> Peach Cream (Season 1) > by Chikapu Writing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > E1: Twilight's Request, Part One [Unedited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You haven't cleared the peach orchard lawns yet?” Peach Cream asked her little sister, Almond Velvet, as Almond entered the house. Peach Cream was a tall, peach-colored unicorn mare with a pure blue-chroma mane and a peach with a blue six-pointed star. Almond Velvet was a unicorn filly at age 9, with a golden-brown coat, a curly, sparkling indigo mane, and a golden-hued winter hat. She didn't have a Kismet Symbol (the new generation of Cutie Mark Crusaders name for a Cutie Mark) yet. “I'm sorry, big sis,” said Almond. “I was at a Kismet Symbol Acquirers meeting. I'll fix the lawn up.” Peach walked over to a painting on the blue-corduroy wall. The painting displayed a picture of Vastopia, an uptight city even bigger than Manehattan, where Peach was to visit her long-time-no-see friend, Sponge Spice. “No need,” Peach sighed. “We're leaving in 20. Can't be late for Runtyville Express.” Almond shut all the windows with her magic and put on a golden jacket to match her hat. She also put on brown leather boots. Peach stared at Almond, but then remembered that it was close to the Winter Solstice, and that it would be snowing in Vastopia. Peach levitated a blue winter coat and hat onto herself. “Aren't you gonna wear any boots?” Almond asked. “Oh yeah. That's right,” Peach said. She put on some hot pink leather boots. She levitated their luggage and waited until Almond was done snacking on some peaches from the orchard they managed to harvest before the Winter Solstice, where the Pegasi were due to shower Runtyville with snowflakes. Almond followed her sister out the door. “Guess what we did at the Kismet Symbol Acquierers meeting!” Almond told Peach as they walked along the sidewalk. “Aw, what the heck. Our club of three fillies are probably the only blank flanks in Runtyville.” “Our city may be called Runtyville, but it's got thousands of ponies in it. Surely there's hundreds of other blan-- I mean, Kismet Symbol lack-- no, I mean...” Peach Cream face-hoofed. “Ah, well. You know what I mean. So how has school been?” “Not very good.” “Bullies teasin' you again?” Almond nodded. “I'm sorry, Almond Velvet. I've tried all I can. You know, if you want, I could just enroll you in a new school--” “NO!” “What?” “Sorry, but... just... no! If you enrolled me in another school, I wouldn't get to see the other Kismet Symbol Acquirers , Gritty Robust and Dulcet Bloom!” Almond kicked a rock out of the way. “And I would definitely miss my teacher, Miss Aspire!” Cloud Aspire was the main teacher of Galaxy Elementary. “I thought you hated Cloud because she always gave you D's on your English tests?” “I know, but she's still my teacher! And going to a new school would be a huge change for me! New bullies, new teachers, new tests, new students...” “But you could enroll those new students in your club, whatever you call it. I'm sure some don't have their Kismet Symbols yet! And look on the bright side, you would still see Gritty Robot and Dulcet Blossom.” “Gritty Robust and Dulcet Bloom.” “Whatever. You see what I'm saying?” “Mm-hmm. But still...” Almond looked at the clouds above them. “Soo what are we gonna do in Vastopia? Go to a fan convention? Eat at Ponyville Fried Chestnuts (PFC)? Stay in a fancy hotel?” “Actually, we're gonna be staying at Sponge Spice's house!” Almond groaned. “Come on, big sis! I hate going there! There's no room service, so you have to walk over to the dining room to get our food! Seriously, who does that anymore?!” Almond kicked another rock out of the way. “And don't you remember the last time we went there? Her cat scratched us up!” “Huh. I do remember that. But I can promise you, this is gonna be the greatest trip ever! We'll even go to Alicorn Universe, you know, that theme park you like?” “Oh yeah! I remember the last time we went! Five years ago, gosh, it seems like yesterday...” The two arrived at the train station, holding luggage with their magical aura. “Tickets, Ma'ams,” said a conductor at the train door. Peach showed their tickets and found a seat on the train. “I'm hungry,” said Almond. “Didn't you snack on a ton of peaches earlier?” Peach replied. “Tell you what, when the train starts going, I'll take you to the snack car. Just don't pick something too expensive. And I'll pay for one snack. One. If you want two, pay for the other one with your own bits. I'll pay for a slushee, too.” “Sounds like a plan to me. Although you didn't pay me my allowance this week.” “I'll let you have it when we get home in three days. Besides, you packed some bits. You should be able to afford a small snack.” The train started moving. “Hey, sis, how about that snack now?” The two headed over to the snack bar, where there were shelves stocked with candy, crackers and cheese, and pretzels, bags of them. There were also slushies, popcorn and soda. Another shelf positioned in the corner was stocked with fruits such as peaches, apples, pears and bananas. “So let's start at the fruit shelf first,” Peach suggested, but turned her head to find Almond grabbing three bags of M&M cookies and a small pack of crackers and cheese. The young unicorn filly dropped them on the counter. “Oh, and can I get a slushie with that too?” said Almond. The cashier nodded. “9 bits, please,” said the cashier after getting the slushie. Almond levitated 4 bits on the counter. Peach Cream levitated 5 bits onto the counter, three for the slushie, two for the bag of cookies. The cashier put them in a bag and handed it to Almond with a smile. Almond returned the smile and followed Peach to a table in the next car. “Now, Almond, this is a dining car. We'll order lunch here. So don't eat too much of your snacks. If I were you, I would save them for later, or dessert.” “But Peach, how do I know what's on the menu?” A friendly waitress, an Earth Pony, guessed to be a Crystal Pony because of her crystalline coat, trotted over to the two's table. “Hello, my name is Shadowaura, I'll be your waitress today. Here are some menus to choose from.” As she walked away to take the other table's order, the two decided on their orders. Peach wanted a daffodil sandwich and Almond a filly's and colt's meal (mini daffodil sandwich with hay fries). The two ate after their lunch arrived, and a while later, couldn't eat another bite. “Let's go rest in our train car. We've got a lot to do in Vastopia,” Peach said. “But sis, I don't want to rest! I can sense all the fun that's happening on this train! AND I can sense that there's gonna be a huge night party!” “Almond, I don't want you going to one of those night parties, it's too big for a small filly like you.” Peach rustled Almond's hair. Almond normally didn't let Peach do that, but she let it go this time. “Besides, you're only a filly, you know you're only supposed to go to sleep at 9 PM.” “Well...” “Come on. Let's take a nap. So we'll be refreshed when we arrive at the train station in Vastopia, where Sponge Spice is going to see us.” *** “We're here!” Peach said cheerfully. “Hey!” said Sponge Spice. “Welcome to Vastopia!” Sponge Spice was a green pegasus with purple, spongey hair. She had a cut on her right front leg. Her eyes seemed to glow a magenta aura, that seemed to go with her curly eyelashes. Her Cutie Mark (erm, “Kismet Symbol” (sorry, Almond)) was a picture of a spongecake with a magenta lightning bolt striking it. “Sponge!” said Peach. “Long time, no see!” “I know, right!” said Sponge. “And please, call me Spice.” “Sorry to break up the fun, but uh... um... we have to get going...” Almond Velvet stared at Spice, while Spice stared at her. They didn't have a good history. If anypony even mentioned the time that Almond threw Spice's cat into the garbage can. It came out... almost not dirty. And nopony could forget the time Almond put a toad on Spice's lasagna. Which the lasagna part was supposed to be disgusting, anyway. And nopony could forget Almond stole Spice's room while Spice was in Manehattan when they were younger.. “Spice, do you know anything about the blue clouds in the sky?” Peach Cream asked. “WHAT?! I just cleared the sky!! How could--” But then they noticed it was nighttime, which wasn't possible, considering it was only 4:00 PM. It started raining, but this wasn't ordinary rain-- this was... popcorn rain?? The moon was shaped like a triangle, and was purple-hued... the sound of thunder wasn't the sound of thunder at all, it sounded like a dun-dun-dun-duuun sound, which was scary, or at least to Almond. A magenta lightning bolt just like the one on Spice's Cutie Mark (Almond, I can't keep saying Kismet Symbol) hit Spice in the wing. Pain struck through her body, and she fell to the wooden floor. “Oh my gosh!” Peach said, running over to Spice. Her wing was red, her eyes glowed lifeless, her mane looked like a squeezed sponge. “Spice, say something!” But instead, Spice started floating in the air without the flapping of her wings. Spice's eyes remained lifeless, lost in the dimensions of time and space. The magenta aura engulfed Spice's body, and could have been easily recognized as an aura from the magical lightning. Peach gulped. Almond was having the best day of her life. And Spice seemed to be invisible to other passengers exiting the train station. The aura grew stronger and after a swirl of light, she was gone. Not good. Peach just stood there, mouth wide open. Almond was happily hopping around in circles, until she felt a magic surge coming through. Her horn engulfed in an aura, and a scroll appeared and dropped on the floor. Peach ignored this and still continuously stared at the place Spice was. “Sis, a scroll arrived...” “What's that, Spice? I didn't know you were a magicorn!” Peach's right eye twitched. A goofy look on her face. “Sis?” Almond slowly backed away. “What's that, Almond Spice?” Still, the goofy look on her face. She continued staring in the same spot. “Sis! Wake up!” Almond Velvet hopped in front of her sister, who shook her head and woke up. “Whew. Thought you were gonna be standing there forever. Now cmon, let's take a look around!” Peach stared at Almond. “Come on, Almond, we need to find Spice! Not look around! Are you crazy?! What are you thinking?! Didn't you see anything in the last 5 minutes?!” “Who cares if Spice is gone?! This is the greatest day of my life!” “Almond. Unless you want to walk the 300 miles home, you are going to help me find Spice. Now hand me that scroll.” Almond levitated the scroll into Peach's aura. “But look, it's beautiful! It's a winter wonderland, and you're wasting it!” Peach read the scroll. Into it was: Dear Peach Cream, I've seen what happened to Spice. So I thought I would write to you as soon as I could. Before you set out on this journey to find Spice, there's something I needed you to do. Make some friends. I've had this same experience before and I know you can do this. The fate of Vastopia is on the line, and nopony there knows it. Do you remember the storm? The fate of Vastopia rests in your hooves, and to save it, you must make some friends. One will simply not do. Have you ever read about the time that Nightmare Moon almost took over Equestria to bring it eternal night? I stopped her, but not without the help of my friends. Princess Celestia said all I needed to do was make friends. And she was right. And I hope I am with telling you that you need to do the same. Now, about the pony behind the kidnapping of your friend... She was my mother, and she was never like this before. I think it had to do with resentment. She's threatening to rule Equestria and bring it eternal storms and kidnapping. How to defeat her: The paragraph was blurred out. “Well, I guess you have that going for you,” said Almond, trotting away, only to be caught in Peach's aura. “300 miles. You don't think that's a lot? According to this scroll, we've got a quest to accomplish.” “Ugh. Fine.” “However, there's not even one possible chance of me making friends. Not that I'm not befriendable, but I don't believe that the Princess defeated Nightmare Moon by making friends. How likely is that?” They walked to the nearest exit. Peach Cream was staring at a map she'd gotten from the train station front. However, she didn't notice a pony walking along too, and they both bumped into each other. Almond face-hoofed as they both apologized for being neglectful. Almond noticed shopping bags scattered all over the floor around them. She recognized the items in the bag as mane and tail curlers, mane dye, barrettes and jewel-encrusted tail bows. As the pony, a unicorn, levitated the bags up with help from Peach, Almond noticed the unicorn's Cutie Mark was of a curly, shimmering rainbow tail decorated with magenta jewels. “Hey, you didn't happen to see that pony just disappear into thin air, did you?” asked the “tail styling” unicorn. She had a bright yellow coat with sparkling straight (ends were curly) hot pink hair, and a purple beret placed neatly in her hair. “Hey! I did! No one else seemed to notice, thought you didn't either!” exclaimed Peach. “Hey, do you know what happened?” “N-- well, kind of.” Peach took out the scroll and read it to her. “Make friends, huh? Yeah, um, I might be able to stick with you as one.” Peach looked at the unicorn unsure. She tucked her scroll into her new saddlebag she'd bought at the train station store. She shrugged. “I don't know. Friend making's not my thing. Although, you do look like a fun one...” Almond rolled her eyes. “I'll consider it. Where are you going?” “To my tail-styling barber shop. You wanna come?” “Um... no thank you. We have a place to get to.” They waved goodbye. “My name is Sparkling Fireworks, if you need to know!” “Sis, we don't even have a place to get to... we don't even have a place to stay! Why did you reject the invitation to the shop?” “Velvet... it's a tail-styling BARBER shop. Why would we trust somepony we just met? Especially if they own a whole shelf of scissors and stuff?” Peach sighed. “I guess you never read that book on stranger safety that I gave you, did you?” It was true. On Almond's last birthday, a few months ago, Peach gave Almond the book titled as “So You're Going to Town on Your Own?” but Almond had never even read it. “But when have I been into town on my own?” “Uh, plenty of times, when you're going to your Cosmic Badges Collectors meetings!” “Kismet Symbol Acquirers meetings.” Almond rolled her eyes. “And that's only a few blocks away. It's not like I go shopping, anyway, and that's what I would like. And you have no idea what I would give to go shopping by myself once in a while!” “Almond, please calm down. I have been working hard, just to go on this trip. I would love a day without stress. That's why we came here, right?” “Huh?” Almond looked confused. “I thought we were here just so we could see your friend...” (she avoided mentioning Spice was her own worst enemy) “And if it wasn't for your trip, this wouldn't have happened to your friend! Whatever the spirit did to Sponge Spice, I'll bet anything it was you who set it off! It was you whom the spirit wants to place its vengeance upon!” “I-- I--” “And don't get me started on the quest thing we have to do to apparently SAVE Equestria! That's your problem, not mine! It's your fault, not mine! And I have to be punished for not helping you do something that could lead to our own self destruction?!” Peach Cream was speechless. For once, Almond Velvet was actually right. For once. This rare... once. “I-- I'm sorry, Almond. I didn't know this would happen. All I wanted was to spend some time away from work, and spend time with family and friends. Do you think I expected this?” Almond shrugged. “Didn't think so.” “But you really wanted to go on this trip! Don't tell me you're regretting it!” “Well...” Peach shook her head. “Come on, we've got to find a motel somewhere. And a carriage rental place. Maybe we'll eat at PFC.” Almond happily hopped behind Peach as they carried on, walking along the roadside, on the sidewalk, careful not to step on the lawn beside them. They arrived at “Hoofshimmer Vastopia Motel, Since 1942” with their rented carriage, the motel being a simple building containing about 103 rooms. They looked small, but they stayed there for the night. The rooms contained a double-bed, with fuzzy blankets with sheets, and light blue pillows. There was a perfectly polished desk, free with a jar of ink and another jar of quills. There was a lamp and a fillies' room and a perfect ocean view. However the ocean was very far. Almond sat on the bed, reading while Peach sat beside the desk, planning how she was gonna go about this. So far: How we're gonna defeat this pony: We go to some place where the pony was going to be at then we Dot. Dot. Dot. Peach sighed. “If only the Princess had sent her letter more carefully, we could figure this out and save Equestria with ease!” “What if the Princess did it on purpose?” Almond suggested. “You know, she could be testing you or something.” Peach's face lit up like a birthday candle. “That's IT! She's testing me! All I have to do is show my potential! Almond, you're a genius!” “I am? That would be a first, according to Ruby Coronet and Chrome Opulent...” Ruby Coronet and Chrome Opulent were the Kismet Symbol Acquirers enemies. Ruby and Chrome teased them for being "Blank Flanks". How they got such a name is what their mothers (Ruby's, Diamond Tiara. Chrome's, Silver Spoon) called the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the founders of this whole branch. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had gotten their Cutie Marks already, and they were grown-up now, but they had wished for blank-flank fillies to continue this branch. “Oh, come on. We're on vacation. You don't need to think about those two bullies. Look on the bright side, without them, your school (and outside) life might not be so boring.” “I know. But...” Almond stared out the window, at the ocean. “I don't get it. They have no experience of being bullied. They know that, probably, but they do it anyway for the fun out of it. And Miss Aspire hasn't done anything about it.” “You want me to tell her? Maybe it'll stop.” “No! If Ruby and Chrome found out I sang, my life would be over!” “Okay, okay...” Almond would never guess that Peach had had the same experience that she was experiencing. She was the last pony in her class to get her Cutie Mark. Bullies continued to tease Peach for being a blank flank. Nothing was ever done. However, when she discovered her talent for harvesting peaches and baking sweets with them, the bullies continued teasing her, saying her talent was “simple” and “average” and “lame”. “Are you sure we can't start now?” Almond held back a yawn. “The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can go to Alicorn Universe.” “Hmm... you're right.” The two put on their winter coats and hats, knowing there was gonna be a snowstorm tonight. The Pegasi said it was gonna snow at maximum 3 feet, about as tall as Peach was! But they were gonna be prepared. “Wouldn't we bring some food? You know, in case we're out there for a while?” “This is getting more and more expensive. Sure, let me just grab the map to see where the nearest food store is.” “Great! Oh, and can we stop at a watch store? And a bookstore? And a scarf store? And a hammer store? And a--” “No. We're just stopping at the food store. Maybe a scarf store to get some things to survive the snowstorm.” “Fine...” “Hey. Why did you need to stop at the hammer store anyway?” Almond Velvet shifted her front legs. Peach Cream thought it had something to do with Sponge Spice. “Um... nothing.” “Uh huh.” Almond and Peach began walking out the door to their carriage. Carriages now had engines and could be controlled by steering wheels, brakes and stuff. Carriages used to be horse-drawn, but it cost way less money without having to pay the stallions pulling the carriages 10 bits every mile. The two rode in the carriage for a few miles before stopping for gas and the next-door food market. They bought bread, jam, carrots and healthy food, which made Almond flinch when she thought of it. The cashier there seemed to be a pony with a red coat and a golden, braided mane. She wore a cowgirl hat, like she also farmed. She had a soccer ball as a Cutie Mark. She was counting the day's profits. Peach paid for their food there. The cowpony watched as they left. Next stop was the small store next to the market. It was having a Winter Sale on scarfs, boots, and any winter merchandise. 40% off, it said. Inside the store were isles of hot chocolate mugs in plastic boxes and racks of winter coats. Beside the coats, there was placed another rack, this time with matching hats and scarfs placed on them. The scarfs, coats and hats were decorated with fancy patterns, and some plain colored. They bought 2 winter coats to put on over their other ones, four scarfs because they wanted more than one on, and eight pairs of fuzzy socks, two layers of socks for each of them. They also bought two more pairs of boots to wear instead of their other ones (these ones were more fuzzy). “Soo we're done right?” Almond asked. Peach nodded. “Good. I've changed my mind about this anyway.” “You're coming, whether you want to or not.” “No, I mean, first I didn't want to do this, but now that I think about it, I can tell my friends at school! And maybe it might get Ruby Coronet and Chrome Opulent to stop bothering me for a day!” “Uh huh...” The two walked back to the carriage, to drive to the Winsome Woods to start looking there for their friend. Peach's friend. When they got on the road, they heard a “pop” sound, and the carriage stopped moving. There was a major “screeeeeeeechh” sound. Good thing there were no other carriages on the road. The two got out and saw that one of the back wheels had popped off. Peach levitated it back on, but it popped off again. “Great,” they both said. “Gonna clobber the stallion who has my money for this rental...” Peach muttered under her breath. “Ooh-kay...” “You seem to be in some sort of trouble,” said a quiet female voice. “I could help you out...” “What?” Peach Cream said. The voice didn't answer. “Hello? Anyone there?” No answer. “Huh,” said Almond Velvet. “I swear I heard something.” “Me too.” Peach sighed. “I guess we're gonna have to walk, but it can't be changed. Here goes...” The two grabbed the luggage. The two started. After about five minutes of walking, Almond asked, “Are you sure we're going in the right direction?” “Of course we are! Why do you think I would be showing us the way while following the map's directions?” “It's just... this doesn't seem very normal.” “I agree. But if we ever want to see Spice again, we're gonna have to do this. Plus, I may lose my friendship with the Princess. You know, if we ever want to see her again, we're gonna have to find her first.” “I agree, I guess. She's made my life interesting.” “Exactly! I'm not sure about following the Princess's 'suggestion' on making friends, but it's sure as heck she didn't defeat all those threats to Equestria by making friends. How exactly would she do that, just by coming over to a pony's house and playing Ponycraft and stuff?” “Well, you know...” Almond shrugged. “I live a happy life with a sis like you, a home... or at least not at the moment, for this 'vacation'... and friends are a big part of my life. Gritty Robust and Dulcet Bloom are the best friends I could ask for, or at least outside of school.” “You have a point, but...” Peach looked up to the clouds. She looked down. “Hey, didn't you just have our luggage a second ago?” “I ha--” She felt in her body a few shivers, which led to find her magical aura had broken a second ago. “Thought I had our luggage.” The two looked at each other, then heard a trotting and clopping. “Did you hear that?” The two looked up the hill to find a pony galloping away. And that pony had their luggage. “Hey! Stop!” The two ran to the pony's way. As the came closer, they noticed that the pony was a pegasus-- its wings were slightly hidden in its brown cloak. It came to be a ocean-blue pony with a nature-green mane that covered her left eye. “Come back!” Almond shouted. They ran faster until they couldn't run any swifter. Almond let her hoof out to trip the Pegasus and Peach knocked her to the side. The two ripped the cloak off. It revealed a Cutie Mark of a bell surrounded by puffy clouds. “What have you done with our luggage?” Peach screamed at her. The Pegasus started sobbing uncontrollably. “All I needed...” the Pegasus replied, “was to see if you had any twigs or wood planks or something...” the Pegasus took a breath before continuing. “You see, my house was blown down by the horrible winds of the storm. So I needed someplace to stay, but the hotels are too expensive to stay for the whole winter, and what was left of my home was scattered everywhere, and...” She sniffled. “And I guess you know the rest. My name is Sky Belle, and if you want to call the police, then go ahead...” “Well, I-- I'm sorry about that. You know, we wouldn't call the police for that reason. Our friend was just kidnapped by something in the Winsome Woods, and we were gonna come looking for her. If you have no place to go, then you could come with us.” “I guess so,” said Sky Belle. “I also have a soft spot for fillies. They're just so CUTE!” Belle rustled Almond's hair as they started walking. “Hey, your voice sounds familiar. Didn't you say something to us earlier, when our carriage broke?” “N-- Maybe.” After 8 more minutes of walking, they arrived at a sign saying, WELCOME TO WINSOME WOODS STARTS BEYOND THIS SIGN Enter at own risk. “You know, Winsome Woods isn't what its name displays,” says Peach. “Legend has it that an evil spirit flows around it, looking for lost ponies to evil... ize. These woods are named Winsome Woods because it was named after Princess Twilight Sparkle's mother Winsome Sparkle, when Winsome Sparkle built a house here and nopony else dared to. I have no idea how Winsome turned evil, but...” “We get it! Are we going or not?!” Almond shouted. “You're not going without us,” said a familiar voice. “Huh?” Peach said, startled from the sudden voice. She turned around and saw Sparkling Fireworks and the employee at the food market. She also saw a different pony, an Earth Pony, who looked similar to Sponge Spice, with the same spongey hair, but puffier and instead of purple, was red. Her body was pure white. She bared a Cutie Mark of a pair of diamond balloons. She wore green glasses and looked excited but nervous, as if she were going to a prom or something. Also behind the red-hair pony was a Pegasus filly, light purple. She had messy, rock-n-roll style hair golden colored, with streaks of white. There were no Cutie Marks on her flank. Behind the apparent cowpony was an Earth Pony filly. The filly was pink with a light blue and blue mane. She had her own cowgirl hat just like the golden-maned one. Almond Velvet looked at the Pegasus filly. “Gritty Robust?!” exclaimed Almond. She looked at the other filly. “Dulcet Bloom?! How did you--” “Never mind that! What are you ponies doing here?” Peach Cream asked. She pointed a hoof to Sparkling Fireworks. “I kind of know you”-- she pointed a hoof at the golden-maned cowpony “--I saw you working at the market but I have no clue who you are--” she pointed at the pony with glasses “--and I have no clue who you are. But the rest of you I'm pretty familiar with.” She looked at Gritty Robust, where a thousand memories of Gritty Robust's mischief played in her head. “I'm your old classmate from 4th grade!” said the golden-maned pony. “Cinnamon Sticks, remember? I planted a frog in your flower pot! 'Cause I... thought it would help it grow...” “Oh yes, I would never forget that,” Peach said unamused. “Then that leaves you.” She looked at the pony with glasses. “I'm Sponge Spice's cousin!” said the Earth Pony. “And I'm taking care of Gritty Robust! Oh, and my name is Misty Sky.” Gritty w-- I mean, Robust was Sponge Spice's younger sister who had lived in Runtyville instead of Vastopia because of the time Spice had moved to Vastopia from Runtyville, leaving Robust with her parents alone. “Ah, I see.” “So why exactly are all of you coming?” Almond asked. “Well, we don't want our friend to go in those woods alone!” said Cinnamon Sticks. "Well, I guess I can't say no..." Peach sighed. To Be Continued