Dick'd filly

by Feelsbadbro1337

First published

A filly asks some random stallion named Ponyfeathers how to grow a dick.

An average stallion is spending his day in the wonderful town of Ponyville, when a filly comes up to him and asks him how to grow a dick. Lels (Not really a clopfic, so if you're looking for something to fap to don't expect much lol.)

Aww Ponyfeathers!

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Ah, Ponyville. That place where the mane 6 secretly have orgies in Twilight's basement with dangerous and messed up machines, and where Lyra Heartstrings clops violently to human porn. But that's not what this fucking story is about. Here, we see an adventurous young filly trying to evolve into a colt by getting a dick to come out of her cunt.

It begins with a stallion named Ponyfeathers, who was currently sitting on a bench in Ponyville, minding his own damn business, when a filly walks up to him.

"How do I grow a penis?" She asks, cutely looking curiously at him. The stallion stares back in shock and confusion, not sure of what he had just heard.

"..Um.. what?"

"I said how do I grow a penis?? I see other fillies with them instead of just a thing with a bunch of holes-- when and how do I grow it??"

"...Listen kid, I reeeeeeeeally think that you should have this talk with your parents. Or maybe never; that's good too." The filly proceeds to frown.

"Well I taped one on me anyway. Does it look realistic enough??" She lays down on her back, spreading her legs, showing a piece of paper cut out and drawn to look like a dick taped on her vagina.

"Oh sweet merciful heaven!" The colt cries out in shock, turning his head away. "Kid, kid. Can you please sit up and stop showing that at me?" The filly only giggles in response.

"Hey you act funny when I do that!" She proceeds to try and shove it in his face, the stallion nearly falling off the bench.

"Hey hey hey!! Stop that! Not cool!"

"No I'm never gonna stop!" She giggles more, latching herself onto his neck. She proceeds to literally try and shove her cunt in his mouth, almost causing him to puke.

"I said STOP!" He grabbed her and forced her back on the ground, panting a tiny bit from the ordeal. "Okay, kid, seriously. Stop that! There is a very special place that people who do that kind of thing to, and it's called

"Hey my uncle lives in prison! He says he gets raped in the ass every single night!" She proceeds to frown. "What does that mean?"

"Oh come on." The stallion replies, rubbing his face. "You're joking right? Tell me you're joking."

"No I'm not! C'mon just tell-me tell-me tell-me!"

"...Just how old are you? Actually tell you what, kid. Take your age, triple it, then add five."

"Um..... how do I do that? That seems hard." She frowns.

"How old are you?"

"Um...... I'm just seven, okay?"

"Okay. Take seven, and seven, and seven, and five. What do you get?"

"Uh..... I think...... 42? No wait is it 1887? 26? Why are you even telling me to do this?"

"Because I will make you this promise, kid. When you turn 26, I promise to tell you aaaaaaall about penises, prison, and your uncle."

"No I'm not waiting that long!" The filly replies, frowning. "Tell me nowwwwww."

"If you wait until then, I'll... uhhh.... give you an ice cream? With sprinkles?"

"I can just get my fillies to do that for me! Actually you know what I'll ask some other pony who isn't stupid like you." She proceeds to run off, the stallion sighing in response.

"...I hate kids, I really do.." He stays silent for several seconds, before coming to a realization, quickly standing back up. "Hey kid! Wait up!" He looks around, only to find she's long gone. "Aww Ponyfeathers!" He proceeds to trot off in her direction. "Kid? KID??? WHERE THE--"

"Yeah?" He heard a voice respond behind him, sounding like a colt this time. He looks behind him, to indeed see a small colt.

"You see a filly run through here recently?"

"Um... no. But I need to ask you something."

"Look, sorry but I don't have time for that. I need to find that filly and--"

"Why is it when I play with my penis it gets hard? The same thing happens when I think of boobies and some other filly. I read about masturbating but I did that for twelve hours yesterday and nothing happened, except now my penis hurts really bad and it's bleeding a little. What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" He asks, interrupting the stallion.

"I.. What?? What is wrong with you kids!? Listen, talk to your parents. Understand me? Par-ents." He replied. "And maybe a doctor! That ain't right!" He starts quickly trotting off again, the colt following him.

"Fine but can you at least tell me if my penis is alright?" The colt proceeds to walk in-front of Ponyfeathers, lying down and spreading his legs, revealing his shrimp kid dick. It has scabs and remnants of blood on it, along with very red and irritated skin from all the friction of jerking off. The stallion just averts his eyes, trying hard not to look at it.

"No kid, that ain't right. You aren't okay. Now be a good little pony and take.... that to a doctor." He shudders. "Or maybe a surgeon."

"Yeah, but--" The colt's response is cut off as he suddenly screams in pain. Shocked, the stallion quickly turns to look at him, seeing the filly from earlier trying to rip off his dick.

"THAT PENIS IS MINE!!" She screams, trying to rip it off with her hooves.

"Kid! Seriously stop that! Stop trying to do that to.. other kid!" He starts charging over to them, the colt managing to push the filly off. Upon making it to them, he finds the filly staring at the colt's dick, which is now erect. Then her ears perk up, seeming a little shocked.

"It's that feeling again! And this time I know what to do! Maybe it'll give me a penis!" She starts rubbing her vagina violently with her hoof, the colt watching in awe at the filly.

"No no no no no no no no!" Ponyfeathers replies, grabbing the filly and pulling her away from the colt. "You are not doing this! Not here, not to me!"

"Noo no I need to see the penis more!" She responds, still violently rubbing her pussy, trying to get her eyes on the colt's dick.

"Why aren't there any adults in this backwards ass bumpkin town!?" The stallion exclaims, continuing to pull her away from the colt, trying to get her around a tree or bush; anything to cut off line-of-sight. The colt however starts following her, beginning to jack off at the sight of the filly rubbing herself, the two of them staring at each other's genitals.

"...You!" Ponyfeathers states, glaring at the colt. "You sit your ass down over there before I kick it up and out of your ears!"

"N-no... I don't want to do that.. this feels too g-good.." He responds, beginning to pant. Suddenly the filly starts looking excited, smiling.

"I-I think something is happening!" She says, rubbing much faster.

"Yes, you are getting me arrested if you don't stop!" Ponyfeathers responds, throwing the filly on his back and galloping away from the colt. The colt simply runs after him, still jerking off.

"No wai--"

"I FEEL IT!! I CAN FEEL THE PENIS COMING OUT FINALLY!!" The filly suddenly screams as she starts orgasming, rubbing her pussy so hard her hooves start to hurt.

"You're seven!!" Ponyfeathers responds, quickly rounding a corner, trying to lose the colt. By then he notices everypony, who had just happened to magically appear, is now staring at him, police sirens going off mere seconds afterwards. "I MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN HATE FUCKING KIDS!!!!! SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He drops the filly, starting to run as fast as he can. In the corner of his eyes he sees a police stallion running up to him.


"No! Arrest that kid! She's frakking pervert!"

"Bewl shit ya disgusting lyin fuck!!" The cop proceeds to fire a tazer at Ponyfeathers, stunning him and dropping him to the ground. In un-imaginable speed, he runs to the stunned stallion and hoofcuffs him.

"Yeah arrest that stupid colt! He never told me what being raped in the ass means!" The filly yells. The cop then shakes his head in disbelief.

"You weres gonna rape dat filly in da ass? You sick sick mother fucker."

"No! Her uncle! He's being raped in the ass!" Ponyfeathers starts to sob and twitch on the ground. "Where were you when she was trying to strangle my neck? Awwwww!!"

"You shut yo disgustin' pedo ass up nigguh. You goin' ta jail for lyfe punk." The cop grabs him forcefully, the filly starting to giggle.

"Haha! Now you're gonna get raped in the ass!"

"You are a very bad filly! A very, very bad filly!" Ponyfeathers responds, glaring at her. "And you're never going to get a penis because you're a damned girl!"

"Well duh! I'm a girl when I don't have a penis and a guy when I have these holey thingys! I'm not stupid!" She proceeds to look at her pussy, confused. "Hey where's my penis at? I felt it come out!"

Not knowing what else to do, Ponyfeathers looks at the cop. "Can I just have a word with her before I get hauled off to jail, please?" The cop looks at him, narrowing his eyes.

"Aw hell no." He punches him in the neck and tosses him in the police car, Ponyfeathers choking from the unexpected punch.

"I... I give up. I fucking give up." He replies, starting to tear up. As he looks out the window, he notices the colt had now arrived, who's still jacking off. In only the span of a few seconds, they both start to have rough sex. "... I hate kids." He declares, thunking his head on the window. "And I hate Ponyville."

The colt and the filly proceeded to live happily ever after. Until she got aids and the colt died from blood loss by all the cuts on his dick. The end.