The Change

by SynScribble

First published

A romance about Chrome Charmer

Chrome Charmer despite his name, doesn't always get the girl. but this time he won't give up. his friend Vinyl Scratch will help him even though it hurts her (post Tavi Scratch ship) vinyl finds herself falling in love with her friend and he doesn't realize it will he make the right decision?

The Change

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----------------------------------------The Change----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By: SynScribble----------------------------------------------------

"Chrome you're going to be late for the bus!" said Chrome Charmer's mother
in which a quick reply "Alright i'm coming."

as he walks down the stairs. Chrome Charmer was a white unicorn with light blue hair with a black undertone. His cutie mark was a vinyl record with neon blue splatters on it. Chrome was a Dj so it came to no surprise that he was very outgoing.

Today was just a normal day for some, but not for him. Today things changed. Chrome makes it to the bus and sits next to his good friend Shimmer. Shimmer is a quiet pony but he loves to make ponies smile.

"Its been a good year Shimz." said Chrome.
"yeah i guess it has." Shimmer says with a slight grin.
its quiet for a second. Well however quiet it can be on the bus on the last day of school that is.
"Hey Chrome...?" Asks Shimmer in a questioning voice.
"huh? oh uh..yeah Shimz?" Chrome replies.
"Have you had any luck with Gemini?"
"...No...." Chrome sais quietly and sadly.
"Dude you have been trying her this whole year. don't you think its time to give up?"
with that Chrome became angry
This scared the quiet pony. Chrome is standing and in Shimmers face. He doesn't realize that he had just yelled at his best friend.

The rest of the way is quiet between the two. Before the bus stops in front of the High School Chrome mans up and does what has been beckoning at him ever since he yelled at Shimmer.
"Hey shimz... i'm sorry i shouldn't have taken my anger out on you its just i guess im starting to believe everypony. Its not gonna happen." Chrome says depressed
"Chrome you know i'm here for you man. Shimmer says with a push on Chromes shoulder. "we all lose our cool every now and then." Shimmer replied with a smile.
with that Chrome felt a little better about everything.

The bus stops in front of "Grand Colt high school" Everypony seems to flood out of the bus except for Chrome and Shimmer who do it in an orderly manner. They skip going to the school breakfast so Chrome can see gemini before the split in exploratories. as they walk into home room Chrome sees something so upsetting he cant handle it and just sees black as he beats the pony that was previously kissing gemini

Once he finally calms down he finds himself in the principal's office
"Tis a dark place." Shimmer says in a mid-evil accent jokingly.
"yeah? well this is just great my last day of school and i'm going to solitary!"
this is what they called In school suspension.
"dude you sent that colt to the hospital. I'm pretty sure you doing more than solitary." replied Shimmer.
"Whats the worst they can do to me on the last day of school?" Chrome says in a cocky voice.

"Summer School!" the principal demands as punishment.
"SUMMER SCHOOL?!? mrs. duikity i have to go on tour this month if i have summer school i cant do that and this is a breakthrough in my career!" Chrome says, "And plus i passed all my classes with flying colors!" he adds.
"i know, and thats why you will be helping with summer school classes. Not attending them." the principal says while opening Chromes file.
"helping? why?!? cant you just give me solitary? or something???" Chrome begs.
"solitary?" mrs. Duikity asks looking through her glasses menacingly.
"Oh uh..I mean ISS.." he says sheepishly
"well if i did that it wouldn't be much of a punishment now would it?" mrs. Duikity says ignoring the nickname Chrome used. "No ma'am..." Chrome says with a sigh.
"very well then you will be there at 8 O'clock tuesday of next week." she says nonchalantly.
"UGH fine!" Chrome huffs with an attitude despite knowing it will only make matters worse.
"off with you then. i have important business to attend to" says mrs. Duikity waving her hoof towards the door. Chrome, without any words gets up and does as he's told.

After the school day ends and he says his goodbyes Chrome is relieved to be home. He goes to his room and lays on his bed for a moment. "i know!" he says excitedly. he then turns on his computer and opens Nieghbleton Live 8.
"maybe making some wubstep will make me feel better!"
"Its dubstep man!" says a voice behind Chrome.
This makes Chrome freeze for a second but then turn around to find his good friend Vinyl Scratch behind him. She's a Dj too "AHH! What are you doing in my room!?!?" Chrome asks hastily.
"Relax bro your mom let me in." Vinyl says in a chill voice.
"okay and she let you in my room too?" asks Chrome.
"well mayybe not really i might have sorta did that on my own." Vinyl replies.
"haha, what do ya want?" Chrome asks with a smile.
"Lets make a song together!" vinyl says exasperated.
A week has passed and its the dreaded day.. Tuesday.
"Thanks for walking with me me Vinyl." says Chrome.
"No prob dude. I cant believe you cant go on tour because of all this!" Vinyl replies
"Yeah its pretty dumb..." Chrome says sadly.

They talk back and fourth sharing laughs until they reach their destination.
"Oh here we are." Chrome says.
"Before you go...i need to tell you something..." vinyl says sheepishly almost resembling flutter shy.
"Oh crap! i'm gonna be late! sorry scratch gotta run!" Chrome says in a hurry and runs off.
"Right...gotta run...." vinyl says with a slight sigh.

As Chrome gets to the lobby of the school he is assigned a classroom to work in
"you will be working in class 12B." a mid aged pony says to Chrome Charmer.
"Thank you ma'am" Chrome says
"Oh you can call me Barry." she says while winking and stroking his chest with her hoof.
"ehehe...okayy uh well i should be going now.. heheh." Chrome says with an awkward voice.
"goodbye cuti-"
thats all she could say before Chrome runs off to his classroom and she gets yelled at by the principal for fraternizing.

Chrome approaches the class he's going to be working in today and notices a particular pony in the back left corner of the room. Its gemini. Chromes heart is beating twice as fast now.
"she looks great today." he says to himself.
"maybe i should sa-"
*CRASH* Chrome walks right into an empty desk knocking it over. This gets gemini's attention for sure. She giggles at him and Chrome blushes.He gets up and brushes himself off.
"Hey! clean up that mess!" says a stout pony, Mr. Kingly
"i-im sorry sir it was an accident."Chrome says and begins to clean up his mess
"hey Chrome.." says gemini as she helps chrome pick up the papers that were on the empty desk.

"So my agent does a stage dive! to get my record back!" Chrome says in a hysterical manner
"ahaha that must have been really funny!" the pony of chrome's dreams replies.
"Hey uh..gemini...?" Chrome says quietly "
Yeah?" she replies
"would you like to uh.. I dunno maybe go to sugarcube corner for some cupcakes or something tonight?"
gemini looks at Chrome with big blue eyes
"that sounds nice. yeah lets do it."
Chrome cannot believe what he just heard after all this time...she finally said yes! Chrome almost jumps for joy but keeps his composure
"uh alright cool. lets say ill pick you up at seven?" Chrome asks
"yeah heres my address." gemini says while writing down where she lives.

The day went by fast. almost a if it were working in his favor. Its 6:30 now and he has to get ready.
"oww quit pulling my hair!" Chrome says
"Strand still! do you want to look good or not?" Vinyl says a bit of anger in her voice.
"But it hurts!" Chrome explains
"Almost done just a little bit of this and some of that aaaand there! you look great!"
Chrome goes to the mirror and examines himself.
"Yeah i guess i do look pretty good don't I?" Chrome asks striking a modeling pose.
"Yes you do...Really really good.."
she then realizes that shes staring at Chrome and snaps out of it.
"Now get going you're going to be late!" she says pushing him in the direction of the door.
"Alright alright! Thanks scratch. for all your help and all.." Chrome says looking into Vinyls ruby eyes.
"yeah don't mention it!...hehheh."

Chrome leaves Vinyls house and heads for gemini's house. as he approaches the house he's a bit intimidated by its size. Chrome rings the doorbell once and is greeted by a big gruff stallion he can only assume is her father.
"What do you want?" he says with a booming voice.
"uh does gemini live here...?" Chrome asks almost wincing.
"Dad quit it. you're scaring him!"
gemini comes out and they head off.
"thats it? we just leave? no introductions or anything?" Chrome asks quite puzzled.
"yeah its whatever don't worry about him."
"well alright...." Chrome replies less confidently then usual.

by the time they make it to sugarcube corner Chrome is already tired of her always looking in a mirror and talking about herself. as the night goes on with their date she is still talking about herself so Chrome interjects
"Enjoying your cupcakes?" he asks as politely as possible.
gemini stops and looks at him menacingly
"Why did you interrupt me?" she says with an attitude.
Chrome is quite shocked considering he had barely gotten two words in this whole time.
"i was just wond-"
She interrupts him.
"You know how rude that was? i hate rude ponies like that dumb Dj Pon3 always talking about "wubs" and how loud she is and those stupid glas-"
Chrome couldn't stand the and let her talk about vinyl like that.
"HEY! Vinyl is my friend! yeah shes loud sometimes but its not like shes being loud talking about nopony but herself like you! she has a kind heart and shes beautiful inside and out! with her beautiful ruby eyes! and her perfect white coat! and-" Chrome catches himself starting to gush about her.
"The point is i feel bad for anypony who hangs out with you and has to listen to you being conceded"
At the Chrome gets up and leaves.

On the way he starts thinking to himself
"Why did i say those things about vinyl? do i love her but not realize it? well i realize it now...shes the mare i want to be with..."
Chrome was headed to his house but finds himself walking to Vinyls place.
"Might as well"
he mumbles to himself as he knocks on the door. Vinyl answers the door Shocked to see whos standing there.
"What happened man?" she asks concerned that he might be hurt. without word Chrome grabs vinyl in a loving embrace and kisses vinyl. Shocked, Vinyl's eyes are wide but she's blushing. Her dream is coming true. she closes her eyes and holds Chrome back. Chrome then whispers in Vinyls ear
"I love you."