The blaze of glory

by silverquill95

First published

A young orphaned colt, growing up in a small fishing villaige, dreams of one day becoming a legendary pirate captain, to sail the oceans of equetria and beyond.

Crimson grinn is a young, orphaned colt, living on the streets of a small fishing vilaige on the coast of equestria, stealing to survive, he has lived alone since he was 5 years old, with nowhere to call home, and no-one to call family. One day, when crimson was caught for stealing gold from a royal duke, visiting his villaige on celestias behalf, the duke ordered for crimson to be exicuted, but just before the dukes guards could carry out his oders, a crew of pirates attacked the dukes caravan to steal his treasure, but in the process, effectivly saved crimson. After the battle was over, and duke along with his guards were knocked unconciess, the captain of that pirate crew thanked crimson for distracting the dukes guards long enough to rob them, and gave him his hat as thanks. After seeing the excitment, bravery, and freedom of being a pirate, crimson vowed to one day become a pirate captain, sailing the oceans of equestria to become a legend.


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It was a black, cloudless night in the small fishing villaige of grey saddle, as a young purple mare named passion star, lay in her bed at the local hospital with her two newborn twin foals, one a white colt with white fur, red eyes and a red, windswept mane, the other, a filly with black fur, red eyes, and a wavy, blue mane, passion had a smile across her face, but the other young grey mare beside her had a look of concern, "what would you like to name them?" Asked the grey mare quitely, passion was silent for a moment before finally answering, "I'll name my son crimson grinn, and my daughter violet rose.....yes, I think those names are simply beutiful.....don't you?" Asked passion before her eyes closed, and her pulse quickly dropping. The grey mare arose with tears in her eyes as she gently took the foals from her arms, "yes.....they are perfect names..." said the grey mare, before hugging the children close as passion's heartbeat finally faded.

That night, at the maternity ward, a shape-less, black, shadow-like figure slithered through between the beds of the sleeping foals, in search of a particular filly, after a few moments of searching, the figure had stopped above the bed of a sleeping violet rose, and smiled victoriously before grabbing her and quickly enveloping her in shadows, he was ready to make an easy escape, but before he could move, he heard the soft sobs of violets older brother crimson, the shadow merely chuckled and gazed at crimson with large, red, demonic looking eyes, "it is not yet your time to be in my son..." said the shadow figure quitely before quickly disspearing in a flash of purple, leaving crimson to cry and scream for the return of his sister.

Five years later, a now older crimson is now running for his life from a mob of angry guards, "I STOLE ONE BAG OF BITS AND YOU GUYS WANNA KILL ME OVER IT!? WHAT THE BUCK!!" Yelled crimson loudly as he made his way through crowds of ponies, many of which kicked and cursed at him, but crimson merely ignore their responses and quickly hid in an alley, allowing the guards to run past him. Crimson smirked, believing he had escaped, but as he turned to leave the alley, he ran face-first into the duke he had stolen from, the duke sneered down at crimson before snatching away the bag of bits from crimsons hoof, "enjoy your head while you still have it trash!" Said the duke with malice before grabbing crimson by the mane and dragged him out of the alley, the duke continued to drag crimson until they reached the town center, once there, the duke threw him to a large guard and commanded the guard to knock crimson out, the guard did as he requested and knocked crimson out with a single sharp hit to the back of his head, turning crimsons world black.

Crimson awoke with a moan, he had a huge headache and his arms were bound behind his back, and many guards surrounded him, including many of the villagers, he knew many, if not all of them, some had looks of pity and sadness, others had looks of happiness and satisfaction, but out of all theponies in that crowd, none of them seemed to be more pleased than the duke, as he smiled crually at crimson and put his face close enough to his to smell his foul breath, "any last words trash?" Aske the duke with a chuckle, crimson merely growled and spat in is face. The duke immediatly ceased laughing and wiped away the spit in disgust, before glaring at crimson and unsheathing his sword, raising it high above his head, "the story of your life..." said the duke quitely before swinging the blade downward towards crimsons neck. Crimson squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the pain, but even after a minute or so, crimson dodnt feel anything, but he did hear a strange thud, crimson slowly opened his eyes to see the duke unconciess on the ground with a strange pony in a black cloak standing over him, crimson also noticed all of their knees with other strange ponies behind them, holding daggers to their throats.

The stallion in the black cloak looked down at crimson for a moment before kneeling down and cutting him free, crimson slowly stood up and eyed the stranger with suspicion, "who are you?" Asked crimson slowly, the cloaked figure merely chuckled and threw crimson the bag of bits he stole from the duke, "just a couple of pirates visiting to loot a greedy old duke.....enjoy the cash kid..." said the pirate captain calmly before walking away with his crew and a large wheel barrow of bits in tow, none of the villagers did anything to stop him, they were too shocked, crimson quickly followed beside the captain of the crew just as they reached the shore, "how do i become a pirate!? Where do i become a pirate!? What makes you guys pirates!?" Asked crimson excitedly, the captain merely chuckled, "well, first off, youll need a ship if you wanna be a pirate kid..." said the captain cooly as they came into view of a massive pirate ship, as all the crew began to board the ship, the captain turned to crimson it grinn, "if you can get yourself a good ship and reliable crew......then you'll be a pirate....and if you wanns do that, then i suggest you start big kid..." said the captain before turning and boarding his ship, crimson stepped forward, "wait! What's your name!?" Asked crimson, as the ship. Began to drift away, the captain turned around and pulled down his hood, "ivory sting!" Said the captain proudly before the ship sailed out of earshot.

Crimson kneeled on the shores of grey saddle, clutching the bag of bits that sting had given him, smiling happily before finally placing the bag of gold firmly under his hat, "i promise....some day.....I'm gonna be a great pirate captain, and I'm gonna sail every ocean in equestria and become the greatest pirate in history..." said crimson quitely before turning his back on the ocean and making his way towards town to begin his career as a thief, crimson chuckled at the words the pirate captain had told him before he left, "so you can't be a pirate without a pirate ship, now can you?" Asked crimson to himself quitely as he pondered and planned his first real heist on a major scource of bits.