> The sky I now know. > by Higherbeach > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Her Sky. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rainbow Dash, why can't you see how much I..." I said, looking at the mirror before me. The mare in question has really stirred up trouble within me. Rainbow Dash and I met two years ago thanks to the friend of everypony, Pinkie Pie. When we started talking, we found we held a similar interest, we both loved the sky. She wanted to be a Wonderbolt, and I wanted to be a stunt coordinator. I wanted to see the sky filled with amazing tricks and stunts that I had planned. We became friends rather quickly, but soon I wanted more, I fell in love. When we first met I was just another stallion, and an earth pony who could not share her sky. I was barely fit, my mane and tail being a vibrant black, making no special notes against my light green coat. My cutie mark interested her, and was how she found out I was a coordinator, it is a bunch of dotted lines with arrows. She and I have been working on performances, and just a few months ago I tried out to be a coordinator for the Wonderbolts. I failed miserably. The problem was my flyer had lied on what they were capable of. They said they could do a lot, but in the end they crashed several times, nearly injuring themselves. As per the rules, I was not around to watch the performance. By the time I was made aware I had the right to request a retry due to that pony's lie, somepony else was already hired. I lost my chance for another two years, all because somepony had too much pride to admit they were sick. The facts devastated me and it was Rainbow Dash that comforted me. It felt so good to have Rainbow Dash talking to me like that. She got me laughing, and I got back on my hooves. It wasn't the first time she helped me, but it certainly started my doubts. She had to know how I felt by now, so why did she ignore me. She had dated five stallions and one mare since I met her. When they left her, either for another pony or because they were done using her, they hurt her, bad. Several of her friends tried to help her, but only Pinkie, Applejack and I were able to truly help her get back to normal. Yet whenever she was ready to start dating, she found somepony to date before I could even ask her. Very few ponies ever said no to her, she was famous for her flying, and the fact that she was a heroine just added to the prestige. It didn't help that she was good looking from all of her training. Her prismatic mane and tail stuck out wherever she went, and that was if she wasn't hovering a few meters off the ground. It certainly didn't help that all of that training left her with an amazing figure. Sure she had a b-cup, but that just helped her fly and added to her charm. She certainly was popular, and I think she is using it to find somepony better. Recently, she got the attention of Soarin, her dream stallion. If he let her down, I am certain she will never want anything to do with anypony for a very long time. Why would she want to go down after all. A knock on the door brought me out of my reverie and as to why I am looking in a mirror in the first place; I am training with Rainbow Dash today. Making sure I am dressed in my sweat gear, I quickly make my way to the front door of my house and open it to find Rainbow Dash, wearing a new training outfit. Her pants are a tight-fitting, black sweat pants the like of which shows off ever curve of her body while leaving just enough to the imagination. Her blue top, though tight, leaves some movement for airflow, again showing her figure, but not as much. After a moment I can hear Rainbow snickering. "Something got your attention there?" A moment of surprise overtakes me before I fall back into the usual routine. "Yeah, the fact that you haven't done your early exercises like usual. You need to be limber to pull off the stunts I have planned." Her cocky grin only grew as I finished my sentence. "Alright then, we better get to the field quickly so we don't waste anymore time." As she turns and starts to fly, I can only remember how amazing she looks as she disappears into the distance. Such a great mare. None of the others who have ever dated her could truly understand how great she is, how funny she can be, or how special she is, and she won't even bat an eyelash at me that way. As I walk on the way, I put the thoughts away, and busy myself with the numbers I will have to explain to Dash, she is the performer after all. As I arrive at the field where she practices, I notice something odd. None of her friends or fans were there, just the two of us. This happens on occasion, but that is usually waiting for the lucky stallion or mare she is dating. Right now though, she is probably seeing Soarin, and he is on tour in Saddle Arabia. This is odd as the only other time she didn't want anypony around, she was practicing for a competition, but there weren't any going on in the near future, and she asks me to prepare a performance to do. This is odd, and it worries me until I see Rainbow's face. The only word to describe that look is confidence, and that only happens when she is 'in-the-zone' so to speak. As I approach, I notice another interesting fact, she still hasn't warmed up. Her muscles are still too lax; she was in no shape to perform. "Rainbow Dash, why didn't you warm up while waiting for me? We could be going over the stunts right now, but I guess I will set this up while you get ready." As she snaps out of her daydream, she turns to me, her hand behind her head. "Heh. Sorry, guess I got a little excited." As she turns away, she starts her stretches, and I lay out the plans for her flight path. Looking to the sky, I take in all the data I need to prepare Dash for her job. There are no clouds in this patch of the sky, perfect for the flight, but the wind at higher altitudes is also unpredictable so Dash will have to give me a little detail on that. As I turn around I find that Dash is just finishing her stretching, and that her sweat pants are amazing at showing off what lies below her tail. For a moment I am unable to pry my eyes away as she is bent over, stretching her legs and wings. It reminds me of the biggest reason she has a chance to be a Wonderbolt, she is incredibly well toned where it counts. I recover from my stare, but it is clear that Rainbow Dash has already noticed my stare. "Again you are staring, keep this up and I may have to slug you." Dash says playfully, flicking her tail to get her point across. "Rainbow, let's get down to business. I need to know what the upper air cur-" "Calm all the way to the highest point I can fly to." For a moment I couldn't figure out how she knew, and then I remember she had a lot of time before I got here, she probably checked it for me then. Giving a sigh, I return to the plans and direct Rainbow to look them over. "Alright, we start off as we usually do a quick assen-" "Boring, how about I start off low and just barely pull up before hitting the crowd? That might be a better take-off to practice." "Like what they do in the Wonderbolts shows? The thing is, that makes us look unoriginal. Either way, we won't be original regardless of what we do, and copying them won't earn any extra points. Better to be safe then to be sorry." The smirk from Rainbow Dash tells me she is not about to drop her point. "Or is it that you want to be the only one checking me out?" The question throws me for a loop and it takes me a moment to return any response. "What are you talking about?" Her smirk disappears, and a new expression takes hold, but I can't read it. "For the past two years we have been working together, yet you never ask for money for the service you give. From what I hear you receive a hefty sum of money every month from various sources. Doing a little digging you have cameras set up all around here to take photos of me during flight. You then sell these photos for profit." The shock of the accusation finally starts to wane as I try to rebuke her claims with the truth. "Rainbow Dash, I take those photos because it is my job as a coor-" "Don't even try it. I talked with Soarin and his coordinator, and there is no need for the photos to do your job. It leaves only the one possibility, and I don't appreciate being used. I already told my friends so don't expect the continued favors." What was she talking about? "Rainbow, you got this all wro-" I am cut short by a single slap to my face; she was having none of this. "Look, it is time to drop the act buddy, just get out of here, I have a new coordinator now and I am guaranteed to get into the Wonderbolts with him since he actually does his job. Can't believe I trusted you for so long. Later, liar" As she took off, thousands of thoughts pass in and out of my mind, and before I know it I am back home, sitting at my table. In an instant my world was turned upside down, Rainbow Dash now believed that I was not worth her time, that I was using her. True, I made money, but it was because of her stunts, not her body, that I got that money. Hopefully the payments owed would keep me afloat until I could get back into the coordinating world. My career is now all I have for the future; hopefully I will be able to salvage it. *Two Months Later* Two months was all it took. These past two months have lead me to a far worse path then I could ever imagine. Turns out we weren't alone in the practice field; Scootaloo had decided to watch without Rainbow knowing. When Scootaloo got back to town that day, she started to spread the information around, and now there were rumors that I was doing everything short of raping her. Thankfully she dispelled those, but since her words reached the Equestrian press, her words were now known by all of Equestria and most of the neighboring countries. Basically, nopony wanted my service. I lost the ability to get any money, and I needed to keep spending it. Not too long ago I came under investigation and thanks to the legal team Soarin put together they were able to not only get my license revoked, but all the money I had saved up was paid out to Rainbow Dash as damages. Since my license was revoked, all my hard work became public domain, so I lost all claim to it for money. Now I was in debt, and they kept piling up from places I am rather certain are just making things up. Regardless, they have effectively made it impossible for me to live, and impossible for me to pay. Just easting for the past week was nearly impossible in and of itself. Applejack had made certain that I would not find any deals in the farmers market, and Fluttershy had made certain the animals in the forest didn't just leave me alone. Twilight had effectively made it illegal for me to enter a library, so using the law to get out of this was beyond my reach. Rarity had barred me from her store, and with her connections to high society I had next to no privacy. Just the other day I had my fifth raid on my house, trying to find evidence of me doing something wrong. They already took the pictures I had of Rainbow Dash, so there was nothing left to find. Didn't stop them from leaving everything in shambles. I didn't even bother to clean up this time. I haven't seen Pinkie, probably using her 'Pinkie Sense' to avoid me at all costs. Back onto the other subject, last time the guard that raided me had torn up my basement, giving it another ten foot depth where I had recently done a repair. Today though, today I get out of everything, and that pit they dug will help that along nicely. During all my new free time I managed to make a rope out of some excess materials I had lying around. I might not be able to live my life now, but maybe when I am reborn I will at least have a chance at happiness. As I look at the clock it is just getting to eight in the morning. As I finish my last cup of coffee, I make certain that the rope has no major flaws in it, and head down to my basement. It was a workout room for the pony who owned this house before me, so it had a perfect place to mount a hold for the rope. For a moment I could have sworn I heard a knock at my door, but then I realize it is probably a debtor looking for something I do not have. Making sure the rope could support my weight, I remove a bit of the cement slab that made up the basement floor, I had spent the past few nights digging a hole to insure that when the rope was fully extended I would be just a few centimeters off of the ground, giving my fall enough time to break my neck. I then took a nearby workbench and set it up over the hole, knocking it to the side would allow me to fall and, should my math be correct, break my neck cleanly. Regardless, my math proved this would kill me, so the details of how were not entirely important. The shock would stop me either way. As I got up on the bench, I started to hear a pounding on the front door, I guess whoever it was wanted to get what they came for before I couldn't pay them. As I put my head through the noose, I heard the door begin to give, I guess whoever it was, would be the first to find me, and would probably take just about everything before reporting my death. As the door gave way, I knocked away the bench, and fell towards the hole. Time seemed to stretch on as I fell. It made me wonder, is this what it is like to fly, the feeling of falling, but not quite falling, if so I can understand why pegasi like Rainbow love it. As I reached the end of the rope, the world went black, and soon even my consciousness faded. As the darkness returned, and thought began again, I wondered, why I could again think. I should be dead, but this shouldn't be death, either I was to be punished, or rewarded, but this was just, darkness. I could feel pain, but it was dull, I guess whoever broke in saved my life when they found me, probably making sure everypony would get their money or something. The dull pain grew, I started to hear something, no, somepony. The voice was feminine, and it sent a chill down my spine. 'What is 'She' doing here?' All too quickly, I felt my body return to my control, feeling flooding back. A few words caught my ears, but nothing could be deciphered. It is then I regain feeling in my limbs, noticing that my limbs are bound to what I am lying on, and I finally notice that my head is secured in a cast, meaning I probably came close to breaking my neck, if not succeeding. A few more voices appear, and it is certain that several of 'her' friends are here as well. As I finally realize I am going to wake, I decide I must be in hell, which is the only reason 'she' would be near. As my eyes open, I take notice of what I expected, a simple white ceiling. A small movement caught my eye, some light moving across the ceiling, and then the sound of a door closing. It was then that 'she' spoke. "Thank Celestia you're awake." The relief she feels is genuine, with just the slightest tremor of worry. "I was so worried when you didn't answer your door; I thought something happened to you. I don't know what I would do if-" "Enough." I meant to yell it, but my body was too weak to do so. Only a whisper came out, but she definitely heard me. "You are the reason anything has happened to me recently, so just tell me what you want so I can deal with it and find another way to end this farce." Her eyes go wide for a moment before a deep sadness exudes from her being. "I found out the truth." "Well shit, that changes everything. I guess everything is sunshine and rainbows now and we can all laugh about this." An incredulous expression now displayed in full, guess she really doesn't get it. "Since apparently you don't understand anything, it is a little late to find the truth." "No, it isn't. I can get things undone. You did nothing wrong so a lot can be reversed." "How long are you going to remain so foalish about this? Not everything can be undone miss. I can never get back what I lost, so why don't you leave and let me get back to starting over my entire life." "No, I messed up, and I will fix this!" Finally my body is awake enough to allow me to escape my whispers, and into normal speech. "There is no 'fixing this'. I lost everything. I am getting foreclosed on; nothing will save my home now. My name is ruined throughout the world, I will be lucky to find work that actually pays. You took my life savings with Soarin's help so that you could recover from the 'damages'. From what I read he even gave you a recommendation and was backed by your new coordinator to 'return you to where you belong'." She shrinks at each point, though she clearly hasn't given up just yet. "Finally, you got my license revoked. This means my dream is over. You can't fix that. By law, no individual can have more than one license issued to them. This is to protect pegasi from exactly what you accused me of. My dream since I was young was to be a coordinator for a team, it didn't matter which one, but I decided to aim for the top. That led me to needing somepony able to perform at the top. When I met you two years ago I thought I met another 'all talk' Pegasus. Somepony who could talk the talk, but could barely stand. Then I watched you perform, it was rough, but considering you had next to no training in flight coordination, you did amazingly well. I figured we would help each other, build upon each other, so I offered to be your personal flight coordinator." "For two years, I analyzed your flying, found flaws that, should you try certain maneuvers in the right sequence, would tear you apart. I specifically avoided these while helping you train and prosper. How did I get rewarded for two years of study and work? You destroyed my future, and took away the only job I knew. In school, I was a laughing stock, I was constantly thrown around and eventually opted to be home schooled. None of it was from how I acted, but rather because I was a lack-luster student in most subjects. I was best in the sciences and math, so it made sense for me to put my effort into my dream to be a coordinator, but as I said, no Pegasus that had the skills wanted an untested coordinator to help them until I met you." "You were my only chance at proving anything, at actually being somepony. The only shot at my dream, and now I am lying in this bed, strapped down, and all I get to remember, is how great things looked so long ago." Rainbow is on the verge of tears in a corner, actually driven back by my verbal assault. "I even fell for you, thought you were the most amazing mare, but I could have lived never getting those feelings returned. That was why I never stopped trying to help you. I wanted to be with you, but our dreams came first. When I heard you were starting to date Soarin, I knew I was done. I knew you would never like me, but for that, I don't even have the words to describe what happened to me. Devastated wouldn't even begin to describe how I have felt." "Then, at the moment I am about to be out of your mind forever, you come back into my life, and stopped me from ending it all. Why do you want me here so badly? Do you want to hurt me more, make me suffer more so that you can feel better? You said you knew the truth, but what now, what are you going to do now besides run away and cry?" Rainbow takes her time, barely holding herself back from her tears, as she finally returns her gaze, full of that confidence that used to give me pride. "I already told you, I am going to fix this." "Do you not get it, you can't fix this." "You don't know that! I have the connections to make things happen!" "Well, take your pick then, which 'one' thing do you think I want back?" "Wha-" "Dash; there is only one thing that could come back from calling the princesses, they can't just fix up my life completely, and that would be unfair and a waste of time. The only reason I give you one is because of your connections." "Your license, I ca-" "Wrong, I lost my credibility thanks to your stunt, even with my license I wouldn't get a job, and I certainly won't be seeing any money from the flight plans I made, those are public domain now." "Th-then your hou-" "Wrong again, the debts I owe both real and made up, will take that house away from me, leaving me nothing." "Then y-" "If you are going to say money or my plans, save it, they would be gone too for the same reason as the house. None of it matters, I need at least my license and my reputation, but the second won't come for years, and the first is not happening. Give it up; you got me in things I can't possibly get out of. This hole you dug me is too deep for even both of us to fill. It is over, done, finished, and I am the grand loser." Rainbow continues to try for an hour to come up with something, but in the end, she leaves, vowing to make things right, but never mentioning any plans. *Two Weeks Later* Over the next two weeks, her friends come by, apologizing, and lending their hands into fixing things. Applejack offered me a place to stay since legally my home was taken from me by the city to pay the debts I owe. Twilight started trying to get libraries to allow me in again while also trying to find out what debts I actually owe, and what was illegally taken from me. Fluttershy has volunteered to get me what fruits and berries I want from the forest, though I will probably never enter there again anyway. Pinkie Pie has gone around trying to repair my reputation, and so far most of Ponyville has accepted that I have done nothing wrong, though I already know it will be a while for everypony to truly accept it, if they accept it at all. Scootaloo even dropped by to apologize for spreading the original rumors about me, but I don't blame the filly, she didn't have even as much of the story as Rainbow did. Finally, Rarity used what connections she had and got me a good lawyer and some backing to try and get me my license back. According to them, Rainbow went back to Soarin to convince him to come to my defense, though I know that is not happening. He was the one that got me here; he won't help me get out. *One Week Later* Rainbow Dash returned three days ago a broken mare, Soarin had been playing her all along. Turns out he had wanted me out of the way so a friend of his who wanted to be a coordinator could get the job instead. The first time he had a sick flyer do my routine so as to insure I would fail, but his friend failed as well. Next time, all flyers were going to be checked so that the routine is done correctly, so he wanted me out of the way. After all, he wanted his marefriend to get the job over some stallion like me. He even started dating Rainbow so that she would believe him over me. He even went so far as to say he would do it for me, but only if he could have Rainbow Dash whenever he wanted. This earned him a lovely broken muzzle, and a dishonorable discharge. He also now faces charges for his crimes, headed in part by none other than Spitfire, assuring that he will get the proper punishment, and not one a celebrity would get. Rainbow has come to see me, but she doesn't speak, she just sits there, trying to think of something to say. She apparently got an extension on her vacation to keep watch over me, but that will soon end, and we will be back to square one. *One Month Later* I was finally being released from the hospital, though I would have to wear a neck brace for a few weeks. I was also now on the Suicide Watch list, but I have given up on that for now, Rainbow Dash may not have found success a month ago, but her friends have. Thanks to Twilight most of my debt was found as fraudulent, so I was able to get back quite a bit, even having my house returned to me once it was clear I wouldn't have to sell it to pay my real debts. The lawyer Rarity got for me was also able to convince the Flight Bureau to allow me to take the test to get another license. They also allowed me to finish collecting on the flight plans that were made public domain, though they would remain public domain. Pinkie had successfully changed the minds of most of Ponyville, and now word was beginning to spread again, some places even asking me to make flight plans once I got another license. Applejack had decided to supply me with apples for a while to help me until I got back on my hooves, though she thankfully provided more than just apples, courtesy of others at the farmers market. Fluttershy kept me informed, for some reason, on Rainbow Dash. I have long made up my mind on what I think of her, and for now, most of that is anger, though I do plan to eventually forgive her. I even made a quip about forgiving her immediately should she break her wings for me. Even Fluttershy could tell I wasn't serious, so I never brought it back up. As I got back home, I noticed a major change in it. For one, the windows were being replaced; somepony broke them while I was in the hospital to 'teach me a lesson' and was now paying for the repair personally. As I entered my house I noticed that the door was new as well, makes sense since Rainbow broke it down to 'save' me. I guess now I have no choice but to accept it though, my life might just get back on track sooner than I thought possible. Three hours later and I was once again home alone, enjoying a nice cup of coffee. It was, an interesting feeling, drinking good coffee again, and it was ruined by a knock on my front door. As I got up, I could already tell this was going to be trouble, so I took my cup of coffee with me. Worst comes to worse, I have two weapons. As I opened the door, the first thing I notice is Rainbow Dash, the second, is that she clearly didn't fly here. The reason was clearly obvious; both of her wings were broken in multiple places. She was panting heavily, and pain showed on her face. It left me speechless, until she spoke. "So, you'll forgive me now right?" "What the, forgive you, what?" She seemed to have barely heard me, but understood I was confused. "You, you told Fluttershy, you would forgive me if I broke my wings, so I did." I was so surprised by this; I actually dropped my coffee cup. Rainbow Dash broke her own wings, her pride and joy, to get me to forgive her. "We will talk about this later Rainbow Dash." Shock overcame Rainbow as she attempted to respond, but I cut her off before she could. "Right now, we need to go to the hospital, and get those wings bandaged up, and then we will talk about this, in private." I didn't wait for a response as I grabbed her arm and marched her to the hospital. It took a while to explain what had happened to the staff, and a little longer to explain it to the guard, so that by the time we got back to my house, it was well into the night. As we entered the door, I barely noticed that somepony had cleaned up the fallen coffee cup, and closed my door. As I offered her a seat on a couch, I took a chair. We had a lot to talk about all of a sudden. "Alright then, so you went and broke your wings to seek my forgiveness, why?" "I wanted to-" "Don't you dare say you wanted to make it up to me and become friends again, that is nowhere near enough for me to believe for you to go so far as breaking your wings for? I want the truth Rainbow, that is why I am here, listening." For a while, no words are spoken, time passes, and then Rainbow takes a deep breath, and says the most outrageous thing she has ever told me. "Because if it hadn't been for Soarin convincing me of what you did, I would have asked you out." To say the silence was deafening would be a lie. Though the insects that normally swarm around are quiet, there is still the sound of us breathing, and that sound is currently unbearable. Just to end the silence, I decide to just let go, and say what I really feel right then and there. "Are you an idiot?" As Rainbow looks on in shock, I continue. "Do you really think I wasn't going to eventually forgive you? Yes, I was pissed. You destroyed my life, and gave me hell for months. The difference is, you went out of your way to use up your biggest favors, and got me my life back with just about everything that could have happened. Of course I was still pissed, but what needed correcting is simply the worst fact of it all, you did none of your own research. You relied on information that you didn't even verify." "To be honest, this is why I don't blame your friends, I don't expect them to do much digging, and Pinkie even thought something seemed off, but you never checked on it from other sources. Do you know why I would still consider forgiving you?" A moment of silence passed before I asked again. "Do you?" A simple shake of the head was my only response, tears starting to roll out of her eyes. "Because Soarin was your idol." As she looked back up, I could see the faintest glimmer of hope beginning to form in her eyes. "Of course I am upset about this, I had fallen in love with you, and you barely even tried to see if maybe he was wrong. That maybe I was doing my job, but instead you were somewhat blinded by somepony you saw as a hero telling you that I may not be what I appear, and getting evidence from his coordinator, a mare, who said it seemed odd would be enough. I of course blamed you, but I was going to forgive you, especially after all of this. You earned your forgiveness, as you did eventually realize your fault, and did everything you could do to correct it. Carrying around disdain for you is not who I am, and this is certainly not what I would have wanted you to actually do." "But you said..." "I know what I said, and I shouldn't have said it. It was meant to be taken as it is beyond your control now, I planned to forgive you, but I knew I couldn't just forgive you right then and there and now it lead to this. I know what it is like to lose what you love the most, so I shouldn't have said it, I may have just ended your flying career for this, and now I just feel sick." I can feel the tears coming, but what I don't is the warm feeling of Rainbow, holding me tight to her, as she also begins to cry. We stay like that for what feels like a long time, and by the time we are willing to separate, the sound of rain is clearly heard outside. It is a big storm, one which a flightless Rainbow Dash can't possibly be in her cloud house for. Normally she moves it to be above the storm, but thanks to me, she can't do that. I don't even remember a storm being scheduled for tonight, but right now, that means Rainbow Dash can't go home. It also means she shouldn't be outside, walking to anypony's house. "It's raining." Her words snap me out of my thoughts, but words are not my forte right now. "Yeah." "I don't think I can get home." "Yeah." "Do you mind, if I stay here for the night?" I regain some of my words, but try as I might, deep thought is beyond me, today has been too difficult for us emotionally for any truly deep thought. "Take the bed, your wings should be put under the least strain as possible to help them heal. I'll take the couch." "No, I am not letting go tonight, I don't want to wake up without you there, and I promise nothing will happen, but I really need you right now." From her voice, I could tell she was fighting back the tears that just so recently stopped. I want to argue, but I just couldn't, I was emotionally exhausted, and I can certainly say the one emotion that I could still feel wouldn't allow me to deny her. "Alright then, but on two conditions." As she looks up at me, I can tell she would agree, even if I asked for something simply impossible. "First, no funny business, I don't think either of us wants what could happen from that." As she nods her head, I ask my second condition. "If you still feel this way tomorrow, ask me out on a date, but only if you still feel this way tomorrow." Her tightening grip was all the confirmation I needed before we headed for my room. As we entered, I noticed that only two things remained from before, the curtains which seem to be quite a bit better then I remember, and the bed, whose only change was its now very clean sheets. It makes me happy I sprung for such a large bed. Usually it was because I toss and turn at night, but now it was because there would be two occupants, not one. As we approached, it became clear that I would have to lay down first, her wings not needing me accidentally lying on them. I prepare to lie down as I hear Rainbow disrobing, turning around I notice her in her underwear, a simple blue bra, and utilitarian blue panties. Again I am reminded of why she is supposed to be out of my league, and it leaves me two questions that I feel need answers. "I have two questions for you Rainbow, first, why are you going into your underwear?" At this she looks at me, obviously embarrassed, but clearly not changing her mind. "Because, it is more comfortable for me." "Alright then, second question, what do you even see in me that makes you want to break your wings, even if just to get my forgiveness?" At this, she pauses, and the blush that had started was now fully displayed on her muzzle. It was cute to say the least. "Because, you were there for me whenever nopony else could be. You could make me laugh as well as Pinkie; you could make me feel as smart as Twilight. You made me feel as beautiful as Rarity, and made me as honest as Applejack. You even made me want to feel what it was like to be girly, like Fluttershy. You brought out the best in me, and enjoyed being around the real me. It made me happy, and now, after all of this, even I have a question for you, why do you still love me, even after all that I have done to hurt you?" "There are many reasons. It started when you accepted me as your flight coordinator. Most pegasi believe only an experienced flight coordinator can do anything, yet you gave me a chance. Then I saw who you were, and it made me fall in love, bit by bit. Even when you turned everything on its head for me, you never stopped being the real you underneath everything. I don't know how you found the truth, but if you hadn't saved me back then, I certainly wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't still have my life, and I wouldn't even have my future, if not for that loyalty that brought you back. I only realized my feelings were still the same, when I saw your broken wings, and felt the fear of your sadness and pain. Even after all that has happened, I can't stay mad at you Rainbow, I love you more than that." A flash of lightning brought a flash of light, and allowed me to see the tears rolling down Rainbow's face. Before I knew it, again she was hugging me, and I still wasn't fighting it. Eventually she allowed me to get comfortable in some pajamas, and as we got in bed, her on one side, and I on the other, we said our goodnights, snuggled up with her on top, and went to sleep. *Fifteen Years Later* "And that is how I started dating your mother." The awe on the young Pegasus’s face was all I needed to know he had paid attention to my story. "So, even if I am arguing with Apple Smith, it doesn't mean we can't still love each other?" "That is right Spark; even should the two of you yell at each other, love can still find a way. Just remember to apologize for yelling, and I am sure she will give you another chance." "Alright then dad, I'll go tell her I am sorry." As he gets up, the young Pegasus runs towards the door, before stopping and returning to hug me. "And thanks dad, for everything." As he again runs and flies into the sky, I can't help but remember the date that followed. Dash and I barely made it to the house, let alone the bed before we were all over each other. At least until the pain in her wings killed the mood. It has been hard, Rainbow never made it into the Wonderbolts, and I never made it as a coordinator for them either. We went beyond those dreams. With my training regiment and flight plans, Dash became the greatest solo flyer in the history of Equestria. So much so, that she regularly flies with the Wonderbolts, now headed by a young Pegasus named Thunderflash, Spitfire having been promoted to be the head of Equestria's air division. Soarin is still in prison for his crimes, and would be up for parole soon. As for me, I became a council member on the 'Board of Coordinators'. I was specifically in charge of rules and their following. Not long after I got on the board I started making large changes to make the process harder to abuse. So far, the changes have proved good, though I had to increase the standards we held as well. The biggest change was of course Creative Spark, our beloved son. We conceived him two years after we started dating, having married by then, and we have never looked back. Thanks to the money from our efforts, taking a break to raise our son was no issue at all, and now we have the time for both our son, and his crush. Apple Smith is Applejack's foal, born just a year after her namesake’s death. She is a wonderful filly, and if I had to guess she will be as much a looker as her mother and aunt. Speaking of Rainbow's friends, the only one without any foals of her own is Twilight, she has a special somepony, but he is unable to provide her with foals, he was born sterile. It was hard to stop her from basically adopting Spark from right under us with how much she did for him though. If I didn't know any better, I would say he had two mothers. Recently though, a lot of attention has been on Spike and Sweetie Belle, after Rarity found love with a gentlecolt from Filliesburg, Spike felt depressed, and eventually fell in love with the former Cutie Mark Crusaders. He eventually ended up with Sweetie, and recently they became a hit with the dragons. Now Spike is practically a diplomat, easing tensions that many thought would last for a few more centuries. Rarity has opened boutiques across Equestria, but she keeps the center of her empire right here in Ponyville. Her son, Blue Coat, plans to be an entrepreneur, planning to open some art museums with Spark, an artist who loves drawing his mother in flight. I don't blame him; she is stunning to look at. Pinkie ended up dating Berry Punch, eventually marrying and adopting a foal together. She still throws the best parties in town, both for foals, and for adults. Fluttershy has been the most active, she ended up asking out Big Mac and the two of them hit it off, having a total of three foals. All three are off in a boarding school in Canterlot on scholarships, they are some smart fillies. Fluttershy now lives on the farm, but she didn't leave her animal friends behind, opting to take them with her. Nowadays though, things are calm, peaceful, and filled with the joys of parenthood, and the benefits of having an energetic wife and a son who virtually lives out of Rarity's home. "So I assume Spark has gone off to apologize then stay over at Rarity's again?" The voice may be calling from up the stairs, but there is no doubt at who it is. "Yeah, I told him the story of us, how we first got together." "I know, I listened in. I must say though, we didn't promise to not fool around. If it weren't for my wings, we would have gone at it until morning. Then it ruined the next day, and the next day..." As she got on that thought, she descended the stairs, wearing a very alluring set of underwear. "One of these days Dash, we won’t be able to keep going at it like this." "Yeah, we will be too tired from finally having all day to stretch it out." After a light chuckle, I got up and joined Rainbow on the way to our bedroom. "I love you Dash."