> Ponies Panty Poop Adventure > by MaskedWanderer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Applejack's Tale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack's Panty Poop Revenge Applejack fiddled with the large lock securing the barn door. "Ah don't want no body disturbing me while I ready this special delivery" Applejack shouted to her family in the fields before moving deeper into the barn. She had already spent a long day bucking apple trees and other farm related work, and the shade of the barn was soothing on her already very sweaty skin. Strutting over to some hay bales, Applejack stripped her top revealing her two large but firm breasts. "It feels so strange wearing this, Ah feel like one of them upper crust ponies, heh heh" Applejack thought to herself as she dropped her shorts revealing a skimpy pair of underwear emblazoned with three diamonds on the side and fancy stitch work on the back. "How does Rarity wear these things? I can see my cutie mark and everything." Applejack pondered. "Well it don't matter much, Rarity left me a "gift" in my nice dress panties that I lent her to work on so I can only return the favor with a delivery of fresh horse apples in hers" Bending over a hay bale, Applejack adjusted the underwear already sticking to her sweaty, toned butt. "This cider I had with breakfast just isn't agreeing with me, wouldn't you say so Rarity?" Clenching a little bit, Applejack lets loose a mighty fart blasting her tail out of the way like a leaf in a storm. "Too uncouth for you Rarity?" Applejack stated to the panties. Rubbing her rumbling tummy, she unleashes a series of nasty farts as her face contorts into a grimacing grin of effort and pleasure. The gas mixes with the already damp from sweat underwear as the smell is infused into the silken garment. "Rarity always wanted to know where I got my signature scent and now ah can share it with her". As a mare unashamed if not even a little proud of her own smell, Applejack stands up taking a big whiff of the reeking panties, enjoying the aroma of her musk. "Whew wee, these smell worse than that time Big Mac had to clean out the pig pen, heh heh". Bracing herself against the hay bale, she begins pushing calmly yet forcefully in a way only a pony who is completely comfortable with her own bodily functions can. A small bulge appears in the seat of the panties, slowly growing larger with Applejack's effort. With a grunt, she finishes off the first log. "I had a real big family breakfast this morning; I hope these fancy, girly panties can hold up. Now my work panties on the other hoof, if I don't want to take any breaks out in the orchard, my pair can take an entire day's worth of manure". Lifting her tail up, Applejack gets back to work as the bulge grows bigger, going from the size of a single apple to an entire bushel. Looking back to both admire her growing load and to make sure it doesn't escape the skimpy confines of her friend's undies, Applejack remarks "How do you like dem apples Rarity?" With one final, grunting push, Applejack moves her last log into the already packed panties. “If that ain't the biggest crop of horse apples I've ever seen" she whispers in joyous awe. Breathing deeply through her nose, she took in the stench of the now disgusting panties that filled the entire the barn. "And judging from the aroma," Applejack chuckles, "Some of my finest work yet!" Re-donning her top and jean shorts, she starts to head back outside. "Now I wonder if Big Mac has anything to add to these." > Twilight's Adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight’s Panty Poop Friendship Adventure Twilight burst into the library clutching a pair of balloon covered panties. She seemed very frazzled but at the same time excited as she hastily striped her cloths and donned the party-themed undergarments. The ruckus woke up her faithful companion Spike from his normal afternoon nap. "Twilight, what's going on?," Spike groggily asked opening his eyes to observe his purple companion. "Oh Spike, I've learned a new lesson on friendship today from Pinkie Pie that I'm going to do for her. She described a friendship pact where we each borrow each others panties to stink and fill them up as a sign of friendship." Twilight quickly spat out. Spike, being accustomed to dealing with Twilight's various kinks over the years found this to be a generally normal practice and was willing to help out. “Well, okay, how can I help," Spike offered. "I want to show Pinkie Pie how good a friend I am so we are going to do this by the book for the most efficient results, fetch me the Pretty Pony's Primer on Producing Perfectly Plump Panty Poops. Spike dutifully wandered over to a seemingly bare area of the tree-house and elbowed a knothole in the wood opening a secret bookshelf from whence he grabbed the book. "For the power of friendship, I am going to give Pinkie Pie the largest and smelliest dump in her panties that I can create. Spike, what does chapter one say?" Twilight said. "Okay, chapter 1 says to eat a proper diet to gain just the right smell and consistency for your mess. It suggests lots of bean, oats, and grains with lots of milk as a beverage for the perfect gut explosions." Hearing this Twilight readied and quickly scarfed down a very lentil heavy salad with a large glass of milk to top it off. "Next properly agitate your intestines to create gas bubbles" Using her unicorn magic, Twilight shook around her insides like a soda can giving her a bloated tummy filled to the brim with waiting stink bombs. "Uhg I'm ready Spike," Twilight managed to get out over her reeling belly pain," what's the next step?" Spike consulted the page," Well it looks like you experiment around to find the best position to let out the smelliest farts." Twilight's eyes lit up, "An Experiment?! I love experimenting. Spike, my faithful companion, I will need your help to test my various 'theories’, think you can handle it?" Spike's expression drooped a little bit but as a friend, he had to help Twilight in all her endeavors, even if they weren't all fresh-scented. Twilight bore down into a crouched position and began to push. “Spike *ggrrrnnnh* get over her near my butt for optimal smell *FFFRRRRTTTTT* checking, ahhhh." Twilight commanded releasing her putrid perfume in the process. Spike breathed deeply and coughed on the fumes, "pretty good *cough cough* Twilight but I've smelled worse." Bending over, the purple pony released another blast of wind, a real dry ripper that lasted a couple of seconds. "That one felt pretty good, Spike how's the output on your end? *hhrrggg* *PPPPFFFRRRTTT* it smells pretty good on mine." As Spike recovered from her latest release, Twilight reached for the guide book to find a better position. "The guide says down on all fours in the equine position is the best technique for the foulest flatulence." Twilight read aloud. Hitching up the balloon covered panties; Twilight dropped down to all fours and instantly unleashed a barrage of wet farts. *FRRLLTT* FFLLAARRPPP* PFFFFFRRRRTTTT* “Wow! This position seems to have increased my production exponen*nnnnngggg* *ffRRT*-tially. Spike, how's the smell? Spike, get over her!" Spike was still a little woozy from the first fumes and was certainly not ready to be picked up by magic and forced over to Twilight’s blasting ass. "Really take a deep breath, this is for science Spike." Twilight implored. Spike unwillingly took a whiff but as he was ready to respond something happened. Feeling a particularly huge one coming, Twilight's front arms buckled under the pressure forcing her butt up, and after much grunting and pushing a megaton bomb of a fart exploded from Twilight's plot. " *FFFFLFLFLFLFLFLFLAARRRPPPPTTTRRTTT* Pinkie's panties crinkled and billowed in the gaseous storm as Twilight continued to force out the monster fart. Spike had no hope to face this new wave of odor and was instantly knocked out. "Amazing! That one must have registered on my earthquake equipment, Spike take a note. Spike?" Twilight turned her head to see her little dragon friend out cold. "Oh no, maybe I tried a little too hard" Twilight worried. After some waiting, Spike awoke but something was different. Instead of dreading the smell of Twilight's emissions, he was drawn to it. "Sorry Spike,I guess I should take it a little easier on you back there *ppfftt* sorry about that." Twilight said, accidental releasing a little toot in the process. "What are you talking about Twilight," Spike excitedly responded," the smell is great, I want more!" "I'm so glad you are excited about science again Spike, if you're so willing please take a big whiff of the panties, I want to make sure I burned the smell into them for Pinkie Pie." Twilight suggested. Spike took a look at the now green tinted party undies, forever infused with Twilight's bean blasts and already reeking like one of Applejack's manure piles. "The smell is awful", Spike reported, a big grin on his face. "Good that means we can move onto part 3, fetch the book so we know what's next." Twilight prompted "Well next it looks like is the actual pooping segment, the book says to find a good position to properly expel as much waste as possible in a comfortable position," Spike read aloud. Twilight laid down on her back, lifted her legs up, and began pushing. The first log came out, tenting the panties a little before falling into the under garment. Finding pleasure in this she pushed out two more. "Do you think Pinkie Pie would call me a *HHHHNNNNGGG* *ffrrt* party pooper for doing this?" Twilight joked. With Spike encouraging her on, Twilight continued to expand the once pink pair of underwear with a seemingly never-ending wave of mess. Taking a deep whiff, Twilight remarked," You smell that Spike? *PLORP* That’s the smell of friendship and discovery." Grunting with exertion, Twilight used her magic to pull back her panties to give more room for her poopy pile. "Spike, what does the book say is a normal amount for a pony to produce?" "Judging by the pictures, you are far beyond the average pony's messy capabilities, it seems you've found your place, and it stinks" Spike returned. "You're right, I was worried at first but it turns out I was ready for this and it’s such a wonderful relief to let this all out, oh wait one second." Twilight tugged on her tail sharting out the last horse apple in her tank. "Ahhh, I think that's it Spike, let me take a good look at my 'research' into friendship" Twilight said laboriously rising from the floor and waddling over to the mirror. Twilight admired the large watermelon sized bulge in the now brown party balloon panties. "Pinkie Pie is gonna think I'm such a great friend for how much I filled this up, I can't wait to see what she's done with mine. In fact, this whole farting, pooping thing was actually really fun; a great sense of relief goes a long way". Twilight's stomach rumbled as she released a monster fart that bubbled through the crap laden panties blowing her tail back. "Even with all that I still need to take another monster dump, I should send another full pair to Princess Celestia with my letter on learning about friendship, she must know about this tradition, she knows about everything. Spike, take a letter" > Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie Power Hour > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy nervously sat on the bed, kicking her feet in a vain attempt to calm down. She was waiting for Pinkie Pie to return with something or other, she couldn't quiet remember what. Scanning the room she noticed pictures of the Pie family and some of her and her friends on their past adventures, this was Pinkie's room after all. The shades were drawn but light still permeated the room as if the sun itself watched the goings on in the tiny one room apartment atop the bakery. The calm of the room was disturbed as Pinkie Pie burst into the room with the force of a small explosion as streamers jetted out in her wake. "Are you ready Fluttershy? I've got Twilight's for you and I'll use yours", Pinkie Pie said brandishing a pair of lavender panties emblazoned with a purple gem. Fluttershy shied away from the undergarments with a small eep, still a little uncomfortable with the whole concept. Pinkie noticing her friend's reaction continued,"well if you don't want Twilight's, I did happen to snare a pair from a certain rainbow pegasus who crashed into your chicken coop yesterday." Pinkie smiled waving around a light blue pair of underwear with a rainbow strip. Fluttershy stirred for a moment remembering all the trouble Rainbow had caused that day and that she had never apologized for it. Fluttershy then slowly reached for the panties. "You did say this was a sign of friendship Pinkie and I consider you a good friend. I've read some animals have a similar practice to spread goodwill." "Oh you're gonna have such a fun time Fluttershy, I do this all the time and it's loads and fun, get it? Anyway with you taking those I get to use Twilight's, oh boy!" Pinkie Pie hopped from foot to foot with pure excitement as she tossed her clothes off in a frenzy to change into her friends underwear. “I wonder what she's doing with mine?” Pinkie wondered aloud to herself. Not being as big of an exhibitionist, Fluttershy let herself into the small adjoining bathroom to change. As she dropped her own panties she looked in the mirror and reminded herself this was for friendship. Re-entering the room wearing her friend's blue underwear she saw Pinkie Pie rolling around on the floor, stripped down to just the purple skivvies. "I'm so excited about this Fluttershy, I've never been so excited, I just can't Believe I get to do this with you." Pinkie happily chattered out. The constant rolling mixing her stomach contents up like a blender. "Oh oh OH! Let's pretend we're Twilight and Dash while we do this! Here I'll go first." Pinkie Pie stopped on her back with her legs up in the air, her butt pointing towards Fluttershy. "I'm such an egghead, Spike, take a letter," she said in a perfect imitation of her friend before releasing a huge, bubbly fart. *FFFRRrfRFrBBBBrFrT* Fluttershy yipped in surprise at the sound. Not the smell though. She lived in a house of animals, the smell was entirely normal if not comforting for it's normalcy. Pinkie Pie sat giggling on the floor," come on Fluttershy, now you try." Fluttershy cautiously moved to sit on the bed still feeling out of place wearing so little in her friend's bedroom. She tried to focus on Rainbow Dash and how nonchalant her friend was with her bodily emissions. "What makes the elements of a good fart?" she quietly mumbled under her breath. "Loss of control, straining and grunting, and most importantly, passion," she continued slowly getting louder much to Pinkie's delight. "Now let's hear one," Pinkie Pie happily shouted somehow knowing the original exchange. Fluttershy braced up lifting her knees to her chest and pushed. *frt* Was that it? "You're gonna fart for me like that Flutters, let me show you how it's really done," Fluttershy said trying her best to imitate her friend Dash as she slowly grew confidence in the strange situation. Rolling onto her back, she pointed her panty-clad rear at Pinkie and with a massive *HHHHHRRRGGGGG* released a bomb. *BBBRRRRAAAAPPPPPPPPPPP* It continued on for almost 15 seconds before sputtering out. "That was fantastic Fluttershy, I knew you had it in you" Pinkie quickly rose from the floor, her mane blown back by the expulsion. "Oh my," Fluttershy squeaked out, her cheeks reddening at the embarrassing situation. "I'm so sorry for farting in your face Pinkie Pie, you must hate me, and I did it on top of your bed too, that smell will never come out," Fluttershy apologized profusely. Pinkie laughed a little to herself for all the smell already on her bed from past... experiences and then joined her friend on the bed. "Aww it's nothing among friends, here let me show you" *BBBBRRRTTTTT* *BRRAAAPPP* *FFRRRRTTTT* *FRARARPP* A low bassy tone rumbled through the sheets followed by another few blasts of varying tone. Fluttershy seemed somewhat comforted by the actions of her friend and still un-phased by the rank smell. "See? No problem at all. Heh heh. Don't forget you're wearing Rainbow's panties and can do whatever you want in them after what she did to your chickens," Pinkie Pie giggled out ,"be assertive." Fluttershy remembered how long it had taken to find and stare all her chickens back and wait to have a new coop built. Iron Will's training crept back into her brain,"Don't be sorry, Be Assertive," She said slowly gaining steam. Pinkie Pie saw what was happening and she liked it, "what else did Iron Will teach you Fluttershy?" "Treat me like a pushover and you'll get the once over!" Fluttershy's rage had hit the boiling point and now she was in control of the situation. "Now just pretend I'm Rainbow Dash, what should we do next?" Pinkie implored, grinning over this new element she had to interact with during her 'play time'. "On the floor now!" Fluttershy shouted as Pinkie moved back to her position on on the floor excited for what would come next. "Yah know what I'm gonna do to your bed?" Fluttershy continued shimmying up until her butt lay on the pillow. A grin grew across her face, more of a smirk really as her guts unleashed a windstorm of wet farts. *ffrTP* *FRPRTPFTR* *fprtpbptpr* "You'll be smelling those for weeks," she said with a satisfied smile, jumping off the bed and moving towards Pinkie. As usual Pinkie giggled in her usual upbeat manner uttering out between laughs," gosh I hope so." Placing her foot at the small of Pinkie's back Fluttershy commanded "You will not laugh at me. I demand you mess your panties as punishment!" Pinkie rolled around a bit before lifting her tail up revealing Twilight's currently clean purple panties. "Heh heh, okay," she said excited how well this play time was working out. Pinkie Pie's stomach gurgled as it messily tried to digest it's suite of candies and cakes. A single dirty fart started the flow of mess. Between her diet high in sugary sweets and the fact that she did this normally, Pinkie barely even needed to push. *BBBLLLARRRRPPPP* Pinkie giggled at the sound. The semi-solid masses oozed out of her butt with a serious of plorps and pops. Her farts as bubbly as her personality. "Oofhhh, party cannon has a blockage" Pinkie Pie grimaced as a pain hit her stomach stopping the flow. Fluttershy pushed her foot down into Pinkie's back,"Is that all you've got for me?" she angrily cooed. Man, dom Fluttershy is weird. That force was just enough to unclog her stomach as a particularly noisy *PPLLLLLOOOOORRRPPPP* heralded in a fresh wave of diarrhea. Pinkie's tongue lolled out of her mouth and she panted with the pleasure of it all. "Twilight will really think I'm a party pooper now, heheheheheh," Pinkie's infectious giggle filled the room. "You laugh at me, I wrath at you," Fluttershy growled getting in Pinkie's face. Iron Will's training lessons had been returning to poor Flutters brain. "Is that the best you can do?", Fluttershy angrily continued. "I'd like to see you do better, I've been doing this for years," countered Pinkie. "I'm a year older than you," Fluttershy slyly responded," but when some pony tries to block, I show them I rock, On Your Back!" Pinkie Pie turned over producing an audible and messy squelch as Twilight's poop filled panties were smashed into the floor. Fluttershy kneeled around her friend on the floor with her butt directly above Pinkie's face. "You break my code I drop my load!" Fluttershy shouted before bracing down on her bowels. Now Fluttershy's diet contrasted wildly with Pinkies. Where Pinkie consumed lots of sugar, Fluttershy ate simple bread and vegetables greatly changing the consistency of her poop. The first of many firm turds snaked its way out tenting back the cyan panties towards Pinkie's face. It seemed to stretch on for almost a foot breaking off just as it began to tickle Pinkie Pie's nose. "There's many more where that came from HNNGGG *BRAP* Ahhhh." The air was starting to get hot and stale in the small apartment but to open the window would allow the heavy miasma to escape and terrorize the citizens of Ponyville. Each log sagged the blue panties out further and further to the point where Fluttershy had to hold them up just to stop them from falling off. Underneath the scatological stalactite Pinkie was still having a great time poking a prodding the mess around like play-doh through the fabric. Fluttershy panted with angry exertion has her stomach emptied the last of its contents, a total of 4 and a half long and heavy loaves. The smell coming off them a dry, hay-like stink that while not being that powerful sat in the room like a fog. With her tank now on empty, Fluttershy wavered for a moment snapping out of her rage induced messing rampage. "Oh Pinkie Pie I'm so sorry, what have I done?" she asked with nervous alarm to her giggling friend on the ground. "What are you apologizing for silly? I'm having a great time and Rainbow Dash won't be able to get the stains or the smell," Pinkie playfully fanned her hand in front of her nose," out of those bad boys after the number you dropped on them." Fluttershy went to sit on the bed but didn't want mess to explode everywhere and instead stood awkwardly on the brink of tears. "Look at all this," she motioned to her packed undies the bulge about the size of a small watermelon," you must think I'm disgusting." "That's nothing Fluttershy," Pinkie Pie said reassuringly patting her chubby stomach," let an old pro show you how much is a lot." "But Pinkie Pie, you already went earlier." "Oh please the party cannon," Pinkie Pie slapped her plot," is always loaded." For a moment the sun grew brighter through the curtains as if trying to get a clearer look. Pinkie Pie walked over to Fluttershy and placed her hands on her shoulders to both calm Fluttershy and brace herself. Pinkie Pie said cheerfully "Quit with the shaking, it's time to get baking, tee hee." A look of concentration then crossed her face. Her first time that day had been nothing, a mere warm-up for what was to come next. *BBBRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP* *FFFRRRTttrrttr* *PLLLLLPPPRPRPRPRL* *FFPLRPRLTRTRPRFPRBBBPL* A storm of farts of all sounds and smells erupted from Pinkie's ass as if it were singing a song. Then her bladder emptied soaking the undergarments in a torrent of steaming piss. Finally the messing began. Poop of every imaginable type flowed from the pink one's plot. Twilight's purple panties ballooned but never sagged, lifted by the sheer force of flow. It was clear Pinkie Pie was getting into it with practiced ease, and had far surpassed Fluttershy's bulge. "You rock Pinkie Pie, Woo Hoo," Fluttershy cheered. But then out of nowhere it stopped. "Whew, I don't think Twilight's ever gonna be able to get these panties back in a wearable state," Pinkie cheerfully declared clearly proud of her hard work. “Where did all that come from Pinkie Pie? You already went before and I thought that was a lot then,” remarked Fluttershy. The purple underwear was soaked and stained a very dark shade of brown, and the bulge had been upgraded to a mound about the size of whole bouquet of fully inflated balloons. "I'm not really sure Shy, wow, Twilight must have enchanted these because I'm surprised it held it a-," Pinkie stopped mid sentence as her knees began to wobble, her ears flapped wildly, and her tail twitched greatly. "Twitch-a Twitch Twitch-a Twitch, there's still something big coming!" Pinkie Pie shouted before pushing Fluttershy away. Loosing balance, Fluttershy landed on the bed not with a squish but a padded landing like a pillow. She sheepishly grinned, oddly enjoying the feeling but her attention was brought back to Pinkie Pie who stood shaking in the center of the room. She clutched her stomach, crouched down, and with a feminine “umph” forcefully expelled a two foot long log that burst through the rear of the panties. With a weakness created in the fabric, the weight of the heavy poop bore down and split the back open entirely dropping the massive contents of Pinkie's mess onto floor with a loud and sloppy *THUD*. The sun grew very bright before flickering back down behind a cloud. “Wowie Zowie that was a big one!” Pinkie Pie shouted in excitement, part of the turd still clinging to her butt and completely unphased by the massive mess on her floor or the smell. Fluttershy sat in awe, her jaw wide open. “That was impressive Pinkie but what are you gonna do with the mess?” she questioned. “Well first I gonna finish this one off silly,” Pinkie motioned to the poop still sticking out of her butt, “do you want it Shy?” This afternoon certainly had been a wild one for Fluttershy and I think if you would have asked her at the start of the day if she would ever let one of her friends poop in her panties while she was still wearing them, she probably would have given a very different answer and ran away screaming. Fluttershy hopped off the bed and presented her poop smashed and underweared rear to Pinkie Pie who pulled back the waist band, stuck her butt up to it, and finished her business. Despite all she had pooped out before, it was still a noticeable amount. “Wow Pinkie Pie you must have endless bowels, I'm not sure Rainbow Dash will want these back either. Serves her right for terrorizing my chickens,” Fluttershy said as she sat back on the bed mashing the new foreign mess into the old. Pinkie Pie gave one last *HHHNNNNGGGG* *BBRRRRRAPPPPPPPPP*. “So now that you're done, how are we gonna clean up your mess?” Fluttershy questioned. Pinkie Pie motioned to her closet, “go grab the shovel from my closet, you think this is the first time I've had to deal with a mess like this?” Pinkie Pie replied giggling a little. The sun set that day on Ponyville with an odd motion as if someone who wasn't familiar with it was at the reins. Fluttershy's panties still lay clean on the floor of the bathroom, untouched by the messy adventures on the other side of the door. Today had certainly been an interesting day.