> Shadow Knight: An Untold Legend > by Megcolthebrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter1: Meeting of the Twisted Minds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is an Fan Fiction of an OC Pony. If you don't like OC Pony stories, please don't read any farther. I would also like to add a disclaimer, This is my first Fan Fiction. I have read the rules and guidelines, but it still might contain spelling errors and/or poor dialog. I hope you understand, Thank you and have fun reading. Deep inside Changeling Territory, three familiar figures stand in darkness of an old tomb. "Who called upon me for their aid?" The first familiar figure said. It was The Queen of the Changelings Chrysalis. She stood with a royal pose with two Changeling Guards. "Yes I would like to shake the hoof of the fine fellow to set me free from that horrible stone prison." The second figure to say such a quote was Discord the Master of Chaos. "Yes, I would also like to reward such a fine pony, now I can plot to regain my cryssstal kingdom." The last figure to emerge from the dark was King Sombra, The ex ruler of The Crystal Empire. "Your question shall be answered my evil companions." A mare's voice said from the dark. They looked toward the direction of the voice to see a skeleton of a mare that was engulfed by a green ghostly flame. "Who are you to call upon me on a busy occasion of scheming." Queen Chrysalis said in a nastily bitter tone. "Watch your tongue you pathetic Queen! Correct if Im mistaken, but weren't you defeated by the very food you feed off of?" The ghostly mare said in a booming voice. Queen Chrysalis for the first time backed down from such an insult. "I am Mephila the Goddess of the dead and darkness. I called you all here for one reason, to take control over Equestria." Mephila said in a softer, but demonic tone. "Both me and Miss Changeling Queen over here tried, but with those nosey ponies of Ponyville keep stepping in our way." Discord said "Also their bratty little dragon!" King Sombra said with a hiss. "Not to mention they weld the Elements of Harmony." Queen Chrysalis said in a sad tone. "Ah, but with me on your side the elements will be nothing, but mere trinkets." Mephila said as she began to use the shadows to form flesh around her bones. "But how?" Discord questioned. "My blessing and magic can protect you. I am a Goddess of vast power and knowledge. I know things Celestia wish she knew ahead if time." Mephila said. Mephila was now in here true form, a Celestia sized dark coated mare with armor that covered her body and had green ghostly eyes. "Pishposh! I am the Master of Chaos and I never even heard of you!" Discord said in a loud tone. "That's because you were just a youngling while I battled with the Titans to gain control of my power! You mismatched Sprite!" Mephila said with another wave of sound. "I would as least like to see a demonstration of your so called power." King Sombra said. Mephila answered his challenge with a jolt of magic that began taking the life forces from the villains. Luckily she didn't take all of their energy. She needed them alive after all. "Do you believe me now!" She shouted in a ghostly tone. They all nodded their heads in understanding and were willing to obey her command. "Now we can began our plans, luckily for you three you'll be getting to take a swing at those fillies that stood in your way." Mephila said before letting out a dark and evil laugh. Meanwhile in Ponyville, Twilight and Spike were doing chores around their home The Golden Oak Library. "Whew. What a day, I can't believe we got all of the chores done." Twilight said in a tried tone. "Ya, I just can't wait to get back outside and meet up with our friends." Spike said while look at the clock, it was almost lunchtime for the both of them. Suddenly the door flew opened and Pinkie Pie barged in with fear in her eyes. "Hey Pinkie Pie what's wrong?" Spike asked while setting a stack of books down. "Haven't you heard?" Pinkie Pie shouted. "Heard what?" Twilight asked. "A new pony is coming to stay in Ponyville." Pinkie Pie stressed. "So aren't you going to greet the pony?" Twilight questioned. Pinkie shook her head rapidly then said "No. My Pinkie Sense went crazy when I tried to greet him. My inter body twitched and itched and shook." "What does that mean?" Spike said almost afraid to ask. "I don't know never felt like this before." Pinkie said rapidly while still shaking. Twilight looked at her with a disappointed face and said "Haven't you learned from our last lesson when we met Zecora? Never judge a pony til you met them." Twilight said while heading for the door. "Where are you going?" Pinkie asked. "I'm going to meet this stallion with or without you and greet him properly." Twilight said in a firm tone then stooped out. "Wait up!!" Both Pinkie and Spike yelled. In the middle of the town, every pony shut their doors and closed their windows. The town seemed empty, except for one pony walking his way slowly through it all. He was a black stallion with blood red eyes and a angry frown upon his face. He was pulling a cart full of his belongings. "Excuse me sir!" A voice said behind him, it was Twilight rushing up to greet the stallion. "Hello! I'm Twilight Sparkle, I'm the local librarian here in Ponyville and I wanted to personally. Welcome you to our town." Twilight said with a smile that squeaked. "Thanks for the welcome, but I have to move into my new house." The stallion said with a low dark tone. "Well, do you need any help?" Twilight asked. "Twilight!" A voice called out. It was Spike trying to catch up, but was stopped at the site of the stallion. He quivered in fear and hid behind Twilight. "Spiiiiiiike. Your being rude." Twilight whispered to Spike. "It's ok, that's everyone's reaction to me. I'll just be going." The stallion said while walking away from the two. "What's wrong with you!?" Twilight scowled. "I'm sorry it's just I was scared by his appearance." Spike said. "I swear you and everyone around hear are so superstitious! He may seem scary, but I bet he is just lonely." Twilight said firmly. Spike hung his head, "What I miss?" Pinkie Pie asked while trotting up slowly. Twilight just stared down Pinkie Pie and walked after the stallion. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Apple Jack, and Fluttershy were walking their way to Ponyville to meet with Twilight. "I can't wait for a lunch with all of your friends." Rarity said. "Yeah it's been awhile since well all sat down to have a good meal." Applejack added. "Can we hurry I'm starving!" Rainbow Dash said. "But I can't run as fast as you girls." Fluttershy said in her soft shy voice. "It's...." Before Rarity could comfort Fluttershy, They all stopped and stared at the black stallion pulling the cart. They moved out of the way to let him past. "Who's the angry stallion?" Rarity asked in a whisper. "I don't know he must be new in town." Applejack replied softly. "Hey girls." Twilight said interrupting their conversation. "Did you see where a black stallion went?" Twilight said. They all pointed to the opposite direction of Ponyville. "It looked like he was heading for that old creepy house just out side of Ponyville." Rainbow Dash said. "Thanks. Im going to help him move in, see you girls at lunch." Twilight said while running off after the stallion. "You girls go on, I want to keep an eye on Twi." Applejack said while trotting after Twilight. At the end of the road, the stallion took one look at the place and began unpack his things from the wagon. "Hey, wait." Twilight said while out of breath. "I want to help and I'm sorry for how Spike acted." "It's ok really, I guess I could use some help." The stallion said with the same angry expression. Twilight didn't question his expression and began unpacking items from the cart. When Applejack appeared, "Ah, it's good your here Applejack. I want you to meet my new friend...." Twilight stopped herself, realizing she never got his name. "The name's Shadow Knight." The stallion said. "Shadow Knight this is Applejack." Twilight said. "Please to meet you." the stallion said while holding out a hoof. "Umm hello." Applejack said with an awkward smile. "You think you can help out a bit before heading back into town?" Twilight asked. "Umm, sure." Applejack said. Shadow Knight told both Applejack and Twilight where everything goes, but he did most of the heavy lifting. "What's this?" Twilight said while holding up a box with strange markings. "That's were I keep my old medals." Shadow Knight said. "You were a solider?" Applejack asked. "Well a knight, but yes." Shadow Knight said. "Wow, may we see them?" Twilight asked. "Umm I can't ,but I can tell you how I earned some of them. After we are finished." Shadow Knight said. After unpacking everything from the cart, they all sat down to rest for a moment. "Thank you for all your help." Shadow Knight said. "Your welcome. Hey we are heading into town to grab a bite to eat. You want to tell us your adventures along the way?" Twilight asked. Shadow Knight was hesitant at first, but finally said, "I guess I could eat." Shadow Knight replied. They all walked out of the house and headed for town. "So how did you become a knight?" Applejack asked. "Well, it began when I was a guard trainee under Sir Whirlwind. He saw greatness in me and took me under his wing to train me as a knight. He was tough on me and kept pushing me every step of the way. After two long decades of training, I was symbolized as a Recruit, I went on quests with random groups of soldiers and guards. Each mission was harder than the last. I revived a medal for bravery, loyalty, honor to the core. But the turn of the worst happened when I received my title and the medal of a knight. Sir Whirlwind and I were leading a platoon of rookie soldiers to a know siting of changelings. Our mission was to clear them out and take out their general Minxver. They ambushed us and submit us to torture, I saw Sir Whirlwind die before me, along with the troops. I was next, until I escaped and began hunting each and every changeling down til. I found Minxver and made him suffer. I came back to Cantorlot to tell the tale. I was rewarded my title as Shadow Knight of the Dark and received a medal in returning the bodies of the fallen." Shadow Knight hung his head low to pounder on those days of war. While Applejack and Twilight were amazed, surprised and sorrowful for Shadow Knight. "What you did was good Shadow Knight." Twilight said with a half smile. "I just wish I could say the same." was his only reply. After a good half mile; Twilight, Applejack, and Shadow Knight arrived at The Ponyville Café. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Spike; were there waiting for them. "Hey guys!" Twilight greeted, but they were unsure what to do. Applejack cleared the silence with, "Im starving lets dig in y'all." Everyone being finding a spot in a big booth. Shadow Knight was not only hesitant, but also was accidentally singled out. "Here you can take my spot." Spike said while hoping out and grabbing a chair. "Thank you Spike." Shadow said. "No problem." Spike said. Twilight gave an approval smile to Spike. Shadow was now sitting in between Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Everyone was quietly looking at their menus; when Rainbow broke the silence, "So Mr...." "Shadow Knight." Shadow Knight answered in a more relaxed tone. "Right, what brings you to Ponyville?" Rainbow asked. "Peace and quite mostly. I just want get away from all the big cities and loud noises. This just seemed like a perfect place to retire." Shadow Knight answered. "Retire? From what prey tell?" Rarity asked kindly. "Well I was a knight. I took on the missions the most bravest of guards turn down." Shadow Knight replied. "Wow. Sounds like you had a lot of adventures." Rainbow Dash said "Yes several, I recused ponies and fought thousands upon thousands of beasts. Not because it was my job, but to protect Equestria from horrible wars." Shadow Knight added. "Oh wow,that's amazing." Fluttershy said. The more Shadow Knight talked about his knighthood. The more the girls and Spike were interested in Shadow Knight. After their lunch the group separated, and went on with their busy day. Except for Rainbow Dash, she walked with Shadow Knight to get more information on being a knight. "Wow, the battles you been through and the victories you had. You must tell how to you became a knight." Rainbow Dash pleaded. "We first of all, I had to go through boot camp just like every pony else. When it comes to knights they only picked the best of the best. I was surprised they picked me when I preformed so badly." Shadow Knight said. "Must of been really hard ?"Rainbow questioned. "Yep. You know, you remind me of a knight named Starchaser. She was the fastest flyer out of all the knights and was as loyal as a knight can get." Shadow Knight said. "Really? That's cool." Rainbow Dash said in amazement. "It really amazed me how she flew even in heavy armor." Shadow said while remembering those days. "I want to be a knight." Rainbow said breaking Shadow's day dreaming state of mind. "Well I can't make you a knight, it's against the rules." Shadow said. "Oh..." Rainbow said while lowering her head. "But I can still train you like one." Shadow Knight said. Rainbow perked up and hugged Shadow Knight. "Thank you so much. I won't let you down." Rainbow Dash said. "Good, make sure to be here tomorrow at the crack of dawn." Shadow added. "Yes sir." Rainbow said while saluting, then flew off back to Ponyville. Meanwhile back at The Golden Oak Library, Twilight had just finish taking a bath and now was getting ready for bed. "I have got to say, Shadow Knights isn't a bad guy. He just looks scary." Spike said. "Told you, we just need to be more open with new ponies." Twilight said. "Well, I hope he has a nice stay here, a war hero like him needs all the rest he can get." Spike said with a sleepy yawn. "Me too, I also hope he finds peace with himself, I mean I couldn't even think what I do without my friends." Twilight said while walking to bed. "I sure he will, whelp goodnight Twilight." Spike said while covering himself up. "Goodnight Spike." Twilight said in a sad voice. Back at Shadow Knight's house, Shadow had just finished polishing his sword and armor from his knight adventures. The armor had a couple for scratches here and there, but no other damage it was black with red detailed lines. His helm wasn't like a guard's helmet. It was a full face covering helm with eye holes that would make even the nicest of ponies look scary. His sword was long, battered, and chipped. It had a black handle with his name on it, the design was dragon like to say the least. He placed the equipment back on his display went to bed dreaming of the good old days.....to be continued. > Chapter 2: Dame in Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was raising and Shadow was outside drinking coffee, awaiting Rainbow's arrival. "I can't believe I'm doing this. I mean I just wanted some peace and quite. I guess a knight's life never dull." He said thinking to himself. Suddenly he heard wings flapping in the distance, he drank the last of coffee and stood to greet the visitor. "Good Morning, Sir Shadow Knight." It was Rainbow Dash up and wake as ever. "Good morning Squire Rainbow Dash. I see you know some knight title etiquette." Shadow said in a tried tone. "But of course, I don't want to dishonor you with the wrong dialog." Rainbow said proudly. "Well since I don't have to teach you an important lesson on etiquette. I can move on to teaching you about the different types of knights." Shadow Knight said while grabbing a heavy book. He walked inside and noticed Rainbow wasn't following. He set the book down and said, "Going old school are we? You may enter my domain as a guest Squire Rainbow Dash." "Thank you Sir Shadow Knight. I read a book about knights that I borrowed from Twilight." Rainbow said with a bow. " Then she die just to have a copy of this book." Shadow said while placing the book on a mahogany table. It was worn from age, it was brown, and had gold trimmings. The title read 'The Book of Knights.' " There are many types of knights, most of them are earth ponies. But their are some that were pegasi and unicorn. Some were created through pure revenge; others were born into the life style. Black Iron, Starsaber, and the pegasus Dragon Dame." "Dragon Dame? I understand the dragon part,but what about the Dame part." Rainbow asked. "The word Dame means female knight." Shadow said in a knowledgable tone. "I just thought it was an insulting word males use." Rainbow Dash said. Shadow just sighed and said, "These times are changing. I'm going to training you to be a Pegasus Dame. When your done I will give you the rank Recruit, when needed we will help the citizens of Ponyville. Once proven yourself I will give you your title." "Awesome. Lets get started." Rainbow said with glee. "As you wish Squire." Shadow replied. Shadow Knight gave Rainbow a sword, it was rusty, old and beated. "Umm. I'm guessing this is my training sword?" Rainbow questioned. " Yes, I need you to get use to carrying a sword around. Also learn how to use it and keep it nice and sharp." Shadow Knight said while grabbing a couple pieces of the equipment he used last night. "To remove the rust use this blue bottle, it's a special acid, to sharpen the blade use this whetstone; make sure to scrap it in one direction otherwise you'll dull the blade even more. Once complete you need to use this red bottle to polish and make your blade so shiny it can magnify the suns energy to burn a hole through a tree." "You knights sure know how to keep your equipment in fine condensation ." Rainbow said while grabbing a clean cloth. "Our equipment is what keeps us alive, without it a knight is pretty useless." Shadow replied. Rainbow began the restoring process of her sword. Shadow meanwhile was dusting off some other training equipment and odd pieces. Then headed outside where he placed each one in a cruel order. Along with the training equipment, Shadow also add obstacles to make things more challenging. Rocks, trees, and other things were apart of a plan Shadow was putting together. Once done he went inside to see how Rainbow Dash was doing, she was on the sharping process of the sword. Giving Shadow time to catch up on some reading. Meanwhile at the Carousel Boutique, Rarity had to deal with her sister and he friends after they got in trouble for playing with Rarity's sewing machine. "Sweetie Bell! I can't believe you did this out of all the things you three try, why sewing?!" Rarity shouted. "We are just..." Sweetie Bell started to say, but was cut off by Rarity. "No wait don't tell me, we are just trying to get your cutie marks." Rarity said in a sarcastic tone. "Well, guess what! You three are not allowed to touch anything in this boutique! In fact, I want you three out by the time I count to three." Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, and Applebloom ran out the boutique before she started to count. They began to walk slowly through town, "Sorry about that Sweetie Bell." Applebloom said. "Yeah sorry." Scootaloo said. "It's not your fault, besides we need to keep trying." Sweetie Bell said. "Yeah, but where?" Applebloom asked. "Well, lets start at the library and ask Twilight." Sweetie Bell said before trotting off, while her friends followed her. At the library Twilight and Spike were practicing magic spells. Twilight was concentrating on a candle. She was trying to use her magic to make the flame on the candle turn into shapes. The first was a Phoenix, then a dragon, lastly a rose. Once finished she sat down to rest, "Wow that was by far the best one yet." Spike said in excitement. "Yeah and the hardest, lets take a break and read for a bit." Twilight said in a happy ,but tried voice. Suddenly the door burst open and The Cutie Mark Crusaders ran in and said all at once, "We need to find more ways to earn cutie marks!" " Not this again. I'll see what even got." Twilight said while looking among the book shelves. " By the way, you didn't happen to see Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo asked. "No, but I think she is with Shadow Knight." Twilight replied. "Who's Shadow Knight?" Applebloom asked "He is a new pony in town, he lives at the edge of Ponyville in that old mansion." Spike answered. "You mean The Haunted Manor?!" Sweetie Bell asked. "That's what it's called?" Twilight asked "Its said that a mare dressed in white; roams the very hallways." Scootaloo added. "You mean the White Mare Ghost?" Twilight questioned. "Yeah." The three fillies said. "Oh great more legends and myths. Look girls, I'm sure that Rainbow Dash is fine in fact we can go see her now." Twilight said. "Yeah besides, Shadow Knight is a nice guy and a war hero." Spike encouraged. "We'll if you say so, It's like my big sister says never judge an apple by its looks." Applebloom said. Since Applebloom agreed the other two followed. Rainbow lifted her sword to the light and it shined with a perfect glare. "Good, now that your sword has been restored. We need to test it's strength." Shadow said. Both Rainbow and Shadow walked to the back yard to see a training course. It had everything from training dummies to an archers gallery. "You had this stuff just lying around?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "I'm a sentimental type of knight. Though I'm no older than you or your friends. I still feel like I'm as old as time itself." Shadow said in a mystic voice. "But how is that possible?" Rainbow asked. "In most of my missions, I had to wear an amulet of time. The amulet allowed me to jump from past to future. Due to its effects, I have shaved 5 to 6 years off." Shadow answered. "Wow. That's awesome." Rainbow said in amazement. "Yes, but we need to get started." Shadow guided Rainbow to a boulder that was full of cuts and cracks. "Depending on the depth of the cut, will tell us how good of a job you did. I want you to swing your sword as hard as you can at this boulder." Shadow instructed. Rainbow lifted the sword and bashed it on the rock . It's made a tiny cut no bigger than a paper cut. "Well, I guess the next lesson is to teach how to swing a sword." Shadow said. "Here, let me see your sword." Rainbow reluctantly gave Shadow the sword. He swung the sword and sliced through the rock cutting it in half. "Just as I expected. Your sword maintenance is superb. " Shadow said. "You just need practice and training." Rainbow was still in awe, but followed Shadow Knight to some training dummies. Each training dummy was either big or small, some with swords, and some with other types of weaponry. " All of this dummies are built for speed, strength and magic, but we are going to start from the bottom and work our way up." Shadow said while guiding her to a dummy that was oblong, fat, and had a silly face drawn on it. "This is our opponent for today's training." Shadow explained. "Seriously? This goof thing?" Rainbow said in an annoyed tone. "Swing the sword properly and we can discuss your next lesson." Shadow said while standing back. Rainbow picked the sword up and began swing it as fast and as hard as she could, but each time she hit the dummy; the sword just bounced off of it. "Gaah!" Rainbow screamed. "Stop." Shadow Knight said. "Your swing it like a boy. Look tilt your head like so and as your swinging let your body flow with the sword." Rainbow Dash did as she was told, and landed a hit on the dummy bouncing it back . Rainbow smiled at this and Shadow gave an approving nod. Rainbow then kept repeating the motion til she broke the dummy. Shadow guided Rainbow to the next dummy, it was a little more complexed than the first. It had a sheild and a sword, with a more angry frown. " This one will test your blocking and countering. So when you see that blade coming for you, be sure to send it back at him." Shadow said with a smirk. Rainbow nodded and rushed at the dummy as if she was rushing into battle. As she hit the dummy, the dummy responded with swinging its sword arm toward Rainbow. Which knocked her back a few feet, but she keep on trying. "I see Rainbow is enjoying her training." said a voice behind Shadow. He turned around to see Twilight, Spike, and three fillies. "Twilight Sparkle and Spike, it's nice to see you again. And who are the little fillies behind you?" Shadow said. The three jumped when he mentioned them. "It's ok girls go introduce yourselves." Twilight said with encouragement. As they walked up to Shadow the looked at him in the eye. "I'm Applebloom a-and this are m-my friends, Sweetie belle and Scootaloo." Applebloom said in a shaky voice. "Oh yes I've heard of you three from your sisters and Twilight, if I'm not mistaken you three are The Cutie Mark Crusaders?" Shadow said in a low, but soft tone. " You know Applejack?" Applebloom asked. "Oh yes, she helped me move in, Because of that I own her a favor. Not to mention she gave me an sample of your families apples, it was tasty and juicy." Shadow said. Applebloom lighted up at Shadow's words. Shadow looked at Sweetie Belle and said, "And you must be Rarity's little sister, she loves you to death and she told me if it wasn't for you she never get done in her boutique." Sweetie Belle smiled at this. "Last, but not least. Rainbow Dash's number one fan. I have heard so much about you from Rainbow, she really thinks your a tough kid." Shadow said. "Really?" Scootaloo asked. "As tough as armor." Shadow said. Scootaloo was excited to hear that. "It's very noble of you three to help other little ponies get their cutie marks. Definitely Crusader material. You three remind me of childhood when me and my friends use to run around and tried fighting off imaginary monsters. But then we called ourselves the Knights of the North." Shadow said while drawing his sword and holding it high in the air. "Wow, what happened to your friends." Scootaloo asked. "Well, we became real knights when we got older. I was the only one how came back home." Shadow said in a sorrowful tone. "Awe, that sad." Sweetie Belle said. "Yes, but luckily I met Twilight and her friends." Shadow said. "Sweet, so your a real knight?" Applebloom asked "Retired, but yes a knight none the less." Shadow replied. "Can we be knights too?" The three fillies asked. Shadow chuckled and replied. "Your better than knights your Crusaders. Crusaders are ponies that help other ponies by guide them on the right path. So far from what I have heard; you have been doing your job." Shadow said with a wink and smile. "Awesome!" The three fillies shoutied. "Cutie Mark Crusaders for life." The three fillies yelled. "Oh, can we hear your cutie mark story?" The fillies asked. "Of course, now lets see when I was young. My friends and I began traveling on your own. We left home to find a source of powerful magic, something called The Stone of The Alicorn. Now what we heard from legend, it could grant you three wishes. Since there were three of us we each would share the wishes. We traveled to the edge of The Hallow Shades, where we found an old temple. My friend Dragon Dame, who was the smartest of us; solved the three riddles. Black Iron did all the heavy lifting to solve the puzzles, and I help fight the Fire Hounds." Sweetie Belle raised her hoof in politeness. "Yes Sweetie Belle?" Shadow asked. "What's a Fire Hound?" Sweetie Belle asked. "It's a being that thrives off of object of great magical power." Twilight answered. "Correct, Dragon Dame was almost done for if it wasn't for me. I jumped in front of the Alpha male's attack to protect her. I was badly injured and had blacked out. Dragon Dame and Black Iron rushed at the beast and drove it away. They found the stone, the first wish went to Black Iron. He wished for a sword that was unbeatable. Dragon Dame wish for a book with unlimited knowledge. The last wish they made for me, I was healed and healthy once more. But to preform such a task the stone infused my body with magic and my coat never turned back to its normal white color. I changed my name to go with my new image, and that's when I received this mark upon me." Shadow was pointing to his cutie mark, which was a sword and sheild that were both black and red. "What was your real name?" Applebloom asked. "Guardian Angel." Shadow replied. "I think your legend should go into a book." Sweetie Belle said. "Thank you, but I think my tale has just begun." Shadow said. Suddenly a loud Crack sound broke their conversation. The dummy's head rolled toward the others as Rainbow Dash walked over to them. "Whew that guy was tough, but I showed him whose boss." Rainbow Dash said "That's good, each dummy should teach you a new technique So keep going. As for you three, you should run along now, come back tomorrow and I might have something to show you." Shadow Knight said in a happy tone. "Ok, Thank you Mr. Shadow Knight." The three fillies yelled as they ran toward Ponyville. "Just when I think I have you figured out, you surprise me with another tale. Your like a library I never been in." Twilight said. "Ms. Sparkle you don't even know the half of it." Shadow said with a smirk. Rainbow was then, knock back at their direction. She skidded until she was in between Twilight and Shadow. "Ow." Rainbow said. "What happened?" Shadow asked. "I tried moving on to the next opponent." Rainbow said while pointing to a huge dummy about the size of a house. "I'm not surprised you got such a hit. Even I got knock around on my first go." Shadow said. "Yeah, yeah, what is it trying to teach me?" Rainbow said. "It's trying to teach you to be careful and try to find a weakness in its defenses." Shadow said. Rainbow didn't say another word just got back up and kept trying. "What's this?" Twilight said. Twilight was levitating the book Shadow had. "Umm. That's my Book from my knight boot camp." Shadow said. "Wow it's really big and old." Twilight said while staring it just itching to read it. Shadow saw this and knew she loved to read. Unforntantely, part of him is hesitating. He finally decide and said, "You can borrow it if you want, just make sure you bring it back." "Really? Oh thank you!" Twilight said while hugging him. "Your welcome, oh and don't let anyone less see its contents. These are knight secrets, if the wrong pony got their hooves on this book. I'm afraid what might happen." Shadow said. "Your secrets are safe with me." Twilight reassured him. They both smiled and watched Rainbow Dash train. It was almost dusk when training was over for Rainbow. "Alright you did great work. Your ready for the next level of being a Dame. Be here tomorrow same time." Shadow said in a professional tone. "Sir, yes sir!" Rainbow said. "And be sure to keep that sword in good concession." Shadow added before dismissing Rainbow, til the morrow. Shadow was just finished unpack the last of his boxes, when he found a picture in a frame that was detailed with an Alicorn on both sides. The picture was of his friends and famliy, when he was just a little colt. His coat was white and he had sky blue eyes, just like his father. His mother was a unicorn that had a dark grey coat, orange mane and eyes. Standing next to him was his friends, the green pegasus with yellow eyes was Dragon Dame and The black earth pony was Black Iron, who looked like a young Macintosh. Shadow smiled and placed the photo on the mantle above his fire place. "It's hard to believe that my old home would still be standing." Shadow thought to himself. "Even though the times have changed. The friendly atmosphere of this town never dies. All the turmoil, the suffering, and the pain of my Knighthood seem to last as well. Luckily I had these memories to keep me going." Shadow, then headed to his master bedroom to get some sleep. > Chapter 3: The Unexpected Journey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the middle of the night Shadow was awoken by scream. He sprang from his warm bed grabbed a sword and ran into its direction. The scream was coming from the Everfree Forest. Twilight was at the entrance, "What's going on I heard screaming?" Shadow said. "It's Rarity, she was looking for her cat when she was ambushed by Timberwolves." Twilight said nervously. "Stay here, if I don't come back. Get help." Shadow commanded. Twilight nodded in agreement. Shadow rushed into the forest, dodging logs and rocks along the way. He slowed his sprint down to a creep as he came upon tracks. He followed them to where Rarity was tied up in vines and gadded. "Oh good you found them." a voice said behind Shadow. He turned to see Twilight crouching next to him. "What are you doing?" "Hey I couldn't stand there waiting on you." Twilight said. Shadow gave her the "Be quite" sign. Suddenly a bigger Timberwolf appeared, he had a scar over his eye and sharp claws. "Well, if it isn't Oakwolf." Shadow whispered. "Who?" "Oakwolf, he travels through these forests to find new prey. Testing each towns weaknesses." Twilight shuttered at this. Oakwolf, stared down Rarity and licked her face. Rarity grunted in disgusted, Oakwolf then circled her a couple time then stopped. "What is he doing?" Twilight asked. "He was tasting her, now he is willing to challenge any of the smaller Timberwolves to a fight. I'm heading down there, you stay here and get help if I lose." Shadow whispered before sneaking down to surprise Oakwolf. Oakwolf stood and barked to summon a challenger. Shadow Knight appeared before him, "Is that who I think it is?" Oakwolf said in a old toned growl. "Yes, it is I Shadow Knight and I except your challenge." Shadow Knight said before throwing his sword aside. Rarity grunted as if to tell him to pick up his sword. "Alright Shadow Knight, I will oblige and approve this. Terms are the same, I win she is mine to eat. If you when, she is yours to do as you please." Oakwolf said in evil way. "Fair enough, but lets make it more interesting. Winner gets to roam this part of the Everfree near this town." Shadow said. Oakwolf chuckled and nodded. Shadow Knight and Oakwolf stared each other down for a long time. Oakwolf made the first strike, but Shadow dodged it and responded with a kick to the snout. Oakwolf howled in pain, then pounced at Shadow who performed a vertical kick to Oakwolf's ribs. A crack could be here from the impact, Oakwolf whined in more pain and was staggering to keep on his feet. Shadow rushed him and jumped on to his back, he then grabbed Oakwolf's head and snapped it off his head making it roll toward Oakwolf's pack. Shadow them snorted and yelled allowed. "Tell your kin of the day Shadow has killed your master and spread word to never tread near Ponyville again!" The Timberwolves ran and whined their way back into the deeper part of the forest. Twilight hoped down to untie Rarity, "Oh thank you Shadow Knight, If you and Twilight weren't there to save me. I could have been on the menu." Rarity said. "But of course, you and every pony in Ponyville are important to me. I may be a retired Knight, but that doesn't mean I have to stop acting like one." Shadow said with a wink. They headed for home, Shadow Knight was still carrying the head of Oakwolf. "I knew you were supposed to be strong, but I hand no idea." Twilight said. "As you do more and more missions and operations. It beings to rip and tear your muscles, and as you rest they heal. This process of reforging your body makes you stronger. But the thing that make knights, knights is their courage. Not to end a life, but in hopes of sparing one." Shadow said in his mysteriously mystic voice. "Well, said Shadow Knight." Twilight said approvingly. Once home Shadow Knight fashioned Oakwolf's head and mounted it above his fire place. Morning had come again, and Rainbow was at it again with her sword training. Shadow Knight waited and monitored her movements. Once Rainbow had finished Shadow Knight waved to summon her over to his position. "You have done well Squire Rainbow Dash, but now we need to put you to a real test. You going to come at me with all you got, and don't you dare hold back." Shadow said. Rainbow as confident as ever drew her blade. They faced each other and stared one another down, Rainbow was the first to strike. Shadow dodged and countered with a sweep to her back legs. Rainbow fell and Shadow was about to attack again, but Rainbow recovered and blocked Shadow's stomp. Rainbow pushed him off and flew into the air, "There you go, show me your skill of flight!" Shadow yelled. Rainbow accepted the call of a challenge and swooped down with her sword at the ready. Shadow leaped in to the air, and kicked her in the face. Causing her to spiral down and crash. When the smoke cleared, Rainbow was still standing. Shadow smirked and said, " I know your holding back something, you might as well use it." He then ran into a field and stood there waiting, Rainbow flew up as high as she needed to and began speedy descent. With her sword still drawn and descending faster. She then yelled, "Rainboom Air Strike!" Shadow drew his sword and blocked her attack. Unforntantely, their was an after shock of rainbow color waves. Once over they both stood in a crater as big as a lake. Shadow was stunned at first and then smiled again, "Nice work Squire Rainbow Dash. That attack almost had me. I think your ready for the armor training." "Yes! Alright!" Rainbow Dash said. "Clam down, lets go inside. I have food and drink prepared for us." Shadow Knight said. "Good, because Im starving." Rainbow said. Meanwhile three fillies were trotting their way to Shadow's house. "Come on guys hurry up." Scootaloo said excitedly. "We are. Hold up." Applebloom said while still trying to keep up with Scootaloo. "Almost there." Sweetie Belle said. They reached the door of the mansion and just in time to welcome back Shadow Knight and Raindow Dash. "Well, if it isn't the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Shadow Knight said with a smile. "Mr. Shadow Knight! Do you have a story for us today." Applebloom asked. "No, but I do have a present for all three of you." Shadow Knight said while entering the mansion. "Awesome!" All three fillies shouted at once before dashing inside. Shadow Knight opened a small box and retrieved items. "I have a charm for each of you. Applebloom you get the charm of luck." he said before giving her a with gold chain and a gem in the shape of an apple. "Thank you so much Mr. Shadow Knight I know my family needs all the luck we can get." Applebloom said. "For you Scootaloo, the charm of speed. This charm will increase your speed and your agility." Shadow said before giving her a sliver chained charm with a white lighting bolt shaped gem. "Awesome, now I can live up to my hero Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo said with a smile. "And for you Sweetie Belle, the charm of knowledge." Shadow said, then gave her the bronze chain with a purple gem that was in the shape of a star. "Thank you. Now I can do better in school." "Thank you Mr. Shadow Knight!" The three fillies said before running out the door. "Your welcome!" Shadow Knight yelled. "Boy you sure do have a lot of stuff laying around." Rainbow said before stuffing herself with a daffodil sandwich. "Well, I've been to a lot of places as a knight, ponies give me things that I don't really need. I keep telling them that a knight's only reward is that everyone is ok at the end of the mission." Shadow Knight said. "Wow, modest aren't we?" Rainbow Dash said. "Yep, now eat up because once your done here you'll need meet me again tomorrow, at a night." Shadow knight said "Why night?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Because I have to go get you armor I ordered yesterday. It's all the way in the Smokey Mountain, I have asked Twilight and Fluttershy to join me." Shadow said. "Fluttershy? Why her?" Rainbow asked. "Because she is good with animals. Besides a new dame is never to see her armor til it is brought to her by her trainer and two close friends." Shadow Knight said. "Alright then see you tomorrow night." Rainbow said before dashing off. Later that day, Twilight and Fluttershy met at Shadow's house to talk about their plans. "So Shadow Knight how are we going to get there and back exactly?" Twilight asked. "We'll walk there on hoof all the way to this halfway point. I called in a specialist on this armor. It's going to be light weight and very aerodynamic." Shadow Knight said. "But that's a long walk to there a-and there are creatures and monsters lurking about." Fluttershy said with a winy tone. "It's ok. You handle the animals I'll handle the monsters." Shadow Knight said. "Besides, the way we are going we will be in and out in no time." He added. "So we are leaving tomorrow at dawn?" Twilight asked. "Yes. See you then." Shadow Knight said. "Well if you don't mind I like to come back with your book. I want to ask you a couple of things." Twilight added. "No problem see you when you get back." Shadow Knight said before heading into a closet. "See you then." Twilight replied. It was dusk when Twilight arrived. "Ahh. Their you are, I was wondering when you show up?" Shadow said. "It's the perfect time for what I have to say." Twilight said. "While reading your book I found some spells that you normally don't find in other spell books; and I was wondering is it ok if I learn said spells?" Twilight added with a smiley squeak. Shadow Knight got close to Twilight and said, "Yes, but you are going to have to go under my wing for me to approve. Like I said before these are knight secrets. I'm also glad you came to me when you saw those spells before performing them. The last unicorn, was turned into ashes when he stole the book." "A safety protocol?" Twilight asked. "Yes a protection spell by Star Swirl the Breaded himself." Shadow replied. "When we get back from Smokey Mountains, we start Monday morning." "Understood." Twilight said. "Now get some rest. Good night Squire Twilight Sparkle." Shadow said. "Good night Sir Shadow Knight." Twilight said. > Chapter 4: The Mountain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn was here and Shadow Knight was waiting on Twilight and Fluttershy. He stood their planning ahead, on their journey to The Smokey Mountian. "Excuse me Sir?" A voice said behind him. He turned to see a well groom mare with musical symbol as a cutie mark, and was also wearing a bow tie. "Yes madam?" Shadow replied. "Are you the knight that every pony is talking about?" The mare asked in a mellow tone. "Yes, but I'm retired from that line of work. Although I do help ponies out when I can." Shadow answered. "Really? I bet you were the top of your class. Any whom, I was just wondering if you like classic music?" The mare asked. "Oh yes, It's been a good while and I would love to hear a good cello." Shadow said with a slit of excitement. "Your in luck I happen to be Octavia the cello player. Maybe you can come hear me sometime. I usually play in a gazebo not far from here." Octavia said. "I'll be sure to do that when I get back." Shadow said. "Where are you going may I ask?" Octavia asked. "To The Smoky Mountains, I need to meet someone their." Shadow said. "Due be careful, I heard a lot of rumors that its pretty dangerous." Octavia said with concern. "I will, and it was nice meeting you Octavia." Shadow said. "Same to you Sir Knight." Octavia said before trotting off to her next location. After a good five minutes, Shadow saw Twilight dragging Fluttershy along with her. "I see why it took you so long." Shadow said. "We're sorry, Fluttershy is still insecure about all of this." Twilight said. " It's all right, here let me talk to her." Shadow said while walking over to the crouching Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, it's going to be all right. You have me and Twilight here to protect you long the way. I promise to you as a retired knight. I will protect both of you with all my might." Shadow said. "R-r-really?" Fluttershy said. " A knight is honor bound by his word. If I broke such a promise I would be haunted by it." Shadow said with a soothing voice. Fluttershy became more confident and said. "Ok, lets do this." Both Shadow Knight and Twilight smiled. They began walking from the train station and never looked back. They walked many miles, along side the railroad tracks that seem to never end. They didn't meet any monsters, but a lot of animals that were small. They came to comfort Fluttershy. "Thank you my little friends, I really needed that." Fluttershy said while hugging a raccoon. They continued on ward til they met a stallion with a wagon. He had glasses, a weird hat and a long bradded ponytail for his mane. "Hello travelers. Would you care to look at some of my wears?" The stallion asked. "But of course, we been walking awhile and I'm sure my friends would like a drink." Shadow said. A drink sounded good to both Twilight and Fluttershy. "Ahh, but of course. I have plenty of water for one bit." The stallion said. Shadow gave him three bits, the merchant returned with three water canteens. "If you don't mind me asking is one of you a knight." The merchant asked. "Yes, but I'm retired." Shadow said with a blunt tone. "Ha! Retired or not a knight is a knight. I have something for you." The merchant pony said while reaching into his wagon. He came back with a sword, it was curved a little bit and was in a sheath. "I already have a sword." Shadow said pointing to his blade sheathed and attached to his body. "Ah yes, but this comes from a friend you know very well. She sent me on this trip to find you Shadow Knight." The merchant said. "Who sent you I demand answers!" Shadow angrily shouted. "Easy! Easy! It was my superior, Madam Moon Blade." The merchant said trying to clam the easily angered stallion. Shadow's expression changed, and he said. "Moon Blade?.......She still remembers me?" Shadow asked "Yes she always talk about the knight who saved her from the deadly claws of Lao Shen Lung." The merchant added. "The biggest dragon in history? Isn't he a myth?" Twilight asked. "No....he is very real. He blocked out the sun with his size causing my village to be in eternal darkness. He demanded that he be the new ruler of the land. When he didn't get what he wanted stole Madam Moon Blade from us. Shadow Knight recused her and....waited til the other Knights defeated him and drove him to a dark abyss. In those moments they became....close. But he had to go back to Cantorlot...against his will." The merchant said in a sad, but clam voice. "She still wishes to see you. If you can." The merchant added. Shadow sighed and said, "I can not. Not now, I have some thing to take care of first. But here," Shadow gave the merchant a rose. "Tell her as long as this rose is well, I will return to her." The merchant gave him the sword, bowed and moved down the opposite direction. Shadow, Twilight, and Fluttershy kept on their journey. They traveled on through a group of trees til they reached the bottom of the mountain. "There is a trail that leads us to The Smith's location. Come on we need to hurry." "Can't we stop for a moment to rest my hooves are killing me." Fluttershy said. "Alright, besides I think we could all rest for a moment." Shadow sat with Twilight and Fluttershy. "Shadow Knight?" Twilight asked. "Yes, Squire Sparkles?" Shadow replied. "What is it like to be....in love?" Twilight asked again as if she was only a filly. Shadow was stunned at first, but smiled and said. "It's confusing at first, but then when you find that one pony that changes your life. It all become clear. It's some kind of magic, that not even the highest level of unicorns can't perfect." Shadow said in his trade mark mystic tone. "Sounds amazing..." Twilight said day dreaming. Shadow looked at the sun it was getting lower and is almost setting. After a good long two minutes, the three ponies proceeded on up the mountain. They jumped over gorges and kept close to the edge. "How much farther?" Twilight asked. "Just past this...boulder." Shadow said in a annoyed tone. A big boulder was block the path, and all three ponies moaned in agony. "Stand back." Shadow said. He approached the boulder and examined it. He then buck the boulder off the edge causing it to roll pass a group walking by. "Sorry! Is every pony all right?" Shadow asked. "Yeah, we're ok." The mare yelled back. "Remind me to think of a better idea next time." Shadow said to Twilight. "Noted." Twilight said while giggling at his embarrassment. They finally reached a door with a sign out front. "Gorgon's Forge. Where armor and weapons are our specialty." Twilight read a loud. Shadow knock on the door. "One moment!!!" A bark rang out from the door. The door opened and out popped a small pony with a full beard and a helmet. "Awe so cute." Fluttershy said with a grin. "Missy I'm as about as cute as a Diamond Dog's mother." The small stallion barked. "Clam down Gorgon, she didn't know any better besides you scared her." Shadow said while looking at the shaking pegasus. "I'm sorry, I just get tired of every pony thinking I'm adorable because of me height. I didn't mean to scare ya." The stallion said in a softer tone. "I-I-it's alright." Fluttershy said. "Hey your a miniature pony." Twilight said without thinking. Gorgon gave her an angry look, "Easy Gorgon, she just excited to see you, she has read a lot about how great your kin's smithing abilities are." Shadow said trying to save Twilight. "Well, I'm glad to meet some pony who enjoys my kin's work. You look more like book worm than a blacksmith lass." "That's right, I'm a librarian down at Ponyville." Twilight added. "Ponyville? Is that we're your staying this days Shadow Knight?" Gorgon asked. "Yep and I have to say. It's quite a town they have. Needs a good blacksmith though." Shadow said. "Really?" Gorgon said. "Oh yes, the kid doesn't even know a horse shoe from a harness." Shadow added. Both Gorgon and Shadow laugh heartily. "If you come inside I have that armor ready for ya." Gorgon said while propping the door open. The three walked in to see a beautiful site. A river of gold running down the walls of the room and jewels dotting the ceiling. "Oh Rarity is going to flip about this. She will be begging you to take her here." Twilight said. "You can tell her about the journey, but the contents inside here belongs to Gorgon. He inherited it from his kind long ago." Shadow added. "Ok, skip the jewels and gold." Twilight said. Gorgon lead them to where an mannequin was wearing Rainbow Dash's armor. The light of the forge an astonishing after glow. "Gorgon you have done it agian." Shadow said. "Aguh! Don't mention it you always helped me out back in the wars between us and them no good, diamond scrapers." Gorgon said. Twilight was looking around at all the old artifacts and weapons. "Hey lass! You looking for something?" Gorgon asked. "Oh no, just admiring your artifacts." Twilight said. "You got a weird bunch here Shadow. A shy pegasus, and a unicorn book worm. Don't tell me one of this lasses is your student." "Well, Fluttershy isn't and Twilight is about to be. My other student is back at Ponyville awaiting her new armor." Shadow replied. "Eey. A new dame in this world. It's been a while since the knights are all but gone." Gorgon said. "Yes, but I'm hoping to change that, if the princess will let me." Shadow added. "Hey, she will, with her sister back and all the villains laid to rest who's to stop it." Gorgon added. Shadow nodded and smiled at the idea. They left with Rainbow's Armor and said their goodbyes. "Gorgon is a nice fellow once you get to know him." Twilight said. "Yeah, but we better hurry." Shadow said while speeding up with the wagon. The three ponies rushed down the mountain and back beside the tracks again. They trotted quick back to Ponyville, suddenly a large figure appeared before them. It was a Lupus Minor on its own. "Stay behind me." Shadow said. The Lupus Minor didn't snap or growl, but laid it's head down as if to surrender itself. "What is it doing?" Twilight asked. "I don't know." Shadow replied. Shadow walked up slowly to the beast, it wined as they got close and began to crouch down more. "It's ok, big guy." Shadow said, but it just made it worst. "Fluttershy you think you can help our friend?" Shadow asked "I think so." Fluttershy said while walking over to the Lupus. "Hey big guy are you lost?" Fluttershy said sweetly. The beast replied with a head nodded and a whine. "Awe poor thing, you can follow me back home if you like." Fluttershy said. The Lupus Minor wagged it's tail and barked happily at Fluttershy. With Lupus in company all four travelers finally made it to Ponyville without any scratches or bruises. Fluttershy walked home with her new friend, while Shadow and Twilight walked to Shadow's house. They found Rainbow Dash sleeping in a tree next to the house. "Squire Rainbow?" Shadow called out, causing Rainbow to fall out and hit her head. "Ow!" Rainbow yelled out. "I can see you really do need this armor." Shadow said. Twilight giggled, "Oh man I can't wait to try it on." Rainbow said while springing up. "Not now, silly. You'll have to wait til next dawn. We all need our rest." Shadow said while pushing the crate with Rainbow's armor into the house. "Augh!" Rainbow moaned in disappointment. "Goodnight you two." Shadow added before closing the door. Shadow placed the crate in his basement in a large vault. He closed the door and walked back upstairs. He got ready for bed and walk into his bedroom were he laid down began of dreaming of his adventures with his friends from the long ago. Suddenly those dreams began nightmares, all of his friend were dying and he couldn't do anything. "No! Stop! I'll kill you. You ugly freaks!!" Shadow yelled in his nightmare. "Shadow Knight!" A voice said behind him. It was Princess Luna, she heard his screams and came to his aid. "You tried your best let go of your past. You avenged them in combat. You don't have to keep beating yourself up." Princess Luna then shoved the nightmare away as if it was dust. "I know, but it still haunts me." Shadow added while hanging his head low. "Shadow Knight. When I was Nightmare Moon I did many horrible things and they still haunt me to this day. But I learned to live with it. Besides the power you earned will help you later on. Remember, you have two students to teach." Princess Luna said before leaving. Shadow Knight woke up and looked around. He was confused at first, but remember. He whipped the tears from his eyes and fell back to sleep. Princess Luna was standing next to his bed and tucked him in as if he was her child. Then disappeared into the night. > Chapter 5: Relax and Enjoy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun had risen and light was shining through Shadow's window. He got out of bed groggy and tired. He managed to brew himself some coffee, and cook some breakfast. With morning routines out of the way, Shadow decided to seek some tension relief. As he walked into town every pony he walked past look on and stared. Every pony knew he was a war hero and some even came up to talk to him. As he bummed into more ponies, he began asking around for a relaxing treatment. None if the ponies he ran into seemed to know or have time to help the poor stallion. When suddenly he heard a voice from above say, "Look out below!" Shadow looked up to see a grey blur heading his way. With cat like reflexes, he caught the blur. The blur turned out to be a grey, cross eyed, pegasus, mare. "Thank you mister. I was almost a goner." The mare said. "You should be more careful when flying." Shadow said. "Yeah, hey your that knight every pony is talking about, by the way my name is Derpy Hooves." Derpy said. "Shadow Knight, umm you won't happen to know where I could relax and loosen the old muscles?" Shadow said with a yawn. "I'm I do, but I don't remember the name. Luckily I might know some pony who does. She goes by the name Raredy?" "Rarity?" Shadow corrected her. "Yeah, she is kind of a fancy talker. I hope that helps." Derpy said before zooming off. "Awe nuts! I forgot to asked where she is. Twilight might know." Shadow said while trotting off. Meanwhile at Cantorlot Castle, Luna had just finished her shift. "How was your night my sister?" A familiar voice said. It was Celestia the ruler of Equestria and master of the sun. "As beautiful as ever, but I had a nightmare call in Ponyville." Luna replied.with a sigh. "Really? From whom?" Celestia asked. "Shadow Knight..." Luna said. "Oh the poor dear, he has been through so much, I wish there was a way for us to undo it all." Celestia said. "I think he has already found the solution my dear sister." Luna said. Celestia cocked her head to the sided a bit. "Your faithful students and her friends; have been companying him ever since he moved in." Luna added. "Aw yes, I remember now. Twilight sent me a letter about it a week ago." Celestia said while think about the letter. "I also have, some new information; Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle have decided to learn from Shadow Knight. To better themselves when and if things get crazy." Luna said. Celestia gave a surprised look and said, "Rainbow was an easy guess, but Twilight? Their must be an explanation?" "She probably wanted to better with her magic, you forget there were unicorn knights." Luna said. They both began to ponder again as Celestia took over the day shift. Meanwhile back at Ponyville, Shadow had just arrived at the Library and knock on the door. The door opened and out popped Spike, "Oh hey Shadow Knight, come on in." Spike said while opening the door. "Thank you Spike is Twilight here?" Shadow asked. "No she went to out scavenging for some ingredients for a potion of some sort. What did you need?" Spike asked. "Rarity's location." Shadow asked. "Well, I know she is working at her boutique. It's not far from here." Spike said while pulling out a map. "Just take a right here, a left here and another left here." Spiked said while pointing to landmarks and turning points. "Thank you Spike, be sure to tell Twilight I said Hi." Shadow said before leaving. "Will do." Spike said before closing the door. Following Spike's exact directions, Shadow ended up a the Carousal Boutique. Shadow walked in and heard a bell behind him as the door closed. "Welcome to the Carousal Boutique..., Oh it's you Shadow Knight how may I be of help to you." Rarity asked. " I need a good way to loosen this old muscles, I've been under a lot of tension this morning." Shadow said with a grunt. "Oh you poor thing, I know a place that Fluttershy and I go to for a girls day. Unfortunately she had to take care if a Lupus related matter, but you and I can go." Rarity said. "That would be nice if your not to busy I mean." Shadow added. "But of course, it's break time for me any ways." Rarity said while grabbing a couple of things. Shadow and Rarity then left the boutique to walk to this place Rarity was speaking of. "So how's life in the mansion on the countryside?" Rarity asked "It's great, nice and quite. I'm just glad to get a break before Rainbow's next training section." Shadow replied. "Oh I know Rainbow is a bit overpowering, but she enjoys herself. She doesn't stop practicing with that blade of hers and absolutely adores you." Rarity said. "Adores me?" Shadow questioned, "Oh yes, she doesn't admit it. We all know she has some type of admiration for you. We are not sure if its a crush or a respect type of admiration." Rarity replied. "I'm sure it's a respect thing. I mean she is cute and all, but I already have another awaiting for me." Shadow said. "Really? A mistress awaiting the return of her heroic knight. I swear your something out of a romance novel. Oh I also heard that Twilight is joining in?" Rarity asked. "Well, Im teaching her how to use some of the spells out of a book I let her borrow. She is just going to be my mage student. Besides she doesn't need to be a knight from the stories I've heard about you six." Shadow said. "Oh yes, Twilight is a very powerful unicorn in my opinion. If she learns spells from old knight times. Reaching the next level is within her grasp." Rarity said. "Well, here we are The Ponyville Day Spa." Rarity said with excitement. They entered the waiting room, it was filled with soothing music and relaxing smells. "Oh, even the waiting room makes you relax." Rarity said with a soothed voice. "Hello and Welcome, Oh it's you Miss Rarity. Is it just you today?" A light blue earth pony asked. "No I brought another friend with me. Lotus this is Sir Shadow Knight." Rarity announced. "Pleasure to meet you." Shadow said trying to bow, but his pain caused him to stop. "Oh my! You poor thing ! We need to get you through the special treatment." Rarity said. Lotus nodded in agreement and wrote something down on her clipboard. "The usual for you Miss Rarity?" asked Lotus."Oh yes please." Rarity said in a dramatic voice. Lotus wrote something else down and then jumped down from her stool. She opened the door to another room and said "Right this way. Sir Shadow Knight, you'll go left and Miss Rarity must go right. You two will meet in the middle. Ok have a relaxing time." "See you in the middle." Rarity said before heading right. Shadow went left, he was greeted by another pink earth pony. "Right this way Sir Shadow Knight." The earth pony said while pointing to a door labeled Knight's Spa. Shadow walked in to see a message table, a steam room, and tub of some sort. "Sir Shadow Knight, My name is Aloe and I will be taking care of you today." Aloe said in a professional tone. "So what are we starting with?" Shadow asked. "We are to start you off with a nice message alright?" Aloe said with a sweet tone. "Ok then." Shadow said while laying down on the table. Aloe spread some oil on Shadow's back, then processed with the message. "Oh my." Aloe said. "Is there something wrong?" Shadow asked. "No....it's just I never met a pony with such defined muscles. They're so firm and big." Aloe said in amazement. Shadow smiled, but didn't reply. She keep rubbing and messaging his back. Shadow felt as if he was in heaven. "So how is life as a retired knight?" Aloe asked. "Peaceful, and quite. Until trouble finds you." Shadow answered. "I see why your so tense. Knots all over this beautiful body of yours." Aloe said in a flirty tone. She stopped and said "Ok, next is the steam room. Put this towel on and there should be some coals in there to keep the heat going." Aloe said while giving him a towel. Shadow wrapped his body with the towel and walked into the steam room. The room was small and quant, there was a coal pit in the middle causing steam to fill the room Shadow sat down and relaxed. Ever so often he would put coal on the pit. Aloe couldn't help, but to watch as Shadow began to sweat more and more. Causing his body to shine, he look peaceful and relaxed. "By Celestia, where have you been all my life?" Aloe though to herself. Time was up and Shadow walked out sweaty and relaxed. "Lastly we are going to let you soak in a mineral bath, cause the wrinkles to disappear." Aloe said. "Like I need it." Shadow said with a chuckle. He slowly sank into the tub and let the minerals soak in. Aloe took a bucket filled it with the water from the tub and pored it on Shadow slowly. She repeated the action, til it was the end of the treatment. Shadow climbed out and towel off. Aloe was in a daze and was staring at Shadow's body. She sighed and just stared. "Umm are you alright?" Shadow asked. Aloe snapped back out and blushed. "Yes sorry you just look so health now." She said trying to make him not think she was interested in him. "Well I have to say my body doesn't hurt any more. Thank you." Shadow said then lifted her hoof and kissed it. Causing Aloe to get weak, and shake a bit. "Pleasure is a-all mine." Aloe replied with a shaky voice. Shadow walked out to see Rarity in a mud mask and in a mud bath. Rarity waved Shadow over to her direction. Shadow walked over and slipped into the bath next to her. "So how was your treatment?" Rarity asked. "Relaxing." Shadow said. "I knew you would just love it." Rarity replied. "Any who, what is the rest of your day going to be like?" Rarity asked. "I'm going to see Octavia play at the gazebo." Shadow said. "Ooh what fun, I wish I could join you, but my boutique calls to me. Besides I have to get ready for tomorrow." Rarity said. "Tomorrow?" Shadow questioned. "Tomorrow is Nightmare Night and this year is going to be a smashing good time with Vinyl Scratch playing DJ. With games and all sorts of fun. Best part is dressing up in a costume." Rarity said rapidly. She then realized something, "Do you have a costume?" She asked Shadow. "Well no, but I could put my armor on and just go as a knight." Shadow said with a smile. "Hmm, I guess so. I'll have to see it first." Rarity said. "But of course. Meet me at my house when you can, deal?" Shadow asked. "Deal." Rarity said. They both hopped out of their mud bathes and washed off the mud. Aloe of course was watching Shadow with admiring eyes. Lotus noticed this and nudged Aloe playfully. Aloe blushed and frowned at Lotus, who was giggling. They paid the Spa ponies and left the Day Spa. "I'll see you tonight." Rarity said. "See ya Rarity" Shadow said before trotting off. He walked around a bit and heard Octavia's cello from a distance. She played a mellow, but fast song composed by some of the greatest of the great. Shadow finally saw her through the crowd that formed around her. Some ponies left tips in a jar on the first step. Shadow was watching the tip jar now, seeing if some pony would swap it. Just as he suspected a shifty pony tried to swap the jar. "Hail!" Shadow yelled. "Take that jar and I'll snap your hoof backwards." "Oh yea, and I say your bluffing." The raggedy pony said. Shadow grabbed him and began twisting the pony's leg. "Augh! Ok ok! I'll leave it alone." The rough pony said while crying in pain. Some guards came by and arrested the thief. "Hey I know you. Your Shadow Knight." The one guard said. "Yes and it sickens me to see such trash rolling into town." Shadow said with a angry town. "Yea me too. Hey thanks for the help." The one guard said before departing. "Oh thank you Shadow Knight. If it wasn't for you I think I would go hungry to night." Octavia said. "But of course, I will always help ponies in need." Shadow said. "You looked so relaxed, til he showed up." Octavia said. "Yeah, I just go a spa treatment and everything. Funny how one thief can change that." Shadow said. "Well, let me help you by playing a soothing song." Octavia said. She then began playing a slow and mellow tune. The crowd hummed the notes along with her. Shadow began to relax again, he then joined in on the humming. After the song was over, Shadow tipped Octavia and went on his merry way. He decided to stop by Sugar-cube corner for a treat. He opened the door to see the Cakes working hard to catch up on orders. They handed the orders to Pinkie Pie, who speed back and forth to deliver them. Once the orders were filled, Shadow politely walked up to the counter and looked at the selection. "Hello there sir, how may I help you?" Mr. Cake asked. "Um yes, I'd just like a cupcake to go please." Shadow said. "You got it. Cupcake over here!" Mr. Cake announced. Pinkie pie then sped in with the cupcake. " Here you go..SHADOW KNIGHT!" Pinkie Pie yelled. "Wait this is the knight that you were talking about?" Mr.Cake asked. "Yep, isn't he coolio?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Well, then mister war hero first one is free." Mr.Cake said with a cheer. "Why thank you. You didn't have to do that." Shadow said. "Nonsense! You did more than enough for Equestria." Pinkie Pie said. Shadow smiled and took the cupcake with him. "Bye, come again soon!" The Cakes yelled. Shadow waved back at them. Shadow found a quite spot and began eating the cupcake. It was sweet and delicious. It had a honey center in it, which made it all the better. He threw the bag away and began trotting back home. He then began whistling a knightly tone. Suddenly something jumped him causing him to fall on his back. Then a long slimy tongue licked his face, "Starry! No! I'm sorry Shadow Knight." Fluttershy said while pulling the big Lupus minor off of Shadow Knight. "It's alright, Fluttershy. This big old ox isn't gonna hurt me." Shadow said while petting Starry's head. "I'm guessing you gave him that name because his a Lupus?" "Umm, yeah. It just seem to fit him greatly." Fluttershy said. "Just be sure to keep it on a leash or something. To keep it off of ponies." Shadow added before walk away. "Ok, bye Shadow Knight!" Fluttershy said. "Goodbye." Shadow Knight added. When Shadow finally arrived at his house, Rarity was there on the front porch waiting for him. "Shadow Knight. Could you hurry it's really cold." Rarity pleaded. Shadow rushed to open the door. Rarity rushed in and Shadow quickly closed the door. "Thank you. Now about this armor of yours?" Rarity questioned. "It's. over there." Shadow said while pointing to a mannequin in the living room. Rarity walked over to it and saw the armor. It was jet black, with crimson red details. "Well, it's very scary, I'll give you that. Maybe too scary?" Rarity said. "What do you suggest?" Shadow asked. "Well, I brought some outfits for you to try." Rarity said while handing Shadow three bags. "Due hurry and try them on, I have to be back to tuck in Sweetie Belle." Rarity said. "Of course." Shadow said and rushed into another room to change. The first outfits was a pirate with eye patch, a beard and a fake parrot. "Hmmm, Not feeling it." Rarity said. "Me neither." Shadow agreed. The second was a salsa dancer with some maracas. "Close, but not what suits you." Rarity said. "Maybe I could were this when I get invited to a salsa dance party." Shadow said with a Spanish accent, Rarity giggled at his impersonation. The last outfit was a masked hero with with a cape, and all black spandex. He wore a hat and carried a Spanish sword. "What do you think señorita?" Shadow said in his Spanish accent. "I love it! It's perfect for you." Rarity said in a giddy voice. "Well, I better get going Sweetie Belle is probably ready to argue with me on bedtimes. Ta Ta for now." "Adios! Señorita!" Shadow said. Rarity giggled again. Shadow put the costume back in its bag and put it in his closet. He then began his nightly routines and headed for bed. He began dreaming again, but of his new friends he made in Ponyville. He began to actual have fun for once. Not even a nightmare could stop this one. As Shadow enjoyed himself, Luna watched him closely. She finally walked over to Shadow and said, "Having fun?" Shadow turned and said, "Princess Luna. I'm glad to see you." Shadow said with a smile. "Same to you and to see your smile again." Luna replied. "I can't wait for your arrival in Ponyville Tomorrow night." Shadow said. "Oh yes the holiday that I will enjoy the most. Dress in something nice would you?" Princess Luna said. "Taken care of. "He stomped and the masked hero appeared. "Wonderful, it suits you well." Princess Luna said. "See you tomorrow Shadow there is another nightmare I must take care of." "Ok, good luck." Shadow said and returned to his happy dream. > Chapter 6: Nightmare Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow was up as usual preparing his morning coffee. He had leftovers for breakfast and was out the door. He bumped into Rainbow and Twilight awake and ready for training. "Hello girls, Rainbow I need you to close your eyes. Twilight if you please guide her, we can reveal the armor to her." Shadow said before sipping the last of his coffee. "Oh boy this is so exciting!" Rainbow said with her eyes closed. "I know right? Alright Rainbow follow the sound of my voice." Twilight said. Shadow let them in and guided both Twilight and Rainbow Dash to the living room. "Ok almost there." Twilight said. "Ok Rainbow open your eyes." Shadow said. Rainbow opened her eye to pegasus armor, it was shiny, and angel like. The flank part of the armor had her cutie mark imbedded in it. Rainbow gasped and began to shake, "This.....is......so.....Awesome!" Rainbow said with excitement. "I knew you would love it." Shadow said. "Can I put it on?" Rainbow asked. "Of course your going to be wearing it, til you get use to its weight." Shadow said. Rainbow took each piece and strapped it on. Each piece felt a little heavy, but nothing she couldn't handle. She put the helm on and it slipped on perfectly. Once the armor was on she looked at her self in the mirror. "I hate to say this, but this cooler than the Wonderbolts' uniform." Rainbow said. "I have to ask are you going to wear your armor tonight?" Shadow looked at his black and crimson armor, it called to him as if to say. 'Just once more? For old time sake?' "I'm afraid not this year, I don't want to scare the little ones. Besides I already have a costume." Shadow said with a sly smile. "Thats great!" Twilight said. "Yes, but we better get going I know we don't have all the time in the world." Shadow said. Rainbow went outside to practice her sword skills. Twilight on the other hoof had to sit with Shadow. "Alright the first rule of magic is control correct?" Shadow asked Twilight. "That's correct." Twilight replied. "Good, now I need you to study the first spell, with it you will be able to form a dagger. The key to this is to concentrate, have control, and use your imagination. Every unicorns magic blade is never the same." Shadow said. Twilight began studying the words, she looked up to notify Shadow she was ready. "Alright now I have a cutting board and a tomato, I want you to form your dagger and begin cutting the tomato." Shadow instructed. Twilight nodded and began to concentrate. She struggle, but didn't give up. She put all her might into it, but ended up with a flower. "Odd, that's never happened before. Here let me demonstrate." Shadow said. "Wait you can use magic?" Twilight said. "Yes, but you have to promise to not tell any one of this. I obtained this gift through the stone. Not even my friends knew of this." Shadow said. "Ok, I promise." Twilight said. Shadow began concentrating, his body began to be covered in a dark mist of some sort. His eyes turned white and he formed a dagger from the darkness. It was crooked, spiky and black. It floated to the tomato and sliced a paper thin slice. The dagger disappeared and Shadow was back to normal. Twilight was amazed and freighted by this. "This is why ever pony is afraid of me, they can feel this dark power I control. But I have always found a way to use it only for good." Shadow said to the dumbfounded unicorn. "I see, and I'm glad you know how to control it and why you want me to keep this secret." Twilight said. "Yes, now your turn." Shadow said in a soft tone. Twilight shook herself back to a normal state and tried again. She concentrated, til she saw the dagger in her mind . It was more narrowed and curved. It glowed with purple magic and when it was over she sliced the tomato. "Great job. Nice and thin. Know, keep practicing til I come back ok?" Shadow said. "Ok." Twilight said while looking at the book. Shadow walked out to see Rainbow Dash still practicing. "How's the armor?" Shadow called out. "Great! It's kind of hard to fly though." Rainbow said. "That's normal, just flap your wings in place to get them use to the weight." Shadow said. Rainbow did as she was instructed and her wing felt soar, but began getting use to the weight. Shadow then walked back into check on Twilight. Shadow came to a odd site of almost all the tomatoes were sliced in to paper thin slices. "Whew. That took a lot out of me." Twilight said. "Oh your ready to move on to something a bit bigger." Shadow said while placing all the slices on a trays. Shadow then place the trays into the oven and let them bake. "Bigger how?" Twilight asked. "Your ready to form a short sword, but I think you deserve a break. Conjuring your first weapon is really stressful." Shadow said. "May I ask why you are baking the tomato slices?" Twilight questioned. "I'm make tomato chips." Shadow replied. "Homemade? That's a first." Twilight said. "Yep, keep an eye on the oven, for me please. I have to check on Rainbow Dash." Shadow said with a nervous tone. Shadow headed outside and Rainbow didn't seem to be any where insight. Then Shadow saw it in the distance, a barrier forming in the sky. Then suddenly a big blast if rainbow colored shock waves rippling the sky. "That didn't take too long." Shadow thought to himself. Rainbow then came in for a landing, to rest. "Like the air show?" Rainbow asked in her thick confidence. "I'm glad I told the smith to make your armor adaptable to sudden impacts. That performance could of ripped your armor clean off along with your coat." Shadow warned. Rainbow Dash gulped at the thought. "All right I think that enough for today, I have tomato chips baking in the oven if you like to stay for some?" Shadow afford. "Naw I need to get going a preform maintenance on my armor." Rainbow said. "Well, then you can't forget this." Shadow said while handing her a box. "This has everything you need to keep your armor in high quality. See you next time." Shadow said while heading inside. "Ok, goodbye." Rainbow replied. Shadow walk back inside to see Twilight setting the trays down to let the tomato chips cool. " You didn't have to do that." Shadow replied in modesty "I know, but I felt it I should at least help out. After all, I'm interested on how this turned out." Twilight said while smiling. After finishing the chips, Twilight left for the library to continue for daily deeds. Shadow began thinking to himself, "I've got some great students." He then continued on the rest of the day, read or simply setting up next training sections. He began thinking about tonight, how it's going to be the best time of his life. Later at dusk in Cantorlot, Luna was getting ready for her big event. She couldn't hardly wait, her smile was as big as the crescent moon. Celestia walked in to see how here sister was doing. "Ready for tonight? I hear that Ponyville is giving you a bigger welcome." Celestia said. "I was born ready and I can't believe it, this going to be better than last Nightmare Night." Luna said with glee. Celestia couldn't help but smile at her sister's happiness. "Well, I better leave you to get ready, besides this is the time of year that I do the paper work." Celestia said with a sigh. "It's alright sister, just think of it was your many ways you help Equestria." Luna said while trying to cheer here sister up. "Thank you my lovely sister, but it's time to set the sun." Celestia said with a smile. The sun has set and night was upon Ponyville, The Mane Six and Spike were dressed in their costumes. Twilight was a Mage for a fiction tale called The Unicorn, she had a velvet robe and a jewel placed under her horn. Spike was a ghost, he took a pillow case and cut eye holes out of it. Applejack was a country music singer, she was caring a banjo along with her while wearing overalls. Rarity was a lady with a powdered wig as tall as she was. Fluttershy was a tree, this was also her first time to join the girls for Nightmare Night. Spending time with Starry made her more confident at night. Pinkie Pie was a plumber, she were a red hat, a red shirt and overalls. Last, but not least; Rainbow Dash was a knight as she should be. She was wearing the armor given to her by Shadow Knight. "I can't wait to see what Shadow Knight is going to be for Nightmare Night." Rainbow Dash said with excitement. "Oh don't worry, it suits him quite well." Rarity said. "Oh do you know?" Applejack asked. "Why I picked it out for him. He absolutely great at the part." Rarity. "Please tell me it's not a gentlemen with a suit and tie?" Rainbow groaned. "Oh no, you don't think I let him run around in a perfectly good wardrobe like that?" Rarity asked. "So what is he going to be?" Spike asked. "You'll see." Rarity said. They reached the mansion with decorations all around the house. Twilight knocked on the door. The door opened and there stood Shadow Knight, in the costume he picked out from last night. "Hola, señoritas." Shadow said in a realistic Spanish accent. The group was stunted, to see such a terrific costume. "Wow! What or Who are you supposed to be?" Applejack said. "You can call me, The Masked Spanish Stallion!" Shadow Knight said while rearing upward. The light from the inside of the mansion gave Shadow's silhouette amazing effect. "Now, we go to the festival to meet the Princess. Rápido señoritas!" Shadow said with a pose. The group laughed and Twilight said, "You pull that off so well. Rarity your a genius!" "I have to agree, his could be in plays or something." Spike added. Shadow took off his hat and bowed, as the group laughed again. "Oh Shadow your full of it." Applejack said while grabbing her stomach. "Yeah, your like a one act pony, but a good one." Pinkie Pie said. They all whipped their tears and began the journey back to Ponyville for the festival. Everyone was in costumes, from mummies to common farm animals. But of course every pony stopped and stared at The Masked Spanish Staillon. "Wow, your costume is drawing a lot of attention. A lot of female attention." Fluttershy said while watching some of the mares faint at the sight of Shadow. "Still say you should of worn your armor." Rainbow Dash said. "But, what about the little ponies? They might run in terror if he had that armor on." Applejack said. "Yeah besides let's not worry about that, lets go have fun!" Spike said while running over to one of the festival games. The group spilt up to go find a game to play or food to eat. The music was jammin and every pony was rocking out to Vinyl Scratch. When suddenly the music stopped, and Vinyl turned on the mic. "Hello Ponyville! I hope every pony is having fun, cause we are about to kick things up a notch, but first let me introduce. An Alicorn that traveled the path of darkness, but returned to the light, she rules the night and rises the moon. She is the destroyer of nightmares and the reason we are all here. Give it up for Princess Llllllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnna!" The curtains drew back and smoke rolled out off the stage. A silhouette appeared it walked forward, Princess Luna had arrived. With mic wrapped in magic, she began her speech. "Hello Ponyville, I'm glad to see you all again. I know your glad to see me. I made these arrangements so that I can show you that, it's not all about the scaring, but to have fun!" The crowd cheered,as music started to play. Princess Luna walked off stage to join the other ponies in the fun and games. When she saw, Shadow Knight in his costume. She walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. "Having fun?" Luna asked loudly. "Sí, your highness. I kind of lost the others, but I'm sure we'll run into them." Shadow said with equal loudness. "I'm guessing your The Masked Spanish Stallion?" Luna question. "Right again your majesty, so how's life in Cantrolot?" Shadow asked. "Great in fact, I was hoping you stop by sometime. I'm sure Celestia would love to have a chat with you." Luna said. "I'll think about it, besides I still have two students to train." Shadow said. "I understand, well enough chatting lets hit the games." Luna said while pointing to a spider toss. "Right behind you, your highness." Both Princess Luna and Shadow Knight began enjoying themselves, with games and fun activities. Afterwards they both decided to head for the food court to recharge. They both chose the apple fritters and cola, they look at each other and laughed. While enjoying their selection, Shadow stopped eating and looked around. "Is there something wrong?" Luna asked. "I feel like I'm being watched." Shadow said. "Maybe it's the Nightmare Night Goosebumps." Luna said while making a ghostly noise. "No, it's that pony over there she was staring at me." Shadow said while looking back. Luna turned around to see a pink and light blue earth pony standing next to the funnel cake wagon. "Oh, it's Lotus and Aloe."Luna said. "The Spa ponies?" Shadow questioned. "Yes and oh, it's Aloe who is staring at you. She looks little love struck." Luna said. "Oh boy." Shadow said while rolling his eyes. "What's wrong?" Luna asked. "Well, I already promised Moonblade I return to her." "Oh I see, poor Aloe is really needs a stallion." Luna said with a sigh. Shadow looked around to see a stallion in a ninja costume. Shadow grinned as he began to scheme. "Shadow, what are you think?" Luna asked, even though she probably already knew. "I think Aloe will get a stallion." Shadow said while pointing Princess Luna to the ninja pony. "Ooh. So what's your plan?" Luna asked with a devious smile. Shadow whispered the plan into her ear. She giggled and nodded in agreement. Shadow began walking toward the stallion; as he moved Aloe couldn't help, but follow. Shadow felt her presents and walked passed the ninja stallion. He secretly weakened one of the beams on the nearest tent. As Aloe walked by, it broke causing it to fall toward Aloe. The ninja pony saw this and jumped into action and saved Aloe's life. Aloe looked into the ninja's eyes and he did the same. They both blushed and began talking. "Well done, Shadow Knight. A bit over dramatic, but effective." Luna said. "What can I say, I know how to make things happen." Shadow said. "Hey it's Shadow with Luna." a voice said behind them. It was Rarity and Twilight, "I was wondering when you guys show up? Where's the rest?" Shadow asked. "Around. So having a good time?" Rarity asked. "Oh yes we, just saw a ninja pony save Aloe from a tent beam from crushing her." Luna said. "Really? And every pony is ok?" Twilight asked. "Yes, in fact I think Aloe is going to like her new ninja friend." Shadow said with a wink. "Aww, how romantic." Rarity said. Suddenly, a scream came from the stage as black mist began pouring out. From the mist appeared King Sombra. "Cccitizensss of Ponyville, witnessss the power of true of King Sombra!" He said while crystal beings began to take shape. "How dare you ruin my holiday! What makes you think I would put up with this !" Luna yelled. King Sombra commanded his soldiers to attack, Luna summoned two blades and began shredding through them all. She reached King Sombra and attacked, but King Sombra in cased her in a crystal barrier that frozen her in place. "Princess Luna!" Shadow yelled. King Sombra turned his attention to creating more crystals. "Hey! Crystal freak!" Shadow yelled while drawing his sword. King Sombra turned to him and yelled, "Bite your tongue, you simpleton or you might regret it." He then summoned more crystal soldiers and commanded then to attack. Shadow cut through them all. He stood there and said, "Im waiting." The Crystal King became frustrated. "If it's a fight you want than you came to the right king." He said with angry. He drew his crystal sword , it was long, jagged, and black. Shadow gave him a deathly stare and charged him. Sombra swung his sword at Shadow, cause Shadow to be knocked back. King Sombra charged and was about to attack, Shadow looked around to see only Twilight and Rarity standing there. "Run!" He yelled to them. Twilight grabbed Rarity and bolted, Shadow was knocked with another blow causing him to fly back. He landed on his side with thud. "You fool, you can't save them there already mine." The evil king said, then he caused crystals to knock Twilight and Rarity back. They were knocked out and helpless, Shadow couldn't do anything. The blow from Sombra's sword made him weak. King Sombra walked toward Twilight and said, "Well well well. If it isn't Celestia's student. Twilight Sparkle, don't worry your unicorn head now. I'll just chop it off!" King Sombra said while raising his blade. He swung it down, but it never reached Twilight. Something was causing it to stop, King Sombra turned to see Shadow using his magic to hold it back. "Don't you touch her!" Shadow yelled in a demonic voice. He yanked the sword back, causing Sombra to head in the same direction. He was caught with a hoof to the face, making him fly toward the stage. Shadow was enraged and was causing the ground around him to shake as he drew more power. King Sombra was angry and surprised. "It's impossible!" King Sombra said in a shaky voice. Shadow was covered in pitch black mist and only his white eyes glowed in the darkness. King Sombra shook some courage into himself and said. "You found a second wind colt? I knew you were powerful, but this is better than I could of hoped for. Join me and we can take this town by hurricane." Shadow stared at him, and then vanished. "Ha! Coward!" King Sombra yelled. "I decline your offer" a voice said behind him, then he felt a some pony buck him. It was Shadow, he bucked Sombra again and set him flying. He vanished again, Twilight shook herself out of shock and woke up Rarity. "Rarity we need to get going and help Shadow!" Twilight said. "Yeah, we need to get the others and help Shadow." Rarity said in agreement with Twilight. They ran to find their friends. Shadow reappeared in the field he and Rainbow Dash were in. He walked toward a crater in the field and said, "You caused pain to the ponies of The Crystal Empire. You ruled with a ruthless grip and never cared about there well being." King Sombra groaned and stared at Shadow's eyes. The king's legs were broken and his armor was stripped from his body. "You may no longer rule over The Empire, but your evil deeds follow you." Shadow added as he lifted The broken king into the air. "What I don't get is why wallets into Ponyville, why capture Princess Luna, and...worst of all piss me off!" Shadow said with constricting him with darkness. King Sombra wined in pain, and said "Who are you?" Shadow looked at him and said, "Im Shadow Knight, your worst nightmare." With an angry roar and a scream came from Sombra as Shadow ripped King Sombra in two, he roared with anger again. Twilight and friends were in the distance they watched it all. The power and the rage, that was inside Shadow Knight. "Dear Celestia." Twilight said in a shaky voice. Shadow finally claimed down and began walking back to Princess Luna. Rainbow walked next to Shadow and asked, "What was that all about?" "Rainbow, Princess Luna is free and needs time to rest. Fill her in on what happened, I have someone to see." Shadow then ran to his house, while Rainbow and friends went to aid Princess Luna. > Chapter7: The Land of Dragons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last time we left your heroes. Shadow killed King Sombra and has ran off to find some pony. The Mane Six, are about to aid Princess Luna. Who is Shadow Knight looking for and is a raid on Nightmare Night just the beginning? Lets find out. It was morning, when Twilight and her friends had just arrived to aid Luna, who was lying on the ground not responding, "What are we going to do?" Pinkie Pie asked. Then Rainbow Dash thought of something, she dashed over to a herbal stand where there was some smelling salts. She took a bag and dashed back to Princess Luna she place the bag in front of her nose and opened it. It instantly woke her up, "Oh by the stars! My nose is burning!" Princess Luna shouted. She looked around only to see The Mane Six. "What happened? Where's Shadow Knight?" Luna asked. "He killed King Sombra and said he had to find some pony. Then told us to help you." Twilight said with seriousness. Luna sighed and said, "I see, Celestia is not going to be happy about this. Thankfully every pony is safe. We need to get to Cantorlot now! You Six need to stick close to me." Luna commanded. She preformed a teleportation spell that sent them into the middle of the Cantorlot Castle Throne Room. "Luna! Twilight! What is going on?" Celestia asked. "Sister! Shadow Knight has killed King Sombra and has fled to the east." Luna said. "Oh great! A body to clean. Same old Shadow Knight. Twilight, I need you to go find Shadow Knight and tell him to return to Camtorlot as soon as possible." Celestia commanded. "But how will we find him?" Applejack asked. " He is heading to where the sun sets. Dragon territory of the East, Lui Mien Yo. The City of The Moon." Celestia said. "I can send you close to its location, but after that you need to be careful, Dragons aren't as friendly as us." Luna said. "No! Me and Twilight should go. He is our teacher, Don't worry we'll find him and get him to return." Rainbow Dash said. "Very well, good luck and farewell. I'm afraid this might be bigger than all of us." Celestia said. Luna then made a circle of magic with her horn and then poked the center. A portal opened and the two ponies jumped inside. "You four stay here with me and Luna. We can protect you ,while the others return with Shadow knight." Celestia said. Rainbow and Twilight were launched on to rocks and unforgiving ground. It was hot and dry, they found themselves in The Land of Dragons. "How are we going to get to this City of The Moon?" Rainbow asked. "Well, fly up to get our bearings." Twilight suggested. Rainbow flew up and a dragon spotted her. It let out a roar and tried to attack, luckily she had her armor and sword. She flew at the dragon and sliced its right wing causing it to fall near Twilight, who was ready with a dagger. "Wait stop! Please!" The Dragon pleaded. "Why you attacked us first!" Rainbow said with her sword still drawn. "Please, I mean you no harm, can't you let an old dragon be left alone." The dragon cried. "Alright fine, but we need directions to The City of the Moon." Twilight said in authoritative way. The dragon smiled said, " That's where I came from, it's just a few miles that way. It's the town with the crescent moon on one of the buildings. Now can you please fix my wing?" Twilight looked at the dragons wing and used her magic to heal the wound. "Thank you my friends. An old dragon like me can't heal as fast as he use too." The dragon said before flying off. The two ponies began walking til, they found a half burnt sigh that was in dragon text. "Devink nortok convech dova." "What does this gibberish mean?" Rainbow asked. "Here lies The Red Dragon." Twilight read. They looked at their hooves to see flowers and other various things. They jump out of its way and walked around it. They continued to walk on and found an oasis. A drink sounded refreshing to the both of them. They walked over and were surprised with an shape in the water, it was big and coming up fast. It sprang out of the water and landed on shore. It was a water dragon and he didn't look happy. "Who dares trad into my territory?" The dragon demanded. He unfrowned when he saw the scarred ponies. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize you two were ponies. You two look thirsty, here have some water." The dragon said as he scooped some water with some coconut shells. "Why thank you." Twilight said while handing Rainbow the other shell. "What brings you to The Land of Dragons?" The water dragon asked. "Well, we are looking for a friend ours. He is heading for the City of the Moon." Twilight said. "Oh that place your not to far actually. It's just past here and over that mountain." The dragon pointed out. Both Twilight and Rainbow Dash were about to faint while looking at the high mountain. "You two alright?" The dragon asked. "Yeah we're fine it's just so height and we been walking forever." Twilight said. "No pony walks forever, besides I might know some dragon to help you. Grimus!" The water dragon called. Another bulkier dragon appeared and said, "Yes Lockjaw?" Grimus asked. "Grimus, my friends here would like to get over Mount Dova as fast as possible." Lockjaw explained. "Oh you mean this little ponies? Well I see why not, after all they look pretty tired." Grimus said. "Wonderful, now Grimus is a here is a rock dragon. He can break through just about anything. He'll make a way for you." Lockjaw explained. "Thank you both, this means a lot to us." Rainbow said. "Don't mention it, after all it's not far for ponies to travel in this hot weather. Here's some canteens, just in case you get thirsty along the way." Lockjaw said while giving them tin canteens full to the brim. "Now off you go, you don't want to be walking around at night." Lockjaw explained. The two ponies thanked Lockjaw and followed Grimus to Mount Dova. It was a long walk for the two ponies. But they just kept on walking for they were not only afraid of being lost in The Land of Dragons, they were also afraid of what is yet to come. "We're here, I'll dig through the mountain so that you may pass." Grimus said with a growl. He swapped his claws in a shoveling motion. The rock acted like dirt, under Grimus' powerful claws. Breaking threw the other side, Grimus motioned Twilight and Rainbow Dash to follow. On the other side was The City of The Moon, it's grand temples and weirdly shaped building made it beautiful some how. "Thank you Grimus. We appreciate it!" Rainbow said. Grimus just nodded and walked back through the mountain. The two ponies walked through the streets of the city only to find merchant after merchant. "It shouldn't be this hard to find him. His the only pony around here who is black." Rainbow Dash said. "Are you talking about Shadow Knight?" A voice said behind them. They turned to see a mare with white armor and a sword. "You know him?" Twilight asked. "Know him? He kicked my rump at the tournament." The white armored mare said. "Where's the tournament?" Rainbow asked. "It's just past that building, if you hurry you might catch another of his fights." The white mare said while pointing to a small shack like building. "Thank you!" Twilight said before trotting off with Rainbow Dash. They found an old fashion stadium with small bleachers and a ring. Twilight and Rainbow Dash found a seat close to the ring. An Staillon announcer with a ridiculous mane style come out with a mic and said, "Mares and Gentlecolts. On this side we have Shogun Mech!" A big hulky stallion appeared with heavy body armor and a helm that covered his face. Where the eyes were suppose to be, was some red lights. He stomped the ground and steam flew out of his nostrils. They crowd cheer, but the two ponies just watched in awe. "And on this side is the raining Champion, the master of the shadows, a hero in this fair city. Shadow Knight!" Shadow walked out in his crimson armor and stared at his challenger. Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked on in terror as the two fighters walked over to speak. "Alright fellas, like to say anything before we begin?" The announcer asked. "Yeah, Im going to pound you into jam when I'm done with you." Shogun mech yelled into the mic. Shadow just stared at him and said with a serious voice. "I like to see you try." The crowd yelled "Oooh." As they returned to their end of the ring. "Well, lets begin shall we? Three, two, one, Go!" Shogun Mech charged at Shadow. Shadow waited for the right moment then strikes with such force it shattered Shogun's Armor into dust. Shogun Mech was a normal stallion with a grey coat. Shadow then pushed him off the side of the ring. Causing him to fall on his face hard. The crowd cheered as Deciz went back into this small house where they we're containing the fighters. "Come on we need to get in their." Twilight said. The two ponies reached the entrance, but were stopped by two bouncers. "Whoa! Little filles you can't go in if your not on the list." The first guard said. "It's ok Stone Breaker. They're with me." A voice said. The two ponies turned to see the white mare. "Oh Angel Wing. I didn't know they were with you." Stone Breaker said. "Yeah yeah. Just let us in." Angel Wing said. The three of them walked in and Twilight said. "Why are you helping us?" "Because I know knights when I see them." Angel Wing said. Twilight and Rainbow looked at each other and then back at Angel wing. They reached the fighter barracks, to find every fighter from never and far. Some were small and swift, others big and strong, and some were all around good. "How are we going to find Shadow Knight?" Rainbow whispered to Angel Wing. "Easy, his the only one with his separate room." Angel Wing replied. When Rainbow walked by a big brute of stallion, he patted her rump and said "Nice Armor, sweety." Rainbow bucked him in the jaw causing his jaw to slant the wrong way. "Say that again, puck!" Rainbow commanded. The stallion just coward and held his jaw. Rainbow snorted and followed Angel Wing and Twilight. "I'm guessing Shadow has been training the two of you?" Angel Wing asked. "Well, I'm about to graduate and Twilight is well on her way." Rainbow said. "That's what I thought, I never seen any pony disconnect Bruter's jaw like that." They reach the other room where they found Shadow Knight staring at his reflection in the mirror. Angel Wing took a step and Shadow had sword at her throat in a second. "Why are you here?" Shadow said in a cruel voice. "Whoa! I'm just here to tell you that your students are here to see you." Angel Wing said. Shadow leaded to she Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. "Sorry, I'm just tired and jumpy." He said while sheathing his sword. "Shadow. The Princess wants you back to discuss the matter at hand." Twilight said. "You mean the fact that King Sombra was killed by my sword?" Shadow asked. "Whoa whoa! Back up! King Sombra? As in The Ex-King of the Crystal Empire?" Angel Wing questioned. "Yes, and No Shadow, she is afraid that King Sombra's return was just the beginning. That their is more evil on its way." Rainbow said. " Why do you think I'm here. I'm trying to talk to Madam Moonblade. We will need her aid." Shadow said while wiping the blood from his armor. "Why can't you just talk to her at her palace?" Twilight asked. "Because, I have to win this tournament to be granted an audience. Being a hero isn't enough with this new laws going around." Shadow added. "It's true thanks to Empire Sou Ko Kai. Things are staring to get weird around here." Angel Wing said. "Weird how?" Twilight asked. "If your caught dissing or saying rude things about Sou Ko Kai, your sentence to death." Angel Wing replied. "That's sounds like dictatorship." Twilight said. "Yes, and I plan to stop it." Shadow added. "I just have one more fight, between me and this newcomer Sinco." "I've heard he is stronger than all the dragons here and he shoots lasers from his eyes." Angel Wing added. "No matter, nothing is going to stop me from getting the audience." Shadow said. "Shadow your up!" A stallion with a clipboard said. Shadow assembled his armor and walked out to the ring. Twilight, Rainbow, and Angel Wing looked out the door to watch the fight. Sinco was a black stallion with a goofy mane style and a orange karate gii on. "Fighters ready?" The announcer said. Both Sinco and Shadow nodded. "Go!" The announcer yelled. First Sinco charged at him with a lot of speed. He then yelled and tried to hit Shadow with a hoof chop, but Shadow blocked it with his hoof and countered with a hoof to Sinco's stomach. Sending him flying back. "Excuse me ref? May I take off this armor? Think it's unfair for me to wear this while he is fighting with none." Shadow asked the announcer. "I guess it's ok. I'll give you five minutes." Shadow used his power to levitate his armor back to his room barracks, where the three ponies were watching. "Is he nuts?" Twilight asked. "No he just knew it was unfair to Sinco." Angel Wing replied. Every pony awed at Shadow's appearance. "Mighty nice of you to do that Shadow." Sinco said while getting back on all four hoofs. "Less talk more action." Shadow said as he kicked Sinco's face repeatedly. He landed on his front hoofs causing him to do a summer salt to gain some ground. "No games huh? Alright then." Sinco said whie sending out a beam from his eyes. Shadow reflected the beams downward to insure the crowd's safety. "Idiot! There are ponies around you!" Shadow said with a buck to the face. Shadow was beginning to get anger and Twilight saw this. She decided to use a spell so that they could communicate telepathically. "Shadow clam down, take advice from your own warning." Twilight said. "Your right, we need to take this slow." Shadow said. Sinco came back with an energy powered hoof waiting for him. He dodged it and bucked Sinco's rump causing him to fall on his head in the ring. "Dang this kid will not given in." Shadow said in his mind. "Ref! Can you put shields up or something so that no pony in the stands gets hurt?" Shadow asked. "Umm, sure. Gary! Magic shield cage!" The announcer said. A unicorn pushed a button causing a contraption to put a magical barrier around the ring. "Now Sinco, give me all you got!" Shadow yelled. Shadow turned into that familiar misty, glowing eyed stallion. "Alright time to party!" Sinco said as he powered up. Shadow attacked with a black great sword to Sinco's head and Sinco blocked it with a shield of some sort. Everyone was in awe as the two battled on and on. But the question is who will win? To be continued! > Chapter 8: Empire Sou Ko Kai. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The battle between Shadow and Sinco was still raging on. Each blast of their energy caused a massive shock wave that shook the cage. "How long will this go on?" Rainbow asked. "Til one of them gives in." Angel Wing said. "I've had enough of this." Sinco said. He then summoned all his energy causing his mane to rise and is coat to change color. For black to blonde, Shadow was not surprised and powered himself to full strength. "Your finished!" Sinco said and let you a massive wave of energy. As did Shadow Knight, but Shadow Knight was anger as it is. He began to over power Sinco, but Sinco wouldn't given in. "No! I can't lose!" Sinco shouted. Shadow got more angry and began pouring more energy into his wave hit finally the stallion and he fell . Shadow won, but he want to see if his opponent was ok. Greenish blue mare jumped from the crowd and ran to Sinco's side. "Sinco!?" The mare said. "I'm fine, Bula." Sinco said. "Need a hoof?" Shadow asked. Sinco looked up and smiled, he let Shadow pick him and they bro hoofed. "Your a great opponent Shadow Knight, I'll train harder next time." Sinco said. "You do that and you might surpass me." Shadow said. The crowd cheered and shouted as confetti flew through the air. The three mares ran up to Shadow and hugged him as the other contests applaud as the group walked away. The tournament was over and the heroes head for the palace. "Are we going to be able to defeat this villain easily?" Rainbow asked. "No, but I'll do anything to get to Moonblade." Shadow said. "Shadow Knight!" A voice behind them said. It was Sinco and his friend Bula. "I heard you were going to try to save Madame Moonblade." Sinco said. "Who told you that?" Shadow asked. Sinco pulled out a scroll and opened it. It showed some writing, it was signed by Princess Celestia. "That's Princess Celestia's hoof writing alright." Twilight said. "Well, since you know of what we are about to do then we might as well get some rest before we head to the palace. "Right. Because I'm bushed." Sinco said. Right you two can sleep with us in a house that I inherited. "Ok, sounds like a plan." Sinco said. Off they went, to this house of Shadow's, when they arrived the ponies were suprised as how luxurious and big the house was. It was twice the size of the mansion Shadow had in Ponyville and it was trimmed in gold. "Well, enough eyeballing the house. Time for a good meal and rest. Bula is it?" Shadow said while pointing to the mare next to Sinco. "Yes sir?" Bula asked. "Would you kindly help me in the kitchen? The rest of you can enjoy the training center out back if you like or relax in the living room which every you choose." Shadow ordered. "Twilight." Shadow called out. "Yes, Sir Shadow Knight?" Twilight asked. Shadow Knight then got uncomfortable close to her and touch her horn with a his hoof. It sparked out a bit of magic, as Shadow's hoof left her horn. "There, now you can practice spells from the book when I'm not around. Another thing be careful, if you think you ready for a more difficult spell, come get me and I'll drop everything. No need for you to summon something you can't control." Shadow said while looking into her eyes. Twilight nodded in agreement and followed the others. Angel Wing, Rainbow Dash, and Sinco decided to have a post battle. Something small, nothing to drain their energy completely. Twilight on the other had to keep reading the book Shadow gave her. "Short sword, Short sword? Ah ah! Here it is. Looks pretty simple." Twilight said in her mind as she began concentrating. She tried with all her might and suddenly it appeared, it stuck itself into the ground. The odd part is it wouldn't go away after she released her magic from it. "Umm, maybe the book tells me something. Ah, here. The blade will last as long as forty five minutes." Twilight said in her mind. "You know I can hear you Twilight." a voice said. She jumped at first and said, "Shadow?" "Yes, you never broke the link between us when you casted that telepathic spell." Shadow replied. "Now what's wrong?" Shadow asked. "This short sword I summoned stuck itself into the ground and the book said it will be gone in forty five minutes." Twilight said. It was silent at first then Shadow's voice came back. "Sound about right. Have you tried getting rid of it?" Shadow asked. "Yes, but it's not responding." Twilight said. "Odd, try hitting something with it." Shadow said. Twilight lifted the sword and swung it against a dummy, it sliced the dummy in two and the sword disappeared. "Wow! It worked." Twilight said. "Well done Twilight, your magic is stronger than expended. Keep practicing." Shadow said. Twilight began reading and using spells more. Sinco attacked Rainbow Dash with a high kick. Angel Wing also attack Rainbow with her sword. Rainbow dodged both attacks and swiped Angel Wing out from under her hooves while giving Sinco a quick jab to the ribs with her hoof. The three kept fighting on and on. While Shadow and Bula were cook up a nice meal. "So Shadow Knight, do you have any family or other friends?" Bula asked. "Actually, the ponies in Ponyville are my only friends. Twilight and Rainbow Dash maybe my student; but they treat me like family." Shadow said. "That's sweet, Sinco is my friend, but he acts like a kid brother I never had. My mother and father are living in Manehatten. My father is CEO of a packaging industry, while my mom is always at home; cooking and clean mostly." Bula said. "Sounds nice." Shadow said. Bula just smiled and nodded. Before too long dinner was ready, every pony had eaten, and headed for bed. Meanwhile in the palace, Empire Sou Ko Kai was scheming a master plan for the city he now controls. "Mawahahahahaha! Tomorrow I will rise the taxes on tea, then on paper and sugar! Mawahaha!" "You heartless monster!" A yellow mare said in a loud, but elegant voice. "Oh, but I already have my dear. I have control over this petty city, but with seven more stones. I'll have control over the entire Land of Dragons!" ......... To be continued. > Chapter 9: Moonblade The Prisoner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was morning and every pony was back at what they do best. Training or just laying around. As for Shadow Knight, he decided it was time to study his prey. To find his weakness and find out what he has done with Madam Moonblade. He used his powers of the darkness, and began monitoring Emperor Sou Ko Kai. He followed him even to most dangerous locations, he also monitored what goes on in the place. Where guards are located and when they switch in between shifts. Then began formulating a plan on how to save Moonblade and how to help free the ponies of the city. He returned three days later with his findings. "Sir Shadow Knight your back." Bula said. "Yes and I have much to tell. How is everyone doing?" Shadow asked. "Great actually. Twilight is improving on here spells and others have become much stronger than when you left." Bula replied. "Good tell them to meet me in the living room I have plans to discuss with them." Shadow said as he went up stairs. "Right away." Bula said while trotting outside to summon the others. She was happy that she didn't have to sit around in a dusty apartment, like how she use to with Sinco. "Hey every pony, Shadow's back!" Bula yelled. The others ran inside almost trampling Bula. They all met in the living room and waited. Shadow came back down with parchment, quill, and ink. He drew out an exact replica of the palace. "Alright, listen up. Because this is the part were we leave the fun and games behind us. We put down the wooden swords and pick up the real deal. Now this place is crawling with guards, but there is a weakness to them. Their armor is really heavy and it's hard for them to move as fast as we do. So I want Rainbow Sinco and Angel Wing to cause a distraction. Take out as many guards as you can then meet me and Twilight in the Throne room where The Emperor's Body Guard will be. Will need all of us to take him down, so that we can break into the secret room where The Emperor will be hiding along with Moonblade. If we don't do this right. We kiss the sun we love and the moon we adore goodbye. Any questions?" The team looked scared and didn't say anything. They just stared at Shadow as if to say "Your joking right?" Shadow was now getting wary as well. Rainbow raised her hoof. "Yes Rainbow?" Shadow asked. "I don't think three ponies are going to distract that many guards. Why don't we ask for some big support?" She said as she poked Twilight. Twilight didn't get it at first, but then she remembered. "You mean...?" Twilight said. Rainbow nodded in agreement, but Twilight was wary to say it. "What are you two talking about?" Shadow asked. "Well, while we were trying to find you. We met some dragons along the way. So what we were thinking was maybe they could help us?" Twilight said. Shadow stared at them blankly and then said "That would be brilliant if you can find a dragon to agree to this." "Are you kidding? The Emperor has been stealing at lot of jewels from dragons. What dragon won't want a piece of the action?" Angel Wing said. "Alright, I'll go with you Twilight and Rainbow to find a dragon to help us." Shadow said with a smile. Off they went out of the city into the wasteland to find a dragon that would be willing to help them on their dangerous mission. They walked what seemed like forever until they found the oasis that the water dragon stayed in. He was sun bathing on the shore with sun glasses, holding a sun mirror. "Hey Lockjaw." Twilight said in a cheery voice. Lockjaw looked over to see the three ponies walking up to him. "Awe! My friends what bring you back to my lair?" Lockjaw said. He then looked at Shadow with curiosity in his eyes. "Is that your friend?" He questioned. "Yep and the reason we are here is because we need a dragon to help us take down the Emperor in City of the Moon." Rainbow said with a smile. Lockjaw thought for a moment and said, "I'm sorry, but no dragon would want to get tangled in pony affairs that big." "Not even for all the jewels and treasure inside?" Twilight said. "Nope sorry." Lockjaw replied. "Then how about for a lover's sake?" Shadow said with a sorrowful tone. This surprised the dragon with such a tone change he turned to look at Shadow. "Please the only pony I ever loved is been captured by Emperor. I don't know what he wants with her, but I want her back. Ever waking morning and night I spend away from her makes my heartbreak. I cry myself to sleep at night, knowing I can never see her unless I do something. Unforntantely, I can't do it alone; I would be killed before I made it through the door." As he said this a tear rolled down his eye. He sniffed and tried to control his emotions, but the dragon saw the sadness through his tough guy look. He saw the heart of a knight withering on the inside. Lockjaw began to tear up then he finally gave in. "Oh fish tails and oyster pearls! Me and my big dragon heart can't take it any more. Look, I know a dragon who can help you, but his is going to be a lot harder to convince than I. He lives in the bone yard just west from here, just past that tree and over that hill." Lockjaw said. "Thank you. Lockjaw, I won't forget you." Shadow said with a bow. "Just rescue your girlfriend and we'll call it even." Lockjaw said before descending to into the water. The ponies followed Lockjaw's instructions and in the bone yard they were. They kept walking until another dragon appeared with a dragon skull on his head and a staff with all sorts of bones on it. "I am, Uka Dova! Who is treading in The Bone Yard of Dragons?" The dragon shouted. "Shadow Knight, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash. We come to seek help from you." Shadow replied. "Oh yes, you come to seek my help to over throw the Emporer and save Madam Moonblade?" Uka Dova asked. "Yes that is true." Shadow replied. "Then you have come to the right dragon. Sou Ko Kai has been evading fate for far too long. He has stolen one of my charms in hopes of summoning Kami To Dovako. The Wishing Dragon." Uka Dova said. " Then that's even more proof that he must be stopped." Shadow said. "Yes, but I can't help you myself, but I can give you something that will help you." Uka Dova said. "And what is that?" Shadow questioned. "This bones are restless and wish to rise again to seek vengeance against The Emperor. This bones once belong to Kinvenokai, The Dragon of Justice." "We will accept your offering." Shadow said. "Splendid, I call upon the fires of the old dragons. We wish to arise the dragon known as Kinvenokai to help these ponies and to serve greater justice upon The City of the Moon!" Uka Dova shouted and slammed his staff on a skull. The bones assembled into a dragon skeleton and fire began to in gulf it. Skin and meat began to form around the skeleton, then with a mighty roar. Kinvenokai was once again alive and well. His was green as an emerald and is eyes were blue. "I heed the call to Justice and must bring it upon The City of The Moon!" Kinvenokai said. "Wait! We need you to bring justice, but we also need time to recuse someone can you give us that time?" Shadow asked. "Your wish is my command." Kinvenokai said. He then flew toward the city, Twilight then teleported then back to the oasis. She rested then, teleported then to Shadow's house in time to get every pony ready. The fight is on and Kinvenokai was already on the scene. He threw the guards around like rag dolls. He was causing a lot of attention. Then Shadow's team took this as a chance to get in unnoticed. They cut down any guards that stood in their way. They reached the throne room to see The Emperor slip into his secret room and his body guard was ready for a fight. The body guard was tall green and had weird armor on. "Ha ha ha! You think, you'll get past me Sinco?" The bodyguard yelled. "You can count on it! You guys go ahead, I know how to handle this creep." Sinco said before running into combat. Shadow busted open the steel door to find another problem, another bodyguard was waiting for then. He was just as ugly as the last, Angel Wing motioned the others to let her handle him. Shadow, Rainbow, and Twilight were the only ones left. Another door stood in their way, "Ugh! I hate all this door!" Twilight said before accidentally letting out a small burnt of magic. "Wow, nicely done. You knock the door down." Shadow said. "Stay back!" The Emperor said. "Your dictatorship is over! Hand over Madam Moonblade!" Shadow commanded. "Never!" The Emperor yelled back. "This will only end badly for you Shadow! One more step and I'll slit her throat!" "Shadow I learned a time stop spell. Let me deal with him." Twilight said telepathically. "No! Use it and get Moonblade out of harms way. I'll deal with Sou Ko Kai!" He commanded. Twilight summoned all her strength and used the spell. She was in a black and white dimension, she didn't stall to study her surroundings. She removed Madam Moonblade from the Emperor's grasp and proceed back to her spot. The spell wore off and The Emperor was now in serious trouble. He yelped at the fact he had no back up plan, no escape route and no way to stop the rampage of an angry knight. Shadow smiled in twisted way as he then proceed to rip the Emperor to shreds. As Twilight and Rainbow left with Madam Moonblade, they could here the distance screams of The Emporer and the roars of Shadow. Moments later Shadow returned from the scene to the waiting embrace of Madam Moonblade. "Oh Shadow! I thought I never see you again." Moonblade said with tears in her eyes. "I told you I would come back, but now that we are together again. We need to get this place back into shape, because Equestria will need your troops reinforcements." Shadow said. "Is something bad going to happen?" Moonblade asked. "Yes and I'm afraid Equesrtia doesn't have enough forces to drive it back." Shadow replied. Moonblade nodded in agreement to help Equestria. For the next five weeks Shadow began helping Madam Moonblade rebuild her city and reinforce it with health guards. Angel Wing was the commander and chief of The New Guards. Shadow asked Sinco to join the forces, but refused to be a guard. "I'll help Equestria, but being a guard isn't my way. I'm going to back to my master to train again and tell him of Equestria troubles. Maybe he can help me in the long run." Shadow understood and didn't stop him at the least. Twilight and Rainbow returned to Equestria to tell the Princesses what Shadow was planning and agreed that the extra troops were gladly accepted.....to be continued. > Chapter10: The Return of Shadow Knight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Five long months pass by, and Shadow Knight hasn't returned. Though Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle train together to pass time, they still worry that Shadow will not come back. Princess Celestia and Luna; along with The Mane Six decided to wait in the throne room for Shadow Knight's return. The sun was setting and the moon arose. Rainbow snorted and finally said, "I guess he is happier where he is." Rainbow and Twilight began to walk away. "You give up on me that easily?" A voice said. They turned to see a portal open and out hopped Shadow Knight and Sinco. "Teacher!" Rainbow and Twilight yelled as they rushed to hug Shadow Knight. "We thought you wanted to stay with Madam Moonblade?" Twilight said. "We decided to wait til things were over In the Land of Dragons, before we get back together. Besides, I had to wait on Sinco to come back." Shadow said with a heartily voice. "Sorry, I just wanted to be ready." Sinco said. "Welcome back Shadow Knight." Celestia said. "Your highness, I come back with great news. The City of the Moon has been rebuilt and rearmed, they await your command." Shadow said. "That's lovely, but you still have two students to promote. Since you been gone, your students have been helping Equestira already and have over come every challenge." Celestia said. "Yes, but one test still reminds for them. Meet me in the courtyard." Shadow said. "Aheym!" Celestia said with a serious face. Shadow sighed and said, "I mean the guard training grounds." All but Celestia, joined in to see the test. They gathered into the area where a circle was in the middle of the grounds. Some of the guards joined in as well, "Mind if I sit here?"a voice said to Applejack. It was Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkles brother and Princess Candace the ruler of the Crystal Empire. "Not at all, come to see your little sis." Applejack questioned. "Yes, but who is the black stallion?" Candace asked. "That there is Shadow Knight. Both Rainbow's and Twilight's teacher." Applejack replied. "You mean the Shadow Knight who, retired years ago?" Shining Armor asked. "Yep. He has been training these two since he arrived in Ponyville." Applejack answered. Shining armor had a worried look on his face. "Oh don't worry, Shadow Knight is a good trainer and he even let Twilight use his book to learn new spells. She has become stronger since you last saw her." Princess Luna encouraged. "Alright you two, your job is to use your training to get me over the line behind me. No holding back. Got it?" Shadow said. "Yes sir." Both Rainbow and Twilight yelled. Rainbow headed in with the attacks giving Twilight time to use her magic to summon armor. Magic flowed around her and formed into a slick, beautiful and purple armor. Rainbow flew up to try her new attack. She circled the arena and swooped in at high speeds. "Rainbow Eagle Slash!" Rainbow screamed. Slashed every pass she made, going faster and faster. Shadow just blocked and shoved her off, but she gained ground again and stood at the ready. It was Twilight's turn and she summoned a great sword of her own design. She came in fast and hard, her strength began to push Shadow back close to the line, but pushed her off. She landed on all fours and smiled, as she began to gain more magic. Shadow was at the ready, when suddenly he notice Rainbow Dash coming in hot, she was there one moment and gone the next, suddenly her voice rang out, "Sonic Rainbow Thrust!" At first nothing, but then she appeared in front of Shadow hitting him with a mighty thrust causing a Rainbow barrier to form around her. Shadow was being pushed to the line again, but he was resisting. "Magic Fire Thrust!" Twilight said then thrusted with Rainbow with a fire barrier around her. "Ready Twi?" Rainbow said. "Ready." Twilight replied. "Magic Rainbow Dragon!" They both yelled. The barriers combined and a dragon shaped barrier formed around both Rainbow and Twilight. Shadow was amazed and worried at the same time, "Give up already!" Twilight yelled. Shadow summoned all of his strength, but it wasn't enough to throw then off, but enough to keep him stationary. Finally it all stopped, Rainbow and Twilight threw everything they got at Shadow and was on the line. The three ponies panted and stared at each other. Shadow smiled and said, "You two are amazing team together and I'm glad to call you knights." "But isn't that against your rules and we didn't get you pass the line." Rainbow questioned. "My teacher told me the same thing, to motivate me to push harder. Also the way you two put all your energy into that attack made me even prouder than ever. A knight should always push that hard to protect their home." Shadow said with a smile. Both Rainbow and Twilight laughed and cheered, but the crowd was still trying to absorb it all. Then Luna cheered causing the rest to cheer along with her. They all headed in for the night. "You two get some rest you put up a great fight today." Shadow said. Shadow grabbed a towel and headed for a relaxing shower. He was enjoying himself, washing all the grim and dirty away from his aching body. "Shadow?" a voice said behind the shower curtained. "Yes who is it?" Shadow said. "It's Princess Luna." The voice said, but it didn't sound like Luna. "I'll be right out." Shadow said while drawing a blade he kept with him at all times. He pulled back the shower curtain quick to find Princess Luna. "Always on guard?" Princess Luna asked. "You can never be too careful." Shadow said while sheathing his blade. "I wish to speak to you." Princess Luna said. "Then speak." Shadow said. "Is Moonblade who you really want?" Princess Luna asked. Shadow turned his head as if he was thrown an insult. "Yes, why would you ask that?" Shadow questioned back. Luna winced at his outburst and then blushed. Shadow saw this and sighed, "Luna, as long I have lived. I noticed your attraction to me, but I thought it nothing more than a friendship. It doesn't mean I haven't thought about it, I just don't think. I would live as long as you will, I want us to stay friends. Because I think we are better off that way." Luna was smiling and tearing up at the same time, but she understood. Shadow finally dried off and went to bed for a good nights rest. Morning in Canterlot was a bit busier than ever. Servants trotting at high speeds, back and forth. Causing a lot of noise, and frustration for most how are trying to sleep. Twilight was one of those frustrated ponies, she then sound proofed her room with magic making things easier. The other five didn't take it so well, and so they did sided to bunk in Twilight's room. The site made Celestia giggle when she checked up on them. But Shadow was her main concern, she looked almost every where, except for The Knight section of her vast library. Sure enough, he was their looking through every book she had. The Knight's section of the Royal Archives was big and filled with books, and contained a familiar figure. The statue of Discord, who was placed in the middle as a center piece. "Looking for something?" Celestia asked. "Yes and I know you have a book on what I'm looking for." Shadow asked. "I have no idea what your talking about?" Celestia said trying to play dumb. "Celestia! I know what about the Mane Six taking control of The Elements of Harmony. Which means you have no control of the other Elements." Shadow said with seriousness. She gave him and anger glare, he glared back at her. "Augh! You know keeping the world in harmony is the reason I created The Elements of Harmony." Celestia said. "Yeah, Im guessing banishing the deadliest pony from The Crystal Empire, Turning The God of Chaos into stone, and Letting The Changeling Queen escape; is part of that Harmony?" Shadow said. "Those Elements weren't any better, they filled the user with pure rage." Celestia protested. "That's because you didn't know about the seventh Element." Shadow added. "There's a seventh?" Celestia Questioned. "Yes it's said that only the seventh can control from six that are in physical form. But the seventh will only appear if it is exposed to it's true welder." Shadow added. "So Im guessing that your wanting to find The Six and reveal the seventh?" Celestia added. "Yes, if we are going against who I think is behind the return of King Sombra. Then we need The Elements of War." Shadow said. "Who do you think is behind all of this?" Celestia asked. "Well lets see, Discord is missing and The...." "Discord is Free?" Celestia interrupted Shadow. "Haven't you noticed." Shadow said while walking toward the statue of Discord. He taped it and it made a hollow sound, "It's made of cement clay." Shadow said. He then tipped it over to reveal a message inside. Celestia read it aloud, "Dear My Sweet Celestia, by the time you read this I'll be gone. I've joined forces with Chrysalis and Sombra, to take over the world. Starting with your beloved Equestria. Love, The Master of Chaos Discord." Celestia dropped the letter and was in shock. "Your Elements of Harmony are proving to be more ineffective than I thought." Shadow said. "But, degrading or offending you is not my purpose. It's to save us all from a faint worst than death." Shadow said. "I know that, Call The Six in for a meeting." Celestia said. Forty Five minutes later, The Six Ponies and Shadow were in the throne room. Celestia looked more unhappy as she began to think about what might happen. "I called you all here to tell what Shadow has brought something to my attention. Discord is free and has join forces with two other villains we have faced before. King Sombra was one of them and The Changeling Queen. They plan to take our world by storm." The Six Ponies gasped in horror. "We need the Elements of Harmony to stop Discord and Chrysalis." Rainbow Dash said. "No! We need something more powerful to destroy his villains. We need something I kept hidden from every pony for 4,000 years. " Celestia said. "What would that be?" Twilight asked. "The Elements of War!" Celestia said. "What are the Elements of War?" Applejack asked. "They were the first elements to keep the peace in Equestria. Rage, Vengeance, Sacrifice, Will, Destiny, Spirt, and Leadership. These Seven Elements were once used to stop evil to fall over Equestria, but were hidden away. Because last time they were used the seventh wasn't revealed and made the monsters like Discord, Sombra, and Chrysalis. But that was a happier time When Secillina, an alicorn of the afterlife didn't disappear. Now we need them now more that ever. So I want you Six and Shadow to find The Elements and return here." "I have The six locations of where they might be hidden. I suggest you leave behind any fears of never returning home. Because if we don't do this, there won't be a home to return to." Shadow added...To be continued. > Chapter 11: Applejacked > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow packed only the necessary. Food, water, tools, etc. he mostly packed light, making sure he didn't tire himself out. The six came out packing the same way, Shadow was surprised with Rarity. She didn't pack clothing or anything ridiculous. She packed just like the others, only the essentials. He could see worry on her face, he could see she was unsure of this journey. He also saw it on Applejack's, Pinkie's, and Fluttershy's face. He started a conversation with Twilight telepathically, "Are they ok?" Shadow asked. "Yes, but they are unsure if they can fight like us, they say they need to be better prepared for this and what is about to happen." Twilight said. "By the end of this journey, they will be. training them before the journey would only waste time. Experience is the best teacher of all." Shadow said. Though Twilight agreed with him, she was still wary for her friends. They began with a train ride to Hollow Shades, there they could find a starting point. The train ride was more luxurious, thanks to Celestia. "So what's the first location of the first element." Rainbow asked. "Well, according to research I was able to find out that the first element is located a Equestria's Largest Waterfall." Shadow replied. "Neighagra Falls." Twilight replied. "Correct, but what ponies don't know is that there's a passage behind The Falls." "How are we going to get there? Isn't the fall super dangerous to be near?" Rarity asked. "Yes, but a friend will be helping us. He has been near The Falls more times than he can count." Shadow replied. "So your confident we'll get there safely?" Rarity asked. "Of course. We can trust the captain." Shadow insured. Rarity was still wary of the situation. To pass the time Pinkie Pie pulled out board games and puzzles form the cabinet. They had everything a pegasus, earth pony, and unicorn wanted to play. Chess, seemed to be a more suited game for Shadow and Twilight. While the Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash played a pegasus board. Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity played a board game called Apples to Apples. After a while the board games seemed to quick for the five and began watching Shadow and Twilight play Chess. Not because they liked Chess, but because they were amazed how equally match, Twilight and Shadow were. One side was cheering for Shadow the other for Twilight. "I have to play this right or other wise I'll lose." Twilight said. Shadow was studying her face like a poker player would. When she made her decision, Shadow countered it with another. Cornering Twilight. She tried her best, but in the end Shadow won the match. "Augh! Oh well, good game Shadow Knight." Twilight said. "Same to you, I haven't been this challenged in over 30 years ." Shadow said. They arrived to their destination, Hallow Shades was a mildly dark town always light by lanterns. "Welcome to Hallow Shades, we have an Inn that serves lovely food and drink. A store to supply your needs and homes for sale." A dark blue mare said. "Thank you, but we came here to see Captain Monty, is he here still?" Shadow asked. "Oh yes, Old Captain Monty Salty is in the Inn having a pint." The mare said. "Thank you for your time." Shadow said with a smile. "Oh no the pleasure is all mine, you guys have fun." The mare said before trotting off. They walked over to the Timberwolf Inn, a rough and rowdy bunch of stallions were sitting at the bar. Shadow walked up to the bar tender and ordered some drinks for the girls. One of the stallions was stupid enough to say, "Hey buddy, I'll give you three bits if you let me sleep with the shy pony." Shadow turned around and kicked the stool from underneath the stallion making him fall. "Looks like someone can handle his ale." Shadow said with a smirk. The bar tender hand him the drinks then said, "Old Monty is up stairs I'll tell him your here." "Thank you sir." Shadow said. Shadow sat down hoofed out the drinks. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to cause attention to us." Shadow said. "It's fine, those stallion were being rude."Rarity said. Most of the time they drank and talked for what felt like forever. Then they all heard some pony coming down stairs, he was a dark green spotted pony with snake like eyes. "Aaaah. Shadow Knight, it's been a while since we seen each other." Captain Monty said. "Yes, my old friend and its always good to see you." Shadow replied back. "So, who are this fine young ladies?" Monty asked. "They're friends from Ponyville." "I see, what are you doing out here in a crummy outfit like this." The Captain asked. "That's the thing Captain we need you to get us behind the water fall." Shadow said. The Captain smiled and said, "If that's all you wanted, then you should of sent me a letter. It's going to take me awhile to fix the boat, but I'll get you ponies there." Captain Monty said. "How long is awhile?" Twilight asked. "About two to three hours." Captain Monty answered. "What are we suppose to do for three hours?" Rarity asked. "Well, I could use a hoof. All they need to do is make sure the gators don't get me." Captain Monty said. "I could do it I have a pet gator at home." Pinkie Pie said. "Oh missy, this ain't no normal gators. These are Hallow Shade Black Gators, their meaner than a house pet gator." "I could keep these gators off of you I'm an animal tamer." Fluttershy said. "Alrighty then, your perfect for the job." Captain Monty said. "Well, I guess we'll look for something to do, contact me when your done." Shadow said. "Will do." Fluttershy replied. Shadow and the other five walked through town. Rarity of course was about to go insane. She couldn't take the scenery of Hallow Shades. "Excuse me Shadow Knight, but what do you have in mind for entertainment?" Rarity asked. "Well, I know a place where a they hold boxing matches in a barn not far from here." Shadow said. "Sweet Apple pie, you mean a Barn Brawl?" Applejack asked. "Yep, I heard that Lugnut and Trojan are in town. Also Bone Cruncher except she will accepting a challenge from the audience." Shadow added. "Who-Doggy. Sound like a rip snorting good time." Applejack said. "Not to me." Rarity said with a snouty expression. "It's that or walking around with brutes just waiting for a nice mare like you to smooch on." Shadow said. "Boxing Match it is then." Rarity said with fear. When they reached the barn, they were greeted by a brown stallion with a straw hat and overalls on. "Well howdy folks! Are you hear to see the big fight?" The stallion asked. "Oh yes, how much are tickets?" Shadow asked "one bit per pony." Shadow gave the stallion six bits and end then went. To Rarity's surprise it was more clean that she thought. The stands were spotless and had a pillow for sitting on, even the ring look professional. She felt better about going to see roughins go head to head in a brawl. They took the high seats in the stands and awaited for the match to start. An rustic looking mare in a tuxedo and bow tie stepped out and pulled down the mic to speak in to it. "Mares and Gentlecolts! Welcome to the Hallow Shades Annual Barn Brawl!" The mare announced as every pony cheered and shouted, in response. "Tonight's fights are sponsored by Mom and Pops General Store and Captain Monty's boat tour." The crowd cheered again, then two big buff stallions got in the ring in opposite corners. "Alright every pony, in this corner we have a stallion who weighs three hundred and fifty six pounds. He was born in Tall Tale and is their boxing champ. Trojan Stallion!" The announcer shouted. The crowd cheered as he waved. "And in this corner we have a pony who weighs four hundred fifty five pounds A legend in Manehattan and a is said to be built by a mad stallion. I give you, Lugnut!" A bulkier stallion with a crooked jaw and a mean look just stared a Trojan Stallion. The two fighters walked to the middle where a referee stood in between them and explained the rules. The bell rang and they went at it for a long and hard fight. Lugnut hit Trojan with a with solid left and right jabs and even harder hoofs to his face. Trojan block as best he could, then came back with two good hooks and a uppercut. At the end of the match Lugnut won and every pony including Rarity cheered. "Ok folks we have special treat for you, one of you lucky mares will get to go head to head with Bone Cruncher a two time boxing Champ of Equestria in the mares boxing." Suddenly, A red mare with a yellow mane appeared in the ring. She was bulkier than most mares, but had a nice completion. "So Bone Cruncher, who will be your challenger?" She scanned the audience for a decent mare, her green eye landed on Applejack. She pointed at her and the the announcer said, "Hey there cow pony. Looks like your our fighter come on down." Applejack motioned Shadow Knight to follow, she felt better know he was there. Applejack entered the ring, the announcer gave her some gloves. "So cow pony what's your name?" The announcer said while putting the mic to close to Applejack. "Names Applejack." she said with a nervous tone. "And that hunk of a stallion is your coach of choice?" The announcer asked. Applejack nodded and the announcer said, "Ok, folks Applejack is facing Bone Cruncher in three rounds. If she wins, she has the rights of respect in Hallow Shades and five hundred bits." The crowd cheered even more as Applejack returned to her corner. "Applejack, I've seen this mare fight before. She's blind in her left eye and you should watch out for her left hook." Shadow instructed. "That's good to know. Except I'm still a little worried." Applejack said. Shadow became concerned and began to think, but his thinking was interrupted by the bell. "Just keep your hooves up and look for an opening." Shadow said. Applejack and Bone Cruncher met in the middle, the both held up their gloves in defense. Bone Cruncher came in with a right hook, but Applejack blocked it. Bone Cruncher then surprised her with a hoof to the stomach. It caused Applejack to double over and get hit by Bone Crunchers uppercut. Knocking Applejack back, she shook it off and came in with a hard left and right. Then a couple of jabs to Bone Crunchers' ribs, but Bone Cruncher didn't even flinch. The mare boxer champ knock a good hit in Applejack's face. Applejack was knocked down, she spit out some blood and stood back up. "Is that all you go sugar cube?" Applejack said. Then proceeded with a combination of hooks, jabs and everything she could throw at the mare. Applejack trapped her in a corner and keep on going, but was knocked back into her corner. "That's it! This just go personal!" Applejack said. She stood back up and held her ground as Bone Cruncher came in with her attacks. She gave it all to Applejack, who was about to ware out. Luckily Bone Cruncher did first. It gave Applejack the edge to land hits with all her might, the forces caused the champion boxer to be pushed back into the middle, where Applejack kept on coming. She let out all her frustration and pain on to Bone Cruncher. No pony even rang the bell, each hoof made gory thud on Bone Crunchers Face and the crowd was cheering for Applejack the whole way. "Go Applejack! Go!" Shadow called. The last punch made Bone Cruncher finally fall to the floor, Applejack had won and every pony rushed the ring. Shadow and the other five ponies picked up the battered, but tough Applejack and cheered. They carried her to a motel to treat her bruises and cuts. "That was amazing Applejack!" Rainbow Dash said. "Yeah, I guess it was." Applejack said. A knock was heard at the door. Pinkie Pie looked through the eye whole to see Bone Cruncher standing there. "It's that boxer lady." Pinkie said. "It's ok let her in." Shadow said. Pinkie opened the door to let Bone Cruncher in, "Hey kid, that was great fighting out there." Bone Cruncher said while holding out a hoof. "Thank you." Applejack said while shaking her hoof. "I got to know, where are you from anyways?" The battered boxer asked. "I'm from Ponyville. I live and work down at Sweet Apple acres, where apples are our specialty." Applejack replied. "Oh I see, no wonder I got beat. Your a apple bucker." Bone Crusher said. "Yep, but I use my back hooves more that my front." "If you front hooves are that strong, I can't imagine getting bucked by you." Bone Cruncher replied. They both laughed at the thought, Bone Cruncher looked at the clock on the wall. Then said, "While I got to go kid, I hope you and your farm do well with that prize money." Bone Cruncher said with smile. After Applejack was treated, the six ponies went back to check on the boats progress. They came on to a odd site, Fluttershy was petting the gators and scratching their bellies. "Who's a good bunch of Hallow Shades Gators. You guys are. Yes you guys are." Fluttershy said in a baby talk. "How's the boat Captain?" Shadow asked. "She's ready to go Shadow, you and your friends hop on board and we'll head out." Captain Mony said. The seven ponies hoped on board the boat and headed straight for the falls....to be continued. > Chapter 12: Secret of The Falls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The trip to the falls was rocky and some what rough. It made Pinkie Pie sick and Rarity was in misery. Mostly because her mane was getting wet, she shook from the cold water. Captain Monty slowed the boats speed and pulled out the tarp. "You two pegasi tie one end over that metal frame and me and Shadow handle the other." "Aye aye, Captian!" Rainbow Dash said. They tied down the trap over the frame, then Captain Monty shouted. "Alright we are about to head right under the falls, I need Shadow to jump off to tie the rope to the post." "You got it Monty!" Shadow said. They passed under the falls and Shadow jumped off before the boat hit land and tied a rope on the post. "Here we are The Temple of Water." Captain Monty said. The temple was big and had two pillars that was letting water flow through them. "Something tells me we are about to get wet." Pinkie Pie said. "Oh big time, this temple has water related puzzles and various dangers." Shadow said. "Please tell you know a water breathing spell." Rainbow Dash asked Twilight. "It would only last about a minute." Twilight replied. The seven ponies approached the temple door. It was riddled with weird hieroglyphics, "So, how are we suppose to get in?" Rarity asked. Shadow studied the symbols and said, "That depends, on this riddle. "What grows in the winter, dies in the summer and its roots grow upwards." "Sound to me like a weird tree." Rainbow Dash said. All the ponies began to think about the riddle, but only Twilight and Shadow figured it out. "We got it. The answer is an icicle." Twilight said. "What does that have to do with opening the door?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight saw that the door was made of a weak rock. "If I get this door wet maybe my freeze spell could help us break the door." Twilight's horn glowed as she gathered water, she formed it into a ball and threw it at the door causing the water to spread. Twilight then froze the door, Shadow kicked it down. The inside of the temple was dark and creepy, "I knew I should of brought something to give us light." Shadow said. "That's alright I can light a torch." Twilight said before using a fire spell to light a near by torch. They walked down a corridor to a larger room. Shadow took a torch and tossed it into a bowl. It lit up the room, hieroglyphics and pictures covered the room. "So, what do we do here?" Twilight asked. Shadow glanced the room and saw a pedestal with more hieroglyphics. "Warning those who tread in this domain, for they might find a watery grave." Shadow said. "That's helpful." Applejack said in annoyed tone. Shadow looked around the room to see three doors. On with a lock combination and a key hole, another with more symbols and lastly a door with what looks like mouth of a shark. "One of these doors helps open the others. We need to check each door to find a way in." Shadow said. Shadow read the symbols on the second door. "What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?" Shadow read. "Great more riddles." Rarity complained. "Good thing it's easy. It's a river, but how does that open this door?" Shadow said. "Because these door opens that one." Twilight said as she moved the symbols on the lock on her door. The door in front of Shadow opened and in they went. Shadow sensed something about to happen, "Duck!" Everyone ducked just in time before a razor blade imbedded into the wall. "Wow, what close shave." Twilight said. "Speak for yourself." Pinkie Pie said while holding a lock of her mane. "Oh come on, you look good in a pixie cut." Rainbow Dash said. They kept moving til they found another room, it was much smaller than the first room and an object was in the middle of the room. "Is that tooth or something?" Twilight said. "Yes and also another piece to the puzzle." Shadow added. He studied the floor and notice the floor was covered in tiles with letters on them. A palak with normal equine lettering on it. "To reach the key to the door, you must spell out a name of a tale. Spell it wrong and you'll be impaled." Twilight read. "Oh Great." Rainbow Dash said. "I'll go first." Shadow said. He first jumped on a N, then a Y, and a X. He jumped toward the item and grabbed it. Suddenly all the tiles fell and a path was revealed. "Nice work!" Rainbow Dash said. They hurried back to the shark door, Shadow placed the tooth in an empty slot. The door opened and in they went, another room was revealed. Another riddle appeared on the wall. "I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?" Shadow read. "I'm getting sick of these riddles." Pinkie Pie said in a tired tone. "I'm stumped as while." Twilight said. Shadow kept reading it in his head over and over. "It's couldn't be that simple?" Shadow said aloud. "What?" Rarity said. "It's just a hunch, but I think the answer is e." "You mean the letter e?" Fluttershy said. "Yes and I bet we have to deal with letters again." Shadow added. The walked a bit far their to the other side of the room to find a key across a body of water. "So do we swim across?" Applejack asked. "No, but something is swimming."Shadow said while pointing to a shadow in the water. "Oh joy." Twilight said in a annoyed tone. "Get back its surfacing!" Shadow commanded. A tentacle popped out from the water and grabbed Rarity. She screamed and Shadow jumped into action, he dove into the water and swam down to the creature. Unforntantely, another tentacle grabbed Shadow and held on to him tight. "Twilight it's got me, I need you to help us." Shadow thought telepathically. "Shadow needs help! Rainbow distract the monster! Applejack and Fluttershy we are going at it head on!" Twilight ordered. Rainbow Dash dove in and began getting the monsters attention. Meanwhile Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy went to free Shadow. Pinkie Pie decided to go after Rarity, she managed to free Rarity and reached the surface. They decided to help by looking around for something to hit the monster with. Rarity tried grabbing an object with her magic, but all it did was make a noise. The monster let go of Shadow, the others surfaced as the monster tried to recover from the sound. "Do that again!" Shadow said. Rarity activated the object causing it to make the same noise. The monster sank back into the deep, "That was an E sharp of a piano organ." Twilight said. "That's what it meant by E." Shadow said while grabbing the key. "Come on the sooner we get out the better." Pinkie Pie said. They headed back to the door, Shadow put in the key and turned the lock. The door opened and there in the darkness, light was shining on a spear made of pure bronze with a jewel on it. "I never thought that bronze would look so good right now." Rarity said. Shadow walked toward the spear and grabbed it. He carried it over to the others, when suddenly a giant boulder starts rolling towards them. "Really? All those riddles and the last booby trap is a boulder?" Twilight said as she and the others ran away. "I know right? So over used." Rainbow said. Shadow and the Mane Six ran out of the temple just before the boulder sealed the entrance. "Looks like you ponies had a good time." Captain Monty said with a chuckle. They all piled on Monty's boat and headed back to Hallow Shades. Once back at Hallow Shades they decided to head back to the motel for a good nights rise. Shadow had his own room and the girls bunched in a room next to Shadow's. "Well, I hope we don't have to go into more temples like that one" Applejack said. "I know right? That temple gave me a early mane cut." Pinkie Pie said. "All we can do is hope." Twilight said. "Before we head for bed, lets play a games."Rarity said "Which one?" Rainbow asked. "Truth or Dare!" Rarity said. "You want to invite Shadow Knight?" Twilight asked. "Oh no darling, this is a girls only Truth or Dare. Besides, Shadow needs to rest." Rarity said. Twilight didn't like the idea of leaving Shadow Knight out. "It's ok Twilight, go have fun with your friends. I'll be fine, but be sure to disconnect this link we have while playing." Shadow said to Twilight in her mind. Twilight did just that and smiled, she felt better about Truth or Dare. Shadow meanwhile was trying to find the next location of the second Element. Rarity grabbed a hat, sheared some paper, and grabbed pens. "Alright girls, I'll place inside the hat numbered pieces of paper. Who ever has the highest number goes first." Each mare, picked a slip of paper from the hat and opened it. "I got five!" Applejack said. "I got four!" Rarity shouted. "Shoot. I got three." Pinkie Pie said. "I got two." Fluttershy said. "I got number one!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "I got the highest number!" Twilight said. "Alright, Rarity Truth or Dare?" Twilight questioned. "Umm..truth." Rarity said. "Ok, umm. What feature of yours are you self-conscious about?" Twilight asked. "Hmm, I would have to say my rump. Sometimes, I think is bigger than it really is." Rarity replied. "Pinkie Pie. Truth or Dare?" Rarity asked. "Truth!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "What is your guilty pleasure?" Rarity asked. "Hmm. Eating brown sugar out of the sugar jar when I'm not allowed to." Pinkie Pie answered. "Ok...., your turn Pinkie." Rarity said. "Umm, Rainbow Dash! Truth or Dare?!" Pinkie Pie asked. "You know me. Dare!" Rainbow replied. "I dare you to put on a blindfold and feel another players face, see if you can guess who it is by touching alone." Pinkie Pie said. Rainbow grabbed a cloth from Rarity's bag and wrapped it over her eyes. She started to feel on Fluttershy. "Is it Applejack?" she asked. "Nope." Applejack said. "Is it Rarity?" Rainbow asked. "Nope." Rarity replied. "Fluttershy." Rainbow blurred out. "Yep!" Fluttershy said. "Alright!" Rainbow said with the blind fold still on. "Ok, umm. Applejack! Truth or Dare?" Rainbow asked. "Truth." "Do you have a crush on some pony?" Rainbow asked. "Well. While working at the Cherry Orchard in Dodge City. I meet this stallion named Black Stone, he seemed pretty cute." Applejack replied. "I met him! He was pretty cute." Rarity said. "Ummm, Fluttershy! Truth or Dare?" Applejack asked. "I guess......Truth?" Fluttershy said nervously. "If you had another player to be your slave for the next fifteen minutes what would you have them do?" Applejack asked. "Umm, make me breakfast and comb my mane." Fluttershy said with a half smile. "Kind of lame, but not too bad." Rainbow said. "Umm, Rarity. Truth or Dare." Fluttershy asked. "I'll try Dare this time." Rarity said. "Umm Ok, Ummm. I dare you to take an item of food and kiss it passionately for ninety seconds." Fluttershy said very sweetly. Rainbow laughed as Rarity gave Fluttershy a odd look. "Now that's a dare! Good Job Fluttershy." Rainbow said in between laughs. Rarity looked in her bag and came back with a mango, she then began kissing passionately as possible. The entire group laughed at the site. "Ok Rarity, it's been ninety seconds." Twilight's said while whipping tears from her eyes. "Alright, Twilight. Truth or Dare?" Rarity asked. "Umm, Dare I guess." Twilight said. "Put on a blindfold and slow dance with a player. See if you can guess who it is by touch alone." Rarity said. Twilight took the blind fold from Rainbow Dash and tied it on with her magic. Meanwhile, Rainbow opened the door and got Shadow to play along. Shadow let Twilight wrap her hooves around his body in slow dance formation. They began slowly dancing, Twilight felt the pony she was dancing with. "Is it Rainbow Dash?" "Nope!" Rainbow said. "Pinkie Pie!" "Nope." Pinkie answered with a snort. "Fluttershy?" "No." Fluttershy said quietly. "Umm, Applejack?" "Sorry Sugar cube, try agian." Applejack said. "Rarity?" "Nope." Rarity said with a chuckle. She began to get worried and pondered a moment. "Then who the hay is this?" She said. Shadow got close to her ear and said in a deep voice. "A ghost who, taking you to The Everfree Forest." Twilight yelled in terror, she took off the blindfold and saw Shadow. "Shadow!" She said in a giggle. "Want to say for around, before bed?" Rainbow asked. "Sure, I already found the second element." Shadow replied. "Ok Truth or Dare Shadow?" Twilight asked. "I'll go with a Dare." he replied. "I dare you to"....Twilight scanned her friends for a victim to play in this dare. "To rub noses with the player opposite to you." Twilight said. Rainbow Dash was opposite to Shadow. He walked over and rubbed noses with her. "Aww. How adorable." Rarity said. "Applejack truth or dare?" Shadow asked. "Dare!" Applejack replied. "I dare you to kiss the pony right of you." "What!?" Rarity said. "I could make it for ninety seconds?" Shadow said with a devious smile. "Ok, fine." Rarity said. Applejack and Rarity lend in to each other, then kissed. "That wasn't so bad." Rarity said. Shadow looked at the clock and said. "Alright think it's bedtime. We got to go to Apple Loosa tomorrow." "Good night Shadow." The girls said at once and then headed for bed, Shadow went back into his room and plopped on his bed and began to sleep. He was dreaming of Madam Moonblade, they walked on a beach. Went to a fancy restaurant and had great time. She then vanished, Moonblade is the same age as Shadow by normal time. Shadow was wondering if she will live as long as Shadow. It all seemed confusing and he was becoming unsure...To be continued. > Chapter 13: AppleLoosa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning in Hallow Shades was a bit different, as the sun rose into the sky. Tiny dots of sunlight raced across the ground and made a beautiful light show. Shadow as the first to see such a sight, but he knew that watching the light show would only waste more time. He walked next door to wake the girls for the trip. To his surprise, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were already up. They had their saddle bags on and were ready to go. "We woke the others, but it might take a while for them to get fully ready." Twilight said. "It's understandable, but we need to get moving. It's a long trip to Appleloosa and I was hoping to settle something with an old friend." Shadow replied. "Understood." Rainbow Dash said before she barged into the room. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie had just finish packing. Rarity was frantically looking for something. "What's wrong Rarity?" Shadow asked. "I can't find my hairbrush! It was given to me by Fancypants as a gift." Rarity replied. Shadow shook his head and said "It's in your mane." Rarity looked up and used her magic to untangle it from her mane. She smile and blushed in embarrassment. "Alright every pony. Lets get to the train station." Twilight said. While walking toward the station, they saw a familiar figure waiting for them. It was Big Macintosh, who smiled and waved to Applejack. "Big Mac! Your just in time I was about to leave." Applejack said. "Eeyp. I came to see you and bring the prize money back to Sweet Apple Acres. " Big Mac replied. "Oh right!" Applejack said before giving Big Mac the bag of bits. "Ha, I can't believe my little sis stood agains Bone Crusher." Big Mac said with pride. "Well, Big Mac. It was good to see you, but we need to get a move on to Appleloosa. Be sure to tell Applebloom and Granny Smith what I'm doing." Applejack said. "Will do." Big Mac said before heading for the nearest bench. Shadow and The Mane Six, caught the next train to Appleloosa. The ride was long and very quite, mostly because four of the ponies were asleep. Twilight was reading, and Rainbow Dash was trying to keep herself busy. Shadow was deep in thought, the dream was keeping him from thinking straight. He was thinking to himself, "What does this all mean? Why am I thinking this way? Is this a sign?" Shadow became frustrated and walked into another room of the train car. "Is he ok?" Rainbow asked. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Twilight said. She walked to the room and knocked on the door. "Shadow are you alright?" Twilight said through the door. "Yes...I...I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute." Shadow said trying to acted clam. Twilight looked at Rainbow with concern and said "Ok, let us know if you need anything." "Will do." Shadow replied. Shadow was in the room til they reached Appleloosa. They stepped off the train and strolled into town, the Sheriff came to greet them. "Welcome to our town, folks. Say weren't you six here before?" The Sheriff said. "Yes we stopped the Buffalo's from stampeding through the Apple Orchards." Twilight replied. "Well, bust my buttons! I remember now, who's your friend here?" The Sheriff questioned. "I'm Shadow Knight,we were sent by the Princess to check something out at Buffalo Ridge." Shadow said. "How really? Then you might want to rest a bit before you go. It's a long trip and I'm sure the train ride took a lot out of you." "Yes please, is there a Inn or Hotel near by?" Shadow asked. "Sure is, here let me help Ya'll out by taking you to The Farm House." Sheriff said. The Sheriff guided them to a Saloon and Hotel called "The Farm House". It was rustic, but that's what gave character. After they settled in with rooms they decided to head down for a pint of apple juice. "So Shadow Knight what line of work are you in?" The Sheriff asked. "I was retiring from being a knight, but one thing lead to another and I've been called back into duty. Mostly because I have two knew recruits that need more experience." Shadow said. "Really? I thought you guys died out years ago." " We did, but some of us want to rekindle the old flame." Shadow replied. "Well Ya'll are always welcome here..." The Sheriff was cut off by a shadow covering the room. A pony stood in the door way, the pony walked in and sat down to order a drink. "Who's that?" Applejack asked. "Whip. The meanest cow pony you'll ever meet." The Sheriff said. Whip turned to the Sheriff, he was in western clothing. A hat on his head and drench coat to cover his body. He was a grey stallion with a whip on his hip. "Sheriff. I didn't know you were bring company?" Whip said. "That's none of your business Whip!" The Sheriff bellowed. "Ha! I recognize The Mane Six, but who is the other gentle colt next to you?" Whip asked. "None of your business and I though I told you to not come back here?" "Things change Sheriff. You see, your getting old and I know it." Whip said. The Sheriff gave him an angry glare, and Whip just smiled. The Sheriff went for a pie, but Whip strike him with his...whip. "Sheriff couldn't we be civil ponies and not resort to violence. You have force my hoof and now I'm going to beat some senses into." Whip said before lifting the whip back, but when he swung it to hit the Sheriff. It never reached him, Shadow had it coiled around his hoof. "I think you should leave, Whip!" Shadow growled. "Tough pony ain't ya?" Whip said cockily. He pulled back his whip and said, "Stranger, I think you and I need to step outside." "I'd be happy to oblige." Shadow said before bucking Whip out the door. He charged at the stallion, but he was tripped by Whips quick reflects. "You must be pretty brave or really stupid to go after me." Whip yelled. "Nope, just angry." Shadow said before knock Whip back on the ground and gave him a furious beating. Whip pushed him off and tried to whip Shadow, but Shadow grabbed the whip and threw it to the Sheriff. Shadow then began beating the life out of Whip. Kicking him left and right, giving him a hoof in the ribs and a hoof to the head. He finally picked up Whip and asked the Sheriff, "Is there a cell you can put this garbage in." "Oh yes. I got the perfect cell for him." The Sheriff replied. The Sheriff took the unconscious villain and drug him to jail. Shadow spat out some blood and said, "Well, how about we finish those drinks?" They headed inside to polish off the drinks as every pony in the Saloon kept thanking Shadow. They headed for their rooms, Rainbow was bunking with Shadow, and Twilight with Applejack. While Flutteryshy bunked with Pinkie and Rarity. They didn't sleep for it was still day light. They just rested and waited, Rainbow patched up Shadow the best she could. "Thanks Rainbow Dash." Shadow said. "Anytime, so what's at Buffalo Ridge? Another temple?" Rainbow asked. "No just an old friend I need to see." Shadow said. Rainbow could see the pain and confusion in his eyes. "Hey, what's really wrong? You can tell me." Rainbow said. "It's nothing. I just need to forget about it." Shadow replied. "If you say so, but if you need any pony to talk to. Me and the others are here for you." Rainbow said. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash." Shadow and Rainbow began a secondary head count, but when they got to the last room. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were gone. "Did any of you hear where they were going?" Shadow asked. "I think I heard them say they were going to a store." Twilight said. Shadow ran outside he looked left and right, but couldn't find them. Shadow ran over to a light brown stallion with a hourglass for a cutie mark. "Excuse me sir, but have you seen a white unicorn, a pink earth pony, and a yellow pegasus?" "Umm. I think so? They went to the General Store down the street. "Thank you." Shadow said before running off. Shadow ran as fast as he could looking for the store. He finally found it, and Rarity was standing outside. "Rarity. Where are Pinkie and Fluttershy?" Shadow said. "In the store." Rarity said. "Wait here, we need to talk later." Shadow then walked into the store to find Pinkie Pie buying candy and Fluttershy looking at animal toys. "Thank Celestia. Pinkie, Fluttershy. Buy what you want and stand outside." Shadow said in a deep, but calm tone. Fluttershy zoomed outside, while Pinkie hopped along in the same direction. "I'm not angry, but couldn't you at least told us where you three were going?" Shadow asked. "I thought I told Twilight?" Rarity said. "Regardless, I'm glad you three are ok." Shadow said. They all headed back to The Farm House and went to bed. Night had fallen upon them, and Shadow was now on a journey in his dream world. He past is childhood, his adult life, and his fantasies. He finally found Princess Luna, "Your highness, I'm having trouble with my dreams." Shadow said. "I noticed." Luna replied. "My dreams are showing me that Moonblade isn't the only one I care for." Shadow said. "Shadow as much as I hate to say it, but you need to keep those thoughts from influencing you. Moonblade is the better candidate and the better mate for you." Luna said "I just feel like that's not true. Am I wrong?" Shadow asked. "No, but you know you can't live as long as me. Moonblade is your true match and you must follow through with it." Luna said. Luna sniffed and let out a tear from her eyes. Shadow nudged Luna, "Hey you know you mean the world to me. If I never had a friend like you, I'd be bitter and angry because of my past." Shadow said. Luna hugged Shadow and Shadow hugged back. "It's time for me to go Shadow, but I'll see you in your next dream." Luna said before walking through a tunnel of light. Shadow woke up to some pony nudging him, "Hey Sir Sleepy. We need to get a move on." The voice said. Twilight and Rainbow were standing over him. "Agh. Your right, I'm sorry about oversleeping." Shadow said. "It's fine, but we need to get to Buffalo Ridge." Twilight said. The rest of the group was waiting for Shadow with saddle bags on and a smile on their faces. Shadow grabbed his bags and off they went, passing the orchard and passing The Big Canyons. All the way to the to where they found a Buffalo camp. Shadow walked down to the camp and was greeted by a female bison. "Hello. I'm Little Strongheart. Are you hear to see the chief?" Little Strongheart asked. "No miss. I'm here to to see your Shaman." Shadow said. "Of course, I'll guide you to him." Little Strongheart said. The Shaman's tent was farther then the other buffalo tents. It was also bigger, and had strange marks on it. Little Strongheart opened a flap to reveal an old buffalo with grey fur and was small in size. "Shaman Grey Cloud, Pony folk have come to see you." Little Strongheart said. "Yes, I know. You go back and help your father. I'll handle this ponies." Shaman Grey Cloud said. He turned to look at the ponies with a frown. It soon faded when he saw Shadow Knight, "Black stallion, I see you haven't aged a bit." The Shaman said. "You have, but with age comes wisdom." Shadow replied. They both laughed, then The Shaman looked at The Mane Six. "Ahhhh. You six must be the ponies who made peace between us and the Appleloosans." The Shaman said. "Yes we are here, because Shadow needed to see you." Twilight said. Shaman Grey Cloud, looked at Shadow. "I see. You girls won't mind if you stood outside? Me and Shadow need to talk." The Shaman pleaded. The Mane Six stood outside, while Shadow stayed inside. "So Shadow. Why have you come here?" Shaman Grey Cloud asked. "My mind is unclear and I fear that I might be making the wrong choice in who I should be with for the rest of my life." Shadow said. "I see, you want me to peer into your mind to see if your being foolish about this or being guided a different route?" The Shaman asked. "Yes." Shadow replied. "Relax and let me see into that confused mind of yours." The Shaman said while waving a staff that made a rattling sound. As soon as he closed his eyes, he could hear the Shaman's voice sing a Buffalo song. The Shaman stopped as light appeared from Shadow's mind and began to show a book. Shaman Grey Cloud, looked at a picture of Shadow with two ponies. One was Princess Luna, he would live happily with her. Mostly because, Celestia found away for Shadow to live forever. The other was Twilight, Lastly Moonblade, The Shaman saw Shadow was happy with her. Except he saw something horrible that could rely on the fate of Equesrtia and the world. The Shaman stopped the ritual and Shadow awoke. "Well, what did you find?" Shadow asked. "You must stay with Moonblade these thoughts of you running off with other mares is unlike you." The Shaman said acting like he didn't see the end of the world. "So, I'm just being foolish?" Shadow asked. "Yes, Moonblade wouldn't have left you for another and nether should you." Shaman Grey Cloud said. "Thank you snapping out of my foolish thinking." "Your welcome and be sure to get those Elements in time or the world as we know it will be no more." The Shaman added. Shadow nodded and left the tent. "What went on in there?" Rainbow asked. "Nothing, just something to put me back on track. Now we need to get to that rock formation over there." Shadow said while pointing to a distance rock like pillar. The ponies didn't waste anytime on getting there. They trotted at a fast pace and didn't stopping to rest. Shadow stopped at the bottom and said, "The Element is at the top, but we can't fly up there one of us must climb up." Shadow said. "Why is flying out of the question?" Rainbow asked. "Because it's said in the script of ancient text. 'Only an earth pony brave enough and strong enough can reach the top with it's pure will.'" Shadow replied. Before Applejack could volunteer, Pinkie Pie was already half way up the formation. "Pinkie! Becareful!" Twilight said, but Pinkie didn't hear her and just keep on hopping her way up. Humming a tune as he hopped on rock after rock. She reached the top to see a bronze hammer, "I found it!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "Good now get it and get back down here safely!" Shadow said. Pinkie Pie grabbed the huge hammer and put it on her shoulder to carry it back down, but due to it top heaviness. Pinkie fell off the top of the formation, Rainbow flew into action. She caught Pinkie, but let The Element fall to the ground where it made a big crater. Rainbow looked at Pinkie with a angry glare, "Oops." Pinkie Pie said while looking innocent. They started their way back to Appleloosa, but night was already upon them. They decided to pitch a tent where they stopped, Shadow began making the fire as the girls tried to sleep. Shadow stayed up to watch for any predators or bandits. He had The Element Hammer by his side, just in case he had to use it. He heard a noise behind him and stood at the ready, "Who's their?" Shadow questioned the darkness. Then out from the bushes came out a tall and dark figure. The figure drew closer and closer, until the fire revealed a slender white pony. "Who are you?" Shadow said with a growl. "I'm a pony that is there, but isn't. I'm a pony that walks the earth, but is dead. A pony of calling, a pony of truth. I am the Ghost Pony of The Sky......To be continued. > Chapter 14: The Wicked > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last we left our heroes, Shadow is being confronted by The Ghost Pony of The Sky. Shadow was staring into the white pony's light green eyes and was standing at the ready for an attack. "I mean you no harm, Shadow Knight. I'm just here to keep you and the others safe from harm." The Ghost Pony said. "And how can I know I can trust you?" Shadow asked. "Because I was sent here by Princess Luna herself." The white pony explained as it pulled out a scroll with Luna's writing. Shadow let his guard down and sat next to fire, he watched the pony and the perimeter of his camp site. The Ghost Pony was standing facing north, Shadow was now getting drowsy. He fell asleep as The Ghost Pony stood watch through the night. It sang a tune that was mellow and lovely, it made Shadow feel safe for once. "Here I stand watch over a flock. Here I stand with my eyes lock. On the darkness that is kept at bay. By the light of the day. Creatures be ware of my might. Because I'm on guard tonight. Sleep ponies of the north. Sleep next to the fire for warmth. Wake in the morning for your quest. That will put you to the test." Morning was here and Shadow awoke to find The white pony gone. He awoke the others, then continued back to Appleloosa. They managed to get back to The Farm House to freshen up. Shadow began decrypting more ancient text and Twilight was able to find some coffee to perk up the stallion. The other five passed the time by chatting amongst themselves. "Did any of you hear singing last night?" Rarity asked. "I didn't I was to deep into sleep." Rainbow Dash said. "I did, it wasn't Shadow's voice. It sound more higher and sweet." Fluttershy said. "Yeah almost like a lullaby." Pinkie said. "It was probably nothing, besides we need to grasp the concept that Equesrtia is still in danger." Applejack said. "Got the next location!" Shadow announced. "Where are we heading to this time?" Twilight asked. "The Galloping Gorge." Shadow said. "All way in near Vanhoover?" Pinkie asked. "Yep and we need to get moving. The Elements await." Shadow replied. They left the Farm House paying the owner handsomely, they reached the station to grab the next train to Vanhoover. The train ride was longer and more boring than the last, and the girls were getting uneasy. They fell asleep agian, but Shadow was getting a feeling as they got closer to Vanhoover. A feeling that a powerful presents was near, the presents of powerful magic. It even woke up Twilight, who looked at Shadow as if to say, "I feel it too.". The train stopped and let its passengers out, but their was no pony to greet the travelers. No pony even stopped to say hello, all the locals just walked on with a scowl on their face. Shadow decided to ask a mare for directions, "Excuse me. Miss!". "Buzz off creep!" The mare yelled, Shadow was stunned. A stallion walked over to then and said, "You must be the ponies Princess Celestia was talking about." The stallion said. "Yes it's been a long train ride and we wish to rest. "Well, follow me and don't try to communicate with these ponies. They hate newcomers." The stallion said while walking away. Shadow and the girls followed the blue stallion to a hotel called "The Retreat." "Their should be some pony inside to take care of you. By the way my name is Chaotic Rush." The blue stallion added. "Thank you for your help Chaotic Rush." Shadow said. "One more thing. Be sure to not go in the woods at night, a powerful unicorn is said to live in them. She is very dangerous." Chaotic warned befor leaving. They walked into a almost empty hotel, where a middle aged mare was running the desk. "Welcome to The Retreat. We have a nice suite prepared for you upstairs." The mare said. She guided the heroes to the very top of the building where they stopped at the suite. "My name is Glorious Star, if you need me I'll be in down stairs." The mare said before giving them a room key and left to attend to other maters. Shadow opened the door to the suite, revealing a gigantic room. It had seven soft beds, a kitchen, a large bathroom, and a note on the counter. "My gift to you seven brave ponies. Love Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." "I have died and gone to heaven." Rarity said. "Mighty nice of Princesses to do this." Applejack said before jumping into her bed. "They even have food and beverages!" Pinkie Pie said. "The view here is amazing!" Fluttershy said while looking out a big window. "How about we have nice meal then head out tomorrow." Shadow said. "Sounds like a plan to me." Rainbow said. They prepared a big meal, they partied and had a great time. They also sleeped well through the night, except Twilight. The magic she felt coming from the forest near Vanhoover made her uneasy. "Twilight?" A voice behind her said. She turned to see Princess Luna behind her. "Why aren't you asleep?" "I can't sleep, there is something or some pony that is radiating high levels of magic." Twilight replied. "It's from an evil unicorn in the forest, and she has been taking fillies and colts from Vanhoover and conducting horrible experiments." Princess Luna said. "We have to stop her. At all costs." Twilight said "I know that's why I have alerted Shadow of the situation, The Element is with the evil unicorn so be careful." Princess Luna replied before disappearing into the darkness. In the morning, it was getting harder to wake up for the seven ponies. Mostly because of the comfort of the hotel, but they had a mission to complete. Shadow began debriefing The Mane Six,"Alright girls, Me and Twilight have been informed by Princess Luna that an evil unicorn has the element we are looking for. She is using it to conduct terrible experiments on the children of Vanhoover. We need to be careful and stay sharp, stay with me and we'll save Vanhoover's children and obtain the element." "Yeah we'll show that witch of a unicorn!" Rainbow said. The girls all cheered and fellowed Shadow out of Vanhoover and into the forest to Galloping Gorge. The forest was creepier than The Everfree, if you could believe that. It was also darker even with the sun at it's high point. It made it hardier on the seven ponies to trek in the forest. "Hold your position." Shadow demanded. The ponies all stopped and looked to Shadow Knight. "We nearly fell off the edge of the gorge." Shadow said while pointing to the tunnel of light. They all looked down to see a five story drop into darkness. They turned around and sat down. "Twilight give me some light." Shadow said. Twilight casted a light spell, creating a ball of light to float above Shadow. Shadow drew something on paper. Then placed it on the ground, "Tovokcan Tek." Shadow said. An series of odd symbols appeared before Shadow glowing with magic. Shadow then touched a few with his hoof, then a beam of light made a path for the ponies to follow. "Come on we need to hurry." Shadow said. They ran through the forest to where the path stops in front of a house, made of candy. "Yay! A gingerbread house!" Pinkie yelled before dashing for the house. Shadow stood in front of her to blocker from getting any closer to the house. "Haven't you heard of the story of Hanzel and Gretel?" Shadow asked. Pinkie nodded, "Then you know what's in that house right?" Shadow said. Pinkie nodded again, "Then follow my lead and don't eat the house." Shadow said before leaping into action. The ponies followed the best they could, Shadow lead them to the window to peer in. They saw fillies and colts in cages, a green unicorn stood near a stove and stirred a black cauldron. Shadow motioned them to the back off the house. "Alright in order to get the children out we need to bait her into letting her guard down. Pinkie Pie, you'll be that bait." Shadow said. "Me? But I'm too big to be a child." Pinkie said. "True, but that doesn't mean you hate to eat gingerbread houses?" Shadow said. "I love sweets!" Pinkie said. "Then I need you to distract her by eating her house." Shadow said. Pinkie pie giggled in glee. "The rest of us will grab the children." Shadow said. "Right." The six ponies said. "Lets do this." Pinkie said before chopping on the roof. The unicorn took notice of these and rush out side. "How dare you eat my roof!" The unicorn shouted. "It wasn't a dare, I wanted to eat your roof." Pinkie said. The unicorn grew anger and shot a bolt of magic at Pinkie. Pinkie jumped out of the way and said, "You missed!" Pinkie then stuck out her tongue and chomped on the chimney. "Mmmm. Peppermint!" Pinkie said, another bolt of magic was shot at her. With the unicorn distracted, Shadow opened the cages and began giving children to the girls. The girls placed them near a tree and told them to stay there. "Silly witchy unicorn, you couldn't hit a fly on your nose." Pinkie said before taking another bite out of a chocolate bar shutter. "Who are you and why are you eating my house?" The unicorn demanded. "Pinkie Pie and I love sweets!" Pinkie said before biting a gumdrop. "You'll regret, messing with the Unicorn of the Vanhoover forest!" The green unicorn yelled. Pinkie giggled and ate more of the house. Shadow gave the last child to Twilight and gave Pinkie the signal. Pinkie frowned and stop eating. "Why have you stopped?" The unicorn asked. "Because the cavalry is here." Shadow said. The unicorn turned to see Shadow and the other ponies staring at her. "Fools! I still have my staff!" She shouted before summoning The Element to her side. "Come any closer and I'll destroy you!" She yelled. "I wouldn't if I we're you. I have the highest level unicorn ready to take your challenge. You'll perish before you use a spell!" Shadow yelled back. The unicorn laughed evilly and said, "But I have little children that you wouldn't risk harming." "What children?" Shadow said with a grin, the green witch looked at her half eaten house to see that the children were gone. "No! Prepared to die, you fools!" The witch cried. Twilight stood in front of Shadow and the girls to protect them. The unicorn shot a spell at them, but Twilight reflected it and countered with a fire spell. The unicorn leaped back and hissed, "You little parasprite!" The unicorn shot another spell at Twilight. Twilight absorbed it and sent it back to her, it froze the unicorn in place giving Twilight a chance to preform a longer spell to summon her armor. The witch broke out of her icy prison, and attacked again. Twilight blocked and attacked the witch with her sword. The witch blocked and countered with another spell knocking Twilight back, but caught herself in the nick of time. The battle when on for a long time, finally Twilight swabbed her in between the eyes. Magic poured out and the witch screamed, then bursted into dust. "Twilight that was awesome." Rainbow cheered. Along with the others praising Twilight. Twilight smiled and Shadow grabbed The Element gave Twilight a pat on the back. When they got back to Vanhoover, ponies began screaming and cheering in joy because the children were back and the witch was gone for good. The children hugged their heroes and so did some of the adults. Twilight got the most praise from destroying the witch. Twilight just played modest and kept her pride concealed. They finally reached the hotel to get a rest from the ponies of Vanhoover. "Twilight your like a celebrity now." Rarity said. "I know, but Equesrtia is our bigger picture here. We need to find the next location of an Element." Twilight said. "Spoken like a true knight." Shadow said while studying the old Equesrtian text. "While his finds the next location, maybe we can entertain ourselves." Rarity said while collecting paper, quills, and ink. "How so?" Applejack asked. "With a game called Draw and Guess. Every pony gets five shreds of paper. You write an object, animal, place or pony. You place them in this hat. We shake it up, and pick one and start drawing. The others will have to guess what it is." Rarity explained. "Sounds like fun to me." Twilight said So they began along and exciting game. Shadow meanwhile, was still decoding the text. He read through each code and draw a line to one location, then another erasing the first and so on. The text lead him to a place close to home, a place that only few have entered, a place where it all began. The Castle Ruins in the EverFree Forest....be continued. > Chapter 15: Ruins of Lost Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning in Vanhoover was a lot brighter, the ponies of Vanhoover where happy. Some even hummed a tune as they walked down the street. Shadow was up making coffee and cooking a nice breakfast. The smell awoke Rainbow Dash, she stumbled into the kitchen. "Good morning Rainbow Dash." Shadow said. "Good Morning, what's for breakfast?" Rainbow asked. "Muffins, they're almost done." Rainbow grabbed a cup of coffee and sat waiting. "So, how goes the decoding?" Rainbow asked. "I've found the next location, but I want every pony to be in here." Shadow replied. An awkward silence filled the room, Rainbow began thinking of what was next. A good two hours later, the other five joined Rainbow and Shadow. They ate as Shadow explained their next move. "I've found the next location of the last four elements. Good news, we are going home. Bad news, the elements are in the old castle ruins in the Everfree Forest. The Mane Six, nearly choked on muffins. "The Everfree Forest!" Rarity yelled. "Yep, luckily you girls have some experience in the Everfree. So we'll be there and back in a snap." Shadow said. "Yeah, but still the ruins? Really?" Rainbow said. "Come on. Shadow is right, we'll grab the elements and get out before we know it." Twilight said. "Not to mention we get to go home." Applejack added. The others mumbled under their breaths and finished their meal. Once back at the train station, the seven ponies were given a farewell parade. Ticker Tape shower the streets and the band played a up beat tune. They waved goodbye to our heroes, as they began the trip back to Ponyville. The thought of begin back in their own beds, actually sounded nice for the seven ponies. Twilight wanted to see how Spike was doing; Rarity couldn't wait to see her sister and her darling cat Opalescence. Applejack was ready to get back to the farm and Fluttershy wanted to see Angel Bunny. Pinkie Pie wanted to get back to Sugarcube corner to bake and see the Cakes. Rainbow was just ready to get back to training and being a knight. Shadow was feeling torn, he had to choose between his students and his lover. Stay in Ponyville or go back to The Land of Dragons? Twilight hugged him and said telepathically, " If you have to go, then you have to go. Me and Rainbow can handle training." Twilight said. "I know, but Ponyville just grew on me, but I can't just make Moonblade leave her village." Shadow replied. "Do what you have to do." Twilight said. Shadow smiled and nodded. The train was taking longer to get back mostly because it had to stop in every town and major city to let passengers off. But they finally arrived, they were home again. Every pony went home to be greeted by their family, except Shadow. He walked home alone, he reached his house still torn. He turned the doorknob, "Surprise!" voices rang out. Shadow was greeted by The Mane Six, Bula, Sinco, Angel Wing, and Octavia. "Oh wow, I'm guessing you guys had this planned ahead of time." Shadow said. "Well duh! We couldn't, let you go home to an empty house." Pinkie Pie said. Shadow laughed and joined the party. Shadow was enjoying himself, but his situation was still in the back of his mind. Octavia walked up to him and said, "It's been awhile since I saw you last. Where have you been?" "Adventuring!" Shadow said. "But aren't you retired?" Octavia said. "Adventure finds away." Shadow replied. Octavia giggled and said, "I'm sure it does, so will you be in town tomorrow?" "Sorry, me and The Mane Six have some royal matters to attend to. Why?" Shadow asked. "I was hoping you and I could hang out more." Octavia said. "I'll be free once our mission is done." Shadow said. "Sounds great, meet me at the Ponyville Café." Octavia said. "Will do." Shadow then walked over to Angel Wing, Sinco, and Bula. "Hey you. How's it been?" Angel Wing asked. "Long and tiring, luckily we are almost done with our mission for the Princess." Shadow replied. "A mission? What kind?" Sinco asked. "It's like a search and collect kind." Shadow answered. "Me and Sinco had to collect The Dragon Orbs, to wish back some of our friends." Bula said. "Sound like our mission, but we aren't collecting orbs. I'm not suppose to go into detail." "Augh." Angel Wing said. "Hey, I'll tell all of you later when I get back ok?" Shadow added. "Ok." They all said. They partied til midnight, then Shadow prepared for bed for along rest. He laid in bed wide awake. "Trouble sleeping?" A voice asked, Shadow sat up to see Princess Luna at the foot of his bed. "Yes, Ponyville has grown on me, but I can't make Moonblade leave her village behind." Shadow explained. "I'm sure you and her can work things out, but know this. You'll always have a home here." Luna said with a reinsuring voice. Shadow smile and so did Luna, Shadow then said, "Thank you and Good night your highness." Shadow said before going to sleep. "Good night, Sir Shadow Knight." Luna replied before disappearing into the night. Morning in Ponyville never got old for Shadow, the sun rise made a beautiful scene. Except he didn't have time to spare gazing at it, he had a mission to complete. He packed a couple of things and headed out to The Everfree Forest. The Mane Six was awaiting his arrival, with the group together they headed off into the forest. Passing Zecora's tree home, and down a familiar path. They pass a Manticore and The Creepy Trees, they were greeted by the flame buoyant serpent from before. "Why it's you six again, how's it been my pony friends?" The serpent asked. "Good, I see the mustache has grown back beautifully." Rarity said. "I know, thank you so much for fixing it, who is this dark and stunning stallion?" The serpent questioned. "I'm Shadow Knight and we wish to cross your river." Shadow said. "Say no more, anything for you guys." The purple serpent said before making himself into a bridge. They reached the old rope bridge, but all the boards where broken. "Great, now what?" Rainbow asked. Shadow looked to a near by tree, he knocked it down. Then sliced it into a big, sturdy, plank; he then laid the plank a over the demolished bridge. "Times a wasting." Shadow said before walking across his make shift bridge. Inside the ruins, there laid the statue that held The Elements of Harmony. Shadow walked up to the structure and pressed a series of stone buttons to open a passage. This passage lead down several flights of stairs into a giant room. The rooms had a similar structure to the one upstairs, but it held the last four elements they needed. "Easy peasy." Rainbow said, "A little too, easy." Shadow said. Shadow then picked up a rock and threw it. A barrier stopped the projectile and disintegrated it. "A magic barrier, which means we need to unlock it some how." Twilight said. The seven looked around, "There is holes in the floor." Pinkie Pie said. Shadow gave an element to both Twilight and Rainbow. They placed their element on their hole and twisted it, the barrier faded and the last elements were revealed. A sword, a lance, and a shield floated down and were placed on the floor. "I thought their was four?" Rarity said. "Yes, but the elements will reveal the seventh element." Shadow said. Shadow walked up to the elements and placed them in a circle. He let each of the six stand in the circle, but non of the elements moved. "I don't understand. One of you has to be the element, you each wielded The Elements of Harmony." Shadow then stood in the circle to see if he did something wrong. Suddenly, The Elements floated around Shadow. Each element turned transformed into a piece of armor, they attached themselves to Shadow. A flash of light admitted from Shadow, he floated down as The Seventh Element. Gold armor covered his body, and he glowed with a white light. "Shadow Knight, your the Seventh Element." Twilight said. "Wow, which means." Shadow said before using his mind to disassemble The Six Elements. Shadow laughed in happiness, "All this time, and I was the Seventh." "That's great, but we need to report back to Celestia." Rainbow said. Shadow snapped out of his heroic state and said, "Right we need to get back." Shadow and The Mane Six rushed out of the ruins and in order to get to Cantorlot faster. They took a more dangerous, but faster route. Reaching Cantorlot they made it just in time, Celestia was about to go to a meeting. "We found them all!" Twilight shouted. "All of them? I only see six." Celestia said. "That's the thing, Shadow Knight is the seventh." Rainbow said. Celestia looked to Shadow Knight and said, "You all did great, know we have a chance against Discord and his army. We will send for you when we are ready, but for know I send you seven to your homes." Celestia said. With the mission over the seven felt happier that they could finally go home. Shadow meanwhile had some promises to keep. Octavia had a seat saved for Shadow and brought Vinyl Scratch along to keep her from destroying the house. "So when is this knight of yours going to get hear?" Vinyl asked. "He suppose to be back from a mission." Octavia replied. "And here I am." Shadow said. "Shadow Knight. You've met Vinyl from the Nightmare Night event." "Oh yeah, those were some sick beats." Shadow said. "Thank you. I've heard a lot about you from Tavi here." Vinyl said. "While I hope I didn't make you wait too long?" "Oh don't be silly, we just got here." Octavia said. Grabbing a menu Shadow looked through the choices. Octavia and Vinyl were doing more that looking through the choices. "I got to admit, he is kind of cute." Vinyl said. "I agree, but he is already taken." Octavia said. "Dang well at least you two can still be friends." Vinyl said. "May I take your order." The waiter said interrupting their conversation. "I'll have the salad and a water." Octavia said. "I'll just take the celery soup and a soda." Vinly ordered. "I'll just have what she is having." Shadow said pointing to Octavia. The waiter took their menus and walked into the kitchen. "So Shadow Knight. I heard that you went to The Land of Dragons. What's that place like?" Vinly asked. "A desert like landscape with a village here and their. It pays off to learn the dragon language, but living their is just as tough. Luckily the capital,The City of The Moon; it sends supplies to smaller villages" Shadow explained. "Sounds like a nice place to visit, but not to live in." "Only if you know your way around. I suggest you visit The Griffins Land. It's just like Cloudsdale." Shadow said. "Only if I could fly." Vinyl giggled. They all laugh together, as their meals arrived. "I've heard that Twilight is stronger, because of you." Octavia asked. "Agh. All I did is give her a book. She taught herself." "Sure she did Mr. Humble." Octavia said. They all laughed again, and began eating. When trouble walked through the door. "Vinyl! Vinyl!" A muscular stallion yelled through out the restaurant. "Oh no. It's tall, dark, and bad news." Vinyl said while hiding under the table. "A friend of yours?" Shadow asked. "More like raging ex boyfriend. He was really rude, so I dumped him." "Excuse me sir, but if you don't have a reservation your not allowed in here. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A manager said. "Reserve this!" The raging stallion yelled before kicking the manager across the restaurant. Shadow got up and said, "Hey bone head, your ruining these ponies evening. I think the nice stallion told you to leave." Shadow said with a menacing look. "What are you going to do about it pipsqueak?" The stallion snorted. Shadow kicked his legs out from under him, the force caused his thick bones to break like a twig. The stallion screamed out in pain, he looked up at Shadow. "Now, before I kick you out. What do have to say to these nice ponies?" Shadow asked. The stallion struggled to speak, but Shadow made him speak by pressing a hoof on his ribs. Making them break slowly, "I'm sorry ok! I'M SORRY!" The stallion cried out. He sobbed in pain and fear, "Good now, lets find the door so the nice ponies in the white uniforms can take you to the nearest hospital." Shadow said dragging him out of the restaurant. Shadow came back to a speechless Vinyl and a smiling Octavia. "Sorry about that, work always finds me." Shadow said seating back down. "That's all right, I just never new that silence was so sweet." Octavia said. Vinyl was stilling shock, and finally closed her mouth. "Hey, buddy thanks for getting rid of that guy." The manager said "No problem, I'm happy to help." Shadow said. "Then you won't mind if I say your is on the house "I'll even throw in this super expensive dessert." The manager said. "Sounds good to me." Shadow replied. After a great meal, Shadow said goodbye to Vinly and Octavia. She headed back to his house. He opened the door to Angel Wing, Sinco, and Bula suiting up for battle. "What's wrong?" Shadow demanded. "Shadow Knight! The Changeling Queen has ordered an attack on The City of The Moon." Angel Wing said. "Changeling!? That witch! Lets suit up and get out their." "Finally some thing to fight." Sinco said. "Don't underestimate them, changelings are ruthless beings and must be killed at all costs."....to be continued. > Chapter 16: Raging Shadow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and her friends rushed through the palace door into the throne room. "Your Highness! Shadow and his friends need your help, a Changling attack has begun on The Land of Dragons." Twilight shouted. "I know of this, I'm assigning you and a small army to The Land of Dragons to aid them. Be careful, The Changlings no longer have mercy." Celestia said. "I wish to fight too sister!" Princess Luna demanded. Princess Celestia first hesitated, but saw her sister's determination. "Very well. Go and aid Shadow Knight. We all know he needs it. Shadow Knight had just arrived to the scene, slaying Changling one after another. "Moonblade! What is the situation?" Shadow called out. "Shadow Knight! We are being attacked from the north, but an army lead by General Sentex." Moonblade replied. "We'll aid you the best we can." Shadow said before returning to his small team. "Angel wing your with me. Sinco and Bula you aid the troops. I have a plan to wipe half of the army." Shadow commanded. "Understood." They yelled, then split up with mission in mind. "What's our plan?" Angel Wing asked. "Their is a stash of experiment explosives that I have been working on. I'm confident that they are ready for battle." Shadow said. "He grabbed his saddle bag and went to the catapults. "Soldiers! Attach this to your rocks and light the fuse. Fire them into the army of Changlings." Shadow instructed. The Soldiers did as they we're told and fired the explosives at The Changlings. Each explosive took a quarter of the enemy army. "Ha ha yes, now we can help the ground forces." Shadow said before running off. Sinco and Bula meanwhile were fighting The Changlings. Then were joined by Shadow and other fighters. "Nice work with the catapults!" Sinco said. "Fights not over yet!" Shadow said while slashing through five Changlings. Moonblade saw General Sentex a big Changling with a scar over his left eye and a sword for a hoof. She rushed him, she fought with all her might. Except Sentex was stronger, they went head to head til they were close to Shadow. Then the inevitable happened, before Shadow's eyes. Moonblade was decapitated by Sentex. "NO!" Shadow screamed. Every pony, even The Changling stopped and looked at Shadow. His body was beginning to be covered in black mist, his eyes glowed white, and a deep roar bursted out of Shadow's throat. Shadow was changing into a horrible beast beyond any pony could imaged. Twilight and Luna's army just arrived to see the horror. Shadow roared a loud and with a blink of an eye killed General Sentex, then finished the rest of the army. They howled and cried in pain as the beast, devoured them whole and killed the rest. Shadow was in full rage mode, he didn't care about honor any more. All he cared about was revenge and blood. "By the Moon!" Princess Luna said looking on in horror. The beast that was unlocked and Shadow had been released. With the Changlings all dead. The beast walked toward Moonblade's body, a tear left it's eye and dropped onto the body. Sinco, Angel Wing, and Bula; made The Mane six and Princess Luna stayed back. The beast shook in rage then howled a long mournful howl that brought tears to every ponies eyes. The beast vanished and left behind a trail of black flames. "We have to stop him!" Twilight said. "Yes, but not in this state. He is too angry and filled with hate. We need to head him off at The Kingdom of Changling and convince him to stop." Princess Luna said. "I'll be in charge til, you get back." Sinco said. Luna then used them same portal spell to transport The Mane Six and herself. Sinco and the others plan on restoring The city. The beast made it to The Changling Kingdom before The Mane Six and Luna. He preyed on Changlings and hunted them down destroying everything in his way. The Changling were now living in fear. They didn't know what to do, so they ran toward their be loved Queen. "Your highness! The beast is coming!" A Changling shouted. "Get every pony inside now! Barricade us in. " Queen Chrysalis commanded. The Changling put the castle under extreme defense protocol. "What is that thing?!" Queen Chrysalis asked one of her guards. "We don't know. It just showed up, four hours after you sent our army to The Land of Dragons." The guard said. "Your highness! We have just received word from a dying Soldier saying that is the Equestrian's called Shadow Knight!" Another guard said. The Mane Six and Luna arrived late to stop Shadow from reaching the castle. "We have to hurry! He is going insane!" Twilight said. The Mane Six and Luna ran toward the collapsing castle. Seeing more of Shadow's path of rage and blood shade. They feared they might me too late, but they pressed on hoping to get there in time. They were stopped by some Changling Soldiers, who were looking for a fight. They went to work on slaying the pests, but more and more came for them. Now they were being delayed, by the Queen's Foolish actions. Then suddenly the front door of the castle collapsed. Queen Chrysalis, caught a glanced at the monster she created. She shook with pure fear, "Don't let that thing get near us!" She yelled. The Changling guards tried with all their might to stop the beast, but got eaten or was slain . The beast drew closer, it's mouth covered in green blood. The Changlings tried protecting their Queen, before being swapped off the castle balcony. Queen Chrysalis ran into her throne room. The beast followed and roared in anger. It stopped to let Shadow have control, "You! You did this to me! You sent Sentex to attack The City of the Moon and kill the only pony I loved!" Shadow said with a booming voice. The Changling Queen coward in fear. "What is the matter dear, why do you shake with fear? I only had the best of the insane!" Shadow yelled before Changing back into the beast with an evil laugh. "No! Please! Stop! NO!" The Changling Queen shouted. "SHADOW!" A voiced called out. It was Princess Luna and The Mane Six. "Stay away! THIS WHORE IS MINE!" Shadow shouted throw a monstrous tone. "You need to stand down Shadow! Your better than this! Killing Chrysalis isn't going to bring Moonblade back!" Twilight said. "You know, Nothing of what I feel!" Shadow shouted. "No! But we know what we feel. We feel, like we shouldn't see our Shadow acted like this. Moonblade gave her life to protect her city! So honor her by putting her to rest. Don't seek out revenge and not become a monster like her." Luna said while pointing to Queen Chrysalis. The Queen still shook in fear, Shadow looked at himself with a piece of broken glass. He saw the monstrous rage that consumed him and turned him into this beast. He finally claimed down and returned to normal, he held back his tears. Then walked toward The Mane Six and Princess Luna. "Mawahahahaha! You foalish knight! I'll breed another army and we will avenge our fallen brother and sister by..." Queen Chrysalis was interrupted by a blow to the face. She looked to find Princess Luna standing before her. "You have no place to speak you ugly bitch!" Princess Luna said before slicing Queen Chrysalis' throat. The Changlings are now all dead and their is Queen no more. Luna and The Mane Six comforted Shadow. They began the long journey back to The Land of Dragons. With heads held low and Shadow trying so hard to stay in control. They finally made it back, with preparations set with Madam Moonblade's burial. They had a lovely ceremony and then buried her next to her parents. Shadow stood at her grave, placing a rose on top of it. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry my love...I couldn't save you...why us, out of all the ponies in world. Why the ones who love most, but don't you worry. I'll keep...I'll keep fighting to free you, your ponies, and the world to stop this madness.".....To be continued. > Chapter 17: The Return of Moonblade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow returned to his home in Ponyville with his head hung low and his mind clouded with hate. He sat in his living room still as a stone statue, a tear would leave his eyes ever so often. When night came, he showered and headed for bed. He sleep through the night, Luna watch over him as he twitched and cried in pain. It broke her heart to see him like this, but nothing seemed to calm the stallion. He was angry and sad, all he knew to handle this was to fight. Fight til his body couldn't fight no more, fight til it was over, and fight til he died in battle. One night while Luna was watching over Shadow, a light came through the window. "Your highness, let me enter his mind to calm his pain." The light said. "Why, should I trust you?" Princess Luna replied. The light turned into Moonblade, "Because I can't let him go on like this. He is my true love, I must easy his pain." Moonblade said. Princess Luna hesitated, but she let Moonblade enter his mind. She followed it to a scorched battlefield, every where you could see parts of Changling bodies. The trail lead to a figure in the distance. It was Shadow covered in Changling blood, "Your highness, I like your company, but your going to have to leave." "Shadow don't shun your Princess." Moonblade said. Shadow turned around and glared at Princess Luna. "I know I'm dreaming so quite with the tricks! Nothing!...." Shadow paused to see Moonblade standing next to Princess Luna. "Shadow, it's me Moonblade. Please hear me out." she pleaded. "How do I know you are really her?" Shadow replied. Moonblade give Shadow a rose then said, "As long as this rose is well, I will return to you. I still remember your message." Moonblade said. Shadow calmed down and said, "It really is you...,but how?" Shadow said. "I'm one with the moon now. I heard your calls and crying at night, so I came to tell you that I'm in a better place and I'll be waiting for you. Like I always have." Shadow was in tears, "I'll meet you their my love. I'll meet you their." Moonblade and Shadow kissed for the last time, Moonblade then left in a ball of light back to the moon. Shadow was now at peace, "She truly loves you, and I hope you see her agian." Princess Luna said. "I hope so too, let me know when I'm needed. I have a debt to pay to the ponies I let down, and to the friends I have forgotten. "The Mane Six wish to see you, I can tell them that you also wish to see them?" Princess Luna asked. "Yes I'd like that." Shadow said. He sat down and the scene of war turned into a plain white area. As Luna flew back into the night to alert the six, the seventh has returned. The next morning, The Mane Six and Spike rushed to Shadow's home. "Come on we're almost there!" Rainbow said. "I've been so worried. I'm so happy that his ok now." Twilight said. They came over the hill to spot Shadow sitting and drinking coffee, like he normally does. "Shadow!" They all screamed. Shadow met them half way, they tackled Shadow and laughed. "Shadow, We are so happy that your at peace once more." Rarity said. "As am I, What you guys say we head into town for some time together." Shadow said. "Yeah." They all yelled at the same time. They headed into Ponyville for a good time, they hung out at Sugarcube Corner. Then did what friends do and had fun. Shadow began smiling agian. The girls decided to do talk girl things, leaving Spike and Shadow to talk about guy stuff. "So Spike, you still going after Rarity?" Shadow asked. "You bet, she is so beautiful, smart, talented, and funny." Spike said trying to not drool. "Ha. She sounds perfect, but aren't you kind of a little young for her?" Shadow asked. "Hey, I'm pretty mature for my age." Spike said. "Oh I know, I'm just giving you a hard time. I'm sure Rarity adores you." Shadow said. Spike wanted to ask something about dating, but he didn't want to push his luck. "You know you can asked me anything. I don't mind, I'm at peace knowing Moonblade is alright." Shadow said. Spike was surprise that he was reading him like a book, "So can you give me any pointers in dating, and asking a girl out." Spike asked. "Well, the best way to success is to be yourself. Also to be polite, and well mannered. With this in mind your unstoppable." Shadow replied. "Really?" "Oh yeah." Shadow said. Spike then knew he is going to have to break out the big guns for this plan. The Mane Six meanwhile we're sitting in the park. When Octavia came by, "Hello. I don't mean to intrude, but have you seen Shadow Knight?" "Yes, why are you a friend of his?" Twilight asked. "Yes, when I heard he lost Moonblade I rushed out to find him." Octavia replied. "His with our friend Spike in the mid distract of Ponyville." Applejack said. "Thank you for your help." Octavia said. "Who as that?" Rainbow asked. "That was Octavia the renounced cello player of The Canterlot Orchestra." Rarity replied. "What is she doing her?" Pinkie Pie said. "Well, after we almost ruined The Gallaping Gala. She left for a quiter life. So she came to Ponyville." Rarity replied. I remember now, she has Vinyl Scratch for a roommate." Rainbow Dash added. "Not the quite life she was looking for huh?" Twilight said. Octavia raced to the middle of Ponyville, she looked left and right. Then saw him with a purple dragon. She rushed to see him, "SHADOW!" she yelled. Shadow turned to see Octavia running toward him. "Octavia!" Shadow replied. "Wait, you know her?" Spike said. "Yes, this Octavia the local cello player. Octavia this is Spike, he is the assistant book keeper at the Library." "Nice to meet you Spike." Octavia said. "Like wise." Spike replied. "Oh Shadow, when I heard about you and Moonblade I came looking for you." Octavia said with a sadden tone. "I'm all right now. Moonblade is in a better place. Some day I hope to meet her their." "I'm so glad you are happy again. I don't know what I would do with out my friend." Octavia said with a tear in her eye. "It's ok, what matters is I'm at peace and you saved me the trouble of looking for you. Spike and I were just about to head to the park so he can regroup with his friends." Shadow said. "Haha, I was just there looking for you." "Really, so I'm guess you already met The Mane Six huh?" Shadow asked. "Not formally, but yes." "Splendid. We can catch up with them now." Shadow said. "Yeah, um sure Twilight would love to meet you." Spike added. "Then lets not keep them waiting." Octavia replied. Later at the park, The Mane Six took Spike and went on their way. "It was nice meeting you Octavia. Sorry about The Gala!" Twilight yelled. "It's ok, good bye." Octavia replied. "That went better than I hoped." Shadow said. "Now since your free, I was hoping we could meet Vinyl for a milkshake or something." "Sounds like fun." Shadow replied. "Great Vinyl will be excited to see you again." Octavia said. With a plan set and a settled soul, Shadow and Octavia headed to Sugarcube Corner. Meanwhile at Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were having their annual dinner. No rich executive ponies, No Foreign Royality, and No mountains of paperwork. Just sisters enjoy each others company, or so they thought. "Celestia! Celestia!" A famliar voice echoed through the dinning room. Then load and behold, The Master of Chaos was before them. "Discord! What is the meaning of your presents!" Celestia demanded. Discord locked and barricaded all the doors, then said "Now here me out. I have come to give myself up." "You do realize you'll only be imprisoned again add as long as Shadow Knight is around. He'll make sure you will never come back." Celestia replied. "I know, I deserve every bit of punishment I get. I couldn't continue with this plan. It's not even mine." Discord said. "What do you mean?" Celestia said with questionable tone. "A being name Mephila of the Dead summoned myself, Chrysalis, and King Sombra to plan an attack to take over the world. Her next plan is to attack Canterlot with all she has. I came to warn you, because....I couldn't watch her take out the princess...the friend I had." Discord said. Princess Celestia wasn't sure if she should be happy or suspicious? Suddenly she saw, the old Discord that used to be kind and charming. She remembered the time he and her had. She knew he had changed for the better. "Lets say I do trust you, will you do as I say when I say it?" Celestia asked. "Celestia. I will do as you say, I will take responsibility for my actions, and let myself be imprisoned agian." Discord said. With a serious face, a face that few ponies ever get to see. Celestia stared at him and said, "Ok. I'll alert the others and Shadow Knight. You need to stay here and tell me all about Mephila."....to be continued. > Chapter 18: Battle For Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow walked through the door of the throne room to find Celestia and Luna. "Your majesties. I came as soon as I could." Shadow said with a bow. "Thank you Shadow Knight, but before we get into things. I need you to promise me you will not get angry or upset." Celestia replied. Shadow Knight found this odd and said, "I promise not to get upset or angry." "Very well Shadow Knight. I found out that Discord is not the leader of this assault." "Who told you this my I ask?" Shadow asked. Celestia stopped beating the bush and revealed Discord. "Hello Shadow Knight." Discord said with a nervous smile. "Discord?!" Shadow said trying to hold back his anger. "I know this is short notice, but Discord has given himself up..." "And you believed him?" Shadow interrupted Princess Celestia. "Shadow please, believe me. I don't want anything to do this any more." Discord pleaded. "Don't ask for that you don't deserve." Shadow said with a barking boom. He began to growl, suddenly Luna stamped down her hoof with a force that shook the castle. She then said with a dark booming voice, "SHADOW KNIGHT! YOU PROMISED NOT TO GET ANGRY! NOW SHUT UP AND LISTEN!" Shadow snapped out of his angry state, he still had a angry face upon him. Luna gave him the same glare back. Shadow backed down, then Discord with ears back said, "I didn't leave because of me or because what I stand for. I left because I couldn't watch ponies die and watch the world burn. I left because of you, because of your love for her. I can still see that angry beast in you, but also your wounded heart." Shadow turned from angry to guilty, Discord saw through his tough act and saw the turmoil inside him. "I'm sorry, that I jumped to conclusions. Who is behind all of this?" Shadow asked. "A goddess alicorn named Mephila, she controls the dead and darkness. She brought the three of us together to take the world by storm. She plans to attack tommorow." Discord said. "Then lets give her a battle she'll never forget." Shadow said. "General! Prepare the army and sent word to the Mane Six to meet us here." Celestia said. Luna started to calm, then she shed a tear from her eyes as she turned to walk to her chambers. Celestia noticed this, and followed her sister. Discord was looking out the window contemplating with his enter demons. After word was given to prepare for battle, Celestia went to Luna's door and knocked on it. Her sister's worn voice said, "Come in." Celestia opened the door to find her sister's make up running and her eyes looked irritated. "Luna? Are you alright?" Celestia asked with a concerned tone. "I wish I was big sister." "What is troubling you? Your worrying me." Celestia pointed out. "I just wish things were different between Shadow Knight and I. A last I know what is, is to be." Luna said with another tear streaming down. "It's alright Luna, you'll find your prince. Your knight that cares for you and will protect you til the end of his life." Celestia said. "But, I want him to live as long as me and you. To not wither and dead like leaves when season change. I want a knight that is forever mine." Luna said with a tremble in her voice. Luna put her head on her sister's shoulder and let out a long cry. Celestia could only have sympathy for her sister, mostly because she also wish a prince of her own. She let out a tear or two of her own, they stood their in pain. Then dried their tears and began hiding their emotions. For Equestria needed them now more than ever. The Mane Six arrived to find Shadow and Discord in the throne room. "Discord!" All six ponies yelled. Rainbow Dash tried rushing for Discord, but was stopped by Shadow. "Rainbow Dash! Touch him and the princesses with have both of our rumps on a silver platter." Shadow said with a firm voice. "But it's Discord!" Rainbow complained. "Discord is now on our side and a new enemy has been revealed." Shadow said. "Who?" Twilight asked. "I'll let the princesses explain. I need some air." Shadow said while escaping to the courtyard. Shadow sat on the grass letting the wind flow through his mane. Then felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to find Moonblade and his old friends behind him. "Shadow Knight, you face a great evil, an evil as old as time itself." Black Iron said. "But with the Elements of War alone would only delay the apocalyptic plague." Dragon Dame added. "So we bring you something that will destroy that which is coming." Sir Whirlwind said. Moonblade walked toward Shadow with a sheath made of pure gold. "Is what I think it is?" Shadow asked. "The Sheath of The Heavenly sword. Excalibur." Moonblade said. "But what of Excalibur?" Shadow questioned. "It will only appear when the time comes, but we bring a message to the princesses." Dragon Dame said giving him a scroll wrapped in white lace. "It was great seeing you again, we wish you good luck and hope you will met us on the other side." Sir Whirlwind said. "As we always have we'll stand by your side Shadow." Dragon Dame said as she stood next to Black Iron. "And as always, I'll always be in your heart." Moonblade said. "I thank you all for being here, by my side every step of the way. Goodbye, until we meet again." Shadow said with a smile and a tear. Shadow entered the throne room with sheath and note, Every pony stared as he entered. "What is that!?" Rainbow said with surprise. "The Sheath of the Legendary Heavenly Sword." Shadow replied. "So then it is real? Where is it?" Celestia asked. "It will appear in due time, but a message for you. From the other sided." Shadow replied. Celestia opened the letter she read it and smiled. "We are more than likely to wins this, need not to swing our weapons in angry, but in courage. To charge in knowing there will be a tomorrow. For this is our finest hour, lets give them a battle that will be told for centuries. Let us defend our home. Equestria! " Celestia said. The next day every army of Equestria and beyond we're at the line. Awaiting for what might lay ahead. Then from the horizon came a figure that stood alone. It was Mephila standing with a scowl on her face, she was staring Discord down. She should of stared at who was in front leading her opponents. For the first time in over several centuries, Celestia was in armor wielding a magic sword. Next to her was Luna in full armor and controlling two swords. "So where is your hero, I have heard about. Shadow Knight correct?" Mephila said. "He'll be here. Mephila." Celestia said in return. "Good he is the only threat to me, the rest of you I could merely wipe you out with a glance." Mephila said with a laugh. "You underestimate us, Mephila. We are stronger the you think." Luna barked. "Is that so? Then what is holding you back?" Mephila said. Mephila summoned a army of undead warriors, they stood at attention. They flamed with green fire, and screamed with an unholy howl. Celestia's army wasn't impressed. Mephila just smiled and glared, her army readied their weapons as did Celestia's. "Any last words!" Mephila yelled. Celestia reminded silent. "Charge!" Mephila commanded. Celestia motioned her army to attack. The two armies were stalemated, even with the princesses help. Then from the sky a voice could be heard, "Sonic Rainbow Boom Thrust." First nothing then faster than many of Mephila's army did not move a blast of a multicolored shock waved bust through the army and slicing the rest. The Mane Six arrived, Twilight was leading her friends into battle with new gear. "Magic Fire Thrust" Twilight yelled exploding another section of the army. Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity; were wielding some of The Elements of War. Hacking and Slashing their way through the undead with Celestia's army. "Where's Shadow Knight?" Celestia asked. "In position." Twilight said. Twilight and Rainbow then use their ultimate attack to drive the creatures back. "Magic Rainbow Dragon" the two knights yelled, then a dragon shaped barrier pushed the creatures back half a mile. Suddenly they all disappeared. Mephila stamped slowly and said, "We'll, done. I have never seen such skill in all my life." "And you'll never see any other skill to match it." Rainbow Dash barked. Mephila laughed and said, "A death threat coming from a lesser being. Your speaking to a goddesses that could swat you away like a fly. In fact I could wipe out this inter planet with a thought." "Then way haven't you?" Twilight asked. "Where's the challenge in that?" Mephila replied. "I will give you one chance to leave and never return." Celestia said with her sword raised. "Oh please, Celestia I have been on this planet longer than you. Killing celestial beings was my specialty. Disposing you and your sister will be just another trophy added to my wall." Mephila said. "Then where have you been all this time?" Luna demanded. "Resting, I am a goddesses after all. Destroy worlds take a lot out of me." Mephila said with an evil smirk. "You forget! Even gods and goddesses have quickness." A voice said. Shadow dropped from above with his two best friends by his side. "So the last of the royal knights has arrived. Dragon Dame, Black Iron it's been awhile." Mephila said. "Don't waste your breath on us you witch!" Black Iron said with a ghostly tone. "So I guess the fate of this world rest in the hands of a monster? Ha! If anything Shadow Knight is nothing more than a weapon of mass destruction." Mephila began. "The only reason he exist is because of his beastly form." She added before lashing out with a tentacle of darkness. It wrapped itself around Shadow Knight and sucked the darkness out of him. His coat turned white and his eyes were blue , then fated to white. She dropped the life less body letting it hit the ground like a stone. "Shadow!" Every pony cried. Both Dragon Dame and Black Iron went into action. They gave Mephila all they had and more. Unfortunately it wasn't enough and were whisked away like dust. Luna couldn't bare it anymore, she began to change. Mephila caught wind of Luna's Power rising. "You.....Heartless......Evil......ANIMAL!!!!" She screamed as a different form of Luna's true powers was unleashed. The Sky turned dark and the Moon rose and shined onto the raging Alicorn. She turned into pure darkness glowing with power never seen before by any pony. Her eyes were like filled with hate and her coat was just as black as before. "Your fate has been sealed by The Princess of The Night!" Luna said with a booming voice. She disappeared and reappeared before Mephila in mid attack. She forced Mephila back with a head butt to the throat, she teleported in front of the lifeless Mephila. Luna bucked her to the air and summoned a sword that was as big and as long as three Sweet Apple Acres. She swung it down on Mephila, when it landed it created a Gorge. She finally flew up into the air alining with the moon. She charged a beam of magic, "You killed the only pony I ever loved and for that you must DIIIIIIIIIEEEE!" Luna shouted. Before shooting her beam, causing a massive explosion. She kept pouring it out her anger, pain, and sadness in to one attack. She screamed longer and louder each time she thought of Shadow. Tears were pouring out of her eyes and landing like rain. "Sister! Stop! Your going to implode Ponyville!" Celestia cried. Luna finally stopped and turned back to her normal state. She ran to Shadow Knight's body. She picked him up and said with tears in her eyes, "Wake up, please awake from your slumber." She cried as she held him close, as all gathered around her and Shadow. A soft moan floated into Luna's ear. Luna looked and Shadow Knight, he was coming back. "Shadow! Your all right thank the Moon!" Luna said hugging him. "As am I princess!" Mephila said, before knocking her back. "I have to admit you surprised me, but don't think I can be defeated so easily." "LUNA!" Shadow yelled. He got in front of Mephlia and bucked her back. "That force! Your normal now! That's not possible!" Mephila said. "Thou I allowed darkness and rage to be my crutch for a long time. I always believe that light and love is stronger than any power." Shadow said. "Your not Shadow Knight! Who are ?!" Mephila said. "Can't you tell? I am the colt who sacrificed his life for friendship. The hero that controlled the beast, the hope that helped the weak find salvation. I am the terror that haunts your dreams and villains like you. I am Guardian Angel the Last Knight of Equestria!" The Elements of War flew to Guardian Angel and attached themselves to him forming armor. The Sheath glowed and Excalibur appeared. Guardian Angel drew the blade, it glowed with light. "No! No! No! NOOO!" Mephila yelled in anger. She drew her sword and attacked Guardian Angel. He blocked her attack and flung her back, "I came to far to lose now!" Mephila said with another lunge, Guardian Angel just disarmed her and jabbed Excalibur into her chest. "I will not allow you to destroy this planet!" Guardian Angel said. Then an explosion of light magic covered the battle field. Mephila then screamed out in pain. When the dusted settled, Guardian Angel was kneeling with Excalibur stuck into the ground. "Shadow!" Twilight yelled. The Mane Six, and The Princesses ran toward him. He panted and began to speak, "Haha. I thought I was destined to be a stallion of darkness. That I never be with my old friends, but I just needed new ones to see that I still have a chance." "You were always a hero to us." Luna said kneeling with him. He grunted softly and flickered like a candle. "No......Not again." Luna said "I know, but I want you all to know. You have given me a reason to stay at peace and to move on." "We'll miss you. Shadow Knight, The Last Knight of Equestria." Celestia said. They gathered around him as he faded into nothing. The only thing left was The Elements, The Sheath, and a note. Twilight read this to herself then gave it to Celestia. "Lets go home, we need a burial to plan and a final wishes to to granted." They tried gathering both Elements and Sheath, but they scattered as soon as The Six touched them. Back at Cantorlot, Celestia called all ponies and armies to the front of the castle. She summoned the slip of paper and spoke with her royal Cantorlot voice. "We are gathered here to thank the allies for helping us when we needed them the most, and to honor the fallen soldiers. Most of all to honor The Knight who has gone to the beyond countless times to not only keep Equestria safe, but the world we live in. I have here his finale words written by Shadow Knight himself." Celestia begans to read, "Beings of all kinds who fight for their homes. I have traveled the world and have seen what has happened since my brothers and sisters were existed. Thieves roam the roads, guards over powered, and the weak dying in the streets. Though the battle is over, the war against evil has just began. So I ask of you all to find the heroes that are inside us all, find the courage and loyalty to fight not for your country, but for this one world we were given. Rekindle The Flames of Knightly Hood and lets take back what has been stolen from us." The ponies and armies cheered to Shadow Knights words, "As of today, I here by reinstate The rank Knight and opening a new Knights Academy." Celestia said. After the speech, a tome was built for Shadow Knight, unicorn guards gave him The Magic Shot Salute. Luna, Celestia, and Mane Six brought flowers. Twilight stood alongside Rainbow at the tomb. The sunset shone some light upon the door of the tomb and the words stood out clearly. “Here lies thy brave knight Shadow Knight. May his soul rest in peace.” Tears started to roll down the cheeks of all the mares. They said their good byes and went on their way. Except Princess Luna, she stood their til the sun set and the moon rose. "You were always the best of the best. I just wish you could of stayed with me longer." Luna said before using her magic to summon a rose that glowed liked the moon on the tome. She then left to tend to her night patrol and duties. Two years later, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle were chosen to run the new knights academy. They built a statue of Shadow Knight in memory of him and to tell of his story. Spike became the youngest dragon knight in the academy. The Cutie Mark Crusaders joined in and became squires. Other ponies came in to join the knights academy. The other four went about their days as they always did. Celestia returned to her duties and Luna did the same, but they always visited the tome with The Mane Six. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch composed a song dedicated to Shadow Knight. It later became a hit all over the world. A month later, reports of a black stallion saving ponies popped up in Manehatten and a white stallion saving ponies in The Land of Dragons. They had the same cutie mark. A sheild with a sword on it. Celestia and Luna's guards investigated and found no sign of them. Luna one night was on patrol and saw a two figures on a hill. It looked like two stallion standing next to each other than quickly fading as if they were ghosts. A note was left behind, "I will always be with you. Signed SK." Luna kept the note only showing it to the ones who knew Shadow Knight. So all you ponies who feel unsafe in your homes or walking home in the dark. Just know that Shadow Knight will be there.