Square One

by DJ_Dust

First published

Princess Luna is sent to an ancient temple where she gets transported to a white infinite room

Princess Luna is sent to an ancient temple where she gets transported to a white infinite room. Based on the song Square One by Coldplay

Square One

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"You're in control is there anywhere you wanna go?" said the small CD player as Luna put it on a coffee table in the large hall that she was in. Why did she have to be in a white room? Couldn't it be a Black or Indigo space? It had been a couple of days since she came back from being nightmare moon. She didn't like anything at the castle because it was so white and shiny. She liked the dark and moon. "are they bleeding all your colors into one?" She frowned at that line. "and you've come undone as if you've been run through." she full on started crying at that point. she never did have a good relationship with her sister. being banished to the moon for a thousand years didn't feel like that brought that closer to her older sister at all! no one cared no one accomplished her for the things she adjusted to in canterlot in the past few days. they all gave her looks like she was some kind of pony murderer. she took an interest a band named Coldplay in the past few days. they had music that was modern but not like the music that the rainbow colored pony that freed her from her powerful body. it was too loud and all the ponies were using voices far louder than the royal canterlot voice. "Sister I need you to do something for me." Her sibling's voice said in a stern voice.

"You need to go to a temple that some of our scout ponies found on the edge of the far reaches of equestria. You still need to prove your worthiness." "You don't trust me?" Luna asked. "Well i wouldn't say tha-" "I knew it! after all I've been through! I've been banished for a THOUSAND years and you don't think I've changed?! Nopony ever thinks I am good enough! I've had a thousand years to think this over and I think I know what i'm saying!" "could you just do this for me?" "Oh you've said that to me sooooo many times 'Luna do this' or 'Luna do that!' I'm done! No I will do this for you if you treat me as an equal to you!" "Ok Luna *sigh* ill do this for you. but you promise me you will be good or I will banish you for TWO thousand years!" "Ok whatever."

"Ugh..." muttered the blue alicorn. "Wh- Where am I?" the princess said staring into the blankness of the place she was in. "the space in which were travelling" she heard from a far distance. she could hear a faint beating of drums. "Huh?" she asked to the whiteness. "Who is saying that?" she asked. She turned around but like she saw before it was all white. "are they bleeding all your colors into one?" said the mysterious voice. The princess decided to set out in search for the thing that was making the noise in the white void. she needed to see some color or she would go insane.

To Be Continued...


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The music was getting on her nerves now. All it was doing was annoying her. It was repeating itself like it was taunting her. Also contributing to the fact that she had been walking for a couple of hours now. She despised white now. All she could see was white. white. white. white. white. When she got back to equestria from wherever she was she was going to smack celestia in the mussel. She was so mad a her for sending her here. why couldn't she check in on her "faithful student"? it was much easier than being trapped in a room that seemed almost infinite. what if i dont get out of here? she thought. she started to worry. calm yourself down Luna everything is going to be ok. this was probably the first time she was afraid! i better keep on walking she thought.

im so thirsty and i really need something to eat! she thought. No wonder she was so hungry her hooves were almost bleeding because she walked so long.there was no way she could keep walking she was so tired. She sat down on the hard unforgiving whiteness that she despised.


I know that this chaper is short but i am working had on it and kind of hard to do a long story of a pony inside a blank white room.