> Bow to me, Rarity > by Azileran > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mistress Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Spring… the singing of birds, the warmth of the sun, the most beautiful season of year and Ponyville is no exception …” A peaceful morning was interrupted when Twilight was awoken by a horrendous noise, like nails being dragged across a chalkboard. She doesn’t want to get up, it was still too early, “ Spike, what is that noise ?” She rolled over, putting her pillow over her head to ignore that noise, but when no answer came, she called out again, louder this time. - Spike, Spike . . . how you can sleep with that noise?- She got out of bed and looked over at Spike, only to see that his bed was empty. She was worried, Spike never woke up early, even when had to help Rarity with her chores. She had to wake him most days. The noise grew louder and Twilight could tell it was coming from downstairs. Twilight swallowed hard, and walked to the stairs slowly, her horn glowed dimly as she prepared a self-defence spell just in case. She imagined that some thief broke in the library and may have attacked Spike. - Wait a minute, what kind of thief would steal books? Maybe this is just one of Piny Pie’s jokes.– She said, trying to calm herself. Once downstairs, Twilight started looking for Spike in the kitchen, but it was empty. So she walked into the library slowly, and saw that some bookshelves were missing books. - Looks like somepony was searching for something in a hurry-, a shiver ran down her spine when looked the wooden floor, it was covered with claw marks. Her forelegs started to shake again when heard that noise, this time they were comeing from the basement, where she had run tests on Pinky Pie to discover how her Pinky-sense worked. She could hear Spike's voice coming from the basement, Twilight swallowed again then screamed -Leave Spike alone, or else . . .- A purple light flashed from her horn and struck Spike, knocking her assistant to the floor. - Are you crazy?! - Spike replied, clearly upset. He started to twist and crawl on the floor, groaning as if he were in pain. - What in the name of Celestia are you doing? Are you trying to drive me crazy with that noise? - Twilight lifted her horn upwards, releasing Spike from the spell. -I'm sorry Twilight, it started last night. I suddenly had an itch - Spike grabbed a rake that was on the floor and scratched his back with it. - So all this is because of an itch ?- Twilight asked, shaking her head in disapproval. -Yep. But this isn’t any ordinary itch. I'm shedding my scales. It’s all in this book. See? - Spike showed Twilight an old book titled: ”A Dragon’s Guide to Being a Good Guest.” Zecora had given that book to Spike. It contained a lot of helpful tips for helping a dragon integrate into pony-society, Spike had marked some chapters: - How control your greed - Having a nice breath without burning somepony -Scale shedding - hoarding without hurting Twilight was impressed, Spike had become so considerate of others. Twilight, feeling bad for having been so upset with Spike, asked with a sigh. -And, how many days will you be doing this? - - One or two weeks, probably until my scales grow back - Spike answered while continuing to scratch his back. -TWO WEEKS?! Oh no no no no! That is WAY too long!- How could she possibly sleep with such noise? She wouldn’t even be able to read a book!. Twilight imagined herself falling asleep during a test, and disappointing Princess Celestia. -Um . . Twilight are you with us ?- Spike asked. - We Need find a cure, we need Zecora! - Twilight answered, smiling when she thought of her strange friend. -That might be a problem. Zecora went to Appleloosa with Applejack. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash to help with the drought- -Are you kidding me ? - She responded with resignation. - I know, Zacora thought this might happen, so she gave me a recipe for an ointment that would help me. I just need some aloe, menthol and eucalyptus- Twilight nodded - That's easy, we can get that at the spa- - The spa? But that’s for girls..- Before Spike can finish complaining, he is interrupted by Twilight - Then you will have to go see Rarity, an expert in . . .- Spike didn’t need to hear anymore - You're right Twilight , she is an expert!– -You should go now, I'll clean this mess- added Twilight. How could I refuse that offer? A whole day to spend with Rarity, Spike didn’t need to think twice, he simply nodded and left the library. Spike walked all the way to Rarity’s, thinking about how to greet her. – “Hi Rarity” or “Hello Rarity” . . . maybe “Hi, Rar” - Spike blushed a little before he realized he had already reached her house. Spike pulled a rope, and bells chimed in a melodic tone. After a while Rarity opened the door, wearing rollers in her mane as well as a white and pink nightgown - Do you know what time it is? No, that today is S. . . Spike? What happen ? Are you okay? What are you doing here at this hour? - Rarity asked, he concern obvious in her voice. -Rarity, I have a bit of a problem- Spike replied. Upon seeing Spike, Rarity began to ask questions, with concern in her voice: -What happened to you ? Is a ruffian is bullying you? Did you get into a fight ? I'm gonna teach that ruffian a lesson in good manners!- When Spike noticed heard her concern, he started to smile dumbly - I'm only shedding my scales, it’s nothing to worry about. Well, maybe a little worry- Spike said and started to explain his situation . . . -Oh you poor thing! You haven’t been able to sleep and Twilight scolds you pointlessly - Rarity comforted him, -How I can help you?- Spike was sweating hard, he had endured his itch for long time, but he couldn’t hold it off anymore. He started to scratch right there, -I c-can’t control it. Sorry Rarity- Quickly he grabbed the rake –Ahh, just what I needed- –come in , I have what it takes to make such ointment.- Rarity said and entered her house. Rarity shook her head to remove the hair rollers and used her magic to take off her nightgown. - Lie down over on that cushion, I have work to do- Rarity pointed to big cushion on the floor. Grabbing a bowl with her magic, she started to pour some bottles from her drawer into it. –A cup of aloe to moisturize the skin, a lot of menthol to relieve the itching, a teaspoon of eucalyptus extract to prevent infections, and some aromatic salts to exfoliate.- Rarity applied a good portion of the ointment to Spike’s skin, using her magic she grabbed a carpet duster and used it to spread the cream. -Sweet Celestia, that’s cold!- Spike shuddered and started rubbing it into his scales. - How do you feel now? - Rarity questioned, knowing he was relieved of itching. - Very good ! It’s working, the itch almost gone ! Thanks Rarity I owe you one, a big one.- -So, mission complete? – -My back is still itching a bit, do you mind . . .- ask an embarrassed Spike, "I can’t believe it, Rarity is going to massage my back, please please, say yes" Thought Spike hopefully. -Fine, but only this once- Rarity said, using her magic to grab the carpet duster. -You’re going to need something else, dragons have their hardest scales in the back- Spike said, covering his mouth to hide his laughter. - You asked for it, Spike - Rarity raised her hooves and started to rub Spike's back. -It tickles- Spike replied. Rarity began to rub harder knocking some of the old scales loose and seeing the new ones growing in beneath. The scales were a beautiful deep purple, like polished gemstones. Rarity wanted to see more and started to rub even harder, even stomping on him, "Beautiful purples gemstones, matching my mane". She thought, stomping and rubbing, forgetting for about Spike for a moment. -Thank you . . . Rarity, *snore* I'm owe you a big one, *snore* "Bring a present to . . . *snore* Miss . . .*snore* Rarity . . . Mis-*snore*-tress Rarity.- - Whaaaaat !?!? What did you call me ???!!- “Why would he call me mistress? Maybe he said “my stress” yes, that must be it.” Looking at Spike beneath her hood did give her an air of superiority, "It’s easy, unicorns are sophisticated, elegant, and our our magic has no rival. No no no, why am I thinking this? Why can't I stop? Maybe, I'm hurting him? Maybe, he is enjoying this? How could somepony. . .er. . . dragon enjoy being stomped ? Am I enjoying this? Of course not, but why does it feel so good?" Spike was fast asleep and Rarity only had Spike's words in her mind: "mistress Rarity". A strange feeling, ran across her, makeing feel important , superior. Her heart raced, a tingling from her hooves to all her body, a warm sensation from her inner thighs, "Why am I feeling like this?" she wondered, "And most importantly, why I'm wet down there?" -This is bad, this is bad- Said Rarity while walked in circles. “Calm down, Rarity, some clopping and you'll be fine” –Clopping, me ? How I dare to think in such vulgar thing ! I’m Rarity the most sophisticated mare in ponyville- “Maybe a quick one” - No, I can`t do it, not with Spike here! He is my friend, he even rescued me from diamond dogs- Those ruffians, I'd like to give an appropriate punishment", Rarity started to fantasize about having the diamond dogs tied, cuffed and gagged and bowing at her hooves. -That must be an appropriate punish… by Celestia, What I'm thinking?- Rarity paced in circles –What should I do? What should I do?- When she stepped on a scale, her legs began to tingle, like a jolt flowing through her body.- Oh, Spikkeeeee- her voice was trembling, fantasize about Diamond dogs was one thing, but somepony *dragon* close to her was too much to handle by herself. She ran to her room, desperately searching for a golden silk piece. Using her magic, she wrapped the silk around her horn, and began to rub slowly. Small moans escaped her mouth, but she didn’t care. She was enjoying it too much, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted more and began to rub her thighs, just now noticing how wet she really was. She began to slowly rub her lower lips, and more moans and gasps escaped her as she rubbed faster and faster, she began to moan intensely. She had to bite her lips to not awaken Spike. - A little more, just a little mooreee!- She moaned loudly as she climaxed, soaking her hoof and the sheets. She could barely stand and her legs were trembling. - The best orgasm of my life !- A big smile appeared on her face. A while later, Twilight came looking for Spike, - Hi Rarity, is Spike here? - she asked, smiling. -Hi Twilight. Yes , he is sleeping over there- Rarity used her magic and wrapped Spike in a blanket. - Did he cause any problems? He was acting crazy this morning.- Twilight carried Spike on her back. -Oh no no no my dear, It was a valuable experience to me- Rarity replies, with a little blush on her face and a big smile. - Ok, if you’ll excuse me, I have to take this sleepyhead to home- -Oh, by the way, nice ribbon, is part of a new fashion design ?- ask Twilight, before leaveing. -Oh, yes my dear, you’re gonna love it. . . - replied Rarity with another smile. -By Azilaren- -Edit and grammar AuRon- > My sweet prey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>Author’s note: To avoid being repetitive, the names of the characters are shown in parentheses<<< A few days after the incidents in the butique carousel. . . A morning after breakfast. . . "They are great the way, look at them, stronger, more polished and are powerful in afrodiscos" said Spike to leave the table jumped up and start doing poses > like Johnny Bravo < "Dangerous, afrodiscos? Spike by Celestia, you have days talking about it, you could sit and eat like any other ... "Twilight pauses to reflect, understand that perhaps the first change of scales for a dragon is like a pony won her cutie mark the end just add "day" and smiles. Spike winces in disgust, but do not pay much attention, "maybe fence with Big Mac to do things,"male-things".(TS) raises an eyebrow in confucion signal, "Sounds perfect, if the train time and tell Appleloosa arrived at 4:30 to get ready to welcome the girls (AJ, RD , FS, Za) "Spike nods and walks away trying to do a dance of the 80's."Spike is unbearable that he began reading this book, maybe ... if I give a flip can understand it better "is said to herself. Some time later, the train station in Granny Smith, big mac, Applebloom (TS, PP, MR) and spike waiting for the train forward, "Look Rarity are great, they're shiny ..." Spike said with a smile, As He (TS) "could talk about something else," he interrupted, (MR) "Oh, darling, are very beautiful ..." (MR) puts a hoof on one of the scales of spike, and begins to gently rub , bringing those memories and emotions so intense that he flushed face, feigning a laugh mentions "watch the train is coming." Arriving (Aj, RD, FS, Za) were recividas with an ovation, followed by a party hosted by Pinky Pie, the party lasted until the evening and finished everyone went to his home were talking way (AJ, TS, MR) (AJ) makes a comment with some distressed "You know Twi (TS), give us a medal for have saved Appleloosa harvest, there will be a parade and a speech to dare. ""Congratulations, dear, I have well deserved, "said Rarity. "(AJ) The problem is I'm not good at that sort of thing ..." "okay, no more diagas, I'll help with the speech" answers (TS) with much encouragement, despidendose of her friends (TS) addresses home. "You know (AJ), I've been thinking about that speech, you also have to watch your posture and diction, do not want to happen something like Pinky Pie, would be terrible if there was argument between Appleloosa and Ponyville" I Rarity warns in a serious tone. (AJ) starts to sweat a little and with a hesitation answer "I do not think something bad happens, do you?, You believe that something goes wrong? ". "(MR) course not with a pair of leeciones you receive from me, everything will be perfect, I can guarantee" (AJ) to be relieved to hear that "when they start lessons? '" (MR) First seeketh some things I need, but tomorrow afternoon you can come "Rarity goodbye to her friend and heads for home. Applejack lets out a sigh and says to herself, "Gee, I knew not disappoint" After a hard day of work (AJ) is in the house of Rarity. "Hello, darling you expected, just just finished the preparations," said the unicorn, "Preparations?, You're not exaggerating?" Question (AJ) intrigued, "Of course not, it goes" Rarity leads her friend to the sewing which the array as if it were a runway. "How about, I did it myself, it's improvised but will" (AJ) provides for the creation of Rarity and climbs to the runway "you shouldn’t have bothered" (MR) on a large cushion with his magic levitates some books placed on the head of (AJ) "It is simple, dear, just you walk without falling books, simple right?" (AJ) Try to walk balancing the books, "This is somewhat complicated, whooaaa ... "but without success, Rarity, lying on the cushion advised" step Deverias both a hoof after the other "Rarity makes it a little demonstration. (Aj) tries to imitate the movements and finally gets a ride spare the runway, "See I do that, it was easy," says (AJ) excited. "Fabulous, have mastered the basics," says Rarity giving applause, "Is there more?" Question discouraged. "It's simple, takes three turns on the runway" (AJ) confused, begins to walk slowly ... Suddenly a naughty joke, levitating your carpet beater gives you a spanking, which makes it fall on some ribbons, wires and stamens. "Sorry, dear propase me a bit, I did for ..." "Just get me out of here" (AJ) enlists the help of her friend, because the more he struggled to free more entangle "I can not move" to see the situation Rarity goes towards her with a stare walking gracefully, as if he had to capture prey, (AJ) was released but was in vain, his voice begins to falter "R-Rarity, not what you're planning but I put nervous "(MR) only looks at him straight in the eye and smile," Do not worry, I'll take care of you ". Raity begins aa attempting to loosen the slats of the hind legs of (AJ)" are very tight, maybe here ... "(Aj) begins to feel the breath of Rarity closer to her privates," R-rarity, because you do not cut it at once? "suggests (AJ) with the crisp voice and face flushed. "Sorry, dear, but if I do I can not finish a dress for a client, just stay quiet and do not move" (Aj) felt the breath of Rarity closer, he suddenly felt something wet between her legs, (Aj) bit her lips to prevent a groan escaped him, but her legs wiggled, betraying her, Rarity realized it. (MR) "It looks difficult, I will use some magic, but I'm not good undoing knots" (Aj) completely blushed , unable to move can only see as Rarity licks his lips and thinks the worst * gulp *, Rarity uses her magic, but instead of freeing, battens and conforms more stamina, "once again" (MR) but this time the strips to fasten the neck (Aj) also her front legs, leaving the rear partly free. "Applejack, honey, I shouldn’t use more magic can get dangerous" (Aj) could only listen as some strips will cover her eyes, "will try to untie the neck, do not move much, it could be dangerous" Rarity looked calm, but inside I was euphoric, he felt his heart beating uncontrollably, watching (AJ) at their mercy. Approached the neck and could feel a gentle fragrance smell of apples, cinnamon and coffee beans, * Fine, you will be my dessert * Rarity, her lips began to move down the neck of (AJ) trying to pretend untie soon , the smooth touch of her lips turned into what might be called "Kisses" >hickeys / love bites < (AJ) is contained so as not to show any sign of enjoying it. Felt something run through her body, from your most intimate parts to his mouth, * is the horn of Rarity * He thought for a moment, I felt that something was trying to get into your mouth, pleasure flooded gently started to lick the tip of that thing that actually was what I had previously thought. Rarity never thought to agree so easily, at least not until you see how wet it was (AJ), delicately withdrew his horn, "It is time" That was (AJ) heard and felt that licked intimate parts, trying to stand his mouth run into something wet but with a unique smell, a smell exquisite Roses, Jasmine and Gardenia, so much pleasure to think clearly and just got carried away. (Aj) shivered letting out some moans indicating she was about to reach the climax, Rarity realized that and slow down the rhythm, contrary (AJ) began to take small nibbles, as if demanding the same. Rarity with a look of lust, with an air sonrrie victorious, and gently bites the clit of (Aj) who released a loud groan,her love juces soaked Rarity, her eyes rolled up, her mind was blank, herl egs felt limp and gasping breathing, Rarity immediately used his magic, to release (Aj) which hardly stood, speechless trying to look at Rarity, but could not meet her eyes only took his hat and was barely able to pronounce "It's late, gotta go" walking slowly and with difficulty retreated, with downcast eyes. Rarity felt a great satisfaction, as if he had achieved a great feat but inside there was a question * Maybe I went too far?* - Azileran- Fic for the sole purpose of entertaining readers