> My New Life With Trixie > by Moniker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Meeting Every-pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My New Life With Trixie The Horseman Meeting Every-pony I grabbed my aching head. Or... I thought I grabbed my head. My hand repeatedly slipped off my throbbing head. "Ah, that hurt," I finally opened my eyes. It was bright day. My eyes squinted at the sudden bright sunlight. "OW," I blurted out looking away at the bright sun which I was right above. I got up quickly before opening my eyes. I slowly opened them. I saw Trixie on the ground. "Trixie!?" I tripped after my first step. "Huh?" I looked below me. Sure enough, I am a pony. Guess that explains my increased pain when I woke up and when I fell just now. I rubbed my new found pony forearm. Trixie groaned. Trixie spoke slightly distorted and muffled being on the ground. I chuckled at her muffled words. I knew I would go to Equestria but, well, this is just ridicules. I didn't expect I would become a pony. That actually never crossed my mind to be honestly. I sighed. "Oh hell, I'm a pony," I saw Trixie still sleep talking. "Mmm... Ms. Cake you've outdone yourself yet again," she spoke in her sleep. I chuckled at her. I fumbled to Trixie falling next to her. "Trixie, Trixie wake up," I nudged the blue mare. She rolled to her other side. Only giving am adorable moan. I sighed. Ugh... I have hard time getting her up yesterday. I nudged her again this time harder. "C'mon Trixie, ya gotta wake up," I spoke still bumping her. I sighed and looked over. We must've fallen into the park. I heard a crackly voice. It wasn't the voice of Rainbow Dash I knew that. "Hey, you, I haven't seen you around, are you new?" the female crackly voice asked. I nodded couldn't place my finger on it but that voice was one I heard before. I turned. "Oh, hi, eh... yeah, name's Gabe," I introduced myself to the magenta maned filly. "My name is Scootaloo," she held her head high proudly. I nodded. "Got it," I knew who she was but... I'd like just right now for Trixie to know I was a human before now. "Nice to meet you," I attempted to get up only to fail epically falling to the ground feeling a sharp pain on my horn. "Uh..." Scootaloo was at a loss of words. She glanced at my uh... flank. Her eyes of course lit up happily. "Join us!" she leapt on top of Trixie. That oddly didn't wake her. "Uh... what?" I to be honest knew what they were asking but... it was sudden. "Join the Cutie Mark Crusaders of course!" she shouted making me flinch. I fell to the ground... again. "Uh... I-I guess," I stuttered. An airy gasp left the filly's mouth she ran off happily. I sighed I looked back at Trixie. "Trixie, Trixie, c'mon Trixie, ya gotta wake up," I pleaded. I heard a groan I knew I was finally successful. She looked at me surprised to see I was a pony. "Whoa The Great and Powerful Trixie must've done something wrong," she said staring at me as a pony. "How do you feel?" she asked me. "Well, odd, I can't walk, I have to learn how to walk... again, I feel a migraine coming on," I rubbed my aching head. "That happens often for a child, and apparently new unicorns," she explained to me making me realize I am literally a child now, I don't know how to walk well, I have something child unicorns have oh man, and I am worthless. "Alright, I get it, I'll uh... learn how to walk," I sighed. "First, we need a house," I brought up wobbling on my four legs. She nodded. "Agreed, I guess, I could get my old house in Ponyville refurbished," she offered rubbing her head. "You used to live in Ponyville?" I asked I recall Trixie being more of a nomad. She nodded. "When Trixie was young, Trixie lived in a magic shop," she admitted very vaguely. I was happy to hear that we have a way to earn dollars eh... bits. "Care to tell me more?" I asked I was slightly intrigued she lived in Ponyville. She ignored the question and walked to the house it was pretty dusty, cobwebs everywhere, and looked black ashy almost. "Here it is," she smiled weakly she remembered all the good... and bad memories she had in here. "Nice place I'll give you that, let's refurbish this place," I was released from Trixie's magical aura; it was helping me walk. She lifted me up when I fell to the ground. "Maybe I should just call some ponies to help," she offered I agreed with that I don't think I can help much, you know, without magic or strength to walk. I chuckled embarrassingly. "Yeah," I said face berried in the dusty floor. "Trixie hoped she wouldn't have to have her help but..." she again was slightly vague but I knew who she was talking about. She levitated me alongside her. My migraines were just as unbearable now than before. A Pegasus hit Trixie by surprise which made her loss her magic control and dropping my; face first at that. The cyan Pegasus wiped off dust from her own coat. "Hehe, sorry," she said face away from Trixie. The mare turned to face her. Her embarrassed smile faded to a hatred frown. "It's you, what are you doing here?" she asked spite in her crackly voice. "Hello Rainbow Dash," she paused for a moment. She glanced at me I was face first in the ground. "Trixie, eh... I am helping out a friend, do you think you may help refurbish my old home in Ponyville?" she asked almost pleading. Rainbow was speechless the 'The Great and Powerful Trixie' is asking for help finally she answered. "Wait, did you say 'I'?" Rainbow asked shocked in she chose to speak normally. She nodded signaling she had. "Yes, I did, Trixie I still speak often, but, Trixie is holding back at that, Trixie eh... I need help, can you help?" she asked almost pleading... again. Rainbow sighed after answering. "I guess, nowhere is this friend?" she asked looking about the ground. Trixie pointed behind her. I was still face first in the ground... hardly moving at all. Rainbow picked me up and looked at me. "Well, your interesting, kind of cute too," I blushed at that and slapped her hooves away. "Thanks for getting me out of the ground, name's Gabriel, but you can call me Gabe," I thanked the rainbow maned mare. "No prob kid, name's Rainbow Dash," she looked back at Trixie. "So when should I start?" the rainbow mare questioned Trixie. "Just please for right now bring wooden boards," she asked of the mare. She nodded and flew off into the distance. We watched her fly off and we kept going. She lifted me up with magic and I floated alongside the blue mare. We ran into a pink blob. It was a pony; I knew what would happen next. "Hello," I spoke only for the mare to gasp and run off into the distance. “I knew that would happen," I spoke softly to myself. I looked back at Trixie who lifted me yet again after falling by the pink party mare running into me. I saw a white unicorn mare. I was forced to go over there. I was walking well, not walking I was moving my four legs as the magic pulled me closer. "Oh c'mon Trixie, not her," I sighed when I looked back the purple maned mare was looking at me. "Hello there darling, I must say I've never seen you before, my name is Rarity, you new to Ponyville?" she asked looking at the fact I have nothing on me. "Uh... you can say I'm new to Ponyville, name's Gabriel, but you can call me Gabe" I chuckled lightly. I felt a tear at my other forehoof. Rarity's magic was fighting over Trixie's magic. "Okay, OW, OW, OW, That hurts Rarity," I felt an even sharper pain in my forearms. Finally after another high pitched squeak on my part Trixie let go and let Rarity do what she does best... making dresses and suits. I was feeling a tear at my waist as she squeezed the measuring tape around my waist figuring out what size I was. I sighed. I just let her do whatever she wants. Finally she was finished. With a flick of her horn she made a suit that she thought fit me. Trixie took it and shoved it in her almost empty saddlebag. "Thank you, if you don't mind can you help us make refurbish our house, in Ponyville, we need wood so if you don't mind helping us out gather wood and bring it here, can you do that?" Trixie asked. Rarity shook her head. "I will not do that for such a... ruffian such as yourself," she raised her head. I sighed. I fell to the ground. "Can you help me then?" I pleaded looking at her she was above me. She thought for a moment. "I guess I can help a cute stallion like you, I'll gather wood," she sighed walking outside and into the woods. I looked at Trixie. She raised me with her magic. We walked the street. Trixie looked at me while walking. She ran into Twilight Sparkle. "Trixie, what are you doing here?" Twilight Sparkle asked seeing me for the third time face first in the ground. She groaned. "I need you... help," she paused for a moment she felt words catch in her throat. Twilight's jaw was agape she referred herself as 'I'. "You need my help?" Twilight cocked her head. She slowly and regretfully nodded. "Yes, we-" Trixie was stopped by Twilight Sparkle. Twilight with no warning covered Trixie's mouth. "We?" she was shocked did Trixie make a friend? She nodded and pointed at me. A groan left my lips it was muffled by the dirt I was falling on quite a lot. Trixie lifted me up out of the ground. The fall was not good for my migraines. I rubbed my head gingerly with my new found hoof. "Hi, name's Gabriel," I acted as though I didn't know the lavender mare. "I'm so sorry, you new to Ponyville?" she asked quizzically she had never seen me before. I shrugged. "Yeah, you can say that," I admitted a light chuckle left my mouth when remembering Pinkie Pie. She nodded a purple aura formed around her saddlebag; the flaps opened and a map was put in my eh... hooves. "Is this for me?" I asked figuring the answer being yes. "Of course, you need it more than I do, so, what do you need?" she asked. "We need help with hammering the nails, we're refurbishing Trixie's old house," I explained Twilight looking different than normal. "Okay, I'll see you there," Twilight chuckled and walked off. I was dumbfounded what was that? Who knows? We walked to the farm seeing Applejack... hard at work as usual. Her brother with her as well, it is also normal. Trixie sighed her magic wasn't taking any toll on her strength. That was odd... whatever. "Excuse me, could Trixie ask you something?" Trixie asked in her normal third person speech pattern. The orange earth pony twirled around. She sighed. "What is it Trixie?" she asked with annoyance clouding her voice. She looked away. She this time didn't lose focus. "Can you help us, me, Trixie, and this stallion; Gabriel," she pointed her hoof at me. AJ wondered if she should. She after a few moments of thinking agreed. "I guess what 'bout ya Big Mac?" AJ looked at her big brother. "Eeeup," he spoke in his iconic words. She nodded again. "I can help ya'll especially for some-pony as handsome and cute as ya are Gabriel," AJ pat my back. "See ya later Sugarcube, anyway, what do ya need meh ta do with meh brother?" AJ asked staring back at me. "We need wood," I answered watching the mare walk off her tail hitting my muzzle. I cleared my throat. "That... was... uh... weird," I blushed knowing something was wrong with that. I felt a sharp pain fill my body how? All that was there was Trixie's magic how did I feel pain? "We'll skip Fluttershy, she won't help us at all," Trixie kept me in the air. I agreed, in all honesty she wouldn't help at all. "Yeah," me and Trixie walked to the house. Every-pony that they asked for help was helping. After a while the town was helping one after another the entire town was picking up a piece of wood helping. To make me feel better Trixie told me I was 'supervising' I can't walk so you know how am I any help? I saw a light pinkish purple mare. I looked at her. She was taking a breather. "So... how are things coming?" I asked still feeling bad I can't help at all. The pinkish purple mare smiled at me. "It's going great, I don't think we've been properly introduced, my name is Ms. Cherilee, but you can call me Cherilee, Ms. Cherilee is just what my students call me," she explained I took Cherilee being her name. "Okay Cherilee, name's Gabriel, but, just call me Gabe," I shook hooves with her. My new found hoof was being led by Cherilee's. "I'm going to get back to work," she said getting up to get back to work. I felt slightly alone. No-pony was with me. Oh well, that's alright. Trixie walked to me. "Is everything okay Gabe?" she asked noticing the frown on my face. I shrugged. "I guess, I just feel bad, here you are refurbishing our house and here I am not doing jack," did I just say that? Geez I never say 'jack' again I shook my head. She pat my back to comfort me. "It's okay Gabe, you're doing something, you're supervising," she reminded. I rolled my blue eyes. "Yeah, that changes everything, by that I mean it changes nothing, you're supposed to be not doing the heavy lifting I am, but, I can't I just feel worthless," I frowned earning another pat on the back from Trixie. "Don't be sad, you'll be on your feet in no time just watch," she comforted that actually made me feel slight better. Finally we finished the building process. We walked (or... Trixie walked I floated) to Davenport's sofa and quill shop for the sofas and went down to 'Stable for Savings' for the beds, and other furniture. We walked in to both our surprise we walked in with some of the items we brought we were jumped by the pink party mare herself. "Hiyamyname'sPinkiePieIknewyouwerenewbecauseIknowevery-" I covered the mare's muzzle with my forehoof. "I know," I sighed taking my hoof away ever so slightly from the mare's mouth. "Were you surprised huh were you?" she asked leaping from one side to another of me. She suddenly stopped. "Hey, you are kinda cute," she admitted. With that I blushed slightly. "Eh... thanks," I said weakly walking alongside Trixie. I might just be getting the hang of this. I smiled as I walked weakly towards Trixie. I felt like a toddler when Trixie cheered for me. "Please Trixie, please don't cheer for me while we have company," I begged the light blue mare. She huffed. "Fine," she looked away from me. I smiled satisfied with she had agreed to stop. I walked slowly but surely to the stairs. I was unsure if I should walk up them, I don't have much confidence in myself. I know the party just began but, being a human one minute and being a pony the next minute. And it doesn't help that I am in a totally new place. What will happen tomorrow? With my new life with my new roommate Trixie. I guess I'll find out soon enough. I walked in; there sadly was only one bed, nothing else. Trixie followed closely. "This is not right," Trixie immediately spoke noticing the bed. I sighed I was too tired to go back to the store. "We'll just do that whole head to legs thing," I sighed. Mental note: Bring back the bed and replace it for two twin beds. I placed my head on the pillow it was heaven. Granted it was quite a while since I slept last and it's been a quite stressful day. My eyes shot open though the sound of the party downstairs. I didn't have the energy to walk downstairs and demand they go home. I grabbed the nearest pillow and shoved in on my face attempting to black the sound. It failed miserably. It was what 1:12 A.M. before the party stopped those ponies sure have a lot of energy. "This'll be fun to live with them," I told myself. Finally I drifted off to sleep. > School Day Make That a Bad Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My New Life With Trixie The Horseman School Day Make That a Bad Day I yawned as I opened my eyes to an unexpected sight. I fell out of bed my horn sparked a bright bluish yellow color. I always thought magic was the eye color. Oh well I don't give a crap anymore. I'm a pony now. "Trixie what the f*** are you doing we decided to do that 'head to feet thing didn't we!?" I hissed at the first person speaking pony. She shrugged her shoulders. "Trixie got cold," she explained in a weaker voice than normal. Well, she did just get out of bed. I sighed. My theories were getting stronger and isn't as farfetched. "Look I don't give a crap if you were I-I-I oh screw it, just don't do it again," I told her in a serious tone. I began to walk without thinking. Care to take a guess what I was walking like? I was pacing... again. After a while of pacing I approached Trixie as I noticed Trixie's gap jaw. "Uh... everything okay Trixie?" I asked taking note of her gap jaw. She nodded and pointed down to my hooves. "You're walking!" she exclaimed happily. I smiled gave a slight leap one that I didn't fall afterwards. "Hey, I can walk!" I smiled watching as Trixie bounced excitedly around me this was slightly out of character for her. I stopped her it was beginning to be weird. "Settle down," inside I was so excited I learned how to walk... again. To think I was pushed into walking by Trixie secretly cuddling with me. I shook my head as the thought went out one ear and out the other. I sighed. "Look, I'm going to get some coffee, you, you do whatever you do in the morning," I stretched my back. "Hold up there Mister," Trixie chuckled at me. My mane was puffy and long. I cleared my throat. "What is it Trixie?" I asked I was getting excited that now I can call by just 'Trixie' now that she and I are friendlier to each other. "You can't just go into town not knowing a thing about our society and our speech for example we do not say 'f***' we say buck," she gave an example. I don't like where this is going. I thought to myself before letting her keep talking. "You, Trixie is sorry to say must go to school in Ponyville," I frowned instantly with the words. I frowned at Trixie who held her head high in pride she is not lightening that is she? I rubbed my hoof in anger. "You have got to be kiddin' me, I am an um... I think full grown stallion I shouldn't have to go to school," I said basically proving her point while I stomped my hooves on the ground. I shoved her back. "That doesn't prove I have to go to school Trixie," I countered her sly smile. She actually swung her hoof at me! "Hey! What was that for!?" I wanted to punch back but... she is still a woman. "Just proving a point," she answered simply. I didn't question that afterwards I just crossed my hooves. I was admittedly immature crossing my hooves and sitting down. "Fine," I huffed, "wait, I don't have a saddlebag," I brought to her attention. She turned back. "Oh don't you?" she chuckled slightly levitating an object. I slapped my face with my newly acquired hoof. "First, OW, second, when did you get that?" I asked rubbing my aching head. Trixie pushed the magic to put pressure on me as the saddlebag dug into my uh... fur. I groaned. "Thanks a lot," I began walking downstairs. "No problem," she smiled widely. Obviously she doesn't understand sarcasm. I rolled my eyes after looking at the blue mare making something to eat for herself. Before leaving she looked at me. "Trixie understands sarcasm Gabe," she spoke with what I can guess would be a sly smile. I had no time to question how she knew she knew what I thought. "Bye, see you tonight Hon," I left only to open the door. "Pretend I never said that," I then closed the door in a loud slam. Trixie chuckled as she sired a pot of hay soup. "That's cute," she grabbed in her magic some sort of herb and put it in the pot. I looked at the clock tower. It's almost time for school. I heard a snobby, prissy, female voice. "Well, hello there sir, what's the rush?" she asked in honesty I think she was rushing too, her breaths were rapid and her breath was slightly short. I thought for a moment. "Uh..." I couldn't say what I was rushing for. She sooner or later walked off with her gray best friend. I should've known I'd run into her. I then remembered I was almost late for the first day of school. I might not like it but, well, I am not going to be late in a new life, not on the first day at least. I smiled evilly knowing I will skip class one day. I came to a halt as I ran into a mare, unable to stop in my new able to gallop hooves. The mare groaned face first in the ground. "Uh... are you alright Ms.?" I still recognized her but I didn’t want to admit it. The mare got up and shook her head shaking off the dirt on her face. "Yeah, I'm fine, my name is Cherilee, what's yours?" she asked she didn't seem to recognize me from before. "It's me Gabe, we met while you fixed up our house," I reminded the pinkish purple mare. She tapped my face for some reason. "Oh yeah, I remember you now," a blush formed on her face no doubt because she didn't recognize me. "So what are you doing here Gabe?" she asked me I was slightly off balance with my saddlebag on my back. "Well, I-I-I'm-" the pinkish purple mare cut me off. I was slightly glad for that. She smiled at me oddly warmly. "You're my new student... right?" she asked me I only nodded in response. Finally I spoke. "Yeah, it's sort of embarrassing," I rubbed my hair back and forth. She chuckled. "I swear, my students get younger and younger every year," she giggled but quickly stopped when seeing my frown. "Hey, it's alright, I'm that jerk of a magician Trixie had her reasons," she softened her voice. "Hey, for your information, she is not a jerk of a magician, she's a good roommate!" I felt something snap. She wiped her hoof along her face. "Now, no need to get so testy Gabriel," she said using my first full name. I breathed out. "Sorry, Ms. Cherilee, I-I felt I should correct your mistake," I didn't think of what I said. "Mistake, I hardly believe I made a mistake, she is your typical glory hog magician," she stood by her statement. "I am not wrong, you are!" I spoke aloud. That gained attention of the school fillies and colts. Words repeated though the entire argument 'fight, fight, fight,' after a while it did escalate to that. It wasn't good. I sat in the principal’s office next to Ms. Cherilee. We were pushing each other. The principle, Principle Arpeggio clapped his hooves. "That's enough, honestly, I've heard of some odd things but this? This is ridiculous, a teacher and a student fighting!" he hissed at us. At the same time we both said the same thing. "He/She started it Principle Arpeggio!" we both stated getting a silencing hoof in front of us. Soon enough Trixie walked in. "Oh you've gotta be kiddin' me Principle, you told Trixie," I saw the principle shrug his shoulders. "I'm sorry kid, but I had to, I had to contact your mother," he told me. My jaw dropped. "She's not my mom!" I hissed getting a frown from the already angry principle. Trixie sat next to me. The next thing really angered me. She pulled out a little towel. "Oh my, you got blood on your little cheeks," she wiped it off. I blushed though it was more from anger. "Quit it Trixie," I slapped her hoof away from my face. Trixie looked at me displeased. "Now, hold still," Trixie demanded. I disobeyed seeing the smug look on the principle's face. "She isn't really?" he chuckled. I looked at him angrily. "Keep this up and you'll need a trip to the emergency room old man," I held my hoof up to shake it at him. The principle was shocked at his new student's behavior. "Well..." he was speechless. I chuckled at his constant stuttering. "Speechless yes? Of course you are," I spoke not thinking of anything coming my way later. He in his eyes showed that I cornered him. "Well, that was really fast," I rolled my eyes. "Detention," he finally spat out. "After school detention for a month," he said at me. I huffed. I was silent the entire time and Cherilee as well. Me and Trixie walked back home I got a disappointed look. "What was that all about Gabe?" she wanted to know. I ignored the question and moved along the house finally sitting on the nice sofa from Davenport's shop. "Gabe what was that all about?" she asked a little more sternly. Like before I ignored it and shifted seats. "Gabriel! What was that all about?!" she finally snapped. That one I didn't ignore. "Ms. Cherilee made fun of you, mocking you, degrading you, while we fought she told me you were always kicked out of the towns, I know that's true, but... hearing it is even worse than just knowing," I could tell I touched her heart. After all, I was only protecting her reputation. "I understand Gabe, but, well, you can't just do that any day you want you know, besides you can go to jail for that," she reminded me. "You actually have a prison?" I asked intrigued that such a peaceful land has a jail. "Yes, we have a jail, now why don't you go to bed? I'll bring you dinner when it's ready, alright?" she offered I accepted the offer. I walked upstairs. "Doe s he feel the same?" she wondered. "Does he have feelings for me?" she pondered the answer. Is it true or false? She shook her head. "None the less, he shouldn't have hit some-pony," she felt happy for some reason. "Maybe he does feel the same way?" She again shook her head trying to get that thought out of her head. Why can't she get that thought out of her head it should be simple shouldn't it all it is, is a memory. > Magic Lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My New Life With Trixie The Horseman Magic Lesson Trixie still disappointed walked the stairs creaking with every step. She saw me walking around the room. "Settle down Gabe," she told me. "It's that I was sitting down almost all day," I explained seeing Trixie understood my issue. Trixie sighed. "Okay Gabe," she pat my back. I was glad she understands. "What now?” I asked her taking a bite out of my newly found tasty Dandelion sandwich. "Well, you can walk now, care to go out and buy some things?" she asked I knew she wanted me to. I nodded agreeing to go out to the store. "Okay Trixie," I took a list she gave me in my hoof. "You know, you're a unicorn, you can just hold it in your magic," Trixie spoke in a proud voice. I only shrugged. "I don't know magic," I reminded, "I've only just became a unicorn," I reminded her. Trixie nodded. "That's right," she spoke sheepishly, "Trixie forgot," she admitted still rubbing her back of her head. "I'm going out now, see ya later," I waved my ha... hoof. I looked upon the list it read: Hay Milk Haycon Carrots Oats Salad A new bed (or not) Apples An apple pie "Simple enough," I shrugged. "First, hay where do I buy the hay?" I pondered where to buy it. I stopped a pony. "Excuse me, where do I buy hay?" I asked the pony that I stopped. She looked at me. My teeth were off other than being the only pony that can actually tear meat it was also not brushed. "Well, by the looks of it, you need a trip to the dentist, my name is Minuette, but for some reason ponies keep referring to me as Colgate, I don't know why," she stroked her two blue colored mane. "Yeah, I wonder why," I teased the mare that was clueless. "Anyway, h-" I was dragged away by the blue mare. "This'll take only a moment," she smirked. I was set in a chair. "Hey, I only want to know where I can get hay!" I leapt out of the chair hissing at the pony in the process. "Hey, I can't let such handsome stallion have such odd teeth," Minuette pushed me back. I shoved her off me. "Look, I am not paying for this, these are just my teeth!" I stormed out the door with that. I sighed. "Where to buy hay?" I repeated to myself. "Hey, uh... Scootaloo!" I yelled waving at the magenta maned filly that stopped in front of me. Scootaloo smiled at me. "Hey Gabe, what's up?" she asked taking off her helmet. I sighed at first. "Do you know where to buy hay here?" I asked the little filly. She tapped her chin. She grabbed my shoulder and yanked me away. "Follow me," she spoke. She led me away from town. "Uh... where are we going Scootaloo?" I asked breaking the silence. Scootaloo stopped in front of Zecora's hut. "Here we are, the best place to get hay, Zecora's hut" she smiled happily. "Hey, but, we have a Cutie Mark Crusader meeting in a few minutes," she reminded me that I joined the CMC. "Right," I rubbed my head. I walked in with the magenta maned filly. "Who is it at my door why it is Scootaloo," she said out of her rhyming tone. "Hi Zecora, my friend Gabe here needs some hay," she smiled happily again. Zecora nodded. "Why here you go my friend," she spoke in her not natural rhyming voice. "So... I'll see you around," I spoke and walked out the door. I walked through to the edge of the forest. I despite my sneaky hope was spotted by Apple Bloom. "Hi there Mister, ya the new member?" she asked noticing the lack of a Cutie Mark on what is now called my flank. I sighed. "Y-Yes," I managed to get out. Like expected she yanked me to the clubhouse. three hours of crusading later. "So, ya any good at magic?" AB asked looking at me. "Me? Oh no, not at all," I admitted. Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. "It's easy, I started learning magic three days ago, I am learning from my sister!" her voice squeaked. I chuckled. "Good for you," I can't get over that voice. "I can show you how to perform a spell or two if you want," she offered I pondered the idea. I bit my lip. "Well, I am being given grief for not knowing even the simplest spells, so sure, what's the worst that can happen..." One hour of being taught magic later. "Well... that was something, at least you were able to teleport," Sweetie picked up a few pieces of loose wood that fell off the roof. Hopefully that wasn't important. "Yeah, maybe I'll get some-pony else to teach me," I began walking out. "I guess I better go too, Rarity is probably worried sick, I should've been home three hours earlier," Sweetie admitted she picked up her saddlebag which somehow was covered with tree sap though they weren't outside. "Yeah, I better go too aren't ya goin' ta come too Scoots aren't ya parents goin' ta worry?" Apple Bloom asked the magenta maned filly. Scootaloo nodded. "I'll be going soon," Scoots said, "you can go on," Scootaloo assured. It has been an hour I was watching Scootaloo she held out her hoof and sighed. I saw her grab a little blanket from her saddlebag. I pondered the idea. I shook my head to dismay it. I walked back home. "Where have you been?!" my supposed to be roommate yelled. "I-I didn't get the chance to go to the market, I-I was dragged by the Cutie Mark Crusaders around town," I explained to Trixie. She sighed. "Trixie was just worried," she admitted rubbing my mane I had a few loose pieces of my blonde curly mane sticking up. I slapped her hoof away. "C'mon Trixie," I hissed. My horn lit a yellow bluish color and the next moment I was behind her. "When did you learn that?" she asked seeing some potential in me. "I learned that from Sweetie Belle," I explained seeing somewhat of a happy face on her. She again straightened my mane angering me even more. "Please stop that, Trixie," I told her. She rolled her eyes. "Fine," her tail brushed against my face. "Good night Gabriel," she pat my head shockingly with a motherly touch she kissed my forehead. There was a silence. "What the hell Trixie!?" I sighed with the past action of Trixie. "What is that not what humans do?" she asked cocking her head. I slapped my face... hard. "Yes, but, mothers, girlfriends, and wives do that," I explained getting an 'I don't understand' look from Trixie. She shook her head. "Okay, let's just go to bed," she said leading me up to the bedroom. Too bad it's only a one bed room house from what Trixie tells me. Tomorrow will be an odd day. Wish me luck... again. > Jobs and Arcades > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My New Life With Trixie The Horseman Jobs and Arcade I blinked getting the sleep out of my eyes. I saw unlike yesterday Trixie wasn't even in bed. I looked at the clock. "Oh, she must be in the shop," I yawned getting out of bed. I began walking downstairs carefully brushing my darker blonde mane down. I opened the door to the kitchen seeing a note from Trixie. Dear Gabe, Good morning Gabe, I pot on a pot of coffee for you, I had to get the shop ready for opening, I am sorry I couldn't see you when you first woke up please enjoy the coffee. I'll see you when it's time to close up shop. P.S. I am getting better with just saying "me" or "I" then my name. I felt somewhat happy, I changed her way of talking to some extent she may say her name but not the 'great and powerful' part. I sighed. It was an old house of course she would need to refurnish it, replace the old bottles, and do all this other stuff downstairs in the shop. I picked up the coffee. Pondering one question: Should I try more magic? I came to the conclusion I will slightly. Three hours of magic practice later I smiled. "Yes, I can lift a coffee cup," I celebrated quite cheerfully. I felt my stomach growl. "Oh, right," I walked to the pantry. I shrugged. "Hay I guess," that was all I was able to buy that night. I picked up a bit of hay with my hooves. Geez this is quite unsanitary. I sighed. Did I really just say that? I don't care about that. I cleared my throat. I began eating the hay it since I am a horse I have a better taste for hay I guess. I decided to go around town. I don't know much about this town so how else to learn other then walking around? I bumped into a little colt. "Sorry," I apologized to the little brown colt with a propeller hat. "It's alright Mister," the colt assured. I do remember this colt. "What are you doing all alone?" I asked never understood the whole thing of him and her mother. "I am heading to the arcade!" the young colt said gleefully. I knew I'd regret it but I had to ask. "Where is your mom?" I asked knowing I would regret it. The young colt tapped his muzzle. "She said she was going to spend some 'one on one' time with Mr. Rage Quit, the arcade owner. So I'm headed for 'Co-op's Co-op Arena'," I slapped my face when hearing those words come out of an innocent colt's mouth. 'Spending one on one time' oh geez. "Right, uh... I was going there myself," I lied c'mon don't look at me like that, I can't let this young colt go alone. "Can I ask what your father does?" I asked the colt following the colt. "My dad does electronics he programs them on the gaming consoles and arcade machines," he explained, "my big brother does the more technical stuff, he makes the most bits programing new software for Micropony, he pays our taxes, bills, and manages our bits during winter and when he isn't in New Meximane, managing the whole company," the colt explained I couldn't help but feel shocked. "So, your big brother, what's his name and same with your father?" I asked the colt galloping closer to him. The colt looked at me. "My brother's name is Giga Byte, and my dad is Vector Ink," he said smiling happily. After more talking we made it to the other arcade. We entered the arcade. A stallion walked up to us. "Hi there Button Mash!" the stallion waved from the other side of the room. The colt waved back. "Hi Mr. Co-op!" he yelled back walking over to the stallion me next to him. "How's my favorite customer doing?" Co-op asked with a pat on Button's head. Button smiled. "It's going well, this is... wait, what's your name?" he realized he never asked my name. "Uh... my name's Gabriel but you can call me Gabe," I answered the colt for humor. "Gabe this is Co-op, he's the arcade owner, and I'm Button Mash!" Button exclaimed loudly. I saw the taller stallion with a dark jet black mane and a cream coat didn't even flinch. "Hi Button Mash," I mustered a warming smile. He smiled and looked back at Co-op. "So any new games?" he asked the light green eyed stallion. He shook his head. "No, not today, sadly," he pat his back. I knew I'd regret what I was about to do. "How often do you and Co-op or Rage Quit be around each other?" I asked immediately regretting it. "Um... I have to ask mom," with that he walked off to 'Rage Quit's Quitters' Arcade' my eyes widened in the thought of what he might see. I ran to him. With the thought in mind a serge of magic overwhelmed me and I lifted the colt with my yellow and blue magic. Whoa, that could've ended badly if I didn't act quick. I thought to myself as I realized I lifted him with my magic. I lowered him. "It's alright Button, if you don't remember, you don't remember," I acted quick before he ran off again. "Then you can ask her, I am kind of wondering that too," he admitted in avoidance of a major scar on the child's life I agreed. At least with me I'd know what to expect. I walked up to the manual doors. I closed my eyes before opening the door and quickly getting in and closing it. I heard some things that I probably shouldn't have I didn't dare to open my eyes; I will spare the details. "She said she can't remember," I lied to Button for the good. The colt nodded. "Okay, I'm going to go around town," he said I nodded. "Same here," I admitted. Me I walked back to the arcade. I did notice something that I didn't notice before. A help wanted sign. I walked in. "Hi, I'd like to apply for the position," I requested. The stallion was perky as before. "Great," he decided to not shake my hand instead he went for an awkward hug. "So, I am hired?" I asked after the hug got like really awkward. He finally let go after nine minutes. It was really awkward. "You start today," he spoke softly but not the questionable soft. "Okay," I nodded and got to work. > Me and Scoots Little Secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My New Life New Life With Trixie The Horseman Me and Scoots Little Secret I walked home. "Oh well, that job was overrated anyway," I scoffed. I do however hope Co-op will live through the cash register I threw at him... I hope he forgives me! I saw nothing wrong with the shop it was the first day. Of course it won't be too popular. I yawned as the thought of sleep filled my mind. It was an oddly rough day (and last) day at 'Co-op's Co-op Arena' I walked up and opened the door. "I'm home Trixie!" I mocked the perfect husband voice. "I'm upstairs!" the mare yelled up above my head. I walked upstairs from our shop. I saw her cooking. "What are you cooking?" I asked the Trixie peering over her shoulder. "Carrot stew," she answered my past question. I being a pony found that rather good sounding. Though, I still can eat meat for some reason. "Yum," I walked away flopping onto the couch. "How was work?" she asked then I noticed it; she was standing on two legs, wearing an apron. I was dumbfounded. I shook my head as her question hit me. "Oh! Eh... I-I-I, I kinda got fired," a faint blush formed on my face as I knew the grief I'd get. "Sorry about that," she nuzzled next to me. I pushed her away slightly. My horn began to glow the bluish yellow it normally does. "Trixie, dear, I am not into you... like that ," I turned away from Trixie Lulamoon. She frowned at my words, her ears flopped downwards. "Oh, I-I'm sorry," I could tell she was devastated her voice beginning to sound crackly. I turned around. She was sad her eyes were watery. "Trixie, this doesn't mean we can't just be roommates" I pat her back trying to make the waterworks stop before it got to me. Sadly, it got to me quickly. "C'mon Trixie, you know I can't help but cry when someone else cries," I began to cry falling onto Trixie's shoulder while she cried on mine. After god knows how long of crying I was able to speak. "Hey, look, I'm going to go crusade with the other Cutie Mark Crusaders, you, how about you just get yourself a hot shower does that sound alright?" I asked stopping at the staircase to hear Trixie weakly respond. "S-Sure Gabe," she said wiping away a tear. I smiled and went downstairs. I got to the door. I opened the door to the clubhouse. "Hello? Is any-pony here?" I asked looking at the watch that I got. Blast, I still can't read time, I looked over they apparently have visual clocks here. It was just one P.M. the crusade doesn't happen until five P.M. odd start yes, but, hey it's their choice even if it's a Saturday. Finally I sat down hearing a yelp. I immediately got up seeing a magenta tail. "Oh, Scootaloo, uh... sorry," I apologized to the little filly. "No problem Gabe, didn't feel it," she cleared her throat wiping a tear away from her eye. Didn't feel it huh? I highly doubt that. I chuckled silently. "So what are you doing here? And just so you know, I promise not to tell, anyo...pony whatever it may be," I leaned in close to the filly for her to whisper it in my ear. "Y-You promise," I could tell she would lie to me. "I wanted to get a head start," she smiled sheepishly trying to pass this by. "Really is that true?" I raised my eyebrow. "I may not be the best at doing magic but that, that I can tell is a lie," I put my hoof on her shoulder to comfort her. "I promise not to tell anyo...pony," I repeated stopping myself before I said everyone. "You truly promise?" she cocked her head quickly. I nodded. "Of course," I warmly smiled knowing she is most likely homeless. "I-I-I-" she couldn't bring herself to say it. Again I put my hoof on her shoulder as an attempt to calm her. "Everything that you tell me now is our little secret," I added still seeing the filly filled with concern. "This is our little secret?" she asked quizzically I knew I was easing her concern away. "Look, you can tell me anything, anything at all, and I won't tell any uh... pony," I said to the concerned filly. She looked up at me. "You promised and... you mean to tell me that you will keep your promise no matter what, no matter how sad and tragic it is?" she asked still in a quizzical voice. I nodded again willing to never tell anyone. "Yes, of course," I pat her back in hope of her to not be concerned anymore. She sighed after a while silence. "Okay, so, how do I say this? I guess as boldly as I can, I-I'm homeless," she stated I acted as though I was shocked. "Really is this honest?" I spoke still acting. She nodded. "Since birth," she frowned. "I was abandoned by my mother and father, they were in fact not even ready to support a foal, so they went and brought me to an orphanage, in Manehatten, I was never adopted for nine years, I ran away from the orphanage when I was ten," Scootaloo paused for a brief moment. "I took a train from Manehatten to Ponyville, I had just enough bits, the pony giving tickets wouldn't allow me to go on the train without an adult, I however found a way, and I managed to get him to be my grown-up. I came to Ponyville and lived here for a year in an ally, then when I met Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, Sweetie Belle coming first I kept to myself, when me and her got to Diamond Tiara's party, we met Apple Bloom, we formed the Cutie Mark Crusaders, when we were shown the clubhouse and AB remodeled it I lived in it since then," Scoots explained to me. I couldn't help but wipe away a tear from my eye. "Well, you have to move out," I said bluntly. "Pack your things," I told her seeing her frown. "W-Why?" she asked sadly I saw her shiver. I wrapped a scarf in my saddlebag around her neck. "You have to move... with me and Trixie," I hugged her lightly showing that I won't let anything happen to her. "So, pack your things, your moving out," I smiled at the filly I levitated her saddlebag and dropped it on her back slowly. "Yes Sir!" she said in her crackly voice. I stopped her. "Now, now, no need to call me that Scoots, just call me Gabe," I told her smiling at her as I slowly released my magic aura from her magenta tail. "Okay," she spoke packing her stuff as quickly as possible. "What do ya say we get you all squared away?" I offered. "This means we miss a day of crusading but, it also means you get a new house," I brought my head to meet Scootaloo's head. "The choice is yours," I told her she had a decision to make. "No harm in missing one day right?" she nudged me slightly. I nodded. "Not at all," I lowered myself to let her get on my back. She was oddly light. "Next stop: Your new house, this does also man you'll need to tell Trixie about this, don't worry she can keep a secret okay?" I looked up at the orange filly happy she had just been adopted. "Okay," she said in a soother tone than normal.