> The Punishment of Diamond Tiara > by Night_Moon60606 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Preparing the Diamond > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective: Diamond Tiara Diamond Tiara groaned as she slowly regained consciousness, the last thing she remembered, she was in Sugar Cube Corners waiting for Silver Spoon to arrive so they could have their regular Thursday Ice-cream Social. Now the young mare seemed to be in a moderately lit and sparsely furnished room. There was a small wooden dresser against the far wall, the slightly plush bed she was lying on and not much else. As her eyes searched for a way out and she pushed herself op into a sitting position, Diamond become aware of another startling fact…she was completely naked. Her hands flew to cover her young breasts and protect her modesty of their own accord, despite the fact there she seemed to be alone. After all, her father had always told her that she was an important girl, and important girls are never to be undressed even in a bedroom. Actually, now that she thought about it, he’d also muttered something like ‘especially in a bedroom that isn’t yours’. With a shudder, she hugged her knees to her chest, her mind conjuring image of a depraved stallion or mare entering the room with the intent to rape her. It was obvious that she had been foalnapped for some reason, and she could guess it was either for sexual depravity or a big ransom as after all, she was a rich pony, and that kind of thing happened sometimes. She was still musing on the possibilities of turning this to her advantage in her social circles, when she heard a lock being opened from a previously unnoticed door. The sound quickly brought her back to reality as she looked around for some kind of weapon to defend herself with, but there was no time…the door was already opening and Diamond was certain this had to be her captor. Although, as the last pony she expected to pull something like this walked into the room, she wasn’t quite so sure. The figure she saw was a mare as nude as Diamond herself. She had a light yellow coat with a red mane and tail. Her body was very well developed both as a mare and in terms of musculature. In short, she looked extremely fit and healthy, with her body retaining its natural curves to the hip, butt and bust. But what completely convinced Diamond that this was the mare she thought was the signature large red bow she wore in her mane and the cutie mark on her flank, an apple under a mortar and pestle. After a few minutes of trying to get passed her suddenly dry and disbelieving throat, Diamond managed to find her voice. “A-Applebloom…?” Perspective: Applebloom Applebloom grinned a little as she saw her foalhood tormentor recognize her. It had taken her a while to get everything ready for this, but if she were being honest with herself (and being an Apple, Applebloom was very honest with herself) Applebloom was greatly looking forward to the events of the next few days. She ignored Diamond Tiara for the moments as she closed the door and calmly walked over to the dresser, flicking her tail over her ass as she walked and putting a bit of a sway into her hips. Even with her back turned to the bed, Applebloom could feel the other mare’s eyes on her, watching her. It made her feel a little dirty, but that was soon surpassed by a feeling of control that she rather liked. Opening the top drawer of the dresser, she retrieved several items that she would need in the next few minutes. Her studies with Zecora in the field of Zebra Alchemy had prepared her well for this moment, and she intended to milk it for all it was worth. With another small grin she opened the second drawer and looked over the contents, these would be coming into play later, after Applebloom finished with the first phase of her plans. Speaking of which. Applebloom turned back to Diamond Tiara on the bed, the items she had removed from the dresser now in plain view of the other mare. She felt a surge of satisfaction as Diamond’s eyes widened a little at the sight of the syringe she held. “Wha-what are you going to do with that?!” Diamonds voice broke a little as her face paled slightly. Applebloom smiled again at the other mare panic, it was a little known fact that Diamond Tiara hated getting needles, but Applebloom had happened to be in the Ponyville Clinic at just the right time to get the whole story from Filthy Rich as he tried to bribe his daughter into getting a necessary shot for school. “Now don’t y’all worry about a thing Dimond, ah know exactly what ah’m doin’ here. Ah help ta give our cows their shots all th’ time.” Applebloom filled and tapped the syringe with a practiced hand as she approached the bed. Diamond tried to escaper her, but she caught the mare by the ankle and deftly plunged the needle into the middle of Diamond’s cutie mark, injecting the mare with the clear solution before she could fight back or realize what was going on. It was a trick the farm mare used frequently on the cows, as some of them could get extremely skittish at times, particularly a cow name Moorella. Diamond Tiara yelped a little as she was injected, but like the cows, she was a little late to do anything about it. “What was that?! You do anything to me…it will be the end of you Applebloom!” Applbloom calmly backed away from Diamond, capping and disposing of the used syringe as the spoiled mare ranted at her. “Y’all can relax Dimond, that there shot ain’t gonna hurt ya, it’s j’st ta make what’s about ta happen go a bit smoother. See, ya hurt a lot o’ ponies during yer time, what with yer actions, an’ teasin’, an’ let’s not ferget yer ‘holier n’ thou’ attitude problem. Lots’a ponies ‘re wantin’ a bit’a payback fer what ya did to ‘em, an’ they’re all waitn’ outside fer their turn with ya.” The farm mare grinned as she noticed Diamond fidgeting a little on the bed, eyeing her body. Pampered and plumped, Diamond had a soft look to her form that Applebloom found just slightly ridiculous. Sure her coat was clean and healthy, but Diamond was clearly not in shape like the farm mare, for all they were both Earth Ponies, Diamond was served everything while Applebloom worked for it. ‘Bloom’s eyes found Diamond’s pert but small bust. Another bone of contention for the pair had been Applebloom getting the better rack in high school, and the farm mare smiled fondly at the memory. Returning to the foot of the bed, Applebloom picked up the other item she removed from the top drawer as Diamond succumbed to the effects of the aphrodisiac she had been injected with. “Let’s get started….” > It Begins With a Bloom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective: Applebloom Applebloom turned back to Diamond Tiara, letting the other mare see the small box she now held. Very carefully, and with deliberate slowness, the farm mare lifted the lid. Nestled inside was a silver coloured ring, it looked harmless enough, what with the simple band and single flat-cut diamond that rested on the ring's crown. The only hint that it might be more was the five-pointed star etched into the diamond and enameled in green...a perfect pentagram. Even though Applebloom was an Earth pony, she could still sense the power that the ring held. It both frightened and excited her as she slipped the ring onto her finger. She looked back to Diamond Tiara, whose hands had begun drifting toward her glistening cunny as the aphrodisiac Applebloom injected her with continued to work on the spoiled mare's body. "Well now, Ah'd say we're about ready ta start. Ya see this here ring ain't jus' fer looks...took a som' doin' ta git mah hands on it, but it'll be worth it." Applebloom smiled as she approached Diamond again, getting right in between the spoiled mare's slightly spread legs. "Yer gonna find out just what it can do right now..." Applebloom got a grip on Diamond's legs and start to rub at them, making the spoiled mare groan in growing lust and relaxing her body to the point where she offered no resistance to what Applebloom was doing to her. The farm mare smiled again as she lifted Diamonds legs and pressed them up against the spoiled mare's belly just as the ring began to glow... Perspective: Diamond Tiara Diamond moaned loudly as Applebloom rubbed her legs, cursing how her body was betraying her. Though it was hard to press any thoughts past her lust-soaked mind, the rich mare eventually concluded that the shot Applebloom had given her was at least partially to blame. She hadn't really been listening to all of what the farm mare had been telling her, distracted as she was by her suddenly raging desires, but she did hear a bit about the ring before the lovely leg rub had started. After that, Diamond didn't really care about much else, just letting the farm mare do what she wanted. thus, when she felt a warming sensation in her belly, she thought nothing of it. Nor did she really care when the leg rubs turned into a belly rub, she just closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation. Applebloom's hands moved slowly up her torso until they were suddenly touching her legs again. That was kind of weird, but Diamond's pleasure soaked mind seemed to dismiss the oddity. After all, whatever was happening felt really good, and that was what was important right now. Perspective: Applebloom Applebloom grinned as Diamond's thighs slowly melted into the other mare's belly under the influence of the Flesh Sculptor's Ring. Like she had told Diamond, getting the artifact had not been an easy task, but seeing the results was well worth every hoop and bit of red tape she had had to go through. The farm mare paused her rubbing to enjoy the sight of Diamond's calves and hooves sticking out of her chest for a moment, before she took hold of those hooves and began to press them down, driving the last of Diamond's legs directly into her chest. Applebloom didn't stop until her hands were pressed against the other mare's now much larger breasts, the results of the extra mass from her legs being redistributed to other areas of her body. Thanks to the ring, it now appeared that Diamond Tiara didn't have any legs, and that she in fact never had legs at all. Diamond herself was completely oblivious that anything had changed, and that was the idea, at least for now. Applebloom crawled up the spoiled mare's body a little to cup her cheek, the ring flashing again. In less than a second, Diamond's mouth had melted closed and disappeared, just as with her legs, it was like her mouth had never existed. At this point, the spoiled mare realized something was wrong and opened her eyes to look down at herself. Her scream was thankfully muffled by her lack of a mouth, but the shock in her eyes at her missing legs caused Applebloom's grin to grow wider. "Tha's right Dimond, yer legs are gone...an' so's yer mouth. But it ain't all bad, see, th' mass o' yer legs is still there, near as Ah c'n rekon it. What Ah did could be seen as either a hex or a blessin'. Ya'll bin sore at me ever since high school, an' mostly 'cause Ah got these..." Appleboom hefted her own breasts, "...an' ya'll didn't. Right petty of ya in mah opinion, but now, it aint as much o' a problem as before. Take a gander for yerself..." Applebloom grabbed Diamonds hands and guided them to her new chest, letting the other mare feel over the larger swells. They weren't as big as Applebloom's milk jugs, but they were close. "An' ya know what? Ah'm gonna make 'em even bigger 'fore im done with ya." Perspective: Diamond Tiara Diamond could hardly believe it, Applebloom had somehow made her breasts bigger just by taking her legs. She couldn't stop feeling over the sensitive swells now adorning her chest with their pillowy flesh, rolling her eyes in pleasure. She stopped as soon as she heard what Applebloom was saying though, as it was important as far as she was concerned...bigger? She was going to get even bustier?! it was almost too good to be true, and that mean that it probably was. so she watch Applebloom carefully as she took her hands. At first, Diamond assumed that Applebloom intended to pull her hands away from their exploration of her plump new boobies, but instead the ring 'Bloom still wore flashed again, and Diamond's hands and wrists promptly sank into her tits! Diamond tried to remove them, but couldn't, making her glare at Applebloom for a few seconds. Then she felt the warmth again, this time in her chest, and could only watch helplessly as her arms were completely and totally absorbed by her breasts. Admittedly, this did make her boobs grow larger than Bloom's as the mass of her arms was added to them, but that still left Diamond as little more than a helpless torso. She grunted a little as she felt a tugging near her ass,but ignored it until 'Bloom held up a well groomed and very familiar disembodied tail. She glanced down past her now massive boobies and, sure enough, her tail was gone. Diamond glared at Applebloom, taking her arms, legs and mouth were bad enough, but taking her tail away was crossing the line! "Rekon ya'll be wantin' this back?" A cocky grin spread across 'Blooms features as Diamond nodded angerly. she certainly did want her tail back! "Alright then, ye'll git it back..." Diamond watched as Applebloom held her ring bedecked hand over the stub at the base of her tail and started focusing. at first, nothing happened that Diamond could see, but soon the little stub of flesh began to grow and change shape, forming a largish sized cone shape that Diamond instantly recognized. she had seen something like this among the item in her mother's 'secret box', she and Silverspoon had even experimented with it and a few other items, some of which were more fun than others. Applebloom had turned her tail into a large sized buttplug! There was no way that Diamond could stop what she knew was about to happen, but she had to at least try. Applebloom held up the fleshy buttplug, Diamond's tail still attached to it, before rubbing it against Diamond's cunny. Pleasure shot through the rich mare's brain as the shot she was given was still working and Diamond was still horny as a result. Her cunny was dripping with her juices, and Applebloom was rubbing the tail plug in them to lube it. Diamond knew what was coming next and there was nothing she could do except tense up. The spoiled mare's fears came to pass seconds later as 'Bloom moved the plug to her ass and started to push it in. Diamond tensed herself up as much as she could to keep the invading plug out of her, causing Applebloom to frown. "Ah thought ya wanted t'e git yer tail back...guess Ah'll have to be a bit more forceful then..." Applebloom spent another few minutes getting the tail plug good and slick with Diamond's own mare juice before climbing off the bed and setting it on the floor. She then turned her attention back to Diamond Tiara. Applebloom quickly hefted Diamond up, her weight easily handled by the farm mare despite how Diamond struggled. It quickly became very clear to Diamond what was happening though. She could see the tail plug, its cone glistening wetly with its blunt point aimed at the ceiling, and Applebloom was carrying her right toward it. Diamond tried her best to scream without her mouth, but it didn't help her. 'Bloom very carefully positioned her over the plug before starting to lower Diamond's body. Diamond had almost no time to react as the tip of the plug poked her ass. There was no point in fighting now, she realized that, all she could do was wait for the inevitable as Applebloom started to push her down. She could feel the plug pressing into her ass, getting bigger and bigger until finally, the last of it slid into her body with a soft sucking sound. "There, ya'll got yer tail back. Ain't that nice?" Applebloom hefted Diamond up again and carried her to the center of the room. She then went back to the dresser and pulled open the second drawer, removing a few ropes. "Now Ah've had an idea ta do somthin' like this fer a long time Dimond...an now...Ah get mah chance..." > Ask Not for Whome the Belle Tolls... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perspective: Diamond Tiara Diamond squirmed a little, trying to get comfortable. Applebloom had left a little while ago after she finished suspending her using the ropes from the dresser. Her breasts were bound painfully tight, with rope wrapped around each several times and connecting to a complex web that wrapped around most of her limbless body and yet hid none of it…if anything the many ropes had been placed to enhance and call attention to her body’s assets, such as the pair of ropes outlining her sex and running up the crack of her ass. It also consequently put pressure on the buttplug that was her tail. Always reminding her of the presence of the damnable thing every time she moved, sending unwanted spikes of pleasure shooting up her spine as it pressed on her insides. The spoiled mare was starting to regret her larger breasts now; they were blood gorged and tender from the bindings, and much heavier than she expected them to be. It made her wonder how Applebloom could even walk as much as she did with her similarly sized bust. Her breasts hurt, and she wanted to go home and just plan her revenge against Applebloom for doing this to her. That ring had to have a counter…and was probably illegal to boot. Diamond would have smiled…if she had a mouth at the moment, but Applebloom had even taken that away along with her arms and legs. She would really have liked to have even one arm back right now, if only to deal with something that was becoming an increasing problem. Her pussy burned with need, thanks to that shot Applebloom gave her earlier, Diamond almost felt like she was in heat again. Every time her mind tried to formulate a plan of escape, her thoughts inevitably turned to thoughts of stallions…preferably large Earth Pony stallions with bodybuilder muscles and massive cocks…ready to whisk her away and… Diamond shook her head desperately to try and banish those thought…they weren’t helping her! If anything, they just made the burning need worse. Fortunately, she was momentarily distracted by the sound of the door opening behind her, Applebloom must have come back to finally let her down. Diamond turned her head to try and catch sight of her tormentor…only to see it wasn’t Applebloom standing in the doorway, not unless the farm mare had suddenly turned into a slender Unicorn with a white coat, a pink and purple two tone mane, and a cutie mark of a heart and wedding bell… Perspective: Sweetiebelle Sweetiebelle did not consider herself a vindictive mare, not normally anyway, but she could easily make an exception for her foalhood tormentor. As such, she took a moment to just enjoy the sight of Diamond Tiara hanging helpless before her, the many ropes coiling around the former bully looking uncommonly beautiful to Sweetie. She smiled faintly as she crossed her arms over her bare breasts. “Hello Diamond, having fun just hanging around?” Sweetie actually grinned as a rosy blush came to Diamond’s cheeks. Spinning on her hoof, Sweetie made her way to the dresser and opened the second drawer. She quickly found what she was looking for and made her way back to the hanging torso that was Diamond Tiara. This close, Sweetie could easily make out the wetness around Diamond’s cunny. With a small grin, she plunged two fingers into that wetness, causing Diamond to roll her eyes and head in pleasure, her moans muffled by her missing mouth. “Wow Diamond, I knew you could be a bitch, but who knew you could be such a little slut the second you get horny?” Sweetie pulled her fingers out of Diamond’s soaking sex and held them under the bound mare’s nose, making her smell her own arousal. The effect made the limbless mare even more aroused, which caused Sweetiebelle to chuckle. “Such a dirty little slut…I bet you want a stallion so bad right now don’t you? Like you did back in high school the first time you ‘forgot’ to take your heat pill, you remember what you did back then right?” Sweetie grabbed Diamond’s left breast and began to roughly squeeze and massage the hefty swell. Diamond rolled her eyes in pleasure, but Sweetie could also see a spark of a smirk forming in her eyes. She clearly remembered what happened, and even revelled in what she had done, but Sweetie started to tell her anyway. “There you were Diamond, all dolled up in the most expensive dress you could wheedle out of your dad. You were stinking of heat and marched right into the locker room for the colt’s Hoofball Team, and you started talking to the three biggest colts there, the Team Captain and his two Forwards…spinning a story about a certain mare in the school who constantly outscored you in just about every test, not that you told them that. No, you just told them how this mare was the biggest slut in the school and how much she liked getting gang banged. You had them so confused by your heat scent and the promise of spectacular sex that they would do almost anything for you.” Sweetie paused a moment as the memories washed over her. “They cornered me in the bathroom, ripped all my clothes off and raped me…they ignored me when I told them to stop because you had them believing that I had a rape fetish. And you had the whole thing recorded so you could clop off to it later. After they were done, you came in, cleaned me up and sent me home with the threat that if I didn’t throw the next test; you’d make them do even worse to me. You used your Dad’s money and influence to keep the colts from going to the cops when they realized just how big a mistake they made trusting you. They were going to come clean and admit what they did, but you wouldn’t let them. You got away with a lot by throwing money at it Diamond, you made school a hell for everypony there for your own gain and amusement and didn’t care about how it hurt…so long as you benefited…” Sweetie trailed off as the remembered hurt came back to her, but she could still see the smug look in Diamond’s eye. “You’re not even sorry at all, even all this time later…well, we’re just going to have to change that…” Sweetie held up the package she’d taken from the dresser so Diamond could see it, the eyes of the spoiled mare growing wider at the sight brought a little smile of satisfaction to Sweetie’s lips. “You wanted big tits Diamond, now you have them…and I’m going to make you regret ever seeing them…”