> Sweet Apple Slumber Party > by Analsaurus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - A Party for Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray clouds grace the skies of Equestria for as far as you can see. It's not hard for you to believe that this really was the biggest rainstorm Ponyville has ever had. The pegasi were busy at work in preparation for the record-breaking storm, spending the entire day gathering clouds for the special occasion. The sweet, unique scent of Equestrian rain fills the air, coinciding with the soft breeze that gently cools your skin. Every pegasus in Ponyville is helping gather clouds for the long night ahead. You chuckle to yourself at the thought of Rainbow Dash dragging Fluttershy out of her cottage, since the town needed all the help they could get. Even Twilight is helping with the storm, being an Alicorn princess now. Mayor Mare told her that she didn't have to help, since she was royalty and all, but Twilight insisted on helping, taking the opportunity to learn more about how Equestrian weather worked by witnessing it first-hand... or as she says it, first-hoof. As for all the unicorn and earth ponies, they're locking down for the night, safe and warm inside their homes. The storm is planned to pour heavily throughout the night. Pinkie Pie saw this as the perfect opportunity to throw a party with her closest friends, to which Applejack happily offered to host at her home in Sweet Apple Acres. Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, and Applebloom all went out of town to visit family in Appleloosa for the week, while Applejack decided to stay home to watch over the barn while they were gone, so there would be plenty of room for her and her friends to party throughout the home. You were one of the friends invited. Since Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight were busy for the day, Rarity was the only other guest invited to the party. In front of Applejack and Pinkie Pie, she said she was too busy catching up on a large order of dresses for the night, but later on, you heard her muttering to herself that she "didn't want to sleep in a barn." You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but decided not to say anything about it. You knew you were going to have a fun-filled night anyway. As the last patches of light are covered my dark clouds, the wind begins to pick up. You take a look at your watch. It's 15 minutes before the party starts and the rain starts falling, so you decide to start making your way down the road. The streets of town are empty as every pony begins closing their windows for the night, making their final preparations before the storm. The once gentle breeze is now a series of chilling gusts, which makes you happy that you brought a coat along with you. Before long, you arrive at Sweet Apple Acres. You approach the barn and hear a muffled tune of polka music coming from inside. You knock on the door and hear a familiar voice coming from the pink pony inside. "Whoooooooo's theeeeeere?" the playful pony asks in a lingering high-pitched voice. "It's me, Anon." you reply. You hear a faint giggle come from the other side of the door. "Anon whooooooooooo?" the giggler asks. You stand still, thinking about how to respond to her unexpected question. "Pinkie, it's me. Anon. Your friend." The door opens and you're greeted by none other than the party-loving pony, smiling from ear to ear as usual. "Oh, hello! You REALLY need to work on your knock-knock jokes! Teehee!" she chortle before hopping back inside. You smile and shake your head as you step into the barn. Once inside, you're quite impressed by what the two ponies laid out for the party. The first thing that catches your eye is a long table filled with freshly-baked pastries that make it impossible for you to resist licking your lips, leading to a towering keg with a spout, surrounded by glass mugs, ready to be filled to the brim with whatever beverage the keg contains. The sweet smell of baked delights fills your nostrils and makes your mouth drool with an overpowering craving for the delectable desserts. The barn is decorated with balloons and streamers from the floor to the ceiling. A bit extreme for a simple sleepover for three, but since Pinkie was the one responsible for the decorations, you're not all that surprised. "Howdy there, Anon! Glad ya could make it. Help yaself to the treats Pinkie and I laid out. Get 'em while they're hot!" a southern voice from across the room exclaims. Your smile becomes nearly as big as Pinkie's once you hear those words. You move over to where the two ponies sat, both sipping on frothy mugs of orange beverage, and hug each of them tightly. "Thank you for inviting me to such a wonderful party. You girls must've worked hard setting all this up." The ponies both smile in response. "Aww, shucks, sugarcube. I'm just happy to see another friendly face down here at mah barn. I hope ya have a good time." Pinkie Pie jumps up in the air with joy. "Cooking sweet treats is always fun, especially when you're cooking for a party! Then it's twice as fun!" she says with a smile. You smile back at her before taking a deep breath through your nostrils, taking in the heartwarming scent of the apple-flavored baked snacks that stood before you. They have every apple dessert you could ever imagine; apple pies, apple fritters, apple turnovers, apple cheesecake, even apple-flavored cookies topped with a smooth cinnamon spread. Everything looks and smells so delicious. You fill a plate with a sample of each of the appetizing sweets. At the end of the table, you reach the massive tank of the mysterious drink. You stare at the keg for a few seconds as you hear the sound of hoofsteps approaching from behind you. "That there's the finest sparkling apple cider in all of Equestria," Applejack announces proudly. "Brewed it mahself, go 'head on and drink as much as ya want, but careful now, mah cider ain't famous for nothin'." She's right, better take it slow with the alcohol. You pour yourself a glass to sample, carrying it to the large blanket in the middle of the room where your courteous friends sat. You carry your stacked plate steadily, being careful not to drop the tower of desserts that your stomach craves. You stare in amazement at the arrangement of sweets on your plate, deciding in your head which one to try first, until Pinkie Pie helps you make up your mind. "Ooh, try the apple pie! Applejack shared her ultra super secret family recipe with me so we could bake it together. Fiddling food with friends is forever fun-funny-funerrific!" she alliterates before taking a gulp of foamy cider. Pinkie's made-up vocabulary never failed to make you laugh. You decide to take her advice and take a heaping bite of the pie, which tastes even better than it smells. After that one bite, you can't help but gorge on every last crumb on your plate. Once you finish, you wash it all down with Applejack's home-made sparkling cider, which tastes incredibly delicious as well. You look up to see the two ponies laughing. "I tell ya, Anon, I ain't never seen anypony eat up mah treats like that!" Applejack declares, cider in hoof. "You must REALLY like apples, Anon!" Pinkie says, followed by a giggle and a snort. You smile with embarrassment, blushing at the thought of your friends watching you as you wolf down their food like you haven't eaten in months. You try to change the subject to cover for your gluttonous behavior. "Are the two of you ready for the storm? I've heard it's the biggest one Ponyville has ever seen in all it's history." Applejack chugs an entire mug of cider before speaking. It makes sense that she would have no problem downing a tall glass of her own signature drink without it even phasing her. She must be a champ at drinking games. "Yessum, that's what I've heard too. Guess the pegasus ponies thought they oughta have an extra big storm, for some reason or another. Couldn't imagine why, though, but heck with it." Pinkie Pie nods her head quickly in agreement. She has a mouthful of cake and seems to be too busy trying to chew it all to be speaking, otherwise, you'd imagine her doing enough talking for the three of you. After swallowing what must've been half the cake all at once, followed by a satisfied "Ahh" she gets up to pour herself another glass, probably to make Applejack think she was a strong drinker as well. You and the southern pony look at each other with a grin before shaking your heads. A loud crack of thunder makes the three of you jump in your place, and you all suddenly realize the rain has begun to fall. Without notice, Pinkie Pie bursts out in chatter as quickly as the thunder crashed before. "Ooh, I just got a super duper funtabulous idea!" the energetic pony declares. "We should play a game! I've got just the right one in mind!" > Chapter 2 - Truth or Dare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You look around the room. Aside from the dessert table, Pinkie's record player, the party decorations, and the very blanket you're sitting on, there wasn't really anything set aside for any games you knew about. "Well uhh... what game is it, Pinkie?" you asked with curiosity. "Oh it's a fun one, especially with friends who are extra fun too!" Without word, the pony leaps onto long table, thankfully not crushing any sweets in the process. She rises on her hind legs and lifts her arms up above her. "It's called truth... or dare!!" she says, looking down at you and Applejack as if expecting a certain reaction. You look to the orange mare, who shrugs back at you with a bit of a "Sure, why not?" look. Applejack grins and tips her trademark hat back. "Pinkie, ya know I'm just gonna win like always. There ain't a single dare I'll ever turn down. Ya just can't beat me!" "But even when I always lose, the game is so much fun, and I just LOVE fun! Wee wee wee!" Pinkie says as she hopped in place. "But who should go first? Ooh, I know. Can I go first? I wanna go first! And anypony who gets questioned gets to go next!" Pinkie jumps down from the table and looks around the room, trying to decide who she should challenge. Before she could speak, AJ clears her throat. "Why doncha dare me first, Pinkie Pie? I don't mind savin' Anon the trouble of havin' to be picked first." Pinkie smiles to her. "Okie dokie lokie!" she says, followed a giggle. She hops around the two of you to think of a dare and you can almost swear you can actually hear a spring in her bounce. "I dare yooooooouuuu to run all the way down to Sugar Cube Corner and back." she says, speaking at a hundred miles an hour. Applejack looks up to her pink friend with a grin spread across her face. She stands up and walks to the barn's front door, her head held high. She begins to stretch and you're quick to get ready to open the door for her. She nods on cue to you. You lift the large wooden bar that locked the door and it doesn't take much more effort to make it open, as a flesh-ripping wall of wind and rain rushes in when given the slightest opportunity, knocking you to the ground and sends Applejack's hat flying backwards onto Pinkie's face with a slap. Between the blood-curdling howls of the raging winds, you can faintly hear a voice; "Hmph. Easy peasy. This'll only take a second." The orange mare charges into the vicious whirlwind at full speed, her mane flowing ragingly, passionately as she pushes against the rush of current. You and Pinkie watch in awe as she dives fearlessly into the merciless wind, like a tank speeding through a hurricane. It was clear to everyone that Applejack was a natural-born powerhouse of muscle, bravery, and sheer determination, but seeing her strength in action never fails to be anything but unbelievably impressive. She speeds down the hills of Sweet Apple Acres within seconds and is lost into what is now the dark and hazy town of Ponyville. Thunder cracks with terror and lightning flashes threateningly, leaving you and Pinkie with more fear that Applejack had. Even the earth seems to tremble in fear of the wrath of the storm. Staring into the gray and faint distance, you see a blurred orange figure running through the relentless mist. It's Applejack. She did it. You and Pinkie ready yourselves to shut the barn door closed. You each take hold of one of the doors and look into each other's eyes, both with fear and amazement. The second Applejack bursts into the room, you strain with all your strength to push the door against the brutal winds to close and lock it. Your attempts seem futile until you feel a warm force pushing from behind you. Applejack's strength makes the door close almost easily before she moved to the other door to help Pinkie, leaving you to hold yours in place until both doors are aligned to be held with the sturdy wooden bar that locks them tight. After holding on to the ground for dear life, both doors are shut and just like that, the storm is locked away outside, leaving you and the ponies in a dry and silent room. Your head is spinning from all the excitement. You turn back to see Applejack, drenched and standing tall. She flings a bright pink and orange cupcake sign from her mouth into the ground, lodging it in place. "Picked that up from the ground near the Corner once I'd made it over there. Looks like I'll be helpin' ya fix that back up once the storm settles." she says. For the first time ever, Pinkie Pie is speechless and as are you. The two of you sit with your jaws on the floor until Applejack breaks the silence. "So that's that. Like I told ya, there ain't nothin' that can keep me from bein' the best at truth or dare." She's cocky and overflowing with pride, but hell... she deserves to be. Your mind goes blank as you watch her stand in her own glory; drops of rain falling off her warm, bright orange coat, her damp mane looking so beautiful and majestic as it flowed down her powerful back, neck, and shoulders. Her green eyes sparkle as small droplets are scattered across her dark eyelashes, glistening in the evening light. Holy shit. She's a goddess. Pinkie Pie shuts her gaping jaw, eyes wider than ever. "WOW, Applejack!! That was mega super awesome!" Applejack smiles and nods to her. "Guess it's your turn to be asked, Pinkie. Will that be truth or dare?" she asks as she picks her wind-carried hat off the ground. The cotton candy pony stops to think for a few seconds. "Dares seem like a lot of fun. Dare me, dare me!" You could tell that's what Applejack was expecting to hear when she's quick to pop the idea she had in mind. "I dare ya to drink five full glasses of mah cider without stoppin'." These ponies are gonna kill each other at this rate... Pinkie smiles back to the honest pony. "That sounds like a doosie, but it's Pinkie possible!" She walks up to the keg and begins pouring the cider into five separate mugs while she hums and nods rhythmically to herself. She has no idea what she's got herself into. You watch as each glass overflows with alcoholic foam, ready to fill the oblivious pony's bloodstream. She lines up the drinks and begins guzzling down each one with a smile, drinking each one slower than the last. Her body begins to sway as her hind legs begin to fail her, spilling cider on her fluffy tail. She disdainfully swallowed the last few gulps from the last glass before turning back to Applejack. Her mouth is covered in foamy bubbles and the change hits Pinkie almost immediately. "Hey.... *hic* I... I gotta beaard!!" she says. Her voice was slurred and not as preppy as it usually is. She giggles as she tries to catch her balance, still holding a smile as she falls on her flanks. You feel a bit sorry for her, she's in for one hell of a hangover in the morning. She begins to speak with her head dazed and eyes crossed. "So! Anon... truth or dare? Wassit gonna be?" These ponies take this game way too seriously. Seems like the winner will be whomever makes a dare that kills the other. You're gonna go with truth this time, since you didn't plan on dying today. Pinkie Pie smiles once again when you tell her your choice, Applejack smiles to herself since she knows you chose the easy way out.. "Mmkay! So uhh... is it true that you... *hic*... you think Applejack is cute?" Suddenly, you think you would have been much better off asking for a dare. You had never really thought about it until today, but once you started looking back at the times the two of you have shared together, you begin to realize it. You think about how she's always caring about you, how faithful and trustworthy she's always been. Her long, blonde, country hair and freckles have always been adorable to you, on top of her southern accent and cowgirl hat. She had such beautiful green eyes that you could stare into all day. Her muscular body was always so flawlessly toned, especially her firm-looking butt. You look to her at the corner of your eye and she pulls her hat over her dark red, blushing face. She gets up. "...I need a drink." she says before walking back to the keg. They call it TRUTH or Dare for a reason, and when you're playing with the most honest pony in Equestria, you have to tell the truth. "Yes, it's true." you say to Pinkie. The room grows quiet once again when Applejack stops in her tracks. The three of you stand still in the awkward silence that tortured you to the core. You wish someone else would break the silence, but neither of the ponies speak. "I guess that makes it my turn, doesn't it?" you say. You obviously can't challenge Applejack. She's never going to see you the same way again. She sits isolated as she drinks in silence, her back turned to you, leaving you questioned as to how she feels about your answer. Whatever she's feeling, you assume it isn't good. You turn back to Pinkie. "Truth or dare?" you ask. You can't sit and sulk in your confession forever. The least you could do is try to get everyone's mind off of it. Pinkie hiccups and a large orange bubble is released from her mouth, making her giggle once more. She's still completely wasted, but trying not to show it. "Dare meh pleaaaaaaaaaaaase." she responds. You look around the room to see that the record player had stopped, which gives you a simple idea. "I dare you to dance." you say. It wasn't anywhere near as extreme as the previous dares, and you know that Pinkie will have no problem dancing in front of others, but you figure that her drunken choreography would ensure entertainment. "Ooh! I *hic* love dancing! It's always so *hic* much fun!" the pink pony says. She wobbles over to the record player and you and Applejack snicker as she struggles for balance. "Lessee what I've got heeere..." she says as she searches through a box of records. She makes her selection and, after humorously missing several times, finally lays the record down. Once she places the needle, a dance beat that would make Vinyl Scratch proud begins to play. Applejack walks back to you as Pinkie begins her dance routine. The two of you laugh hard as Pinkie's heavily influenced body wobbles around the barn, "dancing" hilariously, attempting to sing lyrics that she's clearly making up as she goes along. The poor pony falls once again when her dance ends, leaving you and Applejack rolling on the floor in laughter. Pinkie sits up and shakes her head. "Well that was... that wasssomething *hic* fun!" she says as her head rocks back and forth atop her shoulders. "But... I gotssomethin' even better... and itssss for you, Appa... *hic*... Appajack... so whassyour answer?" Seems like that little dance of hers was all she needed to really get the alcohol running through her body, making her words slur together and lessening her her usually ecstatic attitude. You're surprised she's still conscious with that much cider pumping through her veins. Applejack's egotistical grin returns once more. She's back next to you where she was sitting before, drink in hoof. She seems to have forgotten about your seemingly embarrassment-inducing comment earlier... either that, or she's at least pretending to have forgotten about it. She looks across the room at Pinkie, who is drunken out of her mind, and replies as you would expect. "Do ya even have to ask? Go on an' dare me. I'll do anything." she says. Pinkie scratches her chin as she thinks. You could only imagine what's about to come out of her mouth, since her mind is probably soaking in a pool of alcohol right now. Is she going to make Applejack try to juggle something? Eat a whole apple strudel in one bite? Stand on one hoof, balance a glass of chocolate milk on her head, and sing the Equestria national anthem? "I *hic* dare you to let anon... *hic*... spank you!" Pinkie says. Well shit. That's not at all what you were expecting. You look to Applejack, whose face is once again as red as an apple. You clearly have no problem with complying to Pinkie's unexpected sexual dare, but the question is if Applejack is up for it. She did say there wasn't a dare she would ever decline, but then again, she's never had a human slap her ass before. Whether she chooses to accept the dare or not, you both know that her pride is on the line. "Well I'll just show you. I ain't got a problem with that, no ma'am. I'm gonna win this game, ya hear!?" Applejack says, trying to cover for her embarrassment. She's doing her best to sound tough, but by the dark red hue of her face, you can tell that she doesn't feel the same way she acts. You stand up and the pony positions herself in front of you, hind legs spread with her posterior lifted towards you. You can't help but stare brainlessly at her firm, round ass, supported by muscular legs, pointed directly at you, begging to be slapped. It's athletically toned, yet rather large in proportion. It never occurred to you that she had a big ass, but you've realized a lot of new things this stormy night. The curves of her orange flanks are flawless, as if they were smelted and imbued with both strength and eroticism by the hands of a god. The pony looks back at you angrily. "Well are ya gonna spank me or what!?" Although you would love to sit and stare at her ass for the rest of eternity, it's clear that Applejack wants to get this over with quickly. Since this may be your only chance, your hormones take over your mind and you make the most of it. Without thinking, you draw your hand back and give the awe-inspiring ass a very quick and forceful slap, resulting in a loud whip-like crack that echos throughout the room, followed by what sounds like a deep and loud moan. You freeze in disbelief of what you had heard. Did she just... no, it couldn't have been... could it? Pinkie breaks your thought with a loud burst of laughter. With all the excitement, you had forgotten that she was watching, or that she was the only reason you got to lay a hand on that sweet apple booty. "You really... *hic* slapped her ass good, teehee! That was.... that wasssomething." she says. "But y'know... I think I'll jussst... *hic* I think I'll take a nap. You go head and... keep up the fun without me." she slurs before falling flat on her face, exhausted and intoxicated from the long night of partying. Applejack laughs. "I tell ya, my apple cider ain't nothin' to front with! Guess that means Pinkie's outta the game and it's down to the two of us, sugarcube." It's a good thing she's been keeping the awkwardness between the two of you to a minimum. With the combination of crush-confessing and ass-spanking, you're surprised she's even talking to you right now, but you're glad she is. You wouldn't be happy otherwise. You look back to her flank to see a bright red hand print branded in detail. It's practically steaming, but Applejack hasn't seem to have noticed. Although you don't want to be the one to point it out to her, you should at least apologize, since you enjoyed it at her expense. "Looks like I might've left a mark on you after... you-know-what happened. I'm sorry about that." She looks back at her flank with surprise and the color of her face soon matches that of her crimson butt. "Well I'll be! I didn't think you had it in ya to be doin' that much, Anon!" she remarks. She laughs about it, which puts you at ease. "Don't pay no mind to it, though. It don't hurt none anymore, and it ain't as bad as I thought it'd be, since it's kinda my first rodeo with that and all." The thought makes you realize that your hand still stings a bit, but hell, it's worth it. You fill up another glass of cider and AJ does the same. While you drink to your heart's content, Applejack sits quietly, looking as if something was bothering her. "Is something wrong, Applejack?" you ask attentively. She stays still, swaying her half-filled glass in circles as she watches its content swirl around, her expression askew with no signs to tell what she could be pondering. She looks to you for a few seconds without saying anything. She sighs and finally comes to terms with you. "Anon... I've gotta ask you somethin', and I wancha to tell me the truth." she says. You look back to her with a puzzled look. "Of course. I wouldn't lie to you." you divulge. She stops swirling her drink and sets her drink down. It's evident that what she's about to ask is very important to her. Something she may have been questioning for a while. She sighs once more. "Earlier today... when Pinkie asked if you thought I was cute, and you said yes... was all that true?" This is it. The true moment of honesty. It's just the two of you, no dares, no other friends. Just you, her, and an unconscious drunken pink horse soiling herself on the floor. "Yes, Applejack. Of course it's true." you admit. She looks back down to her drink with a faint smile. You look the other way and take a sip of your drink. In the lingering silence, you can hear the subtle taps of rain on the barn roof. The storm had settled down immensely to a steady drizzle, still bearing the occasional flare of lighting. You scratch your head. Damn... this has been one hell of a night. "Y'know, Anon, I guess it's time I spread a little truth myself..." Applejack announces. "I think I may have enjoyed that little love pat ya gave me." > Chapter 3 - Applejack's Private Afterparty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You silently chucked to yourself. This day is full of surprises. Not only do you find out that you admire her, but you also discover that Applejack is a naughty mare who likes being spanked. For what it's worth, you share your view of it as well. "I may have enjoyed it a bit too. It goes without saying that you've got a nice apple bottom back there." you hint back to her, trying to match her southern vocabulary. She blushes yet again, this time, for what you assume to be a more comforting reason. "Well aren't you the sweetest, Anon! I always did take pride in my southern behind, and hell if I ain't pleased to hear you takin' a likin' to it." the blonde mare confessed. You lean over to her to soak in the view of the preciously curved plot, to which she begins to shake back and forth. It looks so soft, but years of apple bucking have make her butt maintain a firm and sturdy shape, even when she wiggles it for your viewing pleasure. It's probably the alcohol getting to her that's making her do this, but you're not complaining. Feeling your mind begin to get a buzz for yourself, you take another swig of cider, letting the moment linger as you listen to you gentle chorus of a million raindrops dancing in the streets of Ponyville. "I'm glad to hear that you're perfectly fine with me enjoying your sexy country ass. I'm the lucky one who got to slap it, after all." you humbly say, pretending to be a little more drunk than you actually are. Pinkie Pie cuts into your lustful conversation with a single loud snore, practically a gargle with her alcohol-filled saliva dribbling from her mouth. You laugh alongside Applejack, who proposes an idea you've been wishing for all night long. "Y'know, with Pinkie Pie being asleep and all, I bet we could head back to my place. I've got a whole house we could have to ourselves. Nopony will disturb is, if ya wanna maybe... spank me a few more times." she seduces with the most alluring voice you have ever heard. You follow the pony out of the barn, walking around Pinkie sitting in a puddle of cider near the side of the barn. Applejack was right, she's out like a light and probably will be until morning. The storm has subdued greatly for the time being, allowing you an easy trip next-door. You run, each giggling with drunken excitement through the muddy earth, being gracefully showered by sweet rainfall. You walk into Applejack's home and she runs upstairs, leaving a trail of muddy hoofprints behind her. "C'mon now, sugarcube. See if ya can find ya way to my room." she naughtily implies. The house is dark, as you would expect at this hour. Other than the laughter of a particularly turned-on pony and the steady waltz of rain on the rooftop, the night sits in silence. You hurry behind the mare, eager to fondle and play with her ass to your heart's content, following the muddy tracks set out for you. You can smell the arousing scent of her musky pheromones increase as you more closer to her. The tracks come to a stop when you reach a door at the end of the hallway, inched open, letting out but a sliver of light onto you. You open the door to see Applejack on her bed, hind legs lifting her posterior to be lit by the soft moonlight, pouring through her windows. "'Bout time ya showed up. I think my southern part is gettin' kinda cold if ya wanna come warm it up for me." her words suggested. You climb up onto her bed and help yourself to fondling her tight plot. You knead it like a soft pillow of dough; firm enough to hold its natural apple-shape, but soft enough to mold easily with your curious fingers. You notice that the pony starts to breathe a little heavier, so you decide to give her an unexpected slap on the ass. The sound cracks loud enough that you would have thought it was thunder, had you not have been the one to slap it yourself. She moans the same way she did earlier, only now, she has no intention of holding it in. You repeatedly switch between groping and spanking her round humps of pony plot, to which Applejack is more than happy to moan for as a result, making your shaft fully erect within seconds. When an unmistakeable smell of apple pie fills the room, you notice that the smell is coming from her dripping wet marehood. You decide to lick up the drippage as if you were licking a dripping ice cream cone, starting from the bottom of the trail of sweet mare cum and licking up to her horny love-hole in a single stroke of your tongue, making her shutter uncontrollably. This is the last straw. Applejack gasps with pleasure before reaching around and pulling your pants down in a blink of an eye by using her teeth as if it were a reflex of her to do so, exposing your own gripping area of drunken arousal which quickly sinks into her flank. Your dick rages as thick drops of cum drip from the head, coating her applicious booty in your natural glaze. It feels so good to feel your member sink into the soft flesh of her sizable ass, but it also hurts with need. Applejack's reaction shows that she shares the immense feeling. She unexpectedly bucks with enough force that makes you fall over her. Without thinking, you grab her tail to hold on for dear life as she roughly throws her nice, round ass into the air, taking you with it, making you stand at once, almost directly in front of her flowing gate of apple-flavored juices. Damn, she's good. Panting and covered in sweat, she says one simple command... "Ride me like the naughty little cowgirl I am!" You couldn't be happier to fulfill her request. You give her ass one more heaping slap before you press the head of your sex-tool against the lips of her entrance. You allow your fluids to mix before you slowly slide into her, every last millimeter of your cock being enveloped between the mouth-watering lips between her big, orange thighs. She's so tight you feel as if you might lose circulation inside her soft velvet entrance, topped with a large, heart-stopping mass of booty goodness. Your fingers have clutched onto her tail, which you use both for balance and to roughly pull her against your manhood of steel. She moans deeply with each of your thrusts, her strong leg and ass muscles clinging onto you while you penetrate her. She rocks her whole body against you with each thrust, almost knocking you down when her large, powerful butt smacks against your waist. As you feel yourself reaching climax, you thrust into her with all your force, which she matches with her own hefty thrusts. When you feel yourself reaching the end, you grab onto both sides of Applejack's succulent ass and fill the cowgirl with a heaping load of thick cum. She screams with pleasure, jaw dropping and eyes rolling back as your fortunate manhood releases your lively sperm to kill her insides. Still inside her, you both fall to your knees, attempting to catch your breath as you ensure that not a single drop of semen is left out of her. After catching your breath, you pull out of her tightened love hole with a pop! sound. You lay in bed together, holding each other in the dim moonlight. You stare into each other's eyes, finally satisfied by the one you've had a crush on for longer than you thought. When you feel as if you couldn't be happier, Applejack smiles. "I always thought you were pretty cute too, Anon."