Chapter 1: Up to Old Trixies
The controversial stage magician Trixie Lulamoon paced anxiously outside the door to the throne room of Canterlot Castle. The young mare knew not why she had been summoned, and at the Princess's request, no less, but she was certain of one thing. Whatever her reason for having come here today was, it had to do with whatever was happening outside. The entire city of Canterlot had been placed under quarantine by Princess Luna, and fires raged in the heart of the city that nopony but the royal guards were allowed near. Communications with the rest of the empire had been lost within the first few days. No statement had come yet from Princess Celestia about the epidemic, and rumors were beginning to circulate that even she, the goddess of the sun, had fallen victim to the unholy condition plaguing Equestria. Trixie swallowed the growing lump in her throat as best she could as the doors crept open, the guards within nodding their heads at her mutely. The fabled Royal Canterlot Voice greeted her almost immediately.
Trixie stepped into the throne room on trembling legs, gazing up into the grim face of Princess Luna. The princess of the night looked exhausted. It appeared as if she had not slept since the beginning of the quarantine, five days prior. One deep sapphire hoof lifts from its perch, beckoning the nervous performer onward. "Please. Come forward. We have much to discuss, and little time with which to do so."
Albeit hesitantly, Trixie did as commanded. "Wh-what... Ahem..." She took a brief moment to gather a bit of her usual bravado. "What can I, The Great and Power Trixie, possibly do for you, your highness...?"
Where ordinarily Luna would have smiled at the all-too-obvious attempt to act as if her presence was of little concern to the unicorn mare before her, her subjects were in mortal danger. Every second wasted could mean another innocent pony's life extinguished. Luna knew full well that the two events were unrelated, but after her actions as Nightmare Moon, she could not bear to sit idly by and let the citizens of Equestria come to harm. With her sister unable to perform her royal duties, now was her time to prove to herself and all of Equestria that she truly deserved the title of Princess of the Night.
"I shall make this brief, Trixie, as time is of the essence. There have been rumors that my sister has fallen to this 'Wendigo Plague', as everypony seems to be calling it. I am not certain where this name came from, as they are nothing like the Windigos of our legend... But I must regretfully inform you that it is, indeed, true. My sister has become one of those... those things that have been murdering your fellow ponies without discretion or apparent remorse. Were it my choice, I would fight them myself. But with Twilight Sparkle combating the same situation in the Crystal Empire and myself powerless to go beyond the castle walls, this duty falls to you alone. You are reputed to be one of the most talented spellcasters in all of Equestria. I... There has been much debate as to how we shall deal with those transformed by this curse or... whatever it is. The decision has been reached that there is no time to look for a cure." The princess stood, tall and majestic even in her current state. "I would have you lead my royal guard, Trixie Lulamoon. And... And eliminate this threat to our fair kingdom."
The steel blue unicorn sank to her knees, trembling for all too many reasons. Princess Luna herself had just called her one of the most talented spellcasters in all of Equestria! This was her chance to prove herself as possibly the greatest and most powerful unicorn in history! And yet... Trixie stared up at the remaining leader of the world she had known all her life, those intense, teal eyes locked directly on her own. "Y-you... You want me to... to... k-k-kill... p-ponies...?
"Nay, child. They are ponies no longer. They have become monsters, set only on destroying everything we hold dear! They must be removed from this land by whatever means are needed! It is no matter who... who they may be... I would not wish this duty upon anypony in the world, Trixie... But the safety of the kingdom requires that I ask this of you. If you succeed, you will be forever known as one of the greatest heroes in Equestrian history. If you do not... Well..." Luna sank back down into her throne, gazing solemnly at the tiled floor beneath her. "...I doubt there would be anypony left to blame you..."
Trixie's mind raced, desperately seeking some way out of her predicament. There had to be something she could say to turn Princess Luna down and walk away with even a shred of dignity intact. Going out and fighting those things would be suicide, even if she did have an army at her back! No, no, there had to be some way to just get out and go home. But then again... Even if she did return home, there would be no way to return to her normal life. If she didn't do it, somepony else would have to. And what if that other pony failed? No... As much as she absolutely hated to admit it, this was something she couldn't just talk her way out of. For fame, glory, and the ponies who were kind enough to believe in her after everything she'd done to anger them, this was something she had to do.
"I, um... I mean, naturally Trixie accepts your challenge, Princess Luna. Who but the Great and Powerful Trixie could ever pull off such an amazing feat as this? Trixie will go on your silly little mission and come back the greatest hero Equestria has ever known! No foalish Wendigos could ever stop... THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE~!" She looks around herself and coughs awkwardly, coming back down onto all four hooves. "Ahem... The Great and Powerful Trixie's statements are far more effectively dramatic when she has her fireworks..."
This statement alone brought a wry smile to Luna's lips. It was the first time she had smiled all week. "I am pleased that you have made this decision, Trixie. All of Equestria thanks you. ...What is left of it, anyhow... Have the guard at the door show you to the barracks. As ruler of Equestria, I hereby grant you the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. I wish you the best of luck."
Trixie stepped out of the throne room with a courteous bow, thanking the princess for the honor bestowed upon her. As the guard led her toward the barracks, she began to wonder just what her newly found duties would demand of her... And if any of them would even survive.