Leader of the Pack

by Orion 141

First published

You have been deemed, disloyal, dishonorable, time to sever your time in hell..

You have been deemed, disloyal, dishonorable, time to sever your time in hell, only this doesn't seem like hell. Yet.

Yes, another story, but I'll finish his one, it'll be about five chapters long. The art is by Gaz.

Chapter I

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Chapter I

“NEXT!!” Boomed the voice of the Guardian, his glowing orange eye scanning all were to be judged, the millions of souls who had died. They either fell in battle fighting for a true or false king, they died in their beds as babes or as old men, the one thing that united them was the simple truth that they were all dead. You were next.

How did you get in this mess? The last time you checked, you were enjoying a bike ride down the street towards the library to check out a few books and chat with the cute assistant librarian, but next thing you know, you’re standing in a line of creatures and people, some of the creatures you recognize as video game aliens and even some movie aliens, the rest are very odd. And you looked back towards the start of the line, you saw it went on for a good like while.

And at the end, stood a massive Greek/Roman style thing. You weren’t too sure if it was a castle or a home. But either way, you were inside of it. Along the lines were men and other creatures in armor, they wielded staffs and from the looks of the ends, they hand energy blades that would turn on. Once you were close to one you asked it a few questions. The answers you got weren’t too pleasing. If what he told you was true, you died on your bike, most likely on impact from a big ass bus or something. And you were headed to one of Six guardians to be judged for how I lived my life. And from the sounds of things, you weren’t going to any heaven.

"Step forth, Michael John of America. It’s time for the Guardian to judge you.” Said one of the many Arbiters who were guarding the many souls who were ready to be judged. Sadly I wasn’t ready to be judged, I still had hopes and dreams.

“Michael John, you have done a great many things in your life. None of them good. You didn’t even enjoy them either. You lived without honor. I ask you, do you know why you were created? You were created to enjoy the great many things that come with free will. And now? You dishonor me and my kin.” You picked up your head and looked up to face the Guardian. His face had no trace of malice or anger. He was very serious but not angery.

"Michael John, I shall place you in a heaven, a paradise for all whom live there."

“A-are you telling the truth?”

“No. For this transgression, I banish you to a realm where shall suffer for what you have done!” Suddenly the titan reached for a lever beside his desk and I fell through the floor. The white room was replaced with a forest.

“No?” was all you thought as you fell.

You looked around you. You only saw forest, and not a welcoming one at that. This forest was a mix of what you used to see back home and one you would see in a story book. The vines were covered in spikes and had deadly looking flowers about them. The trees themselves held an air for terror, wicked face seemed to grow on their trunks. You looked around once again, you decided to take a few steps forward, to see if you truly had control of what was about to happen. However you landed face first, rolling on your side, you pulled one of your arms up to your face to rub away the pain. However rather than a Hoof or Hand. A Paw hit your muzzle.

Paw? You rolled over onto your back and looked down. What you saw was a little unsettling. Four paws, ragged fur, grey belly, darker black sides, and deadly looking claws on each paw.

You’re a Wolf.


The birds that Fluttershy was watching for the weekend flew off from the deathly howl that came from the edge Everfree Forest near her Cottage. The howl sounded like one from a timber wolf, only not a timber wolf. It was more... filled, it didn't have the resonating sound that she was used to hearing from the wolves. It wasn't shrill, it was powerful and booming. Thinking quickly, Fluttershy ran into her Cottage and retrieved a first aid kit, took one last look at the forest, and ran in with her eyes closed.

Her charge was swift and didn’t end with her running head first into a tree like she expected. Rather, she galloped into an open area, from where the yell came from. But nothing was there. Only a small trail leading to a think brush. Front the looks of the trail, the poor creature was injured, it was only using it’s front paws to move.

With the aid of her wing, Fluttershy moved away the sticks and leaves away from her field of view. And there, curled up into a ball, lay a massive wolf. Not a timber wolf, more like one of the legendary Dire Wolves from the deep North, even further North than the Crystal Empire.

It whimpered and snarled slightly. It’s body was shaking, it looked like it was freezing. Fluttershy was torn, she either help the creature and risk her own harm, or save herself and let this poor Dire Wolf die.

Quickly making up her mind. Fluttershy placed a hoof inside the bush and moved in closer to get a better look at it. As she did this she did her best not to russet the leaves and alert the Wolf. Doing so would either prove ideal or disastrous.

Her first poke didn’t seem to do anything. This Wolf was far worse off than she had originally thought. So she pushed harder. This sent a jolt down it’s sine and it rolled over to face her. It’s deep red eyes burning brightly in the low light of the bush. It’s razor sharp teeth glowed bright deadly white. Sitting next to it as it raised it's head to full height, she realized how tall it was. She wasn't the tallest pony in the world, but this wolf towered over her, even on it's belly.

You felt something touch you, you merely assumed it was a stick and ignored it. However the second poke scared the living shit out of you, purely acting on your new found instinct, you rolled over and bearded you fangs. What you saw was half expected, after all, in every MLP fan fiction, the human usually meets Fluttershy first. There she was, the light of the outside back lit her, her wings were flared because she was scared, and she was looking like what you would imagine an angel looking like. Frail, yet strong.

You rose just like you've dogs do before, paws crossed and head held high, at this point you realized how big you were next to her, she was the size of a pup. Pup? Where did that come from, she was the size of a small kid. The rush of fear had faded, leaving you only felling hollow and tire. You slowly relaxed, knowing there was nothing to fear, you allowed yourself to fall asleep.

The Wolf’s deadly demeanor faded as it slumped to the ground, it had passed out, most likely from injury. Thinking fast, Fluttershy pulled on the huge Wolf, trying to get him out of the bush. She could move such a huge beast, it must have been bigger than princess Celestia

She had tried to find the injury, but she didn't see any sort of prior damage. The wolf looked to be in peak condition, with that said she had never seen a fully grown Dire Wolf before. Unfurling her wings, she leaped into the sky and headed home, she needed help with this one.

“That it mister Bear. Gently lift the nice Wolf. Good, now let’s head back and get him to bed, he needs some rest, don’t you?” Asked Fluttershy as she ran her hoof along the length of the Dire Wolf. It’s thick heavy hair leaving a mark where she hand ran her hoof. The wolf was just a bit bigger than mister Bear, but he also looking much faster and stronger. She really hoped the wolf got along with him, she
d hate to see either get hurt.

Once Fluttershy and the Bear had brought the Wolf to a bed, the Bear took his leave, not wanting to be there when the massive Wolf awoke. After retrieving some cool water to wash the small bits of mud that were on it’s paws, Fluttershy began to think of how she would feed a Wolf that looking like it stood taller than even the princesses. From the looks of it, it was about 15 or so hooves tall. Big Mac was only about 9 hooves tall, with the Solar Princess being about 12 and a half hooves tall. And from the looks of it, he looks like he could eat more the even the Bear.

“Oh, what am I going to do? I can’t feed him real meat, I’ll need to get him some fish. Oh I hope he like fish.” Said Fluttershy to no one in particular. She hoofed the ground before taking her leave and letting the Wolf sleep, an action she may regret.

You lay in the bed on your left side, you breathed slowly. Trying to think of a great plan to get out of here, from the looks of it you’re fucked. Either way, it’s time to ask for help. You opened your mouth to speak, but no sound came out. You strained and a slight squeak escaped and made it out into the room. After another attempt with the same results, an old saying worked it’s way into your head: "Only an Idiot tries the same thing twice and expects something different to happen.”

Ha, who ever said that first was right. You shouldn’t have tried a second time. Well, either way, speaking or no speaking, you’ll make it through. You hope. Anyways. It’s time to sleep. After all, you died a few minutes ago.

Chapter II

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Chapter II

Twilight place the last of the new monthly Daring Doo books on the top shelf of the new release section. She glanced down to she Spike sitting in he mop pale, passed out from all the work he had been doing for the past hour.

“Oh Spike, you’re such a great helper. But so times you need to know your limits.” Said Twilight to herself as she took the sleepy dragon in her magical embrace and took him to his bed. She tucked him in and turned to leave, glancing back with a smile on her face. The world was silent, and her dragon was at rest. It was almost perfect. A knock on the door broke the silence as Twilight made her way down the stairs and down to the main level. She walked up to the door and opened it. What she saw was Fluttershy, a mix of worry and relief was on her face. The Pegasus seemed a bit more shaken up than usual.

“Oh good, um Twilight? Could you please help me? I have this wolf.. I think it might be a Dire Wolf. And I was ho-” She was cut off by Twilight as she placed her hoof in front of Fluttershy’s mouth.

“Dire. Wolf? WHY WOULD ONE COME HERE?!?” Boomed Twilight as she bolted back to her shelf and began ripping books off and flipping through them, seemingly looking for something.

“Um, why are you mad, did I make you mad or did the news make you mad?” Asked Fluttershy as she coward in the door way of Twilight’s house.

“Nonononononono, I need to figure out why one would come here. Think think think..” Twilight had seemed to trail off into madness. “Fluttershy, keep away from it! You don’t know what it’ll do to you!” Yelled Twilight as she slammed the door of the house on Fluttershy, effectively blocking her out. Fluttershy just sat there, stunned. Either Twilight was having a nervous brake down or something was VERY wrong with that wolf that was in her bed, which was in her house, filled with tiny woodland creatures.

Thinking about what it might do to the many small bit size meals, she got up and rushed off to her cottage.

You slowly rolled over in bed, thinking to yourself about what just happened. You yawned and rolled your neck, a snapping sound was emitted from the motion. The sound awoke you fully. You looked around and your eyes were met with an odd sight. Fluttershy’s homely cottage.

Okay, you weren’t dreaming, either that or you are still dreaming. Thinking and weighting your options, you decided to pull your lazy caucus out of the bed. First and foremost, you need a drink. Landing on your paws with a light thud, you looked back at the bed. It was small, smaller than what you would normally sleep in.But then again, you were a wolf.

Trying to rethink about where the nearest water source would be, you remembered that there was a small stream in front of the cottage. And from the looks of it in the show, it was clean and cool. And that was just what you needed, the feeling of icy water running down you throat. You look to both your left and right, you see few small animals running about, but fewer still in cages.

Looking down into the water, you finally get a look at yourself. Your eyes were a deathly blue, your fur was a deep grey with a bright, clean, shiny coat of grey under your belly and chest. And you were indeed a wolf, but from the looks of it you were VERY big, you needed to duck under the door way, and if what you read was true, at least to some extent, you guessed you were about five feet all, at least from paw to shoulder.

You lowered you head, without the slightest idea how to drink as a dog. Well if Jinks can do it, so can you! You lowered the bottom half of your jaw into the water and let the cool liquid run down you throat. Somehow this worked, and after about thirty solid seconds of drinking, you pulled your head back you with your eyes closed, this moment, it was pure requiem, perfection.

Fluttershy walked down that path to her cottage at an odd pace, a halfway point between a full sprint and a light jog. The same thing kept running through her head, what would happen if it gets up? Too bad she got her answer before she wanted a real one.

There, standing like a proud noble, the Dire Wolf. It’s jaws were wet, it’s head up high, and a smile pulled across it’s face, it’s deadly fangs bearing. Fluttershy steeled herself and walked up to the beast.

“Um h-h-h-hello??”

You moment was ruined by the soft voice of your capture, or was it savior? Either way, you looked down, and there, cowering like a foal, stood Fluttershy.

“Okay, if I get this right, I’ll end up in a easy going life in the forest, if I mess up, I’ll face her wrath. No pressure.” You once again tried to speak, the words came out in an odd, broken format. Like you were still missing parts of your vocal cords.

“Hello, I would like to thank you for saving me.” came out more like woof woof woof followed by an angry growl.

The ‘words’ that the Wolf had just emitted sounded more like a deathly threat. But even still she had made out a message, hopefully the right one.

“Oh, um you’re welcome. I-I’m Flut-ters-hy, um, what’s your name?” Asked Fluttershy as she took a few well thought out steps forward. Carefully keeping the massive wolf away from her but not too far. The wolf shock it’s head as if it were replying. Rather than asking for another reply, she took it as one.

“Oh, no name?” Once again it shock it’s head barked lightly.

“Oh, well, um. Can you talk?” The wolf opened his mouth, as if trying to speak. However, it merely closed it back up and shock it’s head.

“No? Well, um can you understand me?” She asked, what she got back was a deadpan stare. “Oh, silly question, well. Um, could please let me pass?” She asked as she took a few more steps closer, this time without the fear of being eaten, even though the wolf didn’t say anything about not wanting to eat her, but given that it didn’t attacked her out right, it was safe to assume it wouldn’t.

As Fluttershy asked her question, you began to think of ways this could go wrong. But, you wiped the thoughts away as you tried to take a few steps to the side. This ‘worked’, you didn’t fall nor charge with full force. Rather you merely tripped and stumbled lightly. Once Fluttershy saw that you let her pass she asked another question that made your heart sink.

“Um, are, y-you going to-to-to attack me?” She asked, if you weren’t so weirded out for the whole thing, you might have started crying from how sad she look when she was truly scared. Thinking quickly, you shook your head. This seemed to make her calm down, but it didn’t make you yourself feel any better. Due to it being mixed lie.

Swallowing deeply she trotted past the massive wolf, it’s breath smelling of burnt wood and raw flesh. Somehow, it wasn’t unnerving, rather just slightly unsettling. Knowing that this creature had some intelligence, rather than the ones who lived in the rest of the Everfree timber wolves, it made her queasy knowing it knew full well it was killing to survive.

Knowing that it did eat meat but it restrained it’s self made Fluttershy feel safe, yet on edge. After all, how could a tiny herd animal feel truly safe around a massive pack hunter.

Chapter III

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Chapter III

After a while of relaxing and drinking water, he throws it up. She is shocked by this, then gives him some different fish, at which he eats but hesitantly. The same things happens. Fluttershy is at a loss, she knows what she needs to do.

Fluttershy watched the wolf, it's footing was off. It limped and even then it tended to fall. It made it's way into the house without too much fuss. But once it got it the real troubles started.

The birds went haywire, screeching at the wolf who was now fully awake and from the looks of it, hungry. She tried her best to calm them and explain their screeching didn't help them but only seemed to antagonize the wolf.

She began to make her way to the ice box that she kept full of fish, the bear really enjoyed fish so why shouldn't the wolf? She looked around the misty box and pick a pinkish fillet and closed the door, a small bag in her teeth. Looking at the wolf and motioning it to follow she trotted out the door and towards the fire pit. She opened the bag and dropped the fillet on the large iron surface. Tossing in a bundle of sticks and lighting the fire with a spark stone.

You followed her out the door, or tried to at least. Paws were foreign and felt strange trying to walk on all fours. You took a tumble every few steps, slowly getting the hang of walking. You have no idea how you made it out the door and into the stream, but you did it. If only you could do that same now.

You heard clicking, looking around you saw the pegasus with a steel rod in her teeth and a black rock in hoof. Sparks were flying, bouncing off the ground and hitting the dry wood in the pit. After a few seconds, the sparks bit the wood and a fire began to grow.

"Well come then, the fish will thaw in a bit, until then come rest by the fire, it'll be fine." You perked up and made your way towards the fire, but stopped short, rocking a bit. Fluttershy nudged her head towards the fire, motioning you to get closer. You took a few more steps, only to loose your balance and fall, and not just a normal poof onto the ground, no you shot forward.

landed face first in the fire. The flames filled your vision, the heat filled all of your senses, the brief seconds you were in the fire were enough to singe your fur and burn a part of your ear that landed directly on the burning log. You launching into the air, smashing your head into the hot iron plate above the fire, lifting it a few inches and pulling you head back in pain.

The wolf hit the fire, stayed there for a second, shot into the air, slamming into the cooking plate, and then letting out a soul piercing howl. The wolf flailed around and growled for a few seconds. Fluttershy was already in the clouds hiding from the massive thrashing beast. His fur was smoking and he was twitching as he laid on the ground. He teeth were bared as he lay there, his nostrils flaring with every breath. The hair on his back stood on end, giving a sail like took to his back.

She trotter closer, wings at the ready. But the closer she got, the more apparent the soft, nearly hidden whines became to her. She ran into the house, leaving the wolf behind. Glancing around the living room, she tried to remember where she kept her first fire aid kit. It was a small yellow box with a silver flame logo imprinted on it, she looked for it a moment longer before giving up and running into the kitchen, returning a moment later, wash basin balanced on her back and wash cloth in her teeth. Poking her head outside, she saw the wolf hadn't moved from his spot, only digging a tiny hole for his snout.

Inching closer, she took the basin of water into her hooves and placed it on the ground between her and the wolf. Dipping the rag into the water with her hoof and holding it out in front of her, she slowly moved towards him.

"It's okay, shush, calm down now mister wolf. Hush, let me help you." She used her calmest voice as she got closer, making sure to be ready to run if she needed to. The wolf's ears perked up at the sound of her voice, but it didn't seem to move. Taking that as permission to get to work, she lowered the cloth onto it's burnt snout.

Instantly he flinched, whipping his head back and forth in pain. Shy backed up, knocking over the basin in her attempt to escape, managing only to get herself wet. The wolf got to it's feet and jumped onto her cottage, making it's way over to the other side. Picking up the basin with her mouth, Shy walked into the cottage and dropped it in the sink so she can clean it off later. "Oh, I hope he's okay."

Micheal hit the ground with a sprint and a half stride, that was a rough landing in normal people terms. His head was still ringing from the heat plate to the head, but he needed water. Not even slowly down from his tumble in the dirt, he headed for the stream. Diving in, nothing but pain washed over him in place of the water.

The burns felt like they were back in contact with the coals. However, to Micheal's relief the water's cool nature returned, banishing the fires wrath. He kept his head under the water for a good long while, his strength returning to what it was when he woke up. A tap on his hind leg told him he needed to get out else he risk panic from the pegasus. With a light push, he burst from the waters. He let out a deep growl, the pain from his wounds gone and replaced with a feeling of mist ice across his whole body. It was brisk and energized him, filling him with a need to run, to hunt.

He turned to face the small pegasus, her small frame was shrouded by a large blanket. Micheal looked down at her, his maw spreading into a smile. He crouched down to eye level with the filly like mare, his eyes burning a hole through her composure with ease, erasing her strength in her legs, forcing her to the ground with only a look.

"Um... I-i, I brought you this... for tonight..." Was she said before shooting back into her house at breakneck speeds, opening and slamming the door without a second to pause. Micheal looked down at the blanket, it was big for a pony even Big Mac's size, the problem was he wasn't a big as Big Mac, he was bigger. Twice if not three times bigger than him. Gripping it with his teeth, paying close attention not to tear or rend the blanket with his over sized chompers. Lifting it high above the ground, he once again jumped onto the house and made his way to the other side.

Fluttershy ran into the house and locked her door, it wasn't much and it was certainly not going to keep that wolf our, but it gave her a sense of security. Knowing she had at least a bit of a warning before she was eaten by a massive wolf. She breathed calmly for a minute, her heart slowly from it's racing speed when she had talked to the wolf. Wolf, she needed a name for it, something that didn't sacred her with memories of being hunted down by a huge beast made of sticks. After a few seconds of though she remembered something. The Fish.

She opened the door to her backyard and trotted out, a smile trying to make it's way across her face. The wolf was currently pawing at the ground near the edge of the grass, making short work of the packed ground too. She looked at the fire, it was still burning with the hot plate above it, dented from the force of the wolf's jump, but still holding the fish. It looked a little crispy, but it was still eatable, mostly.

"Um.. Mister wolf. Your food is read." He reply was a quick snarl, but he sauntered over to her. He stood over her before dropping into a croush, messing even this up. He landed with a thud, but other than that he didn't do much in the self harm department. She quickly knocked the fish off the hot plate and onto a more reasonable eating surface, a plate.

The wolf eyed to fish for a second, his gaze never leaving the plate nor did he move from his crouch. A low rumble escaped his lips, Fluttershy scooted closer to hear what he was trying to say.

"Wha-what was that?"


"Filling net?"



"Fillin!" Micheal's voice boomed, rolling over the country side, he was trying to say fillet, but it kept coming out wrong, and when he felt it was right he yelled. Now he had messed up. Fluttershy had frozen, staying perfectly still.

"Fillin..." Was all that escaped her mouth. Her face was covered in shock. She remained motionless as did Micheal. "Your name is Fillin?" Micheal paused for a moment, thinking quickly. He nodded seeing no better way of salvaging the situation at hand other than playing it off as planned. Fluttershy smiled slightly, her eyes filling with pride and losing all traces of fear. "Okay." She got to her hooves, and trotted into the house.

Michael, or Fillin rather merely sat there for a few moments longer. He eyed the door to the cottage, glancing down at the fillet of fish every few seconds. With 'fuck it' as his main incentive, he lowered his gaze and opened his mouth. He grabbed the small fish with his front most teeth, and tossed it into the air like he had seen animals do before. Do his amazement and pride, he caught it and was now just letting it sit in his maw. Tossing his head back, Fillin forced the fish fillet down whole. He had expected it to be painful or at the very least sting, but it was to his relief, very soothing.

Rolling his should as he sat, he pushed his paw forward and lowered his head. Energy was beginning to course through his veins, a few more meals like that and he would start to feel full. With a sigh, Fillin closed his eyes, ignoring the strange feeling beginning to form in his stomach. Within minutes, the world around him began to drift into a blur of sounds and then silence. Night was only a moment away, and Fillin needed the rest.

Chapter IV

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Fillion rolled over onto his back, his eyes still closed. He got to his feet, his head hanging. With a quick shake to throw the dirt off of himself, he looked around. The area was still dark, dawn only a few minutes away. His eyeing adjusting to it with ease, licking his lips and tasting the fish from the night before, he walked around the cottage. The stream was only a short ways away, he crossed the distance with ease and was quick to begin drinking.

The water was cool, almost icy. With one last gulp, Fillion rose to his full height. His stomach was empty and a single fish only did so much for a creature his size. Figuring that Fluttershy wouldn't bat an eye if he left to go hunting, he set off.

The Forest was a quite as a crypt, the night now gone and the day only beginning, no creature yet stir. Fillion's footfalls were silent as the world around him, his breath shallow and controlled. His mind wandered as did his body, going deeper and deeper into the forest and thought.

"This can't work. If I stay with her I'll starve, or worse I cou-" Fillion's thoughts halted, a scent filling his mind. He couldn't place it, but it was divine. With a burst of energy, he shot forward to the source.

Now his feet thundered, birds began to scatter as he charged though the forest like a force of nature, primal and untamed. Whatever it was, it had better start running. For every log and rock he jumped over, there were three low hanging branches that he smashed through. Every other branch would sting as it cut into his neck or shoulders, other would be blunted but her fur.

After a solid six minutes of running at top speed, Fillion trotted to a halt. His nose sniffing and his ears listening for the slightest sound. Just like before, the moment he located the scent he was off like an arrow, speeding through the forest primed for a kill.

Rainbow Luck was trotting through the forest, taking a long route home from Ponyville, her saddle bags filled with fruit and a few odds and ends. The forest was quiet, not a creature made a sound except for her with her clopping hooves, anyone else would have noticed the problem and ran. Too late did she notice the wolf, but then he was already in the air, his maw wide and teeth ready to rend flesh.

Fillion felt power coursing through him. He felt the pony's blood run down his throat, filling him with energy. He bit down on his body again, ripping off a chunk of flesh from her bones as he paws kept them on the ground. He didn't chew, only bit off pieces and swallowed them whole. Fillion left little left of the pony, her fur that remained, soaked in her blood.

Fillion got up from his kill, trailing around it, looking it over. Guilt began to flow though him in the wake of the power, now ebbing and waning as the minutes ticked by. He reached out with his paw, closing the eyes of his kill as tears began to form in his eyes. He howled in anger, pain, and horror.

Deeper into the forest, a father hushed his wife, reassuring her that their daughter would be fine, that timber wolves hates the scent of elderberries.

After his grief began to die down, the feeling returned, his strength gone and the feeling of power. His nose began sniffing on it's own accord. He picked up the scent of more ponies, more food, more power. Resisting best he could, he began to wander in direction of the smell, his body now in his full control. He wanted more power, and he didn't care if it came from ponies. Breaking into a trot, he began to smell in earnest.

After a few minutes, the scent was strong, the smell of ponies made his mouth water. He approached their home, a two story cottage with a pegasus balcony. He paused a moment, knowing full well what he was about to do was take a life, several if he could. Fillion shock his head and made up his mind.

He slicked around on the ground, passing under a few windows, looking for one that was open or a door. Soon enough he found one, what he assumed to be a back door die to it leading to a barn he hadn't noticed until now. He pushed the ajar door open, sniffing for the ponies inside.

His nose found them, they were somewhere up stairs. Walking on the pads of his paws, Fillion ascended the stairs, coming to a hallway, his nose easily picking out which room the ponies were in. Pushing it open, he found another mare,folding some clothing in front of the balcony door, she was pale blue and had a white mane. Fillion stepped closer, pausing as she spoke.

"Don't even think about it Earl, I heard you open the door, did you really think you could sneak up o-" The mare stopped talking as soon as she saw Fillion, standing at full height, caked in blood. Before she could make a noise, Fillion slammed into her, his jaw crushing her windpipe instantly. She thrashed in his grip for a moment before Fillion bit harder, crunching her neck. She twitched for a moment before he placed his paws on her body, pulling her throat out and swallowing it. He felt his power return, so he kept eating.

Walking down the stairs without caring if 'Earl' was down here, he sniffed around. Smelling nothing, he decided he'd explore the barn. After walking over, he found the door was locked form the inside, walking around back, he found an open window and climbed up a stack of boxes, he had to jump to get in. Smashing the glass and landing hard on the loft, Fillion heard something.

"Uh? Damn animals, knew I should have closer that." That must have been Earl. Fillion shuffled around, lining himself up with the ladder top, waiting for him to climb up to deal with him. Sure enough, the brown mane of a pony popped up before the rest of him did. Fillion charged forward, intent with knocking him off the ladder and killing him quick and with out much pain as possible.

He fell, along with the ladder on top of him. Fillion landed behind him, quickly turning around and grabbing him by the head, thrashing him about and tossing him against the wall. The stallion got back up, nursing his neck before being beset upon by Fillion, who grabbed him by the should, biting down hard and smashing the bones beneath his now torn flesh. The stallion reeled in pain, giving Fillion access to a quick kill, grabbing his throat, he bit down hard, slicing though and tearing it off. Fillion stepped back in surprise, swallowing it without a second thought. The stallion slumped over, bleeding out quickly. Now almost on auto pilot, Fillion walked over and began to eat.

After smashing his was though the small lock on the barn door, Fillion howled, announcing his victory to anyone who would listen. Shaking his head, he walked over to a rain barrel, looking at his reflection he paused. His face was matted in blood and his eyes glew. Shaking his head, he looked back, they were back to normal but his face was still covered in blood. After dunking his head in a few times, he walked off into the forest, in search of something, somewhere to rest.

Little did he know, a four family member would return home that day, only to discover her family slaughters and eaten...