A Different Viewpoint of Equestria

by Christopher28

First published

An archeologist finds himself in lost in Equestria after Discord's storm of Chaos.

An archeologist finds himself pulled into a parallel world by Discord's storm of Chaos, and encounters the mysterious creatures that live there. How will a rational human, confronted by creatures out of mythology, and unable to find his way home, adapt to his environment? Only one way to find out.

Chapter 1

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It had started with a nightmare.

Johnathon Dwire had been asleep in his tent outside of the excavation site of a newly discovered archeological site deep in the Amazon rainforest when the sound woke him up. It was a cross between the sound of a bathtub drain and a hurricane. His tent was shaking, and he stopped long enough to dress and pull on his shoes before stumbling, blearily, still only half awake, out into the night to try and figure out what was making all the racket.

It was... indescribable. Like a hole in space, sucking at everything around it. It was so unreal, even as he felt it tugging on his body, that he took a step forward to get a better look at it. The pull from the... whatever it was, the nothing that was in front of him, suddenly increased by an order of magnitude, and the archeologist stumbled against the force, and found himself falling forward before he could stop himself. Only he didn't hit the ground.

Not at first. There was the briefest moment of indescribable pain... only not pain, as it was like he was not there to feel it, and then he was flying head first at a stone wall. Years of training had him attempt to take the blow on his shoulder, but there just was no time. He hit the wall with a sharp impact, slumped to the ground, not so much in pain as numb, his vision going red... blurry, then grey, and darker and darker. He was barely aware of the world around him, and it was... very, very strange. It seemed like the sun was now up... but then it was gone, and it was dark again. Strange creatures passed before his vision, changing shape even as he watched, and then vanishing. Sun and Moon, dark and light, followed rapidly one after the other as his vision continued to fade. He lost consciousness then, not sure what was real and what was just the result of an obvious concussion.


When he woke, he was nauseous. His mouth tasted terrible, and his head and neck ached, and he was lying on the cold ground, against a stone wall. He closed his eyes, his headache was immense, then forced himself to open them and look around.

"That... not right... is it?"

The ruins he had been investigating, along with a small team of fellow researchers, hadn't looked like this, had they? This structure was far more intact. While it's roof was obviously missing, and it was obvious that it had been many, many years since it had been inhabited, the structure was not mostly buried, like the ruins he had been camped outside of the... the previous night?

"How long was I out?"

Despite the nausea, he was hungry, and VERY thirsty. He may have been unconscious for more than a full day, by the way his body was feeling. He peeked inside the structure, and there was a peculiar pedestal-like structure with stone arms reaching out, that seemed incomplete somehow, as if it was meant to hold things.

"Kind of looks like an ancient hat rack," he commented to himself, chuckling slightly before wincing. "OK, no laughing till my head feels better...," he said in a quieter voice. Glancing around, Johnathon noted the remnants of what had to be stained glass windows all around the interior of what was otherwise a remarkably intact structure, although shattered and obviously quite old. "OK, now those don't belong in the Amazon... and they're from the wrong time period as well. They don't look any more than a few hundred years old... maybe a thousand, but... certainly not the same age as the ruins we were...."

He froze. "We... no, I was alone that night, everyone else had gone for supplies, but... how did I get here?" Johnathon Dwire looked around at the unfamiliar looking structure. The worst part was, while this structure could not possibly be the same as the one he had been helping examine, it had certain... structural similarities that almost could not be a coincidence.

He looked out through the broken windows, and saw another, larger structure in the distance, a ruin of an ancient tower of some sort. The design looked almost European, and suddenly his brain was supplying a suggestion.

"Perhaps ancient sailors found the site we did and emulated it's design here?" he looked around at the large broken structure in renewed confusion. "That explains the similarity of architecture, maybe, but not why this hasn't been found yet... and how I got here? Maybe I wandered here in the... storm last night?"

He frowned thoughtfully. "Storm... I think it was a storm. There were flashes, like... lightning?"

The injured man shook his head, and winced again. "OK, right... no sudden movements," he glanced up at the dark forest canopy, high overhead. "The trees don't even look right. It's like I'm someplace else entirely. Where on Earth am I... and how do I get back?"


Johnathon's questions didn't have good answers, and after examining the ruins halfheartedly, he sat down for a much needed rest. "I need food, and water... and soon. These ruins will provide shelter, but I can't rest yet." with an effort, he forced himself to his feet and started off, looking for water, his most pressing need.

He heard the sound of a river in the distance, and made for it. Before he got there, he found and crossed a rickety rope bridge, held up by stone monoliths but somehow still intact, although it looked like it had only recently been repaired. Crossing the chasm it covered, he made his way down a slope to a river. It was swift, and cool, and wide, and he drank his fill before laying down on it's bank, his energy fading even as one of his most pressing needs was filled. He managed to hang on to consciousness, but barely.

"Got to... keep going...."

Forcing himself to his feet, he staggered onwards, hoping to find food. He followed the course of the river, wanting to keep at least one landmark in sight.


After what seemed like hours, he spotted a number of rabbits, foraging. He started to creep forward, but they scattered at his approach. Glancing at the bush they had been nibbling at, he noticed that it carried what looked like boysenberries, and better than that, it looked like the rabbits had been at them, eating the berries closer to the ground.

"Probably not poisonous, then." Johnathon took one, and tried it. "Oh... yeah, now I'm hungry."

His stomach, suddenly aware of food, growled angrily, and he responded by picking berries as fast as he could get hold of them and stuffing them into his mouth. He forced himself to slow down, stopping after only a few mouthfuls.

"Better make sure these stay down before I gorge myself." he cautioned himself. Taking out a handkerchief, he collected as many as he could find, and tied it into a bundle, then struggled to his feet and started to walk again.


A day later, his headache was finally fading, the nausea had gone and he was starting to feel almost human again. He had slept by the river, shivering a bit in the night's cold air, but not badly. That was strange as well. It wasn't supposed to get this cold at night in this part of the Amazon, was it? And the plant and animal life was wrong for this part of the world as well. He kept moving, following the river, until he finally came out of the forest, into an open plain surrounded by rambling hills. Off in the distance, a mountain loomed. Nothing seemed familiar.

"OK... this isn't making any sense. Where on Earth am I?" he asked himself for the second time in two days. Following the perimeter of the forest, he soon came across what almost had to be a trail. He bent down, and noted hoof prints in the dirt. "Hmm... those seem a bit small for horses, but someone must live near here..." Johnathon set off down the trail. In the far distance, he could see buildings. "Oh, finally, civilization!"

Still, it was miles off, and he was getting really, really hungry again. To his right, he spotted apple trees... or rather, an apple orchard, the largest one he had ever seen. He was practically falling down from hunger, and who would mind one or two apples to a starving man?


With half a dozen apple cores lying at the ground next to him, Johnathon rested his back against a tree in contentment. He hadn't eaten properly in days, and finally he was feeling full. A rustle of movement through the short grass around the trees behind him caused the man to glance around, and there, looking at him with wide eyes, was an adorable looking baby foal.

Johnathon's eyes went wide. "Weird coloring..." he commented out loud. A red mane over a yellow coat? That was pretty strange. It was obviously domesticated, a big pink bow was attached to it's mane. "A girl huh?" he guessed, assuming that the strange foal's owners wouldn't put a pink bow on a young colt. The small foal continued to stare at him, leaning forward slightly on it's forelegs as if to get a better look, and he returned the favor. He smiled, and reached over to one of the apples he hadn't eaten. "Hey there... want one?" he asked with a small grin. He slowly got to his feet, holding out the apple. The foal backed up a step, and... made a series of sounds that almost sounded like it was trying to talk. Johnathon's eyes went slightly wider, then he grinned again. "Aren't you a talkative one!" he commented softly, still holding out the apple.

Slowly, he approached the small foal. As he got closer, he realized it was probably older than his first guess... its small size had made him think it was a baby, but it had too much meat on its bones to be a baby horse... it looked half grown, and stockier, like a young pony. The small pony's eyes widened as he approached, and it made more soft horsey noises at him, the expression on its face looked as if trying to scold him, and he couldn't help but grin.

"What... did I take your apples, huh? Don't worry, I saved you one..." he grinned and knelt down about six feet away from the small pony, holding the apple out. Slowly, the young filly moved forward, and accepted the apple from his hand. With remarkable speed, the young pony polished off the apple in a few efficient bites, then looked at him quizzically. He gestured with his hand. "Come here, little one, I won't hurt you."

The little pony just looked at him sideways, but it seemed to understand his gesture, and came closer to him, till he could just reach out and touch her nose. He did, sliding a gentle hand up her face to her mane, and stroked it. She nickered at him, and then abruptly stepped away, looking almost affronted. Johnathon had to laugh, the look on the small pony's face was priceless, and the small horse sounds again sounded like it was scolding him for something. He sat back, watching the small filly, and as he retreated, she seemed to become more confident. It moved closer, and sat down itself like a large dog, it's hind quarters folding up so it could sit comfortably.

"Aren't you well trained." he commented thoughtfully. "Horses usually don't sit like that. Of course, you're a pony... I think, I guess I don't know as much about ponies." he reached out to pet her mane again, and this time the small filly took the gesture in stride, seeming a bit disgruntled, but willing to be petted. "I have two horses at home, you see. They roll on the ground, and lie down sometimes, but they don't sit..." he shook his head. "But of course, you don't understand a word I'm saying."

He got to his feet. "But where are your owners, hmm, little one? I didn't see any fences... you probably shouldn't be out this far, I'd guess. I bet you found your way through a gap in the fence, or jumped it someplace, huh?" the archeologist nodded to himself. "My gelding does that all the time. He's always pushing at the fences, and whenever he gets them low enough, he jumps them to visit the neighbors. He never goes far... but I'm always repairing fences."

Johnathon sighed, and smiled. "Why don't we get you back home, huh?" he slowly got to his feet, and reaching down, scooped the small pony up into his arms. Startled, the young filly struggled wildly at first, but he held it firmly but gently, talking to it to try and calm it down. "Whoa there! Calm down little one, we're just going to take you home... you don't exactly have a lead rope on you, and I doubt you'd just follow me... but don't worry, I'll put you down soon."

The little filly was sturdy, and heavier than she had looked at first, but she was a manageable burden. After about thirty seconds of wild struggling, the small pony nickered at him again, sounding angry, almost annoyed, but it stopped fighting, and seemed to be calming. With a smile, he started off down the trail, following the apple trees. In the distance, he could see a farmhouse and barn.

"Huh...." he muttered to himself as he got closer. "Looks a bit like American mid-west architecture... but... not. Weird." As he approached the barn, he saw another pony, this one full grown, with an orange coat and a blond mane. It had been walking tiredly across the field toward the barn, but it stopped dead in it's track on seeing him. The strangest part of the picture was the large cowboy hat perched firmly on the pony's head.

The Pony eyed him worriedly, poised as if to flee, when something changed in it's demeanor. It's eyes went wide, and it whinnied at the top of it's lungs. Again, Johnathon was struck by the... variation and quality of the pony's voice. It was almost as if it was yelling... something. It sounded almost like language, but that couldn't be, could it? The orange pony then reared, and started to gallop towards him at full speed, obviously angry.

"Oh shit..." Johnathon glanced down at the small filly that he was holding, and the only explanation he could think of at first was a mother's love. "This must be her foal... and she thinks I'm going to hurt her?"

Quickly he set the filly down, almost dropping her as she kicked free once his grip slackened, and started to walk backwards, his hands upwards, palms facing the enraged little pony. Of course, little was relative. While quite a bit short of a full grown horse, the orange pony probably out-massed him by quite a bit, and it was remarkably fast. He dodged backwards as the mare reared up and kicked out with it's front hooves, trying to remain cool.

"OK!, OK! I'm going! Your foal is fine, see? Just... just calm down now..."

The orange pony stood it's ground in front of the small foal, nickering dangerously at him, and put a leg out to stop the smaller pony from moving around it towards him.

"Right... I'll just.... be going then." he turned and started to run, heading for the road. There was an almost indignant whinny from behind him, and he glanced over his shoulder to see the orange, cowboy hat wearing pony whirling a rope... no, a lasso, over it's head with it's teeth. His eyes widened in surprise, and he nearly tripped over his own feet in shock at the sight. "What the hell... hey!"

The rope came right at him, and would have come down around his torso if he hadn't snapped out a hand to grab the rope, or attempt to, before it wrapped around him. He missed his grab, causing the lasso to wrap around his upper forearm rather than his body. The lasso snapped tight in a moment, the orange pony demonstrating remarkable skill with it's use, and he found himself pulled roughly from his feet, going to his hands and knees as she started pulling him backwards toward the small farm. The small filly was jumping up and down excitedly, but Johnathon was seeing little but the determined Orange Pony's eyes, and then he was seeing, and eating dirt, as she yanked him forwards again, still walking herself backwards, taking him with her. Spitting dirt, the archeologist started to see red.

"You...." *Splat* "Hey!" *Splat* "Quit it!!!" *Splat* Every few moments, she'd yank on the rope again, throwing him into the dirt by his outstretched arm with frightening skill. "OK, that's it!" Johnathon scrambled around, getting his feet in front of him, and letting the pony yank him to his feet. He dug his heels in, and they had a very short tug of war before the orange pony once again dumped him face first in the barnyard dirt.

"Ouch." he muttered. "Stronger than she looks." he rolled and twisted, got his feet under him again, and this time, as she yanked, he went with it, charging at the orange pony with a fierce light in his eyes and a wild grin on his face. Scooping up a couple big loops of rope as he ran forward, he dived headfirst upon the surprised looking pony and grappled her by the neck. Her surprise was only momentarily, and she started bucking, but his feet were on the ground and he managed to maintain his hold. He got one arm free and started throwing loops of rope around the mare's thrashing feet. He lucked out, a loop coiling on the ground around her rear hooves for a moment, just as he pulled backwards, wrapping her hind legs together.

And then it got REALLY tough. The orange pony was incredibly strong, and even with his advantage of leverage, she nearly broke loose several times before he finally managed to get all four legs wrapped in coils of rope. He was pulling the rope around her legs for a fourth loop, fearing that the mare's insane strength would allow her to snap even the sturdy looking rope if she had a moment to attempt it, when he heard the sounds of something galloping his way. Something bigger than a pony.

Well... a bit bigger. A cherry red pony... it wasn't tall enough to be a horse, although it might have been close, with a brownish orange mane, wearing a horse collar, was charging at him at high speed, a VERY angry look in it's eyes. The... stallion, at least, the archeologist assumed it was a stallion, was massively built, with a powerful chest and legs that looked like they could kick through a door with ease. And it would reach him in moments.

Johnathon stood up, gathered himself, and at the last second, lowered his shoulder and braced his feet. He had once stopped his full grown thoroughbred mare from charging out an open gate with a block like that... and she was over a thousand pounds, and as tall at the shoulder as he was. Regardless of its muscular build, this pony couldn't hit harder than that, right?

He was wrong. Johnathon's shoulder felt like he had been hit by a moving car, and his knees bent under the impact, but the stallion had been stopped. It stepped back, shaking it's head as if it too was feeling the pain of the impact, but in moments, it had lowered it's head, obviously about to charge him again.

"Whoa!" Johnathon backpedaled several more steps, not wanting to take another hit like that. "You win! I'm going, I'm going! Just don't throw any more ropes at... me...." he stared at his upper arm, where a loop of rope was still wrapped, and quickly started pulling it loose as he backed away. He strained and pulled his arm free, and continued to walk backwards quickly. The little foal was still jumping up and down, nickering up a storm, and the Orange pony was struggling with the rope around her legs, biting at it and making a surprising amount of progress towards freeing herself.

"OK, time to leave." the tired and sore man told himself, and started to run toward the town at top speed. Thankfully, the small group of ponies did not pursue him. At least not at first.

Johnathon Dwire came to a dead stop as he entered what appeared to be a main square in the small town, and stared. The town was full of ponies. Ponies of every color and description, and... did that one have a horn in the middle of it's forehead?

The ponies stared back at the man, who by now was grass stained and wild eyed, and as one they started to run in every direction, whinnying and crying out in those strange, horse-like, but too complex voices as they fled.

A shadow flashed by him... something had blocked out the sun for a moment, and when he looked, he saw a shadow racing across the ground... looking up, he saw something blue flash by like a bird, but far too large to be a bird, and then start circling overhead. It was a...

He slumped to his knees. A Pegasus, a blue Pegasus with a mane and tail that were nothing if not a brilliant rainbow, was coming around for another look at him overhead, hovering about twenty feet over him as it looked down at him with interest.

"I'm dead." he decided. "Or I'm in a coma... I'm dreaming all this... except, why does it hurt so much?" his shoulder, where he had body blocked the large red stallion, and his arm, where the rope had tightened around his forearm, and his nose, which had gotten planted into the dirt so many times... all hurt. It had felt... so real. It LOOKED real. But it couldn't be real, could it?

He slumped sideways, resting against the fence of someone's garden, gazing up at the rainbow maned Pegasus in confusion. Behind him, the three ponies from the farm charged up, but he barely noticed. There was a lot of noise... that strange, equine language, and he could see eyes from shop windows around him... pony eyes, watching him warily, but somehow, none of that seemed to matter.

"This is... insane." he said firmly. "I'm having a mental collapse."

As he tried to figure out what the last real thing he had actually seen was, a purple... PURPLE? A purple unicorn carrying something scaly and also purple... a large lizard? On it's back, started approaching him from one of the buildings. It spoke to him calmly in it's strange language, and it was a language, wasn't it? He struggled to try to understand, but aside from the fact that the purple unicorn, and it was a unicorn, the horn in the middle of it's forehead was plainly visible, seemed to be concerned rather than angry, he couldn't understand it.

"Why would I be able to understand it anyway?" he asked rhetorically. "It's a... pony sized unicorn!" he shook his head, and started to force his tired body to stand. "OK... I'm dreaming...." he said firmly. He started to walk toward the purple unicorn, reaching out to try and touch it. "This can't be real, can it?"

He sensed movement behind him, but he had no time to turn before something struck him in the back of the head, and he fell senseless to the cobbled street.


"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight Sparkle chided the cyan Pegasus with a frown. "You didn't need to do that! I don't think it was trying to hurt me."

"Hey! I was just trying to protect you, OK?" Rainbow Dash looked disgruntled at the lack of thanks. "Whatever it is, it could be dangerous!"

"It's not dangerous now, sugar." Applejack said wryly as she walked up to inspect the back of the strange creature's head. "Still breathing, but you rattled it's brains about a two bits more than enough." she judged as she peered at the hoof print in the back of the creature's skull. "We'd better get Fluttershy. This critter will probably need some looking after, and while I know a little stuff about fix'n up critters, she's the expert round these parts."

Twilight approached as well, her horn glowing as she carefully lifted the creature in a telekinetic field. "I'll carry it. Where did it come from, anyway? Did anyone see?"

Applebloom spoke up. "I think it came from the Everfree forest!" she announced loudly. "On account of I found it eating our apples on the side of our farm that's right by the edge."

"And how did it manage to get a hold of you?" Applejack asked, sounding more like a mother than a big sister as the worry and concern for her small sibling broke through. "When I saw that creature holding you... I thought you were in real trouble!"

"Nah." the small filly said dismissively. "Like I told you, he was nice! I mean, he shared an apple with me, and he patted my head all gentle like, and... well, I didn't like it when he picked me up, but he didn't hurt me none. He just took me toward the farm. I'm pretty sure he was gonna let me go before you scared him, Applejack."

"Now, you don't know any such thing, little filly." Applejack scolded. "For all you know, he was going to walk right off with you, or...."

"Or eat you up in a big tasty stew!" a bubbly voice added helpfully.

"Right." Applejack agreed. "Or eat ya..." she glanced over her shoulder. "Oh, hey Pinkie." She greeted the party pony with a bit of a smile. "Yeah, what Pinkie said."

Applebloom did not look convinced. "He wouldn't have done that. He eats apples, not ponies! And he looked like he'd had his fill anyhow."

"How do you know it's a he?" Twilight said curiously.

Applebloom blinked, and looked at the unconscious creature. "I don't know... he just... looks like a he. You know?"

Applejack frowned, then shrugged. "I guess, a little." she looked at the strange creature for several long moments, then got closer. "He don't look so good, maybe we'd better get him to Fluttershy's place rapid like?"


Johnathon woke slowly. His head was pounding, and as he opened his eyes, he heard a squeak and a yellow and pink blur vanished around the corner of a... couch? He slowly lifted his head. He was in a small house of some kind, very pleasant looking, in greens and browns, surrounded by... ponies. Half a dozen of them, in fact. He recognized several. The small yellow foal with the red mane was hiding behind the orange coated pony with the blond mane and the cowboy hat who he had hog tied earlier, and next to her, a startlingly pink pony with a poofy mane and a slightly crazy expression, The blue... no, cyan Pegasus was hovering in the center of the room as if flying was as natural as breathing to it... her? There was the purple unicorn, with and another unicorn, this one white, with a dark blue mane, and a pattern of three dark blue gemstones on her flank. Actually, as he looked at them, he realized that all of them, save the smaller filly, had a mark of some sort on their flanks.

"Um... hello?" He ventured, looking around carefully, and reaching up to gingerly touch his head. He felt cotton, and reached around to find his head was bandaged, with some padding under the bandage at the back of his head, where he felt the worst.

The purple unicorn approached him slowly, and spoke to him for a while in the strange equine language. She was obviously intent on something, but aside from knowing she was trying to tell him something, he did not know what she wanted. He frowned to himself. Why was he sure she was a female? Something about her build, the sound of her voice, and the style of her mane seemed to indicate it to him, but he couldn't be sure. It was just an impression.

"I'm sorry... I don't understand." he answered. Dream or not, it seemed like these... ponies, were... intelligent? It certainly seemed like it. They seemed to communicate with each other in complex ways, and they didn't act like animals. And that orange pony's use of her lasso had been... startling, but at the same time, it told him that they were, at least moderately, tool using. And unless there were humans around that he hadn't seen, they had built... a town? Was that even possible?

The purple unicorn seemed to think for a moment, said something to the others in her strange, almost lyrical voice, then, with a flash of light, vanished from the room.

He sat up in shock, and immediately regretted it, his head swimming as he nearly lost consciousness again. The orange pony stepped up to him and put a hoof on his shoulder, as if to gently force him back into the couch, and he sagged back, not having the energy or the willpower to resist. She was glaring at him, although not with quite as much hostility as she had been before. At least it didn't seem like she would attack him. The cyan Pegasus fluttered over above him, looking down at him in curiosity, and staring at him like he was an exhibit at a zoo, He found himself staring back. This one was certainly a female, and... had the most extraordinary coloring he had ever seen. Her rainbow mane did not look like it was dyed, it looked... soft, natural, although a bit wind swept. If it was dye, it was the best job he had ever seen.

Or course, the fact that she was FLYING... that she had wings and that they worked... despite the fact that they looked too small to do the job, was making his head swim even more than his injuries. A real Pegasus? And it's looking at me like it's never seen a human before. Actually, they all have been looking at me like that. He thought to himself.

Then there was another flash of light, and the purple unicorn was back. There was a large book floating next to her, glowing slightly, and it opened as he stared, and the purple unicorn started to flip through it's pages, apparently reading aloud to herself as she went.


Rarity was eying the strange creature carefully and she approached to stand next to Applejack as the Earth Pony kept a hoof on its shoulder, holding it down lightly. "It's obviously intelligent." she said thoughtfully. "I mean, look at the clothing it's wearing!" she glanced at Applejack. "I really don't think he's going to start attacking anypony." she said with a calm expression. "I admit he looks... strange, but surely a creature with such... sophisticated attire would not be uncivilized."

"Sophisti-whatnow?" Applejack said uncertainly. "Those look like work duds to me, sugar. I mean, he's covered near head to toe in em, but they aren't all froo-froo like or nothing..."

"But the fit! The craftsmanship!" Rarity pointed her nose at the man's blue jeans. "The stitching! It's top notch work, if I do so say myself, and I would know! I don't KNOW how they managed to get the stitches so fine, but I recognize quality when I see it, even it does appear to be work attire."

Applejack blinked. "I'll take your word for it, Rare. They look like they've seen better days though."

The man lay passively under Applejack's hoof, his neck craning about to look at the room, but not attempting to get up.

She eased up slightly, but kept her hoof on his shoulder. "Don't think it... he's harmless just because he's got nice duds though, sugar." the orange earth pony warned. "He's stronger than he looks... and tricky. He hogtied me with my own rope, and stopped Big Mac in his tracks, near enough."

"Heh." Rainbow Dash chuckled from near the ceiling. "He managed to hog tie you? I wish I'd been there for that!"

"I'm sure you'd have been laughing your foal head off." Applejack said gruffly. "Only he had just been grabbing my sister, and when he managed to get the upper hoof on me, I didn't know what he was going ta do. I'm just glad Big Mac showed up as quick as he did."

"He wasn't going to hurt ya!" Applebloom's high pitched voice broke in. "He was just... angry, I guess, at you roping him when he didn't mean to do nothing."

"Well then, let's ask him." Twilight's voice broke through the others as she closed the book with a satisfied look on her face. "I found the translation spell. Everypony stand back now."

Applejack glared down at the man, then backed off with the rest, and Twilight Sparkle concentrated, her horn glowing brighter and brighter as she focused.

Johnathon had no idea what was going on, but apparently unicorns could teleport, and make books float... and all these... ponies were apparently discussing what to do with him? He wasn't positive, but it seemed like the white unicorn was on his side, as was the little yellow foal that he had first met in the apple orchard, while the strong orange mare didn't trust him at all. Not that he could blame her, he supposed. Then the purple unicorn's horn started to glow, and the other ponies started backing away from him as she pointed it right at him. He threw up his arm in front of his face as the light flashed and a beam of purple light struck him, and closed his eyes.

"Can you understand me now?" the voice was female... and vaguely familiar, as if he'd heard it before, and he opened his eyes to see the purple unicorn standing near him, looking at him with a small hesitant smile. "Can you talk?" she asked hopefully as he stared in wonder.

"Um... yeah, I can understand you." Johnathon said slowly. "What just happened? I couldn't understand a thing you were saying a minute ago."

"Oh, I cast a translation spell!" she explained helpfully. "And it looks like it worked!"

"Um... apparently." Johnathon agreed hesitantly. "A spell? You mean, like magic?"

The purple unicorn nodded. "That's right. I used magic to make it so you can understand us, and we can understand you. How are you feeling? I'm afraid Rainbow Dash might have hurt you... but I promise, nopony is going to hurt you any more."

"We'll see about that." Came a flat, angry voice from the orange pony. "I have a bone to pick with him about a certain hog tying he did on a certain pony..."

Johnathon flinched. "Er... sorry about that? You were... well, you were hurting me, dragging me along the ground like that. I think I ate half a pound of dirt, all those times you slammed me into the ground face first... and I'm surprised you didn't break my nose in the process. My whole face hurts." he paused. "So... I kinda got carried away a little, but I really didn't see how I was going to get away from you unless I tied you up first. You did seem to make it clear that you weren't going to just let me run away."

Applejack blinked, then frowned. "You were holding my sister! I though you were going to hurt her or something... and then you turned and ran like a chicken...." Johnathon was getting a little annoyed. Brushing her hoof off his shoulder with one hand, he sat up, glaring at the orange pony.

"I didn't hurt your... your sister, and I wasn't planning on it! I was just taking her home! Or at least I was trying to, when you ran at me like you were going to murder me!"

Applejack blinked, then got ready to yell some more when Applebloom spoke up. "I told you he was nice!" she piped in from behind her big sister. "I tried to get you two to stop fighting, but you wouldn't listen to me!"

Johnathon hesitated. "Er... well, I didn't understand what you were saying... but I didn't want to fight any... er... anypony, I just wanted to get away... your... big sister looked mad, that's all."

Applebloom pushed her way between Applejack and Rarity to grin at him. "She get's like that when she's worried. I want to run away when she's mad too, but she means well, honest."

The archeologist nodded. "Sure. I get that. Heck, I understood why she was mad the second I saw her... although I didn't mean to scare her like that." he turned to Applejack. "I am really sorry I scared you...." he shook his head, winced, and sighed. "I'm getting new head injuries on a daily basis now it seems... I hope I don't have a concussion... or worse, that I'm in a coma and just dreaming all this."

He hesitated. "Of course, the other option is that I've gone insane, which makes me think I might be better off if this was a coma."

Twilight looked worried. "Why do you think you might be insane... or in a coma?"

Johnathon opened his mouth to speak, closed it, then opened it again. "Because... this can't be real. I mean... you're... talking, and flying, and magic... ponies? What's up with that?"

Twilight's eyes went wide. "I thought it might be something like that! No wonder I can't find a record of your species in my books! You're not from Equestria, are you! Where do you come from? Is it very far? How did you get here?"

Johnathon put up a hand. "Whoa... slow down a little. I don't know the answers to most of that, but at the least, I can say that I'm certainly not from... around here. Where I come from, ponies don't talk... or have wings... or do magic."

Twilight blinked. "There are ponies where you come from?"

Johnathon hesitated again. "Well... sort of? Not really like you... like any of you. They're... er... not intelligent, and they don't really look quite the same, but they have four hooves, and they're about your size, and mostly resemble... er... well, the ones of you without wings and horns, I guess."

Twilight blinked. "What do you mean, not intelligent?"

He winced, expecting this to be a touchy subject. "Er... they don't speak... well, at least as far as we can tell, and they're, er... this is going to sound bad... but they're domesticated animals."

Twilight blinked again. "Like pets?"

Johnathon nodded. "Er... yeah. Like pets." he nodded at Applebloom slowly. "Actually, when I first saw... this little filly...." He blinked. "Oh, we never got to introduce myself... my name is Johnathon. What's your name? Do you have a name?"

"Of course I have a name, silly! I'm Applebloom! What's John...a thin mean?" the pint sized filly answered, tripping over his name a bit as she tried to say it right.

"Mean?" Johnathon blinked. "It's my name. It doesn't really mean anything."

Applebloom blinked. "Oh. That's kinda weird."

Applejack spoke up. "What were you going to say... when you saw Applebloom.... what?"

Johnathon grimaced. "Well.... I thought she was... er... someone's pet. I thought she was lost or something, and I figured I'd take her to the farm and see who she belonged to."

Applejack's eyes narrowed. "My farm. Sweet Apple Acres, you mean? You thought my sister was somepony's pet?"

Johnathon winced. "I'm sorry! I've never met... ponies like you! I didn't mean any harm."

Applebloom giggled. "So that's why you were acting weird! You were acting like I was a puppy or something. Petting my head like Applejack does with Winona!"

Johnathon blinked. "Winona?"

Applebloom nodded. "That's our dog!"

Johnathon blinked. "And she's your pet?"

Applebloom nodded again. "Yup! She's a great dog! She helps us with the herding!"

Johnathon nodded slowly. "OK, at least that's the same. We have dogs as pets where I come from as well." he turned to Applejack. "I figured out that you weren't... er... the kind of ponies I was used to as soon as I saw you slinging that lasso. You're... incredible with that thing, by the way. I've never seen anyone quite so good."

Applejack's expression softened slightly. "Well... shucks. That's mighty kind of ya to say." she hesitated, then looked at him straight. "I guess you didn't know better... did you?"

Johnathon shook his head. "I honestly didn't. When Applebloom was trying to talk to me... well, it seemed like her voice was really... complex... but I just didn't figure out what was going on until... well, it didn't really sink in until I ran into town, I guess." he reached up a hand to touch the side of Applejack's face. "I didn't hurt you too much, did I? I wasn't trying to do any damage...."

Applejack flinched away and he pulled his hand back, but her face softened a bit more. "Didn't do me any harm, save my pride. You're pretty good with a rope yourself there, mister. I guess you've worked on a farm a time or two yourself, eh? You hog tied me right professional like, for all I was bucking."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, I have lived on a farm... I owned one, back... home, although it wasn't really a working farm. My wife and I had a couple horses.... and some goats." he hesitated. "Er... do you have horses and goats here?"

Twilight blinked. "Goats yes. I've never seen a real horse, unfortunately, although I've read about them, and I did do this one spell to turn mice into horses once...."

Johnathon hesitated before deciding to ignore the part about turning mice into horses. "Well, they look like you... er... like a pony, except they're taller, and thinner, with longer legs, proportionately."

Twilight blinked. "Like the princesses?"

Johnathon looked confused. "I have no idea what you mean."

She blinked again. "Well, like you said, they're taller, and thinner... with longer legs. And they have both horns and wings."

Johnathon shook his head. "No horns or wings... that's what really shocked me... I've never seen a real... unicorn, or Pegasus before."

Twilight looked interested. "But you know about us somehow? I mean... you recognize a unicorn or a pegasus?"

He nodded. "Yeah... they're... well, myths where I come from. They're in books... in stories, not in real life."

Twilight beamed. "Then maybe our people encountered each other long ago!"

Johnathon nodded again. "Sounds... plausible, at least. I still don't know how I got here though. Or where here is. If... well, if I'm not dreaming, or crazy, this isn't my... well, my planet at all."

Twilight's eyes went wide. "Oh! You're from another world! Well, that would make sense! Maybe you came through some sort of dimensional rift... or...." she looked at him sharply. "When did you first come here... I mean, to this place?"

Johnathon hesitated. "I think... two... maybe three days ago? I hit my head pretty hard... when I got here, I think."

"Discord!" the purple unicorn said with a knowing nod. "You must have been brought here by the Chaos storm Discord created! The only thing I can't figure out why you didn't go back when everything else went back to normal."

Johnathon shook his head. "What's a Discord? What's a chaos storm? And... what's your name? I can't just call you purple unicorn, can I?"

Twilight blushed, a strange sight for a man who had never seen a purple unicorn pony become embarrassed before. "Oh. I'm sorry. I'm Twilight Sparkle. These are my friends." she nodded to each in turn. "This is Pinkie Pie."

The pink pony giggled and waved at him. "Hi! Do you like parties?"

"Rainbow Dash."

The Cyan and Rainbow Pegasus grinned at him sheepishly. "Sorry about the concussion."


The White Unicorn gave a small bow, her expression calm and almost regal. "Charmed, I'm sure."

"And you've met Applejack and Applebloom."

Johnathon nodded at the sisters. "Apple farmers, I suppose?"

"Apple family!" Applebloom asserted strongly.

"And Fluttershy is the one who bandaged up your head." Twilight blinked and turned around. "Fluttershy, are you still here?"

There was a soft "eep!" from the other side of the couch, and Johnathon sat up to peer over the back. A Pegasus with a yellow coat and a pink mane was cowering there, looking scared.

"Hi... Fluttershy, was it?" he said gently. "Thanks for bandaging up my head."

Fluttershy managed a very quiet, "you're welcome" with her front hooves in front of her face.

Johnathon grinned slightly, she was adorably cute for a fictional creature. "Well, I promise, I won't hurt you, OK? Don't be scared."

"ok." She squeaked again, almost too softly to hear.

"Don't worry, she just takes a bit to get used to new ponies..." Twilight explained helpfully. "Not that you're a pony... new... creatures.... although usually she's very brave around woodland creatures."

"Not a woodland creature!" Fluttershy said in a slightly louder squeak, then looked apologetic. "Not that that's a bad thing or anything... I've just... never seen anything like... you before." she was speaking at almost a regular volume now, slowly getting to her feet to look at him. "Are you... are you feeling alright? How's your head?"

"Hurts..." Johnathon admitted. "But I've had worse... not often, but I figure I'll live."

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash with an almost disappointed expression. "I'm so sorry. Rainbow can be a bit too rough sometimes, but I'm sure she's very sorry she hurt you."

Rainbow Dash shrugged, and Johnathon smiled slightly. "So she said." he nodded at rainbow maned mare. "I do accept your apology. You're really fast though, I didn't see you coming."

"Fastest flyer in Equestria!" she bragged. "I kicked a dragon in the nose once!"

His eyes went wide. "Dragon? They have those here too? Are they really big?"

Rainbow Dash grinned. "This one was! He must have been more than a hundred feet tall!"

"Long." Twilight corrected. "Perhaps as much as 90 feet from nose to tail, but he certainly wasn't a hundred feet tall, Rainbow Dash."

"Whatever. I kicked him in the nose GOOD and hard. He never saw it coming."

"You just made him mad!"

"Girls..." Fluttershy broke in, then looked a bit surprised at herself. "Rainbow, what have I told you about kicking creatures like that? If he had been a mean dragon, he might have eaten you up... or roasted you and the rest of us. It's just lucky he was nice."

"And that you're the Stare Master!" Applebloom put in with a cheer. "Fluttershy can stare down ANYTHING!" she told Johnathon proudly. "Even a Cockatrice!"

Johnathon blinked. "Er... that's great." he shook his head, and winced once again. "Ow. Dragons... pegasi, unicorns, and cockatrice..." he glanced at Twilight. "Is that a sort of chicken like creature that can turn people into stone, or am I remembering my mythology wrong?"

Twilight looked impressed. "No, that's right. Head of a chicken, body of a lizard... its stare turns ponies to stone."

Johnathon. "Huh. Well, either our worlds did have some sort of meeting in the far past... or I've got a better imagination then I realized.... but for now, I'll tentatively go with accepting this as reality."

Applejack looked dubiously at him, then at Twilight. "So you're saying that his here... fella, came outta some other place where we're all myths and legends and whatnot... when Discord was messing everything up?"

Twilight nodded. "That's my theory... for the moment. The timing works, and I can't think of anypony else powerful enough to create a rift in space... or time, or whatever it was that brought Johnathon here." she looked at him curiously. "How did you get here, Johnathon? Can you remember?"

Johnathon frowned. "Well, I was sleeping in my tent... just outside of this ruin we were excavating in the Amazon... that's a rainforest where I come from, and there was a really weird... noise outside my tent. I went out to look, and it... I can't describe it. It was like there was a hole... a nothing... was there... and I got... sucked into it, I think? Then I hit my head, and woke up next to this big ruin out in the woods. These big woods out past... er... Applejack's farm. They kind of looked similar, but these were a lot less... old. So after I recovered a bit, I started walking, looking for civilization, and I found... here. It took me about two days to get here... although I wasn't at my best."

"Ruins? In the Ever-free forest?" Twilight asked, looking at him with wide eyes.

"If that's what those woods are called, yeah." Johnathon said. "Looked... oh, hundreds of years old... roof mostly gone... some stained glass windows were partially intact. Very nice columns...?"

"The castle of the royal sisters!" Twilight said excitedly. "That must be..." she shook her head. "Well I don't know what, but it must have something to do with why you're here... and why you didn't go back when everything else did."

Johnathon put up a hand. "Everything else? I take it that I'm not the only unusual thing that's appeared around here recently?"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Not hardly! The whole world was going topsy turvy for a while there, sugar."

Twilight nodded seriously. "Discord... he was... is, a powerful force of Chaos. He escaped from his imprisonment a few days ago, and we only recently managed to seal him in stone again. In the meantime, he caused all manner of chaos."

Pinkie Pie sighed. "I miss the chocolate rain...." she said wistfully, then turned to look at Johnathon hopefully. "Do they have chocolate rain where you come from?"

He blinked, and shook his head. "No... not that I know of."

Twilight grinned slightly. "That was probably just a transformation spell... although a really powerful one." she turned to Johnathon. "If Discord was the one who brought you here...." she frowned as if that idea was not a pleasant one. "Well, I don't know if it'll be very easy to figure out how to get you back, but I'll try."

Johnathon smiled. "Well... thank you. That's very generous. I don't know if I'll be able to repay your efforts, but I'll try."

Twilight Sparkle smiled. "Well, if you could tell me something about your world, I would appreciate it. I've never met anyone from another world before!"

Johnathon nodded, and immediately a wave of dizziness swept through him. "I'll be happy to tell you... something about my world...." his vision swam in and out for a second. "Ohh... sorry, got a bit dizzy there for a moment."

"Alright then, that's enough for today." Fluttershy's voice, for a change, was startlingly firm. "Johnathon has answered enough questions for one day, he needs his rest. He's just going to get sick if he doesn't lie down soon. A concussion is no laughing matter!" The normally shy yellow pegasus stuck to her guns, and in minutes, the rest of the ponies had cleared out of her small cottage.

"I'm sorry about all that." she said to Johnathon softly as she brought him a blanket. "They're good ponies, just a little excitable sometimes."

"That's quite alright." the man told her equally softly, his head starting to really hurt now. "I'm sure that they're just as fascinated by me as I am with all of you. It's not everyday you... meet creatures from your story books, after all."

Fluttershy seemed to sense his growing pain level in his voice. "Can I get you some medicine? Only, I don't know what creatures like you can take without becoming sick... oh dear."

"We call ourselves humans." he told her. "And I'm not sure myself. I could use something for pain. Do you have anything along those lines?"

Fluttershy nodded. "I do, although I'm not sure which to use. I've never treated a... human before."

Johnathon closed his eyes and thought about it. "Well... I wouldn't know what to call it here... but... I noticed most of the plants seemed pretty familiar to me. Do you have anything like willowbark tea?"

Fluttershy blinked. "Oh! I do know what you mean! I have a pill that uses the same medicine that is in willowbark, only a bit stronger. Would that be alright?"

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Let's try that."

The gentle yellow pegasus brought him a pill and a cup of water, and he soon found his pain easing. It didn't fade entirely, but it allowed him to sleep.

Johnathon's dreams that night seemed almost normal in comparison to the waking world he had found himself within.

Chapter 2

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Twilight had been going through her books late into the night, looking for clues to the origins of their mysterious alien visitor, but hadn't found anything terribly useful. Getting to sleep late, she had found herself waking tired, but early, even as the first light of dawn came through her open window. Heading down to breakfast, she considered her options.

"Hmm, I could go over and see if the creature is awake yet..." she said thoughtfully. "I wonder if Princess Celestia has ever seen anything like him before?" she brightened. "Spike, take a letter!"

"Right!" Spike produced parchment and quill in a moment, rarely going anywhere without them. It was always handy to be prepared to write around Twilight Sparkle, after all.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I wish to inform you of an unusual visitor to our village of Ponyville. Some time yesterday afternoon, a bipedal creature of unknown origin wandered into our village. It is somewhat similar in form to the Diamond dogs, but taller, and without a natural covering of fur, apparently. This creature came out of the Ever-free forest, and after a short incident at the Sweet Apple Acres, wandered into town, where it was... temporarily rendered unconscious due to a slight misunderstanding.

Thankfully, there were no serious injuries, and the strange creature, once I was able to establish communication with it through a translation spell, was friendly and cooperative, and quite willing to answer questions, although it's injuries prevented me from having more than a short conversation with him.

While I have searched my texts for references to such a creature, I was unable to discover anything that matched its description. The fact that it did not speak Equestrian, as well as it's unique appearance, led me to believe it is of alien origin, that is, not of Equestria. The creature's own experiences, as it has related them to me, seem to agree with this hypothesis. According to the creature, who calls himself Johnathon, he is an archeologist by trade, and was investigating an ancient ruin in a jungle rainforest in his world, when he encountered, as he put it, a "hole" or "nothingness" that pulled him into our world, where he suffered a head injury. He apparently arrived at the Castle of the Two Sisters, where we recovered the Elements of Harmony, and I believe this location to have some significance, although what that significance is I am uncertain. Also, the time of his arrival seems to coincide roughly with Discord's storm of chaos, which I feel is also likely a factor, although again, whatever combination of factors that brought this creature here, I can only guess.

I intend to continue my investigations, and I will keep you informed of anything new I discover.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight nodded to Spike. "Send that please."

Spike was struggling along as quickly as he could. "continue my investigations..." he glanced up at her. "Twilight, didn't you ask this Johnathon character what kind of creature he is?"

Twilight blinked. "Well, I would have gotten around to it, Spike, but Fluttershy felt he needed his rest after his injuries. Apparently he's had a number of blows to the head over the last few days, and we don't want to take any chances."

Spike shrugged. "I guess you can ask go ask him now then." he went back to writing. "anything new... faithful student..." he finished writing, then glanced up at Twilight with a raised eyebrow. "Aren't you going to mention the other stuff? I mean, this creature seems kind of dangerous to me. He's really strong, and he hurt Big Macintosh."

Twilight blinked. "What? No one told me Big Macintosh was injured! When did that happen?"

Spike rolled his eyebrows. "Couldn't you tell? Big Mac was kind of walking funny yesterday, as if his chest hurt. I asked him about it after you carried this... Johnathon away. Apparently Big Mac ran into him, and this creature stopped him dead at a full run."

Twilight blinked again. "Stopped... Big Mac? How?"

Spike shook his head. "Big Mac wouldn't say, exactly, only that he ran into the creature and it stopped him."

Twilight shook her head, then focused.. "Well... is Big Mac going to be alright? Does he need to see Nurse Redheart?"

Spike shrugged. "Big Mac said he'd be fine, it was only a bad bruise. Still, is it alright to leave that creature alone in Fluttershy's cottage? It could hurt her!"

Twilight hesitated, then shook her head. "Fluttershy has dealt with lots of dangerous creatures before... it's not like this... like Johnathon is any more dangerous than a Manticore. Besides, he was injured pretty badly as well. He seemed barely able to stand. I don't think he'll be in any condition to be a threat to anyone for awhile yet."

She frowned. "It is strange that he could stop Big Mac like that... Johnathon is... tall, but not really very big. He probably weighs less than I do!" Twilight thought about trying to stop Big Mac at a full run herself without using magic, and her imagination failed. "Perhaps creatures of Johnathon's species are exceptionally strong for their size? He was able to hog-tie Applejack, and she's the strongest pony I know, aside from Big Mac."

Spike nodded. "Like I said, dangerous!"

Twilight shook her head. "Don't worry too much, Spike. Just sent the letter to Princess Celestia. Maybe she might know something about his species that we don't have in our books here?"

Spike shrugged and sent the letter.


The Princess of the Sun was standing on the balcony with her sister Luna, having raised the sun only minutes before, when Twilight's letter popped into existence in front of her.

Luna smiled fondly. "Ah, another letter from your faithful student!" she teased lightly. "I do enjoy reading her lessons on friendship, when you'll share them with me, big sister."

Celestia couldn't help smile as well. "She has grown into a wonderful little pony, don't you think,Luna?"

Luna nodded gracefully. "She does her teacher proud." she looked curious. "What discovery on the magic of friendship has your student made this morning, I wonder?"

Celestia unrolled the parchment with her telekinesis, and started to read. In moments, her expression changed from one of cheerful anticipation, into one of confusion, and finally settled into a faint frown.

Luna grew grave as well at the sight, as she was aware of very few things that would so disturb her older sister. "Tia?" she asked softly. "What is the matter? Is Twilight Sparkle well?"

Celestia shook her head, then turned to her younger sister. "She is not harmed, although her message worries me. A creature from another world has arrived in Ponyville, and... I fear I may understand more about it's arrival than my most faithful student. I think she may have encountered a creature called... a human."

Luna blinked. "The same creatures we encountered after we defeated Discord the first time?" She asked, looking slightly worried as well.

Celestia. "I do not believe it to be a coincidence, dear sister. I shall contact Twilight Sparkle at once."


Twilight Sparkle hadn't quite made it out the door to the library when there was a loud *thump* on the balcony outside, and a polite knocking on the second story window.

Twilight blinked in confusion. "When did Rainbow Dash actually start knocking on pony's windows rather than flying straight through them?" she grinned slightly to herself, and quickly headed up the stairs to her bedroom, only to stop in shock. Outside her window, Princess Celestia was patiently standing on her small balcony.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight rushed up to the window to open it, stepping aside as her mentor gracefully stepped into her room. "I didn't expect you to come yourself! Is everything alright?"

"I hope so, my faithful student." Celestia said with a calm expression. "I do not wish to cause undo alarm, but given this matter's possible relationship to Discord, I thought it best to make sure everything was all right myself."

"Of course, Princess." Twilight nodded seriously. "Shall I show you the way to Fluttershy's home then?"

Celestia smiled softly. "Please do, Twilight Sparkle. I am most interested in meeting this alien creature you have described."

Twilight led the way, and they were soon on the path to Fluttershy's house. Several ponies they passed on the way paused in shock, usually bowing as they passed, and Twilight couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable with the attention. While she was used to the way most other ponies treated her mentor, it was always a little strange, especially here in Ponyville. As they walked, Twilight explained a little more about their visitor.

Celestia was unusually quiet, and finally Twilight felt she had to ask. "Princess, have you ever seen a creature like what I've described before?"

Celestia hesitated a moment. "I can not be certain, and it was a long time ago. I believe it will be better to simply see for myself."

They traveled the rest of the way in silence and found Fluttershy tending her garden when they arrived. "Oh my! Good morning Princess Celestia!" Fluttershy said, bowing low, but doing her best to address the alicorn clearly. "Are you here to see Johnathon?"

"And a fine morning to you, Fluttershy." the princess answered with a gentle smile for the timid pegasus. "Yes, is he awake? I'd like to speak with this being myself, if possible."

Fluttershy hesitated only a moment. "He was asleep a moment ago, when I checked on him, and he should get his rest with his injuries...." she glanced at Twilight Sparkle, who was looking at her with an impatient expression. "...but I'm sure he wouldn't mind visitors. He seemed very... nice when we spoke last night." she continued as she cowered lower to the ground.

Celestia hesitated as well. "Perhaps we could just peek in and see how he's doing? I wouldn't want to disturb his slumber..." she said in a kindly tone.

Fluttershy nodded her agreement quickly. "... sure." she said in a tiny voice, not daring argue the point. "if you think that's a good idea..."

Celestia's eyes went soft, and she smiled very gently down at the yellow and pink pegasus pony. "It is important, Fluttershy. We will try not to disturb your patient too greatly." she nodded at Twilight, who gave Fluttershy a reassuring look before leading the Princess quietly into Fluttershy's cottage.

Celestia stopped and took a good look at the form reclined on Fluttershy's couch. Still fully dressed, save his boots, which now rested on the floor, and covered in a blanket, she could not be certain at first what exactly she was looking at. But only moments after she and Twilight had entered, the man was stirring, glancing in their direction, then slowly rolling onto it's back and laboriously rising into a sitting position.

"Good... good morning." the man said slowly, looking at the Princess as his eyes went wide in astonishment. He glanced at Twilight, and after a moment's contemplation, greeted her by name. "Twilight Sparkle. Good morning. Could you introduce me to your... companion?" he returned his gaze to Celestia again, obviously thinking hard.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Johnathon, this is Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia, this is Johnathon."

"Johnathon Dwire." the archeologist corrected absently. "My full name is Johnathon Dwire."

Celestia's doubts faded. While different in many ways from the creatures she remembered, this was almost certainly a human. "I am... pleased to meet you, Johnathon Dwire. Welcome to Equestria." she frowned just slightly, and seemed to make a decision. "Your people... call themselves human, am I correct?"

Johnathon nodded. "That's right." he opened his mouth as if to ask a question, then closed it. "And... you are...?" he shook his head. "I apologize if it seems rude. I'm just... quite curious. So far I have seen three distinct species of... er... ponies since I've arrived. You appear to be a fourth... and from something Twilight Sparkle said last night... are all members of your species royalty?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "My sister Luna and I are known as Alicorns... and yes, I suppose we are considered royalty. There are only the two of us, I'm afraid."

Johnathon nodded. "I apologize if that was an impertinent question."

Celestia smiled slightly. "Not at all. How are you feeling, Johnathon Dwire? Would you be willing to answer some of our questions as well this morning?"

Johnathon smiled back. "Sure. Can I ask some of my own at the same time?"

Celestia nodded. "That would be acceptable."


Johnathon found himself opening up to the Princess with surprising ease. There was just something... reassuring about her. It was more than the fact that she was the most magnificent animal... he corrected himself, the most magnificent being he'd ever seen, more than the subtle but undeniable sense that she was immensely powerful, which normally would have worried him rather than reassured him in any case, it was something about how calm and controlled she seemed, even though she had let him see a little bit of the worry she was feeling.

It was that he wanted, very badly, to reassure her, even though he realized, as he continued, that perhaps not every thing he had to tell her would be sure to engender her confidence, he found it very difficult to keep from telling her everything she wanted to know.

Twilight glanced at her Princess, looking slightly confused. Why was Princess Celestia using magic? it was subtle... so subtle that she could barely detect it, but it was there. She could feel it calming her, making her more willing to share... almost like a truth spell, although much more sophisticated then anything she had ever seen before. Just a... gentle nudge toward being more open and honest. She started to ask, then shook her head. Surely the Princess knew best.

"And that's when something hit me in the back of the head, and I woke up here." Johnathon explained, finishing his abbreviated story with a shrug and a chuckle. "Apparently Rainbow... err... Dash, I think? The blue pegasus with the rainbow colored mane, hit me when I was reaching for Twilight...." he waved a hand quickly. "Not that I'm mad. She was just worried about her friend... and I'm alright, mostly."

Celestia smiled gently at him. "I am grateful that you do not hold a grudge." she turned to Twilight. "I did not think to ask. Were all accounted for after everything had settled? No injuries, I hope?"

Twilight hesitated. "Big Macintosh was a bit bruised, but he was moving alright when I saw him last. I don't think anyone else was injured."

Johnathon frowned slightly. "Was that the big red stallion wearing the horse collar?" He asked, looking slightly guilty. "I thought I might have hurt him a little. I'm sorry about that." he reached up to rub his right shoulder, wincing slightly. "Although I'd wager he got off lighter than I did. I'm going to be feeling that hit for a week at least."

Twilight Sparkled mouthed the word horse in mild confusion before nodding. "Yes, that's Big Mac." she looked slightly impressed. "I'm surprised he didn't knock you flat. Big Macintosh is very strong. Are humans normally as strong as you are?"

Johnathon blinked. "Well, er... I suppose I'm pretty fit. Stronger than average, I guess. I also spent some time as a linebacker in high school...." he shook his head. "Sorry, a linebacker is a position I played in a sport, a game my people call football...." he paused, checking his audience to see if he'd lost them. "Do you have team sports here?"

Twilight nodded. "A few." she looked a bit surprised. "What kind of sport teaches you to... stop somepony that big in the middle of a charge like that, anyway?"

Johnathon chuckled wryly. "A rough one. I was... well, I was really small growing up. I was the smallest guy my age growing up, so when I played football, I had to block guys twice my size... or more, on a regular basis. I just... well, I already knew a lot about leverage, and that sort of thing from these jujitsu classes I took when I was little, and I took that onto the field... mind over matter, you know?"

Twilight started to nod, then blinked, and shook her head. "I'm not sure I do, really. What is ju... jujistu?"

Johnathon blinked. "Oh... that's an unarmed combat form from my world. Um... big on grappling, and joint locks, and holds, that sort of thing. A lot of it is designed to allow someone who's smaller to take advantage of their opponent's greater size... and at the time, I was the smallest one around."

Twilight blinked. "You learned... a form of combat when you were very little?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... er... several, actually."

Princess Celestia sighed slightly without letting her disappointment show. It seemed humans had not changed as much as she had first hoped, although at least this individual seemed somewhat less aggressive than she remembered. Still, humans could lie as easily as anypony... she could not be sure he was being completely honest with them, although he did at least seem quite sincere.

Johnathon looked at Twilight with a bit of concern. "I take it that... er... that sort of thing is not typical for this area?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, not really, no, although it's not unheard of, I suppose. Is your world very dangerous, then?"

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "I suppose it's a matter of perspective. So far, this place has seemed rather dangerous to me, although thankfully now that we've gotten past our communications problem, I'm hoping that won't be a problem." he shrugged. "Some parts of my world are more dangerous than others. Some parts... very dangerous, others, like the part I grew up in, less so. I learned to fight... to defend myself when I was young because I was smaller than the rest of the boys my age, and... well, it was part of the culture of the region where I grew up that boys had to be strong. Fighting... not serious fighting, but fist fights and minor scuffles were just part of growing up. It was how a lot of boys figured out their... place among their peers." He shrugged. "I didn't exactly fit in... I was taught not to fight by my parents... to... in their words, to turn the other cheek, but after I was, well, beaten up a few times, my father encouraged me to learn to defend myself." he chuckled wryly. "And, while it's not really the most useful skill, it turned out that I had a talent at it."

Johnathon turned serious. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea. By the time they become adults, almost everyone grows out of that sort of nonsense. My culture does not tolerate adults fighting the way they do boys... and I, personally, dislike violence... harming any living thing. I always have. I did study the martial arts... unarmed combat styles, for many years, but when I reached the point where I could defend myself without having to hurt anyone in the process, I stopped training... well, mostly. It's good exercise, and I did spend some time as a self defense instructor for awhile." he grinned. "But now I'm rambling, and you probably are getting lost. To make a long story short, at one point, I had a big growth spurt... I was about sixteen years old? I grew ten inches..." he demonstrated the distance with his hands. "About that much, in three months..." He frowned. "Er... ninety days?" he shrugged. "After that point, I never... well, I never purposely inflicted injury on anyone. I did have a few altercations, but I was able to deal with the situation without doing anyone any harm... which was the best part of my talent for... well, for combat."

During his long winded explanation, Twilight and the Princess simply listened. While Twilight's face expressed so many different emotions that he wasn't quite sure what she was thinking, the Princess's expression remained dispassionate, as if she was simply used to hiding her emotions.

Twilight was the first to speak. "So... because you disliked violence, you became good enough at it that you didn't have to... use it anymore?" she wrinkled her nose. "I'm not really sure I understand."

Johnathon scratched his head. "Yeah, I do have a bit of trouble explaining that one." he looked thoughtful. "Um... maybe if I use an example. If... oh... Big Mac wanted to stop Applebloom from hurting him, he could be gentle, right? He wouldn't have to hurt her."

Twilight nodded. "Sure, he's so much bigger than she is! He could just hug her, or something."

Johnathon nodded. "Well, skill is like being bigger and stronger... and I've got a lot of skill. I'm also pretty big and strong... and fast. Bigger and stronger and faster than most people... and a whole lot more skilled than most people too. If I want to stop someone from hurting me, I can almost always do so without having to hurt them. Does that make sense?"

Twilight nodded now. "Oh! I get it now." she frowned. "I'm sorry, but your world doesn't sound very nice... if you have to learn all that just not to hurt anypony...."

Johnathon blinked. "Well... it's not quite that bad. I mean, I was, for various reasons, in positions that were more dangerous that what most people had to deal with. I was a security guard for several years, in between going to school...." he hesitated. "Um... I protected people and things?"

Twilight nodded. "We have guards here."

Johnathon nodded. "Before I finished my degrees, I did quite a bit of security work, and sometimes I had to... keep people from harming me or each other. It was nice to be able to do so without doing harm."

Twilight nodded. "I see. And most ponies... er... people, aren't guards..."

He nodded. "As adults, most people do not have to worry about violence very often at all. It's not really that common where I come from."

Celestia spoke up. "Where you come from is one of the more peaceful places on your world?" her words were kind, but the question was plain.

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Well, yes, in fact. There are parts of my world that are quite a bit more dangerous, to be honest. I've never really visited any of those places personally. Not any place really dangerous."

Celestia looked at him solemnly. "You spoke of... unarmed forms of combat. Are there other forms of combat on your world?"

Johnathon hesitated, hearing something that he didn't like very much in her tone. "Well, yes." he admitted, not wanting to lie. "I know a few armed techniques as well, although they're more of a sport where I come from. I have never carried a weapon, personally, aside for practice."

Twilight glanced at the Princess again. It seemed like she was fishing for something, and she wasn't sure she liked where this conversation was going, but she didn't know what to say.

Celestia nodded at the human. "You do not have to defend your own actions in this, Johnathon Dwire. I believe you to be a... gentle human. But I would like the complete truth."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "I won't lie to you, princess. Lying isn't one of my failings, thankfully."

Celestia smiled. "I believe you. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but your people, they use weapons against each other?"

"Some of them." Johnathon admitted gravely. "Yes. Even in the best parts of our world, there are some that do."

Celestia nodded again. "To harm... or to kill?"

Johnathon nodded again. "Yes. That's true enough. It's not something that's permissible in our culture... to harm or kill others, but it does happen. Such things are crimes where I come from... and severely punished."

"With death?" Celestia asked, tone very soft, her eyes forgiving but still firm.

Johnathon hesitated. "Not where I come from... or at least, so rarely that when it happens it's a remarkable event indeed, but in some parts of my world, yes."

Twilight Sparkle felt a shiver go down her spine, and she sounded upset as she spoke again. "Oh." she said simply. "I've read the history books... I know that, long ago, ponies used to fight... sometimes even kill, but... it was very long ago."

Johnathon turned to Celestia, looking helpless, then back to Twilight. "That's... well, I'm glad to hear that. I'm afraid my people haven't quite grown up that far." he tried to think of a way to explain it, but couldn't come up with anything. "I'm sorry... I...."

Celestia sighed, and held up a hoof. "I'm sorry as well. I know these questions are not pleasent. I'm afraid I have one more, however."

Johnathon nodded slowly, having a feeling where this was going, but not willing to lie to her.

Celestia's eyes were grave. "Do they still have war on your world? Do humans still kill each other for land, for wealth, or for political gain?"

Johnathon hesitated, then nodded. "Yes... we still have war."

Celestia sighed. "I feared as much."

Twilight felt her ears flattening against her head. "War?" she vaguely knew the word, although she had almost never heard it used. It meant many ponies... fighting and hurting each other over some sort of goal. She knew the concept, having studied their history as completely as any Pony she knew, but it had seemed such a strange... alien idea. She shivered again, realizing that she was actually frightened. Standing by her mentor... Princess Celestia, in Fluttershy's cottage, she was suddenly scared to death. She couldn't stop herself from shaking!

Celestia put a wing over Twilight's back comfortingly. "The human society is not like ours, Twilight Sparkle. The last time Discord was free, after my sister and I defeated him, sealing him in stone and freeing our land from chaos, there were many strange things left behind. One was a gateway... a weak point in space and time that led between the human world, and our own. My sister and I encountered travelers from that place... strange, barbaric men who bore only the faintest resemblance to Johnathon Dwire, and unlike him, did not desire peace in their hearts. We tried to reason with them, offered friendship and peace, and while they were not truly dangerous to my sister and myself, they could not be trusted around those who were weaker than themselves."

Celestia sighed. "By that time, it had been many hundreds of years since the ponies of Equestria had moved beyond the need for such violence. We lived in harmony, at least for the most part. The humans, unfortunately, had not yet learned that lesson. I had hoped, somehow, that in the time that has passed, they might have achieved a lasting peace as we did so long ago, but it seems that's not the case."

She turned to Johnathon. "At the time, we felt that the humans were too dangerous to stay in Equestria. We, my sister and I, forced the few humans that had found their way into our world to return to their own, and we traveled to your world for many years, attempting to make a lasting peace between our peoples, and we hoped, between your own. Unfortunately, we were not successful. We built embassies on both sides... one eventually became what you know as the castle of the ancient pony sisters, Twilight Sparkle, the other.... The other I believe you may have been excavating when you were pulled through to this side."

She looked thoughtful. "We sealed the gateway long ago. We thought it was a permanent thing. Neither my sister or I had the power to open such a gateway again once it was sealed, so we only closed it when all other options seemed hopeless to us. I am afraid that Discord's return has reopened the gateway..." she frowned sadly. "And from what you have told me, Johnathon Dwire, I think it best if we seal the gateway once again... before more of your kind come through."

Johnathon Dwire had sat silently and listened to the alicorn princess. He didn't know what to think. At the same time, however, he couldn't argue with her.

"You're probably right." he finally admitted. "I'm sorry to say, but... I think your world would probably be better off without any of the... bad parts of mine." he sighed. "I wish I could argue with you. If there is a gateway... and I could travel back and forth, it would be the opportunity of a lifetime for me... to study your people, perhaps to learn something that could benefit mine... but...." he should his head. "But if this place is as... as peaceful as you imply, well, while the chance of something... truly bad coming through seems small to me, it's probably not worth the risk."

Twilight sighed, closing her eyes and visibly calming. "I am sorry Johnathon. Even though it sounds like parts of your world are terrible, I would also like to find out more about it. I'm sure we would learn a lot from each other!"

Johnathon nodded. "Of that I have no doubt. But the Princess is right. While most of the people of my world would not abuse a place such as this, there are enough that would... and I would not let that happen if it could be prevented."

He turned to the Princess. "We should hurry. The site we were excavating is quite remote, but my team should have returned almost two days ago... and they would have called for help. There may be more humans here already." he frowned. "My team won't be any problem... they're scientists, like me... and peaceful enough. Those who come to help...?" He shrugged. "I don't know, and I don't want to risk it. We should go now."

Celestia hesitated. "Are you not injured, Johnathon Dwire?"

He shrugged. "I'll live... and there will be medical care on the other side. I'll be fine so long as I don't hit my head going... going through again."

Twilight suddenly rushed forward, putting her hooves around him. "I'm sorry I could not get to know you better, Johnathon." she told him softly. "I think we could have been friends."

"I think we are... just a little." he told her softly. "I'm sorry I can't stay longer, but if we get there too late, and someone... the wrong someone comes through? I can't let that happen."

Celestia nodded. "We will hurry." She hesitated. "I could call for the royal chariot, but it would take hours to arrive. In this emergency, I think we will have be expedient." she looked at Johnathon. "Can you climb on my back, Johnathon Dwire?"

He blinked. "Can I..." the archeologist nodded slowly. "I can ride... er... I used to have a horse about your size on my farm." He told Celestia. "Although she didn't have wings." he hesitated. "I'll just... hold onto your neck, if that's alright?"

Princess Celestia nodded firmly. "That will be acceptable." she turned for the door. "Let us go."

Johnathon Dwire quickly pulled on his boots, then forced himself to his feet slowly, taking in a slow breath. "OK... yeah, i think I can manage, for awhile, anyway."

Celestia smiled. "It should not take long to arrive. I know a... shortcut."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "You can teleport too?"

She smiled broadly and nodded. "You're a quick study."

Johnathon shrugged. "I pay attention." he followed her out into Fluttershy's yard. The yellow pegasus was laying in the middle of her chicken run, talking to her chickens quietly, and looked up as she saw the princess and Johnathon exit.

"Oh my!" she said, looking concerned. "Are you sure you should be up, Johnathon? You were so dizzy last night!"

Johnathon smiled faintly at the gentle pegasus. "I'll survive, Fluttershy. Thank you so very much for taking care of me. I'm sorry I have to rush off like this, but... well, we have a world to save." he grinned at Celestia. "OK... that was probably the coolest thing I'll ever get to say."

Celestia grinned back. "It is pretty cool the first few times." she agreed cheerfully. She slowly knelt before him, then folded her hind legs so that she was sitting on all fours. "Will this make it easier for you to climb on my back?" She asked politely.

Twilight nearly fainted at the sight, and Fluttershy got very confused. "Um... can I ask... er... what's going on?"

"I'm going to ride an Alicorn." Johnathon explained tersely, with a bit of a grin. "A very great honor." Celestia giggled lightly, her voice like the sound of bells.

Twilight looked horrified. "But... princess! It's not right!"

Celestia smiled gently at her and deliberately misunderstood. "I know Johnathon is hurt, but I promise, I will be most gentle with him... and as you know, time may be slipping away from us, and it would not be right to trap him on this side of the gateway."

Twilight's ears drooped. "Of course... but..."

Celestia nickered lightly, amused but not angry at her favorite student. "One serves in the way needed, Twilight Sparkle. It does me no harm to carry an injured man."

Twilight nodded, slowly smiling back at her mentor. "I will remember, Princess Celestia."

Johnathon slowly climbed onto the Alicorn's back, careful to place his legs so as not to interfere with her wings, and lowering himself so that he was hugging her neck. "I apologize if I squeeze too hard. Are you planning on actually flying part of the way?"

Celestia giggled. "I'm afraid so, for a little bit. Teleportation is a bit easier long distance if you travel within open spaces, and mid air is easiest."

"Ah." Johnathon sighed. "As much as I'd love to fly any other day, my poor head was hoping you weren't going to say that."

"We will begin slowly." Celestia said comfortingly, and rose to her feet, easily bearing the man's weight. She flapped her wings experimentally at first, making sure she had full range of motion with him on her back, before making several strong down beats, and lifting off the ground almost effortlessly.

"How do you do that?!?" Johnathon said in a loud voice into her neck as the wind rushed past them. "Achieve so much lift with wings that small... I'd think you'd have to beat them much faster!"

"Magic!" Celestia told him gaily. "Now hold on tight!" She instructed. A moment later, there was a flash, and they were gone.

Twilight shivered. "Please... let it be alright!" She begged. She wasn't quite sure who she was talking to. The sun? Celestia herself? She didn't know. There was something inside her... some small part of her that was absolutely certain that regardless of everything she had heard and seen today, this wasn't over. She wasn't sure if she should be frightened, or hopeful. All she knew was, somehow, this wasn't...

The end.

Chapter 3

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Fluttershy watched Princess Celestia, carrying the human, Johnathon on her back, fly effortlessly into the sky and then vanish, before turning to Twilight Sparkle in confusion. "Twilight...?" she started hesitantly. "It's not that I want to be a bother or anything... but..." she paused, trying to think of a polite way of asking.

"What in tarnation is going on here?" Applejack's voice rang clear and loud as she strode up to the yellow pegasi's home. "Did I see the Princess carrying off that critter... John a thin something or other?"

Rainbow Dash zipped into view, landing neatly in between Twilight and Applejack with a grin. "Yup! Weird, right? Have you ever seen the Princess carry anypony around like that before?"

Twilight frowned. "Well, it was an emergency situation. The princess is afraid that the portal that brought Johnathon here might still be open, so she's going to go close it."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "OK, I can buy that... but what was she taking the... whatchamacallit with her for?"

Twilight frowned slightly. "Well, obviously, if she closes the way between his world and ours, he'd be stuck here, so obviously she's going to let him go home first!"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Oh right. That makes sense."

Fluttershy spoke up quietly. "They're called humans where he comes from." She explained helpfully. "Johnathon is a human. An injured human." she turned to Twilight. "He really shouldn't be flying... or riding... or whatever it is he's doing. He's hurt, and what if he gets hurt again going home?" she huddled down, looking miserable. "He said he hit his head when he came through the... whatever it was. It doesn't sound like it's very safe."

Twilight sighed. "It's probably not very safe, but he can't stay here forever, Fluttershy. He needs to go home."

Applejack frowned. "What's the rush, anyhow? Why did they need to go close the thing so gosh darned quick?" she frowned. "Well, I mean, we had a bit of a ruckus when he first showed up, but he didn't mean no harm."

Twilight shook her head. "Well, it might be dangerous if we wait too long. Johnathon is a... a nice human, but apparently not all humans are so nice. Princess Celestia wanted to make sure that the portal is closed before any not nice humans came over to this side."

Applejack's eyes narrowed, and her ears flattened slightly. "What do ya mean by not nice, sugar cube? Are you talking like those rascally diamond dogs? You think they might be dangerous?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... I hope not, but Johnathon's world seems like it's a lot more dangerous then ours. Humans seem to be more... aggressive than ponies... at least, in groups. I don't think Johnathon himself is dangerous, but some humans could be... and many humans probably would be bad."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Bad how?"

Twilight shook her head. "I'm not... I'm not really sure, but the Princess knew about them. Way back when Discord was first around, a bunch of humans came here... to Equestria, the same way Johnathon did. They were... well, aggressive, and not very civilized... and after a while, the Princesses decided that we couldn't live peacefully with them, because they didn't know how to live peacefully with themselves, so she, and Princess Luna, closed up the portal for good. At least until Discord came back."

Rainbow Dash looked like she was trying to pay attention, but wasn't quite following. "So these humans were bad... and the Princess went to make sure that no more of them get into Equestria?"

Twilight frowned again. "Well, it's not quite that simple, but that's essentially the idea. It seems like that humans don't live peacefully on their world like we do. They fight... over food, and land, and... who's in charge, I guess. And they hurt each other..." she shook her head. "It's not that all the humans are bad, and, according to Johnathon, there are lots of places that are peaceful, but there are still places where the humans fight with each other."

"You mean like the ruckus over in Appaloosa?" Applejack asked, looking curious.

Twilight shook her head. "No pony really got hurt in Appaloosa. I mean... the sort of fighting where... humans really get hurt, even die."

Applejack's ears went flat to her head. "You mean... killing?"

Twilight nodded sadly. "Yes. I'm afraid so."

Fluttershy shook her head in denial. "no..." she said very quietly. Everyone went silent around her, so her next words were clear, if soft. "I don't believe that." she said simply. "I know when an animal is dangerous... and Johnathon wasn't like that. He isn't a killer."

Twilight shook her head. "I don't think he is either, Fluttershy. But not all humans are like him. He doesn't like it either, but he told us that some humans are...." she frowned. "Well... are dangerous. When the Princess told him that the gateway between our worlds might still be open, he agreed that it should be shut and soon. That's why he went with her, even though he's still really hurt."

Applejack nodded thoughtfully. "He did seem like a brave sort. It's too bad we got off to such a bad start. I think I might have liked him."

Twilight sighed. "I liked him too, Applejack. It's too bad that he had to go so soon. I think we could have been friends... but it's too late now, I'm afraid."


Princess Celestia paced back and forth near the spot Johnathon remembered ending up when he had first arrived next to the Castle ruins, her eyes closed as she concentrated. Finally, she stopped, and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Johnathon, but it's too late now, I'm afraid." she smiled apologetically at the human, who was leaning against the stone wall, looking weak and pale. "I can detect what I believe may be some residual energy from a portal, but it's very weak." she explained. "It probably was only open while Discord's storm of chaos was active... and faded almost immediately afterword... if I'm sensing these energies correctly." she sighed. "It is good that no others from your world have traveled through. I believe the portal was open for only a few hours, at most, and from what you have told me, you would have been the only human in that area at the time?"

Johnathon nodded. "And I was laying on the ground here for maybe... a day afterword, so if anyone else did come through, they'd have seen me... and probably stayed to try and wake me up. You're right, I don't think anyone else came through." He slumped into a sitting position against the wall, his head spinning. "I... whoa... I don't feel so good... Princess." he made a noise in his throat, as if he was choking, and grimaced. "Sorry about this...."

Celestia shook her head, walking toward him, even as he threw out an arm to try and ward her away. "You don't have to apologize for being ill, Johnathon..." she took a step back, lifting her front legs slightly to dodge as he vomited messily, narrowly missing her. "Oh." she frowned worriedly. "Oh dear... your condition is worse than I thought. We should get you some medical attention quickly."

The archeologist shook his head shakily when he managed to stop heaving up everything he had eaten in the past day. "I... I don't think I can ride quite yet... not without falling off, anyway." he said weakly. "And you fly... kinda high."

Celestia smiled gently. "I understand. Do not strain yourself. Do you think you can handle another teleport?"

Johnathon looked queasy at the thought, then shrugged. "Maybe? Yeah, probably." he frowned. "I guess this means I'm not going back home then?"

Celestia hesitated. "Not... not right away, in any case... and perhaps not the same way you came. As I explained earlier, my sister and I do not have the power to open rifts in space and time as Discord did... and since this one is closed once again, we cannot use it to send you home." she smiled gently. "However, my most prized student is very gifted with magic, more so than she understands, I expect. She may find a way to return you to your home, given time."

Johnathon looked curious. "Oh? A magical prodigy, huh? Where is this wunderkind?:

Celestia smiled. "Back in Ponyville. I believe you know her. Her name is Twilight Sparkle."

Johnathon grinned slightly. "Ah! Should have guessed, what with the teleporting, and the translation spell. I got the impression she learned that spell just for me...."

Celestia nodded. "Most likely. Her skills are the most impressive I've seen in... well, a thousand years." she smiled. "She probably would not believe me if I told her, but she learns faster than I ever did at her age... and her gifts are stronger than mine when I was such a young pony."

Johnathon looked up at her in interest, his eyes swimming slightly. "You have a knack for being cryptic, Princess. Has anyone ever told you that?"

Celestia laughed lightly. "Once or twice." she nodded to him. "Now then, let's get you safely back to Ponyville, shall we?"


Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy had moved inside of Fluttershy's home to have brunch, complete with tea, and talk about the strange visitor a bit more. Rainbow Dash, citing a need to practice some moves, had flown off, although Twilight suspected the the concept of a "tea party" at Fluttershy's home simply fit the Rainbow maned mare's concept of boredom a bit too well for comfort, and she has simply made the most convenient excuse to escape.

Applejack was looking a little strained as well, but seemed to be recalling some of her social graces from her time in Manehatten, not wanting to upset the emotionally fragile yellow pegasus. "I expect that he'll be just fine." she told Fluttershy reassuringly. "Iffen there's some of his kind on the other side who know how to fix up creatures like him... like Twilight says...."

Twilight nodded. "He did say there would... medical care on the other side." she turned speculative. "I didn't learn that much about his society, but I think we could assume that it's as least as advanced as our own in many areas. His clothing, as Rarity pointed out, was good quality, and well, frankly, assuming a more aggressive culture, their medical sciences may be even MORE advanced then our own, given a greater need for medical care...."

Fluttershy looked thoughtful. "He did know a bit about medicine. He said his people have many different medicines for pain, although he only knew the... natural ingredients for one example himself. But that's pretty good for a pony... er... a human that doesn't have medical training, don't you think?"

"What's a human?" a cheerful voice came from Fluttershy's front door. "Is Johnathon a human? What a weird word... human... hunan... mooman!" Pinkie Pie giggled as she let herself in. "Hello girls, is the hugeman feeling better? Not that he's huge, I mean, he's tall, but not very big... but it's fun to play with new words..." she blinked. "We are talking about the alien right?"

Twilight blinked as Pinkie's monologue ground itself to a halt, and answered. "Yes, Johnathon was, is, a human. But I'm afraid he's gone, Pinkie. Princess Celestia came to take him back to his world."

Pinkie Pie deflated, as if all the air had suddenly left her. "Aw... I was planning the most super duper party ever! I mean... it's one thing to throw a party for a pony who's new in town... but I've never thrown a party for someone who's new to the whole world! It was going to be a Welcome to Equestria Party!" she sank back down. "And now he's missed it...." she started walking toward the front door. "What am I going to do with the pony shaped cake I made?"

Twilight blinked. "Er... why did you make s pony shaped cake?"

Pinkie turned back to her, eyes lighting up. "It's a joke! You remember when Applejack said to Applebloom... For all you know, he was going to walk right off with you, or...." She said the words in a passable imitation of the orange farmer. "And I said..., or eat you up in a big tasty stew!" And I thought, wouldn't it be funny to have a pony shaped cake, so that we could all eat a pony!" she blinked. "Huh... that was funnier in my head." she shrugged, looking sad again. "But now he's gone, and no one will want cake...."

"I could go for some cake." a tired but familiar sounding male voice said from outside. "Whoops! Mind the door!" Johnathon Dwire floated into the room, head first, enveloped in a telekinetic field.

"Excuse me girls." Princess Celestia's voice came from outside. "Fluttershy, I hope I do not presume too much, but might I entrust you with seeing to the recovery of our guest for a little while longer?"

Fluttershy blinked, then bowed in the direction of the Princesses voice, just in time for the Princess herself to stick her head in the doorway, and begin floating Johnathon toward the couch. "Of course, Princess! I would be honored." she moved to one side, putting her forehead against Johnathon's as he floated past her, checking his temperature. "Oh, you poor thing... you're all pale and sweaty. You really shouldn't have exerted yourself so soon after a head injury like that. You could have made yourself sick."

Twilight and Applejack hastily cleared the space in front of Fluttershy's couch, and the Princess gently lowered him onto it. "There... you should follow our dear Fluttershy's advice, at least until you feel better, Johnathon Dwire. She is most wise when it comes to the care of all manner of creatures."

Johnathon nodded gravely. "I'll do that, Princess Celestia. Thank you for going to the extra effort of returning me here so gently. I'm impressed... holding me telekinetically, and then teleporting at the same time? I... well, I have a vague idea of the power requirements involved, although I guess I should assume that I really can't understand... but still, very impressive."

Celestia shook her head. "It was nothing. I could not make you ride again, not after forcing you to move with such haste earlier. I hope you recover soon." she turned to Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle, could you walk with me a ways? I have a small favor to ask." Twilight blinked, and then hurried outside to join the Princess.

Inside Fluttershy's house, she could hear a certain pink pony beginning to giggle madly, and she could practically say the words with Pinkie. "Do you know what this means? It's time for a PARTY!!!" Twilight chuckled softly, sharing a fond look with her Princess, who's expression mirrored her own in that instant.

"Predictable, but very sweet." Celestia said with a nod back toward the cottage. "I do so like your friends, Twilight Sparkle. That they are those that became your good friends speaks very highly of you, my favorite student. They are indeed the very elements of Harmony, come to life."

As they walked, heading back toward the library, she seemed to be thinking, and Twilight waited. It was already mid day, and there were many more ponies out than they had seen on their walk to Fluttershy's home earlier, but everypony kept their distance, politely giving Twilight and the Princess their privacy.

"I have a task for you. You do not have to accept, and it may not even be possible, but nevertheless, I will ask." Celestia said slowly.

"Anything, Princess!" Twilight said eagerly.

Celestia hesitated. "As you may have surmised on our return, when we arrived at the Castle, the portal was closed. It will not open again, I fear, without releasing Discord once more, which would be unwise in the extreme."

Twilight nodded seriously. "I certainly don't want to deal with him again any time soon." she agreed.

"So unfortunately, that leaves our visitor stranded. I was hoping you might take up a research project for me?"

Twilight nodded again automatically. "Did you want me to try and figure out a way for Johnathon to go home again?" She looked worried. "That's... major magic! It could be dangerous as well... no pony has ever created a gateway to another world before... have they?"

Celestia shook her head. "Not as far as I am aware, no. I do not ask this of you lightly, and, in fact, I do not truly expect you to succeed. If you would make an honest attempt at learning something about the possibilities, that would be more than I could hope for."

Twilight nodded again. "I will try, Princess." she smiled, looking thoughtful. "Actually, I have been thinking about pursuing a new avenue of magic... creating some new spells. I mean, I've only learned a fraction of the magical spells in my spellbooks so far, but a lot of them are simply variations on a theme, and I'm pretty sure, given time, I could master most of them..." she blushed. "Er... I mean... I..."

Celestia smiled gently. "Do not be afraid to be sure of your gifts, my student. You are the most talented mage of your age, and I am in a position to know. I understand wanting to break new ground in your field. It is a most exciting prospect, is it not?"

Twilight nodded quietly, trying not to beam at the praise. "Yes... as I said, I had been thinking about doing some work... experimenting with pushing the boundaries of what we know about magic... but I couldn't decide what to focus on, the possibilities were... endless." she nodded to herself. "I have some ideas where to start... I'll need to borrow some materials from the royal libraries..." she glanced up hesitantly at Celestia. "If that's alright, Princess?"

Celestia nodded easily. "Of course, my student. Have Spike send me a list, or, if you find the time, come yourself and you can spend some time in the library in the palace. You used to spend so much time there."

Twilight smiled. "I may just take you up on that!" she nuzzled Princess Celestia lightly, and the Princess lowered her head to return the favor. "I miss our times together, Princess. As much as I love my friends, it seems so long between visits."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Didn't we just hold a celebration where you and your friends were honored for saving all of Equestria from Discord... not four days ago?"

Twilight chuckled wryly. "That's different. We hardly had any time to talk, with all the important ponies wanting to talk to us... I don't really like all the attention that much."

"Which must be why, my faithful student, you and your friends vanished from Court after the first day of what was meant to be a week long celebration." Celestia teased.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Pinkie was crushed... although after the Gala, I think we all figured out that we're not really meant for life in court." she looked thoughtful. "Well, Rarity looked a bit disappointed as well, but I think she'd much rather be recognized for her fashion designs then for saving the world.... that, and she was tired of Prince Blueblood chasing her around everywhere, trying to apologize." she shook her head. "He was... really bad at it!"

Celestia sighed. "Yes, I don't blame you for not finding life at court to your liking. I must return myself... and I find myself wishing I could stay here a while longer. Never-the-less, even a princess has duties she cannot shirk."

Twilight shook her head. "Oh princess, you work harder than any pony I know. If anyone deserves some time off, it's you."

Celestia smiled. "Perhaps, but I am well used to baring responsibility, and I do have my moments of fun here and there." she nuzzled Twilight's neck once more. "I will see you soon, I hope. Please write and keep me appraised of Johnathon's condition. I don't think his injuries are too serious, but I do want to know if he gets worse. I feel somewhat responsible."

Twilight nodded. "I will Princess, I promise."

Celestia started to flap her wings, rising up toward the sun. "Thank you my faithful student. Say goodbye to your friends for me, will you?" lifting her head to the sky, her wings outstretched, the Alicorn vanished in a flash of light.

Twilight sighed, slumping slightly. "What did I just agree to do?" she asked herself. "Invent an entirely new brand of magic, and make sure it's safe for practical use? Am I insane?" she sighed. "Well, it does give me an excuse to get into the restricted section of the royal library, I guess!" the purple unicorn said, brightening. "There are so many books I've been dying to read in there!"


Back at Fluttershy's house, a complicated negotiation was under way.

"How about just a few of your best friends... like just the ponies I know?" Johnathon suggested. "You know, everyone here, and Rainbow Dash, Big Mac... Applebloom...?"

Pinkie countered. "Everyone in TOWN should be there... no, everyone in EQUESTRIA should be there!" she decided firmly. "After all, you've never met any pony anywhere in the whole world, so we should invite every pony everywhere!"

Johnathon shook his head lightly, chuckling. "I doubt there's a room big enough for every pony everywhere, Pinkie..." he glanced at Applejack. "There isn't is there? I mean... I don't really know that for sure...."

Applejack chuckled. "Nope... no place big enough for every pony everywhere, sure enough."

Johnathon turned back to Pinkie. "And I'm supposed to be resting anyway... maybe just a few others? Friends and family?"

Pinkie pouted. "But we should at least invite every pony in Ponyville. And Zecora... and maybe the Princesses could come!"

Johnathon winced slightly. "Well, nothing that big for awhile... maybe in a couple weeks, when I'm recovered, and I've had a chance to meet some more... er... ponies?"

Pinkie's eyes went huge. "Two whole weeks? Nonononononono..." she said firmly, shaking her head. "That's WAY too long. If I had to wait that long for a party I think I'd just up and explode! And then maybe explode again!" she turned her face sideways at him, and glared at him with one eye, opening it up as wide as she could. "We should have it tomorrow!"

Johnathon tried not to wince backwards. "Er... how about one week... and... no more than... oh, twenty ponies...?"

Pinkie raised her rear end, and lowered herself on her forehooves to glare at the human from the same level, which was only a couple feet from the ground, as he was resting on a pretty low couch. "Twenty...? How about fifty? And I bet you'll be feeling super duper extra fantastic in only two or three days, with our best animal carepony in the whole world Fluttershy taking care of you! Let's say three days from today!" she was so intent on her negotiation, she didn't notice her rear end shaking back and forth as if she was trying to run and stay still at the same time. Applejack took a couple steps back to avoid getting knocked over.

Johnathon hesitated. "Three days from today... but no more than... two dozen ponies, alright? And they have to be good friends with you or your friends, and genuinely want to be friends with strange creatures like humans... and not just ponies who want to gawk at the weird creature, OK?"

Pinkie Pie's whole body went still, and her eyes screwed up as if it she was using every fiber in her being to seriously consider the compromise. "Deal!" She said suddenly, relaxing into her normally sunny expression. "No meany ponies, and no gawking at aliens. Got it." She held out a hoof. "Shake."

He blinked, then reached out a hand to take her hoof, and gently shook it. "OK then. Deal."

She started to bounce again. "Ooh... I know just who to invite! It has to be just right if it's going to be your first party EVER in Equestria!" Pinkie bounced merrily out of the house, narrowing missing colliding with Twilight Sparkle, who had been about to knock on the door and enter herself.

Applejack was looking impressed. "You have a knack for negotiation, Johnathon." she commented with a grin. "You ever consider going into the apple selling business?"

Johnathon winced. "Er... not really. I've never been all that enthusiastic about retail." he shrugged. "Although, since I will probably be stuck here awhile, I may need a job... I do know something about farming. Could you use some help around your place?" he tried to recall the name. "Apple Acres?"

"That's Sweet Apple Acres, and it's a possibility for certain." Applejack said reasonably. "What kinda farming did you do back home?"

Johnathon frowned. "Well... er... not a lot... professionally, I mean. We had a chicken coop... collected eggs and sold them. We raised goats... never needed to buy milk elsewhere while they were milking..." He shrugged. "I've done some landscaping... planted trees... I'm alright at construction, I guess." he grinned. "And I'm really good at picking up heavy objects, moving them to another place, and putting them down again."

Applejack chuckled. "Well, that'll do fine. Even if you're new to apple farming, we can always use a willing back to carry and haul... and there are always repairs to be done around a farm."

Johnathon nodded. "That part I know about. I'm pretty handy with a... hammer." he frowned. "Er... do you have hammers?"

Applejack chuckled. "Do we have hammers? Of course we do! How do you expect to drive in a nail without a hammer? Use your hoof?"

The archeologist shrugged. "I try not to assume. I'm really impressed by Twilight's translation spell, though. I haven't had any trouble explaining myself at all... although frankly, I'm surprised by how many concepts my culture has in common with yours."

Applejack shrugged. "When you get down to it, we're all just folks, I guess. We all got to eat, we all want a place to lay our heads... folks to talk to...." she smiled at him. "Don't ya think?"

Johnathon nodded slowly. "That does seem to be something you can count on, most places, I guess."

Twilight cleared her throat. "So... Pinkie's getting her party?"

Johnathon sighed. "Don't remind me! I hate parties..." he winced. "Er... don't say that to your friend... Pinkie, right? I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I've never really felt comfortable in a big group."

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. "Is that because of your predator upbringing? Always having to be wary of the other predators in the group must make large gatherings nervous..."

Johnathon blinked. "Er... that's an interesting hypothesis, but no... most humans like parties... I'm just... well, I'm not really great at social interaction in groups."

Twilight's eyes went wide. "Really? Me too!" she smiled. "Don't worry, Pinkie Pie parties are easy to have fun at. I was always studying before I came to Ponyville, and I never took time out to party with the other ponies my age... but Pinkie has a way of... breaking some ponies out of their shells."

Johnathon looked dubious. "Sounds painful."

Applejack nodded. "Pinkie does throw the best do's I've seen." she agreed easily. "No pony will expect you to be the life of the party or anything. You can just be yourself."

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, I'll try. I'm not sure being myself will go over well at a party, but I promised Pinkie, so I'll be there." he glanced at Twilight with interest. "So... let me guess what the Princess wanted to talk to you about?"

Twilight blinked. "Er... she told you what she was going to ask me?"

Johnathon nodded. "Princess Celestia told me that if her her most promising student couldn't figure out how to get me home, no... er... no pony could." he put up a hand at Twilight's panicked expression. "Not that I'm going to hold it against you if you can't manage it. I can't even imagine the difficulty of such a problem."

He looked at her seriously. "Actually, there is one thing I would ask you to seriously attempt... to try and explain a little bit about what the problems behind getting me home ARE. I don't know anything about magic... not one single thing, but I'd at least like to understand enough to know what you're going to try." the archeologist shrugged. "If you can explain in in layman's terms, anyway." he held up a hand as Twilight looked like she was about to speak. "And I'm not asking that you start today. The way my head feels, I probably won't remember most of it anyway. When you're ready, and have some time... if you're willing, anyway."

Twilight hesitated, then nodded. "I'd be happy to explain some of the theory to you, although without a background in magical theory, I'm not sure how much you'll understand."

Johnathon smiled slightly. "I'd appreciate that. I probably won't understand much, but... well, it would make me feel better if I had some information about it. Even if I can't help you with it."

Twilight smiled at him. "I understand. I'm a bit rusty on the theory involved myself, so I'm going to go to Canterlot, to the royal library, to brush up on the basics. Maybe when I return, I can try and explain some of it to you... in laypony terms."

The archeologist nodded gratefully. "That'd be as much as I could ask for. Thank you. It's very generous of you to spend your time like this... trying to learn a whole new field of magic, just to try and send me home." he hesitated. "Or at least, that's what it sounds like you're planning on doing."

Twilight nodded, frowning. "It's a big project... and I don't know if I can do it, but..." she smiled at him. "It's actually a really fascinating subject! And I was really seriously considering branching out and researching something new... although... well, not quite this soon, but... I think it'll be a lot of fun, even if it doesn't work!"

Johnathon grinned. "I'm glad you're excited. Please don't worry too much about getting me home. I'll manage, regardless. I would like to go home, of course, but I won't blame you if it's not possible." he shrugged. "I guess we'll see."

Twilight nodded seriously. "I'll do my best. I won't make any promises that it will work, but I can promise to try hard."

Johnathon nodded, smiling gently. "That's more than enough, and more than I deserve. Thank you."

"You're welcome." she levitated the blue blanket that had been lying on the side of the couch, and draped it over him. "You should get your rest. I can tell you're in pain, although you're trying to hide it."

Johnathon nodded. "Yeah." he hesitated. "Although I probably should eat something first. I kind of... lost my lunch earlier."

Twilight looked puzzled. "Lost your lunch?"

Johnathon blinked. "Er... I was sick... after flying with the Princess, I threw up."

Twilight looked horrified. "You didn't... throw up on the Princess, did you?"

There was a horrified silence before Johnathon quickly shook his head. "Oh... no, she dodged."

Twilight tried not to imagine the scene... and Applejack quickly changed the subject, moving up to sit by his shoulder. "So... you're married? Don't ya miss her, doing that... archeologic stuff, way out in the jungle like that?"

Johnathon's expression darkened slightly, and he shook his head sadly at the farm pony. "She died... only a few years back. Cancer." at the looks of incomprehension, he explained. "It's an... illness where I come from... a bad one. I really couldn't explain it well, but it's often fatal, I'm afraid. It's not really common, fortunately." he glanced at Fluttershy. "It's not something contagious... just something that happens.... usually because of something in the environment." he shrugged again. "I never really understood it that well, I'm afraid."

Applejack put a hoof on his shoulder gently. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up any painful memories or nothing."

He shook his head. "It's alright. We had five good years together. Five very happy years. I don't regret it in the slightest."

Applejack looked curious. "How old are you anyhow, Johnathon, if you don't mind me asking? Since I've never met a human before, I don't rightly know if I can tell, although you seem like a young fella to me."

Johnathon smiled. "I don't mind you asking. I'll be forty years old this year... although I don't know if our years are alike, so I don't know what that might mean to you. Our days seem about the same."

Twilight spoke up. "We have three hundred and sixty five days in our year." she informed him helpfully. "There used to be an extra day every four years... according to the oldest records, but Princess Celestia made a few small adjustments about a thousand years ago, and now it's always three hundred and sixty five."

Johnathon blinked, then blinked again, trying to take that in. "Er... OK." he shook his head, a bit too hard, winced, then closed his eyes for a moment before continuing. "That's a remarkable coincidence. That's how many days we have in a year as well." he blinked. "Hey... I bet that means something, right? Having the same number of days in a year?"

Twilight Sparkle looked interested. "It probably does. Perhaps our worlds have other similarities as well."

He nodded. "More than likely, I'd say, from what I've seen so far." he shrugged and nodded to Applejack. "So yes, I'd be forty years old here as well."

Applejack whistled. "You look pretty good for forty!" she blinked. "I think... I guess I don't know how long you humans live, huh?"

Johnathon smiled. "Forty makes me middle aged for a human. And I am in pretty good condition for my age, modesty aside. I've had a pretty active life. I've always kept myself in shape, and I expect I'll live for quite a long while yet."

He glanced at Twilight. "Humans tend to live around eighty years, although some of us make it into our hundreds... which is what I'm hoping for myself, if I keep in shape and take care of myself."

Twilight looked interested. "Ponies live about the same amount of time here... unicorns live the longest, in general, while Pegasi have the shortest life expectancy... although perhaps that's more because they don't like to stop flying... and accidents happen more often to older ponies."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Well... er... I shouldn't be so surprised, but ponies where I come from only live two or three decades..." he shook his head again. "But again, aside from some similar physical characteristics, you really don't have that much in common with the ponies in my world."

Twilight looked a bit queasy. "I'm not sure if I really want to know too much about the ponies on your world. I can't imagine not being able to talk... being human pets?"

Johnathon winced. "We do treat them well... really. Ponies are loved on my world... but they are... well, animals. They aren't intelligent like you are."

Applejack looked dubious. "Are you sure? I mean, I wasn't sure you were intelligent till Twilight worked her magic on you so you could talk... and you said you don't have magic on your world, right?"

Johnathon shrugged. "I'm pretty sure. Sorry Applejack. Scientists on my world have been searching for intelligence in every other species on my planet for a long time. There are a few species that are pretty bright... but aside from humans, the smartest other species on our world is only able to figure out maybe a few hundred words... and communicate in only the most basic concepts. Ponies are pretty smart in comparison to most, but no, even with a translation spell, I don't think they could talk... at least not much." he frowned. "For example, even though I wasn't paying enough attention when I first got here, there were a ton of clues that Applebloom was intelligent, even though I couldn't understand a word she said. And even if Twilight hadn't used that translation spell on me, I expect we would have figured out a way to communicate before too long."

Applejack sighed. "Well, I'll take your word on the subject, I guess. It just don't sit right with me, is all, ponies being treated like pets." Johnathon started to protest, but Applejack shook her head. "Don't you never mind about it. it's my own problem, not yours. I don't figure you ever did nothing wrong by your animals. You're not the type."

He nodded. "Thank you. I'd like to think you're right, but I appreciate the sentiment, regardless."

Fluttershy was starting to look very slightly upset, although she was trying to hide it. "Girls... Johnathon really should get something to eat, and get some rest. You can ask him all the questions you want when he's feeling better."

Johnathon started to protest, but his head was pounding, and he was starting to feel dizzy and faint again. "I'm afraid I probably do need to take a break, girls, although I do enjoy talking with you. We can talk tomorrow?"

Applejack nodded. "I'll come on by for a spell tomorrow, after I've finished the farm chores, if that's alright?"

Johnathon nodded. "That'd be great." He glanced at Twilight. "How about you, Twilight?"

She hesitated. "Actually, I think I'll be heading to Canterlot tomorrow. But I promise I'll be back in time for the party!"

He smiled. "Well, that's good. It'll be easier with people... er... ponies I know there to talk to."

Applejack started to go, then turned around. "What do you humans eat, anyhow?" she asked curiously. "I mean... Fluttershy has food for all sorts of critters here, but I noticed you seem to like apples. Want me to bring a bushel by? You know, just to be neighborly?"

Fluttershy smiled gratefully. "That would be very nice of you Applejack."

Johnathon nodded and smiled. "I do like apples. Lot of other things as well. Humans are... um... what's the word, omnivorous." he glanced at Fluttershy. "Like a bear. Do you have bear's here?"

Fluttershy's eyes went wide. "Like a bear? Oh my...."

Twilight Sparkle was nodding. "I though as much. To be so aggressive naturally, I thought your species might have been predators originally."

Johnathon blinked. "I take it you have a pretty good understanding of the principles of evolutionary theory then?"

Twilight Sparkle nodded. "That species adapt and change over time? Yes, it's a commonly accepted theory, although it's not a major field of study."

He sighed. "Well, I suppose you might consider humans predatory. We do eat meat, but we can survive on a pretty wide variety of foods."

Fluttershy looked nervous. "You don't eat... little bunnies do you?"

Johnathon smiled softly, trying not to look hurt at the question. "Not personally, and eating pets is strictly off limits, I assure you." he hesitated. "You keep chickens... er... do you collect eggs?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Oh yes... quite a few ponies like eggs for breakfast. I sell them to pay for the food here on the farm."

Johnathon looked slightly surprised. "Hmm. I did wonder about that. But otherwise, you're vegetarians?"

Fluttershy nodded again. "Yes..." She replied hesitantly.

He nodded. "Well, I eat eggs... and fruit, like apples, and some vegatables... probably not all the kinds you ponies can eat. I can't eat most grasses, I haven't got the stomach for it...." he looked thoughtful. "Berries... and nuts, and that sort of thing is alright... I'm Irish, so I love potatoes...."

Applejack blinked. "What's an Irish?"

Johnathon grinned slightly. "It's a place where people like me lived..." he hesitated. "Er... there are different kinds of humans, just like there are different kinds of ponies, although it's a bit more of a cultural difference in our case. Anyway... Irish is the cultural group that my ancestors were part of, and I identify with some of the traits that are typical of that culture, OK?"

Applejack nodded. "I get it... like Manehattenites or folks from Appleloosa!" Johnathon nodded, and she grinned. "Well, I know where I can get some potatoes, so I'll rustle some up for ya when I visit tomorrow, alright?"

He blinked. "Well... please don't go to any trouble. I mean... I'm already putting Fluttershy and Twilight to work helping me... I'm going to feel guilty if everyone keeps doing stuff for me without me helping them in return."

Applejack waved a hoof at him. "Don't you worry about it none. You're alone and far from home, and you can't go home again... thanks to that consarned piece of work, Discord, and it's only right to help a pony out when they're in trouble like that."

Johnathon slowly nodded. "Well, thank you. I do appreciate it."

Applejack smiled. "Ain't no trouble at all. You can help out at the farm some later, when you're feeling better, if you feel like paying me back, but don't worry if something else comes up. You don't owe me nothing, you hear?"

Johnathon smiled. "I'll take you at your word, Applejack. I get the feeling that's something you can trust."

"Darn tootin." Applejack confirmed. "Now you rest up, and I'll see ya tomorrow."

Fluttershy walked over toward her kitchen, talking quietly. "I'll just pull a few things together for you, and see what you feel like eating, is that alright?" she asked, glancing back at him.

"Sure. That'll be fine."

Twilight Sparkle gave him a firm look. "Listen to Fluttershy. She is good with injured animals." she blushed slightly. "Not that you're an animal, but you're not a pony, so she probably can help more than a pony doctor..."

He nodded. "I'm sure. I respect her knowledge, Twilight. I'll be a good patient, or I'll try, anyway."

She turned to go as well, following Applejack out the front door. "I'll see you in three days then. Take care of yourself." Twilight hesitated at the entrance. "Oh... Johnathon? Perhaps you shouldn't share TOO much about your world. Some ponies might not understand, and I don't want anyone to get upset."

He nodded slowly. "I'll be careful. I won't lie though."

Twilight nodded. "Just don't bring up... any unpleasant things. At least for now." he nodded again, and she walked out with Applejack.

She walked side by side with the orange earth pony for a while, thinking. "Applejack..." she started. "I don't think it would help any pony if we repeated some of the bad things we learned about Johnathon's world, do you?"

Applejack hesitated. "You mean about humans being all... aggressive-like? And folks killing folks for no kinda reason?"

Twilight nodded. "I really think that Johnathon isn't like that, but ponies could get the wrong impression. You remember when we first met Zecora. It wouldn't be fair to Johnathon if nasty rumors made it so everypony avoided him all the time, would it?"

Applejack nodded slowly. "I don't reckon so." she agreed slowly. "But I'm not going to lie to no pony about it!"

Twilight shook her head. "I'm not asking you to lie, just not to bring up unpleasant subjects like that... unless you absolutely have too."

Applejack nodded again. "I can do that, sugar-cube. I won't be the start of no bad rumors." she frowned. "Maybe one of us ought to mention that to Rainbow Dash?" she said with a worried expression. If I know that pony, she's told the tale of how she captured that there human half a dozen times by now...."

Twilight looked worried. "Oh dear. I'll go look for her. Maybe you should have a talk with Big Macintosh and Applebloom, just in case?"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Applebloom, anyway. Big Mac's as likely to go yarning to some pony as I am to sprout wings and fly."

Twilight grinned. "Well, speaking of flying, I should look for our resident daredevil, and let her know what's happening."

Applejack snorted. "And stop her spinning tall tales, as well, I'd reckon!"

Twilight sighed. "I hope not."

The two ponies separated, each going their own way. Twilight moving faster than normal, hoping to locate Rainbow Dash before she ended up saying something unfortunate.

Back at Fluttershy's cottage, Johnathon Dwire resigned himself to eating a LOT of salad in the near future.

Chapter 4

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It was Applejack who found them first. She had gone straight to the Cutie Mark Crusader's clubhouse, expecting to find, at the least, Applebloom, only to find Rainbow Dash casually leaning in the front doorway, regaling the crusaders with typical arrogant nonchalance.

"So there it was... the dangerous alien reached forward to grab Twilight Sparkle, and I swooped down out of the sky, and... BAMN! Clocked him right in the back of the head." Rainbow Dash punctuated her story by punching out with one of her fore hooves in example. "And he dropped like a rock." she grinned. "And that's how I defeated the dangerous alien invader!"

"I saw." Applebloom's voice came from the clubhouse. "I was there, remember? And he wasn't dangerous, just... lost."

"It sounds like a dangerous alien to me!" Scootaloo's voice said, sounding dubious. "Didn't it beat up your older sister... and even Big Macintosh?"

Applejack walked up the ramp to the clubhouse, shaking her head. "He didn't beat no pony up!" she protested, glaring at Rainbow Dash. "What are you going about telling stories like you're some kinda big hero? You just knocked the poor fella silly when he wasn't looking, is all. He wasn't going to hurt Twilight none, and you know it."

Applebloom nodded firmly. "That's right! He was my friend! He shared an apple with me, and he was real nice... except for the part where he hog tied my big sis, but that was all a big misunder... misunder..."

"Misunderstanding." Applejack completed. "It could have happened to any pony. He just couldn't speak proper language, that's all."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Hey, I didn't know he wasn't dangerous. And besides, didn't Twilight say that humans like him are... you know... predators, and dangerous killers?"

Applejack frowned. "Some of them, maybe, but not Johnathon."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Johnathon? When did you get on first name basis with the alien, anyway?" she got an evil look on her face. "Do you miss him? I bet you liked getting tied up and pushed into the dirt, huh?"

Applejack's eye's widened in shock. "Rainbow Dash, you take that back! Don't go saying stuff like that in front of the little fillies, or at all, consarn it! What's gotten into you?"

Rainbow flushed and her head drooped. "Right... sorry." she started to take off, but was pulled to a halt as Applejack grabbed her tail in her mouth.

"Hld on a sec, sger!" Applejack said around the cyan pegasus' tail in her mouth. "I've got something to say to you!" she said more clearly, letting her friend's tail go. She glanced at Applebloom and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders. "And you three too, so listen up."

Rainbow Dash turned around in mid air, hovering effortlessly above them. "OK, what? Going to tell me for the fourth time I shouldn't have kicked that human in the head? I get it! I'm a bad pony, alright? I kicked the dumb dragon, and nearly got us all killed, and I shouldn't have kicked the human in the head either, right?"

Applejack blinked, putting together the pieces. "So that's why you've been acting so strange, Sugar-cube...." she finally said with a frown, then shook her head. "That's not what I came here to say, Dash. Sure, maybe you sometimes act with your hooves rather than your head, but your heart's in the right place... ain't no pony more loyal than our Rainbow Dash."

She smiled at the hovering cyan pony. "You were just doing your best to help... you didn't know that Johnathon wasn't going to hurt no-pony, and I reckon he'll be alright in a spell...."

Rainbow Dash's angry frown softened. "Yeah, well... then what did you come here to talk about?"

Applejack hesitated. "Well, I wanted to tell you that that human... Johnathon, he's back. Apparently the gateway, or whatever, that brought him here was gone when he and the Princess went looking for it, and he's got no way home right now."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "So... he's stuck here?"

Applejack nodded. "That's right... and I know you didn't know any better, Sugar Cube, but he's still pretty dizzy and all from that thump you gave him, so he'll be staying at Fluttershy's place a while longer till he gets better."

Rainbow Dash hesitated before speaking. "Do you think... do you think he's mad at me? For kicking him?"

Applejack thought about that, then shook her head. "I honestly don't think so, but an apology wouldn't hurt none."

Rainbow Dash looked hopeful, then attempted to conceal her relief with a nonchalant shrug. "Yeah... I guess that'd be cool."

Applebloom was bouncing up and down. "Oh! Does that mean we can go see him! Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo have never seen a human before!"

Applejack shook her head. "Not right now, Applebloom. He's resting. Pinkie's throwing one of her parties in a few days, and Johnathon said to invite you, on account of you're the first pony he met here in Equestria and all. I'd bet your friends could come too, if they promise to be nice to the fella. He's had a rough time of it so far, ya hear?"

Sweetie Bell shivered slightly. "Are you sure it... er... he's not dangerous?"

Applejack grinned. "No more dangerous than Rainbow Dash here... and a mite less dangerous than when she's trying a new stunt, I'd wager." she said with a laugh. "He's a good sort." she nodded firmly. "And I don't want to hear any silly rumors about dangerous humans... he's going to be staying in Ponyville for awhile, on account Twilight's looking into figuring out how to magic him home, and we don't want every pony running and hiding whenever he comes into town, like we all used to do with Zecora."

"You know me better than that, Sis!" Applebloom said, looking affronted. "Wasn't I the first pony who made friends with Zecora? And I was the first one to make friends with Johnathon, too!"

Applejack nodded agreeably. "That you were, little sis. Maybe you'll get a cutie mark in diplo... diploma... in being diplomatic!"

The little yellow bodied, red maned pony quickly glanced at her flank, then sighed. A moment later she looked up, turning to the other crusaders, but Applejack cut her off.

"And no going over to Fluttershy's place so you can get your cutie marks in whatever!" she told them firmly. "Mr. Dwire needs his rest, and he won't get none if you're swarming all over him trying to figure out what you're best at."

As the crusaders fell into a group pout, the orange farmer pony turned to Rainbow Dash. "Dash, do me a favor and let Twilight know I found you, alright? She was worried some pony might start a rumor, so she's looking for ya."

Rainbow Dash looked insulted. "A rumor? Why would she think me, of all people, would start..." Applejack raised one eyebrow and said nothing, but glanced pointedly at the crusaders. Rainbow Dash chuckled slightly. "Oh right." She shrugged. "Sure, sure... but what's the hurry?"

Applejack shrugged. "Twilight's fixing to head to Canterlot to get some books from the royal library... to help her figure out how to magic Johnathon back home. She'll miss the train if she keeps looking for you much longer."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh... sure. I'll go tell her." She grinned. "I bet I find her in..."

"Ten seconds flat." Applejack finished. "I'm sure." Rainbow Dash simply grinned again and flew off at high speed, leaving a rainbow colored blur behind her.

"Who's Mr. Dwire anyway?" asked Applebloom. "Is that Johnathon's last name?"

Applejack nodded. "That's right." she put a hoof behind her head, looking a bit confused. "Well... he's an older fella... he's a widower, and all... it seemed a mite strange to always be calling him by his first name."

Applebloom nodded slowly. "Oh, like how we always call the Cake's Mr. and Mrs. Cake?"

Applejack nodded. "He's around their age... maybe a mite older, actually, even though he's still pretty spry."

Applebloom looked disappointed. "Do you think he's too old to be friends with a little filly like me then?"

Applejack shook her head gently. "I don't reckon so. He did ask special to make sure you could come to his party, after all."

The littlest apple pony grinned. "Oh yeah." she turned to the other two crusaders. "Hey! Why don't we go find Pinkie Pie... and see if she needs help with the party!"

Sweetie Bell chimed in. "Maybe we can get party preparing cutie marks!"

All three crusaders put their hooves together, and in a loud voice, they declared, "Cutie Mark Crusader party preparers are go!" and promptly raced out of their clubhouse, narrowing avoiding knocking Applejack over in their miniature stampede.

Applejack rolled her eyes, hopped down from the clubhouse herself, and started headed towards home. "If any pony can keep up with those three fillies, it's Pinkie." she decided with a grin, then winced at the sudden mental image of four Pinkie Pies. "Hopefully they'll leave part of town standing when they're done."


It had taken Rainbow Dash SLIGHTLY more than ten seconds to locate Twilight Sparkle, not that she planned on mentioning that to anypony.

"Hey Twilight!" Rainbow Dash swooped in to land in front of her studious friend. "I just talked to Applejack, so don't worry...." she blurted quickly, hoping to avoid a lecture. "I won't start any dumb rumors about me beating up an evil alien from another world or anything uncool like that, OK?"

Twilight blinked. "That's awfully... specific, but, thanks, Rainbow Dash. I appreciate that." she glanced toward her tree home worriedly. "Well, I'd better hurry if I'm going to get to Canterlot today. The last train leaves in half an hour!"

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Hurrying I can do. Need any help?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... I have a travel bag packed for emergencies in the left hand dresser drawer in my bedroom... if you could get that for me, I could meet you at the Train Station. Then I'd be sure to be on time!" she hesitated. "Oh, and could you let Spike know that I'm headed to Canterlot? I hate to leave him on such short notice, but I promised that I'd be back in three days, so I really should go today."

Rainbow Dash nodded smoothly. "No problem. I'll keep the little guy company while you're gone, if you want. He's kind of cool... you know, being a dragon and all. Not as cool as me, of course, but who is, right?" she started to fly off, then paused. "Left hand drawer, right?"

Twilight nodded. "That's it. Spike knows the one, if you get confused."

The cyan pegasus nodded and flew off, and Twilight started heading for the Ponyville train station.


Spike blinked, then blinked a second time before scowling. "That Twilight, always running off doing this or that... and does she ever remember her number one assistant? I tell you... is it too much to ask for her just to ask me if I maybe wanted to go to Canterlot?"

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Er... did you want to go to Canterlot?"

Spike hesitated. "Well no... but does she ask? Sheesh." he shrugged. "Well, it'll be nice getting to relax for awhile. Twilight said she'd be back in three days?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "That's right." she hesitated. "So... wanna hang out for a bit while she's gone? I mean, if that's cool or whatever?"

Spike looked surprised. "What, you want to hang out with me? Really?"

The cyan pegasus shrugged. "Sure, why not. We're friends, right?"

He grinned. "Sure! I mean, what do you want to do?"

Rainbow Dash blinked, not having thought the matter through that far. "Oh I don't know... whatever." she shrugged. "I'll swing by tomorrow sometime, and we can hang." she started to head toward Twilight's bedroom. "Alright... so her overnight bag is in the left drawer...."

Spike snorted. "Nah, she filled that with extra ink last week! She's always misplacing stuff. Last time I saw it, Twilight's overnight bag got stuffed under the bed!" he jogged upstairs and threw himself bodily under the bed. "Dust Bunny... dust bunny... cupcake... how'd that get under here? Ah! Here it is!"

Spike came out, hauling a light blue saddle bag. "Here you go." he opened it and looked inside. "Twilight will probably want her checklist for "what I want to check out if I get an excuse to go to the royal library again..." he went to the purple unicorn's bedside table, rummaged through a pile full of scrolls, selected one, and stuffed it into the saddlebag. "And... her favorite brush... and... hmm...." he shrugged. "I guess that'll do." Spike handed the saddlebag to Rainbow Dash, who took it in her teeth and neatly tossed it over her back, to lay just behind her wings.

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Cool. Thanks Spike. I'll never figure out how you're always able to make sense of this place."

He just shrugged and grinned. "That's why I'm the number one assistant!" the little dragon said proudly.

"That's you!" Rainbow Dash agreed, then gave him a quick, mock salute with one hoof, and flew off through the bedroom window.


Pinkie Pie had a major problem on her hooves. She had a party to prepare for, and WAY too much time to do it in. Three days was way more time than she needed to prepare such a simple party, and she had worked out the guest list almost before leaving Fluttershy's cabin. So now she had to wait three entire days for a party without having anything else to do! She frowned unhappily. Waiting was not her strong suit. What could she do in the meantime? There were always cakes and cupcakes to bake at Sugar Cube Corner... but even factoring in helping out Mr. and Mrs. Cake, there was time for a whole extra party in the middle somewhere. But she was anticipating Johnathon's party so badly, she almost didn't want to throw a party in between. So what else could she do?

She went over her guest list in her head one more time, thoughtfully. It would take an hour or so to trek out to Zecora's place to invite the Zebra... but she could finish making the rest of the invitations in person pretty quickly. Could she do something else to make the party special? What did someone do for someone who had just arrived in a new place for the first time? Of course, it was more than that. Johnathon had arrived without friends, or possessions, or any place to go. She was sure her friends would help him, but still... what he needed was...

"Presents!" she danced in glee. Three days was hardly enough time to help every pony who was invited pick out a present... it wouldn't to for anyone to get the same thing, after all. Not if her party was going to be perfect. Just as she was getting into a serious planning mode, the Cutie Mark Crusaders stampeded into Sugar Cube Corner looking for her, and her face broke into a wide grin.


The next morning, Johnathon woke up slowly. He blinked, then blinked again, realizing that, for the first time in several days, his headache was gone. He sat up rapidly, and regretted it. OK, not gone, quite, but a whole lot better. Better enough that his other various aches and pains were now all the more obvious to him. His right shoulder, where he had blocked Big Machintosh's charge, was particularly tender. He ran a hand through his hair, felt the stubble on his chin, and sighed.

Fluttershy came though the front door of her house, having been outside feeding her animals, and smiled at him. "Oh good, you're awake. Are you feeling any better today?"

Johnathon nodded. "My head's a lot better. I'm still a bit achy... but nothing worse than a few bumps and bruises." he gave himself an experimental sniff, and winced. "Although I could be cleaner. Do you happen to have hot running water, by any chance?"

Fluttershy smiled. "I have a nice tub, if you'd like to use it, and yes, I do have hot water." she looked curious. "Is that rare where you come from?"

Johnathon grinned slightly. "Well, in the jungle, yes, but where I grew up, it's pretty common. I'm a bit surprised that you have it... but I'm still not used to what you ponies have for amenities. I keep finding myself surprised by how much our two worlds share... and by the differences just as often."

Fluttershy smiled politely. "It sounds fascinating. Would you like me to run a tub for you? Do you need help in the bath?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow at that, then simply shook his head slowly. "No, thank you Fluttershy, I'd prefer to bathe in private, if that's alright."

Fluttershy simply nodded. "That's fine. Do you want me to show you how the faucets work and everything?"

The archeologist nodded. "That's probably a good idea."

After Fluttershy showed him how everything in her bathroom worked, she turned to go, but stopped as she heard Johnathon give out a grunt of pain. When she turned to look, he had just finished pulling his shirt off over his head. His entire shoulder was covered in a massive purple and yellow bruise.

"Oh dear... that looks really painful." she said in concern. "Do you have any other injuries? You should have told me you had hurt yourself elsewhere, Johnathon. I can't help you if you aren't honest with me."

Johnathon Dwire glanced back at the normally shy yellow and pink pegasus. "Well... this is the worst of it, really... and the color tells me it's healing fine. It should start fading by tomorrow, and I'll be good as new in another week."

Fluttershy frowned, coming closer to examine his shoulder more carefully as he sat down gingerly on the edge of the tub. "What could have caused such an awful bruise? Did this happen when you hit your head?"

Johnathon blushed slightly. "Er... not exactly. It's from when I body checked Big Mac... you know, the big red stallion? I think he's Applejack's older brother?"

Fluttershy blushed slightly. "Yes, I know Big Macintosh. Gosh... you got this when he ran into you? How fast was he going?"

Johnathon winced. "Pretty fast. Still, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who got banged up in that collision. I still need to apologize to the big fella for that hit."

Fluttershy smiled softly. "That would be a nice thing to do." she looked worried. "I know he's bigger than you, but I hope Big Macintosh isn't hurt too badly."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, I expect he's only bruised, like me. He didn't break anything, at least." he frowned slightly. "Well, I'm almost completely sure he didn't. Still, if he got hurt, you do have a... pony doctor in town, right? Twilight mentioned something about that."

Fluttershy nodded, looking reassured. "Of course. I'm sure he's fine." she looked at Johnathon with a severe expression on her face. "Are you SURE you don't have any other injuries?"

Johnathon found himself leaning away from her slightly. The normally meek and mild mannered pegasus could be pretty darn scary when she was concerned about someone. He really couldn't lie to her, especially not when she stared at him like that.

"I scraped my knees a little... but they hardly hurt a bit." he told her finally. "I'll make sure they're clean and healing, Fluttershy, I promise. I do know quite a bit of first aid. I'm not a doctor, but treating minor wounds is nothing new to me. I was a boy scout, after all!" he put a hand to his forehead. "That made no sense to you, did it?"

Fluttershy shook her head, smiling slightly. "No. But I do understand first aid. What is a boy scout?"

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "Well... the boy scouts is an organization on my world for young men. We did a lot of camping out, and learned all sorts of useful skills. I'm quite good with first aid... and all sorts of things involving surviving in the wilderness." he shrugged. "It's handy in my line of work, actually."

Fluttershy nodded. "I can imagine!" she sighed. "Well, if you insist on taking care of your wounds yourself, I guess I can't stop you, although I'm a little confused why you don't want me to help."

Johnathon blinked. "Er... well, I guess I'm just a bit modest. Humans tend to wear clothes... most of the time. We're not comfortable without them, really, and I'd have to take most of mine off to let you see my injuries."

She looked surprised. "How do your doctors take care of you then?"

Johnathon blinked. "Well, people tend to make an exception for doctors...."

Fluttershy gave him a level stare. "Well now, I'm supposed to be taking care of you. Doesn't that make me your doctor then?"

Johnathon sighed. "Fine... fine." he took off his boots, and started to undo his belt. "I guess it won't kill me to let you see my bony knees."

Fluttershy inspected and cleaned his various cuts and scrapes, trying not to kick herself for not doing so a day earlier, but grateful that, at least, her patient didn't show any signs of infection, and left him to soak in the tub while she took his clothes to clean them. His culture seemed very strange to her. Ponies liked to wear nice clothes when the occasion called for it, but modesty was a strange concept for her. Still, it made some sense for an animal with no fur to learn to wear clothing to protect itself. She had rarely seen a full grown animal with so few natural defenses.

"His teeth aren't very sharp... and he doesn't have claws... or thick fur. I know Twilight said his species are predators, and Johnathon said they are like bears in what they eat... but I don't understand how that could be." Fluttershy told Angel Bunny as she walked outside to hang the archeologist's clothing up to dry. Angel gave her a dubious expression, and she frowned. "Well, yes, he does have that feeling to him, I suppose. Most of the other animals don't seem to like him very much." she shook her head. "My animals seem to think he IS a bear, only he's so much smaller... and so defenseless!"

"Who's defenseless?" Applebloom asked from just behind her. Fluttershy cowered against the ground with a squeak, turning around to see the small yellow earth pony looking at her in surprise.

"Oh my...." Fluttershy said softly, getting to her feet again. "You shouldn't sneak up on ponies like that, Applebloom, you might frighten some pony."

Applebloom nodded. "Yes Fluttershy." she cocked her head to the side. "So, who's defenseless?"

"Well, Johnathon." Fluttershy said. "At least, he's the most defenseless predator I've ever seen. I don't understand how his species could be predators on his world... unless everything else there is as helpless as they are."

Applebloom snorted lightly. "Helpless? Are we talking about the same human? You do know he hog tied my older sister and gave Big Macintosh more trouble than any pony's done... ever, right?" she grinned. "Johnathon's tough, and real strong. I wouldn't call him helpless."

Fluttershy nodded. "Oh, I understand... and he does well... kind of feel like a bear... I mean, the other animals are a little frightened of him, even Angel Bunny, as if he actually was a bear, but...." she shook her head. "I guess I don't really get it."

Applebloom shrugged. "I guess you could ask him?"

Fluttershy blushed. "Oh no, I couldn't! I don't think he likes being... scary. He's a very nice human, really."

Applebloom decided to change the subject. "Oh! Fluttershy, are those Johnathon's clothes?"

The yellow pegasus nodded absently as she started hanging up the bundle of laundry again, now that she was reminded of it. "That's right. I'm washing them for him while he's in the bath. He wanted to soak his sore muscles, and I certainly don't blame him. He seemed very stiff. I'm sure the hot water will help a lot."

Applebloom nodded impatiently as Fluttershy explained. "That's great and all... but could I borrow them?"

Fluttershy blinked. "Why would you need to borrow his clothes, Applebloom? He doesn't have any others, and I'm sure he'll be wanting these back when he gets done soaking."

Applebloom nodded again. "That's exactly it! I wanted to take them over to Rarity so that she can make him another set of clothes! You see, Pinkie Pie wants every pony who's coming to bring Johnathon a present, on account of him coming here to Equestria all alone, and without a home and all. It's nice for a pony to have their own things, and all... and I thought, since he only has the one set of clothes, that he might like new ones, and Sweetie Bell said that her older sister would be willing to help out..."

Fluttershy smiled. "That's very thoughtful of you girls, Applebloom. I think everyone bringing presents to Johnathon's party is a very good idea." she looked thoughtful. "I'll take his measurements, and get them to Rarity later today, alright?"

Applebloom hesitated. "Well... the presents are supposed to be a surprise, so can you do it without letting him know?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Of course. I can get what you need from measuring his clothing." she started into her house. "I'll just need a tape measure...."

Applebloom followed her. "Oh! I can help!"

In fact, the filly was surprisingly good with a tape measure, and they had the measurements they needed well before Johnathon's clothes were done drying. Fluttershy finished jotting down the final measurement on a small scroll, then carefully rolled it up with her hooves and gave it to Appleboom.

"There now, was that all you needed?"

Applebloom hesitated. "Well... I'm supposed to ask him some more questions... kind of figure out what sorta things he's used to having... or would like as presents. No pony really knows what humans like for presents, after all, so I'm supposed to be a spy and find out... without letting him know what I'm up to!"

Fluttershy smiled slightly, wondering how long the little filly could conceal her intentions from the archeologist. After all, her big sister WAS the element of honesty, and Fluttershy had never known Applejack to have any skill in using even the whitest of lies.

"Well, you give Rarity these measurements, and if you like, you can come back later and talk to Johnathon. I'm sure he'll like the company."

"I'll be back soon!" The filly promised as she trotted swiftly away.

"Was that Applebloom?" Johnathon's voice proceeded his head as he peered into the living room from the bathroom, even as Fluttershy re-entered the house from outside.

Fluttershy discretely slipped her measuring tape back into a drawer, and turned toward him. "She was visiting for a little bit, but had an errand to run." she smiled at the faint look of disappointment on the man's face. "She promised to come back later today though. I think she wanted to talk to you!"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Oh. what about?"

Fluttershy smiled again. "Oh... you know how fillies are always so curious...." She blinked. "Oh... perhaps you don't."

Johnathon grinned. "Human kids are the same way. Always with a new question." he grinned, and came into the living room, a fluffy towel securely wrapped around his waist. "So... any chance my clothes are clean and dry yet?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Any minute now. I'll go check on them again, if you like."

Johnathon smiled. "Thanks. They're my only set... so I appreciate you taking care of them for me."

"Of course." she answered brightly, slipping outside once again. After a moment, she poked her head inside. "They've dried nicely in the sun. I'll just bring them in for you, shall I?"

Johnathon hesitated, wanting to say that he'd be glad to handle the chore, then simply nodded. "Thank you." soon he was dressed, and feeling quite a bit more human than he had when he had woken up that morning. Only one thing was missing. His stomach growled, reminding him of his most pressing remaining need. Looking a bit embarrassed, he glanced at Fluttershy nervously, not really liking the fact that he was forced to impose so much on her.

"So... what's for breakfast?"

After Fluttershy listed the possible options, Johnathon offered to cook. "I've been freeloading here for nearly two days now." he said when she tried to protest. "And really, my head feels much better. I promise to lie back down if I start feeling dizzy again, alright?"

Fluttershy finally agreed gracefully, and, after showing him how to use the stove, and where she kept her cooking implements, she contented herself with collecting ingredients for him and watching him work. She was immediately impressed with how easily he was able to manipulate things with his hands. Unicorns made it look so easy, but fine manipulation was quite a bit more difficult for pegasi and earth ponies. Johnathon was, perhaps, even a touch more deft with his hands than most unicorns with their magic. After watching him cook, she decided that it must be the human's special gift, to make up for their lack or claws, or sharp teeth, or wings, or magic, to be able to manipulate the objects around them so easily.

"Hands certainly seem useful to have!" she commented thoughtfully to him. "I can manage in the kitchen all right, and my mother was ever so deft with her hooves, you would think she was part unicorn, but you manage everything so easily!"

Johnathon blinked. "Yes, well. Hands ARE useful." he agreed. "I'd never considered what it might be like not to have them. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised at the level of tool use in your society, given that two thirds of your people need to use their hooves for everything." he looked thoughtful. "I suppose unicorns must do most of the delicate work with magic?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Mostly, yes. Each of us have our special talent, but almost every single unicorn can manipulate objects with their horn, and they are capable of very fine detail work that most of the rest of us have a great deal of trouble with."

Johnathon nodded. "I've been wondering how much of what I've been seeing here is technology, and how much magic... and, actually, how to tell the difference... if there is a real difference."

Fluttershy blinked. "I don't think about it that often. It's just the way things are, for me."

The archeologist nodded agreeably. "Well, naturally. You grew up in this society. It's part of my training to look at how other cultures do things... and I'm actually quite interested in learning everything I can about yours. I hope you'll tell me if I get too nosy. I sometimes forget myself when I'm really interested in a subject."

Fluttershy blushed, and nodded. "I'll try. I don't mind if you... ask questions, really." She was feeling more and more shy around him suddenly, and wondered why. The answer came to her almost immediately. As a patient, she was on comfortable ground, but as he recovered, she found she became less and less certain of how to treat him, which made her nervous.

By the time Johnathon finished cooking the two omelets and was sliding them onto plates, Fluttershy had become very quiet. Johnathon didn't mind the quiet, but he could sense for some reason that the yellow pegasus was becoming uncomfortable. When a knock came at the door, followed by Applebloom's voice, they both smiled in relief. They glanced at each other, noticing immediately their similar reactions, and suddenly the tension was broken again.

"Please come in!" Fluttershy said clearly toward her front door. "We're just in the middle of breakfast!" she took a third plate from her dish cabinet with her mouth, and placed it on the table with the others, then gently divided her omelet into two pieces and put one on the third plate. "I already ate earlier this morning, Johnathon, although this does look so lovely I can't wait to try it, but I'm sure Applebloom would like a piece as well."

Johnathon hesitated, then shrugged. "Alright then." he sat by the table. The chairs meant for a pony to sit at (a concept he still found a bit strange) were a bit big for him to use at the kitchen table (if he was willing to drag one into the kitchen) so he simply stood at the counter as he ate, leaning against the wall lightly.

Applebloom was willing to try something new, and both she and Fluttershy seemed to like the omelets.

"Johnathon...." Applebloom began, looking at him shyly. "Could you tell me a little about your world? Like... the stuff you liked about it?"

Johnathon blinked, then looked thoughtful. "That's a lot of ground to cover, sweetie." he said finally. "I liked... like, a lot of stuff about my world."

Applebloom frowned. "Sweetie Bell is my friend's name." she explained. "Applejack calls me sugar cube sometimes though?"

Johnathon chuckled. "Alright, Sugar cube. Is there something in particular you'd like to know about my world?"

Applebloom wrinkled her nose. "Well... I guess, I'd like to know what you liked to do for fun!"

Johnathon nodded at that. "Well, I think that's a manageable topic, although some of it might be difficult to explain." He took a moment to think about it, then nodded. "Well, I did love my work. I got into archeology when I was very young, maybe around your age. My class had a field trip once, and we got to participate in an actual dig... cleaning off artifacts, that sort of thing." he grinned. "I was hooked. I didn't get to do it for real for years and YEARS after that... but it is something I enjoy."

Applebloom nodded. "What else do you like to do? Do you like playing outside?"

Johnathon grinned. "Well... I suppose. I used to play some sports in school, although I guess it wasn't my favorite thing. I did like competition, and I have to admit, I like to win a bit too much for my own good."

Applebloom rolled her eyes. "Everypony likes to win! What else?"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose again. "Well, I guess I like boats... I used to sail, and canoe..." he hesitated. "Er... do you have sail boats here?"

Applebloom nodded. "I know what a sailboat is. What's canoe mean?"

Johnathon blinked. "Well, it's a narrow little boat... say, about fifteen to twenty feet long... and about so wide?" he measured with his hands. "I used to be really good... at canoeing that is. My brother and I used to canoe quite a bit. Riding the rapids can be a whole lot of fun, and it took real skill." he looked thoughtful. "Actually, my favorite part about sailing was doing it competitively as well. Again... with my brother, I used to sail quite a bit... we owned a tiny little sailboat for a while. We'd compete in amateur races sometimes, which was a blast."

Applebloom grinned. "That sounds like fun! Did you win?"

Johnathon nodded. "Sometimes. We won some canoeing races... and at least one sailboat race, although nothing more than amateur events."

He looked thoughtful. "Well, I used to like to ride...." he winced. "Er..." He looked apologetic, and started to change the subject. "I ran a lot too, although that wasn't really as much fun, unless it was a competition."

Applebloom looked curious. "Ride? What did you ride on?"

Johnathon winced, but decided that since he had already stuck his foot in his mouth, he might as well swallow the rest of the leg. "My wife and I owned a couple horses... and I also rode when I was younger, at summer camp."

Applebloom's face screwed up, remembering. "Horses are like ponies, but taller, right? Kind of like the Princess?"

Johnathon nodded. "Without the wings or horn, yes."

Applebloom looked interested. "And you used to ride them?"

He nodded. "That's right. Well, mainly my wife rode. For quite a while, we'd go out a couple times a week... she'd ride her favorite horse, and I'd jog along side." he smiled a bit wistfully. "My wife couldn't really keep up with me when I ran... but her horse could. We'd run maybe eight miles, two or three times a week." he looked helpless. "Oh... do you know miles?"

Applebloom looked at Fluttershy, who shook her head slowly, and he sighed. "Ah well... too much to expect that we'd have the same units of measurement." he shrugged. "A mile is about the distance between the edge of your farm and the forest I came out of... following that trail. Does that make sense?"

Applebloom nodded then. "OK, I get it! So you liked running?"

Johnathon sighed. "With someone who could push me... yes. I seem to like competition quite a bit." He looked like he was thinking again. "Let's see... I love to read. When I was younger, I'd try to read a book every single day, although I had to slow that down some as I got older. Too much too do, really."

Applebloom rolled her eyes at finding READING fun, then blinked, as the possibilities there occurred to her. "What kinds of books do you like to read?" she asked with genuine interest.

Johnathon smiled. "Well, I liked science fiction the most... and fantasy. Hmm... I guess I like reading anything about science, really, if it's not too dry... and I've always been a fan of detective stories too."

Applebloom repeated the vaguely unfamiliar words to herself, muttering under her breath. "Science... fantasy... detectives...."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow, starting to wonder if perhaps the filly had an ulterior motive to her questions. "Did you want to know anything else?"

Applebloom wrinkled her nose slightly. "Um.. could you tell me about... er... human stuff? What kind of stuff do humans like you use that ponies don't?" Fluttershy couldn't help but be slightly impressed at the question. It was a bit risky, but it was a pretty good way of finding out possible presents.

Johnathon blinked. "Gee... I actually don't know... as I don't know enough about how you ponies live to give a good answer about how humans are different.. but..." he shrugged. "Well, I guess we probably use tools a lot." he looked at his hands. "And I guess... you probably don't use gloves much." He grinned.

"What are gloves?" Applebloom asked curiously.

"Coverings for the hands." he held his up. "I usually have a pair of work gloves on me, because my hands are actually pretty soft for someone who's been a farmer..." he grinned. "My wife used to call me 'pansy hands' on account of how I always wore gloves to do anything rough... and 'pussy feet' since I almost always wore shoes. I've got pretty soft feet too... I guess." Applebloom looked at his hands with interest, having never really taken a good look at them before. They were probably the most distinctive thing about the human, and she studied them carefully. He had four long, slender digits, and one shorter, thinker one on each hand. They DID look rather fragile. Spike had similar digits, although much shorter, and quite a bit tougher looking, with sharp claws at the end of each. The fact that Spike was covered with hard scales was a big difference as well. Applebloom got a very thoughtful look on her face, and seemed to be thinking about something difficult for almost a minute.

Finally, she looked at him again. "Could you do me a favor?" she asked carefully. "It's OK if you don't want to..."

Johnathon nodded. "What is it?"

The red maned filly hesitated. "Could you... er... could you draw one of your hands for me? On a piece of parchment?"

He blinked. "I suppose I could. Why?"

Applebloom's eyes did a slow circle before she responded. "Er... for class! I bet no pony there has met a human, and I could tell them a little bit about you...." she hesitated, looking nervous. "I mean... if it's alright with you. I wouldn't tell them nothing bad, I promise."

Johnathon smiled gently. "I don't mind if you talk to your class about me." he told her. "I'd feel a bit strange having them all come and stare at me... but I don't mind you telling them."

Applebloom smiled. "Gee, thanks Johnathon!"

Fluttershy brought out a parchment scroll and a quill, and Johnathon examined the writing implements before nodding to himself. "It's been... a LONG time since I used a quill, but I think I can manage." he gestured to the page. "So... how should I do this?"

Applebloom put her hoof down on the page, and made a motion as if tracing it. "Could you make the picture life size? Maybe... trace your hand, so it's all accurate-like?"

He grinned, and did so, having to restart several times as he got the hang of the quill. "Want me to sign my name?" the man blinked, and started to write, wondering to himself. When he had finished, he looked at her curiously. "Er... can you read that?"

Applebloom nodded. "John... a thin... Dwire." She sounded like she was sounding it out as she went, grinning as she finished. "You write pretty." she said with a complementary tone.

"Er... thanks." he said, sounding distracted. "OK, this... translation spell is... weirding me out right now. I know how to write in your language as well as speak it... but I can't remember how to write in mine!"

Applebloom blinked. "Really?" she thought about it. "That is kinda weird. Maybe you should ask Twilight Sparkle how it works?"

Johnathon nodded. "Oh, I intend to. It'll probably be less freaky to me once I know a little more about it."

Applebloom rolled up the scroll with her nose, and picked it up gingerly in her teeth, depositing it gently in an open saddlebag at her side. "Thanks for talking to me, Johnathon! I gotta go now though." She smiled apologetically.

Johnathon smiled back. "Thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed myself."

Applebloom excused herself and left at a quick trot, and Johnathon Dwire glanced at Fluttershy, raising an eyebrow. "Now... what was that all about, do you think?" he asked her, not unkindly. Fluttershy made a squeaking noise and hid her face with her hooves, knowing she couldn't manage a straight faced lie. He laughed, and shook his head. "Never mind. I'll leave it be, although I think I've got a pretty good idea." he frowned. "I hope nobody... er... no pony is going too overboard on my account."

Fluttershy shook her head, smiling back lightly. "Oh no... nothing like that, I'm sure." the moment she said, she remembered that Pinkie was in charge of the party to come, and wondered if she hadn't lied a little bit there, even if by accident. Ah well... she thought to himself. It'll be an interesting surprise, one way or another, won't it?

Chapter 5

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Luna's moon rose with the darkness, and everypony slept. When Celestia's morning came, things quickly became busy for many of the residents of Ponyville.

Applebloom and Applejack came by Fluttershy's early that morning for a visit. The smaller filly had a saddlebag full of potatos, and Applejack had brought a barrel of apples balanced on her back. Johnathon was genuinely glad to see them, but they couldn't stay. Applebloom had to get to school, and Applejack, in her own words, had "a bunch of applebucking to do."

Promising to visit later, the two Apple family ponies set off, leaving Johnathon and Fluttershy alone. As he was still recovering, Johnathon spent the day resting quietly in Fluttershy's cottage. The yellow pegasus's initial shyness, now that Johnathon was starting to recover, hadn't quite faded yet, but she found herself relaxing more and more as the day wore on.

She found herself telling him about all her animal friends, while the human shared stories about the animals, pets and livestock, that he had kept or known. While hardly an expert, Johnathon seemed to know a lot about many different types of animals.

Both he and Fluttershy were amazed by how many species their two worlds seemed to have in common.

"Maybe it's the translation spell..." Johnathon mused. "I mean... I really don't know how it works, but perhaps it's translating concepts a bit TOO well? I mean... a pink flamingo? And we both use the same term for it? What are the odds of that?"

He frowned. "Or do we really both know the same animal? It sounds like we're speaking in English to me, only I know we're not." the archeologist wrinkled his nose as he tried to figure something out. "OK... do you have any more parchment? I'd like to try drawing a flamingo... and see if they're really the same." Fluttershy rummaged though her drawers till she found a scrap of parchment, and Johnathon started to draw. He spent several minutes on the picture, then showed Fluttershy.

The yellow pegasus considered the drawing, then nodded. "Yes, that looks like a flamingo to me."

Johnathon glanced at his own drawing with a frown. "Huh... well, I guess I sort of got the basic idea down in my picture... although I'm not the best artist."

Fluttershy shook her head, smiling politely. "No, it's very good!"

He raised an eyebrow. "It looks like a kid's picture."

Fluttershy giggled. "Well, perhaps just a little, but it's better than I could do."

Johnathon shook his head again. "Pink... like Pinkie Pie, and sometimes stands on one leg? About as tall at the shoulder as you are?"

Fluttershy nodded again. "Yes, that's a flamingo!"

Johnathon nodded again, looking thoughtful. "Huh... interesting. I really want to ask Twilight how this spell works. I mean... it seems like if I know something, and there is a word for it in your language, it comes across fine... but... if it's something that doesn't exist here, it doesn't translate..." he looked puzzled. "Wait... that... how does that work? I said a couple words that no one here seemed to understand... did I suddenly sound funny to you when I did?"

Fluttershy blinked. "Um... I'm not sure? What do you mean funny?"

Johnathon considered that. "OK, let me ask a question... when I first heard a pony talk... well, it was Applebloom, it sounded like... well, like a pony talking. The sounds weren't really broken up into individual sounds that humans use for language. But when I speak to you do I, I don't know, do I sound like you? I mean, I'm using the right sounds, right?"

Fluttershy considered that. "I remember that you DID try to speak before Twilight put the spell on you... and you're right, I think. You didn't make sounds that sounded very much like any pony I've ever heard before... not that your voice was unpleasant, but the sounds you were making were... different." she thought about it. "Your voice... SOUNDS the same, but you make sense now." she shook her head. "Oh... this is rather confusing, isn't it? I was never very good at understanding things like magic."

Johnathon chuckled. "Don't look at me. As far as I knew before two... three days ago, magic didn't exist." he shrugged. "I should probably be asking Twilight this stuff, huh?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh, I don't mind. It's kind of interesting... like a riddle."

Johnathon grinned. "Oh, you like riddles, then?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Oh yes, they're... nice. I'm not really very good at them, but they're fun when you figure them out."

He nodded. "I agree, I actually love riddles myself, and puzzles. Any sort of intellectual challenge, really."

Fluttershy smiled at him. "You really would get along with Twilight. She's the same way."

Johnathon grinned. "Well, that's nice to hear." he took a deep breath. "Well... let's try an experiment, shall we? I'll try to think of some words... concepts, that you haven't heard before... hopefully ones that aren't even part of your language yet, and you tell me if I start using weird noises instead of the er... sounds you're used hearing as language..." he scratched his head. "Does that make sense?"

Fluttershy nodded. "I think so. Go ahead."

The archeologist hesitated. "OK... rocket."

Fluttershy blinked. "You mean like in fireworks?"

He grinned. "Oh, you have those here? OK, I'll try again." he blinked. "Oh, I've got one! Computer! Ram! Hard Drive!"

Fluttershy blinked. "What's a com pu ter?" she tried to sound the word out. "It sounds familiar... does it have something to do with a mathpony?"

Johnathon blinked. "What? You understood that word?"

She frowned cutely, as if thinking hard. "Well... it sounds... vaguely familiar. Something about a pony who's really good with numbers?"

Johnathon's mouth fell open, then he closed it. "Oh... huh. Er... now that I think about it, that word DID used to mean that in my language as well. But I wasn't thinking about a mathematician when I said it. Maybe the spell is linked to my sub-concious, and...." he shook his head, then looked curious. "How about the other words?"

Fluttershy blinked. "Ram? That's a creature that looks a bit like a pony, only with big horns. They live up in mountainous areas."

Johnathon's eyes widened. "OK, that's cheating. Sure, in my language, that word does have two different meanings, but... I mean, I was thinking about the acronym! R, A, M. Random Access Memory!"

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Well, I understand all those words, but what does that mean?"

He shook his head. "RAM is... well, how a computer thinks... sort of. And where I come from, a computer isn't a math... er... pony, but a machine that thinks... or at least, manipulates data on a large scale."

Fluttershy's eyes went wide. "A machine that thinks? You mean, it's alive?"

He shook his head. "Oh no... computers aren't alive... not even by a loose definition of the word. They're not... aware, or conscious, and they don't... er... think for themselves. They're just very useful tools, really." He shrugged. "Anyway, I was pretty sure that you didn't have them here, and I guess you don't, but Twilight's translation spell found a way to get the concept across anyway."

He looked thoughtful. "I wonder if it's possible to stump it? It seems like if my mind knows a derivation of a word, or even another concept that fits the same word, the translation spell causes me to use that in your language."

Fluttershy blinked, then smiled. "Oh! Wait! Try saying that... that Acronym again, OK?"

Johnathon looked confused. "What, random access memory?"

She nodded. "That's the one... and what is the acronym that it goes with?"

Johnathon shrugged. "RAM." He blinked. "Wait... I just heard it. They don't match!"

Fluttershy nodded again, grinning. "I know what an acronym is. It's supposed to be a word made up of the beginnings of other words... but the beginnings of those words don't match the sounds in ram!"

Johnathon nodded thoughtfully, and tried another acronym, speaking out loud. "LOL... laughing out loud...."

He glanced at Fluttershy, who shook her head. "No... that one matched up. What does LOL mean?"

He blinked, then sighed. "Right, because LOL doesn't have another meaning. It's short for laughing out loud... but I think I'm starting to get a hang of how this works now. Let me think of another acronym that DOES have another derivation." the archeologist was silent for several minutes, thinking. "NASA? No... BASIC?" He frowned. "That might work, only... I can't remember what the letters in BASIC stand for!" he sighed, then shrugged. "Great, only one example I can actually think of. Guess that's a bust."

Fluttershy smiled. "Well, it seems that Twilight's translation spell is very good, doesn't it?"

Johnathon nodded. "Apparently. I've only found one small flaw, and only because I was actively trying to figure out how to trick it." he shook his head. "OK, just for the sake of completeness... let's try a few more words you might not have heard before." Johnathon frowned, wracking his brain. "Well... how about... television?"

Fluttershy blinked. "Well, I've never heard THAT world before." she admitted. "Although parts of it? I know vision. Like... to see?"

Johnathon grinned. "Alright then! So... tele?"

Fluttershy thought about that. "Like in telescope?"

He sighed. "Darn it... never mind, I'm going to give up. Either the spell will simply translate every concept I have in my head into something equestrian, or I simply am not imaginative to beat it."

Fluttershy smiled politely. "That's alright, Johnathon. It was a good try." she looked curious. "Why did you want to fool the spell though? Isn't it good that it works?"

The archeologist shrugged. "Well, of course, but...." he frowned. "Well, it bothers me a bit that I can't actually speak English any more... I can't even really think of how it should sound. I'm not even sure if I'd know it if I heard it right now." he picked up the parchment, then wrote the word Flamingo under his picture of the bird. "And this... I know it means flamingo... I assume I can read in your language now as well, but it... for some reason, I know that's now how it's supposed to look, although I'm not sure what it is supposed to look like in my own language anymore."

Fluttershy nodded. "I see. That must be difficult for you."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well... not really. I think it means I won't be able to learn your language naturally though... not with this spell on me." he grinned. "Not that it matters, I guess." he frowned. "I hope it's not permanent though. I mean... hopefully Twilight will be able to take it off me before I go home, assuming she can figure out how to get me back to my world, that is, or I'd go home and not be able to talk to anyone!"

Fluttershy smiled. "Oh, I'm sure she can." she looked thoughtful. "Actually, I'm not sure, but most spells wear off on their own, eventually, don't they?"

Johnathon grinned. "What, are you asking me?"

She giggled. "Um... no? I guess you can ask Twilight when she gets back."

Johnathon nodded. "Yeah. I hope she can answer my questions. Actually, I hope I don't end up boring her to tears with all the questions I have."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh, Twilight is a very nice pony. I'm sure she'll be happy to answer anything she can."

Johnathon shrugged again. "Well, I'll try to be patient, in any case."

Johnathon then asked Fluttershy about her normal daily routine, which lead to her telling him the story about how she had first come to live in Ponyville, rather than in her original home in Cloudsdale.

Johnathon's eyes went wide as some details started to become clear to him. "Wait... wait... you're saying you lived on an actual cloud? In the sky?"

Fluttershy blinked. "Yes? Er... is that strange?"

He nodded up and down several times. "Very! How does that work, anyway? Is it really made up of clouds? Regular clouds? And you... made a city out of it?"

Fluttershy hesitated. "Well... I guess, magic? Pegasi can walk on clouds... and move them, and shape them. The other types of ponies can't do that without magic though."

Johnathon looked excited. "So... a kind of inherent magical ability? That's... pretty cool. Do you think you could show me?"

Fluttershy blushed. "Well... I'm not... really much of a flier. And I don't like heights that much." she hesitated. "Maybe I could ask Rainbow Dash? She's on the weather team, and she's really good with clouds. She lives in a cloud house that she keeps over Ponyville most of the time."

Johnathon blinked. "You mean... she has a house... made from clouds, over your town... right now?!?"

Fluttershy nodded again. "Er... yes?"

He grinned. "I have GOT to see that."

Fluttershy smiled slightly. "Well, I could point it out to you if you like, although it's quite high up." she walked over to her kitchen window, and pointed a hoof at a white smudge in the sky. Johnathon followed the line of her leg and gazed out the window.

"Huh. That does look like a house... although you're right, it's pretty high up there." he shook his head in wonder. "I'd love to see it close up, but I guess, since I'm not a pegasus, that's probably not going to happen."

Fluttershy hesitated. "Actually, Twilight DOES know a cloud walking spell. She and some of my other friends came up to Cloudsdale one time to help cheer on Rainbow Dash during the Best Young Fliers competition last year." she smiled fondly. "Rainbow got first place after she did a sonic rainboom. I cheered SO loud!"

Johnathon's eyes were wide. "A... cloud walking spell?" He shook his head. "No... no way. That's...." he shook his head again. "Wow... that's awesome." He started to ask what a sonic rainboom was, then decided to just ask the cyan pegaus to show her sometime, if he caught her in a mood to perform.

Fluttershy giggled. "I guess you'd really like to visit Cloudsdale then?"

He nodded fervently. "An entire city... made of clouds? Full of pegasi? I can't even really imagine, but it has to be like nothing I've ever experienced before. Yeah... that would be..." he grinned again. "Fantastic. I hope I'll get a chance some day."

Fluttershy smiled. "Well, I don't know if we'll be able to go any time soon, but, well, I'll take you sometime, if you can't find another way."

Johnathon's eyes softened. "Thanks, Fluttershy. That'd be great." he shrugged. "There's no rush. There will be plenty of time, I expect." he lowered his head slightly. "I do want to go before Twilight figures a way to get me home though. That's something I'd really regret never getting to see."

Fluttershy nodded firmly. "I promise. I think I can understand how... special it might be, to somepony who's never been there. I grew up there, but the first time I saw what it was like down here on the ground... I was... well, it was a very magical feeling."

Johnathon tilted his head to one side. "I think I understand." he smiled slightly, then frowned as a strange sensation passed through him, leaving him slightly light headed. "Ohh... I think I'm getting a little bit dizzy again. I probably should go lie down for awhile."

Fluttershy looked confused, then spoke to him, or he assumed she was speaking, as she made a series of nickering and whinnying noises, although quite complex, which he remembered now from his first meeting with the Apple family.

"Damn." he said in frustration when it became obvious to him that he wasn't understanding a thing she was saying. "The translation spell must have worn off."

Fluttershy's eyes narrowed in confusion for a moment as he spoke, then they widened in comprehension. She spoke some more, then put a hoof up to his face, as if to reassure him. Johnathon shrugged back, helplessly, but gave her a small smile, which she returned gently.

He sighed and got up, walking over to her couch and reclining. "I didn't even notice, but it's already pretty late in the afternoon. I guess that means Twilight's spell lasted about two days?"

Fluttershy shook her head, then shrugged, and went to get him the blue blanket he had been using. He took it, and draped it over himself as he tried to get comfortable. Fluttershy laid down in front of the couch, her legs folded up under her body but her head up and facing him, and they watched each other silently for several minutes. He tossed and turned a bit, trying to get comfortable, and after a short time, he heard the yellow pegasus start to speak again... only it was rhythmic, and quite soothing. She seemed to be singing, and he smiled to himself. His head had been hurting again, although he'd been ignoring it during their conversation, but as she sang, it seemed to recede slightly, until he could push it aside. Slowly, he dropped off to sleep, the last thing he could remember that was the soft, pleasant sound of her voice.


Johnathon woke up in the middle of the night, and glanced down to find that Fluttershy had gone, presumably to her own bed. She had given him a short tour of her home the first morning, so he knew where that was, but immediately put the idea of waking her out of his mind. She had been a wonderful and gracious host, it would be unkind to be a bother now.

He closed his eyes, trying to get a sense for his physical condition. His headache had almost completely passed, and while his shoulder still ached slightly, there really wasn't any real pain. Why had he woken? He slowly got up off the couch, and slipped quietly to the front window in his stocking feet, glancing out side. He glanced at the kitchen, considering fixing himself a midnight snack, then settled for an apple, as anything more complex would chance waking up the gentle yellow pegasus.

Going back for his boots, he slipped outside, pausing to put them on before starting to walk quietly around Fluttershy's small fenced in yard. It was a lovely place, and it reminded him a bit of his own farm, and his wife's own love for animals, which Fluttershy obviously shared.

"She'd have loved this place." he said quietly, thinking of his wife with a wistful smile.


The next morning, Johnathon awoke as the first rays of light entered the window across the room and illuminated the couch he had been sleeping on. He stretched, and sat up, glancing around. He heard the sound of hooves coming down stairs, and smiled at Fluttershy as she came down past him. She smiled back, and asked him something, or at least, it seemed like a question from the look on her face. He suddenly found himself surprised at how quickly he had been able to pick up on pony facial expressions. They were quite expressive, really, weren't they.

"Sorry... I still don't understand what you're saying." he replied with a shrug. Fluttershy sighed and nodded, then walked into her kitchen, and started moving about, pulling containers off shelves with her teeth. Johnathon quickly realized that she was getting out foods that she knew he was able to eat, and he walked over to her, putting a hand in front of her nose to get her attention.

He pointed to himself, then to the food, and took the bowl of apples she had been moving from her gently, putting it down on the table. He made pushing motions at her, and gestured to the kitchen, then at himself. Fluttershy seemed dubious, as if she didn't quite understand, but when he moved into her place and started preparing a simple breakfast, she nodded, and headed outside.

Johnathon heard her moving around outside, taking care of her animals as she did every morning, and he busied himself with preparing a light breakfast. Eggs... carrots, some cheese? Much of what he'd look for in a human kitchen simply wasn't there, but he made do.

He heard a pair of extra voices outside, familiar ones. Johnathon poked his head out through the door and waved. Applejack and Applebloom were there again, smiling at him. Applebloom came up to the door, asking something... again, it seemed like a question to him, and he could only shake his head and shrug helplessly.

"Sorry, Kiddo..." he told the yellow filly. "I guess we'll have to wait for Twilight to get back before we can talk any more?"

Applebloom frowned, looking upset, and turned to Fluttershy, who said something that seemed to reassure the pony. Applejack nodded to Johnathon, looking a bit apologetic, and then to Fluttershy. The two older ponies talked for a short while, but before too long she and Applebloom turned to go, waving once with their fore-hooves before departing. He hadn't really given it much thought before, having had so many other things on his mind, but he realized that the ponies here seemed a bit more flexible than those from where he was from. Perhaps it was a cultural thing, and with practice, ponies from his world could do the same things? He wasn't sure. Perhaps it was simply an evolutionary adaptation to their intelligence. Ponies with more flexible limbs would be considered better mates in a society where they used tools, wouldn't they?

He didn't know, but it was interesting to think about. Fluttershy joined him for breakfast, and though it was quiet, it didn't really bother either of them. Fluttershy liked the quiet, and Johnathon's mind was busy. He kept coming back around to magic... and the translation spell. He was thinking in English again, or so he assumed, with magic he couldn't be completely sure anymore, but it was a pretty solid assumption. He was, presumably, able to write in English as well.

The archeologist's eyes widened with a sudden thought. Maybe he could approach the problem from a different angle! He left the table, got the parchment he had drawn the picture of the Flamingo on, and looked at it again. The picture was familiar, the word underneath was vaguely so as well. He remembered writing it, but aside from the fact that he now knew it meant Flamingo, he didn't know the word, or the letters it was comprised of. They weren't like any letters he was familiar with, and he had seen examples of many types of writing over the years. They... very vaguely seemed like they possibly might be a very advanced derivation of Minoan, but the differences were huge. It was an advanced written language, with each letter unique, and, he thought, without meaning save the sound they were supposed to emulate. Aside from the fact that the characters were all new to him, it might as well be English. He studied the individual characters for a little longer, then carefully wrote the word Flamingo in English underneath.

Johnathon grinned, and brought the parchment over to Fluttershy, who looked at it with some interest. He said the word in English, and she repeated it after him, only stumbling slightly over the unfamiliar sounds. He grinned, and gestured at her, pointing at the word he had written earlier. Fluttershy blinked, then said something in her language. A single word. She pointed at the picture, and said the word again, and he nodded, his face falling slightly. The sound of the word was completely unfamiliar to him! He had said the word several times while the translation spell had been working, and even drawn the picture to make sure they were talking about the same animal, but he couldn't recall making those sounds! He sighed, and tried pronouncing the word in Equestrian. It was actually rather difficult. His mouth could form the word, make the sounds, but it was still strange.

Fluttershy seemed to want to help him. She began pointing out various objects in the room, and saying what he assumed to be their names, but Johnathon was already losing interest. It wasn't that he didn't want to learn their language, but he had always been terrible at languages. He had studied Japanese for six years to manage to get even a beginner's understanding of the language, just enough to pass his foreign language requirement for his degree... and now he could barely remember a single useful phrase. It would take months of strenuous effort to learn to speak without the translation spell... and he wasn't sure he was up to it tonight.

He shook his head. What kind of ass was he, to refuse to try just because it was easier to rely on the spell? What if Twilight wasn't around to cast it? And Fluttershy seemed so pleased to be able to help him! Johnathon forced himself to pay attention for the next few hours as the yellow pegasus attempted to teach him the names of just about everything in her home. It went slowly, but she seemed endlessly patient. When she noticed his attention flagging after several hours, she nodded in acceptance and ended the lesson. Johnathon couldn't help feel a little guilty, and forced himself to go over the words he had learned in his head, looking at various objects in the room and remembering what they were called.

Later that afternoon, Applebloom and two other small ponies, one an orange pegasus and the other a white unicorn with a blue mane that looked quite a bit like one of the adult ponies he'd seen earlier, came to Fluttershy's cottage to visit. Applebloom came right up to him with a friendly grin, but the other two hung back, looking nervous. The yellow coated filly with the bright red mane said his name, and followed it with a bunch of other words he couldn't catch. Johnathon's eyes widened slightly. His name was the same in both languages, he realized! The translation spell hadn't translated it into an Equestrian alternative. That was interesting. He said his name aloud, then pointed at himself. He then pointed at Applebloom, and looked curious. The pony looked confused, and said a short word, pointing at her own chest with one forehoof.

Johnathon nodded, and pointed at himself again. "Johnathon Dwire." he said again, then gestured at her. Applebloom blinked, then said a longer word, one that sounded vaguely familiar to him. One of the other two young fillies said the same word, along with a string of others, but Johnathon had it. That sound was her name! Johnathon repeated Applebloom's name several times, realizing that the first part of it did indeed sound like the Equestrian word for apple. He pointed at an apple on the counter, and said their word for it, and nodded to Applebloom, who grinned back at him.

Applebloom nodded once more at him, and turned back to Fluttershy to talk, looking intent on something. The two ponies spoke rapidly, and Johnathon couldn't understand a word again, but he knew something was up. Before long, the three small fillies were pounding out the door, having gathered in the center of the room long enough to slap their front hooves together and say something as one... and very loudly. He shook his head, amused. To his surprise, they returned less than half an hour later, with saddlebags bulging with what appeared to be books, and leading an older mare with a Purple coat and a light purple mane and tail, and the image of three flowers on her flank.

The purple mare put her hoof to her chest and introduced herself, or at least, he assumed she had, and he repeated her name to her. Smiling, she helped the three young fillies bring out some of the books and lay them on Fluttershy's kitchen table. He followed them, getting a good look, and then picked one of the books up to flip through it. He realized at once that he was holding a picture book... one with pictures and words beside them. It was quite obviously a primer for very young children to learn to read. He held it with astonishment, suddenly filled with inspiration.

He quickly turned back to the couch, and got the piece of parchment he had drawn the flamingo on, and showed it to the purple pony, who blinked. She said the word he knew now to mean "flamingo" and he shook his head, turning the paper over, and running his fingers over it. She said a different word, and he nodded, and repeated it, flapping the parchment in his hand. He quickly went to get the quill, and the one jar of ink Fluttershy apparently had in her home, and held them up. The purple pony helpfully identified them for him, and he repeated the words again, already pretty much knowing them, as Fluttershy had done the same hours earlier, and put them on the table. He made a gesture, as if clutching something to his chest, then pointed at the parchment, then repeated himself.

The ponies looked on in confusion. He frowned, took the sheet, which was thankfully blank on one side, and opened the primer to the first page. Placing the parchment next to it, he started writing the English word for each object on the parchment to match up with where the Equestrian word was, then when he had finished with the page, he stuck the parchment page into the book like a bookmark, and turned the page. He gestured, and said the word for parchment again, smiling a bit plaintively. He felt a minor twinge of guilt at what he was requesting... surely parchment was expensive? But the purple earth pony smiled and nodded, turning to Fluttershy, who seemed to have gotten the idea as well. Fluttershy went into her living room and began rummaging around, and brought him several more sheets, although not nearly enough for what he intended.

Johnathon nodded gratefully, nevertheless, and immediately set to work, kneeling on the floor next to the table and opening the primer to the second page, and then writing down the English for each word, one after another. The purple pony sat down next to him, watching him work, and seemed to nod in approval. Turning to the three young fillies, she spoke to them in a firm but kind tone, and the three immediately listened obediently, obviously used to following her instructions. After a few moments, they rushed off, bursting out of Fluttershy's front door at high speed and racing away, their cheerful voices echoing in the distance as they left.

Johnathon glanced back at them in confusion, then shrugged and went back to his work, adding page after page of English words to the primer. He ran out of parchment about half way through the book, and sat back, frowning slightly. He had used both sides of each sheet in order to get everything possible, but Fluttershy didn't appear to have much in the way of writing materials on hand. The purple mare carefully took the half filled book, and making sure not to spill any of his notes out, turned it back to the first page. She pointed at the first word he had written, and looked at him with an inquisitive glance. He said the word in English, and she smiled. She pointed at the Equestrian word, and said it in her language, and pointed at the second word.

They had nearly gone through all of his notes by the time the three young, excited fillies returned, carrying rolls of parchment in several saddle bags, several bottles of ink, and a couple spare quills. The older purple earth pony looked pleased as she spoke to them, and the three fillies all grinned. Johnathon clapped his hands together, his face breaking into a huge grin, and he immediately began to work again. Behind him, he could hear the five ponies talking quietly, but he was focused on his task. Twilight was due back in... one, or was it two days now? He wasn't positive, but obviously she'd cast the translation spell on him again when she returned. It was possible it would last longer the next time, or even be permanent, he really couldn't be sure. He worked feverishly, taking as much care as he could to write legibly, but kept writing without a break till his hand started to cramp. He had finished with the first primer, and started on a second, slightly more advanced one, and was well on his way to working his way through that when he finally started to slow down.

He heard ponies come and go behind him, and paused to acknowledge the presence of the cyan pegasus with the multicolored mane... Rainbow Dash, and a small lizard... who approached to see what he was doing, walking upright as it did so. Johnathon paused in his work, looking at the small creature in astonishment. It was... bipedal? And appeared to have hands with fingers and thumbs!


Spike stared back at the tall, skinny creature with the strange mostly hairless face. "Whoa... it's staring at me. Are you sure it's safe?" he asked Fluttershy a bit nervously.

Fluttershy smiled gently. "Don't be scared, Spike. You're a dragon, remember? Anyway, I'm sure it's just because he's never seen a baby dragon before!"

Spike turned back to the human, who had sat back as well, giving him some space, and considered the creature thoughtfully. "I suppose." he turned to Fluttershy curiously. "Is this as big as they get? I thought he'd be taller."

Rainbow Dash chuckled at him. "What, didn't you get a good enough look after I clocked him upside the head?" the moment after she said it, her face darkened slightly. "I mean... everypony was crowding around when he was out...."

Spike shrugged. "I couldn't see that well before, and he looks different now that he's awake and moving around and all." the baby dragon glanced over at the table, and raised an eyebrow. "What's this he's writing? Looks like chicken scratches to me."

"I believe it's his native language, Spike." Miss Cheerilee, the Ponyville village school teacher said helpfully. "As far as I can tell, he's been creating a sort of... dictionary of his language, for some reason. He seems quite intent on it."

Spike glanced at all the parchments sticking out of the primer, and blinked. "How long has he been working? It looks like he's just about finished this book."

Cheerilee nodded across the table. "Actually, he's working on his second book already. He's been at it for about..." she glanced at a clock on a mantlepiece. "About two hours now?"

Spike raised an eyebrow, then shrugged. "Eh, my handwriting is better." he decided. "What is he doing all this for anyway?" the little dragon asked, looking confused. "I mean, Twilight will just put another translation spell on him when she gets back anyway, right?"

Fluttershy spoke up. "Well... he told me that he isn't able to remember his own language when the spell is working on him... so I think... he might want to get as many words down as he can before Twilight gets back and puts the translation spell on him again."

Spike blinked. "OK, but why?"

Cheerilee smiled. "Perhaps because his language is important to him? I think I would do the same thing, if I were in his place... and if I had gotten the idea to do it, anyway."

The human had been listening for awhile, having paused in his work, before he finally spoke. "Johnathon Dwire." he said simply, pointing at his own chest. He pointed at Spike then, and looked expectantly at him.

Spike blinked. "Oh. I'm Spike!" he told Johnathon proudly, sticking a thumb at his chest. The man repeated the name, and nodded. He made a gesture with both hands, as if to indicate Spike's entire body, and shrugged, looking confused. Spike turned to Cheerilee and Fluttershy. "What's he asking now?"

Fluttershy smiled. "I think he wants to know what you are, Spike. He did seem like he hasn't seen a baby dragon before." she brightened, and started flipping through the books Cheerilee had brought, till she came to a picture of an adult dragon, complete with a short paragraph about them. She put the book on the table, and pointed at the picture, then at Spike.

The human looked curiously at the illustration, then at the "scale" pony beside it, and then back at Spike. His eyes grew wide, and he held out his arms as wide as he could, making a gesture that almost had to indicate size.

Spike grinned. "Yeah, we get pretty big." he agreed casually with a nod. The human made a whistling sound, and grinned back in a friendly way. Spike glanced at Rainbow Dash. "Well, he doesn't seem so bad, I guess."

Rainbow Dash sighed and shook her head. "Nah... he seems like a nice... er... human or whatever." she looked side to side nervously, as if uncomfortably aware that the room was full of other ponies, then sighed. "Maybe I should wait to apologize till after he can understand me again?"

Fluttershy smiled slightly. "Oh, I don't think he holds a grudge, Rainbow Dash. Didn't he say he wasn't mad about you hitting him already?"

The cyan pegasus frowned. "Well, yeah, but... I want to tell him again, OK?"

Fluttershy nodded slightly, wincing at her friend's raised voice. "alright." she said quietly.

Rainbow Dash sighed. "I just... it seems like... maybe, just maybe, I've been jumping in with flying hooves a little too quickly. I mean, with that dragon that was smoking up the town? And now with him." she pointed at Johnathon with one hoof, then lowered it, frowning at the floor. "And I want to... I don't know, say it again, so I don't make that kind of mistake again, you know?"

Fluttershy nodded, and blinked, her eyes getting wide. Rainbow Dash looked at her, puzzled at her friend's strange expression, until she felt something come to rest on her shoulder, between her wings. She froze, and slowly turned her head to see that the human had put his hand on her shoulder. He patted her shoulder once, in a friendly way, and smiled at her with an understanding expression. Rainbow resisted the urge to hop away from him, and let her heart stop beating so fast before responding. She tapped the side of her head with one of her hooves, and pointed at his head.

"How are you feeling?" she asked slowly and loudly, exaggerating her words. "I'm sorry I hit you in the head!" she continued. The man grinned and looked like he was trying not to laugh, and Rainbow Dash turned to Spike, who seemed to be amused as well. "Hey, what's so funny?"

Spike shook his head. "He's not hard of hearing, you know, Dash." he told her confidentially. "I think he's laughing at you."

Rainbow Dash froze as the human's hand came down on top of her head. He let it rest there a moment, then playfully ruffled her mane with his fingers. Rainbow Dash ducked away and wheeled about, pointing her hoof at him again.

"Hey! Quit that!" everyone but the human and Fluttershy was laughing now, and Fluttershy looked like she was suppressing the urge. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, then shrugged. "OK, OK... I guess you forgive me." the man shrugged back, still smiling at her gently, and she frowned, then moved up to butt him with her forehead. "Jerk." she said roughly, but she couldn't help but smile a little when he ruffled her mane again, and this time she didn't try to stop him.

"He's a jerk, apparently." she said conversationally to the others as he played with her hair. "Messing with my look like that." she grinned. "Ah well...." she jabbed him lightly in the ribs with one hoof, and pushed herself away, sticking out her tongue at him. "Jerk." she said again, although she was smiling when she said it.

She glanced at Spike. "Come on, Spike. I'll buy you dinner. I still owe you for the hay fries this morning."

Spike grinned. "Can we go someplace with gemstones?"

As they were leaving, Rainbow Dash could be heard groaning. "Are you kidding? Do I look like Rarity to you? I'm not made of bits!"

Johnathon watched them go, shaking his head slightly. The cyan pegasus had reminded him of, of all things, his rough and tumble son. She was certainly a tom-boy... if such terms applied to ponies. She had seemed upset, and he had desired, impulsively, to go with his craving to feel that rainbow hair for himself, and see if it was real. It certainly hadn't felt like a dye job, but how on earth could Rainbow colored hair be real? He rolled his eyes. The answer was probably "magic." He wondered how many other things he'd encounter that would be equally odd. Probably quite a lot.

Johnathon got back to work on the primers, although he was going through them slower and slower as they got more complex. Cheerilee started to help, but some concepts were not easy to explain without the proper words, and the lessons got more and more complex as the day started fading into night. The Crusaders quickly bored, and excused themselves, and Fluttershy went about her afternoon chores, then began fixing the three of them a late dinner, but Cheerilee had caught some of the human's infectious desire to get as much of his language down on parchment as possible, and before she realized it, it was well after dark.

She rose, stiffly, as they closed the fourth book, and glanced out the window to see the moon rising. "Oh dear... and I have class tomorrow!" she sighed, then put a hoof on Johnathon's shoulder. "Goodnight, Mr. Dwire." she said formally. The human blinked, then nodded at her. She smiled, then clearly said the word "goodnight" again, then pointed outside at the moon.

Johnathon blinked, then started going through the books, till he found a picture of the moon. "Goodnight?" he repeated, looking a bit dubious, glancing at the page, and then shaking his head, defeated. Cheerilee blinked, then shook her head. She stepped back, and waved.

"Goodnight, Johnathon." she said slowly as she waved. "Goodnight."

Johnathon seemed to figure it out, waving back. "Goodnight Cheerilee!" he said with a grin.

Cheerilee smiled. "Oh, he's a smart one...." she turned to Fluttershy, you said he's an archeologist?"

Fluttershy nodded helpfully. "That's right." she smiled. "Thank you so much for all your help, Miss Cheerilee." she said gratefully. "I don't know if I could have helped him with that last book at all."

Cheerilee smiled again. "Well, helping young minds grow is my special talent, after all." she said with a smile. "Although in this case, I suppose simply an open mind." she nodded at the yellow pegasus. "Well, goodnight Fluttershy. I should get going. I do have school in the morning, after all."

Fluttershy hesitated. "Pinkie Pie is throwing a party for Johnathon tomorrow, I think. Do you think you'd like to come? I don't think Johnathon would mind."

Cheerilee smiled. "I'd love to come. Do you know when or where?"

Fluttershy blinked. "Actually, no. If I see Pinkie, I'll ask her to tell you, alright?"

Cheerile grinned. "I can probably ask one of my students. The Crusaders in particular seem to be quite fascinated by your guest."

Fluttershy nodded. "I really can't blame them. He's the first human any pony has seen for... for over a thousand years, I guess."

"I suppose I'm a bit fascinated as well." Cheerilee admitted. "I was a bit nervous about coming to see him, but when the girls wanted to bring him those text books, well... I had to see what was going on for myself." she nodded at Johnathon, who nodded back, uncomprehendingly. "He seems like a nice fellow. It'll be nice when we can speak in more than just a word or two at a time though."

Fluttershy nodded her agreement. "He is nice." she said simply.

Cheerilee smiled and turned to go. "Well, thank you for dinner, Fluttershy. If Johnathon wants some more help later, I'd be happy to give him another lesson. It's nice when a student is that dedicated."

When the purple earth pony had gone, Fluttershy turned to find Johnathon Dwire yawning and stretching. "Oh my... you must be tired. You do seem to be doing a whole lot better though. Has your headache been back?" she tapped her own head, looking at him, and made a fake grimace.

Johnathon blinked, then smiled, shaking his head. "No." He told her in equestrian, having picked up the words for "yes" and "no" several hours before.

Fluttershy found herself yawning as well, and started cleaning up the kitchen. Johnathon was quick to help, clearing the books and papers off the table and stacking them relatively neatly on the small living room table.

Before long, the yellow Pegasus headed up to bed, and, with a sigh, Johnathon did as well, going to the couch to try and let himself wind down from what had been a surprisingly fun, if stressful day.

"I wonder how much good those notes will do me after Twilight casts her spell on me again?" he asked himself quietly. "Cheerilee seemed very nice. I wonder if she's a teacher or something? Probably. Applebloom and those other two fillies seemed to know her well. Probably their teacher." he smiled broadly. "Wow... that Applebloom. I have to say I'm impressed. That's a filly that thinks on her feet... er... hooves." he nodded. "Applejack must be pretty proud to have a little sister like that. I know I would be."

He let his eyes close, and found they were heavier than he had realized. Sleep came easily, although his dreams were vivid and strange that night.

Chapter 6

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The next morning, Johnathon Dwire woke late, and noticed that they already had company over. A familiar looking White Unicorn with a dark blue mane was sitting at the kitchen table with Fluttershy, and the two of them were intently discussing something in low voices. He stretched and started getting up, startling the two ponies into silence. Fluttershy came over to him immediately, asking him a question, or at least, speaking in a quiet interrogative tone. He smiled and stretched again, shrugging. She was probably asking him how he was feeling, he figured, but he didn't really have the words to answer her yet.

"I feel fine." he told her anyway, knowing that while she almost certainly wouldn't understand the words, his tone would probably convey enough on its own. The yellow pegasus looked at him critically, then nodded, smiling. Johnathon noticed a glow of unicorn telekinesis from the table, and spotted several large pieces of parchment being rolled up and put away in the White Unicorn's saddlebags. He stood and waved politely at her, and she walked over toward him. Her gaze was surprisingly intense, and she walked around him once, as if wanting to see him from all sides. Johnathon raised his arms up, to balance himself in reaction to her moving close behind him, and took a careful step forward in the suddenly rather tight quarters.

The White Unicorn snorted once to herself, then came around in front of him again, smiling pleasantly. She met his gaze, and nodded once, regally, before departing.

"What was that about?" he asked Fluttershy, not expecting an answer. She seemed to get the basic idea, and she shrugged helplessly, smiling gently as if her friend was just eccentric, and it was best to put up with her. Or that's how he took it.

Sighing, he frowned, wondering how much longer it would be before Twilight Sparkle returned. It wasn't that he didn't want to learn the Equestrian language the hard way, but more that he was getting very tired of not being able to communicate in more than very simple concepts. He could not remember ever spending so long without being able to be understood by someone... it was getting quite frustrating! Still, if it continued, it would be an excellent motivation to learn quickly. He was afraid that his poor language skills would make it a very long process, regardless.

Fluttershy busied herself in the kitchen, and before he could go to help, she was already almost finished with preparing a very nice looking salad. She had obviously been paying attention to his tastes, for the salad looked tantalizingly good, with almost all of his favorite ingredients. Johnathon had always liked Cob Salads... and despite not having explained the details to Fluttershy, she had managed to put a very good looking one together for him, although he had no idea how she had prepared some of the ingredients so precisely without hands or the use of telekinesis!

Half an hour later, feeling really satisfied with a meal for the first time since he had arrived in Equestria, Johnathon sat back with a sigh. Fluttershy looked pleased, then glanced at her wall clock. She smiled, and looked even happier for a moment, before heading for the door. She turned to him as she reached the door, and said something quickly, and then seemed to realize, as if for the first time, that nothing she was saying was really making sense to him. She flapped her wings, raising off the floor a bit, then settled down, then pointed outside.

Johnathon blinked, then pointed outside as well. He made flapping motions with his hands, and then pointed upwards in a diagonal direction. She nodded, and then pointed to him, and them made a pushing motion, as if telling him to stay put.

"I'll stay here then, shall I?" Johnathon said with a wry smile. "When will you be...?" he shook his head, and then glanced at the clock. That, at least, was pretty easy to understand. He pointed at it, then at her, and made a motion with his shoulders, trying to let her know he wanted to know something. Fluttershy thought about it, then walked to the clock. Pointing at the big hand, she pointed to the top of the clock, and then looked at his face. He nodded in comprehension. "When the big hand is there, you'll be back." he pointed at the big hand, then at the top of the clock, then at the floor of her cottage, and raised an eyebrow.

Fluttershy nodded, and turned to go again. Checking once to make sure he was staying put (or so he guessed), she flew off. He was surprised to realize that he had almost never seen the yellow pegasus fly before. The blue one... Rainbow Dash, flew almost constantly, as if it was second nature to her to be in the air, but Fluttershy seemed much more attached to the ground. Johnathon stepped into the yard to watch her go, and gazed out in the distance to see if he could figure out her destination. He stepped out of the yard, and walked up a nearby hill to get a better view as she dwindled in the distance. He could make out the town of Ponyville (as he had heard his hosts call it) and he could see apple trees in the distance as well.

"That must be Sweet Apple Acres." he said to himself, looking around to see if he could recognize more landmarks. Fluttershy disappeared behind a hill in the distance, and he noted what almost had to be train tracks leading up to a small building near where she had gone. He allowed his eyes to follow the tracks out into the distance till he could no longer make them out, and then, his jaw dropped wide open. On the side of a mountain in the distance was what was unmistakably a enormous fairy castle. The architecture was like nothing he had ever seen before, outside of a story book. It was obviously a long distance away, but so enormous that he could make out it's individual turrets and it's basic structure if he strained his eyes a little. It had to be twenty miles away or more, and still he could see it clearly!

"That almost has to be where the Princess lives." Johnathon decided when the castle.. city, did not vanish after he blinked a few times. "Wow... that's... impressive." he simply stared in wonder for several minutes, straining his eyes to try and make out more detail, but to little avail. "Huh. I suppose if they can build a city out of clouds, then that's not too incredible..." he reasoned, "but still... wow."

He glanced back at Fluttershy's pleasant, if rustic cottage, and shook his head. "Remind me not to underestimate these ponies... just because some of them choose to live simply."

Up to this point, he had not truly questioned the world he was in, despite the fact that much of it made no sense. The very existence of magic was startling, for instance, but he could not deny the evidence of his senses, and didn't know why he should try. Seeing was believing, and he had seen magic... powerful magic, first hand.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology will resemble magic." Johnathon said aloud to himself. "But I guess for now, it's just going to be magic to me. I certainly don't have the background to figure it out, not really." he started to head into the house, to wait for Fluttershy's arrival, when he saw a train, pulled, by all things, by what looked like, at a distance, to be a team of Clydesdales, but moving with remarkable speed, coming up to what had to be the Ponyville Station, and made an educated guess. "She must have gone to meet the train!" Johnathon decided with a smile. "If I'm lucky, it'll be Twilight getting back!"

He closed his eyes and made a small wish. "Let it be Twilight... I'm starting to go stir crazy."

Sitting down on the top of the hill, he waited, watching the road that led from what appeared to be the train station toward Fluttershy's cottage. His patience was rewarded. In the distance, he saw a purple unicorn with a dark purple mane walking with a distinctive yellow and pink pegasus, heading his way.

He waved, and started down the road toward them, suddenly impatient. With a grin, he started to jog.

Twilight's eyes widened as she saw the human, Johnathon Dwire, running swiftly toward them. She was surprised by how quickly he could move on only two legs. Spike wasn't able to move half as quickly, although she supposed that the human's legs were much longer. She increased her pace as well, to meet the human half way, Fluttershy hurrying along behind her.

They met several hundred yards from Fluttershy's home, and stopped in the middle of the road. He raised an eyebrow at her, and spread his arms slightly, as if he was waiting. Twilight nodded, and pointed her horn at him, recalling the spell as she concentrated. A beam of purple light struck the man, and after a moment, he spoke.

"Can you understand me now?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes we can." Twilight told him with a smile, then looked guilty. "I'm so sorry, Johnathon! I forgot that the spell would wear off after only two days! You've been unable to speak for the last two days because of me!"

Johnathon shrugged. "It's alright, Twilight. I made do. Fluttershy, Applebloom, and some of her friends were very helpful. Actually, I put together a long list of words from my language while I was waiting."

Twilight looked interested. "Oh, I'd like to see that!" she started to walk towards Fluttershy's cottage, and he came with her, walking to one side. "I've been meaning to ask you... could you still access your own language while the spell was working? I wasn't completely sure how it functioned, you see, as it's been quite a while since that spell has been used."

Johnathon shook his head, frowning. "Actually, no. I couldn't speak... or write in my own language at all... and I tried, trust me."

Twilight nodded sympathetically. "I think it overwrites your own language skills with the knowledge of Equestrian." she frowned thoughtfully. "Now that I think about how it works, it might actually give copy the caster's language skills directly onto the recipient, overwriting their own in the process."

Johnathon shook his head slowly. "I thought it might be something along those lines at first, but I realized it has to be more complicated that that. You see, I found only one flaw... when I used an Acronym that had another meaning... as a regular word, that is, the spell wasn't able to quite...." he frowned. "Er... well, apparently, your word for ram, as in the animal, does not have the same sounds that the words random access memory have at the beginning of each word."

Twilight blinked. "Er... and they do in your language?"

He nodded. "I think that means that the spell has to use more than your own language ability, Twilight. I think there's more to it than that. The spell seems to be able to translate any concept in my own subconscious into your language, even when the word isn't commonly used in your language. Like... television."

Twilight puzzled that out. "Does that mean... vision at a distance?"

Johnathon grinned. "In a way. But I'm going to assume that it's not a word you've heard before?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, it's not. I know the different parts of the word, but I've never heard them used like that before." she grinned, looking pleased. "You reasoned this out yourself?"

He shrugged. "Fluttershy helped some. It's almost if the spell taps into a collective unconscious... in any case, it's impressively sophisticated."

Twilight nodded. "It takes quite a bit of magic to cast, really. Now that I understand how it works a bit better, it makes more sense." she looked apologetic. "Usually I research a spell much more thoroughly before casting it, but it seemed like an emergency situation at the time."

Johnathon shook his head. "No harm done. I'm grateful for your quick thinking, really. It's much better to be able to communicate than not, believe me."

Twilight nodded agreeably. "I can imagine." they had arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, and he opened the door for Twilight, who came inside, Fluttershy following closely after her. "I'd like to see your written language for myself though! I've never seen a language from another world before."

Johnathon went to get his stack of primers. "A purple pony... with a light colored mane and... three flowers on her... er.. flank, brought these by with Applebloom and her friends. She helped me with my translations till quite late. A very nice... er... pony."

Twilight blinked. "Johnathon, why are you always pausing before saying the word pony, anyway? Is it a problem with the translation spell?"

Johnathon laughed. "No... well, perhaps just a little. It's just that I'm used to saying person instead of pony, or anyone instead of anypony... and, surprisingly, your translation spell isn't stopping me. I guess the PARTS of the words are known, but I'm trying to use the same... er... lanquage conventions as er... everypony else does."

Twilight frowned thoughtfully. "Oh, I see. How strange! I never really thought about it much, but it must seem a bit odd. I mean, we have dragons... and griffons, and other creatures who we share a language with, and yet we use words that mean pony when we speak of... um... every... individual." she shook her head. "I wonder why?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Language evolves in different ways for many different reasons. I actually know a lot about etymology, although I guess it won't help so much here."

Twilight frowned. "I'm sorry... that's a study of... what exactly?"

Johnathon blinked. "Oh, the study of where words come from."

Twilight blinked, then nodded. "Oh! Of course, I should have remembered that." she shook her head. "It's not something you think about. According to Princess Celestia, our language has remained pretty much the same for the last thousand years or so. Mostly thanks to her influence, I think. We add new words all the time, but the old ones have stayed pretty much the same."

Johnathon blinked. "Her... influence?" his eyes went wide. "Oh, right! She's been around for...." he shook his head incredulously. "She's really been around for over a thousand years?"

Twilight nodded. "Quite a bit more."

The archeologist closed his eyes for a bit. "I knew that... I mean... she told me that she and her sister were the ones to build both the castle in the... er... the Everfree forest, and the ruins on my world." he shook his head in disbelief. "But the ruins on my world... they had to be over three thousand years old! That's older than most recorded history on my world!"

Twilight smiled faintly. "The Princesses have been around for longer than we have accurately recorded history as well, I'm afraid. Truthfully, records only become relatively trustworthy for the last... oh, eight hundred years or so. Before that, we have stories, and legends, but not a whole lot of facts."

Johnathon grinned. "Sounds like you need a good archeologist."

Twilight smiled at him. "We might at that. I suppose if somepony really wanted to know what happened, oh, two thousand years ago, they could simply ask the princess... but she IS very busy most of the time, and she couldn't be everywhere at once, obviously."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Obviously." he shook his head again. "Still... it's so... difficult to believe! Any being that has lived for so very long... are her and her sister the only ones that... I don't even know what to call it, that are... immortal like that?"

Twilight hesitated. "The only ones that I know of, besides Discord, I suppose.":

Johnathon looked curious, sitting on the couch to make himself more comfortable. "I keep hearing about this... Discord. Was... he, or she an... alicorn as well?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh! No... he was... is, what is known as a draconequus. He has the head of a pony and a body of... well, of lots of other things."

Johnathon blinked. "Oh... like a chimera?"

Twilight hesitated. "Something like that. He was... very, very powerful. Long, long ago, he ruled Equestria with fear... and chaos. The princesses eventually defeated him and sealed him in stone, until, well, until about the time you arrived, actually, when he finally broke free of his magical prison."

Johnathon blinked. "And.. they stopped him again?"

Twilight flushed, looking embarrassed. "Actually, my friends and I defeated him."

Johnathon looked impressed. "Wow... I guess the princess wasn't kidding when she said you were a really good magician, huh?"

Twilight shook her head. "I can't take the credit. It wasn't MY magic which defeated Discord, but the magic of the Elements of Harmony."

Fluttershy spoke up quietly. "You should take some credit, Twilight. We'd have been lost without your magic. You saved us all with your memory spell."

Twilight hesitated. "Well, if the princess hadn't sent all of my letters back to me... to remind me of our friendship, I would never have thought to use a memory spell to bring you all back to yourselves."

Johnathon glanced from one pony to the other. "Sounds like it was pretty rough, huh?" he smiled gently. "If it's too painful, you don't have to tell me."

Twilight smiled and shook her head. "No... although it was pretty tough at times. Still, I believed in my friends, and in the end, they didn't let me down."

The archeologist nodded politely. "So... how did you beat him? What are these... Elements of Harmony? Some sort of spell components or something?"

Twilight smiled. "Well, the Elements of Harmony are broken up into six parts... the elements of honesty, generosity, loyalty, laughter, kindness, and... magic." she smiled at Fluttershy. "Fluttershy embodies the element of kindness."

Johnathon looked puzzled. "So... they're ponies? Ponies that exemplify ideals?"

Twilight shook her head slowly. "Not completely. The Elements themselves are... very powerful magical artifacts, that can only be used by ponies that, as you said, exemplify the ideal each individual element represents. When all six are used together, they are... well, a very powerful force."

Johnathon thought about that. "Huh. So... I'm guessing you embody the element of Magic?"

Twilight blushed. "Well... yes. Apparently. Applejack is honesty, Rainbow Dash is loyalty, Rarity is generosity, and Pinkie Pie is laughter."

Johnathon blinked. "Well... huh. I'll have to take your word for it. I don't really know most of them that well yet." he thought for a moment. "OK, I can see Pinkie Pie and laughter... and Applejack does seem like a really... down to earth sort. I did get the strong impression that I could trust her word." he shrugged, smiling. "I'm not sure if I've met Rarity?"

Fluttershy coughed. "She was here earlier today, Johnathon. She's a unicorn."

Johnathon nodded. "Oh yes, of course." he smiled. "Well, she did seem nice, even if we still haven't managed to talk yet."

He turned to Twilight. "So... you six ponies were able to use these... artifacts to defeat this... Discord?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, we turned him back to stone." she frowned. "According to the princesses, he escaped this last time because they were no longer attuned to the Artifacts... so at some point, probably a long way in the future, but after we're all gone, he may escape his prison again."

Johnathon whistled. "Well, hopefully the ponies of that time will know what to do. You should probably make sure that what you did is recorded and passed down, I guess."

Twilight nodded, looking a bit embarrassed. "Princess Celestia thinks so as well. She... sort of already has a picture of us defeating Discord up in stained glass in the palace already."

Johnathon smiled fondly at her. "I take it you don't like being the center of attention much? I guess every... pony would be wanting to thank you for saving the world and all." he blinked. "Er... I did get the impression that he was pretty much a global threat, or was I mistaken?"

Twilight looked even more embarrassed. "Well... yes, I suppose he was. He probably wasn't as dangerous to the world as Nightmare Moon would have been... but his chaos would have spread across the whole world eventually."

Johnathon blinked. "Who's Nightmare Moon?"

Twilight winced. "Er... that's a... a long story."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, I'd love to hear it sometime... if you're free."

Twilight hesitated, then levitated the primers and the papers stuffed into their pages into her saddle bags. "Actually, I should get back to the library and drop these books off. I need to unpack, and take care of whatever I've missed while I've been away."

Johnathon nodded sadly. "Of course. I shouldn't keep you." he sighed. "I've been hoping to get out for awhile now... but I suppose I can wait a while longer."

Twilight glanced at him, then smiled. "You can come along with me if you like. I won't mind the company."

Johnathon rose to his feet with a grin. "Really? That's great! I won't be any trouble, I promise!"

Twilight chuckled. "Well, I expect it'll be interesting going though town, if you've been here in Fluttershy's cabin the whole time, but we can't keep you in here forever, can we?"

Johnathon shuddered slightly. "I hope not..." he winced and turned to Fluttershy. "Not that I don't love your place, Fluttershy, and you've been a wonderful host, but I really would like to be able to get out and about a bit."

Fluttershy smiled kindly. "I understand. I wouldn't like being stuck at home all the time, every day either."

Johnathon shrugged. "It'd be bearable if I had more to do... but by the time I thought to ask, the translation spell wore off. I can lose myself for hours in a good book, but since I couldn't read anyway, there didn't seem to be much point."

Twilight smiled. "Well, you can borrow something from the library when you get there. That's what it's there for, after all!" She started for the front door. "Are you coming, Fluttershy?"

The shy yellow pegasus shook her head lightly. "I have quite a bit to do here... and a few more errands to run before...." she blushed slightly. "Er... before tonight."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess... Pinkie Pie's got you in on the party preparations as well?"

Fluttershy smiled slightly. "Something like that."

He nodded and waved goodbye as they went out the door. "I guess I'll be seeing you tonight then!"

She nodded again, then hesitated. "Will you be coming back to sleep here tonight, Johnathon?"

The archeologist hesitated. "Well... I was planning on it, if that's alright. I don't like imposing, but at the moment, I don't have anywhere else to stay!"

Fluttershy's face softened. "You're welcome to stay with me for as long as you need. I don't mind."

Johnathon nodded. "Thank you for the kindness, Fluttershy. You really do exemplify that quality. I don't know why that makes some sort of magic super weapon work, but if somepony is looking for kindness, they certainly wouldn't go wrong looking here."

Fluttershy blushed so hard her face started to look as pink as her mane, and she covered her face with her hooves with a small squeak. Johnathon and Twilight left the shy yellow pegasus, both laughing slightly, although not unkindly, as they headed into town.

As they approached the town, Johnathon tensed slightly, anticipating the worst. When the first few ponies spotted him coming, they tensed as well, as if ready to run, then almost immediately relaxed, their eyes settling on Twilight as their fear visibly subsided. This repeated itself over and over again as they entered the center of town. It appeared to be a market day, and there were open air stalls everywhere, selling all sorts of goods, mostly food, and the center of town was packed. Johnathon stood head and shoulders over any of the ponies, and soon all eyes were on him, but whenever they noticed Twilight walking calmly at his side, they relaxed. Before long, their interest seemed to wane, and slowly but surely, everypony went back to their own business.

Johnathon blinked, then smiled down at Twilight. "I guess that comes with saving the World, huh, Twilight?" he commented. "As soon as they noticed you're with me, they all relax. They must really trust you a lot."

Twilight herself was looking a bit surprised. "I... I guess so." she shook her head. "Well... it's probably just that they see you're with somepony... and you're not acting dangerous... it's not just because you're with me."

"Not hardly!" a familiar voice said, and they both turned to watch an orange earth pony walking up to them from an apple stand. "Don't sell yourself short, Sugar Cube! Everypony knows you're the one who saved us all from Discord... and from Nightmare Moon as well! They know that if you're walking all calm with somepony... er... some human, I guess... they know it's alright, even if he looks mighty strange."

Applejack tipped her hat to the archaeologist. "Begging your pardon, Johnathon, but I'm just saying it how I see it." she smiled at him "Although I'm getting used to ya by now, I reckon you must seem pretty strange to most of the folks here in Ponyville." she nodded reassuringly. "But not to worry, they're reasonable folks. They'll get used to you right quick, you'll see."

Johnathon smiled back. "Well, if you say it, Applejack, it must be so." he said with a small bow. "I will take your word on the matter."

Applejack blinked, looking confused. "Er... thanks?"

Twilight giggled. "He found out that you're the Element of Honesty this morning."

Applejack flushed. "Well... that don't matter a mite! Just because...." she sighed. "It's not like I've never told a lie or nothing... I just... prefer to tell things as I see them."

Twilight smiled at her friend, her eyes twinkling. "Even when Discord made you want to lie about everything, you were AWFUL at it. I've never seen a pony so bad at lying." her face softened. "And that's a good thing."

Johnathon nodded immediately. "I've always had the sense that your word was good, Applejack. And that's worth a lot."

Applejack found herself blushing. "You're going to turn my head, you..." she shook her head. "Anyhow, I should probably get back to my cart. It's the busiest part of the day for selling."

Johnathon nodded again. "Sure. Will we see you tonight, at the party?"

Applejack grinned. "Wouldn't miss it, sugar! Pinkie does throw the best shindigs, for certain!"

Johnathon grinned. "So everypony keeps saying. I guess I'll withhold judgement till then. Maybe I'll actually enjoy a party for once."

They left the market behind, and soon found themselves in front of what appeared to be a building built entirely out of a large tree. "This is it!" Twilight announced as she telekinetically opened the door. "Hey Spike, I'm home!" she announced brightly. There was no immediate response, and the purple unicorn frowned slightly. "Spike, are you here?" She called louder as she walked inside.

Johnathon followed, ducking slightly to clear the doorway, and whistled lightly at the thousands of books all around him. It wasn't, by any definition, the largest library he had been in, or even the most impressive, but possibly the first in a very, very long time in which every single book would be new to him. He found himself drawn inextricably to the shelves, skimming the titles, and admiring the quality of the bindings. There were immediately several titles that looked interesting... "a beginners guide to magic" being the most appealing of the many options, despite the fact, or perhaps because of the fact that the words were in large, friendly letters, and it had the almost unmistakable look of an illustrated children's book.

Johnathon had no qualms about starting at the beginning on THIS subject. He was well aware that he knew less than any child of this world about the subject, and the most basic of texts would almost certainly be the best place to start. He would have pulled that particular book from the shelf and begun reading already, but he was trying not to ignore his host.

"Spike?" Johnathon said, sounding out the name. The word sounded somewhat different to him with the translation spell running, but he thought he knew what she meant. "Does that little dragon live here, then?" Johnathon asked curiously. "He came over Fluttershy's home yesterday." Johnathon frowned. "Er... Spike is a boy dragon, isn't he? I wouldn't know how to tell, I guess." Even as he spoke to her, his eyes wandered back to the ever so tempting book.

Twilight glanced down the stairs, (having already made it up to her bedroom to look for the baby dragon, to no avail). "That's right. Spike is a male dragon. He's kind of like my kid brother, in a way. He helps me at the library, and sends messages to Princess Celestia for me." she noticed Johnathon's eyes on the library shelves instead of on her, and smiled. "If you want to borrow a book, go ahead. That is what a library is for, after all."

Johnathon grinned and took the "Beginners Guide" off the shelf, turning to the first page, then flipping past the introduction quickly. "Thanks, Twilight. I expect I'll be coming here all the time. I've got a lot to learn, and probably a finite amount of time to learn it in."

Twilight blinked. "Er... well, everyone has a finite amount of time... except perhaps the Princesses, but you seem to be thinking of something specific?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, eventually, you may find me a way back home, and then if I've any books that I wanted to read left unread here, I'll just have to do without!" he grinned. "Not that I'm trying to slow you down, but i wouldn't mind terribly if you took several months, or longer. I can't see getting bored any time soon!"

Twilight grinned. "I guess every book here is something new to you, huh?" she smiled. "I imagine that must be pretty exciting."

He nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yes. I doubt I'll find something interesting in every book, but I've just glanced at the shelves, and I see dozens... more, that I want to read already."

Twilight nodded, looking thoughtful. "I imagine I would feel the same, if our situations were reversed. A chance to study a whole new world, and you get to start in a library!" Johnathon glanced at her with a raised eyebrow, but the purple unicorn seemed to be sincere.

"Actually, yes. That is how I'm feeling. I can learn a tremendous amount about your world right here, without ever leaving this room! I can probably learn more and faster here than anywhere else." he smiled. "Of course, it won't be as significant as learning things the hard way, out in your world... but I can't complain about getting to cheat a little."

Twilight chuckled. "So reading up on our world is cheating?"

The archaeologist chuckled back. "Well, it kind of feels like it. Usually, I have to figure out an ancient culture by little clues... artifacts buried in the dirt for hundreds or thousands of years, bits of writing on stone slabs that no one has been able to read for a hundred generations... pieces of pottery, burial sites, that sort of thing. Getting to read things straight out of a library... and being able to actually READ them without needing to painstakingly translate each part? That does feel a lot like cheating. But I'll take it!"

Twilight laughed at the man's good humor. "I don't blame you. As much as I like puzzles, I do like finding out the truth as quickly as I can. I don't know if I could do your job. It sounds very difficult."

Johnathon smiled. "Well, it can be tedious, but at the same time, you get to discover details about other cultures... other peoples, that no one else has known for the longest time. I do like puzzles, and solving them is a lot more fun when they're hard then when they're easy." he shrugged. "But given the alternative, I'll accept learning a WHOLE lot of things the easy way instead of only a few things the hard way, since I'm given the option." he started reading the children's book on magic he had selected again, then stopped, looking at Twilight, who was still peering down the stairs at him curiously. "Speaking of doing things the hard way... could you tell me about your translation spell? Will it last for two days each time you cast it? Or is that a variable you can change?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh. Well... the spell I read from that book has the time limit set at two days. I simply used the formula they had set down, as I didn't want to waste time experimenting, but I could probably lengthen or shorten the time if you wanted me too. Is it important?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... on one hand, with the spell going, I don't think I'll be able to learn your language the hard way... which means I'll be dependent on your spell to communicate. On the other, I've always been very bad at learning new languages. I mean, really bad. I've studied a couple other languages besides my own pretty extensively, and it seems to take me a whole lot longer to learn a new language than it takes most people. My sister in law is my exact opposite in that, actually. She seems to be able to learn a new language, fluently, in only a few months. Me, after six years of classes twice a week, I could barely say two sentences in a row in Japanese... and now, several years later, I remember next to nothing of it."

Twilight looked curious. "Japanese is a language from your world?" she asked curiously. "Are there many different languages where you come from?"

Johnathon nodded. "Hundreds...." he frowned. "Well, thousands, really, although there are a few dozen, I guess, that are used by the majority."

Twilight looked astonished. "So many! I don't think there are more than a dozen total spoken languages listed in the royal libraries in Canterlot... and they have the most comprehensive library in the world!"

Johnathon looked curious. "Perhaps it's a result of having an immortal for a ruler." he said with a frown. "As odd as that concept is for me, I think I can guess some of the effects it might have on a society. For one, most everyone would learn to speak whatever Princess Celestia spoke, I'd think. Also, she probably keeps the language stable just by existing... and speaking it the same way all the time."

Twilight blinked. "That's an interesting hypothesis. So, I take it that you don't have any... er... immortals on your world?"

He shook his head. "No immortals, no magic... at least not that I've seen or felt." the archeologist hesitated, looking like he wanted to say something, but unsure of it's reception.

Twilight started walking down the stairs. "You look like something has occurred to you that you don't like, Johnathon." she smiled wryly. "I've seen that look in the mirror before."

Johnathon frowned. "Twilight... I don't want to sound... paranoid... but... how does Celestia feel about people... ponies, talking about her?"

Twilight shook her head. "I don't understand. You mean, starting rumors and that sort of thing?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Sure, among other things."

Twilight smiled. "Princess Celestia is very... very kind. I've read some really horrible things that some of the tabloids print about her, but no one takes them seriously. And the Princess never lets anyone tell them that they can't say bad things about her." she shook her head. "It doesn't really happen that often. Not very many ponies believe such things about the Princess, and those magazines aren't very popular."

Johnathon blinked. "Well... that actually does answer my question. I guess I am just slightly paranoid." he shrugged. "I... I just thought, that you're really lucky that your Princess is as... good natured and rational as she is. It seems like she has a lot of power, and that she's had that power for as long as your recorded history. Longer."

Twilight nodded, frowning slightly. "What are you getting at, Johnathon?" she immediately flushed. "I'm sorry... I get a little defensive about the Princess sometimes. She is my mentor, after all."

Johnathon shook his head. "Don't worry about it. Honestly, I like Celestia. She really seems like a good leader. A very good one, from what I've seen. I don't like the idea of absolute power resting in any one individual's hands, but if it has to be anywhere, I think Celestia, from all I've seen, is as good a choice as it gets."

He frowned. "Actually, that's not entirely accurate. I've seen that many people controlling a government is hardly perfect either." he shrugged. "Heck, I'm not even sure what sort of government you have... is Celestia in charge of everything, or is she a figurehead, or something in between?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh! I see. Actually I did study different forms of government a little in school. The griffins have a... I believe they call it a direct democracy?" she shrugged. "It's where any citizen has a vote... although I believe in griffin society you have to have served in their military to be considered a citizen?" she looked thoughtful. "Well, I don't remember much more, something about how some of the dragons are organized into a... meritocracy? Where the dragons with the best skills or the most power get to rule the others?" she shrugged, then blinked. "Oh yes... to answer your question, er... yes, Princess Celestia is, essentially, our ruler in every meaning of the word. However, as the task of governing is quite complex, she has a large administration made up of noble ponies that administrate the day to day activities of government."

She looked thoughtful. "On a regional level, majors and governors are elected officials, so we have what is essentially a.. er..." Twilight tried to remember the term. "A republic on a local level... I believe."

Johnathon Dwire nodded. "Well, I am not in a position to really to judge it's effectiveness, but at least from the very little I've seen it seems to work." he shook his head. "Actually, what I find most interesting, now that I'm a little more aware, is that the Princess was able to intervene directly in the situation here when I arrived. I'd expect her to send an intermediary."

Twilight hesitated. "Well... normally, she would, I think. But the situation with the portal to your world, that was, as far as I can tell, something of an emergency situation. She usually sends... er... well, she usually would have sent me to deal with something like this, but I assume that the Elements of Harmony wouldn't have been effective in closing an open gateway between worlds, or perhaps that she felt that, given her unique knowledge of the matter, and the fact that time was likely a factor, it was important that she handle it herself."

Johnathon nodded. "I'm sure you're correct... it's probably one of those things." he shrugged, then looked at Twilight in interest. "So... you're not just the Princess's student, you also act in her stead?"

Twilight's eyes went wide. "Oh no! Nothing like that! It's just... when there is something... er... dangerous, or difficult, that she feels I... well, we, my friends and I, can handle, she asks us to step in. It hasn't happened often."

Johnathon nodded. "Still, it's obvious she must place a lot of trust in you, Twilight."

Twilight lowered her head and sighed. "She believes in me. Sometimes I'm not sure why..." she raised her head then, her eyes going hard. "But I won't let her down."

Johnathon nodded gently. "I believe you." he told her simply. "Anyway, thank you for explaining. I was quite curious, but I was a bit nervous about asking. It's considered unwise to meddle in other people... er... ponies' cultures." he growled. "Ponies... ponies. I'm going to remember to say it right the first time sooner or later, I hope."

He hesitated again, then shrugged and asked anyway. "Er... you speak of Princess Celestia as if she is the only ruler... but I was under the impression that there are two alicorns? Celestia has a sister... Luna, I believe?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh... er... that IS a bit complicated."

Johnathon nodded. "Alright. Do you mind telling me about it, or is it a taboo subject?"

Twilight frowned. "Well, not taboo, exactly, but..." she sighed. "Let me just tell you about it."


It took almost two hours, as Johnathon stopped her many times with questions, or to clarify a point, but bit by bit she explained the events behind the return of Nightmare Moon, the discovery of the Elements of Harmony, Nightmare Moon's defeat (and Luna's restoration to sanity) and Princess Celestia's return.

Johnathon, while trying to allow Twilight to tell her story, had to practically bite his own lip to avoid interrupting her constantly. Some of the things she was telling him so matter of factually just HAD to be wrong... didn't they?

"I'm sorry to bring this up again..."he said, after letting her get to the end of her story, (something that had taken every bit of his self control), "but... Celestia and Luna... raise the sun and moon? Literally? They move them in their orbits?"

Twilight blinked. "Well, yes. Princess Luna has... at least I believe she has resumed her responsibility for raising the moon at this point, although for the thousand years of her imprisonment, Celestia raised both on her own."

Johnathon opened his mouth to point out the obvious impossibility of the idea, then closed it. Twilight accepted the fact with such confidence that it was quite obviously something that had simply been fact for recorded history. Which, Johnathon now recalled, only went back some eight hundred years or so in her society, accurately, to use Twilight's words. He wondered, for just moments, what possible reason Celestia might have for creating such an elaborate fabrication, but almost immediately the answer came. Who would dare turn on a monarch who literally raised the sun? Everything would, presumably, die without the life-giving rays of the sun, and if it was truly believed that she was responsible, it would be practically inconceivable to attempt any sort of take over. He tried to fit that in with the Celestia he had met, who had struck him as, at the least, kindly disposed toward her people, and as far as he could tell, quite fair minded. Again, his mind supplied the answer. She was as far as he could determine, a pretty darn good ruler, and, being wise enough to recognize her own worth, had simply taken an expedient way of eliminating threats to her rule, which, frankly, would probably be more harmful than helpful, assuming she was, in fact, a truly beneficent leader... which, despite the odds, did seem to be the case.

I can't say anything. Johnathon realized. Unless I'm completely wrong about this... I can't say anything. I could accidentally start a revolution against what, unless I am wrong, is actually the most beneficial dictator that I have ever heard of. And for what? Death and destruction... possibly ending in a slightly more democratic rule? He shook his head. I can't make that call. It's not mine to make. Not without a whole lot more information... and I'm not sure even then if I would have any right to dare make such a call. He looked at Twilight Sparkle, who was starting to look a bit concerned by his long silence, and wondered. Am I underestimating her? Could she handle the truth? Or does it matter if she could or not? He did wonder at one point in her story... where, the moment that Nightmare Moon had been defeated, the sun had, in fact, risen, and Princess Celestia had immediately appeared. But the timing could easily have been faked some how though some sort of illusion, couldn't it?

"Johnathon?" The Element of Magic, Princess Celestia's pride and joy, frowned in concern. "You looked... really upset for a minute, and now you're just looking kind of sad."

The archeologist shook his head. "Just... thinking strange things, Twilight. Best just to ignore me when I get like this."

She raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? If you need to talk about it, I'll listen."

Johnathon smiled. "I appreciate the offer, but I think these are thoughts that I would prefer to keep to myself. They're just... random musings, nothing constructive. I promise, when there is something that you can help me with, I'll let you know."

Twilight nodded reluctantly, obviously curious, but polite enough not to pry further. Before they could talk any more, a knock came at the door, and without further ceremony, Applejack popped her head through the doorway.

"Hey Twilight, hey Johnathon! Pinkie sent me to let you know the party's going to start in about half an hour. It's at the barn at my place, OK?"

Johnathon smiled. "Cool. Thanks Applejack." he turned to face her. "Twilight was just telling me about some of your adventures. Really riveting stuff. Saving the world, huh? Twice? Pretty darn cool."

Applejack just put a hoof behind her head (making Johnathon's eyes widen slightly), and looked away, obviously embarrassed. "It weren't nothing special. All I did was what any honest pony would have done. It was Twilight who did all the hard parts."

Twilight shook her head. "Don't be silly, Applejack. I never could have made it without you and the others. Without you, I'd have fallen from that cliff and died before we got halfway to the Castle in the first place... and that's hardly the last time you saved the day."

Johnathon grinned. "Well, I wouldn't count out your own actions, Twilight, but yeah, it did sound like it was a serious team effort. You six seem to make one heck of a team!" he smiled slightly. "I've been part of a group like that once or twice... people who you could work together... and you could do more as a group then you could do separately? Where you could trust your teammates to help you without ever asking? It's rare... and there's nothing else in the world like it." he frowned, looking a little sad. "It's really hard when it's gone. It's not something you can just... have because you want it. It's something special... it really is something like magic." he shrugged, helplessly. "Sorry... just feeling a bit nostalgic."

Applejack put a hoof gently on his shoulder. "I guess you had some real good friends. Do you mind if I ask what happened to them?"

Johnathon shook his head. "I don't mind." He shrugged. "Time... the pressures of life. I've had a couple really good groups of friends. When I was a kid, as a boy scout, for about six years I had an almost... magical group of friends. We were in a patrol... a small unit, together during that time, but we were friends at school, and everywhere else as well. Then me and my family moved away, and didn't really settle down anywhere till I was practically an adult. In college, I... found another group of friends... people who I could really trust, no matter what." he sighed. "But we all... grew up, got jobs, formed families of our own, and well, we couldn't seem to help growing apart." Johnathon smiled. "I think, of all of us, I might have tried holding on the past the hardest, but in the end, even I moved on. I found a girl that I really liked... I fell in love, moved away from my friends, and got married. And again... it was... magical."

Applejack sighed. "I'm so sorry, Johnathon. You must miss her an awful lot."

He shook his head. "I don't regret... ANY of it. I wouldn't change a thing." the man shook his head. "Not one choice I made. Not one. It's just... I get a little nostalgic sometimes."

Applejack hugged him, and so did Twilight. He put a hand on each of their shoulders, and smiled. "Thanks, girls. I appreciate it. Really. It's good when someone takes the time to understand you... and I do appreciate that." he smiled. "But let's cherish the friends we have now. We don't want to be late to Pinkie's party, do we?"

Applejack stepped back, laughing lightly. "No sir. We wouldn't want to do that."

Chapter 7

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Johnathon found himself flanked on either side by Applejack and Twilight Sparkle as they walked from the Library toward the Sweet Apple Acres barn. "So, Ladies, care to let me in on what your friend Pinkie might have planned?" the human asked as they walked, more to make conversation than anything else.

"I think I'll just let you see for yourself, Sugar." Applejack told him with a grin. "But I don't think she's got nothing fancy in mind. Just a get together for friends and family and the like. Pinkie's real good about keeping promises, I'll have you know."

Johnathon nodded, and glanced the other way at Twilight. "So, how did your trip to Canterlot go?" he looked in the direction of the giant fairy castle, noting that it was only visible from some points in town, as hills and trees and even buildings nearby blocked the view. "I am assuming that... huge palace that's on the side of the mountain over there is it?"

Twilight followed the direction of his gaze. "That's right." she smiled. "I did find several texts that I think will be VERY helpful. Princess Celestia was kind enough to give me her personal journal from the period directly after Discord's reign... with her notes on the dimensional portal that led to your world. Unfortunately, there is not much else written on the subject, as apparently only the princesses and a few of their trusted retainers were aware of it at the time."

Johnathon nodded. "I'd be curious to see that journal myself some time, if that'd be alright. I WAS researching the ruins on my planet that your princesses built. I'd really love to find out what the builders themselves were thinking during that period." he shrugged. "Not that I'll be able to use that information when... or if I get home, I suppose. No one would believe me."

Twilight looked at him curiously. "Why not? I mean...." she paused, and thought about it seriously. "Oh... well, I suppose it might be difficult to prove that those ruins were created by our princesses, unless you could prove they exist as well."

Johnathon nodded. "That would be the main problem. There isn't really any evidence on my world of you all... at least, nothing besides myths and legends. If I try to tell people that the ruins were created by magical alicorns from another dimension, I'd be laughed out of academia... if I wasn't thrown into a mental institution first."

Twilight sighed. "I'm sorry. It must be difficult, knowing the truth and knowing you'll never be able to tell anypony."

Johnathon grinned. "Oh, I can tell anypony... it's my fellow humans that won't believe me." he shrugged. "Don't worry about that part, Twilight. I'm not going to be all that broken up about that part of this. It's a shame, but being famous for uncovering an incredible historical find? Well, it would be nice, but I've never been all THAT ambitious. There are better things to want out of life."

Applejack looked curious. "Like what?"

Johnathon smiled faintly. "Well, you might find this corny... but like friends, family. Those have always been the most important things to me." he sighed, and shook his head, but didn't seem inclined to continue.

Applejack spoke up carefully. "If you don't mind me asking, Johnathon, did you leave anypony special behind? Are your friends and family going to be missing you?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... my parents... my brother... my step son." he shook his head. "Most of them won't even know I'm missing yet, unless my co-workers..." he sighed. "On second thought, they may very well have gotten word out already." he shook his head. "There's nothing I can do about that. I'm afraid that they'll probably have a search party out looking for me... and when they don't find me, they'll probably wait a while, then declare me dead." he sighed. "My family will be worried... I wish I could let them know at the least that I'm alright."

Twilight grimaced. "Oh... I... I wish I could help. It's just... even just the basic principles of this sort of magic are so complex... I don't think I'd be able to even send a message for quite a while." she sighed. "I'm sorry...."

Johnathon shook his head. "No... seriously, it's not your fault, and intellectually, I know that it's not my fault either. I'm sorry my family will have to go through being sad because of my loss... but I know they'll be alright. No one is depending on me... my step son is all grown up, and he's got plenty of family. My brother and I kept in touch pretty regularly, but he and his wife are a great couple, they'll be fine." he sighed. "I kind of worry about my folks the most. They're getting up there in years, but my parents still think of me as their little kid sometimes."

Applejack moved over and nudged him with the side of her body. "If I'm any judge, Johnathon, I'd wager your folks are strong-uns. They raised themselves a pretty tough son. They'll be all right."

Johnathon nodded. "Sure." He shook his head. "It'll be... well, now that I think about it, if... when I do go back, everyone will probably think I'm dead. It'll be quite a shock for everyone." he smiled slightly. "Maybe if I'm lucky, I can get back in time for my own funeral. I've always wanted to say, "the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated!"

Twilight's mouth fell open. "That's... that's awful! Why would you want to say something like that?"

Johnathon blinked. "Oh... sorry, I should have mentioned. It's a quote from a famous book in my world. This boy, in the story, is lost in a cave for a long time, and his family and friends think he's died... so when he finally gets back to his home, he finds everyone at his funeral." Johnathon shrugged. "It was a good story.... famous author. Most everyone on my world knows the quote, or at least a good number."

Twilight blushed. "Oh. That makes much more sense."

Johnathon laughed. "Well, it's not like I planned on faking my own death just so I could show up at my own funeral! It's just... if I do get back... that would be... kinda cool to get there right then, you know?"

Twilight thought about that. "Well... at the least, it'd be really surprising!"

They were coming up the long dirt road to the Apple farm, and Johnathon could see a "Welcome to Equestria!" sign up above the barn doors. "Alright... guess it's time to face the music." he said, grinning slightly at himself, knowing that, unfortunately, he was probably the only one going to laugh at most of his own jokes.

Applejack threw the barn door wide, and they went in. Streamers, ribbons and balloons decorated the beams and rafters of the barn. Fresh, clean hay covered the floor, and several tables were set up with food, including a large cake. What appeared to be a wind up phonograph sat on one table, complete with stacks of records.

A dozen ponies waved excitedly as they entered, and at some hidden signal, all shouted "Welcome to Equestra!" as a group.

Johnathon smiled politely and walked up to the group. "Well, thanks, everypony. I do feel welcome." he glanced at a third table, behind the group, where a number of gaily wrapped packages rested. He blinked. "Presents too? You shouldn't have!"

Pinkie hopped up to him. "Don't be silly, Johnathon! Of course you get presents! It's a welcome to Equestria party, after all, and since it's your first party in Equestria, it's kind of like your birthday, and you always get presents on your birthday!" she paused for half a second in thought. "Unless you don't where you come from. Do you have birthdays on your world? Do they have parties on your world? Wait... of course they have parties, because you didn't want a big party, so you had to know what parties are, right?"

Johnathon laughed and broke in before she rambled on. "Yes, we have birthday parties with presents, Pinkie. Thank you for going to all the trouble." he looked around at the assembled guests. "Thank you all for coming."

As Pinkie had promised, it was almost all ponies he recognized. There was only one noticeable exception, what appeared to be a pony sized Zebra, wearing a significant amount of gold jewelry, standing in the back and looking at him with a certain calm curiosity.

Rainbow Dash was moving up to join him and Pinkie, while Fluttershy waved shyly at him from behind her, Applebloom, and her two young friends were crowding around, grinning at him, and behind the three fillies, Big Macintosh loomed, slightly protectively, although his gentle smile told Johnathon that it was more for the protection of the human than for the fillies. Spike was standing next to the White unicorn with the dark blue mane, who was standing back, smiling genially at him from a distance, and there was even purple pony with the light purple mane and the flowers on her flank that had helped him with his translations the earlier night.

Johnathon smiled and waved at her. "I'm sorry... I never really caught your name the other night, what with no translation spell." he apologized. "But thank you so much for all your help."

The purple pony walked up to join the others crowding around him. "It's Cheerilee, and I was happy to help. I appreciated your desire to record your own language." she ducked her head slightly, as if embarrassed. "I'll admit, when the Crusaders came to me for help, I was a bit nervous about meeting you, but I'm glad I did. I appreciate meeting a pony... um... a human of learning."

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, I suppose that's a fair enough description. I have had more than my share of schooling in my life. More than most, anyway. I've been in and out of schools, and universities most of my life, really. I love the academic setting."

Cheerilee beamed at him. "Oh, that does sound lovely! Have you many universities on your world, then?"

Johnathon nodded. "Many. I myself have studied at three different universities, a college, and I was in and out of quite a few different institutes of education while I was growing up."

Cheerilee looked curious. "Is is common to go to so many different schools?"

Johnathon shook his head. "No... not really. Most... er... humans in my society only go to... um... four or five... a grade school, a junior high, a high school, and a college or university. I went to... hmm... three grade schools and three different high schools as well as all the universities I've been too."

Cheerilee blinked. "Why is that?"

He shrugged. "The normal reason... for that sort of thing, anyway. My family moved around a lot when I was a child."

Cheerilee smiled and nodded. "I see." she looked curious. "So, how many years do humans typically go to school in your world then?"

Johnathon thought about that. "Well... in my society in particular, just about everyone goes to school from the ages of five to eighteen. College is optional, although it's pretty common for most people to go a college or university for at least two to four years. I had a rather longer run at it, as I went back for more education later in life, after I'd been out of school a bit, and decided I wanted more."

Cheerilee smiled. "Well, we do have a number of universities in Equestria, but most ponies only go to school for around ten years." she smiled. "I happen to run the school here in Ponyville. I do think that we could use a more extended educational system, especially for ponies that show promise, but we are a bit behind the times here. Canterlot has several lovely universities though."

"Ah, so you are their teacher!" he nodded down at the three younger fillies. "I thought as much."

Applebloom spoke up loudly from below. "Miss Cheerilee is the best teacher, ever!" this statement was met with enthusiastic agreement from her two friends.

Johnathon glanced at Twilight. "I suppose you've been to a magical university of some sort?" he asked her curiously.

Twilight hesitated. "Actually, I was in a magical school for fillies when I was quite young, but Princess Celestia took over my education after that...." she blushed. "I had a number of tutors, but I was privileged enough to have the Princess herself teach me most of my magical theory."

Johnathon's eyes were wide. "Alright... I admit I didn't expect that. You really are her protege!"

Twilight started to shake her head, but Applejack nudged her. "Now don't you go getting all embarrassed or try denying it. You're the most magical unicorn in Equestria, and we all know it, Sugar Cube."

As the conversations whirled around him, Johnathon headed over toward the large red stallion, who was looking almost as out of place as he himself did. "Hey." he said simply, not really certain how to begin. "So... are you alright? You know, after..." he shrugged. "I'm sorry about all that... when we first met. I don't like hurting any... anypony if I can help it."

Big Macintosh shrugged. "I'm alright. How'er you do'in?"

Johnathon rotated his right shoulder, testing its range of motion. "Just a bit of a twinge by now." he told the big red stallion honestly. "Although it's been quite a while since I've taken a hit like that."

Big Mac grinned. "Me too."

The archeologist grinned back, then sobered. "So, are we good?" he asked the big pony seriously.

Big Macintosh considered the question with with a grave expression before answering. "Eeyup." He agreed finally.

In the background, music started to play, and Johnathon glanced over to see Pinkie prancing happily away from the phonograph. The music wasn't familiar, but it was a fun, jouncy beat, and not unpleasant at all to listen to.

Rainbow Dash flapped her way over the small crowd, flying almost effortlessly, till she was just above Big Mac and Johnathon. "So, going to dance with us, Big Macintosh? I think Fluttershy's been wanting to ask you to dance!" the red stallion blinked, then glanced over at the sky yellow pegasus, who did in fact seem to be looking their way.

He glanced back at Rainbow Dash, grinned slightly, and nodded. "Eeyup."

Johnathon grinned at the cyan pegasus. "So... care to introduce me to some of your other friends? I don't really know everyone by name yet."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh really? Who don't you know yet?" she blinked, glancing toward the Zebra. "Oh sure, I guess you haven't met Zecora yet!" she started fluttering easily in that direction. The Zebra seemed to be chatting pleasantly with Twilight, and they both turned to greet them.

"I bid you welcome to our world, my strange traveler from another fold." The small Zebra said in a distinct rhyming pattern. "I understand, just like you, what it is to be the one who is new."

Johnathon blinked, then smiled. "Well, nice to meet you, Zecora, is it?"

The Zebra nodded pleasantly. "That is my name, it is no joke. How do you find these pony folk?"

He smiled and shrugged. "Everyone has been very hospitable, not including the scare I seem to have caused on my arrival. Still, I couldn't have asked for a warmer welcome, once we were able to actually communicate."

Zecora nodded. "The ponies here have learned quite well not to judge before hearing the tale."

Johnathon and Zecora chatted for awhile, sharing their surprisingly similar introductions to pony society. Still, a few things stood out.

"Poison Joke?" he blinked, glancing at Twilight. "A plant that makes magical curses... ones that are like jokes?"

Twilight grimaced. "WEIRD jokes... my horn got..." she shuddered. "OK, that one wasn't that funny. Anyway... Rainbow Dash started... crashing into everything... and I found out later that her nickname in flight school was actually Crash... and Fluttershy's voice got really deep... like a guy... and Applejack shrank till she was about six inches tall... so she was an Appletini..." she giggled slightly at that one, and shook her head. "I still don't know how the poison joke could come up with magical jokes based on our names... or personalities like that, but apparently, that is how it works."

Johnathon nodded thoughtfully. "Well... perhaps it's like your translation spell. It seems to... know things that it shouldn't... unless it's able to tap into some sort of collective unconscious. Maybe those poison joke flowers are like that?"

Twilight blinked. "Actually, that's a really good theory! I wonder if it would be possible to test that somehow?"

Rainbow Dash shuddered. "Just so long as you keep that Poison Joke stuff far away from me. I crash enough WITHOUT it's help, thank you!" she blushed. "Er... you know, because I'm always doing really super crazy stunts... that are super dangerous, not because I'm not the best flier in Ponyville...."

Johnathon grinned. "I believe that." he told her honestly. "I have never... never met anyone or anything who seems as comfortable in the air as you seem to be." he gestured up at her, still hovering easily in mid air. "I mean... I have absolutely NO idea how you do it, but it's obvious that you're a great flier, at least." he stared at her. "Actually, how ARE you doing that? You're barely flapping... how are you staying airborne?"

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Um... what do you mean?"

Twilight Sparkle glanced at him. "Oh, do you mean that pegasus ponies have smaller wing spans and seem to need less effort for greater speeds than birds do?" she nodded. "I understand why you're confused. It's part of their magic. Pegasus ponies have a lot of different magical abilities inherently... like walking on clouds, and manipulating weather."

Johnathon shook his head. "That's... actually really cool. I mean... it must be great to fly, but to have magical powers that make flying, and living in the sky easier? That's pretty awesome."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "If you think THAT's awesome, you haven't seen anything yet! Wait till you see me in action!"

Johnathon grinned back. "I'd really love that... really. Actually, I've been hoping to get a better look at that cloud house of yours too, sometime, if it's alright. We don't have cloud buildings in my world... no magic, you know?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged non-nonchalantly. "Sure... that'd be cool sometime. Whatever."

Johnathon snapped his fingers. "Oh yeah! I remember. Fluttershy told me you won the... what was it? Best young flyer competition in Cloudsdale... doing something she called a Sonic Rainboom?" he nodded. "I have no idea was that is, but if it's as cool as it sounds, I'd love to see you do one sometime."

Rainbow Dash grinned broadly. "Well, did you know, I'm the only Pegasus to EVER pull one off? I've actually done two!"

Johnathon blinked. "Er... I guess they're really difficult then?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "You have NO idea. I mean, even I have real trouble getting up enough speed to do it, and I have to be heading downward... no other way to get enough velocity to break through that final barrier."

Johnathon blinked. "Barrier? Does it involve punching through a wall or something?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "No... but that would be kind of cool. I mean... if I was going real fast... and reached the right speed for a Sonic Rainboom right as I hit a wall or something... I'd go... BOOM!!! And blow right through it, I bet!"

Twilight looked dubious. "You'd probably knock a whole building down if you tried that... assuming you didn't kill yourself."

Rainbow Dash's eyes were sparkling. "Do you think I could really knock a whole building down like that?" she started flapping away, looking awestruck. "Wow... that would be soooo awesome!" she fluttered over to the orange earth pony. "Hey Applejack! I've got this GREAT idea for a stunt! Wanna hear?"

Twilight grinned at Johnathon. "Rainbow Dash really is an incredible flyer. When I first arrived in Ponyville, she was practicing some of her moves, and I was a bit cross with her, because she was apparently supposed to be in charge of clearing the cloud cover overhead for Princess Celestia's visit... and there were clouds everywhere still." she shook her head. "But when I asked her why she hadn't gotten started, she told me she could clear out the clouds in ten seconds flat. I didn't believe her... but.... well, she did it, just like she said."

Johnathon blinked. "The... cloud cover?"

Twilight Sparkled nodded. "She cleared out every cloud over Ponyville in ten seconds. Trust me, she's amazing."

Johnathon shook his head, as if trying to get used to the idea. "I guess I'll just have to see for myself." he looked at Twilight. "So... what IS a Sonic Rainboom, anyway?"

Twilight grinned. "Well, apparently, when Rainbow Dash gets going fast enough, she creates what they call a "Sonic Boom" where she breaks the sound barrier, and she leaves creates this big rainbow colored explosion behind... and leaves a rainbow trail...."

Johnathon blinked. "Breaks the... sound barrier?"

Twilight nodded. "Yup." she raised an eyebrow. "Oh, that's the speed sound travels though the atmosphere...."

Johnathon nodded. "Yes, I know what the sound barrier is." he shook his head. "That's not the trouble I'm having. You mean... Rainbow Dash can fly faster than the speed of sound?" his voice was flat, and his eyes were incredulous.

Twilight giggled. "I think you really will have to see it for yourself."

He shook his head. "I mean... OK, magic. I've seen you teleport... and some other really incredible things... and you say that Pegasi have magical abilities related to flying, but... the speed of sound? Thats....."

Twilight nodded. "I know... it's a little hard to believe." she shrugged. "Actually, almost nopony else believed it either, till they saw her do it. I mean... nopony HAD ever done it, aside from Rainbow Dash herself, during flight school."

Johnathon blinked. "So... she really is the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria."

Twilight nodded solemnly. "She really is."

The archeologist struggled with the concept of a pegasus... or any winged life form actually exceeding the speed of sound by muscle power alone, then thought about how incredibly effortless it seemed for Rainbow Dash to hover. "Magic." he finally said. "Can I take it that birds can't fly anywhere near as fast as a pegasus?"

Twilight Sparkle thought about that. "Well... I've never seen a bird anywhere near as fast as Rainbow... but most pegasi aren't anywhere near as fast as she is. I don't think all of them can enhance their flying abilities that much."

Johnathon opened his mouth, then simply shook his head. "You know what? I'm going to choose to believe it. I still want to see it, but I'm not going to disbelieve everything just because it doesn't fit into my concept of reality all that well. Magic obviously breaks a lot of the rules I'm used to."

Twilight grinned. "If it helps, I understand what you're going through. Some of my friends can do things that even I can't understand, and I'm supposed to be an expert on magic. But just because I don't understand how they can do those things, doesn't mean that I don't believe in them. At least, not any more."

Johnathon looked curious. "What sort of things can your friends do that are so hard to understand?" he grinned. "I mean, aside from being able to fly faster than the speed of sound, or walk on clouds?"

Twilight glanced from side to side, looking slightly reluctant, before moving in close. "Pinkie Pie... can predict the future." she admitted, almost guiltily. At the man's incredulous look, she tried to explain. "I mean... not everything... just vague things, like... she always knows when something is going to fall... or if someone is going to get hurt because of a door...."

Johnathon blinked. "Er...." he shrugged helplessly. "Yeah, that's going to go under the category of "I'll believe it when I see it." I'm afraid."

Twilight grinned at him. "I followed her around for almost a whole day once, trying to document it." she shrugged. "I'd say, trust me, it works... but I wouldn't have trusted somepony else about something like that. You'll just have to see it for yourself, I guess." she hesitated. "But if Pinkie's tail starts twitching... well, be prepared to dodge falling objects, is all I'm saying."

The archeologist started to protest, then shrugged. "Fine. If a pink tail twitches a lot, I'll check the sky. Guess it can't hurt."

Across the barn, Pinkie Pie was encouraging everyone to try the cake, so Johnathon walked over to try a piece himself. "Thanks Pinkie." he said with a smile and a nod. "You don't disappoint, this is the best party I've been to in a long time. I appreciate that you restrained yourself. Everyone here seems really nice, and I don't feel like an exhibit in the zoo, so I really can't complain."

Taking a slice of cake, he tried it. "Mmm..." Johnathon grinned at her. "And good cake."

Pinkie's grin nearly split her face. "I'm glad you like it! Your first party in Equestria should be special, right?"

He inclined his head to her. "I bow to the mistress of parties, Pinkie. You do do them well."

Pinkie's eyes twinkled. "Oh! Can I use that? Mistress of Parties! I like the sound of that!"

Applebloom and her two friends were crowding around again, anxious for some cake, apparently, now that it was being served. "Hey Johnathon!" Applebloom greeted him cheerfully. "Are you having a good time?"

The middle aged man nodded, squatting down a bit to be closer to eye level with the filly. "I am. Thanks for helping out with the party, Applebloom, and with everything else the other night too. Those primers were a really great idea. Thanks for getting them, AND Miss Cheerilee."

Applebloom shrugged, looking a bit shy. "Aw, it weren't nothing." the white unicorn filly behind her nudged her, and she brightened. "Oh yeah! I know you've met them and all, but you couldn't understand nothing we were saying at the time, right? I wanted to introduce my friends to you, nice and proper-like."

Johnathon nodded, turning slightly to face the two small fillies just behind Applebloom. "Well, hello there, then. Applebloom has probably mentioned this, but my name's Johnathon Dwire." he smiled gently. "What are your names?"

The white unicorn filly peeked out. "I'm Sweetie Bell!" she announced shyly. "Rarity is my big sister!"

Johnathon hesitated. "Actually, I don't believe I've really met your big sister yet. Is she..." he glanced around, and noticed the other, older white unicorn with the dark blue mane standing over by the punch bowl, laughing politely at something Zecora was saying. "Is that your big sister, then?"

Sweetie Bell followed her gaze, then nodded. "That's her! My big sister is the best fashion designer in all of Equestria!" She bragged proudly.

Johnathon widened his eyes on purpose, slightly exaggerating his reaction. "Wow!" he told her, sounding impressed. "That's really cool." he glanced at her. "So... do you want to be like your big sister when you grow up?"

Sweetie Bell thought about that. "I'm not sure. It WOULD be kind of neat to be able to make beautiful dresses, and meet all the important ponies... but big sis never lets me help her in the studio."

Johnathon smiled gently. "Well, I'm sure she means well, but I expect that fashion designing is a very difficult job, and doing that and teaching at the same time might be a little tough for her. Still, maybe you can learn enough to be able to help her when you get a little older."

Sweetie Bell sighed. "That's what Rarity says too. But I don't want to wait till I'm older."

Johnathon nodded sympathetically. "It's no fun to wait, is it?" he sat on the floor, to rest his legs from the squatting, and the three little fillies sat around him. "So... what's your name?" he asked the little orange pegasus.

"I'm Scootaloo." she said shyly, then beamed. "And I'm going to be just like Rainbow Dash when I grow up!"

Johnathon nodded agreeably. "Rainbow Dash IS pretty awesome, huh?"

Scootaloo nodded fervently. "She's my hero!"

Johnathon smiled. "Well, you could do far worse." he made a gesture to indicate all three of the young fillies. "So, how did you three become friends, can I ask?"

Applebloom nodded quickly. "We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" she exclaimed. "And we're all crusading for our cutie marks!"

Johnathon blinked. "Um... what does that mean? What's a cutie mark?"

Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo all looked at him with wide eyes. "You're kidding me!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "You don't know what a cutie mark is?"

The archeologist shook his head and shrugged. "Nope. Never heard of them. But I'm not exactly from around here, you know."

Applebloom nodded. "I guess they don't have cutie marks where you come from? Or maybe the call them something else?"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "Er... maybe? What is a cutie mark anyway?"

Sweetie Bell piped up. "It's the mark you get on your flank when you figure out who you are!" she explained.

"And what you're best at!" Scootaloo continued.

"Everypony gets one." Applebloom continued. "When they've discovered what makes them special!"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you mean, like the tattoos everypony has on their flanks?" he glanced around at the adult ponies all around them, some of whom were listening indulgently, most of which were simply enjoying the party, and nodded at Applejack. "Like... your big sister has three apples, and Big Mac has one big apple?"

Applebloom frowned. "No... they're not tattoos..."

The archeologist blinked. "No? I guess I never really looked at one closely. But those marks that every... er... everypony has... well, every adult pony, I guess, those are cutie marks?"

Applebloom nodded again. "That's right!" she sighed. "Everyone except us. Everyone else in my class already has theirs."

Johnathon looked curious. "So... if they're not tattoos, how do you get them?"

Applebloom tried to explain. "Well... when you figure out what your special talent is, they just kind of... appear."

The archeologist blinked. "Oh... you mean, poof! Like magic?"

Applebloom nodded again. "That's right! And then you'll know that what you are meant to do!"

Johnathon looked surprised. "You mean, one day, you'll be doing something... and find out you're good at it, and a picture just appears on your flanks? And that's how you know what you're best at?"

Applebloom nodded again. "Yup!"

The man shook his head. "That's... different." he said, compromising with what he had originally intended to say. "And whatever picture appears, that's what you end up doing with your life?"

Applebloom looked thoughtful. "Well... sorta. I mean... when my Big sister Applejack got her cutie mark, she knew it was time to head back home and become the best apple farmer she could be... so that's what she did."

Sweetie Bell spoke up. "When my big sister Rarity got her cutie mark, she figured out she had a special talent for finding gems! But she's not a gem collector pony, she's a fashion designer!" she looked thoughtful. "Although she does use a lot of gemstones in her dresses, I guess."

Johnathon blinked. "Huh. Weird. he glanced over at Pinkie Pie's flank, trying not to be too conspicuously staring.. "OK... balloons. That makes sense, since Pinkie seems to love parties so much...." he looked thoughtful. "And Rainbow Dash has that... rainbow lightning bolt thing... so... I guess, speed?" he thought. "I wonder what Fluttershy's three butterflies stand for?"

Scootaloo grinned. "That's because she's really good with animals! And the butterflies do like her a lot."

Johnathon nodded. "Huh. And Twilight has... sort of... stars? I wonder what that means?"

Twilight coughed. "Well, it means that my talent is magic, actually." she said from just behind him. "Hello girls. Having a good time?"

Johnathon flinched guiltily. "Oh, sorry... I was just curious about the... cutie marks you and every pony seems to have. The girls were just explaining them to me."

Twilight smiled and shook her head. "That's alright. I hope they haven't been giving you the wrong idea. They seem to have some... strange ideas about how to go about getting their cutie marks sometimes."

"What do you mean, strange ideas?" Applebloom protested. "We try all sorts of different things, so we can figure out which one is our special talent!"

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Yes... but have you ever thought of... I don't know, doing things you like to do... or already are good at?"

The girls exchanged dubious glances. "But that's BORING!" they said together.

Applebloom turned to the human in their midst. "So, Johnathon, do humans have special talents?"

Johnathon Dwire blinked. "Well... we don't get... pictures appearing on our bodies magically, but I suppose we do all have something we're good at."

Sweetie Bell looked at him curiously. "What's YOUR special talent, Johnathon?"

The middle aged archeologist froze, his mind racing, and his face going blank. "Er... well, I'm better than average at... a few different things, I guess." he said slowly.

"Like what?" Applebloom asked, curious as well now.

Johnathon hesitated again. "Well... I can read really fast, for one."

Twilight looked interested at that. "Oh? How fast do you read, Johnathon?"

He frowned. "Well... I can push it up to about two thousand words a minute... but I know people who are as fast... some who are faster."

Twilight's eyes were wide. "That sounds really fast! Are you sure that's not your special talent?"

Johnathon frowned, and he hesitated before answering. "Well... maybe. Like I said, I've known people who were faster than I am at that."

Applebloom spoke up. "You said you are good at a few things? What else are you really good at?"

Johnathon was looking more reluctant now. "Well... I'm good with... er... spacial relationships, I guess."

Applebloom blinked. "What does that mean?"

He looked thoughtful. "Well, it's knowing where objects are in space. I'm pretty good with mechanical devices as well... putting them together, and that sort of thing."

Applebloom nodded. "Sure... like a mechanic pony!"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, pretty good. It's not like they call to me or anything, I just have a bit of a talent toward them." He frowned. "But, it's not really something I'm the best at... there are lots of people who are better with machines than I am."

Scootaloo spoke up. "Is there anything else? Something that nopony but you can do? Something you're the very best at?"

Johnathon didn't speak, then shook his head. "Er..." he abruptly stood. "Hey!" he said abruptly. "Who want's to check out what presents I got!"

Twilight stood with him, as the Crusaders surged toward the pile of gifts. "Why did you change the subject, Johnathon?" she asked quietly. "It seems like the subject bothered you... but I don't know why."

Johnathon sighed. "I... well, I do have something I've always been the best at... but it's not something... it's not really a talent I use or need. Or at least, it's not something I'd want to do with my life."

Twilight shook her head. "I don't understand." she hesitated. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's alright."

Johnathon sighed. "No... well, I don't really, but I... I want to be honest with you, when I can."

Twilight nodded again, and led him away from the majority of the others. Off in the middle of the room, Pinkie Pie was standing guard over the presents, growling and making scary faces at the Crusaders, who were all trying to grab presents.

Johnathon shook his head slightly in amusement, then turned to Twilight. "Well... it's, it's not like it's horrible... not really, it's just... well, like I said, I can think of a lot of other talents I'd have preferred, if I had a choice."

Twilight nodded. "So... you do have something you're better than any pony at?"

Johnathon nodded again. "I've met people almost as good... but better? Not yet." he sighed. "I guess you could say, my greatest talent is tactics... combat tactics."

Twilight blinked. "Oh!" she frowned. "Oh... and you don't like fighting."

Johnathon sighed. "I really don't. At least... I don't like HURTING anyone... anypony. I really don't like causing harm, but... a large part of me does like to fight. To win. I like the adrenaline of competition... and defeating an opponent... well, it feels, good." he sighed. "And that's never seemed like a really respectable thing to feel."

Twilight frowned slightly. "Johnathon, I... I understand why it bothers you, but... I don't think that makes you a bad pony... er... human, or anything. I mean... a pony is only as good as the choices they make, right?"

Johnathon nods. "Well, yeah. I know that... and I chose, long ago, to do as little harm as possible. And actually, my talent has helped me with that, as I told you." he shrugged. "It's just... if I'd gone into the military... or the police, or, I don't know, someplace where I could really use my talent, I probably would have excelled. And while I can't complain about how my life has gone, it's kind of like I've been doing things I'm only kind of good at, and I could have been doing more." he shrugged. "But any of the jobs that included me using my talent for combat, well... I don't have the stomach for them. Even a police officer has to hurt people sometimes. It's part of the job."

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. "Well... I suppose in your culture, your talent would be valuable. I guess I'm just glad that you're not the sort of... of human that likes hurting otherponies..."

He grinned. "I used to play a lot of tactical war games, and I was pretty much undefeated. I might have gone professional... but well, you can't play games for a living...." he frowned. "Actually, some people do, but my folks, especially my dad, REALLY didn't approve of my hobbies... so I gave it up, aside from as a hobby." Johnathon shrugged. "But while I'm just about the best I know at games involving tactics, I'm even better at the real thing. The more real the situation, the better I can adapt to it."

Twilight blinked. "Huh. Maybe that's why you're adapting to life here so easily?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "I am? It seems to be taking me a long time... there are so many things I don't understand."

Twilight shook her head. "I mean the way nothing seems to phase you. I think, if I entered a world full of magic... and creatures that I didn't know existed, I wouldn't deal with it half so easily."

He shrugged. "I just... well, what's the point in denying the evidence of my eyes? I trust my senses, I always have. Freaking out is a waste of time." Johnathon grinned. "So I don't do it... well, that's not quite true. I admit, I am better than average at handling extreme situations. I keep my head, and think pretty well during a crisis. Still, when the crisis is past, well, I shut down for awhile. After I got away from the Apple farm... and I got into town and realized that I had just... well, pretty much assaulted the intelligent natives of an alien world....? Well, I suddenly knew that running wasn't going to help anymore, and I kind of let myself collapse. After that, I was... broken for awhile, I guess." he smiled faintly. "Being able to rest at Fluttershy's place... it helped me a lot. I needed the down time to recover."

Twilight smiled softly. "Well, I can't blame you. I still think you've been handling all the changes pretty well."

The music stopped, and Pinkie Pie spoke up so that everypony could hear her. "OK! Who wants Johnathon to open his presents!" There was a general cheer of approval, and Johnathon found Twilight pushing him forward, her head shoving into the small of his back so that he found himself in the center of the barn, in front of the table full of presents before he knew it.

"Er..." he nodded and waved, looking a little embarrassed to be the center of attention. "Hi, everypony."

Pinkie grabbed a package by her teeth and pushed it into his stomach, where he grabbed it. "Here! Open it!" she said enthusiastically.

Johnathon shrugged, and tore at the wrapping paper, wondering, with the side of his brain that wasn't busy with the unwrapping, at the large number of cultural similarities he kept noticing between Equestria and Earth. It was no longer the differences that kept surprising him, but all the things that they had in common. Inside the package lay what appeared to be a complicated belt of some sort... he pulled it out.

"Oh, hey! A tool belt!" he said with a surprised grin. "This is great!" he tried it on, and was surprised to find that it fit across his hips rather well, the wide belt supporting itself comfortably. "Now all I need is some tools." he said thoughtfully.

Pinkie grinned, and grabbed another package, shoving it into his arms. "That's why you should open THIS one next!" she told him with a pleased expression.

The package was heavy, and... rattled. Inside the paper, a rough wooden box held several tools. A hammer, a couple screwdrivers, a wrench, and, for some reason, a neat coil of rope. He checked, and found that the tools all fit on the belt neatly, and there was even a place to hang the rope off of. There was also a couple empty pockets that would probably be good for holding nails or other odds and ends as well.

Johnathon put everything in it's place, and grinned. "Wow... this is fantastic! Thanks!" he didn't want to mention that he had never owned a tool belt before, nor owned tools, having always been one to borrow them from others. His wife had owned several nice sets of tools, and he himself was quite proficient with them, but for some reason, he had never thought to get his own. Still, it was a thoughtful gift. He glanced at Applejack. "Let me guess, the rope was your idea?"

Applejack grinned. "Well, you never know when a bit of rope might come in handy, right?"

He grinned. "I can't disagree with that."

The white unicorn that Sweetie Bell had identified as her older sister, Rarity, stepped up to the table next. "I believe it's my turn." she said with a bit of a smile. "I had a lot of help with these gifts, Mr. Dwire, so please do not assume that these are mine alone, but I would like to present them to you properly..." her horn glowed, and the room seemed to grow darker.

Behind him, Twilght's voice came to his ears softly. "Don't be nervous. Rarity just likes to show off a little. Just watch, and don't flinch or anything."

The archeologist frowned at the last warning. Don't flinch? Why would he flinch?

The white unicorn's horn glowed brighter, and one package after another started to float into the air... then approach him. When the packages seemed to explode with light and shoot toward him at the last instant, he nearly did flinch away, but Twilight's warning helped him keep himself from jumping... that, and the fact that he sensed no real threat.

"The winter months are fast approaching." Rarity's voice said calmly. "And since humans need clothing to stay warm, or so I'm given to understand, I felt you could update your attire somewhat." Johnathon felt... distinctly warmer, and realized he suddenly was wearing several new articles of clothing over his own. He glanced down, noticing he had on a scarf, and what felt like a very comfortable sweater... he blinked, holding up his hands, which were encased in gloves made up of a very flexible, soft material that he couldn't identify.

He raised his hands toward his face, staring at the gloves in wonder. "How... how did you get all this done? I mean... I didn't..." he glanced at Applebloom with sudden understanding. "Oh! You had me trace my hand... but.. but still!" he turned his hands over, examining the gloves in wonder. "These are fantastic. You can't have ever made anything like them before...." Johnathon turned to Rarity, shaking his head, even as the light faded and the room went back to normal. "I'm really very impressed. You... you seem to have done them perfectly."

Rarity gave a slight bow, dipping her horn to him. "I will not lie, those... gloves... were very tricky. I had poor Spike modeling my first half dozen attempts. I've never worked with... fingers before." she beamed proudly. "But I worked it out, and don't they simply look marvelous, darling?"

Johnathon shook his head in astonishment, then down at his new gloves again. "They're wonderful, really. You are very talented, Rarity." he looked at the material with a puzzled expression. "They're quite comfortable, but... what are they made of?" He ran a hand over the back of each glove, then touched the palms. "They've got... what, three different materials in them? Something very soft for the inside... and another material for the outside... no... four materials, since the palms seem to be... I don't know... flexible yet tougher still... and..." he ran a hand over the back side of one hand again. "You reinforced over the back of my fingers?" He made a fist, slightly alarmed by the realization that the tougher material would make a punch from him considerably more dangerous than normal.

Rarity nodded. "Well, since you don't have hooves, I thought I might give you something similar... in case you need to... applebuck or... some other mundane task. I did notice that your... they're called hands, correct? Your hands seem marvelously flexible, but looked a little bit fragile to me, darling."

He blinked. "Applebuck? You mean, you made them like this so I could... punch trees?"

Rarity blinked. "Well, yes, darling. Our dear Applejack did mention that you'd offered to help out around her farm, and when I heard that your poor hands were so delicate, I thought of JUST the thing to help!"

Johnathon simply didn't know what to say. This... this unicorn, who he had never actually spoke to before, had created, from her imagination, a simple sketch, and the help of a baby dragon who, admittedly had fingers, although much different in proportion to his, had created something so... perfect? He frowned just slightly, then hid it. Part of him truly loved the gloves... but the reinforced sections over the backs of his fingers were entirely too convenient for punching. They were weapons on his hands, more so then they might be on most people. Still, it was true that every pony had hooves... and even Spike's hands were covered in tough scales. In comparison, his hands must seem quite fragile.

He put his hands together, and bowed slightly. "A truly wonderful gift." he took hold of the front of the sweater, and impulsively leaned his face down to rub his cheek against the material. He had quite a bit of stubble on his chin now, but he could feel how soft the sweater was immediately. "I love the sweater too... and the scarf!" he took one end and threw it over his shoulder. "Very nice. I'll be quite comfortable when the weather changes." he told her with a very pleased smile. "Thank you, most kindly, Rarity."

Rarity shook her head modestly. "Oh, as I said earlier, darling, I had a great deal of help, especially from dear Applebloom. She was the one who suggested the idea of your... gloves." she smiled. "What a darling concept. Unfortunately, dear Spike doesn't seem to appreciate the idea. He looks so handsome in them."

Spike looked a bit upset. "I'd wear... anything for you, Rarity!" he protested.

Rarity sighed. "Don't just say that, dear heart. You said yourself, your scales serve you quite well as protection, and gloves get caught on your claws."

Spike frowned, looking a bit sad. "Oh yeah. I did say that, didn't I?"

Applejack walked up to him, holding up a hoof to push up his hands for a better look. "Well now, aren't these fancy?" she rapped his knuckles with her hoof smartly. "I reckon you won't have to worry none about hurting them hands of yours now, if'n you were serious about helping out around the farm, eh?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Oh... but wouldn't I damage them if I used them for farm work? My gloves at home were always getting caught on nails, and pieces of wire off the fencing and that sort of thing. They saved my skin, sure, but they do tend to get damaged quick."

Rarity covered her mouth with one hoof and laughed lightly. "I wouldn't worry about THAT right away, my dear. Dear Fluttershy was especially concerned about your hands being hurt, so she insisted that I make the material extra strong. The inner lining is a combination silk and cotton, but the outer material is considerably stronger! Wool mixed with the mane hair from a creature called a desert lion. Very strong. It was extremely difficult to work with, although I think you'll find them very difficult to damage. The palms use a slightly higher ratio of the lion hair to wool... to be stronger, but still quite flexible, while the... the backs of the fingers have steel threads woven through them. Unicorn make, from Canterlot! They're often used for the joints of the armor worn by the imperial guard, so they're quite strong, and ductile if not quite as flexible as the rest."

Twilight Sparkle whistled. "Mane hair from a desert lion? It takes a diamond edge to cut those, Rarity! Isn't that stuff really expensive?"

Rarity smiled and shook her head. "Oh, a trifle. Besides, dear Spike said that the Princess wanted to know if she could help with any of the presents, and dear Fluttershy suggested that the princess might be able to get the materials for these lovely gloves, and when Rainbow Dash offered to fly out to pick up the order, how could I refuse?"

Twilight looked at her assistant. "Princess Celestia wanted to help?"

Spike shrugged. "She sent a letter asking about Pinkie's party two days ago! She said she would like to send a present, but she didn't really know what to send. So I asked Rarity, who asked Fluttershy, who suggested...."

Twilight smiled. "Well, that was nice of her." she glanced at Johnathon. "Actually, I've been meaning to mention. Princess Celestia told me that she'd be doubling my usual stipend, and I was to use some of it for what ever I need for my research, but the rest I should give to you for any expenses you might have while you're here, Johnathon."

The archeologist blinked. "What? Oh... I... I can't accept... I mean, I'll work for my keep. I know I've been pretty much just laying about for the last few days, but...."

Twilight shook her head. "Princess Celestia said, that since she was the one that left the portal to your world open for so long after Discord opened it the first time, that it is probably her fault it opened again. She felt that if she had closed it right away all those years ago, it would not have left enough of a... magical residue to last all these years, and the portal wouldn't have opened to bring you through this time."

Johnathon blinked. "But... she wasn't responsible... it's not like she created it in the first place, or even opened it this last time!"

Twilight shrugged. "Well, I don't know what to tell you, Johnathon. You can always give the money to charity if you aren't using it. But you have just entered a new world. The Princess also told me that she considers you an ambassador for your people. If we do ever get a portal working, and you go back, she wants you to be able to say we treated you well."

Johnathon frowned. "Twilight, I'd never say anything bad about you all... you're... well, you've all been exceedingly generous... and kind to me." he frowned. "I don't know what to do with the money she's sending, but for now, I guess... I should pay the rest of you back for all the food I've eaten, and that sort of thing."

Applejack nodded, smiling. "I wouldn't of asked, but it's a good thought, Mr. Dwire. I'm sure Fluttershy's budget is getting a mite stretched with an extra critter to feed, not that she would say anything about it."

Fluttershy blushed. "It's no trouble, really."

Johnathon shook his head. "Perhaps, but honestly, I feel a tiny bit better being helped out by Princess Celestia than all of you. I doubt doubling Twilight's salary is a hardship for her, after all."

He grinned at Applejack. "Not that I have any intention of backing out of my offer to help at your farm. I'd appreciate the chance to be helpful... and while I'm alright with animals, Fluttershy is so much better with them than I am, I don't think I could be of much help to her...." He smiled kindly at the yellow pegasus. "Besides cooking a meal or two, here and there, anyway."

Fluttershy smiled softly. "I liked your omelets... they were unusual, but nice."

Johnathon glanced at Twilight. "Well, in any case, whatever is left over after making sure that I'm not eating anypony out of house and home, you should feel free to use for your research. Go nuts. I figure, even if it is being used for something that will benefit me, it could well be useful for other things. I mean... a new type of magic probably would be good for lots of things, right?"

Twilight nodded earnestly. "I agree, although at the moment, I can barely imagine what might come of my research. Still, I expect I'll learn quite a bit just from the attempt!"

Pinkie Pie broke in. "So... don't we get to show Johnathon the rest of his presents?" she went to the table, where only two packages remained, a small one, about 8 inches long and wide, and a much larger package, sitting in the middle of the table. She picked up the smaller one, and brought it to Johnathon to open.

Johnathon opened the wrapping, and found a blue box inside. He opened the box, to find a folding razor, and a container with a tight lid.

He looked around curiously, pulling out the razor and unfolding it. "Who thought to get me a razor?" he ran his gloved hands over his face, the stubble pulling slightly as he did. "I mean, I've been needing a shave, but I didn't even mention it to anypony."

Fluttershy blushed. "Well, I noticed you looking at yourself in the mirror, and touching your face... and I could tell that you apparently are used to shaving off the hair on your face.... so, I asked around for advice, and Nurse Redheart suggested that a razor that they use to prepare an area for surgery would probably work... and I got you some of the cream they use to make it slide over the skin easier, and not cut."

Johnathon smiled gently at her. "That was very thoughtful, Fluttershy. I was just going to let my beard grow out... but I do admit, I wouldn't mind being able to stay clean shaven. I don't mind beards, but they do itch quite a bit growing in."

Twilight looked at his face with surprise. "Oh my! You are growing hair on your face! I... er... I just thought you hadn't washed or something!"

Applejack chuckled. "Haven't you seen a beard before, Twilight? Lots of critters grow fur like that, don't ya know."

Twilight hesitated. "Er... for some reason, I thought humans only had manes on top of their heads." she looked at Applejack. "Of course I know what a beard is. I gave Spike a mustache, remember?"

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, most humans do only have hair on top of their heads, although older males, like me, can grow beards. Most do shave. I have worn a full beard before, but it's a bit easier without sometimes. We don't really grow hair anywhere else... well, except in small amounts." he pulled back the sleeve of his new sweater, and the shirt underneath. "If you look close, I have fine hairs on my arms... and a bit on my chest, but only a very light covering. No enough to keep anyone warm in the winter, certainly." he pulled off his gloves, and started unwrapping his new scarf. "Speaking of warm, I'm a bit too warm with all these clothes on. But I will surely be grateful for them as it gets colder."

Twilight grinned. "Well... it looks like my present is last." she levitated a package off the table. "I heard that you liked to read fantasy stories... and this was one of MY favorite series..." Johnathon took the package and unwrapped it, finding a dozen books tied together. The title "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone" was at the top.

Johnathon grinned and nodded. "Oh, I love long series. Thank you Twilight. I wish I could show you some of the books from my world. There are tons of great stories...." he shrugged. "Well, maybe I can tell you all about them sometime. I have quite a few of them in my head... not perfectly memorized, of course but enough to entertain, I would think." he shrugged. "Perhaps I'll write some of them down, or what I can remember. I wonder if the Princess would enjoy some stories from my world?"

Twilight smiled. "I'm sure we all would, when you have some free time."

Pinkie Pie grinned and bounced up and down. "How about now? We've had food, and we've opened presents.... and I was going to suggest we play pin the tail on the pony next, but I bet nopony has heard stories from another world before!" she looked at Johnathon hesitantly. "I mean... if that's OK with you? We can still play pin the tail on the pony if you're not in the mood for story telling?"

Johnathon couldn't help but smile, feeling very happy all of a sudden. "I'd be happy to tell a story from my world." he said with a nod, and he walked over to the now empty table of presents to lean against it as he thought of the right story to tell. He wasn't sure why he was so happy at that moment... the presents had been wonderful, of course, and the ponies had all been so anxious to make sure he was having a good time... but it was just all hitting him all at once how very special these particular ponies were. They were like a family... despite being from three... no, four, no, five different species, all these ponies genuinely liked each other, trusted each other... and now they were including him into their number. They didn't have to. They could have helped him and sent him on his way... given him a shack, or a barn... food and shelter, and left him alone, but instead, they had done their best to make him part of their lives. That alone was the best gift he had ever received.

He settled down to tell the assembled ponies the story of Luke Skywalker, and the journey that turned a simple farmer into a hero... and had to keep himself from grinning himself silly. I'm going to miss them. He realized as he started to spin his yarn, the thought sobering him enough to concentrate on his tale. I'm really going to miss them when I'm gone.

Chapter 8

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Johnathon had only started with Luke Skywalker's story, when he paused in mid sentence. Wait. He thought to himself, going through the details of the story in his mind. Maybe this story is a little bit too dark? For these ponies, war is from the history books, and at one point, the Empire blows up an entire planet to make an example. He shuddered slightly. OK, yeah... might want to skip that part....

Twilight's voice broke the silence. "Johnathon, are you alright?"

The middle aged man blinked and shook his head. "Yeah... I was just thinking that's not really a good story to start with. Let me just... think of another one." his mind quickly raced. OK... how about Watership Down? It's got bunnies, and finding a new home.... He shuddered again, oh yeah, because humans gassed all the rabbits in their original warren... and that whole last part gets pretty dark too. Er... do I know any good stories without massive amounts of death and destruction?

For some reason, his mind seemed stuck on violent movies and books. Indiana Jones? No. Lord of the Rings? Nope... er... the Hobbit maybe? He sighed. Come on, there has to be a story where nobody dies, right?

He blinked. "Ah! I have one. How about the story about Doctor Who and the Weeping Angels?"

Applejack blinked. "Doctor Who?"

Johnathon grinned. "Exactly." He couldn't remember all the details, and there were a lot of stories with the Weeping Angels in them, but he improvised a bit, putting bits and pieces of what he could clearly remember together to tell the story, certain he was getting it wrong in spots, but not really worried. After answering a few excited questions from Twilight about Time Travel, everypony settled down to listen.

An hour or so later, Johnathon concluded. "And the TARDIS faded out, leaving the four weeping Angels in a circle around where it had been a moment before, now staring with surprised expressions across at each other, frozen as they faced each other for the rest of time."

Applebloom was bouncing. "Oh! Because they can't move if anypony is looking at em, and they were all looking at each other!"

Applejack whistled. "Boy howdy, that Doctor is one clever fella!" she grinned at Twilight. "I reckon he'd give you a run for your money in the smarts department, Sugar Cube."

Twilight shrugged. "Well, he IS nine hundred years old." she looked at Johnathon in wonder. "Are there many Time Lords in your world, Johnathon? I've never heard of them before!"

Johnathon blinked. "Er... it was a story, Twilight. Fiction. None of it was real." he scratched his head. "Sorry... didn't I mention that?"

Twilight giggled nervously. "Heh... of course... silly me. Time Travel? That's ridiculous."

Pinkie giggled. "You say that every today, Twilight!"

Twilight blinked, opened her mouth as if to ask a question, then closed it. "Never mind." she finally said. "I don't want to know." she turned to Johnathon and smiled. "Anyway, that was a really good story, Johnathon. Do you know any more like that?"

Johnathon shrugged. "A fair few... but I think it's getting late, don't you?"

Cheerilee nodded with a smile. "Oh my yes, and it's a school day tomorrow!" Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo all sighed.

"I'll just run Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell home." Rarity said with a smile. "And I'll see you all later." she glanced by Johnathon thoughtfully. "Do drop by my shop at some point, won't you Mr. Dwire? I can't imagine what it must be like to have only a single change of clothing, but I can't do much more without a proper fitting, darling."

Johnathon blinked. "Well... I'll do that, Rarity." he smiled. "I wouldn't dream of going elsewhere. I can't imagine there are many designers with your skill around. Your work is quite amazing."

Rarity blushed slightly, and nodded graciously. "You are most kind to say so." she smiled at her friends. "Goodnight girls. Goodnight Big Macintosh, goodnight Mr. Dwire." she glanced at Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo. "Come along girls."

There was a chorus of goodbyes, and Rarity and the two younger fillies with her were gone.

Applejack glanced at her younger sister. "You ought to be getting to bed yourself, little lady. Say goodnight, and get to bed, alright?"

Applebloom nodded, then smiled at Johnathon. "Can I come see you tomorrow after school, Johnathon?"

The man nodded with a smile. "Of course."

Big Macintosh followed his little sister toward the Apple family home, and Zecora and Cheerilee excused themselves as well. "Thank you for inviting me!" the lavender school teacher said as she followed Zecora out of the barn. She smiled at Johnathon. "Please let me know if you need any more help with your translations, Johnathon. I enjoyed working with you."

Johnathon nodded and waved. "I will. Thank you for coming, Miss Cheerilee."

Cheerilee smiled back at him. "Just Cheerilee, Johnathon. I'm only Miss to the children." she waved again and left.

Pinkie Pie came up to him then, looking anxious. "So... did you have fun at your welcome to Equestria Party, Johnathon?"

He nodded firmly. "I did. It was a great party, Pinkie. Thank you for organizing everything... and well..." he tried to put his feelings into words, but settled for the simplest truth. "It was pretty much perfect. Thanks."

Pinkie smiled cheerfully at him. "I'm just glad you had fun."

Johnathon gestured to the barn. "So... need any help cleaning up?"

Pinkie waved him off. "Don't be silly. It's your party, you're not supposed to clean up afterwards!"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Well, if it's my party, I get to do what I want, right?"

Pinkie hesitated. "Well... I guess so."

He grinned. "Then I want to help clean up." he grinned. "So, just tell me what goes where!"

With Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Applejack all pitching in, the barn was restored to it's normal condition in a matter of minutes. Twilight's magic was especially helpful, and Johnathon couldn't help but marvel at the ease she moved multiple objects at once.

"I know you're the Princess's student, and your special talent is supposed to be magic, but... I can't help but be impressed, Twilight. I suppose I don't have much to compare it too... only the Princess, really, but you really seem to be good at this."

Twilight looked puzzled. "What, levitation? Oh, this isn't anything unusual. I'm sure lots of Unicorns can do this much."

Applejack chuckled. "Are you kidding, Sugar Cube? I ain't seen any pony able to move as much as you can at one time... not to mention all the other magic you can do. Even that Trixie only had a couple of tricks, and she was a professional magician!" Twilight looked a bit embarrassed, but didn't argue.

Johnathon picked up his gifts, and smiled at Applejack. "Thanks for hosting the party, Applejack. I had fun."

Applejack nodded at him. "No problem, Johnathon. I've been wanting to make up for the rough welcome you got when you first came to my farm. Wasn't right, treating a newcomer like that."

Johnathon grinned. "You've already apologized, and I certainly made my own share of mistakes that day." he put out his hand. "I'd say we're even, but we're not."

Applejack looked at his hand with a puzzled expression, not understanding. "We're not?"

Johnathon's face broke into a smile. "We're better than even. We're friends, or I hope we are."

Applejack grinned back at him, putting a hoof into his hand to shake. "That we are."


Johnathon, Fluttershy, and Twilight paused halfway back to town where the road split. One way lead toward Fluttershy's cottage, the other into town toward the Library.

"Is it alright if I come over after breakfast?" Johnathon asked the purple unicorn. "I'd like to ask you some questions about magic... and I'm guessing that it might take a while. Do you have the time to spare?"

Twilight nodded easily. "I remember that you wanted to know what sorts of challenges I'd be facing in trying to figure out how to get you home, and I did promise I'd tell you what I could."

He smiled at her. "Thanks, Twilight. I'll see you a couple hours after dawn, them if that's not too early."

Twilight shook her head. "That should be fine. See you in the morning!"

Johnathon and Fluttershy waved as Twilight trotted off before they headed toward her small home. "You've been pretty quiet tonight, Fluttershy." he commented as they neared her cottage. "Something on your mind?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "No...." She hesitated. "I mean... yes... maybe?" Her voice became quieter as she spoke, and her head drooped toward the ground.

"Hey... what's wrong?" the older man asked her gently. "I'm not going to get mad at you for saying what's on your mind, Fluttershy. I promise."

Fluttershy hesitated. "Could I ask why you stopped telling that first story? I could tell it was one of your favorites."

He blinked. "You could? I barely got the first bit out before I changed my mind."

Fluttershy nodded slowly. "It showed on your face. You were excited about telling it, like Rarity gets when she's showing of a new fashion design... but then you looked upset, and changed to a different story."

Johnathon sighed. "Well... I guess that's true enough." he looked at her seriously. "My world isn't nearly as peaceful as yours is, Fluttershy. Our stories, I think, are probably a bit less peaceful as well, at least some of them."

Fluttershy nodded slowly. "Twilight told us a little bit about what you and the Princess talked about. That... that some humans are aggressive, and dangerous."

Johnathon nodded softly. "Some of us are. Heck, I'm a little bit dangerous myself."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh no. You're not dangerous. You're a very nice human. I'm sure of that."

Johnathon smiled slightly, a faintly sad look in his eyes. "It's possible to be both nice and dangerous at the same time, Fluttershy."

She blinked, then nodded hesitantly. "I suppose." she looked at him with a small frown. "So that first story you were going to tell was... less peaceful that the story about the Weeping Angels?" she shivered a little when she said the name.

Johnathon put a hand on her back, between her wings. "They're not real, you know. It's just a scary story... and the bad guys get defeated in the end."

Fluttershy shivered. "It's still a scary story. It's almost scarier than what we went through fighting Discord... and that was awful."

Johnathon frowned. "I'm sorry... was it too much? I didn't want to upset anypony."

Fluttershy blushed, then shook her head. "Oh no! Everypony liked your story. It IS fun to be scared sometimes... and I liked the Doctor. He seemed nice. A bit strange, but nice."

Johnathon grinned. "That seems to be a typical reaction about him. So... not TOO scary then?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "No." she looked curious, although at the same time, nervous, as if uncertain she wanted to know the answer. "The other story you were going to tell. Was that a lot scarier?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... it's not really a spooky story, like the one about the Angels... but scary? Well, it's not so much that, as it's a lot more... violent."

Fluttershy shivered slightly. "Oh."

Johnathon shook his head. "I thought it might be a bit much for the little fillies. Maybe I'll tell you the story some other time... although it's got some not very nice parts." he frowned. "It IS a really good story, about a boy who turns into a hero, but sometimes to become a hero you have to face some pretty bad things."

Fluttershy shivered again. "Yes, that's certainly true!" she blushed again. "Not that I'm any sort of a hero... I really wouldn't know... I mean...."

Johnathon shook his head. "Fluttershy, if you're going to try and tell me you're not a hero, I already know about Nightmare Moon, and Discord, and apparently you've single handedly taken on a full grown dragon, according to your friends. You... and all your friends are heroes in my book. In anypony's book, I'd hope. Just because you're a little shy, doesn't make what you've accomplished any less heroic. Rather the opposite. It's really a honor to know as brave a pony as you."

Fluttershy shook her head. "I'm not brave." she lowered her face, hiding in her hair, and said something too quiet for him to hear.

"What did you say?" he asked gently.

"I'm always afraid." she said just barely loud enough for him to hear. "Applejack had to pull me all the way up the mountain to face that Dragon... I was so afraid, I couldn't even fly."

Johnathon smiled gently. "Everyone is afraid in times like that, Fluttershy. It's not about not being afraid... it's about doing what you have to do anyway."

Fluttershy shook her head again. "No... I couldn't do what I had to do. Everypony else went up there to face that dragon because it was what they needed to do. They each faced it in turn because I was too afraid to do what I needed to do. It wasn't until all my friends were in danger that I did anything at all."

Johnathon smiled softly. "Why did you act then?"

Fluttershy blushed. "I just got... so mad! That dragon was being so mean, and he hurt my friends...." her voice grew stronger as she said it, and there was a small light in her eyes. Johnathon could feel something... a strength, coming from her in that moment, and he couldn't help but nod.

"I wouldn't want to be the one who hurt your friends with you around, Fluttershy." he said seriously. "You're strongest when you're protecting them, aren't you."

Fluttershy frowned, then hesitated. "I... I couldn't let them be hurt because of me."

Johnathon smiled. "And you didn't. You stood up, and got the job done, because they needed you. You were scared, but you did it anyway. That's what makes a hero... and a friend."

Fluttershy just hid her face in her mane again, but he could tell she was smiling, at least a little.


The next morning, as usual, Fluttershy was up at dawn to feed her animal friends. Although she had slipped downstairs quietly, Johnathon woke as she tried to slip past him, and she winced.

"I'm sorry to wake you so early, Johnathon." Fluttershy apologized quietly. "You can just go back to sleep, if you like."

Johnathon shook his head. "No... that's alright, I did want to get over to Twilight's place this morning while it's still early." he yawned. "Can I help you with your chores before I go? How about I handle breakfast?"

Fluttershy hesitated, then nodded. "Breakfast would be... nice." she said, then smiled at him with a nod. "I'll just start feeding the other animals.

As Johnathon busied himself in the kitchen, he was frowning thoughtfully. Fluttershy came inside in time for breakfast, with a pleasant, if similarly thoughtful expression. As they sat down to eat, both of them opened their mouths to speak at the same time.

Fluttershy blushed. "Oh... you go first."

Johnathon shook his head. "No, that's alright, what did you want to say?"

Fluttershy shook her head and continued looking embarrassed. "No, no, please, you first."

Johnathon hesitated, then nodded. "Well, alright. I was thinking... I know you said I was welcome to stay as long as I needed, Fluttershy, and I do appreciate it, but...."

Fluttershy blinked, then nodded slowly, her face slightly surprised. "Yes?"

He shrugged. "Well... I get the impression that I'm a bit in the way around here. I mean... your animals don't really like me that much... and I'm using your living room...." he shrugged. "Well... this isn't a very big place. Neither of us can really move around without disturbing the other, especially early in the morning or at night, we pretty much have to so to sleep at the same time, or keep each other up."

Fluttershy blushed, then shook her head firmly. "You don't have any place else to go, Johnathon, and I won't have you go homeless!"

Johnathon smiled. "I wouldn't expect anything else, Fluttershy. But Princess Celestia is giving me some money now. Maybe I could find my own place, or rent a room someplace?" he frowned slightly. "Although honestly I don't know much about how such things work here in Equestria, but I assume something along those lines would be possible."

Fluttershy blinked. "Well... I can't blame you for wanting your own room." she smiled at him. "I really don't mind your company, Johnathon, but I suppose it would be nice to have a bit more privacy, from time to time."

Johnathon nodded. "That's what I was thinking. Do you think I might be able to find my own place, or rent a room somewhere? I can't sleep on your couch forever, after all."

Fluttershy nodded. "I'm sure there will be something." she frowned. "I'm not sure where, but perhaps they may know some place in town?" she looked thoughtful. "I wonder if there is anything in your price range."

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "I have no idea how much money the Princess is sending me. I would suspect that Twilight gets a pretty good stipend from her, being her personal protege, so it's probably a pretty good amount, but at the same time, I don't really want to spend it all on a house, when all I really need is a private room... maybe with a bath."

Fluttershy smiled slightly. "Well, I really don't know either, but perhaps that's something you can ask Twilight when you see her this morning? Perhaps she knows somepony who has a room to rent?"

Johnathon shrugged. "It can't hurt to ask, I suppose." they ate in silence for awhile, Johnathon eating quickly, thinking about the day ahead. He finished first, and stood up to go. "I'll see you later, Fluttershy. If you'll need me, I expect I'll be at Twilight's most of the day, if she has time for me. I've got a lot of questions, and even if she's busy, she does have a library full of books I'm dying to look at."

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. "I'll see you tonight then. Have fun, Johnathon." she shook her head slightly. "And don't worry about finding a place right away. I really don't mind having you here."

Johnathon grinned at her. "Not enough to say anything, anyway. But I do appreciate all the hospitality you've shown me, Fluttershy. Maybe you should be the Element of Generosity too?"

Johnathon heard her giggling lightly in embarrassment as he walked out her door. As he started down the path towards Ponyville, he hesitated slightly. So far, he had never gone into town alone... not since the first time, which had, he recalled, sent the ponies of the city scattering in every direction in terror. Hopefully his presence wouldn't cause as much of a stir this time... but he couldn't help but be nervous of walking through town alone.

Taking a deep breath, he lengthened his stride, then forced himself to breath evenly and deeply as he approached the town, trying to be as calm as possible, hoping that if he was calm, he wouldn't be quite as frightening. As he walked into town, he passed ponies here and there, most of whom stopped and stared as he walked by. More than a few seemed startled, and one or two either froze till he passed by, or tried to hide, but no pony ran screaming for help. A few smiled hesitantly at him, and he nodded and smiled back, giving them a polite wave.

As he passed through the main square, a pair of ponies walked up to him. One, a bright green unicorn pony with what appeared to be a harp cutie mark, headed toward him with purpose, while her companion, a white earth pony with a blue and pink mane, hung back slightly, looking quite nervous, but apparently not willing to let her friend approach the strange alien alone.

"Hello." the green unicorn said. "I'm Lyra." she looked at him closely from only a few feet away. "And you're a... real live human!"

Johnathon blinked. "Or... hi." he answered. "Yes, I'm a human. My name is Johnathon. Johnathon Dwire."

Lyra stuck out a hoof firmly. "Nice to meet you, Johnathon." he took hold of her outstretched hoof and shook it gently, and the unicorn watched his hand with an almost avid expression. "Those... are... so... COOL!" she finally exclaimed, grabbing on to his wrist with both hooves at once, balancing on her hind legs as she lifted his hand up to her face to get a better look at it. "Hands! He has hands, Bon Bon!" she exclaimed excitedly. "See! What did I tell you!"

Johnathon pulled his hand free and started backing away. "Er... well, it was... nice meeting you, but... I've really got to be going."

The white earth pony, Bon Bon, had grabbed on to her friend from behind to restrain her. "Lyra... let the... nice human go now..."

Johnathon quickly made his escape, distinctly uneasy. "OK... that was weird." he said to himself as he quickly made his way to Twilight's library. He knocked on her door, glancing around behind him to see if he had been followed. "I guess she likes... hands or something?" he looked at his own, wiggling his fingers. "I wonder why? Maybe it's just the novelty?"

Twilight opened the door after only a short while, smiling up at him as she stepped aside to let him in. "Good morning, Johnathon! Did you have an idea about where you wanted to start?" she levitated a book down from her shelf. "I was thinking we could start with Basic Magical Theory?" she floated a clip board with a number of hand written pages attached to it with empty boxes drawn next to a long looking list. "Or perhaps I could show you my checklist for how I plan on getting started with learning the theory involved behind dimensional travel!"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... I noticed a handy looking book yesterday, I think." he looked at the shelves near him, then nodded, walking over to one. "Ah, there it is." he pulled the book free and held it up. "A Beginner's Guide to Magic." he showed her the cover. "I flipped through the table of contents when I was here yesterday. It seemed like a good place to start."

Twilight blinked. "Well... that's a little filly's book, Johnathon. It's for fillies in magic kindergarten." she explained.

Johnathon grinned. "I was using primers for little... er... little fillies with Cheerilee when she was helping me with putting down as many words from my language as possible. Since I have no experience with magic, aside from watching you, and the princess, and Rarity use it, I thought the beginning might be a good place to start."

Twilight blinked. "Er... well, yes, I suppose so." she glanced at her copy of "Basic Magical Theory", then frowned. "Hmm, I suppose to someone who's never been introduced to even the idea of working magic before, this might be a little difficult to understand." she hesitated. "Er... do you need help with that book?" she nodded to the kindergarten level text he was holding doubtfully.

Johnathon shrugged. "I don't know yet. Why don't I do some reading on my own, and if I have a question, I can ask you!"

Twilight blinked. "Oh... alright. That sounds like a good idea." she blinked. "Well, I suppose I can get some of my own reading done in the meantime, if you don't mind?"

Johnathon shook his head. "I don't mind. Sounds like a plan." he opened the book, and found a place to sit on the staircase. "You know...." he commented idly as he flipped through to the first chapter. "Ponyville seems like a nice place and all, but the one thing I really miss from my world?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh?"

"Not enough chairs!" he commented with a wry smile. "I mean, Fluttershy has like... two chairs and one couch in her whole house... and I don't even see a single chair in your place."

Twilight blinked. "Oh? I guess they're not that common. Most ponies tend to stand, or sit on the ground most of the time." she levitated a couple thick looking books from a shelf onto a lectern and opened one, flipping pages. "Do they have a lot of chairs on your world?"

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, yes. They're quite common. After all, humans tend to sit a lot, especially when we're resting, and chairs are much more comfortable than sitting on the floor, at least for us bipedal mammals."

Twilight nodded absently, already lost in her book. "Uh huh."

The archeologist grinned to himself and started reading as well. He read quickly. The text in question was in fact, rather basic, although it did explain the concept of magic quickly and simply, in a way that was easy to follow. Before long, he closed it.

"OK... now I think I might want a gander at "Basic Magical Theory." he said with a shrug.

Twilight blinked, then smiled, and floated the book over to him. "This one IS a bit more detailed. I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have though."

Johnathon opened the considerably thicker book, and started to page through it. "I'll let you know."

For awhile, he attempted to struggle through on his own. In general, the concepts weren't difficult, although there were a lot of references that were obviously meant for a creature who was already able to use, or at least feel their own magical energies. After a while, he spoke up again.

"OK... I keep reading about 'thrumming' and 'building up a resonance' in here. It implies that the reader is already familiar with them... and while I could make an educated guess, I don't want to jump to any wrong conclusions. Could you tell me a little bit about that?"

Twilight turned toward him, frowning slightly. "Oh! Um... let me see. Well, thrumming... that's the feeling you get when you're trying to build up your magic... before you focus it on anything. It's like... you feel a vibration in your horn... a kind of pressure? And then you focus it on what you want to do, and let it out."

Johnathon nodded. "Well, I don't have a horn, but the concept seems simple enough. And building up a resonance? I'm guessing that has something to do with that vibration... and... finding a frequency that causes that vibration to increase?"

Twilight blinked. "Er... those aren't exactly the way I've heard it described before, but yes, that's about right. Finding the... frequency that our magic is strongest, and letting your magic get stronger? That's how we gather the magic needed to cast more difficult spells."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "OK. I can wrap my mind around that. Thanks." he went back to his book, and Twilight did the same. He was several chapters into the book, when he frowned thoughtfully. "Twilight." he spoke up, getting the unicorn's attention. "It says here that unicorns tend to all have the ability to levitate and manipulate physical objects to some degree, and most have a secondary talent that is usually linked to their cutie mark."

Twilight hesitated, then nodded. "That's right. For example, Rarity can cast a gem location spell without ever having studied it. It's her special talent. She's also... very talented with her telekinesis. She's learned to reshape objects in addition to simply moving them to an amazing degree."

Johnathon nodded. "I see. Is that sort of talent common?"

Twilight thought about that. "Well, not really, I guess. There were quite a few unicorns at the magical university back in Canterlot that I knew that had similar talent... or greater, but it's not really that common. There was one unicorn that came to Ponyville a year or so ago who was quite gifted. She was quite good with her telekinesis, and she could use conjuration, and even a limited amount of alteration magic! She makes a living as a traveling magician, I believe..." Twilight frowned slightly. "Well, I assume so. Her visit to our town didn't exactly end well for her."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Oh? How so?"

Twilight blushed slightly. "Well... she was a bit... boastful, and she claimed to have defeated an Ursa Major with her magic. Unfortunately, two young colts believed her, and they wanted to see her do it for themselves. There is an Ursa cave in the Ever-Free forest, and they lured an Ursa Minor to town for her to vanquish...."

Johnathon looked curious. "What's an Ursa?" he wrinkled his nose. "I mean... that means bear in your language, right? Unless the translation spell isn't covering animals I don't know?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, it does mean bear. An Ursa is an... astral bear... or a bear made up of starstuff. The Ursa Minor that Snips and Snails brought into town was a little smaller than... er... the building we're in right now."

Johnathon blinked. "Er... OK. That sounds... bad. I take it they're dangerous?"

Twilight nodded. "Very much so, although only if they're disturbed. Usually, they're quite content to stay to themselves."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "I take it that this Trixie wasn't up to dealing with the Ursa Minor?"

Twilight shook her head. "I'm afraid not. She annoyed it... it probably would have hurt someone if... er...."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "If what?"

Twilight blushed. "Well, I had to step in at that point. Somepony was going to get hurt!"

Johnathon nodded. "Most magical unicorn in Equestria. So, I take it you were capable of dealing with it?"

Twilight shrugged. "Well, I didn't really defeat it... just calmed it. I made a wind blow through some nearby reeds to play it some soft music, then I... er... levitated the watertower, pulled off the top, milked all the cows in town, picked up the Ursa and gave it a watertower full of milk... and levitated it back into the forest."

Johnathon blinked. "You... levitated a watertower... and a creature as large as this building... over a mile?"

Twilight hesitated. "Er... around three? I had to get it back to it's cave, after all."

He shook his head as if trying to get rid of a fly. "You... milked all the cows in town? Quick enough to fill a watertower, and while playing music using reeds?" he shivered. "How do you use wind to play music? I mean... how did you know what velocity wind against the reeds would create any kind of harmonious..." the archeologist. "Wait... wait... don't tell me... some spells can... think for themselves to a degree?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "If you're talking about how some magical formulas can act on their own to a degree? Yes. The spell I cast to make the wind create music is a good example. That particular spell, you think of the music you want to hear while you cast it, and you can let it go at that point..."

Johnathon grinned at her, still shaking his head in astonishment. "How... how long did it take you to cast all those spells?"

Twilight blinked. "I'm not sure? About... twenty seconds, I think? It took another minute or so to get the Ursa home."

Johnathon blinked. "You moved it a... over a hundred miles an hour?"

Twilight blinked. "Er... on average, I guess that would be about right? The tricky part was the acceleration and deacceleration. I didn't want to crash the poor thing into it's cave too fast, after all. Once you have something moving it's not as difficult to keep it going."

Johnathon blinked. "Poor thing? A bear the size of a building?"

Twilight shrugged. "Well, it WAS only a baby, after all. An Ursa Major is MUCH bigger."

Johnathon's mouth fell open. "OK... you're just pulling my leg, right?"

Twilight blushed. "No... they really are much bigger when they're full grown." she turned, looked around for a moment, then levitated a book to him, opening it so he could see an illustration of a bear-shaped creature that looked like it was supposed to be made up of the night sky, with a tiny figure of a pony next to it as a comparison.

Johnathon blinked, taking the book and reading the entry. "Huh." after a minute, he looked at Twilight. "So when you mean, made up of starstuff... you mean they really look like this? Like they're made up of the night sky?"

She nodded. "Yes... they're actually transparent. You can see right through them, although for all that, they're solid as any other animal."

He shook his head. "That's...." he frowned thoughtfully. "Actually, if they're as big as you say, it actually kind of makes sense. Most creatures would be much smaller, so they'd see it above them, and if it wasn't moving, I suppose a creature like that might pass for the night sky above you... for a moment or so, anyway. Sort of a camouflage. I guess that only would make sense if they're nocturnal." he read on. "Ah yes.... they hunt only at night."

He put the book to the side, shaking his head. "I'm going to have to read this book all the way through sometime. I have the feeling that there are a lot of creatures in this world that are very different from what I could expect to find on mine."

Twilight looked curious. "So... I take it you don't have Ursa's on your world either?"

Johnathon shook his head. "Nope. Nothing remotely like that." he smiled faintly at her. "Still, it's hard to believe how powerful you are, Twilight! I mean... just the levitation alone must have taken enormous power."

Twilight blushed. "Well... magic IS my special talent. I'm sorry if it sounded like I was boasting... but you sounded like you were interested in the limits of unicorn magic."

Johnathon nodded. "I am. And don't apologize for your talents." he raised an eyebrow. "Assuming that you aren't exaggerating, there isn't anything wrong with being proud of your gifts." he grinned. "You don't seem like the bragging sort to me, anyway." he chuckled. "Mostly because I'm the bragging sort, and so far you've been quite modest in comparison."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Johnathon grinned. "Well, I do like to brag, but I always tell the truth. I just like to tell everyone how awesome I really am."

Twilight chuckled. "I see. You like to brag about things that you're good at."

Johnathon nodded agreeably. "You won't catch me bragging about things I'm bad about!" he pointed a thumb at his chest. "Except for modesty. I'm the most modest ever, don't you know?"

Twilight looked a bit confused. "Er... that doesn't make sense." she caught the grin on his face, then laughed. "Oh! I get it, you're joking!"

Johnathon chuckled. "Not very well, apparently." he hesitated. "So... are you the most powerful unicorn you know?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... so far, yes."

He looked interested. "Is the Princess more powerful than you are?"

Twilight looked shocked. "Oh, much more! It used to take thirteen of the most powerful unicorns alive working in concert to raise the sun and moon... and the Princess does it by herself! For a thousand years, she raised them both, a task that used to magically exhaust over two dozen unicorns a day!" Twilight shook her head. "The princesses are both on a different level completely."

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "Huh. I...." he paused, thinking. Did I make a bad assumption the other day? When Twilight explained that Princess Celestia raised the sun and moon, I immediately assumed it was impossible... but if Twilight is correct, and the Princess is more powerful than a dozen... two dozen of the most powerful unicorns... could it be possible? He frowned. No... it still doesn't make any sense. If Twilight is at the upper limit of what a unicorn is capable here, then impressive as that is, even multiplied by a hundred it shouldn't be enough to move a moon, much less a star! He looked thoughtful. Well... perhaps a very small moon... but...

Johnathon shook his head again, and looked up at Twilight. "So... is what you did that night, in order to... return the Ursa it's cave, is that about the most you could do at one time, or are you able to use more magic at once than that?"

Twilight frowned. "Actually, at the time, I was surprised I managed to pull off THAT much, or at least, I thought I'd burn myself out for a few weeks afterwords... but while I was tired, I still had a little power left over after it was over."

Johnathon blinked. "OK... wow." he frowned. "I'm going to have to see some of your books on astronomy at some point." He shrugged. "But that can wait." he picked up the book on magical theory again. "So... this book describes several general categories of magic, broken up into...." he counted. "About three dozen different distinct types? And most unicorns can use at least one type of magic besides levitation?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "That's about the average, yes."

He looked curious. "How many kinds of magic can you do?"

Twilight hesitated. "Er... all of them? I mean, I haven't found a spell I couldn't do yet. Some were really difficult, and, well, a few I obviously don't have the strength for, like raising the sun and moon, so I've never tried, but so far, I've been able to use any type of spell I've attempted."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Ah. Well, I suppose that means that if anyone can figure out a type of magic that no unicorn has done before, it'd be you."

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Actually, apparently there were a few unicorns who have tried to use dimensional crossing spells before, and even one who claimed to have succeeded!" she nodded to the book she was reading. "A contemporary of Starswirl the Bearded, Strangehorn the Mad claimed to have brought over objects from another dimension. He supposedly vanished soon afterwords, and according to this book, he was never seen again. He was apparently attempting to cross over into another dimension personally, and the most popular theory is that the attempt killed him, although since no body was ever found, it's quite possible he succeeded, and simply was unable to return."

Johnathon looked interested. "Well, that sounds promising!" he frowned. "It sounds dangerous too."

Twilight Sparkle nodded soberly. "I'll have to be very careful when...or if I figure out the formula to such a spell. Unfortunately, no copies of his working dimensional spells were recorded in any of the books I've been able to find so far, although there are notes on some of the failed attempts. I might be able to extrapolate what changes Strangehorn might have made to the formula with some more research, and a fair bit of trial and error."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Well, please be careful. Getting me home isn't worth anypony's life."

Twilight nodded somberly. "I'll be careful, I promise." Johnathon and Twilight each went back to reading, and the next hour passed quietly as they each lost themselves in the material. Again, it was Johnathon who broke the silence.

"So... could you tell me a little bit more about how spell durations work?" he asked out of the blue. "This book says that the duration of a spell is dependent on a number of different factors...?"

Twilight blinked, turning to him. "Oh? Well... that's actually quite complicated, depending on the type of magic you're doing, and how much magic you're willing to put into it. Also, most spell formulas have durations set into the casting... although with a little effort, it's possible to change that."

Johnathon nodded. "Well... how about on the translation spell? How would you go about changing the duration on that?"

Twilight blinked. "Well, I did think about that after you asked about the spell yesterday. Changing a spell isn't difficult, so long as you understand all the principles involved. For the translation spell, I would have to change the formula sightly to either extend or reduce the duration, but it wouldn't be terribly difficult, I'd really just have to visualize the amount of time I want when casting it. As long as it didn't require more magic that I had to use, I could increase the duration quite a bit!" Twilight frowned thoughtfully. "It's a surprisingly complex spell, but I could probably extend it to a couple weeks at a time."

Johnathon nodded. "That's... quite impressive." he looked curious. "Does extending the duration of a spell increase the power needed in a linear progression?"

Twilight shook her head. "Not exactly. The initial push requires the majority of your magical energy, but simply maintaining a spell is considerably less taxing. Likewise, causing a spell to maintain itself costs a fraction more energy than it does for me to maintain the same spell directly, although it saves me having to concentrate." she looked at him. "Does that make sense?"

Johnathon frowned, then nodded. "I get the concept, anyway." he looked curious. "Do all spells constantly drain power? I mean... is any sort of magic permanent?"

Twilight hesitated. "It is possible to create a spell that will maintain it's effect indefinitely, or until another force acts upon that spell, but usually it requires some sort of renewing energy source." she shrugged. "Some magics have no inherent duration, like teleportation... or alteration magics, which cause an effect which remains afterwords."

Johnathon nodded. "When you teleport, you're there. You don't have to maintain the spell to remain." he looked curious. "What sort of effects can alteration perform? I mean... can you, I don't know... make a rock levitate six feet off the floor indefinitely?"

Twilight grinned. "No... at least, not that I know of. Alteration magics can change an object's properties... but those properties have to follow natural laws. Levitation requires constant energy use. You could make a rock oh... purple, and it would stay purple, at least until somepony else changed it back, but you couldn't make one float and stay floating."

Johnathon nodded. "OK." he frowned. "Er... not to be selfish, but what about the translation spell?"

Twilight blinked. "Um... I believe it might be... theoretically possible to..." she frowned lightly. "Well, no, not with the spell I've been using. That imposes a... sort of transformation to your ability to use language, and it requires energy to maintain it. Once that energy is used up, the spell fades. It would probably be possible to use alteration magic to do something similar, but... I don't know if it would be a good idea."

Johnathon frowned. "Hmm... I guess permanently altering someone's brain would be kind of dangerous."

Twilight nodded. "And, honestly, I don't know if I could undo something like that if I tried it. The translation spell imposes a change to your language ability... transforming your skill with your native language into equal skill in Equestrian, but I don't know if I could reverse it if it were permanent. To make it permanent, I'd have to change the way your brain works... and magically overwrite one skill with another. Without a template, I don't know if I could ever return you to normal."

Johnathon blinked, then nodded again. "Ah. You could, in theory, overwrite my ability to speak English with the ability to speak Equestrian, permanently, but since you wouldn't have an English speaker around, you wouldn't be able to change me back?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... actually, that's only a theory. It might not actually need a template to work, but I think you're right that the spell works off the collective unconsciousness of the ponies here in Equestria, like you suggested, which means, without somepony who speaks... er... English, there wouldn't be any information to use to change your language back."

Johnathon nodded. "Well then, best not to take chances. Even assuming we never figure out how to get me home, I'd hate to lose my ability to speak, read and write in my native language." he shrugged. "Even if I'll never really get to use them again."

Twilight nodded. "I can understand that, I think." she shrugged, and started to read again before Johnathon spoke again.

"Just a couple more questions, Twilight, if you don't mind?"

Twilight Sparkle looked up again, hiding her mild irritation at the interruption with practiced ease. "Not at all. What else did you want to know?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, I guess, I just wanted to know what other sorts of difficulties you expect in trying to learn the kind of magic you'd need to send me home? You need to figure out the right formula for it first... what else?" he looked thoughtful. "Would it be anything similar to teleporting? They seem like they would be similar."

Twilight nodded. "Actually, there is a lot in common, at least theoretically. When you teleport, you visualize your destination, and then sort of... push yourself through. The actual theory behind it is that you create a sort of... shortcut between the two places, so that there is no distance involved, and you're just suddenly... there." she frowned. "If that makes any sense?"

Johnathon blinked. "Like a tessaract?"

Twilight blinked. "A what?"

Johnathon hesitated. "OK... this is just a concept from a science fiction novel I read once... but... a tessaract is what you get when you square... er..." he shook his head. "Let me start again... it's kind of a representation of a higher dimension..." he sighed. "Darn it... how do I explain?"

The archeologist shrugged, then started again. "OK, when describing where anything is in relation to anything else, you can use three sets of distances... length, width, and height make up three dimensions we use to describe a point in space. If you add a fourth dimension, time, you can describe a trajectory of an object moving through space and time, OK?"

Twilight nodded. "Sure. That's pretty basic stuff."

Johnathon frowned as he tried to find the right words. "Well, I'm no physicist, so I'm probably getting details wrong, but, this is how I heard it described. Say if you have a line, that's a one dimensional object. If you square that, you get a square... which is a two dimensional object."

Twilight thought about that for a second. "OK."

"And if you square a square, you get a cube."

Twilight nodded again. "I'm following you so far."

"So if you square that... you get a... er... I'm not sure what to call it, but a fourth dimensional object, an object described in three physical dimensions and in time."

Twilight frowned slightly. "Square a cube?" her eyes narrowed, and her nose twitched in an adorable way as she concentrated on the idea. "Er... I think I can follow the idea..."

Johnathon shrugged. "Anyway... if you square THAT... you get a tessaract."

Twilight's eyes twitched. "Er... I'll take your word for it."

Johnathon grinned. "Yeah, it's really difficult to visualize. Anyway... one theory goes that that's the key to, well, teleportation, that with a tessaract you fold space and time so that one point meets up with any other, so that there isn't any distance between them! So... you're traveling through a 5th dimension to pass instantaneously from one point in space to another, and even between one time and another."

Twilight blinked. "OK." She nodded more firmly. "Yes... yes, I think the concepts are quite similar, actually... although I haven't heard of teleportation explained in quite that way before." Twilight frowned. "But interdimensional travel... well, er... if you're using dimension to speak of the world we live in, and not representing a line... it seems to have some sort of extra factor needed to make it work... perhaps it's simply... as you put it, squaring the formula...."she shrugged. "But even if I could figure out how to do that, that's still only one aspect of the problem."

She hesitated. "You see, while a teleport is instantaneous, Strangehorn's formula for dimensional travel was apparently based off of Discord's portals, which stayed open.... and they apparently require a great deal more power."

Johnathon frowned. "How much more?"

Twilight frowned. "At least a couple orders of magnitude... maybe more. A hundred times more? A thousand? And that's just to keep a portal like that open for a few seconds... and for an object to to survive a trip through, the portal apparently needs to be open the entire time it's passing through... and an indeterminate amount longer." she shook her head. "I'm still not sure about that part, but the research notes did seem to indicate that while the size and velocity of the object when it exited the portal could be connected in part to the energy requirements, there was some factor that Strangehorn never identified that made the needed duration for a successful portal longer than the projections."

Twilight sighed. "So, I'm thinking, to be sure of success, it might be best to figure out how to make the portal self sustaining, or permanent, so that I won't have to try and hold them open. In theory, it should be possible to do that for a fraction of the energy cost of holding one open long enough to get, say, a pony sized object through to the far end."

Johnathon frowned. "OK, again, that sounds really dangerous."

Twilight shrugged. "Well, I'll have a counter spell prepared to close any portal I create... but otherwise, I don't see how I will be able to hold a portal open long enough to be useful, even if I do get the formula to open one correctly. You might be able to enter one, but you probably wouldn't come out the far side."

Johnathon shivered. "Er... yeah, that's probably kind of important."

Twilight smiled slightly. "It would be to me." she shrugged. "So... those are the problems I'm going to be trying to solve."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Thanks. It sounds... well, fiendishly difficult, but at least I have a general idea of what you're up against." he smiled at her. "I appreciate the lesson. Even if I never will be able to use magic, it's nice to understand a bit more about it."

Twilight nodded graciously. "Not at all. You're a quick study, and I'm glad I could explain things to you a little better."

Johnathon grinned. "Well, I'll let you get back to studying. I'd like to finish this book as well. I'll try to keep my questions to a minimum."

Twilight smiled, then shook her head. "Go ahead and ask me if you have any more questions. I might not always know the answers, but I'm happy to try."

Johnathon grinned back. "I appreciate it." the two scholars returned to their studies, and for a while, there was little to no sound save that of pages turning.

"Twilight!" the little dragon, Spike, came out of their kitchen. "Did you want me to make lunch for you and Johnathon? It's getting kind of late!" Johnathon and Twilight exchanged surprised glances, and their stomachs both rumbled at the same time at the thought of food.

"I guess that's a yes!" Twilight said with a giggle. "I completely lost track of time!"

Johnathon nodded. "Me too. Happens when I get into a really interesting book."

Twilight nodded. "I know! I'm lucky I have Spike around to remind me to eat, otherwise I might forget."

Johnathon chuckled. "One time, In college, I forgot to eat for three days straight during mid terms! It just never occurred to me till I nearly collapsed in the middle of a chemistry lab. I was carrying a pretty strong acid in a beaker at the moment I almost collapsed, actually."

Twilight grimaced. "Eek."

He shrugged, grinning. "My lab partner had an apple in his bag, and after I ate that, I made it through the rest of the afternoon alright, but I learned my lesson. Always remember to eat!"

Twilight grinned. "That's a pretty good lesson."

Spike's voice came from the kitchen again. "Are you two going to talk about eating, or actually eat? I'm starving!"

"Coming!" Twilight called out to him. "We'd better go. It's not a good idea to let a dragon get too hungry, after all."

Johnathon grinned. "I can imagine." he rose, and followed Twilight toward lunch.

Chapter 9

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After lunch, Johnathon patted his stomach. “Full….” he sighed a moment later. “But not quite satisfied.”

Spike frowned. “What, didn’t you like my vegetable soup?”

Johnathon shook his head. “It’s fine Spike. For vegetable soup, it was great, actually. I’m just… having a bit of trouble with an almost entirely vegetarian diet, I guess.”

Spike nodded. “I hear that! Do you know how hard it is to find gemstones on a regular basis?”

Johnathon blinked. “Er… you eat stones?”

Spike nodded. “Gemstones, anyway. Rubies, diamonds, emeralds… even semi-precious stones are pretty tasty.”

The archeologist blinked. “Er… that sounds expensive.”

Spike shrugged. “Well, I usually get all I can eat when I help Rarity on one of her Gem finding expeditions, but she doesn’t go on those all that often.” he sighed. “Can you imagine? She can just cast a spell, and go right to the nearest gems!” his face took on a dreamy expression. “Beautiful, and talented. She’s so… perfect.”

Johnathon blinked. “That’s right, Rarity’s special talent is to find gems. I guess money isn’t a problem for her.”

Twilight looked a bit surprised. “What makes you say that?”

The archeologist blinked. “Well… gemstones are really valuable… at least, the rarer kinds.”

Twilight shrugged non-committedly. “Well, Rarity uses them in her fashions, and they are pretty… but valuable? I suppose they’re worth a good amount. It is expensive to buy Spike enough to eat on a regular basis. Luckily enough for my budget, he can do just fine on regular food.”

Johnathon raised an eyebrow, and turned to Spike. “Excuse my curiosity, but how many gemstones can you eat in one sitting?”

Spike looked thoughtful. “Well, I think my record was about ten pounds of turquoise in one sitting….” he sighed with a small happy smile on his face. “Those Buffalo really knew how to treat a dragon.”

Johnathon bilnked. “Ten… pounds?” he shook his head. “Er… wow.” he shook his head. “Either I’m missing something, or they REALLY must have liked you.” he turned back to Twilight Sparkle. “So… your monetary system uses bits, right? How many bits would, I don’t know… a one ounce ruby cost?”

Twilight blinked. “I really wouldn’t know.” she thought about that. “That’s a pretty small gem, so… maybe five bits?”

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. “Er… that doesn’t sound quite right. How much would an apple cost?”

Twilight nodded with a grin. “Oh, I know that one. You can usually get two apples for one bit here in town.”

Johnathon blinked again. “OK… so either Applejack is the richest pony in town… or gemstones are a WHOLE lot less expensive here than what I’m used to.”

Twilight looked interested. “What would a one ounce ruby cost on your world?”

Johnathon hesitated. “Er… probably more than a thousand apples.”

Twilight blinked. “So… at least a hundred times more than one would cost here?”

Johnathon nodded. “I’m just estimating, I’m no expert, but, yeah, something like that. A lot more if it was a good quality gem.”

Twilight whistled. “Wow.” she frowned slightly. “I wonder if it’s because we can find them with magic, or if they’re simply rarer on your world?”

Johnathon shrugged. “Probably a combination of factors… makes me glad that that portal is good and shut though.”

Twilight looked curious. “What is that?”

Johnathon frowned slightly. “Well, to be honest, some people on my planet would do just about anything for enough money, and if they learned that they could get gemstones really easily here? It wouldn’t be pretty.”

Twilight frowned. “Oh, I see.” she looked concerned. “The Diamond Dogs once took Rarity prisoner to make her find gemstones for them… but she managed to convince them to let her go after a while.” she paled slightly. “I hate to imagine what would have happened if gems were worth a hundred times as much to them! They were determined enough as it was. They would never have let her go if her talent was worth a hundred times more!”

Johnathon looked troubled. “Sounds like some troublesome characters. Was anypony injured?”

Twilight shook her head. “No. They wouldn’t have hurt anypony, I don’t think. Not really. But it was very bad of them to take Rarity like that.”

Johnathon frowned. “Yes.” he shrugged. “But in any case, there are humans who like gems as much as your Diamond Dogs… times a hundred.” he shook his head. “If the wrong sort of people found out about Rarity, and could get to your world? You’d get to see the worst parts of humanity first hand, I’m afraid.” he took a deep breath. “Another reason you’ll want to be careful with your research. If you do open a portal, you don’t want to leave it open TOO long.”

Twilight nodded. “I’ll keep that in mind.” she grinned slightly. “Well, if some greedy gem seeking humans did manage to come here, Rarity wouldn’t be the only one they’d be after. I can cast that spell too!”

Johnathon chuckled. “I’m not surprised.” he looked curious. “Aren’t you worried that I’ll be greedy, and want a lot of gems before I go home?”

Twilight looked thoughtful. “Well… if you want some gems before you go, I don’t see why that would be a problem. I mean, as long as you could go through the portal relatively quickly, I don’t see why you can’t take a few souvenirs.” she shrugged. “I mean… as long as I close the portal afterwards, we’d be safe either way, right?” she looked curious. “Your people don’t know how to travel between dimensions, right?”

Johnathon grinned. “No, we do not. Actually, unless I brought some sort of definitive proof that I’d been on another world, no one would believe me about this place even if I told them.” he grinned at her. “I… well, I wouldn’t consider myself greedy, but I can’t lie. The thought of going home with a pocket full of rubies or diamonds wouldn’t bother me much.”

Twilight shrugged. “Well, you do have some bits… when it comes time to send you home, you can buy some to take with you!”

Johnathon shook his head. “I’ll think about it. I might think of a perfectly good reason why that’s a bad idea.” he frowned. “I’ll probably have to leave the gloves Rarity made for me behind… I don’t think they have invulnerable lion hair on my world, and while I can’t think of exactly how it would get me in trouble, having something like that probably wouldn’t end well.” he sighed. “Which is a shame. They’re the nicest pair of gloves I’ve ever owned.”

Twilight frowned. “Do you really think something so small could cause a problem on your world?”

Johnathon shrugged. “Probably not, but if the wrong thing happens, it could be bad, yes.”

Twilight looked interested. “What sort of thing could happen?”

The man wrinkled his nose. “Well… for instance, I hit my head on the way through again, but I’m found by my co-workers. They take me to a hospital, and, since I’ve been gone so long, the police start an investigation into my disappearance, and someone examines my gloves, and discovers that they’re made from a material not found on my world. They’ll want to know where I got them. An exotic material like that would be worth a fortune to some individuals, and I could get in a lot of trouble….” he shrugged. “It’s not a terribly likely scenario, I admit, but it could happen, or something else along those lines.”

Twilight blinked. “I see.” she shook her head. “Your world really does sound pretty scary, Johnathon.”

He smiled faintly. “Parts of it really are. It’s not that bad if you’re used to it, and as I said, there are parts that are very nice. Some places are just as peaceful as it is around here in Ponyville… or almost.” he shrugged. “But yeah, bad things can happen, and the place I was when I was excavating that ruin the Princess’s built? That region isn’t one of the nicer ones.” he shrugged. “It’s not one of the worst ones either… kind of in the middle. Dangerous enough, certainly.”

Spike, who had been listening to their conversation with half an ear, yawned, then started to clear away the dishes. “Remind me not to go to your world.” he commented. “I’d NEVER get enough gemstones for a decent meal!”

Johnathon stood and helped the little dragon carry the dishes to the sink. “Why don’t I wash while you dry?” he suggested.

Spike nodded, and they got to work. “I’m curious though, Johnathon.” he asked finally. “I mean, if they’re that rare on your world, you obviously don’t eat gemstones, so… what is it that you miss eating?”

Johnathon blinked. “Er… can I just say… a lot of different things, and leave it at that?”

Twilight chuckled nervously. “Maybe we shouldn’t bother Johnathon about it.”

Spike glanced at the purple unicorn. “Why? Is there something wrong with what he eats?”

Johnathon coughed. “Er… well, I’m an omnivore.”

Spike blinked. “So am I! I can eat just about anything.” he looked curious. “What, do you eat worms, or something? He grinned. “Because we have those here, if you want some! Applejack made some muffins with earthworms in them that I really liked!”

The archeologist blinked. “Earthworms?” his eyes lit up. “Um… I am slightly hesitant to ask… but… where did she get the earthworms from?”

Spike blinked, and shrugged. “I don’t know. The ground, maybe?”

Johnathon hesitated. “Er… the reason I ask… do… does anyone, fish around here?”

Twilight spoke up, sounding puzzled. “Fish? Did you just use that as a verb?”

Johnathon winced. “Never mind… sorry I asked.”

Spike blinked. “What does fish as a verb mean?”

Johnathon shook his head. “No, no… just a human expression, forget I said anything.”

Twilight looked curious now. “What do earthworms have to do with fish, anyway?”

Johnathon was tempted to say nothing, then he gave up. “Haven’t you ever seen a bear catching fish from a stream?”

Twilight blinked. “Er… you mean… fish as a verb means… catching fish?” she paled slightly. “As in to eat them?”

Johnathon sighed. “Yes, that’s what it means.”

Twilight grimaced, than schooled her expression with an effort. “Er… no Johnathon, I don’t think anypony fishes around here.”

Johnathon lowered his head. “Sorry… of course not.”

Twilight was quick to reassure him. “You don’t have to apologize! I mean… humans eat… meat. Just like bears, and wolves, and hydras…” she shivered, then apologized for it. “I’m sorry, it’s just… a little….”

Johnathon nodded. “You don’t have to apologize either. I can imagine it must seem pretty awful.”

Twilight hesitated, than nodded. “Yes, a little. But… well, that’s just what your species eats. It’s not your fault.” she looked worried. “Do you HAVE to eat meat? Will you get sick if you don’t have some once in a while?”

Johnathon was tempted to let it go, but something drove him to admit the complete truth. “Well, I’ll probably need more protein than I’ve been getting if I’m going to stay healthy, but I can get that from….” he blinked. “Er… peanut butter is a good source, I believe… I’m afraid I don’t know a lot about er… vegetarian sources of protein, but I know there are plenty of options.” he glanced from Spike to Twilight curiously. “Do they have peanut butter here?”

Twilight smiled slightly. “I’ve heard of it, although it’s not really popular. Still, if you need some to stay healthy, I think we could arrange that.”

Johnathon sighed. “Well, that would be nice. I’m a big fan of peanut butter, actually.” he grinned. “Since I was little.” he shrugged. “Humans don’t have to eat meat. Quite a few are vegetarians all the time. I’m sorry to say I wasn’t one of them, although I expect that I’ll get used to it.” he smiled slightly, looking a bit sad. “I suppose that makes me one of the more barbaric humans.”

Twilight frowned. “Well, I… I don’t think so. Princess Celestia seemed to think you are quite nice for a human, and, honestly, from what I’ve seen, you’re nice for anyone. That doesn’t change because you used to eat meat.” she shuddered slightly. “As icky as that sounds.”

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. “Seriously? You don’t think less of me because I used to eat… well, animals?”

Twilight shivered again, then shook her head. “It’s weird, and disturbing, but… no. I have known that humans eat meat for a while now. You told us that, days ago. And you don’t eat bunnies, or ponies, or anyone’s pets….” she frowned slightly. “I guess you eat fish… which doesn’t seem… so bad.”

Johnathon sighed. “Let’s drop the subject, Twilight. I appreciate that you’re trying to be understanding, but I understand that it’d bother ponies if I don’t stay vegetarian while I’m here, and frankly, I can live with that. I wouldn’t want to chance eating meat here, anyway. I have no idea what is intelligent and what isn’t, not really, not here, anyway.”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, then shook her head. “Never mind. Dropping the subject.”

Johnathon raised an eyebrow, than chuckled at the pained but resolute expression on her face. “You’re dying to ask one more question, huh?” he shrugged. “Go ahead.”

Twilight blushed. “Er… so, you only eat… non-intelligent animals?”

Johnathon nodded. “That would be accurate.” he looked apologetic and uncomfortable with the whole subject, and Twilight decided not to bother him anymore.

After several moments, the purple unicorn thought of another question, but kept it off her face. “Sorry. I’ll drop the subject.” she said instead.

Spike was looking a bit horrified, as well as strangely curious. “I’m an omnivore, does that mean I can eat meat too?”

Twilight blanched, but decided to go with the truth. “Er… yes Spike, Dragons can eat meat. Most don’t… as far as I know.” she closed her eyes and explained. “Dragons, and Griffons, and Diamond Dogs, for that matter, all agreed to stop eating meat, at least while inside our borders, hundreds of years ago. It’s considered uncivilized, and although they all can eat meat, they generally do not.”

Spike grimaced. “Well, none for me! Gemstones are the only non-vegetable I’m hungry for!”

Johnathon nodded quickly. “Hey, as long as I’m in your borders, I’ll be happy to follow your customs. Frankly, even if I do manage to go home, I don’t think I’ll have quite the same feeling on the subject. I may have a craving or two, but I expect I’ll stay a vegetarian.”

Twilight chuckled wryly. “I’m glad we had this conversation AFTER lunch.”


Johnathon walked through the center of Ponyville slowly, doing his best not to appear threatening. So far, it seemed to be working. The residents seemed to be slowly getting used to his presence. While nopony approached him, at least none of them were screaming or running. He spotted Rarity’s shop, the Carousel Boutique, right where Twilight had said it would be.

“Stands out quite a bit, like its owner.” Johnathon commented thoughtfully as he knocked lightly on the front door. After a moment, he heard a voice from inside tell him to come in, so he opened the door and walked inside.

Rarity was floating a piece of fabric across the room. She laid it across the back of a pony sized mannequin and turned to greet him.

“Why, hello there, Mister Dwire!” Rarity said with a broad smile. “I was wondering when you’d drop by!”

Johnathon looked around the room with some interest. “You look like you’re pretty busy. Is it a bad time?”

Rarity smiled. “Not at all. I AM a bit busy. Nightmare Night is only a month away, and I’m always swamped with orders for custom costumes around this time of the year, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” she walked up to him, then around him, looking him up and down and nodding. “Yes… yes.” she frowned slightly. “My poor dear, have you been wearing those same clothes for a week?”

Johnathon grimaced slightly. “Well, Fluttershy washed them for me about three days ago, but… aside from your presents last night, they’re the only clothing I have.”

Rarity nodded with a small frown. “Well, that simply won’t do!” she looked curious. “Is it true that humans wear clothing almost all the time?”

Johnathon nodded. “Most humans, yes. It started as an adaptation to the weather… humans don’t have a natural coat of fur to protect them from harsh conditions, you see… but it became an almost intrinsic cultural thing after a while.”

Rarity smiled. “I expect a clothing shop would do quite well on your world, darling, if everyone wears clothing all the time!”

Johnathon grinned at her. “Well, there’s competition in that field, as there is in every, although I’m certain a pony of your skills would do well on my world, or any, so long as someone wants high quality clothing.”

Rarity smiled at him. “How nice of you to say.” she sighed slightly. “It’s difficult having a shop like mine in a small town like this one. Even in winter, there is rarely much call for new clothing, except for formal occasions, which are, frankly, not terribly common in Ponyville. I’ve been trying to make connections in Canterlot for simply forever! They do appreciate finely crafted clothing in the capital!” Johnathon nodded agreeably as she raved for awhile about the center of culture that was Canterlot. He was rather curious himself as to that city, having only seen it at a distance so far. Ponyville was apparently only a small town in comparison, and much less formal than many of the larger cities.

Rarity shook her mane and smiled at him, having finished gushing about the big city life. “Now then, let’s see about putting together some outfits for you, shall we?” she floated a measuring ribbon over toward him. “Now, hold out your arms, and stand still please….”

As Rarity took his measurements, Johnathon spoke up. “Something simple would be fine… it’s not that I don’t ever want formal attire, but, well, since I’m wearing clothes every day, I need some extra clothing that I can wear that’s comfortable… and that I can work in. I did promise Applejack I’d help out around her farm.”

Rarity nodded thoughtfully. “Something comfortable… something durable? Hmm. What did you have in mind?”

Johnathon gestured at his short sleeved button up collared shirt. “Well, perhaps a long sleeved shirt like this one? Something relatively durable, but comfortable? A nice flannel shirt for cooler weather… a tee shirt for relaxing, or for working in the heat?”

Rarity shuddered slightly at the word ‘flannel’. “I should be able to do something along those lines.” she looked thoughtful as Johnathon tried not to be surprised that she was familiar with both concepts.

“So… you know what a tee shirt is?” he said, surprised.

Rarity blinked. “Well, naturally, although they’re not something I usually make. They often have some… colorful slogan on them?” she shuddered. “I believe Rainbow Dash has an absolutely hideous one featuring the Wonderbolts.” she shook her head, then grinned to herself. “But speaking of Rainbow Dash, she’s just going to love her costume this year! I’ve already got the fabric. It’s going to come out exactly as she described to me.” the elegant white unicorn shook her head. “But you’ll be needing some more…” she frowned at his jeans. “What is this garment called anyway, Mister Dwire?” she eyed the stitching on the sides enviously. “Such fine workmanship!” she said with a sigh. “I don’t think I’ll be able to quite match it.”

Johnathon blinked, then glanced down at his jeans. “These? These are pants. Well, jeans, specifically.” when Rarity raised an eyebrow at that, he explained. “Oh, well, jeans are a particular type of pants. All jeans use this sort of material, and stitching like these. I believe they’re made by machines, and yes, I imagine it would be extremely difficult to replicate by hand… er, by hoof.”

Rarity smiled slightly. “Well, I do have a perfectly nice sewing machine, dear, but you’re right, I don’t think I’ll be able to match the stitching." she frowned slightly. “I should be able to match the pattern, however.” she smiled. “In fact, I expect there might be some call for… pants in the near future. Why, some pony was in here earlier today, wanting to know if she could get a pair like yours for Nightmare Night.”

Johnathon blinked. “Er… could I ask what Nightmare Night is?”

Rarity blinked. “Oh, of course, how silly of me. Every year, the children dress up in costumes and go from house to house collecting candy… it’s all connected to some silly old superstition about Nightmare Moon coming back and eating ponies unless everypony dresses up in a disguise, so that she cannot find any ponies, and offers her candy, so she will eat it instead of them…” she chuckled faintly. “Although, of course, now we know that Nightmare Moon was in fact quite real… although I don’t think even Nightmare Moon would eat anypony. It’s all quite silly.”

Johnathon blinked. “Er… fascinating. My culture has a similar tradition.” he frowned. “Twilight did tell me about your encounter with Nightmare Moon. It’s hard to believe she was trapped… on the moon no less, for a thousand years!” he shook his head. “But.. I guess she’s supposed to be reformed now, after you defeated her with the elements of harmony.”

Rarity smiled softly. “Princess Luna seemed quite upset… but I could not find it in my heart to hold a grudge after her powers as Nightmare Moon were gone. Somehow, it seemed like she was a different pony entirely, trapped inside the Nightmare.”

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. “Well, that’s quite a generous attitude to take.” he said, trying to keep a straight face.

Rarity chuckled. “Perhaps it’s cliched, but forgiveness is important to everypony, I think. What kind of monster would I be if I could not forgive somepony who has already suffered so much.” she sighed. “Besides, I simply love her mane. I have so many dress designs I’d just LOVE to try on her someday! I do hope she doesn’t hold a grudge for our defeating her!”

Johnathon frowned. “Is that something you should worry about?”

Rarity shook her head. “Oh no, I wouldn’t think so. It’s just, we’ve been to Canterlot castle several times since then, and seen Princess Celestia, but Princess Luna always appears to be absent for some reason.”

Johnathon frowned lightly. “Hmm. Strange.” he shrugged. “But, who am I to judge? I can’t imagine what it would be like, trying to adjust to a society after a thousand years.”

Rarity nodded thoughtfully. “Oh dear yes! Think of all the changes in fashion alone! I mean, the Princess’s style has remained timeless for as long as any pony can remember… and it is a beautiful look, of course, but there is so much else…” she shook her head with a smile. “But never mind that. Let’s talk about you. Do you have any suggestions for materials I might use for new… pants for you? Since I cannot duplicate your… jeans, was it?”

Johnathon blinked. “Hmm… well, why don’t you show me some fabrics, and I can tell you what would work.”

Rarity smiled. “Certainly! We can pick out your color choices at the same time!”

Johnathon smiled. “Good idea.”

Rarity started telekinetically floating roll after roll of fabric out for him to inspect, and they soon got to work. Johnathon had only a little experience with making clothing, having worked for a short while making costumes for plays for his college drama department, but he’d worked with a tailor before. Rarity was quite obviously an expert in her field, and Johnathon tried not to step on her creativity too much as she worked.

The middle aged man sighed faintly at one point as Rarity noted down his fabric choices on a piece of parchment on an easel. “This reminds me of when I was getting my suit made for my wedding. My wife wanted my brother, my father and I to all be wearing suits of the same material and color. She took me to a tailor… aside from my own amateur efforts, that was the only time I can remember getting fitted like this. Usually I just buy off the rack.”

Rarity smiled. “Your wedding, you say?” her face fell. “Oh yes, I did hear. I’m very sorry about your wife.”

Johnathon shook his head. “I’m not. We were very happy. Our wedding was probably the happiest day of my life. It’s not a bad thing to remind me of the days leading up to it.”

Rarity smiled softly. “I understand, I think. I’ve dreamed of my own wedding for a very long time, although I’m afraid I’ve yet to meet just the right stallion.” she shrugged. “Still, I do love weddings. They are the most memorable moments in one’s life, don’t you agree?”

Johnathon nodded in agreement. “That’s been my experience.”

The white unicorn turned back to her notes. “Well, I do believe I have enough for now. Come back tomorrow, and I should have something for you.”

Johnathon reached into a pocket. “We haven’t discussed payment, Rarity. What do you usually charge?”

Rarity looked thoughtful. “Well, why don’t we wait and see once I’ve finished. I promise not to gouge you on the price.” she smiled. “Besides, I should thank you for all the new ideas you’ve given me from your world’s fashions!”

He blinked. “Well, I wouldn’t say I did anything, really.”

Rarity chuckled. “Well, I’d thank whoever designed the clothing you’re wearing now, but they’re not here, so I’ll simply have to be grateful to you.”

The human blinked, then shrugged with a grin. “If you say so, Rarity.” he glanced out one of the windows. “Hmm… going to be dark soon. I was hoping to make one more stop today.” he turned to her. “Rarity, which way is your city hall from here? I’ve been meaning to speak to the mayor.”


The Ponyville City hall was an impressive structure at the center of the town square, and the front door was open. Johnathon walked in slowly, glancing around, and immediately spotted a tan colored mare with a grey mane and spectacles balanced on her nose, looking over a scroll on a desk with dozens of scroll holders, most full.

“Hi. I’m looking for the Mayor?” Johnathon said cautiously.

“That would be me, Mayor Mare.” the grey maned pony said crisply. “How can I help… eep!” her eyes went wide as she finished turning around to see him, and Johnathon inadvertently took a step backwards.

“I’m sorry I startled you.” he apologized immediately. “But I was hoping you could help me.”

The Ponyville mayor blinked, her wide eyes slowly losing their fright. “Oh my! You did startle me… just a bit.” she swallowed slightly, as if working up her courage. “How… how exactly can I help you, Mister… er…”

“Johnathon.” the man explained. “My name is Johnathon Dwire.”

“What an usual name.” the Mayor said, then blushed slightly. “Well, I suppose that shouldn’t be very surprising, seeing as you’re from an entirely different world.” she blinked. “That is correct, isn’t it? It all sounded so very odd.”

Johnathon nodded helpfully. “It’s a bit odd to me as well, but yes, I’m from a different world.” he shrugged helplessly. “Unfortunately, it appears I will be staying in the area for a while…” he blinked. “Er, not that it’s unfortunate that I am staying in the area, it’s quite lovely here. It’s a very nice town… just, that it’s unfortunate that I cannot get home and let my friends and family know I’m alright. I’m sure they’re quite worried.”

The Mayor blinked at this. “Well… yes, of course.” she looked a little calmer, almost maternally at him. “Yes, of course, I’m sure your family must be quite worried.” she looked curious. “How may I be of assistance, Mister Dwire?”

Johnathon took a breath. “Well, at the moment, Fluttershy is letting me stay on her couch. I was wondering if you had any homes for rent in the area? I don’t want to keep imposing on Fluttershy forever, after all.” he patted his pocket, where he had put a handful of bits that Twilight had given him earlier. “I can pay, of course.”

The Mayor looked surprised at his request, but after a moment, she nodded slowly. “I think… I believe there are a few houses available. Let me see.” she turned to her desk, and after scanning the scrolls there for a bit, took one down with her teeth, and unrolled it with her front hooves with surprising dexterity. “Let me see here… yes.” she turned to him. “I see that there is an small place on the edge of town. It’s been vacant for several years. It’s small, and needs some repairs, I believe…” she frowned. “Oh dear….” she shook her head. “No, apparently a C. D. Donkey has put a down payment on it already. He’s due to arrive in two months, but wanted to make sure he had a place when he arrived.”

Johnathon frowned. “Oh, I see. Is there any place else?”

The Mayor wrinkled her nose. “Well, there is a nice four bedroom house that just went up…?” she pulled a scroll down and looked at it, then motioned for Johnathon to take a look. “I’m afraid that it’s up for sale, not rent, however. The builders were interested in an outright sale… and they’re likely to get a good price for it!” she smiled at Johnathon. “Our little town has been growing steadily for some time, and new housing is usually snapped up quickly.” she frowned slightly. “But that means that there really aren’t any empty homes at the moment… although we are putting up a large apartment complex on the outskirts of town!” she sighed. “But construction on that isn’t due to be completed for months.”

Johnathon frowned. “Oh. Well, I suppose I’ll have to think of something else. I would ask if there are any rooms for rent, but…” he shrugged. “I wonder if any of the ponies around here would be willing to put up with a human for a house guest.”

The Mayor frowned slightly, looking unexpectedly sympathetic. “Yes, I can see how that might be an issue… still, it cannot hurt to ask, can it?” she looked through her scrolls again. “Let me see… rooms for rent, rooms for rent. I believe I have a list here, just in case someone asks that very question.” she found the scroll and passed it too him. “As you can see, there are a number of different options. Perhaps you could ask these ponies if they’d be willing to rent you a room?”

Johnathon scanned down the list, seeing names and addresses and prices, and stopped. “I see here that Miss Cheerilee is on this list.” he noted thoughtfully. “I wonder?” he smiled at the Mayor. “Could you give me directions to this address please?”


Ten minutes later, with the sun starting to sink behind the horizon, Miss Cheerilee heard a knock on her front door. She had been busy grading papers, and didn’t mind the distraction.

“Coming!” She called out as she trotted through her front hall. “I wonder who could be calling?” she wondered quietly as she reached to open the door. She blinked in surprise, looking up at the face of the only human in Equestria. “Oh! Hello Johnathon! Did you need some more help translating?”

Johnathon Dwire smiled at the purple school teacher. “Actually, I had a different reason to come by. May I come in?”

“Certainly!” Cheerilee stood aside, and escorted her guest to her living room. “Can I get you something to drink?”

Johnathon smiled slightly. “I’m fine, thank you. I wanted to ask you something.”

Cheerilee looked interested. “Yes?”

The archeologist hesitated for a moment. “Well, it’s just a thought… and I’m sure there are plenty of other options, but I was wondering if you were still wanting to rent your spare bedroom?” he shrugged. “I mean… I really won’t mind if you’d be uncomfortable with an alien creature in your home….”

Cheerilee blinked. “You want to rent my spare room?” she shook her head slightly, then raised an eyebrow. “I thought you might want to stay with Twilight Sparkle, since she’s the one trying to figure out how to get you home? Or perhaps Fluttershy?”

Johnathon shrugged. “Well, Fluttershy has been extremely hospitable to me when I needed it, but she’s got a pretty small place, and it would be nice to have a room to myself. Twilight’s library is bigger, but it’s full to the rafters already… there really isn’t a place for a private room for a guy like me.”

Cheerilee nodded slowly. “I see.” she looked up at him, then nodded. “Well, I don’t mind. I have been looking for a roommate, and while I didn’t expect a human, the idea doesn't bother me.” she smiled at him. “It’ll be nice to have a quiet, scholarly type of pony… er… human, like yourself. Most ponies that are looking for a room in town right now are younger… just getting out of their parent’s home for the first time, and while I don’t mind a little exuberance, I do like a little peace and quiet at home.” she smiled. “I don’t think I’ll have to worry about late night parties with you here….” she blushed slightly. “No offense, I don’t mean you don’t have a lot of friends, just that you don’t seem to be the party sort…”

Johnathon grinned. “None taken.” he shrugged. “And you’re quite right. I don’t mind company, but I’m comfortable with solitude. I prefer it, in fact, at least some of the time. Helps me to relax, and think. I expect I’ll be doing a lot of reading in the next few months.”

Cheerilee smiled. “Well then, when do you want to move in?”

He blinked. “Would tomorrow be too soon? I don’t have a lot of stuff.” he blinked. “Oh, is the room you’re renting furnished? I’ll probably need some furniture. In fact, I might want to have some pieces made. Pony chairs don’t suit me that well.”

Cheerilee nodded. “Well, it has a bed, a dresser, and a nightstand… it’s got a small closet, and the bathroom is next door.”

Johnathon hesitated. “Do you happen to have a bath? I do like a good soak.”

Cheerilee nodded cheerfully. “I do, in fact.” she started walking toward the back of the house. “Why don’t I show you around?”

After a quick tour, Johnathon got ready to go. “I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow. When would be a good time for me to move in? Like I said, I don’t have much stuff, so I can do it in one trip…”

Cheerilee shrugged. “Oh, any time is fine, although I won’t be home from school until around four.”

Johnathon nodded. “I’ll come by around four. I’ll probably want to do some furniture shopping as well… but that can wait a day or two.”

The schoolteacher pony shook her head. “My, it’s been quite a while since I had a roommate. This will be quite interesting.”

Johnathon chuckled. “Well, I’ll try to make sure it’s not TOO interesting.”


Walking back to Fluttershy’s cottage that evening, Johnathon felt a definite sense of accomplishment. He had learned quite a bit more about magic that he had expected, he’d arraigned, through Rarity, enough changes of clothing for an extended stay, and he’d even found a proper place to live. He frowned slightly. It all seemed too easy. Certainly his arrival in this strangely peaceful world had been exciting enough for anyone, but since then, everything had come to him, one thing at a time, without effort.

It was mostly because of the generous and giving nature of the ponies that lived in the peaceful land of Equestria, he reasoned, and he shouldn’t be looking a gift… pony in the mouth, but still, he wasn’t used to things being quite so easy. He was an alien, in a world that hadn’t seen his kind in thousands of years, and already he had friends… a home, and even those ponies he hadn’t personally met were starting to slowly warm up to his presence. Not one pony had run from him today.

He wondered if Twilight could succeed at devising a magical way to open a portal back to his world. She was gifted, and very bright, that was certain. He still found it more than a little difficult to believe some of the stories she had told him, but at the same time, he couldn’t believe she would lie to him like that. She seemed to honestly believe everything she said to him. Johnathon had always been a bit of a skeptic. He believed in what he could see, or touch… or in things that obeyed the laws of physics that he had grown up with. But he had seen fantastic things already, things that his scientific laws could not explain. He wasn’t about to start disbelieving his own eyes! As for the rest? Well, just because he hadn’t seen some of the feats of magic Twilight had told him about, didn’t mean he needed to disbelieve any of them. He could suspend his disbelief until he saw for himself.

Oh! Cloudsdale! There was something he truly wanted to see for himself. It was one thing to see Rainbow Dash’s cloud home in the sky... in fact, that alone was something he was anxious to see up close, but an entire city made of clouds? There was no way he could miss seeing that! Who knew? Twilight could figure out how to get him home in a week! He couldn’t risk missing his chance.

Fluttershy was waiting outside her house when he got back. “Hello Johnathon. How was your day today?”

Johnathon smiled fondly at the small yellow pegasus. “Great. Let me tell you all about it over dinner.” he smiled hopefully. “I’m starving.”

Fluttershy smiled back. “I was waiting for you to get home before getting started preparing something. Did you have anything in particular in mind?”

Johnathon shrugged. “Why don’t I show you how an Irishman cooks potatoes? Do you have any butter around?”

Dinner was a pleasant affair, only slightly dampened by the news that Johnathon had found a new place to live. “I’ll miss it here.” he admitted finally. “You’ve been a wonderful host, Fluttershy. If you had a little bigger place, I’d be tempted to stay.”

Fluttershy smiled sadly. “I will miss you too.”

Johnathon shrugged. “Well, I won’t be going far, and I’ll visit. I’ll be spending a lot of time with Twilight as well, I’ll expect, or around the library, so we’ll see each other often enough.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I know. And it will be nice to have all the little animals who were scared of you feel comfortable to come back inside.” she sighed. “I tried to tell them you weren’t dangerous, but most of them still are nervous around you.”

Johnathon shrugged. “I’m still quite amazed at how good you are with them all. I’ve always had a way with dogs… and I was halfway decent with horses, but….” he shrugged. “It’s the predator in me. I’m a civilized predator, but there is still that little bit underneath the surface that most animals can sense.”

Fluttershy looked interested. “Oh, do you like doggies then?”

Johnathon blinked. “Sure. They always seem to like me too! Even the meanest dog would end up treating me like their pack master after being around me a minute or so.”

Fluttershy blinked. “Why do you think that would be?”

Johnathon shrugged. “Well, for the same reason why your rabbits and birds and your other smaller animals avoid me. They can sense the predator in me… and... well, dogs can sense fear, and I’m usually not afraid of much. Even when a big dog is barking up a storm, trying to scare me, I know it won’t hurt me if I’m calm, and let it know I’m not afraid. They’ll usually show me their bellies after a minute, and then we can be friends.”

Fluttershy blinked. “Oh my. I can’t imagine not being afraid…”

Johnathon hesitated. “Well, fear is really useful… it tells you when you need to be careful. But it can be a handicap as well, if you let it keep you doing what you need to do. I’ve worked hard to master mine. I’ve got fears, every... everypony does, but I try not to let them make bad decisions, and mostly I succeed.”

Fluttershy blinked. “Does that mean you don’t make any bad decisions?”

Johnathon laughed out loud. “I wish! No, I make plenty of bad decisions. There are lots of things other than fear that can make you make poor choices, trust me!”

Fluttershy sighed. “I wish I could do that.” at his curious expression, she explained. “Control my fear? You do it because you choose too. I never have been able to do that. The only time I can do something useful when I’m afraid is when I get angry… or when I see something sick or injured that needs my help.”

Johnathon nodded slowly. “Well, it’s not easy, I’ll admit. I had to deal with my fear, in a big way, when I was pretty young, so maybe that has something to do with why I’m good at dealing with it now.”

Fluttershy looked curious. “What ARE you afraid of, Johnathon?” she blushed. “Um… if you don’t mind me asking?”

Johnathon smiled slightly. “I don’t mind. Actually, I’m afraid of bugs. Ants are the worst for me… big bugs, like beetles and things don’t bother me too much, but the little tiny ones?” he shivered slightly.

Fluttershy looked incredulous. “Tiny little bugs? You’re scared of ants and little bugs? Why?”

Johnathon smiled slightly. “Well, Fluttershy, it’s called entomophobia… or the fear of insects. Actually, phobias are like that. They don’t really make a whole lot of sense.” he nodded to her. “You’re afraid of dragons… or rather, full grown dragons. That’s not a phobia, that makes perfect sense, at least to me. But a phobia? They can be of anything… even harmless things, like ants, or clowns.”

Fluttershy nodded slowly. “Yes. But it just seems so strange. You’ve been really brave since you came here… it’s a whole new world, but nothing seems to bother you. It’s just… odd to think you’re afraid of creatures so much smaller than you are.”

Johnathon rolled his eyes. “I know…. It was from a trauma when I was a kid. I saw the sidewalk outside my house turning red… like a wave of color traveling down it… so I walked over to see what was causing it. I walked right into the red. It was a column of army ants. By the time I realized what was going on, they were all over my legs, and climbing.” he shivered slightly. “I was… four? I’m not sure exactly. Anyway, I’ve never been able to be calm around ants since… and any small bugs bother me.” he shrugged again. “I can control my reactions now. I’ve had years to get used to it, and I don’t let myself do anything dumb when I see an ant anymore. But it took time.”

Fluttershy nodded sympathetically. “That must have been terrible for you.”

He shrugged. “Well, it was a long time ago, and it doesn’t bother me as much anymore. It still does bug me though.” he grinned.

Fluttershy smiled slightly at the weak pun, and the two of them were silent for a while. “What did you mean when you said you make lots of bad decisions, Johnathon? You seem like you’re very careful to think things through. I can’t imagine you being thoughtless.”

The archeologist smiled wryly. “Oh, I have plenty of flaws. I make bad decisions sometimes because I’m overconfident, or because I’m angry. Frankly, I make horrible decisions when I’m angry. I’m not terribly careful when I get impatient either.”

Fluttershy blinked. “I’ve never seen you get angry, Johnathon. You seem so calm all the time!”

The man smiled softly, a little sad. “I’ve learned how to be calm, to stay calm. A lot of it is due to my martial arts training. A lot is because I don’t like myself when I’m angry. When I was young, I did things I still regret because of my anger. I try not to let it get the better of me nowadays.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I did silly things when I was a little filly too. I think most ponies do.”

Johnathon chuckled. “I expect so.” he smiled at her, and put a hand lightly on her shoulder. “You and your friends are still learning about how to be an adult. It takes a while, but you’re all really amazing ponies. I wish I had been half as together as you and your friends are when I was your age.”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “You’re not THAT old.”

He grinned. “I’m ancient! Over the hill in fact!” he pulled on a lock of hair near his temple. “See all these grey hairs?”

Fluttershy smiled. “Now you’re just being silly.”

Johnathon grinned. “Maybe a little.” he sighed. “My last night here…”

Fluttershy sighed as well, then smiled, hiding her eyes behind her hair shyly. “Maybe I could add a room?”

Johnathon chuckled. “Now you’re just teasing.”

She stuck out her tongue. “Maybe a little.”

Chapter 10

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The next day was a busy one. After breakfast, Johnathon headed over to Twilight Sparkle's home to get the translation spell renewed. He stayed several hours, studying the fundamentals of magic in Equestria. It wasn't so much that he felt like he could help Twilight with her research, as that it was such a fascinating subject. Nevertheless, after only a few hours, he was pretty sure that he was nearing the limits of what he could learn on the subject without any ability of his own. He had errands to run in any case, so he excused himself and walked into town to see about getting furniture for his room at Cheerilee's home. Mostly, he wanted a nice chair and a desk to work at. The desk wasn't difficult, as the average pony tables and desks were at a comfortable height for a human sitting in a chair. But of course, it was a chair he was missing.

Johnathon went to every furniture store in town, which included a store for bedrooms, one that sold nothing but couches and quills for some odd reason, and an actual furniture store. Nothing was quite right. There were a few chairs that would be comfortable... if perhaps a bit larger than he was looking for, but nothing that would fit under a desk so he could sit and write. He finally settled for one that he could at least sit and read in comfortably, and asked the ponies at the store to have it at Cheerilee's house at around five that afternoon.

The ponies he dealt with were nervous but polite around him, although their moods tended to thaw quiet a bit when he brought out the bag of bits Twilight had given him. Heading into the center of town for the town market, however, was a different story.

As he entered the busy market square, a hush passed over the crowd from one side to the other as everypony caught sight of him. Everyone was frozen for a long moment, wondering what the human might do, when a loud, cheerful voice rang out, breaking the silence as clearly as ringing a bell.

"Why howdy, Johnathon!" Applejack said with a pleased expression from her apple stand. "Come to buy some apples?"

Johnathon sighed in relief as the crowd started to move again, and life returned to the city square. "In fact, yes." he said as he crossed the road to her stand. "Your apples are fantastic. Better than anything I used to get back home." he told her honestly, reaching her stand and looking around the various types of apples she had for sale with interest. "I think I'll take half a dozen today." he told her with a nod. "I'm moving into Miss Cheerilee's place, and I thought I'd bring some groceries with me." he said with a grin. "I don't have much in the way of luggage, after all."

Applejack blinked. "Moving in with Miss Cheerilee? I thought you were living with Fluttershy?" she narrowed her eyes a bit. "Did you two have a fight?"

Johnathon shook his head quickly. "Oh no. It's just that her cottage is a little small for the two of us, and, frankly, most of her animals don't like me very much. I've been missing having a bit of privacy as well. You know, having my own room? It does look like I'm going to be staying a while, you know."

Applejack nodded. "Makes sense, I guess." she looked up at him, looking slightly cross. "You could have asked us! We do have some extra space down at the farm, you know."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, my first thought was to ask the Mayor if there was any pony wanting to rent a room, and Cheerilee's name came up. If I'd known you had room, I'd have asked you first." he smiled. "But honestly, I think Cheerilee and me will get along fine."

Applejack frowned, looking at him sidewise, then grinned. "Well, I guess you two do have a bit in common, being scholarly types and all. Applebloom told me how Cheerilee helped you with your writing... stuff..." she shrugged. "And I suppose, if you're not used to it, it might get a bit much, waking with the roosters every morning on a farm."

Johnathon grinned. "Well, I sometimes do tend to stay up pretty late, but I have lived on a farm before, you know."

Applejack nodded. "Oh yeah, you did say." she looked curious. "So, when are you going to come down and visit us at the farm? Not that I'm holding you to helping out or nothing... but Applebloom likes listening to your stories an' all."

"I'll try and come by tomorrow." he told her. "Trust me, it's on my list. But I've still got to pick up my new clothes from Rarity, and move into Cheerilee's place today." he glanced around at the busy market. "And food shopping." he picked out six apples from Applejack, paid her, and, borrowing a basket, started making his way around the rest of the market stalls.

Johnathon carried his purchases to Rarity's place, as Cheerilee wasn't due home for several more hours, and walked into the boutique, arms full of produce. He set his baskets down just in time to catch the piece of fabric that seemed to be about to attack him.

"What's this?" he held what appeared to be a blue teeshirt with 'The Wonderbolts!' written across it and an image of a pegasus with a yellow mane wearing a dark blue bodysuit and goggles on it. "Ah...." he blinked. "Er... Rarity?"

The white unicorn was frowning to herself, and her horn glowed, causing the shirt to fit itself against his chest as if she was holding it there. "Mmm hmm?" she said with a distracted expression.

"When I said I would like a teeshirt, I didn't actually mean one with a picture on it... just a plain solid color would have been fine." he blinked. "Er... where did you get the image, anyway? Don't tell me you did this yourself?"

Rarity blinked. "What?" she shook her head. "Oh no, I simply purchased one from the market yesterday. Some pony was selling Wonderbolt merchandise, and I thought, if I AM going to do a... teeshirt..." she said the word with mild disdain. "I might as well do one right." she shrugged. "I just altered it to fit your measurements."

Johnathon glanced down at the shirt. "Well... it does look like it will fit." he said with a raised eyebrow.

Rarity frowned. "I don't know. It looks a bit big. Try it on!"

Johnathon agreeably pulled the colorful shirt on over his own collared shirt, and turned around for her. "I like it." he said with a grin. "I don't really know who the Wonderbolts are... but it's not a bad picture."

Rarity was shaking her head. "Oh my no, as I thought, it's too big."

Johnathon grinned. "That's hardly a problem. It's a little big on me, but it'll be quite comfortable. It doesn't have to be form fitting, after all."

Rarity frowned. "Well, if you like it, I suppose that's what matters. I'd like to try again, however, if you don't mind."

Johnathon shook his head. "I could use more than one, certainly." he held up a finger as he spoke. "Although, honestly, they don't have to have pictures on them. I'd be just as happy, happier, with something in a solid color. Blue is nice... a nice shade of red... or dark green?"

Rarity nodded thoughtfully. "The pattern is simple enough. Wait a moment, and I'll whip them up for you."

Johnathon blinked. "Wait a moment?" he repeated.

Rarity's horn glowed again, brighter this time, and fabrics, measuring tape, and scissors floated from various places around the room. Her eyes grew intent as she worked with a speed Johnathon could scarcely credit. In under two minutes, the first one was done. He leaned against a wall and watched in fascination. This was magic... like something out of a movie. Mary Poppins, or... Cinderella. He had teleported with the princess, seen Twilight levitating multiple objects simultaneously, and he had seen Rarity working before, but when she wasn't distracted by other thoughts, when she had a clear goal in mind, her talent was breathtaking.

When she was done, he clapped, slow but with a genuine smile on his face. "Just... wow, Rarity. You should charge admission. Your skill is truly amazing."

Rarity was blushing slightly. "Oh go on...." she said with a demure smile. She waited a moment. "Well? Go ahead, tell me more!"

Johnathon chuckled. "You're every bit as modest as I am, my dear. Perhaps even more so!"

She chuckled. "Well, you do know how to flatter a lady." she winked. "I do know I can be a bit of a Deva, but were you serious? Did you really like watching me work that much?"

Johnathon grinned at her. "Honestly, I could watch you for hours." he shrugged. "But unfortunately, I do have a few more things to take care of today before it gets too late."

Rarity nodded. "Well, let me get you your first pair of pants. I finished them last night, but I want to make sure they fit properly before you go!" Rarity had a dressing room, which Johnathon used to change into some of the clothing Rarity had created, and he patiently allowed her to take measurements and make adjustments here and there while she made sure that the first pair of pants she had ever created actually fit as they were supposed to. It took nearly half an hour before she was finally satisfied, but compared to what he had originally expected, it was a short and mercifully painless experience.

Seeing how much he had already been carrying when he came in, Rarity loaned Johnathon a set of saddlebags, in which he stowed his groceries and new clothes. The man put the bags over his shoulder and headed for the door.

Rarity frowned slightly as he was opening the door to go. "Hmm... well now, what's wrong with this picture?" she tilted her head to one side slightly and looked thoughtful. "Johnathon, dear, tell me, what sort of bag would be more comfortable for you? I was thrown off for a moment, as you seem familiar with that bag, but it's not really suited for your... frame, now is it?"

Johnathon grinned. "Well, I've carried saddlebags like this before... I did have horses on my farm, after all, but yes, a satchel, or backpack is more convenient."

Rarity wrinkled her nose. "A backpack?"

Johnathon blinked. "You know... I'll have to draw you one sometime. They're a bit difficult to describe simply."

Rarity nodded. "Very well, I suppose it will have to wait."

Johnathon shook his head. "I don't get it. Not that I don't appreciate it, but why are you so eager to help me? Every time you see that I need something, you want to make it for me."

Rarity blinked. "Well... I just... I can imagine what it must be like, being away from everything familiar to you, with no possessions of your own. I simply could not allow you to remain so destitute!" she smiled. "Besides, dear, working on designs for you has inspired me! I've had dozens of ideas in the last few days alone! One of them is sure to take the fashion world by storm, I'm certain!"

Johnathon smiled. "Well, I hope so. Regardless, I really do appreciate it."

Carrying his load, Johnathon headed toward Cheerilee's home, and was pleasantly surprised to see the teacher waiting for him outside. "Hello Johnathon, I saw you coming from the kitchen window!" the purple pony said pleasantly. "Can I help you with anything?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, I have some groceries, so show me where things go in the kitchen. I've got some new clothes here, and a couple pieces of furniture... and I need to go back to Fluttershy's place for the rest of my stuff...."

Cheerilee trotted to the door and opened it for him. "You seem to have been busy today!" she commented cheerfully.

After putting his groceries away in the kitchen, and his new clothing away in the closet of his room, Johnathon headed back to Fluttershy's cottage. Cheerilee remained behind to keep an eye out for the ponies delivering his furniture.

When he got back to Fluttershy's home, the yellow pegasus was collecting eggs from her hen house. "Oh Johnathon." she said with a slightly sad expression. "I suppose you are here to pick up your things?"

Johnathon sighed. "Yeah, looks like this is it. I'm pretty much all moved into Cheerilee's place now." he met her in front of her front door, then knelt down and gave her a hug. "I'll visit." he promised. "We'll see each other all the time, I expect."

She smiled softly. "It is a small town."

He nodded, then chewed on his lower lip, as if thinking. "Actually... I've been wondering... could you help me out with something?"

Fluttershy looked curious. "What is it, Johnathon?"

The archeologist shrugged, looking a little embarrassed. "Well... I'm really dying to see Cloudsdale sometime... but I have no idea if it would even be possible for me. Do you think, if we can figure out how to do it, you might come with me?"

Fluttershy smiled happily and nodded. "Of course, Johnathon! I'd love to!"

He grinned. "Thanks, Fluttershy. I'll be a lot happier with a friend along." Fluttershy blushed slightly, hiding behind her hair again, but looking pleased. Johnathon impulsively brushed her hair back with one hand. "You don't have to be so shy around me, Fluttershy. We're friends now, right?"

She nodded slowly, blushing slightly harder. "Yes." she nodded again, firmly. "Yes, yes we are." she smiled. "Maybe we can visit Rainbow Dash's house tomorrow? I bet we can borrow Twilight's balloon, and I can pull you."

Johnathon grinned. "Absolutely, if you have the time. How about I come by after lunch some time? Around... oh, three?"

Fluttershy nodded. "It's a date." Johnathon's eyebrow rose at that, and she winced slightly. "Er... a friend date, because we're friends!" she explained quickly, looking slightly panicked. Johnathon opened his mouth as if to speak, looking slightly confused, and raised a finger as if to ask a question, then closed his mouth, frowning slightly. Fluttershy stumbled on quickly, still slightly panicked. "Not that you're not a very nice human, but of course you're a human and I'm a pegasus... and..."

The archeologist's eyes went a little wide at this, and he held up a hand to stop her, shaking his head slowly. "Fluttershy, I get the idea. Seriously, I knew what you meant. We're friends, we're going to meet to go someplace fun together, AS friends... it's a date. Not a romantic date. I never thought anything else."

Fluttershy blushed again, hard, laying on the ground and putting her hooves over her face. "I'm an idiot." she mumbled softly.

Johnathon reached down to pat the top of her head softly. "Not at all." he pulled his hand away. "Actually, it's probably my fault. I've been a bit too personal with the physical displays of affection. I didn't mean to give the wrong impression." he scratched the back of his head with a perplexed look. "I apologize if this sounds weird... but... did you actually think I might have had romantic feelings for you?"

Fluttershy hesitated, peeking out from behind her hooves. "Er... no? I mean... maybe? I mean... I didn't know?" she shook her head. "I've never known a human before, and... well, I didn't want to insult you or anything...."

Johnathon shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I'm surprised we haven't had more weird moments, being from different worlds and all. I just never really considered that anypony might think I was... er... interested in them."

Fluttershy groaned softly and hid her face again. "I wasn't really thinking that... only you hugged me, and... moved my mane out of my eyes, and just for a second I wondered if you could possibly... but of course that's silly.... and...." she sighed. "I'm just making this more and more awkward, aren't I."

Johnathon chuckled. "It is a bit awkward, huh?" he sad down in front of her, and took a deep breath. "Well, heck with it. We've broached the subject now. Damn the torpedoes, I'm going in."

Fluttershy blinked and looked confused. "Er.. what?"

Johnathon shook his head. "Just an expression. I mean, let's talk about this."

Fluttershy grimaced slightly. "Do we have to?"

He laughed. "Not if you really don't want to, but we've already gone and embarrassed ourselves, we might as well make things clear." his face softened. "And, frankly, since you've brought it up, I'd like to make sure I can avoid this sort of misunderstanding in the future... weird as it is."

Fluttershy sniffed slightly, halfway between a laugh and a sigh. "Well, if it'll help."

Johnathon nodded. "It just might." he started to speak, stopped, then, taking a breath, tried again. "OK... I'm going to make some assumptions, and you tell me if I'm right or wrong." he wrinkled his nose. "And please, if I say something stupid, just tell me." he made a circular gesture with his right hand. "You have... lots of different sentient races on your world, right? I mean... I know of Dragons, Pegasus, Earth Ponies, Unicorns... and... Griffons, at least. Are there more?"

Fluttershy blinked. "Well, you met Zecora... so Zebras too. And Donkeys, and Cows, and Goats, and Minotaurs, and..." she hesitated. "Well, quite a few more, although not many live in Equestria."

Johnathon nodded. "Equestria is just one part of the world right? There are lots of other areas." Fluttershy nodded, and Johnathon blinked. "Cows? Huh." he shook his head, ignoring that. "Anyway... I've read a lot of fiction... fantasy... science fiction, and the idea that there are other sentient races is pretty much universal, but on my world, humans are the only ones." Fluttershy nodded slowly, and he continued. "Inter-species romance is something you find in our fiction.... although usually only between species that are pretty similar, physically." he shrugged. "I guess I'm asking, is there romance between different species on your world?"

Fluttershy hesitated, then nodded. "We have stories like that as well, Johnathon, and mostly they're just stories, but there are occasionally romances between species that aren't really physically... er... compatible." she was trying to stay detached, but Johnathon could tell she was having to make an effort to do it. "I... er... I probably shouldn't tell you this, but Spike actually has a bit of a crush on Rarity."

Johnathon blinked. "What... really?"

Fluttershy giggled softly. "Everypony knows about it... he's not very subtle. It's actually kind of sweet. I think even Rarity knows how he feels, although she pretends not to notice."

Johnathon shook his head. "Huh." he looked thoughtful. "I guess it does make a certain amount of sense. I mean, he's been raised by unicorns, right? He's been with Twilight since he was a baby. I guess he's never been around his own kind."

Fluttershy nodded. "That's true." she sighed. "I'm afraid he's just going to have his poor heart broken someday, but dragons do take a very long time to mature. It's just as likely that by the time he's old enough to have anything more than a crush he'll have grown out of it."

Johnathon shook his head again. "Well now... I guess that answers my question." he raised an eyebrow. "How common is it, exactly?"

Fluttershy giggled slightly. "Well, there are a lot of more romance novels about it then actual relationships, I think." she hesitated. "Well, relationships between the different kinds of ponies is a bit more common. It's not unheard of for a pegasus and an earth pony, or a unicorn, or any of the three to... er... have a relationship." she blushed slightly. "My grandmother had an earth pony sister, actually. Apparently her mother's mother had a relationship with an earth pony, and every once in a while a filly is born in my family who is all earth pony." she looked thoughtful. "Maybe that's why I'm so comfortable on the ground? And I do seem to have a knack with animals."

Johnathon nodded. "Well, that actually makes a lot of sense." he smiled at her. "Thanks for explaining, Fluttershy. I was bound to put my foot in my mouth sometime, so I'm glad it was you I... er... embarrassed first." Fluttershy's eyes went wide, and he explained. "I mean... I couldn't think of a pony more understanding. I'd hate to have blurted out something stupid in front of the Princess, for example!"

Fluttershy shivered. "Oh my... that would be bad." she hesitated. "Although the Princess IS very nice. I mean... Pinkie Pie once grabbed a cupcake right off of her hoof at a party and ate it, and the Princess wasn't mad at all!"

Johnathon chuckled. "Pinkie Pie is always going to be... Pinkie Pie, I expect. I've never met a more... irrepressible pony... or human for that matter. She's quite the character."

Fluttershy smiled softly. "She's so silly sometimes, but that's just part of who she is."

Johnathon nodded. "Well... now that the awkward part is over... would you like to walk me to Cheerilee's house? I'll make you dinner again, if you like?"

Fluttershy nodded slowly. "OK. That sounds... nice." she hesitated. "So... just to be sure, you're really not interested in any pony?"

Johnathon shook his head. "No. You and your friends... well, you're great. And I'm already made a lot of friends here, but I'm pretty sure that my... er... romantic interests will always be towards members of my own species." he shrugged with a slight grin. "Well, unless you know any cute angel girls?"

Fluttershy looked confused. "Er... aren't those the evil statue things from your story?"

Johnathon blinked, then shuddered. "Oh, ick." he laughed. "Angels are... er... well, it depends on what you believe, but they are supposed to look like humans with wings." he shrugged. "It was just a joke. I mean, since you have pegasi here as well as regular ponies without wings... I just thought, if a human girl had wings, it wouldn't put me off dating them."

Fluttershy blinked, then giggled. "Oh, I see." she shook her head. "I'm sorry, no angels." she raised an eyebrow. "What about a human female with a horn?"

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "Well... maybe. There was a science fiction story about humanoid unicorns that I liked..." he grinned. "Well, if you see any, let me know. Who knows? Stranger things have already happened to me." he hesitated. "Wait... you were joking, right?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Yes." she admitted, then giggled again. "So... I should keep an eye out for female creatures that walk on two legs, and have hands?"

Johnathon chuckled. "At the minimum, yes, although I expect my luck on your world is going to be pretty bad in that area."

Fluttershy looked thoughtful. "Well, Diamond dogs have hands and walk on their hind legs." she saw the incredulous look on the man's face and giggled. "I'm just kidding."

Johnathon rolled his eyes. "Seriously. Unless I meet a creature that's as much like me as Earth ponies and Unicorns are to you, romance is probably not on the menu." he shrugged. "Of course, even if there is another human woman... or something very similar someplace on your world, the odds are pretty good that we'll have nothing in common otherwise." he shrugged. "I mean, I'm kind of picky about my girls. I'm not just interested in any pretty face."

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Johnathon nodded seriously. "Really. I may have married the first girl who I really dated seriously, but it wasn't casual. There were a few others I might have pursued, but... not many, and the first one that I really liked, and who liked me? Well, I didn't even meet her till I was in my thirties. I never even really dated before that."

Fluttershy blinked. "Is that normal for humans?"

He shook his head. "Not really. I guess I was kind of shy growing up... and when I was older, I got really focused on my studies. I went on a few dates... but never a second date. I just didn't meet the right one for a long time."

Fluttershy nodded slowly. "I haven't found the right one either. Sometimes it feels like the good stallions are all taken."

Johnathon nodded sympathetically. "It does seem that way sometimes." as they walked through the now quiet town, Johnathon glanced at the yellow pegasus. "Fluttershy, was I crossing a line earlier? I mean, hugging you, and patting your head and all."

Fluttershy shook her head. "No. I didn't mind. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions, even if only for a second, but no, hugging is fine between friends." she smiled at him. "I like hugs."

He grinned. "Me too." they walked in a comfortable silence for awhile. The evening air was pleasant, and the moon was rising slowly, and neither of them felt the need to speak. As they were almost to Cheerilee's home, however, Johnathon thought of something. "So... how many of those... inter-species romance novels have you read, anyway?"


Cheerilee wanted to ask why Fluttershy kept blushing during dinner, but was too polite to ask until the shy pegasus had left for home. "Well, thank you for fixing dinner, Johnathon." she said after Fluttershy had said her good byes. "I've never had a baked potato before! It certainly was... interesting!"

Johnathon shrugged. "It's one of my favorites, but I can't expect you to share my tastes. We're different species, after all."

Cheerilee smiled at him. "Well, it wasn't bad. Different is not always bad, after all. I do like being able to try new things, however, so don't hesitate if you want to show me a few more of the dishes from your world sometime."

Johnathon nodded. "I won't feel insulted if you don't like something, but I'll be happy to cook once in a while." he grinned at her. "There are quite a few pony dishes that I don't care for in the least myself. I'm assured that a daffodil sandwich is delicious, but I highly doubt I'll ever develop a taste for them."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "It might be a good idea to let you have a cupboard or two in the kitchen for your own food. You won't want to go shopping every single day, after all."

The archeologist nodded. "I was thinking that as well. Good idea."

Cheerilee hesitated, then asked. "May I ask what Fluttershy was blushing about when you two got here?"

Johnathon chuckled, then shook his head. "You'll have to ask her. I said I wouldn't talk about it."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow at that, then sighed. "Ah well." she peered at him over the kitchen table. "What if I guess?"

Johnathon laughed. "You must really want something to gossip about."

Cheerilee giggled lightly. "You caught me." she shrugged slightly. "Actually to be honest, Fluttershy is a little famous around here."

Johnathon looked at her thoughtfully. "You know... I really do love this town. You have six ponies here that have saved the world, what is it now, twice...."

Cheerilee blinked. "Yes, that's true...." she looked slightly puzzled, then shook her head.

Johnathon nodded, not really noticing the strange expression on the school teacher's face. "And you treat them like any pony else."

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "Well, to be honest, most of them grew up here, so everypony already knows them quite well... but...." she shrugged. "Well, it wouldn't be right to make them feel like they're not part of our town, so we make an effort to treat them as normally as possible." she frowned slightly, as if something was still bothering her, but it was hardly noticeable to the archeologist, who was still lost in his own thoughts.

Johnathon pointed at her. "And that's why I love it here! I mean... I can't imagine any... any ponies like them being living in a small town and not being bothered...."

Cheerilee nodded, again. "Well, it really is a nice town, although I'm a bit prejudiced, of course." she frowned slightly, as if something had just occurred to her. "Although, to be honest, I have wondered a bit about how little recognition those six have gotten. Rarity has had a bit of notoriety due to her fashion designs, and for a while, Fluttershy was extremely popular...." she smiled, changing the subject. "Can you believe that shy little thing was a famous model for awhile?"

Johnathon blinked. "Really? Wow! I had no idea."

Cheerilee nodded. "She just gave it up... only a few weeks after it began. But it's strange. Aside from being praised for their... well, ordinary successes...." she raised a hoof and gestured with it. "Like the award Applejack got for stopping a stampede that would have gone right through town last year... no one really mentions the really incredible things they've done. I mean, I don't mind that our little town isn't overrun with press wanting to talk to the ponies that saved the world... but...." she shook her head. "It's strange that there never has been any real press about it."

Johnathon blinked. "That does sound strange. I mean... it would be extremely odd on my world, anyway."

Cheerilee hesitated. "Well... I'll be honest. It is a little odd here as well. It's not like it was a secret, after all. It's almost like..." she frowned. "It couldn't be... could it?"

"Magic." Johnathon finished the thought for her. "It's almost like magic. Like someone wanted Twilight and her friends to be able to have normal lives. Someone powerful enough to make it so that everypony treats them normally."

Cheerilee blinked. "Do you really think that...?" she didn't seem to be able to continue.

"That Princess Celestia might do something like that?" Johnathon frowned. "I think she just might, actually." he shook his head. "Not that I disapprove. Not at all." he sighed. "But... perhaps we shouldn't mention this particular thought to anypony else."

Cheerilee frowned. "Why not? It IS strange that the girls haven't been recognized as the heroes they are. Everypony should honor them, shouldn't they?"

Johnathon frowned. "Honor? Yes, I agree. But I think that allowing them to live their lives as normally as possible, well... that might be the best reward they could have. Fame can be rather destructive."

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "Yes, I suppose so." she frowned. "But why haven't I ever thought about this before now? I mean... I've always known that they saved the world, but until you brought it up, I... never really wondered about why they weren't more famous."

Johnathon hesitated. "Perhaps it's because I'm from another world? If there is some sort of magic to make Twilight and the others less famous, well, maybe it doesn't effect me because I wasn't here when it was... cast?" he shrugged. "I have no idea... well, not much of one, I HAVE been studying magic recently." he frowned. "But the magic required... it had to be enormous!" he shook his head. "On the other hand, I keep underestimating magic on this world. Every time I think it can't do something, I find out I'm wrong."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "I can't imagine what it must be like for you. You grew up in a world with no magic! Even here in Ponyville, we're always aware of it. Every filly growing up learns about magic. It's just part of our world."

Johnathon shrugged. "I'm adapting, slowly but surely. I'm still really just... suspending my disbelief. I'm not going to say any of the things I've heard about aren't real, but it won't be until I see them that I'll really, truly believe in them." he grinned. "I'm planning on going to Cloudsdale as soon as I can manage it. If anything will shock me into really believing... heart as well as head, in magic, that place ought to do it, if it's halfway as magical as I've heard."

Cheerilee nodded. "I've heard stories, although I've never seen it myself." she sighed, looking a little jealous. "Are you really going to go there?"

Johnathon nodded. "I'll find a way. I can't imagine leaving your world without seeing it at least once."

The purple school teacher looked interested. "Have you made any progress on finding a way home?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, Twilight is the only one who can say for sure. She's got a lot of ideas, and some good leads, I think, but she's the expert. It does seem like it could take a good long while, though. And there is no certainty. It is very possible I may never get to go home."

Cheerilee looked surprised. "Pardon me, Johnathon, but you don't seem sad about that."

He sighed. "Oh, I'm worried about my folks, and my son... my co-workers, and my friends, but...." he shrugged. "Well, if I had to be stuck in another dimension, I think I could have done a lot worse. This world seems... quite peaceful, and you all have been very welcoming." he smiled slightly. "I won't be terribly unhappy, I think."


After cleaning up the dishes, they said their good nights, and Johnathon went to his new room. His desk and chair had arrived, and he took a few minutes adjusting them to his satisfaction. He couldn't use the desk from the chair very well, but he found that if he pulled the desk up next to the bed, he could sit on that and reach it easily enough.

"Not perfect, but it'll do." he decided, then flopped down on his bed.

"Did Celestia really cast some sort of spell to keep her world from recognizing Twilight and the others as the heroes that saved their world?" he frowned. "Well, it must be more subtle then that. Its more like ponies know it, but don't act on it." he shivered slightly. "I can't imagine the power required. I'm starting to wonder if she really can raise the sun and moon?" He frowned. "And if she really has cast some sort of mind spell on this whole world... or at least the part of it that Twilight and her friends live... isn't that... wrong?"

He frowned. "She's a tyrant. But is a benevolent tyrant really such a bad thing? Still, I should be more careful. I can't see Princess Celestia simply allowing me to undermine her, even accidentally." he sat up. "Damn."

Johnathon moved through the house to Cheerilee's bedroom, and, after a moment's hesitation, knocked on the door. "Hello? Cheerilee?"

Cheerilee's voice came back through the door, sounding surprised. "Yes Johnathon?" she paused. "Oh, please come in!"

He opened the door to see her sitting up in bed. "Sorry to disturb you, I just..." he hesitated. "I was serious when I said I don't think we should bring up the subject... you know, about Twilight and her friends. Not to anypony."

Cheerilee looked curious. "Well, I don't have a problem with it, but why, exactly?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, for one, there isn't any point behind ruining their lives, and well, if there is a spell protecting them, we shouldn't break it."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "And you think talking about it would break it?"

Johnathon shrugged. "It's a guess, but.... well, how do you feel about Twilight Sparkle and the others now that we've talked about them?"

Cheerilee frowned. "Well... hmm." she blushed slightly. "Oh my. I suppose I do feel a bit nervous about the next time I talk to them for some reason." she frowned deeper. "Oh."

Johnathon sighed. "Damn. It is a spell."

Cheerilee looked disturbed. "I... I think it just might be." she looked at him. "What should we do?"

Johnathon shrugged. "My suggestion is, nothing. It is my fault that the spell is gone for you, but... is it our place to ruin those six ponies' lives?"

Cheerilee looked troubled. "But... Johnathon, this means that Princess Celestia really did cast a spell to effect how every pony feels! That... I don't know how to feel about that."

Johnathon sighed. "And that's my fault as well, I think."

Cheerilee was quiet for a long time, and the archeologist waited for her to think things through. "I have never considered not trusting Princess Celestia. Everypony loves her, and I always have as well." she frowned. "I still trust her... but... I don't like what I've found out."

Johnathon sighed. "Cheerilee. I don't think the Princess means anypony harm. I'm certain she doesn't, in fact." he shrugged. "Maybe we should just... trust her."

Cheerilee looked upset. "I wish you hadn't...." she lowered her head, then shook it. "No... I won't blame you for this. You didn't do anything but ask some innocent questions. You didn't even bring up the subject!" she sighed. "And you're right, I'm sure that the Princess does not mean us harm. I just wish that... she didn't need to do... what she did. What she obviously felt she had to do."

Johnathon frowned. "We could be wrong, you know? It could be something, somepony else. Maybe something to do with the Elements of Harmony themselves!" he shrugged. "I don't know... they're supposed to be incredibly powerful, ancient magical artifacts... who knows how they really work?"

Cheerilee blinked, and smiled slightly. "That's true." she sighed. "But... now I want to know for certain. I'm not sure if I will ever be truly completely content without knowing the answer."

Johnathon hesitated. "This is my fault, Cheerilee. Let me try and figure it out."

Cheerilee shrugged and smiled at him. "I wouldn't know where to start, myself." she nodded. "But you're right. We shouldn't mention this to anypony else. Even if it's some sort of effect of the Elements... and nopony did it on purpose, I can't see what good it would do to worry anypony else about it."

Johnathon nodded. "And... in case there is something to worry about... we do know, and if we have to, we can say something."

Cheerilee grimaced. "Johnathon, did you just involve me in an adventure? Please tell me you did not just involve me in an adventure."

Johnathon shrugged. "Er.... I hope I didn't?" He rolled his eyes. "I'm starting to think I've got a curse."

Cheerilee looked worried. "Really?"

Johnathon nodded seriously. "Ancient curse from my world. May you live in interesting times!"

Cheerilee blinked. "May you live in interesting times?" she shook her head. "Why is that a curse?"

Johnathon grinned. "Just think about it for a moment."

Cheerilee did, and the color slowly faded from her face. "Oh." she glared at him. "Oh great, and it's contagious!" she held the glare for several long seconds, before they both started to laugh, louder and louder, unable to stop.

When Johnathon finally managed to get himself under control, tears leaking from his eyes, he shook his head, one last strained chuckle forcing itself out as he did so. "Sorry Cheerilee. I guess we're cursed." he grinned at her. "At least it'll be interesting!"

Chapter 11

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Johnathon was woken that morning by the sunlight coming in through his bedroom window. He groaned softly, and rolled over, but it was just too bright now to get back to sleep. After struggling futilely against the inevitable for awhile, he gave up, and swung his legs out of bed, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"New curtains." he told himself. "I need to get some new, darker curtains." he yawned, still feeling tired. He had made it to bed early enough, but his worry had kept him up for hours. What was he going to do about his suspicion that some sort of enormous spell had caused all of Equestria to, essentially, ignore what Twilight Sparkle and her friends had done in order to save the world? He wasn't any sort of magic user, it wasn't like he could break the spell. At least, not all at once. He had inadvertently discovered that simply by bringing the subject up in conversation, he could break the effect on whoever he was talking to... or at least, it seemed that way. But there was no way to test his theory without subjecting more ponies to the same worry he and Cheerilee now faced. He sighed and got dressed, heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Cheerilee was already in the kitchen, and she nodded to him with a polite smile. "Good Morning, Johnathon, what were you planning on doing today?"

The lanky, brown-haired human shrugged. "Well, I've been planning on visiting Applejack on her farm. I offered to help out there if I could. I'd like to feel at least a little useful, and I have worked on a farm before."

Cheerilee looked slightly surprised. "Oh? I thought you might want to continue working on creating a primer for your native language, Johnathon. You seemed so intent on it the other day!"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, I would if I could. I'm not sure yet how it'll help, but at the time, it seemed like a good idea."

Cheerilee nodded enthusiastically. "I think it was an excellent idea! I'm sure there are quite a few ponies that would be interested in learning your language!" she blinked. "What do you mean, you would if you could? Why can't you?"

Johnathon frowned. "I can't remember anything from my language while Twilight's translation spell is working. It... well, it exchanges one for the other. I can speak Equestrian now, but not English." he looked puzzled. "Why do you think any pony would want to learn my language? I mean, there is only one person on this world who speaks it... me!"

Cheerilee blinked. "Well, there aren't a huge amount of different languages on our world, it's true, but I'm sure there are pony linguists that would jump at the chance to learn something no pony has ever spoken. Don't you think?"

Johnathon frowned. "I wonder. I suppose it's not entirely outside the realm of possibility."

Cheerilee looked curious. "So... the spell that allows you to speak Equestrian makes you forget your own language? That's very peculiar."

Johnathon sighed. "And a bit frustrating, because it means I can't really learn your language the hard way with the spell working. At least I don't see how. So either I can barely communicate for... months at least while I learn your language, or I rely on Twilight's spell for my stay here, but will always be dependent on it!" he sighed. "Not that it's not a very useful spell, but... it's really tempting just to let her keep casting it on me. I'm really bad with new languages. It takes me forever to learn even the basics."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Well, I don't know about that. You seemed to be doing all right the other night! Even though you were so focused on writing down your own language, you picked up quite a lot." she looked thoughtful. "Actually, I can remember quite a bit of yours as well." she pointed at her clock, and said a word that sounded strange in his ears, but vaguely familiar at the same time. "That means clock, right?" she asked him.

Johnathon blinked. "Er... maybe? I couldn't really tell." he frowned. "Wonderful. You speak more English that I do right now."

Cheerilee hesitated. "Well, if you wanted to try learning our language the hard way, I'd be willing to teach you. Especially if you wanted to finish compiling a translation of your own language!" she blushed. "I... er... well, I was thinking I could write a paper on it, and submit it to the royal university in Canterlot for publication." she looked a bit guilty. "So, I can't say my motives are altruistic, but...."

Johnathon blinked. "Actually, I'd... love to help you with that!" he said, smiling suddenly. "That's a wonderful idea!"

Cheerilee hesitated. "Really? I mean, you'd be willing?"

Johnathon nodded enthusiastically. "It's a great idea. And I really should learn your language. We can teach each other! It might even go faster that way." he grinned. "And this way, I won't feel guilty about you spending all your time teaching me."

Cheerilee smiled. "Well... alright then!" she looked genuinely pleased. "I've never done anything like this before... but it's always been a dream of mine to be able to give a lecture at a real university. I know I'm just a small town school teacher, and I do love my work, but it would be nice to gain the respect of my peers, just once."

Johnathon nodded agreeably. "I understand." he sighed. "Well then... I guess I'll have to tell Twilight that she won't need to renew her spell." he shook his head. "It's going to be tough. I've gotten used to being able to chat with you all so easily, going back to struggling for every word isn't going to be a lot of fun." he took a deep breath as if to steady himself. "But it really is a good idea, and I should stop using Twilight's magic as a crutch."

Cheerilee smiled. "Well, I'll try to help as much as I can." she frowned. "I do still have to teach school, but perhaps I can arrange for a substitute teacher once a week or so?" the purple pony shrugged and smiled at him. "Well, I'll make it work. I do have plenty of time off."

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "Maybe I could get Twilight to shorten how long her spell lasts, so that I can use it during school days?"

Cheerilee looked dubious. "Isn't that cheating?"

He shrugged. "Maybe... but, if you're not around to help me learn, I might as well be able to talk to everypony."

Cheerilee chuckled. "Somehow I think it's still cheating. Won't you learn faster if you have to use Equestrian for every conversation?"

The archeologist sighed. "You're right. I just hate... feeling dumb. And not being able to talk very well to people makes me feel pretty dumb."

She smiled gently. "No pony will judge you for it, Johnathon."

He shrugged. "I suppose not. You're right, of course, it would be better to do without the spell entirely." Johnathon grinned at her. "Maybe just for emergencies?"

"Translation emergencies?" Cheerilee said dubiously.

"Heh." he shrugged sheepishly. "Maybe not."

He got up from the table. "Well, I'm going to head over to Sweet Apple Acres now. I want to see what needs doing over there that I can help with before it gets too late. I've got a date with Fluttershy later, too..." he trailed off as Cheerilee's eyes went wide. "We're just friends! Not that kind of date!"

Cheerilee chuckled. "If you say so."

He rolled his eyes. "Anyway... she promised to give me a lift up to Rainbow Dash's home today. I've never seen a cloud house up close before."

Cheerilee blinked. "Isn't that... a bit dangerous? I mean... it's made of clouds! Won't you just fall right through it?" she winced slightly. "And it's so high up!" Cheerilee looked at him dubiously. "Can Fluttershy actually carry you that far? I mean, it's not that you're very heavy looking, but she's not known for being the strongest flyer."

Johnathon blinked. "Well, she did mention something about borrowing Twilight's balloon."

"Oh! I see." Cheerilee smiled and nodded. "Well, have fun then."

Johnathon glanced over at her. "Hey... would you like to come?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "Well... er...." She frowned. "Will there be room?"

Johnathon shrugged. "No idea. I can ask though."

Cheerilee looked uncertainly at him. "Well.... I'm not sure."

"Why not?" Johnathon asked curiously.

Cheerilee sighed. "Honestly, I'm a little afraid of heights. I've never been very high, but I get a little dizzy looking off the balcony on the top floor of city hall. I don't think I'd do very well in a balloon."

Johnathon smiled and put a hand on her shoulder lightly. "Alright. I'll tell you all about it when I get back then."

Cheerilee nodded with a smile. "I'd like that."


As he walked up the road to Sweet Apple Acres, wearing one of his new tee shirts and the tool belt he had gotten for his welcoming present, Johnathon heard a loud thump sound from ahead of him, followed by rustling and the faint sounds of many small impacts. He hurried forward to see Applejack nodding at three full baskets of apples sitting around a tree. She noticed him headed her way, and gave a wave with one of her front hooves.

"Howdy, Johnathon!" she called cheerfully. "Come to see how we do things here at the farm?"

"That's the plan." Johnathon told her agreeably. "I was hoping I could figure out a good way I could be useful around here... and I do know farm work."

Applejack grinned at him. "Well, let me show you around then!" she offered. "I was just applebucking."

The archeologist raised an eyebrow. "What does that mean, exactly?" he asked the cowpony. "I mean... bucking apples? I figure it must have something to do with harvesting them... but I couldn't quite figure it out."

Applejack chuckled. "Here, let me show you!" she walked over to a nearby Apple tree which had several empty baskets placed around it, turned her back on it, and neatly kicked the tree with both legs. The impact was impressive to say the least, and Johnathon watched in astonishment as every single apple visible on the tree tumbled down into the baskets, save a few that missed and rolled away.

Bending to scoop one of the few stray apples up, he whistled. "That's rather impressive." he looked at the trunk. "No damage either." Johnathon shook his head. "That must take a bit of practice to learn." he commented. "I mean, kicking it just right so that all the apples come down with a single blow? That can't be easy."

Applejack grinned and shrugged. "Tweren't nothin'. Farming apples is my special talent, ya know? It just comes natural."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you could do that the first time you tried it?"

Applejack chuckled. "Not hardly, but I was just a little filly. Still, I learned to buck apple trees proper when I was about Applebloom's age." she shrugged. "Maybe a few years older. It's just what I'm best at."

Johnathon glanced at another tree nearby with more baskets under it. "Mind if I try?"

Applejack chuckled. "Not a bit. Give 'er a good whack."

The archeologist took the gloves Rarity had made him from where he had tucked them into his tool belt and pulled them on as he walked over to the tree, then planted himself into a horse stance as he took in a deep breath. He let out the breath, then took another one slowly. When his lungs were full, he exhaled and struck the tree with his fist, turning his hip and stepping into the punch as he exhaled, twisting his fist as his arm reached full extension. He felt the blow through his knuckles, down his wrist, through his arm and down his body, all the way to the base of his rear foot. It was a good punch, his form had been just right.

The sound of his fist hitting the wood was a sharp snap, and he was pleasantly surprised to feel next to no pain from his knuckles. The tree shivered, and he caught sight of several apples falling out of the corner of his eye. He snapped a hand back to catch one, and narrowly missed it, then dove for it, catching it with both hands just as it would have reached the ground.

Applejack was standing back, looking mildly impressed. "Well... that was pretty darn good for a first try!" she said approvingly. "You brought down four apples with that one!" she walked up to the tree trunk and raised an eyebrow. "You've just got to use a bit more muscle, and a bit less speed." she nodded at the place he had hit. "You damaged the bark a mite, see? You've got to hit it with your whole body, see, but not like you're going to punch through the thing, you just wanna rattle it a wee bit." she demonstrated, whirling and kicking in one smooth, powerful motion that brought the rest of the apples in the tree down in a single shower.

Johnathon got back up, dropping his one rescued apple into the basket lightly. "Well... that was about as hard as I can hit, I think. I could hit softer, but I don't think I'd shake the tree enough."

Applejack shrugged. "Well, you get stronger as you go."

Johnathon grinned. "I'm sure." he shrugged. "I'll give it another try." he walked up to a fourth tree, and turned his right side to face it from about six feet away. He took one quick sidestep toward it, and kicked with his right leg, going straight out to one side and hitting squarely. The tree shook, and several apples fell. He reached out and just managed to catch one, and two others landed in baskets.

Applejack didn't even need to check, the sound had told her enough. "Now that's the way to buck a tree!" she said with a smile.

Johnathon chuckled. "I only got three apples that time."

The cowpony shrugged. "Well, you didn't damage the bark none that time, and you got some apples. You keep that up, and you'll be right useful around here."

Johnathon chuckled. "Perhaps, but I think I'll leave most of the actual bucking to you. Maybe I should go with my strengths?"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "And what would those be, if you don't mind me asking?"

The human raised his hands. "These. Extremely handy for picking things up, carrying things, and using tools!"

Applejack nodded thoughtfully. "Alright then. How about you empty the baskets into those carts over there, and put the empty ones down around the trees, and I'll do the bucking." Johnathon nodded agreeably, and they got to work. At first, Applejack had to show him the trick behind setting the baskets down around the trees so that the maximum amount of apples would fall into them, but when he had mastered that, she got to work with a vengeance.

It was hard work, and as the sun rose, he was soon soaked with sweat. Applejack seemed tireless, and even fresh he couldn't keep up with her. She paused several times to let him catch up, but when it became obvious he couldn't haul baskets as fast as she could buck, she started doing that as well. He pushed himself hard just to be able to carry one loaded basket to the cart for every basket she managed in between bucking trees, and he somehow sensed she was taking it easy so as not to shame him, but he kept at it.

There was no shame in being weaker than Applejack. He had known from their first meeting that the pony was far more powerful than he was. He had managed to hog tie her during their first meeting more through his greater experience than through anything else. After all, he'd wrestled his share of four legged creatures on his farm, while Applejack had never even seen a human before, must less tried to capture one. He somehow doubted that he'd come out the better in a second encounter, and was quite grateful, as he witnessed the earth pony's tireless strength and endurance, that it was very unlikely that the situation would come up.

They had finished filling three large carts and one wagon after a couple hours. Johnathon had stripped off his shirt about half way through, and as they filled the last cart to Applejack's satisfaction, he wiped at his brow to keep the sweat from stinging his eyes.

Applejack walked to the front of the line of carts, which were attached end to end like a small train, and backed in up in front of the lead one to harness herself in. Johnathon walked over, intending to offer to help strap her in, then watched in surprise as she lifted the belly strap with one hoof, and with what was obviously the ease of long practice, fastened the buckle with her teeth.

Johnathon blinked. "Wow... I guess hands are overrated."

Applejack blinked. "Eh? What now?"

He nodded at the buckle. "I'm impressed at how agile you ponies are with your hooves. I was going to offer to do that up for you, but obviously you don't have any trouble with that sort of thing.

Applejack blinked. "Oh, buckles and the sort?" she blinked, walking forward as she thought about it. "I suppose it's a mite hard at first, but I use this harness near every day. It's old hat now, if you get me."

Johnathon nodded. "Obviously." as they walked toward the barn, he puled his teeshirt on over his head. "Well, obviously I'm not going to be a lot of help apple-bucking." he said with a shrug. "Maybe there is something else around here I could help with?"

Applejack smiled at him. "Ya did fine for your first day. Heck, hardly no pony else can keep up with me when I'm working hard. Nothing to be shamed about."

Johnathon shrugged. "Oh, I'm not worried about keeping up with you Applejack, I doubt I'll ever manage that. Still, I expect there are other things I could do better. I'd wager I can use a hammer better than you."

Applejack raised an eyebrow with a grin. "Is that a bet?"

Johnathon shrugged, grinning back slightly. "Why, are you in the mood for a wager?"

Applejack looked thoughtful. "Maybe... what did you have in mind?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, do you have any repairs that need doing? I noticed your fence has some places that could use some work."

Applejack nodded. "Sure enough. You saying you can fix my fence faster than I could?"

The archeologist shrugged. "Anything's possible."

The cowpony snorted. "OK, this I have to see." she pulled the carts through the open door of her barn, and unfastened herself, leaving them inside in the shade. She headed toward a section of broken fencing. "OK, there's a broken board here... and another one up yonder. You think you can fix this one faster than I can handle the other?"

Johnathon grinned. "Only one way to find out."


Ten minutes later, Johnathon walked down to where Applejack was working on her section of fencing, holding a board in place with one hoof while placing a nail with her teeth. She gave the nail a good shove to place it, then picked up a hammer and swung, knocking the nail loose.

"Consarn it!" she glanced down to where he had been working. "Guess those hands of yours are good for something after all. I'm only about half finished here."

He shrugged. "Well, that, and I have fixed fencing before, PLENTY of times. That was one of my most common repairs back on the farm. We had one Gelding who'd knock a fence down every other week sometimes...."

Applejack's eyes were wide and her mouth was open. "A what?!?"

Johnathon blinked, thinking back to what he had just said. "Er...." Oh damn. Please tell me that the translation spell didn't work just this once!

Applejack's eyes narrowed. "You did not just tell me you had a... a stallion with his bits cut off on your farm, did yah?"

Johnathon winced. "Er... Applejack, it's not...."

The orange cowpony glared at him. "Not what? Not a horrible thing to do to a pony? What in tarnation were you thinking! You're acting like it's no big deal!"

Johnathon put up a hand. "Wait... wait. I didn't... castrate him myself or anything. We... my wife and I adopted him from another family.... and.... Applejack, things are a lot different on my world, you know?"

Applejack frowned, still looking more than slightly annoyed. "Are you saying that castrating stallions is a normal thing where you come from? Something nopony thinks twice about?" rather than calming down, she seemed to be getting angrier. "Because that's sure what it's sounding like to me!"

Johnathon sighed putting the palm of his hand on his forehead as he tried to think. "Just... listen to my side of this for a minute, OK? I totally get why you'd be shocked. It's just.... let me say my piece before you make a judgement about it."

Applejack took a deep breath and snorted. "Fine. Say your piece."

The man sighed. "For starters, the horses on my world aren't intelligent. They're animals. Domesticated ones, but they're still animals. And horses are a LOT bigger than ponies. Bogart... that's his name, by the way, he's about... oh, three times heavier than your brother, I'd say... and almost as tall at the shoulder as I am. Built like a tank. A stallion like that, weighing in at half a ton, can be pretty destructive. They can be dangerous. They geld male horses because it makes them gentler.... easier to handle." he held up a hand. "But we're not talking about ponies... these aren't intelligent animals. You can't talk to them, reason with them. You can train them, but that's it." he spread his hands wide. "Here, in your world, there are so many different intelligent species, but it's not like that on mine!"

Applejack frowned. "So you say. But it still don't sit well, that sort of thing being done..." She raised her eyebrow. "Three times as big as my big brother?" Johnathon nodded. Applejack shook her head. "Still, I don't like it none. Dangerous or not, what gives you the right to be doing something like that to another creature?"

Johnathon hesitated. "I'm not saying it's something I endorse, and I certainly never did it to another creature, nor did I have it done, but Applejack, seriously, a horse on my world is may look a little bit like a pony, but they're about as smart as one of Fluttershy's chickens. Can you imagine a thousand pound rooster? Chasing after all the female chickens, knocking down fences, trampling gardens?"

Applejack blinked. "As smart as a chicken?"

Johnathon nodded. "As smart as the ones Fluttershy has, anyway." he shook his head. "You don't want to know how dumb the chickens on my world are."

Applejack blinked. "Really dumb?"

Johnathon nodded. "You can teach a horse tricks... they can't talk, but they can understand, oh, a few dozen words if you spend a whole lot of time with them."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Huh." she shook her head. "That's just wrong."

Johnathon spread his hands wide. "Rarity has a cat... and as far as I can tell, Opal is JUST like a cat on my world. But... mostly? Almost nothing is the same, Applejack. Trust me, if you were on my world, anyone would agree you're intelligent, with or without a spell from Twilight. You have... besides some basic physical traits, practically nothing in common with the horses and ponies of my world."

Applejack frowned. "I suppose. I guess I can't really judge without going there and seeing for myself."

Johnathon sighed. "Well, you probably won't ever get the chance, and it's probably for the best anyway. I don't think you'd like my world that much."

Applejack snorted. "I'm starting to agree with you there, Johnathon."

Johnathon shrugged. "Applejack, for what it's worth, I really like your world, and I wouldn't change a thing about it. Honestly. I'm here, and I have every intention of following your ways while I'm here, not just because that's the thing to do when you're in a new place, but because I actually agree with how things are done here."

Applejack nodded slowly. "Well... that's worth plenty." she said finally, and put a hoof on his shoulder. "Sorry for giving you a hard time about it."

Johnathon shook his head. "You don't have to apologize. I imagine I'd have reacted the same way."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "I don't know. You seem like a right thoughtful sort. I wager you'd think a mite longer before putting your hoof in your mouth."

Johnathon grinned. "You'd think so, but you'd be surprised at how often I've made an ass out of myself."

Applejack snorted. "Now you're calling me an ass?"

He chuckled. "No, I'm calling me one. You're a very nice pony, who I hope is still a friend of mine?"

Applejack snorted. "Ya ain't getting off that easy. Rainbow Dash might be the element of loyalty, but I'm not one to give up on a friend cause of one misunderstanding."

Johnathon smiled. "Well... that's good to hear." he reached down, picked up the nail Applejack had dropped, and put it in place. "Why don't you let me finish up here, it'll only take a minute."

Applejack stepped back as Johnathon nailed the board into place, and nodded appreciatively. "You are a mite useful with them hands... and you do know your way around a hammer, I reckon." she looked thoughtful. "You ever done any construction? I've been meaning to tear down one of the old barns and put up a new one... we could use somepony who knows his way around a hammer to help."

Johnathon grinned. "I'd be happy to. In fact, I have done a little construction. I've even helped to put up a barn before, so I've got you covered there."

Applejack grinned back. "Well now, we might have a use for you here on the farm after all, Mister Dwire. Even if you buck about as well as my little sister." Applejack glanced at the sky. "It's getting toward lunch time, let's head up to the house, and we can sit down to something to eat. I can introduce you to Granny Smith while you're here!"

Johnathon nodded agreeably. "Sounds good to me."


After lunch, which included a fantastic apple pie, Johnathon helped out with a few other minor repairs on the farm before saying his farewells. "Fluttershy is going to take me up to Rainbow Dash's house." he explained. "It's probably no big deal around here, but I've never seen a house made from clouds before."

Applejack looked a bit interested. "Actually, I've never been up to Dash's place myself. Of course, not much point to it. I'd fall through the floor!" she looked thoughtful. "I guess Twilight could do a cloudwalking spell, but that seems like an awful lot of trouble. Besides, Rainbow Dash is always welcome around the farm."

Johnathon blinked. "Oh! Right! You visited Cloudsdale for the... best young fliers competition, didn't you?"

Applejack nodded, smiling as she remembered. "That's right. Cloudsdale is quite the sight to see, I tell you. Ain't nothing else like it, I reckon."

Johnathon nodded. "I must sound like a broken record by now, but I really am looking forward to seeing it for myself."

Applejack grinned. "You're in for a treat, sure 'nough." she swatted him lightly on the back with a hoof. "You go on then, don't keep Fluttershy waiting."

Johnathon waved as he walked away. "I'll see you later, Applejack. Let me know when you're going to need help on that barn!"


He swung by Fluttershy's place next, and waved as he got close. She was spending time in her garden, talking quietly with a family of squirrels as he approached. The squirrels noticed him coming and scampered off by the time he was close enough to speak to her without raising his voice, and Fluttershy's face fell slightly in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, Johnathon." Fluttershy told him as he walked to her side. "I've been trying to convince my animals that they don't have to run away when you're here, but they really aren't convinced."

Johnathon smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry about it, Fluttershy. Some of them will come around sooner or later, and some of them won't, but I don't mind. It's just the whole predator thing," changing the subject, he glanced up into the sky toward Rainbow Dash's home. "So... have to managed to arrange things for our visit?"

Fluttershy nodded, and started walking down the road toward town. "Twilight said she'd be happy to loan us her balloon, and she offered to cast a cloud walking spell for you so you could get out and take a look around! I asked Rainbow Dash if it was alright if we came to visit her, and she said she didn't mind, although she went back to her home really quickly. I think she's a bit excited. She doesn't get many guests."

Johnathon nodded thoughtfully. "Well, unless you're a pegasus, or have Twilight around, I guess a cloud house isn't really something you could visit. I feel pretty privileged. Cheerilee told me she's never been to a cloud house, or a cloud city before, and I gather that she's the rule, and not the exception, there."

Fluttershy blinked. "I never really thought about it, but you're probably right. I mean, I had never seen any earth ponies or unicorns in Cloudsdale before Twilight brought the others up with her, so I guess it really isn't common."

As they approached Twilight's library home, they could see a large pink balloon slowly inflating just behind the tree. They walked around the tree to find Twilight, her horn glowing as she focused on the inflating balloon.

"I'll be with you in just a moment!" Twilight told them with a smile and a nod, before going back to inflating the balloon.

As they waited, Fluttershy spoke up again, softly. "Still, I really don't understand why almost all of my little animals are so scared of you, Johnathon. You don't seem so scary to me. I know you said you're like a bear... and you're good at wrestling, from what Applejack said... but," she smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just curious how your species manages to survive as predators, when you don't have any natural weapons."

Johnathon blinked, then grinned slightly. "Well, humans tend to use this as a weapon." he said, pointing at his forehead.

Fluttershy blinked. "You... hit things with your head?"

Johnathon started to laugh. "Well, I am Irish, so I suppose a good headbutt would come naturally, but no, I mean, we use our brains, our intelligence. Humans are the most intelligent tool using species on our planet, and that's how we've remained the... well, apex predator of our planet as well."

Twilight, having turned to listen to their conversation, spoke up. "An Apex predator. That's a predator on the top of the food chain. One with no natural predators of it's own, right?"

Johnathon nodded to her. "Right."

Twilight nodded. "Dragons would be an example of an Apex predator on our world, I believe... or Ursas."

Fluttershy blinked. "Oh my. I suppose I just find it difficult to imagine. You're not nearly as terrifying as a dragon, Johnathon. There really aren't any predators on your world that are dangerous to humans?"

Johnathon shrugged lightly, then looked serious. "Humans are tool users, and we created weapons.. well, thousands of years before Celestia met us for the first time. We've been the... well, the nastiest creature on our world for all of recorded history, pretty much." he smiled slightly. "Of course, we don't have dragons, or Ursas on our world. I expect that if we did have dragons, though, it might have taken humans a bit longer to climb to the top of the predator ladder."

Twilight blinked. "A bit longer?" she shook her head. "You've never seen an adult dragon, Johnathon. I don't think anything would want to try and eat one. They're just too dangerous."

Johnathon hesitated, then shrugged. "I'll take your word for it, Twilight." he nodded at the balloon. "That's a nice looking hot air balloon, but do you think it's big enough to carry me?"

Twilight blinked. "It should be able to carry all of us." she said with a shrug. "I've had three ponies in it at once on the trip to Cloudsdale."

Johnathon blinked. "Er... OK." he looked up at it again. "Huh. On my world, hot air balloons tend to be a whole lot bigger. I guess there's something about this one that's different."

Twilight looked at it. "Hmm. Well, it's pretty typical. We use an enchanted mix of very light gasses, which are then heated to increase their volume...."

Johnathon grinned. "Magic. Should have known. Is it very safe?"

Twilight nodded quickly. "Oh yes. Ponies don't use them very often, really, but they're very reliable. There is an airship dock in Canterlot, and they've been in use for almost fifty years now. My balloon is an older design, but I haven't heard of one failing for almost a century now."

Johnathon nodded. "Well, that's good to hear." he looked interested. "Airships? What are those, exactly?"

Twilight blinked. "Well... they are like sailing ships... but they've got big streamlined balloons that lift them into the sky. They usually have some sort of magically powered engine in back to give them forward propulsion now."

Johnathon blinked. "Magical engines? Really?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh.. well, they're an adaption of a basic 'come to life' spell, on a thing called a 'propeller'!" she smiled. "They're expensive, and not very common, but they use three or four blades, going around very fast, to...."

Johnathon held up a hand. "Actually, I know what a propeller is. We have them as well. We have flying machines on our world called helicopters that use them to fly. I didn't know you had anything similar."

Twilight looked curious. "I didn't know humans could fly using machines! That's really interesting! Could you tell me more about them?"

Johnathon grinned. "I'd be glad to tell you all about the history of flight on my world, but how about we talk about it on the way?"

Twilight grinned. "Right," she trotted over to the balloon's basket and climbed in. "You come with me, Johnathon," she said with a smile, then telekinetically tossed Fluttershy a rope. "When we get above the trees, you pull us to Rainbow Dash's place, OK, Fluttershy?" the yellow pegasus took the rope in her teeth and nodded.

Johnathon glanced at Twilight. "So... aside from airships, and balloons like this one, do ponies have any other methods of flying?"

Twilight considered that. "Well, some ponies have been known to use a magically powered propeller to fly... Pinkie Pie used to have a flying machine, actually, although I have no idea where she got it."

Johnathon's eyes went wide. "Pinkie had a flying machine? Really?"

Twilight nodded. "Unfortunately it was damaged beyond repair. But it is possible to make the enchantment on a propeller strong enough to carry a pony into the sky... although not many ponies want to try it. Pegasi love to fly, of course, but most earth ponies and unicorns prefer the ground." she pointed her horn up, and it glowed for a moment before the balloon started to rise. "I suppose I don't mind flying so much... but it's really only a hobby for me."

Johnathon shook his head. "Magical helicopters." he looked at her with interest. "You told me that most unicorns only have one special talent besides levitating objects. Does that mean some unicorn's special talent is making magical propellers?"

Twilight nodded. "Oh yes. There is a particular family of unicorns have been doing just that for half a century now! Like I said, it's not terribly popular, but there is enough of a demand that they're quite a rich and influential family now."

Johnathon looked curious. "Do talents often follow through families like that, Twilight?" he looked thoughtful. "I suppose all of Applejack's relatives that I've met so far, save Applebloom, have apple related cutie marks... which would answer my question."

Twilight nodded again. "That's true. A particular talent will often be found in generation after generation of a single family, although there isn't any real guarantee of it. For example, my mother's special talent is teleporting. My father has a gift for illusions, but my talent is a bit more unique." she looked thoughtful. "Pinkie Pie is the same way, actually. Her talent isn't anything like her family's... and... I don't know any other ponies with a talent for throwing parties." she grinned. "But you can't deny that Pinkie does have a talent for it!"

Johnathon nodded. "I wouldn't dare, even though I've only been to the one so far."

Twilight grinned. "Trust me."

Fluttershy, the rope in her teeth, started pulling them toward Rainbow Dash's house in the distance and in a surprisingly short time they had arrived, Twilight's balloon gently bumping up against the cloud as if it was solid.

Johnathon blinked. The cloud DID look solid... more like cotton candy than the wispy fog that a cloud became when you were close to one in his world. He reached out a hand to touch it, and found his hand passing through it with a small, but perceptible effort.

"Huh." he pulled away his hand, which was slightly wet. "Much... denser than a cloud on my world, although obviously it won't support weight." he poked the side of the basket. "So... how come this basket doesn't just push through the cloud?"

Twilight blinked. "Well, the balloon itself would do just that. But the basket is enchanted so that I can land it on the surface of clouds."

Johnathon grinned. "Must be pretty neat being you, Twilight."

She blushed. "Johnathon... I...."

He shook his head. "I'm serious... you're so... amazingly talented. You enchanted your balloon, right?"

Twilight hesitated. "Er... yes?"

He grinned. "I figured. And you can make it so we can walk on clouds?"

She nodded with a smile. "I can do that." she pointed her horn at him. "Just hold still." her horn glowed, and he was bathed in purple light. He felt nothing, but after a moment, she nodded in satisfaction. "OK, go ahead and touch the cloud now."

Johnathon blinked, then put his hand onto the surface of the cloud, half expecting it to pass through it again. Instead, the cloud surface was as solid as... well, he couldn't quite describe it... sort of like soft, fluffy, cotton covered rubber? He blinked, and slowly climbed out onto the surface of what could only be described as a front porch.

"Fantastic." he said with a grin. "That's really fantastic." he glanced at Twilight. "How long will it last?"

"Three days." she told him with a smile. "It's a pretty basic enchantment, really."

Johnathon shook his head in wonder. "Fantastic." he started walking toward what was obviously a door, glancing around as he went. "Is that really... some sort of rainbow fountain?" he said in surprise. "From a distance, I thought it must be some sort of... I don't know... image... light projecting off water droplets... but that looks like... liquid to me!"

Fluttershy smiled. "It's the concentrated form. Don't drink any, it's VERY spicy."

Johnathon opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. "OK... now Willy Wonka is going to walk around a corner any second now...."

Twilight hopped up onto the cloud behind him, looking curious. "Who is that?"

He shook his head. "Fictional character... had a huge, magical candy factory." he grinned. "Pinkie Pie would love him, if he were real." he grinned. "Oh! That'd be a great story to tell next time!"

Twilight smiled at him. "I'm looking forward to it. You must know lots of stories no pony has ever heard before."

Rainbow Dash's head popped out of a window. "Oh! Are you telling another story, Johnathon? Don't start without me! Is it about the Doctor?"

She flashed out of the window to hover near him. "Hey. Sorry I kept you guys waiting, but er... I haven't had company in like... forever, so I kind of wanted to straighten up a bit first."

Johnathon grinned at the cheerful speedster. "It's cool, Rainbow Dash. My wife always kind of left things a bit messy herself. Whenever we had company over, she was always rushing around trying to get things cleaned up, but you don't have to go out of your way for me. A little mess isn't going to bother me any."

Rainbow Dash grinned and opened her front door for them. "Glad to hear it... cause I didn't quite finish yet." she showed them into her living room, fluttering around effortlessly, while the rest of them followed on foot. "So... were you going to tell us another story about the Doctor? Or maybe about that Luke Skywalker guy." she grinned. "Skywalker. Sounds like my kind of guy."

Johnathon grinned at her. "Actually, yeah. I think you do have a lot in common with Luke. You're both the heroic type, that's for sure."

Rainbow Dash grinned, looking a bit bashful. "Hero? Me?" she shrugged. "Well, I guess I am pretty brave... and fast and all. I never leave a pony hanging." she shrugged nonchalantly. "But, it's no big deal, you know?"

Johnathon put a hand behind his head. "As for stories... well, I'll tell you more if you'd like, but it might be awhile till I can tell them on a regular basis. I do have plenty of them though."

Twilight looked curious. "Why will it be awhile until you can tell us your stories, Johnathon?"

Johnathon Dwire hesitated. "Well... I was going to mention this later, but... I've been giving it some thought, and I want to learn your language on my own, Twilight, and I can't seem to do that with your translation spell going. So... at least for a few months, I won't be up to telling you anything complicated."

Twilight blinked. "Oh my. Will it take you a long time to learn our language then?"

Johnathon nodded. "Quite a long time, I think. I'm really not that great with languages, but since I'll be, well, pretty much forced to use your language constantly without your spell, I should learn comparatively quickly... I hope. It will be months at least before I'll be up for any real storytelling again, though."

Rainbow Dash looked disappointed. "Oh. I was kind of hoping to hear about some of the cool stuff from your world, Johnathon. I liked that story about the Doctor. He seemed pretty awesome."

Twilight looked thoughtful. "You did mention that you lose your ability to speak your own language when I cast the translation spell, which makes more sense to me now that I've studied it a bit more." she tilted her head to look at him curiously. "Well... I can understand how the spell would keep you from learning to speak our language naturally... but, if you need me to cast it again, I have figured out the formula to shorten the duration... in case you need to say something complicated, but don't want to stop being able to learn for two whole days."

Johnathon blinked. "How short can you make it?"

She grinned. "Any length you want, really."

He smiled. "Well... it's tempting... but..." he shrugged. "Maybe... just for special occasions, and emergencies, I guess it'd be alright. Maybe if you could do, say, an hour or two hour version?"

Twilight nodded. "Just let me know." she blinked. "Of course, you won't be able to talk to me to let me know... and you can't write our language yet either..."

Johnathon grinned. "I'll figure it out." he looked around Rainbow Dash's front hall as he spoke, his eyes constantly moving. He pointed at a poster on one wall. "I have a tee shirt with them on it. The Wonderbolts. They're a stunt flying team of some sort?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide. "They're only the best stunt fliers in all of Equestria! I've wanted to become one of the Wonderbolts since I was barely able to fly!" she sighed. "Only I blew my last audition for them. And I had just saved all their lives, and did a Sonic Rainboom the day before!" Rainbow Dash sighed again. "I just... get so nervous performing in front of them."

Johnathon looked sympathetic. "I can understand that. It can't be easy, trying to impress your heroes." he sighed. "I remember my first oral exam to try and pass my Masters Degree. Several of the teachers there were real heroes of mine." he shook his head. "I failed. I had to come back the next year and try again." he shrugged. "I passed my second time through, because I studied like crazy... and prepared myself so completely that I could answer their questions in my sleep, but I always regret not passing the first time. I just... couldn't think in front of them!"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah... yeah. That's it exactly, it's like my brain turns to mush, and I end up crashing into stuff... and acting like an idiot." she sighed. "When I'm not thinking about it, I can totally fly circles around anypony." she nodded firmly. "That's what I'm going to do. What you did. I'm going to train like crazy, so I can do any of my stunts without even thinking about them, and next year, I'm going to apply again!"

Johnathon grinned at her. "Good for you, Rainbow Dash."

Twilight was looking around the impressively large structure with mild astonishment. "Rainbow Dash, this place is amazing! I had no idea your house was so..." she gestured at the large columns, the vaulted ceiling, which gave more than enough room for a pegasus to fly around casually and the clean, elegant lines of the architecture. "Beautiful! I mean, it's very pretty from the outside, but this... this is really nice!"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "It's cool, I guess." she said, glancing around. "I mean, I built a lot of it myself, moving clouds aren't exactly hard. And it doesn't hurt to be the head of the weather team, you know?"

Twilight shook her head as she wandered around the spacious entry hall. "Well, it's really beautiful. I've never really seen this side of you, Rainbow Dash. You're always hanging out with us, and doing stunts, I didn't take you for an artist."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Me, an artist? Come on. This really isn't anything special."

"On the contrary." Johnathon spoke up. "I am no one to talk, I suppose, as I have little to go by on this world, but your home really is beautiful. It's a work of art, if my opinion counts."

Fluttershy smiled at her rainbow maned friend. "Rainbow Dash, you are an artist, especially with your stunts. I love watching you practice."

The cyan pegasus was blushing. "Come on, you guys... cut it out." she hesitated. "So... er... you want to see the rest of the place?" The uncharacteristically bashful pegusus took them on a quick took, and they stopped in her bedroom to chat.

"So, Johnathon, you promised to tell me about the flying machines on your world?" Twilight prompted.

The human blinked. "Oh? Well, alright. I suppose this is as good a time and place as any."

Rainbow Dash was looking interested as well. "Flying machines? You mean like Pinkie Pie's crazy contraption?"

Johnathon shrugged. "I've never seen Pinkie's machine, so I don't really know for sure how much they're alike, but why don't I tell you something about them, and you can tell me."

Johnathon had always loved flight museums while growing up, and had an amateur, but very real fascination with the mechanics of flight since he was a young child, so he was happy to talk about the subject in detail. Twilight had many questions, and Rainbow Dash seemed equally fascinated, although in an entirely different way. She especially liked his description of jet planes.

"I'd love to race one of those!" she declared with a grin. "Can you imagine, a machine that can do a Sonic Rainboom?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, a regular Sonic Boom, anyway. I'm not sure about the Rainbow part. I think that has something to do with you...." he shrugged. "Although I've never seen you do one, so I can't say for sure."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Maybe later. I've been practicing, but it kinda takes it out of me afterwords, and I want to take you up to Cloudsdale tomorrow."

Johnathon blinked. "You... what, really?"

Rainbow Dash nodded with a grin. "Well, you really want to see it, right?" he nodded slowly. "And you're going to stop using that translation spell pretty soon, right?"

Johnathon nodded. "Actually, it's due to wear off tomorrow morning."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Oh... well, I guess I could take you anyway, but it'd be a bit weird if you couldn't understand anything anyone was saying."

Johnathon glanced at Twilight. "Um... do you think you could give me one more day's worth tomorrow morning? I mean... I do want to get started learning your language, but I can't pass up a trip to Cloudsdale."

Twilight grinned at him. "Sure. Not a problem."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Great! You're going to love Cloudsdale. It'll blow your mind."

Johnathon Dwire nodded. "I expect you're right, Rainbow Dash, I expect you're right."

Chapter 12

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The next morning, Johnathon Dwire headed over to the Library for the trip.

He knocked on the door, and after a few moments, Twilight peered out. "Oh, hi Johnathon." she stood aside and let him come in. "I was just telling Rainbow Dash that I can't really come with you two to Cloudsdale today. I checked my schedule, and I'm way behind on my studies. It's just been so hectic lately, what with my new research project and all."

Johnathon nodded. "Oh... well, that's alright, Twilight, I completely understand."

The purple unicorn looked apologetic, then blinked. "Oh yes, let me recast the translation spell for you. This one should last until this time tomorrow, alright?" she cast the spell, then turned back to Rainbow Dash. "I do wish I could come, but I'm really swamped."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Yeah, that's cool. It'll be faster if it's just the three of us, anyway." she turned to Johnathon. "So... I was thinking, why don't i just carry you? I mean, that'll be a LOT faster than pulling Twilight's balloon."

Johnathon blinked. "Er... isn't it a long way to Cloudsdale? Won't you get tired carrying someone as big as me?"

Rainbow Dash snorted. "Are you kidding? During the best young fliers competition, I managed to carry four ponies at once!" she looked thoughtful. "I mean, I did have a lot of momentum that time, it's not like I could lift that much weight from a dead start or anything." she grinned. "But I can get off the ground while carrying at least two other ponies with me."

Johnathon's eyes were wide. "You can carry... three times your own body weight into the air?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Sure." she nodded at him. "I mean, you're tall, but you're probably not even as heavy as I am. It won't be a problem."

Johnathon blinked. "Uh... huh."

Rainbow Dash's eye's narrowed. "What, don't trust me?"

He was quick to shake his head. "No! No... it's just... It's a long way to fly, and if something happened... I...."

Rainbow Dash snorted. "Hey, I'm not going to drop you! If the Princess can carry you on her back, so can I, OK?"

Johnathon knew that the cyan pegasus would be upset if he protested further, but he couldn't help himself. "The Princess is a whole lot bigger than you are, Rainbow Dash... and if I fell, she had her magic to catch me. I don't know."

Twilight spoke up quickly, seeing Rainbow Dash's wings puff out and her face start to redden in anger. "Johnathon, Rainbow Dash is the best flyer in Ponyville, and she'd never let anypony get hurt. She's rescued me, and lots of other ponies with her skills, and I can vouch for her strength. She shouldn't have any problem carrying you."

Johnathon Dwire sighed, and nodded to Rainbow Dash. "Very well. I apologize for doubting you. I am just a bit uncomfortable with situations where I'm not able to effect the outcome, you know? On the ground, most anything that comes at me, I can handle, or at least give it an honest go, but up in the sky? You get me over the treetops, and a fall will kill me. I'm not totally happy about that idea."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Are you afraid of heights or something?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Not... really. I'm cautious of heights. I'm pretty light on my feet, and I've done a bit of rock climbing, but when I get above the point where I can survive a fall safely, I like to be extra careful, that's all."

Rainbow Dash thought about that. "OK, sure. I get that." she looked thoughtful. "I guess if I didn't have wings, going up really high would make me kinda nervous too."

Johnathon shrugged. "Yeah." he looked at her seriously. "But, I'll give it a try. I'll trust Twilight, and she trusts you." he tilted his head to the side slightly. "But I'm curious, why are you offering to carry me? I mean... you're not going to be a bit weirded out to have a human on your back?"

Rainbow Dash frowned. "I... well, maybe a little, but it can't be all that big a deal if the Princess did it." she put a hoof behind her head in embarrassment. "And... well, I didn't get you anything for your welcome party... and I wanted to make it up to you... what with the kicking you in the back of the head and all."

Johnathon shook his head.. "You don't have to make anything up to me, Rainbow Dash. You were protecting your friends, I completely respect that."

She frowned. "Do you want me to take you to Cloudsdale or not?"

Johnathon put up his hands. "I just want you to do this because it's something YOU want to do."

Rainbow Dash frowned slightly. "Well... yeah. I do. I mean, it is a pretty good distance to Cloudsdale, and I hate going slow, so since carrying you on my back will get us there a lot quicker, that's one reason... and, no pony besides the princess has carried a human on their back before, which makes it kind of a challenge, and... well, the extra weight would be a pretty good workout." she shrugged. "So yeah, I want to do it, OK?"

Johnathon nodded. "OK." He held up a finger. "Can we try a short flight first? Near the ground? Just to make sure we're not going to have any problems for the longer trip?"

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Sure, if it'll make you feel better, I guess that's cool." she headed for the front door. "Come on, I'll fly you over to Fluttershy's place, and we can see what's keeping her."

Johnathon followed her, looking dubious. "I hope I manage to live to regret this."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "You are scared!"

He rolled his eye and snorted. "What, about riding bareback on a pegasus who supposedly can exceed the speed of sound? Why would that make me nervous?"

Rainbow Dash blushed. "OK, that just sounds wrong...."

The archeologist chuckled. "What, riding bareback?"

She frowned slightly. "What does that mean, anyway? It sounds kinda... er..."

He laughed. "It means to ride without a saddle, Rainbow Dash, that's all."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh." She looked confused. "Does that mean you usually ride with a saddle?"

He nodded. "Usually. Why, do you have one?"

Twilight spoke up. "Actually, I do. I got one for carrying Spike a few winters ago... although usually I don't use it. It is nice and warm though."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh! Is that what saddles are for? I've always kind of wondered about that."

Twilight nodded. "They're not common, but they're useful if you're going to carry another pony a long distance, so that you don't rub each other raw with constant friction. Before Spike got his balance, he used to grab on with his claws, which got kind of painful. Princess Celestia got me it for Hearth's Warming Eve one year after she caught me levitating him everywhere...." she blushed slightly, looking slightly embarrassed and happy at the same time. Twilight turned around and her horn glowed. They could hear a drawer opening and closing up in her bedroom, and then a small, fur-lined saddle floated down and over to them. "Here it is! Would you like to borrow it?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow, then glanced at Rainbow Dash, who shrugged. "Sure, I guess." the cyan pegasus agreed halfheartedly. "I mean, if it'll make this easier."

Twilight levitated it onto the Pegasus's back and adjusted the straps to fit. "It's a good thing we're about the same size." she noted with a smile. "If it was any bigger, it would hamper your wings!"

Rainbow Dash frowned, and flapped experimentally, rising easily several feet into the air. "Yeah, I can sort of feel it against the edges of my secondaries, but it's not in the way." she nodded to Johnathon. "Well, what are you waiting for? Hop on, and we can get this show on the road!"

Johnathon grimaced. "I am REALLY going to regret this." he walked up to her side, grabbed the saddle lightly, and swung a leg over her back. When he settled in, his legs hung down nearly to the ground. "I can just about stand up on tip toe here...." he muttered. "Are you sure this is going to work?"

Rainbow Dash snorted. "I'll take it nice and easy to start... don't be such a big baby!"

Johnathon sighed. "Alright...." he hesitated. "Um... are you going to complain if I grab hold of your mane, or am I going to have to hug you around the neck? I mean... I can probably balance alright if you're going slow, but if you want to make any quick maneuvers at any point, I'm going to need something to hold on to."

Rainbow Dash glared back at him. "Well, don't grab my mane!" she chuckled and winked. "At least not on the first date." Johnathon blanched, and she laughed, hard, nearly throwing him. "Hah! The look on your face! I'm just pulling your leg." she said, still chuckling. After she managed to stop laughing, she shrugged. "You can put your arms around my neck, I guess, if I have to dive or something. I suppose if you just need to get your balance, you can grab onto my mane, just don't pull too hard. It hurts!"

Johnathon nodded, then lifted his legs and tightened his knees into her sides. "How about this? Does that hurt?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Nah. You can squeeze tighter than that without hurting me any." she glanced down at his knees, which were pressing tight into her sides, then back up at him on the saddle. "So... ready now?"

Johnathon tightened his grip with his knees slightly, grabbed on to her mane lightly with one hand and put his other hand on her shoulder, just behind where the wing joined it. "I'll lean forward quick and grab you around the neck if I lose my balance, OK?"

Rainbow Dash nodded agreeably. "OK. But don't worry! Even if you do fall off, I'll catch you." she lowered herself on her legs slightly, then sprang into the air, her wings flapping hard to compensate for the extra weight.

Johnathon gritted his teeth and held on, but Rainbow Dash kept her promise and the acceleration wasn't too much for him. She seemed to be trying to keep her back pretty much level with the ground as she traveled. Her wings were surprisingly quiet, given the fact that they were carrying a pony and a full sized adult human male into the air.

"It has to be magic." he muttered to himself. Rainbow Dash's wings were muscular, and she had an extraordinary amount of control over them, he had seen her hover in mid air, after all, but they still did not seem half large enough to carry them, despite her obvious skill and strength. Nevertheless, the flight to Fluttershy's Cottage went surprisingly quickly. They were there in moments, and Rainbow Dash circled the cottage once before coming in for a landing, using her wings to land almost vertically, coming nearly straight down for the last half dozen meters.

"Hey Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash called into the house. "Are you ready to go yet?"

The yellow pegasus peered out of her front door, looking distressed. "Oh my. I'm sorry I was late, Rainbow Dash, but Angel Bunny has caught a cold. I don't think I'm going to be able to...." she blinked at Johnathon and the cyan Pegasus he was riding. "Er... Johnathon, why are you riding Rainbow Dash?"

Johnathon shrugged. "It was her idea. She says we'll get there a lot faster if she's not pulling the balloon."

Fluttershy blinked again. "Oh. Um... OK?" she shook her head, remembering what she had been saying. "Anyway, I don't want to leave Angel Bunny right now while he has this nasty cough... so I don't think I can come to Cloudsdale with you today."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Aw man, and I wanted to ask you to race me!" she said with a sigh. "I thought, with me carrying Johnathon, you could keep up for once, you know? You could use the exercise."

Fluttershy giggled. "Is THAT why you volunteered to carry him?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Well... that might have been one reason." she sighed, and glanced back at Johnathon. "Well, guess it's just you and me."

Johnathon nodded. "if you don't mind, I don't."

The cyan colored pegasus shrugged. "I don't mind. You can tell me more about the flying machines from your world on the way! You said you've been to some flying shows on your world? With stunt... airplanes, right?"

He nodded. "A couple. Well, three, if you count watching the Blue Angels fly over the Seattle harbor...." he grinned. "They're a little bit like your Wonderbolts, I think."

Rainbow Dash looked dubious. "Maybe, but I doubt they're as cool." she waved to Fluttershy, and started flapping hard again, taking off by hovering straight up before accelerating into the sky.

Johnathon leaned over her body to compensate for the acceleration and grinned. "Guess I'll have to let you know after I get a chance to see the Wonderbolts for myself."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "That was the other reason why I wanted to go today. They're in Cloudsdale today! Doing some sort of book signing thing, I think." she frowned. "I don't get why ponies as cool as them write books, but I guess it'll be cool, especially if Spitfire is there!"

Johnathon grinned. "Who's that?"

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Only the coolest pony ever! She's the leader of the Wonderbolts." Johnathon could feel a shiver going through her sides. "Sooooo... awesome...."

They had cleared the edge of Ponyville, and Rainbow Dash had been slowly accelerating the whole time. The wind pressure had been building steadily, and Johnathon leaned in closer to her neck, lowering his wind resistance as well as allowing him to hear her talk.

"Are you going to be alright, maintaining this speed the whole way?" he asked the cyan pegasus incredulously. He couldn't be sure, but his best guess put her exceeding a couple hundred miles an hour already, and she was still accelerating, although only gradually now.

As she felt the drag from the human on her back decrease, Rainbow Dash increased her speed again, noticing how he seemed to move with her body as she flew, as if anticipating her movements. "Sure." she said easily, hiding the fact that her breathing was starting to, in fact, get a little labored. "No problem!" she glanced momentarily back at the human, raising an eyebrow. "You're pretty good at the whole riding thing..." she commented curiously. "I kinda expected you to have a little more trouble."

Johnathon shrugged slightly. "I have done my share of riding, Rainbow Dash." he told her, leaning in close so that he could talk near her ear as the wind pressure increased once more. "And you're actually a really smooth flyer! I've just never rode a flying pony before...." he chuckled. "Or well, any pony. I've never tried to ride anything smaller than... well, Princess Celestia before. Not seriously, anyway." he looked thoughtful. "Well, except for this one big mean billy goat that I used to own. Two hundred pounds, horns a foot and a half long on either side... made of muscles, and mean as a dragon with a tooth ache. Although that wasn't riding so much... I just tended to jump on his back to keep him from spearing me... and so I could wrestle him down. He used to go after my wife all the time. He nearly broke her ribs a couple times, so I had to deal with him when she wanted to do some work out back.

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh! That's how you managed to hog tie AJ so easily!" she said with a slight grin.

Johnathon chuckled. "Easily? Have you MET Applejack? But yeah, that did have something to do with it."

Rainbow Dash strained for height and speed, and suddenly the noise of the wind and the pressure on their faces cut off, almost all at once, and she wasn't flapping anymore, but gliding along, still moving at an incredible speed. Johnathon's stomach felt like it was left a mile behind them as the air current she'd found carried them higher and higher into the sky, like an elevator to the stars.

"Whoa!" he wrapped both arms around Rainbow Dash's neck and held on tight.

"N... not s...s...so t...ight...!" Johnathon loosened his grip slightly and Rainbow Dash coughed. "Careful, you're going to cut off my air supply!" she told him roughly. "If you want to grab on that hard, hold my neck further down."

Johnathon winced, and adjusted his grip. "Sorry about that." he said, risking a glance toward the ground. Ponyville had all but disappeared in the distance, and the trees bellow were starting to look like toothpicks as they got further and further from the ground. "How... how high up are we now?" he asked, trying not to seem nervous.

"About a mile, I guess?" Rainbow Dash estimated. "Most of Cloudsdale is about a mile and a half to two miles up, I think?"

Johnathon sighed. "Whew. Well, remind me not to fall off the edge!"

Rainbow Dash laughed, then glanced over her shoulder again. "Are you alright though? I mean, it IS pretty high up for someone who can't fly."

Johnathon had been looking over her shoulder toward the ground far below, and he locked eyes with her long enough to grin. "Yeah, no sweat. Heights really don't bother me that much. I get just nervous enough to be careful, but that's not a bad thing."

The cyan pegasus shrugged. "Cool." she flapped her wings a few times as they left the air current, rising slowly but steadily higher, and maintaining their velocity with the ease of long practice. "We're making pretty good time. We should be there in about ten more minutes." she pointed with a hoof. "You can see it up ahead, there."

Johnathon followed her hoof and blinked in surprise. "What he had originally dismissed as just another far off bank of clouds, he could now see had a definite sense of structure... and a glint of color that didn't belong in a normal cloud bank.

As they approached, he could make out multiple waterfalls, and even several very solid looking rainbows coming out of the cloud city, which became clearer and clearer into focus as they got closer and closer. As he made out more and more detail, he started to get a feel for the sheer size of the place. While he had pictured something extremely large, he was still more than impressed. It truly was a full sized city made of clouds. The architecture reminded him of Rainbow Dash's cloud home, which he supposed made sense. The city itself was not all one piece. There was a number of clouds that simply floated nearby, holding their own large structures. One of the larger ones seemed to hold an enormous open air coliseum, but the theme of pillars and lofty ceilings seemed to hold throughout the metropolis.

One thing that stuck him was the the... imagination of some of the designs. A tall, flowing staircase would lead off of a cloud's surface, to wind it's way into the air, and come to the base of another, ignoring gravity entirely. Of course, the entire city was ignoring gravity, but they seemed to want to intentionally remind anyone who looked at how little they cared for the most omnipresent force of nature in existence.

"OK...." Johnathon said breathlessly as they started passing between cloud buildings on the outskirts of the city. "This is easily the most impressive thing I've ever seen."

Rainbow Dash glanced back at her passenger and grinned, but didn't reply. Her flanks were starting to heave now, and she was no longer able to hide how much difficulty she was having. They had lost a lot of speed in the last mile or so as they reached the mostly wind free zone around the city, and she had been struggling more and more as they approached. Johnathon frowned, but chose not to mention it. He had ridden often enough to know when his mount was pushing past it's limits, and Rainbow Dash wasn't quite there yet. Still, if her breathing got any more ragged, he'd have to tell her to set them down.

Rainbow Dash banked slightly and glided in for a landing on a relatively deserted part of the wide bed of cloud that most of the city seemed to rest upon. She flared her wings and flapped hard a few times as they touched down, and took a long shuddering breath as Johnathon slipped off her back, placing his feet gingerly down on the spongy surface. Almost immediately, the man's legs sagged.

"Whoa." Johnathon Dwire forced his legs to stay steady, although they felt like water. "Muscle cramp...." he said with a slight moan, then turned to his cyan mount. "Rainbow Dash, how are you doing? You were getting pretty tired at the end there."

Rainbow Dash stretched her wings, then moaned lightly. "Talk about a muscle cramp...." she said with a wince, slowly stretching her wings out to their full extension, then letting them fold up against her sides with a small whimper. "OK... I guess I may have overestimated my endurance just slightly." she glanced at him, then shrugged. "But I got us here, didn't I?"

Johnathon nodded firmly, a serious expression on his face. "I had no idea it was this far away, or this high. You were fantastic. If you asked me to try carrying someone almost my own weight for... heck, half a mile, I'd be every bit as tired as you are now... more so... and I probably couldn't manage anything more than a walk."

The cyan Pegasus grinned. "Well, they don't call me the fastest pegasus in Equestria for nothing."

Johnathon grinned. "If anyone asks, I'll tell them they should add toughest pegasus in Equestria to your resume."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Tell that to Applejack. She thinks she's so tough...."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, she IS tough, but she can't move like you do, that's for sure."

Rainbow Dashed grinned, flaring her wings again, then wincing. "Well... thanks." she shrugged. "So... what do you want to see first?" she turned her head, tugging on the strap for the saddle to loosen it, then bringing up one her hind legs to try and scratch herself underneath it. "Man... I worked up a sweat under there... my back is soaked."

Johnathon nodded. "Here, let me." he knelt at her side, undid the straps to the saddle, and stood as he lifted it off of her, tossing the light winter saddle over his shoulder with practiced ease. He noted the damp, matted fur underneath, and glanced at her face. "Er... want me to give you a rub down? That looks a bit uncomfortable."

Rainbow Dash hesitated, glancing around once as if to see if they were being observed before shrugging. "Well... er... if you could get my back where the saddle was? It kind of itches, and I can't reach back there very well to scratch."

Johnathon nodded and started running his fingers through the matted fur. "No problem."

As his fingers worked through the mats in her short fur, the cyan pegasus shivered, then sighed softly. "Oh... oh yeah. Yeah, that's the spot...." the archeologist grinned slightly, and applied a bit more pressure, which elicited a slight moan of pleasure from the pegasus, which turned into an embarrassed cough a moment later. "Um...." Rainbow Dash coughed again to get his attention. "Johnathon, er... you can stop now."

The man glanced around, then up, and realized that they were being observed. Three pegasus, wearing what appeared to be white hard hats and white lab coats, were flying in their direction.

"Hey Rainbow Crash!" the pegasus in the lead, a brown colt who Johnathon identified as male almost immediately from a combination of his voice and build, spoke to the Rainbow maned filly beside him with an air of carefully maintained disdain. "What the heck did you just carry into Cloudsdale? Some sort of weird hairless monkey?" he landed nearby, his two companions just behind him. Johnathon noted that they all appeared male, although he wasn't a hundred percent certain. There was a grey colt with a black mane to the right, and a very large tan colt to the left, who was one of the larger pegasi Johnathon had ever seen. The tall colt had what appeared to be three balls on his flank, the brown colt that had spoken had three dumbbells. He did seem to be muscular, as if he worked out on a regular basis.

Rainbow Dash sniffed loudly. "This happens to be a human. He's a... a warrior from another dimension, who came to Equestria though a magical portal. Princess Celestia asked me to show him around!"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow at the exaggeration, but didn't dispute her claim. From her attitude, and the initial impression he got of the newcomers, there was some sort of grudge between Rainbow Dash and the three young stallion pegasi, and he didn't want to embarrass her.

The brown stallion looked at Johnathon with a frown. "Doesn't look all that impressive. Kind of scrawny. What are you thinking anyway, Rainbow Crash? Carting an alien creature around on your back like that? Kind of weird, don't ya think?" the other two stallions laughed, and the cyan pegasus mare's wings flared as she glared at them.

"I'll have you know that the Princess herself has carried this human around in the same way! If it's good enough for the Princess, it ought to be good enough for you." she said haughtily, glancing away from the stallions as if she was starting to get bored with them.

"So that's how it is." the brown stallion said with an irritated expression. "Now that you've shown everyone you can do a Sonic Rainboom, you're too good for us regular ponies? First you're off hanging with the Wonderbolts, and now you're doing personal favors for the Princess, are you?"

Rainbow Dash glared at him. "What's it to you? You've been making fun of me since we were in flight school together. What's your problem with me, anyway?"

The Stallion snorted. "My problem with you is YOU, Rainbow Crash." he said with a strong emphasis on the second 'you'. "You were always so full of yourself in flight school, and that hasn't changed at all." he glanced at his companions, and jerked his head. "Come on boys, let's go. Obviously the Princess's pet doesn't want us here." he laughed, pointing at Johnathon. "We might frighten the Princess's hairless money thing...." he snorted. "Warrior from another dimension. Right!"

Johnathon grunted lightly. "Don't let me keep you." he said in a level even tone, that, nevertheless, seemed somehow threatening. He wasn't angry about the snarky comments, but he didn't like the way the Brown colt had been talking to Rainbow Dash. She was, in his opinion, a genuine hero, and she deserved more respect than these three were giving her. He wasn't happy about Rainbow Dash calling him a warrior either, but he understood. She was so used to being bullied by these three that she obviously had tried to play up his importance, and with their rude behavior towards them, Johnathon was now more than willing to play the part. The cold menace in his voice caused all three pegasus to pause even as they turned to go, glancing back at him uncertainly.

The brown colt rose to the bait. "So, the monkey can talk! What's a hairless monkey with out wings doing in our city, anyway? Are you so sick of Rainbow Crash here that you plan on jumping?" the other two young stallions chuckled, although their laughter died slightly as Johnathon started to slowly walk toward them.

"I was told...." Johnathon said softly, his voice pleasant but cold, "that Cloudsdale was one of the wonders of this world. My world has no cities built in the clouds." he continued to advance on the three young pegasi, walking slowly, his breathing easy, his stance open, but still, something about him seemed to scream predator. "I had hoped that the residents of this fair city might be as generous of spirit as their city is magnificent. But it seems I am to be badly disappointed." as he was about to get into arms reach, the three pegasi took to the air with a rush of wings, suddenly, as if they had only just became aware of how close he was getting. They nearly collided as they retreated several dozen yards away and into the air.

Their leader, the brown colt, glared down at him trying to cover up his embarrassment with bravado. "Well... you're still just a useless, hairless monkey... you... you... monkey!" he said weakly. The young brown stallion turned to go. "Come on, guys. We've got better things to be doing."

Johnathon took a deep breath as they flew off, relaxing, and Rainbow Dash fluttered over to his side, landing next to him and looking at him in astonishment. "That was AWESOME!" she finally decided. "How did you freak them out like that? They looked like they'd seen a manticore or something!"

Johnathon shrugged. "Bullies are pretty much the same on my world... they'll never let you alone if you show fear, but if you stand up to them, they'll usually back down."

Rainbow Dash looked dubious. "Yeah... but when you got close to them... they ran away like you really scared them! Why did they get all spooked like that?" she frowned. "Actually, I got a little spooked myself. Is that a predator thing?"

Johnathon grinned. "More of a security guard thing. I did some guard work for a few years to put myself through school. Intimidation is something I happen to be pretty good at. It's better to scare someone away then to get into a fight."

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "Well... remind me not to get on your bad side." she looked curious. "Why did you back me up when I...." she blushed. "Well, I kind of exaggerated, and you knew it. Why didn't you say anything?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, maybe we haven't known each other very long, Rainbow Dash, but I like you. I want to be your friend, like I am with Twilight, and Fluttershy, and Applejack. They all seem to think very highly of you, and I trust their opinions." he shrugged. "Besides, it wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me to embarrass a lady."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Hey! I'm no lady, alright? I can take care of myself."

Johnathon nodded. "Oh, I believe that. But that's no reason for me not to support you. You'd do the same for me, after all."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Well, yeah. I mean, I never leave my ponies hanging." she grinned. "I guess that sort of includes you too."

Johnathon grinned at her. "I'm glad to hear that." he shrugged. "As for where to go, it's my first visit, I have no idea what's cool here. Do you have any suggestions?"

Rainbow Dash looked thoughtful. "Well, last time I was here I showed the girls the Weather factory. Would you like to see that?"

Johnathon blinked. "A factory, where they make weather?" the cyan pegasus nodded, and he blinked. "Yeah, that sounds like a must see!"


The rest of their stay in Cloudsdale was comparatively unstressful. While many of the citizens gave Johnathon a wide berth, most of the pegasi seemed unconcerned about the strange creature in their midst. Perhaps it was simply that they could fly away from him easily should he turn dangerous, and perhaps because Johnathon himself was growing so comfortable with his surroundings. He found that the more he acted like he belonged, the more he was accepted by the ponies around him.

Johnathon was in turns, impressed and dismayed at the Weather factory. It flagrantly broke the laws of physics as he knew them, and he could scrape up a somewhat reasonable explanation for less than half of what he saw there. As they were walking through the main part of the city a bit later, Rainbow Dash took the time to explain to him some of her own duties as captain of the weather team for Ponyville, and how they controlled the weather there.

"So... you control every bit of weather in Equestria?" Johnathon asked after listening to her for several minutes. "Every storm, every rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Pretty much. Everything but the weather over the Everfree forest, really, and the weather outside our borders."

Johnathon shook his head. "Unbelievable. So your farmers never have to worry about a drought, and if some pony is planning a picnic outside, they never have to worry about it getting rained on?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Well, you'd be surprised at how many ponies forget to check their weather calenders... but, yeah, pretty much." she shrugged. "I mean, there isn't always enough water... some of the border towns can get pretty dry from time to time, but we usually manage to get everyone enough rainfall to manage."

Johnathon shook his head again, and smiled slightly. "Well, I've seen it, so I have to believe it, but... still, wow."

Rainbow Dash looked curious. "So, I guess you can't control the weather on your world?"

Johnathon shrugged. "We can predict it... a little bit, anyway, although we're not always right, but control it? No, not even a little." he frowned. "Well... we've had... some small success in making it rain, when there are already clouds in the sky, anyway... but if the conditions aren't right, we can't even do that."

The cyan pegasus looked amazed. "Weird. It's like your whole world is one big Everfree forest."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Yeah, it is a little bit like that, I suppose."


As they got in line for the Wonderbolts book signing, Johnathon got a few weird looks, but after chatting with the pegasi in line near him for awhile, they seemed to accept him smoothly enough. It was a long line, the Wonderbolts were obviously quite popular, but he and Rainbow Dash had gotten there just as the line started up, and in less than half an hour they were walking into the large open bookstore The pegasus signing autographs and copies of "Flying with the Wonderbolts" was wearing a form fitting dark blue flight suit and a pair of goggles. Johnathon recognized her from his tee shirt, and from Rainbow Dash's poster.

"It's her!" Rainbow Dash hissed at him in glee. "It's Spitfire! It's really her!"

Johnathon nodded appreciatively. "Leader of the Wonderbolts, right?"

Rainbow Dash giggled. "Yup! We're buddies..." she blushed. "Well, kinda. I mean, she knows who I am, and I kinda saved her life and all...." she blushed. "Ohmygoshohmygoshomygosh!" she blurted out as Spitfire, her bright flame-orange mane like a beacon of light over the crowd, waved cheerfully at her.

"Hey Rainbow Dash!" Spitfire called out to the cyan Pegasus, causing dozens of heads to crane around to try and figure out who she was talking to. "Never mind the line, come on up here! And bring your friend!"

Rainbow Dash froze, and Johnathon nudged her. "Well, go on, she wants to talk to you!" the crowd parted slightly to let them get through, and Johnathon followed Rainbow Dash to the table where the orange maned Wonderbolt was busy signing. "Hey." Johnathon said casually to Spitfire, grinning slightly. "I'm Johnathon Dwire. Rainbow Dash tells me you're a pretty fantastic flyer."

Spitfire grinned back at him. "Coming from her, that means something." she chuckled at the look of awed pleasure on the cyan pegasus's face, and nodded to him. "So... I hear you're a warrior from another dimension or something?"

Johnathon laughed. "Just an archeologist, in the wrong place at the wrong time, I'm afraid. Apparently Princess Celestia visited my world a few thousand years back, and built a temple or something there. I was excavating the site about the time Discord showed up... a major bad guy around here, I guess, and a portal between our two worlds opened up... again, from what I'm told. It closed behind me, though, so I guess I'm stuck for the moment."

Spitfire looked impressed. "Pretty cool. How are you liking Equestria so far?"

He grinned. "It's a nice place. I really like Cloudsdale though. No cloud cities on my world. It's really impressive."

Spitfire nodded to Rainbow Dash. "Is my girl Dash showing you around alright?"

Johnathon put a hand on Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "She's been great. She carted me up here from Ponyville on her back. We probably made the trip in... I don't know, fifteen minutes? She's a pretty remarkable flier."

Spitfire grinned. "You don't have to tell me! Saved my life during the Best Young Flier's competition." she turned to the next fan, and signed her name with a pen between her teeth, then nodded to him again. "Well, why don't you and Dash wait around till after the signing, and we can hang out. Get something to eat or something."

Johnathon grinned. "Sure. That'd be cool."

Rainbow Dash was staring at him like he'd grown a second head, but at the news that they'd be hanging out with Spitfire after the signing caused her slightly crazed grin to split wide into a genuinely happy smile.

As the crowd came up for autographs, one or two ponies came to ask Rainbow Dash for an autograph as well. "We saw you at the Best young Flier's competition!" was a common remark. Many of the pegasi there, in fact, did seem to recognize Rainbow Dash, and the cyan pegasus swelled under the mild storm of complements she caught while basking in her hero's shadow. Johnathon noticed the Wonderbolt glancing over at Rainbow Dash with a fond smile every once in a while, and was favorably impressed by the celebrity.

He could sympathize with Rainbow Dash. He had once met one of his favorite comic book artists at a gaming convention, where the man had been running a game session of an RPG based off his comic book, and had been so flabbergasted in the man's presence that he had barely been able to string two words together.

The man had recognized his paralysis, and told him simply, "I put my pants on one leg at a time, like everyone else, you know?" Johnathon had managed to pull himself together, and had gamed with the man for several hours, getting to know the man as a regular human being, instead of an icon. He had never felt the same awe at meeting a celebrity after that, but he did appreciate how Rainbow Dash was feeling.

Johnathon found himself getting a lot of attention, standing so near what was apparently a major celebrity, but apparently, for the moment at least, his strange appearance had the side benefit of being intimidating enough for most of the curious to avoid wanting to attract attention. As Rainbow Dash hung around her hero, Johnathon talked quietly with Spitfire's bodyguard, a large, muscular white pegasus wearing a black jacket and sunglasses. The pegusus guard had been a bit standoffish at first, but after sharing a few anecdotes from his own years as a security guard, the stoic stallion loosened up enough to chat, although only in low tones. He seemed focused on the crowd most of the time, doing his job, and Johnathon made sure not to interfere with the stallion's work too badly.

When the book signing was over, they slipped into the back room, the crowd blocked by the large guard, and Spitfire started stripping out of her Wonderbolt's costume. "One of the main benefits of the suit is that most of the fans don't seem to have a clue what we look like without them." Spitfire said with a grin. "We'll get out of here as soon as I get this thing off...." she glanced at Rainbow Dash's mane with a raised eyebrow. "Hmm... well, on the other hand, no pony is going to miss you leaving...." she grinned. "I love the look, but you stand out a mile, you know?"

She shrugged. "How about this? You head out first, and meet me at that little diner over behind the coliseum... Branches? Do you know the place?"

Rainbow Dash nodded quickly. "Sure! I used to go there when I was skipping out on flight school practices...." she grimaced. "Er... yeah, I know it."

Spitfire grinned at her. "I always figured you for a rebel. See you in a bit?"

Rainbow Dash grinned and nodded. "You bet!" she hesitated, then glanced at Johnathon, then up at the saddle he was still carrying over his shoulder. "We're going to have to fly quick if we're going to avoid this crowd." she said with a grimace.

Johnathon shrugged. "Don't worry about me, I'll hang out at the bookstore for awhile, you girls have fun."

Rainbow Dash's face lit up. "Really? I mean, I promised to show you around Cloudsdale! I don't like just ditching you like this...."

Johnathon shrugged again. "Really. I'll be here. I'd like to pick up a book or two while I'm here anyway, if that's OK."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Thanks Johnathon. I'll be back in a little while, OK?" he nodded, and she slipped out the back door, then flew off at high speed.

Spitfire glanced at Johnathon thoughtfully. "Well, that was decent of you. Now I feel kind of bad, since she's ditching you to spend time with me."

Johnathon chuckled. "Forget about it. Dash and I live in the same town, we can hang out anytime. You're her hero, I know she's dying for the chance to spend some time with you."

Spitfire looked a little embarrassed. "I usually avoid the really enthusiastic fans, but... well, she's a good kid. She's a hell of a flier too, if she could just stop being so nervous in public." she shrugged. "She kind of reminds me of me, a few years back, actually." she glanced out the back door, then grinned. "Coast is clear. Looks like a couple of them tried to follow Dash." she grinned. "I can guess how that went." she took off, followed at a distance by her bodyguard, who had also changed out of his 'uniform'. "Take it easy, Johnathon! Come to one of our shows sometime!"

Johnathon watched her go, and headed into the bookstore. He purchased an already signed copy of "Flying with the Wonderbolts" for Rainbow Dash, and read it while he waited.

The sun was already well on its way to the horizon when Rainbow Dash flew back, breathless and excited, into the bookstore.

"Have fun?" he said, already knowing the answer from the huge grin on her face.

"Are you kidding me?" Rainbow Dash gushed. "It was awesome! I mean, we just kinda hung out... and talked, like... she just wanted to get to know me." she shivered, then grinned. "She's really cool, but... really nice too, you know? I mean, I thought she was a bit stuck up... you know, just a bit, when I met her at the Gala, and she kept getting pulled away by every self important jerk who thought they were important, but... well, she told me she felt really bad about that."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "She gave me some tips... about, you know, relaxing before a performance, and stuff like that. She says I've got the talent to be really great." Rainbow Dash sighed again, then looked at Johnathon. "Anyway... thanks for waiting for me. I'm sorry I left you here for so long."

Johnathon shrugged. "Don't worry about it. I had the time to read Spitfire's book while you've been gone." he showed it too her. "I've got a signed copy for you. As a thank you gift for you going to the trouble to show me around Cloudsdale like this."

Rainbow Dash blushed slightly. "Ah man, Johnathon, this was supposed to be my present to you, for, you know, everything. You're not supposed to get me a present too!"

He shrugged, grinning. "I felt like it." he sighed, looking at the sky. "It's getting late, I guess we should get headed back to Ponyville."

Rainbow Dash looked at the sky, then nodded slowly. "Yeah..." she glanced at him. "Anything else you want to see while we're here?"

Johnathon grinned. "Well, I wish I brought a camera, I'd love to get some photos..." he shrugged. "Maybe next time."

Rainbow Dash looked thoughtful. "Hmm... maybe we can do something about that." the cyan pegasus took Johnathon to one of the cities main plazas, where a photographer was selling custom shots of various tourist ponies who wanted to commemorate their trip to Cloudsdale, and paid for him to take several photos of her and Johnathon, with some of the more spectacular structures in the cloud city as a backdrop, including one of her carrying him on her back. The photos would take hours to be finished, but Rainbow Dash gave the photographer her address in Ponyville, and he promised to get the photos to her within a week.

As they were flying out of the city, the sun was already setting, back-lighting the beautiful metropolis. "Can we come again some time?" Johnathon said, gazing back at the city a bit wistfully. "I saw a poster that says the Wonderbolts will be performing here in a couple more months. Want to go?"

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Sure! You haven't seen a flight team till you've seen them perform, I'm telling you! I still say your Blue Angels can't be half as cool."

Johnathon grinned and shrugged. "I guess I'll see." he patted her on the head affectionately. "Still, if they're halfway as good as you, I expect I'll be in for quite a show."

Rainbow Dash snorted. "Aw, come on. You haven't even seen me doing any of my signature moves yet!"

He shrugged. "I've seen you fly, and I've seen a lot of other pegasi flying around today to compare you against. You've got talent, I'd be blind not to see it." he grinned. "But you if you want to pay me back for the book, you can show me your moves sometime. I'm dying to see an actual Sonic Rainboom."

Rainbow Dash nodded, holding up a hoof to shake. "Deal."


By the time he staggered, exhausted, into Cheerilee's house, the sun had been down in Ponyville for quite some time.

"Did you have fun in Cloudsdale?" the earth pony schoolteacher asked with a cheerful smile, looking up from where she was grading papers on the kitchen table.

"It was fantastic." Johnathon told her honestly. "I never imagined anything so... incredible could exist." he walked over and took a seat next to the table. "Rainbow Dash is a rather amazing flier. Can you believe she carried me the entire way there and back?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Really? I can't imagine!" she shivered slightly. "I sometimes wonder if I really know the ponies here in Ponyville half as well as I think I do. I mean... how did such extraordinary ponies end up to be living in such a small town?"

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "I have wondered that myself. I haven't been in Equestria long, of course, but those six... they really seem... extraordinary somehow, don't they?"

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "I never really noticed... not really. I don't know why." she frowned, shivering again. "I don't know what I'm going to say the next time I run into Twilight Sparkle on the street, or bump into Rainbow Dash at the market." she blushed slightly. "It's just... they're heroes! Twilight... she's the most powerful unicorn I've ever seen in my life... and Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom is already something legendary. No pony else has ever done one!"

Johnathon nodded, then shook his head. "So I keep hearing. Rainbow Dash told me she'll do a show for me and her friends in the next few weeks... when she has a break from her weather work, and has had a little time to practice a bit." He grinned. "I must say, I am looking forward to it." he shook his head. "Carrying me, she was... incredibly fast. I can't imagine what she can do when she's not carrying nearly twice her normal weight."

Cheerilee sighed. "I don't like feeling so... small around them. You know, I ran into Pinkie Pie today, and I almost couldn't say hello with a straight face. And she's just... Pinkie Pie!" she frowned. "I'll manage, I think. I mean, they really are a bunch of nice girls, and I've known most of them for years. It's just strange remembering that they saved us all. I never said thank you! I mean, there was a party when they got back from defeating Nightmare Moon... but...." she shook her head. "Then everypony just... forgot about it, really. I still can't believe it."

Johnathon put a hand out to pat her shoulder. "You'll be fine. Just keep treating them like you used to. I'm quite sure that's the way they'd prefer it." he yawned, and stretched. "Well, the translation spell will wear off pretty early tomorrow, so I won't be able to say more than a couple words in a row to you when you get back from school, I expect."

Cheerilee nodded with a smile. "I'll bring more language text books home with me from school then. We can work on the harder parts together."

Johnathon nodded. "Thanks. I'm not really looking forward to this, but I'm really glad you're going to be helping me. I'm going to need all the help I can get, I expect."

Cheerilee smiled and nodded. "Any time." she looked thoughtful. "I think you'll get all the help you need, however. You'd be surprised at how many ponies are willing to help you learn our language. The Crusader's all volunteered to help, and Twilight seemed quite interested in my project as well! She said she would really like to try learning your language while you're learning ours as well."

Johnathon grinned. "Shouldn't be surprised. That pony really does seem to love to study, doesn't she?" he rose to his feet. "Well, it's been a long day, so I'm going to call it a night. See you in the morning, Cheerilee."

"Goodnight Johnathon."

Chapter 13

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Johnathon Dwire found himself waking early, fixed himself breakfast, and said goodbye to Cheerilee before she left for school. "When you get back, I'll be speaking English again." he said with a sigh.

Cheerilee mouthed the unfamiliar word. "English... that's what your native language is called, right?" she blinked. "I thought you were Irish?"

Johnathon chuckled. "I'm Irish by blood, English in speech, American by nationality, and most recently lived in the Amazonian Rainforest... and now I'm Equestrian, at least if you count where I'm currently getting my mail...." he grinned to himself, then explained. "America is the country where I was born, Ireland is the country where most of my ancestors were born, and English is the language that is spoken by most everyone in America. English originated in England, which is a country that had a great deal to do with settling America in the most recent past." he shrugged, frowning. "Well, it's complicated..."

Cheerilee nodded. "Sounds like it must be." she smiled. "After we've worked getting you fluent in Equestrian, you can tell me more, alright?"

Johnathon nodded, looking torn. "This is the right thing to do... I'm almost positive, but... what if Twilight figures out how to get me back to my world tomorrow? Or in a week, or even a month? I'll still be learning your language, and I'll have missed out on learning all the other things I could learn by being fluent now." he sighed. "Darn it... it's frustrating."

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "Well, you don't have to go through with this if you don't really want to, Johnathon. I'll regret missing the chance to do a paper on your language, but I can understand you not wanting to have to go through learning ours, especially when, I suppose, you won't be able to really use it at all once you get back to your world."

Johnathon sighed. "Yeah. I mean, I could do what you're doing, and write up a paper on your language when I get home, but who'd believe me? They'd think I made it all up." he blinked. "Although... even making up an entire language from scratch would be pretty impressive...." he shrugged and laughed. "Well, in geek circles, anyway." the archeologist shrugged. "But I've still got so much I want to know about your culture, and history, and about magic, and all the strange and wonderful creatures that live here." he stood up. "You know what? I'm going to go over and talk to Twilight, ask her how she's getting along on her research. If she thinks it's going to take a long time, I might as well go through with our plan, but if she's convinced it'll be quick, maybe I would do better to learn the things that...."

He frowned. "Huh. I guess I'm being selfish. I mean, all the things I want to know about your world, they won't really help me in my world either... they're just... what I'm more interested in." Johnathon sighed. "Maybe I should focus on what will help you instead."

Cheerilee smiled. "Don't be silly. Of course you should learn what you're interested in. You'll learn faster that way, and you'll enjoy yourself more. If it turns out you really do decide to learn our language, well, I'll enjoy helping you with that, but I won't mind it you want to learn more about our culture, and our world either. I would enjoy seeing your perspective on those things almost as much as you would, I think."

Johnathon grinned. "You're being way too generous about this... but thanks. I'll make my decision before you get back this afternoon, I promise. If time is a factor, I might as well get started, one way or another."

Cheerilee nodded. "Do what you feel is best for you, Johnathon. I'll support you." she glanced at the clock. "Well, I'd better get going. See you later!" Cheerilee hurried out the door, and Johnathon followed her out, turning towards the Library as she went toward the Ponyville school building.

Twilight looked mildly surprised to see him, but she welcomed him warmly regardless. "Is there anything I can help you with this morning, Johnathon?"

The man looked slightly sheepish. "Well, I don't ask because I want to rush you, but... could you give me an idea... just a rough idea of how much longer it might take you before you might be able to send me home again?" he held up a hand. "I don't know is an acceptable answer... it's just... well, if I had even a rough idea of how long I might expect to be here... or rather, the minimum time it might take before you can send me home, I would have a better idea of what I want to study while I'm here."

Twilight blinked. "Oh! I understand. You want to plan out how to manage your study time! Well, I certainly can sympathize with that!" she looked thoughtful, then turned around, her horn glowing as a clipboard floated down from her bedroom to float in front of her. Johnathon peered over her shoulder to see what she was reading, but before his eyes, the words ceased to have any meaning. It had been a checklist of some sort... and he still could see the open boxes to be marked off as completed, and the lines of text next to each box, but he couldn't read a single word. The top line had been something about Dimensional magic studies, he thought, but he wasn't sure.

"Twilight?" Johnathon said, realizing that he was once again speaking in English. "Er... Twilight, your spell wore off."

The purple unicorn turned around, looking confused at the strange sounding words, then blinked as understanding came over her. She said something that sounded vaguely cheerful and reassuring, then frowned, as if uncertain how to proceed.

Johnathon blinked in confusion then figured it out. "Oh right. You're not sure whether or not to use your translation spell, right?" Twilight looked confused, and shook her head, saying something in Equestrian he didn't understand, and he sighed, then glanced at the clock in the room. He was startled to realize he couldn't read it either, but it had arms, much like an older clock on his world, so he pointed at the arm he remembered stood for Equestrian hours, and made a motion indicating that it had moved forward an hour, then pointed at his own throat, then her horn.

Twilight nodded, concentrated, and aimed her glowing horn at him. "I'm assuming you wanted me to cast my Translation spell for one hour, Johnathon?" she asked him a moment later.

"Yes." Johnathon said with a smile. "I'll try not to abuse the help. I'm actually seriously considering dropping the idea of trying to learn your language, in favor of topics I'm more interested in... depending on how long you think you'll be with your research. If you finish in a month, for example, and send me back, I won't have time to get to any of the other subjects I'm really fascinated with, like your history, or how your culture developed, and, oh, stuff about magic and magical creatures...." he shrugged. "I'm being selfish, I know, but I would regret not learning as much as I could about those topics."

Twilight smiled. "I don't mind. I can understand your concern... and it's your decision. If you want to change your mind, I can extend the translation spell's duration by quite a lot." she looked thoughtful. "Actually, that's one part of the research I've been doing. If I can learn how to... well, extend my spells while using less energy, it'll get me one step closer to maintaining a dimensional portal for the required time for a safe transit. It's not the only problem I'm working on, but I'm pretty sure it will be a required step."

Johnathon grinned. "Sounds like even just learning that much will be pretty important. I mean, extending your spells like that, for less energy. It sounds like it might be something you could teach other unicorns... as long it was for something they're already specialized in, and that could be useful to all of Equestria, don't you think?"

Twilight beamed. "That's exactly what I was thinking! I'm really thrilled by this particular line of research! Just by picking a direction, a goal, I've managed to identify several key types of experiments to try, and some of them could very well change how we use magic entirely, if I'm successful, anyway." she broke off, and nodded to him. "But you wanted to know how much longer it might be before I can get you home... the earliest possible time, so you can figure out how to schedule your studies, correct?" she consulted her checklist. "Well, I've put down conservative estimates for each of the things I want to try, but still, it's likely that most, if not every item on this checklist will take more time than I first anticipate, so...."

She turned back to him and shrugged. "if I follow my checklist, it should take a minimum of two months." Twilight shrugged again. "But, honestly, I doubt I'll manage it that fast, unless I succeed in every experiment, I'll probably take quite a bit longer." she looked thoughtful. "If I was to give my best guess... I'd say six months would be more likely, if I'm going to succeed at all, I should know by then."

Johnathon nodded. "Well... I'm not sure, but... I think if I push myself, I can learn an awful lot of your language in... well, less than six months." he frowned. "That won't leave me forever to study the other things I want, but...." He nodded. "I think I'm going to go through with it." he turned to Twilight. "Still, if you make a major breakthrough, please let me know... especially if you think you'll finish in a month or less. I want at least that long to seriously study your world's history and culture... it's not enough for a really in-depth look, but I think I'll be able to satisfy my curiosity with that much time."

Twilight smiled in understanding. "OK... so when I think I'm a month away, you want me to let you know?"

He nodded back firmly. "That's right. I'll want to be able to get a lot of reading in if I've only got a month left, and if I'm not pretty fluent by then, well...." he shrugged. "Then I'll need your translation spell again, if you're willing."

Twilight Sparkle's smile didn't change. "Of course!" she nodded thoughtfully. "I think that's a good decision, Johnathon."

The archeologist sighed. "Frankly, it's not an easy one to make. I'm trying to be responsible about this, but your translation spell is a terrible temptation for me."

Twilight looked sympathetic. "I can imagine. I wouldn't like to have to learn to talk all over again. And not to be able to read!" she shuddered. "That must be horrible!"

Johnathon grinned at her. "Mildly horrible, yes. The worst part is, no one here speaks my language, so no one can help translate for me. The only real recourse is your spell. Still, I'll learn quickly, I expect, at least for me." he sighed. "Right now, I wish learning foreign languages was my special talent. Ah well." he nodded to Twilight. "Well, I'm going to get going. I think I'll head over to Sweet Apple Acres and see if I can help out there a little more today. If I hurry, I can let Applejack know about the translation spell wearing off, so she doesn't get confused by me not being able to speak to her."

Twilight nodded. "That's probably a good idea."

Johnathon waved and turned to go, heading out the door. "I'll see you later, Twilight. Thanks again."


When he arrived, Applejack wasn't home, but Big Macintosh came over to greet him in her place. "Hey Johnathon." the large red stallion said with a calm expression. "What can I do you for?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Got anything around here that needs fixing? Actually, I'm kind of hoping I could help out around here on a regular basis. It'd give me something active to do, and I want to do something useful for you folks. I appreciate that the Princess is taking care of my expenses and all, but it would make me feel better if I can be helpful somehow while I'm here, you know?"

Big Mac nodded slowly. "Eeyup." he agreed with a nod. "AJ tells me you know your way around a hammer. How good are ya at breaking stuff?"

Johnathon blinked. "Breaking stuff?"

The big red stallion nodded. "Eeyup. AJ's been planning on tearing down the old barn, so as we can put up a new one. It's too far gone now to make repairing it worth it... so it's gotta come down."

Johnathon nodded and grinned. "Breaking stuff I'm good at. You don't happen to have a sledge hammer, do you?"

Big Mac showed Johnathon to the tool-shed, and pointed out the old barn. "What do ya think?" he asked. "AJ was gonna ask Rainbow Dash to do it, seeing as she's a right expert at breaking stuff, but if ya want ta, you can have first crack at it."

Johnathon considered that. "Well, with the right tools, and time, I can take it apart for you, sure. Do you care where the debris goes?"

Big Mac chuckled. "Just don't send anything flying too far, and that'll be fine. Do ya need any help getting started?"

Johnathon pulled his work gloves from his belt and started putting them on. "I'll be just fine solo. If there isn't anyone else helping, I won't worry as much about hitting anypony with flying rubble." he nodded at Big Mac. "Oh... the translation spell that Twilight put on me will wear off any time now, so I'm not going to be able to understand much of anything you say pretty soon." he shrugged. "But I expect we'll manage."

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup." he swung his head to indicate the farm house. "I'll come by to let you know when chow's on, alright? Granny Smith has baked a fresh pie, and I could tell you like her pies a mite."

Johnathon grinned. "Eeyup!" he agreed enthusiastically.

Big Mac grinned back and nodded. "I've got some apples to buck, but I'll see you all in a while. You be careful and all, alright?"

Johnathon nodded. "Sure. I've done this sort of thing before..." he glanced at the barn. "If not on quite so large a scale, but I'll take it easy, and safe." he hefted a pry-bar. "Go on. I'll see you for lunch."

Big Mac ambled off, and Johnathon took a sledgehammer and the prybar with him over to the dilapidated old barn Big Mac had shown him. Their were several similar structures on the Sweet Apple Acres property. It really was a huge farm. Johnathon had been both surprised and impressed to learn that Applejack and Big Mac handled almost all the work on such an enormous estate, but at the same time, he'd never met anyone, pony or otherwise, that seemed quite as capable as they did, at least in their own area of expertise. He was still fit, and considered himself a hard worker, but Applejack had already proven herself capable of working him into the ground with ease, and Big Macintosh seemed to be cut from the same cloth. He wondered what their parents had been like.

Johnathon considered the problem of destroying the old building without dropping it on himself, and decided to tackle the problem from the top down. Climbing up into the attic, he started working on ceiling, breaking through to the outside air to figure out how thick the roof was, then systematically starting to knock one piece of roofing loose at a time, figuring that if he cleared the roof first, at least it wouldn't be there to fall on him if he made a mistake.

It was hard work, but fun. Breaking things was almost as much fun as building them, and you got results a lot quicker. it was obvious that the barn needed to come down. The wood was old, and rotten in spots, and simply weak in others. While the interior structure looked like it might last a while longer, it too was showing signs of age. It was a hazard, and repairs would only delay the inevitable. It felt good to destroy the rotting timbers, and each piece of roof that fell, letting the light in from the outside, seemed like a minor victory. Pounding up from below was harder than he had first anticipated, but while it was tempting to simply try taking out the support beams, he didn't want to risk the structure collapsing on him, so he persisted.

He nearly missed hearing Big Mac bellowing out his name from below due to the noise of his hammering, but, the sound of his own name served to catch his attention. He listened, and heard his name repeated, along with a bunch of other words Johnathon could no longer understand.

"Must be lunch." Johnathon walked over to look out of a large 'hay window' on the second floor of the building, and waved to the big red stallion. Applejack was walking up as well, returned from whatever errand she had been on earlier, and he could see Granny Smith waving from the kitchen window, saying something... he caught the word he was pretty sure meant lunch, and grinned. "OK then...." Johnathon came down in a rush, carrying his tools, and ran over to the tool shed to put them back where he'd got them before joining the Apple family for lunch.

Granny Smith served him a large helping of apple pie, which he dug into with relish. She tried asking him something, but he had to shake his head and shrug. Applejack started talking to the old mare, gesturing at Johnathon occasionally, but getting mostly confused looks from her grandmother. Johnathon blinked, then shrugged. They'd figure it out, he supposed.


"He can't talk our language right now, Granny!" Applejack tried to explain again. "On account the spell that Twilight used to let him do so wore off."

"Well, that's not a very good spell then, is it." the older mare decided with a frown. "What good is it if it stops working right when a body want's to talk to somepony!" she nodded at Johnathon. "How come this strange young fella can't talk proper Equestrian, anyway?" She asked, looking a bit annoyed.

"He's from another world, Granny!" Applejack explained. "I told you that yesterday!" she frowned. "And last week, after he first showed up."

Granny Smith frowned. "Well, I know that, but why don't they learn to speak proper where he's from, anyway?"

"They do speak fine." Applejack said with a small sigh. "Leastwise, I expect so. But they don't speak Equestrian. They speak a whole different language!"

Granny Smith frowned. "Well, why in tarnation doesn't he learn to speak proper language then?"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "That's what he's trying to do! He can't learn to speak our language with Twilight's magic working...." she scratched her head. "Er, leastwise, that's the way I heard it. So he's trying to learn it the regular way."

Granny Smith nodded agreeably. "Good idea! Magic learning seems a mite strange to me, anyhow. We'll teach him to speak good Equestrian lickity split!" she glanced at her eldest granddaughter. "He's a good worker, you say?"

Applejack shrugged. "He's willing and all, and he's good with a hammer. Big Mac has him working on tearing down the old barn right now." she frowned at her older brother. "About that... he could get hurt... does he even know what he's doing? If the Princess found out we got him hurt, she'd be plum annoyed, I reckon."

Big Macintosh shrugged. "He seems like he's doing alright, and it's a job he can do solo, seeing as we can't understand each other at the moment."

Applejack frowned. "I was going to have Rainbow Dash do the demolition, you know? She likes doing that sort of thing."

Big Mac shrugged. "It's a big job. She can come help on it later, if ya like."

Applejack shrugged. "Oh, alright."


Johnathon tried to figure out what the siblings were discussing without much success. He finished eating, and picked up his plate, taking it to the sink to wash, then signaled them to get their attention. He made motions as if writing something down on a piece of paper, then pointed toward town. He wanted to get some work done on his English to Equestrian translations before Cheerilee came home, but didn't want to simply walk off without explaining.

Applejack watching his pantomime for a little while, then nodded. He pointed towards town, then himself, and walked a few steps, looking at her to see that she understood. She grinned and made a pushing motion, and he smiled back.

"Twilight?" she asked him. The word sounded different without the spell translating for him, but he knew Twilight's name, having made a point to learn several of the pony's names during the period that the translation spell had worn off days earlier. He shook his head, and said the word that meant. "Cheerilee." Applejack nodded and made the pushing motion at him again.

Johnathon wracked his brains, trying to remember how to say that he would be back tomorrow, but he couldn't remember the words, so he walked to the door, pointed at the old barn he had been demolishing, and then at the sun. He lowered his arm to indicate an earlier point along it's path, then pointed at himself, then the barn again, then made a swinging motion, as if using a sledgehammer. Applejack frowned, concentrating, then nodded again.

Johnathon threw her a thumb's up, which obviously confused her, then chuckled and walked out of the kitchen, waving one more time as he left.

Applejack frowned after the human. "What does that mean, I wonder? I've seen Spike do that too, haven't I?" she shook her head. "Guess I'll ask the little fella later." she turned to her big brother. "I think he was saying he'll be back tomorrow to work on the barn some more." she guessed.

Big Mac simply nodded in agreement. "Eeyup."

Johnathon walked across town to Cheerilee's house, and let himself in. He went to his room and got out the primers that he had been using as a basis for his translations earlier, still stuffed with the pages of parchment he had been using, and started going through them from the beginning, trying to refresh his memory. The primers started with words describing physical objects, gradually progressing to more complex concepts, like telling time, or counting as they went along, and Johnathon read them through several times, repeating the words as best as he could recall to himself to try and get the sounds down in his head. After a while, he gave up, realizing that while he was having some success at memorizing what combinations of symbols meant what word, without a tutor, he was unlikely to recall the sounds of those words very accurately.

He instead opened up a new textbook, and started attempting to write down the English words for the increasingly complex concepts and symbols represented there. When he started to get stuck with that, he pulled out a fresh piece of parchment, and started creating a chart for the English alphabet, and the most common combinations of letters that indicated various sounds, already planning out his first English lesson for Cheerilee in his head.

He was still working when the Purple earth pony returned home, and he came out of his room to greet her. "Welcome home, Cheerilee." he said in English, seeing confusion, then comprehension pass over her face. He held up the phonetic chart he had created, and showed it to her. The earth pony frowned in mild confusion, so he pointed at the letters in turn, speaking them as he did so. "A, B, C, D, E...."

Cheerilee brightened and nodded, pulling her saddle bags off her back and setting them down, she rummaged around for an ink pen and parchment, and once she was settled in at the kitchen table, motioned to the paper again. He set it down on the table, and went through the letters again, one by one. Cheerilee started making notes on her own parchment, and imitated each sound he made at the same time.

They worked for hours, trading off. Cheerilee worked Johnathon through the Equestrian alphabet next, and he practiced each sound, writing down the corresponding symbol, over and over again. By the end of the night, they were both partially proficient with each other's alphabet. Cheerilee excused herself as it was starting to get late, and Johnathon nodded, feeling a little guilty. He realized that he had monopolized her time from the moment she had returned home, and she probably had school work to complete, not to mention needing food and sleep.

Johnathon fixed himself dinner, then went to his room to study a bit more, refreshing what they had done already in his head before getting some sleep himself.


Breakfast the next morning turned into another lesson. Cheerilee cooked this time, telling him the Equestrian word for whatever she was holding and having him repeat it back to her as she went. He learned several new words at the same time as getting an insight into what the purple pony liked for breakfast, and did his best to put both to memory.

After breakfast, they both left the house together once more, and parted ways again. Johnathon headed to Sweet Apple Acres, only to find that instead of helping to tear down the barn, Applejack had him follow her around as she did her morning chores, which she also managed to turn into another language lesson. Johnathon could tell she was taking her time with him, and that she would normally complete her chores much more quickly, but she seemed determined to help him, and he allowed her to lead him around her farm for most of the day, doing his best to learn both how she did her chores and the new words and phrases she was trying to teach him.

The chores were relatively easy. He had been around farm work often enough that, while slightly different in places, just about everything Applejack showed him made sense. While he was certainly struggling with the language, he found that connecting the work he was doing with the language she was speaking made it a lot easier to remember. Johnathon stayed at the farm till the afternoon, following Applejack around the farm from chore to chore. It wasn't until Apple Bloom came trotting home from school that he realized how late it was.

Applejack greeted her younger sister, and then turned to the human to repeat the words for him. He did so automatically, waving at Apple Bloom with a grin.

"Welcome home, Apple Bloom!" Johnathon said in perfectly understandable Equestrian, obviously pleased with himself.

"Oh! You're learning real quick, Johnathon!" Apple Bloom said enthusiastically. "Can you say anything else?" Johnathon blinked, and turned to Applejack with a helpless shrug.

Applejack grinned at him and shrugged back. "He's learning plenty, but I don't think he's quite up to having a regular conversation, Sugar Cube." she told her younger sister affectionately. "But he's trying hard, I reckon."

Johnathon waved at her, getting her attention, and he pointed at the sun in the sky, then at the town, then at himself. "Go... me." He managed, and Applejack nodded. "I expect Cheerilee will be waiting." she told him cheerfully, then pointed at the sun, then made a motion indicating an early time of day. "Are you coming back tomorrow?" she asked, trying to get the point across through repeated pantomime.

Johnathon looked thoughtful, then nodded. Starting to jog off, he waved, then accelerated, his stride lengthening as he started to run towards town.

Apple Bloom blinked. "Whoa... I almost forgot he could run like that." she said, looking surprised. "He's always walking everywhere, kinda easy like, I kinda thought humans didn't like to move quick."

Applejack snorted. "He does seem to be able to move some on them long legs of his, even if he's short a pair." she shrugged as he entered town, moving out of sight, and snickered slightly at the sound of a panicked pony's scream. "Whoops! Guess he must of scared some pony...." she sobered. "Maybe I ought to go check on him, see he gets home alright?"

Apple Bloom stared into the distance, watching a pony backing into view between two buildings, watching in the direction Johnathon had gone. "Nah, I think he just startled some pony. He'll be alright."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "You seem awful sure of that."

Apple Bloom shrugged. "That's Miss Berry Punch... she gets awful excited sometimes... she yelled the same way when Scootaloo jumped over her last week on her scooter."

Applejack snorted. "That girl's a menace on that thing...." she grinned. "Although she's pretty darn good on it... but she's just like Dash... always trying new stunts, and crashing into stuff." she chuckled. "Well, come on in the house. I expect you'll want to get your homework done before supper. Granny's cooking tonight."

Apple Bloom pumped a hoof into the air. "Yay! Pie!"


Johnathon slowed down slightly as he passed through town. The first pony's scream as he shot past her had startled him almost as badly as she seemed to be. He waved as he left her behind, an embarrassed grin on his face, but decided to keep jogging. He got quite a few more stares than normal as he ran, but a friendly wave usually got a hesitant wave, or nod in response. He was careful not to run directly at anypony, not wanting to cause any of them undo concern, and weaved quickly through town, jogging easily now. He found he had to slow down from a full out run after only a few hundred yards, but kept moving at a quick jog for the rest of the way back to the house he now shared with the purple school teacher. He was panting like crazy when he turned the final corner to see that Cheerilee herself was just now walking up to her home.

Johnathon ran up behind her, panting loudly, and put his hands on his sides as he tried to slow his breathing. Cheerilee had seemed a little startled when she turned around to see him jogging up behind her, but smiled and opened the door for him as he gasped for air, walking slow now to try and catch his breath.

Johnathon let the school teacher finish her schoolwork first, and this time it was Cheerilee's turn to start the lesson. She cooked dinner for them both, again making it a language lesson at the same time, but after they ate, it was back to the basics.

Hours passed as they worked, and Johnathon spent about half of it teaching Cheerilee the proper way to pronounce the list of English words he had compiled in the language primers. Cheerilee was the quicker study of the two of them, picking up new words after only a few tries, and seeming to remember nearly everything from previous lessons with little effort. He wondered if she would actually learn English before he managed Equestrian, despite the fact that he would be spending most of each day trying to learn, while she still had a full time job. He promised himself he'd work harder to keep up with her.


Johnathon's days started to work themselves into a routine. First was always breakfast with Cheerilee... they took turns cooking, each of them explaining as they went in their own language for the other to learn. Cheerilee started repeating recipes after a short while, but Johnathon didn't mind. He needed the repetition. Next he would head over to Sweet Apple Acres, or to Fluttershy's cottage, where Fluttershy would take a leaf from Applejack's book and teach him how to help her with her animal chores, combining it with a language lesson. After awhile, he started visiting the other ponies as well. Pinkie Pie and Rarity both volunteered their time to show him around their businesses, although Mister and Mrs Cake seemed a bit nervous around him. Rarity sometimes seemed a bit stressed at having to explain everything to him, but when he tried to explain that she really didn't need to volunteer her time, it upset her more, and she repeatedly insisted on doing her part.

Each evening he'd return home, and he and Cheerilee would get down to work. This was always the hardest part of the day, as Cheerilee would always be pushing him into more and more complex concepts and phrases. Twilight showed up more often then not as well after awhile, and like Cheerilee, seemed to be learning English faster than he could learn Equestrian. It was a blow to his ego, but it drove him to work even harder.

Between one thing and another, he spent most of each day with one pony or another, always trying to learn more. Demolishing the barn got pushed off, as it was a task that didn't lend itself well to talking, but after a couple weeks, he got to watch as a true master of demolition worked.

When he arrived at Sweet Apple Acres that morning, Applejack had taken him through her usual morning chores in a hurry, then waved as a certain cyan pegasus had flown up, wearing a pair of protective goggles. Applejack had gotten out a couple bicycle helmets, and urged him to follow her to a ditch near the old barn, and they watched as the fastest flier in Equestria wreaked havoc on the decaying old structure. Johnathon grinned as he watched, privately convinced that he could have done nearly as much damage as the cyan pegasus, if he'd been willing and able to dodge falling beams and pieces of the roof. At first he was nervous that the cyan pegasus would injure herself with her fierce assault, but she seemed to have the situation well in hand.

It was then that Twilight Sparkle ran up, and started trying to stop Rainbow Dash for some reason. When the pegasus failed to hear Twilight trying to talk to her, Twilight simply grabbed her by the tail with telekinetic force. Johnathon winced, guessing that having her tail pulled like that had to hurt, but Rainbow Dash seemed more annoyed than injured. Applejack waved for Twilight to join her and Johnathon, and he was able to understand enough of their conversation to piece together her simple explanation about wanting to build a new barn. Johnathon had been distracted with trying to piece together what they had been saying that he nearly missed Rainbow Dash flying into the sky.

He glanced up when he noticed the sounds of destruction were gone, and started looking for the cyan mare, only to spot her coming down at the structure from far above like a Rainbow powered cruise missile. His eyes went wide in shock as she continued to accelerate, and he started to climb out of the ditch, waving his arms frantically.

Applejack jumped on him, driving him to the ground, and he heard rather than saw the explosion. Writhing around so he could see, his eyes went wide at the concentric rings of color that passed over his head, moments before a mass of flying debris blocked his view. Johnathon turned his head and threw his arms over his face, only to be buried in pieces of the barn a moment later.

He tore his way out of the rubble, Applejack doing the same just beside him, and rose to his feet to see the blast hole where the barn had once stood. Rainbow Dash hovered just above the pile of rubble, waving cheerfully at them, and obviously unharmed.

"What the hell?" the archeologist stared at the scene in utter confusion. Applejack tried to explain, saying the cyan pegasus's first name several times, and another word he didn't know. Applejack said it again, pointing at the barn, then throwing her hooves out wide, and making a sound like an explosion. Johnathon blinked. "Rain... boom?" he blinked. "Oh! That was a... Sonic Rainboom?" he said the words in English, causing the cowpony to blink in confusion.

Twilight nodded, looking distressed for some reason. "Yes." she told him in English. "Sonic Rainboom." she repeated the words in Equestrian for him and he dutifully repeated them before she wandered off, looking upset.

"What...?" he turned to Applejack, who was walking towards the ruin of her old barn, grinning merrily as she called out thanks to Rainbow Dash. "What's wrong with Twilight?" he wondered out loud.

Big Macintosh and another male pony with three horse shoes on his flank joined him, Applejack and Rainbow Dash in clearing up the rubble, and Johnathon forgot the worried expression on the Purple Unicorn's face. if she had a problem, surely she would tell her friends, or him?

They cleared the majority of the rubble by mid afternoon, and Applejack went into the kitchen to prepare for what was apparently a picnic. After several tries, she managed to explain that she and her friends were meeting for a picnic in the scenic park just outside of town, and he was welcome to join them.

"Bring Cheerilee?" he asked her, after thinking a moment for the proper phrase.

Applejack shrugged and nodded, and Johnathon set off towards home. From the position of the sun, she would probably be getting back soon.

Cheerilee's grasp of English was already good enough that he was able to pass on the invitation relatively easily, and, after preparing a salad to bring with them, the two of them headed off into the park. Twilight and the rest of her friends were already there. Applejack had spread a blanket, and most of them were lounging comfortably upon it, although for some reason, Rarity had brought along the fainting couch from her shop to lay on.

Twilight was looking frazzled, and she stomped away, teleporting from sight after only a few strides, before Johnathon and Cheerilee could even reach the scene. Cheerilee looked concerned, and, translating for Johnathon while she asked after Twilight, they soon discovered the source of her distress.

"She's late with a... friendship letter?" He asked in English, puzzled. "Why would she get in trouble for that?" he repeated the question in his halting Equestrian, and Cheerilee helped him find the right words so he could ask the others. He got a few shrugs, and just as many chuckles.

"Twilight is being Twilight." Cheerilee translated, frowning slightly, then shrugged. "We can't help unless she ask." she told him in English, shrugging, and he sighed and nodded. There was plenty of food. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Applejack especially seemed to always try to bring something that he could eat, and he had worked hard that day, so he settled down to enjoy the picnic. The girls relaxed, chatting quietly with each other, although they didn't seem mind when he asked for them to repeat themselves, or when Cheerilee translated for him. Everyone seemed content to take it easy, there didn't seem to be any rush.

The sun was starting to dip towards the horizon when Applejack sat up. "You all hear that?" she said with a worried expression. Johnathon wasn't certain he had translated it right, until he heard the thunder of many hooves headed in their general direction, and a horde of ponies, chasing what appeared to be the mayor, trampled through the middle of their picnic site.

Johnathon stood up, trying to figure out what was happening. The major seemed to be carrying something in her mouth... something that a pegasus snatched away as he watched, only to have a second pegasus grab hold for a brief tug of war which ended up sending the object... a doll of some sort, flying to the ground below.

Twilight teleported into their midst, grabbing Rainbow Dash by the head and forcing the cyan pegasus to look at her. She cried out something that sounded like a warning, but all Johnathon caught was the fact that she was extremely anxious about something. He stared in the direction of the doll again, wondering what the commotion was about, and started to walk slowly in that direction, eyes fixed on the... wonderful... magical.... doll.

He had to have it! Lyra and Bon Bon reached it ahead of him, and ponies were converging from all sides as he broke into a run. A panicked cry from behind him, in English, telling him to stop, only spurred him on. Stop? They just wanted it for themselves!

Johnathon leapt, landing on top of the two struggling ponies with both feet, driving them both into the ground and ripping the doll away from them with his hands as he stumbled clear of their prone forms. Still upright, Johnathon broke into a run, stuffing the doll under his left arm like a football as ponies headed for him from all sides. Going low and hitting the major in the neck with a shoulder block, he whirled past Big Mac, dived under a cross eyed grey pegasus, who, missing him, collided with the mayor on the ground, then put out a palm with a solid forearm behind it to catch Berry Punch in the jaw as she tried to jump him, sending the mare spinning to the ground.

A carrot seller from the market blocked his path, along with the cutie mark crusaders, and he took off at a ninety degree angle to avoid them, only to have Big Mac coming at him from the opposite direction. Flanked on one side by four hundred pounds of angry red stallion, and on the other side by three fifty pound fillies and a rather unathletic mare, his choice was obvious. Johnathon tossed the doll up into the air over the Crusader's heads as he dived into their midst, tossing Applebloom at Big Mac and sweeping the other two off their feet before tripping the adult mare with the carrot cutie mark. Big Mac, slowed for only a moment by his little sister bouncing off his chest, was just behind the man as Johnathon rolled to his feet, reaching out for the falling doll...

An angry voice called out Twilight's name, and a light bathed the area, clearing his mind all at once. Johnathon finished rolling to his feet, Big Mac gently bumping into him from behind as the doll hit the ground in front of them.

There was an awkward silence as everypony looked at their neighbors, rising to their feet and dusting themselves off. As a group, they walked over to take one good look at the doll, and, with a general look of embarrassment, started to disperse in every direction, some of them glancing up at the Princess of the Sun, who was slowly descending toward Twilight and her friends, a decidedly angry look on her face.

Johnathon's heart was pounding, and his whole body shuddered from the adrenaline that was every now draining away, and he reached down to help Sweetie Bell to her feet before going over to check on Apple Bloom. His breath came easier when he determined that the little yellow filly had suffered no worse than bruises, and having the breath knocked out of her. He helped her to her feet, and glanced over again at the Princess, who's radiance had dimmed to a faint glow as she landed in front of a prostrate Twilight. Princess Celestia spoke, and Johnathon made out enough to realize that she had ordered her student to her own library, when the Princess's eyes found his, and a worried expression crossed over her face for just a moment. Gazing at the ponies around him quickly, the Princess's worry cleared, and she nodded at him once before flying off toward town.

Johnathon watched as Twilight slunk off, head low, following the princess, and he slowly walked toward her friends, confusion spreading across his face. "What...?" he stammered in Equestrian, trying to find the words in his limited vocabulary, but his thoughts were racing, his head was pounding, and the words wouldn't come. "What?" he asked again, not sure what he was even trying to ask.

"Twilight... bad trouble." Cheerilee told him in English, looking worried as Twilight's other friends talked amongst themselves, looking panicked and upset. From what he could make out, they were greatly concerned that the Princess would take Twilight back to Canterlot with her, presumably as part of a punishment.

"Twilight did that?!?" Johnathon demanded of Cheerilee angrily, pointing back at where the doll had lain (not realizing that Big Macintosh had already made off with it). Cheerilee frowned, then nodded, looking upset herself.

Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy all hurried toward the library as well, and Johnathon let them go, still seething. "What the hell was she thinking?" he fumed. "I could have killed somepony tonight."

Cheerilee hesitantly moved closer, looking up into his face in concern. "You... not killer." she told him with a worried frown.

"But I hurt..." he pointed back at towards where he had struggled with the others for possession of the doll. "I hurt Apple Bloom, and she wasn't the only one."he sank to his knees. "I lost control. I completely lost control. I could have seriously injured somepony."

Cheerilee shook her head, putting a hoof on his shoulder. "Not Johnathon's fault." she told him firmly. "Spell make crazy." she sighed, and said something in Equestrian, sounding frustrated, but Johnathon was too upset himself to understand her.

He crossed his legs and sat on the ground, starting at nothing, and Cheerilee sat next to him, leaning lightly against his side in mute companionship. He wasn't sure how much time had passed when a white shadow passed over head, circled, and landed in front of him. Princess Celestia gazed down at him with a sad, but gentle expression on her face. She lowered her horn, and a soft white light enveloped him.

"Hello Johnathon." she said softly. "Are you alright?"

Johnathon blinked. "Did you learn English?" he blinked. "Oh, you cast the translation spell."

The Princess nodded. "Twilight has written me of your progress, and explained your desire to learn our language the hard way. Most commendable." she smiled softly. "She has also sent me instructions on how to shorten the spell's duration. I have used the... one hour version of the spell on you. I hope you don't mind."

Johnathon shook his head. "No." he smiled slightly. "No, of course not. I could use some answers...." he lowered his head slightly. "Sorry... I don't mean to imply you owe me any answers, of course."

The Princess simply laughed. "Do you not? It was, after all, my faithful student who has so upset you tonight, is it not?"

Cheerilee, who had been on the ground in a deep bow up till that moment, finally dared to look up. "Princess Celestia. What did happen?"

The Princess sighed. "Some time ago, I instructed Twilight to send me regular reports on her findings on the Magic of Friendship, and she has faithfully sent me letters each week with what she has discovered." she smiled slightly at the incredulous look on Johnathon's face. "It is not so unusual a thing, if you consider the fact that Twilight's bond with her friends is what saved us, not only from Nightmare Moon, but from Discord. Friendship is what powers the Elements of Harmony, after all."

Johnathon blinked. "Well, alright... but what happened tonight?"

Princess Celestia sighed. "Twilight apparently had convinced herself that if I did not receive a punctual weekly report, I would be angry with her, and take her from her home here." she shook her head with a wry smile. "In part, I suppose it is my fault. I should have made it clear to her that I did not require any more than she could learn on her own. Naturally as she has increased her knowledge of friendship, it grows gradually more difficult to discover things she has not already learned. She is a most... diligent student."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh my." She tried not to chuckle. "Oh Twilight... that silly filly." she blushed, glancing at the Princess guiltily.

Celestia only smiled. "She is young, and worries too much for the approval of her mentor. She will grow wiser with time." she frowned slightly, turning to Johnathon. "I am sorry my student caused you pain, Mister Dwire. I am sure she will offer her own sincere apology when she next sees you."

Johnathon frowned. "I... I want to be generous... but...." he shook his head. "That wasn't... it wasn't OK. I lost control. I could have hurt somepony. I've spent most of my life learning control, and losing it all like that? It wasn't OK."

Celestia's gaze softened. "But you did not harm any of my little ponies, did you? You could have, and the humans I knew centuries ago would have, I think." she gazed down at him thoughtfully. "I have heard more about your time here, Johnathon, than perhaps you know. I know you are capable of doing great harm, but you did not."

Johnathon frowned. "Only.. only because there wasn't any real threat in my way. I... if one of the others had been a serious threat... if I had thought I needed to use more force... even deadly force to get that... stupid doll... I'm not sure if I would have been able not to."

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Were you actually able to think while that spell was on you? I am familiar with its effects, and it seems unlikely that you would have been capable of rational thought."

Johnathon blinked. "Well, no... I just kind of... reacted." he shook his head. "That's just it, I've trained in the martial arts for most of my life! I don't need to think, my body just reacts to any threat... automatically."

Princess Celestia nodded. "I see. So why did you not truly harm anypony tonight?"

Johnathon blinked. "Well... they weren't really a threat. I mean, I might have done something more drastic if I had ended up having to take the stupid thing away from Big Mac... but most of those ponies, they're not dangerous. Heck, Big Mac isn't really all that dangerous if you don't let him use his strength...."

Princess Celestia smiled. "My little ponies are not predators, Mister Dwire, and you are not a hunter of prey. You have trained yourself only to harm other predators."

Johnathon's mouth opened, and he looked confused for several seconds, then shook his head. "I...." he frowned, then looked up at her in confusion. "How? I mean... yeah, I think you're probably right, but... how did you know that?" he raised an eyebrow. "Can you read minds, or something?"

Princess Celestia smiled. "I did not have to read your mind, Johnathon Dwire, to understand a bit more about you then you might guess. I have known warriors before, ponies who loved peace, but who were forced to fight to protect others. They too feared that they would harm those around them." she smiled. "But the gentle ones, the ones who fought to protect? They, like you, would not act to harm the innocent."

Johnathon snorted. "Well, not harm them much. I dished out some nasty bruises, and maybe a sprain or two..."

Celestia smiled softly. "You are forgiven, Johnathon Dwire." she smiled. "My heart is much eased. While I felt you to be a man who could control the beast within himself, I did not know if, like many of your kind, if you hid something more dangerous deep inside your heart. I am pleased to know that you are truly a man of peace." she started to flap her wings, lifting off the ground. "You are welcome in my lands, Johnathon Dwire. Truly welcome. Be at peace with yourself."

Johnathon sighed. "I'll try." he said softly as the Princess lifted into the sky. With a flash of light, she was gone.

Cheerilee hugged him from the side. "Do you really control yourself all the time?" she asked softly.

Johnathon frowned. "Well, yeah. I never drink alcohol, because I'm always worried about what I might do if I lost control." he shrugged. "When I was young, I hurt people. Oh, sure it was in self defense, but I did some real damage... not every time, but when I was feeling really threatened, or if I was injured bad in a fight and I was afraid...."

He sighed. "As I got older, I controlled it. I stopped hurting people who tried to hurt me, but I do feel that anger sometimes. I know how to hurt... to kill, even if I've never actually killed anyone... anypony on purpose, I know how. I could do it so easily."

Cheerilee shook her head. "I don't believe that." she looked at him seriously. "Oh, I believe that you know how. You are a... skilled human, and you aren't one to lie, but I don't believe it would be easy for you. Not in the slightest."

Johnathon met her gaze, and smiled. "Well... I suppose not. I guess there is that."

Cheerilee nodded. "It's something very important. You're a good pony... a good... man. The Princess trusts you, and I think she's right. You are not dangerous. Not to us. Not to the ponies of Equestria."

Johnathon looked at her, trying to think of something to say to that, then, failing he simply pushed himself to his feet. "Let's go home." he said with a shrug.

Cheerilee looked up at him, then rose as well. "Don't you want to talk to Twilight?"

He shook his head. "She probably feels bad enough already." he shrugged. "I'll yell at her tomorrow."

Cheerilee grinned slightly. "You won't be able to speak Equestrian properly tomorrow."

Johnathon smirked. "I'll yell at her in English. Trust me, she'll figure it out." chuckling lightly together, the two of them walked toward the town, and their home.

Chapter 14

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Life was slowly but surely falling into a comfortable routine, but there were still exceptions.

Nightmare Night was a fascinating event to the archeologist, who found it interesting the parallels between Equestrian types of celebration and those on his own world. Of course, here, the mysterious figure of legend that the celebration was about was, in fact, a very real creature. Thanks to Twilight Sparkle, Johnathon knew the truth behind the legend, but he wondered how much truth there really was behind it all.

"Nightmare Night, What a fright, give us something good to bite!" Johnathon had heard the traditional greeting a dozen times already that night, and he smiled as he handed out pieces of candy to each of the young fillies and colts that had come to Cheerilee's door seeking candy. Thanking him, the small group of young ponies ran on toward the next house for more candy. The school teacher's home was a favorite destination for the young ponies that had grown up learning under the gentle guidance of the purple earth pony. Cheerilee always went the extra mile for the celebration, and Johnathon had pitched in as well, decorating her home and yard in spiderwebs, bats, and even a large dark silhouette of a unicorn's head with an usual draconic eye over the entrance-way.

"I still can't believe that was on the moon for a thousand years..." Johnathon said with a shake of his head, nodding at the image of Nightmare Moon.

Cheerilee nodded, smiling at him. "Actually, I find it hard to believe it's gone. The Mare in the Moon has been part of the moon my entire life. Every time I see the moon these days, it seems... emptier somehow." Cheerilee and Johnathon had been taking turns answering the door all night. Cheerilee herself had an excellent Nightmare Moon costume, with fake wings and a prosthetic horn along with the traditional pieces of armor, although she told Johnathon, privately, that the real thing had been much more frighting. She always got complements on her costume when she was the one to get the door.

Johnathon, on the other hand, had decided to go with something from his own world, and was dressed up as a Centaur. Rarity had done a fantastic job at the pony body he was wearing, but apparently, Centaur myths weren't a part of Equestrian's lore, and his costume mainly got confused stares, and some quiet snickering.

They were speaking in English, mainly. Although Johnathon did his best to use Equestrian whenever he could, when they were in private, and talking casually, they often slipped into English. Cheerilee's progress had both astonished and embarrassed the archeologist. While her mastery of written English still had a long way to go, her speech was now, although accented, nearly as good as a native speaker of the language. Twilight Sparkle had progressed nearly as far, although how the overworked unicorn had managed was a constant mystery.

"You actually saw Nightmare Moon when she returned, right?" Johnathon asked the school teacher curiously. "No pony likes to talk about it much, but it was at the start of the summer sun celebration, right?"

Cheerilee nodded, thinking back. "We were gathered in the town hall. We'd waited throughout the night for Princess Celestia to arrive and raise the sun... but instead, she appeared."

Johnathon blinked once. "Wait. Nightmare Moon appeared at dawn?"

Cheerilee nodded slowly, looking curious. "Yes. Well, right before dawn was supposed to rise, in any event."

Johnathon frowned. "Huh. I've never heard the whole story before." he looked curiously at her. "So... what happened next exactly? I've heard a bit about this from Twilight, but she obviously skipped some details."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Well, she appeared... as if she formed out of the mist. No pony knew what was going on, Princess Celestia was missing, and this strange, dark alicorn was standing in her place, claiming to be our ruler. Only Twilight Sparkle really knew what was going on, and who she was... although I think many of us suspected the truth. She told us that the night would never end... and then she was gone. Twilight rushed off, and her other friends followed her, guessing that Twilight must know something useful, I guess, but the rest of us? I'm ashamed to say we mostly just panicked. After all, who could stand up to somepony that had defeated Princess Celestia, and stopped the sun from rising?"

Johnathon hesitated. "What happened next?" he finally asked.

"I did my best to calm the children. They were frantic. We waited for hours... it was actually most of a day before the sun finally did rise, almost a whole day later." Cheerilee recalled.

Johnathon blinked. "So... the sun was supposed to rise, but it was... a full day late?"

Cheerilee nodded again. "Yes. It was so strange. The sun went back to it's regular schedule after that, although we did have a few extra minutes of sunlight every day for a week afterwords... I think Princess Celestia was giving the crops that might have suffered from the lack of sunlight some extra help, so that they'd have more time to grow."

Johnathon shook his head. "I should have caught that earlier. It really did... the sun really did fail to come up for an entire day. How is that possible?"

Cheerilee blinked. "What do you mean, how is it possible? I would think that it's obvious, isn't it?" she gestured to herself, wearing the Nightmare Moon costume. "When Nightmare Moon returned, she must have imprisoned Celestia somehow, and then didn't raise the sun. When Twilight and her friends defeated her, Celestia came back, and raised the sun."

Johnathon hesitated, then shook his head. "I heard that part from Twilight... it's just... I don't know, I just kind of dismissed it at the time."

Cheerilee looked confused. "What do you mean? Why wouldn't you believe Twilight?"

Johnathon shook his head. "it's not that I didn't believe her... I just... found parts of the story a bit... er... harder to believe than others." he shook his head. "It's not that important. I'm just trying to wrap my head around details of your world that are very different than mine."

Cheerilee frowned. "Johnathon, what aren't you telling me? I can tell when you're holding something back."

He chuckled. "You know me pretty well, I guess." he shrugged, then turned to her, his face going serious. "Actually, I've been wanting to talk about this for awhile now, but I've been avoiding the subject, pretty much because I don't want to... well, rock the boat, so to speak." he smiled softly. "But I've already broken a few boundaries there, at least where you're concerned."

Cheerilee frowned, beginning to look concerned herself. "You mean about what we think we might have found out about the... Elements of Harmony?"

The archeologist nodded. "Yeah, that's obviously not common knowledge, and it'd be pretty damaging if it was, I think. The mental trouble I'm having right now is something along the same lines, so if you'd prefer I keep it to myself, I'd understand. It's probably not something you'd be really comfortable hearing."

Cheerilee hesitated. "But you'd feel better if you shared these thoughts with somepony?"

Johnathon shook his head. "I don't know. Sharing your worries is a good idea in theory, but not if it just makes somepony else worry, when they don't have to." he frowned. "And besides, I don't think you'd like hearing it."

Cheerilee nodded once, and the two of them went silent for awhile. There was another knock at the door, and Cheerilee got up and answered the door, and gave out candy to the small group of costumed young ponies that were outside.

"Great Costume, Miss Cheerilee!" came a familiar voice.

"Thank you Spike." Cheerilee said in Equestrian. "And you would be... a Dragon, I suppose?" she smiled slightly, still looking a bit distracted.

"Are you alright, Cheerilee?" Twilight Sparkle said as she approached the doorway, following her candy toting assistant around as he collected treats. "You seem preoccupied." she glanced inside and waved at Johnathon, speaking in English. "Hello Johnathon!" she said cheerfully. "Are you dressed up as a pony this year?"

He blinked. "Er... a centaur." he explained for the dozenth time that night. "Half man, half horse. Part of the mythology on my world." he grinned. "Along with Unicorns and pegasi."

Twilight chuckled. "Well, I'm afraid we don't have any Centaurs in Equestria. I guess that one really must just be a myth."

He shrugged. "Unless they come from another dimension that Discord opened a gate to? Maybe I should ask Princess Celestia about them sometime, see if she's ever met one."

Twilight smiled at him. "That would be interesting! I wonder if either of the Princesses visited any other worlds besides yours?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Guess the only way we'd know would be to ask."

Twilight nodded again. "Well, have a good nightmare night." she glanced again at Cheerilee questioningly.

Cheerilee glanced back at Johnathon, who shook his head slightly, then turned back to Twilight Sparkle. "You too, Twilight. Have fun." she peered at Twilight's costume for a moment, as if trying to figure it out. "Um... are you supposed to Merlin?" she guessed finally. "From that story Johnathon told us about the Knights of the Round Table?"

Twilight sighed. "Why doesn't any pony recognize Star Swirl the Bearded!" she complained. "He's only one of the most important unicorns in magical history!" she sighed and turned to go. "Well, good night, Johnathon, Cheerilee. Have a good evening."

After the door closed, Cheerilee turned to Johnathon. "I think I want to hear it... whatever it is." she said finally. "Although I don't know why, really. The last revelation wasn't easy to deal with."

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... go ahead and take all this with a grain of salt." he began. "Because I already know that things work differently here, but, when I first arrived, I simply couldn't believe that Princess Celestia, or any pony, could have the power to raise the sun and moon." he shook his head. "It just never occurred to me that it might actually be true, it seemed too... impossible."

Cheerilee blinked. "I... don't understand. You've seen a lot of magic while you're been here. Why is it so difficult to believe?"

Johnathon shook his head. "You'd have to have lived on my world, I think, to really understand. I think it's my own knowledge of my world's sciences that is handicapping me here." he looked at Cheerilee seriously. "You know that there isn't any magic on my world, right?" he asked. "Have you ever wondered how the sun and moon move where I come from?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Actually, now that you mention it, I hadn't wondered. I didn't really know that you had a sun and moon, although I suppose it would be strange if you didn't." she looked curious. "How do you move your sun and moon then, if you don't have magic? Do you have one of those... rockets you told me about push them around?"

Johnathon shook his head. "No. In fact, they move on their own.... as does my planet." he hesitated. "Now... you may find some of this hard to believe, but people from my world have actually been out into space, and seen this with their own eyes... to a degree, anyway. We've known these things for many years, through mathematical study, but while no theory is one hundred percent perfect, we do know some basic facts about our solar system."

Cheerilee frowned, as if wanting to ask a question, then shook her head. "I'm not sure I follow, but go on. If I can figure out a question I want to ask, I'll let you know."

Johnathon nodded, then plowed on. "Well, for starters, on my world, the sun doesn't orbit around our planet, our planet orbits around our sun."

Cheerilee blinked. "How... peculiar." she finally told him. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "Very. Our sun is... approximately ninety three million miles from our planet, and it's thousands of times larger than our entire planet as well. Our planet rotates around it once in a year."

Cheerilee frowned, trying to picture that. "Er... OK? I don't really get it."

Johnathon grinned. "Yeah, this one is a bit complicated." he walked over to a standing lamp, and held out a hand. "Pretend my hand is my planet, Earth, and the lamp is the sun."

Cheerilee nodded again. "OK."

He made a fist, and slowly rotated his hand around the lamp. "So our earth goes around our sun like this... see?"

Cheerilee nodded again, slowly. "Once a year...." she frowned. "Er... does that mean that it takes a whole year for your whole world to get light?" she pointed a hoof at his hand. "I mean... I noticed that only one part of your hand has light shining on it at a time, right?"

Johnathon blinked. "Oh, right." he nodded. "Well, our planet rotates as well, kind of... spins around and around as it goes, so every side faces the sun every day. Our day's are the same length as yours, pretty much, but it's caused by our planet rotating..." he made a gesture with his finger to indicate the motion, then moved his rotating finger around the lamp. "So our planet rotates on it's axis every day, and around the sun once a year... get it?"

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Yes... that makes sense, I think. It's a bit strange, but, I guess I can see how that would work." she shook her head. "But what a complicated system. And what makes your planet move like that?"

Johnathon grinned. "Would you believe gravity?"

Cheerilee blinked. "But gravity makes objects fall to the ground, doesn't it?"

Johnathon shook his head again. "Gravity is a force between all matter, pulling it together... the larger the mass, the greater the force of it's gravity. The sun in my universe pulls on the earth, and vice versa, and that keeps my planet rotating around it," he hesitated. "OK, er... wait, I need something to demonstrate with."

He rooted around in the kitchen cupboards till he found some string, and tied one end of the string around an apple. "So... pretend that the force of gravity is this string...." he started, spinning the apple by the string. "It keeps the apple from flying away from my hand... and the force of the apple spinning is what keeps it pulling against the string, that makes it want to fly away...." he shrugged. "The gravity from our sun keeps our planet from flying away, but the speed of our planet going around the sun keeps the sun's gravitational pull from pulling our planet into our sun... they're equal, and constant."

Cheerilee put a hoof up to her head. "You're kidding, right? That sounds way too complicated. I mean... what are the odds that those two forces would be the same? Wouldn't it be more likely that your planet would just... I don't know, keep flying away? Or that it would get pulled into your sun?" she grimaced. "Although that sounds bad, now that I think about it."

Johnathon sighed. "Now that I think about it, this is a pretty difficult concept without knowing a lot of the basics, but for now, I'll simply say that our solar system formed like that... with everything spinning around our sun, and it's been stable for... millions of years."

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "Well, I'll take your word on it for now." she blinked. "Oh! I get it, you must have had the same trouble understanding how our world works as I'm having understanding yours!"

Johnathon nodded, looking thoughtful. "Yes, that's true enough. You see, our star... well, it's... bigger than anypony could really imagine. Like I said, it's a thousand times bigger than our whole planet. The thought of anypony moving it... causing something like that to rise every day? It's... not something I can wrap my mind around."

Cheerilee tried to imagine it and failed, although she had a sense of the vastness he was speaking of. "Is your world very small?"

Johnathon shook his head. "No. In fact, I've seen your maps, and if the scales are accurate, your own world isn't any bigger than mine I think. So the sun from my world would be a thousand times bigger than this world as well."

Cheerilee blinked again. "I can't imagine." she shook her head. "But... why would any of this bother me? It's strange, certainly, but... it's not terribly disturbing."

Johnathon frowned, then nodded. "Well, I thought that the fact that I didn't really believe that Princess Celestia moves your sun and moon would bother you."

Cheerilee thought about that. "Well, if you hadn't explained, it might have. I mean, everypony will tell you that the Princess raises the sun, and not believing us about that... well, I suppose it's like you're accusing us of lying to you," she frowned. "But... well, if I didn't know you so well, I'd say you were lying about your own sun... except, well, I know you don't have magic there, at least none you know about, and I know you wouldn't lie to me about this, even if I can't understand it."

Johnathon sighed. "You're being more generous than I've been. I honestly thought... that Celestia was... I don't know, pretending to raise the sun and moon. I still don't understand how she could do it," he frowned. "Twilight tells me that before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna arrived and defeated Discord, a group of powerful unicorns used to do the job... which means that, oh, 13 unicorns no more powerful than Twilight herself, if she's right, could actually raise the sun in the morning and move it across the sky!" he shook his head helplessly. "I know how strong Twilight is... and it's incredible, but I can't imagine even a thousand unicorns combined being strong enough to move anything as big as a sun."

Cheerilee blinked. "I suppose I can understand why you're having trouble," she shook her head. "I don't understand it myself... but... I do know that it's worked that way for thousands of years."

Johnathon looked curious. "What about before that? How did the sun and moon move before the Unicorns moved them."

Cheerilee blinked. "Well... nopony knows. That was before we recorded history. Perhaps the unicorns always moved the sun and moon?"

Johnathon groaned, and put a hand to his forehead. "Everything has a beginning and an end, Cheerilee," he hesitated. "Everything in my world does, anyway," he shook his head. "I... I've been afraid to talk about this with Twilight, even though I figure she'd understand what I'm talking about better than most ponies... because I'm afraid that... well, ponies won't appreciate me questioning what they believe... have believed for so very long."

Cheerilee frowned. "Do you think Princess Celestia would be angry with you if you didn't believe?"

Johnathon shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe she wouldn't be. She does seem quite... understanding, but...." he sighed. "But this sort of thing, if I caused some ponies to question her...." he shook his head. "Well, I don't want to do that. I don't know if any harm would come of it, but I'd prefer not to take chances."

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "Well, If you want, I won't mention it to anypony, but, maybe you should talk to Twilight about this anyway? She's a very smart pony. Maybe she could answer your questions better than I could."

There was another knock on the door, and Johnathon rose to answer it. "I'll think about it. I've actually been wanting to read up on the subject in her library before talking to her about it... and I still can't read Equestrian well at all."

Cheerilee smiled at him. "Well, ask her for some books on the subject, and I'll help you translate them. It'll be good practice!"

Johnathon grinned at her, then nodded. "I'll do that," he turned to the door, and opened it, one hand already full of candy to give away.


The Nightmare Night celebration had been a memorable one that year, although, having stayed in most of the night, Cheerilee and Johnathon ended up missing out on most of the excitement with Princess Luna's arrival. Still, the younger princess's visit was the talk of the town for weeks afterwords.

Cheerilee had started jogging in the mornings after breakfast and before school, wanting to get ready for the Running of the Leaves Celebration, and Johnathon had started joining her. She had been surprised that the human was able to keep up with her on her jogs. While she wasn't the most athletic pony in town, the fact that a two legged creature could keep up with her for a several mile jog each day was more than a little surprising.

Running with a partner, even a two legged one, was more fun than running alone, and Johnathon was a fun partner to run with. He seemed to enjoy competing with her, either running ahead and daring her to try and catch him, or chasing her from behind. Being chased by the human always sent a slight shiver down her spine. Something inside her reacted to what could only be the predator in him, but she didn't really mind the small tingle. When she let herself feel a little tingle of fear, it was more fun that truly frightening, and it made her push harder than she ever had before.

By the time the of the day of the actual Running of the Leaves race, Cheerilee found herself in the best shape of her life. Johnathon, on the other hand, had been having more and more trouble keeping up with her, especially if she went into a full gallop. He could still keep up with her over long distances, but she was now able to outrun him in a shorter race with little effort. He was capable of surprising bursts of speed, but not of sustaining them for nearly as long as she could, now that she was finally getting into shape.

The race was fun. She, Johnathon, and Twilight Sparkle ran most of the race together, although, when the finish line came into sight, she and Twilight had pulled ahead of Johnathon, and, in fact, raced ahead of most of the rest of the pack. Cheerilee was thrilled to come in fourth that year, to Twilight's sixth place finish. Johnathon had been near the back of the pack, but had still managed to outrace several dozen embarrassed looking ponies.

As she watched the human running the last leg to the finish line, she marveled at how well he had adapted, and more so, to how well the ponies of Ponyville had adapted to his presence in their midst. While it was obvious that some of them were more than a little disgruntled to be beaten in a race by the human, there was no fear, and next to no resentment at his presence among them. As he came panting to a halt, she walked over to congratulate him.

"You did very well, Johnathon!" she said politely in Equestrian, then grinned at him, switching to English. "In fact, you made some of these lazy mares run harder than I've ever seen them go... I don't think anypony wanted to lose to someone running on only two legs...." she chuckled.

"Glad... to... be... of... help." he wheezed in perfectly understandable Equestrian. During the last week or so, his language skills had taken a marked improvement, as if some sort of internal mental switch had been thrown. While he was still far from fluent, he was getting better at a noticeable rate now.

Twilight spoke up from close by. "You did really well yourself, Cheerilee!" the purple unicorn enthused. "SInce Applejack and Rainbow Dash decided to run seriously this year, I knew I probably wouldn't do quite as well, but you've really gotten fast! I guess all that practicing with Johnathon every morning must have paid off!"

Cheerilee nodded with a smile. "He's a good training partner," Twilight raised an eyebrow, glancing between the school teacher and the archeologist, and Cheerilee shook her head. "And a good friend, Twilight. Nothing more."

Johnathon chuckled. "This again?" he glanced at Cheerilee and grinned at her. "I'm ruining your reputation, Cheerilee, I tell you. No wonder you haven't been on a date since I've met you."

Cheerilee rolled her eyes. "Oh please. No pony takes those silly rumors seriously. Everyone knows the two of us are just friends."

Twilight shrugged. "I don't know... you two do seem pretty cozy when I see you together. I'm sure I'm not the only pony who's wondered if it might be something more." she raised a hoof. "I didn't really seriously consider it, just some idle thoughts."

Cheerilee glanced at the human, who had stripped off his tee shirt and was wiping the sweat off his brow with it. "Although Johnathon IS a fine looking human, I'm sure...." her gaze lingered for a moment on his stomach muscles. "He's not my type."

Johnathon grinned at her. "Checking out my abs?" he said, grinning, and slapping a hand against the four plainly visible muscles visible there. "I think I'm in the best shape of my life, and that's saying something," he winked at the school teacher. "And you're looking mighty trim and toned yourself, Cheerilee, if I do say so myself."

Cheerilee flushed slightly, then shook her head. "You are an incorrigible tease, Johnathon, but I know you well enough to know that you're just teasing me by now."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, sure, although I'm not lying. You're as healthy as I've seen you, and you do look great. Just because I'm not physically attracted to ponies doesn't mean I can't appreciate beauty when I see it."

Cheerilee flushed deeper. "Johnathon, I'm not beautiful."

Twilight shook her head. "Don't sell yourself short, Cheerilee. I happen to agree with Johnathon. You really are very pretty. I'm sure there's a half dozen stallions in town that would agree with me."

Cheerilee looked bashful. "Well, if so, they're haven't seen fit to mention it."

Johnathon frowned. "Heck... that's probably my fault. I mean... the ponies around here have pretty much grown used to me by now... but, well, I do take up most of your time when your not at school. You've been so busy helping me learn Equestrian, you haven't gone out on your own more than..." he frowned. "Have you even gone out and had any fun since I've met you?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Why, we went on that picnic with Twilight and the others...."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Well yeah, but that was over a month ago! You really should get out and have some fun more often."

Cheerilee shrugged. "I do have fun. You've been teaching me those games from your world... chess, and checkers?"

He grinned. "They're not all that different from some of the games you have here." the archeologist noted. "I've been meaning to learn your version of chess. I've noticed some older ponies playing in the park, and I could use some good competition," he winced. "Er, not that you're not a good player, Cheerilee."

Cheerilee laughed. "Don't be silly. I'm just a beginner at those games. Besides, didn't you tell me that those sorts of games were part of your special talent?"

Johnathon frowned. "Well, sort of. I'm better at games that have more rules... the more realistic, the better I am at them. I'm certainly a lot better at chess than I am at checkers, but there are board games with more complex rules that I'm better at still... although I haven't seen anything comparable here," he shrugged. "Not that I'm surprised. I don't see your society putting a lot of effort into very realistic war games."

Cheerilee looked sympathetic. "It's too bad, I know it's something you enjoy."

Twilight spoke up. "Maybe you could make one, Johnathon? I'd be interested in seeing what sorts of games you played on your world."

Johnathon blinked. "I'll think about it. Just like some of the more violent stories on my world, some of the games from my world probably wouldn't go over as well here. I might come up with something, however... to pass the time," he grinned and shrugged. "Although it might be awhile. I've still got a lot I want to do first," he sighed. "I just wish I could read your language better. I'm learning, but reading is still such slow going!" he glanced at the purple unicorn. "Speaking of slow going... how is your research coming along?"

Twilight started to walk towards town, and the two of them followed behind, moving at a comfortable pace. "Actually, I do have some news." Twilight told them as they got out of earshot of the crowd still at the finish line of the race. "I've been blocked for awhile now on the same problem, that is, trying to sustain the energy for a complex spell over a longer duration, and I've been thinking I need to come at it from a different angle."

Johnathon looked curious. "Oh? What sort of angle?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, Strangehorn the Mad had a number of spells that he created for dealing with the possible consequences of a journey to another dimension, including an extended transformation spell. You see, he reasoned that creatures from another world might not look anything like a pony, and if they were hostile to alien forms of life, it might be dangerous.. so he came up with an extended transformation spell. According to his notes, he successfully used it several times, but there was one unfortunate accident that caused him to suspend research on it. Unfortunately, he died before he managed to perfect it. Still, it's a much more complete spell then his dimensional gate spell, and I believe I've worked out the issues he was having with it!"

Johnathon blinked. "A transformation spell? You already can do those, can't you?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, but those all have limited durations. For example, I turned four mice into horses, but that spell would only last half a day, and it did take quite a lot of energy. What I'm proposing is a spell that could sustain such a magical transformation for months, or even indefinitely if needed!"

Johnathon blinked. "Huh. You mean, you could turn yourself into a dragon or something?"

Twilight hesitated. "Dragons are notoriously resistant to magic, but... in theory, yes," she held up a hoof. "One of the problems with the spell is that it does not change the... inherent magical nature of the creature transformed. For most ponies, that wasn't a problem, but for a unicorn, an extended transformation into a creature without a horn was... dangerous."

Cheerilee frowned. "What made it so dangerous?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, a unicorn expresses their magic through their horn. Without a horn, the magic is trapped within the body. This is not so dangerous for most unicorns... the magical build up can cause feedback through the body, which can cause painful headaches, and sometimes minor tissue damage, but for a unicorn with enough magical energy to cast the spell, it can be significantly worse," she frowned. "One of the researchers involved was quite gifted in her own right, and she tried casting the spell on herself, to transform herself into a pegasus pony. Unfortunately, after several days, the magical feedback caused her to..." Twilight winced. "Well, she collapsed, and if Starswirl the Bearded had not been able to reverse the spell, it is thought that she might have died," she frowned. "The description of her symptoms was pretty disturbing."

Twilight shrugged. "But, in theory, most other creatures shouldn't have a problem with the spell! A pegasus pony would most likely retain their ability to walk on clouds, regardless of their form, and an Earth Pony would still be naturally stronger, and healthier...." she glanced at Cheerilee. "This is all still theoretical, of course."

Johnathon frowned. "So... your next step is testing this, I suppose?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Yes... I've been doing tests on plants... and in theory it should work fine on a pony, but I've been reluctant to ask for a volunteer, and... unfortunately, it's probably unwise for me to experiment on myself."

Johnathon grimaced. "With how powerful you are, you'd probably explode or something if you couldn't use your magic..."

Twilight winced. "Well... it would take several days before I suffered any serious side effects, I think, but since the spell would last for weeks at least... and since besides myself, and most likely the princesses, I don't know of any pony who could reverse the spell, it's probably best if I don't use it on myself, at least not yet."

Johnathon frowned. "So... you need a volunteer, right?"

Twilight hesitated. "Actually... I don't want to try any transformation spells on you just yet. Something you mentioned a while back, about spells having... what did you call it, the ability to pull information from a collective consciousness? Well, I'm worried that if I do transform you, the... collective consciousness won't have a human in it to draw information from, and I might not be able to change you back."

Johnathon blinked. "Er... wow. Yeah, that would be bad."

Twilight shrugged. "Actually, one good way of testing my theory would be by transforming a pony into a human... or rather, a female human. Since there isn't a female human on Equestria, if magic does need information from the... collective consciousness of the world, the spell shouldn't work... in theory."

Cheerilee spoke up. "What would happen if you tried to transform somepony into a... female human, and the spell didn't work?"

Twilight looked thoughtful. "One of two things. Either the spell would simply fail, and nothing would happen to the pony, or they would turn into... well, into a very close copy of Johnathon himself, as he's the only human on Equestria for the spell to get information on from."

Cheerilee frowned slightly. "Are those the only possibilities?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, they are the two most likely possibilities, but I am pretty confident that the effects would be easily reversible, in any case," the purple unicorn shrugged slightly. "In any case, I'm not quite ready for any pony to volunteer. I still have at few more tests to try first," she hesitated. "Still, Johnathon, do you think I could get... er... a drop of blood? Maybe some hair? Even beyond doing transformation spells, I'll be wanting a focus if I want to find your dimension. It'll make it easier to make sure I've locked onto your dimension when I try searching for it."

Johnathon shrugged. "Sure... that's not a big deal," he glanced up at the Library, which they were coming up to as they spoke. "Do you have a needle, or something? I could do it myself, if you wanted. I'm not squeamish about blood."

Twilight blinked. "Er... I do have one inside. I have a specimen container prepared as well, actually."

The archeologist grinned. "Well then, far be it from me to hinder your research. Let's get you your sample."

Going inside, Twilight produced a sharp needle, a scissors, and a pair of small glass vials with rubber lined lids. "Here. Do you really want to do it? I don't know if I could actually stick myself...."

Johnathon chuckled. "Yeah, we did blood typing in school. I can poke my finger, no problem," He glanced at her. "Just a drop?"

Twilight nodded. "A single coherent drop will be plenty. And a single strand of hair, really. With magic, the smallest piece is sufficient, so long as it's a clean sample."

The archeologist took the needle and after a moment's hesitation, poked his finger, then squeezed out a drop of blood into one vial. After putting a small cotton bandage over his finger, he cut a piece of hair, and dropped several strands into the second vial.

Johnathon closed both vials and held them out to Twilight. "Will those do?"

The purple unicorn nodded quickly, taking them in her telekinesis, and putting them down on a shelf. "Well then...." she took a deep breath. "Actually, I do have an experiment in mind that will answer one of my questions... and it's not even slightly dangerous... probably."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "What's that?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, I could try to use a regular transformation spell to turn some pony into a human... not Strangehorn's more permanent version, but just a regular old transformation. It wouldn't last very long.... moments... or perhaps a full day at most, depending on how much energy I put into it, but I would be able to test to see how exactly the... collective consciousness of magic works."

Cheerilee blinked. "You mean, transforming a pony into a human?"

Twilight nodded. "A female human. Since Johnathon is male, unless the magic can extrapolate somehow from him, it shouldn't work, but... if I try the spell, I'll know one way or another if that's a limit I'll have to be careful about."

Cheerilee nodded, then frowned. "I thought you said you weren't ready for a volunteer yet?"

Twilight blushed. "Well, I'm not, because... I'm going to try the spell on myself."

Cheerilee blinked. "On yourself?"

Johnathon frowned. "Wait just a minute! If something goes wrong, you're the only unicorn in town who's got the experience to fix it!"

Twilight shook her head. "It's a temporary spell! It will fade on it's own automatically. There's no risk. I've done dozens of transformations, and I've never had a problem."

Johnathon frowned. "Still, I'd be more comfortable if some pony else...."

Twilight shook her head. "No! If I do ask for a volunteer now, when it's as safe as this... if I can't take at least some of the risks myself, how could I ask anypony else to...?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm doing it myself. And I'm going to do it now," she lowered her horn toward Johnathon, and it started to glow, brighter and brighter, radiating outwards until it enveloped her entire body. The light seemed to reach out and touch him, lightly, as well, and he flinched, halfway wanting to rush forward and try and stop her, but afraid such an action might do more harm then good.

Then the light faded, and Twilight, or at least he assumed it was Twilight, collapsed shakily to the floor. "Did... did it work?"

The young woman sprawled on the floor was almost certainly human. medium length black hair spilled around her shoulders, and framed her face as she slowly pushed herself up off the library floor till she was on all fours, on her hands and knees. She slowly walked her feet forward under her body, till she was on her toes, still holding herself up awkwardly on her hands as well. With slow deliberation, she started to try and stand.

Johnathon went from staring incredulously at the girl to blushing fiercely, as it quickly became apparent that Twilight's spell hadn't included clothing. Of course not! The rational part of his mind told him. She wasn't wearing anything to begin with! Why would that have changed?

Twilight managed to stand for just a moment, her face becoming quite triumphant for just a moment before she started to topple, her eyes going wide. Instinctively, she threw out her arms for balance, only succeeding on overbalancing the other way.

Johnathon reacted instantly, rushing forward to catch her before she could face plant into the library floor, and the lithe warm body of the young woman thudded into his chest, his arms wrapping around her securely. Twilight's arms slowly wrapped around his back, and she grabbed on tight as well.

"Whoa..." she said softly. "OK, standing upright is going to require some practice," she grinned up at him, reaching her arms up to grab onto his shoulders and pull herself fully upright against him, using his body as both brace and handhold. "Thanks for the catch," she told him, blushing slightly in embarrassment at her clumsiness. She looked at his face in mild confusion. "Are you alright, Johnathon? You seem very flushed."

Johnathon pulled his arms away from where he was hugging her, and reached up gingerly to grasp her shoulders. "I'm fine..." he said with a small cough, pushing lightly on her shoulders to try and separate their bodies slightly.

Not wanting to fall, Twilight clung to him. "Careful!" she warned. "If you let go, I'm going to fall down!"

The archeologist closed his eyes and tilted his head backwards, taking a deep breath through his nose to try and calm down, which helped less than he had anticipated as the faint but unmistakable smell of a healthy, slightly sweaty human female came to his nostrils, aggravating the condition he was trying and failing to avoid.

Twilight blinked. "Johnathon, why are you poking me in the side?" she glanced down curiously at where his sweat pants, given to him by Rarity at his request after he started running on a regular basis, were tenting, pressing a certain part of his anatomy against her.

Johnathon grunted once, shook his head to clear it, and scooped Twilight off her feet, heading for her staircase. Cheerilee, who had already guessed what might be causing Johnathon so much distress, gasped aloud, putting a hoof over her mouth in shock as the archeologist mounted the stairs rapidly, heading for Twilight's bedroom.

"Er... Johnathon, what are you doing?" Twilight said, sounding slightly concerned.

"Here," Johnathon set her down on her bed. "Just... raise your arms up, like this..." he demonstrated. "And hold still a second."

Twilight blinked, but did as instructed, flinching slightly as the man leaned in towards her and put his hands on the bed on either side of her. "Johnathon? What are you doing?" she asked again, more than a little nervous.

With another grunt, he wrapped the top sheet of Twilight's bed round her just under her armpits and tied it off, then stood back, shivering just slightly. "It's... a little chilly," he explained weakly. "And you're probably going to catch a cold if you... er... didn't put something on."

Cheerilee, who had, after a moment's paralyzation, raced up the stairs just behind them, watched Johnathon dress Twilight with a raised eyebrow. "Oh..." she finally said. "For a moment there, I wondered..."

Twilight blushed slightly. "Er... I sort of was wondering as well," she glanced at the front of the man's pants, causing the man to wince and lean forward slightly in embarrassment. "Johnathon... you were... are... sexually aroused by me?"

Johnathon winced. "Well... at least you know that the spell worked. I mean... obviously you've managed to turn yourself into a normal human female."

Twilight looked curiously down at herself. "But why would you...?" she touched the sheet he had wrapped around her in mild confusion, before her eyes cleared with understanding. "Oh right! Humans wear clothes all the time!" she blinked. "I'm sorry... I didn't consider your cultural beliefs when I cast that spell... if I offended you, I apologize."

Johnathon shook his head. "No... no... that's fine. I er... I don't exactly mind, exactly... it's just a bit... uncomfortable for me."

Twilight nodded quickly. "Well... I'll remember to remain clothed until my spell wears off..." she sighed. "Although I was hoping to be able to examine this body in some more detail. I really don't know all that much about human anatomy...."

Johnathon seriously considered telling her that, in the interest of science, he would fully understand if she decided to go about naked for the rest of the day, and how he'd be happy to watch and take notes... but restrained himself. "Perhaps you should... do that," he finally said. "While I... er... give you some privacy."

Twilight blinked. "Well... if you think that would be alright. I mean, it won't offend you?"

Johnathon shook his head again quickly. "It's not offensive... just...." he waved his hand as he tried to explain carefully. "Er... difficult... I...." he turned his back on her, took a breath. "Twilight, I've never really explained this particular aspect of human culture before, have I?"

Twilight thought about it. "Well, you did mention that, since your species has no natural fur, you developed clothing as protection against the elements... and over time, it became an element of your culture."

Johnathon nodded, carefully keeping his back to her. "True. There is a bit more to it than that."

Twilight looked interested, as did Cheerilee, although the purple earth pony already had a vague suspicion as to what he was going to say, having brushed upon the subject with her houseguest before this. "Oh?"

Johnathon nodded. "You see... in human society, there are only a few reasons why a human might go without clothing... in general, in any case," he decided not to mention nudists, not wanting to muddy the issue. "To get clean, to sleep comfortably, and... er... for sex."

Twilight thought about this for about ten seconds before she blushed clear down to the tops of her brand new breasts. "Oh! Oh! Eep!" she looked like she wanted to disappear, but realized that trying to flee while in an unfamiliar body would probably end painfully for her. She hesitated, taking a long slow breath to try and calm herself. "Oh... I didn't mean..."

Johnathon shook his head quickly still facing away. "Of course not! Just a simple misunderstanding," he deliberately turned around, then sat on the bed opposite Twilight's that she used for overnight guests. "Please don't concern yourself. I'm quite aware you didn't intend...." he waved a hand airily. "Anything by it."

Twilight nodded quickly, then looked slightly puzzled. "How odd. I wasn't in... heat or anything before the spell. I'm surprised that this form caused you to have such a strong reaction."

Cheerilee coughed slightly. "Actually, from what Johnathon has told me, humans don't have mating seasons. They're... er... fertile all the time."

Twilight blinked, then blushed brighter. "Oh," she finally said. "Er... well. This is awkward."

Johnathon started to laugh. "You're telling me!" he shook his head. "Twilight, I have never met anypony who is capable of quite so... spectacular mistakes as you." he grinned. "Of course, that's because you're spectacularly capable. Great skill and intelligence often comes with the capacity for huge errors as well."

Twilight continued blushing, looking down at her hands. "I am sorry, Johnathon. Are you angry?"

He shook his head. "Don't be silly. Of course not. You meant well, and nobody got hurt."

Twilight frowned, still blushing slightly. "I suppose now would be a really bad time to ask you if I could compare your anatomy with that of this body, huh?"

Johnathon rolled his eyes. "Seriously, don't tempt me like that, Twilight."

She blinked, uncertain. "I don't understand."

Johnathon shook his head. "I'm getting that. To put it simply, in my culture, a female human saying something like that to a male human would be a... subtle way of saying she wished to have sex with him, with very little chance of her being misunderstood."

Twilight blinked. "Oh... er... right, sorry," she put a hand behind her head. "Sorry... that should have occurred to me." she sighed, looking slightly frustrated. "Darn."

Johnathon sighed as well. "Of course, you really are just interested in comparing our anatomies so you can learn more about humans... which I do understand, of course," he frowned. "It... it would be difficult for me, but if it's really important to you, I'll suffer through it."

Twilight hesitated, then shook her head. "No, I don't want you to suffer, Johnathon... as much as I would be interested in..." She shook her head again. "No, that's alright," she hesitated. "But... you won't mind if I... er... examine myself while you're not here?"

Johnathon shook his head. "No, not at all," he chuckled. "Frankly, part of me would love to stay and help you with your examination, but I think I'm going to have enough trouble getting to sleep tonight as it is," he shrugged. "I'll... just let myself out, alright?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh." She looked apologetic. "I'm sorry for making you so uncomfortable, Johnathon. I should have talked to you more before I tried that spell."

Johnathon hesitated, then shook his head. "No... it's really alright. Yes, it was a bit embarrassing, but..." he shrugged. "When I recall this afternoon at some point in the future, it won't be a painful memory, I assure you," his cheeks colored faintly, then he laughed. "Not in the slightest." he rose from the guest bed, and headed for the stairs. "Investigate away, Twilight, if you want."

Cheerilee spoke up. "I'm interested as well... may I stay, Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle blinked, then nodded. "Sure. I could probably use some help getting around the house anyway... I'm not sure I can walk upright properly without some practice, and this spell will probably fade before I get the trick of it."

Johnathon excused himself and left the Library quickly, then started to stride quickly back to the house he shared with Cheerilee. The image of Twilight, naked on the floor, the feel of her body pressed against his, came back to him every few moments, taunting him, but he just chuckled and walked on. He'd been married for five years, it wasn't like he never seen a naked woman close up before. It HAD been a long time. In the two years since his wife had died, he'd avoided romantic entanglements, and while Twilight was a nice... pony, he had no intention of starting a relationship, or even engaging with a casual fling with any of the inhabitants of this world, even if they could turn themselves into very attractive members of his species.

"I'm going home sooner or later," he reminded himself. "I can't get attached to..." he shook his head. "Darn it Twilight! First the translation spell, now this? Do you have any idea how tempting abusing your magic is for me?" his mind brought forth images in his mind's eye, thoughts of Twilight, or any of her friends, or Cheerilee, nice girls all, in a female human body for an extended period. The temptation of that idea made his throat catch slightly, but he shook his head. Even if one of them would entertain the idea of... anything happening, he wouldn't. He wasn't someone who would casually hook up with a girl, although he had been tempted on more than one occasion to do exactly that, he'd waited till he found the one... the girl he'd marry, and he had never regretted that choice.

Well, he never regretted it much. He'd wondered if he'd missed out on opportunities in his past, but while it did no one harm to wonder, it didn't do him any good either.

"Damn it...." he muttered to himself. "I'll never manage to concentrate enough to translate that book on Canterlot history tonight."

Chapter 15

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After Johnathon had left, Cheerilee looked at Twilight curiously. "So... how long is this spell of yours going to last?"

Twilight hesitated. "I'm not exactly sure, since I can't seem to sense magic at the moment... but it should wear off in about twelve hours or so. Why?"

Cheerilee shook her head. "Just curious." she hesitated, blushing. "I'm a bit surprised at myself, actually, but I've really been enjoying the chance at being able to do something... scholarly for a change, and I find it's a bit addictive."

Twilight smiled brightly at her. "I understand completely! It's wonderful finding out something new, isn't it?"

Cheerilee nodded. "I do love teaching, and watching my students grow up, and I'd never give that up, but... I do like to learn and discover new things as well, although it's never really been my calling."

Twilight smiled encouragingly at her. "I think you have a knack for it. Your papers on Johnathon's native language are really well done! If it wasn't for your work, I'd never have learned as much English as I had. I'm sure that the University of Canterlot's linguistic department would offer you a job if you wanted one."

Cheerilee blinked, surprised. "Oh my!" she smiled slightly, shaking her head. "No... I would never leave my students. I love teaching too much... I love Ponyville too much to want to leave." she nodded to Twilight. "But I am getting a bit of a taste for research... perhaps just a taste." she frowned slightly. "Twilight, I'm no unicorn, but I would like to help you if I can, although Celestia knows that biology was never my best subject."

Twilight smiled at her. "Well, I do appreciate the help. I can't use my magic right now, so even just helping me get around will be useful, and I don't want to miss this opportunity. We're not likely to get many opportunities to fully examine a human female..." she frowned slightly. "Assuming that the spell worked correctly." she looked at Cheerilee. "I do look human, right? Johnathon did seem to react as if I was." she gazed down her chest, to where her breasts were mostly concealed by the bed sheet tied under her right armpit. "I appear to have rather large mammaries... at least I think that's what these are." she reached up to fumble with the knot tied into the sheet at her side and frowned as she fought to get her new appendages to obey her. "Hmm. Hands are tricky."

Cheerilee grinned and moved forward to help, taking the knot in her teeth and tugging it apart. "There you go."

Twilight nodded her thanks as she clumsily parted the sheet, exposing her new form to the light from her bedroom's window. "Yes, that's what I thought... mammaries, and only two of them! How interesting!" she felt down her body with her hands. "Hmm... I believe... yes, I do appear to have the same sort of hip structure that Johnathon does as well." she held up her hands in front of her face. "And my hands appear very similar to his, if a bit smaller, I think." she frowned. "I really do wish Johnathon could have stayed, he could have told me if there were any noticeable differences from what a human female from his world should look like." Twilight tried to get to her feet, and managed to flop onto the floor before pushing herself up to her hands and knees. "Oh dear. Cheerilee, could you help me up? I want to go get my camera, so we can get some photos!"


Hours later, sitting down to a late dinner, Cheerilee was happily telling her house guest about her day. "So then we went and got Twiilght's camera, and she had me take lots of photos!"

Johnathon blinked, then swallowed. "Er... photos?" he shut his eyes and promised himself he wouldn't ask for copies, no matter how much he might want some.

Cheerilee nodded. "She's going to have them developed later, after she returns to normal, I suppose, and she wanted to know if you'd be willing to take a look? You know, see if everything looks right?"

Johnathon sighed in defeat. "Of course she did."

Cheerilee looked at him seriously. "Twilight wanted me to ask you if you were sure that the spell worked properly or not. She thinks that it did, and you seemed to agree, but she really wanted to be sure." Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Twilight was saying that if the spell did work completely, then it means that either the spell could extrapolate very accurately from your physical structure, or that the... collective consciousness that it draws from is even broader than she was expecting." she wrinkled her nose. "Am I making any sense?"

Johnathon nodded. "Actually, I was thinking along the same lines. Either the spell somehow extrapolated female DNA from my own somehow, or it took the image from my mind... or... I don't know... somehow there is some sort of... psychic impression of humans in Equestria left over from the last time any of us were here?" he shrugged. "I have no idea how we'd go about determining which of those are correct... if any. Magic is constantly surprising me. It seems to follow rules... but the rules themselves seem to be pretty flexible." he frowned. "I guess one way to find out would be to change me permanently into something, and try to change me back... after, oh, destroying any other traces of human DNA around, and if Twilight could change me back then, it's not either of my first two theories." he chuckled. "Not that I'd risk such a test... so I guess we'll have to think of something else."

Cheerilee blinked. "That makes sense, I think... but... what's a DNA?"


The next morning, after Cheerilee went to work, Johnathon stopped by the Library once more and knocked on the door, feeling just slightly nervous. "I hope she's back to normal." he muttered under his breath. "OK, part of me hopes she's not, but I'm trying to ignore that part...." he admitted to himself. "And now I'm talking to myself." he noted with a wry grin just as the door opened.

"Who are you talking to?" Spike asked curiously.

Johnathon grinned. "Never mind me, Spike, just being cryptic." he shrugged, then turned serious, glancing cautiously past the baby dragon. "Er... is Twilight in, and... um... is she decent?"

Spike blinked. "Decent?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Er... I mean, is she dressed? Or... a unicorn again?"

Spike blinked again. "Johnathon, what are you talking about?"

Johnathon sighed. "Never mind. Is Twilight in?"

Spike nodded. "Yes, although she's still sleeping. I guess she was up late last night with some sort of project?"

Johnathon blinked. "Er... you didn't... see her last night then?"

Spike blinked. "Why? Did I miss something?"

The archeologist chuckled. "If you didn't see her last night, then probably yes." he shrugged. "Well, if she's sleeping, don't disturb her. Just let her know I stopped by."

The baby dragon shrugged. "Sure Johnathon. I'll let her know."

"Let me know what?" Twilight Sparkle, once again a purple unicorn, asked curiously as she walked down the stairs from her bedroom, yawning slightly. "Oh, good morning Johnathon!" she glanced back at her room and her horn lit up. "Oh! I was wanting to ask you if you would..."

A stack of photographs floated down towards him, and Johnathon nearly groaned. "Cheerilee mentioned." he interrupted. "Er...." he sighed. "I suppose I could take a look at them... in the interests of... er... science!" he declared, trying not to blush, and mostly succeeding.

"What are those?" Spike said curiously. "Photos? What of?"

Johnathon grabbed the stack out of the air before Spike could get a good look. "You're a bit young for these, Spike." he said quickly, regretting his words almost immediately.

"Why am I too young to look at photographs?" The baby dragon said curiously. "What's in them?"

Johnathon hesitated. "I just meant... they're boring... just, er... anatomy stuff, right Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle was frowning in mild confusion. "Um. That's right Spike. Just anatomy pictures. For my research."

Spike shrugged and seemed to lose interest. "Research stuff?" he shrugged, then headed for the library's small kitchen. "Oh... OK. So... what did you want for breakfast, Twilight?"

Twilight blinked, then thought about that. "Pancakes?"

Spike gave her a thumbs up. "Got it!"

Johnathon took a deep breath, and glanced at the photos. "Huh." slowly he thumbed through them, one after another. "So... you wanted to know if I see anything that's... off, right?"

Twilight nodded. "Well, I guess it's most likely that the spell did work correctly, or else you'd have noticed earlier, but it can't hurt to make sure."

Johnathon's eyebrows raised at a couple of the shots, but otherwise he maintained a calm expression. "Well... I'm pretty sure. Nothing out of the ordinary for a human female." he told her finally. "In her late teens to early twenties, I'd say."

Twilight Sparkled blinked. "Huh. Well, I just turned twenty one, so I guess it extrapolated age from me?" She frowned. "Interesting." she looked curious. "Did you notice anything else? Anything I might not think of that might be relevant?"

Johnathon thought about that. "Well... no. I mean, I suppose your human form looked like she could have been related to me, vaguely... same general skin color, European facial structure...." he shrugged. "There is a lot of variety among humans, anyway, and the human you transformed into could easily be from the same geographical part of the world that my ancestors came from." he shrugged again. "Otherwise, that's about it."

Twilight nodded slowly. "So... the spell was probably using you for a template?"

He shrugged. "It does seem likely, but one test is hardly going to be sufficient to be sure." he handed her the stack of photos with some quickly concealed reluctance, and she floated them back upstairs. "So, what's the next step?"

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Well, we still don't know if a permanent transformation spell on you would be reversible or not. If my own transformation spell had failed, we'd know for sure, but since it looks like my spell may have simply used you for a template, and somehow extrapolated a female form, we can't be sure of anything yet."

The archeologist shrugged. "It was a good try. So I take it that it's probably not a good idea for me to volunteer to be a test subject?" he grinned slightly. "No offense, Twilight, but that's actually kind of a relief. I mean, it might be kinda cool to, I don't know, have wings for awhile, but I really don't want to get stuck as something else, and not be able to change back to myself, you know?"

Twilight nodded. "I do understand. Unfortunately, I'm currently at a loss as to how we could find out if it's safe or not."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, it's not necessary for you to transform me to get me home, right?"

Twilight nodded again. "That's true, I suppose I am branching off a bit, although I do want to be sure that Strangehorn's permanent transformation spell is safe before I try it, and since it's almost certainly not safe to cast it on myself, finding a willing volunteer is going to have to be next before I try it... and I don't want to ask Spike. He's always happy to help, but he's still just a baby, and this isn't something I'd ask of him."

Johnathon looked curious. "Well, couldn't you try your permanent transformation spell on something else? I mean, change a house plant into.. I don't know, another type of plant, and then change it back?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh! That is a good idea!" she thought about it. "And I could try it on an insect after that... a turn a fly into a butterfly, maybe?"

Johnathon nodded encouragingly. "That's it. Baby steps... one thing at a time, and you'll figure it out."

Twilight smiled. "Well, it it works, it'll get me one step closer to figuring out extending, or permanencing my spells, and we'll be one step closer to getting you home!"


Johnathon left the purple unicorn to her research, and went about the rest of his day. He was starting to become relatively fluent in spoken Equestrian now, although he still had a long way to go before fully understanding the written language.

A week passed, and then another, and Twilight was getting frustrated. Johnathon was over at the library, picking up another history text, having finally finished translating his last one, as Twilight explained her problem to him.

"It's just... Strangehorn's spell is so very complex." Twilight tried to explain. "I've been hoping that by actually casting it successfully, I could figure out how the individual components worked, which is fine in theory, except I can't get it to work at all." she frowned. "I've tried it on plants... and on insects... but it doesn't work. I set a fern on fire on my second try, but I have at least learned how to reduce the power I'm using to the mass of the target, but I haven't managed a successful transformation yet."

Johnathon looked puzzled. "What's causing you so much trouble, anyway? I thought you were good at transformations."

Twilight frowned. "Well, the problem is that Strangehorn's spell isn't anything like a traditional transformation spell, and to make things worse, it's got multiple weaves." she hesitated. "It's... it's like playing music." she frowned. "Most spells, well, you could compare them to playing a single series of notes. You have to get the notes in the correct order, and at the correct speed, and tempo, and at a consistent volume for the song to come out right... but you can follow a single line of music pretty easily, if you've practiced a little. Well, some musicians play multiple lines of music simultaneously, to produce a more complex melody. A unicorn can, technically, cast two spells at once, or even more, if they've got enough strength, and talent to do it, but it's exponentially more difficult. Strangehorn's transformation spell seems like it's three spells rolled into one, weaved together in a very complex way. I think I can piece out two of them, but the third keeps escaping me, and I don't know why."

She frowned. "The problem is, the third... weave, is probably what binds the spells to make them permanent, or nearly so, and if I could successfully cast the spell, I could probably figure it out, but since I don't really understand that third weave, I can't make adjustments to the spell." Twilight sighed. "You see, a spell written into a spellbook almost always has certain restrictions locked in... Strangehorn's transformation spell seems to be designed to transform ponies into something else, and without being able to understand it better, I haven't yet been able to change it to be able to use it on other forms of life."

Johnathon nodded. "I think that makes sense." he frowned. "You say you set a fern on fire... does that mean the spell is dangerous?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, I've got the dangerous part out of the way, I think. I haven't... harmed anything I've tried the spell on for days now. I've got the power level required down, and if I'm careful, the extra magic just drains away without doing any harm." the unicorn sighed. "I'll keep working on it, I guess."

Johnathon frowned, then nodded. "Alright Twilight." It sounds like she could use a volunteer, but even if we knew that the spell could be reversed in my case, I'm not a pony... and, I really am not comfortable with the idea of another pony volunteering for a dangerous experiment like that when it's me that this research is for.


Back at Cheerilee's house, Johnathon was working on translating his new book when the earth pony school teacher got home. "How was your day?" she asked politely. "You were going over to see how far Twilight has gotten with her research today, right? Has she gotten anywhere?"

Johnathon hesitated, then shook his head. "Not yet, Cheerilee. She's going to keep working on it though."

The purple earth pony frowned. "Hasn't she made any progress yet?"

Johnathon looked up from his book. "It's a pretty tough problem, I think, but I'm pretty sure she knows what she's doing, Cheerilee. I don't want her rushing or doing anything risky to anypony, so I don't mind if it takes awhile."

Cheerilee hesitated before nodding. "I'm sure you're right."


Winter came, keeping most ponies indoors to weather the winter storms. Johnathon spend most of the time with his nose in a book, reading up on Equestrian history to his heart's content, and constantly improving his understanding of the language in the process. School had been over for more than a week, and Cheerilee and Johnathon spent a lot of time by the fire, reading, and playing games.

Cheerilee had finished the final draft of her paper on the English Language earlier that day, and the two of them sat in front of the fire after dinner, not speaking, just relaxing as the snow fell quietly outside.

"Hearth's Warming Eve is coming up." Cheerilee remarked. "Did you hear? Twilight and her friends have been invited to put on the Hearth's Warming Eve Pageant in Canterlot this year."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "In the capitol? Wow. That's pretty impressive. Are the girls good actors?"

Cheerilee smiled slightly. "Well, they did lead a nice musical number for the Winter Wrap up last year, and they were quite good, but I suppose I can't say for sure." she shrugged. "But I'm sure they'll do fine. It's nothing compared to saving the world, after all."

Johnathon chuckled. "I'm not sure Fluttershy would agree. You know how she hates attention."

Cheerilee smiled. "She'll be alright. Everypony knows the story. It varies a little from year to year, but I'm sure she'll be able to manage."

Johnathon looked interested. "What play do they put on for Hearth's Warming Eve, anyway? I haven't read very Equestrian plays yet, actually, so it's quite possible I'm not familiar with it."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh, well, it's basically the story of the founding of Equestria, but if you don't know the story, maybe you should just go to the pageant with the girls! You can see it for yourself that way, and I won't spoil the story for you."

Johnathon hesitated. "Oh... go to Canterlot? I don't know."

Cheerilee blinked. "I'm surprised. You wanted to go to Cloudsdale so badly. Don't you want to see Canterlot? You've never been, have you?"

Johnathon shook his head. "No, I've never been to Canterlot... but...." he frowned. "There'll be a lot of strangers there... aristocrats and businessponies... I'm not fond of being the center of attention, and every time I meet a new pony, that's how it goes, at least until they're used to me."

Cheerilee frowned. "Oh, it wouldn't be that bad. I'm sure the ponies of Canterlot know about you by now. They might stare a little bit, but you've gone through the same thing before, when you first came to Ponyville, and I'd assume you got a lot of stares when you visited Cloudsdale as well."

The archeologist nodded slowly. "That's true... but." he sighed. "I don't know. I'm a bit nervous about Canterlot, I suppose."

Cheerilee looked worried. "Are you worried about meeting the Princess again? Do you think she'd be unhappy if she knew that... we know... about you know what?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, unless she reads minds, I don't think that'll be a problem, and we just saw her a few months ago. I don't think that'll really be an issue." He shrugged. "And we don't even know if she's the one that caused... you know what."

Cheerliee looked mildly confused. "Then why don't you want to go to Canterlot?"

Johnathon hesitated. "I guess... unicorns make me a little nervous. It's silly, and I know it's not anything rational, but their magic... it scares me, just a little, sometimes."

The school teacher blinked. "Really? You never seem frightened when Twilight uses her magic, or Rarity, or any of the other unicorn ponies in town."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, the first time Rarity used her magic on me? That spooked me... I have to admit. I've gotten used to her... and Twilight... and most of the other ponies in town, and I know they're not going to hurt me. Heck, I've known that for a long time now, but...." he frowned. "How do I explain this?"

Cheerilee tilted her head to the side slightly and regarded the man with a gentle expression. "Is this a human thing again?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Maybe a little... but I think it's more of a ME thing."

Cheerilee nodded encouragingly. "Would it help to talk about it?"

Johnathon smiled faintly. "Couldn't hurt." he shrugged. "Well, tell me, Cheerilee, what is the first thing you notice about another pony when you see them for the first time?"

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow, but considered that. "I suppose... what kind of pony they are? If they have wings, or a horn, I notice that right away, I suppose... and then, I guess, if they are a mare or a stallion."

Johnathon nodded. "That's pretty normal. It's the same for me... but there's a third thing I almost always notice about everypony... everyone, I meet, that's not quite as typical, especially in Equestria, I think.."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Like what?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Ever since I was little, one of the first things that I consider when meeting some... pony new, is how much of a threat they are. Not if they're nice, or mean, or wealthy or poor,... but if they're... I guess you could say, if they're powerful or not. If they have the ability to be a danger to me."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh. I see." she looked thoughtful, then frowned. "And you think unicorns could hurt you?"

Johnathon smiled faintly. "Would? No, could? Very much so. While an athletic earth pony like Applejack, or a pegasus like Rainbow Dash are quite powerful in their own way, it's in a way I understand, and I have a great deal of training and practice knowing how to deal with that sort of strength. But a unicorn?" he shook his head. "What they can do, I have no defense against... and that bothers me on a... basic level." he patted his stomach. "In here. I know, intellectually, that unicorns are no more likely than any other pony to harm me, but with Unicorns that I don't know, I always get just a tiny bit nervous."

Cheerilee looked sympathetic. "Sometimes being a predator species doesn't sound so wonderful. Did you always worry about if other humans were going to harm you when you were in your world?"

Johnathon shook his head. "Not worry... not so much. I'm a capable guy, and while I notice someone else who is... skilled or athletic pretty much automatically, I just... notice it, and file it away. It doesn't bother me." He frowned. "I was... well, not afraid so much, as extra wary around people who carried a gun." he put up a hand. "And don't ask me to explain guns to you, your world doesn't need them... trust me." he shrugged. "Suffice it to say, a gun is a weapon for which I had no defense, something that makes all my skill and training feel useless. If nobody had guns... if they had never been invented, I'd probably be a lot happier. Magic kind of makes me feel like that. If someone I know and trust carried a gun, it wouldn't bother me, but a stranger with one? I'm always just a little bit nervous."

He sighed. "The thing is, even though I know that the ponies here in Equestria aren't violent... not at all, and that they wouldn't hurt me, the fact that if they did want to, they could so easily, is something that's hard for me to ignore, that's all. In the case of those I've come to know, it isn't an issue. I don't even think about it. But I will be nervous among a bunch of unicorns I don't know, and Canterlot is populated mostly by unicorns."

Cheerilee frowned. "Is this another one of your phobias? Like the way you don't like bugs?"

Johnathon thought about that. "I don't like standing on the edge of a cliff either... at least if it's high enough that the fall will kill me. I tend to stay a full step away from the edge if the drop is too high. It's not... frightening, exactly, but I'm automatically careful. I think this is more like that." he sighed. "Maybe I should go anyway. In a big way, you're right, it is like a phobia, because I'm nervous... a little frightened, about ponies that are no threat to me, not really. I should just try to get over it, shouldn't I?"

Cheerilee smiled at him softly. "You don't like feeling weak. You prefer to be in control of your emotions, and feeling nervous when you know you shouldn't bothers you."

He nodded. "Yeah." the archeologist looked at her curiously. "Thanks for listening. I don't think I would have even thought about going... facing my fear, if you hadn't talked me through this. I might not have even really figured out why I didn't want to go. You seem to have a talent for getting me to see things clearly."

Cheerilee shook her head. "I didn't do anything special."

Johnathon smiled at the school teacher. "You don't see it, because you do this sort of thing everyday. You bring out the best in your students too, I think."

Cheerilee blushed slightly. "Any teacher would do the same... and any friend. You're my friend, Johnathon, and listening and trying to help are just what you do for a friend."

Johnathon smiled warmly at her. "Well, you are a very good friend, Cheerilee, there's no mistaking that." he looked curious. "So... do you want to come to the pageant in Canterlot with me?"


They shared a passenger car on the train with Twilight, Spike, and their friends. Quite a few ponies from Ponyville were on the train as well, and those of them that weren't helping with the play had agreed to sit together to watch the performance. At the moment, Twilight and Cheerilee were chatting.

"So, are you going to give a presentation at the University sometime, Cheerilee?" Twilight asked the pony schoolteacher politely. "I know it's a small department, but I've heard that the head of the history department is also interested, and I'm sure there would be plenty of ponies who'd like to meet you."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh my. I don't know. It's just a series of language primers in English, really."

Twilight beamed at her. "They're very good primers, Cheerilee, and I really liked how you incorporated phonetics into the learning process." she nodded thoughtfully. "And the bits of history about the origins of many of the words, it's really fascinating."

Cheerilee shook her head. "Oh, well, it's really all thanks to Johnathon. He was very helpful."

Johnathon waved a hand dismissively from the next row of seats, where he had been peering out of the window. "I only supplied the basic information. You're the one who turned it all into into something interesting, and easy to learn."

Cheerilee flushed in mild embarrassment, then decided to change the subject. "Speaking of projects, Twilight, how is yours coming along? Are you still working on figuring out how to extend your spells?"

Twilight sighed. "Unfortunately, yes. I'm starting to think I'm going to have to approach the problem a different way. I've been trying to make small changes to the formula for Strangehorn's transformation spell, on the off chance that I could figure out how it works that way, but there are... nearly infinite combinations to try. If I could just cast it once or twice, so I could actually sense how the mana patterns flow, I could figure it out, I think, but... well, I can't do that, for obvious reasons."

Rarity spoke up from the seat in front of Twilight, looking interested. "Why ever not, dear?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, the spell is meant to transform a pony, and I don't understand it well enough to use it on another species, and I wouldn't feel right using another pony as a test subject." she sighed. "I'd try the spell on myself, but it's permanent, and if I transformed myself, I wouldn't be able to reverse the spell."

Rarity blinked. "Oh." she frowned. "Why didn't you ask one of us, dear? I'm sure we'd have been glad to assist." she looked curious. "What kind of transformation would it be, Twilight? Could you transform a unicorn into a pegasus?"

Twilight blinked. "Well yes... but that would be dangerous for the unicorn. You see, the spell is supposed to leave the inherent magical qualities of the subject intact, but a unicorn without a horn would not be able to channel their magic, and the side effects could be dangerous."

Rarity sighed. "Oh. That's too bad." she looked thoughtful. "Well, how about the other way around? Could you transform an earth pony, or a pegasus, into a unicorn?"

Rainbow Dash, who had started listening in as the conversation got more interesting grinned. "Oh! Could you turn me into a griffon? That'd be cool... you know, just for fun."

Twilight blinked. "Well... I could, theoretically give the outward form of a unicorn to an earth pony or a pegasus, but they wouldn't gain a unicorn's powers, they'd still have their own, inherent magical abilities. A pegasus in the form of a unicorn could still walk on clouds... and buck lightning from them, and they'd have a horn, but no wings." She glanced at Rainbow Dash. "I could turn you into a Griffon, Rainbow Dash, and, actually, I expect that the spell would work perfectly for something like that, since you'd keep your pegasus magic, and still have wings."

Rainbow Dash thought about that. "That would be pretty cool. Maybe you could do that for next Nightmare Night!"

Twilight hesitated. "I suppose it's possible, but... there's one problem with that idea. Like I said, the spell is designed for ponies. I could, theoretically turn a pony into something else, but I can't use the spell on a non-pony... at least, not until I figure it out, so I wouldn't be able to change you back right away... and maybe not ever."

Rainbow Dash grimaced. "Never mind then. That sounds bad."

Applejack spoke up, sounding slightly curious. "So... you can turn a pony into another type of pony, but you can't transform unicorns... because they need their horns... and if you turned one of us into a Pegasus we wouldn't have their magic, so we'd fall through clouds?"

Twilight frowned. "Actually, you might not be even able to fly. Pegasus use magic to fly... it's part of their nature. Their wings alone shouldn't be quite enough for anything more than gliding."

Applejack snorted. "So what you're saying is that this Strangehorn fella's spell is pretty much useless?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Yes. I was wondering why they didn't teach it in school, and why none of the regular magical textbooks included it even in the more advanced studies. It's because while it's a tempting spell to try, it really doesn't seem to have much practical application, besides the one that Stranghorn designed it for."

Rarity spoke up. "What DID he design it to do, darling?"

Twilight shrugged. "He wanted a transformation spell to turn himself into a native of whatever world he ended up in if his dimensional gate spell worked. He's the one who created that translation spell as well, for the same reason, although, unlike his permanent transformation spell, that one actually is in the advanced magic text books, because it actually works!" Twilight shrugged. "His theory was that a temporary transformation while on a dangerous alien world would be a major handicap, which makes sense, as maintaining such a spell is extremely difficult over long periods, and would leave the unicorn weakened. When his assistant tried the spell on herself, she expected that she'd still be able to use her unicorn magic... but she was sadly mistaken. She turned herself into a pegasus, you see, and she tried to use her own inherent magic without a horn... but she couldn't. She kept trying until her magic started to burn out... thankfully they were able to reverse the spell before any permanent damage was done."

Pinkie Pie spoke up. "Well, I think it'd be neat to have feathers for awhile!" she said cheerfully. "Even if I couldn't fly with them. And you already know how to put cloudwalking magic on us anyway, Twilight. Why couldn't you give us a spell to make our wings work like pegasus wings while we had them?"

Twilight blinked. "Um...." she looked thoughtful. "Huh. I hadn't thought of that. I could probably extrapolate the magic needed to increase the lift generated enough to make flight possible... and of course, the cloudwalking spell is quite simple, really." she shook her head. "Although without pegasus instincts, flight would probably be pretty tricky... although I do have a spell for that too..."

Pinkie giggled. "That's our Twilight!" she raised a hoof. "I get to go first!"

Twilight blinked. "Pinkie, it could be dangerous!" she frowned. "And besides, aren't you supposed to be playing the role of Chancellor Pudding Hat for the pageant? It'd probably take me a day or so to recover enough to reverse the spell."

Pinkie looked thoughtful. "I know! Rarity can adjust my costume so that it covers up my wings!"

Rarity shrugged. "A trifle." she sighed. "Oh, I envy you Pinkie. I do miss being able to fly. It was a most lovely experience."

Twilight smiled at her. "If you really miss it that much, maybe I'll do the spell for you again for your birthday. Although you might want to have Rainbow Dash nearby, just in-case you happen to fly too close to the sun again."

Rarity chuckled slightly. "Well... as much as I do enjoy a good rescue, I'd prefer to avoid falling to my death in the near future. I'm not sure if I'd really want to try wings of gossamer and morning dew again. They're lovely, of course, but just a bit too fragile for comfort." she sighed. "It would be lovely to have real pegasus wings... even if just for a short time, but obviously that's not possible."

Twilight shrugged. "No... it's just too dangerous to use this spell on a Unicorn, unfortunately."

Johnathon spoke up, looking thoughtful. "Why don't you just turn Rarity into an Alicorn? They have a unicorn horn, right?" Everypony turned to him, with a mix of shock and astonishment. "What?" He flushed. "Er... did I say something wrong?"

Twilight shivered, her mind racing as she considered the spells it would take. "I... I couldn't... I mean, I... technically, it's possible, in a way... the spell only imitates the physical form... but..." she shook her head. "No... it's... no." she looked frightened. "We can't talk about this! What if Princess Celestia thinks I want to become an Alicorn and replace her! I don't want to be a princess!"

Johnathon held up a hand. "Whoa... Twilight, slow down. It'd just be a physical transformation, right? It's not like it would give anypony the power to raise the sun or moon, right?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... no. It wouldn't change their actual magical energy at all. If I turned an earth pony into an alicorn, they'd still have their enhanced strength and endurance... but they wouldn't be able to use magic like a unicorn, or even fly very well, without external spells." she frowned. "It's the same for anypony, really. If I made Rarity an Alicorn, she'd be much weaker physically then the princesses are, and she also wouldn't be able to fly without magical aid, I believe."

She frowned, her ears going flat against her head. "I... I just don't really like the idea of doing that...."

Applejack spoke up quietly. "What are you really worried about, Sugarcube? I don't think the princesses would mind if somepony else looked a mite like them. They're not the sort to be jealous or mad about something like that."

Twilight shook her head. "It's just... I... I think I could... to myself... I mean, I couldn't really, not really, but... I could fake it... but it'd be worse than anything Trixie did...."

Rarity blinked, figuring it out. "You mean... you could make yourself into an Alicorn? Or close to one?"

Twilight's whole head drooped. "I... yes. I think so. I know all the spells I'd need to... to fly, and to walk on clouds... and even to be strong and tough like an Earth pony, although that last one is really hard...." she shivered. "And... I've got enough magic to do it all... I'm pretty sure. I might not be able to do it all for another unicorn, not as completely, but I could... for myself...." she shivered, and looked panicked. "But I wouldn't! I mean... I'd never be strong enough to raise the sun or moon... and I wouldn't want everypony to hate me for pretending to be something I'm not."

Applejack snorted. "We all know you're a very powerful unicorn, Sugar cube. And that doesn't bother us a mite. I don't see how you learning a new spell would change anything."

Johnathon spoke up finally. "I can understand why the idea scares you, Twilight. I've had... well, I've had ideas that scared me too, and... I've been avoiding talking to Celestia about them, but..." he frowned. "Maybe you should just ask her what she thinks about the idea?"

Twilight blinked. "Just... ask Princess Celestia what she thinks about me becoming an Alicorn?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, you don't even know if you can do it yet, right? You haven't tested any of the spells you'd need... not all together, anyway, right? It might not even work. But, well, if you're worried about what the Princess would think, just ask her. If she doesn't like the idea, you can... well, you can just not do it, right?"

Twilight blinked. "You're right. If the Princess thinks it's a bad idea, I can just forget about it." she sighed. "Of course I can." she looked relieved. "The Princess will know what I should do." she glanced at Johnathon and frowned. "But... what were you talking about? What are you afraid to talk to the Princess about?"

Johnathon opened his mouth, then closed it, then put up a finger. "Er... I think I'll wait before explaining that. It's just... I've got something I want to talk to her in private about... and... I've been struggling with whether or not I should." he glanced at Cheerilee for just a moment, then shrugged. "But... well, I think I'm going to talk to her."

Twilight hesitated. "Do you want me to ask her to meet with you while we're in Canterlot? We can both go talk to her, if you want."

Johnathon hesitated, then nodded. "If she's free, yes. It's not time sensitive or anything. It can wait."

Twilight smiled slightly. "The Princess will be hearing petitions throughout most of Hearth's Warming Eve... it's traditional for her to do so during the hours of the celebration, and she often will hear them in private, if the petitioner wishes. I don't think she'll mind making some time for us." she got up. "I'll go have Spike send her a letter now."

The other ponies went silent, glancing at each other with mixed expressions. Cheerilee caught Johnathon's gaze, looking worried, and he smiled at her, and shrugged. She sighed and nodded back silently.


The Hearth's Warming Eve pageant had been a lot of fun, although the story it told, one that was more legend than history, raised more questions than answers in the archeologist's mind. Afterwords, Twilight had led him through town to the royal palace. There was a long line of petitioners waiting to speak with the princess, but the guards opened a side door for Twilight and Johnathon Dwire, and two armored unicorns escorted them to the Princess's personal chambers.

Twilight looked surprised to find Princess Celestia waiting for them, but cantered up to nuzzle her mentor regardless. "Princess!" she said happily. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us..."

Celestia lowered her head to rub necks with her student, and smiled. "Of course! I'm always happy to spend time with you, Twilight, when I can." she smiled. "Luna was most pleased to take over greeting petitioners tonight, and I feel it's about time she got to spend some time with the people in an official capacity, so we have all night, if you need."

Twilight glanced at Johnathon. "Well, Johnathon and I both had something we wanted to ask you... in private." she hesitated, looking nervous, but Celestia only smiled gently, and nodded to the two unicorn guards, who both bowed and stepped out of the room, closing the doors behind them. Twilight shivered, then sighed. "This is... a bit difficult to explain, but I wanted to talk to you about it first."

Celestia nodded gently. "You can tell me anything, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight sighed again and nodded. "Well, as you know, I've been researching Strangehorn's the Mad's magic in order to get an insight into creating a dimensional portal, and I've been, well, a bit stuck on one particular spell, his permanent transformation spell, which I thought might hold a key to sustaining a dimensional gateway long enough for it to work properly."

Celestia nodded. "Yes. I assume you figured out why that particular spell is not taught?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "I think so. It's because it doesn't work right. I mean, if you transformed a unicorn with that spell, their magic would build up and injure them... or worse, and since it's only designed to transform ponies, you can't reverse it unless you transform the recipient into another type of pony.... and since it doesn't change their inherent magical nature, you couldn't transform an Earth Pony into a pegasus, for example, and expect them to be able to fly."

Celestia smiled. "I believe that is the conclusion that Starswirl the Bearded himself came to when he studied the works of Strangehorn the Mad, yes. Some of Dr. Strangehorn's spells were quite useful, but many were dangerous, or useless, or both."

Twilight hesitated. "Well... I... er... I did think of a few uses for Strangehorn's permanent transformation spell, actually... which is what I wanted to talk to you about."

Princess Celestia blinked. "Oh?" she beamed. "I would be most interested to hear your ideas!"

Twilight smiled slightly, obviously happy to please her princess, but obviously still worried. "Well... er... I... kinda figured out how to turn myself into... a... partial... I mean, not a real one, but... mostly...." she closed her eyes and spoke the words in rapid fire succession. "Ifiguredouthowtoturnmyselfintoanalicorn!"

The Princess blinked. "I'm sorry... could you repeat that?"

Twilight's ears were down. "I kind of figured out... how to turn myself into an alicorn... I think." the purple unicorn admitted, looking a bit scared. "I mean... not really... just... I think... I could physically transform myself... so I'd have wings... and I know the spells to make myself able to fly properly, and to walk on clouds... and be strong and tough like an earth pony...." she lowered herself onto her belly and bowed. "It all just sort of... came to me... but... I wouldn't do it! I wouldn't be a real alicorn or anything anyway, just..."

Princess Celestia finished for her, raising an eyebrow. "You'd just look like an alicorn, be able to fly like a pegasus, be as strong as an earth pony, and still be the most talented mage in Equestria?" she shook her head and sat down next to Twilight, putting a wing over her shoulder lightly. "Oh, my most faithful student, don't be upset. I'm not angry with you." she smiled at her. "I wondered if any pony would ever figure out how to do it." she chuckled. "I should have known it would be you. I've always known you were something special."

Twilight looked up at the Princess in surprise. "You're not mad?"

Celestia shook her head. "It does not bother me in the slightest, my most faithful student. You sometimes make mistakes, but I trust your heart." she grinned. "I'd actually like to see how you look as an Alicorn. I think you'd look spectacular with wings...."

Twilight hesitated. "But... won't it confuse ponies if I changed like that? And... I wouldn't want anypony to think I was royalty or anything!"

Princess Celestia smiled. "Just because all the alicorns that currently exist are considered royalty, does not mean one goes with the other. My sister and I became the rulers of Equestria because after Discord was defeated, the old government was in shambles... and my little ponies were united in requesting for us to lead them... to restore order to the chaos that was left behind." she looked thoughtful. "I have considered stepping down as ruler many times, but, it always seems that my little ponies do not wish it." she giggled. "Why, around fifteen hundred years ago, Luna and I held an election, in order to try and raise another worthy pony to lead... but the people insisted on electing us." she shrugged. "But that does not mean that if you transformed yourself into an alicorn, that you would be expected to rule."

The Princess looked sad. "It would be nice if you could somehow give yourself ALL of our gifts... including our longevity. It sometimes gets lonely, being the only immortals on Equestria."

Twilight looked stricken. "Oh, Princess... I don't know if that is even possible!"

Celestia shrugged. "I don't know myself, Twilight, but if you did manage it, well, I would not be unhappy." she smiled softly. "But I would not ask it of you. It can be most difficult, living on when your friends and family do not." she looked curious. "Is this what you wished to speak to me about, Twilight?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "I wanted your advice on what I should do. I think that... if I did figure out how to do it... to really do it, not just a theory, but to actually cast the spells and have them work? Well... I think a lot of bad things might happen. A lot of ponies might think I... that I want to... well... to do something bad."

Princess Celestia laughed. "I can imagine some ponies might at that." she smiled at Twilight. "But I know better." she nodded. "If you want my permission, you have it. I trust your judgement. If you want my advice? Well, I would certainly advise caution. Several of the spells you mention are dangerous in practice. As for what other ponies think?" She shook her head. "Let them talk." she looked curious. "Twilight, would it be possible for you to transform ANY pony into an alicorn?"

Twilight blinked, then quickly shook her head. "I don't think so. I mean... I could fake it, myself. Another Unicorn with enough power could do the same... but I couldn't give another pony the power of an actual unicorn... I could imitate the inherent abilities of pegasi and earth ponies, but even that would require a great deal of power. I don't think it would be possible for most unicorns." she sighed. "That's another reason the idea worries me. Other ponies might not like me... pretending to be..." she blushed. "Well, a princess. And others will want me to do the same to them, and I wouldn't be able to."

Celestia nodded her understanding. "It sounds like it's something you should carefully consider before you actually try it."

Twilight nodded again. "I will." she frowned. "Some of my friends volunteered for me to practice Strangehorn's spell on, so that I could learn the principles of it... but... it might be better for me to experiment on myself first. That way I don't have to take any chances with them."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Well, I do not think your friends trust in you is misplaced, Twilight Sparkle, and surely a simple test would not be dangerous." she looked thoughtful. "Still, if you do decide to try the spell on yourself, I would appreciate you letting me know ahead of time, so that I can study a reversal spell. Strangehorn's magic is beyond most unicorns, and if you did accidentally lock your own magic away, I'd want to be able to reverse the spell right away for you."

Twilight nodded quickly. "I'll let you know, Princess, I promise." she glanced at Johnathon, who had been patiently waiting, standing by the doorway with his hands in his pockets, his eyes roaming idly over the various pieces of artwork and ornate pieces of furniture in the room. "I think Johnathon had something he wanted to speak with you as well, Princess, if that's alright?"

Johnathon turned to face them, and gave a short bow. "Princess." he smiled slightly. "I did have a few things on my mind, if you have some time to talk." he hesitated. "One of the things I've been concerned with, however, I think might be better said between just you and me, if that's acceptable?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh. Should I go?"

Johnathon looked sheepish. "Well, I don't want to kick you out or anything, Twilight, but there is one thing that it might be better if the Princess heard first. She can decide if it's a good idea to mention it later though."

Twilight looked a bit crestfallen. "Oh, of course. Should I... wait in the hall?"

Princess Celestia eyed the human with interest. "The two of us could step out onto the balcony if you wished to speak privately, Johnathon, while Twilight could wait in my chambers." she raised an eyebrow. "If that's acceptable?"

Johnathon nodded quickly. "That would be fine. Thank you for hearing me out, Princess." Celestia turned toward her balcony doors, and they opened for them as she led him outside. The balcony was huge, nearly fifty feet in length, and the doors closed behind them as they walked slowly, side by side, toward the far end.

When they were at the end, looking out over the city, the Princess turned to him. "So, what is it that you do not wish my faithful student to overhear?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... I've, sort of stumbled across something... almost by accident, really, and I thought... well..." He frowned. "Well, to be as straightforward as possible, I believe that some sort of massive spell has been cast on... well, at the least, all of Equestria, that keeps ponies from thinking about how Twilight and her friends used the Elements of Harmony to save the world... twice."

Princess Celestia blinked. "What brought you to that conclusion?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, it seemed... odd, to me, that the girls didn't seem to receive much in the way of fanfare or press for what they did... stopping Nightmare Moon, and Discord? Those were... huge, incredible events. But nopony really talks about them. But lots of ponies talk about, oh, when Applejack saved the town from a stampede, or when Twilight stopped that Ursa Minor, or about Fluttershy's fashion career, or even recently, when Rainbow Dash made a bunch of rather spectacular saves around Ponyville...." he looked thoughtful. "I think that the mysterious Mare do Well was probably the rest of the girls as a group... especially the part where Mare Do Well fixed that dam...."

He shook his head. "Anyway... it seemed strange... and then I figured out how to break the spell."

Celestia sighed. "Oh. Who did you talk to about it then?"

Johnathon frowned. "So you knew?"

Princess Celestia nodded slowly. "Yes. Are you wondering if I was the one to cast the spell?"

Johnathon nodded. "Frankly, yes. I mean, I can understand why, but..."

Celestia smiled slightly. "I also understand why it was done... but it was not my power that caused this." she shrugged slightly. "Although I would understand why you might find that difficult to believe."

Johnathon shook his head. "If you say it, I'll take your word, Princess. You haven't lied to me yet. What did cause this... effect, then?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Have you no idea, Johnathon Dwire? You must have a theory or two."

The archeologist frowned. "The Elements of Harmony... it's the only other thing I could come up with. It makes sense, really. I mean, the elements are powered by the qualities of friendship... and I know how disruptive great fame can be, especially on a young person... er... pony. If they became corrupted by too much fame, their friendship might be broken... or worse."

Princess Celestia nodded slowly. "Yes. I was an element user myself... and both when I used the Elements of Harmony with my sister to turn Discord into stone and when I banished... Nightmare Moon, both times, no one really remembered it afterwords. Oh, if I spoke of it, they would remember, and some... became afraid, but...." she sighed. "But so long as the spell was not broken, no pony recalled the truth of the matter. That is why, after a thousand years, only Twilight Sparkle knew who my sister was, and why she had come back. I left the book with the story where she would be able to read it... and trusted my student to piece together the truth for herself."

Johnathon frowned. "You mean, you manipulated the situation? You knew your sister was returning, and arraigned for Twilight to find out about it?"

Celestia sighed. "It goes back farther than that. I sensed Twilight's connection to the Element of Magic at an early age, and I trained her myself. I knew she would find the other elements in Ponyville... I am not quite sure how, but somehow, the elements themselves made sure that Twilight met those she would become friends with... those that matched their natures. Their power is greater and more mysterious than even I understand."

Johnathon blinked. "Does... does Twilight know any of this?"

Princess Celestia smiled slightly. "Most of it, I think. She is very intelligent, and quite insightful. I am most fortunate that she is understanding as well. She still trusts me... even though I put her into that situation without explaining the truth."

Johnathon frowned. "But you couldn't tell her, I suppose? I mean... if you told her that Nightmare Moon was really coming back, and that she had to make friends with five ponies who matched up with the Elements of Harmony... well, she'd have failed... probably. I know Twilight, and she's a wonderful, strong individual, but I don't think she could have genuinely formed friendships under that sort of stress."

Celestia nodded. "The power of the Element's of Harmony can not be taken by force. Seeking them for a noble purpose, when they are truly needed, however, is something else entirely... and I had to trust in that. Knowledge of the truth would have hampered her ability to complete her quest." she sighed. "It was a terribly stressful time for me, to be truthful. I knew what was coming, but could do so little to prevent it."

Johnathon rolled. "Yeah I can believe that... whoever designed those things must have had a wicked sense of humor."

Princess Celestia looked thoughtful. "That much is probably true. Still, the magic of friendship is at its most powerful when it is not forced, when it is something that comes naturally, and honestly. The Elements are only capable of their full power under those conditions. I think that their creator truly understood that."

Johnathon frowned. "So... what should I do about it? I mean... if I tell anypony, the spell will be broken for them... but, well, Twilight and her friends are happy the way they are. Do I have any right to force fame on them?"

Celestia smiled. "I think you already know what you should do, Johnathon, but I can't make the choice for you."

Johnathon looked at her strangely. "I could start telling everypony I meet... they do deserve the recognition, you know."

Celestia nodded. "You could, and they do. If they could have the recognition they deserve, without suffering the cost of the fame that would follow, I would have spread the word far and wide myself. As it is, I have set their deeds down in our histories, in stained glass in my throne room... and deep in my heart. They will never be forgotten while Equestria stands. Still, while they live, while they are young, and still just learning the true magic of friendship, I thought it would be best to leave them the peace that the Element's gave them."

Johnathon sighed. "Yeah. Well... I suppose I do feel better about it, a little." he shrugged. "To be truthful, that wasn't the most difficult thing I wanted to bring up with you..."

Celestia blinked. "Truly? Now you have me curious, Johnathon Dwire. What else could bother you more than suspecting that I might have bespelled my entire kingdom?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... how about this? You've been to my world, right?"

Celestia nodded slowly. "Yes, long ago, but I do remember."

The archeologist frowned, then plunged forward, deciding that he would simply trust Celestia to understand his reasons. "What do you know about my world? Specifically, the sun and moon."

Princess Celestia blinked. "Oh!" she looked curious. "What do YOU know about your sun and moon, Johnathon Dwire? What have your people discovered in all the many centuries since I was on your planet?"

Johnathon shrugged. "That... the sun is ninety three million miles away, that it's a thousand times bigger than our planet, and that our planet orbits around it, not the other way around."

Celestia smiled. "Ah." she nodded, smiling wryly. "Yes, I could not help myself. When I first arrived on your world, I reached for the sun... just a light touch, to see what it might feel like. It took more power just to sense it than it takes for me to actually raise our sun. Your world... is very, very different from our own. Our sun is a tiny ball, a very small fraction of the size of your own, much, much closer to our world. I do not believe that our two worlds operate on the same... principles, as you would understand them."

Johnathon sighed with a smile. "Oh... well, that's..." he blinked. "Um... really weird, but I'm glad as well."

Celestia looked thoughtful. "You were concerned about talking about this with me. Why is that, Johnathon?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... to be honest, I know... well, intellectually, how big the sun is, at least on my world. I understand a lot about how our solar system came to be the way it is, how our Earth came to be orbiting our sun... and well, magic has nothing to do with it. The thought of... any one creature being strong enough to move a sun? It... I couldn't wrap my head around it."

Celestia nodded slowly. "Well... I can't imagine anypony being strong enough to move the sun that your world orbits... you are correct about that. I do not have such power. But, things work quite differently here."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Well, they... have to. I mean... the stories I've heard. That when Luna came back, the sun didn't rise for an entire day... that Discord made the sun rise and set every few minutes?" He frowned. "Those could have been illusions, I suppose, but..." he sighed. "I guess... well, it bothered me. I didn't see any reason to mention my worries to anypony, however. What good would it do them?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Would it comfort you if I was to demonstrate my control over the sun for you? Or if Luna were to alter the course of the moon for a night?"

Johnathon blinked. "You'd do that, just to make me feel better?"

Celestia considered that. "If it bothers you so much... I might consider it, yes, so long as the disruption was minor, but... in fact, I do alter the Sun's course in a... well, rather dramatic fashion once a year in any case, during the Summer Sun Celebration each year. I hold it just below the horizon of the town the celebration is being held at, and then, at the correct time, I raise it rapidly into the sky... and then set it on it's course. You're welcome to come see for yourself in six months."

Johnathon blinked. "Oh. That's pretty cool, actually. I'll have to be there for that."

Celestia smiled. "It is kind of... cool, isn't it? All of my ponies do seem to enjoy it quite a bit." she shrugged. "I've been doing it for a thousand years now... as a way of reassuring my little ponies that the endless night will not return. Of course, most of them do not truly know the reasons behind it now, but they've come to expect it every year, and I do not mind... performing for them just once a year. It is part of being a princess."

Johnathon shrugged. "Makes sense to me." he glanced at Celestia. "Would it be alright if I told Twilight about the... physics of my world a bit then? I know quite a bit about the subject, and it would be nice to have someone to talk to about it."

Princess Celestia smiled. "You may tell her whatever you wish, Mr. Dwire. I trust my student, and for some strange reason, I trust you as well. You have been most circumspect with my subjects, I feel, and I do appreciate your caution. You are not one for careless action, I think."

Johnathon chuckled. "Perhaps not so much anymore. I have made more than my share of mistakes. I'll probably make more."

Princess Celestia smiled. "Age does not make us perfect... although perhaps it helps a little. Even I make mistakes on occasion, Mr. Dwire. And no, that's not a state secret. Discord had me beaten before I knew what was happening. Twilight succeeded in banishing him as I hoped, but through no action of my own. My careful plans for his return failed, and only my student's own strength of character, and Discord's failure to understand the power of the bonds of friendship between her and her friends, saved us that time." she shivered. "I can certainly make mistakes."

Johnathon put a hand on her shoulder. "You try your best, Celestia. And your best is very good indeed, if I'm any judge. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

Celestia raised an eyebrow at him. "You are a strange man, Johnathon Dwire, but I do like you. It is rare for me to have anypony offer me comfort. Thank you."

The human shrugged. "You're welcome." he glanced back at the doors to her chambers. "I expect Twilight is wondering what we're talking about, and worrying. Shall we go back and reassure her as well?"

Celestia smiled, and nodded. "We should."

Chapter 16

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They rejoined Twilight Sparkle, who had been looking through one of the books that had been on the Princess's night table.

"Oh, how was your talk?" The purple unicorn asked politely.

"Very interesting." Celestia told her with a small smile. "Johnathon had some questions about how I raise the sun. Apparently his people have become quite familiar with how their own sun moves... or rather, how their planet orbits their sun, as it seems to work in his universe. Most fascinating." she glanced at the archeologist. "Perhaps he will explain something about them to you, Twilight. I find the idea quite interesting myself."

Twilight blinked. "Oh. You know, that IS interesting. I never thought to ask. You don't have magic on your world, so obviously nopony moves your sun or moon...." she blinked. "You do have a moon, don't you?"

Johnathon chuckled. "We do, in fact. My home planet, which we call earth, has a large moon, which orbits our planet once every month."

Twilight blinked. "Once a month? How does that work, exactly? Does that mean you only have night once a month? Or that your nights last half a month?" she frowned. "No... you said your days are about the same length as ours...."

Johnathon grinned. "I'd have to draw you a diagram, I think, to explain the... mechanics behind how all the objects in our solar system move... it's a bit complicated. But the moon does not rise and fall with the night... you can see the moon during the daytime on my world, in fact, if it's in the right part of the sky."

Twilight blinked. "Oh. How interesting. I'd love to go into more detail about it with you at some point, Johnathon."

The archeologist smiled and nodded. "Any time you like. I can't give you exact figures, but I can tell you the basics of how it works I believe."

Princess Celestia looked pleased. "If you do draw a diagram, I'd like a copy, if that's alright? I'd love to know more about the stellar mechanics of your universe."

Johnathon beamed at her. "I'll prepare a most detailed report, Princess! You've been so generous with me, I'd love to do something useful in return, even if it's just to entertain you with some of the physics from my world."

The Princess shook her head. "You need not feel any obligation. I consider your position here as that of an Ambassador for your people. Even if we never reestablish contact with them, the possibility does remain that, for some reason or another, that we may decide to do so. Even if just for that remote possibility, your very moderate upkeep is a very small price to pay."

Johnathon blinked. "Huh. An ambassador for humanity, is that how you see me?"

Princess Celestia smiled at him. "You are a fine representative of your species, Mr. Dwire. Certainly you have impressed me with your tact and restraint thus far."

Johnathon smiled faintly, then nodded, his face becoming serious. "Well, if you ever do wish to make contact with my people, I'd be honored to act as an ambassador for you. Until then, I suppose I should keep learning all I can about your world, your cultures and people. I intended to do so anyway, but if I ever do need to serve as an ambassador, I have a very good reason to continue my studies."

Twilight spoke up. "Speaking of the possibility of contacting Johnathon's people, I've been thinking. I... I want to try that spell." she blushed. "Strangehorn's permanent transformation spell, on myself. I didn't want to try it on one of my friends, first, even if I'm now pretty sure I could reverse it... if there's any risk, I want it to be mine." she looked at Celestia. "And... it'll be easier doing if you're nearby, for me to use as a template... and if something goes wrong, there is nopony else I'd trust more to reverse the effect."

Celestia blinked, then smiled. "Well, it's convenient that I put aside this evening for our visit, then." she nodded. "I'll be happy to stand by if you need me, Twilight Sparkle. Will you need anything?"

Twilight thought about that. "Well, if anything goes wrong, Spike knows where Strangehorn's book is, but, if I'm right, the worst case scenario will be that I simply trap myself into a form that cannot use magic, and you'll have at least a day to reverse the spell before I suffer any permanent harm."

Princess Celestia looked thoughtful. "I understand. So, you intend to transform yourself into an Alicorn?"

Twilight nodded back. "If I'm right, I should retain my full ability to use my horn to cast spells, so I should be able to reverse the process myself. It's honestly the safest way I can think of testing this spell, especially with you right here, in case something else were to go wrong...." she frowned. "Until the spell is complete, it will not lock into place, so if it seems like it's going badly wrong, you can simply dispel it, like you would any harmful enchantment." she grinned at the Princess. "And obviously you're very good at that."

Princess Celestia laughed. "It is one of my better skills." she looked curious. "How will I know if the spell isn't working properly? I have to admit, I never have had the opportunity to witness this particular spell of Strangehorn's at work."

Twilight looked thoughtful. "It should be nearly very quick... but if I appear to be transforming into something other than an Alicorn, or if the transformation is drawn out, of if I seem like I'm in a great deal of pain, it might be best to dispel it then."

The Princess nodded. "I understand. Are you ready now?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes." she turned to the human. "Johnathon, you might want to stand back a ways... just in case."

The archeologist quickly did so, walking over to the far side of the room. "Good idea."

Twilight waited till he had gotten clear, then stood in front of her princess, and lowered her horn slightly. "Are you ready, Princess?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes."

Twilight took a deep breath, then nodded firmly. "Here we go!" her horn started to glow, brighter and brighter, the light enveloped Twilight's entire body, and then a beam shot out to bathe the Princess in a soft glow, much as it had Johnathon before she had transformed herself. The intensity of the light coming from her horn slowly increased to a point beyond Johnathon had seen before, and he found it difficult to stare directly into it. Suddenly the beam between Twilight and Celestia changed, growing much brighter all at once, and becoming a nearly solid beam of energy that snapped and crackled between them with incredible force. Twilight's eyes shot open wide, and they were filled with the same light, nearly too bright to see, and there was a sound like an explosion.

Johnathon closed his eyes, turning away and shielding his face with his arms, but the light was already fading. He slowly turned back, blinking to try and clear the spots from his vision. At first, he wasn't sure his vision hadn't been damaged. It was like he was looking at a picture negative. On one side of the room, where Twilight had stood, was a large dark Alicorn, looking slightly shaky on her feet. On the other was a white unicorn, lying slumped on the floor. It was like Twilight and the Princess had switched places and colors.

The doors to Celestia's bedchamber burst open even as his vision cleared, and he saw what the pair of unicorn guards must be seeing. A purple Alicorn, every bit as large as Princess Celestia had been, bearing Twilight Sparkle's cutie Mark, and looking more than a little stunned, was standing where Twilight had been a moment before. A White Unicorn with a long, flowing pink mane lay unconscious on the floor in front of her, the unmistakable sun mark on her flank the same as the Princess's.

Johnathon's mind was racing, and he was first to act, turning to the pair of unicorn guards. "There's been a magical accident. Contact Princess Luna, and no other pony, and bring her here. But tell no one else!"

One of the two guards looked at him, frowning. "You don't give us orders, human. What has happened here?"

Twilight was starting to shake. "What did I do? What did I do? What did I do?!?"

The second guard rushed over between Twilight and the white unicorn, glancing from side to side, as if uncertain who was who. "Where is the princess?!?" he shouted. "What have you done with Princess Celestia!?!"

Twilight started backing away, shaking her head. "I didn't mean to... I didn't mean... it was an accident."

"CALM DOWN!!!" Johnathon shouted at the top of his lungs, booming in what his father had called a 'command voice', and holding out his arms wide, palms facing the two guards and Twilight. "Nopony panic!" Twilight and the two guards were both staring at him now, looking rather astonished. "The one thing that will make this situation worse is if news of this gets out to the public, so the first thing everypony here needs to do is to CALM THE HECK DOWN!"

"That... is probably a good suggestion...." said a familiar voice, coming from the pink maned pony that had been laying unconscious on the floor. "Although a little less shouting might be good." she slowly forced herself to her feet, then put one hoof to her head. "My head is killing me." she glanced at the two guards. "Bright Lance, Shining Star." she turned toward the purple alicorn, raising an eyebrow. "Twilight Sparkle... please calm down."

The two guards blinked. "Princess?" the one she had addressed as Bright Lance said hesitantly. "Is that really you?"

Princess Celestia nodded. "Apparently so. I haven't been in this form for...." she looked thoughtful. "Actually, I'm not sure how long it's been. Since Discord's reign, in any case." she shrugged, then looked at the two guards. "My student, Twilight Sparkle, was performing a magical experiment, with my permission and assistance, I assure you, and... apparently there were some unforeseen side effects."

The unicorn she had called Shining Star started to protest. "This is ridiculous. Why should we believe any of this! You can't possibly be Princess Celestia!"

Bright Lance raised an eyebrow. "She looks and sounds like the Princess... well, a lot smaller, and her wings and mane are different, but..." he shrugged. "Besides, our armor is enchanted so that we all look the same, remember? How would she know which of us was which if it wasn't her?"

Princess Celestia smiled at him. "I may need to consider a promotion for you, Bright Lance. It's good to see you can think clearly in a crisis."

"But..." Shining Star protested again. "We need to tell somepony... we need to alert the castle! This...." he glanced at Twilight, and hesitated. "This traitor has obviously stolen the Princess's power... if that really is the Princess."

Celestia sighed. "I understand your concern, Shining Star, but I believe Johnathon is correct. It will not serve anypony well to panic, and this news will almost certainly cause chaos and confusion."

Johnathon spoke up. "I'd be worried about anypony learning that it's possible to do this to you, Princess. Best if as few ponies as possible learn about this, till we can reverse it, and probably best if nopony else discovers what happened even afterwords, so we can avoid it happening again."

Celestia frowned. "I don't think any of my little ponies would deliberately go so far...."

Shining Star frowned. "As much as I hate to admit it... Princess, I believe the human may be correct. If it is discovered that it is possible to... steal your power, as your student appears to have done, then somepony may decide to try it again. This SHOULD be kept as quiet as possible."

Bright Lance glanced at his fellow guard, then turned to the Princess and nodded. "It's unlikely, and certainly we all know how powerful your student is, but it's possible that at some time in the future, somepony may decide to do something like this on purpose... if we don't take care now." he frowned. "Assuming this is something that can be reversed?" he looked at Twilight with a frown. "Twilight... please tell me that you can reverse this spell?"

Twilight Sparkle hesitated. "I... I can turn back into a unicorn... I think...." she hesitated, then pointed her horn at the bed. "Let me see if..."

"Twilight, no!" Princess Celestia shouted as the purple Alicorn's horn started to glow, and there was an explosion from the head of the Princess's bed. Feathers filled the air, falling like rain from the center of the explosion, and Twilight's eyes were wide, her horn going dark once more. The Princess sighed in relief. "You seem to have detonated one of my feather pillows." she said mildly. "I'm grateful you didn't blow up the entire room."

Twilight's eyes were wide. "I... it's too much power... I can't control it." she frowned. "I... I still think I could manage the reversal spell... with a little trial and error to compensate for the extra power, but..." she looked upset. "But... I don't... I don't think that would turn the Princess back!"

The guards both looked at her with flinty eyes. "Are you saying that you can't return the Princess to normal?" Shining Star said with a low, angry voice. "Or are you just making an excuse?"

Twilight shook her head. "No! I mean, yes, I'm saying that reversing the spell won't work to give the Princess her power back... at least, I don't think it would...." she shook her head again. "I'm not making an excuse. "If I try it, and I'm right, the power might just... go away! There might be an explosion, or something... probably a big one, actually, but...." she shook her head. "The power... it wouldn't just... go back. It has to be... PUT back." she frowned. "I think?"

Princess Celestia was nodding. "Yes... I agree." she shivered, then walked up toward Twilight, looking up at her now much taller student with a wry smile. "It's been a long time since I had to look up to anypony." she said, looking slightly amused. "So, Twilight, can you come up with a suggestion as to how to... properly reverse the spell?"

Twilight blinked, her mentor's calm expression and forgiving eyes doing much to settle her own nerves. "Well... theoretically, the most logical course would be to reverse the conditions... all the conditions. So... you'd have to cast the spell, Princess, and use me as a template to turn yourself into an Alicorn again." she frowned, her brilliant mind working on full cylinders again as she concentrated on the task at hand. "Yes... it should work. I actually think I know what went wrong as well!"

The princess looked interested. "Oh? Can you explain it?"

Twilight nodded. "That third weave, the one I couldn't identify, that I thought must be the key to making the transformation spell permanent? Well, I think the way it works is that it binds the magic... and draws the needed energy from whatever source is... well, most appropriate in it's surroundings. I expect that with practice I could direct it to pick the source of energy of my choosing." she nodded to herself. "Yes... when Strangehorn's assistant used it to transform herself into a pegasus, hardly any extra energy was required. A pegasi's natural energy level is, after all, no greater than a unicorns... so no extra energy was required. But.. apparently even the basic physical form of an alicorn contains a GREAT deal more energy than that of a normal unicorn... and the energy had to come from somewhere."

"So it came from me." Celestia said. "I felt the connection, and the drain... and it was mild at first, so I thought it was only trying to copy my structure, and did not block it... but of course, then the spell took full hold, and it was too late for me to stop it."

Twilight lowered her head. "I'm so, so sorry, Princess. This is all my fault."

Princess Celestia smiled at her. "I am as much to blame. I am your teacher, after all, and I did give you permission to try the spell. In any case, we will soon set all to rights, I expect."

She nodded to Shining Star. "Sergent, could you please go to my sister, and ask her to join us in my quarters at her earliest convenience?" she smiled wryly. "And, if you please, do not reveal what has happened here to anypony, at least until you have again spoken to me."

The unicorn guard banged a hoof into his armored chest-plate. "As my princess bids." he galloped from the room, pausing only to magic the door shut behind him with his horn before rushing off.

Princess Celestia looked thoughtful. "Hmm... now then, I suppose we'll need Strangehorn's spellbook so I can learn the spell myself...." she glanced at Twilight. "Perhaps I should send a message to Spike, and ask him to join us as well? He can assist my sister in retrieving it... assuming we wish this done swiftly."

"Perhaps Rainbow Dash could take him." Johnathon suggested. "She's... well, supposed to be just about the fastest pegasus around... and I expect we could trust her with a secret mission." he shrugged. "Luna's sudden arrival at the Library in Ponyville might be... a bit too interesting. Somepony will probably start asking questions."

Princess Celestia blinked, then nodded. "I believe that IS a good suggestion, Mr. Dwire, thank you. I will request that Spike bring himself and Ms. Dash here." she turned, concentrated, and an ink pen and a piece of parchment floated toward her. "She blinked. "Hmm... interesting, I can actually feel... well, a small, almost imperceptible drain from using my magic to float that quill."

Twilight blinked. "Oh no! Are you losing more of your magic, Princess?"

The Princess shook her head. "Oh no, nothing like that... it's just that normally my energy is so much stronger that I don't feel any change when doing most mundane tasks with my magic. Only moving the Sun and Moon truly fatigue my powers. It's just... a rather interesting experience to actually feel the... weight of an object with my telekinesis again."

Twilight gaped at her, then closed her mouth. "Oh... right. That actually makes sense." she quivered slightly. "I've got all that energy stored up inside ME right now..." she said softly, sounding frightened. "I could move the sun... or the moon."

The princess raised an eyebrow. "Please be very careful, Twilight. I grew into my powers, but I expect you'll find them rather overwhelming at first, and trust me, you do not want to lose control of that much power."

Twilight nodded quickly. "I'll be careful. I'll try to avoid doing any magic till this is reversed..."

Princess Celestia smiled at her. "I don't think you need to be quite that careful. You are a very talented unicorn. I think a little, careful experimentation with... perhaps, some more solid objects, may be safe enough. And we cannot be certain I will be able to reverse your spell right away." Twilight looked both excited and scared out of her mind at the same time, but didn't answer, and the Princess started to write her message to Spike. Finishing her short message, she rolled up the parchment, then concentrated, causing a flash of green fire to appear and cause the scroll to turn to smoke and fly out the open balcony doors. "There... that should arrive momentarily." she turned to Bright Lance. "Corporal, could you go to the front gates and escort Spike and a Ms. Dash directly to my quarters?"

Bright Lance glanced at Twilight, then Johnathan, then nodded. "I'd probably insist on staying to protect you... but I doubt I could even slow an Alicorn down if Twilight here really wanted to harm you." he shrugged. "I'll return quickly, princess, and I will be discreet as possible." he winked up at Twilight Sparkle. "Take good care of the princess while I'm gone, kiddo." he told her with a wry smile. "Try not to turn her into anything else in the meantime?" the grey coated unicorn guard cantered off, his horn glowing to cause the doors to open just in front of him, and close just after.

Johnathon glanced at Celestia thoughtfully. "You pick good men... er... stallions for your guards." he told her seriously. "They can think on their feet."

Celestia smiled. "I'll be sure to pass on your complement to the Captain of my guards when I see him, Johnathon." she raised an eyebrow. "You seem to think well on your feet as well."

The archeologist shrugged. "I don't panic in a crisis, usually... I generally save my breaking down and crying for after the emergency is over." he shrugged and grinned at her. "And don't think I'm joking. I do tend to fall to pieces once the pressure is off... I'll be useless for most of a day after all this gets worked out, I expect."

Celestia smiled gently and nodded. "Perfectly understandable. I am impressed. You seemed to grasp the most important detail of the situation quite quickly. How is that?"

Johnathon frowned. "Well... I had longer to think then your guards or you did, and it didn't take me long to figure out what must have happened. And, you're the ruler of your country... more than that, you're what most ponies put their faith into. Seeing you weakened... it would be devastating to most of them, I'd expect... and, well, I don't like the idea of somepony being able to steal your powers. We're just lucky it was Twilight, and not somepony more power hungry, or we might be finding ourselves in the middle of a palace coup right now."

Celestia's eyes widened. "I don't think that any of my little ponies would do something like that, Johnathon... not so easily."

Johnathon frowned. "Well, perhaps it's because my world sees such things more often that the possibility occurred to me quicker. In any case, I think we should take more precautions." he nodded at Celestia's doors. "Do those doors lock?"

The white unicorn blinked. "In fact they do, although I have almost never felt the need to so secure them." She frowned. "Do you think it necessary?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Some more ponies might come to investigate... and see something that they should not. Can't hurt to lock the doors till Shining Star and Bright Lance return, can it?"

Celestia considered that. "It can't hurt to be cautious, I suppose." she agreed, and focused her horn on the doorway. The doors glowed momentarily, then there was a click of a lock. "There. That should do, unless some pegasus flies up to my balcony, which hasn't happened in quite some time..." she smiled. "The pegasus guards are quite jealous of the skies above the castle, I'm afraid."

Johnathon nodded. "Well, that's probably alright then. I doubt Rainbow Dash would try to...." he trailed off at the faint sounds of shouting coming from outside, and paled. "Oh... no..." He put a hand, palm out toward the Princess and Twilight. "Let me handle this one." he told them quickly. "You shouldn't be seen." he raced for the balcony doors, throwing himself through them and pulling them shut behind him even as he saw the cyan pegasus flying into sight, carrying a baby dragon and being chased by a pair of white pegasus guards in golden armor.

Rainbow Dash landed just in front of him, then whirled to face the guards. "Hey! Stop chasing me! I told you I'm here to see the Princess, alright?" I'm Rainbow Dash! Haven't you ever heard of me!"

The guards swooped down to hover just in front of her, their eyes narrowed. "We know who you are." one of the two told her curtly. "But the airspace above the palace is restricted. If you wish entry to the palace, you must enter by the main gate." the other pegasus guard eyed Johnathon warily, but didn't speak.

Rainbow Dash turned to Johnathon. "Hey! Tell these guys that the Princess sent for me!" she flipped her head back at Spike, who was holding on to her mane for dear life, his eyes closed. "Spike just got the message, and told me that the Princess wanted to see both of us, right?"

Johnathon smiled and shook his head. "Sorry, Rainbow Dash, I'm sure you're right, but the Princess is downstairs anyway. I think you should go down to the gate like she said. There's a guard there who's waiting to escort you to the Princess and Twilight, alright?"

He glanced up at the two hovering guards. "This is all just a misunderstanding I'm sure. Rainbow Dash is a personal friend of the Princess's personal student, and that's Twilight's dragon. Why don't you gents just escort her down to the front gate, and I'm sure they'll be waiting for her there, alright?"

Spike was looking a bit greener than usual. "Er... couldn't I just... wait here?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow at the guards. "It's your call, gentlemen. Certainly I wouldn't ask you to violate any procedures, but Spike isn't any trouble, are you Spike?"

The young dragon shook his head. "Not me! I'm harmless, really! Ask anypony!"

The guards looked dubious. "All visitors are supposed to enter through the main gate. No exceptions."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, no exceptions, sorry Spike. Rainbow, you might want to fly a bit slower on the way down, I think Spike is a little airsick."

Rainbow Dash looked annoyed. "But... this is the Princess's balcony, right here, isn't it? Why do I have to go all the way around?"

Johnathon patted her shoulder. "Just let the guards do their job, Rainbow Dash. It's faster than them throwing you in a dungeon and waiting for the Princess to tell them to let you out, right?"

The cyan pegasus frowned slightly. "Well... I guess." she started to fly, hovering straight upwards effortlessly, then quirked her neck to point at the front of the palace. "You guys want to race?"

Johnathon waved goodbye as Rainbow Dash flew away, flying nice and easily, and looking slightly bored, flanked by the two disgruntled looking pegasi, then opened the balcony doors and stepped back inside. "Whew." he wiped his brow. "Dang... I can't believe that worked."

Twilight was hiding behind the princess's bed, poorly, peeking out from behind a hanging curtain. "I'm really glad it did!" she said. "I'm afraid somepony is going to accuse me of... trying to take the throne, and... and... doing something bad to the princess! If those guards had followed Rainbow Dash in here... I don't know what I would have done!"

Johnathon walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder, which was now about the same height as his own. "All you need to do right now is stay calm, and things will work out. Nopony is going to do anything drastic. Even if somepony else finds out what's happened, all we have to do is explain everything. Somepony might overreact, but as long as WE keep our cool, we'll be able to handle it, alright?" he grinned. "Although it certainly would have complicated things. I should have guessed Rainbow Dash would try to fly straight here."

Twilight sighed. "You'd think she'd know better! We always come in through the main entrance!"

Princess Celestia smiled lightly. "She comes in with you and your other friends when she does come, so she takes the ground entrance. Still, for a flier like Rainbow Dash, I can understand why my balcony seems like a quicker choice... and my message must have seemed rather urgent."

They didn't have to wait much longer before somepony tried to open the door, and then knocked politely. "Princess Celestia, it's Bright Lance, with a Ms. Dash and the dragon, Spike. May we enter?"

The white unicorn turned to the door, her horn glowing. "Of course Corporal. Please do."

The doors opened with a click, and the guard unicorn came in, followed by an irritated looking cyan pegasus carrying a baby dragon. "What's going on?" Rainbow Dash complained. "I thought the Princess was downstairs?" she glanced around, taking in the room, her eyes passing over the white unicorn with the pink mane automatically before settling on Twilight, then widening. "Oh! Your majesty." she prostrated herself on the floor automatically. Spike had hopped off her back and was kneeling as well, his eyes lowered. "I thought Princess Celestia would be here..." she began nervously, glancing up from her prone position, her mild confusion growing exponentially as she took in the sight of the purple alicorn in front of her. "Who...? You're not princess Luna..."

Twilight took a hesitant step forward. "You don't have to bow to me, Rainbow Dash. You never have to do that."

The cyan pegasus's face started to show understanding. "Oh... wow!" she rose to her feet, walking over to get a better look. "Twilight, is that really you? Wow!"

Spike had looked up as well, his face showing his shock. "Twilight? No way!" he looked stunned. "When did you become a Princess, Twilight? Is that why you wanted to talk to Princess Celestia tonight, because you're becoming a princess?" He looked worried. "Are we going to have to come back to Canterlot so you can do princess stuff? I'd really miss Ponyville if we have to leave..."

Twilight nodded to Rainbow Dash. "Yes, it's really me. I tried that spell we were talking about in the train... the one to turn me into an alicorn, remember?" she glanced at Spike. "And I'm not a princess, this is just temporary, till I can get it reversed. We're not moving to Canterlot."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Well, you look awesome as a princess... I mean, an alicorn." she raised an eyebrow. "Hey, do you think you could actually fly like that? I mean... I know you said you'd have to cast a bunch of other spells to be able to do all the stuff the Princess can do, but... it'd be kind of cool to race an alicorn... not that you'd have a chance of beating me or anything, but maybe I could show you how to fly and all... and we could have a little race? You know, just for fun..."

Twilight hesitated. "Er... actually, I probably can fly... but... that's probably not a great idea right now, Rainbow Dash... you see... I kind of... accidentally, turned Princess Celestia into a normal unicorn at the same time I turned myself into an alicorn."

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!" the roar of outrage from Princess Luna was given in the full Canterlot royal voice, and Johnathon Dwire winced as she continued. "WHAT EXACTLY HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SISTER, PRAY TELL?" Luna shouted with impressive volume, glaring at the purple alicorn from the entrance to her sister's bedchambers. Johnathon considered intervening, but his body was frozen. He couldn't seem to move.

"Luna." Princess Celestia said calmly. "Inside voice, please. We do not want this particular magical accident becoming public knowledge, but it's hardly possible to keep it from getting out if you insist on shouting loud enough to wake the entire capital." her voice got slightly irritated near the end, and then her face softened. "Now please, speak quietly."

The dark blue alicorn gaped at her now much smaller sister in shock. "Tia? Is... is that really you?"

Princess Celestia nodded calmly. "Yes, apparently Twilight's attempt to transform herself, with my help, did not go quite as planned."

Luna rushed forward and scooped her older sister up in her forehooves, hugging her to her chest. "Oh! You're so cute like this, Tia!" she set the white unicorn down and blushed. "Tia... how did this happen?" she turned to Twilight, frowning. "And how has your favorite student gained your powers?" she looked Twilight up and down. "Tis, thou, Twilight Sparkle, is it not? The bearer of the Element of Magic?" she frowned slightly. "This does not please me."

Twilight bowed low. "I'm so sorry, Princess Luna. It was an accident. I was trying a transformation spell... with Princess Celestia's help, and... well, it went wrong. The spell ended up draining the energy to turn me into an alicorn from the Princess, rather than allowing me to mimic her physical form, as I intended."

Princess Celestia sighed. "I have to accept some of the blame here as well, little sister. I approved Twilight's attempt, and neither of us anticipated this particular result."

Luna raised an eyebrow, and chuckled softly. "We are not sure if 'little' sister truly applies at the moment, Tia, but tis a rather amusing development." she gazed up at Twilight Sparkle for a moment, then shook her head. "It seems that your student has gained your full size as well, older sister." she looked curious. "Have you determined how to set this right?"

Twilight and Princess Celestia exchanged glances. "Well." Twilight began. "I believe that the spell I cast drew upon the Princess's energy to work... pulling her energy into me. I think, to reverse it, Princess Celestia would simply have to cast the same spell on me."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "I take it this is not a commonly known spell?"

Twilight nodded. "It's a prototype permanent transformation spell created by Strangehorn the Mad. I have the spell in a book at my Library at the moment." she turned to Rainbow Dash. "Which is why I asked you to come, Rainbow Dash. I need somepony to go get it... quick."

Princess Celestia spoke up. "I'd ask you to go, Luna, but we're trying to keep this little accident quiet for now... and I expect that your arrival at the Ponyville Library would not go unnoticed."

Luna smiled slightly. "I believe I could manage to enter and leave Twilight's home without notice, if I so desired." she grinned. "If you were experimenting with transformation spell, thou should have come to me first, Twilight Sparkle. They happen to be a particular specialty of mine."

Twilight blinked. "Oh." she put a hoof to her face. "Of course! I've seen some of your transformations. They were quite good...."

Luna nodded. "I can go and retrieve the book in but a moment, if it's truly urgent."

Twilight nodded to her baby dragon. "If you take Spike along with you, he can show you right where it is."

Luna nodded in agreement, turning to Spike. "Will thou accompany us on our quest, young dragon?"

Spike nodded hesitantly. "Um... sure, I guess?"

Luna concentrated for a moment, then started to shrink, her wings vanishing, and her coat changing color to purple. After a moment, she looked like an exact replica of Twilight, at least, the Twilight before she had transformed herself.

"We assume, if we...." Luna paused, altering her voice slightly to be closer to Twilight's own. "That is, if I, Twilight Sparkle, teleport into the center of Ponyville, no pony will suspect anything is amiss?"

Twilight blinked in astonishment. "Wow! That's really great, Princess! I had no idea you were so good at disguise magic!"

Luna shrugged, looking a bit smug. "I'm a bit out of practice with the voices..." she said with a touch more deliberation and volume than Twilight usually did. "But this sort of thing is... how do you say it? Child's play for the Princess of the Night."

Twilight sighed. "Wow... so, are you familiar with Strangehorn's transformation spell, by any chance?"

Luna shook her head regretfully. "It is more of a natural talent, I'm afraid. I have not studied the Mad one's spellwork in much depth, I'm sorry to say." she turned to Spike. "Shall we go then, little one?"

Spike nodded, and walked over next to Luna. "Can you really teleport us all the way back to Ponyville?" he asked in mild amazement.

"Certainly." Luna said with a small smile. "It is but a minor feat compared to raising the moon." she nodded briskly to Celestia. "I will return shortly... little sister." she giggled, and with a flash of blue light, she and Spike had vanished.

Rainbow Dash shivered. "Wow... that was creepy. She looked just like you!" she said, turning to Twilight, and then looking up, and then up higher, at her librarian friend. "Er... the regular you." she said, shaking her head. "Man, Twilight, you're huge! I think you're taller than Princess Celestia was!"

Twilight blinked. "No... it's probably just I... look bigger, because of my purple coat... or something."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Well, too bad you're not staying like this. You make a cool alicorn."

Princess Celestia nodded agreeably. "You are quite stunning, my student." she strode over to her bed and hopped up on it, stretching out on the huge mattress. "If I did not have to raise the sun in the morning, I'd be tempted to extend this a bit longer, but I'm afraid that would be slightly irresponsible of me." she sighed. "I've never had Luna's knack for transformation spells. I'd love to be able to walk among the populace once in a while without having to be... Princess Celestia all the time."

Bright Lance and Shining Star glanced at each other, then they both bowed low. "You seem to have matters well in hand, your majesty, so we'll be just outside, guarding the door, if you need us, Princess." Bright Lance said as they exited.

As the doors closed behind the guards, Rainbow Dash went over and jumped up on the bed next to the Princess. "Man, that must suck, always having to be on duty, Princess." she said sympathetically. "Maybe you could go out tonight? I mean, it's Hearth Warming Eve and all... I bet a bunch of ponies are out caroling and stuff right now. You could totally go!"

Princess Celestia blinked. "Oh..." she chewed on her lip. "That would be interesting, but..." she looked at her door. "I really don't know. It would be so irresponsible!" she giggled lightly. "But it would be a lot of fun."

Rainbow Dash followed the Celestia's gaze. "Well, you are the Princess. If you can't have fun when you want too, who can?"

The princess hesitated. "It is... quite tempting, Rainbow Dash. But Luna will be back soon, and it would upset her to find me gone. Besides, I really must be able to return to normal before morning if I possibly can. Luna has never raised the sun on her own, and now is probably not the best time for her to start, without me there to take over if something was to go wrong."

Twilight knelt next to the Princess's bed, putting her head on the same level as her mentor and Rainbow Dash. "Princess... maybe I can research a disguise spell for you? I don't know any really good ones that would work on an alicorn, but I might be able to figure one out if I worked at it."

Celestia sighed. "It's not quite that simple. Luna's nature is to be changeable, like the moon, while mine is to be constant, like the sun. Most magics that change one's form simply do not work on me." she grinned at Twilight. "You are the first in a long time to achieve a major transformation to my form... quite the notable feat."

Twilight sighed. "Too bad nopony will ever know about it." she chuckled. "On second thought, I don't think I want to be known for this... I could live without anypony knowing how badly I managed to mess this up tonight."

Celestia chuckled. "Everypony makes mistakes, Twilight. Especially gifted ponies make especially large mistakes, sometimes. It's part of who you are. Do you remember making Spike grow till his head broke the ceiling of the magical academy? And turning your parents into house plants? Only a truly talented unicorn could make such enormous errors... but only a truly talented unicorn could do such amazing, wonderful things as you have. I have great faith in your abilities, Twilight Sparkle, and tonight has not changed my opinion on that."

Johnathon strode quietly over to the balcony doors, and was looking outside. "Remind me never to doubt your magic, Twilight." he told her with a glance over his shoulder. "Ever time I think I've seen the limit of your powers, I am surprised again. I really think you will manage to get me home one day." he told her. "I agree with Celestia. Just because you make the occasional mistake, doesn't mean you aren't capable of great things." he glanced back at Celestia curiously. "Is Twilight a real alicorn right now? I mean... the whole nine yards? Flight, strength, magical ability to raise the sun and moon?"

Celestia looked thoughtful. "I'd say, yes, probably. It's not like I'm an expert on the subject. But... I certainly have lost all of that. I am no judge, but I would guess I am currently no more powerful than Twilight was before she cast the spell." she shrugged. "Although there is only one way of finding out."

Twilight spoke up. "I don't know for sure either... but... I feel... strong. Incredibly strong." she spread her wings, and looked at one of them closely, stretching and flexing it several times. "I feel like I could walk through a wall and not feel it... like I could pull the entire castle off the side of the mountain and float it in mid air..." she shivered. "It's a lot of power. I'm not sure exactly why the spell worked as it did. Perhaps being an alicorn is more complex than we thought. Perhaps an alicorn's power is as much in their body as it is in their horn... I don't know. I'm certainly not going to experiment with transforming into one again, after this."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure, Twilight?" I can... well, I can imagine that a great deal of good might come out of such a spell, if you fully understood it. Perhaps in time you could actually join my sister and I as a full fledged alicorn. I'm not saying you'd have to become a princess, although I also wouldn't say that would never happen, but... it would be nice if I could have my favorite student around a bit longer than the century I've been hoping for." she suddenly looked away, muffling her head in a pillow.

Twilight sighed, looking sad. "I... I'm not sure, Princess. I don't know if it's something I'll ever manage, and even if I did, I'm not sure how I'd feel about outliving all my friends...." she looked immediately apologetic. "I'm sorry... of course you understand, but... I shouldn't...."

Celestia shook her head quickly, interrupting. "Please. I shouldn't have brought the subject up. It is an entirely selfish hope, Twilight. I could not ask it of you. I should not."

Twilight shook her head slowly. "I'd do it for you, Princess, if you really want me to. I'll keep studying. Maybe I can really figure it out."

Celestia shook her head. "No... no, forget I brought it up, Twilight. It was selfish of me. I am acting like a foal tonight."

Everypony went silent for a long time. The silence was interrupted by a flash from outside the balcony. Johnathon hurried to open the door for Princess Luna, who was returned to her normal form, and hovering several dozen yards from the now open doors, a large book suspended by magic beside her.

"We have retrieved the tome!" the Lunar Princess announced triumphantly, gliding into the room and landing with a light thud in the middle of Celestia's bed chamber.

"Thank you Luna." Celestia said with a genuine smile, jumping off of her bed and walking smoothly over to her currently larger sister. "I might as well get started." she took the book from Luna with her own telekinesis, and started flipping through the pages. "Now... where is that spell, Twilight?"

"Page three hundred and sixty four." Twilight told her automatically. "I've read that section so many times, I've practically got it memorized."

Celestia flipped the book open to the proper page, and started to read. As she continued, her brow narrowed in concentration. "Oh dear...." she said, looking worried. "This... is... rather more complex than I expected."

She continued to read, frowning deeply. "I... have not had occasion to use such complex magic in... a very long while." she admitted. "I tend to rely on my powers to streamline things a bit...." the white unicorn hesitated. "I am actually not sure if I can manage this spell, Twilight."

Luna moved over to read over her older, currently smaller, sister's shoulder. "Mayhaps I can be of some assistance! After all, transformation is...." she trailed off, staring at the spell inscribed with some surprise. "A triple weave? How foalishly complex! Surely the same result could have been obtained with at most a double weave." she wrinkled her nose, then glanced at Twilight Sparkle. "And... this tis the spell you cast to transform thyself with our sister's powers?" she looked faintly impressed. "We are not surprised thee has been having difficulty with this spell, Twilight Sparkle. This is most complex casting indeed!"

Twilight sighed. "Well, honestly, I think I'm starting to get the idea... you see, that third weave is the difficult one. It's what sustains the magic... in theory. In practice, it seems to find the energy needed, and bind it to sustain the transformation. It's really incredibly sophisticated. I'm surprised Strangehorn hasn't put it into more spells!" she frowned. "Of course, since he died, he wasn't able to continue his research, but he really was a genius pony. A bit mad... but certainly a genius."

Princess Celestia sighed. "Well... this may be a problem. I think I might be able to figure out the spell, given time, but... I'm not going to manage it in a single night, I'm afraid."

Twilight froze. "Princess... you don't mean."

Princess Luna was starting to look apprehensive as well. "Sister, thou does not mean for us to...."

The white unicorn nodded slowly. "I'm afraid so, Luna. It's about time in any case. You're going to have to raise the Sun."

Chapter 17

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Luna took the news well. "Oh dear..." she said after several long moments. "We were afraid of that." she sighed, going into a more normal tone of voice. "I believe I will be able to manage, Tia, although I do wish I had a bit more time to prepare."

Celestia nodded. "I know you will. I wish I could assist you."

Twilight hesitated before speaking. "Is there anything I could do?"

The two sisters both looked at her appraisingly, before Luna spoke. "I understand you are a quick study, Twilight, but you've never held such vast powers before. Until you have them mastered, it is perhaps for the best if I act alone."

Twilight sighed. "I understand."

Luna gazed to the left, toward Celestia's balcony, which faced the direction the sun would rise in the morning. "I think I will spend the time till now preparing myself. If I establish a connection with the sun now, I should be able to keep it on course for the rest of the day without too much trouble."

The white unicorn that was Princess Celestia nodded. "That would make it easier, I expect." Luna nodded back to her older, now smaller sister and walked to the balcony, heading outside and laid down near the center of the balcony. She pointed her horn toward the east and down to a point below the horizon, and it started glowing faintly.

Celestia sighed and turned back to Strangehorn the Mad's spellbook, floating it in front of her again. "I suppose I should study some more." she glanced over at Twilight. "I could use some help, if you're willing?"

Twilight's eyes lit up. "Of course, Princess! In fact, I can think of some perfect reference texts to help you study up on triple layer weaves! I found them very helpful myself." she frowned. "Although they're at my Library at home right now...." she glanced at Rainbow Dash, who was starting to look bored. "Rainbow Dash, do you think you could...?"

The cyan pegasus frowned. "You want me to run back to your Library and get some books?" she sighed. "Lame, but I guess I can't leave you hanging." she hopped to her feet. "Oh well, world's fastest book delivery pegasus... at your service."

Twilight smiled. "Thanks a lot, Rainbow Dash. I'll send Spike a note to let him know what books you'll need to bring back."

The cyan pegasus shrugged. "Cool." she hovered over to the balcony doors, then sped into the night, waving once to Luna as she flitted off at high speed.

Celestia summoned a parchment scroll and pen, and glanced at Twilight. "Tell me what books we'll need, and I'll send the letter. I have a feeling that writing with magic might be a bit too delicate a task to start with, Twilight."

The new alicorn sighed and nodded. "I only meant to levitate your pillow a few inches, and I ended up detonating it like a bomb. I think I'm going to need some boulders or something... and an empty field nopony will miss if it happens to explode or catch fire...."

The Princess of the Sun chuckled. "I think we might be able to arrange that." Twilight started listing the books they'd need from memory, and Celestia jotted them down, sending off the list to Spike as soon as she was done.

As Twilight and the Princess worked, side by side, Johnathon was pacing, trying to think ahead. "I'm going to go talk to Bright Lance and Shining Star, if that's alright?" he finally told the pair. Celestia murmured a distracted agreement, and Johnathon stepped out into the hall to join the pair of grey coated, unicorns in their gold plated armor.

"Hey." Johnathon said to the unicorn he assumed was Bright Lance. "Mind if I talk to you two for awhile?"

Bright Lance glanced at the human curiously. "Not really. So, how are they coming in there, anyway?"

Johnathon frowned. "It looks like it'll take awhile. The spell Celestia has to cast is very complex, apparently, and she's going to have to learn it from scratch." he grimaced. "Twilight's been trying to successfully cast the darn thing for over a month now... so unless the Princess is a quicker study, it's probably going to be awhile."

Shining Star looked upset. "A month! How in Equestria are we going to keep this quiet for an entire month?"

Johnathon frowned. "I have no idea. I suppose that Celestia's got a pretty full calender?"

Bright Lance chuckled. "She is the Princess. She's got half a dozen appointments for tomorrow alone, and that's the day after the Hearth Warming Eve festival, when most ponies are celebrating or relaxing. It'll be busier after that."

The archeologist nodded slowly. "Guess we'll need a plan."

Shining Star raised an eyebrow at him. "Why should we listen to you?" he looked the human up and down. "No offense, but you're not a member of the guard, or one of the royal staff... you're an alien from another world... who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well... I'm already in on the secret... and the less who know the truth the better, right? You can't just go recruit a bunch of other guards to help you without the reason why getting out, I'd expect."

Bright Lance nodded slowly. "True enough. You don't happen to HAVE a plan, do you?"

Johnathon snorted. "I wish. I'm just trying to talk it out... get a feeling for what we're actually facing."

Bright Lance shrugged. "OK, what do you think we're going to need to do to pull this off?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... the goal is to keep everypony from figuring out that Princess Celestia's powers were... er... transferred to Twilight, right?" he frowned. "Actually, I wonder...."

Bright Lance looked interested. "What is it? It looks like you had an idea."

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "Well... in my experience, the closer to the truth a lie is, the easier it is to keep."

Bright Lance raised an eyebrow. "I suppose. What are you getting at?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, obviously we're going to need a good lie... one that will hold up for however long we need it too, right?" The two guard unicorns glanced at each other, then back at him, waiting. "So..." Johnathon continued slowly. "We need a simple lie that nopony can trip us up on... something that won't get revealed easily." he blinked. "Of course! That's it!" he turned toward the doors to Princess Celestia's room and pulled them open.

"What?" Bright Lance asked anxiously. "What have you figured out?"

Johnathon waved a hand. "I'll tell you if it's possible... hold on a second." he walked quickly across the room and through the balcony doors to stop next to Luna, then hesitated. Twilight and Celestia had stopped what they had been doing to watch the human with interest. "Excuse me... Luna, can you talk for a moment?"

The dark blue alicorn opened an eye to peer at him, without moving her head. "If it is brief, yes." she told him curtly. "Is this very important?"

Johnathon hesitated. "It may be. I just need you to answer a couple quick questions, if you could."

Luna kept her head still, her horn still glowing evenly. "Briefly." she said, sounding distracted.

Johnathon took a breath. "Princess Luna, can you disguise yourself as Princess Celestia? Just long enough, say, to speak to a large gathering of ponies and give a prepared speech? And... will you be able to manage that after raising the sun this morning?"

Luna blinked. "I... yes, I should be able to manage that. A prepared speech?"

Johnathon nodded. "Thank you... that's all I needed to know."

Luna seemed to frown slightly, then sighed. "Very well... I will need to keep concentrating for some time... so please wait on any other issues till after the sun has risen." the glow on her horn seemed to intensify slightly, then slowly faded back to the faint light it had been shedding. "If I understand your plan, I should be able to play my part. You might want to consult my sister first, however." Johnathon chuckled and nodded, heading back inside.

Princess Celestia was regarding him thoughtfully. "I take it you are planning some sort of elaborate deception?" she asked him with a slight smile.

Johnathon shrugged. "Something like that. I take it that you're going to be some time figuring this spell out, so if we're going to keep all this secret, we might want to have something prepared before morning."

Celestia nodded. "A wise precaution. What are the details of this master plan of yours?"

Johnathon frowned. "I'm just piecing it together... I'll need some advice from you, I think. Do you mind if I bounce some ideas off of you?"

The Princess smiled at him and settled into a comfortable sitting position. "Not at all. I'm eager to hear your thoughts."

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "Well... I'm going to assume that you announcing that you're going on an extended vacation won't go over well?"

Princess Celestia laughed. "As tempting as that sounds, you're correct, I expect that there would be quite a few panicked ponies, especially if I disappear without prior warning."

Johnathon sighed. "I figured as much." he frowned. "Tell me, how much of your duties do you think Princess Luna will realistically be able to tackle... say, if she's also occasionally appearing AS you from time to time?"

Princess Celestia hesitated. "I cannot say, but I expect that having to raise both sun and moon will be quite taxing for my sister. She will have to rest for most of the day."

Johnathon nodded. "Alright then..." he glanced at Twilight. "What about you? Can you learn a disguise spell before tomorrow morning?"

Twilight blinked. "Are you suggesting that I pretend to be Princess Celestia?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Can you do it?"

Twilight hesitated. "Er... I think I'd have to learn to control my current powers first... but... I should be able to manage a disguise spell in a day... or two?"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "So... Luna will have to manage till you're ready to take over, I guess. We'll have to figure out how to minimize your meetings and public appearances, Princess." he turned to Celestia. "Can you think of a good excuse?"

Princess Celestia frowned slightly. "Well, so long as... the sun rises each morning, and I make, oh, one or two appearances a day, I can simply claim to be taking a short sabbatical from my royal duties. It will be wondered at, but I believe we can manage." she glanced at Twilight. "The question is, I suppose, how are we going to explain Twilight's presence?"

Johnathon nodded. "Yeah... I don't suppose we could just hide her till she learns how to pretend to be you...?"

The Princess frowned. "Normally I'd say yes... but... unless I manage to cast Strangehorn's Transformation Spell quite quickly, time may become a factor. When I first had to take over raising the moon as well as the sun, it was extremely difficult for me, and even a thousand years ago, I was, I'm afraid, quite a bit stronger than Luna is right now. I believe that Luna will manage today. Preparing early the way she is will make the initial lift much easier, although it will be quite draining. She should manage today, I judge, but tomorrow? And the next day? If she needs help, it's best if we are ready for that possibility. Everything else needs to be second to that."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "I see... so... either you need to learn the spell, or Twilight needs to learn to help with the sun and moon?"

Princess Celestia nodded. "Which means Twilight should take time to practice with her powers... and soon. As she said, it would be best to do so in an open area, which means there is a possibility she will be observed."

Johnathon sighed. "Oh." He nodded. "OK... OK... we can still do this." he scratched his chin. "It'll come to me..." he said after half a minute of awkward silence.

Princess Celestia started to smile. "Ah... yes. I think I may have a plan!"


It was the next morning. Regal and majestic as always, Princess Celestia stood before a small crowd of press ponies in the royal press chamber, behind a small podium. She rose to her full height, and the room went silent. Her horn glowed, and a roll of parchment on the podium unrolled itself and floated slightly in front of her.

"My little ponies." she began. "I only have a little time here today, I'm afraid, so I will be reading a prepared statement, afterwards you may ask questions." She smiled gently at them and started to read.

"As I'm sure you already know, my sister Luna has been taking over more and more of her old duties as my co-ruler and princess of the night, and we are announcing today that she will be aiding us with the raising of the sun for the next week or so, until she is well practiced. Therefore, there may be momentary fluctuations in the sun's normal orbit, but rest assured, I will be on hand to in case of any difficulties."

The press ponies started to jump up, hooves waving for attention as they started to shout questions, but Celestia simply raised one hoof for silence and waited for them to settle down. "In addition, my personal protege, Twilight Sparkle, has agreed to assist with our royal duties in the future, and, in preparation of this, she has accepted a great burden. Through great personal sacrifice, and years of training, Twilight Sparkle has prepared herself to be able to maintain, if only for a short span, the powers needed to raise either the sun or moon, as needed. She has done all this in order to offer my sister and I... at some time in the future, when she is ready, a gift unheard of in all my years as your ruler." she smiled winningly at her audience. "A vacation."

She raised a hoof for silence when it sounded like the crowd would erupt into chaos again. "Twilight will be training this week in using her temporarily enhanced powers, and will not be aiding either my sister or myself with our duties until we feel her training is complete, but, at some time in the future, Twilight may well be taking either my sisters or my place for short periods.. perhaps once a year, so that we can enjoy some time off." she grinned at her audience. "After all, over a thousand years without a day off does tend to wear on a mare." she winked. "I'm afraid that I will be busy most of this coming week with aiding my sister and Twilight in learning their new responsibilities, and I have a busy schedule planned, so my new secretary, Elegant Note will be taking your questions. Thank you for your time." the princess nodded to the gang of suddenly screaming and shouting press ponies, and smoothly slipped through the curtains and out of sight. A white Unicorn with a pink mane, which was done up in a very intricate braid that nearly reached the floor, stepped up to the podium. She was wearing an attractive yet simple red and gold dress that, coincidentally, covered her flanks so that her cutie mark was not visible, and she wore a fashionable pair of eyeglasses.

The sophisticated looking unicorn mare simply waited patiently for the shouting to stop before pointing at one of the press ponies. "One at a time, please." she said in a authoritative tone. "You, go ahead. What is your question?"

In the room behind the stage, Luna dropped the illusion she was maintaining to make her appear as her older sister, and slumped tiredly against a wall. The small room was empty save for a pair of rather tired looking unicorn guards, and a rather nervous looking purple alicorn.

"That was a really great performance, Luna!" Twilight complemented the Princess earnestly, although still looking nervous. "If I didn't know better, I never would have suspected the difference!" she glanced at the curtain, frowning. "Do you think that Princess Celestia will be all right out there with all those press ponies? They seem really... excited."

Bright Lance gave her a reassuring smile. "The Princess is an old hand at handling the press, Twilight. Don't worry." he grinned. "And with those glasses, and that braid, and her cutie mark covered up, nopony will even suspect who she really is."

Twilight sighed. "I hope so." she fidgeted. "Do I really need to go out there?"

Luna nodded to her. "It's part of the plan, Twilight Sparkle. You must show yourself to the press now, so that they accept the story we have given them, rather than speculating wildly why there is a new, purple alicorn present in the palace, practicing magic on such a massive scale. Let Tia answer most of the questions, and you should be fine."

Twilight sighed, and nodded. "I'll do my best."

Luna yawned. "As for me, I will be resting until the hour before nightfall." she nodded to Shining Star. "Please have my night guard wake me at that time."

Shining Star nodded. "Bright Lance and I will be taking twelve hour shifts, one at a time for the next few days, so that one of us is always present." he sighed. "Bright Lance has pulled rank, so I'm getting some shut eye now. Good luck, Twilight Sparkle." he nodded to Princess Luna. "I will escort you to your chambers, Princess, and then find my own." Princess Luna nodded graciously, and the two of them left.

Bright Lance sighed. "I wish we could recruit more unicorns and pegasi out of the royal guards for this... but we're going to keep this restricted to only those who already know of the situation." he frowned. "Which apparently leaves me trying to make guards out of six inexperienced mares, a baby dragon, and a... human." he sighed. "At least the human has some security experience, apparently."

Twilight looked relieved. "So... my friends are here?"

Bright Lance nodded. "They're being briefed by Mister Dwire in Princess Celestia's royal chambers as we speak. They arrived just a short while ago." he raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure they're the only ones who know about your plans to attempt to transform into an alicorn?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. I wouldn't have asked them to come, except I'm afraid they'd figure out what was going on, since they did know about Strangehorn's spell...." she smiled. "But together, we've saved the world, twice, and... faced down a full grown dragon. They can handle themselves."

Bright Lance frowned. "I can understand you including the other Element users... but, why the school teacher?"

Twilight shrugged helplessly. "Well, because she knows as much about the magic I've been working on as any pony. Since I've been keeping Johnathon informed, and he lives with her, she knows almost as much about what I've been up to with my research as he does. I'm sure we can trust Miss Cheerilee."

Bright Lance rolled his eyes. "Oh... sure. This is going to be great."

The crowd outside was quieting again, and Twilight heard her name being called. "Eep!" she shivered. "I guess I had better get out there then." she ducked her head, and slipped through the curtain to stand next to the white unicorn that was calling herself Elegant Note.

"I'd like to introduce you to Princess Celestia's personal student, her protege, and bearer of the element of magic, Twilight Sparkle!" Elegant Note said in a proud, ringing voice that was like, and yet unlike that of the Celestia Twilight knew so well.

"Hello everypony." Twilight said nervously as the crowded press room went silent, the ponies there all awestruck by the, to them, enormous purple alicorn. "I'm Twilight Sparkle."

The crowd once again broke into a roar of noise, and for long moments Twilight could hear nothing but the roar of their voices, and see nothing but the flash of camera blubs going off. After a minute, Elegant Note raised a hoof for silence, and, with a glare that would probably be a close runner up for a certain yellow pegasus's infamous stare, quieted the crowd once more. Pointing to a young stallion in the front row, she nodded once.

"Miss Sparkle." the young press stallion asked nervously. "How did you manage to become... well, an alicorn like the Princesses?"

Twilight cleared her throat, remembering her prepared story. "It's a very difficult spell, requiring a lot of preparation, and the full cooperation of the princess. I can't really go into more details, except that I could have never managed it without Princess Celestia's help." there was a lot of shouting, but another glare from Elegant Note quieted it down. Once again she pointed, this time at a middle aged unicorn mare floating a notepad and quill.

"Miss Sparkle. Is it true that you'll be assisting the princesses with raising the sun and moon sometime this week?"

Twilight hesitated, then nodded. "If they think I'm ready, I may assist them at some point later in the week, yes. Under their complete supervision, of course."

Elegant Note pointed to one of the more well known journalists at that moment, a grey coated old stallion Twilight had seen once or twice before in the editorial section of the Equestria daily, although as nervous as she was, she couldn't recall his name. "Twilight Sparkle, is this transformation permanent?"

Twilight blinked. "No... this is a temporary transformation." she told the lie with only the slightest guilty twinge. This had been something everyone involved had agreed on. That the fact that Twilight could not only permanently transform into an alicorn, but that in doing so she had robbed Princess Celestia of her own powers was something that could never be even hinted at. She had said the lie in the mirror a dozen times in preparation, and she was pleased to note that her voice hardly quavered at all. "In fact, it's extremely difficult to perform, and I will not be able to do it again for several months after it's duration expires."

Elegant Note smiled indulgently and stepped forward slightly to address the crowd. "Miss Sparkle is being modest. She is the most gifted unicorn of her age, and so far, the only one found with the raw magical strength to even attempt such a feat. She has volunteered at great personal risk to herself to give our rulers what aid she can, and I think she deserves our appreciation!" she stepped back and started to stomp her hooves into the stage, one after the other, smiling widely at Twilight. One by one, the press in the crowd started to stomp as well, until their applause filled the press room with the thunder of their hooves.

Elegant Note let the applause go on for another minute before again signalling for silence. "Now time for... one final question, and then Miss Sparkle has a very busy training schedule for the rest of the week." she pointed to a young earth mare. "Go ahead. What is your question for Miss Sparkle?"

The young mare raised her hoof. "Miss Sparkle, how does it feel having so much power?"

"A little scary." Twilight admitted truthfully. "I'm going to try my best to learn, but it'll take me a while before I can be of any help to the Princesses. I only hope I can make them proud."

The press started yelling again as it was obvious that the press conference was ending, but Elegant Note simply escorted Twilight through the curtain. Bright Lance stepped onto the stage a moment later to make sure that no press pony decided to try chasing after them for an extra question, but the press ponies had already started filing out of the room, looking excited and frustrated.

"Well done, my faithful student." Elegant Note said with a small smile, her accent fading as Princess Celestia relaxed into her normal voice. "I think they liked you."

Twilight grimaced. "But I lied... I mean, I know we had to, but... they think I'm doing this on purpose, that I'm being... noble, and self sacrificing, so that you and Luna can have a vacation sometime..." she looked upset. "I don't deserve to be treated like some sort of hero."

Princess Celestia laughed. "On the contrary, you deserve it many times over. Nevertheless, if all goes well, you WILL be able to give me and my sister a vacation day or two after this, if you're willing." she looked up into her student's face. "You would be willing to do that for us, wouldn't you?"

Twilight blinked. "Well, of course, Princess! I'd be happy to! You deserve it, if any pony ever did, but... I didn't go into all this with that intent..."

Princess Celestia shook her head. "Perhaps not, but you did have good intentions when you tried your spell. If this works as we hope, I would have to consider the results a fortunate side effect of your research." she grinned. "I really would love a short vacation... even if it won't be THIS week."

Twilight nodded. "Any time you want, Princess... at least, as long as I actually manage to figure out how to raise the Sun and Moon properly. It would be an honor."

Bright Lance came back into the room. "The press has packed it up." he announced calmly. "It sounded good from back here. I think they bought it."

Princess Celestia nodded. "Very good, Captain."

Bright Lance chuckled wryly. "Captain Forthright is going to eat his own helmet when he hears about my promotion...." he frowned. "But this really isn't a secure area... Miss Note." he raised an eyebrow significantly. "Perhaps we should head back to greet the rest of our team for this week...." he said calmly. "Of course, as the Princess's new secretary, Elegant Note..." he repeated pointedly. "You'll be welcome to come along...."

Princess Celestia flushed slightly, then nodded, going back into character, her voice changing into the more sophisticated Canterlot accent that she had decided to use for her new persona. "Why, thank you for inviting me, Captain Bright Lance!" she said cheerfully. "The Princess tells me she has complete faith in you!"

He rolled his eyes, then shrugged. "Good to hear, Miss Note. Shall we?"

They had only managed to get half way through the palace before they were intercepted by a rather frantic looking, formally dressed unicorn with a rather curly mustache. "Sergent Bright Lance!" he came up, looking quite upset. "What is this I hear about Princess Celestia clearing her entire calender for the week in order to train..." he glanced at Twilight. "Er... no offense Miss Sparkle, but this is quite irregular!"

Twilight blushed. "I'm so sorry, Mister Fredrickson!" she apologized. "This is all my fault. I surprised the Princess with all this, you see, and this spell only lasts a week or so... so she felt we didn't have any time to waste."

The majordomo sighed. "It is not that I am against the idea of the Princess taking a vacation. On the contrary, she certainly deserves it! But in the future, I would appreciate a little more warning!" he frowned. "I have already begun clearing the Princess's schedule, but there are a few meetings that simply should not be put off!" he sighed. "Could you please speak to Princess Celestia for me? I believe I can eliminate all but a few of the most important items on the list... but it would be extremely helpful if she could find an hour or so a day to attend to her duties?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "I'll pass that along." she blushed. "I'm sorry, Mister Fredrickson, but if I'm going to be taking up so much of the Princess's time, I really must get started. I'm sure she appreciates all your hard work."

Celestia spoke up calmly. "If you have any urgent messages for the Princess, please let me know. She has entrusted me with a spell that can reach her in case of an emergency. But please... only true emergencies."

The majordomo looked at the white unicorn mare with some disdain. "I would never question the Princess's choices, but who ARE you exactly? I've never seen you before. How did you come into such a trusted position of authority, exactly?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow at him. "You may call me Elegant Note... or Miss Note. The Princess hoof picked me for the job, and I was pleased to accept... on a temporary basis. Now, if you'll excuse us, Miss Sparkle has a very grueling schedule to keep." the Majordomo gave a stiff nod, and trotted off. When he was out of earshot, the transformed princess of the sun sighed. "I hate to keep him in the dark, but it is for the best. He's really an excellent majordomo, you know." She frowned. "I wonder what it is that is so important this week? I hope I haven't forgotten anything."

Bright Lance shrugged. "He probably just wants you to rubber stamp everything from the various meetings throughout the day... you know they can't seem to make a single serious decision around here without passing it by you."

Princess Celestia nodded wryly. "You are probably right. I should have done this years ago. My little ponies need to stop depending on me quite so much all the time."

Bright Lance shrugged. "You've been caring for Equestria for over a thousand years, Princess. We've gotten complacent in all that time."

Celestia smiled at him. "Perhaps just a little..." her accent once again firmed up into Elegant Note's sophisticated tones. "But now who's forgetting to maintain our cover, Captain? I'm just a humble secretary."

Bright Lance snickered. "Humble? You're about as humble as an Ursa Major." he grinned. "Miss Note, you could give my drill sergeant lessons in discipline. You tamed that press group like a pro." he raised an eyebrow. "Someone might think you'd been doing it for a thousand years or something."

Celestia snorted. "Very funny."

They walked quickly, arriving at Princess Celestia's personal chambers after only another minute. Rainbow Dash, suited up in the golden armor of one of the pegasus guards, and grinning slightly, nodded at the door. "Everypony is waiting inside, come on." she opened the door and led them inside, where Twilight's closest friends waited.

"Hoooee!" Applejack let out a low cry of astonishment as she saw Twilight enter the room. "If that don't beat all!" she shook her head as Rainbow Dash closed the door behind the small group. "I can't hardly believe it's you, Sugar Cube!" the cow pony walked closer for a better look, craning her neck slightly to look up at Twilight's face. "You're taller than my brother now, Twilight! I can't hardly recognize you!"

Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy crowded around as well, all looking at her with expressions mixed between wonder and nervous admiration.

"Darling!" Rarity said, beaming. "You look simply smashing! So elegant! So sophisticated! You must allow me to create a new dress for you! Perhaps some jewelry to fit your new stature?"

Pinkie Pie bounced. "Have you tried flying yet, Twilight? Is it fun being an alicorn? Have you raised the sun yet? Can I watch?"

Fluttershy was gaping, then blushed slightly, looking shyly through her own hair, although staying close. "Oh Twilight... is it very scary? Are you nervous? I'd be nervous."

Twilight smiled at her friends enthusiasm, even as she fought to pick out what question to answer first. "I haven't tried flying yet Pinkie, I've got a whole lot of practicing with my magic to do, I'm afraid, and it's going to have to come first. I'm not going to raise the sun... at least not until I'm better with my new power level." she turned to Rarity. "I don't think I'll have much time for fashion, Rarity, and I'll be changing back to normal as soon as I can, so I don't know if a new dress is a good idea right now... but I appreciate the thought." smiling down at Fluttershy worriedly, she nodded. "I'm very nervous... but I can't let that stop me. I need to do my best right now, which means I can't be nervous."

Princess Celestia smiled. "I'm glad you're all here to support Twilight, my little ponies. I trust you understand that the truth behind these events must be kept in the strictest confidence?"

Rarity looked at the Princess in surprise. "Oh my! I would never have recognized you like that, Princess! That's quite the convincing disguise!"

Princess Celestia smiled, and spoke in her Elegant Note voice. "Why thank you, Miss Rarity. Luna and Twilight helped me with it, and Johnathon suggested the spectacles.... I believe he said something about some sort of... flying man from his world who uses glasses for a disguise? I didn't quite understand, but it does seem to work."

Rainbow Dash looked interested. "A flying man? You mean some sort of pilot?"

Twilight shook her head. "No... a super hero... like Mare Do Well." she grinned. "Only I believe he was speaking about a work of fiction." she glanced around. "Where is he, anyway?"

Fluttershy spoke up quietly. "Johnathon said he was going to get some sleep. He wanted to be well rested when his turn for guard duty comes." she looked dubious. "Did you really want us to be your guards, Twilight?" she glanced at Princess Celestia. "I... I'm not exactly the right sort to be a guard. I'm not very brave, or strong, or anything."

Princess Celestia smiled. "You'll do fine, Fluttershy. I have every confidence in all of you."

Rarity sniffed. "Well, being a royal guard pony is... no doubt, very noble work, but it's not exactly something I expected to be doing." she smiled forgivingly at Twilight. "But of course, I am happy to help..." she sighed. "Although the regular guard uniforms are so... plain. Gold and silver are all very nice, of course, but couldn't they show a little bit of originality?"

Rainbow Dash fanned her wings, glancing at her own, surprisingly well fitted pegasus guard armor. "I don't know... I think it's kind of cool. It's not quite as cool as my Commander Hurricane costume, but I think I look pretty awesome." she glanced at Bright Lance. "How come you had a suit of armor in my size, anyway?"

The newly minted Captain shrugged. "We do get female recruits, although usually we take larger males... and the armor's enchantment makes it so that we all look alike." he frowned slightly. "I can't figure out why isn't the enchantment on your armor working though."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Maybe I'm just too cool for it?"

Princess Celestia chuckled. "That particular suit is approximately four hundred years old, Captain. It was last worn by Sergent Flashfire, the leader of my old Valkyrie unit." she looked a bit sad. "We weren't using the enchantment that makes you all look alike back then, I'm afraid." she smiled slightly. "Still, you look lovely, Rainbow Dash. Flashfire would be pleased." Rainbow Dash grinned and preened a little, and Princess Celestia turned to the others. "You five have a certain reputation among my personal guard, so having you blend in would in fact, work against us right now, I believe. If you wish any armor or equipment we have available, you are of course welcome to it, but I trust you to judge for yourself what is needed."

Princess Celestia smiled. "I'm sorry to pull you all away from your homes for this crisis, but I truly appreciate your service." She glanced around, blinking. "Wasn't a Miss Cheerilee supposed to be joining us? Twilight tells me that she knows about Strangehorn's work as well, and felt she could be trusted with our secret."

Applejack spoke up. "She's actually coming later this afternoon. She's arranging some stuff back home... making sure Fluttershy's pets are looked after, and helping Spike pack up all the extra books that Twilight asked for."

Princess Celestia nodded. "Very well." she found herself yawning, and sighed. "I suppose I should be getting some rest myself. Normally staying up all night does not fatigue me, but apparently my current form is a bit more mortal. Now that the excitement of the press conference is over, I'm starting to feel quite sleepy."

Twilight hesitated. "I'm not tired at all... is that part of being an alicorn, Princess?"

Celestia smiled slightly. "Well, it was part of being me, anyway. You seem to have gained that as well, Twilight." the purple alicorn looked embarrassed, but Celestia simply shook her head. "You don't need to apologize again. Certainly I won't mind getting some sleep. It's been quite a while since I last felt the need, it'll be a pleasant novelty."

Twilight nodded, then chewed lightly on her lip. "I'm kind of anxious to do something... useful. Do you think I could try practicing using my powers?"

Celestia hesitated. "I would prefer to be present the first time you try to use your full powers... or better still, to have Luna nearby in case she is needed... but..." she nodded. "Time is a factor, I fear, and you know the risks involved. If you wish, you should go to the magical training ground outside the military academy. I believe it's clear this time of year?"

Bright Lance nodded. "I'll show you the way, Twilight, and I'll make sure you aren't disturbed while you practice."

Twilight Sparkle nodded gratefully. "Thank you." she nodded to the Princess. "I'll come back here after you've gotten some sleep, Princess, and I'll try and help you study Strangehorn's spellbook some more. I've got some ideas for some practical exercises you could to to practice casting spells with a triple weave."

The Princess smiled. "I'll see you this afternoon then. Good luck, Twilight, and be very careful. Use as little power as possible at first, until you get the hang of it, and work your way up slowly. Don't focus on anything you don't want broken either." she grinned. "When you think you're ready, you should try the old egg carrying game. If you can handle eggs, you'll know you're close to getting the hang of your new power level."

Twilight nodded. "That's a good suggestion Princess, thank you."

Celestia yawned again, and looked over at her huge bed. "I probably should sleep elsewhere." she said with a sigh. "It'll look strange if I'm sleeping in my regular bed."

Fluttershy hesitated. "The girls and I have a big room to ourselves nearby, Princess." she said shyly. "You're welcome to sleep with us... if you like, I mean..." she hid her face in her hair. "I mean... if it's alright, and everything... I just thought it might be safer if you were in the room with us... not that you can't protect yourself, but we're supposed to be guarding you too, and I'd hate for anything bad to happen to you, not that anything bad would happen...."

Princess Celestia smiled gently at her. "Bunking with you sounds just fine, Fluttershy, and I will be safer that way. I'm sure that there isn't any reason to worry, of course, but it'll make Bright Lance feel better if I am careful, I'm sure."

The Unicorn guard nodded with a small smile. "I don't mind if you're just humoring me, Princess. It would make me feel better for you to sleep with Twilight's friends. I HAVE heard enough about their exploits to know that you're probably as safe with them as you'd be in a barracks full of my men..." he grinned. "Safer, in your current condition, actually." he winked. "You make a pretty good looking unicorn you know."

Princess Celestia broke out laughing. "Why Captain! Are you flirting with me!" she beamed. "How delightful!"

Bright Lance shrugged. "I... er...." he sighed and grinned sheepishly. "I'm a terrible flirt when I'm drunk... and I've been up long enough that I'm starting to get a bit punch drunk, I'm afraid. Sorry about that."

Princess Celestia smiled. "Oh nonsense. I'm glad that you feel you can relax your guard a little with me... even if it took a major magical accident and sleep deprivation to do it."

Twilight, on the other hand, was looking slightly annoyed for some reason. "Maybe we should get going... CAPTAIN... before you fall asleep on your feet." she told the unicorn, stressing his new title.

Bright Lance shook his head as if to clear it, then nodded. "Yes sir, Miss Sparkle!" he said without a hint of humor in his voice. "Permission to stop at the kitchens for some coffee on the way?"

Twilight blushed slightly. "Um... sure. Sorry, I didn't meant to snap at you."

The unicorn captain nodded crisply, still keeping himself in a stiff military posture, but his eyes were kind. "Not a problem, Twilight. You've got a lot to do, and not a lot of time to do it." he headed for the door. "Ladies." he said with a nod. "I'll leave the Princess... I mean, Elegant Note, in your care."

Rainbow Dash saluted him. "She'll be safe with us, Captain!" she told him with a cocky grin.

Rarity watched Twilight and Captain Bright Lance leave, then turned to the others. "Well, since most of us have had to do with less sleep than we'd like, I suggest we take turns sleeping in shifts till we're all a bit more coherent. I will volunteer to take first watch." she smiled. "I'm quite used to late hours, after all, I should be just fine for a few more."

Pinkie Pie grinned, raising a hoof. "I volunteer to sleep with the Princess! I mean, with Elegant Note!" she looked around at the combination of shocked and amused looks she was getting. "What? Do I have something on my face?"


Captain Bright Lance watched from what he hoped was a safe distance as Twilight Sparkle looked at one of the boulders in the training field. Her horn didn't glow, she just looked at it. It was the largest boulder in the field. He remembered in his own academy days, how they would practice lifting larger and larger weights with their telekinesis. The largest thing he had ever lifted was less than half the height of the massive boulder the purple alicorn was eying now, and probably a tenth of the mass. He estimated that the boulder that Twilight was looking at probably weighted close to ten tons.

"Aren't there any bigger ones?" Twilight finally said. "I could have lifted this one pretty easily when I was in my last year of the magical academy."

Bright Lance gaped. "Er... Miss Sparkle, no pony has lifted that boulder solo in twenty years or more."

The purple alicorn blinked at him. "Seriously?" she frowned. "Huh. Well, if it's the biggest one you have..." she took a deep breath and concentrated, her horn glowing faintly, and the boulder shot into the air like a rocket. "Whoops!" she said and concentrated harder, causing the rock to plummet back downwards even faster. "No!" she threw up a purple wall of energy between the rock and herself as it hit the ground with a sound like a bomb. Bright Lance dived for cover even as the shockwave threatened to knock him from his feet.

After several long moments, the dust started to clear, and the Unicorn palace guard carefully checked himself for injuries. He seemed undamaged. He glanced up and noticed that Twilight's shield had expanded into a dome over the crater the boulder had made in the ground. He stood up and looked more carefully, and realized that a ring of shrapnel, sharp pieces of stone ranging in size from pebbles to hunks as large as his entire body ringed the inside of the circle the purple alicorn had drawn around the crater with her magic.

Twilight's horn was glowing brighter now, but that glow faded along with the huge shield she had thrown up just in the nick of time. "Are you alright, Bright Lance?" she asked worriedly, turning to him. "I didn't mean to bring that boulder down quite so fast... I just... I threw it upwards too hard, and I tried to slow it down, and overcompensated back the other way..."

Bright Lance nodded. "I understand. Thankfully, I'm fine. You got that shield up just in time." he looked curious. "How did you manage that, anyway? You seem to be having so much trouble with telekinesis, how can you put up something as complex as that magical shield?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, with my telekinesis, the more power I put in, the faster the object travels... but with the shield, more mana simply increases the strength of the shield... so it didn't matter if I put too much power into it."

Bright Lance looked thoughtful. "I see." he hesitated, then raised an eyebrow. "Can you keep up the shield while using your telekinesis on objects inside it?"

Twilight Sparkle blinked, then frowned. "I don't think so... it's a basic shield, but it's not permeable to magic, unfortunately."

He shrugged. "Too bad. That would have made things a bit safer." he glanced at across the yard to the rest of the boulders that the unicorns used for practice. "Well... do you want to try again?"

Twilight Sparkled grimaced. "Not really, but I guess I really don't have much choice. Maybe you should stand a bit farther back for awhile?"

The captain of the guard nodded. "That's probably a good idea."

Twilight waited for Bright Lance to get about fifty yards farther away before turning to another large boulder. She closed her eyes, feeling it very carefully with her magic, then opened them. With the gentlest touch she could manage, she attempted to lift it. The boulder shivered but didn't lift, and Twilight slowly increased the power she was using. Almost immediately the boulder shot into the air, although slower than the last one, and she let it rise, forcing herself to pull back the power very, very slightly, causing the boulder to hover in mid air.

Twilight blinked, hardly believing she had managed it. "I... I did it!" she exclaimed proudly. "I've got it under control!" she nodded to herself and started moving the boulder around the practice field slowly, then with greater speed as she grew more confident in the power she was using. She judged the large piece of rock to weigh in the neighborhood of half a dozen tons, which was well under her limits even before transforming into an alicorn, although certainly keeping something so massive levitated off the ground and move it around would normally be much more tiring for her. As it was, she could barely feel the massive boulder at all. She kept moving it around the field, changing direction and speed, for another minute, then let it float in mid air while she reached, very, very carefully, for another boulder, and, as gently as she could, lifted it into the air as well. Giggling in glee as she managed to do so without sending either boulder rocketing into the sky, she started moving both around the field together.

From where he watched, Bright Lance found himself more than a little impressed as to how quickly the purple alicorn was learning to control her powers... and as the minutes passed, and Twilight lifted another, then another, then another boulder into the air, more than a little amazed at her magical strength and control. An hour passed, and Twilight was levitating a dozen boulders larger than a pony, and she continued to work tirelessly. Bright Lance was anything but bored, however, as he breathlessly watched a true prodigy work, as one after another, more boulders from the practice field joined the ones floating and spinning in mid air. By the end of the second hour, nearly four dozen boulders of various sizes were moving gently around the field, and Twilight started to pick up smaller pieces of rock as well, causing them to orbit the larger boulders in more and more intricate patterns.

The purple alicorn spread her wings, almost without thinking about it after working for nearly two and a half hours, and levitated herself into the air almost without concious effort. By now, the airspace above the practice field was filled with whirling masses of rock, hundreds of objects floating in intricate patterns as she levitated herself into the center of the flying mass of objects. Closing her eyes, she could feel everything she was levitating at once, almost instinctively, and she slightly increased the energy flow, causing the hundreds of rocks and boulders she was levitating to increase their speeds as they flew around each other and herself, faster and faster.

It was like a dance... or the inside of a kaleidoscope. Bright Lance watched with wonder even as he started to become concerned. Twilight was now simultaneously levitating hundreds of tons of stone, and had most of it moving at speeds that would prove lethal if any pony ventured too close, and still, the mass of whirling rocks continued to accelerate.

"Twilight!" he shouted. "Twilight Sparkle! That's enough! You need to stop now!"

In the middle of the malestrom, Twilight could barely hear Bright Lance shouting, but after several long moments she opened her eyes, only to be immediately dismayed, and more than a little frightened of what she had wrought. With a gasp, she broke the magic, only to see the rocks and boulders go flying off in every direction at once at high velocity, in a pattern that would surely lay waste to the entire area.

Bright Lance flinched uselessly away as the rocks exploded outward away from Twilight in every direction, and closed his eyes, bringing a hoof up to ward his head from the boulder that would crush him into a thin, gold-plated bloody smear on the ground.

Chapter 18

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Captain Bright Lance held his position for a long moment, then another, as he realized that he wasn't yet dead. He opened his eyes slowly, and blinked. A huge purple bubble, hundreds of yards across filled the training ground, it's edge only a few feet from where he sat. He lowered his upraised hoof to stare. The bubble was filled with floating pieces of rock and boulders of all size, all now motionless. At its center, Twilight Sparkle also floated, her horn glowing brightly. Even as he watched, the bubble settled slowly to the ground, along with the masses of stone that the purple alicorn had been holding aloft.

The purple bubble winked out, and the stones that remained floating were now moving again, slower this time, as they took up orderly paths through the air to where they were being set down. Twilight herself came to rest on the ground, her four hooves touching as the final stones were set into place. Bright Lance realized that Twilight had set the boulders back where she had first collected them from, and she had even organized them according to size.

The purple alicorn frowned, then trotted across the field towards the grey coated unicorn guard. "I'm so sorry, Captain." Twilight said apologetically. "I nearly lost control of what I was doing for a moment there. I really should have asked you to be... well, even farther back than you were. I guess I got a bit overconfident near the end there."

Bright Lance hesitated, considering his response. "Well, I'm fine, and nopony else has been harmed, so don't worry about it. Besides, you have really improved an incredible amount in the last few hours. You should be very proud of yourself."

Twilight sighed. "I do have to keep reminding myself to be careful. With this much power, it's tempting to try things that I'd never have tried before."

Bright Lance tilted his head to one side. "Still, you were amazing! I've never seen the Princess control so many objects at once... or any pony, for that matter."

Twilight blinked. "Well, there was a lot to keep track of, but mostly I simply set things in motion and kept maintaining the various weaves. It's not as difficult as it looks. I use a similar spell to catalog the books in my library. It was a lot more weight than I'm used to, but now that I'm finally starting to get the hang of the greater amount of power I have, that part wasn't difficult either." she frowned. "But of course, I should have thought of how dangerous it might be for any observers. Even when I'm cataloging books, if I get distracted I can lose the spell. I shouldn't have been so reckless."

Bright Lance smiled at her. "Well, if you managed to get better control over your powers, it'll have been worth it, and you certainly seemed to!"

Twilight nodded slowly, glancing toward the pile of rocks. A single small fragment of stone flashed from the pile and stopped in front of her, where she regarded it closely, causing it to float and spin.

She nodded again, approvingly. "Yes... I seem to have gotten most of my fine control back." she glanced at him. "Still, to be sure, we might as well follow the Princess's advice. Do you know where we can get a few dozen eggs, Captain?"


Johnathon Dwire came slowly awake, and was pleasantly surprised to find himself relatively well rested. Washing up and dressing quickly, he left the elegant guest room he had collapsed in sometime just after dawn and headed for Princess Celestia's private quarters. Outside there was a pair of female pegasi in gold royal guard armor. One was obviously Rainbow Dash, but the other was a white pegasus he didn't recognize, noticeably larger than the cyan speedster.

"Hey Rainbow Dash." Johnathon greeted her with a nod to her companion. "Who's your friend?"

Rainbow Dash just grinned. "You'll never guess."

The archeologist blinked. "What is that supposed to mean?" he frowned, turning to the other guard. "I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash has a strange sense of humor sometimes..." The white Pegasus seemed to wilt slightly under his gaze, looking nervous, and Johnathon blinked. The body was larger, more muscular, and obviously white, but the posture, and the body language... "Fluttershy?" he asked in astonishment. "Can that actually be you?"

Rainbow Dash looked disappointed. "How did you figure it out?"

Johnathon glanced at the cyan pegasus as she confirmed his wild guess and grinned. "Well, the Princess did say earlier that the Royal guard armor is enchanted to make all the guards look alike... and there are only two pegasi in on the secret, last time I checked..."

Fluttershy wilted slightly. "I'm not very good at being a guard..." she said softly. "I'm supposed to be... intimidating, and... brave, and I'm neither of those things. And if I try to say anything, it's obvious I'm just pretending....."

Johnathon smiled and put a hand under her chin to gently raise her face toward his. "You'll be fine. You look the part, and you don't actually have to say anything. Just stand tall, and stay quiet. Keep your eyes on any pony that comes to the door, and just... stare at them. You'll do fine." he grinned. "Rainbow Dash can do all the talking, if you're nervous."

Rainbow Dash yawned. "Yeah! I'll... do..." she shook her head as if to clear it. "Man, this guard duty thing is boring, though. What I wouldn't give for some ninja pony assassins or something."

Johnathon looked sympathetic. "Yeah, it can be pretty dull. Unfortunately, we're most likely not going to get any ninjas... just curious ponies who want to see Princess Celestia... but we've just got to stay sharp, regardless."

The cyan pegasus shrugged. "Yeah, I know. I'm not going to let the Princess down. But for an adventure, this is a pretty dull one."

Johnathon patted her on the head, causing her to glare at him, which he pretended not to notice. "Dull is good. This is one adventure where I hope nothing goes wrong." he glanced at the doors. "So, is everypony here?"

Fluttershy spoke up. "Twilight and Captain Bright Lance just got back. Twilight seemed really happy, so I guess training went well? Rarity went to go check on the Princ...I mean, on Elegant Note, and see if she's ready to start studying again."

Johnathon nodded. "Alright." he looked at the two pegasi curiously. "Have either of you gotten any sleep?"

Fluttershy hesitated. "I did get some sleep on the train going home... and coming back, but Rainbow Dash has been awake this whole time."

The cyan pegasus shrugged, yawning some more. "Everypony else needed to get some sleep... besides, neither Bright Lance or Twilight's been asleep yet either."

Johnathon frowned. "Has anypony else gotten enough rest?"

Fluttershy hesitated. "Well, Pinkie Pie and Applejack went to get some sleep when the... when Elegant Note did, and that was... about six hours ago?"

Johnathon nodded. "So Rarity's been up this whole time as well?"

Fluttershy blinked. "I think so. She wanted to make some alterations to her armor... she offered to do ours as well, but... I don't really want to stand out."

Rainbow Dash shrugged nonchalantly. "I already make this armor cooler just by being me..."

Johnathon grinned. "You'll get no arguments from me. Is Cheerilee here yet?"

The two pegasi glanced at each other, then shook their heads. "We haven't seen her yet." Fluttershy said nervously. "Do you think anything happened to her?"

Johnathon frowned. "Maybe it took her longer than expected to get everything wrapped up in Ponyville? Spike's supposed to be with her, right? If anything happened, I'm sure he'd send word."

"He has." Princess Celestia, disguised as 'Elegant Note' was walking toward them down the hall, with Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. Rarity was in a set of royal guard armor, missing the helmet, and sporting an elegant high collar and small blue cape instead, while Applejack simply wore her usual cowboy hat. Pinkie was unencumbered, as usual. "They've been held up outside the Palace." Celestia said with a frown. "Apparently there is a large crowd gathered at the front gate, and the guards have closed the castle off to visitors...." she frowned. "I would normally be accepting petitioners at this time, and I fear that my absence may be causing some anxiety."

Johnathon looked concerned. "Are Spike and Cheerilee alright?"

'Elegant Note' nodded quickly. "They are fine, they just don't want to call attention to themselves by forcing their way through the gate. The guards on duty are not ones that Spike is familiar with, apparently, and he contacted me for advice."

She sighed. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to wake Luna... somepony needs to reassure the crowd, and they'll want to see one of their Princesses."

Johnathon hesitated. "Let's let Twilight and Bright Lance know what's going on. Perhaps Bright Lance will have a suggestion." he pulled the doors open, and everypony save Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash filed inside.

"Princess!" Twilight called excitedly. "I've finally got the hang of my extra powers! I think I might actually be able to help Luna pretty soon!"

Celestia smiled slightly. "Call me Elegant Note, Twilight... at least while I'm in disguise. Better to get used to it, so nopony slips and calls me the wrong thing while we're in public."

Twilight nodded sheepishly. "Of course. Sorry, Elegant Note."

The Princess smiled. "Perfectly all right. So... practice went well then?"

Bright Lance spoke up helpfully. "I'll say! There were a couple of nervous moments... but Twilight did great! At one point she was levitating every piece of loose rock in the training ground at once... boulders, pebbles, pieces of boulders... she had them all flying about, orbiting each other in these complicated patterns... thousands of individual stones from the size of a pebble to boulders three times my size... it was fantastic."

Twilight blushed slightly. "Well, I may have gotten a bit carried away for a little bit... but... I did try the egg carrying exercise as well, and I got up to 39 eggs before we stopped."

Johnathon blinked. "Why thirty nine exactly?"

Twilight looked embarrassed. "Well, we had four dozen, but I broke a few..." she smiled. "But I got the hang of it. I even practiced teleporting!"

Bright Lance shivered. "Yeah... she was popping all around the training yard for ten minutes... and then she wanted to try a group teleport...." he shook his head. "That was weird. I've never teleported before."

Princess Celestia looked impressed. "Very good, Twilight! You've progressed much faster than I expected. I'll leave it up to Luna to decide, but I think you may well be up to assisting her as early as tomorrow."

Johnathon sighed. "Well, that's one worry out of the way." he glanced at Bright Lance. "We've got a bit of a situation down at the front gates... a large crowd has formed, apparently. Cheerilee and Spike can't get through."

Bright Lance frowned. "Well, I can gather a unit and clear the way. But we probably don't want to call any undo attention to anypony if we can avoid it. Might be better to go down and escort them in through a different entrance?"

Johnathon nodded. "Good idea. Mind if I come along?"

Bright Lance shrugged. "Not at all." he looked over at Twilight. "Twilight, I'll trust you to guard the Princess while I'm gone, alright?"

Twilight nodded quickly. "You can count on me, Captain."

Princess Celestia frowned. "I still think somepony should go down and reassure the crowd. Captain, could you check on my sister on the way to escort Miss Cheerilee and Spike, and let her know about the situation?"

Bright Lance bowed quickly. "Of course, Miss Note." he inclined his head toward Johnathon, and the two of them headed out swiftly.

Applejack, hurried after them. "You all don't mind me tagging along, do yah?" she asked asked with a grin. "I've got to stretch my legs some."

As the cowpony, palace guard and human left, Twilight turned to Celestia. "Are you all rested up, Princess? I've got some ideas on how to help you with Strangehorn's spell... we've got a whole lot of studying to do!"

Princess Celestia sighed but nodded. "It's not that I dislike studying with you, Twilight, but it's a shame to spend all my time as a normal unicorn cooped inside working. I would love to be able to wander the city a bit... talk to some ponies, maybe even make some friends who aren't nervous about me sending them to the moon if they aren't always nice to me."

Twilight smiled hesitantly. "If... if everything goes like we've planned, Princess, you will be able to do all that. You really do deserve a vacation, and if I can give you one, I certainly don't mind. For now though, we should make sure we can reverse this first."

Celestia nodded, smiling. "I know. And I appreciate it. I suppose it's the anticipation more than anything else that is most difficult for me. For more than a thousand years, I have not dreamed of the possibility that I might one day be freed, however temporarily, from my duties. I had become content with my role, secure in the knowledge that it would be mine for centuries to come. The thought that I might actually get a vacation? I find myself surprised at how strongly tempted I am by the thought, now that it seems to be becoming a very real possibility." she smiled wryly. "Hope can be dangerous sometimes."

Twilight looked confused. "I thought hope was a good emotion?"

Princess Celestia hesitated, then nodded. "It is... most of the time. My hope that I would be reunited with my sister, Luna, kept me strong... and content, throughout the centuries as I waited for her. But over over my long life, I put away the hope for things that might never come, and decided to simply accept my life as it was." she sighed. "It was easier than wishing and hoping without end for the impossible." she grinned at her faithful student, now her teacher. "But I have realized, Twilight, not to discount the impossible in regards to you." she glanced around at the others in the room, her gaze stopping on Pinkie for several long moments, then giggled. "Or any of your friends, in fact."


Bright Lance, Applejack, and Johnathon Dwire stopped in front of an ornate double door, before which a pair of black armored, bat winged ponies with cat like eyes stood like statues. "Bright Lance, Miss Applejack, and Johnathon Dwire to see Princess Luna." the grey unicorn guard said with a crisp salute.

One of the bat winged guards raised an eyebrow at Bright Wing, "The Princess has given instructions that you... and Shining Star have permission to disturb her at any time, Bright Lance, but not why. The Princess is not one for idle gossip, but I know when we're being left out of the loop on something."

Bright Lance shrugged apologetically. "Sorry, Night Shade. Orders. You know."

The bat winged guard nodded calmly. "Need to know is need to know." he agreed.

Bright Lance nodded back. "Just... keep the speculation private, will you? We don't need a lot of rumors going around."

Night Shade nodded curtly. "If it wasn't you, I wouldn't have even brought it up, Captain." he grinned. "Congratulations on your promotion, by the way."

Bright Lance rolled his eyes. "I'll have earned it by the end of the week, I expect. Being in charge is a lot less fun than it sounds."

"Poor baby." Night Shade said with a chuckle. "Not getting enough sleep?"

Bright Lance just sighed. "Just let us in, alright, Night? I'm just tired enough not to find you all that funny anymore."

Night Shade grinned unrepentantly, but opened the door behind him. "What about them?" he said, nodding to Applejack and Johnathon.

"They're with me." Bright Lance said simply. "I assume you know who they are?"

"The Element of Honesty, and the human." Night Shade said with a nod. "Of course. Just checking." they went into the dark room, and Night Shade closed the door behind them.

It was dark, heavy curtains blocked the window, letting only faint, heavily filtered light into the room, and Bright Lance lit up his horn so that they could see. "Princess Luna?" he said cautiously. "Princess Luna, are you awake?"

A large canopied bed could be faintly seen in the corner of the spacious room, and Johnathon could just barely make out an indistinct silhouette of something in the middle of the bed, moving slightly. After a long moment, the form raised it's head, and he was suddenly struck by the image of a dark, horned head, one eye peering at them, that bought his mind back to Nightmare Night, and the images of the Mare on the Moon that had been one of the more popular decorations. Then the resemblance faded as Luna shook her mane out, causing the stars contained within it to sparkle faintly, and framing her body as she came slowly to her feet and climbed out of her bed.

"Captain." she said, sounding tired but calm. "Is there something wrong?"

Bright Lance hesitated. "There is a large crowd of ponies gathered by the front gates. Princess Celestia felt that they may be in need of some reassurance, given recent events, and felt you would be best suited to handle the situation, if you feel able."

Luna nodded. "Certainly. I will go at once." she raised an eyebrow, curiously. "Did my dear sister have any suggestions as to exactly how I should... handle things?"

Bright Lance shook his head. "Nothing specific Princess Luna."

The princess looked thoughtful. "I see." she looked thoughtfully at Bright Lance. "What would you think about my going down as myself, rather than impersonating my dear sister?"

Bright Lance looked thoughtful. "Honestly, Princess, I don't see why not. While it'll be important for ponies to see your sister from time to time, it can't hurt for you to be seen handling a few diplomatic problems yourself."

The princess seemed to shrink in on herself slightly, looking a bit nervous. "I... would like to try... but I am uncertain how I will be received. I have learned how to be... casual, with our subjects, thanks to Twilight Sparkle and her friends, but... I have not held court here in Canterlot... at least, not during the day."

Bright Lance looked thoughtful. "Well, now is as good a time as any. Princess Celestia would normally be holding day court about now, and hearing petitioners. I don't see any reason why you cannot take her place." he shrugged. "Although, if possible, you might want to make an appearance tomorrow morning as your sister... just to reassure everypony."

Luna nodded. "I'll take your suggestion, Captain." she hesitated, then turned to Applejack. "Applejack... might you accompany me? I would be... comforted to have an honest and loyal pony such as yourself by my side, and I found your advice most helpful this last nightmare night."

Applejack swallowed, then nodded. "I'll come along, Luna, if you want me. I ain't never seen the princess hold court before, so I expect this'll be right interesting."

"I'm afraid you may be right." Luna said wryly. "Although I'm not sure if interesting is a good thing in this case."

Bright Lance bowed slightly to Luna. "Johnathon and I need to go escort Spike and a Miss Cheerilee into the palace. If you'll excuse, me, your majesty?"

Luna nodded to him. "Of course, Captain." as he turned to go, she called after. "You ARE planning on getting some sleep at some point, I assume?"

Bright Lance snorted. "Is it that easy to tell?"

Luna nodded slowly. "I can feel your fatigue from here, Captain, and I can smell your fear and concern. You should rest as soon as you can find an opportunity."

Bright Lance sighed. "Just another six hours till Shining Star is back on duty, Princess. I'll be fine." he and Johnathon Dwire headed for the bedroom door.

As they were leaving, they could hear Applejack's voice. "Just a tip, Princess? Telling somepony that you can smell their fear ain't a real great way to calm them down, alright?" The doors closed behind them, and Night Shade nickered slightly, looking amused.

Bright Lance just glared at him. "Don't even start. You try sitting 20 meters away from a brand new alicorn levitating a couple hundred tons of rock for her first time and we'll see how rosy YOU smell, OK?" Night Shade looked at the ceiling innocently, and Bright Lance snorted. "That's what I thought."

Johnathon waited till they were just down the hallway. "I thought Twilight did really well with her training?"

Bright Lance shrugged. "She did... that filly is as focused as I've ever seen. Fast too... but... honestly? There were a couple points where I was halfway convinced I was going to die." he sighed. "She's got it down now though, so I'm not going to complain. I wouldn't want to be the one trying to control that much power."

Johnathon nodded. "Yeah. I get that. If anypony could handle it, though...."

"It would be Twilight Sparkle." the guard agreed. "There's a good reason the princess chose her to be her personal student. I've heard all the stories, and I knew her for a few years when I was just starting out before she went to Ponyville." he shook his head. "Still, I'd never imagine that one day she might end up doing this...."

Johnathon glanced over at the unicorn, looking concerned. "Captain...."

Bright Lance shook his head. "Oh, I know... and I trust her. I really do. Princess Celestia trusts her, and that's enough for me, and I know her well enough myself to make that call. I just hope that everything works out as they're hoping it will."

Johnathon nodded. "We'll do everything we can to support them till it does."

"Damn straight." The guard agreed with a hard look in his eyes. "Whatever it takes."

Bright Lance led the way out of a hidden side entrance to the palace, and then around to the front gate, where they found Spike and Cheerilee at the back of an anxious looking crowd. Several ponies that noticed Johnathon's approach looked immediately apprehensive, but as soon as they noticed Bright Lance by his side they calmed down.

Cheerilee spotted the tall human's face over the crowd and started trotting around toward him. "Johnathon!" she called brightly. "Is everything alright?" she asked as she got closer. The purple earth pony was wearing saddlebags that appeared to be full to bursting, and Spike was riding on her back.

Johnathon nodded. "Everything is going fine. Better than fine, we've gotten some good news already." he hesitated. "But let's get inside before going into details." he frowned at the crowd. "How bad is it, do you think?"

Cheerilee hesitated frowning. "A lot of ponies are talking about Twilight Sparkle... some are worried that she might want to replace the Princesses... or that she won't be able to handle raising the sun. I think there are a lot of ponies here who just want to talk to Princess Celestia as well. I gather she usually holds her day court about now?"

Bright Lance led the way back around the palace as he answered. "That's right. Princess Luna will be taking over the day court today, I think. Hopefully she'll be able to reassure everypony, but I expect there will still be a lot of upset ponies by the end of the day."

Cheerilee sighed. "I have to admit, I'm a bit worried as well." she turned to Johnathon. "Did Twilight really...?"

Johnathon nodded, putting a finger to his lips. "Yes, but we're not talking about that right now." he told her quietly. "Things are going well so far though." he said, trying to be reassuring. "Twilight's learning the ropes faster than anticipated."

Cheerilee looked startled. "Does that mean Twilight really will be raising the sun?"

Johnathon hesitated. "We'll see... but Princess Celestia thinks she'll be able to handle it."

Cheerilee sighed. "I trust the Princess... and Twilight, of course, but this IS going to take some getting used to."

Johnathon nodded. "I can understand that. Still, it's only for a little while, then things will go back to normal."

"You hope." Spike said darkly. "I'm just hoping Twilight isn't going to have to stay here in Canterlot forever..." he sighed. "I like it in Ponyville. I don't want Twilight to have to stay a princess..." he looked glum. "I mean, she'd make a great princess... but..."

Johnathon patted his shoulder reassuringly. "I understand what you're saying. Don't worry, Spike. They'll figure this out."

Spike sighed again. "I hope so."


Pinkie Pie had gone outside to give Rainbow Dash a break from guard duty so she could sleep, and Rarity had gone with the cyan pegasus in order to get some sleep herself, so they were alone in the room. Not that they needed privacy, Of course not! Twilight told herself firmly, but it was easier to study without Pinkie serving as a constant distraction, or Rarity fawning over either the Princess or herself with her desire to design some wonderful new fashion for them, inspired by their new looks. Still, despite the quiet, Twilight was still having some trouble focusing.

Twilight was laying on Princess Celestia's bed, her feet under her, next to the Princess, levitating a book in front of them both so they could read together. She was suddenly struck, not for the first time in the last two days, of the strange reversal in their roles. Princess Celestia was so much smaller than her now, it was almost as if she was a child... although the same could be said of any of her friends at the moment. Twilight had always felt like a child around the Princess, so it was doubly strange to be the larger and stronger of the two. She felt oddly protective of the white unicorn resting close beside her, and resisted an impulse to put a wing protectively over Celestia's back.

And to be teaching her former mentor magic! It was... beyond bizarre. True, it had been several years since the Princess had actively given Twilight magic lessons, but Twilight had never expected her own abilities in any area, even one where she excelled, to exceed that of the Princess. It was so strange. She had always considered Princess Celestia to be practically all knowing... capable of practically anything, and finding herself in the unique position of knowing more about anything... going from student to teacher, it was even stranger than the change in their respective sizes.

Princess Celestia herself seemed to be handling the change with considerable aplomb. She was handling being a normal unicorn with remarkably few signs of stress, and seemed to be having no problems taking up the role of student. The Princess was a very good student, actually. She paid close attention, remembered what she read or heard without Twilight having to repeat herself, and followed instructions obediently. That, and she seemed quite willing to study as hard as Twilight could push her without complaint.

"I really will." Twilight found herself saying without prompting. "I really will give you a vacation after this."

Celestia blinked, then smiled. "I know, Twilight." she looked curious. "You don't have to keep telling me though." she nuzzled her head under Twilight's chin affectionately. "Are you upset about something, my faithful student?" she laughed airily. "Or perhaps I should call you my faithful teacher now?"

Twilight lowered her head to hug her mentor's head against her chest lightly. "It's not that anything's wrong, I just...." she tried to think of how to put it into words, and failed, trailing off helplessly.

"Hmm?" Celestia looked up at the purple alicorn with a calm, loving, and very patient expression. "You can tell me, Twilight Sparkle. You can tell me anything, you know that."

Twilight hesitated, uncertain of how to answer. "It's just... I suppose I still feel guilty. I should never have tried such an untested spell around you, Princess. It was foalishly stupid of me."

The Princess frowned very slightly. "You really do need to stop apologizing, Twilight. Honestly, I am just as responsible, and I've had so much more experience with this sort of thing, I really should have been the one to figure out what might go wrong. If anything, I'm the one that should feel guilty. Not only have I burdened you with my responsibilities, but I have dared ask you to take over for me on a regular basis. It's hardly fair."

Twilight smiled slightly. "We keep going around and around on this, don't we? I guess we should just forgive ourselves and move on."

The Princess smiled at her. "That would be best, I think."

Twilight nodded, then hesitated. "It's not just that though. I feel guilty... because for some reason, I'm really happy right now, and I shouldn't be. I made a stupid mistake, and it's like I'm getting rewarded for it."

Celestia looked at her again, smiling lightly. "How strange. I feel much the same. I'm quite happy. Giddy, in a way, and yes, I also feel guilty about it."

Twilight hesitated. "Well, that's because I offered to give you a vacation, and you're happy about that, but guilty about asking me take over some of your responsibilities... but you shouldn't be! I really don't mind." her head sank slightly. "Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to it. I... I like being this powerful." she blushed. "It scares me to death at the same time... but... part of it is because I like it that makes it so frightening."

Princess Celestia simply nodded. "I understand. It is not strange to enjoy power. There is nothing wrong with that. You have trained for many years to become one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria. Yes, in many ways you became what you are because of your natural talent, but part of it is because you enjoy it." she looked Twilight in the eyes seriously and repeated herself. "And there is nothing wrong with that."

Twilight blushed. "But... I keep getting lost in it. Earlier... at the training ground, I could have simply practiced with smaller and smaller rocks till I had fine control over my new power level... but instead I started manipulating more and more and more... moving the stones faster and faster. I was so pleased with myself, I almost... I almost ended up accidentally killing Bright Lance. If I'd been a moment slower, he'd have been crushed... or worse. I got so carried away."

Princess Celestia thought about that. "Perhaps you did. Perhaps I erred myself, letting you go without Luna or myself to supervise you, although certainly time seemed like a critical factor, and we couldn't know how quickly you'd learn control." she shook her head. "But you did not harm Bright Lance, and you DID learn control. Your method might have been risky, but it worked, and it worked quickly. If you were more cautious, and did not try to push the limits of your new power, perhaps you would not have gained full control for days... or longer. We cannot know for sure how long Luna could raise and lower both sun and moon, so haste was called for."

Celestia shrugged. "So again, I will not second guess you. Your actions may have seemed foalish after the fact, but the truth is, you accomplished what you set out to accomplish, and you did it quickly, and harmed nopony in the process. That is enough."

Twilight looked slightly frustrated. "But... but what if I get addicted to all this power? What if I do something bad?"

Celestia looked at her with a warm smile. "Twilight Sparkle, do you know yourself so poorly? You were already one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria before you gained my powers. You could have done... terrible things. But to my knowledge, with one exception, you have not used your powers selfishly, or to harm anypony. Even the spell you cast on your doll you did not cast with the intent to harm, as you misunderstood how much your power had grown since you had last used that spell. Certainly, I do not expect you to make such a mistake again."

Twilight blinked. "I... well, of course I wouldn't, but...." she shook her head. "Why do you trust me so much, Princess?"

Celestia smiled. "I trust you because I know you... I'd like to think I know you as well as any pony does. You are a good pony, Twilight Sparkle. You will not become corrupted by my powers. You will feel temptation, but you will reject it, because that is the kind of pony you are."

"I will." Twilight agreed softly. "Because you give me the strength to do so. You, and all my friends. I don't know why, really, but they trust me too. I won't let any of you down, I promise."

Celestia smiled. "I know that, my little pony."

Twilight chuckled. "I'm not exactly little at the moment."

The Princess just kept smiling knowingly at her. "You will always be my little pony, Twilight Sparkle, and my faithful student, always. No matter how big you grow, or how powerful you become, you will always be that." they hugged, and Twilight let the book fall to the bed in front of them as she forgot it was there. The soft thud of it hitting the bed reminded them both, however, and they both sighed. "But for now, I am your student." Celestia said with a wry smile as she released Twilight. "And we should keep working. Our fabricated story will hold for only so long before somepony discovers the truth, and I fear the panic the truth, or a distorted version of it, might cause."

Twilight nodded, levitating the book once more. "We'll just have to keep working then." she said firmly. "Now, of all the double weave spells that are listed in this book, which are you most familiar with, would you say?"


In the main court room, Princess Luna sat on the royal throne while a pair of her Night Guards stood before the entranceway, ready to let the first petitioner in. Just to her left, Applejack stood nervously watching the door.

"Are you sure you want me to stick around, Luna?" Applejack asked the Princess in concern. "I don't reckon I know much about how to act proper in court... well, I guess I know a bit of manners from when I was a kid, but it's been a while."

Luna smiled slightly. "Your etiquette lessons are no doubt more current than my own, friend Applejack, but while we are in court, at least in public, it is probably best to address me as princess. The nobles here in Canterlot expect a certain level of... decorum when we are addressing the court, and it does little harm to humor them, at least, according to Tia."

Applejack nodded quickly. "Of course... your highness." she said with a wry smile, her voice slipping into the accent of a cultured Manehattanite. "I just wonder what I can do to help you today? I truly have no experience at court."

Luna hesitated. "As you heard me say outside, I will be accepting petitioners on my sister's behalf this afternoon. However, this often will require keen judgement, as a petitioner may have a grievance against another pony, and wish us to render a verdict. Sometimes it is simpler to direct the petitioner then to the proper court of law, or agency, but in some instances, the decision is ours alone. In this, I sometimes fear I am less skilled than my dear sister, and I often worry that my judgement is not as keen. I am hoping, that, as the bearer of the element of honesty, you might be able to see clearly... or at least, to help me see the truth more clearly." she sighed. "Also, I have never hosted the day court before, and I am nervous. I would like a... friend to be near, if only for moral support."

Applejack had been looking rather nervous herself at the Princess's explanation, but at her final words, her expression softened into a gentle smile. "I'm not certain..." she began, still in her Manehatten accent. "That just representing the element of honesty will give me any insight into the truth of anything... but..." Applejack let her voice take on her customary accent. "But I reckon that, as a friend, I can at least be here for you, if it'll make y'all feel better."

Luna smiled at her, then nodded to her guards. "Thank you, friend Applejack. Your company is most appreciated." she nodded to her Night Guards. "Let the first petitioner in, so we may hear their request!"

The doors opened, and they could see a long line of ponies waiting in the hall. Normally, petitioners came forward one at a time, but it was obvious that there were several groups of ponies that huddled together outside the door in bunches. The largest group was right in front of the door, and it seemed at first that they all wanted to come forward together. The Night Guards wings crossed in front of the entrance, and they glared at the group menacingly.

"One pony at a time may approach." one of the guards said firmly. The group outside the doors huddled together, then seemed to come to a consensus, a chocolate colored earth pony with a hourglass cutie mark walking towards the throne looking quite nervous.

"How may I assist you, my little pony?" Luna asked him in an authoritative but not overwhelming voice.

The pony had prostrated himself in front of the throne, and looked up at her slowly. "Er... yes, your majesty. It's just... I'm a representative of the Equestrian time keeper's guild and... and we were wondering..." he seemed to be trying to figure out what to say. "Um... we were wondering when the... er... sun would get back to normal." he hurried on. "Not that there's anything wrong with it! It's just... after your, er... first return, there was a great deal of confusion about what time it was actually supposed to be... and given recent events, we were... hoping for an... update?"

Luna blinked, then concentrated for a long moment. "Oh! I see... the sun does seem to be moving a BIT too fast today." she nodded. "I apologize, good timekeeper. My sister let me do the initial lift on the sun this morning, and I'm afraid I gave it a bit too much... oof."

The brown earth pony nodded, looking a bit less worried. "Yes princess... that's what we gathered... we just... er... wanted to know what other sorts of changes we might expect?" he grinned at her nervously. "If... if that's alright?"

Luna nodded. "We fully intend to keep the sun, and moon in their normal orbits, with their normal cycles. As my sister explained at this morning's press conference, there will be a few fluctuations during the next week or so. I'm afraid that my control over the sun is not as fine as my sister's, but the only way I will learn is to practice." she smiled softly at him. "I apologize if this causes your union any inconvenience. If it helps, I do intend to keep the sun's rising and setting on time to the best of my ability, but there will probably be small errors for the rest of next week."

The clockmaker nodded quickly. "That's fine, your majesty. I'll inform my guild, and we'll pass the word throughout the kingdom. We'll have everypony on time again by the end of the week."

Luna smiled at him. "Very good. Is there anything else we may assist you with?"

He shook his head, rising to his feet and looking quite a bit less worried than he had been. "No, your majesty. I hope your practice goes well."

Luna beamed. "Thank you, my little pony. It would please me if you, or another representative of your guild, would return here in one weeks time, with as accurate a time piece as you have, to assist us in making sure that our sun rise and sun set occurs precisely when it should be? We should be able to make the final adjustments at that time."

The clockmaker blinked, then bowed. "It would be an honor, your majesty. I will see you in one week then."

He bowed again, then turned and started walking. Returning to the large group of ponies just outside the door, he said something reassuring to them, and herded the group away.

One after another, more petitioners came. Many were simply concerned about Luna's control over the sun, and how it would effect them. A representative of a coalition of farmers was the fourth pony to come in, and he recognized Applejack on sight.

"Well, howdy there, Miss Applejack!" the weatherbeaten old earth pony said to her cheerfully. "Since you're standing here with Princess Luna, I expect that I came all the way out here for nothing, but I guess I'm supposed to ask y'all anyway."

Applejack smiled back at the old pony. "Well, howdy, Golden Grain! Congratulations on becoming head of the farmers union!"

The stocky old pony shrugged and grinned. "It's more work than reward, but then, that's true of most things, I reckon." he nodded at Princess Luna. "The farmers in my union would like to know if we can expect any change in the season, your Majesty. Iffin we'll be getting more, or less sun then we were expecting. Kinda important to know, you see, on account of we want to know how much more of a growing season we'll be getting."

Applejack glanced at the Princess. "Mind if I field this one, Princess?"

Luna smiled. "Not at all, Applejack. Please go ahead."

Applejack turned back to Golden Grain. "Well, apparently the sun's going to be a bit early or late off and on for the next week or so, but after that it'll get right back on schedule. There shouldn't be any real change to the growing season, so you can quit fretting on that account."

Golden Grain nodded. "That's what I figured, but I got a lot of worried ponies who wanted to hear it out of the Princess's own mouth." He glanced at Princess Luna. "Can I take Miss Applejack's word as yours in this case, your Majesty?"

Luna nodded firmly, her face serious. "The word of the pony who embodies the element of honesty should always be taken seriously, and she speaks the honest truth."

Golden Grain nodded. "That's as good as gold, your majesty. I'll just go on back and reassure my union that everything will be fine. Y'all have a good evening now."

Much of the rest of the afternoon proceeded in this fashion. It wasn't until they were halfway through the line of petitioners that they were interrupted. A white unicorn with a blond mane, wearing a black ascot and a blue bowtie, had pushed his way up from the back of the line outside the throne room, demanding to be seen.

"I say!" Prince Blueblood said disdainfully. "Let me through! I wish to speak to my aunt." Luna sighed, then nodded to her guards, who moved aside for the Prince to enter. "Aunt Luna." he said with a gracious smile as he entered. "How lovely to see you this fine afternoon. Is Auntie Celestia unavailable?"

Luna nodded to her distant relation. "I'm afraid that my elder sister is busy instructing her protege, and has little time for normal court business, Nephew. Is there anything I could assist you with in her stead?"

The Prince frowned just slightly. "It is, in fact, the matter of the Princess's... student that brings me to you this afternoon, Auntie." his eyes narrowed slightly. "I have heard some... unfortunate rumors about this... Twilight Sparkle using magic to transform herself into... dare I say it... an alicorn like your sister and yourself? And worse, that she deigns to try and replace you?"

Luna frowned. "Twilight Sparkle has indeed managed a spell to change herself into an alicorn, but she has no designs on the throne, if that is your concern. At some time in the future, she may agree to take over the task of raising either the sun or moon for a short period, so that my sister and myself might occasionally take a short respite from our most trying royal duty... but that is the extent of it."

Prince Blueblood continued to frown. "Perhaps, Auntie, you misjudge this... student of Auntie Celestia's? Can you imagine, a common unicorn daring to use such powers? I hardly think it is fitting for anypony less than a member of one of the royal houses to take on such an... important position. Why... if one was to look for a pony worthy of taking on the mantel of alicorn, and assist your highnesses with their most important royal duties, why would you look any further than I? After all, who else has the royal blood... the lineage, the breeding for such power but I?"

Luna raised an eyebrow. "I think you overestimate your abilities, nephew. Only a pony with extraordinary magical talent and power would be capable of casting the spell. Only a pony with extraordinary control would be able to control their heightened powers safely, even if they were capable of the magics required. And as far as I've been informed, and as far as I've witnessed for myself, of all the unicorns alive today only Twilight Sparkle, embodiment of the element of magic itself, has these qualities in sufficient amounts." she shook her head. "It is not a slight on your heritage, Nephew, it is simply a matter of who is capable, and who is not."

Prince Blueblood looked affronted. "Not a slight? Auntie, it is the most grievous of slights! This... Twilight Sparkle is attempting to steal the very heritage of my family out from under me by her... outrageous actions!"

Applejack was starting to see red. "Now see here, you puffed up, two bit, mockery of royalty! Twilight didn't set out to steal nothing from no pony! She was just doing what the Princess wanted her to when the stupid accident..."

Luna coughed, kicking Applejack lightly in the side. "As my good Applejack is trying to say, Twilight's actions were on my sister's request, and performed with her permission and assistance." she frowned down at the Prince. "Now, if there is nothing else, Nephew, I have quite a few petitioners left to speak to today before I..." she hesitated, then continued. "Before I lower the sun and raise the moon."

Blueblood raised an eyebrow. "So it's true that you've taken over Auntie Celestia's job of raising the sun as well? I thought that was just another rumor."

Luna frowned. "it is not. I will be doing so for the remainder of the week, under my older sister's supervision, of course."

Blueblood seemed to be thinking hard, but finally he simply bowed very slightly, then turned to go. "Very well, I can see that my voice will not be heard in your court, Auntie. I will not bother you further this day."

As he trotted primly away, Applejack frowned at the Princess of the Night. "That one is likely to be trouble." she grimaced and spoke in a whisper. "Sorry about that... I nearly spilled the beans there. That there Prince riled me up something fierce."

Luna nodded sympathetically. "Our nephew can be... trying at times, although he usually attempts to present a more... charming face to Celestia and myself. Still, I agree. I do not think this will be the last time we will have to deal with him on this matter." with a sigh, she nodded to her guards to let the next petitioner approach.

Chapter 19

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It was getting late.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity had been asleep for hours. Bright Lance and Johnathon relieved Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy from guard duty outside Princess Celestia's chambers, letting Fluttershy head off to bed, and, after dropping off the books they had brought, Spike and Cheerilee went to join them in the girl's shared quarters nearby, both of them having been awake all day as well. Pinkie headed off to the royal kitchens to prepare some food for everyone.

Luna and Applejack returned only minutes before the sun was scheduled to set, and Luna headed directly toward her sister's balcony doors with a nod. "I'm sorry, Tia. I didn't mean to leave it until this late, but there were so many petitioners this afternoon." she explained tersely as she flung open the doors going outside. Twilight rose to follow her, and Celestia jumped off her bed as well. The cowpony hung back, although she watched Luna curiously.

"Did court go well?" Celestia asked, looking slightly concerned. "It's not like you to be so rushed."

Luna paused, then shook her head. "In the main, yes. Mostly everypony was worried about the sun... and if everything would return to normal soon, although our nephew, Prince Blueblood, did cause a minor disruption toward the middle."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Y'all could say that."

Princess Celestia frowned. "What is bothering our nephew now?"

Luna sighed. "Apparently he is convinced that, if any pony deserves to become an alicorn, it must be himself, and he seems personally affronted that a pony of no royal blood would dare supplant his royal prerogative." she sighed. "I expect he will continue to make a nuisance of himself."

Princess Celestia frowned lightly. "Strange... it isn't like him to actively seek more responsibility." she shrugged. "I'll have a talk with..." she blinked, remembering. "Well, I suppose I'll have to wait to speak with my nephew until after my true form is restored."

Luna nodded. "Hopefully he will be not cause any trouble before that." she glanced at the sky. "But in the meantime, time grows short, I must prepare to lower the sun." she walked slowly to the center of the balcony and closed her eyes, her horn starting to glow.

Twilight walked up slowly. "Princess, may I assist you? Or at least attempt to follow along with what you are doing? I've been working on my control all day, and I think I could manage at the very least to avoid getting in your way."

Applejack looked startled. "You really think you're ready to help move the sun, Sugar Cube?"

Twilight glanced at her friend, then nodded firmly. "I think so. I have to try sometime, right?"

Luna looked thoughtful, then nodded in agreement. "You may assist if you wish, Twilight Sparkle. We will begin by reaching out to the sun... just reaching out to touch... not to move it, but to sense it with our magic." she closed her eyes again, and took in a deep breath, her horn glowing once more. "Are you ready?"

Twilight moved next to her, and her horn also started to glow. "Yes Princess. I'm reaching out now."

Princess Celestia watched silently as her younger sister and her faithful student focused their magic and concentrated. She was tempted to try following along, but knew that her current magical strength would barely allow her to sense what they were doing, much less truly aid them.

Twilight's eyes went wide, and although Celestia could not see them from behind her student, she knew that they were now lit up like her horn. "I can feel it! It's so... heavy... so much power... so much heat...." she shuddered. "I'm frightened, Luna."

Luna nodded. "I know. It frightens me a bit as well, Twilight, but it will not harm us. Just... reach out... imagine yourself taking hold of it... wrap your magic lightly around it," she nodded again. "Yes... I can feel your magic... good, you've got a good firm grasp of it now. Ease off just a little... yes... that's perfect." the princess of the moon took a deep breath. "very good, Twilight! Just... keep holding it gently... just like that. Now... slowly, slowly, let yourself force it down, below the horizon," she frowned. "Be careful, you're losing your grip..."

Twilight grimaced. "It's difficult... it's so much energy... it's not very solid... like trying to hold a giant ball of water... except it's so hot... so... heavy...."

Watching and listening, Applejack was torn between blushing, chuckling, and being scared out of her mind. She was badly tempted to make an off color joke to ease the tension, but at the same time, Twilight was in the middle of moving the actual SUN in the sky! As fun as Twilight's responses to teasing might be, teasing her right now might be... bad.

Luna nodded. "Just hold on a bit longer. We're almost there. You need to increase the mana flow, put more energy into it, or you're going to lose it," Twilight's horn glowed brighter and brighter, and Luna nodded. "There... stop. That's just about perfect."

Twilight was straining, veins in her neck showing and her body going rigid with effort. "I don't know how much longer I can... keep this up." Applejack covered her mouth with both hooves to keep herself from saying anything.

Luna's own horn flared, and her eyes opened, and even as the sun sank below the horizon, the light from their eyes illuminated the balcony before them like headlights. "Almost... there..." she took a deep breath. "OK, stop pushing... now!" she winced and ducked as Twilight's horn flashed once more, sending the purple alicorn flying backwards with the sound of an explosion. "No!" she turned and her own horn glowed, enveloping Twilight in a protective cocoon that slowed her to a halt and gently put her back down on her feet. Luna sighed in relief. "It's alright, you just released your magic too quickly. When you're using that much energy, you need to back it down slowly... lest it feedback into you," Twilight staggered as her hooves touched the balcony again, and slowly collapsed.

Princess Celestia moved quickly to her side. "Twilight, Twilight, are you alright?"

The purple alicorn nodded slowly. "Tired... very tired, but... I think I'm alright."

Celestia frowned. "You shouldn't be this tired..." she glanced at her younger sister in surprise. "Luna, you... did you let Twilight do that by herself?"

Luna hesitated. "Once I felt her magic in place, I did allow her to supply most of the energy needed, yes. I kept a firm grip, however, just in case I was needed... and at the end, I did have to make some adjustments to the Sun's velocity... but Twilight did VERY well for her first try."

Twilight raised her eyes to Princess Luna incredulously. "You're kidding. You mean I really... I lowered the sun?"

Still watching from inside the room, Applejack slipped out onto the balcony to congratulate her friend. "Well ain't that something!" she said with honest approval in her voice. "Who's of thought our little Twilight would end up moving the sun all on her own!"

Twilight blushed. "No... I just helped. Princess Luna really did do most of it, right Luna?"

Luna shook her head with a smile. "You really did most of the work all on your own. I am quite impressed by how quickly you have mastered your new powers," she frowned. "I am, in fact, amazed. It took me... weeks to get it right the first time, when I first took over moving the moon. And you managed the sun with less difficulty than I did myself this morning!"

Princess Celestia smiled fondly at her student. "The embodiment of the element of magic, remember? Twilight's gifts are quite rare," she frowned. "Still, she should not be quite this tired. Lowering the sun takes quite a bit less power then raising it," her face cleared. "Ah... of course. Twilight's gift is magic... which is why she learns new types of magic so easily... but my talent is in my power over the sun. Even with the same amount of power, I would naturally have an easier time with my own element."

Twilight nodded slowly. "I'm sure you're right, Princess. But does this mean I won't be able to manage raising the sun tomorrow morning?"

Princess Celestia looked thoughtful. "I think you might manage, Twilight, although I expect it would be quite difficult. Nevertheless, between you and my sister, I have every confidence that you will manage nicely."

Luna nodded. "Certainly. Lifting the sun this morning was... extremely difficult, but with your help, Twilight, we should be just fine. I think you'll find your strength will return quickly. You'll be back to full strength well before it is time for us to raise the sun."

Twilight nodded tiredly. "I hope you're right. That was the most energy I've ever expended... although, I suppose I don't feel any more tired than I did when I created Rarity's wings," she nodded again. "And... I can feel my strength slowly returning." the purple alicorn smiled. "Yes, I do think I'll be alright soon."

Princess Celestia smiled. "That's very good," she settled down next to Twilight and levitated the book they had been studying over to float in front of her. "While you rest, I'll continue studying up on transformation spells."

Luna came over to peer into the book. "May I see?" she settled down on Celestia's other side to read with her. "Oh, interesting! That's one I haven't seen before!"

Twilight found herself intrigued. "Oh? Which one?"

Luna nodded her horn at the book. "This gender swapping spell. It's a simpler version then I've seen before," Twilight looked interested, and the two of them started chatting about various transformation magics, while Celestia looked on, bemused.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "A what? You mean there's actually a spell to turn a filly into a colt?"

Twilight nodded blithely. "There are a whole lot of different transformation spells, Applejack. They are all temporary, though. I'm not sure why any pony would have created that particular spell, though."

Applejack frowned. "Huh. Well, I don't much get the reason behind most of those weird spells myself, but that's why I'm the farmer, and you're the Princess's student, I reckon," she shrugged. "Well, you all have fun with the magic books. I'm going to take a nap. Let me know when it's time for me to take my turn playing guard pony, alright?"

Princess Luna glanced at her, and nodded once, then turned back to the book with Twilight and Celestia.

"You know, I never really studied transformation magic in much depth," Princess Celestia admitted after a while. "Because, frankly, it's not something I ever had a talent for. I could never alter my own form significantly, and I didn't feel much need for it otherwise. I got quite good at restoration magic... and dispelling, of course, and they've been more than sufficient for me." she looked thoughtful. "Strange, after all this time, there is still so many things I know so little about," she looked at Twilight. "I've taken the time to study many things. You may find this hard to believe, but I was very passionate about farming for about fifty years. I learned everything I could about the subject, and I even ran my own small farm here on the palace grounds. Eventually I turned it back into the palace gardens, but I still take an interest now and then."

Twilight blinked, then smiled. "There are so many things I don't know about you, Princess."

The princess nodded. "We will have time, Twilight, when our current emergency has passed," she sighed. "Although as for that, there is always another emergency, although I must admit, this IS one of the more unique situations I've faced."

Luna was listening as well, looking at her sister in wonder. "I did not know that about you either, Tia. You practiced farming? Truly?"

Celestia nodded. "I really did." she smiled softly. "I must admit I cheated a bit at first. During several years, my fields got a BIT more sun... and a bit more rain than is perhaps the norm. I grew some truly spectacular pumpkins, although any records I may have set three hundred years ago have been beaten long since."

The two alicorns and the white unicorn chatted idly as the light faded from the sky. As it started to get truly dark, rather than light the balcony with magic, they went inside to continue Celestia's studies into the more difficult types of transformational magics. Luna joined the lessons, knowing quite a bit on the subject, and the three of them continued working late into the night.


Outside the princess's bedroom, Shining Star walked up to see Bright Lance and Johnathon standing guard outside Princess Celestia's chambers. "I'm here to relieve you," the unicorn guard said gruffly. "Anything to report?"

Bright Lance shook his head to clear it, looking very tired. "Twilight's gotten pretty proficient with her powers by now... I'm told that she even assisted with lowering the sun and raising the moon this evening. Otherwise, things are going according to plan, pretty much. Quite a few ponies were concerned about the sun's schedule...but no real trouble," he shrugged. "Although apparently Prince Blueblood is pitching a fit again."

Shining Star grunted. "Well, that's nothing new," he nodded to the door. "So, is the Princess in?"

Bright Lance nodded. "Both Princesses and Twilight Sparkle are inside. Most of the other element bearers are asleep now, although miss Applejack will be relieving Mister Dwire in a few more hours for her shift at guard duty."

Shining Star rolled his eyes. "Oh great... so I'll be babysitting a human and an earth pony?"

Bright Lance frowned. "You're in charge of the guard detail while I'm gone, but be respectful, Shining Star. The element bearers in particular have done more than enough to prove themselves already, got it?"

The lower ranked unicorn guard nodded reluctantly. "Yeah," he glanced at Johnathon. "No offense, sir."

Johnathon waved a hand dismissively. "None taken. And you don't have to call me sir," he shrugged. "I've done a few years worth of security work while I was putting myself through college, but I'm fully aware of my limitations. Certainly I don't have your training. Still, I can keep my eyes and ears open for you, for what that's worth."

Shining Star frowned and nodded. "It's something, anyway."

Bright Lance yawned heavily, and nodded at Johnathon Dwire. "I'll say goodnight then. It was nice meeting you, Mister Dwire."

"Same here, Bright Lance," the archeologist told the captain of the guard. "Get some sleep. You look dead on your feet."

"Not quite dead yet," Bright Lance muttered as he walked off, his head drooping. "But I'll be unconscious about half a second after my head hits a pillow."

Shining Star took up a position on the other side of the ornate doorway to the Princess's chambers from Johnathon, and for several long minutes, they stood in silence. "Probably going to be a quiet night," he commented finally.

"Hopefully," Johnathon agreed. "Guard duty usually is pretty quiet... but I prefer it that way."

Shining Star nodded thoughtfully. "Less paperwork."

Johnathon laughed. "Isn't that the truth!"

The unicorn sergeant at arms took a moment to look at the human standing watch with him curiously. "So... you used to be a guard?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Sort of. I worked security, which isn't quite the same thing. I certainly wasn't a guard for anything as important as this."

Shining Star grunted at that, and he was silent for several more minutes before speaking again. "Ever run into any trouble on the job?" he asked curiously. "I've never really heard much about your world. Is it as warlike as I've heard?"

Johnathon glanced at him. "I don't know what you've heard, but compared to what I've seen of Equestria, it's probably less peaceful, anyway." he shrugged. "As for trouble, I had my share of incidents, but nothing serious," he frowned. "Well... a few messes that COULD have been serious, but like I said, I was never on a security detail for anything really important. The worst thing I dealt with was a small gang of drug dealers...." he glanced over at the unicorn. "I don't suppose you have much of that sort of thing here?"

Shining Star blinked, then frowned. "Not much... if I am understanding you correctly. We have some crime, of course... but the royal guards don't generally deal with it." he raised an eyebrow. "Drugs? As in medications? You had trouble with a group of medication sellers?" he looked thoughtful. "Illegal medication sellers?"

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Something like that. For a while I had a patrol route in a downtown area... in a pretty big city, and generally they'd run when they saw me coming. Once, though, I wandered into a deal going down. Half a dozen dealers, and one supplier. I didn't figure out what was going on until I wandered right into the midst of them, and saw the drugs and money changing hands."

Shining Star blinked. "Seven of them, huh? What did you do?"

Johnathon grinned. "I ran like heck. Lucky for me they didn't see me coming either... so when I walked into the midst of them, they all sort of froze in shock. Then the supplier yelled at the rest of them to get me... but I had reacted first. I ran for it, down a few flights of stairs, and hid behind a pillar. They ran right by me, and I kept hiding, and called for backup... and my backup called for the police."

Shining Star nodded. "Seven on one... running was probably the right move."

Johnathon shrugged. "I might have risked staying, but all of them were armed, and while I'm pretty good, I can't stand up to that many guys with knives at once," he shrugged. "Anyway, the dealers all got away, but I kept an eye on the supplier till my backup arrived, and we caught him... so it worked out alright."

Shining Star looked thoughtful. "So... you haven't been in any real combat?"

The middle-aged man wrinkled his nose. "I've been in some fights... a lot of fights actually, but that time was probably the most danger I was ever in. Up to that point, I never had to deal with anyone with a weapon... not seriously."

The unicorn raised an eyebrow. "Are weapons common on your world?"

Johnathon nodded. "Oh, pretty common, yes... but like I said, I never guarded anything really important. On my world, bringing a weapon to commit a crime makes the penalty much worse, so I never had to deal with criminals with weapons, because it generally isn't worth it for them to carry one. There are places that use all armed security, because they guard more important things... but I never did any of that."

Shining Star nodded. "Ah," he sighed. "Well, like you said, at least you can help me keep watch."

Johnathon nodded agreeably. "That I can do pretty well."

They were silent again before Shining Star spoke up again conversationally. "So... I take it you don't use weapons yourself?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, yes and no. I've never relied on one in a real fight. I've always used my unarmed combat skills whenever I got into that sort of situation. I prefer it that way. It's easier to avoid doing any permanent harm. I do, however, know how to use quite a few different kinds of weapons."

The unicorn guard looked curious. "What kinds, can I ask? Maybe we have something in the armory you can use?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "You want to give me a weapon?"

The Unicorn shrugged. "Well, if for some reason you do need to act in defense of the princess, it can't hurt for you to be a little better prepared," he frowned, looking the human up and down. "I mean... no offense, but you hardly seem very dangerous. You're... tall, and all, but even an Earth Pony stallion would be more of a threat."

Johnathon grinned slightly. "I'm a bit more dangerous than I look, although I understand your point of view. After all, I don't have hooves, or a horn, or magic... or wings," Johnathon raised his hands, showing the unicorn the gloves he was wearing, his welcoming gift from Rarity. "I do have these, though," he made a fist. "I can do some damage with these, trust me."

The guard frowned. "If you say so. I guess you can hit with them?"

Johnathon nodded. "I can punch through a couple inches of wood pretty easily with these on, and without hurting my hands. I'd say I can hit about as hard as a pony my size could kick."

Shining Star raised an eyebrow. "Well... that's something, i suppose," he shrugged. "Still, perhaps we can give you more of an edge? What kinds of weapons do you know how to use?"

Johnathon frowned. "Well... quite a few, actually, but I'd be surprised if you have anything appropriate. I mean...." he held up his hands. "I use these to hold stuff... including weapons. Ponies don't have hands, so I'd be surprised if you have anything appropriate for someone like me."

Shining Star looked thoughtful. "That's a pretty good point, actually. Still, we do have some weapons from some of the other races in the armory. The Diamond Dogs and the Griffons used to use weapons with their claws sometimes, and we have some stuff from old border skirmishes. I suppose most of it is pretty old... but the Princess did say you could borrow anything you needed."

Johnathon hesitated, looking torn. "It's not that I don't want to protect the Princess as well as I can... she's been good to me, and I think she's a truly good... pony, but..." he frowned. "One thing about carrying a weapon is that if you do, you generally end up having to use it eventually, and weapons kill."

The unicorn guardspony looked at him seriously. "I can respect that choice, I suppose," he shook his head. "It's not one I've ever had to make, thankfully. The royal guard also rarely goes armed... and we haven't had to use lethal force in quite a while. Honestly, the Princess is more than capable of dealing with any threat, so long as we can give her even a moment's warning first," he nodded to Johnathon. "So if that's all you can do, do that," he frowned. "The problem right now is, that we're supposed to be making sure that... er... Miss Elegant Note is safe as well, and she's not as... capable of protecting herself as Princess Celestia is."

Johnathon nodded. "Well, Twilight Sparkle should be with Miss Elegant Note most of the time, and Twilight should be quite capable of handling any real danger herself, from everything I'm told."

Shining Star sighed. "You're probably right. Still, the idea of the princ... I mean, Miss Note being so vulnerable right now has me on edge. If Twilight Sparkle, or Princess Luna aren't around if somepony tries something against Elegant Note, I'd prefer to be as ready as possible. If we could just bring more guards in on this!" he growled, sounding frustrated.

Johnathon nodded. "I sympathize," he wrinkled his nose. "Listen, if we do have to guard Miss Note without an alicorn around to help, I'll seriously consider carrying a weapon for that purpose, alright?"

Shining Star grinned. "Fine with me. I'll take you by the armory myself after Bright Lance relieves me in the morning."

Johnathon nodded agreeably. "Alright. If it'll make you feel better."


Hours passed, and Applejack, Twilight, and Princess Luna came out of Princess Celestia's chambers together. "Princess Celestia is sleeping now," Twilight said quietly. "We thought it best just to let her rest. She's been working hard all day," Shining Star frowned, then hesitated, obviously looking like he wanted to speak, but uncertain if it was his place.

Princess Luna noticed his hesitation. "Speak your mind, Sergent." she told him calmly. "What concerns you?"

Shining Star faced her. "Yes Princess Luna. I simply feel that, for safety's sake, perhaps either you or Miss Sparkle should remain with..." he hesitated. "with Elegant Note while she's staying with us?"

Luna and Twilight exchanged a glance. "That is probably a wise suggestion, Sergeant," Luna agreed. "Hopefully unnecessary, but wise, non-the-less," she glanced up and down the hall. "As is your discretion, but I can assure you that, at the moment at least, we are quite alone. No living being is within range of earshot save those already aware of my sister's current state, and no magic fields that I do not recognize are present."

Shining Star blinked. "Well, that's good to know. Unfortunately, I don't have your talents, Princess, so I tend to err on the side of caution."

Luna smiled at him. "As well you should, when my sister's safety is your concern. I approve," she glanced at Twilight. "Shall we take shifts watching over my sister as she slumbers? I am more rested than I was earlier today, thanks to your assistance, so I do not need rest tonight."

Twilight hesitated. "Honestly, I could use a nap... I'm not hungry, thanks to that big snack Pinkie brought, but I am still a little tired from helping you with the moon."

Luna looked thoughtful. "Well, I should make an appearance at my night court, Twilight Sparkle, but if you are willing to watch over my sister for a few hours, I will come back to relieve you before the night is over, so you will have at least a few hours to rest before dawn."

Twilight nodded. "I'll go back inside and watch Princess Celestia then, Luna. Thank you."

Luna nodded and headed down the corridor. "I will return soon! If I am needed, Shining Star should know where I can be reached."

Twilight glanced at the sergeant. "I'll tell you if we need anything."

"Yes Ma'am," the unicorn guard said with a crisp salute. Twilight smiled at him and went back into the Princess's chambers.

Applejack sighed. "Well, it's about time I take my turn at playing guard pony I guess," she said with a wry smile. "You about ready to hit the sack, Johnathon?"

The human archeologist nodded. "I could use the break, sure. I'll go see if I can get something to eat from the kitchens before I get to sleep though. Do you two want anything?"

Applejack hesitated. "A couple apples would go down right well," she said cheerfully. "I find that an apple keeps me going when I'm tired... which is lucky, seeing as I farm em."

Johnathon chuckled. "A couple apples it is. Anything for you, sergeant?"

Shining Star hesitated, then shrugged. "That actually sounds good to me too."

Johnathon nodded and turned to go. "Right, I'll grab half a dozen if I can find them, and bring them back," he looked thoughtful. "I'm going to see if I can find some rope too."

Shining Star and Applejack blinked. "What'cha need rope for anyhow?" Applejack asked curiously.

"For you!" Johnathon told the cowpony with a grin, turning to the unicorn guard. "Applejack's the best with a lasso I've ever seen. If you want us to be as prepared as possible, you could do worse than having Applejack with a good rope by your side."

Applejack blinked. "You think that's necessary? I hardly reckon I'll be needing to rope anypony in the middle of the night."

Shining Star, however, was nodding thoughtfully. "It can't hurt. Good idea, Mister Dwire," he turned to Applejack. "So... how good are you with a lasso?"

Applejack grinned at him. "Ponyville rodeo champ ten years running," she said proudly. "I can lasso an apple off a tree a couple dozen yards away on the first try, every time, near enough."

Shining Star found himself assessing the physical condition of the earth pony with a trained eye, and his eyes went slightly wide as he realized how much muscle lay under the sleek coat of the orange cowpony. "I expect that could come in handy... and as Mister Dwire says, it would reassure me if we could take every precaution we can think of."

Johnathon nodded. "I'll bring those apples, and a good rope for Applejack then," he stretched and yawned as he started walking off. "I do believe I know the way to the kitchens by now. I'll be back soon."

Several minutes passed before Applejack spoke up, breaking the silence. "So, how long you been a guard pony for the princess?"

Shining Star didn't look toward her as he spoke, keeping his eyes on the corridor. "Ten years now."

Applejack whistled, then looked curious. "So, been in any tough spots? Does it ever get dangerous?"

Shining Star looked thoughtful. "Well, during the time Discord returned earlier this year, we had our hooves full keeping Canterlot in one piece, but... no, it's usually not bad. Although there was this one time, during some trade negotiations with the griffons that I thought things might go badly. A few of the younger griffons on the ambassador's security force were a bit hot headed."

Applejack looked interested. "What happened?"

The unicorn guard shrugged. "They were just trying to show off... scare us a little. We stayed calm, and their ambassador calmed things down. It was a tense couple minutes though."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Huh. I'd have thought being a guard pony for the princess, you'd get a bit more action."

Shining Star shrugged. "I like to think what we do is important, but honestly, the Princess hardly needs a guard detail. No pony would harm her, even if they could, which is extremely unlikely in any case. Still, it has been my honor to serve."

Applejack frowned thoughtfully. "Well, even if you're just helping the princess have some peace and quiet from time to time, I reckon that's pretty important."

Shining Star shrugged agreeably. "Not every pony gets to be a hero..." he nodded to Applejack. "From what I've heard from the Princess, you and your friends have seen a lot more action than most of the guard. I've heard some pretty impressive things about you six."

Applejack shrugged slightly. "Just being in the right place at the right time, is all, I think. I didn't do nothing special really."

Shining Star found himself grinning at the cowpony. He had always wondered what made five mares from a small town so important. He could understand about Twilight Sparkle, she had been hoof picked by the Princess after all, but the others? He'd never really believed that they were more than conduits for the magic that Twilight had wielded. As he'd learned more about them, he'd slowly changed his opinion, but he never had understood why a pair of Earth ponies of no special ability had been part of that group. A farmer and a baker? It hadn't made any sense to him.

He had been there for the awards ceremony after Discord's defeat, where the Princess had unveiled the new piece of stained glass that commemorated their defeat of the Draconequus, and from that point on, he had wondered about them. Shining had done his homework. Rainbow Dash seemed suitably heroic. Her flying skills were well known, almost legendary. Fluttershy herself had seemed an odd choice, but he had heard rumors of her staring down a dragon. Rarity was at least a unicorn, and a rather gifted one, even if she seemed a bit flighty, but the other two? He had to admit that it was harder to dismiss Applejack while in her presence. She was disarmingly charming, and obviously a powerful and athletic specimen. It was still a mystery to him why a pony as odd as the baker would be counted among those who had defeated Discord, but he was starting to think that there had to be something more to her as well. She couldn't possibly be as useless as she seemed.

Applejack, however... she was indeed as fine a mare as he'd seen. Athletic, humble, and with a flank that you could bounce bits off of...

"You done staring at my flank?" the cowpony said with a raised eyebrow and a slightly annoyed expression.

Shining Star blinked and immediately turned away, doing his best not to blush, staring at the far wall of the corridor rigidly. "Yes Ma'am! Sorry Ma'am!"

Applejack snorted and rolled her eyes, and they went back to a now uncomfortable silence. Just then, an earth pony wearing a maid's uniform trotted around a corner, looking nervous. When she spotted him, she headed toward Shining Star with a slightly frantic expression.

"Excuse me... are you Shining Star?" the maid asked him hesitantly. "I was told to tell you, sir, that Princess Luna requested your presence at her chambers right away."

Shining Star blinked. "The Princess wants me to come to her chambers?"

The maid nodded quickly. "That's what I was told. It sounded urgent, sir. Could you come right away?"

Shining Star frowned. "I can't leave my post..." he hesitated, glancing at Applejack. "But it must be important, or Princess Luna wouldn't have sent for me by name."

Applejack shrugged. "I'll keep watch, don't y'all worry none. Johnathon will be back in a spell anyhow."

Shining Star hesitated for a moment longer, the nodded. "Very well. I will return shortly," he turned and followed the anxious looking maid away, and around a corner, and Applejack frowned to herself, wondering.

"Huh," she murmured. "What's wrong with this picture?" Applejack prided herself on being able to smell a falsehood, and the maid had seemed sincere, but why would Luna call away one of her sister's guards?

Applejack shook her head and started to scan the corridor with her eyes, the hairs on the back of her neck raising as she realized she was the only pony standing between an enemy and Princess Celestia. Of course, Twilight was inside the room, and if any pony could handle protecting the princess, it would be her, especially right now, but.... Applejack couldn't help but be nervous. And then she saw him. A white unicorn stallion with a blond mane strode confidently down the corridor toward her from the opposite direction that Shining Star and the maid had gone, and Applejack put two and two together.

"I should have known you'd try something squirrelly," Applejack said with a frown. "So you told that maid that Luna wanted to see Shining Star, did ya?"

Prince Blueblood looked affronted, even as he kept walking calmly towards her. "What a base accusation," he said crossly. "How dare you accuse a prince of the blood of such deceit!"

"Ya ain't denying it," Applejack noted wryly. "And ya ain't getting in to see the Princess either!" the large white unicorn was forced to stop as Applejack placed herself firmly between the Princess's chamber doors and Blueblood. "Now stop right there, and turn yourself around, mister, or I'll have to get rough with ya!"

Blueblood snorted. "You? A common dirt pony, lay hoofs on me? Your prince? You wouldn't dare," his eyes narrowed. "I know you... you were the one whispering slander into Auntie Luna's ear during the day court..."

Applejack's eyes went wide with indignation. "What the heck are you talking about! I ain't never slandered no pony!"

Blueblood sniffed disdainfully. "So you claim. Regardless, I do not have time to banter words with the likes of you. Out of my way. I would have words with my dear Aunt."

Applejack hunched her front legs slightly, as if bracing herself. "Ain't moving," she said firmly. "Now git."

Blueblood tried to step around her, only to have the cowpony block him with her shoulder, hard, driving the wind out of him and sending him a couple staggered steps back. "How...?" he panted, catching his breath. "How... dare... you!" his eyes narrowed and his horn glowed and Applejack found herself choking, her front hooves reaching for her throat as a light blue glow wrapped around her by the neck and lifted her into the air.

Blueblood's eyes were narrowed in rage. "How DARE you attack me!" he said dangerously. "I am your PRINCE! You... dirt ponies need to know your proper place!" his horn was glowing brightly as he lifted Applejack up into the air by her neck. The orange cowpony struggled helplessly, fighting for breath but unable to break free, or even call out for help with her airway constricted. Her eyes flitted to one side, going wide for a moment, and Blueblood frowned. "Why would you look away from me?" he asked, then he turned as he finally heard the faint sound of movement from the direction she had looked.

Johnathon Dwire had been sneaking quietly up towards Blueblood for several long moments, trying to get close enough to jump the unicorn prince before he could spot him, but when the angry unicorn turned toward him, the archeologist abandoned all pretense at stealth. He raced forward the last few steps and crashed into the unicorn stallion, grabbing him around the neck.

Blueblood's eyes went wide and he started to struggle. The glowing energy around Applejack's neck vanished, and she fell to the floor, panting as the stallion and human fought. Blueblood tried to use his magic on the man, but before he could focus, Johnathon had stomped hard down on the back of the Prince's front left leg, forcing the unicorn down on one knee. The Prince grimaced and focused past the pain, grabbing the human and trying to pull him away with brute force. Johnathon felt his arms losing their grip, and brought up his knee hard under the unicorn's chin, slamming the stallion's teeth together even as he fell backwards.

Blueblood's eyes rolled in his head as his mouth was slammed shut with enough force to make his eyes water, and he lost his grip on the human. Johnathon staggered back as well then, caught his balance and lunged forward with a punch, striking the prince on the temple with enough force to snap the unicorn's head to the side, causing Blueblood to stagger and sway as he tried to stay conscious. Less than half a second later, however, the human had leaped forward, slamming his other knee into the prince's chin, snapping his head backwards a second time. Blueblood stopped moving, and didn't even feel the double fisted smash on top of his head that knocked his senseless body to the floor.

The archeologist stood in a guarded stance over the unconscious unicorn's body, fists up defensively, his eyes flashing angrily. He took the weight off of his front leg as if to stomp down on the prince, but lowered it after a moment, restraining the impulse to do further damage.

"Applejack, are you alright?" he asked tersely, glancing up and down the corridor for more enemies. "Twilight!" he yelled. "Get out here!"

Applejack rose to her hooves shakily, coughing once. "I'm a bit better off than him, I reckon," she said with a grimace, nodding down at the fallen prince. "Sorry about giving ya away like that. I was just a mite surprised to see you sneaking up behind Prince Blueblood."

Johnathon shook his head. "Forget about it," he blinked, looking down at the unconscious stallion in surprise. "Wait... this is the prince?" he grimaced. "Oh damn. That can't be good."

The doors glowed purple and burst open, Twilight Sparkle rushing through them with a concerned expression. "What's wrong? What's going on?" she looked down at the unconscious unicorn and blinked. "Why is Prince Blueblood laying unconscious on the floor?"

Applejack and Johnathon Dwire exchanged a glace before the cowpony started to explain. "Prince Buckface here wanted to get in to see the Princess, but when I told him no, he tried to force his way in...." she began. "He got real mad when I gave him a shove, and grabbed me by the throat with his magic and started choking me..."

Johnathon took up the story. "I saw AJ hanging nearly from the ceiling with this..." he grimaced and restrained his desire to swear. "This unicorn under her, his horn glowing... so I snuck up behind him..." he shrugged. "I jumped him, we fought, and I knocked him out," he finished, frowning. "You'll probably want to get him some medical attention, though. I was in a rush, I didn't have the luxury to be gentle."

"Quite understandable," Princess Celestia said from behind Twilight, who stood aside as the white unicorn walked out into the corridor to gaze down at her nephew, the expression on her face grave. She turned to regard Applejack, peering at her closely. "Are you seriously injured, Applejack?"

The orange earth pony rubbed her throat gingerly with one hoof. "I reckon this'll bruise pretty nicely by morning, but no permanent damage done."

The Princess smiled, although it did little to touch the sadness in her eyes. "I'm glad. You should still get yourself looked at. You might have some damage to your neck or spine that you simply aren't feeling yet," she glanced at Johnathon. "And you? Are you injured?"

Johnathon shook his head. "No." He glanced down at the Prince. "We really should get him to a doctor."

The Princess nodded, turning back to her nephew. "I will ascertain how badly he is injured," her horn glowed, and she focused on the prone unicorn stallion, a beam of light going out to illuminate his body, passing down from head to flank, and then back up. "He has a concussion... some minor contusions, some serious swelling behind his left eye, a badly sprained right front ankle and his... gums are bleeding?" she blinked, then shook her head, her horn going dark. "But he is in no real danger, I believe."

Johnathon lowered his head. "I apologize if I was... overzealous... but I didn't want to let him focus his magic... he seemed pretty powerful, if he could hold AJ in the air by her throat like that."

Princess Celestia sighed. "I apologize as well. You should not have needed to act at all. In a desire for secrecy, I have put you all in danger. I should simply have shared the truth with more of my guards, and not chosen to burden you," she looked Johnathon in the eyes seriously. "I cannot truly judge your actions, since I did not witness them," she turned to Applejack. "But I will trust the word of the bearer of the Element of Honesty, who did."

Applejack blinked, then frowned. "Johnathon did nothing more than he had to, I reckon," she said firmly. "I was in trouble, I couldn't breath... if he hadn't come when he did, I might have...." she shrugged. "But Johnathon didn't do nothin' wrong. He did what he had to, then stopped when the prince went down, as much as I could tell he was tempted to keep hittin' the... the bugger."

Johnathon blushed. "I wouldn't strike an unconscious opponent, but I wasn't sure he was out yet."

Princess Celestia turned to Applejack. "May I ask why the Prince was... throttling you?" she looked uncomfortable when she said it, her eyes troubled.

Applejack hesitated. "Well... I have ta admit I kinda gave him a bit of a nudge. He tried to get by me, and I hit him with my shoulder. Then he got right angry."

Celestia snorted lightly. "I can imagine," she nodded. "You were justified in using force to stop my nephew, I judge, Applejack, so do not fret on that account, although in retrospect, I almost wish you had simply let him walk by you," she sighed. "My nephew would not have harmed me, even if he had learned the truth... and certainly Twilight Sparkle would have protected me." she saw Applejack getting ready to protest, and shook her head quickly. "Not that I disapprove of your actions, Applejack. As I said, you were justified, and I am grateful for your loyalty. No... I only regret what this has done to my nephew."

Johnathon winced. "I am sorry I hurt him..."

Celestia shook her head again. "Again, you were justified, Johnathon, and his injuries will heal. No, I regret what I must do to him now."

Before anyone could ask what fate the Princess had in mind for Prince Blueblood, a crack and the feeling of air being displaced suddenly caused them all to look to see that Princess Luna had teleported into the corridor, looking anxious. Her face cleared in relief as her eyes lit upon Celestia, then darkened as she spotted the unconscious body of her nephew.

Luna strode over to them, her face calm but her eyes flashing. "When Shining Star informed me that he had been told that I had summoned him, I was most upset. I assume that it was a ploy by our nephew to get in to see you, sister?"

Princess Celestia nodded. "I would assume so. I'm afraid our nephew assaulted Applejack in an attempt to get past her. Thankfully Mister Dwire was able to subdue him without causing any permanent harm."

Luna's eyes flashed dangerously, causing the others to blink. "Unfortunate," she said with a fierce expression. "For our nephew. I might feel more lenient if he had suffered some permanent injury in his attempt to get past your guards."

Celestia sighed. "He SHOULD be transported to the infirmary for treatment," she told Luna with a sigh. "And since I am currently in no position to give orders that would supersede his, I'll have to ask you to act in my stead. Please see that he's treated for his injuries, and that he is well guarded, and held until he is able to speak in his own defense."

Luna nodded. "Very well, Tia," in the distance, the sound of many galloping hooves rapidly closing on their position echoed in the corridors. Luna frowned, her horn glowing lightly, causing Prince Blueblood to gently levitate off the floor in a protective bubble. "I will intercept the rest of your guards on the way, but for now, perhaps you should get out of sight... Elegant Note."

Princess Celestia nodded quickly, slipping into her room. "Twilight... Johnathon, Applejack? Come inside with me. I think it's best we let Luna handle this for now." the others quickly followed her, and Twilight closed the doors behind them as soon as they were all inside. Princess Celestia's eyes were hard. "This has gone on for long enough, I think," Her horn lit up, and the spellbook containing Strangehorn's spells floated over to her and flipped open to the page containing the permanent transformation spell. She let the book settle on the floor in front of her, looking down at it, then nodding. "I think I've been playing around long enough. It's time to try this."

Twilight hesitated. "Princess, are you sure you're ready?"

Princess Celestia hesitated. "No," she smiled slightly. "But I must try. I have put you and your friends in danger for long enough," she took a deep breath. "Twilight, will you assist me?"

Twilight hesitated. "We should wait for Princess Luna. If there is a backlash...?"

Princess Celestia considered that. "There will be no backlash unless I fail to do the spell correctly, and unless I do it perfectly, you will retain all my powers. You'll be more than able to contain any magical backlash I can currently produce."

Twilight hesitated. "I'm not sure.... We should at least get the others out of the room, just in case."

Princess Celestia smiled at her. "We can wait for my sister if you are frightened for your safety, Twilight."

Twilight blinked, then shook her head. "No... I know you won't harm me," she glanced at Johnathon and Applejack. "But I think I'll send you two out of harm's way, just in case."

Johnathon blinked. "Now wait just one..." he blinked as he and Applejack were enveloped in a bright light, and staggered, finding both himself and Applejack in the quarters he had used the previous night. "minute..." he finished lamely. "Damn," he turned to Applejack, who looked just as startled as he did. "What should we do?"

Applejack hesitated, then shook her head. "We trust em." she decided. "Princess Celestia knows what she's doing, and Twilight won't let her hurt herself."

Johnathon sighed. "I hope you're right."

Back in her private chambers, Princess Celestia faced Twilight squarely, her face determined. "Are you ready, Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle nodded firmly. "Let's do this, Princess. I trust you."

Princess Celestia smiled at her. "I know," she lowered her head, her horn glowing, and bathed Twilight in it's light, concentrating hard.

Twilight's horn lit up as well, her eyes closing as she felt the Princess casting the spell. "That's it... now all you have to do is the final weave. You can do it!" Celestia's horn grew brighter, and she grimaced as she pushed her magic to it's limit, working and reworking the complex spell. For several long seconds, it seemed like nothing was happening. Twilight's eyes widened, however. "That's it! You've almost got it! Just keep going! You've almost got the pattern!" she felt a drain on her magic, and grimaced. "That's... that's it!"

The room exploded with light, and Twilight collapsed, feeling incredibly weak. At first, she was afraid that her magic had been drained completely, but after several long moments she forced herself to calm down. She opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and rose to her feet. She let herself relax and looked in wonder at Princess Celestia, who stood towering over her, restored to her normal form.

"Are you alright, Twilight?" the Princess asked in concern.

"I'm alright." Twilight reassured her, growing confident of that fact as she remembered what it was to be mortal once more. "Back to normal." she closed her eyes, and levitated Strangehorn's spellbook toward her, looking at the spell in question. "I'm a bit tired, but... I feel like... myself," she nodded. "You did it."

Princess Celestia sighed in relief. "I wasn't positive. I knew I wasn't quite getting it at first," she admitted. "I could feel it... the spell wasn't working. I was using up my strength so quickly, I was afraid I'd exhaust myself before I got the pattern correct."

Twilight blushed slightly. "I kind of was suppressing your magic at first," she said quietly. "I could tell you didn't have the pattern right, and we couldn't afford for you to make a mistake."

Celestia smiled. "Quite alright."

Twilight beamed at her. "But I could feel you trying to adjust... and you were getting it! So when you managed to find the right pattern, I let the spell through," she glanced down at herself. "And it worked!"

The Princess sighed, then smiled. "Ah well... I suppose my vacation is over for now," she looked at Twilight in concern. "You do not feel overly drained?"

Twilight shook her head. "Not at all. I feel... well, normal. Maybe just a little light headed... but... otherwise I feel fine."

Princess Celestia smiled. "I'm glad," she sighed. "Now I must deal with my nephew."

Twilight looked worried. "What are you going to do to him?"

Celestia shook her head. "Honestly, I am not sure yet," she sighed. "I hope it will not come to a trial. Hopefully my nephew will agree to accept my judgement on the matter. I don't want this incident to spiral out of control."

Twilight looked even more worried. "Could that happen?"

Princess Celestia nodded slowly. "Unfortunately, if he calls for a public trial, things could get rather messy. He would still be punished, probably quite severely, but at the same time, Mister Dwire and Miss Applejack would be called on to testify, and the nobility would not take their assault on him well. I would, of course, not allow any retribution, but...."

Twilight sighed. "They'd want to punish them anyway?"

Celestia nodded. "Most likely. I'd prefer it if we can avoid that," she nodded firmly. "I will go join my sister, and we will take steps to prevent this situation from escalating," she looked thoughtful. "Why don't you join your friends. I think it might be best if you stay put tonight. I will have a guard stationed at the room they are sleeping in. I'll come let you know what's happening in the morning."

Twilight nodded. "I'll get Johnathon and Applejack, and we'll go to the barracks with the others," she agreed, then looked upset. "I'm sorry about your nephew."

Celestia sighed. "So am I, Twilight. So am I."

Chapter 20

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Prince Blueblood woke to find himself in considerable pain. His jaw was aching, as was his right foreleg, and he had a terrible headache. He whimpered miserably, but forced himself to open his eyes. He was laying on a hospital bed in what appeared to be the royal infirmary. A white coated nurse pony was sitting nearby, and as he woke, she stood up and walked over to him.

"How do you feel, Prince Blueblood?" she asked solicitously. "Do you need more pain medication?"

"Of course I need more pain medication, you idiot!" Blueblood told her in annoyance, wincing at the volume of his own voice. "I'm in agony! Get me more this instant!"

The nurse nodded calmly. "Of course. I'll be right back," she stepped out of the room and closed the door behind her, while the Prince tried to remember what on earth had happened. How had he gotten here?

His eyes widened as he remembered. "The human! It attacked me!" panicked, he pushed the sheets back to check the extent of his injuries, sighing in relief when it seemed that, in fact, he seemed to be mostly intact. "I thought it would kill me...." Blueblood muttered worriedly. "What happened?"

"He showed mercy, nephew," Princess Celestia told him with a sad smile as she opened the door, walking smoothly into the room. "I wonder, would you have done the same for him?"

Blueblood blinked in confusion. "Aunt Celestia?" he said with a frown. "I don't understand. Why would I show such a creature mercy? It attacked me! I am a prince! I am your nephew, blood of your blood! An attack upon myself is an attack upon Equestria. Surely you see that?"

"Truly, nephew?" Celestia asked with a strange expression her her face. "And what of Miss Applejack?" at Blueblood's expression of confusion at the name, she clarified. "The earth pony with the orange coat and the yellow mane that was guarding my door?"

The Prince blinked. "That ruffian?" his face darkened. "Aunt Celestia, I must request for that... brutish thug to be arrested immediately! She assaulted my person. In fact, I believe I may have met her before!" he frowned thoughtfully. "Yes... at the Gala... some sort of... carnival worker, perhaps? I have no idea how she managed to gain entry, but I'm afraid she must be stalking me! I can't understand how she might have found employment as a castle guard, but I assure you, she is certainly unfit for the position!"

Celestia nodded thoughtfully. "And would you show her mercy, nephew? Would you have done so if you could?"

Prince Blueblood frowned. "Mercy? Certainly not. She should be banished from Equestria at the very least... preferably after a good solid thrashing. If that monstrous creature hadn't attacked me, I'd have..."

"What would you have done, nephew?" Celestia's voice was distant, and sad, her eyes looking off into the distance.

"Well..." Prince Blueblood hesitated, sensing that the conversation wasn't quite going his way. "Well, I'd have dealt with her properly," he finished with a frown. "Auntie...?" he hesitated, worried now that the white alicorn seemed to be unwilling to meet his gaze. "Is there something the matter?"

Princess Celestia looked at him finally, her eyes sad. "Nephew. Could you tell me exactly why you strangled my guard with your magic? Tell me the truth."

Prince Blueblood frowned. "I already told you... that ruffian struck me! She...."

Princess Celestia sighed. "I examined your wounds personally, nephew. You suffered no injury at her hooves. I have also taken the time to examine Miss Applejack. If it was not for her excellent physical condition, and, I'm informed, her regular rope practice, which, thankfully for your sake, keeps her neck muscles quite strong, she could have suffered most serious injury by being pulled into the air by her throat like that. You could have broken her neck, nephew. Did you not consider that?"

Prince Blueblood frowned, looking worried for the first time since his Aunt, fifty two generations removed, had come into his room. "Auntie... I don't understand. Why are you upset? Obviously this... Applejack is uninjured, and... I have been most grievously hurt!"

Celestia sighed. "On the contrary. The damage to Applejack's neck will be weeks in healing, while you should recover quite a bit sooner, nephew. None of your injuries are especially severe, although I'm told you are lucky that your skull is as thick as it is," she shook her head. "Have you heard enough, little sister?"

Princess Luna entered the room like a shadow, moving silently. "I have, I'm afraid," she shook her head. "Nephew. How your bloodline has fallen. A thousand years ago, your ancestors were proud and noble. They still understood what it meant to be royal. It was their great pleasure to serve and protect the ponies under their care... to serve as example, and the first line of defense against those who would harm the weak, or innocent. They would sorrow so at seeing you this night," she sighed. "As I sorrow now."

Prince Blueblood sputtered. "What are you saying? Auntie... Princess! I only defended myself!"

Luna shook her head sadly. "Do you deny trying to force your way past my sister's guard? Do you deny lifting her into the air by the neck using your magic?"

The Prince froze, a lie coming to his lips, and yet... why should he lie. "It is my right to be heard!" he insisted. "First you denied me what I am owed by putting that... upstart, apprentice over me, then I am denied an audience with..." he turned to Celestia. "You don't understand! I had to talk with you! This... Twilight... she has bewitched you somehow, Auntie! She cannot be allowed to... to..."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "To what? Did you fear that she would wish to replace me?"

Prince Blueblood hesitated, then told the truth. "If something... if anything happened to you, Auntie... she would. I know she would claim your place, usurp your rightful position!"

Celestia's face softened just a hair. "Is that what truly troubles you, nephew? Did you fear for my safety? Or perhaps was there a little fear for your own position?"

Prince Blueblood hesitated, glancing at Luna, trying to remember what he had said during day court that afternoon. "I... my family is of the royal blood. If... if anything should happen to you, naturally, I..."

"You would take my place," Celestia said softly. "Is that what you thought?" she shook her head. "I'm sorry, my foolish nephew, but you have not been in consideration for the throne since just after your twentieth birthday. At the moment, in the very unlikely event that both I and my sister pass, the leadership would go to the royal council, who would rule jointly until other provisions were made. I'm afraid that you do not have any friends there."

Blueblood stared at his Aunt, many times removed, in confused horror. "Those... effeminate intellectuals... picked over myself? But... you only listen to those fools in order to placate the populous!"

Princess Celestia sighed. "Are you so blind? I hoof picked each member of the council, or else accepted the most careful recommendations for each of them. They are some of the keenest, most worthy minds in Equestria today... and they serve our land very well indeed. You, on the other hand, serve no pony save yourself," she sighed. "Blueblood, I think it's about time you wake up."

Princess Luna spoke. "Your awakening may be a bit harsh, but perhaps you will learn something from this... if only caution."

Blueblood shook his head. "Learn? You speak as if I am to be... punished for... for what? For defending my honor against...?"

"Enough," Princess Celestia did not shout, but the tone of finality in her voice was certain. "You injured my guard... a national hero, in a misguided attempt to secure your own position. You used excessive force in doing so. You have two choices, nephew. You will either submit yourself to a public trial, or my mercy. You are fortunate that I still feel some for you."

Blueblood sputtered. "A public trial? I'd be humiliated!"

"Most likely you would also end up serving several years in prison as well," Luna said calmly. "Assault on a royal guard carries a twenty year sentence, does it not?"

Celestia looked sad. "At worst, although the court has the discretion to lessen that sentence for mitigating circumstances, and, honestly, my guard rarely presses charges. I am proud to say that they seem to have learned how to be merciful," she sighed. "But it would be up to Miss Applejack in that case. Would you prefer to submit yourself to her mercy instead?"

Prince Blueblood's eyes widened in horror. "No! Never! I..." he took a deep breath. "I... I humbly beg you, dear Aunt Celestia, for your mercy," he bowed his head. "I will accept your judgement." he tried to keep his breathing steady, but it was difficult. He was suddenly terrified. Surely his sweet aunt would be merciful towards him?

"I will grant you my mercy on one condition," she told the Prince softly. "You must swear not to seek to harm any pony, ever again. You must further swear not to speak of the incident tonight, nor to seek any retribution of any kind on anypony, or human, involved. If you do this, I will show you mercy. You will be under house arrest... at your home estate, for a period not less than a year, and not more than five. If you show to me that you have changed for the better during that time, I will consider lessening your sentence."

Prince Blueblood was silent, considering. "I... see," he frowned, not liking the terms at all, but not seeing much way out. He knew his aunt well enough to know that she would not change her mind once it was made up. She truly meant to punish him, and if he did not agree to her terms, she would leave his fate in the hooves of the very ruffian who had assaulted him in the first place. It was... ludicrous of course, but did he really have any choice? "Very well," he finally said, grudgingly. "I so swear."

Luna's horn glowed, and a scroll and ink pen appeared in front of him. Slowly, as he watched, the oath Celestia had asked of him was inscribed on the page, and then the pen was laid down next to him.

"Sign then," Luna ordered him gravely. "This contract is magically binding. If you break it...." she smiled. "No curse will fall upon you... nor will your life be forfeit, as was often the penalty in such contracts in the time of your ancestors and mine," Her eyes glittered. "All that will happen is that I will be made aware of your breach. And then I will come for you," Luna smiled softly. "I will come, and there will be no sanctuary that would hide you from me. There is no place to run from the Princess of the Night."

Blueblood shivered, turning to Celestia with a pitiable expression, but he saw no sympathy there, only sadness. With a shuddering breath, he slowly levitated the pen, and started to sign his name to the scroll.


Early the next morning, Twilight was saying goodbye to her friends at the Canterlot train station. "So I'll be staying at the palace with the Princesses for a few more days. I'm supposed to give a press conference with Princess Celestia tomorrow afternoon...." she sighed. "But I'll be able to come home after that."

Rarity sighed. "If only you could have stayed an alicorn for another day or two. I never did get to make you a proper outfit for your new form."

Twilight shrugged. "Well, you knew I'd be changing back to normal eventually, right? It's not like I'd be able to wear it after that, right?"

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "But surely when you give the Princesses a vacation next year you'll need something nice to wear! After all, I'm certain you'll have to attend quite a few functions during that time."

Twilight blinked. "Well... I suppose, tentatively... I may... er...."

Rarity grinned at her. "You did promise Princess Celestia a vacation, didn't you?"

Twilight groaned. "Right... I guess I might need something to wear after all."

Rarity grinned. "Well, just try and fit me into your schedule on your first day back as an alicorn. I'll have something ready for you before then, of course, but we must have it fitted properly, after all. I never did get to take your measurements."

Applejack, wearing a dark brown neckerchief to cover the nasty bruise around her throat, glanced at the pair of unicorn palace guards that were standing behind Twilight and pretending not to pay attention. "Now, you two take good care of Twilight while she's here in Canterlot, ya' hear?"

Shining Star turned to her and gave a quick salute. "You have my word, Lady Applejack," his face softened. "You're one of us now, you hear me? You protected our princess when we weren't there to do it. If there is anything the guard can do for you, all you need to do is ask."

Applejack grinned at him. "Y'all don't owe me nothin. But if ya want to pay me back, keep a special eye on Twilight for me. Can't have her get into any more trouble while I'm not around, eh?"

Shining Star nodded and saluted her. "Oh my honor, Applejack."

Bright Lance grinned at Johnathon. "So... how did it feel to kick Blueblood's rear end into next week?"

Johnathon hesitated, making a fist and looking at it soberly. "I won't lie. Part of me enjoyed it. But I don't like hurting anypony... and I'm sorry I had to hurt him," he nodded to Applejack. "But I'd do it again in a second to protect my friends."

Shining Star shook his head incredulously. "I still can't believe you beat him! I mean... the Prince may not have any real combat experience, but he was trained in magic... and he has to be half again your size! And you don't have a scratch on you!"

Johnathon shrugged. "He was so busy with Applejack that he didn't notice me until I was on top of him. Not really a fair fight. He'd have had no trouble with me if he'd seen me coming, I expect."

Shining Star nodded slowly. "Maybe. Still, I would be honored to serve at your side in the future. You kept your head, and you saved Applejack. I can't repay you enough for that. It was my fault she was hurt... it would have been might fault if anything worse happened as well. If you hadn't been there...."

Johnathon frowned. "I'm afraid I agree. It would have been your fault. I'm sorry, Shining, but you shouldn't have left her alone," he took a breath. "But it was an honest mistake, and you won't make it again, so I forgive you."

Shining Star sighed. "I don't deserve it. I should have been drummed out of the guard for such a rookie mistake."

Applejack spoke up. "What about the maid? The one who told you Luna was looking for you? What happened to her?"

Bright Lance spoke up. "Princess Celestia believed that Blueblood lied to her, and when she questioned him on the matter, he admitted as much. She didn't know that Luna hadn't sent for Shining Star, she simply took Blueblood's word. She won't be punished."

Applejack nodded. "Fine by me, I reckon. I hope she's learned not to trust any pretty face that tells her a yarn after this, though."

Bright Lance shrugged. "She seemed pretty upset about the matter when she learned what happened. She has been sworn to secrecy, of course, but I expect that the Prince won't find such willing helpers in the future," he raised a hoof. "Now remember, you're under no oath yourselves, but it probably won't do any good to talk about the incident with the Prince. He's oath-bound not to mention it, but there isn't much point in making more enemies... and he does still have friends at court."

Applejack looked disgruntled, but nodded. "If that's what the princesses want. I'm not afraid of some boot licking toadies, but I suppose I can leave things as they are," she chuckled. "Seeing that pompous twit get thrashed by Johnathon did kinda take the edge off my anger a bit. It'll be a fond memory for years to come."

Johnathon rolled his eyes. "Just don't go spreading it around. I'm supposed to be a NICE guy, remember?"

Applejack leaned against him comfortingly. "You ARE a nice guy, Johnathon. If my brother had been there instead of you, I reckon he's have stomped that Blueblood into the floor, and kept stomping, and my brother is as nice as they come."

Rarity nodded firmly. "I'd have thrashed the brute within an inch of his life if I'd been there. The nerve of that lout," she smiled at Johnathon. "You did exactly as any gentlecolt would have done, I couldn't be prouder."

Johnathon shrugged, looking embarrassed. "Well, I was certainly glad I was wearing the gloves you made me, Rarity," he told her sincerely. "I wouldn't have wanted to punch that thick skull without them."

Rainbow Dash grinned at him. "I wish I'd have been there to see it," she made punching motions with her hooves. "Whoosh, bang!" She chuckled. "Of course, if I'd been there I'd have clobbered him in a second flat."

Johnathon nodded at her agreeably. "I've no doubt."

Fluttershy sighed. "I'm just glad that Applejack isn't too badly injured. Those bruises look so awful."

The cowpony smiled gently at the yellow pegasus. "They ain't nothing, Fluttershy. I've been throwing hay bales and roping for so long, my neck is as strong as the trunk of one of my apple trees. It don't hardly hurt at all."

The friends began to board the train, and Pinkie Pie rushed out to give Twilight a hug. "You come home soon, OK, Twilight? We can't throw a 'we're glad you didn't get strangled by a meany mean pants Prince" party for Applejack, cause we're not supposed to tell anypony about that... and we can't throw a "Twilight is a super smarty pants because she figured out how to turn herself into a Princess party..." she blinked. "Why can't we throw a party like that again?"

Twilight laughed. "Mostly because we're not supposed to talk about how I did that either, Pinkie."

Pinkie sighed, and hugged Twilight harder. "But we're going to throw a big welcome back to Ponyville party when you get back, so come back soon, OK Twilight?"

Twilight nodded. "Just a few more days, Pinkie. Spike's staying with me, so I won't be lonely, and I get to spend a whole lot of time with the Princesses! I will come home soon though, and I can't wait for your party."

Pinkie smiled weakly. "Well, of course. Who throws the best parties, after all?"

"You do, Pinkie," Twilight assured her. "You do."


On the train, Johnathon found himself wandering away from the others, and ended up standing on at the rear of the train, looking back at Canterlot with a worried frown.

"What's bothering you, Johnathon?" Cheerilee asked him in concern, moving up close to speak over the sound of the engine. "Everything is all right now, isn't it?"

The archeologist nodded slowly. "I suppose... although... a lot has happened," he shrugged. "It's always hard for me, after a fight. Especially a serious one like my fight with Blueblood."

"Were you afraid?" The school teacher asked.

"Yes," Johnathon admitted easily. "I was scared for Applejack... but I was scared for me as well. I saw what he was capable of... lifting her by her throat like that. If he'd seen me before I reached him, he could have easily done the same to me, and I would have been powerless to stop him," he sighed. "I was so scared... I nearly didn't stop. When he went down, I was ready to keep hitting... to stomp on him while he was on the ground. I'm not sure what stopped me."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "You knew that Prince Blueblood could easily stop you when you saw him holding Applejack in the first place, didn't you? Why did you go forward anyway?"

Johnathon frowned. "I couldn't have walked away and let him hurt her... not if I could stop it."

Cheerilee put a hoof on his back lightly. "You couldn't let Applejack be hurt if you could prevent it. Just like you couldn't hurt him once he wasn't in a position to harm anypony."

Johnathon grimaced. "I wouldn't say that, exactly. Part of me wanted to keep hurting him. I chose not to hurt him, but I wanted to."

Cheerilee smiled. "Your choices define who you are, don't you think? And I like who you are, Johnathon."

Johnathon sighed. "Thanks," he glanced down at her and smiled. "I like you too, Cheerilee."

The school teacher grinned. "You're just saying that to be nice. I'm not heroic, like Applejack or Rainbow Dash..."

Johnathon shrugged. "You were there to help, just like the others. Just because you didn't get throttled, doesn't mean you weren't willing to put your life on the line like the rest of us."

Cheerilee frowned. "I hope I would. I'd like to believe I would," she sighed. "Thankfully, I didn't get the chance to find out. I don't relish being put into that sort of situation."

"Just being there meant a lot," Johnathon told her. "I'm sorry I ended up dragging you into all this."

Cheerilee shook her head. "It was my choice to make," she shrugged. "Besides, I didn't come just because you asked me. I came for the Princess... and for Twilight, and the other girls."

Johnathon nodded. "Oh, I know that... but, if it wasn't for me, Twilight would never have been researching that spell. If it wasn't for me, you'd never have been involved in the first place, even if she was researching a spell like that for a different reason. If I wasn't staying at your place, having you help me with my Equestrian, you wouldn't know all about Twilight's research, and there would have been no reason to ask you to help out."

Cheerilee smiled. "Well, I really didn't mind. It's kind of nice, being somepony that ponies can call when there's trouble. I'm glad that nothing really bad happened, of course, but at the same time, it was nice to try and be a hero for once, even if I didn't end up doing anything important."

Johnathon grinned at her. "Well, if you ever do get the chance, Cheerilee, I have every confidence in you. You'd make a great hero."

Cheerilee giggled. "I'll be great at running and hiding, anyway. But you're sweet to say so."

"Well, I mean it."

"Oh stop!"

"I do!"

"Johnathon, seriously. I'm a school teacher! Who ever heard of a school teacher being a hero before?"

Johnathon's face grew slightly sad. "Remind me to tell you a story about a certain school teacher sometime... and a flying machine called "Challenger"

Cheerilee blinked. "Is it a sad story?"

He thought about that for a while, then finally nodded. "Stories about heroes often are, I'm afraid."


Returning to Ponyville was both a relief and a let down from the excitement of Canterlot. With Twilight and Spike in Canterlot, Johnathon and Cheerilee found themselves taking over the Ponyville library. Johnathon was still learning the written language, but there was still so much about Equestrian history and culture he wanted to learn, and he was reading constantly. Cheerilee joined him at the library most days. School was still out for the winter holiday, and she found herself being drawn into Johnathon's research. His enthusiasm for the subject was infectious, and she found herself surprised by how often he would discover something about Equestrian history that she either didn't know, or was only vaguely aware of.

"Winter Wrap up?" Johnathon asked her curiously one afternoon as they were walking from their home toward the library a few days after arriving back in Ponyville. "What's that? I keep hearing ponies talking about it."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh, I'm sorry, of course you wouldn't know. You weren't here last winter," she looked thoughtful. "And... from what you've told me, your world is kind of like the Everfree forest, in that nature and the animals take care of themselves, so I suppose you probably don't have anything like it on your world?"

Johnathon looked curious. "I don't know. What is it, exactly?"

Cheerilee started to explain. "Well, when Ponyville was first settled, we didn't have any unicorns living in the area, we had to wrap up winter without using magic. Our ancestors learned to do it with their own four hooves. It's become a tradition now, so we wrap up winter each year without any magic."

The archeologist blinked. "Er... wrap up winter? What does that mean?"

Cheerilee looked confused. "You know... change the season? Turn winter to spring?"

Johnathon Dwire stopped dead in his tracks. "You... you change the seasons without magic? Seriously?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Well... yes. Is there something strange about that?"

The human nodded firmly. "It's... well, I'm not even sure I can comprehend it. I... well, I suppose I can understand how it might be done magically... since Celestia does control the sun. She must change it's orbit to increase the amount of sunlight you get each season," he shook his head. "Although the very idea that she has the power to do that still completely blows me away. It's so far beyond what I know to be possible, that I still probably won't truly believe it till I see Celestia raise the sun with my own eyes."

Cheerilee smiled. "Well, you'll have to wait another few months for that. The Summer Sun celebration is still quite a ways off."

Johnathon nodded. "I'll be going, certainly. It's in Canterlot this year?"

Cheerilee smiled. "That's what they say."

Johnathon sighed, then started walking again, Cheerilee moving easily along at his side. "So... pretend I'm a child who's never heard of winter wrap up. What exactly do you do to... wrap up winter?"

Cheerilee started to explain, and found herself answering question after question as the human tried to clarify point after point. They had reached the library and had been sitting inside for half an hour by the time he was satisfied.

"So... aside from the fact that the sun's orbit changes, and you have longer days, you do... just about everything else to get the world ready for spring," Johnathon summarized, now that he was sure he had the details. "You clear the snow, melt the ice, clear the winter clouds, gather the wildlife that has either gone south for the winter or gone into hibernation..." he shook his head. "The animals can't do this on their own?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Can't do what?"

"The migrating birds... they can't find their way back north for the summer? The hibernating animals, they don't know when to wake up from their hibernation?" Johnathon asked with an incredulous look on his face.

Cheerilee blinked again. "Well, no, of course not."

Johnathon sighed. "Of course not," he raised an eyebrow. "And, aside from the Everfree forest, it's been this way for as long as anypony can remember? For all of recorded history?"

Cheerilee nodded, looking confused. "That's right, why do you ask?"

The archeologist's eyebrow twitched, and he shook his head. "You know what, I don't know enough to even ask the right questions right now. I'm going to need to do some more research to figure out what I'm trying to figure out here."

Cheerilee blinked, then shrugged. "OK, where do we start?"


Days had passed, Johnathon and Cheerilee had spent most of each day in the library. Mainly Cheerilee helped find books that Johnathon asked for, or helped him translate the more difficult passages, but she wasn't quite sure what he was looking for. He seemed to be excited... almost driven by his search, however, and she found herself swept up in his enthusiasm regardless.

"Seeing the Hearth Warming play made me want to know the truth behind the events that led to the founding of Equestria," Johnathon was explaining to Cheerilee as they sat comfortably in front of the fireplace in the library, drinking hot chocolate. A heavy winter storm was raging outside, the streets were filled with snow, and they had elected to stay at the library that evening, rather than heading home through the blizzard.

Cheerilee simply nodded to indicate she was listening, as by now she recognized the signs that Johnathon was getting ready to share some new insight with her. He tended to ramble on for quite a while when he went into lecture mode, but she didn't mind. It fascinated her, watching how his mind worked on a problem.

"Unfortunately, your history isn't very accurate past eight hundred years ago," Johnathon continued. "So we don't have a lot to work with. We can make a few assumptions, however."

Cheerilee simply nodded again, encouraging him. "What sort of assumptions?"

Johnathon continued speaking, looking thoughtful. "Equestria was founded sometime between two thousand and eighteen hundred years ago. For an undetermined period before that, the three societies of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies were separate, but dependent on each other."

Cheerilee nodded again. Johnathon was rehashing things every pony learned in school, but she knew that for him, it was relatively new information, and that he was going somewhere with it. Often he simply managed to 'discover' something that was common knowledge, but sometimes he came up with ideas that were new to her, and the process itself always kept her interested.

"Sometime after that, Discord appeared. Where he came from, or why, isn't recorded, and there is no accurate record of how long his rule was. From what little survived the period, I believe it's safe to say it was longer than a single generation, but probably not much more than a couple hundred years or so...."

Cheerilee shuddered at that. "Are you sure? I can't imagine any pony surviving a hundred years of that sort of... insanity!"

Johnathon shrugged. "The poems and songs that followed all suggest that no pony living remembered exactly when Discord arrived, which suggests that his rule lasted longer than a single pony lifetime, although of course, I'd expect that a normal pony's life expectancy would have been greatly reduced during that time. Again, these are assumptions, but most of them are pretty safe bets. If any pony lived from the beginning of Discord's reign till it's end, there is no indication of it."

Cheerilee blinked. "What about the Princesses? They've been around for thousands of years."

Johnathon shrugged. "Actually, I'm thinking less than two thousand years. I actually think that they were born during Discord's reign. I think that the elements of harmony were created during this period as well," he frowned. "I should have thought to ask when I was talking with Princess Celestia last week, but at the time, I didn't know enough to know what questions to ask," he shrugged. "I'll have to ask her later. In any case, the fact is that there was no historical reference to Celestia or Luna before Discord. The first mention of them is the fact of their defeating him and sealing him in stone. Afterwards, they became the rulers of Equestria, which they have remained to this day." Johnathon shrugged. "Well, except of course the thousand years where Luna was imprisoned on the moon."

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "These do seem to be valid assumptions."

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "Now here is where it gets fuzzy. You see, I've been wondering about your... ecosystem for quite some time. You know how you explained Winter Wrap up to me a few days ago?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Yes, it's been a tradition here in Ponyville as long as there's been a Ponyville. There weren't any unicorns here, so we've been wrapping up winter without magic all this time."

Johnathon nodded. "You're very through about it too. Your entire population pitches in, and an incredible amount is done in a relatively short amount of time. I've read some of the more recent histories, about years where the winter wrap up wasn't done properly for one reason or another, and the consequences were surprisingly severe."

Cheerilee sighed. "There have been some very bad years, especially for new towns that weren't able to wrap up winter properly. Ponies starved... animals died. It wasn't pretty."

Johnathon looked grave. "You've adapted very well... but... I suspect that it wasn't always this way. In fact, I actually think that your entire world was like the Everfree forest at one time, and that something changed... something... huge. Something that altered the way your world works. Something that... broke things... destroyed the natural order, so that your world might have died altogether if you ponies hadn't adapted in order to save it."

Cheerilee blinked. "How could that be? The Everfree forest is a terrible place! It's dangerous in there... animals eat each other... they'd even eat ponies if they could. The weather is wild in there... nopony could survive for long, could they? How could our whole world have been like that?"

Johnathon shrugged. "My whole world is like that. It's not so bad. Humans adapted by pushing the wilderness back, by cutting down trees and making clearings to live in, where they could control things around them to a certain extent. Sure, just like in Ponyville, wild animals will come into areas that humans try to control, but we've gotten so practiced at controlling the world around us, it's not difficult."

Cheerilee frowned. "How is that different from here?"

Johnathon shrugged. "On my world, the animals still have their instincts. They know when to fly south for the winter, or north for the summer, they know when to end their hibernations. They know what they can eat, and what they can't... all through instinct. Winter ends naturally... the snow melts, the birds come back, the animals in hibernation all wake up, humans don't have to do a thing," he frowned. "Of course, I may be completely wrong in all this. Just because nature works that way in my world, doesn't mean it ever worked like that here. Perhaps the Everfree forest is the aberration... it's possible that it's the way it is BECAUSE of my world... because of the gateway between our worlds. But I don't really think so."

Cheerilee looked curious. "Why?"

Johnathon frowned. "Because... you've been learning how to... to wrap up winter better and better through the years. Eight hundred years ago, there was a lot of trouble with starvation... disease, animals dying off... but you've gotten better and better at it, till such things are nearly unheard of."

"So... what are you trying to say?" Cheerilee said, then smiled, to let him know that she was keeping an open mind.

Johnathon frowned. "If you were that bad at it eight hundred years ago... compared to today, how much worse at it would you have been two thousand years ago? How could Equestria have been formed if ponies didn't know how to take care of their environment... unless they didn't need to do so that far back."

Cheerilee frowned. "Perhaps they forgot how during Discord's reign?"

Johnathon nodded. "That's certainly one possibility. Certainly, things could have been like they are now before Discord, and ponies lost that knowledge and had to regain it after Discord was defeated..." he shrugged. "But I have a second theory."

Cheerilee chuckled. "I figured you might."

Johnathon grinned. "You do know me pretty well," the archeologist hesitated. "The thing is... I'm not sure I should tell you what I've come up with. It's another of... those kinds of revelations that could really change how you see things. I'm not sure if I should explain any more."

Cheerilee smiled softly at him. "I want to know. I managed to survive knowing that the Elements of Harmony cast a magic spell on everypony in Equestria... and that you and I, and the Princesses... and maybe a few others that the Princesses might have told, are the only ponies that know the truth. I think I can handle whatever it is you've figured out."

Johnathon sighed, then nodded. "I think you can as well, but this one is a doozy," he took a deep breath. "My theory is simple. Before Discord... what if your world worked... more like mine? What if your world, like mine, was like the Everfree forest back then? What if nature knew how to take care of itself. In fact... I suspect that before Discord, the sun and moon might have orbited your world without magic!"

Cheerilee frowned. "But... the founding of Equestria came before Discord's reign, and the unicorns raised the sun and moon back then."

Johnathon shrugged. "It's a story... a legend... but it's from well before your recorded history became... solid. Perhaps it's changed over the years... and it's only remained constant, as a story, since your people started writing things down and recording history officially. What if the unicorns... and later Celestia and Luna, started moving the sun and moon only after Discord was first defeated."

Cheerilee blinked. "Wait... are you saying that Discord... that he broke... how our world works?"

Johnathon nodded. "That's my theory. That your world worked like mine... that everything kept going without aid... naturally. And that Discord's reign of chaos destroyed that. That he made the sun and the moon leave their normal orbits to suit his whim... that he... somehow broke the natural instincts of animals... and that he was in power for so long, that when he was defeated, some of the damage was permanent."

Cheerilee was gaping at him. "But... how...?" she shook her head. "I... I don't know... it seems so impossible!"

Johnathon sighed. "The biggest reason I think that my theory must be correct is simply that... the alternative is that the unicorns have been moving the sun and moon since your world was created. That they've ALWAYS moved them. That ponies have ALWAYS changed the seasons, and helped the animals figure out where to go and what to do," he shrugged. "Which implies that ponies and this world were created at the same time, and that this world always needed ponies controlling it for it your world to survive. And, frankly, I don't believe that."

Cheerilee shook her head. "Couldn't it be like that? Couldn't ponies simply have existed... forever?"

Johnathon shrugged. "I don't know. I do know that it doesn't work like that on my world... or in my universe. Everything has a beginning, and an end. Nothing lasts forever."

Cheerilee hesitated. "Do you think Princess Celestia and Princess Luna know the truth?"

Johnathon shook his head. "Honestly, I don't know. Like I said, the evidence seems to indicate that Discord's reign lasted longer than the lifetime of any single pony... and that Celestia and Luna were born DURING his reign. Since history wasn't being recorded officially at that time... and the only records of it were through songs and poems told from pony to pony, it's quite possible no pony knew what things were truly like before Discord, even the Princesses," he shook his head. "If any pony knows, it's them, but... who knows how much was passed down, even through oral tradition, during the time they were born?" he grinned. "Of course, it's quite possible that I'm completely wrong about all of this. It's only a theory."

Cheerilee sighed. "But you don't think you're wrong, do you?"

Johnathon shrugged. "No, not really." he shook his head. "I'm going to ask Princess Celestia the next time I see her. I don't really want to put all this into a letter."

Cheerilee's eyes went wide. "I don't blame you!" she looked worried. "Do you think they'll be... unhappy with you for telling them about your theory?"

Johnathon shrugged. "They might be unhappy with me for telling you about my theory, but I don't think they will be. Celestia has proven herself to be quite open minded so far. I'm not planning on running to the papers with any of this... as disrupting your society is the last thing I want to do, but I think that Celestia will hear me out fairly," he sighed. "And if she asks me to keep my theory to myself, I'll do it. After all, I don't think the truth is worth harming anypony, and I can't be sure that everypony knowing about this theory of mine won't end up causing harm."

Cheerilee sighed. "I don't know the answer to that either," she shook her head. "Johnathon, you are the strangest..." she smiled. "Well, you're the only human I've met, but the strangest individual I know. You think in ways I've never considered. Do all humans look at things like you do?"

Johnathon shrugged again, then grinned. "Not all, but enough. Part of it is because of my scientific training. I aspired to be a scientist since I was young. Archeology was were I ended up, but I've been fascinated by almost all the branches of science on my world. A scientist looks at the world as a series of questions to be answered. A scientist never simply accepts anything on faith if it can be tested...." he shrugged. "I'm not the best scientist, but I aspire to be a good one, at least."

Cheerilee shook her head with a chuckle. "You certainly do question everything, and it seems to work. You have already uncovered things about my world that I would never have suspected... and you were right."

Johnathon shook his head. "Don't let my track record convince you of anything. Just because I was right once, doesn't mean I can't be wrong now. And none of this changes the way your world is... although it's certainly interesting to try and figure out how it got the way it is. I haven't been this intrigued by a puzzle since I was a boy."

Cheerilee looked at him wryly. "You're tearing down everything I know about the world, and you call it a puzzle? You are so very strange, Johnathon Dwire!"

The human grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment."


Twilight's attempt to turn herself into an alicorn had been the front page story in the papers for almost a week, and the speculation was endless. For some reason, however, few reporters came to Ponyville, and, aside from a glowingly positive interview with Mayor Mare, who had described Twilight's encounter with the Ursa Minor, and her organization of the Winter Wrap up Festival, the reporters gathered little from the small town, and interest in the story started to die down.

One reporter, however, remained. A particularly determined young mare who went by the name of Mazie Mane had been canvasing the town for weeks, looking for an insider's scoop on Twilight Sparkle. She had been all around town, talking to any pony who would hold still long enough to ask questions of, and it didn't look like she was ready to give up any time soon.

"Big Mac and I have run her off our property three times," Applejack was explaining dryly. Everyone had gathered inside the library at Pinkie's request, in order to plan Twilight's welcome home party, but it had rapidly turned into a discussion about the nosy reporter.

"She knocked on my front door for half an hour!" Fluttershy moaned. "And then she camped out on my front porch for the rest of the day!"

"I thought she was pretty cool," Rainbow Dash said with a shrug. "I told her all about my Sonic Rainboom, and how I'm going to be a Wonderbolt... and...."

"Didn't she ask you anything about Twilight?" Applejack interjected curiously.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Yeah, sure... but you know, I'm not going to talk about one of my friends behind her back, you know? I told her that Twilight was cool... not as cool as me, of course, but pretty cool, and how she's the princess's student, and all that... but you know... nothing that wasn't already in the papers."

Rarity blinked. "You've been reading the papers about Twilight?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "I was thinking they might mention me... but they didn't even get my name right!" she sighed, then shrugged. "Anyway, I'm not a foal. I wasn't going to give her anything to make Twilight into an even bigger story. Twilight doesn't really like the spotlight, right?"

The others nodded in agreement, and Johnathon spoke up. "She asked me a few questions as well...." he said thoughtfully. "She seemed to think that Twilight had something to do with bringing me to your world," he frowned. "I told her she was completely wrong, of course, but she didn't seem satisfied," he shrugged. "She wanted to know how I did get here, and I told her to ask Princess Celestia. Apparently she already had, but the Princess refused to comment... so I decided to do the same, and I didn't answer any more questions."

Pinkie looked sad. "She didn't want to talk to me at all!" The party pony said dejectedly. "I wanted to throw her a party, but she said she was too busy!"

Rarity frowned. "I refused to answer any of her questions. She was utterly uninterested in fashion, in any case."

Applejack nodded. "I reckon that's for the best. If we just keep mum, this reporter mare will just give up sooner or later and go home."

Fluttershy looked worried. "But Twilight's coming home tonight!"

Pinkie grinned. "She'll be on the four PM train, and she'll be here by seven!" she looked stern. "Everypony needs to be here to surprise her by seven ten at the latest!" they all nodded.

"So... who's going to pick her up from the train?" Johnathon asked. "I'm guessing you're going to be getting everything ready for the party, Pinkie?"

Pinkie grinned and nodded. "I'm going to go back to Sugarcube Corner and finish the cake after this. I want all the food to be fresh out of the oven!"

Applejack shrugged. "Rarity and I are handling decorations."

Rainbow Dash spoke up. "I'm supposed to be clearing the sky in town just before dark... so I'll probably just be able to make it back for the party."

Fluttershy hesitated. "If the party is going to run late, I really should settle all my animals in for the night before coming over."

Johnathon grinned. "Alright then, I guess I'll get Twilight and Spike from the train."

Pinkie stuck a hoof into the center of the group. "Yay! Elements of partying, go!"

Everyone looked at her, and she waggled her hoof. "Come on... you know you want to...." she wheedled.

Everyone put their hooves together, and with expressions varying between absolute seriousness, amused grins, and mild boredom, they all repeated after Pinkie, "Elements of partying, go!" as they raised their hooves ceiling-ward.

Johnathon punched his fist into the air with the rest of them, chuckling. "I'm not really one of the elements, you know."

Pinkie grinned at him. "You can be our mascot! Like Spike!"

The archeologist gave a short bow, still chuckling. "It'd be an honor, Pinkamena."


Johnathon was waiting outside the train station, bundled up in his new winter jacket, scarf, and gloves, flipping through a copy of the Equestria Daily to pass the time. He noted that Twilight's temporary ascension to alicornhood had migrated to the middle of the paper. There was an extended article, summarizing everything that the papers had already reported in rather impressive detail. He found himself reading intently, despite himself. The story was very well written, and obviously thoroughly researched. He he didn't know how the truth differed, he have found it to be pretty believable. The final words in the article caught his eye, however.

"Inhabitants of Ponyville have little to say on the matter, choosing to keep the life of their home town hero private, but this reporter intends to get the real story behind why the Princess's protege' became the librarian for a small town before developing the most revolutionary piece of magic seen since the days of Starswirl the Bearded," he read aloud, under his breath, then glanced down at the byline. "By Mazie Mane," he sighed. "I should have known."

"So... how did you like it?" a now familiar voice came from the darkness next to the station, and Johnathon turned to see the earth pony reporter, bundled in a heavy red overcoat and wide brimmed hat. With a black mane and a tan coat, Mazie would have blended into almost any pony city with ease, but there was a look in her eyes, a light of almost infectious excitement that made her stand out.

Johnathon held up the paper. "You're a good writer," he told her honestly. "And you're right. This is a small town, and the ponies here do like a little bit of privacy, especially about their... home town hero," he tilted his head as he regarded her. "Twilight isn't one to seek the spotlight, you know. Her friends here in town respect that. I wish you would."

Mazie walked forward to stand beside him, gazing down the tracks. "I can understand that," the reporter admitted. "And I respect your loyalty to her. From everything I've found out, I think that Twilight Sparkle deserves it," she shrugged. "But the public deserves the truth, don't you think?"

Johnathon hesitated. "They have the truth. Not every bit of it... but then again, who would want everyone to know every single thing about them? Would you like everypony to know everything that happens in your life?"

Mazie grinned at him. "Are you saying that you're hiding the truth?"

Johnathon snorted. "More like I'm not telling you personal stories about a good pony that likes her peace and quiet. Everypony has a right to a private life."

"Even a pony who's promised to raise the sun and moon some day?" Mazie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you saying Princess Celestia and Princess Luna don't deserve privacy?" Johnathon shot back.

Mazie shrugged. "They've got royal guards, and loyal staff. They do have a private life."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow at her. "Well, maybe you should think of Ponyville like that. Twilight Sparkle is one of our own, and the ponies here are like one big family. We're going to respect her wishes, and she'd prefer her private life to remain private."

Mazie sighed. "I suppose I don't have much choice in the matter. I've been here a week, and I've barely got anything to show about it," she rolled her eyes. "I could do a huge article on Rainbow Dash's chances to join the Wonderbolts next year, but I don't write sports."

Johnathon grinned at her. "Want some gossip about Rainbow Dash then? She wouldn't mind the publicity."

Mazie rolled her eyes. "I did get that impression," she shrugged. "She's interesting... but she's too eager for the spotlight, and that doesn't make for really good news. Maybe I'll put something together closer to the next Wonderbolts tryout though. I certainly do have enough material."

Johnathon turned as he heard the sound of the train off in the distance, and watched as it came closer. "So, you're going to go for one final interview when Twilight gets here?"

Mazie nodded. "I'm hoping she'll give me something good to finish my article with. Right now, it's... good, but... it lacks any punch to make it stand out."

"You're being awfully honest with me," Johnathon said, sounding mildly surprised.

"You're being pretty honest with me too," Mazie said with a nod. "And I appreciate it. I can't use it, but I appreciate the truth. I already figured this town wasn't going to talk about your hometown hero easily, and why, but I appreciate you being straightforward with me about it," she glanced at him. "I was thinking about doing an article about you... actually. Your arrival from your world was pretty big news when you first showed up... although, as usual, the Princess's press department handled it like pros. Everybody got the story... and before a week was over, it was old news. I'm guessing you've never even met with a reporter."

Johnathon nodded. "You're actually the first who's asked me for an interview... and you weren't even here about me."

Mazie looked thoughtful. "You know... if you were willing to talk to me, that could be a pretty good story. The real scoop, from another world, you know? I don't suppose you'd be interested?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Maybe. I'd be tempted... under the right circumstances. How about we make a deal?"

Mazie raised an eyebrow. "What sort of deal?"

Johnathon shrugged. "How about I talk with Princess Celestia, and we set up a time for an interview. We could meet in Canterlot, and I could answer some questions... fill in a few blanks for your readers."

Mazie hesitated. "An exclusive interview? What would you want in exchange?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Leave Twilight's private life private... and do what you can to discourage your paper from following up. You do that, and I promise you I'll give you that interview."

Mazie frowned. "And I'm just going to take your word because?"

He shrugged. "Because if you don't, I'm just going to walk Twilight home, we're both going to tell you nothing, and you'll continue to waste your time here in Ponyville for nothing."

Mazie chuckled. "You do realize that you've already given me enough for another article just by talking to me tonight."

Johnathon shrugged. "Perhaps, but it's nothing bad. Still, if you do print it, you'll lose your exclusive later."

Mazie nodded. "You make a pretty good case." she held out a hoof. "Shake on it?"

Johnathon nodded and took her hoof in his hand. "Deal."

They shook, and Mazie raised an eyebrow. "So... when will I get my exclusive?"

Johnathon shrugged. "How about after Winter Wrap up? I'll contact Princess Celestia, and you, and we'll set up a time to meet in Canterlot. Can I just sent word to your paper of when and where?"

Mazie Mane nodded. "Sure. I'll see you in a few weeks then," she shivered, and turned to go. "I've got tickets for the train going out in the morning. I guess I'll start by honoring my bargain now."

The train from Canterlot was pulling to a stop even as the reporter walked away, and by the time Twilight came out, she was already heading into town, and out of sight. Spike looked like he was asleep, laying across the purple unicorn's back.

Twilight waved to Johnathon and came trotting up to him, a big smile on her face. "Hi Johnathon! Did you come out to welcome me home?"

Johnathon nodded. "Sure. I've missed you, and the library probably misses you too. Not that I haven't enjoyed taking care of the place... so much to read."

Twilight smiled. "I missed the library too, and everypony else here in Ponyville."

Johnathon turned to go. "Shall we get inside? It's freezing out here, and I'm going to catch a cold if I'm outside for much longer."

Twilight followed him, sighing happily as she took in the sight of the town. "I really did miss this place," she glanced at Johnathon. "Have you been reading the papers?"

He nodded calmly. "The story is hardly front page news anymore. In another week, they'll have stopped talking about you."

Twilight sighed. "I hope so. I had to talk to so many reporters in Canterlot! Princess Celestia was a lot of help though. She coached me on how to talk to the press. I was so nervous the first few times!"

Johnathon smiled. "Well, the last reporter in Ponyville is already leaving, so hopefully you won't have to worry about it for awhile," He glanced around, seeing and hearing nopony around, he decided to broach a new topic. "So... Strangehorn's transformation spell didn't work how you expected... did you learn anything useful?"

Twilight frowned. "Well, in a way, it does do what I thought... in that it can make a spell that normally needs to be maintained, maintain itself permanently... but the problem is, the energy still needs to come from somewhere. It's actually a pretty dangerous weave. I could draw the energy needed to maintain the spell from any appropriately powerful source."

She shrugged. "Still, now that I understand it, I believe I will be able to control where the energy comes from... at least theoretically, at least so long as it's an appropriate source," The purple unicorn shook her head. "I'm not sure if it is the solution we need, but it does give me some ideas I can try. If I can figure out a source of energy I can tap into safely, I could still get you home," she hesitated. "Actually, I think that if I was an alicorn, I could cast the dimensional gate spell myself. Even with that much power, I wouldn't be able to hold it open very long, but probably for long enough."

Johnathon blinked. "Really? You mean, you could get me home the next time you... the next time you change yourself into an alicorn?"

Twilight hesitated. "Maybe. I still haven't practiced any dimensional gate spells, so I need to do that first... and I need to make sure that if I do open one, it doesn't drain my energy too severely," she looked hopefully at him. "But... I think I can do that in the next few months. I told Princess Celestia that I'd give her a few days off after the Summer Sun celebration this year... and if I've gotten things worked out by then... I could get you home!"

Johnathon blinked again, not sure he could believe his ears. "You mean... in only... what, three, four more months, you can send me home?"

Twilight hesitated a lot time before nodding. "I think so. I don't want to get your hopes up, but... I think the odds are good. In just under four months, I think I'll really be able to send you home."

Chapter 21

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The party had gone late, and Twilight Sparkle found herself waking up well after dawn. She still felt sleepy, but she knew that she was already behind in the work she had planned for the week, so she forced herself out of bed regardless. Twilight was torn between starting her research into dimensional magic and getting her check lists ready for Winter Wrap Up. She had told the stranded human archeologist, Johnathon Dwire, that she would be able to get him home by the time of the Summer Sun Celebration, but she wasn't sure that was true.

Nearly four months seemed like plenty of time, of course, and she'd never failed to learn a new type of magic before, but the truth was, she wasn't sure that Strangehorn the Mad's dimensional gate spells really worked or not. He had supposedly managed to pull a number of small artifacts from other dimensions, and sent small objects of his own through, but nothing he had done had truly been definitive. But there wasn't time for that now. She still had Winter Wrap Up to plan. Being the all team organizer for Ponyville meant a lot to her, and she didn't want to let anypony down. Walking downstairs, she noticed her assistant was idly dusting the shelves.

"Spike!" she called out to her baby dragon. "Get me my Winter Wrap Up master checklist, and the lists of the ponies on each team." Twilight worked happily for the next hour on her new checklist for this year's WInter Wrap up, and was just about finished when there was a knock on her door. "Spike, could you get that?" the little purple dragon shrugged and went to get the door, opening it to see Johnathon and Cheerilee. The two of them were panting slightly, the water vapor from their breath sending up visible columns of steam.

"Morning, Johnathon!" Spike greeted them cheerfully. "Morning Miss Cheerilee! Out for a run?"

"It's great exercise." Cheerilee answered with a smile. "You should try it sometime."

"I prefer commenting on sports to actually doing them." Spike said with a small grimace. "Besides, dragons are naturally fit and healthy." he said with a shrug.

Johnathon eyed the little dragon's pudgy little stomach, and grinned. "I'll take your word on that, Spike. Can we come in? I wanted to check out some more books on early Equestrian history."

Spike blinked, then stepped aside. "Oh, sure, come on in!" inside the warm library, with the door closed on the frozen air outside, Spike watched in fascination as the human's face changed colors, going from pale tan to a light red. "I didn't know that you could do that. Can all humans change color like that?"

Johnathon reached up to his face. "Oh, that's just the blood rushing to my face because of the cold." he explained. "I guess it looks a little strange when you're not used to it." he headed over to the history section of the library, nodding to Twilight as he went by. "Hey Twilight. You look busy."

Twilight looked up from her checklist. "I'm just getting prepared for Winter Wrap Up." she levitated a few scrolls in front of her and glanced at them, then at Johnathon. "Did you want to sign up for one of the teams, Johnathon?" she looked slightly embarrassed. "Not that you have to, or anything, I just realized that I didn't have you registered for any of the teams yet..."

Johnathon grinned. "I wouldn't miss it." he glanced back at his roommate. "Cheerilee tells me she's on the plant team. I expect I can help out there. I'm not much good with animals, and I obviously can't help with the weather...."

Twilight nodded and made a note on one of the scrolls. "Plant team it is." she looked curious. "What time period of Equestrian history are you studying today, Johnathon?"

"I'm most interested in the oldest available records. Right now, I'm reading whatever I can find that references the time before and during Discord's reign."

Twilight looked interested. "There isn't a lot of material on the subject." she said, then turned to the shelves, her horn glowing as she levitated a number of books down. "There were some books written in the years following Discord that referenced songs and folk tales from that time... but according to what I've learned, there aren't any actual texts from that period."

Johnathon nodded. "I've already read these, I'm afraid. I was hoping you might have some of the original stories themselves. The texts you have describe them, but the stories and songs are mostly incomplete."

The purple unicorn looked thoughtful. "We don't have anything like that here, The royal archives in Canterlot should have what you're looking for, however."

The archeologist frowned slightly. "I guess I'll have three reasons to go to Canterlot after Winter Wrap Up is over." he shrugged. "Ah well. I can wait, I suppose."

Twilight blinked. "Three reasons?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, obviously I want to check the Canterlot archives. I was also hoping to ask Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about their own recollections from that time period."

Twilight's eyes practically glowed at the prospect. "Oh! That would be fascinating! They were both there in person, of course. I'd love to hear about their experiences from that time period." she blinked. "Wait... that's only two reasons."

Johnathon chuckled lightly. "Well, I also sort of have an interview scheduled as well. I'm going to meet a reporter in Canterlot after I speak to Princess Celestia. I thought I should clear what I'm going to say to the reporter with her first."

Cheerilee walked up next to him, looking up at his face. "You didn't say anything about an interview, Johnathon. Does this have anything to do with why that reporter, Mazie Mane left town?"

Johnathon's face had been going back to normal, and at the question it momentarily flushed red again. "Maybe just a little. It was no big deal, really. Mazie wasn't getting anywhere here in Ponyville, but a lot of ponies were getting upset with her hanging around and asking questions all the time. I just figured it'd be easier for everypony if I did a little negotiation."

The schoolteacher's expression darkened. "So you traded yourself for Twilight? You didn't need to do that."

Johnathon shook his head. "It's not quite that simple. I talked with Mazie. She's not a bad pony... she just has a drive to find the truth. After I spoke with her for awhile, I got the feeling that she could be trusted, and I think she has good motives. It won't harm me to answer a few of her questions."

Twilight looked upset. "Johnathon, you didn't have to do that. I've had to deal with plenty of press ponies since I... turned myself into an Alicorn. I wouldn't have minded giving one more."

Johnathon shrugged. "Maybe not, but this is your home, and Mazie was bothering your friends... our friends, for background information on you. By agreeing to talk to her in Canterlot, I got her to agree to drop her investigation on you, and to get her newspaper not to follow up. The ponies here in Ponyville get their privacy back, and Mazie gets a story. Everypony wins."

"Everypony but you." Cheerilee told him, looking upset. "If you give her this interview, lots of other reporters will be bothering you... and ponies might be scared if she writes the wrong things about you...."

"I'm sure it'll work out fine." Johnathon said reassuringly. "I'm sure the Princess won't let me make an ass out of myself. Frankly, I'm really surprised I haven't had to talk to any reporters before this." he shrugged. "Anyway, it's done. Mazie doesn't seem like a bad sort. I've read her work, she seems to be a fair and balanced reporter."

Twilight hesitated. "I appreciate what you're trying to do, Johnathon, but... you really didn't need to."

The man put up a hand placatingly. "I made a choice. Don't blow it out of proportion. Mazie seems like a honest pony to me. I really don't mind helping her out a little."

Cheerilee sighed. "If you say so, Johnathon."

He nodded. "I do."


The morning of the Winter Wrap Up, Johnathon Dwire walked with Cheerilee to the town square, where a huge crowd had formed. Earth ponies and unicorns filled the square, and pegasi fluttered overhead. It looked like the entire population of Ponyville was there, more ponies than Johnathon had ever seen in one place. Up on the elevated porch in the front of city hall stood Mayor Mare and Twilight Sparkle.

"I'm sure everyone here knows our all team organizer, Twilight Sparkle." the Mayor said with a proud smile. "And as I hope you all recall, thanks to her organizational skills, we completed last year's Winter Wrap Up on time for the first time in years. I have every confidence that this year we'll do even better!" she stepped to one side. "Now, I'll leave you in her very capable hooves."

Twilight stepped forward slightly, smiling nervously. "Thank you for coming, everypony!" she called, getting a loud happy cheer in response. Raising her hoof for silence, she continued. "I planned everypony's assignments to maximize our efficiency today, and I know you'll all do your best. Everypony report to your team leaders, and let's get started!"

There was another cheer, and the ponies started splitting up in different directions.

Cheerilee, wearing her green plant team vest, led Johnathon Dwire over to Applejack, who had a green armband with a star on it to mark her as team leader. Johnathon spotted Rainbow Dash hovering over another gathering group of ponies, mostly pegasi, wearing the armband that indicated that she led the weather team, and off in the distance a purple unicorn, Amethyst Star, was apparently leading the animal team.

Johnathon noted with some interest how the teams were broken up. The plant team was made up almost entirely by earth ponies, while the animal team had an overwhelming majority of unicorns, and only a few earth ponies, Fluttershy the lone pegasus exception to the rule. The weather team was mostly pegasi, with a few dozen earth ponies, including Pinkie Pie, who had two pairs of ice skates slung over her back, and a couple unicorns.

Applejack addressed each pony by name, giving out assignments. Most of the larger stallions were assigned to clearing snow off the ground using pony driven snow plows. Smaller stallions and earth pony mares alike were sent out with wagons to collect snow from trees knocked loose by the weather team, and Cheerilee's team was sent out, with Johnathon, to collect dead sticks and straw for nest making. Johnathon worked with a team of three ponies, collecting and loading branches and bales of straw on the ponies carts. They delivered their loads to Rarity.

Cheerilee and the others headed out, to start collecting snow from trees, but Johnathon stayed behind with Rarity to help build bird's nests. "I'm not really built for cart pulling." he admitted willingly. "But I expect that I'll be able to help with this...."

Rarity was pleased to have him. "Have you ever built a bird's nest before, Johnathon?" she asked politely.

"Not as such." he said with a shrug. "Although I have built a bird house or two, when I was younger. On my world, the birds usually build their own. Don't they do that here?"

Rarity blinked. "Birds building their own nests? No, not as far as I know, although I have heard that they do so in the Everfree forest... but there aren't a lot of birds living there, I'm afraid."

Johnathon nodded as he watched the unicorn weaving sticks and straw and pieces of ribbon into a nest, blinking in amazement at the unicorn's incredible dexterity with her hooves. "You're really very good at that, Rarity." he complemented her. "I would have thought that, with your magic, you'd be out of practice using your hooves for delicate tasks like this, but obviously that's not the case."

Rarity smiled and shrugged. "Most unicorns don't become practiced with their telekinesis until they're nearly full grown, and I was no exception. I had years of practice using my hooves before I was able to do the same things with my magic."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "I'm still impressed. You do seem to have a real talent for building and designing things." he kept watching for awhile, then started gathering his own materials, slowly but surely figuring out how to imitate her technique. Rarity stopped him a few times with instructions, and his first couple bird houses weren't quite as perfect as any of hers, but he learned the trick quickly. Several other unicorns joined them after a while, and after a few hours, they had completed hundreds of bird's nests.

That task completed, Johnathon and Rarity went to see where else they could be of help. Spotting Pinkie lining up teams of ponies with ice skates, Johnathon wandered down to see what they were doing.

"Hey Johnathon! Hey Rarity!" Pinkie greeted them cheerfully. "Are you all done with the bird's nests then?"

"Our best time yet." Rarity announced proudly. "The birds will have plenty of places to raise their families. I'm off to help Fluttershy with tidying up all the hibernating animal's dens now."

Johnathon nodded at Pinkie's ice skates. "What are you up to, Pinkie? What's with the skates, anyway?"

The Pink earth pony grinned at him. "We're going to score the lake, so that when the weather team clears the clouds, the ice will melt evenly."

The archeologist looked interested. "Maybe I could help with that? I'm no Olympic skater, but I can manage a straight line and stay on my feet, anyway." he frowned. "Although I don't have any skates in my size...."

Rarity beamed. "I believe I can help you with that, Johnathon. Allow me!" she concentrated, pointing her horn at a spare pair of skates. Her horn lit up, and the skates floated into the air, transforming as they floated over to him. Johnathon caught the pair of skates with a surprised look on his face. Rarity smiled at him "These should fit you now, Johnathon, try them on and let me know."

Johnathon quickly changed into the skates, and nodded. "They fit perfectly. Thanks, Rarity!"

The unicorn shrugged with a modest smile. "It is nothing, Johnathon. If I couldn't remember a customer's sizes, I wouldn't make a very good fashion designer, now would I?"

Johnathon looked skeptical. "I have the feeling you're just being modest. I doubt there's another designer with your skills this side of Canterlot."

Pinkie grinned and nodded. "Our Rarity is the best!" she agreed happily. She turned to Johnathon. "You think you can skate then?"

Johnathon nodded, gingerly stepping out onto the frozen lake. "Just give me a little while to get my balance, I should be alright," his arms flailed, and he grabbed onto Pinkie's back and shoulders to keep from pitching over. "Whoa... I can do this, I can do this." Pinkie held herself still as he pushed himself fully upright again, and stepped away from her, slowly sliding across the ice. "OK... I think I'm OK..."

Pinkie spun around and skated after him, watching his feet with interest. "You're a bit wobbly bobbly... can you stop?"

Johnathon pushed a foot forward, and dragged it sideways for awhile, stopping his forward momentum and teetering slightly before steadying himself. "Apparently." he grinned. "I'm a bit out of practice... but I should be able to manage."

Pinkie grinned. "Welcome to the team!" she told him enthusiastically.

Johnathon spent the rest of the afternoon with Pinkie and a group of other ponies who knew how to ice skate, scoring lake after lake. It was surprisingly hard work. Johnathon's ankles were sore by the time they were working on the final lake. They were just finishing up when he heard a piercing bird cry. Everypony looked up at the sound, and Pinkie grinned, skating over to Johnathon with an anticipatory look on her face.

"Everypony off the ice!" she called loudly, still grinning. Following Johnathon to the shore, she pointed up and to the west. "Keep your eyes on the sky. You don't want to miss this!"

Johnathon looked up at the oppressive cloud cover in confusion. Before long, he could hear a strange rhythmic sound from above. Finally he identified the sound as that of many powerful wings flapping. The pegasi were coming. At first, he could barely see them, a column of shadowy forms racing through the center of the clouds at incredible speed, but as they passed overhead, he followed them with his eyes. Behind them, a cone of nearly solid air formed, stripping the clouds out of the sky with almost violent force. In minutes, the clouds were ripped out of the sky across all of Ponyville, letting the sun beam down unobstructed. The human archeologist gaped in astonishment at the suddenly cloudless sky.

Saying goodbye to Pinkie, Johnathon found his way back to Applejack and the plant team. They had already gotten the snow cleared from most of the major fields around town, and Johnathon took his place at the rear end of a plowing team, planting seeds. He worked for hours, already tired, but pushing himself on, not willing to stop while everypony else was still working so hard. Night fell, and the ponies kept working, as did Johnathon. Pinkie came through at one point with refreshments for everypony, sugary treats and drinks to keep them going through the night. As the morning dawned, however, Johnathon looked around in wonder. As the sun illuminated the town bit by bit, he found himself amazed by the transformation. In a single day, just twenty four hours from start to finish, the town of Ponyville and it's surroundings had completely transformed.

The morning before, when Winter Wrap Up had started, it had been a chilly winter day. Now, it was the very picture of spring. The lakes and springs were flowing, the snow and ice was almost completely gone. The whole town gathered around one final time to hear the Mayor and Twilight Sparkle announce that they had completed wrapping up winter in record time this year, and the cheers and the sound of ponies stomping their hooves in applause thundered throughout the valley. The energy and excitement was palatable, and Johnathon's exhaustion seemed to vanish almost like magic as a seemingly spontaneous party broke out, ponies dancing and laughing and breaking up into groups to talk and celebrate the success of all their hard work.

It didn't last, of course. Johnathon ate enough for three men his size before his fatigue finally caught up with him, and he found Cheerilee as his eyes started getting heavy. Leaning on the sturdy earth pony mare, he staggered back to their home, and collapsed into bed still fully dressed.


Three days later, Johnathon was on the train to Canterlot. He had been amazed by the sheer industriousness of the Ponyville ponies during the Winter Wrap Up. In a single day, they had, in almost every way, changed the season from winter to spring. He had known, intellectually at least, that the ponies were responsible for many of the changes that would happen automatically on his world, but it had become plainly obvious to the archeologist that they were well practiced at the tasks involved. They had the natural world under their nearly complete control. It was both amazing and a bit disturbing to the scientist in him.

"I'm amazed at how practiced you are at wrapping up winter." he told Cheerilee thoughtfully. The school teacher had volunteered to travel with him to Canterlot. They planned on visiting the Canterlot University together after his interview, but the purple earth pony found herself wanting to hear the Princesses recollections from the time of Discord's reign almost as much as the archeologist. The two of them were alone in their car.

"Oh?" Cheerilee prompted helpfully, sensing that her human friend was building up to something once again. "Was there something in particular that interested you?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, I was extremely impressed how everypony pitched in together. The ponies of Ponyville accomplished nothing short of a miracle in getting all that done in a single day. Your teamwork was really impressive."

Cheerilee smiled. "Well, that's nice of you to say... but I have the feeling that's not everything you noticed."

Johnathon blinked. "Well... no." he looked at her. "Am I that predictable?"

Cheerilee giggled. "Only to those who know you well, I think, and we have been living and working together for months now."

The human grinned at her softly. "Well, you do know me pretty well by now, I think. You're my best friend here in Equestria."

"I consider you a very good friend as well." Cheerilee said with a soft smile of her own. "Even if you talk all the time... and have a bad habit of periodically challenging everything I think I know about my own world."

Johnathon shrugged with a grin. "I just can't help myself."

Cheerilee chuckled. "Just like a stallion. No self control."

Johnathon nodded agreeably. "It's lucky for me that I have a nice, sensible mare to settle me down."

Cheerilee snorted at that, but chose not to comment, changing the subject. "So... what else did you notice about Winter Wrap Up that has you thinking out loud today?"

"I noticed how many different types of animals that the animal team helped. Yesterday, I asked Fluttershy if she knew how many different species you ponies help get started each spring. She had to think about it... she knows most of the animals in the area surrounding Ponyville personally, apparently, but there are apparently several hundred different species of animals and birds that the animal team helps out each year."

Cheerilee nodded. "That seems about right. Does that mean something?"

Johnathon frowned. "Well, the number of species that survive in the area around a rural town in America... that's where I come from, seem to be similar... but in areas with less humans, and more wildlife, the number of species rise drastically. In the rainforest I was in before I came to Equestra through that portal, for example, there are hundreds of thousands of different species. From what Fluttershy tells me, the Everfree forest is home to many species that don't exist outside of it... as far as she knows, anyway. I suspect that this may be true throughout Equestria."

Cheerilee frowned. "I'm not sure I'm following. What are you talking about?"

Johnathon scratched his chin. "Well... in a natural environment, at least in my world, there are a whole lot more species present than one that's more strictly controlled. I suspect that a lot of species have gone extinct since Discord's time, while you were learning how to restore the balance." he shrugged. "It's just another piece of the puzzle, but it fits." he glanced at Cheerilee. "I've looked at maps of Equestria. It's pretty big... but as far as I can tell, you don't even fill this entire continent, and this continent is only a small part of the whole world. Does nature take care of itself outside of your borders?"

Cheerilee blinked. "I'm not sure. I'm afraid I never learned much about what is outside the boarders of Equestria while I was in school. I expect Twilight Sparkle knows more, since she's been to the university in Canterlot."

Johnathon nodded. "I've been meaning to ask her, but she's pretty busy studying interdimensional magic... and I don't want to disturb her with a brand new project."

Cheerilee looked interested. "How is that going, by the way? You said she was making progress. Does she really think she'll be able to figure it out?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Actually, she said she might be able to get me home by the Summer Sun Celebration... or just after it, anyway."

Cheerilee was silent for a long time. "That's... great!" she finally said with faint enthusiasm. "Just a few more months, and you'll be able to go home!" she sniffed quietly, and glanced out the window, hiding her face from him, trying to make it look like she was just interested in the scenery.

"I'll miss you too." Johnathon said quietly. "I'll miss you terribly." he sighed. "I'll miss everypony... Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack... even the Crusaders, but I'll miss you the most."

Cheerilee nodded sadly. "We'll miss you too, Johnathon." she sighed deeply. "I knew that Twilight was working on getting you home... but... it never seemed real."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "I was starting to get used to the idea that I might be here forever. It wasn't all that terrible a thought, you know? I mean... I miss home, and my friends and family... but... I've started to get used to living in Ponyville...."

Cheerilee sniffed and shook her head. "You need to go home if you can, Johnathon. Your family, your friends, I'm sure they miss you too."

Johnathon sighed. "They probably all think I'm dead by now, They've probably held my funeral already. It'll be a real shock when I show up, I bet."

"I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you!" Cheerilee insisted. "Your parents... and your brother, and your step son!"

Johnathon nodded. "It's been over a year since I've seen any of them. I had already been on my dig in the Amazon for several months before I got pulled through to Equestria... but I know they'll be happy to see me." he sighed. "I am alive... if I can, I have to go back, let them know I survived. Even if... even if I wanted to stay... I can't."

Cheerilee's ears flattened against her head slightly. "I know. I just wish...." Johnathon glanced at her, frowning sadly, and their eyes met. She sighed and shook her head. "Well, you'll be welcome for as long as you can stay, and we'll all miss you when you leave. I do understand why you have to go though."

He smiled sadly. "I'll miss running with you."

Cheerilee sighed. "I think I'll miss that the most as well."


Shining Star had met them at the train station in Canterlot. "The princess wanted to assign you two a liaison officer for your stay in Canterlot." he told them with a smile. "I volunteered for the duty." he made a gesture with his head. "I'll take you two to Princess Celestia. She's expecting you."

The unicorn, human, and earth pony made their way at a brisk pace through the city of Canterlot. Many ponies stopped and stared at Johnathon as they went by, but more in surprise than fear. The archeologist sighed to himself. He hated being the center of attention like this. At least in Ponyville he was well known enough not to be a curiosity anymore, but here in Canterlot, and presumably anywhere else he ventured in Equestria, he would have to get used to being stared at. Still, it could be much worse. Johnathon wondered what reaction a creature as alien as a human was here would get in his own world. The ponies of Equestria at least tended to be polite. He hadn't been attacked or harassed once since he had first arrived in Equestria, excepting the initial incident at Sweet Apple Acres.

Of course, as far as he was concerned, that hardly counted. Applebloom had been wary, but friendly, and only his mistake in thinking she was a family pet of some sort had caused Applejack to attack him. He imagined what the reaction of some farmer on earth might have to a dragon, or griffon carrying one of their children. The likely response would probably include a rifle and not a lasso. Of course, the fact that he was almost always accompanied by a pony when he came to a new town in Equestria probably helped the situation quite a bit.

They passed over the drawbridge into the Castle, walking past a pair of guards who nodded to their escort as they passed through, then walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle uninterrupted. A pair of unicorn guards that Johnathon didn't know were outside Princess Celestia's chambers, but again they simply stepped aside, horns glowing as they opened the doors for Johnathon and Cheerilee.

Shining Star stopped in the hall. "I'll be out here if you need me." he told them with a calm expression. "I'll leave you to your business with the Princess for now." Johnathon nodded to him, and followed the purple earth pony into the Princess's bedroom.

"Hello Johnathon. Hello Cheerilee." Princess Celestia greeted them, looking pleased. "It's good to see you again."

Cheerilee bowed low, while Johnathon smiled and inclined his head. "It's always a pleasure, Princess Celestia." he said calmly. "I'm hoping I could ask you a few questions about your history today, if you have some time?"

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Are you interested in a particular portion of Equestrian history, or are you referring to my history in particular."

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "A little of both, if that's alright."

Celestia nodded politely. "Certainly. You have about an hour before your interview with Mazie Mane, but I can spare some time to answer some questions first."

Johnathon grimaced slightly. "Oh yeah, that..." He scratched behind his head. "I suppose I wanted to talk to you about that as well... make sure I didn't say anything I shouldn't."

The Princess looked thoughtful. "Well, you've been quite good at being tactful in the past, Johnathon, so I wasn't worried, but did you have any particular concerns about your interview?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, I guess I just wondered if you had any advice. Mazie said she asked where I came from, and you didn't answer. Should I not mention the portal? Or the fact that it appeared during Discord's return?"

Princess Celestia hesitated. "At the time, I was concerned with avoiding any sort of panic. Even a peripheral association with Discord might have caused ponies to make unfortunate assumptions about you. Some time has passed now, but it still might be wise to avoid mentioning that particular fact."

Johnathon nodded. "Alright, I'll steer away from mentioning Discord. Anything else?"

The Princess looked thoughtful. "Well, when in doubt, think a minute before answering any question that you didn't expect. I know you like to explain things in detail, but don't digress too much. If you can think of a harmless story or two about your adaptation to life here in Equestria, go ahead and go into detail, but otherwise, keep things simple, and light." she shrugged. "And... good luck? I've been talking to the press for centuries, and they still catch me off guard sometimes. Don't worry too much, however. Mazie Mane is a reasonably responsible reporter, or so I've found in the past. A bit too dedicated to her work, perhaps, but that's not a terribly bad thing."

Johnathon sighed. "I'll do my best." he shrugged. "I'm sure it won't be that bad." he took a deep breath, then changed the subject. "I've been researching Equestrian history, as I'm sure you're aware, and most recently, I've been looking into the time period that Discord reigned... and earlier. There's not much, of course."

Celestia nodded. "That's true. For quite some time after Discord was defeated, ponies were much more interested in survival... and rebuilding. It was a terrible time. Much was lost."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "I gathered as much. You and your sister were actually there, however. Have you ever recorded your experiences from those times for posterity?"

Princess Celestia looked at him seriously. "It took several hundred years after Discord's reign ended before ponies had enough energy and free time to worry about history. There were bards, and storytellers, of course, but as you have no doubt already discovered, no real written version of those events."

Johnathon frowned. "Why?"

The white alicorn hesitated. "You have to understand, Equestria was in a state of chaos at that time. Ponies were interested in simple survival. In rebuilding. We had lost so much. Farming, building, medicine... even the knowledge of reading and writing, these things are things of order, and Discord destroyed order wherever he found it.

She sighed. "It was... difficult, rebuilding. We had stories, legends of what we had been before Discord, and knowing what we had once had, we worked hard to regain those skills we had lost. Farming... building homes and shelters for our people came first... we quickly realized that nature itself was on a downward spiral without Discord's magic, and we worked frantically for over a century to fix what had been broken."

Johnathon's eyes lit up. "I thought as much!" he coughed, noticing Celestia and Cheerilee regarding him narrowly. "Oh... sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Please... go on."

Celestia smiled slightly. "In any event, not everything was destroyed. The unicorns were one of the last groups to fall to Discord, and they protected what they could of our history, our knowledge. They made their last stand in what is now the Everfree forest. My sister and I were born during that time, and our greatest scholars and mages gathered together to create weapons with which to fight. The elements of Harmony... wielded by my sister and I. Luna and I were still too young and inexperienced to help in their construction... and indeed, knowledge of their use would have limited our ability to become attuned to them, so we knew nothing of how they were created. Unfortunately, those who did have that knowledge did not survive the war."

She shrugged. "After Discord's defeat, the three races of pony kind once again went their separate ways. Earth ponies worked to relearn the techniques of farming, and caring for the land... Pegasi regained their mastery of the sky, and the weather... and unicorns, what few there were left, worked tirelessly to regain all the magical skill that had been lost during the time of chaos, in case Discord, or another, similar threat should return." Celestia frowned. "At first, things went well... and then we started to realize just how much damage Discord's chaos had done to our world. For the next few hundred years, we struggled just to survive. When we finally started to thrive... to expand our borders, when we gained the luxury to do more than just put food on our tables, we started bringing back the other things we had lost."

Celestia sighed. "Literacy... a school system, these are relatively recent innovations. Writing down our history didn't seem important when we weren't sure if we'd have any future."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "When you say relatively recent, you're talking about eight hundred years ago or so?"

Celestia laughed. "Yes... I suppose that must seem like ancient history to you."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, on my world, we have around three thousand years of written history... although much of it is a bit questionable. As for literacy... well, even in the most civilized sections of our world, literacy wasn't all that common until the last few hundred years or so." he frowned. "So I suppose I can understand something of what you're talking about."

Celestia looked interested. "I would like to know more about your own world's history at some point, I think, Johnathon, but I realize I've been dancing around your question for some time now. You wanted to know if Luna or I ever recorded our own recollections of the period during Discords reign and afterword." she hesitated, frowning. "You're not the first to ask. In fact, the Canterlot historical society asked me the same thing almost six hundred years ago. At that time, I did help put together a rough outline of Equestrian history during the... oh, seven hundred year gap between Discord's fall and the point where our history was seriously recorded again. It was... a rather embarrassing situation. While my sister and I are, essentially ageless, we are not all knowing or all seeing. On the contrary, our memories are no better than any other pony. Well, perhaps a bit better than average, but even for us, seven hundred years... or nine hundred years, if you're counting how long it was before any pony asked me to record what I remembered... is a long time to try to retain everything."

The alicorn princess sighed. "I remembered enough to give a rough outline of our history during that period. Names... exact dates... I could remember few of the first, and practically none of the latter. My memoirs, and several treatise written on or about them, including a few good ones that incorporate the fables, songs, and others bits of history passed down through our oral tradition, are stored in the Canterlot Archives. Students of history at the University level often study them, I'm told."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "I see. Could I ask you one more question?"

Celestia nodded graciously back. "Of course."

Johnathon hesitated. "The reason it took seven hundred years for Equestria to recover from Discord's storm of Chaos... was part of it because he... broke nature?" he wrinkled his nose. "You and your sister raise and lower the sun and moon... the ponies here in Equestria, they care for the animals and plants... but... it wasn't always that way, was it?"

Princess Celestia frowned. "It's true that Discord's reign of Chaos had left our world terribly out of balance. It's just... no pony remembers what things were truly like before he came." she sighed. "I remember... vaguely, that after Discord was defeated, mages on the Unicorn council discovered that the Sun and Moon were losing their orbit... that they were slowing... and getting closer and closer to our planet. Many of the most powerful of them gathered together to correct the problem, and it took all the energy of the greatest unicorn mages of that time to do it. Luna and I had not yet gained our cutie marks at that point. We had great strength... everything came easy to us. After Discord's defeat, we did not know what our purpose should be. Raising the sun and moon... it was a terrible burden for the mortal unicorns that took that task upon themselves. They had to act in concert, and many unicorns burned themselves out, even died."

She smiled slightly. "Not to make light of the matter... but that's how my sister and I got our Cutie Marks. We took over the tasks of raising the sun and moon. We found our purpose, and we've been responsible for that task ever since."

Celestia frowned. "It is true that restoring nature's balance was a terribly difficult project. Restoring the damage Discord's chaos created took many generations, and truthfully, some things have never recovered."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "You said that the unicorns lived in the Everfree forest... and they were the last to be defeated by Discord. Is that why nature still works there?"

Princess Celestia nodded. "It's not perfect there, but yes. Over the years, I have developed a theory... Discord's changes only became permanent after a full generation had passed. To a great deal of the world, the damage was done... but the Everfree forest was one of the last bastions of order. It fell some years before Discord was finally sealed into stone, but it was able to recover... mostly."

Johnathon looked interested. "So, why didn't you stay in the Everfree? Why is that the only place Ponies don't live?"

Celestia hesitated. "I would like to say it was because we wanted to restore nature, but frankly, at first, it was just easier to move into the places that Discord had... pacified. There were next to no wild animals... no trees to clear, we could plant whatever we needed without struggle. The Everfree was a wilderness, just as it is now. It held many dangers... one reason why Discord left it alone till the last, perhaps. It was an excellent place to hide, of course, but not a place to live and grow."

She smiled. "Now, of course, it is a wilderness sanctuary of sorts. My little ponies are discouraged from building there, or encroaching too closely into it's borders."

Johnathon looked curious. "What about outside Equestria's borders. I've seen maps... Equestria doesn't even cover this whole continent. How did nature fare out there?"

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "it's said that Discord himself was a pony... at least at first. Certainly he focused his madness on the ponies of Equestria first and foremost. He did less damage outside our borders, thankfully, and there are places outside Equestria just as wild and untamed as the Everfree."

Johnathon nodded again. "Well... I guess that answers all of my questions for now." he grinned at her. "Although I'd love to get a look at your memoirs."

The Princess smiled. "You are certainly welcome to do so."

Cheerilee, who had been listening quietly the entire time, finally spoke up. "So it's true, Princess? The entire world used to be like the Everfree forest?"

Princess Celestia hesitated. "To a large extent, I believe so. I cannot be certain, of course. Certainly not all the world was as... dangerous as the Everfree. There were plains, and deserts before Discord. But... as far as I know, the weather was not controlled by ponies before Discord... at least not to the extent it is today. I don't believe the sun and moon were controlled by anypony before Discord either. How exactly they moved in their orbits before then has been the subject of much scholarly debate." she glanced at Johnathon. "I wonder if you might not be able to shed some light on that subject."

The archeologist hesitated. "Well, I do have a general knowledge of how it works in my universe, but I'm hardly an astrophysicist." he scratched his head. "I know I promised I'd write up a paper about how it all works, but I've been a little distracted...."

Celestia smiled. "There is no rush, Johnathon."

The archeologist hesitated. "Well, there is probably a little rush. Twilight thinks she might be able to get me home as early as just after the Summer Sun Celebration."

Princess Celestia blinked. "Truly?" she looked thoughtful. "I suppose if she solves her difficulties with the dimensional spells, it may indeed be possible by that point." she raised an eyebrow. "Am I to take it that she intends to use the power she will borrow from me to open a portal at that point?"

Johnathon coughed. "Er... yeah, that sounded like her plan."

Celestia nodded. "It's a workable solution to the power problem. I suppose the other main factor she'll need to solve is whether or not Strangehorn's spells truly do create a dimensional gateway... and if she can create one to your world, and not some other dimension."

Johnathon grimaced. "Some other dimension?" he frowned thoughtfully. "Oh... right, Twilight wanted a hair and blood sample from me so that she could be sure she had found the right dimension when she did try opening a gate. I nearly forgot about that."

Princess Celestia looked pleased. "It seems my faithful student has already considered her remaining difficulties, and has plans on how to overcome them." she smiled at the man. "With any luck, she will indeed succeed in solving those final difficulties before the Summer Sun Celebration." the princess regarded him calmly. "Are you looking forward to your return home?"

Johnathon hesitated. "I must admit, my feelings are torn on the matter. I would regret never being able to return to my world, but at the same time, I will miss the friends I've made while I have been here. Still, in the end, going home is the right thing to do. My friends, my family, they must wonder if I'm dead or alive. I can't leave them wondering."

Celestia smiled faintly. "You would be welcome to stay if you so choose, but of course, you must do what you think is right."

Johnathon's shoulders sagged slightly. "You're not making it any easier for me."

The immortal princess looked wistfully at him. "I'm sorry. I can't imagine what you must be going through. I wish I could help more."

The archeologist quickly shook his head. "You're doing more than I have any right to ask, Princess. You have nothing to apologize for."

There was a knock on the door, and Shining Star let himself into the room. "Princess, Johnathon, there is a Mazie Mane waiting in the press room for an interview?"

Johnathon nodded, and sighed. "Might as well get this over with."

Cheerilee spoke up again. "Would you like me to come with you?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... I wouldn't mind the moral support, but I don't know if that's a great idea. She'll probably want to know what it's like living with a human... and if I was writing the story, the fact that the alien creature is living with a school teacher might be a pretty major point of interest."

Celestia smiled. "I'd offer to come with you myself, but unfortunately I'm already running late for Day court." she put a hoof on Johnathon's shoulder reassuringly. "Just stay calm, and take a few moments to consider any questions that surprise you, and you'll be fine."

Johnathon nodded. "Thanks." he turned to Shining Star. "Lead the way. Let's give Miss Mane her interview."


"Let's get started with some preliminary questions." Mazie began after several moments, sitting comfortably across from Johnathon in a comfortable lounge. "How about something easy. How old are you?"

"I'm turning forty in another couple months." Johnathon told her calmly.

Mazie noted that down on a pad of paper, then asked another question. "Is it true that you are from another world... a whole different dimension from our own?"

Johnathon nodded. "That's true."

"How did you get here?"

"I was working on an excavation of an ancient ruin in a place called the Amazon Rainforest." he explained. "And, what I could only describe now as a portal opened up near where I was camping, and when I moved closer to investigate, I was pulled through into your world."

Mazie wrote furiously for a few moments, then looked up again. "There have been some interesting rumors about you since your arrival. Some ponies say you're a warrior from a barbaric world. How would you respond to this?"

Johnathon blinked, but had an answer prepared. "I was... I am an archeologist. I study ancient cultures through the artifacts they leave behind to learn about them." he shrugged. "I'm no warrior. At one point in my life, I did hold a position as a guard, but not for anything important. I'm really more of a scholar than anything."

Mazie nodded to this and continued to jot notes down. "Do you have any idea how or why this portal of yours appeared and brought you to Equestria?"

Johnathon hesitated before answering. "I'm not very knowledgeable about magic, but I believe it was something left over from long ago. Princess Celestia has told me that it's closed again, and it's likely to stay that way, unless it's forced open, anyway."

Mazie looked sympathetic. "So you're stuck here on our world?"

Johnathon shrugged. "For the moment. It's always possible that they'll figure out a way to get me home, but then again, they may never manage it."

The pony reporter frowned. "So you don't know whether or not you'll ever get home again?"

Johnathon nodded. "That's true... but I can't complain. Everypony has been very hospitable to me, and Equestria is a nice place. I miss my home, but I'm not unhappy here."

Mazie smiled. "That's good to hear. Is there anything in particular that you like about Equestria?"

Johnathon thought about that. "Well... I suppose I like the ponies here. Everypony has really been nice... and I've made several friends since I've come here. Everypony has really made me feel welcome."

Mazie grinned knowingly at him. "Is there any pony that's particularly special to you right now?"

The human blinked. "Well... like I said, I've made quite a few good friends."

Mazie raised an eyebrow. "I've been told that you've been living with a Miss Cheerilee, a school teacher down in Ponyville, since just after your arrival. Are you two especially close?"

Johnathon grinned. "Well, we do go jogging together... and I consider Miss Cheerilee a good friend, but that's really the extent of it."

Mazie looked curious. "So, no truth to the rumors that you and Cheerilee might have romantic feelings for each other?"

He chuckled. "I apologize, but your world has a bit more... interesting romantic fiction than mine... as well as a few more intelligent species than my world. I was just reading this romance novel about a griffon and a unicorn the other day..." he shook his head. "I'm afraid to say that fiction is more interesting than reality. I'm a widower, and I loved my wife dearly, but I don't have any romantic feelings for anypony.... or any griffon for that matter. I really doubt I'd ever have feelings like that for any... individual who isn't the same species as me."

Mazie chuckled lightly. "Well, that will disappoint the tabloids, I suppose." she paused to jot some more notes down. "One more question, if I may?"

Johnathon nodded. "Sure. Go ahead."

Mazie quirked her head to one side. "I'm curious. Since you may be here for the rest of your life, what future plans, if any, do you have?"

Johnathon thought about that. "Well, up to this point, I've been studying your world and your culture. I've spent months learning your language. I've still got a lot of studying to do before I'm satisfied on that front. After that? I'm not sure. I'm an archeologist. Perhaps I could do something in that field here? I know there are at least a few ruins that are still mostly unexplored, and I'd be fascinated to see what I could dig up about your earlier history."

Mazie smiled. "Well, hopefully you don't run into any more portals to strange worlds in the process." they both chuckled at the joke, and Mazie put away her notebook and ink pen. "Well, that should do it. I have plenty for my story now, I think." she held out a hoof to Johnathon. "Thanks for the interview. I got a lot of great material."

He nodded. "I'm glad I could help. I'm really not interested in the spotlight, but I understand that ponies would like to know about the alien in their midst."

Mazie smiled at him. "Well, I understand having a desire for privacy. If I want a follow up interview, I'll invite you here to Canterlot again, if that's alright. I know the folks in Ponyville like their privacy."

"That seems true enough." Johnathon agreed easily. "And I can't disagree. I like the quiet life, when I can get it."

Mazie shrugged. "Well, each to their own. Me, I can't get enough of the big city. I love the energy, the excitement! It's a great time to be a reporter in Equestria, I can tell you!"

"What's the most interesting story going on right now, do you think?" Johnathon asked curiously.

Mazie considered that. "Prince Blueblood's unveiling a new airship next week... it's supposed to be the fastest ever built." she frowned. "Although for some reason, the Prince hasn't been available for comment." The reporter grinned. "I can smell a scoop. Something is up with the Prince, I know it!"

Johnathon smiled at her. "Well, good luck with your story. Sound's interesting. I'll be sure to buy a copy of your paper when that article comes out."

Mazie grinned. "It'll be a sizzler." she stood up, and Johnathon did as well. "I'll be filing the story on you in a couple days. I'll have a copy sent to you. It won't be front page news or anything, but it should get me above the fold on the fourth page, at least. A half page story minimum."

Johnathon nodded. "I'll be looking forward to reading it." he shook her hoof again, and left the room. When he was out of the room, and the door firmly closed behind him, he shook his head. "Blueblood isn't available for comment, huh? That's not going to end well..."

Shining Star and Cheerilee looked up at him. "What's that about Blueblood?" The grey unicorn asked curiously.

"Mazie Mane is planning on doing a story about his new Airship." Johnathon explained. "Apparently she's wondering why he's been out of circulation, and she's planning on tracking him down."

Shining Star frowned. "Ah well, we figured it was only a matter of time." he shrugged. "Don't worry, we've already got a cover story in place. The Prince has apparently contracted a bad case of horn rot... and is in isolation for his health. Oh, eventually it might get out that he's actually being held under house arrest, but no pony knows the details except a few of us in the guard, the princesses, and of course you and your friends in Ponyville... and none of us are talking." he shrugged. "And the Prince isn't likely to chance Princess Luna's wrath by breaking his contract with her either, so Miss Mazie is going to run into another dead end, I'm afraid."

Johnathon shook his head. "I'm not sure who to feel worse for... Mazie, or Blueblood."

Shining Star opened his mouth to speak, then blinked. "You know what?" he finally said. "I'm not sure either."

Chapter 22

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With Shining Star as their guide, Johnathon and Cheerilee made their way over to the University of Canterlot. They went to the Archives first, and were greeted by a stuffy looking unicorn mare.

"I'm told you wish to view volume one of Celestia's personal memoirs?" the dark green unicorn said with a frown. "I'm afraid that document cannot leave the archive. It's preserved by the spells in the ancient documents vault. You can, however, review the material there."

Johnathon nodded. "I understand. Do you have any writing materials I might borrow? I'll want to take some notes."

The Librarian frowned, but nodded. "I believe we can spare you something."

She led the way to the back of the library, and into a back room with a rather formidable looking solid marble door in the back of it. The words "Canterlot Archives" were chiseled into the solid stone above the door. The unicorn's horn glowed brightly, and the door slowly opened with a loud hiss of air escaping. Beyond a stair spiraled downwards and out of sight.

"Follow me." the librarian said firmly. "Please stay close." she led the way down the spiral staircase, and as soon as all of them were inside, she turned around, her horn glowing again, causing the heavy marble door to close behind them. With the door shut, the air was very still, moved only by the movement of their bodies as they walked. The air was stale, but breathable. They traveled downward for what seemed like several hundred meters before reaching another large marble doorway. "Just through here." the librarian said softly. "Please, be respectful, and handle the documents here with great care." she said, turning to Johnathon Dwire. "Some of the older documents are quite fragile."

"I understand." Johnathon told her calmly. "As an archeologist, I've dealt with ancient writings many times in the past, and when uncovering artifacts, one has to be very careful not to damage anything. I'll be extremely careful, I promise."

The librarian raised an eyebrow at him and stared at him for several long moments as if gauging the truth of his words, then nodded. "Very well." her horn glowed, and the large marble door swung slowly open with a soft wheeze of air.

Beyond, a large open chamber was revealed, it's tall, arched ceilings going back for hundreds of feet. Throughout the room, evenly spaced, were small chambers of marble and thick glass, each about twenty feet square, and fifteen feet high or so, each filled with bookshelves and ancient looking books and scrolls.

The libarian led them into the room, past half a dozen of the separated chambers, before arriving at one that was marked "Celestine chamber" in ornate script over what appeared to be another, smaller, marble doorway.

"Just a moment." the librarian said. "I'll cast a shield spell over the door and open it. You'll need to pass through the shield and through the door so I can close it relatively quickly please, as I can't maintain such a shield for very long, I'm afraid. Don't worry, it's just to maintain the seal on the room."

Johnathon blinked. "Ah. Right. No problem." he wasn't sure what exactly to expect, but it sounded like they didn't want any fresh air getting to the older documents, which made perfect sense to him, so he simply nodded.

The librarian nodded at the doorway. "When you're ready to come out, knock on the doorway, and I'll put up the shield again and open the door for you to leave." she glared at him warningly. "I'll be watching you from outside." turning to the marble door, her horn glowed, and a light green bubble appeared over the doorway. A moment later, the door opened, and she turned to Johnathon. "Go on through now."

Johnathon glanced at Cheerilee. "Coming?"

She nodded quickly. "Of course. I'll be right behind you."

The archeologist walked up to the green bubble, frowned, and put his hand out. His hand passed through the side of the bubble with only the slightest effort, and with a shrug, the man walked forward quickly, moving through the doorway, and through the bubble again, which apparently encased the opening on both sides. Cheerilee came through behind him, and a moment later the marble door swung shut. An instant after that, the green bubble disappeared as well.

The room was relatively well lit from outside, large windows in every side and in the ceiling providing plenty of lights from what appeared to be large glowing gemstones of some sort placed every twenty feet or so in the ceiling of the large open room outside. Johnathon started looking around the shelves with interest, Cheerilee just behind him.


They had been at it for several hours already. Cheerilee had helped Johnathon to translate the more difficult sections of Princess Celestia's memoirs, and the human had pulled out several other books and scrolls from the same era, looking for something in particular.

"It was something Celestia said while we were talking to her." Johnathon told Cheerilee excitedly as he located a passage relevant to his search. "She said that the unicorns were the last hold outs against Discord... and that they did their best to secure what knowledge they could against him. I've been thinking that... if I were them, I'd have sealed away that knowledge in a vault somewhere. Someplace like they have here... underground, protected by whatever spells they could muster. Someplace hidden. I've been hoping to find references to anything like that, and I found several references to a 'bastion of knowledge' that is supposedly in the 'last refuge', wherever that is."

He pointed to the ancient book that contained the Princesses memoirs. "In her book, Celestia mentions that no pony living after Discord's defeat knew the actual location of the 'last refuge' but that it was supposed to be hidden deep underground. However, from what I've gathered from the other material written about that time period, the only place the Unicorns held before the end was the Everfree... so it has to be someplace inside there."

Cheerilee nodded. "That makes sense." she frowned. "I wonder why no pony has found it yet? It's been so long."

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... to be honest, there seems to be a magical component. According to what I've read here... the Elements of Harmony are the key to finding the 'last refuge.' They are referenced several times. I'm only vaguely familiar with the kinds of magic that might have been used to protect such a place, but if they wanted to hide something like that from Discord, it would have to have been really powerful, right?"

Cheerilee nodded again, slowly. "I suppose." she frowned. "But... what kind of key could they be? I thought they were a weapon."

Johnathon shook his head. "I'm not sure. I expect that Twilight Sparkle might know as much as anypony. Princess Celestia and Luna probably could help us with that as well." he pointed at a open scroll, yellowed with age, and missing several pieces. "Still... there are notes that the key to find the last refuge is in the Ancient Castle in the Everfree. Of course, that's where the Elements were found... but I'm wondering if there might not be something else left behind there. A map, maybe? Some sort of magical portal that only the Elements can open?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Why hasn't anypony found it yet then? It's been there for over a thousand years."

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, if finding this last refuge requires the elements... well, no pony has been able to use them since Nightmare Moon was banished. There wouldn't have been any way to... do whatever it is that is needed." he frowned. "I'm missing some parts of the puzzle, but I don't think we'll find anything more in here." he started carefully collecting the scrolls and books and putting them back where he had gotten them from. "I want to see if there has been any investigation of those ruins in the last thousand years. If there's a clue, maybe it's already been discovered, and it's here in the archive already."

Cheerilee grinned at him. "Sounds like you want to take a shortcut."

Johnathon shrugged. "It would be nice to at least have someplace to start."

"So... you're hoping to find some sort of... ancient library?" Cheerilee said incredulously. "One that nopony has seen since before Discord was defeated?" she frowned. "It just doesn't make sense though, does it? Surely the Princess would have been able to find this last refuge in all this time."

Johnathon walked around the large table in the center of the room, and carefully turned the page of a large text that included several notes on the Elements of Harmony. "This book implies that the Elements are capable of more than being used as a weapon... that they can... open secret ways... heal magical curses...." he frowned. "And... reveal truth?" the archeologist shrugged. "If I was reading this on my world, I'd find some of this pretty hard to believe... but here? Magic is quite real. I'm not sure... but I think that it's quite possible that what they describe is literally true." he turned to Cheerilee. "And maybe the Princess couldn't find this refuge because the power of the Elements is literally the only thing that can... I don't know... open the way?"

Cheerilee looked thoughtful, then smiled. "It sounds like you've found a new puzzle for yourself."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, it might be nothing. Still, it'd be kind of interesting to see if anypony before me has had the same idea." he carefully closed the last book and put it back on the shelf. "Are you willing to play research assistant for me awhile longer?"

The purple earth pony school teacher grinned at him. "I get the feeling you're about to get me into some more interesting times." Cheerilee said with a wry smile.

"Is that a yes or a no?"

Cheerilee laughed. "Oh, I couldn't walk away now. Of course I'll help. Like you said, it may be nothing, but... it would be really interesting if there actually is some sort of ancient library in the Everfree, wouldn't it?"

Johnathon walked over to knock on the marble door for the librarian to let them out. "I just hope it's not too interesting. The last time I encountered something magical on an archeological dig, I got pulled into another dimension."

Cheerilee smiled slightly. "Well, we'll try to avoid that."


It was late in the evening when they got back to the Palace. Celestia invited them to dinner with her and her sister, Luna. It was a quiet affair, just the four of them, in a elegant dining room in the back of the palace.

Johnathon had been explaining what they had found during their search of the library that day. "Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that anypony has made a serious search for this 'bastion of knowledge' in the last eight hundred years or so," he concluded. "Or at least, if they have, I couldn't find a record of it."

The alicorn sisters exchanged a curious look.

"I believe there were a number of attempts to locate the 'last refuge' of the unicorns," Princess Celestia said "in the years following Discord's defeat, but nothing ever came of it."

"I remember," Luna said thoughtfully. "The last group set out in search... lets see... some twelve hundred years ago?"

Celestia nodded. "That sounds about right," she sighed. "Their leader... what was his name?" the alicorn princess frowned thoughtfully. "I'm sorry... I really should remember, but..."

Luna spoke softly. "His name was Straight. Straight Bearing," she sighed. "He and his team never returned from their quest."

Celestia sighed as well. "Oh yes. I do remember now. Our world was much more dangerous back then. Very wild," she turned to Johnathon. "We sent a search party, but nopony was found."

Johnathon nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that," he hesitated. "In any event, I wonder if they could have succeeded. From what I've read in the archives, the Elements of Harmony are the key to locating the last refuge."

Luna looked surprised. "Truly? I was not aware of this. No wonder nopony succeeded in locating the refuge!"

Princess Celestia looked thoughtful. "Oh yes... I seem to recall. It was around four hundred years ago. The Canterlot historical society came to me with a request to use the Elements. I explained that the Elements of Harmony could not be used like that... but they had found references to how the Elements might be used to open the path to the 'last refuge' of the unicorns in the ruins of the castle belonging to the Platinum family. I assigned a company of Royal guards to their expedition... I didn't want anypony else lost in the search, but, as I expected, they were unable to activate the Elements of Harmony," she smiled at him. "I expect you'll be talking to my most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle about this next?"

Johnathon nodded. "As soon as we get back to Ponyville, yes. Do you think it's true? That the Elements of Harmony might be able to... open a path to the last refuge of the unicorns?" he hesitated. "And that there might be some sort of... bastion of knowledge there?"

Celestia and Luna exchanged another glance, before the elder sister turned to him. "I believe it's possible, Johnathon," Celestia admitted. "I have not thought about the last refuge for some time. If it is true that the Elements are the key to locating it, then I can understand why nopony else has managed to locate it in all these years," she grinned slightly. "I suspect that the moment you mention the possibility of a lost library to Twilight, you'll get her full attention."

Johnathon chuckled. "I imagine so. It would be like finding the lost library of Alexandria, intact," he said with a wry smile. "Oh," he glanced up at his dinner companions. "That was a library... thought to be the greatest in the world at that time, that was lost... destroyed almost two thousand years ago. Some still think that parts of the library's collection might be found intact...." The archeologist shrugged. "In any event, it would be an incredible discovery."

Luna looked thoughtful. "You would want to start in the Castle of the Ancient Pony sisters in the Everfree forest, I believe... if you wished to pursue this. As far as I am aware, those ruins have been deserted since...." she paused. "Since just after my banishment," she shook her head, then continued. "It would be a major undertaking. The Everfree forest is far from safe, even now. Timber wolves, manticores, cockatrice, and even dragons live in their depths. You would need diggers, guards, and experienced archeologists... not to mention the Elements themselves...."

Princess Celestia frowned. "Twilight already has so much to worry about. I don't know if it's the right time to bring up such an overwhelming project," she blinked. "Then again, now that I think about it, she did mention to me in one of her recent letters that the best place for her to research opening dimensional portals would be by the ancient castle, where the portal to Johnathon's world was. She was concerned about the safety of spending several days in the Everfree while she examined the portal site and attempted to locate Johnathon's dimension," the alicorn princess smiled thoughtfully. "I was thinking about how to assist her, but an expedition to our old castle would give Twilight plenty of security for her experiments at the same time."

Johnathon grinned. "Great. We can kill two birds with one stone!"

Cheerilee grimaced. "Johnathon! That's a terrible thing to say!"

The human winced. "Er... oops? It's a human expression. It means to accomplish two goals at once," he shrugged. "Meat eaters, remember?"

Cheerilee sighed. "I do forget that about you sometimes."

Celestia smiled. "Never-the-less, I believe that is what we shall do. We can arrange for an expedition to our ancient castle to coincide with Twilight's magical research. From her letters to me, she still has several phases of experimentation before she will need to be in the proximity of the portal that you came through, Johnathon, which will give us time to properly organize for this," she looked curious. "Johnathon, would you be interested in heading up the archeology team? You do have experience with such things, do you not?"

Johnathon Dwire blinked. "Me? I'm not sure... I mean, I have been on several digs, but I've never led one. I've never planned anything more complex than a week long camping trip myself," he shrugged. "Besides, I"m just barely fluent with your written language. If it wasn't for Cheerilee helping me, I would still be in the archive trying to translate the first book."

Cheerilee smiled. "I just helped you with parts of it. You were the one who put all the pieces together."

Johnathon shook his head. "You were invaluable. In fact, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to speak or read your language at all without magical help. I don't think anypony else could have taught me so well," he turned to Princess Celestia. "There is one other reason I'd be reluctant to head up any kind of major dig, Princess. I'd expect such a project to take quite some time... especially if we DID find this 'last refuge' of yours. But when Twilight has figured out how to get me home... I... I've got to go. If I'm in charge of a big project like that, I'd be tempted to stay. More tempted, that is," he sighed. "I... already I am finding it difficult contemplating leaving. I've made friends here... good friends. As much as I appreciate the offer, it would just make it even more painful for me when I do have to go."

Princess Celestia nodded. "Of course. I do understand. I'll have a talk with the professors of history at the University here in Canterlot and see if I can't find somepony else to lead the team," she smiled at him. "I assume that you will at least want to assist?"

Johnathon nodded seriously. "Wild horses couldn't keep me away," he grinned. "And yes, that's another Earth saying."


Cheerilee and Johnathon spent the night in adjoining rooms in the palace. The next morning, as they were getting ready to leave, Shining Star came to their rooms.

"There's one place I've been wanting to show you while you're here, Johnathon," Shining Star told him with a grin. "I was going to show you the royal armory while you were here last time, but we never got the chance. There's plenty of time before your train leaves."

Johnathon Dwire blinked. "Well... yeah, actually. That would be pretty cool. Show me the way," he glanced at Cheerilee, who was looking rather interested herself. "Want to come along?"

The purple school teacher nodded. "It will be something interesting to tell the children about when school starts next week." she said thoughtfully.

Shining Star led the way through the palace to the east wing, where the royal guards had their barracks. As they passed, several unicorn and pegasus guards stopped long enough to give Shining Star a snappy salute, but Johnathon was surprised to note how many saluted him as well. He nodded to each guard as they passed, growing slightly confused.

"What's up with everypony?" he asked Shining Star when they had passed out of earshot of any of the other guards. "They're all acting like I'm some sort of bigwig or something."

"It's supposed to be a secret, of course," Shining Star said wryly. "But the fact that you defended the Princess's chambers from an attacker has gotten out among the guard. The guard considers you and Miss Applejack honorary members," he grinned. "Speaking of that... we've got something for Miss Applejack... but you'll see when we get to the armory," he nodded to a pair of gilt iron doors ahead, guarded by a pair of unicorns. "And here we are," the unicorn guards on duty opened the doors for them with their telekinesis, and Shining Star led the way into the large armory room. He nodded to a dressing dummy wearing a set of golden royal guard armor. "That's for Miss Applejack. The guards all chipped in for it. We were hoping you'd bring it to her when you go back to Ponyville."

Johnathon blinked. "Wow...." he smiled. "I'll be glad to bring it to her. I wouldn't expect her to wear it, though..."

Shining Star chuckled. "No, I suppose not. I doubt Miss Applejack would leave her farm for the guard... but she'd be welcome among us. This is our way of thanking her for protecting the Princess in our place."

He nodded at the racks of weapons and armor lining the walls. "As for you, obviously we don't have a suit of armor in your size, but we thought you might like a proper souvenir of your time here. Pick anything you like. It's yours to keep."

Johnathon blinked. "I couldn't! I mean... I'm hardly a warrior... I don't use weapons."

Shining Star looked at him seriously. "You are too modest. Surprise or not, defeating a unicorn as powerful as Blueblood without injury is nothing to be ashamed of," he put a hoof on the man's shoulder. "Besides, you wouldn't want to insult the royal guard by refusing our gift, would you?"

Johnathon laughed. "I'm tempted to try it...." he grinned impishly, then shook his head. "Thank you. I'm honored. Of course I'll accept," he looked around the armory in wonder. "So... I can pick anything in here?"

Shining Star nodded seriously. "Absolutely. Even if it's just a gesture, I'd like it if you pick something that suited you. Even if you just put it over a fireplace...."

Johnathon glanced back at him. "Alright. I'll take a good look then."

He walked over to a rack of spears. "I notice most of the weapons here are spears. Does the royal guard use these?"

Shining Star nodded, walking over and taking one off the rack. "We only carry them when we expect trouble... but we are trained in their use." he crooked one hoof around the spear, placing the end on the floor and holding it upright. "Telekinesis is fine, but if things get rough, it's nice to have a good weapon for backup."

Johnathon looked thoughtful, and pulled a spear off the rack as well. He took several steps back, into the open center of the room, and started to spin the spear around and around slowly. Picking up speed, he spun it in an increasingly complex pattern, over one hand, then the other, slapping it into the crook of his elbow before reversing the spin. He stabbed with it, swung it wide, spun it rapidly in the other direction, going high and low, then ended in a crouch, the spear held in one arm, part of it laying against his back.

"Wow!" Cheerilee was wide eyed. "Where did you learn to do that, Johnathon?"

The man shrugged and grinned. "Watching..." he blinked. "I don't know the word in Equestrian. They're called movies," he said the word in English, then grimaced, walking back to the rack and put the spear away. "Oh... um... movies are... moving pictures. Like a play, but projected onto a screen, so that you can watch it over and over whenever you like," he shrugged. "I saw this one actor using a metal spear like this when I was a kid... and I practiced for months till I could spin one around like he did. Well, I used broomsticks and metal pipes, and stuff like that to practice mostly. I didn't actually have a spear."

Shining Star was looking impressed. "You certainly looked like you knew what you were doing, anyway. Did you want a spear?"

Johnathon hesitated, then shook his head. "Not really. Like I said, I learned how to do it from watching... well, an actor. I wouldn't have a clue how to use one in a real fight. I could improvise, of course, but I don't have any actual formal spear training."

Shining Star blinked. "Could have fooled me," he glanced around at the rest of the armory. "Well, what sort of weapons do you have formal training in?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... I was a fencer in college, and I learned some Kendo as well."

Shining Star blinked. "OK... fencing is using a sword... right?" he frowned. "But I don't know what this... Kendo is."

Johnathon looked around at the weapons on display. "Well, Kendo is just another sword technique. I learned how to use a foil... that's a sword with no edge... very thin, and flexible, and very light. It's just used for stabbing. And Kendo uses another kind of sword called a Katana. Well, I practiced with a shinai... that's a practice weapon made of bamboo," he walked around the armory slowly. "You do have a few swords here... I wonder," he reached up and pulled down a heavy looking double bladed sword with a thick hilt, and hefted it. "This is similar to what I'd call a Norman Longsword," he stepped away from the wall and gave the weapon a few practice swings. "The hilt is a bit wider than I'm used too... but the balance is pretty good," he shrugged and put the sword away. "I'd prefer something made for two hands though... or a good rapier."

He kept walking around, taking various swords down as they caught his eye. "Nothing really seems to suit me," he admitted after several minutes, then blinked as he spotted something. "Oh, hey, Shining Star? Could you get that one down for me?" He pointed at a large blade hung up high on one of the walls.

"That one?" Shining Spear's horn lit up, and he floated the long, thin, curved blade down off the wall and into Johnathon's hands. "That's Griffon make, I believe. They would use those to slash an opponent in mid flight. That belonged to one of their war chiefs. It's about... four, five hundred years old?"

Johnathon had taken the blade in both hands, feeling the weight. "Oh... the balance is just right," he sighed. "Too bad... I can't take something so valuable...." He started to hand the weapon back to Shining Star.

The unicorn guard smiled and shook his head. "Nonsense. I said any weapon here, and I meant it. If that one suits you, it's yours!"

Johnathon blinked. "Seriously?" he bent his knees a bit and held the sword out in front of him in a guard position. "Well... it does feel good in my hands," he glanced around once to make sure the space around him was clear before giving it a couple practice swings, then started moving it through various blocks and parries. "It's in really good condition," he commented cheerfully. "Are you sure its alright if I take it?"

Shining Star nodded with a grin. "Absolutely. Let me get a case to carry it in," he nodded to the set of armor by the door. "I'll pack up Miss Applejack's armor for you to take with you as well. Give me a minute," he went into the back of the armory and rummaged around for awhile. "I know I saw it around here someplace."

It took him several minutes, but he finally came back with a sheath for the sword, a long grey tube with a strap that looked a bit like a skinny golf bag, and a large saddlebag. He levitated the set of royal guard armor meant for Applejack into the Saddle bag with care, obviously used to the process, and floated the sheath and tube over to Johnathon.

"There... we use these to carry our gear and weapons when we don't want to be too obvious," the guard said. "It's a spear case, but it'll fit that sword of yours fine. I found the sheath that goes too it as well, I think."

Johnathon took the sheath and slipped the sword inside. "Yup. Fits perfectly," he slipped sword and sheath into the grey tube, and closed the top, then slung the tube over his shoulder. The sword rattled around a bit, but the noise was muffled.

"The inside is lined with cloth, so it shouldn't get dinged up... but I could find some padding if you like," Shining Star offered.

"I think I'll be fine," Johnathon said with a grin, walking over to take the saddlebag carrying Applejack's armor. "I'll make sure Applejack gets this as soon as I get back to Ponyville," he promised. The man grinned widely. "I can't wait to see the look on Applebloom's face when she sees her older sister with this armor...."

Cheerilee chuckled. "She'll probably try to get Applejack to come to show and tell wearing it."

Shining Star grinned. "I'd like to see that," he glanced out the door at a clock. "But for now, I should get you two to your train. You don't want to be late."


They were greeted at the train station by Twilight Sparkle, who seemed to be positively ecstatic. "Johnathon! Princess Celestia just told me! Is it true? Did you really find a clue towards finding the last refuge of the unicorns?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. A starting point, maybe. It might turn out to be nothing."

Twilight shook her head. "I can't believe that. Just think... a chance to find an archive of knowledge from before Discord's time! We might even discover how the Elements of Harmony were made!" she frowned. "I heard that you're not going to be in charge of the expedition. Why? You were the one who figured out where we should start."

Cheerilee turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "I've told him the same thing, but he doesn't listen."

Johnathon shook his head. "Truthfully, I just put a few references together. And I'm hardly qualified to lead an expedition of this magnitude," he smiled softly. "Besides, you're going to be sending me home soon, right?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Yes. I... I'm about ready to start practicing opening small dimensional portals. But once I've gotten that down, I'm going to want to try and find one to your world. I'm assuming that our two dimensions aren't the only ones, of course."

"I'm assuming that," Johnathon said. "Just two doesn't seem likely, does it?"

Cheerilee looked confused. "What do you mean? Why would there be more than two?"

Johnathon glanced at her. "Well... some of the scientists in my world theorize that there might be infinite alternate dimensions. At the very least, the number is likely to be very large."

Twilight giggled. "Can you imagine all the worlds I might find?" she shook her head. "But before that, I want to be sure I can accurately find the one I'm looking for, which is why, when I'm sure I've got the spell down, I'll want to try opening a portal next to the Castle of the Pony Sisters, where you came out. The... barrier between our worlds should be easiest to get through there."

Johnathon looked interested. "How will you know if you've opened a portal to the right world?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, I'm going to cast a second spell, one to detect humans, through the holes I create. If it works, and I detect humans, the odds are pretty good I've found the right world... I think."

Johnathon frowned. "Well... I suppose. Better than zero, anyway."

Twilight hesitated. "Yes... it's possible that there are humans in multiple dimensions. I'll have to think of a better test, once I've succeeded in finding a dimension with humans in it... but at least it'll eliminate dimensions that don't have any humans."

Johnathon nodded. "Makes sense."

Twilight smiled. "I was worried about going into the Everfree and opening portals. It's going to be difficult enough just managing the spell without having to worry about the wild creatures that live there, but if we're going there anyway to search for clues toward the lost refuge, then I won't have to worry so much about that."

"I'd have gone with you, of course," Johnathon said with a nod. "But I agree, it's better this way."

Cheerilee smiled. "I may even bring the children for a field trip, once it's safe. Assuming your stay in the forest goes on long enough to make it worth while."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "If I remember correctly, wasn't your class on a field trip in the Canterlot gardens the day Discord was released?"

Cheerilee laughed nervously. "Well... I'm sure nothing like that could possibly happen twice!"


Twilight had headed back to the library and Cheerilee had gone home, wanting to get settled in, and perhaps getting started on lesson plans for school, which was rapidly approaching, while Johnathon swung by Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack was out in the fields when he arrived, but she stopped working to greet him. "Howdy, Johnathon!" the cowpony called cheerfully. "How was your trip to Canterlot?"

"Interesting," Johnathon answered simply. "Shining Star and the other guards wanted me to bring you this, though," he shrugged the saddle bag from his shoulder into the crook of his left arm, causing the metal within to clink loudly.

"What in tarnation is this then?" Applejack said with a frown. "Ya'll sound like ya got an ironmongers shop in that there saddlebag."

He shrugged. "Close enough. The royal guard apparently consider the two of us honorary members, and they all chipped in to get you this," he reached into the bag and brought out a golden helmet with an ornate white plume. "A set of their armor... in your size."

Applejack stared at the helmet with growing horror. "They did what now?" she shook her head. "On no... I ain't wearing no fancy golden armor."

Johnathon grinned at her. "I think it's more of a symbolic gesture, Applejack. I don't believe they expect you to actually join the guard or anything. They're just showing you respect for protecting the Princess like you did."

Applejack frowned. "I didn't do anything to earn it. I just went and nearly got myself strangled. Don't tell me they're giving out fancy suits of armor for any pony who gets their hat handed to them when they're supposed to be doing a simple job...."

Johnathon's face was gentle. "Getting injured on duty is one of the main risks a guard takes, Applejack. You accepted that risk when you agreed to protect the Princess, and they're honoring you for that."

The cowpony was still frowning. "Aw, shucks... even Fluttershy did that much. Any of us would have done what I did."

Johnathon shrugged. "Maybe, but you're the one who had the choice. You could have stepped aside when Blueblood came, but you didn't. You put yourself in harms way to protect the Princess, just like the Royal Guard all swear to do. That's why they sent you this armor, to let you know that they think of you as one of them now."

Applejack sighed. "I suppose it'd be insulting to just send it back, you reckon?"

Johnathon nodded. "I wanted to turn down their gift to me as well... but you're right. It would be an insult to refuse," he shrugged. "Besides, they feel like they have to do something to make up for not being there when we were. If we can make them feel better by accepting a couple gifts... that's alright by me."

Applejack hesitated, then nodded. "I suppose," she looked interested. "So, what did they give you, anyhow?"

Johnathon set the saddlebag full of armor down in front of Applejack, and pulled the long tube off his back, setting it down on the ground. He opened it up, and reached in to pull out his new sword, sheath and all.

Applejack whistled slightly. "That's a mighty big sword ya got there," she said after a long moment. "Do ya know how to use one of them?"

Johnathon nodded. "Yeah... pretty well. I'm about as good with one of these as I am with my bare hands," he grinned slightly. "Of course, it's a lot harder not to hurt somepony with a sword... which is why I tend to stick to bare hands if I can help it."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "I've seen you fight... bare handed, as you call it. You're saying you're just as good with a sword?"

Johnathon shrugged. "My brother and I were the best fencers in my College..." he said with a faint smile. "My brother, Michael, was a hair better than me, in truth, but he does poorly in competition, while I thrived on the adrenaline. My win-loss record was the best in the school while I was there."

Applejack nodded slowly. "I'll take your word on it," she looked thoughtful. "I reckon you won't find much use for that big piece of steel round these parts though."

Johnathon chuckled. "I expect you're right... and I can't say I'm sorry. Frankly, I don't know what I'm going to do with it. I can't really take it back to my world with me... not really, so it'll probably end up mounted up on Cheerilee's wall when I'm gone."

Applejack sighed. "So I guess Twilight's really coming along in figuring out how to get you home then?"

Johnathon nodded. "Yeah. I'm going to miss you girls," he said softly, then smiled. "We've still got months before Twilight can even really try to open proper portal to my world. There's no guarantee that it'll even work. I might be stuck here yet!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Why do you sound almost cheerful at the prospect of being stuck here permanent-like?"

Johnathon hesitated, then sighed. "If Twilight can open a portal, I've got to go back... but it'll be hard, saying goodbye. Especially since I'll never be able to come back."

"I reckon that would be a mite painful," Applejack said sympathetically.



Cheerilee was teaching school again, and Johnathon found himself with plenty of time on his hands. He wracked his brains for every piece of information he could remember about his world's solar system, and the way gravity worked. He worked for a week compiling everything he could think of about Astronomy from his world, and spent the next week and a half writing an editing a detailed document on the subject. He took some time to study Equestrian astronomy, and made some additional notes, then had Spike send it to Princess Celestia.

After that, he took some time to note down the rules of some of his favorite games from Earth, including checkers and chess. Twilight told him later that they already had games very similar to both, but his variations were interesting.

Every morning, he went jogging with Cheerliee, and several times a week he would practice with his new sword behind their house. It wasn't that he expected to use it, but doing sword katas was a lot more fun for him than regular exercise, and he was pretty rusty with a blade in any case. It didn't hurt him to get into better shape, after all.

Even with all this, he found his days relatively empty. He spent time at Sweet Apple Acres helping out most afternoons. In the evenings, he would often help Cheerilee grade papers, or plan lessons for the next day. He found working with Cheerilee pleasant, and she didn't mind the help. They went on walks in the evening, or played checkers or chess. Neither one spoke of his impending departure for his own world.

Twilight was busier than ever. She had managed to open a pinhole sized dimensional portal after a week's effort, although the energy required left her panting and weak for days afterwards. Still, she slowly improved at the spell, till she could cast it once a day without overly straining herself. She still wasn't at the point where she was confident in her ability to cast a detection spell through the opening she could create, but she promised that she would keep working till she could manage it.

Rainbow Dash managed to injure herself during a training session, and ended up in the hospital for several days with a broken wing. The cyan pegasus mended with remarkable speed, however, and was soon out and about once more, although her training sessions were postponed while she recuperated. But in the meantime, the self proclaimed fastest pegasus in Equestria had found herself a new hobby.


Johnathon was out behind Cheerilee's house one evening, practicing, when he heard hooves coming up the path around the house. Turning to see who it was, he was surprised to see Rainbow Dash walking towards him.

"Still grounded?" he asked her curiously. "How much longer till you're back in the air?"

"I've just got to take it easy for another week or so," the cyan pegasus told him with a shrug. "I can already fly pretty well," she sighed. "I can't wait till I can fly everywhere again... but I have to stay grounded most of the time till my wing fully heals."

Johnathon nodded in sympathy. "Sorry to hear it," he said honestly. "Nopony belongs in the sky more than you do."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "It's no big deal. I'll be back to normal in no time," she nodded to his sword. "That's a pretty neat sword. Where'd you get it?"

Johnathon blinked. "Oh... didn't I tell you already?" he looked thoughtful. "I guess the only pony I mentioned it to after I got home was Applejack," he realized. "Shining Star took me to the armory and let me pick out anything I wanted," he told her with a shrug. "The guards wanted to thank me for my part in protecting the Princess. They gave Applejack a suit of Royal Guard armor too."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Really?" she looked thoughtful. "Huh. You know, the Princess let me keep that suit of armor that I was wearing. I guess I thought I was the only one who kept a souvenir though."

Johnathon grinnned. "I don't think Fluttershy really liked her set... and Rarity isn't the armor wearing sort, you know?"

Rainbow Dash snorted. "I'll say. I can't believe she put that silly looking cape on hers. She wouldn't even wear the helmet!"

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, it probably would have given her helmet hair."

"Hah!" Rainbow Dash grinned. "That'd be the 'worst possible thing' for her, I bet."

Johnathon shrugged. "I don't know. Rarity can be pretty melodramatic, but she steps up when she needs too."

Rainbow Dash frowned, then nodded. "Oh, I know, I just give her a hard time sometimes, but Rarity is alright," she hesitated. "So... I heard from Twilight that the Princess is organizing some sort of... archeological expedition to the old castle in the Everfree forest, right?"

Johnathon nodded. "That's right. We're just waiting for Twilight to finish practicing her dimensional portal spell first. That way she can try finding my world while we're there searching for clues as to how to use the Elements to... open the way to the 'last refuge' of the unicorns."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Sounds pretty radical. What do you think it'll be like? Do you think there will be lots of traps... and bad guys wanting to steal the treasure there and stuff?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "I doubt it'll be anything like that. We'll probably spend a lot of time digging... and clearing sections of the ruins so we can read whatever inscriptions survive. I expect Twilight will be pretty busy with her spell, but the archeologists from the Canterlot historical society will probably use some kind of detection spells... although I really don't know much about that end of things."

The cyan pegasus looked slightly disappointed. "So... no traps?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Who knows. There may be something... I find that that sort of thing doesn't happen all that often, really, at least not in real life."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Ah well. Guess it'll be kind of boring then," she raised an eyebrow. "Do you think there will be any cool treasure?"

Johnathon grinned. "I certainly hope so. If we're really lucky, there will be an old archive!"

Rainbow Dash blinked. "An archive?"

He nodded. "A library! All sorts of books from the period before Discord could be there! I'm really looking forward to it!"

The cyan pegasus blinked. "Ah. Books. I bet Twilight's really excited," she rolled her eyes. "Twilight Sparkle and the quest for the dusty old library," Rainbow Dash chuckled slightly. "I guess we all can't be as cool as Daring Do."

Johnathon blinked. "Oh, do you like that series too? Twilight introduced me to those books when I first got here."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Isn't she the coolest? What's your favorite?"

Johnathon thought about that for a little while. "I think I liked 'The Griffon's Goblet' the best," he said thoughtfully. "Although it's tough picking just one. Still, I liked the description of tribal griffon culture... and the fight scenes with Daring verses the griffon warriors were pretty intense."

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly. "My old flight school pal Gilda probably wouldn't like that part so much... but that was a pretty awesome one," she started reminiscing about her favorite parts of the novel, and the two of them spent the next couple hours discussing the series.

"If you like Daring Do," Johnathon said finally. "I should tell you some stories about Indiana Jones some time. He's a lot like Daring. I think Indiana Jones is one reason I got interested in archeology when I was a kid, actually."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "So... does that mean you're finally going to tell some more stories from your world?"

Johnathon nodded slowly with a faint smile. "I guess I am."


The next couple weeks passed relatively uneventfully, although Johnathon found himself telling stories in the kitchen at Cheerilee's place almost every evening that week, relating every Indiana Jones story he knew to an attentive audience. Rainbow Dash and Cheerilee seemed to like the stories, but soon Applejack, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and even Pinkie Pie were showing up to listen as well more often then not.

He wasn't that good a storyteller, he thought, but there was a certain benefit to having really good material to work from. He was careful to edit out the really scary... or disturbing parts of the Indiana Jones stories, but in general, the whip wielding hero was quite a hit with his pony audience.

"Wouldn't it be cool if Daring Do and Indiana Jones could meet and beat up bad guys together?" Rainbow Dash commented one evening as they were cleaning up the kitchen after the CMC and Pinkie had gone. "That would be the most awesome story... ever!"

Johnathon grinned. "That would be pretty cool. Still, I wonder who would write it? It would be hard to do them both properly. I imagine if it was done right, it would be a great story though."

Rainbow Dash sighed, then looked excited. "Hey, do you think the author of the Daring Do books would like to hear your stories about Indiana Jones?"

Johnathon laughed. "I wonder. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask."


Rainbow Dash had sent off an impassioned letter, but nothing had come of her grand scheme to introduce Indy to the world of pony fiction. Life had gotten back into a routine for Johnathon Dwire, although he could sense that things were in the wind. Twilight kept promising that she was nearly ready, and he didn't doubt her ability. Sooner or later, she'd figure out how to detect life signs through her dimensional portals, and then it would be time to head into the Everfree.

Still, for now, it was life as usual in Ponyville. Well... mostly usual. It was a beautiful day outside, and Johnathon had been out grocery shopping when he noticed the large numbers of ponies paired off in romantic couples. Everywhere he looked, ponies were hanging out in cafes, or in the park, looking into each others eyes. It wasn't that such displays were unheard of, of course, but so many?

He stopped by Applejack's apple stand, finding the cowpony selling as she usually did this time of day. "Hey Applejack," he greeted her. "What's up with all the couples today?" he asked curiously.

"Didn't ya know?" Applejack looked surprised. "I thought you'd have heard, living in Miss Cheerilee's house and all. It's hearts and hooves day today. Applebloom's been going on and on about the big card she and the other girls were making for her."

"Hearts and Hooves day, huh?" Johnathon mused. "What's that?"

Applejack blinked. "Well... it's for couples... you know, to spend time with your... your special somepony, you know?"

He nodded slowly. "Ah. A romantic holiday. Yeah, we had one like that on my world too. They called it Valentine's day. I never really saw the point. Me and my wife celebrated our anniversary, of course, and that sort of thing, but I never saw the point of having a special day to celebrate being in love," he shrugged. "That sort of thing should be more... I don't know... spontaneous, don't you think?"

Applejack shrugged back. "I suppose I can see your point," she agreed casually. "Not that I've had a date for Hearts and Hooves Day for awhile myself. I guess I've just been too busy working the farm."

Johnathon regarded the tough orange earth pony thoughtfully. "I can't imagine why... except perhaps the stallions around here are all a bit intimidated by you."

Applejack blinked. "Intimidated, what in tarnation are you talking about?"

"Well... you're quite the catch, you know," Johnathon told her. "You're good looking, or so I'm told, you own your own farm... and you're probably the most athletic pony in town. Not to mention you're a genuine hero. Most of the stallions around here probably feel like they can't quite measure up," he shrugged. "I've been there. There was this one time I was really attracted to a girl... but I felt she was way out of my league. She was smart... funny... fantastic looking, and incredibly athletic. She could run me into the ground, not that I dared compete with her," he sighed. "In the end, I never even asked her out. She met another guy, and eventually they got married," Johnathon shrugged. "Worked out in the end, of course. I met the woman I married a few years later, and I didn't hesitate that time. I'd learned my lesson."

Applejack listened to his story dubiously. "I get what you're saying... but I ain't all that special. Heck, there are half a dozen stallions in town that can pull a plow better than I can...." she frowned. "Well... I guess I beat most of them in the rodeo each year... but that don't mean they couldn't ask me out if they wanted."

Johnathon shrugged. "I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Still, if you're interested in anypony, it might be up to you to make the first move."

Applejack looked thoughtful. "Huh. I'll try and remember that."

Changing the subject, he pulled out several bits. "I'll take a dozen apples today, Applejack."


He was putting away the groceries in the kitchen when Cheerilee came in through the side door, looking relieved when she spotted him. "Oh, Johnathon! I was hoping I'd find you at home!"

"What's up?"

Cheerilee rolled her eyes. "I think the Crusaders are trying to hook me up with Big Mac," she told him with a slightly pained expression. "Because I told them I didn't have a special somepony to be with today."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "I take it that Big Mac isn't your type?"

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Well, I wouldn't say that. But Macintosh and I are old friends. I've known him for years, but we've never really had any sort of spark, you know? He's a dear friend though."

Johnathon nodded. "Sure. So why did you come looking for me?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "Well, the crusaders have invited me to the old gazebo... again," she sighed. "I'm not quite sure why they think my 'accidentally' meeting Big Mac in a romantic setting for the second time in one day will make any difference, but they can be quite insistent," she grimaced lightly. "And while Big Macintosh is a dear, it's a bit... uncomfortable, being forced into these situations with him, especially with the children watching from the bushes."

Johnathon laughed, then nodded. "I get it... you want me to come along? Play chaperone?"

Cheerilee grinned sheepishly at him. "I know, I'm an adult, I should be able to manage this on my own, but it would make things easier. Perhaps... you could just happen to walk by the Gazebo a few minutes after I get there? Interrupt things before they get too weird?"

Johnathon nodded. "Sure. Glad to help," he shook his head. "I kind of feel sorry for Big Macintosh too," the man threw up a hand. "I mean, about being set up on a date by his little sister... not that he's being set up with you!"

Cheerilee laughed. "I know what you mean. That must be rather strange," she sighed. "Well, I suppose I should get going. The Crusaders were quite insistent that I come soon."

Johnathon grinned. "I'm sure. I'll wait a minute, then I'll follow. Want me to make up some reason why I need you to come home with me?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Could you? I hate the thought of lying, but in this case, I'll make an exception."

"Just a little white lie," Johnathon confirmed. "No problem."

Cheerilee went out the door, leaving Johnathon alone. "Sheesh, those girls somehow manage to cause more trouble than any pony I know," he said to himself. "Although they are adorable about it."

Waiting at the door till the school teacher was out of sight, he started walking toward the Gazebo, a landmark he knew well after all his time jogging around the town with Cheerilee. He spotted Cheerilee and Big Macintosh at the Gazebo, and the Crusaders, making an exit toward a large group of bushes in the near distance, and sighed.

"Yup. And they're just going to go hide in the bushes and watch, aren't they," sure enough, the three fillies slipped into the bushes not fifty feet from the supposed couple, and Johnathon sighed. "I'm tempted to teach those girls a little bit about stealth, except for the fact that I probably shouldn't encourage them," he grinned. "Might be fun though... although I expect Applejack and Rarity would be kind of annoyed at me if I turned their younger sisters into mini ninja ponies...." he chuckled at the mental image that brought up, then broke into a fast walk, crossing the clearing toward the Gazebo. "I guess I better step in," raising his voice, he called out to them. "Hey Big Mac! Hey Cheerilee! How are you doing today!"

Cheerilee turned toward him, a glass of some purple beverage to her lips. She finished the cup as she turned toward him, but then something strange happened. Her eyes went wide, and the glass fell from her hoof unnoticed. She gaped at him as if she had never really seen him before.

All of a sudden she broke into a run, heading toward him with a rapidly widening smile. "Johnathon! Oh! I'm so happy you came!"

Behind her, Big Macintosh was shaking his head as if confused. The big red pony's eyes finally fixed on Cheerilee's running backside, and he took off after her at a gallop.

Johnathon started to take a step back. "What in Equestria is going on now?" he wondered aloud as the two ponies raced towards him with desperate looks on their faces. As Cheerilee rapidly closed the distance, a desperate, loving look in her eyes, Johnathon started to grimace in anticipation of the now seemingly inevitable collision. "Oh boy."

Chapter 23

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Johnathon braced himself just in time to keep from being knocked over by Cheerilee as she launched herself into him. Her front hooves ended up over his shoulders and the purple earth pony ended up face to face with the startled human. "Oh Johnathon...." she started, looking deeply into his confused eyes. "Would you..."

Big Mac hit her from behind a moment later and Johnathon's legs failed, sending all three into a heap with the big red stallion on top. After several long moments of untangling themselves, they ended up sitting in a rough triangle on the ground.

"Er..." Johnathon began. "What's up, Cheerilee?"

"Johnathon..." Cheerilee started to say again.

"Cheerilee...." Big Mac said at the same time, looking at her with wide eyes.

Cheerilee glanced back at him with a slight frown before turning back to Johnathon Dwire. "Johnathon... I was, wondering..."

"Cheerilee..." Big Mac started again. "Would you... would you...?"

"Be my special somepony?" they both said at the same time.

"What? Er..." he frowned, then blinked. "Oh right." he nodded sagely. "Sure... Cheerilee." he answered with a nod. Right... we're playing a trick on the Crusaders, I guess. Might as well play along.

Big Macintosh blinked, then turned to Johnathon Dwire, his eyes narrowing. "Cheerilee...." He began, putting one hoof on Cheerilee's chest and the other on Johnathon's, then shoving them gently apart. "What are ya saying?" He took her face in both of his hooves and gently turned her to face him. "You're just joking, right? You want to be my special somepony, don't ya?"

Cheerilee blinked, then shook her head free, brushing Big Mac's hooves aside with an almost angry frown. "Big Mac, leave us alone. Can't you see we're in love?"

Johnathon blinked. This is just a practical joke, right?

Big Mac's eyes went wide with a pained expression, and he shot to his feet. "You can't mean that, Cheerilee! You and I are meant to be together, I can feel it!" He stomped, and glared at Johnathon angrily. "You... you better git out of here... now, if'n you know what's good fer ya!"

Johnathon rose to his feet as well, deciding to play along. "Or what?" He said aggressively. "Cheerilee has made her intentions clear, don't you think? She loves me. So you might as well be on your way, Big Mac." he winked at the big stallion, trying not to break into a chuckle at the horrified gasp coming from the bushes, and was barely able to react in time to dodge the hoof that nearly took his head off.

"Mac!" Johnathon snapped his head back and stepped away from the angry stallion in surprise. "Whoa... easy now big fella." Big Mac came forward, kicking out with his front hooves, and Johnathon kept stepping backwards, thankful that they were in an open area. "Big Mac!" the kicks were powerful, but Johnathon could see them coming easily. The big stallion was telegraphing his moves like a rank amateur, and for several moments, Johnathon wondered if he could still be play acting. It wasn't like he couldn't keep dodging... but.... "Alright... that's enough." Johnathon said firmly. "Somepony could get hurt." he stepped inside a wild hoofswing, tapping the big stallion's right hoof away with a strong forearm, and putting his shoulder into the middle of Big Mac's chest.

In close, he whispered to the big red stallion. "Hey... getting a bit too much into the role, aren't you?"

Big Mac just grunted, planted all four feet, and shoved Johnathon away before turning his back on the man and kicking out with both hind legs. Johnathan leaped away at the last second to dodge the double blow, but he could feel the air from the miss. He knew that if it had connected, Big Mac would have broken bones or worse with that kick.

"No!" Cheerilee's voice rang out in rage. "You won't hurt him!" There was a solid thump as Cheerilee whirled and hit the big red stallion with both of her hind hooves at once, knocking him sideways. Big Mac teetered for a moment on his left hooves, then crashed to the ground.

Johnathon stood there in shock. "What in the hell?"

Big Mac wheezed in pain as he sat up, obviously finding breathing difficult. "Cheerilee?" the pain in his voice spoke of something far more serious than the pain of his injuries. It was like something vital had broken inside him. "Why...? Why? I... I love you!"

Cheerilee, who had turned to face him, looking like she had been ready to trample the big stallion into the ground, lowered her front hooves. "I'm sorry, Big Mac. But I don't love you." she turned her face away, and moved over to Johnathon's side. "I love Johnathon. Now... if you care about me at all... you'll go away and leave us alone."

Big Macintosh's face went pale and his whole body shuddered, then he leapt up, ignoring his injuries and galloped away, a slight hitch in his stride the only evidence of his physical injuries. The devastated look on his face, and the muted cry of anguish as he raced away struck Johnathon like physical blows.

The man took a step after the big stallion, a serious look on his face. "Oh... damn." he muttered. "He wasn't acting..." he turned to Cheerilee. "We should go after him... he's hurting...."

Applebloom darted from the bushes, looking panicked, and raced after her older brother, followed a moment later by Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo.

Cheerilee was looking at Johnathon with a soft smile, paying no attention to the three fillies as they raced away. "Oh... that's why I love you so much, Johnathon... you're so kind." she said, moving up to nuzzle his chest with her head. "Big Mac will be fine. He's a grown stallion, after all."

Johnathon frowned. "Cheerilee... what's going on? You just... kicked Big Mac, and now you're telling me... I thought this was supposed to be an act?" he put a hand under her chin and raised it. "Cheerilee... you were joking, right? You... you don't actually love me... I mean, love me, love me, do you?"

Cheerilee hesitated, looking hurt. "I do, Johnathon. I really do love you. I... I know you aren't... physically attracted to... ponies, but..." she froze as a look of understanding came over her face, followed immediately by anguish. "Oh... Johnathon... I'm so sorry... I...." she raced away a moment later, tears streaming down her face.

The human just stood there, looking confused. "What in the hell just happened?" he started to go after Cheerilee, then paused in mid step. "Something weird is going on here. Cheerilee and Big Mac were both acting really off... like they were...." he slapped a fist into his palm. "Like they were being magically influenced, of course!" he wrinkled his nose. "Either that, or they're playing the world's biggest practical joke on the human... but I don't think they'd go this far for that."

He turned in the direction Big Mac and the Cutie Mark Crusaders had run. "Those three fillies do have a knack for causing trouble... I wonder if they had something to do with how Big Mac and Cheerilee were acting?"

Mind made up, he started jogging down the road toward Sweet Apple Acres, looking for the trio of blank flanked fillies.


There was no sign of either the Crusaders or Big Mac at first, and it wasn't until he had gotten onto the farm and was nearly at the Apple family home that he heard the sounds of a scuffle in the barn. Changing course, he ran into the barn. It took him several moments to figure out what was going on. Big Mac was trying to throw a rope over one of the rafters, while Sweetie Bell pushed a stool away from the middle of the barn, and Scootaloo and Applebloom tried ineffectually to restrain the big stallion. Johnathon pieced the scene together quickly. Big Mac was busy trying to hang himself, while the three fillies were doing their utmost to prevent him.

"Big Mac, wait!" Johnathon cried, moving forward. "Don't do this!"

The big stallion paused in what he was doing only to glare angrily at the human. "This is all your fault." he accused, sounding heartbroken. "Cheerilee hates me now... why shouldn't I just end it?"

Johnathon racked his brain for something to say, anything that would make the big stallion feel better, but nothing came. Big Mac went back to throwing his rope over the rafter again, and started trying to tie a noose.

"Big Mac... wait." Johnathon said again. "I don't love her." he shook his head. "She's my friend, but I don't love her, not like that."

Big Mac hesitated, looking at the man in confusion. "What... what does that matter?" he finally said. "She still hates me."

Johnathon shook his head. "She was just mad... she'll forgive you... but... but she knows I don't love her. She ran off, she was really upset." he paled a bit as he realized that what he was saying was quite possibly literally true. "What if... what if she's just as upset as you are... what if she's going to try and hurt herself?"

Big Mac froze. "No." he said softly. "NO!" he shouted, then broke free of his younger sister and Scootaloo and raced out of the barn, nearly knocking Johnathon over on the way out.

The crusaders hesitated only a moment before attempting to race after the big red stallion, but Johnathon ducked down and scooped Applebloom off the ground on as she tried to race by him. "Oh no." he told her firmly. "Not till you tell me what's going on." Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo hesitated in the barn's doorway, and he raised an eyebrow. "Well, go on, keep him from hurting himself. Try and find Cheerilee too." he ordered.

Applebloom squirmed in his arms, then sighed. "Go on... I'll... er... catch up in a minute." Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo exchanged worried glances, and then raced away, and Applebloom glanced up at Johnathon. "Er... so... what makes you think we had anything to do with this?" his eyes narrowed, and she coughed once. "Heh... er... right." the yellow filly chewed her lip lightly. "Er... well, we may have given Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee a... tiny bit of love potion." she admitted.

"Love potion." Johnathon repeated flatly. "Love potion? Really?"

Applebloom nodded, looking sheepishly at the floor. "Well... on account of Miss Cheerilee not having anypony special for Hearts and Hooves day... and Big Mac being perfect for her... so we thought..."

Johnathon sighed. "I think I can follow the thinking involved." he shook his head. "Applebloom, how could you? This is very serious."

Applebloom nodded. "I know! I know..." she sighed. "We didn't think anything like this would happen."

"You didn't think at all, it seems." Johnathon said angrily, then sighed. "Never mind that now... is there an antidote?"

Applebloom hesitated. "Er... I'm not sure. We didn't read that far."

Johnathon frowned. "OK... where did you read about this Love potion then?"

Applebloom looked up at him. "We left the book in our clubhouse. Should I...?"

Johnathon put her down on the floor of the barn. "Show me the way... and hurry."

Applebloom nodded firmly and set out at a gallop, the human racing along behind her.


"You want me to what?" Twilight Sparkle said to Cheerilee incredulously.

"I want you to use your permanent transformation spell on me and turn me into a human." Cheerilee said for the second time. "Please... I'll do anything you ask in return... just... please turn me into a human."

Twilight raised a hoof. "Wait... just... wait." she looked at Cheerilee in confusion. "Why do you want me to do this anyway? You do know that I don't have a counterspell for it, right? I can use it on ponies, but I don't know how to use it on other species yet. I wouldn't be able to turn you back... at least, not right away."

Cheerilee shook her head. "I don't care about that. I don't want to be changed back. I want to be human. It's the only way...."

Twilight frowned. "The only way what? Why do you want to be human?"

Cheerilee stepped forward, putting her hooves on Twilight's shoulders. "I love him, Twilight, but he'll never love me... not really, unless I'm human too!"

Twilight blinked. "Johnathon? You love... Johnathon?"

Cheerilee nodded fervently. "He's so... perfect. He's gentle, and kind... and intelligent... and brave... he's everything I ever wanted in a pony... only, he's not a pony, and he's not attracted to ponies... and... he'll never want to be anything but my friend... unless I'm human, like him!"

Twilight frowned again. "Cheerilee, Johnathon isn't that shallow... he..." she hesitated, realizing that in fact, Cheerilee was probably right. "Cheerilee...." she began again. "You shouldn't change who... what you are, just because you fell in love...." she grimaced, knowing at once that Cheerilee wasn't likely to accept that argument either.

"Twilight, please..." Cheerilee sagged to her knees, still holding on to the purple unicorn's shoulders with her front hooves. "I have to... I have to do this for him. I could never ask him to become a pony... I couldn't. I don't care about being a pony... being a human won't bother me at all, not if I can be with him!"

"But...." Twilight hesitated again. "But... he's going to be leaving soon... if I can finish my spell... and... I can't... I can't just..."

Cheerilee's eyes became calm. "It doesn't matter. If he leaves, I'll go with him. I wouldn't be able to live happily on his world as a pony... but as a human, I can follow him back to his home. We can be together. Please... Twilight, please. Do it now. I don't have a lot of time left... I have to let him know how I feel before he leaves."

Twilight put her hooves on Cheerilee's and gently pulled herself free, stepping back. "Alright... alright. If... if this is what you really want, I'll do it."

Cheerilee surged forward, hugging Twilight fiercely. "Oh thank you, thank you! Oh Twilight, how can I ever repay you!"

Twilight shook her head, smiling. "It's alright... you don't owe me anything. Just... just, be very sure. Are you really, really sure?"

Cheerilee stepped back and nodded. "I'm sure. I'm more sure about this than I've ever been about anything else in my life. Please. Do it now."

Twilight took a deep breath, then nodded. "Alright." she took a couple steps back. "It's lucky I haven't tried to open a portal today... this is a difficult spell. Still, I've done it enough now that I won't have any problems." she wrinkled her nose. "Are you ready?"

Cheerilee nodded firmly. "Yes. Please... hurry. I need to go find him. Tell him...."

Twilight hesitated one final time. "Maybe... maybe we should talk to Johnathon about this first? Maybe he would be willing to turn into a pony? Or maybe... maybe he wouldn't care that you're a pony? Or... maybe... maybe he... won't feel the same way about you even if you're human?"

Cheerilee shuddered at that, then shook her head. "I can't ask him to change himself. This is MY decision. We both know that he's a good man, but he won't fall in love with a pony... not romantic love...." she smiled finally. "And if he doesn't love me as a human... then so be it. I want him to know that I'll do anything for him. I'll give up anything for him... freely. This is my love for him. It doesn't matter if it wins his love or not. I have to do it anyway."

Twilight sighed, then nodded. "I think I understand." she shook her head. "I kind of thought you might be getting a crush on him... but I never suspected you loved him so much." Twilight smiled softly. "If he does turn you down, he's a moron. You obviously love him very, very much." her horn lit up. "Stay where you are... don't move. This will only take a moment..."

Twilight's horn grew brighter and brighter, and then flashed, a beam of concentrated light hitting Cheerilee, and obscuring her from view. When the light faded, a pale skinned human female was on hands and knees on the floor of the library where a purple earth pony had been a moment before. The woman raised on hand to her face, eyes going wide in awe.

"I'm... I'm human." she looked down at her body incredulously. "It worked! It really worked!"

"Looks like it." Twilight said tiredly, walking over slowly to give Cheerilee's new body a closer look. "You look a lot like I did when I turned myself human... so I think it worked." she raised an eyebrow. "Some subtle differences, but... yes, it seems to have worked perfectly."

Cheerilee smiled at her gratefully. "Oh... Twilight. Thank you, thank you so much." she started trying to get to her feet. "I've... I've got to find Johnathon. I need to show him!"

Twilight's horn lit up as she caught the wobbling biped in a telekinetic field. "Slow down... you'll at least want to put on some clothes first, remember?" she grinned. "And maybe practice walking for a little bit?"

Cheerilee frowned, then nodded. "Clothes... right." she reached a hand over to steady herself on Twilight's shoulder, and the unicorn gently released her telekinetic hold. Cheerilee wobbled, grabbing onto Twilight with both hands to keep from toppling over. Twilight winced, but said nothing as the newly minted human caught her balance. "But... I don't have any human clothes!" Cheerilee said with a grimace. "What am I going to do?"

Twilight blinked. "Well... we could wrap a blanket around you, like Johnathon did when I was human, I guess."

Cheerilee hesitated, then nodded. "Yes...."

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Oh! And then we can take you over to Carousel Boutique! I'm sure Rarity will be able to whip you up something pretty to wear."

Cheerilee's face lit up. "Oh! Yes! Yes please!"

Twilight turned her head towards her bedroom, and her horn lit up, levitating down a blanket, which she carefully wrapped around Cheerilee under her arms, remembering how Johnathon had done the same for her months earlier.

Before she could suggest they start heading over to Carousel Boutique, however, they could hear shouting from outside.

"Cheerilee!" A strangely familiar voice cried loudly. "Cheerilee, where are you?"

Twilight frowned. "Isn't that Big Mac?" she asked, uncertain. "It sounds like him... why would he be looking for you?"

Cheerilee looked slightly panicked. "Twilight... you can't tell him I'm here! He's... he thinks he's in love with me... and he's very jealous. He nearly hurt Johnathon when I told him that I loved Johnathon and not him...."

Twilight blinked. "Really?" her eyes narrowed. "Wait... Big Mac confessed his love to you today? And you want to confess your love to Johnathon too?" The purple unicorn raised an eyebrow. "That's... huh." she shrugged. "Hearts and Hooves day... I guess everypony is confessing today, huh?" Twilight glanced cautiously out her window. "Huh... well, he's getting closer." she glanced at Cheerilee. "Honestly, I doubt he'll recognize you like this."

Cheerilee looked worried. "We shouldn't take the chance. Is there a back way out?"

Twilight hesitated, then sighed. "Oh well... I suppose I can manage one more big spell today." her horn started to glow again. "Just... hold on to me tight." there was a bright flash, and they were gone. Moments later, Big Mac burst through the doors, looked around wildly, and, not seeing his love, galloped off once more.


There was a bright flash of light in the entrance-way to Carousel Boutique as Twilight and Cheerilee appeared there. Cheerilee gave a gasp of surprised and teetered over backwards, falling in a heap as she took her her new surroundings.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique!" Rarity's voice rang out from her work room, coming closer as she spoke. "Where everything is chique, sleek, and manu..." the white unicorn blinked as she spotted her guests. "Well, hello Twilight... and... oh my!"

She stopped, then started forward again, looking at the human female, wearing Twilight's bedspread wrapped around her from the armpits down and crumpled on the floor, with a slightly puzzled expression.

"Rarity, this is..."

"No no... let me guess." Rarity said with a curious expression on her face. "Obviously this is a human." she began. "A female, if I'm not mistaken." she started walking around Cheerilee slowly, taking her in. "Hmm... light brown hair... freckles... skin tone is a light tan... and wearing, if I'm not mistaken, the sheet off your bed." she turned to Twilight. "It's either Applejack or Miss Cheerilee, and given the muscle definition... I'm going to guess it's Cheerilee!"

Twilight blinked, incredulously. "What? How did you...?"

Rarity laughed lightly, a sound that tinkled like silver bells. "Well, it's not that difficult, darling. A human from Johnathon's world would no doubt be dressed in their own clothing... and of course you have mentioned your practice with transformational magics in detail, so I had to assume you'd transformed one of our friends. Now, of all our friends, I rather doubt Rainbow Dash would agree to change to a form without wings. Fluttershy might agree to such a thing, but she'd be much more nervous... Pinkie would be bouncing around a lot more... which leaves Applejack and Cheerilee." She smiled. "And, if it was Applejack, I'd expect her human form to be a bit more... muscular." she nodded at Cheerilee apologetically. "No offense meant, dear,. you have gotten quite trim with all your running, but our dear Applejack has more of an... athletic build."

The fashionista gazed down at Cheerilee, then beamed. "And obviously, you've come to me because you have nothing to wear!" she winked. "Don't worry, my dear, we'll have you looking absolutely fabulous in no time!"

Cheerilee smiled up at Rarity gratefully. "Oh... thank you, Rarity. I'd really appreciate it." she blushed. "I... I'd like to make a good impression when Johnathon sees me like this for the first time."

Rarity positively quivered with excitement. "Oh my! I thought it might be something along those lines." she winked. "Not to worry, I'll whip you up something simply marvelous!" she frowned. "Oh dear... this may be tricky. I really have no idea what Johnathon likes...."

Cheerilee looked surprised. "But... you made nearly all of his clothing? Surely you must have some idea."

Rarity looked thoughtful. "Some... yes. I know what he likes to wear himself... but I rather expect that, like it is with us, human males and females tend toward different sorts of fashions."

Cheerilee hesitated. "So... what should we do?"

Rarity wrinkled her nose. "Can you stand upright, Cheerilee? Let me get a good look at you."

Cheerilee grimaced, then rolled over onto her hands and knees, and started trying to stand. "Give me... just... a... oof!" She got her legs tangled in Twilight's bed sheet, and collapsed to the floor again.

Rarity sniffed. "Well, that's obviously too much material, you can hardly move in it!"

Twilight's horn lit up. "Wait, wait... let me help." she levitated Cheerilee into the air, holding her upright with her magic, her feet just off the ground but still tangled in the sheet, obviously dangling several feet farther than where the woman's toes ended.

Rarity sighed. "Well, I can't do anything will all this material..." her horn flared, and the bedspread unwrapped itself and came away from Cheerilee's body to fold and drape itself on a windowsill, leaving the woman nude. "There... that's better, now I can see properly." she levitated a tape measure from a drawer and started taking measurements.

Twilight slowly lowered Cheerilee till she was on her feet again, and held her steady with her magic while she walked up closer so that Cheerilee could hold on to her back again. "I think you're going to need to practice walking for a bit." Twilight commented wryly. "You're not going to be able to hold on to me all the time."

Cheerilee sighed. "Maybe Johnathon will be willing to hold me up for awhile?"

Rarity smiled. "Oh, I dare say, if he's half the gentlecolt I take him for. I'm sure he'd be honored." she took a few more measurements, then looked thoughtful. "So... the question is... what do we make for you? A shirt and pants like Johnathon wears? Maybe with a more... elegant cut?" she frowned. "What do human women wear, I wonder?" Rarity paused. "Perhaps if I was to ask Johnathon a few leading questions?"

Cheerilee was looking slightly upset. "Oh... I would love to make a good first impression... but I... I want to see him as soon as I can. Maybe... you could make your best guess?"

Rarity grimaced. "A lady does not guess if she can avoid it." she sighed. "Well, what do we know about human customs?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, they wear clothing all the time... except for... er... bathing, and sleeping, and er...." she blushed. "Physical interaction with the er... opposite sex."

Rarity blinked, then shook her head as if trying to think. "Hmm. Well, Johnathon wears more clothing when it's cold, and less when it's warm. He tends to bare his arms in warm weather."

"He sometimes takes off his shirt when he's hot." Cheerilee mentioned. "But never his pants."

Twilight frowned. "He made sure to cover my mammaries when I was human... he wrapped my blanket just under my arms... I had the feeling he had done it before."

Rarity smiled. "Well then... that's something. Pants are obviously important." she turned toward her supply closet, her horn glowing, and a large piece of fabric floated out. "Let's start there, and work our way up!"

As Rarity got to work, Twilight turned to Cheerilee. "Why don't I help you practice walking while Rarity works?"

Cheerilee nodded quickly, looking anxious. "Yes...." she shivered. "Just... please hurry. I need to see him... soon."

Before long, Rarity had finished a pair of pants in Cheerilee's size, and adjusted them to fit. "Hmm... perhaps a bit of a flare at the bottom? Something subtle?" she glanced up at Cheerilee's uncovered chest. "Hmm... those do stand out quite a bit... are they characteristic of all human females, I wonder?"

Twilight nodded. "My mammaries were quite large as well when I turned myself human. I think that's a characteristic of humans."

Rarity nodded slowly, thinking aloud. "Alright then, the question is, to minimize, or emphasize them?"

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Well, if she was wearing something baggy, like a sweater, she'd look a lot like Johnathon... only not as tall."

Rarity blinked. "No, no, that won't do at all, she mustn't look like a male!" she nodded. "Yes... we really should emphasize the female characteristics...." she levitated a piece of fabric, wrapping it around Cheerilee's chest under her arms. "How about this?" she glanced at Twilight. "You said that Johnathon put your blanket around your chest like this when you were human?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes... that's right. I wondered why he didn't just drape the blanket over my shoulders... but I realized if he did that, I wouldn't be able to move my arms."

Rarity wrinkled her nose. "Hmm... well, bare arms seem to be acceptable in human culture... so bare shoulders shouldn't be TOO daring..." she smiled. "Perhaps just a little bit daring? It is Hearts and Hooves day, after all." the fashionista nodded. "Let's go with that then." She pulled the fabric away and brought out her tape measure again. "I believe I have an idea!" After several more minutes, Rarity, working with her usual speed and skill finished the top, and helped Cheerilee dress.

"There now..." Rarity said with a smile, then frowned. "What am I missing?" she blinked. "Oh! Of course, footwear!"

Cheerilee was practically bouncing from foot to foot now. "I don't think shoes are that important..." she protested, then frowned. "Johnathon usually takes off his shoes after he gets home... but he does always wear them outside...."

Rarity smiled softly. "I know you're anxious to see him, but don't worry, this won't take a moment." she went back into her workroom and went through a drawer, bringing out a pattern. "Ah... here we go. I took a pattern of Johnathon's shoes a few months ago when I made him those work boots. I should be able to manage something simple for you...." she levitated the pattern over to Cheerilee, then frowned. "Why don't you sit down for a moment, dear... so I can measure your feet." Cheerilee nodded, and Twilight helped her get into a sitting position.

Rarity levitated her pattern over to one of Cheerilee's feet, and frowned. "Oh dear... this is a rather complex pattern, isn't it. And your feet are quite a bit smaller...." she took a deep breath. "No matter, no matter, I will manage. Perhaps something simple? Slippers, perhaps?"

Cheerilee forced herself to stay put while Rarity worked on a simple pair of slippers for her, but Twilight could tell she was getting nervous.

"What's the matter, Cheerilee?" Twilight asked the woman with a gentle smile, trying to project calmness and serenity. "I'm sure Johnathon will love the way you look...."

Cheerilee shivered. "I just... I ran away from him so abruptly... I need to see him... let him know how I feel." she sucked in a deep breath. "I... don't want to let Hearts and Hooves day go by without telling him."

Rarity's brow was furrowed, and she was visibly sweating, and her horn glowed even brighter as she listened to Cheerilee and Twilight. "I won't let you down, Cheerilee, don't you worry."

Rarity produced a pair of slippers that she was satisfied with after another ten minutes. "I'm so sorry it took so long..." she apologized. "But I've never been very good with footwear, I'm afraid."

"They're lovely." Twilight said soothingly. "You look great, Cheerilee." she reassured the human woman. At the least, Twilight thought, Cheerilee didn't look any odder than Johnathon himself did... and the colors were nice. The clothing seemed to fit her well enough, and without Johnathon himself to tell them, she couldn't begin to guess if they'd done a proper job of it.

Cheerilee simply nodded, still looking anxious. "Could... could you help me find Johnathon now?"

Twilight smiled. "Of course. Let's go look for him." she helped Cheerilee up until the woman could put her hands on her back and hold her up. They made their way slowly to the door of the Boutique that way, and Twilight frowned. "Maybe I should carry you? It's going to take a while getting around like this."

Cheerilee hesitated, then nodded. "Could you?"

Twilight nodded. "Sure... go ahead and get on my back."

Cheerilee tried climbing on top of Twilight awkwardly, and Twilight turned her head and helped her with her telekinesis to find a comfortable position. "Just... hold on to my neck if you feel like you're going to fall off." Twilight walked out the door with Cheerilee perched on her back, feeling just a bit silly... and more than a little overburdened. Cheerilee was lighter as a human than she had been as a pony, but not much. She was still quite a bit heavier than Spike. Still, they could move faster this way.


Johnathon finished reading the section of the book detailing the love potion for what had to be the tenth time. "So... to break the spell... all we need to do is make sure Big Mac doesn't find Cheerilee... and Cheerilee doesn't find me... for... an hour?" he frowned. "Well, I can hide in here till then... but what about Big Mac?"

Applebloom looked worried. "He could be anywhere by now!"

Johnathon sighed. "You're going to have to find him... and make sure he doesn't find Cheerilee till the hour is up, alright?" he frowned. "I'll come looking for you in.. forty minutes or so, I guess. At the least, if I stay out of sight, the spell should be broken on Cheerilee, right?"

Applebloom nodded. "Alright. I'll go find my big brother, and you stay hidden!" she raced out of the clubhouse, and Johnathon sat heavily against one wall with a sigh.

"Sheesh." he shook his head wearily. "A love potion? Really? Every time I think I can't be surprised again...."


Rarity followed Twilight and Cheerilee out into the center of town, walking side by side with Twilight and glancing around curiously as if looking for the man, but also enjoying the attention.

And there was plenty of that. As they moved through town, ponies stopped whatever they were doing and stared at the human sitting on Twilight's back. Aside from a few loving couples, too busy staring into each others eyes to look up, most every pony they passed stared at them in fascinated curiosity.

Nevertheless, Ponyville was a peaceful town, and Twilight, and to a lesser extent, Rarity, were well known and trusted. If they were with the stranger, no pony felt the need to panic. Most were polite enough not to bug them, although, only moments after they passed Sugar Cube Corner, Pinkie Pie burst out of the shop and rushed over to them.

"Hey! Who's this! Wait, let me guess!" Pinkie wracked her brains. "It's a human!" she grinned. "It's nice to meet you! I'm Pinkie Pie! Are you new in town, or are you some pony who Twilight just turned into a human? Is that it? Oh, I bet it is! Let me guess who you are, don't tell me! I know, Lyra, right? Or Bon Bon, because she wants to surprise Lyra... or wait, you're Cheerilee!"

Twilight grinned at her precocious friend. "Got it on the third try, Pinkie. How did you guess?"

Pinkie looked thoughtful. "Well, Big Mac is running around everywhere looking for her, but he can't find her anywhere... so if he's looking everywhere and can't find her, she must be in disguise, and what better disguise could there be then being a whole different species!"

Twilight frowned. "Pinkie... that doesn't even make any sense. If Cheerilee was just trying to hide, she's just... I don't know... hide someplace."

Pinkie blinked. "Well... I guess, but you know, Cheerilee isn't very good at hiding, are you Miss Cheerilee?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "Well... I suppose not," she chewed on her lip. "Pinkie... do you know where Johnathon might be? We're looking for him."

Pinkie looked thoughtful. "He's usually at your house at this time of day, Cheerilee. I haven't seen him today," she quirked her head. "Did you want to show him your new human disguise?"

"It's not a disguise, Pinkie," Twilight explained patiently. "Cheerilee asked me to turn her human because...." she hesitated. "Er... because...."

"Because she's in love with Mister Dwire, of course," Rarity said with a fond smile. "And what a romantic gesture it is, don't you think?"

Pinkie beamed. "Oh... that is really romantic! Can I plan the wedding reception? Those are parties that you have after weddings! They're super fun, with dancing, and cake... and pretty dresses... just like a regular party, really, only super special because it's celebrating a wedding, which is extra special all by itself!"

Off in the distance, they heard a faint yell. "Cheerilee, where are you?!?" Big Mac's voice was starting to sound a bit rough, as if he had been calling for quite some time, and as he called again and again, it became obvious he was coming their way.

Cheerilee looked panicked. "Twilight... he can't find me. I need to find Johnathon first!"

Twilight hesitated. "I... I don't think I'm up to teleporting again, Cheerilee... we'll just have to run for it."

Rarity frowned. "What is this? Why is Big Mac looking for you, Cheerilee?" her eyes widened. "Oh my... is it... a love triangle? Oh my! How delicious! The poor dear must be trying to confess his love to you... while you search for Johnathon to confess your love to him! Oh... how utterly perfect!"

Twilight started moving toward a side road, Rarity and Pinkie Pie following along, when Applebloom came running by from a different direction, heading towards the sound of Big Mac's shouting. As she went by, she did a double take at the sight of the human on Twilight's back, and ran a few more steps before stopping and running toward them instead.

"Miss Cheerilee?" Applebloom guessed. "Is that you?"

Twilight blinked. "How come everyone seems to know that this is Cheerilee?"

Applebloom hesitated. "Well, Cheerilee is in love with Johnathon right now... and all of a sudden I see another human...." she looked at Cheerilee hard. "You're a human now, right?" Cheerilee nodded, her eyes going wide, and Applebloom continued. "So I guessed."

Cheerilee nearly fell off of Twilight in her haste to get to Applebloom. "Applebloom... sweetie? Do you... do you know where Johnathon is? I need to find him."

Applebloom hesitated. "Er... maybe? I er... I guess I could lead you to him... but... I got to talk to Twilight real quick... private like."

Cheerilee was down on her knees, and she hugged Applebloom hard to her chest. "Oh... yes! Please, take me to him! Hurry please!"

Applebloom hesitated, then turned to Pinkie and Rarity. "This is going to sound strange... but... could you get Miss Cheerilee out of here... we don't want Big Mac to see her, OK? I'll meet you at... at Twilight's library in five minutes, I just have to talk to miss Twilight a second, OK?"

Rarity's eyes narrowed. "This has something to do with the Crusaders, doesn't it..." she began suspiciously.

Pinkie Pie just grinned, and wedged her head under Cheerilee's middle, and tossed her lightly onto her back. "Hide and seek! Got it! We'll sneak Cheerilee to the library, lickity split, Applebloom!" Rarity frowned, but followed Pinkie and the anxious looking Cheerilee away.

Twilight turned to Applebloom with a frown the moment the others were around the corner and out of sight. "OK, what's REALLY going on, Applebloom?" she asked suspiciously.

Applebloom hesitated. "Well... I do know where Johnathon is, but Miss Cheerilee can't see him for another... um... half an hour or so... and we can't let Big Mac see her either!"

Twilight blinked. "Why? What's so important about them not seeing each other...." her eyes went wide. "Wait a minute... Big Mac and Cheerilee are both suddenly crazy in love... and the potion described in the book I lent you has only one antidote..."

Applebloom winced. "Er... yeah. That."

Twilight's eyes went wide, and she gave a horrified gasp. "Oh no! I changed her into a human because she said she was in love with Johnathon! I don't know how to reverse it! She might be stuck like that forever!" she started running in small circles around Applebloom. "What will happen with the potion wears off? She'll hate me! She'll tell Princess Celestia! Princess Celestia will banish me!" Twilight grimaced. "Ack! I have to figure out the counter spell in the next thirty minutes or Princess Celestia will banish me!"

With a bright flash, Twilight Sparkle vanished from the alleyway, leaving Applebloom standing there blinking. "What just happened?" she asked the empty air.

"Cheerilee!" Big Mac's voice was getting closer, and Applebloom hesitated only a moment before heading toward the sound. She found her brother in moments, rushing through the streets frantically and calling for Cheerilee, and looked around for the other Crusaders. She soon spotted them shadowing her big brother from a distance, and she snuck back to them to bring them up to date.

"So... all we have to do is keep Big Mac from finding Cheerilee, and keep Cheerilee from finding Big Mac for... what... twenty more minutes?" Sweetie Bell said with a relieved look on her face. "Is that all?"

Applebloom winced. "Well, it might be nice if we could keep my brother from making a fool of himself at the same time..."

Scootaloo grimaced. "Tell me about it! Everypony is looking at him like he's crazy...."

Applebloom sighed. "I'll take care of my big brother, I guess... you go and check on Miss Cheerilee. She should be in the library with Rarity and Pinkie Pie. And... er... she's kind of gotten herself turned into a human in the mean time."

Sweetie Bell blinked. "She did what?"

Applebloom shook her head. "We'll talk about it later... just... keep her from going to our club house, whatever you do. Johnathon's hiding out there."

Scootaloo saluted. "Got it!" she turned to Sweetie Bell. "Come on, let's go check on Miss Cheerilee."

Applebloom watched them go, then turned to look for her brother. In the time it had taken to brief her friends, he had gotten out of sight, but she could hear him calling in the distance. "Alright...." she said with a grimace. "Better get this over with."

Applebloom raced toward the sound of her big brother's anguished calls, wincing as she ran. "I'm going to get in so much trouble after this!" she moaned under her breath as she ran. She reached him quickly, and stopped in front of him. "Er... hey big brother... I guess you're looking for Miss Cheerilee?"

Big Mac whirled on her, a crazed look in his eyes as he nodded wordlessly.

"Well..." Applebloom lied with a wince. "I think I know where she is. Just follow me, and I'll take you to her, OK?"

Big Mac nodded firmly. "Eeyup!"


Rarity opened the door to the library for Pinkie, who carried Cheerilee inside, where they found a tired, frazzled looking Twilight surrounded by books, reading them at a feverish pace, and muttering something about not wanting to be banished under her breath. Pinkie dropped Cheerilee off by the window, and hopped away and out of the library, saying something about getting a party ready.

Less than a minute later, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo came bursting into the library, only to stop and stare at their transformed teacher, who was nervously sitting in the corner.

Cheerilee spotted them, and bit her lip. "Have you seen Johnathon? Or Applebloom? She's supposed to show me where he is!" she explained anxiously.

"Um..." Sweetie Bell rolled her eyes, trying to think of a workable lie. "Um... Applebloom... um... went to get Johnathon, and bring him here! She'll be back real soon!"

Cheerilee nodded nervously at this, and looked a bit less worried, although she still couldn't seem to keep still, fretting endlessly. Rarity, however, was not fooled.

She walked up to her sister, opened the front door to the library and nodded to the door, giving a sharp look to her younger sister. "We'll just be outside for a moment, waiting for Johnathon!" she said with a fake smile, then she sharply jabbed her head at the doorway, glaring at her younger sister again.

When they were both outside, and the door was closed, she turned her glare up a few notches. "OK, young lady... what's going on? I know when you're up to something."

Sweetie Bell hesitated. "Er... it's really complicated."

Rarity frowned darkly. "Well, uncomplicate it for me."

Sweetie Bell sighed and started telling her older sister the story.


Applebloom was panting, having led her big brother halfway around the city before he finally came to a stop, looking confused.

"What's goin' on?" he asked his youngest sibling in confusion, then winced. "And why do I feel like I've gotten bucked in the side, and then gone running for an hour?" He coughed, looking more confused. "And why is my throat sore?"


Cheerilee's reaction was different. She went from looking out the library window anxiously, to looking confused, to looking at herself, and then straight to screaming in panic and falling over.

"Cheerilee!" Rarity cried in concern. "Cheerilee, are you alright?"

Cheerilee was breathing hard, lying on her back, and staring from her hands to her chest over and over again, although she had managed to stop screaming. "I'm... not quite sure. Why does it look like I've been transformed into a... female human?"

Pinkie Pie burst back into the library, looking around curiously. "Why is there screaming? Is it good screaming or bad screaming?"

Twilight Sparkle winced. She hadn't managed to figure out a proper counterspell yet, but there was nothing to do but admit the truth, and face her punishment.

"It was our fault." Sweetie Bell said before Twilight could speak up. "We... kinda fed you and Big Mac a... tiny bit of love potion... and you both kind of went... a bit nutty."

Cheerilee blinked. "A... love potion?" she frowned in confusion. "Er... that doesn't explain why I'm... human...." her face cleared up. "Wait... don't tell me. Johnathon happened to walk by right after I drank it, didn't he?" It wasn't really a question, but Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell both nodded. "And I fell in love with him," they nodded again and Cheerilee turned to a very guilty looking Twilight. "And I came to you and begged you to change me into a human?"

Twilight grimaced. "I'm so sorry, Cheerilee, I should have figured that you weren't yourself... I mean, I was the one who gave them that book with the love potion in it in the first place! I wasn't thinking... you just... you seemed so sincere... and you begged me...."

Cheerilee sighed. "That's alright, Twilight, you meant well. It's no big deal, right? It'll wear off in half a day or so, won't it?"

Twilight winced. "Er... no. You asked me to use my permanent transformation spell. It's not going to wear off... period."

Cheerilee paled. "It's not?"

Twilight shook her head, looking very embarrassed. "I... I haven't figured out the counterspell yet. Since I cast it on myself the last time, to turn into... er..." she glanced at the two crusaders and changed what she was going to say. "Since I cast it the last time, I have a better idea about how it works... but I haven't done very much research on it since then... except to make sure I could replicate it when I need it. Which I can," she shrugged helplessly. "But the part of the spell that makes it so I can only cast it on ponies? I haven't cracked that part... yet," Twilight hung her head. "I'll keep working on it! I promise! I'm sure I can figure it out!"

Cheerilee nodded, taking a long, deep breath. "I believe you. It's alright. There are worse things that could happen to a pony," she carefully sat up, and looked down at herself. "Where did these clothes come from?"

Rarity waved at her. "That was me, dear."

Cheerilee glanced at the clothes again, then back at Rarity. "How long was I... er... under the love spell?"

"Just about an hour, apparently." Rarity explained.

"An hour?" Cheerilee blinked in astonishment, then down at the clothes. "Wow." she looked up at Rarity. "You're very fast!"

The fashionista smiled modestly. "It was nothing, truly. A pleasure. I just hope Johnathon likes them. I was trying to design to suit his tastes, and I really know so little about human culture."

Cheerilee looked at her with a flat expression. "You were trying to make me look good for Johnathon?" she said with a frown. "Oh great. How many ponies think I'm madly in love with him by now?"

Pinkie tried and failed to look innocent. "Er... it depends?"

Cheerilee winced. "Oh no."

Pinkie shrugged sheepishly. "It depends on how many ponies in town have opened their mail yet? There are really too many ponies in town for me to hoof deliver the party invitations to... so I made a quick stop at the post office."

Cheerilee put a hand to her head tiredly. "Naturally."


Pinkie and Rarity had headed for the post office, hoping to head off the party invitations, and Twilight had gone back to her research, looking overtired, but determined. A half hour passed, while Cheerilee attempted to practice walking by using the library's walls and shelves to hold onto for balance, and Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo sat quietly in a corner. Their silence was reinforced by occasional angry looks from their humanized teacher.

There was a knock at the door, and Johnathon Dwire walked into the library, followed closely by Applebloom and Big Mac. He stopped halfway through the door, causing the big stallion to run into him from behind.

"What in the...?" The archeologist stared at the young human woman on the other side of the room in astonishment. "I... damn," He shook his head. "Applebloom told me... but..." he shook his head again, as if trying to clear it. "Damn." He took a few steps toward her, one hand coming up as if to touch her, although he was still a dozen feet away. "Wow...." he finally said. "I'm... wow, I'm really sorry this happened, but... you look great," he blushed slightly. "I mean...." he shrugged. "Well, you do. You look great," he walked the rest of the way over to her, and put a hand on her arm. "I'm really sorry, Cheerilee. If I knew you were planning on doing this, I'd have stopped you."

Cheerilee shook her head, smiling slightly. "It's fine, Johnathon. I'm already starting to get used to this... body, and I'm sure Twilight will figure out a counter spell eventually," she shrugged, acting nonchalant. "There's no rush. It's not like I'm in pain. I won't have any trouble doing my job like this either. It'll be... strange for awhile, but...." she smiled. "I might not have asked for this... I probably wouldn't have, in fact, but... how many ponies get the chance to spend some time as an entirely different species? It actually might be fun, don't you think?" she winked at him. "I'm glad you think I look good though. I'll tell Rarity that she got the clothes right."

Johnathon glanced down at her clothing, and blushed again, just slightly. "Er... yeah. You should do that," He waved a hand at the tunic style tube top she was wearing. It was cinched in at the waist, almost like a short dress, and it accented her curves nicely. "I don't remember telling Rarity about anything like this... but I like it."

Cheerilee touched her bare shoulders nervously. "Am I wearing enough? I think Rarity was trying to make me look... er... a bit provocative... er... since it's hearts and hooves day, and she thought I was trying to get you interested in me."

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, if that was her intent, she did a great job."

Cheerilee blushed. "Oh... I thought it might be a bit too much... or rather, too little."

He shook his head. "No... it's really fine. You could walk down the main street in any major city in America and no one would look twice," he chuckled. "Well, they'd look, I suppose, because you're quite attractive, but not because you're inappropriately dressed," Johnathon looked thoughtful. "You'll want a light sweater... or a shawl or something to put over your shoulders when it gets colder later tonight... but you look fine," he sighed. "You look great."

Cheerilee's face fell slightly. "Johnathon... I...."

He shook his head. "Hey... don't worry about it." he looked away, his shoulders going tense, then he took a deep breath and looked at her again. "So, it looks like you're trying to learn how to walk... need any help?" Big Mac wandered over, looking at Cheerilee curiously.

The big stallion finally gave her a wry grin. "Guess I've been running all over town making a fool out of myself."

Cheerilee frowned. "Oh dear. What happened?"

Big Mac rolled his eyes. "Apparently I've been running all over looking for ya... yelling your name at the top of my lungs."

Cheerilee winced. "Oh dear. I'm so sorry, Big Mac."

He turned to glare at his younger sister. "Not your fault," he turned back to her. "Somewhere along the way, somepony gave me a bit of a kick in the ribs too, I think... but I'll be alright, I expect." He frowned at Cheerilee. "You sure you going to be alright?"

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "Oh, I'll be fine Big Mac. It'll be an interesting experience, being a human, but I'll survive," she frowned at the Crusaders, who were now all huddled in the corner of the Library, looking miserable.

"Now what are we supposed to do with you?" she said, looking cross. She glanced at Big Mac. "Well now... since Big Mac got injured thanks to your love potion, how about you three do all of his chores to make up for it!"

"For a week," Johnathon said in annoyance. "And since you got Cheerilee to turn herself into a human, how about you help her out after school every day for the next week as well, with all the cleaning and such," he glanced at Big Mac, then Cheerilee. "Does that sound fair to you two?"

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup."

Cheerilee nodded in agreement. "It's settled then. Do you three have anything to say for yourselves?"

Sweetie Bell looked at the others, then stepped forward slowly. "It was wrong of us to give you a love potion," she began.

"Because it's not right to try and get two ponies to fall in love," Applebloom agreed.

"No pony else should decide who another pony's special somepony should be," Scootaloo finished.

"We're sorry!" they said together.

"Alright then," Cheerilee said with a small smile. "You should go get started on Big Mac's chores now, and I'll be seeing you after school every day as well, alright?"

The three fillies nodded quickly. "Yes Miss Cheerilee!" they headed out the door together, and turned toward Sweet Apple Acres.

Rarity came back into the library, shaking her head. "I swear, that mail mare is a lot faster than she looks!" she complained. "And quite stubborn. I'm afraid those party invitations will be going out after all."

Pinkie came in a minute later, panting. "She... gave me... the slip...." the pink party mare said with a gasp. "Who knew Ditzy Doo could fly so well?"

Cheerilee sighed. "So... what exactly is on these party invitations?"

Pinkie looked thoughtful. "It's supposed to be a surprise party at Sugar Cube Corner to celebrate our first human couple on Hearts and Hooves day?" she explained.

Cheerilee sighed, then brightened slightly. "Oh well. I suppose we can take the opportunity to explain what really happened to everypony. There's bound to be a lot of speculation about why I'm a human... as soon as everypony figures that out, anyway. And we can explain about Big Mac as well..."

Big Mac groaned. "Eynope," he decided. "If it's all the same to you, I'll be skipping this particular party. Ya'll mind explaining without me?"

Johnathon sighed, then nodded. "Yeah... no problem, Big Mac." he said finally. "If I could, I'd skip it as well."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "And you can't?"

He shrugged. "Well, you're probably going to need some... being human lessons for the next few days, and I can't just leave you to explain all on your own," he put an arm around behind her back. "Want to practice walking a bit? I'll make sure and keep you from falling."

She put her own arm around behind his back, and grabbed onto his belt. "Isn't this going to be a little weird for you?"

Johnathon nodded. "Yeah... but I'll deal with it."

Cheerilee hesitated. "I mean... the whole thing... me being a human female... living in the same house as you, and all that." she frowned. "Ponies might talk. I mean... when we were different species, that was one thing, but we're the same species now, and we live together...."

Johnathon nodded. "Their will probably be talk," he glanced at her. "Is that a problem? I could move out... just till you get switched back, at least."

Cheerilee hesitated. "It might bother me... but I don't want you to have to move out. I like having you around," she frowned. "Is it going to bother you?"

Johnathon nodded again. "A little... not necessarily in a bad way. I'm an adult, I'll deal with it."

"We'll deal with it together." Cheerilee said softly.

Johnathon nodded firmly, grinning back. "Eeyup."

Chapter 24

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Johnathon and Cheerilee were sitting on the counter in the kitchen at Sugar Cube Corner as the the party got started out in the main part of the sweet shop. Or rather, Johnathon was leaning against the counter, almost sitting on it, next to Cheerilee who was perched on the counter with her legs dangling off the edge and her feet not quite touching the floor.

"So... are human woman usually shorter than men, or are you just unusually tall?" Cheerilee said with a smile, glancing down at her feet, then up to Johnathon's face, which was still above her eye level, although closer than she was used to.

"A little of both." Johnathon observed. "I'm taller than average, and human females do tend to be smaller than males." he nodded at her. "You seem like you're just a little bit over five feet tall now. Maybe five three or so? That's roughly average for an adult, I believe."

"I'll take your word on it." she reached up and took a hunk of hair in her hand and pulled it in front of her face. "Hmm... my hair is a bit lighter in color than yours, isn't it?" she frowned. "Why brown though? What's wrong with purple?"

Johnathon glanced over with interest. "Well... humans don't have purple hair. Twilight's ended up being black... yours is brown... there are a few more colors, but honestly, humans don't have halfway as many shades as ponies do. Blond, brown, black... red... well, not really red, but more of a chestnut color..." he shrugged. "Variations in between, but not much else. My hair is dark brown... except where I'm going grey."

Cheerilee blinked. "Grey? Where?"

He pointed at his temples. "It's coming in grey bit by bit. It's not really that noticeable yet."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Do I look strange? I know you said I looked good, but, I want you to be honest with me."

Johnathon smiled. "I was being honest. Actually, you kind of look like... well, you. I mean... your hair has the same cut as your mane did... pretty much, and your face... well, it's subtle, but you do look like... er... you... if that makes any sense?"

Cheerilee thought about it. "I suppose. Twilight did... sort of look a little bit like herself as well when she was human."

Johnathon smiled at her. "Your eyes are... well, not the same, but pretty similar as well."

Cheerilee sighed. "This is so weird."

"Yup." he agreed quietly, looking thoughtful. "I'm amazed how quickly you seem to be figuring out how to walk... and use your hands. Do you think that's part of the spell?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "Well... I'm not sure if I'd say I'm really proficient with walking on two legs yet... but yes, I expect you're right. I didn't even think about how to use my hands the first time, and I'm not having any trouble at all..." she chuckled. "Except when I think about it too much."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "I suppose the spell rewires your brain a bit, like the translation spell did on me...."

The school teacher grimaced. "Does that mean I don't remember how to walk on four legs, or pick things up with my hooves?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Possibly, but I'd expect you'd get everything back when you change back anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it so much." he looked curious. "Do you think you could walk without any trouble if you didn't think about it?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "Well, that makes sense, I suppose, but I feel like I'm so... high up, almost like I'm barely connected to the ground. It's a bit nerve-wracking."

Johnathon nodded. "I think I can understand that. Well, a little bit more practice, and you'll get over your nervousness. I'm sure you'll be walking fine in no time."

"I hope so."

Pinkie Pie burst into the kitchen and smiled brightly at them. "Just about everypony is here who's coming. Are you ready to come out yet?"

Cheerilee sighed, then nodded. "Might as well get this over with. It's better than having to explain everything to everypony I meet on the street, I suppose."

"That's the spirit!" Pinkie said cheerfully. "Twilight will do most of the talking anyway, so all you have to do is answer a few questions."

Cheerilee nodded. "That won't be so bad, I guess."

Johnathon stood, and moved over to her, holding out his hands for her to grasp. "Just take my hands, and hop down off the counter. I'll make sure you don't fall." he promised.

"Alright..." Cheerilee answered nervously, taking his hands as instructed, and gripping them hard before sliding gingerly off the counter. She wobbled for a moment before he pulled her in closer, putting an arm around her waist.

"Try closing your eyes for a second." the human advised. "Just... I don't know... try to see how it feels without worrying about how high up you are."

Cheerilee frowned, but tried it, closing her eyes and just trying to focus on how standing felt. She could feel his arm around the small of her back, supporting her. She had one hand on his chest, an the other holding his free hand. Her body felt... odd, and normal at the same time. She shifted her balance slightly, then adjusted back before she got too off center, and smiled slightly as she realized she somehow already knew how to adjust her balance. It actually seemed natural to her to stand up straight, now that she wasn't focusing on how high she was. It wasn't really all that high, actually. She was less than twice her old height, but it still seemed like being a whole lot taller.

Cheerilee opened her eyes, and nodded. "OK... let's go." Johnathon stepped around her, releasing her hand and simply supporting her along her back, and she let his free hand go, moving her other hand up to rest on his shoulder, so that they were side by side. Hesitantly, but with growing confidence, Cheerilee walked out of the kitchen and into Sugar Cube Corner. She wilted a little as several dozen ponies all turned their attention to her as she entered, but took a deep breath and proceeded forward anyway.

"Hi everypony." Cheerilee said, waving slowly with her free hand.

There was a chorus of mixed greetings, but mostly confused or curious expressions on the faces of the Ponyville ponies gathered, and Twilight cleared her throat, stepping out in front of Johnathon and Cheerilee to get everypony's attention.

"To make a long story short." Twilight began. "Big Macintosh and Miss Cheerilee were both affected by a love potion today... which is why Big Mac was running around town and er...."

"Acting like a love sick idiot?" Mister Cake supplied helpfully.

"Right..." Twilight agreed uncomfortably. "And... anyway, we figured out about the love potion... or rather, those responsible explained, but not before certain... bad decisions were made." she put a hoof on the back of her head. "One of them by me." she nodded to Cheerilee. "You see, the first pony... or rather, the first individual that Miss Cheerilee saw after drinking the love potion, was Mister Dwire... and she fell in love with him. She came to me, asking me to change her into a human... and at the time, I had no idea anypony had created a love potion. She was very persuasive, so I finally agreed."

"Wait!" Bon Bon exclaimed in surprise. "Do you mean that human next to Johnathon is Miss Cheerilee?"

Twilight nodded, and Cheerilee smiled sheepishly, and waved. "Er... yes. I'm me... I mean, I'm Cheerilee." she sighed. "I kind of went a bit... crazy, apparently."

Twilight sighed. "Anyway... by the time we found out that Cheerilee and Big Mac were under the effects of love potion, the damage was done. I'd already cast the spell."

"Is there any more love potion?" Asked an earth pony Johnathon didn't know.

"Are you going to be able to change Cheerilee back?" A unicorn named Amethyst Star asked curiously.

"Can you transform any pony into a human?" Lyra asked excitedly.

"No, there isn't any more love potion." Twilight answered quickly. "And I can transform any pony into a human... although it takes a great deal of effort... but, I'm afraid I'm not sure if I can turn her back." she sighed. "It's possible, and I'll do my best, but I've been studying this magic for awhile, and it's very difficult."

There was a concerted gasp of horror at the last statement. "You mean... Cheerilee is going to be stuck as a human?" Miss Cake asked, looking shocked.

"For now, yes." Twilight said sadly. "I should never have agreed to do the spell...."

Cheerilee reached forward to put a hand on the purple unicorn's shoulder. "I don't blame you, Twilight." she said sincerely. "I don't remember, of course, but from what everypony tells me, the love potion made me desperate. You only did what I asked."

There were several moments of silence before Amethest Star spoke up again. "Um... so... how did Cheerilee and Big Mac end up drinking a love potion anyway? Who gave it to them?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "I told some of my students that I didn't happen to have anypony special for Hearts and Hooves day, so they decided to... help." she sighed.

Amethest looked incredulous. "Where did they even get a love potion?"

Twilight Sparkle cleared her throat. "As for that, since I really don't want to see the events of today repeating, nopony is going to tell any pony else how to find or make a love potion. I hope everypony here is adult enough to realize how dangerous something like that can be!" Several ponies looked disappointed, but there was a general muttering of agreement, and Twilight smiled. "Alright then. Are there any other questions?"

"Yeah!" Bon Bon asked curiously. "So... are you and Johnathon a couple now, Cheerilee?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "Johnathon is my dear friend." she said finally. "Nothing more." she glanced up and over at Johnathon, who blinked, shrugged, and then inclined his head towards her in acknowledgement.

After an uncomfortable pause, Pinkie Pie spoke up. "Well, that's the story, everypony. Now who wants some cupcakes!"


The party had, after a few more tense moments, turned out rather well, at least as far as Johnathon was concerned. He and Cheerilee had fielded a few more questions, but most of the inhabitants of Ponyville seemed content with their explanations. Cheerilee herself had relaxed, and by the end of the party, was moving about in her new body rather well. She still staggered a lot while trying to walk, but she was getting better quickly.

The two humans walked home together. Cheerilee was holding on to Johnathon's arm for support, but mostly managing on her own.

"It must be the spell." Johnathon decided. "You're picking this up way too quickly for it to be natural."

Cheerilee pouted slightly, pretending to look hurt. "What, you don't think I could manage to completely adapt to a strange body in a few hours without magic?"

Johnathon laughed lightly. "Perhaps I'm mistaken, Cheerilee. Maybe you're a genius when it comes to adapting to strange transformations. We should tell Twilight! You can be her test subject for all sorts of things!"

Cheerilee shivered slightly at the thought. "Has anyone ever told you that you have a mean sense of humor?"

Johnathon snickered. "Once or twice." almost immediately afterwards he looked apologetic. "Sorry, I shouldn't tease. You are adapting remarkably well, magic or no. You're handing being transformed much better than I would, I think."

Cheerilee sighed. "I think I'm just in shock right now. It's hard to believe this is actually happening, you know? It's like a dream."

Johnathon nodded. "I get that. It's a bit surreal to me as well, to be honest." They had turned the last corner before Cheerilee's house, and could see their place in the distance.

Cheerilee frowned slightly. "Did I do anything else strange while I was... er... under the influence?"

Johnathon shrugged. "I suppose it depends on your definition of strange. You confessed your love to me, of course...."

Cheerilee rolled her eyes. "Of course. Anything else?"

He wrinkled his nose. "Well, when Big Mac figured out that you loved me... he got a bit... jealous, and you kind of ended up bucking him in the side pretty hard."

Cheerilee winced. "Oh... I wondered how he got hurt. I'll have to apologize..."

Johnathon shook his head. "You weren't in your right mind... don't worry about that." he shrugged. "Anyway... after that, you were trying to tell me how much you loved me... and then you seemed to realize something, and ran off... I suppose that's when you went to see Twilight."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "I guess I realized you'd never really...." she blushed, and stopped talking abruptly. "Um... we're back." she pulled loose of his arm and walked carefully to the door to the house, and opened it.

Johnathon followed her in, frowning. "Yeah...."

Cheerilee went to the table and sat down. "It's not like you ever were unclear about how you feel. You're only attracted to your own species. There isn't anything strange about that."

Johnathon nodded slowly, shutting the door, then sitting down at the table across from her. "No... but I imagine it must have been pretty painful for you to remember, while you were under the effect of the love potion, anyway."

"That's why I went to Twilight, of course." Cheerilee said calmly. "I figured that out pretty quickly once I heard about the love potion."

Johnathon hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Had you... considered something like this before now?"

Cheerilee blinked, then frowned. "I suppose. Not seriously, really, but... after Twilight turned herself human, the thought did cross my mind a couple times. I wondered what it would be like... and...."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "And?"

Cheerilee shook her head. "and... and I wondered what it would be like... if you would stay here. If Twilight couldn't figure out how to get you home... or if you..."

"If I decided to stay?" Johnathon said softly.

"Yes." Cheerilee nodded slowly. "I wondered if... well, I thought about what it would be like if you were a pony... and I wondered if you had to stay, if you'd ask Twilight to figure out how to make you one. But then I thought... what would I do if I were you? Would I agree to give up my... my species? Who and what I am, to be with someone I cared about?" she shook her head. "I couldn't really decide." Johnathon sat back in his chair, but didn't speak. Cheerilee looked away, looking embarrassed, then sighed. "I'm sorry. I feel like I'm putting you on the spot here."

Johnathon shook his head. "You really don't have to apologize." he paused for several seconds, then spoke again. "I do care about you. You know that, right?"

Cheerilee nodded. "I know that." she smiled wanly at him. "But you're going to go home when you get the chance... and... and I don't want to make it harder for you."

Johnathon took a deep breath. "It was already going to be hard. It... IS going to be hard." he gestured to her. "This... this change... it... I don't know how... what I feel about it."

Cheerilee quirked her head to one side, looking at him curiously. "I know I asked you this before... but be honest with me. Does it bother you? I mean... me being human now?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well... like I said earlier, a little, but I'll deal with it."

"What exactly bothers you though?" Cheerilee asked. "I think I understand, but... I want to be sure."

Johnathon frowned. "Well... I suppose it's a combination of things." he said softly. "Part of it is simply that you make quite an attractive woman... and that can be just a little difficult." he grinned. "But like I said, not really in a bad way."

Cheerilee grinned slightly. "That's the part I understood." her grin faded quickly as she sobered. "But... there's more to it, isn't there?"

Johnathon hesitated, then sighed. "What we're dancing around and around here is if, now that you're human, if our friendship might not become something more, right?"

Cheerilee blushed slightly, then nodded. "I think so, yes." she looked at him. "I know you care about me. I care about you. Could it be anything more than that?" she looked at the table. "Would you... would you stay here to be with me?"

Johnathon sighed. "Damn it... damn it...." his fist hit the table and Cheerilee startled backwards, nearly falling out of her chair. He flinched and reached out for her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"You're angry." she said softly.

He sighed. "Yes... a little." he looked up at her and caught her eyes. "Not with you. Just... with the situation."

Cheerilee nodded. "I understand that."

Johnathon sighed again. "You deserve an answer, Cheerilee. It just... the answer is... difficult." he paused, but even as Cheerilee seemed to want to say something, he spoke up. "Damn it... the thing is... I can't help myself. I want to be happy!"

Cheerilee nodded encouragingly. "Everypony wants to be happy, Johnathon."

"And I'm happy here." he said. "But... but there are people I've left behind. People who almost certainly think I'm dead. I... it's not right for me to let them... think that when it's not true." he sighed. "But that's only part of it. I do... I do like it here, but... being here, I've grown to realize that I want what I had before. I want to find a woman to spend the rest of my life with...."

"A human woman." Cheerilee said with a soft sigh. "And now that I am one?"

Johnathon looked at her. "It's not fair. I cannot ask you to stay like this. It's not right. But... if you... if you are trapped like this... I'd... I'd stay." he stood abruptly and turned, his fists clenching. "Damn it!" he swore again. "This is just... so..."

Cheerilee sighed. "I wouldn't ask you to change yourself into a pony either, Johnathon... but that doesn't mean I would be unhappy if you did." she sighed. "I'd feel guilty, especially if I was the reason you sacrificed being human... but I wouldn't be unhappy." she reached out and put a hand on his back. "I appreciate the fact that you wouldn't want to leave me alone like this if I can't get changed back... but you don't have to feel guilty for me."

Johnathon turned toward her, taking her hand roughly in his. "No... it's not that." he frowned, and corrected himself. "It's not just that. Yes... I would feel guilty if you were stuck like this, and I left. In fact, I would find it... dishonorable to do so... but..." he shook his head. "It wouldn't be a burden. On the contrary... I...." he looked away. "I think I could be... quite happy... if... if...." he shook his head. "But we can't... we can't think like this. You need to go back to being a pony, and I need to go home."

Cheerilee closed her eyes, trying not to get angry. "What if I don't want to change back? What if... I want you to stay, and I agree to stay like this?"

Johnathon looked conflicted, then he sighed. "Then I'd stay, I suppose." he smiled slightly, looking a little sad. "Are you just saying that, Cheerilee? Is this just a... a hypothetical situation, or do you mean that you really want me to stay strongly enough to give up being a pony?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "I... I don't know." she finally admitted. "I don't know if I won't wake up in the morning and freak out or not... once the reality of what's happened to me fully sets in... but...." she hesitated. "If... if you want me to stay like this... if you asked me to stay like this, I'd probably say yes."

Johnathan slowly sat back down. "You'd really do that for me?" he shook his head. "I could never ask you to do that for me. It's too much to ask of anypony."

Cheerilee smiled softly. "And if I asked you to stay, and change into a pony for me?"

Johnathon sighed. "Damn it...." he hung his head. "I'd probably say no." he admitted. "I don't think I could give up being human."

Cheerilee nodded, looking a bit sad. "Which is why you'd never ask me to give up being a pony. It wouldn't be fair."

Johnathon shrugged helplessly. "Well... yes."

She sighed. "But you'd give up your world? Your home?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Probably... if... if...."

"If we end up together... romantically, you'd stay." Cheerilee finished his sentence for him.

"Of course I'd stay!" Johnathon said gruffly, then sighed. "I already want to stay, because I'd miss my friends here... especially you. If... if... we became more than just friends... I couldn't leave."

Cheerilee nodded, smiling softly. "Well... I guess we know where we stand then."

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "I suppose so. What do we do now?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "How about we see how things go? I like you Johnathon, and being human right now, I'm... a bit tempted to see if that can't become something more, but..." she sighed. "But if it doesn't... I don't want to hurt you."

Johnathon smiled at her suddenly. "Well... let me worry about that part. I'll risk getting hurt... if you're willing to do the same."

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "I think I can take a chance on being hurt... for a friend."

"So... you want to see if the two of us can be more than just friends?" Johnathon said slowly. "And... if things work out, then...? What? I stay here, you remain human, and we get married?"

Cheerilee chuckled. "Jumping ahead a few steps, are we?" she nodded. "But yes... I guess that's what I'm suggesting."

Johnathon hesitated. "I don't want to make you feel like you have to stay human for me. I couldn't live with myself if I did that."

Cheerilee grinned at him. "Well, if I convince you to stay here, and not leave... I'm not going to feel all that guilty about it." she admitted, smiling. "So maybe you shouldn't feel quite so guilty about wanting me to stay human."

He raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh, so that's how it's going to be, huh?"

Cheerilee shrugged, looking unrepentant. "You want to go back because you feel guilty about how your friends and family feel.... and because you want a chance to have a romantic relationship, which you couldn't have here." she gestured at herself. "If... if we end up in a romantic relationship, that just leaves you feeling bad about your friends and family. I understand that, but... I'm afraid I'm selfish. I'd let them be unhappy if it means I don't lose my friend." she smiled weakly. "Does that mean I'm a bad pony?"

Johnathon smiled softly at her. "An honest one. I suppose I can't blame you for wanting your own happiness first."

Cheerilee sighed. "I am selfish... but if you couldn't be happy staying with me... I'd let you go, regardless. I wouldn't want you to be unhappy just to please me."

"I know." Johnathon said. "If that's selfish, I'm just as selfish. Heck, I'm more selfish. You're offering to give up being a pony for me, even though you know I wouldn't do the same."

Cheerilee frowned. "We'd both be giving something up if we want to be together. It wouldn't be fair to make you give up your world and your species at the same time."

Johnathon smiled sadly. "But if I really cared, shouldn't I be willing to do both?"

Cheerilee shook her head. "Life isn't that simple. Love isn't that simple. You're my friend, my good friend, but before today, the option for us to be together... well, I don't think either of us really even considered it seriously."

"Not... seriously." Johnathon said. "I wouldn't say I haven't considered it at all."

Cheerilee smiled. "So I wasn't the only one."

Johnathon chuckled. "I'd say quite a few of the ponies here in Ponyville have considered the possibility. I mean, wondered if you and I were together, anyway."

Cheerilee sighed. "Despite what we said at the party, that's just going to increase now, you know."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, they'd have a point. We've been sitting here for... what, half an hour now, seriously discussing the possibility of us... being a couple."

Cheerilee grinned. "A couple of fools, anyway." she shook her head. "Are we being crazy? I mean... we're friends... but... I don't know the first thing about being a human girl. I don't have a clue about what humans do on a first date..." she raised an eyebrow. "Humans do date, don't they? I'm sure you mentioned something about that...."

Johnathon grinned. "We do date. I'm not much of an expert on the subject either, frankly."

Cheerilee hesitated. "If we do... consider this, how do you want to go about it?"

"Why don't we just... see how we feel in the morning." Johnathon said finally. "And take things slow, regardless."

"Alright." Cheerilee agreed. "You'll have to teach me about human romance, though. Even if nothing comes of it... I'd like to know how humans interact romantically."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Alright. I think I can handle that. After school tomorrow?"

Cheerilee groaned. "School! Like this! I'm going to be fielding questions from my students all day."

Johnathon chuckled lightly, then turned serious. "Want me to come to school with you? It'll probably bring even more questions, but at least I could answer a few for you. After all, I do know quite a bit more about being human than you do, and they'll probably want to know something about it."

Cheerilee smiled. "Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll go it alone tomorrow... although if you walk me to school, and pick me up when I'm done, I won't complain. I'm still not confident with my walking."

Johnathon nodded. "Certainly." he yawned. "Speaking of walking, do you need help getting to your room?"

Cheerilee hesitated, then nodded. "I wouldn't mind." she glanced down at herself. "I might need some help getting undressed as well. I know you don't wear clothing to sleep in."

Johnathon's face grew hot. "I wear shorts to bed...." he corrected. "But yes, since I'm guessing you don't have any other clothes, you probably should take those off to sleep. We'll have to get you some more outfits...." he looked thoughtful. "I could loan you one of the tee shirts Rarity made me to sleep in, if you like?"

Cheerilee blinked. "You don't usually wear a tee shirt to bed, do you?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... er... female humans often do... or at least, my wife did."

Cheerilee looked confused, then shrugged. "If you say so. You're the expert." she started to stand. "So... take me to bed?"

Johnathon chuckled. "I'm going to be a gentleman, but you've got to stop teasing me like that."

Cheerilee blinked, confused. "Like what?"

Johnathon sighed. "I'll explain later... anyway...." he held out a hand, and helped her to her feet. "Let's get you to bed." Johnathon walked Cheerilee to her bedroom and helped her sit on the edge of her bed. "Wait right there, I'll be right back." Going to his own room, he went and got his Wonderbolt's tee shirt, and brought it back. Still holding it, he looked at her, considering the problem at hand.

"As tempting as it is to abuse your complete lack of knowledge of human customs..." Johnathon said slowly, "I'm going to do my best to be a gentleman. That means, not taking opportunities to see you naked, unfortunately."

Cheerilee blinked. "Unfortunately?"

He grinned. "Unfortunately for me." He knelt down in front of her, and lifted the front of her tunic style tube top so that he could see the front of her pants. "Do you know how to undo the buttons here?" he asked her, nodding down at her waist.

Cheerilee held up her hands, and looked down at the buttons, frowning. "Er... maybe?"

Johnathon sighed and undid the top button to her pants. "Like this. Why don't you try?"

Cheerilee nodded and started fumbling with her buttons. "OK... I think I've got it...." she said after a minute of fumbling. "Yes!" she crowed as she undid the next button in line. "I think I'm figuring out how to use hands...." One by one, she undid the buttons to her pants, then hesitated. "OK, now what?"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "Er... why don't you raise your hands above your head?"

Cheerilee nodded and did so, looking curious. "OK... now what?"

He held out the tee shirt. "Put your hands through the arm holes...." he helped her do so, moving one hand when it went though the neck hole by accident, then pulled the tee shirt down over her head. "There... now.. lay back on the bed." he instructed.

Cheerilee blinked, then blushed. "Er... OK." she laid back, looking a bit nervous. He stood over her, then picked up her legs, and gently swung them over the bed till she was laying completely on top of it. He paused long enough to pull off her new slippers, and put them on the floor.

Johnathon reached over and took hold of the sides of her pants near the hips, and blushed slightly. "Er... can you raise your rear end off the bed a bit?" Cheerilee thought about that, and arched her back slightly, lifting her bottom off the bed a couple inches. Johnathon quickly pulled her pants down around her ankles, and then eased them off her legs. He reached up again, to where he could see the bottom of her tube top. "Just... stay like that for another couple seconds..." he instructed, and took hold of her top, pulling gently but firmly down on both sides of it, till it came loose and slid down to her waist. He kept pulling, stopping momentarily to tug her tee shirt down a bit in front as well, then finished pulling it off over her knees, then feet. He nodded to her. "Go ahead and lay back down." he instructed, his face slightly flushed.

Cheerilee obediently lay flat. The tee shirt covered her from neck to half way down her hips, and he had orchestrated things so that he hadn't really seen anything but her bare hips, but he couldn't help but blushing anyway.

Cheerilee looked at him curiously, blushing slightly in response to the heated look on his face, but not quite sure why. "Is this alright? What I'm wearing?"

Johnathon nodded quickly. "You look fine. That's fine for bed... or walking around the house in the morning, I suppose." his face reddened a bit more as he said it, and she looked suspicious.

"What aren't you telling me?" Cheerilee asked him with a raised eyebrow. "I can tell you're embarrassed about something."

Johnathon looked away from her. "Well... wearing just a shirt... it's a bit... intimate." he said, trying to explain. "It's not inappropriate, but it is a little... provocative."

"Would you be more comfortable if I slept in pants?" Cheerilee asked him curiously.

"You only have the one pair right now, and they'll get all wrinkled and sweaty." Johnathon said with a shrug. "Maybe we can get Rarity to make you some pajamas... that's a pair of pants and a shirt for sleeping in."

Cheerilee sighed. "Right. Clothes for sleeping in. Humans are complicated."

Johnathon chuckled. "Well you don't have to wear anything to sleep in, if you aren't comfortable." he said with a shrug. "Although it might make ME a little uncomfortable, I'll survive."

Cheerilee thought about that. "Well, I'll follow your advice for the moment." she said. "Are you sure you won't mind if I want to sleep without clothes on?"

Johnathon chuckled. "Mind? No. But I did say I wasn't going to abuse your lack of knowledge about human customs. You can ignore them if you like, I'm not going to insist, but I will tell you what our... or rather, my customs are first."

Cheerilee nodded. "I appreciate that." She started squirming upwards toward the head of her bed. "Could you help tuck me in?" she blushed. "I'll get better at this..." Cheerilee promised. "You won't have to undress me and tuck me in every night...."

Johnathon grinned. "I could think of worse things to do each night." he helped pull down her covers, and when she was in place, pulled the covers up over her. When she was settled into her bed, Johnathon walked across the room and laid her clothes out on her desk. "It's up to you... but according to my culture, it's appropriate for you to dress yourself in the morning... although if you have trouble, let me know."

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "So I should put those clothes back on when I wake up?"

"If you can manage it on your own." Johnathon said, nodding. "But if you want, you can just wear that tee shirt in the morning, and change into your other clothes before going to school. Or you could put on the pants, and leave the top Rarity made you off... and wear my tee shirt and the pants instead."

Cheerilee nodded. "Right... shirt AND pants. Got it."

Johnathon grinned at her. "For going out in public. Again, these are my customs, not yours. You don't have to follow them if you don't want. I doubt you'll bother any of the ponies here if you do without clothes."

"But I'll bother you." Cheerilee stated firmly. "I don't want to do that."

Johnathon chuckled. "Again, bother is probably the wrong word. It doesn't bother me to look at a naked woman. It's just... a bit uncomfortable for me."

Cheerilee looked slightly confused. "I'm not sure I understand. It doesn't bother you, but it makes you uncomfortable? What's the difference?"

Johnathon blushed slightly. "Well... er... it's kind of complicated."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Humor me."

He sighed. "Well... simply put, as I explained to Twilight when she turned herself human, in my culture, we don't wear clothes when we bathe, or sleep, or... er... have sex."

Cheerilee blushed. "Oh... right. So seeing me naked would make you think of sex?"

Johnathon chuckled. "Yes it would."

Cheerilee blushed some more. "I think I understand. So seeing me naked wouldn't bother you, because you... don't mind thinking of... er...."

Johnathon nodded. "Right... but it would make me uncomfortable... because I can't actually... do anything about it."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh." she suddenly blushed deeper. "OH!"

Johnathon shrugged. "It's part of being a male human, I think. It's kind of like seeing something you really want to eat... your favorite food in the whole world, and it's on the table in front of you, and you walk away without touching it because it would bother someone else if you ate it...."

Cheerilee chuckled slightly at the metaphor. "So... I'm a tasty treat you'd like to eat?"

It was Johnathon's turn to blush deeper. "Er... something like that. It's just easier for me if you leave the food in the cupboard... metaphorically speaking, and not put it steaming hot and fresh out of the oven right in front of my face...."

Cheerilee started to giggle. "Got it...." she choked out, obviously highly amused, but trying not to laugh. He lost it, laughing out loud, and she joined in, till both of them were roaring. Johnathon leaned against the wall to her bedroom, shaking his head when he finally managed to stop laughing.

"Goodnight Cheerilee." he said with a fond smile. "Sleep well."

"Goodnight Johnathon." she answered, smiling back softly. He walked out of her room and closed the door behind him, leaving the school teacher alone with her thoughts. She fingered the tee shirt she was wearing under the blankets, and sighed. It had gotten bunched up as she had gotten settled into bed, and she wasn't used to being constricted when she wanted to sleep... and her mind was still racing. It was so strange, not having a fur coat, or hooves. She was so much taller... and at the same time, she was pretty sure she was lighter than she had been before at the same time. Her bare skin felt strange... she had felt the wind on her shoulders like icy fingers as she and Johnathon had walked home, and yet she knew that it wasn't that cold out. She felt the cold much more easily as a human.

Food tasted differently as well, at least the food at the party had. It wasn't a huge difference. She still liked sweets, although many of the other dishes at the party had tasted quite bland, or even acrid to her. Johnathon never ate hay, or grass... and she supposed she'd have to start eating like he did. That wasn't an unpleasant thought, however. She almost looked forward to exploring how things tasted as a human, to enjoying the dishes Johnathon liked that she hadn't as a pony... although she wasn't actually sure if all of those differences were just because of their difference in species. Different ponies liked different things as well, didn't they? Still, there were many changes she'd have to explore. She wondered what the next surprise would be.


Cheerilee was proud of herself. She hadn't gotten much sleep, but she had managed to figure out basics... like getting dressed and using the bathroom, eat breakfast, and still managed to get ready for school on time the next morning... although she was sure she'd be wanting a nap well before school was over.

Johnathon walked her to school, although Cheerilee insisted on walking without help most of the way, wanting to learn to rely on her on balance again. It was a relatively brisk morning, and Cheerilee had borrowed a sweatshirt from Johnathon to wear over the clothing she had gotten from Rarity. It was big on her, so that she had to roll up the sleeves to be able to see her hands, but Johnathon had showed her how to do just that.

"Why don't we stop by the Carousel Boutique after school today." Johnathon suggested. "Even if you get transformed back in a week... you'll want more than a single outfit to wear. Not that I mind you borrowing my clothes, but you'll be more comfortable with things that fit you properly."

"I suppose I could always just do without clothes entirely." Cheerilee said, watching the look on his face as she said it, and grinned slightly at his blush. "Just kidding. Honestly, it's too chilly for that this time of year. I didn't realize how easy it is for you to get cold." she commented thoughtfully. "It must be quite difficult during the winter!"

Johnathon shrugged. "When it gets colder, we just wear more layers. It's really not that difficult."

"If you say so." Cheerilee said with a frown. "Wearing clothes every single day is going to take some getting used to."

"Part of being human." Johnathon said with a shrug. "Even if you ignore my customs, you're going to need to dress for the weather."

"I don't mind being so tall...." Cheerilee said. "And I like hands... but having to wear clothes every day... getting cold so easily? Those are definite down sides."

"I won't disagree." Johnathon said. "I wouldn't mind having a fur coat, I suppose. At least in theory. Although you might change your mind in the summer."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "You don't get as hot?" she guessed.

"From what I've seen, I can handle high temperatures a little better than your average pony." Johnathon said with a shrug. "And we don't overheat as quickly when we're working hard... although Earth ponies do seem to have remarkable stamina."

Cheerilee sighed. "Well, some of us do. I never was all that strong or tough."

Johnathon shrugged. "You did pretty well during the Running of the Leaves."

She nodded slowly. "I suppose. I wonder if I kept any of my... Earth pony stamina? Twilight said that the transformation spell wouldn't change our innate magics... but her magic changed quite a bit when she turned into an Alicorn..."

Johnathon looked curious. "I wonder. We could probably find out... or at least, get a good idea, with a few tests."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "What sort of tests?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, if you can outrun me... or beat me in an arm wrestling match in that form... I'd say that would prove you've kept your Earth Pony magic."

Cheerilee blinked. "Arm Wrestling? Is that like Hoof wrestling?"

Johnathon nodded. "I think so. We can try later, if you're interested."

Cheerilee grinned. "I can't imagine being stronger than you are right now... but it can't hurt to test it."

Johnathon shook his head, then grinned. "Nothing but my ego, anyway."


Johnathon came by the schoolhouse as the little fillies and colts escaped into the bright sunshine of the spring afternoon. Cheerilee was inside with the Crusaders, cleaning up after a long day.

"Hello Johnathon!" Applebloom greeted him. "Are you here to see Miss Cheerilee?"

Johnathon nodded. "We're going to go to Rarity's shop." he explained. "She's going to need some new clothes."

"What's wrong with the ones she's got on?" Applebloom asked, looking confused.

"She can't wear the same thing every day!" Sweetie Bell exclaimed.

"Why not?"

"I'm not sure." Sweetie Bell said with a frown. "It's something my big sis says. But apparently, when you wear clothes, you're not supposed to wear the same thing every single day."

Applebloom frowned. "My big sis wears the same hat every day."

Sweetie Bell looked thoughtful. "I'm not sure if it's the same thing with hats. Maybe hats are an exception?"

Johnathon chuckled. "They can be." he said agreeably. "Although I don't usually wear one."

Cheerilee spoke up. "Thank you for helping clean up girls. We're done here for the day. You should head over to Sweet Apple Acres now, and do Big Mac's chores, alright?"

"Yes Miss Cheerilee." the Crusaders said glumly, then hurried off together.

"Well then." Johnathon said with a smile, crooking his arm for her to take. "Shall we?"


They were greeted at the entrance to Carousel Boutique by Rarity, who escorted them in, then flipped the sign outside from open to closed as she shut the door behind them. "Welcome, welcome, darlings!" the white unicorn said with a pleased smile. "I've set aside the rest of my day for you, seeing as you'll need an entirely new wardrobe."

Cheerilee blushed. "Thanks, Rarity. I appreciate it." she frowned. "Honestly, I'm not sure exactly what I'll need. I suppose a few different outfits to start with." she turned to Johnathon. "You're going to have to tell me what's appropriate."

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, I'm not sure my opinion is all that important...."

Rarity smiled. "Nonsense. You're the only one of us with any knowledge of human fashion, beside what you've already told me. We could certainly use your advice."

Cheerilee nodded in agreement. "Besides, I'm trying to follow your customs, Johnathon. If you weren't around, I'd probably just have Rarity make me something comfortable, so I'm not cold in the evenings. I need you to tell me what I should be wearing."

The archeologist hesitated. "So... you want me to describe what a human female normally wears, so Rarity can make it for you, right?"

Cheerilee smiled. "That's right. Pick fashions that you like... since I'm dressing up for your sake, you might as well like the results."

Johnathon coughed. "You want me to describe clothing for Rarity to make that I'll enjoy seeing you wear?"

Cheerilee nodded, and Rarity smiled. "Why of course, darling!" the unicorn agreed. "What other reason is there for fashion, but to please the eye of the beholder!"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow at that. "I suppose, but let's focus on comfort as well, alright?" Rarity and Cheerilee glanced at each other, then back to him, and nodded together. Johnathon sighed. "Well... I suppose you have Cheerilee's sizes?"

Rarity nodded immediately. "But of course!"

He scratched his chin. "OK then. Well... for starters, I suppose a few articles of comfortable clothing would be alright?"

Cheerilee nodded. "What did you have in mind, Johnathon?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, to be honest, a few tee shirts wouldn't be a bad start. They're for casual wear, but you don't need to be dressed to impress every day." he shrugged. "Another couple pairs of pants would be a good idea... and for colder weather, a long sleeve shirt with buttons or two... like mine."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Those are all clothing you wear, darling. Are there not any fashions for women in particular?"

Johnathon chuckled. "Well... that... tunic you made that leaves her shoulders bare? That's something a guy wouldn't wear. Other than that... well, women wear dresses... and skirts, and men don't... generally."

Rarity beamed. "Oh good! I'm sure I could make a lovely dress for you!"

Johnathon smiled. "Well, dresses are really for more formal occasions... just like they are here. They're not really for everyday wear." he looked thoughtful. "Skirts are a bit less formal... but they're not very good for moving around quickly. They're mostly for more sedentary activities."

Rarity was nodding. "Yes, I believe I understand... but what do YOU like, darling? Is there any particular fashion that you enjoy seeing women in?"

Johnathon looked at the ceiling, stalling for time. His first impulse was to describe bikinis, and mini skirts and belly shirts... dozens of articles of clothing he'd love to see Cheerilee in flashed through his mind before he shook his head and sighed. Rarity looked at him curiously, although Cheerilee herself was smirking slightly, as if guessing his train of thought.

"Skirts are nice." he said finally. "Long ones are good... stopping around the ankle... buttons from top to bottom." he hesitated, then continued. "A shirt... or blouse to match... maybe a vest over the top?" Johnathon looked thoughtful. "The vest and the skirt should match... but a second shirt with a contrasting color would be nice for a change."

Rarity was taking notes. "Hmm... yes. You'll have to show me what colors you like, darling, but I believe I can work with that."

Johnathon glanced at Cheerilee, trying not to blush. "Er... that sound alright to you, Cheerilee?"

The ex-earth pony nodded easily, smiling, but watching his face with interest. "Sounds fine to me. What would I be wearing something like that for?"

Johnathon blinked. "Well... something like that is good for... oh, a job where you're not expected to do a lot of physical labor..." he grinned. "Like teaching... or just for looking good. I'd call something like that semi formal, I suppose."

Rarity nodded. "And a dress would be formal... and..." she shuddered slightly. "Tee shirts... and pants would be casual?" She said the last part as if finding the concept of tee shirts slightly disdainful.

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, tee shirts can be casual, but they can be pretty attractive looking if they fit well... assuming the person wearing it has a good figure." he blushed again slightly, not quite sure why he was getting embarrassed.

Rarity glanced at Cheerilee appraisingly. "Hmm. And Miss Cheerilee does, I take it?"

Ah yes... that was why he was blushing, Johnathon realized. "Yes." he agreed. "She's got a good figure."

Rarity made another note. "So... tight enough to emphasize her form then?"

Johnathon opened his mouth, then closed it, changing his mind. "Sure... a couple like that... and a couple that are looser, for relaxing, I think." he looked thoughtful. "Perhaps a set of pajamas? Button up shirt, loose fitting pants with a drawstring to tighten them at the waist. Made of something soft... like silk, if you have any. They're for sleeping, not for outside, so they don't have to be terribly durable."

Rarity smiled. "I know just the thing. Anything else?"

Johnathon hesitated, turning to Cheerilee. "Were you planning on jogging with me like this?" he asked her, gesturing at her vaguely.

Cheerilee nodded. "Of course, as soon as I get good enough on my new legs to manage, anyway."

He nodded. "Well... she'll need running attire then... either sweat pants, like the ones you made for me, or shorts...." he hesitated. "Er... and she'll need some support for her... er... chest."

Cheerilee glanced down at her chest, then cupped her breasts. "Oh, for these?"

Johnathon nodded. "Er... yeah. Those tend to bounce around a bit, I'm told... if you try to run without some support." he turned to Rarity. "Do you have a pen and some paper I could use? Maybe I could explain better with a picture?" Johnathon spent some time explaining the concept of a sports bra, and finally came around to the concept of women's underwear.

"So human females wear clothing under their clothing... all the time?" Cheerilee said incredulously. "Why?"

Rarity was puzzled as well. "Wouldn't something like that ruin the lines of the clothing over it?" she asked, sounding a bit confused.

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... yes." he admitted. "To some extent, although it's much less noticeable with tougher fabrics... but they're kind of useful for... er... certain biological issues women have." he shrugged. "But I'm not a woman... I'm probably going to get part of this wrong."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Biological issues?"

Johnathon grimaced, and started to try and explain the concept of a monthly period them.

Rarity was mildly disturbed and Cheerilee even more so. "So... if I stay human, I'm going to... bleed for a few days each month? And there isn't anything I can do about it?" the school teacher was grimacing.. "That sounds... horrible!"

Johnathon shrugged. "It's part of a woman's biological cycle. It's part of how human females reproduce." he hesitated. "You're going to want me to explain that, huh?"

Cheerilee stared at him flatly. "Do you think?"

He sighed. "Well, it's been a while since my last biology class, but I suppose I still remember the basics of human reproduction. It took nearly an hour, but when he was done, Cheerilee and Rarity were both looking more comfortable with the idea.

"It's really not all that different from pony reproduction." Cheerilee commented. "Although apparently human women are capable of becoming pregnant a bit more often." she looked thoughtful. "So... I'd need to wear... er... underwear to... hold in a pad of some sort to keep from getting blood on myself during... menstruation?"

Johnathon sighed. "Yeah... pretty much. Again, I'm not an expert... so I apologize if I'm not explaining this very well."

Cheerilee looked relieved. "Oh, then I wouldn't need to wear them on other days?"

Johnathon blinked. "Er... no, if you didn't want too... but I believe that they're comfortable, at least, compared to regular clothing, stuff meant for wearing out of doors, and they... er... cover the most sensitive areas on the body."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh. I suppose that makes sense."

Rarity nodded. "So... soft, comfortable materials for the undergarments as well. Yes. I see." she looked up from her notes. "Now, what about coverings for the feet and hands?"

Johnathon frowned thoughtfully. "Well, those slippers are fine, but if Cheerilee wants to come running with me, she'll probably want something a bit more supportive. Like the tennis shoes I'm wearing." he shrugged. "She could go barefoot, of course, but she'd need to build up some calluses first, and that takes a lot of time. Personally, I almost always wear shoes out of doors. My feet don't have much at all in the way of calluses. As for gloves? Well, unless she wants to help out on a farm, or do other tasks that risk injuring the hands, she shouldn't need any... but that's really her call."

Cheerilee shrugged. "I don't think I'll need gloves right away. I'll let you know if I change my mind on that though."

Rarity smiled and started going through her notes. "Well now, I seem to have quite a list. This should take me a few days to finish. I hope you don't mind the wait?"

Cheerilee beamed at her. "Not at all, Rarity. I really appreciate you going to all this trouble for me!"

Rarity waved a hoof dismissively. "Not at all, it's my pleasure."

Johnathon spoke up. "I'll pay for the clothes." he told Rarity firmly. "Just tell me what ever you feel is fair for your work once you're done."

Cheerilee frowned. "Johnathon, I can buy my own clothes!"

He shrugged. "If I wasn't here, you wouldn't have had any reason to! And you did ask me to pick out clothing I'd like to see you in, so it's not exactly selfless on my part now, is it?"

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Hmm. Perhaps, but at least let me pay half." she raised an eyebrow at him. "I got the impression that you had a few ideas about what you'd like me to wear that you didn't share."

Johnathon fought down his blush. "A few, perhaps, but Rarity has plenty to work with already."

Cheerilee grinned at him. "Would you like to tell us about them?"

Rarity beamed at him. "Oh yes! We don't have to limit things to just a few outfits, after all. Did you have anything particularly interesting in mind?"

Johnathon chuckled. "Interesting might be a good word for some of the outfits that went through my head... but no, not right now. Perhaps later, alright?"

They both looked disappointed. "Oh very well." Rarity agreed. "But I really would like to hear more of what you know about female human fashions, Johnathon. Whenever you feel like explaining, of course."

Rarity got to work right away on some of the easier designs, and Johnathon excused himself, promising to come back in a couple hours. Cheerilee stayed behind, Rarity needing her to be a living dressing dummy, seeing that she didn't have one that matched a human female in her shop.

Johnathon spent the time at Twilight's library, reading up on modern Equestrian archeology. When he returned, Cheerilee had changed clothes, and was wearing one of the outfits he had described, a long, buttoned skirt made of a dark purple fabric, with a pink blouse, and a dark purple vest over it. Rarity had fashioned the school teacher a simple pair of dark purple boots as well.

Johnathon frowned, then blinked. "Oh, I knew I forgot something! Socks! She'll need a few pairs of those as well."

Rarity smiled and nodded. "I thought as much." she nodded at Cheerilee. "Come back tomorrow for another fitting, alright? Same time?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Same time tomorrow. I'll be here."

As they walked, arm in arm, back toward Cheerilee's house, she looked up at his face curiously. "I can tell when you're hiding something, Johnathon. You thought of something you didn't want to explain, didn't you." it was a statement, not a question, and Johnathon nodded slowly.

"You do know me pretty well." he admitted. "When you two were asking me to pick out outfits I'd like to see you in, I kind of thought about a few outfits that would be... pleasant, but... er... a bit inappropriate."

Cheerilee looked curious. "Inappropriate how?"

The man blushed slightly. "Er... well, provocative. Not the sort of thing a woman could walk down a street wearing... at least not without undue attention, and perhaps a bit of scandal."

Cheerilee chuckled. "Ah. I thought it might be something like that." she looked curious again. "Why didn't you ask Rarity to make me something like that? It's not like anypony here would be scandalized by whatever I wear." she blinked. "Well, probably not, anyway." she shrugged again. "And it wouldn't bother me."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't mind me looking at you in a... sexual manner?"

Cheerilee blushed slightly. "Well... when you put it that way...." she hesitated. "You've been a gentlecolt as long as I've known you, Johnathon. I don't believe you'd do anything inappropriate, would you?"

Johnathon grinned. "Not unless you ask me to... no. You can wear whatever you like... or, as you suggested, nothing at all, if you want, and while I'd probably stare a bit... I would respect your wishes, regardless."

Cheerilee shrugged. "So... why don't you have Rarity make me some of those outfits? You'd enjoy them, wouldn't you?"

Johnathon smiled. "Sure. Still, you want to follow my culture in regards to how you dress, right?"

Cheerilee thought about that, then nodded. "Yes. All else being equal, so long as I'm not too cold or warm, yes."

He smiled. "Then that sort of thing should wait for now, OK? If you want to wear something... well, sexy, you should do so because you're making your intentions known."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh. You mean, wearing a provocative outfit is a signal that I'd like to... er... have sex?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Something like that... although there's a lot of room for interpretation, and it's not even that simple. You could dress like that just because you like to tease the boys. Again, I suppose it's up to you what you want to do. I know what I'd prefer, but in the end, you're in charge of how you dress, alright?"

Cheerilee thought about that. "Well, I'll keep dressing how you'd prefer for the moment, Johnathon." she decided. "I don't think I'm going to want to tease you unless I mean it." she chuckled, then blushed lightly. "Still, I do want you to tell me about some of the... sexier things you'd like to see me in, so that if I do want to... let you know my intentions, I can surprise you."

Johnathon chuckled. "Very thoughtful."

Cheerilee grinned. "Aren't I?"

Chapter 25

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Cheerilee woke up the next morning wearing one of her roommate's tee shirts for the second time in two days. It was a peculiar sensation, wearing clothing to bed. She felt slightly uncomfortable, as the shirt tended to restrict her movement a little while she was sleeping. At the same time, the tee shirt smelled faintly of Johnathon. It wasn't exactly an unpleasant smell. She had gotten used to his particular fragrance over the months of his staying with her, but waking up to it was new.

She sat up, sliding her feet out of bed and placing them on the floor. The floor was slightly chilly, which was something else that would certainly take getting used to. She could feel temperature variations much easier through her bare, human feet than she had been able to with her hooves. In fact, she could feel just about everything more... thoroughly with her new appendages. She put her hands down on the bed on either side of her to steady herself, and found her hands automatically gripping the edge of the bed. The feeling of the woolen blanket under her fingers was oddly rough. She brought one hand up to her face, regarding it with a frown. Her hands were so... delicate. It was so strange, she found herself worrying all the time that she might damage herself now, especially her remarkably skinny fingers, if she wasn't careful.

Cheerilee stood and walked over to her bedside mirror, then frowned. She was too tall to look into it properly now. She knelt in front of it instead and looked at herself in the mirror. Her human face still startled her. It was so... bare looking. Living with Johnathon for as long as she had, it wasn't a terribly shocking face. She was pretty much used to the human's lack of a proper coat of fur, but it was still strange seeing herself like that. The human woman looking back at her out of the mirror seemed like a stranger. If she looked hard, she could see traces of the pony she had been, mostly in her eyes, but that only served to push home the strangeness of her new appearance.

It was reassuring, somehow, that Johnathon liked how she looked. If she was stuck in a new body, at least it was a healthy, attractive body. At the same time, it bothered her. Johnathon had looked at her differently ever since she had transformed, and he wasn't the only one. With Johnathon at least, it was a look she was at least somewhat used to. She had had her share of stallion admirers in her past and that look of desire, while different on a human, was still something she knew well enough. The looks on other ponies faces, however, were new. While Twilight and her friends treated her mostly the same, she could tell that many of the ponies in town found her strange and disturbing to look at. It bothered her more than she wanted to admit. She'd seen those looks directed at Johnathon, and scarcely paid any attention, but now that she was the one being stared at, it bothered her quite a bit, even though she was careful not to show it.

Cheerilee pulled the tee shirt off over her head and tossed it onto the bed, then turned back to the mirror. Her body was remarkably hairless. Johnathon at least had a light covering of hair on his arms and chest, and if he didn't shave it off on a regular basis, on his face as well, but human females apparently didn't have quite as much. She looked at herself thoughtfully. She wondered exactly what features of her new form that Johnathon appreciated. Her human form was lightly muscled, and didn't seem to carry much excess fat, except perhaps on her hips, and in her large breasts. She cupped her breasts, weighing them in her hands. They were so large... were all human females so well endowed? She'd have to ask.

Cheerilee reached forward and opened her suddenly overflowing clothing drawer, wondering what she should wear. She settled on the outfit that Rarity had made for her, skirt, shirt and vest, and pulled the folded garments out, reaching around to lay them on the bed, then sat back down on the bed to pull on her new boots. She liked her boots. They were comfortable, and she liked the way they made her feet and ankles look bigger, almost like she had hooves again. She needed to stop by Rarity's shop on after school. The fashion designer had promised to have the rest of the clothing they had talked about ready for her by that point, and she did need at least a few more things to wear, if she was truly going to wear clothing all the time.

Cheerilee stood up, wincing at the slight pain of having been on her knees on the wooden floor of her room for as long as she had been, then went to sit on her bed again. She examined her knees in mild surprise, noting that her skin was reddened where she had been kneeling, and wondering worriedly if she'd injured herself. Soon, however, to her relief, the redness faded along with the pain. She started to dress, taking her time. Buttons were tricky, and she had to start over twice to make sure that the buttons of her shirt were lined up correctly. Finally, she was ready, and she stood and walked out to the kitchen.

Johnathon had already prepared breakfast. "Good Morning Cheerilee," he greeted her cheerfully. "How did you sleep?"

"Oh... fine," she answered after a momentary pause. The truth was she had had trouble sleeping for the second night in a row, and she was starting to feel more than a little overtired. Sleeping in a strange body and getting tangled in Johnathon's oversized tee shirt during the night had not helped her sleep, not to mention the fact that, while she couldn't remember the details, she was relatively certain she had been plagued by dreams during what parts of the night she had managed to fall asleep during.

Somehow, he seemed to sense that she wasn't being completely forthcoming with him. "Are you sure? You look a little tired."

Cheerilee sighed. "I haven't been sleeping that well," she admitted reluctantly. "Everything is very new and strange so far."

"I get that," Johnathon said with a soft smile. "I had some serious trouble sleeping in my first few nights here in Equestria... and that was just getting used to a new place. You're getting used to an entirely new body. That's going to take some getting used to, no matter how well you are able to adapt."

Cheerilee smiled weakly and nodded. "Yes. I think I'll try to get to sleep early tonight, but for now, I have school."

"Maybe you should take a sick day," Johnathon suggested. "Don't you have anyone who can substitute teach for you?"

Cheerilee hesitated, tempted by the idea, but shook her head. "No... I'll be alright, and I should really save my sick days for when I'm actually sick. I'm a little tired, but otherwise I'm fine. I've gotten relatively used to moving around now."

"If you say so," he agreed cautiously. "Need any help getting to school today?"

Cheerilee hesitated, then shrugged. "Actually, I think I'll be alright. I'm not having any trouble walking this morning at all. I think I've gotten used to that much, at least."

Johnathon nodded agreeably. "Alright then," he hesitated. "I think I'll be spending most of today over at the Library. Will you need me at all this afternoon?"

Cheerilee thought about that, then smiled. "You can meet me over at Carousel Boutique if you have the time," she suggested. "Rarity would love more fashion tips from your world, I expect."

Johnathon sighed. "No doubt. Very well, I'll see you there after school then."

Cheerilee smiled at him. "Wonderful. See you then."

The archeologist picked up his breakfast dishes and went to the sink to clear his plate. "I'm going to go get an early start," he told her. "Want me to do any shopping?"

Cheerilee sat down to the plate he had prepared for her, gingerly picking up the fork he had left next to the plate and tentatively stabbing at her eggs. "That's probably a good idea. We don't have enough of the food you like to eat... or rather, that humans can eat for the both of us for more than another day, I think?"

Johnathon nodded. "That's true. I'll get more human stuff," he smiled slightly at her. "No reason to get any hay on this trip, I suppose."

Cheerilee sighed. "I suppose not," she raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you sure humans can't eat hay?"

He shrugged. "Not hay, or flowers, or grass..."

Cheerilee sighed again. "I don't know why, but not being able to eat grass bothers me. You'd think it'd be the other things that bother me more, but for some reason, that just really struck me."

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "I'm not sure what would be strangest for me. Probably not having hands," he paused. "I mean, if I was transformed into a pony, that is."

Cheerilee nodded. "I knew what you meant," she took a bite of eggs and chewed for awhile, looking thoughtfully at the hand holding her fork. "They are quite... unique. Useful as well. I would have taken twice as long getting dressed like this as a pony," she gestured at what she was wearing. "Assuming I were to wear anything so complicated, anyway."

Johnathon chuckled. "I think you'd look cute wearing a blouse and skirt as a pony," he told her with a grin. "But I can imagine all the buttons would be tricky without fingers... or magic to deal with them."

"I'll say," Cheerilee agreed. "Johnathon...." she began hesitantly, " could you tell me something?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Sure. What is it?"

Cheerilee hesitated, then cupped her breasts through her shirt. "You told me I look fine... but I was curious. Do all human females have such large mammaries as these, or are mine larger than average?"

He blinked, his face flushing slightly. "Er... those are about average," he explained. "They can get quite a bit larger, although you're about the norm, if I'm any judge," Johnathon frowned. "Are they bothering you?"

Cheerilee shook her head. "No... not exactly. It's just, I was wondering. I really don't know anything about humans, except for what you've told me, of course. I guess I just want to figure out what's normal, and what isn't."

Johnathon nodded sympathetically, and Cheerilee went back to her breakfast. She found she liked eggs more as a human, and she liked vegetables quite a bit less. A small part of her wondered what meat would taste like, but she suppressed the idea immediately. If Johnathon could put up with a mostly vegetarian diet, certainly she could as well.

Johnathon excused himself, and Cheerilee watched him go before finishing her breakfast. Glancing at the clock on the wall of the kitchen, she grimaced. She'd be late to school if she didn't move quickly. Rising to her feet, she headed out the door, and started walking toward the school. Her balance was steady today. She had been getting more and more confident with her walking over the last two days, and she was tempted to try and move faster. Turning the corner to where she could see the school building in the distance, she could see Snips and Snails entering the building far ahead of her, and realized that she must be even later than she realized. Breaking into a longer stride, she forced herself to walk faster.

"How do I run?" she wondered aloud. "Is it like galloping?" the schoolteacher glanced at her feet as she walked, although she couldn't make out much through the material of the long skirt she was wearing. Instead she pictured Johnathon when he jogged, which was a pretty regular sight for her by now. "Oh yes... I just have to make longer strides, and my feet will leave the ground entirely when I'm going fast enough..." she reasoned, then hesitated. "But Johnathon said that this skirt would be difficult to run in, didn't he?" she glanced down. "It would bind my legs if I tried to lengthen my stride too much, I suppose."

Cheerilee settled for moving at a fast walk, although she was pleasantly surprised to find that when she put enough power into pushing off with her back foot, she did leave the ground entirely with each stride, although she could tell she wasn't exactly running. It was more like hopping, and it wasn't really moving her forward very much faster, although it was actually kind of fun. She staggered a couple times when she hopped too high, but her body's balance seemed to be quite good. She had thought that walking on two legs would be much more difficult, but whatever magic had transformed her had given her excellent reflexes as well, apparently.

Cheerilee slowed as she reached the schoolhouse, and ducked slightly to enter. She realized as she cleared the entrance that she hadn't actually needed to duck, the door was just barely high enough so that she could walk under it, but it was so much closer than she was used to, she had ducked without thinking.

"Good morning class!" she greeted her students with her regular sunny smile. "I'm very sorry I'm late, but I'm still getting used to my new body, I'm afraid." Cheerilee explained. "Not to worry, however I am getting much better at walking."

"Isn't Johnathon going to bring you to school anymore?" Sweetie Bell asked curiously.

"He doesn't need to anymore, Sweetie," Cheerilee explained, "now that I can walk properly."

"You're not having a fight?" Scootaloo asked, sounding worried.

"Not at all," Cheeriee answered with a raised eyebrow, getting slightly annoyed. "Although I'd have thought after what happened on Hearts and Hooves day, you fillies would know better than to worry about other pony's affairs."

"Sorry, Miss Cheerilee," Scootaloo said quickly. "We just worry about you... seeing as it's our fault you turned yourself into a human and all."

"I'm quite alright," Cheerilee insisted, doing her best to hide what anxiety she felt behind her teacher's mask. "So don't worry too much about me. Now, has everypony finished their history essay?"

School seemed to drag on an inordinately long time that day. Cheerilee usually loved her job, but there were some things about being human that were quite distracting. To begin with, standing on two feet for hours at a time seemed quite a bit more tasking then standing on four hooves. She wanted to sit down! But there weren't any chairs that would properly fit her new frame in the schoolroom. About halfway through the day, she settled for sitting on top of her desk, but found it a bit unsatisfactory. It was a bit too tall to sit on for long periods, and by the time class was over, her rear end was a bit sore... although again, like with the pain in her knees that morning, once she had moved, the pain faded quickly.

"I'll have to get a chair for school," she decided as she walked toward Carousel Boutique. "At least, if I stay like this for much longer. Thank goodness it's the weekend tomorrow!" She entered Carousel Boutique, and spotted Rarity at once.

The white unicorn smiled at her as she entered, and her horn glowed as she levitated several different garments at once. "I've finished several new outfits for you, dear. I just need to you try them on so I can make any needed alterations."

Cheerilee nodded, glancing around curiously. "Is Johnathon here yet?"

"Not yet, dear, were you expecting him?" Rarity's eyes shown with sudden speculation. "Oh yes... you are having me design all of your new clothes with his tastes in mind, after all."

Cheerilee found herself blushing slightly at the implication. "Well... yes. I mean... he's the only other human in Equestria. Besides dressing for warmth, I hardly need clothes for myself."

Rarity's eyes twinkled. "Of course dear, of course," she busied herself with her work for a moment, then glanced slyly at the school teacher. "So... how are things between you two? Now that your... situation has changed so drastically, that is?"

Cheerilee hesitated before answering. "We're still feeling things out, really," she explained carefully. "Things are a little... tense right now, actually."

Rarity looked curious. "How so?"

Cheerilee frowned. "Well, it's complicated. This whole situation. What with my transformation, and Twilight preparing to get Johnathon home... there's so much going on, and at the same time...." the door to the shop opened up, and the man in question walked through. "Oh! Er... hello Johnathon!" Cheerilee said awkwardly.

Rarity cleared her throat and began talking as if they had been interrupted. "So... I have tee shirts for you in several different sizes. I thought we might try a few on, and see which ones you like the best, shall we?" she caught Cheerilee's eyes questioningly, but the schoolmare shook her head subtly, not wanting to talk any further when the subject of their conversation was right there in the room.

Johnathon himself hesitated. "Well, if you're doing fittings, perhaps I should step out for a bit?" he gestured to the door. "I'm sorry I'm late, by the way, I was just talking with Twilight. She's been considering ways to continue her research into Strangehorn's permanent transformation spell."

Cheerilee frowned slightly. "Oh... shouldn't she be focusing on her dimensional gate spell instead?"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "Well, she's still working on that, but, given your situation, she's started her research into that as well. Actually, she's looking for volunteers to test it out on, so she can get a better feel for the spell. She's only really cast it twice now, after all."

Rarity raised an eyebrow, then frowned. "Well, I'd love to help, but if I remember correctly, Twilight was afraid to try using her spell on me because as a unicorn, my natural magic would not be able to express itself without a horn... and it could build up dangerously?"

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Yes, although she actually wants to see if she can test that theory as well. We're not actually positive that the spell truly does transfer the subject's natural magical energies or not." he nodded at Cheerilee. "I figure you could probably help test that."

Cheerilee blinked. "I could? How?"

He shrugged. "Well, as I was saying before, we could test to see if you retain any of your Earth pony magic... if you have greater strength or stamina, compared to a normal human female, that is... and if you still have the... connection to the earth that most Earth ponies do?"

Cheerilee wrinkled her nose. "I'm not sure about that last one... how would we test it? Have me plant something and see if it grows better?" she shrugged. "Besides, I've never been especially strong or tough, even for an Earth pony. I'm not sure how much magic, if any, I have."

Johnathon shrugged helplessly. "I'm not the expert. Twilight said she had some ideas, and asked if we could head over there once we're done here."

Cheerilee nodded slowly. "Well, alright."

Rarity nodded briskly. "Well then, we should get started now, shouldn't we? Shall I help you change?" she looked at Cheerilee expectantly.

Cheerilee nodded. "That would speed things up."

Rarity's horn lit up, and the buttons on Cheerilee's clothing started coming undone rapidly. Her skirt fell to the floor, her vest came off down her shoulders, and her blouse was almost completely unbuttoned by the time Johnathon managed to unfreeze and turn his back.

"Er... I'll just leave you to it then..." he said, coughing slightly to hide his embarrassment.

"Johnathon, darling, this fitting is as much for you as it is for Cheerilee." Rarity explained with an amused expression. "Cheerilee can tell me what feels right, but we need your eye to tell us if it looks good, now don't we?"

He coughed again. "Er... well, you've got excellent taste, Rarity, I'm sure you'll do fine."

Cheerilee glanced down at herself. "Rarity..." she was now wearing nothing but her new boots, and she was pretty sure that was a problem for Johnathon. "I think Johnathon might prefer to judge the clothing once I'm actually wearing it."

Rarity chuckled softly. "Of course, of course!" she turned to Cheerilee and nodded at her feet. "Lift your feet dear... one at a time, and I'll get your boots for you, then I can show you your new pants!" Rarity levitated Cheerilee's boots off, and helped her into a pair of pants and a tight tee shirt. "Now then, you can take a look, Johnathon. Please tell us what you think?"

Johnathon turned around cautiously, relaxing slightly as he saw her. He took his time before answering, his eyes lingering on Cheerilee's form in a way that made something tighten up deep inside her. Cheerilee stood still, feeling both awkward and slightly flattered by his attention before he turned back to Rarity.

"You really do have excellent taste, Rarity." he said with a nod to the fashionista. It's simple, but it looks like you got the fit just right on the first try."

Rarity beamed. "Oh, do you think so? I was hoping that it wasn't too form fitting," she raised an eyebrow at him. "It's not too form fitting, is it? You did mention that a certain amount was acceptable."

Johnathon chuckled. "No, just the... right amount, I'd say," he nodded to Cheerilee. "Although that tee shirt is probably a bit tight to wear to bed."

Cheerilee fingered the material, and pulled the front away from her breasts slightly. "It's actually pretty comfortable, but I suppose you're probably right."

Rarity nodded and her horn lit up again. "Alright then, hold your arms over your head dear, and we can try on the larger size, shall we?"

Johnathon whipped around as the tee shirt started to slide upwards, and Rarity giggled. "I'm sorry, Johnathon dear, you're just so delightfully easy to tease sometimes," she looked slightly embarrassed. "I really shouldn't take advantage of your sensibilities like that, of course. It's very insensitive of me."

Johnathon, his back still turned, chuckled wryly. "Oh, that's alright Rarity. I can see how it must seem a bit silly to you."

Rarity smiled at him. "You're quite generous, darling, but I really should pay more respect for how you were raised. Of course, decorum does dictate that a lady dresses away from the colt she's interested in impressing... but it's true that very few ponies observe that particular rule. After all, ponies only wear clothing for special occasions, at least, in general. It's a bit different in the big cities, of course," she shrugged, then coughed. "You turn such interesting colors when you're embarrassed, Johnathon dear, but again, that's really no excuse."

He chuckled again. "Honestly, I should have adapted to your culture by now, seeing as I've already lived here so long, but it's a bit different seeing ponies without clothes on to seeing a human female without clothes," he shrugged. "After all, ponies don't wear clothes on my world either."

Rarity finished dressing her living manikin again, and nodded. "Alright, you can turn around, Johnathon. Tell us what you think."

Johnathon glanced back, noting the looser tee shirt, and nodded. "It looks fine."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Just... fine?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Not all clothing is about looks, Rarity. Cheerilee is going to want to be comfortable sometimes, after all."

Rarity frowned slightly. "But dear... clothing is all about looks, not comfort," she waved a hoof airily. "I admit, one does create clothing that is comfortable as well... but that's not the point...."

Johnathon shrugged. "If you're wearing clothes all the time, that kind of is the point, sometimes, Rarity."

The fashionista considered that. "Hmm. I suppose that makes sense. After all, I suppose a human can't simply go naked if they wish to be comfortable."

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, most don't, anyway, although there are some that actually do exactly that," he scratched his head. "Most people consider... er... nudists, to be a bit radical, actually, but... well, I try not to judge myself."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Fascinating."

Cheerilee looked interested. "So there are humans that go around without clothes all the time?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, a great deal of the time. Even most nudists will put on clothes to go into public. There are actually laws that prevent public nudity."

Cheerilee blinked. "So it's against the law to be without clothing on your world?"

Johnathon nodded. "In public, yes. What you do in your own home, or on your own property, that's different. People can wear whatever they please in private," he shrugged. "Personally, I'm all for freedom of expression... and I don't like telling people what they can or cannot do... but I tend to conform to... er...social norms in most cases."

Cheerilee nodded. "I see."

He smiled weakly at her. "Like I said before, you don't have to conform to the rules of my society if you don't want to, Cheerilee. I appreciate the amount of effort you're putting into this, but I don't want to push you into anything you don't want to do."

Cheerilee smiled at him. "I appreciate that, and I really don't mind putting on clothes if it makes you feel more comfortable. Honestly, even if you didn't prefer I dress, I would want some clothing. Without a fur coat, I seem to get cold quite a bit easier. I appreciate that you're making an effort to suggest clothing for me that is comfortable as well as attractive."

Rarity smiled. "Well now... since that shirt seems to meet with both of your approval, shall we try on the..." she fumbled for the words, "sports bra?" she levitated the garment over for Johnathon to take a look at. "I put in elastic in the outer lining as you recommended." Rarity told him. "It should stretch nicely, and still be quite supportive... assuming it fits," she levitated it over to Cheerilee, and Johnathon politely turned his back once more.

After several moments, Cheerilee glanced down at the garment, looking a bit dubious. "Oh my. Johnathon, is it alright if I don't have my... er... middle covered? Or should I wear something over it?"

Johnathon glanced around to see for himself, and nodded. "It looks fine. Its for support, and you should be able to wear it under your other clothing, although for exercise, it's perfectly appropriate to wear it alone."

Cheerilee gestured at her uncovered midriff curiously. "So... I don't need to have this portion covered all the time?"

He shook his head slowly. "No... you don't need to cover everything... just certain portions of the body, and what's acceptable differs according to the situation."

Cheerilee frowned slightly. "This seems so complicated. So... different amounts of clothing are appropriate for different activities?"

Johnathon nodded. "Right... for example, excessive clothing can get in the way when exercising, or swimming, so it's considered acceptable to wear quite a bit less clothing then."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Oh, the way you sometimes take your shirt off after we go jogging?"

Johnathon nodded. "Right."

Rarity blinked. "Wait... you wear clothing to go swimming? Really?"

Johnathon glanced at her, and nodded. "Sure. Bathing suits. There's a whole fashion industry devoted to those alone, actually."

Rarity shook her head. "Amazing. I do wish I could visit your world... if only for a short while."

Johnathon sighed. "I'd like nothing better. I'd love to show you..." he nodded to Cheerilee, "and you Cheerilee, and Twilight, and the others, my world. Or at least, the nicer parts of it," he fixed his gaze on Cheerilee. "I really wish you could come with me... but... I don't think that's going to be possible... if Twilight is correct," he sighed. "It'd be far too dangerous, in any case."

Cheerilee sighed. "I'd like to see your world as well. I'm not sure I'd want to stay there permanently, though."

Johnathon nodded. "Which is the primary danger. After all, there is no telling that Twilight would be able to open a gate back... even if she went over to my world herself. There are other problems as well, of course, but that's the big one."

Rarity hesitated. "I thought perhaps... that with Cheerilee human, you might consider staying?"

Johnathon looked around to gaze at the white unicorn, then hesitated. "It's... complicated."

Cheerilee's face froze up as she forced herself not to react outwardly to his statement. It IS complicated. She told herself. He doesn't mean he won't stay... just that it's... complicated. She found herself sighing softly, then stifled it.

Rarity glanced at Cheerilee, then back at Johnathon, her face growing more thoughtful. "Yes... I suppose it must be quite complicated. I won't pry. I'm sure it's a difficult subject."

Johnathon grimaced then sighed, his face going sad. "If Cheerilee is stuck as a human... and she wants me to stay, I'd stay. If... we decide to start a... romantic relationship, I'll stay... but...." he shrugged helplessly. "Twilight could figure out how to turn Cheerilee back to an Earth Pony any day now. I couldn't ask Cheerilee to give that up for me."

Cheerilee sighed. "And I couldn't ask Johnathon to give up on going home just to stay here with me."

Rarity's eyes went wide, and she seemed to melt slightly, as if tempted to swoon. "Oh... oh dear. How very... difficult it must be for both of you," she smiled faintly. "You're both being quite brave about it all. I'm sorry I brought the subject up," Rarity levitated the pile of Cheerilee's clothing. "In any case, that's all I have for you today, although I'd be glad to put together some more outfits if you think of anything else you'd like."

Cheerilee glanced down at herself. "I suppose I should change before I go?" she looked at Johnathon for confirmation. "Since we're not exercising, I should put something on over this, right?"

Johnathon nodded. "There is a bit of a chill in the air as well, so yes, I'd say so."

Cheerilee nodded and picked up the looser tee shirt off the top of the pile and pulled it on over her head with only minor difficulty. "Alright then. How about now?"

Johnathon nodded. "You look great. Come on, Twilight's waiting for us." he reached over and took the pile of clothing from Rarity. "Why don't I carry these? You should probably just focus on your walking for now, Cheerilee."

Cheerilee smiled at him as she headed for the door. "I'd like to try running sometime soon. I think I can do it... although I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I tried earlier, but I ended up bouncing a bit higher than I wanted."

"I'll try and show you the trick." Johnathon promised as they went out the door, then turned back to Rarity before he closed it behind them. "Thanks again, Rarity. Your work, as always, is exemplary."

Rarity listened to the sound of them walking away, and sighed to herself. "How terribly romantic! And tragic, at the same time," she frowned. "There must be something I can do in order to help those two... but what?"


Cheerilee watched Johnathon out of the corner of her eye as they walked, side by side, through town toward the Library. There was a tension there between them now, and she wasn't sure what to do about it. They had been friends... they still were, but there was something more now, and it was making things tighten up in her chest in a manner that was both slightly pleasant and disturbing at the same time.

Do I like him like that? Can I? Cheerilee asked herself silently. Her becoming human had changed things. Before, while she was sad about the very real possibility of having to lose her friend, she had resigned herself to the fact that he would leave, sooner or later. Now, because of a love potion... because of an accident, there was the chance he would stay. But at the same time, that would mean her staying human. She still didn't know how she really felt about that. Every waking moment since she had woken from the love spell to find herself human, her mind had been either racing, almost incoherently, or gone silent... almost numb, as if her thoughts were wrapped in cotton wool.

She tried to figure out what she was feeling, but the moment passed, and Twilight was greeting them at the door to the Library. "Hey you two," the purple unicorn said with a pleasant smile, a flicker of concern passing over her face as she glanced at Cheerilee. "How are you holding up, Cheerilee?" Twilight asked her without preamble. "Is it very weird?"

Cheerilee laughed. "Yes, very weird," she admitted easily, feeling a bit better at once. "I can't seem to get a handle on it yet," she continued a bit less cheerfully. "About how I'm feeling. I think I'm still in a little bit of shock," as she said the words, she realized how true they were. She was still in shock from her transformation. She had been doing her best to behave normally, even try to enjoy the ridiculousness of the situation a little bit, but the full weight hadn't really sunk in yet, and she knew it.

"I'm still waiting for Johnathon to lose his cool and ravage me... or something...." she blurted out suddenly, trying to make a joke, and wincing almost immediately at how lame she sounded, even to herself.

"I'll have you know I have absolutely incredible willpower," Johnathon told her quite seriously.

Cheerilee smiled genuinely at that. "That might be one of the nicest complements I've ever gotten."

Twilight gaped at the two of them like they'd both grown antlers and started shooting sparks out of their ears, then quickly schooled her expression. "Er... anyway, come on in and have a seat. I've been wanting to talk to you!" she nodded at a pair of chairs conveniently located next to the table in the center of the main room, on which a large wooden bust of a horse's head rested.

"So...." Twilight said, looking a bit nervous. "I was hoping you could help me confirm or deny one a theory about Strangehorn's permanent transformation spell."

Cheerilee nodded. "Ah... yes, you want to know if I retain my Earth Pony magic?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, actually. It would be easier to test with a Pegasus, I suppose... as all we'd need to do is see if they could walk on a cloud... but Johnathon seemed confident that if you had greater than normal strength for a human female your size, he'd be able to tell with a simple empirical test."

"You mean hoof wrestling?" Cheerilee asked, glancing at the table, then at Johnathon, who had sat down at the table and was leaning back in his chair.

He shrugged up at her. "Humans call it arm wrestling, but yes. If you're significantly stronger than your body should be, it shouldn't be too tricky to find out with a little arm wrestling match."

Cheerilee hesitated, then shrugged, sitting herself down in the other chair, facing him. "So... how do we do this then?"

Johnathon rested the elbow of his right arm on the table's surface, and held out his hand to her. "Just put your right elbow on the table, like mine, and then take my hand." Cheerilee nodded, and imitated him, and grasped his hand firmly. Johnathon reached over with his left hand and adjusted their grip slightly, the nodded. "Now, all you have to do is try to push my hand down onto the table without moving your elbow off the surface. Got it?" he demonstrated, pushing her hand downwards. "Got it?"

Cheerilee nodded again. "I believe so. It's not that different from hoof wrestling, although I was never very good at it."

Johnathon smiled. "Well, I'm actually pretty good at it myself... so don't hold back. You don't have to use all your strength right away, but push hard, and keep pushing until you can't push any more, OK? We'll try to test both strength and stamina, but that'll depend on you."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "I can't imagine I'll have much of a chance. You must be half again larger than I am!"

Johnathon shrugged. "I'm probably fifty pounds heavier, yeah. Normally a woman your size wouldn't stand a chance, but we're hoping that you're stronger than you look."

Cheerilee frowned, and then started pushing on Johnathon's hand, trying to force it down. The larger man's face tightened slightly, and his hand dipped an inch or so toward the table, but then stopped falling. She pushed harder, and his face got even tighter as he concentrated. She started to worry that she would hurt his feelings if she won. Stallions were remarkably silly about contests of strength and such. Johnathon was a grown human, an adult in every sense of the word, but he was still male. She let up slightly, unsure herself if she would try and let him win, or if she was just conserving her strength.

"You can do better than that." Johnathon said with a slightly pained smile. "You're hardly trying."

Cheerilee chewed on her lip, but decided to trust him. She poured it on, pushing down as hard as she could, and felt surprised at how much force her slender arm could generate. She actually felt... strong!

Johnathon's hand sank backwards another inch, then stopped. His face started to go red as he fought to keep his arm from falling further, and then his eyes went calm, and his breathing steadied. He seemed to lock his arm in place, and wouldn't let her push it down any further. Cheerilee strained, but it was no good, she couldn't force him any further down. Almost a minute passed, and she felt her strength fading. Johnathon seemed to sense it too, and he started pushing back, hard. She lost ground immediately, and almost before she knew it, her right hand slammed into the table, just hard enough to sting a bit.

"Sorry..." Johnathon said sheepishly, releasing his grip and shaking out his arm as if it was cramped.. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine," Cheerilee assured him, lifting her arm off the table and wincing slightly at the muscle fatigue that was causing her entire arm to ache. "A little tired though...."

Johnathon laughed. "Yeah... my bad. I'm a bit too competitive. That wasn't a fair contest, really. There are a couple tricks to winning an arm wrestling match, and I used them," he shrugged. "But, it's certain, I think. You've got some kind of magical strength. I think you're probably a bit stronger than I am, honestly."

Cheerilee blinked at how cheerful he seemed about it. "Don't you mind at all?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Nah, it's not like I'm especially strong compared to most Earth Ponies I know. Heck, Rainbow Dash is considerably stronger than I am, and she's a pegasus, and don't even get me started about Applejack. She could throw me around like a rag doll if she wanted...." he hesitated and added a qualifier to his statement, "and if she knew what she was doing a bit better." He nodded to Twilight. "And if you want to talk strength... Twilight here is about a hundred times stronger than either of us. That sort of thing doesn't bother me much."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Much?"

Johnathon chuckled wryly. "Well, I am guy, a pretty big guy... and I'm used to being one of the strongest, toughest people in the room. But, well, I've been here long enough to realize that isn't likely, especially with ponies like Twilight and her friends around."

Twilight was blushing. "I'm really not all that strong... I mean, yes, I suppose my magic is pretty powerful, but..."

Johnathon smiled at her. "Ridiculously so," he corrected. "Not that that is a bad thing."

Twilight blushed deeper. "But I'm not very strong at all... physically."

Johnathon shrugged. "No. You're pretty fit for a unicorn, Twilight, but most unicorns, especially the female ones, aren't physically very strong. But you don't have to be, do you?"

He turned to Cheerilee. "But you... you were jogging with me every day, and you were in great shape as a pony. That's translated into your human form as well, from what I can tell. Even so, you shouldn't be close to as strong as I am, but you're nearly every bit as strong as you were before you were transformed, I think."

Cheerilee blinked. "You mean I was stronger than you as a pony too?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Of course you were. Why do you think I let you do all the heavy work during Winter Wrap up, while I planted seeds, or gathered sticks, or whatever? As a pony, you were... hmm... probably twenty pounds lighter than me... now you're a bit smaller, and, probably weaker than you were as a pony, but not enough to be a normal human girl," he nodded at Twilight. "In my opinion, Cheerilee definitely has retained her Earth pony strength and stamina."

Twilight beamed. "Well, that's actually really good news!" she told them happily. "That means when I figure out how to configure the spell for non-ponies, I'll be able to transform you back without needing an extra power source."

Cheerilee blinked. "An extra power source?"

Twilight hesitated, then began to explain. "When I transformed myself into an Alicorn... I absorbed the extra energy I needed to maintain that form from Princess Celestia, as I have a great deal less natural energy then she does. If you didn't retain your Earth Pony magic when you changed into a human, it would be harder to change you back, as, as far as I can tell, a human has... er... less natural energy then a pony."

"Yeah." Johnathon said with a slight frown. "That makes sense."

Cheerilee noted the change in his mood. "Johnathon? It doesn't matter if... if you don't have as much natural energy, right?"

Johnathon blinked. "Oh... don't get me wrong... I'd like to be more... magical, but..." he frowned again, not upset, but as if he was trying to get his words right. "It's not that I'm jealous. Oh, I am a bit I suppose, but it doesn't really BOTHER me. No, it's the implications of what Twilight has discovered."

Twilight looked confused. "What do you mean Johnathon, what implications?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... I just realized, if... if for some reason I ever decided to become a pony... I wouldn't have any natural magical energy to... contribute to the spell. I might end up with the body of a pony, but probably none of the magic."

Cheerilee's eyes went wide. "I thought you... you said you never considered being anything but human."

Johnathon hesitated. "I've thought about the possibilities a bit... recently," he answered finally. "I wanted to at least consider the idea seriously, so I can...."

Cheerilee looked at him with a gentle smile. "So you could... what, exactly?"

Johnathon shrugged. "So I could get an idea about what it might be like for you right now, I guess. I mean, I have considered it before... er... before you got changed, but not seriously. I thought it might be nice to fly... or use magic like a unicorn, but..." he shrugged. "Well... obviously none of those things are possible," he looked away, gazing at the books on the shelf across from him before turning back to her. "I actually have considered it... turning into an earth pony... or a pegasus, perhaps... in order to fit in here better. Especially if Twilight never managed to figure out how to get me home, but... I decided that, while I might consider such a change as something temporary, I wouldn't want to give up being human permanently... all else being equal, anyway."

Cheerilee sighed, and he echoed her. "Sorry..." Johnathon began to apologize.

"No, I completely understand," Cheerilee said with a faint smile "I do. It frightens me, more than a little, considering the possibility that I might never change back, but...." she gazed at him. "While I do empathize with how you must feel about it, I..." she frowned. "I thought I would be more upset than I am. Each morning, I wake up, thinking I'm going to panic... that I'm going to be frantic to change back... but I'm not panicking. I'm not frantic."

Cheerilee gave him a wistful smile. "Although that's a bit scary by itself. I really should be panicking more, don't you think?"

Johnathon shook his head. "You? Panic? If somepony you cared about was hurt... maybe, but you're not the type to panic about yourself. You're stronger than you think."

Twilight had remained silent, seeming more than a bit embarrassed to be witnessing such a personal conversation, but she spoke up at that. "You really are strong, Cheerilee. After I turned myself into an Alicorn, I nearly went catatonic. Even though I expected to change, I was barely able to function right away! You've really handled this very well. Much better than I would in the same circumstances."

Cheerilee glanced at her. "I don't know, Twilight. When you turned yourself human, you were fine! You were a bit overexcited, perhaps, but you kept it together."

Twilight smiled. "Because I knew it was temporary, and it was a chance to learn something new. But if it had been permanent, and an accident? I'd be seriously freaking out... I'd be freaking out for weeks!" she frowned. "Well, I'd probably die in three or four days from a magical overload... but if that didn't happen, I'd probably freak out anyway."

Johnathon chuckled. "I think the threat of having your brain explode would justify a little freaking out, Twilight, regardless."


It was starting to get dark as they were walking home. "So... I guess Twilight's getting closer to figuring out how to reverse this spell?" Cheerilee said quietly as they walked.

"Sounds like it." Johnathon said with a nod. "Hopefully she can get you changed back soon."

Cheerilee stopped, looking at him strangely. "Do you really hope that?"

Johnathon hesitated, then nodded. "Actually... yes, I truly do," his face cleared as he spoke. "I do. Part of me was quite happy when you became human, because... well, because I like you, quite a lot.. and... it presented a possibility that things might progress beyond that, and that is not an unpleasant proposition."

Cheerilee nodded. "So... why do you hope Twilight can change me back into a pony?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Because if you were forced to stay a human because of an accident, it would make me unhappy. No matter how much I would like having you as... well, as my girlfriend... it would bother me that you were unhappy."

Cheerilee's face flushed, and she glared at him. "I wouldn't be unhappy if you'd STAY!" she shouted, then flushed, covering her mouth. "No... I... I didn't mean it like that."

His shoulders sagged slightly, but he was smiling. "I think you did, and part of me really likes that you want me to stay."

"Part of you?" Cheerilee asked the question rather harsher than she wanted, her face softening immediately as she prepared to apologize again.

"All of me," Johnathon admitted before she could speak. "It's true. There is no doubt of that, really. I genuinely liked hearing that you want me to stay," he straightened up and stepped closer to her, looking down at her, and forcing her to tilt her head back slightly if she wanted to keep looking at his face. "Is this your way of asking me to stay? I wasn't lying you know. If you ask me, if you seriously ask me... if you seriously want me to stay, to be with you, I will stay. I won't regret it either."

Cheerilee lowered her eyes, looking at his chest. "I... I don't know," she admitted. "I don't... I don't want you to go, but I don't want to force you to stay. If Twilight can change me back... and... and you're happy that I can change back... maybe it's for the better."

Johnathon put a finger under her chin and slowly lifted her face so that he could look her in the eyes again. "I do want her to figure out how to change you back, because I would never want you to be trapped like this. If you stayed like this because you decided to, on the other hand... well, that's something different entirely."

Cheerilee found herself blushing slightly at his intense gaze. She didn't find him attractive... not really... not... physically. At least, she didn't think she did. She liked who he was. He was brave, intelligent, and kind. They had a surprising amount in common. They enjoyed spending time together. He was a good roommate. He'd probably make a good husband. He kept his word, he was honest, even when it hurt some pony's feelings, but she appreciated the fact that she could trust him. But... staying human?

"I don't know." she finally said. "Right now, if Twilight told me she could change me back... I couldn't tell her what to do."

Johnathon nodded. "There's no rush. You have time. It's better to have the option, right?"

Cheerilee shivered. "I'm not so sure about that, either," she looked away. "I know it would bother you, but it would make things... simpler if I was stuck like this. I wouldn't have to... I wouldn't have to choose."

Johnathon shivered as well, then abruptly hugged her close to his chest. "Damn it, Cheerilee. You're going to make me do something rash."

Cheerilee laid her head against his shoulder. "Maybe I'd like that."

Johnathon's body shuddered once, and he stepped back slightly, then cupped her face in both of his hands. "I'm going to kiss you now," he told her softly with a serious expression. "Unless you tell me not too."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow, half grinning. "Now why would I go and do something silly like that?" She might have said something else, but her lips were suddenly too busy to speak.

Chapter 26

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After several long moments they broke apart. Cheerilee had a sort of dreamy expression on her face.

"So... that's how humans kiss?" she said with a faint smile.

"Pretty much," Johnathon answered softly, one hand moving around to the back of her head, the other going down to her shoulder.

"Can we do it again?"


It was later. Cheerilee wasn't sure exactly how long, but while it felt more like hours, it probably had only been a few minutes since they had left the library to head home. They were walking hand in hand. Johnathon and taken her hand and held it in his own as they started walking for home again, and she let him, liking the closeness.

I think I like kissing. Cheerilee decided with a small smile. "So, Johnathon..." she said casually as they walked, "In human culture, what comes next?"

"Hmm?" the man seemed almost as distracted as she knew herself to be. "After kissing, you mean?"

Cheerilee giggled slightly, then nodded. "And in general, I suppose."

"Well... assuming we're dating now...?"

Cheerilee nodded immediately. "I think that's safe to assume."

Johnathon grinned at that. "Well, there are lots of options. Romantic walks in the evening are nice."

"We're doing that now," Cheeriee noted with a smile.

"Oh yeah," Johnathon put his free hand behind his head and chuckled. "Honestly, we've already done a lot of the things that couples do together...."

Cheerilee smiled. "That's true for Equestria as well. But now that we're... dating, what's next?"

Johnathon found himself blushing. "Well... we could... make out a little?"

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Make out?"

He grinned. "I could show you, if you like."

Cheerilee nodded softly, looking a bit shy finally. "I'd like that."


As the Earth Pony turned human female lay in her bed that night, she tried to figure out how she felt about where things were going. Making out had included a lot of touching and kissing. It had been... surprisingly pleasant. She had started to feel a sort of building excitement growing up from the pit of her stomach by the time Johnathon had decided it was time to stop, and she had almost asked him to continue, but something told her that she wasn't quite ready for that yet.

Johnathon was normally quite generous with the physical displays of affection with his friends, she knew. He was free with hugs, and would run his hand through her mane, both things she liked. She had noticed he had treated the other girls... his other friends in Ponyville, in any case, much the same. It was subtly different now that she was human, however. There was an intensity there that hadn't been there before. She knew, intellectually, where that intensity was headed, and she wondered how long it would be before they went there. It seemed almost inevitable now. She wasn't ready for... that, yet, but the idea bothered her less than it did.

Thankfully, Johnathon seemed quite content to wait and take things slow. She'd had hotter dates with stallions while she was still in school, some of them quite a bit hotter. She found herself wondering idly what it might be like if Johnathon wasn't quite so patient. She felt that tenseness in her stomach again, and she shivered. Her dreams that night were some of the strangest she could remember.


Cheerilee woke abruptly, wondering what was wrong. Something wasn't quite right. She sat up, and looked around her room, realizing that the light coming in through her curtained window was what was different. The sun was quite a bit farther up than it was when she normally got up. She had slept late. Much later than normal. She recalled bits and pieces of her dreams from that night, and remembered tossing and turning in bed quite a bit. Sometime during the night she had pulled off the oversized tee shirt she had borrowed from Johnathon and slept in the nude, and gone on to kick off the covers. She blushed slightly, hoping that her roommate hadn't come into her room to check to see why she had slept so late.

He would have knocked first, she reasoned, and I would have woken, wouldn't I?

Getting up out of bed, she walked to her dresser and started picking out what she would wear in the morning. "Jogging," she decided. "I want to go jogging this morning."

Walking out into the kitchen, barefoot, but wearing her new sports bra and a pair of the pants that Rarity had made her the other day, Cheerilee spotted Johnathon at once, sitting at the table with a book in one hand, and a fork in the other, eating.

"Good morning, Cheerilee," he said with a smile, looking up from his reading. "How are you feeling this morning?"

Cheerilee thought about it. "Better." she decided almost immediately. "More like myself, somehow, if that makes any sort of sense."

"A good night's sleep can do that," Johnathon commented thoughtfully, looking pleased.

Cheerilee smiled softly at him. "I think it might also be because I kind of enjoyed being a human for the first time last night."

Johnathon's smile spontaneously doubled in size. "So you liked... last night then?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Mmm hmm," she walked over to sit down beside him. "I was thinking we could go jogging today. Is that alright?"

He nodded. "Sure. Did you want breakfast first?"

Cheerilee thought about that, then shook her head. "I can eat afterwords. I slept so late, and I'm still a bit sleepy, a good run will drive the cobwebs out of my head, I think."

"Good idea." Johnathon agreed. "But you'll probably want to wear some shoes you can run in," he grinned, and nodded at the corner of the kitchen. "Rarity stopped by this morning, just a bit ago. She made a pair of running shoes for you, as well as a few other things. Hopefully they'll all fit."

"Oh!" Cheerilee found herself inexplicably pleased by the thought of new clothing. "Presents in the morning! This IS turning out to be a good day!" she took the bag that Johnathon had nodded at, then headed back into her room. She rifled through the bag, pulling out several garments and a pair of shoes. At the bottom of the bag, a note from Rarity.

"I thought I might include some more risqué designs for you. Tell me what Johnathon thinks, will you, dear?"

Coming out a few moment later, she was blushing slightly, unsure of herself, but with an edge of curiosity, Cheerilee walked into the kitchen. "So... how do I look?" she kept her eyes on Johnathon's face, wanting to catch his reaction fully.

Johnathon blinked twice, then blushed slightly. "Er... you look great," he complimented. "But don't you think you might be a bit cold?"

Cheerilee glanced down at the shorts she was wearing, then hesitated. "Well... I should warm up nicely while jogging, don't you think?" she frowned and looked at him worriedly. "Are they too... little? I mean, should I wear more clothing?" she hesitated. "I wasn't sure if these would be alright...."

Johnathon grinned at her. "Well... I'd say they're fine for a jog. You have great legs, no reason not to show them off occasionally."

Cheerilee blushed slightly. "You like my legs?" she glanced down at them again. "And you're sure I'm wearing enough?"

Johnathon smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I never really explained what is and isn't appropriate fully, I guess, but Rarity seems to have a pretty good instinct for this sort of thing."

Cheerilee thought about the other items in the bag, wondering how Johnathon might react to seeing her in some of them. "So... I take it you didn't look at what Rarity brought me?"

Johnathon shook his head. "Well, she mentioned the running shoes... and then warned me not to peek," he shrugged. "I wouldn't dare make her mad, now would I?"

Cheerilee grinned at him. "Well, I wouldn't want to make her mad, anyway."

Johnathon stood. "Well then... shall we give running a try?"

Cheerilee nodded eagerly. "I've been wanting to try this since yesterday. I'm so tall now, I wonder how fast I can go?"

They set out the door and started to jog. Johnathon slowed down to demonstrate the proper stride to her. Even though she had ran with him many times, she hadn't really paid enough attention to how a human ran to emulate it herself, but her body took to it pretty quickly. Before long, they were moving at a steady pace. She wasn't sure, but she thought she was managing to move almost as fast as she did as a pony, if she was keeping things to a light canter, anyway... although no where near as fast as she could gallop if she really wanted to move.

She frowned and tried increasing her pace, and nearly fell. "Careful!" Johnathon warned, catching her arm keeping her upright. They came to a stop, both of them panting with exertion. "Your body obviously has the reflexes of an adult... and you're adapting really quickly, but you can hurt yourself if you fall at this speed."

Cheerilee sighed and nodded. "I thought, since I am so much taller, and my legs are longer, I might be able to run faster, but I guess that's not going to happen."

Johnathon shrugged. "You can probably go a bit faster, but I don't think you're quite ready for a full on sprint yet. Besides, a human can't sprint very far at all. You'd exhaust yourself, and we're still a ways from home."

Cheerilee hesitated, frowning. "I suppose... but I actually feel pretty good. Truthfully, I feel less tired than I usually do when we get to this part of our run. I guess humans are better at doing long distances?"

Johnathon looked at her thoughtfully. "At jogging speeds, yeah, we humans have some advantages," he grinned, then nodded at her. "Actually, you're taking pretty good advantage of one of them."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh?"

He pointed at her sports bra, then her shorts. "Humans shed excess heat quicker than a pony does. Probably the lack of a coat of fur has something to do with that, and you've got plenty of skin exposed."

Cheerilee found herself blushing again, although she wasn't quite sure why. "Well... you did say these clothes were appropriate for jogging... but I don't wear anything as a pony. Wouldn't I heat up slower that way?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "You wear a full body fur coat as a pony, silly."

Cheerilee blushed again, feeling dumb. "Oh... right. Silly me."

He smiled at her. "Come on... let's finish our run," he looked thoughtful. "Care to make it interesting?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Interesting?"

He nodded. "Want to bet on which of us can get home first?"

Cheerilee grinned at that. "I've got my Earth Pony magic still, are you sure you want to risk it?"

Johnathon grinned. "You had it as a pony too. I'll take my chances. Last one home has to do all the dishes today?"

Cheerilee laughed. "Fine. You're on."

Johnathon grinned. "Great!" he turned and sprinted off without warning.

"Hey!" Cheerilee took off after him. "No fair! You didn't say go!" Cheerilee focused on the man's back and forgot everything she had learned about walking or running as a human. She simply ran. She wanted to move, and her body obeyed her. Johnathon's large initial lead started to disappear as she poured herself into the task of closing the gap. He sped up slightly as she got closer, but soon they were racing side by side. He seemed to lengthen his stride slightly as she caught up with him, and his feet barely seemed to touch the ground. Slowly he was leaving her behind again, but she could see their house, and felt like she had enough energy for one final rush. She lengthened her stride as well, pushing herself faster than she had realized she could go. It wasn't as fast as she could gallop as a pony, but it was close.

She pulled away, passing him, and reached the house a good dozen yards ahead of the man. She felt fantastic. She was tired, but exhilarated. She bounced up and down on her toes, throwing her hands up spontaneously.

"Whee!" she said with a laugh. "I won! That felt great!"

Johnathon came up to her, panting, and shook his head incredulously, then slowly sank down to sit on the grass outside their kitchen door. "That was... seriously impressive." he admitted. "I'm starting to feel old."

Cheerilee stopped bouncing and came over to sit next to him. "You're not old, Johnathon."

He chuckled softly. "Well, thanks to you, I'm probably in the best shape I've been since I was twenty... but I'm not going to be able to keep this up forever. I'm going to start slowing down sooner or later. That was as fast as I've ever run that stretch, and you still beat me."

"Earth pony magic..." Cheerilee began, and Johnathon smiled at her.

"I don't mind losing...." he shrugged. "Well, I'm competitive, but... I don't mind losing to you." Johnathon slowly stood, and pulled his shirt off over his head. His body was soaked with sweat, and he used the edge of his shirt to wipe his forehead. "Sheesh, it's a pretty cool day, but I feel like I'm in a sauna."

Cheerilee stretched, stood, and pulled her sports bra off as well. "I got pretty sweaty too,":she admitted. "Although the cool breeze feels great..." she blinked, realizing that Johnathon was staring at her, his eyes wide, before he abruptly turned his back. Cheerilee glanced down at her naked chest, blushing. "Oh... did I do something wrong? Er... I thought, since you take off your shirt when you're hot, that..."

Johnathon kept his back to her, but shook his head. "It's fine, really!" he insisted. "I probably should have... er... explained this earlier, but it's a bit different for women... in my culture, that is."

Cheerilee started to put her top back on. "Um... could you be more specific?"

Johnathon put a hand behind his head. "Well... at the minimum, women usually keep their breasts covered... and... er... the groin area."

Cheerilee frowned. "So... women have to keep their chests covered, but men don't?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Generally, yes."

She wrinkled her nose. "Well, that doesn't sound fair at all!"

He started to chuckle. "Well, no. I don't suppose it is," he glanced back at her, then shrugged helplessly. "I didn't make the rules up, you know."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow at him. "But it bothers you if I don't follow them, right?"

Johnathon hesitated. "A little?" he shrugged. "Listen, you really don't have to follow my customs if you don't want to. I won't mind."

Cheerilee sighed and shook her head. "No, no, I want to. At least... most of the time," she hesitated. "Do you mind if I stop wearing clothing to bed? I keep getting tangled up, and it's hard to sleep."

Johnathon grinned at her. "I don't mind a bit. That sort of thing is up to the individual even in my culture."

"You have a pretty complicated culture," Cheerilee observed wryly.

"I can't disagree with that."


Rarity tapped lightly on the door to the library, and then let herself in, looking around curiously at the unusual sight within. Twilight Sparkle was surrounded by floating books, and a large blackboard was set up and covered by arcane symbols, some of which Rarity thought she recognized, but most of which were complete gibberish to her. Twilight was muttering something to herself as she glanced from the book in front of her before glancing up to the blackboard, a piece of chalk levitating and altering one symbol slightly.

"Oh dear... I didn't mean to interrupt," Rarity began hesitantly. "I can come back at some other time."

"Hmm?" Twilight said distractedly, glancing between the book and blackboard a few times before nodding to herself in satisfaction. "No, no.... that's alright, Rarity, I believe I'm at a good place to take a break anyway," the books floated over to the table in the middle of the room and set themselves down, still open to whatever page she had been studying in each, and Twilight released her magic with a small sigh. "In fact, I'm getting to the point where I can't get much further without a test subject."

Rarity smiled slightly. "Well, I truly wish I could volunteer, darling. It's a shame you can't transform a unicorn without danger!"

Twilight hesitated. "Actually, about that, I've been thinking, and I'm pretty sure I CAN... they just to be able to release their innate magic without harming themselves," she blushed slightly. "In fact, I've been ignoring a rather obvious solution... Alicorns aren't the only winged ponies with horns after all. Although they're very rare, a few winged unicorns do exist. My old foalsitter, Princess Cadence was one, in fact. She's distantly related to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, I believe, although she doesn't have their magical power, or their immortality."

Rarity hesitated. "Are you saying you could... transform a unicorn into a winged unicorn?"

Twilight blushed deeper. "Probably, yes. Well... actually, I'm quite certain I could... I just... after my rather... well, disastrous experiment with Princess Celestia, I kind of blocked the idea out of my mind... but now that I'm researching Strangehorn's transformation spell again, I took another look at the idea, and I'm quite sure it's possible."

Rarity frowned. "And... it would work? It wouldn't be dangerous?"

Twilight blinked. "Well... honestly, yes. I'm quite certain it would. Well... within acceptable safety margins for spell testing, in any case. Of course, if I used a regular winged unicorn as a template, the unicorn I transformed wouldn't be able to fly, or walk on clouds, not without additional magic."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Twilight dear, isn't that what you were saying back on the train when you first proposed this idea? That the physical transformation wouldn't change the pony's inherent magical properties, or something along those lines?"

Twilight blinked. "Well, yes... but the theory is still sound. What went wrong when I used Princess Celestia for a template is that the spell tried to turn me into a true alicorn... and, well, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna aren't just winged unicorns... they're practically living energy batteries. Their very physical forms are significantly more powerful than a normal pony's. Their power, and their immortality, are all wrapped up into one thing."

Rarity hesitated. "I'm trying to follow, darling, but this is getting a bit metaphysical for me. What exactly are you saying?"

"That Princess Celestia, and her sister are much more than just winged unicorns." Twilight explained. "I suppose it would be possible, under the right circumstances, for a winged unicorn, or even a normal unicorn, to become an alicorn... although no pony alive really knows what it would require. I know that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were not born what they are... they were... made. They were weapons against Discord, you see."

Rarity blinked. "Weapons...? Our Princesses?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Yes... they are quite different from your average pony in some rather specific ways. Primarily, their bodies are naturally able to store and control vast amounts of energy. Whatever process created them... or transformed them into what they are, made them different on a fundamental level. I'm just amazed that Strangehorn's spell was able to make the same change to me."

Rarity hesitated. "So... other winged unicorns... they are otherwise just like regular unicorns?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "I believe so, yes. Some of them have been more powerful than others, of course. A few could fly like a pegasus, or were strong like an earth pony, or were great spellcasters... but their powers never get anywhere near to what the Princesses are capable of. I believe it's quite possible to transform a unicorn into a normal winged unicorn. Just as easily as I could transform an earth pony into a pegasi or vice versa," she hesitated, frowning. "In fact... I think I could do a complete transformation... I mean... REALLY change a unicorn into a pegasi, or an earth pony. I've been playing around with the equations, and I believe that I've made a crucial discovery..." Twilight trailed off, looking uncertain.

"Well?" Rarity asked impatiently. "Don't leave me in suspense, darling, what have you discovered?"

Twilight started to get excited. "You see... the notes on Strangehorn's spell, that one of his research assistants tried to transform herself into a pegasi and nearly died? It didn't match up with what happened to me when I used the spell to change myself. I really changed... in every way, into an alicorn. The very nature of my physical form was completely altered in a fundamental way. I never really got to check, but I believe I'd have been able to cloud walk without a spell... and I know I was extremely strong physically as well as magically. But according to the first hand account, it isn't supposed to be able to transform a pony's magic."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "You mean, you CAN transform a pony's magic?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Theoretically, yes. I think so. I'm not sure what exactly Strangehorn's assistant did wrong. Perhaps she didn't have a pegasi to use as a magical template... I have a theory about that as well, actually, that for something as complex as a complete magical AND physical transformation, the spell needs a living template to copy the magical matrix from... and, if the energy levels between the two creatures are different, to steal the extra needed energy to complete the transformation. On the other hand, I've already just about proved that a physical transformation without changing the magical nature of a pony works as well! I transformed Cheerilee into a human, physically, but she retained her earth pony magic! However, I did the spell without Johnathon to use as a template. Perhaps If I had used him, she would have lost her earth pony magic and... well, become completely human in every way."

Rarity looked confused. "Are you saying that Miss Cheerilee isn't a real human?"

Twilight frowned slightly. "Physically, yes... she's human. I think she is, anyway, but magically, she's still a pony. If I had used Johnathon for a template, I think I could have transformed her physically AND magically. I'm not sure if anything would have happened to Johnathon... but I don't think so. I believe humans have a lower magical energy level then ponies... which would allow the transformation without draining any magical energy from Johnathon... but I haven't tested that hypothesis for obvious reasons."

Rarity frowned in response. "I apologize, dear, but I'm not quite sure I follow. What reasons?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... what if a combined physical and magical transformation always drains the template to power the transformation? Princess Celestia and I were both Alicorns when we were... er... drained. We had plenty of extra magic... but somepony with less natural energy, the spell could drain then more than they could withstand... theoretically."

Rarity flinched. "You mean that the spell could kill some pony?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Especially one with low natural magical energies. Theoretically, anyway. The er... energy collection part of the spell is very... versatile, but I believe it's rather dangerous as well. I'll want to figure out a way to direct that part of the spell consciously the next time I cast it with a template, so I can prevent any pony from being drained. I've actually been considering the possibility of using other magical energy sources to power such a transformation, but for the moment, I haven't gotten that far."

Rarity frowned. "How far have you gotten then?"

Twilight shrugged. "I believe I can safely do a permanent physical only transformation without any risk. I'd be a lot farther along, but I've been rather worried at what seemed like inherent contradictions in the spell, and I didn't want to proceed till I had figured them out."

Rarity looked thoughtful. "So... you don't actually need a winged unicorn to be in the room to change me into one?"

Twilight blinked. "Er... theoretically, no?"

Rarity beamed at her. "Didn't you say something earlier about needing a test subject?"

Twilight froze. "Um... did I?"

Rarity's grin got wider. "You did... and if you're curious, yes, I am talking about myself, of course. I think I would look just lovely with a nice set of feathered wings, don't you?"


The door to the library burst open several minutes later, and Pinkie rushed into the library, looking around. "Ahah!" she exclaimed triumphantly, pointing a hoof at Rarity, who was busy admiring her new, white feathered wings in a full length mirror. "You gave Rarity wings! I knew it!" she turned to Twilight, who was laying down nearby, resting on a bunch of pillows. "Twitchy tail, itchy nose, floppy ear and pinchy knee!"

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "New combo?"

Pinkie nodded. "I got it the first time in Canterlot when you changed places with the Princess... although that one was a lot stronger. I'm calling it my alicornification combo! Anyway, how come Rarity gets to go first? I volunteered to get wings first!"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, that was a long time ago, and a lot has happened in between...."

Pinkie pouted, then shrugged, her expression changing to happy anticipation. "Well, that's OK. Rarity can be first... but you'll let me go next, right?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, I really should reverse Rarity's change first... and the spell takes a lot of energy, so I don't think I'll be able to handle another transformation today... but...."

Pinkie bounced a bit as she grinned at Twilight. "But...?"

Twilight sighed and rolled her eyes. "But yes... you can be my next test subject. I'll let you know when I'm ready to try again, alright?"

Pinkie grinned. "Yay!"

Rarity had been half paying attention as she stretched and posed her new appendages in the mirror. "Oh, I hope you aren't going to reverse this right away, darling. I simply love my new wings.... aren't they just gorgeous?" She fluttered them slightly, beaming over her own shoulder as the white feathers caught the light from one of the windows in what she felt was a particularly flattering way.

Twilight hesitated. "I'm starting to think that all this should really be kept... secret. There is a lot of potential for this sort of magic to be abused... not to mention the fact that it's connected to what happened with me and Princess Celestia... the thing we're all keeping secret? If it becomes known that I can transform ponies into... well, other types of ponies... well, I can't even imagine the chaos that could result."

"It sounds like fun to me!" Pinkie said cheerily.

Rarity frowned slightly, glancing back at her wings with a sad expression. "I suppose I can see your point," she glanced back at Twilight in concern. "Would other unicorns be able to do this spell, do you think?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... er... not many," she admitted. "I can think of er... maybe half a dozen with enough power... and there are probably some more I don't know about, but no, it's not something just any unicorn could cast. But if, say, any really competent spell casting unicorn got a good look at my notes, they'd be able to figure out how I became an alicorn... and we really don't want any pony knowing all the details about that. In the wrong hooves, it could be a very dangerous weapon."

Rarity grimaced. "I see. So... I suppose for now we must keep your current research a secret?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. I think that's best. If I'm going to figure out how to change Cheerilee back, I have to keep working, but I think we should keep the actual details as secret as possible," she shrugged apologetically and put a hoof on Rarity's shoulder. "So... I think it would be best if you stay here, out of sight, until I can reverse the transformation, Rarity."

Rarity blew out an exasperated sigh. "How very unfortunate. I was just imagining a wonderful new dress design for my new look. I'd be the talk of Canterlot inside of a week!" she nodded to Twilight. "But you're right, it would be too easy to connect the dots between my transformation and yours... and we did promise the princess not to reveal how you stole her powers."

Twilight winced. "My first really groundbreaking magical discovery... and I can't tell anypony about it."

Rarity put a wing over her friend's shoulders. "There there... we know... and the Princesses know. I'm sure that you'll come up with many other wonderful discoveries that everypony can share. It's just a matter of time. I have every confidence in your abilities."

"Twilight..." Pinkie said with a very small frown. "I kinda think there's one problem with the big keeping things a secret plan."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "What would that be, Pinkie?"

Pinkie shrugged. "Well, everypony already knows you can transform ponies, silly! I mean, they know you turned yourself into a princess... er... an alicorn... and that you turned Cheerilee into a human, right?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... that's different... I mean... i just gave Rarity wings... and I'm almost positive I can reverse it easily... er... well, not easily, but safely, and that I'll be able to repeat the spell in the future... and as far as any pony knows... I can't reverse the transformation I did on Cheerilee, so I don't think anypony is going to come ask me to transform them or anything silly like that."

Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow at that. "If you say so, Twilight! But you know how I know everypony in town? Well, let me tell you, everypony is talking about your new spell. A few ponies think it's scary, but most of them think it's kinda neat! And the ponies in town all know you're just about the most magical unicorn, like... ever, and they all think you're going to figure out how to do it properly any day now!"

Twilight grimaced. "Is everypony really talking about my transformation spell?"

Pinkie nodded firmly. "Yup!"

Twilight moaned. "Why did I ever agree to transform Cheerilee? I must have been out of my mind! Now everypony is going to want me to turn them into things! There will be pony griffins, pony dragons, pony zebras, unicorn pegasi... pegasi unicorns... it'll be chaos!"

Pinkie looked thoughtful. "Do you think that's how Discord got all... mixed up? You know, the way he was like... seven different creatures at the same time?"

Twilight grimaced. "I have no idea, but maybe. I really don't want to end up creating a new Discord, anyway."

Pinkie shrugged. "Well, when ponies ask you to transform them, just tell them no. You're the only pony that can do your spell, right?"

"For now... but..."

Rarity started to nod. "I think Pinkie may be right, dear. If you didn't give anypony else your notes... if you didn't show them how to do the spell, do you think anypony else would be able to figure out how to do this transformation?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... if they had access to Strangehorn's spellbook... maybe... but..." she looked thoughtful. "Well, there is only one copy of that, and I have it... well, that and the original, which is locked up in the Canterlot archives..."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "And without your notes, or Strangehorn's spellbook?"

Twilight looked thoughtful. "It would take years to reverse engineer a spell like this... and quite a bit of luck, I think. I... just knowing such a spell existed, I might be able to devise something similar, but it would be a life's work...." she sighed. "Well... for me, anyway." Twilight brightened slightly. "I suppose if we make sure that my notes are secure... and Strangehorn's spellbook, we should be alright... at least for now."

"There you go." Rarity said with a pleased expression. "Then there is no reason I can't show off my new wings, is there?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... maybe... but... I'd like to ask Princess Celestia what she thinks first," she looked thoughtful. "Actually, maybe I should get everyone's advice. Everyone who knows the truth, anyway."

Rarity frowned. "The more ponies who know a secret, the harder it is to keep a secret, dear...."

Twilight grimaced. "I know, but... well, it wouldn't be fair to Cheerilee to exclude her from this... I'm doing this research for her sake... and I don't want to lie to the others... Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy? They already know most of this, and I wouldn't feel right keeping this from them."

Pinkie Pie grinned suddenly. "Oooh! Do you know what they call it when a bunch of ponies all know a secret that they don't tell anypony else?"

Rarity blinked. "A conspiracy?"

PInkie Pie nodded with a big grin. "And do you know what that calls for?"

Rarity raised an eyebrow at the way Pinkie was starting to bounce and took a wild guess. "A... party?"

"A Conspiracy Party!" Pinkie announced gleefully. "Oh! I have so much to do!" bouncing in a circle, Pinkie Pie started giggling to herself. "I'll need to come up with a secret handshake, and a theme song, and oh! Spooky cloaks, and...." she spun to face Rarity. "Rarity! We're going to need spooky cloaks!"

Rarity chuckled. "I think I might be able to manage that, dear, although I wonder if that wouldn't make things rather obvious that we're trying to hide something."

Pinkie deflated somewhat, then bounced back. "Secret pins! And some cool secret code words... and... a secret surprise cake! Or maybe a pie!"

Pinkie raced out of the room, inspiration overflowing, and Twilight exchanged a worried look with Rarity. "This is going to end badly, isn't it?"

Rarity shook her head at Pinkie's antics, then nodded. "Probably."


Princess Celestia was settling down in her bedroom for the evening when, with a green flash of flame, a sealed envelope appeared just above her head and floated down toward her. Catching the envelop with her telekinesis, she opened it and pulled out the letter contained within.

Dear Princess Celestia,

You are cordially invited to the first annual secret Conspiracy Party!

Time: Two AM, tonight!

Place: Applejack's Cider cellar

Tell nopony!

You can tell Princess Luna, but nopony else!

OK, you can tell Shining Spear and Bright Lance but nopony else! Really!

This message will self destruct in ten seconds!

Sincerely, Pinkamena Diana Pie.

PS: the password is kumquat!

As she finished reading the letter, it started smoldering around the edges, and as she hastily levitated it further away it burst into flame, incinerating itself with an impressive flash. The princess blinked twice, then started to chuckle, her eyes twinkling.


"Kumquat," whispered Princess Luna from beneath her dark grey cloak, trying not to giggle as the cellar door opened to admit her and the slightly larger cloaked form behind her. Inside, a pony with a black cloak not quite covering her bouncy pink hair, escorted her and Celestia down into a surprisingly large and well lit cellar. The walls were lined with large casks, presumably filled with cider, and a spooky, but rather catchy bit of music was playing softly in the background.

"Hey Luna!" Rainbow Dash greeted her cheerfully from the far end of the room, zooming over to hand her a mug. "Glad you could make it!" she winked at the Princess of the Moon, then zoomed away again, coming back with a second mug for Princess Celestia, who had paused to throw back her concealing hood. "Pretty cool party, huh?"

Luna was beaming. "Tis decidedly... cool, Rainbow Dash. We have not been invited to such an... interesting affair for almost fifteen hundred years! Tis most amusing."

Applejack and Fluttershy walked up to the Princesses together, looking rather surprised to see their monarchs. "Er... howdy Princess Luna, Princess Celestia," the cowpony offered with a quick smile. "I hope you don't mind the accommodations or nothing... Pinkie kinda forgot to mention who all was a'comin," she shrugged and gestured to the room in general. "Yer welcome, o'course. This here's the Apple Family's secret cider cellar. We hold back the best of each year's press for special occasions and the like, and Pinkie asked if she could borrow it for this here clandestine meeting."

Luna took a sip out of her mug and her eyes widened appreciatively. "Ah! When you say you saved the best, you did not exaggerate, friend Applejack. A most delightful brew."

Princess Celestia emptied her own mug with a long pull, and sighed happily. "Just as good as I remember it... no, better," she complimented Applejack with a smile. "Your great grandfather sent me a barrel of his first cider press many years ago, and I believe you may have improved on his art. Sweet Apple Acres cider has only improved over the years."

Applejack blushed, then bowed. "Thank you kindly, Princess. I'd like to think I'm doing the Apple family proud."

"Of that I have no doubt," Celestia told her with a gentle smile.

There was another knock at the cellar door, and Pinkie Pie cracked it open a hair. "What's the password?" she hissed in a overly loud whisper.

"Is it a vegetable of some sort?" Johnathon Dwire spoke Equestrian with a noticeable accent, and his voice was quite distinct from your average ponies, but Pinkie frowned suspiciously out of the crack regardless.

"It's not a vegetable." She said sternly. "Are you a spy?"

"It's ME, Pinkie!" the man hissed impatiently. "I'm standing right here... there aren't exactly a lot of humans around, you know?" he shrugged. "Your note caught fire before I finished reading it... I couldn't quite make out the password, OK?"

"It's a fruit." Pinkie supplied helpfully.

"A fruit," Johnathon said flatly. "A fruit huh? Hmm... er... it looked like a k... something... I think."

"Oh!" A pleasant female voice came from just behind the tall man. "Is it kumquat?"

Pinkie opened the cellar door wide and beamed. "Good guess Miss Cheerilee!"

Johnathon and Cheerilee entered the cellar, the taller man having to duck to get through the entrance. "So, what's the big secret?" he asked curiously as they came inside, his eyes widening as he spotted the unmistakable forms of the two rulers of Equestria. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna... um... hi!"

"Hello Mister Dwire." Luna said politely. "It is pleasant to see you again."

"Likewise," the man said with a slightly confused look. "I guess Pinkie wasn't kidding about the secret meeting.... are you two here incognito, then?"

Princess Celestia nodded with a grin that would not be out of place on a cat with feathers in it's mouth. "We teleported from the Palace... only a couple guards even know we're gone," she giggled lightly. "I haven't gotten to do anything like this for ages! Pinkie really does have a way of making life interesting."

"Thank you Princess!" Pinkie said from her post at the door. "Oooh! Quick, everypony hide! Our super secret surprise is coming!"

As everypony (and human) slipped out of sight behind the barrels along the walls, Celestia whispered. "We're hiding from the surprise, or surprising somepony?"

"Both!" Pinkie hissed with a manic grin and a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"Kumquat." Twilight Sparkle's voice said in a flat, slightly annoyed tone from just outside the cellar door, and Pinkie quickly opened the door for her. The purple unicorn was followed by a second pony wearing a long white silken cloak, and Pinkie led them down into the center of the underground room before pointing at Princess Celestia and Luna with a grin and a flourish.

"Surprise!" Pinkie shouted as Twilight gaped in astonishment at the Princesses, who were both smiling at her with identical bemused expressions. "And... Surprise!" She said, whipping the cloak off the second pony to reveal Rarity, whose large white wings flared, seemingly in response.

"Princess... what are you... how...?" Twilight stammered, then glanced back at Rarity's revealed wings and flinched. "Er... right... about those... I can explain...."

Celestia and Luna both stepped out to get a better look, peering at Rarity's wings with interest. "Ah. Very nicely done, Twilight. I assume you've been practicing Strangehorn's permanent transformation spell some more in order to perfect it?"

Twilight's mouth opened and closed a few times before she swallowed and collected herself. "Er... right. Rarity volunteered to be my test pony... and well... I believe what went wrong when I tried the spell with you the last time, Princess," she explained quickly. "With Rarity... and with Cheerilee, actually, I managed a simply physical transformation, without changing their basic magical nature, but when I attempted it with you I made the mistake of trying to copy your form both physically and magically, although I wasn't aware of the problem with that at the time."

Celestia raised an eyebrow at this, but Luna was nodding knowingly. "Yes, that does explain what happened... I was curious about that myself. Have you separated out the individual elements of the spell then?"

"I've gotten the spell broken down into fourteen separate components at this point...." Twilight started to explain, and the conversation quickly started becoming too technical for most of those listening, although Celestia and, somewhat surprisingly, Johnathon, seemed to be following along with some success. The others wandered away from the magical discussion, as Applejack showed them the way to the nearest opened keg of cider.

"I must say, you do look lovely this evening, Miss Cheerilee." Rarity complimented the transformed pony school teacher.

Cheerilee twirled in the elegant, light purple, strapless dress that she wore under a sheer pink shawl. "Well, it's a lovely dress, Rarity. I think Johnathon likes it quite a bit as well."

Rarity winked. "That is the idea, darling."

"You look wonderful as well, Rarity." Cheerilee complimented. "I love the new wings!" A flicker of something passed over her face before her smiled firmed. "Does this mean that Twilight is close to figuring out how to turn me back?"

Rarity nodded with a gentle expression on her face. "From what little I was able to understand, I do believe so, Cheerilee... although I suspect you may not be looking forward to a return to your original form as much as you were earlier this week?"

Cheerilee frowned. "I... it's complicated."

Applejack frowned in confusion. "What's complicated about it? Don't ya want to be a pony again?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "Well, yes, but.... it's rather difficult to explain... but...."

Pinkie's eyes went wide and she started to shiver in excitement. "Oh! Oh!!!"

Rarity put a hoof on the Pink pony's shoulder to calm her. "Now now, Pinkie... do try to contain yourself."

Rainbow Dash was looking from Pinkie to Cheerilee with a confused expression. "OK, what just happened? Something just happened, didn't it."

Applejack's eyes widened. "Wait, don't tell me... you want ta stay human... because... because of him?" she nodded at Johnathon's back from across the room.

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh. Oh wow...."

Cheerilee started to blush madly. "Well... yes. I... I mean... I thought I would be stuck like this for... well, I didn't know how long, but... and we sort of... and I do... really... really... like him... and... we kind of... er... well...."

Rainbow Dash let out a low wolf whistle that caused the group on the other side of the cellar to glance their way curiously before they went back to their discussion. "You two... actually... you know... you mated?"

Cheerilee's blush deepened. "No! Well... not yet... we just... made out... and kissed... and... well... not... THAT."

Rainbow Dash grinned slightly and winked. "Heh... guess he must be a pretty good kisser."

Cheerilee nodded quickly, still blushing madly, but looking rather smug now at the same time.

Rarity squealed in delight. "Hah! I knew it! You wore some of the special designs I sent you, I take it?"

Cheerilee giggled. "He liked those too...." her face sobered slightly, then she sighed. "I... when I had no idea if or when I might ever get turned back... it was easier... but... having to... having to make a choice? I don't know what I'm going to do."

Applejack was frowning glancing at Johnathon then back at Cheerilee. "You want ta stay a human so you can be with him, I reckon... only you still want to go back to being a pony?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Johnathon has considered asking Twilight to change him into a pony, but... I know he'd be unhappy. He's used to being... what he is. I don't want to ask him to do that... to give up being a human for me."

Applejack frowned. "But ain't he asking you to do the same thing?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "It's more complicated than that. He told me that if I ask him to, he'd stay in Equestria... but... I can't ask him to stay with a pony when what he wants is a female of his own species."

The small group fell silent, and they could hear Twilight's voice faintly in the background as she explained something about mass to energy ratios.

"So... he'll give up going home, and you'll give up being a pony?" Applejack said roughly, sounding slightly upset but obviously trying to stay civil at the same time. "That... that don't sound like anypony's going to end up very happy."

"Well, I think it's very romantic." Rarity said primly. "They are both willing to give up something very precious in order to be together." she smiled warmly at Cheerilee. "I, for one, think you two would make a wonderful couple."

Pinkie moved closer and threw her forelegs around Cheerilee's waist. "Whatever you want to do, Cheerilee... I'll throw a party to celebrate. If Johnathon has to go... I'll give him the best-est going away party ever, and if you two get married, I'll throw you a super Pinkie wedding reception!"

Cheerilee returned the hug gently. "What if I decide to go to his world with him?"

Pinkie froze, and she sniffed softly. "Then... then I'll throw you both a super fantastic going away party, Cheerilee." her voice was as soft as any of them had heard it, and Pinkie hugged Cheerilee hard one more time before backing away and beaming at her, her eyes twinkling with a hint of moisture in the corners. "I can throw a party for anything," she said with a firm nod. "Whatever you decide, I'll celebrate it with you."

Cheerilee went down on one knee and wrapped her arms around Pinkie's neck. "Thanks Pinkie. I really appreciate that." In moments, Rarity and Applejack joined in.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes for a moment before she came in and wrapped them all in her wings. "You guys are so sappy...." she said, trying to sound cross but failing, and, sniffing slightly to try and avoid crying herself.

So absorbed were the others in their magical discussion that the group hug on the other side of the room went unnoticed, and before long Pinkie, Cheerilee, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were back to talking and laughing and drinking cider while the more theoretical minded group continued their discussion.

"Anyway... I have a few more trials planned." Twilight explained. "But I'm pretty confident I have the problem licked. I've still got a major hurdle to clear for my other main project... the dimensional portal. I'm pretty sure that... er... with the power I'll borrow from Princess Celestia, I'll be able to generate a stable portal... at least for a short time, but I want to make sure I'm opening one to the correct dimension, and I haven't managed to open even a pinhole sized portal while trying to maintain a detection spell."

"You're trying to detect human life signs on the other side of your portal, right?" Johnathon asked.

"That's right, but there are too many weaves for me to handle at the power levels required. The detection spell is only two, but the portal is three... and I can't maintain five weaves at once while putting that much power out."

"Each weave after the first is exponentially more difficult than the one before." Celestia explained helpfully. "I don't believe I could handle five weaves at those levels either, if it's any consolation."

Twilight frowned. "My ego isn't the issue. I... I just think it's going to be really important to be sure we've got the right dimension."

"Why don't you simply have a second unicorn cast the detection spell?" Luna asked curiously.

Twilight blinked and slapped a forehoof into her forehead, and Celestia chuckled. "It's rather easy to miss the easy way, I find, when you're working with a difficult problem," she commented calmly. "I can't remember the amount of times a simple answer was staring me in the face for days before somepony else pointed out the obvious to me."

Twilight shook her head and grinned weakly. "It is kind of obvious, now that I think about it," she hesitated, looking thoughtful. "Rarity is pretty good at detection spells, actually. I wonder if she'd be willing to help with that part?"

"Did I just hear my name?" the pony in question sauntered up to the group with a bright smile. "So, have you solved the mysteries of the universe yet?"

"Not quite yet, Rarity," Princess Celestia answered with a chuckle, "but we were discussing the problem of detecting humans beyond a dimensional portal... and Twilight mentioned that you happen to be rather good at detection spells."

Rarity blinked, then blushed slightly. "Oh well... detecting gemstones happens to be my special talent, but I wouldn't say I'm any kind of specialist...."

Luna looked thoughtful. "Your special talent is detection, however... usually spells of a similar nature to one's special talent are easier to learn."

Rarity hesitated, then nodded. "I'm sure you're correct, Princess... although I'm hardly a skilled spellcaster. Still, if I can be of assistance, I will of course do my best."

Twilight smiled happily. "I'll show you the human detection spell I designed tomorrow! Are you free for lunch?"

Rarity nodded gracefully. "I will make the time, darling. Shall I bring something?"

Twilight shook her head, still smiling. "Spike usually fixes lunch for me, and he certainly won't mind making lunch for you too, knowing him."

Rarity nodded. "Very well, noon tomorrow then?"

Twilight nodded back. "Perfect."

Celestia spoke up. "So... I assume the reason for the secrecy of this... conspiracy party is regarding your current breakthrough with Strangehorn's transformation spell?"

Twilight nodded, her face becoming somber. "Yes... I'm afraid that if I reveal the results of my research to anypony who knows what to look for, they'll be able to figure out how I stole your powers... and while I know you could prevent the spell from draining you if you were prepared for it, there's a good reason why we're keeping what happened a secret..."

Celestia nodded, frowning. "Yes, I've been thinking about that, but I don't want you to have to suppress your work, Twilight. It's... well, frankly, it's brilliant, and you deserve the credit for your accomplishments."

Twilight shook her head. "I don't care about that, Princess, the risk is too great! Strangehorn's spell is too dangerous! It could be used to drain the magic out of any magical creature... it could even kill, if used improperly. Even if somepony used it with good intentions, it is very dangerous. I could have killed us both... or Cheerilee, if I had used the spell even slightly improperly. I've seen what even a slight mistake in casting the spell can do to a living entity... one of my tests was on a fern... and it burst into flame from the excess mana I was trying to force into it. I could have as easily withered it to a husk. While I'm working on figuring out how to control the energy drain, I wouldn't recommend just any pony trying their hoof at it... somepony could die."

Celestia nodded. "Still... there are only a very small number of unicorns who could even attempt such a spell... and all of those I know of are quite competent... and professional. I doubt any pony would misuse the knowledge you have gained."

Twilight hesitated. "Perhaps nopony alive today would misuse it, but we can't be sure... what if some prodigy... somepony like me when I was a foal, looks up this spell in the library and tries it? At the very least, it should be restricted to experienced spellcasters only, and performed under supervision."

Celestia nodded slowly. "That seems for the best. Of course, Strangehorn's spellbook is already restricted to members of the magical academy... and even then they have to submit a petition for approval. I think your research could be restricted in the same way."

Twilight hesitated. "But... then some ponies will eventually find out what... what really happened when... when I took your powers!"

Celestia nodded slowly. "Quite possibly, yes. While I do agree that knowledge of that event would cause a panic among the majority of our citizens, I don't think it would do any serious damage to those with the capacity to fully understand the intricacies of such a spell, and, as I said, I won't be caught off guard again by it, regardless," Celestia smiled reassuringly. "There are many spells that are equally dangerous, some considerably more so, and all are available for study for those who are ready to do so. I do not believe in destroying knowledge."

Luna frowned. "We do not always see eye to eye on this particular subject... there are some spells that should never see the light of day buried in the most secure parts the Canterlot archives, but... as my sister has pointed out time and again to me, even the most destructive and dangerous forces can lead to something good, if used properly."

"What about the general public?" Twilight asked hesitantly. "I'm afraid that if everypony knows that I can transform anypony into... well, just about anything else, there are going to be some... problems."

"The curious and the adventurous will come..." Celestia said thoughtfully. "Looking for a new experience. Certainly I see the draw myself... your spell will give me the chance to be a normal pony, if only for a while, and after centuries of remaining static... unchangeable, that is a very special thing."

Luna looked thoughtful. "I hadn't considered it from your perspective, sister... I have able to transform myself for most of my life... it seems like such a small thing to me now. If I was unable to change, to disguise myself... would I feel trapped as well?"

Celestia shook her head. "Not trapped... perhaps a bit... lonely, at times, but I think you understand that feeling as well as I."

Luna nodded with a soft smile, and the sisters nuzzled each other lightly for a moment. "Neither of us is alone anymore, sister," Luna said with a gentle smile. "Thanks to your student," she turned to Twilight and bowed slightly. "We owe her much."

"Much." Celestia agreed firmly, then put a wing over Twilight, who was looking more than a little upset. "Do not underestimate your accomplishments, my faithful one, or our gratitude," she looked thoughtful. "As I should not underestimate your wisdom, or insight. It is quite possible that, if you reveal the full extent of what you have learned to the general public, that the results could be... difficult. Since it is your discovery, I will listen to your thoughts on how to deal with the issue."

"Well... for now... if you haven't guessed by Pinkie Pie's party theme... I'd like to keep what I can do a secret between this small group. I trust everypony here to keep the secret... but I wanted everypony's input on this decision. After all, it effects more than just me."

"You mean me, don't you." Cheerilee stated softly. She and the others had come over to listen, following Rarity's example, and the room turned silent as everypony turned to the schoolmistress. "If you turn me back into a pony, every pony will know you can transform ponies into other things and back again. And a lot of ponies will come to you and want you to do the same for them."

Twilight frowned. "Well... yes... but I'm not going to ask you to stay human! That's just silly! We'll explain that... I don't know... that it's very dangerous... or...."

"I don't mind staying human." Cheerilee said quickly, interrupting. "And not because I want to help keep the secret. I don't mind if it helps you do that, of course... but I... all else being equal, I would remain human, if that's alright."

Twilight blinked. "What? Why...? Why would you...?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "It makes things easier... I love Johnathon. I have for a while, and I think we have a real chance at being happy together. If you did turn me back into a pony... it would make it more painful... I'd have to ask you to change me into a human again anyway."

Twilight gaped at her, than at Johnathon. "You... you mean you two...?"

Johnathon nodded slowly. "I think we've pretty much made up our minds on the subject. In fact... I've been waiting to talk to you about it... but I don't think I'm going home. I won't leave Cheerilee. I simply can't. I love her, and I want to stay here with her," he inclined his head at Princess Celestia. "If that's alright with everypony."

Celestia beamed like a proud parent. "I couldn't be more pleased that you two have found each other. Of course you may stay if you wish it!"

Johnathon sighed heavily, and turned to Twilight. "I'm... I'm really sorry... I can't apologize enough for all the work you've done on my behalf... I feel like I've wasted your time."

Twilight shook her head quickly. "Oh no! It was really fascinating! I've learned so much since you came... having such a tricky puzzle to solve brought me down paths I never thought I'd take. I've learned things no pony has dreamed of in over a thousand years! You have nothing to apologize for!"

Johnathon smiled. "I'm happy it's turned out so well so far. Still... I can't tell you how grateful I am for..."

Twilight shook her head, smiling happily. "It's been a true pleasure. I'm really happy for you and Cheerilee. I truly am. I'm happy for me too. I wasn't looking forward to having to say goodbye!"

"You said it!" Pinkie said happily. "We can have a LOT more parties if you stay than if you go away, don't you know?" she brightened up further. "Oh! I have to throw you two an engagement party!"

Cheerilee blushed. "We're not... er... we're not getting engaged right away, Pinkie. We're taking things slow...." she winced. "I still have to explain this to my parents."

Johnathon grimaced. "Oh... my. That's going to be an... interesting conversation."

Cheerilee rolled her eyes. "You're telling me! They don't even know that I've been turned into a human yet!"

Twilight spoke up. "If you'd like, I'll take responsibility. I was the one who transformed you anyway, Cheerilee. I can take the blame."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Try saying that after you meet my mother!"

Twilight grimaced and sighed, then turned to Johnathon. "I'm going to go ahead and complete my research on opening a dimensional portal to your world anyway, Johnathon, if you don't mind. Even if you're not going to go back, I'm too close to just stop now. Being able to create and sustain a workable dimensional portal would be an incredible breakthrough! Who knows what else such a discovery might lead to!"

Johnathon frowned. "Well... I don't mind if you want to finish what you've started... heck, I understand why you want to... but... be careful. From my experience, dimensional portals are pretty dangerous."

Celestia looked thoughtful. "Well, if you're staying, Johnathon, perhaps you might reconsider my offer to lead the archaeological expedition to find the last refuge of the unicorns? I've held off on finalizing the details till Twilight is ready for the final phase of Twilight's portal experiments, but we've already got a team of volunteers together."

Johnathon chuckled. "Tempting, but I don't want to step on anypony's hooves. I'm guessing you've already got a pony picked to lead the team."

"I do have a pony in mind, but she hasn't accepted the offer yet." Celestia said with a shrug. "The job is yours if you want it."

Johnathon hesitated, then finally shook his head. "I'll be there, and I'll help out as best as I can, but I've never led an expedition like this before. I've never led anything bigger than a patrol of boy scouts before! No... I'll let somepony else handle this one."

"As you wish," Celestia said graciously, She turned to the others. "Well now... this is a party after all, and it seems we have much to celebrate."

Pinkie grinned, and flitted over to the back of the room. "Yeah! Let's get this party started!" with a flip of her hoof, she slipped a new record on the old phonograph in the corner and turned up the volume, and an energetic dance beat filled the room. "It's time to party Pinkie style!"

Johnathon turned to Cheerilee with a grin. "Can I have this dance?"

"Yes," Cheerilee said shyly. "And every dance after."


NOT the end....

Chapter 27

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The party had run late and Pinkie was very pleased by the results. Something about the clandestine arrival of the Princesses, combined with the private nature of the party had given everypony a chance to relax and really enjoy themselves for once. Twilight seemed especially happy being able to spend so much quality time with Celestia and Luna without anything on the agenda, and both princesses seemed to feel the same.

While everypony had congratulated the newly formed couple, it was obvious that there were mixed feelings on the subject. Rarity seemed to think it was all terribly romantic, while Applejack seemed more than a little disturbed. It wasn't quite clear what Fluttershy thought about the subject, while Rainbow Dash just seemed amused.

The music was muted, and the Princesses were saying their reluctant farewells when Applejack got a chance to speak to Cheerilee again, next to the most recently opened cask of cider, and conveniently just out of earshot of most of the others.

"Ain't it weird?" Applejack blurted out without preamble. "I apologize if my words are a bit rough, but... ain't it weird, him being, well... not a pony?"

Cheerilee nodded, smiling softly. "It is very weird. Of course, we've been roommates for months now. I'm quite used to how... different he appears, but yes, it's still more than a little strange sometimes."

Applejack wrinkled her nose. "And... that's OK with you? I mean... not to be indelicate or nothing... but it sounds like you two are thinking about getting married... or somethin, right? That means... you know... mating, n'stuff."

Cheerilee blushed. "It generally does, yes."

Applejack was blushing too, then shook her head. "So... it's not weird, kissing, and... you know... doing stuff with him?"

Cheerilee thought about that. "When it comes to the purely physical side of things, I suppose he's not what I pictured when I was a filly. I haven't changed that much, really... when I think of the perfect stallion, I still think of somepony like... well, more like Big Mac than Johnathon."

Applejack's eyebrow twitched at the mention of her brother, but she nodded. "So... why him? How did you end up wanting to be with a critter as strange as a human?"

Cheerilee shook her head. "It was so gradual at first I didn't realize what was happening. I liked him right away, of course... he seemed like somepony that I could be friends with right off the bat. He was so... earnest, and pleasant... and hard working, and intelligent... and brave...." she blushed. "I fell in love with his mind... his personality. He went from being my friend... to being my best friend before I knew it. I knew he'd have to leave eventually, but that started to become more and more difficult to accept as we became closer. And yet... I knew that he would go, and we both knew how much it would hurt. And then... suddenly, I have a chance to keep my best friend in my life... and all I have to do is give up being a pony."

Applejack looked incredulous. "All...? But... that don't make sense. How can giving up everything you are be that easy?"

Cheerilee frowned lightly, trying to explain. "It's both easier and harder than I would have expected, if I'd given it serious thought. At times, I'm scared... frightened to death that I'll lose myself, that I'll stop being the pony I was because I'm in this strange new body... but... as time passes, I realize I'm still the same pony inside, and that really, nothing has changed except the way I look," she frowned again. "I'm not saying this right... I mean, yes, I miss being a pony. I miss my hooves, and my fur... and... well, for some odd reason I really miss my cutie mark most of all! I've been afraid that without it, for some reason, I'd stop being a good teacher...."

Applejack looked worried. "But... you're still... er... yourself?"

Cheerilee smiled softly. "It seems so. I still love teaching... and I still feel like I'm good at it. Maybe I'm fooling myself, but... well, Twilight says I'm still an Earth Pony in one way... I still have my Earth Pony magic inside of me... and I think that means more than just being strong... it means that I'm still me in the ways that count. My cutie mark, my special talent, I think that's still a part of me as well," she shrugged. "And that's enough."

Applejack frowned. "Really? Don't you miss running on four hooves, and... I don't know... not having to wear clothes all the time?"

Cheerilee nodded. "I do miss those things. But it's not all bad being a human. It's taken some time to get used to it, but it's kind of nice, being taller. And I do like having hands. You can't imagine how much easier they make the most ordinary of tasks! It's almost like being a unicorn, the way I can manipulate objects now!" she shrugged again, sheepishly. "And... well, they're more sensitive than my hooves ever were. They were very strange at first, but... I'm actually growing rather attached to them."

"So... being a human ain't all bad then?"

"It's not bad at all," Cheerilee assured the orange cowpony. "Strange, certainly, but not bad."

Applejack nodded slowly to herself. "But... what about... him? You've been kissin... and all... ain't that part weird?"

Cheerilee thought about that. "At first, yes. I wasn't really... physically attracted to him... not just by looking at him. He's not unattractive, so much... he's not unpleasant to look at, certainly. I do like the fact that he's attracted to me, and... he is quite skilled with his hands."

Applejack blushed crimson. "Er..."

Cheerilee blushed slightly as well, although she was obviously much less embarrassed. "His enthusiasm is rather contagious, actually, and I find that after a short time, his... attentions have a rather pronounced effect on how I feel. I've been learning about what I like in this form... and what he likes. Just because he's not what I would consider handsome as a pony doesn't mean he's not attractive in his own way, and I'm starting to appreciate that a bit more now. I don't know if I'll ever find him as attractive as I would a stallion, but I don't think I care anymore. I do love him, and I enjoy being with him... including the parts where we kiss."

Applejack was still blushing slightly, but at the same time she started to frown again. "I reckon I can understand that, I guess..." she began, "but there's still something that bothers me about this. How come Johnathon ain't offered to become a pony like you? Why do you got to make the big change. There aren't a whole lot of humans about here, you know, and you two are going to be the only ones. Him becoming a pony would make more sense, right?"

Cheerilee frowned at that. "He's staying here in Equestria to be with me. Isn't that enough? He's giving up a chance to go home... to be with his own kind, because he loves me."

Applejack grimaced. "Yeah, because he doesn't have to give up his own kind anymore... you're a human now. He gets everything he wants, and you have to give up being a pony because of it."

Cheerilee was starting to look upset. "Applejack... please... just let it be. I can't ask him to do that. What if he decides that it's too much? I don't want him to leave."

Applejack was getting heated now. "Well, if he'd leave just because of something like that, then he's not worth...."

"Hey Applejack!" Pinkie said abruptly, bouncing up to the farmer abruptly. "What's up?"

Applejack hesitated, remembering her manners, and shrugged. "Eh... nothing much, Pinkie, just having a chat with Miss Cheerilee here."

Rarity walked up primly, followed by Fluttershy who was walking in the unicorn's wake as if trying to hide. "We're not interrupting anything, are we, darlings?"

Cheerilee glanced at them with a hesitant smile. "That's alright, Rarity. We were just about done anyway."

Applejack frowned, then sighed. "I reckon I may have said a bit more than I should have anyhow," she admitted, glancing apologetically at Cheerilee.

Cheerilee shook her head. "You were just telling me what you honestly feel, Applejack, and I can't say that I blame you for it."

Rarity frowned at the cowpony. "I suspected that you were over here causing trouble, Applejack. Why can't you see how utterly romantic this is?"

Applejack grimaced. "Not everything is like your silly romances, Rare... this here's serious... I don't like the thought of one of my friends making a mistake."

"I thought Johnathon was your friend as well, Applejack." Cheerilee said quietly. "Doesn't he deserve your concern as much as I do?"

Applejack hesitated. "Well, I'm not saying he ain't a nice fella... a good sort an' all, but...." she hesitated. "If he was a colt, I'd think you made yourself a hell of a match, to be honest, but...." she sighed. "I reckon I just don't know how to deal with the whole idea. He's a swell fella, but he's not a pony. If he was a pony, I might have been tempted to... er... take a run at him myself...." she trailed off, looking embarrassed.

Rarity's eyes glinted. "Ah, so you're actually jealous!"

Applejack grimaced. "No, consarn it! It's just that it don't sit right, Cheerilee having to change herself just to be good enough for him! He was going to leave, then just because she's the right species he's willing to stay? Doesn't that seem kinda shallow?"

Cheerilee looked thoughtful at that. "Colts can be a bit shallow at times. They gravitate towards a pretty mare and ignore the plain ones, but this isn't that straightforward. Johnathon comes from a world where there are no other intelligent species. He's never considered the possibilities of an inter-species romance. He was very unhappy about leaving me before I was transformed... I know he was very tempted to stay regardless. Afterwards, well, we got closer, and yes, I suppose my becoming human had something to do with that, but... it wasn't as if that's the only reason he wants to stay."

Applejack frowned. "It's a big part of it, I expect."

Cheerilee thought about that. "He's a widower, as you probably recall. He's used to being in a romantic relationship. He wants to have that again, and here, that wasn't really possible, not really. He likes us... he likes all of us, quite a bit, but he has friends and family on his world as well," Cheerilee hesitated before continuing, lowering her head and staring at the floor. "In the end... I made the selfish decision to keep him here... to take him away from his friends and family on his world. I chose to pursue this... our relationship, knowing I'd be taking that away from him. Does that make me a bad pony?"

Pinkie Pie patted her on the back. "Not at all silly. You're not a bad pony. You're a human! You're a nice human though!"

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "It's not bad to want the one you love to stay... I think you both are doing the right thing for yourselves."

Applejack had been taken aback by Cheerilee's statement, but she slowly started to nod as well. "I suppose I've been a bit hard headed about the whole thing, a mite. Being in a relationship with somepony means you have to make choices... and changes. You're both choosing this for yourselves, and I reckon you know what you're getting yourselves into."

"We do." Cheerilee agreed softly. "We're both giving up something to be together, but it's worth it."

Applejack chuckled. "This kinda seems like something I ought to be putting in a letter to the princess...." she joked, and then looked confused as the ponies (and human) around her looked behind her with widening eyes. "She's right behind me, isn't she," the orange cowpony stated flatly, her ears lowering in embarrassment.

"It would make for an excellent letter, Applejack, but I think I got the gist of it," Celestia commented mildly. "And I quite agree with your conclusions. A real relationship almost always requires sacrifices on each pony's part to make things work. I believe Johnathon and Cheerilee understand this truth very well," the solar alicorn smiled warmly at the group. "I wanted to say my goodbyes. Luna and I really must be going, but it's been a splendid party."

"Thank you Princess!" Pinkie said happily. "I worked really hard on it!"

Celestia smiled warmly at Pinkie, nodded to everypony, then turned to go, walking back across the room to rejoin her sister.

Cheerilee glanced across the room to where Johnathon and Twilight seemed deep in conversation, and Luna appeared to be laughing at something Rainbow Dash was saying, then looked at the others. "I know you meant well, Applejack, but Johnathon already feels guilty about allowing me to stay human for his sake. Please don't bother him about it any more."

Applejack hesitated, then nodded. "If that's what you want. I reckon he probably is beating himself up a mite about all of this... he's a thoughtful fella, that one. Bit like our Twilight, now that I think about it. Kind of thinks about things a bit too much sometimes."

Cheerilee grinned at that. "You have no idea."


They were holding hands, walking close together on the way home after the party. "Wow it's late." Johnathon muttered softly. "Great party, but tomorrow is going to be rough."

"It was worth it though," Cheerilee decided cheerfully. "Wasn't it wonderful, seeing the Princesses able to relax and have fun? Weird, but wonderful."

"I guess they don't get many chances just to enjoy themselves," Johnathon mused. "What with them being the supreme rulers of Equestria, having to control the sun and moon... and all that."

"It's a bit sad, really," Cheerilee agreed with a slight frown. "They give us so much. I never really considered how stifling their lives must be until I started to get to know them. If Twilight hadn't... turned herself into an alicorn, and needed us to come up and help, I might never have known what their lives were really like."

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Still, Twilight will be able to give them some time off pretty soon. She's got the spell down pretty well now," he looked thoughtful. "I wonder if Celestia will pretend to be Elegant Note again? Or what she'll end up doing during her vacation? She's probably done a little bit of everything in all the time she's been alive."

"It's probably been a very long time since she could walk among her subjects without being recognized, though." Cheerilee said thoughtfully. "She couldn't use transformation or illusion magic on herself before, isn't that right?"

Johnathon nodded. "I suppose that it would have been extremely difficult to disguise herself, since she's pretty much the tallest pony around. Even if she could hide her horn or wings, her size alone would be a dead giveaway. Being a regular unicorn really will be a pretty unique experience, even for her, I guess."

"Do you think she'll come here to Ponyville?" Cheerilee wondered aloud, a worried expression passing over her face. "Not that I wouldn't love to spend time with her as a regular pony, but... I'd be worried that I'd accidentally give her away... or that she might get hurt or injured while she's just a mortal pony. I'm not sure if I could act normally around her, even if she was in disguise...."

Johnathon squeezed her hand. "If she does come here, I'm sure you'll do fine. And she won't get hurt. Ponyville is a very safe town... most of the time."

Cheerilee nodded. "I suppose you're right."

Johnathon hesitated. "Speaking of transforming... I wish you'd reconsider letting Twilight change you back into a pony."

Cheerilee blinked, looking astonished. "Why? I thought you liked me like this?"

Johnathon shrugged. "I can't deny that... but Cheerilee, you never chose this. Not really. You became a human because of that love potion. If you really want to be a human for me... I guess I'm not selfless enough to stop you, but... I'd feel better if I knew it was your own, honest choice, and not you just being forced into it."

Cheerilee stopped walking, pulling on his hand to stop Johnathon as well. "Listen to me. I may have not really chosen to become human in the first place, but it is my own decision to remain this way. You're not the only one being selfish, you know. I'm staying human because I want you to stay here, in Ponyville with me, and not go home to your own world. That's my own selfish choice."

Johnathon's heart seemed to skip a beat, and a gentle, calm expression came over his face. "I told you that all you needed to do was ask me to stay, and I would. I'm going to stay, whether or not you change back into a pony."

Cheerilee shook her head. "No... I couldn't ask you...."

He reached up and put a hand against her cheek. "I know that. But I realize now, that... even if you did become a pony again, I wouldn't want to leave you."

"You wouldn't love me as a pony... not in the same way...." Cheerilee said softly, then smiled faintly. "Not that I can blame you! You want someone of your own species to share your life with. There is nothing wrong with that."

"I would love you regardless." Johnathon told her. "Perhaps I wouldn't want to... make love to you, the way I'm very much in the mood to now, but... I'd still love you. I'd stay, and I'd be happy just being your friend."

"My best friend," Cheerilee corrected. "You're my best friend. You do know that, right?"

"You're my best friend as well," Johnathon confirmed. "But I'm serious. You really don't have to stay human to keep me here."

Cheerilee frowned. "Johnathon... I know you... that you really mean that," she smiled then, and nodded firmly. "I do know it. You've never lied to me, and I know you mean what you say, but won't you be happier with me like this?"

Johnathon hugged her. "I'll only be happy if you're happy, Cheerilee. That's why I can't ask you to stay human, not if it makes you unhappy. I've seen how uncomfortable you've been as a human. I can imagine how weird... and how terrifying it must have been. Twilight can change you back... maybe not today, but any day now she'll pull off the counterspell properly, and we both know it. You don't have to do this for me anymore."

"No I don't." Cheerilee said quietly, returning his hug and closing her eyes as she leaned her head against his shoulder. "Not for you. It's for me as well. Yes, I'd be happy if you stay. I can't lie... I do miss being a pony, and... if you had been born a pony, then I'd want nothing more than to be one again myself... but the... the man I love is human, and that means I want to be one too. You're not the only one who wants more than friendship here. I want what you want... a real relationship... love, and marriage, and yes, children. To have that with the one I love, I have to be human, and so I'm not doing it just for you... I'm doing it for me, as well."

"I could be a pony," Johnathon offered quietly. "For you... I'd let Twilight change me."

"You shouldn't do that," Cheerilee said. "It's not the same. I'm already starting to get used to being human... but I know how much you value being... what you are. You like being human. You like having hands... and being tall, and being... yourself. It would hurt you to give all that up. I can't hurt you like that."

"Heh," Johnathon chuckled softly, sounding like he was laughing to keep from crying. "How do you think I feel about it?"

"Guilty," Cheerilee told him softly. "You feel so very guilty. Especially now," she pulled away slightly, so she could look him in the eyes. "Please... please forgive yourself. I have. It's not wrong to want what you want. You would never force me to stay human. You would change yourself to spare me having to be something I'm not... but... I... I actually kind of like being human, you know? It's not the same... it's weird in a lot of ways. I get cold too easily... and my feet hurt when I've walked too far... but... deep down, inside, I'm still me. I'm Cheerilee, I'm a teacher, and a good one. I love my job, and I've still got the magic that makes me special," she grinned at him. "Besides, hands are really nice."

Johnathon laughed. "You're crazy, you know that?"

"Damn straight," Cheerilee told him firmly. "But you love me anyway."

"Damn straight," he agreed.


It was mid afternoon in Canterlot University's history department. Briar Rose was giving a lecture to a classroom filled with students.

"Archeology is the search for fact... not truth," the grey haired mare told her students firmly. "If you want truth, Professor Vector's philosophy class is right down the hall," there were a few scattered laughs, and she continued. "So forget any ideas you have about lost cities, exotic travel, or digging up magical artifacts. We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and X never, ever, marks the spot. Seventy percent of all archeology is done in the library. Research, reading... we cannot afford to take mythology at face value..." Briar Rose broke off as, to her astonishment, Princess Celestia herself slipped through the classroom's door to stand politely by the wall, waiting for the lecture to finish. "Even if it walks in the door while you're giving a lecture." Princess Celestia chuckled and nodded to Briar Rose with a gentle smile.

Briar Rose glanced at her class of now completely distracted students and sighed. "I think we'll end things there... class is dismissed. Next week, I'll expect you to have finished the section on pre-Canterlot history and the studies of the under-city that followed Canterlot's construction. There will be a test," there were a number of quiet groans, but the presence of the Princess of the Sun had most of her students too awestruck to protest... for once. Under their professor's powerful glare, they filed out quickly, sensing that loitering around to find out why Celestia had come to THEIR classroom to talk with their professor, while highly tempting, would probably not be worth whatever punishment Professor Rose would dish out in response.

"I suppose this is about the expedition you're mounting into the Everfree forest," Briar Rose said calmly. "It must be important for you to come to me in person."

"I think it very well might be quite important indeed," Celestia returned calmly. "If Mister Dwire's research is accurate, it might lead us to the last refuge of the unicorns."

"That old pony tale?" Briar Rose said dismissively. "Half a dozen expeditions have searched... hundreds of ponies have tried to find the legendary last refuge... but if it even existed, it's been lost since before even your time. No pony has been able to find it."

"The Elements of Harmony may be the key to succeeding where everypony else failed." Celestia told Briar Rose calmly. "I believe there is a very good chance..."

"The Elements?" Briar Rose said in surprise. "The Elements..." she muttered again, more thoughtfully. "Yes, of course, the Elements of Harmony are rumored to have the ability to find secrets... among other things," she shook her head. "But I'm getting too old for this sort of thing. Why come to me?"

"There is no pony with more experience in this sort of thing than you, Professor Rose." Celestia told the aging mare with a gentle smile. "And nopony else I'd prefer in charge of such an expedition."

"What about the human? This... Johnathon fellow. From the newspapers I've read, he seems like an adventurous sort. He managed to uncover a major find on his own world, didn't he?" she chuckled lightly. "Of course, that's why he's here... got in over his head, I expect."

"Much like an adventurous young archeologist I used to know," Celestia said lightly, smiling down at Briar Rose fondly. "Don't tell me that Daring Do isn't up for one more adventure?"

"Those silly books," Briar Rose said dismissively. "They hardly got anything right."

"They get more right than you'd have ponies believe," Celestia said with a chuckle. "And I'd be the one to know."

"I'm old, Celestia. My adventuring days are behind me," Briar Rose said with a sigh.

"Perhaps... perhaps not," Celestia said calmly. "But my little ponies... my faithful student, Twilight, and her friends, are young and inexperienced. They could use someone with your wisdom to aid them."

"The Element Bearers?" Briar Rose asked curiously. "I've been wondering how you've kept them out of the press so long. No pony seems to remember what they've done, even though you've enshrined them in stained glass in your very throne room."

"You seem to remember."

"More like I put two and two together." Briar Rose said gruffly. "As if I'd miss the signs. I did my thesis on the Elements of Harmony, if you'd recall. I expect that there is some sort of protective effect from the Elements themselves that keeps their bearers out of the limelight... pretty handy, if you ask me."

"You used to like the limelight, Briar Rose," Celestia noted with a small smile.

"Like a foal, I liked the excitement, the danger... but I was never all that fond of the press," Briar Rose corrected. "Which is why I insisted that they use a different name when they wrote those... stories."

"You could have corrected them. Told everypony what really happened. The author would have been happy to hear your side of the story."

Briar Rose shrugged. "Eh, let them have their stories. They're more interesting than the truth. They sell better. I get half a dozen young idiots every year wanting to be the next Daring Do."

"And you never let any of them know who that is?"

Briar Rose hesitated. "One or two, maybe. I have had a favorite student or two myself, you know. Still, I made them promise not to spread it around."

Celestia chuckled. "Twilight is a big fan, you know. She'd be thrilled to know who she'll be working with."

Briar Rose rolled her eyes. "Do me a favor and don't mention it, will you, Celestia? I can live without the hero worship. Besides, from what I've heard, she's got nothing to be ashamed of in that area herself. Your student and her friends have managed some pretty impressive things... and they're all still so young."

"We were all young once," Celestia said with a smile. "Even you, Briar Rose," she paused, then raised an eyebrow. "So... will you lead this expedition for me?"

"Are you going to make that a royal command?"

Celestia shook her head. "No. It's your choice, of course. I never could get you to do anything you didn't want to do anyway."

Briar Rose snorted. "I'm not a naive foal anymore, Celestia. You had me wrapped around your hoof back then... I threw myself into harms way more than once because it was something you'd want... and somehow I never could resent you for it."

Celestia sighed. "It's true, it may be dangerous... and you've already done so much for Equestria. I can't ask any more."

Briar Rose chuckled. "Like that ever stopped you before," she shrugged. "Of course I'll go. Whatever else it'll be, a chance like this doesn't come along every day. There is supposed to be a vast archive of forgotten lore in the legendary last refuge of the unicorns. There is a reason so many ponies have tried to find it over the years... myself included. Of course I'll come."

Celestia beamed. "Wonderful. I have every confidence in your abilities... Daring."

Briar Rose rolled her eyes. "Celestia! Stop calling me that!"


Twilight answered the door on the third knock, and smiled at the indigo maned unicorn outside the front door of her library. "Come on in, Rarity!" she told the white unicorn brightly. "Thanks for coming!"

Rarity was still wearing the white silk cloak she had been wearing the previous night, in order to conceal her wings, and she came inside quickly before stifling a yawn. "Not at all dear, although I must apologize for my appearance. I know I must look a fright, but I simply haven't had the time to fix my face properly this morning, what with the party last night."

Twilight raised an eyebrow at that. "What are you talking about Rarity, you look fine!"

Rarity rolled her eyes theatrically. "You don't have to flatter my ego, darling, I know how horrible I look. It's not that I'm not used to a late night or two... but I positively dread the way the bags under my eyes look in the morning...."

Twilight took a longer look at the white mare, noticing that Rarities eyes did look just slightly bloodshot. "Oh well, it's hardly noticeable, Rarity. I really do appreciate you coming, but we could have postponed if you haven't gotten enough sleep."

Rarity waved a hoof dismissively. "I wouldn't dream of canceling on you, darling. This is a very important assignment from the princess, after all. I must admit, I am intrigued by the thought of learning a new spell. It's quite the honor to be instructed by Princess Celestia's personal student, after all."

Twilight blushed. "Oh Rarity, it's not that big a deal."

Rarity smiled and gave her a quick hug. "You are so cute when you're being modest, darling, don't ever change."

Spike popped his head out of the kitchen, wearing an apron. "Oh, hey Rarity! Good timing! I just finished with lunch!"

Twilight's stomach growled slightly, and she giggled. "Lunch first is probably a good idea. It's never a good idea to work on a new spell on an empty stomach."

Rarity smiled and nodded, walking into the kitchen. "Twilight says you're an excellent chef, Spike darling, so I'm sure lunch will be just delightful!" her horn glowed, and she levitated her cloak off and onto the back of a chair nearby, stretching her new wings lightly as she settled herself on a short stool next to Twilight's kitchen table, where a pair of very nice looking salads were waiting.

"Those wings look... great on you." Spike stammered, looking at Rarity with something akin to awe.

"I know!" Rarity beamed, then sighed. "It's just unfortunate that I can't show them off, don't you think? I absolutely love them! It's such a shame that we have to keep Twilight's success with her transformation spell a secret."

Spike nodded agreeably. "Yeah... too bad she can't transform anything but ponies."

Twilight frowned. "Actually, I'm just about ready to try non-pony transformations now. I've got the details of Strangehorn's spell worked out pretty well now. The next stage is testing."

Spike looked surprised. "You mean, you can transform non-ponies now?"

Twilight blinked. "Well, in theory, yes."

He hesitated, looking like he was both hopeful and worried at the same time. "Er... did you need volunteers, then?"

Twilight frowned. "Well, I was planning on doing my initial trial on a houseplant... but yes, I suppose I will need a volunteer sooner or later."

Spike swallowed. "Well... um... I am supposed to be your assistant. Want to try the spell on me? Er... when you're ready, I mean?"

Twilight blinked. "Well, that's really brave of you, Spike, but unfortunately, Dragons are pretty resistant to magic. I can do minor changes... like giving you a mustache, but a full body transformation on you would be quite a bit more difficult. It's hard enough just doing the spell on a pony, but trying it on a dragon would be... well, I'm afraid I'm not going to be up for that for quite a while, if ever."

Spike looked slightly relieved and slightly disappointed at the same time. "Oh... that's too bad," he said finally. "I was hoping I could help you with your research."

Twilight smiled at him. "You already help me a lot, Spike! You are my number one assistant, after all!"

Rarity gave him a gentle smile as well. "That was a very brave offer, Spikey-wikey! You're such a gentledrake."

Spike's eyes became slightly glassy as he shrugged with false nonchalance and turned to go. "No big deal. I help out with Twilight's magic practice all the time, you know?" he glanced back at Rarity as he exited the kitchen, careening off the door jam on his way out. "Er... I'll just, um... get your notes on... er... detection magic ready, Twilight," he said quickly, then hastened out of sight. Several moments later, a muffled whoop came from the library.

Twilight smirked slightly at the noise, then glanced at Rarity. "I think you just made Spike's day."

Rarity just smiled politely back. "Whatever do you mean, darling?"

Twilight frowned. "Rarity, you have to know how Spike feels about you by now...."

Rarity sighed and nodded. "Of course I do. It's quite sweet, of course, and I do love my Spikey-wikey... although perhaps not in quite the way he would prefer."

Twilight sighed. "He's going to get his heart broken one of these days...."

Rarity looked thoughtful and a little sad. "Not, I hope, today. He's still quite young, after all. There is time yet."

Twilight frowned. "Time for what?"

Rarity waved a hoof slowly at her, trying to explain. "I've seen this before, darling. A crush like this is... puppy love. I take it that Spike hasn't fallen for anypony before this?"

Twilight shook her head. "No... you're the first."

Rarity sighed. "Ah, first love. I remember mine...." she sighed. "And what a disappointment HE turned out to be."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Not Prince Blueblood?"

Rarity shrugged helplessly. "The very same. My parents and I were in Canterlot for the Summer Sun Celebration quite a while ago, and I saw him for the first time. When I learned who he was, I made up this absurd fantasy in my head about how we'd meet and fall in love... how he'd make me a princess...." she shrugged again. "Of course, we both know how well that worked out."

Twilight couldn't quite keep the surprise off her face. "I find it hard to believe that he was your first love. Hasn't there been any pony else?"

Rarity shook her head. "Unfortunately, no. I was so caught up in my dream of marrying a prince that I never really gave any other colt more than a second glance," she considered that. "Well, I admit I have looked at a handsome stallion or two, but more for... aesthetic reasons than anything romantic," she looked thoughtful. "After the gala, for quite a while, I was too devastated to think about anypony in a romantic light, although more recently... I have found myself considering looking for a special somepony."

Twilight's eyes were wide. "Really? Anypony I know?"

Rarity winked at her. "Well, I made an absolute foal of myself in front of Princess Celestia when she showed me my room at the castle. She was very kind about the whole thing, however... and naturally I know that she is well out of my league."

Twilight's eyes were saucers. "You... Princess Celestia? What did you... what did you do?"

Rarity giggled at the reaction she was getting from the studious unicorn. "I MAY have been rather too forward with my thanks... but as I said, Princess Celestia was quite understanding about it, and I managed to regain my composure before I made too much of a foal out of myself."

Twilight shivered slightly, but looked fascinated. "Rarity... I never knew you liked mares... that way?"

Rarity looked thoughtful. "I hadn't really given the matter much thought before. I really was fixated on my imaginary prince... but I think it's more of an appreciation for beauty... wherever it may be found. There is a reason why most of the most famous fashion models of the last few centuries have been slender white unicorns or pegasi, after all. I think just about everypony has a bit of a crush on our dear princess. She is exquisitely beautiful, after all."

Twilight nodded slowly. "Well... yes. I just... I never really thought about her like that."

Rarity sighed. "I envy you, you know? You two are so... casual around each other. I can tell she really cherishes her time with you, darling."

Twilight hesitated. "I... do miss spending time with her. She's always so busy, but even so, we had our weekly study sessions for the longest time. Last night's party was the longest I've spent with her in over a year!"

Rarity looked sympathetic. "If it's any consolation, darling, I can tell she feels the same. She simply lights up in your presence."

Twilight sighed, and smiled wanly "I suppose it helps a little," she shook her head, as if clearing it, and smiled with interest at the white unicorn. "So... you've been thinking about finding a special somepony?"

Rarity nodded slowly. "Just... daydreaming, I suppose. Oh, I may tease about the Princess, but that's just me being silly. I'd be much too self-conscious around her," Rarity chuckled. "I don't know if I could be comfortable with any pony so much more beautiful than myself, after all," she winked. "Although, as for that, I was surprised by how many simply gorgeous ponies there are in Canterlot."

Twilight blinked, looking interested. "Oh? Anypony I know?"

Rarity shrugged. "Well, Blueblood, of course. I hate to admit it, but he is ridiculously good looking. It's unfortunate that such good looks are spoiled by such a rotten personality," she looked thoughtful. "There was Fancy Pants'... friend, Fleur de Lis. She has the most fabulous look... and she seemed quite pleasant as well," Rarity smiled slightly. "To be truthful, Fancy Pants himself is quite the gentlecolt for somepony so influential and popular. He was absolutely splendid company during my stay in Canterlot, although I'm sure he was just being kind."

Twilight looked thoughtful. "He did seem nice, didn't he?" she looked curious. "So... you liked him?"

Rarity nodded slowly. "He's a dear friend... and I feel privileged to say so," she smiled softly at Twilight. "Almost as privileged as I feel being friends with you, darling. If I haven't expressed how very lucky I feel to have you as a friend, I do wish to be clear, you are very precious to me, Twilight."

Twilight beamed at her. "You're very special to me too, Rarity."

Rarity smiled back, a slightly evil grin coming over her face. "Speaking of special someponies... how about you, darling? Have you had your eye on anypony?"

Twilight blushed. "Me... oh... no... no...." she shook her head quickly. "I haven't really... given that sort of thing much thought."

Rarity looked skeptical. "Surely you have some idea about what sort of pony you find attractive?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... not... not really. I suppose I have had a few daydreams when I was a little filly, but...."

Rarity beamed. "Oh? Do tell!"

Twilight giggled. "Well, for a while, I thought the royal guards ponies were quite handsome in their gold armor. But I was just a little filly."

Rarity smiled. "Well, I must admit they do have quite the classic look, if you like the strong, silent type," she looked thoughtful, and grinned evilly again. "Speaking of the strong silent type, our very own Big Macintosh would look quite handsome in gold, don't you think, Twilight?"

Twilight giggled. "Well, he is very strong looking...."

Rarity snickered in glee. "Isn't he? All that applebucking certainly hasn't done him any harm. I'd love to get him into a nice suit... or out of one...." she chuckled. "Although I can't imagine the look on Applejack's face if she heard us going on about her brother...."

Twilight giggled, then noted. "Applejack has very nice muscles too...." she blushed. "I mean, er... she's very pretty... if you like muscular mares, that is."

Rarity goggled at Twilight for a second, then nodded thoughtfully in agreement. "She does clean up most satisfactorily. It's a shame she takes such poor care of her coat... the poor girl has no idea how good looking she is!"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "I know. I swear, if I had a bit for every stallion I've noticed checking out her flank...."

"You wouldn't need the Princess's stipend, I expect," Rarity concluded for her. "And Fluttershy! If she was even the tiniest bit less shy, she'd have half a dozen suitors in a moment. There is a reason I wanted to use her as my model, you know. Photo Finish has quite a good eye for beauty herself."

Twilight smiled softly. "Poor Fluttershy. She really did hate all the attention. She's so gentle, and pretty. She could have any stallion she wanted if she was a little more confident."

Rarity nodded agreeably. "I quite agree. I do hope that if she does find somepony special that she likes, she isn't too shy to make her feelings known."

Twilight frowned. "Yeah, I can see that might be a problem."

Rarity frowned as well, then brightened. "Well then, when the time comes, we'll just have to help her."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Help her? How?"

Rarity smiled and winked. "I'm sure we'll think of something."

Twilight nodded slowly, a doubtful look on her face, then changed the subject. "So... are you ready to try this spell? I think you'll find it's not all that much different from detecting gemstones. I've simply modified a basic life detection spell to be more specific. If it works, you should be able to detect both Johnathon and Cheerilee... I find that Johnathon's... er... signal, comes in a bit stronger, but that's probably because I used him as a reference sample when I created the spell."

Rarity frowned slightly. "If you say so, darling. My gem finding spell is really the only detection magic I know... I've never really worked very hard on my spellwork, you know."

Twilight looked surprised. "But you're really very good! Your illusions are excellent... and you are very adept at transmutation!"

Rarity shrugged. "Well, I use those in my work... a good illusion can be a valuable tool for designing or for impressing a client... and of course, transmutation can be an excellent shortcut in dress making... especially when I'm in a rush. I prefer to hoof stitch, of course, for more detailed work."

Twilight looked thoughtful. "I suppose that makes sense. You learned spells that would help with your work," she brightened. "Still, I'm confident that you'll be able to learn my modified human detection spell in NO time. I did make some small changes to the basic life form detection spell, of course, to enable you to scan across a dimensional barrier. It should work... in theory, anyway. Unfortunately, we won't be able to test whether it can actually scan through a dimensional gate until I open one for you to try and scan through."

Rarity smiled at her. "If anypony can figure it out, it's you, Twilight."

Twilight snorted unhappily. "I hope so. I know Johnathon says he doesn't need me to get him home anymore, but I do want to do this. If we're successful in locating Johnathon's home dimension, and if I can open up a stable portal, perhaps he could return home... and then come back here afterwards! That way he could let his friends and family know that he's alright, and he could still return and be with Cheerilee!"

Rarity smiled at Twilight. "That would be the best of both worlds. I'll do everything I can to help you, Twilight, of course."

"I appreciate it, Rarity, I really do," Twilight told her sincerely.

The two unicorns smiled at each other, then started on their neglected salads together, eating in a comfortable silence, lost in their own thoughts.

As they were finishing up, Twilight turned to Rarity. "You know... most ponies I've met think you're the prettiest mare in Ponyville, Rarity."

Rarity blinked in surprise, then shook her head modestly. "Oh, anypony could look as good if they took care of their looks properly. I just happen to be vain enough to put a bit more effort into my appearance than most."

Twilight looked thoughtful. "I'm not so sure, Rarity. I've spent a lot of time around ponies who spent quite a bit of effort on appearances in Canterlot... and you put them to shame."

Rarity blushed slightly. "Well, it's very kind of you to say, Twilight darling."

Twilight sighed. "It's true. I know I'd never look half as good, no matter how much effort I put into it."

Rarity raised her eyebrow indignantly. "Don't be silly! You're absolutely gorgeous, darling! Why, you have the most lovely mane... and I know that most of the stallions in town think you're the cutest librarian our town has ever had. You looked absolutely fabulous in your gala dress as well, I'll have you know, and I certainly can't take all the credit for that. You are a very pretty mare, Twilight."

Twilight was blushing now. "Rarity... you're embarrassing me! Any pony would have looked good in one of your dresses."

Rarity shook her head. "I may be a good designer, but there is a reason I was so thrilled to have you as one of my models for my big fashion show this year. If you ever wanted to take a break from being Equestria's brainiest and most powerful unicorn, you could be a big hit on the fashion circuit... with the right pony behind you, anyway."

Twilight grinned at her. "I thought you learned your lesson with Fluttershy?"

Rarity nodded. "Oh, I did, darling. Never let anypony steal your model! Photo Finish may have gotten Fluttershy away from me, but I won't make that mistake again!"

The two mares chuckled for awhile before Rarity turned serious, although her eyes were still twinkling. "Well, back to work, I suppose. Could you demonstrate the spell for me first, Twilight? I think that will be the best place to start, don't you?"


Pinkie came to the library door and found it closed and locked, so she knocked loudly. "Twilight? Twilight, are you in there?"

After several long moments, Spike pulled the door open for her. "Oh, hey Pinkie. Twilight and Rarity are in the basement. Did you want to come in?"

Pinkie nodded and headed for the stairs, barely pausing to answer. "Twilight hasn't transformed anypony else, has she? She promised I'd be next. I really want to go next! It'd be so cool to be a unicorn... or a pegasus... or a princess! Princess Pie! Doesn't that sound really cool? I'd create a national holiday to celebrate parties! And we could all party on Party Celebration Day! Doesn't that sound neat?"

Spike walked along behind her, considering. "Don't we have a party during most holidays anyway?"

Pinkie hesitated, thinking about that. "Well... yes, but this would be a special day to celebrate parties specifically. It'd be a day to party like no other!"

Spike grinned and shrugged. "Sounds cool to me."

Pinkie grinned back, then turned toward the stairs, her eyes going wide as a bright blue light started coming from the basement. "Wait for me, Twilight! I'm next, remember?" she rushed downstairs, then breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was Rarity's horn that was lit up, and not Twilight's. "Oh good... I'm not too late."

"Too late for what?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"To get transformed!" Pinkie said anxiously. "I do get to go next, don't I?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... I did say when I needed another pony test subject, you'd be the next pony I ask... but I was planning on using a house plant for my next test. I really need to work on non-pony transformations now...."

Pinkie blinked. "Really? I thought you weren't looking for a way to transform Cheerilee back anymore?"

Twilight frowned. "Well, just because Cheerilee doesn't want to turn back right now doesn't mean I shouldn't be ready if she changes her mind. It's my fault she became a human in the first place, after all."

Rarity coughed, her horn still flaring. "Excuse me... Twilight? I hate to interrupt, but... I believe I am sensing something. It's faint... but...." she nodded toward the westernmost wall. "Some distance that way, I believe?"

Twilight blinked, then concentrated, her own horn lighting up faintly. "Yes... that would be Johnathon. I can feel Cheerilee is with him... very close in fact." she blinked. "Hmm... I believe they're in physical contact. Their signals are practically overlapping! In fact...." the purple unicorn's face started to turn a bit red. "Er... right... I think you have the spell down now, Rarity. You can stop now."

Rarity's horn stopped glowing, and her expression became rather amused. "Ah, to be in love. I suppose we should give them their privacy."

Twilight was blushing harder as she cancelled her own spell. "We don't know that they're... er... doing anything...."

Rarity nodded agreeably, although she couldn't seem to keep a wicked grin off her face. "Of course, of course. It's probably something quite innocent. I don't know WHAT I was thinking."

Pinkie was grinning as well. "Aww... I guess I should leave them alone today, huh?"

Rarity chuckled. "That might be for the best, PInkie."

Twilight was trying to stop blushing. "Er... anyway... um... you seem to have the detection spell down nicely now, Rarity. Focusing it through a dimensional portal shouldn't be all that much more difficult. I'd suggest we practice with some pinhole dimensional portals, but... I think it might be best if we wait till we're in at the Castle of the Pony Sisters before we try. I've been doing some thinking, and I suspect that creating multiple dimensional breaches in one location might cause a... weakness in the fabric of space-time... which is not the sort of feature one usually wishes to be sleeping above every night."

Rarity blinked, then nodded. "I'll take your word for it, darling. So... seeing as, thanks to your excellent tutoring, I've apparently mastered your human detection spell, was there anything else I can help you with today?"

Twilight hesitated, then shrugged. "Actually, Rarity, there is one more thing. I know you like your wings and everything... but would you mind if I returned you to normal now? I really don't want to risk somepony finding out that I transformed you into a winged unicorn, no matter how superficially."

Rarity sighed. "I quite understand. It's a shame though. I really do look marvelous in wings."

Twilight smiled at her. "You do look great, Rarity. Sorry about this."

Rarity shook her head. "Not at all. Please, go ahead. I'm ready," she threw off her cloak and stood back, her head tilted back and away, her eyes closed as if resigning herself to a blow.

Twilight took a firm stance, and concentrated, her horn lighting up the basement as she gathered the energy needed for the complicated spell. There was a flash, and Rarity was back to normal. Twilight was sagging on her hooves, looking a bit ragged. She shook off her fatigue in a moment, however, and straightened up. "Hmm. That actually wasn't so bad. Returning you to normal seemed to take less energy... although I suppose that makes sense...."

Pinkie sighed. "So... I guess you're going to be changing some plants next?"

Twilight nodded. "I was thinking of turning a fern into a sunflower... something simple. It's probably better if I keep the transformations from like to like until I get better at them. I'd hate to think what might happen if I tried to turn a house plant into something complex... like a pony."

Pinkie looked interested. "What WOULD happen?"

Twilight hesitated. "Actually... the idea worries me. It would have the body of a pony, but no real... memories. It would probably gain a pony's capacity for sentient thought as well... which would... complicate things if I wanted to change it back to a plant again."

Rarity frowned. "Oh dear... that does sound... rather questionable, doesn't it."

Twilight nodded. "I don't think I'm going to try transforming anything without a brain into something with one... at least not without giving it a whole lot more thought. Actually if I do end up transforming anything into a pony... I'd want to start with something else that already is relatively intelligent, to avoid that sort of... ethical problem. I'd prefer a volunteer, frankly, but since Spike's out of the picture, I'm not sure who I could ask."

PInkie frowned. 'Why not just ask Johnathon or Cheerilee?"

Twilight nodded. "I may have to do exactly that... but Cheerilee said specifically that she doesn't want to change back to a pony... and I want to respect that, even if I'm not exactly sure why."

Rarity spoke up. "I think she thinks she would find it... painful to be returned to her old form, only to have to go back to being human again anyway. As she is now, she can accept staying... human, but I think she's afraid if she became a pony again, she'd miss it more afterwards."

Twilight hesitated, then nodded. "I suppose I can understand that."

Pinkie looked curious. "Twilight... when will you need another pony test subject, anyway?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... I suppose there is one thing I haven't tested yet. I haven't tried transforming another pony physically and magically at the same time. Not deliberately, anyway. For completeness at the least, I should confirm if my theory about that is correct, and that I can transform a pony into another type of pony, completely, so long as I have somepony to use as a template nearby," she grimaced. "But... I can already foresee some dangers with that sort of experiment."

Rarity frowned, looking concerned. "What sort of dangers?"

Twilight shook her head. "I"m not completely certain that my theory is correct... and frankly, I'm not certain that I can safely change a pony's magic. I seem to have managed to do so to myself... but I could be missing something," she shook her head. "I'm almost certain I could reverse whatever I do... but... I'm not absolutely sure... and theory alone will only take me so far. To be sure, I'll actually have to try it."

Pinkie nodded. "I believe in you, Twilight. I'm willing to risk it!"

Twilight smiled. "I appreciate that, Pinkie, but to be honest, it wouldn't just be you at risk. Whatever pony that agrees to be the template would be at some risk as well. I THINK that the spell wouldn't take any energy from the template if the two ponies have similar energy levels... but I can't be completely certain until I try it."

Pinkie blinked. "Oh. So you'd have to get somepony else to volunteer as well?"

Twilight nodded. "If I'm going to try this, yes. I'd want them to be fully aware of the risks as well. I'd use myself for a template... but I'm not sure I could do so while casting the spell."

Rarity wrinkled her nose. "Well, if it would help, I'd be willing to volunteer once more, if you wished to turn Pinkie into a unicorn?"

Twilight hesitated. "It's tempting, but it'd make any empirical testing tricky. It's easy enough to test if a pegasus has their magic working or not... but it might take quite a while for a new unicorn to learn how to use their magic... and frankly, it might be dangerous, using the magic of a full grown unicorn without having slowly increased their power over the years as most adult unicorns have."

Pinkie looked disappointed. "So we need to find a pegasus to volunteer?" she brightened a moment later. "Oh! I bet Dashie would volunteer! She'd never leave her pony's hanging, right?"

Twilight frowned. "Pinkie, I don't want you coercing Rainbow Dash into anything...."

Pinkie was already racing up the stairs. "Don't be silly, Twilight! I'm not going to sing at her!" she paused halfway up the stairs. "Well... I might, but I'll probably ask her without singing, since this is supposed to be a big secret, right?" she raced away again before Twilight could finish protesting.

"Coercing, not a chorus line!" Twilight called after the Pink party pony helplessly. "Oh well. I'll just have to explain to Rainbow Dash what the risks are," she decided, then grimaced. "Oh! I forgot... we should have made sure you didn't have any pegasus pony magic before I changed you back, Rarity."

Rarity smiled. "I'm pretty sure I didn't, Twilight. I tried flying... well, I flapped quite hard, trying to get off the ground, and I was quite land bound, I'm sorry to say."

Twilight winced. "Rarity, that could have been dangerous!"

Rarity shrugged. "I have had a pair of wings before, you know. I'm sure I'd have managed alright. In any case, I certainly was not capable of flight... or even hovering, which I expect I would have managed if I'd had true pegasus magic."

"Not necessarily." Twilight disagreed. "You might have had some minimal pegasi magic... not enough to take off from the ground without more practice, perhaps, but maybe enough to cloud walk? We really should have gotten you a cloud to try."

Rarity looked thoughtful. "Well... there will be time for that some other time, Darling."

Twilight sighed. "I suppose so. We should have a cloud on hand next time, though. It'd make for the easiest test."

Rarity nodded. "An excellent suggestion," she looked thoughtful. "I've always wondered what clouds feel like to walk on. I've never actually had the chance."


Cheerilee cuddled into Johnathon's side with a sleepy, satisfied smile on her lips. They lay together on the bed in his room, under a light sheet. The unexpected sound of somepony knocking at their door stole the smile from her face, and she sat up, the sheet falling to her waist as she peered toward the the hall.

"Who could that be, at this hour?" the school teacher wondered aloud, then started to get out of bed, grabbing one of Johnathon's shirts and pulling it on over her head to cover herself as she did so.

Johnathon yawned, watching with a certain smug satisfaction as the woman he had decided to marry walked out of the room wearing only his shirt. "Want me to get it?" he asked politely.

"That's alright, I'm already up," Cheerilee answered, directing a fond smile over her shoulder at the man. "I'll find out what they want, and then I'll come back to bed."

Johnathon grinned. "Sounds good to me," he put his arms under his head and grinned up at the ceiling to avoid leering at Cheerilee's backside as she walked out of the room.

Cheerilee made her way to her front door, as a second series of knocks sounded, causing her to frown and throw the door open quickly. "Yes? Can I help...?"

An older mare with a dark blue coat and a white mane looked up at her face, a look of concentration coming over her features as she spoke in badly accented English. "Hello... Mister... John a thin?"

Cheerilee gaped, her mind going blank with surprise. "Mom?"

Chapter 28

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The dark blue mare blinked at Cheerilee in confusion, taking a single step back to get a better look at her, then smiled, and spoke slowly in her badly accented English again. "Yes. I be Cheerilee's... er..." the mare pulled out a book which Cheerilee recognized as a copy of her own thesis, and flipped it open to an obviously dog eared page. "I be Cheerilee's... mother!" she said slowly as she found the word she was looking for.

Cheerilee gaped at her mother for a moment before putting a hand to her forehead tiredly. "I am," Cheerilee corrected in English. "I AM Cheerilee's mother," she repeated, then switched to Equestrian. "That's how you should say it."

Cheerilee's mother blinked, then smiled. "Oh my! You speak Equestrian very well!"

Cheerilee chuckled. "I'd hope so, mom. I've only been speaking it all my life."

The dark blue mare blinked. "Um... am I missing something here?"

Cheerilee sighed. "Well, to start with, I'm not Johnathon. I'm your daughter."

Cheerilee's mother blinked. "Are you sure you're saying that correctly? It sounds like you're saying you're my daughter, but my daughter is a pony, and you're a human," she looked confused. "You ARE a human, right?"

Cheerilee nodded with a sigh. "At the moment, yes. It's kind of a long story, but... I'm really Cheerilee. A friend of mine... transformed me into a human at my request..." she grimaced. "Well... it was a bit more complicated than that...."

"Hey, hun... what's up?" Johnathon said as he came into the hall, wearing a pair of pajama bottoms and yawning slightly. "Who's this?"

Cheerilee turned to him, then gestured at the dark blue mare in the doorway. "This is my mother, Radiant Song," she explained, then gestured to Johnathon, turning back to her mother. "And this is Johnathon Dwire."

Radiant Song stared at Johnathon with a look of surprise, which changed to recognition, then understanding, before going back to confusion again. "I was wondering why...." she shook her head, turning to Cheerilee. "You're shorter than your description of Mister Dwire, and... er..." she nodded at Cheerilee's chest. "Shaped a bit different... so I was a bit confused a first...." her eyes widened as she stared at her daughter. "Cheerilee! What have you done to yourself!"

Cheerilee winced. "I can explain...."

Radiant Song raised an eyebrow. "Can you really?"

Cheerilee sighed. "I've been meaning to tell you... but I couldn't figure out how to break the news."

"The news that my daughter has turned herself into a... a human?" Radiant Song said indignantly, glancing at Johnathon and giving him a nod. "No offense."

"None taken," Johnathon replied mildly.

"What in Equestria were you thinking?" Radiant Song said with a groan, marching into the house and walking a circle around her daughter. "I thought you were over your obsession with... strangeness!"

"Mom!" Cheerilee said with a groan. "I was a filly... it was a jazz band! The two things have nothing in common!"

Radiant Song rolled her eyes and turned to Johnathon. "You should have seen her... dancing around like a fool with those weird ponies. She followed this one band for months... went from city to city. She refused to miss a single concert!"

"I was just a filly," Cheerilee said. "I grew up."

Radiant Song frowned, and pushed up the bottom of Cheerilee's borrowed shirt with a hoof till she could see her hip. "Oh! Your cutie mark's gone too? What about being a teacher? You loved being a teacher!"

Cheerilee blushed, glancing at Johnathon and pushing her shirt back down, stepping away from her mother. "Mom... I still AM a teacher! I haven't lost my special talent, OK? It's just... the outside that's changed."

Radiant Song frowned, then sat back on her hind legs, tilting her head to one side as she looked at her transformed daughter. "I was afraid something like this would happen."

Cheerilee blinked. "You were afraid I'd turn myself into a human?"

Radiant Song shrugged, then frowned. "Well, I had no idea that was even possible... I assume it has something to do with that unicorn? The Princess's protege, Twilight Sparkle?"

Cheerilee nodded. "She's... well, she's an amazing magician. She's probably the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria."

Radiant Song nodded thoughtfully. "I'm sure you're right, from everything you've mentioned about her in your letters... but really, Cheerilee... transforming yourself for some... alien?" she turned to Johnathon and nodded apologetically again. "No offense."

"None taken."

Radiant Song sighed again. "I knew it. I told your father you were falling in love... a mother can tell you know!"

Cheerilee blushed. "Was it really that obvious?"

Radiant Song raised an eyebrow. "I'm your mother, dear. Besides, every letter you sent... you'd go on and on about him! You've never shown this kind of interest in any pony before... I was wondering if you'd ever find a special somepony," she glanced at Johnathon. "I just never imagined it wouldn't be a pony at all!" she grimaced slightly, then nodded apologetically again. "No offense."

Johnathon sighed. "None taken."

Radiant Song turned back to her daughter. "So... is this transformation permanent?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "Unless it's reversed...." she admitted. "But I'm not going to have Twilight reverse it. I love him, and I want to be with him."

Radiant Song took a long deep breath. "Of course you're not," she put a hoof to her forehead and sighed dramatically. "There go my dreams of ever having grandfoals."

Cheerilee blushed. "Mom... we could still... well, we do want to have foals... children, I mean."

Radiant Song looked doubtfully at her. "I don't know. It won't be the same. I mean... if they're yours, I'll love them, of course, but... won't it be a bit nervous, raising little carnivores?"

"Humans are omnivores, mom! I explained that, didn't I? They can eat all sorts of things! Johnathon's been eating an almost entirely pony diet since he's gotten here."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, mostly. I don't eat a whole lot of hay."

Radiant Song turned to him. "I'm sorry, Mister Dwire... I'm being terribly rude. My daughter has told me all about you, and you do seem like a very decent human."

He grinned at her. "I appreciate that."

Radiant Song shrugged. "And I did have a feeling that you two might be getting close... but this?" she gestured to Cheerilee vaguely. "This is quite a shock!"

Johnathon nodded sympathetically. "You're handling it very well. I'd probably have fainted or something."

Radiant Song glanced at her daughter, shuddered slightly, then nodded. "Believe me, I'm tempted. This is all so... surreal. I'm halfway convinced this is all a dream."

Cheerilee chuckled weakly. "I know what you mean," she agreed. "I'm still getting used to it."

Radiant Song sighed. "It's real though... my daughter is a... human," she turned to Cheerilee. "You're serious about this, I suppose? He's the one you want?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Yes mother. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about..." she gestured to herself. "About this... but I wasn't quite sure how to explain, and things have been so crazy...."

Radiant Song sighed. "I can imagine. From your letters, Ponyville has been rather... exciting ever since...."

Cheerilee grimaced. "Mom, Twilight is a good pony. It's not her fault that a lot of weird stuff has happened since she arrived."

Radiant Song looked dubious. "I don't know, dear. From what I've heard, she's a bit of a trouble magnet. Nightmare Moon, Discord... an Ursa Major... a dragon... parasprites? All in the last two years?"

Cheerilee frowned. "It was an Ursa Minor... and anyway, Twilight and her friends saved us from all of those!"

Radiant Song frowned. "It's all a bit too convenient if you ask me. I've even heard rumors that she's planning on replacing Princess Celestia!"

Cheerilee blinked. "Well... that's... she's just going to give the Princess a week off!"

"That's what she wants us to think," Radiant Song said with a conspiratorial whisper. "Once she gets her hooves on the power, what if she likes it?"

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "Mom, you're being silly. Twilight is one of the nicest mares I know. She hates the attention she's been getting since they announced it, and she certainly doesn't want to rule Equestria. Besides, she loves the Princess. I've seen them together, and it's obvious that they're very close. Twilight really just wants to give her mentor some time off. She may be the strongest unicorn in Equestria since Starswirl the Bearded, but she's really a sweet mare at heart."

Radiant Song wrinkled her nose, then sighed. "If you say so, dear," she gestured to her daughter. "So... do you... like being a human, then? Is it nice?"

Cheerilee smiled slightly, glancing at Johnathon, who grinned warmly back, then nodded to her mother. "It has its moments."

Radiant Song glanced from one of them to the other, her eyes widening and knowing smile splitting her face. "Ah! I see! Does that mean I'm going to be a grandmother sometime soon then?"

Cheerilee blushed bright red. "Mom! I... we...."

Radiant Song chuckled. "Oh Cheerilee, there's nothing to be ashamed about. You were planning on foals... er... human foals eventually, weren't you? I'm not going to be shocked to hear you're doing something about it."

Cheerilee hesitated. "Well... it's not like it is with ponies, mom. I mean... we can't be certain if... or when..." she trailed off.

Radiant Song smiled and shook her head. "I don't need to know the details, dear," she turned to Johnathon. "So... can I assume you intend to make an honest mare out of my daughter?"

Johnathon nodded. "I do intend to ask her to marry me, yes." he confirmed. "I'd really like your approval, though."

Radiant Song waved a hoof dismissively. "Oh, I hardly have any say, since my daughter will make up her own mind regardless of my opinion... but I don't suppose I have any real complaint in having you as a son in law."

Johnathon looked both relieved and surprised. "You don't mind that I'm a human?"

Radiant Song sighed. "I've had a feeling for some time now that Cheerilee was falling for you. I wasn't sure how it would work out... and I certainly didn't expect her to end up transforming herself, but... I thought you two might get together," she glanced at her daughter, and a small look of pain flitted over her face for a moment. "I didn't anticipate this particular outcome... but, at least you two can be together properly. I was ever so worried about ever getting some grandfoals... and alien grandfoals are better than none, I suppose."

Cheerilee winced slightly. "Mom...."

Radiant Song shook her head. "No... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I will love your foals... your children, no matter what species they turn out, because they'll come from you, dear," she put a hoof up to her daughter's face. "This is just all still very strange to me."

Cheerilee nodded. "I can certainly understand that. Actually, the idea of having foals... or rather, human children? That's going to take some getting used to for me as well."

Radiant Song stood up on her hind legs and wrapped her hooves around her daughter's waist. "Well, whatever you decide, I'll support you. I love you. You know that, right?"

Cheerilee smiled and hugged her mother back. "I love you too, Mom."

Radiant Song sniffed, and held onto the hug. "Your father, on the other hand, is going to have a heart attack... and if he survives that, he's going to come over here and try and murder your coltfriend."

Cheerilee chuckled softly. "Yeah, probably."


They were sitting around the kitchen table for a late supper. Johnathon had fixed a light salad, and they were eating slowly while Cheerilee and her mother caught up with each other.

"So, you're from Baltimare, Mrs. Song?" Johnathon asked politely.

"I was actually born right here in Ponyville," Radiant Song amended. "But my husband is from there. We met while I was at Baltimare University, studying music theory."

"Mom's a professor in the performing arts college there, Johnathon," Cheerilee bragged proudly.

"Honorary professor nowadays." Radiant Song told him. "I'm practically retired. I only teach a few classes a semester," she grinned at her daughter. "But you'll never guess who's just been hired to teach the advanced engineering class at Baltimare technical college?"

Cheerilee frowned. "Who? Do we know anypony who's been studying engineering?"

Radiant Song raised an eyebrow. "Who do you know who's been working with steel... and construction his whole life?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Daddy? But... he never graduated high school! He's been working construction jobs... and in a steel mill his whole life!"

Radiant Song beamed. "But he's always been a bright one, my Ironsides. He worked his way up to the head of that steel mill the hard way, and he's been working with steel his whole life. He's always been a big reader too, your father. Apparently he's the most knowledgeable stallion around when it comes to modern steelwork, and when he retired from being foreman of the mill last year, they came around from the university and offered him the job!"

Cheerilee blinked. "Wow! Dad... a teacher? I guess I must get it from both sides of the family."

Radiant Song shrugged and smiled. "I always knew he could do anything he put his mind to. He didn't want to tell you about his new job... he thought he'd be horrible, and they'd fire him in a week, but he's doing great! You should see how happy he is when he's planning lessons... he really enjoys teaching!"

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Hmm. I always thought those cogs on Dad's flank meant more than he was good with steel."

Radiant Song grinned, glancing at Johnathon conspiratorially. "He got his cutie mark when he took over working in the mill from his father... on his first day, he already knew so much about the business he was teaching the other colts what they needed to do! And he got his cutie mark that day. Such a late bloomer! He always thought he was meant to be a steel pony like his father... but I knew he was meant for something more.

Cheerilee smiled happily at her mother. "So... is that what he's doing now?"

Radiant Song smiled, then sighed. "He's got classes five days a week, and couldn't get the time off to come all the way to Ponyville this time of year, but I knew something big was up with my daughter, so I decided I needed to come and see you."

Cheerilee looked puzzled. "How did you know?"

"Your letters, silly," Radiant Song explained. "I could tell how sad you were... your best friend was going away... and I could tell you were in love. I thought I'd come down and help... if only to give you a shoulder to cry on. But... obviously you figured out a way," she shook her head wryly. "I should have known you wouldn't give up so easily, although I hardly expected you to go this far!"

Cheerilee blushed. "No... it wasn't like that..." she trailed off, and sighed. "Oh, who am I kidding, it's true enough that I became human in order to keep Johnathon here... or in order to follow him to his world if he didn't stay...." she shrugged helplessly. "But I wasn't really in my right mind at the time."

Radiant Song laughed. "Love makes everypony foalish, from time to time."

Cheerilee opened her mouth to explain about the love potion, then closed it. "I suppose so," she finally agreed. "But I don't regret it."

Radiant Song turned to Johnathon, her eyes narrow. "You ARE staying, aren't you? You're not taking my baby to your world?"

Johnathon nodded. "I am staying. I wouldn't take Cheerilee there. I don't think she'd like my world that much, anyway."

"It wouldn't be so bad if you were there," Cheerilee said with a fond smile.

"Equestria is nicer," Johnathon said with a shrug. "If it wasn't for my family and friends back home, I wouldn't have wanted to go back at all."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Maybe Twilight can send a message through? You could let your family know you're alright?"

Johnathon shrugged. "It's a good idea. I'm not sure how feasible it is, but it's worth a shot. All I know is, I'm not going back if it means leaving you... and I'm certainly not going to take you to my world with me either. You'll be happier here, and with you here, so will I."

Cheerilee scooted her chair next to his and laid her head on his shoulder. "It can't be all that bad, if it has men like you in it."

Johnathon grinned and winked. "Humans aren't all that special. You just got lucky. I'm the best one."

Cheerilee punched him lightly in the stomach. "The most modest one too, apparently."

"You know it!" he joked. "I'm the most modest human ever!"

Radiant Song beamed at them. "Oh... I do like him, Cheerilee. He reminds me a little bit of your father," she sighed wistfully. "That colt could make me laugh... he still can, for that matter," she smiled fondly in remembrance, then turned to Johnathon, changing the subject. "So... what are your plans, Mister Dwire? I understand you're on a stipend from Princess Celestia, but do you have any plans for work?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Actually, I'm going to be going on a dig pretty soon. Princess Celestia is forming an expedition to go to the Castle of the Ancient Pony sisters in the Everfree forest, and I'm going along."

"Johnathon was the one who figured it all out." Cheerilee boasted proudly. "He discovered a legend about the last refuge of the unicorns... and he figured out where to look to find it!"

"Very impressive," Cheerilee's mother said. "So... are you going to be heading up the expedition then?"

"Princess Celestia offered him the job," Cheerilee said quickly. "But he felt that such an important dig should be managed by someone with more experience," she smiled indulgently. "I think he's being too modest about his own abilities."

"I've never led such an important expedition," Johnathon pointed out. "In fact, I was a very junior member of the last team I was on. I've only got a few years of experience in the field, to tell the truth."

Radiant Song looked surprised. "Really, at your age? My daughter mentioned that you humans have a more extensive schooling system... but I'm surprised you haven't been out of school longer."

Johnathon chuckled. "Oh no... I've been out of school for years... but I've held a whole lot of different jobs in all that time. Heck, until a few years back, I was farming. I had a minor in archeology, but I never really went into the field until after...."

Cheerilee put a hand on his arm. "Until after your wife died?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I probably would have gone on a dig years earlier... but when I met her my plans all got put on hold. My wife owned a farm, and between working on that and taking care of her, I was swamped. I couldn't take time off to go digging in ruins...." he shrugged. "Not that I'd have done anything differently if I had another chance at it. It was a good life."

Cheerilee hugged him from the side, and he put his arm around her. "But that's the past. After my wife died... and after I pulled myself together, I got into archeology seriously, but still, I was the new guy on the team, even if I was years older than most of them."

"What about now?" Radiant Song asked seriously. "Going on this expedition, you'll be away from my daughter for quite a while, won't you?"

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "The ruins are pretty close, really. Oh, it's a full day's walk... but I'll be back home on a regular basis."

Radiant Song raised an eyebrow. "A day's walk through the Everfree forest? Isn't that dangerous?"

Johnathon blinked. "Well, I know there are supposed to be all kinds of creatures living there... but we'll have a big team there, I believe, and they'll need to make supply runs pretty often. Ponyville is the closest town, so we'll come here... I don't expect I'll have to make the trip on my own," he smiled. "Besides, Twilight and her friends will be there, at least some of the time. If there is anything in that forest those girls can't handle, I'll be very surprised."


"Smack in the middle of the Everfree," Briar Rose said sourly, shaking her head. "With an entire team of inexperienced archeology students? I don't think so."

"But Professor Rose!" One of her undergrads protested. "We're ready! This is everything we got into archeology for!"

"I'll bring you in when the site is secured," Briar Rose said calmingly. The Princess is lending us half a dozen royal guards. They can make sure we get there in one piece... but there is no way I'm trusting them with the delicate work on a dig this important. Once we get to work, I'll be bringing you in."

Professor Rose's office was packed wall to wall with paperwork, old maps, unclassified artifacts, and most recently, half a dozen undergraduate archeology students who had somehow managed to find out that their professor was leaving to lead an expedition a full twenty four hours before the official announcement was supposed to be made.

"Now, I've got a lot of work to do, so if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to it," Briar Rose told them with a dismissive wave.

All but one of the students filed out of the room, but one, a cocky young unicorn filly with an open map for a cutie mark, lingered behind. "Are you sure you should be leading this expedition yourself, professor?" the young mare asked, looking concerned. "It's been years since you were last in the field...."

Briar Rose glanced up to the wall where an old Pith helmet hung, then back to her student. "I'll be fine, Ms. Charmer," she said with a small grin. "I've got one more adventure in me yet, I think."


Pinkie Pie held open the door to Twilght's library as Rainbow Dash squeezed a small cloud in through the open doorway. "This one should be big enough...." the cyan pegasus commented as she got it into the center of the room. Glancing around, she noticed a large sunflower sitting in a window and blinked. "Hey... when did that get there?"

Pinkie bounced over to the plant, and winked. "Looking good, mister fern!" she complemented it cheerfully.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Um... Pinkie, that's a sunflower."

Pinkie nodded. "It's a sunflower today, anyway!"

Rainbow Dash glanced at the party pony, then at the plant. "Er... OK?" she glanced around the room. "So... where's Twilight, anyway? She wants this cloud for her big experiment, right?"

"We're down here, girls!" Twilight's voice came up the stairs leading to the basement. "Come on down!"

Rainbow Dash shrugged and started pushing the cloud toward the stairs. "Just gimme a sec, Twilight!" she called back. "I got to take the corners slow with this cloud, or it'll break up," despite her words, the cyan pegasus maneuvered the cloud down the stairs in moments, following Pinkie closely.

Below, Twilight, Rarity, and, surprisingly, Applejack, stood waiting. "We going to get this show on the road?" Applejack asked with mild impatience. "Not that I mind helping out, but I'm not really sure why I'm here...."

Twilight hesitated. "Well, honestly, we probably won't need your help today, Applejack, but we will probably need you tomorrow, and I wanted you to understand what we're trying to do."

Applejack frowned. "Well, from what I understand, you're goin' to be a trying to turn Pinkie there into a full fledged pegasus, right?"

"To transform her... both physically and magically, yes." Twilight said with a worried look. "That's the plan."

"Why are ya still working on this anyhow?" Applejack asked with a frown. "Miss Cheerilee seems happy enough, I reckon, and she don't want changing back. And what does changing Pinkie into a pegasus have to do with that anyhow?"

Twilight hesitated. "If I want to be able to use this spell safely, I need to test all the different uses under controlled conditions. Also, if somepony else follows my work in the future, I want to be sure that there are counterspells for any results that may occur."

Applejack thought about that and nodded. "OK... and you're the best pony to figure them out, I guess. That makes sense. Don't want anypony without your talent doing something they'd regret without having a way to fix it. I guess I can wrap my head around that. But what do you need me for?"

Twilight shrugged. "For the same reason I need Rainbow Dash. I need a template to use to do a full physical and magical transformation, at least in theory, and I can't think of anypony that exemplifies what it means to be an Earth Pony more than you."

Applejack blushed slightly and grinned. "And I reckon our Dash being the fastest pegasus around might have something to do with why she's here then?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, Dash is the most powerful pegasus I know. And you're well, frankly, a very powerful Earth Pony. Both of you have very strong inner reserves of magic. If any pony would serve as a good template, it'd be you two."

Applejack looked embarrassed. "Go on now... you'll turn my head."

Twilight chuckled. "Well, it's true. Anyway, I shouldn't need you today, as I don't plan on reversing Pinkie's transformation till tomorrow at the earliest... but I wanted to tell you what to expect ahead of time... and, frankly, to inform you of the risks involved."

Applejack looked worried. "Risks?"

Twilight looked sheepish. "Unfortunately, in any new spell, there are always risks. We don't know for certain if this will work. In theory, I should be able to use Rainbow Dash as a template to turn Pinkie Pie into a pegasus... physically and magically, but the last time I did something like this, I drained the energy needed out of Princess Celestia and turned her into a regular unicorn. Now, Pinkie's magical energy levels and Rainbow Dashes are a lot closer than Celestia's and mine. Changing into a full fledged Alicorn required enormous energy, and Celestia provided most of that. In this case, I should be able to provide the extra energy needed myself, and Rainbow should be fine."

Rainbow Dash held up a hoof. "Should be fine? Wait a second... if you're wrong, what could happen?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... in theory, in a worse case scenario, the energy needed to turn Pinkie into a pegasus would be taken from you... and you'd lose your magic."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Lose my... you mean I wouldn't be able to fly?"

"Or walk on clouds, or control the weather...." Twilight confirmed. "But that shouldn't happen. The theoretical models hold up. You shouldn't be affected."

Rainbow Dash looked worried. "Are you sure? I mean, not that I want to leave you hanging or anything, but not being able to fly would be totally uncool."

Twilight took a deep breath. "I'm quite sure that even if the worst case scenario happens, I'd be able to restore your magic in a day or two at the worst. But I don't think it'll even go that far," she smiled. "That said, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. Pinkie's volunteered herself, but that doesn't mean you need to."

Rainbow frowned, then shook her head. "Nah... I trust you, Twilight. You wouldn't let anything bad happen to me."

Twilight grimaced. "Well... if I do... I'll fix it."

Rainbow winced, then shrugged again. "Eh, if the worst thing that happens is a couple days being grounded, I'll deal. You're lucky there's a new Daring Do novel that just came out though. I've been waiting for some free time to read it."

Twilight smiled at her. "I just finished it last night, myself. You can borrow it after we finish up here."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Cool!"

Twilight turned to Applejack. "Anyway... in order to change Pinkie back into an Earth Pony afterwards, I'll need an Earth Pony to be the template... which is where you'll come in, if you're willing."

Applejack grinned and shrugged. "If you don't make Rainbow Dash explode or nothin' I reckon I'd be willing. Heck, I got the easy part, seeing as you'll already have tried the darn spell once before my turn."

Twilight smiled. "Thanks Applejack. I knew I could count on you."

Pinkie hopped up and down. "So... let's do this! I wanna try flying!"

Twilight hesitated. "Pinkie, we're supposed to be keeping this a secret, remember? If you go outside and start zooming around the sky, everypony will know that I can turn earth ponies into pegasi!"

Pinkie's shoulders slumped. "Oh... right."

Twilight sighed. "Pinkie... you can back out anytime... I wouldn't ask you to try this if you aren't certain."

Pinkie took a deep breath, then shook her head. "Nope! I'm the least backingoutist pony you'll ever meet! I'm ready and willing! Willing and able! Able and ready! Let's fire up Rainbow Dash and give me some wings!"

Rainbow Dash grimaced. "You're not actually going to set me on fire or anything, right?"

Twilight shook her head. "Of course not. That only happened the one time!" she nodded to the center of the room. "OK, if you two would go to the center of the room and face each other... about fifteen hooves apart, we'll get started."

Rainbow Dash walked hesitantly into place. "You only caught somepony on fire once, you say?"

Pinkie jumped into position, and stood their quivering in anticipation. "Test Pony Pinkie ready for beaming!"

Twilight was quick to reassure Dash. "Oh no... I never set a pony on fire. It was a fern!" she squared her stance, lowering her horn to point at the pegasus. "Just stay very still...."

Rainbow Dash tensed up, her wings flaring out sightly, then froze, her eyes going tightly shut. "Right...."

Twilight glanced at Pinkie, who was standing as still as the hyper pony could manage, and nodded. "Right then... let's begin." her horn started to glow, brighter and brighter, and she shot a beam of energy into Rainbow Dash. A moment later, she fired a stronger beam at Pinkie, and a third beam of amber colored magical energy formed between the pegasus and the earth pony a moment later, linking the three in a magical triangle of energy.

Twilight took a slow even breath, and focused, and there was a brilliant flash of energy.

When the light faded, Rainbow Dash was still standing, her head turned away from the center of the blast. Pinkie on the other hand was laying on the floor, her new, pink wings flared out around her limply.

"Pinkie? Are you alright?" Twilight asked anxiously. "Can you hear me?"

Pinkie's head slowly came up, and she glanced back at her new appendages with wide eyes. "Wow! I've got wings!" she stared at them, and frown in concentration. Her wings flexed, and then gave a shaky flap. "Hee! They move!"

"That was sort of the idea." Twilight said dryly, turning to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow? How about you? Are you alright?"

"That was WEIRD." Rainbow Dash stated flatly. "I felt like somepony was peering straight through me... I could feel... something... your magic, I guess, all through me... but... I guess I'm alright." She flared her wings, and easily lifted off the floor, hovering in place effortlessly as ever. "Yup... everything's working fine." She did a sideways roll and landed on the small cloud. "All my pegasus magics are working, anyway," she concluded.

Twilight beamed. "Excellent!" she turned to Pinkie. "Now for the final test... Pinkie, if you're up to it, would you like to try getting up on that cloud?"

Pinkie beamed. "Would I!" she hopped to her feet, staggered, then compensated. "Whee! My balance is funny with wings!" lowering her body toward the floor, she raised her rear end, wiggling if like a cat ready to pounce. "Look out Dashie, here I come!" Pinkie launched herself into the air with a whoop, landing on the cloud with a belly flop even as Rainbow Dash rolled easily out of her path.

"Heh. Going to have to try harder than that, Pinkster," the cyan pegasus remarked with a grin. "But nice try for a beginner."

Pinkie giggled from on top of the cloud. "Whee! It's so fluffy!"

Twilight walked up to her, beaming. "It... it worked! The cloud is supporting your weight!"

Pinkie bounced up and down happily, then raised an eyebrow. "What, are you saying I'm fat?"

Twilight giggled. "From all the sweets you eat, you'd think so, but no, I was referring to the fact that you do appear to have pegasus magic!"

Pinkie beamed. "Yup!" she started flapping her wings experimentally. "Gee... I wonder if flying is as easy?"

Twilight glanced around her basement lab, and at all the equipment that was not quite crash proof, and winced. "Er... maybe you might want to try that outside?" she frowned. "Except... Pinkie, you can't... this has to stay a secret!"

Rainbow Dash looked thoughtful. "She could practice at my place, if we could get her up there without any pony seeing us?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, I'm pretty tired... but I suppose I could manage to teleport one pony that far."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Great! Want me to bring my house closer so you don't have to port her so far?"

Twilight shrugged. "No, that's alright, Rainbow. Ponies might want to know why you're moving your house. So long as I can see it from my window, it should be close enough," she hesitated. "If that's what you want, Pinkie? I'm sorry you can't go flying out in the open...."

Pinkie shook her head. "That's OK, Twilight, bouncing and flying and crashing into stuff at Rainbow Dash's house will be super fun! I know this is a really important secret, and I know how important it is. I'll stay out of sight."

Twilight smiled gratefully at her. "I appreciate that, Pinkie," she turned to Rainbow Dash. "And I really appreciate your help, Rainbow Dash. That was really brave."

Rainbow Dash shrugged nonchalantly. "No big," she turned to Pinkie. "Come on, I'll show you a bunch of tricks you can do... we won't be able to do anything really fast, but it'll still be fun, right?"

Pinkie grinned. "Yeah! Let's go!" she started up the stairs. "I can't wait to get started!" as she reached the door to the basement, it opened abruptly, nearly knocking her back down the stairs.

Spike winced, and quickly apologized. "Oops. Sorry Pinkie. I guess I should have knocked first, huh?"

Pinkie rubbed her nose, which had gotten hit with the edge of the door, and shook her head, frowning. "I'm OK... I'm OK..." but the frown on her face was growing.

Spike panicked. "Are you sure? Your nose isn't bleeding, is it? Oh, I'm so sorry, Pinkie, I didn't mean it!"

Pinkie looked up at him, her face going back into a comforting smile. "I'm fine, really! It only hurts a little bit," she frowned again, looking confused. "Only... my Pinkie sense didn't go off. I ALWAYS know when a door is about to open abruptly and smack somepony!"

Twilight frowned thoughtfully. "And you didn't know this time... interesting."

Pinkie looked a bit upset. "Why is it interesting?"

Twilight put up a hoof. "Sorry, Pinkie... I mean... your Pinkie sense is probably linked to your Earth Pony magic. I mean, it's obviously a magical ability, right? Even if I couldn't explain how it works, it's pretty obviously magic. When I changed your magic to make you into a Pegasus, your Pinkie sense was obviously changed at the same time!"

Pinkie nodded. "Oh, I see," she looked slightly worried. "But... you'll be able to give me my Pinkie sense back, right?"

Twilight hesitated. "I... I'm not sure. In theory... when I turn you back into an Earth pony... you should get it back, but... I don't know how your Pinkie sense works. I... I'm sorry, I'm just not sure." she hung her head. "I should have thought of that... Pinkie's magic is unique. Everypony's magic is unique! How can I be sure that I can replicate that uniqueness perfectly, even with a template?"

Applejack walked forward. "Wait just a second. Are you telling me that even if you change Pinkie back using me as a templawhatiz, she won't be the same?"

Twilight shook her head. "I... I don't know. But... it's possible that I'll replicate... YOUR magic when I change her, Applejack. You don't have a Pinkie sense... your magic is in your strength, your endurance, and... your talent with farming apples, I think."

Applejack blinked. "Are you telling me you're going to make Pinkie into an Apple?"

Twilight hesitated. "Er... maybe? An apple farmer, anyway. I don't know!"

Pinkie sniffed. "Oh. I guess that wouldn't be so bad. Could I help you out at the farm if Twilight can't turn me back into me?"

Applejack smiled softly at her. "Of course you can. We'll make you an honorary Apple."

Twilight put up a hoof. "Don't give up yet, ladies. I'm going to figure this out. There has got to be a way to be sure to give Pinkie her Pinkie Sense back! And we don't even know for sure that changing her back into an Earth Pony won't do just that!"

Pinkie smiled, and walked back down several stairs to wrap Twilight in a hug. "I believe in you, Twilight."

Twilight sniffed, looking upset. "I'm sorry, Pinkie, I should have thought this through better."

Pinkie shook her head firmly. "Don't be silly. I pushed you into this. I kept begging and begging you to change me, remember? You were going to stick to changing plants if I hadn't insisted."

Twilight shook her head. "But... still, I...."

Pinkie head butted her lightly. "Nope. No miss gloomy Twilight. I'm going to be fine, OK? My Pinkie sense doesn't make me who I am. I'm Pinkie Pie... the bestest at parties, and that isn't going to change," she glanced back at her cutie mark, breathed an inward sigh of relief to see it was still a trio of balloons, and hugged Twilight harder. "Now, let's go upstairs so you can see Rainbow's house so you can teleport me up there, and I'll have fun and goof off in a giant bouncy cloud house for the rest of the day while you do research until you fall asleep on a book! OK?"

Twilight laughed. "Deal."


After Pinkie and Rainbow Dash had gone, Twilight sank to the floor, partially because of her exhaustion, but partially from an overwhelming feeling of guilt. "What am I doing?" she asked Rarity and Applejack rhetorically. "Ever since I opened that mad stallion's spell book I've had one magical catastrophe after another!"

"Don't exaggerate, darling," Rarity said reassuringly. "Everything will turn out in the end. You managed to change Princess Celestia back, didn't you? And what happened to Cheerilee wasn't... entirely, your fault. She's happy with the situation as it is in any case, isn't she?"

Twilight shook her head. "It's not the same this time. When I took Celestia's powers, they were still there, only transferred into me. Reversing that was... relatively simple in comparison. But... I have no idea how Pinkie sense works... or how to recreate it! I don't know any other pony who has Pinkie's... ability, so I don't have a template to work with anymore! If I want to put Pinkie's magic back the way I found it, I'd have to find another Pinkie to copy! And there aren't two Pinkie's! There can't be two Pinkie's! It's scientifically impossible! Pinkie is scientifically impossible!"

Twilight started to pace. "How am I supposed to recreate something that's already impossible in the first place?"

Applejack put a hoof on her shoulder, stopping her. "Now calm down, sugarcube... you won't be able to figure anything out if you go worrying yourself into the ground. Pinkie's alright, and she'll be alright without her Pinkie sense for a few days if you don't figure this out right away. If anyone can figure out how to do this, you can."

Twilight sighed. "I'm just afraid that nopony is going to be able to fix this. I don't have a clue to where to start. I told Pinkie that making her an Earth Pony again might fix her Pinkie sense... but... I honestly don't think that will work. I'll end up copying the magic of whatever pony I'm using as a template... I can't just... add in some Pinkie sense on the side! If I use you, I'll copy your magic."

Applejack shrugged. "That wouldn't be so bad, would it?"

Twilight sighed. "Applejack, how would you feel if you lost your ability to applebuck as well as you can... and got Pinkie sense in exchange?"

Applejack thought about that. "Oh... yeah. I wouldn't like that much, I reckon."

Twilight sighed. "Pinkie's lucky I didn't somehow change her cutie mark... that's part of every pony's magic as well, you know."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you end up changing her Cutie Mark then, do you reckon?"

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Well... my cutie mark didn't change when I transformed myself into an Alicorn, either. I suppose that our cutie marks are somehow separate from the magic we have as unicorns, or pegasi, or earth ponies. It's a magic we all share, something unique that makes us ponies. The thing is, up till now, I thought Pinkie's... Pinkie sense was the same sort of thing, but obviously it's wrapped up in whatever earth pony magic that I changed in her to make her into a pegasus."

Twilight sighed. "I should have finished my research into Pinkie sense. I gave up too easily. I mean, I realized it was real... that didn't mean I needed to stop trying to figure it out!"

Applejack tried to stay positive. "Well, after you get Pinkie her Pinkie sense back, you can finish your research, right?"

Twilight frowned. "Assuming I can do so at all."


The next morning, Rainbow Dash brought Pinkie Pie back to the library, wrapping her up inside a piece of cloud to keep anypony from spotting the pink pony's new wings, only to find Twilight, as predicted, face down in a book, sound asleep. Shrugging, Rainbow Dash grabbed the newest Daring Do novel off the shelf, and started reading aloud, while Pinkie listened, making faces and occasionally acting out scenes.

Twilight woke up half an hour later, in the middle of a particularity intense fight scene. Rainbow Dash's voice had gotten rather loud as she narrated, and Pinkie was flitting around like a demented honey bee, punching the air and making fighting sound effects.

Twilight gaped at the flying pink pony for several long moments before speaking. "Wow, Pinkie... that's amazing! I mean, I knew that the spell would give you the basic flight instincts of an adult pegasus... but seeing you fly around like that. It's incredible!"

Rainbow Dash laid the book down carefully and nodded agreeably. "Pinkie's a natural! She'd make a heck of a pegasus. Her wing power is almost as high as mine, I think! I mean, she was fast as an Earth Pony, but man... as a pegasus she's no slouch!"

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Well... that actually makes sense. Not only were you the template... and obviously your magic is greatly focused towards your flight speed... but Pinkie herself has a very high magical potential... all of our friends do, actually. It's a little strange, to tell the truth."

"Magical potential?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously. "You mean... how strong our magic is?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. You five were all exceptionally strong, magically, even before we used the Elements of Harmony. I'm not quite sure if it's connected... but possibly it's due to the magic of friendship, you know the way you all represent your own element of harmony so well? I think that might have something to do with your magical potentials."

Rainbow Dash looked dubious. "No offense, Twilight, but are you sure? I mean... what about Fluttershy? She's one of the weakest pegasi I know!" she threw up a hoof quickly. "Not that I care about that sort of thing, she's one of my best friends and all... but her wingpower is probably the weakest in town... and she's no good at manipulating weather."

Twilight nodded. "True, but there's a lot more to her than that. Fluttershy's ability to speak with and understand animals is a lot like Pinkie's Pinkie sense. It's hard to explain, but it's definitely there. And of course, there's the stare...."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh yeah... didn't she outstare a cockatrice once?"

Twilight nodded. "That was powerful magic. She should have immediately turned to stone. No... Fluttershy's magic may be different then yours, but it's there, and it's potent."

Pinkie nodded soberly. "It's just lucky that she uses her powers for cuteness and kindness instead of evil!" she told them seriously. "She's really scary when she's evil!"

Applejack came in a moment later, interrupting the inevitable question and what would probably include an extremely confusing answer with convenient timing. "Howdy everypony, am I late?"

Twilight turned to the apple farmer, deciding once again to accept that Pinkie was just being Pinkie, and shook her head. "No, I just woke up, in fact," she frowned, and shook her head. "I'm afraid I haven't been able to figure out how to be sure of putting Pinkie's Pinkie sense back... aside from simply trying to reverse the transformation and seeing if it works. I'm still going to need an Earth Pony to use as a template, if you're willing, Applejack?"

The Earth Pony nodded firmly. "Sure enough," she looked curious. "So... you're not going to leave Pinkie as a pegasus for a few days while you work this out?"

Twilight glanced at Pinkie apologetically. "It's probably better if I don't. Secrecy is still a priority, and I don't think it'd be fair to ask Pinkie to stay hidden for another day."

Pinkie smiled. "I didn't mind. Dashie and me had a ton of fun yesterday! It was totally worth it!" she sighed slightly. "Twilight, if you can't figure out how to give me my Pinkie sense back, could you turn me into a pegasus again sometime? You know, just for fun? It's not something I'd want to do everyday... but it was a whole lot of fun."

Twilight sighed and nodded. "I'm going to keep trying to figure it out, Pinkie, but... if I can't... yes, I'll turn you into a pegasus again if you want," she hesitated. "So... are you ready to change back?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yup. I need to get back to Sugarcube Corner and help the Cakes out with their next order! I don't need Pinkie sense for that. Or wings, although it might be neat to try and bake while flying...." she crossed her eyes. "But I'd need to design a flying oven first...." she glanced around, then giggled. "Sorry... I'm ready. You can zap me any time, Twilight!"

Twilight turned to Applejack. "Are you ready?"

Applejack nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be, I guess."

Twilight took a deep breath. "Alright then. Go ahead and stand facing each other, about fifteen hooves apart, just like yesterday, alright?"

Applejack glanced around the library, and picked a clear spot across from Pinkie. "Right here?"

Twilight nodded. "That's fine. Now remember, stay still, alright?" she waited several moments for Pinkie to settle down, and focused on her spell once again. Again, a triangle of light formed between her, Pinkie, and Applejack, with the strongest beam going between her and Pinkie. Another brilliant flash of light and Pinkie's wings had vanished. Pinkie herself seemed to have fared better as well, remaining on her hooves this time, although she seemed slightly wobbly.

"Whoa... that's just as funky as last time," Pinkie decided, glancing to her sides, then back to her flank, which to her relief still held her customary three balloons. "Looks like I'm back to being regular old Pinkie Pie...." she said finally with a smile.

"Is your Pinkie sense back?" Twilight asked cautiously, not certain she was ready for an answer.

"I have no idea." Pinkie told her honestly. "It only works when something is going to happen."

Applejack looked thoughtful. "How about a hoof wrestle? Normally I'm a lot stronger than you, Pinkie... but if your magic is more like mine now, maybe you've picked up some muscle out of it?"

Pinkie shrugged and grinned. "Cool! Maybe I've got super strength!"

"Apple strength, anyway." Applejack agreed. "Let's test it out." She moved over to the table in the middle of the library, and put her right hoof out for Pinkie to take. "Best two out of three, OK?"

Pinkie nodded cheerfully. "OK dokie lokie!" grasping hooves with the apple farmer, she grinned. "OK, how does this work? Do we count to three?" She paused, "OK, onetwothreego!" then promptly slammed Applejack's hoof into the table.

"Hey! I wasn't ready yet!" Applejack complained, her face growing determined. "I'll count down this time. One... two... three... go!" The two pony's strained for several long moments before Applejack slowly pushed Pinkie's hoof down, touching it to the table with a great deal of effort after several long moments. Applejack let Pinkie's hoof go and rotated her own foreleg, wincing slightly. "She's got the Apple family muscles now, Twilight, sure as shoot'n."

Pinkie grinned. "One more time?" Applejack grimly nodded and they started again, both pony's straining hard for surpremacy. After what was probably a full minute, Applejack again proved the victor.

"Whoo whee, Sugarcube!" the farmer declared, looking impressed. "You might be even stronger than Rainbow Dash now!"

"Hey!" the cyan mare protested, looking indignant.

Pinkie grinned and made a muscle with her foreleg. "Whee! I have super strength!" she turned to Twilight. "On second thought... can you turn me into Fluttershy next? I want to try out the Stare!"

Twilight groaned and put a hoof to her forehead. Somehow she was certain this was NOT going to end well.

Chapter 29

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As Princess Celestia and Briar Rose walked toward the inner courtyard of the palace, Briar Rose glanced up at the taller, immortal mare dubiously, "You asked for volunteers, Celestia? Are you sure that's wise?"

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Whatever do you mean, Rose? It might be a slightly dangerous assignment, but I'm sure there will still be plenty of ponies who are willing to come along."

Briar Rose rolled her eyes. "That's likely to be an understatement. No, I mean, why didn't you just pick the most qualified and leave it at that? It's going to be a madhouse! Half the ponies in Canterlot are going to want to come along!"

Celestia chuckled. "I'm sure it won't be that bad. Besides, I trust your judgement. I'm sure you'll be able to pick out the best and the brightest."

Briar Rose sighed. "Ah well, let's get this over with," with that, she pushed open the doors to the courtyard, and sighed once again at the sight. Over a hundred ponies were waiting, chatting animatedly among themselves. As the door opened and Princess Celestia and Briar Rose entered the courtyard, the sound of talking ceased, to be replaced by an almost palpable feeling of anticipation.

"Hello, my little ponies!" Princess Celestia greeted them with a fond smile. "I am so gratified that so many of you wish to volunteer to serve on this most noble of ventures, but unfortunately, only a few will be chosen for the initial expedition. Nevertheless, I am most grateful to all of you who have come today. Now, as the leader of this expedition, Professor Rose will be in charge of picking her team, so with no further ado, I'll leave matters in her capable hooves."

The inner courtyard reverberated for several moments with the polite yet enthusiastic hoof stomping of the crowd, and Briar Rose sighed as she shot Celestia another glare. "Great. Thanks," she muttered to her ruler under her breath before turning to those gathered and raising her voice to be heard. "Alright everypony!" she shouted as the stomping came to a stop. "I'm going to want you to break up into groups. Those with previous dig experience, please gather over there," she pointed a hoof to the eastern end of the courtyard. "Those who are volunteering for guard duty, over there..." she pointed to the western end of the courtyard. "Everypony else... over there," Rose pointed toward the southern end, opposite where she and Princess Celestia had come out.

Rose waited for the gathered ponies to sort themselves out, noticing several faces she knew, and a few others she knew off. "Celestia... is that a pair of Wonderbolts standing in the middle group?" she asked incredulously.

Princess Celestia simply smiled. "I believe so. Captain Spitfire and Lieutenant Soarin', if I'm not mistaken."

Rose glanced to her right. "There appear to be nearly thirty royal guards here as well. How did you get so many of them to volunteer?"

Celestia shrugged. "I had nothing to do with it. I believe it was a combination of factors... including the fact that Twilight's elder brother... who happens to be a Captain of the guard here, seems to have encouraged some of his best and brightest into the assignment."

Briar Rose looked surprised. "That's interesting. Your protege's older brother is also your Captain of the Guard? What are the odds of that?"

The solar princess smiled softly. "Talent seems to run in the family. I assure you they both truly earned their positions."

Briar Rose nodded acceptance. "I'll take your word on it," she glanced out at the crowd. "Ah well... I better get this over with," walking out toward the group to the east, Rose headed toward a tall, older, white unicorn with a monocle who returned her gaze with a steady smile.

"Fancy Pants, you old scoundrel!" Briar Rose said with a wide smile as she approached. "What are you doing here?"

"When I heard that this expedition would include those lovely girls from Ponyville, I felt positively motivated to dust off my old adventuring togs and volunteer," the wealthy socialite explained. "Of course, the fact that you're heading up the expedition is an added bonus."

Briar Rose raised an eyebrow. "Flattery won't get you anywhere with me, Fancy. Still, I suppose I could use a pony with your experience... can I count on you to handle the logistical details for this little enterprise?"

Fancy Pants nodded gracefully. "As much as I would love to be in the thick of things, I will freely admit my strengths would serve you better in that role... so yes, I believe I will accept. Still, you won't get rid of me that easily. I fully intend to be there for the dig."

Briar Rose nodded and shrugged. "I figured that much," she looked around curiously. "So... is Blueblood going to be showing up as well? The kid had a pretty good knack for navigating... even if he was a bit of a scaredy-cat."

Fancy Pants frowned. "I don't believe so. The rumor is that he's contracted horn rot... although I suspect that there is more to the story...." he paused, going silent, glancing toward Princess Celestia momentarily. "But in any case, I'm sure your own talents in that area will be more than sufficient, my dear."

Briar Rose glanced at her own flank, at the compass rose cutie mark there, smiling slightly as she recalled how she had gotten it. "I suppose I do alright. In any case, I'll be leading a smaller team to start with. Just myself, the element bearers, and probably half a dozen guards... Celestia certainly doesn't want to take any chances with their welfare. After we've made sure the site is secure, I'll send for the actual dig team. I'll be wanting to bring several of my current archeology students. It'll be good experience for them. I'll get you a list... can you handle putting together the rest of the digging crew?"

Fancy Pants nodded, smiling. "Of course, my dear. It will be just like old times!"

Briar Rose nodded. "You financed some of my most successful digs, Fancy... and the artifacts we recovered were an excellent addition to the Canterlot natural history museum."

Fancy Pants chuckled. "I can't say I made any great sacrifices in the process. I was gratified to add my small part to our culture's history, and my publishing company has made a mint off of selling slightly... more colorful versions of your adventures."

Briar Rose winced. "Yeah... that part I could have done without."

Fancy Pants smiled at her. "But my dear, you do make the most excellent heroine! Why, I hear that they have plans to turn one of your stories into one of those newfangled motion pictures!" He winked conspiratorially. "Naturally, I purchased a large share in the studio producing it."

Rose rolled her eyes. "Naturally," she closed her eyes for a moment, then sighed before focusing on the wealthy stallion once again. "Well, I'm going to see if I can't figure out the rest of my initial team. I'll let you handle the rest on this end."

Fancy Pants nodded with a smile. "You can count on me, my dear."

Nodding at him again, Briar Rose started across the courtyard, heading for the bunch of guards, then paused, turning toward the large group filling the southern end of the airy space. "You two..." she said firmly, pointing at the pair of Wonderbolts standing idly in the midst of the others. "Come with me."

Spitfire and Soarn' grinned and flew up and over the crowd to land at her side with an effortless grace. "Can we help you, Professor?"

Briar Rose nodded as she started walking toward the guards. "I could use some good fliers. We'll need pretty regular supply and message runs, especially once we bring the main group of diggers in, and from what I've heard, you Wonderbolts are some of the best. And I believe you both also have military training?"

Spitfire nodded. "Most of the bolts do," she grinned cockily. "I take it we're in, then?"

Briar Rose nodded curtly. "Yeah... although I'm curious why you two volunteered?"

Spitfire hesitated, then glanced at Soarn' before answering. "We know some of the ponies involved. You know about Rainbow Dash?"

Briar Rose raised an eyebrow. "You mean the Element of Loyalty? Winner of the Best Young Flier's competition last year? Yeah, I know about her. She saved several of you during that competition as well, didn't she?"

Spitfire chuckled wryly. "I'll admit, saving a unicorn from falling to her death seemed a whole lot easier in theory than in practice. You know how every Pegasus learns how to keep still and not thrash around when being rescued from falling? Obviously most unicorns don't receive the same training, but that didn't really occur to us at the time. She knocked all of us out in less than a second... not that I blame her for panicking. It had to be terrifying, especially for somepony born without wings. Rainbow Dash saved all of us," she looked thoughtful. "She's a great flier... but there's more to her than that. Sure, we went after her friend without thinking because it's what we're trained to do, but she saved us because it's what she IS. I don't think she could have done anything else. I think she pulled off that Sonic Rainboom simply because she couldn't fail a friend."

Briar Rose looked thoughtful. "Makes sense. So you want to come along to pay her back for saving your lives?"

Spitfire glanced at Soarn' again. "Well... that, and interesting things seem to happen around her... and her friends, you know? I kinda want to be there this time... just to see what happens."

Briar Rose chuckled. "Fair enough," the three pegasi stopped in front of the contingent of Royal Guards that had gathered. There were a sprinkling of others as well, strong looking Earth Ponies, and a trio of unicorns with magic related cutie marks that Rose guessed were probably from Celestia's school for gifted unicorns.

"Well now... I'm only going to need six of you," Briar Rose began. "Let me tell you what I'm looking for here. We're going into the Everfree forest... into the darkest heart of the wildest part of modern day Equestria. We're talking manticores, Hydra, cockatrice, even a rogue dragon or two, from all reports... but you boys are trained for that sort of thing. No, the real issue is who you're protecting, and how I want you to do it. First, you've got the element bearers... they're civilians, but worse, they're heroes. They're not going to sit still for being ordered around, even for their own protection. They'll think they can handle themselves... and they might even be right, given the stories, but it's still your job to keep them safe. So you're going to have to be diplomatic. Keep your eyes on them, but don't make them feel like they're being smothered... or they're likely to do something stupid just to prove they can."

Briar Rose couldn't help but grin at the disgruntled looks on the majority of the guard's faces. "Trust me boys, I'm speaking from experience here. Second, you're going to be dealing with a host of archaeology students... probably some professors from the university as well, once the dig is under way. The students will listen to you, because I'll tell them to, but none of them have been on a real dig before, certainly not in hostile territory. They'll be anything but predictable. Some of them will probably panic at the first sign of danger, others will end up doing something stupid trying to show off... they're kids, even if they're full grown, they're going to be a handful. The professors will be worse. If you can get them to pay attention at all, they'll get so absorbed in whatever they're doing that they'll miss anything dangerous unless it's right in their face... and they won't want to take orders," Rose shrugged. "so that's what you're in for. I'm going to want a mix... a couple pegasi and a couple unicorns at least, but aside from that, I need guards who can handle their charges diplomatically, and still keep them safe."

The gathered guards were muttering and exchanging glances, but a pair of unicorns wearing officer armor stepped forward without hesitation. "We're coming," the one on the right said confidently. "We've both been on the Princesses personal detail, and that takes diplomacy. We know the bearers as well... worked with them, in fact."

Briar Rose raised an eyebrow. "Have you now? What are your names?"

The unicorn on the left spoke up. "I'm Captain Bright Lance, and my partner is Sergeant Shining Spear. The bearers can be a handful, but you can count on them in a pinch, from my experience. I don't anticipate any problems from that angle."

Briar Rose nodded slowly. "Well, I'll leave handling them to you then. Can you pick me out four more guards that you'd trust for this assignment, then?"

Bright Lance nodded firmly. "No problem, Ma'am. I've got just the ponies in mind."

Briar Rose smiled faintly. "Alright then. I'll leave you in charge of our security detail, if you're feeling up to it?"

Bright Lance saluted smartly. "At your service, Miss Rose."

Briar Rose nodded at him, then glanced at the pair of Wonderbolts with her. "Why don't you two assist the Captain with the details," she suggested. "I'll see you all the day after tomorrow... eight am sharp. Be ready to head out," all four of them gave her a quick salute, and she turned to go. As she headed for the door, she passed Princess Celestia, who had been watching patiently.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" the celestial princess remarked quietly.

"That's what's worrying me," Briar Rose muttered as she walked on past. "I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop."

"I'm sure everything will turn out fine." Princess Celestia commented cheerfully, turning to walk alongside the old archaeologist. "Besides," she said with a wink. "What could possibly go wrong?"

Briar Rose winced. "Damn it Celestia...." she hissed under her breath. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

The last thing the gathered crowd heard as their princess exited the inner courtyard was Celestia's tinkling laughter.


"Pinkie!" Mrs. Cake rushed into the kitchen for the second time that morning and quickly opened the oven, wincing backwards at the cloud of black smoke. "That's the second batch of cupcakes you've burned this morning!" the older mare turned to Pinkie with a concerned frown. "Are you sure you're feeling alright, dear? I can't remember the last time you overcooked... well... anything!"

Pinkie chewed on her lip. "I'm sorry Mrs. Cake... I keep forgetting I don't have my..." she blinked, then pantomimed zipping her lip, going silent for several moments before speaking up again. "Oops... I nearly forgot, that's a secret!"

Mrs. Cake looked confused. "What's a secret, Pinkie?"

Pinkie giggled at her. "I can't tell you, silly, it's a secret!" Pinkie sobered after a moment, then asked her seriously. "But I guess I'm going to have to take drastic measures if I'm going to help you with the big order today in time."

Mrs. Cake paled as she tried to imagine what the hyperactive pink pony could possibly consider to be drastic. "And... um... what would that be?"

Pinkie sighed, then nodded firmly, as if making up her mind. "Mrs. Cake, I'm going to have to use the baking timer. Where do you keep it?"

The older mare blinked, and looked like she was going to ask a question, but shook her head and simply answered. "It's in the third drawer to the left of the oven, dear, right where we always keep it."

Pinkie nodded, looking distracted, as if she was thinking hard. "One more question... how long are you supposed to leave cupcakes in the oven?"


"So apparently you are supposed to leave cupcakes in for around twenty minutes..." Pinkie finished explaining to Twilight Sparkle several hours later. "At three hundred and fifty degrees! Isn't that interesting?"

Twilight, who had been only paying half-hearted attention as she studied a complicated thaumic equation on her blackboard, frowned and turned to her friend. "Wait... you're great at making cupcakes. Why didn't you know that?"

Pinkie hesitated before answering. "Well... apparently knowing when cupcakes are done is also something my Pinkie sense does. I kind of forgot about that part. I had to learn how to do it the way Mrs. Cake does today. Luckily we still managed to finish the order in time."

Twilight sighed. "I see. I guess that confirms it. Changing you back into an Earth Pony using Applejack for a template didn't give you your Pinkie Sense back."

Pinkie patted the unicorn mage on her shoulder. "That's alright, Twilight. I'm sure you'll figure it out. Besides, I did figure out how to cook cupcakes without my Pinkie sense, so no harm done, right?"

Twilight frowned. "Still, you shouldn't have had to...." she sighed. "It's just... I'm stuck on trying to figure out how to get you your Pinkie sense back. If we knew somepony else who could do what you do, I could use them as a template, but I don't know anypony who has a sixth sense like yours..." she blinked. "Pinkie, how about your family? Does anypony in your family have your abilities?"

Pinkie blinked. "I don't think so... my Granny Pie always told me I was one of a kind!"

Twilight looked a bit upset, but tried to force a smile. "You are certainly unique, Pinkie. I'll just have to keep looking. I'm sure I can figure out something."

Pinkie gave her a spontaneous hug. "I believe in you, Twilight. You're the most magical unicorn ever, and you can do anything you put your mind to. I know you can do it!"

Twilight found herself smiling despite herself. "You honestly believe that, don't you."

Pinkie shrugged. "Well, duh. Why wouldn't I believe in you, Twilight? You're my friend."

Twilight hugged Pinkie back, hard. "You're my friend too, Pinkie, and I will figure out something. I don't know how, but I'll figure out something, I promise."

Pinkie beamed at her. "That's the spirit!" she started bouncing away. "I'm going to go learn how to applebuck from Applejack now, Twilight. I might as well put my Apple family super powers to good use while I have them, right?"

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Um... I'm not sure that applebucking qualifies as a super power, Pinkie...."

Pinkie giggled. "Sure it is! It's a super power that gets you super delicious apples! What isn't super about that?"

Twilight chuckled. "That does sound pretty super. Have fun applebucking, Pinkie."

"I will!" Pinkie declared as she bounced out the library door. "Don't work too hard, Twilight!"

Twilight turned back to her blackboard, and levitated up a blackboard eraser to wipe out a large section from one of her formulas. "I'll try..." she muttered quietly to herself. "But I'm not making a Pinkie promise about it."


While Cheerilee was at school that day, Johnathon was left at home with Radiant Song. "So..." Cheerilee's mother began, looking curious. "What do you have planned for today?"

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "Well, actually, I was planning on putting together the tools I'll be needing for the upcoming dig," he told her. "I've had a few things commissioned. There are a surprising amount of tools that ponies use that I could adapt for my own purpose, but at the same time, I do want some more delicate pieces for fine detail work, and I should be able to pick most of those up today."

Radiant Song nodded absently, paying partial attention but looking a bit distracted. "Yes... the right tools are important, I suppose."

"Is something on your mind, Mrs. Song?" Johnathon asked quietly.

"Hmm?" Radiant Song hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Yes... I suppose it's a bit early to worry about it, but I was wondering about... well, about my prospective grandfoals. About what they might be like..." she smiled at him sheepishly. "I've dreamed of having some lovely grandfoals to spoil for quite a while, you see. I'm just a bit..." she trailed off, looking for the right word, then shook her head. "well, uncertain, I suppose about what... human children will be like."

Johnathon blinked, then nodded. "Oh, well, I can tell you something about that subject, if you'd like."

Radiant Song smiled. "That would be lovely."

The man started to explain what he knew about human biology in regards to childbirth, babies, and young children, and Radiant Song listened patiently, nodding along when he paused to let him know she was paying attention, but it was obvious she was still somewhat distracted.

"It's just... your children. They'll be the only human children in Equestria..." Radiant Song broke in finally. "And what about when they grow up? There won't be anypony like them... except for you and Cheerilee, at least. I'd think that might be a lonely way of growing up, don't you?"

Johnathon was silent for almost a minute, his face a mask, before he sighed and nodded. "You're probably right. I suppose I've been trying not to think about all the problems we'll face... I tell myself we'll figure it all out, sooner or later, but of course there is no such guarantee," he looked out the window thoughtfully. "On the other hand, Equestria... and in particular, Ponyville, is a very good place to raise a family. It's quiet... peaceful...." he scratched his nose. "Well... it's a very family friendly sort of place, anyway. Peaceful might be stretching the truth a bit. I've been welcomed and accepted here, and I expect any children I might have would be treated with equal kindness and generosity."

Radiant Song nodded with a small smile. "I have to agree on that point, at least. Ponyville is a wonderful place to raise a child. My husband and I decided to move back here when we found out that I was pregnant, and Cheerilee was born here. We moved back to Baltimare with her when she was a teenager, but when she was old enough to make her own decisions, Cheerilee chose to come back. I can't really blame her. It's a wonderful place. The ponies here are very welcoming and friendly."

Johnathon smiled. "There were quite a few ponies that were quite frightened of me when I first arrived... but they grew to accept me... to treat me as one of their own, almost, in a matter of weeks. I'd be hard pressed to find as nice a place back on my world."

"What about when they grow up?" Radiant Song asked quietly. "When they want to find mates of their own?"

Johnathon nodded. "Yeah... that'll be... interesting. I suppose, if any kids Cheerilee and I have want kids of their own, some magic would have to be involved...." he shrugged helplessly. "I know... it'd be easier... a lot easier if I became a pony. That way, our kids would be ponies too, and there would be nothing to worry about, right?"

Radiant Song looked a bit guilty, but nodded. "I didn't want to point that out quite so bluntly, but yes... it would make things easier," she hesitated before continuing. "Miss Sparkle... could she truly transform you into a pony?"

Johnathon sighed. "Probably. Perhaps not completely, but... close enough, I'd wager."

Radiant Song looked at him for a moment, then shook her head. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have brought it up. I know you didn't ask my daughter to change for you, and I can't imagine what it must feel like to contemplate giving up your... well, your identity like that."

Johnathon nodded. "Cheerilee could probably tell you more than I could about that. She's been amazing. I... I don't deserve anypony like her, I'm quite certain of that."

Radiant Song chuckled. "Well, that's not up to you, is it?" when Johnathon looked at her questioningly she continued. "My daughter has always been one to make her own choices. She chose to become human... to stay human. Most importantly, she chose you. I don't think she made a bad choice, just a difficult one."

Johnathon sighed. "I just wish I'd have had the courage to make the same choice first."

Radiant Song raised an eyebrow. "Would you be willing to make that change for my daughter? To become a pony?"

Johnathon hesitated, then shook his head. "I don't know. I know I'd try it... if she asked, but I also know she'd never ask. In a way, I wish I'd been the one who drank that love potion...."

Cheerilee's mother's eyes went wide. "Love potion? What love potion?"

Johnathon winced. "Er... I guess Cheerilee hadn't mentioned that part to you?"

Radiant Song glared at him. "No. Are you telling me that my baby fell in love with you because of a love potion?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, sort of. She drank one, and I was the first pony... er... person, she saw after that. The potion made her insanely in love with me. But it only was an hour or so before she was cured. The potion's effects weren't permanent or anything."

Radiant Song didn't look convinced. "My daughter is in love with you. That much is obvious. She gave up being a pony for you! What makes you think that this potion didn't have something to do about it?"

Johnathon winced, then shook his head. "No... it's not the potion! Cheerilee and I... we were already the best of friends. Maybe the potion shook things up... got us to take another look at each other, but there was a lot more to it than that."

Radiant Song frowned at him, then sighed, visibly calming as she slowly nodded. "You're probably right... but I suppose I can understand why my daughter neglected to mention the potion... or her turning herself human in her letters to me."

Johnathon nodded back. "Yeah... they're really part of the same story, actually. It was while Cheerilee was under the influence of the potion that she convinced Twilight Sparkle to change her. I'm told she was very convincing... anyway, when the potion wore off, Cheerilee didn't remember anything she had done while under it's influence, and was very surprised to find herself a different species... but she handled it really well."

Radiant Song's eyes were wide. "She just... woke up and found herself human? With no idea why she was one? I can't imagine what that must have been like. I expect I'd have panicked..."

Johnathon chuckled. "I imagine, in a similar position, I'd have probably run around screaming until somepony was kind enough to knock me out, or I ran into a wall...."

Radiant Song smiled and shook her head. "I'd probably do much the same."

Johnathon looked at her with a warm smile. "You're being kind... but I get the impression that Cheerilee got a lot of her strength from you. I don't know any other pony who would have dealt with the situation as calmly as she did."

Radiant Song looked thoughtful. "There's a lot of her father in her as well. He was always good at handling difficult situations. I never thought she'd have do deal with quite so much, however. I thought, being a school teacher in a small town would be a quiet life!"

Johnathon laughed at that. "I take it you've never met the Cutie Mark Crusaders then?"

After Johnathon explained a bit about the infamous trio of fillies, and Radiant Song had laughed over some of their more entertaining exploits, Cheerilee's mother paused, looking thoughtful.

"You said something earlier. You wished that you had been the one to drink that love potion," Radiant Song began, looking curious. "Why?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... it's kind of difficult to explain."

Radiant Song smiled and shrugged. "Why don't you try? I'm a good listener."

Johnathon chuckled lightly. "That's something else your daughter shares with you," he paused. "Alright. I suppose I can try and put my thoughts into words," he looked out the kitchen window again, out to the road that lead to the Ponyville elementary school. "The love potion made Cheerilee desperately in love with me. Crazy in love. She would have done anything... anything to be with me. She had Twilight change her into a human. Afterwards, Cheerilee couldn't change back right away. Twilight didn't know how to undo the transformation, and while she's been working on it very hard ever since, Cheerilee didn't have any choice about staying human, at least for awhile."

Radiant Song frowned. "So my daughter's stuck like that? I thought you said being human was her choice?"

Johnathon shook his head. "She's not stuck anymore. Twilight has pretty much gotten the transformation spell worked out by now. She could return your daughter to pony form... but Cheerilee chose to stay human instead. The thing is... if it wasn't for that potion, Cheerilee wouldn't be human. I'm not saying I'm unhappy about that... but...."

Radiant Song looked sympathetic. "You wish she'd chosen to do so herself, and not while under magical influence."

Johnathon nodded firmly. "Yes..." he frowned. "But it's more than that. I feel like... I've failed her somehow, by letting her do this for me. If I had been the one who had drunk the love potion, it's very possible I'd have asked Twilight to change me into a pony. I'd have been the one stuck... I'd have to have gotten used to it... and... I'd like to think I'd make the same choice Cheerilee has already made, to remain a pony," he blinked. "I mean, to remain the same species as her... like she did for me."

Radiant Song looked a bit confused. "I'm not sure I'm following. Do you want to be a pony?"

Johnathon sighed. "No. I'm not going to lie about it. I like being... well, me. I like having hands... I can't imagine living without them," he winced. "OK, I can imagine it, and the idea really scares me."

Radiant Song shook her head. "I don't understand. If you don't want to be a pony, why do you wish you'd been the one to drink that potion and have Twilight Sparkle change you? Wouldn't you be unhappy?"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "If I had been stuck as a pony... the way Cheerilee was, I'd like to think I'd have adapted, like she has. Maybe I wouldn't have handled it as well as Cheerilee, but it's one thing to wake up and find yourself changed... it's another entirely to contemplate making that choice deliberately."

Radiant Song looked thoughtful, and picked up her cup to sip the tea she had prepared earlier. It had gotten cold, but she didn't bother going to heat it up, only sipping the cool beverage slowly as she sat in thought.

"I understand," she finally said. "You don't like feeling like she's the one making all the sacrifices in your relationship. There's a certain satisfaction being the one to make the big, romantic gesture, in sacrificing of yourself for the one you love."

Johnathon winced. "I guess that makes me kind of selfish, if you think about it."

Radiant Song shook her head. "Just... normal. Anypony might feel the same in your position. I expect that if you talked to Cheerilee about it, she'd understand how you're feeling too."

Johnathon sighed and nodded. "I'm sure she would. It wouldn't change anything though. She's gotten used to being human by now. Even if she would prefer to be a pony again, she won't consider it, because that would mean I'd have to go through what she did. She wouldn't consider letting me do that, not when she knows how I feel about changing."

Radiant Song smiled. "No, I suppose she wouldn't."

Johnathon frowned. "I... I want her to know how much I love her. And I don't want her to think it's just because she changed herself for me. I want to even things out between us somehow."

Radiant Song shook her head sadly. "Life is rarely fair, and you can't always make things perfect. Sometimes you just have to learn to live with the imperfections."

Johnathon frowned. "I know that. Hell, I've lived long enough to have learned that the hard way a dozen times and more... but...." he shook his head. "I also know that if you want something bad enough, there almost always is a way, if you're willing to pay the price, anyway."

Radiant Song frowned. "What are you thinking?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Just... just an errant thought," he shook his head. "Never mind. I'm just... a bit frustrated, I guess."

The older mare raised an eyebrow, but apparently decided not to question him further, when Johnathon stood up, a resolved expression on his face. "I'm sorry, but I really should get going. Lots to do today, after all."

Radiant Song nodded absently. "That's fine, I don't want to disrupt your schedule. I'll wait here for Cheerilee to get home. Perhaps I'll fix you two dinner while I'm here?" she paused in thought. "Hmm... I haven't cooked for any omnivores in years. I'll have to do some shopping."

Johnathon blinked, stopping halfway out the door. "You've cooked for one before?"

Radiant Song nodded, smiling at him. "Oh certainly. There are a number of Griffins in the Baltimare academy of arts. We had a few over for dinner once. It was rather fascinating, actually."

The human's eyes widened slightly in surprise, then he smiled. "You'll have to tell me all about it at dinner," his eyes grew distant, as if he was thinking about something else, and he frowned slightly before concealing it with another smile. "I'm looking forward to dinner!"

Radiant Song frowned as the man left, closing the door behind him. "Something's wrong... if I didn't know better, I would think..." she shook her head. "Of course not... that would be silly. He wouldn't do anything so rash..." she trailed off, looking worried. "He wouldn't, would he?" Radiant Song sighed and headed for the door to follow Johnathon. "I'd better make sure he's not going to do something stupid."


"No." Twilight Sparkle said with a frown. "Johnathon, you're not thinking straight. I know how you must feel, but...."

"You've got to do it." He pleaded, his face stricken. "I can't let her do this for me... not without knowing what it is she's had to go through for myself."

Twilight sighed. "Johnathon... you don't have to prove anything to anypony. She knows that you love her. I think everypony with eyes can see that. This isn't going to help anything."

The man went down on one knee. "Twilight... I know it's a lot to ask... but I'm absolutely committed to this. I have to see this through. Not just for Cheerilee, for me. I need to do this for my own peace of mind."

Twilight looked torn. "Johnathon... permanent transformation spells... especially Stranghorn's spell... they're just too risky. I've made too many mistakes already. I never should have agreed to transform Cheerilee in the first place. I shouldn't have even considered experimenting on my friends. Rarity is alright, but Pinkie may never get her Pinkie sense back! I have no idea even how to go about restoring it! Not to mention I very nearly destroyed the world!"

Johnathon blinked. "Destroyed the world?"

Twilight grimaced. "I drained Princess Celestia of her magic, remember? What if I'd gone too far and killed her... what if the backlash had killed me? Then it'd have been up to Princess Luna to raise both the Sun and the Moon, and she's still getting her strength back after the Elements of Harmony purged her of Nightmare Moon. I don't know if she'd be able to manage alone! I... I could have caused eternal night again!" There was a startled little sound from behind Johnathon, and they both turned to look.

Radiant Song winced, looking both apologetic and more than a little frightened. "I'm sorry... the door was open. Should I... er... come back later?"

Chapter 30

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Twilight's eyes were wide, and she put a hoof over her mouth with a startled squeak. Johnathon glanced from one mare to the other, realizing that neither was in any condition to speak, and turned to Radiant Song. "Mrs. Song. Were you looking for me?"

Radiant Song hesitated, tearing her eyes away from Twilight Sparkle with what appeared to be an act of will. "Er... yes, yes, I was looking for you, Johnathon, and I'm glad I did. Are you really planning on having Twilight Sparkle turn you into a pony?"

Johnathon hesitated, blushing. "Er... yeah," he admitted. "I suppose it wasn't too hard to figure that out, with what we were talking about earlier," he frowned as his face grew determined. "But that's not important. I take it you overheard what Twilight and I were talking about?"

Radiant Song hunched down slightly, glancing at Twilight with obvious trepidation. "I... I didn't hear... I mean, I'm sure I must have misheard," she started backing for the door. "I promise I won't tell anypony... just... just don't...."

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, then closed it, frowning, trying to find the right words. "Wait! Mrs... Song?" she glanced at Johnathon in confusion. "You know Johnathon? Who...?"

Johnathon stepped toward the older mare, smiling gently. "Mrs. Song is Cheerilee's mother, Twilight. She's come to visit for a few days," he crouched down to get closer to Radiant Song's eye level, and caught her gaze. "I expect what you heard sounded pretty bad... but nothing bad actually happened. Twilight just tends to worry a bit too much. No pony was hurt, and everything turned out all right."

Radiant Song hesitated, still looking a bit worried. "It all sounded very... frightening, but... I couldn't have heard that right, could I? I mean... Princess Celestia is fine, isn't she?"

Johnathon nodded reassuringly. "The Princess is just fine. Twilight was talking about an incident when she was performing a new spell for the Princess, and things didn't go quite as planned. But everything turned out fine, better than fine in fact. That's how Twilight discovered how to turn herself into an alicorn, so she could give Princess Celestia some well deserved time off," he smiled brightly at Radiant Song. "Cheerilee could tell you about it. She was there with us for a lot of it."

Radiant Song blinked, startled by that. "Cheerilee? My Cheerilee was... with the Princess, in Canterlot? Helping with some sort of magical spell?"

Johnathon nodded calmly. "Yes. Just about everypony involved was a bit... well, concerned at the time, but like I said, everything worked out. Cheerilee and I knew about it because the magic Twilight has been researching recently has been in order to figure a way to get me back home."

Radiant Song blinked at that. "But... you're not going home... right? You've decided to stay here with my daughter, haven't you?"

Johnathon nodded quickly. "Yes. But at the time, I hadn't made up my mind to stay yet."

Radiant Song frowned. "This is all very confusing, Mister Dwire, but I suppose I'll just have to trust you on the matter," she glared at him. "But I won't hear of you changing yourself into a pony on a whim like this! Cheerilee would never forgive me if you did so because of something I said!"

Johnathon shook his head. "It wasn't you, Mrs. Song. I've been thinking about this for a while now. Our conversation just... crystallized my thoughts. I realized what I really wanted."

Radiant Song frowned. "And what you really want is to become a pony?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well...."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "I think what you really want is to show Cheerilee that you'd do anything for her. To make a foolish romantic gesture so that she knows that you love her just as much as she loves you."

Johnathon grimaced. "When you put it that way...."

Radiant Song's face softened, and she leaned forward to put a hoof on his shoulder. "I think your heart is in the right place, but I also know that Cheerilee would not want you to make such a drastic choice without her. I think you should at least talk this over with her first."

Johnathon shook his head. "She won't agree to it... she doesn't want me to change myself, especially now that she's gotten used to her own transformation. I just... I just want to give her the option of becoming a pony again. The way things are, she feels like the only right thing to do is to stay human, but it's not that simple."

Radiant Song smiled sadly at him. "I don't suppose it is very simple at that. Nevertheless, I know my daughter. She wouldn't appreciate you doing this behind her back."

Twilight cleared her throat. "I think Mrs. Song is right, Johnathon. You should talk this over with Cheerilee first. Besides, with everything I've learned about transformation magic, I'm still not ready to transform you, or any non-pony, into a pony permanently and safely. I could change you physically, but I couldn't give you the magical abilities that all ponies possess. I'm starting to figure out how... intrinsic magic is to all ponies. But humans... humans just don't seem to have the same sort of magical energies we do. I don't know how to give you pony magic, Johnathon. Not without taking it from somepony else, and obviously...."

Johnathon winced. "Obviously that's out of the question," he hesitated. "Still, even without magic, would it matter that much? I mean... if you turned me into an earth pony, maybe I wouldn't have earth pony strength or endurance, but I don't really need them...."

Twilight frowned slightly. "There is more to it than that, Johnathon, or at least, I believe so," she hesitated. "What we really need is a test...." her eyes brightened. "In fact, that's perfect! I've been so busy trying to perfect Strangehorn's permanent transformation spell, that I nearly forgot that I can do temporary transformations too!"

Johnathon blinked. "Temporary?"

Twilight nodded. "I could transform you into an Earth pony temporarily. Say, for half a day or so. Longer if I put more energy into it. That way you could, well... walk in our horseshoes for a while... and I could find out what exactly is part of our physical form, and what is part of our innate magical powers."

Johnathon thought about it. "Well... OK then. Can you do that? Today?"

Twilight hesitated, then nodded firmly. "Yes. Yes I can," she wrinkled her nose, then looked at him with a questioning expression. "Um... if I do, could you stick around for a while so I can run some tests? This will be my first real non-pony to pony transformation."

Johnathon smiled. "I'll be glad to stick around as long as you need, Twilight. You're doing this for my sake, after all."

"Not entirely," Twilight corrected. "I've already added a considerable amount to what we know about transformation magic, and about the permanent binding effect used by Strangehorn. Once I have all the bugs worked out, this could revolutionize pony society! Especially the binding effect. If we could work out how to safely bind permanent spell effects... well, I know I'm still a long way away from that, but I'm really excited about the possibilities!"

Johnathon grinned at her. "It is quite exciting, and I'd be happy to help with your experiments, even if it wasn't something I wanted for myself. So... shall we begin?"

Twilight nodded. "I'm ready. I've practiced this particular spell enough to have it down... the only real change will be changing a non-pony into a pony... but if I'm going for a purely physical transformation, that won't be a problem."

Johnathon hesitated. "So... will you need an earth pony to use as a template?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, not for this. In theory, if I did use an Earth pony as a template, I could transform you fully, magically and physically, but in the process I'd also drain the extra magical energy required from the template... which makes that a very bad idea."

Radiant Song's eyes were wide. "Should I... er... leave the room?"

Twilight smiled reassuringly. "Oh no, you don't have to worry. If I don't add you to the spell matrix, you won't be at any risk."

Radiant Song opened her mouth to protest, then wilted. "Ah. Well then... I suppose I will stay and watch...."

Twilight smiled. "It may get a bit bright, but this should be quite fascinating!" she turned to Johnathon. "Are you ready? I can begin anytime you like."

Johnathon hesitated, glancing down at himself. "Hmm... should I change clothes? I don't want to ruin what I'm wearing."

Twilight blinked at that, then looked thoughtful. "Hmm. I suppose a pony stallion is a bit larger through the barrel than you are, Johnathon... in fact, your clothing isn't proportioned right at all for a stallion... maybe you should get undressed."

The human blushed slightly. "Er... right. Ponies don't usually wear clothes. I guess that'll be one more thing to get used to."

"It's just for the day." Twilight said with a calming expression. "Although I could get you something to wear when you're a stallion if it'd make you feel better?"

Johnathon hesitated, then shook his head, sighing slightly. "No... I might as well have the full experience. Just... um...." he glanced at Radiant Song, looking sheepish. "You're probably going to think this is strange, but could you turn around or something until Twilight finishes transforming me?"

Radiant Song raised an eyebrow, then chuckled. "Oh yes... your human nudity taboo! Cheerilee mentioned it in her letters," she smiled and shook her head. "I don't mind dear. In fact, why don't I just go. I'll get dinner ready... and let Cheerilee know where you are, so she doesn't worry, alright?"

Johnathon hesitated, then nodded. "Very well. Go ahead and tell her what I'm doing as well, and let her know it's not permanent. I don't want her to get upset at either of us."

Radiant Song wrinkled her nose. "Well... seeing as this isn't going to be permanent... I don't think she'll be too upset. But you really should talk to her about all this."

Johnathon sighed and nodded. "I will, Mrs. Song."

Radiant Song smiled and left, and Twilight turned to Johnathon. "Well then... shall we do this?"

Johnathon took a deep breath and nodded, then started to unbutton his shirt. "I guess I should get undressed first."

Twilight nodded absently, then blinked. "Oh! I should get my camera! I've been wanting pictures of male human anatomy for a while now!"

Johnathon rolled his eyes and sighed. "Of course you have."

After enduring half a dozen rather explicit photos 'for science', Johnathon stood patiently, trying not to blush, while Twilight concentrated, her horn lighting up the room as she prepared to cast her spell.

"Just hold still..." Twilight warned, then fired the spell at him.

Johnathon was blinded by the magic for several long moments, and even after he could see again, he kept his eyes shut at first, trying to adjust his balance. He felt strange... and yet, if he forced himself still, he could feel his body automatically adjusting, keeping him upright almost without conscious thought. He could feel all four limbs touching the floor of Twilight's library, which was both odd and strangely comfortable at the same time. He had been standing upright on two limbs only moments before, but being on all fours was less odd than he had expected it to feel. He opened his eyes finally, and found Twilight only inches away, staring at him intently. He startled backwards and fell onto his rump awkwardly.

"Oops!" Twilight said, looking apologetic. "Sorry... I didn't mean to startle you," she looked him up and down appraisingly. "Are you feeling alright?"

Johnathon hesitated as he took stock. "I feel... shorter," he finally replied. "But... I'm fine. I'm not in any pain, anyway."

Twilight smiled, then started to circle him, examining him from all angles. "Well, you LOOK fine..." she blushed. "I mean, you appear to be a perfectly healthy Earth pony stallion," she continued circling slowly. "Slightly above average height... excellent muscle definition... brown coat, black mane and tail..." she blinked. "Rather unusual coloring... but not too far outside the norm," she circled around to stop in front of him and looked at his chin. "You appear to be about my father's age... your muzzle is showing a bit of grey."

Johnathon grinned. "That's probably about right. My hair was starting to go gray at the temples as well," he stood up, awkwardly at first, then closed his eyes. "Give me a second... from what Cheerilee went through, this will be easier if I don't try and think about it too much," he opened his eyes and started to walk, slowly but surely, in a circle around Twilight.

Twilight beamed. "That's very good, Johnathon! It took me over an hour to be able to walk on two legs without falling!"

Johnathon shrugged. "Humans are able to crawl on four limbs at a very early age. I imagine it's easier than two... no offense meant."

Twilight chuckled. "None taken. Bipedal locomotion does seem to be quite a bit more complex in practice."

Johnathon took a deep breath, glancing down at his front hooves, and shivered. "I'm glad it's not too hard to walk... this is going to be hard enough as it is...."

Twilight moved up next to him, looking a bit concerned. "Is it the lack of clothing? Are you sure you don't want me to get you something to wear?"

Johnathon shook his head. "No... no, that's not a big deal. I do feel a little... well, exposed, but... it's nothing serious. No, it's more along the lines about missing my hands. Honestly, I think that's going to be the hard part. Still, this is only for a day, right?"

Twilight nodded. "Approximately. I put in as much energy into the temporary transformation as I could without overly exhausting myself... seeing as that I still want to run some tests, so I estimate the spell will last a minimum of twenty four hours. It could last as long as thirty six... perhaps a bit longer, but I don't think so."

Johnathon blinked. "You aren't sure?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, I'm sorry. When I used that translation spell on you, back when we first met, I put in a precisely calculated amount of energy, and the spell's instructions were quite clear on how to extend the duration of the magic... but on more difficult spells like this one, it's sometimes hard to precisely regulate how much energy I put into them."

Johnathon nodded. "Alright. Twenty four to thirty six hours. I can deal with that," he blinked, then glanced back at his flank, then sniffed in mild disappointment. "Hmm. No cutie mark, I see. I guess that's only to be expected."

Twilight looked apologetic. "I don't think you can even get one like this, Johnathon. That's a magic that's unique to ponies. If I gave you an Earth Pony's magic, you might get a cutie mark over time... although I'm not sure how it would work for an adult who's already found their special talent."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, it's not all that important, I guess."

Twilight frowned. "I'm not so sure. I mean, I've never heard of a pony your age without a cutie mark. Anypony you meet will notice. You'll get a lot of questions."

Johnathon grimaced. "Well... that's not all that different from what Cheerilee has had to deal with since she transformed. It's just one more thing to deal with. Besides, I'm not planning on hiding who I am...."

Twilight winced. "Actually... could you? At least from the ponies in town? If everypony realizes that I can transform anypony really easily, I'll be swamped with requests to transform ponies into things. It's why I asked Rarity and Pinkie Pie to conceal the fact that they had been transformed as well. I really don't want just anypony to know I can do this yet."

Johnathon chuckled, then nodded. "Yeah, I get that. Still... what can we do about it?"

Twilight thought about that. "I could give you an illusionary cutie mark. I've read up about disguise spells since the whole thing with Princess Celestia. It's actually pretty simple... comparatively speaking," she thought about it. "Now then... what cutie mark shall I give you?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Something generic, I guess. It only has to last for a day, right?"

Twilight nodded slowly. "True... but it should be something appropriate... something you really are good at, just in case."

The archeologist blinked. "Just in case what?"

Twilight shook her head. "I don't know... in case something comes up... an emergency or something that would be something somepony with your cutie mark would be helpful to fix?"

Johnathon blinked again. "Oh. That's kind of unlikely, don't you think?"

Twilight frowned. "But... if I give you an hourglass cutie mark, and somepony asks you the time... what if you don't know what time it is? Or if I give you an Apple cutie mark, and you don't know how to buck apples? What then?"

Johnathon chuckled. "An Apple cutie mark might be fun... but I'd expect that anyone from the Apple family might figure out that I'm not a family member pretty quickly," he looked thoughtful. "Well, how about a compass rose, like Daring Do? I'm pretty good at finding my way... it's not my special talent, but I should be able to fake it. Besides, I am an archeologist, so it fits."

Twilight blinked, then nodded. "OK. A direction finding talent is actually pretty common. Prince Blueblood has a compass cutie mark as well, you know?"

Johnathon grimaced. "Oh yeah," he shrugged finally. "Eh... at least there's no chance of being mistaken for him."

Twilight grinned. "Actually, you kind of look like her. Daring Do I mean. Your fur is darker, and your mane isn't mutlicolored, but it's got a little grey in it. You could be her uncle or something, especially if you had the same cutie mark."

Johnathon chuckled. "Except I'm an Earth pony right now, and the fact that she's a fictional character."

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Actually, I heard that she's based upon a real pony. My mother said she met an archeologist pony in Canterlot university that looks just like the pictures on the Daring Do books... although this pony is quite a bit older than the Daring Do in the stories."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Really? Interesting. I wonder if we'll end up meeting her on this dig? Princess Celestia did say she was going to put a team together. I wouldn't be surprised if some ponies from Canterlot University were part of it."

Twilight giggled. "Could you imagine the look on Rainbow Dash's face if she met the real Daring Do?"

Johnathon chuckled. "She'd probably faint," he shrugged. "But what's the chance of that particular professor actually showing up anyway?"


It was several hours later that Cheerilee came into the library, looking more than a little anxious. "Johnathon? Are you here? Mother told me what you were planning. Johnathon? Johnathon!" The schoolteacher raised her voice till she was shouting. "Johnathon!" she called again. "Is any pony here?"

There was a muffled scraping sound from the door leading to the library's basement, and what sounded like a quiet curse in English. The door glowed with magic and opened and a brown earth pony came through, nearly tripping as he crossed the door's threshold, but catching his balance at the last moment.

Cheerilee rushed over to him, somehow knowing immediately who it was. "Johnathon!" she went to her knees, throwing her arms around his neck. "Johnathon... you big silly. You didn't have to do this."

"I didn't have to." He agreed mildly. "But I needed to. I had to at least know what it's been like for you. I've been feeling so guilty, letting you stay transformed for my sake."

Cheerilee shook her head. "I don't mind being human. I've told you that. It almost feels normal by now."

Johnathon pulled away slightly so he could look her in the eyes. "I know it can't have been easy, adapting. I wanted to be able to experience some of that for myself. Even if this is only temporary... I wanted to know a little bit of what you've had to go through for me."

Cheerilee smiled softly. "Not just for you. I did it... stayed like this, for me too," she pushed herself out to arms length and took a good look at him, whistling once. "Oh my... you do make a handsome stallion though. Makes me want to be a pony mare again, if only for a little while."

Johnathon blushed slightly. "I don't know if I'd be up for... er... that. I'm still kind of learning how to move properly."

Cheerilee's eyes twinkled. "I'd be happy to help show you the ropes... just like you showed me. Remember?"

Johnathon started blushing deeper, and from behind him, Twilight Sparkle coughed politely. "Er... hi Cheerilee."

The schoolteacher's face went pink in embarrassment. "Ah... Twilight... you... you heard every word, didn't you."

Twilight blushed slightly as she came into the library to stand next to them. "Afraid so..." she glanced at Johnathon with a slight grin. "Although he does make a rather handsome stallion, doesn't he?"

Cheerilee grinned and nodded. "Mmm hmm. If this fellow had been the one to move into my house all those months ago, all those rumors about the two of us would have been a lot more true."

Johnathon got a thoughtful look on his face. "So, you like the way I look as a pony, hmm?"

Cheerilee nodded, then ruffled his mane fondly. "I like the way you look as a human too... but yes, you make for a very attractive stallion."

Twilight looked interested at that. "Cheerilee, are you actually physically attracted to him as a human? I didn't realize that."

Cheerilee nodded. "Not at first. I did think he was... nicely put together, from an aesthetic point of view, at least, but... well, I've become quite a bit more aware of his looks since you changed me, Twilight. I like the way..." she blushed. "Well, how we fit together." Johnathon was still blushing slightly, but he nuzzled against her with his head, and she hugged him again. "He's very handsome as a stallion, but... I'll be glad when he's back to normal."

Johnathon raised his eyes to her. "Are you sure? Twilight could make this permanent... you could go back to being a pony again, and... well, a lot of things would be easier that way."

Cheerilee was quiet for a long moment. "Perhaps. I do miss being a pony. Not all the time, of course, but sometimes... and I would be happy to be with you, human or pony. I don't think that's going to change," she smiled softly at him. "But I don't think you'd be happy as a pony. I know you too well for that."

Johnathon shrugged. "Lets just... let's give this a try. See how it goes?"

Cheerilee smiled. "Of course. I'll help you figure out being a pony, just like you helped me figuring out being human. But I know you. You're going to want to change back." Johnathon started to protest, and Cheerilee shook her head. "Oh, I know you'd stay like this if I asked you... if you thought I'd be unhappy, but I'm not, Johnathon. I've been happy, being with you," she smiled, and stood, stroking his mane lightly. "Come on... let's go home. You've got until tomorrow before you change back, right?"

Johnathon glanced at Twilight. "Have you done all the tests you need, Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle hesitated, then nodded. "I could think of a few more... but I'd pretty much just be repeating myself. Go on home. If you could come back after you change back, I'd appreciate it... and if you have any problems, let me know. I don't anticipate anything, but..."

Johnathon nodded. "Out of curiosity, should I avoid foods that I wouldn't be able to handle as a human, in case I turn back with... I don't know... a bunch of hay in my stomach?"

Twilight's eyes widened, then she nodded. "That might be a good idea. I hadn't considered that, but that might be an important safety tip for transforming ponies. I'll have to do some tests to see if it's something to be worried about, but it might be a real concern."

Johnathon chuckled. "It's a good thing that Radiant Song is planning on cooking for at least one human tonight... there should be plenty of foods that both a pony and human can eat."

Cheerilee blinked. "Mom's cooking? Wow... she must really like you."

Johnathon looked curious. "Oh? Doesn't she cook often?"

Cheerilee shook her head. "Dad did most of the cooking when I was growing up. Mom's a great cook if she puts her mind to it, but she rarely goes to the trouble," she smiled down at him. "Come on, if mom's cooking, we should get back. We don't want to keep her waiting."

Twilight waved as the oddly matched pair headed for the library exit. "Be careful, OK? Try not to let too many ponies know about Johnathon being a pony right now!"

Cheerilee stopped and looked back at Twilight with a frown on her face. "Did you mention to my mom that this was supposed to be a secret?"

Twilight blinked. "Um... no. I kind of forgot to mention it."

Cheerilee grimaced. "Oh dear," she turned to Johnathon and started to hurry. "We'd better get back quick."

Twilight looked worried. "Oh dear? What does that mean? Cheerilee?" the door closed on her question, and Twilight took a moment to fret. "I've really got to work harder on keeping secrets."


Walking through town with Cheerilee, Johnathon was amused to be getting more attention than Cheerilee herself was. Apparently a new pony in town was more interesting than a human, at least when that human was one of their own.

When they were far enough away from anypony to prevent casual eavesdropping, Johnathon chuckled and shook his head. "Somehow, I think keeping my identity secret is going to be a little more difficult than Twilight expects."

Cheerilee nodded somberly. "Especially since you're walking home with me. Somepony will probably put two and two together."

Johnathon shrugged. "Maybe we should split up? I could take another route home... sneak the last couple blocks?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "I guess that could work. Will you be alright alone? You're still getting used to being a pony, after all."

Johnathon nodded. "I'm probably not up to galloping, but if I keep it slow I can walk alright. I'm sure I can make it home in one piece."

Lyra and Bon Bon were walking towards them, looking curious, and Johnathon excused himself, purposely speaking in a deeper voice than usual. "Well thank you for... explaining, Miss... er... human. I won't take any more of your time."

Lyra glanced at Johnathon then seemed to dismiss the stranger from her head, walking directly up to Cheerilee with a large smile on her face, while Bon Bon paused long enough to watch him walk away and around a corner.

"Hey Cheerilee!" Lyra greeted her enthusiastically. "Has Twilight figured out the counterspell to turn you back into a pony yet?"

Cheerilee blinked at the question. "Not... quite yet, Lyra. Why did you want to know?"

Bon Bon sighed. "Because she wants Twilight to transform her into a human, of course. She's obsessed with those stupid hand things..." she winced and lowered her head apologetically. "No offense meant, Cheerilee. I mean... it's just it's all she ever talks about."

Cheerilee shook her head. "It's alright, Bon Bon," she turned to Lyra. "Hands, huh?"

Lyra nodded fervently. "They're just so... cool!" she gazed at Cheerilee's hands with something close to awe. "They're just so... useful! I could play my lyre so much better... and pick up things, and do all sorts of things with them!"

"You can do all those things with your magic, Lyra!" Bon Bon pointed out, sounding exasperated, like she had made the same argument a dozen times or more already.

"It's not the same..." Lyra said sadly. "Tell her, Cheerilee!"

Cheerilee blinked. "Well... hands are useful, I will admit. I have kind of gotten used to them... but I'm sure that levitation would be pretty cool too," she shook her head. "But there are disadvantages to being human as well. I get cold a lot easier without my fur... and my feet are so soft that I'm always hurting them when I don't wear shoes. I have to duck for a lot of doorways too..."

Bon Bon looked smug. "See? I told you that being a human isn't all that great, Lyra. This obsession of yours is just ridiculous."

Lyra sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I know, Bon Bon. But I still think it'd be pretty neat."

Bon Bon turned back to Cheerilee, and glanced in the direction Johnathon had gone. "Speaking of neat... who was that stallion you were talking to, Cheerilee? He's kind of cute, for an older pony. Is he staying in town?"

Cheerilee hesitated before speaking. "Er... from what he said, he's only going to be in town a day or so. I guess he was curious when he saw me. Not many ponies outside of Ponyville have seen a human before after all."

Bon Bon looked impressed. "And he walked right up to you? Wow.... he must be really brave. If I didn't know who you were, Cheerilee, I'd probably be pretty scared. I remember when Johnathon first came to town. I think just about everypony ran and hid...."

Cheerilee nodded with a small smile. "I remember. Still, ever since Twilight Sparkle came to town, I've started to get used to strange things happening."

Bon Bon frowned, looking torn. "I don't know... Twilight is... well, she's great and all. She's the Princess's protege, and she's super powerful and all that, but... don't you think it's gotten a bit TOO wild here since she's arrived?"

Lyra grinned and socked Bon Bon lightly in the shoulder with a forehoof. "I think it's fun. Ponyville was so boring before she showed up, you know? Except for Pinkie, of course... hard to be bored with Pinkie around."


Johnathon had gotten three quarters of the way to his and Cheerilee's house. He had managed, as far as he could tell, to get out of sight of the ponies on the street, and was moving stealthily from building to building toward their home when a hyperactive pink pony bounced directly into his path with a huge smile on her face.

"HI! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name? Are you new in town? Of course you're new in town because I've never seen you before and I know everypony in town and I mean everypony! Welcome to Ponyville, by the way! Are you trying to be all ninja pony, because you're sneaking around like a ninja pony, and I wondered if you were trying to play a prank on somepony... which means you must know somepony here in Ponyville, unless somepony hired you to sneak up and do a prank on somepony, but if there was a paid pranking service I'd know about it because that would be really cool and I'd probably want to work there... unless it's a secret spy pranking organization bent on world conquest! But that would just be silly!"

Johnathon sat back on his hind legs and waited for Pinkie to slow down a bit. "Well... hi, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie gasped. "Wow! You know my name! Oh wait, I just told you my name, what's your name?" she blinked. "Oh yeah, I already asked you that and I've been talking ever since which is probably why you haven't told me your name yet because you can't get a word in edgewise and maybe I should stop talking for a bit...."

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, I'll tell you my name, Pinkie, but I'm afraid it's a secret. Can you keep a secret, Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkie seemed to swell up before nodding fervently, then making a series of motions that seemed to include a lot of throwing things over her shoulder and building construction. Johnathon waited patiently till she was done.

"So I take it you can keep a secret then?"

Pinkie looked surprised. "Isn't that what I just told you? You see, first I zip my lips shut, then I lock them with a key, and dig a hole, then throw the key in a hole, then fill up the hole with cement and then build a house on top of the cement, then..."

Johnathon nodded patiently. "I think I get the idea," he glanced around to see if anypony was in earshot, and noticed that a number of ponies had stopped to watch Pinkie's antics from a distance. Frowning, he motioned Pinkie to follow him farther back into the alley he had been sneaking through before speaking. "Pinkie, don't say anything, OK? Just listen. It's Johnathon. Twilight changed me into a pony... only for the next day or so, but she doesn't want anypony to know, OK?"

Pinkie nodded quickly, then gestured to her mouth, making a motion as if unzipping her lips.

Johnathon chuckled. "Yes, you can speak, as long as you're careful not to let anypony else in on the secret, OK?"

Pinkie nodded again, then wrinkled her nose. "So... does that mean I can't throw you a welcome to Ponyville party? I mean... I throw everypony a welcome to Ponyville Party... well, almost everypony. Unless there is already going to be a welcoming party... or if they leave town before I can throw them a party... but you're not leaving town," she hesitated. "But you're also not new to Ponyville... so maybe I could throw you a "congratulations on becoming a pony, party... except your becoming a pony is supposed to be a secret..."

Johnathon shrugged helplessly. "Maybe a party is not the best idea. It might be hard to keep this a secret if we threw a party about it."

Pinkie sighed, looking sad. "That's too bad. I'd like to throw you a congratulations on becoming a pony party... you make a pretty neat pony, Johnathon!" she walked around him quickly, peering at him from all angles. "I like your cutie mark! Isn't it just like Prince Blueblood's?"

Johnathon winced at the reference, then shrugged. "It's the same as Daring Do as well. You know, the archeologist in those stories Rainbow Dash likes so much?"

Pinkie blinked, then beamed. "Oh yeah! Maybe it's because you're an archeologist too!"

Johnathon shrugged. "It's an illusion, actually. I don't have a real cutie mark. Something to do with my not having any pony-style magic. Twilight thinks that I probably wouldn't get one, even if I stayed a pony for a long time, but she figured that anypony seeing me without a cutie mark at my age would probably be pretty suspicious."

Pinkie blinked, then nodded seriously. "That WOULD be weird. I don't think anypony hasn't gotten their cutie mark by the time they're as old as you are! I mean... you're REALLY old! You're like... Madam Mayor old! You're not quite Granny Smith old, although sometimes you seem like it, because you like to tell long stories like Granny Smith does, although you usually remember the endings better... maybe because you're not quite so old..."

Johnathon sighed. "Yeah... I get it, I'm old," he glanced around again, making sure they weren't observed, then nodded toward the direction of his house. "Anyway, I need to get home... Cheerilee's mother is cooking dinner tonight, and I don't want to be late. I kind of want to make a good impression on her, seeing that I'm living with her daughter and all."

Pinkie grinned at him. "Making a good impression on the in-laws, huh? Good idea! Did you know that Cheerilee's dad used to be a steel worker pony? He's huge! He's almost as big as Big Mac, did you know? He scared all of Cheerilee's old boyfriends away...." she told him cheerfully.

Johnathon winced slightly at that. "Ah... well, I'm hoping he won't want to scare me away, but regardless, I do want to make a good impression on Cheerilee's mom. But I need to get there without anypony seeing me, because if they see me go into Cheerilee's house, and then come out as a human tomorrow, they might figure out that the pony they saw going in is me... which is what Twilight wants to avoid, you know?"

Pinkie Pie nodded thoughtfully. "I got it. So... what we need... is a diversion!" she grinned and started galloping away. "Don't worry, Johnathon! Just wait for the diversion, and then make a run for Cheerilee's place!"

Johnathon blinked, then called after her. "Wait! What are you going to do?"

Pinkie grinned as she turned the corner and vanished. "You'll know!"

Johnathon waited in the alley, curious, and slightly nervous as to what the party pony would come up with. Before long, he could hear Pinkie singing, accompanied by some rather jaunty background music. Before long, several other voices joined in, and, when he peeked around the corner, a major song and dance number seemed to have spontaneously erupted in the town square.

He blinked at the spectacle, then shook his head. "Remind me never to underestimate that pony..." Johnathon slipped away, reaching Cheerilee's house unnoticed without any trouble.

He slipped into the house, and was pleasantly surprised by the appetizing aroma coming from the kitchen. "That really smells good, Mrs. Song." he complimented as he entered the kitchen, closing his eyes and breathing deeply of the rich aroma.

Radiant Song nearly jumped as the strange stallion entered the kitchen, then blinked in sudden understanding. "Oh my! Johnathon, is that you? You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Johnathon grinned at her apologetically. "Sorry about that. Yes, it's me. Twilight's spell should last through tomorrow at least. This is apparently what I look like as an Earth pony stallion."

Radiant Song gazed at him contemplatively, then smiled. "Well, you do make for a handsome stallion, if that's any consolation," she told him. "Where is Cheerilee? I sent her to Twilight's house, did she miss you?"

Johnathon shook his head. "No, we just split up to attract less attention. Twilight would like to keep her transformation spells a secret, so nopony ends up abusing her abilities. There is a lot of potential for abuse with spells like that, after all."

Radiant Song thought about that, then nodded slowly. "I can imagine so," she paused, then nodded. "Well, I won't tell anypony, if that helps. I don't want to cause trouble for Cheerilee, or her friends."

"I appreciate that, mother." Cheerilee's voice came from behind Johnathon, and the woman herself came into the kitchen behind him, running a hand lightly over his back as she entered, stopping next to him with one hand on his shoulder.

"Hey." Johnathon smiled up at her, slightly amused by the reversal of their heights. "Everything go alright with Lyra and Bon Bon?"

Cheerilee smiled and shrugged. "Lyra seems to have developed a serious fascination with the idea of becoming human. She's quite obsessed with hands, for example. Bon Bon's a good influence on her though... I think she keeps her grounded. Still, I think ponies like Lyra are one good reason to keep Twilight's abilities secret. If Lyra knew that Twilight could change her into a human, and back again safely, I think she'd probably be bothering her constantly to do it."

Radiant Song raised an eyebrow. "That seems a little odd. Why would any pony want to be something else? I mean, what's so special about being human?"

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Oh, as I've said, being human has its perks... and its drawbacks, but once you get used to it it's not all that different from being a pony. I think if I lived someplace else than Ponyville, I might not enjoy it so much, but the ponies here really are quite accepting. They hardly treat me any different than they did before I was transformed. I expect that most other places, I'd be getting stared at and bothered all the time, which would make this all much harder to deal with," she glanced down at Johnathon, running her fingers idly though his mane. "What about you, Johnathon? How are you adjusting to being a pony?"

Johnathon had closed his eyes, content to enjoy her idle stroking, but looked up at the question. "Right now, it's still pretty much just strange. Strange and scary, to be honest. I'm alright if I don't think about it too much, but..." he raised a hoof toward his face, looking at it with an air of detachment, then shuddered slightly. "I miss my hands. I don't blame Lyra for being fascinated by them... for me, they really defined who I was as a person. I write with my hands... read books using my hands... work with them.. eat, drink... I know that I can do all those things without them, but... it's not the same."

Cheerilee knelt down to hug his neck. "If it's too much, we can go back to Twilight and ask her to reverse the spell."

Johnathon shook his head, putting a hoof around her back to return the hug. "No, it's only for a day or so, and I feel it's important to go through with this. I want to be able to know a little bit about what you had to deal with," he hesitated, looking guilty. "I asked Twilight to make the change permanent at first. I know I should have talked it over with you first, but I knew you'd try and talk me out of it...."

Cheerilee sighed. "I would have at least liked you to talk it out with me first, Johnathon. That's an awfully big change to make, and it's something that affects me as well."

Johnathon nodded against her shoulder, sighing. "I'm sorry. Twilight wouldn't do it, of course. She and your mother both pointed out the same thing, that I needed to talk this out with you first, and they were right. Twilight changed me for the day as a compromise. I hope you aren't mad."

Cheerilee shook her head. "I'm not. I'm a bit upset that you thought about transforming permanently without asking me, but I'm glad you decided to be reasonable about it," she pulled away slightly, her hands on his shoulders, and smiled faintly, her eyes twinkling. "It's actually kind of romantic... you're not usually this impulsive."

Johnathon grinned at her. "Being in love makes you a little crazy sometimes, you know?"

Cheerilee laughed, throwing her head back and laughing long and hard, till tears started to come out of her eyes. "Oh my!" she panted as she finally stopped. "I certainly know a thing or two about that."

After sharing some of the crazier things that they had gone through in recent months with Radiant Song, they sat down to dinner. Cheerilee helped her mother serve, while Johnathon was content to wait at the table, resting his rear end on a large cushion that Cheerilee had used as a pony, which they had kept in the kitchen for guests. Before sitting down herself, Cheerilee got out the silverware Johnathon had purchased soon after he had first moved in with her, and laid it out for herself.

They all sat down to eat, and Johnathon was surprised at the variety of the dishes prepared. "You cooked all this, Mrs. Song? I'm amazed!"

Radiant Song blushed slightly, and shook her head. "I actually only prepared a few dishes myself. I had a few dishes prepared ahead of time by a catering place in town, actually. It's been a rather hectic day after all."

Johnathon smiled genuinely at her. "Home made or not, it all looks great. This was very thoughtful of you," he blinked as he looked over the various dishes more carefully. "Is that... fish?" he asked, more than a bit surprised. "I thought ponies were strictly vegetarian."

Radiant Song looked a bit concerned. "Oh, I hope that's alright. I thought, with humans being omnivores, that fish would be on your diet... did I violate a cultural boundary by accident?"

Johnathon quickly shook his head. "Oh no! On the contrary. Humans do eat fish, and I was no exception, although I haven't had any... meat of any sort since I got here. I've been making do with alternate means of gaining the protein I need, since I didn't want to upset any pony with my diet."

Radiant Song smiled. "That's very thoughtful. I do know that some ponies do find eating meat, even fish, to be quite barbaric, but not all cultures are the same. The griffons, in particular, do need meat from time to time to stay healthy, although when in pony society they usually do without. Still, some ponies, particularly Pegasi, do enjoy the occasional fish dinner, although it's not common."

Cheerilee was gaping slightly at what, to Johnathon, appeared to be a finely filleted cod, and shuddered slightly. "Mother! I can't believe you... I mean, I'm not really a... I mean, I've never eaten meat!"

Radiant Song frowned slightly. "I apologize... with Johnathon an Earth Pony, if only for the day, I suppose I should have changed the menu... for some reason I thought that you must have already adapted to an omnivorous diet, Cheerilee."

Cheerilee grimaced. "I have had to change a lot of what I eat, of course..." she paused. "I can't eat hay, or any type of grass... or flowers. In fact, most vegetables are not very palatable at all without some preparation, although I seem to enjoy most fruits about the same... but I've never eaten meat. Since Johnathon explained how to keep myself healthy without... I just never thought about trying it."

Radiant Song nodded, then stood, moving around the table to pick up the platter with the steaming cod on it. "I am sorry, Cheerilee, I should have asked."

Cheerilee reached out and put a hand down on the platter, stopping her mother from taking it away. "It's alright, mother. It was really very thoughtful of you," she blushed slightly, "and I'm a bit terrified to admit... it smells REALLY good."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Well... if pegasi can eat fish, can an Earth pony? I mean... since you went to the trouble of making it... and it has been a very long time."

Radiant Song smiled and nodded. "It should be fine. I hope I got the recipe right. It's been ages since I've prepared it."

Johnathon smiled. "Well, I have to agree with Cheerilee. It does smell wonderful," he reached forward toward the platter, awkwardly knocking into it with his outstretched hoof. "Dang it," he muttered. "Right, no hands," he hesitated, then sighed. "How am I supposed to do this, anyway?" he said with a slightly confused expression, then turned to Cheerilee. "Hun... I could probably drag the patter over to myself... and eat directly from the plate... but... er... maybe you should take some for yourself first?"

Cheerilee blinked, then smiled and nodded easily. "Of course, love. That's a good idea," reaching forward with fork and an empty plate, Cheerilee deftly collected several slices of cod and set it down in front of her. Her mother watched with some curiosity.

"A fork? How fascinating! I thought only unicorns used those," Radiant Song noted, sounding genuinely interested. "I've never used one myself...."

Johnathon nodded. "I'd think they'd be kind of hard to use for an Earth pony..." he reached out carefully with his front hooves, placing one hoof on each side of the patter of fish, and slowly started to draw it toward himself. He winced as he knocked over a salad bowl, but managed to get it the rest of the way over to himself without any further mishap.

Radiant Song got up and walked around the table, and started eating the spilled salad off the table top, winking at Johnathon. "Don't worry about making a little mess, dear. You're new to your hooves after all."

Johnathon sighed and nodded, then levered himself up on the table with his hooves so that he could lean face first over the fish platter. Eating directly off the platter seemed more than a little weird, but he couldn't figure out any other way of doing it, and it did seem to be the way most Earth ponies ate. He got more than a little messy in the process, smearing sauce and bits of fish over his chin, but he managed. Having eaten his fill of the fish, he tried to pick up a napkin by clasping it between his front hooves. He had to rest his elbows on the table in order to raise the napkin with to his face without falling face first into the table, but with some difficulty he managed to wipe his chin.

From the other side of the table, Cheerilee watched him with a fond expression. It was obvious that she sympathized with the difficulty he was having, but at the same time, she knew him well enough not to offer assistance if he didn't ask, and it was obvious Johnathon was determined not to ask for help unless he had to.

Radiant Song had polished off half the salad, and moved next to him to steal a small bite of fish from the platter, then moved around to his other side to start working on some of the other dishes. Johnathon followed her example, moving around the table to sample different dishes rather than try and move the dishes around the table with his hooves, and that seemed to work out better. It was weird... very weird, at least to him, but it did keep the spills to a minimum.

Radiant Song herself seemed distracted, watching her daughter eat. Cheerilee used fork and knife to eat, and was well practiced now, having worked hard to imitate Johnathon in the past, she had gotten past her own clumsy first attempts.

"Just like a unicorn..." Radiant Song murmured with quiet fascination. "Do all humans eat like that?"

Cheerilee blinked, then glanced at Johnathon in curiosity. "Actually, I'm not sure. I just learned by imitating Johnathon."

Johnathon himself shrugged. "It's pretty common to eat with a knife and fork among humans, yes. There are other cultures, but most use utensils... much like unicorns here do, actually. Cheerilee has done everything she can to learn my customs in order to make me more comfortable here, and that includes imitating how I eat."

Radiant Song frowned. "Wouldn't it be more appropriate for you to adapt to pony customs, Johnathon?" she blushed slightly. "I'm sorry, that was rude..."

Johnathon shook his head. "No no, not at all. In fact, I have tried to adopt as many pony customs as I can... including changing my diet to a vegetarian one, and I have explained to Cheerilee that she doesn't have to follow human customs if she doesn't want to, but..."

Cheerilee spoke up. "It doesn't do me any harm to make Johnathon feel more at home, and learning more about his culture has been fun. I don't mind adapting a little, and a lot of the human customs I've learned have actually made learning how to be comfortable as a human easier. Clothing, for example. It may be a human custom to wear clothing nearly all the time, but frankly, without a fur coat... and hooves, I don't know what I'd have done without clothes and shoes," she grinned. "Well, I'd be cold and footsore, at the least."

Radiant Song looked curious. "Are humans really that fragile?"

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "Well, I can do without shoes... but my feet can be terribly sensitive, especially on rocks or gravel and such. I don't know how humans survived before shoes were invented!"

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, it's quite possible to develop calluses if you go without shoes for long enough. I suppose early humans simply developed tough skin on their feet over time. I've never really gotten any calluses on my feet, as I've been wearing shoes practically since I was born, but I'm a bit of an exception to that rule. Still, that does seem to be one major advantage to hooves. They're a lot tougher than human hands or feet."

Radiant Song raised an eyebrow. "So being an Earth Pony isn't all bad?"

Johnathon shrugged slightly. "It's not bad... just... different. I suppose I'll get used to it, given enough time."

Radiant Song smiled with a pleased expression. "Earth ponies have a lot of advantages, you know? We're the strongest of the ponies, and we can keep going for longer. Many Earth ponies have a natural talent for growing things as well. Farming is really something only Earth ponies do really well, you know."

"I was a farmer myself, for a time," Johnathon commented idly. "It'd be nice to have those talents, but... I don't think that will happen, unless Twilight figures out how to give me magic... which she can't do right now without taking it from somepony else."

Radiant Song blinked, then frowned. "Oh, that's right. I had forgotten about that, Miss Sparkle did mention something like that, didn't she," she paused, looking curious. "I know that all ponies have some magic, but what exactly was it that Twilight wasn't able to give you, exactly?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, Twilight thinks that if I had gotten Earth Pony magic I'd be a lot stronger and tougher than I am now. At the moment, I'm no physically stronger than a unicorn of my size. At least, that's what Twilight tells me, and I'm inclined to believe her. Other than that, it's hard to say. Twilight seemed to think that without my own magic, I'd be unlikely to get a cutie mark... although we can't really be sure about that, I suppose," Radiant Song blinked, glancing at his flank, and he explained. "Oh, that's an illusion. Twilight thought it'd be easier to blend in if I had one... it's not real though."

Johnathon shrugged slightly. "Still, I don't need Earth Pony strength or stamina... and I don't need a cutie mark to have a talent or two. If she had made me a pegasus without any magic, I might be a bit more upset about it. It'd be a real shame to have wings but not be able to fly."

Radiant Song blinked. "Pegasi can't fly without magic? Really?"

Johnathon nodded. "Apparently not. Actually, when I first came to Equestria, it seemed obvious to me that they HAD to be using magic... or something, in order to fly. Their wings are far too small for their size for them to fly naturally, after all."

Radiant Song blinked. "Really? How would you know something like that?"

Johnathon shrugged. "I've studied a lot of different things in my time. The physics of flight was one of them. More of a hobby then anything else. I've never flown myself, at least, except as a passenger, or in a simulator."

Radiant Song blinked. "A... simulator?"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose, thinking of how to explain that. "Well... that's complicated. You see, humans developed machines called computers well, several generations ago, and they can be used to do lots of different things... including running simulations... realistic images of things that might happen in real life, but just... numbers and pictures. So you can pretend to fly... or do all sorts of things, and get a pretty good idea what it might be like, without actually doing it."

Radiant Song opened her mouth to ask a question, closed it, then opened it again. "Um... I'm sorry, what? I'm not sure I'm following."

Johnathon smiled, nodded, and began explaining the concept in greater detail.


It was hours later, and Johnathon and Cheerilee had excused themselves, going to Johnathon's bedroom to sleep, while Radiant Song had gone into Cheerilee's room.

Cheerilee was casually undressing for bed. "Computers sound absolutely fascinating, Johnathon! I wish I had one for the school! Can you imagine all the sorts of things I could show the students?"

Johnathon smiled. "They often do use computers in schools where I come from, Cheerilee, although they can be a distraction just as easily as they can be helpful. Still, it's too bad I didn't happen to bring along an iPhone or something when I got sucked into that portal. Even if it didn't get service, I'd be able to show you a bunch of things on it..." he shrugged. "Although I suppose it'd have run out of power months ago."

Cheerilee mouthed the unfamiliar words to herself. "Maybe Twilight could have helped with that somehow?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Guess we'll never know. It doesn't matter. I like computers, but I don't miss them. I've been so busy ever since I got here that I haven't had the time to be bored."

Cheerilee had stripped completely, and, pulling up the covers, slipped into bed. Johnathon hesitated at the foot of the bed, blushing.

Cheerilee glanced at him in confusion, then blushed slightly herself. "Should I put on pajamas?" she asked in mild confusion. "Did I get another human custom wrong?" she frowned lightly. "I thought it was OK for me to be undressed around you in our bedroom... especially now that we've..." she blushed deeper. "Well, you know."

Johnathon chewed on his lower lip lightly. "No... you haven't gotten anything wrong, exactly. It's just... I don't think my human customs cover this sort of thing...." he gestured vaguely to himself with a hoof.

Cheerilee blinked. "With you being a pony? I wouldn't think you'd have a custom for that. Does it matter?"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose, then came around to the side of the bed, pushing back the covers with his nose. "I'm not sure, actually. This is just... a bit weird."

Cheerilee raised herself up on one elbow, looking at him curiously and incidentally letting the covers fall away from her chest. "What can I do?" Johnathon tore his gaze away from her chest, focusing on her face with a slight effort, causing Cheerilee, who had gotten used to the phenomenon by now, to chuckle warmly. "You know I don't mind that you're attracted to me," she told him. "If anything, it's flattering."

Johnathon nodded, glancing at the wall as he concentrated on what he was thinking. "I know... it's just a bit weird... right now."

Cheerilee nodded, then realizing that he wasn't looking at her, cleared her throat to speak again. "I can understand that. So... what do you want to do?"

Johnathon looked back at her again, his face calmer, apparently fully in control again. "You know what, I'm fine. Let's just get to bed. If that's alright with you?"

Cheerilee nodded with a smile. "Absolutely. Come on up."

Johnathon climbed into the bed with some difficulty, pushing the covers down as he went, unable to neatly slide underneath them as he was used to doing.

Cheerilee giggled as he finished getting in beside her, the covers now practically on the floor. "If I didn't know you better, I'd think you were just trying to get a better look at me with my clothes off up close."

Johnathon blushed, and tried to pull up the covers with his hooves, only succeeding in kicking them fully off the bed. Cheerilee, nude beside him, laughed and leaned over to grab them off the floor, and carefully pulled the covers up over both of them. They faced each other under the covers, and both of them hesitated.

"Do you want to make out?" Cheerilee asked with a hesitant smile.

Johnathon's eyes bulged. "What?!?" he swallowed once, shaking his head incredulously. "Seriously?"

Cheerilee looked confused. "Sure. Why not? That's what we usually do at this point, right?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well... things aren't exactly... normal at the moment."

Cheerilee nodded softly. "If you're uncomfortable, we don't have to do anything. You were very patient for me, after all."

Johnathon sighed, looking at her face with a slightly wistful expression. "I didn't mind waiting. I got to take my time... take it slow. It was actually a lot of fun... a little scary, a little awkward, but a lot of fun."

Cheerilee smiled fondly at him. "It was fun, wasn't it?" she nodded. "And scary... and awkward," she looked curious. "Are you feeling that way now? Scared?"

"And awkward." Johnathon said, reaching toward her face with a hoof. He bumped her in the nose and she winced.

"Ouch," she muttered quietly, then reached out to grab his hoof as he tried to pull away. "It's OK... you're just a little clumsy right now. I'm not really hurt."

Johnathon sighed. "Hun... maybe we should just sleep. I mean... yes, you're sexy as hell... but I don't think I'm quite ready for... well... much beyond a careful hug right now."

Cheerilee nodded, reaching forward to pat him on the nose. "That's fine, love. We'll take it slow. Besides, you'll be back to your old self tomorrow... or the day after at the latest."

Johnathon nodded, then looked thoughtful. "I don't want to kick you while I'm sleeping... I know I move in my sleep. Maybe I should sleep facing the other way?"

Cheerilee chuckled. "That actually is probably a good idea. Hooves can hurt. Here, let me help you..." Johnathon slowly turned over, facing away from her in the bed, while Cheerilee adjusted the covers. When he had settled into place, she cuddled up against his back, putting an arm over his barrel. "You are pretty sexy yourself, you know..." she told him softly. "You make a pretty attractive stallion."

"So I've heard," Johnathon said, sounding slightly smug.

Cheerilee punched him lightly between the shoulder blades. "Just remember you're MY stallion. If I know the mares here in town, half of them would be after you in a heartbeat if they thought you were available. I know for a fact that Bon Bon thinks that you're cute."

"Pinkie Pie and Twilight too, apparently," Johnathon bragged, chuckling lightly as Cheerilee punched him again. "Ow! I get it! I'll try to keep my ego under control, I promise."

Cheerilee chuckled. "Don't make promises you can't keep, dear. You're not exactly a paragon of modesty."

"So says the woman who prefers to run around naked all the time."

Cheerilee snorted. "Not all the time... but you have no idea how restrictive wearing clothing all day can be sometimes! Besides, that's a different kind of modesty!"

Johnathon chuckled again. "If you can't stand the puns, stay out of the kitchen."

Cheerilee groaned. "I think I liked it better when you didn't know Equestrian well enough to pun in it. You come up with some truly terrible ones."

Johnathon chuckled again. "Dwire family curse, I think. My father was a terrible punster... so was his father."

Cheerilee rolled her eyes. "Oh great. Our foals are going to end up punning as well, and it'll be your fault."

"Probably." Johnathon agreed easily. "So... kids. That'll be... interesting, don't you think?"

Cheerilee was quiet for almost a minute. "You do want foals, right?"

Johnathon nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I do. Pony or human, I want children with you. What about you?"

Cheerilee hesitated. "The short answer is yes. I want to be a mother someday. I think It's something I'm meant to do. But... human children or pony foals... that's a more difficult question."

Johnathon nodded slowly, facing away from her still, but with his ears swiveled back to listen intently. "Let's talk about that a little... if you want."

Cheerilee hugged him from behind, taking her time to speak. "Either way, I want children with you," she finally answered. "That much doesn't matter. If we both end up human, or pony, either way, I'll want children. The rest is just details."

"Kind of important details," Johnathon observed softly. "If they're human, our kids will be the only humans, besides ourselves, on this world. They'll probably be alright, especially here in Ponyville, but it probably will be tougher growing up different like that, even in a town as nice as this one."

Cheerilee nodded. "Yes, it probably will be a bit harder for them, but we'd figure it out. I'm sure they'd be just fine, with you to teach them about being human. I'm sure they'd find friends, even if it might be a little harder to do so."

Johnathon thought about that. "Maybe... but what about when they've grown? What if they fall in love? What kind of a future would they have?"

Cheerilee sighed. "We found each other, didn't we? Would it be so awful if our children found ponies to fall in love with, like you did?"

Johnathon frowned. "No. Not awful. Difficult, maybe. They wouldn't be able to have kids of their own though..."

Cheerilee nodded. "That's true. They could adopt? There are always foals that need a loving home..."

Johnathon sighed. "I suppose so, but... if our children were foals... if I became a pony, and you went back to being one... things would be simpler."

"Simpler," Cheerilee agreed. "But simple doesn't mean better. Not all the time. Being human... learning to be... to accept being a completely different species has been... it's something I wouldn't trade away for anything. It's given me a perspective on life I never would have gotten, if I hadn't met you. I don't regret any of it."

Johnathon stretched against her body, pushing against her lightly to emphasize his words. "You're one of the most wonderful mares... no... one of the most wonderful, intelligent, female beings I've known. Not everypony would handle everything you've been through half as well as you have," he paused for several long moments before continuing. "But I don't know if it's fair to ask a newborn child to go through the same sort of trials."

Cheerilee hugged him tighter. "We have time. Whatever we do, we don't have to decide right now. Just so long as we end up together, that's what matters to me."

Johnathon nodded. "That's something we can agree on."

Cheerilee relaxed, and yawned. "Well... let's sleep on it, and talk about it some more tomorrow. We've got plenty of time."

Johnathon sighed, then nodded, moving around a bit to settle himself more comfortably on the bed, then yawning as well. "There's no rush, I suppose," he agreed. "I'm not going anywhere, after all."

Cheerilee hugged him again, and they fell gradually asleep.

Chapter 31

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Cheerilee started awake to the sound of an inarticulate yell coming from just beside her, and found herself being shoved out of bed as the earth pony stallion sleeping beside her thrashed in apparent terror. Tumbling to the floor, she struggled to her knees, her memory of the events of earlier that night coming back to her as she did so. Johnathon started to quiet down even as she shook her head to clear it, and she reached over, putting a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Johnathon? Johnathon, are you alright?"

The earth pony shivered under her hand, then struggled for a moment to turn over, nearly falling out of the bed on top of her in the process. Seeing her on the floor, he flinched, looking upset.

"Cheerilee, I didn't hurt you...?"

Cheerilee quickly shook her head. "I was a bit startled, but I'm fine. Now what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?"

Johnathon turned away slightly, wincing at the memory. "A nightmare... I'm sorry I woke you up, though."

Cheerilee reached up to stroke his muzzle lightly with one hand. "What was it about? Do you want to talk about it?"

"I dreamed..." he started to speak, then cut himself off, going silent.

"What was it?"

Johnathon shook his head, glancing at his hooves with a slight shudder. "It's nothing. Just a stupid dream. I'm not even sure why I was so frightened."

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow at that, then smiled sympathetically. "Sometimes dreams, and even nightmares seem to make very little sense when you're awake, but that doesn't mean they don't seem very real when you're in the middle of them. Why don't you tell me about it?"

Johnathon hesitated again. "It was stupid. It started out like a regular day... you know, getting up, eating breakfast, that sort of thing but suddenly I realized I was an Earth Pony, and for some reason I was convinced I was stuck that way... and I was just... terrified. I kept looking at my hooves, and I just started to scream. I guess I woke myself up, although at first it was like I was still dreaming," he sighed, staring at his forehooves with a tired expression. "I'm sorry... it must seem really stupid. The spell is going to wear off soon, and I was the one who asked Twilight to change me... it's just... now that it's starting to settle in, the thought of losing my hands... my real body, it scares me more than I imagined it would."

Cheerilee kissed him on the forehead carefully and continued to stroke his muzzle. "It's not stupid. I woke up with similar nightmares the first few nights after Twilight changed me. In the middle of the night, it somehow felt that losing my Earth Pony form... that somehow I was losing myself. I felt like a stranger in my own skin. As for your hands... I think I understand something about what you must be feeling. Losing your hands must be like losing a leg for a pony. Just because you still have four good limbs doesn't mean that it feels like a fair trade. You were a good sport at dinner, but I could tell you were struggling."

Johnathon sighed. "I'm sorry... I feel pretty dumb, overreacting like this."

Cheerilee smiled and shook her head. "Don't apologize. I'm glad you're willing to talk to me about all of this. It's a pretty personal subject."

He smiled faintly at her. "Well, who else am I going to talk to about this but you?"

Cheerilee shrugged. "I suppose I am the only pony who's spent any real time as a human...."

Johnathon shook his head, reaching out with his forehooves to try and hug her. "Maybe, but mostly I think it's easy to talk to you because you're the pony I happen to be in love with."

Cheerilee climbed into bed, hugging him back and burying her face in his mane. "That's a good reason too, I suppose."


Briar Rose hopped off the train and glanced around Ponyville's solitary train station with mild curiosity. It had been years since the last time she had been here, and that had been only a short stopover before continuing on to Manehatten on a museum tour. Still, the little town hadn't seemed to change much from what she could remember.

Behind her, half a dozen royal guards and a pair of Wonderbolts were in a loose formation, chatting quietly but seriously about the mission ahead. While the royal guards were in armor, Spitfire and Soarin were both dressed casually for once. Both of the athletic pegasi were wearing sleekly aerodynamic saddle bags, having come prepared for the rather pedestrian, but much needed task of running messages and supplies for the expedition. It wasn't as if the Everfree forest was on a regular mail route, after all. Even just flying over the forest was dangerous work, and it was nice being certain that communications and supplies, at least, would be carried by capable wings.

Briar Rose looked around curiously, and nodded to herself as she spotted a purple unicorn carrying a small dragon hatchling on her back, walking in their direction from the train station's terminal.

"Twilight Sparkle, I presume?"

"And you would be Professor Rose?" Twilight Sparkle extended a hoof with a genuine smile. "It's good to meet you. Princess Celestia tells me that you're the best."

"She said much the same about you, Miss Sparkle," Briar Rose said honestly. "It'll be good working with an experienced researcher like yourself."

Twilight blushed, looking embarrassed. "Oh, I haven't done anything significant in YOUR field, professor, and even my recent magical research has yet to bear any worthwhile results."

Briar Rose sniffed dismissively. "Nonsense. I've done my homework. You pieced together a thousand year old riddle in a matter of days, and not only located the Elements of Harmony, but discerned how to use them in the middle of a very hostile situation. As for your magical research, last I heard, you found a way to turn yourself into an alicorn, capable of single hoofedly raising the sun! Temporary or not, that's mind bogglingly high level magic!"

Twilight winced, shaking her head. "I was just lucky... and my friends helped me all along the way."

Briar Rose chuckled. "Well, if you're that lucky, I still couldn't ask for anypony better suited for an expedition like this. Besides, you've already made the trip, right? You and your friends are the only ponies, besides the Princesses, anyway, who've been to the Castle of the Pony Sisters in years."

Twilight nodded quickly. "I've taken the time to copy the most current map of the forest, and I've added notations for everything I've managed to observe about the forest in my time here. Zecora, a zebra who lives in the forest, has been very helpful in filling in some of the gaps," she hesitated. "It's still at the library, where I live. Should I go get it?"

Briar Rose looked pleased. "Why don't we head there. I'll want to meet with your friends, the other element bearers, and discuss the expedition in detail in any event, and we can use your library as a meeting place. You can show me the map while we're waiting."

Twilight smiled and nodded, turning her head to look back at the baby dragon. "Spike, could you let the girls know to meet us at the library please? I'm going to show Darin... I mean, Professor Rose and her team the way to the library."

Spike hopped off her back and saluted. "Got it, Twilight! I'm on the job!" he rushed off on his stubby legs, and Twilight watched him go.

Briar Rose sighed slightly, glancing at Twilight. "Don't tell me... you've read the books, haven't you."

It was more of a statement than a question, but Twilight answered anyway, looking a bit embarrassed. "I started reading the Daring Do series when I was just a filly," Twilight admitted. "Is it true that they were based on your own adventures?"

"Loosely." Briar Rose admitted wryly. "One of my more generous backers had the bright idea to have a novel series published in order to finance my work... and make a tidy profit on the side, naturally. I could do without the notoriety, though."

Twilight hesitated. "So... out of curiosity... Ahuizotl?"

Briar Rose chuckled. "Oh, he's entirely fictional. I admit there were a few rather shady characters I had to deal with during some of my more remote expeditions which inspired the idea of him, but the Ahuizotl character was created, I'm told, to create a thematic link between the books."

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. "I thought as much. I mean, his character seems to change subtly for each appearance, as if his motivations and abilities change... and sometimes there didn't seem to be much reason for him to appear at all. Also, while most of the... er... Daring Do books do refer to actual historical artifacts, there is no record of anypony like Ahuizotl actually existing."

Briar Rose rolled her eyes. "They made up quite a few other things as well. The only part they seemed to get right was all the injuries I've had over the years. You'd think they'd have skipped those parts."

Twilight shook her head in disagreement. "Oh no! I thought it made Daring Do seem much more relatable... as if she was just a normal pony after all..." she blushed, seeming to realize again who she was talking to. "I mean... I don't mean that she, I mean, you, were normal. Obviously you're quite extraordinary to have accomplished so much! I just meant..."

Briar Rose chuckled. "Don't apologize. I am just a normal pony, after all. I put my shirts on one leg at a time, just like any other pony, and I'm certainly not the hero those books make me out to be. They're fiction, remember?"

Twilight shrugged sheepishly. "I still think you're pretty amazing. I've read up on your work in the field of archeology, and I'm amazed at all your discoveries! You've filled up entire wings of the Canterlot natural history museum by yourself!"

Briar Rose shook her head. "Not by myself. I've always had plenty of help along the way. Good ponies who deserve just as much credit as me."

Twilight smiled at that. "I suppose we've both been lucky in our friends then, Professor Rose."

Rose nodded thoughtfully. "I can't argue with that."


Briar Rose and Twilight were pouring over Twilight's map of the Everfree forest as the others began to arrive, one at a time. Rarity and Pinkie were first, followed by Fluttershy. Applejack arrived only a few minutes later, stopping to chat with Bright Lance and Shining Star for a minute before joining the others inside the Library.

Rainbow Dash arrived last, flying down toward the library while suppressing a yawn. She had been napping on a cloud over the center of town when Pinkie had shouted up to her that Twilight wanted all of them to meet at the library, and she had taken her time stretching and letting herself wake up fully before coming down to see what the fuss was about. The half dozen royal guardponies outside the library had gotten her attention, and she grinned at them as she shot by them and through one of the library windows before they could protest her unorthodox entrance.

She came to a halt in the middle of the library floor with a smug grin, pleased by her, for once, smooth entrance. She had always had a little trouble with windows, especially solid ones like the ones on the library, and managing an entrance without crashing, and better yet, coming to a smooth and effortless looking touch down after coming through a window at nearly her top speed? That had taken major practice.

She glanced around at the surprisingly crowded room. Her friends were there, which was hardly a surprise, but upon spotting the other three ponies in the room, Rainbow had to take a second glance, then a third, as she tried to piece together what her eyes were telling her.

"Spitfire, and Soarin!" Rainbow Dash shouted, too surprised to suppress her fangasm immediately. Cool, Dash, be cool. the cyan pegasus told herself firmly, forcing her jaw to close. "I mean... hey guys... how's it hanging?" she asked the pair of Wonderbolts with forced nonchalance.

"Good to see you again, Dash," Spitfire said with what appeared to be a genuinely warm smile. "Guess we'll be working together on this one, huh?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as she took in the implications of that. "Really? Awesome! I mean..." she sobered herself quickly, although she was unable to conceal her delight. "I mean... that sounds great. You guys are coming along on this dig thing? Into the Everfree and everything?"

"That's the plan," Soarin commented cheerfully. "We're your designated mail ponies," he quipped, his eyes twinkling slightly at the shocked expression on Dash's face at the statement. "You know, running messages, getting groceries... that sort of thing."

Dash snorted indignantly at that. "Oh come on! Anypony can do that! You've got to be pulling my leg, right?"

Spitfire chuckled. "Well, maybe anypony like you... but last time I checked, there aren't a whole lot of ponies who are willing to fly in and out of the Everfree on a daily basis. It's not exactly a milk run, kid."

Rainbow Dash blinked at that, then looked a little sheepish. "Well... yeah. Still, it's really cool of you guys to come along. I mean... you're Wonderbolts!"

Spitfire grinned. "Hey, when Princess Celestia asks for volunteers, I've got her back. Besides, it'll be cool being able to hang with you some more."

Rainbow Dash swallowed hard, unable to find a worthy response, and, rather than let herself tear up, turned to the final, unknown pony in the room. "Yeah... cool," Rainbow Dash's eyes narrowed slightly as she took in the unfamiliar pegasus mare. She was obviously an older mare, although she seemed in relatively decent shape to Rainbow Dash's trained eye. Her mustard coat and fading, greyscale mane seemed familiar somehow, but her quick glance at the mare's cutie mark was what caused Dash to freeze up as if she had been turned to stone, her mouth hanging open slightly in shock.

"Da... da... da... DARING DO?!?" Rainbow managed to choke out the name before her eyes rolled up in her head and she fainted dead away.

Briar Rose winced as the cyan speedster hit the floor with an audible thud. "I take it she's a fan?"

Twilight chuckled. "A huge one. She's read every book in the series. I introduced her to them because I kind of thought Daring Do was a little like her..." she blushed slightly. "I mean... Rainbow is a bit like the character in the books... I didn't mean to imply she was like you, Professor Rose."

Briar Rose smiled lightly. "I can accept a complement when I hear one, Miss Sparkle, and I could do worse than be compared to one of the Elements of Harmony, and the best young flier of her generation..." Briar Rose shrugged. "Not sure if I deserve the comparison though. I've never been the strongest flier, after all," she glanced down at the unconscious flier. "Although I don't remember Daring Do ever fainting quite so easily..." she joked.

Twilight grimaced. "Well... she really is your... I mean, Daring Do's... biggest fan."

Pinkie spoke up with a wide smile. "Is she ever! She's already got her Daring Do costume ready for next year's Nightmare Night! She even wears it around her house sometimes, and pretends to be you, I mean her... I mean Daring Do, who you're not, only you sort of are... aren't you?"

Briar Rose blinked, raising an eyebrow. "Er... that's interesting?"

Applejack coughed and shouldered Pinkie backwards, pausing to whisper into the pink pony's ear. "A little TOO much information there, Sugarcube."

Rarity had stepped forward even as the apple farmer pushed Pinkie back, smiling with a relaxed but welcoming expression. "Well, it is delightful to meet you, Professor Rose. Princess Celestia sent the very best to lead this expedition, I have no doubt, and I'm sure it'll be a pleasure working with you!"

Briar Rose nodded at Rarity, grateful for the change of subject, however minor. "I'm sure we'll get along fine... Rarity, right?"

Rarity beamed at being recognized. "At your service, Professor. Anything this simple seamstress can do for you, you have only to ask. It's such a privilege to work with a pony so accomplished. I'm simply fascinated by the very idea of this expedition, you know. Imagine, we could find the long lost last refuge of an ancient unicorn civilization! Think of the discoveries we could make! Think of the treasure... think of the gems!"

Briar Rose raised an eyebrow as the fashionista gushed to herself about the "gleaming wealth" they might find, and turned to Twilight. "So... is this everypony that's coming on this expedition? What about this... human of yours, Mister Dwire? He did the initial research, didn't he?"

Twilight hesitated, glancing first at Spike, then at Pinkie, who was pantomiming zipping her lips shut and throwing a key over her shoulder.

Spike glanced at Pinkie as well, then shrugged. "Er... he's kind of not available right now. He's... er... sick! Just a twenty four hour thing, I think...." he said quickly, extemporizing quickly. "I'm sure he'll be able to make it soon though!"

Briar Rose glanced curiously at the baby dragon, but decided not to make an issue of it. "Well, since it's already mid-afternoon, I figure we should stay here in Ponyville tonight, and head out first thing in the morning. If Mister Dwire is... feeling better by then, he's welcome to join us, of course. Is everypony alright with that?"

The others all nodded, and Briar Rose smiled seriously. "Alright then. Everypony be here, seven AM sharp, alright? Be packed and ready for at least several days in the woods," she turned to Twilight. "We've already got rooms booked at the Ponyville Inn... but I'd like to stay awhile... perhaps get my own copy of your map?"

Twilight smiled happily. "Sure! I can help you with that! I've got a few reference texts I'm thinking of bringing along as well, and I was really hoping you could give me some advice on what to pack!"

Briar Rose blinked, then shrugged. "Reference texts? Well... I'll take a look, although I'm not sure if a textbook is exactly the right thing to bring on a dig..."

As the others started moving to leave, Rainbow Dash blinked her eyes and started to struggle to her feet as well, then froze as she realized once again who she was sharing the room with. "Whoa..." she said incredulously. "You're not... you can't be... you can't really be... her, can you?"

Briar Rose turned to face the cyan pegasus calmly. "What do you think?"

Rainbow Dash swallowed, noting to her dismay that Spitfire and Soarin were both glancing in her direction. "Er... I think you probably think I'm being an idiot?"

Briar Rose laughed warmly, then shook her head. "Don't worry about it kid. Besides, I'm not Daring Do."

Rainbow Dash blinked, slowly rising to her full height as she took another good look at the older mare. "You're not? But... you look just like her! I mean, you're older... well, I mean, not that that's a bad thing, but... you're here to lead this archeology dig thing, right? You're the one the Princess had in mind to take over for Johnathon, right? You're an archeologist and everything..."

Briar Rose nodded calmly. "I'm a professor of Archeology, and I've been on a dig or two..."

Rainbow Dash hesitated, looking unusually thoughtful. "So... you're not the same Daring Do from the books, but... I bet she's based on you, right?"

Briar Rose shrugged helplessly. "In part, yes. They exaggerated a whole lot, you know? I'm not really a hero, not like the character in the books."

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but grin. "That's pretty much what Daring Do would say though," she held up a hoof as Briar Rose opened her mouth to protest. "I'm just kidding. You're not Daring Do. Got it," she blushed. "Sorry about the whole... fanmare thing. It's just... I love your... I mean, I love the Daring Do books, even if they're a bit egg heady..."

Briar Rose chuckled. "Well, I'll pass on your complements to the writer, next time I see her. I'm a bit of an egg head myself, although I don't usually go for those kinds of adventure novels. They're a bit silly sometimes, don't you think?"

Rainbow Dash's wings sagged slightly, then she shrugged and grinned. "Well... maybe they're a LITTLE over the top, but that's part of what make them so cool..."

"If you say so, kid," Briar Rose said with a shrug.

"Hey, Dash..." Spitfire spoke up, moving over next to the cyan pegasus with a friendly grin. "Care to show us around town a little? We've got the rest of the afternoon to kill, and I expect Soarin at least is going to want to find someplace to eat pretty soon, eh, Soarin?"

The blue pegasus stallion grinned. "You know me, boss," he said with a shrug. "The dining car on the train was almost an hour ago."

Rainbow Dash grinned and headed for the door. "You bet! I know all the best places," she winked back at them, starting to hover as she opened the door. "Follow me... if you think you can keep up."

Spitfire just laughed. "Cocky much? Just try and lose us, kid. Let's see what you've got."

Rainbow Dash's eyes flashed, and she grinned evilly. "Oh... it's on now," she started to flap her wings harder, staying in in one place expertly even as she caused gusts of wind to fill the library. "On your marks... get set... andgo!" Rainbow Dash blurted the final words in the same instant as she blurred out of the door, sending papers and books flying in her wake as Spitfire and Soarin lit off after her only a split second behind.

Twilight grimaced and her horn glowed brightly as she attempted to arrest the windborn flight of what appeared to be half the books in the room. "Darn it, Rainbow Dash! Don't start races inside my library!" she yelled uselessly to the empty air.

Briar Rose chuckled again, chuckling harder as a pair of puzzled unicorn guards peered carefully in through the open front door with worried expressions. "This sort of thing happen often around here?" she asked, still chortling.

"You have no idea..." Twilight muttered darkly to herself.

Applejack helped Fluttershy off the floor where the yellow pegasus had fallen in response to Rainbow's sudden exit, and the two of them headed for the front door as well. "See ya in the morning, y'all!" Applejack told them cheerfully as they exited.

Rarity's horn glowed as well as she helped Twilight put some order into the chaos left behind by the impromptu race. "I believe I will depart as well, Twilight. I have so little time to properly prepare, after all," the fashionista mildly complained. "Now then... what DOES one wear on an expedition?"

"Pockets are good," Briar Rose called after Rarity helpfully. "Pockets are always good."

Pinkie was busy peering out the window, following Rainbow and the pair of Wonderbolts with her eyes until they got out of sight before sighing and trotting toward the front door as well. "That looks like fun. Too bad I'm not a pegasus anymore."

Briar Rose blinked and glanced at Twilight curiously. "Something I should know about?"

Twilight coughed nervously. "Heh... that's just... Pinkie being Pinkie... she's just so... random!"


Applejack walked toward Cheerilee's house with a thoughtful expression. I know a lie when I hear one... she thought to herself as she turned the last corner before the schoolmare's home, and Spike was lying to that Archeologic professor who's supposed to be in charge. The question I want answered, is why?

Knocking on Cheerilee's door, she was surprised when a strange mare answered, blinking as she belatedly remembered who the older mare was.

"Mrs. Song, issat you?" Applejack asked with a surprised expression, which quickly shifted to a welcoming smile. "Well what do you know... how long has it been?"

Radiant Song smiled at the younger mare, then gave a thoughtful nod. "Almost five years now, I think, since I last came down to visit with Cheerilee. How are you doing, Applejack?"

Applejack beamed at her. "I'm doing right well, thank you kindly, ma'am. How have you and your husband been doing up in Baltimare?"

Radiant Song smiled. "We're doing just fine, dear. My dear husband is now a professor of engineering at Baltimare Technical college, and I've got several wonderful students that I have really high hopes for at the moment. How is your family doing? Is Granny Smith's hip still bothering her?"

Applejack nodded, shrugging. "I'm afraid so. Still, she's doing just fine otherwise. She'll outlive us all yet."

Radiant Song smiled and nodded, and her eyes twinkled slightly. "Dear old Granny Smith. She was quite the character, even back when I was a filly," she raised an eyebrow at the younger mare. "How about your brother. How's Big Macintosh? I hope he's taking... recent developments alright? I know he and my Cheery used to be a bit of an item..."

Applejack blushed. "Big Mac's just fine ma'am. He and Miss Cheerilee parted ways quite a while back, but no harm done. Just didn't quite click, I reckon."

Radiant Song sighed. "It's a shame. Your brother is quite the catch, you know. You must have your hooves full keeping the mares away."

Applejack frowned slightly, her eye twitching. "It ain't none of my business what Mac gets up to... I reckon he can take care of his own."

Radiant Song nodded gracefully. "Of course," changing the subject, she raised an eyebrow. "Were you here to talk to Cheerilee, dear?"

Applejack hesitated. "Well, actually, I came to see Johnathon. Spike said something about him being sick, but I reckon he should know about Professor Rose coming into town and all... seeing as she's heading up the expedition that he... er... the archeologic thingamabob that he figured out and all."

Radiant Song blinked, and the hesitation before she spoke, and the way her eyes twitched sideways told Applejack that she too was hiding something. "Well... he's really not up for company at the moment, dear... I could pass on a message for you, if you like."

Applejack's frown deepened and she raised an eyebrow dubiously. "Now I ain't one to point hooves, ma'am, and I reckon you got your reasons, but Johnathon's my friend, and if something's wrong, I reckon I want to know about it."

"It's alright, Radiant Song," Applejack recognized Johnathon's voice immediately, although there was something odd about the timbre. "Applejack knows about Twilight's spell research. We don't have to keep any secrets from her."

A tall stallion with a black mane and a dark brown coat came into view behind Radiant Song, nodding at Applejack. "Although I hope you'll understand if we ask you to keep this a secret, Applejack?"

Radiant Song sighed and nodded wearily. "Well, you might as well come in, Applejack. I'm sure Johnathon will want to hear your news," she glanced back at the stallion in question. "All this secrecy is harder than I thought, Johnathon. I'm too old for this sort of thing."

"You're doing fine," Johnathon told her sincerely. "But Applejack is a special case. She's pretty good at discerning the truth from a lie, after all."

Applejack entered the kitchen, letting the door swing closed behind her, and stopped to give the strange stallion her full attention. It was difficult to do anything else. It was obvious that the tall, leanly muscular, Earth Pony Stallion standing in front of her was, in fact, Johnathon transformed, and she didn't have to guess how, but at the same time, the sight of him had her momentarily flabbergasted. She noted at once that, while he was not quite as tall as her older brother, he was certainly still quite a bit taller than her, and taller by a hoof than most of the stallions in town. At the same time, while he didn't have the sheer muscle mass of her work horse brother either, he was toned and fit, and surprisingly handsome, despite the grey hairs on his muzzle.

Radiant Song watched the apple farmer stare at her daughter's fiancee with a bit of a smirk, then cleared her throat. "He does make for quite the handsome stallion, doesn't he?"

Applejack whistled under her breath. "Boy howdy..." then flushed, catching herself. "Er... I mean...." she closed her eyes and put a hoof to her forehead. "I'm mighty sorry about that, Johnathon... rude of a pony to be staring and all."

Johnathon chuckled and shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I had much the same reaction to Twilight Sparkle when she transformed herself into a human for the first time. I think Twilight herself might have something to do with how the transformations come out."

Applejack blinked, looking at him in surprise. "You saying Twilight made you that good looking on purpose?" she blurted, then winced.

Johnathon chuckled, then shrugged. "Well... I'm no judge of pony looks myself... but I can safely say that Twilight turned both herself and Cheerilee into remarkably attractive humans, and I don't remember turning quite as many heads on my world before this. I mean, I wasn't ugly, but I seem to be getting a lot more attention than I'm used to. Maybe Twilight was subconsciously improving our looks in the process?"

Applejack blinked. "Do ya think? I mean, that sounds more like something Rarity would do... ifen she could manage Twilight's spell, anyhow."

Johnathon shrugged. "Maybe. Of course, Twilight and Cheerilee might simply be two of the more attractive mares here in town, and that simply carried over to their human forms... although I don't know how that would work... and maybe the fact that there are a lot more mares than stallions here in Ponyville might make me seem more attractive in comparison...?"

Applejack blinked, then chuckled wryly. "Maybe... it's something to think on, sure enough."

Radiant Song looked thoughtful. "Well, I may be prejudiced, but I do think that my daughter is... was, quite the attractive mare. Certainly she got her share of male attention. As for Miss Sparkle, well, tastes vary, but I'd be surprised if many stallions thought her unattractive," she winked at Johnathon, "and as for you, Mister Dwire, as much as I hate to inflate your ego any further, I must admit that, if I was twenty years younger and not happily married, I'd be drooling over you as much as my daughter was all of last night."

Johnathon coughed, looking embarrassed, and Applejack laughed. "I reckon Cheerilee wasn't complaining none, with you coming home looking like this," her face turned curious. "So what happened, anyhow? Why are you suddenly an Earth Pony? Are you going to stay like this, and make our Cheerilee an honest mare?"

Johnathon hesitated before answering. "This transformation is temporary... it should wear off later today. As for whether or not I'm going to ask Twilight to make it permanent... well, we're still talking about it. It's a serious possibility."

Applejack's eyes went soft, and she put a hoof on his shoulder. "I reckon it's a tough decision. You're a good pony, Johnathon, even if you're not always a pony. Whichever you decide, I'll support ya in it," she looked thoughtful. "If you'da asked me a couple weeks ago, I'd a said the answer would be obvious... but I ain't so sure no more. Cheerilee and you are good together. It's more than just you sharing the same skin."

"It would be easier... if I stayed a pony," Johnathon said softly.

"Easier, maybe," Applejack agreed slowly, "but not necessarily better. Now, I think you make a fine pony, but you're just fine as a human too. I think you should do what makes you happy. Both of you."

Johnathon chuckled, then sighed. "We're trying. It's a bit difficult figuring that out... what will make us happiest."

Radiant Song spoke up. "I think you'll be happiest together, human or pony."

Johnathon smiled at that. "There's no denying that, at least," he turned to Applejack. "But enough of my convoluted love life. You said something about an archeology professor showing up? The team leader Celestia picked out for the expedition to the Castle of the Pony sisters?"

Applejack nodded. "That's the one. According to Twilight, she's darn near filled up half the Canterlot natural history museum by her lonesome," she chuckled. "and you should have seen the look on RD's face when she got a good look at her... she plumb fainted dead away," Applejack was chuckling now. "Funniest thing I've seen in a year."

Johnathon blinked. "Rainbow Dash fainted? Why on Earth... I mean, why would she do that?"

Applejack chuckled. "Apparently Professor Rose... her real name is Briar Rose, I hear, apparently she's the spitting image of Dash's hero... Daring Do."

Johnathon just blinked. "Huh. I would have sworn that series was fiction."


Applejack walked home, still chuckling lightly to herself over Johnathon's reaction, and found herself slowing as she passed the library, noticing the pair of royal guardsponies still standing calmly outside the front entrance to Twilight's tree. She nodded to them once, getting a small nod from them in return, and continued on toward Sweet Apple Acres with a more thoughtful expression.

"Johnathon ain't the only new stallion in Ponyville that's a might handsome..." she muttered to herself with a small grin, "and I already know one of them happens to find my hindquarters a bit distracting..." Applejack chuckled despite herself, not sure how she really felt about the idea that Shining Star liked her looks. On one hoof, it was flattering that he noticed, but on the other hoof, did she really have any interest in a stallion who was only interested in her physically?

"What if I am?" she grumbled self consciously, arguing with her more pessimistic side, "besides, didn't he say he respected me for standing up for the Princess, didn't he?" Applejack frowned as she walked. "But what if that's all it was? He's a royal guard, and I protected his princess... maybe he was just grateful for that, and he was checking out my... flank because he was thinking about if I was strong enough to do the job proper."

Applejack thought of the golden suit of guard armor currently stored under the loose board in the back of her closet, and wondered. "We're going into the Everfree... maybe I should wear it? It doesn't have to mean anything. Just being careful on a dangerous trip... and respectful of a thoughtful gift. It doesn't mean I'm trying to get anypony's attention or nothin."

Applejack sighed. "Darn it... I can't even lie to myself. Why am I so hot and bothered about some guard from Canterlot? It's not like a royal guard is going to leave his job to come work on a farm, and there ain't no way I'd move away from Sweet Apple acres again, so there ain't no use in thinking about it." Applejack signed and kept walking, knowing that, despite the reality of things, she would be hard pressed not to think about the stoic white unicorn stallion guard for the rest of the day. Her thoughts drifted for a moment to how nice Johnathon looked as an Earth Pony, and she shook her head to clear the image from her mind. "Dang it! This is all Twilight's fault! Stupid sexy transformation spell."


Briar Rose, Shining Star, Bright Lance, Spitfire and Soarn' all gathered out front of the Ponyville library just a few minutes before seven in the morning. Moment's later, Twilight Sparkle opened her front door and joined them, wearing a loaded set of saddlebags bearing her cutie mark.

"Good morning, professor," Twilight said with a smile. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Just fine," Briar Rose answered with a casual nod, glancing casually up and down the street. "How about you?"

"I had a bit of trouble getting to sleep last night... this is just so exciting!" Twilight gushed enthusiasitcally. "I hope everypony gets here on time," she brightened as she spotted a familiar face coming down the street. "Oh! Rarity's here! Good morning Rarity!"

"Good morning, Twilight." Rarity said, giving a polite nod as she sauntered up, wearing a fashionable yet functional light pink jacket with half a dozen handy pockets and a pair of bulging saddlebags. She trotted smoothly up to Twilight before turning to the purple unicorn with a small pout. "I neglected to ask, Twilight, darling, is our trip today to be just a day trip, or are we planning on staying the night..." she grimaced, "roughing it in the Everfree forest."

Twilight blinked. "Well, I plan on staying at the site during the majority of the dig, but not everypony will be doing the same. I know that some ponies will be coming back to Ponyville to make supply runs, and of course, delivering messages. Still, it's probably going to take weeks before we're done."

Rarity grimaced. "Oh dear... weeks?" she sighed. "I don't suppose you'll need my assistance during that entire time?"

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Well, aside from assisting at the dig, I'll be working on my own dimensional gate research while I'm there. I should be able to manage on my own for the first few days, but once I'm satisfied I can open a small portal, even if it's only for a few moments, I'll need your help to cast the human detection spell through the portal. It's the only way we'll know... or at least be relatively sure, that I'm opening a portal to the correct dimension."

Rarity took a steadying breath, and nodded. "Very well, weeks it is. I'll simply have to come back for the rest of my things later."

Briar Rose chuckled at her. "If it helps, Fancy Pants will be bringing along a whole team in a few more days. Porters, diggers, the works. We'll have a small village set up at the site soon enough."

Rarity brightened considerably at that. "Fancy Pants is coming? This trip is looking up already!"

Pinkie Pie bounced up next to Rarity, grinning. "Neato! It sounds like we'll get to meet a bunch of new ponies too! And you know what that means!"

"A party," Rarity and Twilight said together before glancing at each other with nearly identical grins.

"A PARTY!" Pinkie agreed gleefully, obviously already looking forward to it.

Fluttershy came up the street just behind Pinkie, smiling faintly at Pinkie's excitement, although looking mildly confused at the same time. "Are we celebrating something special?" she asked quietly as she joined the small group.

As Pinkie began to explain why her plans to celebrate meeting all the new ponies she was about to meet to a confused but patient Fluttershy, Briar Rose glanced up in time to spot a trail of color heading their way from a cloud house in the distance. Only moments later, Rainbow Dash came to a hover above them, slowly lowering herself to land in their midst, her jaw dropping slightly while staring at Briar Rose. She was wearing a khaki green buttoned shirt with a number of pockets on the front, which was, coincidentally almost identical to what Briar Rose herself was dressed in.

Rainbow Dash tore her eyes away from her idol, and looked sheepishly at the ground. "Er... you said... pockets were good, right?"

Briar Rose's eyebrow twitched as she took in the rainbow maned pegasus' attire, and she spoke up with a slightly sarcastic expression on her face. "What, no pith helmet?"

Rainbow Dash winced. "Er... my Daring Do costume was kind of the only outfit I own with pockets...." she explained, looking embarrassed.

Briar Rose shook her head and chuckled. "Damn, kid. You're going to end up embarrassing me at this rate."

Rainbow Dash flushed, but lifted her head, looking embarrassed, but too curious not to ask. "So... you don't really wear a pith helmet then?"

Briar Rose's eyes flashed angrily, her good humor broken, but before she said anything in reply Twilight interrupted. "Oh look! There's Applejack!" Twilight blinked and took a second look, as if unsure. "Er... I think?"

Applejack's face started to redden as the whole group turned to stare at her. She was wearing her usual stetson, but at the same time, she had apparently donned the golden suit of armor gifted to her by the royal guards, minus the helmet. She wore a sensible set of saddlebags over the armor, and was obviously growing more than a little uncomfortable at the attention she was garnering.

"It's dangerous in the Everfree..." she muttered as she came within casual speaking distance. "armor was just gathering dust anyway..."

"Looks good on you." Shining Star commented with a grin, not hiding the fact that he was getting a good look.

"It's a sensible precaution." Bright Lance agreed. "Although if you're not used to moving in armor, it can be more trouble than it's worth. I'd be glad to give you some pointers as we go, Miss Applejack."

Shining Star gave his commanding officer a little glare before stepping forward. "I can handle that, Captain. There's going to be a lot for you to keep track of, with all these ponies to guard, after all."

Bright Lance frowned slightly before snorting good humoredly. "As you say, Lieutenant."

Briar Rose glanced around at the nearly empty streets, then frowned lightly. "We're still missing that human of yours... is he always late like this?"

Twilight frowned as well, looking worried. "Not usually. Johnathon is pretty good about being punctual. Maybe something came up? I hope he's...." she trailed off as her eyes brightened, and pointed down the street. "Oh! There he is!"

Johnathon Dwire was jogging toward them, a set of saddlebags slung over his right shoulder. He was wearing the desert lion mane-hair gloves he had gotten from Rarity, and a heavy leather work belt around his waist. The belt had numerous pockets for tools, which were filled with several small closed tool kits, and a multipurpose hammer. Hanging from a long strap attached to the belt on his right hip, and crossing over his left shoulder, was a long, slightly curved sword in a lacquered wooden scabbard which hung across his back, the hilt sticking up over his left shoulder-blade. Finally, a neat coil of rope hung from a handy hook on the belt. Underneath, his plain, dark blue shirt, blue jeans and comfortable looking boots belied his otherwise rather intimidating appearance.

Rainbow Dash whistled. "Wow... you look like you're ready for anything...."

Johnathon glanced down at himself and smiled a bit sheepishly, then shrugged. "Better over-prepared then unprepared. The stories you all have told me about the Everfree... well, it sounds like just about anything could happen in there."

Applejack brought a hoof up to her forehead with a smack. "Darn it! Rope! I knew I forgot something!"

Briar Rose chuckled lightly, and clapped the earth pony farmer on the shoulder. "The other four guards are up at the trail-head that leads into the forest with a load of gear, including quite a bit of rope, Applejack. I'm sure they won't mind if you volunteer to take some off their hooves."

Applejack hesitated, then nodded. "I reckon that'll do."

Twilight Sparkle approached Johnathon with wide eyes, walking around behind him to take a look at the sword on his back. "Is that an actual griffon war blade?"

The tall man glanced curiously over his shoulder as Twilight examined the sword's scabbard and hilt carefully. "It is!" she announced excitedly. "From the markings, it's probably from the last major griffon/pegasi conflict, over three hundred years ago! It's in remarkable condition," she paused. "Did you know that Griffon warriors used these in mid air combat? They would fly past an opponent at high speed, slashing as they went by...."

Johnathon turned to face her, smiling fondly at the purple unicorn. "I should have known you'd know all about classical griffon weaponry, Twilight. This particular sword was a gift to me from the royal guards."

Twilight nodded, then frowned. "But why are you carrying it, Johnathon? We're not expecting a fight... are we?"

Johnathon Dwire shrugged. "Hope for the best, plan for the worst, that's my motto. I suppose I could go with. 'Be prepared' but it's been ages since I was a boy scout."

Briar Rose coughed lightly, gaining their attention once again. "Well, I have no complaint with being prepared. Seeing as we're all here, however, I believe we should get under way," a general murmur of agreement followed, and in moments, Briar Rose was leading the way towards the Everfree forest.

As promised, the remaining four royal guards, a pair of pegasi and two unicorns, along with a couple strong looking earth ponies from around town, were waiting just outside the forest with a stack of supplies. Briar Rose moved up to the supplies and pulled out a battered looking pair of saddle bags, which she put on before going through the rest with a keen eye.

"OK, we'll want this, and this... and all of these..." she pointed to several bags in a row, glancing back at the group behind her thoughtfully before waving a hoof at the rest of the piled gear. "The rest of the gear can wait till Fancy's group arrives. We don't want to be too weighed down on our first trip out to the site."

Distributing the bags the archeologist had picked out among themselves, the royal guards got themselves prepared before forming a line in front of Bright Lance and Shining Star, as if waiting for further orders.

Bright Lance nodded immediately to one of the pegasi, then the other. "Morning Star, you're with Rainbow Dash. Glory, you're with Fluttershy," he turned to the pair of unicorns. "Hammer, you're with Pinkie, and Aegis, you're with Rarity. Any questions?"

The four guardsponies shook their heads once, and he nodded firmly. "Right. You've got your assignments. Let's move," glancing at his partner, he grinned slightly. "Well then, I've got Twilight, which leaves Applejack to you. You wanted to... give her some pointers on how to move... in armor, right?"

Shining Star glanced back at the orange earth pony, then turned back to his superior officer with a blank expression. "Yes sir, that I did."

Bright Lance chuckled again, then nodded. "Just keep it professional..." he warned quietly.

Shining Star glanced over his shoulder, to make sure no pony was listening before glaring at his partner. "You know me better than that, Lance."

Bright Lance glanced at Applejack thoughtfully. "I do know you, Star, but this one isn't your average mare."

"Of course not!" Shining Star hissed back. "She's not some prissy Canterlot noble, she can handle a bit of trouble..."

Bright Lance nodded. "Which is what's got me worried. You like them tough."

Shining Star winced. "I'll stay professional, alright? Don't worry about that."

Briar Rose glanced over at them from the entrance to the forest and called back loud enough for them to hear clearly. "Are you two ready to go, or is there something I need to know about?"

Bright Lance turned to her and saluted sharply. "All ready here, Ma'am!" he gave Shining Star one final warning look before trotting over to stand next to Twilight.

Briar Rose looked over the group thoughtfully as everyone, pony and human, gathered before the entrance to the forest. "Alright, we'll travel double file. I'll lead... Twilight, you and Captain Lance can take the rear, alright?"

Twilight blinked. "Rear?" she hesitated before speaking up. "Well... I'm usually the one leading..."

Briar Rose raised an eyebrow at the younger mare. "Understood, which is why I'm trusting you to take the rear guard position. It's your job to make sure no pony gets left behind... and if they do, to get everypony safely to our destination."

Twilight looked slightly chastised, but nodded firmly in response. "Yes Professor."

Briar Rose looked at the rest thoughtfully, then pointed at Johnathon. "Since everypony else is partnered up, you're with me on point," she told him decisively, then waved her hoof dismissively at the others. "Everypony else... follow me and try not to get into too much trouble," with that, the Professor spun smartly and started walking swiftly into the woods.

The two earth ponies remained behind with the remaining baggage, watching them go.

"Huh," Caramel commented thoughtfully as Twilight and Bright Lance disappeared into the distance. "I hope they'll be alright."

Time Turner, who had offered, along with Caramel, to help with Briar Rose's extra supplies, chuckled wryly. "Knowing that bunch, I'd be more worried for whatever they encounter. I highly doubt there is anything in the Everfree that that group can't handle."

Caramel shrugged and started to gather up the remaining supplies left behind. "If you say so. I know I wouldn't want to go in there."

Time Turner looked thoughtfully into the woods before moving to help. "I don't know... if anything, it's likely to be very interesting."

Chapter 32

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Johnathon found himself hyperfocusing on everything as the trees got taller and taller around them, blocking out the sun. The crunch of hooves on fallen leaves, of bodies moving quietly past bushes and through grass... even the faint creak from armor moving caught his attention as they moved through the forest. There were faint murmurs of conversation as well, but for the most part, everypony was relatively quiet. Even Pinkie Pie had kept mostly silent, being remarkably subdued, at least for Pinkie. Concerned, Johnathon glanced back at the pink earth pony, who noticed him looking and smiled back, waving happily. Reassured, Johnathon put two fingers to his forehead and gave her a mini salute, causing Pinkie to giggle, before turning his head back to the trail ahead.

"You've been through these woods before." Briar Rose commented quietly as they walked side by side. "Did you run into any trouble?"

"I've passed through these woods twice," Johnathon agreed, "and no. I was probably lucky the first time, and the second, I was carried by Princess Celestia, and I would be surprised if anything would be foolish enough to bother her."

Briar Rose blinked for a moment. "Princess Celestia carried you?"

"On her back," Johnathon confirmed, "we were in a bit of a rush, as she was trying to get me back to the portal before it was too late to get me back through it. Unfortunately... or fortunately, depending on your point of view, the portal was well and truly gone by the time we arrived, which is why I'm still here, of course."

Briar Rose blinked several times at the thought of the Princess of Equestria carrying anypony... much less an alien anywhere on her back, before focusing on something else. "What do you mean, 'or fortunately'? Didn't you want to go home?"

Johnathon shrugged. "I did, at the time. I mean, when I realized that I was truly on an alien world, in a different dimension, I wanted to stay a while... who gets that kind of opportunity, right?"

Briar Rose nodded. "Well, of course... but you wanted to go home sooner or later, right?"

Johnathon smiled slightly and nodded. "Of course. It was a bit disappointing when I realized that, for this world's sake, it was best if the portal that brought me was closed as soon as possible, rather than left open... and that that meant I would have to leave immediately, rather than stay and explore a bit... but when I found out that the portal was closed... that there was only a slim chance I would get back at all, and that only after a long time? I was more than a little upset."

Briar Rose looked curious. "What changed?"

Johnathon hesitated before answering. "Short answer, I fell in love," he held up a hand to stop her from interrupting as he continued. "Equestria has been a very pleasant place to live, and I've made more than a few friends here, but in the end, it was the fact that fell in love... seriously, truly in love, with a mare here that made up my mind. I'll miss my home world, but I can't leave her."

Briar Rose blinked. "There were rumors about you and the school teacher you live with. So they're true?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Partially true, at least. We hadn't really... figured it out till rather recently. We were good friends... best friends, sure, but love? I don't know if either of us would have called it that... but recent events opened our eyes."

Briar Rose nodded thoughtfully. "It's funny, sometimes. You can work along side a pony for years and years... and one day, out of the blue, you realize that you've been in love the whole time, and didn't know it."

Johnathon chuckled and nodded. "Something like that. In any case... yeah, I'm staying here, regardless if Twilight figures out how to get me home or not. If she can, I'd like to send a message back home... but perhaps it would simply be better to leave things alone. I expect that most everyone back on my world thinks I'm long dead by now. Telling them that I'm not, but that I'm never coming back? Well, I'm not sure if that would be a kindness."

"Did you leave behind anyone special?"

Johnathon sighed. "My stepson... my brother, and my parents. Some cousins and aunts and uncles. I hadn't seen any of them in some time even before I ended up here, I'm afraid."

Briar Rose nodded in understanding. "You were on a dig. A remote location, I take it?"

Johnathon nodded. "Very. Oh, no place is too far away from any other on my world, if you have the resources to travel quickly... but still, it was about as remote a site as you could get."

"Princess Celestia tells me you were a junior member of your team?"

Johnathon nodded once more, agreeably. "Oh yes. I stayed behind in camp while the others went on a run for supplies. They were only supposed to be gone for about two days, but during the first night, the portal between our worlds opened, and I ended up here."

Briar Rose nodded thoughtfully before asking another question. "I understand you've had a number of careers in your past?"

Johnathon blinked, glancing at her in surprise. "I take it you've done your homework on me. Yes. I've done all sorts of things. I've tutored several subjects... even taught a self defense class for children. I've been a guard, a farmer, a salesman... although not a good one, and a secretary in my time. I've fixed machines, planted trees, milked goats..."

Briar Rose blinked twice. "You did what?!?"

Johnathon winced. "Er... right. Goats are sentient here..."

Briar Rose nodded slowly. "They don't talk much, but yeah. You... milked them on your world?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Well, yeah. I owned half a dozen goats... and no, before you ask, goats are not sentient on my world, and yes, I'm sure about that."

Briar Rose raised an eyebrow at that. "Well... damn. That's kind of weird," there was a long, uncomfortable pause in their conversation before she had to ask. "Er... what about ponies?"

Johnathon sighed. "There is a species similar to ponies on my world, but they're not sentient either. Pretty smart, like a dog here, but not sentient. They're usually treated as pets... again, much like dogs here." Johnathon chuckled slightly. "Actually, dogs are pretty much the same in both worlds, not counting Diamond dogs, anyway."

Briar Rose blinked at that, then shook her head. "Well, I've seen and heard stranger things... not much stranger, mind you. Still, kind of creepy to think about," she looked curious. "I've heard... well, is it true that there aren't any pegasi or unicorns on your world?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Not anymore... at least, not that anyone knows about. There are legends, which I would guess are probably linked to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's visit there a few thousand years ago."

Briar Rose nodded thoughtfully. "Makes sense. Princess Luna was more of a legend then reality to most ponies here, at least until she actually came back. I can imagine how they might have become legends on your world as well."

Johnathon nodded thoughtfully. "What surprises me is how many ancient cultures on my world include such things as winged horses, or unicorns. The myth is actually pretty wide spread for it just being those two. That, and frankly, some of the legends seem to date back further than the ruins my team was investigating."

Briar Rose looked thoughtful. "Perhaps the Princesses weren't the first ponies to travel to your world? Maybe sometime before Discord's reign, some ponies figured out dimensional travel and visited your world. After all, there is all sorts of evidence that pre-discordian magic was even more advanced than what we have today. There are all sorts of artifacts that we have no idea how to replicate... take the Elements of Harmony for example."

Johnathon nodded. "There was a similar period on my world, called the Dark Ages, where quite a bit of knowledge was lost. Thankfully, things weren't quite as bad on Earth... at least regarding knowledge being lost. There were many places where ancient writings survived, if not always completely intact, and while we did lose quite a lot, Discord seems to have done a lot more damage in his time."

Briar Rose sighed. "It's true. Almost no written material survived Discord's age of Chaos. Most of my career, I've been searching for something more than a legendary artifact... but while some of the sturdier artifacts survived Discord, so far, almost no writings have been found," she sighed, then brightened. "Which is why this dig is so exciting. The idea that an ancient library might have actually survived all this time? Well, you can imagine."

Johnathon nodded firmly. "I can. It would be like the holy grail... the penultimate find."

Briar Rose blinked. "The holy what?"

Johnathon blinked. "Oh... a legendary artifact, with both great religious significance and rumors of powerful magical abilities, on my world. They made a movie about it, actually."

Briar Rose blinked. "Oh. Did anypony ever actually find the thing?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Not yet. A couple years ago, I'd have said that it was entirely fictional... at least the magical powers bit... but now?" he shrugged again. "I don't know. I never believed in magic before I came to Equestria."

Briar Rose blinked. "Oh, right. Your world doesn't have any magic, right?"

"Not that I know of," Johnathon confirmed. "I mean, there are always legends, and rumors, but nothing anyone could confirm, at least, not to my satisfaction."

"I take it you were a skeptic?" Briar Rose observed.

"Something like that," Johnathon admitted. "I believe what I see... or sense, for myself. Until that portal opened up on my world, I'd never experienced anything I would classify as magic. Of course, now, here, I have no doubts."

"Of course," Briar Rose agreed. "Be a bit silly to disbelieve your own eyes, after all."

"A bit."

Briar Rose and Johnathon walked for a while in a more comfortable silence before she spoke again. "Your people... humans. You're omnivores, like griffons, right?"

Johnathon nodded. "In general, yes. While I've been here, I've stayed on an almost entirely vegetarian diet, but humans do tend to be omnivores, yes."

Briar Rose nodded thoughtfully. "Interesting that you're carrying a griffon made sword... did you use a sword on your own world?"

Johnathon blinked. "Well... swords are actually pretty archaic on my world. I'm pretty well versed in a couple styles of sword fighting, but I didn't actually own one. I had a few practice weapons, but it was more of a sport thing... I was on my college fencing team... that sort of thing."

Briar Rose blinked. "They teach sword fighting in school on your world?"

Johnathon shrugged. "They teach quite a few different ancient disciplines. There were classes in archery, fencing, all sorts of unarmed combat forms offered in college when I was growing up. Mostly sport forms... nothing really... practical."

Briar Rose looked confused. "I'm not sure I understand. From what I've read about your culture... and there wasn't much to go on, I got the impression that, well... er..." she blushed faintly. "Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but humans er... have a rather violent culture?"

Johnathon frowned at her, then shrugged. "In comparison to the ponies here in Equestria today? Yes, I suppose that's a fair statement. Of course, it's a big world, and there are billions of humans on it, and thousands of different cultures. Not all places or cultures are violent. Some are quite peaceful, although there are plenty of places on my world that are quite a bit more dangerous."

Briar Rose nodded slowly. "You're from one of the more peaceful cultures?"

Johnathon shrugged. "One of the more... well, economically stable ones, anyway. There weren't any wars going on within several thousand miles from where I grew up, at least, and violence was comparatively rare."

Briar Rose nodded again. "OK. What confuses me is what you said about the... combat training you talked about. Archery, sword fighting, hoof fighting... what did you mean when you said there was nothing practical? Was your region so peaceful that combat skills weren't required?"

Johnathon nodded. "In fact, that's pretty much the truth. Most people I knew didn't really have any reason to learn how to fight. I mean, young male humans in my culture would get into a fight or two growing up, but rarely anything serious. As I said earlier, I did spend some time teaching self defense, and yes, that was practical, but mostly what was offered in school was simply archaic forms of combat that aren't really used anymore outside of sports and such."

Briar Rose blinked. "So... you have some sort of archaic gladiatorial combat in your culture?"

Johnathon blinked. "Er... not exactly. I'm talking non-lethal sports... archers shooting at targets, fencers... sword fighters that is, sparring with soft blunted tips, while wearing body armor to prevent injury. Actually, the sports that involve unarmed combat tend to be significantly more dangerous then the ones using ancient weaponry... and even those limit injury as much as possible."

Briar Rose nodded thoughtfully. "I see," she started to look confused again. "Wait... sword fighting techniques... archery, those are ancient weapons?"

Johnathon nodded. "Pretty much, yes."

Briar Rose blinked. "You implied that there were wars... at least, in distant parts of your world. If swords and such are ancient weapons, what do they fight with in your world now?"

Johnathon hesitated before answering. "Humans have been fighting for... all of recorded history, really. Not all of us at any time, and really, not the majority of us at any time, but we've been at it for a long, long time. We've developed weapons like nothing anypony on your world has ever seen. Frankly, you're better off not knowing any more than that."

Briar Rose frowned. "That sounds ominous. Do you know how to use such weapons yourself?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Some of them. I was never what my world would consider a soldier though. I have plenty of theoretical knowledge, but very little hand's on experience with the tools of modern warfare."

Briar Rose nodded slowly. "Just out of... morbid curiosity, do you know how to make such weapons?"

Johnathon shook his head, smiling. "Not a clue. With some effort, I could probably construct something that was considered pretty nasty a thousand years or so ago, but modern weapons? I barely know how to maintain the simplest ones, much less any idea how to build one."

Briar Rose glanced at the sword on his back again. "So.. I suppose you've never used a real sword?"

Johnathon shook his head. "Not for real, no. I was pretty good at the sport forms, and I'm pretty sure I could apply that knowledge to reality if need be, but I've never had to do so."

Briar Rose frowned. "Well, here's hoping you won't have any reason today either."

Johnathon nodded agreeably. "Here's hoping."

They both went quiet at that, and the silence stretched on for nearly half an hour before Briar Rose broke it again. "So... you were working as an archeologist for at least a couple of years before you came here. Do you know anything about pony archeology? I'm curious if our techniques are similar."

Johnathon quirked at eyebrow at her in interest. "Well now... I have done some homework on the subject, actually, and in general archeology is quite similar on my world to what I've read about here. You don't have some of the technology that we have... but aside from that, our procedures seem pretty similar. Finding a site is often as simple as listening to local folk lore, or legend, and reading up on local history. Once you've got a general location, you go to the site and survey the area... I assume, as a pegasi yourself, you're familiar with Aerial surveying?"

Briar Rose blinked, nodding. "Of course. I'm surprised that you are. Did you learn about the technique recently?"

Johnathon shook his head. "Not exactly. We use aerial surveying techniques on my world as well."

Briar Rose looked confused, then nodded. "Ah. Do you have airships on your world? They're pretty rare here... but I can see how you could use one for aerial surveying."

Johnathon nodded. "We have airships... although they're another archaic technology on my world. They're not very common any more."

Briar Rose blinked. "Oh. What do you use for aerial surveying now?"

"Satellites, mostly," he answered blithely, looking mildly amused.

"I'm sorry, what?" Briar Rose frowned at him. "That sounds vaguely familiar, but... isn't a satellite a political term of some sort? Like a small country that is dependent on a larger one?" she nodded thoughtfully. "Right... there were some... satellite nations attached to the main Griffon empire a few hundred years ago. But what does that have to do with aerial surveying?"

Johnathon laughed. "Sorry... it actually took me by surprise when I discovered that you have that word in your language... and I believe it means the same thing in mine... but it also means, at least in my language, a body that orbits a planet, like this one. Your sun and moon would be satellites of your world... if what I've learned about your astrophysics since I've been here is accurate. In any case, the type of satellite I'm talking about would be an artificially created device, a machine, that floats in orbit, hundreds of miles above the surface."

Briar Rose blinked. "You have machines hundreds of miles up? Floating above your world?"

Johnathon nodded. "Quite a few of them, actually."

She looked confused. "How can they survey anything from so high up? Wouldn't that be too far away to see anything useful?"

Johnathon shrugged. "You have telescopes in Equestria, don't you? We just happen to have slightly better ones."

Briar Rose blinked, then nodded thoughtfully. "So these... satellites have telescopes on them, and you use them to do aerial surveying?"

"Among other things," Johnathon agreed. "We use heavier than air flying machines as well... airplanes, helicopters. Pinkie has... or rather, had, a magical version of a helicopter herself, actually."

Briar Rose nodded at that. "I've seen a couple... although I think they're called gyrocopters. Pretty dangerous if you ask me."

Johnathon shrugged. "For those of us that don't have our own wings, the idea of flight is pretty tempting sometimes."

Briar Rose nodded. "I can understand that. Have you ever flown one yourself?"

Johnathon sighed. "I wish. Rainbow Dash took me flying once, but aside from commercial airlines..." he paused, then explained. "We use large heavier than air flying vehicles much like you use trains... for long distance transportation. The largest ones can carry several hundred people at once, and travel thousands of miles in a single day... but flying in one is nothing like... well, really flying. It's rather like being in a train. Still, I'd give quite a bit to be able to fly under my own power... or even to pilot an aerial vehicle of some kind myself sometime."

Briar Rose blinked, then blinked again, trying to picture what the man had described. "Giant flying... trains. Your world sounds like a very strange place. I'd like to see it someday, although I suppose that's not terribly likely."

Johnathon shrugged. "You never know. Twilight Sparkle seems quite capable. There's no telling what she might accomplish, given time, perhaps we'll both get the chance to go to my world for awhile, and return here again. It could happen."

Briar Rose nodded. "Anything is possible."

Both archeologists fell silent thoughtfully as they continued walking. Briar Rose led the way without glancing at a map, and beside her, Johnathon couldn't help but be impressed at her ability to navigate. He only vaguely recalled his first journey though the Everfree forest, but he could tell that they were going in the right direction. The older pegasus mare would occasionally fly upwards and glance around her when the tree cover was light, apparently getting her bearings, but in general she seemed confident that her path was true. As they entered a larger than average clearing, Johnathon could see the sun shining in from overhead, and estimated that it was probably just after midday.

Briar Rose nodded to herself and turned to the others. "We should be a little more than halfway to the ruins, but this seems like a good place to take a short break. Everypony take five!"

Rarity sighed in relief. "Oh good... my poor hooves could use a rest!" she walked into the middle of the grassy clearing and settled down, her horn glowing as she levitated her saddle bags from her back.

Applejack snorted once but moved over to sit nearby, fishing apples out of her bag one at a time and passing them out to anypony who wanted one.

Briar Rose flew up once more, higher than before, and after a moment, Rainbow Dash flashed up into the air after her. When the two pegasi got a couple hundred feet up, Johnathon could just make out Briar Rose saying something to the blue pegasus and Rainbow Dash pointing off in the direction they had been traveling. Coming to some sort of agreement or conclusion, they spiraled smoothly back down to the ground.

Four of the guard ponies relaxed while two stood guard, and Twilight and company gathered in a convivial group at the center of the clearing, snacking on apples and chatting cheerfully about nothing in particular as they rested. Briar Rose landed near Johnathon while Rainbow Dash joined her friends.

"I was wondering about your name..." Johnathon began conversationally after a moment. "Briar Rose. I'm not sure how significant it is, but generally I've found the ponies I've met have names that have something to do with either their appearance, or family... or perhaps a talent they show at a very early age?"

Briar Rose nodded, raising an eyebrow. "That's generally the case, yes. I take it you don't understand why I'm named after a rose?"

Johnathon shrugged. "It did seem... well, different. Your coloring isn't like any rose I know... is it a family name? Or does it have something to do with your cutie mark?"

Briar Rose chuckled. "You could say that. My family has been... well, explorers for several generations. My great grandmother was called Compass Rose, after both her talent and her cutie mark. Mares of my family often have Rose in their name for that very reason. It's a play on words, you see. I think I got the name Briar because I was a bit... prickly when I was a child. I never did really well under adult supervision," she chuckled. "Daring Do is a much more adventurous sounding name, don't you think?"

Johnathon smiled at that. "I suppose. A compass rose though, that's interesting. Your family isn't related to Prince Blueblood, by any chance?"

Briar Rose nodded easily. "Oh, Blueblood? We're distantly related on my grandfather's side, I believe. The direction finding talent is found in both families, although since royal blood only is traced through the female line, my family isn't really considered royalty," she looked thoughtful. "It's been a while since I've seen old Bluey. He came along on a dig or two, back in the day. He was never the bravest sort, but he could always be counted on to find his way out of trouble at least. I was a bit surprised not to see him volunteering for this expedition. This close to the capital, he'd have an excuse to be out from under his 'Auntie' Celestia's eye and still have most of the comforts of home... knowing him, he'd jump at the chance, Funny... I haven't heard anything about him in the papers for awhile, not since that horn rot rumor."

"Oh?" Johnathon did his best to sound only vaguely interested, but something in his tone caught the canny older mare's attention.

"Yes," Briar Rose explained, now watching the human's expression with a nonchalant look on her own face. "I have it on good authority that Bluey hasn't been out of his personal estates for well over a month now but he's healthy enough, from all reports," she looked thoughtful. "I'm beginning to think he must be under some sort of house arrest... although no pony seems to know the details."

"Hmm..." Johnathon murmured noncommittally. For a moment, he seemed about to say more before simply shaking his head.

"So... where do you know Blueblood from?" Briar Rose asked pointedly.

"Hmm?" Johnathon hedged. "I wouldn't say I know him really..."

Briar Rose raised an eyebrow at that. "You know he has the same cutie mark as I do."

Johnathon blinked, then shrugged. "Well, Rarity has told me some stories. She met him during the Grand Galloping Gala last year, and apparently it didn't go well."

Briar Rose chuckled. "Ah yes. That particular fiasco made the papers. Pictures of Bluey covered in cake and looking like he was hiding from a dragon were quite popular at family gatherings after that..." she laughed in remembrance, then gave Johnathon another long, appraising look. "So that's where you know him from?"

Johnathon hesitated only a moment before responding. "I may have bumped into him during one of my visits to Canterlot as well... but it was nothing to speak of."

"I see," Briar Rose said with a rather unconvinced look, and it looked like she was about to question him further when something strange caused them both to stop and look.

A wind started to pick up, seemingly from nowhere, and at the same time, magical sparks started to fly from a point in space a few meters away from the center of the clearing, near where Twilight and her friends were resting. A glowing white light grew from the spot, making it hard to see, and the wind and magical sparks seemed to come from some invisible point in the center of the rapidly growing light. Twilight and her friends rapidly retreated from the phenomenon, and the guard ponies started to cautiously approach as the light got brighter and brighter.

"Stay back!" Briar Rose shouted with authority. "Whatever that is, I doubt you want to get caught up in it!"

The guard ponies halted half a dozen yards away from the magical disturbance, and moved to place themselves between it and the Element bearers. Twilight peered curiously around them, trying to get a good look when a final burst of energy exploded from the point in space, the glow fading almost immediately afterwords, leaving a purple unicorn huddled where the glow had been, sparks cascading over in arcs and faint trails of smoke rising from her prone body.

In moments, the sparks were dying, and the purple unicorn looked up and around, smiling in apparent relief as recognition passed over her features. "I made it!" she exclaimed happily.

"Who are you, huh?" Rainbow Dash asked aggressively, flying over to hover above what was unmistakably a second Twilight Sparkle. "Some kind of imposter?!?"

To one side, Briar Rose blinked, looking surprised. Her own wings were open, as if she herself had intended on flying over to the newcomer as well, only to be beaten to the punch by the cyan speedster. With a slight frown, she folded her wings to her sides, and settled for watching the proceedings closely.

The still slightly smoking version of Twilight Sparkle looked up at Rainbow Dash with a frown. "It's me, Rainbow Dash, I'm Twilight. It's complicated, but I don't have a lot of time to explain..."

"You look like me..." Twilight Sparkle herself started making her way around the guard ponies, "but you can't be me. There can't be two of me, can there? It's not theoretically possible! You're not theoretically possible!"

"Stay back Miss Sparkle..." Bright Lance started to say, moving to block her. "We don't know what's going on."

"I'm you from the future," the other Twilight told her temporally younger self tersely. "I've come back to tell you that you need to go back to Ponyville. You, Fluttershy, and Pinkie need to go back... as soon as you can."

Twilight blinked. "From the future? And why do Fluttershy and Pinkie need to go back too?"

Twilight from the future shook her head. "No time to explain, you have to trust me. Just remember... the time travel spells are in the Starswirl the Bearded wing of the Canterlot Archives, and you, Fluttershy, and Pinkie need to go back to town, right now. It's important."

Rainbow Dash fluttered over the time traveling unicorn's head, looking from one Twilight to the other in confusion and biting her lip. "Time travel? Is that even real?"

Twilight from the future rolled her eyes. "Of course it is! How else would I be here?" she pointed at her younger self quickly, eyes going wide. "Don't answer that, it's a rhetorical question," shaking her head, she fixed Twilight with a pleading look. "You really just have to trust me, this spell doesn't last long!" even as she said this, arcs of magical power started to run over her body, and she started to glow brighter and brighter. "Twilight, I'm going to send Pinkie back in time tomorrow morning... be in the library, be ready! Trust me, you've got to..." with a final brilliant flash, she was gone, leaving behind a scorched burn mark in the grass where she had been standing.

"What the hell?" Johnathon muttered. "Was that really... could it possibly...?" he started walking toward Twilight, and he wasn't the only one, everypony else was gathering around the purple unicorn as well, shooting confused questions at her.

Twilight was shaking her head, fielding questions, "I don't know how it's possible, but it really did seem to be... well, me," Twilight frowned. "But why would I go back in time? What's going to happen in the future?"

Fluttershy shivered. "And why did you need me?"

Twilight looked thoughtful. "Well, obviously something going to happen back in Ponyville that I'll need your help for... you and... Pinkie Pie?" she turned to the pink earth pony in confusion. "But what could it be? What sort of emergency would I need both of you two to deal with, but not any of the others?"

Rainbow Dash fluttered up to Twilight indignantly. "There's no way we're letting just the three of you go back, Twilight. What if you need the rest of us? Besides, we're already halfway to the ruins!"

Twilight held up a hoof. "Now wait... I'm sure I had a perfectly good reason to specify that I, Fluttershy, and Pinkie were needed. It must be something that the three of us can handle. I wouldn't say something like that otherwise."

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "Well, apparently whatever spell you used was of limited duration, so you didn't have much time to explain. But do you think it was really you? I mean... time travel?" he frowned. "Well, I suppose if you can punch a hole between dimensions, time travel can't be all that much more difficult."

Twilight nodded slowly. "It felt like a similar type of spell... although not quite as power intensive. Very sophisticated though. I could barely understand the weaves..."

One of the unicorn guards blinked at her in astonishment. "You... you managed to read the weaves of that spell? Seriously?"

Twilight blinked, looking surprised. "Well, not all of them... but yes. I don't think I'd like to try replicating something that complex without seeing it a few more times, but I did get a pretty good look... especially as she was getting pulled back."

Bright Lance laughed at the incredulous looks on his fellow unicorn guards' faces. "Miss Sparkle is a VERY quick study... trust me." he told them calmly. "If she says she could read the weaves, then I don't doubt her."

Twilight shrugged sheepishly. "Well, not well enough... but, if I do it again..." she blinked. "I am going to do it again... did you hear? I said I was going to be sending Pinkie back in time tomorrow morning... to the library!" she blinked in confusion. "Why would I send Pinkie back tomorrow? Why don't I just come back myself again?"

Pinkie jumped up. "Oh! I know! Maybe there's something you're going to need two of me for! Like... a super fantastic party! Or... a super secret surprise party?" she looked curious. "I wonder if future me will get to stay longer than future Twilight did?"

Twilight frowned. "Probably not... it seemed like a very energy intensive spell. I would be surprised if I could extend the duration very much... if I could so much as double it I'd be very surprised."

Shining Star blinked incredulously. "You think you could double the duration of a spell that massive? Just like that?"

Twilight blinked. "Well... probably. I mean, it's a pretty big spell, but I've had a lot of practice with energy intensive spells recently, I should be able to alter it that much without too much trouble. At least, if I had some time to study the formula."

Shining Star shook his head. "Right... silly me. Of course you could."

Briar Rose spoke up. "So... are you going to listen to... your future self's advice then? How can you be sure it's not some sort of trick."

Applejack spoke up. "I believe her. Future Twilight, I mean. I don't reckon I know anything about time magic or whatnot, but that was our Twilight... and she wouldn't lie to us like that."

Pinkie nodded happily, beaming. "I'm going back to Ponyville with Twilight, that's for sure! I don't want to miss meeting future me!"

Fluttershy nodded hesitantly. "Well... if Twilight... future Twilight thinks I should go back too... I'll trust her."

Briar Rose wrinkled her nose, then nodded. "I'll trust your judgement on this, Twilight. Are you determined to return?"

Twilight nodded firmly. "I am. Who am I going to trust, if not myself? What are you going to do, Professor?"

Briar Rose hesitated. "I'm not sure. What do you think we should do? I've never gotten a visit from a time traveling pony before. Should we wait here for you, or continue on to the Castle ruins? Or should we come back to Ponyville with you?"

Twilight hesitated, then her eyes calmed, and she looked at Briar Rose with confidence. "You should go on. If you needed to come back with me, future me would have said as much. The same thing goes for you staying here. I think if it was important that you change your plans, I would have said something... so you shouldn't. You should keep going to the ruins. I'm not sure how soon we can meet you there... but if we can't come right away, we'll send word with the first supply group. Alright?"

Briar Rose smiled and nodded. "Understood. We'll press on then," she glanced at Bright Lance. "What do you think, Captain?"

Bright Lance considered the matter, then nodded. "I don't see why we should change our guard assignments either," he turned to his fellow guards. "Glory, Hammer and I will head back with Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy... Shining Star, you're in charge of the guard rotation till I get back."

"Got it Captain," Shining Star said with a sharp salute.

Spitfire stepped forward, holding up a hoof. "Soarin and I will continue on with everypony else to the ruins, then, with your permission, Professor, we'll head back to Ponyville as well to rely messages... and to guide the second team in, if needed."

Briar Rose hesitated, then nodded. "Good plan," she agreed, then sighed. "I'm getting too old for this sort of craziness. Is this what this entire expedition is going to be like? Ridiculously powerful magic getting thrown around and ponies appearing and disappearing?"

Johnathon Dwire raised an eyebrow at that. "Actually, I wouldn't be half surprised."

After everypony had a chance to say their goodbyes, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy and their three guards headed back towards Ponyville, and after watching them till they disappeared into the wilderness behind them, Briar Rose nodded firmly and called the gathered ponies together.

"Well then, magical emergency or not, we've still got a long way to go before dark, so let's get moving!" leading by example, she started trotting off, Johnathon Dwire jogging a bit to catch up with her before matching his long stride to her quicker four legged pace. The others filed in behind them, moving in pairs like before, although staying a bit closer than before as they entered a particularly grim section of forest, where the trees towered over them so high and thick that the sky was almost completely obscured. Despite the fact that it was still only midday, their path grew darker and darker. Their eyes slowly adjusted to the gloom, so that they could make their way easily enough, but the darkness was more than a little oppressive.

Johnathon found himself stumbling from time to time as his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. The ponies seemed to adapt to the change in light conditions easier than he did, and Briar Rose noticed his difficulty.

"Having trouble seeing your way?" the tan pegasus asked him mildly. "Want me to slow down a bit?"

Johnathon stumbled slightly for what had to be the fifth or sixth time in as many minutes, putting a hand on the explorer's back momentarily to steady himself. "My eyes will adjust in a little while," he told her. "it takes my vision quite a while to adjust, but I actually have pretty good nightvision... after about half an hour, anyway."

"It takes you half an hour to be able to see at night?" Briar Rose asked, rather incredulously.

"If the change is gradual enough, I don't have any trouble..." Johnathon said, sounding slightly annoyed at the handicap. "But going from bright light to near darkness like this... it takes me a bit longer than most. Well, longer than most humans, anyway. I can't speak for ponies."

Briar Rose blinked, then shrugged. "Well, most pegasi's vision can adjust pretty quickly. It's a bit of a survival trait for a flier, since it's rather easy to go from light into relative darkness if you're trying to land in the evening, for example. Just keep one of your hands on my shoulder till your eyesight adjusts, alright? No sense in you falling down and hurting yourself."

Johnathon chuckled, placing a hand lightly on her back between her shoulder blades. "Well, I doubt I'd hurt myself... I hardly ever get hurt in a fall anymore. Not since I was a kid."


"Falling training," Johnathon explained softly. "I was always a bit clumsy as a kid... but I spent a year or so learning how to fall properly while studying a martial art called Jujuitsu when I was ten or eleven or so. Best training I ever received, I would say. I haven't seriously injured myself in a fall or collision since then, and I won't lie, I've had my share of falls. In fact, it probably saved my life when I first came here to Equestria. I came through the portal... or whatever it was that brought me here at a pretty fast clip. I hit one of the walls of the castle pretty hard, but I managed to partially absorb the impact with my shoulder. I was still pretty badly stunned afterwards, but without that training, I may very well have died on impact. Could have easily broken my neck."

Briar Rose whistled. "Sounds like dimensional travel is pretty rough then."

"Mine was," Johnathon admitted. "I hope that Twilight is careful if... or rather when she tries it. If my experience was anything to go by, it's obviously dangerous, to say the least."

"I believe it," Briar Rose said agreeably, then froze, her ears going back on her head. "Damn...."

Johnathon stopped moving as well, staring almost blindly into the woods around them, the hair on the back of his neck starting to rise. "What...?" he began, going quiet before he could finish his own question, his right hand reaching back over his shoulder for the hilt of his sword. With a soft rasp, he drew the weapon free.

"Everypony get in a circle," Briar Rose instructed in a low hiss. "All of you form a circle on me."

As the others crowded up, the guard ponies took up positions around Briar Rose and Johnathon, each looking a different way into the darkness. Spitfire, Soarin, and Rainbow Dash hovered over the rest of the group, while Rarity, Briar Rose, Applejack, and Johnathon found themselves circled by the three remaining guard ponies.

"Timberwolves..." Applejack muttered to herself, moving up to stand shoulder to shoulder with Shining Star. "Whole pack of em, by the looks of it."

Johnathon held his sword out in front of him as he moved out to stand between the pegasus guard, Morning Star, and the grey furred, gold armored, unicorn guard called Aegis. The tall human's eyes still weren't fully adjusted to the lack of light, but he started picking out pairs of green glowing eyes in the darkness.

"Big..." he muttered softly. "If those are wolves, they're huge."

"Timberwolves," Applejack muttered again. "I wouldn't figure they'd go after a group as big as ours though..."

"I've seen stranger things," Briar Rose said calmly. "Everypony stay together... if we run, we'll get split up in the darkness and they'll pick us off one by one. Everypony stay in the circle."

"Perhaps I should shed some light on the subject?" Rarity said cautiously. "Surely they won't approach once they get a good look at how many of us there are?"

"Wait till they get closer..." advised Briar Rose. "A sudden burst of light may startle them into retreating... and it certainly won't hurt to surprise them."

"If you say so..." Rarity said uncertainly, then straightened her shoulders, facing the darkness squarely. "Very well, I can certainly manage a bit of a light show, if required."

"What are they waiting for?" Rainbow Dash asked, sounding impatient. "Are they scared or something?"

"They're sizing us up," Applejack explained. "Timberwolves are big... but they don't like biting off more than they can chew, and I reckon we look like a pretty big meal."

"They'll choke on me," Shining Star said confidently. "Is everypony ready?"

"Yes sir." Aegis and Morning Star answered immediately, followed moments later by a burble of murmured acknowledgements by the others.

There was a quiet snarl from the darkness, and suddenly the woods around them came alive with rushing movement and the fire of rapidly approaching green glowing eyes.

"Here they come!" Briar Rose yelled, and in an instant, the world went white.

Chapter 33

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The timberwolves snarled in frustration as Rarity's light spell lit up the dark wood like a miniature sun, momentarily blinding them. Having stayed in the center of their circle, however, her light was behind everypony else, and it illuminated the incoming wolves nicely.

Johnathon could now plainly see the huge bodies of the timberwolves lunging forward, and one in particular was headed right at him. He braced himself, lowering the point of his sword to meet the charge, both arms going rigid as the tip went into the chest of the timberwolf in front of him with a very audible crunch. He felt the impact through his entire body, from wrists to ankles, as the wooden beast impaled itself onto his sword almost to the hilt. The timberwolf snarled and snapped at him weakly, then collapsed into individual pieces of wood at his feet.

All around him, lights flashed and the sound of breaking wood, the snarls of timberwolves and the grunt of exertion mixed together into an inconceivable cacophony of noise that nevertheless told Johnathon, for the moment at least, that his friends and companions were doing well.

To his left, a timberwolf had crashed into a transparent blue force field generated by Aegis, and was snapping and snarling as the field quickly expanded to surround the beast, then closed in to inexorably crush it.. To his right, the pegasus guard Morning Star had flipped head over heels in a spectacular move that looked like something out of a wire-fu flick, the pegasus' wings making the stunt, something rather impossible for a human or earth pony, almost look natural. Morning Star's rear hooves connected with the timberwolf's jaw from below with stunning force, causing the wooden creature's head to snap upwards, exposing it's throat. Completing his spin, Morning Star lashed out with his forehooves into the wolf's exposed throat with a one two hoof combination which finished the job, causing the stricken creature to collapse into a pile of kindling only moments after Johnathon's own foe had met its fate.

Johnathon caught a flash of rainbow out of the corner of his eye, followed almost instantly by a horrific crash, and only a moment later by a yell of triumph that told him that the cyan speedster, Rainbow Dash, had managed to deal her own brand of damage as well.

Having worked alongside the earth pony farmer many times before, the sound of Applejack's hooves crashing into wood was nothing new, although the muted yipe and the secondary crash of the stricken timberwolf flying backwards into the trees behind it was something different, if hardly unexpected.

To Johnathon's right, Shining Star had fired a powerful bolt of magical energy at his own opponent, only to miss its leaping form by inches. The timberwolf had continued its leap, jaws snapping down on where the guard unicorn's neck had been only a moment before, but met Shining's armored shoulder instead, wooden teeth grinding uselessly off of the sturdy golden armor.

Johnathon ripped his sword free of the remains of his original foe with a cry of rage, bringing it high in order to slash down on the neck of the wolf trying to savage Shining Star. Before he could strike, Briar Rose sailed nimbly overhead, lashing out with one hoof as she flew over and struck the timberwolf soundly in the temple, battering it loose of its hold on Shining Star's shoulder. Johnathon adjusted his aim, making sure no pony else was about to fly into the line of his swing, but Shining was faster, lowering his horn directly into the open mouth of the startled monster to fire a second blast point blank into its maw. The wolf barely had time to look startled before it shattered into a hundred pieces.

As quickly as it had begun, it was over. Half a dozen timberwolves remained intact, but were already in full retreat after seeing so many of their kindred destroyed in mere moments. Johnathon spun, sword in a guard position, to see if anypony else needed aid, but aside from a circle of wooden debris all around their small band, and the shadows of timberwolves fleeing into the darkness, no threat remained. Spitfire and Soarin exchanged a high hoof as they landed amid the remains of a pair of wolves they'd obviously broken apart only moments earlier. For a moment, Johnathon's eyes narrowed. Somepony was missing... but his worries vanished with a crash as Rainbow Dash smashed her way, forehooves leading, back into sight of the group by passing through the body of one of the fleeing timberwolves like a multicolored torpedo, causing the wooden creature to practically explode with the impact, small pieces of wood showering the group with debris.

"I think that one was already leaving, Rainbow..." Applejack commented dryly.

"Not fast enough," Rainbow Dash shot back with a dismissive snort. "Was that all of them? Hardly worth my time."

Briar Rose, on the other hand, was frowning and she landed hard with all four hooves on a pile of broken wood, scattering it further. "We should get moving..." she said grimly. "If I remember correctly, these beasties can reassemble themselves," As if in response to her words, several of the broken pieces of wood started to vibrate and come together.

Johnathon lashed out with a kick at the closest pile, knocking the pieces further apart and grimaced. "Unless somepony wants to build a bonfire right here, I think Professor Rose is probably right."

There was a flurry of activity as the group kicked and stomped on the slowly reforming creatures, scattering pieces far and wide, then, as one, the ponies (and one human) turned to Briar Rose.

The pegasus archeologist nodded and turned to go, trotting swiftly away down the path they had been following before the attack. The others followed swiftly, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Soarin' flying easily just over their heads while the others broke into a canter, and Johnathon a heavy run.

Shining Star rushed ahead of Johnathon to run side by side with Briar Rose, and the man found himself running side by side with Rarity, the elegant white unicorn's horn shining brightly, illuminating their surroundings with a powerful white light. Without looking back, Johnathon could hear Applejack pounding along just behind them, barely slowed at all by the heavy golden armor she wore. Back further still, he could hear more hooves pounding at a canter, and the beat of wings.

At his left side, Rarity ran easily, a tight, grim expression on her face as she concentrated on maintaining her spell while keeping up with the others. Johnathon's own heart was beating hard in his chest, and his body felt light, as if he could run forever, but inwardly he knew that the adrenaline from the fight would not last much longer, and he was already starting to feel the slightest twinge of effort as he ran, naked sword in his right hand, the other hanging on to the saddle bags still draped over his shoulder. He knew, intellectually, that over several miles he could keep pace with ponies at a trot, or a slow canter, but at the pace they were galloping, as burdened as he was, he didn't know how long he would last.

He was just starting to hyperventilate from the effort when a pair of blue hooves came down to grab the saddle bags off his shoulder, pulling them into the air. "Keep running, John!" Rainbow Dash told him encouragingly. "I've got your stuff."

Rarity glanced over at him worriedly, gasping slightly for breath herself but still not as winded as the human from their rapid flight through the woods.

From just behind them, Applejack called out, her strong voice carrying clearly. "Professor, you might want to slow down a mite? I don't think Johnathon can keep up this pace for long!"

Briar Rose glanced back, her own coat noticeably lathered with sweat, and after a moment the older pegasus took flight, signalling for Shining Star to continue forward, she glided up, slowing slightly and falling back to get a better look at her human colleague. Even as she did so, a chorus of angry howls could be heard in the distance behind them.

"I... can... keep... going...." Johnathon panted between gasps, his eyes narrowed as he dug deep, even picking up the pace slightly as his stride lengthened with his increased effort.

"Let's get some more distance before slowing..." Briar Rose decided, flying forward again to join Shining Star in leading their small band further away from the scene of their fight. "Right now, they're probably deciding if we're worth going after... let's make it easy for them, and leave their territory before they make up their tiny wooden minds."

Without the weight of his bags slowing him down, Johnathon's breathing slowed down even as his muscles warmed to the repetition of the run. Focusing on nothing but the trail ahead, Johnathon's world narrowed down into nothing but the effort of running and the concentration of keeping his footing in the varied terrain at the high speed they were maintaining.

After what seemed like hours, but in reality was probably less than half of one, Briar Rose slowed and stopped as they entered a small, forsaken looking clearing, flying up and landing on the far side, then turning back to face the tired group behind her as they filed into the open space behind her and came to a stop as well.

"Let's catch our breath here for awhile. The timberwolves have probably given up by now..." the pegasus explorer decided, concealing how hard she was breathing herself with noticeable effort. Spitfire, Soarin, Rainbow Dash and Applejack still seemed relatively fresh, but everyone else, pony and human alike, seemed like they were about ready to collapse.

Johnathon himself staggered as he came to a halt, almost doubling over as he crouched, hands on hips, as he tried to catch his breath. Rarity, beside him, let her light spell drop and collapsed lightly on her side, somehow managing to make her fall look graceful.

"I don't think..." the fashionista panted, "that I... can run... another step."

"I reckon you'd get up and run if those timberwolves were howling just behind ya..." Applejack commented with a chuckle as she stood calmly beside her more delicate friend, looking down with a gentle smile. "Still, ya did good, Rarity. Y'all deserve a rest."

Rarity looked up at the sturdy earth pony mare in consternation. "Don't you dare patronize me, Applejack," she replied huffily, having somehow manged to mostly catch her breath in the few moments of rest. "I was absolutely useless in that... horrible skirmish. I stood there petrified like a little foal while the rest of you fought so valiantly. It was all I could do to maintain a simple light spell!"

"Damn useful light spell," Johnathon said gruffly, "Blinded them and gave us perfect targets. I'd say you made a huge difference."

"I'd have to agree, Miss Rarity..." Shining Star commented calmly. "You timed it perfectly, and gave us the opportunity to strike first. We won that fight as a group, and you did your part. I have no complaints."

"Sure didn't hurt to be able to see what I was buckin..." Applejack said agreeably. "And having them timberwolves just sorta standing around blinking didn't hurt none," she frowned. "What gets me is why that pack was there in the first place. I ain't hardly ever seen so many of them critters in one place before..." she trailed off, then glanced at Briar Rose. "What do you think, professor, you reckon somethin's got em riled up for some reason?"

Briar Rose shook her head slowly, although it was obvious she was considering the idea. "I really have no idea, although it's as good a theory as any."

"It's too bad Fluttershy isn't here to tell us..." Rainbow Dash commented, looking slightly disgruntled. "She could ask the local wildlife and find out what's up. Kind of... convenient that she had to leave... her, and Twilight, who probably could have flattened the whole pack at once if she wanted."

Johnathon glanced up at the cyan speedster thoughtfully. "Do you think that the whole 'future Twilight' thing was some sort of ruse, then?"

Rainbow Dash hesitated. "Well... maybe. I mean, we handled things alright," she chuckled slightly, putting a hoof behind her head. "Heck, with Twilight there, there wouldn't have been enough for the rest of us to do... and Fluttershy would have tried to get us to be nice to the poor monsters..." she shrugged. "I don't know... I am kind of worried about them, though."

"Twilight and the others can handle themselves, I reckon," Applejack said stoutly. "Like you said, Dash, Twilight could make a pack of mangy timberwolves like that into pancakes if she put half a mind into it, and Fluttershy can stare down anything that lives in the Everfree, one way or another. As for Pinkie... I'd like to see a timberwolf catch that pony if she didn't want to be caught."

"I guess," Rainbow Dash agreed reluctantly. "And I suppose they could keep those guards with them safe at the same time... probably," Shining Star stiffened slightly at the unintentional slight, while Aegis and Morning Star exchanged amused looks behind their commander's back.

Shining Star snorted once and turned to Briar Rose. "What are your orders, Professor?" he asked curtly, giving her a quick salute. "Should we head back for the others?"

Briar Rose wrinkled her nose, then shook her head. "They're miles and miles away by now... with any luck, they're practically back in Ponyville already. I say we trust them, and get ourselves the rest of the way to the ruins. Then Soarin and Spitfire can head back, knowing where they can find us when they return."

Shining Star nodded once, looking slightly disgruntled but not willing to argue the point.

Rainbow Dash snorted in frustration. "Well, let's get going then! And I'm going back to Ponyville too, once we get to the castle. I'm not waiting till they make the round trip to find out if everypony is all right."

Morning Star frowned at that, glancing at Shining Star with a questioning look. His Sergent glanced at the pair of Wonderbolts thoughtfully, then nodded once, answering the silent question.

Briar Rose glanced around the small clearing at the group, then nodded once. "Alright. Let's get going," she took a moment to look thoughtfully at Rainbow Dash, then nodded again. "As for you... if anypony can keep up with our pair of Wonderbolts, it'd probably be you, so yeah, I'll feel better with three of you going than two alone, at least until we know more about what's happening. I expect the rest of us will be able to fort up and hold out in the ruins. From all descriptions, there is quite a bit of the structure remaining, so we'll be safe enough till you three can return," she took a deep breath, and nodded to Johnathon. "OK, you're with me on point again..." she glanced at the others, then made a decision. "Shining Star, Applejack, you're our rear guard. Everypony else, keep your eyes peeled and your ears open. No idea what else we might run into before we get where we're going."

The small group set out once more, moving at a steady trot that ate up the distance quickly. Despite, or perhaps because of their caution, the rest of their journey was unimpeded by incident. Crossing the shallow river where they had encountered a certain sorrowful serpent, (who, to Rarity's disappointment was not present) and passing over the rope bridge Rainbow Dash had repaired almost two years ago, they reached the Ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters just as Celestia's sun was beginning to give way to Luna's moon.

Briar Rose flew up a ways to get a good look at the place, and pointed at the still mostly intact structure that had held the Elements of Harmony. "We'll camp in there for the night, I think."

Rainbow Dash hovered over the rest of them, looking slightly impatient. "OK then... you set? Can I go?"

Briar Rose glanced over at the younger pegasus mare with a chuckle. "Stick with Soarin' and Spitfire on the way back," she cautioned. "There are plenty of winged monsters in these woods as well, and you don't want to have to deal with any of them solo."

Rainbow Dash hesitated, then nodded. "Not that anything could catch me, but..." she fluttered easily over to the two Wonderbolts. "But I know how to work with a team. We'll get there together or not at all."

Spitfire grinned slightly at Rainbow Dash and nodded firmly. "Good attitude, Rainbow Dash. That kind of team spirit is just the sort of thing we look for in the Wonderbolts," she glanced at Soarin, and the pair of experienced stunt fliers took off together like they were joined together by an invisible steel bar, flying in formation so naturally it seemed like they had been doing it forever. Rainbow Dash raced after a moment later, catching up and coming in on Spitfire's other side to fly at her other wing. The three pegasi sped off and were out of sight in only moments, although Briar Rose and Morning Star hovered up to watch them over the tree tops long after the others lost sight of them. When they were out of sight even for the far sighted pegasi, Briar Rose and Morning Star flew back down to join the others.

Briar Rose looked curiously at Morning Star. "I'm surprised you didn't volunteer to go back as well. Aren't you supposed to be guarding Rainbow Dash?"

Morning Star hesitated before answering. "On the ground, sure. In the air...?" he shrugged. "I'm no Wonderbolt, and it's obvious I wouldn't be able to keep up with them or Rainbow Dash in the air. I'd be a liability if they need to outrun something, and frankly, any of those three can probably outrun anything in this forest... no contest. Their best tactic is simply to outfly anything they meet, and without me slowing them down, they can do so pretty easily, I'd guess."

Briar Rose glanced at Shining Star, raising her eyebrow curiously, but the unicorn sergeant just shrugged. "Kind of figured that was obvious. Morning Star will be more useful here with us for the night. Miss Dash will be safer with the Wonderbolts for the moment."

"The faster they get back, the better I'll feel," Johnathon muttered darkly. "I'm worried about Twilight and the others. Perhaps Twilight's future self was exactly what she appeared... and they're all fine, but... having those three checking up on them will go a long way toward making me feel better," he sighed. "I hope they're alright."


Twilight watched from a distance while Pinkie and Fluttershy played ball with the giant three headed dog, Cerberus, frowning to herself as she tried to work out the puzzle she was now faced with.

"Why?" Twilight asked herself for perhaps the twentieth time that day. "Why Pinkie? Why me, for that matter? Obviously, Fluttershy could have handled Cerberus by herself... so why did Pinkie and I need to come back to Ponyville... and why am I going to send future Pinkie back to the library tomorrow?"

She paced slowly back and forth, working it out. "With Cerberus here, the gates of Tartarus are unguarded... which means it's imperative that he is returned there as soon as possible... but I told myself that I'm going to send Pinkie to the library tomorrow, and that I needed to be there... and to be ready. Ready for what?"

Twilight walked over to Captain Bright Lance, who was watching the giant three headed dog play ball with an expression halfway between disbelief and awe. "Captain, Cerberus needs to be returned to the gates of Tartarus as soon as possible, but I told myself that I need to be in the library tomorrow morning, so I can't be the one to take him there. Can I trust you to handle it?"

Bright Lance blinked once, then again, pointing at the monstrous hound. "Cerberus. You want me to take... that, to the gates of Tartarus? Alone?"

Twilight blinked. "Oh. Right," she thought about it for a moment, then walked over to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy..." she asked slowly, "Cerberus needs to go home. Do you think you could take him back? He has a very important job to do, after all."

Fluttershy hesitated, then nodded slowly. "I suppose so... if it's really important," she smiled faintly, "and it will be nice to be able to spend some more time with him on the way. He's such a nice puppy!"

Twilight nodded with a faint smile, then turned and walked back to the unicorn captain. "Well then, Captain Lance, Fluttershy will handle Cerberus, all you need to do is keep Fluttershy safe on the journey, and everything will be fine. I don't think I'll be needing any guards here in Ponyville, so why don't you take Glory and Hammer with you?"

Bright Lance thought about that, and nodded. "Yes, I think we can handle this. Will you be informing the princess of the situation?"

Twilight nodded again. "I'll send her a letter right away. I wish I could come myself, but future me told me I needed to wait in the library for future Pinkie... and so far, I haven't given myself any reason to doubt... me..." she trailed off. "Wow, did that sound as weird to you as it did to me?"

Bright Lance shivered once. "I don't think I like time magic very much. Gives me the willies. Still, if any pony could handle it, I'm sure it's you. I trust you, Twilight, and that goes for future Twilight as well. We'll make sure Fluttershy and Cerberus get back to the Gates of Tartarus safely, although I wouldn't mind if you ask the Princess to send some reinforcements when you get the chance?"

"I'll do that, Captain," Twilight told him calmly. "After all, I want to get back to my friends in the Everfree forest as soon as possible," as Bright Lance went to his men to explain their new mission, Twilight went over to Pinkie, who was still playing fetch with the giant three headed dog. "Pinkie... I think you should stay here in Ponyville with me. In fact, I think you should stay in the Library tonight. We don't want to miss future you, after all."

Pinkie tossed the ball one last time, then turned to Twilight with a happy smile. "I wouldn't miss me for all the cakes in Canterlot, Twilight! Of course I'll stay over," she put a hoof over Twilight's shoulder conspiratorially. "What do you think future me is coming back to tell us, Twilight?"

Twilight shook her head. "I have no idea..." she hesitated, looking thoughtful. "Well, actually, I do have a few ideas, but I won't know for certain if I'm right till future you shows up and tells us. We're just going to have to be ready for anything."

Pinkie saluted smartly at that. "Okie dokie Lokie!"

Twilight nodded, and turned toward her beloved library. "Well then, I guess we should get some sleep. We don't know what time tomorrow the future you will arrive, but we'll want to be ready for anything," leading the way toward the library, Twilight frowned again in thought as she once again put her formidable mind to the task of solving the riddle that the arrival of her future self presented. "Ready for what?" she repeated once more, under her breath.

"Twilight!" Cheerilee's voice rang across the open space between them as the purple unicorn turned to spot the ex-earth pony turned human jogging toward her from across the street. "What's going on? Is everything all right? Why did you come back?" she hesitated grimacing, then shook her head. "No... just tell me, is Johnathon all right?"

Twilight smiled and nodded reassuringly. "He's fine, Cheerilee. We came back to Ponyville in order to deal with Cerberus... and everything is fine, I think," her smile turned hesitant and she frowned. "Well, so far, anyway. Johnathon and the others were continuing on to the Castle of the Pony Sisters when we left them, but there is no reason they shouldn't be fine. It's just that I'm not exactly sure why I sent Pinkie back with Fluttershy and myself."

Cheerilee blinked. "What?"

Pinkie spoke up. "It was super cool, Cheerilee! A Twilight from the future showed up in this big explosion, or maybe a whirlwind... a big explosiony whirlwind! She was all serious and futurey, and told us to come back to Ponyville, and that tomorrow morning future me is coming too!"

Cheerilee blinked twice. "What?"

Twilight sighed, then shook her head. "It's complicated. Why don't I try and explain on the way to the library?"


Cheerilee sipped from her cup of tea thoughtfully. "So... this is like one of Johnathon's stories about the Doctor. You came from the future in order to fix the past... or something like that?"

Twilight frowned. "I'm not completely sure what it all means, but it's something like that, anyway. I'm just puzzled as to why I'm apparently going to send a future Pinkie back here to the library tomorrow morning."

Cheerilee shrugged. "I guess there's only one way to find out. We'll ask future Pinkie when she arrives."

Twilight hesitated. "I suppose that's all we can do... but the time jumping spell... if that's what it was, doesn't seem to last very long, so we're not going to have a lot of time for explanations."

Cheerilee nodded thoughtfully. "Well, in that case, it's probably best if we just listen to whatever future Pinkie has to say. She'll know more than we will when she arrives, I would assume."

Twilight shrugged helplessly. "That makes sense... but I'm still worried. Something makes me think that something bad is going to happen."

As if by magic, the front door to the library burst open, and Rainbow Dash burst into the room, followed closely by Spitfire and Soarin'. "Twilight!"

Twilight blinked. "Rainbow Dash, is everypony alright?"

Rainbow Dash stared at Twilight for a long moment, as if making sure it was really her before speaking up. "Yeah, although just barely! We got attacked by a huge bunch of timberwolves after you left!"

Twilight looked horrified. "Timberwolves? Was anypony hurt?"

Rainbow Dash was already looking calmer as she took in the scene of Twilight and Cheerilee calmly having tea together. "Well, no... not really. But somepony could have been killed! I mean, we took care of the wolves, it's not like it wasn't anything we couldn't handle, but it seems a bit too convenient that you got called away just in time for them to attack us without you. I mean... obviously there wasn't any emergency here in Ponyville. I think you were set up...."

Twilight shook her head. "No... Cerberus was here... a giant three headed dog that guards the gates of Tartarus. If Fluttershy wasn't here to calm him down, he could have destroyed half the town...."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh. Huh."

Spitfire spoke up. "So the warning from future you was accurate?"

"So far..." Twilight said hesitantly. "I still don't know why Pinkie and I needed to return, but I'm guessing we'll find out tomorrow morning," she nodded. "And Cerberus was a real problem. I can see myself going back in time to warn me of that. I trust her... me... future me, I mean."

Spitfire nodded. "Then I suppose we'll trust your judgement, Twilight."

Twilight frowned. "But what about everypony else? You said timberwolves attacked you?"

"Around twenty or so," Spitfire said with a frown. "We destroyed about a dozen of them, and the rest scattered and ran," she glanced sideways at Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow here got at least two of them herself."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "I got three... although I don't know if it counts when they just pull themselves back together afterwords."

Cheerilee spoke up. "Johnathon... he wasn't hurt, was he?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head quickly, smiling. "Him? He practically impaled one of the timberwolves on that big sword of his... I think he might have gotten two, but I missed part of the fight. Heck, even Applejack took out two of them."

Cheerilee sighed. "So he wasn't injured?"

Soarin' smiled reassuringly at her. "No pony was, ma'am. After we kicked around the remains of the ones we'd broken up, we high tailed it out of there, but everypony made it to the ruins intact. We only came back to Ponyville after that."

Spitfire nodded to Twilight. "We wanted to make sure that you had gotten back safely, but obviously you have."

Twilight nodded, looking distracted. "Timberwolves... and in such numbers. That's... more than a little odd."

Cheerilee spoke up. "Do you think the timberwolves attacking had anything to do with Cerberus?"

Twilight looked surprised, then slowly nodded as comprehension crossed her face. "It's possible. The gates to Tartarus are on the other side of the Everfree forest. Not directly on the other side, but it's quite possible that Cerberus came through the Everfree to get to Ponyville. He must have scared the timberwolves... caused them to group together and look for a new territory to hunt, perhaps? Magical canines are generally quite territorial, after all."

"As far as I was aware, so are non-magical canines...." Cheerilee commented with a small smile. "I'll take your word on the magical varieties."

Twilight's horn lit up and she started levitating down books. "Now where was my copy of 'Magical beasts and Where to Find Them'?" she muttered distractedly as she floated books down in front of her one by one, scanning covers. "I just read the section on monsters native to the Everfree last week...." after several moments, she smiled as the correct book stopped in front of her, and she let the rest of her selection drop to the floor as she flipped the book open and started to quickly peruse it for the page she wanted. "Let's see... timberwolves... timberwolves. Ah!" Twilight stopped flipping pages and started to read in earnest, her eyes scanning the pages at lightning speed.

After several moments of this, Rainbow Dash sniffed. "So... what's the verdict?"

Twilight was still reading to herself, and Cheerilee moved over to read over the purple unicorn's shoulder. "Just a moment..." Twilight said, still busy reading. "Let's see... they regenerate themselves from their original components.., and can even draw from nearby trees to gain mass? That doesn't sound good. Oh... it says here that the the more mass they incorporate, the more vulnerable they are to being disrupted, that's good."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "What does that mean?"

Twilight looked up. "Well, according to this, the larger they are, the longer it takes them to recover from being disrupted... and the easier it is to disrupt them."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Oh. OK then. That doesn't sound too bad."

Twilight nodded absently, continuing to read. "Highly territorial, they will typically only run from larger predators, although when hunting outside of their own territory, they are more easily driven off," she closed the book, looking up at the three pegasi standing in front of her. "It sounds like they're a lot more dangerous if they're defending their own territory... although if Cerberus really did drive them out of their previous territory, I'm not sure what that could mean," she sighed. "I wish Fluttershy were here. I'm sure she'd have some idea."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "What do you mean? Where's Fluttershy anyway?" she glanced around. "And where in heck is Pinkie?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... Fluttershy went with Captain Bright Lance and the other guards to return Cerberus to the gates of Tartarus... Pinkie went back to Sugarcube corner for some snacks for tonight. She's sleeping in the library with me tonight, so she doesn't miss herself in the morning.

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. "Are you telling me that you sent Fluttershy to take a giant monster back to some sort of monster gate? Why didn't you go with her?"

Twilight winced. "I... I told myself that Pinkie and I needed to be here in the Library tomorrow, and it'll take at least a day to get Cerberus back to Tartarus, and another to get back here. I couldn't go! But Cerberus had to be returned as soon as possible, and nopony could handle him like Fluttershy. He was just a big puppy to her."

Rainbow Dash thought about that. "Fluttershy probably had it eating out of her hoof, huh?"

Twilight nodded and chuckled. "Actually, Fluttershy is probably a lot safer than the others right now. I'd hate to be a monster that tried to hurt her right now, with Cerberus itself guarding her, not to mention three royal guards."

Rainbow Dash looked a little dubious. "Well... no offense, Twilight, but those guards aren't exactly filling me with confidence. I mean... they're decent, but they're not as good as me... or even Applejack."

Spitfire and Soarin' exchanged thoughtful glances before shrugging to each other. "I wouldn't underestimate the royal guard, Dash," Spitfire said a moment later. "They haven't seen as much action as you and your friends... but they're well trained, and they certainly held their own in that fight."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "I guess they didn't suck... but I'd rather have Applejack covering my back... or Twilight."

Spitfire chuckled. "I don't blame you. Personally, I'd rather have you."

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide. "Really?!?"

Spitfire smiled at her. "Yeah. You fly like nopony I've ever seen. Your wingpower is off the charts, and you hit like a wrecking ball. You're still a little sloppy, but you've got what it takes kid. No doubt about it."

Rainbow Dash hesitated. "So... are you saying I'm Wonderbolt material?"

Spitfire just looked at her for several seconds before answering. "You've got the potential. I don't want you to get the wrong idea though. There was more than one pony with smoother moves than you at the Best Young Fliers competition... although you clearly deserved the win. You're not quite practiced enough at formation flying or even stunt flying to make the team outright... but we're holding a week long training camp in four months, and trust me, you're getting an invite."

Rainbow Dash had been quivering slightly throughout Spitfire's assessment, looking like she didn't know whether to cringe or preen, but at Spitfire's final words, Rainbow Dash threw herself into the air, completing a full 360 loop before touching down and throwing her front hooves into the air. "Yes! You mean it! You're inviting me to the Wonderbolt training camp?"

Spitfire chuckled. "Kid, your name has been down for months now. Just keep it under your hat. I'm not supposed to play favorites," she sobered slightly. "And I'm not. If you really want to join the Bolts, you'll earn it. You've still got a lot to learn about precision flying, and teamwork in the air. Don't get cocky."

Rainbow Dash settled down and nodded firmly, a fire behind her eyes. "I'll do you proud, Ma'am."

Spitfire nodded back, her voice gruff and serious. "See that you do," she shrugged. "That said... I was serious before. Now that I've seen you fight... well, I'm glad you're on our side."

Soarin' chuckled in agreement. "Heck yeah! You kicked flank out there, mare! I mean, you were all ZOOM, WHAM, BOOM!" he said, making swooshing motions with his hooves. "What did they feed you when you were growing up, baby dragons?"

"Hey!" Spike yelled from the kitchen, sounding more than a little annoyed.

At that moment, Pinkie burst back in through the front door, carrying a loaded tray. "I've got cupcakes!" she announced cheerfully. "What did I miss?"


Back at the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, it was well past dark. They had set up sleeping bags inside the entrance to the room the elements had resided in, and most everypony had settled down, getting ready for sleep. Applejack and Johnathon had gotten together and gathered wood for a fire, and a merry little blaze was going on the stone floor of the room.

Briar Rose and Shining Star had been talking quietly for several minutes before the grey maned archeologist spoke up for everypony to hear. "I think we'd be best off if we post watches throughout the night," she explained calmly, "however, since we currently only have three royal guards with us, I'd like to ask everypony to pitch in and help take a shift, alright?"

There was a general nodding and shrugging around the group, and the archeologist pony continued. "Applejack and Shining Star, you're on first watch. Rarity and Aegis, you're up second. Johnathon, you can take the third watch with Morning Star."

Rarity frowned slightly. "May I ask, Miss Rose, when you'll be standing a watch?"

"R H I P," Briar Rose quipped with a small grin, "I'll be sleeping. Seriously though, if anyone spots anything at night, don't wake everyone unless you're sure it's trouble. If you're in doubt, wake me, and I'll make the call. We'll probably be fine, and there's no reason to expect any more trouble, now that we're here in the ruins. It's obvious that they're not regularly visited by wild animals."

Rarity sniffed once, then nodded. "Very well, Professor. I will do my part."

Just then, the sound of rapidly approaching wings alerted the small band to the return of Spitfire, Soarin' and Rainbow Dash. Everypony gathered around to hear what had been happening in town.

"So Fluttershy and the rest of the guards are heading out to Tartarus... and Twilight and Pinkie are going to stay in Ponyville tonight..." Spitfire summed up as she finished explaining.

"When can we expect them?" Briar Rose asked with a frown.

"Not for a few days, I expect," Spitfire answered with a shrug. "Fluttershy will probably be at least a couple days getting back from dropping off Cerberus, and I have no idea how long Twilight will be. I suppose it depends on what future Pinkie has to say."

"Hmmph," Briar Rose wrinkled her nose, then shook her head as if clearing it. "Ah well... it shouldn't change our primary mission. We're here to find the lost refuge. Maybe the Elements of Harmony will be needed before we're done, but I expect there will be plenty to do before that's an issue. It sounds like Twilight had good reason to send herself back to Ponyville in any case, so it can't be helped," she looked thoughtfully at Rainbow Dash and the pair of Wonderbolts. "Anyway, you three should get some shut eye. You've done enough. You'll want to be rested if you're going to be running back and forth to Ponyville."

Rarity, who had been looking forward to a shorter shift on watch with more ponies to share the duty, stifled a groan, but before long, everypony but Applejack and Shining Star settled in to sleep. The two of them headed out of the ruins together and started to slowly walk around the outside of the ruins, keeping the structure holding their companions in sight but otherwise getting a feel for the lay of the land.

"So... you reckon we've seen the last of them wolves?" Applejack asked conversationally.

"I expect you'd have a better idea than I would," Shining Star answered with a shrug. "It sounded like you've had some experience with them in the past."

Applejack nodded. "Our farm is on the outskirts of town, and we do get timberwolves from time to time, especially near Zap Apple season. I think it's because the magic of the Zap Apple trees calls to them or somewhat... seeing as they're sort of magical trees themselves...?" she shrugged. "I reckon Twilight could explain the why's and wherenows better than I... but that's what it seems like to me."

"Zap Apples?" Shining Star asked curiously. "What are those?"

Applejack started to grin. "Well now... that there's a story!"


Hours later, a rather disgruntled Rarity stood side by side with the rather more stoic unicorn, Aegis. The fashionista had stopped complaining after five minutes when it became obvious that her companion had nothing to stay on the subject, confining himself to non-verbal shrugs and small nods, and the occasional grunt.

Tired, but even worse, bored, Rarity grasped for a subject of conversation to pass the time, "I must say, Mister Aegis, I was quite impressed with your force field. It was very... effective. I don't think I've seen any pony quite as skilled with shields."

Aegis grunted at that and shrugged, "Captain Armor is better," he said quietly.

"Really!" Rarity said, sounding surprised. "He must be quite talented, then. Still, I wonder if you are just being modest. I've honestly never seen a shield used with such finesse."

Aegis grunted again. "It's the only spell I can do... besides levitation," he admitted.

Rarity smiled graciously. "Well, you do it very well. Besides, that's hardly unusual. I daresay I don't know many unicorns who can do more than that."

Aegis glanced at her with a raised eyebrow. "You can."

Rarity blinked. "Well now... besides my gem finding spell, I hardly know any magic, really. A few minor illusions... a smattering of transmutation spells that aid in my work... nothing major."

Aegis looked unconvinced. "Your light spell was pretty powerful, and I heard you're supposed to be helping Twilight Sparkle with her research as well?"

Rarity looked mildly embarrassed. "I'm just going to be using a little detection spell to try and determine if there are any humans on the other side of any dimensional portals Twilight manages to open. It's really nothing spectacular. Detection magic seems to come rather easily to me."

Aegis looked at her. "Sounds like you're actually pretty good at magic. I bet you'd have done really well at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns."

Rarity blinked in surprise at that. "Oh my... really now. I'm certainly no Twilight Sparkle. Just because I know half a dozen spells... well, closer to a dozen now, I suppose, doesn't mean that much."

Aegis snorted. "That's a lot more than most unicorns can do. Don't sell yourself short, Rarity."

Rarity blushed slightly, although she couldn't help but look pleased at the complement. "Aren't you the gentlecolt to say so."

Aegis blushed in return, and for the rest of their watch went back to monosyllabic responses once more.


When Rarity came over to his bedroll, Johnathon's eyes opened and he turned to face her, yawning slightly, even before she cleared her throat to wake him.

"My turn?" he asked, already starting to rise.

"So Aegis tells me," Rarity agreed, yawning as well. "All seems quiet so far. I don't know why we must watch throughout the night. We have a fire, and shelter. Surely we are safe enough?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Not our decision to make. It might be safe enough, but from everything I've heard, underestimating the Everfree is not a mistake you want to make."

Rarity nodded slowly at that. "Better safe than sorry, I suppose. Ah well, goodnight Johnathon," she said as she turned toward her own sleeping bag.

"Goodnight," Johnathon agreed as he tugged on his boots, rising to his feet to tie them.

Joining the pegasus Morning Star outside of the structure the rest of the ponies were resting in, they moved some distance away from the front entrance and began walking a slow perimeter of the camp, unconsciously imitating Applejack and Shining Star's path from earlier that night.

For a while they walked in silence, Johnathon found himself observing the pegasus guard with a mild curiosity. Although, like all royal pegasi guards, Morning Star had the typical white coat, blue mane, and stoic expression, Johnathon sensed a rather youthful exuberance underneath the magical concealment provided by his armor. They walked in silence for awhile, deciding on their course through the ruins through unspoken consent. More than once, Morning Star turned to look at Johnathon with curious eyes as well. Although thanks to the magic armor he wore, Johnathon couldn't really be sure of Morning Star's age, he sensed that the pegasus was quite a bit younger than himself, and probably quite a bit less experienced.

"That was quite the move you pulled during the fight," Johnathon commented finally after the two of them had completed a full circle around the structure their companions were sleeping inside.

Morning Star nearly startled at the comment, then coughed, trying to sound nonchalant. "It wasn't anything special. I've always had a bit of a knack for combat on the wing, is all. Top of my class in the academy in hoof to hoof combat."

"I wondered why somepony so young would be on this assignment," Johnathon commented, mentally crossing his fingers that he'd guessed correctly.

"I'm not... I mean... how did you know how old I am?"

"Oh, this and that," Johnathon said. "Maybe in part because you kind of remind me of me when I was young."

"Really?" Morning Star looked surprised. "How so?"

Johnathon chuckled. "Don't look so surprised. I was number one in my fencing team myself you know... and I know overconfidence when I see it," he smiled gently and raised a hand. "Not that I blame you. You're obviously talented, and I doubt you let it go to your head. You're smart enough to know what you're good at, and what you're not, and stick with your strengths. I appreciate that."

Morning Star blinked, then shrugged. "I suppose. I mean, yeah, I'm no speed flier. I do fine over long distances, but even I know I can't keep up with a Wonderbolt."

"Well, I'm glad to have you with me tonight," Johnathon said.

"Hold that thought..." Morning Star said in a hiss, his ears swiveling on his head as he started to look around them. "Did you hear something?"

Johnathon froze, slowly looking around as well as he started listening intently. Neither of them breathed, and in the sudden silence, a soft creak could be faintly heard, coming in the direction of the rope bridge that they had crossed to get to the ruins. Johnathon reached over his shoulder for his sword, and pulled it with a faint rasp as the two of them approached the bridge together.

The moon was low in the sky, behind the trees of the nearby woods, and they could barely make out the bridge, but they had been out and away from the fire for long enough that even Johnathon's eyes had adjusted to the lack of light, and soon they both made out the large shapes moving across the bridge in single file.

Johnathon glanced once at Morning Star, and gestured toward the ruins with his head, and spoke with quiet authority. "I'll hold the bridge... get the others, quick!"

Morning Star hesitated for one long moment, frozen, a protest on coming to his lips, but Johnathon was already sprinting for the bridge, his long curved blade gleaming in the faint moonlight that filtered through the trees. With a grimace Morning Star threw himself into the air and sped for the ruins like an arrow from a bow.

Johnathon reached the near end of the bridge several steps before the first timberwolf could finish crossing, and got into a guard stance, blocking it from leaving the lightly wobbling structure. The wolf growled low in it's throat but kept approaching slowly, only to be prodded sharply by the point of the tall man's two handed sword. The sharp crunch of wood was almost completely masked by the snarl as the wolf retreated, injured slightly but not seriously hampered, but now wary. It eyed the man carefully, trying to see a way past the shining blade that stood between them, then, obviously coming to a decision, the wolf gathered itself to leap.

Johnathon saw the wolf start to crouch, and swiftly struck at one of the two ropes holding the rickety bridge up, severing it neatly with a single savage swing in the moments before the wolf leapt. Despite his speed, the wolf managed to finish its leap, although its trajectory had been thrown off at the last moment as the bridge partially collapsed under it even as its paws leapt away. Behind it, two other timberwolves scrabbled for purchase before plummeting from the bridge with sharp howls of terror, falling out of sight into the fog below, and moments later crashing heavily into what sounded like rocks.

Spinning to the side to dodge the timberwolf's landing, Johnathon slashed down at the neck of the creature with a double handed slash, his sword cracking into the wood with a sharp retort and bouncing away, sending a wooden chip flying but failing to completely sever the head from the body.

Injured but still dangerous, the wolf wheeled on the swordsman, snapping and snarling as it tried to catch flesh in its jaws, but the man simply faded back as it attacked, cutting sideways this time to strike the inside of the wolf's jaw with yet another powerful cut, even as the wolf attempted to lunge forward again. The impact tore several teeth from the wooden mouth, but the sword ended lodged in the back of the monster's throat as it tried to rush the human, trapping the blade momentarily.

Johnathon grimaced as the wolf forced it's way closer, his arms buckling under the large creature's weight, its claws scrabbling to reach him. With a grunt of effort, he drew the blade to one side, the metal rasping against the wood and cutting deep into the monster's throat, finally severing the lower jaw from the upper as he finished pulling it free. The timberwolf collapsed into pieces even as Morning Star returned in a rush, Briar Rose and Shining Star following close behind.

Briar Rose took one look at the pile of rubble before taking to the air, circling around as she took in the area around them with a long sweeping glance.

"How many more?" Shining Star asked tersely, glancing toward the remains of the rope bridge.

"No idea," Johnathon admitted, shaking his head quickly. "I think there were three on the bridge... but..."

"Shh..." Briar Rose's voice hissed from above as she glided down to land beside them. "Listen."

Howls echoed from the far side of the chasm the bridge spanned, and the light of several pairs of green glowing eyes could be seen for a moment before the wolves concealed themselves once more in the forest beyond.

"They'll find a way around," Briar Rose muttered softly. "They've obviously chosen this area as their new territory, and we're trespassing. They won't give up easily," that said, she rose into the air once more, starting to circle slowly as she kept a lookout.

Shining Star's horn began to glow as he began to levitate pieces of the broken timberwolf. "Well, let's toss this one off the cliff before it reforms..."

Johnathon put a hand on the unicorn's shoulder, shaking his head. "Actually, I've got a better idea," bending over, he gathered an armful of wood from the fallen beast and turned to head back toward the ruins. Grunting, he found his right leg nearly giving out and he glanced down to note a trio of long slashes in his jeans where the wolf's claws had raked him, but with a grimace he forced himself to stagger on. "We do have a fire burning at the moment, don't we?"

Grinning in sudden comprehension, Morning Star and Shining Star gathered up as much of the fallen timberwolf as they could as well and rushed the pieces towards the light of the group's campfire, even as the rest of their small band came outside to find out for themselves what had happened.

Spitfire joined Briar Rose in keeping watch above while the others joined in on adding a considerable amount of enchanted lumber to their previously smoldering fire. In under a minute, the fire had picked up nicely and was roaring again, although strange green sparks shot up from time to time from the magical wood.

As the others tended the fire, Rarity pulled Johnathon to the side to take a look at his leg.

"Johnathon, sit down this instant!" the fashionista exclaimed, "and take off those pants at once. I must clean your injury, or it'll get infected."

"What is it with you and always telling me to take my clothes off?" the man joked wryly, already working at his belt.

"I simply can't resist your rugged charm, darling," Rarity quipped lightly, her horn lighting as she levitated a first aid kit out of Applejack's saddlebags. "Now sit down, and let me see your leg."

Rarity hissed in sympathy as she looked at the trio of ragged slashes going down Johnathon's right leg, and levitated a bottle of disinfectant toward him. "Now this will sting, I'm afraid..." she said soothingly. Outside the structure there was the switch of wings, then a distant crash, followed by a victory cry from Rainbow Dash. The sounds of fighting escalated quickly, and Johnathon started to force himself to his feet, only to be pushed down by Rarity's telekinesis. The Element of Generosity had one eye on the battle outside as she forced him to sit once more. "The others have things well in hand, Darling, don't worry."

"I should help..." Johnathon protested.

"And you will," Rarity agreed mildly. "Just as soon as I get this wound treated," within moments, Rarity had applied the disinfectant and had the would cleaned, and soon she had pads applied to the cuts and was wrapping his leg in a long bandage. The moment her work was done, Johnathon was pulling up his pants and rising to his feet. Knowing she would not be able to convince him otherwise, Rarity let him go. "Just keep bringing me wood, and I'll keep the fire going..." she offered mildly, following the man only to the entrance as she used her telekinesis to start gathering broken pieces of wood from the battle outside to add to the already large fire.

"All the wood you can use." Johnathon promised grimly as he entered the fray.


The sun was rising even as the fire finally started to die. The bodies of over a dozen wolves had been thrown on the blaze, which had grown so large that it had forced Rarity out of the ruin from the heat. The fashion-minded mare had continued to feed the blaze from outside, and had even joined the end of the battle, using her telekinesis to slow and hamper the wolves when they seemed about to get the upper hand on one of her companions.

Everypony was tired... Johnathon was still limping, and there were half a dozen other minor wounds as well, although none quite as serious as the one he had sustained at the beginning of the fight. The wolves had fought ferociously, reforming again and again until it was obvious that they no longer out numbered the ponies and human. Finally realizing that the battle was lost, the remaining half dozen or so timberwolves had fled once again, leaving behind the burning remains of their companions. Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Soarin' had followed long enough to smash and retrieve the pieces of two more timberwolves before Briar Rose called them back in, but despite their aches and pains, there were grins all around.

"No way they're coming back." Rainbow Dash decided with a triumphant grin, pumping a hoof into the air. "We kicked some serious tail!"

"I reckon we've seen the last of that bunch, alright..." Applejack agreed with a chuckle, then winced slightly, glancing down at several small cuts on her right foreleg where she'd narrowly escaped being bitten. "Maybe I should have worn that armor to bed."

"Sleeping in armor isn't exactly for everypony..." Shining Star said with a shrug. "You can get pretty sore if you leave it on while you're sleeping."

"You haven't taken yours off all night," the cowpony noted.

"You get used to it, after awhile," the unicorn sergeant amended. "Even so, I'll be stiff in the... er..." he glanced at the rising sun and shrugged. "Well, I'll be stiff today."

Rainbow Dash yawned, then glanced in the direction of Ponyville, frowning. "I hope Twilight is having an easier time than we are."

Chapter 34

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Twilight Sparkle groaned and rolled onto her back, holding her stomach lightly in her hooves. "Oh... too many cupcakes."

Pinkie raised an eyebrow incredulously. "Is that even possible?!?" she wondered, sounding astonished by the very idea.

Twilight chuckled, then groaned again. "Take it from me. You can eat too many cupcakes," she glanced out the window, noting with mild dismay that the sun was already starting to come up on the horizon. "We've been eating cupcakes and talking all night long!" she said with a frown. "I hope future you comes soon... I could use a nap."

Pinkie stood up looking around with definite interest.. "Time for naps later! Future me could appear at any moment!"

Twilight yawned. "I did say this morning... but it could be hours yet. Maybe there's time for a little nap?"

Pinkie's eyes went wide. "But Twilight! Any moment could be RIGHT NOW! Or..." she glanced around again. "Right now!" she frowned. "Right now?"

Pinkie sighed. "Future me could learn something about comedic timing..." she muttered, then spun around in a circle, clapping her hooves together dramatically. "And NOW!" she pointed at the corner of the room, and Twilight turned to look, halfway convinced that this time, something would appear.

"Pinkie..." Twilight said, rolling her eyes. "Future you isn't just going to appear when you say now and clap your hooves together," she clapped her hooves together once for emphasis, and at the same time, a wind started to blow even as a bright point of light appeared in the middle of the library floor. Even as magical sparks started to fly from the rapidly growing point of light, Twilight put a hoof to her forehead wearily. "Right. Silly me."

Pinkie was gaping at the light show, almost quivering in anticipation. "It's me! It's me! It's future me!"

A final burst of energy nearly blew both Pinkie and Twilight off their feet, and when the light died away, a second Pinkie Pie was standing there in a burnt spot in the center of the library floor.

"Hi me!" Pinkie said with a smile and a wave.

"Hi me!" future Pinkie answered back, grinning madly. Turning to Twilight, the future Pinkie started to speak quickly. "Twilight, you've got to use me as a... templawhatchamacallit to give past me my Pinkie Sense back!"

Twilight blinked. "A template? Wait... that doesn't make any sense. How did YOU get your Pinkie sense back?"

Future Pinkie blinked. "You gave it to me when future Pinkie came back from the future, of course!"

Twilight blinked again. "What?" she shook her head. "No... no, that's not possible. That just isn't scientifically possible!"

Both Pinkie's shared a knowing look, then shook their heads at Twilight in unison. "Twilight... sometimes you just have to believe in something," they said together.

Twilight stood frozen for several more seconds, and both Pinkie's started to look anxious. "Hurry Twilight!" they shouted in unison. "I don't think there's much time left!"

Twilight blinked, then her face grew calm. "Right. Just believe. No time for questions," with a look of utmost concentration on her face, Twilight's horn began to glow, and a beam of energy shot out toward future Pinkie. A second, more powerful beam shot out toward the current version of Pinkie, and a final beam of energy linked the two Pinkie's together.

There was a flash of light, and Twilight's spell ended, leaving both Pinkie's looking exactly the same as before.

"Did it work?" Pinkie asked, sounding confused. "I don't feel any different."

"It worked." Future Pinkie said confidently. "You just have to believe, sometimes."

Pinkie grinned and rushed forward, hugging her future self impulsively. "I'm sorry you can't stay longer."

"Me too." Future Pinkie agreed, hugging her past self back. "Think of all the pranks!" with another flash of light, and a sound like thunder, she was gone, leaving Pinkie Pie hugging the air, her mane blown back slightly as if by a mild explosion.

"Aww..." Pinkie grumped. "Twilight, you've got to work on getting that spell to last longer. That wasn't nearly enough time for any fun."

Twilight Sparkle blew out a breath, then inhaled deeply before sagging to the floor. "I don't know, Pinkie. We're breaking the fabric of space and time enough already, don't you think? There's probably some sort of safeguard in place in the spell to keep us from damaging the fabric of time too badly. Or at least, that's what I think. It would be irresponsible to just jump around in time without some sort of protection against temporal paradox, right?"

Pinkie blinked at that, then shrugged. "Sure!"

Twilight looked up at the irrepressible pink pony curiously. "So... do you think it worked? Did you get your Pinkie sense back?"

Pinkie Pie looked thoughtful. "Well, I wouldn't lie to myself, would I?" she thought about that for a minute. "No... I don't think I would. So... yes! I must have my Pinkie Sense back!"

Twilight opened her mouth to protest, then rethought her first impulse. "You're probably right. Still... how does that work, anyway? You got your Pinkie sense back because you came back in time with your Pinkie sense back because you came back in time with your...." she shook her head. "It doesn't make sense! Where did it come from in the first place! You got it from future you, who got it from... her own future you... it's like this endless loop of Pinkies, except there isn't any end."

Pinkie's eyes twinkled at that. "An endless loop of Pinkies? That sounds like fun!"

Twilight chuckled. "Well... it's not exactly like that. But still, I think we just created some sort of time loop. A self perpetuating one," she frowned. "Although, at least it's restricted to only the one...." her eyes widened. "Wait! We're actually in two time loops! First I came back and told myself about time spells... which are in the Starswirl the Bearded wing, and then you came back so that I could give you your Pinkie Sense back. But how did I find out that the time spells are in the Starswirl wing? Where did that information come from?"

PInkie blinked. "Because future you told you about it?"

Twilight rose to her hooves, pointing at Pinkie ecstatically. "Exactly! The information comes from the loop itself! It's like... the spell can create information from nothing! The location of the time spells... your Pinkie Sense! Both of those are... essentially information... brought into the past from the future... brought into existence by a stable paradox!"

Pinkie blinked. "Is that a good thing?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... it's a very confusing thing, actually... but at least it seems to obey some rules. Future me, and future you were returned to the future without leaving anything material behind... but information can be transferred back to the past. Even information that shouldn't exist if not for the time loop itself!" Twilight blinked. "Wow... that could be... really useful. Imagine if I had known about that spell when Discord first showed up? I could have gone back and warned myself to get the Elements of Harmony the day before he arrived!"

Pinkie blinked. "Are you sure that would work?"

Twilight shrugged. "Why not?" she frowned again. "Only since I didn't, obviously I can't go back and do so now. I mean... that would create a whole different sort of paradox... I think."

Pinkie looked confused. "So you can't go back and fix things?"

Twilight frowned slightly. "I'm not sure. I'm going to have to actually find the spell and find out how it works before we know anything for certain."

Pinkie looked curious. "So... road trip?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. I think we'd better go to Canterlot. Both of us," she looked worried. "In fact, I'm sure we have to. If we don't. we could cause another paradox... a bad one."

Pinkie frowned. "You mean I wouldn't get my Pinkie Sense back?"

Twilight grimaced. "If I'm right, it could be much worse than that. I think we HAVE to go to Canterlot and cast those two time spells. Otherwise, time itself might be rewritten."

Pinkie blinked. "And that's bad, right?"

Twilight nodded grimly. "Very."


After getting off the train to Canterlot, Twilight led Pinkie to the palace, past the guards, and to Princess Celestia's personal garden, where Twilight knew the sun princess usually took her lunch. Like several of the guards before, the guard on duty outside the entrance to the garden simply smiled and waved at the purple unicorn and her companion.

"Hi Twilight!" the unicorn guard said cheerfully. "Go on in. The princess will be happy to see you!"

"Thanks Steve," Twilight said with a smile, walking past the guard and out into the garden.

Pinkie blinked. "Steve? What kind of name is Steve?" she whispered once they were out of earshot. "That's almost as weird as John-a-thin."

Twilight blinked. "Steve? Oh, it's short for Stevedore. He was apparently really big and strong, even as a foal, which is why his parents called him that. Everypony calls him Steve for short."

Pinkie frowned. "He's not short... he's almost as tall as Applejack's brother!"

Twilight blinked. "For short means..." she shook her head. "Never mind..." she continued walking till they came to a beautiful sunlit spot where the Princess sat amidst a very comfortable looking natural grotto where a number of large pillows had been set along with an embroidered blanket, which was laden with a tasty assortment of food.

"Twilight, Pinkie. It's so nice to see you!" Princess Celestia's smile was warm, and though she looked mildly puzzled, she didn't let it ruin her manners for an instant. "Please, join me. The cooks always make too much for just me, and I'd dearly love the company."

"Don't mind if I do!" Pinkie said enthusiastically before assaulting a small cake like a starving wolf attacking a rabbit.

"Princess!" Twilight hurried up to her mentor and they shared a fond nuzzle, entwining necks for a long moment before separating. "I missed you."

"I missed you as well, my student, although it has admittedly only been a short time since we last saw each other."

Twilight smiled. "Pinkie's secret surprise party..." both she and Celestia smiled warmly at the pink earth pony for a moment before they faced each other again. "I know... and it was wonderful to have both you and Luna there! Still, even though I love living in Ponyville, I do miss spending time with you, Princess. We used to have lunch like this several times a week, remember?"

Celestia smiled softly. "As if it was yesterday. It is indeed good to have you here again today. I assume you've come to look at the time spells in the Starswirl the Bearded wing, as you explained in your letter?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes... I wanted to ask you something first though, Princess. Do you know anything about Time magic yourself?"

Celestia nodded slowly. "Indeed I do, although probably not much more than you do. When Starswirl first completed the spell, he showed me what he had accomplished. It was very impressive, if not terribly useful."

Twilight blinked. "Not useful... Princess, think of all you could do with such a spell! You could warn yourself of all sorts of disasters if you could travel in time! I'm not sure exactly how the spell works yet, but... what if you could go back and change history? Not anything dangerous, say, just go back a few days and fix some disaster so that it never occurs!"

Celestia sighed. "Unfortunately, as far as I know, that isn't possible. The spell creates a stable loop. You can't use it to go back in time unless you've already gone back in time... if you understand my meaning. At least, that's the theory. Unfortunately, we couldn't really test it."

Twilight blinked again. "Why not, princess?"

Celestia shrugged. "Because it only works once. You can only send yourself back in time once, and, so far as I've seen, only to yourself. The time line remains stable because you already know about it before you create the time loop. We didn't dare try not to cast the spell afterwords... it seemed too risky."

Twilight blinked. "Only once? Oh," she looked disappointed, then blinked. "Still, it could have tremendous value! I mean, even if you can only send any one pony back once, that means you could send someone back each time there was an emergency to warn everypony! I mean... if some disaster happened today, we could sent Steve back a week to tell himself about it, and then come in to tell us about it now...." she glanced toward the entrance to the palace, as if halfway expecting the guard pony to suddenly be there, then blushed. "Well, obviously there isn't going to be a disaster later today... but you get the idea. So long as there is a pony around that you haven't used the spell on, there's no reason you can't warn yourself, right?"

Celestia blinked. "I'm sorry, my faithful student, but the spell doesn't work that way. Neither Starswirl or myself could figure out how to cast the spell on another pony. As far as I know, it's impossible. Starswirl tested the spell on himself before realizing that he would not be able to replicate it, and after he taught it to me, I used the spell to warn myself of an impending invasion by the Griffon empire thirty years later. Luna used the spell to warn us of a dangerous unicorn named Sombra. No pony since has had the power to use the spell, I'm afraid, and since you've used it yourself already, it probably will be decades before another is found with the ability to..."

Twilight blinked, then interrupted. "But Princess... I already cast the spell a second time. On Pinkie Pie! I sent her back in time to... well, this morning, in order to give her her... Pinkie Sense back," she scratched her head with a hoof. "Which is kind of hard to explain, actually."

Princess Celestia opened her mouth to reply, then closed it again. For a long moment, she just looked at Twilight with a puzzled expression, then her eyes cleared, and she smiled warmly.

"My faithful student. You never cease to surprise me! I would have thought casting that spell on another pony impossible, but you obviously found a way. I should have learned by now not to doubt your abilities."

Twilight blushed slightly. "But... I haven't done it yet. And... what if I can't do it? If you and Starswirl the Bearded couldn't figure it out..."

Princess Celestia shook her head. "Have faith in yourself, Twilight Sparkle. You will succeed. I have every confidence in you."

Twilight hesitated, looking pensive. "I hope you're right, Princess... I don't want to think about what sort of paradox might result if I can't figure out how to send Pinkie back in time."


Rather than head back to Ponyville, Princess Celestia had invited Twilight to stay in her old tower room near the palace so she could study Starswirl's manuscripts in peace. Relative peace, that is, as with Pinkie as a temporary roommate, peace and quiet was difficult to come by.

After a good night's rest, Twilight had gone to work on Starswirl's spell, and had quickly managed to decipher it. Sending herself back in time would be comparatively simple, if tiring, but Princess Celestia was right. The spell could only be used once, and, supposedly, only by the pony casting the spell.

Days passed, and the deadline for her to use the time spell was rapidly approaching. The spell could only send a pony back a single week in time, and soon she'd be past that particular deadline.

"What am I missing?" Twilight growled angrily as she slammed yet another book on spell design down in frustration. She had gone over and over the time spell's formula finding nothing of use. How could she figure out how to make a spell do something that not even Starswirl the Bearded could do?

"What are you missing?" Pinkie asked curiously. "Are you missing Spike? Because I bet he's lonely, all by himself in the library."

"Spike went over to stay with the Apple family while we're here in Canterlot," Twilight explained. "It's just that I can't figure out how I can... how I did... send you back in time. What makes you so special?"

"I don't know," Pinkie said slowly. "Is this a riddle? Is it because I'm a rock farmer? Or because I love parties? Maybe it's because of my Pinkie Sense! Oh, I know, maybe I'm special because we're friends, Twilight!"

Twilight shook her head. "No, it's not any of...." she blinked. "Pinkie! You're a genius! Why didn't I think of it sooner!"

Pinkie grinned. "Of course I'm a genius!" she scratched her head. "Wait... why am I a genius again?"


Twilight paced around the Princesses personal casting chamber in circles, muttering softly to herself. "It'll work. It's got to."

Pinkie sat in the center of an intricately draw series of runes, contently snacking on a tray of cupcakes.

Princess Celestia came into the room, her face serene. "You had something to show me, my faithful student?"

Twilight looked up at the Princess, then nodded firmly. "Yes Princess. I think I've solved it."

Celestia's face broke into a smile. "I knew you could do it. What was the solution?"

Twilight nodded to her friend. "Pinkie here gave me the idea. The reason I could cast the spell on her had to because she's special somehow. Special to me, specifically. To be precise, we're connected on a magical level by the power of the elements of harmony. It's the only thing that fits."

Princess Celestia considered that. "It seems plausible. Are you certain?"

Twilight nodded. "As certain as I can be, given the circumstances. The theory is sound. I entered the harmonic variable of our magical frequencies into the equation, and it seems to solve the problem. Unfortunately, there's only one way to know for sure."

The Princess nodded. "Yes... a test. And since the magic of the elements is involved, you can't test it unless it's on one of your friends."

Twilight sighed, and nodded. "I cast the spell on myself last night... and I went to the Everfree forest, last week, and warned myself, just like I remember. Still, there's no way to be one-hundred percent certain everything will be alright."

Pinkie finished off the last cupcake, and stood up on all fours. "OK Twilight, I'm ready to go! Let's get this party started!"

Twilight turned to her friend and nodded. "If you're sure, Pinkie. Are you sure you understand the risks involved?"

Pinkie grinned. "Silly Twilight, it'll work! You've already done it, remember?" she shrugged. "Besides, if we don't do this, there will be some sort of... really bad thing. A paraduck!"

"A paradox," Twilight corrected. "And that's only a theory."

Pinkie Pie took a deep breath, then looked the purple unicorn in the eyes. "I trust you, Twilight," then she smiled widely. "Besides, how else will I get my Pinkie Sense back?"

"But you already got it back..." Twilight blinked. "You did, didn't you?"

Pinkie nodded. "I dodged a flower pot yesterday afternoon, and avoided a door opening suddenly this morning. I'm back to normal."

Twilight grinned. "As normal as you get, anyway."

Pinkie giggled, then smiled wider. "But I won't ever get my Pinkie Sense back if we don't do this, right?"

Twilight hesitated. "We don't know that for sure. Maybe we create a separate time line whenever we travel through time... maybe a different timeline's Pinkie came from the future to give you your Pinkie Sense back... we can't be completely certain."

"You won't hurt me," Pinkie said with a confident nod. "Not Twilight Sparkle, element of magic and best friend ever. I trust you."

Princess Celestia nodded. "I think Pinkie is right, Twilight. I think it's time for you to trust yourself."

Twilight took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright. Let's do this," lowering her head, she started powering up her horn, focusing a beam of energy onto Pinkie that quickly became blinding in its brilliance. With a violent flash of light, it was over, and Pinkie was gone, a small scorch mark in the middle of the floor where the pink earth pony had been sitting.

"I... I did it," Twilight gasped, nearly collapsing from the strain. "I hope."

"Have faith," Celestia told her calmly. "Pinkie should return in just under a minute."

Twilight stared at the spot Pinkie had left as if willing her friend to return. Her body shook slightly from a combination of exhaustion and fear. Despite her calming words, Celestia gazed at the spot as well, both teacher and student silent with anticipation.

After what, to Twilight's perspective, had to be the longest minute in recorded history, Pinkie popped back into the center of the room in a blinding flash of light. Both Twilight and Celestia exhaled in relief, having stopped breathing the entire time.

Pinkie hopped over and hugged Twilight, then somehow pulled Celestia into the embrace as well. "Whee! That was fun, Twilight! Are you sure you can't do that again?"

Twilight and Celestia exchanged glances, and then both of them broke out into spontaneous laughter. Pinkie joined in, not knowing exactly what was so funny, but not caring either. They rolled around on the floor, sharing a joyful belly laugh, tinged with relief at Pinkie's safe return.


"I suppose you'll be leaving today then?" Celestia commented calmly. The two of them were sitting in Twilight's favorite tea room (the palace had four) sharing a cup of an exotic Saddle Arabian blend.

"On the afternoon train," Twilight answered with a slight sigh. "We should join the others at the dig as soon as we can."

Celestia nodded. "I hear that Professor Rose has been following up on a promising lead at the site. It would be a shame to miss anything."

Twilight nodded fervently. "I'd say," she hesitated. "Princess, if we need the Elements of Harmony to... open the way to the lost library, as Johnathon suspects...?"

Celestia nodded. "Let me know. I will have them ready for you, just in case."

Twilight smiled and leaned over to hug her mentor goodbye. "Thank you Princess. Thank you for everything. I don't know if I'd have had the confidence to send Pinkie back in time if you hadn't encouraged me."

Celestia smiled. "I never had any doubt, Twilight. You have accomplished so much and you are still so young. I am so very proud of you."

They hugged tightly, and for a minute there was nothing but peace and tranquility in the room. Then Pinkie Pie burst into the room.

"Group hug!" was all she shouted before leaping upon them. For some strange reason, neither of them minded a bit.


When Twilight and Pinkie got off the train in Ponyville, they were greeted by Fluttershy, and, to their surprise, the unicorn Fancy Pants as well.

"Miss Sparkle. Lovely to see you again," the aristocratic stallion said with a charming smile.

"Fancy Pants!" Twilight blinked. "What are you doing here in Ponyville?"

"I am in charge of logistics for the dig at the Castle of the Ancient Pony sisters, actually," Fancy Pants explained. "And my team is just about ready to go. I hear that the advance team has made some very promising discoveries, in fact!"

Twilight blinked. "Really? I wonder what they've found?"

Fancy Pants chuckled and inclined his head. "Only one way to find out."


Accompanied by an entire team of workponies, diggers, and archeology students, the trip through the Everfree to the Palace of the Royal pony sisters was remarkably quiet, with one exception. Pinkie bounced most of the way, chattering happily to Fluttershy and the ponies making up Fancy Pants' team about everything and anything on her mind.

"So...." Twilight began with a curious expression, "did you have any trouble getting Cerberus back to the gates of Tartarus?" she asked Fluttershy.

"No, no trouble," Fluttershy told her calmly. "Cerberus is a very good puppy. He was just lonely and wanted somepony to play with."

Twilight nodded. "Oh good. I was worried that some of the monsters there might have escaped."

Fluttershy shivered slightly. "Mister Bright Lance seemed worried about the same thing. Luckily the gates were still closed... or at least, that's what mister Bright Lance said. I was too frightened to check for myself."

Twilight smiled. "Well that's good," she blinked. "I mean that the gates were closed, not that you were frightened..."

Fluttershy smiled. "I knew what you meant," her face darkened slightly. "There is something I'm worried about though. Rainbow Dash told me about the Timber Wolves..." she sniffed. "Those poor puppies..." she shook her head. "I know that the others only did what they had too, but I wish they could have found another way...."

Twilight put a hoof gently on the yellow Pegasus's shoulder. "I does sound like they didn't have any real choice, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy nodded slowly, looking upset. "I understand that... but... that's not the only thing that's bothering me. From what Rainbow Dash told me, and from what I've seen myself so far, the whole Everfree forest has been disturbed. Things are already starting to settle down, but I'm not sure how the forest creatures will deal with large groups of ponies constantly moving through, going from the ruins to Ponyville and back again. It's bound to be disruptive. I'm sure that the forest will adapt to the change in time, but... I'm worried some pony... or some creature might get hurt in the meantime."

Twilight frowned, then shook her head, smiling reassuringly. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Things are bound to settle down soon, right?"

Fluttershy nodded dubiously. "Of course. I'm just worried what might happen in the meantime."


When they arrived at the Castle of the Ancient Pony sisters, the place was noticeably different from their last visit.

A pair of royal guards met them at the rope bridge, which had apparently been recently repaired with brand new ropes, and Shining Star flew over to greet them.

"You've missed quite a bit, Miss Sparkle," he told her with a small smile. "But I think you'll be pleased. Professor Rose seems to think that they're on the verge of a major discovery."

As he led them toward the castle ruins, Twilight noticed a forty by forty foot section that was roped off right next to the side of the building where the elements of Harmony had been kept. The grass had been stripped away, and several feet of earth as well, and Johnathon, Briar Rose, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were apparently busy at work inside it.

Spotting them, Briar Rose raised a hoof in greeting. "Ah good... Twilight Sparkle. I think you'll find this interesting!"

Twilight approached the rope barrier and peered around, trying to figure out what everypony was up to. "You seem to have sectioned off this area in a grid... have you found anything?"

Briar Rose nodded, gesturing to the edge of the large shallow area they had excavated. "See there? This area is surrounded by a wall... or was."

Twilight looked down, and blinked. Indeed, there was a clear line of old building stones at the edge of the pit that had been dug, and she followed that line all the way around. "Oh! You've found an old structure... right next to the castle!"

Briar Rose grinned slightly. "Actually... I believe it once was part connected to the castle, but for some reason, it collapsed well before the rest of the building." She pointed at an open entranceway that was mid way along the wall of the castle that faced their excavation. "When we first arrived, that entrance appeared to simply be a side entrance to the castle... but it was so wide... with no evidence of doors or hinges... any kind of defenses, it seemed odd. Johnathon thought it might actually be an interior entrance-way... which is one reason we started work on this area."

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. "It's also adjacent to the room where the Elements were stored..."

Briar Rose nodded. "Yes, that seemed significant. But there's more. You see...." she turned to Johnathon Dwire, who had walked over while they were talking. "But I'll let Johnathon explain. It was his discovery."

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, when you crash headfirst into a wall, you aren't likely to forget it," he pointed at a spot on the wall of the castle, very close to the open doorway. "I came to this world right there... hit that wall. When we figured out that that entrance must be an interior one... I had Rainbow Dash take me up... and we saw a distinct pattern in the grass that indicated the remains of a wall around this area. Combined with the fact that the dimensional portal dumped me right here... well..."

Twilight's eyes widened. "You think there's a connection?"

Johnathon nodded. "It would be an odd coincidence for me to appear right in the middle of an outer room adjacent to where the elements of harmony were kept. I can't help but wonder if there is something to be found in here. Some clue... I'm not sure what it could be... but... something drew me to this spot."

Twilight frowned. "The princesses said that the portal that Discord opened long ago was here. They used it to visit your world. Maybe they build a building around it?"

Johnathon hesitated, then shook his head. "Actually... I don't think so. Whatever was here... it was older than that. Much older. Briar Rose has confirmed that the materials used... the construction techniques... they're pre-discordian. The castle was build next to it, not the other way around. Perhaps the castle was built on top of another structure that had been destroyed in Discord's time?"

Twilight blinked. "So... you think that maybe something from before Discord's time caused the portal from your world to open up in this spot? Something that's still here?"

Johnathon nodded. "That's the theory we're going with," he walked over to the entrance way from the castle and pointed. "If you look here, we've started uncovering steps.... this room was obviously recessed into the floor... in fact, I think it may lead underground... but so far we haven't gotten deep enough to know for sure. We're moving slow... we don't want to miss anything."

Briar Rose looked at Twilight thoughtfully. "Do you think you could assist? I hear your telekinesis is very advanced. Miss Rarity has been of tremendous help with the initial excavation. She has extremely fine control, and could excavate without risking damaging anything valuable much faster than any of us, but she's exhausted herself in the last couple days."

Twilight nodded, and lowered her head to slip carefully under the rope and step down into the pit. "I should be able to help, yes. Where would you like me to work?"

Briar Rose gestured toward the far end of the pit, where Applejack was still carefully digging. "We think that, if this is a stairwell... that end is where we're most likely to find an entrance. Just be careful... we don't want to damage any artifacts we may find."

Twilight carefully made her way next to Applejack, who set her shovel aside and smiled as Twilight approached. "Howdy Twilight. This here is pretty tricky work... we have to dig all this out... but real careful like, so as not to break anything. We've been at it for a few days now. Think you can help pick up the pace a mite?"

Twilight's eyes twinkled slightly. "I think I should be able to manage something. You might want to stand back a bit..."

Applejack chuckled, picked up her shovel, and took several long careful steps backwards.

Twilight focused on the ground where Applejack had been digging, and her horn started to glow. Dirt started to rise from the area in slow, lazy spirals, arcing over to land neatly in a pile outside of the pit. More and more dirt started to rise in orderly columns, and Twilight felt rather than heard ponies go silent as they turned to watch. Not letting herself become distracted by the attention, she remained focused.

Twilight continued to tear up the ground and sift through it in an orderly fashion, taking her time to be sure she wasn't missing anything. She 'felt' something more solid under her telekinesis, and started excavating around it, clearing the dirt with apparent ease.

"What is that?" Applejack said curiously as she unearthed a corner. "It's squared off...."

Twilight grinned slightly and increased her efforts, and in moments revealed another corner, and another.

"Ah see! It's a step!" Applejack exclaimed. "Hey Johnathon, Professor Rose, come look! You were right! Twilight found steps!"

Twilight fought the urge to grin slightly as she uncovered one step after another, heading down in a spiral pattern into the ground.

"It's a plumb staircase! Going straight down!" Applejack enthused. "And whoo wee Twilight's sure clearing it fast. Go pony go!"

Twilight blushed slightly but kept focused on the task at hand.

"Never seen the like..." Briar Rose muttered. "And I thought that Rarity had fine control. Has she always been this good?"

"She's Twilight Sparkle," Applejack said firmly, as if that was enough.

"Still..." Briar Rose said softly, pausing to whistle under her breath. "Twilight? Don't overdo it now... that's a lot of mass you're shifting." Rainbow Dash snickered. Briar rose glanced at her, then Johnathon, who shrugged.

Twilight took a few steps forward so she could see down the ever deepening stone spiral staircase. A steady stream of dirt and small rocks flew out out of the stairwell without pause.

"I say!" Fancy Pants spoke up from a few meters back. "That's quite impressive!"

Bright Lance chuckled. "I've seen better," Briar Rose shot the guard captain a surprised look, and he explained. "You should see her when she's got the power of an alicorn. This is nothing."

Twilight walked a slow circle around the deepening stairway, carefully to funnel the dirt, rocks and gravel away from herself or the others as she laid it in a rapidly growing pile, her eyes intent on her work. For several minutes no one said a word, just watching the Element of Magic at work.

Finally she stopped. "I think that's it," Twilight said, sounding a little winded. "Or at least, that's all I can do from here. I can't see any farther down without going down the steps... but I think that there may be a room intact down there... as I reached the bottom, I could feel that it opened up."

Briar Rose nodded and held up a hoof. "That's plenty. Amazing work, really. Let me take it from here. I want to see this for myself."

"Be careful," Twilight warned. "It might be unstable."

"Careful is my middle name," Briar Rose quipped, then started slowly heading down the newly unearthed stairs, one stair at a time. She practically crawled down the stairs, her face low as she peered at every step before carefully testing it. One by one, she walked down the stairs, into the dark.

"A little light would be good!" the archaeologist mare said over her shoulder.

"No problem," Twilight said, slowly following Briar Rose down and lighting up her horn. "Let's see what we can... whoa."

Briar Rose whistled appreciatively. "Well now... isn't this a sight."

"What?" Rainbow Dash hovered over top of the stairs, looking down. "What do you see?"

"Just wait a minute!" Briar Rose called back up. "I want to make sure it's safe first!"

Several minutes passed, Pinkie was bouncing from hoof to hoof. Rainbow Dash fluttered from side to side impatiently, Johnathon crossed his arms and took slow even breaths. Applejack stared at the stairs as if willing something to happen. Behind them, half a dozen guards, and over a dozen workers glanced at each other and whispered.

"Alright!" Briar Rose came up the stairs, then pointed at Johnathon, then Rainbow Dash, then Applejack. "You three... come on down. There's not a lot of room yet... but you'll want to see this."

Following the pegasus archeologist down the narrow spiral stairs, they came into what appeared at first to be a small round chamber Twilight's horn illuminated it with a gentle white light, and they realized that the room was filled with debris, aside from the section directly around the stairs and a narrow section stretching to a wall about 20 feet away in the direction of the castle.

Briar Rose led the way carefully over to the wall. "Take a look at this," she swept some dirt aside with a wingtip, and Twilight increased the light coming from her horn so everyone could see. Part of a symbol that had been obscured by dirt and dust became clearer.

"Hey, isn't that..." Rainbow Dash began.

"The symbol of the elements of harmony," Johnathon concluded for her. "Part of it, anyway."

Briar Rose nodded, looking smug. "We've found something significant for sure. What this room is, exactly, I'm not sure yet, but we'll find out."

Chapter 35

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"Now remember, everypony be sure to bring your permission slips for our trip to the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters tomorrow," Cheerilee told her class with a knowing smile. "And if your parents have any questions, please be sure and have them talk to me before we go, alright?"

Diamond Tiara raised a hoof. "But Miss Cheerilee, isn't it dangerous in the Everfree Forest? Wouldn't it be better to visit some... other castle?"

Silver Spoon chimed in helpfully. "Like Canterlot Castle!" Diamond Tiara smiled at her friend and their eyes twinkled as they giggled together.

"The Everfree Forest is normally quite dangerous," Cheerilee agreed easily. "But the route to the ancient castle within has been well marked, and groups of ponies have been traveling to and fro without trouble for several days now."

She smiled reassuringly. "We will be accompanied by a group of the Canterlot Royal Guard... who assure me that every precaution is being taken. There is nothing to worry about."

"It's going to be awesome!" Scootaloo said, pumping a hoof into the air. "Rainbow Dash will be there, and Daring Do!"

"That's not really Daring Do," Apple Bloom commented. "Just the pony that the fiction... that the fake... I mean the one that the... er...." she wrinkled her nose. "She's the pony Daring Do was based off of, right?"

"Daring Do is a fictional character," Sweetie Bell corrected, emphasizing the word Apple Bloom had had trouble with. "But it is still going to be really neat seeing a real archeological dig! My big sister says that Mister Fancy Pants, who is in charge of the dig, is a very smart pony."

Diamond Tiara's eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets. "F-f-f-fancy Pants?" she stuttered. "He's there? No way!"

Sweetie Bell blinked. "Of course he's there. My sister said so. They're friends!"

Diamond Tiara's eyes narrowed. "YOUR sister is friends with a great pony like Fancy Pants? Now I know you're lying!"

Sweetie Bell stamped a hoof down on her desk. "I am NOT lying! You take that back, you meanie!"

Applebloom and Scootaloo looked like they were about to jump in when Cheerilee stood up. "Girls! Girls! Settle down," the class went silent as Cheerilee towered over them. When she was sitting on her new, comfortable chair behind of her old desk, it was easy to forget how much she had changed. She sounded like the old Cheerilee, even kind of looked like her, but standing on two legs, 'hands' flat on the top of her desk, brought back to everypony in the room the fact that their teacher was very different now.

Cheerilee frowned slightly at the nervous silence that filled the classroom, then sighed. "I have it on good authority that Mr. Fancy Pants is indeed helping out at the dig at the old castle," she explained patiently. "And it is not nice to call another pony a liar, especially without any proof, Diamond Tiara," she shot the filly in question a look, complete with her patented disapproving raised eyebrow, and was surprised to see the filly cringe quite a bit more than she expected.

Cheerilee signed and closed her eyes, then opened them, smiling brightly. "Now then, no harm done," she settled down in her chair and saw the tension go out of the room almost at once. "Remember, you'll need to pack a lunch. There will be food and shelter when we arrive, and will will be returning before nightfall, but you'll want something to eat along the way."

With that, school was out for the day, and Cheerilee let out a small sigh as the last student left the small classroom.

They still weren't used to her being human. It was subtle, even in the children, but it was there. On one hoof, they accepted her as the pony they had always known as their teacher. On the other hoof, when she stood suddenly or became cross, they always seemed nervous around her, as if they sensed the predator in the room.

"I don't feel all that different," she murmured softly to herself, as if the words, spoken aloud would have more force, as if she didn't really believe it, but wanted it to be so. She really wasn't that different, was she? Aside from being bipedal now, and having hands, and the whole thing about eating meat...

Cheerilee shuddered slightly. Her mother had been almost too understanding about her new diet, helping her figure out recipes and giving her advice on where to buy fish locally. It HAD tasted good, but Cheerilee was satisfied, wanted to be satisfied at least, with the vegetarian diet that Johnathon had adopted when he had arrived in Equestria.

"I'm not a predator," she told herself quietly, although part of her wondered. Johnathon had always seemed to hold a hint of danger, a tiny thrill of fear when he came near or touched her that she had long since adapted to, but one that lent a bit of spice to their relationship. He had always seemed powerful, capable of anything, but she knew for a fact that, thanks to her Earth Pony magic, she was now both faster and stronger than him. She wasn't sure how she felt about that.

She was halfway home, still lost in thought, when the sound of her name being called caught her attention.

"Cheerilee! Hey Cheerilee! Come join us!" Cheerilee paused in mid step at the familiar voice, knowing who it was without looking. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and and shook her head slightly before forcing a smile and turning back to face the source. Lyra Heartstrings.

Cheerilee spotted Lyra and Bon Bon almost immediately, sitting at an outdoor cafe with Rose, Daisy and Lily, who were otherwise known as the Flower Trio. Lyra grinned and waved at her as she looked over. "Come on, Cheerilee! It's been ages!"

"We talked last night," Cheerilee said flatly as she approached the group, but her smile lost a bit of its forced quality as she nodded to the four earth ponies in the group. Bon Bon had a sympathetic look on her face, which was nothing new when dealing with Lyra's mania, which the candy maker seemed to tolerate with only mild annoyance.

Rose waved tentatively, and Lily and Daisy had small nervous smiles, but Cheerilee was glad to see them. She hadn't really talked with any of the trio since she had been transformed into a human, and it would be nice to catch up.

Lyra putt a hoof behind her head and chuckled self deprecatingly. "Heh. Seems like longer."

Bon Bon rolled her eyes. "She talks about you all the time now, Cheerilee," she said with a long suffering look. "If I didn't know better, I'd be jealous."

"Lyra's not really my type," Cheerilee said with a grin. "So you have nothing to worry about."

"That's because you like them tall and hairless," Rose said quickly, before flattening her ears to her head. "Er... sorry, that was tactless of me."

"It's alright," Cheerilee said automatically, but her smile was starting to slip.

"No it's not!" Bon Bon said sharply, glaring at Rose. "That was rude, Rose!"

"Sorry..." Rose said quickly, looking so mortified that Cheerilee found herself wanting to comfort her.

"It's really alright," Cheerilee insisted. "You didn't mean it as an insult, did you?"

Rose hesitated, then shrugged. "It came out wrong... I..." she grimaced. "Your... Mister Dwire... he seems..." Rose seemed to be having difficulty finding the words, shrugging helplessly as she finished. "Nice?"

Lily patted Rose on the back, then turned to Cheerilee. "He's a bit scary, sometimes... but he's never done anything bad. He scared Rose a few times though, running through town."

Cheerilee sighed. "He's scared me more than once myself. I keep telling him I'm going to put a bell around his neck if he keeps sneaking up on me!"

Daisy blinked. "He sneaks up on you? Why?"

Cheerilee blinked. "Well, honestly, I don't think he does it on purpose. He just walks... quietly. Even in his shoes, he doesn't make anywhere near as much noise as hooves do... especially indoors. He says it's something to do with his time as a... scout? A Boy Scout? He used to go camping and fishing and... er..."

Five sets of eyes stared at her with keen attention. Lyra looked eager, while Bon Bon and the flower trio seemed a bit disturbed. "Fishing?" Rose said with horrified fascination.

"Humans are omnivorous, duh," Lyra said nonchalantly. "You eat fish, right Cheerilee?"

Cheerilee winced. "Among other things... although Johnathon and I almost always stick to a vegetarian diet."

Lyra turned to the others. "Miss Song told me she's had some Griffons over for dinner a few times, and she learned how to cook for omnivores that way. Humans and Griffons have a lot in common, you know?"

Rose, Lily and Daisy were staring at Lyra in shock, then glanced at Cheerilee. Almost unconsciously, they all shifted incrementally away from the human.

Lyra didn't notice. "Humans are so cool. They're the apex predator on their world, did you know?"

Rose swallowed nervously. "What... what does that mean?"

Lyra grinned, her eyes glinting. "That means they're on the top of the food chain. They eat all the other predators!"

Cheerilee winced. "Lyra... that's not really..."

Lyra blinked, seeming to realize finally how uncomfortable she was making the others. "Er... well, they don't eat ponies, do they Cheerilee?"

Cheerilee sighed. "Johnathon says not, although they don't have any other sapient species on his planet anyway," she shook her head. "Can we change the subject? Personally, if mom hadn't gone to the trouble of preparing a special fish dinner, I'd have probably never eaten anything but fruits and vegetables. It's more than a little weird to enjoy the taste of..." she trailed off, wincing, "fish."

"You like the taste of..." Rose swallowed. "Er... formerly living animals?"

Cheerilee put a hand to her forehead, suddenly tired. "Rose... seriously, can we change the subject?"

Rose's ears drooped, but she nodded. "Sorry."

Cheerilee sighed, then reached out toward Rose's head, unconsciously mirroring what Johnathon had always used to do to comfort her. Rose's eyes widened and she flinched back, and Cheerilee froze, hand halfway outstretched.

Lyra watched the exchange, then grinned. "Oh! Show them the thing! The thing with the hands... and the ears! Do the thing!"

Everyone looked at her in confusion except Cheerilee, who blushed. "I don't know..."

Lyra grinned. "Come on, it's great! Do me first!"

Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. "Is there something you haven't been telling me, Lyra?"

Lyra glanced at her girlfriend, then grinned at Cheerilee. "On second thought, do Bon Bon first!"

Bon Bon looked suspicious. "Do what now?"

Cheerilee folded her arms across her chest. "It's just something Johnathon used to do when I was still a pony. He did it all the time... it's nice."

Rose looked a bit shocked. "He did it all the time? While you were still a pony?"

Cheerilee rolled her eyes. "It's not like that..." she reached out toward Rose again. "Hold still, let me show you." Rose started to flinch back again, then froze, eyes wide. Cheerilee smiled slightly and gently put a hand down on top of her head. "It's just a way humans show affection to ponies they care about," she slowly started to pet Rose's head, then ran her fingers back behind her ear gently.

Rose's eyes slowly closed as her slightly panicked expression gradually changed to one of pleasure. "Oh... oh, that's nice."

"Right? Right?" Lyra was bouncing slightly. "Hands are AWESOME, aren't they?"

Rose's eyes opened, and they were slightly wet. "Cheerilee... I..."

Cheerilee continued to lightly pet her friend's head, smiling gently. "Yes Rose?"

Rose impulsively moved forward, hugging her around the waist. "I'm just a silly pony sometimes. I know you'd never hurt me."

Cheerilee worked her fingers behind her friend's ear some more, forcing herself not to giggle at how Rose shivered at the sensation.

"Oh... damn. That's just not right..." Rose muttered huskily. "No wonder you let him move in with you!"

Daisy and Lily looked like they were torn between horror and amusement, while Lyra simply started giggling. Bon Bon rolled her eyes to conceal a small smile of her own.

Lyra laughed out loud. "Maybe you two should get a room, huh?"

Rose glared at her with one eye. "Oh, shut up," she chuckled suddenly, and in moments, the whole group was laughing. Ponies walking down the street nearby turned to look, obviously wondering what was going on, which just caused them all to laugh harder.


Cheerilee whistled cheerfully to herself as she opened her front door and walked inside, letting the door swing quietly shut behind her. Lyra's curiosity about all things human was sometimes annoying, but today she couldn't help but be grateful to the unicorn musician. Most of Cheerilee's friends had been distant since her transformation, and she'd missed them more than she had realized. Having her friends back... really back, filled a hole in her heart she'd not even realized was there. For the first time in long time, Cheerilee felt euphoric... like all was right with the world.

"I finally got my friends back," Cheerilee said to the empty room. "And tomorrow I get to see Johnathon!"


"Before I agree to allow my little Diamond Tiara to go on this field trip, Miss Cheerilee, I'd like to talk to you about some concerns I have..." Filthy Rich was saying, looking grave. "Now, far be it from me to hold to superstitions, but it's common knowledge that the Everfree Forest is very dangerous at the best of times... and a wise pony does not ignore such things."

Cheerilee put on her best reassuring smile. "I understand your concerns, Filthy... I mean, Mister Rich, but as I explained in the permission slips, the route we're taking has been well traveled in the last two weeks, and we'll be escorted by the Canterlot Royal Guard."

"So I hear," Flithy Rich agreed soberly. "But I have heard rumors of the timberwolves being especially aggressive. Is it true that they have even been attacking the Royal Guards themselves?"

"Unfortunately for the timberwolves..." Cheerilee acknowledged with a small frown. "But that was two weeks ago. The timberwolves have not been seen since that one encounter, and their numbers were drastically reduced. As unfortunate as that is for the timberwolves, it's very unlikely that there will be any further encounters in the near future."

"Unlikely is not impossible," Filthy Rich asserted calmly. "And there are many other dangerous creatures in the forest, are there not?"

Cheerilee was about to answer when her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open slightly. Behind him, the activity of the many ponies getting ready to head into the forest had quieted, and Filthy Rich turned to look.

Princess Luna strode through the midst of the gathered group, nodding genially to those who caught her eye, even as they bowed. "I hope that my presence on this expedition will calm your concerns," she said as she approached.

"Y-yes of course, your majesty," Filthy said quickly, bowing before her as he controlled his initial stammer. "You honor us with your presence... and your protection."

Luna nodded to him with a patient smile. "I patrol the Everfree on a regular basis, and I assure you your foals will be quite safe in my care. A most entertaining and... educational experience awaits us!" she proclaimed proudly, almost but not quite breaking into the royal Canterlot voice.

As predicted, their trip through the Everfree was uneventful. Nothing in the forest apparently wanted anything to do with such a large group of ponies. By midday, they had come into sight of the Castle of the Two Sisters. There were diggers and workponies everywhere. The excavation by the side of the castle had not expanded much, although the entrance to the staircase going down was now well marked and roped off. The castle itself, however, was apparently the focus of a great deal of attention.

Luna led the way into the entrance hall with a peculiar expression on her face. She appeared calm, but a little sad, looking wistfully around the room, as if remembering events long past. In a far corner, Rarity was levitating a remarkably intact tapestry back up onto a wall sconce, while against one wall, Applejack adjusted a painting so it hung better.

"What is all this?" Luna asked in, for her, a quiet voice.

"Oh my! Princess Luna! Princess Celestia should have mentioned that you were coming by!" Rarity bustled up to Luna, then bowed. "Welcome to... well, to your castle, Princess."

"Mine?" Princess Luna frowned. "Not for many years... but what is going on? You seem to be... restoring the Castle?"

Rarity nodded. "Well, the archeological team is stalled... well, not stalled so much, as that they're studying what they've found, and that chamber has been fully excavated. So since we're here anyway... I thought... why not tidy up the place a bit? The tapestries here are magnificent... so inspiring. I just had to restore them!"

Applejack came up, taking off her hat and holding it to her chest. "Pardon, your majesty... I hope you don't mind. We're just... sprucing up the place a mite, seeing as we've been staying here."

Luna blinked, shook her head as if to clear her thoughts, then straightened, once more looking calm. "It is quite acceptable. Out of curiosity, have you found anything... odd?"

Rarity shuddered before answering. "Well... yes. There's all these... well, not traps, really, but... well, very odd features. Rotating walls... trap doors...."

Luna smiled suddenly. "Ah, yes. I remember. My sister had quite a few rather... interesting features installed when we first had it built. Is the old pipe organ still functional, by any chance?"

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Pinkie found it last week. We asked her to stop playing with it when half a dozen ponies vanished after a single musical number. Apparently it controls all sorts of things."

Luna looked worried. "Was anypony harmed?"

Rarity smiled and shook her head. "Thankfully no. Some of them were lost for quite a while, but everyone found their way back eventually, and no pony was injured."

Luna nodded. "Very good."

Cheerilee and her students had fallen back a bit, staring around at the Castle in wonder while Luna had been talking with Applejack and Rarity, but now she stepped forward. "Can I ask where Johnathon is?" she blushed slightly. "And Professor Rose, I mean. Where are they working?"

Rarity turned to Cheerilee with a smile. "Johnathon and Professor Rose are in the Courtyard, along with Rainbow Dash and some of the Guards, taking a bit of a... break of sorts," she nodded toward an archway, through which the sounds of voices and movement could be faintly heard, then pointed in the direction of the roped off section to the left of the castle entrance. "However, right now, Twilight and some of the other professors from Canterlot University are down in the chamber we unearthed, studying... well, she'd explain it better herself."

Cheerilee hesitated, torn, glancing longingly toward the courtyard before sighing quietly, taking a deep breath, and turning to her students with a smile. "Well now, children, why don't we go see if Twilight will show us something of what she's discovered, shall we?"

Rarity chuckled knowingly. "Shall I fetch Johnathon for you, Cheerilee?"

Cheerilee took another calming breath before shaking her head. "It's fine. I need to keep an eye on the children."

Luna's ears swiveled in the direction of the courtyard, obviously interested. "I, for one, will go to the courtyard. Unless I am much mistaken, the guards are practicing, and I should speak to their commander."

Applejack grinned. "Well then, follow me, Princess. I've been itching to take a gander at them practicing for awhile now. I know just where they are, too."

Rarity nodded to Cheerilee. "I'll take you and your students to Twilight then, shall I? I'm sure she'd love to explain what it is we've uncovered here!" she spotted her sister and waved with a smile, causing Sweetie Bell to wave back, looking embarrassed.

The students dutifully followed Cheerilee and Rarity toward the dig site, although Scootaloo and Apple Bloom hung back slightly, glancing toward the courtyard.

"But Rainbow Dash is that way..." Scootaloo complained under her breath.

"My sister's going that way too, but you don't see me complaining," Apple Bloom said with forced cheer. "Come on, we're going to fall behind."


When Applejack and Luna reached the Courtyard, Johnathon Dwire and Morning Star were sparring, bare hooved, in the center of a large ring of guards and work-ponies who were watching the action eagerly. Johnathon was bare chested, and sweating heavily, while Morning Star still looked fresh, although the expression on the young pegasi guard's face was of intense focus as he slowly circled the taller human.

Going up on his hind legs, and supporting that upright posture with gentle flaps of his wings, Morning Star scooted forward and to the side, forehooves up defensively like a boxer.

Johnathon turned with him, his own hands, wearing his desert lion hair gloves, slowly coming up from where he had them relaxed near his sides. Morning Star suddenly shot forward with a foreleg leading, and Johnathon stepped back and to the side, avoiding the first kick. The pegasi kept moving in, lashing out with a second forehoof, and Johnathon kept going, leaning away from the second strike, and rotating his left arm upwards in a small half circle that knocked the blow wide.

Even as Morning Star's second kick was being picked off, Johnathon pivoted slightly on his left hip and lashed out with a snap kick with his right leg, aiming for the pegasi's side. Morning Star hadn't stopped moving either. Rising off his back legs, he kicked out with both hind feet, catching Johnathon on the shin with one of them and deflecting the kick with enough force to send Johnathon's right foot slamming back down into the grassy floor of the castle courtyard.

Morning Star went over backwards with the momentum from the block, and landed on his hind legs once more, but as he was rotating in mid air, Johnathon lunged forward with a left jab, rapping the pegasus smartly in the back of his head. Morning Star stood firm for a moment, then stumbled a bit, reaching behind his head and wincing as he felt the spot he'd been struck.

Johnathon stepped back and waited patiently as Captain Bright Lance stepped forward with an upraised hoof. "Point, match, to Johnathon!"

The crowd around them broke into enthusiastic cheers and boos in equal measure, and Johnathon waved a hand tiredly in acknowledgement before reaching down to rub his shin, wincing slightly.

Luna stepped into the midst of the spectators, stomping her forehooves together and supporting herself in an upright stance with her flaring wings. "Huzzah! Well struck my good human!"

In her wake, the cheering stopped, and in moments, the courtyard was silent.

Appearing not to notice the sudden change, Luna turned to Bright Lance. "What sport is this, Captain? Explain the rules to me," she demanded cheerfully.

"Er... it's a sort of king of the horde style tournament, your majesty," the Captain of the Guard explained.

"King of the Hill," Johnathon corrected from the center of the ring.

"Right," Bright Lance agreed with a swift nod. "Light contact sparring matches where the winner remains and continues to spar till they are defeated. There are a number of other rules to make it fair to everypony, but essentially that's the gist of it."

Luna clapped her hooves together again. "Oh, what fun! A most interesting diversion."

"Alright, I'm up next," Briar Rose said with a grin, tossing her pith helmet to Rainbow Dash. "Time for the king to go down!"

Johnathon Dwire's face paled slightly and he straightened. "Oh... great," he shook his arms lightly and spread his feet, taking a deep breath as Briar Rose entered the circle.

Briar Rose grinned at him. "I've been watching your moves. You're pretty good."

Johnathon shrugged. "Years of training don't hurt... and I have a few advantages."

Briar Rose raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

Johnathon grinned. "None of you have ever fought a human before, but all I've had to deal with since I got to Equestria is ponies. I know you much better than you know me."

Briar Rose grinned back, her eyes twinkling. "What do you think I've been doing during your last five matches?"

Luna stage whispered to Bright Lance. "Five?"

"He's good. He's lasted the longest so far... aside from Rainbow Dash, who went eleven in a row," Bright Lance explained. "That mare has some SERIOUS stamina."

As they whispered, the two combatants circled each other, feeling each other out.

"You look tired. Are you tired, Mister Dwire?" taunted Briar Rose.

"I've just got my second wind," Johnathon replied with a grin, although it was obviously a bit forced.

Briar Rose and Johnathon circled each other several times, waiting for the other to make the first move, but finally the pegasus attacked first, charging in with a swift uppercut with a forehoof. Johnathon dodged backwards, only for the archeologist pony to swivel and kick out with both her rear hooves, catching Johnathon in the stomach and chest simultaneously. He staggered backwards several steps, then fell over, landing on his rear with a heavy thud.

Briar Rose turned to face him as the crowd went silent. "You OK?"

Johnathon coughed, and raised one hand upwards with a single finger. "One... one second. Just let me catch my breath."

"First point to Briar Rose!" Bright Lance announced unnecessarily.

Luna blinked, glancing at Bright Lance. "Thou... er, you said that this is light contact only? Was that not in violation of the rules?"

Bright Lance shrugged. "That IS light contact... at least, compared to how hard someone like Rainbow Dash can hit, still..." he cleared his throat, addressing Briar Rose. "Ease up, Professor Rose, or I'll have to disqualify you."

Briar Rose nodded at him, keeping her eyes on the prone human. Johnathon slowly got to his feet, took a few deep breaths, dusted himself off, and got into a ready stance again, and once more the two experienced fighters went at it.

"Those two apparently have the most combat experience of our group..." Bright Lance commented thoughtfully. "Although I'm surprised at how skilled Professor Rose is. It's like she's been fighting... real fighting, not what you get in a class, for years. They're also both older than the rest of us, but they're both da... darn tough," he coughed, hoping that the princess wouldn't call him on almost swearing in front of royalty.

The match was quickly going Briar Rose's way. She scored several points in quick succession, only suffering a single hit herself, and it was obvious that Johnathon Dwire's energy was nearly gone, he was just moving too slowly to score a hit.

Still, he kept his feet and kept fighting, and Luna found herself favorably impressed by both of them. Suddenly, however, things turned.

Briar Rose missed a flying kick, Johnathon just barely managing to side step, when he wrapped his long arms around her torso. Throwing himself backwards, he slammed the pegasi into the ground on her side.

"Point, Johnathon!" Bright Lance announced immediately, but the human archeologist wasn't done. Wrapping his legs around her middle, and both arms around Briar Rose's neck from behind, Johnathon pulled the Pegasi on top of him and tightened his grip to keep her from being able to get any leverage on the ground.

Briar Rose struggled, her wings battering the man's sides and head, but the ground interrupted her wings' movement, preventing her from being able to get off a solid hit with them. Ten seconds passed as they struggled, then twenty...

"Thirty seconds!" Bright Lance announced. "That's the match! Johnathon Dwire wins!"

Johnathon sagged, releasing Briar Rose who rolled off of him before offering him a hoof up.

"Nice finish," Briar Rose said sincerely. "Remind me not to let you grab me in the future. Those ape arms of yours..."

Johnathon chuckled self deprecatingly. "Eh. In a real fight you'd have finished me with that first kick. I've seen how hard you can hit when you're not holding back."

Briar Rose shrugged and grinned. "You're right about that. I WOULD beat you in a real fight."

She looked around curiously. "So, who's going next?"

Before anypony else could respond, Luna stepped forward and raised a hoof. "May I participate in this contest?"

Everyone froze, and several seconds passed before Bright Lance spoke. "Er... you want to spar, Princess?"

"Aye! I would be most pleased to engage in vigorous mock combat!" Luna explained cheerfully. "Now, what are the exact rules?"

Bright Lance blinked before answering. "Er... no ranged magic, no flying unless your opponent can also fly... light contact only, and five touches or being pinned for thirty seconds decides the match."

Luna blinked. "Being pinned?"

Johnathon spoke up. "I asked them to add that rule. I have a certain advantage in grappling, and realistically, if I can hold you for thirty seconds, I can probably subdue you in that time."

Luna nodded thoughtfully. "Fair enough. Shall we begin then?" she started forward before Johnathon raised his hands.

"Whoa... just a second. I'm exhausted and... you've got to be four times my mass, Princess!"

Luna looked thoughtful. "Would thou be willing to spar with me if the odds were a little more in thy favor?" she asked in a rather formal tone.

Johnathon blinked. "What do you have in mind?"

Luna stepped forward. "First, let me remove your fatigue," she lowered her horn at him. "With your permission?"

Johnathon blinked. "Alright."

Luna's horn lit up and she bathed him in a soft beam for several long seconds. The human gasped and visibly straightened. When the beam faded, he shivered, then looked down at his hands, flexing them experimentally.

"Whoa..." he stretched experimentally and grinned. "Nice! I feel like I've been resting for hours!"

Luna smiled and nodded. "A useful spell, although it takes as much energy from me as it gives to you... I have much greater stamina than a normal pony, so it is only a small loss."

Johnathon bowed to her lightly. "Thank you Princess," he straightened and rolled his shoulders, then got into his deceptively open stance again before making a 'come here' gesture with one hand. "I can't imagine I'll win, but I'm game if you are."

Luna smiled slightly. "Let's make the odds a bit more even, shall we?" she raised an eyebrow. "If I understand correctly, you are skilled with a blade?"

Johnathon blinked. "Er... yeah. I'm decent. You want me to use a sword?"

Luna nodded. "Yes. Collect your blade, and we can begin."

Johnathon looked concerned. "Er... I don't want to injure you, Princess."

Luna wrinkled her nose. "Hmm. I do believe I have a solution. She turned to the unicorn guard Aegis. "You are skilled with force fields, correct?"

Aegis blinked, then nodded. "Yes Princess."

"Can you project one over Mister Dwire's blade while he wields it?" Luna inquired calmly.

Aegis nodded again. "Yes Princess, if I have a moment with the blade, I can put a force field around it that should last for quite a while."

Luna nodded. "Very well, proceed."

There was a cyan colored blur, and a moment later, Rainbow Dash landed in front of Aegis, holding Johnathon's griffon war blade between her forehooves, still in its sheath. "Here you go!" the cyan speedster said, grinning ear to ear.

Removing the blade from its lacquered sheath, Aegis touched his horn to the blade and ran his horn along its length, enclosing it in a transparent tube of force. Once the blade was entirely covered, he floated it over to Johnathon Dwire, who caught the weapon by the handle.

"Don't hold back, Mister Dwire," Luna warned. "It would not please me."

Rainbow Dash hovered over to land next to Briar Rose, rubbing her hooves together in eager anticipation. "This is going to be GOOD."

Johnathon Dwire swallowed nervously, then stepped one foot back, getting into a much more formal stance, lowering the point of the blade to point at Luna's throat. "As you wish, Princess."

Luna grinned and stepped toward him. "Excellent. Let the fun commence!"

Without warning she lunged with her horn, her horn becoming encased in a shield of force much like the one around Johnathon's blade in the same instant. Johnathon parried the attack automatically, and the battle began in earnest.

For nearly half a minute, they sparred back and forth across the courtyard, before Johnathon finally scored a point, tapping Luna in the neck lightly with the tip of his sword after a series of complex feints.

Luna immediately stepped back, then glanced at Captain Bright Lance, who was standing dumbstruck with his mouth hanging slightly ajar. "I believe the first point is Mister Dwire's, correct Captain?"

Bright Lance nodded dumbly, then snapped out of it. "Er.. right. First point to Johnathon Dwire. Continue!"

Luna grinned at the human evily. "You are most skilled with the blade, but I believe I have your measure now."

Johnathon sighed. "You've been holding back this whole time, haven't you."

Luna grinned again. "Verily," and launched herself at him again.

Johnathon parried one blow, then a second, but the third drove his sword out of line, and an instant later, almost casually, Luna placed a hoof on his right shoulder and simply pushed. Johnathon was driven backwards, falling, and Luna followed him down, almost gently kicking the sword out of his hands with her other hoof. She shifted so that she had one hoof firmly on the center of his chest, and pressed down lightly. "I must hold you for thirty seconds, correct?"

Johnathon struggled gamely, but in quite a bit less time than that he threw up his hands, coughing. "I give up. You've got me."

Luna nodded and lifted her hoof, and helped him to his feet. "Victory is mine!" she crowed with pleasure after making sure that he was uninjured.

Luna spun around, glancing from pony to pony with a wide smile. "I believe that makes me King of the Horde, correct? Who would like to go next?"


A short time later, Luna followed Johnathon toward the excavation site, frowning. "Most disappointing. Only Rainbow Dash had the courage to face me. I really must talk to Tia about raising the quality of our guard training program..."

Johnathon chuckled. "I don't really blame them, Princess. I mean... you're bigger and stronger and faster than any of them."

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash protested, following behind, limping slightly.

Johnathon chuckled. "Well, bigger and stronger... and faster than MOST of them."

Luna raised an eyebrow at the concession, then nodded at Rainbow Dash. "You are, in fact, very swift, Rainbow Dash. We were most favorably impressed."

"Not to mention you're WAY more experienced than any of us," Johnathon continued.

Luna glanced at him with an inscrutable expression. "Are you implying that I am old, Mister Dwire?"

"Positively ancient, Princess," he agreed with a chuckle. "And experience counts, especially if you're still youthful enough to take advantage of it."

Luna smiled back. "Both a crone and a foal, am I?"

"Best of both worlds," Johnathon shot back. "I'm jealous. Briar Rose and I both may have more experience fighting than most of your guards, but we're also both slowing down as we get older. Must be nice."

"It has its advantages," Luna said, her smile fading. "And its disadvantages as well."

Johnathon nodded soberly. "Most things do."

They reached the roped off area around the entrance to the excavated stairway, and Johnathon swiftly untied the rope between two posts that marked one side of the site to clear the path. "Follow me, Princess, and watch your step. These stairs are pretty steep."

As they descended, they could hear Twilight Sparkle's voice, and as they got toward the bottom of the long spiral staircase they could make out what she was saying.

"... and here you can see this pattern of runes is stabilizing the transference matrix...." Twilight broke off as she spotted Johnathon come into the underground chamber with Luna just at his back. "Hello, Princess!" Twilight said cheerfully. "I was just explaining what we've discovered to Miss Cheerilee's class. Would you like me to start over?"

Anguished groans could be heard from several of the students, and aside from one or two students pretending interest, it was obvious that the children were bored out of their minds.

Luna raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps a brief summary. Have you discovered what, exactly, this room was used for?" She looked around the large underground chamber herself, her eyes widening slightly as she started to take in details. "It appears to be some sort of... spellcasting chamber. One designed for a spell of unimaginable power."

Twilight blinked. "That's exactly right, Princess Luna! We've been decoding the spell matrix bit by bit for the last week..."

Luna nodded, interrupting gently. "Have you determined its purpose?"

Twilight blinked again, then frowned. "Well, I can't say with absolute certainty, but I believe I have enough information to make an educated guess at this point."

Luna nodded. "Please."

Twilight gestured to the walls and floor. "As you have obviously noticed, the room is covered with runes, using orichalcum..." she paused, excited. "It's incredible. I've never SEEN such quantities before! Do you have any idea how rare pure orichalcum is?"

Luna snorted lightly. "I do have some idea, yes."

Twilight flushed, then continued. "Well, it makes up a spell matrix, drawing energy from six distinct sources..." she nodded to the symbols on the walls. Evenly spaced around the room were six distinct symbols that Luna knew intimately. "The Elements of Harmony themselves." Twilight concluded with a tone of wonder. "The power requirements alone caused me to suspect what this room was for, combined with Johnathon's arrival just above this location... but I believe I can be almost certain... maybe ninety... ninety five percent sure... that this room is supposed to generate a portal to another dimension!"

Rainbow Dash, who had been barely paying attention, turned to her friend with shining eyes at that pronouncement. "Really? Awesome!" she blinked. "Wait... what does that mean?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... I think... I think that, just possibly, the reason Johnathon came to this precise spot was that the walls between our worlds were weakened by the spell in this room. Discord's magic tore a hole through the place that was weakest. I think this... that the spell inscribed in this room will send any pony inside to Johnathon's world!"

Luna blinked. "Are thou certain of this, Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight hesitated. "Not completely... but it fits. From what we've determined, we can be almost certain that this room predates the age of Discord. The runes... the very techniques involved are more advanced than any magic we possess today. Also, the portal that you and Princess Celestia investigated after you defeated Discord for the first time, and the one that opened up to let Johnathon through just before we defeated Discord the second time, both went to Johnathon's world, and they both opened up in the immediate vicinity of this room. From my studies, it's clear that such magic tears a hole in the fabric of our reality... and once torn, the fabric becomes... thinner."

Luna frowned. "That is not encouraging, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight nodded. "It is a bit worrying... but the energies required to create a portal are still immense. Far more than any single unicorn could ever hope to accomplish... at least for anything more than a pinhole for a split second. And the weakening is very slight. I calculate that the... well, for a lack of a better term, the fabric of reality in this room is perhaps as much as... five percent thinner than average. Obviously that's a huge deviation compared to the norm, but I don't think we need to worry about any side effects or bleed through any time soon."

Luna blinked. "I... see. I will take your word on the matter then."

"Miss Twilight?" Sweetie Bell spoke up from the middle of her fellow students. "Does that mean that Johnathon can go home now?"

The room was silent for a long moment, the only sound was Cheerilee's sudden involuntary intake of breath, and Twilight turned to face the school teacher before answering. "Theoretically, yes... although it'll be several more days at least before I'd be comfortable trying any experiments."

Johnathon walked over to Cheerilee and hugged her lightly, ignoring their audience. "I'm not leaving you. You know that."

Cheerilee nodded stiffly, then sighed, relaxing into his arms and laying her head on his shoulders. There was a soft sigh from most of the fillies in Cheerilee's class (and Twilight) at the sight, and even Princess Luna smiled gently at the couple's display of affection.

Cheerilee found herself blushing as she became acutely aware of just who was observing them, and she pushed on Johnathon's chest, separating herself from his embrace. "I know," she told him softly, allowing him to hold onto her shoulders for a few more seconds before gently pulling away, her face still red.

Johnathon turned to Twilight. "It makes sense. If there was a portal between our worlds before Discord... that would explain why myths and legends of pegasi, and unicorns... and so many other creatures from your world are so common on mine. I thought it was odd... so many references to species native to your world in our mythology. It can't be just a coincidence."

Twilight nodded. "I agree. What puzzles me is why that's all there is. I'd think SOME evidence would remain."

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "I wouldn't assume that there isn't. I expect that some evidence does remain on my world... perhaps misinterpreted... or not recognized, but there are quite possibly clues to find on my world, if you knew what you were looking for," he looked thoughtful. "Do you think... is it possible?"

Twilight looked at him curiously. "What are you thinking?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Could there be another structure underneath the one my team was investigating in the Amazon? Like the way this room was hidden under the Castle of the Two Sisters? This portal had to come out someplace, right?"

Twilight looked thoughtful. "It's possible... and there's something else. If you were a unicorn mage in the last days of Discord's reign, and you had access to this portal. Wouldn't you use it? Wouldn't you try to escape?"

Johnathon nodded slowly. "Perhaps. Or at least I'd use it to hide away whatever I didn't want Discord to destroy. The lost library... it could be on Earth! Buried somewhere below the structure my team was excavating, perhaps?"

Rainbow Dash grinned. "I'm liking where this is going..." she began. "Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"

Twilight nodded. "We need to go. Even the possibility...! If we could recover what was lost during Discord's reign... it would be more than worth the risk!"

Rainbow Dash grinned wider, her eyes flashing with excitement. "Oh yeah. We're going to Earth!"

Chapter 36

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The light from the rising moon shone dimly through the kitchen window at Cheerilee's house. Johnathon and Cheerilee sat at the table, Johnathon looking out the window, Cheerilee staring at his back.

"Johnathon, you've got to go. You know you do," Cheerilee insisted gently. "They'll need you."

"We don't even know if it's my world that the portal will go to yet," the man protested quietly. "And even if it was, I promised. I promised you'd I'd stay here."

"It's not like you wouldn't come back," Cheerilee told him, smiling slightly. "With Twilight and her friends going along, you'd all be able to come back when you're finished."

"There aren't any guarantees, you know," he reminded her.

"When are there ever guarantees in life?" Cheerilee shot back, still smiling gently. "I know you want to go. I saw the look in your eyes when they were talking about it. You'll be able to help them, guide them, protect them if they need it. It's your world. Who is better suited?"

Johnathon sighed, turning to face her at last. "I don't want to leave you behind."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "What if I came along?"

"What?" Johnathon looked surprised. "Cheerilee, no, it's too dangerous."

"Saying that won't convince me it's a bad idea. If you go into danger, I want to be there with you, facing it with you," Cheerilee leaned up against his chest. "Besides, aside from Twilight, no one else speaks your language. And I think I can safely say I know more about human customs and behavior than anypony else. I'm sure I could be helpful."

Johnathon shook his head and chuckled wryly. "I'm sure you could, but..."

"But what?" Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "I'm stronger than you. Faster than you... tougher too. I know I don't have your experience, but if you're going into danger, you can't tell me that I can't come along as well. I can take care of myself."

"Strength and speed aren't everything," Johnathon warned. "And I'd debate the tougher," he sighed. "But I'm getting the impression I'm not going to win this argument."

"You know me better than that, Mister Dwire."

"Yes dear."

The two of them sat in silence for a long moment, and Cheerilee began blushing. "Johnathon! You say that like we're an old married couple!"

The archeologist chuckled lightly. "Just an old habit. Still, that's not a bad idea."

Cheerilee blinked. "What?"

He smiled at her, then got down on one knee. "If we're really going to do this... let's get married first."

Cheerilee just stared. "What?!?"

Johnathon took one of her hands in both of his, and held it. "Cheerilee, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife? You've been my friend, my confidant, my co-writer, and my lover. Marry me. Let's make it official."

Cheerilee took a deep breath, then slowly nodded, her face going red.

Johnathon waited for half a minute before speaking. "Is that a yes?"

Cheerilee nodded again more urgently, then took another quick breath. "Yes. Yes you dummy. Of course I'll marry you."

Johnathon smiled. "Oh good, you had me worried there for a second."

Cheerilee snorted and punched him in the chest.


When Cheerilee followed Johnathon into Twilight's Library the next morning, the schoolmare almost immediately felt out of place. She was in a gathering of heroes, and who was she? Just a schoolteacher in a tiny town. Even Johnathon was an inter-dimensional traveler and, despite his modesty, a skilled explorer and fighter. And the rest!

The Elements of Harmony were all there, as was Briar Rose, and, to Cheerilee's chagrin, Princess Luna herself. She started to rethink her plan to suggest that she come along on their proposed journey to Earth. Who was she to join such ponies as these?

"Thank you all for coming," Twilight Sparkle said with a serious expression. "Now then, I believe you all understand the seriousness of what we are proposing. I thought I'd go over the various difficulties involved before we begin to discuss means of overcoming them."

Everyone settled in, Johnathon leaning against the wall nearest the door, and Cheerilee finding a spot next to him, leaning lightly up against him for the reassurance of the physical contact.

"First, I'd like to address the obvious question. Where is this portal going to end up?" Twilight paused, her eyes sparkling slightly in excitement. "Yesterday, I managed to open a pinpoint dimensional opening for one point eight four seconds... approximately. Rarity was using her human detection spell at the time, and she achieved a positive result!"

They all turned to Rarity curiously, causing the fashionista to blush lightly. "Ah yes. I did use the spell after Johnathon and Miss Cheerilee returned to Ponyville, and when Twilight opened her... portal, I did my best to focus in that direction. And I am quite certain that I sensed the presence of a number of human beings!"

Princess Luna raised an eyebrow curiously. "Could you be more specific? How many did you sense? Could you tell how far away from the portal they were?"

Rarity grimaced slightly. "I'm afraid I am not quite that skilled in that particular detection spell to be certain of anything... aside from the fact that I most certainly did detect some humans. More than one, certainly... and... well, I THINK they were at some distance away... but obviously close enough to detect," shaking her head, she sighed. "But I can't be certain of the details, I'm afraid."

Twilight spoke up. "As a test, I had Rarity cast the spell a second time after the portal was closed, to be sure that she hadn't detected Johnathon or Miss Cheerilee, but they were out of range in town. I postulated at first that the miniature portal I created might have acted as a lens, amplifying the range of Rarity's detection spell... but after going over the math, I don't think that's the case. Obviously, results gotten through a dimensional portal might be altered somewhat, but I think it's safe to say that at least some humans are on the other side. I think that's a good indicator that we have indeed created a portal to Johnathon's home world."

Princess Luna cleared her throat. "Your suggestion that the spell matrix in the underground chamber also creates a portal to the same place... seems solid. I would be inclined to agree with your conclusions."

Twilight took a deep breath. "Which brings us to the real problem. As far as I can determine, the spell matrix will open a portal for a very short time, but the portal will encompass the entire room. Everything and everypony within the portal room would be transported, almost instantaneously, to the far side of the portal, which would include the Elements of Harmony themselves, if we are going to use them to activate it."

Princess Luna nodded somberly. "A serious problem. Without the Elements, it is doubtful we would be able to open the portal again from the Equestrian side... which would not help in any case, as it appears to only function one way. Theoretically it would be possible to... swim upstream, so to speak, and travel to Equestria through the portal as it opens, but it would be quite difficult... and probably dangerous."

Johnathon raised a hand. "Wait a second. How does that work? The portal that brought me here sucked me in... and you seem to be saying that if you open a portal, you get pushed through to the other side. Doesn't that kind of imply that the portal that brought me here originated on my world? Is that even possible?"

Twilight spoke up. "Actually, the portal that brought you here was created by Discord's magic, not the magic in the portal room. The reason it opened where you were, and brought you were it did, was almost certainly because of the weakened dimensional stability in that area, but the two magics are very different. Discord's portal took... a significantly larger amount of magic, to start with, and I can't even imagine the power required for the portal Princess Celestia and Princess Luna used to visit Earth after Discord was defeated the first time. It had to be a stable construct... made semi-permanent in a fashion I've been trying to imitate for quite a while now. I would assume that there is some sort of energy in the spaces between... something that can be drawn upon to make such portals last longer... or even stay open permanently, but I can't be sure."

Twilight cleared her throat. "But regardless, the portal that would be created in that room would not function quite the same way. We'd be sent to the other side, and, presumably, we'd have to open another portal from Earth to get back."

Applejack frowned. "Is that even possible? I mean... didn't you say something about the spell thingy in that room having a ton of that really rare metal? What did you call it?"

"Orichalcum," Twilight explained. "And yes. The spell matrix is lined with one of the rarest magical metals known. The orichalcum makes the spell much more stable, and the risk almost non-existent. It's practically impossible for the spell to work incorrectly, regardless of the skill of the caster. Any group of ponies that are aligned with the Elements should be able to create a portal using that room. The only requirement would be enough energy, and the only real outcome besides success would be, well, nothing."

"Nothing? What does that mean?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking extremely confused.

"Just that... nothing," Twilight explained. "The energy would drain away harmlessly, and nothing would happen. It's really quite the elegant design. I've already come up with half a dozen improvements to modern enchanting that we could implement from the ideas behind the design alone! It's really quite the breakthrough in modern magic!"

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof. "Isn't it ANCIENT magic?"

Twilight glared at her. "Technically... but it uses techniques that we lost over a thousand years ago, during Discord's rule. It has been widely speculated that pony civilization was highly magically advanced before the advent of Discord, but of course, almost all knowledge from that time period has been lost to us."

Applejack coughed, catching everyone's attention. "My point is... isn't it kind of risky? Thinking about going, I mean. Even if we know it works... wouldn't we just get stuck on the other side?"

Twilight nodded once. "I thought of the same thing. But, in fact, we do know that ponies can come back... HAVE come back from exactly such a journey."

Applejack blinked. "We do?"

Twilight nodded firmly. "It's simple logic. We know that ponies used the portal to travel to Earth at some point. The weakening of the field in that area itself is indication enough for that much."

Applejack frowned. "How do we know they made it back though?"

Twilight grinned. "Simple. The Elements did. They were used to open the portal in the first place, and, according to my calculations, they would have traveled along with their bearers through the portal. But they are here now, so obviously whomever went through made it back. See?"

Applejack blinked. "Huh. I guess they must have."

Twilight grinned triumphantly. "I had a theory about that, in any case. To make it back, they would have had to have either a supremely gifted spellcaster with them, to channel the energy to open the portal correctly, or they would have had to bring the materials to make a second portal room on the far side with them. To test my theory, I had Rarity use her Gem Finding spell to get a feeling for orichalcum, and then I created a second pinhole so she could scan the other side for that element."

Rarity nodded, looking smug. "There was a large amount of orichalcum on the far side of Twilight's portal. The reading was very clear."

Princess Luna frowned. "Are you quite certain, Miss Rarity?'

Rarity nodded confidently. "I am quite certain. I had already eliminated the orichalcum on our side from my spell's..." she frowned. "I'm sorry, Twilight Darling, what did you call it?"

"Your spell's determination matrix," Twilight helpfully supplied.

"Yes, quite," Rarity agreed. "I often use my spell while I am already transporting large amounts of gems, and it's important not to get confused by the gems I've already found, you see. It's practically second nature for me by now."

Luna nodded knowingly. "I see," she looked thoughtful, then nodded a second time. "Yes... I have to agree with your conclusions. The presence of a large quantity of orichalcum on the far side is a rather clear indicator, I believe," she turned to Johnathon. "May I assume that orichalcum is not terribly common on your world?"

Johnathon blinked. "Er... no. I don't think so, anyway." he shrugged. "I did take a good look at the stuff earlier, and it kind of looks like an alloy of gold and... well, I don't know what else. Something else shiny? Silver maybe? But large quantities of those metals aren't exactly common anywhere on my world outside of Fort Knox as far as I know."

Twilight spoke up. "Orichalcum does have a lot in common with gold and silver, but its magical properties are unique. From what you've told me of your atomic chart, I don't believe orichalcum is native to your world, Johnathon, although perhaps you simply haven't discovered it yet?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Maybe, but in any case, I think it's safe to say that it's very unlikely that a bunch of the stuff just happens to be laying around near the other end of your portal. I think you're probably right. They must have built another portal room on the far side."

Briar Rose spoke up. "You were excavating a site in that area, correct? Did you come across any signs of underground structures?"

Johnathon shook his head. "We'd barely tapped the surface, frankly. We were pretty poorly funded, so we really hadn't gotten a lot done. Still..." he looked thoughtful. "It's very possible that there is an underground chamber we hadn't located yet, holding a portal room. Who knows... maybe your lost library is there as well, underground. If it's deep enough, it could have remained hidden for all this time."

Twilight nodded. "That's what we're hoping."

Rainbow Dash punched one forehoof into the other with a crack. "Oh yeah! We're going to Earth!"

Twilight raised an eyebrow at her outburst. "Not that I don't appreciate the enthusiasm, Rainbow Dash, but we still haven't explained the rest of the possible problems we'll be facing."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Whatever. We're going, and you know it. There's nothing we can't handle if we're together."

Twilight smiled fondly at her. "Maybe. But I'd like to explain my thoughts on the other difficulties anyway, alright Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged again. "Sure, Egghead. That's cool."

Twilight chuckled, shaking her head, then took a deep breath before continuing. "In any case, problem two is the chance that we might have to remain on the far side of the portal for an extended time. It's only a possibility, mind you, but I find it highly probable that the power requirements for the trip will drain the Elements of Harmony. Not permanently, mind you, but while the theoretical limits of their power has never been truly determined, their practical limits can be extrapolated with a little bit of guesswork... and a whole lot of math," she grinned slightly. "Which I've done. In any case, the energy requirements for the portal that the portal room would create is a significant fraction of the amount of energy that the Elements should be able to produce if, say, the six of us were to activate them. It's quite possible that it might take some time for them to recharge enough to be able to activate a second portal home. Also, there is the significant possibility that the spell matrix on the far side might be damaged in some way. An earthquake, or subsidence could have destroyed part or all of the matrix. The orichalcum itself is nearly indestructible, and should be easy to recover, but it could take some time to rebuild the matrix to bring us home."

Twilight shrugged. "Of course, these are worst case scenarios, but I think we should be prepared for any eventuality."

"Very wise, Twilight Sparkle," Luna complimented. "Such a journey is bound to have some surprises."

"Which is why I want us to be as well prepared as we can be for the trip." Twilight explained. "I have a number of ideas about how to go about that..."

"What kind of ideas?" Applejack asked cautiously.

"Well, first, I've prepared a list of supplies we might need, including two copies of the spell matrix from the portal room, in case I need to repair the one on the far side," Twilight explained quickly before pausing. "And... er... second, I think some of us... most of us, should be... er... human for the trip."

Applejack blinked twice. "Say what now?"

Pinkie looked up from where she was playing tic-tac-toe with herself and gasped. "You're going to turn us all into humans?" she leaped up and stood on two legs, waving one forehoof high in the air. "Oh, Oh! Can I be first? That sounds like fun!"

Fluttershy shivered and covered her eyes with her wings. "Oh dear..."

Applejack frowned. "Why would we wanna do something like that anyhow?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well, if we're going to be on Johnathon's home world for an extended period, we may end up meeting some of the inhabitants, and while in a best case scenario things would go well... if we were to meet some of the less... nice people of Johnathon's world, we might not be treated very... nicely."

Johnathon sighed. "Twilight's got a point. If you get lucky, you'll meet some nice folks... and everything will be fine. If you aren't lucky, you could get rounded up as lab specimens, or zoo exhibits, or something worse."

Rainbow Dash snorted and stomped a hoof. "I'd like to see them try."

Johnathon shrugged. "Oh, I know you six can handle yourselves... still, there are dangers on my world you've got no experience with... like guns. Better not to take unnecessary chances."

Applejack hesitated. "Twilight, I don't know about this. Can we even use our elements if we're not ponies?"

Twilight nodded immediately. "That part isn't a problem. I wouldn't be changing anything about our basic natures... we'd still be the same, magically, as we are now. It'd just be our outward appearances that would be different."

Johnathon cleared his throat. "Speaking of that... I think I should go with you. Even if you all look human, you don't know the customs or the language... well, aside from Twilight, and... no offense, Twilight, but your accent is pretty thick."

Cheerilee spoke up. "If Johnathon is coming, so am I. I speak English, and I know human customs better than anypony," she hesitated, then blushed. "Besides, we're engaged. I'm not letting him go that easily."

There was a long silence, and then the room was filled with congratulations and shouts of approval at the news.

"That's great!" Pinkie said, hugging Cheerilee enthusiastically. "Can I plan the wedding reception?"

"Whom are you having perform the wedding, may I ask?" Luna asked Johnathon quietly.

"Well... I don't want to be impertinent... but do you think you could...?" he began.

Luna smiled warmly. "It would be my pleasure. Do you have a date in mind?"

"Before we go through the portal, I think," Johnathon said with a shrug, then smiled. "I appreciate this, Princess. Cheerilee deserves the best, and I couldn't think of any pony better to marry us."

"I'm sure Celestia would agree if you asked her..." Luna said hesitantly.

Johnathon shook his head. "I asked you. I'd like you to do it."

Luna smiled faintly and nodded. "Very well. So it shall be."


After everyone finished discussing the upcoming wedding... Applejack had offered Sweet Apple Acres to serve as an outdoor wedding venue, Pinkie had already conspired with Rarity about the decorations, and Fluttershy had offered to have a choir of birds for the ceremony... they got back to discussing plans for their proposed trip to Earth.

"So... humans, huh?" Applejack said sourly. "Are you going to transform us right before we go, then?"

Twilight grimaced. "I'll have to do you one at a time, I'm afraid. One a day should be about all I can manage. I might be able to handle two, but I don't want to push things. Besides, I think you should take some time getting used to your human bodies before we go, anyway. I'd say a week, to be safe."

Applejack's eyes narrowed. "You keep saying you, like you aren't turning human with the rest of us, Twilight. Is there a reason for that?"

Twilight hesitated. "Well... I can't do any magic in human form, and frankly, a permanent transformation into a human would probably kill me in three or four days. I plan on using the temporary transformation spell on myself, but I can't maintain that and similar spells on the rest of you. It'll be a lot easier to transform you all using the permanent spell. I won't have the energy to keep six ponies in temporary forms, but just one won't be too difficult."

Rarity blinked. "Twilight, darling... I hate to bring this up, but won't I suffer the same problem you will if you turn me into a human? Not that I don't trust you, but..."

Twilight hesitated. "Well, to start with, you have... er... rather less magical energy than I do. Even in human form, you won't suffer from magical feedback for several days, and it won't get dangerous for... well, I'd say you'd be safe for a week at a time, easily," she blushed. "It's not that you're weak or anything... I'm just saying..."

Rarity chuckled. "Don't worry about wounding my pride, darling. We all know that you're the most powerful unicorn in Equestria. I know I'm no match for your strength."

Twilight grimaced slightly. "Sorry... I don't like mentioning it, but it is kind of important to the plan. In any case, I plan on using a temporary transformation on you as well, Rarity... although I'll use as long a duration one on you as I can to avoid having to refresh it as often. As you probably know, the initial energy cost is the biggest problem, extending the duration takes quite a bit less magic, proportionally. I should be able to make your transformation last... oh, five days or so without any trouble, and that will save me a lot of energy in the long run. Of course, I'll also have to cast translation spells on everypony except myself, Johnathon and Miss Cheerilee, but those are quite easy in comparison, and can also be cast for extended periods easily."

She turned to the rest of her friends. "In any case, I won't do it without your permission, and I want to be sure I can reverse the transformation first before I try, but I think Strangehorn's spells are actually exactly the thing we need for this expedition."

Cheerilee spoke up. "Reversing the transformation. You mean turning a human into a pony?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes... in fact, with your permission, I'd like to try that with you first. Is that alright?"

Cheerilee hesitated, then nodded. "Of course. Since I've already been transformed, that would be simplest," she hesitated, glancing at Johnathon. "On one condition. Afterwards, you must change me back into a human."

Twilight frowned. "Are you sure about that?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Yes. Johnathon would not be comfortable as a pony... and I find I have adapted to being human rather well. I am... happy like this, especially with Johnathon by my side. So yes. After you have made sure you can change me back into a pony, I want to be human again, alright?"

Twilight took a deep breath, then nodded. "Very well, if that's your wish."

Cheerilee nodded firmly. "It is."

Johnathon opened his mouth, then closed it, then lowered his head and closed his eyes. He crossed his arms and took a deep breath.

"Johnathon?" Cheerilee moved into his body, leaning against him a bit harder. "Is that alright with you?"

"Yeah," Johnathon said simply. "Yeah. I just. I feel guilty... I know... I know this is your choice, and that you have adapted amazingly well and all... but... I feel like I've failed you somehow," he opened his eyes to look into her face, and there were tears slowly pooling at their corners.

Cheerilee shook her head gently. "I love you for the stallion... for the man you are. You aren't perfect, but what pony is? You are a generous, caring, wonderful soul, and you are human. You are the man I love. That's more than enough. You haven't failed me. I don't think you ever could."

Cheerilee reached up to gently brush away his forming tears, and smiled brightly. "Now stop crying. Only mares are supposed to cry before the wedding."

She hugged him tightly and smiled, then let him go and turned to Twilight. "So... can you do it now?"

Twilight blinked. "You mean... right now? Turn you into a pony again?"

Cheerilee nodded. "Yes. Before I lose my nerve. Right now."

Twilight wrinkled her nose, then nodded. "Yes. Yes I can do it. I'm confident I've finally worked out all the bugs out of the spell, and with Princess Luna right here, there probably won't be a better time," she widened her stance, and nodded to Cheerliee. "Move a few feet to your left please. I want a clear line of fire."

Cheerilee did so, glancing around herself to make sure she was well clear of everyone else in the room. "Here?"

Twilight nodded. "Perfect. Just stand still..." she started to power up her horn, closing her eyes for several seconds in concentration before opening them to stare firmly at Cheerilee. A beam of energy shot out of her horn, enveloping the woman, and with an intense flash, it was over. Cheerilee stood awkwardly on her hind legs in ill fitting clothing. There was a long, slow tearing sound from around her chest, and as she settled onto four legs it stopped.

Coughing slightly, Cheerilee pulled the neck of her now too tight sweater away from her throat and glanced down inside it. "The bra broke," she stated in a distracted sounding voice. "... wow," she sat down on her haunches and brought one of her hooves up in front of her face. "I'm a pony," she waved her hoof in front of her face a while, looking fascinated.

After several long moments of that, she started struggling out of her clothing.

"Here, darling, let me help you with that," Rarity said, her horn glowing as she helped extract the purple earth pony from her ill fitting attire. Making a titching sound at the tears in the fabric, she folded the garments carefully and put them in a pile next to her. "I'll repair these tonight and get them back to you tomorrow, Cheerilee. Apparently they're not quite up to surviving human to pony transformations."

Cheerilee was too busy inspecting herself all over to reply, seemingly a bit overwhelmed. "Oh," she finally said, glancing up. "Thank you, Rarity. That would be nice."

Johnathon knelt next to her, putting one hand on her shoulder. "How are you feeling?"

"Strange," Cheerliee looked at him with a strained smile. "It's been so long, I feel strange being a pony again," she blinked. "I suppose it just felt like a long time. It hasn't really been all that long really, has it?"

She looked at him curiously, a slightly worried expression crossing her face. "How are you doing? Is it weird seeing me as a pony again?"

He shook his head. "Not really, no. It's how I got to know you, after all," he smiled. "You're still you, no matter your form, Cheerilee," Johnathon hugged her around her neck. "You could stay like this, you know? I won't leave you."

Cheerilee patted him on the back, returning the hug automatically. "I know you wouldn't. Stop saying stupid things, you big oaf," she glanced at Twilight. "I assume you'll have to wait till tomorrow to change me back?"

Twilight, who had been sitting quietly resting, wrinkled her nose. "It might be best. I can probably manage changing you back in a few hours, but that would pretty much exhaust me for the rest of the day."

Cheerilee nodded. "Tomorrow then," she stood up slowly, bringing Johnathon to his feet at the same time. "I... think I'll have a bit of a walk around... unless you need me for something else?" she headed for the door, and Johnathon moved to follow. "Why don't you stay and help plan for the expedition, dear," she suggested mildly. "I'll see you at home tonight, alright?"

He hesitated, then nodded. "OK Cheerilee. I'll see you tonight."

Cheerilee opened the front door, took a couple steps outside, then stretched. "You know what? I think I'm going to go for a run," with a final wave, she trotted off, breaking into a gallop as she turned the first corner, a wild grin coming over her features.

"I'll turn her back to a pony again, any time she wants." Twilight remarked quietly. "Be sure and tell her that Johnathon. Any time. I know she wants to be a human for you, but any time she feels the urge to have four hooves and fur again..." Twilight nodded. "I owe her that much."

Johnathon looked at Twilight in mild surprise, then smiled. "I'll tell her, and thanks, Twilight. That means a lot to me as well."

Twilight smiled softly. "I know that."

Johnathon turned to face the other ponies in the room, only to find that they had congregated over on the other side of the room, while Pinkie Pie regaled them with a complicated joke that involved half a dozen rubber chickens and a griffon. Rainbow Dash seemed to be having such a hard time holding in her laughter that she was in physical pain.

Twilight glanced at Johnathon long enough to see that he had regained his composure before clearing her throat.

She had to do so several more times to get everyone's attention, and then wait a bit longer for Rainbow Dash to stop rolling around on the floor laughing, then she turned to Johnathon. "Johnathon, it's your world, do you have any thoughts on what preparations we might want to make?"

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "In fact, I do. If you're planning on transforming your friends into humans... could you start with Applejack, and then Rainbow Dash?"

Applejack looked startled, and Rainbow Dash stopped laughing to look at him in confusion.

Twilight blinked. "Well of course I could, but why?"

Johnathon looked at the two ponies in question. "Well, they're both really good athletes... and I happen to know Rainbow Dash is a skilled martial artist. I was thinking that I'd teach them both how to fight. As humans, I mean. I spent some time as a martial arts instructor, believe it or not. It was just a short time, but I also trained my son. I do know quite a bit on the subject."

Twilight frowned. "Do you really think that's necessary?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Better safe than sorry. I'll take some time to show you all some basic defensive moves before we go, if we have the time, anyway, but I think Applejack and Rainbow Dash could learn the most, the quickest, and it could be handy, having them know how to handle themselves in a fight."

Rainbow Dash grinned and bumped her front hooves together. "Heh. Can't wait."

Applejack grimaced. "Well, if it's got to be somepony, I guess it might as well be me."

She turned to Twilight. "When do you want to do this. Turn me human, I mean?"

Twilight wrinkled her nose. "The day after tomorrow, I think. Maybe tomorrow evening at the earliest if I'm feeling up to it by then. I still need to transform Cheerilee back."

"I'll be teaching her as well, if she agrees," Johnathon commented. "She's not the athlete you two are, but she's had the most time on two legs."

Rarity suddenly gasped. "Oh dear! I have so much to do!"

Everyone blinked and turned to her.

Rarity put a hoof to her forehead dramatically. "Clothes! I must design multiple new outfits for each of you! Humans wear clothing all of the time, and you can't go around in the same outfit constantly, now can you?"

Twilight turned to Briar Rose. "Professor Rose... we probably won't be taking many other ponies with us... but... would you come along? Your experience would be invaluable."

Briar Rose took a deep breath, then sighed, shaking her head. "It sounds like you could be away for some time... and I've just gotten word about a... situation that I really can't leave to anypony else. Some idiot has been looking for the Rings of Scorchero. I really need to make sure that they aren't all gathered together."

Rainbow Dash and Twilight both gasped and pointed at her. "The Rings of Scorchero are real?!?"

Briar Rose blinked. "Well... yes. My books are based on my own expeditions, you know."

Luna looked to Briar Rose curiously. "Do you need any assistance, Professor? I know of the Rings... if they are gathered, well, my sister would be most upset. She does so hate it when somepony else tries to take control of her sun."

Briar Rose shook her head. "That's alright. I work best alone. If I get in over my head, I'll let you know."

Rainbow Dash looked anxious. "If... if you need any help...?"

Briar Rose smiled at her. "You'll be one of the first ponies I'd call, Rainbow Dash. I know you can handle yourself. Still, you have your own adventure waiting for you. Finding the Lost Library of the Unicorns is no small thing. The Rings are just one measly artifact left behind from those days, but the Library... that could tell us how to MAKE artifacts on that level. Imagine the possibilities!" she shook her head. "Wish I could come with you, but this is really something I need to take care of. I'll come back when I've gotten the Rings secured."

Twilight Sparkle smiled. "Good luck, Professor Rose."

"Who needs luck?" Briar Rose said with a grin. "Daring Do makes her own luck," tipping her hat, she headed for the door. "You're going to do just fine. I look forward to reading about all of your adventures some day. As for me... well, daylight is fading. See you next time."

Without another word, she left, nodding once as she closed the door behind her.

Rainbow Dash was in full fanmare mode. "She is SOOO AWESOME!"

Luna was looking at the door as if she could see the Professor through it, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I really must read these... Daring Do novels at some point. It seems I have missed more than I realized. I wonder how much my sister knows of this?" she shook her head, turning to face the others in the room. "Well then, it seems you have your plans well in hand, so I will be going as well. I will bring the Elements of Harmony with me when I return... although I believe my sister may wish to bring them herself. Still, I will at the very least see you off. I'm sorry I will not be able to accompany you myself. It sounds like it will be a grand adventure."

"I'll let you know when we'll need them," Twilight promised. "I'll have Spike send you a message with the day we intend to depart... once we've gotten all the details worked out."

"Very good," Luna rose, bowed slightly, which caused Twilight and the others to bow as well, then turned to go. Smiling back at them, she sighed wistfully. "Tis a grand adventure you propose, Twilight Sparkle. I wish you well," with that, she left as well, heading outside before flying into the air, only to disappear with a crack of imploding air a moment later.

Twilight looked out of the open door, frowning slightly. "You know... I really should have asked Cheerilee to stay out of sight... now everypony will know that I can reverse a permanent transformation. They're all going to want me to change them into things."

Johnathon shrugged, putting a hand on her shoulder. "One problem at a time, Twilight. Besides, could you really ask her to stay cooped up on her one day of being a pony again?"

Twilight slowly shook her head. "No, I suppose I couldn't do that."


Cheerilee ran, and ran. She left Ponyville behind her, and ran into Whitetail wood, running effortlessly, tirelessly under the shade of the branches. She ran till her body was slick with sweat, then changed course to head for a small lake she knew, just outside of the outskirts of town. She hadn't been there in years, and yet today she'd made the run there in one go, faster than she could remember traveling that distance before.

She dived in with a splash, and swam, hard, for the far bank. Reaching it, she doubled back and swam back the way she came. Her limbs finally tiring, she let herself float into the middle of the pond, then slowly paddled over to the edge and pulled herself onto the shore.

Laying on a dry patch of grass nearby, she rolled onto her back and laid there, exhausted but content. She let the warmth of the sun dry her wet hair, and just laid there for nearly an hour, watching clouds and doing her best not to think at all.

"I feel like a foal again," Cheerilee said quietly to herself. "Reborn, almost. Oh, how could I give this up?" she raised a hoof in front of her eyes, and regarded the limb thoughtfully. She squinted and turned her head, imagining a slender hand on the end of a supple wrist instead. "Hands ARE nice though," she admitted quietly.

Cheerilee lay quietly for a long time after that, unable to keep her mind from racing any more. Her future, her past... endless possibilities flowed out from this one point in time, and the totality of it was almost more than she could bear, She knew what she wanted... what she thought she wanted... but was the cost worth what she would gain?

"Of course it is," she told herself firmly. "I have my friends, my job... and him. What does it matter if I have hands or hooves? He wants to marry me!" she rolled around giggling to herself. "I love him. I want him. I'll have him." she looked at her hooves, imagining hands there again, reaching out and gripping his shoulders... she blushed as more images, memories of nights spent in each others arms, swam through her mind. "No... being human isn't all that bad at all, is it," it was a statement, not a question. Cheerilee sat up, and rolled to her hooves, peering into the distance where Ponyville lay.

"It's not difficult. Not difficult at all."

The mare started walking, taking her time, but moving with purpose. It was time to go home.

It was getting late. Johnathon sat in the kitchen, watching out the window. He couldn't help himself. He could be reading, or coming up with a list of supplies to take to Earth, or planning out how training Applejack and Rainbow Dash would go... but he couldn't concentrate. So he sat, and kept watch out the window.

The sun was setting as he spotted her coming up the lane to their home. She looked tired, but he could see a faint smile on her face. He went to the door, and opened it for her.

"Welcome home, love."

Cheerilee smiled up at him, then reared up to put her hooves lightly on his shoulders. She nuzzled his neck.

Johnathon hugged her and put his head next to hers, rubbing the side of his face against hers. "I missed you."

Cheerilee pushed back lightly, balancing on her hind legs with mild difficulty that she tried to conceal. "Are you alright?"

Johnathon blinked. "I'm fine. How are you?"

Cheerilee took a deep breath and smiled. "Content. Happy. I know everything is going to be just fine."

Johnathon grinned. "Well yeah. Of course it is."

Cheerilee wrinkled her nose, looking hesitant. "I'm pretty tired. Do you want to go to bed?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "You're not suggesting..."

Cheerilee blushed, shaking her head quickly. "No! No... I... well, no," she looked at the floor. "I just meant sleeping. Together. Sleeping."

Johnathon smiled and nodded. "Yeah. OK," he stepped back, letting her inside. "Welcome home," he repeated.

Chapter 37

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The next morning had been awkward. Cheerilee had rolled over on top of him in the middle of the night, and he had gotten a couple hooves in a few tender places.

Cheerilee had woken up to his pained grunt, and had overreacted, rolling herself completely out of the bed in an effort to avoid hurting him further.

He had only managed to convince her to come back to bed after several minutes of reassuring her that he wasn't hurt. He wasn't really... although it had been painful at the time, it wasn't worth upsetting her over.

Johnathon had woken up to the sensation of Cheerilee slipping out of the bed. She was heavier as a pony, and her center of mass was lower, so she rocked the bed quite a bit more when getting out.

"Hey," he spoke up quietly as she started slipping away. "How are you doing?"

"Oh..." Cheerilee shook her head. "I'm so sorry about last night. I don't know what I was thinking..."

"It's fine," he answered with a chuckle he didn't have to force. "I'd have had trouble sleeping alone anyway. And you didn't hurt me."

Cheerilee blushed again, then shook her head. "You don't want a pony in your bed."

Johnathon frowned. "You can sleep with me any time. I don't care if you're a pony," Now it was his turn to blush. "I mean... sleeping... it's not that you're not cute as a pony, but..."

Cheerilee nodded quickly. "It's OK. I know you don't find me attractive like this."

"Not in... THAT way, no," the man admitted softly. "But that's not what our relationship has been about, has it? We're friends. Best friends. And we love each other. I don't want to lose you, and I get the feeling you feel the same way."

Cheerilee nodded. "Yes. I suppose you're right about that."

Johnathon smiled softly. "I decided some time ago. Even if you remained a pony for the rest of your life, I'd stay. I don't want to lose my best friend. Maybe we'd never be... intimate, but that's not what I want most out of this."

"But it is nice..." Cheerilee said with a small smile.

"Very," Johnathon agreed. "You're a wonderful lover. But if that part of our relationship didn't exist... well, perhaps you becoming human mattered, in that it made me realize how I really feel about you, but I think I've gotten past that now."

"So, you don't care if I have Twilight turn me into a human or not?" Cheerilee said in a teasing manner.

"I would like it. I'm not going to lie about it. But I want you to be happy more," Johnathon said firmly, then blinked. "Speaking of that, I forgot to tell you last night when you got home. Twilight told me that any time you want to go back to being a pony... if it's for a day or a week, whatever, she'll be willing to transform you."

Cheerilee blinked. "She really said that?"

Johnathon nodded. "I think it's very generous of her... but I think you should take her up on it from time to time. You shouldn't have to lose being a pony entirely just for me."

Cheerilee looked thoughtful. "That was really nice of her. I'll have to think about it though. Still... I suppose once in a while wouldn't hurt."

Johnathon shook his head. "It certainly wouldn't."

"I'm still going back to being human today though," she told him firmly.

"OK," he agreed mildly. "I'm going to need you human this week anyway."

Cheerilee looked interested, then leered at him slightly. "Planning on getting in some... intimate time while we have the chance?"

Johnathon blushed. "No! Well, yes... but that's not what I meant. I'm planning on teaching the girls... Applejack and Rainbow Dash in particular, some human martial arts, and I was hoping you'd be there as well. You've had more time on two legs than anypony else... and you could stand to learn some self defense techniques yourself."

Cheerilee blinked. "Oh. Do you think it's going to be that dangerous?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Better safe than sorry. Besides, it would be nice to have a regular sparring partner."

Cheerilee looked incredulously at him. "You want to spar with me?"

Johnathon hesitated. "Well, it can be fun, but it's just an idea. If you enjoy it, we can make it a thing..."

Cheerilee looked dubious. "Enjoy fighting? Humans are strange sometimes."

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Rainbow Dash seems to like fighting a lot. Sparring, at least."

Cheerilee rolled her eyes. "OK, Pegasi can be pretty weird too."

Johnathon chuckled. "I'll tell her you said that."

"Don't you dare!"


Cheerilee's transformation back to human form had gone without a hitch, and Rarity had returned the clothing she had ruined, back in perfect condition. Surprisingly for such a small town, no pony commented on Cheerilee's brief time as a pony. Johnathon wondered if it was just that nopony had noticed, or if they were just being polite about it. He wanted to check, but couldn't figure out how to do so without revealing what had happened. He finally decided to let it go.

Applejack arrived at Twilight's place that evening. Twilight had rested throughout the day, and announced that she felt ready to transform Applejack a bit early.

Applejack just sighed, and nodded her permission. "Go ahead... might as well get it over with. How I'm going to applebuck without hooves, I have no idea... but I suppose Big Mac can take up the slack for a week or two."

Twilight nodded, and lowered her horn. "Are you sure you're ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, Sugar. Go on and git er done."

Twilight readied herself, and focused, then cast the spell.

When the light cleared, Applejack was still on all fours, but was decidedly less fuzzy. Her hat was perched precariously on her head, and it fell off as she fell onto her side, scrabbling slightly in a panic as her new limbs flailed about.

"Darn it!" Applejack reached for her hat and gripped it between her hands, putting it back on her head with some difficulty. She rolled around a bit, trying to figure out how to sit up, and lost her hat twice more before she finally managed it, stubbornly retrieving the stetson each time before trying to sit up again.

Finally she sat up on her haunches, folding her legs under her and pushing off with her hands so that she was mostly vertical.

She put one hand up to touch her hat, making sure it sat on her head right. "Hmph. At least my hat still fits, I guess."

Twilight tried not to giggle. Applejack was just so adorable while she was trying to figure out how to sit up.

Applejack glared at her. "Something funny, Twilight?"

Twilight quickly shook her head. "How are you feeling?"

"Weird as all heck!" the apple farmer declared sharply. "Git Johnathon in here. I want somepony to explain what I'm supposed to do with these here legs... and these flimsy looking sticks on the ends of my forelegs!"

"Hands." Twilight corrected. "You know that, Applejack."

"Fine, hands... but they're flimsy looking as all get out," Applejack groused. "Now get that pesky human in here!"

Twilight frowned. "Applejack, perhaps you should put on some clothes first? Human customs..."

Applejack growled. "Do I look like I care about that right now? Just call the fella in here. I won't eat him or nothin."

Twilight shrugged and nodded. "Sure. I'll send Spike to get Rarity though. She'll want to get your measurements so she can start on some new clothes for you."

Twilight went to the front door and opened it. Outside, Spike and Johnathon were waiting curiously.

"How'd she turn out?" Spike asked first. "Does she look like Miss Cheerilee?"

"See for yourselves," Twilight said with a shrug. "She wants to see Johnathon now anyway."

Johnathon nodded and he and Spike headed inside, but while Spike kept going, the second Johnathon came into sight of the farmer he froze like a deer in the headlights.

"Whoa... cool," Spike commented. "You look so weird!"

"Gee, thanks," Applejack muttered crossly, then glared at Johnathon. "So? Why are you staring? Am I as hideous as I think I am?"

Johnathon shook his head as if to clear it, then focused on her face. "Hardly. Remember what you thought when you saw me as a pony?"

Applejack blinked, then blushed slightly. "Er..."

Johnathon nodded. "Yeah."

"So I look good?" Applejack asked hesitantly.

Johnathon opened his mouth, then closed it. "Er... yeah. Understatement, if anything. You look like an action movie heroine. I mean... damn. You don't see a lot of women with a six pack..."

Applejack blinked. "A what?"

Johnathon chuckled. "Never mind. You look great. Don't worry about it. Looks like your muscle tone followed you into your human form as well. You look like you could break bricks on your stomach and not feel it. And your legs... I mean... damn."

"So I'm strong," Applejack summarized. "Probably?"

"Probably," Johnathon told her dryly. "Try not to squeeze anything too hard at first. You'll probably have to be a bit careful of your strength not to break things."

Applejack blinked. "Oh. Well, that's hardly anything new. I've been careful about that since I was a filly."

"New body... might take some adjustment, regardless," Johnathon warned. "I was pretty clumsy as a pony at first myself. I ended up clonking Cheerilee a couple times with my hooves, if I recall."

"I'll be careful," Applejack said with a firm nod. "Now... could you give a mare a hoof up?"

"You're a girl now... well, a young woman, and it's a hand up, not a hoof. Neither of us have hooves at the moment, remember?"

Applejack groaned. "Great... language lessons on top of learning how to use a new body? Wonderful."

"You'll live," moving over to her, he reached down with both hands. "Put your hands in mine, alright?"

Applejack did so, reaching out cautiously with both of her hands, placing them in his.

Johnathon squeezed them. "Now close your hands. Try and grip mine. Go on. That's it... a bit tighter..." he winced. "Too tight! Ease up a bit... OK, yeah, that's good."

Stepping back, he hauled her upright, "Pull your arms in toward your chest a little, don't just dangle there... that's better. Now try and get your feet under you... whoa!"

Applejack teetered and would have fell, but he caught her, hugging her to his body to keep her from falling. For a moment, he closed his eyes and shook his head, doing his best to ignore the cute naked girl pressed against him.

"OK... slowly now, straighten your legs. That's right. Just try and balance. I'll make sure you don't fall."

As he talked, he mentally compared her to her pony form. Her hair was almost exactly the same as her mane. Blond, with a long ponytail. Her face had a few freckles, and her green eyes were almost the same as her pony ones. Her face was similar enough to make her identity obvious, at least to him. He'd have been able to identify her even without her hat, which he was amused to note was still the only article of clothing she was wearing.

Her breasts were medium sized. Smaller than Cheerilee's, which made sense giving how little body fat she seemed to have. She was heavy for her size... almost all muscle. Not bulky, but toned like a professional athlete, which he supposed she was, with all her rodeo medals. If her earth pony strength gave her a magical boost on top of what he could see, she would be frighteningly powerful. Probably very nearly as strong as she was as a pony. He reminded himself to be extra careful while training her, to avoid getting himself seriously injured.

He liked muscular women... especially ones that were nicely toned, not those that were bulked up with huge muscles, and Applejack was exactly his type. Physically, at least. He was mildly surprised to find that he was able to ignore all that and just focus on helping her. She was attractive, yes. Devastatingly so, but he found he could look at her analytically and not be bothered. It was a bit disconcerting, being this close to a beautiful naked girl, but he'd been married, and a father. It was easy to think about Applejack as if she was one of his cousins... or a daughter, maybe, though he'd never had one. Not an object of desire.

Rarity came in while he was helping Applejack take a few forward steps. Spike came in with her, having fetched her from her Boutique in the several minutes Johnathon had spent coaching her.

Rarity's eyes flashed as she sized up the situation. "Why Applejack, how brazen! Going about without a stitch on! Are you trying to seduce our good mister Dwire here?"

Applejack went pink, then red in quick succession. "I ain't doing nothin!" she protested vigorously. "And Mister Dwire here has been a gentlecolt. Nothing improper going on atall!" she glared at Rarity. "Besides, it's not like I normally wear clothes anyway. Nothing wrong with that."

Rarity giggled lightly. "I am just teasing, darling, although you do realize that in dear Johnathon's culture, going without apparel is as direct an invitation for improper behavior as lifting your tail in front of a colt during your... season." she finished delicately.

Applejack went from red to purple and she nearly fell as she fought to free herself from Johnathon's hold. "Ain't like that! Ain't! I'd never do nothin' like that to Cheerilee!"

Johnathon lost his grip for a second, and Applejack started to fall. He gritted his teeth, stepped into her body, and grabbed her by the waist, then quickly sat her down before she could mangle him with her flailing limbs.

He stepped back, wincing as Applejack dealt him a glancing blow to his cheek, but did his best to ignore the hit.

"Rarity... stop teasing Applejack. Of course nothing happened," he nodded to Applejack apologetically. "She makes a lovely human, but my heart is firmly with Cheerilee. And there is nothing wrong in Pony society with not wearing clothes. Applejack has nothing to be ashamed of, and I certainly wasn't going to judge her intentions based on my culture. That would just be silly."

Rarity covered a laugh, then calmed herself. "My sincerest apologies... our dear Applejack is unfortunately extremely entertaining to tease sometimes. I am sorry if I upset you." she turned to Applejack. "Or you, darling. Of course I know you would never do anything improper with our Mister Dwire. You're much too proper a mare for any such nonsense."

Applejack crossed her arms across her chest and glared. "Well o'course! Darn it, Rarity! You made me clock John up side the head just now!"

Rarity was instantly contrite. "Are you quite alright, Johnathon dear? Applejack doesn't know her own strength sometimes."

"I'll be fine, don't worry about it," he told them calmly. "Why don't I step outside for a bit while you get Applejack's measurements? She'll probably feel better with something appropriate to wear."

Applejack shrugged, looking embarrassed and annoyed. "Dumb human custom, if you ask me... but if it make y'all feel better, I guess it's alright."

Rarity turned to Johnathon thoughtfully. "What would you suggest for our darling Applejack, Johnathon? I want to make her something that suits her, but I do not understand human fashion as well as I'd like. Surely you could suggest something appropriate?"

Johnathon frowned thoughtfully. "Make her some workout gear to start... you know, like the jogging outfit you made Cheerilee? We're going to be practicing a lot, and it'll be helpful if she has plenty of freedom of movement. And... knowing Applejack, some work attire as well. Pants made of something comfortable but durable. Form fitting... at least somewhat, as she won't want it to get caught on anything while she's working. A shirt like the checkered one you made me... boots... maybe some running shoes, and gloves... she'll need gloves, or she's likely to hurt her hands some, at least until she builds up some good calluses, and we don't really have time for that."

Rarity blinked, then looked a bit nonplussed. "Athletic attire... and..." she shuddered slightly. "Work duds?"

Applejack nodded thoughtfully. "That sounds like it'd be alright. Make me what he said, Rarity."

Rarity sighed, then nodded. "Oh, very well. I suppose this is to be an expedition, not a fashion show... although I, at least, plan to be dressed in style as a human. I already have a few lovely designs in mind, although I will just have to wait till I find out what my own sizes are when I am human before I can finish," she sighed dramatically. "Perhaps at least Fluttershy will let me make her something nice for when she's human."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "It ain't like we're going to be going to a dance or nothing. We're going digging... and maybe we'll do some fighting, but we won't be dancing," she glanced at Johnathon. "Right?"

Johnathon shrugged. "No dancing... probably."

Applejack looked at him suspiciously. "What do you mean, probably?"

Johnathon chuckled. "Well who knows? If we have to stay awhile, maybe we'll end up at a club... or ball or something. Stranger things have happened."

Rarity's eyes went wide. "Oh! I really must prepare gowns for everypony as well! It wouldn't do to be unprepared in case of a social event!"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "Gowns... might be a bit much. That sort of outfit isn't very likely to be something you'll need. Maybe something pretty but more casual? I'll tell you about casual party clothes later... there are about a million styles, but I think I can make a few suggestions."

Rarity was almost drooling at the thought. "I can't wait, darling," she made a dismissive gesture with one hoof. "Now give me some space. I still need to get Applejack's measurements," She levitated a measuring tape over to the apple farmer and started measuring her sizes, and Johnathon excused himself.

Cheerilee was outside, and she jumped back from the door, looking a bit guilty as if he had caught her at something.

"Listening at the door, huh?"

Cheerilee looked sheepish. "Sorry. I'm kind of curious what Applejack looks like as a human though," she moved up to him, looking into his eyes. "I bet she was attractive. And she wasn't wearing any clothes?"

Johnathon nodded and smiled. "True. But my heart belongs to you. You're better looking anyway."

"Liar," Cheerilee said, but she was grinning.

She held up a bag. "Actually, I thought I'd lend Applejack some of my clothes till Rarity gets her fitted... and give her a hand getting adjusted. I know quite a bit about it, after all."

Johnathon nodded. "True... and you two aren't too far apart in size. Most of your clothes should fit her... well enough, anyway."

Cheerilee nodded. "Well, I'd better get in there," she pointed a hand at his face. "And you. Next time, wait till I get here? If you want to see a human girl without her clothes on, you just have to ask me, you know."

Johnathon opened his mouth to protest, then shut it. "I'll remember that," he finally answered carefully.

Cheerilee went inside, and Johnathon waited outside, whistling tunelessly to himself. After a few minutes, the door opened, and Applejack came through, holding onto the frame for support, dressed in one of Cheerilee's tee shirts and a pair of shorts. She waved off his hands when he tried to help her.

"I'm OK," she insisted. "I kin walk on my own legs... it's just balancing," Applejack took one hand off the door frame, then the other, holding them out wide to steady herself, and took a few, tottering steps forward into the street.

Cheerilee and Rarity were close behind her, watching with some concern but not interfering.

Rainbow Dash swooped out of the sky suddenly, stopping to hover in front of Applejack, and causing the newly minted human to fall over backwards, arms flailing.

"Oof!" Applejack went down on her rear end with a heavy thud, and Rainbow Dash broke into laughter, holding her ribs with her fore-hooves as she continued to hover.

"You look ridiculous!" Rainbow Dash commented gaily. "Can't you even walk right? I thought you were supposed to be an athlete?"

Applejack glared up at the cyan speedster. "Darn it Dash, you startled me! I've been walking for all of thirty seconds now, what did you expect?"

Rainbow Dash fluttered to a landing in front of her disgruntled friend, reaching out a hoof to help her up. "Sorry... sorry..." she chuckled. "But you should see the look on your face!"

Applejack took the proffered hoof, and started pulling herself up, only to realize that she was quite a bit too tall in her present form for Rainbow Dash to do more than give her a small boost.

Rainbow Dash chuckled and took off, her wings pulling her up and back, pulling Applejack to her feet easily. "There you go. Didn't realize you be that much taller than me!"

Applejack looked the hovering Pegasi in the eye, holding on to Rainbow Dash's front hooves with both of her hands. "I'm not that much taller than Cheerilee," she pointed out. "And I'm still shorter than Johnathon there."

Rainbow Dash frowned, then shrugged. "I guess. It's just weird, you being so tall."

Applejack snorted. "You're next, Sugarcube," she grinned. "And I'll be here to watch you falling all over the place."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I bet I'll be running before you figure it out."

Applejack glared at her number one rival, then snorted. "You wish. I'll be running afore the day's out."

Rainbow Dash wrinkled her nose. "Well... maybe. But I'll figure it out quicker when it's my turn, you'll see."

Applejack grinned. "Is that a bet?"

Rainbow Dash nodded firmly. "Yup! Chicken?"

Applejack grinned wider. "No way. Yer on, partner."

Johnathon rolled his eyes. "You're going to hurt yourselves if you try running too quickly," he told them firmly. "Humans aren't as tough as ponies."

Applejack looked down at herself, then bounced lightly on her feet, testing her balance and strength. "I feel pretty good. It's tricky on two legs... but I'm not made of eggshells or nothin'."

She shook Rainbow Dash's hoof, then let go, rocking back on her heels but keeping upright by windmilling her arms. "Nobody help me!" she growled before anyone could move in to help steady her. Her upper torso bent forward, then back, her arms going in circles to her sides to try and maintain her balance. She started to fall backwards, and stepped back to compensate, then straightened. Slowly her arms stopped moving, and slowly she started to walk again, her arms held out to either side as if she was trying to walk a tight rope.

She grinned. "See... I'm a gettin' it. Just a matter of time."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "We'll see. I'll get it even faster. Nopony has got better balance than me."

Applejack snorted. "We'll see," she agreed.

Behind her, Rarity exited the Library while levitating a sheaf of papers she'd been making notes on into her saddle bags. "Just come over to the Boutique in the morning, Applejack. I should have something for you by then. I'll want to do some final fittings, but it shouldn't take very long."

Applejack sighed, then nodded. "I'll be there after morning chores, Sugar. Just try and keep things simple, alright?"

Rarity grinned. "I'll do my very best to restrain myself, Darling," she turned to Johnathon. "Johnathon dear, could you stop by at that time as well? I'll want your advice on the final product. Seeing as we're trying to be... incognito, I'd appreciate your opinion, so that whatever I create doesn't appear too far out of the current fashion for your world, alright?"

Johnathon nodded thoughtfully. "Good idea, Rarity. I'll see you in the morning then."

Rarity smiled gracefully and trotted off. "Ta ta!"

Applejack shook her head ruefully, then started walking toward the center of town. With a glance at each other, Johnathon Dwire and Cheerilee joined her, walking on either side of her protectively.

Applejack noticed and wrinkled her nose. "I ain't a foal, you know. I kin walk without you two hovering like mother hens."

Cheerilee smiled cheerfully. "And you're doing wonderfully, Applejack! Much better than I did on my first day as a human. But still, we'll be leaving for Earth soon, so anything we can do to help you adapt quicker is for the best, don't you think?"

Johnathon shrugged. "We won't dog you all day, Applejack, I just want to make sure you get home alright. And maybe Cheerilee and I can give you some tips on being human at the same time?"

Applejack sighed. "Can't hurt none, I reckon."

They traveled the rest of the way to the farm in relative silence, broken only when Cheerilee thought of a helpful bit of advice for the newly minted human.

By the time they were nearly there, Applejack had started to limp a bit, wincing despite herself as her feet started to get tender.

"Are you OK, Applejack?" Johnathon asked quietly.

"My... feet hurt," Applejack answered, frowning. "Why are humans so dang gum fragile, anyway?"

Johnathon shrugged, not offended. "You'll build up calluses with time, but it'll probably be quicker to let Rarity make you some proper footwear. She's surprisingly good at it, seeing as ponies don't need protection for their hooves nearly as much as humans do for their feet."

Big Mac had been watching them come from where he had been working on the fields, staring at her with an inscrutable look. Now he was headed in their direction at a brisk trot.

Applejack's face reddened as her older brother stopped a few feet in front of her, looking her up and down with a small frown.

"It's still me, you know!" she blurted out.

"Eeyup." Big Mac acknowledged easily, raising an eyebrow and giving her a sardonic expression that read volumes.

"I'm taller than you now," Applejack noted with some surprise.

"Eeyup." Big Mac said again, although he seemed about ready to snicker at the thought.

"Well..." Applejack started to feel self conscious. "What do you think, big brother?"

Big Mac shrugged. "You're Applejack." He moved up and put his shoulder up against her right side. "Climb on up, I'll give you a ride home."

Applejack spluttered at the suggestion. "Are you saying I'm weak now?"


"That I can't carry my own weight around here?"


"Then what are you saying?" Applejack asked indignantly.

Big Mac shot her a look that only an older brother had. "Looks like your feet hurt. Now climb up."

Applejack rolled her eyes, ready to protest, then sighed... and climbed awkwardly up onto his back. Big Mac started to walk, slow and smooth, making sure not to jostle her.

"You ain't gonna be carrying me everywhere, alright?"


"I can do my share."


"Just need me some good boots, is all."


"Alright then."

Big Mac seemed to grin a bit at that. "Eeyup."


The next morning, Rarity had, as always, aimed to impress. She had even anticipated Applejack's desire for a pair of sturdy boots. The clothing had all fit nicely, even though Rarity had hemmed and hawed about the final fitting, even she was looking pleased with her work.

"How in the heck did you get all this so perfect after one fitting, Rarity?" Applejack said, still astonished.

"Magic," Rarity said, and winked. "Oh, I cheated a bit... usually I try to do it all by eye, but I admit that when designing for an entirely new body type it's not quite as simple as all that. But as you may be aware, I DO have a bit of a knack for illusions... I simply created a semi-solid illusion of your new form and worked with it for a few hours."

Applejack took a hard look at her friend. While Rarity was as well made up as ever, there were hints of fatigue now that she really looked hard for them.

"Uh huh," Applejack said simply. "A 'few' hours, huh?"

"Perhaps more than a few," Rarity admitted. "But the results are marvelous, don't you think?"

Johnathon nodded thoughtfully. "I wouldn't know it was made by a unicorn, Rarity." Rarity blinked, starting too look offended, and he amended his statement. "I mean it looks like something a major manufacturer might make back on Earth. If I didn't know better, I'd never guess it was made by someone who's never been there."

Rarity smiled, mollified. "Why thank you, dear, but that's mostly thanks to all your advice on fashion. Your tastes may run a bit to the... pedestrian, but you do have a good memory for details, given time."

Johnathon just smiled and shrugged.

Applejack looked down at her clothes again. A checkered shirt, much like Johnathon's, was worn open in front over a sturdy white tank top like Cheerilee's. A pair of sturdy, green canvas shorts that came halfway down her thighs, and the part she loved the most, a pair of knee-high boots, with sturdy soles and a noticeable amount of thin but comfortable padding of some sort on the insides. She thumped one of her new boots into the ground solidly, liking the way the boot diminished the impact to her feet. It was almost as good as having hooves again.

"And I can Applebuck with these?" She asked for the third time since Rarity had brought them out for her.

"Certainly, my dear." Rarity said, smiling. "They're quite sturdy. If you do happen to incur some small amount of damage, bring them back and I'll be glad to make a repair, but they should hold up very well, I believe."

Applejack thumped her boot against the floor harder, making a nearby ponykin bounce upwards slightly, and Rarity's smile grow slightly brittle. "Well howdy. Ain't that just the thing to make somepony feel like herself again. Thank ya kindly Rares."

"Not at all, my dear," Rarity told her graciously. "Although if you could possibly avoid scuffing my floors, I'd accept that as repayment enough."

Applejack colored slightly, then laughed and tipped her hat at Rarity. "Done and done then."

Johnathon wrinkled his nose, glancing out the window. "I should probably get over to the library. Twilight should be done with transforming Rainbow Dash by now."

Applejack nodded and held out an arm. "Mind helping a lady across town?" she said with an obviously fake Manehatten accent.

Johnathon took her arm and nodded to the door. "It would be churlish not to."

Rarity rolled her eyes but followed them out the door, eager to get her first glimpse of Rainbow Dash's transformed self as well.

As they walked through town, Johnathon holding on to her arm gently, just in case, Applejack snorted to herself. "Can't wait to see Rainbow Dash fallin' all over herself. No way she takes to walking any faster than me."

Johnathon grunted softly at that, but didn't respond. He had his own suspicions on the matter.

They arrived at the Library to find Spike waiting for them just outside. He grinned, and held up a claw.

"Just a second everypony... I mean... everyhuman?" He frowned. "Huh."

"Everyone is probably acceptable, Spike," Johnathon advised, using a word that wasn't heard very often in pony society. Although ponies in Ponyville tended to be rather welcoming, pony society itself was rather strangely stratified, and its language tended not to acknowledge the possibility of other intelligent races... which was surprising given the sheer number of them in Equestria.

"Everyone... huh." Spike tried the word out and shrugged. "Weird word."

Just then, Applejack gaped in astonishment as Rainbow Dash walked through the library doors on two legs, walking slowly but confidently, her arms slightly outstretched, but hardly moving. Her hair was a bright reddish shade, but in the same style and length as usual, so it was easy to tell who it was.

Rainbow grinned, and stopped a couple meters past the entrance, then stood on one foot, obviously showing off. "Ha!" she crowed. "I told you nopony has better balance than me!"

Applejack sighed. "You win, Sugarcube. I have to admit, I'm impressed," she let go of Johnathon's arm, looking frustrated, and managed a rather respectable stride over to her friend, but Rainbow Dash clearly had gotten the trick down quicker.

Rainbow Dash grinned wider. "Yup. I'm the best."

Johnathon followed Applejack closely, standing to one side as before, waiting to see if she'd need his help, but grinned at Rainbow Dash. "Most modest too," he commented dryly.

Rainbow Dash, as a human, was shorter than Applejack by a noticeable margin. Applejack had been the tallest so far. Johnathon estimated her height to be around five foot nine or so. Cheerliee was about five foot three, and Rainbow Dash was perhaps an inch taller than the schoolteacher. But like Applejack, she was extremely well muscled. Her arms and legs were both toned beyond anything he'd ever achieved, and while she seemed to be a bit less muscular than Applejack, she was even leaner. Her breasts were tiny, not that he was going to mention that fact, and he doubted he'd be able to find a solid ounce of fat on her. Cheerilee had loaned her one of Johnathon's smaller tee shirts, which extended just past Rainbow Dash's hips, and her second (and last) pair of shorts, which were barely visible from underneath them.

Rarity was already circling around, studying Rainbow Dash's new form intently. "I assume you will be wanting some form of... athletic attire?"

Rainbow Dash blinked, then shrugged. "I guess. I can't really move in this..." she gestured at the oversized tee shirt. She reached down as if to try pulling it off over her head, but seemed to be having difficulty gripping properly. "Darn hands... work!"

Cheerilee, who had come out of the Library behind Rainbow Dash, moved to her side and slapped the girl on one hand lightly. "Rainbow Miriam Dash. What did I tell you about taking off your clothes in public?"

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Um... not to?"

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow. "And what were you just doing?"

Rainbow Dash groaned. "I'm swimming in this thing, Cheerilee! And it's hot out!"

Cheerilee sighed. "Yes dear, but you know it makes Johnathon uncomfortable...."

Johnathon chuckled, grinning slightly. "I'll survive."

Cheerilee frowned. "But..."

Johnathon shrugged. "I've never insisted that you keep to my customs either, Cheerilee, although I appreciate the effort you've gone to for me. If she wants to go around topless for awhile, I believe I can manage to avoid molesting her."

Rainbow Dash sighed in relief and was pulling the shirt up over her head before Cheerilee could protest further. She got it halfway up and got stuck, her arms up over here head and her face muffled in layers of cloth. She staggered around for several seconds, causing Applejack to start chuckling.

"Very funny..." Rainbow Dash's voice was muffled, but understandable. "Can somepony help me out of this thing? I'm stuck!"

Cheerilee sighed and stepped forward, helping extricate the ex-Pegasus from the over-sized tee shirt.

Once free of the tee shirt, Rainbow Dash opened her arms wide, closing her eyes and turning slowly in place. "Ah... that's better," she did a complete 360, then stopped, and rotated her shoulders once before opening her eyes again. "Wow... this is so weird," she looked down at herself. "Why are my chest bumps so much smaller than Applejack's and Cheerilee's?"

Johnathon coughed. "Well... probably because you're an athlete. Specifically you've got almost no body fat. You're built like a runner."

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly. "Huh. That makes sense I guess," she turned to face him, looking curious. "So... how do I look, anyway? Do I look really weird?" she reached up to touch her hair, frowning. "I can't believe my hair is only one color! That really bites."

Johnathon smiled. "You look fine. Unfortunately, humans generally only have one color of hair at a time."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "That's not true. You have two different colors."

The man blinked, then grinned. "My hair is starting to go grey... that's all. It just means I'm getting older. All humans get grey hair eventually. If they live long enough."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Oh. Bummer. I was kinda hoping Twilight could fix me up so I got to keep my mane the same, like Applejack."

Johnathon shrugged. "Sorry. Blond hair is normal for humans, but blue, green, orange or purple isn't... at least not without a dye job."

Rainbow wrinkled her nose. "Dyeing my hair? Bletch. Sound like a pain. Guess I'm stuck with red then."

Rarity smiled slightly. "Well, if it helps, I could assist with that. We may have to stop by the spa for a bit, however, to do a proper job."

Rainbow paled. "Er... that's OK, Rarity. Just the clothes."

Rarity rolled her eyes, then shook her head, smiling, and walked up to put a hoof lightly on Rainbow's arm. "Let's do your clothing in a nice blue to match your old coat, shall we?"

Rainbow Dash considered that. "Well... OK. But nothing too... constricting. I've got to be able to move, OK?"

Rarity sighed. "Of course dear, of course. Come with me, and I'll get something started for you right away, shall I?"

She glanced back at Johnathon. "Do come along, will you Johnathon? I'd like your expert opinion on some of the ideas I have."

Johnathon hesitated, then glanced at Cheerilee before answering. "I'll be along in a minute, Rarity. See you there."

Rarity glanced at the school teacher as well, then nodded. "Of course dear. Don't be long!"

She followed Rainbow Dash, who had already made her way a significant way down the street, trying to jog and doing a respectable job of it.

Applejack sighed. "Dag nab it..." she grumbled. "That mare makes it look easy. How in the heck is she doing that?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Rainbow Dash studies a pegasi martial art style that includes a lot of fighting on two hooves. Sure, a pegasi can use their wings for balance, but they're not supposed to rely on them."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "How'd you know that?"

Johnathon shrugged again and grinned. "Rainbow Dash comes to watch me practice sometimes, and we talk shop. She's very good."

Applejack grumbled. "Should have known she had an ace up her sleeve."

Applejack hesitated, glancing from Johnathon to Cheerilee and back, then started into the Library. "I'll see you two later... I... got something I want to talk to Twilight about."

Cheerilee blushed, then sighed. "Am I really that obvious?"

"Only to your friends, I think," Johnathon told her. "I take it you want to talk to me?"

Cheerilee glanced off in the direction Rainbow Dash and Rarity had gone, and watched as they turned a corner. "I think I'm a bit jealous," she admitted. "I think I know why you're treating... why you're treating Applejack and Rainbow Dash differently than you do me... but... it still hurts a little."

Johnathon chewed on his lip. "I'm sorry?"

Cheerilee shook her head. "No... I'm just being stupid. I know you're a good... man. I just..." she frowned. "Why is it alright for Rainbow Dash to walk around without a top on, but not me?"

Johnathon blinked. "Er..."

Cheerilee sighed. "I know, it's your culture... but I thought that females are supposed to wear something on top all the time? Why is it different for Rainbow Dash?"

Johnathon raised a finger. "Well, it's not... exactly. It just doesn't bother me as much with her."

Cheerilee frowned. "Why? Am I... less attractive than she is?"

Johnathon's eyes widened. "That's not it at all!"

Cheerilee looked dubious. "Johnathon, be honest. I may not know for sure what is attractive on a human, male or female, but I know that Rainbow Dash and Applejack are both more attractive than I am. At least, they were when we were all ponies, so I doubt that's changed with us all being human... at least, if I understood what you and Twilight were saying about it earlier."

Johnathon closed his eyes and took a deep breath before answering. "Love, I don't care about Rainbow Dash going about without a top on because I don't think of her like that. She's like... a kid sister to me or something. A buddy. Sure, I'd prefer she wears a top, if only so that she gets used to the idea before we get to my world, but it doesn't really bother me."

Cheerilee frowned. "So why does it bother you so much when I take my top off?"

Johnathon snorted at her. "It doesn't BOTHER me... it just gets me a bit... excited. It's cultural, sure, but I don't think of either Applejack or Rainbow Dash the way I think about you. Yes, they're attractive. You're attractive too, and I'm in love with you. That makes a difference."

Cheerilee wrinkled her nose. "I'm not sure I quite understand."

He frowned, trying to put it into words for her. "It's a bit... embarrassing."

Cheerilee blushed slightly, then nodded. "If you don't want to talk about it."

Johnathon shook his head. "No... I just have trouble explaining it. I just... when I see you with your clothes off, it... part of me thinks of... well, sex. Because that's what I connect to seeing you with your clothes off. With Rainbow Dash and Applejack, I don't think of them like that, because I don't care for them the way I care for you."

Cheerilee blinked. "So seeing them without clothes doesn't bother you as much because you don't want to have sex with them?"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "Well... that's simplifying it, but sort of, yeah. Part of me is aware of how attractive they are, sure. But an awful lot of desire is wrapped up in... emotional ties. I have those ties with you, and so I desire you a lot more. Plus, I'm an adult, and I've learned to suppress instincts that aren't helpful to me."

Cheerilee grinned. "So you do find them attractive!"

Johnathon shrugged. "Of course. I'm not blind. I just tend to... ignore that part of myself when it's inconvenient. It's something I've gotten better at with age."

Cheerilee chuckled and punched his arm lightly. "Yes, you're positively ancient. You old codger. I should feel ashamed of myself, taking advantage of such a feeble old man."

Johnathon laughed. "I was incorrigible as a 20 year old. I thought I was invulnerable, and I had no manners," he looks thoughtful. "Actually, I acted a lot like Rainbow Dash."

Cheerilee looked mildly horrified. "You mean you were even worse than you are now?"


As Cheerilee and Johnathon entered Carousal Boutique, they could hear Rainbow Dash speaking.

"And I want running shoes... like you made for Cheerilee. Not like those huge clunky boots you made for Applejack."

"Mmm hmm..." Rarity was floating various pieces of material around, putting one swatch after another up against Rainbow Dash, as if checking to see which color suited her best. "Hmm. Perhaps a bit darker blue than your coat, so as to compliment your hair and eyes better. Yes..."

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Are you even paying attention to what I'm saying?"

Rarity nodded at her. "Of course dear. Running shoes. Hardly a surprise. Frankly, I'd already planned your outfit yesterday, after working with Applejack. No offense dear, but you're rather predicable in your fashion choices. Usually all you want to know if it looks cool... and if you can fly... I mean, if you can move with it."

Rainbow Dash flinched, and Rarity looked stricken. "Oh dear, my sincerest apologies! I didn't mean..."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "No big deal. It's only for a couple weeks, right?"

Rarity hesitated, but dropped the subject.

Rarity outfitted Rainbow Dash with a sleeveless dark blue top that fitted her snugly from neck to waist, and a tight fitting pair of shorts out of a stretchy material. The shoes took longer but as she'd already had a pattern that worked from designing Cheerilee's, she completed a pair for Rainbow Dash after another hour of work.

While they were waiting, Rainbow Dash and Johnathon chatted about their training schedule, and what sorts of techniques he'd be teaching, with Cheerilee an interested but unlearned participant in the discussion.

Once she had her new outfit, Rainbow Dash went outside, followed by Cheerilee and Johnathon, and paused. She looked up into the sky, her still keen eyes almost immediately focusing on her cloud house floating over the outskirts of town.

"Huh." Rainbow Dash muttered softly. "I guess I'll need someplace to stay. Can't exactly fly up to my house...." she trailed off. "Can't fly at all, of course," she laughed once, brokenly, then swallowed, her eyes going hard. "No big deal. Just a couple weeks."

Johnathon frowned. "Rainbow..."

Rainbow Dash shot him an almost angry look. "Don't apologize! Going to your world as humans is a good idea, OK? I'll be fine!" her eyebrow twitched, and she glared at him harder. "I'll be fine."

Johnathon nodded. "Sure," he agreed, deciding that confronting her about it would only make things worse. "Well... if you need a place to stay..." he glanced at Cheerilee, who nodded quickly to him. "You could stay at our place. If you like?"

Rainbow Dash's glare softened. "Nah. You guys are about to get married... can't be spoiling the honeymoon with my issues." She shrugged. "I'll ask Twilight if I can stay over. Maybe catch up on the latest Daring Do or something," she started walking toward the Library then, taking a deep breath and settling in to a steady walk.

"You're sure?" Johnathon asked.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash answered, glancing one final time toward her cloud house in the sky, a wistful expression passing over her face for a moment before she forced herself back into a look of bland acceptance. "Yeah... Twilight's cool. We'll hang. No big deal."

Johnathon and Cheerilee exchanged worried glances, but let her go.

Rainbow Dash left the couple behind, and started through Ponyville, making sure to catch the eye of anypony looking at her funny. It was... kind of amusing, actually, the scared and confused looks she got. She was a big bad human now. Rar! She made a sudden "boo!" gesture at Lilly and Daisy and they both bolted, causing her to snicker to herself, but her mood soon soured once more as she continued to walk.

"Damn it," she muttered quietly to herself. "What's so hard about not having wings for a little while? I thought you were tough?" she accused herself.

"Hey, is that you, Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo's voice startled her, and Rainbow Dash turned to see the young pegasi coming to a halt and hopping off her scooter.

"Oh. Hey kiddo." Rainbow Dash said with a nod, forcing herself to grin widely at the younger pegasi. "Yup. Minus the Rainbow, I guess..."

Scootaloo's eyes were wide as she took in her idol's new appearance. "You're still the coolest, Rainbow Dash," she was quick to affirm. "How fast are you as a human, do you think?"

Rainbow Dash blinked. "I don't know. Johnathon said I was built like a runner... so pretty fast for a human, I guess."

Scootaloo grinned. "I bet you're the fastest human ever."

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Maybe. Not sure I'll get to race anyone REALLY fast like this, although that would be pretty cool."

"Would it ever!" Scootaloo enthused. "So... Johnathon's going to teach you human style fighting stuff, right?"

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Yeah. How did you know about that?"

Scootaloo grinned. "Applebloom says Applejack's been talking about it. You already know Krav Pega, right?"

Rainbow Dash nodded absently. "Among others, yeah."

Scootaloo grinned wider. "You're going to be fighting bad guys and stuff, right? I bet you'll have a wicked battle with ninjas... and pirates!"

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Maybe ninja pirates."

Scootaloo's eyes went wide. "Can they do that?"

Rainbow Dash blinked. "What... can ninja's be pirates?" Scootaloo nodded again. Rainbow Dash looked thoughtful. "I don't see why not. If you're already a Ninja, who's going to tell you that you can't commit some piracy along the way, right?"

Scootaloo nodded seriously. "You're right. But I don't think pirates can be ninjas, though."

Rainbow Dash thought about that. "Well, maybe not in that order... not unless you were really cool."

Scootaloo grinned at her. "Having adventures in a whole different world. You're the coolest ever, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow Dash grinned back. "Well... someone's got to be."

Parting ways, Rainbow Dash waved as Scootaloo zipped off on her scooter. Somehow, the encounter had given her the strength to confront what had been bothering her.

"OK, not being able to fly really sucks," she admitted to herself. "I hate being stuck on the ground. I don't like this body much either," she sighed, and shook her head. "But I can't leave my friends hanging. Somepony has got to look out for them, and that somepony is me."

Rainbow Dash nodded with conviction, and started walking toward Twilight's Library once again. "Maybe Johnathon will show me how to fly one of those... flying machines from his world when we get there. That's totally possible, right?"

Still mulling over the future, Rainbow Dash's stride lengthened and she started to smile. "So I don't have wings. Big deal. Nothing Rainbow Daring Dash can't handle. Maybe I'm not the coolest pegasi around, I'll just be the coolest human around instead."

She kept telling herself that all the way to Twilight's place. It helped. A little.

Chapter 38

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Applejack woke up the next morning feeling stiff. Her feet dangled off the end of her bed, and they were cold as well, since her blankets didn't quite cover them.

Grumbling lightly under her breath, she sat up, reaching for where she'd dropped her boots by the side of the bed the night before, and slowly tugged them on her feet, one after another. She reached over to her bedtable, grabbed her hat, and set it on her head as well. At least her hat still fit. Mostly.

Applejack stood and walked to her door. She had to duck slightly to clear her bedroom entrance-way, earning another grumble, but it lacked heat. She was used to a hardship or two. It was part of being a farm pony. Aching hooves, stiff muscles... a knock to the head or two, these were really nothing serious to complain about. Still, she was getting a bit tired of hitting her head. Everything was just so short! She wondered how Johnathon managed, seeing as he was several hooves taller than she was, even now.

Breakfast was warm on the table as she got downstairs. Big Mac and Applebloom were eating breakfast, and Granny Smith was putting a third bowl of warm oatmeal out for her as she wandered in. Applejack eyed the table with a frown. It was too short for her to stand next to and reach easily... and kneeling in this new form for any length of time was painful. She could sit on the floor like usual, but she'd be a lot lower than she liked. Applebloom was on a stool though...

Applejack walked across the kitchen and grabbed a low stool for herself and carried it across the kitchen to her place. She sat it down and sat down upon it, then frowned at her food. Normally she'd just stick her muzzle in her bowl and eat, but as a human, her muzzle was so short, eating that way was... tricky. She tended to get more food on herself than inside herself. She picked up her bowl, noting that she was getting pretty darn good with her hands now, and lifted it to her face, tilting it back slowly and slurping it down a bit at a time. It was still a little messy, but it got the job done.

"Mister Dwire uses silverware, like unicorns do," Applebloom noted helpfully. "On account of those hands being so... er... what's the word?"

"Handy?" Applejack guessed.

"No, that's not it." Applebloom frowned, trying to remember the word she was searching for. "Dex... dex..."

"Dexterous," Big Mac helpfully supplied, earning a raised eyebrow from both his younger sisters.

The large red stallion snorted. "Miss Twilight was explaining some stuff I might want to know about humans," he explained. "Seeing as AJ's going to be one awhile."

Applejack shrugged and went back to her oatmeal. It tasted a bit off, but seeing how quickly her siblings had already wolfed theirs down, she expected it was alright. Just her strange human taste buds being different, just like the rest of her. She sighed. Even Granny's cooking was different. Was everything going to be like this?

Finishing her oatmeal, Applejack wiped off her mouth with the back of her hand, then went to the sink to wash up. It was simplicity itself to use the sink with her new appendages. Not that it was difficult with hooves, really, but she had to admit, hands were... handy. She went back to the table, picked up all the bowls and returned to the sink to wash. It took her no time at all. She took the time to enjoy her new dexterity. It was the only real upside to the whole thing. Yesterday she'd done half a dozen minor repair jobs that she'd been putting off. She'd started out slow, but by the end of the day she'd been doing most of the repair tasks half again faster than she was used to doing in her old body. Unfortunately, there wasn't much left of that sort to do at the moment, and the rest of the day she was sure she'd be regretting the lack of her hooves.

"Time for some applebucking, I reckon," she told her big brother, nodding toward the door before starting that way herself.

"Eenope." Big Mac shook his head. "You've got human fighting lessons from Mister Dwire to get to, don't yah?"

Applejack was torn between relief at not having to try and applebuck with this frail, uncoordinated body, and annoyance that her brother was telling her not to help with their chores. She wrinkled her nose, glaring at him while she tried to figure out what she wanted to say to that.

Big Mac snorted lightly. "Don't get riled up, AJ. They're counting on you and Rainbow to protect them over there, ain't they? Ain't that more important than some apple trees?"

Applejack sighed. "I suppose. I just... you're always taking over for me when stuff like this comes up. Ain't right."

Big Mac shrugged. "You're an important pony now, Sis. I've got your back. Apples look out for each other, right?"

Applejack nodded slowly. "Sure, but..."

"Those girls. They're honorary Apples now too. You got to look out for them, don't ya?" Big Mac pointed out.

Applejack's expression softened, and she nodded, finally smiling. "I suppose you're right, big brother. Don't let it go to your head now."

"Eenope." Big Mac chuckled lightly and headed out the door.

Applejack sighed and turned to go herself, but before she could get out the door, Applebloom spoke up. "Um... big sis?"

Applejack turned around curiously. "Yeah? What's up Applebloom?"

"Don't humans usually wear clothes all the time?" Applebloom pointed out helpfully. "I mean, Miss Cheerilee always does. She says it's part of their culture."

Applejack glanced down at herself. Yup. Nothing but boots... and her hat, of course.

"Darn it!" Sighing, she turned to head back upstairs to dress.


Applejack came back downstairs wearing some of the new clothes that Rarity had dropped off the previous evening. The first outfit the fashionista had made for her had gotten dirty and sweaty during chores. Not that Applejack usually minded a little dirt, but she knew that Rarity would be upset if she didn't care for the new clothes properly. She'd dropped her original set of human clothing off with Granny Smith, feeling a bit guilty not to be taking care of washing them herself, but her Granny had insisted that she get going to meet with Mister Dwire and Rainbow Dash, just like her big brother had. When did her family start treating her like a filly again?

"Probably because you're acting like a big baby, whining about everything," she told herself out loud. She sighed. It was true. She'd been complaining and sighing for the last two days, at least at home, where nobody but family could hear her. It was time to pony up and act like a grown mare. She'd adapt to her new body, and protect the others. She'd wallowed enough already.

She broadened her stride as she walked into Ponyville, smiling and nodding at everypony. Some ponies startled a bit upon seeing her, but most everypony seemed to recognize her after a second glance, thankfully, and nopony, not even the flower trio, was panicking as she walked through town, which was nice for a change.

She found herself enjoying her walk. Her new clothes let in the air better then the more restrictive outfit she'd been wearing before, and the breeze felt good. It was already shaping up to be a warm day, so she was doubly glad she'd made the switch.

As she came around the corner to Miss Cheerilee and Johnathon's house she noticed with some surprise that Rainbow Dash had actually beaten her there! Johnathon and Miss Cheerilee were also outside, talking with Rainbow and Twilight... which explained why Rainbow Dash had arrived on time for once. She'd slept over at Twilight's last night, hadn't she? Applejack chuckled a bit to herself, imagining the ever punctual Twilight trying to wake up the notoriously heavy sleeper... and making some guesses as to what method she might have ended up using.

"Hmm... dumped a bucket of water on her maybe? Or teleported her into the Ponyville pond?" Applejack muttered under her breath, picturing each possibility. Her eyes were twinkling as she made her way over to the others.

They turned to greet her as she approached. Twilight and Rainbow Dash both waved cheerfully, but Johnathon and Cheerilee were acting a bit odd. The man had frozen... if only for a second, and was eying her form with an amused smile, while Cheerilee's smile was obviously a bit strained.

Applejack frowned, stomping up to them now, a bit annoyed. "OK, I know that look. What did I do wrong?"

Cheerilee gestured to her upper body. "Dear... I believe you should probably have at least a button or two fastened on that vest."

"Really?" Applejack glanced down at the vest. She'd recognized it immediately when she'd seen it and the short skirt at the top of the pile of new clothes Rarity had brought her, which was one of the reasons she'd selected it. Vests could be worn open or closed, couldn't they?

Cheerilee nodded. "Yes dear. It's a rather easy mistake to make, I suppose."

Applejack glanced down at her chest curiously, then started to button one of the middle buttons, having to pull the vest almost uncomfortably tight over her breasts to manage. "Huh. I thought I was just supposed to cover my... er... udders, right? You and Rainbow Dash are wearing even less, aren't you?"

Cheerilee and Rainbow Dash were wearing the "Sports bras" that Rarity had made for all three of them, which left their stomachs, necks, and arms exposed. What was the difference? The vest she was wearing covered more than that.

Johnathon cleared his throat. "Your vest probably would fly open when you throw a punch or block," he explained helpfully. "And your breasts will throw off your aim and your balance if they're not restrained."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Huh. Well, if you say so," she prodded her breasts thoughtfully with her hands, testing to see how freely they swung now. The vest was tight across them now that it was buttoned, and seemed to do an adequate job of keeping them from moving about too much now. She nodded thoughtfully, filing that away for the next time. She considered buttoning a second button, seeing as the garment was straining a bit, but quickly decided not to. It was warm, and likely to get a lot warmer if she was going to be practicing fighting.

Something about his statement made her curious though. "Does it matter much if my vest flies open a bit though? I mean, it'd just be for a second or so." She nodded at Cheerilee. "Miss Cheerilee used to wear her vest open all the time, didn't she?"

Johnathon chuckled slightly. "Well, aside from it being a bit of a fashion faux pa, as Rarity might say, it'd probably be a bit distracting for me..." he trailed off, glancing at Cheerilee before blushing slightly. "Not that I wouldn't deal, but..."

"Distracting... sure." Applejack shrugged, then frowned, not quite getting it... before comprehension dawned. "Oh! Cause you're not supposed to see my whatchamacallits?"

"They're called breasts, dear." Cheerilee corrected gently. "And yes, you can wear a vest open... but that's usually only if you're wearing something underneath it."

Applejack blinked, then shrugged. "If you say so," she repeated, before turning back to Johnathon. "So... what's the the schedule today, teach?" Cheerilee opened her mouth to answer, then looked startled when she realized that the question had been directed at Johnathon and not her.

Johnathon nodded thoughtfully. "Just the basics. I'm going to show you how to punch and how to block. You won't really learn either perfectly in a day, but it'll give you something you can practice at home."

"Punching and blocking," Applejack repeated. "Sounds easy enough."

And it did seem easy. At first. Johnathon demonstrated how he wanted her to stand... correcting her form a few times till she got it right, then demonstrated a punch.

Applejack clenched her fist tight, and threw out her arm like he showed her. Or at least, she thought she did.

"You need to move your hip with the punch," Johnathon corrected, then demonstrated again. "Like this. Watch my hips this time."

Applejack watched, frowning, then nodded. It did seem like she'd get more force that way. She tried again, then frowned at herself. Something was off.

"Better," Johnathon told her, "but you don't have the form quite right. Watch me again."

Applejack concentrated as she watched him, then tried to imitate his movement again. And again, and again.

"Darn it!" Applejack grimaced after the 10th try. "I'm just not getting it!"

"You're getting closer." Johnathon said with a smile, then turned curious. "But I didn't correct you that time. How do you know you got it wrong?"

Applejack frowned. How DID she know, she wondered.

"It's like applebucking," she answered after a minute's contemplation. "You've got to put your whole body into it. When you do it right, you can feel it... like there's a... wave, coming out of ground into your front hooves, through your body, and into your back hooves again as you hit the tree. You know?"

Johnathon nodded. "That sounds about right. And you're not feeling that."

Applejack grimaced. "Yeah. I can see what you want me to do... I just can't seem to get it."

Johnathon shrugged. "Well... keep trying. I'm going to work with Rainbow Dash and Cheerilee for awhile. You keep throwing punches till you think you've got it, then let me know, OK?"

Applejack nodded. "Alright. I kin do that."

Johnathon smiled at her and walked over to where Rainbow Dash was attempting to do some sort of mid air kick, hopping up on one leg and kicking forward with the other. It didn't look like she had quite gotten the move down either, but it was sure a lot more advanced looking than the simple punch she kept screwing up.

She listened in for awhile as their instructor tried to reason with the ex-pegasus. "Rainbow Dash... why don't we just go back to that punch? We'll get to kicks later, but you really need to know the basics first. Besides, don't you think that's a bit advanced to try and teach Cheerilee on her first day?"

Applejack tuned them out then, and got to work, throwing punch after punch after punch. She put effort into each one, grunting lightly from the effort, and she was already starting to sweat, but she ignored it. Her right arm was starting to ache now, but she ignored it. Punch, punch, punch. Just striking the air... what was she doing wrong?

Then she felt it. It was subtle... so she did it again. She felt it again. The ground, solid under her boots... the pressure of her foot against the ground, rising up through her leg as she rotated her hips, moving through her back, into her arm, into her fist. There was a faint sound... very subtle, of her vest slapping against her skin that was just slightly different. A feeling in her body that was just subtly RIGHT for once.

She punched a half dozen more times, making sure that she had the sensation down just so before calling Johnathon back.

He trotted over to her, smiling. "How are you doing?"

"I think I got it, you wanted to see, right?"

He nodded. "Yes. Go ahead."

She showed him. His grin told her before his words could. She'd gotten it right.

"Now for the left," Johnathon told her, but she was grinning. She could DO this!


Rainbow Dash walked with Applejack and Twilight back toward the center of town, complaining all the way. "That was SOOO boring!"

"Well, it did seem a little repetitious, but Johnathon says that it's important that you establish clear muscle memory..." Twilight started to say before Rainbow groaned.

"I heard him say the same thing half a dozen times, Twilight. I don't need you repeating everything back to me," Rainbow Dash replied.

"Well... it's important."

"Sure sure..." Rainbow Dash agreed airily. "But I know how to punch already! I mean, sure, it's a bit different in this body, but I'll get it down in a day or so. We should be learning some cool new moves already! We didn't even get to kicks!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "You think you've got a handle on this already, huh?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Sure. The basics. What's so hard about em?"

Applejack frowned before responding. "They're important. It's like applebucking..."

Rainbow Dash groaned. "Not you TOO AJ! Applebucking? Seriously? Come on. Don't tell me you want to spend another week just learning to punch, do you?"

Applejack shrugged. "We don't need to know every move in the book, Rainbow Dash... but it'd be good to be good at the basics, don't ya think?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm going to practice some of my own moves tonight. By the end of the week, I'll be ready to kick ass."

Applejack snorted. "Care to wager on that, partner?"

Rainbow Dash looked interested. "Maybe. What do you have in mind?"

"Sparring match," Applejack said firmly. "You and me. One week from today."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Oh, you're ON, cowpony! What are the stakes?"

Applejack wrinkled her nose thoughtfully before answering. "Loser has to do whatever the winner says fer a day."

Rainbow Dash grinned wider. "You are SO on! "

Twilight looked worried. "Girls... I'm not so sure that this is a good idea."

Applejack shrugged. "Johnathon's going to have us sparring sooner or later anyway, Twilight. Don't worry about it. It's all in good fun."

Rainbow Dash nodded quickly. "Just a friendly contest. That I'm totally going to win."

"We'll see," Applejack shot back, grinning back at Rainbow Dash with a glint in her eye.


Pinkie Pie was waiting for them at the Library. "Hello Twilight! Hello Rainbow Dash! Hello Applejack!" she said cheerfully, waving as they approached. "My turn to be a human, right?"

Twilight nodded. "Right. Are you ready?"

Pinkie nodded, then reached into her mane and brought out her winter wrap up vest, her cheerleading skirt, and a pair of blue swim fins. "I even brought my own clothes, so I won't make Johnathon go all googly eyed!" She looked around curiously. "Where is he, anyway?"

Twilight blinked. "Home, I think. He and Cheerilee were going to have lunch."

Pinkie deflated a little. "Oh... but he's so funny when he's all flustered."

Twilight blinked again. "Er... OK?"

The pink party pony grinned, swinging right back to cheerful. "That's OK! I can always tease him later! So, lets get started with the zapping!"

Twilight shook her head, grinning to herself. "Why don't we go inside the Library first. It's not exactly a public event."

"Why not?" Pinkie asked curiously. "I'd think lots of ponies would like to watch. It's zapperific!"

Twilight opened her mouth, then closed it, trying to think of a comeback to that.

"I think Twilight just prefers to do her really difficult magic in private." Applejack explained. "She's all modest, and such."

Pinkie nodded sagely. "Oh! Right!" she turned and promptly bounced into the Library.

Twilight shot Applejack a grateful look, and followed Pinkie inside.

"Now get with the ZAPPING!" Pinkie yelled loud enough to be heard across the street.



Johnathon and Cheerilee had been relaxing on the sofa in their living room when they heard Pinkie's distinctive voice trilling in delight as it got closer and closer, although it seemed to fade in and out oddly.

"Whee!" Pinkie exclaimed again, and once again her voice sounded strange, getting louder and softer and louder again.

They both stood and looked out the window. Someone was indeed coming closer... a strawberry-blond-haired girl, spinning around and around in circles as she came. Applejack and Rainbow Dash stood on either side of her, and occasionally one or the other would have to catch her as she would topple over in one direction or the other, although the girl (who, they realized, almost had to be Pinkie Pie) seemed to find herself nearly falling over to be hilarious.

Johnathon and Cheerilee moved together, and he paused to open the door so Cheerilee could go first. She waited for him to follow, then they walked to greet the newly minted human together.

"Whee!" Pinkie said again, coming to a stop by twirling straight into Johnathon, who caught her with a laugh and pushed her upright, his hands carefully on her shoulders.

It was obvious Pinkie's pony clothes were a poor fit. The vest and skirt were too big... Pinkie had the vest closed in front, but it sagged on her, threatening to fall off her shoulders, and the skirt was low on her hips. On Rainbow Dash or even Applejack, the skirt would have probably failed to stay up at all, but Pinkie Pie was just wide enough in the hips to keep them up. She wasn't overweight. Far from it, but her hips and chest were quite generously proportioned, and she had a hint of pudge at her waist, visible between vest and skirt.

"What is it with you girls and vests?" Johnathon wondered out loud.

Applejack shrugged. "Just something we're more used to wearing, I reckon."

Pinkie Pie gestured to her skirt. "It's my cheerleeding outfit!" She explained, then tried to do a high kick. "Go Wonderbolts!"

Johnathon closed his eyes as she inadvertently flashed him. "Pinkie... you're supposed to wear underwear with a skirt."

Applejack blinked. "Really?"

He glanced at her incredulously. "Don't tell me you're not wearing any either."

She wrinkled her nose. "Well, darn it, it's not like you told me that little detail earlier! You humans have way too many rules!"

Johnathon sighed, then shrugged. "I can't deny it. Still, that one is kind of important."

Applejack patted the sides of her skirt. "What's the big deal? You can't see nothing you shouldn't. Ain't that the point?"

Johnathon shrugged. "What if you wanted to throw a kick? Or applebuck?"

Applejack thought about that, raising one leg slowly off the ground as if considering trying to do just that, but wobbled and put it down before she got it up very high. "It'd be distracting?"

Johnathon chuckled. "A bit, yes."

Pinkie giggled, then blushed slightly as she noticed Cheerilee glaring at her. "Er... I guess I should go find Rarity, huh?"

Cheerilee's glare softened. "That's a good idea."

Pinkie's eyes dropped. "Sorry Cheerilee. I'll be good."

Cheerilee gave her a genuine, if small, smile. "I know you don't mean any harm, Pinkamena."

Pinkie simply nodded, although she seemed to cheer up at that.

Applejack took Pinkie's arm and started help walk her toward Carousel Boutique. "Come on, Pinkie. Looks like we both need a Rarity to make us a thing or two."

Rainbow Dash grinned and followed after.

When they were out of earshot of the couple, Rainbow Dash moved in closer to Applejack, sandwiching Pinkie between them so that she could whisper in the cowgirl's ear. "Hey... something Johnathon said got me thinking."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "OK. What?"

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Didn't he say that seeing your vest fly open... or seeing a skirt fly up would be distracting?"

Applejack looked puzzled. "Er... yeah. Why?"

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Don't you know anything about fighting, Applejack? Even being distracted for just a second is plenty of time to lose a fight."

Applejack raised an eyebrow at this. "And your point is?"

Pinkie Pie giggled. "She's saying we should let our clothes fly off if we want to beat Johnathon in a fight, silly."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Well, not off. Cheerilee might get mad. But you know... let him catch a peek when you want to catch him off guard... if you know what I mean."

Applejack blinked. "Catch a peek?"

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Sure... of these things," she grabbed one of Pinkie's breasts through her vest. "Or, you know..." she nodded at Pinkie's skirt.

Applejack frowned. "That sounds like cheating to me."

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "We'd be helping him! Got to suck, having a weakness like that. Anypony could get a free hit like that!"

Applejack frowned deeper. "You mean any human. I don't think he cares if he sees under a pony's skirt that much."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes again. "You know what I mean."

Applejack shook her head. "Why does it matter? It's not like he doesn't know about it. I mean, that it distracts him. What good does it do?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged.

Pinkie giggled. "I think it'd be funny," she started to frown slightly. "Unless it made Cheerilee mad. You don't think it'd make her mad, do you?"

Applejack considered that. "Considering she'd know that you were doing it on purpose? Yeah, I'd think she might be a bit mad. I'm not exactly sure why... not one hundred percent, but I figure that it's got something to do with sex."

Rainbow Dash looked startled. "Are you serious? Why do you think that?"

"Because I've been courted by a colt or two," Applejack told her. "And they all get the same look in their eyes when they're thinking about it. Johnathon blushes just like them when he sees one of us without our clothes on."

Rainbow Dash looked a bit disturbed by that. "Really? You mean he wants to...?"

Applejack shrugged. "He's been a gentlecolt about it, so I reckon it don't matter to me none, but yup. I reckon he's liking what he's seeing quite a bit... which is why Cheerilee gets mad."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "I'm not trying to steal him away or anything!"

Applejack nodded. "I know that. But maybe we shouldn't pull a prank like that anyhow."

Pinkie sighed. "Darn. It sounds like it would have been a really funny one too."


Pinkie and Fluttershy had both shown up at his self defense lessons the following day with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy could barely walk, but unlike the others, was relatively modestly dressed when he first got a look at her human form.

Wearing a thin, but slightly baggy yellow sweater and longish skirt over brown slippers, Fluttershy appeared to be about Applejack's height... a bit thinner overall, although like Pinkie, having fuller breasts and hips. Fluttershy's hair was blond as well, a lighter shade than either hers or Applejack's, but with just a hint of red in it. It went down past her waist... and was voluminous enough for her to practically hide behind it, which she seemed tempted to do. He wasn't surprised to see that, like the others, her face was recognizable to him. All of the girls looked quite a bit like their pony selves, at least in superficial ways that told you almost at once who they were. All were quite attractive, but he found himself staring at Fluttershy's face more often than he intended. She was stunning, and her shyness was certainly not a turn off, making her seem oddly more appealing.

Still, he was well accustomed to controlling his gaze, although he'd gotten out of practice in Equestria. It wasn't like he hadn't seen beautiful women before. He forced himself to concentrate on the task at hand, training these ponies turned humans to fight. Or at least getting enough training in that they'd be able to defend themselves in a pinch.

It didn't help tremendously that Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie were all wearing sports bras and shorts. Cheerilee was as well, of course, but it really wasn't fair to be among so many good looking girls after such a long dry spell. Still, the feeling he had for them was friendship. Down deep he felt protective of them, not lustful. Not really. They were attractive, sure. But Cheerilee was plenty. They WERE a bit young for him anyway. He kept telling himself that. It helped.

Applejack was coming along nicely. Her form was rock solid, and every movement she made was strong. She wasn't as lightning quick as Rainbow Dash, but if she connected, she could do some serious damage. Her blocks were coming along well too. She'd obviously been practicing on her own, and while he had to correct her form on a few of the blocks, he could tell she put weight behind them. If she got her arms in the way in time, her blocks would hold.

He left her to practicing, and moved on to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow's punches were quicker. She snapped them out in combinations like lightning bolts... but he kept having to correct her form. She put up with the corrections, but he could tell her patience was being tested.

"When are we going to learn something new, teach?" She pressed him finally. "I've got this down!"

Johnathon tested her on her blocks, and managed to tap her a couple times in the stomach with a couple light punches as her arms came in without enough force to stop him.

"Your blocks are sloppy. You need to do them the way I showed you. You won't have enough force or speed if if you're wild like that."

Rainbow Dash frowned, but nodded, glancing at her stomach thoughtfully. "Show me again."

Johnathon jabbed her in the stomach again before she could react, then waited. "Ready now?"

Rainbow Dash nodded, looking grim. "Yeah. Yeah. Hit me again."

Johnathon feinted, then jabbed her twice more a second after her sloppy block.

Rainbow Dash grunted, stepping back. "Guess I should practice those a bit more."

He nodded. "A bit."

Johnathon left her to it, although he could hear her muttering something about "borrowing a vest from Applejack" as he walked over to Pinkie.

Pinkie had followed his instructions willingly enough, and was currently playing the role of Applejack's sparring partner, throwing light, if sloppy, punches at the farm girl. He came in long enough to correct her form, then had them continue, Pinkie throwing punches, and Applejack blocking them. Light contact only. Pinkie didn't need to be told to go easy... not that Applejack needed her to, really, and Johnathon certainly didn't want them throwing full strength punches in practice, but he was starting to get the impression that Pinkie might need some assistance in the other direction. Strength.

After a while he stopped them, and heading into the house for a moment, brought out a sofa cushion. "Hey Pinkie. Why don't you try punching this?"

Pinkie grinned, and squared up on the cushion, dancing on the balls of her feet like a boxer. He wasn't sure how... but one thing she had picked up remarkably quickly was the footwork. Without even being told how, she moved like a dancer. That part at least wouldn't be an issue for her.

"Go ahead. Hit the cushion as hard as you can," he told her calmly.

Pinkie wound up and punched. Then again. She jabbed at the cushion, then gave it a one two combination. Johnathon stood without moving, frowning slightly.

"You can hit it harder, you know?" Pinkie tried, but her punches didn't have any force behind them.

Johnathon hesitated, then handed the cushion to Applejack. "Why don't you hold this for me, so I can show Pinkie how it's done?" he looked thoughtful, then went into the house, and grabbed two more cushions, and handed them to her. "Actually, hold all three of these."

Applejack looked a bit surprised, but nodded. Taking all three cushions, she clutched them to her chest, her hands holding the farthest one out by the sides. She glanced over her burden before nodding, schooling her expression into a determined one.

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "Hey, Pinkie? Why don't you stand behind Applejack. Put your hands on her shoulders, and keep her from falling over backward."

Pinkie blinked. "Er... OK!" She did as instructed, although she was looking dubious.

Johnathon squared up in front of the two girls, then punched, his whole weight going into it. Applejack rocked back on her heels, and Pinkie was shoved back behind her.

Pinkie gave a little startled gasp, and Johnathon nodded. "Keep her steady Pinkie, don't let her fall."

Pinkie nodded shakily back. "OK!"

He stepped into the next punch, and the next, throwing combinations. Applejack's feet left the ground more than once, and he kept moving forward, following each punch with a step, and driving both girls backwards several feet with each blow.

Applejack's arms were tight, and her neck showed the strain, but she never lost her grip on the cushions. After a dozen blows, Johnathon stopped. The girls had been driven backwards almost out of Cheerilee's back yard. Pinkie Pie was panting, and as he stepped back to give them some space, she fell over on her rear with a small yelp.

Johnathon took a few deep, even breaths, and got out of his stance. "That's how hard you need to hit if you're going to stop someone," he told the girls. "I know you may find this hard to believe, Pinkie, but you're just as strong as I am. Maybe a bit stronger. I know you can hit harder. You can't defend yourself or your friends unless you do."

Pinkie nodded slowly, looking a bit sad but at the same time nodding with a determined expression.

There was a muffled sob from the side of the yard, and they turned to see Fluttershy staggering unsteadily away, looking upset.

Johnathan grimaced, but Cheerilee, who had been partnering with Rainbow Dash in practicing her blocks, started after her first. "I'll talk to her." she said calmly. "I think this is a bit difficult for Fluttershy."

Applejack hesitated, then followed after her. "I'm coming too."

Rainbow Dash looked like she was going to follow, but Applejack put a hand up. "You stay here... I know what you're going to want to say, and that's not what Fluttershy needs to hear right now, I think."

Rainbow Dash frowned, but didn't argue.

Johnathon hesitated, looking from Pinkie to Rainbow Dash with a strange expression. "Why don't we fix lunch for everypony?" He finally suggested.

"Don't you mean everyhuman?" Pinkie Pie said with a small smile.

"Why don't we settle for everyone," Johnathon said.


Fluttershy stopped just around the corner from Cheerilee and Johnathon's house and slowly sat down on the side of the road. Applejack and Cheerilee had caught up to her several yards before that, but simply followed and sat down on either side of her when she finally settled on a spot.

"Want to talk about it?" Applejack asked her quietly.

"I can't do it..." Fluttershy mumbled under her breath.

"What was that, Sugarcube?"

"I just can't do it!" Fluttershy said louder, putting her head on her knees. "I can't! I can't hurt anypony like that!"

Applejack frowned. "Now, it's not so bad. Johnathon didn't hurt me none. I mean... my hands sting a bit from trying to hold those cushions, but I'm just fine, really."

"I know that," Fluttershy said. "You're strong. And Johnathon wouldn't hurt you. I trust him... but. I can't... I couldn't hurt someone like that."

Applejack frowned. "But I wasn't hurt..."

Fluttershy grimaced. "I mean... hitting someone for real. Like Johnathon did. Except not a cushion. I couldn't DO that!"

Applejack put her hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "You don't have to. Rainbow and I can handle that part. That's not what you're good at. We know that."

Fluttershy moaned. "But what if you need me to help you? What if you're not there? Johnathon says his world is dangerous... like the Everfree Forest. Only the ones that are dangerous aren't animals... they're people, humans, like him. I'm not good with... with anything but animals."

Applejack shook her head. "Now that's not true. What about that Dragon? You gave him what for, and he gathered up his treasure and flew away. You're the strongest pony I know, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy shook her head. "That's different. He was being so mean! And..." she shook her head. "That was different."

Cheerilee spoke then, sounding a bit sad. "You're a hero, Fluttershy. Oh, I know you're scared a lot. I know you don't believe you can help when your friends need you... but you can. You KNOW you can. You've had to before, and you've never failed them," she sighed. "You're an Element of Harmony. Kindness isn't weak. Kindness is strong when it needs to be. But what am I? Just a school teacher. I'm not a hero. I've never had to fight monsters, or save the world. What right do I have to stand beside any of you?"

Fluttershy looked up slowly, turning to Cheerilee, but the young school mistress hadn't finished. "I'm no good at Johnathon's self defense either. I'm not strong like Applejack, or quick like Rainbow Dash. All I know how to do is teach. And garden, a little... and cook... a little. I'm no adventurer. No warrior. No hero. I'm just..."

"You're just Cheerilee." Fluttershy said softly. "But I think Cheerilee is a very brave pony. Cheerilee made friends with a strange alien when almost no-pony else would dare. Cheerilee dared to fall in love with a human... dared to become something different, because Cheerilee is a brave pony."

"Cheerilee isn't used to hearing about herself in the third person," Cheerilee pointed out, and they all laughed.

When the laughter had died, the mood had lifted.

"You'll both do fine." Applejack assured them. "None of us were heroes before Twilight came to town. I was just a farmer. Rarity was nothing more than a dressmaker. Even Rainbow Dash was just district weather manager. None of us expected to save the world. But we did. I think everypony is a bit more capable than they think they are... especially if they're with their friends."


The next morning, Twilight walked over to Carousel Boutique. Rarity had asked her to come over in the morning when she was ready to transform her, although she didn't explain why, exactly, she apparently wanted to be in her shop for the transformation.

"Hello, Darling!" Rarity called out to her as Twilight entered. "Thank you so much for coming!"

Twilight nodded, frowning slightly. "Well, I'm here. Did you want me to transform you now?"

Rarity nodded. "Yes dear, although I do have a small request. I know that you're going to use a temporary version of the transformation spell on me, but for today could you use a very short one? An hour or two, no more?"

Twilight blinked. "Well, that should be easy enough, Rarity, but why? You really need to get used to being human, so that you're ready for the trip."

Rarity waved a hoof dismissively "Oh of course, of course, darling, but there is something much more important that I must do first!"

Twilight looked confused. "And that is?"

Rarity looked shocked at Twilight's lack of comprehension. "Why, design my ensemble, of course! I'll need half a dozen changes, at least! While I am sure that with some time and effort, I will be able to fashion clothing almost as well with hands as I do with my magic, it will take far too much time to do a proper job that way. Unless you are willing to wait weeks, I will need to be a unicorn long enough to finish my designs. Now, I already have some preliminary ideas, of course, but since we really have no idea what I'll look like as a human, I obviously could not make any final choices! So we'll have to take measurements... try out fabrics, look at colors, that sort of thing, while I'm human, and then when I change back I can get started on my masterpiece!"

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, then paused, opened mouthed for a long moment before finally speaking. "Alright," she finally agreed. "Two hours as a human, right?"

Rarity nodded. "Precisely, darling."

Twilight did some mental calculations. She was growing quite expert at the spell by now, so it only took her a few moments.

"Alright, ready. Are you ready?" Twilight asked.

Rarity held up one hoof, then slowly stood up on her hind legs, balancing gracefully and holding her forelegs up over her head as if in a dancing pose. "Please... fire when ready."

Twilight blinked, wondering if Rarity might not prefer a larger audience, then shrugged, and fired up her spell.

Rarity transformed smoothly, her eyes closed. She wavered for a moment, but managed to stay on her feet, unlike any of the others so far. Her arms were still over her head, and her newly formed hands were extended skyward in a gentle pose, and she was apparently standing on her toes. She slowly lowered her hands, and relaxed the balls of her feet, and settled into a more natural posture, her arms just slightly bent at her sides.

Twilight sat back on her hind legs and clapped. She couldn't help it. Rarity's poise, before and after the transformation spell, was remarkable.

When Rarity wobbled and started to tip over, Twilight was so shocked that she was barely able to levitate her in time.

"Oh gosh, Rarity!" Twilight started apologizing quickly. "You seemed so natural, I never expected you to fall!"

Rarity sighed lightly, and smiled at Twilight winningly. "Not at all, darling. You were in the nick of time, as it were. No harm done."

Twilight set Rarity upright with her magic and held on till it seemed like she had gotten her feet under her again. "I'm going to let go now... are you ready?"

"Quite ready, darling." Rarity told her calmly, and indeed, she stayed upright with barely a wobble this time. Turning slowly, Rarity looked over at the full length triple mirror she just so happened to have placed in exactly the right light to catch her new form perfectly. She gazed at her nude body for several long minutes, turning and twisting slightly to be able to see herself from as many angles as possible. She made soft noises in her throat in turns, either satisfied, or unsatisfied at turns.

It was a full five minutes later when she finally turned away from her reflection. Twilight did her best to pretend that she wasn't the slightest bit bored.

"I have no complaints, Darling." Rarity assured her. "It's quite pleasant to find that even as a human, I can recognize myself... somewhat, at least, and, if I have Mister Johnathon's impressions so far to trust, you do seem to have transformed me into an appealing member of his species... although of course I won't know for sure until I get his reaction in person."

She sighed dramatically. "It is truly unfortunate that it is not appropriate in his culture for a woman to show herself unclothed before a man she is not attached to. I would dearly love his opinion on how I look like this. Still, I suppose I must be satisfied with his appraisal while I'm fully attired," she smiled demurely. "Still, I'm sure I'll be able to impress, regardless. I do think I've picked up a trick or two regarding human fashion by now."

Twilight frowned. "Is it really that important to appear attractive to Johnathon? He's going to be married soon, you know."

"And I wish them nothing but happiness, of course!" Rarity said with a smile. "But soon, I may well be meeting others of his species, and I do so much want to make the very best impression!"

Twilight nodded slowly. "Well... I'm glad to help, I suppose?"

Rarity beamed at her. "Why thank you darling. Now... could you be so kind as to levitate my measuring tape over here?"

It took nearly all of the two hours. Twilight dutifully measured every part of Rarity's new anatomy, and then floated over swatch after swatch of fabric for Rarity to try against her skin and hair.

Rarity's skin was a shade paler, Twilight thought, then most of their friends or herself when transformed, and her hair, while black now instead of purple, contrasted quite nicely with it, even Twilight had to admit to herself. Rarity said as much herself as she experimented with different fabrics, testing how each felt against her skin, then how they looked in different lights against her skin, with her hair draped over or next to them. Several times she shivered, announcing that she had an "IDEA!" but somehow restrained herself, continuing her examination until her transformation had ended on its own.

Rarity nearly fell as she transformed back into a unicorn, but managed to land on all four hooves. "My apologies darling, but could you see yourself out?" she asked politely, all but racing into her work room to get started.

Twilight shook her head, laughed, then, as bid, let herself out, knowing that Rarity would be busy for at least rest of the day... if not for the next several days.


It was two days later when Rarity, looking more than a little tired, knocked on the library door.

Twilight let her in, expecting a request to transform Rarity again, but was surprised by a different request.

"Twilight, Darling... how could we be so neglectful! You still need to turn yourself human, so I can make you your clothing for the trip as well! Now, no time like the present. I brought my measuring tape with me!"

Twilight chuckled, then nodded. "Of course, Rarity. Seems like a silly thing to forget, huh?"

She transformed herself, and patiently allowed Rarity to take her measurements. "It's funny. Now that I think about it. I didn't actually plan on turning myself into a human, even temporarily, until after we got to earth. I mean... I already know how to stand and everything..." she wobbled slightly, then straightened. "Well... mostly."

Rarity chuckled politely, but continued working rather than answer her.

Twilight continued to muse. "Why, I would have ended up not having any clothing at all!" she concluded, and shook her head, chuckling at her own thoughtlessness.

Rarity gasped, picturing it. "Oh goodness, that would have been just awful!" she decided. "Simply unforgivable."

Twilight blushed. "Well... it wouldn't be THAT bad, I'm sure I could..."

Rarity continued speaking, continuing her own thought. "You would have to BORROW someone else's clothing!" Rarity shuddered lightly. "Dreadful."

Twilight sighed. "Er... yes. That."


No pony had seen Rarity in days for more than a minute or two, but Twilight had stopped by long enough to transform the fashionista just that morning, a spell meant to last nearly a week this time, and Rarity had promised to show up at Johnathon and Cheerilee's home in her new form, properly attired of course, in time to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack's sparring match.

The two athletes had been training hard. After seeing how quickly Applejack was progressing at "the basics", Rainbow Dash had stepped up her own training in response. They trained six hours a day now under Johnathon's instruction. Three hours in the morning, and three in the afternoon. It was grueling, exhausting work, and worst of all for Rainbow Dash... most of it was rather boring. But the thought of the contest kept her motivated, and she persevered. She even convinced Johnathon to train her one on one for a few hours... teaching her some moves outside of the limited set of techniques that Johnathon had been training everyone in. He had given Applejack the benefit of a few extra hours of training herself, although he promised both girls that he hadn't revealed either's plans to the other.

Rarity arrived at a slow walk, holding a parasol over her head and wearing a long white dress with black trim. It looked like it was made from silk, and clung to her form, leaving her arms bare, and revealing one long slender leg through a slit that came up to the knee. She wore elbow length black gloves, and a thin black scarf, and soft black slippers that matched the trim of her dress exactly. Her makeup was very light... she hadn't wanted to experiment TOO much, but she thought she'd managed to highlight her best features while minimizing any flaws that might be perceived. Johnathon's rather stunned look when he good a good glimpse of her warmed her cheeks slightly. It was SO good to be appreciated!

At Johnathon's request, she had made up a pair of what he called "sparring gloves" and padded footwear for the two combatants, vulgar, bulbous things that were garish and not at ALL flattering... but she had done her best work on them, not wanting her friends to injure themselves if her efforts could prevent it.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash stood restlessly across from each other, each wearing a just a sports bra and shorts -- Applejack white and green, Rainbow Dash blue, and the gloves and padded footwear Rarity had provided just yesterday. Applejack kept glancing nervously at the small crowd that had gathered. Apparently Rainbow Dash hadn't exactly kept their bet quiet, and several dozen ponies had gathered.

Shining Star grinned at her. He was out of his armor, but she'd gotten to know him well enough to recognize him, despite the fact that apparently his fur was actually a dark blue when he wasn't wearing his enchanted gear.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were there, as were a few of their friends. Her brother was sitting with Pinkie and Fluttershy. Pinkie was waving pom poms, although Applejack wasn't quite sure which one of them she was rooting for. Both of them, she guessed. There were a surprising number of unattached male ponies there as well. Why, she wasn't completely sure, but they seem to be enjoying the anticipation before the fight quite a bit, chatting and making bets on who'd win.

For some strange reason, the Flower Trio was even there, sitting with Cheerilee, Lyra, and Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon yelled something encouraging to her. Lyra kept getting up on her hind legs and practicing combos with her forehooves. No doubt she'd be asking Twlight, AGAIN, if she could change her into a human for awhile.

Spike was back behind the crowd a ways... and most intimidatingly, he was sitting on Princess Luna's back in order to get a better view. Indeed the Princess of the Night herself had showed up for the match, looking animated and interested in the outcome.

Officially, she was here to discuss the wedding with Johnathon and Cheerilee. It was set for next week, and they were due to go through the portal a few days after that... but Luna had seemed to think that the timing was "most fortuitous!" and had stayed for their match.

Applejack swallowed down her nervousness, and turned to look at Rainbow Dash with mild irritation. Naturally, the red-haired speedster was soaking in the attention, striding back and forth, getting into poses, and mugging like mad for the crowd. Applejack decided that she'd had enough.

"Let's get this thing over with," she told Rainbow Dash sternly. "You ready?"

"You know I am," Rainbow Dash enthused, moving quickly over to her side of the big circle Johnathon had marked in the grass with chalk. "You're going down, AJ!"

"Like Tartarus I am," Applejack muttered under her breath, moving into place opposite her.

Johnathon stood on one side of the circle, opposite the crowd. He raised his hands for silence, and before long the noise from the crowd died away.

"Alright, do you remember the rules?" he asked.


"No problem."

"Just to be sure," he continued, "I'll repeat them. This match is light contact only. Blows to the head are off limits... stop any head shots before you hit. If you get within a couple inches and hold it, I'll count it as a point. Otherwise, go easy. No full contact. Pretty much the same rules as the King of the Horde matches at the old Castle, OK?"

Both girls nodded, their eyes firmly on each other. The crowd started to murmur quietly again. Johnathon raised his hand, then snapped it down.


Chapter 39

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There was a long moment where neither girl moved, and everypony around them seemed to stop breathing. Then Applejack blinked.

Rainbow Dash blurred forward so fast that Applejack didn't have time to react. She brought an arm across to block the jab even as Rainbow Dash bounced backwards. The sting in her ribs was a clear indicator that she'd been too slow, even if Johnathon's hand hadn't been rising.

"Point, Rainbow Dash!" he announced. There was a surprised murmur from the crowd, and Applejack could see Rainbow Dash's smirk widen perceptibly.

"They don't call me..."

"Dash fer nothing. Heard it," Applejack interrupted roughly, keeping her guard up as she started shifting her weight side to side a little, keeping her eyes squarely on her speedy friend. "Ain't gonna catch me off guard so easily again though."

Rainbow Dash just grinned wider. "Wouldn't be as much fun if it was that easy every time," Rainbow Dash stepped forward and jabbed again, lightning swift, but Applejack was ready for her this time, and swung her left arm in a short arc to block the punch... except she blocked nothing but air as Rainbow Dash pivoted her hips like a striking snake, giving her stomach a hard snapping jab with the opposite fist.

Applejack stepped back, still on the defensive, and cursing to herself. She'd gotten used to Johnathon's larger size and slower hands. Not that the tall man was slow... but compared to Rainbow Dash, nobody was fast. Johnathon announced Rainbow's second point, but Applejack wasn't really paying attention anymore.

Rainbow Dash came in quick, eyes twinkling, and Applejack started to block, then a moment later blocked the other way, recognizing the feint for what it was this time, and knocking Rainbow Dash's strong left hook away from her body with a quick tight sweep of her forearm.

It wasn't as if Johnathon hadn't drilled her in this. She focused on Dash's body, on her hips, watching where she put her weight, not just where her hands were moving. She recognized two more feints and ignored them, then picked off another punch before it could connect.

Rainbow Dash nodded, almost to herself, dancing back lightly on her toes, and Applejack didn't hesitate, barreling forward, using her greater height and reach to step inside Rainbow's guard and bring a hard right hook toward the smaller girl's head like she planned on knocking it clean off her shoulders.

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide, and she ducked, only to meet Applejack's left knee coming up from underneath. She put a hand on top of the incoming knee to keep it from bashing into her chin, only for Applejack to slap her lightly on the back of the head and step back.

"Point, Applejack!" Johnathon announced over the growing roar of the crowd. The ponies watching were getting excited now as the fight got more intense, but Applejack and Rainbow Dash barely seemed to notice, stepping back for a moment to assess each other once more.

"Nice moves there, slowpoke," Rainbow Dash teased.

"If'n I'm so slow, how come you ain't beat me yet?" Applejack shot back.

"Got to give the crowd their money's worth!" Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

"They ain't paid nothing!" Applejack growled back. Her eyes flashed, and she lunged forward.

Rainbow Dash leapt backwards, only for Applejack to stop her lunge abruptly and start taking her own step backwards. Rainbow Dash's eyes narrowed as she started to dart forward, before she realized that Applejack had stepped back in order to have room to kick.

Applejack turned almost sideways to Rainbow Dash as she leaned her upper torso away, raising her right leg up till it was bent at a 90 degree angle, foot coming up next to her left knee before sending her foot rocketing at Rainbow Dash's stomach, her upper body going over nearly halfway to balance the movement.

Rainbow Dash barely had time to block, but she managed to get both arms in between her torso and the powerful side kick. Her arms absorbed some of the impact, but her feet left the ground regardless... and she found herself flying through the air.

Somehow she kept her feet under her, and when she landed she stayed upright, although barely, wobbling somewhat.

Johnathon raised an eyebrow, then raised a hand over Applejack's head. "Point, Applejack!"

Rainbow Dash let her arms drop. "Like hell, teach! I blocked that!"

Johnathon pointed at her feet. "You left the ring, Rainbow Dash."

She looked down, and indeed, her feet had landed almost a full foot outside the rough circle Johnathon had marked before the fight began. "Darn it!"

Johnathon turned back to Applejack and wagged a finger at her. "Watch yourself, Applejack. That was too much force for a sparring match. I'm only giving you a warning this time, but next time you hit that hard I'll award the match to Rainbow Dash."

Applejack nodded, keeping her eyes on Rainbow Dash. "Sorry coach, I'll be good," she raised her voice. "You OK Dash?"

"Are you kidding? Baby taps like that aren't going to bother me!" Rainbow Dash said confidently, stepping back into the ring.

Applejack slowly retreated back to her starting position as Rainbow Dash came towards her. "You ready to keep going, partner?"

"You know it, A.J.," Rainbow Dash assured her. "Nice kick though. That what Johnathon taught you solo?"

"Eeyup." Applejack acknowledged mildly as she started to circle to the right, causing Rainbow Dash to mirror her movements, the two girls starting to circle the ring, looking for openings, her mind flashing back to when she'd first brought the matter up.


"I want you to show me that Applebucking kick you used..." Applejack had told the man, frowning as she tried to describe it. "You know... what you did back at the farm when I was trying to teach you to Applebuck?"

Johnathon blinked. "Oh... you mean a side thrust kick?"

Applejack shrugged. "I don't know what ya call it, but it was strong... well, fer you. You got what... three apples down with that one, right?"

Johnathon wrinkled his nose. "I think so... it's been a while. Were you planning on doing some Applebucking as a human, then?"

Applejack grinned. "Well, that'd be good, but I'm looking for something to surprise Rainbow Dash with... something I'd be good at. And an Applebucking kick seems like it'd be right up my alley."

"It's not an Applebucking..." Johnathon sighed. "You know what, fine. It's not an easy kick for a beginner though. You have to be able to balance pretty well!"

Applejack shrugged. "I'm getting pretty good at balancing on two legs now, ain't I?"

Johnathon shrugged. "Sure, but for this you have to be good at balancing on just one," he demonstrated, bringing his right foot off the ground slowly till his foot was hanging next to his left knee, his right knee at a 90 degree angle, pointed straight ahead. His arms went out slightly to the sides to balance, and he remained that way for several seconds before putting his foot back down. "Like that."

Applejack frowned, then tried to imitate the movement, drawing up her right leg slowly, her arms going out wide immediately as she wavered, struggling to stay upright. She managed to get her foot up to her knee, then brought it down quickly to keep herself from toppling over.

Johnathon shrugged. "Balance is very important. You can't get any power behind a kick like that if you aren't balanced right... and you're certainly not going to hit what you're aiming at."

He demonstrated again, slowly bringing his foot up like before. This time he held his foot off the ground for several long seconds before slowly tilting his body to the left, and just as slowly pushing his right foot out to the right till his right leg was perfectly straight, sticking out from his body at a 90 degree angle. He held it there, then just as slowly brought his foot back to his left knee, then smoothly lowered it to the ground, never changing speed, but moving his foot at the same snails pace the entire time.

"That's what you should practice," he told her. "You should probably use something to balance against at first... but if you're going to do it right, you should do it slow first. If you can do it really slow like I just did it there, you'll be able to do it RIGHT when you have to do it quickly."

Applejack frowned. This was starting to look trickier than she'd expected, but she liked the look of that kick. It was powerful, and it used the whole body, like a good Applebuck.

"Well then..." she decided. "Let's get started!"

She'd practiced the kick for hours and hours at home, using a wall for balance. It was tiring, and difficult, but she knew immediately when she got it right. She'd shown Johnathon the next day, and while he'd had a bit of advice on straightening out her form, she knew it was a good move for her. The day after that she'd gone applebucking. And the day after that. Every moment she could spare, she was Applebucking with her new kick. She'd gotten good at it. She was up to six apples, and working on more the day before her sparring match with Rainbow Dash.


Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Not bad... but don't you think it's a little slow?" she dashed in then, throwing a quick couple jabs before snapping out with a lightning fast sideways kick that brought her leg off the ground, rotated her hip to snap out her leg like the crack of a whip, and had her foot on the ground again before Johnathon could announce her point.

Applejack winced at the new bruise she knew she'd have on her upper hip, Johnathon's voice announcing to the crowd that Rainbow Dash had gotten a point wasn't telling her anything her body wasn't. That was a kick? She'd barely seen Rainbow Dash lifting her leg before it connected. How was she supposed to block that? Her lip curled up slightly in determination. It wasn't any faster than her jabs... it just came from a different direction.

She blinked as she realized she knew how to block this kick. In fact, Johnathon had used the exact same move on her during their practice sessions more than once. Again, he was a hair slower than Rainbow Dash... but she knew how to block this. Rainbow Dash took the moment of hesitation on Applejack's part as an opportunity, and tried a triple combo this time, two jabs and another lightning fast kick, but she'd seen the move now, and she blocked all three, then came back with a combo of her own, a straight right for Rainbow Dash's chin, then a quick jab at the stomach. The jab connected, and Rainbow Dash grunted as she stepped away to give herself space.

"Point, Applejack!" Applejack blinked as she realized that she was actually ahead by a point. She was winning! Despite all of her bravado when they'd talked and joked about their upcoming match, she'd never actually expected to be doing this well.

Rainbow Dash looked grim, but at the same time, Applejack could tell that the ex-pegasus was having fun. Rainbow Dash darted in again, and somehow she'd gotten faster. Applejack took a blow before she could blink and stepped away even as Rainbow Dash bounced away, her eyes alight with determination.

"Point, Rainbow Dash!" Johnathon announced. "All tied up... next point takes the match."

Applejack took a deep breath, then another, forcing herself to concentrate. She could do this. She could do this. She just needed to pay attention. She'd block Rainbow Dash's next blow and counter. The red haired speedster had speed, but Applejack had been paying attention. She left herself open when she attacked. Not a lot... but...

Rainbow Dash blurred forward, then launched herself skyward, her right leg snapping out as she reached the apex of her jump. Applejack brought her left arm instinctively to block the kick, stopping it about half a foot from the side of her head, but Rainbow Dash wasn't done. She snapped two more kicks into Applejack's left arm... each aimed for her head, then spun a full three hundred and sixty degrees in the opposite direction, her right leg spinning around behind her body and straightening out as it came around on Applejack's right side. It struck her high in the right shoulder and staggered her. Rainbow Dash was falling now... but slowly... and she kicked out one final time, this time with both feet, catching Applejack in the middle of her chest.

Applejack, already off balance, flew out of the ring even as Rainbow Dash hit the ground herself, the cocky athlete not able to get her feet back under her in time so that she hit the ground ass first, sideways, sprawling out in the middle of the chalked ring Johnathon had drawn in the grass.

There was a long moment of complete silence before Johnathon finally spoke, sounding as stunned as she felt. "Point... match. Rainbow Dash!"

The crowd went wild.


Rainbow Dash was in the middle of a mob of admirers, retelling for what was probably the third time, her personal perspective of her victory against Applejack, but Johnathon wasn't listening. He had caught Twilight Sparkle's eye, and noticed Princess Luna looking like she wanted a word as well, so the three of them had walked away from the rest of the crowd a ways to talk.

"Mr. Dwire..." Luna began. "Correct me if I'm wrong... but humans are not capable of... personal levitation, correct?"

Johnathon nodded. "You're right. No human could have done that... whatever it was that Rainbow Dash did. Did you catch how long she was in the air during that last bit?"

Twilight spoke up. "About three point five seconds... maybe a bit more," she said softly. "But... she doesn't have wings anymore. How did she do that?"

Johnathon glanced back toward Rainbow Dash before turning to Luna. "Are pegasi without wings able to fly at all?"

Luna shook her head. "Not that we are aware. The loss of a wing is always tragic for any pegasi, of course, as it renders them unable to fly. Never-the-less, we are not mistaken. Rainbow Dash remained airborne longer than should be possible."

"For a human," Johnathon corrected. "And correct me if I'm wrong... but Rainbow Dash isn't just any pegasus."

Twilight wrinkled her nose. "Well... she's the fastest pegasus I know of. And there was the Sonic Rainboom, of course."

"I've always said that there's no way Pegasus should be able to fly with such small wings..." Johnathon pointed out. "Obviously magic has something to do with it..."

Luna nodded somberly. "And Ms. Dash is the strongest flier we have known. The last pegasus who was capable of a... sonic rainboom, could not, for example, perform one unless she was headed downwards at the time... and I am informed that Ms. Dash has been working on performing one while flying level?"

Twilight shrugged sheepishly. "She did that a few months ago. Now she's trying to do one while climbing."

Luna blinked. "Most impressive," she glanced back toward Rainbow Dash herself. "Do you think she is aware of what she just did?"

Twilight frowned. "I... I honestly have no idea." She turned to Johnathon. "Did she do anything like that while you were practicing with her?"

He shook his head. "Not once. That was... different."

Twilight shrugged. "Well... maybe we should just ask her how she did it."


"What do you mean, how did I do it?" Rainbow Dash looked puzzled as if she didn't quite understood the question. "I just did it."

It was nearly an hour after the fight, and the crowd had finally all wandered off before they'd approached Rainbow Dash. Twilight had wanted to talk to her right away, but Luna had suggested that they discuss the matter privately, and Johnathon had agreed.

"Well, that wasn't a combination I taught you, Rainbow," Johnathon pointed out. "Did you practice that move on your own?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Not really. I mean, not as a human. It was a pretty basic Krav Pega combo though, you know?"

Johnathon snorted. "Basic my left foot. You threw what... five, six kicks before you hit the ground again?"

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Er... I didn't keep track. But yeah, something like that, why?"

Johnathon sighed, his patience ebbing slightly. "So... you didn't practice any flying kick combos like that before the fight?"

Rainbow Dash wrinkled her nose now, still looking confused. "Not as a human... but I was in the zone, you know? During the fight with Applejack, I just... you know how it goes, everything seems to slow down, and you feel like you can do anything?"

Johnathon blinked, then nodded. "OK, sure. I've been there a few times myself. So you tried a combo you knew from your Krav Pega training?"

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah. It just suddenly... clicked, you know?"

Johnathon raised an eyebrow. "Sure...." His nose twitched side to side as he tried to figure out how to get around to what he was trying to find out. "OK... Rainbow, do a lot of Earth Ponies or Unicorns use Krav Pega?"

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Well, no. I mean, you need wings to pull off most of the...." she trailed off, looking even more confused. "Huh."

Twilight had been listening intently. She had never practiced a martial art, and much of what Johnathon and Rainbow Dash were talking about was outside of her areas of expertise, but she'd been formulating theories ever since she'd noticed her friend's gravity defying maneuver during her match with Applejack. She started to speak, then stopped herself. Something told her that Rainbow Dash was about to come to her own realization about what had happened, and she didn't want to spoil it for her.

Rainbow Dash blinked again, then shook her head. "No... wait," she brought her hands up and shifted her feet as if getting into a fighting stance, and she started shifting around slowly, her eyes downwards as she replayed the end of the fight in her head.

Luna watched with interest from just behind Johnathon and Twilight. She could see Rainbow Dash's body make similar, if greatly reduced movements just like the ones that came before her final flying series of kicks, and she could practically read the thoughts racing through the pegasus-turned-human's head even as she had them.

Rainbow Dash came out of her fighting stance, and put her hands on her hips. "OK... what just happened? I mean... you need wings to pull of that combo. Or... I thought you did."

Twilight frowned. "We were hoping you could tell us, Rainbow Dash. You were in the air for almost four seconds! That shouldn't be possible!"

Luna chuckled. "Except, of course, that it plainly is, seeing as we all witnessed the event."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "You mean I... flew?"

Johnathon found himself chuckling slightly as well. "Well... not flew, exactly. I'd call it falling with style," he snickered again, apparently finding something funny with his statement.

"Falling with style, huh?" Rainbow Dash looked thoughtful. "I like it!" she frowned again. "But how did I do it?"

Twilight shrugged helplessly. "Like I said, we were hoping you could tell us. Are you sure you don't know how you did it?"

Rainbow Dash hesitated, then shook her head. "I wasn't thinking about flying... just about doing that combo. I used to use that combo in practice all the time," she turned to Johnathon. "Morning Star uses the same style, remember?"

Johnathon nodded thoughtfully, remembering both the fight against the Timber Wolves and more recently, his sparring session against the agile Royal Guard. "Yeah, I remember. Hard to defend against that many kicks. Of course, he has wings...."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah," she turned to Twilight. "So... how'd I do it, Twilight?"

Twilight groaned. "How am I supposed to know?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Well, you're the egghead."

Twilight shook her head and chuckled. "Of course," she paused, and looked thoughtful. "Well, I do have a few ideas. I mean... it's not really a well researched area, but as Johnathon has pointed out on several occasions, Pegasi use magic to fly. I mean... we've known that for hundreds of years, but it's been so... obvious that nopony has ever really explored exactly how they do it before. Up till now, it was thought that Pegasi used their magic through their wings... but of course, it's not that simple."

Luna spoke up. "Pegasus magic is present throughout the body, naturally, or else their cloudwalking would not work as it does."

Twilight nodded. "And of course, Rainbow Dash still has all of her Pegasus magic."

Rainbow Dash nodded slowly. "Right. So I can still walk on clouds, right?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, but more than that, the magic that makes Pegasi capable of flying with such small wings... you have that as well."

Rainbow Dash bristled. "Hey! My wings aren't small!"

Twilight winced. "No... of course not. I mean, not for a pegasus. But compared to their size and mass, all pegasi have wings that should be too small to provide lift... theoretically."

She turned to Johnathon. "Right?"

Johnathon nodded. "Sure. I've always known it was magic. Had to be. The physics just doesn't add up."

Twilight nodded earnestly. "Humans apparently have a much broader understanding of aerodynamics than we do... but everything Johnathon explained to me matches up with our understanding of the concept. It's just most of those theories haven't seen much in the way of practical application here in Equestria..."

Rainbow Dash looked surprised. "What makes you say that humans know more about flying stuff than we do? I mean... pegasi are born fliers. If there's something to know about aerodynamic flight, we know it."

Twilight just gaped at Rainbow Dash, who raised an eyebrow. "What? I did go to flight school, after all."

Twilight coughed, then continued. "Well, humans have developed fixed winged, heavier than air craft... which is something ponies have never managed, for starters... but this isn't a competition, Rainbow Dash. We're trying to figure out how you managed to levitate yourself!"

Rainbow Dash just shrugged again. "Well... maybe I could do it because I didn't know I couldn't do it?"

Twilight just gaped at her. "It... it doesn't work like that!"

"It does for me!" Pinkie Pie broke in suddenly from just behind Twilight, causing the purple unicorn to leap a foot into the air in surprise.

"Pinkie!" Twilight spun around to glare at the bubbly girl. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Pinkie giggled. "Sorry, Twilight!"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Anyway... what do you mean by that? You can't just perform magic just because you didn't know you can't."

Pinkie looked thoughtful. "Well, not ALL the time. But if it's something you could always do, but you didn't know you could, sometimes not knowing you couldn't is the only way to do it!"

Twilight blinked. "Er... run that by me again?"

Johnathon looked thoughtful. "I think I get it. Rainbow Dash could fly... sort of, during her match with Applejack because of her Pegasus magic... even though she didn't know she could use it like that... because she forgot she couldn't and just tried."

Luna nodded slowly. "Yes... I see. Most pegasi, upon the loss of a wing, do not consider flight possible again. Certainly they do not engage in energetic physical competition where flight could be an asset... at least not generally, I would think."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Wait... are you saying what I think you're saying?" No one spoke up, so she continued. "Are you trying to tell me that I can fly... without wings?"

Johnathon Dwire, Twilight Sparkle, and Princess Luna all looked at each other, then at Rainbow Dash. For a while, no one spoke.

Twilight shrugged sheepishly. "Maybe?"


The sun has set at least an hour ago. Rainbow Dash, dirty, tired, and sore, sat dejectedly in on the torn up section of grass she'd been repeatedly falling onto for... she couldn't remember how long it'd been. Hours. It was hard to keep from crying, but she wouldn't let herself, although she did start hugging her knees as she fought to keep her emotions in check.

Almost everypony had left. Everypony but Fluttershy. Princess Luna had left first, having to return to her 'royal duties', whatever those were. Not that Rainbow Dash had minded. It had been more than a bit embarrassing, screwing up in front of the princess like that. And not just once, but over, and over, and over....

The others had stayed. For hours. They'd been encouraging. They'd been patient. Rainbow had the feeling that most of them would probably had stayed even longer, but she'd ended up yelling at them to leave her alone. She felt bad about it. Guilty. But what if she couldn't do it because they were watching, making her nervous?

Fluttershy had stayed. Rainbow hadn't protested. If she could be herself... be unselfconscious in front of anypony in the world, it'd be in front of Fluttershy. But it hadn't mattered. Nothing seemed to work. She'd leapt into the air so many times she could barely feel her legs. She was so far beyond sore, she wondered if she'd be able to stand for long enough to walk back to the Library.

She'd tried sparring with Johnathon... tried to do the same move again. When that hadn't worked, she'd asked Applejack to go another round with her. The farmer had agreed willingly enough, and Rainbow Dash felt another pulse of guilt, stronger this time, as she remembered how many new bruises Applejack would probably have from all the flying kicks she'd had to block. She'd taken it all without a word of complaint... but Rainbow Dash knew she owed her. Owed her big time.

And for what? Nothing. She hadn't floated... hadn't levitated, or done anything remotely like flying. Not once. She'd practically killed herself trying, and nothing had worked.

She sniffed, forcing herself to fight back the tears that were trying to worm their way out of her rebellious eyes, but she didn't know how much longer she could hold them back.

Fluttershy's arms came around her shoulders, and Rainbow Dash stiffened as the taller, willowy girl wrapped herself around her from behind. Rainbow Dash felt something loosen in her chest, and she started to cry. She didn't stop for a long time.


"I believe in you, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy told her quietly.

They were sitting side by side on the grass now. Rainbow Dash had pulled loose after she'd stopped crying, and they hadn't spoken since. It felt comfortable, just sitting together, but her words brought a snarl to Rainbow's lips.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash snapped almost angrily at her. "I can't fly! I just can't do it!"

"Of course you can," Fluttershy told her calmly.

"But I can't!" Rainbow Dash protested. "You saw... I did everything I could think of! I tried a hundred, a thousand times! And nothing!"

Fluttershy nodded. "But you did it once. And I remember something else you did once. Something you couldn't do again no matter how hard you tried, no matter how much you practiced."

Rainbow Dash's breathing stilled. "The Sonic Rainboom."

Fluttershy nodded. "You did it once. Just once. And then you couldn't do it again. Not for years and years. I watched you practice. I know how hard you tried to do it again. But you couldn't."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "Yeah. I just couldn't get enough speed..."

Fluttershy nodded again. "Unless you had to. When you had to. When it was the only way to save Rarity, you did it."

Rainbow Dash thought about that. "Well... I had to. I couldn't let her die, right?"

Fluttershy smiled softly. "Of course you couldn't. And that's why you were able to do it."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "So... what does that mean?"

Fluttershy shrugged. "I'm not a genius, like Twilight, and I don't know the future, like Pinkie Pie sometimes can... but I know this. Rainbow Dash doesn't leave her friends hanging. When you need to be able to do it again. When it's important, you'll do it again."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Oh come on. How cheesy is that? I'll be able to fly without wings when I need to? I need to be able to do it NOW!"

Fluttershy hid her face behind her hair with a squeak, and Rainbow Dash sighed. "OK... maybe I don't NEED to do it now. It's just... flying is my life. I mean... literally. I can't remember not being able to fly...." she trailed off. "OK, except for when I got hurt really bad." Rainbow Dash frowned deeper. "Wow. What I would have given to be able to fly while my wing was busted. I HATED being stuck in bed. And remember what Princess Luna said about Pegasi who lost their wings? You know what it could mean for ponies if they could fly again?"

Fluttershy sighed. "I have thought about that. I'm not sure if it's something just anypony could do. I mean... you're Rainbow Dash. The one and only pegasus to perform the Sonic Rainboom!" she held up her hands helplessly. "I think... I think that if even you're having this much trouble with it, that it must be unbelievably, incredibly, unimaginably difficult."

Rainbow Dash groaned. "Yeah... that makes me feel a LOT better."

Fluttershy spontaneously hugged her again. "I'm sorry. But I do believe in you. I know that when it matters, if you really need to. You'll manage to figure out how to do it again."

Rainbow Dash frowned. "But... I'm only going to be a human for a little while longer. What if I never really need to be able to fly while I'm like this?"

Fluttershy looked thoughtful. "I suppose then you won't. Probably."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Yeah... that's what I thought."

Fluttershy patted her on the shoulder. "If you really want to, you can stay human for a while longer. Until you figure it out, that is."

Rainbow Dash hesitated. "You mean after we get back from Johnathon's world?"

Fluttershy nodded. "If you really want to figure this out... I don't see why you couldn't."

Rainbow Dash grimaced. "You have NO idea how badly I want to be myself again though. I mean... seriously. I haven't flown in over a week now!"

Fluttershy nodded. "I know. And I wouldn't blame you in the slightest for changing back as soon as you could."

Rainbow Dash wrinkled her nose. "Darn it... now I don't know. I HATE not being able to fly... but..." she looked at Fluttershy, then shook her head. "Nah. It's probably impossible anyway."

Fluttershy smiled shyly. "Now that's a word I never thought I'd hear you use."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Hey, I know what it means. It's just I hate giving up, you know?"

Fluttershy nodded. "I know, Rainbow Dash."


Several more days passed as they all prepared for the expedition to Johnathon's world... and the upcoming wedding.

Johnathon had asked if they could hold the ceremony on Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack had enthusiastically agreed. They'd erected a small but ornate wooden archway out in a large empty section of field between rows of apple trees, and they'd spent several days sprucing up the place.

Rarity had been working non-stop on Cheerilee's wedding dress, once she'd finished with her and Twilight's outfits for their expedition, and Pinkie Pie and the Cakes had prepared quite a spread for the reception.

Twilight had been distracted with preparations for the expedition, and Applejack and Rainbow Dash were still practicing martial arts with their new bodies several hours a day. Rainbow Dash hadn't managed to replicate her short burst of levitation since the match with Applejack, but she'd decided to stop worrying about it and focus on simply improving what she could.

In the final days before the wedding, Rarity had been forced to get Fluttershy's help with the sewing on Cheerilee's dress, the soft spoken pegasus turning out to be just as good at sewing with her human hands as she had been with hooves. Rarity herself was quite dexterous with her new appendages, but she was simply nowhere near as fast as she was with her magic.

Never-the-less, the night before the wedding, the dress was complete.

Johnathon had been running himself ragged between training everyone who would learn in human style self defense and lessons on human culture and customs. There was far more than they could cover in the time they had left before the time they'd planned for their departure, but he'd done his best to prepare everyone.

It was just getting dark on the night before the wedding when Johnathon burst into the boutique, looking tired but with an urgent expression on his face.

Rarity shrieked and threw herself in front of the dress form she had been working on. "Johnathon Dwire! Turn around this instant!"

The man caught a glimpse of white lace and satin before obediently turning his back. "Sorry... sorry. Not supposed to see the dress before the wedding, right?" he scratched behind his right ear. "Huh. It's always weird to me how many things are the same between our cultures..."

Rarity pushed the dress form into her work room and closed the door behind it, concealing it from view. "Yes... fascinating, truly. But what brings you here at such an hour? And on the night before your wedding as well!"

Johnathon turned around to face her, still scratching behind his ear, looking a bit nervous. "Well... I'm not sure how to say this. It's kind of embarrassing, really..."

Rarity studied the man curiously, noticing his reddening face before she started to blush lightly as well. "Oh... does this have something to do with human wedding customs? Do you have some sort of... ritual... or... er...?" she swallowed. "This isn't about the bachelor party, is it?"

Johnathon blinked. "Bachelor party? You have those here?"

Rarity frowned. "Well of course... not that I'm quite the right pony to come to about such things... I mean, I do do some occasional design work for discreet clients who are looking for... shall we say, proper entertainment at such affairs, but given your cultural differences, I imagine such an affair would be quite a bit different among humans..." she trailed off, blushing deeper. "Not that I'd be opposed, necessarily to helping a good friend... if he needed something to make his special day... er... more romantic...."

Johnathon blinked, then quickly shook his head. "Oh! No!" he raised his hands to stop her. "No... no. That's fine. That's not what I'm here for at all."

Rarity raised an eyebrow, then sighed in relief. "Oh. Well. What can I help you with then?"

Johnathon hesitated, then blurted it out. "Money! I need money," he coughed. "I mean... we do. For the expedition I mean."

Rarity blinked. "Money?"

Johnathon shook his head. "Not money... but something we can use for money when we get to my world. Gems... gold, silver. Something like that."

Rarity nodded in sudden understanding. "Oh! Yes, of course. You mentioned something about that a while back, didn't you? Something about gemstones being considerably more valuable on your world than they were here, correct?"

He nodded. "Right. I didn't have any money on me when I got sucked through that portal... but having some when we get to the far side could be really useful, especially if we get into any trouble. Of course, having a bunch of gems and gold could cause a problem or two as well, but I think we're better off being prepared for all the possibilities that we can, don't you?"

Rarity nodded thoughtfully. "I certainly agree..." she frowned. "But I'm afraid I've just about used up my supply. I usually go searching for gems to fill specific orders, and, thanks to Sapphire Shore most recent purchases, I'm nearly all out. Perhaps you could ask Princess Luna or Princess Celestia to loan you some from the royal treasury?"

Johnathon winced. "Ah... well, if you don't have any, I suppose I'll have to."

Rarity smiled. "Well, before you go, you might as well take what's left of my supply. I'm sure it won't be enough,but at least it'll be pocket change."

Johnathon shrugged. "Sure. Let's see what you've got."

Rarity turned to look at a chest resting against the far wall and knotted her brow in that direction for a long moment before sighing and walking over to it. "I keep forgetting that I can't levitate things right now," she admitted wryly as she opened up the chest and knelt beside it.

"Perfectly understandable. I'm really sorry about that, Rarity," Johnathon told her sympathetically. "I can't imagine how difficult it is, going without an ability you've had all your life."

"Well, hardly my entire life, darling." Rarity said calmly. "And hands are simply marvelously dexterous. Still, it will be nice to be myself again, once this little adventure is all over."

She turned to look at Johnathon, who was crouched at her side, his face dumbstruck as he stared into the chest. "I'm sorry, Darling... I know there isn't much..."

Johnathon shook his head. "Not enough! Rarity, I could buy a small island with this much! In fact... this is way too much. And most of these are too big. There's no way we could sell half of these without a major fuss. Most of these are the size of the crown jewels!"

Rarity blinked. "Really? Hmm. Well, why didn't you say so, Darling? I do have a number of the really small stones for accents..."

She walked across her shop to another chest and started opening drawers. "Now where did I put... ah, here it is!"

Rarity walked back, carrying a small box with several compartments. Each compartment was filled nearly to the brim with dozens of small gemstones of different types.

Johnathon whistled low under his breath. "Well now... that's more like it. It'll still be tricky, but I expect I'd be able to manage to pawn some of those if I'm careful about it," he shook his head. "Of course... I'm honestly not all that experienced in selling gemstones... but I'm hoping all those hours reading detective stories and watching crime shows on TV haven't gone to waste!"


In all the rush to prepare for the expedition to Earth, Johnathon had almost managed to ignore his anxiety about his upcoming wedding.

It wasn't, after all, like he'd never done this before. He'd tried not to think too much about the last time he had been standing in an open field, waiting for his bride to be in front of a crowd of his friends and family.

Not that his family was here. The girls were great, of course. Some of the best friends he'd ever had, and that was saying something. And Cheerilee's family was here. Cheerilee's parents were both there, standing in front. Cheerilee's father had been giving him the hairy eyeball the entire time, although Radiant Song kept glaring at her husband whenever she caught him at it. She, at least, approved of the wedding. Johnathon was pretty sure that Ironsides, on the other hand, wasn't pleased about his daughter's choice of husband at all.

Princess Luna stood under the archway, looking majestic in her royal tiara, peytral and shoes. Fluttershy, after much persuasion, had agreed to be his 'best mare' and she stood by his side, doing her best not to cower in front of the large, happy crowd. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Twilight made up the rest of Johnathon's "groom's mares." He'd thought about asking Big Mac. Or some of the other stallions in town, but realized that he really didn't have many real friends among the town colts, although he was certainly friendly enough with Big Mac, he'd never formed any real friendships outside of the girls now standing at his side.

On the other side, the flower trio were standing with Bon-Bon and Lyra Heartstrings, all acting as Cheerilee's bridesmaids. In the case of Rose, Daisy and Lily, they seemed to be even more nervous than Fluttershy, although he suspected it was the prospect of Princess Luna's disapproval that they were nervous about, more than the fact that they were nearly surrounded by humans.

Most of Ponyville had turned out for the event. Miss Cheerilee was remarkably popular among the townsfolk, and if you combined that with Princess Luna herself showing up to perform the ceremony, there were few ponies indeed that hadn't wanted to attend.

As was Equestrian tradition, Cheerilee walked alone into her place at the far end of the field they were using for the ceremony. Spike started playing a traditional wedding theme on the piano they'd set up on a small stage behind Luna, and a chorus of birds trilled along with the song, perched on top of the piano and on the archway overhead of the Princess.

As Cheerilee walked slowly but steadily toward him, face alight with a calm smile, Johnathon caught her eyes, smiling back. She shared a long gaze with him, both acknowledging each other, before she faced Princess Luna again, continuing to walk smoothly along.

The wedding dress was, for one of Rarity's designs, remarkably simple. It was all white, with a veil, and even a short train, although Cheerilee had requested that it not be overly long, as she didn't wish to trip on the way up to the altar. Months of practice walking as a human or not, she was still not quite perfectly confident about her stability on two legs.

The gown was sleeveless, and daringly low cut in front, but she wore long white gloves up past her elbows, and lace ruffles softened the front of the gown, making it more demure than sexy... not that seeing her in it didn't cause Johnathon's heart to beat faster. She was, in this moment, the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. For just an instant, his mind flashed back to the last time he'd watched the woman he loved walk up an aisle toward him like this... but the strangeness of this scene, of ponies standing in rows where he could remember rows of people sitting in chairs... it robbed the memory of its sting, and he pushed it out of his head. He'd been a widow long enough. Cheerilee was his future now.

Cheerilee reached his side, and he reached out a hand to take hers. Together, they faced Luna, sharing a quick glance and smile before turning their full attention on the Princess.

"Mares and Gentlecolts," Luna began. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Miss Cheerilee and Mister Johnathon Dwire. The truth of their love is clear, the strength of their commitment to each other, undeniable. If anypony would speak against this union, speak now, or forever hold thy tongue."

She waited several moments, gazing over the crowd as if daring anypony to speak up, then continued, turning to Fluttershy. "May we have the rings?"

Fluttershy quailed under the gaze of so many ponies suddenly turning to focus on her, but she swallowed and held out her hand, opening it to show off the pair of rings Johnathon and Cheerilee had gotten specially made just in time for the ceremony.

The aura of Luna's magic surrounded the rings, and they floated toward Johnathon and Cheerilee, who both held out their hands. Luna levitated the rings onto their outstretched ring fingers simultaneously.

"I now pronounce you mare and..." Luna blinked as she realized her error, then continued. "Er... wife, and husband."

Ignoring the slight faux pas, the crowd cheered happily for the newly married couple. Johnathon grinned and stepped into Cheerilee, putting an arm around her waist, then kissed her deeply.

Luna coughed once, then chuckled. "Ah yes. You may kiss your bride, Mister Dwire."

If anything, the cheering got louder.


The party had gone on for hours. Aside from taking a moment aside to lower the moon, Princess Luna had been there for the entire affair, and, she was pleased to note, the ponies of Ponyville were finally starting to relax around her.

Although, she had to admit, part of that might have something to do with the copious amounts of hard cider that had been consumed during the festivities.

Still, she couldn't remember the last time she'd enjoyed herself quite so much. If there was one sour note to the festivities, it was the disapproval of the father of the bride, who even now, was making his concerns known.

"What do you mean you aren't going to have a honeymoon?" Ironsides said with an angry frown. "What kind of cheap bastard have you married, anyway?"

"Daddy!" Cheerilee protested, looking furious. "You did NOT just call my husband cheap on my wedding night!"

Ironsides huffed at that, the rosy tint to his cheeks betraying just how much cider he'd overindulged in before becoming inebriated enough to make a scene. Luna considered intervening, but decided to wait a bit longer to see how things played out.

"If he's too cheap to take you on a proper honeymoon, then he's too cheap for my little filly..." Ironsides began.

"Daddy... you've got no idea what you're talking about. Money isn't an issue, and we ARE going away for our honeymoon... sort of," Cheerilee explained, trying to calm her father down before he made too much of a scene.

"Oh?" Radiant Song looked interested. She'd been trying to shush her husband all night, but she had to admit she was a bit curious as to why her daughter wasn't going on a proper honeymoon herself. "Where are you two going?"

Cheerilee hesitated. This was not a topic she wanted to broach to her parents on her wedding night... if ever, but it was obvious that she was going to have to tell them something.

"We're going on an archeological expedition. Johnathon's leading it... well, he's one of those in charge, at any rate," Cheerilee hedged. "It's very important."

Radiant Song's eyes narrowed. "An expedition? For your honeymoon? Dear... that's not terribly romantic, now is it? A working honeymoon?"

Ironsides snorted. "Cheap!"

Cheerilee sighed. "Mother, it's not like that," she hesitated. "OK... it's a little bit like that, but...." she sighed. "We wanted to get married before the expedition... it's... it's because..." she trailed off, not sure how to proceed. How did you tell your parents you were going to another world, and you couldn't be certain you'd survive to return?

Luna decided to step in at this point. "I'm afraid it's our fault," she said calmly. "This expedition is of extreme significance to the crown... and both my sister and I are deeply invested in its success. Mister Dwire bravely volunteered his services as guide, and without his aid, the odds of success would be greatly reduced. We are greatly indebted to both Mister Dwire and your daughter as well for volunteering."

Ironsides blinked, looking a bit stunned at the idea that his daughter was being praised by one of the Princesses of Equestria, but Radiant Song was a bit quicker on the uptake.

"Where... exactly is this expedition heading, Princess?" she asked sharply.

Luna hesitated, glancing at Cheerilee. Cheerilee sighed and nodded.

Luna took a breath before explaining. "The expedition is to Johnathon's home world, where, we believe the lost library of the unicorns may be located. As you can surely understand, this is an extremely important..."

"You're going to another world?!?" Radiant Song shouted, turning on her daughter in a flash. "What are you thinking! You can't go hopping blindly to an entirely different planet! You're a schoolteacher for Celestia's sake!"

Cheerilee's blush at her mother's interrupting the Princess quickly changed to a flush of rage. "I'm an adult, and more than competent enough to decide my own fate, thank you mother," she said coldly. "Would you have me send my husband off to his homeworld alone?"

Radiant Song wilted slightly, growing uncertain. "Well... no... I suppose not, but dear... won't it be dangerous?"

Cheerilee took several deep breaths before answering. "Probably. It doesn't matter. I love him, and I'm going with him."

Radiant Song just stared at her daughter for what seemed like an eternity, her sharp eyes reading her daughter's face as only a mother could before finally sighing in defeat. "I suppose you are."

Ironsides had finally started to catch up to the conversation. "You're what!?!"

"Be quiet dear. Don't embarrass your daughter in front of the Princess," Radiant Song said in a mild tone... but the look she shot her husband caused him to sober up faster than a bucket of ice to the face.

Ironsides swallowed, glancing at Princess Luna nervously. Luna immediately put on her 'I'm important and powerful and mysterious... don't question me' face, and the large former steelworker seemed to wilt further.

"My apologies for my behavior, Princess...." he began meekly, and Luna's glare softened.

"No apologies needed, gentlecolt. You are only concerned for your offspring, as any good father would be," she assured him.

Ironsides bowed, as did his wife, and they turned to their daughter, hugging her around the waist before saying their goodnights.

"We'll see you before you go, won't we, dear?" Radiant Song asked plaintively as she prepared to leave.

"Of course mother," Cheerilee said before kneeling and hugging her mother around the neck. She turned and hugged her father the same way. "We'll be fine. Twilight Sparkle and her friends won't let anything happen to either of us."

"They'd better not..." Ironsides muttered under his breath before hugging his daughter goodnight once more and letting himself be drawn away by his wife.

"Well, that was awkward," Cheerilee said with a sigh before turning to Princess Luna with a grateful smile. "Thanks for your help with that, Princess."

Luna nodded once, her face serious. "It is the least we can do for one of our loyal subjects," her eyes softened. "You will take care of yourself though, Mrs. Cheerilee? I can make it a royal command if you wish."

Cheerilee nodded somberly. "I'll do my best. I'll do my best to keep all of them safe as well, although I know how little that means."

Luna smiled softly. "In fact, Mrs. Cheerilee, it means a great deal indeed."