> Wish Us Luck > by Coco-loco > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Awakening of the Runaways > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With one final crack we surfaced and the ice broke. Darkness poured in our dark hole in the soft dirt, “Air!” she cried out. I’ve never seen her happier in my life. She stands up and puts her hands up to the sky just reaching for the moon. “Do you think they’re still searching for us?” I ask her before looking around. It looks nothing like what it looked like when I froze us. “Um, Lula? Where are we?” I stand up with a small stretch before really looking at where we are. I see a huge building a few miles away. “Lets just go over to that building, they might be able to help?” I offer. She nods and helps me out, it took us a hour but we reached it. A tall, locked gate stood between us and answers. “Hello? Anybody home?” She yelled at the top of her lungs. There were a few minutes of silences than we could hear voices inside right before the tall gates opened and a young boy with green hair and funny ears walked out. “Um, who are you two?” He asks raising an eyebrow scanning us over. “Queens of the Ice and Fire kingdoms of the north and south!” Natalie says sticking out her chest, “I’ve always wanted to say that!” “Cat, I think two crazies just showed up at the door!” He calls over his shoulder not taking his eyes off of us. A older girl shows up at the door and raises an eyebrow just like the boy after looking us over. “What year are you two from?” She says just staring at us. “Eighteen sixty two? Why? What year is it now?” Both her and the boys jaws hit the floor and a girl standing behind them faints. “Eighteen...sixty...two?” “Um, yes. What years is it now?” I asks now the one raising an eyebrow. “Two thousand thirteen,” she says raising an eyebrow. “Lula, I think we’re out of our prime,” Natalie says turning to me as I faint. -------------------------------------- “Ow!” I moan sitting up. My head, hurts! “Oh good you're awake! You hit your head really hard I thought you might have a concussion. Do you feel ok?” Asks a girl about the same age as that ‘Cat’ girl. I look at her as if shes not even speaking english before smiling at her kindness. “Oh, my head hurts a little but I think I’ll be fine! Thank you, what is your name?” She seems to shrink at my question. Her blush is obvious even behind her pink hair. “F-Fluttershy. What's yours? You know, if you don’t mind me asking?” I smile reassuring at her trying to calm her down. “Lula,” the girl in a bed near mine shoots up and her whole appearance is obvious. “Lula? Lula like the ice queen?” She asks turning to me with pericing pink eyes. The hair, the wings, the electric attitude, she is the Rainbow Queen of the Coy. “My Queen!” I mutter bowing to her. “Huh?” I look up at her to see she’s totally confused, “don’t bow to me! I don't deserve it-” “RAINBOW!!!!” Fluttershy yells cutting off her rants. Instead of sulking or something ‘Rainbow’ bursts into tears. “Oh, I’m sorry sweetie. Shh stop crying.” Fluttershy goes from mad to motherly in about two seconds but, hey, I guess ‘Rainbow’ went from ranting to crying in two too! “Why is she crying?” No one answers my question though. Soft sobs fill the room along with coo’s and the occasional shallow breaths from a different bed. ================================= “Are you sure about this?” She asks in a quiet voice as Scoots slips through the hole Pinkie left in the wall. “Sweetie Belle it’ll be fine. Trust us!” Scoots says as her head pops back in making Sweetie jump. “Yeah, we’ll save mah sis’ and Iya and get back here with whatever info we collected on the way,” I say with a smile before pushing Sweetie out the hole and slipping out my self. “But before Pinkie went black out she said it was a five day journey. They might notice we’re gone by than!” Sweetie points out making Scoots nod her head in agreement. “Ah’ve got just the thing for that!” And in a few short movements Scoots is straped into a scooter with us in a trailer on the back. “Magic! Now get movin’ Scoots!” I order. “Wait! Why do I have to pull you two?” She says offering me a half hearted glare. “Because you got ‘dem wings, now move it!” I yell. Her wings flutter a little before she rockets us away. “WOOHOO!!!” We yell as we speed around trees and jump over holes and animals. After a few breaks we reach General Corridors castle house in a day. “Talk ‘bout speedy, Scoots!” I cheer high fiving her. “That was a huge adrenaline rush, awesome!” Sweetie says with a small squeal of glee. We just stare at her with raised eyebrows. “What are you a dictionary?” We ask her in unison. “No!” She says, “anyway we’re here.” “Right!” We mumble turning to look at the looming house where my sister and Iya are being held captive. “Ah remember this place,” I whisper taking them aback a little, “what, he’s mah dad too!” “Right,” they say with their eyes darting around a little. “Well... Here’s the plan!” I say sitting down it the dirt making a wooden map, “we’re ‘ere.” I say pointing to a spot on the map, marking it with a star, and mumble a little before looking through my newly found memories. With a flinch at how devoid of detail they are, “this is my sisters room and the door to the dungeon is ‘ere!” After marking off all the places that we should look for them I point to the very places to avoid, “this is where he is when he’s not hurtin’ mah sis’” “Got it!” They say standing and saluting me. “Mah sis’ can’t take much pain no more but Iya can so if he’s not in that there room or with mah sis’ he’s with Iya,” I say and they nod in agreement. “So what's the plan?” Sweetie asks. “Scoots, yall are in charge of distracting General Corridor. Sweetie you're in charge of keepin’ Iya and mah sis’ sane,” they nod. “What about you?” Sweetie asks. “Ah’m gonna figure out when they’re comin’” -------------------------------------- Each holding a wooden sword and a small shield we pressed our ears against the door listening for any sign of commotion. A sharp slap ringed through the air making all of us flinch. “What can she do?” came General Corridors voice through the door. Who? “A-Ah ain’t never gonna tell you!” Applejack spits. “Oh, you better!” A loud bang sounds through the room and we back up a little. “Do you think we should go in there?” Sweetie whispers to me. “For our safety, no. For Applejacks, definitely!” Scoots says and I just nod. “Are you girls ready?” I ask fear and confidence covering each of us. “No, but lets do it!” Sweetie whispers. “I agree. This is pure stupid,” Scoots says naming me laugh. “Stupidity!” Sweetie correct. “Are you a dictionary?” Scoots asks throwing her hands over her head. “No, but definitely are not,” Sweetie says crossing her arms. “Girls concentrate! We can’t fight while we’re in there!” I say before pushing the door open and running in! =================================== “Natalie. I have good news and bad news,” I yell the second I enter our room. “Calm down! Tell me after you change. One of the girls, I think her name was Rarity, made us some clothes!” She says throwing me a pale blue dress. “It matches your hair!” “Funny!” I mutter before changing. It fits perfectly. “Cute!” She says looking me over, “so what's your news?” “Oh, well...um. The Rainbow Queen is here.” I say making her face light up. “Really thats amazing!” Her face sinks as she remembers something else, “what's the bad news?” “She may be in the hospital and she might be a little psychotic,” I whisper. “What!?! Why?” she yells. “I don’t know,” I say embarrassed. “I know exactly who to ask!” She says grabbing my arm and dragging me out the door. A few doors later... “hey we have a few questions for you!” “What?” Natalie pushes the poor confused boy side and drags me into his room. “The Rainbow Queen?” Natalie asks him. “The Rainbow Queen? You, mean Rainbow Dash?” He asks her. “Yep!” She says sitting down on the bed. “Rainbow Dash fell in love with a girl named Applejack...” one whole long story, tears, and gasps later, “so she kinda went insane.” “I would!” Natalie says calmly. “Natalie! A girl is right now being tortured by her own father with nothing anyone can do! Rainbow has gone insane and another girl who tried to save Applejack is almost dead and all you can say is that you would go insane too!” I shriek. “Well I would!” Natalie shouts back with tears welling up in her eyes. “We should be heading back to our room now. Thank you...” “Spike,” he says. “Right, thank you Spike!” I start leading Natalie with only one glance back at Spike. “Oh, Twilight called a meeting in a few hours! If you want I could come and get you two?” I smile sweetly at him and nod, “Yes, that would be just fine!” -------------------------------------------- “Welcome Ms. Lula and Natalie! My name is Twilight Sparkle and we are the resistance!” “Wait! Who ever said we were called the resistance?” Calls a girl from the other side of the long table. “Gracy! We are resisting! That makes us the resistance!” Twilight says evilly. “What are their coys? Do they even have any?” Gracy asks making some whispers and murmurs float around. “Do you two have coys?” Twilight asks and we nod, “could we have a demonstration?” “Yep!” Natalie says cheery as ever. Her hand starts glowing red before bursting into flames. Everyone screams in pure terror. Her fire goes out leaving her confused, “what?” “You have a fire coy?” Gracy asks a little less scared than the others. “Well, yeah. What so bad about that?” Twilight then clears her throat getting everyone attention. “Fire coys are extremely rare. There are only two people, other than you, who have a fire coy. One is General Corridor, our enemy, the other is his sister who nobody has seen in twenty years. So the only known fire coys are being used for evil,” she says calmly. “But in our time is was Air coys that were evil,” I say calmly. “What?!” Gracy freaks slamming her hands down on the table making it wobble. “Anyway...what about you, Lula?” I smile. “Don’t touch the table,” I say loudly and everyone removes their hands. I place both hands on the table and breath. Slowly but surely it turns to ice. “A Fire coy and a Ice coy!” Spike says like an announcer while everyone claps for us. “Sit,” Cat orders telling us its time for business! ==================================== “A-Applebloom?” Applejack stutters out. “We thought that was enough!” Sweetie yells out. “Hey General Marketplace!” Scoots yells out. “General what now?” All four of us ask her. “Oh whatever. General Popcorn Pants come and get me!” She calls out whacking him across the face with her dulled sword. His angry fire followed her but she was to fast to catch her. “Come on AJ!” I whisper to her. “Somethin’ bad will happen this time too,” she mutters. “Not if you come with us!” Sweetie says to her. “Will ya get Iya too?” We nod, “then Ah’ll help ya!” slowly a orange suit flickers on her burnt bruised body. “Scoots!” Me and Sweetie yell as she dodges another blast hitting his knees. “Yeah?” She smacks his arm. “Pack it up!” Sweetie yells to her. “Got it!” doing just what Rainbow taught her to, before she went insane, she sent a electric charge down the sword as it connected with his gut before joining us out the door. “Come on! They’re keepin’ Iya over ‘ere!” AJ says more confident than I’ve seen her in days. “Applejack, why are you helpin’ us now? Why not help Pinkie and Iya get ya out?” I ask her. She flinches. “Ah’ll tell ya a lil’ more later. Mainly it was because Ah didn’t really think they were there. Ah’m helpin’ you because Iya can’t be killed to many more times before she runs out of lives to keep ‘er goin’ and Rainbow needs meh!” We shrug and keep running. “She really does. More than you know,” Scoots says. “We’re ‘ere,” Applejack yelled as we run into her. You can see the pain flow through her body when we connect with her skin. “Lets do this!” Scoots cheers. “Applejack you stay here! Your to hurt,” Sweetie says as I break the door down. AJ nods in agreement and we run in. “Who’s there?” Comes the creepiest voice I have ever heard. “Thats what we were about to ask you!” Scoots calls as the light flicker on to show a very disturbing sight and a lot of guards. “Three more toys!” Says a black haired boy before he starts laughing the most disturbing laugh I have ever heard. Scoots, I guess, feels like pointing just that out, “dude! What the hell is wrong with your laugh?!” The question definitely takes him back. “Dude, it’s my evil laugh!” Than knives are flying at Scoots. She can move faster than need and not only gets out of the way but grabs one and throws it back. Now with a jagged knife sticking out of his thigh evil laugh dude pulls a gun and starts shooting at Scoots. “He’s distracted come on let’s deal with these guards!” Sweetie whispers. “Ah got the guards you get Iya,” I look at the wall, “and that lady!” She nods and we run straight at them. “Hey gardens come and git meh!” I yell wagging my small hammer in their faces. “Gardens!” They yell now angry. Before long I’m surrounded by a couple dozen guards. I shrug it off before I start spinning. With my hammer pointed straight out in front of me I make it longer and longer before I’m hitting them hard in the gut. “Babys!” I scream before shifting it into a large hammer and play my favorite game, whack-a-mole! “Nice job Bloom! Now help me get them down!” Sweetie calls to me as Scoots just sighs and keeps hitting the injured boy with a stick. “Got it,” my hammer is soon a small ladder and I’m helping Sweetie get Iya down. “Violet C-Corri-Corridor,” Iya stammers out as we move on to the lady. “I’ve heard about Violet! She’s General Corridors sister. She’s been missing for twenty years,” Sweetie blabbles as me and Scoots just roll our eyes. “Yeah yeah, hurry up I’m getting bored,” Scoots moans as she hits him upside the head. “Girls, I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” =================================== “We know nothing. We don’t know when he’s coming, how large his army is, or how powerful they are. Basically I have little doubt that we’re losing,” Twilight says. She’s wrong though. “Twilight,” I say standing up, “I do believe you're dead wrong.” “Excuse me?” She says sitting down to hear me out. “We do not know nothing. Yes we don’t know that stuff and yes thats important but we do know some stuff.” “Like what?” She asks crossing her arms. We are just now getting to the important stuff, it took awhile to fill me and Natalie in on everything. “Well, we know he has a fire coy, we know he enjoys pain, we know he’s had a troubled childhood, we know that for the first time ever somebody has the same coy as someone else. We also know something that is extremely important... pause for dramatic effect... his army doesn’t have coys!” Nods and whispers travel around the table before somebody I’ve still haven’t met stands up. “I talked to Rainbow Dash! She told me something that you guys might want to know,” the young girl says nervously. “What is it Airus?” “It took her awhile to figure it out but... the reason General Corridor took AJ instead of her. He had the chance but he choose Applejack instead. His plan is crazy clever,” she says exaggeratedly impressed. “Get to the point Airus!” Spike says on the edge of his chair. “For Applejacks coys and to weaken Rainbow,” she mumbles before quickly sitting down. “But what does that have to do with anything,” Gracy asks raising an eyebrow. “If he took Rainbow than we would do anything and everything to get her back. Because he took AJ in a way that Rainbow could have stopped him than Rainbow feels guilty. Rainbow takes guilt on higher level than any of us would even think. We would be so wrapped up in helping Rainbow that we wouldn’t be thinking to hard on AJ and he would have the upperhand.” “She’s right,” Natalie calls out standing up, “what does that have to do with Applejacks coys?” “Applejack has a block coy. He figured out a way to take some of it using Iya and distribute it to himself and his army,” Airus finishes. “How would Rainbow know this?” Twilight asks. “She said that...well...Applejack told her,” Airus mumbles. “How did Applejack tell her?” Natalie blurts. “I-In my d-dreams,” comes a scratchy voice from behind Twilight making her jump. “Oh, Rainbow. You should be in bed. You're still hurt!” Fluttershy cries out running over to help her hurt friends back to the hospital bed. Rainbow lets out a bloody cough, “Pinkie, I came here because something is happening to Pinkie!” Fluttershy nods. “Junebug, you help her back to the hospital!” Fluttershy orders before taking off running for Pinkie. We can hear the hospital door swing open and Fluttershy scream in alarm. “Octavia go with Junebug and help out Fluttershy. Junebug...just leave Rainbow here,” Twilight mutters just brushing off Fluttershys screams of pain and terror. “Twilight!” Rarity shrieks, “how dare you? Listen to the poor girl, we should go help her! Not sit around in here like we can’t hear those noises!” Nods and a short discussion of agreement goes around and it doesn’t take long for Twilight to be sitting in a empty room. =================================== We stop talking, stop moving, stop thinking and turn to look at the new comer in pure fear. We may have been fearless earlier but his kind face and laid back features were just scary. “Y-you-you’re d-dead!” Scoots cries out. “I’m sorry Scootaloo, it was either that or kill Applejack and Rainbow,” Iya says weakly from behind us. “B-but he’s d-dead,” Scoots whins tears falling from her eyes. “I should be too,” Iya points out casually before thinking over her mistake, “he wasn’t going to kill AJ was he?” “No!” Me and Sweetie say in unison, “he can’t even touch Rainbow.” “Then why does he want him alive?” Iya asks not expecting the next reaction. Neither were meet an Sweets but she definitely wasn’t. “Dead people stay dead!” Scoots yells darting forward faster than we’ve even seen her move, and she moves fast already, and stabs him in the gut with her dull sword. He doesn’t even flinch. Thinking over her next move her grabs her mid run, which should have broken his arm, and slams her into the wall. “Scootaloo!” Her face is gushing blood but somehow she is still standing, or getting up. “No!” She yells before her eyes light up and she moves at superhuman speeds dodging his attacks inhumanly and connecting her sword with painful procition. “Oh, baby girl you can’t kill the undead,” he cries out with a ear splitting laugh. “I can!” Iya cries out and subconsciously comes up with a plan with Scoots. Even in her weak state she ran, and she ran like hell was on her heels! Wherever he was planning on going against her Scoots stopped him. Iyas fingers dug into his gut cut, no rhyme intended, and he fell over dead. “Awesome!” Me and Sweetie squeal with glee before a pained moan stops us right in our tracks...”right,” “Violet!” We all finish in unison. Soon, though, we got her down and carried her out the door. “Violet!” Applejack calls as she sees us come out and helps Iya carry her. Turning to me with a trusting look in her eyes, “what we do now Bloom?” “Find out how big his army is an’ when they’re attackin’” I finish triumphantly! “Got it boss!” They say soulting me. Scoots seems to have moved on from the whole ‘zombie dad’ thing which is good, Iya has a unusual confidence about her, and Sweetie is ready to make some grown men cry. “Lets do this!” And off we go! -------------------------------------------- “Holy crap!” Applejack says the second the army comes into view. “Tonight!” General Corridor calls from a special area. His voice booms through the huge area and we can hear it crystal clear! “We will storm the castle! Our march will begin and the traders will fall!” Cheers filled the air along with hats and...feathers! “This is bad. Very bad!” Iya mumbles from behind us as General Corridor continues, “Rainbow Dash is weak, their soldiers are weak, their team is dwindling, we have the upper hand! Lets use it and smack them down! There are around thirty of them and thousands of us, if they even think for a second that they can beat us. Who would like to help me prove them dead wrong? Who would like to help me win a war? Who would like to help me take down a resistance once and for all!” Their cheers and shouts echoed in our heads. I have to admit his speech was convincing but the main problem is that everything he said was one hundred percent true! “I thought you six might want to hear his speech!” followed by a bone chilling and blood boiling laugh and a hard blow to the head. ========================================= “Fluttershy what's going on?” I ask as the crying girl does everything she can to help the unconscious girl flinging herself around on the bed in a painful manner. “Her pulse is low, almost irresponsible,” she whispers out, “and she is having a seizure!” “How could somebody have one while in a coma?” Gracy cries out tears streaming down her face as they try to hold Pinkie down. “She has a fever!” Airus screams making everyone try even harder to hold her down so they could tend to that and her horrible head wounds. “Lula!” Natalie yells signaling me to do something I might regret later, I cover her in a thin but strong layer of frost. “When the seizure stops I need everyone to be ready to care for her!” I call out keeping a steady hold on her body and keeping it reasonably cold. Fluttershy nods affirmatively,” everyone heard her! Airus, Gracy, I need fresh air in here! Aia, water and lots of it! Natalie heat up and cloth and care for Rainbow she's still hurt! Alli I need a tube and a table, stat! Vinyl I could use some extra help,” she orders and everyone jumps right to it with no hesitation. Soon the room is filled with multiple blue headed girls and everything she asked for. “Her seizure stopped,” I tell her letting Pinkie out of my hold. “Thank you, go help Natalie!” She orders with no emotion. Talk about personality jump! “Lula, I could use that help!” Natalie yells as Rainbow starts rocking back and forth. I walk over to hear faint whispers. “What is she saying?” I ask Natalie and she just shrugs. “I got this,” I boy about the age of everyone else here pushes us aside and in a matter of seconds we can hear her clear as rain! If, you know, rain was clear. “He came from the hallway she was choked and he left her. Gasping she fell. She could hear screams fill the dungeon. Quite screams, young, quite, afraid. Dead don’t rise, they can’t. Six watch, thousands scream, no fear only pride. One night or two. Riddles hide the truth. Castles filled with storm, raise from the sea. Sea of thousands and sea of millions. Some will be left standing but most will fall along with the others. Riddles hide the truth. Wake up and tell us the answer!” She starts crying than. Her previously pake eyes now back to their natural pink but soon clouded with tears. “Huh?” All three of us ask her. ================================== “Applebloom, sorry to question your master plan but... BEING LOCKED UP IN A DUNGEON OF A PSYCHO GENERAL WAS NOT PART OF MINE!!!” Scoots yells struggling against her restraints keeping her plastered to the wall. “It ain’t part o’ mine neither,” I mumble fumbling with mine as I’m strapped right next to her. “Well at least we’re still together, right? It couldn’t get much worse, right?” Sweetie asks twitching slightly with an edge to her whole attitude. Insanity maybe? “Rainbow’s gotta know by now that you three ain’t at that camp o’ yours?” Applejack offers. I just give her a look of, seriously! “You seriously think that Rainbow is thinking?” We ask her. “If she ain’t thinkin’ ‘bout this than what she thin’ ‘bout?” Applejack says way more know-it-all-ly than she intended. “I think she’s trying to find her sanity,” Scoots says as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. “What ya mean, ‘er sanity?” “I mean my sister is insane!” Scoots shoots back dismissively. “Why? Ah warned ‘er ‘bout that. She shouldn’t be!” We all just stare at her in confusion. “But you haven’t seen her in months!” We point out. She just rolls her eyes. “Ah have other ways of talkin’ to ‘er,” she answers almost in a daze. “I really don’t think they talk all that much,” Scoots mutters to me making me giggle and everyone else to stare. “Its nothin’” We yell in unison. “Sure...” everyone else says totally buying it. “I’m glad everyone's awake, I thought I might miss my fun!” Comes an all to familiar voice from the etching shadows. “To. Much. Talk. If our hands weren’t tied you would be having so much fun!” Scoots says ending sarcastically. “You're right!” He gasps, “I should probably enjoy myself while I can! How about I start with you?” He asks running a finger creepily under my chin. “Ah’d prefer ya didn’t, “ I say calmly. “I don’t care!” He says releasing a laugh making us all flinch. “Seriously, dude, what is wrong with your laugh?” Scoots asks raising an eyebrow. “I would learn to shut up if I were you!” He says shifting into his coy and pulling a short knife. “W-what are ya gonna do with that?” I ask as he waves it in my face. “How about we play a little game?” It was more of an order than a question though. “No, not really,” all six of us say in unison. “Play or I slit her throat?” He yells running the knife lightly against my jaw line. “Ah would prefer ya don’t do that either,” I say really wanting to swat it away. “hurt her and I will electrocute your sorry ass!” Scoots yells jerking a little against the restraints as he leaves a deep line in my cheek. “The only reason you would be brought out of these chains will be when we move your room. Until Then you're stuck here for me to torture!” His laugh assaulted our ears as he makes a line down my arm to collect in the waiting bucket below. “Stop it!” Scoots screams as I grab her hand to help with the pain. “I will see you when there is a layer of blood in there. Until then expect to see somebody else. I promise they won’t be half as kind as I was,” than with a skip in his step the door slams and locks behind him. The cut on my cheek trickled with a steady stream of blood flowing like tears. “It’s ok Bloom,” Scoots reassures me as another throb of pure pain goes through my bleeding arm. Drip by drip a small ting noise was the only sounds that filled that room. “We will pull through!” After a few hundred thousand tings the door swings open with a subtle squeak and a very large man enters. “Ah, the Apple Sisters and the Rainbow Girls Sister. I do believe the pressure is all mine!” He says with a toothy grin. “Could you do us the favor and let us go!” Scoots yells as I give her hand a gentle squeeze. “I do not believe I can do that. But I promise you will be crying more blood than your friend there is by the time I leave,” his toothy grin turns into a nasty one and I can feel Scoots tence up. She, along with the rest of us, knows exactly what's coming next. “Why?” Sweetie asks taking all of us aback. “Why? Oh my sweet toy, because it’s fun!” He shifts into the most gruesome coy I have ever seen, and the first of that kind for that matter, a torture coy. “Let the games began!” ========================================= “Twilight give it up!” Rarity finally yells over Twilights ever coming murmurs as she tries to decipher Applejacks message to Rainbow. She flinches and backs away slowly from the table head hung and feet heavy. “There is no need to do this to yourself. Do you want to do what Rainbow did?” Rose asks. I have learned all their names now, their coys, their faces, I haven’t learned their pasts. “Rose is right. Twilight, we need you to be stroung. We have two of our most powerful captured and the other two in the hospital. We can’t risk another lose,” Lyra reasons getting a few nods of agreement. “We have low numbers as it is, we can’t risk los-” Fluttershy is soon cut off as the door swings open and Spike comes barging in. “They’re gone! I knew that I haven’t seen them since the day Lula and Natalie came but I still haven’t seen them since. So I went to their room and they’re not there. I went up to the top of the school and looked everywhere I could see, nope they weren’t there. I search the whole school top and bottom and they’re not anywhere!” Spike yells hyperventilating. “Who?” We all ask him when he finally shuts up. “Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle! I think I know where they went and how they got there,” he finishes with us all waiting for him to continue. “Well...” Natalie and I say in unison. “Pinkie had to of gotten back into here by not using the gate. Nobody let her in she just waltzed right in bloody and hurt. She is able to go through walls right?” We nod, ”they must have found where she went through the wall and went to go get Applejak and Iya!” “S-Scootaloo? B-but that must mean? Oh n-no!” Comes an all to familiar voice from the door. She has got to stop getting out of bed! Fluttershy's eyes lock on Rainbow and she gives her a look that nobody wants to get. Rainbow freezes up and starts sweating nervously. “What are you doing out of bed?” Fluttershy hisses obviously angry about, well, that exact point. “I wanted to listen about your plans for beating General Corridor!” She says a little less confidently than her eyes showed. “You want to know our plan?” Rarity squeeks enraged and small tears streaming down her face from the recent news, “we can’t beat them. So what's the point in trying!” “B-but...but...but!” Rainbow stutters out trying to soak in what that means. “The only way we could beat him would be in we had who he has. We need Applejack and Iya, we need the girls, we need you and Pinkie to be healthy and whole but we don’t have that!” Rarity yells, “the only way we would be able to get them back, maybe not Pinkie but the others, would be if you went to get them! But you don’t you stay here and mope while our numbers slowly sink!” “I can’t! If I did they would get me too. I would have to watch them hurt her even more than I already have and she would have to watch them hurt me!” Rainbow yells making the lights and her veins flicker. “You're the most powerful coyable person alive you could beat them! I’ve seen past Rainbow Queens take down whole armies single handedly with their hands are tied behind their backs! They didn’t have a real reason to fight other than for their country. You have a real reason,” Natalie says smiling at her. “I’m not! My sister has a electricity coy too! She could be this ‘Rainbow Queen’ not me. And I don’t have a reason to fight, they took my reasons!” She yells flickering a little before storming out. Candy runs after her. “What does she mean her sister has it too?” I ask. “Exactly that. Her sister was born with a flight coy and has a electricity coy,” Twilight shrugs. “Wasn’t she?” “No. She gave her self wings!” Twilight says. -------------------------------------------------------- “Rainbow!” Candy yelled grabbing her shoulder. “What!?” Rainbow barks turning to face her. “You’re wrong!” Candy flickers to have Rainbows eyes. “How?” Candy grins. “Yes they have your reasons but they can never really take them. Yes they have Applejack, yes they have Scootaloo but they don’t have you! As long as you're alive and fighting than your reasons are with you!” Rainbow smiles at Candy and pulls her into a hug. “For what I know is my reasons are in unbearable pain for me,” than Rainbow walks away. ========================================= The sizzling filled the air and the smell of burning flesh soon joined it. Tears and screams of pain were soon to follow, along with cries for him to stop and evil laughs. “WHY?” The simple question stopped the sizzling and her took a gentle step back. “I have already told you, my little toys, because it’s fun!” His laughs started up again. “But why is it fun?” Scootaloo asks repeating her question. He seems to have to think about that one, well, not before grinning. “I can’t explain it, how about I just show you?” Scoots drops to the ground but in her weakened, food deprived state she can’t run. He picks her up by the hair making her let out a few pained squeeks. “What do you want me to do?” She asks her eyes flicking between me and him pure fear dripping from her features. “Oh, have a little fun!” He pulls a stubby knife out of is mysterious nowhere pocket and hands it to her. Her whole face flashes with realization when he starts pushing her towards me. “Go on little toy!” “No, no, no , no, no, no, NO!!!” Scoots yells throwing the knife to the ground only to have it reappear in her hand. “Do it or I will kill her!” He threatens walking over to hold a very sharp knife under Sweeties chin. “D-do it,” I whisper to her. The tings were the only thing to fill the silence as Scoots decides over Sweeties life and my ever lasting pain. Her choice is obvious though, the knife slides gently against the skin on my chest as Scoots lets more blood flow. Blood and our tears. “Lets give them a little privacy, no?” He hits a button every single one of us didn’t know was there and walls come from the floor making tiny rooms. Sweeties pained screams were barely audible through them. “Are you ok?” She asks the all to obvious question. Using the knife she cuts a piece of her pants off to pat down my bleeding wounds. “O-other than un-unbearable pain an’ slowly bleedin’ ta death, nah Ah’m just dandy!” I say sarcastically. “You forgot being locked up in a crazy dudes dungeon while being tortured by two other crazy dudes,” I hear her mutter. “There may be reason behind meh leavin’ that out,” I mutter back. “I guessed that much,” she says patting down the cut on my chest. “How much does it hurt?” “Much, is it fun?” I ask her. Her face scrunches up and her head falls. “No, I bet it is to psychos but I’m not psycho yet,” she answers making me laugh a little. She reaches up and places something in my hand, “I think you might need it more than me!” I feel something fast on my lips before more padding on my wounds. ====================================================== “As long as shes alive and fighting!” Rarity shrieks as Candy tells her what happened. “What it’s true,” Candy shrugs. “Rainbow is barely alive and gave up fighting the night they took Applejack!” Rarity yells, she has a good point. “How about I talk to her?” I ask making everyone look at me. “Yeah, sure, go on, do it...” so on and so forth the mutter like Rarity wasn’t just yelling at someone for doing what I just asked to do. “Bye!” I say tail turning out the door. The second the door closes I hear the fighting start back up. It takes me awhile to find Rainbows room through the endless staircases and corridors, hehe bad joke, but it wasn’t to hard. I could hear her screaming inside. It takes me a moment but I soon knock on the door to get an exaggerated sigh inside before it opens. “What?” She asks looking tirer than I saw her last. “Can I talk to you?” I ask raising an eyebrow. She rolls her eyes and instructs me inside. Half the bed is missing and a huge hole is blown in the wall behind it, “what happened?” “Applejack was having nightmares before they took her, about them taking her!” Rainbow hisses. At first my jaw is on the floor but when she shoots me a glare I just wave her off. “What did you want to talk about?” “Well...” I start. “They sent you didn’t they?” I nod. “Maybe?” She rolls her eyes and sits on the bed, or what's left of it. “Thought so,” she mutters. “They did send me. The wanted me to tell you that you're wrong. You may have given up and you may think nothing worse could happen. They wanted me to tell you that you're stupid for thinking that you have no reason, because you always need to fight. But...I don’t want to!” I say, she just stares at me dumbfounded. “But, you just did!” She yelled throwing her arms over her head. “Oh yeah!” I murmur making her roll her eyes. “So, what do you want to tell me?” I smile at her. “Actually I have a question for you!” She raises her eyebrow and pats the bed next to her. I happily accept her invitation and sit. “Yeah?” She asks laying down and closing her eyes. She may be a little psychotic but at least she doesn't rube it everyones face. “Can you tell me about Applejack?” She open one eye, looks at me as if I was lying, then sighs. “Actually, thats a hard one. What do you want to know about her?” I shrug. She sighs and starts at the beginning.“The day of separation wasn’t the first time I saw Applejack...” -------------------------------------------- Tiny wings swatted my face as I tried to hold Scoots still in my arms. “I. Don’t. Want. To!” She says slapping me hard against the face making me finally drop her and she takes off running. “Don’t be a scaredy cat!” I yell taking off after her even though I knew it was pointless. “You have to go to school!” “I don’t want to!” She says running up next to me barely out of arm's reach. Soon, though, she takes off again this time into an apple orchard we pass by every day. For the first time I went in, bobbing and weaving between trees trying to catch up to the girl. I had as much chance at catching her as a cat trying to catch a bird flying in the sky. Normal speed person against speed coy person, nope not happening. Even though she's only three and I’m nine, I had no chance. “Scootaloo!!” I yell as I see a house, “this is someones property run somewhere else!” “But I want you to run into a tree!” I hear her scream as I swerve around said tree. I hear a loud ‘oof’ and come to a halt in front of a downed Scootaloo. “Who ran into a tree now!” I yell at her even though there were no trees in front of her. “Well, she did!” Comes a laughing voice from behind me. Scoots rolls over and I turn to see a young girl about my age. “Who are you?” I ask tilting my head a little. “Nope!” She answers. “Nope?” “Who are y’all?” She asks back. I let out a defeated sigh. “I get it. Your land, us leave!” I murmur grabbing Scoots and lifting her to her feet. “Ah never said anythin’ ‘bout y’all leavin’ Ah just want ta know yer names before Ah tell ya mine,” she answer offering us a friendly smile that I return. “I’m Rainbow Dash, this is Scootaloo!” Scoots shoots me a glance that I ignor gladly. “Applejack!” She says giving me her hand. “Nice to meet you too. But we have to leave. It’s Scoots first day of school!” Scoots lets out a huff and Applejack laughs at her. “It’s nice to know you two both laugh at my... what is it called?” That makes us fall into a full blown laughter. When we finally stop tears are rolling down our cheeks and our stomachs are sore. “Well you two should co-” “Should leave!” Booms from a very large man approaching behind Applejack. Her smile fades drastically as he approaches. “And don’t even think about coming back!!” “Um, ok?” I say backing up with Scoots hiding surely behind me. When he thinks we’re out of sight his hands hits the top of her head and she topples to the ground unconscious. ---------------------------------------- “She didn’t remember meeting and me and Scoots were to afraid to go back,” I finish. “H-he?” I don’t even know what to say to that. “Before I answer your question, which is obvious, I want you to tell me what you thought Applejack was like. Who her family is, her sister, her personality, her past!” Her voice starts raising and raising as she continues to the point where shes looming over me. “Calm down,” I say gently pushing her back, “I never knew what to think. I’ve never met her and Spike told us everything he knew. I wanted to get to know her from you!” I say smiling gently at her. “Thank you!” She mutters as a real smile creeps onto her face and a tear makes a line on her cheek. I’m pulled into a light hug. “Her childhood was horrible,” she tells me as she pulls away, “her father chose to beat her instead of his pregnant wife. He thought it was fun. She learned to use her coy as personal protection against him. She still grew up to be loving and kind. She was perfect and kind, honest and loyal, but most of all, she was all mine and nobody could take her from me!” She wimpers. “Whos her family?” “General Corridor but she won’t tell me who her mother is. She has an Aunt and a older brother and sister...” ==================================== The walls drop and Scoots flies, “how dare you?” He yells advancing on the downed girl. “I-I had to!” Scoots sputters out spitting blood. I can see it in her eyes, shes ready for a fight. “Oh, I would regret doing that if I were you!” He practically orders. “Actually,” Scoots says shakily standing, “you will!” “Why would I do that?” He smirks. “Because,” a smirk formed on her face, “you will!” Her whole body lights up and she starts moving in the fastest slow motion I have ever seen. One moment she's in one spot and the next another. Soon though, the glowing fades and he is beat to a anger reducing pulp. “Thats why!” She picks up her little knife and starts cutting at the bands holding us. “That was awesome!” Sweetie squeaks still holding her throat protectively. “Ya see that Rainbow?” I hear Applejack murmur. After a few seconds she smiles, “Rainbows proud of ya!” “But how?” Scoots asks still trying to connect the crazy dots. “Magic, Scoots, its magic!” I could hear a little bit of Rainbows voice in AJ’s as she said that. No further questions were asked on the subject. “We need to stall that army,” Scoots whispers in my ear. “Al’ight everyone fallow meh!” I yell limping out the room. The second I reach the stairs I let out a low grown, with Scoots help I make it back to the woods where our scooter is waiting. “Al’ight. This is the plan!” I yell turning to the others, “Violet ya need ta get to tha school and warn everyone ‘bout that army coming. AJ Ah know that not only do ya want to but need ta get back ta Rainbow we need yer help!” “Ah understand,” Applejack says with that smile exactly. “Good, Violet you think you can make it?” She lets out a half hearted shrug. “I can’t make any promises but I owe you so I’ll try!” She says before taking off in the direction of the school, according to Sweeties finger. “Ok, time to stall an army!” Scoots yells out high fiving Sweetie. ---------------------------------------------- Armed with seemingly harmless wooden weapons, armor, and wits we stood five against thousands. I’m starting to think my plan will get us re-recaught. “Now which one of you thinks you're going to win this war?” Scoots yell out into the crowd. Shouts of ‘we will’ and ‘get out of the way’ filled the air. “Why?” The whole crowd goes into an awkward silence as nobody can answer her question, “thought so.” “Because, they may be some of the most powerful coyable people alive but we over number than two to one!” Says a girl about AJ’s age, she takes a step forward through the crowd. She has blue and white striped hair and light pink eyes. “You people only fight because you're told to! We fight because we have to!” Scoots shoots back making her laugh. “You don’t have to, you brought this on yourself! Get them,” she orders walking back into the crowd as a bunch of soldiers advanced on us. We just smirk. “Funny,” I mutter as they cross under a shadow. They look up with a quiet ‘huh’ to see and giant wooden gun hovering over their heads, loaded and ready to fire. “Wooden?” The girl asks her laughs breaching our ears again. “Y’all want ta see if it works, Ah doubt it! Back it up!” I order bring the gun closer to their scared faces. “Yeah ok backing up,” they whisper doing exactly that. “Babies!” She hissed stepping forward and right under the gun, “try me?” “Ehhh,” I don’t know what to do. “You're giving her what she wants,” Scoots whispers into my ear. “She has a coy, you can fire!” Iya whispers in the other. The trigger is pressed and it fires with a loud boom. When the dust settles we see the girl standing unharmed inside a bright pink bubble. “Well then, thats one powerful weapon you have there girl,” she says brushing invisible dust off her shirt as the bubble fades. “Um excuse me?” Iya asks quietly taking a step forward. “Yeah?” the girl asks raising an eyebrow. “Let me see something for a moment!” Iya says offering her a kind smile. The girl doesn’t know what to do, Iya was just to kind. Iya places her hand right on the girls chest and their eyes start glowing, but the color is still noticeable through the glow as it’s faint. Iyas hand comes away holding a pink ball of light. “Now, you will be kind and I might give you your coy back.” Then she eats it. “I...you...hand...what?” She sputters out baffled. “Give Commander Trixie her coy back!” Gasps a random army person. “Nope,” Iya says in a sing song voice as she happily skips back towards us, who are baffled along with this Trixie. “Hey!” Trixie finally gets out, “what's wrong with you?” “You go along and strut your stuff, so I take it.” Iya answers. “Eh?” Sweetie says confused. “Exactly,” Scoots and I answer. “Oh,” Her and AJ say looking at their feet. “How do you think Violets doing?” Scoots asks. We all look up as if picturing it... *pant pant* “Why me?” Violet growns. ...“Ah think shes doin’ just fine!” I say smiling. “...” Everyone says in unison. “What?” I ask turning to the army. “Oh nothing!” They shriek their eyes jetting around. “Hehe....” Scoots laughs awkwardly behind me. “Yeah that.” “...” ================================================= “Oh, thats who her family is.” I say flatly. “Don’t judge her because of it. She’s nothing like them and doesn’t need to be, or wants to follow in his footsteps,” she mutters the last past making me laugh a little. “I wonder why?” I shoots me a glance that tells me one thing that's very clear, don’t joke around about anything! “Got it.” “Good,” she hisses before standing up and opening the door, “you can leave now.” “Thanks. Goodbye Romeo!” And I’m gone. ------------------------------------ “Let me in!!!” Screams a surprisingly weak voice for such a loud scream. The gates slowly creeped open and a young women limps in, “Rainbow Dash! I need to talk to Rainbow Dash!” She screams. I run up to her and help her stand. “Who are you? Why do you need Rainbow?” I ask her as she lets out a thankful sigh and leans into me. A rainbow streaks across the sky and before we could question it Rainbow is standing there with a angry look on her face. “What?!” She barks making the women flich. “Applebloom sent me,” she says before passing out from the strain. “Help get her to Fluttershy,” I tell Rainbow but turn to her dashing away. “Fine I’ll do it on my own.” -------------------------------------- “Where am I again?” comes a voice from the newly occupied bed with a grown. “Good, you awake!” I say walking over to her smiling before getting very serious, “now, who are you?” “Violet, my name is Violet Corridor!” She says shrinking back a little. “Corridor, like General Corridor?” I ask half hoping she's not. “I’m his sister. Applebloom sent me!” She says still whispering. “Tell me now! Why did she send you?” A angry Rainbow Dash barks emerging from one of the only shadows scaring not only me but this Violet. “A few things actually,” Violet says when she finds her voice. “Tell me all of them!” Rainbow says. Her anger is confusing, why is she even angry? News about her girlfriends and sister just showed up at our door! Or at least I think thats what she has to say, I don’t remember what she said when she came in. “Applejack, Iya, everyone is free and they sent me to warn you! Brothers army is coming and there are thousands of them!” Violet says proving it with hand motions. “Where’s Applejack and the others?” The point that its ‘Applejack and the others’ is sad on Rainbows part. Makes her seem very selfish. “They went to stall the army,” Violet said worried for her family. Their her family right? Well...numbers and some random thoughts...yep they are! “They went to do what?!” She yells, her voice cracks at the end and everything! The lights flicker and she starts pacing vigorously. “They said they needed to buy you time,” she answers re-shrinking back. “Idiots!” She yells making the lights flicker faster and her veins glow slightly. “Possibly,” Violet agrees. ====================================== “So can I have my coy back?” Trixie asks as the small awkwardness dies down. “Why should I give it back in the first place?” Iya answers bringing out her inner sassy. “Why not?” “Well. You're on the enemy side so giving it back will not help us, it was tasty, and I don’t feel like it!” Iya answers calmly. “Give it back!” Trixie orders making Iya take a small step back. “No!” Iya yells wrapping herself in the same bubble as Trixie did earlier. “Hey!” “Well your soldiers loaded their guns!” Iya points out. “Give it back and we won’t shoot your friends,” Trixies sys evilly. “Eh, fine!” Iya rids herself of the bubble and closes her hand. When she reopens it the pink glow is there, “all you have to do is swallow it.” “Yep,” than she turns tail and leaves. “Iya? Where are you going?” Sweetie asks. “I miss the school,” she growns in response. “Oh yeah!” Every single one of us say in a loud chorus of voices. “Come on we have rebels to kill!” Trixie yells before her, and the entire army, start walking towards us. “Run!!!” I yell as there guns click ready to fire. “Get them!” The order goes out and now both running for our lives and freedom, we have thousands of armed enemy on our tails! =========================== “So how long do you think it’ll take to stall an army?” Cat moans. Right now we are all, including Rainbow and Violet, sitting in the meeting room waiting for the others to arrive. We’ve been sitting here for seven hours! “Don’t kn-” Natalie is quickly cut off as the door bursts open and Spike, who I didn’t even realize wasn’t here, runs in panting. “What?” We ask him but he just hold up a finger to catch his breath. “T-they’re here!” > Weakness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weaknesses. Everybody has one. Everybody is haunted by them in their darkest moments. Everybody needs not to have one at one moment or another. Weakness can bring out the best and worst in people. So what happens when weakness are what lays between life and death? You can have many weaknesses some more important than others. One of mine just happens to be fear of failure! “They’re here!” Spikes frazzled voice echoed around in my head. I shook it trying desperately to clear it from my thoughts but is just shook it around more. “Rainbow! Rainbow!” My whole body shook as more voices joined Spikes but I don’t move. Frozen in place with fear. “Rainbow please we need you!” I can’t move. No matter how loud my brain yells at me to move I don’t, I can’t! “Rainbow, snap out of it!” Who’s even talking? I don’t even know, I just wish they would stop. Rainbow? Is this to any meaning to me? Should it be? What's wrong with me? “Rainbow, you have to move! Its been two day’s of no movement!” Who’s Rainbow? Should I be listening to them anyway, I don’t even know if they’re talking to me. Whoever they are. “Please?” Should I recognize their voices? Where am I? I keep asking myself these useless questions but I don’t even know who ‘I’ is! “Snap out of it!” My cheek tingles but no pain is felt. Should I feel pain? What has happened to me? “Useless!” Me. Yes they’re talking to me. I’m useless. Sitting here, not moving, and something is going on, someone is here. Should I even care?! Why should I even care? Is that my voice? “Yes!” They answered back. They can hear it too? But why? Why am I even talking, anyway? I don’t mean to. “Because, we need you!” But why? What's so special about me? I’m just a voice in a head! “Twilight and Lyra can’t hold them off forever!” Two people? If you're so worried about it why are two people holding them off? “We need you. Scootaloo, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, are all still missing!” Who? Why should I care? Why are two people holding them off? If you're so worried than go help them! Maybe that voice can hear me. “Rarity and BonBon went to find the girls and we can see them from the wall. Tied to posts as the army rages forward.” But why are you telling me this? “Gracy is helping Fluttershy with Pinkie who is closer to being dead than waking up!” Why so mad. I haven’t done a thing. Maybe, just maybe, they want me to do something? And if I fail they’re all dead. So you should help them! The voice orders. I agree with it. Give up on me and go help them. “Please Rainbow?” This voice? Why do I like it? So...uh, what's the word? Awesome? Yes, awesome. I can hear the door slam, who came in? Or out? “Applejack?” Applejack? I miss you, whoever you are. I can feel you in my heart. Please come back to me? “What Violet?” Violet? Names, to many names! “It’s only half the army I saw at leaving!” Half? Isn’t that a good thing? “What do ya mean half?” Didn’t you hear her? “I mean, half the army. Wheres the other half?” Oh thank you for stating the obvious! Why am I being so mean? Fight you idiot! Don’t stand around in here and chat! That voice is mean too. “You shut up! Talkin’ ‘bout not doin’ anything, yall haven’t moved an inch since they got ‘ere!” I’M TRYING!!! My body won’t move. All I can do is think. Why does my cheek feel wet? Shut up! I try at least but you went and got yourself captured! No! What? “You do a’thin’ but sit by and watch!” Please stop just stop! The ‘wet’ is tickling my cheeks. Please stop it! “Stop!” Thank you, whoever you are! “What?!” Yes, that is the question you need to ask! “There’s no point in fighting with her. She locked herself up in her head. All of you go help Twilight and Lyra before they get themselves killed!” You, person, have some sense in you! “Yer right! Good luck with ‘er Shy!” She just sighed? Huh. “Rainbow? Please wake up. We need you more than ever and it’s creepy to hear your voice but you didn’t move.” Oh, I wish I knew who Rainbow was...it’s me isn’t it? Please move, oh please!? Why? I’ll just die with the rest of you. That was so evil! Why would I, or us, say something like that? “I will come back later.” Please don’t leave me to only echos! > Truth of the Matter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Twilight! What’s the situation?” Twilight's eyes go wide and she yanks Cat down. “Duke!” She yells getting down with a yelp of pain as a shower of bullets fly through where our heads just were. “Twilight?” Cat asks as Twilight reaches up to the side of her head only for it come away red. “What's wrong?” Violet asks. “It’s my ear,” Twilight says as a tear slides down her face. “Let us see it, sugarcube!” She turns to face us to show the side of her head is missing an ear, “don’t expect to hear anythin’ outta there for awhile! Now, go ta Fluttershy she can wrap ya up.” “Can you guys handle it?” We all exchange glances. “Yeah.” She jumps up and runs for her life a wall off bullets not far behind. “Ok, this is tha plan. Ah need a enemy so Ah can use mah coy without it ‘urtin’ meh. We gotta throw them off, back ‘em up, and target tha leader!” They nod in agreement. “How do we do that?” Octavia asks. “Ah’ve got no idea but we could try a lil’ somethin’” I offer. “Sure!” They say. “Airus. Yall need ta fly over that there wall o’ bullets invisible and all and get ta tha back. Can ya take someone with ya?” “Only one,” she says a little nervous. Surprisingly only a little though. “Take Natalie, let ‘em get a taste of their own medicine!” I smirk. “Got it!” She grabs Natalie onto her back and takes off invisible the second they leave the ground. “Lula, Aia, you two get as far as ya can that way,” I point off to my left, “freeze as many as ya can, got it?” “Yep!” And off they go. “Alli, take Vinyl and travel under them. When ya think yer half way under...do whatever ya want!” They solute me and soon are gone. “Octavia ya come with meh. Candy infiltrate and kill ‘em from the inside.” “What about me?” Hail asks. “Yall stay ‘ere and keep ‘em back!” “And us?” Roseluck says pointing at Derpy. “Whatever! Vanilla, ya stay ‘ere in chase we need ta fall back. Iya kill as many as ya can, and take their coys if they got ‘em, Junebug protect ‘er!” They nod and run out. “What can I do?” I turn to see someone I had totally forgot about! “Whatever ya can Ms. Luna!” She nods. “Lets go!” Octavia says pulling my sleeve. We’re about ta go when a still alive soldier almost lands on Hail. I just shrug, give him the pain, and run! “I’ll keep him here,” Hail mutters. --------------------------------------- “Ready?” Octavia asks me. My orange suit flashes on and I smirk. “Nope, but Ah’m goin’ in anyway!” She doesn’t smile just sulks as she pulls her cello out. “You know we have no chance in winning, don’t get us all killed!” I know she’s right, I just wish she wasn’t. “I know,” we stand up from our hiding place and basically run at bullets. My plants either blocking or reflecting, we avoid the initial rain but when we finally get through we both have a bullet hole somewhere! Then something hits me, something big! “Octavia fall back!” I yell to her. “Coming!” She yells. When we finally get back to Hail we’re panting and earned a few more close calls with flying weapons or death and pain, aka bullets! “Hail, Ah need ya ta send a message ta everyone out there, got it?” I say frantically. “Got it!” Her nods worry creeping over his features. “Fall back! Everyone ya need ta fall back now! Get back ‘ere before ya die!” My voice disappeared the second it leaves my mouth but I know they all got it. Fifteen minutes later we’re all safely inside the walls as the army marches forward. “What is it?” Lula asks raising an eyebrow. “It’s useless,” I mutter. “Actually I kinda noticed that!” Alli points out. “Why is it?” Aia asks. “When Ah was...not ‘ere mah dad figured out a way ta take some of mah coy,” no one says or does anything. “Some of it?” Rose asks. “They just weakened it thats all but he took some so thats our problem!” “Um, how is that our problem?” Natalie asks not getting it at all, Lula facepalms. “Ah got a Block coy!” ‘Oh’ Natalie mouths shutting up. “So he just gave it to some of his soldiers?” Lula asks. I nod. “Only one o’ us can beat ‘em now!” I say looking up. “Rainbow Dash,” they all say looking up with me as fire blazes in the skies. “Then we need to do everything we can to wake her!” Ms. Luna says confidently. “She won’t wake up,” we say walking inside the school as the gate door shakes. Ms. Luna sighs before joining us in the short termed safety. > In the Forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Applebloom, what are we doing?” Scootaloo moaned as we walk through the thickets of the forest. “Yer sis’ is insane and needs help! We are goin’ gettin’ help!” I answer her trudging forward in the thick mud. “That doesn’t make it a good plan!” Sweetie adds. I stop and turn to the two. “We ain’t gonna be winnin’ no wars stayin’ at tha school, weh need ta go over that big mountain there,” I say pointing to a mountain that is barely visible through the trees, “and find some help!” “Fine,” they both grown before coming up to me. Sweetie smiles sweetly. “Together?” She asks offering up her hand. I take it surely. “Together!” I say taking Scoots. Together we went, hand in hand through the thicket towards the mountain. “Why are we going to a mountain anyway?” Scoots finally asks. “The Crystal Empire is there. It’s tha only coyable civilization left,” I answer her sounding kinda like Sweetie. “Lula and Natalie are from some of the biggest in history!” She was about to continue but our faces shut her up. “Right.” “This gonna be a long walk isn’t it?” Scoots asks growning for the thousandth time. “Well..” me and Sweet say exchanging glances. Ten minutes later... “This was not my idea of ‘not walking’” Scoots says jumping over another root and dodging some trees. “Well it is fer us!” I say holding on tighter. Right now me and Sweetie are riding Scoots as she super speeds through the jungle, it’s super fun and Scoots comments are kinda funny! “Right, when we reach the mountain I’m riding you!” “Which one?” We ask hoping to outsmart her. “Both!” She barks making us grown. The trees start getting thinner and the mud thicker but soon though we’re going up the mountain and Scoots is slowing. “You were serious?” Sweetie asks getting off. “Dead serious!” Scoots answers as I get off too. “Alright, I get a break!” She smiles climbing on our backs which are side by side. “Arg,” I grown as we step by heavy step up the steep mountain slope. “I feel you,” Sweetie murmurs with equally heavy steps. “Actually it’s me you can feel!” Scoots jokes just getting glares that could kill in response. Finally after about an hour we reach the top and drop to the ground exhausted. Scoots stood up a little sore from being harshly dropped to the ground and looks over the mountain to the Empire below. “You two need to see this!” She mutters wide eyed. Slowly and unsurely we stand up and look where she’s looking. Our jaws join hers on the ground and our eyes are soon to follow. The Crystal Empire is beautiful! Before any of us could even stop the others, we’re all running down the hill in pure hope of getting inside, and maybe getting some food some food. We reached the gates to the Empire but disappointingly we’re stopped by guards! “State your purpose, coy, and names!” They said in unison without moving an inch. “Sweetie Belle, Music and Battle, we need to talk to the Princess!” Sweetie says using as much emotion as they are. “Scootaloo, Flight, Speed, Battle, and Electricity, we need to talk to the Princess!” The squirm a little at the mention of electricity but nothing else. “Applebloom, Builder and Dreamwalker, weh need ta talk ta tha Princess. Now please!” The second I say my second coy they’re on their knees allowing us to enter. We smile at them and run in right towards the Crystal Palace. “Hey, Bloom? What was all that about the Dreamwalker coy? I have to admit pretty clever lying to them about that but why?” Scoots asks. “What's a Dreamwalker?” We stop in our tracks and open mouthed we turn to Sweetie. “You don’t know what a Dreamwalker coy is?” We ask in unison. “Maybe,” she whispers making Scoots giggle. “It means Ah can get inta anyone's head while they’re awake or sleepin’ and see what they see. It’s almost as rare as the Electricity coy and just as important!” I answer her with a knowing smirk. “So why’d you lie about having one if they’re so important?” Sweetie asks as Scoots throws her arms up proving their point. “Ah didn’t,” I say turning back to the castle, “we should get goin’ the Princess awaits!” “Y-you didn’t?” Scoots says baffled. “Are y’all gonna git all wrapped up on this?” They nod, “Ah’ll answer all yer questions later.” “Fine!!” They grown and off we go towards the Crystal Palace. ------------------------------------- Barging past the guards we slam the throne room doors open with a whence. “Hehe, sorry about that!” Scoots mutters as we slam them closed and run up to the Princess. “Um, who are you?” She asks standing up revealing her true beauty. Pink, purple, and yellow long locks of hair flowed around her kind face. Purple eyes locked on ours and even though the rude entrance she smiled at us. “Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle! Weh need ta talk ta ya! Now, and it’s important!” I yell as if addressing AJ. She nods in understanding, “leave us!” She tells the guards they look hesitant at first but follow her orders over their own judgement. When the doors close she looks seriously at us, “what is it?” “Please don’t throw us out after what we are about to tell you?” Sweetie pleads. “I won’t, I promise!” She says sweetly before turning to me. “Go on.” “Months ago our sisters were taken from us ta go inta separation. This resulted in mah Granny Smiths death, Scoots sis’ not bein’ around when she got ‘er Electricity coy, and Sweeties house burnin’ down and ‘er barely makin’ it out alive. The Rainbow Queen we later learned turned out ta be Scoots sis’ Rainbow. Rainbow and mah sis’ met at separation and fell in love...” a whole long story later... “Rainbow was insane, Applejack was still ‘urt even if she didn’t show it, Pinkie’s almost dead, weh need yer help! Please?” She just stares at us with a blank face without blinking. “Well, that is definitely something?” She finally says before letting out a defeated sigh. “Ok, I will help you. I can’t give you an Army because I don’t have one. I only have my personal guards, and the nes at the gate. I don’t want to risk my peoples lives and get them pulled into this too. But I can give you something that I think six very special coyable people can use. They will just know when they see them. I’m sorry I can not offer you more.” She says walking behind her throne. We hear a few strange noises I will not even start to explain. She comes out to the three of us with raised eyebrows and confused expressions holding a box. “Princess...” “Cadence, just Cadence.” She says setting it on a nearby table. “Cadence, what is that?” Scoots asks as all three of us run up to the table. “These are the Elements of Harmony. A long and forgotten set of defence. Most powerful magic around. The box can only be opened by who holds the key.” She says pushing it towards us. “What kind of key?” Scoots asks totally missing the obvious keyhole. “Um, the kind that you put in a key hole and twist but you know Electricity coys can open it too in case the key is lost?” She answers raising an eyebrow at the question. “Right...” “Who holds tha key?” I ask breaking Scoots out of the ice. “My sister,” she answered flatly. “And who's that?” Sweetie asks trying to get to the point. “Twilight, Twilight Sparkle,” we all mouth ‘O’ as our brains slowly piece it together, some faster than others. “Can we get some food, and a place to rest?” Sweetie asks after a few moments of not-so-awkward silence. “Wait!!” Scoots yells making everyone jump. “Yes..?” “If Twilight is your sister than how was she taken?” That is a good question. “Who’d you steal the brain from?” Sweetie asks reading my thoughts. “Apparently your’s,” she answers getting a gasp and snicker in response. “Now for those rooms, I only have two.” She answers wearily. We exchange glances. “That’ll be fine!” ----------------------------------------------- “One bed?” I repeat as Cadence leaves. “You already said that. Live with it!” Scoots says laying down on it with a yawn. “And weh have ta share a room together!” I squeak facepalming. “What's so wrong with that?” Scoots barks shooting up. “Nothing!” I say obviously lying. “Oh, this is about what I did in the dungeon?” She ask standing up taking a step forward. “No, it’s not!” I whisper. I need to work and my lying skills. “Why are you getting all worked up about it?” She asks taking another step. “Because ya...” I pause realizing I’m yelling, “kissed meh.” I finish in a whisper. “What's so bad about that?” She asks taking another step. One more steps and she will reach me! “Yah...yall..weh...meh!” I stutter out trying to get something from my spinning head. “Thought so!” She whispers before taking the final step. I don’t regret a moment of the entire five seconds to follow. -------------------------------------------- Slowly I slip out of the bed and tiptoed out of the room. Soon I found the Princess room and knocked. “Come on in!” Came a tired voice from inside. I creaked the door open slowly before closing it quietly behind me. “Ah sorry for comin’ in so late Cadence but Ah just needed ta ask, why didn't ya answer Scoots question on Twilight?” The Princess lets out a small sigh, sits up in her bed, and pats next to her. “This is a long story, are you sure you want to hear it?” She ask, dark circles under her eyes and half lid eyes fighting to keep awake. “Ah am,” I answer smiling at her. “One thousand years ago the Crystal Empire was run by a very evil man, King Sombra, who enslaved everybody inside. My Aunts, Princess Celestia and Luna, defeated him. They turned him into a shadow and imprisoned him in the arctic ice, but not before he could place a curse on the empire. It vanished. About five years ago it returned along with King Sombra. The Crystal people had no memory of the time before the king and needed more help than the Princesses could offer, but they we’ren’t even there to offer it. Princess Luna came to me in my dreams, like she does, and told me to get the Elements of Harmony and sent me out to find six people who fit each element perfectly.” She lets out a large yawn. “What are tha elements?” I ask her patting her back lightly. “Laughter, Generosity, Kindness, Honesty, Loyalty, and Magic!!!” She answers. “Coys,” I mutter making her nod her head. “When I reached my first destination I met her almost instantly. Her name, which you probably know, was Rarity! She didn’t know who I was, all she saw was a girl, holding a box, in dirty clothes, who was tired, she ran up to me her wouldn’t take no for an answer. She brought me to her house and made me new clothes, feed me, cleaned me up, and gave me a place to sleep for the night. Before i left I gave her a element. It was the Element of Generosity. I told her to go to the Crystal Empire. At first she wouldn’t accept it but I convinced her into taking it and the small amount of money I gave her to get there.” “Rarity is tha Element of Generosity?” She nods, “Ah mean, yeah, she's generous but Ah didn’t expect her ta be that generous!!!” She laughs lightly. “One down, five to go!” She says smirking. “Next I was walking around the town thinking of how to find the other elements and tripped onto another girl. Out every sound for her to make I didn’t expect her to squeek. My box spilled open and even though I fell on her she still helped me pick it up and wouldn’t stop saying she was sorry. When she picked up the last element laying out it glowed. Kindness! I told her to keep it, gave her the money and told her the same thing as Rarity.” “What was tha girls name?” I ask her. “Fluttershy, frail girl almost thought she couldn’t handle the task tasked to her.” I laugh. Of course it’s Fluttershy. “Two down, four to go!” I tell her making her smile. “The next day I thought I could have a break from searching for the elements and sat down to watch some street performers. One girl burst out of the crowd making everybody jump. She started yelling something about a party and before I even knew what was happening to me I was inside a sweets shop decorated for the return of the Crystal Empire. I saw the same girl jumping around, talking to random people, handing people cupcakes. There wasn’t a single person there that wasn’t smiling, including myself. She came up to me, made me laugh, smile, we talked forever. I gave her the Element of Laughter because just thinking of her the next day I laughed at the memories.” I think about it and yep that sounds like a dying girl I know. “Her name was Pinkie Pie, I remember her being in your story. How is she?” I open my mouth a few times not knowing how to react to that. “Well, ya see...” a whole story later... “so shes kinda almost dead.” “Oh,” she says obviously saddened. “It’s ok, she's pullin’ through, Fluttershys got ‘er covered!” I say offering a small smile. She lets out a sigh and nods her head. “Who are the other elements? Ya got three left.” “You’re right.” She lifts her head, “I think you will like the next one. After searching for days I came up blank. Searching for the elements was turning out to be harder than I though. I had a small lucky strike and now needed to get home to meet this strange girls. When I arrived the son of the captain of the Princess Royal Guards was waiting to bring me to the castle. I couldn’t help but blush...” --------------------------------------- “Welcome back Princess Cadence. I noticed your travels turned up successful?” I blush at his kindness. “Yes, I had a very lucky strike but I couldn’t seem to find the other half. Have the three I have found fit what Tia and Lully are looking for.” I couldn’t help but mock them with nicknames they didn’t even know they had. His expression at the silly names made me giggle. “Well...yes!” He says awkwardly as we walk. “Great. Mr...” I realize I don’t even know his name. “Shining Armor. My name is Shining Armor.” He says sweetly letting his ‘guard’ down. “I heard from Tia that your little sister came with you?” I ask looking at him. “She did. Actually she recently discovered she had a coy of her own. A knowledge coy and I do think a battle coy!” I smile glad for her, while he stifles a giggle. “Oh, I hope she can learn to control it, ” I whisper. “Yes, I do too!” He says setting a hand on my shoulder. My fading blush deepens at the gesture. I look up to gladly see the Palace nearing. “Come, I would like to talk to them!” I say grabbing his hand and pulling the poor boy towards the Palace. “Yeah, ok, sure?” He sputters trying to keep himself from falling on the stairs. When we finally do reach the throne room where the three girls were waiting. The door slammed open, then slammed closed behind us as we storm into the bright room. “Twily, what are you doing here?” He asks as a girl I have never seen before slips behind Rarity shyly. “I-I wanted to come see you,” she whispers as Rarity steps to the side revealing her. She was the same age as the other girls and other than the unfamiliarity about her she blends in with the other three. “Shining was just telling me you got a coy?” I ask her taking a step forward still holding his hand. She nods, “can you show me?” “Y-yeah,” she says obvious nervous with situation. She shifted into her coy and pulled out a small blue book. She flips through the pages before reading what is written on one. “Love conquers all!” She says before throwing the book at her brother. It turns into a ninja star as it flies towards him. He puts his hand up to block it and in front flashes a shield. “Yay,” comes a barely audible whisper. Everyone stares at the girl who made the noise, “too loud?” “No, it was just fine, darling!” Rarity ensures her making Fluttershy blush. “Oh yeah!” I say cheerfully. “Welcome to the Crystal Empire, now this is no fun and games.” I say shifting to a more serious tone. “The Crystal Empire has been gone for 1000 years! Now it has returned and the evil with it. I need you...” I look to Twilight and just then as I see her realization hits me, “I need all of you, including Twilight here, to help me save it. I’m still looking for the two last elements Loyalty and Honesty but for now the four of you can help save and protected the Crystal People!” “What do you need us to do?” They ask with Twilight nodding in tune. “Keep out the shadow that has come,” I say trying sound as dramatic as possible. “What do I do?” Twilight asks. I pull out a crown and hand it to her knowingly. “Rarity, you are the Element of Generosity! Fluttershy, you are the Element of Kindness! Pinkie pie, you are the Element of Laughter! Twilight, you are the Element of Magic!” I say as they each put on the elements I gave them. “We can do this!” Pinkie shouted making the others yell with her. Together, like true friends, they went out and, using coys I didn’t even know they had, fought against the evil and tried to save the Crystal People!” ----------------------------------------- “Wait, tried?” I ask her raising an eyebrow. “The Elements of Harmony don’t work without a full set, they were missing two elements! Loyalty and Honesty.” She answers me kindly. I mouth ‘O’ and urge her to continue. “I had to find the missing elements so I went to a place known for its honesty and apples. Sweet Apple Acres!!” I gasp. “When I get there one thing stood out. So I thought I’d watch it, or should I say her, for a day or two. She always came a little after noon. She would be really careful not to get caught, then climb up into a tree and watch a girl work the farm. She would watch her for hours but never, ever got caught. One day when she was leaving I asked her about it...” -------------------------------------------------- “Hey!” I yell. As she snuck out of the gate. She jumped but still turned to look at me. “Y-yeah?” She asks obviously worried about being finally caught. “Why are you always watch that girl?” I ask trying to make it the simplest question possible. “I’m protecting her, not watching her!” She shouts defensively with a wide blush on her face. “Uh huh. Sure!” I say sarcastically. “Why?” “Why do you want to know?” She asks with a confident air. It was kinda annoying and hard to ignore! “Because, I have the right to know...” Why not blackmail her? “I could go to the girl or her family and tell them myself everything I know!” “Last year I chased my sister onto this farm! I met her, she doesn’t remember me now! That is why.” She yells her eyes slightly welling up with tears. “Why doesn’t she remember you?” I ask, I really don’t have a good feeling now. “Because, he hit her so hard that she forgot, or doesn’t want to remember,” she then grins evilly, “whenever he tries I make it rain all over him!” Loyalty, the word echos around in my mind as she smiles towards the girl who obviously can’t see her. “Loyalty?” I ask her. “Yeah, I guess it is!” She says in a slight love struck tone. “Here,” I say smiling at her while handing over the Element of Loyalty. “What's this?” She asks looking at it. “It’s very important... What’s your name?” I ask her, knowing it will make telling her that she has to leave all the easier...I think? “Rainbow Dash, yours?” I smile at her. “Cadence, Princess Cadence.” Her eyes go wide but she doesn’t really do anything. “Nice to meet you Princess!” She says putting on the necklace. I have never seen anything glow so bright, when the glow faded the pendant was a different shape. A red lightning bolt. I look at this girl and she obviously doesn’t know what it means. I look at her with wide eyes but she just pokes at the necklace. “Well that was weird. Anyway, by Princess I have to go home now. Dad was expose to make apple pie tonight!” She licker her lips before running off. “Wait!!” I yell, she just barely hears me. “Yeah?” She asks stopping and turning back around. I run up to her. “Here,” I hand her a pouch, “go to the Crystal Empire, it needs you more than ever!” Then it’s my turn to run away. I run to the orchard to have a little chat with Rainbow Dash’s little farm girl. “Hello?” I yell knocking on the door. I do get an answer just its from behind me. “Howdy! What can I do for ya?” The voice is young. I turn to see a blonde girl, with a cowboy hat, and a black eye over one of her green ones. “What happened to your face?” I ask her coming down from the steps completely concerned. “Who are you, and how can you see this?” She asks not even trying to lie. “What do you ‘see it’?” I ask taking a step forward. “H-he got someone ta put a spell on it so no one could see it...” she says backing up in fear. “Why don’t you just make up a lie or something? I don’t have to know the truth.” I tell her coming up to her and embracing her in a small hug. “Ah couldn’t lie ta save mah life,” she laughs awkwardly. I take the final element out of my bag and put it on her. It glows just as bright as Rainbows did, it’s now an apple. Who are these girls? “The Crystal Empire needs you. If you want to both save yourself, millions of people, and a entire Empire please come with me!” A tear slides down her cheek. “Princess, of course Ah do!” How did she know? “Ah heard ya talkin’ ta the girl that hides in mah trees. Don’t know why and Ah don’t care why she does but she has stopped him plenty and Ah hope she don’t leave... Anyway Ah will go with ya!” ----------------------------------------------- “Applejack and Rainbow Dash are Elements of Harmony?” The gears in my head start spinning until it hits me. “Ya married Shining Armor, Twilight never wanted ta live in the Empire, Rainbow Dash can be saved by tha Elements! And Congratulations!!!” I yells giving her a great hug. “Thank you! And exactly. Here, give these to your friends in the morning. You have a long journey in front of you!” She says handing my a smaller box, this time a different kind of keyhole. “Huh?” I ask her touching it. “The four of you should be able to open it!” Four? “I bet Scootaloo is getting worried you should get back to her!” I feel my face heating up. “Thank you Cadence.” I mutter before running out of the room. When I get back to the door of my own room I let out a sigh. Thrusting the door open I walk in. It’s slammed closed as a body connects with mine slamming both of us into the door, knocking the wind out of me. “Where did you go?!” “T-talk with C-Cadence,” I say desperately trying to catch my breath. “What did she say?” Scoots asks helping me up. “A lot.” I answer her getting a look. “Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow are all Elements of Harmony! She gave me the Elements and this.” I hand her the little box. Sitting down on the bed, Scoots holds the box over her head and reads something I didn’t even know was there. “Dear Girls and Spike, This is my last resort. Based of your story and what is probably about to come for you and everyone at that school, I give you this. There are six elements in the box but two of them are completely different from the others. Different powers, people, and element set. The other four are for you four, Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Spike. These are the Elements of Nature, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. It should obvious which of you get which. Now for how to open it? Electricity. But only Scootaloo can open it. So, face your fears and you can do it! Good Luck, Princess Cadence PS: Applebloom its going to be a girl!” Scoots looks at me with pure confusion but excitedness. “Oh yeah, Cadences gonna have a baby!” I tell her. “Cute!” She says setting the box down. “So, lets take a look!” “Wait, we should wait for Sweetie and Spike ta be ‘ere!” I tell her. She nods half heartedly and moves it off the bed. “Night Bloom!” She gives me a kiss on the nose, turns out the light, and pulls me down to sleep. ----------------------------------- “Awww!!!” Was the last way I wanted to be woken up. Sweeties high pitch voice, a clap of joy, and Scoots squeezing me tighter to somehow block out the noise. “Ok, wake up! Come on love birds we need to get going. Breakfast then back to the school!” Sweetie says to tank the blanket away just ‘awww’ again. “Sweetie Belle you're ruining the moment!” Scoots whins pulling me closer. “No, I’m witnessing it. Now get out of bed.” Sweetie answers literally pulling my foot. “Five more minutes,” Scoots growns hiding her face in my hair. “You said that ten minutes ago,” Sweetie whins pulling us out of bed. “Fine!!” Scoots barks sitting up. “That was funny,” I mutter sitting up still holding in some giggles. “You were awake?” They ask in unison. “Yep,” Than I hop out of bed and go get ready for the day. Then we run out ready for food. “Now I can’t stand up,” Scoots says rubbing her full stomach. “I wonder why?” Sweetie says sarcastically rubbing her own as I nod in agreement rubbing mine. Cadence just laughs at the tummy rubbing circle but soon joins in herself. “I’ll give you three a minute before you have to go. Rainbow, Applejack, everyone needs you!” She says smiling down at us. When our stomachs settle we thank Cadence and repack our bags. Me and Scoots know that we have a few things to tell Sweetie but we’re planning on telling her later. Waving goodbye we head on our way. We know we can’t ride Scoots with the extra weight of the boxes and food so we have to set out on foot. It will be long and hard but we can make it. --------------------------------------------- “Sweetie!!” I scream as the bullet tears through her leg. “NO!!!” Scoots yells charging forward to save our downed friend. In the forest we had two choices; draw our weapons, ready to fight once more or lie in wait, waiting to meet our fate! > Secrets of the Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack? Anybody? Please help me. I can’t move, can’t talk, I can’t love you if you don’t love me. Please help me! I’m remembering what I shouldn’t, I don’t want to. Why do you make me lay here and watch as memories invade my sanity. “You came to visit her?” Fluttershy's voice echoes through my lonely thoughts. “Can Ah be alone with ‘er?” Applejack? Why do you want to be alone with me, maybe Pinkie? “Yeah.” The door closes and a silence falls over the room. “Ah didn’t come ‘ere for Pinkie, if thats what yer wonderin’” I wish I could nod, sit up and look at her. Maybe even close my eyes, their feeling dry. But no, my body won’t move. It’s probably breaking her to the core. “Ah need ta talk to ya.” She sits down on the bed. “Why me?” Wait, did I just say that out loud? “Did you just-” before she can even finish her sentence I feel my whole body move in one swift motion. It’s better than I remember, softer. But you can never count on memories, only reality. “Save me, please! I know you can,” I tell her before falling back down into my lifeless state. How did I? I don’t know but I’m glad I did! “Ah love ya, Rainbow. With all mah heart!” She whispers, I feel something light on my lips, a little tingly, before she runs out tears streaming down her face. Please, save me. I know you can. Oh and Applejack, I love you even more than you know!! > Ever Haunting Past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can hear them fall, hit the metal, make a ting! I hate that ting, it reminds me of when they hurt Applebloom. I can still hear her pained screams, picture her pale face as the blood in her body tinged in a bucket reminding us all there was no hope. Even now. Now, when we’re safe, we’re never safe. We have no hope. I hoped that when I got back to Rainbow it wouldn’t be on the verge of war, she wouldn’t be insane like everyone kept saying she was, and that the girls wouldn’t disappear the second we got back! So I stand here, on the roof, more tings equals more tears!! “Applejack?” Her voice is weak, pained. I turn to her and cringe at the sight. Half of her face is bandaged but it’s flat under the bandages. The one eye the is peaking out is tear filled and her lip is quivering. “What is it?” I ask her, she runs up to me and cries. “S-she woke up, she woke up!!” Twilight cries in my shoulder. Happy tears, not sad ones. So why does she sound so sad? “Pinkie?” She nods letting me go rubbing her eye. “It’s worse than we thought though!” She says as more tears come then runs away to go tell the others. “Wait, what is worse? Twilight?” She long gone though. I fall onto my knees, face in hands as water drips through my fingers. My throat is dry, lips are quivering, eyes puffy and red. I don’t know if these are happy tears or sad ones. Hopefully the happy ones. Pinkies awake yet she comes with bad news, Applebloom and the others are missing, Rainbows insane and needs saving from something but what, nobody has any doubt that we’re going to lose this war, I can’t help but agree, but worse of all it’s completely my fault! “Applejack, don’t cry!” Her voice is calm and sweet. Strong, just like it used to be. “Why shouldn’t Ah?” I ask her as the ghost in my head gives me a light hug. “Because your the strongest one left. Only you, now, can save me. When Scoots and the others get back then we will be truly saved but until then we need you!” So confident and so right. “Then tell meh, sugarcube, how do Ah save you?” I ask her as I feel tingles on my cheek. “All you need to do is remember and help her remember!” I feel her flicker away. “Remember what?” I say look around to see something that, even though I’m crying so hard, even though I’m so sad and have no reason, makes me smile. I run, I run as fast as my legs could carry me. Bobbing and weaving through corridors and people. The door slammed open behind me as I charged into the room. I was at the bedside before it even closed. I didn’t care that everyone, even the newly awakened Pinkie, was staring at me. I didn’t care that she was insane, that I was insane, I loved her with all my heart and knew! I just knew! That if I told her this she would wake up. “Rainbow, Ah remember ok, Ah remember. Ah remember a little girl just as old as meh sittin’ in my trees watchin ‘me day in, day out protectin’ meh. Ah remember ‘er pain, ‘er battle, how it made ‘er strong. Ah remember ‘er rainbow hair and ‘er magenta eyes. Ah remember the rain and the lightning. Please Rainbow wake up and tell me that that little girl was you. That you protected meh no matter the pain you went through, Tell me that yall will keep your promise!” I yell at her while shaking her body. An image flashes across my vision and it’s exactly what I saw. “Please remember.” I hear her voice whisper. Everyone gasps. “Ah remember sugarcube. And Ah promise ta never forget!” Than I lean down and kiss her weak form. Her eyes flicker open and simultaneously both of ours flicker close. “Just like Ah know yall will always keep it.” I tell her as I pull her away. “B-but how?” She stammers out still plenty weak. Fluttershy takes a few steps forward. “You told meh sugarcube, don’t underestimate the powers of the truth.” She nods completely understanding. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and I know what she’s telling me. I take a step back letting Fluttershy do the rest. “St-stop hiding i-it then,” she yells at me before coughing up blood. “Have your fun,” his cold, ruthless voices fills the room. I’m gone, I just bolt. I have to get away. How did she know that? It’s literally impossible! “Applejack?!” I turn a corner my tears staining my cheeks as I run. “Applejack, stop!” “Oh, I will!” “Leave me alone!” I yell trying to knock her back with plants but missing her completely. “Good.” “Please?” Her voice is quieter this time. I slow down and come to a stop. As she reaches me I collapsed to the floor hiding my face in my knees letting my tears flow. The door closes and that laugh, that horrible laugh fills the room. “Why did ya follow me?” I ask her as she rubs my back. I look up at her kind smile. Even through the bandages I can see her worry. “What to do first?” “I want you to tell me Rainbows promise.” She says sweetly pulling me into a hug while still rubbing my back to calm my tears. “Please, don’t!” “S-she promised, when we were little, that she...” I trail off. “When I was little, I had memory problems from constant blows to the head. I could barely remember simple things so when Ah would see Rainbow in mah trees the next mornin’ Ah was always surprised ta see her, ta have ‘er protectin’ me as Ah worked. One day she came when he wasn’t there. Ah remembered ‘er. The next mornin’ Ah went up to tha tree and asked ‘er why.” I can’t finish. I struggle against the restraints on my hands and feet, to no avail, terrified of what is about to come next. “What did she say?” Twilight asks. I look right into her purple eyes and a tear runs down my cheek at the memory. He pulls a knife and runs it down the front of my shirt smiling all the while. “She told me that this was all she could do to save me. That we would meet again at separation and Ah won’t need ‘er help anymore. We were standin’ near the gate. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and told me that she will only do that once again and that would mean I’m safe.” Another tears makes a line on my cheek. “She said if she did it a third that meant that she’ll never leave my side. Her dad saw ‘er and thats when he started do what he did to ‘er.” “Lets have a little fun before we get to the big stuff?” “Then what?” I lean against the wall and she just leans back on her hands. My eyes are puffy but I don’t have any tears left to shed. His hand runs down my bare skin and up to my face, “oh, yes, this will be fun!” “‘er sis came to ‘er a years after he started and told ‘er about ‘er crush on the youngest farm girl. Rainbow knew what he did and knew that she had to protect ‘er sis. She had no way to, though. Than on Scoots ninth birthday she got the chance she needed and killed him. She knew ‘er sis wouldn’t forgive ‘er for the longest time but she chose to protect ‘er anyway.” I tell Twilight giving her a small smile. His knife moves along my skin lightly, as not to cut it, before settling in a spot that makes me gulp. “So Rainbows promise was to always protect you, as long as you need protecting?” I nod as more tears slip from my eyes. A small, almost clear, line runs down my cheek as he has his fun before dripping to the ground with a small splash. “Yeah and she couldn’t keep it.” I yell at her bolting faster than I had in me. I don’t even know where I’m going. I end up on the roof to see it’s still there. In the grey night sky shines a bright, beautiful rainbow. “I had my fun, you enjoy my after present. I’m sure Dashie will just love it!” He says backing away. “P-please tell m-me?” She shutters limping towards me. Almost little a baby first learning to walk. She’s so weak a feeble. Helpless. “Why do yall care what Dash thinks of it?” I say between sobs. “Yall don’t want to know.” I tell her while helping her to the railing. “Because, I’m her brother. Don’t you see the resemblance? After that, thing, did this to my eyes?” He spits. “Celadon?” She asks making me flinch. “What did Dash do ta yer eyes?” His cold, flax eyes lock on my puffy, green ones. “He said somethin’ really, really weird Dash.” I say laying my head down on her lap and staring into her deep magenta pools. “That, thing, that you all call your Rainbow Girl or whatever can change the color of something. So she took the color of my eyes!” He yells lashing out at me. The knife connects with my chest letting a steady stream of blood flow. “About his e-eyes?” I nod touching her face sweetly. Something catches her eye tho. Her hand reaches up and moves my shirt down revealing the long gash across it. I wince back at the touch. “What did he do to you?” She asks throw clenched teeth a new energy flowing throughout her weakened body. I shake my head. “Why did ya do this ta meh, tho?” I smirks running his fingers through the blood. “Ah-Ah...” I can’t tell her. I bury my face in her stomach and cry. “Because, she loves you more than even you know. Giving her this present will be the last straw to insanity.” The laugh. I hate that laugh. “I know you don’t want me to but, I promise I find him and kill him for what he did to you!” We stand up and look over in the distance where fire comes up over the wall threatening to bring it down. Where an army of thousands stands ready to kill us all. And no matter what will happen, no matter the amount of doubt and hurt weighing at our hearts, and no matter how much fear boils in our blood, we know we will stand tall and fight till our last breath if we have to! “Rainbow?” She looks at me with flared, protective wings. “Humm?” I hold her tighter and give her a kiss on the cheek. “Ah won’t doubt ya ever again!” > Tears of Red > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red and yellow eyes, watching me. Black and white hair, blowing in the light wind. Horns, two horns, sticking out of its head, one a blue goat horn. Twisting and lumpy, the other a deer antler, peach and sharp. Dangerous and mocking. Its smile curvy and evil, yet not a smile that makes you happy, one that brings pure fear. The one sharp, thick tooth sticking out seems out of place yet just right to bring out its inhuman appearance. Wings spread wide behind it, one a normal dark blue wing while the other is a bat's wing. Its hands are stock still at its sides. Flexing its fingers causing on one hand sharp lion claws to come out and the other claws of a eagle. “Rainbow Dash!” Its sings. “So nice to finally meet you. I do believe I haven’t properly introduced myself? My name is Discord. The god of Chaos and Disharmony!” “Ahhh!!!” I Scream sitting straight up in bed. “Darnit!” I hiss look over at a still sleeping Applejack. I let out a sigh of relief as I didn’t wake her. “I need some air.” Getting out of bed I stretch my wings and fly out the still to be patched hole. “Rainbow Dash?” Comes its voice from the shadows. A tear falls. I shake my head to try and rid myself from the thoughts of the creature from my dreams. Starring up at the starlit sky I let out yet another sigh that I didn’t know I was holding. Landing quietly on a tree branch I lean back and try to clear my thoughts. “Why do I keep having that same dream?” I let out a grown and close my eyes only to have its eyes flash across my vision. “Leave me alone please?” I shout opening them wide. “Why? I’m having such fun!” It, surprisingly, answers back. “Ahhh!” I yell not expecting an answer and tumbling out of the tree. “Come clear the sky Rainbow,” It tells me as the sky jumps to noon almost blinding my night set vision. I let out a grown covering my eyes till they’ve adjusted. When I look up at the now bright blue sky I notice something strange. Pink clouds zipping around the sky. “Clear the sky Rainbow!” It yells as a cloud charges towards me. “What the heck?!” I yell jumping out of the way just in time only to jump into the trail of another cloud. “Clear the sky Rainbow!” It yells again. I look around desperately while dodging flying pink clouds for the source of the strange voice. “Where are you?” I yell into the now sunlit skies. “Clear the sky Rainbow!” It yells as the clouds double. I let out a defeated sigh before allowing my anger to take over. “Come and get me!” My voice booms taking everything hearing my shout off guard. The clouds start zipping towards me but I’m ready. “Control.” I mutter before clapping my hands together. Slowly but surely I pull them apart and right as the clouds are about to hit my weakened, bruised body I break them apart with a glowing sword. Spinning and swinging I dissipate each cloud. “Well. Done.” It hisses as the sun sets at record speeds bringing back the cool peaceful night. “Who are you?” I ask. A cursid laugh fills the air making me cringe. It steps out of the shadows showing its smiling face. “Haven’t I told you? I’m Discord, you know that.” Than it laughs. Its laughs literally hurt my ears. I feel a light wet stream run down from my aching ears. I grab my head just making it laugh harder, a feel thick tears run down my cheeks as I clutch my aching ears. “Please, stop?” I beg as another stream runs down from my other ear. “Why?” It asks wiping tears from its eyes. “Seeing you in agony just makes my day!” “WAKE UP!!!” I shoot up in bed and look over to my savur. She isn’t smiling though. My face feels wet as if I was crying. “Rainbow, what did ya do?” She asks wiping the wet on my cheeks for her hand to come away red. I touch my cheek and feel the red between my fingers looking at her with pure fear. “D-did I...cry b-blood?” She nods as a tear falls down. “And yer ears too.” She tells me. I let out a sigh and close my eyes only to make the blood fall onto the sheet. His eyes flash across my vision making my eyes go wide allowing another drop to fall. “Discord.” I mumble but she pays it no mind. “Come on. Weh need ta git ya to Fluttershy.” I just let her lead me to the hospital while letting my thoughts wonder. I wonder if he is real, not only in my dreams. I really hope not. And what about AJ? She tries to be so strong but you can see the fear. She is so afraid and hopeless. I wish I could help her but I know I can’t, I just keep making it worse. The door slams open as Applejack drags me in. They can’t see my face yet because I’m hiding behind her but I just know it’s not pretty. I risk a quick glance at a mirror and cringe. My eyes are bloodshot, red streaks run down my face while on one side they’re smudged a little, similar red streams are coming from the ears, and I’m extremely pale. In other words, I’m a total bloody mess. Kinda. “Applejack what is it?” Fluttershy asks taking a step away from Pinkies bed. Gracy, who hasn’t moved from a chair near the bed, looks up and Lula walks over to me only to gasp. “Oh, thats not good!” She says grabbing my hand to try and lead me over to my old bed but I won’t let go of AJ. I shake my head and hold her hand tighter as another blood tear hits the floor. Fluttershy comes over to see what Lula was talking about and lets out something that could barely count as a scream. “H-he just laughed,” I tell them as another streak is made down my face and my lip quivers. “Who?” Fluttershy asks as Applejack leads me to the bed and sits with me. “Di-di-di...” I can’t say it. I look down and let more blood tears fall making red splats on the white floor. “Who?” Lula asks raising an eyebrow. I just shake my head as Fluttershy looks at my eyes and ears. ----------------------------------------- “R-Rain~bow?” I can’t look at her though. Her voice so weak and frail and it’s entirely my fault. “R-Rain~bow p-ple-ease!” I let out a defeated sigh and turn to look at her. “What?” I ask a lot eviler than I meant to. “He’s h-hurting her to we-eaken you. Wha-what he di-did to her wi-will not only we-weaken us bu-but weaken her. Y~ou will not survive thi-this war i-if you wish f-for both of th-th-them to surv-v-vive.” She studders out pained eyes. “A riddle? Pinkie I don’t need a riddle right now I need help! Give me a straight answer.” She doesn’t though, only shakes her head. Sighing in defeat I roll back over and stare off into space. All I know for sure: this won’t come easily but we will make it through. As long as we’re fighting we will make it through. But the only problem is: we’re not going to fight! > Snow Covered Mountain Tops > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes you have to make the hard decisions, your friends or yourself. I could hide and just hope they can make it out alive, without my help. To lay in wait to see if they come back for me. Or I could choose the brave choice, the right choice, and pull my sword ready to fight. To charge after them and fight for all of our lives. So which do I choose, to draw my sword and fight once more or lay in wait ready to meet our fate. Well, of course, I pick the stupider, better choice. I pull my sword and run into the shadows to help them. ------------------------------------------------------- Right before the doors closed Scoots made us promise that we wouldn’t make her to carry us. If we didn’t she wouldn’t use her coy to open the box...so, of course, we had to promise. After that we reluctantly followed her into the snowy wasteland outside. Winter hit us like a punch in the gut. The second the doors to the Crystal Empire closed we really did realize how cold it really was out there. Weighed down with element boxes, supplies, and full stomachs we knew this was going to be far from easy trip. Starting up the mountain side we all simultaneously let out sighs, our breath white in front of our faces and our backs warming from the packs and effort to get up the mountain. Wind carrying snowy bullets blew around us in small circles waiting to see who will join the other small jewels of white on the ground. Even in the middle of the day the thick layer of cloud overhead kept it nice and chilly and dark. Though it wasn’t like this went we arrived, Cadence said that we missed it by a sliver. That night it snowed mountains and it still hasn’t stopped. Strong winds and cold snow on our bare skin isn’t helping either but we’ll manage. Sweetie keeps complaining about frostbite, Scoots says we’re going to slow, and I just tell them to shut up and move their feet. They complain that its too hard. Color. I wish for any other color. White, I was told when I was younger that it is the mere illusion of color. Black, I was told that black is what hides color, keeps the mysteries concealed in the shadows. So why can’t I find some other color? Even our eyes have lost their color. Turned grey just like our...hope. Is that too sappy? It's true, all we feel is grey and all we see is either white or black. Scoots offers me a kind smile that I don’t return. I just look at her with fears knowing we probably wouldn't make it back to the school, home, unscathed. I let out another sigh and watch it fade into the greyness all around. Looking to Sweetie, I see no strength only see broken little girl fighting for her life against a raging storm. She still smiles at me and squeezes my hand tighter, on my other side I see Scoots sigh a little before trudging forward with us in tow. My eyelashes have tiny ice crystals growing on the tips, each time I blink I can feel them pinch and sting my cheeks. My toes probably fell out of my shoes and I'm surprised I still have hands for them to hold. I give my lips a little lick in an attempt to rid them of the hard feeling they hold, utterly useless. Not only does it not help but it makes them even more uncomfortable. We reach the forest edge with not only a sigh of relief but a smile etching its way onto the corners of our mouths. We're basically over looking every factor but one, No Snowfall! Running into the even darker environment the freeze practically abandons us. With the assaulting snow and harsh winds gone we risk letting those smiles show as we start walking. The next thing to happen was far from our best guess, "Where are you? Where did you go? Quit being a coward and show me where you are!" The next thing to follow the scratchy voice is a pained scream from behind us, a limping girl run by, and, as we turn to see what she was running from, ten guns men appear from the shadows smirking. "Oh, little CC no need to run..." Then the lead guy leans his head to the side just as a loud smack comes from where the girl ran to. "Into a tree." "Where did that come from?!" She yells rubbing her throbbing forehead. "CC, CC come on back. No need to hurt yourself in a hopeless ranit of freedom." Another one mumbles. "Shut up!" She yells standing up but not turning to us. "We're behind you, sweetie." The first one mocks. She spins around but her bright, bright blue eyes never meet, really, anything. "Shut. Up!" She yells stepping forward. "Argh! I can't do anything like this." She then stops her foot on the ground making everything vibrate before the dirt turns (sadly) into ice. "Thank you." He whispers before locking eyes with me. "Who are you?" He spits. "None o' yer business, that's who!" I glare back pulling a terrified Sweetie behind me. "A fighter, eh? Well, that just makes this double the fun!" His laugh almost matches Celadons, he almost. His gun clicks, the clicks echo as the others do the same. "Run..." I hear whispered into my ear. "Run. Run. Run!" She yells before taking off doing exactly that. The three of us exchange looks before high tailing after her, guns pointed on our backs. "Three.” he smirks. “Two.” the others raise their guns.” One..." I can feel their smirks boarding into the back of my head. "Fire!" Bang!!! "Sweetie!!" I scream as the bullet tears through her leg. "NO!!!" Scoots yells before charging forward to save our downed friend. Twisting around mid step, she runs faster than I thought was possible even for her. Her hands glow as lightning swords form in each. Spinning her fast moving foot connects with the face of the dude standing over Sweetie with gunpoint to her skull. And I...I... Stand here. I turn to see the girl, CC, standing staring wide eyed at the scene. I run over to her a give her a hug knowing I'm about to regret my next decision. "Get this to the bad coy school..." I whisper to her before running back to my friends knowing one thing as I pull my sword, this can only end badly. "I will...good luck Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Queen!" Then she's gone. "Rainbow Queen?" Scoots scream stopping dead in her tracks, 'CC' is long gone by then though. "B-B-B-B-" she can't finish whatever it is she was going to say due to the fact the a bullet zips through her gut. "Scoots!" I scream letting (no matter how sappy this sounds) my pure fear and love for her take over. My whole body moves with unremarkable strength, slicing bullets mid flight and breaking bones with my dulled blade. In a matter of one minute all ten are down in the dirt defeated and I'm at Scootaloo's side. "Hang in there." I whisper to her pulling her head into my lap and look down at her. "I know what you were thinking. I couldn't agree more." She smiles at me as I put pressure on her bleeding wound. "A-Ah'm so-o sorry. Ah love ya, Scootaloo..." I whisper as a tear falls onto her cheek from my salty eyes. "Shhh, it's okay. At least, if I do die, I'll have you by my side. I love you too, Bloom." She smiles back before pulling me down for a kiss. Friendship may be magic, but love is purely magical! "I won't let you die..." I murmur closing my eyes and kissing her for the final time... Everything disappeared. I have kissed her before and I felt what I felt, pure happiness, but this was different. Everything faded away and went white...or did it go black? I can't even tell! I can feel my hands getting wetter with gushing blood, I can feel Scoots breaths become faster and faster with each passing second, always in time with mine, but I can still feel her smile. "Not just yet." I finish when I pull away. I look into her empty, unblinking eyes. She seems to glow, no matter how unrealistically dead she seems she looks so alive. Her hair glows a bright, bright purple. Her body a similar orange. But her eyes glow the brightest, circling and spin, the glow coming from her eyes is the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. "I'm not ready just yet either..." I look to Sweetie, she heard it too. Winds pick up, dead leaves zip through the air like bullet, and Scoots wings go straight out to her sides. "B-but she's d-da-dead!!!" I cry out as she starts flouting up. "Not. Quite!" Echos through my head and the surrounding forest. The winds pick up the outside cold and snow, that mixing with the leaves is literal hell. She stands up on the air ever glowing brightly, so brightly it becomes blinding. We can't see anything but bright purple, orange, and swirling rainbow. ----------------------------------------- "Bloom do ya remember when yall were real' lil' and ya asked 'bout why we never sent cha ta school?" Applejack asks patting the bed side. I nod and sit next to her knowing what is probably about to come next. "How? You. Me. Her. Bullet. Blood!" I scream holding up my dripping fingers and waving them in her face. "Yeah, you and Mac said it was because there were bad people out there. Y'all didn't want meh goin' off on mah own, ya loved meh to much." I answer smiling up at her. "What did you do?!" Sweetie sheiks pulling herself up with exasperated hands. "That's was a complete lie." She says flatly. "Some of it really. It was because we didn't want cha makin' no friends actually. Mac lost all his memory when he was young and thought it was because of a coy accident with a friend. Even though that wasn't true, he didn't want cha to suffer the same thing he did." "Ya can't go around cheatin' death!" I scream at her falling to my knees at her feet eyes still blurry from the bright lights. "What 'bout you?" I ask her looking out the big hole in the wall and over to the fiery horizon. "Exactly!" Sweetie agrees before letting her jaw drop and snapping her fingers. "Ha!" "Were ya there when Ah told mah story 'bout mah friend named Redheart?" "What!" Me and Scoots yell at her in unison. "Yeah..." I whisper just remembering what she said made me sniffle a little. "It all makes sense now." She mutters loudly obviously lost in thought. "Ah knew that one day dad would have had his fun with me and needed a new target, you. Ah didn't want cha ta git connected to someone like Ah had and suffer the same." She whispers wiping her eye at the memory. "No it doesn't." Scoots says under her breath. "Why are yall tellin' meh this?" I scream at her thinking about my new friends, her new friends, and what is to come to all of us, wishing it wasn't true. That he wouldn't do the same stupid thing to me too. Right? "Whatever!" I yell brushing Sweetie off as she goes into deep thought. Turning to Scoots, with my normal vision back, I can barely talk. My mouth opens and closes once or ten times, my eyes are wide as saucers, and I can't peel my gaze away from her. "Y'all are gonna live and love and be happy. You and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, together forever. You're gonna survive this, yet gonna be proud ta be part o' this, and yer gonna pass on yer story. Our story. Yer gonna tell everyone ya meet 'bout Rainbow and meh, yer gonna tell 'em 'bout dad and the Princess. Yer gonna protect each other from the mean people out there..." I could tell she thought a lot about this. Tears rolled from her eyes but she still smiled. "Yer gonna remember and ya sure as hell ain't gonna forget anytime soon." "What? What is it?" Scoots asks not really looking at me but whatever Sweetie is doing. "Applejack? What are ya sayin'?" I ask her as tears of my own roll from my eyes. She smiles down at me and opens her mouth one last time, "Y-you ha-ave a streak-k!" I stammer out still looking, or rather staring, at her. "Ah can't explain it, sugarcube. Ah just know that y'all...one of us...is gonna make it out of there with enough sanity to pass on the story. Ah'm puttin' mah hopes up it'll be you three." She says with a wary smile. "Trust meh. Ah ain't lyin' none!" "Streak?" Scoots repeats raising an eyebrow. "Sis' ya never lie." I whisper to her. "But cha haven't told meh the truth yet." "Steak?" Sweetie says pulled from her thoughts. "W-what do ya mean by that, Bloom?" She asks her eyes flicking. "..." "Ah mean that Ah want the truth!" I yell at her my fear slipping through my mask. "Streak...right," she says blushing. "Yall want the truth?!" She screams tears spilling down her face. "Yes dad killed some of those kids that came in, not all of them though. That was someone else's job! Mine! He turned me into a blood thirsty, insane, family issue, depressed little girl! Ah can't control it none either, it's like mah own spilt personality. We didn't send you to school because Ah didn't want no one comin' over to be at risk!" "Gonna explain what yer mumblin' 'bout over there?" I ask her with a small smirk turning away from Scoots to look at Miss Blushing Her Face On Fire over there...if that makes any sense. "Thank ya kindly..." I hiss at her. She should always tell the truth and she knows it! "Now tell meh, just how do ya activate it?" "We need to find that girl 'CC'" she yells taking a step forward before hesitating on the next one, "either of you know where she went?" Her eyes go wide as saucers. Her head falls and she slumps back in defeat, "all ya gotta do is...is" > Go Fish > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classical music blared in the tent drowning out the sounds of the angry leader pounding away at the magic induced gates. The dark night skies lit up with each hit and scream as he yelled at the stone. “General really wants to get into that school.” Bob mumbles looking over the top of his cards with a sigh. “Yeah... I hear both of his daughters are in there!” Jerry says over excitedly. “What’re their names?” Joe asks. “Anybody got any threes?” “Go fish!” They all mumble. With a grown he picks up a card slumping back in his chair. “Their names...” the only girl out of the group, Mary, whispers loudly under her breath. “Yep. What are the girls names?” Joe then scratches his chin. “Isn’t the older one the one General sucked some coy outta?” “What was ‘er name...? Oh I know, I think it was Pancake Stack!” Everyone turns to look at the surprisingly small man standing in the doorway of the tent. His name, Brobdingnagian. “No! It had something to do with fruit.” Mary mumbles leaning back and looking towards the ceiling revealing her cards. “Anyone got any...kings?” Bob says smirking as Mary shoves her full stack his way. “Oh, beer!” Jerry yells sitting straight up in his chair. “Beer?” They ask him in unison. “Generals favorite beer. He named one of his children after beer!” He says smiling so wide his face almost splits in two. “What kind of beer is that?” Bob asks rubbing his temples. “Eh...” a bright red blush covers Jerrys face as he rubs the back of his head. “Thought so.” Bob hisses. “Which kid? Doesn’t he have three?” Brobdingnagian says walking from the doorway to an open chair and slumping in it. “No. Well yes, but his oldest way named after his favorite kind of apple and the other his dead wife's favorite flower.” Jerry says pushing the bunny rimmed glasses up his nose as if he were smart. “And what are those?” Mary asks raising an eyebrow. “Fruit!” Jerry yells but everyone just brushes it off. “Well I'm sure the oldest is...Maclintoe?” Brobdingnagian says calmly. “No...but definitely Mac!” Joe squees giggling. “Mac...in...home?” Bob mutters. “No...?” Mary says rolling her eyes. “Oh I know!” Jerry yells. “What?!” They all say jumping at him. “Mac an Cheesy?” He says laughing awkwardly. “And this is a normal conversation...” Mary mumbles picking her cards back up. Bob and Joe nod and pick theirs up too. “Anyone got any queens?” “Go Fish!” They yell at Jerry! “Welp... see ya!!” Brobdingnagian yells before running out the door. “Figures...” > Rainbow Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Note Ok so this is a quick idea I had that will be way easier then bold flashbacks. I'll still do those too though. But any chapter that is one of their names (hence "Rainbow Dash") is a flashback of an important event from their past. Also anyone you want to have a chapter just tell me their name (and/if) what you want to know and I'll work it in! Thanks!! Read on: So cute, I have to tell her the truth... “I’m so sorry this happens to you. I wish I could do more but... I’m sorry I can’t.” I whisper to her. “You have a coy don’t you? Thought so... we’ll meet again at separation. When we do then you’ll be safe. I promise.” I lean back on the gate and give her a hopeful smile. An idea pops into my head, I lock eyes with her right before leaning in and giving her a kiss on the cheek (that I might have dragged out a little long). “I’ll only (hopefully) do that once again. When I do that means you're safe, completely and utterly safe. If I have to do it again, well... that means I’ll never leave your side and keep you safe. Completely safe.” “Thanks...” she whispers before pulling me into a hug that I gladly return. She smelled so sweet that I barely wanted to let go. “Rainbow Dash! What are you doing?” Growls from behind me. I know she can feel me go stiff as I slowly turn to face him. He just had to show up!! “H-hugging a f-friend d-da-dad~” I say putting myself between her and him. His anger (was reasonable) radiated off him in a way that could only be described as flames. “You were expose to be home three hours ago! You’re late every day!” He hissed glaring daggers at us. “Yeah...sorry about that!” I mumble laughing awkwardly. “Ya-ya did that fer me?” I hear her whisper behind me. Warily I nod my head not peeling my eyes from the angry father guy in front of us. “Home. Now!” I take off running so fast all you can see is the rainbow trail I left in my wake. I do hear one thing though, “she never comes back.” ----------------------------------- “Hey sis!” Scoots squeaks as I bolt in the door. “Where have you been?” “H-helping a f-friend...” I pant hands on my knees, eyes at my feet as I try to catch my breath. “How do you run so fast and not even kinda get winded?” I ask her when I finally did catch it. “Don’t know. Why are you home so...early?” She asks. I did usually come home in about an hour from now, it was early. “Dad.” I mumble before bolting to my room not a moment too soon. “Hello Scooty!” Dad shouts at her as the door slams open. “H-hi dad! You seem kinda...not happy.” She says quietly. I scamper back from my door as it slams open than closed again. “I guess I was right...” “Tell me what you were doing with that girl?!” I yells at me making me shrink back further. “H-hugging her.” I whisper my eyes locked on his orange ones. They usually look soft and welcoming but now...I have never seen anything scarier. “Before that!” He spits. “Scoots? What's going on in there?” I hear through the door. “Dads really angry at Dash for something that happened between her and another girl.” Scoots whispers to him. “Oh no...” The door slams open and in a flash Celadon is standing between me and dad. “Don’t even try!” He whispers. “Cel get out of the way or you’ll regret it.” Dad tells him their orange eyes locking. “Not even a little bit, though you will.” Celadon says stepping forward. “Please...don’t.” I whisper to him tapping his leg. He looks down at me but I just give him a masked smile. “Fine...” he mutters before storming out. “What is he going to do to her? What did she do?” Scoots asks from the other side of the door. “She did nothing bad, Scooty. But she’s getting nothing good.” He tells her before I hear the front door close and their voices fade into the distance. “Now tell me... What were you doing with that girl?” He shouts locking eyes with me. “Hugging h-her?” I ask hoping it was the answer he was looking for, knowing it wasn’t. “Answer my question! What were you doing with her?!” He yells stepping forward. “I was hugging her ok!” I half yell sinking further into the carpet. “What were you doing before that?!” The whole floor shook as his knees connect with it, I’m not too far to follow when he comes face to face with me. “Talking to her?” I say before pushing him back awkwardly. “Don’t play dumb with me you good-for-nothing twit!” He hissed pushing me back harshly. “What were you doing with that girl?” “I hugged her and talked to her and...and” I can’t finish. “Answer me!” First one side of my face stings, than my nose hurts, than the other side feels bruised. All because of his hand. “I kissed her! On the cheek, ok?! Is that illegal or something!” I regrettingly yell at him, anger is easily fumed by pain. Pain is all I got. “Yes.” He whispers through clenched teeth before standing up and walking out with a click of a locked door behind him. “Great, now I’m locked in.” I mutter standing up. ----------------------------------- The door slowly opens and closes way quicker. I don’t turn over in my bed though, to look at who came in, just lay and think of my promise. It is so broken! “Sis?” The voice is so soft so...? Innocent. “What?!” I bark wanting to be left alone. “I need some advice.” She whispers sitting down on the bed. I can feel her bounce a little on the mattress, both of us expecting the other to say something. “On what?” I ask breaking the silence that was about to hit the awkward mark. “Cel said that I should ask you.” She sighs. “I don’t know what to ask though.” “What did you ask him?” I sit up and pull her into a weak hug. “Hey, Celly! Have you ever had a crush on someone before?” She sits there for a second before continuing, “he just said to go ask my sister before bolting out of the room.” I laugh a little and pull her closer, “so who is it Scoots?” I see a little blush appear on her cheeks and just smile down at her. “Well you see...she lives really close to that girl that you were protecting.” She whispers giving away, basically, nothing. “O~k...? Tell me more?!” “Well...shesreallycuteandsweetandistheyoungersisterofthegirlwhoyouobviouslylike and!!!! Ithinkshemightlikemeback!” I have never heard someone talk so fast. “Huh?” “You didn’t catch any of that?” “I got she, sister, and, and might!” I say proudly. “I like the younger sister of the girl you obviously like.” She whispers. It was almost as hard to understand as the speed talking. I go pale. “You what?!” I explode my voice cracking at the end. “I’m sorry.” She says even quieter. “Shhh. Sorry nothing, nothing.” I say before pushing her up. “Come to me tomorrow and I’ll give you that advice.” She nods happily before half skipping to the door. “Oh and Scoots!” “Yeah?” “Two things. First; don’t tell dad. Second; can you send Celadon in?” “Yep!” Than she closes the door behind her. “Celly, sis wants to talk with you!” “What about?” “Probably something to do with you bolting when I was trying to talk to you!” “Probably...” with a sigh my door opens slowly and closes slowly. “What?” “I get the bolting thing, I almost bolted. But seriously!” I yell smirking. “I...her...she...dating...please don’t make me go through that?!” He begs. “Fine fine!” I laugh before patting the bed next to me. “What did you want to talk about?” He asks sitting down with a sigh of relief. “You remember what I told you?” “About the whole ‘Cel I think I got some crazy magic coy thingy’” he says badly mimicking my voice. “Yes, that.” I mumble glaring lightly at him. “I need your help to use it to protect Scoots!” He just stares at me, truly dumbfounded. “Um...sure? What do you need?” “Eh...I never thought of that part but I need you to get me out of here.” I tell him with an awkward smile. “When?” “Tonight, at midnight.” “Eye eye captain!” He says soulting me, making me laugh, before pushing him out of the room. ------------------------------------ “Hehehe...sweetheart are you ok in there.” I flinch, how could I forget he comes in every night. Slipping around the corner, I peek at my room to see him slip in closing it quickly behind. “Where are you...?” “Dash! Hurry up!” Celadon says quietly poking my shoulder lightly. I rube him off and make my way to Scoots room and to her bed. “Are you sure you want to do this?” “Not completely sure I want to, but I do know that I have to.” I turn to him with a small smile, neither of us know what is really going to happen just that we have to protect her. “No matter what happens promise me...” I look away shyly, ‘if only it didn’t have to happen this way’. “Dash, I promise no matter what I will always protect her.” “Promise to never, ever, ever forget that promise!” He just laughs lightly pulling me into a light hug, “Do I ever forget a promise?” “Promise me!” “I promise.” “I’m starting,” turning to him, I just know he can see the tears in my eyes, I close them allowing one to run down my cheek. I concentrate as hard as I possibly can, and maybe a little more, on him and my coy. We can hear the storms raging and churning outside, from flashes of lightning and thunder to harsh winds and hail. I could feel the coy bubbling inside of me, like a uncontrollable energy that I barely have on a leash. I steer it around until its focused on two center points, Scootaloo’s sleeping form and Celadon. “I trust you,” I hear him whisper before I let it loose on him. I open my eyes and plant a hand on firmly on his face, lifting him swiftly off the ground, allowing my coy full control. His body starts glowing along with mine. My eyes glow brighter than all, they glow in full spectrum. Thick orange streams flow from his sockets and gather on the fingertips of my other hand, this goes on until the orange has faded to a meer brown. This is when Scoots wakes up. She sits up rubbing her eyes. All we do is ignore this fact though it may be a mistake too. The plan was to simply give her some power, inject it into her already present coy, but if she's awake she may be affected differently, like where it enters her body and how. “Cel... Rainb-” Celadon drops to the floor just slumping over in a utterly useless way, her gasp cutting off her sentence. I turn to Scoot’s, eyes empty and glowing. Our eyes lock causing some of the energy to flow out of mine and into hers before I clasp my hands together blinking away tears. She looks far from scared, just confused. I could see confusion and trust but no fear, so why am I so afraid? She rests her hand on top of the two of mine and smiles up to me. More tears trail down my cheeks and I smile back. I’m afraid this won’t work, that something will go wrong and I will only have hurt her, in the end, instead of protecting her. “Its ok Rainbow, I’ll be ok in the end!” I could see the orange energy flow down her arms and all over her body. I could see the pain and suffering it was causing her. I could see her changing. Her normally purple wings covered in orange veins. The were glowing so bright it was blinding, than purple veins started flowing into her eyes making them glwo just as bright as her wings. “Even if it hurts the intention was there, right?” She closes her eyes and smiles such a fake smile. “Definitly,” her eyes start fluttering and the glowing starts dying down. Her wings stay orange, her eyes stay purple instead of pink, like mine, and her body doesn’t move. “Scoots?” She doesn’t move. “Scoots?” Nothing. “Scoots? Scoots, answer me!!” Celadon stands up with only a simple smirk. “Shes fine sis, but you're not!” He turned worse than dad, never hurting her though. Scoots couldn’t remember dad hurting me or anything that happened that night when she woke up from her coma, a day after he was taken away from separation. When her birthday the next year rolled around, her ninth birthday, I took the chance given to me and killed our father. I saw the spark ignight in her just like it did to Celadon, but I knew it was for the best. She put out the flame though, something Celadon could never do... > Authors Note > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So far in this story a lot has happened and because of that it may be confusing. I was planning on making this the war story of the trilogy but its hard to get to the war part. After the Christmas Special I'm going to do something a little different to change it up, but since this will make it a little confusing I'm going to explain a little of what has happened so far... So Far In 'Wish Us Luck'... General Corridors army is planning on breaking down the magic enforced walls of the Dark School. Most of the army is just sitting back and letting the General pound away. General Corridor will do anything to get into that school and kill all of its students. As they do this the CMC are lost in the woods and Scoots just unlocked her Rainbow Girl Powers. They ended up sending their most important possessions, the Elements, away with a stranger girl they met in the wood. This girl, her name known so far as CC, is able to use a Ice Coy. Sweetie is wounded from a gunshot in the leg and Bloom is even more confused then ever, but slowly piecing everything together. Its has been revealed that Rainbow gave a little of her power to Scoots to keep her safe, with the cost of her brothers sanity. Celadon, her brother, is under General Corridor rule and is participating in the war against them. In a flashback, Applebloom ends up getting Applejack to spill her deepest secret. Applejack was turned into a weapon by her father, she turns into a savage killer who will do anything for the scent of blood. All this just by one word that is her trigger. As one of things you might not have gotten out of a flashback (mainly my fault) was that Applejack is pregnant with Celadons baby. This development may cause more than one problem in the future. But for now, it is just making her turn into a crying mess. Violet is now inside the school and is helping to take down her brother. It is just that a certain someone doesn’t trust her, is still looking for ulterior motives. And last but not least... the secret behind how Iya discovered her coy is about to be revealed... > We Made It > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am so very very very sorry I missed Christmas. I made a New Years addition instead that has ZERO to do with the actual story plot. It's nice to see you all again and I hope you really like this short thing I just posted... Yeah! Enjoy! We stood atop the highest tower of the castle-like school. Down below us our friends littered the lawn, we could see the army spreading out below us the soft glow of their torches giving off a memorizing look of peace. We knew it would not last, though. Today will end and General Corridor will go back to beating at the walls and we will go back to planning out what we will do when he's successful. For now we get to sit here in serenity as no signs of the battle to come are displayed. We get a moment of silence. clock struck 11:59 and the countdown began. I looked over to her and she was staring up at the looming skies, the stars reflecting in her tired eyes and the moon light lit her face. 10 As the number rang out over the sea of people, shouted from both sides of the wall, she turned to face me. Adorn it was a soft smile that, for the first time in forever, reached her eyes. 9 I smiled back and took her hand in mine. We get this moment of peace. Just once. We get it. 8 Out of the corner of my eye I could see the fires go out as they perpared for the show. I started counting the stars shining in her eyes, the fit there perfectly. 7 Neither of us were nervous, we felt like this was just what we deserved. 6 "You know," 5 rang out cutting me off, "it's said that when you kiss on the first moment of the New Year your love will live on forever." I whispered to her making her smile brighten. 3 I leaned closer cupping her face. 2 She understood and her eyes fluttered shut. 1 Our lips connected sincerely in a moment of pure bliss. In the background we could hear the soft whisle of the fireworks flying. Then the loud boom. We seperated and slowly opened our eyes to see the colors of the light show above reflecting in our faces. I tilted my head up and she did the same. Above was a magnificent lightship of sparkling colors and sprinkling magic. I don't know how but fireworks just tend to put me in a trance. They're just truly magnificent. Though, soon they faded leaving a star dotted sky in their place and the moon as our only light. After a few awestruck moments cheers rang out. I couldn't make out what they were saying exactly but I did hear one thing, "WE MADE IT!!!!"