Story's rewritten

by Aquarius

First published

What would you do if your body was longer what it once was? and what would you do if you were involved in a story, that you never realized you shouldn't be apart of?

What would you do if you were taking to a land far away and nothing like your own, and what would you do if that land broke all concepts of what you told was true and false or if your body wasn't what is once was? But more importantly, what would you do if you were involved in a story, that you never realized you shouldn't be apart of?
Those are the questions, that three simple friends, are gonna have to answer for themselves.


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===Hello reader, my name is, well for all intent and purpose, lets just call me Narrator, the storyteller, the one that will be distracting you as nice men in white coats come to take you away to a very comfy place, but since you're still reading this i'll assume that you're not that jerk from room seven eight. So anyway, this is the story, well, stories, of three friends, well, perhaps acquaintances is a better word for them. Who are taking to a reality far unlike their own, to a land of ponies instead of men. Now you may be asking, Narrator, why are you spoiling the beginning of the story?

Because the story is not all about how it started, but what comes after.===

It has always been a strange and yet peaceful feeling for Devin, to be trapped within his mind as his body sleeps, knowing that you only dream for the first five minutes and the last twenty minutes of your sleep. But instead of dreaming, Devin becomes aware, although he can't remember how he picked up on this, Devin has been able to explore the depth of his own mind while to a degree also know what his body feels as well.

But something was different, he could not recall falling asleep, or going to bed for that matter, the last thing he could remember was performing an experiment along with his friends on how to shatter a uncut ruby with thunder. The more he thought about it, the more terrified he became, was he in his bed? Or was he sleeping behind a prison cell? His mind began to race and recall every plan he thought up incase of such emergencies, until he caught something from his left ear, muttering? was he out cold with his friends around him?

“how do you think he’ll react?” He heard one voice say, a voice Devin could only place as his friend Leo, but react to what Devin wondered, was there a accident? Was his equipment destroyed?

“knowing him, yelling and rambling” Replied another voice that Devin knew to be none other then another friend of his called Bruce “i'm just wondering if he’s gonna look in a mirror has much as he used to” Bruce continued to say as Devin was soon filled with dread, had something happened to him? was he disfigured in some way?

Devin had to know, slowly he worked his mind over and over again to wake himself up, and for every step he came to waking up, the more he felt something, different about himself, for instance, why was it that he could not feel his fingers? Or his toes for that matter. Why did he feel naked, but at the same time feel completely warm? And why was his face feeling so weird?

All these questioned puzzled Devin to the point that he could no longer stand it, he began thrashing about in his sleep, trying desperately to wake up for if there one thing to trust, its that no matter what the problem was, Leo and Bruce would only find a way to make it worse
“Looks like he’s about to wake up” stated Bruce as Devin tossed and turned, trying with all his might to open his eyes, he’s always had trouble with waking up on demand.

“better get ready” Cautioned Leo as Devin began to slowly open his eyes. Still in a half dazed sleep he and his mind numb and confused, it was there that from his view, as he laid upon what turned out to be dirt, were hooves, eight of them to be exact. Confused now more than ever now, Devin quickly looked around to see that he was on a dirt road, surrounded by nothing but grass. He then turned his head to see two Horses standing in front of him, ponies specifically, and to more confusion and shock, he noticed a few features that he knew were genetically impossible.

One of them, was large with a heavy build, its fur was blue but its eyes were light green and its mane was a small dark green mohawk and on its back with a strap around its neck was a bag, Devin’s bag to be exact. The other pony was even more complexing as it had yellow eyes and hair, bright red fur and wings, Wings! Its as if Devin's entire understanding of evolution on the geographical scale has been thrown out the window by a miniature creature of Greek mythology!

“umm... please don't freak out” pleaded the Blue pony whose voice sounded similar to Bruce’s. At that moment, Devin's mind snapped, it was enough to see a Pegasus of all things, but now a bloody talking horse! And with one of his friend's voice no less, to Devin this would mean that the other pony was Leo. But one questioned was still active in the back of his mind, why could he not move his fingers? Numb from sleep, Devin did not realize that he was sitting up, and as he looked down at his hands, he stared in silent horror as what should have been his hands were hooves, covered with grey fur. quickly looking down at his feet in shock he found that his feet were also hooves and then pressed his right hoof to his face to find that he also had a snout, and slowly he looked back down at his now shacking hoof.

===Hello, Narrator here, you're probably wondering, -Narrator! why did you stop!- well dear reader, the answer to that is This is my narration gig so deal with it. but no in all seriousness, you just saw our protagonist discover his “predicament” so i'd like to stop for a minute and tell you of the few common steps people taking when they've found that they were turned into another creature.===

===First! there's the screaming===

It was at that moment and time, that Devin quickly looked to his back to see a pair of large grey wings, and then the floor to stare in horror at his own tail. Nearly instantly, his world was crumbling before him to which end he could only scream. From screaming at his hooves to twisting his body back to scream at his dark brown tail, All he could think to do at this moment of time, was to scream.

===Then there's that moment where you try to collect yourself and calm down===

=Wait, did i forget to pause the action? crap, well at least it wasn't that important=
So there they were, with Leo flat on his back and his wings spread out as they were pinned down by Devin's front hooves. It was clear by the grimace on his face that Devin was not all too happy by the current situation when he then shouted “what did you do! you imbecilic re- =woah! lets keep this story civil and skip this part, kids could be reading this!=

=== Well now. Now that, that's out of the way, lets skip a few unimportant things and get to the story going, as i'm sure you, the reader would be tired of hearing me babble on. ok lets see now, where to begin, no, no, no one wants to watch people learn how to walk, nope, nada, AH!. here's a good scene to start with===

It has been half an hour since the Trio began their journey as they make there way down the road with calmer minds, spotting the occasional tree or a small field of flowers. Devin was leading the way tho not easily, as all three of them were tripping on every step they make, crawling was one thing, but walking on four limbs was something completely new to them. Leo, who was following besides Bruce, kept his left eye closed tightly “*ugh* did you really have to go for the eyes?” he asked Devin, recalling the scuffle they had not long ago.

Devin turned his head slightly towards Leo to respond “how long are ya going to hang on that? i said i was sorry” Leo simply motioned his head in a manner that Devin could only guess was a shrug.

“As long as i can milk it” Leo said with a small chuckle before glaring slightly at the leather bag strapped to Bruce’s side, it was a somewhat large back, sized perfectly for carrying books, “Don't sweat it man, we're still cool” he went on to continue “besides its not like me or Bruce didn't freak out when we woke up to find ourselves in well, this” Leo said as he looked down to his hooves.

“We were lucky just to get your bag” Bruce stated out of nowhere. He was never much of a talker, but his words were always blunt and bold, if only just to hide how uncomfortable he was being the center of attention.

“What's in that bag anyway?” Leo asked in a slight demanding tone, he was never one to beat around the bush, or manners for that matter, “you've been keeping that thing close ta ya like it was your child or something”

A small bead of sweat dropped from Devin's chin, if there was one thing he did not wish to do, was discuss the contents in the bag. “Don't you think we have a more pressing situation to talk about then my bag?” Devin said with a nervous tone in his voice, his left eye darting back to look at the bag that rest peacefully on Bruce’s side. With his focus off the road, it was inevitable that his back right hoof would stumble, nearly tripping Devin entirely, it was not easy to walk on all fours, but Devin believed he could push through it, if only he could focus.

“yeah i get it, were horses, we've been panicking about it for the past half hour” Leo said in annoyance, not that he didn't care about no longer being human, he simply didn't feel like there was anything they could say to change that. “besides you've been dodging answering this question for half a year now”.

“I think we deserve to know, if that's alright with you” Bruce said in a somewhat soft demanding but tone, only to hang his head low the minute Devin turned his head to look at them.

Suddenly, Devin stopped in his tracks, as the the other two, resulting in Leo tripping over his front hooves. After a long sigh, Devin slowly turned to face his the two, taking it slow as to not fall as Leo just did “fine, you two have been my friends since high school, if i couldn't trust you two then how could i trust anyone at all”. As Leo pushed himself back up Devin was already facing back down the road and walking, with both Leo and Bruce quickly following. “My old manuscript is in the bag”

The confused look from the two were as plain as day. “i thought you quit writing” Bruce said with his head held high, his curiosity overcoming his fear of attention.

Leo was just as curious as Bruce, only his face held more shock than anything else “yeah what Bruce said, you made like what, five books that got published then all the sudden ya just stopped and became an inventor”

Already uncomfortable from the conversation, Devin had to force himself to muster enough courage to talk “I never quit writing, or at least i never wanted to”. Devin wanted to do nothing more than to scratch the back of his neck, only to remember that he doesn't have any fingers “I've just been having writers block, for the past three years”

“so why the sudden interest in carrying some papers around everywhere?” Leo asked curiously.

Letting out another long sigh to himself, Devin attempted to shrug before answering “i just, i just felt like maybe, i dunno, like i could find something, some inspiration, a muse, anything really so i can jump at the first possible chance to write” Devin nearly held his head low as he talked “just something that could get me to finish the story and write again”

Bruce frowned slightly from hearing his friends woes “don't worry Devin, i'm, i'm sure will find some sort of inspiration for your story”

“heck yeah we will, we have to stick together, now more than ever” Leo said with a energetic voice.

“*pfft* trapped between two hearts of gold” Devin Remarked as the three of them shared a quick chuckle.

“Hey!” Leo called out to the other two “what’s that over there?” he asked while pointing as best he could with his right hoof far down the dirt road towards the shape of what appear to be buildings.

“looks like a town” stated Devin. “And when there's towns, there's people!” he then exclaimed, the thought of getting help excited him more than he thought it would, but something dawned on him. “Wait, if we were turned into small horses or ponies as some would call them”.

“Then everyone in the town might be ponies as well?” Bruce asked if not to just finish Devin's train of thought.

“exactly Bruce” Devin replied with a nod “and if that's the case, then we need to blend in” looking down at his left hoof, he slowly raised it to his chin to think, not realizing that he was keeping balance with only three hooves “so we need to appear as less human as possible”

“What ya mean like changing our names or something?” asked Leo with a slight sarcastic tone.

Devin grinned at thought “good thinking Leo, that's exactly what we need to do” he paused as if already thinking up names while Leo attempted to throw his front hooves in the air in disbelief, only to remember at the last minute that he needed his front hooves on the ground, before he roughly face planted to the ground.

“what kind of names?” Bruce asked with a puzzled look on his face.

“horse names Bruce” Devin stated before continuing. “Something you would call a horse, and lucky enough, i just thought of them”. Devin quickly turned to Leo who was just getting up again from his fall. “Leo, your new name is Lightning Flash” before Leo could respond Devin was already turning towards Bruce, “and Bruce, your new name is Scales” Devin then turned to face the apparent town “and i shall be called Aquarius”

There was a moment of Pause between the three before the silence was broken by Leo’s laughter “i don't know if they would use human names or not, but i bet those names are just stupid enough to work”

Devin merely rolled his eyes as he began walking towards the far off town, and soon followed by his friends, not knowing what lies ahead as they travel along the dirt road to unknown territory.