> Leave it to Striker > by Strikerbolt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Discord and the Alicorns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I opened my eyes, just slightly. I still wanted to sleep, but I felt I should wake up. I got up, my eyes still very much shut. I left my bed in a scrunchy mess. Normally, I'd brush my mane and shower up, but today, I wanted cereal first. I walked into the kitchen, still very asleep, and popped open my cabinet. I got a bowl and pour my cheery-os into a bowl I didn't remember getting out. Nor did I get out the other four. I poured them anyways, as the milk poured itself. I sat at the table with Discord, Celestia, Luna, and Twilight, the Princesses, save Discord. Half way through my cereal, I noticed. "What the- Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle." I bowed at each name. Twilight winced at the bow, Luna and her sister smiled. "Welcome to my humble home. To what do I owe this pleasure? Discord, what the hell are you doing here?" I looked at my sweaty coat and messy mane. 'The one day I get breakfast before showering.' Please allow me to quickly tidy myself." C, L, and D laughed. Twilight blushed. I ran for the shower, rapidly cleansing myself. A few minutes later, I returned to the room, my mane fixed, coat brushed, and teeth white as ever. "Hello, StrikerBolt. I see our entrance startled you." Said Celestia, finishing her cereal. "We simply have a manor to discuss." "Next time I'd prefer a 'hello, how are things' not 'what the hell are you doing here'". Said Discord. "Anyways, you re familiar with the Elements of Harmony, are you not?" "Yes of course. Sorry, by the way. They are Laughter, Kindness, Loyalty, Honesty, Ge-" I was cut off by Luna. "Yes, but he meant the ponies who wield them." She cleared up. I respond. "Well, not personally, but I've seen them around town. Plus, Magic is sitting right here. Princess Twilight Sparkle." "Please, just Twilight. I hate the bowing and the title." She said, blushing. "Anyways, I came up with a brilliant plan. They all seem to only interact with each other and other mares." Said Discord. Twilight continued. "But no Stallions. They don't have stallions as friends." "Pinkie pie is friends with everypony, Rarity is always flirting, and Applejack I've seen talking to many ponies." I responded. Their statement was clearly suspicious. "Pinkie Pie is, well, Pinkie Pie. Rarity does that to impress other Stallions, and those are AJs customers." Said Twilight. "But see, that leaves you and Fluttershy as the real ponies who don't interact. Rainbow Dash is very social." "That may be, but think about it, other than Rarity, who have you seen hang out with Stallions." Said Discord "Other than Rarity's pity dates and Pinkie's parties." He cut off. "Well, I guess none, huh, never really thought of it like that." I was surprised. I had never noticed. "The other reason is that a new element has appeared, but as a rock with writing." Said Celestia. "It had your name written there. This was odd, considering most were shaped like cutiemarks of the wielders." Added Luna. "It also said this: 'In a mixture all of mare, you will find a powerful flare. But for this fire to truly burn, a new element they must learn.'" I froze. What could involve me and a new element of harmony? I had so many questions, but I let Twilight speak first. "I'll introduce you to the girls at lunch. Meet us at sugar cube corner." "Sounds like a plan." I say. What else could I say? Luna finished the meeting with this. "Tia and I will try to learn more about he stone." But I had to tell them one more thing. "The reason my Cutie mark is not there," I said, "is because I don't have one." The three alicorns were shocked, Discord simply smiled. He knew something, I could tell. "Princesses, may I talk to StrikerBolt alone?" Asked Discord. This worried me, only slightly. He recently was reformed, but he still hadn't earned my trust fully. "Sure Discord, lets go girls." Princess Celestia said, and they left. Discord closed the door behind them. "Now, I can tell you the truth of the matter. Before the elements of harmony turned me to stone last year, I created a back up plan. I created the elements of discord. You remember my rule of chaos, and how the elements of harmony became exact opposites of themselves?" "I remember. Pinkie Pie tackled me for smiling to her. I got pretty worried, but she was happy when I saw her later that day." I said "We'll, I had taken the elements and gave opposite versions to ponies who fit it. Of course, friendship being magic, I had to keep, otherwise the ponies wouldn't work together, so I changed magic to chaos as friendship.. Laughter became Mockery. Honesty became Bluffery. Loyalty became Betrayal. Generosity became greed. Kindness became rudeness. However, I never found ponies to wield them. When I was free, I went to destroy them, but they were gone. I fear that somepony had wanted to use them. I knew if they were used correctly, they could evenly match and possibly defeat the elements of harmony. When I heard that you were to become a new element, I knew you could help overpower them. This became more crucial when Twilight received a letter. It threatened that soon, the elements of discord would attack. I had to confess. I developed the plan to have you meet the elements and become the 8th element." "8th? Don't you mean seventh?" I was confused. Luckily, he explained. "The seventh is love, held by the rulers of the crystal empire." Now I understood. "However, they already are busy defending their kingdom." "I got it. I guess the fate of the equestria may rest on my lunch going well." "No. It does rely on your lunch going well." > Table for Eight and a dog > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I headed back to my room. I saw that Fire, my dog, had hopped onto my unmade bed. He has white fur, with spots matching my mane. He was four years old and yet still the size of a puppy. That wasn't his weirdest attribute. His weirdest attribute was his small, foal sized wings. I always wondered why. He seemed to have something to do with my memory loss. I couldn't remember anything before I was 20. I had woken up on the outskirts of ponyville, with a scared puppy next to me. I could talk, fly, and had basic knowledge to survive. I had no idea who my family was, my name, or my location. I wore a dog tag labeled #05099 StrikerBolt. I guessed that was my name. I had named the dog fire, after his fire shaped spots. We entered town and found a house labeled "abandoned". I lived there from then on. I got a job at a farm bucking apples. Eventually, they told me I wasn't right for the job. Nothing personal. As I had walked home, a blue box materialized in front of me. I remember a figure, taking my hoof, and then, nothing. Again I woke up, with new knowledge in my head. Knowledge of creatures, bizzare and mysterious. I pushed it aside as myths and looked for Fire. My house was full stocked with everything needed to live, and room full of barrels of bits. I hid them in a hidden wine cellar, never needing a job again. This lead me to a nice, but lonely life. (Return to present.) I woke up Fire. I figured I could take him with me to Sugarcube Corner. I went and got a bow tie to wear. In my odd knowledge was a simple belief: Bow-ties are cool. I also wore a blue cape. It covered my blank flank. I wore nothing else. It was just a forced making of friends. Nothing to sophisticated. I realized that, aside from Princess Twilight, I had never met any of them. Applejack had sold me apples, but that hardly counts. She seemed to have forgotten that I worked for her. Pinkie pie thought she knew every pony, but I never had to make friends with her. She seemed to not notice me, probably assuming she already knew me. I was actually quite happy that I might make friends. Little did I know friend could not describe how close one pony would feel about me. I went down stairs and grabbed a pouch of bits. I got fire then locked up the house. This key could open or close anything. I went down to Sugarcube Corner. I looked around and saw none of the six ponies I was expecting. I saw a table for me to sit at. It had room for a lot of ponies. I let Fire watch the table as I ordered a red velvet cupcake and vanilla shake. For a moment, I didn't notice who was at the counter. However, she noticed me. "Oh my Celestia I've never met you before! And if I've never met you then you must be new in town. And if your new in town you must not have any friends. I know, I'll through you a party!" Pinkie Pie said. She then noticed that I stood there with one hoof up, telling her to stop. "Please no party. Just my order. Besides, aren't you busy with meeting some pony here?" I asked. I was kind of sad that everything she said was true, except for the fact that I'm not new. I've lived here for four years. "Oh, your right! Wait, how did you know?" She questioned "You're meeting me here." I said. "With five friends." "Well, six if you count Spike." She said. This worried you. Spike was a tough name. What if he was some tough pony who was also maybe the element. He'd probably leave me in the dust. I almost slapped myself when Pinkie explained. "Oh you not know Spike. He's a baby dragon, Twilight's assistant." That had me scared? A baby dragon? I am pathetic. She went and got my order within seconds. I went to the table, and Pinkie joined me. In a few minutes, I heard the others arrive. Heard, because every pony gasped, and bowed. All, except Pinkie and I. Twilight entered, followed by Spike. Applejack and Rarity followed. "Where are Rainbow and Fluttershy?" Asked Pinkie. "They said they'd be a little late." Responded Rarity. She looked at you. "I assume that this is the fine gentle colt you said we'd meet today. I must say, love the cape, but the Bow-tie is a little odd. "I like it!" Said Applejack. "It suits him well. Twilight never did tell us yer name." "I'm StrikerBolt. And" I waited for Fire to pop out, "this is my dog Fire." He unfolded his wings to show off. That had lost me two friends before, and gained me one, who'd never seen me again. "Twilight, you didn't get to meet him earlier." "The Dog has wings?" They all asked. Rarity said in awe, Applejack in shock, Twilight in confusion, and Pinkie in her preppy voice. I responded with a happy "yes". "Wow, magnificent. I've never seen such a beautiful creature!" Rarity said. Spike was now mopping. "How did this happen? Transformation spell?" Asked Twilight. "I honestly don't know. My memory was wiped, and I woke up with him next to me. Long story." "You look fermiliar, do I know you?" Asked Applejack. "I used to work at your farm. I wasn't cut out or the job, so I got fired." I responded. "I'm so sorry I didn't remember. I don't know why I'd forget." "It's alright, Big Macintosh hired me, then fired me. I was around the orchard for about a month, but it's huge, so I doubt you'd have noticed me." Fire began to pull on my cape. I looked down to him. He wanted a treat, so I gave him a bit of my cupcake. When I came up, Rainbow Dash and I made eye contact. She gasped, then stumbled back. "It's not you, is it. It can't be!" She ran out the restaurant, flying home quickly. She left a tear in her path. Fluttershy made eye contact with me, and she gasped too. She didn't run away though. "What'd I do? Did I do something wrong?" I asked. Fire saw Fluttershy and licked her excessively. She spent a while adoring the puppy, so everypony else went to order. When they left, she looked at me. She saw my confused look. "StrikerBolt, you don't remember me, do you? What did they do to you?" She asked. I saw a tear in her eye. "We were friends, when we were younger. We'd see each other all the time, before, during, and after school. You were the only other pony who stood up for me." I began to see images. Her and I running around on the clouds, chasing each other. Dash joined us, but she was too fast and caught us. We all fell over and laughed. (Back to present.) Oh my Celestia! I remember something before the Awakening! I remember you and Dashie. She hated when I called her that! We were running around together! That's all I remember, though." This memory had broken through. Little did I know it held the key to my past. We both smiled. She ran over to me and hugged me. I returned the hug. Everypony walked back. "What happened? Fluttershy has never made a friend so fast before!" Said Twilight, surprised. "He was a friend of mine a long time ago. He disappeared one day, and never came back." Said Fluttershy. "I lost my memory, but she helped one break through. I remember her now. My best friend." I gained a tear in my eye. "Do you remember who Dash is?" She asked "No, another friend?" "No, much more. She's your sister." > Ghosts of Striker past > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "She's your sister." Said Fluttershy. "WHAT!?!" Yelled all seven of us. Suddenly, everypony else in the restaurant was looking at us. I was shocked. I never would have guessed she was my sister. I found it odd that she never told her best friends about me. But the worst part, was that nagging question: What happened to me? Why did I disappear? Sadly, I couldn't remember. Twilight continued the questioning. "Why didn't she mention him to us?" She asked. "Because she and I were so heartbroken that bringing it up would bring us to tears. It was best to ignore it. I knew Dashie would run out when I saw you, Striker." Fluttershy said. We sat down now to continue the conversation. "So, wait, Twilight didn't mention my name hen she invited you all? What all did she tell you?" I asked, wondering about the element. "Just that he had a friend for us to meet." Said Rarity. "Twilight exaggerated. We don't hardly know each other. She wants us to become friends, as well as you all with I. Twilight, would you care to explain why?" I asked sincerely. "Well.... You see, there's been a threat made against us. Some pony has evil elements and is going to attack. Also, a new stone telling of a new element appeared. It had his name, and said we must learn of his element." She said. "Colt that escalated quickly." Said Applejack. "Did it mention any clue to the element or who has the evil elements. Even who created them?" "The elements have a name, but I want you all to remember they were stolen and were created a while ago." Said Twilight. They all nodded. Fire barked. He seemed to be paying very close attention. I already knew, so it would be no surprise. However, I was surprised by what happened next. Discord popped in and sat down with us. "They are the Elements of Discord, opposites of Harmony. I created them when I was evil and free. I intended to use your evil versions to rule Equestria. We all know how that went." He said. Five ponies and a dragon gasped. "How'd they get stolen?" Asked Spike. He was pretty short. He had to lift himself onto the table to be seen. To believe I was jealous of him. "Where'd you put them before you were turned to stone?" "I hid them in the ruins of the castle of the two sisters." Discord continued. I quickly had a flash back. I had seen the ruins, covered in vines, broken stones, not very quality. Then, I saw the old one, with a mighty height. I saw two princesses standing together, happy, admiring the night. The castle was fully repaired. It was beautiful. (Return to present) "I liked it better when it was still in use." I said without thought. They looked at me confused. Except Discord. He smirked. "Memories breaking through? Good. How much do you remember?" He asked. "Only a flash of the old and new castle." I said. "Why?" "When you can, write every memory down. Devote a time to forcing memory's out until you remember your full past. Fluttershy broke a dam holding your memories, now you can unravel your past." He said, more serious than ever. He seemed to know something. How could I have seen the castle? It wasn't like that for centuries. The ponies pulled me out of my mind back into the present. "Striker, that castle is centuries old. How could you have seen it?" Asked Rarity. "Striker, can you remember him yet? Discord, I know you said don't interfere, but he's beginning to remember!" Said Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie Pie, it's okay now. You can help him remember." Said Discord. Pinkie looked at me. I looked into her eyes. I felt as if I'd remember, but Applejack interfered. "What in the hay are you talking about Pinkie Pie?" Asked the fore mentioned. "I'll tell you." I said. Well, it came out of my mouth, but I wasn't making it. "StrikerBolt had a childhood with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. He grew with them until he disappeared. Later, after being fired by Big Macintosh, he Traveled. He remembers none of it, but not for long. He encountered Pinkie Pie and Discord. There, now move on!" "Who in the name of Celestia was that? Striker, that wasn't you voice." Applejack said. "We are getting side tracked. We need to build a bond with Striker so that we have a chance." Said Twilight. "I say the from now on, Striker must be with one of us having fun, hanging out, every where he goes. Except bed and shower, of course." She blushed a little. "For now." Said Rarity, in a jokingly seductive voice. At least, I hoped it was a joke. I laughed. So did Aj, Discord, and Pinkie. Spike frowned. Twilight and Fluttershy blushed. Rarity looked confused. "What's so funny?" "Your joke of sleeping with Striker. That was a joke right?" Asked Aj. Rarity burst out laughing, and yet stayed calm and lady like. "Oh, I had you all going for a moment." She said. Spike and I sighed in relief. I was already growing closer with them all. "Fluttershy, you and Striker go hang out for a little. Then go see" giggle giggle "'Dashie!'" There was a huge collective laughter from Pinkie's joke. We all said goodbye and we all parted ways. "Fluttershy, where should we go hang out." I asked. "I have a nice quiet place in mind." She said softly. It was a short walk. We went into a group of trees and bushes. It looked like a plant group on the out side, but we entered and found a hollow inside. It was beatiful. She and I sat down together. I saw a carving, but I never got to read it, because I looked into Fluttershy's eyes, and flashed back. "Wow Flutter's! There's nothing like this in cloudsdale! It's so amazing." Past me said. "I know, I found it when I got my cutie mark." Said past Fluttershy. She had all these beautiful creatures around her. I saw her stunning blue eyes get closer to mine before closing as she kissed me. Something, pulled me to reality. (Back to the present.) I felt her lips against mine. She opened her eyes and saw my confusion. She backed away, blushing. "I'm sorry, it's just that we were here before, and we did the same thing." "I remember, and don't be sorry. I liked it." I said. I leaned into kiss her, when I herd some russling. Fluttershy and I backed into the bushes as Dash came in. She began to calm down from crying, looking at the carving. I now saw it said S+F. Dash smiled. She layed ack and dozed off. Fluttershy and I got back in and decided to stay there and wait or her to wake up. > Sonic Flameboom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy and I noticed Rainbow Dash stirring in her sleep. We looked at her as she awoke. She didn't seem startled at all. "Guys, you won't believe the dream I just had." She said. "What was the dream?" Asked Fluttershy. "It was kind of long, seeming. Striker went missing, and then several years later, we became these ponies who could use magical amulets. We had all of these adventures, and then the unicorn leader became a princess. It was weird. In the end, you came back, Striker." "Dashie, that wasn't-" Flutters began, but I cut her off. "A normal dream. I wonder why you'd dream such a thing." I then winked to Flutters, and she nodded. "So Striker, wanna race? In my dream, I pulled off a Sonic Rainboom, again. The only pony to ever do one." She said, braggingly. "Dash, your the only rainbow mane colored pony, only you could explode a rainbow. I could explode more of a fire burst." "All right, then lets race! We go to the Cloudsdale starting line, then race just like the honor for Flutters." As she spoke, I had a flash back to the race that gave Dash and Fluttershy their cutie marks. You all know the story, except I followed Fluttershy when she fell. I then knew where to go. We flew to the race track. I was pretty fast, always training. I loved visting the track at night. no pony was ever there becuse it was dark. Somehow my mane lit up like fire at night, so i was fine. i needed to be quick to be discrete How else would you get around town with out being noticed? I was no match for Rainbow Dash, however. Or so I thought. At the track, we lined up. This race was for fun, but I'd try my best to keep up with Dash. Fluttershy counted. "3...2...1...Go." She said, barely audible. We took off. I was surprised that I could keep up with Dash. I began to accelerate, as did she. The wind began to get stronger. Or at least, I felt more wind. I I sped up, following Dash. She was still ahead. I could see a cone forming around her. I knew if I was next to her, the Sonic Rainboom would send me flying. I began to fly faster, putting a strain on my wings. The air seemed to resist me, but I pushed past dash. Suddenly, the air gave way and sent me bursting forwards. I looked back and saw flames flying in a circle headed in all directions. Dash also got a boost from her Sonic Rainboom. I was still in he lead when I saw the finish line. I passed it so quick Flutters fell off. I swooped around to catch her. Holding her in my fore legs, I slowed down. Having won the race, I was thrilled. She and I made eye contact, then lip contact. She blushed, and I nuzzled her. I took her and sat her back down, hearing Rainbow make a mocking whistle for Flutters and I. "That's my bro! Getting the ladies with a Flameboom. It was pretty impressive. Bro hoof!" Said Rainbow Dash. I hoofed her. She was now ready to relax. I knew with brotherly senses. The odd thing was that he still haven't realized that her dream wasn't a dream. "Dash, your dream wasn't a dream. I am back. I was gone." Her smile turned to a serious face. "Your back now, that's all that matters. Now, what did I miss this morning?" She asked. I briefed her on he Elements of Harmony and the threat. I began to wonder about my Sonic Flameboom. It would look like the sky was set on fire. "Fire! Holy Celestia how could I forget about Fire?!? Be right back guys." And with that I was off on the user for Fire. > The Quest for Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I flew fast, leaving a trail of fire behind me. I had one place in mind. Sugar Cube Corner. I burst through the doors. I saw our table, no sign of Fire. I ran up to the counter and saw Mr. Cake working the counter. Maybe Pinkie Pie knew where Fire was. I had to ask Mr.cake where she was. "Sir, do you know where Pinkie might be?" I asked. He had a smile on his face. A simple, happy smile. "Of course. She's at Rarity's Boutique. It's right-" I cut him off. "I know where it is. Thank you!" And with that, I was speeding away. People were outside, looking at the sky, confused. I didn't care at the moment. Fire was the only link I had to my past life. He was always with me. The Doctors had even said we shared genetic traits. Sure, it was weird, but that bound me to him. I saw the Boutique. I was about to knock on the door when I heard a conversation. "Rarity, he'll come back, I know it. He said he had to return to his world. He'll be back in a month if he's coming back on the same day, like he said." Stated Pinkie. I wanted to hear more. "I know, it's just that I miss him. I have nightmares that the Prankster comes back and he's not here." Said Rarity. 'Jeez Rarity. Scared of a few pranks? I better remember never too prank her.' "I have those dreams, too. We know he must have been cruel when he took you. I miss Comet, too." 'Comet? Must be an old friend. He must've been the one who saved Rarity. Wasn't that BatColt? They must know who he really was.' "I just can't wait for him to come back. He and Striker might be good friends." Said Rarity. "Or they might be enemies. Just think, he might feel left out, or threatened!" "Which one?" 'I was gonna ask that, too.' "Both! Comet was here first, but Striker will have spent time with us while he's gone." 'I promise to myself I won't be jealous of BatColt the world hopping Alicorn. Yikes, that's a lot to be jealous of.' I decided to reveal my presence. I knocked. "Hello, welcome to Carousel Boutique, how may I-" she stopped when she saw it was me. Rarity continued. "Oh Striker, we were just talking about you!" I saw that she had been crying. Pinkie was there, looking at a photo, which she quickly hid. "Um, I'm looking for my dog, Fire. Have you seen him?" I asked. "Was he that adorable little puppy Spike was watching for a friend?" Pinkie asked. "Yes! Thank you so much!" I ran up and hugged Pinkie pie. I then ran for the library. When I ran, I noticed that a unicorn figure was standing outside the Boutique with a gun aimed at Rarity through the window. I tackled him, knocking the gun away. His mouth was painted red, his man a toxic green. His cutie mark gave him away. I immediately began punching him. He began to levitate the gun, but I noticed a rusty old batarang and threw it at the gun, breaking it in two. The noise was heard in the boutique. I saw hope in Rarity's eyes. Hope that BatColt had returned. She ran out side to find me, pinning down BlueBlood. She was shocked. Pinkie, however, grinned. With that, I took his saddle bag and dumped it out, so I could tie him up with it, when I saw what fell out. It was a purple, compass shaped gem, attached to an amulet. On the back read Greed. I tied him up and took him to the inside of the boutique. "Rarity, take him to the cops please. Pinkie, you take this to Discord. I'll go get Fire and alert the others." And with that, I ran off to the library. I saw Spike with Fire. I got Fire, who hopped on my back. Spike explained how he had taken care of him. I warned him and told him to tell Twilight. I raced and got the two Pegasi in my life, then Applejack. We all decided to meet at Sugar Cube Corner for dinner. I told everypony to meet there at six. We had just gotten a lead on the elements of discord. > One step forward is two steps back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With Fire back, I desided that I should should head to Sugar Cube Corner. Discord was there, chatting with Pinkie pie and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy had been waiting outside for me. She showed me the table, sitting down next to me. I figured that she'd wait upfront and wait for the others. She seemed to only be waiting for me. Discord then snapped his fingers. A bubble appered us all, making us invisible to everypony else. He then began the conversation. "Now, I bet your wondering why we didn't wait for the others. Striker, I hear you discovered one of the elements. Pinkie Pie brought it to me. It seems to have changed to fit the pony. Now we know that the others pose no threat because we have this one. Or so I thought. The element disappeared in to thin air. They got it back somehow. However, we will discuss that later. We are here to see if more of your memory's have returned." Discord finished. "Well, I only have memory of two childhood experiences. I almost got one earlier when I was staring at Pinkie Pie." I responded. Pinkie immediately looked to Discord with hope. He nodded. "Well then, lets retry that. Look into Pinkie's eyes." I did. I felt a nagging in my mind as I stared into her light blue eyes. I was then sucked into my past memories. "That building! It's on Fire! Doctor, we have to stop it." Past me said. A Stallion, probably this 'doctor', was standing next to me. He had a chestnut colored coat, with a mane that curved backwards, but each inch of mane would spike at the end, curved backwards, then start over. His Cutiemark was an hour glass. "The Fire we can't stop. The ponies, we have to save." He spoke in an accent, familiar in a country east of Equestria. "Then lets hurry!" There was a small house, next to a barn and rock farm. There was a Dragon over head. He was blasting fire at the house and barn, presumably for jewels. We ran for the house. We got there quite fast. Two figure walked out, carrying two fillies. They were all pretty gray. We ran over to help. "We don't need the help. Pinkie Pie is still in the barn!" The Doctor was a bout to run, but I stopped him. "You take them to safety. I've got Pinkie." And I ran for the Barn. I burst inside and saw a very scared pink pony in the corner. I was about to get her when the barn collapsed. The pony ran to me and we escaped from the barn. The dragon spotted me and dove for an attack. He got close and prepared to blow fire. I wrapped my wings around the pony and protected her. The fire flew at me, but my back ignited before it touched me. The fire on my back was my mane. It countered the purple fire from the dragon. My fire formed around me and became a force field. The dragon stopped to check its work, and I used this chance. I kicked the dragon in the snout so hard, it fell backwards. It then ran in fear, flying as far away as it could. I looked down to see the filly, and I saw her light blue eyes. (Back to present) I looked into her blue eyes, and finally knew what I saw in them: gracefulness. "Which memory did you see?" She asked. "The one with the farm and the dragon." I said. We both giggled. "The one with the hero with the flaming back." She said. She hugged me. "Thank you, again." "Now, the others will be here soon." Said Discord. Soon really did mean soon. When Discord popped the bubble, they were waiting right outside of it. Discord summed up the element story for them. "The questions remain, who took them, and what is Strikers element." "We now know that the thief also has found wielders. Who are they? Also, are they already here?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "When I stopped BlueBlood, he was trying to kill Rarity. Was that apart of the plan, or just he's evil?" I asked. "Plus, am I the only one here wondering how Striker is connected to the pasts of some of us, not to mention how you-know-who is returning in a month." Said Rarity said, more to everypony else than to me. I already knew who she was talking about, but I acted confused. Everypony said they'd explain when he came back. To be honest, I think that night, everypony left more confused than before. Our one step forward lead us two steps back. > Dash moves in > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I walked home, Dash followed me. Fire at my side, I pretended not to notice. She sped up as to catch up with me. I decided I'd play a little joke. I sped up, too. She got a little faster, and I did as well. She began to run towards me, with a smile, as I ran away. Of corse, I turned around to dodge a tree, and then Dash tackled me. "Gotcha!" She said. We both began to laugh. She pined me down, but I flipped over onto her. "Now I have the upper hoof!" I said. She struggled to get up. She stuck her tongue out to lick my face and I backed away, and he took advantage and pined me. We both laughed. "So, why were you following me?" "Well, now that your back, I figured we could share a house." She said. I was confused, but I was fine with it. "Sure, but why?" I asked "Well, less money would be wasted paying for two houses." She said. I knew that wasn't it. She wasn't one to look to the finance side of things. "The truth?" I said. She let me up. Her mood became a little more serious. "Well, when you went missing, I was heart broken. I had missed you so much. Flutters got a little scary, almost considering hurting herself. I talked her out of it. Eventually, we had to move on. Our room seemed empty without you. Also, during my first year after moving out, I was...... well, sexually assaulted. I had let my guard down, one night a friends brought me home. When he was supposed to leave, he asked to come in. I said why not. Then, well, you get he picture." "You were raped? Where is that son of a bitch. I'll kill him!" I yelled. I had lost it. Nopony lays a hoof on my sister. "Well, when he left, I heard a whooshing sound outside, some arguing, and some violent sound in noises. Never saw him again." Rainbow finished her sentence, and my memory began. "You don't need to do this. You could catch him and report him to the police!" Yelled the Doctor. "I won't kill him, I'll make him wish he was dead!" I yelled. I was in a huge room, with stairs leading in many directions. In the center of the room was a large tube. Surrounding it was a console with many buttons and levers and a monitor. I opened the doors and came out of a small blue box. I was furious. I saw Rainbow Dash's house, and some pony sneaking out. I flew up behind him and tackled him to the ground. I risked a hoof to punch him and.... "Soarin!?!" The pony who had raped my sister was a famous wonder bolt, one of my sisters role models. And he raped her. My first punch knocked him out cold, the second punched him where he'd feel the pain for days to come. The third was caught from behind me. The Doctor told me to stop, but I resisted. Instead of throwing a third punch, I threw him at park bench. Yeah, it broke. I threw him back on to my back and took him over to the police station. Turning I'm in felt great. I had realized this would ruin his reputation, something that wouldn't heal so easily. I was disappointed when they let him go for free and tried to arrest me for attacking him. The Doctor grabbed me and we ran. He and I made eye contact. He gave me a told you so look. And I gave him an eye roll. (Present) "I'm sorry I couldn't be here to stop him. But I got revenge, and I can finish it today!" I said, my mind acting on emotion. "No! Killing him won't unrape me, and they wouldn't believe me since its been so long." Rainbow said, disappointed. "Don't worry, I can find a way to catch him in the act." "Look, can I just move in? I'm over it already." She said, a little ticked off. "Sure, sis. It'd be nice to catch up with you." I said. We went by her house. We moved everything into my house. The process was funny to watch, had anypony been watching. We packed the smaller items in suit cases and moved the to my house. Then, we took the furniture, one by one and moved it in. We rearranged everything in my house. The process took forever, and we got quite tired. Only then, did we realize we forgot Dash's bed. "Can I sleep with you? Not in a sexual way. Unless you want to." She joked. We both laughed. "Sure, why not?" I said. We got in to bed. She lied down and I beside her. I lied on my back and she rested her head on my under belly. I wrapped one hoof around her ribs and held it with her two front legs. I held her protectively. This felt oddly familiar. > Developments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with two weights on my chest. One I saw was Fire. The other was my sister. At first I'd forgotten that I let her stay over and was scared that I might have been with her. This was quickly pushed away by memory of the previous night. I ruffled her hair with my hoof, then slowly got up. I took a shower and threw on my cape, prepared for another day. As I reached the door, the door bell rang. I was startled and fell back. I got up and opened the door. "Striker, have you seen Rainbow Dash? I can't find her any where, and her house is empty!" Fluttershy asked nervously. I nodded. "Oh good! Where is she?" "Back in my bedroom sleeping." I said nonchalantly. Flutters seemed to not be surprised. I became confused. "I notice how that didn't startle you." "Oh, you and Dash always slept together as kids. Sometimes I'd sleep over, and we'd all cram into one bed. We were very young, so our parents never minded. After our first kiss, sometimes we'd snuggle, Dash would move to the other bed and you'd hold me gently, romantically..." Fluttershy got lost in thought. She was so adorable. Her cheeks were so red, she blissfully looked into space. "Well, wanna go surprise Dash?" I said. She looked at me with a smile saying yes. We walked over to my bedroom. I got under Dash, her head on my chest. Flutters laid down on me in the same way a Dash had. We laid there for a while, in a calm silence. Eventually, we drifted of, and Dash must've woken up before us. When Flutters and I woke up, Dash was in the shower. Flutters climbed onto me, kissing me on the lips. I laid her down beside me and we cuddled. Fire began to bark, wanting to go outside. "I gotta go take out Fire." I said. Flutters got up with me. She made a point to walk out before me, no doubt in a jokingly seductive way, waving her flank. As I followed, Dash whistled. "Well, did you two... you know?" She asked. We both blushed. "No? Darn it, I owe Discord 20 bits when he get out of the bathroom." "Discords here? Let me guess, Applejack and you were having a drinking contest, too. Rarity and a Twilight must be on the couch reading, while Spike takes Fire out. "No silly!" Pinkie said, jumping out a cabinet. "Spike and Rarity are on the couch and Twilights reading on the bench while Fire does his business!" "Dash! You let everypony just waltz in here?" I asked, a little angry, but laughing on the inside. "No!" Said Dash "Yeah, it was more like a conga line. I came over to check on you, and I figured I'd invite everypony else." Said Pinkie. "I told everypony that you and Flutters were getting it on. Discord bet I was wrong. 20 bits, to be exact." "Speaking of which, I'll take those." Discord walked out and grabbed the bag of bits on the table. "Anyways, Striker, some new developments have been made." "What is it?" I asked. "Horshey's stock went up 50%." He said. He was cracking up. And frankly, so was everypony else. Even the figure watching from inside his blue box, hidden invisibly outside the window. > Rarity day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack returned from, well, whatever she was doing, and continued drinking vs.Dash. Twilight was back inside so everypony was here. I couldn't help but wonder who I'd hang with today, what memories to discover. It had seemed that, besides Rarity and Twilight, I had some connection with every pony, and dog, here. I had an odd feeling I knew Spike, but I wasn't sure. "So, who am I gonna hang with today?" I asked. "Well, Pinkie and Applejack will be busy working, you, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash have spent plenty of time, even breaking the 'except in bed' part of the deal that Rarity so cleverly joked about, so looks like either Rarity or I will be today's companion." Said Twilight. The word companion echoed in my mind, louder and louder, until I was on the floor for another memory. "Companion? What's that?" Past me asked. The Doctor was running around, switching switches, throwing levers, and pressing buttons. "Well, it sort of like some one who accomponies you, travels with you, and what not." Said P. Doctor "You mean I can travel with you? In the TARDIS? No way!" Said P. Me. "Well, you helped me deafet the dragon, and the daleks. Your a lot of fun, and a big help. Besides, I can help you uncover your past." He said. "Really? That'd be amazing. Maybe I'd learn why I lost my memory." "No. You will find out why." And the memory ends. (Back to present.) "Twilight, why did you use that specific word? Any reason?" I asked. She seemed confused. "No, why?" She asked obviously confused. Pinkie and Discord were there on the spot. "What'd you remember this time?" They asked in unison. "Just the Doctor saying I could be his companion, and mentioned discovering my past. Something must've gone wrong because now I can't remember my past, nor my Doctor travels." I said. "I wasn't there for that, were you?" Asked Discord. Pinkie shook her head. "Anyways, Twilight or I?" Rarity asked. I wasn't sure. I wanted to know more of them both. Rarity, the one with secrets of her own, or Twilight, the new princess. A voice in my head, much like the Doctor's, said Rarity. "I choose Rarity, if that's alright." I responded. Twilight looked relieved, Rarity simply nodded. We left for her Botique. The voice in my head said that she had met the Doctor, but not me. I figured I'd ask once we got there. "I see your wearing the same cape. I could make you another, to give you options." She said, as soon as we got there. Sweetie Belle, Rarity's little sister (whom I'd know idea how I recognized her), was there waiting inside. "Now I shall need to take your cape for measurements upstairs, will you watch Sweetie Belle for me?" She left without a response. I had forgotten that I wore that cape for reason, and only once a Rarity was gone, did I realize it. "Whoa! You don't have your Cutie Mark?" Belle asked. "No, I don't." I said, a little embarrassed. "I don't either." She said. "I'm in a club full of ponies who don't have theirs yet. Wanna join?" She asked with a smile. "Well, by joining, I basically reveal what I've been trying to hide from the public to the public." "We were sad to, but we learned that we shouldn't be ashamed." "You all are still adolescence, I'm a full grown stallion. See the difference?" I asked. "Nope!" And began skipping around the room. Rarity came down with a green cape, with purple seems around the edges. The clip to attach it around my neck was a bow tie. She also had my blue cape from earlier. "Now, try this on." Said Rarity. I put it on. It fit perfectly. "Darling, it's beautiful. It contrasts your mane so well." She had a gleam in her eye, admiring her craft. "What do you think?" "Rarity, I love it!" I said. The entire time, she never noticed my blank flank. Then I remembered. "Rarity, does the name, 'the Doctor' ring a bell." She nodded. "Reminds me of the hero that saved me a year ago. A Doctor showed up and offered him some sort of job, which he couldn't take." Rarity said. "Was that friend BatColt?" I asked. She gasped, but realized that town hall burning down wasn't really a secret, nor was the hero who did his best to save the others. "Yes. He showed quite heroic actions. Very few knew his true identity. He will return soon." Rarity began to tear up, and levitated a tissue to herself. "I miss him." "I'm sure Comet will turn up." I knew I had screwed up when I had finished the sentence. "How'd you know it was him? Did he take the job with you? You can't have known." "I heard you and Pinkie talking when I was looking for Fire." I said. "Striker, eves dropping is rude." "I'm sorry Rarity." "It's okay. So, how jealous were you?" "Well, he got to save your life, travel universes, and even apparently be an Alicorn, so, yeah, pretty jealous." We both smiled. We headed over to the couch for some more small talk. > Throat needle don't do no harm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity and I began to just joke around, nothing very important. She had asked me if she could use me as a ponnequin, so I said yes. She used me to create suits, and even a dress (don't ask). The time we spent together brought us closer. No crazy "I remember this!" moments. Our friendship was new and genuine. Sweetie Belle kept quiet about my non existent cutie mark. Sadly, it didn't matter once Rarity asked a simple question. "So, what do you do?" She asked. I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, I'm a fashionista if I do say so myself. Rainbow a Dash is a racer and a weather pony, what are you?" She explained. "Well, I..........." I had no clue. I had spent my only known four years doing, well, nothing. I walked around town, I did a little bit of fanfiction writing for my favorite book series, "My little humans, friendship is worthless." The series was a tragedy story about these creatures called humans. There society is based on work and money instead of friendship. I hope that equestria is never like that. Other than that, plus reading, imagining, and hiding my existence, I did nothing. "Must be tough to describe. Well, what's you cutie mark?" She lifted my cape and saw the blank flank. I fell to the floor, sad. "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that most of your life is unknown to you." She frowned. She put a comforting hoof round my shoulder. "There there, it's alright. I have an idea to help you hide it, if you'd like." I thought about it, then gave a simple nod. She got up off the ground and went up the stairs. Suddenly, I heard glass shatter, and I felt a needle in my neck. I then felt very sleepy. Soon, the feeling began to fade. However, I decided to get even. I pretended to fall to the ground. The pony wore a full black cape covering their face. They dragged me outside, and squinted my eyes abit to see. There were more figures. There was a cart with a name on it. The name gave a nagging feeling in my brain. I knew that it would knock me out to see my memory, so I had to act quick. I tripped the pony holding me and rushed at the biggest one. He tried to grab me but I burnt him with my mane. I kicked in circles, not sure I knew how to fight like this. It took second to take them mall down. Rarity heard the chaos and came down stairs. "Rarity, hop in the cart, no time to explain. I have to get somewhere secretive. I will soon have a memory, and I'll need you to guard the area. While I remember, I will be very vonerable. We must run. Now!" I exclaimed. She jumped in the cart and I ran. She gave me directions, leading me to the apple fields. Applejack saw us and followed. Rarity lead me to a place she said was the crusaders club house. I looked at the cart then ran inside. Rarity began to explain things to applejack, but I fell asleep for the most important memory, revealing why I had disapeered. (Note: Being so important, it'll need an entire chapter to itself.) (Rarity's perspective.) 'Striker's bizzare behavior must've been a nervous breakdown.' I thought. "Anyways, Striker told me to bring him here. He said something about memory, so he may remember something." "Well, that's might fine, but why the clubhouse?" Asked the cowpony. "Some brutes attack poor Striker, but he fought with skills as graceful and powerful as...." I gulped. I wanted to say BatColt, but it brought tears to my eyes to remember. I loved him. I love him. He'll be back. Luckily, Aj knew what I meant. "Wow, he could do that, yet Big Mac fired him? What is wrong with my brother? We need help on this farm." Striker was on the floor, twitching, shaking crying. I wanted to wake him, to comfort him, but Aj gave me a look saying, 'He needs to do this. It holds a keys to his past.' And she was right. I closed the door gently, and turned around just in time to see the ruffians from earlier. They were dressed in tacky black hooded capes. They had a found Striker, but they'd have to go through Aj and I. (Applejack's perspective.) I saw then fellers comin' and was prepared to fight'em off. Rarity, however, surprised me by running out first. She through some might powerful punches. At most, the thugs could take only one buck to the face, two of Rarity's punches, or three rocks to their heads. I saw that Striker had already put a might beat down on 'em earlier. The stallion was quite impressive, as was Rarity. To bad they were taken. I had my eyes already set on Rainbow Dash. So glad no pony knows what I'm thinking right now. > The Big Mystery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Past) Fluttershy and I were laying in the grass together. She held to me tight and I held to her. She was so warm against my body. Dash walked out and let out a disgusted ugh. She really didn't like our relationship getting in the way of our fun. "Are you two done yet." She groaned. We giggled, and I gave Flutters a kiss on the nose. "Yes Dash! We're done." I said, annoyed a bit. Flutters got up, and so did I. They were 16, I was 17. The sun shone bright on this summer day, providing a nice warmth. Dash loved the warm weather. It meant we could play outside. She loved racing, and the only one worthy to race her was me. Fluttershy had moved into an apartment in ponyville. Dash and I still lived with Mom and Dad, but Flutters' parents allowed her to live alone, so she wouldn't hear the arguments and worry. Fluttershy's parents relationship was always quite bumpy, but she got used to that. When it got worse, she moved out. "So, Striker, can we hoofball?" Asked Dash. Her love for sports out measured mine. "If by 'hoofball' you mean soccer." I said. We'd commonly have little discussions like this. We'd always end up playing soccer anyways. Flutters never played, but instead cheered. We played with one rule; No using fore-hooves. The worst part about that was that turning around was common, and hard to do with Dash as my opponent. Eventually, she had kicked it too hard. I went after it, but I didn't like where it landed. "The Everfree forest." I said to myself. I entered the dreary place. It was the afternoon, but the trees kept out light, making it look like night. I walked deeper looking for the ball, keeping in mind to only go forward, otherwise I'd lose where I came in. Eventually, I heard voices. I stopped and hid. "Vines are such pain. Why (pronounced with a 'v') must we (ditto) do this?" Asked a Germane sounding pony. "We need more creatures for experiments. Anything in this forest is fair game." Said a normal sounding mare. I couldn't see them anymore. I looked out from my bush and they saw me, and I saw them. One wore a lab coat and googles. He had a gray, messy mane, a matching mustache, and a light blue coat. The other had a hot pink coat, with a leather jacket and a belt with nets and other items I didn't see. The mare pounced on me and tied me up. "Finally, a pony." She said, a devious grin forming on her face. Her mane was a dark hot pink, looking almost black, tied in a shape almost like somepony's tail. I soon was knocked out by an odd gas. I woke up in a cage. The area from what I could see was filled with cages. The cages had various animals, and even plants. All wore dog tags. Mine said #05099. No name. This day began the same way months would repeat. Scientists in protective suits pulled me from my cage and strapped me down. They marked points on my body that gave me the most pain. They then injected me in those areas. Next, they'd expose me to poisonous gases. For the first week, I nearly died every day. I got better from then on. It changed from gases into whole poison, then eventually wounding me. Every time I started awful, then grew better. I'd heal rapidly. After that in daily routines, they fed me these white peppers. They burnt so badly, the pain not wounding me, just torture. They only fed me peppers. Eventually, they'd inject me in my scalp. Oh, the pain was unbearable. Every seven days, they stake blood and inject a puppy corpse. Months turned to years, and eventually, they stopped. It eventually gave birth to a puppy with wings. That happened just before... "He's ready for the next stage." Said Hotpink Devil. Or at least, that's what I called her in my mind. They strapped me to a chair and put a helmet on me. I felt my memory slowly draining. I let it take away the pain of this place, but then it got closer to my past. I struggled to escape, but to no advantage. All I could remember was my name. It began to fade, but I had to remember. I yelled it. "I am StrikerBolt! I am StrikerBolt!" As loud as I could. I saw them carve it on my dog tag, as they finally knew my name. But by then, I didn't. They let me go. No memory. Only rage. I attacked them, unleashing my rage. I couldn't control it. Some were wounded, but some were killed once I freed the others. The plants and animals alike fled. I escaped, keeping the puppy with me. I took the helmet and erased the rest of my memory. As it drained, I ran out of the forest. I took off the helmet as I was fainting, and I saw a name, the name of the industry. D.I.S.C.O.R.D. > Striker's Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up with a jolt, scaring the two mares standing over me. I felt different. I finnally knew my past. Or at least, why I disappeared. Discord. Could he have anything to do with this. His reformation seems quite convenient. Close to the time of the 'missing' evil elements, and the new element. Perhaps he knew, and was just manipulating things. Something told me that he was a victim, not a criminal. He must've been an expiriment, just like me. If I I could talk to him... "Striker?" Rarity said, concerned. Applejack also had a look on her face. Confusion, towards Rarity. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said. She felt my head with her foreleg and Applejack gave me, you guessed it, a pear. Okay, it was an apple. It was delicious. At least, the first bite was. The second was interrupted when the cmc ran in to the club house. "So girls, should we- what's goin' on big sis?" Asked Apple bloom. "Couldn't y'all have done this in the barn?" Everypony looked at her confused. I think I knew what she was implying, but I hoped the other CMC didn't. "I was in a hurry." I stated. Applebloom gave me an odd look. "Yeah, didn't y'all notice the uncontious ninjas?" Asked Aj. "Ninjas! Where?!?" They squealed in delight. 'They weren't there any more?' I wondered. "Wait, weren't the ninjas outside of Rarity's place?" I questioned. "Well, they came to, and came, too." Rarity said. I noticed the meaning. Oddly, Apple bloom laughed. We three adults understood. "Apple bloom! Why're y'all bein' so immature?" Asked Aj. The two innocent crusaders took this as their leave. I had no time for this. I don't think anypony did or does. I left for Fluttershy's. I began to fly there, but I felt tired. Suddenly, I was on the ground. Rarity came out to check on me. "Darling, flying doesn't seem wise after your little 'nap'." She said. We walked our way to Flutter's place. On our way there, I noticed Rarity had seemed very in thought. "Oh, just Imagine Comet." She said. "He'll be back in a month. Oh I miss him. You remind me a bit of him. His charm, his red mane, him sleeping-" "You saw him sleep?" I asked. She giggled a lady laugh. "No, but we cuddled the night he saved me." She said. "Well that was fast." "Well you should talk. Second day knowing us and you, Dash, and Fluttershy are sharing a bed." "Okay, it wasn't the second day, we'd known each other from childhood. Second, RB is my sister." "Oh, some weird intrests I see." "Not like that. She was moving in but we got tired before we moved the bed." "How convenient." She said, winking. "Oh shut up Rarity!" I joked. We both laughed. One day and we were close as old pals. Fluttershy's cottage became visable. The place was peaceful yet rowdy. All of these animals, running around and playing, it held such peace. I wouldn't mind working with her a day or two. We soon reached the door. As I knocked, Rarity pet one of the bunnies. The door opened to Discord, chasing Fluttershy, who had a dog tog in her mouth. That answered my question. I needed that tag for more answers. I guess a game of chase the pony wouldn't hurt. > Discord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That dog tag seemed important. I had one, he must have a reason for having his. Fluttershy being chased by Discord would usually be a comedic sight, but wasn't what I needed right now. I pounced in, aiming for Flutters, but landed on Discord. "Woah now, we've only just met." He joked. I hoped off with a sigh of exasperation. Flutters saw me and tackled me to the ground. She dropped the dog tag and kissed me on the nose. I kissed her nose, then reached for the dog tag. Rarity levitated it to Fluttershy, who leaped off me and ran out to the yard. I tackled her and she threw it to Rarity. She caught it with her magic, and ran to the back of the house. (Third Person, not me) Behind the house, Rarity found a Blue Box. It reminded her of Imagine Comet for some reason. She missed him dearly. He'd been such a gentleman. He'd saved her life. They'd been together the entire summer. He had to leave for the human world, so he promised to come back next year. That date was almost a year ago. He'd be back soon, she hoped. "What if he forgot about me, or met somepony- or somehuman- else. She'd walked back out front, completely forgetting why she ran. Discord took the dog tag. Fluttershy nabbed it from him. (First person, me) I took the tag from her while Discord restrained her. I read the dog tag to myself: _____________________ I " #00103 DNA clone I I DNA Code: Time Lord I I Operation: Successful" I _____________________ "Fluttershy, how did you find this?" I asked. "Well," she responded," when the cutie mark crusaders had gone into the forest, I'd followed to save them. I'd found this on the ground. The area around it was a burnt down building. Rubble seemed to completely miss this." We all walked inside to continue the conversation. "Sound like it was meant to be found." Said Discord. "Well, I came here to question you Discord, but I think I have my answers." I said. "I've remembered something awful." "Oh, did you leave pie in the oven too long? No no wait, it's about the Doctor! It is, isn't it. Oooooooh, please tell me!" Pinkie had burst through a window. It didn't break, it more, rippled. She wasn't on the other side either, so I gave up. "No, it's about the lab of experiments." I said. Neither responded. They all looked confused. "The day I went missing. Or really, the years." I can't seem to recall being tackled. All I remember is Fluttershy was on top of me, hugging me tight, while Rarity, Discord, and Pinkie just nodded. I ran my hoof down Flutter's mane. She kissed me, and refused to let go. Discord looked at the dog tag, questioning why he'd have this. "Anyways, the reason I came here was to talk to Discord about this." I pulled out my dog tag. Discord compared his to mine. "Mine says that I'm a genetic clone. Yours says nothing of the sort." He pointed out. "Yours implies that your a clone of the Doctor." I said. His face melted into a frown. He then literally melted on to the ground, reappearing behind me. "So, I'm not naturally a being of chaos?" He asked. "Actually, your genetic build up makes you so." The Doctor said, entering the room. He stood strong, like a leader who can handle his power. "Your actually a genetic clone of the Master. He's another Timelord who escaped the sealing of Galifrey." "Doctor!" Pinkie and I said, excitedly. "Striker, your memory has returned?" He asked. "Only small bits. I know who you are, when I met Pinkie, and why I went missing. I also know my relationship with Fluttershy." I said. "Oh good! The wedding is back on?" He asked joyfully. "WEDDING?!?" Rarity, Discord and I exclaimed. "Okay," The Doctor said, "maybe not everything." > About that.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So your telling me that Fluttershy didn't mention the wedding?" Spoke the Doctor. "Well, I was going to ease him into remembering, but now he knows." Fluttershy seemed ashamed, but blushed. Then she seemed to recall something. "Wait! How do you know?" "When Striker got his memory back for the first time-" The doctor spoke, but I cut him off. "The first time? I lost it again?" "I'll explain later. Anyways, you had remembered that you had been engaged. You seemed too young, but pony and Time lord standards differ, so I was delighted! You wanted to return to Ponyville as soon as we escaped the prison." "PRISON!?!" Every-pony was shocked, except (of course) the Doctor. "Yes, now hush! It's a long story, but once we escaped, but our captors used the probe they used to bring back you memory took it away. They threatened that if we left the planet, they'd erase every memory you had. We had to leave, and they did so. Or at least, they tried. I was able to restore you knowledge of our travels. Not the experience, but the knowledge. The rest remained forgotten, but not lost. I knew if you were to wake up and try and remember every thing, your mind wouldn't accept it. You'd go mad, so I left you in your house-" "And left barrels of bits in the basement. I remember finding them." I said. However, he surprised me again. "Barrels of bits? I don't remember that." "What? That's odd. Then how'd they get there?" I pondered this for a while, yet nothing came to memory. "Wait wait wait!" Rarity seemed lost. "Are you that same guy who helped Comet save me and stop the bomb?" "Why yes I am! Though, for me, that was a while before I met Bolt. " "But Striker traveled with you until when? " "Four years ago." "But all that happened last year!" "I'm a time traveler, so things never go in correct order." "Okay," I said, "now I'm lost." "It's not important." The Doctor was here for a reason. "What's important is that you discover your element." "I almost forgot about that!" "The last thing we need is for you to forget more." "Wait," Fluttershy said, "who are you?" I bursted out laughing, and Discord joined in. Everyone else just stared questioningly. The world began to spin, and suddenly... (Past) I was on the floor, cracking up over something just spoken by the chestnut colored pony in front of me. We stood in a large room that looked like a room from a spaceship. It was the TARDIS main room. "Does it even matter?" Asked the Doctor, in a defensive yet blushing manor. "Most stallions that have one of those lying around either had a lady with a weird fetish over last night, or is always prepared for his fetish to be fulfilled!" I continued cracking up until the TARDIS seemed to crash land. The Doctor went to the screen to see what was happening outside. "Oh Celestia... I hoped never to come here." The Doctor's manor became grim. I got up, no longer chuckling, and saw it. "What happened? What is this place?" "This," he spoke, "is Zomponyville." > Event of Importance: Discovery of Relevance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Zomponyville? What the hell is that!?!" I yelled. The Doctor's grim manor showed it couldn't be good. "It is Ponyville's worst possible future." He responded. "Disharmony and evil rule here. I used to call it bizzaro Ponyville but nopony got the joke." "So this is Ponyville's future?" "One possible outcome. An event sometime after your present will take place. It has many possible outcomes, and this is one of them." "Doesn't the TARDIS only stay in our universe?" "Yes, so naturally it means that this is our universe's outcome. Usually. " "Usually? You mean that's not how it works right now?" "This event hasn't happened to one of us yet, and one of us must be a crucial part of the outcome. It is an event that can't be established in time yet. This is what the outlook of the outcome is, the way things are working now." "Is there anything in my timeline that could stop this?" He waited and thought. I also considered what I knew. Minutes later, the Doctor blurted out something odd. "The Elements of Harmony!" "The whats?" "The Elements are this lands most powerful natural defense. However, they have yet to be reincarnated into a new generation." "They're people?" "Sort of. The actual elements are ancient artifacts, but only specific people can wield them." "You sure know a lot on the subject." "Well, I've met them. Well, some of them. Plus, one day I plan to take you to see Celestia and Luna's battle for the thrown." "I learned about that in history class when I was little." "Wait, what?" "Yeah, it's primary school stuff." "You remembered something!" "No, I've known that for quite at while. I retained all of my basic knowledge." "You never mentioned that before! We could help you find out what happened based on those facts! It narrows down the possibilities." "We can find that out later. I want to enjoy our journey and not ruin it with some dull origin hunting." "I think it'll be rather exciting! Just imagine it," he said as he motioned towards the sky, "your just a teen pony, minding his own business, when suddenly a spaceship the size of las pegasus swoops in and beams you aboard for experimentation!" Sarcastically, I went along. "I can see it now! A giant green colored stallion with point antenna abducting a child me in his flying saucer." I then made a high pitched childish voice."'Oh no! It's gonna eat me!'" "'Im not gonna eat you. Yet.'" The Doctor now used a a deep, scruffy voice. "'Oh nooooooooooo!!!!'" We cracked up. The world spun again and... (Present) I lied on the ground starring up at the group of ponies whom I knew had just witnessed yet another seizure of mine. Discord had even stopped and seemed occupied convincing an ignoring Fluttershy that I needed CPR. "Oh come on Flutters, it's for the best!" He wasn't getting though to her. "I think I'm fine Discord." He noticed me awake and , at the same time didn't. "Oh hush, what do you know. You're incapacitated." "No I'm quite awake Discord." He finally caught up with himself. "Still," he persisted, "a little mouth to mouth couldn't hurt."