Dreadwing Bells A'ringing

by avatarded01

First published

The Mane-six set out on a perilous journey to stop the dreaded King of Dragons!

A joyous event in Ponyville leads to the return of an ancient and terrible power, one that has not been seen since before the formation of Equestria. Twilight and her friends are called upon to utilise their powerful bonds of friendship to stop the ancient evil from covering all the land in darkness, but even the Elements of Harmony wont be enough to help them this time! With the help of some old friends and new, the ponies set out on a long and perilous journey, that will put their lives on the line! Will they be able to save their home and keep the bonds of their friendship strong... and will Twilight ever see Spike again!?

Chapter 1.

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“Dreadwing bells a’ringing”

The library was awash with brightly coloured balloons, long streamers and a large cream coloured banner with the words “Happy Birthday Spike,” painted across it in very neat bright blue letters. Twilight Sparkle pinned the last streamer in place and nodded as the purple light faded from around her horn. Not too shabby, she thought to herself. Spike’s party was all set to get underway. All she needed now was her friends and the guest of honour. It wasn’t Spike’s first birthday. That had been a fairly exciting event, when Spike’s Dragon greed had caused him to turn into a giant gift-guzzling beast, and went on a rampage around Ponyville. This though was his third birthday and she was pretty sure that Spike had gotten a hand on his supernatural lust for hoarding possessions and she was looking forward to celebrating her friend’s birthday without any unnatural occurrences. Twilight set about arranging the party hats and drinking cups next to the Punch bowl as she thought about the young Dragon. She always remembered him as being so small. Small enough to ride around on her back, or climb up high on the bookshelves to reach books hidden deep at the back. Small enough to fit, snuggly in his small bed that sat at the foot of her own. She smirked to herself as she realised that she had always been caught between seeing Spike as her friend or as her pet. Nowadays the distinction was a lot easier to make. She pondered upon the fact that Dragons, like many animals grew up quite quickly. Getting larger and larger by the month, but once a dragon reached adulthood they could live for centuries, if not millennia afterwards. Spike was only three years old but he was already as big as she was. At least when he stood on all fours. When he stood back on his hind legs he was twice her height and he had a habit of doing exactly that. It was of no fault on his part of course. Dragon’s, unlike ponies, had opposable thumbs so Spike made good use of them around the library and about the town. Especially now that he was getting bigger Spike loved to help out wherever he could. Twilight was never sure whether it was because he loved the attention or if it was because he wanted to make sure no-one ever saw him as a terrifying Dragon, but he was always helping out wherever he could. No more so than at Carousel Boutique. More than once Twilight had gone searching for the young Dagon only to find him eagerly following Rarity’s instructions for whatever task she needed help doing. Spike’s affection for Rarity was no secret and he snapped up every opportunity to impress the elegant unicorn whenever he could. Twilight’s reverie was broken by a knock at her door. She put the ladle in the punch and trotted over to the old oak wood door. The door swung open almost before she’d taken off the latch and Pinkie Pie exploded into the room shrieking, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” This was instantly followed by an explosion of colourful confetti and the blowing of a large party blower, which trumpeted in Twilight’s face. Pinkie bounced around the room, braking into song and dance, something about Spike’s blue scales and shinning smile, before Twilight called out over the din.

“Pinkie! Spike’s not here yet!” Instantly the pink pony stopped still, skidding to a stop on the floor and simply stated,

“Oh.” She grinned, a wide grin and started gathering up her confetti again, apologising while she did, “Sorry Twilight, I just get so excited over birthday parties. I love’em!” Twilight rolled her eyes,

“You love any party, Pinkie.” Pinkie Pie grinned again,

“That’s true, I do!” Twilight used her magic to help quickly gather up the confetti and return it to the two small canons Pinkie had placed right in front of her door, and wheeled them in.

“Did you bring the cake?” She asked swinging her head back out of the door. There was nothing out there except the usual bench, green grass and tall trees.

“Yup,” Pinkie replied, “I brought it round the back, like you asked so Spike wouldn’t see.” Twilight turned to look at her with an arched eyebrow.

“You hid the cake around the back but jumped in through the front door screaming ‘Happy Birthday?’” From her grin, Twilight could see that Pinkie had not understood the contradiction of her actions so she dropped it with a sigh. They brought the cake in and hid it in the back. Then Twilight made sure the last of the preparations were ready, while Pinkie Pie set about double-checking all of Twilights own checks. She was the foremost authority on parties in Ponyvile after all. The rest of the guests arrived shortly afterwards. Apple Jack came, reliably on time as usual and Flutter Shy and Rarity arrived together. Rainbow Dash, however, showed up late, claiming that her attention had been consumed by some new aerial acrobatics that she was trying to perfect, and arrived only just a few minutes before Spike. He arrived, strolling through the door, talking over his shoulder to Twilight’s pet Owl, Owloysius, about the quality of some Equestrian cleaning products, when the Ponies cried out,

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” Owloysius hooted in panic and shot into the rafters. Spike jumped and laughed, a wide smile spreading across his scaly face.

“Guys,” He said, “I thought we agreed last year, no more surprise parties.” The ponies smiled at each other,

“That’s true,” Rarity chimed, “but what we agree and what Twilight and Pinkie Pie do are two different things.” Pinkie Pie bounced up and down on the spot grinning like an idiot,

“I can’t help myself! It’s an illness, really.” Despite his protest Spike took to the party with excitement and anticipation. Each of his friends wished him a happy birthday and presented him with gifts. Apple Jack gave him his own cask of Apple Acres Cider, Rainbow Dash gave him a pair of Thunderbolt Sky-beam tinted goggles, Fluttershy gave him her own blend of Lemon and Pine grass wood polish, Pinkie Pie presented him with a box of freshly baked strawberry and orange cupcakes and Twilight gave him a brand new writing set, with a quill made of Cockatrice feather and ink from the main academic library in Canterlot. Rarity gave Spike the same thing she’d given him for the last two years. A large sapphire gemstone from her own personal collection. Some people would get bored of the same gift but Spike always received each one as though it were the first gemstone he’d ever been given. Twilight smiled as she saw Spike struggle with same problem he struggled with each year. He drooled over the Sapphire, desperate to gobble up the precious stone, but he resisted, unwilling to simply gulp down Rarity’s precious gift. Rarity smiled proudly as Spike held it in his clawed hands, staring adoringly at it,

“Do you notice anything different about the stone this year Spike?” She tinkled teasingly. Spike glanced at her and then stared at the stone intently. Twilight leaned over his shoulder to look, as did the other ponies. They all saw it at once. The sapphire had a deep black vein throbbing through the heart of the stone, almost pulsing like it was alive.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy gasped.

“What is that?” Rainbow Dash asked, squinting at the stone. Rarity shrugged elegantly and said,

“I’m not sure really, but I didn’t find this stone in the usual place.”

“Well where did you find it?” Twilight asked Rarity moving around Spike to get a better look. She’d never seen a stone like that before. Not that she could recall.

“You remember when I took Sweetie Bell to visit our parents last month?” The Ponies nodded, “Well, we stopped in this darling little town at the foot of the Glitter Top Mountains, and this charming stranger noticed the gems I had in my hat and suggested that I might find some unique stones if I went looking in the hills. So I did and I found this in some old ruins at the foot of the mountains.” She pointed a well-manicured hoof at the stone and smiled proudly. Twilight arched an eye brow at Rarity’s story but the others had already lost interest. Pinkie Pie wanted to start the party games, while Rainbow Dash and Applejack wanted to start dancing.

The Party kicked into full swing and more guests’ started to arrive. Spike had made a lot of friends during his time in Ponyvile, especially since he’d gotten bigger and started helping around the town. The Cakes came by with a second cake to go with the one Pinkie had brought turning it from a three layer cake to a six layer cake. Ms. Cherilee came with a set of books Spike had been looking for to help improve his maths, so he could help the Apples with their accounting and Zecora arrived with Apple bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell, who’d been working with Zecora to make a special set of potions that could change the colour of anything you spread the mixture onto.

“We thought you could use it for decorating.” Sweetie Bell explained.

“Or so you could have all sorts of wicked, multi-coloured scales!” Scootaloo piped up, “You know, if you want.” Spike smiled and thanked each of his guests for their gifts, even as more Ponies and Colts arrived. Bon Bon brought a box of red, blue and yellow sweets, Golden Harvest brought a basket of fruits, Noteworthy sang a song testifying to Spike’s hard work and good nature, Heartstrings gave him a heartfelt thanks for his hard work along with a kiss on the cheek and Derpy Hooves took out the punch bowl and half the buffet table while trying to give Spike her gift: a flat squashed hat, which had clearly suffered some sort of mishap at the hooves of the accident prone pony. Eventually all of the guests arrived and the party spilled out of the tree house and into the garden and front yard. This year the party was much bigger and Twilight had begun to wonder if she’d brought enough food and drink for everyone, but the Apple family solved her worries when Granny Smith and Big Macintosh showed up with a parade of apple based treats and more cider. Twilight had never seen Spike so happy and active, surrounded by so many ponies. He’d forgotten all about the small pile of gifts he had received and was happily trying to ‘pin the tail on the Pony,’ while his friends called out directions and cheered him on. Applejack trotted up to her, chuckling as she watched Spike stick the Pony’s tail to her forehead,

“He sure has grown hasn’t ‘e?” She commented and Twilight nodded.

“Dragon’s grow faster than Pony’s,” She explained, “He’ll probably be as big as some of the buildings in Ponyvile by the time he as old as us.” Applejack cut her off,

“Ah don’t mean size Twilight I mean grown up. He def’nitley don’t act like a baby no more.” Twilight smiled warmly. She understood what Applejack meant and it was true. It had only been three years since she’d hatched Spike from his egg, but already he was growing up. She thought about what would happen when he reached adolescence, when he actually would be as big as the buildings in Ponyvile. There was no way she’d be able to keep him in the library; she might not be able to keep him at all… The thought was sombreing so she dismissed it and simply said,

“Yes, he certainly has.” The party went on late into the night, until Mrs Cake fell asleep at the table and Mr Cake led her home, wishing Spike a happy birthday. Other ponies and colts started to drift away into the warm night, some still giggling or singing as they left, each one wishing Spike a happy birthday as they went. Twilight could easily remember when Spike would already be asleep by now, but tonight he was still wide-eyed and awake as the last of his guests left, leaving him with the mane-six. Spike turned away from the door as he waved Derpy off, flinching as she crashed into a tree on her way out, and smiled at his friends,

“Well that was fun.” The other ponies smiled in response but their weariness was evident on their faces. “You’re not tired are you guys?” Spike asked in mock shock. Applejack stifled a yawn and said,

“Oh No Spike, we’re not…” This time she couldn’t help herself and she yawned loudly. Spike chuckled and said,

“Why don’t you guys go home? I can take care of the cleaning up.”

“Oh no no no,” Fluttershy fluttered forward, “We couldn’t do that. You shouldn’t have to clean up your own birthday party.” But even she couldn’t keep the weariness from her eyes. Spike put a hand on her shoulder and told her,

“It’s okay, really. I’m still wide awake anyway.” Despite his reassurance the others insisted on staying to help clean up. It didn’t take too long to tidy up the inside of library, but they decided to leave the outside until the morning, and they said their goodbyes and happy birthdays and went home for some rest. That night, as she slept, Twilight had a dream. She dreamt that Spike was all grown up and taller than any building in Ponyvile, and when he tried to crawl inside the library he collapsed the wall all over his head. It ended when he flew off over the rooftops of Ponyvile, away into the mountains never to be seen again. The dream had been so real that Twilight awoke with heart pounding and her eyes tearing. She quickly pushed the covers of her bed back and leaned over the foot of her bed to check on Spike. His bed at the foot of her bed was empty, but then again he hadn’t slept there for months now. He was too big. She climbed out of bed and trotted over to the stairs and looked down into the main library, which doubled as her living space. Spike was curled up in a corner. For a moment she thought he was asleep, but she realised he was awake. He was curled around something staring at it. She realised that her eyes were still wet from un-fallen tears and she chastised herself for being so silly. It had only been a dream and there was no reason to be acting so silly. Despite that she still couldn’t help herself and she wanted to talk to him. So she tottered down the steps and Spike’s head came up as she approached. He looked at her and was about to speak when he stopped and stood up. He was already so big. Had he gotten even taller, in the time it had taken to throw his party? Twilight found that she was annoyed at herself for allowing the dream to have affected her so badly. “Is everything alright Twilight?” Spike asked concern clear on his face, “You look a little flustered.” Twilight smiled reassuringly and shrugged,

“Couldn’t sleep.” She said in way of an explanation. She looked down at Spike’s hand and saw that he was holding Rarity’s Sapphire. “You’re not still mooning over that gem are you?” She teased, but Spike smiled and looked down at the stone.

“I can’t help it. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen a stone like it.” Twilight smirked,

“Even more beautiful than Rarity?” Spike’s face flushed and he suddenly became very interested in the bookshelves.

“Of course not! You know that’s not what…” Twilight giggled as he spluttered. Once Spike realised she was only teasing he stuck his tongue out at her. She returned the gesture and excused herself to the get a glass of water. She felt immediately better for having talked to him. It was only a silly dream. She told herself. She slept the rest of the night undisturbed by dreams, until morning broke over Ponyvile and sun light poured in through her window.

Chapter 2

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By the time the sun was creeping up over the horizon and the rooster was calling out his morning song, Sweet Apple Acres was already stirring. Applejack was the first of her family up and about, starting early with her morning chores. She cleared out the store-rooms, fed the chickens and then helped her older brother, Big Macintosh, stack up the sacs of fertiliser they were planning to use on the new apple trees Granny wanted planting in the east Orchard. Then it was time for breakfast. Applejack sat at the breakfast table happily munching away on hay-bacon strips, eggs and sugar apples, listening to her little sister talk excitedly about her latest project with her friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell. Otherwise known as the “Cutie-mark Crusaders” Even though her and her friends had gotten their cutie-marks two years ago, they still referred to each other in the latter. Applejack found it endearing but Twilight constantly remarked on its inaccuracy. Applejack swallowed her food and glanced up at the clock, “Tarnation!” She declared, “If you don’t get goin’ Applebloom yer gonna be late fer school. Get Goin’!” Applebloom squeaked a hurried “oops!” and sped out of the house waving goodbye and throwing kisses over her shoulder as she galloped away. Applejack could still remember how small her sister had been just a short while ago, but as Phillies tend to do, she was growing up. Not too fast at least. Applebloom had only gotten a little bigger and she still wore the same pink bow in her hair, but the biggest difference was in her personality. She’d only grown to be more confident and more independent and Applejack couldn’t be prouder, as she often told her five friends. Applejack finished off her breakfast, helped Granny Smith clean-up and went out to join Big Macintosh in the Apple orchards. Applejack spent the morning working with her brother on the farm, sowing the seeds for the apple trees, mucking out the stables for the farm animals and herding the cows to the south field to graze. By the time she was done it was well past mid-day and she realised that she had missed her appointment with Fluttershy, for Winona’s check up. She wondered why it had taken her so long and then finally realised that Spike had been supposed to come up and lend a hand. He’d arranged to help out on the farm while she and Macintosh were sowing the apple tree seeds, over a week ago, before his birthday, but he’d never shown up. Applejack was ready to shrug it off until she realised how un-characteristic it was for Spike to not show up to help someone. She decided to investigate and find out the reason behind this unusual occurrence and so, headed into town.

She found the library empty, except for Owloysius who was snoozing quietly on his perch in the corner. Before she left Applejack noted that the library looked more than a little dishevelled. Which wasn’t uncommon, but Spike usually took it upon himself to clean up after Twilight had been up all night pulling books down off the shelves on some research high. She set off into town asking after both Twilight and Spike. Both Pony and Dragon had a talent for attracting attention of one sort or the other wherever they went so it normally wasn’t hard to find one or both of them. Mrs Cake, who was out walking with her twin Phillies Pound and Pumpkin Cake, said,

“Well, Twilight was out looking for Spike a couple of hours ago. Seems she doesn’t know where he is either. I’m afraid I don’t know where she went after visiting Sugarcube corner.” Now Applejack was starting to feel a little uneasy. For Twilight not to know where Spike was either was pretty troubling. She decided to look elsewhere and happened upon a bit of luck when she spotted Twilight headed into Carousel Boutique. Applejack quickly followed her in,

“Hey Twilight!” She called as she slipped in through the door. Twilight spun around,

“Oh, Applejack! Have you seen Spike today? Was he helping you out up at the farm?” She asled before Applejack could say a word. Rarity was standing just behind Twilight looking both perplexed and concerned.

“No,” Applejack said shaking her head, “That’s what Ah was comin’ to ask you about. He never showed up at the farm this mornin’ and Spike never fails to show up to lend a helpin’ hand. Not when he makes a promise.” This was clearly not the answer Twilight was hoping to hear. Applejack thought it was odd enough that Spike hadn’t shown up at the farm, but to see Twilight so disheartened by her answer made Applejack really worried.

“What’s going on?” Rarity asked looking between her two friends. Twilight turned to her and answered,“I haven’t seen Spike all day. He wasn’t there when I got up and he only came back last night just before I went to sleep.” This was new information to Applejack and it didn’t help at all.

“Has he been helping you out at all today Rarity? I thought if he’d be anywhere he’d be here.” Rarity shook her head, her long, glossy purple hair, swung along her neck,

“He hasn’t been here since last week, since before his birthday. I just assumed he’d been busy helping you.”“What’s goin’ on Twilight?” Applejack asked closing the door to the Boutique behind her and trotting into the room. “Is somethin’ wrong with Spike?” Twilight sighed and trotted into the room and sat down on a plush cushion next to one of Rarity’s Design manequins, her head hung low.

“He’s been acting strange all week. At first he just didn’t leave the library. All he wanted to do was stare at that sapphire…”

“My Sapphire?” Rarity interrupted,

“Yes, the one you gave him for his birthday. Then a couple of days ago he started disappearing before I even woke up and not coming back until late at night. I don’t even know where he goes or what he’s doing.” Twilight was clearly upset. Applejack felt she had to say something to comfort her.

“Maybe he’s just bein’ more independent. Why Applebloom’s been up to all sorts’a antics instead’a doin’ her chores since she got older.” Twilight looked up at her,

“But you still know where she is and what she’s doing.” She got up and started pacing, “I’m not even sure if he’s eating anything, I mean I haven’t seen him eat anything and I’m starting to think he getting thinner…!”

“Ohkay, ohkay,” Applejack trotted over quickly and placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder, “Just calm down a minute here Twilight. You’re startin’ to sound like a paranoid, overprotective mother hen.”

“I can’t help it Applejack, I’ve never not known what Spike was doing, at least in some small way, and he’s my responsibility! I hatched him, I’ve been looking after him since he was just a baby, I’m worried!” Rarity joined Applejack by Twilight’s side and tried to help by saying,

“Well why don’t we all wait up for Spike tonight and ask him what’s going on? I’m sure he’ll explain and it’ll turn out to be some sill misunderstanding.” She smiled reassuringly at Twilight and the purple coloured Unicorn nodded and finally said,

“Alright, yes, that sounds like a good idea.”

“Good. I’ll finish up here and then we’ll head back to the library and wait.”

“Me too, Ah’ll wait with you.” Applejack wanted to help. She couldn’t stand to see her friend so broken up like this. For as long as she’d known him, Spike had almost never committed an inconsiderate act, ever. What she was hearing just didn’t sound like the Dragon they all knew and loved and she could only hope that he would be willing to explain his behaviour when they confronted him. For some reason at that moment Applejack had a thought of what it could actually entail to ‘confront’ a Dragon.

Chapter 3

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Twilight paced anxiously back and forth across the library floor. She hadn’t said a word for almost an hour. To begin with she hadn’t stopped talking. She’d come up with theory after theory as to Spike’s odd behaviour and some of them had started to sound quite ridiculous. Rarity had to agree with Applejack, perhaps Twilight was just being over-protective. She had to admit that she had missed Spike when he hadn’t shown up at the Boutique to help her out. She had always enjoyed having him around when she was doing her work, he always managed to be helpful but never get underfoot. In fact it was only now that she thought about it that she realised just how much she missed having him around this past week and very suddenly she became impatient for Spike to show up so that they could find out what was going on. Twilight continued to pace. They had already been waiting for two hours but Spike still had not returned from wherever it was he disappeared to and it was getting later and later. Rarity took a sip of the drink Twilight had offered her when she’d arrived and glanced over at Applejack who was sitting next to the coffee table. Her hat was sitting crooked on her strawberry blonde hair and her green eyes were drooping. Applejack had been working hard all morning and now she was struggling to stay awake. If Spike didn’t show up soon the Farm Pony was getting fall asleep where she was sitting. Suddenly Owloysius hooted in through the window landing on his perch and hooting over and over. Twilight stopped suddenly and looked up at the door as it opened. Spike swept into the room low on all fours and almost silently. Rarity almost didn’t realise he was there until she followed Twilights stare to the front door.

“Spike.” She said hesitantly. The Dragons topped and looked up at them. Rarity caught a loud gasp in her throat and stared. She barely recognised the young Dragon. He was stooped but she could easily see that Twilight had not been exaggerating. Spike was indeed thinner, he had dark rings under his eyes and his scales looked dull and dark. He scowled at the Ponies and asked through sharp teeth,

“Hey,” even his voice was raspy and low, nothing like how he should sound, “What are you guys doing still up?” Silence filled the library for a moment the Ponies forgot themselves over Spike’s appearance. Rarity glanced over at Twilight. She was just sitting there with her mouth hanging open, staring at Spike and Applejack was no better. So Rarity piped up first,

“Oh, Spike, we were just…um, well waiting for you actually.”

“Oh, “he looked between the three of them and then moved slowly past them into the room, closing the door behind him with his tail, “You didn’t have to do that.” All three of them watched him walk to the corner of the room where he spent his nights. He was clutching something in his hand as he plodded across the room. Rarity chewed her lip when she saw that it was the Sapphire she’d given him. Twilight looked at her two friends for support. Rarity could tell she was at a loss as to what to say. They watched as Spike sat down with his back to them and he held the Sapphire up to his face and stared at it. They all just watched him for a moment the sound of Twilights clock ticking away up in her room. Rarity felt unusually uncomfortable. She never felt this way around Spike, but something was seriously wrong with their young friend. Applejack approached Spike with a warm smile on her face,

“Uh, hey partner, um…” She looked at the others completely lost for what to actually say. Twilight tried instead,

“Spike, are you alright?” Spike didn’t even look up at her,

“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” Twilight looked at the others for help.

“Well, we’ve just been wondering where you’ve been going all day Spike?” Rarity added moving up beside the other Ponies to stand alongside Spike. The young Dragon shrugged, “No where really, just anywhere I can be…” he trailed off, as though he’d lost his train of thought.

“Anywhere you can what?” Twilight asked anxiously but Spike just stared at the stone. Twilight looked at her friends, her concern growing more evident on her face. Rarity however was looking at the stone. Spike was clutching it in both hands, even stroking it gently with his clawed thumb but it was the black vein in the gen that drew her attention. It was still throbbing like it had been the first time she’d found it, but now it was doing it differently somehow. It was no longer beating in a slow steady rhythm, but throbbing in fits and bursts. Rarity looked at how Spike was staring at the stone. His eyes were completely focussed, he wasn’t even blinking. Quite jealously Rarity realised that the only other time she’d seen Spike stare like that was at her. She stepped closer to Spike and said quietly,

“Um, Spike, darling, maybe it’s time to put that Sapphire away, you know you don’t want I to get scratched or, I don’t know, rub off the finish.” Spike lifted his gaze away from the stone and thinned his eye at Rarity,

“I think it’s fine where it is.” Rarity notice that the black vein was beating faster now. Applejack had apparently picked up on what Rarity had noticed and backed her up,

“You know I think Rarity’s right Spike, maybe it’s time y’all put that stone away…” She reached a hoof out for the Sapphire. Suddenly Spike lunged forward and snapped at Applejack’s hoof. She recoiled and jumped back. Spike hissed menacingly at her until she retreated a few feet away.

“Spike!” Twilight cried out in shock and Rarity squeaked in distress, “Spike what is wrong with you!?” Twilight tried to get closer but Spike directed a low threatening his at her and his dark eyes thinned at her. Twilight froze. Even though Spike had gotten thinner he somehow managed to make himself look bigger, more menacing… more like a dragon. His sharp teeth were bared and his claws scratched furrows in the word floor as he clutched the Sapphire to his chest. The black vein was throbbing faster even as Twilight backed away, her eyes brimming with tears, “Spike…?” She choked but the young dragon just hissed once more before he backed further in to his corner and curled around the throbbing sapphire, his dark eyes staring at the ponies as though they were some sort of intruders in his home.

Chapter 4

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Fluttershy grimaced as Rainbowdash balked and yelled as she rolled across the floor with Spike attempting to wrestle the Sapphire from his hands. Even in his emaciated state the young dragin was still stronger than the athletic pony and despite her swiftness, Spike wrapped an arm around her neck and wrenched her free from the tangle and tossed her spinning through the air. Rainbow Dash crashed into a bookshelf and collapsed to the flor in a heap, feathers from her wings drifting to the ground around her. Twilight and Applejack ran to her side and helped her up but Rainbow staggered and fell again. This time they left her to recover on the floor and turned back to Spike. Three days since Twilight had asked for help from her other friends and they were still no closer to finding a solution to Spike’s obsession, “You’re supposed to be an expert on animals, “Twilight had said desperately, “I thought maybe you might have an idea?” Fluttershy had come down to the library to help to find that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were already involved, trying to distract Spike from the stone with a handful of Pinkie’s antics. That had only resulted in Spike slashing Pinkie’s hat and clown nose to ribbons with his claws. Fluttershy had barely recognised Spike. Twilight described how he’d been before but in the short time it had taken her to get involved Spike had obviously gotten worse. His scales were flaky and chipped and his eyes were so dark they looked a pair of emeralds twinkling in the back of a deep, dark cave. Not to mention he had gotten thinner. Flutershy was immediately concerned and knew that Twilight must have been feeling ten times worse than she was.

“I admit that I have an interest in Dragons, Twilight, but I only know what I’ve read in te books you’ve leant me. I mean the only Dragons that don’t scare me are baby ones and,” she had glanced at Spike in the corner then and continued, “well, Spike’s certainly not a Baby anymore.” Fluttershy hadn’t realised the implication of what hse had said until she saw Twilight’s face drop even more, “Oh, no! I don’t, I mean I didn’t… Spike doesn’t scare me, I-I… oh dear.” Fluttershy spent some time just watching Spike, trying to see if there was any other explanation to his problem except that stone, but all he did was stare at it all day. Any attempt to get him to eat anything resulted in him lashing out or hissing. Even tempting him with precious stones, which Dragons found to be a delicacy couldn’t dissuade him. Everyone had tried talking to him but he had no interest. Even Apple Bloom and her friends had eventually figured out that something strange was happening had come by to try and help. Spike had scared them away with just a glare. After that Rainbow Dash had lost her patience and tried to wrestle the sapphire away. That had not ended well. Now Spike was hunched in the corner glowering ta the ponies, huffing and panting. He was already weak and even though he’d still managed to overpower Rainbow, it had not done him any favours. He swayed on the spot but quickly regained his composure and renewed his vigil over the stone. Twilight was distraught. It was destroying her to have to watch Spike slowly killing himself over some strange stone and Fluttershy felt for her friend. They all did. Rainbow Dash got slowly to her hooves and shook some sense back into her self,

“Wow,” she spluttered, “He may be a scrawny lookin’ Dragon but he can still kick some serious ass.”

“Isn’t there anything we can do?” Rarity asked, but they all just looked at each other. Everything they’d tried had failed completely and Spike was just getting worse and worse.

“I-I just don’t know what to do. I tried to vanish the stone out of his hands but it just didn’t work. The stone must be enchanted somehow. Then I tried to pull it loose form afar,” She looked over at a scorched bookcase, with nothing but ashes left on it, “but he just blew fire at me!” Saying that caused her eyes to well up again and Fluttershy desperately wanted to do something to help. Rarit piped up again,

“Well maybe he just needs a good talking to!” She stomped over to Spike, at least as close as she could safely get and looked him right in the eyes, “Spike! Enough is enough! It’s time to give up that stone and stop making everyone worry!” Spike looked at her through thinned eyes. For a moment it almost looked as though he would listen. His grip loosened on the stone and he opened his mouth as if to say something, but then the throbbing of that blck vein intensified and he hissed at her again. Applejack trotted over to Fluttershy and whispered in her ear,

“Fluttershy, you’ve always been good with critters, especially when you take that tone with’em and use that look.” Flutershy considered it for a moment. She definitely had a talent for regular animals but Spike was a Dragon and he had a degree of intelligence that most other animals didn’t have. Then again it was worth a try. She nodded and approached Spike. Rarity retreated deflated and as watery eyed as Twilight was. Fluttershy stood infront of Spike and tried the soft tact first,

“Spike?” He stared off at something no one else could see, “Spike?” His eyes darted around to look at her, “Hi.” She smiled sweetly, but Spike only thinned his eyes more. “Okay, well, um I think you need to listen to everyone and put the, the um stone down and –“ Spike hissed again and recoiled further back into the corner. That clearly wasn’t going to work. It was time to try the look. Fluttershy focussed one eye right at Spike, took a deep breath and said in a tone that brooked no argument, “All right young Dragon, enough is enough! You’re going to ut that stone down, stopping being so rude and mean and come with me to get a bath and something to eat! Do I make myself clear?!” The room fell silent. Everypony was watching Spike to see what he would do. For a moment he just stared at her as if she’d said nothing, but his fingers coiled tighter around the stone before he tottered to one side, swayed and collapsed on his side.

“SPIKE!” Twilight cried out, but Rainbow Dash jumped forward and hollered,

“Get the stone, now!!” She dove forward and piled into Spike. Pinkie Pie bounced up to join in, hooting,

“Yay! Pony Pile!” Applejack ran forward to try and wrestle Rainbow Dash away but the struggle had commenced and she was pulled into the tangle. Fluttershy was stunned for a moment before she moved back long side Rarity and Twilight and they watched as three ponies and a dragon wrestled over a singe sapphire. Spike was thrashing like a crazed lizard. His tail whipped out and lashed around smashing shelves and lamp stands to splinters while his dagger like teeth gnashed up and down, trying to find purchase in the flesh of one of his attackers. Applejack’s hoof was planted under his chin, keeping his dangerous jaws away from Rainbow Dash who was trying to pry his claws off of the stone, while Pinkie Pie jumped onto his tail. Pinkie went sailing through the air hanging onto Spike’s tail, whooping and weeing as though she were on a fairground ride and Applejack twisted around, using her hind legs to pin Spikes jaws and while she tangled with his one free hand. His claws were exposed. They were dirty and chipped but still razor sharp and she pulled her head back as he lashed at her, but she was strong and Spike was weak and dealing with two other ponies as well so she managed to keep him at bay. The whole time he was hissing and roaring flames licking from his nostrils. For a moment he gained a grip on the floor with his back legs and pushed himself up off the floor, even with three ponies on top of him, but Pinkie Pie swiped his legs out from under him as she swung by on his tail. As he crashed to the floor Rainbow rolled off of him and apple jack kicked him solidly in the face, but more importantly his hand thumped down on the ground and the sapphire slipped between the tips of his claws. It clattered out of his grasp and onto the floor,

“Grab it!!” Rainbow nearly shrieked. She herself dove for it at the same time Fluttershy and Rarity jumped forward. Spike’s eyes went wide and he bellowed a terrifying roar, the likes of which Twilight had never heard escape his lips before. It was such a shock to hear that kind of sound coming from Spike that Fluttershy froze mid dive. This resulted in Rarity tripping over her outstretched hooves and hse tumbled right into Rainbow Dash slamming her to the ground. Rainbow gasped as the air was knocked out of her and then Pinkie Pie shrieked as she was hurled from Spike’s tail. The young Dragon surged to his feet slamming the back of his hand into Applejacks face, sending her sprawling back across the floor, blood shooting out of her nose. He shot forward on all fours faster than would have been expected in his current state and scooped the stone up into his mouth. Twilight tried to cry out but before she could Spike froze as his tongue slid over the surface of the stone and his starved system told him there was only one thing he could do with such a delicious morsel in his mouth. Spike bit down and crushed the sapphire easily between his diamond hard teeth with the sound of shattered glass.

Chapter 5.

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Twilight’s voice caught in her throat as the sapphire disappeared into Spike’s mouth and shattered between his teeth. Black smoke erupted from between his teeth and swelled about his head. Flutershy yelped and jumped up, beating her wings to get away from the strange cloud, even as Rainbow Dash and Rarity disentangled themselves from each other and backed away. Spike had frozen in place. He didn’t even blink as the cloud engulfed him. In a matter of seconds he had disappeared from view, the black cloud swirling and buffeting around the space Spike had been standing in.

“Spike!” Twilight cried out and ran towards the black miasma, but Appplejack barred her way,

“Hold on Sugar! You don’t know what that stuff is, it ain’t safe!”

“But Spike is in there!” She insisted but there was no way she could past Applejack, even with blood dripping down her nose Applejack was much stronger than her. The cloud swirled faster and faster and a deep thundering growl started to emanate from within. The Ponies backed away until they were penned in against a shelf, as the cloud got bigger and bigger and the growling rumbled deeper and more threatening. As the cloud filled the room up to the roof and pair of burning red eyes, like coals burning in a hearth, appeared and glared out at the Ponies.

“Wow… he got big! Pinkie Pie squeaked. The cloud swirled like a vortex and then exploded filling the whole library with the black smoke and blinding the Ponies. Twilight held her breath and closed her eyes as the smoke buffeted her face and then she looked up when the cloud dissipated. Twilight craned her head back to look up at Spike. But it wasn’t Spike anymore. It was still a Dragon, but instead of Spike’s purple scales and green spines this Dragon had scales as black as coal, even blacker and his spines were a vivid blood red. The same colour as it’s eyes. Smoke streamed from it’s nostrils as it looked down at them. It thinned its eyes at them and then looked around the library. The horns on its head scratched deep gouges in the wood work in the roof as it turned it’s head. Then it spoke,

“At last. I thought he was never going to eat that accursed stone.” A deep growl rumbled through the Dragon’s throat, “Still not very large. I will need to time to regain my former strength.” He remembered the ponies then and looked down again. A crooked, toothed grin crawled across its face as it said, “So, you are the little dragon’s friends? We were quite the nuisance while I was waiting in there.” Despite the Dragons terrifying appearance and size his voice was sophisticated, almost gentle. But at the same time it rumbled with a tone of power and authority. Kind of like when Princess Celestia gets angry twilight thought for a split second before the Dragon’s burning red eyes bore down on her. “You,” he said gesturing at Twilight with his chin, “The little one has strong feelings about you… it would be touching if it were not so pathetic.” He snorted and then turned, bowing his head low, towards the door. With a short intake of breath the dragon reared and blew and gout of white hot flame at the door and the wall around it. The fire crashed into and for a second the wall held before the fire tore it to pieces and blew it outward into the front yard. The Ponies cried out in shoc and ducked down as splinters of burning wood flew over their heads. When Twilight looked up again the black dragon had already crawled out the hole he had created and was standing up right, stretching its back and arms, baring its long sharp talons. Twilight jumped up and ran after him,

“Wait!” she cried. The other Ponies tried to stop her but they were too tangled up with each other to move fast enough. The Dragon turned and looked down at her, “Who are you!? What have you done with Spike!?” The Dragon smirked again,

“My dear surely you are smart enough to realise that your little friend is standing right in front of you.” Twilight shook her head in disbelief, “Yes, that’s right, your little friend is now host to my great power, though I do not blame you for not knowing me by sight alone. Millennia of Death can have that effect on one’s repute.” HE turned to face her and continued, “I shall do you the honour of knowing my name: I am Dreadwing the Blackheart. King of Dragons and the rightful ruler of this world.” His voice rumbled and growled as he spoke and the ground beneath Twilight’s feet seemed to shake and tremble as he spoke. Not only that but the sky above darkened as well. Twilight could feel her insides turning cold but the black Dragon seemed disappointed. “Damn,” he spat, “That wasn’t nearly as impressive as I’d hoped. I must be weaker than I thought.” He looked down at Twilight again and sneered, “I would destroy you and your friends, but I have seen from this Dragon’s memories that you and your friends have a talent for undoing powers greater than yourselves. So, in my weakened state I don’t think it’s worth the risk.” With that Dreadwing turned his back on Twilight and spread two massive red wings from his back. With a few powerful beats, he pushed himself off the ground and soared into the air leaving Twilight standing in shock far below, “Do ot fear though, little Pony, I will see you again soon, when I return to bring this under my dominion!” He bellowed from high in the sky before turning north and swooping away. Twilight stood there, mouth agape staring after Dreadwing. She didn’t say anything until Applejack appeared by her side,


“He’s gone.” She said simply and then turned and trotted slowly back into the library. The others had finally pulled themselves apart and were waiting for her as she came in. Rainbow Dash flew over and beat her wings to float in front of her,

“Don’t worry Twilight, that bozo doesn’t scare me. He’s just a lot of hot air is all. We’ll get Spike back!” Twilight looked up at Rainbow Dash and smiled weakly. She knew that she meant well, that she was only trying to make her feel better but she knew that Dragon was more than hot air. Those eyes said it all.

“Thanks Rainbow, I…” but she didn’t know how to finish that sentence. Spike was gone. There had been nothing she could do to help him. All of her learning, all of her education and spells and she couldn’t do anything to help him. She’d been helpless. Tears welled up in her eyes and she choked back a sob. Ever since Spike had been a baby she’d looked after him, taught him valuable lessons and learned them along with him. Laughed with him, cried with him. He was such an important part of her life and she’d let that black scaled, red eyed monster fly off with his body, let him take Spike away from her. ‘Dreadwing the Blackheart’. Who was he? What was he? What had he meant by king of Dragons and what had that stone been from the very beginning? All these questions seemed so important and at the same time completely meaningless. She was at a loss. She wanted to cry, she wanted to shout she wanted to turn Dreadwing into a toad and let Zecora use him in one of her potions but most of all… she wanted all of this to be some sort of bad dream. She wanted Spike back. She realised then that her friends were looking at her waiting for her to do or say something. Like always. She was always there to give them advice to help lead them when something big came up, something important that needed dealing with. Just like Nightmare Moon. Just Like Discord. Surely this was no different. Of course not! This was the same. Something terrible had happened, another ancient evil or malevolent force had returned to the world and she had to do what she always did… deal with it. She sniffed and wiped the unshed tears out of her eyes with the back of her hoof and looked at her friends. “I need to talk to the Princess.” She made sure to say so that her friends understood that she wasn’t just guessing on what she should do. They needed to know that she knew what to do.

“Do yah think she might know something about that Dreadwing fella?” Applejack asked and Twilight nodded,

“The Princess is over a thousand years old and he said that he’d been ‘dead’ just as long. If anyone might know it would be her.”

“But Spike’s gone.” Pinkie Pie stated all her bounciness and jolliness gone from her speech. She was even only bouncing a little on the tips of her hooves, instead of up and down like a Philly on a trampoline. She was right though. Twilight and her friends had always communicated with the Princess by scrolls sent magically through Spike without him she’d have to go to the Princess in person.

“Then I’m going to Canterlot.” She said without hesitation.

“Then we’re coming with ya!” Rainbow dash said matter-of-factly. The others looked set to agree but Twilight stopped them,

“I appreciate it Rainbow, but until we know more about Dreadwing and what he wants we can’t risk leaving Ponyvile unprotected. He might come back.” Rainbow Dash nodded. At least she agreed, Twilight didn’t have it in her right now to argue. However Rarity stepped up in front of Twilight, a defiant look in her eye,

“I’m coming with you.” She stated bluntly yet elegantly, “And don’t even think of trying to tell me I can’t. I…” She paused. She looked as though she weren’t going to finish but then she plucked up the courage and continued, “I’m the one who gave Spike that sapphire. If I’d never brought it home… he’d still be here.” Twilight could see how much it pained Rarity to admit that, how much it hurt to accept that she had caused Spike’s misfortune. Twilight gave her an assuring smile and said,

“Thanks Rarity. I’d be glad to have you with me.” Twilight trotted purposefully back into the library to collect a few things. The smouldering ruins of her front wall lay scattered around her but she had no time to worry about that. Spike was in trouble and she had no time to sit around beating herself up over how useless she’d been, She had better things to do with her time and energy and finding out who exactly this so-called King of Dragons was, was top on her list.

Chapter 6.

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“The Princess will see you now.” The gruff stallion in gold armour muttered at Twilight and Rarity and nodded towards the tall golden double doors in front of them as they rumbled open. It was not the first time Rarity had been to Canterlot. She’d been to two Grand Galloping Galas and had been back three other times for fashion shows and to sell her latest designs to the high-fashioned and stylised ponies that lived there. This time though was not nearly as exciting or enjoyable as the other times. This time she was here for much more serious business. The Train ride up to the city had been a sombre one. Neither Twilight nor herself had had much to say. Rarity had tried to think of something to say to comfort her friend but she couldn’t think of anything. She’d been too consumed with her own guilt to be of much comfort to anyone. The only words they shared during the trip were when Twilight asked her,


“Yes.” She’d replied meekly.

“Do you remember anything about the Pony who suggested you search Glitter Top Mountain for gemstones?” Rarity had been taken aback. Not by the question but by the fact that she had never thought of it before.

“Do you think that he might have known about Dreadwing’s stone when he sent me up there?”

“Maybe…” Twilight said rubbing her chin thoughtfully. It was better than nothing and so Rarity had spent the remainder of their trip trying to recall anything she could about the Pony. It had definitely been a stallion, there was no way she could mistake the tone of his voice and he had red hair. But

she had never seen the colour of his mane nor his face for that matter. He’d been wearing a hood the whole time and made sure to keep his eyes downcast. Rarity had just assumed it was because he couldn’t look a fine mare of elegance in the eye but perhaps he had just been trying to make sure she would never be able to recognise him. Or remember him. She had trouble just recalling what his voice had sounded like let alone any other details. Once again she had been too busy being flattered by the nice things he had said about her hat and she had paid almost no attention to him after that

until he had brought up the potential for finding even more impressive gems to add to her formidable fashion wears. Sometimes she hated how easy it was to flatter her to distraction, but

she couldn’t help it if she liked it when people admired all the effort she put into looking fabulous. She had told Twilight what little she remembered and she remembered the sting when she saw Twilights disappointment at her answer. Rarity felt totally responsible for Spike’s predicament and she wanted so much to do something to make it better. Canterlot station had been busy, as it usually was, with important looking ponies coming and going about their business, but Rarity and

Twilight had spent little time there or on the streets of the city. They had grabbed a carriage to the palace as soon as possible and rattled along the cobblestone streets in silence. Rarity would usually have spent the trip admiring the tall buildings, the bright colours and the clean streets, or imagining herself wearing the latest fashions she would see on display in shop windows or on the fashionable ponies walking the streets, chatting to their charming friends or dashing partners. This time, however, she couldn’t help thinking about Spike. As much as she wished it she couldn’t change what she’d done or what had happened. All she knew was that she wanted to be there when Twilight found out who Dreadwing was and what they could do about getting Spike back. She had known that she would never be able to sit around back in Ponyvile waiting for Twilight to come back with the answers. She needed to hear them herself.

Inside the palace the tall doors opened into a long hallway with a tall vaulted ceiling. On one side the wall was dominated by a series of huge stained glass windows, each one a mosaic depicting the history of Equestria including the coming and the defeat of the God of Chaos: Discord. As soon as Rarity saw the windows she instantly realised that they might see the terrible black dragon somewhere depicted in the images, but as they walked they saw no sign of him. Rarity noticed Twilight looking up at the windows intently as well and when she dropped her gaze down to the plush red carpet, scowling, Rarity said,

“I thought he might be up there too.” Twilight looked up at her as though she’d forgotten Rarity had been just beside her. She smiled weakly and replied,

“Well, I’m sure Princess Celestia will know something.” But what if she didn’t? Discord was one of the most ancient enemies of Equestria and he had his own window. Was Dreadwing even older than Discord or perhaps Celestia had never heard of him? Either way, Rarity didn’t like the thought of either option. At the end of the hall two more Royal Guard Stallions in armour were waiting. As they approached they pushed the doors open and allowed Rarity and Twilight entry. The Royal Throne room was a large oval shape, with smooth marble pillars fencing the edge, following the red carpet up a sweeping staircase to the dais where Princess Celestia and her sister Luna sat. Princess Celectia stood as the two ponies entered, a warm smile spreading across her face,

“Twilight Sparkle, my treasured student, it’s good to see you again. I was pleased to hear you were stopping by.”

“What business brings you here today Twilight Sparkle?” Princess Luna asked in her regal tone, without rising from her seated position. At least she didn’t bellow at ponies anymore, like how she did when she first returned from her thousand year imprisonment in the moon, Rarity thought to herself. Twilight bowed low and Rarity followed suit before Twilight said,

“Your Highnesses, I’m afraid that my visit here today is not a pleasant matter. Something terrible has happened in Ponyvile and I fear you might be the only ones who might be able to help.” Celestia and Luna’s expressions changed to reflect the tone of Twilights dire words and Celestia said,

“Tell us what happened Twilight.” Rarity listened patiently as Twilight explained everything to the two Princesses. She grimaced as her part in it was explained and she did not miss when Princess Luna glanced in her direction. Celestia turned to Rarity after Twilight had finished and asked her the same things Twilight had on the train. Rarity rooted around in her mind for some actually useful scrap of information but to her shame there was nothing but what she had been able to tell Twilight earlier. Celestia and Luna looked at each other for a moment before they came to some sort of agreement. “I’m afraid we may very well know of the creature you speak of.” Twilight and Rarity looked at each other hopefully and then turned back to the princesses. Luna stood up at last with a serious look on her face,

“Dreadwing the Blackheart is indeed the King of Dragons, or at least he was. Millennia ago Dreadwing ruled the Dragons that inhabited this land and it was a very different time.” Celestia left her sister standing on the dais and stepped down to look out the window on the far end of the throne room. The look on her face told Twilight that she was remembering something thatshe would rather not remember. She continued in her sister’s place,

“This was a time even before Equestria, before the three great tribes came together to live as one people. Dreadwing had a lust for power and domination that could not be quenched. Everywhere he went he left destruction and misery in his wake. Those he did not destroy he enslaved, and his dark influence bled into their spirits, corrupting them, making them just as cruel as he was.”

“You see,” Luna chimed in, “Whereas Discord drew his power from Chaos, Dreadwing acted with a purpose. His ambition and drive made him extremely dangerous and even more ruthless.”

“It is a time I do not gladly remember.” Celestia shook her head sadly, “Despite all our attempts to reason with him Dreadwing would not listen, and his evil influence spread, drawing all manner of dark creatures to his cause. We sought help where we could but none had the courage to stand against Dreadwing and his Dragons. All were cowed by the ferocity of their terrible flames.” Rarity didn’t like how this story was going. Dreadwing sounded absolutely terrible. If this was the creature she had inadvertently released back into Equestria how could she ever make up for it?

“There was however one tribe of ponies willing to help.” Luna said, a look of proud nostalgia creeping into her features. She smiled as she said, “The Fire Casters of Pyre Mountain.” Rarity had never heard of them but Twilight gasped when she heard the name. Rarity didn’t like being the only one out of the loop,

“Well? Who were they?” Twilight answered her question,

“The Fire Casters of Pyre Mountain are an ancient line of Unicorns who live in the farthest reaches of Equestria’s lands. They’re the most famous Dragon Slayers in all of Equestria! No one can fight Dragons like them.”

“And Why is that?” Rarity asked,

“Because,” Luna strode down from the dais, waving her hoof to emphasise her point, “The Fire Caster unicorns possessed the unique ability to create and manipulate fire to the same intensity that Dragons could, and nothing harms a Dragon like the fire of one of its own.” Luna seemed so proud you might have believed she were one of these Fire Casters herself. Celstia noticed Rarity’s expression at her sister’s enthusiasm and said with a wry smile,

“Luna had more than a little crush on the Fire Caster’s young Prince.”

“Oh.” Rarity said nodding, but Luna spluttered and blushed,

“I-I did not! I just thought they were… were very brave and-and noble.” For a moment she sounded like a young mare instead of a royal Princess, but she regained her composure and continued on despite her rosy cheeks, “Anyway, the Fire Casters were willing to help us.” Celestia turned back into the room and trotted elegantly over to a table where a vase of water was standing with a set of sparkling glass goblets on it. With a flick of her horn the vase rose and filled four of the goblets with clear blue water and then the goblets themselves floated into the air and over to her sister and her two guests. Each received the goblet with their own magic and held it before them. Rarity took a small, delicate sip. She wanted to gulp down more, her throat was so dry from the anxiety and anticipation she’d felt all day, but she wasn’t about to start lapping up water like her cat, Opalesence, in front of royalty. Celestia continued after taking a drink herself. Even the act of sipping water looked as delicate and graceful as mist over ice when she did it.

“We went to Pyre Mountain to speak with the Fire Caster’s King but we had already tried our own formidable powers against Dreadwing and failed. We weren’t sure just how they might be able to help. When we arrived we found that the Mountain had already been attacked by three Dragons and a horde of Manticore’s, Hydra’s and Wargs. We thought the Fire Casters destroyed but found them battered and bruised, but still very much alive. The King took us deep within Pyre Mountain to a place long forgotten by all but the Fire Casters.”

“Even we had not seen the architecture within those mountains since we were fillies.” Luna added, while sipping from her cup. Celestia nodded in agreement and continued,

“The King led us to a place that belonged to the creation of this world, to a time before there were Ponies or Unicorns or Pegasi or Dragons. He took us to the Gaia Stone.” Rarity looked to Twilight for some clarification but Twilight seemed just as lost as she was. “The Gaia Stone,” the Princess went on, “Is, or rather was a remnant of the old magic that created this world and created the Dragons. Dreadwing himself was born from the power of the Gaia stone. He was in fact intended to be its protector, but her grew proud and greedy and decided he deserved more than the lot chosen for him and so he abandoned his post. The Kings intention was clear. We could use the stone to defeat Dreadwing and save the land. So we set out to draw Dreadwing into a showdown.”

“That wasn’t hard at all.” Luna said frowning.

“Indeed. Dreadwing hated the Ponies and we appeared to him to embody everything there was to hate about them. When he heard that we had found the Gaia stone, the stone he had been charged with to protect, he felt that we were trying to steal something from him. When he came he did not come alone. His army of foul beasts descended upon the Mountain and the Fire Casters fought bravely until enough of his minions had been slain to draw out Dreadwing himself.” Celestia looked pained as she continued, “Dreadwing wrought a terrible toll on the Fire Casters before he finally came for us. Six Fire Casters stood with us in the stones chamber when he arrived, including the young Prince.” She glanced at Luna as she spoke but her sister was hiding her face in her goblet. “As soon as he appeared we made our move. We drew on the power of the stone focussing its awesome power into our own magic and turned it upon Dreadwing.” She hesitated then. The room was silent except for the sound of birds chirping outside in the sun. It was Luna who broke the silence,

“It was not enough. Even as we poured everything we had into our attack, Dreadwing laughed. He mocked us for trying to use ‘his’ stone against him and turned his fire upon the stone. As he did his hatred and malice began to seep into the very power we had hoped to use against him and the stone began to change.” Celestia carried on for her sister who did not seem to want to go on,

“The back lash from the stone as it was corrupted was terrible. Luna and I were badly hurt. All seemed lost as Dreadwing moved into finish us off but the Young Prince blocked his path. He said that we would never allow Dreadwing to harm us and that he would stand against the evil Dragon to his last breath…” Once again the Princess hesitated but she continued, “For a moment I actually believed that the Young Prince might hold him off, but… Dreadwing would not be so easily defeated.” The implication was clear and Rarity glanced over at Princess Luna. She was trying to hide her face in her goblet again but she failed to hide the single, silvery tear that trickled down her cheek. “When all seemed it’s most dire the Young Prince’s sacrifice made all the difference. His fellows charged forward to stop Dreadwing and as they did a change came over the stone. The dark corruption Dreadwing had planted within bled away to be replaced by a warm, comforting light, full of hope. The Love the fire Casters felt for their fallen Prince affected the Gaia stone and its power was freed to be turned against the King of the Dragons. While they held him at bay, Luna and I utilised the stone and struck a fatal blow against him. A terrible explosion followed and when the chaos subsided, the stone lay shattered at our feet only a small sliver remaining… but Dreadwing was gone. He has not been seen since… until recently.”

“We had thought him destroyed, but it would seem his black heart was all that survived.” Luna said scornfully, almost spitting the words.

“But, what happened to the Gaia stone?” Twilight choked through her dry throat. She had neglected her drink and had been hanging on every word, “ Why haven’t I heard of it before? Why isn’t any of this recorded?”

“The Gaia stone was broken into seven pieces. One was the small sliver which remains with the Fire Caters to this very day. The other six, well you know very well Twilight Sparkle.” Princess Celestia answered with a knowing smile. She gave Twilight a moment to consider,

“The Elements of Harmony!” She cried and the Princess nodded,

“Yes, the very same. You see Dreadwings rebellion had been no accident. It had all been Discord’s doing.”

“Discord!?” Both Rarity and Twilight exclaimed.

“You mean that over-bearing wind-bag with a god complex?” Rarity asked with disdain, turning her nose up at the very mention of him.

“Yes, him.” The Princess went on, “You see it was Discord who had convinced Dreadwing to abandon his post and fill his heart with greed and hubris. All so that we would fight each other.”

“But why?” Twilight interrupted unable to help herself.

“By the time all was over the land lay in ruins, the Dragons were scattered and leaderless, Luna and I were badly injured and the Gaia stone was no more. Discord had foreseen all of it and pitted us against each other. We had played right into his hands and created the perfect opportunity for him to seize power and so he did.”

“Until you and Luna found the lost pieces of the Gaia stone and used them to trap him in stone.” Twilight said zealously, happy to finally be able to piece some of this puzzle together for herself.

“That’s why none of it was ever recorded. In the time that followed Chaos reigned and all memory of the war with the Dragons faded from time.” The Princess said solemnly, “But we remember and the Elements of Harmony remain as the greatest testament to the sacrifice and bravery of those Ponies who fought with us.” Suddenly it was Rarity’s turn for an epiphany,

“It was the Fire Caster Unicorns who changed the Gaia stone into the Elements of Harmony wasn’t it? It was their Friendship that got rid of Dreadwing’s evil within the stone, right?” Celestia nodded. It made Rarity feel a little better to think that the same thing that had saved their home twice before had still been doing the same thousands of years before. Like an unseen connection across miles of land and years of time, just like between her and her friends, joined together over vast distances by that Sonic Rain-Boom Dash had created, the day they all got their cutie-marks.

“That explains who Dreadwing is and where he came from, but what does he want now? And what should we do to stop him?” Twilight asked eagerly.

“Surely we should just use the Elements of Harmony, right? That’s what defeated him the first time.” Rarity offered and Twilight looked hopeful,

“Right! That should work, shouldn’t it Princess?” Celestia shook her head though,

“I’m afraid not Twilight. Dreadwing possess a power far older than the Elements of Harmony. By themselves they would not be enough.” Twilight’s face dropped,

“Then what…?” but Celestia stopped her,

“By themselves they would not work. The only way to stop Dreadwing is with the power that stopped him before… The Gaia stone.”

“But the stone shattered. How can we use it now?” Rarity asked desperately, but Twilight answered her,

“Because it was only broken, it’s not destroyed! The Elements of Harmony are part of the Gaia stone. We just need the last piece!” Twilight looked reinvigorated at the prospect of having an answer to her fears and Rarity felt it too.

“That is correct Twilight Sparkle,” Luna announced, “If we can reunite the shards of the Gaia stone, we should be able to defeat Dreadwing once again.”

“Great!” Twilight chirped and immediately headed for the door I’ll go get some ink and parchment so we can send a letter asking the Fire Unicorns of Pyre Mountain to send the shard to Canterlot.” Before she could reach the door, though, Celestia stopped her,

“Wait Twilight, we can’t ask the Fire Casters to send us the shard.”

“Why not? They helped before; surely they’d want to help again.” Rarity said a little incredulously.

“It is of no fault of their own, Rarity.” The Princess said, “The Gaia stone has always existed in a place of natural balance, where the magical Ley Lines of the land converge. Removing it would invite catastrophic natural calamity. It is why Dreadwing never removed it after he left the Mountain.”

“So then, what should we do?” Rarity asked and without hesitation Princess Luna answered her,

“We must take the Elements of Harmony to Pyre Mountain and reunite them with the sliver of the stone that remains there. Only then will we be able to utilise the Gaia stones full power.”

Celestia smiled at her sister and added,

“When Luna says ‘we,’ Twilight, she means you and your friends. As I told you when Discord returned, Luna and I are no longer connected to the stones the way we once were. We cannot wield their magic.” However, Luna wheeled on her sister and retorted,

“But that does not mean we cannot help! I will go with Twilight Sparkle and her friends and ensure the Elements arrive safely.” Celestia was taken aback for moment and Rarity thought that she would argue with her. She looked into her sisters eyes, full of confidence and purpose and she smiled to herself before saying,

“You are right Luna. There is no reason we can’t.” She turned to look at the two Unicorns, “Luna will go with you and I will remain here to deal with whatever foul creatures stir, now that the King of Dragons has returned.” The Princess strode over to Twilight and Rarity, and with all the regalness and elegance that made her the divine creature that ruled Equestria said, “Twilight Sparkle, you must assemble your friends, and any other companions you feel are necessary. The journey to Pyre Mountain will not be an easy one, and Dreadwing will send forces against you to hinder you at every turn, but it must be done if we have any hope of maintaining peace… and rescuing Spike.” Twilight looked fit to burst with pride at the responsibility and trust the Princess was bestowing upon them. She gave one confident nod and replied,

“We’ll do it Princess. For Equestria and for Spike, we’ll get the Elements of Harmony to Pyre Mountain.”

Chapter 7.

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Applejack watched the heavy metal hammer rise and fall over and over onto the glowing, red hot sheet of metal, showering sparks across the stone floor. Applejack was no stranger to smith work and forging. She’d seen the blacksmiths in Ponyvile working sheets of metal and rings of iron, beating them with hammers or, for some of the larger, stronger stallions, beating the red hot metal with their own hooves. This, however, was different. She’d heard about the spell forgers of Canterlot. Unicorns, who used their magic to forge metal and steel like the Earth ponies, but in an altogether different way. Instead of brute strength, the power behind each blow came from their magic, every strike was enchanted and blessed by specific spells to strengthen the binding between each piece and the integrity of the metal. Sparks still spilled down from each hammer blow, but they jumped across the floor in a rainbow of different colours. Sometimes burning, bright orange and then a different stroke wold send yellow and pink lights dashing across the stone floor. Applejack could have stared for hours just watching the dazzling display of lights, but every so often the smithy would heft the glowing metal into the air with a sweep of his horn and douse it in a tub of water. The hissing, like a great, vicious serpent, made Applejack jump. She looked at the sheet of metal as the smith laid it back on the anvil and leaned forward for a better look. It was pretty big. Much too big to be hers. She decided that it must be for Big Macintosh. She smirked. She’d tried picturing her older brother wrapped up in armour like a sardine in a can but it only ever made her laugh. She still found it hard to believe that Big Mac had come along. It was kind of hard to believe that any of them were in this mess, but there could be no denying how serious things were.

She remembered her confusion when the train had pulled in at Ponyville and only Rarity had stepped off. She had seen it in the faces of her friends as well, all of them wondering why Twilight hadn’t come back with her. They had tried to bombard her with questions but Rarity had moved with a purpose and determination they had only seen when she was preparing for one of her big fashion shows. She led them straight from the station back to Twilight’s library where she set about explaining everything her and Twilight had learned from Princess Celestia and Luna. Their reactions had been…mixed. Fluttershy had remained silent, turning decidedly pale, while Rainbow Dash was quick to say, “Then what are we waiting for? Where’s Twilight? Times’a wastin’!” Rarity explained that the Princesses had suggested that they take some time to prepare and that everyone they deemed necessary for the journey should come to Canterlot. There they would have access to anything they might need to get ready.

“What exactly do ya mean by everyone? You do mean the four of us don’t ya?” Applejack had asked, but Rarity had replied,

“The Princess thinks we might need some extra help. Princess Luna has already agreed to come with us.”

“But who else? Who else would we bring?” Pinkie Pie had asked looking around as if the extra people were going to be waiting in the library, but Rarity had an answer for that as well.

“Twilight thinks we should only need a couple of extra ponies.” She had looked at Applejack then and continued, “She thinks we should ask Big Macintosh to come too.” Applejack had not liked that. The inherent danger was bad enough but taking her older brother straight to meet it was another matter.

“Now hold on there! What right does Twilight have to drag my brother into this!?” She had said it in anger but in hindsight it had been pretty childish to get angry with Rarity. Of course she understood why Twilight wanted Big Mac. There wasn’t a stallion around as strong as her big brother and if there were big monsters to deal with along the way Big Mac would be invaluable. The other pony Twilight had suggested was Zecora. Her knowledge of potions, plants and herbs would be needed to keep them going if any of them got hurt or if brute strength failed to solve a problem. After that, there had been little to discuss. They had all worked together to protect Ponyville and Equestria before, and this time was no different. Rarity and Fluttershy went to speak with Zecora while Applejack went back to Sweet Apple Acres to speak with her brother. Big Macintosh’s reaction had also been mixed. He was excited to finally have the chance to help out his little sister with one of her world altering adventures she so often went on, but then again there was somepony he did not want to leave. Eventually Big Mac had said a tearful good-bye to Cherilee who came to see him off at the train station. No one had guessed that the two of them would get together after the Cutie-mark Crusaders little escapade with the Love Potion turned love Poison, but it had brought them together and together they had stayed, until that day. Applejack had disliked splitting them apart but they both understood and it had turned out that Zecora had been more than happy to offer her support and she had come along with two saddle bags stuffed full of herbs, scrolls and pots and bowls, plus a trunk full of the same. Now at last they were all together in Canterlot, but not quite ready to get moving. Princess Celestia felt strongly that they all be able to defend themselves properly and had adequate protection. She commissioned armour for anypony she knew had a habit of getting into the thick of it, so Applejack and her brother were having spell-forged armour forged to fit them and she had heard Celestia talking to Twilight about a spell she could teach Rarity. Applejack wondered as she watched the hammer rise and fall again what exactly Celestia thought they could do for Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash was fine, she could take care of herself but those two were a different matter. To be honest even Pinkie had her inexplicable Pinkie sense to warn her of danger but Fluttershy… Fluttershy was still afraid of her own shadow.

“Wanna try?” Applejack blinked and looked up. She realised she’d been staring off into space and the smith had trotted up to her with the hammer floating in front of her. She looked at it and smiled,

“Thanks, but ah’m an apple-bucker. I don’t think ah’ve got the forward body strength for smithy work.” The unicorn shrugged and turned back into his forge,

“Suit yerself, but I reckon good strong hind legs are just what you need to swing a hammer like this. It’s them that’s gotta take all the weight of each swing and you look to got a fine enough pair of those.” Applejack smiled again and wondered whether he was trying to be nice, or whether he was trying to hit on her. She’d never had an eye for flattery or flirting. That was Rarity’s department. She thanked him again and took her leave. The cool air outside the forge was refreshing after the heat of the smithy’s furnace. She let the wind blow through her hair for a moment before moving on. Applejack hadn’t been to the palace as often as some of the others, only when she’d come to Grand Galloping Gala and she’d only been to one of those. She’d forgotten how big it was. First there was the outer ward, a huge outer wall surrounding the palace and several smaller buildings and halls. Then there was the inner ward… or the keep or was it the castle Applejack could never remember the exact correct term, but it was only a little smaller than the outer ward and it was where the two Princesses spent most of their time along with their personal staff, servants and honoured guests. This was where AJ and the others were staying and making their preparations. The smithy was the one used by the castle so it was inside the second smaller wall. It provided a nice wind breaker from the harsher weather but still allowed for a nice breeze to drift in. Applejack trotted along the courtyard and up a set of stone stairs into one of the corner spires. She ascended further up until she finally came out atop the wall. From here she could see over the outer wall and into Canterlot. She couldn’t see much happening at street level but she did see a couple of hot air balloons floating through the air. She couldn’t make out the ponies riding them but what did catch her attention were the streaks of multi-coloured smoke that tore through the air over-head. Applejack recognised them as the Wonderbolts and she couldn’t mistake the rainbow coloured streak flying just left of centre. She trotted along the wall to where she could see they were coming down and descended another set of stairs to the courtyard below. By the time she got there they were all down and standing in a circle talking excitedly, laughing and hooting and slapping each other on the back. As she got closer she could overhear what they were saying,

“It’ll be real boring around here without you.” Chuckled Soarin,

“Yeah, that’s for sure.” Agreed Sunbeam. Rainbow Dash was grinning like a twit, surrounded by her fellow Wonderbolts. She had always dreamed of joining Cloudsdale’s most elite team of fliers and after performing the Sonic Rainboom at the Young Fliers competition over two years ago, it hadn’t taken long for the team to accept her. She wasn’t wearing the teams uniform but she was wearing her goggles which she always wore, wherever she went.

“Remember guys, you can’t slack off while I’m gone,” Dash pointed out, “You’ve got to keep Canterlot and the rest of Equestria safe from all those beasties Dreadwing’ll be stirrin’ up.” Spitfire trotted up and put a hoof on Dash’s shoulder,

“We’ll miss you Dash. Make sure you keep safe and get those Elements to Pyre Mountain in one piece and get back here quick.” Rainbow smiled at the team leader,

“Thanks boss.” Just then Rainbow noticed Applejack standing near by and waved her over, “Hey, AJ! Come on.” Applejack trotted over,

“Morning y’all.” She smiled and the Wonderbolts nodded their hello’s and chimed a series of greetings at her.

“Anyway Dash,” Spitfire said, “We better leave you to get ready. We’ve got some new patrols to run to keep an eye out for these new bad guys who’ll be creeping around soon.” Dash said good bye to the Wonderbolts and then turned to Applejack, who’d waited patiently for her to finish.

“Sorry about that AJ.” She apologised but Applejack waved it off with a hoof.

“No problem Rainbow. You all set for our little trip?”

“Am I ever! Check these out.” Rainbow Dash sat back on her haunches and held up her two front hooves. She was wearing a set of dark blue steel horse shoes, with stylish streamlined designs. Applejack had failed to notice them until right that moment.

“Well golly, ain’t those something .” Applejack commented leaning in to get a closer look,

“I know,” Rainbow said proudly, “Celestia wanted to give me some armour, like you and Big Mac but Princess Luna said that it would only slow me down, which it would, so instead she gave me these.” She jumped up onto her back legs and started swinging and chopping like a martial artist, “These’ll definitely leave an ‘impression.’ If you know what I mean.” Applejack ducked an over-enthusiastic left hook and chuckled,

“Ah think Ah get yer meanin’. Come on, we should go see how the others are doin’.”

The two of them set off under an archway, Rainbow leading the way, saying she had seen Twilight and Rarity in a practice yard not far off. They quickly came upon the two unicorns arguing over something. They were standing at one end of an archery range. Rarity was in a huff over something and actually looked a bit sweaty, as tough she’d actually been exerting herself. Applejack trotted up with Rainbow flying beside her and called out, “Gee Twilight, Ah hope you’re not plannin’ on wearin’ our Rarity out before we can even get started on this here quest.” Rainbow Dash chuckled and landed on the other side of Twilight and Rarity. Rarity narrowed her eyes at Applejack and mock laughed,

“Ha ha ha, Applejack. Hilarious, don’t you have some hard object to bash your head against?” Rainbow Dash laughed again but shut up quickly when Rarity turned her icy stare on her. Twilight rolled her eyes and explained,

“I’m trying to teach Rarity a new spell and she having a little trouble.”

“A little trouble!?” rarity said incredulously, “It’s like trying to pull your head through a narrow pair of iron bars while someone’s pushing in the opposite direction from the other end!” Applejack stifled a laugh and snorted instead,

“Wow. That sure sounds… unpleasant.” Rarity glowered again,

“I’m glad you think it’s so funny. Maybe you should try creating a bow and arrow out of nothing but air and essence.” Applejack turned to Twilight for some sort of explanation who sighed again,

“Rarity doesn’t know as many spells as I do so the Princess thought it would be a good idea for her to learn the Artemis conjuration.” When she saw the blank expressions on Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s faces she continued, “It’s a spell that allows the caster to summon a bow made out of pure essence and to create and loose arrows from it. I know it’s a pretty advanced spell but the Princess thought Rarity would be good at it for some reason.” Rarity took offence at the way Twilight had said that last oart and she looked even more incredulous,

“It’s not my fault! I make dresses, I don’t fight vicious monsters! How am I supposed to know how to create a mystical bow out of thin air and shoot it!” Twilight scowled and was ready to retort but Applejack decided that would probably be detrimental to any attempts at trying to get Rarity to learn something new, more specifically something new that she wasn’t good at. So she stepped between them and said,

“Ohkay, ohkay you two, Y’all just calm down now. Twilight,” She turned to the purple Unicorn, “Why don’t ya tell me how this spells s’pposed to work.”

“I’ve tried to tell her that it doesn’t have as much to do with sheer force of will as it does with concentration. It’s more about finesse and dexterity, but Rarity can’t seem to get that through her froofy head!”

“Froofy!?” Rarity just short of shrieked, but Applejack interceded again,

“Now, now there’s no need for name callin’ let me just think about this.” She pondered for a moment on what Twilight had said: Concentration and finesse. Well she didn’t know much about finesse, that was surely something Rarity would know more about, but she did now about concentration. She knew she’d seen Rarity concentrating before; in fact it was almost always when she was making dresses, Rarity was always the most at ease and the most focused when she was sewing and dressmaking. Maybe that was the key to this, “So Finesse and concentration, kind of like threading a needle right?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash chimed in, “Just think of it like threading a big needle… and then letting it loose and skewering a giant, blood-sucking bat!” Her friends shot her sharp looks and Dash grinned sheepishly.

“Anyway,” Twilight said with an arched eye brow at Dash, “That’s not a bad idea. Just think of it like threading a needle and running a stitch.” Rarity threw a pout at Twilight as she thought about it,

“Well, I suppose I could give it another try.” Applejack watched as Rarity turned to face the targets again. She stared at them for a moment before she furrowed her brow in concentration. Her horn glowed and spat a couple of random sparks of magic that fizzled and melted away into the grass. After a moment a long thin beam of light appeared, standing upright in front of Rarity. She opened her eyes and looked ahead at the target. Applejack heard her mutter, “Like threading a needle.” A couple more sparks jumped from her horn before the light started to bend until it looked more like a bow, ten a thin line dropped from the top to the bottom,

“That’s it Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Shh!” Applejack shot at her and Twilight bit her lip. Rarity took a steadying breath and then focused again. Another thin line appeared, this time horizontal across the bow. Rarity drew in a slow, deep breath and as she did the bow drew back, pulling the arrow with it. The whole construct quivered as a drop of sweat rolled down her face,

“Just take it easy Rarity,” Applejack almost whispered it as she said it, afraid that anything louder would cause Rarity to lose concentration and collapse the whole thing. Rarity gulped and pushed ahead. The arrow slid further back until it was almost level with Rarity’s eye. She looked down the length and Applejack just about heard her say it again,

“Thread… the needle.” With a snap that left glittering lights in the air the bow snapped forward and the arrow sailed through the air. It moved so fast that Applejack almost missed it. It left a silver trail in the air and slammed into the wall at the far end of the yard, punching a small thin hole deep into the hard stone. Applejack sighed and Rainbow dropped her head groaning,

“Don’t worry about it Rarity, it was pretty close…” But she stopped when she heard Rarity laugh out loud and start bouncing around giggling. Twilight was also jumping for joy shouting, ”You did it! You did it! Yes! Yes!” Rainbow Dash looked baffled,

“What are you screaming about? She missed.” But Rarity grabbed Rainbows hooves and started spinning around with her,

“Oh Rainbow, I’ve never even managed to finish the spell before! But I did it, I did it I did it!”

Applejack and the others found Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie in one of the castles many halls with Zecora and Princess Luna. They were looking at a map while Zecora was brewing something in the corner with her portable cauldron (a small iron pot she carried around everywhere, since she left the Everfree Forest) when they came in. “Hey guys.” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully as they trotted over to the table and sat down around it.

“Are you alright Rarity,” Fluttershy almost whispered, but that was normal, “You look a little tired?” Rarity beamed as she flicked her hair over her shoulder and sat back on her haunches,

“Why, I’m feeling just fine Fluttershy. Thank you.” Applejack had rarely seen Rarity look so proud about something that didn’t involve dresses or fashion but she was definitely proud of herself now. Luna nodded to the ponies as they sat and said,

“Mostly all of our preparations are complete it should not be long now before we can set out.”

“So what’s the plan? Where’re we headed first?” Dash asked from over in the corner. She was trying to see what Zecora was doing in her cauldron but the zebra elbowed her and she backed off. Luna pointed at the map,

“Time is of the essence, if we can restore the power of the Gaia stone before Dreadwing has fully recovered then his destruction is guaranteed. Therefore we should take a train to Manehattan. From there we can set out for the Mountains.”

“That doesn't sound so bad.” Chirped Pinkie Pie, “We can spend most of the trip, nice and comfy, on board a train. I always loved trains.” Applejack noticed that Fluttershy looked relieved by this information and then she noticed that Big Mac was nowhere to be seen.

“Uh, Princess, have you seen mah older brother?” Luna nodded and replied,

“Indeed. The royal armorer called for him just a moment ago. I imagine his armor is ready for fitting.” She looked at Applejack and added, “Yours should be ready very soon now as well.” Applejack smiled politely and nodded but in all honesty she wasn't sure about it. She’d seen the Royal Guard in the armor and she found it hard enough to imagine Big Mac wearing it, let alone herself. She couldn't help but picture herself rattling around in a suit of armor twice her size, which she could barely see out of. She snickered but then quickly coughed and looked at the floor as the Princess gave her a quizzical look. The door at the other end of the room opened up and Princess Celestia glided into the room accompanied by Big Macintosh. Applejack’s jaw dropped when he came in. Fluttershy ‘ooohed’, Rarity gasped an ‘oh my’ and Rainbow Dash just said,

“Bad ass Big Mac.” Applejack grinned at her older brother as he came in,

“Well Big Macintosh, I guess bein’ a knight in shinnin’ armor suits you pretty well.” Big Macintosh stood tall next to the Princess, resplendent in shinning silver armor, that covered his chest with an intricate laurel and apple design, and bracers and greaves on his forward and hind legs. Lastly a silver helm sat upon his head, a golden apple etched onto the temple and a long bright orange, feathery plume trailing from the top. He smiled from under his helm and replied with his customary,

“Yup.” Princess Celestia smiled and looked at Applejack,

“The armorers are looking for you next Applejack, but you might as well stay just until we’re done here.” Applejack nodded and the Princess strode in with Big Mac who went and stood next to his sister. “My letter to the Fire Casters has been answered. The King understands the magnitude of our cause and seeks to see it done. He will send his two sons to meet you at Glitter Top pass after you leave Manehattan. They will escort you the rest of the way from there.” Applejack looked up at her brother. He did look kind of impressive, not at all like how she’d imagined. The others broke off into their own conversations about what lay ahead of them as she thought about the plan. It sounded reasonable enough as it was but Applejack knew from experience, that plans didn't often turn out exactly as you ‘planned’ them to.

Chapter 8.

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The train rattled along the tracks with a loud ‘clickity-clack’ that Flutershy had grown accustomed to listening to each time she rode a train. In fact it was one of her favourite things about riding them. The sound was so rhythmic it was almost like a lullaby. Coupled with the gentle rocking of the carriage and the pleasant scenery zipping by, Fluttershy often drifted away into a pleasant snooze. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were making that a little difficult this time round though. Two days on the train and they were still hooting on and on about how ‘awesome’ the royal carriage was. Carriages would be more accurate. Due to the importance of their mission and the presence of Princess Luna, the ponies had been granted use of the royal carriages. Fluttershy had been gob-smacked when she had first fluttered into the carriage and looked around. It seemed to be twice as big as a normal rail car, but that was only because it was crammed full of seats, tables or bunk beds. One whole car was taken up as a community area, with long plush soft leather sofas, thick, woolly rugs and swaying chandeliers. Another was provided for them to sleep in. No bunks in here though, each pony had their own separate bed with a curtain to pull around it for privacy and a small trunk for any personal possessions they needed close at hand. Lastly another car was given up for dinning, with a long polished wood table inside with enough place settings for twice their number. The kitchen car was just ahead of the dinning one. Fluttershy, along with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity had spent the first day moving back and forth between the cars, exploring every nook and cranny of the royal splendour they would be travelling in. Rarity had squealed with delight when she realised that she’d be travelling most of the way with a goose feather bed to sleep in and high-quality food prepared by professional chefs. She always did like her comforts, Fluttershy had thought to herself, as Rarity rolled about on her bed, hugging her pillow. The others had seemed less concerned with their mode of transport as they did with meticulously planning out every step they should make along their journey. Even down to how long exactly they should stop in Manehattan and where to go. Right now they were in the common room, sitting around a table with a map on it. Twilight had barley left it, constantly scrutinizing it for alternate routes and possible obstructions. Pinkie Pie thought she was trying to memorize the map and was currently commenting,

“It’s kinda hard to memorize a map don’t ya think? I mean, it’s not like memorizing a recipe, that’s just remembering all the stuff you gotta put in and how much of it. A map’s got lines, dotted lines, blobs, dots, mountains, rivers, towns, cities little forests that are actually pretty big in real life, but look so small here on the map…” She leaned across the table and planted her hoof on the map. Twilight looked up and shot her a sharp look,

“Pinkie! I’m not trying to memorize it, I’m just making sure I know our route of by heart. In case anything goes wrong.”

“Go wrong?” Pinkie giggled, “We’re on a train, what could go wrong?” Twilight shook her head and went back to her map, while Pinkie Pie trotted away to find something else to do. At this rate they would be at Manehattan before long. Fluttershy hadn't been before. She knew Applejack had, but only once when she was a Philly, but Rarity had been more recently for fashion shows. She remembered how Rarity had described it and she didn't like the sound of it. From what she imagined it was a huge place made all out of stone and rock with huge buildings that blocked out the sun and hid the sky. There were no trees or plants or green things and the animals all lived in doors, instead of being allowed to run free and wild. Rarity assured her that it wasn't that bad and that she would see when they got there, but Fluttershy really didn't want to go or see it. To be completely honest she hadn't wanted to go on this ‘quest’ in the first place and she had told the others as much when they tried to get her to go to Canterlot. However they had dragged her to Canterlot and Twilight had convinced her that she was absolutely necessary. Without her they wouldn't be able to use the Elements of Harmony so there really was no arguing.

“You ahlright there sugar?” Fluttershy looked up from her seat to find Applejack standing next to her, a little smile on her face. She did look wonderful in her armour. It was silver like Big Macintosh’s, with the same laurel and apples motif on the breast-plate, but she wasn't wearing the helm. She preferred to just wear her signature hat. She sat down as Fluttershy replied,

“Oh yes I’m fine Applejack, thank you. I was just thinking about how lovely the Princesses train cars are.” Applejack nodded her agreement,

“Yeah, they are pretty swanky. A little too swanky for some o’ the ponies usin’em.” Fluttershy looked at her in surprise,

“Applejack! That’s a little snobby isn’t it?” but Applejack just chuckled,

“I’m includin’ myself in that statement, y’know. Let’s face it Fluttershy, the only ones of us who’d fit in to transportation like this are Rarity and well… you.” Fluttershy blushed, and shook her head,

“Oh no, I’m no better suited to this kind of extravagance than any of you.” Applejack laughed again and conceded,

“If you say so.” Just then Rainbow Dash came in and stated,

“This train is awesome!” I just found another wardrobe hidden back there. It’s like this place is built out of storage space! Think of all the great hiding places, you could have a killer game of hide and seek in here.” Just then Dash seemed to notice something else new and zipped over to the wall right next to where Princess Luna was sitting. She leaned right over the Princess who titled back and jabbed her hoof at the painting hanging above Luna’s head. “Hey! There’s something hidden behind this painting!” She beat her wings and floated just over head and ripped the painting down. Behind it was a secure looking metal door, “Wow! It’s a safe! What’s in there? Jewels? Gold? Diamonds?” Luna rolled her eyes and Twilight scowled at Rainbow Dash,

“It’s the Elements of Harmony Dash. We told everyone where we were going to put them, weren't you listening? And don’t lean over the Princess like that! It’s rude.” She chided Rainbow Dash who floated away from the Princess with an embarrassed grin on her face,

“Err, sorry Princess.” Luna waved it away with an elegant hoof,

“Do not concern yourself with it Rainbow Dash. If we are to be travelling together we must all learn a degree of tolerance for each others…” She thought about it for a moment, “Uniqueness.” Luna put the painting back in place with a flick of her horn and Rainbow Dash apologized again before floating away. Fluttershy giggled quietly to herself. She had always found Dash’s abruptness and lack of subtlety endearing and loved to watch the way she dealt with and spoke to others. She often wished she could be more like her. Rainbow Dash coaxed Pinkie Pie to join her in the dining car to grab something to eat and Applejack got up to join Twilight by the map. Fluttershy wondered where about Rarity was when there was a sudden thump on the roof of the car.

“Dash!” Twilight called out in annoyance, but Rainbow responded from the adjacent car,

“What!? I’m eating in here!” The Ponies in the common room looked at each other,

“Pinkie Pie?” Applejack ventured but she was answered with a muffled response through a mouthful of something or other. As they looked about Fluttershy noticed something by the window. A shape, but then it was gone. And then it was back! She got up and trotted over to the window. Nothing, but the beautiful country side sliding past. Suddenly a large dark shape thumped down right next to the train and then disappeared as it was left behind by the train. Fluttershy squeaked in alarm and jumped back. Applejack ran over and said,

“What is it?”

“Something’s outside the train” Fluttershy pointed with a hoof. The others rushed over and looked outside. As they looked it appeared as though whatever it had been was gone, but then the same big dark figure crashed into the side of the train shattering the glass of the window and spraying it into the interior of the car. All the ponies cried out and jumped back. Whatever it was, it was sticking to the side of the car. It was all black. It’s body was covered in bristly, thick black hair and it had four, no six… eight legs. As it crawled and turned about to twist its head into the window, a fearsome spiders head poked in with eight burning red eyes set deep in its fanged skull. Fluttershy shrieked and the Spider hissed in response. It was about to climb in through the shattered window, when Applejack bolted over spun about and planted a solid kick, straight to its face. One of the dripping black fangs snapped off and the spider fell out of sight as it was launched from its perch.

“Everpony ahlright?” Applejack asked.

“What was that?” Twilight asked in response, but it was Fluttershy who answered.

“It looked like a Red Dessert Jumping Spider, but they’re meant to be red, not black.” Luna’s face suddenly took on a stern expression, before she said,

“Dreadwing has found us.” The other ponies turned to look at her, “These Jumping Spiders have been corrupted by his dark influence. They belong to him now and they must be here for the Elements!” No sooner than she had said there was a series of crashing noises, the sound of glass shattering and cries of alarm from the dining car to the front, and the sleeping car to the rear.

“Holy Hay! What is that!” Fluttershy heard Rainbow Dash bellow from the dining car and there was no mistaking Rarity’s ear piercing screech from the sleeping car. Rarity came bolting into the common area with Zecora right behind her, who delivered a vicious kick to the face of the Spider chasing them. Applejack bolted past hem and lept headlong into the pursuing spider. The two of them tumbled out of sight back into the rear car.

“It tried to bite me!!!” Rarity wailed as she took cover behind a sofa, but even as she said it the windows on the other side of the car blew inward as one of the spiders hurtled in, and that was followed by the sound of several heavy thumps on the roof. Fluttershy joined Rarity in screaming in alarm but Twilight swept round to face the spider. However before she could do anything the spider was struck by a blinding white bolt of lightning that sent it spinning back out the hole it had made and crashing to the ground, out of sight. Luna ran over to the hole and spread her wings,

“We must protect the Elements!” With that she swooped out of the car and into the air, and the thundering crack of lightning followed after her. Twilight ran to the corner and stood in front of the painting with the safe hidden behind it.

“Fluttershy, Zecora, Rarity get over here now!” She barked and all three of them jumped up and ran towards her, but before they could make it another jarring crash shook the car and a spider on the end of Rainbow Dash’s hooves came flying through the car, in one side and out the other, carried all the way by Dash. Fluttershy steadied herself and started forward again, but an awful ripping sound, of metal screeching in protest as it was torn apart, drew her gaze upwards. A pair of spiders had pried the metal on the roof of the car back and were glowering in. One was fried by a bolt of lightning but the other lept in. Fluttershy screamed and zipped away on her wings but the spider bounced after her. However, in mid-air the spider disappeared, with a small pop and a sprinkling of glittering, purple dust. Twilight stood, with her horn lowered and glowing as she shouted,

“Move it! Get behind me!” Fluttershy zipped over and Rarity and Zecora joined them. “Alright Rarity, time to use Artemis. Let’s go!” Rarity nodded but Fluttershy could see the anxiety on her face. Rarity sucked in a deep breath and started to focus. Her horn lit up and a thin line of light appeared before her two more spiders jumped into the car, one from the shattered window the other from the hole in the roof. Both crunching glass as they landed. One of them disappeared in a puff of purple light and the other lunged forward before it stopped in mid air and was hurled back out the way it had come. “Come on Rarity hurry!”

“I can’t! I can’t concentrate!” Rarity cried. Fluttershy could see beads of sweat gathering on her brow and the bow was sputtering and flickering. More spiders appeared and disappeared as Twilight vanished them or hurled them away with her magic one got close, but received a vicious kick from Zecora. Once, twice and a third time! Before it rolled away howling and fell backwards out of a hole. Suddenly Fluttershy jumped as the door next to them exploded off its hinges as Big Macintosh came spilling through with a spider on top of him. It was trying to sink its dripping fangs into his neck but he had a hoof under its chin pushing it back. Zecora ran forward to help, but as she did a second spider plunged through the door bowling her over. Zecora would have fallen flat on her side but she rolled with the hit and bounced back up on to her hooves a couple of feet away. The Spider however didn't hesitate, it swung around into the corner where it spied Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight. It lunged for the nearest Pony. Fluttershy jumped back but Rarity was too distracted by attempting to form her spell and the spider caught her leg between its pincers. It yanked her off her feet and to the floor, where it threw itself on top of her. She screamed and kicked at it as it tried to gain enough leverage to sink its fangs in. Fluttershy gaped at the ferocious insect trying to maul her friend. She felt a burning ache in the pit of her stomach at the site of the spider. She knew Jumping Spiders were predators but she still couldn't stand to see a beautiful graceful animal like this turned into some ravening beast to serve the whims of a deranged Dragon. She ground her teeth as she felt an anger boil up inside her that she did not often feel , like acid surging up from deep within,

“GET OFF OF HER!!!” She snarled and threw herself headfirst into the spider’s side. It squawked and tumbled over bouncing back up onto its eight legs but Fluttershy kept coming. She delivered a bone jarring uppercut to the spiders face, snapping one of its fangs off, and then a savage elbow drop to its back. The Spider retreated hissing and spitting venomously but she threw herself into the air, beat her wings once for extra height and with a heroic cry swung her hoof right the way around in a thunderous round-house to send the Spider sprawling out of the nearest hole in the side of the train.

Fluttershy wheeled round and dashed back to Rarity’s side. As she did, Big Mac managed to draw his legs in under the spider with a grunt shoved the spider straight up into the roof of the car. Fluttershy barely noticed the sickening crunch as she ran by and stood next to Rarity, where Zecora was already leaning over her, checking her leg. A red ring stained Rarity’s leg where the spider’s pincers had sunk into the flesh. Rarity wriggled about on the floor and lifted her leg up so that she could see it,

“It bit me! It bit me!,” She spluttered but when her eyes fixed on the blood she stopped and whispered, “Is that… is that my blood?” With that she passed out, collapsing like a wet rag. Fluttershy gaped at Zecora, fearing that Rarity had suffered worse than it appeared but Zecora assured her,

“It is only a small injury, leave it to me.” She said it in her usual rhyming verse. Flutershy looked about the car. The wind was howling through it now, due to all the holes in it and all the delicate and lovely furnishing were strewn and smashed all about the floor. Yet more Spiders were coming in. Twilight was still exactly where she had been, right in front of the safe, still hurling the spiders back with her magic. She was sweating now and the strain was obvious on her face. Fluttershy looked around for help. The only other pony in here was Big Mac and he was currently wrestling with two of the spiders, one pinned beneath him with another on his back. It’s pincers were locked around his neck and he was twisting around trying to stop it from punching its fangs into his jugular. Fluttershy, swooped over and grabbed a vase from the floor. She smashed the expensive pottery over the spiders head, but this only served to make it mad. It jumped down from Big Mac’s back and advanced on her. Big Mac tried to grab its back leg with his teeth but the one underneath him surged up from its back sending him reeling away and almost right out of a hole in the side of the train. Fluttershy backed away looking around for something to put between her and the furious spider, but at that moment a shrieking pink blur tore out of the dining car, trailing fire, and crashed into the spider. Spider and blur rolled across the floor and when they came apart the spiders back and leg were on fire. It hissed and screeched, jumping about and rolling on the floor, trying to put the fire out. The blur settled on the floor as Pinkie Pie, dazed and still smoldering at the tail end. Fluttershy jumped forward and stomped the fire out and then pushed Pinkie Pie down as the spider lept over head and out a shattered window trailing smoke and fire behind it. As the two ponies sat up Pinkie Pie looked at Fluttershy and spluttered,

“Who’d have thought that giant, venomous spiders who can jump around like Philly’s on a trampoline wouldn't be a good laugh?” Fluttershy pushed her down again, as Big Mac stumbled past, on his hind legs, heaving the same spider he’d been struggling with earlier, over his head. He slammed it down on the floor and, while it was winded, he belted it across the floor and out of the train car. As Fluttershy sat up she smelt something on the air and when she looked over at the door leading to the dining car she saw thick black smoke creeping along the ceiling, leaving greasy black smears across it.

“Fire. FIRE!” She cried. Pinkie Pie sat up as well and said,

“Oh Yeah, the Kitchen car’s on fire.” She said quite calmly and then started bleating, “FIRE! FIRE!” Just as Flutershy got to her hooves to try and do something she felt a jarring shake, rattle through the cars and then everything lurched for a second.

“What was that?” Big Macintosh droned, as he wiped spider blood off his hoof.

“It felt like it came from farther up the train!” Twilight called from across the car. Something was definitely wrong; Fluttershy could feel a change had come over the speed the train was moving at.

“I’ll check it out.” Big Mac said, but Fluttershy stopped him before he could take off,

“Wait Applejack’s still fighting them in the sleeping car!” Mac looked at her and then turned on his hooves and dashed back to help his sister.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight called over to her, “You’re going to have to fly outside and see what’s happening!” Fluttershy gulped at the idea but she knew Twilight was right. She ran over to one of the shattered windows and jumped out, spreading her wings and swooping out into the air. Smoke was billowing out of the kitchen car, which was fully ablaze, flames licking up the sides of the car as they belched out the windows. Fluttershy could see Rainbow Dash swooping around the train beating back spiders that were trying to leap onto the roof and Luna was doing the same except with bolts of lightning and buffeting gusts of wind. She beat her wings to gain some height and looked towards the front of the train. She gasped as she saw that the front of the train was becoming a small dot on the horizon pulling away from the rest of the cars at the back. The kitchen train had been detached from the rest of the train and now their cars at the back were losing speed and trailing behind. Her eyes bulged as she watched a large group of spiders ahead of the train pile onto and topple a large tree, which collapsed onto the train track. Fluttershy wasn't sure but even though their train was slowing down, it was probably still going fast enough to derail if it hit that tree. She shot back down to the train and swooped in through the hole in the side of the train. Zecora had managed to bring Rarity around and Pinkie Pie was hopping around the car keeping an eye out for spiders, while Applejack and Big Macintosh were struggling to pin one of the sofas into the door way leading into the car from the sleeping car at the back. Spiders were trying to dislodge it and storm into the car, but some of them were smart enough to go over onto the roof or crawl along the walls. Fluttershy noticed, however, on her way in, that those spiders were meeting a sticky end at Rainbow Dash and Luna’s hooves. Fluttershy landed in the middle of the ruined car, causing Pinkie Pie to duck and said,

“There’s a tree on the track and the spiders have detached the rest of the train!” Twilight looked at her, eyes wide in panic,

“If we hit that we could de-rail! We have to get off this train!”

“Ah couldn't agree more!” Applejack yelled and Big Mac agreed,

“Yup!” Rarity shot up right, her eyes filled with terror,

“But all of my things are in the back car!” she cried but Zecora rolled her eyes and yanked her to her hooves,

“Think of those things later, or else you will end up in a crater!” Fluttershy turned to Twilight, trying to keep the panic from building up and over-powering her,

“What should we do? How do we get everyone off? The train’s still moving too fast to jump off!” Twilight thought for a moment and then said,

“I’ll have to teleport everypony off the train.” Rarity looked at her as she staggered over with Zecora,

“Can you do that? Move everypony at once?”

“I’ll have to wont it!?” Twilight snapped and then shouted, “Everypony over here now!” Fluttershy took a step back as Rarity and Zecora stood next to her, Pinkie bounced over and Applejack and Big Macintosh abandoned the sofa and bolted across the car. Fluttershy moved further back, towards the edge of the car, ready to jump out and fly away as soon as she knew her friends were safe, but as soon as Applejack and Big Mac left the sofa the spiders battered it a side and stormed in. Fluttershy yelped and hopped into the air beating her wings, edging closer and closer to the gap behind her, the wind whipping at the feathers on her wings. Twilight closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, focusing hard. Fluttershy had seen her teleport herself around as easily as breathing and even others pretty easily too, like what she’d been doing with the spiders. But she’d never seen her move herself and five other ponies at once. Twilight was already tired from fighting off the Spiders but now she had to move them all and move them fast. The spiders wasted no time, tearing through the car like starved beasts, clawing and snapping as they went. Three turned towards Fluttershy and she got ready to throw herself from the train, but she looked back at Twilight. She was sweating and straining as light flared from her horn and sparks spat and lept form the end of it. Fluttershy wanted to scream ‘NOW! NOW!’ but she didn't have the chance. The first spider was upon her and she jumped backwards out of the hole and allowed the wind to catch in her wings and pull her up into the air. Luna and Rainbow Dash had fallen behind, holding off the main body of the spiders but they had noticed the tree. Dash cried out and bolted down the track chasing the train, trying to get ahead of it, even though she didn't have a chance of moving the tree. Suddenly Fluttershy realized that if Dash got too close she could be killed when the train hit the tree and de-railed. She cried out to stop her but Dash was going too fast. Fortunately Luna had realised the same danger and suddenly appeared next to Rainbow Dash and grabbed her, wrapping her hooves around her shoulders. Fluttershy watched as the train careened down the track. She watched, waiting for the flash of light signalling Twilight's magic. She could see spiders jumping off the train or spinning out of the gaps in the train, having been beaten back by the occupants’ still inside. The tree was getting closer and closer. There was still no flash. The train was right on top of the tree… at almost the same moment as the flaming kitchen car struck the tree a purple flash of light filled the car with the ponies inside. The front car hit the tree hard. The tree splintered and rolled under the car, lifting it off the track, but the momentum of the train carried the cars onward. They sailed over the battered tree and crashed down on the track, bouncing off the metal rails and twisting until the kitchen car snapped clean off the train couplings and tipped over. The dining car crashed into the flaming bow of metal and just short of flipped over it crashing down on top of it. The remaining cars followed suit until all of them were piled on top of each other, rolling and flipping until they slid to a stop in a burning, smoking heap of twisted metal and broken glass. No-pony could have survived that. Fluttershy released a shuddering sigh of relief as she watched her friends reappear in a purple flash of light a couple of hundred yards away from the wreckage. The spiders were retreating back into the hills and the woods leaving the ponies alone with the burning train wreck. Just then Fluttershy thought, weren't the Elements of Harmony still in the safe?

Chapter 9.

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The night air whipped at Rainbow Dash’s face but did not sting her eyes, thanks to her Wonderbolt goggles strapped to her face. She remembered the day she first got them. The year after she’d won the ‘Cloudsdale most promising young fliers’ competition she’d been bouncing off the walls out of excitement for the Wonderbolts recruiting drive. Her year had been made when the Wonderbolts came looking for her by name and offered her a spot on the team without an audition. Spitfire had told her that the Wonderbolts hadn’t done that since she joined the team the same way. Dash had spent almost the entire night saying, “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh , oh my gosh, oh my gosh” to her friends while they were celebrating , she couldn’t believe it had finally happened. She’d dreamt of joining the Wonderbolts since the first day she had seen them as a Philly and had worked hard every day of her life to be the fastest and best flier in all of Equestria. For a time she thought she was, that was until the first time she’d flown competitively with Spitfire. Rainbow Dash was faster than her, that was obvious from the first drag race they’d had after she’d joined the team, but as soon as it came down to a competition of skill and agility, Spitfire flew rings around her. Literally, rings. Dash had been completely gobsmacked after watching her and had to admit to herself that she was more than a little in awe. She found herself wishing Spitfire were flying alongside her right now. She could really use her help. She scanned the darkening landscape below for signs of spiders or any other nasty surprises lurking in the shadows, but for now she couldn’t see any sign of danger. She thought back to the train crash. Her heart had caught in her throat when she’d realised she’d allowed herself to fall behind the train and that a tree had been toppled over the track. She’d dashed along the track in a desperate attempt to beat the train to the tree and move the deadly obstacle but Luna had appeared next to her in a flash and grabbed her, stopping her in her tracks. She’d struggled then but now she realised that the Princess had saved her life. If she’d been alongside that train when it had hit the tree, there was no doubt she would have been squashed, flattened and flipped over like a Rainbow pancake. Besides her friends had all appeared safely not far off, teleported to safety by Twilight’s awesome magic. Fluttershy had joined them down on the ground as they’d gone through the motions of checking if everyone was okay and sharing how relieved they were everyone was alright, but Fluttershy and Princess Luna started squawking about the elements as soon as she’d set down. Twilight almost passed out when she realised she’d left the Elements on the train, which was now a burning heap, piled on the tracks. Thankfully the safe had protected the Elements, as had the case they were secured in and Luna had put out the flames with a sweep of her horn, summoning up a focussed gale of wind, which blew the fires right out. The Elements were safe but they needed to recover the rest of their supplies, so they had set up camp amongst the wreckage, using it as cover while they pulled what remained of their belongings and supplies from the ruins of twisted metal. Rarity had started wailing and whining about her hats and outfits she’d brought along so of course Dash had thought up an excuse to get out of there quick! So here she was soaring above the ground, ‘scouting’ for potential dangers. She knew she really should be keeping an eye out for bad guys but she just wanted to get away and fly. That’s why she had been so happy to join the Wonderbolts. It was the first time she’d had other ponies who could just fly around with her and enjoy the sky. Fluttershy was a Pegasus, yes, but she was one of the only Pegasus Rainbow Dash knew who preferred to live on the ground. And of course none of the others could fly so Spitfire had been the sky-bound buddy Dash had been looking for. Dash sighed and dipped before surging into the air and looping the loop, making the clouds and stars blur together like one big fluffy, silvery streak on the velvety night sky. She levelled out and turned south taking a long arc to circle back towards the camp. She remembered another night just like this one.

She pulled out of the loop and whooped as she levelled off. Spitfire laughed as she pulled up next to Dash and smiled, “Not bad Dash, not bad… if you’ve just learned to fly.”

“You think you can do better?” She jibbed and Spitfire shrugged,

“Maybe.” Spitfire dove towards the ground, barrelling towards the surface of a lake. Her reflection in the dark surface grew larger and larger until she was about to splash right into the lake. At the last second she pulled up, cutting a razor straight line along the surface of the water, before pulling into a steep climb. The extra speed form her dive through her back, high into the air, while she spun, twisted and summersaulted until she reached the apex of her climb. There she folded her wings and dropped out of the sky like a stone. She missed Dash by inches but as she fell past she clipped Dash’s wing sending her into a whizzing barrel roll that left Dash dazed and spluttering. By the time Dash had recovered and levelled out Spitfire was already flying steadily backwards, out in front of her, with her arms behind her head, like she was reclining on a sun bed. Her grin said it all and Dash had to admit,

“Okay, maybe that was pretty cool.” Spitfire dropped in beside her again and shoved her playfully,

“’Maybe pretty cool’? Please.” They both laughed and flew high above the clouds. Dash looked at the moon, large and round lighting up the night sky almost as bright as day. “Don’t you just wish you could stay up here forever?” Spitfire sighed, turning and tilting in the night air. Dash smiled and nodded. Sometimes she really did wish she could stay in the sky forever.

Dash heard a loud crack from far below and someone cried out. She stopped and floated in the air looking down at the ground far below. It was bright enough up here in the sky but she couldn’t see a thing in the deep dark shadows far below. She stared down at the darkness waiting for her eyes to adjust and reveal something hidden below. It was still and quiet. Maybe too quiet. Dash jumped as an eerie howl filled the night air, sending a shiver down her spine. At almost the same moment a bunch of lights appeared in the woods below. Dash watched as the lights moved through the trees, she could hear shouting and yelling as well as snarling and barking. What’s going on down there? She thought to herself. She descended towards the commotion. She floated just above the trees where she could see things a bit clearer. The lights were ponies, stallions to be exact, carrying lamps. She could see them moving around in groups, with the lamps around their necks and an assortment of sharp and dangerous objects in their mouths. It looked like they were looking for something, maybe whatever made that eerie noise. Suddenly somepony cried out in the dark and the lights started rushing in the direction of the sound. A terrible din went up as ponies shouted and yelled and whatever they were chasing snapped and snarled. The sounds were awful. Whatever was going on ponies were in danger, maybe even being killed. She was about to dash off to help when she remembered what Princess Luna had said,

“It was foolish of us to travel using a well-known route and on a train which is easy to find as well. We must be more careful if we are to have a chance of getting the Elements to Pyre Mountain in one piece.” She had gathered all the ponies around her once they’d dug the Elements out of the wreck, to discuss their next move.

“Maybe we should head for the nearest town, figure out another way ta get to Pyre Mountain.” Applejack offered but the Princess had shaken her head,

“I’m afraid we can’t. One of the worst things about Dreadwings’ power is its corrupting influence. In creatures of lower intelligence, like those spiders for instance, it is easier to see.” That had been an understatement Dash thought, “But in others it can be almost indiscernible. I’m afraid if we want to avoid another incident like this,” She’d gestured at the train wreck, “We must travel off road and avoid other Ponies as much as we can.” Rarity had had something to say about that but Twilight had concurred and they’d agreed. So Dash held herself back and stuck to hovering above the tree tops. She herself thought it was ridiculous to be afraid of other ponies, but the Princess had explained one of the worst threats during the war with the dragons was other ponies turning against their own kind. Corrupted, by Dreadwing. The noise seemed to be getting worse, when suddenly it stopped. She eased onward following the glow of the lamps until she could see the stallions standing around something beneath the tree branches. She slid, silently through the canopy and planted herself on a sturdy tree branch and leaned out to see what it was. She caught a gasp in her throat and mumbled,

“no way.” The stallions had all stopped in a clearing, which was splattered with broken branches, leaves and blood. There were two stallions lying motionless just to the side, half hidden in the shadows, pools of dark blood spreading out from beneath them. It was what was in the centre of the clearing that seized all of her attention though. It was huge, almost twice as big as any of the stallions and covered in coarse black fur, stained with dark red blotches. As far as Dash could see it was a wolf, but it was way too big and its teeth were huge, also stained with blood. Dash gulped hard as she stared and almost jumped when she heard one of the stallions speak.

“It’s a Warg.” He sounded old, like he’d seen a lot. Dash leaned in to listen closer.

“What’s a Warg?” A younger stallion asked, moving around the body of the hulking beast. The older one cleared his throat and said,

“A vicious beast from before Equestria even existed. A foul hunting dog of the dark powers.” A sudden cry drew all of their attention to the edge of the clearing they turned their lamps to the shadows. Dash couldn’t see very well from where she was, so she eased along the branch and stepped across to the next one, for a better view.

“It’s Zephyr! He’s still alive!” The stallions rushed forward and gathered around one who was sprawled in the dirt, Dash couldn’t see much but she could see the blood. Her breath caught in her throat.

“Hold on pal, hold on! We’ll get you back to town, you’re gonna be okay.” She heard the stallion try to choke a reply but it sounded like gurgling instead, “Hold on!” The same stallion cried but Zephyr’s head fell back and he stopped moving. Dash didn’t stick around to see what happened next. She shot up out of the trees and back into the air. She went up and up and up. Higher still until the clouds were rolling past beneath her and the moon filled the sky ahead of her. She floated in the sky, beating her wings frantically, she couldn’t catch her breath. Her heart was beating like she’d never felt before. It was racing. She tried to tell herself to calm down, but her body wouldn’t listen. She couldn’t get the image out of her head. She saw that pony die! Right there, on the ground… killed by a Warg. A Warg. The Princesses had spoken about them, servants of Dreadwing, creatures of darkness. The same monsters that were looking for them. A terrible thought hit her. What if this one had been hunting them? What if it had just stumbled across these stallions or vice versa, and they had been killed because it was looking for them. What if it had actually found them? Her eyes were stinging. She realised that she was crying. It all hit her like a ton of bricks. This was the kind of evil they were up against, and it was not going to hesitate to kill them. Any of them… What if it had been one of her friends lying in a pool of their own blood as they slowly died in her arms? Dash floated down until she found a cloud beneath her and curled up on herself, trying to get that terrible image out of her head but the blood oozed out in a dark puddle in her mind filling her thoughts. She listened to her heart beating loudly in her chest and wished now more than ever that she could just stay in the sky for ever.

Chapter 10

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Twilight noticed it was getting colder. She was sure it was because they were getting closer to the Mountains. This far north it was bound to get colder as chill winds blew down form the snow covered Mountains. Twilight was always fascinated by the geography of the Glitter Top mountains compared to Pyre Mountain. Both were in the north but Glitter Top was covered with snow, while Pyre Mountain was basically an active volcano. She supposed it wasn’t that big a deal really. It didn’t need to be a warm climate for the molten hot magma beneath the earth to come rushing up a naturally formed rock chute and heat the land all around it. Still it did lead to some interesting land formations due to the unstable nature of the land around the mountain, so she was looking forward to seeing it all with her own eyes for the first time. It was just a shame it had to be under these circumstances. She was sitting on a hill, covered in dry brown grass, looking down on a small town she didn’t know the name of. The Princess and the others were behind her, further back on the hill setting up camp for the evening. Twilight had worried the Princess might have had trouble roughing it, but she was managing it better than some of the others. Specifically, Rarity and Fluttershy. Six days after the mess with the train and Rarity had only just stopped complaining about sleeping on the ground, having resigned herself to her fate. Fluttershy hadn’t stopped fussing over what might be hiding in the shadows, not since Dash had returned from her recon and informed them of the Warg that had been hunting them. Rainbow Dash had been strangely quiet for a few days after that night and she’d been reluctant to talk about it. Now though she seemed to be back to normal so no-one was going to harass her over it. Nothing had emerged out of the darkness to attack them so far, but Fluttershy still couldn’t relax at night and her poor sleep had started to show. Even now instead of helping get the fire going, Fluttershy was quietly nodding off with a stick of fire wood in her mouth. Pinkie Pie appeared next to her and woke Fluttershy with a startle. She jumped and spat the fire wood into Pinkie’s face and looked about in a panic. Zecora had to calm her down while Pinkie recoverd from the branch in the face. Twilight watched for a moment to make sure Fluttershy was all right and then turned back to looking down at the town. It was small with brown and red bricked buildings with thatched roofs. There was a large wooden building with a spire, made of tin, in the middle of the town and she could see a line of stalls and stands stretching across the main road through town. It was there that Applejack and Big Macintosh were buying the last set of supplies they would be able to buy before they met up with the Princes of Pyre Mountain at Glittermine, the town at the foot of the mountains. Unfortunately that had been the plan when they had had a train to bring them most of the way. Without it, they were way off schedule. She hoped that the Princes wouldn't leave without them, or worse; come looking for them and get hurt. Twilight got up from her spot on the hill and trotted through their little camp to find the Princess. She found her near the back of the camp staring out into the woods at the bottom of the hill. Twilight watched her long dark blue hair twisting in the wind as she sat quietly, her aqua eyes focused on the trees. Luna noticed Twilight's presence and turned her head to look over her shoulder,

"Twilight Sparkle, is something amiss?" She asked passively.

"Oh, no, Princess, I-" She had to think for a moment of why exactly she had come along to find Luna but she wasn't entirely sure. Maybe she just wanted someone with a bit of power and authority to assure her that everything was still on track, that they would make it to the Mountain without a problem. She hadn't realised at first, but the attack on the train had hit her harder than she'd thought. It had really forced her to realise just how much danger she and the others were in. It was a miracle that none of them had been seriously hurt, and she dreaded the thought of another incident just like it happening and them not being so lucky. "I was just wondering what you think the Princes from Pyre Mountain might do when we don't show up?" She finished after a moment,

"We are already over due at Glittermine," She replied almost off hand, turning her attention back to the woods, "I imagine the Princes will wait a few days and then leave and send a message to my Sister." Twilight felt a little as though she had been rebuked, but she was smart enough to now that something else was on the Princesses mind. She hesitated but decided to ask,

"Princess? Is something wrong?" Luna was silent for a moment but then she answered,

"We are being followed." Twilight wasn't sure what to say. She'd had no idea. Was the Princess sure? How could she tell? She tried to think of something smart to say. She didn't want the Princess to think she wasn't being vigilant but... she truly had had no clue.

"Who -" She tried to start but the Princess cut her off,

"A Warg." She stated. Twilight's heart skipped a beat. Rainbow Dash had told them that the Warg following them had been killed by a group of stallions, it couldn't be the same one. Once again Twilight didn't know what to say. The two mares just stared off into the woods as the wind blew across the hilltop. Twilight half expected to see the terrible black beast come stalking out of the woods, right then and there, but all she could see were dry brown leaves blowing in and around the thin tree trunks. She watched the grass lean and bend and listened to the sound of the wind stirring but nothing larger than the small birds, flitting between the branches, moved. She realised that the Princess was looking at her. She glanced back at her and felt a little foolish, as though she were trying to see something that wasn't there, or something only the Princess could see. "It isn't here." She stated calmly, "It's at least two days behind us." Twilight leaned back and sat on her haunches,

"Oh..." She said simply, "I had no idea you were such a survivalist, Princess." Luna smiled an elegant smile that said there was much Twilight didn't know about her. Which was true. Her sister, Twilight knew very well, she had spent years as Princess Celestia's pupil, but Luna... that was a different matter. Other than that night on Nightmare Night a couple of years ago, she had had very little interaction with Luna. The most time she'd spent with her other than that night was at the Gala's Celestia threw and that was limited as it was. Luna sighed and stood up, glancing once more into the woods and then moving away back to the camp, still smiling,

"I have faced the minions of Dreadwing before Twilight Sparkle. I had to learn to keep track of my enemies movements in order to stay ahead of them. For my sake and the sake of those I had to protect." Twilight watched as the Princess trotted away. it was so easy to forget that Luna was thousands of years old. She looked so young but in truth she had seen so much, more than Twilight could really imagine. It was those words, 'those I had to protect,' that finally made Twilight realise just how much responsibility the Princesses shouldered and just how much they had struggled and suffered to make Equestria safe. It stung more than a little to think that she had had a hoof in disturbing that peace. She knew it wasn't exactly her fault but, Spike was a part of it and for that she felt responsible. Spike... she took a deep breath and tried not to think about it. She heard a small commotion coming from the front of the camp and saw that Applejack and Big Mac had returned. She cantered over quickly to join her friends in welcoming them back, but she could see that something had troubled them. Pinkie Pie picked up on it as well and immediately jumped in,

"Hey guys why the long faces?" Big Mac started un-loading the extra supplies he'd carried up the hill while Applejack explained,

"We just heard some news in town." Her tone said a lot. It was bad news,

"What sort of news did you hear, to fill you with such obvious fear?" Zecora rhymed arriving to help with the supplies, but stopping once she'd seen AJ's face. AppleJack took a moment to gather her thoughts and finally said,

"Some Pony's in town said they heard word that there were Dragons nearby." There was more, "Some folk're sayin' that... that um..." Twilight felt her stomach knot up,

"What is it AppleJack?" She asked, but Big Macintosh answered,

"Manehattan was attacked." He said it matter of factly, quickly and then went back to doling out the supplies between their saddle bags. Every pony looked at him and then back at AppleJack for confirmation. She nodded silently.

"Attacked!?" Rarity squeaked,

"By who? Dragons?" Rainbow Dash demanded, buzzing into the air, her face flushed, the rage evident on her features. Once again AppleJack nodded. The others surged forward to bombard her with questions, except Fluttershy who looked pale and sickly at the news, but Princess Luna cut them off without even raising her voice,

"What did you hear about the casualties?" They all stopped to look at her and then back at AJ. She was taken aback for a moment but all she could do in response was shrug,

"Ah, uh... Ah dunno. we just heard it was attacked. A dragon flew in and tore the place up. Some folk said that, um, that half the city got burnt down." Her voice trailed off as she spoke and she looked drained by the mere effort of retelling such terrible news. It was only then that Twilight remebered that AppleJack had family in Manehattan, the Orange Family.

"Oh my Stars! AppleJack your family are they...?" Applejack just shrugged again and took a steadying breath. Before anyone could ask any more Luna spoke,

"We should move on. The dragons are looking for us. That is why they attacked Manehattan. It was our last known destination. Dreadwing will have sent them to see if any-pony there knew more about the route we would take to get to the mountains." For a few moments they all stood around looking at each other, except Big Mac who was busying himself with their bags. Twilight wondered if he was just doing that to keep his mind off of what had happened, but it was hard to tell. Right now, her own head was swimming. The longer they spent travelling the more they heard about the growing spread of Dreadwing's evil and now it was beginning to have a visceral effect on the land. She began to think about what Princess Celestia would do in response. Would she send relief forces to help the city? Would she fly out there herself and hunt down the dragons responsible? At that moment she wanted nothing more than to see her mentor, her teacher. To ask her what to do,if everything would be okay. Of course that was not an option. She had to keep her head clear and her wits about her. The dragons were literally burning up the countryside looking for them and there was a Warg on their trail. As much as she wanted to feel bad about Manehattan, or yell and scream, or even cry a little, she couldn't afford to do that right now. All of this just helped her to remember that this was very real and very dangerous and just like Princess Luna, all those years ago, she had ponies she had to protect too.

Chapter 11.

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Something clattered to the ground with an audible thunk. Orange Zest froze. In the absolute silence of the burnt out apartment her heart, pounding in her chest, was the loudest sound in the entire world. She stayed completely still staring into the darkness all around her, waiting for something to reveal itself or to emerge from within the inky shadows. But nothing came. Still she waited, sucking in small shallow breaths. Eventually she skirted out from underneath the coffee table, and crept across the room, keeping deliberately low, as if to avoid the line of sight of her unseen stalker. As she moved she passed a mirror hanging on the wall. She glanced at her self in the smoke streaked glass and grimaced. She'd always been proud of her bright orange main, that she got from her mother, and the lovely lemon yellow colour of her hair, but now both were smeared and streaked by black soot and dirt, and her main and tail were singed and burnt. Her olive green eyes watered as she remembered the moment the attack happened, the moment the dragon descended on Manehattan.

She'd been on her way home, walking down Mane avenue, her saddle bags filled with groceries to cook a delicious home made dinner for Brick Work. The gruff stallion built like his name-sake, she'd met two-weeks earlier, when she'd narrowly avoided a nasty accident while passing by a construction site. Brick Work was site manager and had been full of heart felt apologies, spluttering and tripping over himself. Zest had thought he looked quite scary when she'd first seen him, but watching him try to fumble through an apology, had softened her image of him. She suggested he buy her dinner to make up for the accident and from then on, she knew she'd found something special. The wind had picked up, blowing in from off the sea as she'd rounded the corner onto her street. Zest lived in Upper Manehattan, on third and Baker. Her street had always been a quiet one with nice neighbors, friendly phillies and easy access to grocery stores and fashion boutiques. She loved her street and had always imagined finding the right stallion and settling down there. That was when the shadow fell. Zest had had just enough time to blink and glance up, before an entire row of buildings was doused in fire. Completely smothered, engulfed in furious, bright burning fire. Zest had never seen anything like it. She never knew fire could be so big and terrifying, but also so fast, so viscous, like a ravening beast, hungry to feed on every piece of flammable material in it's path, tearing across rooftops and scorching up walls. Zest gasped just before every window on the side of the street that was hit by the fire exploded outward, spraying the street with razor sharp shrapnel. Ponies all up and down the street dropped to the ground screaming and covering themselves with their hooves, against the deadly rain. Two buildings collapsed seconds after the fire hit, their structure completely unable to withstand the unbelievable heat and force of the fire, covering the street with burning debris. It was sometime later that Zest had found out that all of that destruction, all of that chaos that had turned her street, her home into a nightmare in less than a minute, was from a single breath. One Dragon, one breath, half a block destroyed. Zest never got any closer to her apartment. It was gone in the first blast and the giant beast from which the fire originated appeared over head, swooping above the city. It was huge, a giant death machine of claws, teeth and razor sharp scales of dark blue and yellow. It's eyes were a blazing yellow as they scoured the burning street its huge wings beating smooth and massive, keeping it hovering above the thick black smoke rolling off of the smoldering structures. It surveyed the street for a handful of moments. Its eyes thin and menacing creeping over every Pony, every window and doorway... looking for something... some-pony. Whoever it was the Dragon hadn't found them. It sucked in a deep breath and opened its mouth, revealing a gaping maw filled with dagger like teeth. Smoke eked out of the back of its throat and a furious glow grew from deep down in its gut. Then it lent forward and blew a second breath of flame into the street. Zest had screamed and thrown herself back around the corner she had come from, as her ears filled with the sound of air being devoured by overwhelming heat, the shattering of glass and the screams of the Ponies still in the street. She had been at least two hundred yards away from the Dragon's terrible breath, but it had moved so fast, been so incredibly hot that even as Zest fell back away from the corner she realized that her mane was on fire. She rolled around frantically swatting at her main, clapping it between her hooves, burning embers of her mane falling to the ground. Finally the fire was out, but she had still been able to feel the heat, throbbing and beating like a living thing. As Zest had picked herself up she could feel the fire before she saw it, creeping and slithering around the corner of the street, cracking and crumbling the building she was standing next to. She backed away staring in horror at the wall of flame flickering before her charring and blackening the pavement and the Brick Work. Brick Work! She had thought about him then and was suddenly torn between running to him and her parents. She turned to run back the way she had come, but the Dragon moved crashing down into the street ahead of her. It scanned the street again only briefly before releasing another gout of flame through the populated area. Zest heard more screams before she turned and ran down a side street, disappearing into the alley ways of upper Manehattan.

Zest wiped her eyes with the back of her hoof, which only served to smear more soot across her face. She blinked away more tears. At this moment she had no idea what had happened to her parents or Brick Work. She had spent the entire day yesterday sneaking through abandoned buildings and blackened streets, trying with little success not to throw up due to the nightmarish scenes she had witnessed. Burnt out buildings, shattered carriages and wagons and bodies... burnt, blackened, charred bodies of Stallions, Mares... and Phillies scattered all about the city, while fires burned freely, with no effort made to fight them. It had taken less than a day to turn Manehattan, one of the most vibrant, active and thriving cities in Equestria into a smoldering wasteland, choking on fire and ash. Zest had finally hunkered down in an abandoned building that had already been gutted by the Dragon's fire and spent the night listening to it's rampage. Bells rang, glass shattered, buildings crumbled and Ponies died. Zest had half cried, half hyperventilated herself into an uneasy sleep only finally awakening when she had heard something in the quiet dark of the early morning. She stepped up to the shattered window and glanced nervously outside. fires were still burning in the distance and bells were still ringing. She could see Pegasi wheeling in the smoke filled air, doing something but she couldn't quite tell what. She looked up and down the street, but there was nothing. All was eerily quiet in this part of town. The dragon had to be somewhere else in Manehattan. 'Time to move' She thought to herself and with a slow steadying breath she turned away from the window and left the shattered building.
The streets were quiet, except for the sounds of chaos in the distance as Zest moved quickly, but quietly, down the road. She kept her eyes firmly fixed on the ground at her hooves, glancing up only briefly to make sure she was going the right way. She wouldn't be able to handle seeing the true extent of the Dragon's rampage again, so she kept her eyes averted. Block after block of ruined and burnt buildings slid past, as Zest kept moving. She knew there was no way a Dragon that size could sneak up on her, but she still felt as though the terrible beast might emerge suddenly from a dark alley and engulf her in those horrific flames. She passed by her favorite boutique, the one that carried the "Simply Fabulous" fashion line designed by Rarity from Ponyville. The front windows were shattered and the interior was completely blackened and destroyed. The design mannequins were scattered about the floor, almost unrecognizable, their shape and form mutilated by the Dragon's fire. She felt her heart slide into her throat at the sight of the boutique, at the sight of the shop she had visited over and over again completely devastated, at the sight of the figure within the shop, black and twisted... that definitely wasn't a mannequin. She sniffed back a tear and kept moving, quick and determined. Her parents lived only a few blocks from where she was, but as she moved closer and closer the sounds of the chaos that had engulfed the city grew louder. Her heart began to race in her chest. What if it was already too late? What if her family was already gone? What if they were just like the Boutique? Zest found that she had started to run, tripping and stumbling over the debris scattered across the street, in a desperate effort to get to her parents before something terrible happened, and if it had already happened, maybe she could she just run away from it. Suddenly she heard a loud din, coming towards her and she slid to a stop. She looked up. A large crowd was coming around the corner down the street, running but not screaming. Their faces were filled with fear, anxiety and weariness, smeared with soot and blood, carrying what little belongings they still had. Zest watched as the crowd came at her and she realized they were being herded by the police. "KEEP MOVING! KEEP MOVING!" They were hollering driving the people onward and away. Away from what? She didn't wait to find out. As the crowd began to stumble and race past her she turned to follow, but as she did a voice cried out,
"ZEST!" She recognised the voice straight away.
"MOM!!" She cried back and as she spun around she saw her. Her mother and father were in the crowd, tired and soot covered like everyone else, bustling about among the other Ponies trying to make their way out of the city. Zest pushed against the crowd, "MOM! DAD!" She shoved against the ponies fleeing in the opposite direction, throwing her shoulder into them in order to try and get closer. Her parents started pushing as well, trying to close the gap with their daughter, calling her name. The ground shook furiously and a bone rattling roar filled the air. Inky black smoke swirled around the Dragons wings as it descended into the street and landed in the middle of the road. Every-pony looked up at it, terror filling their eyes as their mouths dropped open. Zest didn't even look at it. She kept pushing and shoving trying to get to her mother and father. They were only a few feet away when the Dragon sneered, its blade like teeth glinting in the smokey light, fire rising in its throat. "Mom! Dad!" Zest cried again, her eyes filling with tears and she stretched out her hoof to her mother who reached back, but they were just out of reach. The Dragon opened its mouth and the flames rolled out of its throat and crashed down on the street, blanketing the Ponies below. Zest screamed, and closed her eyes as she lunged forward and touched her mothers outstretched hoof, just before the blistering heat cascaded down from above. It seared her main and singed her hair and she dropped down to the ground, collapsing into her mother, who wrapped her hooves around her daughter, Zest sobbed as she waited for the searing heat to melt and twist her body, like the mannequins back at the boutique. The pain never came. Zest opened her eyes and looked up, between her mothers arms. She gasped and her heart skipped a beat. The fire, enormous and brilliant full of colour and light and the power to extinguish their lives, swirled and writhed in the air over their heads. The heat was incredible. It was so hot that every pony in the crowd had dropped to the ground shielding themselves with their hooves. Some were still screaming waiting for the inevitable end, but the flames continued to linger in the air above. Beyond the flames, the Dragon ceased its attack, blinking at the phenomenon wavering and flickering before it. It stared with incredulity, furious that its flames had failed to reach its target for some reason. It wheeled around and glared at something down the street. Zest followed its terrible stare. At the end of the street six ponies were standing together in a tight group, facing the direction of the Dragon. They were all wearing ruby red armor, about their chests and flanks and a white cloak billowed about their necks, caught in the hot air streaming from the burning ruins all around them. Each one also had a red horn a top their heads. The Dragon turned on them, bellowing a furious roar of rage that Zest assumed was from their interference, but she suddenly thought that it looked almost as though the Dragon knew who they were. As soon as the Dragon's back was turned, however, the fire raging over their heads swirled and gathered into a blazing ball the size of a building and surged forward into the Dragon's back. It bellowed in pain as its wing was blown from its back in a shower of scales and blood that coated the wall of a building across the street. Every pony screamed again at the grisly sight, but Zest watched in shocked awe. Was it those unicorns doing this? Did they stop the fire? She thought as she watched the Dragon stumble forward onto all fours, grinding its teeth in pain. It recovered quickly, surging upward again and reeling its head back to release another terrible blast of merciless fire. As it did the six unicorns jumped forward, forming an arrow head aimed right at the Dragon. They tilted their horns forward and each one began to glow with a hot, pulsing red light, none so much as the large Stallion at the head of their formation. The Dragon's mouth filled with fire, smoke billowing out of its nostrils. At the same moment a point of red hot flame appeared at the tip of the Stallions horn. The fire grew into a long lance which changed colour to blue and as its intensity magnified it changed again to white. Suddenly their lance exploded into a massive spear, hovering in the air over their heads. The Dragon's eyes widened and it choked, "The Dragon Lance!" It's voice was deep and huge, rumbling through its throat and teh street beneath their feet. It opened its mouth and blew its flame straight at the group of unicorns. The towering inferno filled the street, collapsing walls on every side and turning the glass in the windows into bubbling pools. It looked as though the Ponies would be consumed, devoured by the ruthless fire, but just before it could reach them, the blazing spear above their horns, shone with an intense light, and its edges stilled and straightened, until the fire looked like a solid object; a Lance made of solid white flame. At that exact instant the Stallion at the head of the group bellowed a mighty cry
"FOR PYRE MOUNTAIN!!!" The lance shot forward headlong into the Dragon's own fire. It disappeared for just a second and then erupted through the other side, scattering the Dragon's flame in all directions. The spear tore through the air in the blink of an eye. The Dragon didn't even have enough time to blink. The spear went straight through its mouth, shearing its head clean in two halves. The spear shot off high into the air before exploding in an incredible display of pyrotechnics. The Dragon teetered and stumbled, before it collapsed into the street, the top half of its head smashing into a burnt out building on the street corner, just a few meters from where the Ponies in red armor were standing. Not a single drop of blood spilled from the Dragon's gaping neck wound. It had been completely cauterized by the heat of the white lance. The whole street descended into stunned silence. Smoke and ash whipped around the street caught in the wind left in the wake of the incredible, yet short battle. Zest watched as the group of Ponies trotted forward, the cloaks billowing in the wind. The one at the front was a tall stallion with ash grey hair and a pure white mane, his red horn protruding from between the long white locks. His eyes were a steely blue. The others were wearing hoods over their heads. All the Ponies slowly stood up to face them. One of the Police officers stepped forward and spluttered,
"W-Who are you?" The Stallion stopped, standing tall and regal before the terrified crowd,
"I am Prince Brave Heart. Son of King Blaze of Pyre Mountain." He scanned the crowd, his eyes falling on Zest. She started. They were bright and cold, full of pride and power, strength and dignity. She had never seen such eyes. His gaze moved on, and when he didn't find the pony he was looking for he asked, "Where is the Princess Luna and the Elements of Harmony?"