods short. "Step inside, " the first guard says as he opens the door for you. "Have a pleasant evening." There had to be a sound shield on the building since it had been pretty quiet outside but inside the sound was almost too much. The music was played by a techno blue-haired DJ on a balcony high above the crowd, some type of techno beat which was actually pretty good. There were all kinds of people sitting either by the bar, tables, or by the catwalk stretching over the majority of the big, open room. The waitresses walking around were very lightly dressed, some dressed as nurses and some with maiden outfit but the most eye catching were the dancers on the catwalk. A light beige pegasus with rose red hair dressed as a cat maid walks up to your group, bowing easily and smiles. "Good evening boys, my name is Heart Blossom and I've been told one of you is getting married." One of your Ponyville friends gives you a push. "Great, I just want to inform about the drinking discount and the secret surprise later on. Now if you follow me, I'll take you to your VIP seats." She starts leading you through the tables and people as the bass shakes your whole body. You can't help but notice how the tail on the costume seems to flicker and sway as it would on a normal cat, probably some movement spell to make it a little more realistic. You arrive at a lounge with deep red sofas and a glass table. Heart turns towards you as she removes the rope holding off the area. "Now I will be your drink server for the evening so don't hesitate to ask if there is something. Oh, and also," she points at Spike who had been eyeing the stage. "I know you are the leader of the royal guards but no fire shots, not unless lit by the barkeeper. We almost had an accident once with another firebreather so we hope you understand." "Of course miss Heart," he says. "No fires, I'll keep them to myself." "Thank you. Okay then," she pulls out a small notepad and a pen. "What does the soon-to-be husband want?" "He'll take a Liquid Crystal, won't you?" Dragons were notorious for being almost immune to alcohol so for Spike to suggest a drink would probably mean something very strong. "Sure," you say more optimistic than you feel. "I'll take a Liquid Crystal." The girl wrote it down. "Taking it all out tonight I see, very daring of you. And the rest of you?" They all order drinks in turn and she notes them down. "Right then, just wait here and I will be right back with your drinks." "Tell me Spike," you ask the dragon as you sit down. "What did you just make me order?" He smirks. "Just as the name implies, it's a drink containing crystals. They put a piece of crystal in alcohol and let it dissolve, giving it whatever color of the piece and a special kick to it." "A special kick to it? Now I start to worry but I guess there's no way around it now." "That's the spirit," he chuckles. "Not to worry, it's considered a soft drink amongst dragons which means for you that you'll only lose your taste for the rest of the evening." "So tell me," your Europia friend says and leans forward. "This Mother Test thingy you went through, how does it actually work? I mean, I've never heard this weird tradition." They all turn to you and you feel a bit pressured. "Ehm, well, normally it's the bride going to the groom's parents, preferably the father, to get tested to see if they are fitting for a life companion. In the event that the father or mother isn't around, it becomes the groom's task to prove them worthy to the bride's parents or motherly figure. Now Twilight, only wanting the best results for both sakes, arranged it so that instead of one test, I had to appeal approvingly to three of her role models." "So, they made you do some sort of task to prove yourself? Like what? Did they give you some sort of quiz to see if you were smart enough to be married? Made you make up some sort of love poetry on the spot to prove you love her? Do humiliating choirs for them?" "They were looking more how good of a lover I'd be," you reply. There was a bit of a pause before your friend spoke. "You don't mean they made you take off your pants and measured your manhood as a sign of if you were worthy?" "I did have to take them off, but it wasn't for them to measure it."  "So when you say 'proving yourself worthy', what you mean is that you had to..." he trails off, the silence explaining enough. "That I had to sleep with them? Yes it did but seeing how it's tradition I don't find it so strange looking back at it." Your friend looks shocked at you. "Sleeping with your parents-in-law doesn't seem strange to you? I mean, I don't want to seem disrespectful but I'm not sure I would feel comfortable knowing I slept with my wife's mother." "It's just a matter of perspective," John says, one of your Ponyville friends. "I don't blame you for finding our tradition strange, I bet I would frown at some things you have back home." Your friend shook his head, "I doubt we have anything that shocking as to sleep with-hang on a moment. You said there were three of them you had to pass? So that meant you slept with THREE different women? And your girlfriend not only knows and is okay about this, but she's the one who set it up?" A grin spread on the face of your friend as you nodded to his answer. "You've got one kinky wife, you know that? So who's the other two?" "Ok," Shining spoke up. "I think that's enough." "Aw, come on. Are you curious to know too?" Your friend asked. "I already know who the two are, now let it be." "Wait, you mean to tell us that..." Your friend busts out a laugh. "Your wife?! Seriously? Haha! So not only is my friend about to marry and have sex with your sister, but he's already slept with your wife? And you've known this and still thrown him a bachelor party?" Your friend had a few more giggles as he stared at Shining's current emotionless face. "And you're not even angry at all, huh? I know if I was sitting beside the guy who had his way with my wife I'd at least man up enough to punch him!" Shining kept his face emotionless as he replied. "Well it was a request from my favorite sister. Neither I nor Princess Cadance could refuse." "Right. You or Princess Cadance couldn't refuse." There was a pause of silence as the group looked at your friend's expressions change as his thought process finally caught up to his mouth ."Princess Cadance? That would make you Prince Shining Armor?" "And former Captain of the Royal guard." Shining Armor couldn't keep a straight face as he watched your friend squirm in his seat. "I'm pretty fucked now, aren't I?" Your friend asked. "Not yet, but the night is young," Shining says. "Anyway lets focus on why we're here. We're here to celebrate the last days of this guy's freedom." He puts a hand on your shoulder and shakes you. Heart Blossom came back with a tray filled with different drinks and handed each one out to the one who had ordered it. "Let tonight's first toast go to a long and happy marriage for him and Twilight." They all agree and you raise you glasses. Your drink was pastel green, a bit mixed out due to how strong it normally was. Biting down any logic of drinking carefully you take a big first sip... and immediately regret it. Green apple was your first impression, the taste seemed to singe into your tongue as if wanting to give you a permanent apple taste. The rest of the alcohol burns down your throat as if you actually had swallowed tiny shards of crystal that tore up your esophagus.  You quickly set the drink on  the table as you almost cough up your lungs as the others starts laughing. “That was *cough* fucking strong!” you gasp as the gulp of air stings in your chest. “You sure you would call that a soft drink Spike.” “Of course,” He laughs loudly. “Dragons down that stuff like sodas on a warm summer’s day. If you’re not gonna drink it-” “No,” you wave a hand to stop him. “It just took me off guard, I won’t let some wussy dragon soft drink make me look like a chicken.” “You sure? No shame in admitting that a dragon drink is too strong for you.” “Bullshit.” You sit up with your glass again. “I ordered it and won’t a little throat burn scare me.” “Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about,” your friend cheers. “Hey, let’s order more and see who can keep it up the longest.” “Please, don’t do that,” Shining says quickly. “More than a couple could do some serious damage to your voice box. Plus, I think you should stay at least somewhat sober for the surprise I’ve planned later on in the evening.” You hiss like the air was punched out of you as you finish your second gulp of the burning green liquid. “I don’t think I will stay too sober even after this drink but I’ll try.” You sit and talk amongst yourselves about your different interests, your traveling friend telling stories about the rest of Equestria which you bet half were exaggerations but he was half drunk already so he was bound to blur out a lot of stuff. With time and more drinks the talk shifted more towards prefered types of kinks and eyeing up the ladies on the stage. At some point you move over to the stage to take a closer look at some and even tipped one of the dancers who did an impressive split upside down on one of the poles. Taking a short toilet break, you return to find Spike seemingly hiding by the bar. “Hey, Spike, you feeling okay? I thought dragons were master drinkers." "I'm not alcohol sick, I'm hiding from someone." "Hiding? You should embrace it, I bet there aren't many people that are into dragons. Sorry, what I meant to say was that there aren't many other fire breathers in town, you're the only one I've seen so far in fact." You feel your normal thought process working slower from being dazed by alcohol. “I have a girlfriend already, a very cute one too, and she’s a dragon too.” “Wait, why didn’t you tell me earlier?” You sit down beside Spike. “I mean, if I knew you had a plus one I would’ve sent her an invitation too.” “It’s not that easy.” He stirs his glass and let the ice cubes clinked against the glass. “I first met her in an embassy meeting with the Gryphon Kingdom and she was just… breath-taking, you know. The meeting dragged on a couple of days so I got to become her scroll body, feeling arose, one thing led to another and now we have a long-distances relationship.” “Well that’s great to hear,” you say and pat him approvingly on the back. “So why don’t you tell this other woman you’re taken.” “I’ve tried but she’s a bit-” “There you are handsome,” a woman calls out behind you. It was clear from her voice she was drunk and turning to see her didn’t help her impression. She had dark purple hair and a tone lighter skin, a lazy smile and was walked a bit wobbly as she came closer. “It’s not nice to walk off on a lady y'know,” she slurred. “Yeah, I know,” Spike says, clearly not liking how she leaned in close on him. “I just had to talk with my friend here, he’s the reason I’m here tonight.” She leans over before noticing you were there too. “Oh hiii there, I’m Punch Berry... no, Berry Punch was it, sorry.” She reaches out a hand and you shake it with some doubt. “So you guys out on the town trying to find some fun?” “Actually, we’re here celebrating his bachelor party,” Spike says quickly, unwilling to let her continue her line of thinking. “I’m also kinda the caretaker of the group since I can’t get drunk so easily so I have to make sure none of us starts going off the handle in any way.” “Ooh, maybe you could be my caretaker tonight too, I have such bad self-control sometimes.” She puts a hand on his arm which he jumps a bit from and you can’t help snort laughing but she ignores you. “Besides, would it be wise to let a lady as drunk and easily dressed as me wander the streets alone? I will need someone big and strong to protect me and keep me comfort.” “Uhm, well I…” Spike scratches his chin and you have difficulties keeping yourself from spurting out laughing. “There you are, I’ve been looking for you all evening.” Shining Armor came up to you and saw Spike as well. “Hey Spike, I thought you said you had a girlfriend. Why are you courting up this lady as well?” “Oh we were just- just having a little chat,” Berry answered. “I mean, who would ever let such a handsome, scaled man be all alone with *hick* oops, pardon me, be all alone in a place like this?” “Right,” Shining says skeptically. “Well I’m just gonna lend the third party here, you two go on talking.” Spike sends you both a desperate look as Shining drags you off and leaves him alone with the tipsy lady. “You don’t think we should, I don’t know, help him out?” “Who, Spike? Nah, he’ll be fine. Now, it’s time for the big thing I planned for you. Just out of curiosity, how has the party been so far?” “Oh, it’s been awesome. Lots of drinking with friends, sexy pole dancers, loud music, sharing stuff you normally wouldn’t even dare talking about and hilarious situation we’ll laugh about in the future. Truly, this is a night to remember, wait, how late is it?” “Great to hear you’re enjoying yourself,” he says, ignoring your question. “I must admit I did plan this more out of my wishes for how I wanted my party to be so I just wanted to know if I was too inconsiderate in case of what you imagined it.” You hold up a hand. “Trust me Shining, you have done an awesome job with this evening so far.” “Good, since this next part was something that I almost regret not doing when I had the chance. I won’t have a part in it so I hope you’ll enjoy it for both of us.” You reach the door to the back room and he guides you through it. "Ehm, okay, I'll try." You enter a wide corridor, almost like a waiting room with no chairs, with rooms hidden behind curtain doors. Just as outside, a bodyguard stands by the only way with a real door. "Hi there," Shining says very buddylike to the big fellow. "My friend here is held off for a private session with The Bad Girl. In which room is it?" The man doesn't answer but instead opens a small shutter. "Hey, double S, do you have an appointment now?" You hear multiple female voices from the door and assume it's the changing room. "Yeah," a voice responds. "Just give me a sec, I'll be right there." He nicks and closes it again. "Go into that one," the guy points out a room with shimmering purple curtains. "Just remember you better not try anything cause it won't be pretty if you do." "Okay then," Shining says and almost pushes you into the room. It was dimly lit with one chair and a wall mirror. "Enjoy the lap dance buddy." With that, Shining disappears. You sit down and suddenly your brain process what's going on. "Oh goddess," you think to yourself. "Shinning has ordered a stripper to give me a private dance." You partly want to leave, you weren't quite as sure about strippers as you had been with the Mother Test, though thinking back to what Shining had said about this being one of his wishes too made you reconsider."I should at least see how it turns out before frowning at it," you think. "Why hello there." You turn around in your chair. A unicorn with red and yellow striped hair with slight curls stands in the doorway, eyeing you up. She was wearing a tight looking dress that ended in a jagged skirt which barely reached past her hips. "I heard someone here is into bad girls? Because I'm as bad as they come." You lean back in your chair, you could certainly deal with this. “Well you clearly picked a very naughty outfit.” You feel you could have come up with something better hadn’t it been for the booze in your system. “Oh trust me, I can get way naughtier than this dress.” She walks over to you with a heavy sway in her hips, grabs the arm rests and leans in close on you. “Name’s Sunset Shimmer but tonight will be your guilty pleasure.” She notices your low stare and smirks. “You like my breasts, huh? Why don’t you feel how soft they really are?” She takes your hands as you hesitate and places them on her chest. You have to admit she has very plush breasts, the thin fire-dress didn’t leave much to the imagination. Sunset gives you a satisfied sigh and lifts her arms above her head. "Mmh, You royal guards do have such firm grips." You let out a chuckle. "I'm not a guard at all." "Oh? I assumed you were, what with how the Prince kept talking about needing to find just the right girl, no exceptions." "The Prince?" Your mind is swimming in the low thumping of the distant music, liquor, and Sunset's body. "You mean Shining Armor?" "Yes him." She sits down on your lap facing you and moves your hands to her waist instead. "It's not often you see a former Captain turned Prince  show up at a local strip club. I had guessed you were a long time friend of his before he got married into royalty. After all, he went to such great lengths to set this bachelor party up for you." "That he did." You try being a bit risky and slide your hands into her lower back. "I'm actually surprised he was so willing to host this seeing how I'm marrying his sister." "His sister?" Sunset paused a moment. "Ah yes, his sister is Twilight Sparkle right? The Apprentice of Celestia and holder of the Element of Magic." "That's her," you say. "The most wonderful woman I will ever meet." Sunset strokes her finger under your chin as she looked you in the eyes. "I bet your father was pleased to see such an eye pleasing girl to be marrying her son." "He would have been if he was around to see this day" you say with a sigh. "A Mother's Test then? Well you must have done quite the impression on Twilight's mother." She trails an elegant finger up the back of your horn, sending a shiver through you. "I bet she wasn't half as naughty as I am," she adds with a giggle. "I think you underestimate just how naughty Velvet could be." "Ooo. Tired a big, strong man like you out, did she?" Sunset asked as she ran her hand up and down your chest. "She did put me through the rounds, and the others weren't easy either." Her strong yet sweet perfume was intoxicating and slurred your mind even more. Sunset had paused in her swaying for a moment. "I'm sorry, I’m not quite sure I understand." You struggle to get your thoughts together to answer her question. "I had to prove myself to three motherly figures in order to get to be married." She smiles as if you said something funny. "You're just pulling my leg, I'm the bad one remember? I mean, who would be so paranoid about approval that they set up a triple Mother Test?" She chuckles and you can’t help but laugh a little too. "That's Twilight for you. Only she would believe in a tradition in that proving one's ability to make love to a mother that she would add her other motherly figures she had growing up to the test. Like her sitter, Cadance." "Cadance? Princess Cadance?" She laughs a rolling laughter, a bit sinister you think. "You're trying to convince me that you slept with the goddess of love and passed?" "Yeah, I did." Sunset stared into your eyes as you tried to look back into hers. It was kind of difficult as the room seemed to be spinning a bit. Finally she spoke up. "You're serious aren't you? You succeeded in pleasing the goddess of love?" This clearly tipped her out of her role. "Yeah, I passed it. Wasn't nearly as hard as Celestia's trial though." "Celestia?" Sunset’s voice squeaked a bit as she said the name. She attempted to clear her throat and continued. "You fucked Princess Celestia? The unpleasurable goddess? And she gave her approval to you?" "Ehm, yeah. I mean, it was a very difficult part of the test but I knew I had to do it for Twilight’s sake." There was a long pause of silence between you with only the noise of the beat coming from the bar. Finally Sunset goes off your lap. "I think I need a drink. Do you need a drink? I think we both could use a drink." She reaches for a bottle and two glasses stand on a short table. In a haze you manage to piece together this might not be the best place to talk about boning the Sun, she already had a reputation on her for being lustful. You want to say something to the stripper but you notice she's frozen with the bottle in one hand and a glass in the other, seemingly locked in thoughts as she stares into nothing. Was it really that big of a surprise? "Uhm, Sunset?" you ask, fumbling a bit with her name. "Sunset, you okay?" She shakes her head and looks at you. "Y-yes, I just … had a thought." She puts the glass down. "Look, I probably shouldn't have blurted out with this to you, I'm-" Sunset puts a finger to your lips. "It's okay, it's very okay in fact. You know, I tend to get some amateur sometimes." She puts the bottle in between her cleavage and pushes it into her dress so only the neck peaks up. "People that think they're all that and know how to satisfy a woman but they don't." You cough discretely. "Oh, really?" She nods and sits across your lap again, trailing a finger around the cork on the bottle. "I had a royal guard not too long ago, they so rarely get any time to let off so they so easily to just- ah!" You catch a short glimpse of magic before the cork pops off and sprays wine on both of you. "Oops, I'm so sorry, I got a bit carried away." You want to point out you saw her doing it on purpose but the words stops in your throat. Sunset was licking the bottleneck clean for the spilled wine in a very sensual way, being thorough with the opening. She went on to taking the drops on her chest, folding her arms beneath her bust to push it up to lick them as well. A red heat rises in your face and a clear feeling of arousement starts showing in your crotch. “You got some on your face as well. Here, let me." She runs her tongue along your cheek until she gets to your ear. "Do you want to show me your goddess slayer?" she whispers. "I really shouldn't, I feel it it would be cheating and the wedding-" "Listen pretty boy," she suddenly says sharp. "I have had some lousy customers today so if you think you can come in here and boast about sticking it to the princess without being asked for a quality check, you’re wrong. Besides," she places a hand on your bulge. "You're already showing an interest in me. You don't think your sweetheart would have sent you here to not to enjoy yourself?" You give it some thought, she did make some sense, or it could be the alcohol speaking. "You really are a bad girl, aren't you?" A devious grin spreads across her lips. "Oh yes, worse than Nightmare Moon herself." She reaches into her dress and flicks a zipper up from it, hinting to you to pull it down. You lean forward and grab it with your teeth, slowly pulling it down to her stomach and freeing her breasts from the tight dress. Her nipples was covered by small pallets with a fire emblem on each. She puts the bottle back on the table with her magic as she strokes her chest gently, following her own sizable curves and smiling teasingly to you. She brings you closer for a deep and passionate kiss, her eager tongue rummaging around in your mouth with surprising ease. She pushes her body closer to yours, pressing her chest against yours so you feel the small plastic circles through your shirt. At first you feel a bit split, trying to decide if you really should do this but you finally give in to her overpowering talent in French kissing. She keeps you locked for what feels like minutes until she finally breaks off. "Mmh, you certainly know how to kiss a girl," she remarks and shifts her position a bit. "There’s something poking me, it feels pretty big and hard… oh, it’s you.” She looks down. “I think it’s time to let it out.” She scoots off and gets on her knees in front of you, starting to unbuckle your pants with trained precision. Pulling down your pants and underwear in one go, your dick springs up to meet its releaser. She ‘Ooh’s at your stiff tool, gently wrapping her fingers around your shaft and feeling it as she rubs you easily. A small groan escapes you as her other hand gets busy with caressing your sack, gently massaging your stones and hardening you even more. Sunset giggles. “I have to say you have a pretty well shaped cock, fairly good length and a good girth. I bet you’re great in the sack too.” You look away in embarrassment which she seems to notice. “What, aren’t you used to girls talking about your equipment so fondly?” “I’m not used to anyone talking about my penis in any way.” She smiles at you and sits up more properly. “You might have to, if I say it looks great then your coming wife must love it, I’m almost jealous. How often do you do it?" "Ehm, very little," you say bothered. "Never, to be specific." "Oh? Well, she's in for a real surprise when you give it to her. Ready for the real fun to start?" Not waiting for an answer, she puts her chest up and engulfs your member with her tender melons. She removes her pallets and with her hands pressing her bust together, she starts to pull them up and down your length and seemingly toy with it a little. She breathes warm air on your cockhead before sticking her tongue out, licks the back of your tip and let it rest on her wet tongue. Your mind seems to blank out, not because of bliss even though the tease so far was very pleasing, but the combination of alcohol, faint, pounding music and pleasure just wiped any thoughts out of your head as you just observe. Without even thinking of what you were doing, your hand reaches forward to grope Sunset’s chest but instead you find her horn. She coos pleased as your hand follows the spiral on her horn to the base of her head. “Starting by teasing my horn? Not a usual beginning but I like it when customers get inventive.” “I just thought I would start slow,” you say half dazed, your fingers keeps dancing along her horn. “I don’t want to be too forward.” “I’m a stripper, I’m used to a bit of rough treatment. Beside, if you you don’t take control, you’ll get eaten, like this,” she bows her head and puts her lips around your head. You can’t help but let out a small grunt as she starts sucking the sensitive tip of your dick, coating it with saliva as she runs her tongue around it. She certainly seemed to know her trade, her gentle yet firm teasing left you wanting more and it seemed your body agreed. Her horn was warmer now, a sign that either it had cast several spells in a row or that the owner was getting heated themselves. As your hand goes down her cheek and towards her breasts, you wonder if you should try taking control but your body seemed to be doing a better job than you as drunk as you are. Cupping her boobs, she gives you a daring look as if to challenge you upon which you agree as your hands start working her tits. “Mmmh yes,” she sighs as your hands rub her stiffening nipples. “You really know how to court a woman.” “I have just begun,” you say with a slight smirk. “Just wait until I really get into it.” "Ooh, I can't take it anymore, I want your big, rigid cock inside me." She stood up and took off the rest of her clothes, only her thong remained. She turns around and goes to sit on your lap with her legs on either side of yours and her back to you. "Get ready for a wicked ride, I'm going to take reverse cowgirl sty-oh!" Not wanting her to jump on your erection just yet, you pull her closer. Your grip however was a bit high, on her chest to be exact. You want to say something but her strong scent cleans your head of any thought of what you were going to say as it seems to leak out of your head like water in a bathtub. You instead let your lips touch her neck while your hands begin to lift, feel and explore her nice curves. “Oh, you want to play a little more? Normally people just want to get to the fucking but if you want to keep teasing me, then by all means.” “Mmhm,” you hum into her neck. “You like feeling my fun bags, don’t you? You like feeling it spilling between your fingers? I bet you love my big butt pressing into your lap.” She rubs her rear in your lap as to mark the point. “You probably want to slap me, call me a bad girl and take full control of my bod-aah!” You jump slightly by her surprised tone before noticing the cause, namely that one of your hands has drifted down Sunset's front and found its way to her private chamber. You feel it pressing the thin, barely covering cloth as your fingers rub up and down her slit. Your other hand keeps working on one of her boobs as it massages her eagerly. She squirms a little and comes with a cute yelp as your thumb begins rolling over where her clit is. You continue to trail kisses down her neck as you keep playing with her breast and rubbing her nether region. "Oh my, what sneaky hands you have," she says, her breath quickening. "You really know how to get a girl's heart racing." You say nothing but keep kissing her neck, smelling her overwhelming perfume as your hands keep working on her sensitive spots. The fabric under your fingers starts to get a moist texture so you peel it away and slide two fingers into her damp hole. She moans as you begin stimulating her sex with steady pumping motions while your other hand rolls her perky nipple between the index finger and thumb, pulling easily from time to time. Her pussy grows wet quickly and her sighs of pleasure seem to get more needy and impatient for something more. You remove your fingers from her hole for a second for her to see how wet she'd gotten. Holding your glistening fingers in front of her, she puts them in her mouth and sucks her own pre-juices off your hand with a satisfied moan. After having cleaned your fingers, she releases them with a small gasp and you return to plunge your fingers into her soaked entrance. "Mmh, normally I say this to please the customer but, oh yes, you're really great at this." She puts her hands over yours. "I can't wait any longer, I want your cock and I want it now." You finally decide to give in to her demand and remove your hand from her crotch, allowing her to proceed with what she wants. You just sit back as she pushes your stiff penis against her wet vagina, the warmth of her sex seemingly inviting you in. She sits down again, taking in your length while giving you a light, loving moan. She feels incredibly tight compared to Celestia and you wonder how she’s managed to stay so tight. Her wet pre-juices helps lubing her entry as you dive deeper into her treasure trove until just a few inches remain. She holds a wet, firm grip of your manhood with her sex as she seems to simply take in the feeling of you inside her. It only takes a second for her as she lifts herself back up so that only your cock head was left inside before she sat down again, faster this time. She moans in delight as she slides back down your shaft. With a growing eagerness, Sunset starts to bounce on your lap, taking most of your member into her tight snatch. You can’t deny the incredible lust that begins to build up in you as the skilled light orange woman moans joyfully, yet not sounding satisfied. Your hands start traveling along the stripper’s luscious body, feeling her increasing body heat as they went from her thighs and along her sides before finding their way back to her fun bags. “Ooh yes,” Sunset moans as you take a hold of her breasts and start to rub her hardened nipples. “I can see why the goddess approved of you, aah, such girth and size, I’m almost jealous of Twilight.” You only give her a grunt as your hips start moving with her, meeting her as she would sit down and driving your stiff rod all the way in. She gasps in shock and surprise at your sudden deep thrust but she doesn't stop, she even seems to go faster. You keep thrusting your pelvis up, slapping against her rear as you pinch her nips harder and making her groan loudly. You worry a little for her raising moans and panting and if someone might stick their head in to see what was going on but seeing how she had you pinned to the chair as she rutted you, you could do nothing but do as she wanted for now. You feel your head start spinning from the blood rushing through your ears, the alcohol and Sunset’s heated body pressing against yours along with her pleasured panting. Her hands, gripping your knees for support, tighten as your hips increase the thrusting and making sharper smacks as your bodies meet. The trembling feeling in your groin grows stronger and you know you won't hold out much longer. Sunset’s excited howls of blissful pleasure seemed to come to a peak as well as her tight slit twitches around your cock. "I'm safe," she manages to call out. "Just give it to me, all strippers have a safety spell! Oh yes, I'm getting close too, very close! Come on big boy, come with me! Oh yes, yes, YEES!!" You give in to your body's wishes and let it all flow with a relieved groan. With a last thrust, your drive yourself deep inside her as you pump out your white goo which hits the magical safety and repels back. Sunset screams at the top of her lungs and arches back as she feels your hot seeds splash into her entrance which throws her into her own orgasm. Her hot juices mix with yours and run down your shaft and into a small dribble on the seat of the chair. You grow limp after the blissful release and you merely sit back with no clear thought in your head and heavy eyelids. You didn't realize how pent up you'd gotten with all the preparation for the upcoming day but now your mind was problem free. Sunset merely sighs, almost sounding like a purring cat as she carefully pulls you out. She gets on her knees again and starts sucking your semi-hard member, licking it clean of your filthy juices and sucking the last bit of cum out of you. "Mmmh, you really have a big finish. If your soon-to-be-wife is half the woman I am, you're gonna have a busy honeymoon." She stands up and seems to bend over extra to show you the aftermath of your doing but your tired eyes barely register it. "She's more woman than any women," you mumble, tired and about to go into a drunken sleep. "I would give her the world if I could." Sunset sends you a smile over the shoulder as she puts her dress on again. "You're a real sweetheart, I can tell. I hope you enjoyed your bachelor party, the goddess knows I sure did." Your concentration on staying awake slips and your vision fades into a blur before it all goes dark. You feel something touch your cheek before what you assume is your friends taking you between them and guiding you out. All things considered, you declare to yourself that this was one of the best nights in your life. The End of Chapter 7 > Chapter 8: The Wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----  Chapter 8: The Wedding  ----- This was it, the big day. The big day you and Twilight had been planning for months was finally here and despite all the preparation, you had a swarm of butterflies in your stomach. You barely managed to eat this morning which now threatened to come back up. You repeat the rehearsal in your head to try to calm yourself down as you check your suit in the mirror for the hundredth time. The hat was maybe a bit too much but Rarity had insisted on you wearing it and, seeing how she was the dresser, you complied. A sharp knock on the door makes you jump before you see who it is. In steps a woman in her late forties, forty-eight to be exact, in a rose red business suit. You smile. She always seemed to be wearing something red, maybe because it matched her golden brown skin and ash grey hair. Most people would find this pegasus intimidating from her strong look and strict figure but to you she was open and welcoming. "Hello Mom," you greet her. "I'm glad you could make it." "What sort of a mother would I be if I didn’t make it to my son's wedding?" She closed the door. "Oh, look at you, all grown up and about to start a new family." Her voice trembles a little. "Mom, don’t make it sound like I'm abandoning you." Even if she didn't mean it, she could give you a real guilt trip. "You're right. I'm sorry, I just thought- I don't know what I thought, probably that you would stay the same little boy forever. I am truly happy for you, I want you to know that. Twilight is a sharp and pretty girl and I'm certain you will be happy together." "Thank you," you say and put your arms around her. She seems surprised at first but hugs you back. “I know this is in bad taste but… do you think my father would be proud?” “Of course he would,” she says, tugging you closer. “He would have been damn proud of you. You know, seeing you in this suit really reminds me of him, so dapper and stylish.” Your mother isn’t much for sad emotions, or talking about your father, but you see her drying her eyes before changing the subject. “So, where did you get it anyway? Is it tailor made?" “Yes actually, Twilight’s friend Rarity helped out alot with both mine and-” A knocking sound, like a wooden ball in a box rings from your mother’s purse. You flinch at the sudden sound but she seems used to it as she opens her medium purse and pulls out a flat, polished mahogany box at the size of an envelope. You’d heard of this new express post-device, based on the magic in baby dragon’s breath, they could send letters across the world in seconds. It was mostly used by higher business people who needed immediate contact with others in a safe way though this was only a two-way link, most likely a message from her office. She opens the box and takes the folded letter inside. "Let's see... we have looked... a reasonable agreement," she mumbles as she skimmed the paper. "A big opportunity... a meeting today-TODAY!? If they want a meeting with me today, I have to leave now." To your surprise she tore the note in half. "Sorry but I won't let business come before my son, I'd rather risk the deal than miss his wedding." "Mom, are you sure that's such a good idea? It sounded like a pretty important deal." She looks you straight in the eyes. "I admit, I have not always been there for you but today work can take a long hike. Today is your day and I wouldn't let anything come between me and seeing my boy grow up." "Thank you Mom, that means alot to me." "Hey," Spike sticks his head in. "You ready? Ten minutes until- oh, am I interrupting something?" "No, not at all," your mother says and puts on her business tone. "I was merely having a pep talk with my son." "Oh, so you're his mother. I was just going to say it's ten minutes until we start. And remember," he points a warning finger at you. "If you get cold feet at the altar and try leaving Twilight alone up there, I'll chuck one of the smaller pillars after you. I'll have you know I’ve got a pretty good aim." You chuckle, more of your mom's expression than the empty threat. "Spike, I give my personal permission to do so if I were to leg it." Spike laughs as he leaves while your mother just shakes her head. Eight minutes later you stand by the altar with your best man and Princess Celestia as you anxiously await your bride. The butterflies have now become angry bees which seem determined to make you throw up but you keep yourself together. Twilight's side of the aisle was pretty full with friends and family while your side had considerably more space. It was mainly friends and some family members from Equestria but also a few that had taken the trip with your mom from overseas. To your surprise, Rainbow Dash, AJ and Pinkie were all wearing dresses as you assumed they, or at least Dash, were too tomboy for it though she did look a bit uncomfortable with hers. You are tempted to go and check what’s keeping her when the pipe organ plays up. Everybody turns as the double doors open to reveal the white bride standing arm in arm with her father. They waited a second before taking the first steps forward and walking down the aisle. Following them was Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, throwing petals. You had asked Scootaloo as well but she had refused on the account of “not wanting to look like a sissy, especially in front of Dash.” Twilight was carrying a beautiful bouquet of white and pink flowers but they couldn't compare to how unspeakably radiant she was. Many started to wipe their eyes as Rarity was letting it all out, making Sweetie Belle a bit embarrassed for her. They reached the short steps and she manages to walk them without tripping in the gown. You can make out her smiling face through the veil though she had a very nervous look, probably as nervous as you looked. You wait for the organ to finish before taking the veil and pulling it over her head. It feels like forever since you last saw her and you want to just kiss her right then and there but you contain yourself. She looked around a bit as if she was expecting something to jump out but she stops as you take her hands in yours. Celestia opens a book and starts reading out the vow. “Dearly beloved, unicorns, pegasi, and people alike. We are here together on this tremendous day to celebrate the bonding of these two in everlasting harmony…” “You look absolutely wonderful,” Twilight whispers. “I really like that purple boutonnière.” She points out the deep violet flower in your chest pocket. “Thanks, it was reminding me of you but you, you are unspeakable gorgeous.” Twilight got a clear blush in her cheeks. "Stop it, I'm getting embarrassed." "I'm serious, I can't possibly picture anyone else I would rather stand here with and yet, here I am with the girl of my dreams." You might have whispered a bit too loud as Celestia sends you a look but continues nonetheless. “And so I ask you, please present your first rings.” You turn to your best man who was suppose to hold yours but he franticly pats his pockets. You give him a look of disbelief- his one task was to keep that safe and now he'd gone ahead and lost it somewhere? He suddenly seems to realize where it is and checks his chest pocket. He pulls out the ring with a bit too cheesy grin and hands it to you. You could almost swear he did it on purpose. He finally pulled it out of his chest pocket after a few seconds of patting with an embarrassed look, You just take the ring and hold Twilight’s hand with your free one as you thread the golden circle on her ring finger as you say your vow. “In good and bad, through days and nights, and under the watch of the eternal sisters, I take your hand in marriage. With this ring I declare myself to you in holy matrimony and to forever be by your side as your beloved husband.” You can feel the blood pumping loudly in your ears and the collar suddenly feels very tight but you do your best to not let it show. "In good and bad, through days and nights and under the watch of the eternal sisters, I take your hand in marriage. By this ring I declare myself to you in holy matrimony and to forever be by your side as your loving wife." Twilight sounded more profound than you did as she puts the ring on your finger. You both turn to Celestia again as she performs the second part of the ceremony. "And now," she announces. "As is tradition in unicorn wedding, I ask you both to present your second rings." This time, your friend pulls out the ring at once. You suspect him of having delayed the first one on purpose but you don't let it bother you as you take the second ring with your magic and carefully place it on Twilight's horn. "With this ring I begin the creation of magical bond between the two of us. I place this ring upon your horn to bind your magic to mine. I offer you my horn to bind my magic, gateway into my soul, freely to you. Accept this binding of our magic for now and  ever after." You’re amazed you didn’t stutter saying the vows seeing how you barely managed to stand. Twilight smiles, brings her ring on to your horn and says her part. "With this ring I accept. I place it upon your horn to and bind your magic to me, completing the chains that link us. All that you are is mine, and all that I am is yours. May our combined magic give us strength to endure any hardship that may come to us in our years together." As Celestia speaks, you notice a slight shaking in her voice as she was about to cry herself. “Then, as the Goddess of the Sun, I hereby declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” You kinda wish you had planned on how the kiss would go since you now realized how many people would be staring at you. Luckily, Twilight seemed to take decision as she put her arms around your neck and pulled your face to hers. You put as much passion into the kiss as you possibly can, her embrace seemingly filling you with new confidence and a loving familiarity you hoped would never end. You hold her until the blood rushing through your head makes you dizzy, Twilight smiles to you before turning. You do the same and together you start walking down the aisle as family and friends stand up and watch as you pass. As you come out of the main doors, you're met with a crowd. The word that the student of the sun was getting married had called quite the attention when it was announced. A rain of white petals and rice showers over you as you make your way down the steps. Something that sounds like thunder echoes over you and as you look up, a wide rainbow ring spreads across the sky. You take a second to take it in before you kiss Twilight again and the crowd's cheering reaches a new peak. You continue down the red carpet laid from the entrance to the road where a white carriage with golden detailed edges with two elegant white horses in front. Fluttershy had somehow made her way out before you and seemed to have a pep talk with one of the horses and stoked its muzzle. "Aren't they pretty?" Pinkie says, suddenly standing beside you. "I might have had you ride just the horses but I guess you want to sit comfortable for the ride." “Okay, they promise to take it carefully to the wedding party on account that they get a slice of carrot cake each when they get there.” “No problem,” you chuckle at the bizarre yet easy demand. “I will personally give it to them. Now then, my beloved wife.” You open the small door to the wagon. “Why thank you my dear husband.” She takes your hand as you guide her into the wagon. You step in and take the seat next to her. You both wave to all the people one last time before the horses started trotting away, an orchestra of loud clanking from some boxes tied to the back of the carriage following you but you don’t mind it as you ride down the road. “So we did it,” Twilight sighed in relief. “We got married without any complication, at least none yet.” “That’s what I said, just because you’re important doesn't mean your wedding is bound to be disturbed. Where you kind of hoping sky pirates would come crashing in and kidnap you so that I would have to save you through some heroic quests?" "If anyone would be kidnapped it would be you, the pirates in 'Captain Catherine' are mostly female." "And you think I wouldn't be able to charm my way out?" "No, with your charm they would have kept you forever," Twilight giggles. "Well then you just had to be quick about rescuing me before I became the captain's new favorite." "Oh I would take down the whole crew single handed if I had to." You both laugh until you put your hands on hers and look deeply into her eyes. “Seriously though, even heroines like you deserves a trouble free wedding. Even if something would have happened, I would never let anything happen to you.” “Well I wouldn’t let anything happen to you either.” She returns your deep, loving look before locking lips with you. After arriving at the location for your reception you had made good on your promise about the carrot cake, it had taken little time for the others to meet up. You take some time to walk around and talk to everyone with Twilight. You end up outside and talking with Rainbow Dash about the sonic rainboom she did when AJ comes out as well. "Hey y'all, what you're all doing out here?" "I'm waiting for my boyfriend if you have to know," Dash says sharply. "Hey Dashie, uhm, am sorry for what ah said when we were at the Crystal Empire. I get it if you're pissed at me for it but don't stay out here all alone." Dash gave AJ a mad stare. "I didn't make him up I said, he's just running a bit late." You exchange a look with Twilight to maybe leave the two of them to their bickering. "There’s no shame in not having a boyfriend Dash, to be honest ah don’t have-" Applejack got interrupted by someone coming flying in high speed towards you. Even you could see the person came way too fast for a easy landing but he managed to tip up just in time to get a running landing, almost tripping at the uneven road. Dash ran up to meet him by throwing herself around his neck. "Hey Dashie," the guy said, trying to catch his breath. "Really sorry I'm late, I forgot the directions you have me." "Oh you numbskull, why can't you ever listen to me? Did you even see my sonic rainboom?" "Of course I did, I just couldn't get to you because of the crowd." He seems to just notice you. "Hi, I'm Feather Racer, Dash's plus one." "Who's the liar now AJ," Dash gloats in the farmer's face. "I fail to see that you have a plus one, is he maybe running a bit late?" AJ just responded with a burning look before stamping back in. "Don't you think that was a bit mean Dash?" Feather asks. She shrugs. "Maybe but she’s been at me for making up a boyfriend, serves her right for me to get her back." "Still, it seems a little insensitive to call her out on not having someone." "Fine, I'll square with her," Dash sighs. "Now come on, let’s have some fun already." She grabbed Feather's hand and pulls him in. "Well, that was something," Twilight remarks. "Just some minor drama, Applejack and Rainbow Dash will probably settle it with some bet or something. Let's go back in, it's our reception after all." "Hey there you are!" You barely step inside before Pinkie grabs hold of you. "I’ll just need to borrow your man for a sec Twi, you'll get him back in at least one piece!” “H-hey, fine Pinkie, be a bit careful with the jacket.” She didn’t seem to listen as she dragged you into another room which you realize is a bathroom. “Pinkie, did you just drag me into the girl’s bathroom?” “Don’t be such a wuss, you’ve probably been in worse places before.” “No Pinkie, I haven’t,” you say slightly irritated. “What is so important you pull me into the bathroom for?” She tilts her head at you. “Me? Wasn’t it you who took me in here?” Your jaw drop at the new level of confusion. She burst out laughing. “Hahaha, oh Celestia, I got you so good, again! Now really, this is what I wanted to give you.” She pulls out a tape. “Oookay… what’s on it?” You turn the black rectangle for a label but find none. She waves a finger at you. “No no, I’m not gonna spoil it for ya, I will only say it’s been something me and Dash has been working on for a while. Just promise that you’ll wait until the honeymoon to view it, Pinkie promise me.” “Ehm, okay, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” She gives you a thumb up. “Good good, now please step out, I need to go number two.” She quickly pushes you out the door. “I didn’t need to know that!” You groan back to her. You take another look at the tape. “I hope this isn’t just a joke like some cooking show they made.” Nevertheless, you can’t help but get curious about it so you just put it away for now. You join up with your bride as you are asked to take seats for the feast. You had chosen a U-shaped table setup with your closest family by your side and the rest of your friends and further past family on the side. As you start eating and the chatting atmosphere gets going, Twilight’s father stands up and calls everyone's attention for a wedding speech. "Everyone, if I could get your attention! Hi, I am the bride's father, Night Light, and I would like to say a few words to my little baby girl." Twi's face went crimson with embarrassment. "Many years ago, when you only reached up to my knees, you had just started speaking and you said that you wanted to be a 'powewful unicown'. I remember you managed to find a spell book and almost setting fire to the house, at least you got some of your mother’s horrible curtains so thanks for that." People chuckle as Twilight tries to hide her face. "Now," Night continues. "As you grew older you became quite the reader. We would often find you sneak reading under the blankets at night, you would even make pillow forts so you could read in peace. I could go on about embarrassing stories from when you were little like trying on your mother’s makeup and how you tried to paint your room with glitter but I won't." He waited until people had stopped laughing again before continuing. "Today I will rather focus on the fact that you have devoted yourself to spend the rest of your life with another. I feel like I also should mention that you wanted to be sure he was the one for you, instead of having him take the Mother Test once, you made him do it three times. Seeing how he passed all of them there is no doubt he is as devoted to you as you are to him. I know as your father-in-law I am supposed to be very sceptical of you but today I can say I couldn't wish for a better son-in-law. So cheers, to both of you and for a lifetime of love!" Everyone raises their glasses in a collective cheer. "By Luna, Dad, you embarrassed me. Did you really have to bring up that one with Mom's makeup?" Twilight said as Night sat back down. "I'm your father, I'm suppose to do these things," he smiles. "There was also when you were seven and you-" "Okay dad, go take something to drink before I waterboard you." Night grins as he does just that. "Now I'm curious," you say. "What did you do when you were seven?" Twilight only puts a hand on your shoulder. "One day honey, one day far into the future." You want to ask more but someone else knocks on their glass. Turning around, you see it's your mom. "Hello everyone, I know we just had a speech from the bride's father but I felt we should get these over with as quick as possible. To be honest, mine is more a confession than a speech. I have not been a good mother to you, I have let my work consume me after your father left and basically left you on your own. I have very few embarrassing stories from your childhood and I wish I would have been there more for you when you needed me. Yet, somehow you always smiled the times we had together and that you manage to look past the fact of my absence in your life and still include me as you step into a new life is probably more than I ever deserve. So thank you son, from the bottom of my heart. To a long and prosperous life for you both!" She raises her glass and the others follow, some drying their eyes with the other hand. "That was... very touching," Twilight says and wipes her eyes. "Well it's the truth," your mom replies. "I'm a classic example of a career-taken woman who has the heart to put her only family second. I don't know what I else to do but come clean and apologize and try my best to turn around before I lose my son for good." "Mom, stop blaming yourself," you say to her. "If anything it has helped me to stand on my own feet. Sure, I did wish you would have stayed longer than the holidays and such but that is behind us now. Even if you were mostly away, you were, and still are, a loving mother to me." "Oh, now you're making me cry." She takes out a handkerchief. "Fine, I'll try to stop living in the past. Thank you son, it’s been tough for me but hearing you say it is a big relief for me. I just want the best for you and I truly believe  you and Twilight will be happy together." You put your hand on your mother’s. "Thanks Mom." After the dinner, the party moves out into a big tent with tiny lights going along the poles, small tables with seats for four, a dessert table and a live band. Pinkie had been very eager to hire a DJ but you had insisted you wanted something a bit more classy so Pinkie had gotten the DJ and her friend, a cellist. They made an odd couple, one with wild neon blue hair and hoodie while the other had long black hair and a more professional outfit but they did pull off a good performance. Princess Celestia took hold of Twilight for something she called "apprentice business" so you look around your party when you notice Applejack sitting by one of the tables alone with a good amount of cider bottles. You walk over to her as she starts on a new bottle. "Is... something wrong Applejack? Where's Big Mac?" "Nah, everythin' is fucking great, ah dunno where Big Mac went off to," she muttered. "All mah friends probably have boyfriends, ah mean, when Dash has one you can bet the others have one too... except me. Ah need to ask you somethin', do you think Ah'm pretty?" "Well yeah, I'd say you're attractive from a married standpoint. You are a perfectly honest and hard-working woman who can take care of a whole farm on her own." AJ just twirled the half empty bottle and watched the contents spin. "Fat load of good that does me when ah can't get a date. It feels like most men just turn when they even get close to me, even mah own brother seems to want as little to with me as possible. Unthankful bastard, after all the times ah got him off and no payback." She took the rest of the drink in one swig and placed it with the others. You are reminded of the rule which allowed sexual pleasing within the family. You thought it had to be an agreement for both parties to do it but still, the thought never went well in your head. Of course, as much as you as think about the idea, you start getting pictures of Applejack "helping" her brother out. You shudder slightly and try to drive it out of your head but AJ must have noticed it. Her depression went over to a partly drunk fit. "Are you being judgemental about me and mah brother's relationship? I'll have you know there's none of that freaky incest thingies going on!" A few people looks at you. You throw your hands up in defense. "I'm not saying that, it's just- you know me, I'm just not used to these things." "Yeah well it's a completely acceptable thing so just watch yourself," she snorts. "AJ, ah think you had enough now," Big Mac says coming back. "Remember, you're in a weddin' so don't start anythin'." She gives her brother a sour look. "Don't start anythin'? I'm not the one w-w-who took a seat and started questionin' the relationship ah have with my family." Applejack paused a moment to let out a belch before continuing. "What kind of people make it a crime to hug a family member? Could you imagine growin' up without a hug? Some miserable childhood that must 'ave been." "AJ." Big Mac took a stern tone to his sister, but Applejack didn't seem to notice as she began to laugh to herself. "Unless of course, he can't hug 'cus he's minds always in the rotten apple patch. Betcha he's completely defensive about it because he's shamefully into incest." Big Mac grab his sister by the arm and lifted her out of her chair."That's it, you've said enough." Applejack cursed and struggled against Big Mac as he dragged her away from you. When he thought he was far enough away, he turned to talk with his sister. Even with all the music and chattering going on, you could still make out the conversation. "What's gotten into you?" "What's gotten into me? Nothing! Nothing has gotten into me! And nothing will get into me! That's the problem." Big Mac stared at his swaying sister in bewilderment as she continued her small rant. "Ah am the head of the family, brother, ah make sure everythin' is running smooth. That means Ah have to look out for the family future, and seein’ how things are looking there won't be a future! You ain't shooting straight, I ain't lurin' anyone, and now all the pressure is on poor Applebloom. Oh I've failed Ma and Pa." You're glad to get out of AJ's line of fire but you did feel bad for Big Mac who just looked confused. "Not swingin' straight, what the hay are you talkin' about?" "Maybe... Maybe I just need to find some sort of donor. Oh, but to raise a child up without a father? What kind of horrible mother would that make me?" "AJ, would ya please stop trying to work yerself up and talk to me?" "I can see it now. Applejack: the apple that lost the family farm because she couldn't find a boyfriend. Doomed her brother to chase men and pressured her sister that lead her to run away from the farm. Most disappointed child of her parents." "Ah am not gay AJ." "Oh sure you are, Big Mac. That's why you never ask me to helped you out relieve stress." "You lost me again." "Relieve stress? Ya know? I get stress sometimes and you did that thing with your-" "Ya think I'm gay because of that? Why would you-" "No! I thought you were gay because you never ask me to relieve stress from you!" "W-w-well I couldn't sis. It would be.... awkward." "Oh for the love of-stress relief, Big Mac! I ain't askin' ta fuck you! I'm not into that." "No, I know that sis. But I never ask you because it would be awkward." "Awkward how?" There was a long pause before Big Mac gave his answer. "Because it would be awkward to have mah sister given me some 'stress release' while I would be thinkin' of her." "'Her'? Ya mean you do have a girlfriend?" "W-w-well not quite. Ah am tryin' to work up the courage to ask her but ah am... ya know." AJ put her hands on her hips in a very strict order. "You're what, too shy? Don't tell me mah big brother is afraid to get a no from a girl now." He didn't meet her look which was answer enough. "Sweet Celestia, here Ah've worried so much and then you're scared to ask girls. Come now, who is she?" You start to feel like this is some sort of wrap-up episode to a TV show, solutions to problems seemed to just hit you left and right. First Dash with her now not-so-imaginative boyfriend, your mother and your resolved relationship and now AJ with her fear of being the only one to further their family. The only thing now would be for your father to walk in and Pinkie revealing she was a mother. "Hey there son," Night Light smiles and takes the seat AJ left. "I hope you're not planning on getting drunk on your wedding night." He hinted at the bottles. "Oh no, these aren't mine, someone else left them here." "Well, I hope there's more than one who's been drinking these or they will have a major headache tomorrow. Anyway, I came to give you a wedding gift." He reach into his jacket and searched the pockets. "That's not necessary Night Light. Besides, we've already gotten one from you." Night went on to check his other pockets. "Well there is tradition for the ones involved with the Mother Test to give an extra little thing at the wedding day. Aha, here it is." He pulls out a small blue flatong. You pick it up and look at it. "What is it?" "Vigor," Night says with a smile. "Remember I mentioned I did a bit of experimental magic? Well this is one of those, a magic boost and a slight stamina boost. It had a... little side effect but I'm pretty sure I worked it out." "What kind of side effect?" you ask sceptical. "Well... it would make your sperm production go into overdrive on account of using your mana. When I used it, I could only levitate things for two days." "Two days of weakened magic for a boost like that... I dunno, might be worth it. Thank you Night." Together With Cadance's spell, you could give Twilight a night to remember. "No problem. Hello Twilight," Night greets his daughter as she come back from her talk with Celestia. "Hi Dad, what are you two talking about?" "Oh, you know," you say unaffected as you stick the bottle in a pocket. "Just some... stuff." "Well you two have certainly been at it on the cider at least." She looks at the bottles. "I hope this won't affect your performance later, honey." "They aren't ours, someone else-" "It's okay sweetie, it's our wedding so you're allowed to enjoy yourself. Just remember I will need you to be somewhat clear later." You get a slight blush on behalf of her. "For what I may ask?" "For the wedding dance silly, we're suppose to have the first dance in half an hour." You check you watch. "Really? I thought we said to have it... now actually." "What!?" She turns your wrist to check you watch as well. "Dammit you're right, come on." She pulls you up and you make your way to the dance floor. You pass AJ and Big Mac as she starts to question him on whom he has a good eye to."Now, who is it? Is it Berry Punch?" "Nope," he shakes his head "Is it Aloe?" "Nope." "Her sister Lotus Blossom?" "Nope." "Daisy?" "Nope." "Are you just goin' to tell me Big Mac or do ah keep guessin' all day? How can Ah help you out if Ah don't know who this woman is?" "It would be pretty awkward to help out, seein' as your two are close friends." "Close friends? Big Macintosh, it ain't Twilight is it?" "What? No!" “Good, then there's nothin' awkward to worry about. So tell me!" "Okay everyone," Vinyl the DJ announces. "It's time to dance but first the newly spliced shall open the floor with a special song. I don't usually do this in public, as in ever, but on request I'll play duo with Tia here, or Octavia as it were, on violin." She pulls out a elegant violin from behind the DJ panel. You had to say she was surprisingly good at the violin despite her normal techno music. You concentrate on dancing. Being somewhat feeble gave you an advantage but it didn't count for much as you only had quick dancing lessons from a recording. Twilight seemed to master it perfectly and soon you found the same rhythm as her and managed to keep up. You want to mumble the rhythm and look at your feet to check that they kept up but you know you'll only look like a fool so you instead keep eye contact with your partner. With one hand in hers and the other on her waist, you swing around to the elegant music and you feel like you could get lost in this moment forever. The people around you seem to disappear into a mellow blur of colors as only you, Twilight, and the music remained. Her swaying motion as you danced made you feel dazed as you only want to continue dancing like this but sadly, the music stopped all too soon and you are called back to reality. The people around you applaud, you both bow and then kiss, it felt like the best way to thank Twi for helping you and she seemed to understand. “Alrighty then,” Vinyl says as she puts her instrument away. “Now that the sentimental part is over, let's turn up the volume on this party!” She flicks a switch on her panel and a song starts playing up. Octavia played along-side the song which match the semi-heavy dubstep music, a weird yet surprisingly great mix of tunes. The guests enter the dance floor and soon the floor is almost full. Some merely watched, you see Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sitting on the sideline, Sweetie Belle aww'ing every couple while Scootaloo was almost laying on the table. To your surprise you see Rarity sitting alone by a table off to the side in one of her usual stunning dresses. She had an array of champagne glasses on her table, not enough to match how much AJ had gotten but still maybe a bit too much. "What, Rarity doesn't have a date?" Twilight notices her friend too. "I thought that would be as easy as sewing on a button for her." "Well she has been rather busy with helping out with your dress for the wedding, maybe she didn't have time to ask anyone. If it helps, my best man didn’t have anyone to go with either and he had plenty of time," you quickly add as Twilight gets a guilty look. "He's probably raiding the liquor table now that everyone is dancing." You try to spot him on the other end of the room. "I think you judge your friend a bit wrong there," she smiles and turns you back to where Rarity was sitting. Your friend was standing beside Rarity and held out his hand to her as if he was asking her to dance. You see the elegant designer take his hand with a smile and together they joined the others on the floor. Sweetie Belle must have seen it as well as you hear her yell 'aw, come on' from their table. "Well that certainly was a surprise," you remark as you return to the dancing as a new song starts up. "I never thought of him as the type to dare speak to anyone as high-class looking as Rarity." "Seems it's not only you who's change lately," Twilight giggles. "Next thing you know Fluttershy will be danc-" She stops mid-sentence and you follow her stare. A bit off to the side you see Fluttershy dancing with Big Macintosh, who was very nervous-looking. Fluttershy seemed even more frail than usual with the big man but she seem more secure than him about it and even seemed to lead him. It was like seeing a bear dancing with a ballerina. AJ was on the side, she looked way happier than before following her brother attempt to follow Fluttershy's movements. "Wow, Big Mac dancing was the last thing I expected, and with Fluttershy at our wedding. I think I need a little to drink." "Agreed," you say, even a slow dance did take a good amount of energy. As you step off the floor and you take a glass, Celestia comes over to you. She was wearing a white dress with an opening on her left leg. The dress was shimmering with light pink, pale green and sky blue just like her hair. You couldn’t help but notice how the dress showed off her cleavage in a almost shameful way.  "I just wanted to congratulate you both properly on a most wonderful wedding, I'm sure it will be talked about in the year to come if not longer." “Thank you dear Princess,” Twi bows slightly and you do the same. “We’re very grateful that you could make it aside all your royal duties.” “Please Twilight,” Celestia smiles. “Today, you are the ruler together with your newly married king. In that light, I have brought you an offering.” She hands you a convolute with her golden sun seal on it. “It’s my second gift, for the participation in the Mother Test.” “Thank you Celestia.” Twilight gives you a sharp look. “I-I mean, thank you so much dear Princess of the Sun.” The Princess giggles. “No worry dear, and Princess Celestia is enough. I hope I see you soon. Also, remember what I told you Twilight.” She tapped herself on the nose as to remind her before walking off. “What was that all about?” You open the sealed paper. “Does it have anything to do with what you talked about earlier tonight?” “Yeah well, she doesn’t want people to know that, you know,” she looked around before whispering. “You passed the Mother Test with her as one of the three. Pleasing the Princess is no small feet and she worries that it might give some unwanted attention. Really, I think people should just accept it as every other Mother Test but the fact that you’re not Equestrian would say something.” “Hmm, I could see that.” You pull out the paper and unfold it. At the top of the paper is a half sun and half moon on a shield. “Ehm, Twilight? Why does that symbol look familiar?” She snaps the note from your hands and examine it. She tries squinting but gives up and takes out her red glasses. “Sweet Celest- This is an official invite for a stay at the Royal Sisters Hotel! It’s one of the most privileged hotels in all of Equestria and it’s almost impossible to get a room without a year’s wait. Wait, it’s for- By Starbeard’s horn, it’s for the wedding suite, Celestia gave us a reservation for the wedding suite! I-I need to sit down.” You pull out a chair with your magic for her to sit. “Wait, haven’t we already reserved a place for our first night?” you ask. Twi shakes her head. “Celestia told me to wait to order, that she wanted to help out with it but I didn’t hear from her about it before now. This- this is fantastic, we get to spend our night at the most luxurious and exclusive hotels ever. I-I am at a loss of words, not even Celestia could have gotten this on so short notice.” “I’m not sure but it made for one Hell of a surprise it seems,” you smile as she nods and wipes away her joyful tears. The party went on into the late hours but after a while, people started leaving and soon it was mostly close friends and family who were left as it ends. A stylish black wagon, not much unlike the one you rode for your Bachelor party, rolls up to take you to the hotel and you say a last goodbye to the ones left. You climb aboard and as you leave, you wave to them standing there before you turn the corner and they disappear out of sight. Twilight slumps back as she sighs tired. “Oh, my, gosh! We did it, we got married and nothing ruined it, I was so worried a swarm of changelings would come in any minute.” “Aww, you poor thing, I told you not to worry so much.” You put your arms around her. “I know but I couldn’t help it. I feel like I could just fall asleep right here in this cart.” “Well there’s quite a while until we’ll be in Canterlot so you can get some rest. Here, you can rest on this.” You take off your wedding jacket, fold it and place it on your lap. “Thank you sweetie,” she smiles, tired before kissing you and putting her head in your lap. You stroke her long purple hair as she starts slipping into an easy sleep, the road jumping ever so slightly now and then but not enough to disturb your beloved as she rests. You sit and admire the beauty of the woman in your lap who is now your wife, her smooth cheeks, her nose and mouth. A gentle caress of her neck makes her moan slightly and she nuzzles a bit closer to you, a sleepy smile playing on her lips. A look out the window reveals a star-covered deep blue night sky and you realize some of the stars has formed into a heart shape with yours and Twilight’s initials in it. You make a note to yourself to thank Luna for the special night sky as you drive towards Canterlot where your wedding suite awaits you. End of Chapter 8