Chronicles Of Merion: Shadows Inferno


First published

after a meteor destroyed the moon the entire world suffers a near endless attack of natural disasters and rained terror upon equestria. when it was thought that things wouldn't get any worse, the the earthquakes had awoken another kind of terror

after a meteor destroyed the moon the entire world suffers a near endless attack of natural disasters and rained terror upon equestria. when it was thought that things wouldn't get any worse, the the earthquakes had awoken another kind of terror (this is set 4 years after the disaster)

this is my first ever fanfic so the grammar and possibly punctuation will be less than perfect

Chapter 1: Inconvenient Awakenings

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Chronicles of Merion
Chapter 1: Inconvenient Awakenings

Darkness, all he could see was darkness. He could not feel anything, nor see anything, nor hear anything. A thought crossed his mind, "Am I dead?" His body shook, trying to recover from what ungodly happening had just occurred. His body was in conflict with the excruciating pain and numbing waves that gushed across his limbs and chest, simultaneously. His eyes shot open to a blinding light. “So much pain." After a few short moments, his eyes adjusted to the exposure. However, everything was blurred. He lay in pain for what seemed like an age until he was finally able to move. He slowly stood up and his head felt like it was about to cave in.
"Err rough night I guess..." His tongue felt like sandpaper writhing against his teeth. His memory was vague and confusing. Rationality placed it down to a simple theory: "Must have had a little too much cider this time, aye? Hmmm... wa-agh-ter... way-ter... water. I need water." Ignoring the shooting pains that had been plaguing him, he frantically looked around for a water source. His eyes refocused and a saddle bag appeared in his view. "Dude, you're an idiot-" he paused, "Did I just forget my own name?!" His eyes widened in panic and disgust. He then shrugged. "Whatever. I guess it's just water now and amnesia problems later."

His maniacal desperation took hold of him and he searched the bag immediately discovering a full canteen. His dry and scratchy throat was in bliss as he drunk it all in one gulp. He then instinctively observed his surroundings. The nearby trees served their purpose in informing him of where he was, in a forest clearing. "Everfree? Oh wait, so I am able to remember difficult geography but not my own name. That makes perfect sense." His eyes rolled and a sarcastic tone was all that could be heard. His delicate, precise hooves delved deeper into the mysterious saddle bag hoping to discover more treasures and luxuries. They gripped around several odd shaped items that he drew out. The items were sharp, they pierced his delicate skin and under closer inspection he [realized] that they were stained window pieces like that of which you would find in a Church. "What the fuck is this?!" He exclaimed.

Just as the thought crossed his mind, he heard voices
"Why are we walking through the forest again?"

"For the fifth time we’re visiting Zecora."

He frantically dove into a nearby bush.

"Why do I have to come?"

"You’re the bloody reason we’re going."

He managed to get a glimpse of the two unknowns, he carefully poked his head out of the bush to get a better look, he saw a small unicorn filly, it had mildly white coat with a perfectly straightened velvet and white mane and tail and a pair of large hipster spectacles, the other figure had a very fluffy white coat and an abnormally long neck 'What in Equestria is that.' He thought.

"Did we pack any peanut butter?" The filly questioned.

"Out of all the things you could've said it happens to be snacks… why am I not surprised." The fluffy creature stated with a very irritated tone.

"Oh my dear Henry you can read me like a book." The filly said with a sheepish smile.

"Yes, a short and crudely written one at that." The creature said.

"Smart ass." The filly muttered.

'What’s the worst that could happened?' He thought to himself as he punched the bush aside and approached the two creatures.

"Um... hello?" He said cautiously. The filly quickly turned around franticly with a brief look of terror in its eyes but slowly faded to curiosity, the tall creature did the same.

"Eh... hi." The tall creature responded, eyeballing him.

“A-are you ok?" The filly asked nervously.

“I think so." He stated.

"Well.... mynamesRubyandthisisHenryhe'sallama!" The filly yelled at an unsettling pace.

"Ruby we've told you time and time again it’s not polite to greet someone by destroying their ear drums." The creature said angrily.

“I apologize for my little friend here, she was dropped one too many times as a newborn." The creature said with a smirk.

"Putting that aside, my name is Henry Aston but by all means call me henry." The creature said extending a hoof.

"And may I ask what you are doing in the middle of Everfree." Henry said cocking an eyebrow.

"I-I don’t know." He said.

"You... you don’t know." Henry stuttered.

"You’re in the middle of Everfree with no recollection of why you're here?" Ruby said with a concerned tone.

“I kinda just... well, woke up here.” He said.

"Well that’s never a good sign." Henry said with a very concerned tone.

"You should come with us to Zecora's place she'll know what to do... um... right Henry?" Ruby question.

“I hope so." Henry sighed.

"Would you mind joining us to visit Zecora... um I never caught your name sorry." Henry asked.

"I’m afraid I don’t remember." he said.

An awkward silence rained upon the trio for a time none of them could measure.

"Ahem." the unicorn filly cleared her throat.

"I’ve... uh been having some memory problems lately." he said.

"No worry." the llama said.

"Zecora must have some kind of remedy for that.” the llama said matter-of-factly.

"Well I don't know about you guys but not much is gonna get done eyeballing each other." the filly said while trotting off.
The llama and Pegasus shook their heads in sudden realization that they had been staring at each other throughout the entire encounter.


Not much was said amongst the trio other than the filly’s constant complaints about not having any peanut-butter packed let allow any snacks which the Pegasus found quite amusing.

"Why couldn’t Wednesday come with us?" The filly asked.

"I’ll be sure to bring her next time we want another forest fire and public nuisance charges." The llama added sarcastically.
They approached what appeared to be some kind of hut with peculiar mask lining the outside.

"She has an odd taste decoration if I might add."

The filly approached the hut cautiously and slowly, she then reached for door and knocked on it.
"Yo! Freaky! Zebra! Lady you there!?" Ruby cried

"Please young equine silence" a voice said on the other side of the door the door opened suddenly to reveal a very fatigued zebra.

"14th time this week young filly, a new record indeed!" it said in an annoyed tone.

"I’m just full of surprises aren't I" Ruby said with a toothy grin.

"Along with other things" henry said with a smirk.

I didn't delay my mid-day nap to hear you’re smart arse comments henry" the zebra said in an irritated tone.

"Well, when you're done bonding I believe we have some business to attend to"

chapter 2: remedys and panic attacks

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Chronicles of Merion
Chapter 2: Remedies and panic attacks

"Come inside, the potions almost done brewing anyway" the zebra stated matter-of-factly. The trio barely hesitated to enter, as they did so they were treated with the ever worse stench of alchemy and herbs.

"GAH, how do you breathe in here?" Screamed the filly trying to jam her hooves into her nostrils.

"Carefully" The llama replied sarcastically.

"If I may ask young equine, what is wrong with you this time?" The zebra asked, lying down on a nearby couch.

"NOTHING” The filly screamed.

"She keeps having memories that aren't hers talking about things that don't exist" The llama said, with a worrisome tone

"THEY EXIST I TELL YOU, big giant flying metal things THEY WERE EVERYWHERE" The filly raised her lungs in anger

"Don’t get her started on the 'living rocks'. It’s like she’s gone completely mad" The llama whispered

"TH-TH-THERE WAS BRIGHT LIGHTS AND EVERYTHING WAS HOT AND THEN DARK AND COLD A-A-AND THE WAS FIRE EVERYWHERE A--AND SCREAMING" The filly yelled flailing her hooves everywhere then fall to the ground shaking and crying.

"This is much worse than I had anticipated" the zebra said trotting over to comfort the traumatized filly

"ASH… N-NOTHING BUT ASH" The filly blurted out. The Pegasus was surprised and terrified by the series of sudden outbursts, this was the same filly that was happily playing logic chest with her friend only minutes ago, and suddenly looks like she saw her family die.

"Come on Zecora there must be something we could do, SOMETHING I can't bear her like this" The llama begged

"I'm afraid that no remedy of mine will be able to help her" Zecora said with regret in her voice.

"But if you don't mind me asking... who is this friend of yours?" Zecora asked

"Well this guy kind of tagged along with us, said he had some memory problems" The llama answered.

"Well that I can fix, please wait a moment" Zecora sped out the room for a couple seconds and came back with two conical flasks "Now this is a special potion that the royal guard used for interrogations, it’s designed to refresh memories, they used it on warlords that commonly have their own memories removed to protect their masters by using a special spell in which the host will push chosen memories into their oppressed memories" Zecora said matter-of-factly "This potion moves all the oppressed memories into the host's long term memory" Zecora said.

"Unfortunately when I saw all oppressed memories I mean ALL oppressed memories, including memories you don't want to remember" Zecora said in a saddened tone.

"So if he got touched by his uncle or something" The filly shouted suddenly.

"Good to have you back to normal Ruby" The llama said in relief.

"ME NORMAL" the filly laughed maniacally rolling on the ground as she did so.

"BACK to the task at hand, Pegasus… are you sure you want to go through with this?" Zecora asked.

"Well I don't have much of a choice now do I" the Pegasus replied.

Zecora handed the flasks over to the Pegasus, red potion and an orange potion

"Drink the red one first then the orange one" Zecora said. The Pegasus sculled the red and orange potion as quickly as possible, which tasted like hot dirt with spices. "OH and don't think about polar bears or you will die painfully and violently" Zecora said with a slight smirk. The Pegasus stared at Zecora as if to say 'WHAT HAVE YOU DONE'
"I'M JOKING, why so serious" Zecora said holding her hooves up in a comical manner, the Pegasus rolled his eyes in response but was interrupted by a sharp pain in his skull and everything went black and the floor disappeared beneath him.

"How long will he be like this" questioned the filly

"A few more seconds young equine" Zecora replied.

After several seconds the Pegasus shot up on all fours "NO I'LL NOT LIKE THE COFFEE CAKE I DO NOT LIKE COFFEE CAKE HOW DARE YOU" The Pegasus screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Any more of this sudden loud screaming crap and I'll need a hearing aid" The llama said in an annoyed tone.

"EARWIGS, EARWIGS EVERYWHERE" The Pegasus cried with his hooves over his head. "MOOOM DAAD WHERE ARE YOU" The Pegasus cried

"Um dude you ok?" The filly said strangely casually.

"I-I-I UH UM" The Pegasus stuttered nervously shacking. He passed out again.

Images were flashing past his eyes, dark figures, strange distorted voices he couldn’t make any of it out. He was in a brightly lit white room, he tried to move but he couldn't as he were paralysed. A dark figure appeared in front of him, it was too blurred and distorted to make out what race it was. The figure approached him slowly speaking in a distorted tone that the Pegasus couldn’t understand. When it came to the point where the figure was mere inches from the Pegasus' face the figure stated in a sinister tone "patriot, find the seekers" and then everything went white. The Pegasus found himself on the floor in the middle of a hut
"m-my name… is patriot!" The Pegasus yelled.

"I want what he's having" A filly stated.