> A New Job > by bioticdemon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch.1 The Offer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1-The Offer Twilight’s weary eyes opened up as the sun rose in the sky. She stretched her hooves, and yawned. She pushed her blanket off of herself, and hopped out of bed. Her horn lit up as she fixed up her bed using magic. She looked over at Spike to see that he was still asleep. She approached the sleeping baby dragon, and gave him a gentle nudge with her hoof. “Spike...wake up Spike.” Twilight said quietly, as she attempted to wake Spike up. Spikes eyes opened, and he looked up at Twilight. “Morning already?” Spike commented as he got out of his basket-bed. “Yep! Time to start off our day.” Twilight said as the two of them walked down the staircase. All of a sudden Twilight heard somepony knocking on their door. She walked over to the door to answer it. She opened the door to see an unfamiliar face. The pony she was looking at was a blue Stallion unicorn, with a black mane. He also happened to be wearing a snow white lab coat. “Hello there, would you happen to be Twilight Sparkle?” The stallion said with a friendly smile, and a tone that wasn't condescending in the least bit. Twilight looked him up and down, wondering if she had ever seen him before. “Yeah, that’d be me.” Twilight said with an awkward chuckle. “Twilight! I’m glad to meet you! I’m Gene! I was wondering if you had a minute.” Twilight sighed at the stallions request. He was probably just trying to sell something. She put on a fake smile. “Of course, come in.” She said as she let him into her home. He walked into her house and looked all around. “Wow! I must say this home is simply astounding! All of the literature...and you even have a baby dragon living with you! Hello there!” He said as he looked at Spike. Spike yawned, and then looked at the stallion. “‘Sup” Spike greeted him back. Twilight chuckled a little bit. “Yeah it is pretty nice here. Anyways, you said I could help you?” She said, with some curious sounding enthusiasm. His eyes stopped admiring Twilight’s home for a minute, and they moved back to Twilight herself. “I hear you’re pretty smart. Celestia wouldn’t have made you her student if you weren’t a capable pony.” “Oh, I’m not that great.” Twilight said as her cheeks turned a slight crimson. “Oh, but you are, my dear! That’s why I’ve come here to ask you if you’d like a contract job at my company.” Twilight shrugged her shoulders. “Eh, maybe. I don’t really have anything to do at the moment. I suppose a job couldn’t hurt. What’s this company you mentioned?” Twilight said curiously. “It’s a stupendous company my dear! We go by the name of Manesonto. Our goal is to feed everypony in all of Equestria. Nopony would go starving! And better yet, we use Science to advance this goal.” Gene gave his spiel enthusiastically. Twilight thought about it. “Hmm, well that does sound wonderful and all. I’m not sure if I want to accept a job offer on the spot though.” Twilight replied, trying to sound kind. “Of course, my dear. You’re welcome to think about it all you’d like. In fact, if you would want to, I’d be more than happy to give you a tour of the factory, and the lab some time. To help you decide, of course.” Gene went on. Twilight smiled and nodded. “Sure thing Gene. I’d love a tour. It’d be nice to see where I’d be working.” “So this job, what would I do exactly?” Twilight asked Gene. “You’d help us come up with new ways to make food for everypony. You’d be a higher up position. You’d get paid a lot of bits to help a lot of ponies. It’s a pretty good deal, twilight my dear.” Twilight thought for a second. “I don’t know a whole lot about food. My friend Applejack is the one you’d want to talk to about food.” Twilight replied, with a slight laugh. Gene nodded. “You don’t exactly need a high knowledge on the food itself. It’s your magic talent we’re after. You see, magic is what we use to help feed everypony. You are pretty talented in magic, are you not?” Twilight shrugged. “I guess I’m okay.” Spike interrupted. “No, She’s not okay, she’s the best!” Gene laughed at this. “Well, I’m glad to hear it first-hoof that you’re talented, haha!” Gene commented. Twilight looked at Spike. “Spike!” She said with a slightly scolding tone. “What? Your magic is amazing Twilight!” Spike said innocently. Gene looked at Twilight, with his sharp golden eyes. “It’s okay Twilight. Your talent will be used to help everypony, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Twilight nodded a little bit. Gene nodded back at her with a confident smile, and gracefully bowed towards Twilight. “I’ll be in Ponyville for the next week. Feel free to contact me if you’d like that tour. Goodbye now, my dear” “Of course. See ya!”. Twilight bid him farewell. Gene exited her home, and walked off. Spike looked at Twilight. “A job offer, huh? Seems kinda sudden doesn’t it?” Twilight turned around to look back at Spike. “Yeah, I know. A job could teach me more though, and a few extra bits couldn’t hurt..” Spikes nodded. “Yeah.” Twilight replied calmly. Twilight sat down, and thought about it. A job could be nice. Some of her friends have jobs, and they seem happy at them. Oh! She could use the extra bits to buy that new book she wanted. Twilight was sure Celestia would recommend it, life experiences and all that stuff. She decided that she would accept Gene's offer to recieve a tour of the workplace. That would help her decide, she was sure of it.