> Rise of Talamad > by xXQw3rtyXx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Before I Lived > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIEWER DISCRETION IS SERIOUSLY ADVISED. GORE HERE CAN BE MORE SERIOUS AND IN DEPTH THAN MOST OTHER STORIES "4 Years Ago" I was ready, definitely. I knew Nightmare Moon was going to break out, yeah, I read the books. My skills in fighting are extraordinary. Try me, send an army of thousands, I'll be the last stallion standing. I wouldn't call it cheating, but I was born with a special talent that rises above all others. No one could ever mimic, not a thing you can just put hard work, blood, and sweat into to achieve. I can switch between a Pegasus and a Unicorn, but not an Alicorn. But whatever. I knew where Nightmare Moon was going to be, and at which exact moment. I hid under a broken floorboard, and waited, and waited, for about an hour and a half. Until Nightmare Moon came. "Where the hell do you think your going?" I used magic to teleport out of my hiding spot, "and what have you done with Celestia?" She just laughed, not intimidated in any way, "You're a very special pony, aren't you, Talamad?" "How do you know my name?" "I know everybody's name," "Enough conversation," I charged her. Nightmare sidestepped, the most instinctive move, for which I was prepared for. My wings grew out immediately with the vanishing of my horn, and I drafted to the direction of which she sidestepped, and side hoofed her face. A good hard smack on the head, enough to kill any regular pony. I followed with a buck in the liver, and put her head between my hind legs before she fell, and attempted to crack her neck, but she was more prepared than I thought. Her strength was immense, more than I thought. Nightmare Moon plucked me easily, and dangled in the air. I was about to counter, when a flash of pink erupted and encased my vision. When I opened my eyes, I wasn't in the ruined room with Nightmare Moon anymore, I was at the bottom of some cliff hedge. I was looking up, at the dark purple night sky, until some big white shape flew into view; Celestia. I heard the shouts and screams of Nightmare Moon, and some other ponies I didn't recognize, a brilliant flash of light, then all was silent. "Around 1 Year Later" I faced the Draconequus, face to face. We had nothing to say. He knew that I was going to stop him, I knew what I had to do. I would usually play offensive first strike, but that's not how I was gonna tackle the situation. Discord wasn't prepared, not one bit, but some feeling in my gut told me that he would anticipate every single one of my moves. So I waited. We stared at each other for the next 10 minutes. The expression on his face sickened me to the core; calmness. I got bored of the defense-best-offense strategy, and charged him. My grey hooves clacking one after the other. I had no idea where to hit. Discord's a unique species, for which I know no weak spots, and he's sitting down, which makes it difficult to aim at the common pressure points. The chair he was sitting in was made entirely out of gold. If I missed, I risked breaking my hooves. So I went with instinct. I was trained at jumping, a 14 foot length, 8 foot high leap from one ledge to the other, 5000 times. I still had the bruises from my many falls. I leaped, with the help of my wings, and aimed my front hooves at Discord's horns, in a attempt to grab them, and put him into a headlock. Right before I got him, he wasn't there anymore, and I fell face first into the soft soil. I could hear Discord's maniacal laughter behind me, "You have to try better than that!" I got up, and dusted off my cutie mark; two grey wings and a horn sprouting in between them. I didn't believe in voodoo and shit, but I still trusted that my mark brought me luck. I charged again, this time, landing a blow on his nose. Not the horns I was aiming for, but still progressing. I grabbed the back of the chair, and swung around to kick him in the chest, knocking Discord out of his golden chair, for which he teleported right back into before he hit the ground. "I've had enough of you," he said. "How could you have had enough? It was only two hits," I returned back, and grew my horn, and attempted to stab Discord to how close a God to come to death. I managed to get a single good poke on this stomach, but no more, as he swatted me away with a good hard smack. I got up, and was ready to fight some more, when I realized he wasn't facing me anymore, and was talking to a group of ponies, which whom I recognized. "Damn it, Celestia, why the fuck do they always have to steal my thunder?" I stormed off, but not before I saw them turn Discord back into stone with the same rainbow waterfall attack thingy. Mother Fuckers. > Living > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Present Time" I set down the bloody body bag in the corner of my wagon. I needed to clean that thing, it smelled like somepony's dirty hooves. My wagon was basically a canvas cover wooden box with wheels. Pretty large for a wagon, but was no comfortable living space. I wouldn't even call it a living space. The view was pretty spectacular from the top of the hill. "The Hill," as I called it, was a lush grassy standout hill, the only one in the vicinity of a couple miles. I could clearly see Ponyville from here, and Canterlot a little bit onward. I had a little camp here. The wagon was where I slept, ate, and did all my work. Outside, I set up a small workout center, with a couple pony shaped punching bags, and a mannequin (ponyquin?) for some more tactical skill practice, like wrestling, half a ton set of weights and barbells and that kind of shit. I emptied out the bloody body bag on the grass to reveal its contents. Trophies, from other ponies I'd killed. Mutilated horns and wings, horseshoes, an entire leg, and a head. Blood dripped from the jugular artery, as it dangled in the air, on the wooden fence post I just shoved it on. I placed the wings and horns where all the other ones were; a large chest, engraved with silver. The leg, I decided to keep. I cleaned it out, and molded it in rock. Would make a good weapon someday. I trotted over to the small water pump that still ran clean water to this area. I washed off the silver, bronze, and maroon blood of the different types of ponies, and watched as the blood ran down the aqueduct to some pond at the bottom of the hill. By the position of the sun, I could tell it was about 4 in the afternoon. I looked up, at the cyan sky, cold, refreshing water still running through my hooves. "Is there where living takes place?" I thought out loud. My view of the sky was interrupted by a cloud that moved into my vision. "What the hell? Who's pushing that thing?" I flew up to the cloud. It was a small cloud, but still large enough for a pegasus to sleep in. I got up to the cloud, and took a look at the pony who was inhabiting it. It was a rainbow maned pegasus, that I haven't seen in 3 years. She doesn't know it yet, but this mare is one of my greatest enemies. "Wake up," I smacked Rainbow Dash in the face. "Huh, what? That hurt. Who are you?" She got up, and rubbed her temples and forehead. "I think you know who I am," I pulled her from the cloud. "What are you doing," "Killing you," I kicked her, and she fell the approximate 50 feet, and landed hard on her extended wings. I landed next to her, and kicked her again. She was weak, weaker than I expected. "Get up and fight me!" I screamed, all those years of pain and sorrow coming back to me. I kicked her again, a trickle of bronze blood, gently rolling from her snout. Rainbow Dash finally stood up, "What the hell is wrong with you! Why are you trying to kill me!" She attempted to buck me, for which I grabbed one of the hooves, and pulled her down. I then climbed onto her back, and pulled at one of her hind legs, breaking it. She screamed, but I doubted anypony anywhere could hear her. I went for her head, trying to crack her neck, but instead, she slapped me with her wings, stunning me for a second. Long enough for her to wriggle out from underneath me, and fly away, her broken leg dangling in the sky, as she became smaller, and smaller, until Rainbow Dash disappeared. No point in going after her, she's too fast. Too fast. Well I better get preparing, the other 5 could show up at any time now. I hammered a couple nails into the stoned leg, and adjusted my hunting bow to a 8 degree angle instead of 0. It would help with larger prey. I pulled a large cloud over the wagon. It would provide a small shadow cover, and a hiding spot. I put the spiked stone leg under a mound of grass, and filled a jar with oil, and modified my lighter to toggle on/off. I was ready. The cloud provided a decent hiding spot and archery vantage point, so I hid up there, and waited, waited for the Elements of Harmony to arrive, so I could kill them all. > Living Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cloud was pretty comfortable. Made a good sleeping spot. Why didn't I think of this earlier? Way better than some dusty old wagon. The Mane Six haven't come yet, probably planning some attack, or alerting Celestia, or something. Cowards. I had nothing to do except read a single book I've read over 50 times over and over again. I wasn't going to go down there, if anything, they might've been hiding out under my wagon or some shit, waiting for me to go down there. I'd only go back to my wagon for food or water, or another pissing jar, but nothing else. Then I heard voices, familiar voices, belonging to 5 ponies. They're here. I peaked my head over the edge of the cloud, and saw the multicolored ponies trot up the hill, heads low, ready to attack. I aimed my bow, pulled back on the string. The whole world seemed to stop in its tracks, waiting and watching for me to take the shot. Time slowed, it even seemed the birds had stopped flying. I let go. The arrow flew straight and true, right into the hoof of the pink one. She screamed, fell over, and the orange one and the one called Fluttershy flew over to her, and the others tried to find where the arrow came from. I quickly took cover, and brought my head back down. "Shit just got serious," I breathed. I peeked back over the cloud to find that the pink one and Fluttershy had stayed behind, while the other three advanced. I can't see whether to admire their braver or their stupidity. I wasn't much of a professional archer, but I tried anyway. I took three arrows, locked them into the string, and took aim. It was greatly more difficult to shoot a bow horizontally than vertically, I don't normally do it this way, but I wanted to finish this quickly. I let it fly. Instead of hitting each of them with one arrow, the three arrows flew in a group, and hit the white one in the stomach, liver, and back hoof. Instead of screaming, she just fell over, silver blood spurting all over the place. If this were the six that represented friendship, I wonder why Twilight and the orange one took cover behind two rocks instead of helping the white one out. I decided to kill off the two that stayed behind. Arrow in hand, I heard shouting, "Nobody hurts my friends!" some pony screamed while a hoof slammed right into my face. I fell back on the cloud, nearly tipping over the edge. I looked around, trying to find out who that pony was, until she landed right in front of me. "Rainbow Dash, I thought I broke your leg," "Ehh, Twilight has some healing spells," she said, and kicked me again. I stood up, punched her in the face, then jumped off the cloud, and flew to my mound of grass near the wagon. I dug up my stone nail leg thing, "Perfect." Rainbow Dash flew down after me, but I power turned right on time, to get a good, bloody blow, in the face. A loud scream emanated across the hill, as blood spilled from Rainbow Dash's eye, snout, and neck. I trotted over to the downed rainbow pegasus, blood still dripping from the hole in her eye and neck. I raised my stone club, and brought it down on her, again and again and again, until she stopped screaming, and stopped breathing. Bronze blood covered my hoofs and club, like, the whole thing. All that was left of Rainbow Dash was a body of a pegasus without a head. The head, was slowly trickling down the hill, a couple rainbow strands of hair lie around the body. "Two down, I think, 4 or 5 to go," I came out from behind the wagon to confront the orange rodeo pony and Twilight. they saw the large amounts of blood, and a look of horror spread across each of their faces. "Rainbow Dash!" Twilight screamed. They both charged me at once. I ducked as the orange one tried to jump me, and slammed the club into her underside. She fell over, onto her side, obviously dieing. "Finish this Twi," the orange one said, until she put her head down, and closed her eyes. I looked back at Twilight. She had stopped charging, now crying. A sad sight to see, if you weren't me. "Aww, are you sad? Are you sad that I killed three of your friends? Are you? Well to fucking bad, they're dead now, nothing you can do about it," I grimaced. My life goal coming slowly to a completion. I will rise, I will rule, I will shine in the light, forever. But I still had three more ponies to worry about. Twilight stopped crying, now a look of complete furiosity. Her horn was sparkling black, very black. Small bubbles of darkness, now growing larger, sprouted from her eyes and horn. "OOHHH SHIT!!" I ducked, as a giant bolt of shadow practically flew over my head at the speed of light. It hit my wagon, which exploded gracefully. I turned back around, to see two more bolts coming at me. I weaved between them, getting close and close to Twilight, while also increasing the chances I was gonna get hit by one of those things. I was about 10 feet away from Twilight now, when she fired a shadow bolt straight at me. Nowhere to dodge, I did the thing that most sensible ponies would do. I raised the stone club in front of me, still covered with pegasus blood. I waited for my oncoming death, but no pain came, no explosion. I opened my eyes, expecting to be in hell or something, but no. I was perfectly fine. The stone club had blocked the shot. I don't know how, but the fact that the shadow bolt blew everything up, I came to the approximate conclusion that the blood of Elements of Harmony had something to do with it. I smirked. I charged at Twilight, shielding myself from her bolts of boom, until I was eye to eye with her. I felt the warm, golden blood of an alicorn, as I plunged the club into her underside, and came out the other. The expression of horror reappeared on Twilight's face, until she lost so much blood, her eyes closed, and the body felt limp. I took the club out, now completely soaked with blood. I smiled like a freak. "TWO LEFT!!!" I screamed as I charged across the hill to the other two. None of them saw me, they were faced the wrong way, and it was impossible to here me galloping on the perfectly fertile soil. I lacked the club into one of Fluttershy's wings, and kneed her chest. I don't know how anypony didn't here the scream coming from the hill as I killed Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Let's just say, I hope somepony would come up here, find the dead bodies, and hold a proper funeral. I may be a bloodthirsty pony, but I still hold respect. The sun was setting, illuminating the blood one last time. Club in hand, trotted down the hill opposite to Ponyville, with a case of food that remained. "One Month Later" I hid in the cold mountains, without anypony knowing. I was afraid Celestia and Luna would realize the death of the Elements, and come after me. I was scared, I admit, but I still had to rise. All ponies shall fear me. Next quest; Kill the princesses. > Hiding from the Gods > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Where are they, tell me where they are!" Celestia stomped around in her throne room. The Elements have been missing for 4 weeks now, no word from them, no letters from Twilight, nothing. I sent 4 guards to go look for them at the four corners of Equestria 3 days ago, still, nothing. I paced around the room, feeling the soft carpet beneath my hoofs. "What could have happened to them?" I looked up at the ceiling, like something was there. The cold didn't hurt me, in fact, it pushed me on, encouraging me to learn. Building a fire, creating shelter, hunting and gathering. I haven't seen anypony for the month I've been up here. I guess either the bravery of hikers these days have diminished greatly, or the 50 warning signs not to come up here stopping them. Who knows. My plan for eliminating Celestia and Luna, possible Cadence and Shining Armour, was fool-proof. I just needed to wait for either on of the regal sisters to come out of their little castle. When they do, I have a perfect long-bow shot at them. The mountain I'm hiding in is like only 200 feet from Canterlot. Easy bow shot. I would normally go down for food, water, and other necessities, and how I got the bits? Murdering. I killed ponies for their money, but wouldn't hide in their homes, for fear that their friends might get worried, and check up on them. Dear Journal, I don't know when the regal sisters would come out, and I don't even know if they ever will before I die. I still wonder how I killed that Twilight Sparkle, she is a god, after all. I guess gods could be murdered. But Twilight was more of a lower level god. Celestia is pretty much an original, or something like that. I don't know whether murder would be possible or not, but it'll be worth a try. Cutting to the point, I don't know how much longer I can cope with living 1500 feet up on a mountain that's usually 10 below 0, in summer, on a hot day. I also think I'm losing my mind. Recently, I've had thoughts of suicide, and thoughts of, "Why am I living this kind of life?" But, who cares. I chose my own path, and that's the path I'll pursue for the rest of my life. -Entry 192- June 7th, 2013 I set the journal down carefully in the little hole I dug. It was pretty much insulated because I patented it with leather and wool. My stomach grumbled, notifying me on my lack of nutrition intake. "Time to head to Canterlot again," I grabbed the sack of bits that I still had from my last killing, and flew down the mountain to the entrance of Canterlot. There were more guards these days, and security was getting tighter and tighter. Probably because of my recent murders of 4 most likely innocent ponies. I was about to trot into the Canterlot Plaza for some food, when the guards stopped me. "Name?" "Yarnvek," I said. I came up with a new name for myself, trying to conceal my identity. I've made quit a lot of friends in the town, two of them I killed, but still. I've become quite the popular pony, but aren't all Canterlot ponies popular? "Ahh Yarnvek. Good to see you again, come right on through," The guards let me pass. I knew the fake identity was a good idea. I liked to hit the pizza joint, as it served over 50 types of pizza, but I was a little short on bits for something that expensive, so I trotted over to StarBuck's. I was sipping my latte, eating my sandwich, when some fight broke out in the center of the plaza. Two stallions, one with bright red and electric blue mane, a dark grey coat, and some strange tombstone cutie mark, that seemed to be wearing headphones, and the other; dark grey and bright red mane, light grey coat, and a microphone with headphones around it? Strange. The dark grey coat one was on top of the other one, beating him with punch after punch. Then the microphone-headphone pony bucked the other, about 4 feet. Pretty strong, not stronger than me. I took a bite of my sandwich, then chugged some latte. This was really amusing. A large shadow passed over the fight. The whole crowd gathered around stopped watching, and looked up. I stuck my head to the window, and tried to get a better look, too. My eyes widened, I took a spit take, jaw dropped. Celestia. This was the perfect chance. I grabbed the bow out of the sack I carried my bits in, (yes, it is a big sack. More like a hiking backpack,) and galloped outside. "What is the meaning of this!" Celestia roared at the two fighting ponies, who reluctantly stopped, and snapped to attention. Once again, the world froze, time slowed, and everything seemed still. I took aim with my bow, nopony seemed to notice yet, (strange, since there was a couple hundred of them), pulled the string back. "Now or never," I breathed. Letting go, I galloped away, put the bow back into my sack, and watched from a near corner as the arrow twirled through the air, making its mark. It plunged to its feathers in Celestia's neck. I could hear the crowd gasp, and I waited, waited for her to either turn around, or fall over. Nothing happened for the next couple of minutes. Celestia just stood there, with a bow lodged in her neck, and everypony else just watched. Until...