> At The Days End > by theGrizz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Blank flank! Hehehehe!" Scootaloo was used to this. She heard it every recess. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would always mock her for something. One week, it's her cutie mark (or lack there of), the next it's her mane style. What annoyed Scootaloo more than being mocked for being a "blank flank," was Diamond Tiara's hypocrisy. She had, after all, only gotten hers fairly recently. Scootaloo tried to tune it out, but she never could. She was always able to not let it affect her. That was usually when she had her friends around to help her, but today, she was alone (for the moment being). Her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders were stuck inside for recess talking to Miss Cheerilee. Today had to be the day they passed a note to one another. . "It must be so sad," Diamond Tiara said as she passed Scootaloo , "to know that you're not special in any way. You haven't found your special talent. No, you don't have any talents at all! You can't do anything right." "Good one, Diamond Tiara," Silver Spoon added. They shared a high hoof. Scootaloo always saw Silver Spoon as more of a henchman or a lackey. She never came up with anything on her own. The only times she ever spoke were to praise Diamond Tiara with her two-bits-worth or to do their stupid secret hoofshake thing. How did that go again? "Bump, bump, sugar lump, rump!" Yeah, that was it. Scootaloo looked up in disgust, and continued to lean up against the school house. "Well, it's true," Diamond Tiara continued. "Just look at her. Heh, pitiful. A pegasus that can't even fly. I know baby pegasi who can fly better than you." That stung a little. The flightless pegasus looked back at her underdeveloped wings. This was the first time they brought that up. Scootaloo felt tears coming up, she forced them back. She couldn't, she wouldn't give them the satisfaction. It was no use, even though there were no tears, the look on her face was enough to show how she felt. Diamond Tiara saw an opportunity, a window of it, and she took it. "I mean, look at these wings," she said. "So flimsy. And so disproportionate to her body. Not aerodynamic in the slightest. Such a useless waste of matter." Scootaloo tried as hard as she could to force back the depression, because she knew it only meant more was to come. If she could hold them back, maybe they'd stop. It was a false hope though, as the mean words just got worse and worse. At this point, Scootaloo made no more attempts to hide her tears. There was no point anymore. They won. Scootaloo lost. But Diamond Tiara wasn't finished. She looked down at Scootaloo and laughed. It was a cold, icy laugh. "That's it. Cry. Why don't you run home and cry to your mommy? Oh, you can't, can you? Where is your mom, Scootaloo? Is she dead? Why don't you go run and cry over her cold, shallow grave?" Nopony could have expected what happened next. What Diamond Tiara just said struck a nerve with Scootaloo. If there was a line, she just crossed it. She not only crossed it, she obliterated the thing. At once all the pent up rage and aggression for her life spilled out. Scootaloo leaped forward tackling Diamond Tiara to the ground. Landing on top of her, Scootaloo dug her knees in the other ones chest. Without thinking the former member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders rose her hoof and started to pummel the snobby purple filly in the face. Diamond Tiara tried to fight back but to no avail, every move she made was combatively rejected with another hit. As this went on Scootaloo kept yelling insults to put a topper on the whole experience. “You no good, spoiled rotten foal.’’ Scootaloo screamed, it felt good to say it. “You would be more appreciated dead than alive.” The only noise that came from Diamond tiara was sobbing and the occasional scream “Everyone hates you.” Scootaloo yelled through her own tears of anger. “ Never ever say anything about my mother again you no brained, scum.” As the blood and dirt started to covered them, a crowd gathered as they fought. Diamond struggled to try to defend her self. When Diamond finally got a hoof up and turned herself around enough to hit Scootaloo, just once, just enough to leave a gash just above the brow. This gave the orange pegasus more fuel to be able to pick her up in a headlock and proceed to throw her to the ground. Again Scootaloo was on top, hitting anywhere she could find. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom heard the commotion and came running out with Cheerilee in toe. Breaking through the crowd, all three stunned pony tried to separate Scootaloo from the well beaten Diamond Tiara .... just to be bucked back. Cheerilee even tried, but there was no stopping her. “Scootaloo get off of her!!!” yelled Miss Cheerilee * * * * * * No one had ever seen this much anger come out of the young filly, she had always had some issues controlling it but her friends had always stopped her from doing anything stupid.. nothing like this at least. Luckily at that moment Rainbow Dash was flying over head from her shift at weather patrol, now looking for a particularly fluffy cloud to nap on. What she saw she instead she definitely did not expect. The sight of her #1 fan pummeling the life out of another and she was winning. she felt a bit proud but she took a sudden B-line towards the earth. Slamming into the ground next to them. She grabbed Scootaloo by the shoulder, and yanking her off of Diamond Tiara before any more damage could be done. Blood and tears dripped down her face. The shear look of fear, pain and anger painted a clear picture of what had happened. Diamond Tiara sprung up and proceeded to attack but was held there by Miss Cheerilee. Held in the air by Rainbow dash, Scootaloo's legs flared trying to get some more of the little snot that she had been bullied by since she was little. “WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!” Rainbow dash yelled, striking fear into the young fillies hearts and in to anyone in the vicinity * * * * * * With a couple of moans and some hesitation all the fillies reluctantly went inside after a redirect from Miss Cheerilee, besides Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara of course. Rainbow Dash set down Scootaloo in the grass gently,after the 2 had both stopped lunging at each other. But when her hooves hit the ground Scootaloo immediately bolted. The scared little filly ran towards the town, Rainbow Dash instinctively went after her but was stopped by Cheerilee.“Let her go, I think she just needs some time. She won't go far. This is out of character, it will give us time to get Diamond Tiaras side of the story.” Cheerilee glared at the prissy filly, fidgeting with her bent and broken tiara. Scootaloo ran faster than she had ever done before. Through all of Ponyville, and past Sweet Apple Acres. She had a destination, there was no stopping her. A large oak tree that overlooked a river and the town. Not very many knew where this location was, under the tree was a well worn couple stones. They stood chest high on a adult pony (well over Scootaloos head). On those stones where names. Sonic Boom and Little Wing…. They were Scootaloo's parents. * * * * * * She arrived under the tree, at the foot of the the grave stones. Her achy, adrenalin filled body Collapsed into a ball of tears, She was out of breath and angry and scared. A replay of all the events before, during, and after the fight raced through her brain. These thoughts went around her head, along with others. Like if any one would find her, or if she would be in trouble. Even if Diamond Tiara was ok? Scootaloo had sat still most of the day, in a fetal position, crying. She now sit up now with her head between her legs, her face was swollen from crying and her body soar. A overwhelming amount of anger still rushed over her body. Tears still dripped down her face, she obviously needed stitches for the cut on her brow that Diamond Tiara managed to give her. * * * * * * With the sun setting, a cyan pegasus searched through the town for her #1 fan. She knew that something was wrong with Scootaloo, more than the obvious. RD had searched most of the day with no luck and was heading in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres to see if she was there. maybe she subsided there? She landed on the ground in front of the Apple family home to see Big Mac bucking trees and Apple Bloom helping Granny Smith with a pie that Just came out of the oven. “Hey Rainbow, what brings you here at this time of the night?” said Apple Jack walking up with a basket of juicy red apples. “Hey AJ, Have you seen Scootaloo?” “I saw her this mornin’, running past. I didn't think anything of it. Is there somethin’ wrong?” Apple Jack replied “No… well yeah… not exactly, today I was flying past the school to see the kid beating the hell out of Filthy Riches daughter and when we finally got them to break it up she ran away. Something is wrong with her, I need to find her.” “Oh, wow… is Diamond... never mind, I saw her running that way.” Apple Jack said pointing towards the the direction in which the tree was '' Hey Apple Bloom, Can You come here for a sec?" walking out the door, A yellow filly hopped down the steps. "Yes, big sis?" "Have you seen Scootaloo today?" Apple jack Questioned "Uhh no, cant say i have. Not since i saw her beating the heck out of Diamond, she had what's commin' for her. " Apple Bloom Grinned " but i can tell you that she likes to sometimes go to some old oak tree down the road some ways, I've never been there but she likes it." "Thanks Apple Jack " RD said as she darted off, already in the air. With that information She flew along the road, frantically looking for her. Her heart nearly skipped a beat when she saw the little orange body curled up under the tree. Rainbow picked up speed as she flew towards the little filly; she landed softly and came behind her. There was a very soft sobbing sound, it struck RD in the heart to hear her cry. Scootaloo must not had heard her because when Rainbow Dash reached the orange filly the little pegasus jumped. Wiping the tears on to her coat and trying to look strong for Rainbow Dash but to no avail, she could she how upset she was. "Do you mind if i sit here?" Rainbow Dash said caringly "um,*sniffle* go ahead" said Scootaloo almost inaudibly RD sat down right next to Scootaloo and stared off into the distance. Not noticing the headstones. They sat in silence until Rainbow Dash spoke. “You know kid, you're a lot like me. I got in my share of fights too. A lot like that I reckon. I've got you figured out. I would have done the same thing when I was your age.” RD stated " you're a good kid," “Really?” a little voice spoke up “Oh sure.” RD replied Again awkward silence drifted upon them , then subsided when Rainbow Dash spoke up. " You know you can tell me to leave." RD said "No you're fine right there." “So why did you do it? I can't wrap my mind around it. You have been picked on since you were little, why attack now?” “She struck a nerve, she was bad mouthing my mom” Scootaloo said reluctantly “Oh wow, well you two must have been close, seeing as you came here” RD finally noticed the headstones “Nope, not at all. I really hated her, she was abusive and got so drunk on cider every night she didn't care for me.” Scootaloo said with her head between her knees . “Oh wow” Rainbow Dash studdard “I don't know why I did it, I know how to fight because of my mom and all. I always had aggression, she just hit a nerve. And i just went off. and you saw, the one person i idol saw and that hurts bad.” now crying Scootaloo said “I Know how you feel, I really, really do.” RD looked at the scar on her left leg. RD embraced Scootaloo in a wing hug, Scootaloo buried her head in to Rainbow dashes chest and cried, harder than before. A multitude of criss-crossing scars on Scootaloos back showed her past. A tear drifted down RD face and on to Scootaloos purple hair. How could anypony hurt a pony so innocent. The crying did subside but it drifted in to sleep. In Rainbow Dashes arms the sleeping filly lay. She knew then that she would never let anything happen to her again. The occasional uneasy, jump breath escaped from the little filly's body. . Rainbow Dashed eyes grew heavy and she too fell in to slumber. > Waking up- Consequences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " EH? kid wake up." Rainbow Dash said groggily "We fell asleep out here last night. Come on Scoots wake up" The little orange filly was curled up in a ball on Rainbow Dashes chest, she silently slumbered there. Honestly it was quite cute. RD had spent at least a hour staring at the Orange mass that resided on her chest. She saw the sun had came up and reluctantly tried to wake Scootaloo. a part of her wanted to let her sleep. "Come on kid, wake up." RD pestered the filly sliding her of softly into the grass. "Huh? What time is it?" Scootaloo said groggily,rubbing her eyes while ruffling her feathers and stretching "I'm not sure champ, Like 7:00" "Ugg, its to early." Scootaloo replied curling back into a ball " Hey champ, you gotta get up. We have to get that cut checked out" " Urg, fine." Scootaloo obeyed the command. Scootaloo's body ached every where from a mixture of beating Diamond Tiara in to a pulp, running numerous miles and sitting in awkward positions most of the night. She had a slight limp, but after breaking down last night in front of Rainbow Dash she couldn't show any more weakness. She sucked up the pain and trekked on. They must not have been 500 feet from the tree when RD suddenly swooped under Scootaloo placing her squarely on her back, right between the wings. A little stunned at first Scootaloo got her balance and settled herself on the cyan pegasuses back. This was totally awesome!! Scootaloo sat up, beating her own wings as fast as she could, no wonder RD liked flying so much, this was so fun! A constant giggle flowed out of her. but this journey only lasted a short time, before they knew it they had landed in the parking lot of Ponyville urgent. the two walked through the entrance ( well Rainbow Dash walked, Scootaloo road) to see Filthy Rich talking to some tall pony's in black suits, Apple jack and Apple Bloom sitting in the lobby and a green pony with a blond mane reading the new issue of ''Equestria Times". Rainbow Dash promptly walked up to the counter where Nurse Red Heart was sitting. "Ma'am, could you help us. See my kid got in a fight at school and..." This was interrupted by a mob of ponies surrounding the two, Filthys team of men, the green pony and AJ AB all surrounded them. Every pony tried to talk at once, and without thinking Rainbow Dash place her hoof in her mouth and let out a screaming whistle. "QUIET !!!!!!!"One at a time." RD directed. "Scootaloo, you're ok!! you kicked Diamonds flank in to the next century." Apple Bloom Screeched out, getting dirty looks from every adult in the room. " Uh Rainbow can Scootaloo come play. All those adult pony's wanna talk to you." AB said shyly "Sure? i guess." RD said ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ The green pony spoke first, "Miss.Dash, this is urgent may i speak to you alone?" The pony asked. "Yes Ma'am" Rainbow Dash replied Crossing the pale colored room over the dark green carpet and around the maroon chairs, They found a place to stand away from the rest of the crowd. "I am Agent Rose Heart with the FPS ( filly protective services), i'm Scootaloo's social worker. I'm not sure if you heard but after her parents died she went into foster care, but was put in the high risk category for destroying some possessions that belonged to a foster parent. She was put through...." Rainbow Dash stunned in all, interrupted the worker. "You mean to say that she destroyed someones property?" "Yes Miss Dash, now since she was put through the courts, all this will go on her record. She potentially could be sent to juvenile hall for her actions yesterday." "So what are you saying?" " Well i will have to talk to my supervisor but she will be most likely be moved to a group home until further notice." " Why?" "Since her current foster parents found out, They don't want her there any more. They think she is a threat and they don't want a court case on there hands." "I will take her, she can live with me." Rainbow Dash blurted out "Miss Dash, i don't know if I can let that happen. You would first need to be trained to be a foster parent, get background checked, get your house inspected..." " Fine, I will do it" "Are you sure?" "Yes." *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Rainbow Dash turned away, Just in time to see Nurse Red Heart taking Scootaloo to get her head checked out. " Hey kid" RD shouted towards Scoots " Yeah Dash?" "Are you going to be good in there?" " Yeah i should be fine."Scootaloo promptly said "Ok" Rainbow smiled The door shut behind Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash walked over to where Apple Jack was sitting. "Hey AJ" RD sat down and put her head in her hooves "Why are you here?" " Apparently when those two had there tussle yesterday, Apple Bloom tried to break it up, but was bucked back and hit her head. i wanted to make sure she was alright." "Really? wow, Is she alright?" RD said as she turned her head towards AJ. "Yeah the doc says she just fell weird might have just pulled a muscle or something, But other than that, yes." Right then Nurse Red Heart poked her head through the door, she did not look concerned. Rainbow Dash stood up. "Miss Dash? will you come here please?" Nurse Red Heart asked. "yes Ma'am?" They 2 walked down a long corridor and around corner. She never did like hospitals. At the room farthest from the entrance sat Scootaloo. She sat on the check up room's bed playing with the paper that was spread across it and fidgeting with a tongue depressor. "So the cut is pretty bad, she will need stitches but i would say she got the better end of the deal. The other young lady that was caught up in this disagreement came out of it with more serious injuries. Non life threatening." " I was prepared for the stitches part. What did squirt end up doing to Diamond anyways? I just can't believe that she could have hurt her to bad." " Your kid in there can seriously pack a punch, Miss Diamond Tiara managed to get a broken muzzle, a slightly fractured Temporal Bone. How she managed to fracture that, I am not sure. and around 10 stitches." Nurse Red Heart now held a piece of paper towards Rainbow Dash to sign. "Good god, I cant believe she did that! Whats this?" RD asked " Just a Form of consent saying i can treat you daughter." RH replied " She is not my daughter." RD scribbled her name on the line Am i really ready for a kid? Rainbow Dash rethought her choices ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Leaving Scootaloo in the hospital room, she went to the waiting room. A part of her knew this was going to happen, The other part was caught off guard. When the Rainbow maned pegasus walked through the waiting room door to see a tan colored stallion turn and with rage started to rush towards her. This is something she did not take well. "YOU.... YOU RAINBOW MANED FILLY FOOLER, YOU LET THAT NO MANNERED MULE ATTACK MY DAUGHTER!" Filthy Rich screamed at Rainbow Dash "YOU UNEMOTIONAL, UNCARING, OBLIVIOUS FOOL. YOU HAVE LET YOUR DAUGHTER BULLY SCOOTALOO FOR YEARS, TO THE POINT OF TEARS EVERY DAY, AND YOUR YELLING AT ME."Rainbow Dash approached FR. with their faces almost touching she continued "YOU ARE A DISGRACE. YOU NEED TO GET A HANDLE ON THAT CHILD. THAT SPOILED ROTTEN BRAT GOT WHAT WAS COMING FOR HER!." "Oh you call me the oblivious fool, my daughter is bed ridden until she gets her surgery. social exceptionable till her nose is fixed!" Filthy Rich grumbled "i will sue you for so much money that your grandchildren's ,grandchildren will be paying the debt off. you Stupid, uneducated, Filly Fooler." "GET OVER YOURSELF!! being called a Filly Fooler doesn't affect me" RD bluntly said Turning around, Rushing outside, making sure to slam the door behind her. She then proceeded to fly to the roof of the hospital, and sit down. She dangled her hind legs of the building and looked into the distance. It must have been 30 minutes that she sat up there.Looking up she saw 3 royal guards coming down from Canterlot. Lead by Flash Sentry, ( Twilight Sparkles boyfriend) Crimson Dart (Shining Armor's friend) and the third being one of her best buds since they met in the Crystal Empire, amazingly a mare. Silver Star. Rainbow Dash shot to the ground to meet them. When they landed, she greeted them. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** . 'Hey Crimson, Hey Flash, Hey Starry" RD grinned giving them all a brohoof " Dash, you know i don't like that, seriously" Silver Star said sternly, the boys both snickered. Silver replied by hitting Flash in the shoulder. " Hey, what was that for?" He said jokingly, Silver Star ignored the comment. " What brings you guys here?"RD said to break the tension " We need to talk to that kid of yours." Crimson said " Why? I really don't think this is necessary, it was just A fight. Honest." "A fight? We had not been informed there was a fight. We need to talk to her about her brother." Flash spoke up "Scoots got in a fight, seriously?. Who won. i bet Scoots did i reckon! Strong kid." Silver exclaimed "She has a brother?" Rainbow dash Questioned ' You didn't know? Yeah she has a older brother, High Flyer." " I don't know anything about this kid, Her life seems to just be unfolding now. He should come help. She needs it. " " He can't dashie. he was in prison. "Silver Star answered Rainbow Dash was shocked > Hospital stays and Death. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lead by Silverstar,the trio walk through the hallway. All three had an uncomfortable pit in their stomachs. Not one wanted to be there, All three wished they didn't have to be. They passed down the corridor hesitating ever so slightly on each step. As they rounded the first corner and proceeded to door 25. Silverstar was the first to reach the room, she slowly rose her hoof and let it hover there for a good couple of seconds. Letting out a deep breath, she knocked her gray colored hoof on the door. 3 times her hoof hit the large wood slate and every time she did the more nervous she got, and the more saddened it made her. *KNOCK,KNOCK,KNOCK.* "Come In!" said the bright eyed filly Entering the room, the 3 unclipped and took off their helmets, clutching them between their forearms and body. They all found their place in front of the bed in which Scootaloo sat sucking on a cherry flavored lollipop. Her head stitched. She looked up to the spot where the 3 stood, Thinking she would see another doctor or nurse, maybe even Rainbow Dash. But instead she found the complete opposite. Silverstar had on a serious face that was trying to hide despair, while the men on the other hand didn't make eye contact, Chrome Dart played with the hair on his helmet and Flash Sentry looked out the window. "Oh hey guys ,Didn't expect to see you three. What up? ...Woah, Wait what's wrong?" Scootaloo Asked, First optimistically then worried after she saw their faces. " Scootaloo I am so sorry...." Silver Star said ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Rainbow Dash sat on a bench outside of the hospital, still stunned by the conversation she had just had with the group of Royal Guards that had just landed in front of her. Rainbow Dash hadn't known anything about Scootaloo 24 hours ago, but now the little fillies traumatic life started to uncoil. Her mind raced as she stared into the dirt at her hooves. Rainbow Dash jumped at the sound of the hospital door being flung open. It was Scootaloo. Scootaloo shot out the door, past the RD. "Kid Stop!" Rainbow Dash commanded. Knowing that she wouldn't evade the Wonder Bolts hope full. She stopped in her tracks. Rainbow Dash walked towards her. Walking around the back and to the front of Scootaloo. Tears dripped down the orange fillies face. Rainbow Dash stared at her. RD lowered her body to be able to make eye contact with Scootaloo. Simultaneously raising Scootaloo's head up and wiping the salty droplets off her face. "Hey, Hey, Hey. what's wrong?" RD Said in a embracing, nurturing voice. Her hooves rested on Scootaloos shoulders. *silence* "Come on babe, tell me. Its Ok." Scootaloo ripped her head out of the stair and looked to the ground. "He is gone." Rainbow swooped the kid into a hug. In between sobs, Scootaloo told on. "He... he.. he...k...killed himself. He's.. dead." Rainbow Dash sat there stunned. Absolutely still. Shocked. frozen. Her arms were around Scoot, Scootaloo's arms buckled to her body, Her hooves at her face. Now Rainbow Dash had always been loyal ,But any time someone died she would be the person to say nothing and leave. After all why should she be held responsible and say sorry. She didn't kill the person after all. They sat there like this, Still as a rock in till Scootaloo's Sobs subsided. "Hey Hun" Rainbow Dash whispered "Yeah?" Scootaloo looked up, Her voice was raspy. She wiped tear from her face. " Will you stay here for one minute?" " *Shaky exhale* um yeah" Rainbow Dash slowly unraveled the hug and darted in side. seeking the social worker. she entered the building. ** ** ** ** Apple Jack saw Dash gallop in. "Dash!" AJ yelled "What?" RD grouchily snapped "Where is Scoot? What happened to her?" AJ said apprehensively " She's outside, uhh..her brother died." RD said not paying attention, frantically looking for Rose Heart, Spotting her. She left before AJ could notice. ** *** ** ** *** ** " Mrs.Heart? can i speak to you?" Rainbow Dash said "yes-um" Said RH from her work " Can i take Scootaloo home?" RD said hopefully " I don't see why not? I will just come and receive her in the morning" Still not looking up from her work "Thank you!" Running back outside to get Scootaloo, She stopped. Scootaloo was Sitting on the curb. her head between her her hooves. "Hey Champ? I have Good news." Scootaloo looked up, her eyes puffy and her face sad. " Would you like to come home... ?" " uhhh *sniffle* I...I would like that." Said Scootaloo with a little smile. *** ******* ****************************************************************************************************************************************** Going home was awkward. No one spoke. Scootaloo stared at the ground and walk in a swift pace to keep up. Rainbow Dash was kind enough to take the back streets so that Scootaloo wouldn't be spotted. Courage was held high by the little filly, having a classmate or anypony see her upset and crying wouldn't go down well. When passing the back of Twilight Sparkle's house Rainbow Dash deemed it a good time to sweep the kid on to her back and fly her the rest of the way. Nuzzled between the cyan pegasus's wings, she gripped on to RD rainbow main and snuggled her face in to RD neck . She smelt like rain and cinnamon. Comforting. Arriving at the cloud home that RD had built, Scoot dismounted, Stumbled trying to figure out how to walk on clouds again. She unsteadily made it to the entrance of the house. Looking in through the door. She saw the grand entrance. it was open and nice and had a high ceiling. a set of 4 stairs that went to a open den linking the room and a kitchen to the left.. There was a hallway with 4 doors and a spiral stair case at the end. "Do you like it?" RD said coming up behind Scootaloo. "Yeah, its amazing!" Scootaloo said in awe. "Well for now you will stay in the guest room, It's upstairs. The bathroom is the first door, work out room is second, laundry third and the the 4th is...um.. Storage. " Oh wow.... can i see my room?" Scootaloo looked up. " yeah kid! Go ahead!" Running up the stairs on to a loft like platform that separated 2 rooms. left being Rainbow Dash's. Using her left hoof to open the door Rainbow Dash introduce Scootaloo to the room. there was 4, 12 foot long walls that made a perfect Square. In the center of the room was a full sized cloud mattress with Wonderbolts sheets. 2 posters of miscellaneous rock bands. on the far wall was a window that looked on to Sweet Apple acres. At this point it was getting late, the sun was setting behind the orchard and looked beautiful from the cloud house. "Alright kiddo, you want any food? I can order something if you would like." " Nah, im good. i would rather go to sleep. Its been a long day." Scoots replied " You sure?" RD questioned " Yeah *shaky breath* Im sure" " Uhh, ok?. good night? if you need anything i am across the hall." " Ok thanks, I mean it" Scootaloo wandered to the bed and slipped under the sheets. She fell into slumber, this is when nightmares begin. > Nightmares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There is no greater agony than bearing a untold story inside you" Maya Angelou * * * "High Flyer, you're silly" giggled a little orang foal with a scattered purple mane looking at a older lanky looking white pegasus trying to balance a stack of plush toys on his head. "Haha" High Flyer laughed " Come on Scoots, hand me another!?" "Alright whatever you say" Scoots ran over to her toy box and retrieved a green and yellow stuffed dragon to accompany the other toys resting upon her brothers head. Scoots ran back to her brother. "Here ya go." She said smiling and handing her brother the toy. High Flyer took the toy and precariously tried to set it on top of the stack. "Almost got it-" High Flyer grumbled, reaching his hoof to the top. "There!" He smiled childishly until the toys tumbled down "Heh darn" trailing off Scoots picked up the green dragon and chucked it playfully at her older brother. *Squee* "Uff" he grunted "Lets go" grabbing the nearest toy and throwing at his sister, Scoots ducked to the side accidentally running in to a china cabinet. A sketchily placed piece of china wobbled and fell towards the ground, shattering the china at impact. CRASH! "Oh no" Scoots screeched BANG A door opened suddenly crashing against a wall next to it, showing a ominous drunken unicorn behind it holding a bottle of liquor. "WHO DID IT!?!" the large voice rumbled through the house. "I...I d...did." She stuttered softly "YOU FUCKING CANT DO ANYTHING RIGHT!" throwing her bottle at Scoots missing and hitting High Flyer. High Flyer lay on the ground holding his head "NO! dont hurt him" Scoots yelled in terror The unicorn stumbled towards her, in shock Scoots didn't move.The white unicorn approached the terrified orange foal, getting her face up close to hers. "HAHA... like i care for him." said the unicorn "Mama why are you like this?you never did this when dad was alive..."She the foal trailed off, tears building in her eyes "Maybe if u weren't such a useless brat...YOUR FATHER WOULD BE ALIVE, Scootaloo. he hated you! Thats why he killed himself!! " The unicorn breathed in to her ear slowly escalating into yelling. "But.. i d..didn't.." Scootaloo stood in fear, stunned , tears dripped down her cheeks. WHAPPAT!!!! Before Scootaloo could move, a racing belt connected with her face. She turned her body so that the whip-like object hit her back. Scootaloo screamed as the belt tangled in her wings, the burning ache speed through her as the ear splitting sound of feathers snapping pierced the air. "YOU. FUCKING. SELFISH. PIECE. OF. SHIT. WHY. DON'T. YOU. BURN. IN. HEL-" In between whips CLANG! Scootaloos mother fell to the floor into a ever growing pool of blood, behind her, High Flyer stood wielding a baseball bat. Gashes upon her back filled with back. Agony stung across her open wounds. * * * The dream ended. Upright in the bed, Scootaloo sat crying and yelling. In the doorway Rainbow Dash stood. "Scoots!" running over to her side "Hey, Hey. Its ok. Calm down." Rainbow Dash would never tell anyone but that night, she was scared, saddened and lost. Why would anyone do this to her? Scootaloo sobbed once again into the older cyan Pegasus's chest. Comfort is all she needed.