A Ghost For Equestria

by 1toothkiller

First published

Lets see what happens when a gamer with nothing better to do gets sent to Equstria.

I was just heading my way to the park until I woke up in a god awful place. I can only hope I don't fuck shit up too much. Whole well I guess this means I can't play Skyrim or any Call of Duty games. Which ever one I want. Ether way I am going to have a whole lot of fun. But hey nothing sounds funner then killing things and helping others in my own way.

this is not a cod ghost crossover
Takes place a little bit before season 4 and form there on.

1) One odd day

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New York City,New York
Date 8-30-14
Time 6:10 am

I began to wake up as I hear the alarm on my iPhone go off. I roll off my bed and went to my closet. I turn my alarm off and turn on my music playlist on my PC.


I went over to my closet grab my lucky MW3 shirt. I'm already wearing my black jeans with my new Assassins Creed belt. I went to grab some socks and my steel toe boots and my old black faded Black Ops hat along with my shades and wallet . Today my friends went me to hang out with them so we decided to do it early Saturday morning. Its beginning to become fall here so i put on my black Five Finger Death Punch and fingerless gloves along with my winter camo style single sling backpack to carry some of my other stuff . As i went downstairs i saw my foster parents are not up yet so I set out of the house. I have $112 on me so im good. I put on my headphones and turn on shuffle mode on my iPod.


I walk down to my favorite convince store and got my self a cup of coffee, a bag of donut holes, a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew, and a bag of beef jerky (the bacon kind). Pay for the items and left as i walk to a subway station i notice there's barley anyone out. I receive a text from my friend Chris asking me where I'm at I reply "im almost at the subway" I ate the rest of my donut holes and drank my coffee by the time i reach the subway station.

I stand there writing for the subway to get here. As I was standing around I notice theirs only two people are here. Me and some red head chick. She was talking to someone on her phone. I decided to pull out my drawing book and work on one of my drawings. But before I could do anything I feel someone poking my shoulder I pause the song remove my headphones and turn my head to see the red hair women.

"Excuse me sir but do u know where this subway goes?" she had a sweet sounding voice.
"Ya this one will take you to the east side of the city."
"Thanks and my name is Lauren Faust" she put her hand out.
I shuck it. " My name is Chance Watters and are you the person who made Fosters Home For Imagery Friends and the Power Puff Girls ?"
"Ya that's me"
"Cool I like that show Fosters Home For Imagery Friends. I wish they didn't take it off air"
"Is that a drawing of a wizard fighting a dragon? That's pretty good drawing their."
"Well i always been good at drawing things like this."
"Are you from Australia?"
"No but some people on my dad side of the family are and I know my accent is thick"

I put away my stuff as the subway came and stop.We both walked on I sat down and she sit next to me.I look around and saw it was just me and her I'm kinda freak out I look at the time. Its was 7:00 by now I should have seen lots of people.

"you know listening to music that load will damage your ear drums."
"ya but its worth it and when I was younger I been around people and I was shooting guns with out ear protection."
"So you and your family are gun lovers?"
"Ya but were preppers so I learned how to survive on my own and stuff like that."
"Well its good to know such things.What if I told you that your not go to see your friends but going to a world full of colorful ponies?"
"One I would call you crazy and two how do you know I was going to see my friends?"
"Because I was the one who sent you that text."

I stared at her blankly then the subway car began to shack. I look out the windows and saw that the subway was going faster then it would normally do.Then I look back at her.

"See you on the other side"

Then she vanish in a bright light. Then I heard what sounded like a crashing sound. Suddenly I was raise up in the air I look out the window and saw that the subway car was outside and falling. I hold on tight on to the bar in front me then i got smack on to the floor. I could feel pain all over my body my vision stated to fade in and out and. I heard voices but couldn't make them out I just lay there in pain as the darkness take over me as. I listen to what could be my last song ever.


Meanwhile in Canterlot
It was noon and Celestia was in her room looking over a few documents when she was interrupted by a knock at her door.
"Come in"

The door open to revile a white alicorn with a red mane.

"Hello Tia"

As soon as Celestia saw who it was she ran over to give the alicorn a hug.

"Its good to see you again mother."
"Same here I came to let you know that I'm staying here for a while."
"For how long?"
"Until I get sick of you and Luna." she let out a chuckle "And I brought someone to our world to aid the Elements of Harmony in the fight against the darkness. But I don't know when he will be here."
"Where is it now?"
"Some where out west."
"So the Elements have backup now?"
"Yep and I would get the element users here so I can tell you all a thing or two about him ."

In The West

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The first thing I can feel was me laying on the floor. It feels like im on a blanket I try to open my eyes but I cant. I got up and rub my eyes I still feel a little bit numb all over but I can walk it off. I swear as soon as I find that bitch I will fucking her for trying to kill me. I finally open my eyes it looks like I'm in a tepee. I realize that I was naked. I saw my clothes next to me I put all my stuff back on. Its hot in here so I put my jacket in my bag and it is now I realized my bag is now black. I check my pockets I still have my phone, wallet, Ipod, zippo lighter, but where are my pocket knifes. I sling my bag on me when I heard someone.

"Glad your wake" It sounded like a girl

I turn to see who is talking to me. I see a little buffalo and it looks cartoonish.

"Are you feeling better?"

Ok did that thing just talk.

"I still feel numb and I'm missing my knives and my dog tags."
"There out side follow me."

I did what she said as soon as I step out I saw that I was in a dessert and what appears to be a Native American tribe. Along with a fuck ton of buffaloes. I saw a create with my knives and dog tags on it.

The dog tags were nothing special just something I order online. It has my name on it and my gamer-tag on it as well as S.A.S, ebr mk 14, Taskforce 141, and a phase Bring me 115.

Then my phone went of. I got a text from unknown it reads.

"Here r some things things u will need. U need 2 go 2 Equestria's capital Canterlot. The easiest way 2 get there is Ponyvillie look for the element users and find Twilight Sparkle shes a lavender unicorn and her friends and theirs more room in ur backpack."

I open it up and saw a dark brown trench coat, a dessert storm style boogie hat, lighter fluid, a MK-14 (left handed) with silencer, laser and flash light, and a thermal scope, next was a Colt 1911 pistol (left handed) and dual M9s (both) they had silencers and flash surpressure with them, some water, ammo, tomahawk and Ka-Bar knife and two hidden blades and one of them was a hook blade with a dart launcher and the other has a hidden pistol.

I examined the hidden pistol it was breach loader the barrel is rifled, 3 inches long and uses a 9mm. Their was a piece of paper that told me that the purple darts are poison and the orange darts will knock out the target. The effective rang of the darts is 25 yards. The paper also told me how to use them and the effective range of my hidden pistol is about 70 yards.

I put on the jacket and hat started to strap the guns and ammo on me.I strap the Ka-Bar on my right shoulder and the tomahawk on my left and but both m9s on my lower back.I put the normal hidden blade on my left and the hook blade on my right. I counted the mags I got 10 clips for each gun but my Colt 1911 had only the one in the gun but theirs plenty of bullets left. The pistols have hollow point rounds and my rifle has armor piercing rounds. I also put the lighter fluid in my bag. At least I'm mostly left handed with firearms.

"Wheres the nearest town at?"
"Just north of here I'll have escort you."
"Ok thanks."
"But my father the chief of my tribe wants to talk to you."
"Ok where is he?"
"I'm right behind you."
It sounded deep so I turn my head.He was dark brown and you can clearly see that he is the chief.
" I am chief Thunder Hoofs and this is my daughter Little Strong-heart its an honor to meet a human"
"Its nice to meet the chief and someone that got me outta that subway."
"It was not me who got you out it was Little Strong-heart who found you and pull you out."
"Well I guess I own Little Strong-heart and I will repay you someday just not to day."
"Its fine hey dad I,m going to take him in to town as he requested and I will be back by sundown."
"Very well"

With that we were off to town. Along the way I got another text saying that I have both Pegasus and earth pony magic. Now I,m stronger, have more endurance and agility, powerful griffin eyesight, faster healing rate, Powerful since of smell and hearing and the ability to walk on clouds.

The trip was about a hour long and I hate the god damn heat. As soon as I step in to town a yellow pony with a cowboy hat and a vest greeted me to the town of Appaloosa. His name is Braeburn and he showed me around the town. After awhile I hid from him in the towns bar maybe here I can get some useful information. I chose a sit on the counter as I walk there all the ponies were looking at me. I also notice they all have tattoos on their asses.

"What can I get you partner?" He has a light folkish accent.
"A shot of whiskey." I started to pull some money out of my wallet.
"The first round is on the house and I never saw anypony or one use paper for money."
"Thanks its just where I'm from we use paper money."
I took my shot and it was some of the strongest whiskey I ever had.
"Where are you from stranger?"
"From another world it seems. I just came here looking for information."
"About what?"
"About this world."
"Well you are in a country named Equestria. Its ruled by 3 alicorns. The first one is the goddess of the sun Celestia. Then you got the goddess of the night Luna. Now Equestria is being ruled by Princess Twilight Sparkle."
"Ok thanks now what can you tell me about the races?"
"Well you got the griffins, minotaurs,diamond dogs, changelings, horses, earth ponies, Pegasus, unicorn, and alicorns."
"Ok thanks now can you show me the money that used in this country?"
He pulled out some gold coins on one side it shows both the sun and the moon. On the other numbers 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100.
"thank you for you help."

With that I left and made my way over to the train station. I walk over to the booth.
"Got any trains going to Ponyville?"
"Ya theirs one that will be living on Saturday at 1:00 pm."
"Whats today and how much?"
"Today is Thursday and it will be 35 bits."
"I'll be back later."

I went back to the bar.

"so know where I can get a job at?"
"well the towns lawpony could use some help to deal with the diamond dogs. Or you can preform at my bar for bits"
"I'll thank I will try helping the town first. So where can I find the towns lawpony?"
"You can find him outside his office."
"Ok thanks again"

I saw who I was looking for. The guy was napping. I woke him up.

"What in Celestia's name are you?"
"That's not important right now. I heard that you need some help."
"Yes, I do the names Silver Star."
"I'm 1toothkiller so whats the problem?"
"Well those damn diamond dogs keep raiding our town and they have guns. But looking at you I can tell you maybe able to help."
"I will help you if I get paid 135 bits and I get to keep all the diamond gods stuff."
"Ok its a deal."
"Great how many are their?, Do you want me to kill them?, And what time do they usually attack?"
"Well they attack late at night, their are three of them and yes I want you to kill them."
Ok I will be on top of the roof and the bar and you don't have to pay me until the jobs done."
"Got it and thank you."

I got on the roof the bartender was kind to give me so food for later an apple pie. I put on my headphones and check out my thermal scope. Its exactly like the one in Call of Duty Ghost.


Ain't that a kick in the head

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It is 8:13 the sun is beginning to set and it was starting to get cool. I ate my pie and get a new text massage. I can jump from about 15 feet and I will barely feel it but that's my limit. My backpack has a small pocket dimension in it so I can carry even more stuff in it now. Infant battery life on my phone, Ipod, and laptop. I found out why I only have one mag for my colt. It has infant ammo so I can get trigger happy with it with out the fear of running out bullets. I remove my headphone and scan around the town and past it so far nothing. But I was told that these guys come out late. If only I can play 5 Nights at Freddy's but I got a job to do and I'm still scared shit less from playing it the first time.

I heard a voice from behind me.

"So your the new guy."

It sounded a bit British. I turn my head to see what looks like a cluster fuck of animal parts. I'm guessing this is one of gods mistakes but I don't know if I should kill it... yet.

"Ya and you are and what are you?"

"I'm Discord the former spirit of chaos and I'm a draconequus."

"Well you can call me 1toothkiller and why are you here?"

"Well I want to be the first one to meet you and by the way the bartender left out a few things."

"Like what?"

"First he didn't mention the zebras because hes a racist and there are 6 alicorns. Theirs the goddess of love cadence, the queen of the changelings Chrysalis, and the creator her self Lauren Frost."

"Wait your telling me that bitch is a all powerful god here?"

"yes and please don't kill her after all she did give you all those ability's."

"Ok fine I wont kill her but I will get even with her ok."

"That's ok with me. So anymore questions?"

"Ya are the soda drinks in this world are the same as mine?"

"yes but some of them may have a different name."

"I can live with that. So why else are you here?"

"Well you look a little lonely and I want to see how you do this job that you accepted."

"I'm not alone I get two of my best friends here silence and soon night."

"The dark isn't your friend it will only hurt you."

"Bullshit its been there for me ever since the government came in and killed almost all my family members."

"Well it is your choice."

"Damn right it is."

I pull out my laptop and my portable speaker and turn them on. I type in my password and open my video folder.

"What are you doing?"

"Just passing some time by lesioning to some music."

"I can't help but noticing that your going to sit here and snipe."

"Ya that's the plan."

"How about we make this a little bit more fun."


"Easy only use your pistol and your hidden blades."

"challenge accepted"

I click the shuffle button on my music playlist and put the silencer on my colt pistol.


"If your going to be here with me then you need to stay out of my way got it?"

"Sure whatever you say."

"So what do you do now?"

"Well nothing much I mostly hangout with Fluttershy and we do some stuff together."

"Who's Fluttershy?"

"She's the element of kindness and the one who reform me."

"What do you mean the element of kindness?"

"You see their are these tings called the Elements of Harmony. Their are 6 of them honesty, kindness, laughter, generosity, loyalty, and magic. It was use to defeat me twice and Nightmare Moon."

"Who's Nightmare Moon?"

"You will find that out later."

"Why do these ponies have tattoos on their asses?"

"Those are called cutie marks. When somepony finds his or her special talent it will show up on their flanks."

"Let me guess magic is real here."


"What kind of a fucked up world did I just end up in?"

"Don't worry you will have fun after all you got guns and other things."

"You know Discord your not all that bad."


About two hours have passed I still don't hear, smell, or see anything out of the usually things that are happening in the bar. I took another swig of my mountain dew. I hear gun shots out in the distance it sounds like there split up and going to different parts of the town. I paused the song that we were lensing to and jump down leavening my bag and rifle behind to hide in the shadows behind the bar and waited. After awhile I saw them meeting at town square. They all have AK - 74u and they look like labs one was black the other two were golden. I notice that two of them have simple leather armor but the black one in the middle has a tactical vest. Unlike the others his AK has a red dot scope, grip, drum mag, flash suppressor, and a bayonet on it. While the other two guys have dual mags on them.


I saw ponies going out. I grap a bottle and throw it at the guy on his left. I heard the one in the middle order one of his men to get me. I can hear him getting closer.

"I can smell you so theirs no point in hiding."

I can see that he's right around the corner. I duck he came around with a .38 pistol he look around but by the time he looked down. I pop up putting my hook-blade in his thourt it went through his neck. I twist my wrist and pulled and out came part of his spine. I grap his pistol and blind fire at the others and the fire back. I ran around the buildings trying to out flank them. Their moving close as I ran around but they lost me. They stop to reload as they split up to find me. I was hiding on the jail house roof and one of them was coming to me. Just before he walk in I pounce him with both my blades in his chest. Then I heard someone screaming I look up to see the black lab with his paw on someone at gun point.


I got a good look at him he's wearing a skull musk that only covers your mouth. He was about 15 feet from me.


"Just clam your tits mate. Theirs no need to shout. now whats your name."

"I don't have a name but you can call me Apollo. Whats yours."

"I'm 1toothkiller."

I rise my arm up and shot him in between the eyes.

"Well done I know you can do it."

"Hay Discord can you teleport the corpse up on the bars roof so I can loot?"


He snap his lion paw.

"It was nice meeting you but I got to go see you some other time."

He left and I went back to the roof at the bar. I took off my coat and put on the armor. I saw all of them had .38 pistols and one of them has a silencer on it. I put it in my pocket and put all the left over ammo in my bag. I put the mask in my pocket. I search their pockets and saw that they were all carrying pocket full of gems of all kinds. I put them in my bag for now I shut off my laptop and put it in my bag. I need to get some sleep tomorrow get my money and sell both the left over AKs and the .38s.

Once again a dreamless sleep I got down to meet with the sheriff. But when I did the whole town came to thank me. The sheriff give my money, the pony at the train station gave a ticket to Ponyville, and couple cans of beans. I found the gun store and walk in to find a nice selection of firearms. I walk over to the pony at the counter.

"Welcome how may I help you?"

"I like to sell these guns here."

I pulled out the guns and set them on the counter. He exam them.

"I'll give you 700 bits for them."

"Well I don't see a AK her so 800 bits."

"How about 750?"

"Deal and also I need some cleaning kits."

"Sure here is your bits and the kits are on the house."

I put the bits in my new money pouch. It tells me how much money I have on me.


"Want to earn another 50 bits?"

"Sure, how?"

"All you have to do is test fire this guns but first follow me."

I follow him to the back on the desk their is a big rifle on it.

"This is something I just made Its a semi auto 50 cal. It weighs 35 pounds as you can tell the barrel is one big sound suppressor and I add a big recoil compressor."

"Damn where can I shoot it at?"

"Come with me."

He grap the rifle and we head outside when we got to the spot I could see targets out in the distance. I grap the rifle fold down the bi-pod and took aim. I pulled the trigger I didn't hear the gun but the kick on it felt the same as a 7.56 and I fell in love with this gun.

"How much dose this cost?"

"10,000 bits."

"I,ll thank that I will come back another time."

I got up gave him the rifle back and take my money and head back to the town. The train ain't going to be here until 1:00 tomorrow. I got a bottle of scotch and a flask full of whiskey from the bartender. I look at the time it was 1:48 I went back to the train station. I sat down in the shad at 5:00 I have to go back to the tailor to pick up my fixed up armor and mask. I put my headphones on and start lesioning to my music.


A few hours passed so I went off the the shop to pick up my armor. The armor was reinforced and the mask was wash clean. The guy was so thankful for me saving him he offed me a place to stay for tonight. I accepted he show me where I was sleeping. When he close the door I started to take apart and clean my guns. After I was done I check the time it is 6:34 so I just went to sleep on the bed. I let the darkness take me in to the blissful state of sleep.

I woke up in what looks like in Mr. House penthouse. I got off the bed and went out in to the strip. With Rex by my side we head off to the The Tops casino. but before I could walk in I was stop by a blue alicorn.

"Hello I'm the ruler of the night and dreams Princess Luna."

"Hello to you as well I'm 1toothkiller."

"No your not your name is Chance."

"But my callsign is 1toothkiller. So what brings you here?"

"I just want to meet you is all. So where are well?"

"Were in the wasteland of Nevada and were at the veges strip."

"Intrusting what do you do for fun here?"

"Well you can gamble or go out the towns limit and kill things."

"Ok is there a place where we can sit and talk?"

"Sure follow me."

We got to the Lucky 38 casino and took a seat in the penthouse.

"This might sound weird but you look like my colt friend from 1,000 years ago."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well you see back in my time their were plenty of humans and. I dated one of them but he was killed right in front of me. I even had his foal but it died during laber"

"Sorry for you lost."

"Its ok maybe when you come to Canterlot we could try dating or now."

"Sure its been awhile since I had a girlfriend. But I'm only doing it to make you happy."

"Whatever you say and by the way your waking up."

I look around me as the dream stated to collapse all around us. I woke up I was still on my bed. I look at my watch it is 8:16 am I got up and headed to the kitchen to fix my self some breakfast . I left a note on the door for the tailor and headed out side. I head to the train stations and waited for my train. A couple of hours has past as soon as the train got here I step on it and grap a seat next to a window. So far in these past 4 or so days things haven't been bad for my. Other than the fact I can't play video game unless I'm dreaming things are good.

Going else where?

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I step on the train I took a seat on my left by the window. I took apart my MK-14 and put it in my bag then I folded the stock and remove the mag on my AK and place the bad in the space above my seat.

"Excuse me but may I sit next to you?"
It sounded like a cutie women.

I turn to to see a pegasus pony. She has a brownish coat and a long purple mane with a pink strip in the middle.


Then she hug me.

"Thanks sorry but im a hugger and my name is Black Sun."
I hug her back.

"Its ok im a hugger to and the names 1toohkiller."

"Where are you heading mis. Sun?"

"I'm heading to Ponyville for a job and please call me Black, how about you?"

"Same place and for the same reason."

"Dose it have to do with killing somepony?"

"I don't know im kinda hoping I get to but the same time I have a bad feeling about it."

"What kind of feeling?"

"The kind you get when you play video games and you see a save point or a big gun along with lots of bullets type of feeling."

"I don't that kind of feeling."

"Than you don't need to worry about it.How did you know that I will kill others?"

"Easy I can see you carrying guns on you and I heard about how you save this town."

As I stair at her blue eyes I notice that once a while they flash green. Then a pony came by asking everyone for a ticket. We gave him ours and got back to cheating with each other as the train sets off.

"So Black what do you do?"

"Well I use to be a soldier but I got assign to keep an eye on parenteral threats to our country. What do you do?"

"I don't really know what im doing, but all I know is I have to find some pony named Twibright Sprinkle or some shit like that. Also if you work for secret service or something like that then you don't anyone that you do."

"You mean Princess Twilight Sparkle, why are you after her? The last time I check she should be in Canterlot."

"How the fuck should I know I get text messages from a powerful goddess that has a plan. That I should be thanking for pulling out and away from my least dicks of foster parents that fill out paper work to take me off the streets which I kinda like."

"Why do you hate them?"

"Because they try to make me like them and they also make me work a lot but I do learn a lot of it. Hell they try to make me like them as if their are my dead parents."

"I'm sorry to hear the but what did the teach you?"

"I learn all about cars and how to fix them and leaned how to drive stander shifts. They also try to take away all my games, tv, and my music."

"What is a car?"

"Its a carriage with a motor in it."

"So you don't need a pony to pull you."

"Yep and its more powerful than a pony."

"How so?"

"Well we have a way to measure the power of cars and the name for it is horsepower. Most cars in my time go anywhere between 100 up to a little over 1000 horsepower."

"How fast is one horsepower?"

"Its 745.699872 watts or take your top speed."

"Wow that's fast!"


"I could go for a drink you wanna come?"


She got up and I grap my things and follow her until we reach the bar cart. When we walked in I notice there's only 3 ponies. Me, Black and the bar tender we took seats at the stoles. The bar tender is a grayish unicorn stallion with a black and a dark purple mane and like Black hes wearing the same vest. I place my bag on the counter top next to me.

"Can I get you 2 anything?"
Before I could say anything Black speck up first.

"I will have green jelly."

"Hi Sunny its nice to work with you again but whose the ugly monkey?"

"Its ok Phantom this guy is cool."

"Cant I just get a shot of vodka and a glass of scotch before we talk?"

"1toothkiller this is Phantom, Phantom this is 1toothkiller and he may help us."

Phantom place my drinks in front of me.
"Nice to meet you and so you know the door on the left over there is the colts restroom."

I look to see where he was pointing at there was 2 doors but new I know which 1 to go to. I got up and head for it as soon as I close the door I put on silencers on my M9s and place them back in the holsters. Before I went back out I flesh the toilet and wash my hands so I don't seem all that I have a plan. I walk back to my spot and mix my drinks and took a gulp.

"Ok what the hell are you guys and why do you think that I will help you."

"Because we share a common interest."

"You don't know me."

Then all I hear a was a boom sound coming from the front of the train and the cart we were in fell off the the side off the tracks. I hold on to the counter with my things in hand blackness over came me. I woke up laying on the on the side of the counter. I move some of the chairs off me and got up. As I look around I was the only one in the cart. I hear others talking something about bring the survivors alive, kill the children and keep an eye out of a monkey. I open up my bag and pull out my AK and load it. I can hear about 3 people near me then I hear the a door open.

"There he is!"
I took aim and kill all of them and ran in the other direction form the other guys. I hid myself behind a seat and put a silencers on my other pistols. As soon as was done with that I felt someone grap my head and pull me straight up as I look at this guy with complete fear, this guy is a big motherfucker.

"I got the monkey that killed our brothers, mommy will be proud of me!"

The he punch me off the the cart and I blacked out again. As I came back I notice I was being drag across the ground. I look around the first thing I seen was a few ponies pulling a cart full of stuff. I got up and saw a diamond dog point a gun at me.

"Good your awake now get to walking."

I did what he said and follow them I look at my self. They took everything off me but my basic clothes that I had on before I came here. I counted 7 guys and the big motherfucker he was about 7 feet tall and nothing but muscles. I can still feel my pocket knifes on me maybe if I planed this right I can take all of them out.

"Glad you up."

I turn my head to see 2 big bugs.

"What are you?"

"Well you see me and Phantom are changelings and this is our turn forms."

"Ok got it but I thank we shouldn't be talking right now."

"OK I'll do what ever you have planed."

With that I pulled out my knife an slash the dog's thourt behind me. I instantly grap his AK and killed most of them but one. The big guy shot me at me i duck for cover behind a rock. I reloaded as I pop up to shot at him I saw Phantom trying to fight him but as I watch I saw Phantom getting his head rip off the I heard a bang sound and felt a sharp pain in my chest. I realized that I have been shot by the big guy. I fell to my knees I put pressure on my wound as he got closer. Then he was surrounded by a green field I saw him float up in the air as soon as he was about a foot off the ground all at once all of his limbs were turn off and his torso exploded.


As I begin to the see the blackness around me I saw a dark figure heading towards me.

"Don't worry I got help just try to stay awake, here this should help you."

I felt a another sharp pain in my chest.

"That should help with the pain."

I saw a bright flash of light then darkness again but this time I fell so cold.

Time to get up

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6 hours later

Canterlot, Equestria

A royal guard storm in the court room "Your highness we got that report from the train crash from Appaloosa."

"Good what did your team get."

"Their are 23 survives they said that they saw two changelings and an ape about 5 feet and 3 inches tall. They also said that one of the changelings was killed, but they also saw Queen Chrysalis."

"Good work now what about the other ponies on the train?"

"Their being sent back home your highness."

"Good work." Then she got up from her thorn.

minuets later

When Celestia walk in to her mothers room she saw Luna and Lauren sharing some tea.
"Hi Tia world you like some tea."

"No thanks Luna, mother I got some bad news for your human."

"What did he do this time? "Lauren said in a upset tone.

"Well nothing its just that Queen Chrysalis has him."

"Don't worry about it he's smart and armed, here I will sent him a text."

Lauren then pulled out her new IPhone and started to type on it.

"Their it's done all we have to do is wait until he reply's and if he doesn't reply in a week then you can send your troops to find him."

"Mother do you even care about what happens to him?"

"Right now no because he called me a bitch and he will be even more mad if he found out what I did to him."

Then Luna spook up.
"He's asleep right now but he's not dreaming."

"Mother what did you do to Chance that will make him angry?"

"Well you see the only way I could get him in to this universe is by killing him and sending his soul here."

"Mother!" both Luna and Celestia yelled in unison.

"Don't worry its not like he's a zombie or the fact that he doesn't want to go back to his home."

"Why would you say that?!" yelled Luna.

"Because there's nothing for him to go back to he's a bit out of tune of that world. Thank about it theirs a reason as to why I pick him to help us all. "

"Is he that important to you that you had to kill him?" Celestia yelled in rage.

"Luna, Celestia clam down and you two don't know what I know about him. Just trust me I know what I did was wrong but still our world needs him."

"I will see you later mother I will be in the garden if you want to talk to me."

"Come on Tia how about you stay and we can all talk." Luna cried out.

"No thanks Luna I have a lot on my mind." as she stormed out the room slamming the door

Meanwhile out in the middle of no where.

I started to wake up from the darkness. I've have a bit of trouble opening my eyes but I feels like I'm in a pool of water. I tired to open my eyes. All I see is green I try to move but its kind of hard. I feel something grapping my hand and pulling me out. As some as I was out I begin to puck some green goo.

"Its ok just let it out." It sounded like a guy with a scratchy voice.

I look up at him its a changeling wearing a doctor's coat. He assisted me getting up and sitting me on a bed. I look at what I was in. It looked like some sort of alien pod.

"Your cloths are in the closet over there. Wait here, is their anything I can get you?"

I spoke up pointing at the pod. "What's that? and I want a glass of water and some oranges."

"Its a changeling pod it helps heal wounds faster." He walk out of the room at a fast pace.

Now I realized that I'm naked and went to put my things on. My shirt, pants, socks, shoes, armor (but not the vest), duster coat, mask, and my hat but everything else were somewhere else expect the things that are in my pocket. On the nightstand next to the bed is my wallet, dog tags, sunglasses and my watch. I check my phone its 6:54 pm and I have a text message. Its Lauren she wants to know if I'm still alive. I reply still alive as I put on my shades

The changeling came back with my water and a cup of orange slices. He pulled out a clip board and spoke again.
"I'm going take some blood samples from you and run some test on them."

"Ok and how long was I out?" I hold out my arm. He pulled out a syringe and got some of my blood.

"About 18 hours, tomorrow you can sign some papers and leave."

"Thanks doc."

Then the door open a changeling about 5 foot 4 came in with greenish armor.
"How is he doc?" he asked in deep voice.

"He is fine but he has to spend the night at the hospital tonight."

I spoke up "Hey guys can I have my things back?" They just look at each other for a bit before the doctor spoke up. "Sure I get thing right now." He left the room and I started to eat my food.

"So what are you doing here?"

"I was order by our Queen to protect you and escort you to our hive."
"What's your name?
"I'm am Abel.'
"I'm onetoothkiller nice to meet you."

The doctor came back with a metal chest and open it after that he left the room. I went thought it and put my vest and hidden blades on. All my knifes and guns are there. I started to clean my guns and sharpen my blade. This time I put my tomahawk on my vest. I pulled out my laptop and run a diagnostic on it. It will take hours before its done some I close and put it back in my bag.

"That's some heat your packing."
"Ya I get into a few things here and there."

After I got done with cleaning and sharping I reach into my bag and pull out my zombie survival guide.
"You humans have a book that helps you prepare for a zombie attack?"
"yes I got the flash cards if you want to check it out."

I read and dig around my bag and pull out the cards and handed it to them.
"If you love this than you will love World War Z its made the same guy who made this book."
"What's that book about?"
"World War Z is a collection of stores from a zombie apocalypse." Abel just nodded his head.
"How much for the book?"
"Sorry pal but this book isn't for sell."

A few hours have passed and Abel decided to get some sleep. He got in the pod and I laid on the bed still reading the book, using the light from my phone to read. I check my watch its 4:37am close to sun rise. I decided to step out of my room to get some more water and use the bathroom. As I was coming back I decided to eavesdrop on a conversation between two changelings. From what I can hear their talking about fucking each others wife's in hopes of a foursome.

I walk back into my room lay back on the bed and played Pokémon on my phone. After some time I hear a weird sound I jump and pointed my colt at the pod. It was just Abel waking up. I hustle my pistol and check the time. Its 6:14 am I got up and starch a bit.

"Morning Abel." Abel got up and starch and look at me. "What time is it?"
"Its 6:16 and I will be ready to leave when you are."
"Did you even get any sleep?"
"Ya I woke up about an hour ago." I lied "The doctor should be here with the paper work in about and hour or so." Abel walk to the door.
"I will go get him I'll be back and is their anything I can get for you?"
"A bag of potato chips please."

When Abel left I started to do pushups until he got back witch wasn't long.

"Here is your chips." I grap the bag.
"The doctor will be here in about 2 hours or so with a veterinarian for your check up."
"Ok but why a vet?"
"I thank it has something to do with you."
"Good point."

I munch down on my breakfast as I wonder what to do now. Until Abel spoke up.
"What do you do?"
"What do you mean?"
"Your job are you a mercenary or something?"

I began to think about this for a second.
"I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Other than killing others that are trying to kill me or getting to a location that's miles away. I think I smell lots of bullshit right now or I'm just so crazy."
"Why do you say that?"
"Well I'm in a cartoonish world and I have gotten a few weapons from a chest that was meant for me."

As I began to reach for another chip I realized that my chips are gone.
"Abel did you ate all my chips?"
"No we changelings don't need to eat food like you do to live."
"Than what dose your kin eat?"
"We feast on positive emotions like love, lust, and happiness."
"What about feelings like hate?"
"Well if its strong then its like poison to us." Then he stared into my eyes "As a changing I sense feelings and I sense lots of suppressed hate and no true love from you."
"What kind of love do you sense from me?"
"I sense love for all kinds of weapons, killing, and lust."
"That sounds right."
"By the way why did you think I ate your chips."
"Because I don't know lets just change the subject."

I check my laptop and from the data on it nothing was damage. Later as time seem to fly by the doctor came with the vet. It was a light brown griffin.

"Hello I'm Tera and I will be giving you a check up." She was about 4 foot 8.
"Ok so long as your not cutting off my balls."
She blush a bit "Don't worry nothing bad will happen to you."

After the check up we left I learned that I'm still in the desert. The place is not that far but it looks like a giant bee hive. We went to a pharmacy on the way to get sugar pills, caffeine pills, vitamin A, B, C, and D pills, and some tryptophan pills. Along the way I've been getting odd looks from the locals and the pharmacist lady thought I was going to rob her. I think something bad is about to happen again.

The Lady in Green

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As we walk I heard a voice coming from a alleyway next to us. I didn't hear what it said but I know how it is. I told Able to" Go on a head, I will be back." He nodded his head. I went in to the alley and looked around. "Hello there friend." I turn around to see Discord dress like a homeless man. "So your meeting Queen Chrysalis today?"
"Ya that's the plan."

"If that's the case then you should know this. She is the queen, goddess of deception so I will be careful if I was you."

"Thanks for a heads up."

"Anything for a friend."

"By the way why did you left so quickly the last time we meet?"

"I had a picnic with Fluttershy."

"Good enough, Now what else should I know?"

"She most likely try to get into your pants"

I had a slight blush on my face "This is going to be interesting. Well good day to you and tell Reran-" I was cut off by Discord "Lauren" I lets out a sign. "Whatever her name is ask her if she is on her period or some shit when she send me to this world of colorful bullshit" He seem to think about it until he gave me an answer. "Do you have a death wish or something?" I realized that here she is a horse goddess thing. "Yup and I'm going to try to go out with" I pause as I adjust my shads. "style" Discord just looked at me with a bit of a odd look. "You wont last long against her" I start to walk away. "And yet I'm some how still alive"

I walked out of the alley back to Able as I flip Discord the bird. I can see the hive about a mile ahead of us. We went past the gate and in the lobby. I look around the room color scheme was mostly green and black. I was asked and treated to take off my mask, my weapons and my pack so I hand them my weapons. I gave them all but my hidden blade, 1911, and a small knife. Able lead me to a double door room with two guards in front of them. They had a short chat before one of them open a door.

"You may enter in the queens chambers. But if you steal and or tear up her room she will have your head." As he was done the other speck up. "The queen is out doing her duty's and she has let you into her chambers. She will be back in about an hour" I nod my head as I walk in. They close the door as I turn on the lights. Her room looks the same as the rest of the hive. I spotted a couch so I decided to take a nap on as I went to it and lay on it. I set my pack and rifle on the side of it then lays down on my side on it. Its firm and a bit lumpy but I don't mind as I slowly go to sleep.

After a dreamless nap I was awaken by something touching me as I shot up and over the couch as I draw my 1911 and take aim. I see a big changeling but with a crown. "I wont point that at me if I was you" She has a double voice as I put away my pistol. "Sorry you spoke me"
She gives an amused look " As you may have already know I am Queen Chrysalis. Now who are you?" I start to starch a bit before I answer her. "I am Chance, so why did you invite me here?" She starts to walk around me. "Because its been so long since I saw a human and I wanted to see for myself. Looks like they wont joking"

"Thanks" I get up and stretch then grabs my pack.
"please stay here for the night."
"Well I guess one night wont hurt me... Sure" She seems to be happy about my choice. As I set my things down and go thought my pack she watches me. Feeling a bit un-easy I grab my AK and load it. I feel something on my should as I turn my head to see her staring me down. "Relax I wont harm you. Unless you try to kill me." I stop going thought my things and sit back on the couch. "So any plans?" I asked.

"Well I do but your not included until dinner time" She showed a devilish smile witch made me a bit worried. But then she giggle. "Don't worry and I wont eat you".
"Son of a bitch she can read minds" I thought to myself as she grins. I shrug it off and lay down.
"Please don't sleep the whole day." I sigh. "I wont" I sit back up and puts my headphones on and plays music as I clean my weapons one by one. It felt like the hours just fly by as I stay in my own little world, wondering why I am here. Just I feel a tap on my shoulder I rush up and pin something to the floor as I shove my 1911 into its mouth. But before I could pull the trigger I realized that it was a changeling with a servant outfit on. I get off him as I put my pistol away and take my headphones off. "Be careful or else" I said in a low voice as the bug in front of me nods his head out of fear. "Now what are you going to tell me". He gets up and regains his composer. " My queen order me to get you and take you to our dinning room". I nod my head as I load up a bit and follow. Once in the dinning room I gotten a look around, seeing that the room design is the same as every where else here.

I see Chrysalis smiling and pointing to a chair next to her as I go and take the seat. "Glad you can make it. Just tell the servant what you want and he will give the chiefs the order.". I nod and look at him. "I want a chicken sandwich with a bottle of soda and potato chips." He nods and rushes off to the kitchen area. "So enjoying your stay?" I heard the queen ask. I think for a very short time. "Well no one has try to kill me so far. So yes I am"

She smiles. "Good to hear" She brush her muzzle against my neck and sniffs as I draw my 1911 and press it against her chest, before I could do anything else I feel my pistol ripped out of my grip and tossed across the room as sharp points price my neck. I couldn't do anything other than stay still and gasp as I start to feel numb all over. After a short time she lets go of my neck and smiles at me. "Thanks for the meal". I just stay there with my shock face on. "Our kin has to feed off love and other good emotions." I shake it off. "But why did you do it with out a warning?" She thinks for a bit. "Because surprises are fun." My food gets placed in front of me as I smile a bit. "Here" She puts my 1911 in front of me as I take it and put it away. I start to eat my meal. "Sorry about that." I said with a mellow tone. "I forgive you" she said with a smile.

Once I stop eating I get up and head back into her room as she follows closely. "I will be outside" I head back the other way and look for a outside door. "Okay just stay on the hive grounds and get in bed with me when you come back". She said while I walk away. But should I stay around or just leave? But it didn't look like there was train tracks around here but I should look anyways.

I just walk around as I have my music playing and taking in my surroundings. I notice something coming from the corner of my eye, I turn to see what looked liked a butt of a gun flying at me. I step back and grab the rifle as I send a swift kick to it's crouch. I know it gotten it right where it hurts the most as it fall over my leg and leg go of the rifle. I examine it, it's a M4-A1 with a sound suppresser, red dot scope and a grenade launcher. I look at the thing that try to knock me out. Its a anthro dog wearing mostly black. I feel something putting my arms together and biding them behind my back as rope gets tied around my mouth then a bag is thrown of my head as I get picked up and carried away.

A set path

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After sometime I can feel them setting me down and take off the hood, only to have a bright light shine in my face as I close my eyes.

"What's your business with the Queen?" The voice was a bit rough.

"Nothing important" I replied.

I feel someone digging into my pockets then pullout my wallet. "Yup this is our guy" I heard someone in a different voice.

"What?" I feel someone uniting me and turn off the light as I open my eyes and look around me. I see earth ponies, the diamond dog, and a gryphon. All wearing some kind of military gear as I can tell.

"Our secondary optative is to take you to Canterlot." The one of the earth ponies say.

"But we have to assault the castle if we want to get out of here alive and fast." The gryphon spoke as I get up and take my wallet back. "So we have to risk life and limb just to get me out of here?" I asked in a boorish tone. "That's the plan." Said the diamond dog as he tosses me a compact AR as I catch it. "But lets try to get you out first." one of the earth ponies said with a grin with a almost emotionless tone as I start to load up.

"So I'm going to be bait?" I ask as the earth pony nods. The diamond dog shows me a map with some marks on it. "Here is how things we will if they go perfectly.' as he looks at me. "Well will set a few small bangs in a few places and when she sends the guards to check them out we might be able to rush the station. "

"Looks like I wont be bait then." I added.

I think to myself "When do we leave?" I look at the canine. "When ever your ready." He replied as everyone gets there things and head outside.

I follow them closely and look around, making sure no one sees us. We spilt up and go to each point to set up and timed the over size flash bangs, when I was done I rush to get near the station . I crouch to stay in the darkness as I see a few changeling guards before meeting up with the others as the bangs go off. The guards go check them as we quickly go to get on the train.

Before I get on I set a bit of C4 on the tracks then climb on. As I look around I notice that the only ones on this train is us as they start it up. I keep on guard as I stay low and look around when the train starts to move as the sound of its engine starts to bring the changelings back on us. I get the donator and trigger the C4, damaging the tracks and even blowing a few of the closer changelings away, ears ringing as I shoulder my rifle and just let lose on them. I keep on shooting and reloading until they stop coming at us. I pant as I get onto a seat and try to relax a bit.

I see someone right in front of me as I look up. It was the diamond dog as he offers me some water to drink, I take it and chug it done a bit as I hand him back the canteen. I lay back and try to sleep but cant as I feel the train getting faster. I get up and move up front and look outside as my hearing comes back. I take some deep breaths as I get up and walk around. I open to the door and head onto another part of the train which looks like a dinning area.