> Equestria Noir Side Story "Mine" > by Jacoboby1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Mine" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria Noir Side Story “Mine” By Jacoboby1 Perspective: Tailspin I leaned back in my chair, trying not slouch as Cheerilee spoke in front of the class. She was going on about some unicorn king uniting the land or something. I dunno, I always thought it sounded boring. Just a bunch of ponies taking things without asking and expected everypony to let them. I looked around at my classmates. It was the start of the next school year so there were a few additions. I saw my cousin Cross sitting attentively in the front row. Applebloom was already asleep on her textbook. Sweetie was trying to stay awake but kept casting glances at Cross. Pip slid a note over to Dinky while Cheerilee wasn’t looking. She opened it, smiled at Pip and held it to her heart. Geez, those guys have got it bad. But they were my friends, I was happy for them both. Another thing that changed, was Silver Spoon. The grey filly with glasses was sitting on the complete opposite side of where Diamond Tiara was sitting. I heard those two had a falling out, but I didn’t think it was this bad. Diamond kept casting glares at anypony who even looked at her. She seemed to be in a fouler mood than usual. “So through the efforts of King Izanagi, the unicorns united their lands and formed the Unicorn Kingdom, one of three superpowers before the founding of Equestria.” Cheerilee said, closing her textbook. Everypony shot to attention once the book closed. The bell rang and everypony ran for their lockers outside to grab their lunches. I rolled over in my chair to where my locker was...but just before I got it I heard a cry. “Give those back!” Cross’ voice! I looked over and saw my cousin was waving his hooves blindly in front of him. Cross’ glasses were missing and I knew for a fact he was practically blind without them. I than saw who was responsible for this… Three guesses who… “What’re you going to do dweeb?” Diamond Tiara said, holding the glasses just out of his reach. “Are you gonna go cry to Rarity about it?” “You know I can’t see!” Cross cried, in the complete opposite direction of where Diamond was. I rolled over and glared at Diamond Tiara “Hey! Give those back to my cousin!” “Figures dweebs would stick together,” Diamond smirked evilly, she held the glasses before me as if to give them back. But before I could snatch them, she dropped them on the floor. The glass on them cracked and Cross held them close to his eyes to assess the damage. “You broke them!” Cross said. “That was really mean Diamond!” Sweetie Belle said, running over to where Cross was. “So what? He’ll just get a new pair anyway,” Diamond said with a roll of her blue eyes. “It was an accident after all.” “That’s it!” Applebloom was about to throw herself at Diamond Tiara. It took both me and Scootaloo, who was nearby, to grab her to stop her from fighting. But the yelling caused somepony else to take notice. “Diamond Tiara!” We all stopped moving as Cheerilee walked over to us, nopony spoke up. Until Applebloom decided to speak, “Miss Cheerilee! Diamond broke Cross’ glasses!” She pointed over at Diamond who glared at her. “Tattle tail!” Diamond spat at her. Applebloom looked about ready to tackle her again before Cheerilee got between them. “Applebloom, I will have no fighting in this class do you hear me?” “But-” “No buts, unless you want your sister to find out you’ve been picking fights,” Cheerilee warned. Applebloom’s bow drooped by itself, never could really explain that, and she walked back over to Sweetie and Scootaloo, who comforted their friend. Behind Cheerilee’s back, Diamond stuck her tongue out at Applebloom. Cheerilee looked to Cross and asked, “Are you alright Cross?” My cousin put on his cracked glasses and said, “I’ll be fine Miss Cheerilee, I’ll get them fixed when I get home.” Cheerilee finally said to all of us, “Alright then, everypony eat lunch outside today, enjoy the nice weather while we still have it.” Everypony walked silently away, except for Diamond who only got a step in before she was blocked by Cheerilee’s leg. “My office, now.” This can’t be good… __________________________________________________________ Perspective: Diamond Tiara How dare that bumpkin tattle on me! I’ll get Daddy to buy her precious farm, and make her family slave away for him. That’ll teach her! Why am I here, anyway? Daddy will get me out of this. He’ll have her fired, and get a teacher that’ll treat me the way I deserve, and those… those… dweebs will be my servants… “Diamond Tiara did you even listen to a word I said?” I looked up at Cheerilee as I sat on the chair in front of her desk. She was not happy with me, but who cares? Daddy’ll find a way to get her fired anyways. “Diamond, I tried to be reasonable.” She said, giving me a uncalled for glare, “But for the past few years I’ve received nothing but complaints from fellow students about you. Teasing, stealing, destruction of student property…” “Wasn’t my fault he couldn’t keep track of his glasses.” I said, looking away from her “Can I go now? I’m really hungry and we both know Daddy’ll will just help me get off.” “In actuality, your father and I had a little talk.” She said. May as well begin making that resume now… “We both agree you are on incredibly thin ice young lady.” She said. Wait...WHAT?!? Daddy agrees with her!? “Miss Cheerilee!” I said, looking at her “You can’t be serious!” “I am,” Cheerilee said, looking down at me. “You’ve been the most terribly behaved student ever since you entered my class. Your father and I agree that if your attitude doesn’t shape up, you are looking at an expulsion to go on your permanent record.” NO WAY! Daddy can’t have agreed to this garbage! She’s lying! “Are you sure it was Daddy who said all that?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. “Yes in fact, he was here this morning.” She said, frowning. “This is stupid…” I grumbled, crossing my hooves. “Diamond, I don’t want you to get kicked out of school,” Cheerilee said, “So I’m offering you a deal.” “What will it be?” I asked. If it was clapping erasers again I’m so having Daddy sue the school. “We’re going to have an assignment coming up. It will be with partners.” She explained, “And if your partner doesn’t give a good assessment...you can leave this school and never come back.” Wait...Cheerilee just said… I could...get expelled… Aww well, it was one stupid assignment, how bad could it be? ___________________________________________________________ Perspective: Tailspin I sat back in my desk after lunch. But, for some reason instead of having us get out our Equiish textbooks, Cheerilee went to the blackboard and erased some space on it. Everypony watched as she slowly drew six necklaces and a crown on it. She pointed to them, “Can anypony tell me what these are?” Everypony knew the answer, Dinky was the first to speak up, but that’s not surprising. “Uh, the Elements of Harmony?” “Correct Dinky,” Cheerilee said with an approving smile. Everypony looked at each other, everypony knew this. At least half of us are related to an element of Harmony in some way. I’m lucky enough to be related to two, bro and his wife Twilight. “So,” Cheerilee went on, “Can anypony tell me what empowers the elements?” Everypony looked at each other, before I took a guess, “The uh, Magic of Friendship?” “Exactly Tailspin.” Cheerilee said. Sweetie spoke up, “Miss Cheerilee, why are we learning this?” “Yeah,” Scootaloo spoke up, “everypony knows about them, what with them being in the news and stuff all the time.” Cheerilee just smiled. “The fact of the matter is class,” She said, looking at us, “Is that the magic of friendship isn’t just in the Elements of Harmony. It lies in all of us, through our friendships with one another. Sure, you won’t use it to defeat a god of chaos, but creating bonds with others is important in the process of growing up. The poet, Donne, once wrote: ‘No pony is an island, entire of itself. Each is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod is washed to sea, Equestria is less. As well as if a promontory were . As well as if a manor of thine own, or of thine friend’s were. Each pony’s death diminishes me, for I am involved with pony kind. Therefore do not ask for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee’.” Everypony just gave her a quizzical look. What the hay was she getting at? “Which is why this week, I have an assignment for you all.” Cheerilee said. “You will each be conducting interviews with another student. Learning their traits, interests, things about them you wouldn’t know from simply waving hi before class every day. This assignment is about breaking down barriers we may have put up between us as students.” Everypony looked at each other. Almost immediately everypony started giving secret looks and gestures to one another. Debating partners and who should go with whom. That was, before Cheerilee giggled and said, “Before any of you get excited, I’ve already picked partners.” There was a collective “Aww” that everypony gave out. I was really hoping I could become Scootaloo’s partner. Imagine it...me and Scootaloo...alone for an interview… “The first pair will be Scootaloo and Twist.” Well, there goes that plan. Scootaloo looked over at Twist and tried to smile. Twist smiled her now braces free teeth. Though, for some reason she still has that lisp. Cheerilee looked at her list, “The next pair will be Applebloom and Silver Spoon.” Applebloom and Silver Spoon just gave this awkward look at one another. It’s a well known fact that Silver took part in Diamond’s pranks on everypony. But, she was just kind of quiet now, didn’t bother anypony. She hangs out with Snails now believe it or not… Cheerilee eventually paired Ruby Pinch and Dinky together. Ruby was a nice filly, her mom was a little weird though. They just kind of shrugged, and decided to go with it. She paired Pipsqueak and Truffle together, I like Truffle to be honest, good cook and a good attitude. It’s thanks to him we survived that night in the shed at the mansion. Next up was Snails and Sweetie Belle, a very odd pick in my honest opinion. I didn’t hate Snails or his cohort Snips, they just weren’t exactly the brightest bulbs in the closet. If you’re curious Snips got paired with Cross. As the pairs winded down I couldn’t help but notice my name wasn’t called. Finally, the moment of truth happened when Cheerilee said, “The last pair, will be Tailspin and Diamond Tiara.” SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!? _______________________________________________________ After Class… “Miss Cheerilee you can’t be serious about this!” I cried as I sat in front of her desk. “I’d take Snips and Snails over Diamond Tiara any old day!” “The pairs were picked already Tailspin,” Cheerilee said, grading a Equiish test while she was talking. “Diamond Tiara and you were picked to be a pair, and I made sure she knows she’s to take this seriously.” “But Miss Cheerilee!” I cried, “I can’t be with her!” “And why is that?” She asked, looking at me. “Because she’s evil!” I implored. Huh, vocab word, no focus! Cheerilee just gave me a look, “Diamond Tiara may be a bully, but you should know from your friend Scootaloo that bullies are often misunderstood.” “We are still talking about Diamond Tiara right?” I said, not getting why she was sending me to the sharks. “I just want to be sure of that before we keep having this conversation!” “Tailspin,” She said gently, “I know it’s not going to be easy, but you have a good heart. I know that if you simply took the time to get to know her, you may find out why she’s acting this way.” I’m still saying...evil… I sighed in defeat, “I’ll do it Miss Cheerilee, but that doesn’t mean I gotta like it.” Cheerilee just smiled, “Such is the case with life Tailspin.” I picked up my bag and rolled outside into the hallway. Everypony was meeting with their partners, probably planning times and such. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to be greeted by none other than the queen of brats herself. Diamond glared at me and I glared back at her. “Look, I’m only doing this because it’s an assignment.” I said, keeping my glare on her. Diamond just turned around, and said, “My house, tomorrow after school.” With that, she just left. This was going to be a long week… ____________________________________________________________ The next day... This was her house? It was big. Bigger than… well… anything else in the neighborhood. There were Hippolytan columns along the front, and… Yes, I know what Hippolytan columns are, okay? Twilight can be… kinda intense when she’s researching stuff, and… well… who knew architecture would be so interesting? There was a hedge maze in front of the house. Not very high, but enough to let anypony know that they had to hire a gardener just to take care of it. “Wow,” My bro said as he stood next to me. “There’s a reason why they call him Filthy Rich it seems.” “You said it bro,” I said, looking up at Private, “I still think this is a dumb idea.” “Ah, don’t worry, worst comes to worst I’ll get Twilight to teleport you out of there.” He said with a smile. I smiled back and said, “That’d certainly help.” Private walked to a little bell on the door and used his hoof to ring it. The gates opened and he said, “Be sure to come home by six okay? Don’t want you to miss dinner.” “Maybe I should stay if Twilight’s cooking.” I cringed a little. “Look, she’s trying okay? Even if she does take recipes straight out of the book.” He rubbed my mane and walked off, “I’ll see you in a few hours.” I waved goodbye and ventured into the garden. Inside was a small fountain and some pony statues dotting the landscape. Was that a golf course way back there? Tennis Courts? Geez, I wonder if Dad had all this stuff where he lived? I made my way down the brick road to the front door. I saw a unicorn made standing there. She had to be a few years older than Twilight and Private. She had a deep purple mane tied back under her bonnet, a light greenish coat and dark blue eyes. She smiled and curtsied as I came up, “You are Master Tailspin yes?” “Uh,” I tilted my head, “Tailspin is just fine, and you are?” “I am Fern, head of the servants in Master Rich’s household. Mistress Tiara was expecting you.” She said with a smile. Okay, I could roll with this. She held open the door for me as I rolled into the mansion foyer. There was a lot of wood. The floor was dark and shiny wood, and part of the walls were the same. The top part was a kind of dark green color. It just felt… Well… Rich. Fern walked over behind me and said, “Can I offer you any refreshments Master Tailspin?” “You uh, don’t need to call me Master.” I said, rubbing the back of my head self consciously. “I just need to see Diamond Tiara.” “She should be up in the study,” Fern said, and then began walking towards a set of doors. “Right this way sir.” Huh, well it would be rude not to take in the hospitality I guess. I was led down the hallways. The walls were covered with paintings of all sorts. A lot of portraits of Diamond Tiara though that’s not surprising. I stopped as I came to one picture, it depicted a much younger Filthy Rich, he was wearing a really fancy suit. On the ground at his hooves was a filly version of Diamond Tiara. Small and smiling...who knew she could look so..cute? But there was one detail that stood out. Standing next to Mr. Rich was a mare. She looked almost exactly like an older version of Diamond Tiara. Except her eyes were a soft brown instead of blue. I’m guessing that Diamond got her eyes from her dad. I looked over at Fern who stopped and then said, “Uh, who’s that?” Fern looked at the picture, a sad expression on her face, “That would be Mistress Diamond Diadem, Mistress Tiara’s mother.” That’s Diamond Tiara’s mom? She was pretty, but she didn’t exactly seem...happy in the portrait. “Let us go Master Tailspin,” Fern said, obviously wanting to get as far away from the portrait as possible. I followed after her, my mind thinking. Just what kind of home did Diamond live in? _______________________________________________________. Fern opened the door to the study and inside I saw Filthy Rich and Diamond talking. I know it’s wrong to eavesdrop, but this is one of the rare moments when Mr. Rich looked really ticked at Diamond. I wasn’t about to miss this. “But Daaaddy!” Diamond whined. “No buts little lady,” Mr. Rich scolded, “You will do well on this assignment, otherwise I’ll send ya straight to a boarding school.” “But that’s the kind of school with uniforms and other dumb stuff!” Diamond cried. “Which is exactly why you’ll be right and polite when doing this assignment. Tailspin is the son of a good friend of mine and I will not see him treated rudely.” Mr. Rich said and nodded firmly to drive home his point. Diamond Tiara absolutely fumed. Aww man, I should’ve brought Private’s old Camcorder. Mr. Rich then turned to look at us standing in the doorway. He smiled and said, “Ah, well if it isn’t Tailspin Eye, good to see you.” I rolled over and smiled, “Uh, a pleasure to see you again Fi-I mean, Mr. Rich.” I said, catching myself. Diamond Tiara humphed and stuck her nose up as I entered. Geez, somepony really needs an attitude adjustment. “Well, I’ll leave you both to your assignment.” Filthy said, walking past me and out the door. “If you both need anything, just tell Miss Fern here.” Fern curtsied and closed the door behind her and Filthy. I turned back to look at Diamond Tiara and she frowned at me. “Let’s just get this over with,” She said. I just shrugged as Diamond took a seat on one of the plush couches. I already had my own chair and simply sat across from her. I reached into my saddle bags and pulled out the actual paper that Cheerilee gave us. I tried to take this seriously, “Okay, um.” I started, “It says I’m supposed to ask about where you’re from.” Diamond rolls her eyes, “I’m from here, lived in this dumb town all my life.” “Ponyville isn’t dumb,” I retorted. “Yeah well, it isn’t Canterlot or Manehatten.” Diamond snarked, “At least there we don’t have to mail order anything decent to wear or play with.” Somepony is not exactly happy with the locals. I tried not to let that get under my skin. “Okay, um, any hobbies?” “Well,” Diamond tilted her head, “I like collecting jewelry, stuffed animals, and oh yeah, making sure dumb colts know what their place is.” Tailspin...remember the deal...don’t let her get under your skin...just grin and bear it… “Uh,” I looked at the paper, “Any ideas what you wanna do after school?” I asked. Diamond rolled her eyes, “Like I’d do anything, Daddy has enough money I won’t need to work at all. Than if worst comes to worst I’ll just marry somepony else who’s rich.” Okay, this is getting on my nerves. “Look, can’t you at least take it seriously?” “Why should I?” Diamond glared at me, “I know what you’re going to put in your stupid report. So why pretend that I’m any different?” “Do you want to go to boarding school?” I said, trying to be polite and failing miserably. “As if Daddy would really send me there.” Diamond huffed. “Besides, what would a stupid cripple like yourself care about me?” “Okay, that’s it!” I slammed my hoof down on the coffee table to get her attention. “I try to be nice! I try to be polite! But it’s just clear you’re nothing but a meanie pants!” “Excuse me?!” Diamond glowered. “That’s all you are! Just a miserable bully who likes it when other ponies have a hard time with you! I’m trying to be nice and stuff and you bite my head off!” I yelled at her. “You don’t know a thing about me!” Diamond fired back. “Only because you don’t try to make ponies understand that you’re anything more than a spoiled brat!” I yelled back at her. “Just go home than! I don’t need to hear this stupid talk!” She yelled, before running for the door and bursting out of it. She then ran down the hallway and disappeared from my sight. So much for that, why’d I get picked to interview a brat like her? _______________________________________________________________ It’s been at least a half hour. Was she going to come back at all? I sat there in the study all by myself. Part of me felt glad that I yelled at her. But a part of me felt bad that I did. I may have hurt whatever feelings she has. Listen to me, this is Diamond Tiara we’re talking about. Even still, maybe I should at least check on her. I rolled over to the door and opened it. The hallway was deserted. No sign of where she went. Time to use a little detective skills. I looked at the rugs and saw that they were slightly moved from where they were. Like somepony had stepped on them and scooted them over. This had to be the way Diamond went. I followed the path and rounded a pair of corners until I saw a room with an open door. I peeked inside and saw it was a bedroom...but it couldn’t have been Diamond’s… The place was decorated in beautiful violet wallpaper, a large window looking outside, and paintings on the walls. The bed was a bed made for a stallion and a mare. Like the one that Private and Twilight got after their honeymoon. Only, from the sounds they make at night they seem to be doing everything but sleep on it. Grownups are weird. I rolled over to the nightstand and saw that it was cleaned. Very well, like almost Twilight level. I looked at the picture...oh my gosh… It was a filly photo of Diamond Tiara. She was smiling wide at the camera. Diamond Tiara smiles? Or...at least she did. I noticed her mom was holding Diamond Tiara, she was smiling wide as well at her daughter. I’ve never seen Diamond Tiara’s mom around Ponyville. Wierd...to think that Diamond Tiara and I would have something in common like this. I closed the door behind me as I left. I then continued the quest to find Diamond Tiara’s room. It didn’t take long as I rounded the corner to find a door with Diamond’s name engraved on it. I rolled up to the door...and actually heard...sobbing? I pushed open the door quietly and got a peek into Diamond Tiara’s room. It was pretty much what’d you expect. Spacious, pink, lots of stuffed animals and toys all over the place. A vanity was there as well, just as messy. In fact, the whole place was trashed. I looked on the plush bed and saw Diamond was...actually crying into her pillow… Diamond Tiara...can cry? This is just too weird. But...I felt kind of bad… I slowly opened the door, and knocked on it. “Go away daddy,” Diamond said, still crying. “It’s me actually,” I said, looking at her. She stiffened for a moment, put a hoof up to wipe her eyes and said, “What do you want? Go ahead, laugh.” “Laugh?” I said with a tilt of my head. “Ha ha,” She said, imitating me “Look at the crybaby! Oh the tough bully Diamond Tiara is crying like a foal that dropped her bottle!” “It, didn’t cross my mind.” I said gently, “Why were you crying?” “None of your business,” She said, crossing her forelegs. Her back was still turned to me. “Diamond, look, maybe if you’d just let me talk to you,” I tried to say. Diamond got off the bed, stomped over to me and glared at me with red tinted blue eyes. Obviously they got that way from her earlier tears. “If it’s about the stupid assignment I don’t give a darn! My friend left me! My daddy wants to send me to a boarding school! Everypony at school thinks I’m a bully! Why do you even care?” She asked, her voice typical Diamond Tiara. “Maybe,” I took a wild stab in the dark. “maybe I can understand you more than you know?” “Name one lousy thing you can understand about me!” She screamed. …”What it’s like not to have a mom around.” I said. A stunned look came to her face. Followed by a frown, and finally she just plopped on your haunches. “You, found the room huh?” She said after about a minute of being quiet. “Diamond, just what happened?” I asked. She sighed, and turned around, her back to me as she said, “Daddy met Mommy a long time ago. They were in love at the start of their marriage together. But, everything changed after that. Mommy kept making Daddy buy all these things for her. This house? It was something she asked to be made.” Wow...if I hadn’t seen how sad she was earlier, I’d make a ‘like mother like daughter’ comment. She went on, “After I was born they started fighting about everything. It was mostly about how mommy kept buying stuff. Daddy got mad and the two would argue for hours as I sat in my room. Just, waiting for the fighting to stop so we could all play together.” “Your parents had a divorce…” I said, the thought clicking in my brain. She, slowly nodded “I didn’t know that was what it was called at the time. I just knew that when I was four, one day she was there, the next she walked out the door and never came back. I cried for weeks when she did. Daddy was really sad to see me cry,” She took the tiara off her head and looked at it, “He got me this.” she said. “Even with that, he still cleans her room.” Diamond said, shaking her head “As if she’ll just walk in one day and everything will be normal.” She sighed and turned to me, “You hit the nail on the head Tailspin. I really am just a spoiled brat. Whenever I whined enough, Daddy would get something I wanted. Remember your story from Hearth’s Warming? Yeah, I was Princess Platinum.” A feeling of guilt passed over my heart, “Diamond, I had no idea.” “You couldn’t have known.” Diamond said with a sigh. “Now you know why I’m such a brat. So, you don’t have to stay. You can just tell Cheerilee I’m a lost cause and I’ll take a hike to boarding school. Where at least everypony else is a spoiled brat like me.” I slowly smiled, “Diamond, I think I’ll keep you as a partner.” “Why?” She said, tilting her head. “Simply because that’s the most honest I’ve ever seen you.” I said, rolling to her with a smile. “Also, I think you’re a lot nicer than you give yourself out to be.” “Were you drinking some of Berry Punch’s grape juice?” Diamond said, giving me a wary look. “Nah,” I shook my head, “I think, you were just trying to help your dad deal with your mom. But the only strong memory you had was your mom being the whiny money vacuum she was. So, you tried to fill in that role for your dad’s sake. You just got sucked into it for so long that it just got sucked into your personality. You became your mom because you felt it was what you had to do. But Diamond, you can be so much more.” She laughed at that, “You really are going to be a writer.” “What can I say?” I said, patting my book cutie mark “I didn’t earn this baby for nothing.” She looked down for a minute, “Thing is, without being a spoiled brat, what can I do?” She looked to her own cutie mark, “I mean, my talent is jewerly, but, where do I go from there?” I smiled and said, “However you want. My dad said a cutie mark was just a starting point. You are defined by what you do with your talent, not what your talent is.” “I, kind of get it.” Diamond said with a tilt of her head. “But, where do I start?” I smiled and held up the paper, “Whaddya say we get this interview done?” She smiled a little at that, “I’ll, talk to Fern and see if there’s any snacks she can make for us.” It was honestly a little scary to see a kind Diamond Tiara. But hey, if Discord can come around, why not her? ________________________________________________________________ “So Twist showed me something really awesome!” Scootaloo said as she stood in front of the class with Twist. “Turns out there’s this thing called Cosplay! Everypony dresses up as characters from movies and comics and stuff! It’s a lot of fun!” “You didn’t just use that as an excuse to bring out the rainbow wig did you?” Cheerilee asked. “Uh, maybe.” Scootaloo said as the whole class laughed, including Twist. “It wath a lot of fun!” Twist said, “Thcootaloo thowed me how to play hoothball! I’m not very good at it, but it’th fun to actually be able to learn.” “I’m glad that both of you had a good time,” Cheerilee said as the class clapped. Twist and Scootaloo went back to their seats and Cheerilee looked at her list. “Last but not least, Tailspin and Diamond Tiara.” Applebloom gave me a look of pity as I rolled up. In fact, everypony looked sorry for me. Silver Spoon just looked away as Diamond passed her by on her way up. When we reached the front of the class, I decided to start. “I’ll admit, when I first got picked for Diamond Tiara’s partner, I was a little uh...reluctant.” That was the understatement of the year. “But,” I went on, “We hanged out for a little while, and Diamond would like to say a few words to the class.” Diamond looked a little nervous but I gave her a reassuring smile and she looked at the class. she plopped on her haunches and bowed her head and said, “I’m sorry.” Everypony’s pupils shrank and their jaws dropped at the same time. Even Cheerilee looked shocked that the words ever came out of her mouth. Diamond went on, “I’m sorry for being such a brat. Tailspin showed me that I could be far more than just a bully. That I could be my own pony and actually care about what I do to others. I don’t think anypony here will be ready to forgive right away.” She gazed at Applebloom “Some, I don’t think will be able to.” Applebloom just kept staring, her mouth slowly closing but the shock was still evident. I went on, “Turns out, Diamond has a real talent for making jewelry. She also can sew and stuff. She said that she made half of her stuffed animals by herself.” Diamond smiled, “Turns out Tailspin really likes to write. He says he’s going to one day write about his big brother’s cases. I’m hoping that when I’m older I’ll use some of my money to get him started.” I smiled at her and said, “Goes to show you, everypony deserves a second chance. A chance to start over and make things right.” Diamond and I simply walked/rolled back to our seats as a stunned silence filled the room. Cheerilee coughed and said, “Now than, onto today's lesson. This time covering the fall of the Crystal Empire.” _________________________________________________________________ “How did ya do it?” Applebloom demanded as I sat against a tree during lunch. All of my friends were gathered around me. A billion questions were summed up in that one that Applebloom gave me. “She was so mean before!” Sweetie Belle said, “Yet you got her to apologize in front of the whole class!” “Seriously,” Cross said, “What did you do?” I smiled and said, “I just listened.” “You didn’t have Twilight rig up some be nice spell?” Cross asked. “This just can’t be happenin!” Applebloom shook her head. “Next thing ya know, Rarity will become a mud slider!” “I don’t think that’ll happen,” Dinky said, shaking her head “But this is just, so unlike her.” “Hey, has anypony seen Scootaloo?” Pip asked, looking around. I caught sight of Scootaloo sitting by herself, I climbed into my chair and rolled over to her. “Hey, Scootaloo, everything okay?” “I’m fine,” She said, staring intently at her sandwich. “Why don’t you go play with your new filly friend?” “Huh?” I asked. Scootaloo just kept looking down, “I mean, I know I’m not a, girly girl, but…” “Scootaloo,” I said, looking at her, “are you, jealous?” “Of course not!” she yelled at me, “Why would I be jealous of Diamond Tiara of all ponies?” “Scootaloo, it isn’t like that I swear!” I said, looking at her. “I’ve liked you since day one at this school! Nothing is going to change that!” A blush formed on Scootaloo’s cheeks, she sighed and said. “Right, sorry. I guess I was just thinking that that was how you got her to apologize.” Wow, Scootaloo was jealous...never thought that would happen… I just smiled and put a hoof on her shoulder, “Hey, I’d never stoop to that. I like you too much to betray your trust like that.” Scootaloo smiled and pressed her muzzle to mine for a minute, I felt my own cheeks flush when she did. She looked at me for a minute with those gorgeous violet eyes and said, “Can you blame me? Nice guys like you are pretty rare.” I blushed and gulped, “Uh, thanks.” Scootaloo then walked away, before I heard a chorus from my friends. Scootaloo and Tailspin, sittin in a tree! K-I-S-S “GUYS!!” I yelled at them. They all laughed and went about eating their lunch. I felt a hoof tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Diamond Tiara standing there. She smiled at me and said, “Well, that went about as well as anypony could’ve thought.” “You got it out, that’s all that matters,” I said with a smile. “Say, Tailspin.” She said, suddenly looking...nervous? “Yeah?” I asked, tilting my head. “Could you um, I mean it’s not for any assignment but...could you meet me at my house after school?” She asked. Weird, “What for?” I asked. “Just, there’s something really important I gotta tell you.” She said, looking down for a minute. “Okay sure, I’ll stop by.” I said, “I’ll see you then.” I rolled off, getting a very weird feeling in my gut. It was like I was walking into the Everfree Forest and didn’t know it… _________________________________________________________________ “Master Tailspin, it’s good to see you again.” Fern said as I made my way to Diamond’s front door. “Again, the master bit isn’t necessary.” I said with a small laugh. “I do believe the honor is necessary,” Fern said with a smile, “You have lightened Mistress Tiara’s mood quite a bit.” “I’m just glad she’s feeling better.” I said with a smile. “Can I come in?” “Most certainly,” Fern held the door open with her magic as I rolled inside. I made my way over to Diamond Tiara’s room at Fern’s instruction. Inside I saw she was...pacing? “Uh, Diamond?” I asked. “Ah!” She broke out of her pacing and looked at me, a nervous smile on her lips. “Oh, uh, hey Tailspin, didn’t see you there.” “You okay?” I asked. “It’s uh, fine, come in.” She said. I rolled inside the room and Diamond Tiara closed the door behind me. Weird again… “So,” I said, rolling around to face her, “What was it you wanted to tell me?” Diamond looked away, her usual confidence wasn’t there. Instead she looked kind of like Cross whenever he tried to talk to Sweetie Belle. “I uh, Tailspin, thanks a lot, for everything.” “Diamond, are you really okay?” I asked concerned. “Uh, well.” She scuffed her hoof on the ground, “It’s just that, I’ve been thinking about a lot of stuff. You, remember when your chair broke during the dance?” “Yeah,” I said with a nod, “I still got the bump from when I f-wait, what do you know about it?” She walked over to her dresser, and opened a drawer. She held in her hooves some nuts and bolts...the kind for a wheelchair…”I did it,” She admitted, “I was the one who broke your chair.” She...she was the reason…. “Diamond, why?” I asked. “Why would you break my chair? When I worked so hard to dance with Scootaloo?” “Because,” She sighed and looked down, “I didn’t want you dancing with her…” What? “Why?” I asked again. “Because, I…” She slowly walked towards me, her blue eyes meeting mine. “I was jealous. I hated the fact that a tomcolt like Scootaloo caught your eye...and not me…” It slowly clicked in my brain… “Diamond, you…” I said, not believing it myself. “Yes Tailspin,” Her eyes glistened, before...she...oh my gosh she kissed me on the cheek…!! “I’ve always liked you…” “WHAT!” I said, rolling away, “Diamond! You, I mean when!?” Diamond just blushed and got this smile on her face I remember Private telling me I got when I saw Scootaloo. “You’re handsome, charming, and you were willing to put your hoof down whenever I started whining. Tailspin...what filly wouldn’t like a colt like you…?” She said, walking closer again. What was I supposed to do? If I told her how I really feel, I’d break her heart in a million pieces. But, I can’t betray Scootaloo. I...I love Scootaloo… “Diamond,” I said, looking at her, “I’m really, really sorry...but I can’t…” “What?” Diamond said, stopping. “But, we’re both rich, we understand one another, we’d be a perfect match…” I looked down, “I can’t, betray Scootaloo.” Diamond’s eyes became sad, than thoughtful, and then absolutely enraged. “SCOOTALOO!? That tomcolt! Always! Always! Always it’s Scootaloo with you! I’m prettier than she is! I’m richer! I’m even nice now! Ever since I’ve met you it’s always been about her! What can that tomcolt offer that I can’t!?” “It’s not about what she can offer, Diamond. It never has been. I’ve never cared about her being a tomcolt, or not being girly, or any of that,” I said, keeping my head down, “I just don’t have the same feelings for you that I do her. I’m sorry.” “But, Tailspin…” Diamond Tiara’s eyes looked about ready to burst into tears. “I’m sure some colt will like you,” I tried to reassure her, “It just, it can’t be me. Because I’d never betray Scootaloo for anything…” “But, no…” She shook her head “This just isn’t fair!” “Diamond?” I said, looking at her. “I can ask for anything! Jewelry! A big house! Dolls! Anything my Daddy can buy me! But the one thing I can’t have...is the thing I want most of all…” She finally just turned around, “Just, go…” “Diamond,” I tried to comfort her, but, she wouldn’t have it. I slowly rolled out the door. ______________________________________________________________________ Perspective: Private Eye “Oh. Look, Private. Think this would be good for a filly’s room?” Twilight asked me, levitating a magazine for me to look at. I looked at the picture of the little bookshelf and smirked, “If our foal is anything like you, she’d probably start reading before she could talk.” We both laughed a little as the door opened. I looked over and saw Tailspin was rolling over to his room. He looked a little down. I looked at Twilight who simply nodded. I walked over to Tailspin’s room and found my little brother lying on his bed. His eyes on the ceiling. “Hey buddy, everything okay?” Tailspin pushed with his forelegs to sit up, he looked down at the little clouds on his blankets. “Private, have you ever had somepony like you, but you didn’t like them back?” I got a flashback to Rarity’s little attempt back at Manehatten. Luckily Rarity had her feelings for Spike to make her realize her mistake. But, this doesn’t seem like the exact same case. “Yeah, what happened?” I said, sitting beside him on the bed. “It’s just,” He went on to explain what happened. Diamond Tiara apparently had feelings for Tailspin. Poor guy had to deal with being the object of an unrequited crush. I put a hoof on my little brother’s shoulder. “I just,” He said, looking down, “I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but I couldn’t betray Scootaloo.” “Tailspin, you did the right thing,” I said, reassuringly “It would’ve been worse if you let her act on her feelings without knowing how you felt. She’d be living a lie.” “How come the right thing is never the easy thing?” Tailspin asked. “Nothing worth it comes easy,” I said, smiling at him. “It’s just all part of growing up.” Tailspin sighed, “I guess.” “Hey,” I hugged my little brother, “Why don’t we go to Sugarcube Corner? My treat.” “Can we get some cupcakes?” He asked. “Whatever you want Tailspin,” I said. I held my little brother for a while. Poor kid, having to go through so much and only being eleven years old. I remember when he was really little. When all he really wanted was me to give him a bottle every once in awhile. But, nowadays, he’s facing a lot more complicated stuff. I’m just glad I’m here to help him with it. _________________________________________________________________ Perspective: Fern Master Rich is going to become impatient if I do not find Mistress Tiara soon. She’s been very reclusive lately, hardly ever leaving her room. I wonder if it has something to do with Master Tailspin? The poor dear… I came up to her room and saw it was partially opened. I could hear Mistress Diamond’s voice inside. “Oh Tailspin, it’s great to see you again!” I then heard Mistress Tiara imitate Master Tailspin’s voice “Hello Diamond Tiara my sweet! I just broke up with Scootaloo! Now we can be together forever!” “You really love me Tailspin?” Mistress Tiara asked. “Diamond, you are the prettiest mare in the world. You’re also the smartest and the nicest. I want nothing more than to make you the happiest.” Her imitation said. Should I be concerned…? “Oh Tailspin,” Diamond sighed. I knocked on the door, “Uh, Mistress Tiara, dinner is waiting for you.” “Oh,” Her voice spoke up and I heard a little rustling. “Sorry, I’ll be right out!” A few minutes later she opened the door and said, “I’ll see you there Fern,” She walked down the hallway. I know it shouldn’t be my business. But I think Master Rich would like to know what was going on. I looked inside the room and saw it was mostly the way she usually keeps it. Except, a small table was set up in the center. I remember it was her tea party table when she was five. But...I don’t remember her ever owning this toy… I gently picked it up, it was made of felt with blue felt. The hair was electric blue colored yarn, with a hairstyle that parted in the front. Tiny little fabric wings were sewn onto the sides of the doll’s body. It had tiny little blue button eyes on it’s face and a smile sewn on it. Carefully, I would even say lovingly, an open book had been embroidered on its flank. Strange...it looks just like Master Tailspin….