> Welcome To The Mash > by MaxBeezy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One Night At The Bar... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’ll have another one.” Silver Screen said, sitting on a stool at the Ponyville Bar. Silver Screen is the projectionist at the Ponyville Cineplex. He has a blue coat, pitch black hair, and his eyes resemble that of old fashioned 3D Glasses. One eye being red, the other cyan. He loved movies; going to them more than twice a week when he was just a young colt, all the way to his teenage years. When he first got his cutie mark, which is an image of a film reel unspooling, he thought it meant that he would go on to make movies, and be somepony considered highly respectable. Not to mention be extremely popular with the mares. Turns out, it just meant he was really good at changing film reels at the movie theater; a skill he found out about, when he took a summer job after dropping out of high school before his final year. Being a unicorn, he could change reels like a pro, to the point where he could be having a conversation with somepony while doing it. He was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to his cutie mark. He had been working at this job for almost a decade; much longer than he had anticipated. The Ponyville Cineplex was never like the theaters in Manehattan or Applewood, which ran completely on this new “digital” technology. This theater ran on good old fashioned film. Silver Screen couldn’t complain too much, as this was a well-paying job, with surprisingly good benefits. He even managed to afford a two pony apartment, despite being a one pony individual. He figured the extra space would be good, especially if by some miracle, a mare entered his life. Still, like most ponies, he wished for more out of life. Right now, he’s having a bad day. At work, a group of rowdy stallions came into a movie well past the first reel, and started to make a ruckus; yelling at the screen and talking loudly. Silver Screen had no respect for ponies who not only arrived late, but cause trouble for everypony else. He came into the theater, asking the stallions to be quiet, but they laughed and flicked popcorn in his face. Silver Screen became sterner, but this didn’t sit well with the easily agitated colts. After a few heated words, a brawl broke out, the stallions ran off, and now Silver Screen sits in the bar with a fresh black eye. Silver Screen was never one who liked to lose a fight. “Here you go, Silver Screen.” The Bartender said, floating a mug of hard apple cider over. “Take it easy, alright?” “You know me.” Silver Screen smirks, taking a swig. He didn’t think of himself as a drunk; there would be days where he would drink himself tipsy, but never to the point where he would wake up the next morning with an unwanted guest sleeping next to him. Unlike his friends and co-workers at the Cineplex. “Barkeep? Another appletini, please?” a beautiful and feminine voice called out from across the bar. “You got it, hon.” The Bartender said with a smile. Sliver Screen’s ears perked up at the sound of this voice. Not only did she sound absolutely heavenly, but also sad and troubled. His eyes glided along the bar in search of this voice. He finds it. Sitting alone at the end of the bar is a gorgeous young mare; at least she looked young from the lighting that shined above her. She had a tan coat, and a brown mane. Her cutie mark was that of a heart next to what appeared to be a bottle for young foals. She was looking down at her forehooves, lightly playing with the empty martini glass in front of her, as she waits for the next round. As her head begins to turn in his direction, Silver Screen looks away from her, instead staring at the mirror in the bar. A look of shock and awe adorns his face, as he ponders his next move. “Sweet Celestia, she’s gorgeous!” he thinks to himself, “Should I talk to her?” he grimaces at the thought, “No! Look at you, you’re a projectionist! She deserves a high class fancypants pony!” Silver Screen drinks his cider in one gulp, hoping that the alcohol in his system would make him braver. “I’m doing it. Wish me luck, Brain.” he says quietly to himself. “Fuck you.” said his brain. Silver Screen hopped off the stool, walking over to where this Mystery Mare is. He sits on the stool before the one directly next to her, so he wouldn’t come off as too forward. She hasn’t looked in his direction just yet, as she waits for her drink to be finished. The appletini comes floating over to her, setting gently down next to her empty glass. As the Bartender picks up the empty glass with his magic… “Bartender? Put that drink on my bill.” Silver Screen says. The Bartender shrugs. The mare looks over at him, then back at the Bartender, shaking her head. “No, it’s fine. I can pay for myself.” “I insist.” Silver Screen says, trying to sound gentle. “You really don’t need to.” “I don’t need to, but I WANT to.” “Why?” “Well…” he studies her troubled face, “You look like you had a bad day.” Saying this makes her stop whatever was going to come out of her mouth next. “I guess I figured that you could have something good happen for once.” “Buying me a drink isn’t going to make my day be any better.” “Probably not…but it’s a start.” Silver Screen smiles, feeling suave and confident. The mare smirks, as she takes a sip of her fresh appletini. “You have a bad day too?” “What gave you that idea?” “I noticed you sitting over at the end there.” she points to his last seated position, “You looked rather down on yourself. Did you figure having a drink with a mare who also had a bad day would even things out?” “Maybe I wanted to have a drink with you, because I don’t like seeing a pretty mare with a sad face.” The mare looks away from him. From the light, he can see a blush grace her cheeks. She uses a hoof to try and cover it, but the damage has been done. Silver Screen feels oddly proud of his small accomplishment; though he’s having trouble figuring out if it was due to the alcohol, or some deep seeded smooth talking pony that was hidden away inside of him finally coming out. Probably both. “You didn’t answer my question.” she says, her blush gradually disappearing. “Did you have a bad day?” “Yeah, you could say that.” He moves the light above her with his magic, giving her a clearer view of his black eye. She gasps, with both forehooves covering her mouth, as she stares with wide-eyed surprise. “Oh my!” she blurts out, “What happened?!” Silver Screen recounts to her the tale of his injury, telling her about his job, and attempting to sound like a cool, brave, and heroic pony. She could only stare, as he weaves his very true yarn with overly elaborate wording. When he finished, she chuckled at the story. Not quite the reaction he was expecting. “What’s so funny?” he asks. “Oh, nothing.” she says, ceasing with her chuckling. “It’s just that you told that story so…” she deepens her voice to try to match his “Macho and tough!” she says in an overzealous manner. “It’s amusing.” “Yeah, yeah.” he shrugs it off, “Can’t blame a colt for trying to make a story when he gets his ass kicked sound cool.” “You gave it your best shot.” she says. Taking a closer look, she notices the different eye color. "Hey, your eyes...they're..." "I know." Silver Screen smirks, "They look like 3D Glasses." "Yeah...I mean, I was going to say that they are different colors, but now that you mention it...they do look like 3D Glasses." "Just so you know, they work perfectly well." he gestures putting a hoof in front of his face, simulating it coming right at him, like a dork putting on 3D Glasses for the first time. The mare giggles in amusement. “Alright alright," she waves a hoof to get him to stop, "Still, that does sound like a bad day.” she takes another sip of her drink. “What about you?” Silver Screen asks, “What about your bad day?” “It’s actually many bad days. Only this time, it was a day that drove me here.” she sighs, “I was…recently divorced two months ago.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” Silver Screen says, dropping the heroic act. “I kind of feel like a dick for trying to sound like a tough guy, now” “No.” she chuckles, “I thought it was sweet.” she reassures him, “My husband left me for another mare, and took one of my little colts along with him.” “Foals? She’s a Mom?” Silver Screen thinks, “She’s a good looking Mom.” “How many foals do you have?” he asks. “Two. One is twelve, the other is eight. The twelve year old went with him, and the eight year old stayed with me.” “What’s the little colt’s name? The one who stayed?” “Button Mash.” she smiles, “He always has his head buried in those video games, rather than his school studies.” “We’ve all been there.” Silver Screen chuckles. “No kidding. Don’t let my appearance fool you, I can go hoof to hoof with anypony at Super Equestrian Fighter!” she says with conviction. “I suppose I should be proud that he’s so talented at those games, but I just wished he would listen to me more often, and pay more attention to homework and studying. I guess he decided to stay with me, because I’m a pushover compared to his father. He was stricter than I could ever be.” “Maybe, he stayed with you because he thinks you’re a great Mom, who appreciates his talent despite all that.” Silver Screen said genuinely, but thinking that what he said came out like a pick up line. “That’s kind of you to say…” she lightly blushes again, once again trying to hide it from him. She then remembers something, almost giving herself a hoof slap. “I’m sorry. I don’t know your name, and here I am, talking about my foal.” “It’s no problem.” Silver Screen smiles, “I’m Silver Screen.” “Milano…Milano Mash.” she tells him. “Milano Mash, huh?” “Don’t start.” she says sternly. “What?” “I know what you’re going to say.” “What am I going to say?” “You’re probably going let loose with a bunch of pick-up lines, and probably make some pun having to do with my last name.” “No, I was actually going to tell you that you have a nice name that suits you.” “That’s kind of a pick-up line.” “Okay, then you’re right.” The two share a laugh. Milano takes a final swig of her drink. All empty. She looks at the glass with a bit of disappointment. She looks back at Silver Screen, gesturing him with the possibility of buying her another one. He obliges, telling the bartender to get her another drink, along with a mug of hard cider for him. Their drinks arrive in moments. “It’s a little sad…” she says, “Button thinks I’m out with friends, rather than sitting here.” “Is Button all alone at the house?” “Goodness no, he has the Foal Sitter to look after him.” she drinks, “I remember when I was a Foal Sitter. It’s how I got this cutie mark.” She looks down at her mark, reminiscing about days long passed. Silver Screen’s gaze travels down with her, staring at the rather fitting mark. “I guess taking care of foals was my special talent. A lot of good that’s done me, when I had one colt bail on me.” she harrumphs, slowly going back to her sullen expression. “Aw, don’t talk like that. At least you have an awesome talent.” Silver Screen says, causing her to look back at him, “All I can do is change film reels.” “I bet you’re really good at it, though.” she smiles, before her face changes into one of slight confusion, trying to figure out if what she said could be considered flirting or not. “I don’t like to boast, but I am pretty damn good at it.” He smirks, then changing the subject. “Besides, you’re not alone here. Button’s got a Foal Sitter, and you got…me. Granted, I’m not the best company Ponyville has to offer, but...” “I don’t know. You seem to be handling yourself well, so far.” she smirks, then going back to a sullen expression. “Button hasn’t taken to the divorce well. He’s always telling me that Dad will come back, no matter what I say to him. I try to explain why Dad and his brother left, but he thinks I’m making up stories to scare him. That’s why I’m here, to take a break from it all.” “I’m sorry to hear that.” “It’s alright.” she sighs, “Sometimes, I feel like this is all my fault.” “Why is that?” “I paid more attention to the foals, than I did my husband. He would go to work, and I would spend most of the week at home; cooking, cleaning, taking care of the foals, bringing them to school, and picking them up. By the time he gets home, I would be too exhausted to do anything.” “So, he left you for being a housemare?” “That wasn’t all I did. I also work over at the Ponyville Bank every other day.” “So he left you for being a housemare, AND for having a job?” “No, I’m sure he left me, because we barely had se….” she stops, clearing her throat. “Intimacy was an issue.” she cleans her language. “Oh…” Silver Screen gets it. “He would be in the mood, and I would…not. We had a big fight about it; he told me that he was sick of all my…excuses. Weeks later, I find that he had been seeing another mare. I confronted him about it, and he said that it was all my doing; that I drove him to it.” She sees Sliver Screen’s concerned expression. She chortles, “There I go again; talking about my troubles with somepony I’ve known for all of ten minutes.” “It’s…” Silver Screen thinks, “It’s a lot to take in. I can’t believe he did that to you.” “I guess that’s how life is. One moment, you’re an eighteen year old mare madly in love; the next, you’re a thirty year old mother of two who gets divorced because she wouldn’t put out on a regular basis.” she finishes her drink. “Well, fuck him.” Silver Screen says dismissively. Milano shoots a look at him. Not out of anger, but out of pure genuine surprise that he said that. “What?” “If all he cared about was sex, then he doesn’t deserve you. He would have respected what you did, and admired your will to take care of the foals AND have a well-paying job in the process. If he didn’t respect you for that, then fuck him.” Silver Screen looks down at his mug, “Woah, I think this stuff is getting to me. I don’t usually talk like this. Normally, I’m terrible at conversing with mares. Not to mention that I don’t swear this much.” “It’s quite alright.” Milano giggles, “You’re much more entertaining than the other drunks here.” “Hey, I’ll have you know that I am NOT drunk.” His stomach growls as if on cue. “But I am hungry, apparently.” “You…want to go to a booth?” Milano says, motioning her head over to an empty booth by the window. “Sure. But, I’m paying for it.” The two spend the next couple hours conversing with each other, talking about their pasts, and various stories of a comical nature. Silver Screen would tell her about why he dropped out of high school, and how he was made fun of for being a blank flank until the day he took the job at the Cineplex. Milano listened to him intently, not judging him for taking such a path, and seemed interested in what he had to say. Milano would tell him about Button, and all the trouble he has gotten himself into. She told him plenty about herself too, but Silver Screen gets the feeling that she doesn’t find herself interesting, which he highly disagrees. Watching her move and talk, he can’t help but be rather taken by her. She is certainly somepony that everypony should know at one point or another. The eleven o’clock hour approaches, and Silver Screen is finishing up a story about how he once spliced two whole seconds worth of porn in a movie for foals. Milano is cracking up at each sentence of his story. “Then the Manager comes up to me and says ‘How did porn get in that foal movie?!', and I simply shrugged and went ‘I dunno.’ They never found out who really did it.” “You are so bad!” Milano laughs, playfully pushing Sliver Screen. “You’re glad I wasn’t there, or I would have raised some hell with you!” “Believe me, the film I did it to was total shit. You and your foals wouldn’t have been caught dead in it.” “From what you told me about it, I probably wouldn’t have.” They continue to laugh amongst themselves. As their laughter subsides, Silver Screen catches a look in Milano’s eyes. It’s the look of somepony who has a genuine interest in him. He doesn’t say anything, choosing to let it play out, just in case his assumption is completely wrong. When they break eye contact and glance around the bar, they find that there are only a few ponies left in the establishment. Milano looks over at the clock. Her eyes widen in surprise. “Shoot, I have to get going.” she says, slinging her purse around her. “I’m sorry.” “No, it’s fine.” Silver Screen says, “I had fun talking to you.” “Me too.” she smiles, looking into his eyes. “Thanks for making me laugh. It’s been a while since I did that.” “Hey, anytime. You certainly made MY day a lot better.” he tells her. He looks back at his now empty glass of cider, contemplating getting another drink before hitting the path back home. Soon, he notices that Milano isn’t moving. He looks back at her, seeing the metaphorical cogs turn in her head. “What is it?” he asks. She doesn’t say anything. He keeps staring at her, wondering just what exactly she is thinking. From the looks of things, she appears to be having some sort of inner battle with her thoughts. “Hell with it.” she says. To Silver Screen’s surprise, Milano suddenly lunges for him, locking lips with his for one hell of a passionate, if slightly alcohol induced kiss. Her tongue drives its way into his mouth, and practically dances with him. Silver Screen’s look of surprise turns into one of euphoria, as he gets into the kiss, placing a hoof on her hip, bringing her closer, as he gets into the swing of things. The other patrons and Bartender notice these two’s dance of primal love, watching them like one would watch a documentary about the mating habits of animals…with great interest and curiosity. Milano moves him onto the table, knocking over the glasses and plates of what is now crumbs, as she gets on top of him, making the kiss more forceful, yet still having that erotic edge to it. If nopony stops them (and nopony likely will), they would have quite the show to witness. It doesn’t take long for Milano’s brain to prevail, finally removing her lips from his, and the two of them are able to catch their breath. “Oh…” Silver Screen says, breathing just as heavily as she is. “Oh wow.” “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take it so far.” “No, don’t worry about it. That was…that was amazing.” Silver Screen realizes that he is on top of the table. “Did you move me to the table?” “Yeah…” she blushes, “Guess I sort of lost control.” “That’s okay. I really didn’t mind.” The two look to see the patrons and Bartender staring at them. “Show’s over, guys.” Everypony goes back to their business, grumbling with disappointment. Silver Screen turns his attention back to Milano. “Well…it was nice to…” “Will you come home with me?” she interrupts, making Silver Screen pause. “Serious?” he asks. “Yes.” Sliver Screen’s answer is concise and immediate. “Okay.” He throws down a few bits, paying for the meal and drinks. “Let’s go.” The two walk to Milano’s house, nearly side by side, as if conjoined at the hip. Silver Screen would look over at her every once in a while, and she would look back at him, with that unmistakable look of absolute sultriness. A bead a sweat rolled down his brow, along with a gulp, wondering just what the night will hold for these two ponies. They arrive at her house. It’s a nice, two story place, with two vases of beautiful flowers placed right at the front door. Milano trots up the steps, unlocking the door. “Hello?” Milano says, calling out with the hint of a whisper. Hopping off the couch, a pink pony, who goes by the named of Pinkie Pie, walks up to them with a happy bounce in her step. “Hi, Milano Mash.” she says, also in a hushed tone. “Sorry for being so late, Pinkie. Is Button asleep?” “Yes, Ma’am. I tucked him in a couple hours ago.” She looks over at Silver Screen, with a little familiarity. “Hey, aren’t you the projectionist at the Ponyville Cineplex?” “I am.” he says. “I thought I knew you from somewhere.” she shrugs, not questioning why he’s there in the first place. Milano gives her the bits for the night. Pinkie looks at her reward. “Hey, you’re giving me more than usual.” “That’s for staying a little longer. Thank you so much.” “It’s no problem.” She says with a wide smile, before bouncing away. “See you, Milano Mash. See you, Milano Mash’s date!” Silver Screen turns around to correct her, but she is gone before he knew it. Shaking his head, Silver Screen closes the door, locking it. “I need to check if he’s asleep.” Milano whispers. Silver Screen nods. They walk up the stairs together; carefully, so as to not make any noise. Eventually, they stop outside of Button’s room. Milano peers inside, seeing Button sound asleep, with that unmistakable snore indicating that he is actually asleep, and not play sleeping. She smiles, closing the door as gently as possible. She looks over at Silver Screen, with a nod and a sensual look in her eyes. She leads him over to her room; the last door at the end of the hall. She lets him in first, while she follows behind, closing the door. Once he’s inside, Silver Screen turns around to see Milano approaching him. They both look incredibly nervous, rubbing their hooves on the carpet, as they ponder their next moves. “We have to be quiet.” she says, “Don’t want to wake up Button.” “Okay. I’ll…do my best.” he replies. “Do you…” she glances over at the bed, “Do you want to be on top, or should I?” “Whichever position you’re comfortable with.” “Leaving it up to me, huh?” she chortles, “I think I’m starting to like you.” She inches closer to him, closing her eyes and opening her mouth. Silver Screen meets her halfway, and hovers his lips over hers, knowingly teasing her. She laughs while stifling a moan, finally having enough and pressing her mouth against his. It’s an oddly tender, but unquestionably sensual kiss, unlike the one at the bar. Silver Screen found the differences strange, but considering she wants the act to be a quiet affair, he understands. Milano pushes him backwards over to the bed, causing him to fall over on the soft, comfortable mattress. He moves back all the way to the headboard, watching her climb on top, prowling towards him like a hungry predator. He smiles at this side of her, catching just a glimpse of her wild side. Milano gets on top of him, straddling his stomach, and squeezing her thighs against his hips. Silver Screen does his very best not to moan in a simultaneous bout of pain and pleasure, as he can soon feel his stomach getting moist with Milano’s sexual juices. Silver Screen tries to look down to see her leaking slit, but she brings a hoof down against his cheek, forcing him to turn her attention back to her beautiful eyes. “Remember…try to be quiet.” she says in a stern but seductive tone of voice. Silver Screen can only nod in agreement at her words. Milano descends downward closer to the foot of the bed, never taking her eyes off Silver Screen. Once she does, she looks at his hardening member, almost at full mast. She smiles, licking her lips with devious anticipation. She puts one hoof on it, and it quivers at her very touch. She presses the other hoof on it, and it’s now as hard as a diamond. Slowly, she starts to stroke it, licking the bottom of his shaft with each movement. Silver Screen’s eyes widen, biting his hoof to prevent himself from making noise. Small but noticeable moans leave his mouth, as he struggles to stay quiet. Milano can only giggle at his difficulty. Ceasing with the stroking, and without warning, she wraps her mouth around his length, pushing downward so it reaches past the back of her throat. Silver Screen nearly goes bug eyed at the feeling, and a little spark of magic bursts from his horn, briefly lighting up the room like a lamp just turned on. Milano begins to fellate him slowly, her saliva slicking his member so much, that her bobbing becomes smooth and easy. Silver Screen can only watch, and feel her tongue make circles around the tip every time she gets to the top, before plunging it back down. He bites down into his hoof harder, breaking skin and causing blood to drip into his mouth, tasting his own blood. If she doesn’t stop, he can finish at any moment, and he doesn’t want this to end. It’s not helping that she is going faster and faster. He wants to tell her to stop, but he can’t. It’s like she knows that he will go off at any moment. “M… Milano …” he quietly says, “I….I….” His small moments of resistance go unheard, as Milano keeps going. He can’t take any more of this. Silver Screen lets out a muffled grunt, as he bucks his hips up hard, and explodes his hot seed down her throat. Milano exhales with a pleased hum, as she takes every drop of his seed, and swallows it to start its journey down to her stomach. He regrets finishing so soon, but the feeling was unimaginably satisfying. Of course, he soon gets the hunch that things aren’t quite over yet. With an audible POP sound, Milano removes herself from his shaft, with a sensual smile gracing her face. “Not bad…” she whispers, licking her lips of any stray strands of semen. “Now, it’s your turn, Mr. Projectionist.” Milano lies down next to him, spreading her legs, and exposing her slick and dripping sex. It’s primed and ready to go, but Silver Screen has a ways to go before he gets hard again. With no time to wait, he does the next best thing. The only problem…he has no idea how to do said next best thing. Milano looks down, watching Silver Screen stare at her slit with a combination of curiosity and wonderment, thinking about the best way to approach a situation like this. “You never tried this before?” “Can’t say that I have.” Silver Screen says. “Most mares weren’t interested in this part.” “It’s easy…” she smiles, leaning up and placing her hooves on his cheeks. “Just dive in…” suddenly, she SHOVES Silver Screen’s muzzle into her, already electing a quiet moan from her mouth. “…and lick.” “Umph, okay…” he says, muffled by Milano’s wanting sex. He opens his mouth, inserting as much of his tongue inside of her, feeling her wet slick and glistening walls. Her juices are sweet, with a tingling aftertaste after each lap. As Milano holds him against her, she moves a hoof up to his horn, slowly stroking it as if it were his shaft. The horn is sensitive to the touch, and he can feel each stroke as he continues to lick her moist inner walls. Muffled moans exit his mouth, and heavy breaths leave Milano’s. She bites her lip, feeling the small twang of her impending orgasm. It’s not there yet, but it is coming. She moves the hoof holding down Sliver Screen, bringing it to her mouth, and covering her lips, so that she may attempt to muffle any future moans. Though no longer held down, Silver Screen doesn’t leave, instead trying to go deeper, continuing to taste Milano’s sweet nectar. His hooves move up to the small nubs above her crotch, rubbing them with the slightest hint of aggression. Milano’s moans become more frequent, stroking Silver Screen’s horn with more vigorousness. The hoof rubbing is what’s turning him on the most. He can feel his length hardening up again with each passing rub. He matches her intensity, by viciously going to town on her netheregions, to the point there is not much more she can take. His horn starts to glow brighter than ever, with small bursts of magic shooting out onto the ceiling above. Milano can no longer endure, removing her hoof from his horn, causing the light to dissipate, and lying flat on the bed, using both hooves to cover her mouth, as she can feel herself getting close. After a few more licks, she lets loose. Torrents of sexual juices leave her satisfied slit and straight into the mouth of a very surprised Silver Screen. He takes it all in, drinking each and every drop of her delicious liquid. Her moans are loud, even with both hooves covering her mouth, as her orgasm is long as it is powerful. Once she is done, Silver Screen finally separates himself from her, moving his way upwards, kissing every inch of her body, before reaching her face. Gently, he removes her hooves from her mouth, leaning down for a small but romantic kiss. “I…I didn’t mean to be so loud.” she says bashfully. “I…I guess it’s been a while.” “It’s okay.” he smirks, “Not bad for my first time with something like that, huh?” “Not bad at all.” she leans up, kissing him on the cheek. She glances down, spotting his now throbbing member resting on her stomach. “You ready?” “I’m pretty sure I am.” he jests, making her giggle. “Then what are you waiting for?” Silver Screen wraps his member with magic, positioning it against Milano’s entrance. Once he gets a good angle, he lets go, and thrusts himself inside her in one quick motion. Milano’s pupils dilate, and a hoof goes back on her mouth, as she has felt something she hasn’t felt in a long time…pain. “Are you okay?” Silver Screen asks, “I…I didn’t mean...” Milano answers his question with a deep, erotic kiss, effectively silencing him from his worries and concern. Once their lips separate, she looks into his eyes with a loving look, followed by a nod. She wants him to continue. Slowly, gently, he moves himself in and out of her, allowing her to get used to the pain. She hadn’t made love in a long while, to the point where she nearly forgot how good it felt. She remembers now, she remembers the absolute joy and ecstasy she felt when she would make love with her ex-husband. She glances at Silver Screen’s face with the expression of absolute pleasure gracing it. Milano smiles, leaning back up to give him yet another kiss, which he happily accepts. Using her hooves, Milano pushes Silver Screen upwards, moving him back into a seated position, with her back on top and straddling him. Once she gets him where she wants him, she begins grinding his hardened member. Silver Screen looks downwards, watching Milano’s hips gyrate as his shaft moves in and out of her. It’s a sexy sight, indeed. “Do you like me being on top?” Milano whispers, breaking Silver Screen’s attention from her hips. “Y-Yes.” he says, attempting to silence his pleasurable moan. “Good.” Milano moves him further downward onto his back, while she stays in her position, riding him with a quicker pace. Silver Screen moves his forehooves up, feeling her body from head to rump. When he gets to her supple and firm plot, he presses his hooves against it, pushing his shaft deeper inside of her. The sensation almost causes Milano to shout in sexual nirvana, but Silver Screen catches it quickly, putting a hoof on her mouth. She smiles, rewarding him with a faster grind, leaning down so her body is pressed against him as they thrust at the same time. They stare deeply into each other’s eyes, as their pace quickens, and their orgasms begin to build. Milano catches the struggle on Silver Screen’s face, trying not to moan. He almost does, when she puts a hoof on his mouth. They’re both silent; both with hooves in their mouths, one from the other, and both about to burst at any moment. Simultaneously, their eyes widen. They don’t have to say anything, they both know that the other is close. Milano moves up, back to a straddling position, with Silver’s Screen’s hoof still in her mouth. She rides the hell out of his shaft, as he continues to thrust upwards. The room is void of their voices, but the bed creaks ever so slightly from their movement. Tears well up in Milano’s eyes, realizing how much she had missed this feeling of being one with somepony. As for Silver Screen…well…he just might be in love. Neither one could hold back any longer. Milano’s walls tighten, unleashing another wave of orgasmic liquid, coating Silver Screen’s shaft. Realizing that he’s about to cum inside, he tries to remove her from his length, but she stands her ground, giving him a few extra thrusts, before he can no longer bear to hold it. He shoots his load of sticky white seed into her, filling her up quickly, and pouring out of her slit and onto the bed. Both their eyes roll to the back of their head, enraptured in this long and heavenly moment of bliss. Once their orgasms have subsided, they remove their hooves from each other’s mouths, and Milano collapses onto Silver Screen’s chest, rubbing her cheek on his damp and sweaty coat. They breathe heavily, but continue to remain silent after what just happened. Silver Screen’s softening member slides out of Milano’s entrance, his semen and her juices pouring out even further. Milano can feel it gushing out of her, smiling at the sensation. “That was a lot…” she chuckles, “Was I really that good?” “At the risk of ruining this moment…you definitely got the high score for that.” Silver Screen jokes. “Oh, Sweet Celestia. You nerd.” Milano laughs, playfully rubbing a hoof on his chest. “Sorry. I should really think about what comes out of my mouth sometimes.” “Hey, I’m not complaining.” she prods a friendly hoof at his shoulder, “Thanks for trying to be quiet.” “I think I did okay. You on the other hoof…” “I know, I’m terrible.” she blushes, “I’ll try to do better next time.” Silver Screen pauses at the thought. Deep down, he figured this was going to be one of those spectacular one night stands. Now, here she is, talking about a next time. Really though, he’d be lying if he said this doesn’t make him the least bit happy. “You better.” he grins, hiding his thoughts from her. “So, um…” he thinks, “Is it okay that I…” he glances downwards, indicating Milano’s filled sex. “Yeah, it’s fine. I let you, didn’t I?” “Well, I wasn’t sure if you let me, or were just in the heat of the moment.” “Probably a little bit of both.” she laughs. “Don’t worry, I won’t get pregnant. After Button, I made sure of it.” “Oh, well…alright then.” Silver Screen sighs in relief, “So…” he thinks further, “Do you want me to go?” “Why would I want you to go?” she looks at him quizzically. “It’s…it’s just something I’m used to; being asked to leave, that is.” “Oh…” she understands, “Well…” she thinks about it for a few moments. She briefly considers it; letting him leave. After all, that was her original plan, as she not only wanted to be quiet so to not wake up her son, but so after it was over, she would ask him to leave. However, the last thing she expected was for the sex to be as incredible as it was. There was no WAY she was going to let this Stallion leave her sight. At least…for the night. She rests her head back on his chest, replying “Nah, you can stay.” “Great.” he says. Slowly, he moves Milano over to her side of the bed, with the two never breaking apart from one another. Using his magic, he floats the blanket up, bringing it down to cover their bodies. “Thanks.” she says, “Remind me to clean the sheets tomorrow.” “I’ll be sure to let you know.” he chuckles. “Good night, Milano.” “Good night, Silver Screen.” she closes her eyes. “Thank you.” “For what?” “For making my day a lot better.” she smiles, drifting off to sleep, whilst keeping her embrace on him. Silver Screen smiles as he watches her fall into dreamland. He moves a lock of hair covering her face, coming down and kissing her on the forehead. He brings her in closer, resting his chin on the top of her mane, as her hot breath warms the tuft of fur standing up on his chest. “You’re welcome.” he whispers softly, closing his eyes, and drifting into a deep sleep. > Hours Later... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sweet Celestia…what a night.” Silver Screen thought to himself, as he opened his mouth wide for a long and drawn out yawn. Never did he expect the last night to go down the way that he did. All he planned to do was to have a few drinks and go home for a nice rest. Instead, he meets Milano Mash, easily the most beautiful mare he’s ever seen in his entire life…and he’s seen the Princesses up close! Her sad nature compelled him to cheer her up, and now here he is, in her bed after a night of sweaty, rough, yet silent lovemaking. Waking up in another mare’s bed is a feeling unfamiliar to him. While he’s no stranger to one night stands, he’s never spent the whole night on these said stands, with the mare kicking him out before the clock would hit three in the morning. Milano however, did something completely different, meaning that she actually let him stay over. Opening his eyes, he expected to greet the sleeping body of Milano. Instead, he got an empty left side of the bed. Or so he thought. Looking over to the right, he spots a small brown colt with red eyes staring at him. This is most likely the colt known as Button Mash. “Uhh…” was all that Silver Screen could utter. “Mom!” he called out in a nasally voice, “There’s a weird stallion in your bed! Mom!” Silver Screen winces at Button Mash’s cries for help; not only are they slightly uncalled for, but his whiny voice is already starting to annoy him. Within moments, Milano comes rushing up the stairs, and into the room, with a look of worry on her face. “Button!” Milano says, “Don’t scare the poor stallion.” She picks Button up off the bed, and onto the soft carpeted floor. “Who is that? And why are his eyes so weird?!” he nearly demands of her an explanation. “He’s…” she looks up at Silver Screen, before looking back to her son, “He’s an old friend from High School. He was moving into Ponyville, and was looking for a new place.” “So you let him sleep in your bed? That’s weird!” “It was just for last night. Plus, it was late, and the motels were full.” Button looks at his mother with an expression that more than suggests that he does not believe her story in the slightest. He glances over to Silver Screen, before shrugging, and heading out of the room, and down the steps. “Your honey and oats cereal is in the kitchen!” she calls out. “Thanks Mom!” he replies happily. “Not exactly the thing I was expecting to wake up to.” Silver Screen says. “He can be a hoof-full, I admit. Sorry that he scared you.” “No, it’s fine. He didn’t scare me. He certainly surprised me, though.” he chuckles, “So, I’m an old friend from High School, huh?” “It sounded plausible at the time. I don’t think he bought it.” “He seems like a smart colt, so no.” “Oh…” Milano puts a hoof over her eyes, “I should have thought this through. Maybe I should have locked the door, or told Button not to go into my room, or…” “Hey, hey…” Silver Screen gets out of bed, coming to Milano’s side. “It’s alright.” he places a comforting hoof on her back, “Don’t worry so much.” “I’m a mother. It’s what I do.” she chortles. “I should go downstairs to pack Button’s lunch.” She starts walking out the door. Before she completely leaves the room, she pauses briefly, turning back around to face Silver Screen. She walks back to him. “I almost forgot….” She goes in for a soft, gentle kiss on the lips. Silver Screen savors the moment. When they separate, she looks at him with lustful eyes. “Good morning.” “Good morning.” He replies, all smiles. “What time do you have work?” “Hmmm…” he looks over at the nearby clock on the dresser, “It’s eight, and I don’t have work till eleven. How come?” “Would you like to walk with me, take Button to school, and go out to breakfast?” “That sounds…awesome.” he smirks, “I’ll pay.” “Oh no. You paid for my drinks and dinner last night. I’ll pay for the food, this time.” she says with determination, trotting out the door with a collected confidence. When Milano leaves the room, Silver Screen turns his attention back to the bed. Using his magic, he removes the sheets from the bed, bundling them up into a nice round ball of cloth. Walking through the house, he passes by an empty room, no doubt belonging to the other brother, who is now with his father. Towards the other end of the hall, he finds the washing machine. Checking the instructions carefully, he puts the sheets in, followed by the soap, and turns the knobs to the appropriate settings. Once the machine begins its cycle, Silver Screen walks downstairs, to the kitchen where Milano is packing Button’s lunch. Button is at the table, munching on some delicious honey and oats cereal. Button ears perk up, noticing the sound of the washing machine upstairs. “Why is the washing machine on?” he asks, “Did you bring clothes with you?” “Ummm….” Silver Screen had to act fast, “Yeah. I brought some stuff with me. It’s not much.” “Uh-Huh.” Button says, going back to feasting on his cereal. Silver Screen and Milano exchange a look. He mouths to her that they’re the sheets from the bed. A small blush reddens her cheeks, before turning back to finish packing Button’s lunch. Once everything is packed and ready to go, she puts the lunchbox on the table. “Okay, Button.” Milano says with a smile, “You ready for school?” “I suppose. I wish it was the weekend already.” “In a couple more days, it will be. Now come along.” She watches Button hop off the stool, taking his bowl to the sink like a good colt. Milano looks at Silver Screen. “Would you like to join us? It’ll be awhile before your clothes are ready.” “Yeah, sure!” Silver Screen replies enthusiastically in an over the top manner, that takes Button aback. “I mean…sure, why not?” Walking Button to school was one of the most awkward fifteen minutes of Silver Screen’s life. All he could see was the accusatory stares coming from the colt’s eyes, like he somehow knows what’s going on between the Projectionist and his mother. Silver Screen put on his best smile, but Button wouldn’t let his guard drop. This little bit of awkwardness ended the moment they hit the Ponyville Schoolhouse, where the fillies and colts are playing before it’s time for class. “Now, are you sure you have everything?” Milano asks. “Yes, Mom. I have my lunch, my backpack, and my homework, which I did last night before I played my games.” He replies, almost annoyed that she had to ask. “That’s my little colt.” she smiles, kissing Button on the forehead. “Ack! Mom! Not in front of the girls!” he looks away, embarrassed. “I’m sorry. You have a good day. I’ll be back to pick you up when school gets out.” “Okay, Mom.” Button trots away towards the school. Milano looks to Silver Screen, sighing in relief. She looks up into his multicolored eyes, the corners of her mouth forming into a beautiful smile. Silver Screen smiles back, her expression making his heart flutter. “You know, I said I would clean the sheets.” she says. “I know. But I figured I’d help out a little bit. Like you said, Button seems to be a hoof-full.” “Well, thank you.” she says, gratefully. “So, how about that breakfast?” “Sounds good to me.” Silver Screen says. From a distance, Button watches the two walk away together. Something is up with them; he can feel it in his guts. The way they were looking at each other, there’s no WAY he’s an old friend from school. Before he could question this any further… “Button! Hey, Button!” a familiar and friendly voice calls out to him. Button turns to see Sweetie Belle, and her two friends, Applebloom and Scootaloo, trot up to him. He smiles at the purple maned pony, finding her the most beautiful filly he’s ever seen. Of course, he wouldn’t tell her, instead choosing to hang out with her as a friend until he eventually makes his move and confess. “Hi, Sweetie Belle!” he says happily, “Scootaloo…Applebloom…” he acknowledges the other two. “What’s up?” “We saw ya starin’ at yer mom and the projectionist.” Applebloom says, the last word catching Button’s attention. “Everythin’ okay?” “What do you mean ‘Projectionist’? Isn’t he new in town?” “Unless that’s his twin brother…nah.” replied Scootaloo, “He’s been a part of Ponyville as far as I can remember. He helps out at the Ponyville Cineplex. He’s a pretty cool dude.” “What?!” Button’s nostrils flare, “Mom said he was an old friend from school!” “Maybe he is.” assumed Sweetie Belle. “No! She told me that he just moved into town, looking for a place to stay!” “Ooooohhhhh…” the three fillies said in understanding. “I knew there was something going on with them…and I’m going to find out!” Button exclaims with determination. RRRRRINNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!! The school bell goes off. “Time for class, my little ponies!” Cheerilee, the teacher of the Ponyville Schoolhouse, calls out. “Oh…after class, though.” Button says, following the three fillies into the classroom for another day of boring lessons and to continue the epic battle of not falling asleep in class. There are many restaurants in the town of Ponyville, but none are more popular in terms of breakfast, than the unstoppable franchise known as ITROT. While the words that spell out the acronym sound rather silly when one discovers what they are (Incredibly Terrifying Rampage Of Tastiness), nopony can deny that they serve the best breakfast that Equestria has to offer. They have restaurants in Manehattan, Trottingham, Applewood, but this particular one in Ponyville is interesting, mainly because Silver Screen and Milano are currently looking at their menus, trying to decide what they want. The two scan their menus, occasionally looking up at the other, to see if they are finished and waiting for them. After a while of what are no doubt a series of inner monologues about their breakfast choices, they are ready. Lyra Heartstrings, a waitress at ITROT, comes up to them with a smile, holding the note pad up with her magic, ready to take their orders. “Good morning you two.” she says, “May I take your order?” Silver Screen gestures to Milano, allowing her to go first. “I’ll have the cinnamon waffles, a fruit bowl, and a cup of fresh coffee.” “You got it.” Lyra looks to Silver Screen, “And you?” “I’ll have the buttermilk pancakes, a fruit bowl, and a glass of water.” “Great.” she takes the menus from them, “It’ll only be a few moments.” She walks away, leaving the two to talk. “You not a coffee pony?” Milano asks Silver Screen. “Not really. Never got used to the taste. Strangely enough, I like coffee ice cream.” he chuckles, “Why? Is that bad?” “No, not at all.” she assures him. She looks around the place, it’s a quiet morning for the usually bustling establishment. “I like coming here. It’s so quiet in the weekday mornings.” “You should be here on lunch time. It can get quite nuts.” “You have lunch here?” “Every other day, when I’m on my break. They have the best Dandelion, Lettuce and Tomato sandwiches in Ponyville.” he chortles. She seconds the emotion. Things get a little quiet, as they try to figure out what to say next. “So…” Silver Screen lowers his voice, “Last night…” “I had fun.” Milano interrupts, surprising Silver Screen. “Thank you for coming home with me.” “No, thank YOU for letting me stay.” he smirks, “I wasn’t looking forward to walking home in the dark.” “I um…” she blushes in embarrassment, “I have to be honest…I was kind of considering sending you home afterwards.” “Oh…” Silver Screen replies, “What changed your mind?” “A few things…” she glances back at him, her eyes showing a seductive expression. “It was before the…you know…fun. Then after…I couldn’t just let you go after something like that.” “Was I…” he leans in, his voice getting quieter, “Was I really THAT good?” “Nopony ever told you that?” “Uh….no…not really, no.” he shrugs, “So I’m kind of shocked. I figured a mare like you…” “Silver Screen…” she moves a hoof on top of his, staring at him with happy eyes, “Thank you. It’s been a while since…well…you get the idea. I know it’s embarrassing to admit.” she looks away from him, staring at the table. “No, it isn’t. I completely understand. Um…so…” he thinks, “Is this…going to be a regular thing?” He sees her looking back, interested in his words; which he completely misunderstands as her being offended. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…” “What? No. I…I mean…maybe.” she considers it, “It’s possible. I…I enjoyed your company last night, and you seem like a nice stallion. I guess…I guess if you want this to be something…we should probably get to know each other a little bit, first.” “Oh? Is that all?” Silver Screen says with an eyebrow raised. “Okay…well…” he breathes in for a massively long run on sentence with no commas whatsoever, “I don’t have many strong political or religious beliefs I live in an apartment close by the Cineplex I love mindless action movies with the occasional romantic comedy every now and again I am totally not a serial killer with any intentions of murdering you or anypony else in your life I also like puppies and long walks on the beach.” He starts to breathe again, as Milano lets the information process. “You like long walks on the beach?” “I would...if I felt like walking on beaches. Figured that doing such a thing alone would be kind of sad. Probably more fun with a mare.” he smiles, “As for the serial killer thing…I was just joking.” “So, you ARE a serial killer?” “No! I mean, I was joking about that, but I was saying that to be funny. Everything else beforehoof made me sound boring, so I decided to spice it up a little.” “Didn’t seem boring to me.” Lyra comes walking back, plates of food floating in the air, along with their drinks. She carefully sets them down. Both Milano and Silver Screen look up at her with approving expressions, giving the waitress a smile, before she walks off to assist the other customers. The two look down at their food. It looks quite delicious. “How about you?” Silver Screen asks, “Tell me about yourself.” “What else is there to tell? I’m a thirty year old single mother, who spends her days either cooking and cleaning, or working at the Ponyville Bank. I have quite a few friends who do nothing but gossip like a bunch of housemares, and I have a tendency to kill anypony I don’t like.” “Really?” “That was a joke.” “Oh. That’s a shame; that would have been cool. Would have given me cause to not tick you off.” “Don’t worry, if you tick me off, I WILL kill you.” she says with seriousness, stopping him from eating. Her serious look turns into a giggle, “I’m kidding.” “I think just in case, I’ll be sure to keep you smiling.” He laughs, taking a bite out of his food. “You know, I don’t think you told me how old you are.” “Really? I’m twenty seven.” “You’re younger than me, huh? Are you sure you’d want to be hanging around with an old mare like myself?” “Hey, you are NOT old. You might be older, but not old. You're nowhere NEAR the age to be considered old. Besides, thirty is an awesome age.” “Awesome? Why is that?” “Because…” he studies her, “It’s the age in a mare’s life where they have hit absolute perfection. Where there is nothing else left in their developmental cycle and all that’s there is…” he gestures to her face, “…true beauty.” “Wow…” she looks on, seemingly impressed. Then, she breaks out laughing, much to the shock of Silver Screen. “That is REALLY cheesy.” she continues to laugh. “How long did it take you to write that?” “I..um…just made it up on the spot.” he looks down with a reddened face, almost embarrassed he said that, “I take it that it didn’t work out too well.” “I mean, there’s cheesy, and there’s REALLY cheesy. Are you sure you didn’t get that from a book?” “No..I…did not.” Silver Screen says quietly, using a fork to play around with the fruit in his bowl. “You did say I was beautiful, though. So, you get points there…” “But that’s not really what I was saying. I wasn’t saying that you are beautiful…” he gets a little defensive, “I was saying that you are perfect.” The last word makes Milano’s heart jump up. She stops with her laughing, and stares with wide eyes, swallowing her food down hard in surprise at his tone. He really meant it, and she laughed in his face. “Wait. You…you’re serious?” she asks. “Yeah.” he shrugs, “I am…think you’re perfect. There’s…nothing about you I DON’T like. You’re smart, you’re funny, you’re sweet and kind, not to mention that you seem like a loving mother to Button…” Slowly, Milano ceases eating her food, getting up from her seat, and moving to Silver Screen’s side of the table. Silver Screen doesn’t notice, as he continues to go on about her. “I know that what I’m saying sounds like I’m rushing into things; we’ve only known each other for all of eight hours, but…” Suddenly, she hops up on the seat, getting closer to him. She grabs him, and brings him in for a passionate kiss, catching the attention of everypony in the establishment, much like their kiss in the bar last night. She separates her lips from his, putting her hooves on his cheeks. “I’m sorry.” she says softly, “You were being sweet, and I laughed at you.” “No, you were right. It was rather cheesy. I told you; I should really think about what comes out of my mouth, sometimes.” “To be fair, nopony has ever said something like that to me before.” “Not even your Ex? I find that hard to believe.” “Beautiful? Sure. Perfect? Never.” “Damn, I’m beginning to hate that guy more and more.” he laughs. He looks behind Milano to see the patrons and waitresses go back to work, pretending like they didn’t see anything. “We should…um…get back to eating.” Milano looks back, seeing the tail end of everypony looking away and going about their business. She chuckles, as her cheeks turn into a light shade of red. “That’s probably best.” she nods. An idea flashes through her brain, “How much longer till you have before you go to work?” she asks. “I don’t have to start getting ready for another hour and a half. You?” “About an hour.” she licks her lips, “We have to be quick.” They stare into each other's eyes for what feels like ages. It takes awhile for Silver Screen to realize just what she is talking about. His eyes widen as his heart skips a few beats. Slowly, his mouth forms into a more than ready smirk. “Yeah…” he responds, “We do.” Milano and Silver Screen land hard on top of her now newly sheeted bed, lips locked in a bout of passion and ecstasy. Their hooves travel along each other’s body, breathing heavily and loudly. With Button not at home, they can be as rough and as loud as they want. Silver Screen moves his head downwards. Kissing the side of Milano’s neck vigorously, she gasps in pleasure, feeling him licking and sucking on her fur with no self-control whatsoever. “You’re really going for it.” Milano gasps, biting her lip, feeling Silver Screen’s back seductively. “You said to be quick. I’m doing my best.” He smiles, starting to move down to her already wet slit. “No.” she stops him, “No time for that.” She pushes him off of her, making him fall on his rump. She flips herself, setting her stomach on the mattress, and her lovely and luscious plot sticking upwards, presenting her dripping wet sex before him. “Just get to the main event.” It takes all of two nanoseconds for Silver Screen’s member to get harder than the strongest metals in all of Equestria. He moves forward, looming over her as he positions his member against her entrance, playfully teasing her, as he rubs the tip against it. “Stop teasing…” she moans, “Just do it.” “As you wish.” Silver Screen smiles. With all his force, he makes a powerful thrust into her. The sensation of pain returns to her, causing her to scream in pleasure. With nopony else in the house, there is no need to cover any mouths. Her tight inner walls make Silver Screen grunt, gritting his teeth at this wonderful feeling of being inside her. “Hard…” she whispers, “Do it hard.” He obeys her command, immediately pounding into her hard and fast. She moans and yells as he viscerally thrusts his shaft inside of her. Her walls clenching down on him, refusing to let him leave, even if he finishes. She may want him to go faster, but she definitely wants him to stay. Milano shoves her head into the pillow, attempting to muffle her screams, but they are coming out loudly and clearly for Silver Screen to hear. He uses this as a cue to go even faster, as she starts to shout at him, moving her hips to coincide with his thrusts. “Harder!” she demands of him. He does so. His grunts become as loud as her screams; their motions working in tandem with one another into a perfect storm of fast, sweaty and all around rough sex. It’s this case of them giving in to their primal desires that cause them to begin approaching their climaxes much sooner than it was last night. Silver Screen can feel the pressure building up inside of him, and Milano doesn’t know how much longer she can take of this, before unleashing herself onto him. “I….I can’t…” she says in-between his thrusts, “I can’t take anymore! I’m gonna….I’M GONNA……!!! AHHH!!!” She screams and screams, and he yells out in a bout of uncontrollable pleasure, as one final thrust is all it takes. He explodes what feels to her like a geyser of hot seed inside of her, as she coats his shaft with a bevy of orgasmic juices. He fills her up to the brim, as she feels the warm sensation inside her belly, moaning with satisfaction. Beads of sweat drip down from their faces, dampening the pillows, and their juices soaking the bed once again. Silver Screen collapses on top of her, his face buried in the pillow next to her. She turns her head to him, giggling at the sight of his horn piercing the top of the pillow. She kisses him softly on the cheek, and he turns his gaze to her. “Was that fast enough for you?” he asks with a satisfactory grin. She giggles in response, following it up with a nod. Moments pass, when Milano and Silver Screen are startled by the sounds of furious pounding on the front door downstairs. Voices that they are familiar with scream out Milano’s name with worry. Silver Screen gets off of Milano, as she trots downstairs to the door. Opening it up just a crack, she sees the worried faces of Mr. and Mrs. Cake, concerned about her well-being. “Mr. and Mrs. Cake?” Milano wonders, “Is everything okay?” “Oh, Milano! Thank goodness!” Mrs. Cake sighs in relief, “We heard screaming and sounds of a struggle going on in your house! We were afraid something was happening to you!” “No. I’m perfectly fine…” Milano opens the door up further, revealing Silver Screen, giving them a friendly wave. “…as you can see.” The Cakes inspect their appearances, disheveled manes, and small beads of sweat going down their brows. It became all too clear what was really going on. The Cakes simultaneously blush out of sheer embarrassment. “Oh my.” Mr. Cake said, having a sudden case of the vapors, “I think we made a terrible mistake.” “Yes, you’re quite right.” Mrs. Cake nods, looking back at Milano. “Terribly sorry, we were this close to calling the police.” “It’s okay.” Milano laughs it off, “We all make mistakes. We’re fine, thank you for your concern.” “You’re welcome. If you need us to come over again…” Mr. Cake speaks, before getting elbowed by Mrs. Cake, giving him an annoyed glare. “I mean…uh…have a good day.” “You too.” Milano smirks, closing the door. Mr. Cake moves his head in tandem with the door, hoping to get a peek at Celestia knows what. Once the door is finally closed, both Milano and Silver Screen can hear the sounds of trotting away, and bickering from the bakers of Sugar Cube Corner. Milano’s cheeks redden, as she looks over at Silver Screen, trying his best to stifle a laugh. “First we were quiet…then we were too loud.” Silver Screen chuckles, “I think we need to find some sort of happy medium.” “I thought for sure that the house was practically soundproof. Now I feel sorry for the neighbors every time Button rages out on a video game.” “My apartment is soundproof. I watch pretty loud movies there, and I haven’t gotten any complaints. That, or my neighbors are deaf.” “Hmmm…” Milano considers the possibility, “That sounds tempting…” she slyly smiles, before her eyes glance over at the clock. She only has a half hour before work. “Shoot. I have to get ready for work.” “Aw…” Silver Screen sees the clock as well, disappointed, “That’s a shame.” He walks closer to Milano, “When can I see you again?” “Um…” Milano thinks, “I'm free this weekend.” “Any chance of that being sooner?” “My Ex is coming to pick up Button for the weekend. When he’s gone, we’ll have two whole days for ourselves.” “Fantastic.” Silver Screen smiles, “I’ll see you then.” He leans down for a soft kiss. Milano moans upon contact, delicately moving her tounge inside his mouth, turning what was supposed to be a goodbye kiss, into a deeply erotic one. She puts her forelegs around him, holding him for a tight embace, as the kiss becomes rough. “Oh, I don’t want you to leave!” Milano says with disappointment in-between the heavy breathing. “Me neither.” he responds. They separate, almost reluctantly from each other. After a couple moments of brushing themselves off, with Silver Screen trying his best to straighten out his messy mane, they simply give one another a nod and a wave, before Silver Screen leaves with not a word, but a smile, knowing that they will see each other again fairly soon. When the door closes, leaving Milano all alone, she swoons at the thought of him. As her mind swirls with the experiences of last night, and five minutes ago, she soon shakes it off, expressing an emotion of confusion and wonderment. “What the hell are you doing, Milano?” she thinks to herself, “You can’t seriously be falling for this guy after only nine hours of knowing him!” She smirks, thinking “Well…maybe I am.” She goes back to an annoyed look, “Come on! You got divorced like 2 months ago! With him, it took you like a few months before you fell in love. What makes this stallion so different?!” Her expression turns back into one of swooning and romance, “I don’t know…there’s something….” she sighs, “It’s those weird ass eyes, isn’t it?” she looks offended, “Hey! They are NOT weird! Hold on. Am I seriously having a fight with myself? Keep it together, Milano.” She shakes her head rapidly, walking off to get ready for work. Button sits in class, listening to Cheerilee talk about the history of events such as The Grand Galloping Gala. While other students, such as Sweetie Belle, take notes, Button draws pictures of fighters from his favorite game of all time; Super Equestrian Fighter II Turbo Edition, on his note book. He cannot wait to go back home, and play that game for hours on end, so he can unlock the greatest fighter of them all…Pouncing Bison. His enthusiasm is cut short, when he glances out the window to see Silver Screen, trotting along Ponyville, greeting those who say hello to him. Button glares at the sight of the happy stallion, knowing that there is something going on between him and his mother. “I know your secret, Mr. Projectionist…” Button seethes, “You cannot hide it from me. Try to take my mom away from dad, will you? Well, you do not know the cunning, and genius...of BUTTON MASH! I don’t know when, and I don’t know how…but I WILL! DESTROY! YOUUUUUUUUUUUU----“ “BUTTON?!” Cheerilee, cries out. Button stops his tirade of revenge, realizing that he is standing on the desk, pointing a hoof at the window, where Silver Screen has come and gone, no doubt headed for his job at the Ponyville Cineplex. Button looks around at all the fillies and colts staring at him; some with confusion, others with panic stricken terror. “I know your little world is probably more exciting than my history lesson, but could you please TRY and act like you’re paying attention?” Button immediately sits back down on his chair, looking at the teacher with innocent eyes. “Yes, Ms. Cheerilee…sorry.” “Good.” She smiles, “Now then…” As she continues on, the students who were staring at him look back at the teacher, listening intently to her lesson. Button looks back out the window, catching another glimpse of Silver Screen, now far away, but noticeable. His eyes light up with the fire of a thousand suns. “I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!” he screams. “BUTTON MASH!” Cheerilee yells. “Sorry…” he says quietly. He looks back at the window, “Destroy….” he whispers with evil intentions. > That Day... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good morning, girls.” Milano said with a peppy tone, walking into Ponyville Bank with a pleased smile on her face. Milano had been working at the bank for a good thirteen years. It was the place where she first met her now ex-husband, Almighty Dollar, a stockbroker from Manehattan, who made a stop at the bank while on vacation from the bustling city. It was love at first sight for them, and soon after, they went on their first date. One date became two, two became three, and within six months of them enraptured in heavenly bliss, Almighty popped the question. It was one of the happiest days of her life. Nowadays, he’s shacked up with some fashion model named Fleur De Lisle, whom Milano swears has implants in her shapely rump. On this morning however, she is not thinking about her unfaithful ex-husband, but a new Stallion in her life; the one named Silver Screen. Catching her jaunty attitude are Bon-Bon and Junebug, Milano’s well intentioned, but gossipy friends, who act like they belong on one of those reality shows like The Real Housemares of Applewood or something. “Somepony is happy today.” Bon-Bon is the first to say, “Having a good morning, are we?” “Good?” Milano chuckles, “I’m having a GREAT morning. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping…” “She found herself a new stallion.” Junebug deduces, obviously right on the money. Milano says nothing, only brandishing a blush and a smile. Junebug is DEFINITELY on the money. The two gossipers giggle with delight, seeing their friend so happy. It’s been a long time since they’ve seen her like this. The past few months, with consisted of Milano putting on a brave face, was disheartening to see. “I can’t believe it!” Bon-Bon says excitedly, “Who is he? Does he live here? How big is he?” “Shush!” Junebug snips, “Not so loud. We have customers waiting outside, and they might hear!” The three look to see a small crowd of ponies waiting rather impatiently for the doors to unlock. Junebug turns and says “Really though, how big is he?” in a whisper. “Girls, the third question is between me and him.” Milano giggles, walking to the front door, and unlocking it at the press of a button. “Believe us, honey…” Bon-Bon grins, “You wouldn’t be smiling like that if he was just a medium mickey.” Milano shrugs with a chortle, as they begin to assist the customers walking in. It’s not a particularly busy first couple of hours. The usual line-up of ponies depositing, withdrawing, or starting a new account for young fillies and colts approaching the age where they can have a bank account, are present like any other day. When the customers whittled down to numbers in the single digits, and other employees were helping them out, Bon-Bon and Junebug recommenced with their questions. “Come on, girl. Gossip!” Bon-Bon verbally pushes, “Who is this mystery stallion?” Milano chuckles whilst shaking her head. There was no hiding this from them. She turns to the two, who are staring with curiosity. “His name is Silver Screen, and he works at the Ponyville Cinema.” She doesn’t even get to the second half of that sentence, when she noticed the deflating smiles of Bon-Bon and Junebug. Their once excited expressions turn into one of simultaneous confusion and slight disgust. “Silver Screen?” Bon-Bon said judgingly, “That weirdo?” “Weirdo?” Milano wonders, “Why? Did he do something?” She looks to Bon-Bon for the answer. “Well…no…but he’s just weird! He certainly LOOKS weird; with those eyes and stuff. Isn’t he kind of fat, too?” “No. I don’t think so…” Milano shakes her head and shrugs, “He seems alright to me.” “Didn’t you go out with him, Junebug?” Bon-Bon asks. “I don’t know if you could call taking him home for a bit of half drunken bed wrestling ‘going out’.” she says, “Sure, he’s pretty decent in that area, but personality wise, he’s a big dork.” “Well, I happen to like his dorky personality.” Milano says, muzzle pointed at the ceiling in defiance of her friend’s tone. “There’s nothing wrong with a bit of dorkiness every now and again.” Milano thinks back to his small moments of being a bit of a dork. She never found it abnormal, but rather charming. She was a dork back in her younger days, so the image of another displaying the same personality traits doesn’t bother her. Junebug and Bon-Bon watch her drift off into a bit of a swoon, concerning them greatly. Bon-Bon places a hoof on Milano’s shoulder, snapping her out of it. Milano can see the confusion in both their eyes, not in understanding as to why she feels the way that she does. “Milano…we’re your friends…and we care about you….” Bon-Bon pauses, thinking her next words carefully, “But…if I’m being honest….I feel that…maybe……….you could do better?” Milano responds with a chuckle in disbelief that she would say that, pushing past them to head back to her station. “Girls, you two are just overreacting. He’s a nice colt.” “Yeah, but that was last night.” Junebug says, “How was he this morning?” “STILL nice.” Milano emphasizes those words, hammering the point home that she likes him. “Okay, maybe to YOU.” Bon-Bon explains, “But what if he’s a big creep when he’s NOT with you? I bet he’s at the Cineplex right now, telling all his ruffian friends what a great lay you are!” Her voice catches the attention of one stallion, waiting to make a transaction. His glance alternates between Milano and Bon-Bon. Slowly, and with confidence, he inches forward to the teller where Milano is. “Back off, buster.” Milano says sternly, “I’m taken.” The stallion goes back to his spot in line, head hanging down in disappointment and shame. “You are NOT taken.” says Junebug, “It was only one night!” “One night, and this morning, actually.” “Wait, you had morning sex?” “Yeah, after we dropped Button off at school and had breakfast.” “Breakfast AND morning sex?” she looks at Bon-Bon, “Wow, it might really be serious. I never have morning sex with the stallions I bring home.” “My point still stands that he’s probably letting loose with all the explicit details at his work.” Bon-Bon has none of it, still convinced that Silver Screen is a prude. “Bon-Bon…” Milano has enough, “Relax. You might not like him, but I do. He’s nice, and he’s been a gentlecolt for all the hours that I’ve known him. If he’s off schmoozing with his buddies, then LET him. He’s a colt, that’s what they do.” she looks to see a crowd beginning to reform at the line, “Oh boy, we got to get back to work.” Being a weekday at the Ponyville Cineplex, the crowd isn’t as lively as it could be. Thursday night shows, where they play high profile movies at Midnight, followed by the weekend rush, are the biggest days of every week. Silver Screen had been working at the theater for years, to the point where the word ‘busy’ wasn’t part of his vocabulary. He loved working there, and didn’t often have a bad day, yesterday’s sudden beat down notwithstanding. He isn’t the kind of colt to let that get to him, exemplified by him coming into work the very next day, much to the amazement of his boss, Box Office, another hard working, yet slightly crotchety stallion, whom Silver Screen finds to be one of his best friends. Silver Screen trots down the steps leading up to the reel room, and heads behind the snack bar, grabbing a hayseed milkshake. Box Office, overseeing the other employees, sees Silver Screen heading out of the snack bar, after grabbing what he needs. “Silver Screen!” Box Office says. “What are you doing down here?” “Just grabbing a Hayseed Shake, boss. Don’t worry, I have everything under control.” “But, you’re working. You’re not supposed to be down here while you’re working.” “What do you mean? I’ve been allowed down here all the time.” “I…oh…” Box Office remembers, “Well, we’re a bit understaffed today, so can you please make the trips until your break minimal?” “Sure thing. Sorry, Boss.” Silver Screen shrugs but with a smile, trotting back up the stairs happily, humming a jaunty tune. The catches Box Office’s attention. He follows him up the stairs and into the reel room. Silver Screen turns to see his Boss looking at him with a cocked eyebrow. “What’s up, Box Office?” “There’s something different about you today.” “You mean the black eye?” he points at his wound, “You know about that; you were there.” “No, I mean…you seem…happy.” “I’m always happy.” “I mean happiER!” he says, “In all my years of watching you work, you’ve NEVER been this happy, and like you said, you’re a pretty damn happy colt.” he leans in closer, “You trying those drugs, kid?” “No.” “Smoking the hemp? Cracking the crack? Blowing the…blow?” “Um…no.” Silver Screen laughs, “I’m not on the drugs, boss.” “Then how is a colt such as yourself, who took a pretty bad punch yesterday, manage to not only come to work on time, but with a wide smile on your face?” “Maybe I have a reason to be happy.” Silver Screen smirks. His horn glows, changing the reels for theater six. Box Office watches his behavior closely, slowly but surely understanding just what is happening. A smile creeps across his face, as the revelation dawns upon him. “Wait a sec…have you…met somepony?” he asks. “Maybe.” Silver Screen replies, his behavior suggesting that yes indeed, he has met somepony. “You did? Wait, is it a serious thing, or another one of your one night stands?” “I hope it’s serious. We’re planning on seeing each other again this weekend.” “That’s great!” Box Office says excitedly, “Who is she? Have I met her? Is she hot?” “Dude…” he reminisces on Milano’s looks, “She’s like…the most beautiful mare in Equestria, and I don’t say that lightly, I mean…she’s better looking than the Princesses.” “Wow, that good looking, huh?” “And best of all? She’s nice, she’s funny, she’s got a great personality.” “Wouldn’t the first two things relate to her personality to begin with?” “Rule of three, dude; I had to do it.” “Oh, right.” he nods, “So, who is she?” “Her name…is Milano Mash.” The mere utterance of Milano’s name causes Box Office’s jaw to nearly drop from his head. His agape maw catches Silver Screen’s attention, who looks at him with great worry and concern. “You okay, boss?” “Milano Mash?” he asks, “Button’s Mom?” “You know Button?” “Yeah, he’s a regular here. You’re dating his mother?” “Yeah.” “Sweet Celestia…nice work!” Box Office goes for a brohoof, acting like a young colt. Silver Screen chuckles, as he obliges, pounding his hoof with Box Office’s. “I’ve seen her come down here a few times, and let me tell you…Button’s Mom has got it goin’ on.” “Sounds like a song, somehow.” Silver Screen giggles, “But she is extremely pretty.” “How did you manage to get a piece like that?” “Hey now…” Silver Screen gets slightly defensive, “There will be no ‘piece’ talk around here. She’s a mare.” “Sorry, I mean…how did you two meet?” he chuckles, “Was it under the moonlight by the lake?” “No.” Silver Screen shakes his head, “It was at the bar.” He thinks back to their first meeting. “We were both having pretty crummy days yesterday. We talked, had a few drinks, made each other smile and laugh, went back to her place, and….well…you can probably guess.” “How was it?” “A stallion like myself doesn’t tell you the explicit details; you know that.” “Yeah, yeah, but come on. At least give me a hint.” “A hint? Okay…” he drums up a word to describe his experience of last night’s events, “In a word…wow.” “Wow? Whoa, now I HAVE to know.” “Nope. Keeping it classified.” His horn glows again, changing the reels in theater 10. “Go on, Boss.” He shoos Box Office with a hoof, “You said you were understaffed. Don’t let me get in the way.” “Fine, fine…keep me hanging why don’t ya.” he grimaces, opening the door to the stairs. “One day, Silver Screen…one day you’ll tell me all about your experiences.” “Not likely.” he smiles. Hours pass, and lunch time has commenced at the Ponyville Schoolhouse. Fillies and colts are laughing and playing in the sandbox, doing jump rope, swinging on the swings, or eating their lunches. Button Mash sits at his table, opening up his Super Equestrian Fighter lunchbox, revealing his favorite sandwich; a homemade daffodil, lettuce and tomato sandwich. His mother always knew how to make it; even better than the sandwich at ITROT. His mouth waters, anticipating the deliciousness of the meal to come. As he brings the sandwich to his wanting and hungry mouth… “Hey, Button!” a voice says, sitting right next to him. “Urgh, what? Can’t you see I…” he looks to see that it’s Sweetie Belle who is talking to him. He changes his tone quickly, “Oh, hi Sweetie Belle!” he says with an ecstatic smile, “What’s up?” “Nothing, just having lunch with you.” she pulls up her lunchbox with her magic. “You are? Sweet! I mean, uh…sure, I guess.” he hides a small blush on his cheeks, taking a bite into his sandwich. Yep, as good as it has ever been. “Where are Applebloom and Scootaloo?” “They’re working on some other plan to get our cutie marks. I’m too hungry to think. Normally, I let them make the plans, and only step in if it sounds super dangerous.” “What if what they’re coming up right now sounds super dangerous?” “You have a point, but like I said…I’m really hungry.” she bites into a granola bar like she hadn’t eaten in days, even though it’s only been a few hours. Button smiles, eating along with her. It’s been awhile since they’re spent some time together without the company of the other two members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. He once went out for milkshakes with her, without officially telling her that it was a date. Any sort of romantic happenings were cut short however, when Button made the mistake of challenging her to a milkshake drinking contest, immediately getting brain freeze, and spending the next forty five minutes writing on the floor in pain. Sweetie Belle eventually asked if he was okay…after playing some games on his handheld Game Colt system. Now, here they are, alone again, with nothing to… “Hey!” Sweetie Belle points, “Isn’t that the projectionist again?” Button looks in the direction that she is pointing to see Silver Screen walking along Ponyville, towards his as of yet unknown destination. His eyes widen and nostrils flare up in rage, remembering his loud vow in the classroom. “DESTROYYYYY!!!!!!!!!” he shouts, before immediately jumping into some nearby bushes. Silver Screen stops, looking around the area to see where the mysterious noise came from. He sees nothing, just Sweetie Belle with two lunch boxes and a bunch of playing foals. He shrugs, and continues trotting along the path. “What was that all about?” Sweetie Belle asks, as Button pops back out of the bushes. “It’s that stallion who is stealing my mom away from dad!” “Aren’t they divorced?” “Doesn’t matter!” he snaps, “He’s headed in the direction of her work, and I’M going to follow him!” “Ooohh! Are you going to do some sleuthing?” “Maybe.” “Can I come?” “I…um…” he thinks, “Yeah, sure.” “Cool! Hold on…” she looks at the grass, as if looking for something, “Don’t we need cardboard boxes for this kind of thing?” “No time! Let’s go!” Button Mash and Sweetie Belle begin their tactical espionage action, jumping from bush to shrubbery, avoiding making any noise that might alert the oblivious projectionist. While everypony else is aware of these two foal’s tomfoolery, Silver Screen remains unaware, filling his mind with thoughts of the upcoming weekend with Milano, thinking of all the fun things they’re going to do with each other…and possibly TO each other. The two not so super detectives follow him all the way to the Ponyville Bank, where Button correctly surmised where he was going to be. Silver Screen spots Milano walking towards the bank, waving to her and calling out her name. “Milano, hey!” he says, catching her attention. Button and Sweetie Belle dive behind a nearby stack of boxes, peeking out from behind to watch the events unfold. Milano approaches Silver Screen with a smile, but her mind also contained with the thoughts of her judgmental friends currently inside the bank. “Silver Screen?” she wonders, “What are you doing here?” “I know we said that we won’t see each other until Saturday, but I was wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch.” “Saturday?” Button Mash whispers, “That’s when I’ll be in Manehattan with dad!” “Oh…” Milano looks saddened, “I already had my lunch break. I’m about to head back to work. Did yours just start?” “Yeah.” Silver Screen scratches the ground with his hoof, sort of embarrassed. “I suppose it was rather silly of me to think our breaks happened at the same time. Oh well, it was worth a shot.” “Awww…he’s so cute.” Sweetie Belle quietly says, “He’s like a nervous colt asking a filly out on a date, and getting rejected.” “Shush!” “I’m sorry, Silver Screen.” Milano says with regret, “I would love to, if mine didn’t happen already. How is work going?” “Better than yesterday, as long as nopony tries to beat me up again.” The two chuckle in amusement. “Oooh, he’s a bad colt.” says Sweetie Belle, “That must be why she likes him.” “He’s anything BUT a bad colt.” he snides, “Probably cries like a little foal when he gets beaten up.” “Like when you did, when you didn’t win a contest on a juice box?” she teases. “You said you would never bring that up again!” “Well, I’ll see you on Saturday, then.” Silver Screen waves, turning to leave. “Wait. Silver Screen?” Milano calls out, making him turn around again to face her. She gets close to him. Milano opens her mouth to say something, possibly what her friends have been telling her. “I…” she stops. “Yeah?” Milano ceases with what she wanted to say. Instead, she leans forward, planting a soft and gentle kiss on his lips. Button and Sweetie Belle’s eyes widen, but both vary in emotions. Sweetie thinks this is the cutest thing she’s ever seen, Button…thinks it’s the most awful thing he’s ever seen. “I knew it.” Button hisses, “I knew he’s trying to steal her away from Dad.” “But…she made the first move.” “Doesn’t matter! He probably has her on some kind of mind control thing. I bet his eyes spin around and hypnotize unsuspecting ponies!” “You’re overreacting.” “YOU’RE overreacting!” Button looks up to see Sweetie Belle’s judgemental stare, making him instantly regret saying that. “Uh…sorry?” “I’m going back to school.” Sweetie Belle says, “I’ll see you there.” She walks away in a huff. “Dang it.” He says to himself, before looking back at Silver Screen and his mother’s lip lock session, staring at the scene with hate in his eyes. The two separate, gazing into each other’s eyes, locked in a moment of eternal bliss. “What…” Silver Screen breathes out, still in amazement, “What was that for?” “Nothing.” Milano smiles, “I can’t wait for this weekend.” “Me neither. The wait is going to be even worse now, after that.” “Sorry.” Milano giggles. “Just a little taste of what’s to come, when I see your apartment.” “You want to see my apartment?” Silver Screen rubs the top of his mane as his face reddens, “I suppose I’ll pass the time by cleaning the place up.” “You don’t need to. I’m not some prim and proper pony.” “Liar.”Button whispers, “You always want me to clean my room.” “Maybe I’ll move some things around. Don’t want you tripping on things.” Silver Screen nodded, “I’ll let you get back to work. See you soon.” “Yeah.” she gives him a lustful stare, which causes his heart to pound around his chest, “I’ll see you soon.” She turns around walking inside the bank with a sultry walk, showing off her plot to him. Silver Screen can only stare in awe, while Button wants to gouge his eyes out. When Silver Screen turns to leave, Button proceeds to stalk him even further. He follows him to ITROT, where he stares at him through the window, watching him eat his food with a pleasant expression on what Button perceives to be a doofy face. Ponies in the restaurant take notice of the peeping pony, scaring him off, while Silver Screen remains blissfully unaware. Once he was done, he heads back to work, and Button follows close behind. As he gets closer to the theater, Button realizes that he can’t go inside unless he buys a ticket. Quickly, he buys a ticket to the latest in the Transformares film franchise, a series of films that are packed to the brim with non stop explosions and action. Button tries to act like he’s above such mindless film-making, but secretly has a soft spot for it, as he owns the first two films in a super rare box set that cost him a pretty bit to get. He continues to follow Silver Screen inside after getting his ticket. As Silver Screen goes to approach the stairs, leading to the reel room… “Hey!” Button calls out. Silver Screen turns around, surprised to see the colt out of school. “Oh, hey Button. Out of school already?” “Early day. Decided to go to the movies.” “Cool. Well, enjoy.” “You said you just moved into Ponyville.” he glares in anger. “Ah…right…” Silver Screen grimaces, knowing that he’s been caught. “I figured you for a smart colt. Glad I wasn’t disappointed.” “Don’t think for a second that that complement is going to flatter me!” he pierces Silver Screen’s soul with his eyes, before mumbling, “as nice as that was…BUT STILL! I know your game, mister!” “I have a game?” “Yeah! It’s called stealing my Mom away from Dad!” “Isn’t your mother divorced?” “That’s not the point!” “She’s free to go out with anypony she wants now, doesn’t she?” “NO! She belongs with my Dad!” “I hate to tell you, but…” “I don’t want to hear it!” he yells, catching the attention of the ponies at the snack bar. “You listen to me…Silver Screen, I have my eyes on you at ALL times. I don’t know what you two will be doing on Saturday, but I swear that no matter what, I will be watching you.” “You don’t know where I live.” “No…But I can find out!” “I’m not in the phone book.” “I can check the internet!” “It’s not on my Facehoof page.” “What about Google?” “Nope.” “Darn it!” “Sorry.” “Shut up!” “How will you be able to watch me, when you’ll be in Manehattan with your Dad?” “Don’t poke holes in my narrative!” “It’s a legitimate question. I’m just saying this spying plan is a little flimsy.” “You let me worry about the details!” “Aren’t you overreacting a little bit?” “Your FACE is overreacting!” “That doesn’t make any sense.” “Silence!” Button has had enough of this pointless bickering. Slowly, be backs away, heading towards the theater to watch his movie. “Beware, Silver Screen. I won’t tell you when, I won’t tell you how, but soon, your end is near! Mark my words, I will destroy you!” he runs into the theater. He immediately pops back out, with a look of absolute perplexity, and a little bit of revulsion. “Wrong theater?” Silver Screen asks. “Yeah. They were playing Fifty Bales of Hay in there. What’s a pearl necklace?” “Uhh…a necklace made of pearls? “Really? Because it didn’t look like that stallion was giving her jewelry.” “You know what? Nevermind.” Silver Screen hurriedly says, trying to get away from this conversation. “What theater are you in?” “Five.” “Ah, alright. It’s a couple more theaters down.” He points to the theater. Button sees it clearly now. “Thanks.” “No problem, enjoy the movie.” “I will.” Button keeps walking backwards, “And remember; I’ll destroy you.” “Sounds good; say hi to Milano for me.” “Yeah I…wait…NO I WON’T!” he runs in the theater. Seconds later, he comes right back out, with a frightened look on his face. “Wrong theater again?” “Yeah.” He looks up, seeing that he is outside theater four, playing the highly touted Evil Ponies remake. He stumbled upon a grisly scene where a mare saws off her possessed hoof with a kitchen knife “What is wrong with this theater?!” “Don’t worry. One more theater down, and you’ll get it.” “Okay.” Button walks backwards some more, looking up to see that he’s at the right theater now. “I’m good now.” “You sure?” “Positive. Remember…” “You’ll destroy me?” “Yeah.” An awkward pause between the two of them ensues, with neither one knowing what to say. “Uh…see you.” He bolts inside. Silver Screen stands there in utter bewilderment as to the events that occurred. Box Office walks to his side; he witnessed the whole encounter. “What just happened?” Silver Screen asks. “You, my friend, have just incurred the wrath of one Button Mash.” “Should…should I be afraid?” “Who’s to say? The last time I saw him this angry, was when he saw Mare of Steel, and witnessed Supermare snap the villain’s neck.” “What? That movie was awesome!” “He didn’t think so. Nearly tore down the theater in rage when the credits rolled.” “Sweet Celestia….” “Yep. Have fun kiddo.” Box Office slaps Silver Screen on the back, returning to the snack back. Silver Screen remained there, thinking about what the future holds for him. He’s not going to let an angry young colt get in the way of somepony as beautiful and lovely as Milano. No way, no how he was going to do that. Still, the thought of this colt concocting a possible demise or horrific injury to him does make him worry. “Hey, Silver Screen?” Box office calls out, snapping him out of his delirium. “Yeah, boss?” “Get back to work!” > On Friday Night... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You said WHAT to him?!” Milano asked in a shocked tone. It’s been a couple days since Milano and Silver Screen saw each other, agreeing to meet again after Button was picked up by his father to spend time with him over in his luxurious house in Applewood that oversees the ocean. This morning, outside the residence of the Mash’s, Button has just confronted his mother Milano, revealing that he knows about her and Silver Screen’s so called 'affair', and told her what he said to the projectionist when he went to the theater days ago. “I said that I would destroy him.” Button says casually, “It’s not a big deal.” “It IS a big deal! You don’t just threaten a stallion for doing nothing!” “He didn’t do nothing! He’s your coltfriend! He doesn’t belong with you!” “Honey, that’s no for you to decide…” “But, what about Dad? What about Arcade? What would they think?!” “Your Father and Brother will understand…” “NO THEY WON’T!!!” he yells, looking away from her in frustration. “Button…” Milano kneels down, getting at eye level with him. “Look at me, Button.” He doesn’t turn. “You know what happened between me and your Father. He made his choice, and so did your brother Arcade.” “I…I just want to be a normal family again.” “I know you do, sweetie.” she hugs him, “I know. But you’re going to have to give Silver Screen a chance, okay? Who knows? Maybe you two could get along fine.” “Maybe…” he says silently. Milano lets him go, and he finally looks at her. “But don’t think I’m going to make it easy for him! He may be your coltfriend, but I’m your son! He’s going to have to pass my tests! If he doesn’t, he shall be destroyed!” “Oh really?” she asks with a raised eyebrow, “Just what exactly do you have in mind for poor little Silver Screen?” “A master of tactical espionage action, such as myself, doesn’t divulge in his secrets.” “Master of tactical espionage action?” she chuckles, “You couldn’t even beat Metal Gear Pony on easy mode! You even tried to pass it off as a walkthrough on the internet!” “Don’t remind me…” he pouts, “I thought my fighting game prowess would help me with normal games. Guess I was wrong.” “Oh Button…” Milano shakes her head with a chuckle. Anything else she is about to say is cut off, when the pony drawn taxi arrives at the front of their house. Seconds pass, and Almighty Dollar steps out, with a grin on his face. Almighty is a devilishly handsome stallion, with a smile worth a million bits. He’s the kind of stallion most mares would go bonkers over, and would do anything and everything to get his attention. Milano is aware of what kind of stallion Almighty really is, and despite all the time they have spent apart, seeing him again is still too soon. Milano’s smile to Button drops upon eye contact, clearing her throat, and straightening Button’s hair. He shakes his mane around in refusal. “Mom, it’s fine.” Button says in annoyance, “It’s only Dad; I’m not on a date.” “I know, just…” she sighs, instead giving Button a kiss on the cheek. “Take care, okay, Button?” “I will.” he says, fumbling with his bag of clothes, toiletries, and his trusty hoof-held gaming system. “Love you, Mom.” “You too, honey. Go on. Dad’s waiting.” Button waves at her, as he gallops over to Almighty, giving him a hug before hopping into the taxi. Almighty hops out of the taxi, approaching Milano with that assured smile on his face, suggesting that nothing bad could come of this upcoming conversation. “Hey, Milano.” Almighty says, coming in for a hug. Milano backs away, avoiding such affectionate contact with him. “So..um…how’s it been?” “It’s been fine.” Milano says coldly, “How’s Fleur?” “She’s been good, thanks for asking. I’ve been doing…” “How’s Arcade?” she interrupts, not wanting to hear how he’s been doing. “He’s doing great. Getting good grades at school, even has a marefriend. Very popular, that boy is.” “Good to hear.” she looks back at Button, who patiently waits in the cab. “I’m saying this before Button tells you; I’m seeing somepony.” “You are? That’s great. Who is he?” “His name is Silver Screen.” “Oh.." he sounds intrigued, "Is he an actor? Director? Writer?” “He’s a projectionist at the Ponyville Cineplex.” “Oh…” Almighty says in a tone that more than suggests disappointment. “A projectionist?” his tone sounds judgmental now. “You have a problem with that?” Milano asks in an annoyed tone. “No…no…” he sounds like he obviously does. “Because it sounds like you do.” Milano catches on quick. “I don’t want to fight about this, Milano.” “Then don’t give me a judgmental tone, Almighty.” “As long as you’re happy, I guess…” “You guess?” “Sweet Celestia…” he sighs, “I don’t want to do this, now.” he backs away, not wanting to start a fight. He glances back at the cab. “I have to get going. We’ll be back on Sunday night.” “Be sure that you do. He has school on Monday.” Almighty nods, going back to the cab. He looks back at Milano with a slight smile and a wave, but she doesn’t give him the same courtesy. Instead, she gives him the eyes that only mothers can give; the kind of eyes that say that if something were to happen to their child, there would be hell to pay. Almighty is almost intimidated by such a facial expression, nodding to her, as if in agreement to her demands. He hops into the taxi, and it rides off, heading to Applewood; back to Arcade and Fleur. Milano watches as the taxi goes off, away from her sight. Once it’s completely gone, she smirks, clearing her head of all negative thoughts. She soon begins trotting over back to the house to get ready for one big surprise for a particular stallion that has been on her mind for quite a while. Silver Screen sits in the living room of his apartment, playing a very intense session of Final Journey XIII, a game series which, despite the word “final” in the title, has gone on for many installments. His apartment is littered with video game and movie memorabilia that he had gotten from both conventions and his job in general, particularly the standees of his favorite movies, such as Mare of Steel and Captain Equestria. While his room isn’t quite a mess, it could use a bit of a touch up. The projectionist had spent the last couple of days doing his work, playing his games, and even working out a little bit, in an attempt to look better for Milano. He would jog around Ponyville, and make stops at the gym to lift some weights. He’s not lifting hundred pounders any time soon, but he remains determined. Now, on this Friday, he decided that it would be his cheat day, ordering a pizza from Little Ahuizotl’s. Topped with cheese, pineapple and banana peppers, his stomach growled in anticipation at the meal to come. At the moment, though, he’s trying to beat a particularly hard boss. “Come on! Cure me, Hope!” he yells, “I’m on the right paradigm!” The character in question casts cure on his party leader. “Yes! Time to kick some flank! Relentless assault, bitch!” His look of concentration is broken, at the sound of his door knocking. Somepony is there, and he was not expecting anypony to show for quite a while. “Already?” Silver Screen says, looking at the clock. “I only ordered like five minutes ago.” Pausing the game, he gets up from the couch and walks to the door. As he flips the last lock, the door suddenly springs open, and Silver Screen finds himself enraptured in the wanting hooves of Milano, as she drives her lips into his. He stumbles backwards, falling on the couch, and getting into the spontaneous, but not unwelcome lip lock. “You’re not pizza!” Silver Screen says in between kisses, “You’re much better than pizza!” “Damn right!” Milano laughs, before stopping. “Wait…you ordered pizza?” “Yeah.” “What’s on it?” “Pineapple and banana peppers.” “I LOVE pineapple and banana peppers!” “Are you kidding?” “Nope.” “That’s so cool.” He smiles, as Milano comes back down for another intense make out session. Their hooves travel all over one another, with Milano giving Silver Screen’s horn a sensual lick. He gasps at the feeling, and bites his lip. He feels her hoof travel down to his sheathe, when he suddenly stops her with a hoof on her chest. “Wait…not right now.” “Why not? I’m sure we’ll be done by the time pizza shows up.” “More than likely…” he chuckles, “But I think it would be better if we…you know…take it slow, this time around.” Milano thinks, looking at his gentle and loving face. In response, she kisses him on the cheek, moving to a sitting position on the couch. “I suppose.” she shrugs with a grin. She looks over to the still open door. “Hey, somepony is at the door.” “Is it pizza?” “I don’t think so.” Silver Screen sits up to see a tenant, standing in the doorway, with mouth open wide, and groceries dropped on the wood floor. “Oh…” Silver Screen’s face turns red, “Hi.” he waves. The tenant doesn’t respond, instead continuing to stare. Not wanting to prolong the staring contest, Silver Screen slowly closes the door with his magic. “Sorry…” he says to Milano. “It’s fine.” she giggles, turning to the pause screen on the television. “You’re playing Final Journey XIII?” “Yeah. I’m having a bit of trouble.” “Please, this guy’s a cakewalk.” She grabs the controller, and starts playing the game for him. Silver Screen can only stare in awe at her, watching her determined expression of taking down the boss. She catches Silver Screen in the corner of her eye, replying with a simple “What?” “I think I lo….” Silver Screen snaps his mouth shut. “What did you say?” she inches closer, eyes still fixated on the screen, “I didn’t catch that.” “I said I…” he pauses again. He wants to say it, but that pesky thing called a brain is telling him not to. It informs him that he’s only known her for a couple days, and can’t start bringing out the L word just because she plays video games. In defeat, he sighs. “I think I’m starting to like you a bit more.” he finally replies. Milano smirks at his comment, as she thoroughly defeats the boss like it was nothing. Silver Screen witnesses her complete domination of the creature, never losing health or party members. “Like I said…a total cakewalk.” she flashes her teeth in a happy expression, as the triumphant victory theme plays. “So, when does pizza arrive?” “Not for another few minutes.” “How about you show me around your place?” she asks with curiosity. “There’s not much, but sure.” he shrugs, getting off the couch. Milano gets off as well, following him around. “Over there is the kitchen; it has some water and soda, if you ever need something to drink. There’s also some cider in the back, if you feel so inclined. And over there…” he points to a door at the far end, “Is the bathroom, for all your bathroom needs. Over there…” he points to the bedroom, “Is the bedroom, which you’ll be familiar with later on…” “I’m sure I will.” Milano chuckles. “You’re already familiar with the living room, where all the gaming and movie watching happens.” Milano’s eyes travel to the posters and movie memorabilia. She trots to the Mare of Steel cardboard standee with a hint of familiarity. “I remember this movie. I took Button to go see it. He was so mad when…” “Supermare broke the villain’s neck?” “How did you know?” “My boss told me about it. Sounded like a frightening experience.” “A little; he was shouting ‘Supermare doesn’t kill!’ before leaping on to the screen and biting at it. Luckily, he didn’t start doing that until the credits, but I could hear him seething before it was over.” “Yikes.” “I didn’t see what the big deal was. I remember the old movie had Supermare killing the same bad guy, and much more sadistically too.” she shrugs in confusion, “I guess I’ll never understand certain fans.” “You and me both.” “Your place is very nice.” she steps on a soda can as she says that. “If a bit messy.” “Sorry. I didn’t know you were coming, and…” “No, no, no…” she stops his near stammering. “It’s quite alright. I wasn’t judging. Believe me, I’ve seen messier rooms. Living in a house with a messy colt makes this the epitome of cleanliness.” The two share a chuckle. As Milano’s eyes further scan his place, she eyes an old arcade machine against the wall, close to the bed. “Hey…” She trots over, staring at the machine like she knows it very well. “This…” her eyes widen, “This is…” “Yep, an original arcade edition of Super Equestrian Fighter II: Turbo Edition.” Silver Screen stands proud at the fact he owns such a machine. “Wow!” Milano looks at all the corners of the machine, amazed to see it in near pristine condition. “I thought they were all decommissioned! Only a few were still functional! How did you…” “It was my Dad’s. Actually, it was a part of my Dad’s arcade. It used to be called the Ponyville Arcade, before it was bought out, and became the Lightspeed Arcade a few years ago. I used to go there all the time, and play on that exact machine for hours on end. I got pretty good at it too, and Dad would watch me from his station, cheering me on. He was the coolest stallion in town.” “Oh, is he…” Milano fears the worst. “No. He’s living quite happily in Manehattan with Mom. It’s not that kind of story.” he smirks, “They’re enjoying the retired life. Anyway, when the arcade was being bought out, they offered him a large sum of bits for the property. He said that he would take their offer under one condition; that I get to keep the machine. They knew how much that machine was worth, and they initially refused, but he never backed down. It took some hoof twisting, but nopony could say no to my Dad.” “He sounds like a great pony.” “He is. Mom’s no pushover either. If you want, I can take you over to Manehattan and meet them.” “That would be wonderful. I had no idea it was your father that owned the arcade. I used to go there all the time, during my younger days.” “I’m surprised I never saw you there.” “Hey, I’m an old lady, remember? I doubt you would have paid much attention to me.” “One, you’re like three years older than me. Two, I highly doubt that. Three, I think it would have been you who wouldn’t pay attention to me.” “Why is that?” she says teasingly. “Because I was a huge dork back then.” he then looks around his apartment, realizing how silly that sounds with all the memorabilia around him. “Okay…I’m still a dork, but believe me, I was such a big dork, that you wouldn’t have even wanted anything to do with me.” “You may be a dork, but you’re an adorable one.” she brushes a hoof against his coat, causing him to blush. “Well, I do remember somepony hogging the machine back then. I take it that might have been you?" “More than likely.” “Good to know.” “Really?” “Yeah…” she gets closer to him, her lips floating inches away from his. “Now I can get that revenge I always wanted. You little machine hogger.” Knock knock. Pizza’s here. Moment broken. They chuckle, knowing that what they wanted to happen at that moment will have to wait. Silver Screen answers the door, paying the delivery colt the bits, and taking the pizza inside. The two took in the delectable smell emanating from the box, as they open it to reveal a delicious looking pizza, ready for consumption. Silver Screen floated a couple slices over to Milano, and they chow down. Milano hums pleasantly, as she chews on the slice, savoring the flavor. Silver Screen was less proper, feasting on the pizza like there was no tomorrow. It took a few seconds for him to remember that he was in the presence of a mare, and slows down. She chuckles at his attempt to be more civilized. “There’s no need to slow down, on account of me.” Milano chortles, “It’s perfectly fine.” “Sorry about that. Sometimes when I’m having an intense gaming session, I tend to eat my food quickly so I can get back to it sooner.” he chuckles, “Gives you a little hint at how many mares have actually been to my place.” “I’m glad to be the first, then.” “Who said you were the first?” “Oh? Am I not the first?” she asks coyly. Silver Screen stares at her with a serious expression. She isn’t sure what he’s going to say next. Suddenly, he smiles with a laugh, joking around. “Yeah, you’re totally the first.” he says, going back to eating his pizza. “I go to their places, because I’m always afraid that they would take one look at my apartment, and walk off.” “Are you always this self-conscious?” she wonders. “Yeah…” he says with shame, “It’s one of my most unattractive features. I bet Almighty’s self-confidence was through the stratosphere.” “It was…” she grimaces; the mere mention of her ex causes her to feel an acting sting inside. “He always felt like he could have any mare he wanted. He was right.” “Oh…hey…” Silver Screen puts his second slice down, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought him up.” “No. It’s fine. I saw him today. He came by to pick up Button. He was all smiles, like nothing was wrong. I let him know that something was still wrong with me. I mentioned you, though.” “You did?” Silver Screen leans in, interested. “What did he say?” “He seemed okay, until I told him your profession.” “He didn’t like it, huh?” “Not one bit.” she shakes her head, taking a bite of her slice. “Like you said…fuck em’…right?” “Definitely.” he chortles, recommencing with the eating. “I have to say though; I’m really enjoying my time with you, Silver Screen.” “Really?” he asks, unsure if she’s serious. “Yeah. It’s nice to talk movies and games with you. I don’t get much time to talk about such things with my friends. They prefer to talk about stallions and purses. Almighty was the same.” “He liked to talk about stallions and purses, too?” “No!” she laughs, “I mean he wasn’t into the gaming scene. Button and Arcade wouldn’t let me into the arcade, afraid that I would cramp their style. I have my own systems in my room. Almighty was never appreciative of my gaming sessions, always wanting me to be more of a prim and proper pony.” “The older brother’s name is Arcade?” “I know, it could be a bit confusing, but the name suits him.” “I take it that Almighty wasn’t fond of the names.” “Not really. He wanted names that would better suit his interests. But he learned a valuable lesson on those days; never argue with a mare who spent months carrying a foal in their stomach about names.” she smirks, and Silver Screen returns the expression. “I heard Button threatened you at the movie theater.” “He told you about that?” “Yeah. Sorry that happened.” “Meh, it’s fine. I get it; I’m the new and untrustworthy stallion.” he chuckles, “Just like the stories. Only this time, I’m not a total douchebag.” “That we know of. You never know…” Milano smiles, “You could be completely evil underneath that adorable exterior.” “I’m only evil when there’s a full moon out.” “That’s great, because there’s a full moon tonight. Want me to get the chains?” “I like the way you think…” he gets up from his seat, walking over to her with a mischievous look on his face, “But it’s too late now….” he inches closer to her until… “Rawr!” he playfully bellows, as he nibbles and kisses her neck, causing her to laugh out loud. “Don’t do that! I’m ticklish!” “All the better! Rawr!!!” he goes back in, making her laugh even harder. Milano grabs onto him, taking him down to the hardwood floor. Silver Screen looks into her hungry eyes, pleased at where this is headed. “Oh no. I’m trapped underneath your powerful hooves. I am done for.” He feigns defeat, “Do what you must, I shall not refuse.” “I see, well…” she leans down, “You’re punishment, is….” Her lips inch dangerously close to his. Suddenly, she gets off of him with a devious smirk. “You have to play me in a game of Super Equestrian Fighter.” “Wait…seriously?” Silver Screen asks in disbelief. “Yep.” “Well then…” he cracks his neck in anticipation, “You, my dear, are SO on.” Plugging in the machine, the lights turn on in a flash, with the all familiar theme of the game blaring from the speakers on its side. The wave of nostalgia overtakes Milano, as she can recite the tune note for note, and a smile graces her face. Silver Screen immediately hits the start button, with no need for bits, after a quick modification of the machine made playing absolutely free. Milano stood at the player two joystick, while Silver Screen stood comfortably at his player one station. Once they picked their fighters, the first match was on. Milano stared at the screen with mad determination, wiggling the joystick, and pressing buttons, belting out combos as fast as she can. Silver Screen had more of a cool reserve about him, paying attention more to Milano than the match itself, almost entranced by the mare looking so into a video game. With the execution of a particularly powerful super combo, Milano wins the match. She yells in celebration, as her character does a victory dance. “Yes! In your face!” she says, looking over at Silver Screen, who continues to smile. “What are you smiling about? I just kicked your flank!” “True, but to be fair, I was kind of letting you win.” “Why? Because I’m a mare?” she asks slyly. “No. Because I like you.” “Aw, that’s sweet.” she smirks, before lightly punching him on the shoulder, “But right now, we’re enemies. Come on…” she presses the start button for a rematch, “Show me what you got.” “I don’t know…” he says, “You might not like what you see.” “Oh come on. No holding back this time. I want to see you at your absolute best!” “My absolute best, huh?” he thinks, before shrugging. “Okay…” he looks over at the screen, now completely in the zone. “Your funeral.” Round two begins, and no sooner does it start, Milano sees first hoof, the difference between him when he’s letting her win, to how he is when he’s actually serious. In no time, he was doing special moves and combos that even the most talented tournament players had difficulty doing. Maybe because he’s a unicorn, or maybe because he was that damn good, but either way, he mops the floor with Milano, leaving her in a bit of a stupor. She could barely get a move out, hitting him a grand total of four times. The rest of the time, she was feverishly blocking his power attacks to no avail. When the match ends, and Milano’s character slumps to the ground in defeat and so does she; sitting her plot down on the hardwood floor. Silver Screen says nothing. No gloating, not boasting, nothing egotistical in the slightest. Instead, he turns to Milano with a look of humbleness and reaches a hoof out for a shake. “Good game.” he says, with all of his sincerity. “You…you beat me. I…I don’t believe it.” Milano stares at the screen in amazement. “I… I barely even get a hit out.” “It happens. Don’t beat yourself up over it.” “It’s…inconceivable….you have…no idea…” she looks to Silver Screen, seductively licking her lips, “…how much I want you right now.” “What?” “Rah!” she yells, as she tackles him back to the floor, pinning him down. His eyes widen at her expression of hunger, as she drives her lips into his for a powerful bout of dancing tongues. Heavy breaths exit at each separation, before going back in for more. Their hooves touch each other all over, with Silver Screen putting a hoof on her plot, pressing on it, which elicits a giggle from her. Using his strength, and not his magic, he lifts Milano up by her plot, and brings her crashing down onto the bed, with him now on top of her. She laughs, kissing his neck, and then giving his ear a sensual nibble. “Aren’t we aggressive today?” Milano asks, absolutely loving it. “I thought you wanted to go slow.” “To be fair, you’re the one that tackled me first.” “Good point.” she agrees, driving her lips into his once again. “Tell me how much you want me.” “I want you…” he kisses her neck. “I want you so bad.” He moves downwards, kissing her chest, then her stomach. Moving his way down, he reaches her thighs, kissing them as well, before coming face to face with her slick and wet slit, waiting for him to make his move. “I want you so bad…it’s driving me mad.” “Prove it…” she bites her lips, suppressing a moan. “Prove that you want me…” Silver Screen wastes no more time, diving tongue first into her wanting sex; licking her inner walls vigorously, as she moans with delight. His horn rests on her finely tuned stomach, rubbing up against her as if it’s his own shaft. Imagining that it’s his length on her stomach drives Milano wild, using both hooves to feverishly rub it. The sensation is enough for Silver Screen to stop orally pleasuring her, and let out a moan of his own into her. His horn lights up briefly, illuminating the room like it did the first night they had sex. “I can’t take it…” Silver Screen gasps, moving back up to Milano’s muzzle, giving her a lascivious kiss. “You almost made me blast a hole through my ceiling.” “Did I now?” Milano laughs, “We wouldn’t want that, would we?” “Nope. It would have been messy.” He smiles. Soon, he feels his length grinding against her stomach. Lustfully, he lightly pushes it against her. She moans at his teasing behavior, watching that hard thing move against her, as if taunting her that it’s not inside her warm and tight crevice. “Stop it…” she breathes heavily, “You’re gonna…you’re gonna make me cum.” “Just by doing this?” he says, exacerbating the issue further. “We haven’t gotten to the main event yet.” “Just...the thought…ahhh…” she shuts her eyes tightly, letting out another wanting breath. “The thought?” he smiles deviously. He moves his shaft in between her wet folds; refusing to go the distance and insert in. Instead, he prods and grinds against it. “You…you’re so mean…” Milano grits her teeth, trying to hold back the oncoming orgasm. “Put it in already.” “How much do you want it?” he rubs a bit faster. “I want it….” “How much do you want me?” “I want you…so bad…Please!” she feels him rubbing even faster against her clit, “Don’t…I can’t….AHHHHH!!!!” She cannot hold back any further, as she cums hard, soaking Silver Screen’s throbbing member with her sexual juices. The fluids run down his shaft, dripping onto the bed sheets, soaking them good. Silver Screen smiles at his accomplishment. “Made you cum…and I didn’t even have sex with you yet.” he says proudly. “You made a mess of my bedsheets.” “Stop it…you dork.” she blushes, not hiding the fact that she liked it. “You made a mess of mine first.” “That is true.” He chuckles, “Now then…” Without much of a warning, he thrusts his shaft deep into her, causing her to yelp in a combination of surprise, pain and pleasure. She grabs him, bringing him down to her muzzle, furiously shoving her tongue into his for another sloppy yet erotic kiss. Once they separate, she smacks him. “For a nice colt, you can be such a jerk.” “I told you…I turn evil when there’s a full moon out.” he nibbles on her ear. “Oh…” she moans, “Why don’t you have a marefriend already?” “I was waiting for the right one…” he whispers, “I think I found her.” Slowly, he moves in and out of her. His gentle side finally coming through, after all the teasing and rough housing that he put her through. He makes due on his request, going slow and making it last as long as possible. His mind is still reeling from the fact that he made her orgasm through the power of teasing and touching. He kisses her lovingly on the cheek, then moving down to her neck, delivering another playful nip, pulling on her coat. “Okay…okay…” she relents, not able to fight it. “I want you.” “I know you do.” he softly says, picking up the pace a little. “No…I want you to be my coltfriend.” “You do?” he asks, looking into her eyes. “Really?” “Yes…” she feels another orgasm on the rise, “Oh sweet Celestia, yes!” In a bout of strength, she pushes him up onto his back. He looks up at her in surprise, and she rides him gloriously. Her gyrating hips and soft moans are turning him on even further. He grabs onto her rump, rubbing it, and thrusting upwards into her. “I want you to be mine! Be mine!” she yells out to the ceiling. “Say it! Say that you’re mine!” “I’m yours.” Silver Screen says, feeling her inner walls getting tighter. “Louder!" “I’m yours! I’m yours for however long you want me!” his member throbs violently, as he can feel the pressure building within him. “Oh god! Milano! You’re so amazing!” “Damn right, I am!” she laughs, as her gyrating gets more aggressive. Her moans get louder, as it sounds more like a shout than anything else. Silver Screen can feel her tightening some more, and he grits his teeth even harder. He doesn’t know how much more he can take. If he had his way, he would let this moment last forever, but his body had different ideas. Silver Screen shuts his eyes tight, as he can feel the pressure build and build inside of him. Sweat pours from the both of them, exhilarated in this moment of pure bliss. Silver Screen then pushes Milano onto her back, with her head falling onto the soft pillow. She looks up at him, as they look into each other’s eyes. He thrusts into her harder now, and her shouts of ecstasy continue. “I...I’m cumming!” Milano breathes out, “I’m cumming!” “So am I!” he says back, “Milano…Milano!” “Silver Screen!” “I…I can’t…here it comes! AHHH!!!” He shouts one final time, as he unleashes his load inside of her. The strong, powerful bursts of warm seed is enough to send her over the edge as well, coating Silver Screen’s length with her own orgasmic fluids. She is filled up quickly, and cum spews out of her and onto the already soaked bed sheets. They hold their breaths as their massive orgasms run their course. Once they stop, the two breathe again, heavily and with the sound of exhaustion. He pulls himself out of her, as more semen pours onto the bed. She looks at their handiwork with a satisfied smile. “You filled me up again.” she says, pleased. “I can’t help it. You’re so damn hot.” he chuckles, going back down and kissing her on the lips, a gesture which she happily accepts. “Did you really mean it? You want me to be your coltfriend?” “Of course I mean it.” she replies, “I want to get to know you, Silver Screen. I want to know everything about you.” “So do I.” he smiles lovingly. “That’s what we’re going to do this weekend. We’re going to spend it getting to know each other.” “I would love that.” she says with a pleasant expression, “I want to see where you work.” “I want to see where you work.” “I want to meet your friends.” “I want to meet your friends, too." “No you don’t.” “Huh?” he wonders. “How come?” “One of my friends is Junebug.” “Oh.” he remembers Junebug well, “I want to meet them anyway. Show them that a big dork like me is with the most beautiful mare in Equestria.” “Oh, you…” she prods at his chest. “Then, we can go to the arcade. No style will be cramped when we’re together.” “I don’t know. The colts and fillies might be upset that we’re going to take up the machines.” “Let them be upset. We’re going to rock this town, tomorrow.” “Silver Screen…” she says softly, putting a hoof on his cheek. “I have to warn you of something. When Button comes back, he’s going to test you.” “What kind of tests?” “I don’t know. He says that a master of tactical espionage action doesn’t divulge his secrets.” “I see. He's a Metal Gear Pony expert, huh?” “He wishes he was. I beat that game with a Big Boss ranking. The best he can get is Mongoose.” “Oh Sweet Celestia.” he stares in amazement, “You’re absolutely incredible, you know that?” “Keep telling me that.” “You’re incredible.” “Again.” “You’re incredible.” he embraces her, grazing her cheek. “Once more.” she practically moans. “You’re incredible.” he whispers it one more time into her ear. Suddenly, she rolls him over onto his back, straddling him. Her thighs are pressed against his waist in a vice grip, which he more than likes. “Make love to me again.” she says lustfully. “As you command…Boss.” he smiles. > During The Saturday Shift... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Best. Friday night. Ever.” Silver Screen thought to himself, as the early morning hours awaken him. Once again, he found himself in the throes of passion with one Milano Mash; a mare that he had met a few days prior, and has now started a fairly hot and heavy love affair with her. However, they both plan to make this relationship less based around their various acts in the bedroom, and more on a personal level, as they will use this time to get to know each other better, along with meeting their friends, despite Milano’s reluctance for Silver Screen to meet them. Silver Screen had met Junebug before, months ago while at a party hosted by residential party pony Pinkie Pie. They had a few drinks, talked, and seemed to have a good time together. Silver Screen would tell her about his profession and his taste in all things film, while she would listen and nod, downing a couple more drinks in the process. Junebug took him to her place, where they had a wild night of sloppy kisses and fornication. Once they were done, she told him to go, much to his disappointment. He tried to say hello to her a few days later, yet she gave him a cold shoulder instead. While that wasn’t the first time for him, the act still stung. Now, Milano has broken the streak, and is willing to get to know him, and possibly start a full on serious relationship, which makes him extra excited. There’s nothing about Milano he doesn’t like. She’s beautiful, she’s funny, she loves video games and movies as much as he does…. ….and she’s licking his muzzle right now. Silver Screen’s eyes open to see Milano licking his muzzle in a sensual fashion, lightly moaning as she does it, like she finds this act highly arousing. He more than agrees, but the fact that she’s doing it is also strange to him at the same time. “Milano?” he says, but she doesn’t stop. “What are you…?” “You like this?” she asks, continuing to do it. “Hmmm….” he thinks, “Give it a lick a couple more times.” He waits as she continues. Then, “Yeah.” He replies, “I do. Maybe a few more licks, and you’ll find the center.” The joke causes her to stop and laugh, responding with a kiss on the lips. They embrace one another in their warmth, with their coats combined creating a pleasant heat between them. Silver Screen would love to press his forehead against hers, but his horn might prove to make such a loving act impossible. He always loved it in those romantic films when the two lovers would rest their foreheads against each other, so to not be able to do that disappointed him. Only for a little bit, though, as her shapely and hot body was enough to make up for it. “So…” Milano trails off, “What would you like to do on our weekend of fun?” “Fun, huh?” Silver Screen chuckles, “Well, we did say that we were going to visit our friends.” “Your friends, maybe. I didn’t agree to you meeting my friends. Considering…” “Yeah, I know. But still, it would be nice to break it to them. Let them know that we’re officially dating.” “I’m not sure about that, SS.” she says, giving him an abbreviated version of his name in the process. He notices this immediately. “SS?” he thinks, not completely rejecting the short name. “I like it. Nevertheless, we agreed that we would get to know each other completely during this weekend, and that entails meeting your friends.” “With that logic, that would mean meeting Almighty as well.” she sighs, not looking forward to such a moment. “I can’t imagine how awkward that would be.” “Or how fun.” Silver Screen chuckles. “Are you afraid that they won’t like me?” “From what you’ve already heard about them, I don’t think they like you now. I’m afraid that they won’t see what I see.” “That’s understandable, but really, how about we give it a shot, huh? Take them out to a nice lunch, have me do all the talking, try to win them over with my irresistibly charming personality…” he nibbles at her neck. “Okay! Okay!” Milano laughs, pushing Silver Screen, “We’ll meet them. Yeesh, you’re a pushy one. Are you sure you’re not getting close to me to get back together with Junebug?” “I didn’t even know Junebug was your friend, until you told me last night. Plus, why would I do such a thing? She doesn’t compete with your hotness in the slightest.” He glides a hoof across her waist, noting her curvy figure. “I wonder…do you talk like that with your friends? Saying how totally hot I am?” “Goodness no. I’m as classy as I can be when discussing how unbelievably sexy you are. I only get a bit spicier with my language, when I talk to you about it. I think I might be doing it wrong.” “Maybe.” she chuckles, “But I like it.” she gives him a small kiss on the lips. “We’ll talk to them tomorrow. So, that means that we are seeing your friends today.” “That will probably be a pleasant visit. They’ll most likely love you. I know my boss does.” “Is your boss Box Office?” “Yep.” “The stallion that checks me out every time I take Button to the movies?” “Yea-wait. He does that?” “Believe me, he does it every single time I go to the theater.” “This I got to see.” “You want to see your boss check out my flank?” “He’s got good taste, if you ask me.” “You are so bad!” Milano laughs, wrestling with Silver Screen, tussling the sheets around. After a few rolls and pushes, she pins Silver Screen on his back. “You are definitely the youngest of us.” “I bet when I’m thirty, I’ll still act the same way.” “Good to know.” she nuzzles her muzzle into his cheek, before giving it a sensual lick. “You’re so adorable.” “And you’re so sultry.” He smiles, embracing her in her forelegs and putting her on her back. He goes down, and presses his lips against hers, as their tongues dance with one another in carnal bliss. The separate, as he says, “We really have to get up, though. I have a brief shift at the theater.” “How brief are we talking?” “About four hours. It’s half of my normal shift.” “I can come along, right?” “Yeah.” He says with enthusiasm, “You get to see how I work, and you get to watch a bunch of movies for free at the same time.” “Sounds great.” Milano glances at the clock, “What time do you need to be there?” “Eleven.” “It’s ten thirty.” “Shit!” he yelps, jumping off Milano and out of bed. He rushes into the bathroom. Milano giggles as she hears running water and the sounds of Silver Screen furiously brushing his teeth. “Not even going to eat first, before brushing your teeth?” “No time!” he shouts, mouth full of toothpaste foam. He spits, rinses out his mouth, and spits again. He bursts from the bathroom, wiping his mouth off with a towel. “They have food at the theater.” “Fatty popcorn and apple slushies is what they have.” she says with a grimace. Then, she remembers, “Oh wait…Apple slushies are amazing.” “Exactly. Did you bring a toothbrush?” “Would you mind if I used yours?” “No.” “Well, too bad. I brought one.” she smirks. Saturday mornings at the Cineplex can be quite busy when a big movie opens the day before, and families decide it’s a good idea to take their fillies and colts to an early morning matinee. This particular weekend is the opening of Captain Equestria: The Nightmare Guard, and everypony is flocking to see it on the big screen. Lines are already out the door to see it, and Box Office is swamped from all the ponies that are there. Silver Screen gallops past the line waiting to get in, and opens the door to greet his anxious boss. “There you are!” Box Office says in a huff, “Cutting it close, don’t you think?” “Sorry Boss, had a bit of a late night.” “A late night? What could you have possibly done that…” Suddenly, the doors open again, and Milano comes walking through. To Silver Screen, it’s in real time, but to Box Office, it might as well be in slow motion. A bead of sweat rolls down her face, as she flips her hair like a fashion model. A small sigh exits her mouth and echoes through Box Office’s ears. She looks at him in seduction, licking her lips at the sight of him. Box Office’s jaw drops to the floor, as she smiles a sexy smile. “Hi….” Milano says in a long and drawn out fashion. He can only stare in awe and arousal at her. “Box Office?” Silver Screen says with worry, “You okay?” The pony snaps out of his delirium, realizing that he imagined a good fifty percent of what transpired for what felt like a few minutes to him. He sees Milano staring at him in confusion. “I said hi, and he just stood there.” Milano says to Silver Screen, “Is he even alive?” “Yeah, I’m alive.” Box Office clears his throat. “I was…just…um…” he thinks of an excuse, “…tired. Yeah, that’s it. Tired.” “Okay…um…sorry for being late.” Silver Screen gestures to Milano, “This is Milano, my marefriend. She came to visit, so I’m wondering if it’s okay if she joins me in the projection room for my shift.” “Is it…yeah…yeah, of course it’s okay! What kind of boss would I be if I said I wasn’t okay? I’ll tell you what kind…a bad one, that’s what!” he stammers and nervously chuckles. He glances over at the clock. “Oh, horsepples. Go up to the room and set up the movies, the families outside are starting to get restless.” “Alright.” Silver Screen gallops up the stairs. “It was nice meeting you.” Milano says, before following Silver Screen. “It was…” he turns to see Milano walking up the stairs, with her plot in full view for him. He is captivated once again. “Oh my…” Milano walks into the projection room. Silver Screen is already at work with putting the reels in place. Using his magic, the reels go to every projector simultaneously, perfectly sliding the film inside without any mistakes whatsoever. It takes skill an effort to perform such a task, but the cool confidence on Silver Screen’s face makes it all look effortless. The two can hear the sounds of families going into theater one, the biggest theater inside the Cineplex. The Captain Equestria sequel is the first one to play on the roster, with the other films following suit five to ten minutes afterwards. Showtime isn’t for another five minutes however, giving Silver Screen a small rest of his horn, flipping on the preshow entertainment slideshow. “I love that this theater does slideshows.” Milano says, looking down at the screen as an advertisement for gummy worms appears. “The theaters in Manehattan and Applewood show these pre-show entertainment programs, which are pretty much five minute adverts of upcoming movies or TV shows. They’re always so noisy, and it gives me less time to talk to Button or my friends.” “Yeah, I’m not a fan of those, either.” Silver Screen admits. “Sometimes they can be cool, but other times I look away from the screen. Not because they’re horrible, but if they show an featurette on a film I really want to see, I look away in case they show new footage.” “I see you’re one of those moviegoers that likes to see less of a movie as possible, before it comes out.” she smiles, “I’m kind of like that too. Sometimes, studios give way too much away. I feel like I’ve seen all of The Amazing Spider-Mare 2 at this point.” “So do I!” he yells, causing the two to laugh. “Still would like to see it, though.” “Hey, maybe when Button comes back, we’ll do a midnight screening together.” “I’ll have to run it by my boss, but I think he’ll be okay with it. He certainly seems smitten with you.” “So you saw what I meant?” “I think space could see what you meant.” he chortles. “He was off in la-la land the moment he laid eyes on you. It’s not hard to see why, though.” “Oh, you.” Milano presses a hoof against his chest. “I never expected it to be so big.” She then hears Silver Screen stifle a laugh. It takes a little while, but she realizes it. “The room, I mean! Yeesh!” she playfully smacks Silver Screen around. “I’m sorry! I’m a stallion, what did you expect?” “I like you, but honestly, you can be such a little colt!” she chuckles between slaps. “Deep down, you probably like it.” She stops with her light slapping, looking into Silver Screen eyes with a smile and a headshake. “Yeah, you got me there, SS.” “You called me SS again. I should try to come up with a nickname for you.” “You have any ideas?” “Well…” his eyes glance over at the clock on the wall. It’s showtime. “Hold on.” His horn glows as the projector for theater one activates. They can hear the muffled sounds of the trailers coming on, showcasing a teaser trailer for the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Breezies film. The trailer briefly catches Silver Screen’s eye, as he hold some small anticipation for the film, despite what the naysayers have been uttering on the internet. “Sorry…” he turns back to her, “Got distracted there, for a second.” “It’s okay.” Milano smiles, “Have to make sure the projector is aligned with the screen.” “That…and I kind of want to see that movie.” “That too.” she laughs. “Hey, you mind if I swing down and talk to your friends? I’ll come back when all the movies are set up.” “Sure. Come back in like…twenty minutes?” “Okay. I’ll see you then.” she kisses him on the cheek. Milano trots downstairs to see Box Office helping at the concession stand with the other employees. The customers are getting their popcorn and drinks, before heading into their respective theaters for a movie going experience. She walks up to Box Office, clearing her throat to get his attention. “Excuse me?” she says. He looks at her, again staring into her eyes. “You guys need some help?” “Umm…no.” Box Office shakes it off, trying to get back to work. “We’re almost done here, young lady. You don’t have to worry about a thing. Plus, I’m going to have to pay ya if you helped out.” he chuckles. After a few minutes of shuffling and transactions, the crowd of ponies dissipated, and Box Office goes back to his normal duties of overseeing the cleanliness of the theater. “How long have you known Silver Screen?” “Oh, ever since he first came to the theater, asking for a job. Good kid, though I guess I shouldn’t be saying that anymore, since he’s not a kid. Eh, he’s young at heart. I always catch him at the late showings of those big action movies, when he doesn’t have a shift. If he likes the movie, he’s the first to lay claim on the cardboard standees. I let him take them; they would end up in the garbage anyway.” “He has a lot of those at his place.” Milano giggles, “He told me that it was one of the reasons why he doesn’t bring mares to his home.” “Yeah, that sounds like Silver Screen alright.” he smirks, before looking sullen. “Poor colt.” “What do you mean?” “Look…” he glances around to see if anypony is listening. No pony is. “Don’t tell him that I said this to you, but I worry about him, you know?” “Why would you need to worry about him?” “It’s just that he can be quite…sensitive at times; especially when it comes to mares.” “Yeah, he told me that he’s not used to having a relationship.” “No, he’s not.” Box Office nods, “He went through one relationship a ways back. When it ended, it wasn’t pretty.” “Why? Did it end on bad terms?” “Well, no. It was quite mutual. Still, it stung for him, because he seemed to really like her. I forget who it was, but she wasn’t from around here. For two weeks, he looked like somepony punched him in the gut. It was enough to make me feel like I was the one who went through the break up.” “Why are you telling me this?” “I’m just letting you know, just in case…” “Oh…” she understands, “Don’t worry, we only just started officially going out. Actually, I think this might count as a date.” she chuckles. “To be honest, and this is just me, I think the movies are a fantastic place to go out on a date.” Box Office smiles. Just then, a few more ponies walk to the concession stand, and it gets busy again. “That’s my cue. Nice talking to you.” “Yeah, you too.” Silver Screen is fixing up the projector in theater five, after noticing a problem within its mechanism. It’s something he’s dealt with before during his time, so it’s an easy job to handle. As he’s adjusting the final piece, Milano walks back in. He hears her hoof steps, but chooses to finish up first before saying hello. She looks at him with a smile, but deep down, Box Office’s story still rings through her head. She figured Silver Screen for a sensitive stallion, ever since their breakfast at the ITROT, where he told her how perfect she was, but he never told her about a past relationship that went south. Her mind is tempted to ask about his past, but before she can, she is immediately silenced by her conscious. From what Box Office had told her, it sounds like it could be a painful memory, but then again, she freely told him about her failed marriage with Almighty Dollar. Silver Screen makes the last adjustment, closing up the projector, and lines up the film that goes with it. He turns to greet Milano, who continues to remain silent. “Hey.” Silver Screen says with a grin, and a bead of sweat dripping down the side of his head. The sight prevents her from asking about his past. “When he’s ready…” Milano thinks to herself. She walks up to Silver Screen, “Hey yourself, SS.” she says in a teasing tone. “Right, I still have to come up with a nickname for you…” he taps his hoof against his chin, as the last projector turns on for the theater. “Hmm… M&M? You know, for Milano Mash?” He scoffs at his own idea, “Nah too silly. Oh, how about Mashtasti…what? The hell am I thinking there?” He keeps thinking as Milano slowly walks towards him. “I got it…Hotbuns Mcgee.” He laughs, “I’m just…” Milano places a caring hoof on his chest, caressing his fur slowly, and more than a little seductively. “You can call me whatever you want.” she grins with a hint of lust in her voice. She leans forward, planting her lips onto his for a kiss, which he accepts wholeheartedly. After a few moments of lip contact, their mouths open, allowing each other’s tongues to touch and dance in a bout of eroticism. Small moans of pleasure emanate from both of them, when Silver Screen opens an eye to see that theater one is almost due for a reel change. As he pushes Milano against the wall, with the two standing on their hind legs, his horn glows and the next reel is put into place. Milano notices the magic at work, as Silver Screen simultaneously kisses her neck, with a few nibbles on her coat following suit. She smiles at his talents, before kissing his shoulder, and going back to his muzzle to continue making out. Once the reel change is complete, the light bulb inside Milano’s head turns on, giving her an grand idea. She stops the make out session, lightly pushing Silver Screen away from her. “What is it?” he wonders. “I know what you did.” she says slyly, gesturing to the projector. “Oh, that? It’s something I know how to do. No matter what I’m doing, I can still change a reel like nopony’s business. But don’t worry, my attention was 99.8% focused on you.” “Does that mean you’ve made out with a mare while you were changing reels before?” “Actually…you are the first.” he chortles, “I had no idea it was going to work. Is anypony in the theater angry? Did I put the wrong reel in?” The two look into the theater where the film is playing. Everything appears to be in order, and the crowd is loving the spectacle on the screen. “Looks like everything is in order.” Milano says, “Crisis averted.” “Good, because that was awesome.” he grins widely in approval. “But, why did you stop?” “Because I have a better idea. When’s the next reel change?” “Well, theater six has a reel change in two minutes. Why?” Suddenly, Milano pushes him onto a nearby chair, effectively sitting him down on his rump. She rushes over, kneeling down to face his crotch. He watches in surprise as she rubs his sheathe vigorously, making his member appear and harden almost instantaneously. Milano leans back at it, always surprised at its quick appearance. She licks her lips in anticipation. “Milano…I don’t know about this.” Silver Screen sweats, “I mean, on the one hoof…awesome, but…” “I just want to try something out.” she whispers, staring at the shaft with anticipation. “What do you want to try, exactly?” “I want you to change a film reel…while I do this.” She then wraps her lips around his length, plunging it down into her mouth, reaching past the back of her throat. “Oh my….GOD!” Silver Screen exclaims in bliss, not expecting her to do that so suddenly. He watches her head bob up and down, taking his whole shaft like a pro, with her tongue licking the tip every time she goes to the top. It’s the most enthusiastic blowjob he had ever received in his life, but it’s way too quick. He fears that he will blow his top at any second, and the reel change isn’t due yet. “Milano…” he grits his teeth, “Slow down. You’re gonna make me cum before I can do anything.” Milano lets go of his shaft, looking up at him with innocent eyes and pouty lips. “I’m sorry. I guess I got a little too carried away.” “On any other day, it would be fantastic, but…” he looks at the clock. “Oh, time for the reel…” he can’t complete the sentence, as Milano goes back down on him with even more enthusiasm. “…CHANGE!” he yells. He thanks the theater for having a mostly soundproof room, with the stereo system in every theater drowning out any noises of ecstasy coming from his mouth. He has to act fast, as the reel change is about to happen soon, along with his ever incoming climax. Using all of his will and magic, his horn glows, as he picks up the reel and brings it to the projector. Carefully, he places the film inside its correct slots, and makes the right adjustments, so that it will be perfectly sliced in when it’s time. Milano goes even faster, joining in on the fun by using her free hoof to rub her nether regions, gradually approaching her own climactic moment. The cue comes up, and Silver Screen immediately flips the switch. Success! The reel change was pulled off, and none in the theater were the wiser that there is something very exciting going on in the projection room. “I did it!” Silver Screen sighs in relief, “I can’t believe I….oh fuck….” He feels the pressure of his shaft reaching a breaking point. “I’m gonna…AHHH!!” He can’t take any more, as he explodes his hot seed into Milano’s mouth and down her throat. Strand after strand of sticky fluids make their way into her wanting and hungry stomach, filling her up. Milano has reached her climax as well, with her orgasmic moans vibrating his length, making him cum even more. Once they finished, Milano takes Silver Screen's softening member out of her mouth, licking and swallowing any seed that tried to escape her lips. Silver Screen leans his head back, with his tongue lolling off to the side. She looks at him with a pleased expression. “Looks like it worked out perfectly.” she says. “Yes…yes it did. That was…incredible.” Abruptly, the door opens, revealing Box Office poking his head in to talk to them. “Hey, Silver Screen, do you know where the….” Box Office freezes in place, witnessing Silver Screen’s face of eternal bliss, and Milano’s shocked expression while still kneeling down at his crotch. His member has already softened, and has gone into his sheathe, but the implication is more than obvious. “Um…you know what? I’ll take care of it.” he says, slowly closing the door shut. A small moment of silence passes between the two lovers, as Silver Screen gets out of his magical state, to get back to work, since another reel change is bound to happen at any moment. “Will you get in trouble for that?” Milano asks, “I’m sorry.” “No, I won’t. It’s okay.” Silver Screen smiles, “But he’s probably going to ask me for details later on.” “Okay. You want me to help out?” “Sure. There’s a reel change happening in theater three soon. While I’m taking care that, can you tell me what other films are going to need a change at some point?” “Yeah, I’ll do that.” Milano kisses him on the cheek, “Thanks for indulging me.” she giggles, trotting off to look at the other reels. “No problem.” He smiles back. He looks back at the projector for theater three, preparing to change the reel. He looks back between his job, and Milano looking at the projectors to the other theaters, seeing which ones will be in need of assistance soon. As he waits, only one thing enters his now blown away mind. “Best. Saturday shift. Ever.” > At Lunch With Bon-Bon And Junebug... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “How does this look?” Silver Screen asks, sporting a red tie around his neck. It’s Sunday morning, and today is the day that Silver Screen gets to have lunch with Milano’s friends. The only one he had not met before was Bon-Bon, since he was already acquainted with Junebug. Nevertheless, the thought of seeing them, especially after hearing Milano tell him that they are not too fond of him, makes him rather nervous, as he is not quite looking forward to a lunch where they give him judgmental eyes and possible condescending questions. Milano walks out of Silver Screen’s bathroom, fresh out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her mane, and looks at Silver Screen’s attire. “You don’t need to wear a tie, SS.” she chuckles, “It’s not like we’re going to Canterlot for lunch. It’s a simple and casual affair.” “Yeah, but I feel like I have to look nice. After all, you DID tell me that they don’t like me.” “If you’re so nervous, why did you agree to do this in the first place?” “Because if they’re going to talk bad about me, I might as well have them say it to my face, rather than talk behind my back about it.” “Nah, they won’t say anything when I’m around.” “They probably will when you go to the bathroom, and leave me alone with them.” “Okay, that’s probably true.” she chuckles, “But the fact of the matter is this…” she gives him a nice kiss on the cheek. “I like you, and that’s all that should matter.” “Believe me, it does.” Silver Screen smiles. “By the way, when is Button coming back with Almighty?” “Not until the evening. I don’t think we’ll be seeing Junebug and Bon-Bon for that long. I do want to be back at the house before Button arrives, though.” Milano walks back into the bathroom, removing to towel around her mane, and letting the frazzled locks drop down past her shoulders. “It’s a deal.” Silver Screen adjusts his tie in front of the mirror. More and more, he feels like he does not need one. In one quick motion, he removes the tie from his neck. “You’re right. I don’t need this silly thing.” “Silly or not, you looked very handsome in it.” Milano says from the bathroom, brushing her mane. “Well, now you’re going to want to make me put it back on!” he laughs. He looks over to see her brush her mane, with one half perfectly straight, and the other still frazzled. “You should keep that look.” he says, “Very 80’s.” “Not likely.” Milano smirks, starting on the messy half of her mane. “It’s pretty much how it looks when we sleep together, anyway. Do you really want me going out there sporting a post-sex mane?” “Maybe.” Silver Screen chuckles, “You’ll still look gorgeous either way.” “SS…” Milano smiles as she finishes brushing her mane. It’s starting look as beautiful and straight as her other side. “I really don’t know what to do with you.” “Well…we could ditch your friends, and stay here for some…tussling.” “As tempting as that sounds, Bon-Bon and Junebug aren’t fans of being stood up.” “Oh, fine.” Silver Screen pouts, getting more used to the idea of having an all-day love fest with Milano. “I guess we’ll go see them.” His tone sounds disappointed, but comically so, with a fake deep voice to accentuate his joking attitude. Milano chortles with amusement. Milano and Silver Screen make it to the restaurant known as Jubilee Calendars; a chain of restaurants created by Dodge City’s Cherry Jubilee, after her pies became a hit all over Equestria, second only to Applejack’s. The restaurant is a nice mixture of high class, but also casual, as all ponies of all appearances are welcome. After being greeted by a Waitress, Milano and Silver Screen are lead to their table. They order some water, as they wait for Junebug and Bon-Bon to arrive. “How do I look?” Milano asks. “Do you want the sickly sweet answer, or the superbly sultry one?” Silver Screen deviously smirks. Milano gestures to him that she wants him to be serious. “You look fantastic. There’s no need to ask anyway. They’re only your friends.” He looks around the restaurant, before turning back to her and saying “How do I look?” “I feel like tackling you to the floor, right now.” she half-jokingly says. “Nice.” he nods in approval. When their drinks arrive, so do Bon-Bon and Junebug. Milano’s instincts to look nice were right, as the two friends arrive looking a little more fashionable than usual, with their manes looking extra shiny and Junebug having her mane in curls. Silver Screen wasn’t expecting them to be so dolled up for a simple lunch and meeting, and immediately assumed some kind of nefarious angle from them. “Junebug, Bon-Bon! Hey!” Milano stand, going in for a welcoming hug. Silver Screen stands up from his seat out of common courtesy. “So glad you two could make it!” “Aw Milano…” Bon-Bon says with a smile, “Where else would we be? We wouldn’t stand up the happy mare!” “Besides, we get some food out of it.” Junebug utters with a laugh. “At any case, you two look great.” Milano points over to Silver Screen, “And this, is my coltfriend Silver Screen, whom you have already been acquainted with in one form or another.” “Hey.” Silver Screen says with a pleasant smirk, “Nice to see you two.” “Yeah…likewise.” Junebug sits down at her seat. Once they are all seated, they look over at their menus, to see what treats this particular restaurant has to offer. Salads, hayburgers, pies, you name it, and it’s most likely that they got it. The four couldn’t deny that the food on display looked absolutely delicious. The Waiter comes by, asking if they are ready to order. Bon-Bon and Junebug order the special house salad, with croutons, sliced hard boiled eggs, carrots, avocado, and a dressing of their choice. Bon-Bon went with the ranch, while Junebug was a balsamic kind of mare. Milano and Silver Screen’s meals were far from healthy, as Milano ordered “The Works” Hayburger, with a variety of different toppings on a sourdough bun, while Silver Screen decided to try the Haywrap, which is packed to the brim with vegetables, and a special sauce that is rumored to be the spiciest in all of Equestria. When the orders have been placed, and the Waiter leaves, the four begin to converse amongst each other. “So, this is your first real date, huh?” Bon-Bon asks. “Sort of.” Milano replies. “We've been spending a lot of time together this weekend. I guess you could say these past couple days have been one big date.” she chortles. “Oh?” Junebug turns to Silver Screen, “Where did you go yesterday?” “Well, I had an early shift at my job yesterday, and I took Milano over to show her how everything worked and operated. Afterwards, we went over to Ponyville park…” “Where you scared some pigeons away…” Milano interrupts. “Which you dared me to do, young filly.” Silver Screen says in a fake stern fatherly tone, eliciting laughs from the lovely mare, “I swear, was she always such a troublemaker with you two?” “No, not really.” Bon-Bon shrugged, “She was more…reserved.” “I see… well then…” Silver Screen looks at Milano mischievously, “I guess I’ve been a bad influence on her.” “You sure have.” Milano giggles, bopping Silver Screen on the muzzle with her hoof. Bon-Bon and Junebug look upon the scene with varying expressions. Bon-Bon grimaces seeing Milano being so playful with him, while Junebug cracks the slightest of smiles at the foal-like behavior. She quickly catches herself, taking a sip of water to hide the expression. “So, Silver Screen, how has work been at the Cineplex?” Junebug wondered, after she puts the glass down. “It’s been going okay. I get the feeling that digital is heading its way over to Ponyville, so I’m going to have to look for a new line of work, unless Box Office decides to keep me around out of amusement.” “And Box Office is…” “He’s my boss. He’s also a good friend of mine. Big movie buff like I am, though he can be like a crotchety old stallion sometimes. He likes to complain about CGI and fast paced editing. ‘Why can’t all movies be like Equestrian Kane?’ he would sometimes say.” Silver Screen chuckles, but Bon-Bon and Junebug could barely muster a smile. Silver Screen clears his throat out of awkwardness. “How does a job such as that pay?” Bon-Bon inquired. Milano can sense the hint of snideness to the question, like whatever answer that’s going to come out of his mouth will prove unsatisfactory, giving more fuel to the campaign to voice their displeasure of her new coltfriend. She holds her tongue, in the hopes that Silver Screen would keep his cool at such a question. Surely he would notice the tone of Bon-Bon’s voice. “It’s not enough to get me a house, but it gets me by nonetheless.” he responded. Silver Screen wasn’t deaf to Bon-Bon’s tone. He knew exactly where she was going with this. “I have a nice apartment; I can afford food and drink, among other things. Honestly, I don’t really need any more at this point. If I had a mountain of bits, I wouldn’t know what to do with it.” he chortles. “Is it serious enough to want to move in with Milano?” Junebug asks. Milano and Silver Screen pause at the question. They look at each other, checking to see if either one has the answer. In truth, they haven’t considered it. They just met that week, and are using the weekend to get to know one another better. Bon-Bon and Junebug know this, and they can see the hesitance in the couple’s eyes. The two catch a small glimmer in Silver Screen and Milano’s eyes, almost as if the idea to actually move in together could seem like a very real possibility. Junebug is surprised by this glimmer, while Bon-Bon is surprised in all the wrong ways. “We haven’t considered it, yet.” Milano answers. “I guess we’ll see how these next couple of months pan out.” “Y-Yeah…” Silver Screen stutters, “You never know what can happen.” Bon-Bon and Junebug turn their attention strictly to Milano, starting a whole new conversation. Silver Screen can only listen, as the three talk about subjects of bags, clothes, movies that are coming out that are made for the fillies and mare crowd. It’s not completely interesting to him, but at least they aren’t asking him anymore questions that sound like an interrogation. Minutes pass, and Milano stands from her seat, confusing her friends and Silver Screen. “Where are you going?” Junebug asks. “Sorry, I have to use the restroom. When you gotta go, you gotta go, right?” “Right.” Silver Screen nods with an enthusiastic and joking smile, causing Milano to giggle. “Don’t be gone too long.” he says in a caring, but also worrying tone. Milano can see that he’s nervous about being alone with the two mares. “Don’t worry. I should be back before the food shows up.” she kisses him on the cheek. “See you in a sec.” She trots off, leaving the three along with one another. There is a moment of silence with Silver Screen and the two…several moments, actually; minutes probably. Unbeknownst to them, Milano hasn’t gone to the bathroom at all. Instead, she ducked around the corner, sitting down to wait for what they have to say. Silver Screen is the first to speak up, after minutes of drinking water and clearing throats. “So, Junebug…Bon-Bon…how’s work?” “It’s going fine.” Junebug replies, “Can’t complain too much.” “That’s good to hear. It must be nice to have a stress-free job.” “I mean….” Junebug continues, “…we have our busy days at some point during the week, but I bet work at your theater gets busy more than us.” “Ain’t that the truth.” Silver Screen chuckles, “When we have our nutty days over at the theater, I think to myself ‘Yeesh, it would be nice if things would just calm down for once’. Thankfully, middle of the week shifts are usually calm.” “That’s…interesting.” Bon-Bon responds. She doesn’t really think so, she’s merely trying to be polite. Bon-Bon looks around, checking to see if Milano is coming back yet. So far, nothing. She takes this opportunity. “Silver Screen, what has Milano told you about herself?” Milano listens intently at this. She even fails to notice some couples walking past her, wondering what her snooping is all about. It’s almost incredible that nopony is walking up to her and giving away her position. “She told me that she’s going through a pretty nasty divorce.” Silver Screen replies honestly. “I know it happened a couple month ago, but I can see she’s still a little hurt by it.” His tone is caring and sweet, which makes Milano smile. “Why do you ask?” “I’m asking because I…” she glances at Junebug, “We feel that Milano is still at a delicate stage in her life, right now.” “I don’t doubt that. Divorce seems like an ugly thing to get over.” “Right. Because she’s so…what’s the word…vulnerable, she can go through a lot of different phases.” “Makes sense. I went through a break up once, and I was kind of out of it for some time. It took a while before…” “This isn’t about you, Silver Screen.” Bon-Bon interrupts, “Junebug and I just want to tell you that, whatever you two are doing, is probably nothing more than a phase.” Silver Screen, though expecting some kind of displeasured talk from either of the two mares before him, still remained caught off guard by Bon-Bon’s bluntness. His look of small surprise is offset by him looking down at the table, thinking of the very real possibility. Using his magic, he lifts up his glass, taking a sip before putting it back down. “I see…” he responds quietly, still thinking. “You seem like a nice colt…” Bon-Bon continues, “And we can see how happy Milano is, but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t last for very long.” Bon-Bon sees that he’s not responding to her words. “Almighty, though he was a bit of a dirtbag, was a very wealthy and secure stallion.” She prods further, “But, no offense, you kind of aren’t. I’m sure what you do keeps yourself in a good spot, but can you really provide for Milano and Button, if this relationship actually becomes more than just mindless rutting? You said it yourself, you don’t know how much longer you’ll be at your job. If that happens, what next? Do you think Milano would want to stay with a jobless colt?” Junebug looks at Bon-Bon sharply, almost as if she is shocked at her words. Silver Screen doesn’t notice her reaction still deep in thought as the words swirl through his mind. Milano holds a hoof over her mouth, not believing that Bon-Bon is being so nasty to him. She should have expected such harshness, but the truth is that she really did not. “So…” Silver Screen speaks, “What you two are saying is…I’m not good enough for Milano.” “That’s what I’m saying.” Bon-Bon motions to herself, before glancing at Junebug. “Don’t you think so, Junebug?” Bon-Bon takes notice of Junebug’s silence. “Junebug?” “I…I….” Junebug can only stammer. When she first heard about Milano going out with Silver Screen, she couldn’t lie to herself and say that she was particularly happy with the news. However, seeing Milano be so happy with Silver Screen, even during their brief moments, gives her pause. It had truly been a long time since she has seen her like that. Milano is prepared to stand up and stop the conversation. She can only imagine what is going through Silver Screen’s head at the moment. Doubts, fears, maybe even anger at Bon-Bon’s words. She won’t have to wait very much longer, though. “Bon-Bon?” Silver Screen speaks up, “You mind if I ask you a question?” “Sure.” she says, thinking nothing of it. “You say that I’m not good enough for Milano; that I’m a less than wealthy colt that can only provide for myself and nopony else. You say that I’m a considerable step down from Almighty, despite his less than stellar behavior, but I assume we’re talking from a financial viewpoint, rather than a personal one. But, from what I gather from what you said to me, you’re saying that I don’t deserve Milano, and shouldn’t expect anything long term.” “Precisely.” “I suppose my question is this…don’t you think I already know that?” A pause falls on the room, as Milano, Bon-Bon, and Junebug are silent at his question. “I know that I’m not good enough for her, I know I can’t provide for her like her ex-husband did, I know that my job is probably not going to stick for much longer, and I definitely know that I’m not perfect. You know what? She would probably accuse me of being cheesy for saying this, but…she makes me feel like I’m perfect.” A smile creeps onto his mouth when he says that. “The way she smiles at me, the way she laughs at my terrible jokes, the way she bops me on the muzzle. For the past couple of days, I wondered how I managed to get together with such a wonderful mare. I still don’t have an answer for you. You’re right, this might not last forever, but I’ll be damn sure I make every moment I spend with her the best I possibly could.” Silver Screen takes another sip of his water after saying his peace. Bon-Bon and Junebug have nothing to say to him after that. Milano, seeing that as her cue, walks out from the corner, just as the food arrives at the table. “Sorry about that…” Milano apologizes, “The wait in the restroom was a pain. Oh, I see the food arrived.” “Yeah…” Silver Screen says, acting like the conversation prior never happened. “Just in the nick of time.” He looks down at the food, taking in its decadent smell. “Oh my, that smells amazing.” Milano is about to dig in, when she sees Bon-Bon and Junebug deep in thought. Though she knows what happened, she decides to snap them out of their current state. “You two okay?” Junebug snaps out of it first, giving Milano a kind smile and saying “Yeah, sorry.” before chowing down on her meal. Bon-Bon followed suit, glancing downwards at her meal and commencing with the eating. As they take their first bites, Junebug and Bon-Bon begin talking to them casually, discussing future plans, and situations that they encountered at their jobs. The conversation was driven into more pleasant territory, and Milano was happy with that. Silver Screen smiled and conversed, when he felt Milano’s hoof touch his thigh. He looks over at her, noticing an extra bit of warmth in her expression. The late afternoon approaches, and Silver Screen and Milano are on the couch at her house doing their favorite activity…which is making out. Their hooves travel all over their bodies, as their tongues do the song and dance routine that they love doing every time they get to do it. Moans escape from Milano’s mouth, as heavily breathing comes from Silver Screen’s. One their lips separate, Silver Screen moves to her neck, softly kissing her fur and playfully nipping on her shoulder. “This isn’t a phase.” Milano whispers into his ear, causing him to stop. “What do you mean?” he wonders, moving up to face her. “This…you and me…it isn’t a phase.” she softly touches his cheek, “Bon-Bon doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” “So…you heard…” “I heard it all.” she smiles, “You handled yourself beautifully.” she kisses him on the lips. “But, I don’t want you to doubt this. I have no intention of letting you go.” “You never know.” he chuckles, “Things could change. I could end up doing something you don’t like, or liking something you don’t like.” “Why are you afraid that YOU will do something bad?” “Because nothing you do can make me dislike you. Besides, it’s usually my fault, anyway.” “SS, please. Don’t focus on the future. Focus on the now. Now, I want to be with you. I find you so…wonderful.” she grazes her muzzle on his cheek. “It’s the eyes, huh?” “Oh, yeah. Definitely the eyes.” They laugh as they continue to roll around on the couch, recommencing their passionate session of lip locking and caressing. Soon, the wondrous feelings come to an abrupt close, when Milano’s ears perk up, hearing the sound of a carriage being pulled in front of the house. “They’re here!” Milano says in a panic. She throws Silver Screen off, who lands hard on his rump. He grimaces, rubbing a hoof along the pained area. “Ow…” he winces. “Sorry. Button and Almighty are here.” “What?!” Silver Screen immediately snaps out of his pained expression, getting up and attempting to slick his mane back with a little saliva and hoof stroking. It doesn’t work, but he does the best he can. Milano rushes to the door, slowly reaching out a hoof to open it. She looks to Silver Screen, who gives her the okay. She gulps out of nervousness, opening the door with trepidation and anticipation. “Mom! Hi!” Button calls out, running to Milano with happiness. Milano comes out of the open door, meeting her son halfway for a loving hug. “It was awesome, Mom! Dad took me to the big theater with the celebrities, and we saw…” Button’s exciting story trails off, when he sees Silver Screen emerge from the home. “Oh…” he says, “I didn’t know he was here.” Milano looks behind her to see Silver Screen slowly approaching. He has the look of a nervous young colt, which she finds adorable. “Sorry, Button.” Silver Screen says with a smile, “I was just visiting.” “I see…” Button says, noting their slightly messy manes. “I’ll tell you the rest of the story later, Mom.” Button adjusts the bag on his side, trotting past the two. “I have to go unpack.” “Okay. I’ll see you soon.” Milano watches at Button disappears into the house. “Milano…” the voice of Almighty calls out, catching hers and Silver Screen’s attention. “How are you?” They see Almighty approaching with the air of cool confidence that he always exudes. Silver Screen sees him for the first time, in shock at just how handsome this stallion is. He could pass for a movie star if he wanted to be. Needless to say, his already low self-esteem is at an all-time high. “I’m fine, Almighty.” Milano quietly says. “So, this is Silver Screen?” Almighty turns to him with a cocked eyebrow, “Button has told me everything about you.” “Well, I certainly hope not.” Silver Screen utters with a chuckle, hoping that Almighty would get the reference to The Mare-Do Well movie. Unfortunately, he does not, and takes the comment rather straight faced. “Right…” Almighty trails, “So, you’re a projectionist at the Cineplex?” “Yeah.” “I love movies. I’m friends with a lot of film directors. I meet them through Fleur, who’s a model, and they get her all the time for those fashion shoots.” “That’s really cool.” Silver Screen grins, “Wish I knew a bunch of directors. I would rather be in the movies than watching them. Actually, I’d watch them all the same.” he laughs. “Don’t we all?” Almighty nods. His glance alternates between Milano and Silver Screen, seeing the look of judgment befalling Milano, who really doesn't want to share any words with him. “Well, I have to get going. It was nice meeting you, Silver Screen.” “Yeah, you too.” Silver Screen waves him off. “Milano.” “Almighty.” Almighty gets into the cab, signaling the driver to ride off. They do so, heading over the hill past the setting sun. Silver Screen stops waving, letting the hoof rest on the ground. “He seems like a douche.” Silver Screen bluntly utters. “I know, right? He didn’t even get your Mare Do-Well reference!” “I thought he loved movies. Apparently, not enough to get references.” Silver Screen notices the sky is getting dark, and the lights in Milano’s house are turning on one by one, most likely due to Button walking around the house. “I think it’s time for me to go.” “You don’t have to leave.” Milano says softly, putting a hoof onto his shoulder. “You can stay for dinner.” “Nah, I don’t think Button wants me around, yet. Besides, I have to go home and get ready for his tests. If I know him, I think they’re going to be a challenge.” “Please…” Milano gets closer to him, “Stay.” “I’m tempted…” he kisses her cheek, “Maybe some other time. I’m not going to get much sleep, when I’m with you.” “That’s true.” she giggles, “I’ll see you soon?” “Yeah. Maybe some time during the week. If not, then the weekend again.” “Good. Have a good night.” “You as well, my dear lady.” he bows to her, before trotting away. Milano waves as he heads back home. When he vanished from her sight, she puts her hoof down, hanging her head in disappointment. “Mom!” Button calls out from the bedroom window, “You’re going to catch a cold out there!” “Coming, sweetie!” she replies back with a smile on her face and a pep in her voice. She goes back into the house, ready to hear the rest of Button’s tale in Applewood. Silver Screen trots up the stairs to his apartment. It’s been a long day for him, and he wants nothing more to do, than to plop into bed, and take a nice rest. After he takes a shower, of course. Despite a couple minor hiccups, and meeting two ponies who didn’t quite take a liking to him, the fact that Milano is still with him makes up for all that. As he gets to his floor, he sees somepony he wasn’t expecting at his doorstep. “Junebug?” Junebug sits on his doormat, waiting for him for however long. She gives him a gentle smile, allowing him to walk over to her in confusion and curiosity. “What are you doing here? How did you even know where I live?” “It’s not hard, when your name is on one of the mailboxes out front.” “Oh, right. I guess that would be a dead giveaway. My bad.” Junebug giggles, genuinely amused at his joke. He’s surprised by that. “What are you doing here?” “I wanted to apologize. I didn’t think Bon-Bon would say those awful things to you.” “I’m a big colt, I could take it.” he smirks, “Why the concern?” “I know we didn’t leave off on the best terms…” “Well, I DID try to start a relationship with you after a drunken night of…partying. So that was kind of my fault.” “I just want you to know that I don’t care that you’re seeing Milano. To tell you the truth, I first wasn’t that enthusiastic about it, but after seeing you two together…I’m kind of rooting for you two.” “Really?” “Yeah.” she utters with an enthusiastic smile, “She seems happy, and it’s a genuine happiness. I don’t know what your secret is, but it’s working. Just… don’t cheat on her, okay? If you two break up, it better be mutual.” “Cheating isn’t my style, Junebug. My relationships ALWAYS end mutually….most of the time, anyway. Other times, they ignore me like I don’t exist.” he gives Junebug a sly look, referring to her. “Yeah, well…you were a bit of a dork.” she scratches the back of her mane, “But I guess I do kind of deserve that.” “I got over it….at some point.” he chuckles, “So, If I’m to understand what happens next, you’re going to leave, and if I see you at some point, you’re going to pretend this conversation never happened, and join Bon-Bon’s hate campaign?” “Maybe…maybe not. And after what you said to Bon-Bon, I don’t think she’s going to be mailing out any petitions any time soon. All I leave you with now is this.” she leans forward, giving him a friendly embrace, “Good luck, I hope it works out between you two.” “So do I.” he smirks, “So do I.” > Button's Tests... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Let’s do this.” Button says, after carefully applying battle make up onto his face. For the past couple days, Button Mash had been planning and plotting the various methods in which to test Silver Screen’s mind and body, in order to see if he was truly a good fit for his Mother. Sure, he seemed nice, and on a couple of occasions shown himself to be quite humorous, but that’s not enough in Button’s mind to be potential step-father material…should it come down to that. On this Monday morning, Button stands before the mirror in his bedroom, ready for the mission to end all missions, and see once and for all what this Silver Screen is capable of. “Button! Time for lunch!” his Mother calls out. “Okay, Mom!” he replies. “After I have my honey oats, my greatest battle begins.” “Don’t forget your homework!” she calls back out. “I won’t!” he responds, “Okay, after school…my greatest battle beg…” “Hey Button!” “Yeah?!” “Oh, wait. Nevermind!” “Dang it! I hate when she does that!” Button comes galloping downstairs, hopping up on his chair to feast on the bowl of his favorite cereal, the always delicious Honey Oats. He munches on the tasty grains with great enthusiasm, catching the attention of Milano. She chuckles at the sight. “My, somepony is…” she soon notices his battle ready make up, “What’s with the Colt of Duty get up? Is it Nightmare Night already?” “No.” he replies, “It’s…um…it’s just something I wanted to do.” “Dress up like you’re in the army? Is Princess Celestia hiring young colts now?” “It’s just something I want to do!” “Does this have something to do with testing Silver Screen?” “Umm…” Button pauses, with mouth stuffed with milk and oats. He swallows, before responding with a quiet and timid “Maybe.” “Well, don’t hurt him too much.” she says casually, like this isn’t very troubling. “I fully expect him to be alive and well by the weekend, and I would hate to see you put him in the hospital.” “When I’m through, there will be nothing left to put in the hospital!” “Don’t be so overdramatic.” “Sorry, Mom.” Button sits in class, listening as Ms. Cheerilee talks about various legends of Equestria, such as Starswirl The Bearded, but he has no time to listen about old fogeys doing stuff that nopony cares about, he’s on a mission, and when he gets out, he will… “Pssst.” somepony attempts to get his attention. “Pssst.” “Wha..” Button turns to question the voice, but realizes quite quickly that it’s Sweetie Belle, with an ever so confused look on her face. Even with a quizzical look, she looks beautiful, immediately flustering the once tough colt. “I mean…um…what’s up?” he whispers. “What’s with the look? Is it Nightmare Night already?” “That’s what Mom said, and no. It’s just my outfit for today.” “Why?” “Because…” he begins to explain as he turns to the window. “Wait…” In his sights, he sees Silver Screen trotting along Ponyville with a pleased expression gracing his face, and a bounce in his step that looks more like he’s skipping than walking. A fire explodes inside Button, as he uses his stealth skills to open the window, and jump right out. These stealth skills weren’t particularly effective, as everypony but the still lecturing Cheerilee noticed his exit from the classroom. Diving into a nearby bush with the grace of a boulder vs a car, Button pops his head out, spitting any leaves and branches that manages to get into his mouth. He has Silver Screen in his sights. Wrapped around the brown gamer pony’s waist is a bag full of goodies that he made himself, when he thought he could help Sweetie Belle and her friends get their cutie marks in science. Instead, he inadvertently made knockout bombs, which put them to sleep in a second. Despite failure in getting those marks, he kept the recipe, should he feel the need to use them again, and he has. As he reaches into his bag, a winged pony by the name of Ditzy Doo flies down in front of Silver Screen catching his attention. Button recalls that she was once named Derpy Hooves, due to a horrifically lazy eye, but after a surgery that she got months back in Manehattan, she is now much better, and ponies have resorted to calling her by her original name. Button listens in on the conversation. “Hey, Silver Screen! You’re looking happy today!” “It’s a nice day.” “Oh, it looks like more than that. Word on the street says that you’ve been spotted with Milano Mash!” “Yeah, I plead guilty on that one.” He rubs the back of his head whilst chuckling. “It’s been quite the week for us. How about you? How’s the eye?” “Silver Screen, you’ve asked me that question almost every day I see you. It was good then, it’s good now.” she chuckles. “Sorry, I guess I’m still getting used to it.” As they make this small talk, Button continues with his plan, taking out a small sleeping bomb from the bag. It looks like a small ball, fit for a foal to play with. “Okay…let’s see how you handle this.” Button tosses the little inconspicuous ball out from the bush. It bounces and rolls along the gravel, before stopping underneath Silver Screen. Nether pony has noticed this, so everything is going according to plan. “Anyway, I got to get back to making the rounds.” Ditzy steps back to take off. “Okay. Tell Quill I said…” GAS! The ball explodes from underneath him, with a giant cloud of green gas forming around him. In an instant, he drops onto the ground, fast asleep. Button hoofpumps at his victory, as Ditzy looks confused at the sudden gas explosion underneath the projectionist. “Um…Silver Screen?” she goes over to him, poking at his side. “Hello?” Button dives back into the classroom. Cheerilee is still lecturing, as the rest of the class fights to stay awake, even when the teacher gets to the part of the tale where Starswirl took on an army of dragons by himself. Button’s arrival was not lost on Sweetie Belle, who was looking at the empty chair, as if anticipating his return. “Hi, welcome back.” Sweetie Belle says with sarcasm. An hour passes, and the school bell rings wildly, due to Pinkie Pie taking bell ringing duties, as the mechanism on the bell is still being repaired. The ringing goes on seemingly forever, even though it would only ring five times when the clock struck noon. Cherilee had to go up there to tell her to knock it off, but after she wishes the fillies and colts a good day. “I love half days.” Button says with a mischievous grin. “Now, onto phase two.” He notices Silver Screen’s knocked out body is nowhere to be found. “The gas must have worn off. He probably went to work.” Button jumps into action, as Sweetie Belle watches him run off. She scratches her chin, wondering where he’s going. Button runs to the Cineplex, where Monday is the least busiest day of the week. Only a hoof full of ponies are there to watch movies. Surprisingly, much to the amazement of himself, Button manages to sneak past the ticket taker and a security guard. Now in the lobby, Button looks towards the stairs, where Silver Screen no doubt is at work with the projectors. He opens the door slowly, seeing Silver Screen talking to Box Office. He hides behind a box of film reels, listening in on their chat. “Sorry I’m late, Box Office.” Silver Screen apologizes, “I don’t know what happened. I was talking to Ditzy, when suddenly I just fell asleep.” “Must have been all that fun you’ve had with Milano.” he chortles. “Don’t worry about it. You were only a couple minutes late.” “Still, it was so weird. When I woke up, I saw that I had fallen on a small bouncy ball. I didn’t even notice it when I was walking up to Ditzy.” “It’s alright, Silver Screen. I’m not mad. Go on, a couple of the theaters are approaching the reel changes.” Box Office pats him on the shoulder, before walking off out of the room. Silver Screen gets to work on the projectors, unaware that Button is in the room, ready to unleash another knockout bomb on him. He reaches inside his bag… “What are you doing?” a soft voice asks right next to him. Button looks to see Sweetie Belle staring right at him. His eyes widen in surprise, not expecting her to be right there…and so close to him too. “H-How did you get here?” “Magic.” “Since when could you teleport?” “For a while.” “How did you know I was here?” “Are you going to tell me what you’re doing to that poor projectionist over there?” “That projectionist is Silver Screen. He’s the one dating my mom.” “Yeah, I saw. What’s in the bag?” “My knockout bombs.” “What are you planning to do?” “I’m going to knock him out.” “Then what?” “Then he won’t be able to do his job.” “What would that accomplish?” “It’s all part of my tests.” “Tests?” “Yeah. I’m testing him to see if he’s worthy of being with my mom.” “No offense, but this is an awful test.” Button’s confidence crashes to the floor when he hears those negative words come from her mouth. Awful? But how? Why would she say such a horrible thing? His eyes are glazed over by sadness. “Wh…what do you mean?” “This sounds less like tests, and more like mean spirited pranks. What if he gets fired? He’ll have no source of income, and he’ll be out on the street.” “That’s not true. I bet my mom would let him in.” “Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of getting rid of him?” “No, because then I would find a way to get him out of the house!” “So, you want him to be homeless?” “Aw, man! Now I’m all confused!” in his confusion, he drops a knockout bomb. “Uh-Oh.” GAS! The two young ponies are knocked out in an instant. Silver Screen is too occupied with the reel changes to notices the giant cloud of gas appear and disappear behind a box. Instead, he keeps on working, while humming the theme to Mare of Steel. Button and Sweetie Belle have fallen on top of each other, sleeping peacefully and quietly from the effects of the gas. A half hour of Silver Screen sitting around and changing reels pass, and Button gradually opens his eyes, noticing almost instantly that Sweetie Belle is on his back, still sleeping. A blush adorns his face, making him freeze in place, as if refusing to move in the fear of disturbing her. Eventually, she wakes up as well. Sweetie Belle looks down, seeing the blushing and frozen Button being perfectly still. “Oh gosh.” Sweetie Belle says in a hushed panic, getting off of him. “I’m so sorry.” “It’s…um…okay.” Button says nervously. “You’re right, these tests aren’t exactly working out. Let’s get out of here before something bad happens.” “Yeah, lets.” she nods. The two manage to sneak out of the room without Silver Screen noticing. The theater was a completely different story. As they were making their way down the stairs, Box Office caught them, thinking that they were trying to sneak into a film made for older audiences. With a quick yelp of “CHEESE IT!” from Button, the two ran straight out of the building, with only slight bumps and bruises, due to them tripping over themselves during the daring escape. Later on in the afternoon, Button and Sweetie Belle take refuge in the tree house normally reserved for meetings with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Since Applebloom is helping out at the farm, and Scootaloo is getting flying lessons from Rainbow Dash, things are relatively quiet, giving Sweetie Belle the chance to help Button out with how tests are supposed to work. “Okay, Button, here’s the deal. You shouldn’t come up with plans that will damage his reputation with the other ponies. Do you REALLY hate his guts?” “Well…no…” Button admits sheepishly, “…but I still don’t think he’s right for my Mom. He doesn’t seem like the kind of stallion that can protect her, and would rather play video games than help out at the house.” “That sounds familiar.” Sweetie Belle says with a chuckle. “Hey, I’m still young! I bet when I’m older, I’ll be the picture of responsibility.” “Yeah, let me know when that day comes.” she giggles a giggle that makes Button a little flustered. “Anyway, your tests need to reflect that; that he can be strong and a quick thinker. Of course, you have to make these tests look like random accidents around Ponyville.” “How am I supposed to do that?” “Well, luckily for you, you happen to know a unicorn that can perform magic.” “Oooooo….” Button can see where’s she’s going with it. “So, what’s the plan?” “I don’t know.” Sweetie Belle shrugs, “What IS the plan?” she winks. Button begins to get what she is saying. He must be the one to come up with the plans. He thinks…and thinks….and thinks…..and thinks some more. “Ah ha!” he claps his hooves together, “I got it!” Silver Screen heads out of the theater for his lunchtime break. In the distance, Button and Sweetie Belle watch as he trots along to search for his afternoon grub, looking around at different restaurants to see what tickles his fancy. In the bush, Button gets his wooden train set ready for test number one. “Umm…why do we need this train set?” Sweetie Belle wonders. “Because the last time I played with it in the sun, it caught fire.” Button thinks back to that horrible and sudden event. “I discovered that the paint I used was highly flammable, and sensitive to the hot sun.” “Did you like start playing with it the moment you painted it?” “Maybe…” Button says in a whisper. “So, this has been freshly repainted. I want to see how he reacts to a random situation. In this case, this train set bursting into flames.” The two watch as Silver Screen looks around the area, still trying to make a decision. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie comes bouncing in, humming a jaunty tune, nearly colliding with the searching stallion. They stop right in front of each other, before something messy would happen. “Oops!” Sorry, Mr. Projectionist!” “It’s okay, Pinkie. And it’s Silver Screen, by the way.” “I know, I just like calling you Mr. Projectionist!” she says with a wide smile. “Ah-ha!” Button whispers and grins, “This is the perfect opportunity! Let’s see if this works…” Button puts the train set on the ground, checking the wheels to make sure it can make the trip. The wheels turn perfectly, and the plan is set. With one quick and powerful motion, he pushes the train towards the unsuspecting ponies, stopping inches away from Pinkie Pie. “So, how’s Maud doing?” Silver Screen asks with genuine curiosity. “She’s doing great! I got a letter yesterday saying that she’s in Saddle Arabia studying…” FWOSH! The train is suddenly ignited by the sunlight, immediately catching Silver Screen’s attention. The blaze nearly gets to Pinkie’s poufy, cotton candy style mane, and he springs into action. He grabs Pinkie, moving her off to the side before the flames could get to her. Then, using his magic, he carries the train all the way to the nearby well, throwing it into the water below. Pinkie comes bouncing to back to him. “Woah! Nice catch, Mr. Projectionist! Who knows what would have happened if that thing got my mane!” “Sorry for moving you so fast. I didn’t want that blaze burning you.” “That’s okay! Anyway, Maud is…” As the conversation continues, Button writes down a few notes in his notepad, as Sweetie Belle looks on at the two conversing ponies. “Did you see that?!” she asks, “Good reaction time.” “Okay, so he is very responsive to sudden flames.” Button says to himself. “Now, for round two.” They slink away as Silver Screen takes the wet train out of the well, shaking the water off in the hopes of getting it dry. Later on, Sweetie Belle stands in the middle of the road, waiting around as Button is deep inside a recently dug hole, with dirt flinging up into the newly made pile. Sweetie Belle avoids getting hit by the dirt, as she waits for Button to be finished. “Okay!” Button calls out, his voice echoing from the hole. “Pull me out.” Sweetie Belle sighs, using her magic to pull him out. He floats up, having fun with being enveloped by magic. Disappointment sets in when he is put back on the ground, and the magic bubble disappears. “Okay, teleport the dirt somewhere.” Sweetie Belle does so, not quite happy with being used for manual labor. “You know, when I said that I can use my magic to help, I didn’t think it would be used to transport dirt somewhere.” “Don’t worry, it’ll be worth it.” He says, as he puts a small and frail plank of wood over the hole, covering it up with grass and leaves. “Silver Screen comes through here on his way home. I’ll put a few bits here…” he puts four bits on the patch of grass, “…which will tempt him to come closer.” “And what will this accomplish?” “I made the hole deep enough, so he’ll act quickly. Hopefully, he’ll find a way to teleport himself out of the hole with no problem.” “And if he doesn’t?” “Then…um…we’ll get help. He’ll survive either way. The worst he’ll get is a bump or a bruise.” “Uh-huh.” Suddenly, the crunching of leaves are heard. “Somepony is coming. Hide.” They dive into a nearby brush. They look through the leaves to get a good view of the trap that has been set. Button chuckles with delight, as Sweetie Belle looks at him with more than a hint of worry. “If my calculations are correct, Silver Screen just got off work, and he’ll be coming right through here.” “Ooooh! Bits!” a voice that is obviously not Silver Screen is heard. Button and Sweetie Belle are caught by surprise, when they see Bon-Bon trotting towards the free bits on the ground, with no other pony around the claim them. The two trouble makers consider jumping out to stop her, but… “Why would anypo-WAHHH!” the wood breaks, and Bon-Bon falls through. She grabs the edge of the hole, trying not to fall all the way in. Her hooves dig at the ground, hoping that it will keep her from plunging into the unknown depths. “Somepony! Help me!” Again, Button and Sweetie Belle consider jumping out to save her, but… “Bon-Bon?!” Silver Screen calls out, seeing her in peril. “Sweet Celestia, hang on!” “I’m trying!” Silver Screen runs up to her, reaching his hooves out, getting a good grip on her forelegs. With a mighty pull, and a few kicks at the dirt from Bon-Bon, she is pulled out. Quickly, she embraces Silver Screen with a frightened shiver. “Are you okay?” he asks her. “I’m fine. I don’t know what happened! There were bits on the ground, and suddenly, I ended up here! Who would do such a mean trick?” “I don’t know, but you’re not hurt, right?” “No…” she looks up at him, “Thanks to you. If you weren’t here…” the adrenaline is getting to her, as she looks into his kind and 3D glasses colored eyes. His expression of concern and the wind flowing through his unkempt black mane makes him seem just a little more attractive than when she last saw him. It also helps that he possibly saved her life. It’s like at that instant, she realizes why Milano likes him so much. Maybe…maybe she wants him for herself. As her lips get dangerously close to his, he stares at her with great confusion, before putting a hoof over her mouth. “Hey, I’m glad you’re okay, but I what are you doing?” “Huh?” she asks. Finally, she realizes what she was doing, pulling back to separate from him. She tries to straighten her disheveled mane with a couple of hoof strokes, and pats away dirt from her hind legs. “Oh…um…sorry.” “That’s okay….I guess.” “Yeah…um…thanks for the help.” She looks around the area out of awkwardness. “Bye.” She gallops away, leaving him alone with his thoughts…or so he thinks. “Weird.” He says to himself. He glances over at the hole. “Who in Equestria would dig a random hole in the ground, and put bits on it?” He looks deeper inside, using his magic to light up the hole. “Hey, it’s not really that de…OH! BITS!” He floats the bits up, looking at them with victory. “Nice! I can go buy Milano some flowers! Wait…I don’t know what flowers she likes. Cupcakes! I’ll buy her cupcakes! He trots away, humming a happy song. Button explodes from the bushes in anger, kicking at the ground whilst grunting with bloodshot eyes. “Dang it! Not only did that plan not work, but he’s going to use the money for sweets, and another pony likes him! This is the worst day ever!” “He looked so handsome…” Sweetie Belle swoons. “Not you too!” Button panics. “This Silver Screen is getting more dangerous by the second! He’s like some kind of overpowered boss character in an RPG!” “I like his eyes…” “No, Sweetie Belle, no!” He stomps his hoof on the ground, had it with all the shenanigans. “Desperate times, call for desperate measures.” Silver Screen hops along Ponyville with a box of freshly baked cupcakes fleeting in front of him. From the look on his face, he might as well be on cloud nine, with a euphoric expression of love gracing his face, as he goes through the town with his jovial attitude. This moment is absolutely perfect for him…. …but then he steps on a mysterious rubber ball. “Huh?” he wonders. GAS! A big cloud of gas explodes out of the ball, surrounding him and knocking him out in an instant. The box drops to the ground, as he is sound asleep, snoring softly as if he were in bed on a soft mattress and a nice fluffy pillow. “MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Button maniacally laughs, running victory laps around the unconscious projectionist pony, making no effort to conceal his treachery around the other citizens as to who could have knocked him out. “REVENGE!” he screams, “REVENGE!” “BUTTON!” a harsh voice calls out to him, stopping Button in his tracks. He turns to see Milano, staring at him with anger in her eyes, and Sweetie Belle standing right next to her. Milano gestures to him forcefully to come to her. He does so out of fear. It’s been a while since he’s seen his mother this angry. “Hey, Mom.” he says, trying to sound happy a pleasant. “Just what in Equestria are you doing?” she asks. “Um…testing Silver Screen?” “And how is this a test?” “Um…because….um….reasons?” “When he wakes up, you better apologize.” “But Mom…” he whines. “No buts, mister.” she says sternly, “Testing a stallion is one thing, knocking him out with gas is another thing entirely. When did you make such things, anyway?” “Completely by accident, you see…” “Urgh…” Silver Screen groans, slowly recovering from the gas. “Huh. He woke up faster than expected.” Button is surprised, “I knew he was an overpowered boss character!” “Button, hush.” Milano goes to Silver Screen, kneeling down. “SS? Are you okay?” she asks with care in her voice. “Milano?” Silver Screen mumbles, his eyes gradually opening. “Is that you?” “Yes, it’s me.” she smiles, “Button knocked you out with a gas bomb.” “He did?” he mumbles some more, but his words are audible, “I thought it was him. Maybe ninjas….but most likely Button.” he chuckles, “He probably did the fire train and hole, too.” “Huh?” Milano looks sharply back at Button, who looks down. “I bought you cupcakes.” he beams, “I didn’t know what you liked, so I bought every flavor they had.” “Oh, SS.” Milano says softly, looking at the box of pastries. “You didn’t have to do that.” “I know…but I wanted to.” he grins, “Don’t be mad at Button. He’s only looking out for you.” “Yeah, but…” “Besides, I think Bon-Bon likes me now.” “Does she?” she laughs, “Well, that might be a different story.” Milano helps him to his hooves, “Come on. I’ll take you to my house.” Milano looks at Button, “You too, Button. You and Silver Screen are going to have a long talk.” “Okay.” Button hangs his head in disappointment. He glances back at Sweetie Belle, “See you, Sweetie Belle. Sorry for making you do all that.” “It’s okay. I had fun.” her voice squeaks, “We should hang out again, sometime!” “Really?” “Button?” Milano calls out, “Take the box of cupcakes with you!” “Okay, Mom!” Button calls back. He looks back at Sweetie Belle, “Well, um…see you!” he takes the box of cupcakes, galloping after Milano and Silver Screen. Sweetie Belle chuckles at Button exit. While she didn’t really like doing mundane tasks such as teleporting dirt, she did like hanging out with Button. She found his eccentric nature amusing…maybe even cute. Maybe her friends will let him join their Cutie Mark Crusaders. Though he’s a colt, he also doesn’t have his cutie mark yet. Sweetie Belle thinks about the possibility, when… “Sweetie Belle!” Rarity walks up to Sweetie Belle, covered in dirt. “Did you teleport a pile of dirt on me?!” > In The Mash Residence... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wait, wait, wait…your father knows Michelin Hay?” Silver Screen asks in amazement at Button’s news. It’s almost night time over at the Mash house, and Milano brought Silver Screen over, after a knockout bomb attack by Button left him a little dazed. It was the second time it happened to him that day, and he wasn’t fond of taking sudden naps. Along with taking him home, Milano also hoped that maybe this would be a time for Button to make an attempt to bond with him, due to their similar interests. Button reluctantly took Silver Screen into his room, where he showed the pictures that he took during his visit to Applewood, where Almighty Dollar lived. One of the pictures was Almighty taking Button out to the Applewood Walk of Fame, where notorious action film director Michelin Hay was getting his star, and hoof print at the Applewood Theater. As Silver Screen marveled how good of an angle Button got of the director, Button let out the gem that Almighty knows Michelin, as they are fairly good friends. “Yep.” Button responds with a smile, “Dad told me that Michelin is a good friend of his, and comes by the house when Dad invites him.” “That’s incredible! No wonder you think I’m a step down.” he chuckles. “So, you’ve met him, then?” “Not yet. I’ve wanted to, but every time I go to visit Dad, Hay is off working on another movie, making him super busy. I don’t mind, though. I waved at him and he waved back!” Button says with giddiness. “So, I take it you’re a fan of Michelin Hay movies?” “Dang right I…wait…” his tone gets suspicious of Silver Screen, “Are you going to make fun of me?” “What?” Why would I make fun of you?” “Because every time I tell somepony that I like Michelin Hay movies, they make fun of me and say I have terrible taste in movies.” “Well, whoever says that to you can go suck a….d-uhhhhhhh” Silver Screen stops himself before he could utter a curse. Thinking fast, he continues with… “Darn pinecone. Yeah, that’s it. A darn pinecone.” he chuckles awkwardly. “There’s nothing wrong with liking his movies. I do.” “You do? Dad thinks they’re overlong and juvenile, even though he’s friends with Michelin.” “Does Hay know Almighty thinks that?” “Probably not, Dad’s very good at pulling off fake compliments, so I’m sure he does it to Mr. Hay as well.” “Seems a little mean, but oh well.” Silver Screen shrugs, “At any rate, you shouldn’t be ashamed of liking movies other ponies don’t like. It happens all the time with me.” “I bet you liked Mare of Steel, huh?” Button says with a hint of a snide and snobbish attitude. “I loved it. It was my favorite film of the year.” “I see…” Button raises an eyebrow at this stallion’s taste in movies. “You wanna fight about it?” Silver Screen can see where this is going. “I can go ten rounds with you about it, if you want.” “Oh, really?” Button smiles, reveling in the challenge. They’re verbally battle starts immediately, with both parties talking fast and furiously. “Supermare didn’t have to snap Zod’s neck.” “She had no choice. He was going to kill everypony on the planet if Supermare failed.” “Why didn’t she just cover his eyes and fly him off?” “Zod was standing his ground, and the laser eyes can hurt them, as seen in the town fight earlier on.” “Why didn’t Supermare save anybody?” “She did. She saved the earth from being terraformed.” “But not a good majority of Maretropolis.” “That’s because she was on the other side of the world destroying the world engine. She specifically stated that the world engine had to be destroyed first, or else the Royal Guard wouldn’t have been able to destroy the machine in Maretropolis.” “Then why did the Royal Guard fire upon the world engine anyway, before getting confirmation that the device on the other side was destroyed?” “Good question. The military was kind of stupid in that regard, but I argue that they caused more damage than Supermare in the entire movie.” “But she also punched Zod into a bunch of buildings.” “False. Zod punched and threw Supermare into all the buildings.” “She could have stopped the momentum.” “It was her first time in a flying fight.” “Thousands more could have died.” “We don’t know that. We didn’t see anyone hiding in the buildings. Every time there was a fight inside a building, it was noticeably empty. They could have easily been evacuated. Do you blame the Autobroncs in the Transformares movies for all the building destruction, and also assume they are packed with thousands of people?” “No.” “Then why blame Supermare in her first ever flying superfight?” “Because the Transformares movies are supposed to be over the top and cartoonish, while Mare of Steel was supposed to be a gritty and realistic reboot of a comic book character. With gritty and realistic, comes thoughts about collateral damage.” “It’s still a comic book movie, no matter who spins it.” The two glare at one another, as this verbal clash of cinematic opinions is heating up exponentially. Neither one is interested in backing down from this fight, as fire rises from their eyes. “Are you two arguing about Mare of Steel?” Milano calls out from the hall. “No!” Button responds, turning his attention towards the half open door, where he sees Milano standing in the hallway. “Yes you are! I can feel the fancolt rage from here!” Button looks back at Silver Screen, holding his glaring gaze. “Looks like we’ll have to agree to disagree.” Button says in a calming manner. “I guess we should.” Silver Screen replies in the same tone, “I’m perfectly fine with that.” “Good.” Button keeps glaring at him with angry eyes until…he stops and puts on a pleasant smile. “Wanna see my video game collection?” “Do I?” Silver Screen asks the rhetorical questions with great enthusiasm. Button leads him to the massive shelf, filled with various video games from different eras, from the early days where games were just beginning, to the present, where all everypony cared about were graphics and multiplayer, rather than story or gameplay. It’s an amazing collection, wowing even the projectionist. “Nice.” Silver Screen says, letting out an impressed whistle. “You even have the gold cartridge version of ‘The Legend of Celestia’. Only a couple hundred were made.” “Yep. It was Mom’s. She got it on launch and never traded it in.” “Give my thanks to your mother, then. Those things are worth a fortune today.” Silver Screen looks further into his collection. “I see you have more fighting games than anything else.” “Oh yeah.” Button says with a smile, “I love fighting games. I go to the arcade all the time, practicing my skills at the latest Super Equestrian Fighter. I can’t wait for the console version of that game to come out. The graphics are incredible!” “You go to the Lightspeed Arcade?” “Every weekend, when I’m free.” “Did you know that it used to be called the Ponyville Arcade?” “No, I didn’t. Though, that makes sense, since that place went through a lot of renovations. Why do you ask?” “My Dad used to own the arcade, when I was a young colt.” “He did?!” Button’s eyes bulge, “No way! Your Dad used to run the arcade?!” “Yep, ran it without a hitch for over three decades. He sold it for a pretty bit, and now he’s living the retired life in Manehattan with Mom.” “Wow…” Button is admittedly caught off guard by this news. “Hold on…does this mean you’re a gamer?” “Your Mom never told you that?” “No. I just thought you were a stallion who likes movies. I didn’t think you liked video games.” “Like? I love video games. Granted, I don’t have a very big collection, due to my habit of trading games in when I’m done, but I’ve played a lot.” “Have you played fighting games?” “Of course I have. I was around when Super Equestrian Fighter II Turbo took off, and I was a master at that game. Nowadays, I like playing RPG’s.” “Like Final Journey?” “Yeah. Been playing through the Final Journey XIII trilogy.” “It’s okay, but the old stuff was better.” “True, but I still love it. Over the top melodrama is kind of my thing. Put in a sappy orchestral song and everypony crying, and I eat it up.” The comment makes Button laugh out loud in genuine amusement. Silver Screen sees this as a minor victory, and possibly one step closer to Button accepting him as the new stallion in Milano’s life. Silver Screen takes another look in the collection. He sees all kinds of genre’s but one stands out, due to the paltry nature of it. “I see you don’t play a lot of FPS. Not a Colt of Duty fan?” “Not at all. Mom loves playing those games in her room. I can hear her trash talk all the time. You won’t believe what comes out of her mouth sometimes.” “Sound entertaining.” “I tried playing the Colt of Duty series a couple times. The campaigns are kind of fun, but the multiplayer sucks. Nothing but a bunch of whiny foals, who just learned how to swear for the first time.” “I hear you, Button.” Silver Screen nods in agreement. “They would camp out in one spot and kill any passerbys, but when you take their spot and do it to them, they call you names.” “That’s what turned me off. Mom has a lot more patience with those players than I do. I’ve seen her play a few times, though. She’s really good.” “I guess I’ll have to watch her play sometime.” Silver Screen smirks. Button looks over at the projectionist with a look of respect. During his time in Applewood, he thought of Silver Screen as an unwanted guest. But, even during this phase in his feelings towards him, he couldn’t ignore the smile he put on Milano’s face. He never really hated Silver Screen, but he didn’t quite trust him yet, either. How could he, though? The last stallion in his mother’s life left them behind, along with his brother. Silver Screen could turn out the same way. However, looking at him now, Button can't ever see a future like that happening. “Silver Screen?” Button catches his attention. “What is it?” “Do you…like my mom?” “Yes.” he replies with nary any hesitation, “I like her very much. I think your mother is a special mare.” “You wouldn’t ever…hurt her…right?” The question catches Silver Screen by surprise. He couldn’t imagine doing such a thing to her. He kneels down, face to face with Button. “I would never hurt your mother. Ever.” he says with all the sincerity and honesty pouring from his eyes. Button can see the truth in his expression. “If…for whatever reason…this doesn’t work out…it will be mutual. You have my word on that. If it’s anything other than that, I give you permission to stalk me and knock me out as much as you like.” “I’ll hold you to it on that.” Button chuckles, “I see the way she looks at you. I can see how happy you make her. It’s been a while since she has smiled like that. What’s your secret?” “To tell you the truth, I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing to win her over.” “Well, whatever you’re doing, whether you know what it is or not, keep doing it.” “I will….whatever it is.” Silver Screen walks down the stairs, looking into the kitchen. He sees Milano, sitting at the dining room table, as if waiting for him to descend from the steps. She looks up at him, welcoming him with a loving smile that always makes his heart flutter. “How did it go?” she asks. “Aside from that little fight about Mare of Steel, I think it went pretty well.” he chortles. “I’m sorry about the whole gas bomb thing. I knew that he would be testing you, but not attempt to put you in a coma.” “Bah. It’ll take more than a few gas bombs to put me in a coma.” The two share a laugh together, before gazing into one another’s eyes. His sight glances over at the nearby clock, noticing that it’s heading towards eight o’clock. “I should probably get going. Enjoy the cupcakes.” “Wait.” Milano stands from her seat, putting a foreleg around his, stopping him from taking another step. “I want you to stay for dinner.” “I don’t want to impose.” “You’re not.” she smiles, “I ordered pizza.” As if on cue, a knock on the door is head. Pizza has arrived. Silver Screen looks over at the door, amazed at how perfect the timing was from Milano’s utterance of Pizza, to the food arriving. He looks back at Milano. He supposes he could stay for a little while longer. The food was hot and delicious, like it always was. Pizza Bros. was the finest pizza place in all of Ponyville. In fact, it was the ONLY Pizza place in all of Ponyville. Odd, considering that Donut Joe’s Bakery has been at war with Sugar Cube Corner, and they are merely miles apart. This particular battle of the pastries is not so prominent and publicized now, ever since Donut Joe had been dating Pinkie Pie’s friend Rarity, a fashonista that runs and lives in Carousel Boutique. Button helped himself to his own pizza, which consisted of many vegetables slathered in spices and cheese. Milano and Silver Screen shared theirs, which was the classic choice of pineapple and banana peppers, the kind of pizza they ate together when Milano came to stay over at his place for the weekend. The three shared in small talk, with Button talking about crazy gaming stories, such as his attempt to make a walkthrough of Metal Gear Pony for the internet, and failing miserably, leading to other users making montages of all his failures. Silver Screen talked about the strange happenings at the movie theater from time to time, such as when a theater hopper kept sneaking into movies, disrupting everypony’s experience, before moving on to another theater. Silver Screen, posing as an attendant, hid in the audience, waiting for the hopper to show up. When he did, Silver Screen pounced on him before he could make himself a nuisance. This story made Button laugh, complimenting Silver Screen on a job well done. Milano watched as the two conversed, happy to see them bonding with one another. After dinner is done, and Silver Screen helps Milano take care of the dishes, he once again attempts to take his leave. “This was fun.” Silver Screen says, “We should do this again sometime, preferably without the gas bombs.” Milano however, has other plans. She takes his foreleg again, looking into his eyes with her soulful expression. “Stay the night.” “I don’t want to be a bother. Besides, my apartment isn’t too far away.” “I don’t want you going out there all alone.” “Milano, come on. I can handle myself. Plus, Ponyville has the lowest crime rate than any other town in…” he sees that his argument is all for naught, as Milano ups the cute factor by giving him a face befitting of a puppy dog. He sighs with a chuckle, “Okay, you win.” Milano instantly turns her puppy dog expression into a sultry one. “Good, because now you can watch me play video games.” The very thought makes Silver Screen excited. After hearing what Button told him about Milano’s gaming preference, along with her attitude while playing online, he cannot wait to see what is in store for him tonight. Turns out, what was in store for him, was to see a side of Milano he hasn’t seen yet. Milano sits at the foot of the bed, headset on and controller in her hooves, furiously pressing buttons as she plays the latest installment of the Colt of Duty series. She has already beaten the main campaign on all difficulty levels, and is now entirely focused on the multiplayer aspect. Silver Screen watches as she plays, impressed that she is as Button advertised; being very good at the game. He’s certain that she’s better than he’ll ever be, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t run into the occasional troublemaker every now and again. “Dammit!” Milano vents, getting killed by another player. “Shoot!” she utters again, as another shooter catches her off guard. “Motherbucker!” she then yells, running into an infamous camper. “It’s amazing how you’re keeping your language clean.” Silver Screen chuckles. “Believe me, it’s harder than it looks.” she smirks. The match is over, and Milano’s team has lost. Other players on the opposing team are heard shouting in victory, and uttering obscenities towards the losers. “Take that bitches!” One player is heard, sounding like he’s all of ten years old. “Nothin’ but a bunch of noob faggots!” another shouts. “The mouth on this ponies.” Silver Screen gawks in amazement, “I don’t think I started swearing until I was fifteen.” “You want to give it a try?” Milano asks, pushing the controller and headset to him. Silver Screen smiles, using his magic to put the headset on, and floating the controller in front of him. “Let’s see how you act against online immaturity.” “I don’t think you’ll like what you see.” he chortles, "I can get a little crazy sometimes." "Oh, this I like to see." Milano now anticipating to see this so called crazy side of the stallion. The match begins, and all teams hit the ground running, looking around for targets to shoot. Unlike fighters, where Silver Screen was a near master at, he was fairly inexperienced when it came to the world of online shooters. Milano giggles as he was continually gunned down by a pack of players, with a few scoffs coming from the projectionist’s mouth. He was frustrated, sure, but not angry…yet. Finally, Silver Screen spots the player that has been causing him the most grief. A sniper named BiGElite84, who is hiding in a small hill, using the grass as cover. After another death, Silver Screen knew exactly what to do. His gaming avatar respawns at a good point, right behind the camper. He sneaks up on the sniper, and with a quick tap of the melee button, he takes out the sniper instantly. “What the fuck?!” BiGElite84 shouts, his voice coming though the television speakers, “Who the fuck did that?!” Silver Screen takes his revenge, setting up camp in the same exact spot, and starts gunning down the opposition. He alternates between camping, and turning around for any stealth kills. Every time he turns, the previous inhabitant is making an attempt to regain his spot. Silver Screen takes him out quickly, before getting back to work. “You are such a camper.” Milano smiles, “But, I admit, you’re a pretty good shot.” Milano’s encouragement makes Silver Screen cocky, as BiGElite84 throws a frag grenade, killing him instantly. “Take that you faggot bitch.” the colt on the other end says, taking the spot once again. “I hate to see how I’m the faggot bitch, when you had this spot first. It’s called payback.” “Go cry to your whore mother on whore island you fucking retard.” “Excuse me? My mother is a nice mare, you cocksucking little shit!” Silver Screen gets angry, surpassing Milano. “You sound like you’re twelve years old, who taught you to speak like that?” “Your mom, after she sucked my dick.” “My mother would never teach you how to swear, let alone suck your tiny little breezy sized dick! How about you crawl into a fat stallion’s asshole, and get crushed by his sphincter?!” “Eat a dick, you cum sucking bitch monger loser faggot!” “No, YOU eat a dick!” Silver Screen yells, “No wait, eat a bag of dicks! No wait, eat a MOUNTAIN of dicks! You don’t get any breaks either! You eat all the dicks, so that when your stomach is full of chewed up dicks, you explode, and all the dicks come flying out! Then, your mother will walk into your basement that is adorned with posters of anime mares getting fucked by tentacle monsters, and gasp in shock that her son was killed by eating a mountain of DICKS! Then, when no one attends your funeral, I’m going to go to your gravestone, and carve in ‘Here Lies BiGElite84. He died eating dick, and he loved it!’ How about that?!” Silence. Nopony is heard on the other end anymore. Finally, the notification noise that BiGElite84 had signed out is heard. Silver Screen raises his forelegs in the air in victory…a victory that is short lived when he turns to see the mortified face of Milano. He then looks at the door to see a similarly mortified Button, who heard everything. Silver Screen puts his hooves down, scratching at the bed in embarrassment. “And that’s how I play online.” He says calmly. Suddenly, the two ponies burst into gut busting laughter, with a small blush gracing Silver Screen’s cheeks. Milano rolls around in bed, losing breath as she laughs the loudest she had ever laughed in a long time, while Button rolls around on the floor, with laughter that sounds more like he’s gasping for air. “I can’t breathe! Oh, sweet Celestia!” Button shouts in between fits. “You…” Milano tries to say, “You have such a mouth on you!” she laughs some more. “Oh my goodness! That was amazing.” she is nearly in tears at this point. “I told you that you wouldn’t like what you see.” “What are you talking about?” Milano gradually begins to calm down, sitting up and placing a hoof on Silver Screen’s back, “That was hilarious.” She notices Button still rolling on the floor, “You don’t repeat what you heard at school, do you understand?” “Understand…mom!” Button says, getting up and walking to his room, stilling giggling the life out of him. “No wonder you don’t like playing online games.” Milano smirks, “They bring out the little dirty colt in you.” “I know. I’m terrible.” Silver Screen replies, in a flirtatious manner. “I suppose I have to teach you a lesson in manners.” Milano tackles him to the bed, forcing herself on top of him. He uses his magic to close the door, locking it. In a rush, Milano brings her muzzle down, locking lips with him, as their mouths open, and their tongues touch each other. Small moans of pleasure escape from her mouth as Silver Screen uses his hooves to travel along the curves of her body. “Is this what I have to do now?” Silver Screen wonders with a smile, “Trash talk about dicks?” “No.” Milano laughs, “I just enjoy doing this.” They continue to make out with all the passion that they have, until Silver Screen rolls her over, with him on top of her. She giggles, separating from his lips, and looking into his eyes. “You know.” Silver Screen grins, “I kind of figured this was why you wanted me to stay over.” “Yeah, I’m kind of awful at this.” she shrugs, “We agreed to meet each other again next weekend, but here we are. I think I’m getting a little attached.” “I know exactly what you mean.” He leans down, kissing her shoulder. “Anything special you want to do tonight?” “Hmm…” Milano thinks, “Not tonight. I think making out and cuddling will be fine. You know how loud I can get, and I don’t want to frighten Button.” “We did pretty well that first night.” “True, but Button is still awake.” “Good point. You got me there.” “You disappointed?” “No. Hell no. I get to cuddle with the best looking mare in Equestria, so this is automatically the best thing ever.” “Oh you.” Milano leans up and kisses him. “I really don’t know what to do with you.” “Cuddle?” “Sounds like a plan.” The night passes, and the morning sun rises. It’s a brand new day for Ponyville, and everypony has gone out to greet the day with all smiles. Button is the first to walk out of the Mash house, backpack in tow, and stomach filled with the delicious Honey Oats cereal. Milano and Silver Screen come out next, as they close the door, and walk Button to school. About halfway through the walk, Silver Screen spots the Cineplex, as he is reminded of something. “Oh shoot, I’m supposed to go in early today.” he says to them, “Sorry for springing that on you, but I have like five minutes before start time.” “It’s okay. We understand, right Button?” Milano turns to Button. “Yeah. Go do your work. I promise I won’t try to knock you out today.” “I appreciate that.” he chuckles. “See you later, Milano.” he gives her a peck on the lips. “See you.” she seductively whispers into his ear. Silver Screen smiles, as he takes off towards the Cineplex. Another day of work awaits him. Button and Milano re-commence walking to the school house. They are silent, until Button is the one to first speak up. “I like him.” he says, “He’s like me; only a bigger dork. I mean that in a good way.” “I’m glad to hear it.” Milano smiles. “I knew you two would get along fine. Does this mean no more of your famous tests?” “I wouldn’t say that.” he smirks mischievously, “Maybe a little thing here and there every once in a while, but if he keeps making you happy, I guess everything is fine.” His smile turns in a slightly more sullen expression, when he asks, “What do you think Dad would say?” “Oh, I already figured it out from the look on his face; that Silver Screen isn’t good enough for me. But why should we care, right? Did he ask about him during your visit?” “A few things. I said some pretty mean stuff. I kinda feel bad about it, now. I’m sorry.” “Don’t worry about it.” she nods, assuring him that all is forgiven. “I guess your father now thinks even less of Silver Screen, though. It wouldn’t be surprising if he tried to have one of his signature heart to heart chats with him.” “But, you won’t care about what he has to say, right?” “Of course I won’t, but Silver Screen already went through the gauntlet with my friends and you, who knows what would happen if Almighty got in the mix?” “Whatever the case is…” he playfully bumps Milano on the side, “I’ll always be on your side, Mom.” Milano looks down at the smiling colt. His eyes tell the truth as clear as day. He’ll always stick by his mother, no matter what, and she can see that. Looking into his big red eyes puts a smile on her face, giving her the feeling that just maybe, everything will turn out okay. “Thanks, Button.” she pulls her son in for a little mid walk hug, “Now, let’s get you to school.” > Going To A Nightmare Night Party... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Nightmare Night, what a fright, give me something sweet to bite.” Silver Screen says in front of a mirror, practicing his Nightmare Night chant in anticipation for the event in a few days. “I wonder who came up with that chant? Is there any kind of continuation?” he thinks, before chanting. “If you don’t, I do mind, so I’ll kick you in the hide?” He utters that last word in confusion, wondering if that makes for a decent continuation. “I guess that fits. What do you…” He looks around his room, finding it bereft of life. “Oh great, I’m talking to myself again.” It’s been well over a month since Silver Screen and Milano had started officially dating, and they couldn’t be happier. Milano would come and spend the night over at Silver Screen’s apartment, whenever Button had a sleepover with some friends, or his monthly visit from Almighty. Silver Screen would spend the night at Milano’s when he came over to see her and Button. His relationship with Button has improved quite a bit since that day he enacted upon his promise that he would “test” the Projectionist pony. They had some days together, when Milano would have a late day from work, or when Button wanted to go to a Midnight Launch of a video game, and Milano would be too tired to take him. Silver Screen ironically would also be attending a launch, so he gladly let Button tag along. Now, Nightmare Night is approaching, and Silver Screen continues to think about what he plans to dress up as for the occasion. He has a few ideas, being that he went to a few conventions back when attending didn’t cost a foreleg and a hoof, and dressed up for the occasions. He also wonders if Milano would be dressing up, and as what. He likes to imagine something sexy like a maid or a saucy librarian, but she could also dress up as a video game character. Before he could come up with any other possible scenarios and outfits, a knock at the door catches his attention. Remembering that he doesn’t have to pay rent for another week or so, his mind naturally goes to Milano. He finds that his guess is right on the bit, when he opens the door to see a concerned Milano on the other side. He is about to greet her, when he sees her expression, instantly changing his mind and tone. “Milano? Is everything okay?” “I think so.” Milano says, coming inside and allowing Silver Screen to close the door. “There’s something I have to tell you.” “Oh Sweet Celestia, the impossible has happened. You’re pregnant.” he jests. “No. It’s not that.” “You’re breaking up with me?” “No, never!” Milano playfully bumps him with a hoof. “I got a letter from Almighty.” “Is he suing you for some bullshit? I’ll defend you even if it kills him!” “It’s not that kind of letter. He’s inviting us to his place in Applewood. It’s a Nightmare Night Party.” “Woah.” Silver Screen is surprised at the news. Almighty Dollar? Inviting them to a party? Why in all of Equestria would he do such a thing? Silver Screen investigates further. “Are you sure it’s both of us, and not just you and Button?” “See for yourself.” Milano reaches into her satchel, pulling out the invitation. Silver Screen floats it up, unfurling it to and bringing it closer to read the text. “Dear Milano, you and Silver Screen are invited to my Nightmare Night Party in Applewood. I would be honored to see you and your new stallion here, and take in the festivities and fun with myself and Fleur De Lis. With regards, Almighty Dollar.” He puts the invitation down with a cocked eyebrow full of hesitation and suspicion. “Your new stallion? Am I the only one who senses some kind of snide remark in there?” “No, you’re not.” Milano shakes her head in agreement, taking the invitation back. “Still, I’m kind of intrigued in going. But, we don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” “I’m not against the idea, but I get the feeling that Almighty is going to treat me like Bon-Bon did.” “With disdain, before you save his life, and try to make out with you?” “Precisely; I don’t think I want him to try and make out with me.” “I bet you’ll want to make out with Fleur. She’s a fashion model.” “Fashion model or not, there’s only one pony I want to make out with.” He smiles, “Have you met Fleur before?” “I have. She’s actually not that bad of a pony. Sure, I suppose I should be mad at her for stealing Almighty away from me, but from what I understand, she didn’t know he was married until I caught them making out on the couch.” “Yikes.” “Yikes indeed. She kept apologizing to me profusely during the divorce, so I’m really conflicted when it comes to her. Almighty on the other hoof…” “Yeah, he can die in a fire. However…” he taps a hoof on his chin, “It would be a great opportunity to show him how happy you are without him.” “I thought about that.” She smirks, “It would be fun to stick it to him, and show him that I am perfectly fine with you and nopony else. So, does that mean you want to go?” “The more I think about it, the more I like the idea. What about Button?” “He’s going door to door with Sweetie Belle and her friends, and they’re all going to meet up at Rarity’s for treats and scary movies.” “Button has been hanging around Sweetie Belle for quite a while. Do you think…” “Yeah, he’s completely in love with her.” “I thought so. Anyway, let’s do this thing.” He says with enthusiasm and anticipation. “I’m trying to figure out what to go as.” As various ideas go through his head, one thought comes to mind, prompting a smile to grace his face. “Who’s your favorite superhero?” he asks. Milano smiles. In the city of Applewood, Silver Screen and Milano have arrived at the place of residence for Almighty Dollar. It’s a nice, two story home that is quite large, almost mansion like in size and scale. In the neighborhood that it inhabits, many fillies and colts run around with their parents, wearing various costumes for Nightmare Night. Some are simple, like a ghost, others are more elaborate, such as a filly dressed up as Bumblemare from the Transformares movies. Silver Screen knocks on the door to the residence, with the porch light turned off, keeping them in the darkness. Inside, they can hear the hoof tapping music pulsating through the windows and walls. “I think this is a little tight.” Milano grimaces, shifting about in her costume. “It’s been a while since I wore this thing.” “I think it looks great.” Silver Screen assures her. “You’re just saying that because you like what it does to my rump.” “Maybe, but I still think it looks great.” he chuckles. The door soon opens, with the light inside shining on them, revealing their costumes. Milano has dressed up as Captain Equestria, due to being a huge fan when she was younger, collecting comics, and creating the costume in anticipation for the first movie that came out a couple of years ago. It’s a shockingly accurate representation of the comic book costume; an aspect that made Silver Screen drop his jaw upon first seeing Milano in the outfit. Her eye for detail almost rivals that of Rarity, though Milano is certain that Rarity can still style in circles around her, due to the fashionista using magic, while all Milano has are her hooves and sewing machine. Silver Screen is dressed up as her arch nemesis, the Red Skull, wearing a slick black trench coat and suit underneath, with his head dyed completely red, aside from his mane. He wanted to go for a more faithful look, but the prosthetics he had used so long ago were no longer usable, and the stores in Ponyville were sold out, prompting the dye job. Opening the door was Fleur De Lis, dressed as a vampire, with fake fangs over her teeth, and wearing a skimpy dress that perfectly accentuated her thin yet curvy body. Silver Screen hadn’t connected that this was the mare that Milano had discussed, but he definitely noticed her beauty. “Milano, hey!” Fleur said happily, coming in for a hug. “You two made it! I’m so happy.” “Yeah, Fleur. We wouldn’t miss this.” Milano said with only a small tinge of sarcasm, which Fleur doesn’t pick up on. “And you must be Silver Screen.” Fleur looks to the projectionist, extending her hoof out for a shake. “It’s so nice to meet you. Button told us a lot about you.” “Good things I hope?” “Not at first, but you must have done something after that, because he kept singing your praises when he was here last! Almighty just had to meet you after that.” “I see…” Silver Screen cringed slightly, feeling that Almighty only invited him out of jealousy. “I have to say, Milano, he is a handsome one. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a stallion with a red coat.” “Actually…his coat is blue.” Milano corrects her, “It’s part of the costume.” “It is?” she asks. The two nod their heads in response. “Well, it’s a wonderful dye job, I do say.” She notices Silver Screen eyes, noting their different colors. “Oh my, you have wonderful eyes…” “Umm, thanks.” he says in nervousness, inching back a little as Fleur inspects him closer. “Can we come in?” Milano asks with polite impatience. If Fleur keeps staring, she’s going to have to kick some flank. “Oh, where are my manners? I am so sorry. Come in, the both of you.” she steps aside, allowing them safe passage in the house. Once inside, Milano and Silver Screen take a look around the place. It’s a fairly happening party, with many guests abound the place, talking, drinking, and laughing in their own little groups. Milano has been to these gatherings before, and is familiar with these kinds of social cliques. To Silver Screen, he might as well be in the most fancy pants high school in Equestria. “So, which ones are the Goth Ponies?” Silver Screen jokes. “There are some dressed up as hipster vampires over there, if that’s what you mean.” Fleur points, not quite getting his sarcasm. “Go on, make yourselves at home.” Fleur disappears into the crowd to mingle, as Milano and Silver Screen look at one another, wondering what to do. “I guess we should go mingle.” Silver Screen says. “Good idea. I’ll go over there…” Milano points to the left, “…and you go the other way. We talk to the various ponies there, and then reconvene at the snack table to mosey on out of here, bar any sudden complications.” “Deal. I’ll see you soon. If you hear any violent scuffling, it’s probably me punching Almighty repeatedly in the face.” “Good to know.” she smiles, “Okay, break.” The two separate, trotting around to various groups in the house. Silver Screen meets up with some ponies in costumes that range from zombies, vampires, and werewolves. The quality for a couple was impressive, while others were less so. He then thought to not judge too harshly, since he’s the one that dyed his head red to simulate the Red Skull. Milano found herself meeting some of the higher class ponies in the house. Their costumes didn’t even look like costumes to begin with. One claimed that he was a wizard, when all that hinted at that was a cap, while the rest of the so-called costume was a suit and tie. Another claimed that she was a saloon girl from Appleloosa, when her dress was more fitted for something like the Grand Galloping Gala. More and more, did she want to go straight to that delicious looking snack table. The topics these ponies were uttering were so mundane and boring, that the urge to fall asleep become a stronger sensation by the second. She did not want to fall asleep at that moment, for she had other plans. “Hey, Milano.” a familiar voice said behind her. Milano turned around, jarred by the sight of Almighty Dollar standing before her, with his winning smile and dazzling attire. In her younger days, Milano would be groveling at his hooves by his looks alone, but she remains immune to his charms, as she is well aware what lies behind that grand smile and marvelous eyes. “Hey.” she replies. “I thought that was you.” His eyes scan her costume, complementing the way it looks on her. “That looks very…snug. Who are you again?” “Captain Equestria. Silver Screen is here as the Red Skull.” “I see. Another one of your comic book characters, I suppose.” “You suppose correctly.” “How do you like the party?” “It’s fine. Reminds me of a party from that book, The Great Gambit.” her eyes stray from the room, and onto Almighty’s fitting costume, which is a perfect representation of what the title character of the film adaptation looked like. “So, you like my costume.” “It fits…sort of.” “Sort of?” “Well, Gambit was a pony who threw such extravagant parties, showing off his wealth and fame to the world.” “Yes, I thought it would be appropriate to be dressed how he did in the movie.” “I say ‘sort of’ because the whole point of those parties was him attempting to reunite with the love of his life, Daffodil, who lived just a ride away from his home. Are you trying to woo me again, Almighty?” “Of course not. I just wanted to have a nice party.” “Of course you did.” Milano nods, “How is Arcade?” “He’s fine; at a different party with some friends. They decided that watching horror movies all night was more important.” “Not a bad way to spend Nightmare Night.” “Where is Silver Screen, by the way?” he queries, looking around the party for him. “I would very much like to speak with him.” “He’s around. He’s the only pony here that is the color red.” “I thought he was blue.” “It’s part of the costume.” Silver Screen walks around the party; a drink of soda pop floats in front of him as his horn glows. He looks at the other ponies at attendance. His eyes go over to Fleur, who is dancing without a care in the world, to the beat of the music blaring from the sound system. Her motions and technique catch his attention, as he is rather impressed by her ability to completely own the room through the power of dance. “She’s great, huh?” a voice says at his side. “What?!” Silver Screen jumps a bit, startled by a costumed pony. Though his outfit is rather formal, he has the face of a long imprisoned evil in Equestria named Lord Tirek. It’s a stunning make up job; one that belongs in the movies, rather than for a simple party. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” “No, it’s okay. I didn’t mean to look so…distracted.” He looks away from Fleur, and to the Fancy Tirek. “That’s incredible make up. Did you do that yourself?” “Yes, I did.” Fancy Tirek says proudly. “Being a unicorn has its perks, as you no doubt know. Nice Red Skull costume.” “Thanks. Sorry it’s not completely accurate. I had to improvise, due to a lack of prosthetics.” “It’s still nice. You definitely nailed the outfit.” “If you want to see impressive, you should see my marefriend, Milano. She’s Captain Equestria.” “I was about to say that I saw a Captain Equestria walking around here. That’s Milano? Almighty’s ex-wife? She’s looking good.” “Yeah, she sure does look good.” Silver Screen smiles, “You know Almighty?” “I do. We know each other through various acquaintances. He seems like a nice guy, but I always get a weird feeling about him, too. Don’t tell him that I said this, but I don’t think he likes my movies too much.” “Movies?” Silver Screen tilts his head with a well-timed raised eyebrow, “You’re a director?” “Yeah. I’m sorry, I’m being so rude.” Fancy Tirek puts a hoof out for a shake, “I’m Michelin Hay.” If Silver Screen’s brain could explode, it would have once Fancy Tirek revealed himself to be a film director that he greatly admires. Michelin Hay, a director who has made ten movies, all of which Silver Screen has seen and loved, is right in front of him with a smile on his face. Sure, there are a couple films that aren’t as good as his others, but the projectionist doesn’t care. He began watching Michelin Hay films since foalhood, and has always defended his work, no matter what. Now, Michelin Hay stands before him, continuing to hold out his hoof, expecting a shake. “Y….y…you’re…..” “Oh?” Michelin is surprised, “You’re a fan, I take it?” “I….I….I…d-didn’t know it was you.” “You didn’t? I thought for sure I would be easily recognized. I did this as kind of a joke, since the critics like to refer to me as the Tirek of film directors. Guess I did a better make-up job than I thought.” “Mr. Hay…” Silver Screen focuses all of his attention on his idol, “I would just like to say…that I have seen every one of your films. I have seen Transformares: Dark Mare of The Moon like four times during its opening weekend, twice in 3D.” “I’m honored.” Michelin smiles, “It’s nice to meet such a fan. What’s your name again?” “S-Silver Screen, sir.” “You don’t have to be so formal, Silver Screen. Call me Michelin.” “Sorry, Michelin.” Silver Screen blushes through the make-up. “This is kind of embarrassing, I don’t mean to be such a fancolt.” “No, no, don’t be. It’s quite nice.” Michelin chuckles at Silver Screen’s giddiness. “Hey, are those the actual color of your eyes?” “My eyes? Yeah. My mother has cyan eyes, and my father has red eyes. I guess something happened during development, because this was the result.” “They kind of look…” “Like 3D glasses, yeah.” “If you don’t mind me saying, those are some really cool eyes.” “Oh sweet Celestia. Michelin Hay just complimented me.” Silver Screen’s mind says. “Say something you idiot!” “I want to be in Transformares 4.” he blurts out. “You fucking idiot! If I could smack the shit out of you, I would!” his brain yells. “You do? Are you an actor?” “I was in a couple of plays and short films.” Silver Screen responds, his voice alternating between enthusiastic fancolt and desperation to work with Michelin. “Can you do stunts?” “Yeah…yeah I can. I can do anything. I can run fast, dodge things, fall down convincingly, you name it.” “Hmm…” Michelin inspects him, “I do like your look. What color are you, really?” “Blue.” “I thought so. You know what? I’ll definitely keep you in mind for something. Probably a minor role or something. You seem like a good colt. Where do you reside?” “Ponyville.” “Ponyville? I’m doing screen tests with a mare that frequents Ponyville. Used to be a magician, I think.” “Making small talk with the Projectionist?” Almighty says as he approaches the two. “You’re a projectionist?” Michelin wonders. “Yeah, the theater in Ponyville still uses film, so I do the reel changes.” “I love film. It’s much better than that digital stuff, even if it has its perks.” Michelin notices Almighty giving him a look; a look that tells him that he wants to spend some stallion to stallion time with Silver Screen. “Anyway, I got to get going. Nice to meet you, Silver Screen.” “You too, Michelin.” Silver Screen smiles, as Michelin disappears into the crowd. He looks over at Almighty, nearly blinded by his handsome good looks. “Hey, Almighty Dollar, right?” “That’s right, and you’re Silver Screen. We’ve met before.” “Yeah, only briefly though, but I never forget a face.” he politely smiles, “Nice party you have going on here. Is this something you do a lot, or for special occasions?” “I usually do this every month or so. Makes for a nice gathering of friends. Have you met my wife, Fleur?” Almighty turns to where Fleur continues to dance, with others joining in on the fun. “Yeah, she answered the door when we knocked. She’s a nice mare.” “She certainly is. She’s a fashion model, works almost exclusively with Photo Finish for the magazine shoots. Michelin Hay also does her commercials when they are promoting some of the more…feisty undergarments.” “I see.” He replies, not commenting on the fact that Milano already told him about who Fleur is. “I figured Michelin did the commercials; he always had a flashier style.” “So, you’ve seen those commercials?” he wonders. “It’s hard not to. They’re usually on during nighttime programming on the networks.” Silver Screen chortles. “How long have you been seeing Milano, exactly?” “A month and a half, after tomorrow.” he smirks proudly, “I honestly have no idea what she sees in me…” “Yeah, me neither.” Almighty says in a whisper, which Silver Screen doesn’t catch. “…but I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything in Equestria.” “And what do you two have, if I may ask?” “Hmm…” he thinks, “A common interest in games, movies, and all things awesome. We’ve had a lot of fun together, and Button is great too. The three of us went and saw The Amazing Spider-Mare 2, and we all had something to talk about, it's a blast being with them.” “Fleur and Arcade are pretty good, too. Fleur has a great career, and Arcade is a popular colt at his school. He even has a marefriend. Does Button have a marefriend?” “Well…there’s this one filly at his school that he spends a lot of time with, but I wouldn’t call her his marefriend, yet. It certainly feels like it’s heading towards that direction, though.” he chuckles. “Let me ask you something, Silver. Do you think she’s pretty?” Almighty asks. “Excuse me?” “Fleur, do you think she’s pretty?” he repeats himself. “Oh, I thought you were talking about Sweetie Belle for a second.” “Who?” “The filly that Button sees. If that’s who you were referring too, I would have been weirded out, because she’s a filly, and that would be strange, why would you think that I think that she’s pretty? Yeah, she’s cute for a filly, but the way you asked that question seemed to be implied if I am attracted to her, which is completely not the case, and…” he realizes that he’s rambling on, and hasn’t answered the question that Almighty has asked. “Yeah.” Silver Screen chooses to be honest with him, “I think Fleur is very pretty.” “What do you think about her, compared to Milano?” Silver Screen looks over at Almighty with a thoroughly perplexed look on his face. He is seriously unsure about where Almighty is going with this conversation. Perhaps he’s testing him, to see if he would attempt to leave Milano for Fleur, despite the fact that she is married. Maybe he’s doing the comparison as a ‘I got a better mare than you’ statement, which even the Projectionist finds a bit foalish. Silver Screen also wonders if Almighty saw him staring at Fleur’s gyrating motions, as if caught in a weird trance, prompting such a strange query. “Okay, so you were staring at a mare dancing, so what?” his mind interjects, “It’s not like you were actually thinking about cheating on Milano, were you? Why am I even asking you? I’m your brain for Celestia’s sake. Of course you weren’t planning on cheating on Milano. Why would you. Sure, Fleur has a nice bod, but Milano’s got a much nicer rump than hers. It’s all round and firm, yet it also has a little plump to it. Mmmmm……plump….” His mind trails, thinking about the greatness that Captain Equestria outfit is doing to Milano’s already voluptuous figure. “Silver Screen?” Almighty notices that he hasn’t answered the question, “I asked you a question.” “Oh, right.” Silver Screen snaps from listening to his brain talk to him. “Yeah. Fleur is nice looking, but Milano is way prettier than her.” He says with confidence and assuredness. “I’m surprised Milano isn’t also a fashion model.” “Well…” Almighty chuckles in disbelief and slight offense, “I don’t think…” “You know something? I think she would look great in those fashion magazines with the lingerie. She showed me some of the lingerie she had in her closet, it was fantastic. She looked better than any of the mares in that spring catalogue a few months ago.” “The thing is…” “I have to tell you, though. Milano is a wonderful mare. She’s kind, loving, smart, hardworking, and a great mother. You’d have to be an idiot to not see how fantastic she is.” He looks Almighty dead in the eyes, “An idiot. I certainly feel lucky to have her.” Almighty has nothing to say. He can see the subtle but noticeable anger in Silver Screen’s eyes. The tone his questions were not lost on the Projectionist. He could see right through him. Almighty finds that he may have underestimated this pony, whom he believes to be nothing more than a blip on the radar. He’s going to have to try a little harder. “Do you love her?” Almighty asks. “Why is that relevant to you? You don’t.” Silver Screen lets loose with the bluntness. “You think you’re so cool; coming to my party and talking to me like that.” Almighty smirks with smarminess and arrogance, “But take it from a stallion who has been around the block, it’s not going to last. Sure, you may be having fun now, but once it starts to get serious, to the point of possibly marriage, that fun is going to die out. Pretty soon, it’s going to be excuse after excuse after excuse with her. Then, you’ll start getting bored, and move on to the next.” There is bitterness in his voice, “With all of my sincerity, I hope you’re ready for that kind of future. So, I ask you again…do you love her?” Silver Screen can only stare at Almighty. Though the speech is different, the message is the same as the one Bon-Bon relayed to him that day in the restaurant. It’s not going to last. Silver Screen could tell him what he told Bon-Bon; that Milano makes him feel special, and that he’s going to make sure that their time together is as memorable as possible, but Almighty doesn’t seem like the stallion to listen to such romanticized words. Instead, Silver Screen quotes a line of dialogue from one of his favorite movies. “Maybe…maybe not…” Silver Screen turns to walk away, “…maybe fuck yourself.” Before Almighty can respond, Silver Screen makes his way into the crowd to look for Milano. Almighty attempts to pursue, but partygoers come to him to converse and mingle. Milano stands at the snack table, munching on some cheese and crackers. There’s also some carrots and dip, along with steamed vegetables and small sandwiches that can be eaten in one bite, but she found herself drawn to the more simple pleasures of cheese and crackers. Every once in a while, a pony would brush by her, complimenting her on a costume, but she doesn’t engage in conversation, other than a simple thanks and that’s it. She wishes her time here was ending sometime soon. Silver Screen doesn’t even announce his presence, as he comes up behind her, turns her around, and plants a passionate kiss on her lips. She lets out a surprised moan, but realizing that it’s him, her eyes close and gets into to lustful dance of saliva and tongues. It’s a hot and heavy kiss, which catches the attention of some pony folk, who are certain that such a lip clock could only be done by drunken ponies. Once they separate, the two loves breathe heavily, wanting to do much more than simply kiss. “I want to get out of here.” Milano whispers. “Good. My outfit is getting a little tight.” Silver Screen whispers back with a not so subtle erection joke, which elicits a chuckle out of Milano. “I got us a hotel room in Applewood.” “You did?” “Always helps to come prepared. I don’t want to travel all the way back to Ponyville at this time. And…” she gets close to his ear, nibbling it sensually. “I have a better use for these costumes.” Silver Screen’s eyes widen in a combination of shock, arousal, and happiness. He looks into her eyes, as a smile graces his face. “Why the hell are we still here, then?” he asks rhetorically, “Let’s go!” > Roleplay Time... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good evening, and welcome to the Applewood Hotel.” said the welcoming Bellhop. The Applewood Hotel is a great spot for celebrities to go for a celebration of a fun premiere, a successful awards ceremony, or a torrid affair of alcohol and mostly bad decisions. Tonight however, two normal ponies from the town of Ponyville have checked in for the night, and they are there for an entirely different reason, as they are neither celebrities, nor drunk. Milano and Silver Screen, wearing their Nightmare Night costumes, quietly stand in the elevator as a jaunty tune plays from the small speakers on the ceiling. The bellhop inside has no idea what is going on in the minds of these two ponies, and he doesn’t seem too keen on finding out. Once the doors open, they walk through the hallway on the top floor, looking for their room. Milano was the one to set up the reservation, so she holds the key in her mouth. She finds the room, unlocking it with care and attention, intentionally dragging out the inevitable and raising Silver Screen’s anticipation…among other things. They walk inside to a gorgeous room, with a wonderful view of the city. The lights glow like stars on the ground, and spot lights cut through the night sky. As Milano heads for the window, Silver Screen turns to lock the door. “So, Milano…” he says, “What do you have planned for…” Suddenly, Milano lets out a loud gasp, instantly making Silver Screen turn towards her. She is looking directly at him with fear and hatred, like he is an enemy that must be vanquished. “Red Skull?!” she says with eyes of fire, “What are you doing here?! Where’s Bucky?!” Silver Screen’s brain calculates what exactly is going on with the situation before him. Milano is obviously acting like Captain Equestria, so that must mean… He gets it. He smiles. “Hello, Captain Equestria.” he speaks in an evil and foreign accent, “So sorry, but your dear friend Bucky won’t be joining you, tonight.” “What have you done? Did you kill him?!” “No, of course not. He’s back at your base, playing cards with the other members of the Howling Commandos.” Red Skull walks around the room with a powerful and threatening presence. “I do wonder what you were thinking in agreeing to this meeting place. Your good and trusted companion, wanting to meet in such a private and…intimate place. It makes a stallion such as myself, wonder if I just found out your one true weakness.” “I…” Captain Equestria lets off a small but noticeable blush, which Red Skull catches instantaneously, “…that is none of your business.” She shakes off the moment of embarrassment with a fighting stance, “You are here to kill me, aren’t you?!” “On the contrary, my beautiful Captain, on the contrary.” He turns to look into her eyes; a devious smile creeps onto his mouth. “I am here to talk.” “Not a chance! I know your games too well, Red Skull!” She lunges at the ruthless leader of the war criminals known as Hydra, latching on to him and tackling him to the wall. She looks hatefully into his eyes, but he continues to smile. He grabs her, bringing her to the floor and holding her down. “Such fire in you, Captain.” he licks his lips, “However, you have always underestimated at every hoof step. I am not one of my measly soldiers. I am greater than that.” “Good, I like a challenge.” she smirks. Captain Equestria pushes him off with force, and he drops onto his back. She is now the one holding him down, but he doesn’t stay for long. He breaks free of her grip, grabbing her and rolling her around the room, knocking over a small table and a lamp. He then gets up, with her still attached to his body. With a quick jump, they land on the bed, with him once again on top of her. She struggles and grunts, but it’s of no use. Red Skull cackles with delight, knowing that he has captured his prey. “Don’t be so scared, Captain. I have no intention of killing you.” “I am not afraid.” she shoots a look of defiance at him. “I do not cower at the likes of you.” “Why must we keep doing this?” he says with an expression of empathy, “We always fight, always draw blood, and always end up in the same place where we started. I don’t want that, anymore. I see that you are a wonderful soldier, and a beautiful mare.” “What are you saying?” “I’m saying that together, we can be the strongest force on this planet.” “Well, I’m not in the mood to join you, so you might as well kill me now.” “Why must this conflict end in one of us dying? It would be a waste to kill such a perfect mare like yourself.” Captain Equestria lets off another noticeable blush, looking away from him. He smiles, noticing that she just might like the flattery. “A beast like you shouldn’t dare to look at me like that.” she mutters with disdain. “But I do. You are so beautiful, Captain. You have a strong, firm, and perfect physique. You would make a fine companion for me. Don’t tell me you never looked at me in such a way.” “Never!” she looks back at him, “You are a monster! A fiend! You killed friends of mine, and I would never…” Red Skull interrupts her with a well-placed kiss on the lips. She moans in surprise and her eyes widen at his gentle touch. It’s an odd yet deeply romantic kiss, one that causes her eyes to close at its tenderness. Red Skull can feel her tongue touch his, gently wrapping around it, and rubbing at the top of his palate. He hums in satisfaction, finding the kiss hardened yet sensual. They separate, with a strand of saliva connecting their mouths together. Captain Equestria breathes heavily, gradually opening her eyes to the smug and victorious commander. She looks away once again, ashamed at enjoying such a moment. “Oh my…” Red Skull smirks, “Did you enjoy that, Captain?” He watches as she remains silent, almost in deep thought about how to respond to such a question. “We do not have to fight anymore. We can no longer be enemies. Just you and me, superior beings, ruling the world side by side.” “There is no future for us.” she says quietly, “You strive for perfection in your own image. I cannot allow that. We are destined to fight until one of us falls.” “I see…” Red Skull frowns in disappointment, “Pity. I see that there is no convincing you.” “What are you going to do to me?” she stares into his eyes, “If I refuse to join you, then we have no choice, but to end this.” “Not necessarily.” he smiles, “Though you have refused my offer, we do not have to fight…tonight. After all, we have this nice room to ourselves, and you know that I do not desire to end your life.” “And what makes you think that I don’t want to kill you?” “We are one and the same, Captain. If you wanted to kill me, you would have pushed me off five minutes ago.” he gets closer to her muzzle, licking it gently. She trembles in response; not out of fear, but arousal. “You’re trembling. Does this mean you fear me, or is it something else?” “I….” she whispers, “I…” “How about, just for tonight, we are not enemies? Just two ponies enjoying a lovely evening together, and giving in to our deepest…and darkest…desires. Tomorrow, it will be business as usual. What do you say? Will you at least accept to that?” “I…” she turns to face him once more, “I do.” Their lips connect one more time for a passionate kiss, embracing one another in a state of cardinal bliss. Moans exit their mouths, and their tongues are entwined in yet another primal dance. Red Skull removes his leather jacket, and begins to remove the rest of his uniform, when Captain Equestria places a hoof on his chest, stopping him. “Leave it on.” she pants, “You are to leave as soon as you are satisfied.” “As you wish.” he smiles, kissing her again in a rough fashion. His hoof makes its way to her pants, where he gets it inside, finding her already wet and wanting sex with ease. He rubs against it, causing her to moan as she continues to kiss him. He then removes the pants down to the bottom of her forelegs, exposing her glistening slit. Red Skull separates from her, moving downwards to her delicious cunny, and diving right in, tongue instantly penetrating her body and inner walls. She gasps and bits down on her hoof, not believing that this tyrannical individual is giving her the best pleasure of her life. He laps up her sexual juices eagerly, licking her cunt like a dog enthusiastically licking its water bowl. He’s really going at it, and is unashamed to hide his excitement. “Oh no…” Captain Equestria whispers, “I’m gonna…damn you! AHHH!” With no further warning, her strong orgasm powers its way out of her open sex, and pours into Red Skull’s wanting mouth. He swallows everything that she gives him, eking out a deviant and victorious chuckle. “Captain…” he smiles, “I didn’t know how quick you were to…satisfaction.” “Shut up.” she says angrily, “You are disgusting.” “I’m not the one who orgasmed in a matter of minutes, my little super soldier.” he sinisterly smirked, moving back up to her muzzle. “Face it, you want me.” “I…don’t…” she pants, leaning up and kissing him roughly. Using his magic, he unzips his pants, and is fully erect and pulsating member falls onto Captain Equestria’s costumed stomach. Playfully, he rubs it against her tight uniform, making her bite her lip in anticipation. “What are you waiting for? Just get it over with.” she looks away from him, a common sight for the war criminal at this point. “Of course.” He positions his length against the dripping slit, pushing into it carefully. Subtlety goes completely out the window, as Red Skull thrusts into her with one powerful push. The abrupt act causes her to yelp and wrap all her hooves around his body. He smiles, nibbling on her shoulder as she continues to shudder and moan. He doesn’t mock her, nor does he say anything. Instead, he pushes in and out of her at a gradual pace. After a few slower thrusts, he goes to a faster pace, before going back to slow. He keeps on teasing her, making her think that he is going to climax at any second, but instead keeps going, making her second guess his every movement. “S…stop…” Captain Equestria moans between thrusts, “Just cum already.” “You and I both know that that isn’t going to happen very soon. I can feel every inch of your insides. You are wet with pleasure and pain. You want me to keep going for as long as you desire.” “Shut up…” she seethes, “You do not know what I want.” “Then push me off. End this session and leave this room. Do as you please.” He stops thrusting, looking into the depth of her very soul. He’s giving her the opportunity to leave; to get rid of him and end this once and for all. She grabs him by the shoulders, rolling him onto his back, with her on top of him. She squeezes her thighs against his waist, and he laughs and moans at the same time. Looking at him, she is tempted to squeeze the life out of him, but instead…she slowly moves up and down, allowing his cock to continue penetrating her. Her breaths become heavy again; both hooves on his chest and she grinds onto him, feeling his length twitching inside of her, hitting her cervix over and over and over again. Sweat pours from her mask; the heat of the outfit, and the heat of herself is causing her to pant wildly now, throwing her head up to the ceiling with eyes shut and mouth open. Her grinding goes faster and fast; Red Skull looks upon her glorious and perfect figure, writhing on top of his shaft, squeezing it with all she’s got. Her tightness makes his once pleased expression turn into one of struggle. She is too tight now, and her movements are making that all too familiar pressure within him creep up. Suddenly, the Captain freezes in place, whimpering and moaning. Warm sexual juices flow from her cunny, and she looks away in embarrassment. She came again. “Again?” Red Skull says in wonderment, “I’m not finished yet.” He grabs her by the shoulders, turning the tables and pinning her back on the bed where they started before. “Perhaps I should give you what you want now.” “I don’t want anyth…AHH!” she is interrupted by a hard thrust, as Red Skull pumps into her vigorously and with a laugh. “I’ve dreamt of this, Captain!” he says, continually thrusting, “I wanted you in my bed for so long, and now I finally have you! This is the victory I always wanted! Not over Equestria, but over YOU!” Captain Equestria moans loudly now, unable to contain herself as Red Skull goes to town on her body and soul. He leans down, kissing her with sloppiness and wetness, like a wild animal, before going back to push himself deeper inside of her. It’s at that moment, that he can feel it. He’s finally going to cum, but he does not want to. He wants this moment to last forever, but he knows it can’t, and on some level, that upsets him. He makes the most of it, continually caressing her body, finding her erogenous zones and exploiting them as fast as he can. He nibbles her ear, she likes it. He licks her neck, she likes it. He grabs her rump, lifts her up to the wall, and pounds her harder against it….she REALLY likes it. “Captain…oh….Captain…” he grits his teeth harder, “I want you…forever. I want you to be mine. Mine…and no one ELSES!” he pumps faster now, feeling that he’s going to unleash himself at any given moment. “Oh, Captain….I LOVE YOU! AHHH!!” He yells out for the last time, as his shaft shoots out load after load of hot cum inside of her. The sensation makes Captain Equestria cum for the third and final time, yelling out with him; their orgasms as wonderful as they are prolonged. Their yells subside, and their juices pour out onto the bed, and Red Skull falls backward onto the comfortable mattress below, with the once heroic Captain plopped on top of him. They spend the next couple of minutes simply breathing and nothing else. His length softens, moving out of her and allowing more juice to come out. Soon, Captain Equestria kisses his chest lovingly, and then his neck. “Okay…” she still pants, “You win…I’ll join you.” Red Skull looks at her, smiling in victory. “I’m glad you can see things my way…Captain.” he evilly smiles. He cannot take this charade anymore. Silver Screen, using his hoof, takes off Milano’s mask, and giving her a deep and romantic kiss, not in character, but as himself. Milano would be lying if she thought the feeling was unwelcome. “That was hot…” Milano smiles. “It certainly was. Was I too rough?” “No, that was perfect. Besides, Red Skull wouldn’t be a very gentle stallion.” “Oh, so this is something you have thought about in detail?” “Me? You talked the most. All that dialogue seemed strangely in character. Did you write a Captain Equestria fan fiction somewhere, and I just don’t know about it?” “Of course not. I only write Transformares fan fiction.” he says with a straight face. The face doesn’t last for long, as he then bursts out laughing. Milano playfully hits him on the chest, before kissing him on the cheek. “If we do this again next time, how about you be the dominant one?” “You know I will. I have a few ideas in mind.” she licks her lips seductively, resting her head atop his chest. Rubbing his coat with her cheek, she thinks about the moment they just shared together, and how exciting it was. The act was something she always wanted to try, but she never got the chance to when she was married to Almighty. Then, a thought crosses her mind; she remembers was Silver Screen, in the throes of passion, had said to her seconds before his climax. “Hey, SS?” “Yeah?” he asks, eyes closed and still in a state of bliss. “Do you really love me?” His eyes snap open in a millisecond, remembering what he said to her during the carnal act. Milano looks upwards, resting her chin on his chest, watching his cheeks turn red at her question. He gazes downwards to her curious expression, tilting her head to the side like a little filly. “I’m….I’m sorry.” he says timidly. “What are you sorry for?” “I got a little carried away, and it just…came out.” “Yeah it did.” Milano chuckles, referring to something completely different that came out. “I’m serious, I shouldn’t have said that.” “But…you DO love me, don’t you.” “I…” he looks into her beautiful eyes, “I do, I just…I wanted it to be the right moment to tell you. Guess I screwed that one up pretty bad.” “How long have you felt this way?” “A while, now. Like maybe a few weeks ago. I didn’t want to make you feel like I was rushing things, so I waited until…until you felt the same way. If you don’t, I completely understand.” “SS…” she says softly, climbing upwards to face him. Their muzzles barely touch, as if she’s intentionally teasing him. “It’s okay. I love you too.” “Wait…what?” he wonders in genuine surprise, “How…when…how?” “I’ve been feeling the same for a while; same as you. I didn’t want you to feel like I was rushing into things, considering the amount of time it has been since the divorce. Kind of silly of me, huh? To fall in love with another stallion so soon after falling out of love with another?” “Not as soon as you might think.” Silver Screen smirks, “But it’s no less unexpected. I was willing to wait a couple more months before telling you.” “And I couldn’t wait any longer.” Milano nuzzles underneath his crimson dyed chin, “I want this to last for a really long time.” “So do I…” he smiles, “…but we have to take precautions, now.” “What do you mean?” “In movies, after the two lovers have a wild night of sex, and profess their love for each other, the likelihood that one of them dies soon after goes up by ninety five point six percent. That means we have to watch out for speeding trains, armed robbers, and random diseases.” “SS…” Milano shakes her head with a chuckle. “No, I’m not going to be a slouch. I’m going to surround you with a magic bubble twenty four seven, with round the clock protection from being killed.” “SS…don’t worry so much.” she rubs a hoof on his chest, “It isn’t going to turn out like those dumb love stories. I feel fine, and I don’t have a family history of life ending diseases. Plus, have you seen the crime rate in Ponyville? It’s practically nonexistent, aside from ponies attempting to steal books from the hospital for some reason.” “Yeah, but that’s Ponyville. What about the rest of Equestria? There could be lots of dangers in places like Manehattan or Las Pegasus!” “You’re cute when you’re overprotective.” she giggles, “Don’t be such a nervous nelly, SS. Nothing life threatening is ever going to happen to us, and that’s final.” “Hmmm…” Silver Screen thinks, “I’ll take your word for it…for now…” he looks around the room with suspicion, thinking that something is going to attack at any moment…like that weird looking lamp in the corner. “Are you having a staredown with that lamp?” “Maybe.” “Knock it off.” “In a minute.” “Now.” Milano demands, now standing above him in a dominant fashion. He has no choice now but to look away from the lamp, and at the mare he perceives to be a goddess, standing over him with a stern but attractive look on her face. “Isn’t looking at me much better than looking at a stupid lamp?” “A hundred and ten percent better.” he smiles, “Now…” He grabs her, rolling her around playfully in the bed, all the while kissing her on the neck and cheeks. She laughs at his playfulness, kissing him right back. “Oh no! Red Skull has got me and is smothering me with kisses! Somepony save me!” Milano says while laughing. “No one can save you now!” Silver Screen plays along, “You are under my spell!” He rolls on top of her; the two look upon each other with love and happiness. Milano leans up, kissing him softly on the lips, and then nuzzles up against his cheek, prompting a kiss from him. “You’re right…” she whispers, “…I am.” > Helping Button... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Yikes. What a mess.” Silver Screen uttered, as they looked upon the near apocalyptic landscape that is Ponyville. The morning after Nightmare Night is always the messiest. This is something both Milano and Silver Screen came to learn when they arrived in Ponyville after the town’s festive celebration. Barrels of drunken cider poured out onto the grass, vendors and games thoroughly trashed, candy everywhere, and various ponies passed out in different spots around the danger zone. The two were careful not to step on any faces or tales, making their way back to Milano’s house, where Button is no doubt sleeping from the night’s activities. He said that he would be hanging out with The Cutie Mark Crusaders as they went trick or treating, and then going straight home afterwards. “We have to be quiet.” Milano says in a whisper. “Don’t want to wake up Button.” Silver Screen can only smirk, instantly reminded of those words from the night they made love for the first time. The door opens ever so slightly, as the two ponies walk into the darkened living room. Inside, the television plays the main menu from the video disc of The Trotting Dead as the theme faintly plays in the background. Somepony forgot to turn off the television, and the speakers for that matter. Milano looks over at the couch, and her look of annoyance and confusion turned into a smile, as if looking at the cutest thing known to ponykind. Her hoof goes over her mouth, suppressing an awed emotion. She gestures for Silver Screen to walk over to see what she is currently witnessing. Silver Screen turns to the couch to see Button, sleeping cheek to cheek with Sweetie Belle, both comfortably breathing, with Button letting out a small snore. The Projectionist finds the sight to be as adorable as Milano does. Button is dressed up as a Zombie, complete with some detailed make up that creates the illusion that he has a bite taken from his side. Sweetie Belle is dressed like a vampire, almost like a countess, with a black dress, and some fangs to complete the ensemble. Silver Screen surmised that Rarity created the outfit for her, but considers the possibility that Sweetie Belle worked on it herself. A hoof is places on Silver Screen’s shoulder, making him turn to see Milano glancing up to the stairs. He follows without a moment’s hesitation. They go up the stairs to the bathroom, where Milano turns on the faucet to the shower. Hot steam rises up, beginning its process of fogging up the mirror. She puts a hoof under her Captain Equestria outfit to remove it, but Silver Screen beats her to the punch, using his magic to remove the costume for her. She turns, giving him a sultry smile. “I know what you’re thinking.” she whispers, “But I just want to take a shower.” “That’s fine.” he smiles, “I’ll clean you.” a loofah floats up, ready for some sensual scrubbing. Milano stifles a laugh. A half hour passes, and Milano and Silver Screen trot back down the stairs. Milano wears a fitting robe over her body, while Silver Screen has to bear the slight embarrassment of everypony seeing the extent of the dye job he put on his body. Only his hooves and head had been dyed red, making the center of him still a dark blue. Some of the color has faded from the wash, but it will be a while before it completely disappears. The pair sees that Button and Sweetie Belle are still asleep. Silver Screen takes the opportunity to turn off the television, making the house quiet and peaceful. Milano goes to the kitchen, taking out some eggs from the carton, and butter to place on the pan. Silver Screen walks in to watch her crack the eggs, preparing breakfast for Button and Sweetie Belle. He goes to the cabinet, taking some Honey Oats and pours some in a bowl. After applying some milk, he goes to the living room, sitting down on a couch by the sofa. Slowly, almost teasingly, Silver Screen eats the cereal, making sure that each bite is louder than the last. He considered leaving them alone, but its heading for a ten o’clock hour, and they’re going to get up whether they like it or not. Eventually, after the third or fourth bite of cereal, Button lets out the first yawn, with Sweetie Belle following soon after. They raise their heads in tandem, stopping at precisely the point where they realize what is going on. Their eyes open, noticing that their noses have touched. Button and Sweetie Belle instantly turn crimson, flying back from one another in embarrassment. They have become so flustered and shocked, that Silver Screen isn’t even landing in their peripheral vision. “Sw-Sweetie Belle!” Button adjusts himself, “I-I’m so sorry….” “No, I’m sorry!” she says in a similarly panicked tone, “I…umm….I didn’t know what happened. I…I guess we fell asleep together.” “I think so.” he rubs the back of his head, “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?” “I’m fine too. Are you?” “You asked that already.” Silver Screen interrupts the awkward moment. Button and Sweetie Belle yelp as they turn around to see Silver Screen munching on some Honey Oats, smiling and giving a slight wave. “Sorry to interrupt. I figured I had to announce myself before you noticed.” “Silver Screen?” Button is surprised, “Where’s Mom?” “She’s in the kitchen, making breakfast for you two. I hope you don’t mind that I helped myself to some of your cereal.” “It’s fine.” Button nods. He notices Sweetie Belle hopping off the couch, heading for the door. The blush on her face from the initial encounter still has left her. “Sweetie Belle? Are you going to stay for breakfast?” “Um…” she hesitates, “N-No, it’s fine. I’ll um….see you at school, okay?” “Y-Yeah. Okay. See ya.” Button waves with a friendly smirk. He watches as Sweetie Belle makes her quick exit. His smile goes away instantaneously. “I think she likes you.” Silver Screen blurts out. “No!” Button proclaims loudly, “I-I mean she likes me as a friend, but not in the way that you’re thinking!” “Dude, she was totally embarrassed when your muzzles touched. That’s a classic Romantic Comedy moment right there. That means she totally digs you, and hasn’t found the right time to tell you, yet.” “This isn’t a movie!” Button huffed, “It was a misunderstanding, and she was trying to get away because you showed up!” he sits forcefully on the couch, crossing his forelegs like a little foal not getting his way. “Probably one of the many other mares that are groveling at your hooves.” “First of all…” he swallows some cereal before continuing, “Ew, she’s like eleven. Second, what other mares?” “I saw Bon-Bon was five seconds away from making out with you, when you rescured her from the six foot hole.” “Oh, yeah….she was.” he chuckles, “That was a weird moment. But I’m only interested in one mare, and that’s all I’ll ever need.” “Who is this harlot?!” Button demands, “I’ll kill her! And you!” “Erm…your mother?” Silver Screen raises an eyebrow, “I think that sugar has gotten to your brain.” “Oh…” Button winces, holding his head like he has some sort of bad sugar induced hangover. “I think it has.” “Do you like her?” Silver Screen asks bluntly. “What? My Mom? Ew! Now YOU’RE being gross!” Button blechs in revulsion. “No, I’m talking about Sweetie Belle. Crazy fool.” “Do I…what? Sweetie Belle?” he scoffs, “I never…I….” he defeatedly sighs, “It’s that obvious, huh?” “Yes. Yes it is. If I was banished to the moon by Princess Celestia. It would still be obvious. From the moon. Because I would be on it. Watching you.” “I don’t know what to do!” Button hops off the couch. “I’ve been nice to her, hung out with her, I bought her stuff…” “What did you buy?” “Like…soda….” “Any jewelry?” “I can’t afford that! Celestia knows she deserves it.” he looks down at the carpeted floor, scratching it timidly. “If I had the bits, I would get anything for her.” “Wow. That sounds serious.” “But I don’t know what else to do! How can I show her that I’m interested?” Silver Screen gives him a look that just screams out that Button should very well know the answer to his own question. Button obviously doesn’t however. “Have you tried asking her out on a date?” “A date?” “You do know what a date is, right?” he queries, before continuing with “A date is when two ponies go out for…” “I know what a date is!” he snaps. “Sorry…” Silver Screen grimaces, “It’s just…you seem like, you know, kind of an INDOOR colt.” Button gives him a sharp look, “Okay, I’ll lay off.” “Breakfast!” Milano calls out from the kitchen. Silver Screen and Button come trotting in. Milano notices a distinct lack of Sweetie Belle. “Hey, where’s Sweetie Belle?” “She and Button’s muzzles touched, and she blushed and got scared off.” “Aw, that’s so adorable.” She looks down at the extra plate of eggs. “More for us, then.” She shrugs, happily putting half of the eggs on her plate, and the other half on Button’s. “So, did you ask her out, yet?” “That’s what we’re working on.” Silver Screen continues. “I don’t know how to ask her out!” Button slams his head down on the tale, narrowly missing the plate of scrambled eggs. “I feel like if I try, I’ll get nervous and wet myself.” “Have you done that before?” Silver Screen queries. “There’s a first time for everything!” Button snaps back, before slamming his head down again on the table, this time even harder. “Just walk up to her and say ‘Sup Sweetie Belle, let’s go out!’ Except, you know, put your own Button-y spin on it.” Silver Screen says with a smile. “How did you ask Mom out?” Button wonders. “Ummmmmmm……” Milano and Silver Screen say at the same time. “Nevermind.” Button waves them off, no longer interested in the origins of their coupling, “Do you really think it’s going to be that easy? What if she says no?” “I get the feeling that she’s not going to say that.” Silver Screen assures, “I know, because I read pretty far ahead in the script.” He turns to Milano, “You and I are going to make out on page fifty six.” “Nice.” Milano smirks. “Dork!” Button cries out, “You’re a dork!” “Oh yeah! Well… you play video games!” Silver Screen tries not to crack up at his halfhearted insult. “So do you! And… you swear online!” “When you get older, you’ll understand!” “I am older! I can swear too, you…dorky, mother loving, bag of dick eater!” “Button!” Milano opens her mouth wide in abhorred shock. Silver Screen however, isn’t so shocked. Instead, he doubles over on the floor laughing loudly while flailing his back legs around wildly, as his forelegs clutch onto his stomach, trying to lessen the pain of laughing so hard. “Um, Mom? I think I just killed Silver Screen.” “You’re grounded for a week. If he dies, you’re grounded for a month.” “I’m okay…” Silver Screen wheezes, “I’ll be fine.” “See? He’s fine.” Button smiles. “Good. You’re only grounded for a week now.” Silver Screen gradually gets back up from his laughing state. The barrage of guffaws has made his throat dry, giving him the need to drink a lot of water before he can talk like a normal pony. Milano puts down a glass of the ice cold sustenance, and he drinks it happily without question. “Okay.” He finally speaks, “I’m good to go. Sorry.” With a few extra coughs and the clearing of the throat, he sits back down on the kitchen chair. “Anyways, about this pickle you’ve found yourself in. I suppose there’s only one thing you can do about this.” “And what’s that?” Button wonders with a raised brow. “Just ask her.” Silver Screen puts it bluntly. Button gulps. Button and Silver Screen walk the the town, now cleaner than it once was the previous day. Most of the residence helped out in removing trash from the ground and waking the bodies of the inebriated party goers, sending them on their way back to their homes. Silver Screen’s dye job has faded even more since yesterday, but it’s still noticeable to any passerbys. Anypony who takes an extreme notice and get the inclination to ask him if he’s okay, Silver Screen would give them the abridged version of the story, which shuts them up almost immediately. “Okay, Button. Where does Sweetie Belle like to hang out?” “She can sometimes be found at the Hayburger Hut with Applebloom and Scootaloo.” he says in nervousness. “Silver Screen, are you sure about this? I don’t think she’s interested in going out with a colt like me.” He looks down at his normal appearance. “I should have worn something nice, or put on some cologne at least.” “No, bad idea.” Silver Screen says as if from experience. “Wearing something nice, or emmiting cologne says that you’re extremely lacking in confidence, and desperate to the high heavens. If you’re going to ask somepony out, you must be yourself.” “But, what if being yourself is stinky?” “Then you at least take a bath. Luckily, you don’t stink. I’d cool it on the sweat, though.” “I can’t help it. I never asked a mare out on a date before.” “It’s fine. You’ll be fine.” Silver Screen nods to him with a smile and a face of assured confidence. Button looks up at him, eeking a smirk of his own. He’s impressed that this dorky Projectionist is helping him out at such a task, even if this task is still scaring the living daylights out of him. Silver Screen looks ahead, stopping abruptly. “Hey, there she is.” “What?!” Button goes to a halt. Looking ahead, he sees Sweetie Belle chatting it up with Applebloom and Scootaloo, no doubt discussing their next big plan to achieve their cutie marks. Immediately, Button dives into a nearby bush, with everypony but the trio noticing his act of cowardly stealth. With an annoyed sigh, Silver Screen trots over the the bush, and sticks his head inside. He sees Button, covered in leaves and branches, shaking out of fear. “Look, every colt goes through this at some point or another.” “Well, I don’t want to! She’s going to say no, I just know it.” He glares at Silver Screen, “And don’t give me that ‘I read the script’ brouhaha, because it’s not going to work! You saw her at the house. She was embarrassed because a colt like me was so close to her. She wants a real colt.” “You are a real colt. Or are you a robot, and I never knew all this time?” “You know what I mean!” he snaps. “Is she still there?” “One second.” Silver Screen pulls his head out for exactly one second, before coming back in. “Yep, still there.” “Hurm…” Button pouts, “Let me know when she’s gone. These bushes are starting to prick my flank.” “Look, Button.” Silver Screen gives him a friendly face, “I know you’re scared. Who wouldn’t be? Every colt or stallion is scared when they ask a mare out on a date. Don’t let some of their machismo make you think otherwise. Deep inside, they are just as scared as you are. What you need to do, is bottle up that fear, and go out there with all the confidence in the world. I know you can do it. Pretend…” he thinks, them smiles, “Pretend like it’s a video game.” “A video game about dating?” Button wonders. “Yes. It’s a downloadable indie game, not a full retail release, so don’t expect too much in the way of content. But imagine that this game has only one achievement, and it’s worth a million Gamerscore.” “A million?” “A full million. That achievement…is to ask a beautiful mare such as Sweetie Belle out on a date. If she says no, that’s the beauty of video games. You can play them over and over, until you get it right and win. Or, you can get is right the first time around, and enjoy the fantastic cutscene that follows. If you don’t at the very least attempt this now, somepony else will give a shot, and if he succeeds, will post his playthrough on the internet to boast his achievement. Do you want that? Or, do you want to post that playthrough yourself?” Button sits there in silence; he’s just been given the most unconventional dating talk in his entire life. On some level, he wants to giggle and laugh at the ridiculous analogy Silver Screen has just made. On another, he can see where he’s coming from with whatever came out of that muzzle. “A million…” Button says to himself. Suddenly, he bursts out of the bushes. Small branches an leaves stick from his mane. “How do I look?” Silver Screen removes the branches and leaves from him, and gives it a quick comb over with his magic. “Like somepony about to rock.” Silver Screen smiles. With a crack of his neck, and a straightening of his step, Button starts walking towards the still conversing trio, with Silver Screen watching from a distance. As Button takes each step, the fear attempts to take over, but he refuses to let such an emotion to deprive him of what he wants to achieve. He sucks it up, putting on a brave and confident face, getting closer to his goal. Scootaloo is the first to notice Button coming towards them. She gets the other two’s attention, and the three turn to look at the approaching gamer pony. A small but noticeable blush graces Sweetie Belle’s cheeks, not expecting his arrival. She does not flee, but she is very nervous from his presence. Button would be lying if that didn’t make him feel proud. “Oh, hi Button.” Applebloom welcomes, “What’s up? Did ya wanna help up get out cutie marks today?” “Preferably this time not knocking us out with your gas bombs?” Scootaloo teases with a chorte. “Umm…hi….Button.” Sweetie Belle says timidly, attempting to hide her blush, “How are you today?” “Sweetie Belle…” Button attempts to sound smooth, but his scratchy voice doesn’t quite achieve the desired tone. However, the other two notice the intended effect immediately. “There’s something I want to ask you.” “Oh, Sweetie Belle! Ah just remembered!” Applebloom interrupts, “Ah can’t help out today. Ah have to go help…uh…Big Mac…uh…move…apples! Yeah! I’ll see ya tomorrow!” she gallops off. Scootaloo stands alone. She stutters an excuse. “Oh…I…ummm….I-I can’t go anywhere either. I….um….have to help Rainbow Dash….erm….save the universe! Bye!” she gallops off too. It’s just Sweetie Belle and Button, now. She looks back to him. He’s sort of bewildered at their quick and unconvincing exits, but he regains his cool in a matter of seconds. “So, um…Button.” Sweetie Belle says quietly, “Was there something you wanted to ask?” “Sweetie Belle…I have to ask you something. It’s a question I’ve always wanted to ask you, since the day I first laid eyes on you. I know I’m not the smartest, most handsome, or most subtle colt you’ve ever met, but…I…kind of…sort of…really like you.” Silver Screen winces a bit from afar. It’s actually cute to watch, but he can see some of the confidence wither away just a tad. “You…you do?” Sweetie Belle wonders. “Yes!” Button says with definitiveness. That confidence is back. “And, what I want to ask you is this…” “I don’t know if getting married is the right idea.” “I…what?” Button creeks his head to the side, “Married?” “We’re too young, and it would be weird to do so at our age. I don’t think we should do that.” “Wait…I…I just wanted to ask you out on a date.” Button clarifies. “Oh…” Sweetie Belle nods, before finally, “OH! A date! That’s what you wanted to ask about?” “Yeah.” Button smirks, before going back to his confused state, “What were you going on about with marriage?” “Um…nothing.” Sweetie Belle brushes it off. “A date? I…” she thinks hard about this. “I’ve never been on a date before…” Button shakes in his hooves. She’s never been on a date? Her? That’s impossible! Sweat drops from his brow, Silver Screen’s too. He is rooting for Button all the way, and hates thinking about having to come up with another speech. But, if it came to pass, he would do his damnedest to try. “I would love to go out with you, Button.” Sweetie Belle says with a grin and a small squeak in her voice. “You would?” “Yes.” “Really?” “Really.” “That’s…” Button prepared himself for her to say no, so he didn’t think this far ahead in the story for this outcome. He looks over at Silver Screen, who gestures him to keep going. “That’s great! So…um…dinner and a movie on Friday?” “We can meet at the Hayburger Hut, and go see a movie after we eat.” Sweetie Belle says, making the perfect date for two foals such as they. “Does that sound okay?” “Okay? That sounds amazing!” Button exclaims excitedly. “So…Friday?” “Friday.” Sweetie Belle smiles her perfect smile. “I have to go find Applebloom and Scootaloo. I think they aren’t really doing what they say they’re doing.” “O-Okay. You have a good day, Sweetie Belle, alright?” “You too…Button Mash.” she trots off with a happy bounce in her step. Once she is completely gone, Button suddenly jumps in the air in excitement, clicking his hoves together before landing back on the ground below. He bellows in victory, running around the area with a wide smile on his face. “YES!!!!” he screams, “YEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!” He stops running in a circle, going straight for Silver Screen, “She said yes!” he jumps up, and Silver Screen catches him for a hug. “This is the greatest day of my life!” “That’s fantastic! I knew you could do it, Button!” Silver Screen laughs in celebration. He puts the colt down, watching him attempt to regain his bearings. “Okay. Now tell me how the date should go!” Button demands. “Um…no.” Silver Screen replies. “What? No? But…I don’t know how this works!” “It’ll come naturally to you, provided you don’t act like a total creepozoid.” “But…how would I know what’s creepy and what’s not?” “You don’t seriously need me to tell you that, do you?” “I want to know!” “No.” Silver Screen turns, walking away back to the Mash residence. Button follows with mad determination. “What are my table manners supposed to be? Is it okay to put a hoof around her during the movie? What about kissing? What if she wants to kiss on the first date? Is that okay? What does it mean to ‘get fresh?’ What is the meaning of bases? Is dating somehow akin to baseball?” “Oy.” Silver Screen sighs, “When we get home, I’m going to have to tell you some things.” > The Birthday Party... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, how’d it go?” Silver Screen asked a smiling Button. After some teachings by the Projectionist, Button was able to go out on a date with his long time crush, Sweetie Belle. The two hit a night on the small town of Ponyville, meeting up at the Hayburger fast food joint, before heading to the theater to catch the latest flick. From the look on Button’s face, the date went off without much of a hitch. He walks past Silver Screen, hops up on the couch and slowly descends into a laying down position. “It was amazing.” Button swooned, “We talked for a long time about movies, video games, things we wanted to do when we grow up. She was soooooooo beautiful. She had her hair in a bun….just a little bit of blush on the cheeks. I think her sister helped out, and she has my thanks.” “I’m glad to hear it.” Silver Screen grin, “So, what base did you hit?” “Mmmmmm first….” Button softly replied, floating on cloud nine at this point. “I took her home, and as I was saying goodnight…she kissed me on the cheek. It was niiiiccceee….” “Not exactly first base, but alright, go Button.” He raises a hoof up for a high hoof. Button lightly taps it, eliciting a small victory chuckle from Silver Screen. “I’m going to tell your mother.” “No need.” Milano appears from the kitchen, wiping a hoof with a cloth after cleaning some dishes. “I heard it all. So, Sweetie Belle kissed you on the first date? Impressive.” “Mmmmmm….yeah….” Button melts on the couch, “It was cooooooollll….” “I certainly hope you weren’t like this after she kissed you.” “We both werrrrrreeeeee…..” Button continues to trail off, his eyes alternating between closed and half open. “I think I should put him to bed.” Milano concludes, picking up Button and bringing him to his room. After a few minutes of tucking Button in and kissing him on the forehead goodnight, Milano comes back down the steps to Silver Screen waiting for her. He looks up at her descending from the stairs, giving her a welcome smile. “How is he?” Silver Screen asks as Milano sits closely next to him. “In a state of euphoria. I think he’ll be like that for a while. Were you like that when you had your first kiss?” “I wouldn’t really call that a first kiss. More like a peck on the cheek. I’d hate to see what he’s like when he gets his first REAL kiss.” he chuckles, “As for your question… interestingly no. I was more surprised than anything during my first time. The only time I was left in a state of shock and awe, was when YOU kissed me for the first time.” “Yeah…” Milano giggles, “That was a bit random of me.” “Random, but cool.” Silver Screen wraps a foreleg around her, “Besides, look at where it led us.” “You getting gassed by my son, my friends attempting to judge you, and my ex-husband hating your guts for Celestia knows what.” she kisses him on the cheek. “About that…” he grimaces, “Back at the Nightmare Night party last week…I kind of told him to fuck himself.” “You WHAT?!” Milano gasps. “Scratch that, I didn’t ‘kind of’ tell him. I TOLD Almighty Dollar to go fuck himself. He was talking down to me, and said bad things about you. When he asked if I loved you, I told him to fuck himself.” “Why didn’t you just say yes?” “Because he asked it in such a condescending way. I knew that if I answered him, he would have had something else horrible to say. So, I shut him down, and went off to have some role play love with you.” His matter of fact nature of his speech makes Milano laugh. Deep down, she didn’t expect that he would react as such. His pleasant and fun loving personality would have made her think that he would simply brave through Almighty’s words, but to hear that he lashed out at him caught her off guard. “So, that’s why you were being so sultry before we left his place.” “I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible and be with you. When you told me that you rented a room in town, then I REALLY wanted to get out of there.” Milano rests her head on his shoulder, with Silver Screen resting his chin atop her mane. “You really do love me, then.” she smiles. “I never thought you would ever say that to him.” “That’s something you should know about me. If I’m pushed too far, bad things could happen. Like Saddle Ranger.” “You get big and muscly?” she playfully prods at his stomach. “Hey, I thought you liked my physique.” “I’m just fooling.” Milano giggles, “Seriously though, do you get all big and muscly?” “Yes.” he says with such conviction that even he could very well believe his own words. “Yes I do.” He notices Milano continuing to prod his stomach. “Hey, stop that.” “You going to get mad?” “Probably just annoyed.” “Then, I’m going to have to prod a bit harder.” she does just that, using both hooves to prod at his stomach, alternating the pokes like a beat. She hums a tune while doing it. “That’s it!” Silver Screen feigns anger, pinning Milano to the couch. She gasps and giggles at his actions. “You have made me angry. You will not like me when I’m angry.” “I get the feeling that I will.” she smiles seductively. “Rawr!” he bellows, slavishly kissing her neck. “Face the wrath of Saddle Ranger…if she was a stallion! Rawr!” The two laugh and rough house, as they tumble off the couch, and onto the hardwood floor for yet another night. Button descends downstairs at the early morning hours, yawning and wiping his eye from waking up so soon on a weekend day. He gets halfway down the steps, when he sees his mother and Silver Screen chatting in at the dining room table, with his mom drinking from a freshly made cup of hot coffee, and the Projectionist with a glass of water. Seeing his mother’s smile as she talks with him brings a certain degree of happiness to the colt’s eyes. His mom brushes a loving hoof against Silver Screen’s foreleg; an action that she once did for his father, which he saw a sure sign of love. Watching that gentle caress now has confirmed for him that she has found somepony else. Milano looks over to see the smirking Button watching them from the steps. Silver Screen catches her gaze, looking over at the colt. “Good morning, Button.” Silver Screen smiles. “Morning.” Button replies, finishing his trek down the steps, and into the kitchen. “What happened last night?” “You were kind of delirious, and then your mom took you to bed.” Silver Screen says with honesty. “You don’t remember that?” “I remember saying goodnight to Sweetie Belle, then she kissed me on the cheek. I honestly don’t remember much after that.” “Wow…” Milano seems impressed, “It’s kind of a good thing that you still know your way home, even when floating on a cloud.” “I was floating on a cloud?!” Button takes this literally. “It’s a metaphor.” Silver Screen assures him. “It means you were hooked on a feeling and high on believing.” “Not helping.” Milano says, shaking her head with a chortle. “I am a little bit.” he shrugs. Milano gets up off the chair, kissing Button on the top of the mane. Button rubs the kissed spot in embarrassment as Milano goes to the fridge. She gives Silver Screen a knowing look, and he nods back, understanding what is happening. “Hey, Button.” Milano says, back turned to Button, “Do you know what day it is?” “Saturday?” Button responds, “I know it’s a Saturday, so what?” “But, it’s a special Saturday.” she reaches into the fridge. “What’s so special about this Saturday?” “It’s you’re…” KNOCK KNOCK The sound makes their heads turn to the front door. Milano pulls her hooves out of the fridge, turning the rest of her body to the sound. She closes the fridge, heading towards the front door. “What in Equestria…” Milano opens the door to see a sight she didn’t expect to see. Almighty Dollar, Fleur, and Arcade stand before her with a smile, and holding up a boxed cake from a Manehattan bakery. Button trots up to his mother to see his father, his new wife, and brother. “Dad?! Arcade?! Fleur?!” Button says in surprise, “What are you guys…” “SURPRISE!!!” they all say, “Happy Birthday!!!” “WHAT?! It’s my birthday?!” he turns to his mother, “I totally forgot!” “Yeah…” Milano gives off a disappointed smile, “Happy Birthday, sweetie.” She looks back at the trio, “Come on in.” she angles herself to let the three inside. They spill into the kitchen to see the very surprised Silver Screen at the dining room table. Almighty places the cake in the center, opening it up to reveal a massively overdone vanilla chocolate cake, with a detailed figure of Button dressed up as a Super Equestrian Fighter II character named Thunder Strike. Button marvels at the cake; his mouth watering in anticipation, wanting to do nothing more than to eat that cake all by himself. “It looks so good!” Button salivates, “Where did you get it?” “Only from Gustave Le Grand, the best baker in all of Equestria.” “No way, Pinkie Pie is the best baker in all of Equestria.” Silver Screen thinks, glancing over at the understandably saddened and disappointed Milano. “What do you think, Silver Screen?” Almighty asks in that all too noticeable tone of his, “Pretty incredible, huh?” “Yeah. It looks great.” Silver Screen replies. He goes over to Milano, wrapping a hoof around her shoulder, “We both think it’s great.” “It looks amazing.” Milano can feel Silver Screen’s gentle grip tighten just a little bit, subtly letting her know that everything will be okay. She responds her own way by grazing her cheek against his neck ever so slightly. “I’ll cut the cake.” “I’ll get the figure.” Silver Screen uses his magic to lift the plastic representation of Button off the cake, giving it to Button. “You can place that right next to your other figures. Who knows, it might be a collectable someday.” “A collectable? Why? It’s the only one in existence.” “Exactly.” he rubs Button’s mane with a chuckle, “When you get famous, everypony would want an action figure just like that.” “Oh, stop.” Button blushes, “Hey Arcade, you wanna see the new stuff I got in my room?” “Sure thing!” Arcade says happily, galloping up the stairs with Button. The adults are now alone, with Milano finishing up cutting the cake. She places the knife away and washes her hooves in the sink. “It would have been nice if you let us know ahead of time that you were coming.” Milano breaks the silence. “Then, it wouldn’t have been a surprise.” Almighty smiles, placing down a bag of wrapped gifts. “I was hoping that we would all go out for a birthday lunch for Button, then come back here to have some cake.” “What a coincidence! So were we!” Silver Screen exclaims in seemingly genuine excitement. “What were you thinking? Hayburger?” “Actually, we were thinking something less…that.” Almighty chuckles, “We know that Button likes Jubilee Calendars, so we figured we’d go there.” “Jubilee Calendars, eh?” Silver Screen nervously chuckles, “That brings back fond memories.” “Of what?” Fleur asks. “Just…um…my first time there. It was very nice.” he hides the real memory. “I’ll put the cake away.” He lifts up the cake, bringing it over to the fridge. Fleur looks over at him opening up the fridge, spotting a box with a Sugar Cube Corner logo on it. It grabs her attention. “What’s that?” she wonders. “Oh, it’s…” he pushes the box back, with the even bigger box standing in front of it now. “Nothing. Just some cupcakes from a week ago.” Button and Arcade come rushing back down the stairs. “Easy, you two.” Milano attempts to calm them, “Where’s the fire?” “No fire, Mom.” Button laughs, “I’m just so excited.” “Well, are you ready to go out to eat?” Almighty asks, “We heard that you like Jubilee Calendars.” “Yeah, it’s pretty good…” Button nods, “But I’m thinking something a lot better than that.” “What?” The ponies sit around in the living room, watching television and eating Pizza that Button ordered himself. They watch as Button and Arcade play video games, after Milano allowed him to move his console to the big high definition television. Milano and Silver Screen smile as Button shows off his fighting game prowess, proving that he’s gotten much better after years of practice. Fleur also can’t help but crack a smile at the two colts playing so enthusiastically. Almighty seems bored by the whole thing, but smiles and nods whenever Button, Arcade or Fleur turn to him and ask what he thinks. “YES!” Button yells in triumph, as he beat his brother in a match of Ultra Equestrian Fighter IV, “I got you so good!” “I just let you win because it’s your birthday.” Arcade tries to play it off, “Yeah…that’s totally the reason.” “Aw, yeah! Who’s bad! I’m bad! Me! Yeah!” Button dances around the room. “A NEW CHALLENGER HAS ARRIVED!!!!” The television speakers blare. Button turns to see that a long time online rival by the name of Rekd34, has offered a challenge for the colt. Button’s face grimaces, knowing that he cannot beat this particular player. For too long, this pony has played in the fighting game circuit, and won a few tournaments as well. Every time Button tries to play the game online, Rekd34 is always there, he always issues a challenge, and Button always loses, despite his best efforts. “Ugh, I hate this guy.” Button seethes, “Doesn’t he have anything better to do?” “What’s the matter?” Silver Screen wonders, “Is that a pro level player or something?” “Very. He always challenges whomever he can find, and beats them in the process. None of my friends can beat him, either.” “Want me to give it shot?” he asks. “I don’t know. That might be cheating, since we’re signed in as me.” “But he doesn’t know that.” Silver Screen winks, nudging at Button to give him the controller. Silver Screen sits down next to Button, pressing the “Accept” button for the challenge. The other player has already picked his character, the unlockable and tremendously overpowered Faust. “No wonder this guy wins all the time, he picks the power characters. Don’t worry Button, I got this.” Silver Screen picks the weaker, yet nimbler Quicksilver. Button catches this, raising an eyebrow in worry. “That character’s too weak. You’ll get slaughtered!” “I told you…I got this.” Silver Screen winks again, giving Button a reassuring smile. The stage is set. The music plays. The characters are introduced on the screen, with their usual taunts and quips being played. “Round one…fight!” the announcer says. Button watches as Silver Screen does…not that much, actually. He does some flips and moves, but is behaving very slowly, almost as if he’s allowing Rekd34 to beat him. “What are you doing?” Button asks, “You’re getting destroyed!” “Just wait…” Silver Screen remains coolly confident. In a matter of moments, Quicksilver is defeated for round one. Round two readily begins. Suddenly, Milano brings Button closer to her. “You might want to be back for this, Button.” Milano smiles. “Round two…” A switch is suddenly flipped in Silver Screen, his eyes show determination, and his lips form into a devious smile. “FIGHT!” Silver Screen changes from a slow and near unresponsive combatant, to an unstoppable fighting machine. He pulls off multiple combo strings, juggling his opponent around like a flailing marionette, with the once reigning champion getting only a few good hits in, before being played like a damned fiddle. Button and Arcade’s jaws drop, while Milano looks on with a bit of pride stemming from her smile. Even Fleur was impressed. Almighty…less so. Within two rounds, Silver Screen was the winner, with Rekd34 simply signing off moments after being thoroughly beaten to a pulp. Button ad Arcade surround the Projectionist like he’s Princess Celestia herself, hopping around in great enthusiasm. “That was awesome!” Button said, “You beat that guy with barely any health lost!” “H-how?!” Arcade wonders, “How did you do it?!” “I used the first round to inspect the way he fights. He’s good, but from the way he fights, I can see that he presses the buttons too quick and recklessly, which break the combo strings. When that happens, it gives off a big opening for the opposition. The opening only lasts for a second, but if pulled off at the right time, he becomes nothing but a punching bag.” “Sick!” Button exclaims, “You’re awesome!” he goes up for a high hoof, which Silver Screen happily obliges. “Aw yeah!” “It’s time for presents.” Almighty says, giving Fleur a slight nudge on the side, signaling her to get the presents. She nods, floating the bag over with her magic, setting it down in front of the birthday colt. “I think you’ll like this.” “Neat!” Button smiles, scrambling to his gift. It’s a sizable box, wrapped in colorful paper. He tears off the wrapping paper like a mad dog, getting to what is on the other side in a matter of seconds. His jaw drops, when he sees the latest system in gaming technology… the Gamestation 4. “Sweet Celestia!” he yells, “These things were always sold out, not to mention super expensive! How did you…” “It wasn’t easy…” Almighty smirks, “…but we managed to get the last one at the store a few days ago.” “Wow.” Silver Screen says, impressed. “I don’t even have one of these yet. Who did you have to fight to the death with to get it?” “Nopony.” Almighty says sternly, “We just went to the store and bought it.” “However you got it, this is great! Thank you so much, Dad!” Button widely smiles. He looks at Silver Screen, “You think you can help me set this up in the room? Your magic would help a ton.” “Sure thing, champ.” Silver Screen chuckles, “You wanna check this out too, Arcade?” “Of course! I got to see how this baby looks!” Arcade gets up. The three enthusiastic gamer ponies go galloping up the stairs, with the newly delivered gaming device floating upwards along with them. Milano and Fleur look onwards at the huge geeks with a simultaneous chuckle. “I’ll never understand why ponies like that get so excited about gaming.” Fleur admits, “But I must say, it makes me smile.” She turns to Milano, “Milano, is it okay if I got something to drink from the fridge?” “It’s no problem.” Milano nods, “Go right ahead.” Fleur nods back, getting up and walking into the kitchen, leaving Milano and Almighty alone together. The room is silent. Milano can see that there is something troubling on Almighty’s mind; his shifting and grimace says it all. She looks away from him, hoping that Fleur comes back sometime soon. “Is he living here?” Almighty asks. “No. He still lives in his apartment.” “Is he planning on living here?” “We haven’t talked about it, but I was thinking about it.” “Why?” “Because I love him? I figured that was a good reason.” “Do you? So soon after…” “Please don’t.” Milano glares, “You got re-married the second I signed those divorce papers, so you don’t deserve to judge me.” she scoffs, “It’s Button’s birthday; let’s have fun and hate each other later.” “I don’t like him.” Almighty grumbles. “I like Fleur. The least you can do is like who I am with.” “I don’t understand why he’s here.” “He’s here to celebrate Button’s birthday. It’s the same reason as to why you’re here. I also recall you coming over here uninvited.” “I bought this house. I’m allowed to come here to see my child.” “What the hell is your problem, Almighty?” Milano’s voice cracks under frustration, “You’re the one who had the affair. You’re the one who left us. Why am I the bad guy here? Why is Silver Screen?” “How many times have you two fu…” “Don’t!” she growls, “Don’t make this about that.” “It’s the reason why I did what I did.” “Because you couldn’t keep it in your pants; yes, I know. You reminded me of that ever since I caught the two of you on the couch.” “Where is that couch?” “I burned it. That hurt, too. I really liked that couch. Is this the reason why you’re so angry? Because we make love often?” “When we were together, it was one excuse after another. I would come home night after night exhausted, looking for some form of comfort or release, but no. You were always sleepy or exhausted. Now, it’s nonstop with you two.” “Do you want to know why that was?” “Yes. Very much so.” “Because while you were out there in Manehattan doing your job, I was here taking care of our foals. Button was born two years after Arcade, and they were both challenging to raise. Day in and day out, I would care for them, change them, bathe them, feed them, call for a sitter if I had work. I would buy them clothes, school supplies, games, movies, backpacks.” “With my money.” “And mine! I did everything for them. You weren’t there for any of that. It was always business. Even when you were home, it was always work. I was tired, because I had to do everything myself. I knew you were frustrated, and I understood. But, I always told you that it would be fine. If you had just waited a few more months, then this wouldn’t have happened.” Milano feels good letting the air out, even as the thought that Fleur is taking an awfully long time with the drink enters her mind. She doesn’t care anymore, she wants to let it out. “So tell me, Almighty. Tell me how I’m the villain in this story. Tell me how I’m the one being out of character and horrible.” She sees him looking away from her. Disdain fills his eyes, preparing an answer that could probably lead to a much worse response. “I loved you, Almighty. I loved you with everything I had. I was willing to walk through fire for you. Why? Why did you do it?” “My father taught me many things. One of which is that wives are only made for two things. Having foals, and providing for the husband’s needs.” He looks her dead in the eyes, “You weren’t providing for me. You weren’t giving me what I wanted. So, I moved on to somepony that did.” Milano’s eyes go wide at his words. Tears well up in her eyes. Everything that they had. Every moment they shared. It was all for nothing. A relationship only created to suit his needs. “That’s…all I was to you? Everything that you did for me, everything that we did together…it was all an act? I was some kind of foal factory that was required to put out whenever you wanted it? I was just some plaything?” “Don’t get me wrong, I did feel some form of affection towards you. But you had a role to play, and you didn’t perform it like you were supposed to.” Every word from his mouth sounded like a growl, “All I asked was a little something in return. Now, I see that you are giving what was rightfully mine to some pathetic, loser stallion, without a bit to his name, and is nothing but a…” Suddenly, Almighty is instantly surrounded by a blue bubble of magic, and is violently thrown THROUGH the door, shattering it into splinters. He is flung outside onto the dirt, sliding across it and leaving an impressive indentation in the ground. He stumbles upwards, turning back to see Silver Screen rocketing towards him; rage filling his different colored eyes, and slamming into Almighty with incredible brute force. He drags Almighty further into the ground, pounding his hooves into the stallions muzzle, screaming with such hatred and fury that other ponies run towards the scene of the once playful and kind Projectionist’s outburst of violence. Silver Screen stops, looking upon the half conscious and bloodied Almighty, not regretting for one second of his actions. Slowly, he leans downwards, whispering into his ear. “I know you can hear me. I bet you’ll want to sue me after this. But know this; you deserve everything that I gave to you. You are a horrible excuse for a stallion, and you don’t deserve a mare such as Milano. You gave her great kids, and for that I am thankful. However, the fact of the matter is that you’re a miserable pile of shit, and if you EVER talk to Milano like that again, I will kill you.” Words fall on deaf ears, as Almighty went unconscious in the middle of his speech. Silver Screen, drained of adrenaline, starts to sob from all the rage that poured out of him within those two minutes of violence. He heard almost every word that Almighty said. He was coming down the steps to show them the system, when he happened upon their conversation. He saw that Fleur was in the kitchen, shaking from what was being spoken, drinking her beverage with a combination of sadness and shock. Hearing those words come out of him filled his heart with nothing but contempt. Something inside of him snapped, and he took it out on the pony that was causing the mare that he loved emotional harm. Silver Screen looks around to see the townsfolk staring at him; baffled that he was capable of such a thing. Some folks were taking pictures, even video. Soon, the police arrived, surrounding Silver Screen and placing cuffs on his hooves. “Wait!” Milano calls out, pushing past the crowd. She reaches Silver Screen, grazing her cheek against his. Button comes in as well, eyes watering from the sight. “I’m so sorry, Milano.” Silver Screen whispers. “I couldn’t control myself. I was so angry at what he said that I…” Milano says nothing; she only connects her lips to his. Their eyes close for a strangely tender yet passionate kiss. The cops stand there, letting them finish. They separate, but continue to say nothing. Silver Screen looks down at Button. He gives him a friendly smirk. Button feels conflicted, but sees the gentleness in the Projectionist’s eyes. “Sorry I ruined your birthday.” Silver Screen hangs his head. “You guys can give my apologies to Fleur and Arcade as well.” Silver Screen turns back to the officers, allowing them to take him away. Milano and Button are tempted to follow them to the station, but instead go back to the house. Fleur and Arcade walk outside, carefully stepping over the destroyed door. Almighty is put onto a stretcher for the ambulance. He starts regaining consciousness. Through the pained groans, he sees Button walking by. “Button…” he whimpers, holding a hoof out. He sees Button stop, turning to look right at him. “Come here. I want to tell you something…” Button pauses, with an expression of nothingness on his face. Through his eyes, the emotion is clear as day. There is no love, but hatred and disdain for his father’s words. Button knew that his father was in the wrong to leave his mother for another mare, but the reasoning was far worse than he ever imagined. With a quick turn, Button goes back to his mother’s side, walking into the house together. Fleur and Arcade follow them, leaving Almighty all alone as he’s being taken to the hospital. The four go into the kitchen, where Button, Fleur and Arcade sit down at the dining room table. Milano opens the fridge, taking the cut cake that Almighty brought. She places it on the table, with the other three looking at it, getting their plates ready. Then, Milano reaches back inside, pulling out the Sugar Cube Corner box. Placing down on the table, she opens it up to reveal another birthday cake. It’s decorated with a cartoonish drawing of Milano and Silver Screen looking up, marveling at the image of Button, who is standing on a pile of defeated video game enemies in triumph. At the bottom, it reads “Happy Birthday to the best gamer in Equestria.” The three at the table lightly smile at the image and the message, putting their attention on that cake instead. Milano slices up the cake, and they take a slice. The eating that followed was quiet, as they hear the sounds of ponies outside still taking pictures, and workers doing measurements on the door for its eventual fix. Police Ponies walk inside to see them all eating cake in silence. “Ma’am.” the Officer says to Milano, “We’re going to need your statement.” “In a minute.” Milano replies quietly, “We’re celebrating my son’s birthday.” The Officers wait patiently for them to finish eating the cake. Once they are done, Milano stands, starting to walk towards them to give them her account of the events prior. “Mom?” Button stops his mother; a tear going down his face. “Yes, sweetheart?” Milano asks. “I don’t want to see Dad anymore.” > Out of Prison... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey, Silver Screen. You got a visitor.” The Officer said, tapping on Silver Screen’s cell. It’s been a month since the Projectionist was arrested for the assault of Almighty Dollar and taken to Canterlot Prison. Video of the event was captured by some ponies, and posted on the internet for all to see. Once Almighty regained some form of consciousness, he set out to sue Silver Screen for all that he was worth, which wasn’t much to begin with. However, the ponies in Silver Screen’s life came to his aid, hoping to get the vengeful stockbroker to back down. All Almighty could ultimately get was an extended prison sentence; three months with a high bail of one hundred thousand bits. Silver Screen pleaded guilty for the assault, calling it a “Crime of Passion,” as Almighty was verbally assaulting Milano, prompting him to lash out as harshly as he did. Milano and Button have visited once or twice a week, with Milano letting him know that she will always stay with him. Button had been a bit more quiet, but he never showed signs of fear or hatred for Silver Screen, but still retains a sense of shock. One particularly visit however, showed a sign of hope, as Silver Screen made him smile, after an amusing joke about the food in prison. This day is surprising for Silver Screen, as Milano and Button’s visit isn’t for another couple of days. He is lead into the visiting area, where the less dangerous prisoners are allowed to meet with their friends and loves ones out in a large room that looks very much like the cafeteria, sans a row of food and a unkempt and unhappy chef who would rather make five star meals in Canterlot. The Officer leads him to the occupied table, where a certain mare he didn’t think would ever be there, was actually there. Fleur De Lis. “Fifteen minutes.” The Officer said, trotting off to join the other Officers in the room. Silver Screen slowly sits down across from Fleur, still in disbelief that she is there. She maintains a friendly smile, but the hint of hesitation is noticeable to him. “This is a bit of a surprise.” Silver Screen says, “Never thought you’d come to visit me.” “I’d never thought I’d come visit you, either. But I figured I owed you one.” “What are you doing here, exactly?” Silver Screen wonders. “I’m here to see you.” Fleur responds candidly. “Well, I’m honored, but not only am I still with Milano, but I don’t think a conjugal visit is a good idea.” “I’m not here for that…” Fleur chuckles, “But it’s nice to see that you’re in good spirits.” “To be honest…” he looks around at the calm atmosphere of the room, “It really could be worse here.” Silver Screen shrugs, “The guards are nice, the prisoners haven’t tried to shank me. Then again, I’m in the ward with the ones who did petty crimes. I suppose I have everypony on the outside to thank for that.” “If Almighty had his way, you’d be in a maximum security prison deep in the bottom of Tartarus.” “Yikes. That wouldn’t be the most pleasant of places. Still, I’d rather be out there.” he looks to the window with sunshine coming through the glass. “Understandable.” she nods. “It’s nice outside.” “Don’t rub it in.” Silver Screen says jokingly. “How’s Arcade?” “He’s fine. He’s living with me.” “Just you? What about…” “I divorced his sorry ass a couple days after you got arrested. Arcade wanted to come with me, so I let him. I think, when all is said and done, Milano will get full custody. But, I’m just guessing.” “I’m sure she’ll give you visitation rights.” “I doubt that. With Almighty and I over with, I no longer have to be in the picture. This is only temporary until things are settled.” “I’m sorry.” “For what?” “For things that happened. For bringing the worst out of him. And…for beating him up.” “In my eyes, you have done nothing wrong. It was me who is to blame.” “Why? You didn’t do anything.” “I did do something. If I didn’t stay with Almighty, none of this would have happened. Well, not in the same way.” she sighs, ”I had everything before I met Almighty. I had a modeling career, lots of bits and fans…and I had a wonderful coltfriend, who was the kindest, most loving stallion I ever knew.” “You did? I assume this loving stallion wasn’t Almighty.” “No.” she nods slowly in regret, “His name was Fancypants. He treated me great; showered me with praise and adoration. He even named one of his many restaurant chains in Canterlot after me. He was in every way…perfect.” A tear rolls down her cheek, “But, I screwed up. I met Almighty at one of Fancypants’ parties, and we just…hit it off, I guess. He was charming and sweet. One thing led to another and…” “I see.” Silver Screen grimaces, giving off a little bit of judgment. Fleur takes it, feeling that she deserves the expression. “When Fancypants found out, he was so angry and so…sad. I tried to go back to him, to explain myself and apologize, but the damage was done. I went back to Almighty soon after, and we started to date. For a year, we would always go back to my place, but never his. He wouldn’t say much about himself and only focus on me. He was so charming that I didn’t even question it. “I don’t blame you. Almighty always had an air of confidence and charm about him.” “When he allowed me to show up at his house, I found out he was married. Milano walked through that front door, with Almighty and I on the couch. Then, I found out that he had foals! Not only did I ruin one life, but three others!” she buries her face in her hooves, “I felt so bad. I apologized profusely to Milano, but she was never angry with me. Celestia only know why.” “Then, why did you stay with Almighty?” “I didn’t know where else to go! I haven’t talked to Fancypants in months, and I doubt that he would have wanted me back, after what I did. I stayed…because I didn’t want to be alone. It’s so dumb of me to say, but it’s true.” “You’re Fleur De Lis. You could have had anypony.” He then chuckles, “You could have had me if you wanted to.” The quip makes Fleur give off a soft laugh. “You got under his skin, though. I could see it in his eyes every time he looked at you. When you were helping Button with his game, and setting up his system, that really bothered him.” “Speaking of which, was that REALLY the reason why he hated me? Because I was some middle class pony sleeping with his ex?” “I couldn’t believe it, myself. Hearing him say such awful things was horrible. When we were in Applewood, all he could talk about after the Nightmare Night party was what you said. At first, I was surprised, but after what happened at Milano’s, I understood.” “You mind if I ask you something, Fleur?” “No, I don’t mind.” “Why are you here?” “I told you why I’m here. I’m here to see you.” “But why? So you could tell me how you came to be with a stallion such as that? Milano gave me the bare bones version, and honestly, I knew then that you weren’t the villain here.” He sees Fleur look down at the table, but he notices a small smirk. “Even meeting you at the party, you were genuine and nice, which surprised the hell out of me. When I think of celebrities; I think of the possibility that they are stuck up, holier than thou types, but YOU…were the opposite of that! Arcade likes you enough to stay with you, which tells me that you are a great mother as well. You are, in essence, a fantastic pony. You just made a mistake.” Silver Screen could notice the crimson cheeks that he just gave Fleur. She looks up at him, putting a stray lock of hair behind her ear, as she smiles a kind and loving smile. “I can see why Milano loves you. You can be a real sweetheart. Cheesy, but a sweetheart.” She puts a hoof on his, “I came here to thank you. You showed me what kind of stallion Almighty really was. You don’t deserve to be here, and for that I’m sorry.” “Any chance of having a hundred thousand bits on you?” “No, but I might know somepony that does.” she leans in, kissing him on the cheek. “What was that for?” “For being you.” she gets up, walking to the guard, signaling him that she’s ready to leave. She turns back to him with a smile, “I’ll see you around, Projectionist.” Silver Screen gives her a gentle wave as she leaves his sight. The Officer that lead him to the room stands behind him, letting him up to go back to his cell. The next morning, as Silver Screen groggily opens his eyes to greet the morning rays that pour through the barred window, he sees out of his peripheral vision the Officer standing at his cell, as if expecting him to wake up at this exact time. “Morning, Officer.” Silver Screen yawns, “What’s up?” “Today is your lucky day, kid.” The Officer smiles, opening up the cell door, “You made bail.” “Good one.” he chuckles, not believing it, “Nopony would pay for my release. Not even my parents. Don’t get me wrong, they love me, but not that much.” “Funny. They’re waiting in the lobby for you.” The Officer says in a matter of fact tone. “So, are you coming or what?” Silver Screen looks back at the Officer and the ceiling alternately, wondering if he should follow him, or do nothing at all. Only confusion graces his face; his mind still attempting to process the fact that his parents could very well be out in the lobby waiting for him to emerge. “You serious?” he asks. Only silence from the Officer. Silver Screen looks back at the ceiling, saying, “I don’t believe you.” He turns back to the Officer, “Really?” The lobby doors open up, with the Officer walking in first, and Silver Screen trailing not too far behind. Waiting in their seats is the Projectionist’s unicorn parents. Silver Screen’s eyes widen, surprised that the Officer was telling the truth. His mother, Photoplay, still a striking mare for her age, with a dark red coat, black hair, and cyan eyes, smiles upon looking at him. She gets the attention of Joystick, Silver Screen’s father, a stallion with a blue coat, greying hair, and red eyes, who looks in Photoplay’s direction. The two stand from their seats, running to Silver Screen and giving him a big and loving hug. It’s been a long time since he had seen them in Manehattan, but the feeling of them embracing him wasn’t an unpleasant one. He wanted to take Milano over to see them shortly after Button’s birthday. That was before he decided to have a bit of a mental breakdown. “Silver Screen!” Photoplay cries, embracing her son tightly, “Are you okay? Have you been unmolested?” “Yes, Mom.” Silver Screen chuckles, “All eight of my orifices are perfectly intact.” “Eight?” asks Joystick. “Eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and butt.” “Oy. Too much information, son.” “Hey, you asked.” they all share a warm chuckle. “It’s great to see you guys, but how did you manage to raise the bits to get me out? I figured you would just visit me or something.” “We wanted to get you out, we really did.” said Photoplay, “But we didn’t have the necessary bits to accomplish that; maybe only a fraction.” “Your mother and I were about to come visit you, when an…interested party arrived at our doorstep.” “He said he wanted to help out, so he paid for your bail in full.” “Who would be willing to get me out of jail?” “That would be me.” A familiar voice is heard from the shadows. The three turn to see none other than Michelin Hay come out from the darkened corner of the room, which everypony thought was odd, considering it’s daytime and there’s sunlight in the room. “Sorry, there was a broken light over there and I couldn’t resist.” He gestures upwards at the broken light. “It was just hanging there, and I thought it would be cool if…you know what? Nevermind.” “Michelin?!” Silver Screen wonders in surprise, “Y…You?! You helped in getting me out?!” “Yeah.” he shrugs, “I wasn’t going to let you rot in this place. Plus, Fleur had a little something to do with it, too.” “I had like two months left in my sentence.” “But I wanted to get you out now. I wasn’t going to wait another two months. Besides, your mom and dad are happy to see you.” “Yeah…” he sees the ecstatic looks on his parent’s faces. “But…why you? We only met once. Why would you of all ponies be willing to pay so much to get somepony like me out of prison?” “It’s not obvious, is it?” “No!” Silver Screen says bluntly, “It’s not!” “Come with me.” Michelin says, turning to the front door. The carriage of Michelin Hay is as extravagant and expensive as his movies are. Some would call the wide open space, the bar, the supple leather seats, and air conditioning over the top, he considers it normal. He sits on one side, while Silver Screen and his parents sit all the way on the other. The way the carriage is built however, is that whenever somepony talks from one side, the other could hear it as clear as day. “So, I’m not going to waste any more of your time.” Michelin says, taking a swig of a freshly made martini. “I didn’t forget about your request from the Nightmare Night party.” “But…that was just me being a fancolt.” “And I took it VERY seriously. I genuinely liked your look, and was searching for new talent at the time, anyway. Of course, the producers thought that you were too much of an unknown, and that I was already taking a huge chance with our lead actress.” He takes another drink, “That is, of course, before they saw your video.” “My video?” “The video of you beating up Almighty Dollar. That thing went viral, dude.” he waves his forelegs in an overly theatrical manner, as if making a movie marquee, “Ordinary Equestrian Citizen takes down rich bigwig of Applewood.” He chuckles, “Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Could be a logline for a big coming of age movie or something. It’s not to be. It’s the title of the video that was posted.” He waves it off, “Anyway, when I saw that, I knew I had to get you. When the executives saw that, all they saw were dollar signs. The next Applewood Bad Colt. Born on the streets, raised without any rules...” “That’s…not true…like…at all.” Silver Screen grimaces, looking at his parents, who nod. “I was born in Ponyville, and was raised by great parents.” “So? The public doesn’t have to know. The point is, that when I saw that anger in your eyes, I saw potential. If you can bring that level of intensity on to my set, then you and I will get along just fine.” “Okay, so let me get this straight. I beat up a rich stallion. I go to jail. I get rewarded with a role in Transformares 4?” “Yeah. You have a problem with that?” “No. I mean, well…it’s awfully strange and could be seen as super contrived if I told this story to anypony, but I personally don’t have a problem with it. I’m in!” “Great!” “So, what role do I get? The comic relief?” “No. I already cast that guy, and he dies in the first hour. You get something more substantial and survive.” “The lead?!” “I’m kind of going with a dual protagonist, this time around. You get just as much screentime as my actress. You also get to interact with the Autobrocs and kill some Decepticolts, too.” “Woah. Who is your lead actress?” “She was once called The Great and Powerful Trixie. Now, it’s just Trixie.” “Sweet Celestia…” Silver Screen gasps in awe, “When do I leave?” “Now.” “Now?” “We’re headed towards the station to go to Applewood.” “Wait. No. I have to go back to Ponyville. I have to tell Milano and Button the news.” “Sorry.” Michelin shakes his head, “I’m on a bit of a time crunch. We start in a couple of days, and I need you prepped and ready to go by then.” “But…” “Silver Screen…” Photoplay steps in, “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I’m sure she’ll understand.” “If it makes you feel any better son…” Joystick chimes in, “We’ll go tell her ourselves. We’ll let her know that you’re out and okay.” “Are you sure?” Silver Screen wonders, “I mean, you guys haven’t even met her yet.” “Hey, we’re so easygoing, she’ll have no choice but to like us.” “I’m more worried about her.” he chuckles, turning to Photoplay, “You were always wary of the mares I was with.” “That’s because I’m your mother.” she chuckles, “We’re supposed to be like that.” “So, Silver Screen…” Michelin gets his attention, “What’s it going to be?” In the house of Milano and Button, the two get ready to go out to do some shopping. The door that had been destroyed a month ago has now been replaced by a nicer, newer, redder door, which fits with the house much better than the last one. They are still trying to get a feel for the new door handle, but they hope that it doesn’t have a pony thrown through it in the near future. “You ready to go, Button?” Milano asks, getting her hoofbag ready. “Just a sec.” Button puts on his cap, ready to seize the day. “Now I’m ready.” He smiles. Milano smirks, opening the door to nearly bump into Photoplay and Joystick, looking up at the address to make sure they have the right house. Milano jumps back in surprise. “Oh!” Photoplay lets out, “I’m sorry! We almost didn’t see you.” “That’s fine. I almost didn’t see you either.” Milano nervously chuckles, “Are you two looking for somepony?” “Are you Milano Mash?” Joystick asks. “I am. Is everything okay?” “It sure is.” Photoplay replies, “We’re Silver Screen’s parents.” “You are?!” Milano nearly goes bug-eyed in shock. “It’s…it’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry, you two caught me by surprise. Button!” she turns to the door, where Button peaks his head out, “It’s Silver Screen’s parents.” “What?!” Button comes running out, seeing the parents of the Projectionist. “You must be Button Mash.” Photoplay looks down, “Silver Screen told us about you. You tried to gas him, is that right?” “Um…yeah...” Button blushes in embarrassment. “What’s going on? Is he okay?” “He’s fine. He’s out of prison.” “Huh?” Milano nearly gasps, “I thought he had another couple of months.” “He was bailed out by Michelin Hay.” “MICHELIN HAY?!!!” Button screams, “THE…THE FILM DIRECTOR?! HOW…WHAT….HOW IS HE SO…GAHHHH!!!!” he runs back inside the house, “OVERPOWERED!!!!” “Wow.” Joystick drops his jaw, “He’s…eccentric.” “Don’t worry about him. He’s certain that Silver Screen is some kind of RPG Boss character or something.” She looks around the parents, hoping to see Silver Screen hiding in a bush to surprise her. “Where is he?” “At this time…” Joystick looks down at his watch, “He should be headed to Applewood.” “Why?” “He…um…” Photoplay uses her magic to bring up a scroll, “His words will say it better than ours.” Milano takes the scroll. Carefully, she unfurls it, seeing a lengthy note from Silver Screen. Dear Milano, I’m sorry I’m not there right now, holding you in my forelegs and giving you the biggest kiss in all of Equestria. Wow, that is super cheesy. Let me try again…wait…am I writing this down? Damn. Okay. Milano, I wish I was there to greet you myself. Unfortunately, I can’t, but I have some great news. My parents probably told you that Michelin Hay bailed me out of prison, but they might not have told you the reason. Back at the Nightmare Night party, we met and hit it off rather well. I told him I wanted to be in Transformares 4, and he said he’d consider it. Now, I was fully expecting him to drop it and go off to do his own thing, but it turned out that he actually wanted me in the movie! I had a choice; either to go with him immediately, or go back to Ponyville to see you guys again. I knew that if I told you this, you would have said that I made a big mistake not accepting the offer, so I am now leaving with Michelin straight to Applewood. Again, I’m sorry that it will be a little while longer before I am able to see you again. I had a present to give to Button on his birthday. It was meant to be a surprise, but I never got the chance to give it to him. You can find it in my apartment. It’s the one with the bow on it. You can’t miss it. I’ll keep writing to you, and you’ll never be far from my thoughts. Love you always, Silver Screen PS. Tell Button to stay out of trouble. After proper introductions, the four head over to Silver Screen’s apartment. Milano uses the spare key, given to her during their first month of being together. She gets the door open, and they all pool inside. The place is clean; cleaner than it once was, and especially cleaner than when Milano first came to visit him. Its shiny and couth appearance brings a smile to Photoplay and Joystick’s faces. “We haven’t seen his apartment this clean than when he first bought it, and even then there was a soda can on the floor!” Photoplay exclaims. Milano is charmed at the sight; no doubt that Silver Screen wanted the place to reflect her own kempt house. Then…she sees it. Button’s present. He sees it at the same exact time. His eyes go wide, and he runs up to it. “No way!” Button yells in excitement. “He had this the WHOLE time, and didn’t tell me?!” Photoplay and Joystick see what Button is running towards. Their jaws drop in astonishment. They look at each other, realizing exactly what this gesture means to them. “Oh, my…” Joystick exhales. With a pretty bow on top, and cleaned to absolute perfection, the arcade edition of Super Equestrian Fighter II: Turbo Edition, stands tall and proud. Button immediately gets to playing it, laughing and having fun. Milano spots a note on the side of the machine. Dear Button, This machine has defined my foalhood and my love for gaming. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Until I get my teleportation spell perfected, or if I give up and hire some movers, you can come over any time you want to play on this machine. Once I get it to your house, it’s all yours. Happy Birthday!!! - Silver Screen PS. We’re playing a match, right now! “I guess he was planning on taking us here…” Milano says quietly, “Oh, SS.” “Mom! This is awesome!” Button shouts, still powering through a match. “I can’t believe he had one of these! He’s the best! Where did he get one of these?” Joystick, with a knowing smirk, walks up to Button, joining in as a new challenger. “Well, Button…he got it from me.” “Really?” “Yep. I used to own this machine, back when I ran the arcade many years back.” “No way!” “Yes way. Silver Screen would play this machine every day after school, getting better and better as the years went on. Have you two played this game before?” “At home, yeah! I saw him kick the stuffing out of this one player, and it was like ‘Crash! Boom! Bam!’ It was amazing!” Milano and Photoplay continue to watch Joystick tell Button Mash the story of Silver Screen’s foalhood, with Button eating it up like a good movie. The entranced and enthusiastic expression the gaming pony possesses shines upon his face. The moment was enough for tears to well up in Milano’s eyes. The outcome was all too obvious to her, the ending playing in her mind as if reading well ahead into a screenplay or a book. This is what she wants, no…what she needs. She turns to Photoplay, and says four words that cause the mother to gasp in absolute stupefaction that she nearly topples over onto the floor. “I’m marrying your son.” > After Shooting... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Bumblemare!!!” Race Rider yells, watching his robotic comrade fall over from a high powered blast from Trotdown’s energy cannon. The faithful Autobronc writhes on the ground, trying to get up and continue the fight, but her energy has fallen. Race stumbles up on the war torn battle ground, galloping to her and putting his hooves on her chasse in comfort and assurance. “Stay there, buddy. I’ll take care of him.” Anger flourishes in his eyes. Preparing for one hell of a retaliation. Trotdown fires at the leader of the Autbroncs, Optibroc Prime, with Tracey, Race’s marefriend, firing away with her newly acquired piece of alien weaponry, found on Trotdown’s ship. “Take that!” Tracey yells in rage at the malevolent bounty hunter. “You will pay for your insolence, filly!” Trotdown growls with seething hatred, aiming his cannon at her. “NO!” Optibronc dives in the way of the blast, hitting him square in the chest. Tracey has no time to react, as another blast comes her way. She dodges and dives the explosions that follow, trying desperately to survive the onslaught. Prime tries to get up, but it’s a struggle. The blue coated, silver maned unicorn is soon cornered. She aims her weapon to fire, but Trotdown takes it away with a single swipe. “You’ve seen my face, your life is DONE!” he aims his cannon at her. “TROTDOWN!” a voice screams from the distance. The bounty hunter turns to see Race, riding an out of control wagon, which is currently barreling at him. The wagon is packed to the brim with explosives, ready to go off at a moments notice. “Race! No!” Optibronc yells. “It’s all up to you, Prime!” Race calls out, turning his attention back to Trotdown. “You, think you can defeat ME?!” Trotdown roars. “No, but I can try!” Race smirks with confidence. Trotdown braces for impact, as Tracey raises a foreleg up in an attempt to call out to Race. “No, Race!” Tracey screams. “This is for Bumblemare, you ugly sonofa…” He dives off the wagon in a fraction of a second before it collides with Trotdown’s face. A massive explosion rocks the stallion onto the ground, knocking him out cold. Optibronc, seeing his pony companion on the ruined rubble of the city, gets a second wind, rising up and taking on Trotdown. Tracey gallops over to the lifeless body of Race, cradling him as the world around her explodes in battle. Tears runs down her face, with some falling onto the cheeks of her coltfriend. “Race…stay with me. I don’t want to lose you.” she cries, “Please…I love you.” Tracey raise him up to her chest, embracing him tightly. “Being your coltfriend is hazardous to my health.” Race weakly says. Hearing his voice once again, Tracey looks down at him, seeing his smiling face. Lovingly, she caresses his bloodied cheek, and he hers. “You still happy that we met?” she asks. Race responds by leaning up and planting a romantic and passionate kiss on her lips. She savors the moment, as battle still rages on behind them. A massive explosion goes off inches away from them, but they don’t care; they are lost in the moment. Race separates, looking deeply into her eyes. “Always.” he smiles. “CUT!” a voice calls out from a megaphone. Silver Screen and Trixie relax as they get up from the ground, politely dusting each other off from the massive explosion that happened behind them. Crew members walk around the set, getting things back into place, and moving aside the soft mat that Silver Screen dived on during his daring jump, and setting up the green boxes that serve as stand ins for the titular heroes, back to their respective places. It has been over a month since Transformares 4 began production, and the press had been hot on Michelin Hay’s tail since he cast two unknowns in major roles. With a massive budget, yet a smaller pony cast, most pundits have considered this to be the riskiest installment yet. Silver Screen’s time during shooting has been extremely hectic, with the infamous director shooting all the action set pieces at the front, with the more intimate and emotionally involving scenes in the back. Even so, he’s been having a great time. His relationship on and off the set has been mostly positive, though the director’s notorious attitude wasn’t toned down for either of the two actors. He was blunt with his criticisms, something that even Trixie, who once had the ego the size of the universe, took to heart. Over the course of shooting, they improved their technique, and Michelin becomes happier by the day. A successful shooting day would usually lead to them going out to eat, even when they are all covered in ash and soot from doing their own stunts. It didn’t take long for the two new actors to become friends, as they were both new to the game, despite Trixie’s history with being a travelling magician. Their rapport caused rumors that the two were dating, but they both denied the rumors fervently, despite their friendly nature towards one another. “Great job, Trixie.” Silver Screen smirked, “Are your knees okay?” “They’re fine, thanks.” Trixie nods, “It’ll take more than a few pieces of stray rubble to scratch the knees of the Great and Powerful….um…I mean…I’m okay. My mane is a bit singed, though.” “Let me see!” Michelin gallops towards them, looking closely at the little singe in Trixie’s mane. He looks over at the pyrotechnics ponies, “The explosion was supposed to go off long before they were in that area! You could have killed our stars! I hope you know that!” He watches at the crew gallops away in fear. “How did it look?” Silver Screen asked. “We filmed the kiss in slow motion, so it looked amazing. “ Michelin said with a degree of excitement, before going back to a concerned tone, “Still, are you okay Trixie?” “Nothing a little shower and a mane stylist can’t fix.” she chuckles, “The old me would have lost her marbles at such an event.” Trixie notices a few members of the press making their way onto the set, holding up cameras and notepads. “It appears that we are to do interviews, today.” “Really?” Silver Screen looks over, seeing the press as well. “Didn’t we already do interviews last week?” “You know how press ponies are.” Trixie chortles, “Always looking for more behind the scenes gossip and stories.” The two head over to the expecting journalists, who are chomping at the bit to once again interview these two hot young stars. “By the way, Silver Screen…” she continues, “You did a great job as well; especially that kiss. That was… a very good kiss.” “You think so?” “Yes. It felt…real. Do you actually have feelings for me?” she playfully jabs. “No.” Silver Screen lightly chuckles, “I mean…I like you as a friend, but…” he blushes, “That kiss was for somepony else.” “Ah. The single mother from Ponyville. Milano, wasn’t it?” “Yeah. I haven’t seen her since back in Ponyville. I guess you can say I’m a bit homesick.” “More like mare-sick.” she laughs, “If you kiss her like that, it’s no wonder you’re not single.” “Like learning I was taken didn’t stop you from constantly flirting with me for the first two weeks of shooting.” he quips with sarcasm. “I flirt with everypony. Watch, I’m going to flirt with these press ponies, too.” “That will be fun to watch.” “You still write to her, right?” Trixie changes the subject back to Milano. “Of course. I just sent a letter last week. I hope everything is okay.” “I’m sure that she is just fine. It’s hard to believe that she would let a ‘Bad Stallion’ like you go.” her teasing is endless but amusing for the former Projectionist. “Blech, don’t remind me of that persona. I try to be friendly with the press, but they always think I’m going to try and beat them up. I wish I could smile for those magazine covers, too.” “Please. Everypony loves the serious you. Sure, you’re a big softy in my eyes, but even I can admit that you have a marvelous serious face.” “Same to you.” he smiles, looking back at the press. “Now, let’s get to some interviewing.” Night has fallen, with Michelin calling it a wrap for the day, as his preferred sunlight has come and gone. Silver Screen has gone back to his room at the Ponyville Hotel; the same room where he and Milano spent an unforgettable night together, which on retrospect was also rather kinky for him. Upon entering the hotel room, he calls up room service, making the usual order of a pineapple and banana pepper pizza. They said it would be done in fifteen minute, to which his stomach grumbled in anticipation. Plummeting on the comfortable bed, he sits back and watches some television. Access Applewood, the popular entertainment program, shows the interviews he and Trixie did back on the set. Silver Screen marvels how fast editors are on footage such as this, as it felt like not too long had passed since filming to final cut. It’s been a week since he last sent her a letter to Ponyville, detailing on particularly grueling day at work, where a mistimed carriage flip nearly cost him a hoof. He made note of the risky conditions of being on set, and that he’s lucky for his reflexes and a killer medical team, who are on staff every day. Michelin Hay’s sets have been constantly criticized as danger zones for everypony involved, but on some level, Silver Screen enjoys the danger and surprise. Normally, he would get a response back from her, but he’s heard nothing for the past few days. He wonders if she’s okay, or if she has finally moved on to somepony else. He feels bad for thinking of such an outcome, but he wouldn’t blame her, either. As he ponders this, he hears a knock on the door. “Already?” Silver Screen says, looking at the clock. “I only ordered like five minutes ago.” Turning down the volume of the television, he gets up from the bed and walks to the door. As he flips the last lock, the door suddenly springs open, and Silver Screen finds himself enraptured in the wanting hooves of Milano, as she drives her lips into his. He stumbles backwards, falling back onto the bed and getting into the spontaneous, but not unwelcome lip lock. “You’re not pizza!” Silver Screen says in between kisses, “You’re much better than pizza!” “Damn right!” Milano laughs, before stopping. “Wait…you ordered pizza?” “Yeah.” “What’s on it?” “Pineapple and banana peppers.” “Our favorite!” she smiles, going back down for another flurry of kisses. Silver Screen cannot help but remember the last time she burst through a door for a make out session, and chuckle during their passionate kiss. “What are you doing here?” he asks, “How did you find me?” “It wasn’t hard.” Milano answered, “You’re staying in the same hotel we spent the night in on Nightmare Night.” “That’s understandable.” He smirks, “I was getting worried. You didn’t write me back.” “After you told me about that day where you nearly got hurt, I knew I had to see you again.” Milano holds on to his face, looking at him lovingly in the eyes. “I don’t know what I would have done, if I read about you getting hospitalized.” “Thanks for the concern, but the chances of me getting seriously hurt are pretty slim.” “You happy to see me, or not?” she teases. “Don’t get me wrong, I am EXTREMELY happy to see you. To be honest, I’ve been missing you something fierce, since I left Ponyville.” “So, the rumors of you and Trixie…” “Are greatly exaggerated. She’s a friend, and I can’t shut up about you on the set.” “Really?” “Yeah. I showed a photo of you, and the colts were howling at the moon.” “Shut up!” she giggles, playfully hitting Silver Screen’s chest. “You’re such a liar!” “No lies!” he laughs, “They think you’re extremely sexy!” “For a mother?” “For a mare.” “There’s only one stallion that I care thinks that I’m sexy…” she kisses him softly on the lips, “…and that’s you.” Suddenly, she pins him down, licking her lips with devious anticipation. “Enough talk.” she purrs, “I have to make up for lost time.” Silver Screen is tempted to let her know that Pizza is on its way, and will arrive within minutes. However, from the look in her eyes, she doesn’t care, and there’s no arguing with her. Not that he was planning on arguing with her anyway, merely informing her. “Yeah. We have plenty of time.” Silver Screen deduces, grinning a wide and enthusiastic grin. With all his strength, he rolls Milano on her back, with him now pinning her down. She likes his aggression, and the following action of him vigorously kissing her neck makes her moan loudly. Usually, she begins with soft moans before they get down to real business, but her letting loose now tells Silver Screen that she’s been wanting for the last month. He can feel his left thigh being soaked by her sexual fluids, already pouring out of her like a mare in heat. Which begs the question… “Are you in heat?” he asks, genuinely wondering. “No.” Milano says between heavy breaths, “I just want you.” “Good enough for me.” Silver Screen smiles, going down to her haunches. He laps up the liquids coming from her wet and wanting cunny, eliciting more loud moans from the horny mare. Silver Screen has gotten the technique down well during the time they have been together; he knows what she likes, and she never tires of his technique. “Sweet Celestia, I’ve missed you.” she whispers. “I can tell.” Silver Screen chuckles, licking her haunches and slit fervently, “I can so tell.” It doesn’t take long for Milano’s first orgasm to hit hard, as Silver Screen feels more of her juices pour into his mouth like a dam holding water back being busted open. He lets the sweet flavor settle in his palate, before he swallows it all in one massive gulp. Silver Screen looks up to see Milano; her face is crimson red and is looking away from him in embarrassment. “I’m sorry.” Milano trembles, “That was…too soon.” “It’s okay.” he goes up to her muzzle, kissing it gently, “There’s nothing for you to be embarrassed about. If it makes you feel any better…it’s been a long time for me as well. I bet I’ll last even shorter.” he chuckles. He moves down to her chest, noticing that it has gotten a bit more fluff since he last saw it. He buries his face into the fluff, rubbing against it and kissing it, allowing some of it to enter his mouth, so he can playfully pull at the extraneous fur. Milano bites her lip at his teasing, not know how much more she can take before begging for him to get on with what she wants him to do. “Stop…” Milano gasps; her eyes closed shut and still biting her quivering lip. “I need you, now. Please…” Silver Screen goes back up to her; his pulsating shaft rubbing against her thigh and prodding at her slick sex. Milano opens her eyes slowly at the smirking stallion before her, leaning up to kiss him on the lips. Once separated, she nods slowly. She’s ready and waiting. Aligning his length with magic, Silver Screen plunges himself into her pussy, eliciting a loud cry. The former projectionist is happy the walls in the Applewood Hotel are incredibly thick, allowing for loud erotic activities such as this. His thrusts are slow and gentle; aware that even the smallest of movements inside her are setting her off on a large scale. Milano can feel another orgasm coming, and doesn’t fight it. With another loud moan, and a sudden tightness of her inner walls, Milano climaxes again, coating Silver Screen’s shaft thoroughly. “I’m sorry.” she apologizes again, “I don’t understand…” Silver Screen doesn’t let her finish, planting another passionate and lavish kiss on her lips. His tongue finds its way into her mouth, and begins a primal dance with her tongue. His thrusts gradually become faster and rougher, and she’s enjoying every minute of it. She can feel his cock throb from every thrust, as if holding back on his climax. Her timid and apologetic demeanor diminishes, as she suddenly flips him over on his back; placing her hooves on his chest to keep him from moving. “It’s my turn.” she smiles. Silver Screen watches as she grinds against him. His length moving around inside of her, and feeling her moist walls constrict around it. He places his hooves onto her rump, making her grind harder and faster on him. Milano throws her head up, moaning at the ceiling as Silver Screen begins to moan as well. Seeing her like this is driving him wild; his teeth clench, and his eyes close. “Milano…you’re gonna make me…” Milano goes faster, wanting him to cum. It’s what she’s been waiting for. The feeling of his warm seed flowing through her is one that she had been longing for. She’s not going to waste one more second to get what she wants from him. The mere thought of his essence makes another orgasm incoming, causing her to be rougher with him. It doesn’t take long for Silver Screen to buck his hips hard, plunging his shaft upwards deep inside and shooting his seed into her. The two shout at their climaxes happen simultaneously, with the feeling being indescribable to them. His semen oozes out of her, along with her orgasmic juices, with the thought crossing the two lovers as to what will happen when he pulls out. A giggle elicits from Milano, thinking about the poor pony that has to clean the sheets, though it’s probably a common occurrence in this hotel. Once their orgasms have subsides, Milano collapses onto Silver Screen’s chest, with the two of them breathing heavily from the experience. “It’s wonderful to see you again.” Silver Screen whispers in her ear, giving it a sensual nibble. “SS…” Milano trails, before finally dropping an atom bomb of a question, “Will you marry me?” KNOCK KNOCK Pizza is here. Silver Screen helps Milano onto her side, covering her body with the sheets. He takes a robe and wraps it around himself, hiding the descending length from innocent eyes. He opens the door to a young colt; couldn’t be older than the average teen, holding up a box of pizza for the expectant stallion. “Pizza delivery for Silver Screen?” “Yeah. That’s me.” Silver Screen responds, pulling out the necessary bits for the pizza. He floats it over to the colt, placing it in his pockets for the sake of convenience. “Here you go.” The colt says in a pleasant tone. As Silver Screen moves to a nearby table to place the pizza, the colt spots Milano looking at the two of them. He can only see her face and shoulders, but her beauty catches his eye. Seeing her wrapped in the sheets, and Silver Screen in the robe, he places two and two together. “Oh, and here’s something extra for you.” Silver Screen smiles, giving the delivery colt a tip for his services. He notices that the delivery colt isn’t moving, instead staring at Milano. “Have a good night.” Silver Screen says sternly, snapping the colt out of his delirium. “Right, sorry. Goodnight, sir. Madam.” he nods to Milano, before trotting off. Silver Screen closes the door, turning back to Milano. Slowly, he moves to her, climbing onto the bed, and getting on top of her, looking deep into her eyes and seeing her very soul. Milano can only stare, wondering what is going on through that head of his. He leans down, giving her a loving and gentle kiss. She welcomes the feeling of his lips onto hers. He separates, continuing to give her a long stare, until…. “Yes.” he answers her question. > One Night At the Premiere... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hi, welcome back to Access Applewood! I’m your host, Star Maps, and we’re here live at the Historic Applewood Theater, where thousands are gathered here tonight to see the stars, and the premiere of the hotly anticipated Transformares: A New Age!” The enthusiastic host bellows into her microphone towards the camera pony. The world famous Applewood Theater is one of glamour and extravagance; holding a massive two thousand seat theater, with a gigantic ten storey tall screen that is fifteen storeys wide. It is a majestic place that ponies far and wide are eager to go, should they ever visit the bustling and sprawling city. Press ponies and the public gather outside of the theater, as the red carpet is rolled out for its guests of honor, namely the cast and crew of the fourth entry in the Transformares series. Many are ready and waiting for the stars to arrive, so they can take pictures and ask questions, not necessarily in that order. Meanwhile on the road a few miles away, a particularly extravagant carriage that sticks out amongst the otherwise normal carts, is waiting in traffic just like everypony else. Inside, is a nervously shaking Silver Screen, dressed up in a high class tuxedo, along with Milano in a nice and fetching white dress, and Button, in a smaller tux. The mother and her son cannot help but look upon the up and coming actor with concern and care. Milano scoots closer to her fiancée, putting her head on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. It works, but only a little bit, as his hooves continue to tremble with trepidation and fear. “It’s okay, SS.” Milano says, “There’s no need to fret.” “Whenever I would go to premieres, I would always cheer at the actors and directors that come out of these carriages.” he reminisces, “But…now I’m one of them. What if they go into that theater, and hate my guts? What if I let Michelin down, and turned in a crummy performance? What will my parents think? What would you and Button think?” “I think you’ll do fine, sweetheart.” Photoplay says from across the carriage. Silver Screen looks over to his parents, who have donned appropriately fashionable wear for the premiere. Not high class like some other ponies, but not cheap either. “Your Mom’s right, son.” Joystick smiles with a glass of whiskey floating by his lips. One of the many pluses about being in a high class carriage; free alcohol. “Wow, this is fantastic. You want some?” Joystick floats the glass over to Silver Screen. “Dad, I don’t want to get drunk before the movie. Maybe afterwards…when the reviews come in.” “Good point.” Joystick nods, preparing to take another sip. Photoplay takes the glass away from him, much to his chagrin. “Hey!” “This is Silver Screen’s night, and you’re not going to be drunk for it!” she looks at him sternly before glancing at the pony sitting by him. “Fleur, back me up on this!” Fleur De Lis, wearing a shining sliver dress, sits by with Arcade; listening to the bickering of Silver Screen’s parents with a great deal of amusement. She giggles, reacting to Photoplay’s attitude towards her husband. “Photoplay is right. No drinking until the after party.” “Yes…” another voice calls out next to Fleur, “I do say the lovely mare is correct.” Joystick leans forward to get a better look at the other unicorn in the carriage. Next to Fleur and Arcade is the one and only Fancypants, a white coated and (living up to his name) fancy looking stallion, holding up his own glass of whisky. “Hypocrite.” Joystick sneers. “Oh…” Fancypants looks at his glass, putting is down immediately. “I guess I am, aren’t I? My apologies.” “It’s okay, dear.” Fleur assures him, “You’re not a big drinker, anyway, so there’s nothing to worry about.” “Hey! Are you insinuating that I’m a drunk?” Joystick growls. “Of course not, Joystick.” Fleur responds with a smirk, “I apologize for suggesting that.” She looks over at Photoplay, “My apologies, I meant no offense.” “None taken. My husband can be a bit kooky with the bottle.” “Photoplay!” Joystick gasps in shock. “What? It’s true.” “Hey!” Silver Screen calls out to the busy side of the carriage, “Are you guys getting along over there?” “Swimmingly, my dear colt!” Fancypants replies with a confident grin, “Just swimmingly!” “Yeah, we’re okay, son!” Photoplay waves Silver Screen off. Silver Screen chuckles, momentarily distracted by the nervousness he was feeling minutes before. Button inches closer to the former Projectionist, with Silver Screen now nearly sandwiched between the gaming colt and his mother. “Don’t be nervous, Silver Screen.” Button shakes his head, “You could be the racist comic relief, and I’d STILL think you were cool for being in a Transformares movie! The trailers made you look badass!” “See?” Milano giggles, “You already have a fan.” “Let’s see how you feel after three hours.” Silver Screen says frankly to Button. “THREE HOURS?! It’s that long?!” Arcade shouts his question. “Yep.” “Sweet Celestia! Michelin is going nuts!” Button chimes in with his similarly shocked thoughts. “We shot a lot of material. Guess he didn’t want to let it go.” “Probably…” Button rubs his head, trying to comprehend the running time of the film he’s about to see. “Three hours…I’m going to need a cup to pee in, so I don’t miss anything.” “Button!” Milano says sternly, “You will do no such thing!” she turns her gaze to Arcade, “This goes for you as well! If you want to pee, do it before the movie, and DON’T get the extra-large soda.” She looks back at Button, “Got it?” “Aw Mom, but I LOVE the extra-large soda!” “Button whines. “He’s got a point, Milano.” Silver Screen shrugs, “He does love the extra-large soda.” “Don’t encourage him.” Milano pushes Silver Screen playfully with her hooves. “Fine. You can have the extra-large soda IF you moderate it. You don’t want to drink the whole thing early on, and regret it ninety minutes into the movie.” “Oh, fine.” Button pouts, sitting back in his seat. “But I’m not promising that I’m NOT going to eat all the popcorn.” “That’s why they have free refills.” “I said ALL of it!” Button says with determination, causing Silver Screen to laugh. “Don’t laugh! I’m going to eat it all faster than you can say ‘Popcorn’!” “Popcorn.” “That only works when I ACTUALLY have popcorn in front of me.” “Hmm…” Fancypants looks out the window, “Mr. Screen, I do say that I think we’re here!” “Really?” Silver Screen looks out the window, seeing the red carpet that lies before him. “Crap.” He breathes in and out; his panic and nervousness coming back. “Keep calm, Silver Screen. Keep calm. Keep…” soon, he feels Milano’s hoof in his. He looks over into her sweet and loving eyes, giving him an assured smile. “…calm.” He breathes out, feeling calmer than he has ever been so far this night. The carriage door opens, and Silver Screen walks out first, to a flurry of camera flashes and applause from the public. He is confused as to why they are applauding him, as they haven’t seen the film yet, but the thought moves over to the back of him mind, as he maintains a bright smile, waving to the press ponies and the public. Milano and Button follow suit, with the press immediately asking Silver Screen questions as to who is with him. More questions arise when Photoplay and Joystick come out, staying close to their son, as Joystick tries his best not to be blinded by the flashbulbs. The applause rockets up again, when Fleur and Fancypants come out; all smiles and waves. Their rekindled relationship had been the subject of more than a few celebrity and tabloid newspapers for the past few weeks. The status of their courtship is still a hot topic for many. “Silver Screen! Silver Screen!” Many of the press ponies shout in unison that was more than a little creepy for the stallion. “What was it like working with Michelin Hay?! Are you excited to be in this big movie by such a hated director?! Who is that mare next to you?!” Milano guides Silver Screen over to the crowd of curious ponies. He alternates his gaze from Milano to the press, before letting out a loud clearing of the throat noise. “Wow, um…this was a lot easier on the set. Um…” the press chuckle at his comments, “Like I said in the many interviews, it was a joy to work with Michelin Hay, especially for my first movie. Second, I AM excited, but if he was so hated, none of them would be making very many bits, would they?” the comment once again brings laughter to the press. “Lastly…” he wraps a hoof around Milano, bringing her in closer. “This is my fiancé, Milano Mash. And this…” he points down to the ecstatic Button, “…is her son, Button Mash.” “Wait…” a reporter for the Manehattan Weekly notices, “…that’s the ex-wife of Almighty Dollar! The stallion you beat up!” The news gets the press riled up, asking more questions in unison, making the trio step back a little bit. “Was that why you beat him up?! To get his wife?!” “What? No.” Silver Screen shakes his head, “We started dating, and Almighty thought it would be a fun idea to insult her and myself. THAT’S why I beat him up, and I’d do it again. I don’t care if I end up in prison!” That’s the bad colt the press knows and loves. Silver Screen gained a fast reputation for the incident with Almighty Dollar; with some calling him a common thug, and others a hero for the little guy. At any rate for the former Projectionist, it got him way more attention than he ever thought an event like that would bring. As for Almighty Dollar, he’s slinked off to Manehattan, with any questions to what he is up to dismissed with the words “who” and “cares.” More camera flashes abound, alongside more questions. Suddenly, heads turn and jaws drop at what is no doubt an amazing sight. Milano, Silver Screen, and his little party also turn, and just like everypony else, their jaws nearly detach from their heads. Trixie comes out of her carriage, wearing a stunning gown, befitting a star such as her. But…she’s not alone. With her is somepony that nopony ever thought would be present at such an event; maybe the Grand Galloping Gala, or some ceremony, but not for a premiere of a loud and long action flick. None other than Princess Luna herself, wearing a shining dark blue gown, with an emblem that resembles her cutie mark present at the bottom. Every press pony goes galloping to the two, asking questions that come so fast and furious, that they are nigh intelligible. “Is that…Princess Luna?” Milano asks. “Yes…that is…” Silver Screen says in amazement, “She’s friends with the Princess?” Suddenly, Luna and Trixie share a passionate kiss for the cameras. “Oh…they’re not friends at all.” Trixie and Luna go through the press to get to the still amazed Silver Screen and company. Trixie greets him with a warm and friendly hug, and a kiss on the cheek. “Good to see you, Silver.” Trixie smiles. She looks over at Milano, who has just put away her expression of hatred for kissing Silver Screen, and replaced it with a small smile. “Oh, don’t you worry. Silver here wouldn’t stop talking about you, so I knew to keep my distance.” “It’s true.” Silver Screen confirms, “I was the only pony on set who didn’t fall for her charms.” “Oh, all the eyes staring at me on some days. I love the attention.” Trixie chuckles. “I see…” Milano’s smile becomes a little more genuine. “It’s nice to meet you…and the Princess.” She bows in Luna’s presence. “There’s no need.” Luna giggles her alarmingly cute giggle, “You may call me Luna. You must be the one known as Milano Mash, Trixie tells me that Silver Screen has said many things about you.” “He has?” Milano blushes, “I-I’m surprised. I didn’t think I was interesting enough to relay information about.” “Trust me…” Trixie interjects, “The way Silver spoke of you on the set, it was like he was talking about the Princesses, or even a goddess.” Milano turns her attention to Silver Screen; her face glowing a bright red from flattery. Silver Screen nods in confirmation at his onset behavior. “Well…” she tries to hide her blush, but it doesn’t work. “It’s nice to be considered as highly.” “Judging by your attire tonight…” Luna looks at Milano’s dress, “It’s clear to me why he loves you.” Milano’s blush returns with a vengeance, prompting Luna to chuckle. “Come Trixie, let us see your great and powerful flank in three glorious dimensions!” Silver Screen and his group watch as Trixie and Luna make their way through the flashing lights and querying ponies, going into the theater with nary an interruption. “Did you really talk about me when you were filming?” “I had to.” Silver Screen smirked, “It was the only way to get her to back off. She’s nice when you get to know her, though. Apparently, she’s friends with some pretty well known figures, other than Princess Luna. She once told me about a story involving the human in Equestria.” “Really? I guess she’s a pretty popular pony, then.” Her expression then turns into a teasing grin, “Jealous?” “No way.” he shakes his head with a chortle, “The only pony I need to know is you...” He sees Button walk over to his mother’s side. “…and Button, of course.” More chatter and applause abounds, as Michelin Hay arrives with his entourage of models. He’s all smiles and waves, wearing a suit that probably cost him a million bits and some change. He has no time for things such as questions, as he uses his army of models to get him through the red carpet with barely any problem. It’s when he gets to the front door, that somepony blocks his way in. “What’s happening? Why aren’t we moving?” he goes past two of his models to see the obstruction at the front. Button Mash, with eyes big and glazed, looks upon the director with admiration and pride. Michelin cannot deny that the colt in front of him looks positively adorable, bringing a smile to the notorious director’s face. He kneels down to face the colt, who is frozen at how close he is to a famous film director. “What’s your name?” Michelin asks. “B...But….Button Mash.” he eeks out, “My name is Button Mash.” “Button Mash?” Michelin tilts his head, finding familiarity to the name, “Do you know Silver Screen?” “He does.” Silver Screen arrives to Button’s side, along with his friends and family. “He’s the son of Milano Mash.” “Silver Screen.” Michelin smiles wider, “So great to see you again. Sorry for the little bull rush to the theater; I don’t really like the press and their questions.” “I can see why.” he chuckles, remembering conversations from minutes past. “Hey…I was wondering…do you think you could give Button an autograph?” He sees Button look up at his with wide and ecstatic eyes, “That’s what you want, right?” “I was going to ask!” Button replies with a bit of a pout, but it’s a playful one at best. “I’d be happy to.” Michelin responds, more than agreeing to acquiesce to the request. Silver Screen, using his magic, floats up a nearby poster from the walls, not caring that it’s currently being used as a display, and brings it over to Michelin, who floats up a pen from his model secretary’s breast pocket. “Let’s see…” he thinks of what to write, before jotting down on the poster, “Button…you are the reason why I make movies. Am in your debt. Sincerely…Michelin Hay.” He completes the autograph with a little smiley face, before nodding to Silver Screen that’s he’s done. The poster floats over to Button, who looks upon the autograph with admiration, and a little bit of tears welling in his eyes. He sniffles as Silver Screen rolls up the poster, floating over to the carriage from afar. Perfect aim. “That’ll be waiting for you after the movie.” Silver Screen puts a foreleg around Button’s waist, bringing him in for a small embrace. He looks back at Michelin, “Thanks, Michelin.” “Any time.” He motions to his models to get into the theater, “Come on, we have a movie to watch.” Michelin and his crew trot into the theater, picking up their 3D glasses on the way in. Silver Screen and his group, not wanting to be overtaken by other members of the cast on the red carpet, follow suit. They are lead into the massive theater, with the equally massive screen. They all find their seats; reserved specifically for them in the center row, giving the most absolute perfect view of the screen before them. They all sit down, as the theater slowly but surely gets packed with cast and crew, followed by members of the press, studio heads, and the general public. Button gets his customary giant sized popcorn and soda, with the rest of the group getting regular sized concessions. Despite his small size, Button could eat a freighter full of food if he wanted. Milano watches Silver Screen float up his 3D glasses, preparing to put them on. “Are you sure you need those?” she says teasingly, indicating his eyes. “Very funny.” Silver Screen genuinely chuckles, “Unfortunately, my eyes aren’t optimized for theater 3D, only real life 3D.” he puts the glasses on, before leaning in for a small kiss with Milano. “Even if the film sucks, will you still love me?” “Of course I will.” she confirms with all the sincerity in her voice. It doesn’t take much longer for the introductions by Michelin to be underway, thanking the cast and crew for helping him create what he considers to be a tremendous product. Alongside the hopes that other members in the audience enjoy the film as much as he did making it, he makes his exit, and the lights dim, starting the film off after a few seconds of darkness. Three hours pass, as the final end credit rolls, and the crowd’s thunderous applause dies down; either because they loved the movie, or they’re just happy the thing is over and they don’t have to sit through another second of it. No pony will know until the review embargo lifts in a couple days. Ponies begin to pool out of the theater towards either home or the after party. First the press, then the public, then everypony else. The last ones left inside, save for a few theater ushers commencing clean up of all the trash and popcorn, are Silver Screen and his group. “So…” Silver Screen started, “…what did you think?” “WHAT?!” Photoplay shouted, “DID YOU SAY SOMETHING?!” “I think that about sums it up.” Joystick says, “It was really loud. However…” his serious look turns into a smile, “I thought you were great.” “Really?” “Yeah!” Button jumps up, “You were like ‘POW!’ and ‘WHAM!’ and ‘DIE DECEPTICOLT SCUM! RATA-TAT-TAT!’ it was so cool!” he then crosses his legs, “But now I have to pee.” He hurriedly gets up, and gallops to the lobby, where the bathroom awaits. “DANG IT!!!” he screams, as he sees a long line of other colts and stallions waiting to get in. “It’s not usually my kind of movie…” Fancypants chimes in, “But I do say, I found it most enjoyable.” “I agree.” says Fleur, “And we’re not just saying that, because we’re your friends.” “You can admit you didn’t like it, you know. It won’t hurt my feelings.” “No, we dearly mean it!” Fancypants continues, “I was genuinely touched by your valiant effort to help your computer generated robot friends! Plus…that kiss!” “Oh, yes!” Fleur beams, “That kiss, indeed! So well shot, and the explosion really accentuated the passion!” “Funny story…” Silver Screen giggles, “That explosion wasn’t supposed to go off at that time. It was an error by the pyrotechnics crew. It was so good however, that Michelin kept it.” “Oh my.” Fleur gasps, “I hope you weren’t hurt.” “Maybe a couple singes, but nothing major.” “So, should we expect to see you at the after party?” Fancypants asks. “Most likely. We did come in on the same ride.” “Well, that’s what taxi’s are for.” Fancypants chuckles, “If we see you, it’ll be a most pleasant evening. In the meantime, I must depart to the latrine.” He gets up, going over to the bathroom and waiting in line like every other pony. “He’s certainly…fancy.” Silver Screen tells Fleur, “But likably so.” “It’ll warm up to you eventually.” she giggles, “Thank you…for everything.” “It’s no problem. I’ll see you and Fancypants later, okay?” “Okay.” She gets up and leaves. Shortly after, Photoplay, Joystick, and Arcade leave the theater; either to go to the bathroom, or wait outside. Only Silver Screen and Milano are sitting in the near empty theater. Silver Screen has no idea what she thought of the movie. She was laughing at the jokes, gasping at some of the more thrilling sequences, but by the time the credits came to a close, she was absolutely silent. Silver Screen looks over at her; she is still staring at the screen. “Mila…” he doesn’t get another syllable out, as Milano suddenly turns and presses her lips against his in a fiery lip lock. It’s a moment that could last for ages if they let it, as their tongues dance together, and moans occasionally leave their mouths. Almost a couple minutes pass, when they separate. Silver Screen reacts as he once did the first night they met, “Oh….oh wow. I take it you liked it.” “I loved it.” she smiles, “Loud…but I loved it. But you…you were flawless.” “Oh, stop.” he blushes, “You’re just saying that.” “Anypony who says otherwise will have to answer to me. And they WILL answer to me.” she defiantly growls, ever so serious. “Still happy that we met?” he asked. She replies first with another passionate kiss, before answering “Always. Now, let’s greet your adoring public.” The two exit the theater, and after their trips to the bathroom, they reunited with their group to attend the after party. Reviews for Transformares: A New Age were predictably mixed, with some of the more negative reviews being the vitriolic messes that Silver Screen and the rest of the cast and crew were certain would happen. On some review gather websites, the film’s consensus was that the film was an “Overlong, overexplosive, and overdone slog of a movie, that wastes its promising talent with multiple scenes of mindless explosions and mayhem.” However, despite the less than kind critical reception, the film was a massive hit with audiences. Silver Screen and Trixie were signed on for two more films, and they both found themselves attached to other projects. Shortly after the success of the movie, Milano and Silver Screen were married in Ponyville. It was a fairly small ceremony, and one that wasn’t covered by many members of the press, since Silver Screen’s relationship status was made public by day one. Only friends and family were invited to the wedding, with Michelin being Silver’s best colt, and Fleur as Milano’s main bridesmare. Bon-Bon and Junebug also attended, with Bon-Bon holding a slight bit of jealously, still not forgetting the time Silver saved her from falling into what she believed to be an endless pit of despair. Silver Screen finally moved out of his apartment, and brought over his belongings to Milano’s house, as there was an extra room that was initially Almighty’s office. Now, it’s more of a playroom, with the walls adorned with posters, standees, and Silver Screen’s own video game and movie collection. Button framed his signed poster, and hung it over his bed, still staring in awe whenever his gaze would fall upon it. One morning, four months after the film’s release, Silver Screen and Milano were having a relaxing day together in the house, when Button came down the stairs, ready to seize the brand new day. “Hey, guys!” Button says excitedly, “What are you guys up to?” “Nothing.” Silver Screen says candidly, watching television as Milano has her head on his shoulder. “What’s up?” “Don’t you want to go to the store? Transformares 4 came out.” “It did?” Silver Screen flips to the guide on the television, revealing the day’s date. “Oh, it did.” “I’ll go brush my mane.” Milano says, getting up from the couch. “What’s the point?” Silver Screen asks, “It’s just going to get messy again when we put the movie through the sound system. Plus…I dig the messy mane.” “You might, but the citizens of Ponyville do not. It’ll only be a few minutes.” she gives Silver Screen a loving smooch, before leaving the two to their own devices. “Is there a commentary?” Button wonders. “Yeah. Remember when I left for a couple hours a few weeks ago? It was for that.” “Nice.” he smiles, “Hey…um….Dad?” “Yeah…um…Button?” Silver Screen isn’t used to being called Dad yet. He tried to tell Button to keep calling him Silver Screen, but Button continues to address him as Dad. “Can I ask you a question?” “Sure.” “It’s…kind of personal.” “I’m all ears.” “You and mom…never told me how you two met.” “We didn’t?” “Nope.” Button shakes his head, “I always wondered when and where you guys met. Was it at one of her friends’ get togethers?” “It…um…wasn’t….that.” “Was it at the movies?” “No…not that either.” “At some shop?” “Close…but no.” “Okay, I don’t get it. You two had to have met somewhere.” “Oh, we met somewhere alright.” Silver Screen chuckles. “We totally didn’t just see each other across the street and magically get together in an instant.” “Then, when did you two meet?” “A few hours before WE did.” A pause passes between the two. Button’s mind goes back to the day they first met; Silver Screen was sleeping in Milano’s bed, and Button stared at the then mysterious and unwanted stallion that slept where his father did. He remembers when Silver Screen woke up to see the angry face and the nasally voice of Button crying out for his mom to come over and explain who the stallion in the bed was. “So…you two met…the night beforehoof?” “Yeah.” “Um….” Button tries to comprehend this, “Where?” “At a bar.” “So…you two met at a bar…then came over to the house…and….” He stops his train of thought, looking back at Silver Screen’s knowing face. Suddenly, shock adorns his expression “EWWWW!” Button jumps off the couch, “YOU TWO MET AND….” unwanted and disturbing images go through his head, “GROSS!!! YUCK!!! ON A FIRST DATE?!” “It wasn’t really a date.” “SWEET CELESTIA! NO WONDER THE BED SMELLED!!! ACK! YOU TWO ARE SICK!” He gallops up the stairs. “Where are you going?” “I’M GETTING A GAS BOMB!” “Hey! Get back here! You’ll do no such thing!” Silver Screen follows him up the stairs. He gallops over to Button’s room where he sees the little colt holding up a lone gas ball. “Button…I know you’re a little disturbed, but it’s all good now.” He tries to calm the colt down. “You’re mom and I love each other, and you think I’m cool, remember?” “I do. But you must pay for putting those images in my head.” “What? All I said was that we got together.” “What’s going on here?” Milano asks, walking in on the scene. “REVENGE!!!” Button runs at them. “BUTTON HAS A GAS BALL! RUN!!!” Silver Screen shouts. “BUTTON!!!” Milano runs with Silver Screen as Button chases them around the house, threatening to gas them. “YOU PUT DOWN THE BALL THIS SECOND!” “REVENGE! REVENGE!” Button shouts with all the rage and fury he can muster. They all run in circles, through various rooms, all around the house with speed and agility. It goes on for what seems like an eternity, until… GAS! The bomb was more powerful than Button anticipated, with all three of them falling fast asleep on top of each other, huddled together like a peaceful group. In an hour or so, they will wake up, and resume being the happy family that they always were. Such is the life of the Mash family.