> My Little Journey to Equestria > by Balareth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - The Fallen Star > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The universe is infinite, what it means a large variety of many reflexions to our kind, while the Earth was afraid of the creatures of distant planets the rest of them were in the same position with us. My name is Magragor, i have worked for the NASA for the last ten years, it wasn't hard until now. The year is 4270, the age of our possible extermination. I saw on the news that a gigant asteroid was going to destroy the earth and our only hope was someone who can fly a spaceship and blow the target using explosives, the problem was that the asteroid was very far from our planet, the radars detected the thing and it was increasing it's speed so we have one week before the asteroid crashes with the earth. There was another problem: anyone who accepted the mission, was not be able going back, times were hard and we couldn't produce enough fuel for return, so this was a suicide mission literally. However i accept the mission for the sake of the human kind, all the people puts their hopes in me and the World Leaders told me that i'm gonna be remember for this. When the day have finally arrived, i said goodbye to my family and friends, even if they were trying to convince me to stop this crazy idea, but i was sure that, was my destiny to save human kind, later, i put on my suit and board the ship ready for whathever i faced, i was not afraid to die, the world needed me. I left the Earth at midnight, the media witnessed the launching of the spaceship and the people of the world were praying for the success of this mission and i was not going to disappoint them. After a few hours i finally reached the asteroid, for my surprize, it was bigger than i thought, so i quickly planted the bomb and escaped from the explotion, the asteroid was completely destroyed, the mission was a triumph. Wow! i never felt so good in my life like this moment, i saved the human kind from extintion but i knew i will die in the middle of nowhere . However yet i can distinguish another planet a few miles away and i have enough fuel to reach to it's atmosphere, if there was a little chance to survive in that planet i'm gonna take that risk! I travel so desperate towards that planet, but i began to lose control of my ship as soon as i entered the atmosphere, i saw a blue sky, more intense than usual in Earth, i also saw some kind of village, a castle and a forest where i was fallin. The ship crashed on a swamp, luckly for me i only got some scratches. After analyzing the zone i realized that the air was safe, so i took off my suit and whatched my surroundings: it was a place of complete silence and a peace almost impossible to find in my twisted world, the sunlight barely reached the ground gently, and the sweet smell of grass mixed with rainwater that possibly fell before my arrival calmed me down. For an instant i felt in Paradise in a sweet ilucion, only allowed me to enjoy more the silence and calm to refresh my ideas, because i'ts better to be patient and analyze things better. In the middle of my break, a strange being approached me, it looked like zebra but it was... diferent: it's eyes were bigger than usual and were blue, there was a few rings on it's neck and ears and it was a strange tatoo on it's flanks, like a spiral sun. "Who are you who came from the sky and it's just sitting by?" The zebra asked me. I was scared to death! i couldn't believe it! a talking zebra? "I... i am... i am Magragor, space pilot from the Earth, i come in peace. I don't want any trouble, my ship crashed here and i don't have place to go. Can you help me?" I asked. "fear not stranger," said the zebra. "i'll help a strange being for i found you an interesting thing". The zebra and i walked through the forest for over twenty minutes watching the woods, breathing clean and cold air, the creatures that hid among the threes were strange but facinating. "What's your name?" I asked as we keep walking. "Zecora," she said. "This is a dangerous place stranger, the beasts here attack with anger" I was about to ask her why she spoke with rhymes but i'don't wanted to bother her. "Well... ah... nice to meet you Zecora!" I said nervous. "And would you like to tell me where i am?" "In Evefree Forest you are, my home is not so far," said Zecora. We finally arrived at a hut, inside had masks, pottery and ceremonial objects, it was like staying with a witch doctor's house, but it was cozy though. Zecora gave me a strange drink, it was grey and smell awful, it looked suspicious. "Are you not going to drink my potion?" Asked Zecora. "i'm not sure," i said distruted. "What if this thing is poisoned?" "It will help you to heal your wounds," said Zecora with a smile. "Drink it and you will feel good once more". I figued i had no choice, so i drank the potion fearing for my life, yuck! It tasted horrible! But, suddenly, my scratches disappeared and i felt full of energy again but, How could it be? A talking zebra helped me, and i don't know how to thank her. "Do you feel better now?" Zecora asked. "Yeah i guess, ahm... thank you Zecora," i said to her. "Don't thank me stranger" said Zecora. "Do you know someone who can teach me about your planet?" i asked. "That knowledge i do not know, for Celestia's place you have to go," said Zecora. "Celestia?" I asked. "Is she the leader?". "She is the princess of Equestria," said Zecora. "She can aid someone like you, take the west route, in Ponyville you must go". "I will never forget this Zecora, i'll be forever grateful to you," i said to her with a smile. So i left Zecora's place satisfied, walking thorugh the forest i checked my compass and i went to the west as Zecora said, the day was getting darker and i need to find Poniville as soon as possible. Thanks to a few lights on the distance i finally found Poniville, It was a huge village full of ponies! I could not believe it! all those ponies had different colours! Some of them had wings but others had horns like unicorns, What is this strange place i was? Have i gone crazy? I only needed answers and this "Celestia" could help me. So my journey to Equestria began. > Chapter 2 - A new and bizzarre world > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I continued walking through Poniville. the night sky was more brighter than the Earth, and i liked the stars who were more numerous than my planet, it was as if the clouds had frosty the sky, the stars had different colours, i had to admit it: it was a beautiful planet. The ponies were frightened as soon they saw me and ran to their homes, it was obvious, they never saw a human in their entire lives and i was an alien for them, that situation couldn't help me because all of them were to scared to talk to me, so i kept walking looking for someone who can take me to Celestia even if i knew that no one wanted to help me. Soon i arrived into a really big tree, but this one had windows and a door, like if someone was living there, i came closer to that bizarre tree house and i heard a very cute voice saying: "alright Spike, take note: Dear Princess Celestia, today i learned a very valuable lesson...". She knew something about Celestia! I watched through the window and i saw a purple mare, an unicorn, and a little lizard writing something with a quill in a parchment, maybe the words that the unicorn was telling to him. Suddenly the lizard saw me and ran scared into the unicorn's flanks. "Twilight! There's something outside and it's watching us!" "Don't worry Spike, i'll check it out," said Twilight. I just can't hide, i must show myself and ask for help so i kept stand and waited for her reaction. When she opened the door and stared at me, she was surprised for a moment but then she looked me with curiosity perhaps waiting some move of my part. "Hello there, are you Twilight?" i asked. "Yes, Who are you?" Twilight asked. "My name is Magragor," i said. " i'm from the planet Earth, I come in peace, i don't want any trouble, my ship crashed near here and im completly lost, the zebra told me that i must find Celestia because she is the only one who can help me" "The Zebra?" Twilight asked "You mean Zecora". "That's right, the zebra who talks with rhyms" "Yeah i know her, Please come in!" Twilight said inviting me to her home. the door was a little small for me, yet i could enter, once inside i felt the ambience, Twilight's house smelt nice, there were a large amount of books and a telescope, she was a scientist? Perfect! maybe she could answers some questions i have. "You got a nice place Twilight, very nice house," i said. "Thank you and by the way, How did you know my name?" Twilight asked. "Well i heard the lizard calling you Twilight so i think that you must be Twilight," I said. "Wait dude! I'm not a lizard! I am a dragon!" Said Spike a little upset. "i'm sorry buddy i just couldn't figure out what exactly you were," i said. "it's okay Magragor," said Twilight. "Princess Celestia will be please to see you, and i, well, i have many questions for you, but, i think it's not the time for that. Spike, take note! "Dear Princess Celestia, today i found an interesting being from another world and he's now in my house asking for you, he want to see you urgently, your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle"". When the letter was finished, Spike took it and burned with some kind of green fire, the ashes blown away from the window, i holded up the questions, if that was the way they send letters i'm okay with that, someday i hope to know all the secrets of this place. Later that night Twilight received a letter, it was Celestia herself, Twilight read the letter without letting me to see it, she saw me and smiled. "You can stay with us until she came," said Twilight. "Im sure she can do something for you Magragor". Twilight brought a pillow and some blankets but, for my surprise, They were shining in a purple light and levitating! When i saw Twilight's horn i noticed that the horn was shining as well. "I'm sorry Magragor," said Twilight. "but you have to sleep on the floor, i have no other place for you to sleep". "I'ts okay Twilight," i said. "i don't want to bother you, by the way, did you do that?" "Do what?" Twilight asked. "That! moving objects without touch them is amazing!" I said. "Many scientists of my planet have descarted the existence of telekinesis and now you have prove me that indeed it is real!" Twilight and Spike stared at me very surprised, maybe TK is one of the most common thing in this crazy planet, and looks like Twilight wasn't the only one who have many questions on her head, still, we were very tired and need some sleep. I was very excited, not only i found life in another planet but i was living with them, smart and noble creatures. i tried to sleep in the living room with my head full of ideas, ideas that i won't answer until i finally meet Princess Celestia so i slept with a huge smile on my face waiting for tomorrow. Morning, i woke up and what i saw? Five other ponies talking with Twilight! they had different colours and marks of their flanks, one of them must be Celestia. "Magragor," said Twilight. "I want you to introduce you my friends, they're here to meet you," Twilight said pointing her friends. "This is Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy" "Nice to meet everyone or should i say, everypony" i said trying to be friendly. "You came from another planet? How is it? Are they friendly there? What is a planet?" Pinkie Pie said very happy, i never saw someone full like energy like her. "Wow! you must have some powerful wings to fly over here!" Rainbow Dash said, i guess that she is the tough one by the way she was looking me. "Oh well dear! you must have so many things to tell us! like what kind of dresses your people wear!" Rarity said, a unicorn concerned to high fashion and style. "Nice to met ya! i'm so excited to meet friendly creatures from the other side!" said Applejack, a pony with a cowboy hat. "Nice to meet you Mag... i... i hope you're okay" said Fluttershy, I never saw someone so insecure and shy in my life! The ponies and i kept talking about my life and my planet as much as i did asking for so many things i saw on Equestria so far, they were very friendly with me and i was trying to explained how did i got here until Celestia came, she was bigger than the rest of ponies, white skin, using a horn and wings at the same time and her mane was long and shining with three different colours. "Princess Celestia!" said the six ponies. "He is the stranger?" said Celestia. "Yes Princess," said Twilight. "he came here from a very far planet and he needs your help". "Your Majesty," i said trying to be respectful, because she is a princess after all. "Twilight said you came from another world and you need my help, am i right?" "Yes Your Majesty," i said. "i'm lost here and i can't return to my home so i was wondering if i can stay with you for a while". "i think that you better go with me in my palace so you can tell me the details," said Celestia. "That would be an honor Your Majesty". i said. Later i was flying very high, riding on a armoured pegasus, i guess he was one of the Royal Guard of the princess, the sensation of flying was nice, but i was scared in that moment, a few minutes i saw the castle, it was big and imponent, i was sure that the princess would help and now i wonder What plans have the princess with me, a really weird specie trying to fit in a world of talking ponies? and most important how is gonna be the future with me if i could stay in Equestria?