> A New Life > by loveless2012 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: A Video Diary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man sitting in front of a computer video camera flipping a small metal oval like charm with a four leaf clover on it. The man looked tired from not being able to sleep for almost a week. "Hello, Hello, is this thing on, okay, good. My name is Kyle Smith, male, sixteen years old and right now it's October third, two thousand fifteen, day six of the Zombie Apocalypse. It was a virus of some sorts that started on September twenty seventh. Those that turned into the zombies were the lucky ones. The rest of humanity had to suffer this zombie outbreak. For some reason all communications have been blocked. I have been trying to figure out why, but I am not sure how long it will take. Luckily I was able to get to this underground bunker while hiking in the Appalachian mountain, the part in Maine. I was lucky I saw the horde of zombies before they got me. The only reason I was hiking in this part of the Appalachian was because my uncle brought me here to see if I could work here. He was a scientist working to figure out everything that was here." "My uncle took me here considering how much of a tech expert I am. Since I graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the top of my class in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. And since I was thirteen when I graduated from the school, I was hired on the spot. The pay grad was really nice. I was able to get my own house by the time I was almost fourteen." " If I'm unable to find a cure, I'll put my self in a cryogenic chamber until the zombie outbreak is gone and someone intelligent enough is able to open the cryochamber I'm in. I'm not sure how long that will take, but before then, I will get as much of my species stuff ranging from transportation to certain weapon's to music and probably fashion. That will be all for this video." "End of video one," A robotic voice said, "two thousand nine hundred twenty videos left. Would you like to continue." A few seconds later. "Going to video one hundred eighty two." The man appears again with the same charm but looks like he hasn't shaved or gotten a haircut for a few months. "It has been six months since I got here. I have found out that all of the computer hard drive's has everything I talked about in the first video plus more." The man show's a small orb of some kind. "I knew I was good since my coworkers couldn't get past the firewalls on the hard drive's unless they had a year and that everyone other then me is working on it. Sorry, back on track. So far, going out to get the stuff and getting past the billion's of billion's of firewalls, I don't have to do a thing really. Of course I permanently got ride of any weapon's that I think are too much of a danger to any civilization to have just in case someone evil enough found this place and is able to get past the firewalls. I also found out that this bunker has everything I need to survive for another seven years, six months." "The amount of time will actually be enough for me to make sure that no zombie's get in. In case a Zombie ever get's in, I'll make sure to block the way the zombie came through and kill the zombie it self. I have the blueprints to do so and since I'm a genius, I'll find a way so that this bunker will still get air from the outside world without certain chemicals coming into the bunker. Hopefully, all will go well. I'm just glad my uncle told me about this place. I'm not sure how I would have made out if I hadn't. I'll try to create a video for each day of the rest of the seven and a half years until I chryogen myself. It'll drive me crazy on some days, but not all. Smitty out. "End of day video one hundred eighty two," The robotic voice said, "Would you like to continue." A few seconds later and the man appears again but he looks older and still has that small metal charm in his fingers. He even has longer hair this time. "Going to video one thousand one hundred and twenty six." "It's thirty seven months or three years and one month since the zombie outbreak. I've turned nineteen last month and am now five feet eight inches tall. Today I have some good news and one bad news. the good news is that I was able to block any entrance other then the front so that no zombies can get in. The final piece of my good news is that I found a survivor. And that's where the bad news comes in. The survivor was biting while trying to get in. I'll fix that door so something like that won't happen again. The survivor was female, average height and build and six years older then I am which makes her twenty five years old. Her name is April Larain Brown. The only reason why I know this is because she told me before I had to shot her with an arrow. The only way to make sure that someone doesn't come back from a bite is to burn the body after you somehow get rid of the brain." "April also told me that there were others that tried to get here. Sadly, none of them made it. I'm not sure how the world will look after I put myself in the cryogen chamber. I'm just hoping there's survivors out there that can find this place. Otherwise I'll be stuck in that cryogenic chamber until I'm let out. I've created a communication device that hopefully will let me speak to anyone around the world since this place was supposed to be kept a secret, but the zombie outbreak proved otherwise. Hopefully there will be more humans out there. Hopefully. Smitty out." "End of video one thousand one hundred and twenty six," The robotic voice said, "would you like to continue." A few seconds later. "Going to video one thousand seven hundred and four." The man shows up again but looks older and still has that charm. "It's fifty six months or four years eight months. Turned twenty years old. Just another three years four months to go until I put myself in cryogen. I still haven't heard anything after five hundred seventy eight days of searching on every com-station. I only know of one thing to do now, but only if the cryogen chamber will open then. My food is still going strong but only as long as I'm along. I have even going out searching for more food, but the food was either spoiled or already taken. I'm not sure how long until the next survivor will come around. Until next time. Smitty out. "End of video one thousand seven hundred and four," The robotic voice said, "would you like to continue." A few seconds later "Going to video two thousand nine hundred and twenty one." This time, the man looked tired and ragged. It looked like he hasn't shaved or gotten a haircut in two or three years. "It's month ninety six or eight years which means the cryochamber has finally opened, or will open. I've turned twenty four years old today. The chryochamber door will only open at midnight, which means I have another two or three minutes until the door is open. This will be my final video. Everything will be turned off to conserve power for the cryochamber. With that, the power will last between nine hundred million years to a billion. If anyone is watching, then this video will tell you that I am the only human left. Any chance to bring back the human population to nearly seven billion has just ended with me. I also created a probe with two missions be sent out every thousand years. The first mission is to take pictures and video's of the surface. The second mission is to contact a country with the best chances of my survival for me to live in. Of course the second mission wont take for I don't know how long." Suddenly during the video, there is something in the background lighting up revealing the cryogenic chamber while the door is opening. "Like I said, this will be my last video. Smitty out." The video turns off revealing a room of mythological and non-mythological creatures standing on two feet. The creatures range from Griffons, Unicorns, Pegasus to even a Minotaur. The room even has Sheep's, Goats, Cow's, Horses and Zebra's. But the oddest thing in the room are the two Horses with both a horn and wings with regalia on and a Goat with a major animal problem. There's even an insect like pony standing among the creatures. "Just so you all know, not even I knew about these creatures," said the goat with a major animal problem.