House Music

by ovr9000percentcooler

First published

Pony travels to an alternate dimension, boy meets pony, true love blossoms, and all that stuff.

Here, you have your average male brony just lying around on a lazy weekend without any family to bother him about enjoying ponies. Then out of bucking nowhere, Vinyl Scratch shows up from Ponyville due to a failed teamwork type spell with twilight. Hilarity (and sex) ensues.

Prologue - The Before Math

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Finally, the day has come to an end.

After waiting for so long for the weekend, it’s here. Now normally this is a somewhat small celebration that happens every friday, like always. This friday, however, is different. My parents are going out of town for their honeymoon, and they’re taking my brothers to a friend of theirs, who have kids of their own. Except they’re not my age, which is why I get to stay home alone. Plus, i’m getting monday off, so hell yeah. Rejoicing as I jump of the bus that was surprisingly early today, I make my way to the house, which my parents were just about ready to leave. Thank god my brothers are in the car, I’d hate to deal with them right before they left.

My mom hands me 20 bucks for pizza. The rest I got is sandwiches for lunch and (fuck yes) cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast. With a holy jug of sunny d to finish it off. Again, thank you god.

“Ok, so we’re leaving now.” My mom announces to me. “Make sure you clean up after yourself, and at least do the dishes while we’re gone, don’t leave this place a mess.”

“And no girls over.” Says my dad, who I can already tell is joking by the father-ish smile.

“Yeah, I got it. Trust me, the house will still be here, jeez.” I’m not exactly popular with chicks as it is.

“Well then, we’re going now. Love you.”

“Love you too mom.”

And with that, they leave the house. After I use the bathroom and prepare some theatre style popcorn for a snack, I find the driveway empty. Once again rejoicing, I head to the tv, and turn on the computer hooked to the plasma. Thank you dad for being smart I think to myself as I pull up youtube and search for the latest episode of my little pony. Soon after the video loads, I grab the popcorn, relax on the couch, and enjoy some ponies, without getting crap for it.


About 4 episodes of MLP, some Duck Dynasty, halfway through Project X, some all-meat pizza, and a dr.pepper, I decide it’s time to call it a night. I close Firefox and head towards my room. I’m greeted by my chuck norris poster that hangs over my desk, along with the black ops poster above my bed. I’m changing into some comfy pj’s when I hear a rustling of the bushes. For a second i just blame the stray cats, but I keep hearing it. Turns out, it was Crystal. The neighbor that lived across from us had named her that after she moved out, leaving a bunch of the strays here. Part of my mind drifts to the possibility of it being a lost pony instead of a cat. Unfortunately, I have a very creative brain.I think of random outcomes of random situations, mostly being unreal and would never happen. The fact that I’ve been reading way too many ponies on earth fanfics hasn’t been helping either. I soon hop into bed, put my ipod on shuffle, and try to catch some z’s. Too bad i only caught a few.

Ch. 1 - Suddenly, Naked Chicks

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I suddenly felt a wave of pleasure as the wonderful woman below me gave my dick a tentative lick, all the way up to the head. I could see her glorious tits bouncing under my cock as she soon took it in her mouth, bobbing her head along the shaft. I was getting closer as she went faster and faster, her hot moans only serving to bring me to the edge. I was just about to finish and blow my hot load down her throat, when my mother came in, tied me to the wall, put a funnel in my mouth, and force fed me nothing but sour krout until i was 26 and a half years old. That’s when I swore that someday, someday I’d get out of that basement and move to a magical far away place, where the sun is always shining and

-Wait, what the hell? Where’s that chick? How the?-

I slowly wake up, confused, tired, and with a strong hard-on. I realized my ipod was playing the infamous “Albuqurque” by Weird Al. I check the previous song, and it was nothing other than “I Just Had Sex” by Lonely Island. Jesus Christ I have a weird taste in music. I pause my ipod and get up to get some snackage, because apparently that’s what you do after you wake up from a wet dream at 2 o’clock in the morning.

I slowly shuffle my feet to the kitchen, and open one of the cabinets. Observing it’s contents, I reach for the nutella and head to the silverware. I grab a butter knife and set the two down and grab the bread on the refrigerator. Why we keep the bread there still bugs me. Getting a slice of honey wheat bread, I scoop the nutella out of the jar and start drowning the poor thing in delicious chocolate-flavored peanut butter. After the sweet damage has been done, I put up the nutella and toss the knife in the sink, setting a self-reminder to put it in the dishwasher later. And you guessed it, as soon as I’m about to enjoy one of life's many miracles, a sudden BOOM shakes the floor, making me drop my treat on the floor, nutella side down. Great, so that theory works for nutella too. Well fuck me. Oddly enough, the second thing that irritated me was the explosion that caused my downfall in the first place. Seeming to come from the backyard, I look around for a weapon I could use. I grab my Wilson tennis racket, ready to beat the living crap out of something, if it was necessary. I slowly creep up to the back door, holding the door knob and ready to kick ass. That’s what I’m telling myself at least. I quickly open the door, and what my eyes see through the screen door was completely....completely.... well let me tell you, and you can judge me on this.

There was a fuckin portal that I barely saw before it shrank and disappeared. What it left behind was even crazier. Right there in front of the back porch was a hot and completely butt naked chick standing in the grass. Her hair was kinda neon blue and spiky. Wrapped around her neck were from what i could tell dr.dre beats. She must be some dj or something. Then I think about it. Blue spiky hair, glasses, dj....what could that mean.......wait, could she be?....

I was just about to guess myself wrong, when i see it. There’s a horn on her head. My mouth hangs open as i realize the holy truth. Standing nude in my backyard, was the ever famous vinyl scratch. In human form no less. I drop my tennis racket, opening the screen door and contemplating what i’m gonna say. I should probably ask her if she’s alright, and not sounding like a creep, invite her inside the house for warmth and shelter. Considering she’s naked, she might be cold. Well, here goes nothing. Don’t fuck this up man.

"Um, hey! Blue haired chick!"

Way to make an introduction.

She turns to me, suddenly realizing I was there in the first place. Now I could fully see her face and, well, boobs. I tried to be not as perverted as possible, but I couldn't help looking at her big, perky breasts. My eyes moving downwards, I discover her nether regions. Great, just when my boner was about to go down. Considering I'm in my briefs, it was also clearly obvious to anybody who happened to be in my backyard. And what do you know, theres a really hot girl there.

She finally responds after I call out.

"Ugh, where am I?" She asks, putting a hand to her head. Startled by having hands rather than hooves, she looks herself down, noticing her breasts, her slim body, and turning her head around, finding her ass. Ironically enough, there was her signature cutie mark on both her butt cheeks. Ok, anymore of this and my dick is gonna put a hole in my briefs. “The heck?”

"Um, hi! Ah, would you like to come in?"

What she says after that did nothing but make my erection grow to it's extent.

"Yeah, might as well. Not like I have another choice."

I open the door further to let her in, and as she carefully approaches, I assume she's at least a C cup. Not too big, not too small. She enters the house, and I start sweating bullets as I close the door and try to make a decent conversation. I mean come on, it's not like I can score with her....wait, why are these the first things to come to mind? Sigh, well that's what I get from having a sexual dream, then meeting a naked humanized DJ from Equestria.

"So, what exactly brings you here?" I ask nervously, rushing to the front door to lock it.

She was about to say something, but hesitated. "Wait, hold on, how about you tell me what the heck I am?" She gestured to her body to emphasize her point.

I turn around. "Um, you're human. We all are here." I say as I go to close the blinds on the windows.

"...Holy Celestia." She facepalmed. "So Lyra was right all along."

"Yes- I mean who?"

"Never mind. So, you really want to know? You might not believe me."

"I could care less. Besides, I can't believe the portal and all that stuff, I'm sure you could make some sense."

She seemed to take that into thought. "You saw the portal?"

"Yeah." I sit down on the chair in the living room. She was already placed on the couch, I guessed she wasn't that used yet to walking on two feet.

"Sigh....well, it started back in my own world.... erm, Equestria."

This is gonna be good.

Ch. 2. - The Never Ending Backstory

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It was a completely perfect day in the wonderful little town of Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, the butterflies were flying, the bears were mauling, the frog-orange was off making little frog-orange babies, and Doctor Whooves just stopped the Daleks from invading Equestria, but those things aren't important. While nopony realized it yet, travel between two different universes was about to become a reality.

Twilight was, once again, pacing around in her library. She wasn't trying to figure something out, though, she was simply waiting. Waiting in circles. Waiting for about a half-hour. Waiting to continue waiting. Spike had suddenly burst through the door, carrying a big, huge box into the center of the room.

"Hey Twilight, the new set of fiction books are here!" The purple dragon called out.

Twilight greatly trotted over to Spike, already beginning to sort the books out. "Great! Hmm, The Friendship Games go in the F's, let's see here...ooh, Daring Do and The 8 Spooky Notes goes right there!" She continiues to stack each book where it belongs, untill the whole box is completely and utterly empty. Still bored, she resumed her pacing. Spike had walked up the stairs, and had come back down with a gemstone he grabbed from his stash of leftovers from Raritys. He bit into the sapphire, savoring his delicious snack.

"So Twi," Spike begins, "What's got you in a bunch? Hate to see you worked up like this, again." He took another bite.

Twiligjt sighed. "I don't know Spike, it's just that ever since Celestia said I was ready for this, I've been nervous. I mean, this is INTERDIMENTIONAL TRAVEL Spike, not every unicorn can even come close to performing this spell. Which is why I need a partner; and since Rarity is out of town, I have to resort to another unicorn, and Vinyl Scratch is taking forever!"

"Wait, hold on, you want Vinyl Scratch? Why her?" Spike asks, finishing off his food.

"Well normally I'd try for somepony else, but it seems like they're all bust doing their own thing, plus Vinyl pretty much does nothing but make beats all day." The agitated unicorn said as she remembers the day she first met the DJ.

"Yeah I know, but you're the only one who can possibly do this, why hire a-"


"Hey Twilight! I'm here!" A familiar voice pops out from the other side of the door. Twi quickly changed her mood from impatient to excited as she opened the door with her magic. Vinyl gladly entered the library, her trademark glasses placed over her horn.

"Hey, so you need me for somethin'?" Vinyl asked, still confused about why Twilight choose her out of any possible unicorn in Ponyville to aid her in magical studies.

Twilight, oblivious to how much she really was in a good mood, responded to the white mare. "Yes, yes I do! Here, before we do any kind of work, read this." Twilight transported the spell scroll to Vinyl. Taking ahold of it with her own magic, opened the scroll and began reading.

"Dear Twilight, blah blah blah blah, next level of studies, blah blah blah, help from another unicorn, blah blah bla- WHAT?" Her eyes shot out in shock as she finished the letter. An additional note below it showed how to perform the spell.

"Twilight, you open a portal?" Vinyl barely stuttered out of her mouth.

"Yep! Pretty neat huh?" Twilight was practically smiling as much as Pinkie does on a normal basis. I mean come on, you would be pretty psyched too if you found out you had the sheer ability to conjor up a portal to an alternate dimmension.

"Neat?" Vinyl questioned. "This...this is awesome!!! When do we start?"

"Follow me to the basement." Twilight instructed.

Shrugging her shoulders, the white unicorn followed her into the dark room. Twilight soon found the light switch, and the whole room was clearly visable. Vinyl was astounded, she had never seen so much equipment before in one room. Not that she'd normally care, but today, she was utterly intrigued. She even found a weird contraption, consisting of a metal helmet with flashing lights, attached to a machine with more flashing lights. Vinyl knew very well that technology was very limited in Equestria, herself owning a stereo system, headphones, and her especially secret weapon: a laptop. But to see so much of it in one basement, that was something else. Her train of thought was interrupted by Twilight, who was ready to get it started.

"Um, Vinyl, hello? You ready?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, right. So what do I need to do?"

"Ok, just stand right in front of me." She grabbed a nearby yard stick. "And this is a very delicate spell, so you have to be exactly in line, no errors."

Vinyl only rolled her eyes. She just wanted to see the portal.

After several corrections and -you guessed it- errors, they finally met eye to eye. Twilight grinned, satisfied with getting it right.

"Ok Vinyl, here's where you come in. I'm going to summon the spell. As soon as it charges, it's going to shoot into your horn. From there, I just simply need you to concentrate on the energy flowing through your body. I'll take it from there. Got it?"

Vinyl, now very nervous with anticipation, gulped. "Sure thing, couldn't be that hard, right?"

Taking a deep breath, Twilight begun working the spell. She balanced herself on her four hooves as she gathered more energy for her spirit bo- SPELL. Spell. That's right. A slight breeze started to circle the room, the mares manes blowing in the sudden wind. At this point Vinyl was getting even more nervous, yet she was so freakin pumped to see this plan come together.

Like a lightning bolt, a energy beam shot out of Twilight's horn straight into Vinyls. Being overwhelmed with so much magic at once, she began focusing on the spell like Twilight had told her to. Soon enough, a little ball started forming in the middle of the beam. A smaller bolt emerged from it, causing a small hole to appear.

"That's it Vinyl! Keep it going!" Twilight encouraged.

The wind picked up the pace, books falling off of desks and spare papers circling the two unicorns. Vinyl was close to cracking under the pressure, but she marched on, continuing to perform the spell.

Eventually the hole began to grow, and it kept growing until it was 3 times the size of a table. Feeling better than ever before, they both stopped feeding the spell, the wind dying down, and after that there was just a quiet hum from the portal above. Vinyl fell to the ground, while Twilight leaned on the wall next to her.

"We *pant*...did it!" She managed to say.

Vinyl let out a unemotional "Woohoo." as she was close to passing out. Yet the result of their hard work was enough to keep her interested. She stood up and stared in awe at the gateway.

"Woah, this is just awesome!" She exclaimed as she tried to peer through the portal.

"Nuh-Uh." Twilight warmed. "We don't know where it leads."

"Well we can at least take a little peek. Whats that gonna do?" She said as she postitoned a ladder with her magic, and before Twilight could do anything, she stuck her head through the hole. After 3 seconds, she pulled out.

"Not much but just space." She stated.

And just like that, the hole immediantly shrank, sucking everything near it inside, including Vinyl Scratch. It was soon quiet again as the basement was nothing left but a mess. Twilight sighed.

"SPIKE! Write a letter to Princess Celestia! We got a big doozy to fix!"

Ch. 3 - When Life Gives You A Blowjob

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Ok, so you'd think a story about how a pony from the magical land of Equestria that created a portal to what seemed like nowhere, just to be sucked into it would be interesting, right? Well, you'd be somewhat right, but when your listening to a world class model/DJ with lack of even a bra and panties, you're a bit more interested in other things, if you know what I mean. When she got to the part where she ended up here, I tuned back to reality.

"Oh, well that sucks."

"Yeah, I probably should have listened better. Also, All these universes that I saw, and I end up in this one."

Yeah, what a coincidence that she showed up in this universe, on this earth, in America, in my house. I guess Karma isn't always such a bitch after all.

"Well alright, I guess you're stayin here, huh?"

"Yep, seems that way." Vinyl said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, you can sleep on the couch, I'll get you some clothes in the morning somehow."

I was heading to the closet to get some blankets when she called after me.

"Wait, does everypony wear clothes here?" She asked innocently.

"First off, it's everybody, you might need to know that here. And yes, yes they do."

"Like, everyp- body, in the world?"

"Uh, yeah, what's your point?"

"Oh nothin, it's just where we come from, we only wear clothes on very special occasions."

"Oh really?" I say as I emerge from the hallway with a comforter. "Like parties and such?"

Vinyl laughed a bit. "Ha, not really. I mean like high-class parties, like The Gala or fashion shows. Honestly I don't go to those things, though I did DJ at a wedding before."

"Is that so?" I add. Of course I knew she did, it was in the season 2 finale for crying out loud.

"Yeah, had singers and everything. Though that isn't my best work, you should see me at the clubs! do have clubs here right?"

"Yeah." I answer non-chalantly.

"Nice, we should hit one up while I'm stuck here."

"Yeah, maybe." I answer without thinking about what she said. I was getting tired and was ready to hit the hay.

"Well, you got a blanket, and I got a bed. I'm heading to it. Good night." I say through a yawn as I shuffle back to my bed.

"Hey, wait a second! Hold on, I need to ask you something!"

Mother of Rober Downey Jr.

"What is it?" I ask nicely, trying not to sound like an asshole.

"This may sound weird." Vinyl blushed while she said it. "You know how you had that erection earlier?"


"Ho-how di-"

"I'm not stupid, the stallions back in Equestria have dicks too ya know. I was just asking because I realized earlier that both mares and, well your females have vaginas, and, well, I had noticed your erection while you were standing outside, and-"

"What's your point?" I inquire, trying to pry it out of her already.

"I just noticed that I became, well...wet if you will...."

Oh God....

"And I was wondering if you could help me?"

.......Brain.exe has stopped responding. Please check for the solution.

She proceeded to explain why. "Now, I know it sounds weird, me coming from another universe and all, but when you came out with your hard-on like that, it was hard to ignore. Plus, I guess being naked here is attractive for that sort of thing, and ever since I walked in, it was hard to get if off my mind."

So lemme get this straight, she hopped out of the portal, saw me walk out with my raging boner, and she couldn't stop thinking of if. Well, I can't blame her. I mean, if I was transported to another world, and saw a nice looking woman with nothing but erect nipples and wet pants, I'd think of sex. Maybe, depends. Besides, I ain't gonna argue with the space time continuum if it made a beautiful woman wanting sexual favors from me.

"Also, do these bag things do anything?" She caressed her tits to emphasize.

"Um, they're used to attract men." I add, no doubt speaking the truth. "And they're tits."

She grinned. "Cool. So anyways, would it be fine by you?" She knew what I would say too. Dang, she's good.

"Yeah, sure."

Vinyl took off the blanket I just gave her, while I had removed my briefs, letting my dick fly out like it was struggling for air. Vinyl starred at it, studying it almost.

"Eh, could be bigger." She states. Well shit.

"Ah well, guess I- wait, do I..." Vinyl reached for her horn. "Yes! Ok, lemme see if I can still use magic." She closes her eyes as she concentrates, her horn glowing. Soon my cock was glowing too. I think I know where this is going.

Sure enough, after the whole process goes through, my dick was about an 8 proud inches now. Still erect, It practically almost made me fall to the ground with how heavy it was. "How did you-?" I began.

"It's a spell I learned. DJ's get to party too you know. And don't worry, it's temporary." I could tell she was somewhat excited. Why she wanted it as soon as she gets here, beats me. Heck, it's like a porno, except more backstory to it.

"So what exactly do you want to do?" I ask, hoping it's straight up sex.

"Ok, can you sit down on the chair you were in earlier?"

I went to the recliner, sat down, and waited for some sweet action. Soon, she's on her knees, already rubbing my cock slowly, teasing me. Damn, if I knew any better, I'd say she does this frequently.

After a minute of jerking me off, she begins by licking my dick from the base, all the way to the tip of the head. I groan as she continues licking all around my cock, taking in the sweet taste of pre-cum. She goes lower to start sucking on my balls, swirling her delicate tounge over the orbs. I couldn't believe this was happening, the dream i just has was coming to life, except it was Vinyl Scratch instead of an anon woman, and no Weird Al to make it awkward.

After she was content with my balls, she placed her mouth on the head, circling her tounge around it to give me more pleasure. Going further, she started to bob her head along the shaft, my dick going deeper in her mouth everytime she went back down. I writhed in ecstasy, and I could tell she was enjoying it too. She let out some pretty sexy moans as she worked on my huge cock, her wet lips feeling the best on the skin. I heard a wet "plop" as I looked down, and she was vigorously jacking me off, her saliva acting as a lube to jerk easier and smoother. She went back to the blowjob, going even deeper now, which sent a sudden wave of ecstasy through my body. I could tell I was getting close to cumming, and apparently she knew too, as she quickened her pace and sucked harder. I was on the verge of bursting, and then she looked up at me. Those dark, violet eyes met up with mine as she ravishly deepthroated me. That was too much for me. I came, and came hard. I felt my cum pump out of my cock and down her throat. And she swallowed quite a bit, gulping down my load shot by shot, untill I slowly rode of my orgasm. I took a big breather as she took her head off my pulsing dick, licking any cum that may have escaped.

"Woah....that was fuckin good." I manage to form words luckily.

For some reason however, she seemed to have something on her mind. Getting off her high, she stood up, and sighed. I get up too, pulling up the briefs. "What's wrong?" I ask, wondering what the heck is goin on.

Vinyl gave me a depressed look, like she didn't just suck me. "Well....can you keep a secret? I mean, I know nobody I know is here, but still..."

"Sure." I assure her. "Not a soul."

She sighed again. "Actually, back home, I'm considered....well I don't know if this the correct term here or not, but I'm....I'm kind of....."

I waited. "Vinyl, it's ok, you can tell me if you want." This was getting awkward.

"I'm a slut." She said shamefully.

That explained literaly any question I had about what happened just a few seconds ago

"Why is that?" I say, coming off as sincere as possible. Which is what I actually felt, asshole.

"I dunno, I guess it's just when I first had sex, it was the best thing I felt, and after I made it big in the DJ buissness, I was getting a lot more. I got drunk most of the nights I held a club, and that usually led to a random stallion inside a hotel room. Ugh, I'm sorry I even convinced you into doing that. It wasn't right of me." Vinyl slumped, and I just wouldn't take it.

"Oh, Nononono. That's alright, I totally get it. Several chicks here are like that, except they're a bit...well rude to put it nicely. Unlike you. And don't worry about it, I enjoyed it right?"

"Heh, yeah. I could tell too." She sniffled.

"Now, how bout some good ol' fashioned sleep, and we'll figure out stuff tomorow, alright?"

"Fine, but I'm not really that tired in the first place." She complains as she snuggles into the couch.

"Vinyl, with everything going on, all that's happening, we could use a little old fashioned."

And on that glorious note, I headed to bed, leaving Vinyl confused as ever.

Ch. 4 - Wakey Wakey, Eggs & Bakey

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"Yeah, faster...."



....beep........beep...beep..beep BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP-


My eyes felt like lead, my head was throbbing for some reason, and my body seemed to be on strike, not moving an inch. And if you haven't discovered a certain pattern going on here, my dick was up and ready to go, unlike me. My hand eventually leaped for the alarm clock, violently lashing around untill it hit the snooze button. I continued to groan, actually considering if I was rising from the dead as I rose from my bed. If this isn't what it means to feel like shit, I don't know what it means. I sat up, and the room quickly got a whole lot chillier. "Holy crap it's cold!" I thought. "Wasn't the AC on 74- wait.."

"...where are my pants? And underwear?"

I searched around, but there wasn't a pair of jeans or boxers in sight. Each passing moment seemed similar to those of a hangover. I've never drank, so that's out. No drugs either. And I don't think I know anybody who would want to cloroform me and stuff me in a white van just to bring me back home. I eventually decided to shake it off. Slowly but surely, I stood up and shuffled to my drawers, searching around for some boxers. I put those on, along with a pair of pants out of my dirty clothes basket. "Eh, the shirt can wait." I said to myself. It's not like anybody's around, right?


"-GOD JESUS!" The floor beneath me launched me in the air, forcing me to trip & face-five the corner of the dressing drawer. Sprawling backwards, I then knocked into my desk, and fell on my back, colliding with a extremely sharp edge of some textbook I left there. "AGH!" The pain shot through me as the music shook the whole house. For a second or two I just lied there, my brain blurred from all the sudden dubstep and confusion. "Why in the god damn world is Skrillex blasting my ear out in 8 in the-"

Then, it came to me. Came to me like a lost dog after 3 years of not seeing his owner.


Finding strength once more, I recovered from my little accident. I fucking leaped towards the door, swung it open, sprinted to the living room, ran into the wall because I wasn't paying any attention at the moment, and stopped right in my tracks. As you may have guessed (And I know you did), Vinyl Scratch was actually here, sexy as ever. That wasn't just a weird ass dream, oh hell no! There was actually a portal last night! Equestria actually exists! I actually got a blowjob from a hot chick! While all the above were mostly good, I was still utterly shocked from the sole fact she was playing Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites from the stereo system plugged into my Mac.


She smirked. "What? You're not used to waking up this way?"

"Seriously? Of course I'm not! I probably should have told you last night, but I like to sleep in! For christs sake!"

"Ok fine!" She managed to say through a set of giggling. She turned the volume down about a third, which was better, bit still kinda loud. "I was getting bored, so I looked around for some sweet jams to get you up. Turns out whoever this Skrillex guy is, he's pretty popular. He's not THAT good, but decent."

"Uh-huh.." Normally I'm a good listener when it comes to girls. My dad always said a girl always likes a guy who knows how to pay attention, so I tried to ignore any ADHD I had and push it aside. On the other hand, I'm also not a morning person. At all. Ever.

"Also, check it out!" She proudly got up from her chair and walked with ease towards me, her breasts swaying with each step. "I got this walking on two legs thing down!"

A large yawn dragged out of my mouth. "Nice, that's one of the many things you still need to get down."

"Like what?" She said, hand on her hip as if she already knew that turns guys on. Or just me at least. Don't judge me.

"Well, clothes would be a good start for one."

"Really?" She held up her boobs with both hands. "So you don't want to see me naked?..."

Blood rushed to my cheeks. "N-no, that's not what I-"

She started laughing a bit hard. "Nah, I'm just jokin around. You're the only person I would consider a friend right now, so I'm gonna mess with you a bit."


"Well, isn't friend a bit tame know....last night?"

Her face went deadpan. "What did I just say?"

"You said- ooohhh, right. My bad."

Nice one, smooth guy.

I decided to change the subject before I said more stupid stuff in front of my ex-waifu. "Umm, you want anything to eat?"

"Nope, already ate!" She said, guesturing to the empty bowl on the table.

"Oh, wow. Ok then, I guess-"

"Besides, I was hoping we could, you know....."

" what?"

"We could have a little more fun, you and I."

Aaaaaand it's back. "Already?"

"Why not?" She came closer and put her arms around my neck. "You're a pretty nice guy, and you're already doing me a huge favor, letting me stay here rather than kick me out like some other people would."

"Heh, I dunno, I'm sure plenty of others would be grateful to have you around."

"Come on!" She said playfully, each word she spoke giving my new enormous penis an extra inch. "You enjoyed it last night, and you didn't really put up much of a fight either."

She had a point. And a vagina.

I could tell she was feeling a lot more confident after that event, and even though she's technically a horse, she's probably more used to mythical creatures than I am. "Sigh....alright, but not to long, I need to eat to you know."

"Oh don't worry...." She put more of a sensual tone as she spoke. "I've got something for you to eat."

Well, here's to round 2 of oral sex.

She brought my head down to her level, which wasn't that far, and planted her lips right on mine. At first I was surprised, but I got the memo, and I kissed her back, matching her pace as I moved my hands around her back. It's funny, I could have sworn she tasted like-..cinnamon toast crunch.

This was going to be real good. Reeaal good.

She slowly started to pull on my neck, and suddenly we continued our make out session on the couch. She ended up on top of me, but I wasn't about to complain. Her left hand was gently running against my chest, and her other placed around my crotch, rubbing her palm against my erection. I moaned in the kiss, feeling my cock pulse with each stroke, craving her seducing touch. Returning the favor, I began caressing her luscious tits & playing with her nipples. They felt so smooth & round, I could fondle them forever almost. She too moaned deeply, the atmospsphere getting more tense as she pushed her tounge into my mouth, and I quickly let her in, my tounge now swirling around hers. Her mouth was so hot & wet, I was easily growing more horny by the second now.

She broke the kiss for some reason, her breathing getting faster & deeper. I took this time to rip off my shirt and toss it to the side by where my pants had dropped for the first time.

"Mmmmm, you hungry?" She moaned, clearly acting to get me more aroused. But hey, that's not a bad thing.

"You bet!"

She rose off my chest, laying down on the other side of the couch. The sight I saw wasn't worth all the world high-class porn out together. Before me was the most glorious vagina I ever laid eyes on. Her pussy was immensely wet, her folds glistening with her juices, and her clit was throbbing with pleasure. Her fingers found their way down her nethers, and she ran her fingers in a little circle, playing with herself in front of me. I didn't even notice when the song "Come & Get It" played in my head.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" She asked. "Come & get it."

Yep. That did it for sure. I leaned in in between her thighs, her smell practly getting me off. At first I was stumped as how to approach this. (Remember, not popular with hot women....untill now) I figured it would come naturally, so I started with a slow lick across her pussy.

"MMMPH! Oh that's good.." I easily went from there, licking around her lips, tasting her delicious wetness. "Holy hell! This is amazing!" I screamed in my head, lapping her juices like a cat does for milk. She moaned louder now, and I picked up the pace, desprate for more of her pussy. The taste was so addicting, I couldn't get enough! I dove my tounge in her, and she moaned even louder than before. "Aw fuck yeah! You're so fucking good, ohh!" I swished my tounge inside her, licking the walls of her flowing vagina. Her breaths got more frantic, signaling she was close to reaching climax. That seriously got me going even more. I pulled out and stuck two fingers inside her pussy & licked, and she just lost it, humping my fingers as they pumped furiously in and out of her. It seemed I was going at it for a pretty long time untill she shouted, "Oh Celestia, I'm gonna cum! Ooh yeah make me cum!"

I couldn't wait, my hand going at maximum speed as I flicked my tounge across her clit. After that, she yelped at the top of her lungs, and that's when the flooding began. I was suddenly splashed over and over with each wave of her powerful orgasm. She oohed and ahhed as I drank as much as I could untill she started to calm down. I removed my fingers from her pussy and we started making out again, this time with pure ease, as if we had done this before. She hungrily searched for her climax on my tounge, wanting to taste her own juices.

"I don't know if it's just this place," She softly spoke, "...but you're one of the best I've been with..... so far..."

I swept in for another kiss. "So far?"

"Well, there's still one more thing-"

"Oh oh, hold on!" I tept off the couch and bolted for my room. I reached behind my dresser for a small secret hole that contained a single box of emergency condoms, incase I actually got laid. And today, I'm actually getting laid. I ran back to the living room, holding the condom in my hand like an Oscar.

Vinyl looked a bit surprised. "Uuh, I was going to let you eat breakfast first...but..."

Oh. Right, almost forgot. Need to eat to live and stuff.

"Oh, um, alrighty then..." I was about to throw the condom on the couch, but then I remembered something. "Hey, wait a sec!"

She grinned. "You're getting better. But before you put that condom on..."

She closed her eyes, and a blue hue glowed from her horn, followed by her crotch. She moaned a bit from the magic touch, and suddenly she was done.

"What was that?"

"A spell, smart one."

Ugh. "But what did it do?"

"It prevents me from getting pregers. Like I said, DJ's get to party too."

I laughed. "That's the best one yet!"

"Yep, but you should really come over here and try it out." Her body flipped over, and she shuffled over to the edge of the couch towards me, her butt now vended over across the ledge. I could now not only see her pussy, but her butthole as well. "Wow, you really know how to get a guy working."

"Well then..." She placed her hand on her rear, squeezing it hard. "Get working."

I could go extremely detailed on about how turned on I was, and how slow I started out as I was finally losing my virginity, but instead I immediately stuck my raging cock right into her, and just started to plunge into her dripping pussy. Her walls wrapped around my dick as she pushed back onto me, wet as all get out. Never in my life has masturbating ever felt as good as the real thing. Most of the time I did, this was one of the scenarios I made up to make it easier. The fact that I was now fucking one of my biggest crushes ever fueled me to pump her harder. She knew how to dirty talk too. Oh did she know.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck, yeah! Give it to me! Celestia damn!"

I decided to give it a try. "Oh yeah, you like that, huh?"

"Mmm, oh yes, I love it!" She said, giving in to the overload of pleasure seizing her body. Hmm, wonder what else I can try...

My dick now controlling my brain, I lifted a hand on the air and brought right down on her ass, leaving a faint mark behind.


I brought it up again, and slapped her harder this time.

"Fuck yeah, fucking spank my ass!"

I repeated her pleas one after the other, my hand marks becoming more red each hit. I couldn't deny it, this was some hardcore shit. At the time I didn't notice how fast I was raiding her privates, but I had grown so close to bursting it wasn't even funny.

"I'm about to cum right in your pussy, you ready?"

"Yes! Cum so hard, right in my tight pussy!" Her ass was clapping against my balls violently as I fucked deeper & harder. From there it seemed to drag itself out, the ecstasy blinding me from reality. All I was focused on was finishing in her butt, and her cumming all over my cock. Almost too soon, I shook from the overpowering climax that shattered any brain matter I had. I barely heard Vinyl scream, "OH, OH SHIT!" As she came for the second time already, our juice running onto the couch and down to the floor. I ejaculated shot after shot of my hot load in her pussy untill I was completely empty. Gasping for air, I slid my dick out of her, and flipped her back over as I hovered over her.

She was almost speechless. "' if the best..." She managed to let out a chuckle. I smirked as we both leaned in for a kiss. We went on for a minute or two before things began to cool down. I was able to think clearly, and realized my stomach had been growling for breakfast the whole time.

"Um, you don't mind if I go eat now, do you?"

She laughed, but for the first time, it was more gentle, a bit flirtatious even. "Of course not! I'm not gonna let you fucking starve, for Celestias sake."

I got up, put my boxers & pants back on, and headed to the kitchen. It was weird, the whole time I spent pouring Cinnimon Toast Crunch into my bowl, I was thinking about how much I liked Vinyl before she came here. Sure, she was pretty, and troped the list of my all time favorite characters, but now, things were different. I may be out of my mind, and this may be extremely rushed after just meeting her & having sex with her but....

I think I'm in love...