Mare Do Well's Weird History

by Grenazers

First published

Two brothers talk about all the crazy things, that happened to Mare Do Well.

One a pony was just sitting on a couch, surfing the net on his laptop. Then his older brother came and told him of the latest Mare Do Well issue. This will lead to a series of look back at the history of this character and pointing out and laughing at all the ridiculous moments of her life.

Cover: MikeTheUser

Note: If you don't read DC or Marvel comics, you won't get any of the references.

Comics are weird

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On a bright sunny day with partial clouds, a crimson stallion was sitting on his black couch. In front of his is his laptop computer. The red stallion watching a video of playthrough featuring two best friends. While watching the video this pony did not notice the other red stallion, sneaking up on him.

The sneaking pony snuck up to his target and said, "Boo." This made the other stallion startled and jumped a bit. He turned his head to the source and found the pony laughing.

"What the hell, Kaizer?" the scarlet stallion, yelling at his brother.

The other pony stopped his laughing and turned to his little brother. "Relax Grenazer," he said. "No need getting a heart attack.

Grenazers glared at his brother, who was smiling cheekily. While his brother Kaizer is a year older than him, many ponies confused them to be twins. It also doesn't help that they do look alike. The two brothers are both unicorns, both red, same yellow eyes and the same black hair.

The only feature different from them is their cutie marks and their different hairstyles. Plus Grenazers is a bit fatter then his brother.

"What do you want, Kaizer?" his brother asked him.

The older brother paused for second, trying to remember why he came out here in the living room. "Oh right, I'm here to tell you of the new Mare Do Well designed."

"New designed?" the little brother questioned.

"Well not exactly a new designed but, a recoloring." he responded.

"What is it?"


Grenazers thought about for a second, then he found his answer. "Is it black?"


"Oh well isn't that just original" he sarcastically said.

"What?" Kaizer asked, "What's wrong with the new color?"

"Well besides the fact that the once colorful hero, has all her sucked out and replaced with a bland dark color." the little brother retorted. "Don't get me wrong I like the color black, but I don't see why they had to apply it to almost every other hero."

"Man, remember back in the day when Mare Do Well used to be awesome. Back when she goes around fight criminals and super villains, solving mysteries and crap like that," Grenazers reminisced.

"The hell are you talking about, she was never like that." Kaizer retorts. " Remember last year, when she died, but didn't. Instead she went back in time, to certain eras of Equestria. First she was cavepony, then a pirate, and then she was a puritan."

"Heh, yeah that actually happened," Grenazers chuckled

"Oh and don't forget that one time, when she was facing the sharks. She used a can of shark repellant on them." he paused to snicker. "Let me repeat, she uses a can of shark repellants on them and it worked.

Both the brother started laughing. They were laughing at how despite being the dark loner vigilante that most ponies associates her with. They tend to forget about all the ridiculous this cape crusader that happened to her over the years.

"Hey, remember that one time. Mare Do Well became ill after having sex with her coltfriend because it turns out he was filling her up with radioactive semen." the younger brother said between chuckles.

"Yeah, hey remember the time when Mare Do Well tricked Mighty Magnet, into thinking he couldn't use his magnetism anymore with a gun. Then it is revealed that the gun was actually made of wood."

"Yes I remember that!" Grenazers stated. "He was a like, "no my power. What did you do to my power? I am nothing without my power." seriously the guy gives to quickly."

"Super villain my ass."

More chucking occur between these brothers. "Hey remember when Mare Do Well died and she was resurrected but, as Frankenstein monster?"

"Or how about the time when her secret was revealed through a social network?" Kaizer continued his listing of events.

"Ha ha ha, yes I remember that!" Grenazers responded. "I just find it so surreal, that Super Stallion would have a freaking Twatter account."

"Yeah that is surreal, but not as much as the time Mare Do Well used a Mare Do Well credit card!" his older brother said the last part louder. This got both of the brothers to laugh.

"You know," the little brother spoke up, recovering from his laughter. " Its moments like that makes the time she went surfing. Sounds less ridiculous."

Then he thought of something. "Yo Kaizer, this stuff reminds of those comic advertising snack cakes."

"Really now?"

"Yeah, man like this one time Mare Do Well was fighting this guy, who was in possession of an all powerful cube. And she defeated him by distracting his cube with Twinkies!" yelled Grenazers.

"Really?" questioned his brother. "That actually happened?"

"Yeah man" Grenazers answered back.

"Man that one reminds me of the time Mare Do Well went to a office supply store, to get her equipment. Otherwise she would've never save those kidnapped students." said Kaizer.

"Didn't Mare Do Well also did a crossover with that sandwich restaurant? You know, the one featuring those sports stars." ask Grenazers.

"Oh god I actually do remember that one, man that one was ridiculous."

"Totally dude," Grenazers nodded his head, agreeing with his brother. "Hey remember those Mare Do Well's pals comic and how each cover just made say, what?"

"Like for example I remember one where Mare Do Well was crying and her reporter friend Snapshot, was collecting her tears. She was all like, "Your tears are precious to me" with a grin on her face."

"Then there was the second one where her friends are dying of thirst but, Mare Do Well won't give them water. Boy was she a real jerk or what?" he pointed it out.

"Man comics were weird back then," Kaizer stated to his little brother.

"So true brother," then a thought occurred in his head. "Say Kaizer, what were we talking about before?" he asked, hoping his brother will remember.

"Huh, you know, I totally forgot what we were talking about." said Kaizer as he tries to remember. "Meh whatever. Probably not important anyway."

Kaizer turned to trot to the bathroom door. "Grenazers, make me something to eat while I shower?" he ordered.

"Yeah, yeah," Grenazers replied and got up and trotted to the kitchen.

The End