The Shadowkan-Hunters

by Kainsword17

First published

Rarity & Pinkie-Pie has secret jobs as monster-hunters.

Rarity & Pinkie-Pie have very normal jobs, dresses & parties. But they have a secret life, outside their jobs. When mutants called Shadowkan come around, causing trouble, these two ponies are on the scene. As Shadowkan-Hunters.

Note:This is a sort of mini spin-off to my My Little Pony: Samurai of Justice story.

The Shadowkan-Hunters

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Recently in Ponyvillie, there have been a series of strange killings on animals & ponies alike. From what the police have reported, the killers vanished as fast as they appeared, but from what eyewitnesses desribed, the killers were like a bloated-spider and a cricket which confused the officers. They have a feeling that the attacks have only just began. Princess Celestia knows something had to be done about these attacks, so she called for a scribe.

You called Princess? asked the scribe.

Yes I have. It seems Ponyville has a pest problem. I know two ponies who will take care of this. I need you to send a letter, there is not a minute to lose. Said Celestia as she prepares the letter.

Meanwhile, at the Carousel Boutique, Rarity & Pinkie-Pie were enjoying a relaxing evening as they sat on a sofa with a roaring fire in front of them. They have been dating for a few months now and all of town beleave that they make a really cute couple.

Are who enjoying the evening so far Pinkie sweetie? Rarity asked her fillyfriend as she nuzzled Pinkie's face.

Of course Iam silly filly. This is the most romantic evening, EVER! Pinkie said with a sweet smile on her face.

Iam really happy to hear you say that. There is only one way to make this night perfect. Rarity says as she leans in and gaves Pinkie a kiss on the lips. As they were kissing, there was a knock on the door that made them break up the kiss. Annoyed that their night was put on hold, Rarity walks to the door and opens it. It was Derpy Hooves behind the door with a letter in her mouth.

Letter for Pinkie-Pie & Rarity from the Princess said Derpy as she gave the letter with the royle-seal to Rarity.

Thank you darling, have a good evening. Replied Rarity as she closed the door. Then she began it as Pinkie walked up to her to see what the fuss was about.

Here is what the letter says;
Dear Rarity & Pinkie-Pie. Sorry to interumped your romantic evening, but there have been a string of strange attacks in your town. I have spoken with Shining-Armor and it has been comfirmed, the attackers are Shadowkan mutants. Here's your mission as my top "Shadowkan-Hunters", locate the targets, and terminate them. The lifes of the ponies of Ponyvillie is in your hooves. Good luck to both of you, and enjoy the rest of your evening. Best Wishes Princess Celestia.

When they finished reading the letter, both ponies wore a cute but sly smile on their faces.
Well Pinkie-Sweetie, you know what this means. Asked Rarity.

Sure do honey-pie, time to go to work. Replied Pinkie as they calmly walked out the door, To what is in their point of view, would be a romantic date.

Some time later just outside town, two figures came out from out of the shadows. One looked like a large bloated mix of a tick and a spider with long-curved claws and spider-legs on his back. This was Tickspider-Shadow.

The second one was a more humanoid-looking creature that resembled a twisted cricket. This one was Pelesit-Shadow.

They a chasing a small group of baby rabbits. Loud rabbit-screams could be heard as the vile-creatures caught and devoured the poor rabbits in a feast of blood & gore.

They both were doing strange clicking & hissing sounds if if they were talking to eachother when they heard a voice.

Good Evening gentlemen, you seem well tonight. We'll soon fix that! Said Rarity as the Tickspider-Shadow hissed.

Look's like you two have been naughty, naughty boys. We're going to have to put you two to bed, For Good! Said Pinkie-Pie as the two monsters rushed towards them.

Rarity faced up against Tickspider-Shadow while Pinkie took on Pelesit-Shadow. Tickspider-Shadow tries to slash Rarity with his back claws and finger-claws, but she evaded every single attack. Meanwhile Pelesit-Shadow tried to crush Pinkie's head with his powerful spiked-legs and impile her with his horn, but Pinkie just bounced out the way, with as always with a cheerful smile on her face. Thanks to her training in hoove-to-hoove combat, Rarity threw a few powerful punches with her front-hooves to Tickspider-Shadow's face then to finish off her opponent, she uses a single, powerful to his gut, making him coughing up blood. He then fell to the grass on his back, dead. Rarity then walked up to the body, and sat on it so that she can watch as her cute little fillyfriend finish off her opponent. As Pelesit-Shadow rushed Pinkie with his claws, Pinkie put her front hoof out causing him to trip on the grass. Afterwards, Pinkie jumped in the air.

Bye Bye. Pinkie said as she crushed the mutant's head with all four of her hooves, causing his death. A few minutes later, the two little ponies were sitting on the grass, with the bodies of the mutants a few feet behind them. Pinkie was nussling her head in Rarity's hair, while Rarity was stroking Pinkie's flank with her hoof.

Hey Rarity honey are all our dates going to be fun like tonight? Asked Pinkie.

I don't know sweetie, maybe like this, or maybe just a normal date. If so, I'll be glad you'll be there share in the fun! Replied Rarity as she move forward to face Pinkie.

Pinkie darling, I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Said a teary-eyed but happy Rarity.

I so love you too Rarity sweetie. You are the best lover I ever had and I want to spend the rest of my life with you too. Continued Pinkie, who was also teary eyed and happy. As they finished talk, they moved their faces together, and shared a passionate kiss bathed in the light of the full moon in the sky. They know for a fact that the Tickspider & Pelesit Shadows were not the first Shadowkan they killed, but they were not the last. Right now Rarity & Pinkie thought they should just enjoy and moment of true love, and were looking forward, to a very intreasting future.

The End!