> Looking Further > by Blueninetails > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No, no, no, this simply won't do." Elusive stated as he proceeded to erase a part of his sketch. The white-coated unicorn was busy designing a new gala dress for his friend Twilight Sparkle. After her first one was unfortunately destroyed after what happened at the last gala, he offered to remake it. Twilight tried to turn the colt down on the offer, reasoning that her old one just needed a little stitching up and it'll be fine. Similar to last time though, Elusive wouldn't take 'no' for an answer. He had wanted to re-make it as an act of generosity toward a friend, but also as a way to challenge to himself. At the moment, he was just having troubles coming up with a design that wouldn't just look like 'Twilight's dress 2.0', but not entirely different either. Fortunately, he didn't have any major orders that would otherwise take a lot of his time to fill out. "Perhaps an altercation here would work." he muttered to himself just before the door flew open, slamming loudly against the wall. "Hi Elusive!" He heard an all too familiar voice behind him say. "Hello, Bubble Berry." he said through a sigh, "You know, you're supposed to knock before you enter." "Well, duh, of course I know; but, you have said it's okay with you as long as it's friends and it's for a good reason." Elusive gave a soft huff. "Yes, I do recall saying that. So...what can I help you with today Berry?" he said as he put the pencil down and looked at the energetic earth pony colt. "It's not really what you can do to help ME, it's what you can do to help Applejack." Berry replied with a smile, "You promised her you'd help her and Big Macintosh in the orchard and fields today, and a promise is a promise." "Oh...right..." he off-handedly stated, "I did say I'd do that, didn't I?" "Yep! Me and Twilight were already helping Applejack out in the fields." Berry stated as a matter-of-fact, "It really is amazing how much can grow per acre of land, so many vegetables and fruits. I never actually thought I'd ever see that, which is actually kinda weird we've been there so many, many times. Kinda of made me hungry actually." he added with a laugh. "So where's Twilight now?" "Oh, she's still at Sweet Apple Acres. I'm just taking a break to remind you that you're suppose to be helping too silly, because we need all the hoof-work we can get." Elusive gave it a thought; as much as he did say he would, he didn't want to help. If he helped, he'd more than likely be gone all day, and he didn't find the idea of getting his coat in a mess today all that appealing either. "Listen, Berry, can you ask Applejack if I can try helping her another time?" he asked, earning a curious look from Berry, "I just have a lot of things to do today, and I'm not sure I can possibly help today." "But...you promised to help with this specifically." he replied with a slightly sad tone. "Yes, I know, but I simply can't today and I do apologize greatly for my absence." Berry's demeanor snapped to anger as he stomped over and stopped in front of Elusive, "A promise. Is a promise." Berry stated a bit more roughly as he glared at the other stallion, his tone more than clearly letting his friend know his opinion about breaking a promise. At this point the tips of their muzzles were only an inch apart, and Elusive could clearly see just how serious Berry was about the matter. Celestia help him had the promise been a Bubble Berry Swear. Elusive forced a nervous chuckle. "O-o-of course, how silly of me, a promise is a...promise. T-t-tell Applejack I'll just finish my breakfast, and I'll arrive in half-an-hour." Berry narrowed his eyes as he looked at Elusive's, as if to check if the unicorn is being honest and also to help drive the message home, before perking back up to his usual content self and saying cheerfully "Okie-Dokie! See you there in half-an-hour!" then turned and skipped out of the shop. Elusive stood there for a moment before finally letting out a sigh. As much of a nuisance Berry can be at times, and how painfully unserious about things he can be at times, he truly is frightening when he's being serious, especially about promises. Elusive looked at a cup of tea he had next to him, which had already gone cold more than an hour ago, and levitated it to himself before taking a long sip. The unicorn colt was a tad late for his half-hour deadline, but nopony was counting. As he arrived at the gates of Sweet Apple Acres, he was greeted by Berry and Twilight, both tending to the weeds in the flower and vegetable fields. "Hey there, Elusive." Twilight greeted. "Hello Twilight. Berry." he simply stated as he looked at the pink colt. "So good to see you could make it." Berry simply stated with a grin. "Well, as you said, I did make a promise I'd help; and, a gentlecolt always keeps his promises." "I'm sure Applejack will appreciate it." Twilight stated, "You should be able to find Applejack in the orchard. Just look for either baskets or Big Mac, and you should be able to find her." "Understood. Thank you." and walked off to start looking. A walk through the orchard did serve to slightly brighten Elusive's mood. It was a rather calming atmosphere being around the Apple Family's prized crop. Every single leaf looked healthy; very rarely did you find a single apple that looked rotten. "There ya are!" he heard a voice call out to him. He looked to see Applejack approaching him, a basket full of apples sitting on her back. "Ah was beginin' ta wonder if ya'll were gonna keep yer word." "Well, you know how it is Applejack...just a few things I needed to take care of is all. And, of course a gentlecolt always keeps to his word." he replied with a bit of a nervous grin, "If you don't mind me asking, did you send Berry out to remind me?" "Nah, ah didn't send 'im." she replied as she put the basket down on the ground, "That colt just asked fer a break is all. Ah thought ah'd let 'im have it since he an' Twi were in the middle of pickin' onions. They can be a lil' ornary on yer senses. Ah didn't think he'd go runnin' off ta get ya though. Still, ah appreciate yer here helpin'." she added with a smile. Elusive nodded in reply. "So, how can I be of service?" he asked "Well..." Applejack thought for a moment before having an idea. "Why don't ya'll take these baskets down ta the barn fer me?" Applejack asked as she indicated the basket she was carrying, and several others behind her that were still under trees, "Big Macintosh is suppose ta be the one takin' 'em down there, but fer every basket ya bring is one less he has to worry about." "Sounds reasonable. Okay, I'll help with the baskets." "Thank ya kindly." Applejack said just as the basket she was carrying was enveloped by a magical aura and brought toward Elusive, along with two more. "If there's anything else afterwards, you're more than welcome to let me know." Applejack nodded just before the unicorn started off toward the barn. She stayed a moment longer and watched him with a smile plastered to her face before returning back to her work. As the hours passed, Elusive kept to his assigned duty and went back and forth between the barn and wherever Applejack may be. A few times he was side-tracked by the other ponies on the farm though. He had been stopped a couple of times by Twilight and Berry to help bring what they had picked from the garden straight to the Apple Family homestead, once by Big Macintosh for a quick chat as the two stallions walked back to the barn, granted that the chat was a tad one sided, and quite a few times by Applejack to help pick the apples closer to the tops of the trees. Afterall, levitation magic just proved to be such a useful asset when picking in bulk. Needless to say though, the repetitive action of walking to and fro tired him out. About close to sunset, Elusive was on his final trip from the orchard to the barn as they were about to call it a day. Applejack wasn't far though, she was walking side-by-side with Elusive with a basket sitting on her back. The two were currently in the middle of a conversation. "It just comes naturally to me Applejack. Making suits and dresses is really the easy part, it's the envisioning of the final product that's tricky." Elusive stated, "As you and the others have shown, there's a certain...understanding I must make between how I envision the final product based on the individual's outward appearance and personality, and how the client envisions the final product." "It all sounds difficult ta me, ah just ain't the type ta be puttin' together an outfit like ya'll." "It's just my unique talent dear Applejack. Nothing more, nothing less." he said with a bit of a smile as the two arrived at the barn. "Well, that should be it. Thanks again fer yer help ta-day Elusive." "It was no problem at all Applejack." he replied as the two both put their baskets down, "Seeing that Twilight and Berry are still out in the fields." he added as he looked over the garden, where Twilight and Berry looked like they were still a little busy, but pretty close to finishing up, "Well, I was thinking of asking Twilight to come over to my shop so I can get her opinion on possible changes to her dress's design, but seeing that she's still busy, is there anything else I can do for you?" "Hm..." she responded, "Nah. Ya'll have done enough, ah wouldn't want ta impose." "Please Applejack, it would be no trouble at all." Applejack glanced away for a moment, then looked back, "Are ya sure?" "Of course, as I said anything you believe would help." Applejack seemingly hesitated for a moment and and took a nervous breath and said, "Well, if ya really insist...why don't ya follow me ta that there hill over there." and pointed toward a hill that was rather close and seemingly overlooked the entire orchard field, then started walking towards the location. Elusive followed behind, a little curious about this odd request, but didn't think too much about it. It's probably just one last group of baskets that Applejack neglected to mention and she would take back to the barn on her own later. Typical Applejack, she really would prefer to do all the work herself if she could. Upon reaching their destination though, he found nothing to indicate such a thing. There were no baskets awaiting for them to take back to the barn, or any baskets at all. There was just a solitary apple tree at the top. There were a few other apple trees on the way there, but they seemed to share the same thing, no baskets. Applejack trotted over to the tree before sitting herself beside it as she looked toward the sun. She looked back at Elusive, wordlessly asking him to sit next to her. Elusive shot a curious look, but obliged as he took a seat next to her. He looked at her from the corner of his eye a little longer as Applejack turned her gaze back toward the sun. He eventually turned his attention in the same direction, he did have to admit the view from that spot was rather impressive. The setting sun painted the tops of apple trees a rather vibrant shade of orange, at the same time casting shadows that beautifully contrasted the color. After letting a little extra time to pass, enough to at least let the image before him be etched in his mind for possible inspiration, he broke the silence between them, "It's a beautiful scene Applejack, but I fear I don't quite understand what I'm to help you with here." Applejack remained silent, as she fidgeted slightly, "A-ah just wanted some company is all. Can't ah ask that?" "Well of course, but..." Elusive took a moment to gather his thoughts before he continued, "Why wait until now to tell me?" Applejack fidgeted once again and her ear twitched in response. Elusive turned to look at her. Her head was now hung low, earning a slightly concerned look from him. Applejack's ear twitched once again before slowly turning her head to meet Elusive's gaze. To say that Elusive was taken aback from the look of her eyes would've been a slight understatement as they seemed to portray worry, concern, and, most importantly, fright. His mind started racing to find an answer to what brought this about, but his mind didn't get far as his eyes turned into pin-pricks as Applejack suddenly pressed her lips onto his. After Applejack pushed away, all those emotions she was previously portraying suddenly increased dramatically, "A-a-ah'm sorry! Ah didn't mean ta..." Applejack bolted as fast as she could down the hill and into orchard. Elusive was frozen in the shell-shock of it all. Applejack just kissed him. She just kissed him! He only was snapped out of it upon hearing Berry's voice. "Oh, that's not good." Elusive turned to see Berry, Twilight, and Big Mac approaching him, "That went so badly. Even after so much practice, it still didn't work out." the pink stallion continued with a frown. "W-what...? What just happened...?" was all Elusive could say Twilight gave a sigh, "I think it would've been more proper for Applejack to tell you herself, but...but I think it would be best we explain. Applejack has been trying her best to admit her feelings toward you." "'admit her feelings...'?" Elusive repeated, more out of instict than anything else. "Mah sis rather takes a fancy towards ya." Big Macintosh replied. "Applejack really, really likes you Elusive. She has for a little while now." Berry stated "'A little while'? You call a year a 'little while'?" Twilight shot. Berry just offered a shrug and his usual smile Elusive didn't say anything, he was just shocked at this new revelation. "How about you head home Twilight? Big Mac and I will take care of it." Berry stated "Are you sure?" she asked inquisitively. With an enthusiastic nod from him, she simply gave a nod in understanding before bidding all three stallions a farewell, and started towards home. Berry and Big Mac took a seat next to Elusive. Berry carried a concerned look as he looked at the ground but still had a small grin. Big Macintosh looked as stoic as always. "Applejack likes...but, that seems so...unlikely. I've never seen any of the signs, or any kind indication she takes a fancy to me." Elusive stated. "Well, you're not paying attention enough then." Berry said as calmly as he can, "She really does like you." Elusive turned to look at Big Mac, who gave a nod, essentially backing-up Berry's statement. "I guess that's normal though, right? You can't see when somepony likes you, until somepony mentions it, right?" Berry stated, "Applejack has been practicing for weeks now. Planning out how she was gonna tell you at her favorite spot, which is this spot by the way, and it's such a nice spot don't you think? With all the colors, and the view the orchard from this one spot at sunset." Elusive gave a cautious nod. "Anyway, I guess poor, poor Applejack got frightened when the time finally came." "Frightened? Why be frightened?" he asked, "I mean, sure I'm not certain the feeling is mutual, but why? She's a friend, I'm not going to just, just ignore her like that." "Well, duh, your statements who you wanted to date doesn't really match Applejack." Berry responded with an amused look, "She's not a super special relative to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and lives in Canterlot." he continued, indicating the princesses' niece, Princess Bluebelle The realization hit him like a brick, the look of shell-shock returning to his face as he had been reminded of his former goal previous to the Grand Galloping Gala, and exactly how Applejack must've felt knowing this. "Bubble Berry..." he said, "Twilight and yourself said it had been at least a year, yes?" "Mm..." Berry responded as he thought about the question, before quickly replying, "Yep! At least a year." "..." "Ah can't exactly say when, but ah know it's long'gah than a year." Big Macintosh rang in. Elusive only gave a sigh, and looked at Big Mac, who had looked outward toward the orchard field. "I think Big Macintosh means, 'You should go find Applejack and talk to her'." Berry stated, "I think you should do that too. Applejack isn't as fancy-pants as a princess, and she's not from Canterlot, but I don't think it should matter, cause Applejack is just as good." "Yes, of course..." Elusive stated as he slowly got up, "May I?" Both earth pony stallions just gave a smile and nodded As Elusive started on the path he had seen Applejack run down, he started out rather slow, his mind going in many directions, asking more questions than he can offer answers to. The most important of which, what was he going to say or do when he finally finds Applejack? Eventually though he went into a full trot as he hurried to find Applejack. He didn't have to look very far though, as he soon heard her sniffling near a line of trees that anyone could easily hide from anypony not paying a close attention. "Applejack...?" he called out as he approached the spot, a small gasp was his only clue he was close. Apparently she hadn't expected Elusive to come looking for her. "Applejack, please, I...I wish to have a word with you." Applejack peaked her head out from behind a tree to show where she was. Elusive approached her cautiously, before stopping about ten feet away from her. There was a slight moment of silence before both simultaneously said, "I'm sorry." "'Sorry'?" Applejack asked, "What are ya sorry about Elusive? Ah should be the one apologizin'." "I wanted to apologize for...for not seeing it before. Berry and Big Macintosh had to explain it to me, how you...you've taken a liking to me." Applejack's ears flattened against her head in embarrassment. She wanted to be the one to say it, she didn't want anypony to have to do it for her. Then again, her attempt only a few moments ago fell flat on its face, despite her practicing for weeks for this. "I know you've heard me say so frequently during all the get-togethers and others and ourselves have gone to how I've desired to meet a nice mare from Canterlot. I guess I never quite thought beyond that." "Well...ah wish ya did." Applejack took a few steps forward to close the gap between them, "Ah admire ya, very much so. Fer the longest time, ah couldn't help but think of what ya do and how ya'll are mah favorite company." Elusive gave a light chuckle at the statement. "Yer so sophisticated, how ya speak, yer accent, is kinda strange ta me, but ah know it's bettah than mine. Ya'll are more than generous, ya help whenevah ya can, ya listen when we got somethin' ta say, and ya let us have suits and dresses from ya with so few bits." she gave a pause, "Ah know ah'm not the type of pony ya expected ta be sayin' this, ya'll weren't much of mah first choice either seein' we're at each other's throats before an' sorta the opposite of each other, but..." Applejack trailed off, still hesitant but hopeful about what will happen next, "ca-can ya accept me as yer special somepony?" Elusive gave it a bit of a thought, "I'm not sure if I can Applejack, seeing that I'm not even sure if the feeling is mutual." At this Applejack's ears flattened against her head again, trying hard not to look as disappointed as she felt. "But...," Elusive continued, Applejack perking up. "I'm more than willing to accept the offer and see how it all unfolds, if you are willing to do so as well." "R-really?" she asked, unable to avoid smiling. "Of course. I'm simply not sure if the feeling's mutual seeing as I've never considered the idea of looking within my, or our, inner-circle of friends. The thought never really crossed my mind" he explained, "I would be greatly honored, dear Applejack, if you would be willing to allow me this ch-." Elusive was interrupted as Applejack almost tackled him as she ran right in to embrace him, a gleeful and relieved grin marked on her face. "Ugh...! That was rather uncalled for Applejack." he complained, but wrapped his forehooves around her, which only elicited a tighter hug from Applejack as she affectionately nuzzled the side of his face. Elusive gave a slight smile. "I guess there's no turning back now." he thought to himself, "She must've waited a far longer time for this moment than what the others have said it to be. It would be rather un-gentlecolt-like for me to take back anything I have said." The two remain like that for some time, before they gently pulled away from one another. "Applejack, if I may, can I make two requests on the topic before we both say anything else?" "Sure, what are ya askin' for?" "Well, first off, how about next time we meet, you take a good bath." "Oh...?" Applejack asked, looking a little crossed now. "Just a thought. Afterall, you know how I am with cleanliness, and, well, I found a few 'souvenirs' in your mane." Elusive explained, as he gave a nervous grin and his horn started to glow as Applejack felt Elusive pull a few twigs and bits of hay out of her mane. Applejack was actually a tad surprised at how many pieces of hay Elusive just pulled out of her mane. She knew there'd be a few, it was inevitable considering, but she didn't quite expect to have that many stuck. "Ah suppose that's a fair argument." she admitted with an embarrassed grin, "An' what's the othah thing?" "Well, I was wondering if your schedule would allow for some time to chat tomorrow? I know you set this time to spend with me, but it's getting late now, and it shall be dark soon." "Hm..." she responded as she brought a hoof to her chin, "Ah think ah can find some time for ya'll." she added with a grin. "Good." he responded, "Again, please allow me to say, I'm sorry for not seeing it much sooner." then gave Applejack a quick peck on her cheek, to which she blushed again. He did have to admit, Applejack was rather cute when she blushed.