> Feeling the Beat > by Alexstrazsa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Feeling the Beat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feeling The Beat The door to her apartment opened with a soft creak, and after fumbling with the wall for a moment, Vinyl Scratch flipped on the light switch and walked inside, revealing her bagged and half-lidded eyes. The light flickered every so often, but she was used to it and merely shot it a passing glance, in hopes that it would cease. Her spiked mane was disheveled and full of split ends, yet she wore a smile on her face. As usual, she had returned from one of her DJ sessions, and the digital clock on the far table read 3:18 AM. “Heh, a little early tonight,” she said to herself, followed by a yawn. Stepping into the room, she lightly kicked the door shut behind her, then pulled her signature goggles off and tossed them onto the couch. They settled after a short bounce, resting against the faded cushion. She made her way into the kitchen, levitating a glass near her as she stepped in. She put it under the faucet and turned the handle, filling her cup with crystal clear water. Wasting no time, she put it to her mouth and tipped it back, downing the drink in one fluid motion. With a satisfied sigh, the DJ put the cup in the sink, which was nearly overflowing with used dishes and utensils. Letting out another yawn, Vinyl left the kitchen and headed down the hallway, opening the door at the end and entering. This was her room, and it was just how she left it - unkempt, and full of various music equipment. Near the door was a desk, and on top of it rested her laptop. It was fairly new technology, and cost her more bits than she would’ve liked, but it was worth it. The device allowed her to work on her music, talk to other ponies and advertise her DJing skills. Most importantly, it allowed her to keep all of her favorite songs. With the soft glow of her horn, she floated the laptop - and the pair of ear buds plugged into it - to her bed. There, she laid down on her side and got comfortable before opening the lid and hitting the power button. The machine hummed to life and the screen flashed on, bathing the room in bright light. She typed in her password and logged in, and before doing anything else, opened her music player. There it was - her glorious music collection - all organized and categorized on her hard drive. It was a passion of hers, gathering the music she loved and keeping it tidy. As much as she liked the CDs, which were all displayed proudly in a storage rack across from her bed, she found it too much of a hassle to keep changing discs, and far too cumbersome. Here, though, sorted and listed, she could listen to any of her tracks without lifting a hoof. It was paradise. She found one of her favorite tracks and started playing it, closing her eyes and swaying her head softly to the bass line. The sharp notes of the piano chimed in and she smiled, recognizing her favorite moment coming up. Seconds later, and after a brief pause, the electronic bass drop blasted through the speakers. Grinning, she bobbed her forward in time with the beat and tapped her hoof against the mattress. After the initial excitement wore off, she opened her eyes and let out a sigh of content. “Guess I’ll check my email...” she mumbled, opening her web browser and going to her account. Her eyes scanned over the normal things - fan mail, advertisements and Haypal payments. But as Vinyl was about to go to the next page, a particular message stood out from the rest. The title was simply ‘LISTEN TO THIS!’, and it had an attachment. Opening the email, she found there was no text - only a single file. She had to stifle a laugh as she read the name of the song: ‘audible_sex.mp3’. “Very funny...” she looked to the name of the sender. “...Ethereal Canvas, whoever you are. Let’s see if your music is as funny as you are.” Clicking the file, she downloaded it. The unicorn navigated through her computer until she found where she had saved the file to, and without a second thought, opened it. Her loud dubstep ceased, turning to a soft piano roll instead. In the background, a continuous line of bass sounded, giving the song an almost eerie tone to it. “Alright... this is kinda-” she started, but paused when a sudden hit of electronic bass kicked in. It was very brief, but caught her attention. Light bells and flutes joined the piano, and after several more moments, another sudden bass hit surprised her. A choir momentarily joined in, followed by a third bass hit. She didn’t know what to think, and before she could form a reaction, an ensemble of horns blared, followed by a pounding bass line and a fast paced violin. Joining all of these was a cymbal, the addition of which sent Vinyl’s heart racing. The pace began to build up for several seconds, then led to what the DJ had been waiting for: that familiar, deep ‘wub’ sound that she loved so much, erupting from the speakers and overtaking the song. Her mouth hung open as she listened to the masterful fusion of classical and electronic music, and her eyes only grew wider as the bass came and went. She was entranced by the soothing string instruments, clashing with the harsh digital tones. The intrepid brass and strings were in a constant battle with the electrifying sound frequencies, each vying for dominance over the other. After a fierce audio battle, the song begin to fade out, and the rhythmic bass and violin died out. Vinyl gulped, staring at the monitor in front of her in disbelief. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, and parts of the song still rang in her ears. Despite having just drank a glass of water, her mouth felt dry, and she could feel chills go down her spine. This music had given her feelings like no other track ever had, and she couldn’t even explain why. Something about it was just... She attempted to try and explain it, but found her attention elsewhere. An odd sensation came to realization, and she looked down her body, near her rear. Taking a breath, she slowly moved a hoof to her nether regions and after a brief, pause, wiped across it. Bringing her hoof back in front of her, she could see it had a new shininess to it and glistened with liquid. “Damn...” was all she said, looking back to her flank. Not taking her eyes off of her tail end, she put the track back on and let the music flow through her mind. As the song progressed, she could feel herself becoming wetter, while also feeling her heart beat quicker. Shifting herself so that she was lying on her back, she inched her already damp hoof down her body, putting it right where she wanted. Vinyl closed her eyes and pressed down, delicately massaging her damp folds. She let out a soft moan as she moved her hoof over her marehood, occasionally hitting a particularly sensitive area. As the pace of the song increased, so did she, rubbing herself more vigorously with every passing second. Her breaths had become quick and almost desperate, and she could even hear the sound of her self pleasuring through the ear buds. The familiar wave of pleasure began to roll through her body, and a smile crawled on face. Then, she heard the music dying down. Her eyes flashed open and darted to the monitor, seeing the song time dwindle into the single seconds. “Oh no, not now!” She panicked, trying desperately to keep up her rubbing while getting the song back to it’s crescendo. It was no use. She let out a groan as the song ended, letting her fluid coated hoof fall to the bed sheets. “I need more than that...” Vinyl protested, to her computer monitor. Her crimson eyes pleaded to the machine, begging for just a bit more of the arousing melody. She then realized that she could just restart the song. Using her clean hoof, she brought the mouse to the play button, but then paused. She had gotten an idea. The unicorn pulled the ear buds out and let them hang loosely around her neck. She then changed her music players volume to the highest it could go, then did the same with her laptops volume. Then, she clicked the play button. Her ears perked up and swiveled in the direction of the ear buds, which to her delight were loud enough that she could still hear it. They were so loud, in fact, that they jumped slightly from the vibrations of the sound. Taking a breath, Vinyl levitated the two buds to her rear, and after a few moments of hesitation, inserted the ear buds inside her. “Holy fu...” she began, trailing off into a moan as she felt the two electronics vibrating inside of her. She could feel every bass hit and every electronic sound, and each one put her into a sexual frenzy. A hoof quickly found it’s way back to her craving body and slid along it, feeling more liquid flow out of her. Biting her lip, she stifled a loud gasp and continued massaging herself. The song had picked up at this point, and Vinyl felt more of the vibrations rocking through her body. She let out a whine as she moved more quickly, and she could feel herself beginning to sweat from the exertion. Her tongue hung limply out of her mouth as both the thumping music and her own movements sent wave after wave of chills and pleasure shooting through body, starting from her crotch and rapidly moving up. Finally, the climax of the song hit - and all too fittingly, so did Vinyl’s. As the barrage of electronic thumps shook the speakers, the DJ felt an almost electric jolt go through her body. She arched her back and cried out, while digging her hooves into the mattress to try and steady herself. She then let herself fall to the bed and spread her limbs out lazily while panting for air. With a bit of effort, she wiped her damp hoof on the sheets, then rested it at her side. Inside of her, she could still feel the music playing, but was too exhausted to do anything about it or get any more pleasure from it. After the music had ended, she slowly rolled onto her sides. Looking to her rear, she gently pulled on the headphone cables, and with a sticky noise, they slid out of her marehood - thoroughly coated in her own fluids. She brought the two ear buds in front of her and grimaced, taking notice of just how much moisture had gotten into them. She then flicked her hoof, sending the wet electronics to a random part of her room. After looking in the general direction they went, she let out a soft giggle, then said, “Jeeze... I’m gonna need more headphones.”