> The Cutty Mark Crusaders > by Scapman13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Normal Fillies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cutie Mark Crusaders seemed like normal young eight year old fillies. Their goal in life is to find their cutie marks. Even if they have to do something that is life threatening they will still do it. But most ponies liked them, despite how obnoxious and reckless they can be. They were loved by their friends and family and many other ponies. Today the Cutie Mark Crusaders were going to attempt to earn their cutie mark in bowling. They were going to bowl at the Ponyville Bowling Alley. First to go was Scootaloo. she picked a bowling ball up in her mouth and rolled it down the alley. Pow!, she had got a strike! Now it was Sweetie Bell's turn, she rolled a gutter ball. Applebloom then rolled once, and knocked down six pins. On her second attempt she knocked down two pins. After and hour of bowling, Scootaloo had won, and Applebloom came in second place. Scootaloo was excited, not only because she had a chance of getting a cutie mark, but she was also incredibly good at bowling. Despite how much fun the cutie mark crusaders had, it was nothing compared to what they had planned later that night. "That was so fun, i can't wait to do it again!" Exclaimed Scootaloo. "It was okay i guess." Said Applebloom. " That was one of the worst things i have ever done in my life." Sweetiebell said. She seemed very upset, but her frown was quickly replaced with a smile as she thought about what the Cutie Mark Crusaders were going to do later that night. "Ha ha i remember when i first went bowling." Applejack said. "Are ya'll ready to leave?" Applejack asked the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Oh yes, I can't wait to get home." Applebloom said happily. "Neither can i." Scootaloo said. The three crusaders then smiled, a creepy kind of smile. "Well okay then, let's go!" Announced Applejack. The four ponies then walked back to Sweet Apple Acres. > The dark side of the Cutty Mark Crusaders. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cutie Mark Crusaders had eaten dinner with the Apple Family. They had apples, apple fritters, baked apples, and apple tart. And for dessert the Cutie Mark Crusaders enjoyed Granny Smith's famous apple pie. The cutie mark crusaders were now walking to their club house with Applejack. The crusaders were dying to hurry up and get to the club house. "Are ya'll sure you want to spend the night at your club house?" Applejack asked the Crusaders. "Yes Applejack we are not scared of the dark!" Said Applebloom. "Yeah we'll be fine." said Sweetiebell. "Okay, but if you need anything just come over to the barn and ask me, Big Mac, or Granny Smith for whatever it is that you need." Said Applejack. "Yes ma'am." Said the three crusaders. "Well now we're here at your club house, good night Cutie Mark Crusaders." said Applejack. "Good night Applejack." The three crusaders said. The three crusaders climbed into their clubhouse. Applejack walked back to the farm. "Is she gone?" Scootaloo asked Applebloom. "Yes, the coast is clear." Replied Applebloom. "Great then let's get started." Said Scootaloo. Scootaloo then pulled out a small pocket knife. She dropped it on the floor in the middle of the three fillies. "Who is going to start?" Sweetiebell asked the other two fillies. "I Will" Said Scootaloo. She picked up the knife, and held it in her mouth. You would think she would be scared to cut herself, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders had been doing this for the past three months once every week. She held the knife in her mouth, and slowly put it on the middle of her front left leg. She then pierced her skin with the knife, and a small amount of blood gushed out of her arm. She then slowly dragged the knife through her leg. blood slowly trickled out of her leg, and adrenaline shot through her body. All of her stress was being reliefed. It felt as if all of her pain had ended, and all she could think about was her cutting herself. The cut did not even hurt her. Blood dripped out of her leg. She raised the knife in the air and slowly began to mutilate herself again. She had forgotten all of the bad things in her life, like not being able to fly, and being an orphan. She even forgot she was in a room with her best friends. She looked at the blood on the floor and felt more...real. She felt like she was alive. She then cut herself a third time and felt another shot of relief surge through her body. She was done cutting, for tonight. Sweetiebell wrapped her arms in bandages, blood soaked the bandages. Scootaloo felt so much relief. Sweetiebell then pulled a knife out of her satchel. "Should i start or do you want to?" Sweetiebell asked Applebloom. "You can go ahead and start I think i'll wait." Replied Applebloom. Sweetiebell nodded her head in agreement and picked up the knife with her mouth. Sweetiebell slowly and dramitically placed the knife on her front right leg. She then gashed her front right leg. She slowly sliced through her soft white skin with the knife. blood had began to stain her fur, but she did not care. She felt as if she was high. She felt a sensation like as if she was in another dimension. She had cured all of her pain, and had discovered an escape from her life. She had found an escape from Rarity's meanness. A gateway to a world of peace and quietness. She was done cutting her front left leg. She then began to insert the knife into her front right leg. Yet again it felt as if she was high. She felt as if she was floating. The deeper the knife went into her flesh, the better she felt. She dropped the knife on the ground, and applebloom wrapped her arms in bandages. now it was Applebloom's turn to cut herself. She grabbed a knife that was under one of the bed's in her clubhouse. She slowly picked up the knife. She wanted this moment to last. She then stabbed herself in her front left leg. She then very sluggishly dragged the knife through her leg. This was so pleasuring for Applebloom. She had the most stressful life of the the 3 fillies. She had to work on that barn for so many hours, every day and she could not take it anymore. This was her only escape from the hard work she had to do on the farm. She felt as if she was alone, in a carefree world, were all of her troubles were long gone. No more working on the farm, no more making apple cider, no more apple bucking, no more organizing tools, no more picking apples. It was all gone, the only thing she had to do was relax, and be free. She then picked up the knife again and lacerated her leg, and felt the same sense of freedom, that she could never feel. Her thoughts became empy, and all she could think about was the pleasure she was feeling. She went slowly, knowing this only happened once a week. She took her time, but finally she was done cutting herself. Scootaloo then helped her but bandages on her arms. The Cutie Mark Crusaders then began to clean up all of the blood that was on the floor. And destroyed any evidence of them mutilating themselves . No pony could ever find out about this. Not even their closest friends or family members. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had no idea how other ponies would react. They had no idea if they would be made fun of, or if no pony would care. But it was definitely not worth the risk. After about thirty minutes of cleaning up, the Cutie Mark Crusaders eventually fell asleep. > The secrets of the crusaders > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Let's get up everypony!" yelled Applejack. This startled the Cutie Mark Crusaders. they climbed out of their clubhouse. "Well how was it?" Applejack asked the Cutie Mark Crusaders "It went well." Replied Sweetiebell. "It was a lot of fun!" Exclaimed Scootaloo. "It was magnificent." Said Applebloom. "Well that sure is great." Said Applejack. The reason Applejack did not notice the cuts on the Cutie Mark Crusaders was because the Cutie Mark Crusaders were wearing long sleeve shirts. So Applejack was absolutely clueless about what had happened in their clubhouse the previous night. "Well I reckon Scootaloo and Sweetiebell better head home." Applejack said. "Yes Ma'am." Said Scootaloo and Sweetiebell. Sweetiebell and Scootaloo hugged Applebloom and said their goodbyes. The two fillies then walked back to Ponyville in order to get back to their homes. "Well now that they're gone, you should get back to work." Applejack told Applebloom. Applebloom sighed and said" Yes Ma'am." Applebloom could not wait until the cutie mark crusaders next sleepover.