
by Alterego

First published

I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. But I must go back. And I don't know how I will take it.

Aftercake. The story after cupcakes.

The goal is to add some ‘humanity’ in a sense to the character of Pinkimena. I hate that everyone… well almost everyone hates cupcakes. They can’t see beyond the layer that is untasteful fiction. It has become a test to the limit of our Love and Tolerate morals. Whether we are open to everyone’s opinion and what they say, that outlook on life apparently only applies to who we see fit.

And about the character herself, Pinkie Pie. Everyone forgets this simple fact, before they say, “This story ruined Pinkie Pie for me.” Yes. what she has done is evil, disturbed, crazy, insane, messed up, and the next thing, we still forget she is the element of laughter. We still forget that she is Pinkie Pie. So let’s inject hope into Pinkimena and the fandom, letting her know that Pinkie Pie is still alive, she just needs to wake up.

Now the logistics of the story. This follows the blog version of Pinkimena. And that means Scootaloo the Sadist is one character in the story. But I only check marked Pinkimena because she is the most important character and the story revolves around her.

And about the rating. This isn't supposed to be gorey like Cupcakes was, or anything equally as gruesome. But it is quite frank, and it defintely isn't a kids story. Approach with caution.

One last thing. This is just to get more story out there. It is currently incomplete and I mainly update the google docs version found here:

But I will update this version as well, and the final version will be here when I finish. This is my first story on fimfiction, so I'm not sure how their file managing works, so if I'm forced to, I will have to make chapters, which probably means less updates since I'm lazy.

Oh well. Enjoy the fall out. The Aftercake.


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“Hop, skip, and jump.” A young orange pegasus was skipping down alongside a stream. She was
humming a song she found her mentor sing quite frequently. The young pegasus doesn’t know if she
does it willingly or not. She just happens to sing quite often. It might be about a party or even something
called the Grand Galloping Gala but she doesn’t appear to do it out of pure will. In fact, the orange
pegasus once found her mentor, crying in the dark. That was long a night of confusion. Pinkimena never
cried. Never. Not once. While she was in her care.

It was creepy… to say the least. But time passed and her mentor has grown stronger than ever. Maybe
she has grown strong enough to kidnap one of the villagers and slice them open, for old time sakes.
Which was another strange thing. Pinkimena seemed to have been avoiding that little thing they do for
quite some time. Pinkimena was always up for a good shank, now it seems that she avoids them like the

Perhaps it was just a phase. She remembered when she grew squeamish that one week and couldn’t
drain the blood properly without throwing up all over the tub. But Pinkimena understood. She always
did. She was her true mom. Well, her second true mom. There was another pony, but she couldn’t
remember who…

The orange pegasus shuddered. Thinking too hard about the past always made her head
hurt. “Scootaloo. It’s time to head back.” A dull voice called through the forest. The orange pegasus’s
ears perked up. She looked in the direction and skipped happily back to her mentor.

Pinkimena was sitting with her hooves cross with another pony named Oak Syrup. Oak Syrup was a
brown pony with chocolate mane. She wasn’t a well known pony in Neigh Village, so if they… Scootaloo,
the orange pegasus, smiled evilly for a moment. She saw Pinkimena’s plan. All alone to play with Oak
Syrup. “You have a good time Scootaloo?” Oak Syrup asked with genuine interest.

“I sure did Miss Syrup!” The pegasus responded, taking every inch of will power to keep her wingboner
of excitement down.

“Thank you so much Oak Syrup for the chat. We should do this again some time.” Pinkimena spoke to
Oak as a familiar. The pegasus gave Pinkimena a strange look. ‘do this again some time’ would imply
that there is going to be a next time.

“Yes. Your thoughts on musical composition is quite divine. Perhaps you can even out do the known
cellist Octavia.” Oak Syrup responded cheerifully. Pinkimena flinched at the thought of old memories.

“Yes. Well, we best be going.” Pinkimena nodded her head. Oak Syrup did the same as she turned
around. Pinkimena looked at Scootaloo who staring dumbfondly at Oak Syrup. “Did you have…”
Pinkimena was about to speak, when Scootaloo face hoofed.

“Why not?” Scootaloo asked. Referring to the easy target with her tail. Pinkimena sighed and began
walking towards their home.

“Not now Scootaloo.” Pinkimena hated this conversation. It has become more and more apparent that

Scootaloo misses the feeling. She did too, at times of stress. Running a bakery was difficult when you
didn’t have the best ingredients. So she had every excuse in the book to revert to her old ways. But she
chose not to.

“Argh! You never seem to want to kill anymore!” Scootaloo spoke in frustration. Pinkimena flinched at
the word kill. Pinkimena trained Scootaloo well… or perhaps too well. The pegasus spoke with no fear
and no regret. “We gotta do something for your birthday!” Pinkimena stopped in her tracks. She forgot
again. Just like every other year since it happened.

You killed them Pinkie. How does it feel to be such a great friend? The element of betrayal is what you
represent. In the worst way possible. Stop it. Pinkimena told herself.

“That’s enough Scootaloo.” Pinkimena spoke, her tone wavering. Scootaloo snorted.

“What are you going to do? Put my number back in?” Scootaloo snickered back. Pinkimena felt a rush of
anger. Then a double pangbow of guilt. She would never. Calm down Pinkie. She’s just trying to get you
riled up. Pinkimena sighed. You have trained her well indeed.

Scootaloo also realized that she went too far. “Pinkimena. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” But the pink pony
simply nuzzled Scootaloo’s head.

“It’s fine. It’s just been a long day.” Pinkimena looked at Scootaloo, who stared back with those innocent
round eyes. The eyes she found when she first found her all those years back. “C’mon. Let’s get back to
the cabin. Before the wolves come out.”

“Wolves? Please. We could take them!” Scootaloo spoke with confidence. Pinkimena never doubted she
could take them. But do wolves deserve the pain they could put them through?


“That’s the spirit. Here you go.” Pinkie handed Dash a cupcake.

Dash was puzzled “I thought I was helping you bake.”

“You will be. I made this one just for you before you got here.

“So, is this like taste testing or something?”

“Sorta,” Pinkie said.


Pinkimena awoke, her mane drenched in sweat. She quickly took in her surroundings. Scootaloo,
sleeping against her chest. She was in her bedroom. A half eaten plate of grassgehtti was next to the
bed. She recalled the events in her mind. What did she do yesterday? Oak Syrup. That’s right. She’s in
Neigh Village. No longer in Ponyville.

A dream? Again? Of the past? Pinkimena felt a tear fall from her right eye. Again with the crying? She
was getting too old for this manure. Scootaloo shifted uncomfortably, as if she could sense Pinkimena’s
unrest. “Perhaps, it’s time.” She whispered to herself. She quietly got up from bed and pulled out some
parchment, a quill, and some ink. She wrote out the letter with fierce speed and was out the door in ten
seconds flat.

She shifted her pink hair from her face as she walked towards the path. Pinkimena looked behind her
as a final moment to think about what she was really doing. What was the point in going back? What
was she hoping to accomplish? Relief? Were Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack going to forgive her for what
she has done? No matter how many times Pinkimena has turned the issue over and over in her head,
she always came out with the same answer. No. Under no circumstances would any pony forgive her for
what she has done. But she still felt the urge to go back. As if something was drawing her near.

Pinkimena was holding a flower she picked out of her garden. She took it in hoof and placed the rainbow
colored flower in her hair. She then held a hoof close to her heart. It still pumped blood through her
system. She’s still alive. She found herself doing this recently, checking vitals and her breathing. Because
sometimes, just sometimes, she felt as if she’s a dead pony walking.


Scootaloo awoke to the sound of a few birds chirping outside. She stretched out her forelegs above her
head and yawned. “Good morning! Pinkimena?” Scootaloo looked around and saw no sign of the pink
pony. The pegasus flew out of bed and began checking the usual places. Nope. Not in the cellar, which
was a pity because she was half hoping she would find her down there with another pony. Nope, not in
the kitchen. Nope, not outside tending to her garden.

Scootaloo looked at the garden once more and noticed that a specific flower was missing. It was quite
strange, Pinkimena would tend to this flower like it was the only thing keeping her alive. Scootaloo’s
eyes then widened. She would be crushed if she noticed some pony picking her flower! She quickly ran
from the house and approached the garden. Her wings began to flutter with anger as she saw a dirt trail
leading away from the house and towards the Path.

Scootaloo ran away from the house with righteous fury. It was after half a mile or so that the trail went
cold and she found herself in an open field. The path trailed on for what seemed like ever. It was quite
lucky that they found this small village.

When they first arrived, Pinkimena told Scootaloo, “We have to lay low so we don’t get caught,”

“Or we’ll be sent to the moon?” The orange pegasus asked.

“Exactly.” The pink pony had no idea what she was getting herself into. But she was possessed by
something evil. Something chaotic, a constant drum beat that caused pain in her heart as Pinkimena
moved forwards. But Pinkimena played her cards well as she found herself the only ally that helped her
make it through it all.

Scootaloo then heard some pony singing. Her ears perked up, becoming deathly silent. It sounded like
it came from the forest behind her. Scootaloo swiftly turned around and broke into a silent sprint back
towards the forest. She ducked and dove, tree to tree, until the music grew louder. After a dive into a
nearby bush, the orange pegasus peeked out of the bush to see the behind of some brown pony. She
seemed to be busy doing something as the brown pony’s tail swung back and forth.

Scootaloo then caught a glimpse of her cutie mark, a golden jar that had a stirring spoon filled with
syrup. Oak Syrup! But what was she doing all the way out here on her own? Scootaloo tip toed out
of the bushes and cleared her voice loudly. The brown pony jumped and turned to Scootaloo. “Oh
Scootaloo! You scared me!” Oak Syrup panted out. Scootaloo tilted her head and gave Oak Syrup an
inquisitive look.

“What are you doing all the way out here?” The orange pegasus asked. Oak Syrup looked behind her and
then decided to move to the side. Laid out behind her was a sketch pad and some quills and ink.

“I am actually trying my hoof at drawing. I’m trying to draw the oak trees. They just seem so peaceful!”
Oak Syrup announced. Scootaloo couldn’t help but gag at the thought of love dovey art.

“Hey. Have you seen Pinkimena?” Scootaloo asked.

“No. I haven’t seen her since yesterday. Is everything ok?” She asked with concern.

“Pfft. Everything’s fine!” The orange pegasus grinned something cheesy. Everything was fine? Her and
Pinkimena couldn’t have been anything further. It seemed like those great days of familiarity were so
far away. She used to remember when Pinkimena would bring home a pony, and immediately to the
chopping block. Pinkimena taught Scootaloo how to drain the blood correctly, play kick ball with the
head, and even let her design some of the décor. But it seemed that those days were long over. Ever
since she killed that blue pegasus pony.

It was difficult to remember, the details were always hazy, and Scootaloo couldn’t help but feel an
attachment to that blue pegasus pony. Almost as if she loathed Pinkimena for doing so… But those
memories would always fade away as quickly as they came.

Scootaloo’s memories then led back to her quality time with Pinkimena. Was there a reason why she
was acting this way? It was almost as if she was… remorseful.

Scootaloo couldn’t help but giggle to herself at the thought. That was ridiculous. Pinkimena? Being
guilty? The orange pegasus mentally face hoofed, she had to have hit the cider pretty hard to have
think that. Then Scootaloo looked at Oak Syrup, whom went back to drawing the stupid trees. “Hey Oak
Syrup, where’s your friends?” She asked, hopeful for a certain answer.

“Hm? Didn’t Pinkimena tell you?’ She asked in surprise. “I’m a loner. A hermit if you will. All I do is
bring the delicious Oak Syrup to the people of Neigh Village. Anonymously of course,” Oak Syrup stated
matter of factly. “But it’s quite strange talking to Pinkimena, it’s as if she has this strange allure to her.
You know what I…” Oak Syrup began to ramble, when she noticed the orange pegasus knocking her

head on a nearby tree. “Scootaloo? Are you quite alright?”

Why. The. Buck. Not? Pinkimena?

That’s when Scootaloo came across the realization. Could Pinkimena have… forgotten how to do so?
And she’s just embarrassed that she forgot how to play the game? Scootaloo knocked her hooves
together. That had to be it! “Scootaloo dear, are you sure you’re okay?” Scootaloo felt a little woozy, but
she was quite alright… in fact, more than alright. She hatched a plan that would put everything back to

“Hey Miss Syrup. Can you help me out? I wanna make a batch of cupcakes for Pinkimena but I’m afraid
my cupcakes aren’t any good. Can you…” Scootaloo asked with puppy dog eyes. Oak Syrup fell for it, just
like Scootaloo planned.

They headed back to the house. And Scootaloo ran forward, past the garden plot, and into the house.
Oak Syrup followed along, trying to keep up with Scootaloo.

Scootaloo thought quickly and nervously bit her lip. She knew that Pinkimena kept a few ‘cupcakes’ in
case they found an unexpected ‘customer’. She checked behind the counter, behind the fridge, in the
back of the pantry. Nothing… Except the trash. Scootaloo, under much better thinking circumstances
would have thought of why the special cupcakes were in the trash. Or why Pinkimena was away for so
long. She never left Scootaloo for extended amounts of time.

But to be frank, Scootaloo was incredibly excited, so excited that these things didn’t even reach her
subconscious. Scootaloo grabbed one from the trash and ran back to Oak Syrup, who was sitting
patiently in the dining room. “Hey, Scootaloo. I just thought about it, you know I haven’t really baked
anything either…” Oak Syrup confessed.

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I actually need you to taste this cupcake for me.” Scootaloo spoke in a rushed
voice. Oak Syrup looked at the cupcake Scootaloo held in her hooves.

“Why?” She asked curiously.

“Ummm. I want you to taste it. Tell me if you think there’s anything I should change.” Scootaloo quickly
recited from one of Pinkimena’s lines of excuses.

“Oh Scootaloo. I’m sure Pinkimena will like it no matter what it tastes like…” Oak Syrup tried to assure
the pegasus.

“Can you please just take a dumb bite?!” Scootaloo yelled, thrusting the cupcake in Oak Syrup’s
direction. Oak Syrup looked at the cupcake with uncertainty, then at Scootaloo.

Oak Syrup took the cupcake in her hooves and took a bite. Her tongue was enveloped in flavor. It was
little on the hard side, like it was sitting out for a while. It felt cold in her mouth, like Scootaloo made
this cupcake days ago. But it still tasted great. So she took another bite, and then another, until there
was no more cupcake. “That was amazing Scootaloo! I’m sure Pinkimena will… love…” Oak Syrup

staggered to one knee, her eyes suddenly feeling incredibly heavy. Then she collapsed to the floor.

Scootaloo always planned to say something cool when the ‘customer’ fell to the floor. But she simply
face hoofed. She began to think out loud. “Pinkimena?! How do you make the customer so acquiesce
and fit in a witty line?” Scootaloo sighed and looked at the brown pony. Well, she got her here. Now
what comes next again?

If Scootaloo remembered correctly, the drug usually lasted a good half hour. Well, times a wasting.
Scootaloo went to go move Oak Syrup and realized something. Pinkimena was buff as can be. She
would usually carry the pony, by herself, down the stairs and into the cellar with ease. It took a good
fifteen minutes for Scootaloo to get Oak Syrup down the stairs and into the chambers. Oak Syrup, at this
point was mumbling in her unconsciousness. Crap, she didn’t have much time left. Scootaloo quickly
cuffed the pony with the correct iron chain links and tightened the knots. Scootaloo recalled the mental
countdown in her head, she had about five minutes left. She wanted to be here when she woke up. This
would be a present for when Pinkimena got here, a birthday present. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t
have a little fun. Scootaloo flew up the stairs and into the bedroom. She was in such a rush, she didn’t
realize there was a scrawled note that Pinkimena left next to the plate of grassghetti.

Scootaloo was in the kitchen, taking a drink of water before they began. All of a sudden, screams of help
came from the cellar. “Scootaloo? S-S-Scootaloo?!” The orange pegasus smiled.

(For the readers who thought that this was a clop fic and I was about to go into detail… Boy, you’re in for
a surprise.)


Pinkimena reached the crossroads. She could either continue on the dirt path towards the next town, or
she could cut through the Ever Free Forest.

Taking the long path around would take a few days to get to Ponyville. And that was time Pinkimena
didn’t want to spend. She had to be at Ponyville. But then she asked herself, why? Do you wish to see
the after cake? What has happened in your absence? Or to perhaps even finish the jo-.

“SHUT UP!” Pinkimena yelled into the air. No pony was around, but she spun in a circle, paranoid if
any pony did hear her. Her mind was turning on her. She was losing Scootaloo. And she had no friends.
Great. This was just perfect. Pinkimena looked onward, off the beaten path, and trotted on.

It didn’t take long until Pinkimena saw the outskirts of the Ever Free Forest. Thorny bushes and jungle
like trees graced the edge of the unknown territory. Pinkimena felt a sudden chill creep down her back
as the light breeze that was blowing earlier has turned into a harsh gust. The skies above were no longer
blue and sunny, it was dark and gray.

Pinkimena quickened her pace and was soon embraced by the forest. The forest was always creepy
to Pinkimena. The creatures lived in solitude and the weather was uncontrolled. Pinkimena couldn’t
understand how the creatures of the Ever Free Forest could live all alone. She would never had made it

as far as she has without Scootaloo.

Pinkimena found herself walking in no real direction. All she knew was that if she cut straight through
the Ever Free Forest, she should reach the other side of the forest, and Ponyville will be right there
as a result. Pinkimena then reached the edge of a cliff. Pinkimena looked down into the mouth of the
canyon, which was filled with thick as pea soup fog. She kicked a pebble down the cliff and heard the
clatter of it echo through the forest. As far as Pinkimena’s concern, this pit was bottomless. She looked
to the left; there was no way around that way as the edge looked like it continued into infinity. Then she
looked to her right and saw an outline of a bridge in the distance. Right next to the bridge seemed to be
an old abandoned building.

Pinkimena instantly knew where she was. She turned around and began to trot the opposite direction.
She would take her chances trying to find another way around. She wasn’t ready for what came with
crossing the bridge. Whether it be memories or ghosts from the past, she wanted to procrastinate as
long as possible.

A few uneasy moments passed and there seemed to be no end to this canyon. It looked like she had
no choice but to go cross the bridge. She turned around and went back. “It’s only a bridge Pinkimena.
Only a bridge.” And she was right. It was only a bridge. Pinkimena didn’t even risk another glance at the
building. She crossed the bridge with as much ease as she would any other bridge. But that’s when she
made a mistake. She decided to turn around.


“I never leave my friends hangin’!” The blue pegasus stated proudly to her five friends.


Pinkimena sat down in front of the bridge and that’s when it was too much. Streams flowed down her
eyes. She missed her. She missed Rainbow Dash. She missed Fluttershy. She missed every pony. And the
only question she could ask herself was, ‘Why?’ Why did she do it?

But the answer has always been there. She enjoyed it. It has become an addiction. She couldn’t control
the temptation. Whenever she was alone, neglected, rejected, that would make her feel powerful. It
was what her friends pushed her to do. And then one day, she snapped. She didn’t know what did it. She
didn’t know why she did it. She wasn’t angry before it happened, or the pony who it happened to wasn’t
necessarily mean to Pinkimena anytime before that. She just had the urge. And this urge has scared
Pinkimena ever since that day.

When she invited Rainbow Dash to bake. It really was supposed to be for Dashie. But the urge came
once more. And a fiendish plan emerged in Pinkimena’s head from the depths of her brain. But
Pinkimena couldn’t just do it. She made herself excuses… and that’s when her eyes went to the lottery.
The lottery of numbers. The one she created.

She didn’t create it out of enjoyment. She created it out of self control. Sometimes ponies took

vacations from Ponyville and when their number came up, it meant that Pinkimena had to put a hold
on the cupcake making. But no matter what she told Scootaloo, she cheated that day. She justified it to
herself as a one in a million chance. And she prepared the props. She never really ate Gilda. That was a
scare tactic. Psychological games killed you more than the actual killing itself. Fighting to live, but your
mind knowing that it is hopeless was the real torture.

Pinkimena made herself turn around, wiped her eyes and got up. Her legs wobbled as she walked
forward. It was difficult to think straight, let alone walk straight, but she had to keep going. That…
attraction to Ponyville still lingered. Something was calling her to come back. She didn’t know what it
was, but it grew stronger as she reached her destination. Pinkimena felt a raindrop fall on her head. It
began to drizzle, but Pinkimena felt her mane frizz a little. She needed to find shelter, and quickly.

The pink pony looked up to check on her rainbow flower. It was still there, sitting in her hair. She cleared
the hair from her face and ran past some trees. That’s when she saw it. The hut. Pinkimena stopped
before it and realized that this was Zecora’s hut. There was no way she still lived by Ponyville… did
she? Lightning cracked across the sky as thunder played a symphony of bangs. Staying out here would
probably be more dangerous than some stupid zebra. She ran forward and opened the door. It wasn’t
locked. She hopped inside and closed the door behind her. She shook off the water, her mane and fur
coat were still dripping wet.

She walked to the center of the room. Once again, her mouth began to take on a mind of its own.

“She’s an evil enchantress, and she does evil dances. When you look into her eyes, she will put you in
trances. And what will she do? She will make up an evil brew…”

“…And she will gobble you up in a big tasty stew,” Pinkimena paused. That didn’t come from her. She
turned around and there sat a zebra holding out a white towel. “So, I would beware if I was you.” The
zebra finished. Pinkimena jumped back and growled.

“Do you know what I have done?” Pinkimena clenched her teeth. Zecora seemed way too calm to be
talking to Pinkimena.

“Yes. And boy, what a mess.” Zecora plainly stated. She didn’t look a day older than last time she saw
her. Those yellow eyes, still haunting and creepy. Pinkimena narrowed her eyes.

“Understatement of the year.” Pinkimena growled.

“No, no, no, water and wood, not a good mix make. Take this towel, at least for my sake!” Zebra
gestured to Pinkimena’s soaking wet mane, then at the towel. Pinkimena took a step forward and
snatched the towel from Zecora. Pinkimena pressed the cloth into her mane. The towel felt warm and
cozy, it was as if the zebra knew she was coming.

“Why are you doing this? I would have called Celestia, attacked myself, or…” Pinkimena started
babbling, but Zecora placed a hoof on her own mouth and made a shush sound.

“I am not you and you are not me.” Zecora pointed at Pinkimena, then back at herself. “How obvious
can I make that be?” Her tone was different. It sounded… humorous. Or at least as humorous as Zecora
could sound.

“Are you… mocking me?” Pinkimena asked, she raised her eyebrow at the concept of Zecora making a
joke. Zecora laughed, which was three modest ‘ha’s.

“The Element of Laughter took a vacation. Someone had to be the next comedic sensation.” Zecora

“Vacation? I ran! Because I… I…” Pinkimena couldn’t finish the sentence. But how couldn’t she? She had
fun when she was doing it. Was she so crazy and insane that she couldn’t control herself? It was obvious
that the answer was yes. She created a system to control herself, but why didn’t she just stop? She knew
it was wrong, she knew it was unforgivable, and she knew she couldn’t take it back.

“Lost control of your emotions. But don’t let guilt stop your motion. Let it be your guide and make
amends. Lest you go lose your friends.” Zecora rhymed. Pinkimena found it quite annoying.

“What do you mean make amends?! How can some pony forgive me for what I’ve done? How can any
pony? Maybe you don’t know what I am?” Pinkimena got in Zecora’s face and began to shout. “I’m a
monster! I enjoy what I do! It gives me meaning to me life.” Pinkimena backed up while Zecora wiped
her face from the excess spit that escaped Pinkimena’s shout. “I don’t have any friends.”

“Your friends, is who you doubt. But how do you know, if you never tried to sort it out?” Zecora asked.
Pinkimena opened her mouth to argue, but then closed it. It would be normal to think that no pony
could forgive her. But she never really knew what would happen if she was to face Rarity, Applejack or
Twilight. What would they say? What would they do? “You might ask yourself why you did such things.
But don’t bother with the past, just worry about what the future brings.” Zecora told Pinkimena.

“I’m… afraid.” Pinkimena concluded out loud. “How are they going to react? I don’t want to know.”

“Then why have you come back? Planning another attack?” Zecora quipped. Pinkimena reflexively took
a nearby object, which was one of Zecora’s masks and threw it like a disk at Zecora. She simply dodged
nimbly and smirked.

“NO! I… I… I won’t do it! Never again! Not after I… killed Dashie! She was my best friend! And I betrayed
her. My most loyal friend; I betrayed her… and all of my other friends.” Pinkimena had tears running
down her eyes. Guh. It was so embarrassing, it was as if crying once today released a torrent of water
from deep down inside of her.

“What you should know, is that wasn’t you. And you know that too.” She then approached, Pinkimena
began to back up. Pinkimena couldn’t take what Zecora was saying. She was in full control, she was the
one responsible.

“NO! I can’t lie to myself! That was me!” Pinkimena panicked, suddenly looking at the door, planning

a way to get out. She would have to deal with the rain, it was better than where this conversation was

“An evil spirit exploited your weaknesses. To destroy harmony was his interest.” The zebra finished.
Pinkimena froze. What was she talking about? She didn’t talk to anyone before she began to kill. Why
couldn’t she just be straight forward? But before Pinkimena could ask her what she meant, the door was
energetically opened and four figures entered the room.

“Ms. Zecora! The rain stopped! Twilight sent us ta get your help on preparations for the Rainbow
Festival…” A cheery voice erupted from behind Zecora. Pinkimena couldn’t place her hoof on it, but it
sounded familiar. “Who’s your friend, Zecora?” The voice asked with curiousity.

“Applebloom, this is an old friend from a long time ago. Her name is Balloons, best pony I’ve known.”
Zecora responded. She stepped to the side and the four figures walked up to Pinkimena.

Pinkimena instantly recognized Sweeite Belle and Apple Bloom. They grew up so fast. And was that…
Dinky Hooves? Wow, still no derpy eyes. And then the last pony had glasses on and actually had a cutie
mark already. It was a bunch of peppermint sticks. She also looked familiar, like Pinkimena once thought
about being her mentor.

“Well howdy Balloons! My name is Applebloom!”

“My name is Dinky Hooves!” The grey purple unicorn interrupted. Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.

“I’m Sweetie Belle!”

“And I’m Pepper!”

The four of them then all yelled, “And we are the Pinkie Pie Lookout Squad!” Pinkimena winced. The

Applebloom took over, as it seems that she became leader. “We keep a constant look out for the one
named Pinkie Pie! She is an evil monster that crawls through Equestria!” The other three ponies all
yelled in unison.

“In fact! I even wrote a song about her!” Sweetie Belle announced.

“Oh boy! Can we hear it?” Dinky Hooves asked.

“Sure!” The other three ponies hushed up to listen. Pinkimena glanced over at Zecora, who just smiled
at the four fillies.

“She’s an evil pony! A big pink phony! She will ask you to come bake, when you are aloney! And when
she gives you a cupcake don’t take it for goodness sakes! Or she will make you into a big juicy steak! So
watch out!” Sweetie Belle was dancing all around, and the three other fillies were running around like
they were chickens with their heads cut off. The four ponies eventually all regrouped and the four of

them yelled ‘watch out’ all at once.

Wow. That was incredibly annoying from the other side. Pinkimena concluded. “So what does this ‘Pinkie
Pie’ look like?” She asked while looking at Zecora, who looked like she appreciated the irony as well.

“Well, we know she’s pink.”

“And she probably has claws…”

“Yeah! And big scary teeth!”

“And wearing a suit!” Dinky Hooves added lastly. The other three ponies looked at Dinky
Hooves. “What?”

“My dad wears a suit.” Sweetie Belle concluded.

“Exactly!” Dinky Hooves reasoned. The other two ponies laughed while Sweetie Belle scrunched up
her face. The four ponies then began to argue. It was until Zecora broke up the fighting by clearing her

“When does Twilight need the lanterns aflame? I don’t wish to be late and the blame.”

“Oh yeah!” Applebloom spoke, as if she just remembered why they were there. “She needs them by
tomorrow night!” Zecora then nodded her head.

“You four better run along before they worry. And you know how the forest is, so you better hurry.”
Zecora spoke with genuine concern.

“Oh don’t worry Zecora!” Applebloom spoke. The four of them then got into a group pose and they all
announced, “THE PINKIE PIE LOOKOUT SQUAD IS ALWAYS PREPARED!” The four of them then zipped out
of the Zecora’s humble abode.

A moment of silence has passed until Pinkmena blurted out, “They don’t remember me.”

“Ponies tend to forget painful ordeals. Makes living their lives with much more appeal.” Zecora said.
Pinkimena breathed in and out. Ever since they entered, Pinkimena wanted to ask this question.

“Do they miss Scootaloo?”

“Not as much as your friends miss ‘you know who’.” Pinkimena sighed. These rhymes were getting
unbearable. Zecora walked to Pinkimena’s left side, “The adults felt it was better to tell the fillies she’s
gone. Making their mourning feel less long.”Zecora explained further. The zebra then uncomfortably
brushed her own hair with her hoof. “Pardon my curiosity, but does Scootaloo still walk with

“What are you implying?” Pinkimena’s voice grew angry. “I wouldn’t hurt Scootaloo! She’s my best
friend! She helped me get through life all this time…”

“Didn’t you say that friends, you no longer had?” Zecora teased Pinkimena. “Or is your lying really
that bad?” Pinkimena’s face grew sad. She then plopped her flank onto the ground and sighed. Zecora
walked over to Pinkimena and placed her hooves on her shoulders, “You say that you’re afraid mostly.
But a wise, faithful pony once told me, to giggle at the ghostie.”

“Can you stop teasing me?” Pinkimena spoke, annoyed to no end.

“So what are you waiting for? You don’t have to linger here no more. Just remember what I said, your
friendship isn’t dead.” Zecora pointed her hoof at the door, which was still open from the Pinkie Pie
Lookout Squad. Pinkimena looked at Zecora, who only winked at her. Pinkimena stood up with help
from Zecora and began to trot towards the door.

“Zecora?” Pinkimena paused before leaving. “Thank you.” She then ran forward. The sun was beginning
to set over Ponyville. Pinkimena continued to feel that attraction to Ponyville. It was difficult to contain,
it was as if the closer she got, the stronger this attraction grew.


Scootaloo took a short little break. She looked around as she hopped up the stairs. Where
the buck was Pinkimena? She looked in her bedroom. No pony was here. But that’s when she
remembered, “Scootaloo. Remember that you must always set the bed after you get up.” One of
Pinkimena’s many lessons living on their own. Scootaloo felt guilty that she didn’t set it and immediately
set upon the task. It took about ten seconds flat for Scootaloo to set the bed easily while practicing
flying. She never did go to a flying school.

But after she finished, that was when she happened upon the grassghetti and the note left by
Pinkimena. “Hm?” Scootaloo dropped the grassghetti back on the table and picked up the note. She
began to read aloud,

“Dear Scootaloo,

Something very important has just come up. I am trusting you to care for yourself for a few days. I
NEED you to stay low. Make the least noise as possible. I don’t want you attracting any attention while
I’m gone. And that means that you can’t perform without me. NO EXCEPTIONS! Know that I love you
Scootaloo and that you’re one of the most important things I the most important thing in my life. So
please listen to me. At least this once. I promise I will explain myself when I get home.

Your mentor and friend,


Scootaloo gulped as she glanced at the cellar door. She walked over to the door and closed it, locking it
slowly. She backed away until she found herself at the wall opposite of the cellar door. She could only
stare at the door. Now what?


Pinkimena looked up ahead. She thought hard about what Zecora said. Could it be true? Could her
friends still be there for her? Pinkimena couldn’t come up with any reasonable excuse why they would.
She found herself just a mile from Ponyville. It was brimming with ponies as the prepared for some sort
of festival. She did wonder what Zecora was talking about, maybe she could go back…

No. She was procrastinating again. It was time to face what happened. But she couldn’t just walk right in
the front door. She would be recognized immediately. There had to be a way to sneak in quietly, without
being detected. And that’s when her eyes glanced over a hay cart. It was left alone and unattended.
Hopefully she remembered how to do this.

After triple checking that it was the right size and that no pony was looking, she stole a hay bundle
and jumped into it. If only she had those glasses with her, that would make this outfit much more
convincing. And a jacket, a jacket would have looked nice. And a hat. A hat would have fooled anyone.
But she had to stick with the hay bundle all by itself.

With no other alterations she could make, she pushed her hooves out and peeked her eyes through the
hay. She walked forward and into Ponyville she went.

So far so good. No pony pointed and yelled at her… whatever they would yell. Sugar Cube Corner…
That should be right around this corner. It was there, but something looked different. Something felt
different. She couldn’t smell Mrs or Mr. Cake baking anything. The air felt stale, like nothing has been
cooked in a year. In fact Sugar Cube Corner was dark. There wasn’t any pony in Sugar Cube Corner from
the looks of it. That’s when Pinkimena had to see for herself what was going on. She looked around and
was sure no one was looking. So she hopped forward in her hay suit.

As soon as she approached the door, she saw a little plaque on the ground in front of the
building. “Here, may we remember the ponies who were taken from us too soon.” Hmph. No mention
of her. She deserved some credit, the least they could do if she was viewed as a monster. Pinkimena
jumped out of the hay suit and walked past the plaque and towards the door. She automatically tugged
at it and it didn’t budge. There was a secret entrance in the back that she made a few years back.
Hopefully it was still there.

She dragged her hay suit to the back of the bakery and found what she was looking for. It was a small
little crevice that had a chip of metal at the left corner of the house. She grabbed the little chip with her
mouth and pulled it up. It made a few metallic creaks as it was pulled up. Just a little more. Pinkimena
gave one final tug and the small crevice turned into a pony sized hole. Pinkimena kicked the hay suit into
the Sugar Cube Corner basement and in she went.

She turned around before taking another step forward and closed the hole by pulling on a handle that
she attached to the metal part of the wall. She closed it tight and snug. She walked past her hay stack,
which was laying there on floor.

The first order of business, time to explore Sugar Cube Corner. She was currently in the basement, which
meant it was nearly pitch black. The pink pony couldn’t even see her own hooves, but with enough

feeling around and based off of memory of the basement, she found a light switch. She flicked the
light switch. She looked at it mystified and flicked it up and down several times. There was no power.
Pinkimena growled and simply took a hoof step to the left and a step forward. At least she knew she was
at the stairs at this point. She walked up the stairs and opened the door.

It was as if she never left. The counter was still filled with cakes and the bakery was still fully furnished.
Pinkimena walked up to the counter a took the nearest cupcake. She tried to break some off with her
hoof; the cupcake was hard as stone. Anger surged from within her. What happened to Mr. and Mrs.
Cake? She tried to smash the cupcake into the counter, but only a third of the cupcake went down into
crumbles, and then stopped under Pinkimena’s pressure. Argh.

Pinkimena threw the cupcake against the wall and watched the bread and frosting break into fragments.
Pinkimena panted as she just growled at the crumbled mess on the ground. Pinkimena walked from
behind the counter and headed for upstairs. She saw the door that led into her room. She was only a
step away and she suddenly grew chicken. Nothing good can come from behind this door. She should
just leave and seek out Twilight Sparkle. She always knows what to do…

“No. You made this mess. It’s time to face what you’ve done.” Pinkimena took a deep breath and
pushed the door open. She closed her eyes as she walked in. She then slowly opened her eyes. Eeyup.
So far, so good. It was time to go into the Room.

Pinkimena then headed for the Room with no windows and just a single exit. Pinkimena took deep
breaths. She had to do this. Instead of doing it slow, she jumped in this time. Through the door she went
and into the middle of the room.

Pinkimena then forced herself to spin around and look at what was all to see. And it was all still here.
Streamers, pony flanks, and balloons. It was incredibly dark. Pinkimena expected to cry once more or to
just die right here when she returned. But nothing like that happened. She could only stare. She felt like
a painter staring at old, past paintings.

Pinkimena walked up to the quilt she and Scootaloo were working on. “How big can we make it?”
Pinkimena heard Scootaloo’s voice echo in her head. And she responded, “As big as we can.”

Pinkimena then turned around back to the center. She tried looking for the table she performed her
incredible pieces of work. And spotted it exactly where she left it. It was against the wall, Pinkimena
could remember the rush she was in when Fluttershy escaped. She kicked the table at Pinkimena and
ran out the door. If Scootaloo had been there, she and her would have probably never had to run away.
Scootaloo could have easily caught her if she was there. NO PINKIMENA! It was a good thing you were
found out. Pinkimena could only wonder what would have happened if she didn’t escape.

She had no time to gather any belongings and there was slim chance to escape, and even slimmer with
Scootaloo. But she remembered thinking to herself, I have to try.

Pinkimena then checked her bedroom and saw her pink bed. It was untouched by time. It looked so
comfy and cozy. She felt so tired. Walking all the way from Neigh Village to Ponyville was a long ways.

She climbed into bed and rested her head against the pillows. She looked out her window and saw that
the sun was setting. She needed rest. Just five minutes…


“Party time!” Spike yelled into the air. Sugar Cube Corner was jam packed. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia
were playing a duet. It was the biggest party Pinkie Pie ever thrown.

“Huh?” Pinkie Pie found herself in the middle of her five friends.

“Wow Pinkie Pie! This is probably the most fun I’ve had in ages!” Rarity told Pinkie Pie.

“I agree.” Fluttershy joined in, taking a bite of an all organic cupcake.

“I… Fluttershy?! You’re alive?” Pinkie Pie sputtered out.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” Fluttershy asked with curiosity. Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but stare at her
wings, still fully intact.

“She must be talking about that Cupcake thing.” That voice. The confidence, the energy, the loyalty.
Pinkie Pie turned around and was gloomped by Rainbow Dash. “Don’t worry Pinkie. I forgive you.” Pinkie
Pie started to cry. That’s when all the other ponies gathered around and gave Pinkie Pie a hug.

“Don’t worry sugah cube, we’re always here for you.” Applejack spoke.

“You can count on us, Pinkie,” Twilight confirmed.

Pinkie Pie gasped for air. This was all too good to be true.


Pinkimena awoke to noises coming from downstairs. Pinkimena found a goofy smile on her face. Her
hair bright pink and poofy, but as she continued to wake, her hair began to deflate and gray out until she
was back to old Pinkimena.

Pinkimena felt the tears well up in her eyes again. That dream has been coming up more and more
recently. It seemed that she would have that dream every other night. And she always looked forward
to it.

“Twi’, why are we here?”

“Just trust me girls.”

“Twilight dear. You gotta let go.”

Pinkimena ears perked up. She gulped. The girls were right below here.

“Look at this.”

“Why, what would ‘ave caused that?

“C’mon girls. Let’s look around. Perhaps… she’s here.”

Gotta go now. Pinkimena tip toed across the room until she was a few inches away from the door the
led downstairs, until the door itself began to open towards her. Pinkimena had a split second to make a
decision. Her eyes glanced at a chair in her living room and ducked behind it.

“Ummm, Twi’? Can we leave? I don’t like bein’ up here.” That country accent. Pinkimena dared to take
a peek. Her three friends looked different. Twilight Sparkle was a slight deeper shade of color. She
was also wearing a purple vest of some sort. Applejack still wore her hat, but her hair was no longer
braided, but was left loose and hanging to her sides. Rarity was wearing purple glasses and still looked
fashionable, but perhaps she only looked different because she was trembling like crazy.

Pinkimena quickly ducked down as Twilight lit up her horn. “C’mon. We have to go to the Room.”
Pinkimena heard two ponies gasp.

“Twilight, darling, I think Applejack and I will stay out here to…” Rarity spoke up.

“We have to check her bedroom! You know... just in case.” Applejack agreed.

Pinkimena could just imagine Twilght rolling her eyes. “Ugh. Fine girls, I’ll be in the Room. You two go
check the bedroom.” Twilight Sparkle headed off past the chair and without a second glance back to
the girls, nudged the Room door open. The two ponies remained, both shaking more than when Zecora
entered town that one time. But I mean, really, who could top that?

“Y-you don’t t-think that sh-she’s still here? Right?” Applejack stuttered out.

“O-of course not!” Rarity answered. Pinkimena suddenly had the sudden urge to scare the parasprites
out of them. It was quite a new feeling she has never felt… perhaps in a previous life? “Well, we have to
go check her bedroom.” Rarity announced. Pinkimena rolled her. Yes, finally.

Both ponies passed Pinkimena and the chair she was hiding behind. As soon as they were inside
the bedroom, Pinkimena headed for the door and tip toed down the stairs. She was half way to the
basement door when she heard a shriek come from upstairs. “Rarity! It doesn’t mean anything! Perhaps
the sun jus’ warms this room…” But following this was a panicked trot down the stairs. Pinkimena just
froze as Rarity appeared suddenly before her.

As expected, Rarity fainted before Pinkimena could even utter a word. Pinkimena quickly made herself
scarce and dashed into the basement. She closed her eyes and concentrated, her hay suit should be five
paces in front of her. She went forward and picked it up. The exit hole should be in the left corner of the
room. She trotted over and grabbed empty air while looking for the handle. She found it just in time as
she heard noises from above and hurried steps down the basement stairs. She couldn’t make out what
they were saying, she was too focused on getting out. She finally found the metallic handle and yanked
it open.

Pinkimena threw the hay suit in front of her and hopped out. She then closed the opening and leaned
against as it closed. She could hear Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight get downstairs. They began to argue.
But Pinkimena heard Twilight scream something and then it was silent. A minute later, Pinkimena heard
the front door of Sugar Cube Corner open. “Twi’, are you sure you oh’kay?”

“Yes. I just, could’ve sworn…” Twilight sounded like a frustrated kid that cried wolf.

“We’re all tired honey. I’m sure I just caught a quick glimpse of a shadow or something. Don’t worry
about it.” Rarity’s soothing voice calmed Twilight.

The voices trailed off and Pinkimena started to breathe normally again. That was too…

“Hey Balloons! What cha doin’?” A cheerful voice called out. Pinkimena almost leaped out of her skin
and found that Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle trotted over to her.

“Oh uhhh…” Pinkimena blushed a shade of red. What the heck was she supposed to say? I’m really
Pinkie Pie and I came back to observe the Fallout I caused. Scootaloo is not dead. She is just a psychopath
like me now. Haha! Who wants cupcakes? “I’m trying to figure out where I go to find Scootaloo’s grave.”
Pinkimena face hoofed, she really should have just picked her first response. At least she knew where
the conversation would go from there.

Apple Bloom looked at Sweetie Belle. Pinkimena didn’t know what to make of their expressions. Angry?
Confused? Sweetie Belle just nodded and Apple Bloom turned back to Pinkimena. “Sure! The graveyard
is this way! Follow us!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle then turned around and trotted off. Pinkimena
could only follow.


“Scootaloo? Why are you doing…” Oak Syrup, still chained up and attached to the wall, stared at the
orange pegasus.

“Will you shut up for a moment?! Please! I don’t know why I did what I did either!” Scootaloo just came
down stairs and began to pace. She needed someone to talk to, bounce ideas off of, even though they
were all about her.

“If you just let me go…” Oak Syrup pleaded. But they both knew that option would go nowhere.

“Look stupid. I can’t just let you go. Now do I kill you?” Scootaloo watched Oak Syrup furiously shake her
head. “Do I keep you down here until Pinkimena gets back?” Oak Syrup didn’t respond to this option. A
full moment of silence passed between them. Suddenly, Oak Syrup broke the silence,

“Is this because I began to hang out with Pinkimena and she wasn’t hanging out with you?” The brown
pony inquired.

“NO! I am not jealous! Of you!? Pfft! Me and Pinkimena have been through so much! Why would she be
best friends with you?”

~Because tons of reasons. You’re an extra mouth to feed, you complain too much, you’ve been bugging
her about a certain activity you’re not sure if she want to do anymore, you don’t do anything to help
with the food situation, and you cause her more stress. She’s always worrying about you. Maybe you
should run away….~

“Scootaloo? I wasn’t implying anything…” Oak Syrup then struggled as Scootaloo forced a ball gag into
her mouth. Scootaloo then went upstairs, whipped up a quick salad, came back down stairs, and placed
it down in front of Oak Syrup. She eyed the salad as soon as Scootaloo set it down. Scootaloo loosened
some of the chains and she heard Oak Syrup collapse on the floor.

Scootaloo turned back to Oak Syrup who hastily removed her ball gag and threw it to the side. She
devoured the salad quickly. But Scootaloo didn’t stick around to watch, she simply went upstairs into
her bed room and lay down on the bed. Who was that voice? And why did it scare her so much?


Pinkimena continued to follow the two fillies. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were leading her to a part
of Ponyville she wasn’t familiar with. “So…” Pinkimena broke the silence between them. “What is this
Rainbow Celebration all about?”

There was a nervous shuffling between Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. And Pinkimena heard them both
argue in whisper, “You tell her!” “No! You tell her!”

Apple Bloom eventually sighed and turned to Pinkimena, walking backwards. “The Rainbow Celebration
is remembering this one pegasus that could perform the Sonic Rainboom.” Pinkimena felt her heart
drop into her stomach. Perhaps she should have just kept quiet.

“Yeah, her name was Rainbow Dash.” Sweetie Belle joined in on the conversation. “But we also take
this time to remember our other friends. Like Scootaloo!” Pinkimena could feel the question about to be

“So, how do you know Scootaloo?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Oh. I…. uhhh, met her one day when I was throwing a party.” Pinkimena began to make up. “Umm,
I was throwing a party and it was for Scootaloo! We invited ever pony around and I didn’t even know
Scootaloo at the time. It was to welcome her to Ponyville and not a lot of ponies showed up, but we
ended up being good friends.” Pinkimena finished.

“That’s weird, Pinkie Pie did that same thing for Scootaloo when she arrived in Ponyville.” Sweetie Belle
stated accusingly. Pinkimena nervously glanced between Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“You would have liked Pinkie Pie.” Pinkimena and Sweetie Belle turned to face Apple Bloom. “She used
to throw parties too.” Sweetie Belle nodded and it appeared that the topic was dropped.

“So do you guys miss Scootaloo?” Pinkimena asked.

“Yeah…” Apple Bloom’s voice trailed off. Sweetie Belle cleared her throat.

“She’s not dead.” Sweetie Belle spoke. Pinkimena raised her eyebrow in question. “Tell her Apple

“We saw Twilight Sparkle cast a spell on a ponykin to look like Scootaloo.” Apple Bloom explained
somberly. “We know she is still out there somewhere. What do you think Balloons?” Apple Bloom asked
with big eyes.

“Well… I…” Pinkimena looked deep inside her. “She is alive. Knowing her, she probably fought
Pinkimena off with all the strength in those small wings of hers.” Pinkimena stated. She then looked at
Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, both whom looked content with that answer. Pinkimena realized she
slipped up. They didn’t know Pinkie Pie’s real name, but they didn’t mention anything, so they probably
didn’t catch it.

“Well, here we are.” Sweetie Belle announced. They stopped in front of a set of black gates. The arch
way in front of them had incredible sense of dread and despair. It was as if walking through those gates
were a portal to the Spirit World itself. “You’ll find Scootaloo’s grave next to the giant Pegasus Statue.”
Sweetie Belle pointed forward.

Pinkimena was about to go inside, but then looked at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “Umm, thank you.
I appreciate your help.” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom nodded in understanding.

“Don’t worry about it P-alloons.” Apple Bloom waved her hoof at Pinkimena. “Hopefully we see you at
the Rainbow Celebration?” Pinkimena blushed a little, ashamed that she has to lie.

“Yeah! Of course I’ll be there.” Pinkimena smiled. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom smiled back and then
began to trot away.

“Bye Balloons!” Both fillies called back. Pinkimena walked into the graveyard and set out to search for
Rainbow Dash’s grave.


“So, should we tell Twilight?” Sweetie Belle asked as both of them approached Ponyville.

“No. Zecora didn’t tell them, so I trust in Zecora.” Apple Bloom spoke.

An awkward moment of silence has passed.

“She looked different….”

“It also seems that Scootaloo might still be alive.”

Both fillies raised their heads and looked at each other in this revelation. With such great news they had
a little bit more hop in their steps that day.


Pinkimena felt chills rush through her body. Was this the reason why she was here? Because her heart
literally felt like it was going to explode out of her chest. That feeling of attraction from earlier was
tugging her forward.

As she walked through the graveyard, she couldn’t help but notice all the names on the graves. All of
them were victims of becoming a cupcake. Pinkimena could never remember Ponyville with a graveyard.
Did they create one because of her?

I mean sure, they had one, but it was never anything big like this. Pinkimena then saw it, in the middle
of all the tombstones laid a tomb with a huge rainbow colored pegasus next to a yellow pegasus, both
statues look like they are flying towards the sky.

Pinkimena ran forward and got to the monument. She tried to look at the flower in her hair. She
removed the flower with her hoof and dug a small hole by the monument. She planted the flower
and sighed. Was that it? Was that the end of this journey? That feeling of attraction has disappeared.
Pinkimena then looked up at the statues.


Fluttershy wasn’t invited to Pinkie Pie’s little shin dig with Rainbow Dash. But Fluttershy is the element
of kindness and decided to visit Pinkie Pie with some cupcakes she tried making. Fluttershy wasn’t the
greatest baker, so she was hoping to ask Pinkie Pie for tips.

Fluttershy found the door creak open right before she was to knock on it. She peeked her head in and
called out. “Hello?” It was dimly lit in Sugar Cube Corner. Perhaps no one was home? But FLuttershy
didn’t mind, she would just wait for Pinkie Pie to get back.

She walked down the hallway and saw a light flooding out into the hallway from a room down the hall.
She trotted over to it and saw a familiar blue flank standing in front of a mirror. “Oh! Rainbow Dash!
Have you seen Pinkie Pie? I wanted to ask her about some baking advice…” But Fluttershy froze from
shock as the rainbow colored mane turned around and Pinkie Pie’s face replaced Rainbow Dash’s.

Pinkimena worked quickly and managed to get Fluttershy knocked out and tied down. But in
Pinkimena’s rush, the knots were not tight enough. But she only escaped after about ten minutes of
struggling. And by that time, Pinkimena made quick work of Fluttershy. Pinkimena’s blood still rushing
from Rainbow Dash’s ‘party’. So when Fluttershy escaped, she was on the edge of death.

She limped to Twilight Sparkles house and collapsed when she opened the door. Twilight Sparkle wasn’t
expecting anything like this to happen and when she asked who did this to her, the answer caused
her to lose it for just a moment. And that moment of daze was all Pinkimena needed to escape with
Scootaloo. And also in this moment of daze, Twilight didn’t call the medic ponies immediately.

And Fluttershy was no longer with Twilight Sparkle.


Pinkimena sat against the stone cold grave and could only breath. Her mane was incredibly flat and gray.
Why did she do it? Why…

“Boring. All you’ve done since you left Neigh Village was ask yourself why you did it. Perhaps you should
focus more on the problem at hand…. How are you going to approach your friends?” A familiar sounding
voice pierced Pinkimena’s thoughts. The voice sounded just like… how she used to sound like… when
she was Pinkie Pie.

“Wh-who’s there?” Pinkimena stuttered out, looking around, panicked.

“I will leave that for a surprise. Now. Let’s get back to your problem. First of all, do you think it was wise
to leave a trigger happy Scootaloo at home?”

“I left her note.” Pinkimena whispered to herself.

“Well, hate to inform you, but she saw the note, AFTER she dominated Oak Syrup.” The voice stated
matter of factly. Pinkimena stood up right away. But before she could move an inch, the voice boomed
out. “Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down there, another few more hours aren’t going to hurt. Scootaloo is
right now just taking care of her, unsure of what to really do.”

“I need to get back to her!” Pinkimena called out.

“Hold on there, pony. Have you not been listening? You need to think about your friends first…’

“Scootaloo is my friend…”Pinkimena defended herself.

“You’re other friends jack ass.” The voice spoke in an annoyed tone.

“What other friends? I don’t have any other friends…”

“You are not a good listener, are you? Don’t you remember what Zecora told you?” The voice cleared
its throat. “Remember what I said, your friendship isn’t dead.” The voice then went back to its cheerful
state. “Let’s try a different approach… What would you say to Twilight Sparkle if you came face to face
with her right now?”

“Who are you? How long have you been spying on me?” Pinkimena ignored the question and asked the
unknown being in a panicked voice.

“Ugh. You’re not really helping.” The voice sounded annoyed once more. Silence passed, Pinkimena
stayed quiet, making no comment. “Fine. I’ve been spying on you…” The voice cleared its throat.
Pinkimena looked around. The voice sounded close. “Forever.” A voice whispered into Pinkimena’s ear.
She jumped into the air in surprise and fell on her head. Pinkimena cleared the hair from her face and
saw a white pony with purple balloons as her cutie mark. Her violet eyes were friendly and loving and
her poofy yellow hair was bouncing up and down as the white pony hopped towards her. “Surprise! You

don’t remember me, but I’m Surprise!”

Pinkimena rolled onto her back and got up from the ground, dusting herself off. “Wait. Your name is
Surprise? What kind of name is an adjective?”

The white pony made a pouty face and asked back, “What kind of name is a color and a piece of
desert?” Hmmm… point taken. Pinkimena looked at the pony, remember? Have they met before?

“Yes we have met before,” Surprise read Pinkimena’s thoughts. “You may not… actually, you won’t
remember, but you and I decided that the world isn’t ready for two energetic ponies of our caliber. And
as such, you wanted me to go and I wanted you to go. After all, there was so much to experience in the
world, butI tricked you by making you go into development while I went to the Recycle Bin on Lauren
Faust’s desktop. Keeping up so far?” But Pinkimena was not keeping up. Wait, so… predevelopment,
some pony named Lauren Faust, (“She’s actually an alicorn Pinkie,” Surprise interrupted.) and they
talked while they were in development. This all sounded like common knowledge to Pinkimena, but she
couldn’t piece it together and thinking about it made her head hurt.

“Guh. You’ve become such a lightweight ever since that guy wrote the cupcakes fanfic.” Surprise face
hoofed and sighed. “Look, let’s get back on topic here. What would you say if you and Twilight met right
now and had a conversation?”

Pinkimena tried to think, but she wouldn’t even know what to say. Hey Twilight! Its me! Pinkimena the

“See. You’re going all about it the wrong way.” Surprise waved her hooves as if Pinkimena just
committed murder… oh wait. Surprise then started over for Pinkimena. “First, you gotta use an ice
breaker to… well… break the ice. ‘So Twilight. How’s the weather been in Ponyville?’ Of course don’t
expect a positive response. In fact, don’t be too surprised if she throws a fireball at you first. That is a
normal reaction for girls. Trust me.”

Surprise then pulled out a pair of black shades. “I’m a doctor.”
Pinkimena couldn’t help but think, was this how every pony felt when they talked to her? She couldn’t help but feel lost as Surprise spoke. She could understand what she said, but she didn’t understand what she meant. “But… does she even want to see me?” Pinkimena asked out loud.
“Hmph. Do you want to see them?” Surprise crossed her hooves and lowered her head in disappointment, as if the answer was so obvious.
“I-I-I don’t know.” Pinkimena admitted. She had this attraction here and she didn’t know what caused it. Did she really want to see her old friends? Pinkimena looked to Surprise for an answer. But the white pony just shrugged her shoulders.
“To be honest, I’m kinda surprised myself you came back, and my name’s Surprise!” The white pony waved her hooves in the air. “But I also felt your attraction to Ponyville. It’s not something natural, that’s for sure.” Surprise then looked past Pinkimena, at something far behind her, for when Pinkimena turned around, nothing was there. “Well, I think you need to answer that question, and soon.” Surprise spoke in a different tone, a mix between hyperactive and serious concern.
Pinkimena looked down at the ground and kicked a nearby pebble. Surprise hopped over to Pinkimena and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “I do want to see them.” Pinkimena answered. “But only if they want to see me.” Pinkimena said. “I don’t want to cause them anymore pain. I have already done enough…”
“I disagree. You haven’t even reached your maximum yet. Maybe you’re minimum, but there’s still so much you can do!” Surprise interrupted Pinkimena’s rant. “And you know it.” Surprise smiled, with her eyes wide, in Pinkimena’s face. Pinkimena couldn’t help but feel a little violated. “But I guess that will have to do. Look, I have to go, I can’t have any pony seeing me,” Surprise’s wings reflexively stretched out. “Well, except for you, which I’m sure Celestia is going flip her shit when she finds out what I did. Do you know how hard it is to break the dimension barriers? It is not an easy task. But you were able to do it with such ease, you were clearly more qualified than I…” Surprise began to rant while looking up into the sky. Pinkimena could only remember fragments of what Surprise talked about. All of it was very unclear, like looking through stained glass. Surprise turned back around and simply sighed, recalling one last good time they had together. “Well, I gotta head back. I promise to bring some ponies you know next time. I’m sure you would like to talk to them and catch up. Well seeya Pinkie Pie!”

Surprise, without warning, jetted off into the air and then… poof. She disappeared, as if she teleported somewhere. But nothing warned anyone of her teleportation, she simply poofed into thin air. Pinkimena stared at the empty space Surprise
disappeared into. “AH!” Pinkimena jumped back in shock, seeing Surprise’s head come out of nowhere.

“One more thing Pinkie, what kind of cupcakes do you like?”

“Oh. Umm, any is fine. I only don’t like oatmeal.” Pinkimena answered.

“Ok. Cool. Also, Twilight Sparkle is here!” Surprise pointed behind Pinkimena and stuck her tongue out, then she disappeared one last time. Pinkimena tried jumping after Surprise, but went right through… whatever Surprise jumped into, and into the tomb of Rainbow Dash. Pinkimena could see stars and slowly got up. She rubbed her head in pain, that was going to hurt for a while. And Surprise wasn’t kidding.

“Pinkie?” That adorkable voice. Smart, intelligent, but dumb and ignorant at the same time. Pinkie turned to her left and there was Twilight Sparkle, emerging from the shadows. Twilight Sparkle stopped the sight of Pinkimena. Twilight paused to take a deep breath. She closed her eyes, then reopened them, as if checking that this wasn’t a dream or a figment of her imagination. “Is that really… you?” Twilight asked. Pinkimena was unsure if that was, hope or disbelief that crept into Twilight’s voice.

“My name isn’t Pinkie. It’s Pinkimena.” The pink pony corrected her. She wasn’t exactly thrilled to see Twilight, but she didn’t mean for it to come out so heartless. Twilight flinched, unsure of what to say next. Pinkimena then turned around and looked Rainbow Dash’s tomb.

“How long has it been?” Pinkimena spoke. She knew exactly how long it has been, but she just wanted to talk.

“One year Pinkie. But you already knew that.” Twilight spoke. Pinkimena felt the lavender pony’s glare. A moment of silence passed.

“My name’s not…”

“How could you do it?” Pinkimena and Twilight spoke at once, but Twilight’s voice overcame Pinkimena’s whimper. Pinkimena turned her head and looked at Twilight. Her eyes were tearing up, her legs were wobbling. “How could you kill all those ponies?”

“I… I don’t know…” Pinkimena stuttered back, avoiding eye contact.

“Didn’t you know that every pony cared for you?! They all depended on you! Why Pinkie?”

“Because I enjoyed it!” Pinkimena screamed back. Twilight stopped, shocked by the answer. “I felt in control. I enjoyed the power. But…” Pinkimena took a deep breath, “, don’t think that I don’t regret what I’ve done.” Pinkimena’s eyes glazed at the tomb behind her. “I miss… her,”

“Rainbow Dash?” Twilight clarified.

“No. Bloomberg.” Pinkimena rolled her eyes.

“But Bloomberg is in Appleoosa. Also he’s a guy.” Twilight tried reasoning out. Pinkimena growled in annoyance.

“I was being sarcastic.” Pinkimena spoke.

“Oh.” Was all the book worm said.