> Dr. Fluttershy's cure for broken hearts. > by cealdra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy could not believe it. Why of all of her friends had Twilight come to her with this. She was no good with cheering up another. Especially not if the pony in question was suffering from a broken heart. But here she was, a cup of tea infront of her and behind that a sobbing Twilight Sparkle. The normally reserved mare had a few things in mind to say to that stallion, but of course she decided not to. It was the right of all to choose their partners. It was not something you could simply force one to love another. A sad truth she knew all to well herself. A few moments passed and Twilight was finally stopping with her sobbing, allowing the butterscotch mare walk over and give the other a comforting hug. Her hands placing themselves on her friends sweater and were able to feel the soft fur beneath it. A single tear formed in her eyes. The very thing that kept her awake at nights, posed for ample material for relieve during heatseason and the allround object of her affection was right there in her arms. Close yet still so far away and seemingly forever out of her reach. At that point something simply snapped inside her. Not snapping as she once did during her 'New Fluttershy' phase, but something in her heart simply broke the barriers in her mind. It was relieving in a way, the immer present; but what if she rejects me question had been replaced by a set of new ones. Why couldn't she have Twilight? Why couldn't she be happy for once? A grim resolve became clear on her face. Time after time those insensitive stallions had shown with wich head they thought. And time after time they showed only interest in physical appearance. Sure Twilight was no Rarity, but could they not see the hidden beauty she held? Her gentle smile, her incredeble wit and humor, the way she always seemed to get the best out of everypony and always willing to help. And sure, having seen what was hidden beneath those plain and lose clothing during spa-visits had certainly helped with growing quite fond of the other mare. Fine, then if those bullheaded stallions did not want that sweet librarian. Then Fluttershy would be all to glad and take her for her own. So now she had semi-convinced herself that she could do it, it was convincing Twilight. But with the plan which had started to form in her mind, there was no doubt that she could turn her down. For afterall; every mare has certain needs, and all she needed to do was to push the right buttons. A serene and gentle smile appeared on Fluttershy`s face, one giving indication of her true intentions as she unwrapped herself from Twilight. “You know what helps me relax and feel better. A nice masage. I know i`m no Lotus, but she did teach me a few massagetechnique`s over the years i`ve been to the spa.” 'And a few other tricks aswell, but i`ll show those later.' But the last was only spoken in her mind. “So, what do you say? Will you let me try? I promise you`ll forget all about him, and that you`ll feel right as rain and completely relaxed once we are done.” A small nod was the only reply Fluttershy got. It pained the caring mare to see her friend so downtrodden. She seriousely hoped her idea would help, and she hoped even more that she could ever justify taking advantage of that wonderous mare like this. “So then, take off your sweater and lay down on the couch ok?” Twilight looked a bit funny at Fluttershy, who in return tried her very best to hide her fear of being found out. But the luck was with the brave this time. The Pegasus thought she needed to coax Twilight a little more, but before she could open her mouth to speak it had dropped open in awe. Infront of her walked Twilight with her sweater on the floor towards the couch. A flush of red came to Fluttershy's cheeks as she noticed the reason behind her target's reluctance. Twilight's small but perky breasts were full out in display, she had worn no bra or any other means to conceal them or hold them up. It took quite a bit of willpower for the winged mare to keep her self from simply going straight to the target. Sure they were not very impressive. But on the sorceress' petite form they were absolutely perfect. Her eyes simply followed the lavender mare as she layed down on her belly. Well it was time to mare up and put her hands to work on the plan. Moments later Twilight was in heaven, and Fluttershy could hear it. The soft wimperings of delight and what she hoped was the occasional stiffled moan were music to her ears. She was now busy with Twilight's lower back. And just like she had planned she had accidentally slipped a hand towards her friends butt. It surprised her a bit, but it seemed that Twilight was so spaced-out that she had not noticed the shift in attention of one of caretakers hands. With this little boost in confidence and faith Fluttershy slipped her hand further down, allowing her fingers to curl under the Twi's skirt. She could feel the fur of her friend becoming softer as she approached her target. But ariving at her friends marehood she had found a second surprise. It had appeared that Twilight had chosen to go completely commando today. That only served her purpose even better, she had wondered how she would have circomvented any underwear. With a single finger she started to softly brush Twilights lower lips. Elicting a sharp gasp of the laying mare. “F- Fl- Fluttershy? What are you doing?” Using a gentle push Fluttershy pushed the Unicorn back onto the couch as she was trying to get up again. With her hand never leaving her price and the other on Twilight's back Fluttershy leaned towards Twilight's ear. “Sshhhht, please relax Twilight. Like I promised I will help you relax and forget. So just lay down, and let me show you that you don't need a stallion to feel good.” At that point Fluttershy had stopped simply brushing her friends marehood and was slowly rubbing it with a bit of force while occasionally dipping a finger inside. She could feel the moisture increasing allowing her ministrations to become easier. And even more surprising, Twilight had stopped her squirming. She was simply staring at Fluttershy with a strange mix on her face. It was half questioning and half pleasurable. But as the butterscotch mare picked up speed with her ministrations the latter part became more and more dominant. That was until she could no longer keep herself quiet and placed her head in a pillow to stiffle the now squeaking moans. It did not take long for all the pent up frustration to be released. With a final high piched squeak and a small splash of marecum Twilight reached her orgasm. Withdrawing her fingers from the drenched marehood Fluttershy allowed Twilight to recover a bit, but she could not help herself once she saw the slimy fluid coating her fingers. Without even thinking she brought them to her mouth to slowly lick them clean. The first taste had been rather carefull, not fully knowing what to expect. But after that first taste, she had to stop herself from cleaning her fingers to fast. Wanting to savor every little bit of her friends unique taste. Twilight herself had been a bit shocked at the lewd display after being, well for all she could call it, violated in a certain way. But somehow she wassn't mad at the Pegasus. For she had been righ; it had felt amazing. But now it was time to go home and think about the whole ordeal in the peacefulness of her library. Attempting to push herself up she said “Fluttershy, I don't really know how to say this. It freaks me out a bit, but you were right. I feel a lot better now, good enough to go home and not wall...” But she was only pushed back onto the couch by a gentle hand of Fluttershy while being silenced by a rather passionate kiss. When they broke apart Fluttershy merely smiled seductively “Silly filly, who said we were done? That was just the entreé.” But after that the sweet breathy voice became a harsher. “So lay down and be ready for the ride of your life, becouse we are far from done.” A unexpected and swift motion followed the normally so meek mare as she pulled Twilight's skirt down and discarded it somewere on the floor. Her voice motherly and stern. “Ooh my, you naughty little mare. No undies, and just look. You are all wet and messy down there. Tisk tisk, i`m afraid apunishment is in order. But first we`ll have to clean you up a little.” With gentle force Fluttershy fully openend Twilight's legs, who in her turn still had some decency left and tried to keep closed a little. But she could not deny that there was something bubbling inside her, and that something kept growing in strenght and told her that there was nothing wrong. That this was actually quite right, and that she was actually enjoying her friends treatment. And that little voice overpowered all others when she felt something warm and a bit wet flowing over her netherregion. Fluttershy on her part was skillfully lapping up the juices spilling from her friends marehood, she was not fully focusing on giving the other pleasure. Afterall, she didnt want to exhaust the mare to early on. No, her gentle administrations had been focused at moving her tongue arround the out lips. Occasionally grazing the small nub with small nip or long draw. She did find out something worth her while. After accidentally letting her tongue go up a little to far towards the base of the tail. A small brush against the little rosebud hidden there had send the poor dear's body shivering and elicted a rather loud moan. Twilight's reaction to let Fluttershy knew all she needed for the next step. A fewmore laps, and she stopped elicting a disappointed sound from Twilight. Who in her turn had been rather getting rather close. With a rather nonchalant movement Fluttershy stood up from her spot between Twilight's legs and let her gown drop to the floor as she moved a bit closer to her friends face. Kneeling down near the head she kissed the other mare gentle on the lips, making sure to leave some of the others own fluids on the lips. After separating Fluttershy unleashed her most seductive glare (Years from now you could hear Twilight swear that it had been a modified version of 'the stare'), and helped her friend sitting up for a moment with one hand while searching the hidden drawer under the large couch. She quickly found what she was looking for. Sure, when compared to her ex her own collection was pretty small. But comparing hers with that of the spa-pony who sometimes used them professionally was just not fair. Hiding her choice behind her back Fluttershy smiled at a curious but intrueged Twilight. It had seemed that her, hoped to be, lover was finally getting out of her flunk and into the activity. “Now that you are a bit more cleaned up it is time for your punishment. Stand up, bend over and lift that tail of yours.” Remembering that Fluttershy had not done anything other then simply pleasing her, and perhaps confusing her own moral compass and sexuallity a bit, Twilight complied. Her cheecks flushed bright red, not just from the arrousal caused by the fellatio prefermed mere moments ago. But more becouse she had placed herself in a rather degrading position and her marehood was now in full vieuw. Enjoying the vieuw perhaps a bit to much Fluttershy took her time to prepare the next step. Her choice had been a oddly shaped double dildo with a little flat divider in the middle shaped to fit perfectly arround the marehood of its 'wielder'. Bend in a unusual curve, it would function like a strap-on, an enchantment placed on it made sure it stayed in place during use. It could only be removed by hand, but that had not been the only side of the toy. The divider doubled as a sort of collector, it would collect the juices spilled by the 'top', and with this the second part of the enchantment would kick in. It did not stimulate a mare by insertion, it had actually interacted with the nerves on the clit and inside. It made it seem like she would feel everything like a stallion would, and when she finally did came it would ejeculate all the collected juices. It was the latest in anti-heat technology for fillyfoolers. With a slightly wet noise Fluttershy forced her side of the toy inside. Her anticipation to this and having serviced her crush for this long had made her wet enough to make the job pretty easy. A slight tingly sensation told her that the enchantment was doing its work. A quick application of some lube later and she was closing in on her prey. That nice untouched little rosebud inbetween Twilights lovely, soft and squishy plotcheeks. The tip of the toy poked at the scholar's tailhole, and instantly Twilight tried to squirm away. “Fluttershy? That, thats the wrong place.” The Pegasi merely responded by slowly pushing the tip further in. “Shhhh, Twilight there is no wrong place. I saw how you reacted to me licking you there, and trust me. This will feel much better once you ease up a bit.” At the last word she pushed the other end in all the way elicting a sharp painfilled noise from Twilight. Shy knew from experience that the first time was always painfull, and on that note one of her hands reached down to Twilight's clit. Softly rubbing it to divert the attention. And judging by the shifting in tone from the other mare she knew it was working. Still stroking the little nub Fluttershy withdrew a few inches before pushing it in, she could feel the soft warm flesh rubbing against the toy as she did. Of course she went slowly, enjoying every little bit of it. As the mare beneath her stopped with painfull breathing she picked up the pace a little bit even daring to go as far as removing her hand from Twilights marehood. There had been no complaints, no dirty talk or even normal talking. Just the soft moans and groans stemming from the both of them as the normally timid mare rammed the toy in her friends ass, and kept a steady pace. But it had been a pace Fluttershy could not keep up for long. The long teasing had gotten her quite arroused before starting, and the sensations rushing through her thanks to the enchantment made sure her climax was nearing. Knowing she was about to come she wanted to warn Twilight, but all came out was a rather un Fluttershylike load moan which sounded like “I`m sorry” before she had trusted the fake-member in one last time, connecting her hips with Twilights butt and simply unloading all of her fluids in the other mare. She was about to pull out when the door creacked and a pink haired mare clad in hospital clothing walked in. “Fluttershy? I`m sorry to disturb you at this time of night. But do youstill have some of that.. Oooh my.”