> Equestria Lanterns > by zzwolf > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Dragon of Will > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In deep space a starship was speeding to a blue & green planet it crash by a mountain then the cockpit had open to show a hand in a black glove with a green ring if one was there to hear the voice they would know that the one in the starship was dying. "Find him."the person said into the ring at that a green glow come from the ring. <><><><><> In the forest three teenage dragons had trap a light purple baby dragon that has with it a red egg with goldin flames. "Allright you little pony loveing lizard give me that egg!"the red teen dragon said with rage in his voice with him was a brown fat dragon and a dark purple dragon with blonde spikes the ones in front covering his eyes "If you give me that egg right now we will let you go free."the red teenage dragon lieing to the little dragon. "No one have the right to destroy a life with out a reason and just because 'It's fun.' is not a real reason!"the baby dragon said showing that he will not to let the teenage dragons hurt the egg. unknown to the dragons three ponies was hideing behind a bush two of them are unicorns the last one is a pegasus but this ponies are know as Twilight Sparkle the personal student of Princess Celestia and the last unicorn is Rarity a fashion designer from Ponyville as for the pegasus she is know by the name of Rainbow Dash another mare from Ponyville she is the weather team captain. "Wow who knew that Spike had it in him."the sky blue pegasus said in wonder "I never thought that he can be so forceful."the fashion designer said. "I all ways have know that he had it in him."Twilight said with a smile on her muzzle feeling proud of the dragon that she hatch and rasein her assistant no her son after this is all over she will ask Princess Celestia if she can adoption Spike as her son wich she did hatch his egg. "THAT IT YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!!!"the red dragon shout as him & his sidekicks unleash a united dragon fire ball at Spike before any one can see it happening a green glow cover both Spike & the egg then let out his own fire blast after the blast had leave Spike's mouth the ring teleport Spike & the egg away Spike's fire blast over power the giant fire ball as the blast knock out the three older dragons as well leave the ponies in shock. <><><><><> When Spike open his eyes he didn't see the teen dragons that was in front of him as he turn around what Spike seen like a air ship but it wasn't that type of ship he knows what type of ship is but Spike thought it was just Sci-fi on the other hand he thought Nightmare Moon wasn't real so why would this be any different he walk to the cockpit and seen what look like a sheep that can walk on two legs just like him also from what he can tell she is a female and she have a blast hole on her left side and it has some type of red enegry on it Spike was happy that Rarity isn't here because the last thing this alien need is one of Rarity's out burst about her uniform and it having green & black and that symbol on her chest was a white circle in it is a green circle with two green bars one on top the other on the bottom he have never seem it before. He try drag her out of the ship"No it's all right I had a good life."the alien said at Spike let go of her hand. "You can speak Equestrian?"he ask the alien he still can't believe this is happening "No it's the ring." at that she rase her right hand to the ring that light up and leave her hand. It floating to Spike he try to grad it but the ring dodges his left hand it fly to Spike's right hand and slipped on his middel claw then a emerald flame cover his whole body Spike close his eyes he new that his kind is fireproof but the light was brite after the flame had die down he open his eyes to see that now he is wearing a similar uniform as the sheep but he found a mask on his face where the alien didn't have one. "You are now a member of the Green lantern corp and before I die if you don't like the uniform you can change it."the sheep lantern eyes slowy close. Before Spike can change his uniform put his hands on her arms and shake her to keep alive there was one more thing he needin to know. "What is your name?"Spike ask her so he can write her name on a tombstone. She let a smile come on her face he does have the drive to do what is right and will help somebody with out asking for some thing in return. "My name is Kamir-Inna."the now know Kamir-Inna said her name then she pass on now Spike know now that Kamir-Inna had pass he try again to drag her out after he fail'Hmmm... may be this ring can do some thing?'he thought as he point the ring at Kamir-Inna's body as a green beam come out of the ring and cover her body when Kamir-Inna whole body is cover in the emerald light. "Wow that is cool I wonder what else you can do?"he ask himself not expecting for some one or in this case some thing to answer that question. "This ring abilities are Energy Projection, Force Field, Energy Constructs, Phasing, Environmental Playback, Invisibility & Light Refraction, Energy Twin, Energy Absorption, Flight, Super Strength, Wormholes & Spacial Warps, Time Travel, Limited Cellular Regeneration, Electromagnetic Scanning, Galactic Encyclopedia, Universal Translator, Material Alteration, Ring Duplication, Emergency Beacon, Homing Beacon, Mind Alteration, Pocket Dimension, Security Protocol, Preset Conditions, Thouht Relay."the power ring answer it's new wielder question. Spike face-palm he sure had seem that coming then thought about one of the abilities"Ring can you sent out a emergency beacon to all the other Green Lanterns close to here?" "Senting beacon now!"after it said the ring sent a pulse to outerspace. Spike know that it will take some time for a other Green Lantern to come so he get Kamir-Inna body out from the wreck of her ship with a green lantern after that he made the tombstone and found out the key to use all of the ring's abilities is willpower and the lantern is his Power Battery it's the thing to use for recharge his ring, Spike also thought about his feelings for Rarity he realize that the crush on her was about her looks now he knows that they are just friends but he had seem that Sweetie Belle giveing him more than one look over like he did with Rarity so he change his uniform into his version of the royal guards armor he take a look at it he have armor pant & boots along with gauntlets, chest guard wiht the Green Lantern symbol in the middle of the chest guard his mask turn into a helmet with now he can be Sweetie Belle's knight in shining green & black armor. <><><><><> In deep space a being was just sat on a meteor then it hear it's ring beeping"Emergency beacon found." It know that must be a 'White circle' rookie lanterns are must likey to get lost after one of Kilowog's traning exercises"What sector is it coming from?"the being ask if some body was there they can say it is a male. "The beacon is coming from sector 3874 on the planet called Equis."the power ring inform it's wielder where the beacon come from. The male just face-palm 'The Frontier' it had to be a new frontier lantern he jump and fly to Equis. <><><><><> In Ponyville at the Golden Oak Library Spike was trying to sleep but he still feel like there was more that he could do for Kamir-Inna, Spike had put her body & tombstone in the library's basement with out Twilight or anyone else knowing right now he stop trying to sleep and is going through the Galactic Encyclopedia so far he knew that thanks to the New Guardians of the Universe some who are the banishe members of the old Guardians of the Universe they stop both the ex-Guardians & Orange Lantern and sent them to in a dimension for each of them that left the Red Lantern corp & the Sinestro corp to deal with also the Green Lantern corp has allied with the Blue Lantern corp, the Star Sapphires, & Indigo Tribe he also learns that the different power rings of the corps are powerd by a different color from the emotional spectrum, Blue is the light of hope, Green is the light of will, Indigo is the light of compassion, Orange is the light of avarice, Red is the light of rage, Violet is the light of love, and the last one is Yellow but he thought about it the idea was funny yellow is the light of fear at he think about beings like Fluttershy use their rings to make some things to hide behind or a creature to protect them as he read more about it they who has the yellow rings can make their energy worst nightmare a reality. Then his ring close the galactic encyclopedia to show a map of the sky over Ponyville and on it is a Green Lantern icon above the town he didn't know how much of a charge his ring have Spike open the pocket dimension and pull out his Power Battery Spike rise his right hand in front of it"In brightest day, in blackest night. No Evil shall escape my sight. let those who worship evil's might beware my power..Green Lantern's Light!!"he said the oath of the Green lantern corp to recharge his ring he put the battery back and close the pocket dimension then transform into his uniform he fly to the basement and get Kamir-Inna's body & her tombstone then Spike whet outside to see a green glowing spot above the Everfree forest he flew to it what he see him to remember that he own Lyra 50 bits a human but not just a human but a male the male's uniform look about the same as what his use to be but the symbol is different. "Was it you that send the beacon"the male stop when to see Kamir-Inna's body. "WHAT HAPPEN?!"the male shout at Spike"Her's ship crash and here was a hole in her left side here was nothing that I can do there for her but this ring was hers."Spike tell the male. Then male floated to the ground Spike follow the human let down the body & tombstone on the ground. "Did you feel some thing weird?"the male ask the dragon lantern"No but I did see some red energy I think it is the energy from a Red Lantern ring."he answer the Human question. The male look at the tombstone then at the dragon lantern"Thank you by the way my name is Kyle Rayner I was Kamir-Inna's teacher and why you're not that surprise to see a human?" Spike remove his helmet Kyle was more shock than he was never he know about ponies but"YOU'RE A DRAGON I THOUGHT YOU GUYS WAS JUST FAIRY TAILS!" "Well I thought the same about for humans and the name is Spike."he said and put out his hand and Kyle shook it. "Good luck Green Larntern."Kyle said before he take Kamir-Inna's body & tombstone then let Spike was ready to fly back but then he feel a scroll coming out he know that it's for Twilight but some thing tell him to read it he open it and start to read. My faithful Student Twilight Sparkle Spike had been your son for all of this time we never use reall dragons eggs for the test where must fillies & colts get a stuff toy when the egg is hatch the toy that the form of the pony's thought you did some thing that only a alicorn or a group of High Spell casters do creat life I thought he would be a unicorn than a dragon the only ones that know the truth are me & your parents I'm sorry that I didn't tell you the truth about him I hope that you & your son will be happy with good mother & son times to come. Your loving Mentor, Princess Celestia Spike just laught he sure had know no wonder Spike was so different from the rest of the other dragons he knew that Twilight didn't know so Spike can't be mad at his mom but his grandparents he had some words for them Spike fly back to his home. > Raging Hurricane Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Badlands a female griffin let out a shout of "WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS LOSER PIT THEN I WILL GET MY REVENGE!" All those that knew this griffin have a really bad temper her name is Gilda life was nothing but hell her parents die when she was seven and the married couple that adopt her are high class nobles when they see or hear that Gilda had did something to make them look bad they would not let her eat for it and get beaten her but not so much to need a hospital when they let her go to Junior Speedster Flight Camp in Equestria where she meet a pony that she thought was her true love what most ponies or griffins did not know that she bats for her team every time that Gilda feel a gust of wind her mind whet to thought about that blue mare with a rainbow mane & tail yes she was thinking about the bearer of the Element of Loyalty Rainbow Dash when she have got in to Ponyville and try to tell the dare devil about her feelings but after so many times being stop by the bearer of the Element of Laughter herself Pinkie Pie had make a party for Gilda after a series of pranks she had lose it when Gilda was ready make the pink pony pay but the dare devil had stop her and told the rage full griffin that it was her pull the pranks and told her to leave when she had return to Griffland Gilda try not to let any other griffins know but one found out and told the Warlord by their ancient laws 'If a noble family only have one heir than that child must have a mate if said heir don't have one then that child must leave and will not claim their inheritance until they return with a mate.' and that how she got into this mess. Day after day she had fighting manticores and stone wolves right now all that Gilda wanted is her vengeance. <><><><><> Deep in space a meteor as it was floating through a cosmic storm when it come out some one can see a city on it the city itself look to be made out of pipes and obelisks on them are glowing red lines [A/N: Sorry I hadn't read a lot of Green Lantern comic books so I am using Shard from the Animated series] inside a palace like building there are different beings but they're all wearing the same red and black uniform but their symbol is not the Green Lantern corps symbol there are a circle with two vertical protrusions on either side like horns some have a head piece this is the Red lantern corps in a room here is a demonic creature in the uniform but his skin is red as well and three claws on both his hands & his feet his teeth are razor sharp that cover both of his lips this being is Atrocitus [A/N: I am using the Emerald Knights version I just think that version of him is more evil looking than both the comic & the animated series.] then a bright red glow get his attention the glow come from his yellow eyes look at a pit but not just any pit this is the very pit that where he made the other power rings and power batteries. As a power ring rise from the pit "Begin member recruitment process." he said to the ring then it fly off into space. <><><><><> At Ponyville's reservoir Twilight and Spike was fixing the anemometer so far they will have it ready for Rainbow Dash, Twilight turn to her son. "Good job Spike." she compliment her son on a job well done. "Thanks mom." he was happy that they are done. Then they hear their stomachs growling Spike pick up a brown paper bag and open it and pull out two sandwiches one a daisy and sunflower the other a crush emeralds, garnets, topazes and diamonds he hand the flower sandwich to his mother and he get the gem stones sandwich they both enjoy their lunch. "So Spike I hear that you ask Sweetie Belle out on a date this Friday." Twilight said shocking her son. "How did you find out about that?!" he ask scare about what going to happen. "Pinkie Pie." she said with a smile at Spike face palming. "I am happy you stop going after Rarity do you need any bits for your date?" Twilight ask her son showing him that she was not mad. "No mom I went gem hunting two days ago then I sold half of them and I even get some help from the Diamond Dogs." he told his mom. "How did you get them to help you?" She wanted to know how her son got the gems loving canines to help him. "I told them if they didn't help me that the next time I am coming I will bring Rarity with Me." he said then they both start to laugh at that they remember the last time when the Diamond Dogs had to deal with Rarity but Twilight knows that before Spike's date she have to give him 'the talk'. What they did not know was someone was watching they and that someone is Rarity but she was looking like Twilight on one of hers mental breakdowns. 'I finally decide give a relationship with him a chance Spike went and ask my brat of a sister on a date, why he so interested with my little sister, why would he want a filly who does not have her cutie mark where he can have a full grow lady like myself?' Rarity thought to herself. <><><><><> Meanwhile at Rarity's parents house A young white coated unicorn filly was laid down on her bed not believe it the dragon of her dreams had ask her out the filly play with her pink and light purple mane her tail hang out on the edge of her bed this is Rarity's little sister Sweetie Belle. When Spike had ask said unicorn and after she say yes Sweetie Belle pull a Pinkie Pie floating in midair all the way back to her house her parents was happy for one of their daughters has found love but they worry about Rarity, she had been acting weird then they remember that both hasn't give Sweetie Belle 'the talk' they face hoof at their forgetfulness. "I'm so happy there no way that this day can get any better." Sweetie Belle said unaware that something is coming for her. <><><><><> At a violet planet known as Zamaron the headquarters of the Star Sapphire Corps in a mess hall at a table two beings was have lunch one of them a human woman with dark brown hair was having a cup of green tea with an egg salad sandwich the other a green female reptile creature [A/N: Think Na-Inna from Chaotic.] having a plate of mix alien fruit and some kind of yellow drink. "So Recigde how are the kids still giving you trouble?" the human woman ask her reptile friend. "No they have been good so what about you Carol?" she asks right back at her friend. Before the first Star Sapphire from Earth can say anything a blue skin human like being had fly to them. "Carol, Recigde we need you both in the throne room right away!" their fellow Star Sapphire told them. When they get there into said room they see a woman with the same blue skin as the Star Sapphire that told them to come but this woman is wearing a white robe with the star Sapphire symbol at the chest part of the robe. "Aga'po what going on that you need both of us?" Recigde ask the guardian. Yes this guardian is Aga'po queen of Zamaron after the old guardians and the orange lantern corps had been banished those of was in charge of each one of the good lantern corps had become the new guardians. "Two of our rings are heading for the planet Equis I don't have to remind both of you what happen last time this happen." she said worry about the poor fool that starting this mess. "Wait did you say Equis?" Carol asks her. "Yes I did and already know about the Green Lantern on that planet but a Red Lantern power ring is going to Equis, as well that why I need both of you go to Equis and help both the Green Lantern and recruits if one of them chose the wrong path bring them here so that we can return them to normal and help them with any problems that would made the power ring choose them the last thing we need is unstable members again." Aga'po told them. They nodded and leave. <><><><><> Back in the Badland Gilda was out of breath she had fight off another pack of stone wolves then she hear a roar Gilda know that was a roar of a manticore after few minutes she was ready for another fight but Gilda knew that this will be her last if she was lying in say that this manticore was a light weight than she would be bad as Applejack for this manticore is bigger than any others that she seem it has scars all over its upper body and some cuts still have blood come out of them its yellow eyes looking at her it knew as well today is her last. [Play the bearer of the ring, the wearer of the ring from the Return of the King the animated movie] Then a red light came down the manticore look afraid of the thing but Gilda feel that the thing had come there for her when the it revealed itself to be a ring then a demonic voice speak "Gilda Warclaw of Equis you have great rage in your heart you belong to the Red Lantern corps!" then the ring put itself on her left middle eagle talon as a red blazing light cover her body after the light die down to revealed her in the Red Lantern uniform but she have both of her claws on each side of her head she feel like there are two voices in her head when Gilda open her eyes instead of her amber orbs they had become red. The manticore try to fly away but a red claw grab it by its scorpion tail the manticore turn to see that Gilda was still in her spot the claw was made out of that red light then the claw slam the beast to the ground it slam the manticore to where the beast was behind Gilda [A/N: it is a Bam Bam if you don't what it is watch some Flintstones or Son of the Mask.] then a second claw was made off the same light each grab a wing and slowly rip them off blood spray out this process keep going until all that is left is a pile of rip body parts and blood then Gilda see a other pack of stone wolves she blast them with some kind of red slime from her mouth that destroyed them after that she pass out the ring speak again "Begin Limited Cellular Regeneration!" as the red light heal her wounds. [Stop playing the song here.] <><><><><> Rainbow Dash was nervous that Spitfire was there but now she started to doubt herself eight of the Ponyville's pegasi was down because of the feather flu but as the old saying go's the show must go on. While Rainbow was getting ready to try the tornado with what pegasi she had on hoof both Twilight and Spike just shook their heads but what any pony did not know that some pony is hiding and getting ready to make a grab and run. From her hiding spot Rarity was watching them right next to her is sixteen balloons full of some type of liquid 'I am glad that Twilight had talk Zecora into making this tranquilizer potion for us when we visit her it will make this easy I just wish that Rainbow would not be so stubborn but I do need a distraction.' she thought to herself. At that Spike blow the horn Rainbow and the rest of Ponyville's pegasi take off and form a tornado both Spike and his mother was holding on to the machine they turn to see that Fluttershy had come to give Rainbow some moral support but then Spike's ring when off "Warning one Red lantern power ring and two Star sapphire power rings are on the planet so far only the Red lantern power ring had found a bearer others are still searching for bearers but one of the Star sapphire power rings is heading this way!" Spike went pale he knew that one Star sapphire or Red lantern was bad enough but this is going to be a disaster in the making when he turn to look at his mother. Twilight has one of those looks that mothers have that said 'Tell me right now or else young colt!' Fluttershy was not paying attention at the mother and son right in front of her what get her attention is a pink light coming closer to a tree. As Spike was about to tell her when they hear a splash they turn to see that the pegasi shooting out everywhere then a bulk white pegasus stallion with tiny wings knock over the tree that Fluttershy was staring at to everyone shock at who was behind that tree with some balloons now Twilight knows why the Cutie Mark Crusaders was scared of her for a while, Spike look at Rarity then at the balloons. "Rarity why are you here and what with the balloons?" Spike asks the unstable mare. Rarity got up and trotted to Spike "Well Spikey wikey I did it for us." she said geting closer to him. Twilight was not liking the way that Rarity was looking at her son then she heard some pony snoring she turn to the white pegasus stallion who knock over the tree that Rarity was hiding behind and he is sleeping right there on the spot then she knows what is in the balloons. "RARITY HAVE YOU GONE MAD USEING ZECORA'S TRANQUILIZER POTION DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG THAT STUFF LAST FOR AND STAY AWAY FROM MY SON!" Twilight shouted at her fellow unicorn she turn to Fluttershy and see that the butterscotch pegasus is still staring at something then she see what have her friend's attention. <><><><><> Sweetie Belle was looking for her sister none of her dresses wasn't right she need a new dress that just made for her date with Spike but no matter where she go Rarity was not there then she stop right next to a small group of stallions. "Have you see Rarity I think she finally break?" a green coated earth stallion ask the others. A red coated earth stallion nodded "Yeah I did the saddest thing about this is the beating that spike will get from Thunderlane once he get better." "I know what you mean Thunderlane has his crush on Rarity far longer than Spike's but going from oldest to youngest I thought Spike was going to try do something stupid from a book, if I didn't talk to him before he & his mom leave their home he said 'that Sweetie belle is more of my type than her sister'." a brown coated unicorn stallion said in lighten his friends. "I always thought that they would made a great couple but I bet that Spike did not know Rarity had get a crush on him after he got on that greed rampage, but it's look like Rarity going to pull something from a book." an orange coated unicorn stallion said. "What do you mean?" a gray coated earth stallion asks. The brown unicorn turn to the gray earth pony with a raised eyebrow "Did you forget about that time that Snips and Snails try to make a copy of that tranquilizer potion?" Sweetie Belle did not need to hear the rest she know what Rarity is planning to do but before she can try to finding her sister and stopping her a pink light stop her with the group of stallions looking at it in awed. <><><><><> Appaloosa's apple orchard It was a normal day for the ponies of Appaloosa but for one amber colored earth pony stallion with a golden mane and a single red apple for a cutie mark. He wore a tan vest and a brown Stetson hat that shaded his light green eyes his name is Braeburn he was going to check on an apple tree named Bloomberg it was a gift from his cousin Applejack as he about to reach the spot where said tree is planted at but then a violet portal open up then two beings walk out of said portal one of them look like a teenage dragon was wearing a mix of a belly-dancer dress and a two piece swimsuit and the other is a human female in one piece swimsuit and wearing high heels boots and both on beings is a symbol that look like his cousin friend Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark Braeburn blinked he thought humans was just fairytales to tell foals. "Recigde I think you were off again." the human said to her dragon like friend. Recigde look around just see apple trees and a creature that look like a earth horse that is wearing a tan vest and a brown Stetson behind it a town after that a desert she then walk slowly to the creature. "It's okay little guy take us to your owner then we can give you a nice big red apple." Recigde said thinking that Braeburn is some ones pet. The earth stallion got mad at that "I'M NO PONY PET DO YA'LL HEAR ME!?" Both Carol and Recigde was shock they thought that this planet was ruled by dragons but they had been wrong before. "Sorry about that we thought that you're some ones pet can you please tell us which way to Ponyville?" Carol asks the western stallion. Braeburn pointing to the north, Recigde look at her ring it was flashing and a map come out of the ring then the map show that they are close to the Red Lantern location. "Carol we are close to the Red lantern location!" she told her human friend. Carol pick up Braeburn and throw him to Recigde, Recigde catch him she look at the earth stallion then at her friend she knew what Carol meant with the throw Recigde take off flying heading north leaveing the orchard. "What in the hek is going on?" he ask the dragon like creature. "Don't worry I will tell you when we get to Ponyville." Recigde told him as they keep flying. Once Carol see them were far enough she created a map to see where the Red lantern at is and flew off to the location. <><><><><> Gilda slowly open her eyes then she grabs her head 'Kill, Destroy, burn,' the voice said in her head. "Warning Star sapphire incoming!" the ring warned its bearer. Carol had found the newbie red lantern 'It's look like this one have a strong will or else a berserking ... is that thing a griffin?' she thought before Carol can do anything a pair of red claws slam her to the ground Carol look at the griffin. In Gilda's mind she was losing a fight against a red copy of herself "There is no way I will lose to you!" she told her opponent before she fell on to the floor. "I guess this is the end of you I will make sure that this pink loser and Dash will scream out our names as I slowly rip their hearts out of their bodies!" Gilda's dark side grin at her then a construct of Pinkie Pie had appeared and jumping and laughing around the down griffin the construct then pull out a pie the size of the Golden Oaks library and throw it at her. Before the flying bake good hit its mark Gilda thoughts about hearing Rainbow Dash Screaming in pain then in a burst of speed she went through the pie and destroy the Pinkie construct with her right claw Gilda lift her dark side up by its neck. "YOU LISTEN HERE NO ONE WILL HURT DASH AND IF ANY BODY IS GOING TO KILL THAT PINK FLUFF BALL IT. WILL. BE. MMMMMMEEEEEEEE!" she shouted at that her darkside disappear in a flash of red light. Carol eyes went wide both of the griffin's eagle claws are now off of its head when the griffin open its eyes they weren't red pupils with the rest being black they are it's normal colors then a vortex open what come out of it only a hand full of Red lanterns can get a Red lantern power battery Gilda rise her left claw to the lantern. "With blood and rage of crimson red Ripped from a corpse so freshly dead Together with our hellish hate We'll burn you all, That is your fate!" After she said the oath Gilda try to fly off but a pink hammer slam her back to the ground Carol dismiss the construct "I thought it would take more than that?" she look over the down griffin Carol shrugged "Oh well what done is done now I just have to check up with Recigde, then I just op..." before Carol can finished she was hit from behind by a frying pan construct Gilda getting up from the spot where the hammer construct had hit her at and dismiss her construct. "And they say that the Sunday comics wouldn't help in any way." she said then Gilda made a map construct to see how far she is away from Ponyville once Gilda seen that it will take a few days she leap into the air when she start to fly Gilda see that she is more faster than she was before letting a smile come to her face as she keep on flying. <><><><><> A sky blue pegasus stallion with a swept back navy blue mane his eyes are emerald green the stallion's cutie mark is a winged lighting bolt his name is Soarin Lightingkicker he been having this weird feeling all day that a pony he care about is in danger as Soarin flew to Ponyville wasn't too much trouble for him all thanks to the Wonderbolts training that he had over the years Soarin had finally reach the Ponyville's reservoir he see three of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony and a purple baby dragon two of the bearers were at a fallen tree only Twilight had capture his heart he remember the first time seeing that angel of Knowledge and Magic. {Flashback 12 years ago in Canterlot} A teenage Soarin was with some his friends in a large crowd waiting for Princess Celestia to come on the stage and begin to raise the sun he look at his friends to his right was Spitfire back then she was the Rainbow Dash in their group of friends, next to her was a white coated pegasus mare with her blond mane she look like a pegasus version of Pinkie Pie her name is Suprise, their last friend is a green coated unicorn stallion with a sand mohawk the stallion's tail was cut short his name is Lime Mix, Soarin turn to his father who were on the front left side on the stage in his captain of the guard armor his dad is a sky blue unicorn with a blood red mane to everybody that look at him in his emerald eyes just see no emotion what so ever but Soarin knows better, he known that his father do care about him and his mother he turn to see that some ponies get push aside then a little lavender filly (A/N all of you should known what Filly Twilight look.) come out from the crowd all throughout the summer sun celebration Soarin couldn't keep his eyes off of her when he and his friends went their own ways, when he get back to his house Soarin can't help himself from thinking about her and all throughout the night he had dreamed of that filly. Few months after the summer sun celebration him and his two pegasi friends were accepted into the Wonderbolts Academy so far everything were going okay except for Spitfire's ego had getting a little too big for her own good, when it was time to play the oldest war game ' {Flashback end} Only two words had come to the baby dragon's mind for what he is seeing "Uh oh!" Rarity finely look behind her there is a floating pink ring the fashionista in her state of mind thoughts only lead to one thing "Oh Spikey wikey are you proposing?" Spike went pale; Twilight didn't like that idea and then Fluttershy speak up "Mmm, Rarity that isn't an engagement ring." Before anyone can say something the ring speak in a feminine voice "Rarity Gemworthy of Equis you have felt great love and have felt great loss in your heart." then the ring baith both itself and Rarity in a cocoon of violet light. The unicorn mother turn to her son "Spike did you make a magic ring without my permission and if you did why you didn't tell me about it?" Twilight ask Spike then Rainbow Dash pull herself out of a tree flew to them. Spike take in a deep breath "IamamemberoftheGreenLanterncorpswhichisoneoffourpeacekeepingorganizations,eachoneuseacoloroftheemotionalspectrum,theGreenLanterncorpsusethegreenenergywhichisthecolorofwillnextyouhavetheBluelanterncorpswho'sringarepowerdbyhope,afterthemtherearetheStarSapphirecorpswhoarethechampionsofvioletlightwhichislove,thelastoneistheIndigoTribetheyusethelightofcompassion,buttherearetwoevilorganizationswhoaretryingtotakeoverofthewholeuniversetheyaretheRedLanterncorpswho'susetheredenergywhichisthelightofrageandhalfofthecorpsarenothingbutmindlessberserkersthelastandfinallistheSinestrocorpsthelighttheyuseisyellowthatisthecoloroffearandnoit'snotacorpsfullofcowardsit'sfullofbeingthatloveseeingotherbeingsareinfearofthem." when he was done Spike is try to getting his breath back after he told them everything lucky for him after they been friends to Pinkie Pie they can understand some one that is in a rush and is not going super-fast or isn't Pinkie Pie hyper. "What the hech is going on?" Rainbow Dash asks her friends pointing at the cocoon, Spike raise up his right hand. "Ring tell them what's going on right now!" he told his ring then it speak. "The Star Sapphire power ring is beginning the new member recruitment process doing so will see what the candidate choose." the power ring told them. "What do you mean by ' what the candidate choose'?" Fluttershy ask the ring. Spike's ring displayed a diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum showing that the violet light was the farthest away from the center on the right side of the diagram " Joining the Star Sapphire Corps is optional due to the volatile nature of the violet light being so far from the center of the spectrum, hence why one effect the ring could have on one psyche is an over possessive love that could consume them and the one their heart desires, the process take place in their subconscious the process take the form of a fork in the road if the candidate choose the wrong path then will have the power ring till it is out of energy, but if the candidate incase their desire in a crystal they can use that crystal as a power battery, if the candidate choose the right path then their psyche will not be in danger as well get a power battery and the one they desire wouldn't be incase in a crystal, warning if their the desire is in danger they will do everything within their power to protect their desire so be careful." Twilight went pale just like her son "I really hope that Cadance will never become a Star Sapphire the last thing that we need is an insane princess of love trapping my brother in a violet crystal and try to kill someone getting too close to him." both of her pegasi friends look at their unicorn friend confuse about who she is talking about, Twilight remember that she didn't tell her friends about her brother and her favorite foal sitter, Spitfire already know who she is talking about without any words both agree that is a worst case scenario. "I will tell you about who I am talking about later but for now we need t..." then Soarin landed right next to Twilight cutting her off, lucky for her that nobody see her blushing. "Soarin what are you doing here?" Spitfire asks him. "I will tell you later Spitfire, but for right now we need to fly back to Ponyville when I was flying to here I see both a pink and red lights they are heading to there!" he told them Spike had regain his breath. "That must be a Star Sapphire but I thought that they would send two? Ring what happen to the second Star Sapphire?" Spike asks his power ring. "Carol Ferris the first Star Sapphire of Earth had been knock into unconsciousness by the Red lantern." the ring told him. He just shook his head "Look like I need to go back to Ponyville." "Why do you need to go?" Soarin ask the baby dragon. "Let me guess the two Star Sapphires that come here was to help with Rarity and whoever else have the second Star Sapphire power ring right?" Rainbow Dash asks hoping that she wasn't right how wrong she is going to be. "You got it on the mark Dash." Spike focus on a spot then his pocket dimension open Soarin look at Twilight she have that sparkle in her eye. "Spike what is that?" his mom ask pointing at the pocket dimension. "Oh this is a pocket dimension all most every power rings from each corps can create them you can put anything in and no one else can open it without the power ring that create it." Spike tells his mother. "If you don't mind can I take a look at it when this is all over?" Twilight ask her son hoping that he will say yes. "Let me guess you want to create a spell version of the pocket dimension right?" Spike look at his mom She nodded her head. "Okay but don't try to use it only when you are sure that it wouldn't suck our home in the pocket dimension, we do not need a repeat of what happen to the Shadow Cast wing." Spike forgot that Spitfire was there, then Spitfire rushing right in front of Twilight. "It was you, you make that part of the castle cave in on itself have you any idea what I went through? for two whole months MY TAIL WAS BALD!" Spitfire shouted the last part at the unicorn. Soarin try not to laugh he remember how Spitfire was try her hardest not to getting captured on camera for the rest of the time she had no tail fur and their fellow cadets enjoy the few months to knock her down a few pegs for her swollen ego, Soarin see that Spike pull out a green mining lantern the baby dragon rise his right hand in front of the lantern. "In Brightest day, In Blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight, Let those who worship evil's might beware my Power, Green Lantern's light!" Now in his Green lantern uniform where every pegasi of Ponyville can see him in his armor, but Rainbow Dash didn't saw it happen because she had heard the rumors about Spitfire's naked tail but she didn't believe them and just hear that it is true with her head down low she walk to a grey pegasus mare. "Looks like I owe you 60 bits Derpy, I can't believe it how the one pony that lose every bet that she made with her filly win a bet against me, I mean I am the number one fan of the Wonderbolts?" she look at Spike in his Green lantern uniform Rainbow turn to look at the violet cocoon that it was begin to slowly disappear. "Um Spike tell me how long you can handle a mad mare?" she asks the now armor dragon. Spike see that the cocoon is losing some of its glow "Okay new plan Rainbow, you, Spitfire and Soarin go back to Ponyville and help the Star Sapphire there" he point to Ponyville then he turn to the rest of the pegasi "the rest of you get every pony out of Ponyville and into WhiteTail woods and stay there until this is over" Twilight snap back to the world and seeing where her son plan is going "I know what you are going to say next you will stay here and deal with Rarity, while me and Fluttershy keep any animals out of the way, that is a good plan." she look at every pony still there "What is every pony just standing around you all have heard my son so GO?!" Twilight shouted the last word making all of the pegasi jump two feet in the air it take five pegasi to lift the white bulk stallion and carry him away to safety. Soarin look at Spike long and hard then realization hit him like that lightning bolt hit his and Spitfire old Drill Sergeant CloudBreak, Spitfire fly to him "Hey Soarin are you okay is everything alright?" she ask her teammate. Soarin shook his head he look at Spitfire "I need you to do something for me, if you find any of Twilight's hair along with her son's scales I would owe you one." Spitfire thought about it 'On one hoof if I do it Soarin owe me which means he have to tell me who he is crushing on, and if I crash into that tail balder home not only I can get what he wants but I can leave a little surprise for her, on the other hoof if that Red Lantern thing kill me while I'm searching but there will be a Star something to help later and if I am lucky that baby dragon have that girlie unicorn knock out cold and come help us. ‘She gave him a nodded of her head as they flew off to the town.