> Spiders aren't Monsters > by Moustache Queen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Beginning... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------Spiders aren't Monsters------------------------- Arachnophobia, a common fear, what fear is that? Of spiders...eight legged insects, with long pincers and hairy legs and pitch black eyes, some are poisonous, some are fatal, and some are just plain scary. Nearly half of the population in both our world and Equestria hate...and I mean HATE Spiders. Just look at Rarity, a tough white unicorn which isn't afraid to get her hooves dirty when her friends are in danger, but dealing with Spiders? Totally screaming like hell, and I mean hell. Spiders, are in all colours, not multicolour of course but shady colours, black, brown, amber, grey, basically all shady colours. Some Spiders are tiny as our figure-nails, and still people scream like hell, others are big as a normal house brick, that's when you start screaming, especially when it shoots out poisonous liquid at you. What am I saying is, like all other animals, Spiders attack when afraid, or starving. No other reason. But why do we attack? Plain fear, but do we really have to kill them? Isn't that a bit overreacting? Well, some people in our world step up for Spiders.. But in Equestria? Only one... Who may you ask? Well it's the, loveable, kind, compassionate, sweet-vocied, shy, brave Pegasus Mare known as Fluttershy; And she's not gunna stop, until Spiders are loved... And are never called Monsters again. ------------------------Spiders aren't Monsters------------------------- The sun stayed in the clear sky lazily, it's warm tongues of flames, lapped the very earth of Equestria below. The soft breezy winds happily traveled around the forests below the sun, the emerald green grass rattled and swished as the soft breezes pressed against them. The strong oak trees stood still, but there bright green leaves swished and swished as the soft winds pressed against them. The rivers shinned bright blue and white as the blazing sun shinned its bright rays onto the cold water. Squirrels happily chased each other, looking for the delicious nuts, the river's fish, happily swam and from time to time, hopped out of the water. The birds happily soared in the skies enjoying the soft and warm breeze against there small or large feathers. All creatures were happy... But one... A rattle entered all the animals ears, squeaking and squawking they raced to there dens, eager to hide themselves from the unknown threat. The happy fish swam silent in the river, eager not to make a sound, the Squirrels rushed and buried themselves in there hollow dens, shaking in fear. The birds squeaked and soared higher until they vanished into the white puffy clouds that sailed across the bright blue skies. "SPIDER!!!" A voice screamed. The animals of the forest shook in fear and buried themselves in there homes, the scream echoed through the entire forest, all was dead quite, only the soft drip drip drip of the river was heard. A large white unicorn with a lovely stylish purple mane ran out of the bushes, she was shaking her head widely, screaming dramatically as she did so. "GET IT OFF ME!!!!!! GET IT OFF MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The unicorn screamed, shaking her purple mane and white head as she did so. A small glean of silver shinned by the suns glorious rays of light, if you looked closer, you would see little linings of silver patched up, and stitched ever so perfectly. It was a Spider's Web, and a big one too, the silver linings was attached across the unicorns mane and horn, she was staring to scream even louder now. But the question is... Where was the Spider? "Rarity! Hold on I'm coming!" Soothed a voice. A soft soft sound of feathers and squeaking erupted, the animals of the forest poked there heads out of there homes, there eyes began to shine happily as they saw there mistress. Fluttershy, Queen Of the Forest... Not that she didn't know she was even a Queen to the animals, she often thought herself as a protector and lover, of all creatures big and small. Her bright yellow wings tucked at her sides as she landed softly on the forest floor. Breathing in deep the Pegasus broke into a run. The Mare's bright pink mane swished and flicked as the soft winds pressed against her, she slowly broke form a run into a trot as she was getting closer to Rarity. Her dark green eyes sparkled in fear and confusion, Rarity kept on screaming and shaking her head. Fluttershy slowly found herself one hoof-step away from her panicking friend, breathing in Futtershy spoke the loudest she could. "Rarity what's wrong?...If you don't mind me asking" Fluttershy asked. Rarity of course, couldn't hear, in fact, she was screaming so loud, Fluttershy's normal voice sounded like her whispering when meeting new ponies. Fluttershy frowned, lifting her wings she slowly lifted herself from the floor, her gaze never leaving Rarity's mane. Slowly the Pegasus flew softly forwards, avoid Rarity's swaying head and soft horn (though it could poke your eye, and it would hurt really bad). Fluttershy gasped as she gazed at the soft silver linings. Lifting a soft genial hoof, Fluttershy unwrapped the soft Spider Web, carefully avoiding Rarity's horn. Slowly Rarity began to calm down, Fluttershy however was concerned about the Spider. "Rarity where's the Spider?" Fluttershy asked softly. Rarity widened her eyes in surprise, how could Fluttershy ask her about the Spider when, it tried to eat her? "I-Darling...why would ask that silly question?" Rarity asked, her gaze, never leaving the Spider Web that was held in Fluttershy's hoof. "Because I want to know what happened to it...if you don't mind me asking.." Fluttershy added hastily. "Darling..you know the Spider could be-" Rarity began but closed her mouth, as she gazed at a large pair of dark green eyes, obviously pleading to her. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" Fluttershy begged. "Darling..-" Rarity began. "Please!" Fluttershy interrupted. "Oh alright..but be warned! This Spider will be the most scariest you have ever seen!" Rarity warned. Fluttershy blinked and slowly followed her friend into the forest once more, slowly the strong brown tree leaves began to still, the rivers themselves almost seemed quite, the grass was still, until the hooves of the two ponies would brush against them. Slowly a large dark brown tree trunk filled both Rarity's and Fluttershy's view. A soft gleam of silver filled the two Mare's eyes, Rarity started to shake in fear, Fluttershy slowly placed her hoof on her friends shoulder and offer her a palace to sit, Rarity obliged and sat down on the grassy floor, sighing in relief. Futtershy gulped and slowly lifted herself into the air, the mare blinked and darted her gaze around the tree, only the stillness of the leaves welcomed her, sighing in disappointment Fluttershy slowly let herself down. "SPIDERRRRRRRRR!!" Rarity screamed pointing her hoof to a small black dot on the tree. Fluttershy smiled and slowly flew gently to the tree's trunk, lifting her hoof she placed it near the black dot, Fluttershy smiled and nearly laughed when the small creature began to crawl up. "See Rarity..nothing to be afraid of.." Fluttershy soothed "B-but Darling! Spiders are Monsters! There creepy! Disgusting! And vile!" Rarity gasped "But Rarity just look at him! He's just a little cutie!" Fluttershy smiled, offering the little Spider to her friend. Quick as a flash Rarity sat up and ran out of the clearing screaming, Fluttershy sighed and softly landed and paced her three hooves firmly on the soft grassy ground. Fluttershy lifted her remaining hoof right to her dark green eyes. "Hello Mister Spider..sorry about Rarity..she doesn't like Spiders.." Fluttershy spoke softly The little Spider cocked his head, his bright black eyes gazed into Fluttershy's green ones, the Spider's pincers clicked. Fluttershy sighed and sat onto the ground. "I just don't get it..you are your little brothers and sisters..maybe cousins are always hated!...sorry for shouting!" Fluttershy added hastily. The Spider shrugged and began to crawl its way to Fluttershy's shoulder, the mare shuddered as she felt the soft hairy legs crawl up on her yellow fur. "I don't think your kind are Monsters..Discord wasn't a Monster, he just looked different, Luna wasn't a Monster, she was just..angry.." Fluttershy shuddered at the word 'Angry'. The Spider blinked and sat on Fluttershy's shoulder, his bright black eyes gazing deeply into Fluttershy's drinking in every word she spoke, it almost seemed like The Spider could understand her. "I just wish Ponies could stop calling you Monster's.." Fluttershy sighed. The Spider frowned, tapping his large hairy leg in his forehead as he began to think.. Was there a way to persuade Ponies that Spider's aren't Monsters? If so could the yellow mare do it? Could she persuade every pony in Equestria that Spiders are just mistaken? The Spider clicked his pincers in delight and slowly hopped down the yellow mares shoulder, Fluttershy watched carefully as The Spider began to some-what dance on the ground. Fluttershy shook her head in confusion, The Spider huffed and crossed two of his eight legs. Fluttershy sighed, The Spider thought, Pinkie Pie shrugged. Wait Pinkie Pie- "Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy gasped. "Hello Fluttershy! I came around to see why was Rarity screaming!" Pinkie smiled, as she hovered over Fluttershy. "She was-" Fluttershy began. "Was it because she was screaming because of a tiny winey spider web was on her mane and horn, and that she was deathly afraid of Spiders like I and everypony in Ponyville is?" Pinkie Pie asked. "I how-" Fluttershy began. "I gotta go!" Pinkie Pie smiled, disappearing in a flash of pink. Fluttershy smiled and gazed at The Spider, he was thinking. "Oh wait I've got to do something first!" Pinkie Pie added, popping up next to The Spider. Fluttershy cocked her head, Pinkie drew in a large amount of air and... "SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Pinkie screamed and dashed off, leaving a small trail of dust. Fluttershy gazed at the dust, she sighed and hanged her head in shame, she couldn't even get Pinkie Pie..Element of Laughter, to love Spiders.. The Spider blinked, with a ding a small light bulb hovered over his head, clicking his pincers in happiness he pressed his main leg onto the floor, quickly he dragged the leg across the floor, Fluttershy led her head and watched The Spider as he dragged his leg across the floor, once finished Fluttershy let out a soft gasp as she gazed at a large set of words..saying.. HELP THEM OVERCOME THEIR FEAR! The Spider clicked his pincers in happiness, Fluttershy gulped and gazed at The Spider, her dark green eyes sparking in fear and courage. "It won't be easy Mr. Spider.." Fluttershy began The Spider shrugged and began to drag his legs across the floor once more, Fluttershy watched as the letters begs to form 'C' 'A' 'L' 'L'. Fluttershy smiled as she gazed at the new sentence, the sentence brought courage in Fluttershy's heart. CALL ME SILVERSILK...AND WHO SAID IT WON'T BE EASY? Fluttershy breathed in and lowered her hoof, Silversilk smiled and crawled up Fluttershy's fur once more, the Pegasus smiled and slowly lofted herself from the grassy floor, her dark green eyes shinning with Shyness and Courage. "Lets go and make Spiders have friends!" Fluttershy smiled. Silversilk clicked his pincers in delight, his deep black eyes sparking with Hope and Shyness to.. Will the Ponies like Spiders? Or will they hate them more? Only one way to find out... > Rotten Apple's I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------Spiders aren't Monsters------------------- Many insects love fruit, Flies, Worms, Fleas, you name it, it loves it. Flies are scavengers insects they use there glassy wings to fly to there destinations, hoping to get some food as they flew. Some even lay eggs in our food. Worms would probably wait till the food is rotten, because, it has no other advantages like the other insects have ; Wings, Teeth, Claws, Poison, they have many weakness too, Sunlight, Water, being squished, yet it keeps going. Strange-bravery huh? Fleas use there amazing jumping skills to jump from great distances, sometimes it lands on fruit, but mostly it lands on a living being, to suck our blood. Spiders? They protect our food, because they know that the annoying scavenging insects would come, with there silver webs, they catch the annoying Flies and eat them. No pressure. Applejack? She had a rough life with Spiders, the eight legged creatures in our world can be tiny as our figure nails, or big as our fist. In Equestria? Huge, and I mean HUGE. How would Fluttershy unlock the easily harmed Mare's past and show her Spiders can be friends as well as enemies? I have no idea... It was sundown by the time Fluttershy and Silversilk finally made it to Fluttershy's welcoming cottage. The sun lazily began to hover over the grassy horizon, it's flaming tongues barley touching the earth beneath it. The soft breezy wind slowly died, the emerald green grass slowly stopped and stood dead silent, the trees were silent, towering over all life, it's leafy branches almost crawled up like claws, eager to grab any life and squeeze they Iife out of it. The rivers stopped dripping, the fish disappeared under the water. The animals of the forest slowly began to crawl up and go into a deep slumber. The forest was completely silent, dark shadows began to rise as the sun began to set on the horizon. Fluttershy gulped, her pink hair flowed down like a soft pink river, blocking her kind face. Shaking she lifted her yellow hoof and unlocked her bright red door. Silversilk clicked his pincers in wonder, wondering what Fluttershy's cottage looked like. Pushing her hoof Fluttershy sighed in relief as the familiar squawking and squealing echoed through her ears. Smiling she trotted forwards, Silversilk widened his eight black eyes and dart them around the area, eager to see everything. It was a small and colourful room, loads of animals either flew and crawled up, many birds squawked and bowed there feathery head was Fluttershy walked by, Silversilk cocked his head as Fluttershy seemed to not see the birds bowing or flapping there wings in submission. Silversilk watched as the mice, ferrets, foxes, and lizards, crawled up the walls and cabinets, eager to get some delicious crum leftovers from any food that Fluttershy left. "This is my house Mr. Silversilk.." Fluttershy explained. Silversilk frowned his eyes and clicked his pincers annoyingly, shaking three hairy legs as he did so. Fluttershy gasped and placed her hoof on her lip. "Very sorry Mr-I mean Silversilk.." Fluttershy gasped. Silversilk shrugged and nuzzled his hairy head on Fluttershy's cheak, Fluttershy smiled and nuzzled back, Silversilk clicked his pincers in happiness.. He never met another being who had a love for animals and insects as much as Fluttershy, and he hoped it won't be the last. A soft 'Aheeeem!' Broke out, Silversilk clicked his pincers in confusion, Fluttershy smiled and softly picked up Silversilk and packed him on a bright green couch behind her. Silversilk cocked his head as he came face to face with a large white rabbit towering over him, thumping his hind-leg in frustration, as he gazed at Silversilk. "Now Angel..this is Silversilk..he is staying with us for a while...if you don't mind" Fluttershy softly spoke, as she rubbed a gentle hoof around the Rabbit's ears. It seemed that the ears if the white rabbit seemed to be his weak spot, the rabbit gave a nod and gave Silversilk one last glare before hopping off to the open red door. Fluttershy smiled and gently glided towards the red door and softly shut it tight. Silversilk sat down on the bright green couch and gave Fluttershy his undivided attention. Fluttershy smiled and flew gently towards the green couch and sat down quietly, carefully avoiding the fatal opportunity to kill Silversilk. "So..how are we going to let Spiders be accepted as friends?" Fluttershy asked herself. Silversilk frowned, lifting one hairy leg he trumped his head, thinking. Fluttershy watched amused and confused as Silversilk began to thump on the couch. It took a few minutes for Fluttershy to figure out what Silversilk was doing. She widened her eyes and blushed. "Oh sorry Silversilk, this isn't the forest, you can't draw on the ground" Fluttershy soothed. Silversilk crossed his hairy legs and sat down, Fluttershy lifted a hoof and placed it on her chin, she softly gazed at a small glass-stained window, it was open. Silversilk narrowed his eyes and gazed at the window. Fluttershy sighed and gazed at portrait of her friends, all five of them. She was at the bitten, all curled up, her pink mane flowing down like a soft bubbly river. On her left was a beautiful white unicorn, her blue eyes sparkling with happiness, her purple mane was all styled and curled that must of taken hours to perfect, that unicorn was Rarity, Fluttershy's spa mate. A light bulb appeared above Silversilk, he clicked his pincers in delight and tapped his hairy legs together as he gazed through the stained glass window and at a large dim lighted building beyond. Waving his legs he made the loudest hissssssss he could make.. Unfortunately Fluttershy couldn't hear him, Silversilk leg-faced. Smiling Fluttershy slowly turned her gaze to the pink earth pony mare above Rarity, her darker pink poofy pink mane was puffed up in a bubbly fashion, her light blue eyes sparking with happiness and laughter, the mare was lifting her hoof to the skies, careful not to poke anyone in the eye..At least that what Fluttershy thought. That pink mare was Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy's hyper active friend. Silversilk huffed and gazed at the dim lighted lightbulb above him, shrugging he grabbed it and threw it at Fluttershy, and again, as if the universe didn't want Silversilk to succeed, the bulb missed Fluttershy.. Silversilk hissed and leg-faced again while smacking his other seven legs on the couch surface. Fluttershy smiled and turned her gaze to a beautiful and strong looking blue Pegasus, her rainbow coloured mane swished and flicked as the wind pressed against her, at least that what it looked like in the photo. Fluttershy smiled as she gazed at her friends eyes, her rosey pink eyes. Her Pegasus friend was Rainbow Dash, her brave, athletic, loyal friend. Silversilk huffed and sat down and crossed his arms angrily, hissing as he did so. The other animals of Fluttershy's cottage happily watched Silversilk failing and raging, especially Angel Bunny, how? He gazed through a window of course! And he was loving the show that was presented in front of him! Fluttershy blinked as she gazed at the mare in the middle, a lavender coloured unicorn, her darker purple mane flicked showing the small and few pink streaks in it, the unicorns name was Twilight Sparkle, student to the ruler of the sun; Princess Celestia. The unicorns purple eyes gazed at Fluttershy with leadership and wisdom far beyond her age. Fluttershy frowned, lifting her hoof she whipped off a small pitch of dust. At that moment Silversilk finally got Fluttershy's attention by throwing a small ball of silver silk. Fluttershy gasped and quickly turned her head to face a very annoyed spider. "Oh sorry Silversilk.." Fluttershy apologised. Silversilk huffed and lifted a long hairy leg and pointed at the building beyond the stained glass window, Fluttershy frowned and slowly glided towards the window. Silversilk rolled his eyes and hopped down, clicking his pincers in a grumbling sort of way. Fluttershy gasped and gazed at the grumbling spider, quickly she flew to Silversilk and hooked him up in her hoof and placed him in front of the window, as Silversilk gazed at the building on the horizon, Fluttershy flew to her portrait of her friends and gazed the final mare, at Fluttershy's right. It was a tall strong figured orange earth pony, with a short bright yellow mane, tied up by little red bobbles. One of her eyes was winking, the other was sparkling bright emerald green. Her face expression was joyful. Fluttershy smiled as she gazed at the small brown Stetson hat that the mare was wearing. Silversilk clicked his pincers and three another ball of silk again, Fluttershy gasped and quitley flew to Silversilk, she narrowed her eyes as she gazed at dimly lighted building on the horizon. The sun was fully gone and replaced with the glorious shinning silver moob by the time Fluttershy realised that the barn was Applejack's and that Silversilk wanted her first to overcome her fear... If she had one.. Fluttershy gulped and slowly placed her yellow hoof by Silversilk, who, hopped onto her hoof and began to crawl up, Fluttershy smiled and slowly placed the portrait on a brown stool that stood next to the green couch, all five of her friends gazed at her, all happy.. And soon never fearful of Spiders ever again.. ----------------------Spiders aren't Monsters------------------ Angel Bunny paw-faced, Solversilk succeeded into persuading Fluttershy to make Applejack never fearful of Spdiers again, removing his white paw Angel Bunny narrowed his eyes as he gazed at the leaving figures, Fluttershy was shaking as she held a small lantern in her hoof, Silversilk was clicking his pincers. Angel Bunny felt Jealously burn in his stomach, narrowing his eyes, the white bunny hopped of the windows surface and ran on the dusty road to Ponyville. Dust flew around the white bunny as he raced through the town, the buildings were dim lighted by the soft glowing orange lanterns, the soft sound of sleeping ponies kept entering Angel's ears. Frowning, Angel placed his strong hind-leg on the floor, the bunny staggered and skidded across the floor, but, was lucky enough not to hit the door in front of him. Angel smiled evilly and tapped his ears together in delight, pressing his legs down Angel breathed in deep, closing his eyes, the bunny launched himself into the air. Angel held his breath as the waves of nausea hit him, he found himself spinning in the air. Then.. SMASH Angel opened his eyes and squeaked, tiny glassy shards flew past him, taking actions very seriously, Angel narrowed his eyes and spun forwards, ignoring the waves of nausea once more. Angle squeaked as he hit contact with the floor. "BY THE SUN OF CELESTIA!!!!! ANGEL BUNNY!" Screamed a voice. Angel rolled his eyes and heaved himself up, dusting himself down while glaring at a large set of snow white hooves. "Angel what are you doing here at this time of night? Shouldn't you be with Fluttershy?" Rarity asked. Angel rolled his eyes and hopped forwards, ignoring the protesting unicorn, Angel Bunny smiled evilly again as he pulled off a large set of black leather, Rarity gasped and rushed over to the Bunny, swatting her hoof. "What on earth are you doing darling?!" Rarity asked. Angel face-pawed and pointed at a small badge on the black leather...shaped liked a- "SPIDER!" Rarity screamed. "Oh come on that was my line!" I said. "Sorry darling but this spider has got to go bye bye!" Rarity screamed. "You do know that's a fake spider?" I asked. Rairty laughed nervously, placing her Flamethrower onto the table behind her. "Right?" I asked. "Of course darling!" Rarity smiled. "...so are you gunna be all evil and stuff?" I ask. "Depends.." Rarity asked, flicking her mane in a glorious fashion. "You get to kill all the spiders 'n' stuff!" I laughed. "It's a deal then!" Rarity laughed, in a evil fashion. Angel smiled and rubbed his paws together, his plan was just working perfectly.. > Rotten Apple's II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------Spiders aren't Monsters------- Fluttershy shook wildly, fear was rising up in her, like a dark sticky cloud of ink and shadow, as she trended down the dark forestry path. Silversilk was trying his best to comfort the mare, but the horrible dark shadows of Fluttershy's fears were getting the best of her. The moon was dead on midnight level, it's silver shine flowed down to the floor below like a river. The wind howled loudly, smashing against both Fluttershy and the trees around her. The mare's dark green eyes widened in fear as the wind howled louder and louder, grabbing the distance howlings of the forests creature miles away. The dark shadowy trees hovered over the mare, it's long thin claw-like branches hovered barley over her head, eager to grab her mane and rip her to shreds. The forests that Fluttershy lived nearby in day time, were beautiful, shinning under the warm Celestia's sun, the rivers sparkling creatures flying and running everywhere. Hiding in the emerald green grass, or claiming up the strong dark brown trees that surrounded Fluttershy's peaceful cottage... In the dark, damn it was mystery on how a peaceful forest like Fluttershy's could turn to a beautiful thing in one moment, to a dark creepy scary place the next. Even a daredevil like Rainbow Dash would be cautious in the dark of nights, even if you're the fastest flier even you would be aware of the might-dangers that surround you. The howling wind, the dark shadows creating around you, the creatures that laid on the forest below, I think you would be very cautious.. Any who's.. Fluttershy held the lantern high, she knew from all the previous adventures she had she could-I mean maybe if you don't mind! Brave the dark forest of the nights. Heck Fluttershy was shy but she full blow took on a Dragon! She reformed a God! Stared down a Cockatrice, comforted a Manticore! And they call her the timid one.. And yet, Fluttershy was scared out of her wits, her hoofs shook with every step she took, the soft echoes of steps filled her ears. The wind brushed against her, like claws sharpening on a knife sharper. Fluttershy let out a squeak of fear and tucked her head low to the ground, her lantern barley above the forestry ground. Silversilk however, was kinda trying to not blow into the wind and end up as a creatures snack really. Most of his eight legs were gripping on Fluttershy's yellow fur. The mare however was to scared to notice. The soft light of her orange lighted lantern showed Fluttershy a easy path to tread on. The mare still felt the fear cloud up inside her, but as she heard a soft clicking of pincers near her ears she felt a wave of hope flow into her, washing the sticky clud of fear away...Ish.. "Won't be long S-Silversilk..it's j-just so scary.." Fluttershy whispered softly. Silversilk blinked, gritting his pincers together he heaved himself further forwards, eager not to blow into the wind. He wasn't going to be blown into the wind for the bloody third time! I mean come on! When he and Fluttershy first got out of the cottage he was blow onto the floor, nearly killed by Fluttershy's hoof. Second time Fluttershy bloody ran in fear of a howling, which he could understand because it creeped him out to, and he flew right into a tree! Face first! And now, he was soon gong to be blow again! No, just no.. Silversilk heaved himself forward, wrapping his spare two legs onto Fluttershy's pink mane. As he flew into the air he gripped harder onto the stands of hair he gripped in his legs, spinning around he latched onto Fluttershy's mane and climed up. Fluttershy however was deeply, and I mean deeply relived. There on the horizon was a dimly lighted red barn. Applejack's barn, Fluttershy's friend and fellow Element of Harmony bearer. Lifting her shy head upwards Fluttershy slowly lifted her ears higher, her green eyes sparkling in excitement. Applejack was gunna be so surprised! Fluttershy wasn't a lover on pranks but she was a fan of a thing called ' Show N Tell' a few memories that Fluttershy really loved in Flight School. Slowly the mare broke into a fast trot, Silversilk was surprised on how Fluttershy's courage rose up so easily. Then again, he did notice a few sparks hidden in Fluttershy's eyes as soon as he looked into them.. Silversilk lifted his sparkling black eyes onto the barn on horizon, clicking his pincers in delight he crawled up forwards, hanging over the edge of Fluttershy's mane that hovered over her shy face. Soon the creepy claw trees turned into tall strong apple filled trees, the lush smell of apples filled Fluttershy's sense of smell, but in a right mind she ignored it. She wasn't a mean pony! She would never steal-unless she was needed to...if you don't mind.. As Fluttershy stopped and looked at the tall arch sparkling in the moons light, she wasn't aware of two pair of eyes. One bright sparkling blue, the other the deepest black.. It was Rarity and Angel Bunny, both suited up ready to destroy Silversilk and free Fluttershy from the spiders mind control. Smiling evilly Rarity reared her head inwards and gazed at her piles of spider killing repellent. Angel Bunny looked up at the towering repellents. "This will do perfectly darling Angel, I may be into fashion but I was who you call...ah...eager artist on arachnid killings" Rarity whispered to the little bunny. Angel merely rolled his eyes and lifted one of the repellents with one small snow white paw. Rarity gave a curt nod and lifted two with her powerful blue magical aura. Her army camouflage was dimly lighted by the soft flames of a small campfire a few inches behind her. "On three we shall charge and free Fluttershy from her border ok darling?" Rarity explained, her eyes sparkling in determination. Angel rolled his eyes. "One-" Rarity began. Angel gave a little squeak and rushed out of the bush, his squeak echoed through Rarity's ears, the unicorn gave a gasp and charged after the bunny. The fashionestia, gave out a small posh yell, eager not to wake up the Apple Family inside the shack by the red barn. Only to stop when Angel, threw a large bottle of repellent at her head, making e unicorn topple over and fall to the ground, face plant. Rairty breathed in to let out a frustrated yell at the Bunny only to feel a soft paw onto his paw, Rarity blinked confusion only to get a bunny slap from Angel and shown the shack glowing brightly. It's lights shinning the green grass under it. And in one of the windows was Fluttershy..... And Applejack.. "How did she-" Rarity began. "She's Fluttershy Rarity she has a lot of sneakiness behind that shy face" I said. "Wh-" Rarity gasped. "Just shut up and look through the window" I sighed, face-hoofing. Giving out a sigh both Rarity and Angel silently trotted and hopped forwards to the window. Lifting Angle up with her magical aura and throwing the spider repellent away, Rarity and Angel peered through the windows. Applejack, Fluttershy were sitting on a table, and both staring at Silversilk. And by the looks of it, Applejack was on the verge of destroying Silversilk in anger...or grief? "This actually might go well Angel, providing that vile little spider will annoying or hurt Applejack so much we wouldn't even need to kill this one!" Rarity smiled. But Angel wasn't convinced, after all the years he lived with Fluttershy, meeting Discord, seeing Fluttershy reform him.. Oh it would be like a bunnies hop for Fluttershy to convince Applejack to like spiders, depending she could get through the poor mares past. -------Spiders aren't Monsters------- Fluttershy was very, very nervous. Applejack's emerald green eyes eyed Silversilk dangerously, sparkling in anger and hidden grief, not that Fluttershy saw that bit. But Silversilk did, and by any means necessary, he saw sure to help both Fluttershy, Applejack deal with the arachnophobia, and get out alive in one hour and fifty two seconds max. Beat that Rainbow Dash!-if you don't mind.. Any who's..again.. "Fluttershy.." Applejack spoke through her gritted teeth. "Y-yes Applejack?" Fluttershy replied, holding her hot chocolate between her hooves delicately, the hot chocolate that Applejack gave her before she showed Silversilk to her. "What is dis-dis...thing doin in mah house?!" Applejack snarled, slamming a hoof down on the kitchen table. "U-um..I-I I'm sorry Applejack but-but this has been going t-to far" Fluttershy squeaked, holding onto her hot chocolate tightly. "To far? What's been goin to far?" Applejack hissed. Fluttershy reared back, her dark green eyes sparkling in fear, her soft pink mane began to fall down hiding the mare's face. Applejack sighed and loosened her tensed hoof slightly, but the anger never left her eyes nor her body. "Ah'm sorry Fluttershy...ah didnt mean eat sudden outburst, ah just d-don't like theses things around meh" Applejack sighed. Silversilk clicked his pincers, crossing his two front legs and letting out a huff of annoyance. He was in the room here! He was a animal with feelings here! Who does this mare think she is? Shouting at Fluttershy and talking about him as a bloody third person?! I don't think so! "I-it's o-ok A-A-Apple-J-jack..y-you didn't mean it..you were just angry" Fluttershy squeaked, blowing her mane softly out of her eyes. Applejack gave a sigh and placed a hoof onto her hat before setting it onto the table infringement of her. Rubbing a hoof in her hair the mare slowly eased her tensing from her anger. She didn't like spiders...not when they- Applejack snarled, Fluttershy gave a quick squeak as Applejack attacked, hooking Silversilk into her hoof and holding another above him. "Applejack don't!" Fluttershy begged. Applejack gave a short glare before pushing her hoofs slowly down, Silversilk widened his ears in fear, but he waning really surprised, clicking his pincers he gave a short pray to the spiders goddess before closing his eyes and waited for death. It never came. "STOP APPLEJACK!" Fluttershy roared, slamming a hoof onto a table in mid flight before tapping it softly. Her dark green eyes stared right into Applejack's, narrowing dangerously with each second that grew past. Silversilk slowly creeped open his eyes, the soft shadow of Applejack's hoof and, the hoof itself slowly slipped away, Silversilk widened his eyes as he gazed at a full wing flared Fluttershy standing on top of the kitchen table. Her green eyes, once sparkling with innocence and kindness, was now blazing with darkness, flames circling around the darkness of the pupil.. Silversilk had only seen this once in his short timed life, it was called the Fire's Circle. Rare creatures held it, control over anything, Silversilk could hardly believe Fluttershy holding the great gift upon her shoulders. Slowly turning his gaze away from Fluttershy to Applejack, the orange mare was slowly lowering Silversilk onto the table as Fluttershy was commanding. As soon as the spider felt the table cloth upon his hairy sensitive legs, Fluttershy broke the gaze, and by surprise. Applejack broke into tears. Silversilk blinked, my spiders goddess these ponies have so many emotions his brain was getting all crammed up by the mind of them. But what surprised him even more was that Applejack was flowing rivers of water through her eyes! Is she the water bringer from the spiders tales? She seemed angrier than he expected though.. "Ah-ahm so-so sorry Flutter-S-Shy" Applejack sobbed, placing her head into her hooves. Fluttershy gasped, slowly floating above Applejack, Fluttershy began to rub her hoof on the mares back in a soothing matter, her dark green eyes sparkling in concern. "It's ok Applejack.you didn't mean it" Fluttershy soothed. But Applejack kept on sobbing, quickly untying her hooves and lifting her head Applejack heaved herself into Fluttershy's chest, crying loudly. "You didn't mean it-" Fluttershy soothed. "Ah did Futtershy! Ah did! I wanted to kill him! I wanted to kill that bucking spider so badly!" Applejack sobbed, blinking her green eyes as more tears flew down her orange face. "Why Applejack? Why-" Fluttershy asked softly. "Because I hated them! I don't fear them! I hate them! There dah cause if my parents death! I promised to them I will kill every single one I meet!" Applejack sobbed. "But spiders aren't killer-" Fluttershy began. "Not here they are, in dah Everfree.." Applejack spat darkly. "Oh Applejack...I'm so sorry.." Fluttershy gasped. "Ah miss dem...ah dem so much.." Applejack sobbed. "Applejack.." Fluttershy began, her confidence rising faster and faster each second. The orange mare slowly lifted her head up, tears were falling down so fast that they were like a white and blue blur. Her eyes were smaller than usual, probably in sadness of the past. Her orange face was pale. Her green eyes were dimming like a fire. The once proud loyal and dependable of all ponies, was now a broken teary mess. "Applejack..." Fluttershy echoed. Silversilk widened his eyes, he knew what the mare was going to ask. And by spiders goddess let her not die like he was going to.. "What did happen to you're parents?" Fluttershy asked.