Goodbye My Friend

by AmethystFire

First published

Twilight's last leg... Dangling to life. She is dying... Spike and the other 5 have to say goodbye to their friend...

Twilight Sparkle is dying, after an attack that Fluttershy was tangled in. But putting Twilight on the edge of life, the ponies have to face facts. They hope that Twilight would make it. But nothing was working, Spike goes to the Library and opens a book that Twilight read to him before bed. He finds a letter stashed in the book... Opening it, he reads the tries to read the story to her, hoping she'd come back... Will she make it?

Goodbye My Friend

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The pitter patter on the windows of the hospital room.Twilight was laying, still, barely alive. All the ponies, AJ, RD, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. They were sitting, watching Twilight's still body. The machine, beeping, to her heartbeat. Beep... Beep... Beep...

"Do you think she's going to make it?" Fluttershy asked AJ.

Applejack couldn't answer, but she was hoping that Twilight would make it though. Spike was alone with Twilight in the room. All the ponies had gone home for the night. Beep...Beep...Beep... The tears rolling down Spike's purple scales. Spike was looking at Twilight, remembering many of the memories of them together. From the time he first saw her, til tonight. Beep... Beep... Beep... The doctors were trying to revive her, but everything wasn't working. All they had was hope. The rain, not letting up, it seemed that the rain was trying to say,

"Things aren't going to be the same."

The rain is always going to be right. Things aren't going to be the same.That very morning, Spike was sleeping at the bedside, listening to the machine. Beep... Beep... Beep... AJ trotted into the room, eyeing Spike next to Twilight.

"Spike?" AJ asked.

"AJ, you're here. Don't you have to tend to the farm?"

" Big Machintosh told me that him and Applebloom would tend the farm today. So I could see Twilight."

AJ went up to Spike and Twilight, looking at her eyes.

"She must be rememberin' somethin', Look at her eyes."

Spike looked at here eyes, twitching. Twilight was remembering everything about Spike and the others. Soon everypony but Fluttershy had arrived.

"Isn't Fluttershy coming?"

" I don't think so, she remembers too much of what happened to Twilight."

"Poor girl, she's gone though so much already. Losing Angel, then her husband, then one of her fillies."

Fluttershy was at her cottage, the animals, roaring, calling for her, but she didn't want to hear their cries. It was too much. She was remembering what had happened to Twilight. It was like a curse, it kept coming into her head. Trying to shake it away, it just kept coming. Fluttershy's heart racing everytime it came. The other ponies weren't taking it easy either. They remember Fluttershy running to them, crying. All they saw was Twilight, barely alive, in alot of pain. They were dealing with her lifeforce differently.

Rainbow Dash, remembering Twilight's memories with her, trying to hold back her feeliings, until she returned home.

Pinkie Pie, her mane and tail, not as fluffy as usual, she couldn't smile while her bestest friend was in the hospital. She was very depressed; her family, trying to help her out; but nothing worked, she was still unhappy.

Rarity, haven't groomed her mane in days. She couldn't complete anything; dresses, thoughts, ideas, and many other important things. Just the thought of Twilight, on the edge of death, was enough.

Applejack, sheilding her tears away, like when her parents had passed, she couldn't handle it very well. Applebloom, now with her cutie mark, kept asking, wasn't making anything better.

Spike probably had the worst of it. Being Twilight's number one assistant, ever since she used her magic to get into the Unicorn School and got to be with Celestia, til today. Twilight was like Spike's mother, who cared for him, and he did the same.

"I nee to go to the library, I'll be back." Spike told Rarity.

"We'll be here."

Spike left the room, not even in a hurry. The tears still streaming down his purple and green scales. His green spines, low as they could possibly go. Slowly making his way to the empty liabrary. Ponyville wasn't taking it any better. Ever since Pinkie Pie stopped smiling, all of Ponyville had been effected. When he arrived at the library, dust was flying around. It filled the books, windows, and his wet face. It was a ghost town inside, not even a cricket sounding. He went to the bedroom and lifted his bed cushion. Eyeing his favorite book when he was young. The Dragon Tale was the name of the book he found. It was beat up, from being open so much, and being under his cushion for many years.He opened the book and started reading. His heart racing as he read it, thinking about Twilight. Imagining her reading it. The a not slipped out of the book as he closed the book.

"What is this?" Spike asked himself.

He picked it up and started reading it. It said, " To Spike. Read it once you find it." Spike opened the book and read...

Dear Spike,

Thank you so much for always being there. You are possibly reading this as I'm on the brink of death. From the time I hatched you, til today you open this letter; You've always been there for me. The sweet dragon that has taken care of me, and been there when I called you and was always there for comfort; and I would do my best to do the same. Over the worst times and through the best; from the time I met all the girls, til today. I've always been proud of you. I'm so proud that I raised from very young dragon to adult dragon; the best friend any pony could ask for; in all of Equestria. When I die; you can choose the pony that you want to go to; don't worry, even after I die; I'll still be around. All you have to do is; remember me.

Love you,

Twilight Sparkle

Spike totally lost his cool; crying on the ground from the letter.

"Oh Twilight; I'll never forget you. My mother, best friend, and brilliant pony, I've ever known."

Spike quickly grabbed his book; dashing as fast as Rainbow Dash can fly; all the way back to the hospital room. The tears blew back behind him as he ran. His mind was only thinking about Twilight; trying not to let her go. THUD! Went the flying door as he busted in.

"Twilight! I got your letter! The one that you placed in my favorite book."

The beeping machine started to slow down. Beep......Beep......Beep......

"Come on Twilight; stay with me! I want to read my book to you. So this would be the last thing you'll ever hear."

Twilight's luxurious purple fur was receding from her body; Twilight was dying. Beep.........Beep.........Beep......... The tears were racing down Spike, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie's cheeks. Applejack couldn't hold the tears back anymore; neither could Rainbow Dash. Pinkie; her face, no longer had the strength to smile. Rarity was crying; not that distressed cry; but the sadness cry. Beep............Beep............Beep............

"Come on Twilight."

Spike opened the book and started reading.

"One stormy night in Equestria. An ice dragon was flying around, trying to find a place for the night."

Beep............... Beep............... Beep...............

"He found a big house; he landed and found a big shed. He walked inside and found a young colt, sleeping soundly."

Beep................. Beep.................. Beep..................

"The colt suddenly awoken by a noise downstairs. He went down and saw the dragon. The colt was scared, but the dragon came to him and said, ' Can I stay here for the night?' The colt agreed; but that one night turned into years. That one dragon; became the colt's only friend.


"His only friend to whom that was always there."

The tears ran down Spike's scales, every pony had tears going down their fur.

"Can I be here with her; alone" Spike asked.

"Sure Sugarcube, take all the time you need. We'll be out in the hall."

Once they all left the room; Spike grabbed Twilight's hoof. He took Twilight's hoof and placed it against his teary scaled face. It was cold; lifeless. A teardrop came off of Spike's face; and fell on Twilight's face.

"I'm so sorry Twilight; I can't believe you're actually gone. But you will be honored forever."

Spike took both his claws, picking up Twilight's head. He squeezed it against his head, crying; he could barely breathe as the tears merged from his face to hers; causing it to become wet. Memories of Twilight and him came to mind. Which made the tears flow harder. His eyes were becoming tired of the grieving.

It was raining again, Spike was trying to keep his tears away. The Princess and he were going to have the funeral in Ponyville. The place where they both had made memories together. Her family in Canterlot had come along too; it was to put Twilight to her final rest. Twilight laid in the coffin so beautifully, peacefully. Princess Celestia came up to Spike.

"She would want this to be right." Celestia said with her hoof around Spike.

Spike couldn't answer, he just looked into the coffin, eying Twilight's beauty.

"Come on Spike, we need to greet the others."

Spike nodded his wet face and walked away. Princess Celestia stood there for a second and looked at her student.

" I saw the letter you wrote the other 5. I'm so glad that you understand these things. My amazing student, I hope that many ponies will remember you, as I will."

"Celestia! Are you coming?"

Celestia left Twilight in the coffin, dressed beautifully and forever loved.