> Return of the Dawn > by pchn00 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Sunrise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Sunrise My favorite time of the day. I’m standing on the old concrete balcony that extends from the patio door of my second floor apartment. It’s a cool spring morning. I can already tell it’s going to be a beautiful day. There’s just the faintest hint of a chill in the air and a slight breeze tousles my still embarrassingly wildly tangled brown tresses. I know I should at least make a token effort at tidying myself up when I first wake up but I have this weird… irrational fear of missing the sunrise. It’s coming. I can just feel it. I’ve always been able to. My uncle used to call me his little alarm clock. The sky is blanketed in beautiful pastel pinks, oranges, and yellows as the sun begins its ascent. I always have a giddy, childlike smile as I watch the solar orb rise into the sky. More often than not staring at it long enough to make my eyes burn before I’m finally forced to turn away. “Hey sun girl.” I let out a soft eep and whip my head to the right. My neighbor’s come out onto his balcony wearing a half smile and carrying a seemingly ever present mug of coffee in one hand. “Good morning coffee guy.” I’m smiling now however. We’ve been neighbors for a little more than a year. Like me Jake’s an early riser. More often than not my silent companion to the sunrise. At first it felt like an intrusion of a deeply personal time to me, but as I got to know him I warmed to the company. “Whaddya think? Gonna be a hot one?” Another of my curious talents. I could always pretty accurately predict the day’s weather. “Nope! Beautiful spring day. Mid-seventies tops.” He gives a quiet ‘mm’ in response and sips his coffee. I shift from foot to foot as I watch the sky. Really there were two reasons I was uncomfortable for the morning company. I was never exactly what you’d call ‘fashion conscious’. I’d always enjoy the sunrise in my pajamas, namely a pair of old too-large flannel pants and one of my numerous baggy t-shirts gifted to me by my uncle. The man had such a big heart but he could never get my sizes right. The mix of wild bed head and admittedly slobby pj’s in the presence of a handsome man was enough to make any girl a little uncomfortable. And Jake most definitely fell into the handsome category. More than a little over six feet with the kind of chiseled jaw and broad shoulders just about any girl could go gaga over, he had the deepest brownest eyes I’d ever seen. It’d taken more than a little effort on his part to get me to feel comfortable around him. Of course as we bumped into one another in the hall, on the stairs or in the elevator I realized he was a normal person just like anyone else. Even if he had gorgeous wavy brown hair and those incredibly soulful eyes. I blink out of my musing as I realize he’s staring at me. Even worse I’ve been staring at him! He wears a faint grin however and slowly sips from his mug. About to try and salvage some dignity something catches my eye. Specifically the brightly colored cartoon pony emblazoned across his mug with “Wonderbolts” spelled out in large block letters behind her. “Oh my god! You’re a brony?!” He does the most hilarious spit take I’ve ever seen in real life. In fact it was probably the first spit take I’d seen in real life. With a grimace he turns the mug around eyeing the picture across its porcelain surface as if IT were somehow to blame. “Shit. I usually keep this one put away; all the others were dirty y’know?” My grin widens now as he’s the one on the defensive. “I didn’t know you were into that show! My roommate in college was NUTS for it. She’d have viewing parties every weekend. Don’t feel too embarrassed, there were tons of guys there.” He rolls his eyes and goes back to nursing the coffee. “Yeah I’m a fan. It had that rare blend of great writing that could appeal to kids and adults y’know? It wasn’t one of those brainless cartoons that just had cartoon animals beating each other over the head with a bat or something.” I laugh gently and wave my hand. “Really you don’t have to explain it to me. I didn’t watch it religiously but what I caught seemed good. And man did it have catchy songs.” He’s smiling back now. “That’s an understatement. I still have a bunch of them on my iPod.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I suppose this ruins my awesome manly image huh?” Even being a fan of a cartoon filled with colorful singing ponies would be hard to ruin HIS manly image. Jake went into the air force right out of high school. After serving for six years he entered the police academy pretty quick after leaving the service. “Not to me. You’re still the second manliest man I’ve ever met.” “Oh yeah? Only second?” I shrug. “Hard to beat my uncle. He was the rugged out doorsy type. Caught all his own food and the like.” Jake simply nods at that setting his empty mug down. “The one who raised you right?” “That’s him. Only family I have so far as I know. He didn’t like to talk about my parents.” Which was the only source of friction between the two of us. I thought the world of the man but his refusal to divulge any information about my family really rankled me. I note with some interest Jake seems to be looking a bit nervous suddenly. “So Erin… I don’t suppose you have plans tonight? I was thinking you might wanna come by. We could even watch some Pony if you felt up to it. Maybe watch some of the best ones, see which you have and haven’t seen.” This was a bit of a surprise. He hadn’t invited me over the entire year we’ve been speaking. Of course we our respective homes only had a single wall separating them so it wasn’t like it was any huge distance. “Mmm… I dunno I usually like to just veg out and decompress after work…” Then he said the magic words. “I’ll have cake.” “And I’ll see you tonight!” He laughed and I couldn’t help but blush at my hasty response. Anyone who knew me for any length of time knew my greatest weakness was my sweet tooth. My kitchen was filled with more than a few boxes of various Hostess products. I clear my throat recovering quickly. “What’s the occasion for the cake?” “It’s my birthday tonight. Didn’t you know?” Again I can only blink in surprise. “What? It is? It’s my birthday tonight!” “No way.” “It is! I’m twenty five today!” “That is freaky. I’m twenty five today.” We stare at one another for a few moments trying to tell if one or the other is lying. Almost simultaneously we decide that’d be a pretty stupid thing to lie about and start laughing. “Wow that is a crazy coincidence! Well now I have to come over tonight. And get you a present.” He hastily raises his hands. “What? No, no! I didn’t mention it to get a gift out of you. Don’t buy me anything, seriously.” Hands on my hips now I cock my head. “You’re not going to get me anything?” Instantly his expression gives it away. “W-well…” “Uh huh.” I glance at the clock on the wall inside. “I need to hop in the shower. I’ll swing by around… your shift ends at seven so I’ll come by eight?” With a chuckle he nods. “Alright. I’ll see you at eight. Have a great day Princess.” “You too Spitfire!” We both head back inside sliding our doors shut. It’s not until I’m halfway to the bathroom that the odd exchange comes back to me. “Princess? Spitfire?” Shaking my head I laugh a little. “Maybe I could stand to get a little more sleep.” Showering is a pretty basic affair for me. Most women’s bathrooms are filled with all manner of beauty products, lotions, conditioner, all that kind of stuff. I inherited more than a solid work ethic from my dear uncle however. I’ve always thought the simplest approach to anything was the best approach, that included hair and skin care. Still I was a substitute teacher, with hopes of getting a more permanent position. That meant I had to make a good impression on the principal and pretty much every other permanent employee in just about any school I manage to get work in for the day. With a grimace I sit on the edge of the tub shaving my legs for the first time in about a week. Typically I wear long pants or jeans whenever I can get away with it but I’m subbing in a private school today. That meant skirts, which meant people would be able to see my legs and wooly legs do not typically endear a woman to her superiors. Stifling another sigh at the unfairness of gender stereotyping that even now reared its head I grumpily begin the arduous task of taming my hair. My peers very wrongly assume I take ridiculous care of my hair. The bottle of dollar store, jumbo sized strawberry scented shampoo on the edge of the tub would probably surprise them more than a little. Despite my lack of interest over my hair however, it always seemed thick, lustrous, and luxurious. I could throw it in a ponytail, braid, or just let it flow loose and I’d still turn heads and get numerous compliments about it. Today I go with the third option. Normally I like to tie it back so it’s out of my way but appearance is everything at these stuffy private schools and while I don’t care about it, I know my hair is one of my best features and looks best unbound. Now free of the numerous kinks and snarls that plagued it before, my mane fell nearly to the small of my back. I think about getting it cut every week but my uncle used to call me his little Rapunzel… it was hard for me to throw away the warm feelings looking at it elicited. Next come the cosmetics. Another chore I hate with a passion. I own exactly one tube of lipstick, a bottle of clear nail polish, and a very rarely used container of mascara. While a bit late for me to use the polish, the lipstick and mascara see some use this morning. Blinking my brown, (though not nearly as brown as Jakes) eyes at the mirror as I layer on the goop over my eye lashes I grunt in annoyance and head to my room. My selection of upscale clothing is slim to say the least. I got my degree in secondary education… meaning I specialize in kindergarten to fifth grade. Which had the fortunate upside of letting me dress pretty casually. You didn’t have to impress six year olds. One of my nicer skirt and blouse combos found their way onto my body and grabbing my purse I was out the door and heading downstairs. Jake’s already in the parking lot cutting a fine figure in his police uniform. He’s just a ‘beat cop’ as he calls it but I think that’s pretty great all the same. He spots me and waves smiling awkwardly. “Hey did you uh… did you call me Spitfire?” My blush rears its head full force. “I think so! I don’t even know why I did that? What kind of name is Spitfire?” “Well she’s the Captain of the Wonderbolts. And runs the academy. I figured you were poking fun at my mug. That’s who’s on it.” “Oh. Yeah I… That must be it. I must’ve remembered her from one of the episodes I saw. That makes sense.” We both smile a bit awkwardly. “…did you call me Princess?” He urks. No doubt he was hoping I’d missed his little slip as well. “Aha ha! Well y’know... It’s one of those nick names! Like uh, lady…” He trailed off lamely. I just raised an eyebrow but found it hard to push him too much on the subject what with my own blunder so fresh in our minds. With a bit of a forced laugh I wave my hand dismissively. “It’s fine! Really it was just weird. I guess for both of us?” He returns my laugh. “Yeah. So! Still on for tonight right?” I nod firmly. “Still on for tonight. I’ll see you then Jake.” His smile is wide but a bit nervous. “I’ll see you tonight Erin.” I quicken my step toward the bus stop. Was he flirting? Is this thing tonight a date? God, when was the last time I was on a date? College I think. Craig… Something or other. It mostly consisted of me watching him and his friends playing Halo. Not my idea of an awesome night. Resting my chin in my palm I consider tonight’s activities. Watching a bunch of episodes of a decades old cartoon show isn’t exactly my idea of a great time either. It was a cute show though from what I remember. And the company isn’t exactly bad either. Plus cake. Cake makes everything better. As my bus arrives to take me downtown my thoughts turn toward cake. And all the myriad of wonderful flavors it comes in. Now I’m excited to see what he gets… *** It takes more than a little effort on my part not to sprint from the building as soon as the school day is over. If there’s one thing worse than a snobby rich guy it’s his snobby rich kids. Good grief I think if their noses were stuck any further up in the air those kids would tip over onto their backs. How anyone can stand to be in the presence of people like that for more than a minute will forever be a mystery to me. It’s three thirty now so that gives me plenty of time to find a present for Jake and get home. I don’t know as much as I’d like to about my friendly, handsome neighbor. Just that he was in the air force is a police officer, and a closet My Little Pony fan. Smiling slyly now I take to the city streets, silently cursing the fact that I hadn’t brought a pair of tennis shoes to change into after work. Heels and I don’t get along. My destination was a neat little vintage toy store called Warp 9. While I was pretty sure the show was old enough to be considered vintage I figured it’d be the best place to find something pony related for a gift. It was right where I remembered it being. It’d been sometime since I visited last but it hadn’t changed much save new merchandise on the shelves. It was a sizeable store; fortunately I had little to do that afternoon. Nodding politely to the woman behind the counter I casually strolled down the aisles. They certainly had an impressive collection to choose from. Old comic books, cartoon shows, and popular movies were represented. I recognized more than a few from my own childhood. Was that stuff old enough to be vintage? Twenty five hadn’t seemed all that old to me but all of a sudden I felt over a thousand. Huffing a bit at the toys as if they were there specifically to mock me I moved on with a quicker pace. That’s when I saw the unmistakable rainbow hued mane of one of the main characters. Hurrying to the section I knew my quest had ended. There was an entire aisle dedicated to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. And they had toys, clothes, mugs, lunchboxes… pretty much anything that could have the image of one of the characters they had for sale. Now came the hard part. What to get for him? We didn’t talk about the show much but he had a mug with that Wonderbolt, Spitfire was her name. Maybe she was his favorite? My roommate said it wasn’t unusual for a fan of the show to have one pony be their favorite character and they were a side or background character just as often as a main one. Pushing through the rack of t-shirts I started hunting for something with Spitfire on it. I couldn’t hide a smile as I looked at shirt after shirt with the adorable stars of the show, often with cute phrases to accompany them. I almost bought one with Fluttershy’s face all scrunched up and a tiny little ‘yay’ escaping her mouth for myself. I froze at the next one though. An uncomfortable tightness formed in my chest as I stare at the t-shirt. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary when I looked closer. It was just a simple black, baby doll tee. A midnight blue mare with an equally dark blue, star studded mane gazed back at me with teal eyes and a look of superiority on her face. The words beneath her read ‘Luna is best Princess’. Carefully I lift the shirt from the rack and hold it up transfixed by the image on it. “Pony fan huh?” I nearly jump out of my skin as the clerk pipes up at my side. I hadn’t heard her coming and whip around looking more than a little put out. She hastily backs up a step looking apologetic. “Sorry! Didn’t mean to scare you!” I calm quickly enough and force a faint smile. “It’s alright. I was just…” I shrug at a loss. “I don’t know. Zoning out I guess.” Hastily I stuff the shirt back on the rack. “Mmm. Looking for anything in particular?” “I am! Spitfire. Do you have anything with her? Or I guess Wonderbolts stuff? I’m looking for a birthday present for a… friend.” She hms softly and walks passed me. “As a matter of fact we do have one thing. Picked a few of them up at a Comicon when the show was still big.” She motions me over to a glass display case. Inside are what I suspect to be more expensive pieces of pony paraphernalia. The one that draws me eye however is a large pair of goggles wrapped in a colorful package that bears Spitfire’s image. ‘Fly with the Wonderbolts with the official Wonderbolt goggles! Approved by Captain Spitfire!’ My eyes go wide at the sight. “Oh that’s perfect! No way does he have a pair of these! How much?” She laughs a little at my enthusiasm. “Well back in the day they’d go for a couple hundred dollars. But I’ve had these for years without much interest. Forty sound fair?” I nod. “More than! Thank you so much. He’s going to flip I just know it.” Smiling she takes them up to the counter ringing me up. I happily hand over a pair of twenties taking the bag. “I don’t suppose you have wrapping paper?” “Matter of fact we do. Always have a bunch left over from Christmas time. Folk like to have things gift wrapped in the store y’know?” She pauses for a moment then smiles. “In faaaaact…” She disappears into the back room. She’s gone for several minutes before she emerges with a slightly bent, dust covered roll of wrapping paper. But when she unrolls it I know it’s just what I need. *** A bit too gleefully I kick my heels off back home not caring where they land on the floor so long as it’s far from me. Sighing in relief I drop Jake’s gift off on the table before padding to my room and stripping out of the confining work clothes. A white t-shirt depicting a mountainous landscape with a rising sun takes the place of my blouse as I toss the skirt to the side I pull on my favorite, well-worn jeans. Feeling very much like myself again I clean off most of the make up and throw my hair in a ponytail. It’s almost six which gives me a couple hours to kill before I head next door. Dinner is starting to sound good so I’m off to the kitchen. Gourmet chef that I am my cupboards not full of bad-for-me junk food are mostly filled with spaghettio’s. Chef Boyardee ravioli, and Kraft mac and cheese. Opting for the ravioli I pop the bowl in the microwave and lean against the counter to wait. My eyes drift toward the pill bottle beside the wall phone. I chew my lower lip as I consider my options. It’s been months since I’ve had any problems and taking my meds always puts me in a pretty depressing state. It’s why I always take them at night when I’m alone. It’s been quite a long time since I had evening plans. I don’t want to go over to Jake’s and just mope around all night. One evening isn’t going to kill me. The microwave dings and I sit to eat my (by my standards) delicious meal. Clean-up is just as quick and for a minute I ponder making a cup of tea. Usually an evening ritual of mine. Tea, book, bed. Though the tea tends to mellow me just as much as my medication so I settle for just the book. I made it a few chapters into the latest Forgotten Realms novel before I hear Jake’s door close. Checking the clock it’s seven thirty. I figure he’ll probly grab a shower and want to change before I drop by. Sure enough I can hear the water running in his apartment within a few minutes. I sit up and start drumming my fingers on the cover of the book in my lap. Am I nervous? I am! I’m nervous. Oh god this is a date! It’s at the very least date-like. That’s more dateish than I’ve been in years. Feeling panicky I consider reapplying the make-up, maybe throwing my nice clothes back on. I stop myself though. Taking a deep breath in and out I force myself to calm down. He sees me almost every morning with my bed head and pajamas. I think the ponytail and day-to-day clothes will do fine. The water stops and I stare holes in my clock. Five minutes pass and it’s five to eight. Unable to wait any longer I grab his gift and head out, locking the door behind me. He answers his door before I manage to get through the second knock. “Hey! Uh…” He smooth’s back his hair. “Hey. C’mon in.” I step inside taking a quick look around as I do. For a single guy living on his own his apartment is surprisingly tidy. With a twinge of embarrassment I realize a good deal cleaner than my own. Vacuuming is a monthly affair at best and my laundry winds up strewn about the couch or floor more than in the hamper. He has a few pictures on the wall. Family I’d guess judging by the closeness. One depicts him in his uniform with a group of other air force soldiers. He sees me looking and grins. “My unit. Back when I was in the force.” I nod, not needing to feign my interest. Thinking about it I realize I’d wanted to get to know Jake better for a while now. “Do you keep in touch?” “Oh yeah. That kinda bond isn’t easy to break y’know? We get together when we can. Most of them are still active.” “Mmm. Why’d you leave?” He frowns now heading toward the living room. I fall into step with him. “I got shot down. Banged my head in the crash and it messed up my eye sight a bit. You can’t fly without twenty-twenty. I could’ve taken a desk or maintenance job but… That’d be hard. Seeing them in the air but unable to join them.” His frown only deepens as we sit. He on one end of the large leather sofa, me on the other. Knowing I’m the cause for his sudden shift in mood I decide it’s my job to bring him back around. Without further delay I thrust his present into his lap. He blinks down at it, a small smile spreading. “Where did you find this paper?” The paper in question is bright pink. Cartwheeling across it in various poses is of course Pinkie Pie, wearing her biggest smile. “The old toy store I got your present in.” “Ha! Oh man now I’m scared to open it.” He sets it on the coffee table heading down the hall. I crane my neck to follow his progress watching him disappear into what I assume is his bedroom. He returns soon enough with a small box that’s clearly from a jewelry store. I feel a frown spreading on my face. “Jake! How much did you spend?!” “Not much! Honest. I know the guy who runs the little place downtown. He’s on my beat y’know? He was in the air force back in the day too so I like to stop in and we shoot the breeze when he isn’t busy. Gave me a great deal.” My frown eases as I accept the box. “Well alright. Should we open them now or after the cake?” I’m grinning as I finish. With a laugh he shakes his head, heading into the kitchen. “I can take a hint! I know the real reason you’re here.” “Hope it’s a good one. I’m a very discerning cake eater and a girl has to have standards. She can’t be seen in public with a man who doesn’t know a good piece of cake.” “Oh? D’you plan to be seen in public with me a lot all of a sudden?” I let out a little strangled urk at that. “Did I say that?! Ehe he… I just meant… You know…” He brings a white box tied with an equally white string to the coffee table in the living room. That meant it was from a bakery. Already a good sign. Setting the plates, forks, and a knife down he gave me a warm smile. “I know what you meant. I hope it’s up to your standards then. I think it’d be nice to be seen with you in public. Maybe a restaurant or a movie theatre.” It takes all of my effort to resist giving a little ‘squee’ of delight. This is a date! And it’s going well! Ugh I better not screw this up. “Well! Let’s see what you have for me.” Without further ado he smoothly cuts the string and slides the lid open. Instantly the intoxicating aroma of chocolate reaches my nose and my mouth drops open the tiniest bit. Within the box sits the thickest, richest looking chocolate covered cake I have ever seen in my life. My poker face is not very well developed judging by the very amused grin on my companions face. “Oh but wait, there’s more.” Slowly… Dare I say sensually he cuts into the confection. The knife sliding smoothly and keeping me transfixed all the while. I can tell by the way the cake indents as he presses that it’s delectably moist. As he reveals the rich vanilla cream contained at the center of the cake I don’t bother to hide my ‘squee’ this time, drawing a loud laugh from the cutter. Wide eyed I sit with anticipation as he slides the slice onto a plate and presents it to me. My hand trembles only slightly as I lift the fork and take my first bite. The flavor explodes in my mouth and my eyes roll back as I let it just melt on my tongue. It’s nearly a full minute before I open my eyes… Only to find Jake regarding me with an expression that’s a mix of confusion and amusement. “I… I really like cake…” He laughs again as he cuts his own slice. “I would never have guessed. You want something to drink? I have a few beers in the fridge. Could whip us up some margaritas or something. It is our birthday.” “Oh um, milk?” “Milk.” I nod. “If you have it.” “Oh I have it.” Again he heads to the kitchen leaving me to take another savory bite in peace. “So is it a cake thing or do you just not drink?” “I drink all the time. Just not alcohol. It uh…“ I frown. Is this the sort of thing that would ruin a date? He’s known me a long time and it never came up before. Still better to start a relationship off being honest rather than lying. “It interferes with my medication.” “Oh.” He comes back with a glass of milk for me, a beer for himself. “What do you take meds for? If it’s not too personal.” I frown now. Not even the mind blowing cake can make this topic comfortable. “Well. When I was little I might have, sorta, kinda had a very… Very mild case of erm… schizophrenia.” His eyebrows shoot up; likely they’d have kept going off his head if it were possible. “What? Really?” Heaving a sigh I nod. “Yeah. I had this other personality I guess you’d call it. She’d come out from time to time.” Jake looks slightly uncomfortable, but always a little intrigued. “Was she uh, crazy or something?” “No. No I don’t think so. I mean my Uncle never acted like she was. She was just different. Not me you know? Mostly he said she acted confused, scared. The first time it happened I guess I… Or she really, screamed for like ten minutes.” “Why?” I shake my head. “I don’t know. My Uncle never asked her. He said she sounded like she was in pain though. After she got over the screaming apparently she was very nice. Polite. If a little nuts. Talking about other worlds and stuff. He took me to see a Doctor, he got me on my meds and that was that. If I’d go a few days without taking them I could relapse but that hasn’t happened since high school.” He’s staring at me silently now. “Wow.” I sigh. “Sorry. I uh… You want me to go right?” “What? No! No, no. Sorry I… It’s just a little surprising. You seem so normal y’know? Well mostly normal.” He tilts his head. “Actually you’re a pretty weird chick now that I think about it. I guess finding out you’re literally nuts isn’t too big a surprise.” I feel anger welling in my chest, but see that he’s grinning. “Very funny. Here I am opening up and you’re making fun of my very serious medical condition.” His eyes widen. “Wh-what? No I… Oh jeez I guess I was? I’m so sorry. That was… That was really stupid of me and…” I cut him off with a smile of my own. “Gotcha.” I take another bite of cake savoring it for a long moment while he recovers. “So did I totally kill the evening?” “What? No! Not at all. It’s kinda nice you’re talking to me about something so, y’know… Personal. I appreciate your honesty.” “It IS the best policy they say.” “So are you going to need your pills forever?” I nod. “Yeah pretty much. I mean it’s not exactly a huge inconvenience to take a little pill in the evenings before bed. I can’t drink or smoke anything, not that I’d want to. I get by on juice and milk just fine.” “No soda?” I shrug. “Not really. I have enough trouble keeping my teeth in pristine condition without guzzling sugar water on top of all the cake and candy I eat.” He laughs, and I do the same. The uncomfortable moment behind us we begin to relax again. Enjoying the cake he bought, I more than he likely but he still seems to like it. “Alright! I’m full of cake and ready for my present.” With a grin he hands the box over. I open it carefully smiling as I see what rests within. It’s a simple silver necklace with a topaz cut to look like a stylized sun hanging from it. “Jake this is beautiful.” “To be honest I’ve had my eye on it for you for a while. What with your sunrise obsession I thought you’d like it.” “I love it! Help me put it on?” His smile matches my own as he stands and moves behind me. I flip my ponytail over my shoulder so he can fasten it around my neck. My cheeks begin to burn as his fingers only slightly brush against my skin. The contact ends a bit too soon in my opinion but I smile down at the necklace hanging from my neck now. “Jake it’s fantastic, thank you so much. My present feels stupid now.” He huffs. “Nonsense. It’s the thought that counts right?” Retaking his seat he picks up his own box. “Gotta admit I’ve been crazy curious since I saw it.” He carefully undoes the tape and removes the paper. I grin at the care he’s taking, no doubt to save the paper for later. I’d hoped he would like it but I wasn’t prepared for his eyes to go as wide as dinner plates. “Where did you get this?!” I blink a bit taken aback. “The uh… The old vintage toy store downtown? Warp 9?” His breathing has picked up pace as he holds the box in his hands. “I can’t believe this! These things go for like a thousand bucks on eBay! How much did you pay for them?!” “Uh forty? The lady said she’d had them for years and I was the first person to show any interest in a really long time.” Jake looks like a kid on Christmas as he almost reverently opens the package and slides the goggles out. Resting them in his hands and just smiling down at them for a few moments. Grin never faltering he slides them over his head and settles them around his eyes. “How do I look?” I can’t help but laugh at his antics. “Ridiculous! They’re huge!” “Well ponies do have those big huge eyes.” He slides them up resting them on his forehead. “Erin this is amazing. This is literally the coolest present anyone has ever given me in my entire life. I’ve wanted a pair of these stupid goggles ever since I knew they made them. Thank you so much.” “Well I’m very glad you like them Jake.” This evening is definitely looking up. “Well! Now we HAVE to watch the show. You have me in a pony mood.” I laugh again and shrug helplessly. “Why not? In fact let’s start at the beginning. I’ve never seen the first episode.” “Ooo. It’s a two parter. Some people say it’s only so-so but I always loved it.” He reaches behind a collection of old Blu-ray discs digging out a surprisingly pristine looking Season 1 set. “Holy cow that thing is what? More than twenty years old by now isn’t it?” He grins. “More like thirty. These aren’t very easy to track down but I have all seven seasons.” He slides in the first disc and drops back into his seat. I’m only vaguely interested in the show. I remember it being cute and it even made me laugh a couple times but I’ve never been a big TV watcher. As the intro cues up and the narrator begins her story of the two royal sisters however, I find my attention oddly riveted. The story of the younger sister falling to darkness and the elder having to send her away sends pangs of pain rippling through my chest. I feel my eyes beginning to burn. Jake looks over in concern. “Erin? Are you… You’re crying?” I blink. “What?” I lift a hand to my eyes and sure enough I feel the tears there about to run over onto my cheeks. “Oh jeez I am! I’m so lame.” He shakes his head. “Nah, it’s cute. I mean I guess it is a little sad. Wait til you see how the second episode ends.” Nodding I settle back, now feeling a little more invested. Watching the main character, Twilight Sparkle is her name… I knew it was something like that… Arrive in Ponyville for the first time and start running into her friends I can’t help but smile. To my further embarrassment I find myself audibly gasping when Nightmare Moon makes her appearance. An irrational anger is welling up inside me at the sight of the silly cartoon villain. Jake wastes no time starting the second episode. Watching Twilight and the others overcome their various trials in the Everfree forest starts to fill me with the most bizarre sense of pride. This stupid show has my emotions flailing all over the place. Jake was definitely right about the end. As Luna and Celestia reunite for the first time in a thousand years the waterworks are really flowing. Wordlessly he fetches me some tissues. “Wow you get really into your TV.” I laugh blowing my nose less than gracefully and throwing the tissues away. “I usually don’t! It’s so weird. I’m more of a reader than a watcher.” “Huh. Well it is a great show. Except the finale. Man did they drop the ball there.” “Oh! I’ve seen that one. When Discord uh… Goes nuts and starts disintegrating them all? That was shockingly violent. I remember crying at the last scene where Princess Celestia tries to protect Princess Luna.” Jake raises a brow at that. “That’s not how it ended. The last scene was the Wonderbolts trying to fend him off and going down in flames.” “I might not be a big pony expert but that was one of the few episodes I saw. I think I’d remember the end. It was really powerful.” “Alright. Well I know the easy way to settle THIS argument.” He digs out the final season and slides in the last disc. Our smug grins match one another perfectly as the episode begins. He skips ahead to the final scene and we both lean forward expectantly. Then… The disc freezes. “…what happened?” He shakes his head. “I dunno.” With a frown he removes the disc inspecting it critically. “No scratches. Maybe it’s the player. The thing is pretty old.” He retrieves a laptop computer from his room setting it up on the table. Again he skips to the end… And again the disc freezes up. “Oh what the heck?!” He’s starting to lose his temper. “Now that I think about it you’re right! I must have been remembering a fan episode or something. Let’s not worry about it, that episode’s depressing anyway.” He frowns at the disc but nods. “Yeah. Yeah let’s watch one of the funny ones huh?” I nod in agreement, and soon the sounds of cheerful ponies have filled the apartment once more. *** “Jeez it’s already one a.m. Good thing it’s Friday huh?” I laugh. “Well I kind of get to make my own schedule since I’m just a sub. Hoping to get a full time gig soon though.” He walks me to the door. “I had a lot of fun tonight Erin.” We’re both smiling with a hint of shyness. “Me too. We should do it again soon. Maybe in a restaurant setting. Free of cartoons.” “As long as they serve cake?” I laugh and slap him on the arm lightly. “Very funny.” We stand in the doorway of his apartment. Close enough I can smell his aftershave. It’s a nice smell. I look up at him and he looks down at me. My lips pucker just a little almost on their own as I lean upwards. My heart is hammering in my chest as his own lips move toward mine. Our first kiss is brief but pleasant. I feel a little fuzzy headed as I realize with a start I’m back in my own apartment. “Jeez I totally zoned out. What a doof.” Still I’m smiling giddily as I change for bed and drop down into my well-worn covers. Tonight… Was a good night. *** Screaming coming from every direction. Screaming and fire. I hear them crying to me, calling my name. They need me! They always need me and I’m always there to protect them. Sinister laughter rises above the din of pained and panicked screams as I whirl toward my foe. My oldest friend… My oldest enemy. “Why the long face Princess?” Discord grins widely as he stretches his own face to ridiculous proportions. “Stop this now Discord! Before you go too far! It’s not too late to make things right again!” His smile vanishes in the blink of an eye. “Who says things are wrong? I’m the spirit of CHAOS Princess. I’m chaotic… It’s kind of my thing. I played nice for a time. Now I’m being bad again. Maybe in a couple decades I’ll get a puppy farm or something?” A new voice speaks from my side. “Sister you cannot reason with him. We must try to bind him without the elements.” I look to my younger sister with a gentle frown. I know she’s right but without the elements of harmony Discord is more than a match for the both of us. Even if Cadence were here I doubt the three of us could overpower him. He’d planned for this moment well, separating Twilight and her friends before striking. Now it was too late. I was blinded by a friendship long ago ended and now my subjects suffer for my oversight. Still I cannot simply give up. “You’re right. We have to try.” “Together then!” Luna stands confidently at my side. Her time away has likely softened the memory of our last attempt to defeat the draconequus without the elements. Not so my own memory however. Our magical aura’s blend together. Yellow and blue as we focus on the spell as one then release a powerful blast with the hopes of once more turning the Lord of Chaos to inert stone. He watches it come with an irksome smirk on his face, lazily swatting it aside with his leonine paw before it strike home. “I thought about sparing you the fate of your precious elements of harmony, for old time’s sake you know? But I think you two might be just a bit too dangerous to ignore. Who knows what tricks you two might come up with. “Of course! If it was good enough for the vaunted elements of harmony, why not you two as well? In fact… Why not all of Equestria! You ponies have gotten a bit stale. Maybe I’ll play with the griffons or the zebra!” For Five Score! Divided by Four! Your memories removed, your body confused! For your insolence you must pay, Cast off to a land far far away! To scatter the six, just the start of my tricks! Your mind shall be weak, your outlooks bleak! Forgetting everything and living like a fool, You have all lost, now no one can stop my rule! His power dwarfs my own considerable magical might by an alarming degree. The blast tearing apart the ground that rushes at me and my sister is more than enough to destroy us completely. I have no idea what Discord's spell is instended to do but I'm sure it's not pleasant. With no thought to my own safety I futilely leap in front of Luna summoning my last reserves of strength to at least attempt to shield her. Then I hear screaming. High, shrill, pained screaming. A primal death wail that could only be drawn from an individual perishing in the most horrible pain imaginable. I am the one screaming. *** Over my own shrieks I hear heavy hammering coming from my door. I react little as it splinters inward and heavy footsteps thunder toward my room. Jake bursts into my bed room shirtless and wearing a pair of flannel pants that are nearly identical to my own. If I wasn’t curled into a fetal position clutching my knees as tightly to my chest as possible, wailing my lungs out I might have found it funny. Helplessly he stares at me, looking into my own wide and unseeing eyes. Not knowing what else to do he slips into the bed behind me and gathers me into his lap, holding me close to his chest and stroking my hair. Rocking me back and forth murmuring soft soothing words into my ear. It feels like I’m burning up. Like some horrible fire is burning in my stomach and eating my out from the inside. It’s a pain I haven’t felt in many, many years. And through the haze there’s one lucid thought pushing its way to the surface. I should have taken my pills. > Chapter 2: The Doctor Is In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: The Doctor Is In Deep breaths. In and out. I’m sitting up in my bed, chin resting against my knees as I tune out the rest of the world and focus on my breathing like I was taught. Jake’s in the living room talking to the police officers who were called in response to the screaming and door being broken down. One of the neighbors must have called the cops. With a grunt I let my head fall back against the headboard with a ‘thunk’. Of course someone called the police, I was screaming like a banshee and a burly man broke in my front door. A gentle knock on my door draws my attention and I lift my gaze. Jake’s standing in the doorway smiling awkwardly. “So uh… Talked to the guys. Explained what happened to them. Everything’s fine on that end.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry I kicked in your front door.” I chuckle weakly. My throat is raw and voice hoarse. “It’s alright.” “Also sorry it took me so long to think of grabbing your meds. I was kinda freaking out.” My smile is faint and I shrug. “S’fine. You got them and I took them right?” The medication is really powerful stuff. A couple minutes after he got them for me I was already mellowing. Honestly I hate those pills with a passion. I always feel like my mind’s trapped in a thick haze after taking them. It’s why I wait until I’m going to sleep before taking the pills. He takes a deep breath sitting on the edge of my bed. He looks nervous and awkward. I probably would too if I wasn’t riding the high the medication brought. “So. You’re kinda a slob huh?” I snort a little burst of laughter. “I am. God this is like the most embarrassing night of my life.” “Hey don’t feel like that. We all have y’know… Problems. Some bigger than others I guess. I have nightmares too. It’s not all fun and games in the military you know?” “Really? Stripes makes it look like a blast.” He nods appraisingly. “Stripes. You’re into classical comedies huh?” Vaguely I wave my hand, head lolling to the side with the motion. “If it makes me laugh I like it.” He regards me quietly. The sadness in his eyes makes me feel even more self-conscious suddenly. “Are you alright? I mean really alright?” With a soft sigh I nod. “Yeah. I mean I will be. Sore throat and stuff but you know how it is with these psychotic episodes.” He shakes his head laughing softly. “Well you’re cracking jokes so you must be kind of ok. Why don’t I sleep on your couch tonight? What with your missing front door and all.” Frowning I shake my head. “No, no, no. It’s fine. You don’t gotta do that. M’fine.” My eyelids are starting to feel heavy. “S’fine…” *** Time to wake up. You’re late. Wakefulness comes much slower today than normal for me. With a start I realize I’ve missed the sunrise for the first time in years. Frowning I run a hand through my hair and swing my legs over the bed grimacing at the throbbing ache in my throat. Last night comes rushing back to me and I groan flopping back in bed. “Tell him I’m crazy than show him I’m crazy. This is clearly the secret to getting a man.” That’s when I smell something. Food? Ugh did I leave something sitting out in the kitchen last night? Grunting softly I heave myself to my feet and plod out to the kitchen to deal with whatever horrific mess awaits me. Instead of half-eaten leftovers I find Jake. Wearing a shirt at least, barefoot and cooking eggs in my kitchen. “Good… Morning?” “Morning!” He smiles at me over his shoulder. “I gotta say this is like the saddest kitchen I’ve ever seen. It looks like a mix between what a five year old would pick out at the grocery store and a guy… A GUY mind you, living in a college dorm.” I’m too confused by his being here to respond to his insults. “Not to worry though. I, being an actual adult, brought some food over from my kitchen. Thought you might like something for breakfast that wasn’t sugar covered marshmallow cereal.” With a grumpy hmph I plop into a chair at my table. “I like sugary marshmallow cereal.” “Oh I can tell. Also I gotta ask. How are you not like a five hundred pound behemoth? Eating the way you do and I know you don’t go to the gym or work out or anything.” “What makes you so sure?” “Well besides the fact that I’m pretty sure I slept on ninety percent of your wardrobe and not a single thing could be sort of misconstrued as work-out clothing, you usually come right home from work and spend the rest of the night in your apartment.” I glare a little as he sets a glass of orange juice in front of me. “Have you been spying on me Officer Matsen?” “Of course not. I just notice things. It’s what makes me a good cop remember?” I’m about to give him another dissatisfied grunt before he sets a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me. My ill will toward him dissipates instantly. “Pancakes next time.” I can’t let him off too easily. Laughing and shaking his head he sits across from me. “You sound pretty sure there’s gonna be a next time.” Crunching on the bacon I fix him with a quiet stare. “You saw me at my very worst last night. And here you are cooking me breakfast the next morning.” I drop my eyes to my plate and sip the juice. “Or is this just like… A police thing?” “No Erin, it’s not a police thing. You’re smart, funny, beautiful, and didn’t make fun of a grown man for liking My Little Pony. If that’s not a perfect woman I don’t know what is. We all have our little quirks and problems. Really I feel like I should apologize. Last night was kind of my fault.” “What? How so?” “You skipped your meds to hang out with me right?” “Hm. I did. You’re right I guess it IS all your fault. You’re going to have to make it up to me somehow.” “Breakfast isn’t enough?” Shaking my head I pop the last bite of egg in my mouth. “Nope. I think it’s gonna take dinner.” He frowns as he works on his own breakfast. “Better go all in and do a movie too.” I nod in mock seriousness. “I think that’s a good start. Might have to take two or three nights out though before I forgive you.” “Well I’m willing to put in the effort if that’s what it takes.” A companionable silence descends on the kitchen as we eat and enjoy one another’s company. We take care of the dishes together. It’s not until the last one is put up before he speaks again. “Are you really alright?” I sigh softly. “Yeah. I’ll have to go see my doctor. He asked me to call anytime I had an episode. It’s not a big deal though. I mostly just go in and talk about what I’ve been up to. See if anything new is stressing me out. Which it isn’t so it should be a quick visit. In fact his office is open now. I might as well call him sooner rather than later.” “Alright. I’ll head home and get changed. I called the Super and told him what was up with your door. Said he’d have a replacement this afternoon.” “Thank you Jake. Really. For everything. You’ve been shockingly great about all this.” He shrugs with an easy smile. “I meant when I said before that I think you’re worth the effort Erin. Call your shrink, lemme know how it goes. I’ll babysit the apartment for you til your new door comes if you want.” “You’ve done more than enough! I’ll just see if I can get an evening appointment. I can’t ask you to do more for me.” Jake shrugs as he heads toward the doorway. “It’s sit in my apartment and watch TV all day or sit in yours and watch TV all day. I think my plans won’t be toodisrupted.” Sighing I laugh a little and shake my head. “Alright, alright. Thank you Jake. Again. I’ll have to find some way to make this up to you.” He pauses before stepping out. “Normally you’d offer to cook me dinner or clean my apartment or something but…” He looks around my less than tidy living place and severely under stocked kitchen. I laugh aloud now. “How about dinner on me tomorrow.” “Deal. I’ll be back.” He ducks around the corner back to his own apartment. Despite last night’s little hiccup I’m feeling bizarrely cheerful. A bit of rummaging through my purse and I dig out my cell phone, calling up my doctor. It rings a few times before I hear him answer. “Erin Rockwell! My favorite patient. How are you dear? Happy birthday by the way!” “Thank you! I’m ah… Well I’m calling because I had an episode.” I can hear the concern in his voice. “Oh dear. Serious?” “I’m afraid so. I know you told me to call anytime I have one big or small so…” “Mmm. Well I have a light schedule today. Can you come in around one?” “Absolutely sir. Thank you.” “We’ll see about upping the dosage on your medication. With any luck we can get you down to taking once every couple of days instead of every day.” “Oh that would be fantastic! I’ll see you this afternoon!” “See you this afternoon dear.” I’m feeling better than ever as he hangs up. Head high I practically skip into the bathroom for a shower. Humming cheerfully I strip down and hop in the shower, sighing softly as the water hits my body. I tilt my head up toward the shower head letting the water run over my face and down my shoulders. If I hadn’t been planning on entertaining a guest this morning I’d probly opt for a bath. Nothing beats a nice hot bath after a night of screaming yourself hoarse. Screaming yourself hoarse in the muscular arms of the handsome neighbor you just started dating. Not really sure how to feel about that to be honest. I’m in a good mood so I’ll opt to look at it in a positive light. My good cheer vanishes in an instant as something catches my eye when I bend over to grab my shampoo. “No. No, no. Not now. You’re not real. You’re not there.” It’s not the first time I’ve seen it. I scrunch my eyes shut tightly and count backwards from ten. Slowly I peek at my hip. It’s still there. I check the other one. There too. “It’s just in my head. It’s just a hallucination.” Emblazoned proudly on either hip is a golden sun tattoo. Looking for all the world as if they’ve been there all the time. I used to see them when I was little, before I started getting my medication. They’d show up after particularly bad episodes or when I’d skip my pills. I close my eyes again taking a deep breath. Flexing my hands open and closed, again I count back from ten. And again when I look they’re still there. “It’s fine! It’s fine. I’m seeing him this afternoon. I’ll go into the office. Get my medication adjusted and they’ll be gone.” Nodding resolutely I shampoo my hair and make a token effort at focusing on my body wash but my eyes are constantly drawn to the suns emblazoned on my hips. Blowing out a heavy breath of air I turn off the water and hastily towel off. Marching to my room with quick steps I wring my hair out as best I can before throwing on the nearest shirt and pair of pants I can get my hands on. Swift strides take me to the kitchen where I grab my purse and step over the wooden splinters that were my front door. I nearly smack into Jake as he steps out of his own apartment. “Jake! I’m leaving! Seeing my doctor now! Thanks-for-watching-my-apartment-I’ll-see-you-later-bye!” If I weren’t in such a rush I may have noticed he seemed more than a little disturbed by something himself. Instead I brushed passed him not bothering with the elevator and taking the stairs two at a time. It was only ten a.m. but I couldn’t wait. I could practically feel those little sun tattoos burning through my jeans. The bus ride into the city seems to take hours. My leg has been bouncing nonstop and I can’t quit drumming my fingers on my knees. I nearly bowl over the people in front of me when we reach my stop. Bursting from the bus I start running. Not jogging but actually sprinting down the sidewalk toward my psychiatrist’s office. It’s like a shining beacon in the deepest darkness imaginable as his office comes into view. A relieved smile finds my face as I dash up the stairs and push through the door. The receptionist jumps behind the desk, and the only other occupant of the waiting room just stares at me. Quick steps bring me to her desk. “H-hello. I need to see Dr. Corddis.” I’m a frequently visiting patient and the receptionist, Elizabeth knows me by name. She frowns taking in my disheveled appearance and wild hair. “Erin your appointment isn’t until one…” “I know!” I wince at the volume of my voice. Taking a deep breath I force myself to calm down. “Sorry. I know it’s just… It’s really, really important I see him.” “Have a seat. There’s only one ahead of you. If our eleven o’clock doesn’t show the spot’s yours.” Not the answer I wanted but it’s better than nothing. “Thanks. Thank you.” I give her a wavering smile and take a seat in the room. My knee is bouncing again and I can’t quit fidgeting with my fingers. “Now you look like you belong here.” I start at the voice and look across the room to the patient ahead of me. It’s a man. A young man, maybe my age. He’s very pale, almost unnaturally so. His close cropped black hair is wild and a bit messy looking like he just woke up and wandered out the door without showering. One ear has multiple piercings running along it while the other is bare. A faded black Metallica t-shirt with more than a few holes in it hangs from his somewhat broad shoulders. He’s definitely not as big as Jake but he’s definitely in good shape. A leather studded wristband is around one wrist while his nails are painted black. Faded jeans give way to thick, heavy looking leather boots. He returns my scrutiny with cool blue eyes. I bristle a little when his comment comes back to mind. “What? What’s that supposed to mean?” “It means you look nuts.” I open my mouth to give an angry retort, and then stop. Looking down at my rumpled clothes and feeling at my wild hair I laugh suddenly. “Oh god, I do don’t I?” He smirks as he nods. “You do. But that’s cool. The world would be boring without a few nuts like us right?” Laughing softly I lean back in the chair letting out a heavy breath. “I guess that’s true! Crazy people do make the world a more interesting place.” There’s something about this guy. I dunno what it is but I feel… Almost instantly comfortable around him. “I’m Erin.” “Marcus. So what’s wrong with you?” I blink at the bluntness. “I’ll tell if you tell.” He shrugs indifferently. “I’m a schizo. Hear a voice, hallucinate. Other personality sometimes, the whole thing.” “H-huh. Really? Uh… Me too.” “No shit? Small world. So are you the axe murdering kind or the talks to cat’s kind?” I can’t help but grin at how blasé he is about all this. “The latter I think? It’s been a long time since I had my uh… Other self come out. But from what I’ve been told she’s just really nice and polite.” “That’s boring. But me too. Been seeing the doc long?” “Mmhm. My whole life.” “Huh. Me too. Pretty weird running into each other like this right? So what’s up you married or what?” I cough a little and sit up. “What?! No! I mean I’m flattered but I’m dating someone.” “Huh? No I didn’t mean it like that I’m just…” He shrugs. “Fuck I dunno. Making conversation? Sorry I’m bad at this kinda shit.” I frown a little. “You shouldn’t swear so much. It makes you look ignorant.” His eyebrows shoot up. “Thanks mom.” I blink. “S-sorry. Wow that was kinda momish wasn’t it?” I laugh nervously. “Habit I guess. I’m a teacher. A substitute teacher. I have to y’know… Keep the kids from swearing.” He shrugs. “S’cool. I sweat a lot I know. I try to reign it in sometimes but other times it’s like fu… F it.” I grin at his catch. “I like your boots.” Lazily he lifts a foot eyeing them appraisingly. “Thanks. Ex-girlfriend gave em to me.” “Oh that makes sense.” His eyebrow comes up again. “How so.” “Well they’re women’s boots. I had literally the exact same ones in college.” He purses his lips looking from them to me. “Bullshit.” I shake my head. “Nope. No shit of any kind. Why would I make that up?” Now he looks down at his footwear with a decidedly less than favorable expression. “…well shit.” I can’t hide a laugh, and to my delight he’s soon joining in. Our laughter is interrupted as the door to Dr. Corddis’ office swings open. My psychiatrist is getting on in years by now. Funny enough he looks the same to me as he did when I was a child. Swept back white hair, a thin beard hanging from his chin. He’s a tall, almost rail thin man. He looks at the pair of us with mild interest. “Erin? Elizabeth told me you were very distraught. You seem more or less fine to me.” I blink a couple of times in confusion. He’s right. I was panicking and on the verge of a full on breakdown when I came in. “I was just talking with Markus here. I guess it helped me calm down?” The Doctor looks even more surprised to hear that. “And here I thought you hated everyone. Come on back and I’ll have you on your way in a few minutes Markus. If you like Erin I should be able to see you before my eleven.” I smile my thanks as he leads the interesting young man back. Markus gives me a brief glance over his shoulder before the door closes. Sitting back I fold my hands behind my head. “Happy birthday by the way.” I glance over at Elizabeth behind her desk. “Thanks!” “Anything fun last night?” My smile broadens now. “I had dinner with my super-hot neighbor the ex-air force pilot now cop.” “Ooo a double whammy of sexy. How was the cake?” She knows me too well. “I think if he keeps giving me cake like that I’m going to propose in a week.” She laughs a little checking over some papers. “I can’t believe you got Markus talking like that?” I tilt my head. “Really? He seems like a nice enough guy. Maybe a little rough around the edges.” She frowns faintly now. “Between you and me, he’s usually kind of a prick. Doesn’t talk to anyone and goes back to the Doctor’s office for ten minutes tops every time. I’m sure if he didn’t need his medication he wouldn’t come at all.” Now I’m frowning as I consider her words. He seemed like a nice enough guy to me. “You know it’s funny, yesterday was his birthday too. Twenty five like you right?” “That is SO bizarre. It was my neighbor’s twenty fifth too.” Elizabeth laughs. “The world’s a crazy place sometimes. I guess if it weren’t I wouldn’t have a job would I?” I snort a little laugh of my own. “That’s awful!” She grins playfully. “But you laughed so that makes it alright.” Rolling my eyes I can’t help but agree. About to say something else, the door opens and Markus walks right to the desk handing Elizabeth his debit card. She runs it quickly handing it back, along with a pill bottle. I catch a quick glimpse of very familiar, blue pills inside before he stuffs them away in a pocket. Making his way to the door he glances back holding my eyes for a moment with his own. Then he’s gone, out the door and onto the street. I release the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding as Dr. Corddis smiles to me. “Come on back Erin.” Nodding I stand and follow him back to his office. There’s a couch inside but I always opt for one of the arm chairs. I always felt it was rude to lay down while someone was talking to me. He sits across from me smiling kindly. “You’re looking frazzled but surprisingly good considering last night.” “I guess talking to someone who uh… Knows what it’s like helped? He’s the first person I’ve ever talked to about my condition who knows has the same sort of thing.” “The exact same thing actually. It’s a little interesting from a medical standpoint. While I know Markus is a patient of mine, I’d have to strongly recommend you avoid socializing with him in the future.” That takes me by surprise. “What? Why?” “He’s a very disturbed young man. More often than not he purposefully avoids taking his medication to force episodes. I’ve had more than a few trips to the mental ward at the hospital to see to his care. I’ve been considering having him committed if he pulls another stunt like that again. I just don’t want him to be a bad influence on you. You’re one of my best patients.” His look turns stern suddenly. “And with that, why did you skip your medication last night?” I knew that was coming. “I had a date. I didn’t want to be all… Out of it.” To my relief he gives me an understanding smile. “I see. Well you’ll be happy to know I have a new medication for you. It should affect your mental faculties a little less and you’ll only need to take one every other day.” My smile brightens at the good news. “Doctor that’s amazing! Thank you!” He returns my smile. “Well it might not be perfect so I want you to be extra careful the next week. Be mindful if things get bad switch back to your old pills or call me right away alright?” I nod somberly. “I promise Dr. Corddis.” “Good! Well now that that’s out of the way, would you like to tell me about last night?” “Well. I left Jake’s pretty late. I guess I wasn’t thinking clearly and went to bed without taking my pill. I had the uh… The fire dream. I woke up the usual way. Jake actually kicked in my front door thinking I was being murdered or something I guess. He got my meds and sat with my while I calmed down.” “He sounds like a fine young man.” “He is! We’ve been friends for a while now and last night was our first date.” “Well I wish you the best. Was there anything else? You don’t usually race out of the house fresh from the shower for a bad dream.” I rub at my legs through my pants. “I saw… Them again.” “Ah. Well that’s a bit more serious. You didn’t hear her voice though?” I shake my head hastily. “No sir. Just the tattoos.” “Erin you’re a model patient most of the time. I understand you were excited last night and had fun but you can’t ignore your medication. You have a very serious condition. It may be easy to forget since you have so few episodes but just the same. You have to be diligent now more than ever. Your illness is the sort of thing that only worsens with age.” “I know. I know. I’m so sorry and I won’t skip my pills again. It was a stupid mistake and I definitely paid for it.” “Now I don’t want to hear you talk like that. We all slip up all the time. After all… We’re only human.” His smile at that is… Oddly unsettling. I return it uneasily however, feeling suddenly nervous. “R-right. Well did you want to ask anything else?” “Nope! You are free to go young lady. I’ll have your prescription ready in a minute. You can pay Liz like usual. I’d like you to call me in a week and let me know how the new meds are working out.” I stand backing toward the door. “I will sir. Thank you again!” Ducking out I shut it quickly behind me. Why am I feeling so nervous all of a sudden? Shaking my head at my foolishness I had back to the front desk making small talk with Elizabeth while I wait for the pills. Soon enough I’ve paid and am out the door slipping them in my purse. “You ever skip on purpose?” I yelp and whirl around. Markus steps out from behind the side of the building. “Skip? Skip what? My pills?” “Yeah. You ever skip them on purpose?” “Why the hell would I do that? Do you have any idea what happens when I do?” I shake my head walking quicker away from him. To my annoyance he falls into step with me, drawing a pill bottle from his pocket. “You’re on the same right? Amannakillin? Lemme guess what happens. If I can pick out ohhh… Three things you experience accurately you have to skip your pills for the next two days.” I scowl at him. I don’t even know why I’m thinking of humoring him. But… “How accurately?” He shrugs. “I’ll guess something and you decide how close it is.” “Hmph. Fine.” “First. Dreams.” “I roll my eyes. Doesn’t get vaguer than that.” “You’re someplace else. No idea where. People are screaming a name. It’s not your name but it feels like it is. These people are… Are your people. You were supposed to look after them and you let them down. Now they’re dying and you’re helpless. Someone’s with you. Someone you care about more than any of the others, but you don’t save her either.” Now I’m staring at him wide-eyed, mouth hanging open slightly. “Two. You see things. Specifically…” He pokes at my hip causing me to jump. “Tattoo’s maybe? Tattoo’s you never got. But they always show up after the dreams are really bad. Dunno what they are. Mine’s a moon and some black shit.” My hands snap down to my hips reflexively. “How can you know that?” “And third. You hear a voice. A woman’s voice. A voice more familiar than your own even. It’s on the tip of your tongue whose it is but you just can’t quite get there.” My mouth snaps shut with an audible click. “I’m not skipping my pills.” His smile gets under my skin. I don’t know why but the longer I’m around him I’m feeling equal desire to hug him and strangle him. “Have you ever had other dreams? Nicer ones?” Frowning I rub my arm self-consciously. “…no. I always have the same one.” “You just had the one where you die in a horrible fire last night right? And always get these pills in you right after?” He shakes his bottle of identical medication to my own. “I do.” “Skip your meds tonight. See what you dream about.” I feel myself scowling. “One night of screaming enough to lose my voice for the morning is enough thanks much.” I turn to walk away but his hand grabs my wrist. He holds me tightly. Not so tight it hurts but… Tight. “Please. Just… Don’t take your meds tonight. Please. It’s important. You won’t dream of fire, I promise.” He stares up at me so earnestly, almost desperately. “What is this all about?” Now he looks reluctant to answer, letting my wrist go. “Things are going to start happening. Bad things. Wonderful things. I guess it’s going to depend on what you do Erin. Pretty soon a lot is going to depend on you. A lot of people are going to depend on you. If you keep taking those pills you’re not going to be able to help them.” “…how long has it been since you took your medication Markus?” He glances back toward Dr. Corddis’ office then looks back at me smiling slyly again. He kneels down by the nearby storm drain, removes the cap on his pill bottle and tips it over letting the pills run down into the sewer. I stare almost unable to look away as he does this. Straightening up he tucks the empty bottle back into his pocket. “One more night Erin. Don’t take that pill tonight.” He doesn’t say goodbye. Just turns on his heel and walks the other way. I want to call out to him, to stop him and ask him more questions but I can’t find my voice. My hand slips into my purse squeezing the bottle of pills inside tightly. *** I feel exhausted as I climb the stairs to the second floor. Shuffling down the hall I’m rewarded with the view of a brand new door standing in place of the old one. My key slides in smoothly and I step inside briefly before slipping over to Jake’s door and knocking. There’s a pause before the door opens. He smiles when he sees me. “Erin! How’d it go? How are you?” I shrug. “Went fine, I’m fine. Met a guy crazier than I am.” He laughs softly. “Glad to hear it. That you’re fine. Meeting a crazy person might not be so good.” Another shrug. “He was weird but nice. Had an… Interesting conversation.” My eyes are drawn to his hands. He keeps flexing them and rubbing them against his hips through his jeans. “Are you alright?” Snapping his hands behind his back he smiles weakly. “Yeah I was just worried about you. But I’m glad you’re alright. I was actually on my way out. Can we talk later?” “O-oh. Sure of course. Sorry I interrupted.” “No, no I’m glad you stopped by. I’ll talk to you later alright?” Smiling I nod. “Alright Jake. I’ll talk to you later.” His return smile seems forced I think, as I head into my own apartment. I’ve never seen him so distracted before. Blowing out a heavy breath I plod toward the bathroom. It’s been a long day already and all of a sudden that bath is sounding fantastic. *** It’s nine at night. I haven’t heard from Jake and as far as I know he hasn’t come back from wherever he went. I’m in my pajamas, ready for bed. Staring down at the bottle of pills in my hands. Why am I even thinking about this? My throat was so raw it was nearly bleeding. Am I really willing to go through all that again because someone I share my condition with is certifiably insane… But weirdly compelling? Shaking my head vigorously I open the bottle and roll one of the large blue pills into my hand. Replacing the cap and setting it back on the nightstand I pick up the glass of water I have waiting. My hand is halfway to my mouth before I hesitate. Markus seems like he hasn’t been taking his medication in a long time. But he seems… Fine. Normal. Well normal as a guy who dresses like him can seem. He definitely doesn’t seem to have split personalities and he wasn’t running down the streets naked. Again my hand moves toward my mouth… And again I stop. With a swift motion I set the pill and water back on the stand flopping back in bed. This may be the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. *** “Honestly Twilight, you don’t have to call me Princess anymore.” I smile at the youngest Princess of Equestria as she shuffles on her hooves in embarrassment. “I know Princess. Ah! I’m sorry! I did it again!” I can’t help but laugh lightly at her antics. I think a thousand years from now she’ll still refuse to call me by my name alone. “It’s alright. Please, sit.” I motion toward the low table with the waiting tea kettle and cups. A small collection of pastries from the kitchens sits with the tea. She smiles that smile she always has for me. The mixture of gratitude, awe, and adoration. Slowly she settles herself before the table. I join her pouring the tea with barely a glance toward the kettle as I levitate it. “Flight lessons going well?” Twilight sips from her cup with a satisfied ‘mm’. “Yes Princess very well. Once Fluttershy gave Rainbow Dash a talking to about pushing me too hard.” “Was she pushing you too hard, or just harder than you’re used to being pushed physically?” Her light cough on her sip of tea is answer enough for me. “W-well in my defense I was never a very physical mare.” “I suppose that’s true. But you’re equal parts earth pony, as well as pegasus and unicorn now Twilight. I wonder if you’d be willing to do something for me?” She straightens up immediately. “An assignment?” Again I laugh softly. “No Twilight Sparkle. You’re not my student any longer. But my peer. I’m asking as a favor, not issuing a command.” She shifts uncomfortably. Thinking back on it Cadence was much the same when she became a Princess. It took her years to get comfortable enough to even call me Aunt Celestia, despite our distant blood relationship. “W-well of course. Anything.” My smile grows. It is the smile that sends shivers down Luna’s spine when I turn it her way. “I’d like for you to forego all magical studies for the foreseeable future. Instead you should assist Applejack on her farm.” Twilight’s smile drops in an instant and her wings flare. “What?! Stop studying magic to… To be a farm pony?!” “You’re still thinking like a unicorn Twilight. You need to embrace all three aspects of yourself. In fact you may wish to remove your horn and wings entirely while you work at the farm. I have a simple spell you can use and set a timer to undo itself at the end of the day.” With a mild sense of alarm I realize Twilight is rapidly shifting into ‘panic’ mode. The sort of state of mind in which she thinks enchanting a doll to enthrall an entire town is a good idea. “Take a deep breath Twilight. Remember it’s not a command, merely a request.” She closes her eyes taking a deep breath as instructed. Then another. And another. While she collects herself I help myself to a third cake. I really must send the chef my compliments. Finally she opens her eyes. “If you think this is a good idea, I can do my best.” She even smiles timidly. “I think you’ll be all the better for it. In fact if you like you could send me letters about what you’ve learned again. I believe spending oh… Two months as an earth pony would be enough. Are you up to the challenge?” The determination I’ve come to admire flares in her eyes. “I am Princess. In fact after that I’ll spend some time exclusively as a pegasus. Maybe Rainbow will let me help with the weather.” My smile is warm as I regard my former student. “I think that is an excellent idea Twilight. And I’m sure Rainbow Dash would be thrilled to have you help with the weather in Ponyville.” Twilight beams a toothy smile back at me as our conversation turns to Pinkie Pie’s latest antics in Ponyville. We talk well after I lower the sun and my sister has raised the moon. I truly can’t recall the last time I spent an evening just… Chatting with anypony. I find I rather enjoy it and resolve to make it a point to do so again in the near future. *** Time to wake up. I blink awake almost immediately and yawn. Stretching my hands over my head and arching my back. With a little frown I sit up. I remember the dream. Every tiny detail from the conversation to the taste of the wonderful apple cinnamon tea. I can almost taste it on my tongue. Glancing toward the window I see it’s still in the pre-dawn part of the day. Slowly I walk to the bathroom to do my morning business. That’s when my reflection catches my eye and I freeze in my tracks. Numbly I stare at the woman reflected in the glass. She looks back at me with wide purple colored eyes. Shakily my hand rises to my hair as the woman in the mirror does the same. Running her hand through the pastel rainbow hued locks. Pale pink, blue, green, and violet are all represented. Its thickness hasn’t changed just… The color. My eyes widen further as my reflection looks at me. It doesn’t just return my look. No. It’s actually looking at me. Then it speaks. “Hello Erin. I think it’s time we talked again > Chapter 3: Poison > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Poison “Welp. This is about as fucked up as my mornings have ever been.” I’m looking in the mirror in my bathroom but definitely not seeing what I normally see. Instead of the usual brown my eyes are orange. almost brown, but definitely orange. Then there’s my hair. Not only has it grown out of the close cropped cut I always kept it, now falling about my ears and neck in a shaggy mess. But it’s also orange. A lot oranger than my eyes. Most of it is anyway. The bits closer to the roots are yellow. My eyes drift down my legs and I shift my boxers out of the way. Yup. Still there. Spitfire’s cutie mark is undeniably on my butt. Now I’ve got matching eyes and my hair has either changed to match hers too, or I caught some sort of horrible clowning disease. Yesterday was bad enough. Waking up with not one, but two tattoos mysteriously appearing is a pretty jarring experience. But seeing your eyes and hair physically change color? Maybe Erin’s not the only one who needs to see a shrink. But the tattoo… I’m not calling it a cutie mark… Is real. I went to the parlor downtown to have it looked at. The guy could definitely see it too, and he said it wasn’t a tattoo at all. It was part of my skin. Like a birthmark or something. I can get it removed, along with the flesh it occupies. Shivering at the images that brought up I look back at the mirror. Slowly I run my hands through my hair. It feels softer and fuller than I remember. Like a… Shaking my head I scowl and banish that train of thought. Today’s fucked up enough as it is without thinking of even weirder shit. Could someone have snuck in and dyed my hair while I slept last night? Of course that doesn’t explain my eyes. I definitely would have noticed someone trying to sneak lenses in my eyes. Tearing myself away from my reflection I head to the living room grabbing my cell. I can’t help but compare my apartment to Erin’s. I have no idea how anyone can live like that. Let alone a woman. I was always raised to believe they couldn’t stand a mess. Of course that just might have been my overbearing father’s influence on me and the women of my family. I tap the number for the family physicians office and it’s soon ringing. “Doctor Steven’s office. How can I help you this morning?” I clear my throat. “Hi this is Jake Matsen. I was hoping to make an appointment for as soon as possible.” While I talk I move back to the bathroom, again staring at myself in the mirror. “Of course Mr. Matsen. Is it an emergency?” Tilting my head this way and that to see my altered hair from every direction I consider my answer. “I think so. I don’t think it’s life threatening but something is definitely wrong with me.” “Alright Mr. Matsen. We’re a little busy today but if you can get in here ASAP our 7 a.m. just cancelled on us.” I check the clock on the wall. It’s quarter after six now. “I’ll be there, thanks a lot.” “Not at all. We’ll see you soon.” I hang up and waste no time hopping in the shower. Giving my head an extra vigorous scrubbing just in case. Neither it or the cutie… Tattoo seem willing to come off. With a grunt of dissatisfaction I step out of the shower toweling off. I grab some jeans and a t-shirt out of the closet getting dressed. As an afterthought I snag an old Tigers cap stuffing as much of my hair into it as possible and tugging it down tight around my ears. I’m heading to the door when a sound catches my ear. The wall separating my and Erin’s apartment is pretty thin and we’ve had more than one conversation through it. She’s talking to someone, and she’s sounding a bit panicky. Memories of the other night still fresh in my mind… Bozo hair or no Bozo hair I step into the hall knocking on the door. She stops talking abruptly and with some concern I hear her feet pounding the floor boards as she rushes to the door. “Y-yes?” She speaks from the other side. “Erin? It’s Jake. Are you alright in there?” A long pause. “Y-yes. Yes I’m fine Jake thanks.” My frown only deepens. “Are you sure? Want me to come in?” “No!” I blink and step back from the door as she practically shrieks it at me. “No. No thank you. I’m fine really just… Just a mess. I don’t want you to uh… See me.” She trails off lamely. As excuses go it’s pretty piss poor. Especially since I’m fairly sure she can’t be any worse than she was the other night. Still I have someplace to be and if she doesn’t want me to come in I’m not about to break her door in a second time. “Alright Erin. I’ve gotta get to a Doctor’s appointment. We’ll talk when I get home ok?” Another pause. “Are you alright?” I can’t help but smile. No sense dumping more problems in her lap than she already has. God knows she has enough of her own turmoil to deal with. “Yeah just a regular checkup thing. No big deal.” “Alright. Well… Well yeah come by when you get home. Sorry I’m just not feeling so hot this morning.” “Don’t need to explain, I was just worried. I’ll talk to you soon.” I step away from the door frowning in concern. There’s obviously something bothering her but a quick glance at a lock of errant orange hair sticking out of my cap reminds me I have problems of my own. Sighing I head down to the parking lot and climb into my truck. The trip isn’t too bad. I get to avoid downtown and take the express most of the way to my Doctor’s office. Been seeing the same one for as long as I’ve been old enough to graduate from pediatrician. Briefly I consider swinging by home and surprising my folks with a visit, but a quick glance in the rear view mirror reminds me of why I’m going to the Doctor in the first place. I don’t think my dad the military man would appreciate his son coming home with bright orange and yellow hair. It’s still pretty early so easy enough to find a parking space. I hop down from my truck not bothering to lock it behind me. If someone really wants to steal my old heap they’re welcome to it. Seeing the small, aging building brings up fond memories. Doctor Stevens has always been good to my family. When we hit a rough patch a few years back he even let us skip on the bill when my sister got sick. Feeling a bit better about my situation I step inside making for the front desk. There’re no patients in the waiting room just now, but even stranger there’s no girl behind the desk. Becky had been working for the Doctor almost right out of high school. She and I graduated from the same class. We weren’t really friends in school but we did exchange a friendly not now and again. Frowning faintly I lean over the counter. “Hello?” I hear her call from the back. “Just a second! Sorry!” Propping myself against the counter I flip through a magazine while I wait. I hear her coming soon enough and set it down turning to greet her. The greeting dies in my throat. Becky had always had ferociously bright red hair and dazzling green eyes. She was definitely one of the prettiest girls in school, probably why I never got up the nerve to talk to her much. Now though, her hair had faded to a very pale pink. And she didn’t look back at me with green eyes, but pale blue. She seemed just as surprised at my appearance as I was at hers. Slowly she reached out and poked the cap off my head. I make no move to stop her, letting my oddly colored hair spill out. She swallows and looks from my head to my hips. “You uh… Tattoo too?” Wordlessly I nod and she whips around to the back of the office again. “Doctor Stevens! Jake is here! He uh… He has what I have!” “What? Really?” Our family physician makes his way to the front of the office, eyes blazing with curiosity behind his glasses. He’s getting on in the years, his thinning hair combed back but his eyes are as bright and alert as ever. “With the tattoo too?” I nod. “Yes sir. The tattoo showed up yesterday. Eyes and hair this morning.” He looks from Becky to me frowning faintly. “And you two aren’t conspiring just to pull one over on me are you? This is all in pretty poor taste if so.” As one we shake our heads rapidly, probably making us each look guiltier. He grunts but waves me back. “Well come on back. I’ll draw some blood and we’ll see what we see hm?” I finish signing in before following him back to one of the rooms. I don’t wait to be told to hop up on the table. “So no chance you just got very drunk and got this all done while intoxicated is there?” Again I shake my head. “No sir. I spent my birthday with my neighbor. We sat up all night talking and watching TV. The next morning when I went to shower I found the marks on my hips. Then this morning I found my hair and eyes had changed.” “Hm. Can I see the mark on your legs?” Nodding I stand, dropping my pants and lowering the side of my boxers to give him a clear view of the tattoo. He rolls over on his stool looking it over carefully. “A burning wing? This isn’t an air force thing?” “No sir it’s definitely not. My squad and I all got the same tat back when I was serving. It’s on my shoulder though.” I roll up my sleeve to show the yellow lightning bolt lined in blue. Let’s just say I wasn’t the only brony serving in my squad. “Hm. Very strange. Becky’s is a red cross. Nothing out of the ordinary happening in your life? No one could have slipped something in a drink at a bar or something? I’ve heard they have fast acting splicing now that can be distributed through pill form.” I shake my head. “Not unless they’re sticking it in cans of Miller.” “Hm. Hm, hm.” He takes a cotton swab dabbing at my arm. I brace myself as he brings the needle over causing him to chuckle. “Didn’t your plane get shot down over some desert somewhere? And getting blood drawn still gets to you?” I mumble something under my breath in the affirmative as he slides the needle in. After what seems like an eternity he slips it out and applies a fresh cotton ball and a bandage. “Alright Jake. Sit tight. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Nodding I settle back on the table folding my hands in my lap. “Yes sir.” He chuckles and shuffles out of the room. Becky peeks in soon closing the door behind her. “…you know what these look like?” Raising my eyebrows I regard her speculatively. “What do they look like?” “Cutie marks. Mine’s Nurse Redheart’s. Yours is uh…” “Spitfire.” I supply for her, before I realize I hadn’t actually confirmed I knew of the show or not. She grins playfully at my inadvertently outing myself. “Yeah Spitfire. And our hair? Our eyes? Is yours the same as hers?” Self-consciously I run a hand through my shaggy mop of hair. “Yeah it is. But I mean, it’s gotta be a coincidence.” “Does it? Maybe some lunatic fans of the old show got their hands on some splicing tech or nanites or something and let them loose in the air or water or whatever.” I regard her with a flat stare. “That’s ridiculous.” “And suddenly having cutie marks appear on our bodies while our hair and eyes change color to match the ponies they belong to isn’t ridiculous?” I open my mouth to reply but I realize she’s right. This is pretty insane no matter what the explanation is. “Well if there is something like that the Doctor’s test will find it right?” She shrugs. “Maybe. We’re not exactly a state of the art facility. He’s going to send my blood to the St. Joseph’s. The big hospital in the city? See what they find.” As if on cue Doctor Stevens comes back. “Jake I’d like to send your sample to St. Joseph’s for a deeper analysis. Would that be alright?” He glances at Becky and she slips out. I nod. “Sure, of course. Anything to help figure this out.” “Well the good news is you look fine. I don’t see any sickness or unusual activity in your blood.” He slips closer sliding on his stethoscope. Pressing it against my chest his expression darkens. “Uh… Something wrong?” “Are you feeling alright physically? Nothing out of the ordinary. Hot flashes or dizziness?” Concerned now I shake my head. “No. No nothing. I mean I’m pretty hungry I guess? Why?” He listens to my heart again. “Your heart is racing. Beating nearly twice as fast as it should.” My eyes go wider at that. “What?! Am I like… Going to have a heart attack?” “I’d like to say no but I’m not sure. I think it might be a good idea to actually head to the hospital yourself Jake.” I’m on my feet in a flash. “Oh god. O-of course. I’ll uh, head over there right now.” He rests a hand on my shoulder. “Take a deep breath. You seem fine. You have no shortness of breath, no unusual sweating, no signs of heart problems. It’s almost like you’ve been engaging in heavy exercise or the like. All the same I think it’s better to be safe than sorry.” His words do help me calm down some. “Y-yeah. Thanks Doc. I’ll head over there. I’ll call and letcha know what they say.” “Why don’t you take Becky with you? I was going to send her over there with the blood work this afternoon but I can get by on my own today. Might as well have you both looked at, at the same time.” I shrug. “Sure if she doesn’t mind.” He walks with me to the counter waving my card off when I try to pay. “Let’s see that you’re alright before we worry about that. Becky would you mind riding with Jake over to St. Josephs? I’m a little concerned about his heart and would feel better if he had someone driving for him.” Now her eyes go wide and she jumps from her chair. “Of course. Lemme get my purse and I’ll meet you in the parking lot Jake.” At my nod she hurries off to the back room. “Well thanks Doctor Stevens. I guess you’ll be hearing from me.” “Good luck over there son. I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about.” I smile as I turn to go. I can’t hold it beyond the threshold of the door though. If there was nothing to worry about, I wouldn’t need to go to the hospital. *** Erin please calm down so we can speak. “Calm down? Calm down?! I’m hearing voices again! I haven’t heard your voice in years! Why didn’t I take my meds?!” I’m pacing frantically in my living room running my hands through my ridiculous rainbow hair. If you’d please just sit down and take a deep breath, I can do my best to explain. A short burst of slightly frantic laughter escapes my lips. “Oh the voice in my head is going to explain everything to me. Well thank god for that.” Erin I AM sorry to be causing you so much distress but it’s terribly important that we speak. If what that young man said is true there’s a very good chance humans all over the world are going to begin exhibiting Equestrian characteristics. I blink slowly. “Oh. Well that’s really clear thanks for that!” I swear I hear the voice in my head sigh softly in exasperation. What I mean is, humans are going to turn into ponies. Partially or fully. I’m not sure. Another laugh. I can feel myself losing it the more she talks. “Oh! Is that all? People are turning into magical, talking, cartoon ponies.” Yes. “Yes? Yes?! That’s it? Why do you think people are going to turn into ponies!?” Recall Markus’ words Erin. He said a lot of people are going to be counting on you… On US soon. I believe he is my sister Luna’s host. “Host? Her host? As in she… She lives inside him?” That is the simplest way to phrase it, yes. I cannot be entirely sure but I believe Discord’s spell was never intended to kill us… Simply to send us away. It’s likely even he didn’t know where he was sending us. I don’t know how many ponies he dispatched this way but it’s not unthinkable that they all ended up on your world. “Why… Why are you inside me then? Why aren’t you just… You.” Our bodies were destroyed by the magic. A good way to think of it was his spell forcibly reincarnated everypony it came into contact with. They, and I were reborn as human infants. There is a very good chance many of the ponies caught in his magics would not have their memories, their personalities as fully intact as my own… And likely my sister and nieces are. Slowly I walk back to the bathroom gazing into the mirror, working hard to keep myself from running screaming from the room as my reflection once again shifts on its own gazing back at me. “What makes you three so special?” You’re familiar enough with the television program to know Luna, Cadence and I are not normal ponies. I’m not entirely sure about Cadence. While more powerful than the average pony she hasn’t been alive as long as Luna and I to accumulate as much magical power as we have. “So because you’re the Princesses, instead of just being reborn we… We share my body? Like… Our souls?” That I believe is precisely our situation. I tried many times in the past to speak with you but made the mistake of allowing your Uncle to overhear. I tried to explain my situation to him but naturally he assumed you were mentally unstable. I had no idea your world was entirely bereft of magic. I chew my lip staring at the woman in the mirror. It’s my face but she has a look of infinite wisdom and patience on it. Definitely not a look I’ve ever worn. “What… Why now?” Magic has rules. An odd statement I know, but it does. Even the most powerful spell erodes over time. The Equestrian souls that were bonded to human ones merged fully together. Small bits of their old lives may shine through. A pony nurse may be a medical practitioner here or… I frown severely now. “Or a stunt flier could be a pilot?” Jake was fussing with his hips yesterday morning when I ran to see Doctor Corddis. Was he rubbing at a cutie mark beneath his pants? Her frown matches my own. Precisely. The mingling of Equestrian magic in your magic less human souls would likely cause a buildup of magical energy in your bodies. I suspect eventually it would become too much for a human body to safely contain. The magic would sense this and instead of letting you all burn out, it would alter you to a familiar shape. “So you’re telling me all of these reincarnated ponies who have been living as humans for years are just going to start turning back into ponies?” I believe so. If not fully Equestria in shape than very nearly so. It’s my belief this is what Markus was speaking of. Remember he hasn’t been taking that vile poison for some time. There’s a very good chance he and Luna have reached an understanding of some sort. I’d be very interested in speaking with him again. “Poison? Why do you call it a poison?” Your psychiatrist I am almost entirely sure is Discord in disguise. He’s been giving you that medication to keep me suppressed. If not for that we may have been able to forge a bond much like the one Markus and Luna likely share. I chew my lip, eyes darting to the pill bottle in my room. “The pills are what keep you locked up? What keep me normal?” She can sense where my line of thinking is going. Erin they aren’t safe for you. Your body has been accumulating magic like every other human with an Equestrian soul. Discord knows this. He fears Luna and I, it’s why he’s been keeping such a close eye on you. Likely Markus too. I shake my head vigorously marching from the bathroom unerringly to the pill bottle. “No. No I’m not doing this again. I’m not going back to the institute. Not for you, not for him, not for anything!” Erin! Erin I recall the time we spent in that awful place when your Uncle first discovered your… Condition. I assure you it won’t happen again, I won’t let it. Please you don’t need to do this! Tears are running down my cheeks now. I had to spend six months in a mental institution because of all the screaming and creepy talking to myself I did when I was a child. Now I find out that it was all because of some… Some pony Princess living in my head? Of course who’s to say this isn’t just all in my head as well? It was the most terrifying, hellacious time of my life and I swore I’d never let it happen again. Ignoring the imploring pleas in my head I snatch the pill I’d already taken out the night before from the night stand and swallow it hastily. Her voice is fainter now. Please… Please just… Think of what I’ve said. And then it’s gone. I stand stock still while my eyes dart back and forth as if expecting her to leap out of the closet or something. Slowly I step back into the bathroom peering into my mirror. My reflection looks back. Only fear and confusion in her eyes. Then I see my hair begin to shift. Starting at the roots the pastel color is bleeding away to my normal chestnut brown. My hand is shaking as I lift it to feel at my hair, reaching touching it softly as the last of the color vanishes from the tips. My vision blurs momentarily and when it clears again my normal brown eyes look back from the mirror. Wiggling out of my pants I feel some slight dismay to find Celestia’s cutie mark is still glaring up at me from my hips. The twin suns almost feel like they’re looking at me accusingly. Snorting in annoyance I push thoughts of magical pony Princesses from my mind and climb into the shower. Still, one question keeps floating to the surface of my thoughts. Was she right about Doctor Corddis? *** “You know, this could be a lot worse.” I glance at Becky from the passenger’s seat. “How the hell could this be worse?” She looks over with a grin. “Could be Pinkie Pie’s hair.” “Ha! Jesus, could you imagine what that would be like?” Finding our exit Becky gets off the express way. “Dunno. If it came with Pinkie sense or reality warping powers like she seemed to have it might be worth dealing with all that hair.” “Maybe. Course it could also come with her special brand of insanity.” She shrugs. “Meh. There are worse things in the world than seeing everything in a positive light. Ask me we could all do with a little more Pinkie in us.” “Hm.” I gaze out the window watching the city pass by. Poverty’s been getting worse and worse. The unemployment rates only gone up and hunger and homelessness are becoming a pretty serious problem. They’ve been saying the U.S. is in danger of not being most powerful country in the world anymore no less. Sure enough I see an entire family of four living out of their car down an alley between two buildings when Becky stops at a red. Sadly enough this isn’t an uncommon sight as you get further downtown. Soon enough Becky pulls into the hospital and we both climb out. She tosses me the keys and I pocket them. “So is there a special delivery entrance we use?” “No there’s a special one I use. You head in the Emergency doors. I’ll drop off our blood then catch up with you.” I shrug and head to the indicated entrance. A bored looking receptionist sits behind a desk in a room filled with waiting people. She levels a disinterested gaze my way. “Yes?” Instantly I feel my hackles rising but take a deep breath. “My family Doctor sent me over. He said my heart sounds off.” “Fill these out and have a seat. We’ll call you when you’re up.” I take the forms to one of the open seats doing my best to get comfortable and not think about my heart exploding any second now. It’s mostly standard medical history junk. Filling them out I drop them at the desk retaking my seat. My eyes roam around the room casually when something catches my eye. There’s a girl sitting in the corner hunkered down into her jacket. A girl with mint green hair and a white stripe running through it. I can see golden eyes darting back and forth nervously. She sees me staring and her eyes flick up to my own hair and she tilts her head. I simply nod and look away. She fidgets in her seat before hastily crossing the room to sit next to me. “S-so… You too?” Obviously I don’t need to ask what she’s referring to. “Yeah. Cutie mark yesterday, hair and eyes today.” “Me too. D’you think this is happening all over?” “I… Well I’m starting too. The girl at my Doctor’s office has Redheart’s mark and coloring. She’s dropping off our blood work before coming around to meet me here.” She stares at me for a few minutes. “So who d’you got?” “Spitfire. Captain of the Wonderbolts?” “Oh. Yeah I see it. Your hair’s not all… Swooshy.” “I guess she styled it on the show or something.” I blink at that. “Jesus I’m talking about her like she was a real person.” She shrugs a little. “Who’s to say she wasn’t? Kinda ironic for me though right? A human turning into Lyra.” I frown. “You don’t think this is going to keep getting worse do you?” She shrugs again. “Well it started with cutie marks. Now we’re physically transforming. You don't think this is going to progress?” That’s an unsettling thought. “I… I guess I hadn’t thought of it. But that’s why we’re here right? To find out what’s wrong with us?” The woman shakes her head. “No I’m here with my brother. He broke his leg being an idiot. I mean I feel fine. I look weird but I feel fine. I don’t exactly have tons of spare cash laying around for hospital visits y’know?” That’s when I take another look at her. The dirty disheveled clothes, and her minty colored hair is greasy and looks like it hadn’t seen a proper wash in quite a while. “O-oh you’re uh…” “Homeless? Yup.” She says it so easily. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. “Is there uh… Anything I can do for you?” She chuckles at that and shrugs. “Nah. There’s a nice shelter we sleep at most nights. My brother’s only thirteen so they let us in more often than not. Between you and me I hope this keeps going. Ponies can graze y’know? Hard to have a hungry night when I could eat grass. Plus magic. Magic would be sweet. You don’t think having wings would be cool?” I shrug. “Would it be cool? Sure. Would it be worth losing my hands and my uh…” I glance down between my legs. She catches my meaning. “Ooo. Yeah ouch. No that sucks. I think they’re wheeling my brother out now. I’m pullin' for ya buddy. Good luck huh?” I watch her stand. “Good luck to both of us.” She quirks a faint smile before moving to a wheelchair bound kid with a new cast on his leg. She’s arguing with the orderly who doesn’t look happy but let’s them both go. Becky comes in from the same door the orderly did waving me over. “What’s up?” She jerks her head toward the corridor beyond the doors. “C’mon I gotcha bumped up. Perks of being in the profession.” Now I feel a genuine smile coming on. “Awesome. I wasn’t looking forward to waiting an hour or two.” “No kidding.” She walks me down the halls to an empty room. We don’t have to wait long before the Doctor arrives. “Alright Officer Matsen. I’m Doctor Adams. What exactly is the problem?” “Just Jake is fine ma’am.” She nods at that and I start in on everything that’s happened. She wants to see the tattoos of course. She spends some time examining that first. Prodding it with a couple different instruments, even scrapping at it gently. “This is very odd. It’s not ink.” “Yeah uh… Yeah I know. I told you I didn’t get any tattoo.” “And you say your hair and eye pigmentation just changed overnight?” I nod. “Yes ma’am. Becky’s too.” She gives Becky an appraising look. Becky nods. “Yup. My eyes were green last night, and my hair was a much brighter red.” “Tattoo too?” Before I can look away Becky tugs down her skirt showing off Nurse Redheart’s cutie mark. Doctor Adam’s chuckles a little. “So the former air force pilot has a burning wing and the medical assistant has a red cross? If they clearly weren’t ink I’d think you were messing with me.” She motions for Becky to pull her skirt back up. “You said something was wrong with your heart?” I shrug. “I feel fine but Doctor Stevens said it was beating way too fast.” She takes up a stethoscope of her own giving my chest a listen. Like Doctor Stevens her eyes widen, than narrow in concern. “Well he was right about that. I want to take you up for an EKG. We’re running tests on your blood work so that should be done by the time we get a look at your heart.” “Whatever you think ma’am. Better safe than sorry right?” “Right you are. Go ahead and change into a gown. Someone will be along soon to take you up.” She steps out leaving me alone with Becky. “Sounds like I’m gonna be here a while. If you wanna come back and pick me up later you can take the truck back to Stevens’ office.” Becky shrugs. “Nah. I got a ton of games on my phone. Plus I mean… This sort of concerns me too right? Not the heart stuff, Doc said my heart sounds fine. But they might find something about what’s going on with us.” She looks away while I get most of my clothes off and into the thin hospital gown. We make small talk until an orderly comes snapping the rails up. “I can walk y’know?” He shrugs. “Sorry dude. Procedure y’know?” Becky waves a little as I’m wheeled out into the hall. I do my best to just relax as he pushes me along to an elevator. A few moments later we’re on another floor and I’m in a room with the EKG machine. “Go ahead and climb up Jake. Just lay back and try to be as still as possible.” Settling on the bed I lay back as it lurches to life and slides me into the scanner. I close my eyes and do my best to ignore the faint hum of the machine as it works to scan my chest. After what feels like an eternity it lurches back to life sliding me out. Hastily I sit up taking a deep breath. Doctor Adams steps inside. “Well… Your heart seems fine. It’s just beating very, very fast. Normally this is a bad sign but you otherwise seem in absolutely perfect health. When was your last physical?” “Last year. I had to take one to enter the force.” She nods. “Would you mind if we did some light exercises? I want to see how your heart reacts to stimuli. It’ll be perfectly safe and controlled.” I shrug. “Sure. Anything to help you guys figure this thing out.” She smiles and a short bed ride later I’m climbing up on a treadmill with a few sensors attached to my chest. “Alright Jake. We’re going to start out slow then gradually increase the speed. Ready?” I shoot a thumbs up over my shoulder as she starts the machine up. Slow easy plodding at first. I’m bored almost instantly. Slowly she increases the speed and I pick up my pace to match. From plod, to stroll, to walk, and now I’m jogging. That has me feeling a little better. I’m even starting to smile. She turns it up again and I break into a light run. “How you feeling Jake? Still fine?” “Great! Crank it up!” She obliges. The speed is noticeable now and a burn is forming in my legs, but a pleasant one. Sweat is finally beading on my brow as I pump my legs “Still alright?” “Faster!” Again she obliges and I’m soon running full tilt. I think the last time I ran like this was when that doper popped a shot off at me and I chased his ass down. Had to run almost six blocks before I got ahold of the little punk. Too soon in my opinion the treadmill begins to wind down and I slow to a stop hopping off, grinning like an idiot all the while. “What’s the verdict?” “The verdict is you run like an Olympic class athlete is what the verdict is. Your heart beat didn’t increase in the slightest either. I don’t know if this is tied to everything else that’s happening with you but if I had to guess, and I absolutely hate to do so but I’d say your metabolism has increased to abnormal levels.” “Is that… Bad?” She shrugs. “Mmm. Yes and no. You’re going to have to eat a good deal more than an average person. You also might start feeling changes in your energy. You’ll have periods of high energy possibly long periods, but then you’ll need frequent naps.” That’s starting to sound like another familiar character from a certain cartoon show. “Can we I dunno, slow it down?” “We can. I’ll write a few prescriptions for you that should ideally normalize your heart. I’m going to want you to come back in a week so we can see how you’re doing.” She looks uncomfortable now. “Your blood work also came back.” I frown at her frown. “What’s wrong now?” “There’s no easy way to say this so I’ll just get right to it. Have you been taking any hormone supplements?” “What like… Steroids?” “Mmm. Estrogen specifically. There’s an unusually high concentration of it in your system.” All at once I feel the floor drop out from under me and I slip back landing hard on my butt. Doctor Adams’ eyes widen and she calls for the orderly to help me up and into the bed. “Jake? Jake can you hear me?” I feel the helpless terrifying sensation I felt when my plane was spiraling out of control. Estrogren? All at once the girl with Lyra’s hair’s words come back to me. “I… I don’t know. I’m…” I feel sick and scared. My stomach churns and the Doctor, used to seeing patients getting sick rushes over to retrieve a small trash can for me. After emptying my stomach of a thankfully light breakfast Doctor Adams takes the can from me. “Jake I think it might be a good idea for you to stay overnight. Would you like that?” I can only nod. “I think so.” “Is there anyone we can call for you?” I can’t bring my folks in on this now. Not if… Not if that happens to me. Dad’s got pretty firm views on what a man should and shouldn’t be. Though there is one person I wouldn’t mind having with me. “Yeah. Yeah I’ll give you her number.” *** “Look I know. I know! Ugh quit badgering me.” Markus we are at her home. We merely have to step inside and speak with her. She is my sister’s host. We felt Celestia’s presence within then it was suddenly snuffed. Something may have happened. I pace back and forth in the alley behind Erin’s apartment building. My beat up motorcycle propped against the back wall. “I know. But if she’s not like us. She hasn’t gotten used to y’know… Having someone else sharing her body.” This is true. But the longer we wait the greater the danger grows. Discord must know that we will pursue contact with my sister now that we have found her. “You’re right. You’re always right.” Perhaps if you had lived enough years to have forgotten your actual age you would be always be correct as well Markus. I hear the teasing tone in her voice and smirk. Glancing in the side mirror of my bike and seeing the inhuman face smirking back at me. I’ve gotten used to seeing her reflection looking back at me for years now. “Alright, alright. I’ll go talk to her. But we have to be cool.” I shall endeavor to keep my temperature as low as possible. Laughing now I shake my head and turn toward the alley exit. My smile fades as I see two large men with arms crossed. I turn on my heel to leave the other way, only to find it too blocked by men in white uniforms. “Can I help you assholes or what?” Honestly Markus must you always be so cra… What is THAT filth doing here?! Doctor Cordiss steps out from behind the pair I’m looking at. “Markus you’re very sick. You need to come with us. For your own good. These men are only here to help.” He is lying! He knows we seek to awaken my sister and has come to stop us! “Yeah thanks for clearing that up.” I turn to address the ‘Doctor’. “Thanks but no thanks Doc. I’m good.” He shakes his head with mock sadness. God I’ve always hated this fucker. “Gentlemen try not to hurt him too badly.” The goons on either side of me close in. I look from one pair to the other. “You guys don’t wanna do this. Just lemme leave.” “Can’t do it kid. Just come quiet. We don’t wanna hurt ya.” “Hmph.” I reach toward the pockets of my jacket where I keep the brass knuckles I carry with me everywhere. Markus these men are innocent. You cannot harm them physically. That is not who we are. We must flee and return another time. With a grunt of dissatisfaction I remove my hands. “God you’re so whiny sometimes. You better be juicing me up good.” Our bond has never been stronger. Trust me; they will not be able to catch us. “Fine. But we better do some cool magic shit when my horn comes in.” I crouch and break into a sprint at the entrance the Doc’s not standing in. The idiots steady themselves to grab me. With a smirk I kick off the ground and vault a good ten feet into the air sailing over their heads and landing with a thump on the pavement outside the alley. “Later assholes!” And then I’m sprinting down the sidewalk. The scenery passing me in a blur of color and motion. I’m running so fast I can’t make out the features of the gawking jerks I’m blazing by. “Why didn’t we do this sooner?!” The spell shackling me to your psyche has only just begun to loosen Markus. In a few days’ time I should be able to fully share my power with you. “So wings and magic?” She sighs. Yes Markus wings and magic. “Bitchin’.” I screech to a stop as I see white vans rounding the street corner ahead. Cutting down another alley I can hear them moving in pursuit. Markus jump up. We can flee across the roof tops. Glancing up I raise my eyebrows suspiciously. “You want me to jump like twenty stories into the air?” You will be fine. Your body is far more durable. Even if you miss your mark you’ll suffer little more than a scrape or a bruise. Gritting my teeth I crouch, coiling as much strength as I can in my legs before kicking off the ground and vaulting into the air. “Shiiiiiiiiiiit!” I actually jump higher than the roof I was aiming for. Arms and legs flailing wildly in the air I angle for the fire escape jutting out from the side of the old brick building. I manage to grab onto the black iron railing with little more than a faint tugging at my shoulders for the trouble. Effortlessly hauling myself over the rail I’m running across the roof now. Quick jumps take me from building to building leaving the vans trying to catch me far behind. All this running and jumping and I’m barely breathing harder than normal. Only the faintest hint of sweat is beading on my forehead. “Jeez. I mean I kinda thought you and me getting y’know… Closer would be badass but nothing like this. I’m like a goddamn super hero.” Yes well recall Uncle Ben’s words of wisdom Markus. Power and responsibility? “Yeah, yeah relax I’m not gonna go on a crime spree or some shit. Can’t you let me enjoy this for two minutes?” My head whips around as a voice speaks up behind me. “She can be a downer can’t she?” It’s Doctor Corddis. Or Discord I suppose. “How the fuck did you get up here?” He disappears in a flash, reappearing almost nose to nose with me. “Magic of course! Unlike that stuffy mare you share a head with mine is working quite well in this world. Not as well as I’d hoped but still.” His grin turns sinister as he brings a hand up, backhanding me across the face. It feels like someone smacked me in the jaw with a sack of bricks and I go flying across the rooftop, sliding along the roof and coming to a stop against the edge. I feel blood in my mouth and my head is pounding as I force myself to sit up. Markus it is time to do what we have been preparing for. If you would rather not be the one I will take control. Taking a life is not an easy task. “This fucker knew I had a twin sister my whole damn life and kept that from me. You don’t think I can beat his face inside out?” I reach back into my pockets sliding the custom brass knuckles over my hands. Discord just seems amused by this. “Such a tough guy. If you’d just kept away from Erin we wouldn’t need to do this. You could have kept running around talking to yourself like a nut and she’d just go on oblivious until Celestia’s magic burned her from the inside out.” He sighs in mock sadness. “Ah well. There are other ways of keeping you apart.” He advances probably for another slap, seeming very confident in my inability to actually hurt him. It comes with more than a little satisfaction when my right hook connects with his cheek and I hear the crack of bone as he spins away howling in pain and clutching his face. I don’t give him time to recover. I leap onto his back landing a solid punch to the back of his head. He drops to his knees and I deliver another into the small of his back, driving him flat onto the rooftop. As he lays flat on his belly I kneel down in front of him, displaying the gleaming knuckles around my hands. “You like? Cold iron and silver. Shit cost me a fucking fortune but god dam if it wasn’t worth it.” He snarls wordlessly and vanishes in a flash. There’s a faint tingling in my eyes and my vision blurs for a moment before I see a faint thread of swirling chaotic energy leading away from the roof. He is fleeing Markus! We must pursue! This could be our only chance to end Discord’s threat once and for all! Even without all the shit he’s done to me personally I’ve heard plenty from Luna about what a monster this asshole was. People turning into ponies or not, she and her sister were the only two to come through with their sense of selves intact. While the others may get memory flashes from time to time he effectively killed a pretty big number of ponies. I’m running again. Following the colorful magical trail. “So what am I seeing?” Teleportation often leads residue behind. I have augmented your sight to see this residue. “Huh. Cool I guess.” The trail stops abruptly and I halt the chase confused. “Where did he-“ I feel something heavy and solid collide with the back of my head sending me staggering forward. “You little worm. You nothing. You think you can attack me and get away with it?” I try to turn toward his voice and feel whatever he hit me in the head with smash into my stomach blasting the air from my lungs. He slowly walks into my field of vision leaning on that metal tipped cane I’ve seen in his office. I brace myself as he raises it, bringing it down hard on my back. Even with Luna augmenting me physically it still hurts like a bitch. With a strangled yelp I feel some unseen force haul me into the air by the ankles. “Our dear Princess of the night seems to have given you a few improvements. I wonder how strong she made you?” The pressure moves to encompass my entire leg as it intensifies. I try to hold it back but he forces a scream as with a sickening crack my leg bends in a way a leg probably isn’t supposed to bend. He uses the tip of the cane to force my face up to meet his. “Not bad. A good deal stronger than the average human certainly. Not so much compared to me alas.” I make a half-hearted attempt to swipe at him but the pressure moves to my other leg as it too gives way, breaking at the knee. “Tsk. Good thing I’m a doctor.” He drops me on my head and kicks me onto my back. By now I’m so out of it from the pain in my legs I don’t even put up a token resistance. “Markus, Markus, Markus. Such a disturbed young man. I tried to stop you. I really did.” Through the haze of pain enveloping my mind I look up at him blearily. “Th’fuck r’you talkin bout?” He answers by again lifting me in his magical grasp, carrying me to the edge of the roof. Delicately he slides the knuckles off my hands and pockets them. “So tragic that you’d rather die than be treated. Ah well! Can’t save em all!” Discord’s grin widens as the magic holding me up vanishes in an instant. I don’t even have time to scream as the ground rushes up to meet me, and my body slams into the pavement below hard enough to crack it. I hear Luna’s voice screaming in my head. Everything’s getting hazy and before I lose it completely I see those fucking white vans rolling up. They’re saying something but… I can’t hear it. That’s when I see Discord step into my field of vision. He’s holding a syringe filled with some weird glowing blue fluid. He wastes no time jabbing it into my arm. All at once I feel the strength Luna give me drain away. Her voice… The voice that’s kept me company my entire life is fading until I can’t hear it anymore. That’s worse than any physical pain he could inflict on me. She’s just gone. I don’t put up a fight as they haul me toward the waiting van. Not that I could put up much of one in my condition anyway. I’m pretty sure I’ll kick it before we get to wherever we’re going. But without Luna I don’t see much of a reason to stick around anyway. > Chapter 4: Unexpected Guests > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: Unexpected Guests What started as the best weekend of my life has taken a pretty rapid downward spiral. After the amazing dinner with Jake and his acceptance of my problems I have to go and have the worst psychotic episode of my life. Between lunatics harassing me in the street and stupidly ignoring my medication it’s a wonder I haven’t fallen completely apart. Of course the conversation with Celestia wasn’t real. It might have been my imagination but even the suns on my hips looked fainter when I took my early shower. My good mood at that was fading as rapidly as the imagined tattoos as I recall last night’s phone call from the hospital. They’d called to tell me Jake was being admitted for overnight observation because of some heart problems but NO, it was too late to visit. I’d had to wait until this morning before I could see him. Every red light seemed to take hours as the drive just stretched on and on. The hospital was only twenty five minutes or so from home but it felt as if I’ve been driving all day. I hate coming this far into the city. Every homeless person I see drives a little needle deeper into my heart. Especially the kids. I openly wept once when I saw a couple of little girls, neither could have been older than ten dumpster diving. Almost on cue I spotted a young woman rummaging about a dumpster while a boy… He must have been thirteen at the most sat on the ground beside her, his leg in a cast and a pair of crutches in his lap. My sadness only grew as she emerged with a soiled pastry box from the Krispy Kreme. About to sigh and turn away I caught sight of the woman’s head. Her hair was what first caught my eye. Minty green with a white stripe running through it. That wasn’t incredibly unusual; if she’d only recently lost her home having hair dye wasn’t out of the question. No what really grabbed me were her ears. The very obviously inhuman ears perched atop her head. Large, pointed, minty fur covered ears. They were close enough to the street I could see them twitch and turn toward the occasional sound. Clenching my eyes shut tightly I accelerated through the light once it turned green a bit quicker than necessary. Violently shaking my head I try to put the pair out of my head as the hospital comes into view. Finding a space in the visitors’ lot I lock the door on my comically tiny smart car. I take more than a little ridicule at my car’s appearance but hey, it only costs me sixty bucks a month tops for gas. With prices the way they are nowadays I know some of my co-workers who spend upwards of two or three hundred dollars a month. It also helps I take the bus most everywhere. There’s a bit of commotion out front as I approach. A couple news vans and the like. I’m starting to get a sinking feeling I know what they’re here for. A police officer stops me as I try to enter. “What’s the purpose of your visit miss?” I blink. “Uh… I got a call last night. My… My boyfriend was admitted for heart trouble. They said I couldn’t see him because of the late hour. What in the world is going on?” He looks like he’s having an inner debate with himself. “They’ve got some weird disease or something in there. There’re a few infected. They’re in a quarantined area. You can go in just watch yourself. If you’re a reporter you’re facing some hefty fraud fines.” Eyes wide I rapidly shake my head. “Substitute teacher. Definitely not a reporter!” I hurry through the doors casting a quick glance at the near frenzied media. I need another few deep breaths to calm down. I head to the desk where a bored looking receptionist sits examining her nails. “Er… I’m here to visit my boyfriend. He was admitted for heart problems?” She doesn’t even look up. “Name?” “M-mine or his?” Now she does look at me. A look of extreme annoyance and impatience on her face. “Whaddo you think?” I frown faintly. “His name is Jake Matsen.” Her eyes widen at that. “Are you Erin Rockwell?” Now I’m feeling nervous again. “Y-yes?” “Wait here.” She stands and rushes back into the hospital proper, leaving me alone to fuss with the strap of my purse. Something must be really wrong with Jake if the staff was told to wait for me specifically. I’m just about to go back through the doors myself when the receptionist comes back, a stern looking woman in a doctor’s coat in tow. “Miss Rockwell? I’m Doctor Adams. I’ve been treating Jake and Rebecca.” I blink. “Who’s Rebecca?” “Oh! Sorry. His friend Becky? They came in together showing the same symptoms. Only he had the increased heart rate. Doing an in-depth tissue exam revealed something troubling.” She starts walking back into the hospital at a brisk pace, forcing me to hustle to catch up. “Troubling?” The Doctor frowns faintly. “It’s frankly unprecedented. Something of a new medical mystery. We took several samples of Mr. Matsen and Miss Franken’s blood and tissues. How familiar are you with biology?” I shrug. “As long as you don’t go into ridiculously complicated concepts I should be able to keep up. I’m a teacher.” She smiles. “Ah! Good. I wanted to go into teaching. Parents insisted on medicine. Anyway, the basic DNA structure is the same from human to human right?” I nod and she continues. “Jake and Becky’s DNA is… Not.” “Is not? Is not what? The same as a humans?” She nods. “No. They’re mutating at what is frankly an alarming rate.” She leads me into an elevator hitting a button near the top. “More and more their DNA is looking less human. In fact it’s changing from hour to hour.” My heart is hammering in my chest. This is impossible. It can’t be real. What Celestia told me, what Markus was alluding to… He’s crazy and my talk with Celestia was just an effect of skipping my medication! “I-into what?” “Frankly we have no idea. There’s nothing like it in any database according to the lab. In fact they’re not even matching one another. They’re very similar, certainly more similar to one another than they are to say you or I. But there are differences between them as well.” One end of the hall is walled up by what look like plastic walls. People in bulky hazmat suits are coming and going. “You can go in and see them but you have to suit up. We don’t know what’s causing the mutation but it could be contagious.” I know what’s causing it. I know EXACTLY what’s causing it. But how do I explain it without sounding like a lunatic? “O-okay. I’ll uh, wear one then.” It’s a bit of a hassle getting the thing on. A man has to fasten the hood… Helmet thing around my head and connect it to the air tank on my hip. Doctor Adams is getting similarly dressed as we step into the quarantined area of the hospital. It’s rapidly clear that more than just Jake and this Becky girl are residents. I see several others in various rooms hooked up to a dizzying array of machinery. The last room has Jake, and who I assume is Becky. They’re talking to one another, smiling nervously and looking like they’re doing their best not to let the situation get to them. Both have clear signs of the Equestrian changes. Jake more than she at least with his fiery orange and yellow hair. The once close cropped cut now hangs in a shaggy mess about his face and neck. Becky’s pale pink hair is loose around her shoulders. Both have large pointed ears atop their heads. I find myself transfixed as those inhuman ears swivel toward the sound of their owners’ door opening before the pair actually turns to regard us. Jake sees me and looks embarrassed, hunkering down in his bed and making a token effort to cover his ears. Becky just watches curiously. “Hey Erin…” I force a smile. “Hey Jake. Sorry I couldn’t come last night. Visiting hours y’know?” I pull a stool over to his bedside as Doctor Adams moves to Becky, drawing more blood. He smiles back. “S’ok. You’re here now right?” I nod. “Yup! I got this fancy space suit and everything.” Jake laughs a little now. It’s small, but I can tell it’s a genuine laugh. “Well you wear it well.” The Doctor comes to take his blood now and I scoot back a bit. Becky catches my eye and offers a small wave. “Hey. I’m Becky. I’m the receptionist at Jake’s Doctor’s. His normal Doctor that is.” I smile back. “Erin. I’m his…” I glance at him and he looks back, I notice his ears are half-lowered. “His girlfriend.” And then his ears perk right back up. That’s a pretty handy tell all things considered. “Nice to meet you. He’s been talking about you a ton.” I grin teasingly. “Nothing bad I hope?” She shrugs. “Just that you eat like one of your students but somehow never gain an ounce. I’d like to know THAT secret.” ‘Probably the immortal pony Princess that I’m starting to think is real and sharing my head with me.’ I think. I just smile in response. “Good metabolism I guess.” Doctor Adams checks the machine hooked to Jake’s chest. “Heart’s still working double time. One of our other patients presenting your uh, symptoms has an increased heart rate as well. I’m going to compare your samples and see how similar your mutations are.” Jake rubs the back of his neck. “Sure. I mean of course. If you think it’ll help.” She turns to me. “We’ve got a new battery of tests to run in about a half hour. I’ll come let you know when it’s time to go Miss Rockwell. Jake, Becky.” She nods to them both before leaving us alone. I shift a bit as she leaves looking back to Jake. My eyes keep drifting to his ears and he again covers them with a pillow. “Hey it’s alright. You don’t gotta do that.” He frowns. “Erin I have… I have PONY ears. I mean that’s what they are. We have the cutie marks and hair from the characters in the show. Now our ears and…” He peers toward the door. “…and my back has been itching for an hour.” I stand in concern. “Did you tell the Doctor?” He shakes his head. “No. And please don’t tell her. I’m poked, prodded, and jabbed enough. If they find out there’s something growing out of my back...” I lay a hand on his knee. “Relax. I won’t tell her. Can I see?” With some reluctance he leans forward allowing me to see his back. There are small but unmistakable growths pushing out of his shoulder blades. I can even see the beginnings of some downy fluff that are going to be his feathers. “Yeah… You’re growing wings.” He blows out a heavy gust of air and flops back into his bed, wincing a little at the sudden pressure on his back. “Fan-fucking-tastic!” I wince at the cursing and he notices looking apologetic. “Sorry I just… I’m turning into a pegasus. A pegasus MARE. Doctor Adams said there’s tons of estrogen in my system now.” I’ve never seen him like this. He looks so flustered, confused… Scared. For a moment I consider telling him everything I’ve learned. But then he’d want to know WHERE I learned it from. And if he knew my medication could repress my own changes would he want it for himself? Celestia said it was a poison. What would it do if I let him take the pills? “We’ll figure something out Jake.” He grips my hand tightly. “I don’t want to be here Erin. I don’t want to be poked and prodded and turned into some kind of science experiment.” My eyes widen. “Jake I… What am I supposed to do? There are police all over the place. And you’re in the big… Bubble dome thing.” Becky speaks up for the first time since introducing herself. “They’ll do a shift change every few hours. For about fifteen minutes or so the guys babysitting the entrance will be really lax. We can get out then.” We both look at her as she explains. She just shrugs. “I read up on quarantine procedure. I helped Doctor Stevens during that huge outbreak of red flu a couple years ago. I saw how this all goes down. I mean obviously we’re not contagious right? The others in the quarantine are all changing at exactly the same pace as we are. And I asked around. Get this. They all turned twenty five two days ago. All four of the others here. There’s a connection there.” There was and I know what it is. “Alright. So what do you need me to do?” They both look at me with mild surprise. “You’ll help us get out of here? Really?” I nod. “Of course. This isn’t your fault. You don’t deserve to be treated like lab animals. We can lay low at my Uncle’s cabin up north. He left it to me when he y’know… Passed. The place is huge, and way out in the middle of nowhere. We’ll be fine until all the commotion dies down. You too Becky.” The woman looks surprised, but touched. “Thank you Erin. That means a lot to me. I don’t suppose we can go by my apartment so I can get a few things?” I shrug. “I mean I don’t mind. I guess we’ll see how the uh… Break out goes? Though my car is super tiny.” Jake reaches into the pocket of the jeans hanging on the chair beside his bed and tosses me a set of keys. “We can take my truck. Pull it around to the entrance with the lease people around it.” Becky nods looking excited. “Yeah! You can find the best way out for us. Oh! We need hats too. To hide the ears y’know? Jake has his cap but I don’t have anything.” I chew my lip thinking. “When do you think we can do this?” Becky shrugs. “They switch every four hours. The last rotation was an hour ago at seven a.m. So we have until eleven before they switch again.” I nod. “And then again at three. Let me go get some stuff together. I’ll get some clothes and things from you guys’ places and come back here before then.” Jake is frowning now. “Erin you could get into a lot of trouble doing this.” Markus’ words come back to me. People are going to be in trouble and are going to depend on me. While I’m not willing to let some pony Princess take over my body, I can at least help Jake and his friend. “It’s fine. This’ll be fun! Like a movie!” My nervous laugh doesn’t entirely conceal my fear. Before Jake can talk again Doctor Adams returns. “Miss Rockwell? It’s time to go. We need to run some tests I’m afraid. You can see Jake again in a few hours.” I give Jake’s hand a squeeze as I stand to leave. “I’ll be back soon. It was nice meeting you Becky. Why don’t you give me your address and I’ll see about getting a couple of those things you wanted.” Becky jots down the address of her apartment and I add her keys to Jake’s. It’ll be easy enough to stick her place in my GPS and find it. In fact I recognize the street so that’s good. I leave with the Doctor giving them both a brief wave. As we pass another pair of men in suits I overhear a snippet of their conversation. “…police are rounding up more and more of them. Guess people with ears and stuff are popping up all over the country.” I frown hearing that. All over the country? Just how many Equestrians have been running around as humans for the last two and a half decades? Doctor Adams helps me out of the hazmat suit and sets it aside “You should come back as much as you can while it’s still relatively calm here. IF we get too many patients and the military gets called in to keep order… You probably won’t be able to visit for a while.” I nod my thanks for the advice. “I’ll be back this afternoon.” Trying to remain calm I make my way back to the parking lot. It takes a little hunting but I manage to find Jake’s truck easy enough. Antique is definitely the word to describe the old pick up but it starts fine enough. A quick stop at my own car to retrieve my GPS and I’m plugging in Becky’s address. She’ll probably want some clothes and toiletries. It looks like her building is on the way back to mine and Jake’s, so that’s a bit of good luck. I get stopped at the light outside the Krispy Kreme again. That pair are still there in the alley. The woman with the pony ears and… Her son? He looks too old. Brother likely. Still he’s young. What’s going to happen to him when his sister is taken away? Frowning I park at the end of the alley climbing out. The two regard me curiously with the woman stepping in front of the kid. “Need somethin’ lady?” Suddenly I have a pang of regret. What am I doing? Just because one of them is turning into a pony I’m going to take them in? I must be out of my mind! I look at the boy though, and that IS what he is. A boy. He looks back curiously before the woman blocks my view. Her brows are raised and she looks like she’s losing her patience. “O-oh uh… Sorry. I… Notice your uh…” I wave my finger around my own head where her ears are. She looks upward. “Yeah I got weird ears. What about it?” I swallow heavily and clear my throat. “I heard the police are rounding everyone up with ears like yours. I’m getting some friends of mine to my cabin up north. You and your friend are welcome to come with us.” The boy’s eyes widen in surprise, but I see hope in them. The woman just folds her arms over her chest. “What out of the goodness of your heart?” Helplessly I shrug a bit. “Er… Yes? I mean it’s not like you have anything I want. Oh! Th-that probably came out a bit on the rude side.” “Y’think? Thanks but no thanks lady. We’re not going up to some nuts cabin in the woods just to… To uh….” She trails off with a faint frown. Suddenly she’s staring hard at me. Slowly pacing around me and looking me up and down. She steps back and looks down at the boy. He looks anywhere from twelve to fourteen I’d guess. “A place to stay. And food. No charge? No… Nothing in return?” I shrug. “Well I mean I’d hope everyone cleans up after themselves but I’m not looking for indentured workers like the big corporations got or anything.” The boy hoists himself up using the wall against his back as a brace, settling on the crutches. “Well you can come or not Meg but if she’s got food and a bed I’m going.” He doesn’t have any signs of becoming a pony, but I’m not about to separate him from his sister. She looks at him giving an exasperated sigh. “Fine. But if this turns weird we’re gone, got it?” I raise my hands defensively. “You don’t HAVE to come. I Just… Saw you guys. Figured I was smuggling two people up north, what’s two more?” She helps her brother up into the truck. “Well thanks. I guess. I dunno what it is… There’s something about you…” I laugh a bit nervously and shrug. “I must have one of those trustworthy faces!” She hms softly climbing in behind her brother. “Well I’m Meghan. Meg is fine. This is my brother Lucas. Thanks for this uh…” “Erin. And really it’s no trouble. The cabin is enormous and it’s on this huge plot of land. Tons of space all over the place.” I start back to Becky’s building with my new passengers sitting awkwardly in the truck. It doesn’t take long for the aroma of a couple of homeless people to hit my nose and as casually as I can I roll down the windows. This draws a short laugh from Meg. “We stink. It’s cool. If you’re putting us up for a couple of days I’m sure you wouldn’t mind us getting a shower. And washing these clothes.” She picks at her t-shirt. I laugh a little. “Not sure what I can do for Lucas here but I have plenty of things you can borrow. Might be a loose fit but it’s better than nothing right?” Meg nods slowly staring at me quietly for a few moments. “Right.” Her brother just sits with his hands folded in his lap. I glance at him from the corner of my eye. He’s pale, dirty, and looks exhausted. His curly mop of black hair is greasy and unkempt. Poor kid probly hasn’t had a decent meal in a while. “So Lucas, how’d you break your leg?” He looks to his sister for permission I assume. She nods and he speaks softly. “W-well me and Meg found this great spot on a roof to sleep. We had a few blankets and strung them up like a tent! It was pretty fun. But the uh… The building’s owner found out eventually. He kinda shoved me off the roof.” My eyes go wide and I look at him disbelieving. Meg just shrugs. “There’re so many homeless that the cops ignore it when we get hurt. The only reason Lucas got treated at the hospital was I told them our folks were on the way.” I nod. “Where ARE your parents? If you don’t mind my asking?” “Dad went out for cigarettes about ten years ago. Mom kinda OD’d on I dunno, heroine or something and wound up y’know…” She shrugs. “Lucas got shoved in a home for orphans; I got kicked out on my butt. He wound up in a foster home where the dad had the whole ‘creepy uncle in the basement’ thing going on. So here we are.” I just shake my head. “Jesus it’s like a Lifetime movie in real life.” Meg chuckles at that while her brother just looks confused. My GPS pings to let me know we’ve reached the building. “Alright I’m just gonna run up and get some stuff from my friend’s apartment. Then we’ll hit my place, and then back to the hospital.” I slide out of the truck. Meg says something to her brother before following me out and up into the building. “So what’s your deal for real lady? Don’t get me wrong. If you got a bed and some real food for Lucas for a couple days I’m grateful but people don’t just take in strangers.” Shrugging a little I walk along the hall to Becky’s first floor apartment. The key slides in the lock and I step inside. “This whole pony thing. It’s going to get worse before it gets better I think. My boyfriend is one of the two I’m breaking out of the hospital. The police really are looking for anyone showing changes. I couldn’t just ignore you out there on the street. Your brother would wind up right back in the system if you get stuck in some medical lab.” Meg chews her lower lip rubbing her arm in thought. “Yeah I guess that’s true. Well… Thanks. I dunno what it is, but there’s something about you. I just get a good vibe off you y’know?” I chuckle weakly and offer her a half-hearted smile. I take a moment to look around Becky’s apartment. It’s pretty tidy. Though she has plenty of magazines covering the table. Nice TV hangs off the wall too. My Uncle’s cabin is nice. Huge and on a beautiful bit of land. But it’s pretty rustic. He never owned a television as far as I know. “Think you can get that down?” She looks at it with a raised brow. “We’re jacking her TV?” I shrug. “We might be up there for a while. It’s either Becky’s nice big one or my crappy tiny one.” Meg moves to examine the wall mounts while I seek out Becky’s bedroom. She calls to me from down the hall while she works. “So like, d’you know anything about this? The changes I mean?” It takes a long moment for me to realize she’s asking because of what I’ve already told her from the hospital and not because she suspects I know more than I want to share. Becky’s room is just as big a disaster area as my own is. It takes some hunting but I find a duffle bag that I start cramming clothes into. “Just that Jake and Becky’s DNA is changing. Becoming inhuman.” “Well duh.” I laugh. “Sorry I don’t know much more than that.” I find her bathroom and grab a small travel bag from under the sink loading up her toothbrush, toothpaste and other hygiene supplies. Adding that to the duffle I sling it over my shoulder and return to the living room. “Whaddya think about the TV?” She shrugs. “I can get it down. Probly gonna need a hand though.” Nodding to her I make a quick run out to the truck, tossing the duffle bag in the back behind the seats. Moving around to the back I drop the little door on the. Jake has one of those high leather and plastic covers that make the back of the truck almost like a regular car. Back in the apartment Meg’s already at one corner of the TV. I move to the other and we heft it up. Moving quickly we get it into the back of the truck. I duck back in grabbing an arm load of micro-disc movies for the built in player. I even remember to snag the remote. Tossing my load into the bed I shut the door back up, climb into the driver’s seat and we’re off again. “So your boyfriends place then what? Your place?” I nod to Meg. “Jake and I are neighbors so it won’t be a long trip.” With a little thrill I realize I’m going to have to go into Jake’s bedroom. Probably rummage through his drawers too. “While I’m getting our stuff together we’ll get you two cleaned up. We have a few hours to kill before the big break out. It’s a five hour drive to the cabin. No offense but it’d probably be a nicer trip if you two were a little fresher.” Meg shrugs. “None taken. You have no idea how great a hot shower and clean clothes sound about now.” Lucas nods emphatically. “Well I’m sure Jake won’t mind if Lucas borrows a shirt and a pair of shorts for a little bit. Once we get settled up north I’ll see about getting you two some stuff of your own.” Lucas leans toward his sister whispering in what he must assume is a tone I can’t hear. “She’s REALLY nice Meg.” Her sister smiles to me over his head, ruffling his hair silently. I have to admit, it feels really nice helping these two like this. I’m starting to think I could have done more before now. Volunteered at a soup kitchen or donated some money from time to time. We reach my building and everyone piles out. Meg helps steady Lucas on his crutches. “I’ll run upstairs and get some macaroni or something going on the stove for you guys. Sorry in advance, I don’t have a very ‘mature’ selection.” Meg laughs sharply. “Lady if your food isn’t coming out of a dumpster it’s five stars to us.” I chuckle. “Alright. I’m on the second floor. 6B. I’ll leave the door open for you two. Take your time.” She nods as the two start the slow process of getting Lucas inside and upstairs. I go on ahead taking the stairs and walk toward my apartment. My pulse quickens as I realize my door is slightly ajar. Someone’s already in there?! Pressing myself close to the wall I slide toward the door cautiously. It’s definitely open; I can even hear voices inside. “…pretty normal place for a Princess.” “Well maybe she’s not like Markus! She might not KNOW she’s a Princess! If she did I bet she’d totally live in like, an AWESOME palace!” Both are women. The first one sighs in exasperation. “Does Markus live in a big palace?” There’s a pause. “W-well no. But he does run the club and lives in the awesome penthouse above it. That’s kinda like a palace right?” They know Markus? Why the hell are they in my apartment? For a minute I consider calling the cops on my cell, but if they know Markus maybe he sent them here? How did he find out where I live? There are so many questions racing around in my head. Taking a deep breath I square my shoulders and peer around the corner into my apartment. I can’t see either of them. They must be down the hall in our around my room. Quietly as I can I slip into my apartment, easing the closet by my front door open. Frantically my eyes dart around looking for something to defend myself with in case they turn out to be violent. The best I can come up with is my umbrella. Grabbing it around the top I hold it overhead in what I hope is a menacing manner. Creeping down the hall toward my room I can hear them moving around inside. My breath is coming quicker and quicker as I ready myself for the confrontation. Lifting my foot I kick in my bedroom door bursting into the room. “Who the HELL are you and why are you in my apartment?!” The two women whirl around in surprise to face me. The nearest is blonde, her hair mid-shoulder length. The grey furred ears standing atop her head perk upright in alarm and she shrieks. AS she shrieks large feathered wings that match the color of her ears flare from her back. “Oh god Princess Celestia’s going to kill me!” Now I scream and jump back. The second woman just looks from her friend to me as we stare and scream at each other. She has a look of amusement on her face more than anything. Slowly I realize the winged woman isn’t attacking me, and she realizes I’m not attacking her. “She’s not Princess Celestia you idiot. Look at her. She’s all human.” The other woman is obviously being affected by the pony changes too. Her own ears are stark white, peeking out from a shaggy electric blue shock of hair. Vivid pink eyes regard me coolly. “You’re not Erin are you? We’re looking for Erin.” I take a step back tightening my grip on the umbrella. “Wh-why are you looking for me?” They share a confused look. “Markus said if he didn’t come home last night to come here. We’re supposed to be meeting up with Luna’s sister, Celestia.” “PRINCESS Luna and PRINCESS Celestia. Jeez Jules.” The blue haired woman, Jules apparently rolls her eyes. “I’m not calling them Princesses, you derp.” She thumps the other woman on the back and she stumbles forward, wings flapping erratically as she tries to regain her balance unsuccessfully. She tumbles to the ground landing at my feet, looking up at me with one yellow eye… The other looking straight ahead. With a sigh I offer my hand to help her up. She takes it tentatively. “Th-thanks Princess.” I snatch my hand back as soon as she’s on her feet. “It’s ERIN. Not Princess. Why did Markus tell you to come HERE?” That’s when I see both women have backpacks over their shoulders. “Well it wasn’t Markus so much as Luna. She said if they didn’t come back from meeting with their sister’s safe WE should come here and see what happened. Then all that shit started going down on the news about the ‘mutation epidemic’ and how anyone with symptoms should be reported to the authorities. We were hoping to hook up with Markus here and find someplace to lay low.” The blonde girl is walking around me slowly and squinting at me. “Are you REALLY Erin? Can I talk to Princess Celestia! Princess Luna is super nice and really cool! I bet Princess Celestia is nice too!” I open my mouth to rebuke her when I hear Meg calling from the door. “Erin? Is everything ok? I thought I heard screaming.” I scowl at the two home intruders. “You two stay in here and stay QUIET. I’ll be back to deal with you in a minute.” As I step out and shut the door behind me I hear the blonde girl worriedly ask Jules if that means I’m going to kill them. The other calls her a ‘derp’ again before I’m out of ear shot. I force a smile as Erin steps into the apartment with Lucas in tow. “Yup! Everything’s fine! So! Let’s get you two next door and in that shower!” They exchange a look. “I thought we were eating.” I laugh nervously. “Ehe he. Jake has a much better stocked kitchen. Lucas can wash up first while you get some lunch going for everyone! Sound good?” My smile is probably just a touch too big judging by the look of concern Meg is shooting me. “Yeah alright...” I walk hastily next door unlocking Jake’s apartment for them. “Just try not to make too big a mess guys. I’ve gotta uh… Use the bathroom. Then I’ll be right over.” Meg gives me another curious look before she and her brother move into Jake’s apartment. I rush back to my own bedroom to find Jules sitting on my bed looking bored, her blonde friend hiding around the other side eyeing me nervously. “Ok look. No more Princess Celestia talk. I’m Erin. Not Celestia. There’s no Celestia here. Got it?” A long, meaningful look passes between them. “Alright, alright lady chill. Don’t freak out. You ARE Erin Rockwell though right?” I nod. She unzips her back pack handing me a mini-disc. “Well this is from Luna then. She said to give it to you when we met and that you should watch it right away.” I take the offered disc frowning faintly. The pair look at me expectantly and with a sigh I shove some stacks of books away from my TV, easing the disc into my rarely touched player. I move to sit on the corner of my bed and Blondie squeaks scooting away from me hastily. The player is soon humming away as the disc begins to play. Markus’ image appears on screen shuffling uncomfortably. “This is stupid. I feel stupid.” He tilts his head as if listening to someone else. “Oh. Oh yeah ok. You go first then.” He closes his eyes and his head sort of sags forward. I find myself leaning forward almost against my will as his hair begins to writhe slowly as if he were underwater. The black color gives way to midnight blue, as twinkling motes of light appear in it. It doesn’t grow any longer but it looks like it’s waving as though he were underwater. When his eyes open they’re an unnatural teal color. “Greetings to you Erin Rockwell.” His voice isn’t even close to his own. It’s a woman’s voice. Cool, calm, collected. “If you are watching this recorded message, I am afraid we have not had the chance to speak face to face.” I look to the other women in the room but aside from mild interest in what’s being said neither seems overly surprised by what’s happening on screen. “As you may already know, I am Princess Luna. If you stopped taking your medication as Markus asked than my sister has likely already informed you of the circumstances surrounding the unnatural events occurring to your people across the world. IF you have NOT ceased taking that vile concoction you absolutely must do so now. It is a deadly toxin to a lesser being. Only the fact that you are my sister’s host is what allows you to ingest it and survive. Even so your magical build-up is approaching a critical level. If you continue taking the medication you will surely die.” Markus smiles suddenly. “I do hope you have stopped taking the pills. If you have well than… Hello Tia! It’s been far too long! Not as long as my banishment but still, I miss you terribly. I truly hope we have already spoken in person! If not than may our reunion come very soon. And to you Erin I extend my gratitude for being my sister’s keeper. I can only hope the two of you become as close as Markus and I have.” His smile fades. “If the typical reaction your people have toward the unknown holds true, the world may become a very dangerous place for every man and woman changing into an Equestrian. If something has happened to me, the stewardship of our people falls to the two of you. I have sent Julie and Eliza to you already. I sincerely hope you shelter them as best you can. It is my understanding you have a considerable amount of money at your disposal. If caring for them personally is too difficult I beg of you to give them anything you can to aid in their flight.” This was obviously news to the girls, as they look genuinely surprised. I have no idea how Markus and Luna found out about the inheritance my uncle left me. Markus clears his throat. “Well… I suppose that is all I have to say for now. Markus himself wishes to tell you something.” Now he tilts his head. “No Markus, this is for you to do yourself.” All of a sudden his hair stops it’s writhing and his eyes take their normal dark blue hue. “…so. Uh… Dunno how to say this. I poked around in Corddis’ records. Found out you and me are related. Brother and sister. Twins I guess. I dunno all the details but I guess your uncle took you and left me? Maybe he didn’t know mom had two kids.” He sighs. “Anyway, sorry to drop all this shit on you. Especially like this. I wanted to talk more in person the other day but you seemed pretty freaked out. I dunno what happened to me that you hard to hear it like this, but please take care of Julies and Ellie. They’re important to me. No not like THAT. Like little sisters I guess. So uh… Yeah. I guess that’s it. See you soon I hope.” The video ends and shuts off automatically. I feel like someone punched me in the stomach, bashed me over the head, and dumped me in the river. My brother? My TWIN brother? I really don’t see the resemblance but we must be what they call fraternal twins. I stand up slowly and switch the TV off. Julie clears her throat uncomfortably. I take a good look at her now. She’s dressed in the same kind of punk style Markus seems to like. A black t-shirt with the sleeves torn off and the midriff exposed. Baggy black jeans turn down into slightly heeled, thick leather boots. She offers me a quirked smile. “Right so uh… I’m Jules. This is Ellie. You don’t gotta give us money or nothin’, we can look after ourselves. I guess we’ll get going since Markus isn’t here.” I look over to Ellie still peeking at me fearfully with her mismatched eyes. Her own long-sleeved shirt is a bit too big for her arms, the sleeves slipping over her hands. A pair of tight jeans and some beat up sneakers finish her slacker look. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Whatever else I’m doing I can’t just abandon these people. Hell I’m already taking four up the cabin. What’s two more? “Right! Here’s the deal. I’m smuggling three pony-ish people to my Uncle’s cabin up north. It’s really secluded, huge, and a great place for laying low. I have no idea how bad this thing is gonna get but it’s the safest place I can think of. My boyfriend is one of the folks changing so…” I shrug. “You two are welcome to come, but there’s a condition.” Ellie slowly peeks up from the corner of my bed, her ears perked forward and wings folded against her back. “Wh-what’s that?” “No more Princess Celestia stuff. I don’t care what anyone else says. I don’t want Jake or anyone else knowing about… Her. That’s the deal. Free room and board, but you can’t breathe a word to anyone about any of this.” Jules frowns. “But what about the uh…” She makes an explosive motion with her hands. “Your magic going kablooey?” I scowl. “You let me worry about that. Do we have a deal?” There’s no hesitation from either woman as they nod rapidly. “Good. I’m going to check on my friends next door. Do me a favor and pack some books up for me will you?” I dig out a duffle of my own. “Just stuff a bunch into he bag. It doesn’t matter what.” Ellie grabs the bag grinning eagerly. “Right away ma’am!” Her friend just rolls her eyes as the bubbly girl races about. “Thanks for this. I know you don’t know us.” I shrug. “Heck I’m already taking in three strangers. Two more isn’t that big a deal right? We’re all in this together. Just promise not to murder me in my sleep.” She gives me a wry grin. “Long as you extend the same courtesy I don’t think we need to worry about it.” I return her smile with one of my own. Slowly I move back to Jake’s place. Why am I trusting all these strangers so readily? Is it because of the pony thing? All the characters in the show were upbeat, friendly, and positive all the time. Am I reading too much into their unusual body parts? Does having a reincarnated Equestria soul impart some of that inherent goodness into the humans they were reborn as? I wish I could compare the people to characters I really know. Jake and Becky have kinda similar professions. Sighing I poke my head in Jake’s kitchen. Meg’s there in front of the stove cooking some eggs and bacon. “Hey Erin. Everything ok over there?” “Ehhh… Turns out we’re gonna have a couple unexpected guests. My erm, brother asked me to look after a couple of his friends. They have your condition.” She laughs. “Condition. That’s a nice way to say transforming into a cartoon character.” I shrug. “If it helps you don’t look like a cartoon. I mean I can pick out the individual hairs on the fur of your ears.” Said ears splay flat. “That’s still kinda weird. The fur on my pony ears.” She chuckles ruefully. I can hear the water running down the hall. “C’mon Luke! Food!” I’ve never seen someone move so fast on one leg, but man that kid can motor. He’s still dripping a bit from the shower, only his cast seems dry. The siblings sit down tucking into the meal with relish. I smile at the scene before finding Jake’s room. Like Becky’s before I poke around until I find a bag big enough to hold plenty of personal effects. I grab a bunch of shirts, pants, and underwear managing not to blush too much. He has one of those handy little bathroom travel kits under his sink so I load it up and add that to the bag. Back in the kitchen a morose looking Meg is prodding the bacon on her plate. “It just tastes… Bad.” Her brother wastes no time in seizing it for himself. Meg looks up at me and I offer an apologetic smile. “I’m pretty sure ponies are herbivores. Why don’t you hop in the shower? I’ll take the first load down to the truck.” She casts one last longing look at the bacon vanishing into her brothers’ mouth and heads to the bathroom. I help myself to another arm load of entertainment discs from Jake’s collection, tossing them and his bag in the truck bed. Returning to my own apartment I find Ellie doing her best to lug the bulging bag of books toward the door. Her eyes look in danger of popping out of her head as she heaves on it. Jules just watches with a mildly interested expression. The winged woman gives a particularly huge heave on the bag straining for all she’s worth… When a sudden ‘schrip’ of tearing cloth is heard. Now Jules’ eyes are wide as she stares at Ellie’s backside. “Wh-what is it?” The blonde girl starts turning circles trying to see, giving me a very clear view of the new tail flowing from her rump. It’s blonde color matching her hair. “Ha! Awesome you look ridicu-“ Jules gives a strangled urk sound as a loud tear comes from her own pants now. Grimacing she reaches behind herself pulling out a tail that matches her electric hair. “Ugh.” Ellie’s giggling up a storm suddenly, falling on her back than screeching and bolting upright when she crushes her own tail. I can’t hide a laugh at their antics. If nothing else, this is going to be an interesting few days. “Alright… Alright calm down for a second. You guys need to hide the ears, wings, and tails respectively. This is going to be hard enough without drawing all that attention.” Both girls turn serious and to my relief immediately snap to do as I say. “Go ahead and help yourselves to my closet I guess. I have a few hats you can borrow til we get to the cabin. Some of my shirts are pretty huge so you should be able to hide those wings Ellie.” As they march to my room I heft the bag of books with a grunt. Beginning the march down to the truck. Why am I so accepting of letting these strangers into my home? Letting them go through my things? And why are they so accepting of me? Is it because of their desperate situation, or something more? Is it Celestia’s influence on me and them? I heave the bag of books into the truck bed. I should probably grab all the food I can too. I haven’t been up to the cabin in years. It’s likely not well stocked. I poke my head in Jake’s door and spy Lucas still at the table. I can hear the water running in the back still. “Hey can you get as much food as you can and fill up a garbage bag with it? I bet he has them under the sink.” He brightens, seeming happy to help. “Sure thing!” With some effort he hobbles over. “Hey uh… Miss Erin?” “Mmhm?” “Is my…” He frowns. “Is my sister gonna be alright? I mean she’s got all these weird changes and I… I dunno what to do.” I put on the best smile I can muster. “I think she’s gonna be alright. She might keep changing. She might look really different on the outside soon but just remember she’s still the same sister who loves you on the inside. Alright?” He smiles back at me. “Alright. Thanks Miss Erin!” I leave him to his chore and pop back in my own place. Ellie and Jules have disguised themselves passably well at least. I thrust garbage bags into each of their hands. “Empty my cupboards into these. We kinda have to break my boyfriend and his friend out of St. Joseph’s before we head to the cabin.” Ellie eeps at that but Jules just grins. “Cool. Fight the power and all that.” Grinning I head to my room starting to pack my own clothes. Filling my backpack I begin to wonder, just how important ARE clothes going to be for Jake and the others. If they go full pony they won’t exactly be built to wear them. At least having all this craziness going on around me is taking my mind off of… Other things. My eyes drift to the pill bottle on my night stand. I scoop it up adding it to my travel bag. I grab some of my own toiletries before joining the other two in the kitchen. “We about all set?” “Yes ma’am!” Ellie snaps a sharp salute drawing a groan from Jules. “C’mon you, let’s get these downstairs.” I grin. “It’s the big black truck parked by the door! The bed is open, can’t miss it.” They pair make their way downstairs bickering all the while. A concerned Luca is waiting for my by the door. “Uh, Meg is kinda freaked out in the bathroom.” I think I know what the problem is too. Giving Lucas a reassuring smile I had to Jake’s bathroom knocking softly. “Meg? It’s Erin.” The door peeks open a crack. I don’t have to look hard to see the large, wet tail hanging from her tailbone. “It just kinda sprouted…” “It’s alright. We’ll hide it with some sweats or something. The other girls just grew theirs too.” She’s wringing her new appendage in her hands. “Jeez this is really happening. I’m really turning into a pony aren’t I? I mean I tried to be cool about it for Lucas but… But what am I gonna do if I lose my hands?” “Use your mouth?” Judging by the look on her face the joke is no appreciated. “Well hey the pony you’re becoming was a unicorn right? So you’ll get magic?” “Magic? There’s no such… Wow I was just about to say that wasn’t I? I’m transforming into a cartoon pony and I was about to say there’s no such thing.” She turns to the mirror leaning in close now, specifically eyeing her forehead. “Hm.” I give her shoulder a squeeze. “Come on. Let’s get you in some fresh clothes huh? I’m sure you can find something in my closet. You and Lucas get dressed than we’ll head downstairs.” She smiles a little at that and pulls her old stuff back on. “And uh… Maybe leave those behind. If you don’t mind?” Meg laughs. “Yeah not a bad idea. These things are probably ready to walk around on their own.” I laugh with her as she leaves. My good cheer fades as I turn to face the mirror. “…is this good enough? I know it’s not… Not ideal but I’m trying to help them. I’ll do my best. Alright?” Of course my reflection has nothing to say. > Chapter 5: Breakout > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: Breakout Between Meg, Jules, Ellie and myself we make quick work of stripping down Jake and my apartments for supplies. The latter two just about cleaned out Jake’s micro-disc and Blu-ray collection while Meg and I focused on the more essential matters of food and bedding. After being untouched for about a decade the cabin is likely to have some funkiness in the linens and I’m more comfortable with my own blankets anyway. Almost as an afterthought I grab Jake’s ‘Wonderbolts’ mug and tuck it into my bag. Locking both his and my door I head to the elevator with the last load and join a waiting Meg. She’s shifting from foot to foot uncomfortably. According to the three afflicted women, stuffing their tails down their pants isn’t the most comfortable of positions. I give her what I hope is a reassuring smile. “It won’t be for too long. Once we’re on the freeway you guys can y’know, let yourselves hang out.” Meg chuckles at the description. “It’s cool. It sucks but I’ll live. I’ve sure as hell been through worse than a little discomfort. And Lucas is smiling. REALLY smiling. He hasn’t seemed so happy in a long time. I know you’re just helping us out cause I’m in the same boat as your boyfriend but it really means the world to both of us.” I shrug. “I don’t mind. I wasn’t joking about the size of this place either. There’s more than enough room for twice as many people as are going to be staying there. It’ll be like a big sleepover. Only with six adults and one kid.” “We’re crossing dangerously close to creepy territory.” The elevator stops and we both step off. She rests a hand on my arm stopping me. “What do you know about these other two?” “Jules and Ellie? About as much as I know about you.” She suddenly seems to recall she and I only met a couple hours ago and lets her hand fall. “I know they’re friends of a… Friend. And they need my help just as much as you and Jake. So they’re coming.” She frowns. “Ugh, sorry. I must sound like a terrible person. I’m just worried about Lucas y’know?” I smile and rest my hand on her shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. “We’re all in the same boat. And I believe they’re good people. I believe you and Lucas are good people. We’ll get through this and maybe we’ll even have a little fun, alright?” She stares at my quietly. “Alright Erin. Thanks. I don’t know what it is about you, but I feel really… Safe. Comfortable with you. I trust you Erin. And they seem… Weird, but alright.” We start for the truck together. “Of course we’re not in the exact same boat.” “How d’you mean?” “I don’t see a tail or big pony ears on you.” My laugh is a bit on the high pitched side. “Oh! W-well yeah! I guess not. Ehe he…heh.” She stares at me oddly as I load the last of the bags in. She, Lucas, and Ellie get comfortable in the bed while Jules rides up in the cab with me. “If you guys need something just I dunno, tap the window?” I get affirmatives from the three of them before climbing into the driver’s seat. Jules is fidgeting with the radio as I start the truck. “So what’s with the heap? I thought you were rich?” I grimace as I pull out of the lot. “I’m not RICH… My uncle was. He left it all to me when he died but I dunno, I wanted to make my own way. It’s all just been sitting around. The land, the cabin, the money. I only touched it to get my smart car. The truck is Jake’s. My tiny car wouldn’t be big enough for me, him, and Becky together. I didn’t plan on uh… Four more guests.” “Oh. That’s pretty cool of you. The whole goin it on your own thing. Also the whole letting four complete strangers crash at your rich uncle’s digs.” I laugh a little. “I guess it is. Five strangers by the way. I only met Becky this morning at the hospital. She’s like the desk girl at Jake’s regular Doctor’s or something.” Apparently not finding anything on the radio she likes she just turns it off and leans back in the seat. Jules holds her hands out spreading her fingers wide. “Wonder how much longer I’ll have these. Not too excited for hooves y’know?” I shift in the seat uncomfortably. “Yeah I uh… I wish I could do something for you guys. My meds might help but I dunno if they’re safe.” Her eyes widen and she shakes her head. “No thanks. You can keep putting that shit in your body if you want. I’d rather not explode from magic back up or whatever the hell it is. I’m not exactly crazy about turning into a little horse, but I’d rather not die y’know? Besides Luna seems legit, this might not be all bad.” “So how long have you known Markus. And uh… Luna I guess?” She looks up at the ceiling of the truck thinking about it. “Musta been liiiiike… Seven years ago? Me and him were in the same high school. He was the kinda creepy kid who avoided everyone else and talked to himself all the time. I was grabbing a smoke out back and heard them talking. Him and Luna I mean. At first I just thought he was doing a really good chick voice right? But then he looked at me and I watched his eyes change color. I got curious and started following him around. Eventually they cornered me and told me all the crazy wackiness about the world Luna was from and stuff. She even told me I had an Equestrian soul. I didn’t believe her until my ass tattoo came in. a couple days ago.” Jules glances into the back of the truck where Ellie is grinning and talking rapidly and gesturing emphatically to a laughing Meg and Lucas. “Ellie though, she was sold. I guess she was a big fan of the old show all this is coming from. Said she couldn’t WAIT to get her…” She looks like she’s visibly wrestling with herself to force out the next words. “…to get her cutie mark. Anyway we were pretty much the only people Markus would talk to. When we graduated we lost touch for a little bit. Then a couple years ago he calls me up, offers me a job DJ’ing in the club he ran. I had no idea what I was doing at first but it just kinda came naturally once I worked at it a bit.” “So she could tell you guys were going to uh, go pony even before it started?” She shrugs. “Hey the chick's been alive like forever. I’m sure she’s picked up all kinds of tricks. I mean she and Celestia are at LEAST a couple thousand years old right? Just take a second and think about that. Minimum is two thousand. So they’ve been alive probably before we started adding A.D. to our dates. That’s pretty insane right?” That was a little… Humbling. My little, unimportant life must seem like such a… A nothing to them. I’ll live and die in the blink of an eye compared to the lives the Princesses lead. That begs the question, what happens to Celestia when I die? Clearing my throat I decide to steer the conversation away from pony Princesses. “So what about you and Ellie? Are you friends through Markus or…?” “Oh! Nope we started going out in high school. Been together for what? Like… seven? Eight years? She’d be able to tell you.” I blink. “So you two are uh…?” “Gay? Girlfriends? Together? Yeah. I guess the way we act toward each other is hard to tell, but I love her. She can be kinda goofy a lot of the time but you’ll never meet anyone with a bigger heart.” I smile now. “That’s really nice. You’re kind of a sweet heart under the black make up huh?” She huffs looking away, but her pale cheeks are a little red. “Yeah well enough about me. How do you plan on breaking your boyfriend out of the hospital?” I shrug. “Becky says when they do shift changes it shouldn’t be too hard to sneak by.” Jules fixes me with a deadpan stare. “So your big plan to sneak two people with big horse ears and likely matching tails sticking out of their butts is to ‘sneak passed’ the guards when they change their shift?” “…well hearing it said from someone else it sounds kinda dumb now.” She blows out a heavy sigh. “Well unless toothpaste hair back there is some kinda hardened criminal I guess it’s the best you have to work with. Too bad the kid has that busted leg. You’re probly gonna want all the help you can get.” I frown. “Well I think if we can get to the elevator it’ll be fine. The exit’s pretty close by. Just have to hope anyone seeing Jake will assume he’s got some punk hairdo or something.” She nods. “You got hats for em?” “I do! I thought that far ahead at least. Jake has a cap he had on when he went and I grabbed this wool knit one from Becky’s place.” Jules nods again. “Well I’ll take the driver’s seat in case we need to make a quick getaway.” I groan softly at that. “Ugh I really hope we don’t get into a high speed chase or something crazy like that.” She smirks. “This truck’s a piece of crap. It’d be a mid-speed chase at best.” I can’t help but laugh at that. But now I’m feeling worried. What if something DOES go wrong? It’s not just me, Jake, and Becky that could get in trouble now. I must be pretty easy to read because Jules shrugs. “Relax. We’ll be fine. I’ll have Ellie hang around the door. If things look like they’re going to shit we can get gone.” I’m not crazy about being left behind but short of dropping these four at the cabin first it sounds like the best alternative. “That’s a good idea. I’ll set the GPS for the address just in case.” The rest of the drive is relatively quiet… That is until we near the hospital. Dozens of news vans are parked out front and there’s a sizeable police presence. Quickly I veer off the street into an alley. Jules looks at me worriedly. “Well what the hell do we do now?” I chew my lips while I think. “Ok. Ok. Here’s what we’re going to do. You’re gonna switch with Lucas in the back. He’s got the cast on his leg. I can say we’re here to I dunno, get it looked at? That’ll work right?” She looks mildly impressed. “Actually that’s not half bad.” We both hop out and move around to the back where the other three wait curiously. I explain the new plan but Meg immediately shakes her head. “No way. You’re not getting my brother involved in any crazy schemes.” Lucas on the other hand has his jaw firmly set. “I want to help. Meg she’s giving us a place to sleep. INDOORS. With real food and beds, not old reheated stuff and a cot. If she needs our help for anything, we should do it.” His sister looks about to protest again before she sighs. “Ugh. UGH. When did you get so… Responsible? Fine he can help. But if anything happens to him I’m holding YOU responsible Erin.” I nod. “I understand. And if things look like they’re going bad I’ll turn around. I’d have you guys wait out here but there’re so many reporters and stuff around you’d probly be seen. Just cover up with all the blankets and pillows and stuff. If they get curious I’ll say we’re uh… Moving.” I help Lucas down and onto his crutches, then back up into the passenger seat. Peeking in the back I can see the girls have done a pretty good job hiding themselves away. If I didn’t know they were there I’d think the back people-free. “Alright! Partners in crime. Ready to pull off a jailbreak with me?” The young man grins widely, clearly getting excited. “Yup!” “Alright. So the story is your legs been hurting real bad. I, being the responsible older sister that I am decided to bring you back to the hospital to get it looked at. Easy right?” He nods. “Right!” “Only if they ask why we’re here though. They might just let us right through if they see your cast.” He nods firmly as I back out of the alley and onto the main street again. It’s slow going with the crowd of news hounds, but the police have a barricaded path set up to allow traffic in and out. My heart is hammering wildly as I’m flagged down when I try to drive in. It’s a young police officer. A uniform cop who squints at me from under the brim of his hat. “Purpose of your visit?” I nod to Lucas. “My brother’s leg is hurting him. Doctor told us to come back in if it was bugging him.” He gives the boy a brief glance before nodding. “Alright g’on in.” We both breathe huge sighs of relief as I roll forward. “Hang on a sec!” Lucas and I both have matching wide eyes as the officer stops us. I do my best to regain my composure as he walks up to my window again. “This is Jake Matsen’s truck.” I blink and my mouth falls open a little. “Uhhhh…. Yes?” “What’re you doing driving his truck? I thought he was in the hospital for a heart thing?” My mind is racing as I try to think of a proper excuse. “Well…” I lick my lips nervously, and the officer is getting more suspicious by the second. “It IS Jake’s truck. I had to drive him in when his heart started y’know… Fluttering.” His eyes widen in recognition. “Oh shit! Are you sunrise Erin?” I blush heavily at the description. “Er… Yep. That’s me.” “Man Jake does NOT shut up about you. Like ever.” He leans against the door companionably. “It gets a little old really.” I’m in a bit of a rush but I don’t want to seem like I’m acting weird. “So you guys work together?” He nods. “Yup. Same precinct. Is he ok? They didn’t tell us much; just that he had a heart thing.” I smile as encouragingly as I can. “He’s fine. In fact I was going to see if he could come home today.” He grins. “Well that’s great news.” His eyes drift toward the truck bed. There are small plastic windows on the cover that someone can see into. “What’s with all the uh… Stuff?” “Oh! Well I’m in the middle of a move. Thought since I was borrowing Jake’s truck I’d use it a little y’know? Cut down on a few trips.” “No kidding? He’s gotta be bummed about that.” “W-well uh… He’s sort of moving in with me.” Now his grin widens. “Oh ho? Well don’t let me hold you up. And good luck to you buddy. Hope the leg’s alright.” Lucas smiles. “Thanks sir!” He returns to his post and we pull into the hospital breaking into terrified bouts of nervous laughter. “Well! That wasn’t so bad right?” If anything Lucas just looks more excited. “This is so cool! What do we do next?” I can’t help but smile at his enthusiasm. “WE don’t do anything next. I go inside while you wait in the truck.” He immediately frowns. “What happens if someone comes by? Won’t it look weird that I’m out here by myself? Besides what if you need help in there?” I frown now as I consider my options. It WOULD look a little strange for him to be out here all alone for any length of time longer than a couple minutes. On the other hand he’s in a cast hobbling around on crutches. If we have to get out in a hurry it might be a major hindrance. Looking at him though, he’s rail thin. Can’t weigh more than a hundred pounds if that. Likely a lot less. If we really need to go in a hurry Jake could carry him no problem I’m sure. I finally sigh. “Alright. We’ll go in together. But you stay close and do everything I say got it? Your sister is going to be so angry I just know it.” He nods eagerly as I look around for a door that looks a bit out of the way. There doesn’t seem to be anyone hanging around the big west entrance so I find a spot to park and once again help Lucas down onto his crutches. We make our way inside the building. I keep the pace easy so Lucas can keep up without much difficulty. Checking my watch it’s twenty to three, which gives us about twenty minutes to get where we need to go. There’s a palpable air of tension in the hospital. The staff seems to be trying to ignore it and go about their business as usual but it’s not easy to do with the large police presence. The occasional doctor wandering by in a hazmat suit seems to be upsetting the normal patients too. We’re not stopped as we move to the elevators. Nine times out of ten if you put on the air of belonging and knowing where you’re going, people assume you do and leave you be. I hit the button for Jake’s floor and the elevator hums to life. We have to stop several times as more people come and go, but finally it dings and we reach our floor. It’s a lot busier today than it was yesterday. People rushing about all over. Concerned family members are arguing with the police stationed up here to be allowed to see afflicted family members. I nod my head off to the side and Lucas follows as we duck around the hall corner to a relatively quiet spot. “There’re a lot more people here now. There must be a bunch of new cases of the uh… Ponyitis.” He snickers at the word and I can’t help but smile back. I peer around the corner as casually as I can. I see the entrance to the quarantined wing of the floor. I also see the very alert, not at all disinterested guards standing in front of it. Biting my lip nervously I Duck back around. “They don’t look like they’re going anywhere anytime soon.” Lucas frowns and peeks around the corner himself. So preoccupied with my own thoughts, I barely register that he’s approaching them. Eyes wide I try to grab the back of his shirt but he’s out of reach. I shrink back against the wall breathing heavily. What the hell is he thinking?! What’s he even doing?! I edge around the corner watching him approach. The guards regard him curiously, up until his crutch ‘slips’ out from under his arm and he tumbles to the floor, suddenly wailing his lungs out as loud as he can. Both men snap into action rushing to his side. I can’t help but smirk at it all. He’s a pretty smart kid after all it seems. While the guards fuss over Lucas I quickly dart around the hall easing my way toward the quarantine doors. Sparing a quick glance back I see a Doctor’s arrived to help with the screaming boy. My blood turns to ice in my veins as she lifts her gaze and suddenly locks eyes with me. It’s Doctor Adams. She stares hard for several seconds before she says something to the men. They nod and both hoist Lucas off the ground carrying him after the departing Doctor. Is she helping me? Does she know why I’m here? How the hell am I going to find Lucas now?! Ugh this is all getting a lot more complicated than it was supposed to be. Still no time to dwell, I have to hurry. I swing through the doors and sprint down the hall passed quite a few rooms that are more heavily occupied than they were before. Jake and Becky are already up and getting dressed to my relief. “You’re late.” Jake’s smiling when he says it though. His smile fades when he sees the panic on my face. “We have to hurry. There’re tons more people here now and the guards’ll be back any second.” I toss Becky the hat I brought for her and she hastily tugs it on. I can clearly see the impression of Jake’s wings standing out against his t-shirt before he pulls on his jacket. The old Tigers cap conceals his ears and both of their tails are hidden under their jeans. Now that they’re dressed and disguises as best as able the three of us quickly rush back down the hall and out the doors. Still no sign of the guards but I’m sure Doctor Adams and Lucas won’t be able to distract them forever. I lead the pair back the way I came and nod toward the elevator. “Take the west exit on the ground floor. Go straight out the doors and into the parking lot. The truck is pretty easy to spot. Both of you should hide in the truck bed with the others. There’s tons of stuff to hide under.” Jake blinks shaking his head. “Wait, wait. You sound like you’re not coming with us. And what do you mean ‘others’?” I sigh. “There’re a couple more people coming with us. And one of them distracted the guards so I could get in there. I can’t leave without him. Just get down to the truck. If we’re not there in ten minutes leave without us.” Jake seems about to protest but Becky lays a hand on his arm. “Is your friend changing?” I shake my head. “He’s not. So at worst we have to walk back to my apartment. The GPS is programmed with the cabin’s address. We’re perfectly fine. Worry about getting yourselves and those girls in the truck to safety alright?” I can tell Jake doesn’t like this idea but he knows I’m right. Finally he nods. “Alright. Ten minutes. I have my phone. Just text me when you’re on your way alright?” I nod. “Alright. Good luck guys!” Becky turns toward the elevator but Jake is slower to go. Then he surprises me by stepping in close and kissing me briefly on the lips. Too briefly in my opinion. Then he’s backing away smiling awkwardly, before turning and jogging to catch up with Becky. I watch him go feeling equal parts joy and worry mingling in my heart. Then they’re gone around the corner and I’m reminded of just why I’m staying behind. I see the two men who helped the Doctor with Lucas coming back and do my best to give what I hope is a calm, confident smile. They barely spare me a second look and I breathe a sigh of relief, setting out the way they came. My good luck is holding strong as I pick out Lucas’ voice from a room ahead. Slowly I step inside. “Ah, Miss Rockwell. I was just talking to Lucas here. He’s fine after that very nasty fall, but I suggest you keep a closer eye on your little brother in the future.” Lucas offers a sheepish smile. “Sorry Erin… But did it work?” I chuckle weakly. “It worked.” Doctor Adams helps him back onto his crutches and he hobbles up next to me. I look at her with a curious frown. “Why are you helping us?” She shrugs. “Because I know whatever’s wrong with them isn’t contagious. There are absolutely no foreign bodies in their system. Nothing to rationally explain what’s happening. Based on the symptoms I’m going out on a limb and assuming it’s a very irrational explanation.” I shake my head. “You have no idea.” Doctor Adams smiles playfully. She shrugs off her lab coat and rolls up the sleeve of her blouse. My eyes widen as she shows me a tattoo up on her shoulder. One of three balloons, two blue and one yellow arranged together. “I might have some idea. I was a pretty huge fan back when the show was still running on TV you know? Could never quite bring myself to remove the tattoo. It just made me smile I suppose, looking at it. I’m a Doctor; science is pretty much my whole world. But everyone wants to believe in magic deep down. People turning into ponies is a pretty solid way to reawaken that belief.” She rolls her sleeve back down and her look turns serious. “You really need to go though. They’ve called in the National Guard to help keep order and they’re due here any minute.” Lucas and I both gasp a little at that. He’s already heading for the elevators. I offer her a grateful nod. “Thank you for this. It means a lot.” “Just keep them safe Erin. They’re condition is going to progress judging by the samples we’ve seen. They’re going to need all the help they can get very soon.” “I will Doctor Adams. Don’t worry. And thank you again.” Then I’m hurrying to catch up to Lucas. I fish out my phone in the elevator sending Jake a text to let him know we’re on the way. He sends one back letting me know they made it to the truck, much to my relief. “They’re at the truck waiting for us. We just have to get OUT of here and we’re home free.” Lucas is looking a little on the nervous side. “You uh… You’re not gonna tell Meg about what I did are you? She’s been crazy protective of me since I broke my leg and she might freak out.” I laugh. “She’d probably be angrier at me for putting you in potential danger. So we’ll make this our little secret alright?” He nods firmly. “Alright!” Despite how smoothly things seem to be going we both can’t help but be a bit jittery on our way out. I’m sure we look more than a little suspicious but fortunately no one stops us as we exit the hospital and cross the parking lot to the truck. Jake and Becky are nowhere to be seen, but peering into the back I spot two more sizeable lumps in the bedding. Nodding to Lucas we both get back in the truck starting it up and pulling out. We’re stopped again at the gate by the nice cop from before. “No Jake huh?” I shrug helplessly. “They want to keep him another night. What can ya do right?” He chuckles and tips his hat back. “I hear that. You guys were in and our pretty quick.” “Oh! Well y’know, the Doctor is a family friend. We got bumped up. Says Lucas is fine, just being a bit of a baby.” Lucas gives an indignant ‘hey!’ next to me and shoves my shoulder. I just wear an easy grin and shrug to the officer. He grins back. “Alright well you guys have a good one. Tell Jake I said hi. And good luck with the big move!” “Sure will Officer… Haggerty!” I read off his badge. “Take care.” Lucas and I keep our smiles on as we pull away from the point. Smiles that fade at the large convoy of military vehicles getting off the freeway as we’re getting on. “That was way too close.” He only nods in agreement. A faint tapping comes from the window behind us and I reach back sliding it open. “Can we get out from under these blankets?! It’s like a thousand degrees back here!” I’m about to tell Jake to sit tight when I hear Jules pipe up. “We’ve been stuck under here for a half hour dude, deal for a little.” I shake my head smiling. “Sit tight until we get a bit further from the hospital. There’s a bunch of army jeeps or something heading in and I don’t want anyone spotted.” This does a good job of quieting all the complaints down. “Is Lucas alright?” He twists around in the seat facing the window, even though he can’t see his sister. “I’m fine Meg! It was kinda scary but fun. Erin was like a secret agent sneaking around!” I roll my eyes and I’m sure Meg is doing the same. “Alright then.” We settle into a comfortable quiet as the truck rolls down the highway. I’m about to give everyone in the back the all clear, when I hear Becky’s voice next. “Is this my TV?” > Chapter 6: Home Sweet Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: Home Sweet Home “Hey Erin? Can we stop soon? I gotta pee.” I glance over at Lucas who’s definitely got the ‘I really need to pee’ look going for him. Smiling softly I nod. “Sure. We’re gonna need gas soon anyway. Watch for a sign for a rest stop huh?” The boy nods eagerly and leans forward as if that would help him sight the sign he’s looking for. I reach back sliding the small window to the truck bed open. Boisterous laughter comes from the tiny port. It seems like the five pony-people back there have gotten to know one another pretty well in the last couple of hours. “We’re making a pit stop at the next rest area. Is anyone hungry?” Almost simultaneously they all bellow a ‘YES!’ at me. Rolling my eyes I snap the window shut again. “We’ll get some dinner too.” Lucas looks back, focusing on his sister smiling and laughing. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Meg smile so much.” I shrug. “Maybe it has something to do with their ah… Condition. All the characters on the show were pretty upbeat.” He watches the five with his head tilted slightly to the side. “How come it’s just some people? Like why Meg and not me?” Of course if what I’ve been told is the truth I know exactly why. Since he’s too young to have been involved in the disaster that rocked Equestria. “I’m not sure. It’s magic after all, it doesn’t have to make sense.” He smiles at that. “Do you really think it’s magic?” I nod. “Well of course. What else could it be? The Doctor said they weren’t sick. They didn’t have anything funny in their bodies; they’re changing for no scientific reason. Take away the possible and that leaves the impossible.” Lucas looks back to the road, quietly digesting what I’ve said. “You’re pretty smart.” I laugh at that. “Well thank you Lucas. You’re a pretty quick thinker yourself. That was a good idea distracting those guards.” He beams with pride at the compliment. “I saw it on a TV show once. Hey! A rest stop sign!” “Good eye.” I take the exit and roll into the combination McDonald’s and gas station. Again I slide the little window open. “I’ll go in and get food. Who wants what?” A whole chorus of orders come floating through the window. It takes a little while to sort it all out but I’m pretty sure I have a good grasp on what everyone wants. I help Lucas down and we head into the restaurant. “Whaddo you want?” He shrugs wide-eyed. “Anything not out of the trash?” I laugh. “You strike me as a nuggets man.” Now he nods emphatically. “Those were my favorite! Mostly cause uh… They stayed clean in the little boxes a lot of the time.” “Alright. I’ll get us a big one to split. Go use the bathroom then meet me back at the truck ok?” He nods and we split up. I do a run through of all the orders mentally wincing as the price pops up at a little over fifty bucks. Sighing I hand over my debit card. Of course I should probably get over the fact that I’m going to have to dip into my inheritance to get through the next few days. I’ve seen enough cop shows to know that Jake and Becky aren’t going to be able to use any sort of money outside of cash or their cards would be traced. Meg and Lucas obviously have no money… Jules and Ellie are possibilities. I have no idea how much a DJ makes and I don’t even know if Ellie works. Lucas is making his way toward me just as the ridiculous amount of food is coming across the counter at me. “Think you can handle a bag or two?” He glances down at his hands holding the bars of the crutches speculatively. “Probly! Can you stick ‘em in there for me?" I nod maneuvering a couple of the bags toward his hands, so he can grip them and the crutches at the same time. I balance the biggest bag against my chest while holding the pair of drink carriers in either hand. The trip back to the truck is far slower going due to our burdens. I see a frowning Jake peering at me from the little plastic window of the truck bed cover. I can tell he wants to come help but we can’t run the risk of someone getting suspicious. A little bit of juggling between me, Lucas, and the roof of the truck and I get him inside passing him the food. “The big bag’s for me and you. Just pass the rest of the stuff back to everyone else alright? I gotta pump some gas.” He’s already sliding the window to the back open as I step down and head around to the gas cap. I hear the group excitedly digging into their food and my stomach growling audibly only makes the sounds of their enjoyment annoy me. Chuckling at my own pettiness for a moment I swipe my card through the pump reader and replace the cap once it’s full. Gas prices the way they’ve been sky rocketing the last few years I don’t even WANT to see the charge. Triple digits of course. Weeping inwardly for my devastated checking account I hop back into the driver’s seat. Lucas’ eyes are practically glued to the bag up front. “You didn’t have to wait for me.” He takes that as an invitation to tug the huge box of nuggets out of the bag. “There are FIFTY in here?” I shrug. “I eat a lot and I’m betting you’re gonna want to eat a lot. There’s a fry and a drink for both of us too. They do these two can eat deals every few months.” No need to tell him I routinely buy the two can eat deal for one. Carefully, almost reverently he sets the box of chicken aside rummaging through the small army of sauce packets they gave us. “Use whatever ones you like but save me a couple barbecue.” He shakes his head. “I’ve never had the sauce before. Is it good?” “Everyone has one they like. Some people just like ketchup y’know? We got tons and I only like the one so you can experiment if you wanna.” Experiment he does. More than a few get tossed back with a look of disgust. Of course the only one he really cares for is the BBQ. I start to realize with some small amount of dismay that fifty nuggets is rapidly getting halved in number as the near-starving kid attacks them in his frenzy. Gently tugging the box toward myself I nod to the bag. “Eat your fries before they get cold.” “I’ve only had them cold!” Now his attention has shifted and I eat my portion of the faux chicken in peace. He periodically sips at his drink, an orange hi-c to match mine. Every bite or sip brings a new smile to his face and I have to be honest, it’s making me feel pretty good too. A tapping at the window prompts me to reach back and slide it open. “What’s up?” It’s Jake. “How far out are we? A couple of the girls have to use the bathroom.” I frown. “Mmm…. A couple more hours. Do we need to pull over for them?” He relays the question to the others, before looking back to me and nodding. “Think so. Ellie says it’s an emergency though she doesn’t seem too enthusiastic about going in the woods.” My frown deepens. “We can’t risk being spotted you guys. It’s the woods or hold it. There are like a billion parks between here and there. I can find her a port-a-potty but that’s the best I can do.” “It’ll have to work. I think we’d all like to get out and stretch our legs anyway.” I nod at that helping myself to another nugget. It’s hard to miss the look of longing on Jake’s face as I eat my meat. “…burger not go down so good?” He gives me a dissatisfied grunt. “The bun and veggies did. I almost coughed up the bite of meat though. Same with Julie.” I try to smile jokingly. “Well that’s not too unusual for McDonald’s ‘beef’ right?” To my relief his frown dissipates and he grins back. “Ha! That’s true!” He turns back around getting comfortable again. It’s only a few miles before I spot an exit for a municipal park. It’s nearly eight at night now, so there aren’t likely to be a done of people there on a school day. I pull off and drive down the small dirt road for a ways until we reach the picnic area. Ellie practically sprints from the back of the truck the second the door is lowered, wings and tail streaming behind her. There’s a small building a few feet away with men’s and ladies’ signs on it. Jules just groans and shakes her head. “Sorry. I’ll get her to cover up.” She tugs the hood of her hoodie over her ears and hair before taking off after her girlfriend. Jake, Becky, and Meg are already covered when they come out stretching. Meg moves around to the cab to get her brother out while Becky makes only a slightly slower run for the bathroom after the other two. Jake chuckles watching them go. “Pretty interesting bunch of characters you managed to pick up.” I offer him an apologetic smile. “Yeah. Jules and Ellie are friends of Markus… The guy I met the other day? I spotted Meg and Lucas in the alley by the hospital. I just… I dunno. I know it’s weird but I wanted to help.” He shrugs. “I don’t think it’s weird, it’s nice. They all seem like nice enough people. A little quirky but who isn’t right?” With a little smile I walk toward one of the picnic benches. “Right.” We settle down comfortably while Meg joins the others in the bathroom. Jake stretches his arms over his head, his wings flaring out to their full span behind him. “What do they feel like?” He blinks and they snap shut immediately. “Uh… Weird is what they feel like. I think the best way I can describe it is having arms growing out of my back maybe? I dunno…” Gently I run a hand along the edge of one of his yellow feathered wings. The feathers are soft, almost fluffy. The wing reacts to my touch by spreading as I run my fingers down the edge. Jake laughs… Almost giggles. “Th-that tickles!” My smile turns playful as I dance my fingers along the feathers of his wing now. His eyes widen and he looks to be working hard to hold it in, but he’s soon laughing uncontrollably. Hard enough he starts to lose his balance and tumbles toward the ground, grabbing my arm and pulling me down with him. He hits the ground on his back and I land on his chest. We lay there almost nose to nose, gazing into each other’s eyes. I feel a heat forming in my cheeks as I stare into those strange, but beautiful orange eyes he has now. Feathered wings and pony ears are forgotten as I move in for a kiss. “If you two are done making out we’re ready to get going.” Our eyes snap open simultaneously at Jules’ voice. I offer him an apologetic smile climbing to my feet and offering him a hand up. I’m a little surprised at the ease with which I pull him to his feet. He squeezes my hand and leans toward my ear whispering ‘later’ before he makes his way back to the truck. I watch him head back with a bit of a goofy smile before I shake myself out of my daze and retake my seat up front with Lucas. “Ready?” He nods. “Ready!” It’s easy enough to get back on the freeway, and soon we’re on our way to what will hopefully be a safe haven for Jake and the rest to ride our all this… Equestria craziness. *** I can hear the muffled chatter from the truck bed pretty much the entire trip. Lucas nodded off maybe an hour or so after we left the park leaving me alone with my thoughts. More and more they were turning toward Markus. The man who shared my condition. The man who was apparently the brother I never knew I had. I wish Uncle Pete was still around for me to ask about all this. Why’d he take me and not Markus? Where WAS Markus for that matter? According to Jules he was on his way to see me last night but he never showed up. Did something happen to him or did he just get distracted? Assuming Celestia was in fact not just a hallucination and the last few days’ events were strongly indicating she wasn’t, maybe Luna side tracked him for some reason? But in the video she seemed very eager to meet me. The last thing of course was Doctor Corddis. Could he be this… Discord guy in disguise? Was he really responsible for all the craziness happening to so many people? Responsible for the years I’ve had to take those horrible pills that make me so very much not-me when I take them? Too many questions. Questions with too much potential for unpleasant answers really. Once I get everyone settled in I’m going to have to go talk to the Doctor about what I’ve learned. I drag myself out of my thoughts as I begin to recognize the surrounding area as the town I grew up in. Thilton was a tiny little place in northern Michigan, just shy of the Canadian border. In fact you could see Canada across the lake near the cabin. I can’t help but think Jake’s beat up old truck blends in perfectly with the rustic little town. It’s the sort of place where you can bike pretty much anywhere you need to go. The streets are all but deserted this late at night. It’s going on ten thirty by now. I tap on the window to get someone’s attention. It’s Meg who peeks out. “What’s up?” “We’re in town. You guys should hunker down. Streets get pretty empty at night but better safe than sorry.” She nods hastily and soon everyone’s lying back under the bedding and baggage. The going is pretty quick at least with the low traffic. I pass maybe three other cars on my way to the edge of town. Turning off the main road I bring the truck up a small dirt path, passing under a large ‘Private Property’ sign. It’s been at least five years since I’ve been back here. After my Uncle died I locked the place up and that was that. I couldn’t bring myself to sell it. I’d grown up here after all. But I’d gotten comfortable in the city and had little interest moving back to the tiny rustic town. A particularly big bump in the road jars Lucas from his sleep and he blinks around blearily. “S’goin on?” “We’re here.” I give him a bright smile as I slow to a stop before a large wrought iron gate. He stares at the foreboding black bars a little nervously. I just shrug. “Uncle Pete liked his privacy. Works out great for us.” He nods as I climb out of the truck heading to the gate. Fishing out my keys it takes a minute to find the one for the large padlock chaining the gate shut. The locks a bit rusty but it opens easily enough. I drag the chain off and dump it on the ground inside the gate as I heave them open, pushing them far enough to let the truck pass. Once I’m back in the truck I roll up the drive slowly. I give them the all clear in the back and everyone sits up glancing through the little windows curiously, getting their first look at what’s going to be their home for the foreseeable future. The long gravel drive is more than a little overgrown from the years of neglect. The fence extends in either direction until it’s far enough to be out of sight from the driveway. The lawn is looking more like a jungle of tall grass than an actual yard. I know from experience the fence extends some ways into the forest on either side of the estate, looping around to the back and dead ending at the edge of the lake. “So like… How much of this is yours?” Jules looks at me curiously from the back. I swallow a bit uncomfortably. “Well uh… All of it.” There’s a bit of surprised murmuring coming from the back of the truck. All talk stops as the cabin comes into view. A cabin is always what Uncle Pete called it. So that’s what I always called it. Of course to anyone else the word cabin brings to mind a tiny little structure in the middle of the woods. Our cabin is more like a manor. A manor painstakingly crafted from hardwood. Uncle Pete worked on every inch of this place. He didn’t do it all alone of course, but all three floors he had a hand in the construction. “She DOES live in a palace!” I wince at Ellie’s words, and hear the girl yelp as I assume Jules swats her somewhere or other. I bring the truck around to the front doors hopping out. “Well this is it!” Everyone piles out and walks around to the front of the truck to get a good luck. Despite being untouched for half a decade the place is still looking pretty good from the outside. Some heavy growth around the porch steps and sides of the house but it doesn’t look like it’s invaded the actual structure. The large front porch extends out from the main house, a comfortable swing big enough for three swaying in the night breeze by the front door. You can see the balcony from the master bedroom extending out overhead. I try to stay casual as I unlock the front door, nudging it open. The smell of musty dust hits me and I frown a little. I knew it would take some work to get the place comfortable again so I can’t say I’m completely unprepared. “I haven’t been up here in five years so it’s gonna take a little elbow grease getting it cleaned up.” “We better do it soon while we still have elbows then!” Ellie giggles at her own joke, while the others just groan… And Jules swats her again. “We can worry about cleaning up tomorrow. For now I think everyone should just pick a room and get some sleep. We can do the whole tour in the morning.” Everyone’s walking into the front room now starting to fan out. Becky flips a light switch frowning a little at the lack of response. “Is the electricity out?” I nod. “Sorry. I’ll call tomorrow and get the utilities turned back on. We’re going to have to rough it tonight. Sit tight here just a sec folks.” I have a small flashlight on my key ring. I click it on and head by the large staircase leading upwards and into the kitchen. It’s a little odd to be back here after so long. Odder still not to have my grizzled Uncle thudding around in his heavy hunting boots. I keep expecting him to walk around every corner I pass. Stepping around the hand carved wooden dining table, I move to one of the big cabinets against the wall. Tugging them open I find just what I hoped to find. Three large halogen flashlights sit just waiting to be claimed on the tool shelf. Smiling at my Uncle’s insistence on preparedness I pick them up and bring them back to the others. “One for Jules and Ellie. One for Meg and Lucas. And one for Becky” Ellie’s giggling happily while she clicks it on, nearly blinding herself in the process. “It’s bright!” I nod. “Yeah and the batteries have like a ten year life span or something. Be careful with them though, they cost a lot.” Ellie’s already racing off down the halls with Jules hot on her tail. The more mellow members of our group look to me for instruction. “Well there are bedrooms on both floors. Mine is upstairs. My old one I mean. I’ll probly just take that for my own again. Any other room but the large one at the end of the second floor hall is up for grabs alright?” Meg was at Lucas’ side as they went down the same hall Jules and Ellie disappeared off to. Becky started up the stairs without hesitation leaving me and Jake alone. He wore a wry grin. “No flash light for me? What if I get lost?” I shrug, heading back out the front door toward the truck to start unloading. “I thought we could keep being neighbors.” He’s at my side, grabbing at the first couple bags he sees. I set Ellie and Jules’ bags by the door while Jake starts hauling some of the food toward the kitchen after a little direction from me. “Just neighbors huh? Technically we’re roommates now.” I grin. “Technically you’re roommates with five women now.” “Well don’t worry. I only have eyes for you.” I blush heavily. I wait for him to come back to the truck and we each grab an end of Becky’s TV carrying it inside. “The big sitting room’s just down the hall here.” He grins at me over the TV. “The BIG sitting room? So there are little ones? How many?” I shrug. “I dunno? Two down here and one or two upstairs I guess. The basement is sort of a lounge. Uncle Pete has a bar set up down there and everything.” “Where’d he make his money?” I grin while we lower the television carefully. “Duck calls. He came up with some way to make them more effective, made a fortune.” He raises an eyebrow incredulously. “Duck calls?” I shrug. “That or he was a big time drug smuggler. But since I remember seeing him have at MOST three different people come to the house I doubt that.” “Hm. So why’d you jack Becky’s TV?” I laugh at the description. “There isn’t one here. And hers is nicer than yours or mine. I’m planning to head back into the city soon. Maybe even tomorrow. I’ll grab ours so we can have more than one in the place.” “No TV?” I shake my head. “We were too busy for TV. Either out in the greenhouse or hunting. Fishing, that kind of stuff. I was indoors mostly to sleep and study.” “No internet either I’m guessing.” “Sorry! I can see about getting us hooked up soon.” He nods while we start bringing in the bedding. “Wait. Greenhouse?” “Mmhm. Out back. Uncle Pete believed in being self-sufficient. He didn’t trust the government.” I laugh. “We grew fruit and veggies of all kinds out there.” “Wow. If I didn’t know better I’d think he set this place up just for a situation like ours.” I laugh at that. “Yeah it does kinda all fit together perfectly doesn’t it?” I frown faintly. It DOES all seem very… Perfect for our situation. Huge, private plots of land. This big house large enough for a couple dozen people to live in. Why would such a rustic down to earth man want such a grandiose home? Goodness knows he rarely spent any time in it. He was also so insistent I learn to look after myself entirely if need be. Was he trying to prepare me for something like this? Or was it just his normal paranoia about the big government collapsing? Jake follows me closely as I lead him upstairs. Third door on the right is my old room. I smile at all the pink. Pink walls, pink bed, pink furniture. I gingerly pick the musty blankets and pillows off tossing them to the floor and replacing them with the ones fresh from my apartment. I hand Jake my little flashlight and show him to a room across the hall. “I’m not gonna need it. I know every inch of this place pretty well. There’s a bathroom two doors down that way. Just uh… Try not to make too big a mess. No flushing until the water’s on tomorrow.” He laughs. “I’ll do my best. So! Uh… Good night then?” His wings twitch a little, and I can’t help but notice his ears are perked toward me. I glance back and forth up and down the hallway. Seeing the coast is clear I grab him by the front of his shirt and drag him into my room. “I think you owe me a little something for sneaking you out of a hospital and passed the army.” He’s grinning nearly ear to ear now as he nudged the door shut with his foot. “National guard.” I huff and lead him to my old bed. “Same thing. So…. How are you going to repay me for my amazing acts of bravery and heroism this afternoon?” Jake watches me drop onto my back on the bed. “I dunno. You still owed me for the other night remember? I think we’re about even now…” He’s smiling coyly though. “Hey I had to buy you dinner in exchange for that! It’s not my fault you threw the burger patty away.” “Hmm.” He looks away as though deeply considering my words. “I suppose you’re right.” Slowly he eases onto the bed with me. “I guess I’ll just have to think of some other way to show you how very, very grateful I am.” For the second time tonight we let the craziness of the last few days take a backseat to enjoying one another’s presence. No one interrupts us this time. *** I feel Erin trying to wiggle out of the bed without waking me up. Content to humor her I keep my eyes closed as she slowly eases off the mattress and onto the floor. I peek an eye open watching her cross the room and slip out the door. Once she’s gone I sit up running a hand through my weirdly soft hair. She must be heading out to watch the sunrise going by the early hour. It’s nice to know some things will never change. Grinning a little I collapse back onto the bed resting a hand on the spot Erin occupied moments ago. It was still warm; the pillow still smelled like that cheap strawberry shampoo she uses. I love that awful smell. Closing my eyes I just take a deep breath enjoying her scent. Rolling onto my side, a sharp pain from my wing reminds me that I do in fact HAVE wings. Even with the glaring reminder of my worsening condition my mood is still bright. All things considered last night was pretty great. I wasn’t planning to sleep with her so soon. Maybe build up to it. A few dinner dates. Woo her properly and all. Women like Erin didn’t come around very often. She was so… Genuine. My tail twitches happily as I sit up, still thinking about her. Wings, tail, ears. I don’t even care. Whatever comes next I can handle as long as she’s with me. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed I get to my feet… And almost immediately fall back on my tail squashing it painfully beneath me. My balance is crazily thrown off. Scowling down at myself I slowly ease my feet to the floor eyeing them curiously. My feet are naturally balancing on the ball of the foot, almost like I’m trying to walk on my tip toes. Tilting my head, one ear flicks gently as I force them to lower all the way to the floor. The second I’m not forcing it they spring right back to what I have a sinking suspicion is their new natural state. Oh well. I knew it was coming. No sense getting depressed. They’ll figure out why this is happening to us and get things back to normal soon enough. I slowly ease myself onto my feet again, arms and wings both spread wide to help me balance. I take a few tottering steps forward, very nearly falling on my face. A few quick flaps of my wings keep me upright however. “Well thanks wings. Glad to see you’re good for something.” It takes a little doing but I settle into a sort of staggering wobbly walk. I briefly consider trying to fight a shirt on over my wings but the way they’re helping me balance I think it’d be best to go without. I manage to get to the door and swing it open, lurching out into the hall. It’s still dark inside but soon enough the sun will be up giving us a little light. And with any luck Erin will have the utilities turned on this morning. I stop short as Becky steps out of a room down the hall, walking on her toes like me but she seems to be moving easily. Her hips swing back and forth a bit more exaggerated maybe, and her tail flicks the opposite direction her hips move. She sees me staggering toward the stairs and snickers. “Having trouble there?” I scowl. “How’re you walking so easy?” She shrugs. “It’s in the hips. You gotta swing em a bit and use your tail as a sort of counter balance.” She turns and demonstrates for me, walking slowly and rolling her hips in an embarrassingly feminine manner. “You can’t really expect me to do that.” She shrugs again starting down the stairs. “Suit yourself. Where’s Erin?” “Watching the sun come up. She never misses it.” I pause at the top of the stairs, gripping the railing tightly before starting my own way down them. It’s slow going, and a bemused Becky watches me come down with a smirk on her face. “So you really had no idea she was this loaded?” I shake my head. “Our financial situations never came up. I mostly only saw her in the mornings when I had my coffee on the balcony. She’d be out on her own every morning staring at the eastern horizon, waiting for the sun. She was pretty shy about having me around at first but she warmed up to it eventually. We’d make small talk. She can pretty much always tell me what the weather’s gonna be like for the day.” She tilts her head regarding me with her large blue eyes curiously. “That doesn’t sound a little unusual?” I shrug. “I guess it is a bit. What of it?” Becky looks toward the windows by the front door speculatively. I can see Erin sitting on the porch swing swaying slowly as she faces the horizon. “Nothing I guess. I mean we’re all changing at pretty much the same rate. If she were gonna be changing too we’d see it by now right?” “Well yeah. Come on let’s see what she and Meg brought us to eat.” We head to the kitchen, she with more ease than I do. It’s weird normally I’m a zombie when I first wake up. I’m useless without my morning coffee, but today I feel wide awake already. I wonder if it’s because of my metabolism thing. If I’m becoming a pegasus I think that makes a little sense. The ones on the show were all pretty high energy; even Fluttershy could get her butt in gear when the situation called for it. Becky’s rummaging through one of the bags of food with a grin. “I know which one Meg and Lucas packed.” She starts pulling out box after box of Hostess products. I laugh now, hard enough I almost lose my balance. “No. That’s Erin’s bag. Guarantee it. I’d leave those alone too. She goes through like a box a day of that garbage.” “Mmmm. So she’s got a major sweet tooth? Surprised she doesn’t have a cake flank.” I wobble passed her to the other bag, not batting an eye at the Equestrian term. “I guess she’s just one of the lucky ones who can eat and eat and not gain a pound.” I pull out a box of my cereal setting it on the table and looking around the kitchen. Checking a couple cupboards I find the dishes. The filthy, dust and dirt encrusted dishes. Frowning a little I show them to Becky. “I think we’re eating out again. I’ll let Erin know.” She nods, starting to unpack. “This place is gonna take a while to make livable.” I shrug. “I’d rather spend a few days cleaning Erin’s mansion to make it comfortable than sit in a government lab getting tested and experimented on all day.” Becky’s eyebrows rise at that. “You make a very good point sir. I think I’ll see if I can’t find a broom or two.” I walk back down the hall, finding my movements coming a bit easier. I try not to think about how much my hips have to swing to make walking doable. Stepping out the front door, I lower myself onto the swing with Erin. She barely acknowledges my presence at first, so fixated is she on the dawning sunrise. The sky’s beginning to brighten by now, colors splashing across the sky. Smiling at how enraptured she always gets for the sunrise I put an arm around her shoulders. Now she scoots closer resting her head on my shoulder. “Morning.” She doesn’t look away, but she does smile. “Morning. Sleep well?” I chuckle. “It wasn’t BAD. Not the best night of sleep I’ve ever had. Someone kept me up for a while.” Erin giggles softly, squeezing me a little tighter. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her actually GIGGLE before. I think I like it. “So we have a problem.” “Already?” “Well the dishes are pretty bad as I’m sure you can imagine. We’re either eating Twinkies for breakfast or you have to go into town and get us something.” She opens her mouth and I hastily put in. “No, we’re not eating Twinkies for breakfast.” Her mouth snaps shut prompting me to laugh harder. I sit in silence with her just slowly running a hand along her arm as we watch the sun come up together. I’ve never actually been so close to her during this. Never had the opportunity to study her face. But her eyes are fixed solidly on the sun. They don’t even look like they’re watering which is… Weird. Her brow is furrowed slightly almost as if she were concentrating on the sun. My eyebrows shoot up as the sun crests fully over the horizon but she still doesn’t look away. Finally she blinks and looks up at me smiling. “So! Breakfast? There’s an IHOP in town. I could do a carry out order I guess.” I cup her chin tilting her head this way and that. She just sits still through it while I examine her eyes. “The sun doesn’t hurt you to stare at?” She blinks, looking suddenly apprehensive. Her eyes flick away and she pulls back from me slightly. “Nope. Never did really. I’m gonna go get dressed and head into town.” I stare after her as she hastily retreats into the house, silently promising not to bother her during her morning ritual again. Sighing softly I get to my feet shuffling inside. Becky’s already sweeping away in the kitchen. “Erin’s going to the IHOP in town for everyone. If you want something special you should let her know.” She laughs. “She’s giving us a place to live and pretty much paying for everything. As long as I don’t have to eat her snack cakes for three meals a day she can feed me whatever she wants.” “Good attitude. D’you know where everyone else is?” Becky shrugs. “Just that they took rooms on the first floor. You can start hunting for them if you want.” I set out to do just that. Knocking on every door I come to, not wanting to barge in on one of the girls if they decide to sleep a bit less than fully clothed. A loud thump, followed by wild giggling comes from the fifth door I’ve knocked on. Five doors down the hall and there are five more to go, just on the one side. This place is enormous. I hear Ellie’s sing-song tone chirp through the door. “C’mon in! I fell!” Not many people would so cheerfully announce they tripped. Chuckling softly I nudge the door open. “Hey Erin’s going to get everyone breakfast. You and Jules should let her know what you guys want.” The cheery blonde looks back at the bed where I can see a pale foot protruding from the covers. “Jules isn’t a morning person. I’ll order for both of us.” She tries to stand, and ends up toppling forward again. With a little huff her wings begin to pump lifting her front half off the ground as she slowly rights herself again. I glance down seeing her feet in the same condition as mine and Becky’s. “Becky says to swing your hips. It uh… Helps. I use my wings to balance a bit too.” I step back into the hall letting her study my movements. She sticks her tongue our pretty adorably as she starts taking a few shaky steps. Soon though she’s walking as confidently as Becky. “Thanks Jake! Good tip!” I watch her meander down the hall toward the front door. At least someone’s not letting any of this get to them. At the end of the hall I see the door opposite the side I’ve been checking is standing open, and soft murmuring is coming from the room just in front of me. I knock gently and wait patiently. “Hang on! Hang on I’ll get there!” The familiar sound of unsteady walking reaches my big pony ears as Meg swings the door open, tottering a little back and forth. I don’t know why I’m entirely surprised, but I can’t help but gasp at the minty-green horn protruding from her forehead. She follows my eyes and shrugs. “Well Lyra IS a unicorn right?” “Does it hurt?” She shrugs. “Do those?” She asks, nodding to my wings. I rub the back of my neck. “No, no I guess not. Can you uh… Do magic?” Meg crosses her arms. “Can you fly?” Now I laugh. “I guess not. All the dishes are scummy so Erin’s picking us up breakfast. What do you guys want?” She smirks. “Anything not out of a dumpster. We’re not picky dude; just make sure she gets Lucas something of the meaty variety to go with his food. I want him to get plenty of protein.” I nod. “Gotcha. If you guys feel up to it Becky’s started cleaning a little already.” Meg glances back at her drowsy looking brother. “I’ll come give her a hand in a few. I’d like Lucas to just kinda… Take it easy for a few days if that’s cool?” It’s hard to remember these two are fresh off the streets. Smiling softly I start back to the end of the hall. “Sure thing. You guys just take your time.” She shuts the door as I go. Erin’s listening carefully as Ellie relays what she and Jules want. Her eyes drift to my feet and the way I’m walking as I approach, a faint frown forming on her face. I offer her a shrug. “Meg says she and Lucas will eat whatever. Same with Becky. Get Lucas some bacon and sausage or something if you can.” Erin nods. “It sounds like with the exception of Ellie’s chocolate chip pancakes, I can get away with a huge order of pancakes and eggs. I’ll make sure to get some breakfast meat too. I should be back in about a half hour or so. See ya soon! Oh and uh… This IS private property, but with the gate open we might get solicitors or something. Keep the curtains closed and try to avoid the windows ok everyone? And don’t answer the door obviously.” She’s looking at Ellie when she says the last part. The cheery girl doesn’t seem to notice, just chirps a happy ‘okie doke!’ and totters toward the kitchen. I grab Erin’s arm gently pulling her in for a kiss. She doesn’t resist, and soon returns it happily. She grins up at me before turning on her heel and mincing with an exaggerated sway toward the truck. My smile fades a little once she’s driving away. Yesterday I was nearly a head taller than she was. This morning she barely had to look up to look me in the eye. *** It’s about quarter to eight when I get back to the cabin. I slide out of the truck and get the front door open before heading back and grabbing the first couple of bags of food. Jake heads out grabbing the other bag of food, while a more sure footed Becky takes the drink carries filled with orange juice. Eyeing the kitchen table I realize we’re definitely not going to have enough room for everyone. When Jake comes in behind me I nod to the pantry. “There’s a leaf we can put in the table. And some extra chairs in the basement. I’ll grab those if you and Becky can get the table ready?” “Sure thing Erin. And thanks for breakfast. I’ll uh… Pay you back. Eventually.” I laugh. “Relax, it’s fine.” The door to the basement is around the corner from the kitchen. I always hated coming down here when I was little. Now that I can’t even flip on the light I find my desire to be down here less than ever. But there are only two chairs around the table. I can count on one hand the number of times Uncle Pete and I had guests for dinner. Still he kept a number of folding chairs down here ‘just in case’ he’d say. Gathering up an arm load I lug them up the stairs, getting back in the kitchen to see a perky Ellie dragging a droopy eyed Jules to the table. Her new horn is a bit striking, but I find I’m less surprised than I thought I’d be. I get the tables set up as Jake and Becky start popping open the food carriers. Jules is perking up rapidly as the scent hits her nose. Meg and Lucas aren’t far behind, and soon everyone’s at the table eating and chatting quietly. I’m content to let them just enjoy the meal. Slowly, though quicker on Lucas and Meg’s end, the food vanishes and everyone settles in to let it digest. I check my watch. It’s nearly eight thirty now. “Alright everyone!” They all turn to look at me. “I’m going to call and get our power and water on. Then I need to head back to Detroit. If anyone wants or needs anything from their apartments, make me a list. I’ll do a big grocery run too so everyone can get a list of food they want together too. I’ll probably be gone for most of the day but I should be back tonight.” Everyone seems more or less content with that. Already discussing what they want from home, and what they want for food. I get up from the table letting everyone else take care of the clean-up. I DID pay for it all after all. Jake follows after me apparently having mastered walking with his new foot make up. “Why are you going back to the city?” I frown a little. “I need to talk to Doctor Corddis. It’s important.” His eyes widen. “Did you have another episode?” “No, no. Nothing like that just… Questions. It’s nothing, really.” He clearly isn’t satisfied with my answer, but doesn’t want to push me. “If you’re sure.” “I’m sure. Go work on your lists. I’m gonna call the city and get us turned on. They’ll probably have to send a guy out to take care of it. I’m going to tell them my little brother’ll be home if he needs to sign anything. You guys might have passed the ‘able to pass as normal’ threshold.” He nods with a sigh. “You’re right about that. Alright you make your call and I’ll make sure they’re not destroying your kitchen.” I laugh a little. “Alright, thanks.” He heads back to the kitchen. It’s a quick phone call to set up getting our power and water turned back on. I can’t take a shower yet but I do change into some clean clothes before heading back downstairs. “Ok everyone. They’re going to be out in the next couple hours to get us hooked up. I think it’d be best if everyone but Lucas hid out upstairs when they get here. I told them my brother would be here if they needed anything. If they want you to sign anything Lucas, just say your last name is Rockwell alright?” He looks a little nervous, but he nods. “Ok.” “Good. Uh… Jake can you give him your phone? He can call me if there’s a problem.” Jake nods. “Not a problem.” “Good! So everyone’s lists ready?” I’m presented with a number of papers. “Let’s get everyone’s groceries on one huh? I’ve got enough to juggle.” Becky collects the various grocery requests and starts copying them onto one piece of paper. “So while you’re gone we’ll get started on the clean-up. Sweeping and dusting. Once the powers back we can vacuum… If you have a vacuum?” I nod and Jake grins. “Right. We’ll try and get it looking better by the time you get back.” I smile. “Don’t kill yourselves. There’s no rush. I think if we start with the kitchen, big living room, and whatever bedrooms people want that’d be good. We can work on the bathrooms and the rest of the place later.” Ellie points to the top of the list she and Jules compiled. “This is our address! We’re only like twenty minutes from your place! Thanks for this! It’ll be nice having our own blankets again.” “No problem Ellie.” I take the big grocery list from Becky. “Alright guys I’ll be back soon. Everyone stay safe. Keep an eye out for the power and water guys.” A chorus of cheerful or sleepy in Jules’ case, goodbyes are called out as I head for the door. Pausing to pull the pill bottle from my purse I tip one of the large blue capsules into my hand and toss it in my mouth, forcing it down with a bit of left over orange juice. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath as the faint numbness spreads over my body. Once it passes I’m back in the truck, heading toward the city. Hopefully heading toward some answers. > Chapter 7: Beginnings of Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: Beginnings of Harmony I watch Erin drive down the path until she turns out of the gate and disappears from sight. Sighing a little I shut the front door and head back to the others. Ignoring his protesting sister, Lucas is working to clear the table. Doing a pretty good job for having to hobble around on those crutches too. I clear my throat as I enter the kitchen. “Alright everyone. I think we should get started on the clean-up. Becky you found that broom, was there other cleaning stuff?” She nods. “Sure. Lots of it. The stuff’s all in that closet down the hall there.” Stepping into the hall I tug the closet doors open. Sure enough a number of brooms, mops, rags, and dust pans sit within. There are even some containers of cleaner though I’m not sure how good they’d be after all this time. I grab a few brooms leaning them against the wall. “Alright! Ellie, Becky, Meg? Can you girls help me get the table out of here? We’ll move the furniture and go room by room. We can start with the sweeping then when the water gets turned on we’ll move to mopping.” Lucas is busy with the dishes and Jules looks ready to keel back over and start snoring any second now. Erin’s table looks pretty expensive; I’d hate to have something happen to it. We each take a corner and heft it off the ground, carrying it carefully through the large doorway and resting it against the wall. The chairs soon join it in the hall. Once the floor is clear I pass out the brooms and we get to work. Even with the four of us working this is going to be… A lot of work. There’s an almost noticeable tension in the air that started to form the second Erin was gone. I was even starting to feel it myself. While I wasn’t exactly thrilled with my changes, suddenly I’m feeling like I did back in the hospital. I hadn’t even realized how much better I’d been feeling. All the laughter and good cheer from yesterday seemed to be dissipating quickly. Ellie keeps flaring her wings open and closed, while Meg glares upwards at her horn every few seconds. My tail won’t stop lashing back and forth, while Becky just seems to be getting a deeper and deeper scowl. I’m sure Jules would be looking equally surly if she wasn’t back in her room asleep already. Which is starting to bug me. Why should SHE get to sleep while the rest of us work? I take a few steps down the hall when my ear swivels back around. Someone’s started to hum a little. I look over my shoulder and see Ellie’s started to sway a bit. She sees the other eyes on her and looks hesitant… For a moment. Then she clears her throat; It’s time for us to come together! It’s the only way things’ll get better! For a moment I can’t believe my ears. Or my eyes. She’s singing? She’s REALLY singing. Not only is she singing but she’s singing a song from the Equestria Girls movie. Meg and Becky are staring at her with equal incredulity that I must be feeling. But she continues on, sweeping in broad motions as she belts out the next line. It’s time for us to take a stand! So come on and lend a helping hand! I knew she was a bit of an airhead but is she totally insane? What in the hell does she thinking singing is going to accomplish. Then it gets worse. Eyes glinting Meg joins in on the next line. We’ll fix it up! Make it alright! We’ll get it ready for her by tonight! Lucas is grinning widely. Looking as confused as I feel, but he’s enjoying the sudden spectacle as his sister twirls by him her tail swishing around her hips as she sweeps. I turn to Becky, my last bastion of sanity in the kitchen. Then she starts in. Mix it up! We’ll help our friend! We’ll come together in the end! All three of them are singing as they work to sweep the huge dining room. I actually have to jump back, wings flapping a bit to hold my balance as Ellie races by me grinning like a lunatic and sweeping a swatch of floor clean. I jump away from the doorway in surprise as Jules bursts in, broom in hand and singing at the top of her lungs, cheek to cheek with Ellie. Show her that we’ve got team spirit! Come on raise your voice and let everyone hear it! Now all four of them are singing and sweeping as if they stayed up all night choreographing their movements. My right ear twitches and I could almost swear I hear the tune to the song playing. The gloom I was feeling earlier seems to be… Lifting. Filling the depressed part of my heart with something else. Something I like a lot better truth be told. Meg and Becky round on me simultaneously, both grinning wide. It’s time to show her that we’re strong! So come on everybody and sing along! There’s the faintest pause in their movements. I can hear the tune thumping in my head. It’s faint… But I definitely hear it. It almost feels like my heart is beating in time with it. The girls are all staring at me expectantly. Tightening my grip on the broom handle, almost against my will I’m adding my voice to theirs. Look how we’ve come together! Things are only just starting to get better Look how we've all come together Things are only gonna get better, better, better, better! Now all five of us are singing are lungs out. I can only imagine my smile matches the girls’. The negativity I’d been feeling since Erin’s departure is rapidly disappearing, leaving the same warm pleasant sensation I had barely been aware was there in the first place. Fix it up, yeah, it's all right We'll get it ready by tonight Mix it up, yeah, help our friend We'll come together in the end I don’t even care how weird it is we’re singing in tune flawlessly, while our movements match the music to a tee. The floors are getting clean in record time and everyone’s happy again, myself included. Fix it up, yeah, it's all right We'll get it ready by tonight Mix it up, yeah, help our friend We'll come together, together now! Everypony working hard, we’ll make our Princess proud! The kitchen and dining room are pretty much dust free by the time we finish. The girls are all laughing and smiling again, happy spirits restored. I have to admit even I’m feeling pretty proud. But something about the lyrics sticks in my head a little. Who’s the ‘her’ we kept referring too? And that was definitely an extra line on the end. What Princess are we trying to make proud? *** The miles fly by as I drive Jake’s truck back to the city. I feel a constant twinge of concern for my li… Everyone back at the cabin. But with the exception of Lucas they’re adults. They can look after themselves for a few hours. I don’t know why I’m getting all flustered about it. I shoot my rear view a vaguely dirty look. “I bet that’s you up there, isn’t it?” Of course having just taken my medication, my mental passenger is silent. I’d actually thought about skipping my pill, but instantly my thoughts flashed back to the institute. The needles, the shocks, the men in the masks. I shake myself briefly to push the memories away. Traffic is starting to slow to a crawl as I get closer to the city. My eyes widen and my heart rate quickens as I see the military blockade at the exit to Detroit. I consider cutting across the grassy part in separating the two sides of the freeway and driving back the way I came, but I’m pretty sure that might look suspicious. I take a deep breath and force myself to calm down. They’re looking for pony people I’m sure. And I’m not showing any signs of changing. It’s slow going as they check the cars and wave people through. I come to a stop as I reach the stern faced military men. “Are you aware of the emergency situation in the city ma’am?” I frown. “Only a little. Some kind of mutation outbreak or something right?” He nods. “There are sections of the city blocked off that are off limits for the foreseeable future while we work to round up the infected. What’s your destination?” I give him the address for Doctor Corddis’ office and he checks it out on his data pad. “Looks like that’s in a clean zone. Go on through. If you see any red signs pay close attention. If you’re found inside a quarantine zone you’ll be detained indefinitely.” At my vigorous nod he waves me through. Traffic is flowing somewhat smoother on the other side. The apartments are on the way to Corddis’ office. I don’t run into anymore military vehicles or red signs along the way to Becky’s building. Her list is relatively short, for which I’m grateful as Jules and Ellie have a pretty extensive one. I pop into her place. After a little hunting around I find her phone charger, her iPod and gather up the collection of movies she requested. I gather all the bedding from her bed and toss it in the back of the truck. The last item on her list is the first aid kit from her bedroom. I don’t bother to look inside but I assume it’s pretty impressive with it being the size of a small suitcase, and weighing more than a little. Jake’s place is next. He also has just a couple items. Phone charger like Becky, and ‘the metal foot locker at the end of my bed’. Said footlocker is considerably larger than Becky’s first aid kit, but I know everyone’s counting on me to bring as much of their home as I can. I’m about halfway to the door when a voice speaks behind me. “Looks heavy. Need a hand?” I shriek and drop the trunk whirling around too fast and tripping over the thing, landing flat on my back. With a little groan I look up into the face of Officer Haggerty. “Hello again Miss Rockwell. You’re looking a little jumpy.” I can’t quite bring myself to smile as I right myself, getting to my feet. “W-well you surprised me is all.” He only nods slowly looking me up and down then letting his eyes roam the apartment slowly. “Miss Rockwell I wonder if you could answer some questions?” I shift from foot to foot now trying to keep from wringing my hands. “L-like what?” “Like where Jake Matsen and Rebecca Robins have gone.” I can’t help but gasp as my eyes widen. He doesn’t miss the glaringly obvious look of guilt on my face. Sometimes I can be a terrible liar. “W-why do you think I have anything to do with them disappearing?” Officer Haggerty frowns at me, then slowly turns back to the Jake’s front door and closes it. “This can go down one of two ways Miss Rockwell. You can either tell me what happened to my buddy here, or you can tell me what happened to him down at the station. I think we’d both prefer it if you told me what happened to him here.” Now I’m starting to breathe faster. For a minute I consider trying to get passed him, just make a rush for the door. But he’s a trained police officer and I’m pretty sure he can drop a hundred and thirty pound woman trying to bowl him over. I can’t really read his expression. He’s keeping his features arranged in a stony mask giving me no hints whatsoever as to what his intentions toward Jake are. Can I trust him? He IS a friend of Jake’s after all. Again, my lack of a poker face tells him everything he needs to know. “I’m worried about my friend Miss Rockwell. If he’s hurt or sick and needs medical attention I want to know. If it’s something else… Well… I want to know that too.” Now the sincerity is showing on his face. He IS worried about Jake. I take a deep breath and sit on the couch. “I… DO know where they are. And I can tell you if you promise me you won’t like… Bring the whole precinct charging up to them.” He sits in the arm chair across from me, laying his hat in his lap. “I can promise that if you can promise me he’s safe Miss Rockwell.” I nod smiling a little now. “I CAN promise you that much. And you can just call me Erin.” He doesn’t return my smile, but he does look like he’s relaxing some. “Mike.” “Alright Mike. You know about the quarantine of course.” He nods, his frown returning. “Obviously. Wait, wait. Are you saying Jake has whatever the other people have? That… Mutation disease?” “Yes and no. He is changing like them, but it’s not a disease. Doctor Adams at St. Joe’s said there’s absolutely no virus, bacteria, or other foreign bodies in the changing people. They’re just… Changing.” “For no reason?” I briefly consider telling him ‘magic’ is the reason, but if he’s been staking out my and Jake’s places waiting for me there’s a good chance he knows my medical history. No sense hammering the ‘crazy’ angle home. “You’d have to talk to her about it; I’m not up to date on the latest medical procedures and terminology.” He grunts softly leaning back in the chair. “So where is he? Is Miss Robbins with him?” I nod, slower this time. I’ve already told him I broke the pair of them out of the hospital and passed the quarantine. Might as well go all in. “They’re at my cabin up in Thilton.” “So if I call him right now, he’ll answer?” I shrug. “Assuming his phone isn’t dead, of course.” He stands and crosses the room to Jake’s wall phone, dialing into it without delay. He leans against the wall while it’s ringing. He perks up suddenly though. “No, this is Mike. But she’s here with me.” Mike eyes me for a moment holding the phone away from his mouth. “I’m stepping into the other room. I suggest you sit tight.” I only nod as he walks down the hall to Jake’s room. Again I consider flight, but I highly doubt Jake’s truck can outrun a police cruiser so I wait. It’s only a few minutes before Mike comes back and hangs up the phone. “You’re pretty ballsy lady. Lemme guess, they were under all the crap in the truck bed yesterday?” I can’t help but smile wryly. “Yup. Them and three others.” “Mmm. Cute.” He settles his hat back on his head. “Quit driving his truck around the city. There’s an APB out for it and if someone sees his plates you’re busted.” I frown. “But I have a lot of stuff to move! My car can’t possibly fit it all.” He gazes hard at me, jaw set firmly. Finally he pulls his own cell phone out of his back pocket dialing it in. “This is Officer Haggerty. I have a family emergency, can someone cover my route? No, no it’s fine. Y’know sorta. Mom took a fall and hurt herself. I doubt it’s too serious but y’know how they get right?” He laughs at something the person on the other end says. “Thanks a ton. Tell Frank I owe him big.” I just watch curiously as he closes his phone. “We’ll go get my SUV. You can borrow it for… For as long as you need it to help Jake alright? You said you owned a car right? I can just use yours for civilian stuff.” I blink, clearly taken aback. “I… Are you sure? You’re just going to GIVE me your car?” “No. I’m going to temporarily exchange cars with you. There’s a pretty big difference. Look Jake’s been a really good friend to me alright? We were in the academy together and a couple times well… He kept me goin’ when I thought I couldn’t go any further. First person to really stick by me like that. So if he needs a hand now, I’ll do all I can to help. You sit tight. It shouldn’t take me too long to be back with my car. We can” Slowly I nod. “Ok. I’ll uh… Grab a shower. Water wasn’t turned on at my cabin yet. My car’s at the hospital by the way. I have a couple more stops to make while I’m in the city but we can add that on there too.” Mike nods and makes his way out. I breathe a heavy sigh of relief as he goes, heading to my own place for a shower. With a small frown I realize Meg and Lucas did a really thorough job cleaning out my cupboards. It’s about lunch time and I could go for a bit. Oh well, I’ll just stop somewhere on the way to the hospital I guess. That Mike seems like a nice guy, I’m sure he won’t mind. I take my time in the shower. Normally it’s a quick and easy affair but I’m feeling extra icky. I had a lot more physical activity the night before than usual. Add that to the general buildup of the day and I was pretty ripe. I feel a twinge of guilt about showering while Jake and the others can’t. No doubt they’re pretty miserable by now. *** ….cause tomorrow Spriiiiing iiiiiiis heeeeeeere! Everyone finishes what must be the third go through of Winter Wrap-up, our good spirits holding strong. The big sitting room is swept, as are the hallways and the stairs between the ground and second floors. Ellie tilts her head in consideration. “Oooo! We haven’t done Pinkie’s Smile Song yet!” Her mouth opens wide, no doubt about to belt the opening line when Lucas’ call from downstairs cuts her off. “Car! There’s a car coming!” I peer downstairs at him. “Is it Erin?” He shakes his head. “No sir.” Heh, sir. That cracks me up. Still, it shows he’s a good kid. “It’s a white van I think.” I nod. “That’s either the power or the water guy. Alright everyone we’ll hole up in the big room at the end of the hall.” Becky frowns faintly. “Didn’t Erin ask us not to go in there?” “No she told us not to sleep in there. We don’t know how long we’re going to be up there. We don’t want to squeeze together in a tiny room. No offense but some of us aren’t exactly fresh as daisies.” Jules nods. “I’m with him. We all stink. Big room.” Relenting with a shrug I herd everyone down the hall and into the master bedroom. We all pile in shutting the door tightly behind us. I guess I’m a little extra on edge because of the call from Mike. Thinking about it, of course we’d be reported missing and of course my place would be staked out. We had a huge bit of luck that it was Mike watching our apartments and not someone less friendly to me on the force. Five sets of ears perk up, and swivel toward the door as we pick up the loud knock. I can hear voices but I can’t quite make out the words. I hear the door shut and the sound of someone trudging around the house causes us to follow. Before anyone can stop her Ellie is pulling the curtain back peering down at the city worker below. Gritting her teeth Jules claps a hand around her girlfriends’ mouth dragging her away from the window. “What’s the matter with you, you derp? You want to be seen?!” A look of regret flares in the cheery girls eyes and I ease Jules’ hand away with a sigh. “It’s alright. No one was spotted ok?” The sound of the man’s heavy tread comes to our ears again as he makes his way back to the door. Once again I hear muted conversation before the door shuts again. There’s a long pause before Lucas calls up. “We have water!” Whoops of delight come from Jules and Ellie as the pair race downstairs to what I assume is a bathroom they found. Becky and Meg both excuse themselves with a slightly hasty pace of their own to use the newly restored facilities. Personally I just want a long, hot shower. I pause before leaving. I’m in the room of the man who raised Erin. A woman who I admittedly don’t know as much about as I’d like. I take a few moments to look around. Everything is large, and very solidly built. No doubt her uncle was a big man. He sounds like it from the way she talks about him. A closet full of musty, moth-eaten clothes comprised mainly of flannel shirts and blue jeans doesn’t give me much insight. A bookshelf filled with murder mystery novels dominates on side of the room while the other has a rather impressively stocked gun cabinet. The doors are locked when I try them though. I’ll have to ask Erin about the key. Taking one last brief look around I step out of the room and shut the doors behind me. I can already hear running water down the hall where Becky’s probably showering. But Erin said there were multiple bathrooms to a floor. I find another easily enough. It’s just as bad as the rest of the house. The tub has years of dust and caked on grime within it. I turn the faucets experimentally. There’s an audible rattling from the long unused pipes as they force the water through them. At first it comes out with an unpleasant odor and a faint red color. I realize it’s just the water clearing away some rust however. Soon enough clean, hot water is blasting from the old shower head. I spy a scrub brush under the sink and shrug. Might as well scrub the tub while I scrub me. I don’t have any soap or shampoo but just hot water will have to do until Erin gets back with the groceries. I can’t help but smile at the thought of her. My girlfriend and my lover. That sounds nice. My good mood dims a bit when I glance downwards. I’m becoming a pony, Spitfire specifically. Who is definitely not a stallion. I wonder if I’ll become a mare before my change or if whatever’s changing us will have some pity on me. Ears drooping I heave a sigh. No sense dwelling. What happens, happens. We’ll get through it together. I know it. I drop to my knees as the water runs over my back and get to work scrubbing the tub. It’s not quite as fun without everyone singing beside me. *** By the time Mike’s gotten back I have Jake and my TV unplugged and ready to be carried down. He gives me a hand moving everything from Jake’s truck into his big, black SUV. “What’s with all the TVs?” I shrug. “There’s seven people there and only one TV between the bunch of us. I know I’m kinda unique in my whole ‘I’d rather read or be outside’ line of thinking.” He frowns. “Are all of them sharing the same condition?” “No. Most are. One is a girl I found dumpster diving. Her kid brother’s thirteen. He’s not changing. But there’s Jake and Becky. Then a couple friends of a uh… Friend. Jules and Ellie. Meg and Lucas round out the bunch.” “So you basically have Jake, and five strangers living in your house?” “Mmm yup. Basically.” “And you’re alright with that?” There’s a break in the conversation as we heft Jake’s heavy locker into the SUV. “Yup. I’ve been thinking about it myself and I mean, it’s obviously weird right? But they’re all good people. I feel comfortable with them and I can help them out. I think this mess is going to get worse before it gets better y’know?” “Oh it definitely is. Word from up top is they want us to start rounding up family of the infected folks. Try to ‘contain the outbreak’.” My eyes widen. “That’s ridiculous!” He shrugs. “It’s not my decision. But people are getting scared. Seeing your neighbor changing into something not human can do that to a person. And it’s a sad fact of life that fear can turn into anger pretty quickly. The idea is if it looks like we’re on top of things, people won’t start to panic.” I frown at that. “I suppose it makes sense to a degree. But what about the afflicted people? What’s happening to them?” “They’re working on setting up facilities for them until we can figure it all out. That’s really all I know. They have experts flying in from all over but word is this is happening all over the world.” I sigh a bit climbing up into Mike’s big car and gazing out the window. “I see.” “But hey you got Jake out. He’s safe right? Your place up north nice?” I nod. “Very. Need to get it cleaned up a bit but there’s plenty of space.” “So all your stops done or what?” I shake my head. “I need to stop by my uh… Doctor’s. It’s on the way to the hospital but we can switch cars first. I don’t want to make you wait. I also have to get some stuff from Jules and Ellie’s place. …mostly video games it looks like.” He chuckles. “It gonna take all day? Because I took the day off for my ‘family emergency’. I can wait a few.” I consider it. I have a pretty serious question for Doctor Corddis but I can’t imagine it would take too long to answer. “No it should be quick enough really. If you don’t mind it’d make my life a little easier.” “Why not? I’m already ignoring you aiding and abetting a couple fugitives. Five of them from the sounds of it. What’s a couple errands right?” I laugh. “Right. So are you going to get in trouble?” He shrugs. “If you get caught and tell them I knew what you were doing, yes. I don’t think you’re going to though.” I smile. “No. No I wouldn’t do that. Thank you Mike.” “Just doing my job ma’am. Serve and protect even if they’re growing tails.” I can see how Jake could be friends with this man. He seems like a very good person. Jules and Ellie it turns out, live in a flat not three blocks from Doctor Corddis’ office. The place is kind of a pig sty, not entirely like my own apartment really so I don’t have a lot of room to say anything I suppose. Suddenly I was glad for Mike being here. He very deftly disconnected the dizzying array of wires and started neatly coiling them up. A third television was added to the truck, along with all the bedding from the girls’ shared bed and a few stuffed animals Ellie ‘couldn’t live without’. She had left very detailed instructions on her list regarding which were to be included. “This is a chick’s apartment?” I laugh at the confusion in his voice. “Two of them. They’re a bit odd but y’know.” I shrug. “If they want a few personal things while I’m in the city anyway I figured it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle.” “Well they have an excellent gaming set up I’ll give them that.” We cart down a few loads of electronics before hitting the road again. I’m beginning to feel apprehensive about my coming confrontation with my doctor. He’s been good to me for many years. If he kept something like this from me I’m sure he had a good reason. Mike rolls up the drive to the small brick building that serves as my psychiatrists’ office. “Alright I shouldn’t be long.” He nods and I slip out of the car heading up to the office door. I sort of wish I’d called ahead, but no use lamenting it now. I push the door open and step inside. For the first time since coming here I don’t see Elizabeth behind the desk. Maybe she had the day off? The door was unlocked so someone must be here. That’s when I hear it. A solid ‘thump’ coming from behind her desk. There’s an almost ominous feel in the air as I approach. Slow steps bring me closer to the desk. Periodically another ‘thump’ comes from the other side. I consider running to get Mike but my curiosity drives me forward. Ever so slowly, wincing at each thump I hear I peer over the desk. Elizabeth is sitting cross legged on the floor. Eyes glassy and unseeing. As I watch she leans back, and brings her body forward, striking her forehead solidly against the desk and revealing the source of the thumps. Eyes wide in concern I kneel down beside the young woman. “Elizabeth? Lizzy? It’s Erin. Erin Rockwell? Can you… Can you hear me?” At first she doesn’t react to my touch. Then she slowly turns to regard me. She’s looking at me… But I can tell she’s not seeing me. Without so much as a blink of recognition she looks away and resumes thumping her head against her desk. I’m about to pull her away when Doctor Corddis enters through the doorway to his office. “A shame. Most days are good for her. Every now and then though her medication has unpleasant side effects.” My frown doesn’t fade as I stand. “Isn’t she going to hut herself?” “No, no. She’s not striking herself hard enough for that. She’ll be fine in ten, maybe fifteen minutes. I think this is preferable to a stay in Bellvue don’t you?” I can’t suppress the shudder of terror and revulsion the name of that awful place brings up. “Y-yeah I guess so.” He smiles suddenly. “What brings you by Erin? Not another episode I hope?” “No! No, no. No. I-I’ve been taking me pills.” Hearing the name of the institute has made me more jittery than I’d expect. Now I’m feeling my nerve failing me. But I’ve come this far, it’s stupid to leave without asking. “I… I want to ask you something.” He gestures toward his office and I follow him inside, taking my customary seat. “Doctor I don’t know how to say this delicately so… Did you know Markus is my brother?” I recoil at the brief flash of rage in his eyes. But it passes quickly. He sits behind his desk shuffling some papers as he considers my question. “I did.” He finally answers. “I… All this time you knew I had a brother? A twin brother and you never saw fit to tell me?!” He sighs sadly. “It wasn’t my place to tell you Erin. Don’t you think it odder still that your Uncle never told you? This is really more the sort of thing that should come up between family. I’m not at liberty to be giving out confidential patient information you understand.” What he’s saying makes sense. It doesn’t make me any happier, but it makes sense. Why DID my Uncle never tell me about Markus? Was there some truth to Markus’ guess that Uncle Pete didn’t know I had a twin, or was it something more? Obviously I can’t question the man himself. He’s been dead for half a decade now. Doctor Corddis regards me with a sympathetic frown. “I am sorry Erin. I don’t know why your Uncle never told you, but it wasn’t my place to go against his decision.” I take a deep breath and nod slowly. “No. You’re right of course. I’m sorry I snapped.” His frown becomes the faint smile I’m used to seeing on his face. “It’s fine my dear. I’m sure it’s been a stressful few days. With the bad episode and now this shock coming. How did you learn of this anyhow?” “Oh. A friend of Markus’ brought me a video disc. He uh… Asked her to deliver it if he didn’t come home that night.” I look up meeting his eyes now. “Doctor do you know where he is? Is he alright?” His smile drops instantly. “I’m afraid I do know where he is, but alright is certainly not the word I’d use to describe him. You’re aware that he routinely skips his medication I assume?” I nod. “He asked me to do the same.” Slowly he shakes his head, sighing sadly. “I suspected he might. It’s why I asked you to avoid him; he’s a bad influence Erin. He was found a few streets from your apartment attacking an unarmed woman. He was in the midst of a psychotic episode and had beaten her half to death. The authorities arrived in time to save her fortunately. I had no recourse however but to have Markus committed to Bellvue.” I shiver again at the name. “I… I see. W-well I’m glad the woman is alright. And I’m sorry to hear about Markus. He seemed… So nice.” “Well that’s the real danger of a condition like the two of you share Erin. He can be perfectly ordinary one second, and a completely different person the next. The person he becomes is not at all like the one you did Erin. She’s wild, violent, and cruel. Hopefully his stay in the institute will help break him of his bad habit of letting her run wild.” This doesn’t sound at all like what Jules and Ellie told me about Markus and his other persona. Nor does it sound like the other him I saw speaking on the video. Something about all this doesn’t feel right to me, but I don’t want to push too hard. Doctor Corddis has been very forthcoming. “Well thank you Doctor. Would it be possible for you to call me if and when he gets released?” He seems to consider my request. “I’ll tell you what. If I feel he doesn’t pose a threat to your continued well-being, I’ll get you two together myself. How’s that?” I fake a smile. “That sounds great Doctor Corddis. Really I’d just like a chance to talk to him. Get to know the brother I never knew I had you know?” He stands walking me to the door. “I understand dear. And if there’s anything else my door is always open. But next time call ahead hm? Elizabeth can be a bit… Sensitive about people seeing her in such a state.” I wince as I hear a ‘thump’ come from her desk. “Y-yeah I understand. Sorry Doctor.” “Not at all. Have a pleasant day Erin. Oh! I nearly forgot to ask. Things still going well with you and Jake?” I nod feeling a genuine smile coming on now. “They are thank you.” “Well good, good. Be safe out there. Things are starting to get a trifle… Chaotic.” He smiles strangely before shutting his door. I stare after him for a few moments before kneeling by Elizabeth again. I gently turn her away from her desk. She does little to resist me, simply sways forward as if she were still aiming for the desk. If that’s all it took to stop her from banging her head into it why didn’t Doctor Corddis do it? I stand to leave when something in her purse catches my eye. The leather bag is sitting open on her desk and a large pill bottle is plainly visible inside. Casting her a sideways glance and finding her paying as little attention to me as ever, I ease the bottle out. Inside are pills identical to the ones I have in my own purse. I drop the bottle and leave a tad hastily. Why is she on the same meds as Markus and I? Could she have the same problem? My hallucination of Celestia’s words come back to me. She thought Doctor Corddis might be Discord in disguise? That was starting to seem more and more probable really. Mike’s regarding me with a frown when I climb back into the passenger’s seat. “You don’t look happy.” I shake my head. “I’m not. Do you think I could ask you for a huge favor? Something I’d need a police officer to do but don’t necessarily want a lot of people hearing about it?” His frown deepens. “It depends on the favor.” “I’d like you to look up a couple people for me. Doctor Chance Corddis and Elizabeth Swanson.” He raises an eyebrow. “Anything in particular I’m looking for?” I gaze at the Doctor’s office as we pull away. “No. Nothing specific. Just… I feel like something’s wrong here. Can you do it for me?” He shrugs. “Sure. It’s easy enough really. It might take a couple hours though.” “That’s fine. There’s no particular rush I suppose.” He nods. We make small talk the rest of the way to the hospital. I mostly tell him about the people staying with me now, and what the cabin is like. It turns out Mike’s a pretty avid hunter and uses my Uncle’s calls. I promise to get him an original carved by Uncle Pete next time I come home. As thanks for all his help. We find my little smart car right where I left it. I can’t help but laugh at the look of dismay on Mike’s face as he realizes what he’s trading his SUV for. “I thought you said you had a car. Not something from a carnival.” I huff. “It gets excellent mileage thank you very much. And I mostly take the bus everywhere. I’ve done more driving the last two days than I have the last two months.” He turns over his keys less than enthusiastically, accepting mine with a sigh. “Maybe bring me back TWO originals from your uncle.” I grin. “Deal. Call me as soon as you have that information I need will you?” He nods. “I will Erin. Good luck with everything up north. Try to drop me a line now and again. Better yet tell JAKE to drop me a line now and then.” “I promise. I’ll talk to you soon?” He nods again. “First thing I’ll do is check out those names for you.” “Thanks again Mike. I’m glad we got to talk and not have me get arrested.” He waves over his shoulder. I laugh again watching him visibly sag when he gets to the door of my tiny car, slowly lowering himself into it. I have to pass through another military checkpoint before I’m on the freeway, but it goes quickly as before. The scenery passes by at a sedate pace. The drive is definitely lonelier without Lucas up front with me, or the sounds of everyone laughing and chatting away in the back. An empty box that used to contain an unhealthy amount of McNuggets rests on the seat beside me. Definitely have to get rid of that before anyone sees it. My phone ringing is a welcome relief. I don’t recognize the number, but really I’d talk to a telemarketer if it broke up the monotony. “Hello?” “Erin! It’s Mike.” “Oh! Hey. Is this about the uh…” “Yeah. I checked those names out. Some pretty interesting stuff about both. Or in the Doctor’s case, uninteresting. As in there’s literally nothing about a Chance Corddis anywhere in the system.” “What? How is that even possible?” For a brief moment I wonder if I imagined the Doctor too, but that’s stupid. I have the pill bottle in my purse. “That’s exactly what I’m wondering. I’m going to look into it more soon. Now the other name, you’re absolutely sure it’s Elizabeth Swanson?” I nod… Then feel stupid realizing he can’t see me. “Yeah. She’s been his receptionist for I dunno, six? Seven years?” “Well the only Elizabeth Swanson of note was a little girl who was abducted from the hospital maybe ten hours after she was born. It took a lot of digging to find it too. The case got stuffed in the cold cases quite some time ago. If this is the same girl you might have solved a pretty big mystery for us.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing now. “Do you think the Doctor is involved?” “Shady guy not in the system handing out weird pills to crazies… No offense… With a missing girl as his receptionist? I can almost guarantee it. I think it’d be a very good idea for you to steer clear of him in the near future. I’m going to look into all this and call you back when I find something.” “O-ok. Thanks Mike. And Um… Be careful. I think he might have done something to my brother already.” “Your brother? What’s his name?” Now I feel stupid. I could have had Mike looking up Markus already. Where he lived, maybe even where my mother lived? “Markus King. See what you can find on him too place. Anything could help.” “Will do Erin. Stay safe. Keep Jake safe too.” “I will Mike. Thanks. You be careful!” “Always.” Then he hangs up, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Darker thoughts than I had a few minutes ago. > Chapter 8: Getting to Know You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8: Getting to Know You It takes me quite a while to get all the food from the carts into the car. Carts plural. Though considering I’m feeding seven people, six of them adults I guess two carts worth of food isn’t too bad. I haven’t gotten a call from Lucas today so I have to assume the power and water got hooked up without any trouble. I’ve had a pretty long day and it’s starting to wear on me, so I just kind of haphazardly dump the bags in the back with everything else and slam the door. I’m more than a little eager to get home and just relax for a little while. Stopping at the market was nice enough though. I recognized more than a few of the faces in the store, and to my surprise people recognized me. I received plenty of friendly greetings, and a few inquiries about where or not I was back to stay or not. All I could tell them was ‘for a while’. Living in the city the last few years sort of made me forget how nice a town Thilton was. Of course who knows how far that hospitality would extend to my less than human house guests? Still, maybe Lucas would enjoy coming into town sometime. I frown slightly as I pull into the flow of traffic. Lucas is just a boy and he should really be in school. How long has he been out of it I wonder? At least a few months if not longer judging by Meg’s story. I’ll have to talk to her about it soon. It’s almost summer so it can probably slide this year, but if we’re going to be here for any length of time it’s something that needs to be addressed. The gate’s still standing open where I left it this morning. Pulling the SUV through into the drive I hope out and drag it shut, securing the chain and lock again. No sense letting our cover be blown by a curious pedestrian or someone trying to sell me windows. I roll up the drive and park by the front again, sliding out and stretching. Two trips here and there in two days is a whole lot more driving than I’m used to. Eyeing the hefty load in the back of the SUV dubiously I head up the porch steps. Let everyone else unload it, I’m beat. The front door’s unlocked, and to my delight I realize the lights are on inside. That’s a good sign at least. Feeling a bit better I step inside, and stop dead in the doorway. From the front door of the cabin you can see quite a bit of the first floor. The entry way is pretty spacious and all the doorways are wide, giving the place a very open feel. The hard wood floor is spotless. I almost feel like I could see my reflection in it it’s so sparkling clean. The walls, floors, and rug are all in pristine condition. The stairs leading up to the second floor are equally spotless. From the entry way I can see into the main sitting room. Sparkling floor, pristine rug and couch. The fireplace has been cleaned out and Becky’s large TV is mounted on the wall already. Someone even took down the curtains and cleaned THEM too. In a vague state of disbelief I wander to the dining room. Then the kitchen. Finding all of it just as nice as the rest. The dishes are spotless, cupboards dust and cobweb free. Movement out the back door catches my eye and I step outside. Lucas is making his way slowly back up the path from the beach. He spots me and smiles waving cheerfully. With a quick pace I walk to meet him halfway. “Lucas! What happened to the cabin!?” His smile widens into a grin. “Everyone happened! At first they were sort of… Gloomy I guess? After you left everyone seemed to go into an instant bad mood. Then Ellie started… Singing.” I raise my eyebrows. “Singing?” He nods. “Oh yeah. Like as loud as she could, like she was at a concert or something. Then MEG joined in! I’ve never heard her sing in my life! Becky and Jules were next, then Jake finally joined in.” I shake my head, almost not believing what he’s saying. “They were… Singing… While they worked?” He nods again. “Yeah! Nice songs too! Really catchy. They barely slowed down the whole time. Just went from one room to another. Got all the halls clean on both floors! They didn’t really get to all the side rooms, just the ones we slept in.” I’m walking with him back to the front of the cabin. “How much of THAT did they get done?” He shrugs. “Ellie and Jules’ room. Mine, Meg’s, then Becky’s. Then they did yours and the one across from yours. Ellie got the washing machine and dryer working downstairs. I guess they needed a little wiring work or something?” “Ellie. Ellie fixed the appliances?” He shrugs again. “Guess so! Sure wasn’t me or Meg.” He laughs. “We mostly ate the food we brought from you and Jakes’ places. I had some of your sno-balls. Those are awesome!” I have to nod at that. “My favorite. You didn’t eat all of them did you?” “Nope! Just one pack.” My relief is palpable. “Good. Good. Where is everyone? I got tons of stuff in the car.” “Mmm, I think they’re all sleeping.” I frown. I can’t very well go wake them up after they slaved away scrubbing the place spotless all day. “So it was like a regular Disney movie around here huh?” He grins. “It was! It was really fun. Weird, but fun.” He frowns a little now as I start to unload the car. “Should I go get someone?” “No, no. They did enough today. I’ll just bring in the food. The rest of the stuff can wait for folk to wake up.” His eyes light up at the mention of food and I roll my eyes. “Did you guys have dinner?” “Dry cereal and snack cakes.” I don’t feel the need to tell him that’s my dinner more nights than I’m comfortably admitting. “Well plenty of options for food tomorrow that’s for sure.” I’m on my third trip when I hear an odd ‘clop’ sound coming down the hall. I have a sneaking suspicion what it is. Jules is making her way toward the kitchen, one ear twitching as she looses a huge yawn. “Hey Erin.” My eyes are drawn to her feet. Or were her feet were. She’s walking surprisingly easily on a pair of glossy white hooves. Lucas shifts a bit on his crutches. “Oh yeah uh… That happened to everyone too.” Jules follows my gaze and shrugs. “Knew it was comin’ right? Least it’s not my hands yet. Hey did you get my system? I’d love to shoot something before I lose my digits.” I nod. “I did. If you wanna help me bring stuff in you can set it up after?” She nods and follows me back out. The work goes a lot quicker with two of us. “Where’s Ellie?” “She’s sleeping. She likes to say I’m a heavy sleeper but I’m not really. I’m a LATE sleeper, once I’m up though I don’t get to sleep again easy. I mostly just lay in bed watching her sleep.” “Wow. That’s so sweet.” She blushes heavily and focuses on unpacking some of the groceries. “Y-yeah well… She means a lot to me. She’s kind of an idiot but whatever.” I rest a hand on her shoulder smiling softly. “Don’t do that. Don’t be embarrassed about it. It’s beautiful what you two share. I’m glad you have each other to lean on through all this.” If anything she looks more embarrassed. “W-well thanks I guess. C’mon Princess let’s get the rest of that stuff in.” I frown a little, but no one’s around to hear her slip so I don’t feel the need to rebuke her after the little moment we shared. “Alright.” We get started on bringing in the personal stuff from the apartments. “Good thing I had help with yours. There were so many bits and wires, if Mike wasn’t there I’d have no idea what to grab.” “Ok first, who’s Mike? Second what do you mean you wouldn’t know what to get? Have you never played a video game?” I shrug. “My roommate had an x-whatever box or something in college. I watched her play it a little. And one of my ex’s was big into that Halo game. That’s about it for my game exposure I’m afraid.” Jules closes her eyes, shaking her head with exaggerated sadness. “Tragic. Who’s Mike? Jake need to be jealous?” “No, he doesn’t need to be jealous. I guess they’re cop buddies or whatever. He’s a solid guy. He helped me out with something and loaned me his car. I guess the police are looking for Jake and his truck.” It takes another couple of trips to get all of Jules’ electronics’ in the main sitting room. I help her carry the bedding from her apartment to the room she’s staked out with Ellie. The slumbering woman makes a pretty adorable picture, face down on the bed, wings akimbo and tail twitching now and again. Like her girlfriend, Ellie’s gained a set of hooves in place of her feet. A glossy grey color. I even see a bit of grey fur around where her ankle used to be. Jules kisses her softly on the back of the head, dumping an arm load of stuffed animals around her. She just sighs happily in her sleep and snuggles further under the thick comforter as we step out. “She’s definitely out until morning.” Lucas is looking through her collection of games when we get back to the sitting room. “You play kid?” He shakes his head. “Mom and dad thought they’d rot my brain or something I guess.” Jules snorts and starts connecting the wires. “Well I’ve been gaming my whole life and I’m fine right? Come on. Time to broaden your education kid.” I smile leaving the pair alone and start up the stairs. I slide my shoes off in my room, and step across the hall peeking into Jake’s. It’s one of the unused bedrooms in the cabin. Sparsely furnished with a dresser and bed. The closet stands empty and a large wardrobe dominates one wall. Jake’s sleeping in the bed and I cross the room quietly. I’m about to slip in with him when I see his face in the moon light filtering through the window. It’s noticeably more feminine. The jaw is softer, nose a bit smaller and lips definitely fuller. It’s still very much his face only with a feminine cast to it. If he’s noticed it already he can’t be taking it well. And if he hasn’t… I don’t think my reacting poorly would help the situation. Doing my best to ignore it I slide into bed with him. He stirs a bit but doesn’t wake. I gently brush some of the soft orange hair out of his face, smiling faintly. It actually suits him pretty well the more I see it. Especially with the changes in his face. I’ve never really looked at another woman in a romantic way before, but I can at least admit when one is pretty. Jake is definitely on his way to being a looker too. He finally opens his eyes when I slide my arm around his chest. It takes him a moment to realize I’m actually there, but when he does he smiles. “Hey.” I smile back. “Hey.” He pulls himself into a half-upright position. “Everything go ok?” I nod. “Yeah. Mike gave me a bit of a scare but it worked out for the better.” Jake puts an arm around me pulling me closer. “Good. Mike’s a good guy.” Practically nose to nose now, we come together for a kiss. Then another. I’m starting to wish he and I had gone out sooner. I could get used to spending my nights like this. *** Time to wake up. My eyes crack open to be greeted with Jake’s sleeping face. He looks so peaceful when he’s sleeping. Smiling a little I brush my lips across his briefly before crawling out of bed and crossing the room to the door. I hear him stir behind me but I decide to let him sleep. The sunrise is my time. He hasn’t been an entirely unwelcome presence the past few months, but secretly I always prefer to be alone to view it. No doubt this is her influence. I frown a little at that thought. How much of me is Erin, and how much is Celestia? I heard snippets of the others’ conversation on the way up. Talking about who they were becoming. How much they had in common with the ponies they were changing to match. Just how much did I have in common with the Princess? Settling slowly on the swing I realize this is a big one. My sunrise. Maybe our sunrise? Has she always been aware, watching behind my eyes as I watch the sun come up? As I live my life? Have I been a sort of unknowing warden, keeping a prisoner locked away in my psyche for the past twenty five years? If that’s the case she was showing considerable understanding the other day when we spoke. More and more it’s seeming very likely that she is indeed real, and not a figment of a damaged brain. Doctor Corddis is a fraud. That much I know for sure. Which means my brother is more than likely wrongfully committed. Markus seemed rough around the edges but not the type to attack someone unprovoked, and Luna certainly didn’t seem deranged when she spoke to me on the video. I could force my way into Bellvue and demand a visit I suppose. I am family after all. But that would mean I have to go back there… *** “This is for her own good Mister Rockwell. I understand it’s not pleasant having a loved one committed, particularly a child but Erin’s case is very severe. If major steps aren’t taken to get it under control now her mind could very well snap and suffer permanent damage under the strain of dual personalities.” I’m strapped to a gurney. Leather bindings on my wrists and ankles. “Uncle Pete! Uncle Pete please I’m sorry! I… I won’t do what I did again!” My uncle looks at me. Even as a child I could see the profound sense of helplessness afflicting the man. My heart began to beat faster as it seemed like he would change his mind. Then his eyes flick away. “How long?” The faceless Doctor shrugged. “Ideally? A week. If things go well and we find a good medication for her she could be out quickly. If things don’t go well it could be a month, perhaps two.” “I wanna be y’know… Kept in the loop. Call me if anything happens. I’ll be by as often as I can.” The Doctor shakes his head. “I’m afraid visits might make things worse. You’ll receive daily updates but the goal is to get her healthy as quickly as possible. Seeing you may trigger a relapse. We won’t know until we determine what’s causing her episodes.” My Uncle heaves a sigh. He always seemed larger than life to me. Stronger than anything. I believed there was nothing he couldn’t handle on his own. Slowly he nods. “Take care of my girl. I expect to hear from you soon.” He’s at my side now, running a hand through my hair and smiling as nice as I’ve ever seen him smile. “It’s gonna be ok Erin. The Doctors are gonna fix you up. No more nightmares. No more screaming or… Or hearing voices alright?” “Please… Please don’t leave me Uncle Pete. I don’t like it here. Please…” My pleas fall on deaf ears. Eyes moist my Uncle backs away allowing the men on either side of me to wheel me through a pair of large double doors. Uncle Pete and the Doctor stare after me until the doors slam shut with a loud boom. *** I jerk in the swing as the memory fades. I’m shivering and covered in a cold sweat. For a second I can feel those straps on my wrists and ankles. Smell that awful too-clean smell of a hospital. It fades quickly thankfully. With some annoyance I realize the sun has already crested the horizon and is on its way up into the sky. Giving it a derisive snort for its impatience I turn and head into the kitchen. To my surprise Ellie’s already sitting at the table, eating a bowl of Count Chocula. My Count Chocula… From my apartment that I’d saved from last Halloween. They only sold my favorite cereal around then and I was down to the last box. “…good morning Ellie.” She smiles toothily. “Mornin’ Princess! Didja raise the sun for us?” She giggles a little at that. Sighing softly I shake my head with a faint chuckle, getting a bowl for myself and pouring some breakfast. “Please try not to call me that. You know I don’t want anyone else to hear.” Her ears twitch one after the other. “I remember. No one’s sneaking up on us on hooves while I have these things. I can hear anypony walking around anywhere in the house.” I raise an eyebrow. “Anypony?” She shrugs smiling sheepishly. “I try to have fun. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing, or where I am. If I’m smiling and happy other people smile and get happy. Most of the time…” “Mmm. So you’re like a grey pegasus Pinkie Pie?” “Ooo! I am! I think? I mean Ditzy’s not really fleshed out in the show y’know? Just the one episode where Rainbow called her Derpy.” She frowned a little. I decide to change the topic. “So Lucas told me you fixed up some of the appliances?” She nods, happy smile returned. “The washer and dryer. And the dish washer! The fridge was mostly ok. The microwave is totally dead though.” “I’ll pick up a new one when I go into town today.” Ellie reaches for the box of cereal to pour another bowl. Seeing my look of alarm she withdraws her hand slowly. “Er… Why ya goin back into town?” I relax when I see my precious cereal is safe. With Lucas in the house too I better stash it up in my room. “Gotta let city hall know I’m living here. Not a big deal. Pop in, say hi to the mayor. Mayor Arnill’s been in offices for as long as I can remember.” She settles for a bowl of Lucky Charms in the chocolatey milk leftover from the previous cereal. There’s an idea I never considered. Chocolate milk on my cereal. Gonna have to try that. “She nice?” I nod. “Sure. I only talked to her once or twice but I know she and my uncle talked a lot. One of his only friends I can remember.” She nods a bit as we finish our breakfasts. I rinse out the bowls and set them in the dishwasher, happy that it’s up and running again. “Hey I was gonna pop down to the boat house and see if my Uncle’s fishing boat was any good. Wanna come?” Now she nods vigorously. “Sure! But um… Aren’t I not supposed to go out?” I shrug. “It’s seven in the morning and we’ll be inside the fence the whole way. No one’s gonna see us.” She happily falls into step with me as I head out the back door. I can’t hide a bit of a frown seeing the yard as over grown and ruined as it is. My Uncle took a lot of pride in his lawn care. There were a number of weed filled flower boxes dotting the path as we walked. Fond memories of spending the day planting flowers out here were drifting around my head, before I Realized Ellie had asked me a question. “Hm?” “I said could I uh… Ask you something? About Princess Celestia?” Sighing softly I nod. “Sure Ellie.” She seems a bit nervous now. “Do you talk to her? Like Markus talks Luna?” “I did. Once. The day before I met you and Jules. I took my pill and haven’t heard from her since. When I was little she talked to my Uncle a couple times I guess. Made him take me to the institute I got… Treated in. When I was younger I’d miss my meds now and then and have… A nightmare.” “The burning one.” My eyebrows raise and I look at her face. Her usual cheer is gone replaced by a look of somber sadness. “Me and Jules have it too. Sometimes. Markus had it a lot. Princess Luna told us it was a memory. We’d get little… Flashes of our past lives. The stronger the memory the more often we’d see it. I guess dying is a pretty strong one huh?” She tries to smile, but it falters and fades. “I wonder if the others have had it too?” She nods. “They have. We talked about it a little. Jules and I explained to the other three what Princess Luna had told us. About the Equestrian souls and stuff.” I frown now. “When was this?” She shrugs. “Last night. After we got done working and sat down for dinner. Don’t worry though! We made sure not to mention you and Celestia!” “Well… Thank you for that. I guess it’s nice they know what you know. Maybe it’ll make them feel a little better. Knowing there’s a reason behind this.” Ellie’s gaze drifts to the right as we come up to the greenhouse. “Wooooow! Neat! Can we go in?” I shrug. “Sure. Not much to see I’d imagine. Just more weeds and overgrown grass.” She’s not listening by now. Dashing across the grass to the large glass door she slows long enough to heave it open then darts inside. I can’t help but smile a little at her antics as I follow at a more sedate pace. I wasn’t wrong about the inside being over grown. It looks like a miniature jungle inside. Ellie is darting here and there, poking at the plant boxes. “Are we gonna fix it up?” I nod. “I’d like to. I liked gardening a lot when I was little.” “That’s the earth pony in you!” I blink. “The what?” She stands, brushing some dirt from her knees. “There’s a pretty common idea that the Princesses are a mix of all three pony tribes! Unicorn and pegasus are the most obvious but they have earth pony too. And earth ponies like y’know…” She waves a hand at the greenhouse. “I hadn’t thought of that. I wonder if Becky is gonna have super growing powers?” Ellie shrugs as we leave the greenhouse. “Maybe? Jules and Meg got their horns but couldn’t make em do any magic. I bet if Princess Luna were here she could teach them. I’ve been trying to fly but…” She flaps her wings rapidly. “Think I’m too heavy. I dunno if it’s cause I’m bigger than a pony or because pegasus magic lets them fly AND play with weather.” That was a slightly terrifying thought. Ellie ‘playing’ with the weather. Though it did bring up interesting possibilities with Jake. I wonder if he’ll be able to manipulate it when he becomes a full pegasus? It’d be nice to not have to worry about shoveling snow all winter. I only half-listen as Ellie rambles on about the different kinds of pony magic. The large boat house comes into view, half submerged in the lake. I unlock the padlock and tug the chain away from the door sliding it open and stepping inside. My Uncles fishing boat is suspended from the ceiling looking pristine as ever, if a little dusty. I smile running a hand along the side. “Looks good!” Ellie nods and quietly paces the length of the boat, both eyes roaming over it carefully. “It does!” I move to the winch slowly lowering it into the water. “Where’d you learn about electronics Ellie?” She doesn’t wait for an invitation to hop into the boat and move to the motor, prying it open and examining the insides. “I got my degree in electrical engineering a few years ago.” I tilt my head. “A FEW years ago?” She nods. “Uh huh. I graduated high school when I was fourteen. Went to college when I was fifteen.” Now I stand there blinking slowly at her. “Wait are you like some kind of… Genius or something?” Ellie replaces the cover of the motor and snaps it into place. “Or something! That’s kind of an obnoxious thing to call yourself isn’t it?” Moving to the front of the craft she works the panel under the steering wheel out, checking the wires there too. “Y-yeah I guess it is…” Now I feel bad. I just assumed she was sort of an… Idiot. Of course just because someone is extremely intelligent doesn’t mean they have to have their nose buried in a book all day and talk fancy. “A couple of these need to be replaced before you take it out! Is there a hardware store in town?” I snap out of my musings and look over to her. “Yeah there is.” “Alrighty! I’ll make a list of what we need. I guess I should check out the rest of the house too. If you’re going to the hardware store anyway we should make sure everything’s working a-ok!” I smile and nod. “Good idea Ellie. Thank you.” Her wings flutter a little as she smiles at the praise. “I-it’s nothing really.” I nod toward the house. “Come on let’s get back. I’m ready for a shower and other people might be getting up soon.” She giggles. “Not Jules. She’s a nooner.” We start the long walk back up to the cabin. “Hey Erin?” “Mmhm?” “Are you um… Going to keep taking those pills?” My frown returns. “I think so Ellie.” “But… But why? They’re bad for you! Luna and Markus both say so! You have the same problem we all do only… Only bigger! What if you get sick or something? What are we supposed to tell everyone else?” She has pretty valid concerns really. “I can’t stop taking them yet. We’re not self-sufficient enough to be completely without someone who can go into town. If I turn into a pony too that just leaves Lucas, and his leg is broken. Plus he definitely doesn’t know how to drive.” “Well… Yeah. That makes sense. But Princess Celestia could probably do all kinds of neat spells to help out! I bet she could just POOF up food with her magic!” Could she do that? It’s a good question really. But what if she can’t? What if my meds stop working properly if I let her out again? Or worse, what if she somehow takes control of my body from me? I don’t know if she could do that but the possibility is there. She may be angry I locked her back up, and decide her ponies are safer under her care and hers alone. Even if she’s not upset, if I can’t look normal again we can’t go into town anymore. “If I start to feel funny I’ll… Lay off the pills ok? Until then I think it’s best I keep taking them.” She doesn’t look entirely satisfied with my answer. How insightful is she? It’s easy to dismiss her with her odd wall eyed gaze and her bubbly nature but she’s clearly far more intelligent than she first appears. “Alrighty! You’re the boss!” I give her a relieved smile as he get to the back door. A smile that instantly drops. The sight at the table sends Ellie into a fit of giggles. Meg and Lucas are both digging happily into what I suspect is their second or third bowl of cereal judging by the empty box lying on its side on the table. The empty box of Count Chocula. Seeing the look of dismay on my face Meg just blinks. “What?” I march passed the table and upstairs to take a shower, Ellie’s loud giggling following me all the way. *** The sound of water running reaches my ears. I heard Erin walk into the bathroom next to my room, she must be taking a shower. It’s pretty easy to tell if it’s her walking around or not. She’s the only one of us without crutches or hooves. I sit up stretching my arms over my head and spreading my wings wide. It’s weird how quickly I’m getting used to them being there. It’s starting to feel like I’ve had them my whole life. Just like my arms and legs, they’re a bit stiff and sore in the morning. I wonder if that’s normal for a pegasus? Carefully flicking my tail out of the way I slide my legs off the bed. That’s another new appendage I adapted to owning pretty fast. Glancing down I twitch it again and send it flopping across my lap. It matches my new hair color of course. Bright orange streaked with yellow. All things considered it looks pretty badass, though I’d much prefer it not growing out of my butt. Frowning a little I run my hands through the hair making it up. It feels a bit greasy and tangled. I guess I should shampoo and brush IT out too? Do I even care enough about how it looks to bother? Apparently I do as its disheveled appearance is bringing a frown to my face. One hoof on the floor, I frown at the end of my other leg as I lower it slower. The bare skin is definitely smoother, and the hair along my legs is thinner. Harder to make out. Except around my hooves of course. It’s much thicker there and a bright yellow in color. Fetlocks I think is the name of the fur around a horses hoof. Do ponies call it the same thing? Probably. Everything in the show is a horse pun after all. It was weird at first, balancing on hooves. But the more I walked on them the more I realized it’s pretty much the same as I was walking before. I have to have that embarrassing wiggle in my hips but balancing on them isn’t so bad. Maybe even easier than on the balls of my feet. The hooves are wider and more solidly placed. Ears twitching playfully I move to the bathroom as quietly as I can on hooves. Erin didn’t bother to lock the door so I slip in and move toward the large tub. The shower curtains drawn and I take a moment to enjoy the image of her nude silhouette through the curtain. She’s not the curviest girl I’ve ever dated but she’s nice enough to give a guy a good view, I’ll give her that. Her back is to the door so she doesn’t see me coming as I slip up behind her. Of course climbing into a porcelain tub without slipping all over the place on hooves is a chore, which is something I discovered last night. Might be a good idea to have Erin pick up a bunch of those rubber mats for everyone next time she goes into town. She’s wiggling her hips back and forth doing some kind of bizarrely cute shower dance, to a tune only she hears. I can’t help but grin at the spectacle. “You coming in?” I yelp and jump back, wings flaring in alarm. “You heard me?” “I hate to break it to you, but hooves aren’t exactly built for stealth.” Smiling again I carefully climb into the shower with her, leaving my boxers on the floor. My smile fades almost immediately as we stare directly into each other’s eyes. I’ve gotten even shorter overnight. She sees my frown and cups my cheek softly. Those beautiful brown eyes of hers are so full of love and warmth I feel my own dour mood vanishing almost instantly. “It’s fine. I don’t like guys taller than I am anyway.” She grins playfully and I can’t help but smile back. “Well good. Because at this rate I’m probably going to be up to your belly button in a few days.” She laughs her warm, smile inducing laugh and I just feel better and better. She leans in and steals a kiss while I’m lost in her eyes, filling me with a warm fuzziness all over. My wings droop limply as we embrace under the hot water. A long, drawn out kiss passes between us before she pulls away slightly. “I need to shampoo.” I snatch the bottle of her strawberry scented dollar store crap and shake my head with a bemused grin. “This thing is enormous. Don’t they sell it in bigger containers?” She rolls her eyes. “You see all this hair I have? I go through one of those a week at the least.” Standing chest to chest I hold the bottle over her head squeezing some of the shampoo into her hair. She looks into my eyes smiling coyly as I lather her hair. It’s all I can do to keep my focus as the heavy strawberry scent I’ve come to associate with my mate fills the shower. It hardly registers that she’s holding the bottle over MY head now, until she dumps some of it in my hair. “Hey… That’s girl’s shampoo.” Erin leans in nibbling at the edge of one of my ears, sending shivers through my body. “It’s unisex.” Her fingers nimbly knead the berry scented shampoo into my scalp, the pleasant sensations killing my protests. “You’re so romantic.” She smiles at my dig and our lips meet again, longer this time. Her hands run down my sides and I jump a little when I feel her lathering my tail too. “This thing’s looking filthy.” I feel my cheeks redden with embarrassment. “Yeah well… You try growing one and remembering to shampoo it every morning.” A brief flash of… Something crosses Erin’s face. Shame? Guilt? Now I feel like an idiot. She must feel terrible that this is happening to all of us and not her. “I didn’t mean anything by it Erin.” Her smile returns as she gives my tail a gentle tug. “It’s fine. Come on let’s finish up and get downstairs.” She moves to turn away but I tug her back around to face me, bringing her in for a harder kiss. “You don’t get to play with my tail and get away that easily…” Her eyes are half lidded as she slowly eases onto her back in the large tub. “Well… Do what you must in avenging your tail’s lost pride.” I can’t keep the broad grin from forming on my face as I lower myself atop her, previous concerns about this morning’s discoveries all but forgotten. *** I can’t quite remember the last time I’ve had sex so frequently. It definitely wasn’t as nice as it was with Jake. Part of me wonders if I’m using it as a distraction from my many insane problems but I dismiss that. I love him I think. Technically we’ve only been dating for five days now but I’ve been spending more and more time with him over the last year. Lingering about the balcony after the sunrise. Dragging my heels at the mail boxes hoping to run into him. Fumbling with my keys just a minute too long so he catches up to me in the hall. Judging by the clean hair and tails I see on everyone, even a drowsy looking Jules is conscious and clean downstairs, it looks like folks are up and awake. “Everyone did an awesome job yesterday on the house. It means a lot to me you all worked so hard.” My words of praise seem to shift the mood in the room from ‘sleepily waking’ to ecstatically happy. Even Jules looks more bright eyed. “I thought today we could work on getting some of the other rooms cleaned up. The library upstairs, start working on the basement. Cleaning out the garage. Maybe even start putting a dent in that lawn. Sound good?” A cheerful chorus of ‘yeahs!’ are shouted back as everyone moves to get busy without delay. The group is definitely in a good mood this morning, which is nice. Jules and Ellie make a bee line for the basement without hesitation, a chore I’m more than happy to let someone else handle. Jake and Becky head toward the garage while Meg makes her way upstairs. Lucas looks to me questioningly. “Mmm. Actually I have a really important job for you.” He brightens at that and follows me eagerly out to the garage. I have to step by a semi-stunned Jake and Becky as I enter. I suppose I could have warned them that on top of boxes of old fishing and hunting gear and other sorts of accumulated junk over his long life, my uncle had quite the collection of vintage and classic cars. I just shrug as the pair turn questioning gazes toward me, and lead Lucas passed the dusty cars to the other end of the garage. “Here she is!” Standing right where I left it is the old moped I used to ride around town on. Definitely in need of some TLC. “This is your job for the next however long it takes to get her looking pretty again. Once that cast comes off she’s all yours.” His eyes go wide enough I think they might roll out of his head. “Really?!” I shrug. “Sure. Got a lot of use out of her but I can drive a car now. Your sister needs to say it’s ok first though. And I expect you to put in the work to get it looking nice.” “I will! I promise! I’ll uh… Get started right now!” “Start with a rag and a bucket of water. Get all the dust cleaned off. I’m sure there’s some wax around here for you to shine her up with after that.” He’s already making his way back to the kitchen in search of a dish towel. Jake and Becky watch him go, both with a smile on their face now. “That was really nice of you.” I shrug. “I doubt it’ll still run but if he really puts in the effort to clean it up I’ll pay to replace the motor. Plus this makes him feel useful, and he won’t be underfoot while we do the heavy work.” So saying I move toward the nearest stack of boxes. “A lot of this stuff is probably too old to be any good anymore so we can start a donation pile.” As I near the first box, Jake hastily steps in front of me hefting it before I can pick it up. He gives me a faint smile. “I got it.” I watch him cart it outside before shrugging and reaching for the next. Now Becky darts in front of me, cutting me off. “We’ll take care of the garage! Why don’t you help Meg in the library?” I stare at her semi-nervous seeming smile in confusion before finally throwing up my hands in surrender. “Fine. Why not? Have fun I guess.” Shaking my head at their odd behavior I trudge back to the house, heading up to the second floor. The door to the libraries’ already open so Meg must have found it alright. The dusty old room brings back fond memories. If I wasn’t outdoors with Uncle Pete I was in here reading. Usually with a cup of tea. The old man hated coffee but he had tea every day, sometimes a few times a day. I got into the habit of drinking it with him when I was young. The high walls are filled with shelf upon shelf of books. A pair of worn leather arm chairs sit beside a dusty old fireplace. I smile running a hand along the arm rest of the chair Uncle Pete got for me to sit next to his. Meg’s got the vacuum running over the carpet as I look pull myself from my nostalgic reverie. “Need a hand?” She blinks up at me, her smile not quite matching my own. “Actually I think I can handle it!” Now my face falls. “What? Alone? The library’s one of the biggest rooms in the house Meg.” Her eyes dart around taking in the huge, very dusty room. “Yup! Well I wanna feel like I’m earning my keep y’know?” I glance down seeing one of her hooves digging at the rug nervously. “Are… Are you sure? I mean I loved this library. I’d like to help out.” Meg nods firmly. “Absolutely sure! I’d feel bad if you had to work in here honestly. Why don’t you see if someone else needs a hand?” I stare at her hard for several moments before silently turning and leaving the library. Something seems weird. I’m not entirely sure what it is, but everyone’s acting a bit weird this morning. Shaking my head at the mystery of it I make my way down through the kitchen to the basement. Ellie and Jules are sorting through old boxes of clothes. “What’s the deal with your uncle? Why’d he keep your baby crap?” I shake my head helplessly. “The same reason any parent keeps their kids baby clothes I guess? Pretty safe to say we can toss them though. Most of this baby stuff really. Lucas is definitely too old for most of my old toys.” I step up to give the girls a hand, when a grey feathered wing snaps out and almost slaps me right in the face. I have to rear my head back to avoid it. “C-careful Ellie. You almost got me.” “Oops! Sorry! They get away from me sometimes.” She shrugs with a helpless giggle. I nod slowly, keeping an eye on her wings. “It’s alright. I know you didn’t mean it.” However, the second I move to pick up a box her wing snaps out again. I jerk back and land on my butt this time. “Ellie!” She chews her lip and looks to Jules. Both girls shift a little uncomfortably. “Look… Erin. I know this sounds kinda… Weird. But it just feels sorta… WRONG for you to be doing housework…” I stare at Jules incredulously. “What? Why in the world would it…” I trail off as I realize the source of everyone’s weird behavior. “…oh. It’s because of HER.” Ellie just looks more uncomfortable. “W-we can’t help it Erin. I mean it’s just a… A feeling. Deep down inside our tummies saying “the Princess doesn’t do housework, and we’d be awful subjects if we made her.” I feel myself growing angry. “I’m not a Princess! And you’re not my subjects!” Ellie flinches away looking slightly frightened, and Jules steps in front of her. “We know Erin. Relax. It’s probably like an instinct or something y’know? Some part of the old pony souls remembering Princess Celestia. Remember she was held in pretty high regard by everypony y’know? Us watching you haul boxes around would be like them watching Celestia pulling a plough or something.” I close my eyes trying to calm down. It’s not their fault. It’s all this Equestria craziness doing it. They can’t help act the way they’re acting and my getting angry at them isn’t going to help anything. Taking a deep breath I open my eyes. “I’m going outside to weed out my old flower boxes.” Both girls open their mouths and I silence them with a sharp look. “I loved gardening. The flower boxes are mine. Got it? No argument.” Both nod a touch sullenly. I smile now, and it seems to put them at ease somewhat. “Good. I’m not angry at anyone; I know it’s not your fault. But I’m not gonna sit on my butt watching TV all day while you all clean my old house.” “Alright Erin.” “Sorry Erin.” My smile grows a bit. “It’s alright. Don’t throw anything away without checking with me first though ok? Some of this stuff I’m gonna wanna keep. If it looks really damaged you can pitch it, otherwise stick it in a pile. We can sort it out later.” They both nod, Ellie even salutes smartly before Jules slaps her hand down. I grin now as I head back upstairs. I can work with this. Worse comes to worse I bet if I just ORDERED them to let me do something they would. And if I’m being completely honest with myself, having the five adult house guests refuse to let me do housework isn’t the worse situation I’ve ever been in. I’m keenly aware of Jake and Becky’s gazes on my back as I rummage through some boxes in the garage, finding the old gardening tools. Not even that rusty. Still I might replace them when I’m at the hardware store. I do my best to ignore them following me with their eyes as I head out to the first flower box. Kneeling in the dirt I get to work turning it over and tossing weeds over my shoulder. To my surprise I’m actually left alone. I don’t know if they can sense I genuinely want to be here doing this or if it’s something else. The sun is well on its way up into the sky before a shadow crosses the box over me. I glance back to see Becky standing there with a couple glasses of water. “Getting a little warm out. Thought you might want one.” “Thanks! Yeah I guess I’m working up a little sweat.” I don’t miss her flinch as she kneels beside me handing me the glass. Her hand inches toward the trawl I was using, but she freezes up at my icy look. Slowly she shifts around to the other side of the box, working on a different corner. “All done in the garage?” She shrugs. “Jake said he could handle it.” Seeing the look on my face she hastily continues. “I want to be out here. I just feel… Better working with the ground. I’ve been kinda staring at the lawn since we got here wanting to get to work on it. I think it’s the earth pony in me.” “Oh. Well alright just… Don’t try and shoo me away ok? I loved my gardens and flowers. These are important to me.” She looks like she’s visibly relaxing as I accept her help, and she seems to accept my explanation. We work in silence for a time, with her occasionally stealing glances toward me. “So.” I finally break the quiet. “Do you have family that’s going to be looking for you?” Becky shakes her head, her pale pink ponytail bobbing a little. “I called my folks yesterday. They live out in Wisconsin. Told them I was getting out of the city to avoid the craziness and stay with a friend for a while. Work was a little trickier. Doctor Stevens know about me and Jake but he’s not going to rat us out. Plus I didn’t tell him WHERE I was going to be staying.” I nod at that. “Well that’s good I suppose. Glad your folks won’t be worrying.” “You? I mean, do you have family outside your uncle?” I frown now, yanking at a particularly stubborn plant. “I have a brother I guess.” “You guess?” I shrug. “I just found out about him the other day. Becky and Jules are friends of his. He asked me to look after them.” Now she frowns. “Where is he then?” Poking at the dirt my frown grows. “Did Jake mention my condition?” She shakes her head looking concerned now. Not scared, just worried. “Are you alright?” “Sort of. I’ve had schizophrenia since I was little. I take medication to treat it. My brother, Markus has the same thing. Only he doesn’t take his meds. According to my Doctor he had a bad episode, attacked a woman and got committed.” Becky gasps eyes wide. “What? That’s awful!” “Yeah. I’d go see him but… But it’s the same place I spent time at when I was little. I have some pretty bad memories.” She nods sympathetically. “I can imagine so. That must have been hard.” Another stretch of quiet forms after that. We actually finish a couple of the flower boxes before she talks again. “So… I’ve been noticing something.” I look up. “What’s that?” She frowns a little now. “I’ve noticed everyone seems to be in a better mood when you’re around. When you were gone yesterday everyone was pretty down until Ellie started singing. And even then when we separated or stopped the sing alongs we’d get upset again. A little surly sometimes, dour. Like when you’re here I don’t think about what’s happening to me so much. It’s on my mind but it doesn’t seem as bad you know? When you were gone I couldn’t STOP thinking of it.” “W-well I’m not sure what that has to do with me…” She looks me in the eyes. “There’s the sunrise thing. Always up to watch it come up. Jake says you do it every morning for as long as he’s known you. Then the huge sweet tooth. You taking us all in out of nowhere. People are nice and understanding sometimes but that’s above and beyond. Then this morning when you tried to take those boxes I just felt like it was… Like it was WRONG for you to have to do that.” I’m looking increasingly uncomfortable I’m sure. She doesn’t look away however. “Erin is there something you’re not telling me? Telling us? About your condition? I… I hate to seem like I’m accusing you of something but…” I sigh. Shoulders sagging and sit back on my heels. “I’m surprised you put it all together before Jake.” Her eyes widen. “So… So are you really…?” I scowl now. “I’m NOT her. She’s just…” I tap the side of my head. “In here.” “Like really in there? You can hear her voice and everything? Not just little dreams like the rest of us get?” Closing my eyes I nod. “Really in there. I was changing too. Hair, eyes, cutie mark. I heard her voice the other day for the first time in years. We… Talked. I didn’t handle it well. My medication sort of keeps her locked up I guess.” “I… Wow. But if the Princess is in there can’t she help us? Can’t she find a way to undo all this or… Or at least I dunno, do SOMETHING for us?” I chew my lip, fidgeting with my fingers. “I’m scared of her. At first I was scared because I thought I was crazy you know?” Some of the eagerness leaves her eyes. “Y-yeah I can see how that would be.” “When I was a little girl, she started… Taking over. Talking to me, trying to talk to my Uncle. It’s why he thought I was nuts. He took me to Doctor Corddis and…” “Wait, wait, wait. Doctor CORDDIS?” I sigh. “Yeah. Yeah I’m pretty sure he’s Discord.” She gasps at the name. “He’s real too?” “Well obviously. He killed us all right? Or… You all I guess. Since I’m not a reincarnated pony, I just share my body with ones disembodied soul?” “I guess it makes sense the Princess would be able to sort of… Hold onto herself better than regular ponies.” I nod. “That’s what she said. Anyway the Doctor or Discord I guess gave me the pills to keep her quiet. Bellvue was so awful Becky. Every day I lived in fear of going back. Now though… Now I’m worried what if I let her out and she takes over. REALLY takes over, and doesn’t give me my body back?” Becky’s eyes go wide again. “Princess Celestia would never do that!” I raise an eyebrow. “Never? Not even if all of her subjects were scattered across a strange alien world and she wanted to help them?” “W-well… I mean…” “I don’t know that she would do that. I hope she wouldn’t. Everyone is changing now because of there being too much magic in the Equestrian souls for a human body to handle so…” “…so we’re becoming ponies so the magic doesn’t hurt us!” She finishes for me. I nod. “That’s what I’m told anyway. The same thing is going to happen to me. Eventually I’ll HAVE to stop taking the pills or I’ll die. But I don’t want to stop until I have to. It’s not just about me either. If I start changing no one will be able to go into town for us.” “That’s… Actually a good point.” “Right? All we’d have to rely on is a thirteen year old kid with a broken leg. My brother Markus is Luna’s… Host I guess. The two of them apparently have gotten pretty close over the years. I think Discord had them locked up because they were trying to get to me and Celestia. I think he’s afraid of us.” “Well duh. Outside the elements of harmony the Princesses are the only thing that could MAYBE stand up to him. Plus if they can use their magic and stuff here who knows what they could do? Definitely find the mane six and the elements y’know? Or make new elements? They never go into much detail about them.” She lapses into silence watching me with a faint frown. “You should tell Jake and everyone else.” “No! No please… Please don’t. Jules and Ellie know. But I don’t want everyone knowing about it. They might be more insistent I let Celestia out and I just… I can’t yet. Please don’t say anything.” Becky frowns. “I don’t like this Erin. But you’re giving me a roof over my head and if this is all you want in return that’s fine. But only for so long Erin. Jake has this the worst of any of us with his uh… OTHER big change coming. You’ve seen his face and how short he’s gotten I’m sure. He doesn’t have long until he’s y’know… One of us.” I nod. “I know Becky. I… I’ll skip my next pill I think alright? Maybe we can work something out where if Celestia isn’t being cooperative you guys can stuff a pill in me or something.” The idea doesn’t seem to sit too well with her but she shrugs. “We’ll worry about it when we have to. For now though, let’s head in huh? We’ve been at this all day.” She’s right about that. I get to my feet and help her to her hooves. She smiles her thanks but something about it seems off. “Open your mouth.” She looks curious but complies opening wide. “You um… have flat teeth.” Becky blinks and snaps her mouth shut. I can see her tongue running around inside it. “Well… I mean we knew that was coming right? Meat’s already tasting and smelling funny.” “You’re taking this pretty well.” She shrugs as we head toward the house. “Like I said I think that’s you. Or uh… Your passenger rather. Just being around her is probably making us feel better.” She’s probably right I realize. Everyone else is in the kitchen drinking and looking worn out, but happy. If my being around them is making them handle their situations better I can’t complain, and for once feel a little glad Celestia Is sharing my body with me. Maybe letting her out won’t be so awful? Seeing all the smiling faces in the kitchen grow happier as I enter, I’m starting to think maybe it won’t after all. > Chapter 9: Ponies About Town > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: Ponies About Town Jules it turns out is quite the chef when she wants to be. She whipped up an amazing stir fry out of a bunch of the veggies I picked up in the market. She even set some aside with beef in it for Lucas and myself. “So I’m going to head into town tomorrow and run a couple errands. Definitely going to the hardware store. Ellie has a list of stuff she wants to fix up around the place while she still has y’know…” I wiggle my fingers drawing a bit of laughter from everyone at the table. “I want to get new gardening tools and some dining room chairs that aren’t crummy metal folding ones. If there’s anything anyone wants just leave a note on the table, I’ll be leaving early.” Becky frowns a little from the sink while she and Meg work on cleaning the dishes. “I don’t know if the chairs will be necessary. In the show the ponies only sit on them when they’re at someplace fancy or something right? Don’t they usually use cushions or something?” Jake nods. “She’s right. Maybe we could find one of those low tables like they use in some Japanese restaurants?” Jules makes her way to the sitting room with Ellie trailing behind. “We don’t even know how big we’re going to be when this is all over though right? We should probably wait until we finish changing.” I nod. “Becky’s right. So I’ll scratch the chairs for now but the rest of the stuff I still wanna get. I might look into a riding mower too. Uncle Pete liked the push ones but I’m not too keen on mowing all that out there with a push mower.” Everyone in the kitchen opens their mouths at once, no doubt to protest me having to mow the lawn. “You guys can handle the back yard fine but you can’t exactly be walking around in the front yard can you?” That does a good job of silencing their protests. I get up from the table and move to the living room. Jules looks up as I enter. “What’re the chances of us gettin’ hooked up to the net? I can live without cable but I’d really like to get the internet going.” I hadn’t even thought of that. “We should probably get cable installed too. If I have them come turns us on do you think you can handle the wiring Ellie?” She nods with a toothy grin. “Yup! Do it quick though while I still have my hands. Course I could probably talk you and Lucas through most of it. It’s not too rough.” “I’ll call tomorrow then. If we’re lucky they can get someone out here early. Might be a good idea to have all the ponyfolk hide out in the greenhouse or the boat house though.” Everyone else is soon coming in from the kitchen, getting comfortable around the big television. I scoot a bit on the couch so Jake can slide in next to me, resting my head against his chest. His noticeably thinner arms wrap around my waist holding me closer. Ellie looks around at everyone before breaking into a smile. “Let’s do a slumber party! We can make a buncha the snacks Erin got and stay up all night watching movies and stuff!” Jules rolls her eyes but Meg and Lucas are both smiling at the idea. “That could be fun. Maybe Erin’s got some old board games around here?” Ellie leaps to her hooves using her wings to help steady herself. “I Found boxes of ‘em downstairs! I’ll go get ‘em!” She’s already racing off before anyone can say anything. Jake looks at me curiously and I shrug. “I’m game I suppose.” He kisses me on top of the head and slides off the sofa heading upstairs. “I’ll grab some stuff to sleep on then.” Becky and the siblings head off to do the same leaving me alone with Jules. “Sorry. She gets a little worked up around groups.” I shake my head with a smile. “It’s fine. Anything to keep everyone’s spirits up right? I got to talk to Ellie some this morning. Wouldn’t have pegged her for a child genius.” Jules snorts. “No kidding right? She’s kind of a space case but when she focuses on something I’ve never seen her not do what she set out to do y’know? It’s getting her to focus that’s the trick.” “So have you tried to do magic yet?” She looks up at her horn cross-eyed. “A little. I uh… Glared at some stuff trying to make it float. Nada.” “I wonder if there’s a trick to it?” She shrugs. “Probly. Luna or um… you know… Could probably help out there.” I nod with a little sigh. “You might be able to ask her soon. I think I’m going to quit taking the meds. I’m scared of what might happen when she gets free again but she may be the only one who can give us some solid answers. Heck she might even be able to change everyone back you know?” Jules rubs the back of her neck. She looks like she wants to say something but she doesn’t strike me as the empathetic sort. “Well hey! Worst case scenario is uh… She takes over your body right?” I just raise my eyebrows and she sighs. “Yeah sorry I got nothing. Try and look at the positives? I mean magic, flying, moving the sun and the moon is pretty cool right?” “Something tells me if I started moving the sun and moon around it might cause problems for the rest of the world.” “Mm. Can’t argue there.” She pushes herself up off the ground. “Ellie’s gonna wanna watch a movie or something. I’ll go get some popcorn goin’.” I’m content to just sit back and let everyone get things set up. It’s a little odd watching them walk about with their legs having that strange extra joint though they seem pretty sure footed on their hooves now. No wobbles or tripping like there was at first. Jake retakes his seat beside me on the couch, wrapping us both up in the thick blanket from my room. Jules is handing out large bowls of popcorn while Meg and Becky start spreading blankets and pillows along the floor. Lucas carefully settles in the arm chair as Ellie returns with a sigh. “Some water got into the box with the games. They’re all pretty ruined.” Her girlfriend smiles and squeezes her arm comfortingly. “Well we can watch movies or something right? You can even pick first. Erin grabbed tons of stuff from everyone’s places.” Ellie lets out a cheerful little ‘squee’ and starts rummaging in the stacks of videos. After a few minutes she finally selects a box, shuffling over to Jules’ game system to stick the disc in. “Well don’t keep us in suspense. What’re we watching?” A loud chorus of groans and boos, mixed with a handful of thrown popcorn greets her reveal. ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 1’.” *** I was booing along with everyone else but truth be told it’s never a bad time to watch ponies in my opinion. Even with all the changes going on with my body, something about the show just brings a smile to my face. Either that or the warm body of Erin pressed close against me beneath the blanket. That’s probably a contributing factor to my good mood as well. Everyone settles down soon as Ellie starts the first episode, for Lucas’ benefit. At first he looks less than enthusiastic at the prospect of watching such a ‘girly’ show but once Nightmare Moon makes her debut he’s obviously pretty into it. He even makes us pause and rewind it when Lyra’s in the background and Ellie started screaming that Meg was on screen. He looks from the image to his sister appraisingly. “Yeah I can kinda see it! You guys have the same hair and eyes and stuff.” Meg smiles up at him from the floor. “Yup. Couple days and we’re gonna be twins I bet. Hey there’s Ellie. Too bad we don’t have any booze. Spot the Derpy was a drinking game with some of my college buddies.” So she went to college? I wonder how she ended up out on the streets. Maybe she had to drop out. Everyone has a good time picking out the different characters. Lucas seems really interested when the Princess’ make their debut. “So your friend Markus is Princess Luna?” Jules and Ellie are lying in front of the couch, heads leaning on each other’s shoulders. “Not exactly. They’re different from us. We have reincarnated ponies in us making us pony up. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are a lot stronger so they’re sharing a body. They came through the big disaster as themselves, just without bodies.” I feel Erin stiffen against me under the blanket and frown a little. Is she cold? Or is it talk about Markus that’s upsetting her? I run a hand down her arm comfortingly and she seems to relax. “So where is Markus?” Now the girls look up at Erin from the floor. She looks uncomfortable again. “He’s uh… Sick Lucas. He’s getting treated and should be better soon.” This seems to satisfy his curiosity. “I hope I get to meet him and the Princess soon. And Princess Celestia too! I wonder where she is?” Erin tenses up again and I look down at her in concern, leaning in to whisper. “You ok?” She just nods once not looking up at me. Now I’m frowning, but I go back to rubbing her arm gently while we watch. “Hey! We didn’t see Jake? Is the pony he’s changing into in the show?” “Yup!” Ellie goes to the episode select. “Let’s see… Here we go! This’ the first one where we see the Wonderbolts.” Now it’s my turn to get a little uncomfortable. I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but I definitely think this whole thing is worse for me than everyone else. It’s pretty clear by now I’m going to end up just as female as the rest. It’s the episode where Rarity gets her wings of course, when Dash performs the sonic rainboom. I tune out the chatter around me as the scene where Rarity’s wings burn up comes on. Rainbow Dash hasn’t noticed her falling yet and the Wonderbolts are springing into action… *** “Unicorns! Nothing but trouble am I right captain?” I snap a glare over to Soarin. “Less yapping more flying!” He and Swiftwing are hot on my hooves as I leap from the judges box and dive after the plummeting mare. Not that I can entirely blame him. Unicorns belong on the ground, not up in the clouds. Personally I think it’s insulting that one would give themselves wings with magic. Like they’re trying to impersonate a Princess. The mare’s shrieking is audible even over the screaming wind blasting in my ears. I tuck my wings in close to my barrel and angle downward in a steep dive. I feel the adrenaline rising like it always does when I’m in the air. The mare’s flailing her legs wildly as I close. I’m about to tell her to calm down when a hoof connects solidly with my muzzle sending spots dancing before my eyes. To my horror I feel my body going numb. Did she really kick me that hard? Still it’s not over yet. Soarin and Swiftwing are… Are also kicked in the face and freefalling. I blink rapidly trying to collect my thoughts. Come on Spitfire you’re the Captain of the Wonderbolts for Celestia’s sake! No matter how much I shout at myself I can’t seem to get my wings to respond. The ground is getting uncomfortably close when a new sound reaches my ears. Groggily I look toward the sky above in time to see a spectacular explosion of color beyond anything I’d imagined. The deafening boom that accompanied it could only be one thing. Somepony had pulled off the impossible. A sonic rainboom. It was that rainbow maned filly… Rainbow Dash? That must be it. She fearlessly swoops in snagging my dazed team AND the screeching unicorn before rocketing back into the air carrying all four of us. The strain has to be insane but she’s grinning like a maniac. It’s a grin I recognize. One I wear all the time. By the time we reach Cloudsdale again there are medics waiting to rush us away. I barely get to say a thing to the pony who saved myself and my teams’ lives before we’re carted off to be looked over. It’s an infuriating few minutes before they clear us. I rush out to find the kid but she’s already left I’m told. Promising myself to find her later I sigh heading to the dressing rooms in the back. I’m proud of my uniform. Proud to wear the Wonderbolts colors but sometimes a full bodysuit gets a little uncomfortable when you work up a sweat. I don’t need to look to see who entered behind me. “Pretty exciting competition this year huh Captain?” A coy smile spreads on my muzzle as I nudge the locker shut. “This is the mare’s locker room Soarin.” He sidles closer leaning against my side affectionately. “I locked the door.” Soarin is probably one of the only ponies in the entire world to hear me giggle. He gets to hear me do it now and it causes him to get the same goofy grin it always does. Then I pounce him tackling him to the floor. “Well what are we going to do all alone in this locker room you big stallion you?” His smile turns sly as he starts to kiss down my muzzle and neck. “I’m sure I can figure out something…” *** I let out a screech of alarm as Jake suddenly lurches upright, flipping me off the couch and onto an equally shocked Jules and Ellie on the floor. Everyone stares at him with a mix of concern and astonishment, or annoyance in Jules’ case. He’s covered in a sheen of sweat breathing heavily. His eyes are wide open as they flash from face to face in the room, before he vaults over the arm of the couch and bolts out the back. Murmurs of concern start to drift around the room, but I force a smile. “It’s alright everyone. Just go back to the show. He probably had sympathy pains with cartoon Spitfire huh?” This gets a little laughter from everyone but Becky. I get to my feet chasing after Jake. He hadn’t gone far. He’s on his hands and knees on the ground sucking in deep breaths of air. Frowning I move to his side kneeling beside him. He flinches violently away as I lay a hand on his shoulder. I pull it back clenching it at my side. “Jake what is it?” He closes his eyes breathing heavily in silence. Eventually he opens them again and sits back on his heels. “I… I remembered something. About Spitfire’s life.” “Because of the scene on the show?” Jake nods. Whatever it was must’ve shaken him up pretty badly. “Was it you know… Almost dying?” He shakes his head. “After that. Me and Soarin… I mean SHE and Soarin!” He scowls. “SHE and Soarin met up in the locker room and… You know.” “…oh. Oh! Oh Jake... I’m sorry. That must have been really weird to remember.” “I knew this was coming. The you know… Girl parts. But what if it’s not just physical? What if I like… LIKE… Guys or stallions or whatever?” I scoot closer, taking his hands in mine. “I don’t think that’s going to happen Jake. All the similarities between you and your past self are already pretty obvious right? Spitfire was a stunt flier and some kind of military commander? I mean Wonderbolts academy is like boot camp right? But you definitely like women now. Unless you’re a fantastic actor because after the last few nights we’ve shared you’d deserve an Oscar.” He can’t help but smile at my absurd words. “We’ll get through this.” I squeeze his hands tighter. “And I plan to go get Markus… Soon. Maybe Princess Luna can do a spell to you know…” I wave my hand between his legs. “Make a stallion of you again.” I see a little hope spark in his eyes at that. “You think? Maybe she could even make us all human again!” I tilt my head. “Maybe. Let’s just go one step at a time huh? Even if you’re stuck as a mare, I’m not going anywhere unless you want me to. Alright?” He looks skeptical. “Really?” My smile turns playful as I tug him in closer. “I’m not some sheltered prude you know? I went to college. Did a little… Experimenting. Of course she wasn’t a pony but…” Now I have his interest again. “Go on.” We kiss as I lean back in the grass pulling him down atop me. He shivers as I speak softly into his ear. He’s more than happy to show he’s not quite a mare yet in the back yard with me. *** Time to wake up. I could almost swear my inner alarm sounds like it was giggling at me this morning. I blink awake feeling a bit stiff in the back. Oh right, we had sex in the back yard and just fell asleep in the grass. With a small twinge of embarrassment I realize Jake is curled up against me rather than the other way around. He’s actually smaller than I am now. Average height for a woman his age I suppose. I’m generally considered on the taller side and his head comes about to my chin I’d guess. I feel something warm and silky against my legs. Glancing down I see Jake’s own entwined with mine. Up to the knee… Is that called the knee on a horse? Probably not… But up to where his leg joints down to his hooves his legs are covered in a fine yellow fur. It’s spreading from his tail across his hips and from his wings over his shoulders too. His neck is slim and smooth while his face looks flat out female now. Though his nose and mouth are a bit more pronounced. I kiss him softly before slipping loose and getting to my feet. With a faint grunt I start getting dressed. Jake stirs a bit as I move around. I tuck him in with his own shirt and pants before heading around to the front porch. My shoes and socks left behind as I walk through the chilly spring morning barefoot. I’ve never been cold that I can remember. I’ve been too warm certainly, but never cold. Uncle Pete used to go nuts when I’d run out the door in shorts and a t-shirt to play in the snow. No doubt another little gift from Princess Celestia sharing my body. I’m vaguely aware of the audience peering at me through the window as I stand on the front porch leaning on the railing and watching the sun come up. Like every morning I stand nearly transfixed as it crests the horizon. Once I get the feeling of ‘you can look away’ in my breast I turn to the window sharply. A surprised Ellie and Becky flail back away from their spying place, bringing a smile to my face. I enter through the front door heading to the kitchen where the two conscious members of our little group are sitting at the table trying to act like they weren’t just peeking at me. “Good morning.” I don’t hide the dryness in my voice. Both turn very wide, very fake smiles my way. “Morning!” I fish out the box of Lucky Charms from the cupboard and sit to my woefully chocolate free bowl of cereal. “D’you have that list of stuff you need Ellie?” With a chipper nod she slides a sheet of paper my way. I eye it casually as I eat. “Do you two want to ask me something?” “Do you raise the sun?!” Both of them practically blurt out together. I roll my eyes. “Girls if the sun didn’t rise without the Princess and me, I think half the planet would be frozen over by now don’t you?” They both look a bit sheepish at my obvious logic. “W-well maybe Princess Celestia coming here made it so she needed to raise it.” “I don’t think so guys.” I rinse out my bowl. “I’m grabbing a shower then heading into town alright?” I get affirmatives from both before heading up to shower. Part of me keeps hoping Jake surprises me in the shower again; alas it’s not to be. After my woefully uneventful clean up I get some fresh clothes and head down to get my shoes. Jake’s still dozing away and I’m happy to let him. Everyone else is still asleep so I take Ellie’s list and climb into the borrowed SUV. That reminds me, I should probably call Mike sometime today and touch base. I wonder if he’s found anything else out about Discord? Funny how easy it is to call him that now. Something else has started to bother me. Now that I’m even considering going back to Bellvue to get Markus, more and more I’m starting to realize I have no idea where it is. That’s something I should ask him to check into as well. The dirt road soon turns into pavement as I turn onto the proper roads of Thilton. It’s early but the mayor’s office should be open already. I’ll stop in there first and let them know I’m back properly. Town hall is right smack in the middle of town so it’s easy enough to find it. There’re only a couple cars in the lot so I park near the entrance and hop out. There’s a younger guy I don’t recognize at the receptionists’ desk. He’s nursing a mug of steaming coffee, and looks a little surprised to see me come in. “Uh… Can I help you?” I nod. “Yes I’m here to see Mayor Arnill please.” Suddenly he starts to look nervous. “Mayor Arnill retired about three years ago. Tom Lonkin took the office pretty quick after he came back from college.” My eyes widen slightly at that. I went to high school with Tom. Last I heard he was in New York getting a law degree. “No kidding? We went to school together! He’s the mayor huh?” The young man returns my smile, if shakily. He’s almost imperceptibly edging closer to the door to the mayor’s office. It does say Mayor Lonkin instead of Arnill on the glass. His assistant is almost fully blocking the door. “I’m afraid he’s very busy.” My eyebrows rise. “Very busy? At quarter to eight in the morning? I’m pretty sure we’re like the only three people in the building.” “W-well he um… He has a lot of paperwork to catch up on!” I frown now. “Tom? Tom are you in there?! It’s Erin! Erin Rockwell!” The assistant’s eyes dart from me to the door in concern. Eventually someone answers. “It’s alright. She can come in Terry.” Frowning a little the guy, Terry moves aside. “If you’re sure…” Now my curiosity is roused fully as I open the door to the mayor’s office. The man behind the desk is definitely not the guy I remember from school. Of course the pink hair and large furry tan ears are new. Tom’s eyes are a crystalline blue as he looks back at me nervously. “Uh… Hey Erin. Been a while.” I can only nod slowly. “Y-yeah. You look… Pink?” He shrugs. “Thought I’d try something new?” I step into his office closing the door behind me. His voice is definitely higher. Smoother. He’s looking self-conscious under my stare now. “Sorry I uh… Didn’t expect this.” He looks back to his paperwork. “W-well you know… I just woke up with a cutie mark. I dunno if you watched that My Little Pony show? It’s the mayor’s mark from the town.” “I thought the mayor had grey hair?” He shrugs. “She dyes it. In the uh… Gabby Gums one?” I ease into the seat across from his desk. “I haven’t seen that one.” “No? It’s uh… It’s a crusaders episode. One of the better ones I think.” I smile trying to keep the talk casual. “My boyfriend has me watching it. I’ve got him and a few guests up at the cabin. We’re going to be staying for a while.” “Oh yeah? Well it’s nice to have you home!” His smile is genuine, as is the one I return. I glance back at the door. “So who knows?” He doesn’t have to ask for clarification. “Pretty much the whole town. It’s not just me. Remember Daisy, Rose, and Flora?” I nod. “The hippy triplets? Oh jeez that’s kinda mean isn’t it?” Tom shrugs shuffling some papers on his desk and signing a few. “Well they’re hippies and triplets so it’s not that mean. They’ve got it too. Whatever IT is that’s turning us into cartoon characters.” I now slowly. “And no one’s you know… Called the CDC or whatever?” He raises an eyebrow. “Are you kidding? We stick together in Thilton. You know that. Whatever’s wrong with us Doc Jones says he can’t find any cause for it. And we’re not hurting any, or hurting anyone else. No one’s gonna rat us out.” A relieved smile forms on my face as I lean back in the chair. “That’s… That’s really good to hear Tom.” Now he looks curious. “So this boyfriend. And all your house guests… Are they?” I nod. “They are. There’s five of them up there. I dunno if you guys have seen it but Detroit is turning into some kind of militarized zone. I thought they’d be safe up here. Lord knows I have the room.” Now he’s nodding. “The Cabin’s probly the biggest plot of land owned by anyone in Thilton that’s for sure.” “Well hey if you, y’know wanna go somewhere and just hang out with folk like… Like you. You’re welcome to come by anytime Tom. Let the girls know too huh?” He looks genuinely touched at that. “Thank you Erin. I might just take you up on that offer. If nothing else it might be nice to socialize with other pony people. At this rate though it’ll just be other ponies huh?” I shrug with a little smile. “Looking like it, yeah. I should probably get going; I was really just stopping by to say hi to Mayor Arnill. Didn’t know she retired.” “Oh! I almost forgot. You’re not the only one who just moved back?” “Oh? Who else?” He grins. “Nikki Blake! You guys were close in school weren’t you?” I nod. Best friends is more the word I’d use. After we graduated though she went off to California to pursue her dream of becoming an actress. “Guess things didn’t work out in L.A. huh?” “Guess not. She’s back with her folks if you wanna pop in.” I smile. “I just might. Thanks Tom! And really, come by. In fact you could even stop by for dinner. We have tons of food and everyone up there is really nice.” He returns my smile. “I think I will. I’ll come around tonight then Erin. Thanks. If I see one of the girls I’ll let them know too?” “Sounds good! See you tonight then.” I step out of his office, to find a concerned looking Terry blocking my way. “You’re not going to say anything are you? Call the government on us?” I shake my head. “No. I was just telling Tom I have a bunch of folks with the same condition staying with me. Are you and he…?” He nods. “Together? Yeah. Though this has kind of put a bit of a strain on things.” “Pretty understandable. My boyfriend’s going through it too so I feel for you. Best advice I can give is to stick by his side. He’s going to need you pretty soon.” He just frowns and steps aside letting me passed. I head out to the car feeling a little better. It’s nice to know we can relax, if only a little at home. Next stop is the hardware store. Dean's Tools and More has been run by Mr. Dean since I was a girl. And he was old even back then. The little bell jingles overhead bringing to mind all the times I’d come in here with my uncle. The old man’s behind the counter like always. His eyes light up when I come in. “Is that little Erin Rockwell?” I blush a bit and offer a tiny wave. “Hi Mr. Dean.” “Good grief girl. I thought you’d left for the city? What’re you doing back in Thilton?” I shrug a bit. “All this craziness about the you know… Pony thing is making it hard to live there. There’re military people and trucks everywhere now.” He nods slowly. “So you know about the folks in town?” “I know about Tom and the girls’ out on the commune.” “Weird shit eh?” I choke a little hearing the man curse so easily. But Markus probably squeezed a dozen swear words or more into our short conversation. “Very. Anyway I’m here to get some wiring to fix up the cabin. Maybe replace a few gardening tools too.” He takes the list from me eyeing it carefully. “I have all this. Didn’t know you were so handy.” “Oh! Ha no. One of the folks staying with me is. She’s going to be doing the repairs; I’m just the errand girl.” “Aha. Well lemme get these for ya. You go ahead and find whatcha need for your garden. You always grew the best flowers if I remember right.” “Well thank you sir.” I head off to the gardening section. At first hesitant at the prices of the more deluxe tools I shrug. I’m already spending Uncle Pete’s money left and right, might as well go all in. Helping myself to a collection of the nicer ones I head back to the counter. We exchange a bit more small talk before I dump the bags out in the SUV. I consider driving up to the big Wal-Mart for the kitchen table but dismiss that idea. I’ve always preferred shopping at the little stores in town. Supporting local business and all that. Which is by and large the opinion shared by most of Thilton. Honestly I’m surprised the big department store is still in business. Most of the cars in the lot belong to the employees. The smell of wood and varnish is thick in the store. I nod politely to the owner as I start shopping around. There are plenty of tables to choose from. Nice tables at that. But none of them feel quite right to me. I almost feel like it’d be doing Uncle Pete a disservice by replacing the table he crafted himself. Then an idea comes to me. The owner looks up sleepily from his morning paper as I approach. “Hey I had a question. Would it be possible for you to adjust a table for me?” He sets his paper down. “Adjust how?” I tilt my head considering how to phrase it. “I need the legs shortened. A lot. Almost to the floor.” His eyebrows rise at the request. “Why?” I rub the back of my neck. “It’s… Personal. I can pay for your time though.” Eventually he nods. “Well don’t see why not. Should be easy enough. Fifty bucks sound fair?” Having less than no idea how much something like this would normally cost, but seeing the price tag on many of these tables is a couple hundred dollars it sounds fair to me. “Sure thing. When should I bring it in?” He studies me a moment. “You’re the Rockwell girl right? Lives up at the wood mansion?” I blush at the description some folks in town have for the place. “That’s me.” He shrugs. “I’ll stop by tonight after I close up. Shouldn’t take more than an hour. You can just haul it out to the yard or the garage and I can fix it up for you.” “Thank you so much sir! I’ll keep an eye out.” He nods and goes back to his paper. So far this morning’s been pretty good. Got all my business taken care of. I guess I could drop in and say hi to Nikki. We haven’t talked in years but we were really close in school. On the way to her folks’ place I call up the local cable company and set up a time for them to come by and drop off the stuff we’ll need to get set up. They fight with me a bit about me doing my own installation and wiring but in the end they relent. Saves me a couple hundred dollars too. The Blake’s live in the small suburban area of Thilton. A few dozen houses holding most of the town’s population really. The white picket fences and perfectly maintained lawns are just the way I remember them. I remember Nikki’s address too. I even see Mr. Blake out collecting the morning paper. He sees me through the windshield and I wave cheerfully. To my confusion he looks more alarmed than happy and rushes back into the house. Slowly I slide out of the seat and make my way up the walkway to the house. Mrs. Blake was always the sweetest woman. Warm, kind, and perpetually cheerful. She’s also always been on the heavy side, and is currently barricading the front porch with her body. “Hello Erin.” There’s a strange bit of coldness in her voice. “Uh… Morning Mrs. Blake. I heard Nikki had moved back to town and wanted to say hello.” Something in my voice causes her to ease up on the icy treatment. “Oh. Well that’s nice of you but she’s in bed.” That seemed odd. Nikki had always been an early riser. Not quite as early as me of course, but still she liked to be up and attacking the day early. Usually that involved calling me and going on about whatever ‘horrible’ event in her life had caused the newest social catastrophe. “Could I come in and wait? I don’t have much to do today.” She glances back at the house. Mr. Blake is watching with a faint frown from the window. “She’s sick.” “Sick?” She nods. “Very sick. I’d hate for you to catch what she has.” Normally I’d shrug, ask her to have Nikki call me and call it a day. But there’s one thing Nikki and I, as well as most of the people I’ve met recently have in common. We shared a birthday. Same day, same year. “Mrs. Blake is Nikki sick with what Tom is sick with?” Her eyes widen in alarm and now Mr. Blake steps out onto the porch. “We don’t want any trouble Erin. We’re going to keep Nikki inside away from everyone. She won’t give what she has to… To anyone else alright?” I smile in what I hope is my most convincing manner. “It’s alright. Really. I’m not going to call the feds on you or anything. I’ve got five cases of it up at the cabin. Please, can I see Nikki?” They look reluctant but finally nod. “She’s up in her room.” I smile my thanks and step inside quickly. The house hasn’t much changed since I’ve been here last. I head up the stairs to Nikki’s room. Second door on the right. I knock softly and wait a minute. “It’s open!” I push the door open stepping into the room I spent most of my time in when I wasn’t at home. A few unpacked suitcases are stacked neatly against the wall by the closet. Everything is tidy and orderly like it always was growing up. My old friend’s new violet hued eyes widen in alarm when she sees me. Her hair and tail are a pretty gorgeous shade of silver. A dark blue horn peeks out of her forehead, ears and hooves to match it visible as well. “E-Erin?!” She grabs at the covers frantically trying to hide her inhuman parts. “Hey Nikki. You don’t… You don’t have to cover up. I’ve seen it. A lot lately.” This seems to put her at ease slightly. “Y-you have?” I nod. “Mmhm. Whole buncha folks up at the cabin with the same thing.” She scoots to the edge of her bed. “Really? Isn’t… but isn’t it illegal to hide someone with all this going on? That’s what the news said.” I shrug. “I’m rich. I can do whatever I want.” This draws a laugh from her. Though it’s a short one. “I guess you can huh?” I drag her computer chair over from the desk and settle in it by the bed. “It’s good to see you, despite the circumstances.” Her smile returns, though it’s faint. “It’s nice to see you too Erin. I didn’t expect you to ever come back to Thilton.” I shrug. “My boyfriend’s you know… Going pony. I wanted to get him someplace safe. I picked up a few stragglers along the way.” “Going pony. I had a friend in acting school who wanted me to watch that old show. I sort of snubbed her about it though. Who wants to watch a cartoon about talking ponies? I shrug again. “It’s actually pretty good. I’ve been watching it here and there since all this began.” She bites her lip. “Does it like… Tell what’s going on?” “No. No I don’t think so. But I do sort of know what’s happening.” I spend the next while explaining everything to her. She sits through it more or less without making a sound, just a soft gasp when I explain what the fiery dream means. “So… So I’m… A reincarnation of a pony? Of an alien creature from another world?” “Uhh… Yeah. That’s one way of putting it. You’re still you; just the magic in you is dangerous so it’s changing you to match. It looks like you’re Trixie.” “That name is ridiculous.” I shrug. “All their names are sort of ridiculous Nikki. I want to find my brother though. He has one of the Princesses in him. I’m sure she can help us out with all sorts of things.” “I still can’t believe you’ve had a brother all this time.” “Me either.” She frowns. “You have no idea where he is?” Now I frown. “He’s… Well he’s in Bellvue.” Her eyes widen at that. “Oh. Oh Erin I’m so sorry. I know what that place was like for you. Jeez you woke up screaming for weeks after coming back from there.” I do my best not to think about that. “Well it’s where he is and so it’s where I need to go. As soon as I can find it.” We sit together in silence for a while. “Well. Even despite all this is really IS nice to see you Erin.” I grin. “You too! What was L.A. like? Did you meet any celebrities?” She rolls her eyes. “I served drinks to plenty of them. It’s not quite as easy to break into the acting business as they make it seem sometimes. I did a commercial. I was in the background during an ad for Coke. You’ve probably seen it!” She considers for a moment. “Actually you probably didn’t. Still no TV?” I shrug. “We have a few at the cabin now?” She laughs at that. The longer I’ve been here the more relaxed and like herself she seems to be getting. “It’s nice to see some things never change Erin.” I give her knee a pat. “Hey! You should come by tonight!” She frowns. “I don’t know Erin…” “Really. Tom’s coming for dinner. And you’ll like everyone at the cabin. They’re all super nice.” She bites her lip. “If my folks can give me a lift then sure. Driving with these things is tricky.” She lifts her leg showing a hoof. “If you like you can just come back with me now. Everyone’s mostly doing clean up still. I remember how much you liked helping me in my gardens.” My grin is teasing, and she rolls her eyes. “Nothing more fun that digging in the dirt all day.” She stares at me for a moment. “Still… This has been lovely. And it might be nice to be around other people with my condition. Alright! I’ll tag along.” She starts to chatter away about what her life in L.A. was like. Personally it sounds pretty awful to me. Detroit was the biggest city I’ve been to and I have no intention of changing that. This morning in town reminded me why. The people here actually care about their neighbors. They always have a minute to lend someone a hand or ask what they’ve been up to. If I wasn’t so sure my life was about to be flipped upside down in the next couple of days I might see about getting a job at the local school. I know they’re almost always looking for help. “Hey Nikki? I need to make a call. I’ll wait for you down at my car ok?” She chirps a happy ‘alrighty!’ as I step out of her room and leave the house. I make sure to give the Blake’s a smile and a nod to let them know everything’s alright. I lean against the SUV and call Mike. It rings a couple times before he answers. “Mike? It’s Erin.” “Hey Erin. Something wrong?” “Maybe. I was hoping you could look into something else for me while you dig stuff up on Corddis.” “Sure? Whaddya need?” “I need to location of the institute I was committed to. Bellvue Hospital for the Mentally Unwell. It’s somewhere in Michigan, that’s all I really know.” “Sounds easy enough. Are you planning another daring breakout?” My pause is answer enough. “Erin, Jake’s one thing. He’s not really sick. But this is a nut house… Er… A place for crazy people? Wow that’s not any better.” I laugh. “It’s fine. Relax. It’s my brother. I think Corddis had him committed to keep him away from me. He’s not REALLY sick.” “Alright I’ll see what I can find. Don’t do anything too crazy until you talk to me first though alright?” “I’ll do my best to keep my insanity under control Officer Haggerty.” He chuckles. “So is Jake doin good?” “I think so. He’s a little down sometimes but I can usually perk him back up.” “Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?” I roll my eyes. “Goodbye Mike.” I snap the phone shut and pocket it, unable to hide a little grin. A grin that widens as Nikki comes staggering out in tall leather boots with an enormous sunhat and equally conspicuous sunglasses hiding her ears, horn, and eyes. “Wow that’s not suspicious at hall.” She huffs as she gets in the passenger seat. “Shut it. Mom wouldn’t let me out of the house unless I was disguised.” “Well no one’s going to think you’re turning into a pony under all that. Maybe that you’re smuggling drugs or something, but definitely no unicorn suspicions.” She huffs and slaps my arm as I back out of the drive way. She starts her chatter back up about living on the west coast. I do my best to pay attention but Nikki always had a habit of talking a mile a minute about very little of importance. Still she was the only kid in school who would talk to me once it got around where I’d been. She may be a little vain and self-indulgent but she’d always stood by me when I needed her. Now it looks like she needs someone to stand by her. I’m more than happy to be that person. > Chapter 10: Celestial Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10: Celestial Awakening If I’m being completely honest with myself, I’ve had better mornings. Waking up naked and alone in the backyard of Erin’s giant mansion is one thing. I could probably even take the new spread of fur across my legs and back. Truth be told it’s a little nice. Kinda warm really, but in a pleasant way as the sun hits it. No, the real problem is between my legs; or rather what’s not between my legs. Seeing it once was enough of a shock. I do my best to avoid looking down there again, as I tug my boxers on over my hooves. I look at the jeans and t-shirt. My tail twitches and wings flare almost as if in protest of the idea of covering them again. Fuck it. I’m a woman all of a sudden. If I don’t want to wear pants and a shirt, I’m not going to. I gather the clothes up and trudge back to the house. Erin helped cheer me up after last night’s weirdness but she’s nowhere to be found now. The sun looks like it’s well on it’s way into the sky so she’s probably gone into town for the errands she had planned. Everyone but Jules is sitting to breakfast when I come in through the back door. A bunch of grinning and snickering greets me. At first I feel my fury rising, thinking they’re laughing at my newly unmanned state. THEN I realize they must have realized what Erin and I were doing out there last night. Anger quickly turns to embarassement as I hurry through the kitchen toward the stairs. I’m not too enthused to do so, but I know I need a shower. I’m covered in grass and dirt and other less pleasant stuff. Dumping the clothes in my room, I climb in the shower. With a pang of irritation, I realize the only shampoo in here is still Erin’s dollar store strawberry. Rolling my eyes I take the bottle and open the cap. My sour mood is lifted somewhat when the scent wafts up to my more sensitive nose. It instantly brings Erin’s face to mind and despite the horrific discovery this morning I smile. We talked about it at length while curled up on the grass. She did her best to assure me that while it’s certainly a big change, she’s going to stick it out with me. I lather my hair and tail. Mane and tail? I wonder when it officially crosses to the ‘mane’ territory. Probably when I hit all fours. Until then I’ll stick with hair. I consider running the shampoo over my new fur patches but that’s gonna be a hassle reaching the middle of my back. Lucky unicorns. I bet they just levitate the luffa or whatever. This time tomorrow there’s a good chance I’ll be a full pony. I already barely recognize the face in the mirror; It's definitely a woman. A woman bearing only the most superficial resemblance to the old me. Of course when I get a muzzle even that will be gone. I can’t suppress a shiver at that thought. What if after I become Spitfire physically I start to become her mentally? Will Jake just be replaced by Spitfire? Finding Markus and Luna should be a priority, and soon. If the Princess is fully aware in his head she probably has plenty of answers and could whip up a magical solution to everyone’s troubles. Very much against my will I find my eyes inevitably drifting to my groin. Seeing nothing but a smooth expanse of flesh where my old man parts used to be is a bit jarring. Not to mention the feeling of emptiness down there. Though there is a certain amount of comfort that comes from having nothing between my legs. Curiously I squish my thighs together. Absolutely nothing. That’s so bizarre. I swish my hips keeping my thighs pressed tight. “…I feel like an idiot.” Glowering at my stupidity I rinse out the shampoo and climb out of the shower, starting to towel off. Likely only to further emasculate me, the furry patches on my body fluff up adorably after I run the towel over them. Clopping back to my room I rummage through the bags Erin brought from my apartment, digging out a pair of shorts. They’re less confining for my tail, but still give more modesty than my boxers. I eye myself speculatively in the mirror on the wardrobe. I definitely look like a woman. “Hello? Hello! Hiya.” Yup. Sound like one too. A woman with yellow fur, hooves, pony ears, wings and a tail. Then there’s the weird flat teeth in my mouth. I head back downstairs for something to eat. Since the hospital I’ve been hungry all the time. Though not for big stuff. Mostly I snack all day. And there’re the naps. When no one was around I grabbed a quick nap in the garage. Two of them. I’ve got tons of energy lately. Then out of nowhere I’ll need to close my eyes for a little while. Usually just a half hour or so and I’m ready to go. It looks like the girls and Lucas are finishing up by the time I get back down. I haven’t said anything, but by the looks of sympathy I’m getting it’s pretty easy to tell the adults have figure it out. I just shrug. “I knew it was coming right?” Becky stands and hugs me tightly. “Oh sweetie, don’t worry. You’re still you! And if it helps you’re still the most masculine person in the house.” Everyone but Lucas agrees with her; he just looks confused. I smile and shrug again. “Well thanks. Has anyone heard from Erin? I want to talk to her about Markus.” Ellie perks up from the sink. “How come?” “Because he and Princess Luna share a body right? She can help us with all sorts of things I’m sure. We should make finding him our top priority.” Meg hms softly. “It’s not like we can go looking though right? They’re rounding us all up out there.” I nod. “Well not US, but Erin. She’s in contact with a cop friend of mine. I should call him and see if he can’t find the guy too.” “That’s a good idea! We can find Markus and have him come here with us!” Ellie’s practically hopping at the idea. Her little celebration is interrupted by a loud buzzing echoing through the kitchen. We all look around in alarm before the blonde girl spies a small black box. “Oh! It’s an intercom! I bet it connects to the gate!” She makes for the button and I grab her arm just in time. “Let Lucas talk. He’s the only one here besides Erin remember?” Her eyes widen in realization and she nods. “Right! Sorry.” Lucas hobbles toward the button and I hold it in for him. He leans in close. “H-hello?” “Hi there! This is Tim here to drop off your cable equipment?” Lucas looks to me and I nod in confirmation. “Oh sure thing. Is the gate locked?” “Nope! Just closed. Always wanted to use this thing but no one’s lived up at the old place for years y’know?” “Oh! Well um… Come on up. I’ll meet you at the door.” Lucas steps away from the intercom timidly. “Will do! See ya in a jiffy.” I nod. “Good job Lucas. Just take whatever he has for you and sign for it like yesterday. And can someone go muzzle Jules? She’s snoring up a storm out there.” A giggling Ellie bounds toward the living room where loud protests can suddenly be heard. They die down quickly fortunately. There’s soon a knock at the front door. Lucas looks from me to Meg, but at both our encouraging nods he heads for the door. We can hear snippets of the conversation. Mostly the cable guy, Tim trying to sell Lucas on letting him set everything up. For a minute I’m worried the quite kid is gonna cave to the pushy sales tactics. I’m pleasantly surprised when he rather firmly tells the man his older sister left very specific instructions, and he doesn’t want to let her down. The door closes after a few more moments and Lucas is standing beside a sizeable pile of electronics equipment. Ellie is already rummaging through it excitedly. “Oh this stuff is easy. Real basic. If Erin brings back all the wiring I can have us hooked up in an hour. Two tops.” She grabs a protesting Jules and drags her toward their bathroom. I clap my hands together. “Right. I’m gonna make some more progress on that garage. How’s the library coming Meg?” Our Lyra-to-be shrugs. “Pretty good. I’ve got it about halfway done. Was planning to get back at it this morning?” I nod. “Why don’t you help her out Becky? Jules and Ellie can work on the basement again and I’ll get back to the garage. I know you’d rather work on the lawn but unless you want to graze your way through the grass all that’s left is the flower boxes. And Erin might kill you if you do those without her.” After a brief moment of consideration Becky nods. “Good point. Looks like it’s me and you Meg.” The two women head upstairs chatting amicably. Lucas looks at me curiously. “So… Are you a girl now?” My shoulders sag. This morning sucks. *** “So you live with your boyfriend, four women and one of theirs’ kid brother. The adults are all turning into ponies TOO, including Jake who’s becoming a girl pony.” “A mare I think.” Nikki stares at me from the passenger seat. “This is crazy Erin! Crazy! What are you even doing!? Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad you’re not turning people into the cops but you snuck them out of the hospital and passed the army!” “National guard.” “It’s the same thing!” I wince as her voice raises into the pitch only a dog should be able to hear. “Nikki… I had to help them. Alright? Just like I’d help you, or Tom, or even the hippy triplets. I have the space and the means to help some people through a really bizarre point in their lives. It’s great that your folks and everyone in town is so accepting of this but Jake and Becky are both pretty sure their families wouldn’t be as understanding. Meg and Lucas were living on the street and I have no idea what the story is with Ellie and Jules’ folks.” She blows out a heavy breath of air. “Are you sure there’s NO other reason? At all?” I frown now. “What do you mean?” “Well didn’t you say Jake shares out birthday? I remember Tom does. So how come we’re all pony-ing up and you’re not?” How are so many people putting this together and Jake hasn’t yet?! Of course maybe he has and is keeping it to himself? Though Nikki can’t possible suspect the truth, just that I should be going pony as well. “I think my meds are keeping my human.” Now she stares blankly. “Your meds.” I nod. “The ones for you being a schizo.” I wince at the term but nod again. She was alway a little blunt. “Well give me some!” I sigh. “I can’t Nikki. The chemicals in them could be poisonous to other people.” “Well what makes you so special?” The dirt road to the cabin is in sight. I pull over by the gate turning to face her. “Nikki can you just trust me? If I thought I could safely give my pills to other people I’d have done it by now. You know me better than that. I’m not hoarding them or something. They’re bad for ME too it turns out.” Now she looks concerned. “But you’ve been taking them your whole life.” I nod. “I know. But I have the same problem you guys do with the magic you know… Building up in me. I’m pretty sure I’m not sick at all, the other voice is… Is sort of a passenger. My pony soul didn’t get like… Mixed with my human one. She’s still alive kinda.” Her eyes go wide. “Alive? L-like INSIDE you?” “Yeah. The pills have kept her quiet all these years. My brother Markus is the same, but only that he doesn’t take his pills at all.” She frowns. “Still can’t believe you have a brother and you never told me.” “I never knew! I just found out a couple days ago. But listen, don’t talk about me having the pony thing to anyone. Especially not Jake. I don’t want him finding out until I’m ready to tell him myself.” Her frown deepens. “Isn’t it going to be a little obvious when you grow a tail?” I nod. “I’m gonna tell him tonight. First thing tomorrow at the latest.” I bring the SUV around to the front and hop out. “Folks are probably up and cleaning already. I’ll introduce you around before I get started on my gardening. I need to give Ellie all these wires and stuff too.” Nikki comes around to the trunk peering in over my shoulder. “Think you have enough?” I shrug. “We’re wiring the house for cable and internet. This is what she said she needed so it’s what she gets.” She shrugs back and takes an arm load of cables herself, following me inside. “Ellie’s probably in the basement with Jules so we can drop down there first.” We dump the electronics by a sizeable pile of similar stuff by the door and head downstairs. A bored looking Jules is rummaging through what looks to be close to the last of the boxes. Ellie’s nowhere to be seen. “Hey Jules. This is my friend from high school, Nikki.” At first concerned, Jules whips around frowning no doubt at the prospect of an outsider finding us. When she sees Nikki in a similar condition she relaxes. “Oh. Cool to meetcha I guess. You moving in too?” Nikki laughs a little. “No, my parents don’t mind my condition. I’m just catching up with Erin. Probably going to sit with her in the back while she weeds.” Jules nods before looking to me. “You get the crap Ellie wanted?” “Yup! Where is she?” With an annoyed grunt Jules goes back to the boxes. “The featherbrain’s probly out bugging Jake about flying. I Keep telling her they’re too heavy still but she doesn’t listen.” I smile. “She’s just excited I’m sure. Don’t you want to start using magic?” She looks at her horn cross-eyed. “I guess? Might be an ok replacement for hands I suppose.” “Well we’ll let you finish up. It looks awesome down here by the way.” Jules’ smile is a little brighter and more genuine as we head back upstairs. I take Nikki up to meet Meg in the library. I’m a little surprised to find Becky there too. The three exchange quick pleasantries. Becky is looking a little ansty. “Now that you’re here can we get back to the gardening?” I laugh. “You didn’t have to wait for me. If you’re dying to do something out there you can start cleaning up the greenhouse? It’d be nice if we could get some veggies of our own growing out there again. Nothing beats home grown.” She’s already racing out the door a second after I finish. I shrug to Meg. “Sorry for stealing your helper.” She waves it off. “Nah, it’s cool. I could tell she wanted to be out there anyway.” Nikki’s close on my heels as I head down and out to the garage. “Hey guys, how’s it going?” Jake’s smile toward me is… awkward. “Fine. Ellie’s been… Keeping me company.” His voice is very clearly female. Ellie smiles brightly, tilting her head curiously at the sight of Nikki. “This is Nikki. We’re friends from school. She just moved back to town too.” “Neat! Now we have a Trixie too!” Nikki looks at me with raised eyebrows, before looking back to Ellie. “Just Nikki is fine thanks.” She studies the pair before nodding toward Jake. “You must be Jake. Erin’s told me a lot about you.” He nods back. “Nice to meet you Nikki. Erin can we talk?” I frown. “Sure. Ellie, I got everything you asked for by the door. Can you and a couple girls get the table and bring it out around front? Someone’s coming by to fix it up for us.” She dashes inside happily, bellowing for Jules as she goes. I look to Nikki with an apologetic frown. “I’ll be out in a sec. You can go say hi to Lucas. He’s at the other end of the garage working on my moped.” Nikki looks from me to Jake with mild concern but nods and sets out down the rows of cars. I walk back into the house and up to my room with Jake in tow. He shuts the door as we enter and I sit on the bed. “What’s wrong?” He shuffles on his hooves looking uncomfortable. “It’s uh… Gone. This morning when I woke up.” I’m about to ask what ‘it’ is before I realze what he’s talking about. “Oh. Oh Jake I’m… I’m really sorry. And I’m sorry I Wasn’t here.” I take his… her? I’ll stick with his until he’s comfortable enough with the other pronounds. I take his hands and pull him to the bed with me. He’s so… timid. So nervous. I’d almost say skittish. Not too surprising I suppose, given all that’s happened. It’s a bit odd but I have to comfort him somehow. I wrap my arms around him and rest my chin atop his head. His tenseness is slow to leave, but gradually it does and he just rests his cheek against my shoulder. We sit together in silence for a time. Then a familiar scent hits my nose. I lean away from him smiling teasingly. “You used my shampoo.” His eyes widen slightly. “W-well it’s all that was in there.” “Mmmm. You like it. Admit it! It’s fantasic shampoo!” He makes a disgusted face. “It’s garbage shampoo. My scalp has never been so itchy.” I shrug. “You get used to it.” He rolls his eyes but a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth gently. I surprise him by kissing him a bit on the forceful side. His eyes are wide at first, but gradually they droop and he returns my affections. “We’ll get through this. Something’s going to come up. Soon. Try not to let it get you down alright? I’m not going anywhere, Jake Matsen.” He takes a deep breath and nods. “Thank you Erin. For all this. For helping us, for sticking by me.” I nod and we separate, standing almost reluctantly. Part of me wants to ravish him but I think that might raise a few eyebrows in the middle of the day. I don’t need to give Nikki more fuel for the inevitable barrage of questions coming my way. “Oh! By the way the mayor’s coming for dinner. He’s an old school friend. Also turning into a pony. Guess who?” He laughs. “We’re going to have our very own real life Ponyville if this keeps up.” “Mmm… Well who’s missing? Besides the obvious main six characters.” He starts to ramble about all the different background ponies not present and accounted for. I’m only vaguely interested but it’s a topic that has him thinking about something other than his condition so I’m happy to smile and nod along. *** Dinner was… Interesting. Tom and his (her?) boyfriend Terry both came by around five thirty. Tom was understandably nervous about being exposed to such a large group of strangers but like Nikki he warmed up to everyone very quickly. Terry was another story. He was distant and aloof the entire time, answering questions with the vaguest answers possible. There was a definite tension between him and Tom all night. Still, fun was had by all. Jules’ salad bar was a huge hit with the soon to be ponyfolk; she had a big arrangement of different types of lettuce and fruit and vegetables of every kind imaginable. Lucas and I both passed on it focusing instead on the grilled hot dogs she prepared specially for us and the large dish of seasoned potato wedges… Homemade no less. If THIS is what eating real food is like I could probably get used to it. I’m in the living room watching Jules idly flip through channels with Nikki on the couch beside me. Everyone else is doing clean up in the kitchen. “Erin do you mind if I stay over?” I look over at Nikki. “Why?” She shrugs. “It’s silly but I just feel… Comfortable. It’s a little lonely at home. Mom and dad are treating me like I’m dying and they could catch whatever I have at any second.” I smile. “Well of course you can stay. It’ll be like old times huh? I don’t think anyone’s claimed the room you used to sleep over in all the time either.” She smiles until I continue. “Though I don’t think we’ve gotten around to cleaning it out yet.” Her eyes drop for a moment while she considers her response. “Well I guess I can go start cleaning it up huh?” I nod. “That’s the spirit.” She flounces to the stairs with a spring in her step. Tom waves a little from the foyer. “We’re taking off. Thanks for a lovely evening Erin. We’ll have to do it again soon.” “Anytime! Where’s Terry?” A brief flash oif annoyuance crosses his face. “In the car. Sorry he wasn’t at his best tonight. All… this getting to him.” I smile sympathetically. “It could get to anyone.” He frowns now. “It hasn’t gotten to you. I see the way you are with Jake still." I can’t exactly argue with that. “Well give it time. He’ll come around. If I’m in town tomorrow, I’ll stop by your office. We can have lunch.” “That’d be nice. I’ll see you later.” I see him to the door and wave as their car heads down the drive. Most everyone else has started to occupy the living room. “Well what’re we doing tonight? We let Ellie pick last night. Why don’t you choose Lucas?” The boy blinks, surprised at the sudden authority given him. “Ummm… Can we watch more episodes of pony?” A few good natured chuckles sound from the occupants… And some delighted giggling from Ellie. “Sure. Why not?” Nikki joins us soon and almost immediately demands to see the episode she’s featured in. At first she seems surprised at her characters treatment. “Well she didn’t seem that bad! She’s a performer, they have to hype themselves up! She didn’t turn nasty until she started getting heckled.” I find myself nodding. “That’s a good point actually. She was just putting on a show. The main girls do seem kinda snotty.” It’s a little funny watching Nikki seem so enraptured by the episode though. “I wonder if I can roll my r’s like that?” “Don’t you even dare.” Everyone laughs at my comment. Everyone but Nikki. They assume we’re both joking but I know better. I finally stand and stretch. “Think I’m turning in folks. I’ll see everyone in the morning.” Cheerful good nights sound from everyone. Jake stands up to follow giving everyone a goodnight of his own. I do my usual evening routine. Brush my teeth and all. The pill bottle on the sink is tempting, but I ignore it. I’ve made my decision. For better or worse, Celestia is coming out. Jake’s waiting for me on my bed, looking awkward and hesitant. I just smile and climb in beside him. “Let’s just sleep tonight hm? We can snuggle.” He grins now and scoots in closer. “Snuggling can be good.” I nod. “Snuggling can be very good.” *** “See you tomorrow Miss Sunny!” I smile at the foals as they rush out of the school house. “See everypony tomorrow! Make sure you study hard! We have a big test just before the weekend!” Most school teachers would be suspicious of so many eager smiling faces in a class room but not me. I know the foals of Oaten are bright and eager to learn. Clicking my tongue softly I turn back to the devasted mess that is my class room. I should really consider hiding the glitter on arts and crafts day. Still my horn lights up as I make quick work of the mess. I’m just about ready to head home and see what Moon Dancer has going for dinner before the Mayor enters tentatively. Despite the worry on his face I force a smile. “Good afternoon Mayor Scrolls. What do I owe the pleasure of a personal visit?” Of course I already know. He heaves a sigh. “It’s him again Miss Sunny Skies. He’s turned the lake to… To some sort of gelatin? I don’t know what exactly it is but it’s disrupted the entire day of fishing. And if we can’t get the fish in for the griffon’s tribute…” I raise a hoof cutting him off. “I understand. Is he still at the lake?” He nods. “I’m sorry to keep dumping the town’s problems on you but he doesn’t listen to anypony else.” I nod, my smile back in place. “It’s no trouble at all. I’ll go have a word with him.” To my surprise he falls into step with me. “There’s something else.” I sigh. “It’s Moon Dancer isn’t it?” “Don’t get me wrong. Most everypony in town loves your sister. She’s a very kind mare but sometimes she just…” “She just wanders about town at all hours of the night scarting the dickens out of anypony who happens to see her lurking about?” He smiles awkwardly. “Well… basically yes. Exactly that.” I nod. “I’ll talk with her as well.” “Thank you Miss Sunny. Sometimes I think you should be in charge of the town the way you handle everything so easily. Make me look like a bit of a bungler to be honest.” I scoff. “Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no way I could handle all that paperwork you plough through on a daily basis! It’s very impressive. I just have a way with ponies sometimes.” He nods, his pride a bit inflated at my words. “That you do. Thank you again Miss Sunny, and have a lovely day.” I wave goodbye as he makes for town hall. Once he’s out of sight my smile falls and I blow a lock of my vivid pink mane from my eyes. Is it so much to ask I be allowed to leave the school just ONE day, go home to a cup of tea and small bit of something sweet and curl up with a good book? Evidently so. I can already hear the angry muttering as I near the lake. Oaten is a tiny community right on the border of the griffon empire. Which means that unless we offer them something other than the fruit and vegetables we grow they’ll take one of US to eat. Things get tight around winter every year since half the town has to split their focus on fishing for tribute but we make do. When Moon Dancer and I moved to the tiny earth pony town it caused quite a stir. A pair of unicorns living amongst the ‘lower’ tribe is almost unheard of. At first they thought we may be criminals on the run but it wasn’t too difficult to win them over. Once I explained that my sister’s occasionally curious behavior caused her some trouble at our old home they went from suspicious to sympathetic. The fishers look relieved as I round the bend and trot toward the lake. I spare them a smile and a nod as I stop at the edge of what SHOULD be a pristine lake of water. Instead it is indeed some bizarre pink wobbly mess of gelatin. I gingerly prod it with a hoof and find it gives a good deal. A simple spell renders me light as a feather and I trot out onto it. My quarry isn’t far out on the springy lake. He’s presently using it as a trampoline. His mismatched features split into a broad grin at my approach. “Sunny! It’s about time I’ve been waiting all morning for you!” My eyebrows draw together in a frown. “Discord, did you keep them from fishing ALL day?” He waves that leonine paw of his dismissively. “Oh pish posh, one little day of missed fishing isn’t going to kill anypone.” I glance down at the semi-transparent gelatin. “Is it going to kill all the fish?” He freezes in the air in mid-bounce. “Well! That just makes them easier to catch right?” His grin is wide again. I close my eyes and take a deep steadying breath. “Discord you need to change the lake back and make sure the fish are ALIVE.” He rolls his eyes. Literally he rolls them right out of his head and bounces them along the gelatin to rest before my hooves looking up at me imploringly. “I worked hard on this one! We should have some fun! You’re always working or looking after your sister. When are you going to have time for YOU?” I smile. I know he didn’t do all this ENTIRELY for me, but it’s nice to know he was thinking of me. “Why don’t you come to town for the harvest festival this weekend Discord? I’m sure the foals would love to see some of your magic.” He taps a claw to his chin in consideration. “Alright Sunny. Just for you. But you better loosen up at this festival!” Relief turns to annoyance as he smirks and snaps his claws. “…sometimes I hate you.” The gelatin turns to water beneath my hooves and I splash down intot he water, hearing my strange friend howling with laughter over head. It’s not long before I join in. *** Time to wake up, Erin. That was… Interesting. Was that one of Celestia’s memories? Then she called me Erin. That’s the first time in a long time I’ve heard my name in her words. Jake is snuggled tightly against me under the covers but I slide out slowly and don’t seem to wake him. I’m not entirely surprised to find no trace of humanity left in his form. From the blunt muzzle to the shorter forelimbs and lack of hands, he’s a pony now through and through. No doubt everyone else reached the same point in the night. Kissing him softly on the ear I step out to watch the sunrise. It’s not long before somewhat clumsy ‘clip clopping’ sounds from the house. I glance at the door from the swing to see Jake awkwardly pushing his way out. “…hey.” I smile. “Hey.” I pat the spot on the swing beside me. He walks slowly and more than a little shakily. “Try thinking of how they walk in the show. Front and back legs together on the same side right?” He just grunts. “It’s easy to say, not so easy to do alright?” I let the testiness in his voice pass. “Sorry.” He sighs and tentatively lifts his forelegs onto the swing. I plant my feet solidly so it doesn’t wobble while he slowly inches his way onto his hind legs, and then with a quick motion pushes off the ground hopping awkwardly onto the swing. He shakes a moment before sitting slowly. “No. No I’m sorry. I know you’re just trying to help.” I drape an arm around his shoudlers letting him lean against me. He falls silent as the sun begins to crest the horizon. I’m grateful to him for that much at least. I know it’s selfish, now especially but the sunrise is my time. Finally once the sun has risen I turn my attention to the pony at my side. I give him a firm squeeze. “You know what? You and Ellie should try to fly today. That’s something fun right?” He tilts his head flexing his wings. “I guess so…” “I was thinking of heading down the way a bit to see some girls that I went to school with. They live out on this commune their family’s owned forever. Apparently they went pony too. They’ve always grown tons of fresh produce so I was hoping to get some seeds for our greenhouse. You could come along if you like?” Jake shakes his head slowly. “I’m not much in the mood for meeting new people. I’ll do the flying idea with Ellie I think.” “Alright. I’m grabbing a shower and heading out. Do you want to join me or…?” Another shake of his head. “You go on ahead. I don’t want to risk smelling like wet dog or something.” “Ok but you’re showering tomorrow for sure. I don’t want to sleep with a sweaty pony.” He can’t help but chuckle. “Ok, ok. Maybe I’ll try one tonight alright?” I kneel down and kiss him square on the muzzle, even slip a little tongue. He seems pleasantly surprised as I head up to the shower. Pony Jake definitely has a bigger tongue than human Jake. That brings to mind some potential for fun… I shake my head violently at that thought. Let’s save going down that road for later. The shower feels refreshing as always. The pleasantness is interrupted by a bright silver flash coming from my hips. I don’t have to look down to know Celestia’s suns have returned. I stifle a sigh as I glance down at them. It takes some effort not to rush right over to my pill bottle, but I have to think about someone other than myself this time. The people in this house need Celestia, not me. I towel off and get some fresh clothes. I smile to Ellie and Becky as the girls’ awkwardly work to get some breakfast. I stop a minute to pour some cereal for them. “There you go.” Both give me embarrassed smiles. “Thanks Erin.” “I’m going out for a bit. If you need anything ask Lucas. He’ll be thrilled to help out however he can.” I leave them puzzling over their spoons as I head out the front door. I consider taking the car but it’s only a couple miles down the way. Plus I used to like wandering the woods around here. It’s nice to just lose myself in more natural surroundings. I definitely missed doing this in the city. The walk doesn’t take too long. There’s a hand carved wooden sign hanging by a dilapidated old fence. “Flynn Family Natural Food and Remedies!” Uncle Pete used to buy stuff from them all the time. They even worked. Most of the time. I can hear voices drifting down the path to the small home ahead. A pair of women arguing. Rounding the path I see it’s a pair of mares arguing. Both earth ponies. One cream colored with a red and pink streaked mane and tail. The other pink with a poofy green mane. “You try one.” “No YOU try one!” I can’t help but grin. So engrossed in their arguing they don’t notice me coming. “What are we trying?” “Rose wants me to try one of our flowers.” “I said I’d do it if Daisy did one first!” They both blink at one another then whip around to stare at me in alarm."... Erin Rockwell?” I give them a little wave. “Hey girls. How’ve you been?” “Fuzzy.” “Short.” “Hooved.” I nod. “A lot of that going around. I have six ponies up at the cabin.” “Ooo fight the power Erin!” I nod. “I am! I was hoping you girls had some seeds for us? We want to get the greenhouse going.” The cream colored mare, Rose nods. “Sure do! We can hook you up. Daisy will you pop inside and let Flora know we have a guest? You know how spooked she can get sometimes.” Her green haired sister nods and trots into the house. Rose offers me a smile. “So you took in some strays huh?” I nod following her around to the back. “One’s my boyfriend. One’s Nikki. The rest are all strangers more or less, yeah.” “That’s so kind of you Erin!” I shrug. “It’s nothing really. I have the space and the money. If you girls start feeling a little stir crazy all alone over here feel free to pop by.” She opens her mouth to say something when we both hear a crash coming from around the front of the house. Rose starts to make her way around with her awkward four legged gait. I sprint around to the front much faster. I’m stunned into inaction for a minute as I see what’s going on. There’s a large white van or truck or something parked right on the lawn. A couple of shady looking guys are hanging around the back of the truck. The crash came from the front door being smashed in. I can hear Flora and Daisy screaming in alarm inside. Ignoring the men at the truck I rush for the house. There’re another two inside. They’re holding guns of some kind, but judging from the darts sticking out of the now slumbering mares’ bodies they must be tranquilizers. “Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” They whip around in alarm. The skinnier of the pair doesn’t even hesitate as he shoots his weapon at me. There’s a soft ‘pft’ sound then a stinging pain in my stomach. Eyes wide I look down incredulously to the dart sticking out of my abdomen. I’m already feeling numb and dizzy. I stagger toward the pair before another wave forces me to sway back and I flop like a fish flat on my back. “Now what the hell’d ya do that for?! What if she calls the cops or something!” I can hear them talking. The larger seems pissed. The man who shot me shrugs. “She’s hangin around these things, probably means she’s helpin 'em or somethin’. That’s illegal. So she can call whoever she wants.” Rose finally makes it to the door, a look of horror etched on her face seeing me and her sisters in such a state. “Shit! That’s the third one!” She tries to swing around to run but trips on her legs and tumbles to the ground. They both dart her before she can get up and her struggles stop almost instantly. “Mmmm….” My arm flops limply, but it’s moving. The pair seem alarmed at my recovery. “Jesus, she’s movin already? Should we hit her again?” His big friend slaps his gun aside. “Don’t be an idiot. Too much’a that shit’ll kill someone. Just toss these in with the rest and let’s go!” My blood turns to ice when he says ‘the rest’. But there’s no way. Only a couple people in town know about my guests and they’d all lose just as much if someone turned us in. My worst fears are concerned when I see six familiar ponies in the back of their truck. My friends look drowsy but alive. Jake’s even limply pressing on the cage he’s trapped in. I grit my teeth and start dragging myself along the ground toward the truck. The skinny guy looks more than a little freaked out as I’m recovering quicker than expected. He glances at the rest of his buddies. None seem to be looking our way and he raises his weapon. I try in vain to move out of the way but feel the sting of another of those darts in my shoulder. I flop face first into the grass. Even breathing is difficult now. Another car is pulling up and for a minute I feel some relief. Then Terry climbs out with the limp form of a full pony Tom over his shoulder. “This is the last one. Get these… things out of our town. And you better remember to split the money with me.” The biggest of the thugs takes Tom from his I’d expected soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. “Relax. Ten of these things is fifty large. You’ll get your cut.” Terry glances at me and I see a brief flash of concern before he looks away. “Is she dead?” “What? Nah she’ll have a headache in a couple hours but she’s fine.” My heart hammers in my chest as they slam the doors shut cutting off my view of Jake and the rest. I struggle with all I have to get my body to respond but it’s refusing. They’re going to get away! And there’s nothing I can do… …there’s nothing I can do. I have no idea if it’ll work or not. I don’t even know if it’s been long enough without the meds but I have to try. Celestia? Celestia can you hear me!? I feel stupid thinking to myself… Or to the voice in my head as hard as I can. I imagine myself screaming at the top of my lungs. Celestia! They’re in danger! My friends… What did she call them in the show? Your little ponies need you! All at once I feel a surge of energy rush through my body. Everything seems brighter, more vivid. The smell of the flowers behind me. The light breeze teasing my hair. My pastel rainbow colored hair. The lethargy that was holding me to the ground is gone as well and I spring to my feet rushing the truck. “Uhh… She’s up! And she’s runnin! Hit the gas dammit!” I hear the alarmed shouts from within as the truck lurches away from me. “No!” I stumble and start to slow. Chase them Erin! We can’t let them get away! I jump at Celestia’s sudden voice in my head. “How am I supposed to catch them? They’re in a car!” I’d suggest you start running then. As hard as you can. I narrow my eyes at the escaping vehicle and break into a run. Pumping my arms and legs as hard as I can. I almost stumble and stop as I realize just how FAST I’m running. The scenery is whipping by me in a blur and I’m gaining on the escaping kidnappers with shocking ease. In seconds I’m nearly close enough to reach the bumper of the truck. The driver must have seen me as the engine revs up when he slams the gas. The truck lurches away just as I lunge to grap it, sending me tumbling to the ground. I roll with the fall though and come up kneeling. Wasting no time in kicking off and running again. I’m gaining ground but not nearly as quickly as before. “Cant you… magic them or something?!” I’ve only just begun to form a bond with you Erin. Discord’s poison kept us from unifying properly as our siblings have done and delayed your change into an Equestrian form. I could rush the alterations, but it would be a terrible strain on our body and would cause you no small amount of pain. I’m using my power to augment you physically. It’s the best I can do for now. I nod. Jaw set in grim determination as I charge after the truck. “Well it’ll have to do!” They take a sharp left and race onto the paved section of the street. Alarmed faces flash by as I race through downtown Thilton. The kidnappers are heading for the only on ramp to the freeway around town. They’re weaving in between the few drivers out this morning which is slowing them some but not by much. Blowing through a red light they cause two oncoming cars to lock up their brakes and collide with one another. Part of me says to stop and help but the large part is screaming that I can’t let them get away. I vault the wrecks in one smooth leap and land on my feet, running the second my shoes hit the street again. I’m momentarily confused when the back of the truck flies open. My confusion clears quickly as one of the men grabs an empty cage and flings it back at me. I don’t have time to avoid it as it tangles in my legs sending me tumbling head over heels to the unyielding concrete below. My clothes are pretty torn up and I’ve got a few bloody scrapes as well. I flinch as a pair of police cars race by me on either side narrowly avoiding me. I recognize them as local authorities. If what Tom told me is true then the sheriff is likely to be none-to-pleased with the actions of the kidnappers. Shaking my head I get back to my feet and start running again. A faint golden glow is surrounding my injuries. Already I feel the pain easing as the skin knits back together. “W-well thanks for that.” You’re getting hurt in an attempt to save my subjects. It’s the least I can do. I follow the sound of the sirens and see the cars again. The police are catching up quickly, but not as quickly as I am. Though I’m starting to feel a burn in my legs and my breathing is getting labored. I flash by the first car but the second is going faster. Fast enough the driver can actually make me out. He looks from me to the car he’s pursuing and rolls down his window. “Erin Rockwell?!” I flick my gaze to him and recognize Sheriff Brown. He got the job shortly before I left for school in Detroit. “Morning Sheriff!” What else am I gonna say? “You… You care to explain what this’ about?” “Those men took Tom, Nikki Blake, the hippy triplets and a whole mess of folks staying with me!” “Well they sure as hell aren’t getting away with that. You want a lift?” I nod gratefully and reach a hand out, grabbing the roof of his squad car. I kick off the ground and get my other arm around the flashing lights on the roof of his car and haul myself up. He calls from the drivers seat. “I sorta meant INSIDE the car!” I shout back down. “Just get me close! I can jump on and make them pull over!” I hear him muttering to himself about getting too old for nonsense like this, but he hits the gas and starts to overtake the truck. I vaguely wonder if he actually has any experience with nonsense ‘like this’. It seems unlikely. You have good people in your town Erin. It warms my heart to see them showing such concern for the ponies. “They don’t see ponies Princess, they see folk from Thilton! That’s all that matters!” I probably don’t have to shout to HER to be heard but with the wind blasting in my face I guess it’s just habit. “I CAN jump onto their car right? I’m not going to get crushed?” I assure you you’ll do more damage to their vehicle than it will to you. The sheriff gets his car around to the front of the truck. I tighten my grip on the lights and swing myself around so I’m facing the other vehicle. I can look through the windshield to see the almost comical look of shock and alarm on the driver’s face as I slide toward the back of the car I’m on. I have a feeling he knows what I’m about to do. Before I can talk myself out of it I jump off the back of the police cruiser, arms outstretched as I angle toward the truck. My feeling is confirmed as he sharply veers to the left. The world almost seems to go in slow motion for a minute, as I miss the truck entirely and soar pass it. All at once things seem to speed up again. I’m hurtling at break neck speed toward the second police car. I hastily bring my arms up to protect my face, than feel the heavy impact as I smash into the windshield… Going through the thick glass and landing in the passenger seat facing the back of the car. The driver veers left and right before getting his car under control. “Jesus Christ! What the fuck lady?!” I don’t know if I’m more surprised that I survived, or that the whole ordeal really didn’t hurt all that bad. I look over to the driver. “Jimmy Thatcher?” Jimmy dated Nikki for four years. Freshman to senior year of high school. They parted ways amicably according to Nikki. “Erin? Erin I… You… You just jumped… Off the sherrifs car… Into my car!” I nod a bit dazedly. “Well I was aiming for their truck.” “Jesus! How are you… You’re not bleeding?!” I look down. “I skinned my knee earlier… So you’re a cop? That’s cool.” He seems at a loss for words. “You sure you’re alright? You seem kinda… Goofy.” I nod. “M’fine!” Erin, I think the impact may have caused some SLIGHT damage to your ah… Brain. I’m repairing it as quickly as I can. I Just grin toothily. The lady in my head sounds worried but eh, I feel ok. “Gemme close to that truck Jimmy!” His eyes widen. “Erin you need a hospital!” I shake my head. “They got Jake an Nikki!” He blinks. “Nikki? MY Nikki?” I nod. “Mmm...yup. So let’s roll officer!” He scowls now hitting the gas again. “I can’t see shit around this busted windshield.” I frown at the glass. It did break kinda funny. “Yeah hold on…” He shoots me a nervous look as I lean forward and grip the caved in windshield. It feels more plasticy than glassy. Heh… Glassy. That sounds like gassy. I heave on the gassy glassy windshield and it pops free with only a bit of protest. My head is sticking out of the front of the car with the wind blasting my hair all over again. I look back and forth a minute before tossing the ruined windshield to the left. “Better?” I grin again. “Uh… Wow you been workin’ out or what?” I shake my head. “I Gotta magical pony Princess inside me!” “…you SURE you don’t need that hospital?” I wave his concern off and start climbing out onto the hood of his car. The faint buzzing in the back of my head is starting to clear up. “Uh… I had BRAIN Damage?!” Well you did break through a police officers windshield with your face Erin. The glass is generally bullet proof and difficult to break isn’t it? I can’t really poke a hole in that logic. Jimmy gets his car closer and closer. The same jerk who hit me with a cage leans back ready to throw another one but Jimmy mashes the gas and we lurch forward. His fender hits their bumper and sends the guy stumbling backwards. I sieze the opportunity and vault across the cars, landing with a grunt atop the man in the truck. The second guy in the back grabs a gun and fires it off in my face. I flinch waiting for the sting of the dart… And instead feel like someone hit me with a Nerf gun. I peek my eyes open to find the guy staring at me looking pretty horrified. The man I’m kneeling on is squirming, doing his best to dislodge me but it’s almost funny how easily I’m keeping him pinned. The free man fires several more darts but each one bounces harmlessly off my skin. “Well… That’s neat.” Thank you very much. The longer I’m forming our bond the stronger you’ll become. I nod and consider my options. I reach down and easily pry the weapon from the man I’m on top of’s hand and awkwardly angle it toward his chest. He starts flailing at me desperately but I pull the trigger and the dart pops out hitting him square in the chest. He groans before flopping back limply. His fellow sees what’s coming next and tries to clamber into the front but I’m faster. The dart fires from my gun and lodges in his backside, sending him slumping to the floor. I see the scared faces in the cages around me and feel my fury growing. The air is noticeably growing warmer around me as I get angrier and angrier. I storm to the front of the truck where the driver and passenger have been staring at me in fear. “Pull this thing over RIGHT now or I swear to god I’ll shove HIS head up your… Up your ASS!” It may have been seeing me leap from one car, smash into another, then hop right up and give a repeat performance. Or it may have been the swirling pools of glowing light my eyes had become. Either one told them that I was most certainly willing to follow through on my threat. We’re slowly decelerating and pulling over to the side of the road. The sheriff and Jimmy approach the truck weapons drawn. I ignore everything else around me and start getting my friends out of the cages they’ve been crammed into. They’re all limp and barely able to lift their heads, let alone say anything. I start lowering them to the ground outside the truck. Once the ten captives are freed I roll the tranquilized men out with considerably less care. The sheriff is in the process of cuffing the two conscious men. I look from one to the other. The two from the house. I ignore the sheriffs protests as I shove the bigger of the two up against the truck. “Sheriff I need to borrow this gentleman for a little while.” The guy looks like he’d much rather be in police custody. Frowning now Sheriff Brown looks reluctant to try and get in the way of anything I want to do. “Uh… W-well what for Miss Rockwell?” I turn flick my glowing gaze from the sheriff to the cowering man in my grip. “He’s going to take us to wherever he was taking everyone else.” > Chapter 11: Masks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11: Masks ::WARNING:: Chapter contains strong language at some points Compared to waking up yesterday morning as a member of the fairer sex, waking up today and discovering I was no longer a biped, but a hooved quadruped was a far less bitter pill to swallow. Even so my body felt incredibly awkward all over. I spent the first few minutes after Erin got out of bed just holding my new forehooves up and examining them. It got pretty boring pretty quickly to be honest. They were just hooves in the end, same thing I had on my legs. Hind legs now? Trying to sit up normally proved to be a bit of a mistake. Apparently sitting in an upright position was only comfortable for Lyra. I wonder if Meg can sit up like she could on the show now? Grunting softly I roll onto my stomach and place my forehooves on the bed, slowly raising myself onto them. It’s not all that different from doing a push up or walking on my hands and knees. Only instead of a knee I have a hind hoof that’s made for walking like this. I manage to shakily rise to all fours before peering at my next obstacle. The edge of the bed. I don’t know why, but the floor suddenly seems really far away. I creepy to the edge of the bed on my… Knees and elbows? I have no idea what the bendy parts of a pony leg are called. I’m going with knees and elbows. I creep to the edge and peer down at the floor that seems ten feet from me. I can do this. I flew a jet at supersonic speeds; I think I can hop from the bed to the floor. Getting back to my hooves I at first try to ease over the edge and get my forehooves down first. I soon realize that’s not happening. I take the opposite route instead. Lowering my front half flat against the bed I gradually inch my hind end off and toward the floor. After what seems like an eternity I hear a satisfying ‘clop’ as my hind hooves hit floor. Silently congratulating myself on the small victory I begin pushing myself back with my forehooves until I finally reach the edge. A little nudge backward sends me away from the bed and lets my front half join the bottom on the floor. “I wonder if Erin will let me put the mattress on the floor?” My next challenge presents itself swiftly as I find coordinating four legs to be a bit trickier than two. I try to remember how the ponies on the show walked but it was getting hard to picture it in my head with the weird sensations my body was sending me. For one thing my neck was crazy long, and crazy bendable. I could crane my head around and see my back half with little effort. Gritting my teeth I began to inch forward. One front hoof, then the second. One back hoof, then the next. It was slow, awkward, and probably really silly looking but I was moving forward. Erin had left the door open for me. She must have seen how my condition had progressed and tried to leave as few obstacles as possible in my way. Is it too soon for an ‘I love you’? Probably. I’ve never had a woman I wanted to say it to before. Feeling stupid in my current mode of motion I try to walk less ridiculously. Moving both legs on one side than the other seems to do the trick, but coordinating them is pretty tricky. Reaching the stairs my tail twitches from side to side as I regard my newest challenge. Tentatively I reach a hoof out, placing it on the first stair. Turning my body to the side I slowly get into a shuffle of one half moving to one step with the other following. I let out a breath of air as I hit the floor and pause to take a deep breath. My ear twitches toward the hall behind me as I hear clumsy hoof steps. Not really in the mood to see anyone but Erin just now I shuffle my way out the front door. She’s sitting on the swing watching the horizon of course. Not entirely sure of what to say I just give a simple “Hey.” Erin looks back at me and smiles. Her smile does more to warm me up than the rising sun. “Hey.” She even pats the spot on the swing next to herself. I start my clumsy shuffle walk toward her. “Try thinking of how they walk in the show. Front and back legs together on the same side right?” I know she’s just trying to help. Giving me advice, good advice too. But I can’t ignore the irritation that wells up inside. “It’s easy to say, not so easy to do alright?” She winces slightly and looks back to the horizon line. She doesn’t look back at me just says a very soft, “Sorry.” Reaching the swing that suddenly seems a hundred feet high I sigh softly. I lift first one, then the other foreleg onto the swing and start to pull myself up. I notice Erin watching a touch worriedly but she doesn’t move to help me, no doubt not wanting to wound my already shattered pride. With a little kick of my back legs I’m up and on the swing. An awkward moment of silence passes. “No. No I’m sorry. I know you’re just trying to help.” She silently wraps an arm around my shoulders. Are they still shoulders? I’m calling them shoulders. Erin pulls me in closer and I fall silent letting her enjoy the sunrise. I can’t stifle a content sigh as I rest my head against her chest. She’s always so warm and just being near her makes me feel better. Once the sun has risen she looks down at me, giving me a tight squeeze. “You know what? You and Ellie should try to fly today. That’s something fun right?” I tilt my head considering it. Almost on their own my wings flex and twitch. That actually DOES sound like a lot of fun. “I guess so…” Can’t seem too enthusiastic about being a girly pony. “I was thinking of heading down the way a bit to see some girls that I went to school with. They live out on this commune their family’s owned forever. Apparently they went pony too. They’ve always grown tons of fresh produce so I was hoping to get some seeds for our greenhouse. You could come along if you like?” She starts getting to her feet. The idea of being seen by anyone outside this house is pretty terrifying. “I’m not much in the mood for meeting new people. I’ll do the flying idea with Ellie I think.” “Alright. I’m grabbing a shower and heading out. Do you want to join me or…?” Her coy little smile appears. How many different smiles does she have? It doesn’t even matter to me. Every one of them is perfect. “You go on ahead. I don’t want to risk smelling like wet dog or something.” I say with a shake of my head. She purses her lips in a faint frown. “Ok but you’re showering tomorrow for sure. I don’t want to sleep with a sweaty pony.” I laugh a little now. “Ok, ok. Maybe I’ll try one tonight alright?” Then to my complete surprise she leans down and kisses me! Right on the muzzle! She even slips a little tongue. My mind’s whirling at this. Am I still attractive to her? Is she kissing me out of pity? Then I realize I don’t care right at this moment, and kiss her back. She breaks it off too soon in my opinion and heads toward the kitchen, giving her bottom some extra wiggle as she goes. I don’t even try to hide my stare and just heave a happy sigh. I might have woken up as an orange talking pegasus mare this morning but suddenly I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. *** “How are you doing that?” Ellie casually trots ahead of me down the path in the back yard, prancing merrily about as if she’d been born walking on four legs. “How am I doing what?” “That! You’re walking….trotting…whatever!” She blinks and all of a sudden her legs seem to get tangled in each other and she falls face first into the grass. “Ouch…” I stagger over and offer a hoof, helping her up. “What happened?” She shrugs. “You started talking about it and I started thinking and stopped doing then thump.” I blink slowly trying to process what she’s saying. “You’re telling me you walk just fine when you don’t THINK about walking?” Her bright smile returns. “Well you didn’t THINK about walking when you had just two legs did you?” My mouth opens and closes a few times. “I…but…that’s…” She giggles. “Who cares about walking? We’re here to do some flying!” Ellie canters ahead of me once more moving fluidly. I can’t help but smile and follow after her, trying to think of everything but coordinating my legs. Which of course is all I’m thinking about now and down I go. Ellie swings back around and helps me to my hooves. “Don’t worry. You’ll get the hang of it! Everypony will.” I roll my eyes. “How many episodes did you all watch last night?” She giggles and shrugs. “A bunch. So! What’s first Captain?” I straighten up a little at the use of the title, and fuss a bit with the goggles strapped to my forehead. I have no idea why Erin packed them for me but I’m kinda glad she did. It feels right wearing them. Of course getting them on in the first place had resulted in snapping myself in the head and face numerous times with the band but they were on now! “Well first I think we should do a few stretches. Maybe some practice flaps and try to get used to the way the wind is blowing on our feathers.” Ellie was nodding along with my words. “Or we could just fly!” “I…well yeah but…we don’t know how…” She hmms and trots lazy circles around me. Suddenly she drops into a crouch and springs upward into the air flapping her wings for all she’s worth. She even manages to hang a few feet above me before she lists heavily to the side and does an epic face plant in the grass. “…you ok?” Her head springs up and she spits a mouthful of grass out. Then she gets a thoughtful look on her face and scoops a different bunch of grass INTO her mouth, chewing it slowly. “I’m good! And this is pretty good too! Kinda juicy!” She makes me laugh again and I shake my head, grinning toothily now. “Alright. Let’s try flapping. We have to get our wings to move at the same time or we’re just going to fly in circles and crash again alright?” Ellie nods and both her eyes focus on my wings as I spread them wide. It still feels a little strange, moving and flexing my wings. I sweep them up into the air, and then bring them down toward the ground in slow lazy motions. My fellow pegasus is soon mimicking my movements surprisingly well. Erin told me Ellie’s some kind of genius child prodigy or something so I’m sure if she puts her mind to it she can focus and be serious. We’ve started to draw a small crowd as the rest of our housemates assemble in the back yard to watch us at work. We’ve been working our wings up and down for a few minutes now. “How you doing Ellie? Need a break?” She shakes her head. “Nope! Let’s try goin faster!” I nod. “Good idea.” I start to sweep them up and down in quicker motions. They’re definitely flapping by this point. Ellie’s doing a great job matching the pace and movements of my wings with her own. “You’re doing great Ellie! Keep it up!” Ellie’s eyes roll in her head and both lock unerringly onto mine. Her grin has turned from silly and bubbly to fierce and determined. My own smile matches her as we begin to flap harder. I can feel the wind resisting my movements and the best way I can describe it to someone without wings themselves is like trying to swim. In the air. We’re so focused on each other we barely notice the others are cheering and stomping their hooves on the ground suddenly. Our wings are pumping faster than ever and I realize suddenly I Can’t feel my hooves touching the ground. Chancing a glance downward I see we’re in the air! Only a few feet up but we’re still flying. “We’re doing it!” Immediately I falter but Ellie offers a steadying hoof helping me keep my balance. “Stop thinking, and just do.” I swallow and try to follow her advice. Just fly. Just flap my wings and stay in the air. Ellie’s leaning back, letting her lower half hang down and I adjust my posture to do the same. It’s actually a lot more comfortable hovering like this. Of course that’s how the ponies in the show did it when they weren’t moving forward to. Feeling brave I tilt myself around to face the others. “How about it guys? We’re a couple of flying aces huh?” I’m momentarily confused by what I see. Meg, Jules, Nikki, and Becky are all lying on their sides apparently asleep in the grass? “Ellie are you seeing these guys? We’re not THAT boring are we?” I look over my shoulder. Ellie’s wings are flapping erratically. “Jake… m’not… feelin so hot…” That’s when I see the dart protruding from her flank. Her eyes roll back and her wings stop entirely as she plummets to the ground. It’s only a ten foot drop but she still hits the ground hard. “Ellie!” I bring my wings in close ready to dive when I feel a sudden sting in my side. Already knowing what I’ll find I look back to see a dart sticking out, and a terrible numbness creeping over my body. I crash into the ground beside Ellie and weakly try to get up. A pair of men with hunting rifles rise out of the thick grass from around the garage. “Hoo-ee that was a nice shot. Picked off botha the flyin’ critters.” The larger of the two just grunted. “Whatever. Grab a couple and let’s get them to the van.” My mind is screaming at my body to get up but I can’t so much as twitch my ear. “Hey! What are you doing?!” I can’t see him, but I can hear Lucas yelling from the porch. He must have been inside eating or watching something on the TV. The skinny guy raises his rifle only to have it slapped away by the larger. “What the hell’s the matter with you? It’s just a kid. With a busted leg. I don’t think we gotta worry about him taking us down.” “Yer lucky y’little runt! Get your ass back in that house if ya know what’s good for ya!” I hear the back door slam, and silently pray that Lucas is calling Erin or… or somebody? The police maybe? She said everyone in town knows about Tom and Nikki so maybe they’d actually help. The skinny guy just tosses Ellie and me over his shoulders like a pair of potato sacks. “Hmph. Course you grab the flying ones. Chicken horses don’t weigh a thing.” From my position I can see the bigger guy hefting all four of the others in his arms in a big heap carting them toward a waiting van. Two more men help them maneuver us into large dog kennels inside. “Alright let’s get to this farm down the way. Three more there and that Terry guys gonna meet us with the last one.” Terry?! Tom’s boyfriend Terry? Man I hope they break up after this. That guy was a tool all night too. If I get my hands…hooves on him I’ll beat the living crap out of him. Of course that’s a pretty dim possibility given our situation. I feel the van start to move. Every bump in the road sends me rolling about the kennel bouncing my head off the floor or walls. The trip is mercifully short. I’m facing the back of the van so I can see them opening the doors. There’s a little wood and stone home with dozens of gorgeous flower beds all around the front. The two in the back hop out and stand by the doors while the two who shot the lot of us head up to the front door muscling their way in. Cries of fear and alarm ring from the house. A minute later Erin comes racing around to the front door. I want to scream and rage as she stumbles and falls back, a dart clearly sticking out of her chest. A pony mare…Roseluck from the show I think comes stumbling toward the door, only to be tranquilized as well. The three come back carrying the pony mares in their arms. I can hear voices soon. I recognize Terry’s voice, and soon Tom is in a cage with the rest of us. That’s when I see her. Erin’s gotten to her feet and is staggering drunkenly toward the van. To my horror the skinny bastard shoots her again and she tumbles face down into the dirt. The doors slam cutting of my view of her as we move again. I feel my hope drying up, then there’s a strange flash from outside. “Uh….she’s up. And she’s running.” “Running?” The driver frowns. “What the hell do you mean running?” His skinny friend is looking a bit on the hysterical side. “I mean she’s runnin’! She’s haulin’ ass and she’s catchin’ us!” “Don’t be a retard I’m going thirty five!” There’s a pause before he hits the accelerator and we lurch forward. “How the fuck is she running so fast?!” “I dunno man but just drive!” They sound panicked. The van is accelerating more and more but they don’t seem to be calming down. Is she chasing them? She must be in a car right? The two men in the back look to one another and nod. The first swinging the doors open. I momentarily forget to breathe as I see the woman I love running, on foot, after the fleeing van. Her violet eyes blazing with fury even from this far away I can see it clearly. Her pastel rainbow colored hair flailing in the wind as she charges after the men abducted us. My brain sort of… shuts down. That can’t be Erin. That’s Princess Celestia’s mane on her head. I barely register one of the men hurling an empty kennel at her and tripping her up, causing her to go down hard. Has Erin been changing this whole time, only slower? Or is it something more? Is there even a human woman named Erin Rockwell or has she been Princess Celestia in disguise this whole time? My head is whirling with questions and I keep coming back to one conclusion. She’s been lying to me. Maybe for the past week. Maybe for as long as I’ve known her. I’ve been hearing police sirens for a few moments now. The van swerves hard sending the kennels containing us tumbling about the back of the van. I wind up upside down inside mine. The men are screaming in fear now. The door is open and there’s some kind of scuffle going on. The one is firing his gun wildly at something I can’t see behind me. Suddenly a dart hits HIM and he keels over. Erin surges into my view, all rage and fury. Her clothing is pretty shredded and I can see numerous scrapes all over her body, but they’re surrounded by a faint golden hue and already healing. She just leans right in between the driver and his terrified passenger. “Pull this thing over RIGHT now or I swear to god I’ll shove HIS head up your… Up your ASS!” Wisely, the driver obliges. I can hear a lot of movement going on around me before Erin herself lifts my kennel and pulls me out. She looks…so sad. Sad and a little ashamed as she carries me outside, laying me on the ground. I follow her with my eyes as she goes back in, retrieving everyone else. Then she moves around to the front of the van and I can’t see her anymore. The van drives off and I see a couple local cops have three of the four kidnappers handcuffed. They’re moving them to the cruiser a bit further down the road and securing them in the back seat. Finally they come back gazing down at us. “Well whaddo we do about them sheriff?” The older officer, the sheriff I’m guessing scratches his head. “Mmm. Get ‘em back to the cabin. I’ll send Doctor Sween around to have a look at ‘em.” The younger officer frowns. “The vet? Ain’t that a little…I dunno…insulting?” The sheriff shrugs. “Son they look a lot more horse than human to me. Sween’s had to tend a few horses now and again. If he says they need to see Doc Conner I’ll have him go out too. Now get moving. Lying in the dirt like that isn’t doing them any good.” The pair maneuvers us into the younger cops’ car. I notice the windshield is missing. Kinda wonder what coulda done THAT to a cop car. Of course that’s not the most burning question on my mind. ‘Where’s Erin?’ Would be that. *** “Lady you know they’re gonna arrest you the second they see your crazy hair right?” I frown at the man driving but can’t really argue with that. “Let me worry about that. You just worry about getting me to this center.” He’s right though Erin. How exactly do you plan on getting us passed all the guards there are sure to be? I sigh running my hands through my hair. “I dunno. I thought we’d try asking nice and if that doesn’t work just uh…force our way in? I don’t suppose my skin’ll stop a regular bullet now too?” It likely will, yes. Luna and I are very powerful beings Erin. Only the strongest of magics can do us real harm. Unless your military is equipped with eldritch weapons strong enough to obliterate a star I suspect we have little to nothing to fear from them. “Mmm. Definitely don’t think we have any star-exploding missiles, no.” The driver is eyeing me warily. “Uh…who’re you talking to?” I roll my eyes. “The pony Princess that lives in my head. What the heck do you care? You just have to drive me to this center then you can go on your way.” He definitely looks more nervous than ever but what’s he going to do? He saw all the crap I just did. No way is he gonna give me any trouble. You’re enjoying this just a bit aren’t you? I huff. “Of course not! It’s crazy and dangerous and I’m going to be a fugitive or terrorist or something for this!” Maybe, maybe not. Her little sing-song tone set me on edge. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Celestia chose not to answer now. I sigh and cross my arms. “So what’s your deal guy? You and your buddies just cruising around terrorizing already scared people?” He frowns at my phrasing. “Look it’s nothing personal. We’re bounty hunters. Licensed and everything. There’s a five grand reward for every talking horse you bring in.” “That’s a lot of cash for some innocent folks trying not to be stuck in some government quarantine lab.” “Yeah well what if what they got’s contagious huh?” I raise an eyebrow. “I don’t see you tooling around in a hazmat suit buddy. If there was something to catch, you’d have caught it.” He suddenly looks alarmed. “Relax you idiot. They’re not sick, there’re no nanites or anything.” “Well then what the hell is it?” “Magic.” Now he turns to stare again. “Christ you are crazy.” I roll my eyes. “So a perfectly normal woman chased down your car going god knows how fast, leapt from car to car, smashed through bullet proof glass, had your cute little darts bounce off her skin, and you somehow think there’s nothing magical in that?” He opens his mouth, and then shuts it. “Could be genetically enhanced.” “Ever hear of anyone with super powers? In the military or anything?” “It’d be top secret! You’re probably some government cover up.” I frown. “If I was working for the government why would I be protecting the ponies?” Again I seem to have stumped him. “…well we’re just about there.” There’s a noticeable crowd as we draw closer. I see a bunch of protest signs and more than a few news vans. “Celestia, there’s a BIG crowd.” Erin I have to apologize in advance. I need to be able to channel spells using your body. That means you need a horn and we don’t have time to let it grow naturally. I frown. “Uhhh…didn’t you say that was a huge stain on our body and would be crazy painful?” Yes. If you prefer I could take control and bare the pain for us. My frown grows deeper. “No! No uh…thanks. I’ll handle it. Do what you gotta do.” Very well. Brace yourself Erin. I wonder what she expects me to brace myself ON, and then all coherent thought flees my mind. It feels like someone’s trying to ram a railroad spike from the inside of my head and out my forehead. I grip the dashboard in front of me screaming incoherently as a long horn bursts from my head with a small spatter of blood hitting the wind shield. “Jesus Christ lady! Fuck this!” The van lurches to a stop and the driver jumps out, not that I much care right now. Erin? Erin can you hear me? The pain is easing away slowly. Too slowly in my opinion. “Yuh…yeah…” I’m so sorry. If there was any other way I’d have never subjected you to that. If your negotiations go poorly however we’ll need some way of rescuing everypony and I need to be able to cast a teleportation spell. My breathing is coming in ragged gasps, but slowly it eases as the pain fades from screaming agony to a constant booming in my skull. “Right…s-so…what’s the plan?” I’d suggest a discussion with whoever is in charge. Calmly explain the situation and ask that the ponies be released. “Right I’m sure that’ll go over just fine. Any chance you can do something about them recognizing me? There are news vans and stuff out there. If these people know who I am no one is safe back home.” Not to worry. I guarantee no one will recognize you. With no choice other than to trust her I step out of the van. All at once the people drawn by the sudden blood in the car recoil in shock and awe. I’m confused for a moment before I remember I have pastel rainbow hair and a giant horn poking out of my skull. I do my best to avoid eye contact with everyone as the people around me fall silent. The crowd hastily parts as I approach the gates of the large facility. Passing a storefront window I almost trip and fall on my face when I see my reflection. My shredded clothes aren’t reflected in the image. Instead I’m wearing a gleaming silver breastplate with a large golden sun embossed on the chest. Thick gauntlets cover my hands and go up my elbows, while a pair of big metal boots extend beyond my knee to mid-thigh. A small crown is nestled in my hair behind my horn, and a shimmering golden mask covers the top half of my face. My reflection even has a long red cape flowing down her back. I have to look down at myself to confirm I am indeed in a torn up t-shirt and jeans. “Jesus Christ I look like I came from a fantasy convention!” I sincerely doubt you’ll be recognized now. And a strong appearance is important to making a good first impression Erin. “Oh we’re going to make an impression.” I resume my march. The crowd has parted all the way up to the gates. The soldiers there already have their weapons trained on me. “H-halt! You…you just…stop right there miss…uh…missy!” I raise my hands and slow my approach, stopping just before the gates. “Hello!” I blink. “Hello. Hello? What’s wrong with my voi…oh that’s you too isn’t it?” It’s actually MY voice, yes. Better safe than sorry I thought. The men are regarding me with a mixture of worry and confusion. I clear my throat. “Hello. I’m ah…Princess Celestia. Here to see about the release of your prisoners.” The two guards exchange a slow look. “You…you’re under arrest.” I frown. “I am? For what?” “For…” The speaker looks to his friend who just shrugs. “For having a horn!” I tilt my head. “That’s illegal?” “Uh…” The crowd is starting to take notice of our exchange. I notice all the signs are mostly about freeing the captive people. A few people are laughing at my baffling of the guards. “It is if you have the hip tattoos. Do you?” I blink. “You want me to take my pants off in public?” The laughter really gets started behind me at the look on both men’s faces. The til now silent guard scowls. “Look just…just get in here! YOU stay here you jackass.” He scowls at his partner while he leads me inside. I even give the crowd a little wave as we go. Very well done Erin. “Well thank you very much.” The guard frowns back at me. “Don’t be thanking me yet. You’re getting locked up with the rest.” My mouth tightens into a thin line at that. There are several more armed guards waiting for us at the doors of the actual facility. One of the soldiers must be the officer in charge judging by his dress. “What the hell is all this? Who is this woman?” My guide nods for me to speak. “Princess Celestia. Here to get the people you have locked up and take them home.” He stares at me mutely for a moment. “Why the hell isn’t she cuffed?!” Another man approached me grabbing my wrist and brandishing a pair of handcuffs. He moves to tug my arm around my back, and to my mild surprise and amusement he finds he can’t. I’m not even putting up much resistance; I just tilt my head to calmly regard him. “What the hell are you doing soldier? Cuff this woman!” “I…I can’t sir!” Scowling the officer storms up grabbing my other arm. Like his subordinate he may as well try and drag a pair of full grown trees around. “So. The ponies. Please. Before you embarrass yourself more.” Bristling with rage he steps back. “You…you will let us take you into custody or my men will subdue you!” I raise my eyebrows now. “How exactly are they going to subdue me? You can’t out muscle me and I guarantee your guns aren’t going to do much.” I hope. “This is a facility under the control of the United States Government! You can’t just barge in here and do whatever you want!” I tilt my head frowning in an understanding manner. “I’m pretty sure I can. I’d rather do this you know…nicely but if you force my hand I’ll take action. One way or the other the ponies come with me.” I don’t wait for him to respond, I just start walking. “Can you find them?” I can. Continue forward a short ways then take a right. “Stop! That is a restricted area! Stop or we WILL open fire!” That does cause me to slow. “…you’re sure about the bullets?” Yes Erin, I’m sure. Your pain is my pain remember? I’d rather not die either. “Right.” I start walking again. I can’t help but shriek as I hear the boom of a gunshot, and feel a sharp pain in the back of my right knee. With a yelp I topple over onto my side, arms flailing. “Now get this woman….” The officer trails off as I roll on the ground cradling my leg. “Ow! Oooooow you said I was bulletproof!” Erin…Erin! Stop rolling about and look at your leg. I suck on my lower lip as I do what she says. Looking down expecting a giant hole where my kneecap used to be I see… Nothing. No blood, no bone, no nothing. “That really hurt!” Oh don’t be such a baby. It stung at best. Like a paintball. Remember when you did that with Nikki and your uncle? I frown. “Oh yeah…” I get back up brushing myself off. Reflexively I flinch as I hear another gun shot, this one hitting me in the small of my back. “Eeeeeow!” I do a hopping little dance now, one hand on my back and a little hop every time I put weight on my sore knee. “Knock it off! Can’t we do something about those guns?!” Oh, yes I suppose so. Turn and face them please. Still favoring my sore knee I do as she asks. It’s almost comical the look of horror on the guards’ faces. I feel a warmth beginning in my belly and spreading through my whole body, before it centers around my new horn. A warm golden glow sparks to life around it then bursts into a flare of light filling the room. The men start shouting in alarm, then the only sound I hear is a bunch of strange clicking. When my vision clears I see the lot of them staring at their guns in confusion. “What’d you do?” I simply rendered the firing mechanisms inert. Now shall we? Leaving the dumb founded soldiers behind me I resume my trek into the facility. I encounter a few more guards but Celestia does whatever she did to the first groups’ guns to theirs as well. A few gets a little handsy but a gentle nudge on their backsides does wonders to dissuade them. Finally we come to a large pair of sealed off doors. I run a hand along the heavy metal with a frown. “They’re in there.” It’s not a question. You feel them? I frown pressing my head close to the metal. My horn scraps against it unnoticed. “I do. They’re…they’re so scared. Terrified.” My hands are quivering. In anger I realize. Erin calm down. How could they do this to these people? Take them from their homes and just lock them away when they’re already scared and confused? The air around me is beginning to warp with heat. Sort of like when it’s a hot summer day on the black top and you can SEE the heat waves. Erin listen to me, you have to calm down. I grit my teeth and heave on the doors. They give slightly but don’t move inward. With a grunt I back up and ram my shoulder into them. They shudder now and bend in more. Screaming in fury I pound my fists into the metal. Each blow my hands sink in further and further. I can hear shouts of alarm from the other side as I hammer in the doors. I know it’s difficult Erin, but you’re not feeling just your own anger but mine as well. And my emotions can run far hotter than you’re used to! Please for their sakes calm down! I hear her voice but it seems small and far away. I’m vaguely aware of the molten metal that used to be a pair of doors running down my shoulders and pooling around my feet. Inside are a half a dozen men in lab coats. And several dozen ponies. Ponies in cages. My people. My subjects. Crammed into tiny cages like rabid animals. The blazing corona of light around my body only intensified. My hair whips around my head as if I were in the middle of a howling tornado. Bright golden light pours from my eyes as the floor and walls around me begin to sag and melt into slag. The voice in my head is pleading with me but I ignore it. How could anything be more important than what these monsters have done to my little ponies? Then I see them. The look in my beloved subjects’ eyes. It’s not love, or joy, or relief. It’s fear. All at once my burning fury subsides and I stagger forward onto one knee. The fiery magic I’d been emitting vanishes abruptly. I can clearly hear the screams of terror from every mouth in the room, not just human. …Erin? Erin can you hear me now? “Y…yes…I…I’m sorry.” It’s alright Erin. You were feeling what I was feeling. Our bond is growing rapidly and I need to make a conscious effort to manage this. “You…all that anger is you? You don’t…sound angry.” I’ve had a very long time to practice hiding my emotions Erin. Now let’s get my people out of these cages. I nod getting back to my feet slowly. Ignoring the fleeing researchers I move to the first set of cages, snapping the locks off easily. “It’s… It’s alright. Sorry about the uh… Big scary fire. I was a little cheesed off.” I smile in what I hope is a comforting manner. I don’t know if it’s my sudden change in tone of Celestia’s curious influence on the ponies but they do seem to relax somewhat, climbing cautiously from the cages. I move from set to set freeing them all, some two dozen in total. “…now what?” Ask them to gather together please. I plan to send them to your home in Thilton if that’s alright? I clear my throat. “Excuse me everyone? In case it wasn’t clear I actually AM Princess Celestia. Sort of. To anyone familiar with the name I hope this brings a little relief. To anyone not, you’ll get a crash course soon. Now I’d like to take everyone someplace safe. If you’d rather stay I won’t force anyone to go.” A brown coated earth pony stallion with an hourglass cutie mark steps up. “Ma’am I think I speak for everyone here when I say anywhere is better than being caged like an animal.” I smile at his cute English accent. “Right then! Uh… Time for magic?” Time for magic. I feel the warm rush again as my horn glows softly. The golden glow sweeps about the room in a gentle wave. As it washes over the assembled ponies they vanish in a flash of twinkling golden light. “…us too?” Not yet. If you don’t mind I believe there were some news reporters outside? I believe a message to your people is in order. “Oh… yeah that’s a good idea.” I make my way back out of the facility doing my best to ignore the shouts of alarm from the guards. They make no move to stop me at least as I head back out the front door. The crowd whips into a frenzy as I reappear. I’m a little relieved when I raise my hands and they quiet. One of the braver reporters approaches practically dragging her camera man along. She’s a young woman, probably in her mid-twenties. “Er… Hello miss? Would you be willing to answer a few questions?” I shuffle a touch nervously. “W-well there was something I wanted to say. I was hoping you guys could get the message out for me? It might answer a lot of your questions too.” This seemed to catch everyone’s attention as the other news folk crowded around. I think Celestia could sense my nerves. Take a deep breath Erin. Introduce yourself calmly and clearly. Probably as Princess Celestia would be best for now. Explain what’s happening with the people becoming ponies as clearly as you can. That’s all you have to do. Nodding I swallow the lump in my throat. “Alright well! Hello everyone. I’m ah… Don’t laugh please. I’m Princess Celestia.” Of course there was some laughter and I had to shrug sheepishly at that. “I know, it sounds silly but it’s who I am. Or who I’m becoming anyhow. That’s what I’m hoping to tell everyone about today. As I’m sure you’ve all noticed, people are becoming ponies.” There was another bit of laughter here and there, but the news people just looked more interested as I spoke. Even the soldiers gathering behind me were listening quietly. “I want to put everyone’s fears to rest. This isn’t some sort of plague, or nano-bomb or anything weird like that. It’s ah… Actually it’s a lot weirder. It’s magic.” Now the laughter was back full force and the reporters went from looking interested to looking ‘this chick must be crazy’. “I know how it sounds, really I do. But I was in the hospital with a friend when he started changing pretty early on. I don’t know how much information is being released by the Doctor there assured me there was no medical reason for what was happening.” This drew a few murmurs from the crowd. The first woman spoke up. “You really expect people to believe MAGIC is behind this? I have to admit your fancy get up there is impressive but I don’t know how magical it is.” “O-oh well uh… I can do some magic if you like?” I look off to the side. “Right?” This raises a few eyebrows around the crowd but I need to make sure. Yes. Anything in particular we should do? I shrug. “Just don’t hurt anyone or anything.” Of course. My little side conversation with myself is drawing more attention. All the whispering stops as my horn begins to glow softly. Gasps and shouts of alarm rise from the crowd as the golden light races across the pavement. Most people dive out of the way but a few curious ones remain standing letting the light wash harmlessly over their feet. The shouts of alarm turn to shouts of wonder as a line of large, colorful flowers bloom right out of the street. “Ta da?” The crowd erupts with questions now. The roaring cacophony is making me feel dizzy and a little nauseous. Take a deep breath Erin. In and out. You have to remain calm and in control or our power could rage again. I don’t think blazing with the fury of the sun in a crowded street surrounded by reporters would be very good for our image. I shut my eyes tight and take several deep breaths. “Please! Please calm down! I’d like to finish talking alright?!” Reluctantly the shouts ease and quiet again. “S-sorry I’m not used to public speaking. Um… So yeah there’s some magic. I hope that’s proof enough. Anyway here’s the why of everything. A few years ago on a world completely different from ours this was this big… Dragon monster thing. He did some kind of spell that killed or I don’t know exactly, made a bunch of people there disappear. Except on that world the people aren’t humans, they’re ponies. As I understand it the victims of this spell were sort of... Reincarnated here as humans." I definitely have the crowd’s attention now. “Well apparently we don’t have magic here on Earth typically. So these magical souls trying to inhabit non-magical bodies was hurting them. Over time the magic built up more and more and could have killed people. So instead of making these folks explode or whatever, the magic started reshaping them into a form that could handle it. Into their original pony bodies. At least that's the best guess their Princess has for me so far.” “Now from what I’m told that’s about it for changes. People’s minds aren’t going to be rewritten or anything. Your sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, your friends and family are still who they’ve always been on the inside. They’re just a lot different on the outside. So uh… So locking them away and treating them like lab animals isn’t exactly fair. I hope my message today encourages people to do the right thing and let the pony folk go free. If not…” I take a deep breath. This is the part that folks aren’t going to like. “If they’re not freed in the next few days I’ll be coming to free them myself. I’d really prefer this to all be settled peacefully but I have a responsibility to my former subjects. Any ponies that can hear this I just want you to know, your Princess is here. She’s back and she’ll be coming for you soon if you’re not set free by those holding you captive.” I pause a minute to let that sink in. “One more thing.” I turn to look into the cameras directly. “Markus if you and Luna can hear me, we’re coming for you alright? We’ll come for you as soon as we can. I promise. And if anyone gets in our way, we’ll make them sorry.” The crowd starts to murmur softly. “Well! That’s uh… That’s all I have to say.” The second I finish talking the crowd explodes with questions again. There are so many voices all screaming in my ears at once I couldn’t make any of the words out if I wanted to. I almost sob in relief as I feel the magic welling within me again. Gasping softly I look down to find my feet have left the ground. A bright shaft of golden sunlight springs into being around my body and then… Then I’m shrieking at the top of my lungs as I’m whisked into the air in a flash. I’m moving so fast the ground’s already all but invisible beneath my feet. All I can see are clouds and sky for miles around. “GET ME DOWN GET ME DOWN GET ME DOWN!” The light vanishes abruptly and I shriek again as I begin to fall. Then I land on… On the clouds? My eyes are open wide and rolling back and forth as I whip my head around, screaming all the while. Erin! Erin calm down! Calm down this minute young lady! The tone in her voice causes my mouth to snap shut instinctively; turning my shrieks to soft mewls of fear. I suppose I should warn you next time we’re going to travel by sunbeam, but you seemed to desperately want to get away from that crowd. I thought a grand exit might make a good impression. I try to speak but only a strangled squeak comes out of my mouth. Oh! Oh dear how silly of me. I completely forgot your aversion to heights. Honestly Erin you can leap across racing cars and face down heavily armed men but sitting up on a cloud is too scary? Now I try to respond angrily, or snippily. Another squeak is all I manage. I hear the immortal Princess giggle in my head as the magic builds up in me again. Mercifully there’s no travelling by SUNBEAMS this time. Just a soft pop as the sky around me disappears, and suddenly I’m sitting in my back yard. There’s quite a crowd of confused ponies milling about my back yard. I see a few of my friends walking here and there trying to put folks at ease but they look just as off put as the rest. “Erin!” I turn my head at the sound of Jake’s voice. A look of concern on his face as he awkwardly trots out to me. I feel relief flood my body at the sight of him. Jake’s here. Everything’s going to be ok now. Then my eyes roll back into my head and I flop over onto my back in a dead faint. *** I’m getting tired of the taste of my own blood. I mean blood in general I don’t have much of an aversion to. I’ve seen my own more than a few times. But tasting it? Shit’s fucking gross. Hard to say which is worse. The physical torture or the torture of being alone in my own head. This might sound pretty fucking weird but when you’ve had someone in your head keeping you company since you were old enough to understand concepts like that, having them disappear all of a sudden can be a shitty experience. The flash of pain going through my chest and stomach when I try to breathe in more than the tiniest of breaths is a good reminder that the physical torture might be worse. The bed the crazy fuck has me chained to could be more comfortable too. I know I’m in some kind of hospital or something. The bars on the door and window make me think it’s a nut house though. The thick metal restraints on my wrists and ankles keeping me stuck in this shit bed have been rubbing my skin raw for a while. I glance up at the bag of glowing blue fluid fastened overhead. The IV is hooked right into my wrist keeping me pumped full of the shit that’s keeping me and Luna from connecting. I’m just about to give struggling loose another try when the door swings open. And there he is. The King Fuck himself. Discord strides in cool as a cucumber and happy as can be. He has those stupid reading glasses I’m pretty sure he doesn’t need perched on his nose and he’s pretending to study a clipboard. “And how’s my favorite patient today?” “Get fucked.” Sighing dramatically he tosses the clipboard over his shoulder. “Honestly Markus, what would Luna say if she heard you swearing so much?” “She’d probly say you should get fucked.” A brief flash of irritation crosses the monster in human flesh’s face at that. “You’re pretty mouthy for someone with half a dozen broken ribs, some snapped legs and who knows how many missing teeth. Maybe it’s time for more dental work?” I can’t suppress the trill of fear that runs down my spine at that, but I do a good job keeping my outward cool. “So what the hell d’you want now?” “I thought we’d watch a little TV! It must get boring in here for you all the time with nothing to do.” He smirks a bit flipping on a TV that just appears out of nowhere. “Let’s see how all your little ponies are doing hm? I wonder if they’ll wind up in labor camps or just dissected?” He leers at me with that fucked up grin of his. A grin I suddenly return as I see who’s on the news. “Probably neither I’d guess.” Frowning in confusion he turns to the screen. “WHAT?!” There’s my sister. Our sisters I guess. Wearing some fancy armor and a goofy ass mask. Smart now that I think about it. She probably doesn’t want the whole world knowing her face. She looks pretty impressive really, making some kinda big speech. Then she turns and looks right into the camera. “Markus if you and Luna can hear me, we’re coming for you alright? We’ll come for you as soon as we can. I promise. And if anyone gets in our way, we’ll make them sorry.” I’m grinning now. Grinning ear to fucking ear. I look over at Discord. He’s grinding his teeth so hard I imagine they’d be cracking. His fist clenches so tightly around the remote is shatters in his hands. “Uh oh. Looks like big sis is awake and pissed off.” He rounds on me, eyes flashing with maniacal fury. “Who cares?! Let her come! She can have the room right next to yours!” My grin doesn’t fade. “You’re scared. You’re fucking terrified of them aren’t you? Why else would you have gone to so much trouble to make sure Celestia never woke up? You sure as shit didn’t do to me what you did to her in here.” He rounds on me, back handing me across the face and sending the whole fucking bed flying across the room. I brace myself as it slams into the wall and lands on its side. Coughing weakly I spit yet another tooth out. I’m gonna need fucking dentures by the time this is over. “I’m not afraid of anything! I’m Discord you little twit! Without the elements of harmony Celestia is helpless against me! Do you hear me?! Helpless!” He’s still raging to himself as he storms out of my room. The door slams hard enough to break the hinges. I lay still for a while, until I can’t hear him screaming to himself anymore. Luna always told me I never think before I talk. Well I was thinking this time. Smirking I maneuver my right hand out of the manacle that broke when the bed smashed into the wall. It doesn’t take too much messing with the other one to get my other arm free. Of course now comes the shitty part. My body screams in protest as I bend my waist toward my shackled feet. I can actually feel the bruised and broken ribs in my guts shifting around but I gotta do this. After what seems like forever my legs flop loose, shooting more pain up my body. Oh yeah, those are fucking broken too. Grunting I flop onto my stomach. By now the pain has gotten to the point where it’s an ignorable constant. I drag myself along the floor to the door. The broken door. Shaking my head at the stupid fuckers’ idiocy I crawl out into the hallway peering about cautiously. For once I have a bit of luck. There’s no one out there. Not only that but there’s a dust covered wheel chair propped against the wall. Some agonizing moments later I’m sitting in the chair gasping for breath. I can’t help but take a few minutes to catch my breath. Now that the fucking IV is gone I can already feel a familiar warmth building in my stomach. We might not be able to talk but Luna’s already hard at work getting our body back in working order. Glancing back and forth I see what I’m looking for. It’s at the end of the hall but there’s a red exit sign. Slowly I start wheeling myself toward it. Expecting Discord to leap out any second but he doesn’t. I’m about halfway to the door when I hear it. Sobbing. A woman crying. It’s coming from the room to my right. “Fucking idiot is what I am.” I turn to the door and try the handle. It’s not locked and swings open easily. The room is almost identical to the one I was in. Only its occupant isn’t shackled to her bed. I can barely make out a woman huddled in the corner with her face away from me, rocking back and forth and sobbing softly. “Hey. Hey uh… lady? I’m getting out of here. C’mon let’s go.” Very abruptly the sobs stop. The rocking stops. Alarm bells begin to sound in the back of my head as she slowly turns to face me. A thick lock of multi-hued hair falls across her wide, wildly staring violet eyes. She tilts her head staring me in the eyes, and a wide smile starts to form on her tear streaked face. The alarms start blaring as she gets to her feet and rapidly approaches. “Auntie Tia! I’ve been waiting for you!” Frantically I try to wheel the chair toward the door but an iron grip tightens around the handles. The abrupt halt cause me to flip out of the chair and land hard on the floor. I hear the wheel chair crash into the wall and shatter. I manage not to scream as her slender hands grip around my ankles tighter than any manacle. “Why Auntie Tia… You have no idea how long I’ve waited to see you. To get my HANDS on you. Come inside. Let’s… Talk. Maybe I can find us some tea.” She giggles shrilly as she drags me by the ankles into the room. I get one last glimpse of freedom before she violently heaves me against the wall and slams the door behind us. Through the new haze of pain I vaguely recognize her as Elizabeth, the office girl from Corddis’ fake practice. But her strength, and her hair… I realize she’s like Erin and I. She has a Princess inside her. A broken Princess. She leers down at me eyes wide and wild. “Oh Auntie Tia.” Her hands flex open and closed as she lowers herself closer. “Oh sweet Auntie Tia… we’re going to have such fun you and I.”’ Jesus Christ I hope Erin gets here soon. > Chapter 12: Asylum > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12: Asylum ::WARNING:: This chapter contains strong language, and semi-intense scenes of violence and gore I still cannot believe the destruction he has brought upon Equestria. Part of me wonders if it was my fault. If I had paid more attention to him. Played more of the games he so enjoyed. Would he have snapped as he did? Would he have ruined so many lives? Standing upon the balcony of the tower in the mages hidden enclave I look out upon the ruin that is my home country. Rationally I know I can’t blame myself for the actions of another, but in my heart I can’t help but take some responsibility. Moon Dancer often tells me I always try to make everypony’s burdens my burdens. Is it such a terrible thing to wish to help my fellow ponies? What they intend to do is a desperate, nearly suicidal gamble. They approached me with the offer. Power greater than any unicorn has ever wielded before. When I asked why they felt I was the right mare for the job, they explained my former friendship with Discord could give me an edge in the coming battle. A stinging truth. One I find I very much do not care for. Ignoring my dear sisters’ protests I accepted their offer. How could I not? Even a slim chance to stop the destruction before he went too far and began to actively harm my fellow ponies was worth taking. The chances I survive the ritual they have planned are slim to none but I do not care. I will take any risk to help me people. The hour is upon me. I sigh and turn away from the sight of the churning lake of chocolate pudding. Already our water reserves are running low. Pudding does not make good rain obviously. No rain means our crops are withering. I walk with slow measured steps through the halls. I smile politely at the occasional well-wisher who offers words of encouragement. I am walking to my death I am sure, but perhaps that would be preferable to the alternative. What if it worked? What if I truly was given the power to rival Discord? Would I become a monster such as he in time? Absolute power corrupts absolutely after all. I stop in my tracks as a familiar blue filly blocks my path. Moon Dancer is many years my junior, barely a teenager but she does not stand much shorter than I. She glares hotly, freezing me in place. “Sister I will not allow this.” I heave a sigh. “Moony you know it is our only chance. If we do not stop Discord now all of Equestria is surely doomed.” My sister stubbornly shakes her head. “Let somepony else undergo this ritual! One of the magi! Or one of the royal guard! This is what they are intended to do Sunny! You cannot do this! You… You cannot leave me alone Sunny. You are the only one who truly understands me. Who does not find me… Disturbing.” I smile softly and move closer, craning my head around her neck in an embrace. “Dear sister, I wish there was another way. If there were any I would leap at the chance to take it. But he must be stopped. I have to be the one to do it. If somepony is to defeat him with… With finality I would prefer it be someone he knows. I fear he is a rabid animal sister. One who has no control over his own actions. It would be a mercy to… To end his life.” Moon Dancer’s eyes widen. “Sister you cannot mean to… To kill him! We do not kill. Nopony has taken a sentient life willingly in… In centuries!” My smile turns sad. “Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for those we care about. I care about everypony in Equestria sister. If the blood of Discord on my hooves spares somepony else from making so horrible a choice, it is a sacrifice I make gladly.” My little sister stares hard at me. “Fine! Go then! Go to your… To your unnatural ritual with those musty old ponies! Go and murder Discord! I am sure you will be heralded as a great heroine!” I call out to her but she ignores me, galloping down the corridor and away from me as quickly as she is able. Sighing softly I turn and resume my course. The magi await me in the ritual chamber. A pair of guards ponies, one earth and one pegasi stand at rigid attention. I try not to meet their gaze but I cannot help but look upon the faces of the ponies sacrificing their lives for this chance at victory. The earth pony is a solidly built mare. Her coat is a silken white like my own, while her mane is a close cropped bob cut and a rather fetching pale green hue. The pegasus stallion likewise has a white coat while his mane is a pastel blue color. Both return my look with strong resolution in their eyes. They nod to me confidently. I do not even know their names. To my eternal shame, I do not ask either. I think that would make what is to come absolutely impossible. Steeling myself I step into the center of the ritual diagrams on the ground. The magic they intend to perform is absolutely abhorrent to me. To use the life of another pony to fuel a spell is just wrong on the most basic level. Moon Dancer’s words come back to me. Nopony has willingly killed another in countless years. That we know of. How many ponies have died at the hands of the magi in their experiments? I would like to believe this is the first time they have attempted such magics but my more rational side says that is unlikely. The arch mage takes his place at the head of the ritual. “Your sacrifice today means life for everypony in Equestria tomorrow. You will be remembered for all time as the greatest heroes to ponykind. I, and my fellow magi thank you from the bottom of our hearts for what you are about to do. May you find rest in the Fields of Elysium.” My stomach turns at the look of pride on their faces. How can anypony be happy to throw their life away? Life is the most precious gift given to us. It should not be squandered on a ‘maybe’. Of course I am here too am I not? My own life is very likely about to end. The chances of this insane spell succeeding are slim to none. I did not even notice they had begun to chant. The candles around the circle flicker as the fell magics are unleashed. It happens so quickly I nearly miss it. One moment the light of life is there in the eyes of the ponies at my sides, the next they simply fall over like puppets having their strings cut. I cannot hide a soft gasp as their bodies fall to the floor limply. Instinctively I try to move to their side, to help them but find my hooves solidly secured to the floor. Warm light is drifting into the air around the sacrifices’ bodies now. It begins to whirl around me faster and faster. Soon small motes of golden light flit from the spinning masses and dart into my body. It is… Warm. Pleasantly so. The pleasant sensation does not last. Soon there is pain. Such terrible pain I could have never imagined in all my years. My bones were snapping and stretching as they grew. New appendages surged from my back in a shower of gore. I fall to my knees as the pain over takes me, very nearly losing consciousness. Mercifully it passes swiftly. The pain is replaced with something new. A burning fire deep in the core of my very ry being. I feel… Powerful. I open my eyes and see my mane drifting about my head, floating and undulating as if I were underwater. The original pink is joined by a pale green and blue. The same colors of the manes of the fallen ponies. I rise shakily to my hooves and experience a vague sense of vertigo at how far the ground is. I feel an alien sensation at my sides. Something is hanging from my back and resting on the ground. I crane my head around and get my first view of my new wings. They are still covered in blood from their erupting from my back. Awkwardly I work to fold them in at my sides as I have seen pegasus ponies do my entire life. The magi are staring in awe as I take my first tentative steps on my absurdly long legs. I stumble and fall to my knees. Nopony moves to help me rise. I take a moment to steady myself and rise again, resuming my attempts at walking. The mages scramble to get out of my way as I shakily walk from the ritual chamber into the hall. Moon Dancer is there. Her look of worry turns to one of horror as she beholds my new form for the first time. I open my mouth to offer words of comfort, but she turns on her hooves and for the second time today gallops away from me with all speed. The arch mage clears his throat softly at my side. “Miss Sunny? If you feel up to it we should not dally. You need to learn to use your wings and test the new limits of your magic. Time is of the essence.” I glance down at the pony. He seemed so powerful and imposing before. Now he just seems… Small. A tiny flickering flame burning in the darkness of the universe. “…yes. Yes let us get this over with.” *** Good morning Erin. I frown faintly, lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. “That was… That’s where you came from?” Yes. “That’s so… Horrible. I’m sorry you had to go through that Celestia.” You’re very kind to say so Erin. I’ve had a long time to come to terms with what happened that day. While I’ve never forgiven myself for the lives lost in that room. I do my best to carry on in their memory. “Did you ah… Ever learn their names?” I did. Miss Stronghoof Apple and Sir Blazewing. I did my best to make it up to their families. I like to think I repaid what they gave as best I can. I nod and sit up. My hair falls across my face. Celestia’s hair. Idly I run my hands through the pastel hued locks and glance out the window. It’s still dark out. Very early morning. “What happened when we got home?” The stress of the day was a bit much I’m afraid. You passed out upon returning to the cabin. After that well… When you’re unconscious I’m unconscious. I remember seeing Jake coming toward us. I blink. “Th-that’s right! He’s not here though…” I frown a little and climb out of bed. Crossing the room with quick steps I move across the hall and peer into Jake’s room. He’s asleep in bed. Seeing him lying there peacefully brings a smile to my face. I gently crawl into bed beside him and content myself with running my hand through his mane slowly. He stirs gradually. Slowly his eyes open and focus on my face. I smile a little. “Hi.” He doesn’t return my smile. “How are you?” I shrug. “Fine. Just over reached a little bit yesterday. Celestia said we did a bit much.” “How long Erin?” I frown at the accusatory tone he’s adopted. “How long what?” I sit up now. He does as well, getting out of the bed and gazing up at me, his orange eyes blazing with anger. “How long have you known that you shared a body with Princess Celestia?” Oh. That’s why he’s angry. Of course it’s why he’s angry. “I… A few days…” “How many days is a few days Erin?” I have a feeling if I had pony ears they’d be splaying back by now. “The cutie mark appeared the same time yours did. I just… My meds suppressed the changes.” His eyes widen. “And you didn’t think to share that with anyone else? Maybe the doctors at the hospital? The people here you CLAIM to care about?” I bristle a bit at that. “Hey now! I do care about everyone here. Those pills are dangerous Jake. Celestia says they’re a poison made by Discord to keep her and Luna from waking up.” “Oh well if Princess Celestia says so…” He pauses. “…alright fine so they’re dangerous. But why did you keep taking them then? And why the hell did you lie to me Erin? It seems like everyone but Meg and Lucas were in on it!” I frown clenching my hands nervously. “I was scared. Of… Well of her. And what would happen to me if I stopped taking my meds. You don’t know what the institute was like for me Jake. I… I can’t remember everything but it was the worst experience of my life.” For just a minute his features soften. The moment passes though. “Why did you lie to me? I don’t understand.” “I… I was worried you’d want me to stop taking the pills. You had it worse than anyone with your other change going on. I just didn’t want you to pressure me Jake.” His eyes widen. “Wow. I just… Wow. I can’t believe you really think so little of me Erin.” “I-it’s not like that Jake! I was just scared!” He’s looking angry again. “And you don’t think I would have been there for you? You don’t think I would have been someone who’d listen to what was scaring and do anything I could to make you feel better?” He stares hard at me before shaking his head. “I’m going outside. There are a lot of confused people camping out in the back yard. I’d appreciate it if you give me some space Erin. I don’t want to be around you right now.” His words feel like a slap to the face. “Jake… Jake please don’t go. We can talk about this!” He doesn’t listen. He turns and storms from the room angrily, hooves slamming the hardwood floor with each step. I wince as I hear him clop downstairs and out the back door. My eyes have started to burn and I feel myself about to break down in his bed on the spot. I’m sorry Erin. Is there anything I can do? I laugh a little, sniffling loudly and getting off the bed. “Know any spells to go back in time?” Just the one but I’m afraid you can’t change the past. I can sense the sun starting to rise. A little tickle in the back of my head I always get when it’s starting. This morning I can’t bring myself to care. I trudge back across the hall and collapse on my bed. “He hates me.” He doesn’t hate you Erin. He cares a good deal about you in fact. He just needs time. Trust me; I’ve had plenty of experience with angry stallions. That makes me smile a little. “Oh yeah?” Oh yes. You know I didn’t spend my whole life sitting in my palace ruling Equestria. I was a perfectly ordinary mare for a very long time. I sigh and stare at my ceiling again. “Well I hope he’s not mad too long.” Erin I know you’re having an unusually bad morning, but we do have quite a few confused and frightened ponies in your back yard. I think it might be a good idea if you made an appearance, even a brief one. I sigh and swing myself back off the bed. “Guess I better shower then.” I pass Becky in the hall. She gives me a sympathetic smile. “Don’t worry. He’ll come around. He never stays mad long.” I smile back down at her. “Thanks. Is everything alright? Jeez I completely forgot you guys were attacked yesterday!” She laughs. “How in the world could you forget THAT?” I shake my head. “It was a pretty busy day. Is everyone alright?” She nods. “Yeah. Meg’s pretty shaken up. Jules and Ellie seem weirdly fine with it. Like nothing at all out of the ordinary happened. Those three new girls, the sisters? They wanted to go home but the sheriff told them they had to stay here. Tom and Nikki are still here too. Her parents came by last night with a bunch of her stuff.” I nod slowly. “Well I’m going to grab a quick shower and talk to the crowd outside.” Becky frowns. “What do you plan to do about all of them Erin? That’s a lot of people. You probably have enough room but I’m guessing you’re not going to stop there.” I shake my head. “I dunno. Princess Celestia has a plan or something I’m sure. She and I haven’t had a lot of one on one time what with the kidnappers and me embarrassing the army and stuff.” She giggles at that. “We saw you on TV. That was a pretty cool disguise by the way. We all saw through it of course but no way could anyone tell it was you.” I smile. “Well thanks; I’m sure the Princess appreciates the compliment. I’ll be down in a few, ok?” She nods and trots downstairs. I watch her go for a moment before stepping into the bathroom. A shower is sounding absolutely fantastic right about now. I toss my clothes hap-hazardly in the corner and step under the hot spray. I just stand for several long minutes luxuriating in the feel of the hot water running over my body. “So… I have some questions that I think everyone’s going to want answered.” Ask away. Anything at all. I nod. “Alright well the big one. Can we change them back into humans?” I suppose that IS going to be the ‘big one’ isn’t it? While it is possible to draw the magic from their bodies and make them human again, the process is indescribably dangerous. Perhaps one in one hundred ponies would survive. I wince. “I doubt a lot of folks are going to like that but it is what it is. Alright, so what about ponies like Jake? Guys who became mares or girls who became stallions?” A bit of good news on that front! A gender switching spell is fortunately a rather simple bit of magic. For somepony like myself or Luna that is. We can restore anypony who wishes it to their original gender. The catch is undergoing such a wild transmutation like they have puts a terrific strain on the body. They’ll need to stay as they are for a time. Several months at the least before we can perform the spells safely. “Well that’s not awesome news but it’s good news. I’m sure most of them would want it sooner rather than later, but I doubt anyone’s going to want to risk their life over it.” I start to lather my hair with the suspiciously low bottle of my shampoo. “What are we going to do with all these ponies we’re liberating?” A-ah. That. Well…. I was hoping you might have some ideas on that front. “ME?! What the heck would I know about… About housing that many people?! I’m a substitute teacher for heaven’s sake! I mean I guess we have the room for a bunch of folks here but if you’re planning on running around collecting everypony in the country, or even in the world I don’t think my place is big enough for all THAT! How many are there?” Quite a few I’m afraid. Perhaps ten to fifteen thousand. Equestria is a big nation but it wasn’t too heavily populated. Our largest cities had several thousand citizens at most. I run my head under the water. “Yeah I definitely don’t have room for fifteen THOUSAND people Celestia! We need a plan before we start dragging every pony in the world to my back yard.” You’re right of course Erin. Acting hastily doesn’t do anypony any good. For now let’s focus on those we have in our care already. We’ll make sure everypony is as comfortable as we can make them. A few simple spells should make your land a bit more livable for everypony. “Well alright. You can do whatever you think is best on that end. We’re a little lucky that the locals in Thilton are on our side. We can have some folks bring us supplies and stuff. Maybe Nikki’s parents?” I may be able to help with our food situation as well. At least to get things started for everypony. I’ve learned it’s not a good idea to just hand out everything they wish. They’ll swiftly grow dependent and not work for themselves. “I think in this instance giving everyone a bit of an extra helping hand isn’t entirely out of the question y’know?” Very true. She’s quiet for a long moment. I was wondering if I could beg a favor Erin? I shrug. “Ask away Princess.” Would you… Would you allow me to have control of our body? Just for a short time! It’s… It’s been a very long time since I’ve actually felt anything. The idea of having someone else in control of my body isn’t exactly a pleasant one. But she just sounds so… SAD. “I… I guess. As long as it’s not for too long? I mean we can go down and talk to your people and stuff. I bet they’d like it if you were the one addressing them.” Oh thank you Erin! I smile as I feel what I suspect is a bit of her happiness filtering through. “How do we do this?” Just relax your mind. Think of as little as possible and try not to resist what comes. I frown and close my eyes, doing my best to think of as little as possible. Suddenly Celestia’s presence in the back of my mind is growing stronger, rapidly. It takes all my will power not to thrash about and force the encroaching presence away. Suddenly I feel like I’m floating. Drifting in an endless sea of darkness. C-Celestia? What’s happening!? “Try to remain calm Erin. Just relax. Let me see if I can’t make things a little more comfortable for you.” The blackness around me fades away to the library in the cabin. I look around confused for a few minutes before lowering myself into my arm chair. A warm fire crackles merrily giving the room a pleasant warmth. What is this? “The mind is an easy place for us to shape. You’ll be able to do so yourself in time, assuming you allow me more time in control. I thought your library would be a good place for you to calm yourself.” O-oh. Well thanks. Is this what it’s been like for you all these years? Just… Feeling nothing real? She’s quiet for a time. “Yes. It wasn’t terribly pleasant but I contented myself by ah… Oh please don’t be upset… By perusing your memories. I was able to experience your life through them.” …that’s kinda creepy. She giggles a bit. “I suppose it is! You’re welcome to explore my own if you like. It’s only fair I think.” D-don’t laugh when you agree that you’re being creepy! I think sitting in my brain library is enough weirdness for now. Maybe I’ll poke around in your brain later. “Fair enough! This shower feels divine by the way. Now let’s see about getting something to eat.” Celestia turns to step out of the shower…and immediately topples over smashing her face into the ground. You don’t know how to walk on two legs. “I don’t know how to walk on two legs.” We both start to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. A whole mess of people are suddenly stumbling around on four legs, and he’s the immortal all powerful Princess of the sun face planting from trying to walk bi-pedally. Can you go all pony? “I could but it would be even more painful than growing your horn. And I’d really rather not put our body through that.” Slowly she crawls from the tub and moves on hands and knees to the wall. Getting a firm grip on the molding she slowly pulls herself to her feet. “How in the world do you balance on just two legs?” I dunno. Lots of practice? Can’t you do a… A balance spell or something? “Oh! I can! Good idea!” She smiles widely as her horn begins to glow. My little phantom library is bathed in golden light as she summons her magic. “Tee hee! Look at me go!” She crosses the bathroom grinning ear to ear and grabs a towel, drying herself off. I can’t believe you ‘tee hee’d’. “Oh hush. This is exciting. Hm.” She’s examining my body with a critical eye. “We’re rather attractive by human standards I suppose.” There’s a television in the library with me. There definitely isn’t one in the real version of the room. Curiously I turn it on and see… Myself looking in the mirror. Curiously poking and prodding my face. I can see what you see! “Oh!” She tugs her hands away from my nose flushing a little embarrassed. “You learned that already?” I guess so. W-were you picking my nose? “No! Of course not! We should get downstairs and speak to the waiting ponies. Oh and maybe have one of those little cakes you so adore.” Yeah I wonder whose fault that is. Hey! Hey clothes! You need clothes! She ‘ohs’ softly and giggles to herself stepping away from the door. “I do don’t I! My I can’t remember the last time I’ve worn so much just for fun.” She pulls on my shirt and jeans from yesterday. “…I think these have seen better days.” They’ve definitely seen more than the usual amount of wear and tear, yeah. A cheerful little tune starts chirping from my bedroom. “What’s that?” My phone. But it’s way too early for anyone to be calling. Go see who it is. The Princess puppeting my body cheerfully minces from the bathroom to my room. Fishing around in my purse she pulls out my cell. “The little screen says it’s Officer Haggerty, Erin.” Well answer it! Gingerly she opens the phone and holds it to her ear. “Hello? Princess Celestia speaking?” Mike’s voice sounds confused. Understandably. “I… Erin is that you?” “Oh! Oh yes this is Erin Rockwell. Sorry I’m uh… In character.” “Wait, wait, wait. Was that YOU on the news yesterday?” Celestia looks a little panicky. Don’t lie to him. He’s a cop and a smart one at that. When we show up all rainbow hair he’ll put two and two together. The Princess nods at my advice. “Yes that was me. I’m sorry but I can’t stand by and let them subjugate my little ponies.” “…right. We’ll deal with THAT later. Right now I have something on Corddis for you. It’s a little weird. He’s almost never in his office. He goes to this little road in the middle of nowhere everyday right? I can see this creepy ass building down the way but when I try to go near it I… Can’t.” Celestia tilts her head in consideration. “What do you mean you can’t?” “I mean every time I start down the road, all of a sudden I’m turned around and facing the other way. I can’t get near the place.” “Ah. A location displacement spell. Very clever. Obviously Discord is hiding something there he doesn’t want found by anypony. I’m going to guess it’s my sister.” Mike sounds confused again. “Wait what? Sister? I thought we were looking for your brother?” “Oh! Oh dear ah… Just a moment please Mike.” All of a sudden I’m flung out of my library and once more in control of my body. I stagger back and forth while I get a hold of myself. I’m sorry Erin but I think I’m making things worse. Find out where Officer Haggerty is. We should waste no time in rescuing Markus and Luna. I clear my throat. “Mike? Hey sorry about that. Kind of a long day. Are you someplace private? No one around?” “Uhh… Yeah I guess. I’m at that weird road. Haven’t seen another car come down here since I’ve been staking it out.” I hold the phone away from my mouth. “Can you take us there?” Of course. But what about everypony outside? “What’s more important? Patting them on the head or saving our siblings?” Celestia doesn’t answer me verbally. Instead I feel the warmth of magic washing over myself. There’s a golden flash and suddenly I’m looking a very alarmed Mike Haggerty in the face. “…hi?” “Jesus fuck! What the… What the fuck was that?!” I smile helplessly and shrug a little. “Teleportation? I’m a big fancy magic pants now. So is that the place?” Of course as soon as I look over his shoulder to the hill top I answer my own question. The bleak dying forest surrounding Bellvue is something I’ll never forget. Mike looks from me to the building. “Yeah that’s the place. I’ve tried coming at it from all sides and I always wind up here at the front gate.” I nod slowly and approach the path. As I draw closer I can sort of see something… WRONG with the air. “Is this the spell? I can see the magic?” Yes. We’re growing closer together and you’re now able to perceive active magical effects in the world around us. It should be simple enough to force our way through. Are you ready? Such a simple question. Am I ready? Ready to go back to Bellvue? The one place in all the world I’ve done everything in my power to avoid returning to? But my brother and Celestia’s sister are in the clutches of a madman in there. They need us. I swallow the lump in my throat. “Yes.” My horn flares with magical light as a shimmering golden tunnel appears leading right up to the asylum doors. Mike approaches quietly behind me. “So that’s it huh? We can go in?” I look over my shoulder frowning a little. “I can go in. You stay here. It’s too dangerous.” “Bullshit I’m staying here. This guy’s kidnapped at LEAST one person, your brother too by the sounds of it. And if you think I’m going to let you just go in alone you’re crazy. We go together.” I scowl a little and consider asking Celestia to do a sleep spell or something… But I’m already feeling better about going in with him at my side. “Alright fine. But you have to be careful. This is magic stuff, it won’t be y’know… Normal.” He checks his side arm and nods. “I’m as ready as I can be. Let’s do this.” I take a deep breath and start up the path. Every step feels like I have thousand pound weights strapped to me legs. It’ll be alright Erin. I’m here with you as well. I think it would be best if we could avoid Discord’s attention. I have no idea how strong his abilities are here in your world. Not as powerful as Equestria I’d imagine, or he’d already know you and I have been bonding and he would have acted to stop it. I nod. “Celestia says we should do this quietly. Maybe find a side door to sneak in?” Mike raises an eyebrow. “Celestia?” I sigh. “The pony Princess in my head. I’m getting sick of explaining this. Just trust me, she’s very real.” “If you hadn’t teleported a few minutes ago I’d have a harder time believing that. Right now I’ll take anything at face value.” We reach the main gates and Mike gestures for me to follow. We push through the dead shrubbery and he kneels down offering his hands to boost me up. I just smile playfully and grab him around the waist, tugging him in close. He jerks in surprise, and then I crouch and jump the tall fence in one hop. Mike’s clinging to me tightly. I can tell by the way his jaw is clenched he’s doing his best not to scream. “Warn me next time!” He hisses in my ear. I offer an apologetic shrug. “Sorry.” I set him on the ground and he pries his arms away from my waist. He takes a moment to get his bearings before quickly darting along the wall around the building. Having no experience at this sort of thing myself I follow close behind. We move carefully, ducking low when we come to a window. Finally he stops at a side door. Cautiously he reaches out shoving it gently. “Locked.” I nod and step up beside him, resting my hand on the door. “Celestia?” Of course. Just one moment. The golden aura of our magic suffuses the door. Seconds later a faint click of the lock being opened can be heard and the door swings open easily. Mike gives me an appreciative smile. “Handy.” I just nod and follow him inside. The smell hits me first. That mix of sterile environment mingled with unwashed bodies. It’s not a pleasant smell. And it brings back less pleasant memories. The fluorescent lights flicker on and off overhead. A thick layer of dust coats everything in sight. From the closed doors to abandoned medical equipment. Mike moves in slowly. “Looks like it hasn’t been used in years.” I nod at his assessment. “Can you feel them Celestia?” I can. They’re on the floor above us. I don’t want to risk teleportation so close to Discord’s magic. His chaotic power could affect it negatively. “Mike, we need the stairs up. Celestia says our siblings are there.” I don’t know how long Mike has been on the force, probably as long as Jake has but he seems very calm and collected given the situation. “Right. We’ll move quickly but carefully. If this guy’s that dangerous it’d be best if we could find the hostages and get out quickly.” I nod and do my best to try and ignore the growing knot of fear twisting about in my stomach. Mike’s here, Celestia’s here. I’m not alone. I can do this. “Ah! Miss Rockwell! You’re on time. Punctual as usual. We have your old room waiting.” I can’t entirely stifle my alarmed shriek as Doctor Corddis’ voice speaks up behind me. Mike likewise seems just as alarmed, whirling and aiming his gun at the Doctor. “Don’t you move buddy!” Corddis casually flipping through a medical chart. “Hm. I don’t see a Michael Haggerty in the schedule. But I’m nothing if not flexible! I’m sure I can whip a little something up for you too!” The hair on the back of my neck stands on end as I see a whirling burst of magic forming around Doctor Corddis… Discord I suppose I should call him. “No! Leave him alone!” I lunge toward Discord but he steps smoothly out of the way and with a flash Mike vanishes. “Where is he?!” Discord smiles crookedly at me. “Elsewhere in the asylum. Not to worry m’dear, perhaps if you’re lucky you’ll run into each other again. I thought we’d make a bit of a game of things. Once I saw you and little Celly on the news, nice speech by the way, I just knew I had to get some fun ready.” Erin perhaps it would be best if you allowed me to take the lead now. I nod preparing to do just that when Discord suddenly lunges at me cracking me right on top of the head, hard enough I go cross-eyed for a minute and stagger on my feet. “Now, now. None of that. Here are the rules! First rule. The game is for YOU, not Celestia. I’ve prepared a delightful little labyrinth just for you Erin. If you break the first rule, I can’t be held responsible for what happens to Markus.” That gets my attention and likely Celestia’s too. “What else?” He grins again. “No magic. If Celestia starts slinging spells, Markus gets the penalty. I’ve set up some fun little traps and obstacles throughout Bellvue. All you have to do is reach Markus. If you touch him, you’ll both be transported out of the asylum. Simple yes?” “And if I don’t?” He shrugs. “If you don’t you won’t have to worry about what I’ll do. There are worse things in here than me.” As if on cue I hear heavy thudding footsteps trundling slowly our way. “Ah! Well I should be off! I’ll have to see if I can’t whip something up for your cop friend. Toodles! And Erin, have fun.” His gentle tone belies the situation as he vanishes with a flash. Those foot steps are getting closer. Almost against my will I peer around the corner toward the source. There’s some sort of massive man-shaped creature lumbering toward the hall. Its skin is a grey mottled mess and its massive hands nearly drag on the ground as it thunders toward me. Its wide, flat head nearly scrapes the ceiling. I can see sharp jagged teeth in its wide, gaping mouth. To top off the horrible image it’s squeezed into a white orderly’s uniform. Sucking in my breath I pull back away from the corner. Darting down the hall trying every door I can. I find one unlocked and slip into the cell swiftly, shutting the door as quietly as I can. Not a second later I hear the creature round the corner and thunder toward me. I’m in a standard cell of the asylum, padded floor and walls. A set of leather restraints in one corner and… I suck in my breath again. And a man huddled in the corner. His hair is a disheveled mess and he looks at me with wild eyes. “Th-the door? It’s not locked?!” I open my mouth to respond but find my voice unwilling to cooperate. Silently I shake my head. He springs from the corner and rushes the door. I don’t think to stop him, just stumble out of his way. Rationally I suppose there’s no way the wild eyed young man poses a threat to me, but the whole situation is beginning to weigh on me. He throws the door open. “Finally! I’m getting out of here! No story is worth all this!” He rushes into the hall, right into the waiting grasp of the ‘orderly’. It’s all I can do not to scream at the sudden sound of tearing flesh and snapping bones coming from the other side of the door. I scrunch my eyes shut tight and huddle in the corner of the room pressing my hands to my ears tightly. Shh… Shh. Stay calm Erin. It’s terrible I know but you have to stay calm. The more you lose your resolve the easier Discord’s magic of insanity can take hold. You’re very much sane but he can change that in an instant if you’re not on your guard. The terrible noises outside finally stop. I realize there are tears flowing freely down my cheeks. My heart is hammering in my chest as the massive shadow lingers outside the door, before it slowly begins to thoom away down the hall. I sit very still until I’m completely sure it’s gone. Sniffing loudly I wipe my eyes and get back to my feet. That’s it Erin. You’ll be just fine. We need to find Officer Haggerty as well as Markus and Luna. It may sound selfish but if we find my sister first no doubt she can aid us with finding Mike. I nod, trying to get my shaking hands back under control. “R-right. Two of us are better than one right?” I inch the door open slowly. The gory mess in the hall causes my stomach to churn and I’m suddenly glad I left before having breakfast this morning. Gingerly I pick my way across the floor trying to avoid as much of the mess I can, while looking at it as little as I can. “J-just… Find the stairs…” The orderly went down the way Mike and I were going, and I’m suddenly struck with a strong urge to go the other way. I make my way back to the first hall way and ease around the corner. No sign of any creatures. The lights flicker off more than on overhead. With a shiver I notice every window is painted black, letting no sunlight in at all. When the lights flicker off the halls are bathed in total darkness. Discord said I cannot wield magic, but you can Erin. Light is a very simple bit of magic. Just recall the sensation you felt when I was casting spells before. Simply focus on that feeling, and imagine it centered around your horn. I do as she says trying to ignore the fear welling inside as the hall is bathed in darkness again. Slowly I feel the warmth building within me, and a radiant golden light springs to life around my horn. Illuminating not only the corridor, but the sickly pale girl standing inches from my face. This time I do shriek, and flail my arms falling back. “Woooow you gotta horn! And it glows! Can I touch it? Can I? Can I?” She’s rail thin. Her hair a matted mess of wild tangles. Her sunken eyes are like huge brown saucers in her head. Her teeth are yellowed and decaying. Her gaze flicks from my horn to my own eyes. “Ooo purple eyes. And rainbow hair! N-never done those before. I like them!” She’s clearly insane, but seems harmless enough. I smile tentatively. “W-well hello. I’m ah… I’m Erin.” Slowly I get back to my feet. The girl is much shorter than I am. She scurries back as I rise to my full height. “Rainbow haired Erin with the big glowing horn. You’re new. I know it! I always know when they’re new.” I swallow. If she’s been here a long time maybe she could help me find Markus? “What’s your name?” “Mattie! I’m Mattie and you’re Rainbow Erin! I really, really, REALLY like your hair!” I manage to keep smiling. “Thank you Mattie. I wonder if you can help me? I’m looking for someone. My brother. Has anyone else new come in recently?” She giggles and hops from foot to foot. “Uh huh! You wanna see him?!” My smile is genuine now. “I do! Please! I’ll… I’ll help you get out of here if you like.” “No, no. I like it here. Lotsa fun, lotsa stuff to add to my collection. Come on! I’ll show you the new guy!” She turns and begins to race down the corridor, stopping a ways down and waiting for me. Be cautious Erin. Any who have spent some length of time around Discord have no doubt been twisted and driven entirely mad. She may be dangerous. “She’s harmless Celestia. And she knows where Markus is. Even if she IS dangerous to normal people, what’s she going to do to me?” I suppose that’s true. Still just don’t be too trusting in here. I jog to catch up with Mattie. She scurries ahead and around the corner. Frowning faintly I pick up my pace doing my best to keep up with her. I round the corner and collide solidly with a rotund woman standing over a small medical tray. I stumble back a step and blink in surprise. She’s shorter than I am. Every inch of her obese frame straining the nurses’ uniform she’s miraculously managed to pack herself into. The little cap on her head would be comical if not for the fierce scowl she had on her pig-like face. “What’s this!? A patient out of her room?! And when was the last time you took your medicine young lady?!” The nurse is bellowing at the top of her lungs and I’m worried all the racket will attract the orderly monster. “I-I’m not a patient. J-just visiting my brother!” I try to give her a faltering smile. She squints at me suspiciously then looks down at the tray in in front of her. Amidst the syringes, cups of pills, and small bottles of water I see a brown manila folder. “No. Princess Erinlestia Rockwell of Equestria. You’re on the list. You need your medication!” I recoil as she whirls at me, eyes rolling about in her head madly. I own mouth falls open in horror as her jaw begins to stretch and distend, far larger than any humans is meant to open. Before I have time to react a gout of shimmering blue fluid shoots from her mouth like a geyser hitting me square in the face and sending me tumbling to the ground from the force of it. I gag and cough spitting as much of the fluid out as I can. An all too familiar numbness begins to spread through my body. “N-not this… C…Celestia?” Her voice is faint and growing fainter. Be strong Erin! You CAN do this… Just be stro… She’s gone. I feel woozy and giddy at the same time. The same way I felt when I’d take my pills. The nurses jaw snaps back to normal and she nods looking me over with a grunt. “Hrm. Better. I’ll send the orderly to pick you up.” Then she’s off pushing the cart away. I know I need to get back up but everything is so …whirly around me. I feel a mix of apprehension and relief as Mattie scurries closer on all fours. “S-sorry about the nurse. Oh! Your horn is gone… and the pretty rainbow hair!” Her smile fades. “Now you’re just… NORMAL.” She clicks her tongue reproachfully. “Normal’s boring. But don’t worry! I can fix it!” Her gleeful smile returns as she grabs my ankles and starts dragging me across the floor. I try to pull away but the pills effects keep me dumbfounded for a little while after I take them. Still, wherever we’re going has to be better than the fate that waits if the orderly finds me. I wonder how much of the strength Celestia gave me is lingering? Am I a totally normal woman again or do I still have some of the power? Mattie pulls me into a room down a new corridor and shuts the door tightly. “Don’t worry Rainbow Erin! I’ll getcha smiling in no time!” With a grunt the small woman heaves me onto a cold metal table. I shiver a little from the drafty room. I weakly try to sit up as she skips about the table strapping my wrists and ankles in. “Now, now! Relax! This won’t hurt a bit!” She moves off to the side to another table laden with various medical tools. Humming a little tune to herself she unrolls a large poster hanging from the wall. My eyes widen as I see it’s an antique diagram for performing a lobotomy. “S… Stop…” “Stop? No, no! Don’t worry Rainbow Erin! I’m a Doctor! I was a Doctor? Am I still a Doctor? I mean I went to school. I got the doctorate. They called me Doctor Sirrie. Mattie Sirrie! It rhymes! Isn’t that funny?!” She takes a small pick and hammer and approaches me. “Now hold still Rainbow Erin! One little tap-tap-tappy and you’ll be smiling all day too!” I’m already feeling more lucid. As she angles the pick above my eye and lifts the hammer, I jerk my head to the side. There’s a jarring pain as the hammer rams the pick into the side of my head. I feel blood but I don’t feel like someone rammed a piece of metal through my skull. Some of the durability Celestia imparted must still remain. “Rainbow Erin! That’s a bad girl! Hold Still!” I ignore her ranting and strain on the straps. The old leather warps and finally gives with a loud snap as I wrench my arms free. Mattie rushes at me with the hammer raised but I back hand her sending her spinning away. She bounces off the floor with a yelp and shoots me a scathing glare before scurrying into the darkness. Breathing hard I reach down and tear the straps off my ankles. I still feel a little woozy but I manage to get to my feet and not fall right back over. I must be burning through the meds quicker too. With any luck Celestia will be back soon. I consider waiting for that but it’s not just me, but Mike and Markus who’re in danger as well. Rubbing my wrists idly I move to the door, easing out slowly. No sign of insane staff or patients. Breathing a soft sigh of relief I step into the hall shutting the door to the operating room behind me. I spot a small sign hanging off the wall. A little arrow pointing toward a staircase. Feeling my spirits lift if only just a little I follow the sign. The stairs come into sight soon and I take them two at a time, unable to hide my smile now. I reach the top of the stairs. Of course I have no idea where Markus is, but that’s one more hurdle overcome. I start peering through the small windows looking for Markus. Most of them I look away hastily from. Gruesome fates seem to wait any poor unfortunate soul who winds up in here. Mattie must be something impressive to have survived so long. That or Discord is keeping her alive on purpose. I’m about to pass another door when I hear faint sobbing from within. Soft, high pitched sobbing. A child’s voice. Fully aware that it could very well be another trap I don’t care. I can’t leave a child alone in here. Predictably the door slams shut the second I step into the room. A table is facing dozens of monitors. It’s occupant is still crying softly as I approach from behind. “Hey… Hey it’s alright.” I round the table and lay my eyes on the child. It’s… Me. Young me from twenty years ago. Her eyes are forced open with a pair of metal clamps attached to the side of her head. A restraint keeps her head fastened tightly facing the screens. “O… Oh god… j-just hang on…” I reach out to unstrap her and remove the clamps. There’s a sickening lurch in my stomach and suddenly I’m the one strapped to the bed, eyes pried open. My breath comes in quick gasps as I begin to lose my resolve. “No! No not again!” The screens flicker to life. Images I’d suppressed long ago flashing across my eyes. Images of an imposing white, winged unicorn stomping and crunching my Uncle Pete to death. Another monitor has her gleefully impaling my child hood friends with her horn. Some she carries into the air and drops from hundreds of feet up. Others blood drips from her maw as she stands over my own mutilated boy. Horrific scene after scene of Princess Celestia committing the most heinous acts imaginable flashes before my eyes. This is why I’m so afraid of her. Discord must have spent the entire time I was in Bellvue conditioning me to fear Celestia. No wonder I was so reluctant about trusting her again. I feel something changing inside. My fear is burning hotter and hotter. Turning from fear to anger. What sort of monster does this to a child? I grit my teeth and begin to wrench against my bonds. The clamps tear at the flesh around my eyes but I just scream inarticulately in rage and throw my head forward. The clamps come away along with a chunk of flesh from the sides of my head. Still bellowing my outrage I rip my hands free and vault at the monitors. I pound away at them with my bare fists with wild abandon. My shrieking never stops as I punch my firsts through the screens, ignoring the glass and electrical shocks stinging my arms and fists. With one last wail of pain and rage I tear the entire rig from the wall and slam it into the ground. I stand over the mess glaring down at it and panting heavily. Grinding my teeth tightly together I storm from the room. “Discord! You won’t beat me! Do you hear me?!” Blood mingles with tears as both flow down my cheeks and stain my shirt. Adrenaline still surging from the destruction I just caused I’m dimly aware of the sound of massive foot falls coming slowly up the stairs. Even in my infuriated state I’m not eager to face down that orderly. I dart down the hall and around the corner as the beast lumbers into the room I’d just left. I hear it milling about in there for a time, before it slowly backs down the stairs. Fatigue begins to set in as my adrenaline wears off. My face is in quite a bit of pain and I want Celestia to wake up again more than anything. I could really use some of that healing action. My confidence is higher than ever now as I turn back to the maze of rooms and corridors. I begin my search again. I pass door after door resolutely ignoring the horrors within. The sounds of footsteps reach my ears. I quickly duck into a small side office and crouch under the desk. Cursing softly to myself I realize I didn’t shut the door behind me. Slowly it creaks open and I see someone wearing a pair of tennis shoes step inside. My pulse quickens again as they approach the desk. I tense, ready to leap and attack when I hear a voice that sends relief flooding through me. “Please tell me that’s you under there.” “Oh god, Mike!” I rise with a grin and see him standing there, gun in hand but fortunately not aimed at me. He looks a little on the haggard side, but definitely better off than me. “Are you alright?” He takes in my numerous wounds with a frown. “Better than you. Where’s your horn?” I shake my head. “Don’t worry about it right now. I’ll be fine but we need to find Markus and get the hell out of her.” He nods. “If you’re sure you’re alright. That’s a lot of blood though.” I sigh. “I know but we have to keep moving. Who knows what else-“ It happens faster than I can react. The door flies open revealing an unnaturally tall, gaunt man-like creature in a lab coat. I say creature because instead of fingers on the end of his hands he has ten glowing blue syringes. A sick mask obscures most of his face, and his small spectacles are oddly reflecting making his eyes hard to make out. With the speed of a striking snake one hand jabs into the side of Mike’s neck. The officer jerks rigidly but still brings his weapon up firing several shots into the doctor creature’s chest and abdomen. It staggers back and hits the wall opposite the officer we’re in, slowly slumping to the floor. Angry blue-black lines are racing from the injection sight through Mike’s neck and down toward his chest. “Oh god Mike! Mike are you alright?!” He holds his hand to his neck but nods slowly. “I… I think so. It doesn’t hurt. It’s kinda nice actually. Like… warm and tingly. I think I’ll be…” I never know what he thought he would be. His mouth moves but no words come out. The blue lines beneath his skin spread faster and faster. Soon his whole body is a solid blue hue. He’s oddly still and I tentatively reach out to him. “…Mike?” The moment my fingers touch his arm, his flesh crumbles to dust. One second there’s a full grown man sitting on the floor, the next there’s a pile of glittering blue dust in his clothes. I remain kneeling where I was, hand outstretched. Eyes wide and mouth open in shock. My mind just can’t comprehend what I saw. Then I hear his voice. It’s coming from everywhere at once. “Ohhhh! Gotta watch out for that concentrated magic if you’re a normal old human! It’s not good for you y’know?” Discord. A good man just died, murdered in cold blood and he’s laughing and joking. I don’t think I’ve ever known what true hatred had felt like until now. There are people I don’t like, people I absolutely can’t stand. But there’s never been someone I wished bodily harm on until now. Tentatively I sift through Mike’s remains and claim his badge. I’m not sure if this is a real life thing or not, but in movies they always present the badge of a deceased officer to the family. I clench the small bit of metal in my hands giving Mike Haggerty a moment of silence. Pocketing the badge I pick up his gun as well. I’m no stranger to fire arms. I’ve been hunting with my uncle plenty of times. But this is the first time I’ve held one with the intent to use it on another sentient being. I rise from my kneeling position and step back into the hall, feeling oddly numb. The Doctor monster is stirring slowly. Feeling that same numb sensation I raise the gun, leveling it between the things eyes and pulling the trigger. I only flinch a little from the resulting blood spray. I turn away from the dead thing and resume my search. Mouth set in a tight line and pistol clenched tightly in my right hand I start checking doors, leaving them open as I pass. The living occupants take one look at me and scurry away into the halls. None of them make so much as one hostile move toward me. Finally I come to another curious door. Construction paper cut outs of puffy white clouds and rainbows decorate it. There’s no window to see in, so I simply push the door open. There lying in the middle of the room is my brother. He’s barely recognizable his face is so badly beaten and mutilated but I see his chest rising and falling. Slipping the gun into the waist band of my jeans I approach. “It’s going to be alright Markus. We’re going home.” His eye cracks open. Rather than relief he looks alarmed. “Be…hind you…” I reach for the gun as I spin on my heels. The small fists collide with my cheek hard enough to lift me off my feet and sending me smashing into the opposite wall. Intense pain screams in my face. My cheek’s probably broken. If the wall wasn’t padded I’m sure I would have broken plenty of other bones. Groggily I raise my head to see my attacker. It’s Elizabeth. But her wild eyes are a vivid violet hue, not entirely unlike Celestia’s. Her hair falls in tangled waves of pink, yellow, and purple. She titters a happy giggle as she slams her door shut. “Oh Auntie Tia… finally. I’m very cross with you, you know? Here I mistook Auntie Lulu for you. I feel so terrible. I’d been waiting for you for so long then she came along and well… I got a bit over excited.” I try to get off the ground but she crosses the room in a flash, pinning me down with her knees. She’s half my size but it feels like she weighs hundreds of pounds. Her knees grind into my back painfully. “No. No, no, no no noooooo no! No Auntie Tia. You can’t go now! You’ve only just gotten here! Why we need to have tea! I did so love having tea with you.” She hops from my back and delivers a vicious stomp to the small of my back just above my tail bone. I hear something snap and lose feeling in my legs. She must have broken something back there. My anguished scream seems to bring her great delight. “Ohhh it’s just like I imagined Auntie Tia! Oh you’re here! Finally, finally. And now… Oh now Auntie Tia. You get to pay for what you did.” It’s hard to think through all the pain. “What… What did she do?” Elizabeth skips around the room, her hair bouncing merrily as she comes back around to me. She grips me by the jaw and lifts me off the ground. I can’t hold in another scream as her fingers dig into my broken cheek and my back sends stabbing pain through my body. “What did YOU do you mean? Silly Auntie, I know you’re in there. Died in fire. Everypony. Who else has that much fire hm? Discord told me everything. How you killed Equestria!” She throws me against the wall. Everything else is in so much pain by now I don’t even feel the new impact. “Now… Now you’re here. You have to pay Auntie Tia. For all of my little ponies. For my husband. For Twilight. For everypony.” I try to tell her that’s not how it happened but instead of words, thick gout of blood comes from my mouth. Maybe a rib punctured one of my lungs? God I hope Celestia is back soon or we’re all going to die. Elizabeth or more likely Princess Cadance is rambling on and on. I tune most of it out and try to focus on healing. I feel the warmth in my stomach spreading to my back and face but it’s not as strong as when Celestia did it. And then she’s back, picking me up off the ground again. “Now… I want to see you Auntie Tia. The real you. I want to see your pretty eyes as I pluck them from your head! Show me! Stop hiding behind this human waste of space!” She shakes me violently sending fresh waves of agony rolling from my back to the rest of me. Her free hand flips into the air, fingers poised to rake her broken nails across my face. A masculine bellow comes from behind her. Markus is on his feet, gripping the heavy hospital bed over his head. Screaming all the while he brings it down on Cadance, smashing her flat to the floor. I drop to the ground limply looking up at him in shock. He just shrugs. “Luna’s been knitting me back together the last hour. Once Cadance realized I was her host and not Celestia’s she stopped torturing me. She’s fixing up the inside as fast as she can. Just got my arms and legs working again. Pretty shitty rescue by the way.” I can’t help but cough a soft laugh. “You’re… Welcome.” His face softens. “Thank you. For coming for me. That’s pretty ballsy.” He kneels down and gathers me in his arms, turning to the door. “Wait. Her too.” He stops. “Her too? You don’t mean the psycho bitch who spent the last day torturing the shit out of me and beating the shit out of you just now?” “It’s not her… mmm… not her fault. And she’s one of us Markus. I have… have pills as the cabin. Can keep her under control.” He scowls and for a moment I think he’s going to ignore my request. Then his head tilts to the side and he looks away, as if he was listening to someone else. “…fuck. Fine. Why the fuck not? I’ll bring her but you owe me. You BOTH do.” I assume he’s referring to Luna and I. “Sure. Can you get us out of her fast?” He lays me beside the unconscious Cadance. “…fine. Fine! Shit I said fine! Take it!” He staggers as his hair begins to waft gently on its own. When his eyes open again they’re a gentle teal color. “Hello Erin. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person. Though circumstances could be better.” Markus’ mouth moves but Luna’s voice comes from it. I nod. “Just a bit.” Luna frowns at her niece, gently moving the bed from her. “Poor Cadance. She’s such a kind soul, she truly is. The shock of our deaths and the loss of her husband must have hit her hard. Discord has had her under his thumb her entire life here. I cannot imagine the torments she endured. Rest assured my sister and I will have her restored soon.” “W-well good. So… Can you take us to the cabin?” “Your home yes?” She sighs. “This is going to be unpleasant.” Her fists clench at her sides as she grits her teeth. All at once a long midnight blue horn erupts from Markus’ forehead. I wince in sympathy; I know how painful that is. Luna kneels for a moment before she regains her composure. “I will pluck the location from your mind if that’s alright? Just focus on your home Erin.” I nod and do as she asks. She rests a hand on Cadance and myself as I feel the air tingle with building magic. Just before we vanish I see Discord standing in the doorway, leering at me with a wide and unpleasant smile. He mouths something silently to me just as I’m whisked away on Luna’s magical currents. I shudder. I can’t get his silent message out of my head. ‘See you soon.’ > Chapter 13: Brother of Mine, Sister of Mine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13: Brother of Mine, Sister of Mine “Now Sunny we really have to stop meeting like this! I cause a little chaos, you show up on those pretty new wings of yours all puffed up like a blowfish. Then I slap you around a bit, cause untold destruction to the countryside in the process. Finally, you drag yourself off to lick your wounds and I go back to my fun. Really, it’s getting a bit old.” Well I managed not to fall flat on my face when I landed this time. I had to give myself credit for that. But a small part of me was starting to worry that he was right. Was this the sixth or seventh time I’d tried facing Discord in battle? While I certainly fared better than the royal guard, or any of the magi who have faced him I have not come close to causing him serious harm. Nor even hampering his activities, it would seem. I am not sure if he cannot kill me, or will not kill me. He has certainly come close. Beating me to within an inch of my life and simply leaving me to bleed in the dirt. My body always knits itself back together, but the process can be slow and at times more painful than having the damage done initially. Discord floats in the air eyeing me casually. As always he waits for me to attack first. And as always I do. A lance of purest magical energy jets forward hitting him solidly in the chest and flinging him backward, cackling all the while. What does that say of my character? Every time he simply studies me and every time I attack first. I have tried reasoning of course. The last time I did so he changed a village of ponies to stone just with a snap of his claws. It was many weeks before the mages were able to restore the victims but still, I am told they were conscious throughout it all. A horrific experience, no doubt. He pulls himself from the rubble of the cheerful cottage I smashed him into. The village has long since been evacuated so I do not have to fear harming any innocents. Only Discord. Only my old friend. My melancholy musings are interrupted as he slithers forward, coiling around me in the blink of an eye and squeezing tightly. He tilts his upper half over my head and looks me upside down in the eyes. “What’s wrong Sunny? Your heart doesn’t seem to be into it today? Do I need to do another petrification trick? Of course stone is boring. Oh! Maybe I can turn some ponies into water! Let’s see those fancy pants mages fix THAT!” I try to ignore the rising fury in my breast but it is impossible to do so. My magic flares brightly as I force him off of me. He uncoils and rockets away, but not before delivering a solid kick between my eyes. I hear the bone crack as a thin trail of blood leaks into one eye; that’s going to take a while to heal. “Nothing to say today Sunny? I’m starting to worry that you’re getting bored with our little games.” I try to focus on the cackling draconequus but my vision is blurred and I seem to be having trouble remaining on my hooves. I cannot get my legs to coordinate properly, and I topple to my knees. “Done already? Well now that IS a disappointment.” He is upon me again, hefting me into the air with his eagle talons clamped around my throat. “Well, we broke the skull. How about I snap off the horn and ram it into your heart today? See how long it takes you to spring back from that!” I have no doubt I will indeed ‘spring back’ from such a horrific wound. But a broken horn is the most painful wound a unicorn can receive; I have little doubt becoming a winged unicorn has changed that. I brace myself for the coming agony as his leonine paw wraps about my horn, when it suddenly grows darker overhead. A massive canopy of angry, black clouds roil into being, blotting out the sun entirely overhead. It is almost dark as night. A chill wind blows sending a shiver down my spine. Discord looks about, more amused than ever. Eyeing me he holds me up higher. “Are you doing this Sunny? It’s not very ‘you’ if so.” “She is not.” Grinning maniacally Discord turns to the newcomer. A winged unicorn like myself. Though her stature is only just below mine, her mane and tail are a uniform bright blue. Blazing eyes the color of the sea focus on Discord. “Release my sister monster, and face me.” “Sister?! Ha! Is that little Moon Dancer?! Oh ho ho! This IS rich! At least you two match again eh Sunny?!” He hurls me toward Moon with the force of a ballista. I fear for my sister for a fleeting moment, before her cool blue aura wraps around me, slowing my flight and gently easing me to the ground. Moon Dancer looks upon me, concern in her eyes. “Rest now sister. Allow me to deal with this beast.” I try to tell her to flee but my mouth seems curiously unresponsive. I wonder if Discord’s kick somehow damaged my brain? It may explain why my legs do not seem to work. My worry is mingled with anger. How could Moon Dancer allow the mages to do this to her? To kill yet more innocents in their quest to stop Discord? Bright flashes of magic draw my attention to the battle. To my surprise Discord is not smiling at all, in fact he seems hard pressed against my younger sisters’ shockingly furious assault. Blades of solid magic arc from her horn slicing through dirt and stone as if they were made of butter. Unlike my own attacks, Discord actively works to avoid Moon Dancer’s. Could my little sister really be that much more powerful than I? In a sudden flash of inspiration I realize the difference. It is not that she is stronger, but she has no compulsions against killing Discord. Her eyes burn with a cold fire I know mine never could. Her attacks are fierce and relentless. Wave after wave of magic assaults the beleaguered Discord. The draconequus makes the mistake of trying to close on Luna and force her to engage in a close range battle. Rather than rear back or shy away from him as I would, she lowers her head and charges. Her horn enveloped in a bright cone of magic as she punches through Discord’s chest. Oh how he howls with pain. I have never heard him speak with anything but mirth and good cheer in his voice. I know he is harming innocent lives but even so, hearing my old friend howl with agony brings tears to my eyes. Discord vanishes with a silver flash, reappearing some distance away. The hole in his chest already mending rapidly. “W-well… It looks like we’ve found who the head of the household is eh?” As quickly as he was wounded, he is fresh and new again. While Moon Dancer is breathing heavily, her non-stop assault taking a toll on her endurance. “All tuckered out there, Loony Moony? That’s a shame. Since you’re about to bow out, might as well send you out with some applause!” Discord brings his mismatched limbs together in a sharp clap. The simple gesture is magnified many times over into a deafening cacophony of sound. Moon Dancer is thrown from her hooves to the ground in a heap, blood running freely from her ears. Discord strides by me, winking saucily. “Some fillies just can’t stand applause eh?” My eyes widen as he leans over Moon Dancer, his claws flashing in the light provided by my horn. Seeing my friend harmed was bad enough, but to see my sister? That I cannot allow. He brings his paw down in a raking swipe, only to be met with thin air. He spins in place comically before simply floating off the ground to regard me with a smirk. “Enough juice to teleport her but not both of you? That’s a shame. I guess I’ll have to do to you what I was GOING to do to her.” I steel myself for what is to come, content with the knowledge I spared my sister the horrific torments Discord is about to inflict upon me. *** “Markus, let us see Erin!” Ellie’s glaring up at me, looking ready to explode. Jules I could always handle, but Ellie… Ellie was not someone I liked having pissed at me. “Look… Like I told torch head over there and all the rest of you guys. Erin’s really f...” I glance at the kid with the busted leg leaning on his crutches. “…messed up. Like REALLY messed up alright? She’s gonna heal but until then you don’t wanna see her.” I know you don’t have much experience with allaying the fears of others Markus, but typically telling one’s friends how badly beaten the individual in question is, isn’t the best way to go about doing it. I see the fiery pegasus who was bitching to see Erin looking riled up again. She was a cop or something, and Erin’s boyfriend. Part of me says to let the poor guy --girl-- whatever in to see Erin, but Celestia was pretty firm with her instructions. “Here’s the deal. Celestia said she needed absolute peace and quiet to heal her right. Some of the hits she took were really nasty. If we interrupt her it could like… I dunno, mess up the process or whatever.” None of them look all too thrilled with that, but name dropping Celestia seems to work. Even Ellie and that pegasus, Jim I think? Stupid name. Should just go with Spitfire; now that’s a badass handle. Perhaps if you allow them in one at a time? “Know what? Fuck it. Fine. It’s YOUR sister who said not to let anyone in. If you say we CAN let them in then they can go in.” It’s all I can do not to roll my eyes at the grins lighting up on the faces in the hall. “ONE at a time. And if any of you dick with her I’ll boot your asses out the window and into the next county. Got it?” “Alright you. Jim. You’re up.” They all look confused for a minute. Fuck did I forget her name already? “It’s Jake.” Yup, I did. Oh well. Still think Spitfire’s cooler. I open the door as she slips in quiet as a pony can on hooves. Ellie’s wings fan open as she starts to hover closer to my face, squinting at me. I lean away as she almost pushes her muzzle against my nose. “Jesus Ellie, what?” “You look really beat up Markus. Are YOU ok?” “Yeah, yeah we’re good. Luna’s got the pain turned off while she works on fixing us up. We’ll be good as new in a couple hours.” I don’t miss the sigh of relief from Jules. She likes to act like a hardass but when shit gets rough, it’s always Ellie I know I can really count on. The green unicorn is fussing a bit. “Yeah? Uh… I dunno Lyra. What?” She huffs. “It’s Meg.” I shrug. “I don’t care. Whaddo you want?” She looks a little pissy now, but what the fuck do I care? I just got tortured for a fucking week. Now I’m our sisters’ god damn babysitter. Not just hers, but the lunatic I have banging her head against the wall downstairs. Oh yeah. I got Erin’s pills and doped up Cadance. She mellowed RIGHT the fuck out, sat in a corner and started bouncing her head off the wall. Dunno what the fuck I’m gonna do with that. Jesus, our sister’s better get up soon. Lyra-Meg opens her mouth, and then shuts it with a snap. “I’m going outside Lucas. Let me know when Erin’s up alright?” The kid gives me a slightly dirty look as his sister leaves. Well boo-fuckin-hoo kid. Some baby stink eye isn’t gonna make me… Shit. Ellie’s eyeing me nasty again. “…what? What?! I’ve had a rough week alright?! This is all… This is all a LOT more than I like to deal with you know that!” Markus you’re exhausted. Allow me to see to matters here while you rest. “You know what? That is one of the best ideas I’ve heard in a LONG ass time.” The switch is quick. One minute I’m holding up our body, the next Luna is. I don’t even bother thinking up a dreamscape; I just try to let my mind relax. Easier said than done. I’ve talked to this chick all of twenty minutes in the entirety of my life. So why can’t I get the image of her lying bleeding and broken on the ground out of my head? *** “Erin you have visitors. Would you like to wake up and speak with them?” My eyes fly open and I jerk upright. I was sleeping in my armchair in the library. When’d I get here? Then I see her. Sitting calmly on a large plush cushion sipping delicately from a steaming tea cup. My mouth waters a little at the sight, and suddenly one is hovering in the air in front of my face. Offering the Princess a faint smile I take it. “Thank you.” “Just Celestia is fine Erin. We’re close enough I think we don’t need titles.” “I… But… O-oh I was thinking it so you…” She nods. Ok that’s a little weird. I sip the tea though. It’s a really nice jasmine blend. “So am I going to be alright?” Celestia nods. “You are. I’ve been healing our body as you slept. You should be able to wake up and chat as long as you don’t try to move too much.” ‘Our body’. I’m not sure if I like the sound of that. A bit late I realize she hears everything I’m thinking by the faint ghost of a frown on her face. “S-sorry this is… This is a lot.” She offers an understanding smile. “I understand. Hopefully in the coming days we’ll grow as close as our siblings, hm?” I fidget with the tea cup, watching the steam drift about. “Can we be separated?” “It may be possible. But my leaving could put a tremendous strain on your body. I don’t know if my departure would take all the magic with me. And I’d expect that having the magic ripped away from you would be as strenuous as anypony else. There’s a very tiny chance you’d survive.” I nod slowly. So we’re stuck with each other. I don’t miss her ears splaying back. “Ugh… Sorry this is hard.” “Never apologize for how you feel Erin. This isn’t ideal for me either but I think we can become good friends. We share plenty of common interests after all. We’ll take it one step at a time. Get to know one another over the coming weeks while we work out how best to help our people.” “Jeez we have like two dozen ponies camping in my back yard don’t we? Ugh I need to get up and moving.” “No Erin you need to rest. Luna will see to our subjects needs while we recover. For now you should probably wake up. Jake is getting agitated outside.” I blink. “Jake’s here? To see me? He’s not still mad?” Celestia laughs lightly. “You’ll find that seeing your mate in a state we’re presently in does wonders for helping somepony forget why they were fighting in the first place.” I smile at that. “Alright, so how do I do this?” And then I wake up. To an intense throbbing in my back and face mostly. “…mmm kinda wish I was still in a magic coma.” Jake jerks in alarm at my side, lifting his head. I see his big orange eyes are filled with tears. He hastily wipes them away. “You’re up! You’re ok?!” My ears splay back at the shouting. “L-loud… Turn the volume down huh?” Wait… My ears splay back? I try to lift my arms but they’re somewhat uncooperative. “…do I have pony ears?” He blinks at the sudden question and looks up. “Heh. You do. I hadn’t even notice. How you doin?” “Could really use a glass of water.” “Just a sec. I’ll tell…” A brief grimace crosses his face. “Markus you’re thirsty.” I frown at that. Are they fighting already? Do my boyfriend and my brother hate each other? That sure as heck didn’t take long. No sooner does he open the door than a whole little herd of ponies push their way in. Ellie, Jules, Becky, and Nikki all rush to the bedside practically trampling poor Jake. I flinch as they all start talking at once, until a stern voice clears its throat from the door. As one the group folds their ears back and turns to look at Markus, his hair gently wafting. Luna’s voice comes from his mouth. “Markus may have been a touch crude in imparting my sisters message, but it holds true. Erin was very badly hurt in the asylum and needs peace and quiet. You may say hello but if I have to intervene again no one will speak with her until I deem her fit for company. Is that clear?” A muted chorus of ‘yes princess’ comes from everyone as they settle quietly around the bed. I’m not surprised that Ellie is the first to speak. “So didja really fight Discord?” I blink. “Um… No. I only saw him twice. Didn’t fight either time. I did fight some…” My mind flashes back to the orderly. To the horrible doctor monster I unfeelingly shot in the head. To Elizabeth… Or Cadance I suppose. “…I’d rather not talk about it if that’s alright?” Becky smiles kindly patting my hand with a hoof. “Of course it’s alright. We’re all just glad to see you’re ok.” Their concern is really touching. I’ve never been the most social of people. I wasn’t a pariah or anything but I was always sort of… Distant from others. I mostly kept to myself. I had Nikki growing up and she was pretty much my only friend. I could open up and be friendly with my students but that was about it. Until Jake came along, of course. Having a room full of concerned well-wishers was a new, but pleasant experience. “Thanks everyone. It means alot to me to see you guys care so much.” Jules snorts. “Of course we care. You’re our meal ticket.” She’s smiling to show she’s joking though. That still doesn’t save her from being snapped on the nose by Ellie’s tail. Nikki is doing her best to avoid looking at my bruised face. She always was squeamish around blood. “W-well I’m going to head outside. Jimmy’s here and we were talking about having lunch together.” I regard her with a surprised expression. “Really? Even with your uh… Condition?” She smiles a little sadly. “He really cared about me a lot. Moving away hurt him more than he admitted I think. Now that I’m back he asked if we could pick up where we left off.” The other girls ‘aww’ softly at that. Markus… Luna… Whoever comes back with Jake and a glass of water. “Alright everyone, I think that is enough. Erin needs to rest. You can see her again later if she is feeling better.” Smiles and calls of get well soon are given as the girls leave my room. Luna regards me quietly as Jake takes a seat on the chair in the corner. I wait expectantly but she seems to be doing the same. “I am not going to hold the cup for you like you are an invalid. If you want it take it.” I frown. “I can’t lift my arms. Cadance broke my spine, remember?” “I did not say take it with your hands. Now is an excellent time to learn levitation.” Jake bristles a bit from the chair. “Hey now! I think the magic lessons can wait don’t you?” Luna fixes Jake with an intense gaze. She’s not glaring exactly, just staring him down hard. “I am permitting you to share my sister’s company while she recovers out of your closeness with her host. If you insist on these outbursts however, I will remove you.” I frown as Luna rips into him. “Hey… You don’t talk to him like that.” Luna looks from me to Jake thoughtfully. “Accept my apologies. I think I am overly concerned for Celestia’s well-being. It has been a long time since we have seen one another and I am just worried.” Jake’s wings fold back in against his body. “Well… Alright. Apology accepted.” Now Luna turned to me, smiling once more. “Now. Your water?” Again she holds it well out of my reach. I glance to the side. “Sure would be nice if I had someone around to help me out…” Luna’s gaze sharpens. “Do not dare Tia. She needs to learn for herself.” I’m afraid I agree with Luna, Erin. Fortunately levitation is nearly as simple as the light. Just focus your magic into your horn, then picture a… Well an arm reaching out and GENTLY taking the glass. Focus on lifting it delicately or you’ll crush it. Mentally giving Celestia a dirty look and ACTUALLY shooting one to her sister,I huff and take a deep breath, focusing on the glass. I feel the warmth well up from my core and spread to my horn. Focusing hard I watch the golden aura wrap around the glass and pluck it from Luna’s hand. Slowly I maneuver it to my mouth taking a sip. “Ha!” Well done Erin! Luna nodded with a faint smile. “Very good. I will leave you to alone. I ask that I be allowed to speak with my sister when you are finished if you don’t mind.” I shake my head. “No of course I don’t. Let me talk to Jake some then I’ll uh… Let Celestia out?” A brief look of annoyance crosses Luna’s face, but she steps out without a word. Jake crosses the room and climbs up on the bed with me. “You make it sound like she’s a pet or something Erin.” My eyes widen. “I did not! Did I?” Maybe juuuust a little. Luna’s a bit sensitive, she’ll be fine. I chew my lip with a sigh. “I didn’t mean it like that. Well I’ll let you guys talk all you like in a bit ok?” It would be lovely to catch up. I’m curious about what she’s been doing the last twenty five years. Jake’s head is tilted as he watches me talk to myself. “So Princess Celestia is really…?” “Sharing a body with me? She is. She’s in here. She sees what I do and everything. It’s a little off putting but I’m getting used to it. The magic’s definitely neat. Except for when she made me sit on a cloud. That was one of the most terrifying moments of my life.” He’s trying not to but his eyes keep flicking to my cuts and bruises. “Why’d you run off alone Erin? We’d have all come with you. You could have at least brought me! I’m a cop for god’s sake!” My ears fold back as his voice raises, and Luna peers into the room frowning. Jake immediately backs down. I try to give Luna an encouraging smile. She doesn’t look happy but she steps out. Jake lowers his head looking embarrassed. “Sorry I just… We were all worried. Then you come back looking like this and your brother wouldn’t let us see you. I just saw him carry you in and there was… There was so much blood and… Dammit.” Jake’s started crying, the tears welling in his huge eyes and running down his cheeks. “…it’s these stupid girl hormones.” Feeling quite clever I levitated my hand to cup his cheek. “It’s alright. I should have said something. But I’m glad I didn’t. I shouldn’t have let Mike go with me either. I should have been more firm… Then maybe he would have…” I let my hand fall. “Jake I have to tell you something.” Jake sniffs loudly running a hoof over his nose. “What about?” I swallow hard and suddenly feel my resolve faltering. Before I know what’s happening Celestia’s presence has welled up within me and overwhelms my own. I’m sitting in my library a bit dizzied. Celestia why did you do that?! I see her gently levitate Mike’s badge from the pants folded in the corner of the room. She rests it in front of Jake’s forehooves. “I’m so sorry Jake. One of the monsters Discord created in Belvue killed him. There was nothing Celestia or I could do. He died bravely, and his death swiftly avenged.” Watching it all through my connection to Celestia I watch Jake gingerly touch the badge. “He’s… He’s dead? He was just a kid. How can he be dead? What happened exactly Erin?” Celestia mimics my voice perfectly. “Discord separated us. Mike managed to find his way back to me but one of the creatures there injected him with pure mana. It would make a pony sick but it was fatal to a human. I don’t know everything about police procedure but in the movies they always save the badge right?” Awkwardly Jake lifts the badge and rests it on a hoof, staring at it quietly for a few moments. “They do. So you… You killed the thing that killed him?” Celestia nods slowly. “I did. I wish I could have done more Jake. I know he was a friend of yours. I only knew him a short time but he did nothing but try to help us. If it weren’t for him I might never have found Markus and Luna.” Jake’s jaw clenches tightly. “Just one more murder on Discord’s hands. We have to take him down Erin. You and the Princess. You’re going to, right?” I find Celestia’s resolve matches my own perfectly. “We will Jake. I promise. He won’t get away with what he did to Equestria, or to the people he’s harmed here on Earth. Mike isn’t his first victim. Poor Elizabeth downstairs… I don’t know how much she’ll be able to recover.” Not to mention your niece. I’m so sorry about Cadance, Celestia. She nods her head slightly in response to my feelings. Jake looks at the badge for a few more minutes. “I’m uh… I’m gonna step out alright? I need to think. Clear my head. I’m glad you’re going to be alright.” Celestia smiles. “Of course. Take all the time you need. I’ll be here.” Jake chuckles weakly at her joke. With one last backward glance at the badge he slips off the bed and out the door. Celestia waits until his hoof steps recede before speaking to me. “I’m sorry Erin. I think you’ve been through enough rough patches the last couple of days. I hope you don’t mind.” I really couldn’t mind less. I think I might have you deliver all my bad news from now on. She giggles softly at that. “In exchange for a little time in control of ou… Of your body? I think that’s fair.” Luna steps back inside shutting the door softly. She looks us over briefly before smiling. “Hello Tia.” Celestia smiles back. “Hello Lulu.” Ha! Lulu? Celestia clicks her tongue reproachfully at me. “Oh hush. Sister perhaps we could allow Erin and Markus some time to get acquainted while we catch up?” Luna takes the arm chair from the corner carrying it easily to the bedside. “An excellent idea. It will give them something to focus on besides us.” The television in my library shuts off suddenly, as Markus drops from the ceiling landing with a solid ‘whump’ against the floor. Groaning softly he sits up looking around. “Oh! Uh… Hey.” I smile a little. “Hey. Guess our passengers wanted some privacy.” He shrugs and flops back into thin air, a chair appearing around him as he falls. “It’s cool. Lu’s been droning on and on about Celestia since we found out who you guys were.” It takes a little effort but I manage to conjure a tray with tea and little cakes. Markus eyes it warily before taking a cup, no doubt in an effort to be polite. He takes the smallest of sips before setting it down. “More of a coffee guy. Lotta late nights y’know? Me and Lu are kinda nocturnal.” He squints at the cakes. “…are these tiny Twinkies?” I shrug. “I like Twinkies!” He laughs. “How’re you not a big fat chick?” I feel myself getting instantly annoyed. “I have a sun princess living inside me. She burns up calories fast I guess.” “Yeah I know how that goes. Course Lu doesn’t have her sister’s sweet tooth. She loves meat though.” I can’t hide my surprise. “Meat? Really?” He nods. “Oh yeah. Like she goes for all those ‘eat this ten pound steak’ challenges. We’ve gotten free steak dinners all across the country.” I lean forward now. “You two travelled a lot?” Markus leans back, giving his cup of tea another try. “Oh yeah. We split when I was what? Fifteen I think? Just hit the road. Hitch hiking mostly. We did odd jobs all over the place. Luna got kinda insistent we come back to Detroit about a year ago. She could ‘feel a disturbance in the aether’. I made a Stars Wars joke, she didn’t get it.” I just stare blankly and he scowls. “Star Wars? Classical sci fi series?” I chew my lip in thought. “The one with the laser swords?” “The la-are you fuckin’ kidding me? You’ve never seen Star Wars?” I fold my arms across my chest with a huff. “I was always pretty busy around here. School and Uncle Pete’s lessons all the time. We didn’t see a lot for movies.” “Man if you hadn’t rolled up in Discord’s face John McClane style I’d think you were crazy lame. But that was y’know… That was pretty awesome. You coming in and saving me like that. Thanks. I know I can be kinda an asshole like, all the time but I appreciate it. Lu too.” I can’t help but grin teasingly. “Luna can be a butthole sometimes?” He wrinkles his nose. “Ugh. Don’t… Don’t do that. Don’t cutesie swear. We’re adults alright?” I fidget with my tea taking a sip. “Sorry. My uncle kinda didn’t like swearing. Said it made me sound stupid. Small vocabulary.” “Your uncle sounds like an asshole.” I scowl suddenly. “You never speak about him like that. Do you understand?” Markus raises his hands defensively. “Hey, hey sorry! I got it. Touchy subject. Guess he can’t have been all bad. Left you this big ass mansion and tons of money right?” Nodding I sip my tea. “He did. He was a very good man. Everyone in town loved him even if he was a little eccentric. Sorry I lost my temper he just… He was the man who raised me you know?” Helping himself to a cake my brother shrugs. “Not really. Mom was kinda a drunken whore. And no that’s not an exaggeration. Our mother was an alcoholic prostitute. Woulda been sweet to be raised in a palace like this but hey, then I might not be the sterling member of the community I am today right?” I feel stupid all of a sudden. The one time my uncle had spoken about his sister it wasn’t in a flattering light. Of course Markus hadn’t had a pleasant childhood. I clear my throat, eager to change the subject. “So how about all these people turning into ponies?” He laughs at the absurdity of it. “Yeah how about that? Got any idea what the plan is on that front? Saw your speech by the way. Pretty kick ass. Are you two really gonna run around breaking every pony out of prison?” I nod. “That’s the plan. Literally. That’s our entire plan. Free them and bring them here.” He raises his eyebrows. “You know there a fuck ton of ponies out there right? Like thousands?” “I know! She does too. But… It’s the best we have for right now. If you and Luna have any awesome ideas I’m sure Celestia would love to hear them.” I’m surprised by the thoughtful look that comes over his face. “Maybe. Me and Lu’ll have a talk soon I’m sure. She’s always good with coming up with a plan on the fly. Gotten us out of a few tight spots over the years.” I sigh flipping the recliner on my chair open. “I hope so. Because I could really use a break after the last week.” “You and me both sister. You and me both.” *** Jules is at it again. I hear her bellowing at the TV in the sitting room. “I mean they use their hooves for all kindsa crap on the show! Why the hell can’t I play my game?!” Ellie’s with her of course. “Aw it’s alright Jules. Once you learn to do magic you won’t need your hooves! Or hands! Or anything!” Grateful for anything to take my mind off the seemingly endless shitstorm I’ve had dumped on me the last week I poke my head in. “Hey Ellie, you wanna try more flying?” “Sure! Jules is just gonna sit here and glare at her controller all day anyway! Let’s head out back.” It’s nice to have Ellie around to cheer everyone up. She really is our very own Pinkie Pie. We head through to the backyard and like always I’m a little startled at all the people… or ponies I guess milling about. We always get looks from the crowd of newcomers as if we’re in charge or something. Like we should have answers to their questions. Ellie offers timid smiles to anyone looking too long as we make our way closer to the beach. “Alright this should be good.” A few of the more curious folks have followed us at a bit of a distance. Once we start our warm-up flaps one of the ponies’ rushes back toward the campgrounds. It’s not long before every pegasus starts to turn up. There are four new pegasi living out here. Six earth ponies and two unicorns. Timidly one of the mares approaches. A purple coated pony with a cascading silver mane cleared her throat softly. “Um… Excuse me?” I pause in my flapping to look her over. “What can I do for you?” She looks back at the other three winged ponies. Two mares and a stallion. One is purple as well, if a tad lighter. Her mane a silvery blue done up in a poofy style. The other mare is a pale cream color with her mane and tail a striking purple and green striped do. The last of the new pegasus ponies is a stallion, one of three at the cabin now. His coat is black while his mane and tail are silver. I think I can remember their names. Flitter and Cloudchaser are the purple mares. Blossomforth is the cream one while Thunderlane is the stallion. No idea what their real names are of course. Flitter seems to lose her nerve so Thunderlane steps up. “We were hoping we could practice flying with you ma’am. You being the captain of the Wonderbolts and all. Pony you of course! I doubt there’re real Wonderbolts.” I can’t help but grin at that. “I was a pilot in the air force. Whole squadron was bronies. We got the Wonderbolt symbol tattoo’d on our shoulder. So technically I really was Captain of the Wonderbolts. And yeah you guys can practice with us.” They all seem really excited at that. One of the new unicorns approaches. Blue coated stallion with a wavy white mane. “Sorry to interrupt but can anyone in the house do magic? B-besides the Princesses.” I shake my head. “I don’t think so. I’m sure either of them would be happy to teach you magic once uh… Once Princess Celestia is feeling better. Princess Luna is pretty worried about her of course.” He nods rapidly. “Of course! I’d hate to bother them even if they weren’t sick. You um.. You’re Jake right? Princess Celestia’s uh… boyfriend?” A brief flash of irritation washes over me as I wonder what the source of his hesitation is. That it’s a personal question or that he had to say boyfriend rather than girlfriend. “I am.” “Is she alright? Someone said they saw blood and well… Everyone’s worried. She saved us after all. If there’s anything we can do to help…” They were all nodding now. I couldn’t help but feel my bad mood lifting a little more. These people were practically strangers but they all seemed to be worried about Erin. “Princess Luna says she’ll be fine, she just needs plenty of rest. She’ll be back on her feet in no time!” This seemed to go a long way toward raising the mood. “You guys don’t have to stay outside all the time you know? It’s a huge house. We have a few TVs. No one can really do the video games with the hooves but Jules’ll get the Netflix going for folks. Go inside, take a shower, relax.” Most of them seem to take my advice to heart, doing just that. I turn back to find Ellie beaming at me, while my new students wait attentively. No stranger to a group of people waiting for my orders I head to the front of the ‘class’. “Alright everyone! We’ll start with coordinated flapping.” *** I have no idea how long Markus and I just spent talking. Mostly small talk. Hobbies, favorite school subjects, that sort of thing. His sudden disappearance is a little jarring until Celestia takes his place. “I hope you two enjoyed your talk.” I nod. “We did! It’s a little weird meeting my brother for the first time but we had a nice talk. Did you have fun with Luna?” She smiles softly, already sipping from a summoned cup of tea. “I did. Thank you for the time.” I just shrug. “Oh it was nothing. Anytime you want to chat with your sister just ask. If I’m not doing something I don’t mind uh… Loaning my body.” Celestia laughs softly. “I appreciate that very much Erin.” She takes a long sip of her drink. “So. Luna and I were discussing our soon to come population boom.” I sit up eagerly now. “Yeah? What’s the plan?” “We discussed several ideas from trying to find a way back to Equestria to appealing to your country’s government. The largest concentration of ponies is in America. We suspect it’s a subtle herd instinct for the former ponies. They prefer to be as close to Luna and us as possible.” I’m not sure how, but I just sense what she’s not saying. “You mean as close to you?” Her ear twitches almost imperceptibly. She gazes at me a long, quiet moment before sighing. “I see you’re starting to hear my unspoken thoughts as well. Yes. While my little ponies were slowly warming to Luna they were still somewhat wary of her. She tries so very hard but it seems no matter what she does she will always be somewhat off putting to them.” I frown a little at the sad though. “Well it’s a new start for everyone, right?” She nods. “Indeed! So. Luna has gone to discuss our situation with a representative of your government in Washington. With any luck we’ll hear good news in the next day or two.” “And if our luck is bad?” She frowns. “We’ll pursue other solutions. Understand Erin, I wish to solve this diplomatically, but I absolutely will not allow my people to be caged. Already I feel they’ve been treated as animals for too long. If not for Luna’s council we would be freeing them as quickly as possible the second we are healthy enough to do so. Luna however has more experience with the human government and way of doing things, so I defer to her for now.” “No. No I agree I’m just not sure what we’re going to do with all those people.” Celestia finishes her tea. “Well. We’ll worry about that when the time comes. For now I think it best if you get some sleep. In the morning you should be well enough to be up and about again. I’m sure everypony outside will be delighted to see you.” “Pretty sure they’ll be happy to see YOU Princess, not me.” She arches a brow. “Do you really think so? Jake and the others were saved and brought here by your kindness Erin, not mine. The poor souls we freed from that facility saw your face, not mine. Thus far no one’s heard so much as a peep from me. You’re the one they’re looking up to.” I swallow with a sudden flare of nerves as I realize she’s right. “W-well you can address them properly tomorrow right?” She nods. “if that’s what you wish.” I roll around the cooled tea in my cup slowly, gazing into the murky liquid. “Can I see more?” Celestia tilts her head. “Of?” “You and Moon Dancer. Back then. I want to know what happens.” “Ah, of course. Where did you leave off?” I can’t hide my surprise. “You don’t know?” ` “I don’t. The dreams you’re experiencing are an effect of our bond growing stronger. You’re subconsciously drawing forth my more powerful memories.” I nod slowly. “Moon Dancer had just become an alicorn like you, and attacked Discord. He beat her and you sent her away before ah…” She nods. “I recall the time vividly. We’ll skip to the next important part hm?” I nod and settle in getting comfortable as she glances at the television in the room. It flickers to life and I find myself drawn into another of Celestia’s memories. *** “Sister I do not think this is wise. She left us for a reason; obviously she has no interest in what we do. Else she would have sought us out before now. Our efforts have been spoken of all across Equestria.” I glance at my little sister trotting at my side. “I suppose you would prefer we hurl ourselves at Discord once more?” Moon Dancer snorts softly casting a baleful glare at the small cabin at the end of the wooded path we walk. “It would be a better use of our time, yes. I will await your return here Sunny.” I cannot help but sigh. “Very well sister. I will return soon.” I leave my fuming little sister behind and finish walking the path to the unassuming cabin. The occasional puff of smoke drifts from the chimney. Small plots of growing herbs grow all about the yard, magical ingredients no doubt. I approach the door gently knocking. My wait is not long. I flinch from the power of the magical aura enveloping the door and swinging it open. My mother looks up at me with her seemingly perpetual frown. “Sunny Skies. It has been a while.” I nod. “It has mother. Moon Dancer and I come seeking your counsel.” Her eyebrows raise. “Oh? I would advise you to ignore the advice of the foolish and frightened magi. What they want to do is abhorrent and goes against everything I taught you girls.” She pauses and glances at my side in mock surprise. “Ah! I see you went ahead with this horrific abomination of the natural order before seeking me out. What then am I to advise you on?” I am unsure if it is heartening or saddening to know my mother has not changed over the last ten years. Soon after Moon Dancer was born she left us in the care of the magical academy and retreated from civilization. Only by following her magical signature was I able to find her. Her lavender coat had dulled to a pale lilac in her middle age. Her mane was still striking indigo with the pink and purple stripes running through it, even if somewhat dulled with age. “It is Discord mother. For all our new might Moon Dancer and I are helpless before his power. It was my hope you had a new spell or perhaps some idea of how to deal with him.” “Let us see if I can piece together your expert stratagem for dealing with the chaos spirit thus far hm? Would I be correct in assuming it has consisted of you and your sister hurling yourselves at him like a pair of puffed up minotaur?” I open my mouth to rebut but she raises a hoof silencing me. “It was a rhetorical question. Of course that is what the two of you did. I have no godly spell or earth quaking ritual. I only have advice Sunny Skies. Stop trying to be somepony you are not you foolish foal. You are gifted with an overabundance of laughter, generosity, and kindness. Use your strengths Sunny. Moon Dancer as well. You could not find a more loyal or honest pony to call sister. What is combat if not chaos? And what feeds Discord’s might?” I stare silently through her lecture, feeling the tiny filly once more. Slowly however her words begin to sink in and take hold. My ears perk and a smile slowly forms on my muzzle. One my mother reluctantly returns. “Mother! Oh you are a genius!” She balks at my sudden embrace and squirms a moment before begrudgingly patting my shoulder. “W-well. Off you go. You have a country to save do you not?” She adjusts her glasses as I release her. I nod, my heart fluttering in excitement. “I do! Thank you mother! We shall return soon! Perhaps for dinner!” I turn and race back down the path, leaving my mother to stare after me quietly. Moon Dancer rises as I gallop wildly toward her. The look of elation on my face brings a tentative smile to her own. “What words of wisdom did the great Clover the Clever have to impart?” My smile remains wide. “I have figured out how to defeat Discord.” Her eyes widen. “How?!” My smile never falters. “By being who we truly are Moon Dancer. Come. Let us seek out my old friend.” > Chapter 14: Heat of the Moment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: Heat of the Moment "The search continues for the mysterious woman calling herself only 'Princess Celestia'. As our viewers may or may not be aware, Princess Celestia was the fictional ruler of Equestria, a make-believe land dreamed up by well known writer and animator Lauren Faust." The camera pans out from the pretty blonde reporter to show a scene of living ponies milling about in huge fenced off pastures. "Or was it make-believe at all? Recent world events are calling this into question. Ms. Faust has refused to answer any questions regarding the popular children's show 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.' One thing’s for certain, whether these people in the footage are reincarnated ponies from a magical world or not... this woman seems to truly believe she IS their Princess. And she isn't happy about her subjects being locked in cages or fenced in pastures." The camera man is blinded by a radiant golden light as the woman in question appears. Standing tall and regal in her gleaming golden armor, large snowy white wings wafting in the wind and her multi-hued hair drifting lazily on a breeze felt by no one else, she looks around at the suddenly excited ponies. With infinite care and kindness she smiles out at her subjects, and with a wave of her hand they all vanish the same way she appeared. The crowd of ponies watching from my living room starts to boo as soldiers arrive and attempt to subdue me. Bits of popcorn and chips are flung at the screen as their general barks orders. Ordinarily I'd find my house guests cheers and jeers charming but more and more the last few days I was just feeling... restless. My knee is bouncing up and down rapidly enough to start drawing attention from the ponies nearest me. Jake in particular has a concerned look in his eyes. Realizing all the eyes on me soon I force myself to stop. "Sorry. Sorry everyone I'm just... jittery." I try to focus on the TV as the reporter comes back on screen. “Public opinion about the self-proclaimed Princess is mixed. We went to the streets to see what the average American citizen had to say.” As the perky blonde goes from person to person I really do try to pay attention. Some people seem to think of Celestia and I as some sort of freedom fighters. Others label us terrorists and write us off. I see more than a few men and women with My Little Pony t-shirts all of whom are cheering for us, or asking to meet us. That’s something I’d never considered. Though I probably should have, the fans of the show can be pretty intense about it. A slow but steady throbbing has been building in my head the whole time the news has been on. It’s getting bad enough that I’m starting to feel a little sick. Not to mention the slow, steady throb coming from other more sensitive areas. I force my hands to unclench from the chair’s armrests. “I need to go upstairs!” Curious looks come at me from every pony in the room at my comment as I get up from the armchair. Jake gets up and follows me from the room, flying up the stairs as I walk. I have to dance around a number of ponies coming down from the second floor. It's gotten so full that every room in the house except my own is filled with at least four, sometimes more ponies. The folks in town have been a huge help donating tents, beds, bedding, and food. Of course every one of them stops to give me a polite greeting. Usually using my real name, though sometimes it's just 'Princess' or 'Princess Celestia.' I let it slide. It makes them feel better to think that their Princess is looking out for them, who am I to take that away? Everyone here has enough crap in their lives right now. If knowing their Princess is watching over them brightens their day, I'm happy to help out. The press of bodies is starting to get uncomfortable. This morning I've had an... itch, so to speak. A powerful one that's only been getting worse. I find myself staring at every stallion that's passed by more than I'd normally be comfortable doing. Ducking into my room I barely wait for Jake to slip in before slamming the door with a heavy breath. "Erin, are you alright? What's wrong?" I close my eyes taking a deep breath. "I have no idea. I've just been really... really... REALLY..." I look back and forth as if expecting someone to be listening in. "...horny." Jake's eyes widen and his wings flare. "Wh--what? You have?" I bite my lip and nod. "Like... it's all I've been thinking about today. Normally I wake up and I'm ready to go tackle another holding facility with the Princess but... but I can't focus! I can't think of ANYTHING else!" Now Jake's ears are splayed back and he's looking away uncomfortably. "What's the Princess say?" I shake my head in annoyance. "She's not answering me. I think she's been talking with Luna all day about Cadence." "Well..." Jake scuffs a forehoof in the carpet uncomfortably. "Jake, do you know something?" He chews his lip looking more and more uncomfortable. "Well it's kinda something that I heard Ellie telling me about Jules. For a few days Jules sort of... kept herself locked in their room. Uh... you know..." He thrusts his hips a bit. "...I think mares go into heat." If my eyes could go any wider they might just roll out of my head. CELESTIA YOU ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW! I feel the familiar presence in the back of my head. My goodness Erin you've certainly gotten the hang of the Royal Canterlo... ooo.... ohhhh.... my Jake is certainly looking... sleek this morning, isn't she? Cheeks burning I turn away from Jake. Celestia, am I in heat?! What?! No! No of course not. Luna and I haven't been in estrus since our ascension. It's impossible, the mingling of the tribal blood in our genes somehow rendered us barren. Well why the hell can't I stop thinking about Jake going to town on me?! Celestia is silent for a time. Well we're in heat, no doubt about it. Somehow your healthy reproductive system jump started my own. Or perhaps since you're not fully changed, just well on your way, you're still active. I wonder if Luna will experience this soon, too? The longer our conversation has gone on the more I've been squirming and squeezing my thighs together. My tail's been steadily raising in the air as well, definitely drawing Jake's attention. What do we do?! Well there are two ways to handle this. One is to sit in a tub filled with icy water until the hot flashes pass. And the other? Involves making use of Jake. I'm biting my lip hard enough to draw a little blood now. Is he uh... gonna be able to give me what I need while he's a she? Hm. Perhaps not. Certainly not what I need. We'll just have to make her a stallion. Part of me wanted to protest. Part of me remembered her saying a good six months should pass before we do something like that. That part of me is significantly quieter than the part screaming that I need a stallion between my legs. "Jake! I'm in heat. We're making you a stallion!" Now Jake's eyes go wide and he hesitantly moves toward the door. "D--didn't the Princess say it was dangerous to do too soon?" It would typically be a painful experience, but I'll make sure he doesn't feel a thing. He may be tired afterwards but I have ways of reinvigorating anypony with a little magic. "Nope! It's safe! Get ready!" Jake makes a lunge for the door but I've already given control over to Celestia. The library in my mind feels like a sweltering inferno. The fire in the hearth is raging out of control. The picturesque portraits have been replaced with paintings depicting the fully human Jake and I in rather lewd situations, and I find I don't much mind the imagery for once. Watching through Celestia’s eyes I see Jake engulfed in her golden aura of magic, the pegasus mare cringing slightly in fear. Slowly she’s growing taller and thicker. Her barrel thickening as her muzzle widens and grows broader. Her hair doesn’t grow much shorter, just seems spikier now. Jake’s tail is shorter as well, more like the other stallions outside. Soon the parts I’m really interested about have grown in, and by the time Jake’s hooves hit the floor again he’s genuinely a he now. The stallion sags to his knees weakly, blinking slowly. With a little groan he tries to rise, wings flapping a little in the attempt. Celestia’s already calling up her next spell, and Jake’s eyes snap open as he hops to his hooves with an excited expression. “It worked! I’m a stallion! Look at me!” I feel a small thrill of alarm as I realize Celestia is remaining in control. “Yes… just look at you…” Celestia don’t you dare! I can sense she’s somewhat less than pleased, but to my relief she relinquishes control without much more hesitation. I’m terribly sorry Erin. I think it might be best if I seclude myself for the next few days. If there’s an emergency yell for me, otherwise I’ll speak with you when your cycle has passed. Alright. Sorry… if you uh… find a guy of your own I don’t mind you going for it. Thank you Erin, though I think that might make matters a trifle more complicated than we need just now. We have nearly a hundred ponies living in your manor and on the grounds. I’ll ask Luna and Markus to inform everypony that we’ll be… indisposed for the next several days. Good idea. Now if you’ll excuse me… I grin as I see Jake giving me his FULL attention. “Come over here stallion, your mare needs some lovin’.” His smile turns playful. “Is that a royal order?” My horn flares as I grab him, maybe a little tighter than necessary in my magic yanking him into the bed. “Yes. Yes it is.” *** “Jesus she’s in heat? That’s a thing for you guys? Am I going into heat soon?” No, Markus. Fortunately for you our bond is far more developed than Erin and Celestia’s. As such I can guide our journey into ponydom. You will remain a stallion, unless you are curious about living as a mare… I can tell Luna’s joking, but I don’t find it very fucking funny. “No. Let’s keep all the right stuff where it belongs if you don’t mind.” You are certain? It could be fun you know. “Yeah I’m sure.” I frown a little as I cross the backyard toward the large shed. “Do uh, you wanna be a mare again?” I have thought of it. Truth be told I have found living as the other sex these past twenty-five years a rather fun and interesting experience. Perhaps in a hundred years we will tire of it and live as a mare once more. Perhaps not. “Right. We’re gonna live forever. I mean we’ve talked about it before but… it’s still pretty heavy you know?” You will come to terms with it sooner or later. Your character is strong, Markus King, I am sure you will endure the passing centuries well. Ideally you will clean up your mouth before then. “I’m gonna curse like a sailor my whole god damn life just to spite you. For eternity I’m gonna be teaching little ponies swear words.” Luna sighs. The worst part is that I genuinely believe you intend to follow through with that promise. “Damn right. You uh… you take over from here, alright?” We’ve reached the shed. The one with Cadence inside. The bitch creeps me right the fuck out and I want to be around her as little as possible. Lu says she and her sister have been making ‘progress’ but I blast the loudest metal I can think of in my private brain room when they’re talking to her. The switch is instant as Lu takes over and is already opening the door. “Of course. You do not have to watch if you do not wish to Markus, however you may be pleasantly surprised. My niece has come a long way.” Hard not to from as far away as she was. Still, I don’t tune it out this time. Luna walks right into the shed totally badass and uncaring about the disheveled psycho chained to the ground. Everything was already moved from here to the garage and the ponies outside avoid it like the plague. Cadance lifts her head as we enter and close the door. “Aunt Luna. Here to let me go?” Her voice doesn’t sound quite as insane as it was last time. Luna tilts our head. “I would very much like to. Do you still wish harm upon my sister?” She snorts. “...I do.” I feel Luna’s sadness. Me, I just feel pissed. “Cadence, you know Discord was behind the deaths of everypony in Equestria.” I tense as Cadence leaps to her feet, the manacles around her wrists flaring with magical light as the runes keeping her power under wraps activate. “He cast the spell but she allowed it! She could have stopped him centuries ago! She should have!” I feel Luna’s thoughts on the matter before she vocalizes them. “Yes. I agree with you Cadance. However we both know that is not who my sister is. She could no more take Discord’s life than she could any criminally insane pony. It is simply not within her nature to kill.” “Well maybe you’re the one I should be blaming huh? Why’d YOU let him live Aunt Luna?” I’m starting to get pissed as the lunatic goes from insulting our sister to insulting us. Luna likewise is getting angry. “Did you think I never tried destroying his statue? The spell the elements of harmony cast upon him ensured he could not be destroyed in his helpless state. Celestia did not speak to me for a month after I attempted destroying him.” Cadance snorts. “Whatever. …if I promise to leave Celestia alone will you get these things off me?” Luna wants to. She wants to so bad it hurts. “I… perhaps a compromise Cadance. I will remove the chains if you agree to wear the magic blocking manacles.” Cadance growls under her breath at the request. “If it gets me out of this shed and into the sun for a little while fine.” Is this a good idea Lu? She still looks nuts and she could hurt someone. Luna starts removing the heavy chains holding Cadence in place. Nopony was filled with more love and care than Cadence, Markus. Hatred and rage have twisted her heart over the years but underneath I sense the loving mare she yearns to be once more. If I do not afford her the chance to prove herself, she may never regain who she once was. If she goes after Erin again I’ll drop her, Lu. I mean it. If she attacks our sister’s again, Markus, you will not need to, I will deal with her myself. That goes a long way toward making me more comfortable. As the last of the chains fade away to wherever magic shit fades to, Cadence stands and stretches. Luna holds the shed door open and the smaller woman exits slowly. She winces at the bright morning sun, looking around at the tents and cheerful ponies who’re looking our way curiously. “...she’s been busy.” Luna nods. “She has. Very busy. More and more every day arrive borne on my sister’s magic. Erin too has gone to great efforts to accommodate us and make things easier on everypony.” Cadence's expression softens at the mention of Erin’s name. “Erin… she was… she was always nice to Elizabeth when she came into the office. Made time to chat. I’m sorry I hurt her.” Markus, perhaps you would like to speak to her? What?! No! Fuck no, she’s a psycho and I don’t have anything to say to her!” I blink as I realize Luna snapped me back into control in mid-sentence. Cadance is looking at me wide-eyed. “...what? Quit staring at me.” She nods slowly. “Hello, Markus. I know it probably doesn’t mean much considering what I did to you, but I’m sorry.” I eye her a minute. “You sorry for what you did, or that it wasn’t my sister you were torturing?” She quirks a little smile and turns away then, walking calmly toward the beach at the end of Erin’s property. I don’t want to admit it, but I kinda like the lunatic all of a sudden. *** ‘Oh thank god, she’s asleep.’ Erin was sprawled on the bed dozing heavily, the sheets soaked with sweat and other fluids. I wrinkle my nose as I delicately work out from under her arm. Probably going to have to throw this bedding away. Too bad too, I like it. I pause just before I step onto the hardwood floor. My hooves would definitely wake her up, and while I never thought I’d turn down an all day sex-a-thon I can’t remember ever being in more pain in my life. I was in the U.S. Airforce. I went through basic training, flight training, all kinds of torture. The police academy wasn’t quite as bad, but it was damn close. But nothing can really prepare a guy for his deific girlfriend wanting to have sex for six hours straight. With a few quick flaps of my wings I make my way to the door and delicately, oh so carefully, turn the knob and slip outside. Landing gently on the carpet I wince as I try to put weight on my hind legs. With an awkward limp I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. It’s gotten later in the day and most folks are outside working on the gardens or practicing flying and their magic. Jules is sitting at the table following me with her eyes as I move to the fridge and get myself a beer. “Jeez dude you look like someone’s been using your balls for a punching bag.” Her eyes widen as she looks me over. “Wait! Holy shit you have balls again! What happened?!” “Erin happened. She’s… you know… what you had last week.” Jules’ eyes widen in realization. “Oh. Ohhhh no shit? Wow. Uh… wow. Surprised she let you outta there.” “She passed out. Sex coma, I think. Jesus I hope it lasts a while.” I could tell by the look in Jules’ eyes I shouldn’t keep my hopes up. “You got like, a half hour. Hour tops man. Make the most of it. Rest up. Ice the groin.” I groan and slump onto a cushion at the low table, sipping my beer mournfully. “You’d think being a man again all of a sudden would be the greatest moment of my life. Instead I keep thinking how much this would hurt less if I was still a mare.” “Eh. You’d just have a different part sore and tired. Trust me it’s not a whole lot easier.” The back door swings open and Ellie trots in, moving past us and getting a drink from the fridge. “Hey guys! Whoa you smell like sex. Erin must be in heat huh?” I feel a faint blush coming on. “Yeah but she doesn’t want everyone to know so keep it down okay?” “Yes sir!” The wall-eyed blonde salutes me smartly. “You can count on me!” “Well good. How’s everything going outside? No huge crashes or anything?” She shakes her head. “Nope! Everything’s hunky dorey! We were even pushing a few clouds around earlier. Thunderlane wants to try making it rain but I told him we should wait for you.” I raise an eyebrow. “Thunderlane? He’s going by that?” She nods. “Uh huh. Some of the folks like their pony names better so they wanna go by them now. Not everyone does of course. I still like Ellie, and Jules likes Jules. Becky thinks Redheart is silly, but Nikki LOVES Trixie” I nod a little. “I guess it makes sense, sort of. Really Spitfire IS kind of a badass name, isn’t it?” Both mares nod. I’m about to say more when a small golden glow surrounds my body. Eyes wide I look to the pair staring at me. “...help.” Neither of course makes a move. “Sorry dude. I’m not getting between the chick who can boil someone from a mile away with a thought and her stallion. Good luck!” Ellie waves a cheerful hoof as I vanish with a flash and find myself back in bed, Erin eyeing me hungrily. It’s going to be a very long few days. *** “Why, Sunny Skies and Loony Moony! You’re back! And the both of you here to see me together. I’m touched. What’ll it be today? The old magical swords trick? Trying to teleport parts of me away? Oh! Maybe hurl me into the sun, whaddya say, Sunny? Think you can toss me that far?” Discords taunts seem… hollow today. In the past it got under my skin but now they just seem childish. “No, Discord. We’re not here to fight.” Moon Dancer looks less certain than I. Discord just looks from me to my sister, then back to me. “You’re not? Does she know that?” I nod. “She does. I’m here to ask you, as your friend… please stop this. Stop this madness and come home with me. It can be like it was before all of this.” I gesture out toward the madness that has twisted the land behind me. The look in Discord’s eye tells me his answer even before he speaks. Still, my heart sinks. “Maybe I don’t WANT it to go back to the way it was before. Maybe I LIKE Equestria better like this hm? Maybe, just maybe you’re not quite as important to me as you think you are, Sunny Skies!” Luna is already preparing her attack, but I remember my mother’s words. I lay a restraining hoof on my little sister’s back. “I am sorry to hear that, Discord. More sorry than I can say.” He rolls his eyes, but stops and looks confused as I smile. “I want you to know that I am still your friend. I will always be your friend, no matter what.” His confusion grows, as does my own to be honest as a warm glow wells up within my breast. “I will always remember the fun times we had. The times you made me laugh and laugh. Remember when we first met? I was lost in the forest and crying and you appeared. You started making faces and I laughed so hard I cried good tears.” A twinkling mote of blue magic split off from the larger glow in my chest. The small blue orb hovered over my head bobbing merrily. Moon Dancer looks at the small sphere curiously, though her eyes are alight with wonder, now the dawning fear in Discord’s. “Or the time we found those baby bunnies being swept away by the river! You and I fished every single one of them out of the water and saw them safely back to their mother.” Now a pink sphere joined the blue, the two swaying softly over my head. “Stop whatever you’re doing, Sunny! I mean it!” My smile never falters. “I will always treasure the gifts you gave me. The beautiful gems, the fanciful statuettes. The lovely painting of the sunset. Just as I hope you will always treasure the gifts I gave you. I am afraid I had nothing so tangible to give, merely my love, friendship, and understanding.” A third, purple sphere joined the pink and blue. I lift my eyes to focus on the magical elements swirling over my head. Slowly I shift a demanding gaze to my little sister. Moon Dancer’s eyes widen. “What do you expect of me, Sunny? I do not know what insanity you are in the midst of. To be perfectly frank I believe we are wasting our time. Our foe will not be struck down with heartfelt words.” My little sister nickers in surprise as a glow of her own is forming. A small glowing orange light bobs above her. She looks from it to the three over my own head. She swallows heavily and takes a step closer to me. “...however if this is the course you choose to pursue on this latest of what are sure to be failed endeavors, I stand with you as always.” A second light joined Moon Dancer’s first, a vivid red orb weaving about the orange. As she took her place at my side all five lights began to mingle together, weaving in and out of one another growing brighter and brighter all the while. My smile is sad as I look upon Discord. The poor creature seems to want to flee, but he is transfixed by the lights. “Your magic is powerful, Discord, certainly Moon Dancer or I cannot conjure any spells to come close to matching you. However there is one power ever greater than yours. Greater than any power that has, or ever will exist.” The lights are whirling so quickly now the individual colors have become hard to pick out. It is more akin to a rapidly spinning rainbow than anything. “The power of our friendship, the love and care we share with each other and the love I have for you cannot be overcome by any mere spell. There are no tricks or sly methods of out thinking this power, Discord. In time I hope you will forgive me, perhaps the passage of years will soothe your anger and return the beloved friend I miss so dearly to me.” The glow within Moon Dancer and I leaves our chests at the same moment, melding together to form a final violet light. It joins the rest as the magical power builds to a crescendo. “You won’t stop me, Sunny Skies! I’ll be back! And when I come back you’ll be sorry! All of you rotten little ponies will be sorry!” And then the light is upon him. Neither Moon Dancer nor I willed it forward, it simply acted. The beautiful corona of oscillating color washes over the draconequus in near constant waves of power. As the light clears and my vision returns, I behold a solid stone statue of Discord where the living entity once stood. Six gemstones of purest color and perfect cut slowly drift to the ground to rest at Moon Dancer and my hooves. Hesitantly, not believing her eyes Moon Dancer approaches Discord giving him a gentle tap with her hoof. “He is… petrified?” I nod slowly, the pain in my eyes clear for her to see. “He is. For how long I do not know. Not for all time I hope.” Moon Dancer snorts and rears back. Before I can stop her she delivers a powerful buck to the helpless Discord. A bright flash meets her impact and she is flung away, skidding along the ground and coming to a slow stop with a groan. “...ow.” I turn a disapproving frown on my sister. “Moon Dancer, I am disappointed. He is helpless, striking him down now would make you worse than he ever was.” Slowly she rises to her hooves. “Nay sister, striking him down now makes me more pragmatic than he ever was. You heard his promise, I do not doubt he intends to follow through with his threat if he is ever released.” I look to the statue that remains of my comical, light hearted friend and sigh. “Nor do I. But I can hope, Moony. And if we lose hope, what point is there to go on living?” Moon Dancer snorts but has no argument. “Very well, Sunny. What are we to do with him then? He cannot be moved and I do not think it wise to simply leave him out in the open.” She is right. I gaze about the mountain side we are standing upon. A beautiful natural cliff overlooks the rolling green farmlands of Equestria. Large waterfalls tumble down from natural caves in the mountain side. “Sister, I believe this would be a fine place to live. Do you agree?” My sister looks about as well now. “Yes. I suppose this is as good a place as any. We certainly do not fit in with ordinary ponies now do we?” I tap Moon Dancer on the nose playfully with a hoof. “We will find our place, Moon Dancer. Never fear.” She rolls her eyes. “Ever the optimist.” I smile in return. “Always, dear sister. Always.” *** I wake up reluctantly this morning. More and more I’ve been looking forward to seeing more of Celestia’s past. Her memories. She knows everything there is to know about me, but I know so little about her. That’s changing a little more every day. With some relief I realize the burning need that’s been driving me to ride poor Jake to exhaustion the past three days is gone. The stallion in question is very much passed out on the bed beside me. Wrinkling my nose as I realize the room smells like sex and sweaty pony, and discover that it’s not a good combination at all. I carefully slide out of bed padding to the window and pushing it open. I grab my robe from the closet and slip out of the room, gently closing the door behind me. I don’t really want every pony in the house to know what we’ve been up to. The house is still quiet this early in the morning. A few of the more industrious earth ponies are probably stirring, getting ready to tend the gardens. I sigh as I think of how little I get to see to them myself. It’s always been that way for me I’m afraid. Ruling a kingdom leaves little time for hobbies and pastimes. I don’t respond until I’m outside. “Good morning, Celestia.” Good morning, Erin. Feeling better? I chuckle softly as I settle on the swing. “Feeling sore.” Well it doesn’t happen very often. Every six months or so. “That’s a relief I suppose. Gonna need a well ventilated room or something next time.” I lean back in the swing, fixing my eyes on the horizon. I hope we get to see Equestria together someday. I think you’d enjoy raising the sun. I laugh. “How does that work anyway? And with you here does that mean like, the sun and moon back there haven’t moved at all in twenty five years?” I’m sure that’s not the case. Many races besides our own have magic. The dragons are particularly powerful. There may have been some confusion and a few extra days of darkness, but once word got out about our being gone someone back there will have seen to the duty. “Well that’s good to know I suppose.” As the sun starts to rise I just feel better. Healthier, more energetic and alert. “All done with the sex-a-thon?” I jerk in surprise at Nikki’s voice as she trots outside smiling teasingly. “Good morning, Nikki.” “The Great and Powerful Nikki bids you a good morning as well, Princess!” I roll my eyes and grin. “Have you been doing that for the last three days?” She laughs now. “Of course not. I may be an obnoxious narcissist but I’m not THAT bad.” “Anything exciting happen the last couple days?” Nikki shrugs. “Not really. Tom’s been by a couple times. We had lunch together yesterday, it was nice.” I stand and start moving inside toward the kitchen. “How are things going with you guys?” She rubs the back of her head. “Slowly. It’s awkward of course. I’m still ME, and he still loves me. I still love him! It’s just…” “It’s just you’re all of a sudden a different species?” “Yes. Still when we laid together in the field outside and just watched the clouds float by over head…” She sighs. “It felt like old times, Erin. All this aside, I’m really glad I came home.” “Me too, Nikki. Or is it Trixie now?” She blushes. “I don’t know. I like them both y’know? A lot of ponies are going by their old names but some of us like to hang onto what we got. Ellie for obvious reasons.” I nod. “Sure. Being called Ditzy all day would get old fast.” Thoughts of hunger vanish at the sight of who’s already sitting at the kitchen table. Cadance blinks up at me slowly, her eyes narrowing just a bit. She looks a lot like Elizabeth, only her eyes are a cool violet color and her hair is the Princess’ three tones of violet, pink, and yellow. I smile nervously. “Uh… morning?” > Chapter 15: Premier > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15: Premier You’d think by now I would be used to incredibly awkward situations. With my boyfriend having turned into a pony, changed genders, then changed back when I went into heat and magically flipped him again. Meeting my long lost twin brother was a big old punch to the stomach too. But seeing Elizabeth, or Cadance I guess… the woman who savagely beat me nearly to death sitting at my kitchen table eating MY Count Chocula was a whole new level of surreal. Nikki is just as tense at my side. By now I’m sure Markus told Jules and or Ellie about what happened, both of whom would have immediately turned around and told everyone else. So there’s a good chance that at least my close friends in the house aren’t big fans of the newest royal resident. She stares at me for a long moment before snorting and going back to her cereal. “Hi.” I glance down at Nikki, who looks back up at me and shrugs. Never taking my eyes off the newest house guest I ease to the cupboards and get myself a bowl. “Luna has my magic sealed off. As long as I wear these I’m no more a threat to you than any normal human.” I visibly relax at her admission, settling in the chair across from her and taking my cereal back with only a little bit of grump in my look. “...so. You’re out of the shed now?” She closes her eyes and sighs, setting her spoon down before looking up to meet my gaze. “I’m sorry for what I did to you, Erin. I wasn’t in my right mind, but that doesn’t excuse it. I don’t expect you to forgive me anytime soon but I want you to know I AM sorry.” Part of me wants to forgive her right then and there. A very large part of me in fact. “Do you want to talk to your aunt?” Rage twists her face at the suggestion. She composes herself quickly enough, but it was impossible to miss. “No. I don’t want to speak with Celestia. Thanks for the cereal. I’ll be… around I guess. I don’t know.” “Cadance is… is Elizabeth alright?” She pauses at the door leading to the backyard, glancing back at me from the corner of her eye. “I’m sorry, no. It was too much for her mind to bear and she, well she’s not here anymore. It’s very hard to explain to someone not experienced with magic. Everything that was Elizabeth shattered in the asylum. It was a large part of what made me as unbalanced as I was. Having such a fractured psyche mixing with my own made it impossible to think.” I furrow my brows trying to make sense of what she’s saying. “So… what happened to the pieces?” “While Luna was healing me she gathered what she could of Elizabeth and ensured she would find peace. More than that you’d have to ask her. Now excuse me please, I’m a little tired. I’ve been chained to the dirt for a week and all this walking around is wearing me out.” “Wait… do you want those manacles off?” Cadance looks surprised at my question. “...I do.” Nikki tugs at my waistband, her eyes wide with fear. “Erin, you can’t! Not after what she did to you last time!” I frown looking Celestia’s niece over again. “Are you planning on attacking me again?” It takes her longer to answer than I’m comfortable with. “...no. No, I don’t think so. You and Celestia have grown close enough that it wouldn’t do me much good anyhow. She’s only going to get more powerful while I have reached my peak. Plus your brother would break my neck if I made a move towards you. I have things to do before I die.” It was a little sad listening to the gentle princess I’d watched in the show sound so bleak and dour. Then again her husband was still missing, and she’d been tortured by Discord for years while I got off with just a couple of months. Drawing on the magic I’d been getting more adept at using without Celestia’s aid, I examin the manacles carefully. I can see the powerful spellwork laid over them by Luna. Spellwork I brush aside nearly effortlessly. The manacles fall to the ground with a loud clank. The effect on Cadance is immediate. She staggers to her knees as large pink and violet wings unfurl from her back. Arching her back she grits her teeth against the pain of her rapidly growing horn. It wasn’t much, but it was noticeable. At least not much compared to my own changes. She slowly pulls herself back to her feet, flexing her hands and spreading her wings. She looks at me with surprisingly kind eyes. “Thank you for this, Erin. Thank you for giving me my power back. I promise I won’t cause trouble for you.” Despite my nerves I smile, if only slightly. “It’s no problem, Cadance. I’m happy to help.” She leaves without another word. At my side Nikki visibly relaxes. “I don’t know if that was such a good idea, Erin.” I shrug as I sit to my cereal. “I trust her. She’s hurting right now, but she needs us to show her some kindness if we ever want her to get better.” My childhood friend just hms to herself. “Well. The Great and Powerful Trixie has to be off! She has magic lessons to dole out to the more mundane unicorns of our little camp.” I raise an eyebrow. “Oh she does, does she? You’re a magical prodigy all of a sudden?” She just smirks. “As a matter of fact I’ve learned your sister-brother’s lessons best of anypony.” “Better not let him hear you call him that. Speaking of, where is he?” Nikki shrugs. “No idea. He and Princess Luna have been coming and going a lot the last few days. Nopony really wants to, you know, stick their noses in their business. They can be a little intimidating.” “I suppose that’s true. Give them a chance though, they’re super nice.” She waves a hoof as she trots out into the yard. I hear more ponies stirring in the house and strangely I’ve been finding their presence comforting. Like I’ve finally come home after a very long time away. That’s my doing I’m afraid, Erin. Our thoughts and feelings are getting harder to keep apart from one another. I frown slightly as I chew my cereal. Are we gonna like, merge into one person? No, I don’t believe so. Luna and Markus have been bonding for more than two decades and they’re certainly separate. I’m about to comment further when Meg trots in, her brother walking at her side. “Lucas! Your cast is gone!” The young teen nods and lifts his leg with a grin. “Yup! Princess Luna healed it for me, pretty awesome right?” I nod enthusiastically. “Very awesome! Wish I thought of it.” The siblings take a seat at the table with me. “Don’t feel bad, we didn’t even think of it. She just offered out of the blue.” Meg uses her magic to pour cereal for herself and Lucas. The last of my cereal. “Getting pretty good with that magic now, Meg.” She grins. “Thanks. And I’ve been thinking it over, I’m going to go by Lyra from now on.” I blink, brows raised in surprise. “Why the change?” She shrugs. “Never really liked Meggan. Or Meg. Definitely didn’t like my parents so I don’t have much attachment to it.” I carry my bowl to the sink rinsing it out. “Well then Lyra it is. Its a pretty name anyway.” I turn back to find them both sharing a pensive look. “Is something wrong?” Meg… or Lyra now I suppose, rolls a hoof as she mulls over her words. “Well… Lucas and I were talking. About family and us staying together and everything…” “I want to be a pony too!” Her brother blurts out. Now my eyebrows raise further, if possible. “What?” He puts an arm around Lyra’s shoulders and she rests a hoof over his hand. “We want to be together no matter what. Since you can’t make me human again we were hoping you could make HIM a pony.” I look from her to her brother. “Is this true, Lucas? This is what YOU want?” He nods rapidly. “It is! I’m the one who had to convince HER. She said I’d be throwing my life away.” She shrugs. “He made the convincing argument that until a few weeks ago his life was mostly dumpster diving and sleeping under whatever shelter we could find for the night. So not really giving up a whole lot. I said we had to ask you though, and only if the Princess could guarantee it’s safe.” I retake my seat. Is this something we can do? Celestia sounds rather pleased. It is as a matter of fact. Would you allow me to take over? I don’t need to voice my assent, I just sort of ease back and allow Celestia’s consciousness to proceed to the forefront of our shared mind. She smiles at the two, both of whom sit up a little straighter as her hair begins to waft. The easiest outward sign that she’s in control. “It warms my heart to see how much love you have for your sister, Lucas. It would be a pleasure… no… an honor to count you as one of my little ponies.” The kid’s beaming ear to ear and practically hopping in place he’s so excited. “So what do we do?! How long’s it gonna take?!” Lyra lays a restraining hoof on his shoulder. “Is it safe, Princess?” Celestia nods. “Absolutely. There’s not even the slightest hint of danger. I’ll simply introduce a small spark of magic to Lucas’ soul. As it takes hold and grows he’ll progress through the same changes any other human with an Equestrian soul followed. In a week’s time he should be a perfectly healthy colt of whichever tribe suits him best.” Lyra lifts her hoof. “Well alright then. Thank you for this, Princess. I know it shouldn’t matter but it does to us.” Celestia shakes her head, smile never fading. “While what’s inside counts more than out, our outside is important nonetheless. The bond you two share is something beautiful, and nothing should come between it. Are you ready, Lucas?” He nods eagerly and hurries to stand at her side. “Kneel down please.” Lucas does as the Princess asks without hesitation. He stares with rapt awe as her horn begins to glow warmly. A small globule of golden light forms over her horn before slowly drifting toward the boy’s head. He squints his eyes shut as it grows too bright to look at. When he blinks them open again the light is gone. “...is that it? Am I magic now?” “That’s it. You’re magic now.” There’s a hint of laughter in Celestia’s voice. “This is so cool! I need to think of an awesome pony name! I wanna be a pegasus! I can be… I can be uh… Thundercracker! Or Starscream!” Lyra rolls her eyes. “You’re becoming a pony Lucas, not a Decepticon. We’ll figure all that out later.” She looks to Celestia, gratitude clear in her golden eyes. “Thank you for this, Princess. It means so much to us.” The Princess shakes her head. “Not at all, Lyra. I wish all my subjects problems could be solved so easily.” A frown darkens her face. “Still no idea on what you’re going to do with everypony?” She heaves a sigh. “I’m afraid not. Now that Erin and I are healthy again I’m hoping to have some time to speak with our siblings on the matter. Luna has been active much longer and may perhaps have some idea on…” She’s interrupted as the intercom from the gate buzzes loudly. Without missing a beat we transition once again and I’m back in control. It’s probably just someone from town up to visit a friend. The folks of Thilton have gotten pretty tight knit with the little pony community living on my grounds and in their woods. I press the button. “Yes?” “Hello, may I speak with Miss Erin Rockwell please?” I frown. “This is she.” “Miss Rockwell, my name is Gordon Crispin. It’s important that I speak with you as soon as possible.” My frown only grows. Lyra and Lucas look concerned and I nod to the back door. They take the hint and step out. When a stranger comes to the house a powerful illusion cast by Celestia insures they can’t see any of the ponies. That doesn’t mean they can’t hear them however. The two will spread word that things need to be quiet. “What’s this about?” “It’d be best if we had this conversation face-to-face miss. As quickly as possible. I passed more than a few F.B.I. vehicles on my way in.” My eyes widen as my heart skips a beat. Oh god! Celestia, what do we do?! They found us! Calm down, Erin. They may not know exactly who we are. It could only be an investigation, but I agree this is troubling. We should see what this Mister Crispin has to say. I look back to the intercom. “Alright I’m letting you in. But no funny business alright?” “I’ve seen what you can do on the television, Miss Rockwell. Believe me upsetting you is the furthest thing from my mind.” I let go of the button and set a brisk pace for the front gate. Concerned faces greet me but I don’t have time to assuage their fears. “We have a situation. Could everyone please head out back. Keep quiet and keep hidden just in case.” My tone is gentle, but they scramble to obey anyhow. Stepping outside I see at the end of the drive a large red pick up. He already knows who I am so no point in hiding it now. I reach out and magically remove the padlock, swinging the gates open. I can tell from the driver’s body movement that he’s surprised, but he drives in anyhow. I relock the gate once his truck enters. He pulls up slowly and steps out. A tall man with close cropped black hair with more than a little grey in it steps out. He’s sporting a well trimmed goatee, wearing a flannel shirt, jeans, and hiking boots. “Miss Rockwell. A pleasure to meet you. I’ve been talking a good deal with your brother.” I fold my arms over my chest. “What about?” “Can we step inside? I’d rather talk away from prying eyes.” He nods meaningfully over his shoulder toward one of the large trees overlooking my property. It’s too far to see clearly for a normal person, but a little magical tweak and I can see into the tree as if I were standing right in front of it. A man in a dark suit is well concealed in the branches, watching through binoculars. “Y--yes, please come inside.” Outwardly I maintain my composure. Celestia, what do we do?! They’re here! Remain calm, Erin. If necessary I can raise a barrier around the entirety of your property. Our little ponies are safe as can be with us here. Don’t fret. As always, her words go a long way toward calming me down. I force a smile and step up to the door. “After you, Mr. Crispin.” He nods and returns the smile. “Just Gordon is fine, Miss Rockwell.” “Then just Erin is fine.” “Alright then, Erin. I can see you’re a little on edge so I’ll get right to the point. I’m here representing the Canadian government.” I lead him to the sitting room, taking the armchair while he sits on the couch. “Uh… okay?” He laughs at my confusion. “I suppose a little explanation is in order…” Gordon starts talking, and as he goes my eyes grow wider and wider. Celestia’s excitement is mingling with my own and we’re soon grinning like idiots. “This… this is amazing! This is exactly what we’ve been looking for! How do we get started?!” His smile fades somewhat. “Well… we get started by you turning yourself in.” *** My hands are shaking as I run a brush through my hair. Scowling at my fancy work clothes I pull the cloth prison on and slip my feet into the heels. “I think the best part of growing hooves is going to be saying goodbye to these things forever.” Appearances are important, Erin. We want to look our best. “So magic up my armor! That stuff is impressive.” Our best, and non-threatening. I still think we should wake Jake up and tell him the plan. I look to the stallion, still deep in catanoia after our epic sexual marathon. “...I think we should let him sleep a little longer.” There’s a good chance he’s going to ‘freak out’ you know? I sigh. “I know. Still he might want to come along or try to talk me out of this.” Gordon’s plan is sound. This will work, and be the solution to many of our problems. I take a deep breath. “I hope so. Let’s go get this over with huh?” I lean down kissing Jake on the forehead. Celestia’s hidden our pony features so I look just like I did the day before I started changing. I can’t help looking toward the back of the house, where it seems every pony we’ve rescued is staring… most looking very unhappy with the current situation. I have a feeling they’d turn violent if it meant protecting me whether I needed it or not. It’d taken quite a bit of convincing on my part to keep them calm. I cross the yard toward the tree I know houses the spying man. I have to fight back a smirk as he started to rapidly leave his perch and try to get away before I reach him. “Excuse me? Mister F.B.I. agent? I’d like to turn myself in?” He goes rigid in surprise and loses his footing, slipping from the tree with an alarmed shout. I reach out with my magic and wrap him in a warm golden glow, lifting him over the fence and setting him gently on the ground. He looks from me, then back down at his own body almost in disbelief. “Uh… what?” My smile widens just a touch. “I’m Princess Celestia, and I’m turning myself in to your custody.” He seems at a loss on how to proceed. Helpfully I offer my wrists for him to cuff me or whatever. He stares at them then back up at me. “...I don’t think that’ll be necessary ma’am. They wouldn’t really do anything anyway would they?” Now my smile turns playful. “No, they wouldn’t.” *** “Well that was the most grueling six hours of my life.” I sink into the bed of the prison cell I’m currently occupying. “This plan sucks. This is a dumb plan.” It’s a good plan, Erin. Just be patient. And look on the bright side, our trial is tomorrow morning! A lot of the time it could take weeks for a trial to reach the court in Equestria. I roll my eyes. “Only you could make a trial for terrorism sound like something to look forward to. Seriously though, what was the point of that interrogation? Those guys were more scared of us than we were of them.” Humans are very much like ponies in many regards. One of which is fear of the unknown. They’re just scared and ignorant of the truth. I’m confident given time they’ll come around like Mr. Crispin has. “Hm. I guess.” I’m suddenly acutely aware of the woman staring at me wide-eyed from across the cell. “...hi?” “...talk to yourself all you want, just please don’t murder me in my sleep.” I close my eyes and sigh. It was going to be a long night. *** “Petrified him with the power of your friendship hm? A bit cliched but it seems to have gotten the job done.” Moon Dancer snorts at mother’s scathing tone. “I am ever so pleased we have your approval, mother.” The much smaller mare snorts herself. “I am sure you are. And you, Sunny Skies? Are you happy with this outcome?” I cannot help but look sad as I gaze upon the statue that was my friend. “Of course not, mother. But it had to be done. He was growing violent, ponies were dying. Something had to be done. It is my hope in time he will return to the beloved companion I once knew.” Clover the Clever grunts at that. “You got that sentimentality from your father, that much is certain. It was definitely not passed down from me.” I smile at my mother’s words. “You sell yourself short, mother.” She grunts again. “Well what do you plan to do now, children?” Moon Dancer looks bored of the conversation and returns to the cliff side overlooking Equestria, to brood once more no doubt. “I had thought we would remain here. I do not believe leaving Discord unattended a wise idea.” Mother nods. “It is not. However even this place is more exposed than he should be. Perhaps someplace more out of the way? The Everfree Forest?” Moon Dancer’s ears perk. “I do love the forest. It would not be the worst place for us to live sister. It is out of the way and not many ponies walk its paths.” I regard the statue than look back to my family. “Very well, we will make for the Everfree. The three of us.” Both Moon Dancer AND my mother look surprised. “Sunny, I appreciate your kindness but I enjoy my solitude.” I shrug. “Then we shall build a dwelling large enough for you to have your solitude, mother. I would dearly like you to be on hoof for the occasional shared meal however. Moon and I miss you more than you know.” Mother looks to my little sister who snorts and looks away, but her stony visage softens as she looks back upon my face. “...oh very well. But I mean it, Sunny Skies! I do not want you fillies underhoof all the time.” Moon is already splitting the stone Discord is settled upon for transportation. I smile at mother’s forced venom. “Of course mother, I promise we will not disrupt your studies.” She seems hesitant, before finally nodding. “Very well. Allow me to pack my things. I shall meet you at the eastern edge of the forest.” I cannot contain my giddiness entirely, and envelop the much smaller mare in my forelegs. “Thank you mother! We shall have fun! You will see.” She stiffens in my embrace… but eventually returns it. “I will see you soon, Sunny.” Her horn glows and she vanishes with a soft pop. Moon Dancer levitates Discord’s statue, ‘accidentally’ knocking the head on the cliff’s wall. At my look she shrugs. “It was an accident.” The trip to the Everfree passes without incident. There are no settlements between the mountain and the forest so nopony is about to see our strange procession. Mother has a large wagon hitched to her flanks and looks to be growing rather impatient by the time we approach. “Well come along then! The hour grows late and I am not so young as you two. I want a warm bed beneath me before the moon is raised.” I gaze at the sky with a frown. “It occurs to me the sun has remained still the entirety of the afternoon. Why does it not move?” Mother’s frown deepens if possible. “I was afraid of this. Discord had been moving the celestial bodies about at a whim for sometime now. There is a good chance the unicorns of Equestria either do not know he is removed from power, or the ones remaining do not recall how to move the sun and moon.” My own eyes go wide at this, Moon too looks alarmed. “What do we do?!” Mother of course remains calm and collected. “An experiment I believe. Sunny, would you be so kind as to push the sun along its path?” I take a step back in surprise. “Me? Mother I have never had near the power to…” Seeing her meaningful gaze on my wings I blush. “...y--yes of course. I will try. I do not know the spell however.” “Ah. Of course.” Magenta light envelops her horn, as a quick jolt of magic smacks me between the eyes. All at once the spell for raising the sun unfolds in my mind. I hear Moon Dancer yelp as no doubt the same spell is ‘shared’ with her. “There.” My sister and I share a look and roll our eyes together at mother’s antics. With a deep breath I turn my attention back to the sun. It sits shining brightly above me. Tentatively I reach out with my magic to grasp it. And just like that we are connected. I have never felt such… raw power. Not even Discord could compare to the unrestrained fury of the sun. It seethes and roils and… welcomes me. It is almost as if it is inviting me in, a long time friend only now returning after so very long apart. My smile is wide and childlike as I embrace the heavenly body with my magic, enveloping it in a loving grasp I gently nudge it along. More a request than an order. A request it gleefully grants. I stagger as the connection severs, but I silently promise we will meet again very soon. Moon Dancer is staring wide-eyed and slack jawed and mother… mother is smiling. With pride in her eyes! I have never seen such an expression. It passes swiftly. “Well. It seems you managed that at least. Shall we found our new home?” Renewed vigor in my step, I nod. “Yes. Let us go home.” *** “Rockwell! You’re up. On your feet.” I jerk awake, scowling at the interruption. A burly man in a suit is standing in front of my cell looking impatient. I look around confused momentarily. “Is it before sunrise?” “Sorry, did I interrupt your beauty sleep?” I get to my feet looking surprisingly refreshed judging by the man’s face. “Nope. Actually I Don’t think I need to sleep anymore. I just like doing it. Feels normal y’know?” You’re correct there, Erin. Sleep is more of a luxury than a necessity for us. He looks a little weirded out at the reminder of who, and what I am. No doubt it’s easy to forget given my temporarily mundane appearance. “R--right. Well the judge wants to get your sentencing over with quick I guess. Come on.” I wear my most pleasant smile as I follow him out, sparing a little wave to my relieved looking cellmate. He escorts me to a waiting car that I climb in the back of. The agent from yesterday is already there. “So as per your wishes you’re not going to have an attorney. The judge is accepting your guilty plea and moving right to sentencing.” I nod. “Fair enough!” He looks skeptical. “I… why are you doing this now all of a sudden?” My look turns serious. “I have a duty to my people. They deserve the same safety, security, and prosperity as anyone else. The sooner I get this nonsense with the government over with the sooner I can get back to helping them.” I couldn’t have said it better myself, Erin. For a minute I’m surprised. I thought those were more or less Celestia’s own words. But it sounds like that was all me. The man just frowns. “You know you’re considered a terrorist right? You’re not going to just get a light slap on the wrist.” I quirk a smile and lean back in the surprisingly comfortable car seat. “I know.” The trip to the courthouse goes quickly. The car slows to a crawl as we near however, and I can hear some sort of loud commotion going on. “What’s happening?” The agent has his hand to his ear, listening to something over his radio I assume. “There’s a crowd. Protestors and supporters for you sounds like.” I perk up at that, not waiting to be invited to leave the car I step out as we stop to push through the crowd. I hear the agent calling me to come back but I ignore him. The people look confused for a minute as I step out of the vehicle. I think they were expecting us to look a little more like I do, Erin. “Well we don’t want to disappoint do we?” Celestia feels my playful attitude and happily complies. Spiralling golden light surrounds my forehead as my horn appears. A bright flash heralds the return of my wings as I fan them out to their full, impressive length. Color rushes from the roots of my hair down to the tips, returning it to the pastel rainbow hue. The people around me gasp in surprise, then the cheering starts. Wild thunderous cheers from completely ordinary humans all around. More than a few reporters are trying to press in close. I clear my throat and spread my wings again, giving them a powerful flap I lift myself from the ground and settle on the roof of the car. Another gentle cough. “HELLO EVERYONE! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS SHOW OF SUPPORT FOR MYSELF AND MY LITTLE PONIES!” The cheering is wilder than ever, I pick out more than one excited fan shouting ‘She did the voice!’ I can’t help but giggle at that, but soon raise my hands for quiet. I’m pleasantly surprised when the crowd does fall nearly silent. “Thank you, truly. Now before I head inside I see some reporters here. I’d be happy to answer some questions before my trial.” They all begin shouting at once, and I raise a hand with a stern expression. “Form a single file line. You can ask one question, then step aside for the next person in line.” They look at me incredulously. “D’you think we’re five or something, lady?” I frown. “You just lost your question.” The others hastily form the line I requested. The first is an older looking grey haired gentleman. “Miss Rockwell, why turn yourself in now? Or at all for that matter?” My frown becomes a smile again. “Excellent question. It was never our intention to act like a criminal or a terrorist. We tried to politely ask for our people’s release. When our request was ignored we took decisive action. While we can understand the American people’s fear and confusion, our subjects must come first. At least as long as they’re being kept in cages.” I can see a burning question in his eyes, and motion for him to continue. “Are you using the royal plurals or…?” I shake my head. “No. Unlike the average pony, Princess Celestia emerged from the destruction of Equestria with her mind fully intact. She and I share the same body.” More murmuring from the crowd. I feel a little proud as the reporter politely steps aside for the next in line. A young woman. “Can we speak to her?” I withdraw, allowing Celestia to take over. The change in her posture is immediate, and her hair begins to waft gently. “I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. You can go ahead with another one, miss, we won’t count that first one.” Celestia finishes with a wink, drawing some laughter. The reporter was smiling as well. “Princess, I know this seems like a silly question, but are you really the character from the cartoon show come to life?” Celestia smiles in that gentle motherly look. “No question is silly if the one asking is genuinely curious. And it would be safer to say the show is based on myself and other real ponies rather than the other way around. I’m honestly not entirely sure about the circumstances around the cartoon, but I am intensely curious to speak with the creator or writers.” The next in line is a younger man. “Princess Celestia, I think the biggest question on everyone’s mind is can the ponies be changed back to humans?” Celestia’s smile dims. “While it is possible, it’s incredibly dangerous. Perhaps one in a hundred would survive the process, it could be even less. Even so if there are any ponies who feel that strongly about it, I will of course honor their wishes and attempt the process.” The next in line clears her throat. “Princess, what are your plans for the ponies you’ve been liberating from government captivity?” By now there are a number of concerned looking agents around the car, motioning for Celestia to climb down. Naturally she ignores them. “I want to assure the good people of this country, indeed the people of the world… I have a plan. Very soon now my subjects and I will have found our place and it’s my hope that many of them will join me in working to make the world a better place.” The same reporter frowns. “How do you intend to do that?” That was the question Celestia was waiting for. “Well, I’m not sure how many of you good people are familiar with the television show, but I’ll take a moment to educate you on proper Equestrian ecology. The ponies are generally split into three tribes, pegasus, unicorn, and earth. Each has their own brand of magic. Pegasus ponies can fly and manipulate the weather. This could be used to bring water to parched areas of the world, or to clear away pollutants in the air.” The stunned crowd is talking excitedly now. “Unicorns can wield traditional magical spells. My sister and I have been busily teaching the new unicorn ponies how to properly wield their magics. These spells can do nearly anything you can imagine. We could transmute water to fuel or oil, clear pollution from the oceans, perhaps even provide power and electricity. With a little study, our magic could be used to cleanse many supposedly incureable ailments afflicting your world.” “And finally the earth pony tribe, in my opinion the most powerful pony tribe. Many overlook them due to their lack of a horn or wings. However earth pony magic can grow full sized, fully edible crops in several weeks rather than several months. Couple this with the pegasi’s weather manipulation and we could be well on our way to solving the world’s hunger problem.” Her serene smile never slips. “That’s just our initial thoughts on how to help. I’m sure as we get more comfortable with you, and you get more comfortable with us together we can usher in a golden era for this wonderful world we share.” Without warning Celestia slips back and thrusts me into the forefront again. My hair droops against my shoulders and I smile awkwardly. “Well! Hope that answered some questions. Now uh… we have to go get tried for being terrorists.” The crowd does a complete one eighty. They’re booing and shouting jeers at my escorts as they hustle me into the courthouse. More than a few cans of soda or various food stuffs are flung at the men. I raise a glittering magical dome around us as they hurry me inside. “...real cute stunt back there.” I smile toothily to the less than amused man at my side. “I was just trying to put some of their fears to rest.” “...it was a nice speech. But you know you’re not walking away from this right?” I shrug and fall silent as he leads me inside. The court room is full mostly of well armed men all watching me warily. I throw them a sunny smile as I head to the seat indicated for me. The judge shuffles in without so much as an ‘all rise’ and seats himself behidn the desk. “Alright. Miss Erin Rockwell. It says you hear plead guilty to all charges?” I clear my throat and lean forward. “Yes.” He nods. “Very well then. That makes his very straightforward. You have seventeen counts of assaulting government officers and officials. Seven counts of breaking and entering to government facilities. And… one hundred and thirty-two counts of kidnapping.” I lean toward the microphone again. “Technically they were kidnapped by the people holding them, just want that on record.” The judge nods. “So notes. Miss Rockwell, for the numerous crimes here I sentence you to-” “Excuse me! Sorry I’m late! I’m Miss Rockwell’s advocate. The crowd out there is absolutely insane isn’t it? Had to park half a kilometer off.” I don’t recognize the young and frankly disheveled looking woman who’s rushing in. I raise my eyebrows as she approaches. “Did you just pass the bar or what?” She flushes. “Mr. Crispin said it would be a good first case for me alright?” She proceeds to the judge and hands him some paperwork. He looks it over, his frown deepening more and more. “What sort of nonsense is this?” “No nonsense at all sir. Princess Celestia is the Premier of New Equestria, formerly the Northwest Territory. Her Canadian citizenship is fully legal and all the proper documentation is right there. I’d like my client released and returned to her native Canada immediately.” The judge looks so much at a loss it’s all I can do not to laugh. “You… Erin Rockwell is an American citizen. She can’t hold office in Canada.” My advocate nods, smiling patiently. “Of course. My client is Princess Celestia however, the proper sovereign of Equestria, now Premier of New Equestria.” Shooting a glance back toward me she leans in toward the judge, if my hearing wasn’t magically enhanced I’d miss what she whispers. “This is going to go down one of two ways. You deport Premier Celestia and send her back to Canada. Or you try to hold her and Erin and they simply teleport or fly or whatever away and make you nice folks look like idiots. It’s your choice of course.” She steps back and takes a seat next to me. The judge is going from flesh colored, to red, to purple as he gnashes his teeth. “...get her out of my courtroom, then get her out of this country. If she so much as sets one horn, hoof, or feather on American soil again it’ll be considered an act of war. Am I clear?!” I incline my head with a smile. “Crystal clear, sir.” “Well come along, Premier Celestia. We have a car waiting to take you home.” I follow my advocate from the courthouse, out a back door to avoid the mob. “How exactly does all this work, Miss…?” “Stevens. Vanessa Stevens. Basically you and any pony who wants to go with you are being offered total amnesty in Canada. The Northwest Territory is being handed over to you and your people to do as you see fit with. Your brother, as I understand it, has been hard at work getting things liveable for you up there. You’ll have to attend parlaiment or send a representative like any other Premier. There’ll be taxes and such, but you can iron that out with the PM.” I breathe a sigh of relief. “This really is just what we were looking for.” She smiles and holds the passenger side door to her car open for me. “Well it’s not for free. Your brother’s been making some pretty big promises. Ones we think you’re good to deliver on, however. Basically all the things you said to that crowd before you went into the court.” I nod. “They’re things we planned on focusing on once our people are safe.” Vanessa grins. “Well you’ll be happy to hear the ponies in Canada have been treated well. Tentatively, but once it was clear it wasn’t some kind of disease they were all let go and allowed to return home. And while they were under study we certainly didn’t cage them. We made sure their comfort was seen to at all times.” Celestia’s happiness is infectious, and honestly mirrors my own. “That’s wonderful to hear, Miss Stevens. And whatever Markus promised I can definitely deliver on. At least we plan to try.” “If all you do is help grow us some food, Miss Rockwell, it’ll be enough. The other stuff would be nice of course, but things aren’t much better up north than they are here in the states.” “At the very least we can do food. I’ve had a few earth ponies at the cabin for a couple weeks and we have fresh fruit and veggies already. Give us some proper farmland and we’ll feed the whole country in a couple months.” I fidget with my fingers for a minute. “Am I going to be able to stop by my house and get some things?” Vanessa frowns, tucking some of her long black hair behind an ear. “Technically no. I’m supposed to take you right to the border. Of course if you do some kind of magical hocus pocus to disappear on me there’s not much I can do about that, right?” I grin. “I think I like you, Vanessa Stevens.” “If you get food in our hungry people’s stomach, Miss Rockwell, I think I’ll like you too.” My horn glows as Celestia whisks us back to the cabin, leaving an image of me in my place. The shield she previously raised around the cabin is still intact, flashing with golden light every time one of the army guys outside hammers on it. Even with the dome of magic around the ponies they still look fearful… until I pop into their midst. All at once they begin excitedly crowding around me wanting to know what happened. Raising my hands for quiet I smile. “My little ponies…” They all squee at that… like always. “We have a home. Canada’s given us a place of our own. Just for us. I know it’s far from your friends and families, and this is a big move. So if anypony wants to stay behind they’re of course welcome to.” It didn’t come as any great surprise when not one elected to stay behind. *** “This will certainly impress her.” Are we doin’ this to impress your big sister, or because our people need it? Luna frowns at my tone. “...it cannot be both?” C’mon, Lu… we don’t need to impress our sisters. “Yet I sense a great desire from you to earn Erin’s approval. You cannot be hypocritical with me, Markus, when I read your thoughts as easily as you read my own.” Yeah, yeah whatever. Gimme the body back, I wanna make sure my room is right. Lu relaxes her hold on our body and I stretch. The hair on the back of my neck stands up as Erin appears behind me with a bright golden flash. She blinks, trying to get her bearings before focusing on me. With an excited squeal she jumps and grabs me in a tight hug. “Markus, you and Luna are amazing!” A kinda nice warmth shoots through me at that. I dunno if it's the hug or what she’s saying but… it feels alright. “Wh--whatever! Lemme down, we didn’t do all that much.” She drops me, then shoves me back. “Didn’t do all that much?! You saved our butts! And made us like… a Canadian President or something?” I shrug. “More like their version of the Governor. The provinces have a lot more freedom than the states do though. I think outside of gettin’ them back to Equestria this is the best move for the pony folks.” Erin’s about to say something else, when she finally seems to notice where she’s standing. “Oh… oh, Markus… did you do all this?” I shrug. “Eh Lu did most of it. I don’t like a lot of the little detail work. It’s kinda a pain in the ass, y’know?” Erin and I are standing on a high tower in the middle of the city Luna’s been building. “She’s been using like, moonbeams and magic or some goofy shit. Still, looks pretty good, huh?” The city stretches in all directions. The buildings have a silvery glow to them, sparkling in the sun. It all looks a little goofy to me, like something out of a fantasy book. Cheery little cottages and stupid buildings that look like gingerbread or giant fruit poke out of the streets here and there. And of course, the big castle we’re standing on at the center of it. “Kinda obnoxious I thought.” My caustic attitude is hard to keep up at the look of awe and elation on my sister’s face. Her eyes are glimmering with tears as she looks out over my and Luna’s hard work. “Oh, Markus, it’s beautiful. It’s all so amazing. I’m so proud of you. Both of you!” Ugh, right in the heart. That feels… that feels really awesome actually. I even crack a smile. “Yeah well… well whatever. It’s for the ponies, y’know? Speaking of, where the hell are all of them?” Her eyes widen. “Oh crap!” She vanishes again and I shake my head. “What a ditz.” Lu laughs. Perhaps, but they are our ditzes. “Celestia get like that?” When she becomes very excited, certainly. Little golden flashes light the streets below, as Erin begins moving ponies from her cabin to the new city. Luna wanted to call the place New Canterlot at first, but I shot it down. My suggestion caught her by surprise, but in the end she agreed it was a better name. Looking at the happiness on the incoming ponies faces, I kinda feel like I picked the right name. “Welcome to Hope, everypony!” > Chapter 16: Vomit, Sweat, Blood, and Tears > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16: Vomit, Sweat, Blood, and Tears I’m starting to hate the toilet. Not the concept of course, toilets in general serve a very important purpose in the world. I guess I hate seeing the toilet from this perspective. Which is me leaning over the rim, my muzzle nearly touching the water as I heave up this morning’s breakfast. Or last night’s dinner. Really I’ve been puking so much it’s all starting to run together. That’s gross, Erin. “Wha… oh.. didn’t even realize I was being punny. Instead of commenting on how gross my thoughts are why don’t you make yourself useful and magic us healthy again!” I don’t mean to sound as nasty as I do… lately though my mood’s been all over the place. Shakily I place my forehooves more solidly on the ground on either side of the toilet and rise to all fours. Celestia’s tone is patient as ever. I’m sorry, Erin. I’ve tried several spells to expel illnesses but nothing seems to work. Just the fact that you’re sick at all is cause for concern. Neither Luna or myself have been ill since our ascensions. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, magically flushing my sick down the drain. Carefully pacing to the bathroom sink I run the water and levitate a wash cloth, dabbing my mouth clean. “So why in god’s name have I been puking everyday for the last two weeks?” I wish I knew, Erin. Things in Hope are getting more stable. There IS a working hospital with proper doctors, machinery and all. I think we should pay them a visit. “Tell you what. We get more than ten minutes to ourselves to actually make a Doctor’s appointment, and we’ll go.” Luna and Markus would be happy to meet with the visiting dignitaries this afternoon, Erin. My hooves clop lightly on the floor made of… moon beam magic or whatever. I still have no idea how our siblings magic’d up this whole city but here we are. My own rooms… plural… are ridiculously lavish and spacious. My tub is more like a swimming pool. Of course now that I’m all pony, having an enormous pool sized bathtub isn’t a bad thing. “Can I please go down there as something VAGUELY resembling a human?!” I can sense Celestia’s growing irritation with my attitude. Erin… I take another deep breath. “I’m sorry. I am. Really. Just… I haven’t been sick very much either. This is really exhausting on top of the million other things I have to worry about. Who knew running a province would be so much work huh?” The Princess seems mollified by my apology, but I can sense she’s still worried. I’m not sure taking part in an important diplomatic meeting is the wisest idea in your condition. Perhaps I should represent us? “You know what? THAT is an awesome idea. It’s all yours, Celestia.” More than a little eagerly I relinquish control. As she settles into the forefront her eyes immediately go wide and she rushes to the toilet. I recline comfortably in my mental library and sip a lovely cup of tea. Let her deal with the vomit for a little while. *** I wince as I hear Erin heaving up in the bathroom again. My wings keep flexing as I pace in front of the bathroom door. Princess Celestia’s been telling everypony that they’re not dying or anything, it’s just a stomach flu. Still if I didn’t know better, I’d almost think they were… “Hey, Jake! How’s it goin’? Erin still puking her guts out?” I roll my eyes as Ellie canters in smiling toothily. “She’s still sick, Ellie, yes. Is there something you needed?” She frowns. “Weeeell…..” I take a deep breath. “Spit it out, Ellie.” “The crystal pillars are ready to be put in place. Princess Cadance says we can get started as soon as Princess Celestia shows up.” “Premier Celestia, Ellie. She’s the Premier of New Equestria, not the Princess. For that matter Cadance is just Cadance.” She raises an eyebrow. “So YOU call her Premier Celestia?” I huff realizing that I usually call her Princess. “It’s going to have to wait. We have diplomats from Russia, England, Japan, and Australia all coming in. Erin and the Prin… Premier have to be there to greet them. Can’t Markus handle it?” I sigh as she shakes her head. “Nope! It has to be all three of em for the big spell to work!” “Alright. Tell Princess Cadance that they’ll be there this afternoon once the meeting is over, okay?” “Yes ma’am!” She snaps off a sharp salute, ignoring my scowl at the female pronoun. Erin’s spell wore off pretty soon after I woke up. Something about my body rejecting the transmutation spell. I don’t pretend to understand the specifics, all I know is I’m a mare again and Celestia says it’ll be awhile before it’s safe to try again. Gently I rap on the door. “Erin? Erin, are you alright? We need to get going for that meeting.” The door swings open as the Princess steps out. Their wavy mane is the easiest way to tell who’s who now that Erin’s voice is the same as Celestia’s. “Of course. Let’s not delay any further hm?” She moves to one of the large wardrobes and magically settles a very smart, finely tailored pantsuit around her large equine body. “You’re not going to uh… human up a little?” “No. I’m the Premier of New Equestria, the pony homeland. So I’ll represent my people as a pony.” Despite her confident words she looked more than a little uncomfortable in the confining clothes. “...I detest formal wear.” Sometimes these two are so alike it’s hard to tell who you’re talking to without looking at the hair. “Well it’s just for a couple hours then you can go back to running around naked like a lot of the city.” Celestia laughs lightly and shoots me a mock glare. “My subjects got along just fine without clothes in Equestria for thousands of years, Jake Matsen.” I nod. “I’m sure they did. And I’m sure in a world where pretty much no one covers their private parts that’s fine. But here it only reinforces the ‘ponies are lesser animals’ thing.” She’s staring at me more intently now. Mostly on the stretchy shorts that cover said private parts. “I suppose you make a valid point. Would you add a note on my itinerary about making clothing more available please?” I lift my wing and retrieve the clipboard tucked beneath it, making a quick note. A few months ago if you’d told me I’d be used to writing with my mouth I’d have called you nuts. Now it’s as natural as using my hands. “Noted, Premier. Anything else?” “No that will do just fine, Spitfire.” She frowns. “...I apologize. It’s hard to ignore the memories.” My smile is warm and understanding. “It’s alright, Princess. I don’t mind. At least it’s not Blossomforth or Flitter.” She laughs aloud. “Yes. That’s true, you could do worse than Spitfire.” I have to trot to keep pace with the much longer legged mare at my side, but I never complain. It’s a small price to pay to be allowed in her presence nearly all day everyday. On some level I know that she’s still Erin. The quirky, gorgeous girl next door but there’s this instinct. One I think every pony in Hope has that she’s somehow above us. As unreachable as the sun she’s named after. Being around her all day it’s like sitting outside in a warm autumn afternoon. It just makes me feel warm, safe, and comfortable. Celestia seems perfectly at home in the palace her sister created. When Erin’s in control and they have some free time she usually spends it in the cabin. She brought the whole thing with her from Michigan, settling it out behind the palace like some kind of giant tool shed you’d see on a normal back yard. The meeting is taking place in the eastern wing’s conference room. We have to practically cross the entire palace to get there, and I feel a twinge of annoyance at whoever scheduled it there. Celestia looks pale and exhausted just from the short walk already. “Premier, should we postpone?” She shakes her head. “No. These good folks have come from very far off places to speak with me. It would be rude to postpone just because I’m a little under the weather.” I frown. I know it’s an insane idea but I have to ask. “Princess… I don’t want to seem too forward but do you think you and Erin could be…” “Princess!” We both look up to see a jittery Blossomforth descending rapidly from the open air courtyard. She smiles patiently. “It’s Premier, Blossomforth. Remember?” The newcomer pales beneath her already pale coat. “O--oh my! I’m so sorry! I keep forgetting!” Blossomforth is a good pony. Good head on her shoulders, showed real promise in weather manipulation. It’s why we made her head of weather coordination for the whole province. She just gets a little nervous around Celestia and Erin. “It’s alright. What’s the problem?” She calms down a little. “There’s a big storm blowing in from the coast. We need extra wing power out there to make sure it doesn’t roll over the city.” Celestia frowns. “How serious?” “Very. Thunderlane thinks it could be a hurricane!” Celestia’s eyes widen at the same time mine do. “A hurricane? Blossomforth that’s impossible, we’re way too far from any coast for that. It’s probably just a really serious thunderstorm.” “Well that’s what I told Thunderlane, Princess but he sounds really sure and he’s almost always right…” I can see it in her eyes. She’s going to investigate. “Spitfire, please tell our guests I’ll be a little late, but I’ll arrive as quickly as possible. This bears investigation.” I nod. “Let me give them the message and I’ll go with you, Premier.” I ignore the use of my other name, I know she’s distraught and it helps to not constantly remind her of how much things have changed. “No, it may be too dangerous.” I scowl. “Celestia.” Using her first name gets her attention. “I know you’re super magical and strong and such but you can’t go flying off on your own like this. You’re too important to our people to go alone. I know it’s a slim chance but something mighthappen.” She slowly nods. “You’re right of course. Thank you. Assemble your finest weather team members, Blossomforth. Once Spitfire is ready we’ll set out to investigate this hurricane of yours. I think I’ll fetch my sister as well. Just to be on the safe side.” She tosses me a wink, and I smile. “Good idea. I’ll meet you at the construction site. That’s where Markus and Cadance are.” I watch her go with a sigh, my concerns almost forgotten. Almost. *** “Jesus christ how the fuck is it so fuckin’ hot out?! We’re almost so far north we can see god damned penguins!” My stream of profanity is getting more than a few looks from the construction ponies in the clearing. You know very well why the climate is so unusual, Markus. Celestia has been working tirelessly with the weather teams to get our new home as comfortable as possible. “Yeah well she isn’t out here bustin’ her ass hauling these big fucking crystal pillars now is she?” I glare at the last one. It’s a good thirty feet tall and half as wide at the base. With a resigned sigh I grab it and heft it into the air. “Bullshit makin’ me do this. She’s on her ass ‘sculpting’ while I have to haul these around.” The ‘she’ in question is Cadance herself. She shoots me a glare as I finish, one I’d return with a middle finger if my hands weren’t occupied. “If you can grow these crystals and shape them with the proper runes, Markus, go ahead. I’ll do the grunt work.” I snort through my nostrils and splay my wings wide as I haul the pillar into the last waiting position. Spread around the clearing in a huge circle are twenty of these fucking things. Cadance finally gets off her ass, only to start drawing a line in the dirt with a big stick. “Whycan’t we use magic?” She just looks annoyed. “My aunt didn’t tell you?” The runic circle must not be disturbed in any way, Markus. It may disrupt the spell. It is of a much finer detail than the typical casting. I grunt and settle the last pillar into place. “Whatever. Hey! One of you ponies got a beer for your Prince of the Night?” One of the burly stallions chuckles and tosses me one from a cooler. “Here ya go, boss.” I nod my thanks and down the thing in one go. “Alright guys. I’m takin’ off. Do whatever Princess Nutjob wants you to alright? Celestia or Erin should pop by soon to get the ball rolling.” Cadance shoots me another look, one I return with a smirk. A shadow descending from overhead draws everyone’s attention. Erin… or from the wafting mane, Celestia is making her entrance. Everypony goes ape shit anytime they show up. Either one, really, it doesn’t seem to matter anymore. A lot of the poor bastards still bow when they show up. As she gets closer Luna’s concern mingles with my own when we get a good look at our sister. She doesn’t have a stitch of clothing on, which isn’t weird at all when they’re running around all pony. Something I haven’t let Lu do to me yet. Wings, horn, and goofy blue hair are enough for me. But the lack of clothing isn’t what concerns us. Her coat is shaggy and disheveled and there’re noticeable bags under her eyes. Strange still, she looks tired and worn out from just a short flight from the castle. Even her landing is heavier and more awkward than usual. “...you alright?” Markus, may I? I relinquish control and settle back. Luna moves to her sister’s side, dropping her voice low so the ponies can’t overhear. I look to the side and find the door that’ll lead me to Erin’s mind scape ready and waiting. With a shrug I trudge over and let myself into her prissy little library. “What’s up?” She looks just as shitty as her physical body. Erin’s hair is limp and frazzled, the dark circles under her eyes too. She looks like she’s been running a marathon. “...are you guys alright?” She just waves a hand, nursing her tea. There’s already a cup waiting for me and I help myself. “We’re fine. Just been really sick the last couple weeks.” I hm as I sip at it. “Sick how?” She shrugs. “Mostly we throw up in the morning.” My eyebrows shoot up. “Just in the morning?” Another slow shrug. “Usually just in the morning. Sometimes it happens late at night. Rarely during the day.” “So you could almost say it’s a kind of morning sickness?” She just nods dumbly again, then stops, looking at me wide-eyed. “What? No no. Ha! No that’s.. that’s just silly.” “You doknow why mare’s go into heat, right?” Erin stiffens and sets her tea cup down gently. “Markus, can you excuse us for just a minute?” She lookscalm… but the fire in her fireplace is raging pretty fucking fiercely. “Uh… yeah. Know what? I’ll just go back over to my own uh… mind. You guys probably have a lot to talk about.” I really can’t get the hell out of there fast enough. Now that'sgonna be an awkward conversation. *** “Sister, allow Markus and myself to lead this expedition. You should rest. I know not what ailment afflicts you and Erin, but clearly you are being taxed by a simple flight. If this storm is as dire as good Thunderlane predicts your condition would only hinder us.” Celestia opens her mouth to respond, but I’m quicker. Are we pregnant?! “Pregnant?! Of course not!” Luna looks at the two of us wide-eyed. “Sister?” Celestia turns away and trots hastily from the construction site. “Of course we’re not pregnant, Erin! Remember what I told you about our reproductive systems?” Uh yeah I remember! You said you were barren after the ascension. No more heat or estrus or whatever. But newsflash! We went into heat! And we kinda fucked Jake silly! “L--language, Erin…” But there’s no force behind her admonishment. Celestia swaps places with me and I stagger on my hooves as I resume control. “Celestia? What are you doing?” Luna’s been standing still, head tilted to the side, listening to Markus talk I’d guess. When her eyes pop wide open and her hands fly to her mouth I have a feeling he just filled her in on our suspicions. E-Erin, there’s… there’s another heart beat in here. It’s ever so faint but… but it’s there. We’re… pregnant. I stagger and fall back on my rump. Luna rushes to my side, concern in her eyes. “Erin? Erin is what Markus says true? You and Celestia are…” I nod wordlessly. My head still reeling from the revelation. Her face brightens into a smile that looks really weird on my brother’s normally dour visage. “This is most joyous news! We shall announce it to the people! An impending royal birth!” “Wh--what?! No! No no the whole city will freak!” Of course, Luna isn’t known for her ‘indoor’ speaking voice. Her bellowing hasn’t gone unnoticed by the ponies in the construction yard, or by Cadance. “Ah… perhaps. Well that settles it then. The two of you will remain here in Hope. You most certainly are not flying into danger in your condition. Cadance, once Spitfire arrives please inform him of the situation and tell him my sister will be in Hope General Hospital.” Cadance looks just as stunned as me. “What? She’s really…” She narrows her eyes and I see her horn glimmering. “...she’s really pregnant. We can have children again?” Luna nods. “So it would seem. Erin, you go to the hospital immediately. This is an unprecedented situation. No alicorn has ever been with foal. You and Celestia need careful monitoring to ensure there are no unforeseen complications. Go now, Cadance will inform the father.” The father. That means I’m the mother. Celestia... we’re going to be mothers. Y--yes I suppose we are, aren’t we? I get back to my hooves plodding down the cobblestone street in stunned silence. A mother? I mean… it’s something I’d considered of course. Maybe even with Jake in one of my more wild flights of fancy but… after all thisstarted I hadn’t given it a second thought. “How the hell are we going to raise a baby in all this insanity?!” ...very carefully I should think. Try and calm down, Erin, this is joyous news. You love Jake do you not? “Of course! But this is… this is a surprise.” To me as well, Erin. Though a pleasant one I think. I had long ago given up the thought of children of my own. While I understand the foal is yours and Jake’s I hope you won’t begrudge me in wishing to be a part of the child’s life. “What? N--no of course not. You’re practically it’s mother too. God-mother or aunt or something.. we’ll figure it out I guess…” My step is perking up as we move from plod to trot. “A mother. Mom. Some kid’s gonna be calling me mom.” This is very exciting, I must admit. And the timing could be worse. New Equestria is thriving beyond our expectations. The fields are overflowing with crops ready for harvests. The weather teams we’ve sent to other parts of Canada are reporting favorable results, and our healers are hard at work in Canadian hospitals. And once our exodus spell is readied things will only improve for us. I’m grinning as the hospital comes into view. “You’re right! This is a good thing! And oh my gosh can you imagine the festival our ponies are going to throw? I mean these guys literally look for any little excuse to have a holiday. Princess Celestia’s first foal I think is going to warrant a big one.” The Princess laughs. You’re not wrong about that. I wonder what sort of cake they’ll have. “Large ones I hope.” We share a laugh as I enter the hospital, the crystalline doors sliding open to admit me. The staff and waiting patients all look up in alarm seeing me step inside. I walk calmly to the counter and smile at the very familiar receptionist. “Good afternoon, Becky. Celestia and I were hoping to see a doctor. An OBGYN if one is on staff.” Becky sputters behind the desk. “A… a what?! Erin are you guys….?” My smile grows wider as I nod. “Pregnant.” “Oh. My. God. You’re pregnant! Did you hear that everypony?! The Princess is pregnant!” “Premier…” I gently correct. Of course my words are drowned out by the thunderous cheering going on in the waiting room. Even the human citizens are applauding loudly, likely more swept up in the excitement than anything. I smile patiently waiting for things to calm down. “So… the Doctor?” She blinks. “Oh! Oh jeez! Ha! Oh man sorry. Yeah does anypony mind if we get the Princess in a little ahead of the line?” Of course they don’t. One stallion with a badly cut leg even offers to pull the gurney for me. I politely decline and follow Becky into the hospital. I can’t help but look around curiously. It really does look like a modern, state of the art hospital. The Canadian people have been so generous in their donations and helping us get on our hooves. Of course we’ve proven to be more than a little self sufficient. Magic has a way of making things a little easier. “Becky, everything looks wonderful.” “Ha! Don’t tell me, I just work the front desk. Though Doctor Steven has been talking about getting me some proper medical training. Going to nursing school, y’know?” I smile. “He’s you and Jake’s family physician isn’t he?” She nods. “He is! When he heard about everything going on, he was one of the medical volunteers who came up to help out. I guess he liked it enough he decided to stay.” “Well that’s nice.” She gets the elevator and taps the button for one of the upper floors. “So does Jake know yet?” I shake my head. “We only just found out a few minutes ago. Luna wanted us to come in and get checked out.” She nods slowly. “Oh! How’d the big meeting go?” My mouth drops open. “Crap! I forgot the diplomats! I… I need to go meet them!” Becky frowns. “Erin, I think you need to get to the Doctor first? They’ll understand. We’ll send a messenger explaining things.” I scowl at that. “Celestia?” While meeting with them is of paramount importance, Erin, so to is the health of your foal. They’ll simply have to understand. Perhaps some sort of compensation? Allow them a tour of the city and let them enjoy our freshly grown produce? “Oh! Oh good idea! Okay uh, Becky once I’m settled in find Ellie. Have her give them a tour of Hope. If anyone can get folks relaxed and smiling it’s her. Send my deepest apologies and tell them I’ll be there as soon as possible.” She nods. “You got it boss!” The elevator stops and we step off. “Head down the hall, just follows the signs and you’ll find OBGYN.” “Thanks, Becky. Wish me luck!” She grins. “Good luck, Princess Erin.” I scowl in mock seriousness at the nickname my close friends have taken to calling me. Shaking my head I can’t suppress a soft chuckle as I trot down the hall. The staff on this floor are just as surprised to see me, and trip all over themselves to accommodate me. I’m already reclining on one of the larger beds intended for a human patient when Jake comes barreling in. “I got here as fast as I could! Cadance said you had some sort of emergency?!” I snort in irritation at Cadance’s antics. “It’s not an emergency per se. I’m pregnant.” Jake’s wings flare and she sits heavily on the floor. “Bwuh?” I chew my lower lip nervously. “Uh… surprise?” “Surprise? Surprise?!” I’m worried that she’s not going to take this well, but then her face splits into a huge smile. “Erin, we’re gonna be parents!” I nod, my own smile matching hers. “I know!” “This is great! Oh jeez I hope we can make me a proper stallion before the kid’s born. We don’t wanna confuse ‘em right?” I laugh. “Jake, I think they’ll be able to grasp the concept of a lesbian couple in the worst case scenario. There’s more than a few same sex parents in Hope now… a lot of them of mixed species too. Those kids seem to be doing alright.” She settles on the bed with me grinning ear to ear again. “You’re right! You’re right! Who cares about all that anyway?! I’m gonna be a dad!” I smirk. “Technically a mom.” “Oh no. You’re not ruining this for me. I’m gonna be a dad. And when the guys get here we’re importing cigars.” “What? You’re not smoking around me or the baby!” She snorts. “Of course not. But it’s tradition. Let me have this at least.” I nuzzle her warmly. “You can smoke A cigar with your friends. Just one. She grins. “Thanks, mom.” I have a warm smile at that. “Pretty soon that’s what somepony’s going to be calling me seriously, you know?” Jake just nods, grin never fading. “I know. And I’m gonna be dad. Or pop? No… no, dad’s good.” The door opens as a cream colored earth pony mare trots in. Her raven black mane and tail straight and immaculately styled. “Premier Celestia, Miss Spitfire. It’s an honor to be your Doctor through this exciting time in your lives. I’m Doctor Mathiss. I thought today we’d start with an ultra sound. Make sure everything’s right where it should be.” I sit up smiling politely. “Nice to meet you, Doctor. How does all this work? I’m guessing we have more in common with horses than humans?” She nods. “We do. You’ll be happy to hear you’re not the first pony pregnancy we’ve treated, just the most prestigious. We have tentative procedures in place. It’s all touch and go of course, but we’re confident we can properly care for our patients. We have some exercises for you to follow, a special diet plan it’s recommended you adhere to as strictly as possible.” She says the last part giving me a meaningful look. My diet is rather legendary around Hope, or the lack of a diet would maybe be more appropriate. “I’ll ah, follow the diet, ma’am.” She smiles. “Good! Well then let’s take a look at your foal hm?” I nod feeling giddy with excitement, no less so than Celestia who’s just as elated as I am. Jake climbs off the bed and I lay on my back as the Doctor wheels the machine over. Gently applying some sort of gel to my belly draws a ticklish giggle from me. Doctor Mathiss just smiles. “That’s not uncommon. Just try and relax.” The machine hums to life as she rubs the sensor over where I assume a ponies’ womb sits. My ear twitches at the sudden strange sound coming from the monitor. “Is that…” “Your foal’s heartbeat.” She furrows her brow after she says that. My breath quickens in fear. “Is something wrong?!” “Well no… its just… ah!” her frown turns into a smile immediately. “Well that explains it. It sounded a little odd is all.” “Odd? Odd how?!” “Well there are two heartbeats, not one.” I blink. Jake blinks. “Two?” The doctor nods. “Two.” Jake and I look at each other simultaneously breaking into matching smiles. “Two!” *** Jake has all sorts of paperwork and pamphlets we need to read over later. “I think we’ve made our guests wait long enough huh?” She laughs. “You go do your Premier business. I’ll start giving these a once over. Sound good?” “Trade you?” Jake smirks and steals a quick kiss. “Not even if you made it a royal decree! I’ll see you at home!” I snort as she flies off. “Ah well. It’s a good day! I can deal with a little political boredom.” It might not be boring Erin. These good people have come to extend an olive branch to us No doubt wanting what we’ve already given Canada but still, even with all the ill will the U.S. media is generating, these people are wanting to work with us. I sigh. “You’re right. Of course you’re right.” “Erin! Erin! Eeeeeeriiiiiiin!” I snort and turn look upwards as Lucas begins his descent from overhead. The young human teen has settled into life as a pegasus colt pretty well I think. Though his legs are a bit overlong which I’m told is common… hence the term ‘coltish legs’ really. His eyes are the same golden amber color as his sister, but his coat is a much deeper shade of blue while his mane and tail are white with streaks of black. “Morning, Lucas. Or probably afternoon by now huh?” He stumbles a little awkwardly as he lands. “Thunder Hooves!” “No.” He frowns. “...Sky Shredder!” “Mmm. Better, but no.” This has become a common routine. He comes up with all sorts of ridiculous new names for himself then comes to me to try them out. “Cloud Buster?” I tilt my head as I consider it. “Not bad. Sounds like a weather pony name though. That what you plan on going into?” He shakes his head. “No way! I’m gonna join the royal guard!” Celestia is laughing delightedly in my head, making it very hard to keep a straight face. “There is no royal guard anymore, Lucas.” His face falls as the realization hits home. “...well then I’ll start it back up!” I ruffle his mane with a hoof and grin. “If we ever need a royal guard again, Lucas, you’re in for sure. I promise.” He puffs his chest with pride at that. “Oh! Uh… what time is it?” I look up to the sun. “Almost noon. You’re not cutting school are you?” He shakes his head rapidly. “No! I came to find you at lunch. They let us go home or eat out if we don’t want cafeteria food.” “Alright. Well then you better get back then.” I watch as he gallops down the street full tilt before leaping into the air and spreading his wings. A few disturbed pedestrians shout after him as he goes but I just smile. The upset folks cool off almost immediately, most sharing good natured laughs with one another over the colts antics. Judging by the unusual amount of congratulations thrown my way from every pony I pass in the street, news about my condition has spread like wildfire. I just smile and thank them all. Really it’s not too much work to be happy today. I can’t remember the last time I was in a better mood to be honest. I take a purposefully long route back to the castle. Meandering my way along the lanes and streets of Hope, content to browse the market stalls and greet my citizens. Both pony and human of course. Once word reached the families of many of the ponies who’d followed me up North, they’d begun to trickle in slowly at first but more and more arrived once it was made clear any were welcome… so long as they were willing to pull their weight. For the most part there’d been no problems. There was a little awkwardness at first of course but once the human residents started to realize the ponies were still their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, or spouses they warmed to the situation immensely. The Canadian government has been amazingly understanding throughout this difficult transitional period as well. Since New Equestria is a Canadian province, residents are required to become Canadian citizens. Some friends in the bureaucracy have helped streamline the process a good deal however. Our new human citizens had pitched in wherever they could. Lacking the magic of the ponies they were limited in what they could do, but plenty were out in the fields every morning working side by side with the earth pony farmers. Many had taken clerical or analytical positions in the city as well. Our economy was on the rise. At first the food and services we provided were free, mostly in thanks for GIVING us an entire province of our own. Once we’d grown more settled and the food started to flow regularly the other provinces insisted on payment. And now that we had unicorns transmuting refuse to mulch, fruit trees, or something equally useful and the weather ponies got to work clearing the pollutants from the air, the entire country was overflowing with gratitude. For the longest time Earth had been on an increasingly steady decline. Now however, my ponies and I appeared with a literal magical solution for all their problems. The Canadian government wasn’t the only one to take notice. Many countries around the world have been opening their doors and offering ponies amnesty from less friendly governments. Very few European countries looked down on pony citizens. There were some that rose above the rest in their good will drives. The representatives of those countries were here today to speak to me and ideally iron out a more concrete agreement which would most likely end with my people doing for their countries what we’ve done for Canada. This was causing some friction with the United States, of course. They’d imposed an embargo on any and everything to do with New Equestria. Not only that, they still refused to release the American ponies from captivity. It had taken quite some convincing from Mr. Gordon Crispin to keep Celestia and I from simply barreling our way into the holding facilities and retrieving our people. He sternly reminded us that as a Premier of one of the Canadian provinces, an act of aggression like that would be considered an act of war. Which was certainly the last thing we wanted to burden the kind people who’d given us a home with. And so Celestia, along with Luna, had devised the Exodus plan. A plan we would be putting into motion late this afternoon in fact. As the castle came into view once more I draw myself back to the present. Celestia has been quiet for a while now, which usually means she’s communicating with Luna. Probably about the storm they’re on their way to intercept. I know she wanted to do this meeting as a pony but I’m still more comfortable in a mostly human shape. I cast the spell to transform myself almost without thinking. My easy canter becomes a casual stroll as I rise to two legs, my bare feet lightly padding on the crystalline floor of the castle. “Of course no shoes.” I sigh and weave an illusion of heels around my bare feet. “Best of both worlds. Look nice and feel nice.” More congratulations come from the various ponies I pass in the halls on my way to the conference room. I hear laughter coming from within, definitely a good sign. Having Ellie play tour guide was the right move. Squaring my shoulders I step inside, all smiles. “Ladies and gentlemen, I can’t apologize enough for the delay. I had a bit of a personal emergency.” The Australian diplomat, a well tanned woman with bleach blonde hair grins. “For personal business it sure is being talked about by just about everyone in your city, Premier. Congratulations by the way. Just had my first tyke a couple months back.” Congratulations come from all the visiting diplomats soon after that. “Thank you. It was more than a bit of a shock that’s for sure, but Jake and I couldn’t be happier.” I settle at the head of the table, wings ruffling gently as I get comfortable. “Well! I’m sure you didn’t come all this way just to see the sights and hear about my home life.” Good natured laughter come from the assembled diplomats as people find seats. I smile my thanks to Ellie as she winks and slips out the door. “Your Miss Eleanor is a very interesting young woman, Premier Celestia.” It takes me a minute to realize who the Russian gentleman is talking about. “Oh! Ellie? She’s great. Everyone loves her really. I’m sure you’re all eager to begin our discussions but I thought you might enjoy a little peek at what my people can do.” “We have seen exactly what your wondrous people can do Premier. It’s why we’re here in the first place I believe. In a scant two months Canada has had a complete reversal of fortunes. While the population of ponies is not as dense as it is in the U.S., Japan has a large concentration of its own. Many are eager to visit New Equestria, but just as many wish to begin learning to utilize their amazing talents as your people have here.” I nod to the Japanese gentleman. “Well on that note, perhaps you would all indulge me a few words.” I clear my throat, and the five diplomats sit up with rapt attention. “My brother and I have been working on locating every pony currently living on planet Earth. Through several complicated spells we’ve managed to pinpoint each and every one of them. Now outside of New Equestria and the U.S., your four countries have the biggest concentrations. England, Russia, Japan, and Australia. We are also aware that you’ve been treating the ponies very fairly. Of course there would be an initial period of unease but you’ve overcome it far better than others.” The group chuckles as they are all keenly aware of which country I’m hinting toward. “With that in mind, and as thanks for how well you’ve treated my people I’d like to make the following proposal.” My horn shimmers as I magically summon manilla folders to the table before the diplomats. Sure I could have just carried them in but this was more fun. They seemed to appreciate it too. Each was curiously looking through the folders contents. “Premier, you truly intend to do everything detailed within?” I nod. “I do. We’ll need help of course. It would fall to your people to provide the necessary training facilities for each of the three pony tribes. But I would send our best of each tribe to work on training your own pony populations to the point where New Equestria’s citizens are.” I continue before they can interrupt. “The other option is that your own ponies participate in the upcoming Project Exodus my brother and I have been preparing. While I’m sure you’re all aware I can’t physically enter many countries where the ponies are still being oppressed, there is nothing that says I cannot magically bring them to me.” The group start to murmur and look on with deeper interest. “With the aid of my brother and our niece Cadance we’ve begun construction of… well of a big circle of large crystal pillars. I won’t go into the surprisingly boring details of how such a complicated magical ritual works… but essentially once activated it will allow every pony not already in New Equestria to magically teleport to the province with a simple mental command. It would make the training go far smoother if every pony was gathered in one place. We could train your people simultaneously, and I, Markus, and Cadance would be able to personally participate.” “We have no intention of forcibly taking anyone from their home our countries. And we certainly don’t want to cause any friction with you, our tentative new friends. The project is for the safety and freedoms of the oppressed ponies in the world. Once your people have been properly trained, they’ll be sent back free of charge to begin working helping your countries just as we’ve helped Canada.” The woman from England speaks up for the first time. “What’s to keep them from staying here?” I shake my head. “Nothing at all. Project Exodus by its very nature has to include every pony. That said, I offer my personal assurances you won’t go hungry. You won’t be ignored. If every pony from Russia, or Japan, or England wants to remain in New Equestria I guarantee just as many will volunteer to leave and aid your countries. If there IS any shortage on volunteers, my family and I will pick up the slack. I don’t want to toot my own horn, but one of me or Markus is equal to a hundred ordinary ponies easily.” I can sense they all have mixed feelings about the information I’ve shared. “I know this is something of a surprise. And a rather bold step for us but it must be done. My people are in cages. Not prison cells, but actual cages. Like animals. Surely any of you can see the wrongness of this, and the necessity for Project Exodus. If I may make a suggestion, take what I’ve told you back to your various leaders. Inform them of the situation, and let them know Project Exodus will be going live in one week’s time. That should give everyone plenty of advance warning to make any preparations that are necessary, right?” Gradually all are in agreement. I shake the hand of each as they depart, some with more haste than others. The woman from Australia lags behind. “Just want you to know, you have our support one hundred percent. We’re no huge super power like some folks but I personally understand where you’re coming from, and our PM will too. I can safely say our pony folk will be coming to study here. And if they wanna stay, I’ll put you up personally when you show up to turn the outback into a paradise like you’ve done here.” I smile at the good intentions. “Well I’ll take you up on that offer. And you’d better have a big food budget, I can put a lot away.” She laughs. “Hungry as a horse you could say”? I groan and shake my head. “That was awful.” *** Feeling my spirits if possible rising even higher I watch as the Australian diplomat heads to her own rooms with a casual stride. You did well in there, Erin. “Gah! Celestia?! Were you watching the whole time?!” I was. I wanted to see how you conducted yourself. I was very proud of you. I snort. “You just wanted to get out of having to do anything.” She laughs a little. Maybe. I must admit it’s nice to see somepony else take charge now and then. Everything I’ve seen of you the past two months has shown me you’re more than capable of leading our people. “Mmhm. Well as soon as we figure something out we’re still separating. No offense but I want some privacy in my own head back. Plus this whole being in charge thing is super stressful.” She’s not offended at all of course. While I’ve very much enjoyed your company, I too would like a body of my own again soon. I think it would be best to wait until the foals are born, but Luna and I have been brainstorming on ways to give you and Markus your bodies back. We have a few tentative solutions, and will keep you abreast of further developments. “Well that’s great! I’m assuming we’d be ponies?” Yes. Your souls are heavily saturated with our magic and are irrevocably Equestrian in nature now. I shrug. “Eh, won’t be so bad. Jake’s stuck as a pony after all.” “Erin! Hey! if you’re done talkin’ to yourself like a crazy cat lady you need to see this!” I chuckle and turn toward Jules’ familiar voice. Not so familiar is the usually calm and collected unicorn’s look of panic. “Have you seen the news?!” I frown shaking my head. “No I’ve been a little busy Jules. Pregnant and all? Talking with diplomats from huge foreign countries?” She waves a dismissive hoof. “Yeah, yeah. Congrats. Now come on!” She races down the halls prompting me to follow. It’s definitely not like her to seem so panicked. Jules leads me to a sitting room filled with plenty of staff from the castle. All are gathered around the TV. “...again we are on high alert after the Seattle bookstore bombing, and unidentified object racing across the American border have been revealed to be caused by ponies. Details are sketchy at this time but cameras on the jets pursuing the object clearly identified it as a pegasus pony.” The picture switches from the reporter to a blurred picture, but the cyan coated pegasus mare with the rainbow mane and tail are easily identified by anyone with even a passing familiarity of the show. I sense Celestia’s excitement at finding a sign that the element bearers are alive and well on earth, mingling with her fear over her safety. “Magical experts have successfully determined that the bookstore bombing was indeed caused by unicorn magic. Their spell casting leaves a distinctive energy residue that can be detected by specialized instruments. We go now to Presidential hopeful, Senator Lance Corddis.” The whole shop falls dead silent, and now all eyes are on me as my jaw drops wide open. “...senator?!” The camera cuts again to the familiar face of my former doctor. Now dressed in a fine suit, the scrolling news bar beneath identifies him as the Michigan senator. “This… no. No, this is impossible! Not even he could…” He could, and he apparently has, Erin. You can’t underestimate Discord’s cleverness or the lengths he’ll go to sew chaos. “My fellow Americans, I address you today with a heavy heart.” As he speaks I feel a strange sensation prickling in the back of my head. “Celestia, what is that?” She doesn’t answer vocally, instead she subtly demands control which I give over. Without speaking her magic flares up and pulses outward going for who knows how great a distance. Every television in Hope, and the bulk of them in Canada itself shut off instantaneously. Ignoring the questioning gazes of our people, Celestia steps outside and closes her eyes, focusing on her magic once more. When she begins to speak I know that everyone in the Province, probably the country can hear. “Friends, family, and citizens of New Equestria. This is Premier Celestia speaking. The man identified as Senator Corddis is in fact Discord, the one responsible for our banishment here. He’s weaving subtle influencing magic into his broadcast. No doubt any listening for any length of time will come around to his way of thinking. While I cannot order anything of those not in my own province, I strongly urge you that if he appears on television again, or you hear his voice on the radio turn it off immediately.” “As for my own citizens, any and all broadcasts with this individual are banned indefinitely in our Province. We cannot risk Discord’s corruption reaching us while our fledgling homeland is still developing. I apologize for the inconvenience, and hope you’ll all understand why this is necessary. Please remain calm in the interim. We’re safe here. My sister, niece and I will ensure the safety of every one of our beloved citizens.” She ends the spell and gives control back to me. Of the ponies and humans gathered around only Jules approaches. “Erin… what does this mean? Are we in danger?” I shake my head. “I wish I knew for sure, Jules. Celestia was right though, we need to stay calm. Losing our heads isn’t going to help anyone…” I trail off as I feel a strange sensation in the air. A vague sense of wrongness coursing through the city. Taking to the air ignoring the curious cries from below I scan the city from above. “You feel it too don’t you?” I do. Discordant magic. I thought I sensed it very far away but slowly approaching. “The hurricane!” Yes, that seems likely. But this is closer… within the city itself. I squint, spreading my senses out and trying to follow the sensation. Then I zero in on it. I narrow my eyes and tighten my focus. A man in a heavy coat, twitching and looking back and forth erratically. All at once I realize why the sensation seemed to faint. It’s been slowly building more and more as I watch him. A whirling chaotic mass of magic building beneath his skin… reaching toward a very explosive finish. “Celestia!” I see him! We must get him away from the city! I nod folding my wings and diving toward him as he throws his coat off. Ponies and humans alike gasp and run as his flesh bulges and warps beneath the burgeoning chaotic energies. “You freaks don’t belong here! You’ll be wiped away in cleansing fire!” I ignore his lunatic ravings and reach out with my magic, attempting to seize him in a field and haul him into the air. I yelp as my spell slips away from him like oil on water. I try again but it’s like trying to grab an eel with my bare hands. He sees me coming and his manic grin turns into an unpleasant leer. “Their deaths are on your head monster!” He’s right. There’s enough magic building up that he;ll level several blocks of the city, no doubt killing anyone caught within the blast. Breath coming in ragged gasps I know what I have to do. Magic won’t work… which means I have to physically remove him from the city. Not slowing in the slightest I swoop in and grab him tightly with my forelegs, ignoring his ineffectual fists battering about my head and chest. My hooves slam into the pavement hard enough to send cracks spreading in all directions, before I crouch and spring back into the air angling upwards. Intending to carry him as high above the city as possible. ...can we make it through this? Celestia is quiet as we fly higher and higher into the air. The man growing heavier in my grasp as the city dwindles to a small speck below. It’s been a privilege getting to know you, Erin Rockwell. That’s not the answer I wanted. But I guess it’s the only one she had to give. ...you too, Princess. It’s been fun. Mostly. She laughs… but it’s a sad laugh. Mostly. The magic in the man reaches its boiling point. I feel a searing heat… very similar to the heat I felt in my dreams. Then… I feel nothing. *** “Jesus fucking Christ! What the fuck is wrong with this storm?!” I know not! But I am growing as vexed as you are! Allow me control, Markus! I do. Luna takes the helm and the magical barrier I’d been maintaining around myself and the other normal pegasi with us strengthens. I have plenty of magic muscle, but Lu knows how to work it better. “Cadance! This has gone on long enough! Together?” The other woman nods, jaw set firmly. “This is chaos magic!” She has to scream for us to hear her over the storm. Lu just nods back. “Indeed! No time for finesse I believe! Let us simply eradicate it with a show of force!” Cadance’s grin is kinda feral as she nods. I feel a jolt run through my body as Luna gathers more magic than I’d ever felt her call up before. Our body is glowing like a star, Cadance is just as bright at our side. Together Lu and her niece fire off massive waves of magic that ripple into the storm. For a minute I think it’s not gonna work, then the black clouds start to swirl faster and faster toward the point both women through their spells. The storm is swallowed up in what looks suspiciously like a miniature black hole, before it vanishes entirely with a thunderclap. The weather ponies start to cheer as Lu and Cadance share a tired smile. My whole body aches and with a grunt I realize she’s put me in charge again. “Thanks a lot for that!” You are very welcome, Markus. This whole affair reeks of Discord. I suggest we return to the city and… She feels it when I feel it. Judging by the look on Cadance’s face she feels it too. “Go! I’ll make sure everypony makes it home safe!” I nod my thanks and turn toward Hope. My wings working hard enough that the ground whips by in a blur. I felt Erin’s… her I don’t fucking know. Her spark I guess. It flared brighter than ever for a second, then it was gone. Completely gone. “Lu? Lu, what the hell happened?” I do not know, Markus. Only that our sisters are in grave peril. “Lu, I don’t feel Erin OR Celestia at all!” Nor do I, Markus! So perhaps you could prattle less and fly more?! I don’t like her tone, but she’s right. I fly straight for the last place I felt Erin. In the sky high above Hope. “She’s not here! Where is she?!” Luna doesn’t ask as she takes over our body. “Your panic helps nobody, Markus. I will locate our sister’s.” I don’t argue. She’s right. I’m flipping right the fuck out but I think I’m a little entitled. She dives for the ground and lands, already a huge crowd of sobbing ponies have gathered. “What has happened?! Where is my sister?!” Ellie flies above the throng waving to get our attention. “Markus! Markus, over here!” Luna is less gentle than I’d expect as she pushes a path through the throng. “Ellie. Tell me what has happened. Where is Celestia?” I’ve never seen Ellie look so sad. “There was a man. He was… he was exploding. Erin swooped in and carried him into the air. He… he blew up. Right in her arms.” Luna takes a deep breath and squares her shoulders. “Did her body survive?” Ellie nods slowly. “Y--yeah. It’s… it’s real bad though. The Doctor’s dunno if she’ll make it.” “She is at Hope General Hospital?” Ellie nods again. “Yes, ma’am.” Luna doesn’t wait for more information. A quick teleport brings us to the hospital. Everypony there in much the same state as the ones outside. Here and there I spot the humans who emigrated here to be with their families doing their best to console the pony folk. Becky’s behind the desk. She doesn’t even say a word as she gets up motioning for us to follow. “Where is my sister, Becky?” “In the ICU. They’re doing what they can for her but her burns don’t heal. No matter how many healing spells they use.” Luna nods. “This is chaos magic. The scars it leaves are not easy to mend. Take me to Celestia immediately.” The earth pony mare complies. She ignores the elevator and leads us to the stairs racing up several flights. The commotion is almost over the top until I realize who it is these ponies and people are trying to save. Princess Celestia has fallen, and with her so does any hope for the pony people’s survival. Luna and I have our talents, we’ve got a lot we can offer. But the sort of hope and inspiration Erin and Celestia give? No one can replace that. And without that, things are gonna get real fuckin’ bad around here real fuckin’ fast. Luna pushes her way through the doctors and nurses. When she sees Celestia’s body she gasps and staggers to her knees. Every inch of her body is covered in gruesome burns. Some of them still smoldering from the magical flames. Her mane, tail, and feathers are burned completely away. The only part of her that seems untouched is her stomach, the patch of pristine white fur standing out clearly. “...she centered all her magic around protecting the child.” Luna steps to the bedside and rests a hand on Celestia’s shoulder, flinching at the feel of the burned skin. “Oh, sister.” I feel a… drain. It’s the only way to explain it. Luna is draining away our magic and pumping it into Celestia. The smoldering flames still licking about her body die away. The glittering embers fade and our sister’s breathing evens out. The machines stop their wild, erratic beating as her heart steadies as well. The doctors look on quietly, seeming not at all surprised. “My sister will mend on her own now. She simply needs time. …a significant amount. I trust I can leave her to your care?” One doctor, an earth pony mare nods. “You can, Princess. We’ll protect her with our lives.” Luna shakes her head. “A kind claim, but unnecessary. Once Cadance returns she and I will erect a proper barrier about New Equestria. We will sweep the city and ensure no more of Discord’s agents lay in wait. For now… simply see to Celestia’s comfort.” Luna almost stumbles over the pegasus colt standing in the doorway suddenly. She looks down at him with a raised brow. “Lucas? What are you doing here?” He swallows hard. Through Luna’s eyes I see something on his flanks too, a new addition. It looks like a silver shield. “I… w--well…” His sister stands beside him. “Lucas was the one who caught the Princess as she fell. He tried to follow her up but she was too fast of course. But he y’know… he was there.” Luna kneels down now, smiling. “Is this true, Lucas?” He nods jerkily. “Y--yes, ma’am. I… I’m sorry I couldn’t do more.” Luna tilts her chin up regarding him coolly. “Why did you do this, Lucas?” He blinks in surprise at the question. “What? Why? What’s that supposed to mean? Why wouldn’t I have done it? I’d have carried that guy away myself if I knew she’d get hurt like that!” Damn this kid’s got balls. Indeed. Luna stands again. Magic coils around her arm and hand as a gleaming black sword forms. She lifts it slowly and rests it on the kid’s shoulder. “Lucas Hayworth. I, Luna Equestria, Princess of the Night dub thee a knight of the realm of New Equestria. I charge thee with protecting thy Princess of the Day as she recovers from her grievous wounds. Dost thou accept this charge?” The poor colt’s eyes go wide in shock, as he looks to his sister. She just steps back leaving the decision to him. Gotta admit, my respect for him jumps up even more as he steadies himself and nods. “I do, Princess.” “Then I name thee Sir Gleaming Shield, first Knight of the new Royal Guard. See to your duties with diligence, sir knight. As I see to mine.” He even salutes. I know the kid’s gotta be freakin out at how cool and exciting this is, but he keeps his cool. Luna’s sword vanishes and without another word we disappear in a burst of magic. A teleportation takes us from the hospital and back to our private place in the city. Not in the castle, but a small apartment we use when coming and going incognito. Get my girls here, Lu. She doesn’t need to ask who my girls are. Jules and Ellie appear in our apartment blinking around in confusion until they see me, and figure out where they are. And why they’re here. Luna hands the reins back over to me. Ellie swallows looking concerned. “What’re we gonna do, Markus? Erin is…” I raise my hand cutting her off. “We’re gonna get our gear. Then we’re gonna do what we do best.”