> Big Mac's big day with his hommie G Spike dawg > by Ninjacake7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Friendship is Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friendship is Magic It was a brilliant morning in Ponyville. All the busy ponies were graced by the sun that Celestia raised for them to enjoy. The hard working ponies were busy doing their morning chores. Most of the farm ponies be it stallion or mare, were usually too into their chores to notice the sun grace them with it's warmth and light. Big Mac was especially a hard working stallion, he had to help run Sweet Apple Acres along with his sister Applejack and the rest of the Apple family. On this day he was particularly parched and needed to drink something. The sun was causing him to dehydrate along with the intense labor of applebucking and other menial farm tasks. "Sure is a hot one," He said to no one in particular as he continued his chores and kept on being the brunt of the Apple family's task force. He was an essential member of the Apple family for he was the sole stallion of the matriarchal bunch. He had his work cut out for him and he was not one for complaining. ___________SpikeMac___________ Spike wasn't doing anything labor intensive however he was unfortunately bored out of his ever loving mind. He was again re-organizing books for Twilight Sparkle. He wasn't known for having to do anything strenuous but still on a nice sunny day like this he would rather be chilling with his homies than continue being an assistant to a slave driving alicorn. When he approached Twilight on the subject of hanging out with a pony or two she was hesitant about letting him go. "Spike, I can't have you going over to Rarity's boutique and bothering her, she is extra busy with her new clients." She warned him of going over all the time as it was getting a bit obstructive to the fashionista's job. He wasn't going to let his possible day off be ruined by the cock blocking alicorn and he decided to go another route. "Well How about I visit Big Mac? I hear he isn't as busy this day," he lied through his teeth. He was going to quickly visit Big Mac and then sneak off to hang out with Rarity later. He was slowly making friends in new places. He started hanging out with Big Mac lately because they both were on the same boat. Big Mac liked Fluttershy but was too nervous to approach her and Spike loved Rarity and was too afraid of ruining his chances by putting the moves too early. So they started hanging out and realized they were both kindred spirits, their kinship with their quest in life had helped them grow as buddies. Twilight decided to let the dragon go and enjoy his day, she had books to masturbate over anyways. "Alright Spike just no funny business and make sure to pack water the sun is intense today and it can you to dehydrate." She warned as she felt the sweltering heat make her coat matte. "Don't worry Twilight I am a baby dragon I don't get dehydrated as easily as you ponies do." He said with a surety that came from his lack of knowledge. He was on his way out and was going to enjoy his day despite not being able to stare at Rarity and day dream of a future together. ___________SpikeMac___________ Big Mac was now feeling the effects of the sun blazing and he was mighty thirsty. "Look's like I need ta take a break." he said while wiping his forehead with a foreleg. He wasn't in the mood to sit still for too long so he tried to rush towards the house and get himself a glass of water. After getting a nice soothing glass of water to quench his growing thirst, he began sitting down for a second. He was reflecting on life and his recent friendship with Spike. He was fond of the baby dragon and never realized how much they had in common. They both had seemingly impossible one sided love for beautiful mares. Big Mac was too shy to approach the canary mare, and he also suspected she might be in love with that fast flying one. He had no evidence but they have been hanging out lately a lot more than they used to. Still a stallion could hope, especially since he felt he had a better chance than his counterpart did. He felt bad for the baby dragon as Spike's chances seemed seemingly less realistic than his own. Still he would always keep his friend's spirit up and continue supporting him in his seemingly daunting task of seducing Rarity. While thinking of Spike he could have sworn he saw the baby dragon approaching him in the blistering heat of the morning sun. He approached the baby dragon and made sure it wasn't a mirage. "Spike?" He asked while putting a hoof out to touch the illusion. "Yeah Big Mac?" He asked feeling a little weary about being touched by a overwhelmingly powerful stallion. "Are you okay Big Mac?" He found himself backing up and making sure he had himself a good running distance in case Big Mac went nutso. "Eeyup I'm fine my friend jus' makin' sure ya ain't no illusion is all." He said with a soft smile. He noticed how nervous the baby dragon was and approached him slowly. "Ya ok Spike?" He questioned the unusually nervous dragon. "Yeah I am fine oh hey Big Mac I forgot I had something to give you," he said with a grin. He went to pull from something from his pack and it fell onto the floor. Spike bent over to pick it up unwittingly luring the stallion into a sexual frenzy. Big Mac wasn't seeing things right and thought Spike's perked dragon asshole was a tight mare's pussy. He got aroused and with a loud "Eeyup," He shoved his massive bulging stallion member into the tight and small hole. Needless to say Spike's anus was flaring with pain and his eyes nearly popped out from his sockets at the sudden intrusion. He was yelling in pain "OUCH get out... It hurts..." tears streaming rapidly as his anus bled soaking the stallions appendage. Big Mac felt it was pussy juices coating his thick powerful cock, and kept pushing it in and started moving his hips in tempo with Spike's sobbing. "Take it, you take it good Fluttershy." He yelled out while abusing Spike's now bleeding ass. Big Mac wasn't sure why the moans of Fluttershy sounded like Spike's crying but he didn't care. Spike was screaming at the top of his lungs for help "Somepony help me!" while his ass was being rammed with the force of a truck going at 100 miles per hour into his stink hole. "Please anypony help!" he cried profusely leaking tears as his nearly torn asshole was being inflamed by the massive member destroying it. "Eenope." Big Mac countered Spike's cry for any interference to stop the insane assault from the aroused stallion. Big Mac wasn't going to let anypony get in his way of tapping that flank. He was pounding his stiff oversized stallionhood into the tight and now stretched hole of the baby dragon's rear end. Spike, who was not only being violated, was also being torn and feeling his insides stretch. He wasn't sure how much more brutality his anus could suffer before passing out from the sheer agonizing pain. "Please somepony... " he shut his mouth as he felt the force of a thousand big bangs cumming inside him. Big Mac with a loud whinny had yelled "EEYUP!" Before unloading a colossal tsunami, of his potent apple family sperm, into the tight rectum of the defeated baby dragon. He had never orgasmed like that in his life, and he was suddenly aware of ponies in front of him that had seen the humiliation take place. ___________SpikeMac___________ At this point all of Ponyville seemed silent nothing but the distant sound of Soarin yelling "As a hhooorrse!" Could be heard. Rainbow Dash was just flying by and noticed the awful sight. She had stopped by quickly to announce her disgust "So uncool Spike, not awesome at all, and in public? I am outta here." She said before flying off into the distance vowing never to hang out with Spike again. Pinkie Pie was prancing around when she heard the screams and was confounded with the curiosity that usually lead her to investigations. She had a Pinkie sense that made her ear twitch and tail swish and her vagina leaked profusely so that meant some pony was getting the dickings of their life. She saw Spike lying there with tears flooding the floor beneath him and had to put her two cents in. "You are so gross Spike, how did it feel to have a Big Mac, Get it... McDonalds joke." Fluttershy was equally appalled while the animals had relayed that such a disturbing event was taking place. She came by to see if there anything she could do. When she saw Big Mac cum hard inside Spike she realized they had been secret lovers and felt betrayed. "Well Spike I hope you enjoy taking it in the ass, I guess now I can stop trying to go straight and take a lesson from you." She then spits on him and flies off to find Rainbow Dash and offer her self. Applejack was just laughing her ass off when she noticed Big Mac making Spike his bitch. "That sure was funny, ya got my brother's cum drippin' from ya asshole. Ya damn dirty cum guzzla." She pointed her hoof at Spike and continued laughing her flank off at the scene. Rarity was shocked and felt somewhat betrayed by Spike's sudden homosexuality. "To think I was going to give myself to you! Now Darling, I am going to find a real dragon to give my virgin pussy to. Enjoy being Big Mac's bitch... I'm going to record myself being pleasured by a real dragon and send you the tape so you can see what you are missing out on." She said with a tuft of bitchiness and elegance. Twilight was disappointed at her baby dragon suddenly taking it in the pooper. She didn't even have any words to say as she approached the crying mess of a heart broken dragon. She barely even peered at him as she sauntered over and frowned at the quivering mess of a failure. She had her head straight and eyes averted the entire time. When she was close enough she looked up into the beautiful azure sky and without a word curb stomped his bitch ass. After all of that Big Mac simply went back to doing his chores and everypony just forgot about the whole fiasco in a couple of days. And from that day forth they all lived happier and better lives, and no one mentioned the brutal murder or rape of Spike since no one gave a fuck. The End