Long Live The Queen

by ReapingRose115

First published

Twilight has her work cut out for her as Queen Chrysalis rises again to power. She is not alone however, and with her new allies and friends, she stands ready for the test. Can they defeat Chrysalis once and for all?

With Twilight being a Princess, things aren't as easy as they seem. Life is harder, especially when burdened with the responsibility of Equestria. When it is threatened by Queen Chrysalis once again, they knew that they had to stop Chrysalis directly. Twilight, chosen by Celestia and Luna, was tasked with gathering up the perfect group that will help her combat Chrysalis head on.
Clock is ticking, but even so, not everyone is completely focused on the task at hand. Especially a particular mare and colt.

Chapter 1: First Meeting

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Celestia paced around the throne room. Having received word that Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen, had sent yet again another threat to attack Equestria, it left the Princess feeling helpless. Discussing matters with her sister Luna, faithful student, Twilight Sparkle and Cadence, all were worried by the news. Not only had Chrysalis threatened to attack with her Changeling army once again, but she had obtained the Alicorn Amulet, despite it being contained within Canterlot grounds. “I cannot imagine the damage she can do not only with her own army, but with the Alicorn amulet in her possession.”

“Dearest sister, is there not any way we can send our soldiers to fight them?” Luna suggested.

Celestia shook her head and explained that the Canterlot guard are outnumbered, and many are still recruits in training. Though the Canterlot guard were well armed and supplied with better weaponry as a response to failed attempts to defend Equestrian territory, a head on battle with a larger army would still be most likely a loss.

Cadence thought about it for a moment. She cared for the other Princesses well-being, and wanted to help as well. Thinking back to the times where the fate of Equestria was in the balance, she remembered how the fall of an Equestrian monarch could cause a chain reaction of unbalance and self-destruction. “What if we had sent someone to face the Queen head on? It sounds suicidal but think about it...”

Twilight did understand the idea behind it, but finding soldiers who are willing to take part in such a mission would usually be hesitant. She herself hesitated to help Cadance defend the crystal empire from destruction, since she wasn’t prepared for such a task. Taking the risk however she did succeed in helping Cadence and her brother, Shining Armour, defend the empire from its former tyrannical leader, King Sombra. Even more so, was to find someone who was powerful enough to handle such a mission. Twilight suggested that a small group should participate.

Celestia agreed. If she still had the powers of the Elements, Celestia would have gone herself with Luna by her side. Her power has since limited itself since the Elements of Harmony are connected with Twilight and her friends. There were some soldiers in the Canterlot guard however that had extraordinary powers and abilities, and one of them in particular would be a perfect participant. There also was another pony... Well... At least she looked like one, which she would like to make contact with. “There are two ponies I can only recommend to you. One of them now resides in Ponyville; the other is part of the Equestrian Royal Guard.” She turned to one of the guards. “Can you get me Lieutenant Erich Markza?”

The two guards were reluctant to respond. The Pegasus guard decided to answer the question. “I’m afraid he’s not available for missions.”

“Is he ill or recovering from serious wounds?” Luna asked.

The Unicorn guard shook his head. “Erich had been temporarily ‘suspended’ from the ranks. His behaviour had been reported to be... Inappropriate and vulgar.”

Folding her arms, Twilight shook her head and sighed. Being faithful to Celestia, she volunteered herself. “I’ll go get these two ponies. I might as well go with them to the Changeling caves.”

The other three Princesses objected to the idea, especially Celestia. “Twilight, this is a mission that could mean death! I cannot let you go.”

“Princess Celestia... I’ve trusted you as my teacher for a long time.” She turned to her and continued. “As your faithful student... Please... Trust me.” Princess Celestia had trusted her to do many things in the past, and Twilight was always able to impress her mentor. There were times where she made mistakes, but learning from them, Twilight eventually fulfilled the conditions to be a new Princess. Despite her high status among the many ponies of Equestria, she had a responsibility as well.

The Princess of the sun wanted to stop her, but instead she only nodded her head and allowed her to proceed. “Please, be careful my student.”

“If I can save Equestria a couple of times, how hard can it be?”

Having learned that Erich was actually arrested and locked up in Military jail, Twilight was escorted to his cell. The jail was well designed and most inmates were under control. “So, why was Markza thrown in jail?” She asked one of the soldier ponies who escorted her.

One of them was a female Pegasus with a short, red mane and orange fur wielding a small carbine rifle. “Well, Lieutenant Markza is one of the best soldiers you can ask for. But, he’s a little too soft.”

The other escort soldier was a bulky earth pony with navy fur and a turquoise Mohawk mane and did not wield his weapon. “During a mission, Operation: Lifeboat, Markza and other soldiers were ordered to hold their ground against a rogue dragon. He however left his post when he saw a young filly walk into the crossfire.”

“He saved the filly’s life but a couple of men died covering for him. Had he not left his post, the kid would’ve died and the soldiers would’ve lived. It was a hard decision.” The Pegasus explained. “But orders are orders, and if you don’t follow, you’re put under trial. Erich admitted to the situation, so they gave him a less harsh sentence. Couple of years.”

Twilight acknowledged the story. Had she of been in Markza’s shoes, she would’ve done the same and save the filly. It would be tough to lose some of your colleagues, or worse, your friends but it was a moral decision to save a young child’s life. “Do you know Markza personally?”

“He used to be our squad leader. Us two and him were part of Onyx Squad. He kept us alive, but even though the decision he made that day got some of us killed, I still think he should’ve got a medal of honour.”

Twilight nodded. “I see...” Curious about her escorts, she asked: “By the way, what are your names?”

The Pegasus pony turned and smiled. “Name’s Bulleta.” The name was actually tattooed on her left arm, with a bullet to emphasise the name. “This is Butch.” The name suited his bulky appearance, but as Twilight looked into his Safire like eyes, they were almost peaceful. He may look intimidating and brutish but behind all that was just a nice guy.

After a while, they had reached his cell. With Bulleta’s key card, she opened the cell. Entering first, Butch and Twilight followed in after her. “Lieutenant Markza.” Bulleta addressed her former squad leader, saluting him as well.

Erichanory Markza was a medium build Unicorn pony, who had a shaggy navy and light blue mane and grey fur. “You do know that my rank is suspended, right Sergeant Bulleta?” He was playing with a Balisong/Butterfly Knife before closing it and handing it over to Butch, as to not seem a security risk. After all, this was a Military prison, full of many armed pony soldiers who were trained to shoot and kill any hostile.

“It’s a force of habit.” The Pegasus admitted to the Alicorn.

It wasn’t long before the prisoner realised that a Princess had come to visit him. He stood straight and saluted. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Princess Twilight Sparkle. I’ve heard a lot about you.” The stories of Twilight and her friends are quite plentiful within the Military. Erich had always wanted to meet one of the Princesses in person, though as an honourable soldier, not a prisoner.

“I’ve heard a little bit about you. But even so little can make you seem a hero.”

Erich shrugged. He was not really one to gripe anyone about his achievements. “I just do my job.”

Twilight asked her escorts to hand her the Balisong, interested in its design. She had seen combat knives before, but this one was quite new to her. She opened it with both hands and then closed it after a few moments of examining it. The handle of the knife had a name engraved on it, and it was odd because she heard it before.

She ignored the name and continued. “I am here on behalf of Princess Celestia. She asks for your service again.”

“Something special I’m guessing. It’s rare to have a grunt like me called up by royalty.” He commented.

The Alicorn handed the knife back to Erich, who took it back from her and demonstrated again how to flip and fan the knife. He closed it again and pocketed it. Twilight just continued. “You’ve heard of the Changeling invasion in Canterlot, haven’t you?”

“I was one of the defenders at Pistachio street.” Their forces were over run and forced to retreat. They were numerous but not exactly bullet proof. Luckily, Princess Cadance and Shining Armour saved them all.

“The changeling queen has returned. Princess Celestia is looking for someone who can stop her... But there needs to be the few to help bring this pony to the changeling caves.” She explained.

“Why should I care? I’d probably get locked up again…” Erich responded harshly, disregarding the fact that Twilight was a royal. But actually, he was only playing it cold to get what he really wants: a taste of freedom. As much as he is given three meals a day and that he is able to take care of himself, there wasn’t enough freedom for him. He couldn’t do much within prison grounds. Erich wasn’t even allowed to drink hard cider from Sweet Apple Acres, but then again, he still disobeyed this rule to have a few drinks smuggled in by the other prisoners.

Twilight grunted. She was becoming already intolerable to his presence, but she couldn’t refuse Celestia’s request. “We’ll offer you money in addition to your freedom. We’ll also have you put back in the Military under a clean slate.”

Erich hummed to himself, pondering on the decision. He took the opportunity to negotiate the price, along with his rank upon bail. Though he wouldn’t mind getting demoted, to be permanently be demoted would limit his opportunities. “What is your best offer? I’m not exactly cheap…” Money in Equestria was very valuable due to the surprising economic growth that just keeps growing. For the most part, he earned quite a lot of bits during his service but his jail time prevented him from profit.

Twilight was a little annoyed at his over-confident attitude. Despite this, she’d have to work with him… Within her coat pocket was a bag of gold bits. Producing it and handing it over to the soldier, she allowed him to preview to contents. “There’s more of that.”

“And my ranking? Will you make sure that the ‘big boys’ don’t limit my chances of promotions.”

Twilight sighed and nodded. She didn’t know whether this would please Celestia or not, but regardless, what is done is done. "You have my word."

Erich only smiled. “This is nice. Okay. You have satisfied my asking price, I’m all yours.” He stretched himself out and clicked his fingers. Whatever he was up against, he was ready for it. “I can already tell we’ll be best of friends.” He sarcastically said to the Alicorn.

The smaller Pegasus threw a full bag of equipment and clothing for Erich. “Suit up. I got your gear and everything.”
The Alicorn and her two escorts exited the prison grounds, thanking the prison guards for opening the door for them. They waited for the unicorn, who was getting ready in the prison. Sparkle folded her arms and tapped her fingers against her left elbow. “Are you sure that he is the right person for the job?” The Princess asked with firm doubt in her tone of voice.

Butch nodded. “He’s a little bit of an asshole. But you’ll come to like him once you get to know him.” He explained. But really, what he really meant was: ‘He’s a bastard but you’ll stop noticing it eventually.’ Despite the fact that Erich was smaller, he is actually strong as Butch himself. Military documents state that his body was born with some condensed muscles, and improved endurance. It is not known how this came to be, but for the most part, it’s best not to ask.

Finally, Markza made it to the prison entrance/exit. Fully prepped in custom gear of Onyx squad, and wearing a spiked collar on his neck, he smiled at the others. He threw the empty bag to Butch who caught it with a single hand. “So… Let’s get down to business.”

The collar was interesting from Twilight’s point of view. It was a black spiked collar, and the fact that he wore it with a long ‘emo-like’ hairstyle implies that he prefers the Gothic style. His hair was sorted as his fringe was light blue, the rest of his hair was navy and that his fringe was sided to cover his left eye (which Butch explained: “His right eye was his aiming eye.”). His raspy accent and attitude however doesn’t reflect his style however.

“So where’s our next stop ‘Two-Hands’?” Bulleta referred to Erich. Apparently he was notorious for akimbo firearm combat, though mostly impractical; he was reported to be able to take on small armies with just his two pistols within urban combat situations. It subsequently became his nickname within the forces. Butch had his nickname gained for his strength and large size, owing to why the others call him: “BFG”. Bulleta’s nickname owes to her gambling addiction to which she never tries to talk about: “Dice”. They were all given nicknames for different reasons.

‘Two-Hands’ decided it was best to go to his place to arm up. Though he was put in prison, none of his items at home were confiscated by authorities. He had a large collection of personal trophy and bought arms during his time in the Military. Arms dealers were rare in Equestria, so he was even lucky to have illegal weapons under his household.

After some time, they arrived at Erich’s home. It was actually not too far from the prison, but it was hidden within a forest, so that it’d be hard to find. Luckily, he had a set of keys for the house that he recovered from the prison storage. “Welcome to my place… Not really snazzy but its cosy.” He allowed the others to enter. Butch and Bulleta were familiar with the small home, but Twilight was trying to adjust herself to it.

Erich took the empty bag from Butch. “I’ll be right back.”

Twilight followed the other two soldiers who entered the living room first. Butch then retrieved some cold bottles of hard cider from the fridge. “Drinks on the go for our next stop.”

Bulleta took her bottle and opened it. “Forget that. I’m thirsty.”

Sparkle took a seat on the sofa she saw. There wasn’t much to do but look around the décor and furniture. His house was well decorated and had a nice bright colour palette of yellow, blue, green and so on. Most of his furniture seemed to be comfortable, but it was somewhat traditional in the sense using strong wood bases and such. There was however a lot of technological items and gadgets around, but most likely for entertainment or communication purposes.

What really interested her was a single picture frame that sat alone atop one of the drawers. Though there were other picture frames which were together on another drawer, this particular one was the only one that wasn’t a group picture of soldiers. She stood and approached the picture to have a closer look at it. Taking a good look at it, she saw it was a younger Erich and a young mare in his arms. His style didn’t really differ, but the smile on his face was wide, and so was the smile on the mare’s face. She was a unicorn with dark grey fur with green long hair but with some bits of blonde.

There was a small note on the corner of the image: “Missing you so much. Wish you could rock my world…” The mare looked exactly like the one Celestia requested to find. Crystal, AKA the Rock Queen. She actually moved to Ponyville the other day, and she resides with Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. Like the other two, she is an expert musician of her type, being a Guitar player of all sorts.

Could it be that Erich knew Crystal?

When she heard footsteps, Twilight quickly walked away from the picture and looked around, so as to not look suspicious. Erichanory entered the room with a full, heavy bag. “So… Necessities?”

“Yep. Weapons.” He took out one of the rifles and showed it to Sparkle. “Personal arms that I’ve collected through the years, they’ve served me well.”

Twilight had never actually seen a real gun before. As much as she had seen them in films and read about them, she never saw a pony wield one. Celestia often finds discomfort in such an invention, but then again there was no choice to make when threats against Equestria had become more violent and of a larger scale. Modern weapons and technology for the Military had been implemented, and Shining Armour had become the main Central Commander.

As such, even Twilight had been held up with all sorts of work that keeps bouncing back at her. She does see her friends from time to time but not as much as she had hoped. There was that sense of hope however, that every task she completes brings her closer to bringing peace to the land.

The unicorn drew a small handgun and offered it to the Princess. At the sight of it, she hesitated. “The safety’s on.” He pointed out the safety lock.

The Princess cautiously took the weapon from Erich. It had some weight to it, but it wasn’t heavy in the sense. If only there was a book to read about how to use a gun. “So… What do I do?” She needed some demonstration with her new weapon, but most likely she wouldn’t need to use it. Surely her magic would be enough…

The unicorn soldier took the gun back and unloaded the magazine before pulling the slide back, ejecting a round. It was unloaded completely, and now safe to pull the trigger without worry. “This, in an M1911 .45 ACP handgun. Custom load of 9 rounds, with an effective range of 50m.” He showed it in detail. “Now, I’m not gonna show you the WHOLE science of how to use or clean or disassemble a weapon. But I’ll teach you the basics.” After loading the gun with an empty magazine, he had Twilight hold it in hand.

“Okay…” She held on to the weapon firmly. “Just like this right?”

“Yes. There’s a button here.” He pointed out the button that ejects the magazine, near the trigger. “When you’re out of bullets, you push that button and boop. Magazine comes out.” He demonstrated the ejection of a magazine but he caught the empty magazine and showed it to Twilight. “See? Empty. You don’t wanna hear clickity-click in the middle of a fight.”
Twilight acknowledged and took note of what she saw.

“Now.” He pulled the slide back and locked it to simulate a dry gun. “When you’re completely out of rounds, it looks like this. Now you slide a new one back in.” He slid the magazine in and then showed the slide lock. “Then depress the lock, and then…” He showed that the slide had slid forwards. “Ready to fire… You don’t have to do this when there’s a bullet in the chamber though.”

“I see.” The basic principles were there. She’ll eventually learn more about it. The Princess did as she was taught and demonstrated her reloading ability.

“Now that you know how to reload a gun, let’s teach you how to shoot a gun accurately.”

Dice stood up from the sofa and quickly got involved. “I’ll handle this part.” She took the gun and waved it around. Setting her drink down, she pointed at the iron sights of the weapon. “See this and this?” When she saw Twilight nod, she continued. “This is your iron sights. You use this to align your aim with the target. But eventually you won’t have to worry as much when you learn that point and shoot is faster.” Aiming the empty gun at Butch, she pulled the trigger. The gun clicked. Handing the weapon back to Sparkle, she sat back down on the sofa.

The Princess pointed the gun at one of the portraits as a dummy target. She pulled the trigger after adjusting the sights to the portrait. Now she knew how to use a pistol…

Erich holstered his own custom long barrel M93R and used a button to lock it in place. “I have a few books on guns. The military provided us with them at training.” He handed the books to Twilight, and along with it, a small bag full of M1911 magazines and a holster.

Twilight accepted and put on the gear and bagged the books for later. “It’s time to go.” She stated firmly. The other three allowed her to lead the way.

Taking a train ride to Ponyville, Erich was fast asleep whilst the other two soldiers were conversing with Twilight. For some reason, she found him to be an interesting person despite the ‘mixed emotion’ introduction. “Do you know why he joined the pony Military?”

Butch sipped some tea and nodded. “Yeah. He said he knew a girl and wanted to provide the extra money for her so that she can pursue her career. Apparently she had achieved her goal, but the military had caught up with him and they had little contact after that.” He took another sip of his hot drink and set it down on the table in front of him. Though he knew the reasons, Erich never told anyone the name of the girl he helped.

They knew the look, but they never ask much about her since Erich wouldn’t give an answer in the first place. “But for all I know, he’s a real tough guy. All brawns but not always a lot of brains.” In contrast, Butch seemed to think more than use his strength.

“He kicks ass. I’ll tell you that. Runs in first, comes out last.”

It made Markza seem heroic, but still his inappropriate attitude and behaviour can be unattractive. But at this point, she’ll have to work with what she is given. However, she wondered how Crystal will be like when she meets her, and find out what made Crystal so important to the mission. Even more so is the fact that she has possible connections with Erich. Was this coincidence or was this intended?
Crystal was busy practicing her guitar playing skills. Specifically, she wanted to learn how to play the guitar to the best of her abilities. Though she is good with an electric guitar and standard acoustic guitar, she wanted to vary her skills and expand upon them. But there was a little bit of a problem… Her left hand was still injured and doesn’t always work 100% when she needs to hit specific notes. She had this problem for a long time, and it really annoyed her very much. The only motivation she had was the imperative she always chants: “Practice every day… Every day…” It always helps to practice, but when you have a hand that is so unpredictable and becomes unresponsive at the worst of times; it is hard to keep to her words.

“Hey, stop forcing yourself to try and relax.” Vinyl encouraged. She was more laid-back when it came to music, but nonetheless was good at it. She did feel like she stood out the crowd as she didn’t play any string based instruments like Crystal or Octavia, but her expertise was in mixing and scratching records or putting industrial or dub step beats together. Despite that fact, she still tries to be encouraging and understanding to her dedicated friends.

Crystal took her advice and spun the guitar in hand before setting it aside. She sighed as she still felt lacklustre, even when her fans always believed she played like a musical Goddess. Rock Queen had a look at her hand, which was still scarred from a horrible past event. It doesn’t hurt physically, but knowing that she’ll never be able to play a guitar perfectly was painful itself.

The only way she can compensate when it comes to music is to make simple note sets that don’t require intense use of her left hand. Though it is simplified, her right hand is able to pluck strings fast. “Do you ever think that I can play the guitar properly?”

“What are you talking about?” Vinyl never understood why Crystal ever doubted her abilities. For the past few months since she had moved in, both Octavia and her would listen to the black furred unicorn practice every day and night to the point of straining herself. Even then, it sounded great and the fact that she tries to push her limits is what makes Crystal the most dedicated music player of the three. “You’re an amazing guitar player.”

“I wish I could believe that… I really do.” She sighed. There was nothing much to do, so she decided to just relax in her bed. Though Vinyl was in Crystal’s bedroom, she was fine with the company. Vinyl and Octavia always had good things to talk about or at least anything to talk about.

“So have you heard the news?”

Crystal stretched her arms out before shaking her head. Unlike Vinyl and Octavia, she’s not a fan of keeping up with the news that spreads fast in town. But then again she always gets it one way or the other. "What's the news this time?"
Vinyl was full of excitement as she kept bouncing on the bed. "You're not gonna believe this, but I finally got in on the DJ battle this Saturday!!" Vinyl was an amazing DJ and always tried to get a spot at a 'DJ battle', where two DJ's face off. She really wants to show her skill but also to have fun with other popular DJ's of equestria.

The black furred pony chuckled. "Keep it up." She encouraged.

Just as the black furred mare relaxed herself in bed again, she faintly heard knocking of the front door. Octavia was downstairs to answer to the said guest. It was just Spike visiting, but with a scroll in hand. Since Twilight's leaving, the dragon had taken over the library and surprisingly was skilled in magic himself, despite not being a pony, a unicorn to be specific. He recieves letters directly from Twilight, asking about the town and all sorts or certain important requests. Octavia guessed it was the latter.

Spike had grown and matured very well, and was unlike the dragons that most others usually see. He was almost comparable to that of a late age teenager. "Hi Octavia. Is Crystal at home?"

"Yes, she is. Is there something wrong?" She asked curiously. Instead of a direct response, she was given the scrolled letter, to which it was signed by Twilight.

Spike explained that it was to Crystal, and it was urgent but he hadn't read it. Why else would it be for someone that Twilight doesn't know personally? Just as he was about to tell Octavia, Crystal had already swipped the scroll from her. Crystal hastily opened it and scan read it. It didn't take long for her to finish reading. "That's interesting." She scrolled up the letter and did not allow the others to see it. "This was important after all..."

"Is something wrong?" Octavia asked.

Being honest, she turned to the grey furred mare. "I'm going to need my 'guitar'..." It's been a while since she had used it... Her 'guitar' was a past she didn't really want to return to, but things have gone wrong once again. She moved to Equestria to escape from the horrors of her home, thereafter to Ponyville to live a relatively normal life.

But she can't... Not now... She has responsibility.

Octavia quickly went upstairs to retrieve the guitar case, and returned with the heavy case. "I never thought it would come to this again..."

"So the letter was important I guess?" Spike assumed.

Crystal clicked her fingers. "Tell Vinyl I won't be back for a while. Make sure she leaves my stuff alone." She lifted the heavy guitar case and walked off, leaving the other three.

Spike pulled his sleeves up. "I wonder what's going on."
"Erich. We're here." Butch put his hand on the sleeping soldier's shoulder. Erich instantaneously woke and drew his handgun at Butch, and looked around. The large colt assured him that they had arrived at Ponyville station and everything was fine.

Markza stood from his seat, putting away his sidearm and securing it. "I need coffee." He murmured as he exited the train. Running his hands through his hair, he then stretched himself out. It wasn't comfortable sleeping on a train like that, but better that than not sleeping at all. A good stretch did help to wake his body, but he still felt sleepy.

Just looking around the station and some of the houses in Ponyville brought back memories. This place used to be her home, but she moved back to Canterlot. She was born in Canterlot, moved to Ponyville, and returned to Canterlot again. "It's been a while..." She sighed; Twilight did miss this place very much. It looked as much as it did the last time she was here, and that was a good thing. She wondered if everyone she knew still lived around.

Putting the thought aside, she turned to the soldiers. Butch and Bulleta seemed to be in tip-top shape, in contrast to how sloppy Erich looked. He slouched, limped and yawned, the typical morning look for most. For a soldier, it was quite unprofessional. "Are you done messing around Markza? We have a mission to proceed with."

"Coffee first." He rudely responded, raising his hand to hush Twilight. "I'm hungry, I'm tired. I want coffee and breakfast."
The purple furred Princess grunted, but can only agree to his demands. After all, she was hungry too, and a little tired. Maybe breakfast would really help. "There is a cafe we can stop by. I'm sure we can have something to eat there."
Crystal had waited for a train to arrive at the trainstation, but eventually she got bored of waiting, and hungry. The nearest cafe was her favourite: "Sunny Side Up Cafe". She always loved a good breakfast, especially caramalised apple toast.
The waitress approached with a pen and notepad. When Crystal had a good look at her, she realised it was the young teenage Sweetie Belle. "Oh, Sweetie Belle! I didn't know you worked here."

Sweetie Belle shrugged with a smile. "It's part-time." She was still a blank flank, but at her age she'll need the extra bits to help fund the still on-going Cutie Mark Crusaders. She couldn't borrow money from Rarity forever. "So is there anything you'd like, Crystal?"

"Yes. Caramalised apple toast."

"That is an amazing dish." Sweetie Belle assured. "Is that all?"

Crystal nodded with a smile. "That'll be all, thank you Sweetie Belle."

The young mare slipped away into the kitchen to give the orders to the chef.

The door to the cafe opened again, and sounded the bell. Crystal didn't turn to see who it was, but rather she relax herself and close her eyes whilst she waited for the food. However, she was unaware that it was the group she was meant to be waiting for.

Sweetie Belle tended to the group, and was surprised to see Twilight. "Princess Twilight!" She gasped. "You're back!?"

"There doesn't have to be any formalities between us Sweetie Belle. We're only here for breakfast." She assured.

"O-Oh! Right! W-what would you l-like!?" She stammered.

The large colt, Butch, ordered first. "I'd like some breakfast muffins, buttered please. And a cup of tea to go with it." He was always a light eater, especially at breakfast.

Bulleta was second, but unlike Butch, she ate a lot. "I'll have the pan special." Consisting of 2 sunny side up eggs, baked beans, a slice of toast and fried poached mushrooms, she really was into her breakfast.

"Ah yes! And. What would you like sir?" She asked Erich.

Erich put down his menu. "I'll have a large cup of coffee and a bottle of vodka..."

Sweetie Belle was caught off guard with the order. She never heard of anyone ordering alcohol in the morning, especially when it was only 9AM. "S-sir. It's only breakfast time." She said.

"Really? Vodka?"

"Fine, and two slices of toast and scrambled eggs on the side."

Though Sweetie Belle found the order strange, she nonetheless had to note it down. She slipped away to the kitchen once again to pass orders.

Crystal found the voice familiar, and even more familiar was the man's notion to order alcohol first. Opening her eyes and turning to her side, she caught a glimpse of who was speaking. A grey furred navy haired colt... Whom she recognised.
Erich felt the stare and turned to where it came from. Now he was staring at the stare-ee. He knew her very well.
When the others realised that his attention was not with them, they turned to whom he was staring at.

"Erich..." Crystal said blankly.

"Crystal..." Erich responded in kind.

Chapter 2: Old Memories

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"My Queen." The Changeling minion bowed to his superior, showing his complete loyalty. "News from Equestria. 'She' is back."

Clearly, this bit of news had caught the Queen's attention. Chrysalis turned and her mouth curved into a devious smile. "That is news I like to hear." Examining the amulet she had obtained not too long ago, she felt as though this would make her unstoppable. It was only a matter of time before they encounter each other once again, and she believed that it was none other than destiny that it will happen.

"What is our plan of action? Uhm... Your Majesty."

Folding her arms, she turned to the Minion. "For now, we wait. Patience is a virtue." Learning from the failed last attempt to overthrow the Equestrian Royal family, she believed she needed to wait for an opportunity to strike. The extra waiting period will also give her the extra time to think up of a better plan than just charge in and avoid the typical 'cliche'. What she should avoid this time, is turning her back at the wrong time.

Chrysalis' personal servant entered the throne room, bowing first before he spoke. He held up a small box as he stood. "Your Majesty... The weapon you have requested of has been forged." Slowly, he removed the lid of the box and with great optimism, held it out towards his Queen. "Wildey .475 Magnum handgun, with a Chrome finish."

"Thank you..." Taking the firearm, she spun it around before examining its build in detail. It was well forged and made for her, and this is what she wanted: A powerful firearm full of character that matches its power. "Have you heard the news? About 'her'?"

The servant nodded.

Chrysalis chuckled to herself. "She will be returning soon. Begin preperations for her arrival. We will postpone our attack on Canterlot until then." She paused for a moment... A thought crossed her mind: 'Why is Celestia not a Queen when she is the primary monarch of Equestria?' Maybe Celestia is not capable of such a title, hence why there are so many Princesses and Princes in the Royal family.

If so... Then maybe rather than eradicate the Equestrians, why not take over the throne for herself instead? Queen of the Changelings... Queen of Equestria... Both titles are good in their own right but to have both is something she could only dream of when she was younger; alas the chances of achieving that dream had risen now that she had the Alicorn Amulet. Whether it drives her mad or not, she may be able to get her revenge at the end of it all... And save her people.


Crystal and Erich had been talking to each other for a while, over breakfast as well. Erich shared his bottle of vodka with Crystal, who happily shared with him. Most of it had been consumed already, its surprising that neither of the two were drunk. Whatever they were talking about, none of the others were allowed in the conversation.

No other customers entered the cafe, which left Sweetie Belle an open chance to talk to Twilight. "How have you been!? A lot of the people in Ponyville miss you."

Of course they would have. Twilight had been a very important member in the town, and the first Royal member to have come from Ponyville. People who especially missed her were: Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy. Others could be Spike and Owlowiscious. She wondered how Spike was doing without her around. He still sent and received letters from time to time, but what does he do in his spare time?

"How is Rarity? Is Spike still pestering her with his 'love'?" She chuckled.

"Not... Exactly..." Sweetie Belle said, the tone of voice almost hesitant. Her cheeks flushed red, and she tried to hide a smile.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" She noticed the guilty look on the teenage mare's face, and very bright blush. Sweetie Belle kept herself quiet, and Twilight only continued to stare at the white furred mare. "Sweetie Belle?"

"Spike lost interest in my sister... Fell for... Someone else..." She tried to look away and immediately, Twilight knew what she meant.

"You're dating Spike!?" She gasped. Just looking at the squeeling and blushing white furred mare was priceless. "I didn't know you liked dragons." Then again, Rarity did like Spike before but she probably grew out of it. She wondered if Rarity knew about this or not. Regardless, this was interesting news that Spike had kept from her; and to think he told her everything! But, it was Spike's personal business.

Speaking of which, the purple dragon actually arrived. When he saw Twilight, his eyes widened in shock. "Twiley!?" Since Spike had matured, and that Twilight rather not be called a Princess by her friends, Spike adopted the nickname that Sparkle's brother had given her. "What are you doing here!?" Interestingly, he delivered a letter that foretold her arrival, but he never read it. It wasn't his business anyways.

"I should be on Royal duties, but we..." She pointed to the others. "Had to stop for a good breakfast in Ponyville." She smiled.

The dragon closed in on the two mares, but first approached Belle. His greeting was none other than a sweet kiss on her forehead. "Hi baby." Then he just realised his mistake when he saw a bit of a crazy smile on Twilight's mouth.

"So... Care to explain?" She was genuinely interested in how the odd couple came to be. It was also somewhat cliche: Spike at first had feelings for Rarity, but if he can't get her then he'd go for someone more closer to his reach. Sweetie Belle was nearly the same age, was just as pretty as Rarity and she was free, whilst Rarity on the other hand was starting to look for colts to help fill a gap in her life.

Spike explained to Twilight that Sweetie Belle and he accustomed to each others presence more often than not. Of course, the purple dragon was in charge of the library, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders always needed book resources to try new things. Most of them never worked out as hoped, but the dragon always gave suggestions of different habits, skills and activities they could try. Like Twilight, he knows every book in every shelf, but unlike Twilight, he knows where they are.

The purple dragon sure had matured, and had grown taller. No doubt that he's next in line as a student ever since the Princesses found out he was capable of magic. She wondered if he was eligible to become a Prince. He'd be a much better Prince than Blueblood in Twilight's opinion, as he is a consistent nagger and useless bafoon.

"As much as I know I have to leave Princess Celestia to her duties, my absence does concern me." For all they know, changelings could have already infiltrated Canterlot, and only Princess Luna and her brother, besides the guards can only be trusted. Knowing that Spike had trained with her brother, what better choice than to assign him as Celestia's personal guard? Changelings couldn't disguise themselves as dragons.

"Well. I can try. I'm still a little rusty when it comes to technique."

Sweetie Belle then gasped with an idea of opportunity: "Can I come!? Please!? I always wanted to go Canterlot!" The last visit just wasn't long enough.

At first, Twilight was hesitant about the idea. The cute smile on the younger mare's face just couldn't be resisted. "Fine. You can go." Twilight contemplated whether Rarity would be fine with the idea, but she already made a promise.

"I'm just glad you're alright. I thought you were dead or worse!" Crystal exclaimed.

"Relax, cupcake. This guy ain't going down for nothin'." He assured. "Still not feeling a buzz?" He asked the black furred green haired mare.

"Not yet." She responded, chuckling before she took another shot of Vodka. Putting the shot glass down, she pushed it towards Erich. "That's enough for me. I don't like drinking too much." She pointed out that she had drunk nearly half the bottle, whilst Erich had consumed almost the rest of it.

He took the shot glass and poured the last of the alcohol before taking it in. Putting it on the table, he smiled deviously at Crystal.

The green haired mare blushed, knowing that they just had an indirect kiss. She liked Erich very much, but didn't want to get Romantically involved with him, or anyone for that matter. It is for anyone's own good if they fell for her... "I guess I'm part of this 'task', huh?" She said out of the blue. She was part of this mission, and she can't say no, as the fate of Equestria rests of her decision as much as it does rest on Twilight's.

"So why did Celestia ask you to join us? I'm a mixed bag on the decision..."

"Honestly... I know why, but I wish she hadn't."

"Care to... Clue me in?"

Their conversation was interrupted by Twilight whom gained their attention. "We should start to get ready."

Erich shrugged. It was better to get moving, now or never. He left some bits on the table, which came from the pouch that Twilight given him. Just as he stood, he noticed that Sweetie Belle, the waitress, had removed her apron. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who said she can come with us?" He asked Twilight.

"She's not. Spike and her and going to Canterlot. Someone has to take my place whilst I'm gone." She explained. "Plus, Spike can keep us updated with what's going on in Canterlot, if not the whole of Equestria."

Erich knew that there could already be trouble brewing in Canterlot, but whether the dragon and the young mare knew what they were getting themselves into, he didn't know. But he can't do anything about it besides ignore it for now. "You better keep track, otherwise we'd be outdated like last decade's software."

The purple dragon, almost as tall as Erich but with a fairly similar build, folded his arms. His face turned into a cocky grin. "I always do. I used to be known as the 'number one assistant'." The dragon said, as to give a pat to his own shoulder.

"And that tells me that you were the bitch of the relationship." Erich responded before turning to the door.

His comment left Spike speechless, Sweetie Belle and Twilight both with blush red faces and Erich himself had the usual grin. The grey furred colt awaited his collegues just outside the cafe, and it didn't take long for Butch, Bulleta and Twilight Sparkle to follow him. He didn't explicitly ask for the bag of equipment from Butch, but eye gestures gave the idea. Markza accepted the bag from the larger colt.

The Pegesus female clicked her fingers and stretched her arms out. "Alright! So where do we head off now, Princess!?" She asked excitedly.

"There is an underground tunnel that leads to a cave. 'The Wonders of the Everfree Forest'." One of the so-called, 'Wonders' was known as 'The legend of the miracle', which caused some mayhem among the town. It was sealed away, but the decision to explore it deeper came with great benefit. Apparently there were other miracles, but the townspeople don't venture to the Everfree forest, especially when the cave was fairly dangerous.

Crystal followed after, and she held on to her guitar case tightly. Butch offered to carry it for her but she declined. "This makes me feel safer."

The others didn't know how a heavy guitar case would make her feel safe, besides the fact she could hit something very hard but do very little other than that. The way she held on tightly to the guitar-case however was suspicious, and out of anything she could've brought, why that? Could she be hiding some sort of mystical guitar of the sort? Is the guitar-case itself mystical or some form of weapon? None of the others could tell, since it just seemed like any ordinary acoustic guitar case.

Erich himself found Crystal very mysterious. He had known her for a while, and during the time that they were frequently together, Crystal would say very little about herself, or not tell the truth. He'd just have to work the kinks and get pass that really thick concrete wall she's hiding behind: after all, concrete won't stop everything in its tracks.

They followed Twilight towards the entrance of the Everfree Forest, in which next to the entrance was Twilight's treehouse. It so happens it was still there, and everything seemed normal as usual. The last time she visited Fluttershy was when she was actually still living in Ponyville. Twilight however was glad that she could at the very least keep contact with a kind friend.

The yellow Pegasus was just busy picking apples, probably to supply her home with a little bit of fruit or for the animals. It didn't take long for her to realise that there were others within the vicinity, and one of them was none other than a very close friend. The same purple wings, purple and pinkish hair and the Unicorn horn on her forehead... "Twilight!" She gasped relatively loudly (for her standards anyways). She put aside her basket and jogged towards the Princess.

The two friends hugged each other, joyful to see each other once again. "Oh Fluttershy! It's good to see you again!!!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Twilight! I can't believe you're here!" The hug broke apart but both were still happy at the other's presence. It's been too long without Sparkle meeting the rest of the Mane-6 up front. "There were rumours that you'd returned, I didn't know whether to believe them."

"Oh they were true. I can't really stay long. I have royal duties to attend to." Much to her dismay. "But I promise, I will return home properly when I come back. Please make sure that Applejack makes a good pie for me. I miss her pies..." They were gorgeous pastries, and none of the bakers in Canterlot could compare to the Apple Family's selection of baked goods.

Fluttershy was slightly disappointed, and blatantly showed her disappointment. Since Twilight had been gone, she had tried to become more assertive but not aggressive at the same time. Though still shy, she can pull off some assertiveness when it need be. "Oh, that's okay... I guess I'm going to have to disappoint the others... They really wanted to see you again." She said with a slightly exaggeratted voice. "It's been, what... Six years since you last properly visited ponyville. Though we would visit more frequently, it's not as easy for us to come to you than it is for you to come to us..."

Whatever Fluttershy was doing seemed to be working. She couldn't delay anything, but the fact that she was starting to feel bad about not being able to properly visit the rest of the Mane-6.

Erich stepped in. "Well sweetie, she'd love to stay around for a couple of hours. 'It is' the early morning." He explained and emphasised. Particularly the message was aimed at Twilight. Even though they should be going, friendship is a thing not to leave behind.

"Oh, is this one of your colleagues?"

"Yes. This is Erichanory Markza. 'Two-Hands', as most people know him by."

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Fluttershy. I heard a lot of 'great' things about you."

The emphasis on 'great' caught the yellow furred mare's attention, and she blushed. "Oh, my..." She said, appreciating the compliment.

Erich went with the others. "We won't be too far ahead. You just go have your fun Twi-Twi." He put the bag over his shoulder. "We'll look around the forest for what we need." The grey furred colt entered the Everfree Forest first, with the others following.

Fluttershy found it a bit concerning, mainly because the forest was never really safe. But the fact that the four that entered the forest looked a bit out of the ordinary, especially the larger colt who reminded her of Big Macintosh, she didn't worry as much. Big, strong Earth ponies like him can take care of themselves and others around them.

Twilight felt a little bit of relief that Erich and the others allowed her to stay a little longer. She can't outstay her welcome, but regardless, seeing her friends once again all together will be a great experience.

"This is great Pie Applejack, you've really out done yourself!" Twilight complimented happily. Whether its nostalgia or the fact that AJ really has developed her pastry making skills. Anything from Applejack seemed to overshadow what the chefs in Canterlot provide.

"Well sugar-cube, I wanted to make sure you loved it." Applejack responded. "I didn't know if it'd be as good as the fancy Canterlot stuff."

Rainbow Dash scoffed at the idea. "If Soarin loves your pie, why would the 'fancy' stuff be any better?" Interestingly enough, Soarin shared this idea. "We're just glad to have you back, even if it is for a short time we gotta make the most of it!"

"And we should celebrate!" Pinkie Pie declared, pulling out her trusty 'party cannon' from out of nowhere.

Twilight prevented her from firing it. "Oh please, don't go overboard yet!" She chuckled. She missed Pinkie's antics that make no technical or logical sense. Twilight missed the crazy pink hair and the sugar obsessed mare... Hell, she missed all of her friends!

Rarity looked stunning as usual. She asked whether any of the dresses that Canterlot offered were any good, or how she terms it: 'Fabulous'. To others, it is debatable, to Twilight, she could never turn anything from Rarity down. They were comfortable, they were beautiful, and best of all, suited the person the dress was designed for. Rarity's line of dresses recieved a lot of positive reception from critics, but the elegant mare obviously had to keep going to remain competitve and consistent.

Twilight did see Rainbow Dash, but not upfront as she wanted it to be. A few years earlier, Rainbow Dash was part of the 'Sparkle Anniversary Parade', a parade dedicated to her. Dash is a full fledged Wonderbolt, and is one of the best flyers of Equestria. She had achieved a dream she longed for, but whether she had anything else to look forward to other than that is a valid question.

New dreams and desires always pop up here and there, be it mundane and trivial things like cravings, or big things like romance. Thinking about it, Twilight wondered what else she wanted in life. Some day, it'd come to her.

"Man, so Celestia sent you on some big quest? Is it dangerous!?" The rainbow mane mare asked excitedly. "Omigosh! I seriously wanna come if it is! Adventure is my middle name!" She threw a fist out cockily and chuckled.

Twilight laughed; Dash is the same as always. "Oh Dash..."

Applejack returned with a bowl of Southern Apple Crumble with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side. "A lil' something here to top you up 'Honey-Apple'." The orange furred mare kissed Dash on the forehead.

"Applejack..." Rainbow said in an embarrassed tone, with her cheeks flushing red.

"Oh my..." Twilight thought. She had heard of homosexual relationships, but never would have expected one, or two of her friends to be in one. "I guess I have been away for a little too long."

"Don't worry, you haven't missed much." Fluttershy said, though barely audible.

AJ shrugged. "It's sorta new, even fer me."

"So... When did it happen?" Twilight asked, interested in the story.

Dash chuckled and scratched the back of her head. "Well. You know, me and AJ are competitive athletes and it sorta made us relate to each other a lot." Rainbow explained. "I started to develop feelings for 'my' Applejack. It just happened eventually." Dash was always a little embarrassed to talk about how she fell for the Earth pony. Typically, she finds 'Public Displays of Affection' a little too much, but she does have strong feelings for 'her' Applejack, as much as she does to her.

Despite this new bit of news, she still saw her friends as her friends. Nothing has changed, not by a large margin at least. "Well, you two are still my friends and we're all the Mane-6. No matter how far I am or whether I visit as much or not, I regard you my friends more than anyone else." And she meant it very much as she pulled them all to a group hug.

If only this moment could last forever...

Sweetie Belle and Spike found the room they were given for the night as the train travels to Canterlot. Sweetie Belle blushed at the idea that she'd be sleeping next to Spike for the night, but she was partially excited as well. She her bag next to the bed and dropped herself on it. The bed was comfortable and very soft. "Mmm. This bed is great."

Spike set his bag next to Sweetie Belle's. "I wonder how long it'll be before we get to Canterot. It's been a while since I went there."

"Canterlot's gonna be so awesome! Rarity told me a lot about it!" The train had only just departed, yet Sweetie was far too excited. "But I'm sure it will take a little while to get there. We should make the most of First Class, because it has everything!" She wondered how the dragon even obtained such expensive tickets, especially when he consumes gems. It'd cost a considerable amount of bits to buy two First Class tickets, or specific gems. First Class had the most facilities, the best decor and service.

The dragon adjusted his fingerless gloves and bracelet before stretching his arms out. "Hopefully the maids wheel in soon. I crave a muffin..."

"So where are we supposed to stay when we get there?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Spike explained that Rarity had a room to herself once, offered by Celestia herself. He could send a letter now just to ask for it. "Hopefully that room isn't occupied." There were other hotels and bed n' breakfasts, but in Canterlot, only the 'Sweet and Elite' can pay off for all the facilities and services provided for even a couple of days. But knowing Celestia personally to some extent gave him priveledges that other ponies would have to pay for. He'd be glad that he won't leave a hole in his pockets.

Most of the gems he had collected are for purchasing purposes. Spike had saved the most expensive ones for money, and only ate the cheaper gems like common jade and poor value crystals. Ever since he fell for Sweetie Belle, he wanted to impress her and give her the best gifts like he once gave that highly-coveted fire Ruby to Rarity. He was going to step up his game just for Sweetie Belle.

A large boulder covered a hole in the ground. It looked fairly heavy, but not impossible to remove with effort. Erich's magic isn't strong enough to lift the boulder himself, but his physical strength was relatively good. Butch, no doubtedly can budge it himself. Bulleta would be the weakest out of the three, but if they work together, they can move it. It had ropes wrapped around it for multiple ponies to pull the boulder aside to open the entrance.

"Should I help?" Crystal offered.

"Nah, we can handle it." Bulleta assured.

They all tugged at the rope like they were in a tug-of-war competition. Butch alone would be the strongest of the three, and they can take on larger teams easily. The opponent this time was just a very heavy rock, which they handled swiftly. The entrance to the 'Cave of Wonders' was open, and now they have access to whatever was down there.

Erich kneeled and looked down the hole, but he couldn't see deep into it, and so lit a flare and dropped it. It didn't fall too far, and the rock would definitely hold their weight as they rappel down. "Ladies first?"

"Sure." Bulleta took the rope first, throwing it down the hole and she rappeled down the dark hole. She reached the ground, which was more dusty than moist. Most people would expect caves to be moist in some form, but this wasn't the case, even when she slipped her fingers across some of the rocks to test the conditions of the area.

The grey furred colt and larger colt rappelled down after Bulleta. All three of them saw a strong glow of light down the end of a tunnel. "Well, there's no doubt that others had come here before."

Crystal entered last. The strong glow of light attracted her as well. "We should check it out. It could be something useful."

The group all agreed with Crystal, and so they followed her whilst she followed the source of the protruding light. The group entered a large open area of the cave, covered with glowing rocks. They weren't natural Equestrian rocks, that's for sure. "Luminite..."

"Luminite?" Erich asked.

The green mane mare picked up one of the glowing rocks and examined it. "Luminite naturally glows. They come from the Changling kingdom, as I've heard." She explained. The small rock expelled light as strong as a flashlight.

"Hmm. They naturally glow hmm? No need for batteries or anything?" The grey furred pony picked up one of the rocks. It wasn't large, and was very light. The fact it didn't need to power up by any means would be very useful. "Well at least we don't have to get flashlights." He commented before putting some away in the equipment bag.

Crystal looked left and right. "There must be some sort of portal nearby... No way someone could've brought it all the way from the Changeling kingdom and come here first." She theorised. Why would anyone travel as far as that just to hide a rock here? It'd be time wasting, pointless...

"How would you know that these rocks came from the Changeling kingdom?

Crystal halted; she didn't know how to explain. No pony had ever travelled to the Changeling kingdom and returned... At least no ordinary pony. “Celestia did travel around Equestria once, did she not?”

The others didn't know the answer to the question, but it prevented them from asking any further questions. Taking a slab of the glowing rock from the floor, Crystal led the way around the cave. “This cave is so big. I don't think we'll find a portal right now. Maybe we should wait for Twilight.” She suggested. “We start searching now, the Princess would get lost around this labyrinth.”

“You do have a point.” Erich slowly put the bag of equipment down on the floor. “Let's wait here.”

Bulleta noticed a small pond of water that gleamed with light. It was pure, and looked almost drinkable. Maybe it was, but the fact it was glowing told her that it had magical properties. Then she remembered a myth that she had heard before, but couldn't put her finger on it. “Do you think this is safe to drink?” The Pegasus asked Butch who sat beside her.

The large colt hummed. “If it wasn't glowing so mysteriously, then I'd assume it would be.”

Crystal recognised the pond. “The legend of the miracle. I've only heard stories about this.” She admitted.

“What is it exactly?” Erich asked.

The green mane black furred mare explained to the others that the legend of the Miracle was said to be able to create duplicates of whomever chants a certain rhyme or poem. She couldn't remember it herself, but Pinkie Pie knew about it very well as she had claimed she already used it once and wrecked havoc among the residents of Ponyville. But the fact that she can create an almost perfect duplicate of herself was interesting. She took note of the pond and may return to it again soon.

Twilight walked with her five best friends, the ones she had promised so many times to see in the past. Now that they were together as a group again, things felt indifferent from before and it was very relaxing. It helped to blow off some stress, because all the workload of being a Princess tends to stack up very easily. “I'm glad I was able to see you all once again.”

“Hey; we're your pals. Of course you're gonna come to see us again.” Rainbow Dash commented before pulling the Princess to a friendly hug. “We're awesome!”

“Oh Dash.” Applejack chuckled.

Twilight looked into the sky, and noticed that it seemed like sunset. The day had gone by faster than expected. “Girls... It's been too long since I last saw you all, but today felt too short...” She admitted. When she finishes her task with Chrysalis, she can then do as she pleased and visit the others as much as she wants. She missed Fluttershy, her shy attitude is what Twilight loves about her. Applejack, for her apples and free spirit, if only there were more ponies like Applejack and the Apple family. Pinkie Pie, her party antics and almost illogical behaviour was the best thing about the pink furred mare. Rainbow Dash, probably the most loyal friend she could ever ask for. Finally, Rarity, for being a glamorous friend who she can always look towards when she needs it.

“It's a shame that we'll have to leave once you go. We should come with you, like old times!” Rainbow Dash suggested.

Sparkle smiled. “I'd love that.”

"Remember when we once saved Canterlot during Cadance and Shining Armour's wedding and how we all banded together and beat a whole army of Changelings!? How I had my party cannon and how Twilight used her laser magic beams and went 'PEW PEW PEW' and how Rainbow Dash and Applejack hit and smacked every Changeling they saw and how Rarity smacked a few and how Fluttershy ducked and forced a few to trip over and how we went CRA-"

Twilight hushed Pinkie by placing a finger over her lips. "Pinkie, I think we all remember the details of that day."

The six of them laughed altogether. Pinkie Pie never ceased to impress with her fast talking mouth and very accurate memory. The eccentric pink mare would be a friend to anyone, no matter how hard someone might be. Considered by most others to be the most popular pony of all Ponyville, but Pinkie never brags about it, nor does she care about her own personal popularity. She just wants to be a friend to anyone she meets.

"Maybe we can go out for a good day at the spa and have it all to ourselves." Rarity suggested. "A good pedigree, steam bath and all would be the MOST AMAZING THING!" She exaggerated.

Twilight nodded with a smile. "Maybe add a few colts to massage us..."

The other mares all chuckled and had fun with the idea. "Ooooo, Twilight." Rarity chuckled. "That's dirty talk, and I like it!"

"I thought you're not in to 'Dirty' stuff." Applejack added.

Rainbow Dash chuckled and blushed, looking away and trying not to get involved. Like Rarity, Dash shared a secret like for 'Dirty' stuff. As elegant as Rarity is, and as professional as Rainbow Dash is, they both have the biggest secret desires out of all of them. But the desire that the rainbow maned pony had for the most part is for Applejack, and no other pony could she want as much as her. The Southern mare shared the same feeling for Rainbow Dash as well. Pure desire...

Twilight has a desire for being with her friends once again. But she wants to find other things to want as well. Celestia had admitted before that she wanted a colt or are to be with and be 'her own Prince or Princess'. Two thousand years and Celestia never had the chance to settle down with a colt or mare... Or maybe she did try but never found a suitable one to stay with... That puts a lot of things to mind as to who the 'unsuitable ponies could be'.

Thinking about it, she thought about how happy Shining and Cadance are, and how Luna and Celestia were single. The two Princesses always spoke about 'lifemates'. It was an interesting conversation, and it made love sound utterly romantic.

Lifemates apparently are a couple who become destined to be together for as long as they're living. It's much more powerful than any typical relationship, but whether a normal pony would qualify for having a lifemate is very vague. She could only assume that her brother and sister-in-law are lifemates to each other. She wondered however if she would qualify to have a lifemate in future... That could be the same for Luna and Celestia, maybe they'll find solace in the arms of another pony who would love and care for them for the entirety of existence.

The Mane-6 all traversed through the EverFree Forest: a Princess should never travel alone, especially around this dangerous area. Twilight can handle herself fine, but the company of her friends reassured that they will be okay if anything happens. It was almost dark, and usually, Timber Wolves would usually swarm the area at the darkest of nights... The best way to know if they are nearby is the-

“Did you guy's hear that!?” Fluttershy quickly squealed as she heard a loud howl. “Th-th-that can't be them, could it!?”

The whole group realised that they were in trouble when they heard more howls... “We need to get to the cave...” Twilight said quietly. She slowly led the group, and tried not to make noise or attract any unwanted attention. It didn't take long however to make a mistake when she stepped on a twig, and even the smallest sound could attract a nearby Timber Wolf. And it did... “Oh no...” The smell was distinct and the howl sounded closer.

Forced to run, the group abandoned all stealthy movement and they frantically paced towards the cave,;hopefully it would offer them safety. “Quickly!” Rarity shouted as she got sight of the entrance. Rarity was first to jump in(Ladies first), despite the fact she detested how dirty it seemed. Rainbow Dash dove in with Applejack.

“The Legend of the mira-WHOA!” Pinkie Pie was pulled down into the hole with Twilight as she jumped in. The Timber Wolves however were persistent and still continued to pursue the Mane-6.

Erichanory felt his ear twitch as he heard howling. The others heard it as well, and it only meant that Timber Wolves were nearby. Markza was first to grab one of the firearms from the bag, and it was loaded and ready to fire. Markza had picked an SMG, Butch picked a Shotgun, whilst Bulleta went for her own Assault Rifle.

When they heard screaming, they realised that there were ponies being chased. “Hold you fire until I say so.” He bolted his weapon ready, pulling the charging handle to hear the satisfying 'click' that told him a bullet was in the chambre.

It didn't take long before the said ponies had come through the cave entrance, and that they were halted by the three soldiers who readily pointed firearms. “Duck! Get down!” Bulleta ordered.

With no other choice, they all dropped to the floor. They just barely dodged a Timber Wolf about to pounce them, and allowed the soldiers to fire freely at the creatures. The bullets were treated with magic, and made very short work of the pack that attacked them. Once their weapons all clicked empty, they felt safe for the time being.

“That was a close call.” Erich said, before putting away his firearm. He rushed to the group to check on them, and it was Twilight and co. “Are you alright?” He asked.

Twilight and the others assured that they were fine, but barely made it out without a scratch. Just as Erich let down his guard, another Timber wolf pounced Markza. He was able to hold it back, but not throw it off. “Damn it!”

The others quickly panicked and moved away from the danger. They didn't know what to do and couldn't think up of any ideas in time to help him.

But luckily, Markza was able to throw the creature off. Quickly standing. The monster was about to attack once again; but a pony quickly intervened. Crystal! “Sit down!” She taunted as she used her guitar-case to suppress the wooden canine. She dodged its attack and countered again by attacking it with her guitar-case, only this time it sent the thing flying back. It recovered however and was angered.

The mare chuckled as she pointed to herself with both hands. “Come on!” She cried out. "I'm right here. Fresh meat!"

Growling, the last Timber Wolf of the pack slowly closed in on Crystal, before it fastened in pace. Crystal followed thereafter, fastening in pace in rhythm to the wild beast, but just as they were to clash, the wooden beast was slain by Markza who drew his handgun and took the opportunity to steal the show. "Sit down boy." He said as he smirked. "You come for the bullets, but you stay because you're dead."

"Always one for the spotlight?" Crystal responded as she dusted herself off from all the wood and ashes that flew onto her.

The Mane-6 were unharmed from the attack, but had they not found the others, everything would've turned for the worse. "Oh thank Celestia." Rarity said with her oh so elegant voice. "I thought we would've perished in this horrible cave."

"The only thing that will be perishing is the thought." Erich replied, unloading his handgun and refreshing its contents. Once it was loaded again, he put it away and turned to Crystal. "I've never seen anyone go hoof-to-hoof against a Timber Wolf like that. What're you? Super Mare?" He jokingly asked. No ordinary pony could do that, but then again, he was no ordinary pony himself.

Rarity scoffed at the idea. "I have no reason to believe that, but I know that a lady needs to know how to defend herself. Quite the performance however." She complimented and clapped. "Bravo."

"That was... So AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash added.

Pinkie then realised where they all were. She gasped in surprise and said aloud: "The Miracle!" Her voice echoed around the cave.

"What on Earth are you ponies doin' here?" Applejack asked.

"You'll see." Erich replied vaguely.

Chapter 3

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Most of the others had already fallen asleep. It was a good idea that they would set up camp here, because they needed to explore more of this cave to find out about any other miracles that they could take note of. Crystal, Twilight and Erich were the only ones awake to explore. The luminite served its purpose and lit up even the darkest corners of the cave with little effort. It so happened that it helped to find certain artefacts, one of them turned out to be a set of gauntlets and greaves that are embedded with a magical aura.

Though Twilight wasn't so sure that any of them could control its power, she still kept it in the bag, for later reference. Maybe one of the books at the library had some information about them, or Zecora. There must be other things that they can find; who knew that the cave of wonders turned out to be so interesting?

"When was the last time we had a proper chat to each other...?" Crystal asked Erich. Though she didn't mean it to be heard by the third party member, she wanted to personally chat with the colt.

Her question was very valid, because it had been a very long time since they made proper personal conversation. Getting caught up in the Royal Guard obviously didn't make it any easier, and getting thrown to jail made it worse. "A while. Obviously when you don't have access to a phone or pen and paper, there's no way I can make conversation." He responded. Though his tone of voice was almost sarcastic, it was nonetheless true.

"I really did want to talk to you Crystal. You are my best friend. My closest friend." He claimed genuinely. He had friends, but none of them could be any closer than what Crystal was to him. She knew him more than anyone else could.

Crystal shrugged. "I know. You're my closest friend too. It's just that... It was kinda lonely not to be able to talk to you." She admitted. Vinyl and Octavia are great friends, but she always managed to close doors and hold up walls that prevented them from becoming very close friends. She had her reasons not to allow their friendship to develop any further. But the real reason why she only considers Erich as her best friend? That's for her to know only, and hopefully he shared the same reasons.

She threw her long mane back and continued. "When this is over... Do you think we can start talking more, like when we were younger?" She asked.

The colt adjusted his navy mane so that it didn't obstruct the view of his left eye, but it kept setting down there. He thought about it for a moment: The only way he'd get any real time away from the Royal Guard is to become a higher ranking officer, but the chances of that are slim, but leave the Royal Guard altogether? Maybe that would allow him freedom to do as he please... He only wanted as of now to talk to Crystal once again.

But at this moment, he still can't put together as to why Princess Celestia wanted Crystal to come on this journey.

Spike and Sweetie Belle were both invited to a formal party, courtesy of Celestia herself; mainly because the main pianist for the orchestral band had actually injured his hands for some reason. The dragon was very experienced in playing the piano, as it was a hobby during his younger years. From time to time he can play a piano but he'd been too busy to play for his own leisure. Spike was also ambidextrous, which made him a flexible pianist.

Though he had little time to prepare, he was doing a great job at playing the sheet music given to him. Octavia was also here, as one of the primary cellists, which sort of calmed him down. He frequently visited Octavia and Vinyl whilst Twilight was gone, just because he shared similar interests to them about playing a specific instrument.

Hopefully he'll have the chance to properly practice his fingers and maybe find a way to stand out the crowd.

Sweetie Belle was just busy admiring the scenario around her. It's her first time actually attending such a formal party in Canterlot. One day, she'd like to go to the Grand Galloping Gala to see the bigger formal parties. For now, this small party was a good taste of what's to come in the possible future.

Most of the ponies here were whispering to each other about Sweetie Belle's dress. She wore a simple white dress, but the embedded diamonds around the hem of the skirt and collar attracted most of the others. Some even recognised the design style since there was an excessive use of rare baby blue Sapphires, which would usually appear in one line of clothing... Rarity's. 'Why is everypony looking at me?' She didn't realise how valuable and popular her sister's brand of clothing is. It had become fairly popular with elites who live in Canterlot and other richer cities in Equestria.

"Oh, Sweetie Belle." A familiar voiced called her name. The young mare turned to see that it was Princess Luna. Like Celestia, she is another one of Twilight's former mentors before she had become a full fledged Princess. "I didn't realise you'd be here. Are you here with your sister or did you come alone?" She asked out of curiosity.

Sweetie Belle shook her head. "I'm here with my Spikey-Wikey!" She responded with a gleeful smile and squeaky voice that would be considered 'cute' by many others.

"Eh... Spikey... Wikey?" 'Why does that sound so familiar...?' Luna knew who Sweetie Belle was talking about however. It was Spike; the dragon had very important business here. Twilight had contacted Luna prior to Spike's arrival in Canterlot; even Celestia does not know his actual reasons for visiting.

Spike would be very helpful, since he has now developed strong powers. Celestia's powers seemed to have weakened, as evident from the last encounter with Chrysalis. Many do not want to re-live seeing their monarch being defeated by an evil Queen again, nor experience the full horrors that Changelings may be capable of. Also, Luna hoped not to be asleep like the last invasion, which she missed EVERYTHING!!

"Well," She changed the subject. "Spike will be very busy whilst he is here, but you don't mind that do you? Celestia needs 'help' with certain things that is bothering her."

Sweetie Belle gasped. "Is Celestia hurt? Is she ill and too old!? Oh gosh, can she still stand on two hooves!?" Her overreaction alerted and concerned a few nearby guests who almost took in the younger mare's beliefs.

Luna quickly calmed her and others down. "No! No..." She however turned around and chuckled, trying to hold back laughter. It was almost as if the young pony foreseen the future, and how Celestia would turn out to be. It was always a running joke between the two sisters: "Who would be the first to start to show true aging?" Though Luna was younger, there was no guarantee that she won't be first. But if it is Celestia that starts to become the kind of person to faulter (and it would be hilarious), Luna will award Sweetie Belle... In an uncontrollable fit of laugher. The thought was perfect... Who else could imagine Celestia acting as eccentric and clueless as Granny Smith?

Even though most view Luna as far too professional... She's actually very immature when there is no Royal Business involved. She usually sits in her room playing video games and on the internet, to which Celestia sometimes makes fun of, but in an affectionate way.

Sighing and getting it all out of her system, she returned to an almost full professional attitude but without the hard business stare; instead she had a casual facial expression. "So. How has your stay been lately?" She asked.

Sweetie Belle smiled again, and it almost seemed like her smile was trademarked. "It's been great. The room service, the luxury bath, everything about Canterlot is amazing!" She remarked.

"It is nice... But there are things that you should really appreciate more than material items." She pointed to Spike who was still playing the piano.

Sweetie Belle nodded and blushed. "There isn't a day that I don't appreciate him being my... Uhm... Boyfriend." She admitted shyly. "Is there a story you'd like to tell me about your love life, Princess?" The young mare asked.

Luna shook her head. "No..." There was one person she fell for... He however turned out to be a Changeling in disguise. Where he left to, she didn't know, but he didn't seem like the others. He seemed like a lone wolf, though, not. They met not too long after the Changeling invasion of Canterlot, which probably allowed him to arrive unnoticed. Where ever he was, Luna actually would like to see him again despite what he is. No one else knows about this short 'affair' that happened; though nothing happened...

But the thought comes to mind whether he really did care for Luna or not. Changelings are usually manipulative when disguised, as seen by Chrysalis who was able to drain Shining Armour's love. Why did she not feel weak or lose her powers during the few weeks they've been seeing each other?

A lot of things confused her about Changelings. Maybe not all of them are evil, and few just want to live a fulfilling life. Why is it that Changelings’ are forced to feed on the love of other ponies anyways? There were a lot of mysteries that would baffle even the smartest of minds. Maybe Twilight can find out more about these creatures, and maybe a way to find peace and a way to co-exist with them rather than exterminate them out right.

It wasn't long before Spike was finished with his performance, and with the many instrument players there, he bowed to the crowd who clapped and praised their work. Spike was genuinely appreciative of the crowd, and smiled widely. Meeting up with Sweetie Belle and Luna, who were conversing with each other.

It was as if they were waiting for him when they suddenly pulled the young dragon into the conversation: "You were great. Luna thinks you can be a great Piano player, and I think that too!!" She complimented.

Spike scratched the back of his head and smiled, a little overwhelmed by the comments. "Thanks Sweetie. But I'm not that great. Amateur at best." The drake was unlike his younger self; he had stopped bragging about himself since he took over the library for Twilight and matured. His personality has really changed a lot; even more so when he asked Sweetie Belle out and eventually became her current boyfriend (and first). Spike was not the same drake; he had changed for the better.

A lot of the townsfolk back at Ponyville have noticed his changes, and often complimented him for his improved attitude. Some of the bulkier colts have often complimented on Spike’s good build, but then again, this was natural for most dragons. The drake however was still not that big, and his body was still fairly sleek for a dragon. Spike was more down the middle road between speed and strength. Add some magic in and he was a force to be reckoned with.

He was still fairly rusty in spell conjuring, because other anthropomorphic animals other than unicorn ponies capable of conjuring magic are rare to find in all of Equestria. It would take longer for Spike to master his abilities than a typical unicorn, since he has no linear path like ponies who have to learn spells based on their cutie mark. He’s almost like Celestia and Luna, though both have cutie marks were prominent in the past with many different powers.

But he was still in training, but he would like to become stronger not only to protect Celestia, but to also protect the love of his life. Sweetie Belle was far too important to him, and there hadn’t been a moment since he agreed to be her boyfriend that the relationship was not going to last. All feelings for Rarity in the past had started to fade when Rarity met a colt by the name of “Jackle Decker”. At first, the drake was jealous, but eventually he started to realise Rarity was way out of his reach and that Jackle was a very nice colt. Decker however is away serving in the Royal Guard in Canterlot. Maybe he’d bump into him, maybe not.

It was Sweetie Belle who took the opportunity to initiate a relationship. The young mare started developing feelings for the drake when he visited Rarity often. She was very shy around his presence at the time, but eventually Spike started to notice that she always made ‘friendly’ advances.

She never regretted picking him over others, or falling for him in the first place. The shyest member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders achieved something at least: get a boyfriend/girlfriend. There aren’t any cutie marks for that however.

“Well you aren’t on duty as of yet Spike. Do you have any plans with Sweetie Belle to explore Canterlot a little bit more?” Luna suggested.

The drake nodded in agreement. “Well, I don’t want to disappoint my girlfriend by being busy for a while and not take her out. Better tonight then never.” Spike explained. The purple scaled dragon turned to the white furred mare with a smile. “And where ever you want to go is fine by me.”

The young mare giggled, knowing she was in for a treat tonight; like a spoilt daughter to a father. “Spike, you’re too much.” He always puts her before him, and no doubt it was to impress the blank flank mare. But from the corner of her eye, she noticed that there was a serious look on the Princess’ face, which concerned her. Maybe there was something more to “Spike helping Celestia” that Sweetie Belle doesn’t know.

Erich used another knife to mark the path they came from; stabbing it into the ground Erich continued to follow Crystal who started leading the way. It was as if she knew her way round the caves. Twilight stood close to Crystal.

They were very deep into the caves, but all sense of narrowness disappeared as they were in very open areas. Right now, they were travelling on the edge of a large bottomless pit. Luckily, where they walked seemed to be safe enough, and there wasn’t any worry of the floor collapsing beneath them. There was one thing about the path they walked on that seemed interesting: It was a one way path. There hadn’t been any other openings to other parts to the cave for a while during this trek, but there were always interesting things they’ve found.

Most of them seemed like dropped items that have been left around the whole place, most likely their owners didn’t realise they’d lost their item ‘til it was too late. Who would’ve come this far to the cave of wonders? Then again, Erich, Princess Twilight and Crystal did...

“Fuck me... That hole sure looks deep.” Erich said as he dropped a pebble into it. He awaited an audible sound, but none had come to him. “Shit... Really is deep as fuck...”

“Language!” Twilight hushed Erich. She didn’t really like profanity, but there are many people around her that seem to curse whenever they felt it was appropriate. If they swore in front of Celestia, who knows... ‘Actually I’d take that back’. Twilight had witnessed the Princess curse, but only when there wasn’t anyone else around besides her and Luna. Even if it was Celestia swearing, Twilight finds it irritating; one of her many pet peeves.

Crystal chuckled. “You like ‘deep’ huh?”

“Don’t you?” Erich responded quickly. He silenced Crystal and had both girls blushing at the comment. He led on with a smug smile on his face.

Sometime after, the path had ended and it led to some sort of room. There was a large mirror in the middle of it, and carved luminite was placed around it. The bright light allowed the mirror to stand out of the relatively gloomy and grim looking room with its elegance.

Crystal was first to approach it: “It’s still here!” She claimed.

“What is it?” Twilight asked. It seemed like an ordinary mirror, but as she touched it, she felt that there was energy surrounding it. The alicorn couldn’t tell what it was, but it doesn’t look dangerous. Twilight also wondered how Crystal could have known this ornament was here, and whether she knew its purpose for being here.

Erich tapped on the mirror’s side and then examined it closely. “Sturdy, but very mysterious...” Looking at the mirror closely, he then noticed something odd about the reflection in the mirror. What was strange is the fact that the room around them looked entirely different. “That’s odd.”

Twilight noticed this too. “What kind of mirror is this?” She asked herself.

Crystal touched the glass, but instead of it being solid like any typical mirror, it started to ripple like water in a pond. “And it still works... After all these years it still works...”

The grey furred colt folded his arms. “There’s something you’re not telling us Crystal. What is ‘that’?” He asked with stern tone.

Crystal looked at the mirror once more and then turned to the other two. “This mirror is a portal... A portal to the Changeling Kingdom.” She claimed.

The colt was relatively convinced, but still found Crystal to be a mystery. He approached the mirror before touching his reflection. There wasn’t any feeling even as his fingers went into the mirror, not even a wet feeling or pain. He reached his arm into the mirror before finally deciding it was safe to step through.

On the other side, it was an elegant room with a decayed antique mirror behind him, almost the opposite of what it was before he stepped through. The room had a window, and a door. He first looked out the window, and then realised the Crystal was right: This was the Changeling Kingdom. Perception of the Changelings changed just by looking out the window and viewing the villages and would-be towns... Which seemed run down and many homes looked as if living conditions were limited for the most part. Changelings roamed the streets, also looking as run down as the homes...

He turned back to the mirror before looking back out the window, noticing that the largest building and brightest place was a castle farther away. “That must be where Chrysalis is.” He turned back to the mirror and stepped back in to where he came from. Erichanory was then greeted by Twilight and Crystal. “We need to get the others.”

“Did you see it? Did you see their home land?” Twilight asked eagerly.

“Yes, but it wasn’t pretty.”

Crystal understood with a nod. “Yes... It used to be beautiful...”

“You know too much Crystal and I want answers.” Erich demanded.

Crystal shook her head but smiled. “In due time Erich... I’m still the person you know from childhood. But I’m also someone else at the same time... Or rather, ‘something’ else...” She responded to give them a clue.

Twilight figured it out, but didn’t know what to say...

“You’re one of them, aren’t you?” Erich asked. He allowed Crystal to take her time, before she finally nodded. Her response however showed that she was ashamed of this fact. “Show me.”

Crystal was hesitant at first: What would the others do if she proves this fact? Prove the fact she was not a pony but a Changeling in disguise, fooling everyone she knew... Lying to them, hiding away secrets and locking them in and hoping it was stay with her to the grave. It was however Erich’s reassuring stare that gave her confidence...

The Rock Queen allowed her body to slowly morph back into its true form... She was a Changeling... A real Changeling who lived with ponies peacefully...

At first, silence... But then... “Why are you so scared to show your true form?” Erich asked, honestly curious about it.

Crystal looked at Erich who looked at her with honest friendly eyes. She shied away but he closed in before she can fully do so. “Erich...” She murmured. The Changeling knew he was still waiting for an answer, and so gave him an answer: “I didn’t feel as if I could fit in with you... That I would be disregarded and prejudiced against for what I am...” She was a Changeling, not a pony. Most Ponies must’ve been traumatised by her kind after what happened during the Canterlot wedding, and no doubt would fully detest a single Changeling within their crowd.

But her thoughts were halted when Twilight and Erich both approached, both with friendly faces and a gentle hold to her hands. “What...”

“Hey. You seem like an honest girl. Why shouldn’t we trust you?”

Erich agreed. “You’re my childhood friend, and you never lied to me but did keep things hidden. I think you’re still as beautiful even in this form.”

“You really think so...?” She shyly asked.

“Well, the few holes in your arms and legs sorta give me the feeling that you’re kinda like Swiss cheese.” He joked. It left a smile on all of their faces.

Even so, Crystal changed back into her Pony disguise. She felt more confident about herself, and slightly proud that she could admit the truth for once. What was better: She admitted it to Erich, her most trusted friend, and even had the trust from royalty.

“This mirror is gorgeous!” Rarity exclaimed as she looked at herself through the reflection. “Don’t I look beautiful?” She asked.

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Not as awesome as me!” She exclaimed with pride, pushing Rarity aside and then doing the same as she did. “Only the awesomest deserve to look at themselves through this mirror.” She joked.

Twilight hushed the others with authority, and had them gather so that they could listen. “This mirror is a gateway mirror.” Twilight was fairly familiar with ‘Gateways’, since she went through one the last time. Her experience in a parallel Universe was quite an interesting one. “This one leads to the Changeling Kingdom.”

The others, besides Erich and Crystal chattered amongst each other. They all know of Twilight’s mission, but knew it was dangerous. The other five members of the Mane-6 agreed that they would travel with her: Fluttershy, though was a little hesitant but wouldn’t let down her friend in need, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were well prepared since Applejack was a strong Earth pony with kicks and punches that would stumble the toughest of ponies, and Rainbow Dash was well trained as she was part of the Wonderbolts. Rarity seemed too elegant of a pony, but she held out many times before, and Pinkie was no different as she was hyperactive but always overcame problems.

Erich stepped forwards. “I’ll go in first, then Twilight comes after. Whoever comes next is your choice.”

Bulleta chuckled. “Fucking bastard trying to look like a hero.” She joked. But it was Erich first or no one makes it back through the mirror.

“Isn’t this a little awkward?” Sweetie Belle asked Spike.

“What’s awkward?” He asked back.

“That we’re still wearing formal clothing and that we’re in a Cafe eating donuts and drinking coffee?” She answered with another question. Sweetie Belle’s lips curved into a smile, and found the setting more comfortable than a Gala-like environment. The confections such as donuts, slices of cake and other desserts were delicious. No doubt that Pinkie Pie would find herself almost at home in this Cafe alone.

“No. This is normal in Canterlot...” He can say out of experience. He’d lived in Canterlot and came in to the cafe a couple of times wearing a suit. Quite a few people did. “Hey, Pony Joe. Another doughnut, normal glazed.

Sweetie Belle noticed that Spike had been wearing those odd gloves all night. He’d been wearing them for the past few months without actually taking them off in public. It suited him, but she never asked what they symbolised or what they were for. It had purple gems stuck on it; its colour could very well blend in with his scales.

The mare had a lot of fun in Canterlot, and had indulged in shopping, going out, the formal parties... She really is Rarity’s little sister... But she knew Spike was just doing this to distract her thoughts; he really was trying to hide something from her. The young mare decided to stare at the drake without saying a word.

The dragon started to notice her stare, and it was starting to turn awkward... “Uhm...” He tried not to make it obvious that it was bothering him, but he had his limits. “There’s something you want to know isn’t there...?”

Chapter 4: Pin Point

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The Changeling village was in a state of decay. It was almost as if the village had been struck by war, or hadn't been maintained at all. The group of ponies wore hooded coats to hide the fact they're not Changelings, but the villagers could tell... But said nothing. It was as if they blended in the crowd, unnoticed and not standing out.

"They're not trying to do anything. They know we're not one of them but why are they not attacking or something?" Bulleta asked.

Crystal answered: "The Changeling population had been oppressed for years... There are many soldiers who are brainwashed into fighting blindly for Chrysalis and the many more who are given little to live with." She sighed at the fact. "Many of them even wished Celestia helped, even I do wish that the poor souls are saved."

The grey furred colt clicked his fingers. His sense of moral justice and righteousness was one thing that drove him forwards to an objective. "The only way to save this place is to flick the bug off the throne." He chuckled. "Sounds easy enough."

It was easy the last time for Princess Cadence and Shining Armour because Chrysalis had not anticipated the persistence of the Mane-6. Of course, one would learn from their mistakes, and start again from the top. Crystal knew that her mother was not to be underestimated, but knowing Erich, nothing was above him.

Bulleta looked around and the decay of the village. What was Chrysalis' relation to Celestia? Ever since the incident in Canterlot, there were questions raised about how the Changeling Queen knew about Celestia. Of course, Celestia is known throughout most of Equestria, but not everyone actually knows about her; notably those that are not part of the Equestrian kingdom. But if Queen Chrysalis already knew Celestia in the past, how and what happened?

The Princess of the sun obviously had made mistakes in the past, but few question her logic. But now that her power grows weak and the fact that she is giving away responsibilities of different Equestrian grounds, many ponies have wondered about their monarch's troubled past. Why did it have to take a thousand years to fully rectify the problems?

"We need a place to stay." Butch broke the silence.

Crystal nodded. "I know a place. It's not the best, but it beats sleeping on the streets."

They continued to follow her, staying alert throughout the walk. If a Changeling guard was to spot them, they'd probably alert other Changeling guards. The creates did have horns that was good for magic, and one of the notable spells used extensively is the 'flare'. It isn't hard to guess what this spell is, and if one Changeling is able to get a flare out, the others will see. The place was far too crowded with civilians, and none of the group didn't want to catch them in the crossfire.

Erich could still see the large castle from afar, bright from all the torch lights. He'd have to get close to see any way to get in. He turned to Crystal: "We need to find a way into the castle."

The disguised former heiress to the Changeling throne looked towards the bright castle and nodded. She tried to remember as much as she could about how to get in and out the castle; it had been a while since her escape from it. Though the walls would intimidate any pony, of course one would have to look around properly with an observant eye to notice the faulty construction in certain sides of the wall.

But then again, there were other ways in, especially when you take note of the underground cave that lead from the kitchen. Though lacking the liberty to explore the outside world, Crystal was able to at least explore the castle. She took note of anything that could be important.

The guards in the castle were well armed with high class firearms, and are trained brutally to earn their place to defend 'her majesty'. But even so, they lack real plated armour, but had strong magical properties. Another downfall is that the mounted weapons were all designed to fire precisely outside the castle; shooting within the castle walls would just cause more destruction to say the least, and her mother loved her castle.

The castle was built from scratch, and its first form was considered 'poorly constructed'. She did force construction workers to improve on the castle, and it still hasn't improved from its second, but infamous form. Thick concrete walls were almost impenetrable by conventional means, but strong magic or explosives can blow off a small chunk off the wall. Magic falls on Twilight and her friends category, since the elements of harmony had embedded with them some time ago. All of them had some magical properties, but ones without horns had to rely on Twilight to conjure it.

Erich and his crew obviously filled in for explosives. Whether they had enough is the question, but there are materials that they can gain access to.

She turned to the navy mane pony: "Not yet. We need to keep a low profile and then plan our infiltration."

The other five from the mane-6 stopped Crystal however. Rainbow Dash looked as though she had something to say with a fierce but curious expression on her face: "So... You know a lot about this place huh?"

Applejack teamed with her partner: "And it's a little weird that you should."

Twilight tried to stop their questioning, but the others continued to pressure Crystal. Rarity continued for Dash and AJ: "You're obviously 'hiding' something."

Fluttershy shyly agreed with a nod, and Pinkie Pie said little besides smiling nervously as she could not decide whether to support the others or Crystal who Twilight trusted. The last time she ignored Twilight's trust turned into a bit of a mess, but then again she wasn't the only one who ignored her pleas and accusations against the disguised Chrysalis.

Crystal raised her hand. "It's fine Twilight. They have a right to know, and it's my obligation to answer their questions." She took a step towards them. Never before had the Rock Queen had been so confident in telling the truth, and it was time that she started being honest with herself. "You want to know the truth?"

The other mane-6 members nodded. Butch and Bulleta were ready to intervene, but were halted by Erich. "It's fine."

Crystal acknowledged. "I cannot tell you the truth... But rather show it." She sighed and allowed herself to transform back to her original form. She didn't expect any of the others to trust her straight away, but at least the Princess and Markza trusted her.

None of the others were repulsed, but were surprised. But as expected, none of the other mane-6 members trusted Crystal, at least not fully.

"Now you know."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack exchanged glances. Applejack stood forward, crossed her strong arms and standing tall and proud: "We're watchin' you. Anythin' weird or suspicious-"

"You wouldn't have to worry about that." Crystal assured.

The others were still a distrusting, and just followed Crystal as she continued to walk on but with very observant looks. Twilight found that the fact they weren't as understanding as she and Erich were disheartened her... But then again, none of them knew their history together. The Princess then began to wonder whether Crystal or Erich had any feelings beyond 'friendly'.

They continued to walk down the dry, sandy-like road, with the others following Crystal but some still sceptical of her intentions.

Tired of the silence, Erichanory broke it with a question. He asked her about how she was able to escape the castle and make it to Ponyville.

Where could she start...? Well, escaping the castle was easy but getting away from the Changeling guard was the difficult part. But it was the fact that the oppressed population was so willing to help her and shelter her from them that helped her escape. Crystal was allowed to stay the while, and was given whatever food and drink the villagers could scrap up. Crops weren't doing so well but even then, fresh fruit, vegetable and other foods such as flour based bread do come out here and there.

Alcohol wasn't too difficult to cultivate, especially the cheap beer that was of poor quality, but then again beer is not about taste for most people. More stronger alcohols such as Red Wine would burn a hole in any pony's wallet in this part of Equestria, lest the pony or what not was rich.

After some time, she promised a farewell, and the villagers who helped her hoped that Crystal could find a place to settle down in without worry of her mother and her forces. It was a long journey, but she found the mirror in the tower on the other side of the kingdom. At a younger age she was told of the stories of how elegant mirrors that cannot be moved and are full of mystery might take her to another world, or place. At first, you wouldn't believe it however, the legends were true. She was able to find her way through the caves, but at the expense of her limited supplies of food, and desperation kicked in. Finally, she found her way out, and she was found by Luna who was overlooking the night sky. The Princess found the changeling weak, dying from starvation and dehydration...

She thanks Princess Luna to this day for saving her, and thanks Celestia who allowed her to stay for a short amount of time, allowing her to stay in a hotel room. Both Princesses tended to her, giving her food, drinks, clothing and anything she wanted.

But she craved music... She developed a passion for music at a young age, but her mother found her passion towards it 'pointless'. It was Celestia who introduced her to Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. She couldn't thank her enough after that. Thereafter, she experimented with different instruments until she was content with the electric Guitar. Her first time playing an instrument was an Acoustic Guitar one of the former band players at the castle used, until he was found pointless by her mother and was decommissioned. However, Crystal was left with the Guitar in her possession, and whenever she found a secluded spot around the castle she would play it.

But eventually her mother found out and found this an act of disobedience. A typical mother would ground their child and tell them off; Chrysalis was not a typical mother, if you could even consider her a mother in any way. It led to the scar in her left hand, and more or less, the reduced ability to use the Guitar. But how she could still bare the name of 'Rock Queen' and enjoy popularity as a talented Guitarist was beyond her. For now, she'll have to hold off her pony identity and put on the shoes of her old self, and they'll fit perfectly.

After a few minutes, they approached a large building that obviously was run down by decay. Despite this, it seemed well guarded as a metal door prevented them from entering, and two men armed with mediocre firearms stood in their way.

"Sorry. You ain't allowed in here."

Crystal threw back her hood.

"Oh! I'm sorry, you can come in." The two stepped aside and one of the guards opened the door for them. "It's been a while since we last saw you. I thought you said you weren't coming back." The guard said.

"I really didn't want to."

The group made their way through a hallway and upstairs to a canteen-like area, where changelings were social and shared drinks, ate food (at least what little food they have) and yet all of them were armed. None of them noticed the outsiders, and already the group felt welcome.

One of the drinkers spotted Crystal, and gasped to her current appearance. He stood with his pitcher in the air and called her out: "Haha! Our comrade Crystal has returned!!"

The announcement turned all the attention to her, and many of the drinkers, eaters and chatters cheered at the news. They flattered her return. "The rightful Queen has returned! All hail!" One cried out.

"All hail!" They all shouted.

Some of the changelings noticed the ponies: "Outsiders?" Some of them noted. But all of them questioned the Rock Queen whether they'd be of any help to their 'cause'.

She nodded. "You have been fighting against your own brethren for years, because of my mother. And yet you allowed me to find my way out of the crumbling remnants of this village... I thank you for allowing me to find my way to experience a normal life."

The changelings raised their pitchers. "We are here to serve you. Whatever way you send us; left or right!" They all agreed on it.

"I was so young when I found you, and yet I'm still welcome? I can't believe you all remember me." Escaping the castle, she was pursued by the Changeling guard, but men and women who noted this helped her escape to this place, and she thanked all of them for sheltering her. It was her Sanctuary, and way point to a new life.

The other ponies were slightly baffled at what was going on. Bulleta asked: "And who are these guys?"

Rock Queen looked to them all and smiled happily. "These men and women wish for a better future, and fight against the tyrant Queen... My mother..." She stood proudly, and for once in her life, she was in charge of a part of what was rightfully hers. "They stand tall as a rebellion, but I call them pursuers of justice! I have returned even when I promised never to do so, and why...? Because I have an obligation to this village as much as soldiers you do."

"All hail!" The soldiers all cried.

Erich stepped forwards with a laid back attitude. "So we can safely say we're on the same side. How about a drink for us then?"

Crystal chuckled and smiled. "Please, enjoy your night, for the night is young and with the night; this night! Tonight, this place will become a place of joy! We shall celebrate!" She rushed over to the bartender who though had limited drinks to provide, happily filled pitchers full of home brewed beer. "Tonight, we drink!" She raised a filled pitcher along with the soldiers.

Erich stepped in: "And from now on, we're calling the shots. Walking through that village was nothing less than disturbing. I can't stand by to see innocent people suffer."

The soldiers all agreed and raised pitchers once more. Markza smiled. "To good health, and the future victory that waits ahead of us. A pony, a changeling, a dragon, anything can dream. But you need the will to fulfil it!" He watched as his own two comrades took two pitchers of their own, and hesitantly the Mane-6 joined in.

The bartender smiled and nodded. "There was not a moment that none of us dreamed of acceptance. And we accept you. Do you accept us?"

The other members of Twilight's group was at first a little hesitant, but seeing how these Changelings were relatively no different to them, they all agreed. Their hostilities were mainly due to the Royal Canterlot wedding incident. Of course, you can stereotype all of Canterlot to be rich snobs but that's true in its entirety (though most were rich), and you can stereotype that all Dragons are out of control. Spike matured in his own different way and was fairly in control.

Why should they be afraid of them? Had they wanted to hurt the ponies, they would've done something by now.

Rarity was first to down her drink, and though it wasn't as classy a drink as expensive wine, it sufficed. What she did next was slightly un-lady like as she wiped her wet lips with her arm and sighed with relief. "By Celestia, that's good."

The Changelings and Ponies were not hostile to each other, but rather were friendly and uncaring to what one or the others were. That being said, they become far more excited once the drinks went down, and still kept coming. There was a lot of beer, though not as much food. But that was okay, the beer accounted for a liquid dinner as they say.

There were a few who played instruments and others who danced with others. Applejack wasn't shy about dancing with others. Applejack found out that some of the dancers had their own orchids and farms, but the decaying land made it difficult to cultivate any edible plants. Immediately, the bulky mare felt bad for bad mouthing the whole Changeling race.

There were a few Changelings who wore well sewn clothes, and Rarity couldn't help but notice some of the gems that they had. Of course, she complimented them, and even more so assured those who didn't feel confident about themselves that they were beautiful. They were like diamonds: even rough ones were beautiful and had great value to them.

Fluttershy was a little shy but some of the soldiers, female and male, stayed with her to start a conversation. The first mention about Fluttershy's occupation in ponyville had gained the attention of the soldiers that were curious about her. It was evident that they used to take care of animals, but few come to the empire and migrate to other parts of Equestria. It was disheartening to hear this, since the shy mare herself would find it hard to accept that her animals don't want to return due to the state of the land. If only Celestia knew...

Rainbow Dash bragged on about her fast speed, and also enjoyed the company of former racers. Some were male but most were female, since the females usually had more thinner bodies which wouldn't be slowed down by wind as much. The males however were known to be competitive. Most races however were cancelled some time during Chrysalis' reign, and most of the racers instead used their speed to help in maintaining the village and getting whatever supplies they had around without being caught by patrols.

Of course, Dash's ties with the Wonderbolts were strong, and she probably could get some support from them. She'd have to initiate a way to get back through the portal and contact her team. She'd be faster than the patrols but being fast doesn't mean that they would not stop going after her if she is caught.

Dash went to Erich, Twilight and Crystal. Crystal seemed a little tipsy but under control... Relatively. "Uhm...." She couldn't lose focus on how Crystal was just downing drinks so easily. It made Pinkie, who was just going all out with a few of the others partying and being hyper, a lightweight. Pinkie Pie is great at partying and can hold her own with drinks but even she had a limit. A large limit though. But it seemed as though the Rock Queen is true to her word a 'Rock Queen'. Rock and roll is her lifestyle, and drinking is part of it.

She returned her attention to Erich. "Erich. We need to think of a plan." She suggested that after the infiltration they can have the Wonderbolts extract them from the village. The two discussed the matter and though it seemed like a good plan, there was no consideration for the villagers. Eventually the two agreed that the Wonderbolts plan would have to be put aside.

They continued to discuss plans on how they were to go about the mission. Even though Rainbow Dash wasn't part of the mission, she felt like she had an obligation to help a fellow soldier. It didn't matter whether they fought in the same department or not, but both of them served Celestia and Equestria.

Crystal talked about training the soldiers to better withstand a fight against the Changeling Guard. Of course, they had built large underground training facilities with whatever makeshift material they could find. But training was limited, given the circumstance and lack of real high ranking defectors within the rebellion. Crystal pointed out to the group that some of them fit the requirements, and how the others could help bring morale back up. From what they've seen so far, the morale is low but their appearance brought some hope.

Rainbow Dash and Bulleta are both fast Pegasi but Dash is better at speed whilst Bulleta's stamina was known to match lower-tier griffons. Both could be detrimental to training in flight combat. Dash has been rumoured to be great at smashing her head at things, and at high speeds, few could withstand such a blow.

Some of the larger changelings were more prominent in strength over flight, and matched earth ponies. Their wings helped them to fly around but they are far to sluggish to withstand fast pace flight combat. Of course, Butch and Applejack were the only members of the group who are strong Earth ponies. They both have strong physique and almost unbeatable stamina. Applejack was able to buck half her apple orchid alone with little to no sleep at all, and that is quite a lot of work considering her farm was fairly huge. Both Butch and AJ could carry heavy items without too much hassle, and though it's easy to pick up and carry heavy things, obviously larger ponies and changelings need a lot of practice before they could use their full potential.

Twilight and Rarity could help improve the spell casting of the rebels. Whilst Rarity was limited in this aspect in comparison to Twilight, she still had some worth as an instructor. Twilight had the most spells and a large threshold too, as she was able to 'defeat' an Ursa Minor without any force. Since becoming a princess, Twilight's magical prowess had increased over the years and her variety of spells too.

The next part was training these soldiers to properly use guns. Using a gun was easy enough, but using it properly and maintaining firearms was another problem. With the conditions surrounding them being relatively unclean, it'll be difficult to keep weapons clean when the best they could probably use are dirty clothes.

More complications arose when taking note of the small supply of food for the soldiers; not to mention, there weren't enough fighters to match the firepower Chrysalis had. This was a small local militia fighting a civil war against a well armed Imperial army. Despite it sounding stereotypically cliché, this is the situation at hand. What's more, another kingdom wishes to fight against this Empire as well. They had to make some sort of move first before Chrysalis was ready to strike at the heart of Equestria again. Without the Mane-6 and the Elements of Harmony, stopping her will be a difficult task, let alone sabotaging her war efforts.

Baby steps though was the key. They'd have to slowly progress, but still must do as much damage to the Imperialist Changelings given their situation.

"We'll have to get as much information about the camps around the Kingdom. If we can clear them one by one, we can gain more attention." He sipped the sparkling nectar from his pitcher, and after a refreshing swallow he continued on: "From both the enemy and the enemy of our enemy. And if you share an enemy with someone..."

"You become friends." Rainbow Dash finished up. She then noticed how Erich's attention was set primarily on Crystal. Crystal didn't notice herself since she was conversing with the followers she barely knew. The stern expression on his face gave away a lot about what he was thinking, since she once shared that same expression for somepony.

When Erichanory noticed, he snapped: "What!?" At her, though not enough to gain the attention of the others.

"I know that kind of look."

"What 'look'?"

Dash continued to pressure the soldier. "That stern, concentrated look on a special somepony." She teased.

"We're just friends."

"For now." Dash added. "But you start off friends Erich, that's how love blooms... Well... At least in your case." But then again, Rainbow Dash was in the same situation before. When you realise you're in love with someone, it's hard to admit it but harder to accept it. Her feelings were for Applejack as well, which was odd. Not only did Rainbow Dash found out she loved someone, she found out she also liked women. But she is sexually attracted to males too, so she declared herself bisexual without a primary preference.

But that wasn't important. "You have feelings for her. Do you... Love her?" She asked with a whispering voice.

Erich didn't answer. He was however able to change the subject: "Changeling survive on love right?" He asked Rainbow Dash. The rainbow mane mare shrugged. She knew little about them. Erich was familiar with changelings, how they primarily feed on the emotion 'love', however, it is rumoured that a changeling that was in-love would not need to feed off of it as much but enough to survive. "Do you think changelings can feed on each other's love?"

"All I know, Changelings just feed on love."

It seemed like it. Why else are the many changelings in the village are still alive?

Now, aside from that... Rainbow's question was really important. Did Erich 'love' Crystal? He had known her for years, and maybe... Maybe their friendship was not enough... He was quiet for a moment before he put aside his drink. "Crystal can indulge in all the love she can get from me..." He wondered however if she had any feelings for him.

Shining Armour was explaining to the drake about an allied changeling 'hive', led by a changeling named Adrian. The drake will be meeting him today, with Shining and Cadence to accompany him. There was no worry about danger, though S.A knew the changeling agent very well. They met a while back, and at first there were strong tensions between the Royal Guard and the 'hive'. Eventually, the two parties started to become close allies as they both were against Chrysalis.

When you both share an enemy with another party, there was no need to be against them. And so the Royal Guard and Rogue Hive are now close together.

After traversing through the training fields, they eventually bumped into a navy Pegasus who Shining Armour knew very well. Spike stopped after he noticed that S.A stopped, to greet the pony. "Black! What a lovely surprise to see you here!"

"Shining Armour? Wow, it's been a while. Say a couple of years?" The two go a long way back, especially when S.A was in his early Royal Guard years. Black Gryph0n had left the Royal Guard to pursue a musical career. At the moment, he was doing well as an independent musician, but he aimed high. He decided to visit because he missed a few friends that he knew for a while since the academy, but few are still serving as a Guard.

S.A introduced Spike to Black Gryph0n, and vice versa. "I've heard a lot about you and Twilight. But Twilight, being a Princess, wouldn't be unpopular." The drake had gained some popularity for being the Princess' former assistant and probably her successor. A dragon capable of magic was rare, and even more so, rumour has it that he could be as strong as Twilight in terms of magical capabilities.

If this is so, imagine an important monarch of Equestria being a dragon? That'd be interesting, since it would promote diversity among species in Equestria. Celestia does promote this kind of interaction however, but having a dragon as a monarch would be a stronger message.

Moving away from his thoughts, he was asked a question from S.A and Spike about his visit to Canterlot. Gryph0n explained that he'd be staying in Canterlot for a recording session with his studio. Since the Royal Guard establishment is nearby, he could probably get a refresher course in combat since it has been a while since he had fought alongside his comrades. He wondered about Two Hands, since he was infamous for his actions some time ago. He however respects this heroic action, even though some Guards died that day due to this.

"Oh really now? That'd be interesting. It'll be great seeing you training with us again." The white furred, blue mane pony claimed. His smile was genuine, and his hand shake was strong as ever. "Good luck at the studio."

"Thanks. I'll see you again." Black turned and left the training grounds. Spike and Shining Armour watched on as he walked off into the sunset.

Shining Armour nodded with a smile once Black was gone. He turned to Spike: "It seems as though fate is in your favour."

"Why is that?"

The Captain explained how Spike was lucky to have multiple veterans training alongside him. With veterans by his side, the purple dragon's training would be accelerated by a large amount and he'll finish faster. Adrian and Shining Armour himself can teach Spike how to improve on his magical power whilst Black can teach Spike the more physical side of combat.

The drake nodded in acknowledgement. But there was no agreement, nor any smile. He was conflicted between his training and his relationship with Sweetie Belle, whether he could train and stay committed to the young mare's needs is a hard choice, so he had to find a way to compromise with Shining.

They talked about it for a moment, but S.A always agreed with Spike's reasons. Like the drake, he had his own relationship to deal with; Princess Mia Mora Cadenza, Cadence, his loving wife. His advice: Balancing work and life. "I know you want to be as good as Twiley, but you gotta do it at a slower pace." He advised. "Especially when you have a woman, or man, not judging, with you." S.A remembered how Spike used to be overconfident about anything, and how he was never dedicated with anything primarily important. That was until he grew up, found out about his powers and started dating Sweetie Belle. Now his current personality directly contrasted with what used to be the small purple assistant.

But with such fierce determination showing in his eyes, the Captain knew that Spike will not disappoint in either area. "You're a young couple now, but I'm always worried that bad things will happen to Equestria, no matter how much we try to stop it." He patted the drake on the back and continued: "Make every second count for you and your love." It was perfect advice, and though Shining Armour doesn't always come home early, he would never sleep without saying 'I love you' at least once to Cadence, asleep or not.

The drake knew how S.A and Cadence were a strong, close couple, and he could learn a lot about relationships. Women to the drake was confusing and he couldn't understand their different behaviour to males. He wanted to understand from an experienced husband's point of view. "What's it like? Being married I mean..."

"It's the same as any other girlfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend or girlfriend, girlfriend relationship."

"But you and Cadence had been together for some time and you know..." He couldn't express what he wanted to say, it felt a little embarrassing thinking about it as well.

It didn't take long for S.A to realise what he was talking about when he spotted the nervously reserved look on his face. "Oh... I see." He didn't want to talk about it too obviously, especially in the middle of the training field where others could be listening. Instead, he had to make it sound 'polite'. "Well... 'Cars'. Like any 'car', you don't just look at it and buy it for yourself. You have a look at it, test drive it but don't rush with it." He advised strongly. "You wanna also make sure you understand the feel of this car you like, and once you buy it, be gentle with it and treat it nicely, and it'll treat you nicely too." He chuckled. "If you want, you should wear a 'seatbelt' for safety. But personally, I don't. It's more thrilling, but sometimes, better safe than sorry."

"Yeah I get what you mean." He nodded and processed all the advice he was given. "Right..." He murmured. The purple dragon never intended to rush with it, but he didn't know how to go about it when he and Sweetie Belle got to 'that' stage. With S.A's advice, it didn't seem to pressure him as much as thinking about it before did.

The Captain continued: "You love your 'car', right?"

"Yes sir."

"Does the 'car' love you?"

It seemed a little odd using cars as the polite terms in this conversation, but at the very least it wasn't obvious. Going back to the second question, Spike nodded with strong confidence. "She does... Very much... I'm just not sure how I should treat her. I give her all sorts of treats, but is that enough for her?"

"No. Eventually you'll need to 'seal the deal' with the car. 'Joy Ride'. But care and love over others. You can spend however much you want, but it's more important to care and love the car." Shining Armour stopped a moment. "I'm Cadence's car, as much as she is my car. And vice versa for you and your love. Sometimes, the cars and you will heckle from time to time but you make up and get over it." He patted the drake's shoulder again, this time with a strong smile. He hoped that all the advice he gave would help him in future, and hoped the relationship between whomever Spike was with will continue for a long time.

"So we're both cars to each other, hmm?"

"Well, you both love and care for each other, let's leave it at that."

"... Yeah... That describes it perfectly."

Armour didn't want to explain how it felt to really 'seal the deal' with Cadence, and how it is fairly active to now. Pure pleasure and bliss, and that was the physical side to it. The emotional side, love, care and support. Twilight always advised him to act as moral support to his Princess, whenever she had a problem. 'Women don't want solutions, they want assurance and moral support.'

"Stick around with me. I can help you learn a thing or two about relationships and mares."

"Sounds like a plan."

Sometime after, mid-training, Adrian had finally arrived. The Changeling was greeted by the other Royal Guard's with strong politeness. The Royal Guard in Canterlot knew him and his hive very well, and they are well respected. Adrian stood relatively tall, though barely taller than Shining Armour, slightly slender but still with a good athletic build. He didn't wear the Canterlot Guard uniform, but rather he wore his own combat gear. Neither the Captain nor the drake wore the uniform neither, which was odd since S.A would always wear his uniform when training or on duty.

The changeling greeted the two, and complimented Shining Armour on how he can discipline any soldier, as evidenced by the hospitality the Royal Guard gave. The changeling never saw a dragon that grew of honesty, and his first time seeing one was of such delight. Most dragons grew to be large and dangerous due to their greed, but Spike was one of many that chose a more honest lifestyle. "You must be Spike. I heard a lot about you since you were appointed as Celestia's personal bodyguard." News travelled fast about it within his hive and the Royal Guard.

The fascinating part of the story? Spike was a dragon that can potentially conjure magic. It was one of the reasons Adrian had to come. Another reason: someone he really cares about was part of the Elite Royal Guard.

Spike was able to conjure basic spells like levitation, and he seemed to learn how to conjure new spells and abilities like any other pony. The technique was the same, it's just how he is able to do spells. Unlike other unicorns, he used gauntlets designed to channel the energy. Naturally, a unicorn uses their hands to directly aim their spells at times, but usually when their hands were full they used their horn. That shortens the need to learn spells since part of the course is multi-tasking with horn and limbs. It was interesting to meet a non-pony being, or changeling being, know how to conjure magic. The drake seemed capable of it as well.

However, Adrian sensed a strong emotion around Spike. The same emotion that changelings adapted to feed on for years: Love... And it was strong beyond belief, it felt overwhelming. It was around Shining Armour too, but then again, himself as well. The others could feed off of Adrian, which at first seemed impossible.

It was also a way of exposing which changeling is in love or not, and there isn't a moment where Adrian, or others are teased for being in love. The majority of his hive have not found themselves a suitable life partner. Eventually they will.

Like Shining Armour, the source of his power was the love of a certain somepony. Chrysalis was the only one who was able to feed off of it and drain him almost to death due to her superior will power. Even though Shining Armour was strong in will and determination, he was still not able to control the full extent of his power source. Now that he had enough time to learn how deep his magical energy really lies, Adrian doubted that Chrysalis could ever take advantage of him again. That is, if she tries.

The strong sense of love reminded him of that person he cares about a lot... She was here somewhere, among the crowds of Guards training. It was hard to distinguish who was who when so many ponies had strong emotions of all kinds, but mainly, love was overwhelming his ability to pinpoint specific ponies. He'll have to find her later...

"You want to learn how to be a magic master? We'll teach you."

"Do you think I can be a magic master?"

The changeling smiled. "Why else did Celestia ask you to be her next student?"

Chapter 5: A step above Friendship

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The coffee was great. Whilst Spike was training with Shining Armour, Cadance and Sweetie Belle decided to have a friendly outing. This cafe was expensive, but that was the norm in Canterlot. The younger mare was a little embarrassed that the Princess was paying for their snacks and drinks, but Cadance insisted. It was just too good, the cake, the coffee...

Most of the other ponies had shot glances towards Cadance here and there, but tried not to be noticed. They were envious of the fact that the young mare who hailed all the way from Ponyville gets to sit with the Crystal Princess. Most of them talked amongst themselves, badmouthing the young mare due to her origins and ignoring the fact that she is the sister of an important Element of Harmony wielder and popular fashionista.

But Sweetie Belle didn't care what the others thought. They were jealous, and jealous people tend to act off towards who they are jealous of. Many ponies throughout the whole of Equestria would love the privilege to sit beside royalty and share tea with them, and casually converse with them. Most ponies wouldn't dare say any of the Royal's name alone, and will always refer them to 'Princess' or 'Your Majesty'. It's often seen as rude to not refer to the royal members in such manor but none of them actually mind.

Still, Sweetie Belle wasn't use to calling Cadance by her actual name rather than 'Princess Mia Mora Cadenza'. "So Pri-I mean, Cadance. How is everything between you and Armour?"

Cadance smiled and explained that her life with her loving husband is going well; the two aren't stressed out due to the many responsibilities they both have. The best part is that they can always squeeze in personal, and intimate fun, especially at night. But Cadance didn't mention that, because Sweetie Belle didn't ask about it.

"How is... The... You know... What's it... Like?"

"Huh?" At first, Cadance didn't understand what the young mare was talking about, but the flush red face eventually gave it away. "Oh..." So now she'd have to talk about it. The first time she actually felt such 'pleasure' was when she and Armour finally finished High School Sophomore years. Since then, the two just couldn't get enough of it. Practically, the couple are nymphomaniacs. It's common to have a lover who is a nymphomaniac even though you are not one, but if the couple both fit the bill then the relationship will be very happy, as with most relationships where the lovers share things in common.

What could she say to Sweetie Belle without overwhelming her with information? Maybe she should take it slow and give everything piece by piece, especially when they were in public. "You see... It's all about the passion... The first 'experience' should be special."

"I'm a little nervous about... 'The first experience'. Spikey-Wikey and I are both nervous..." She sipped her tea and chuckled a little. Her face flushed red again, embarrassed at asking the question.

Cadance understood her feelings. Not everyone was purely confident about sex, and Sweetie Belle and Spike are both young, and completely inexperienced. A virgin couple. The two reminded the Princess of Shining Armour and herself during Sophomore prom night... Neither of them had any prior experience, but both were ready...

All that doubt however faded away the moment they became intertwined, one. That special moment, when her special somepony made love to her! Each thrust! The passionate kisses! Their bodies were sweaty, melting together because of the intense heat! And-


The Princess snapped out of her trance; she didn't know how long she was left to think about the past, but the curious look on the younger mare's face suggested it wasn't too long. She wondered if it were possible to see Shining for lunch... Bring him a good hearty lunch and a 'treat'. Sweetie Belle could visit her drake too.

Continuing on the subject of sex for the pink/purple mane mare, Cadance started off with the basics... Pleasing the lover: "Now, you have to start off slow, unwind the tensions between the both of you. The stress of the day is always rectified with a good relaxing counter, such as a massage."

"A massage. Right..." She'd need to practice that.

"Have a little wine, or champagne, whatever suits you, but not too much." She nodded at that piece of advice... "It's your first time, you don't want to ruin the experience. Just enough to help unwind, like I said." The Princess and Captain have broke that rule many times, but they're in a strong relationship... Anything goes.

The young mare nodded. The topic of love making was starting to embarrass her strongly, so she decided to change the subject: "Spike has been going to training a lot... I'm a little worried, because the Royal Guard are preparing too." When she started to notice, it seemed as though something was wrong, and her dragon was involved with all this, as much as the Royal Guard were. Was there a crisis? Is something bad going to happen?

The Princess reassured that everything was going to be fine... But it wasn't... She knew that bad things were going to happen, and both the mare's lovers are preparing for it. Maybe she should tell her... Tell Sweetie Belle the truth. But not in public...

"Are you sure everything is going to be okay?"

She didn't want to lie, so Cadenza picked out anything that was true: "Yes. Spike is just training, practicing. He's Celestia's student, like Twilight. Lots of intense training and practice." That seemed true enough, but the real reason behind it was still hidden from her. Maybe she shouldn't say anything to Sweetie at all, and just keep quiet about it, at least for now.

The Changelings will return, unless Twilight was able to intervene in time... She doubted that however, stopping Chrysalis might not mean that the Changelings will back down. There was some thought however to why the changelings and Chrysalis attacked the kingdom in the first place? Perhaps not everything was as it seemed. She grimaced at the thought of Chrysalis' return, and finished her cup of tea. "Let's go. I'll buy something for Shining Armour, I'm sure he had been too busy training that he forgot about lunch."

"I should too. For Spike."

"So you're telling me that the student is in love with a pony?" Adrian asked.

"Well it's obvious. The careful questions about sex, the repetitive need to talk about his love. It's there!" Shining Armour assured.

Adrian acknowledged and smiled: it sorted reminded him of a relationship he is in now. Sundance and the rest of the Solar Guard's will be off duty soon, so it's best to take the opportunity to get to her and invite her to a date. The changeling was a little envious that the dragon was invited to be a Solar Guard himself, although a lone worker.

There was one thing that popped into his mind: what could the two veteran soldiers however do to help the drake? Sure he was tough, he can conjure magic and he has to be fairly attractive for a dragon, but he had a very soft side to him. If the stories are true, his girlfriend is just as shy. They had to set the two up properly, but training was also as important. Why else would Spike talk about sex to Shining Armour?

But that would make it difficult for him to approach Sundance for a date if he was to be distracted. Unless... "Why don't we set up a triple set date!?"

"I heard of a double date but never-"

The changeling hushed the Captain. "Think about it! Our scaly friend wants to make love to his lover, right?" He rhetorically asked. "I'm thinking that we should help him and his girlfriend to get comfortable." Two long lasting loving couples, and a young couple who are ready to push aside puppy love and unite as 'one'.

"It does kinda make sense. But if we're going to be a group I don't think we should eat anywhere fancy." When the changeling raised a brow, the Captain submitted: "Alright, we'll find somewhere fancy but you're going to need a suit and a new look." Changelings were still feared around Canterlot. If any pony outside the castle area see him talking to Adrian, or Adrian alone, it'd be instant panic.

The changeling chuckled as he quickly morphed into the form of a pony. He was now a colt with a black mane, light brown fur and was also wearing an expensive suit. Not only did he seem like a normal pony, but the suit also hid the typical cutie mark areas, the arm and rear. Though most ponies wear trousers and all, t-shirts and short sleeves usually reveal the cutie mark of a pony, though Adrian as a changeling doesn't technically bare one. That would bring some suspicion to some, though most would probably think of him as a 'blank flank' or 'charmless armless'.

Normally he doesn't change into any form, especially for his own love, but for the occasion he'd have to. She might not even recognise him unless she could identify him with his voice. At the very least Sundance would be there, and he was very glad about that.

He'd have to make the most of tonight and hopefully a few more nights, considering the threat of another changeling invasion was imminent, and even if the Princess and her trope were able to stop Chrysalis, they do not know that it's not really her they should be worrying about...

"Something on your mind?"

"I just want to see Sundance again... I miss her. I'm worried that whatever happens may end it for us..."

The Captain understood. "Maybe I can sort something out. You have to make the most of it."

"That's too much to ask for Captain."

Shining Armour reassured the changeling that it was not a favour but instead a sort of gift. Sundance had been working very hard for a while and it seemed as though she was saddened that she was not able to see a certain somepony for a long time. "What was it like? The changeling empire?"

Adrian turned his head away. "Disarray..."

"I'm sorry to hear that..."

Erich dived behind the bar and united with Rainbow Dash and Applejack. The three were pinned down by gunfire, and had to buy the rest of the rebels some time. "Not even the first day! Not even the first fucking day and we fucked training up!"

The rainbow mane pony was partially drunk, but understood the situation at hand. Luckily, whoever was last in charge of the bar left a shotgun behind the counter. A civilian model Remington 870. "What luck..."

"What's the plan E'?" Applejack asked, slightly panicked. She flinched when another barrage of bullets entered the bar, destroying bottles and leaving holes in the furniture and building.

Erich had his two M1911's at the ready and handed one to AJ. "We have to buy the others as much time as possible!" Two pistols and a shotgun won't be enough to defeat the Changeling soldiers alone, but it was the best they had. "At the very least I'm gonna have me some fun."

The Pegasi threw aside her now empty bottle of beer and held tightly to her shotgun. "They don't really teach you this at Wonderbolt Academy." She stood and fired off shots from her gun, the loud discharge alone was intimidating and some of the advancing changeling soldiers halted. Even under the influence however, Dash wasn't struggling to shoot and hit targets.

Erich and Applejack stood as well, shooting out towards the doorway. It was a perfect chokepoint, since the windows were closed up by bricks. One way in and one way out besides the trap door escape, but if they let the changelings know then they'd follow. "Gimme back the handgun."

"Here ya go partner." The mare handed back the spare handgun. "So what's the plan?"

"Lead them in. I'll draw their fire."

Both mares acknowledged the colt, one tipping her hat and the other pumping her shotgun. They waited for the footsteps or the fast flapping of insect like wings. It took moments before they heard the first batch of footsteps, then came the sound of the wings. It seemed that they were cautious, their slow footsteps made it clear that they were expecting some sort of trick.

One changeling solder closed in on the bar desk, weapon at the ready. He didn't pay attention to the ground, which his foot eventually tapped a bottle on the ground.

Whilst it startled the changeling, the three ponies saw it as an opportunity. Erich stood and opened fire at the hostiles. Some were killed, others were maimed and injured, few were unharmed and took cover behind tables. Dash and AJ flanked a few of the enemies, physically overpowering them and taking their weapons.

The colt continued to unload his colts', even shooting through the tables that some of the imperialist's took cover behind. The powerful .45 ACP round made those wooden tables seem like paper, ironically.

Things were getting heated as more of Chrysalis' subordinates continued to flood the bar. Luckily, the three ponies took whatever equipment their fallen comrades dropped, and effectively increased their fighting power. Three ponies alone were capable of combating the small armies of Chrysalis. It seemed like a relatively fair fight.

But the flooding continued and their fighting chances became slimmer as the three noble ponies tire, though Erich seemed to be carrying the other two with all the strength he had left. "Come on you two! I thought you two represented an element of harmony!"

"We can't keep this fight up. It's too cramped in here!" Dash exclaimed. "We need to get out into the open!"

The blonde mare fastened her hat over her head before standing next to the nearest brick wall covering the window. With all her might, she threw a powerful kick that decimated the hard wall. "Anyone need fresh air?"

Erich didn't seem surprised by the powerful kick, and Rainbow Dash smirked. "And this is one of those reasons I love you!"

The soldier allowed the wonderbolt and country mare to exit first before him, and he followed after them. The three attempted an escape but as they were about to flee, they were halted by armed changeling soldiers. They were sitting ducks, and couldn't do anything but surrender themselves. "Well that plan worked out for shit..." The navy mane soldier dropped his handgun to the ground, and the mares dropped their firearms as well.

But of course, the fight wasn't over, at least for them. You should never let your guard down even when the enemy is not armed. Quickly he threw off the soldier's aim and Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to get his pistol and threaten his life.

The other soldiers aimed, but were hesitant to fire since a comrade's life was endangered. "Drop the guns." Dash threatened. The solders complied and dropped their firearms, which AJ and Erich took a gun from the pile. The veteran soldier also retrieved his personal handguns. The changelings behind them approached but did the same when they saw the ponies threatening their unarmed friends.

Now that they were clear, they made their way to the closest man-hole and entered, mares first. "Sorry it had to be this way guys. Erich slowly took a few extra guns and dropped them down the hole before he jumped down. The changelings could pursue but without their weapons, and the fact that the ponies had their guns, they were already outmatched without reinforcements.

The ponies out of sheer luck escaped, but now the problem was reuniting with the rebels. They didn't know their way around the sewers, but at the very least they had a reason to keep walking. "Well. We might as well keep on moving." Applejack suggested.

They walked, and walked and walked. Excluding all the ambience of the sewers (including dropping, occasional splashes of the dirty water and scurrying rats), it was awkwardly silent. The mood was tense as it is because of the fight, any more tense then the three would lose trust in each other.

The loyal Rainbow Dash decided to break the silence. "So... I noticed you and Crystal talking to each other at the bar."

"Yeah. What of it?" Erich asked.

The wonderbolt shrugged. "I dunno. I just noticed. Something you wanna clue us in about?" Dash usually isn't one to gossip, but she had to keep up the conversation.

Erich sighed. "There's nothing going on. We're just friends." He explained. But if he were honest, he wished that he was more than just a friend to Crystal. Changeling or not, he knew her better than any other pony did. He cared about her, he really did...

The only reason he really joined the military was to earn money to help fund Crystal. She was capable of getting to where she is now without the need of his money, but her dream to become a popular musician wasn't cheap. With the help of Vinyl and Octavia, the Rock Queen had many different proposals thanks to Erich's funding.

The extra money was for her well-being, so that she could live peacefully and get anything she could of wanted. He didn't really need that much money, he really was comfortable without it. The money the Princess had given him wasn't really important to him. At least once he found Crystal, a mountain of money would be worthless to him. Crystal was not just a Crystal, she was a diamond, and the saying goes: 'Diamonds are forever..."

But he wouldn't let anyone know how much he cared...

"I think there is a lot to talk about. Considering how you were all 'friendly' to her."

Dash smirked. "Very friendly."

"Mighty friendly..."

The colt growled and continue to close down the questions, but the couple just kept pushing on the subject, teasing him and annoying him at the same time. It really was starting to get on his nerves, but his protests were ignored.

It didn't take too long to break him. The only question they really needed to ask was: "Are you in love?" The question hit Erich harder than a wall of bricks that he could fling himself at. He didn't want to answer, because the answer was far too obvious... Anyone who noticed could tell that he really was in love...

It took him some time to snap out of his trance, and by then he didn't even realised that he was able to walking blindly without thought. It must've been a good five minutes considering how unfamiliar he was with the area, though he wasn't familiar with the area in the first place. "Hmm..." Was the only thing he said. He didn't answer the question however. The other two were asking a question that they knew the answer to, and his 'hmm' and silence reinforced their beliefs.

Dash smirked again. She turned to her love and smiled, though she looked back at Markza. She cleared her throat and said: "You know, you don't have to say anything. I mean it's obvious that you're in love."

"Of course it is." Erich agreed.

"So... You accept the fact you have someone in your heart?"

The soldier nodded and smiled. Markza could only admit that he had fallen in love with a changeling, a love sucking creature. It was sort of ironic, but at the same time, interestingly romantic. It was almost like 'forbidden love'... "Love has no bounds. I am in love..." He admitted.

There was no response, only silence; the silence wasn't awkward however but rather it emphasised a few things: the ponies were all satisfied with Markza's acceptance of his true feelings, rather than deny them. Erichanory himself was sort of glad that he expressed his true feelings to someone at the very least. Now he had to tell the truth to Crystal, once he finds her.

For him, falling in love wasn't a quick process. It stemmed from his strong friendship with Crystal, whom he cared about more than anyone he knew. He had no one else he could trust better than her, especially when he was a lone orphan.

They first met at Sugarcube corner. Crystal was with Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, all ordering hot beverages, Crystal herself ordered frothy hot chocolate with extra oats, marshmallows, whipped cream and a chocolate stick. It started off with a joke about caffeine: 'Withdrawal is gonna be a bitch later.' Personally, Erich doesn't drink a lot of caffeine based products, but he knew that Crystal did. She also loved chocolate, and as they got older, drinks. After that lame joke, Erich decided to chat to the three, but especially focused on Crystal whom he never heard of before.

She was a new musician, and at first, Erich didn't believe she was any good. That was until he was wowed by her guitar playing skills, and it was then a bond was formed...

Every week, Markza would come to visit, just to talk to her and listen to her guitar playing. One day, he came over to find that Crystal was crying, upset that she was unable to get a sponsor from a label since she couldn't afford it. Vinyl and Octavia offered to support her, but she refused. Erich stepped in and persuaded her to take all their support, especially the fact that Erich cared. Crystal's dream was more important to him than what he wanted. He didn't want anything actually than to please her.

She had a hard life settling in to ponyville, considering that she was sometimes made fun of for being a blank flank, even the younger ponies like Diamond Tiara made fun of her, though Silver Spoon sided with the Rock Queen, because she had a soft spot for her music.

It was him, and the two musically talented ponies that helped get Crystal far, though Erich was one day sent on duty and thereafter, locked away and unable to speak to her again... She was all he could think about however, and he vowed that he'd make it up t her on his return. Now he has the opportunity to do so, he had to do it right.
. He may not have another chance to do so again, with the mission going on and all. He loved her, and he had only one chance to prove it.

The Pegasus then stopped and halted the others. "Look at that." She pointed to odd looking graffiti. "I remember seeing that logo on the rebels uniform and faces. Maybe we should follow that." Hopefully they'd find the others through this.

"I hope they're okay... I'm worried..." Crystal admitted to Twilight and Rarity. They made it across the sewers into one of the underground cities that the rebellion had formed over time.

For Rarity, it didn't have the best living conditions but at the very least she could tolerate it. She endured through mud, dirt and rain, and sure as hell wasn't going to abandon her friend just because the area was unclean and partially flimsy.

Back to the topic at hand, Rarity was there for her friend Twilight, and right now trusts Crystal more than she had previously. Seeing the valiant and brave acts of the changeling rebels who sacrificed themselves to allow the others to escape. Both Twilight and Crystal were important to the cause, hence why some of them stayed behind. Dash and AJ, as well as Erich stayed behind too, which also concerned her.

Dash was a wonderbolt who was capable of holding her own,, as well as AJ who was strong and farm raised, is not easily intimidated. The situation at hand however was a taste of what was to come. Whether Chrysalis knew about their presence or not, it could be something to do with her 'hidden talent'...

"Something wrong, Rarity?" Twilight asked when she noticed her blank stare.

"Oh it's... It's nothing." The truth was the thought that she may have given away their position. "Say... Remember when we found that weird note at my door?"

"The one with the fake blood saying: 'Beware the pleasure of pain?' I remember. What of it?"

Rarity should of taken the warning... "It's just that... Ever since that day, I experimented on... 'painful pleasure'." It brought not only a darker side to her personality, but she also brought out a dark... Generously dark side to her magic. She was surely in control of it, but ever since the dark magic matured, Twilight has since been noticing the 'anomalous presence'. What if Chrysalis could sense it as well, but from afar?

The generous pony didn't know what came over her, or how she begun to like pain... She even started having vivid dreams... But she could never exactly remember the details. Her magic has been augmented as well with the development of her dark magic, new natural abilities and spells were possible, though most of them were volatile.

Twilight blushed at the thought. She didn't want to think of the elegant fashionista in such a way. "Yeah let's not talk about that..." Rarity didn't need to explain herself neither, because Twilight saw her 'experiments'. It did seem a little painful, but safe and somewhat enticing. She didn't want to notify Rarity of what she witnessed, because she didn't want to embarrass her. Whether she still practiced such things or not, it made her realise that her friends have changed.

But she liked the changes they all went through. The magic of friendship knows no bounds, and friendship is important. Her friends have been there for her since the beginning, and the princess wouldn't leave them behind just because they have changed. It's natural, even Twilight has changed, though not as much as say, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, but still, Pinkie Pie hasn't changed one bit. It's evident that she hasn't since she is intent on making as many friends as she could, and having so much fun, no changeling rebel was safe from Pinkie.

She really did make many friends, and helped boost morale of the soldiers who are probably tired from all the fighting. Fluttershy helped as well, using her experience tending to injured animals to help some of the injured changelings, and also sooth the pain of some of the saddened and upset rebels who have lost many important things.

"Do you ever wonder about Trixie?"

"Where did that thought come from?"

Rarity shrugged. It's been so long since they have heard from the performer, it's not like her to not come and visit. Trixie had always visited ponyville at least once every year to perform for her fans. Since she had reformed, Trixie's performances are met with praise, and she always tries to give something different for her yearly visits.

"Well... She wanted a break from performing. She settled in Canterlot now, but I know she'll return to the business one day." Living in Canterlot, Trixie regularly goes with Twilight for tea, and peanut butter crackers. Trixie wanted to improve her own personal social life, make new friends and probably meet a special somepony. Hopefully she won't break her promise to return to performing, since Twilight loves Trixie's spectacular magic shows.

"It's just that... There are so many ponies that we've come to know, and many of them we've become friends with..." Rarity sighed to herself. "I'm worried whether we can make sure we can hold them dear to our hearts forever..."

Crystal, overhearing Rarity, turned to the two unicorns. "I don't have many friends... But the Princesses, Vinyl, Octavia and Erich are the closest ponies to me that I'll ever need..." She smiled. "There will be hard times, and bad times, but the responsibility of friendship is carrying it... For as long as you must."

Both unicorns smiled at the changeling. "You know... You'd be perfect for Equestrian royalty." Twilight claimed.

"Nah... I'm a changeling. It wouldn't work."

Twilight pulled her into a hug. She reassured: "But you're a pony at heart."

Crystal smiled and accepted the hug. "Thank you Twilight..."

Rarity smiled as well, and joined the hug. "If you're a friend to Twilight, you're a friend to me too..."

They broke off the hug and continued to follow the soldiers. They made it towards the gate, where changelings were guarding the rebel city from intruders. Seeing Crystal and the insignia of the rebellion marked upon the faces of the soldiers and their uniforms, they were allowed in. They halted the ponies, especially Butch and Bulleta who were armed.

"Hey, what's the big idea?"

"Who are you?" The guards asked.

Crystal intervened: "Whoa. These guys are with me... Princess Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Bulleta and Butch."

"I'd advise that you provide them with the insignia next time." One guard suggested. They allowed the ponies into the city.

Bulleta sighed. "Talk about annoying."

"It's just precaution Bulleta." Butch added. "You'd be the same if you were in their shoes."

The group continued on without speaking. Eventually the silence started to annoy Crystal, and she decided to break it. "You know, Butch, Bulleta, what's Erich like?"

"I thought you knew the bastard." Bulleta said.

The larger earth pony stepped in. "Perhaps she's asking about what Erich is like in the military."

"He is a bit of a mystery." Rarity added.

"Tell us a story!" Pinkie Pie excitedly requested.

"It'd be nice to know more about him... If you're okay telling us that is." Fluttershy shyly added.

"I'd like to know too." Twilight agreed with Rarity that he was a mystery.

"Well. For starters, he can really handle himself in any situation. He's a natural fighter. Once fought a group of diamond dogs, came out without so much as a scratch, nor did he use his guns. Which was odd..." Bulleta ignored the odd part of the story. "He's also really caring of the buddies. Trust me, he didn't take it too well when most of the crew died. He got to know them all."

Butch agreed. He explained how Erich was friendly towards his comrades and always tried to help whenever he could. Butch also told of how Erich didn't like how some of the commanding officers abused their authority and power, but he pays high respect to the Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armour, since he was a strong role model for high ranking ponies.

But there was a problem. Both Butch and Bulleta couldn't tell the others of how Erich really thinks, or what he likes, or anything really personal. "I guess the only person that knows him really well is you Crystal."

"I guess so, but it's been so long. What if he's changed?"

"Well. You're the only one who could talk to him properly." Twilight said.

She wanted to talk more to Erich, to get to know him, and to finally reveal her secrets. Her biggest secret of being a changeling in disguise was revealed, it was time to come clean. He really cared about her, and she did care about him too. As his closest friend, and her own closest friend, she'd have to be honest.

"Maybe you should tell him how you really feel!!!" Pinkie cried out.

The suggestion caught the Rock Queen off guard, and she immediately gasped! "The-there isn't anything to say! We're just f-f-friends! Yeah, that's right! Friends!"

But the stammer and unnecessary reassurance said otherwise. One all the other ponies had understood Pinkie Pie's suggestion, they all looked at each other with impish grins and smirks. Crystal and Erich are two close friends, very close friends...

"So..." Twilight began. "As his friend, what do you think is the most charming part about him?" She asked.

Crystal felt like she was being pulled in to a trap, but she answered anyways: "He's always been there for me when we were younger. One time... He comforted me when I was dumped by a pony I was dating some time ago."

"Hmm. So he's really supportive?" Butch asked.

"Yeah..." There were so many things about Erich that Crystal loved...

Her distracted gaze continued to point to 'strong feelings'. But the ponies had to push further. The idea that changelings and ponies in love was oddly romantic, though it could've been done before. But Crystal seemed inexperienced with love, though out of honesty, so was Twilight.

Bulleta pushed on. "So you didn't try to date anyone after that?"

"No." The changeling admitted, though she was not embarrassed to say so. However, she then regretted answering when Rarity asked why she didn't try to date anyone else. She didn't have an answer for a while, until she thought of one she felt satisfied with: "I was waiting for the right time to find the right pony."

Rarity stepped in to keep the momentum going. "Oh but maybe you've already met that special somepony!"

Crystal blushed. "R-r-really?" She stammered.

"Oh but you were waiting for the right time. When is the right time? Because frankly I'm worried that you many never get a second chance should the opportunity slip by."

That was true... Perhaps Crystal may never get the chance to say how she really feels again... But hopefully Erich was still alive so that she could say them... Her train of thought was interrupted when she noticed three ponies emerge from the tunnels, approach the gate. "Erich!?"

Twilight turned her attention to where she looked and saw him, and AJ and Rainbow... "Dash! AJ!" The rest of the mane-6 followed and greeted the two. The guards allowed the three in, and they were all reunited.

The celebration was cut short when both Rarity and Rainbow Dash said in simultaneous fashion: "Erich/Crystal, isn't there something you wanted to say to Crystal/Erich?" The two parties then looked at each other in awe...

Crystal and Erich looked at each other, eye to eye... They were left in a silent trance, both blushing and not looking away.

"This calls for a party!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Spike was able to use his magical talent to destroy a large boulder, a sign that his magic was powerful. The drake truly was gifted among the many dragons that exist, and if he were a pony he'd be a powerful unicorn. He probably rivalled Princess Twilight during her early student years, if that is so, he probably would be on par, if not stronger than her after some time. Though he doubted the chances, considering that Twilight had grown very strong and set high standards for the next monarch.

But progress was good; Spike was capable of quite a few intermediate spells, can easily do basic spells. He was also good at shooting. Firearms training was lead by Gryph0n who was a dead eye. Spike learned fast, and he wasn't too bad of a shot himself.

They already went through basic target shooting, field stripping and other weapon based tactics. Currently Spike was practicing shooting pony sized targets from one hundred metres using iron sights. While he didn't have the tightest grouping, the drake only missed a few shots.

"That's good. You're progressing real fast. You're a natural all-rounder." Gryph0n complimented. "It'd be harder to shoot moving targets though."

"Even more harder to shoot accurately in the heat of battle." Adrian added. "But no doubt our buddy Gryph0n here wouldn't miss."

The Pegasus chuckled and examined one of the rifles that had been given to the dragon by Celestia herself. He took note that it was a carbine Kalashnikov model with aftermarket accessories: a custom lightweight foldable stock, plastic furniture, Pictanny rails both over and under, a hybrid sight and a forearm grip. Looking at it closely, the barrel was custom too, and it was marked with Celestia's cutie mark.

"Lovely rifle. I wonder why Celestia gave you it. There's an abundance of rifles we can spare." Adrian wondered.

Shining Armour entered to respond to the question: "It's a gift to her student." Black Gryph0n was polite to salute, along with the other two who followed suit. "No need to be polite. We're all friends here."


"Anyways. Trainings over for today. Thanks for helping out Gryph0n."

"Anytime. I'll be back soon." The Pegasus flew off, leaving the others behind.

The captain threw the locks covering his left eye aside and turned to Spike. "Say... How would you and Sweetie Belle like to join us for dinner? Cadance and I invited Adrian and his love Sundance, but we would be happy if you joined us as well."

"I'd have to see if Sweetie Belle wouldn't mind."

Of course, she didn't... The two had found their best formal outfits, and put on the most expensive, but trendy, perfumes and colognes for the evening.

There were two odd things about the dinner that Spike noticed: Adrian had assumed a pony form, probably to blend in with the crowd, and that it felt like this dinner was a set up for something... But what?

"So isn't there something you wanted to talk about?" Cadance asked.

Sweetie Belle blushed. "Nothing."

Cadance shot a glance towards Sundance and Adrian. "Shining Armour and I were thinking about having a baby. But we're still trying our best and it's a little harder than we thought."

The colt chuckled and blushed as he scratched the back of his head. "Well at the very least we have fun with 'it'."

The drake and young mare both tried to hide their flushed faces from each other. Seeing this, the Princess decided to push on. "Yeah. It is real fun huh? You ever wonder why we were first hesitant about it?" She asked her husband.

The colt shrugged. He turned to his disguised changeling friend and asked him: "You and Sundance. You two have 'fun', right?"

The yellow furred mare blushed and turned away, not really wanting to talk about her sex life to others. Adrian gave few details so he wouldn't upset her. "I mean, it's part of the relationship. It's more than just 'fun'." He saw sex as a means to show one's passion to another, and he does that with Sundance very much. The changeling in disguise smiled at his mare who smiled back.

The princess and captain smiled at each other too. "Passion... It's beautiful."

The purple drake started to warm up to the other two couples, and then looked at his young love... He cares about Sweetie Belle so much... When she noticed his stare she turned to him slowly, still red from moments earlier but she seemed to have warmed up too. The cute smile, the cute face, the sparkling eyes... He was glad he chose her.

Sweetie Belle was Rarity's sister... Some part of her always thought that she was second best to Rarity, ever since Spike asked her out and won her heart. When Spike was younger he had always poured her heart out to Rarity, and Sweetie Belle didn't care about love. Growing up and still a blank flank, she felt a little lost. She couldn't depend on her sister forever though, and she was the only remaining first generation of the Cutie Mark Crusaders without a cutie mark...

With that in mind she felt like no colt would want her, once she started to become attracted to them. A talentless mare, who would want that for a lover? Obviously, Spike would settle for anyone, as long as that person was perfect for his tastes.

Well, she definitely wasn't a hot babe or fashionista like her older sister, nor had the same class and sass too. When Spike found out that Rarity had found someone before him, he was saddened and spoke to Sweetie instead. From that day fourth they had progressed from acquaintance, a friend, a close friend and lover... And if making love was to finally seal everything in place, finally make her feel worth something to somepony, she could feel more comfortable about herself...

Spike stopped her trail of thought when he said: "I love my Sweetie Belle... I don't have to 'take' her tonight... I have all the time in the world. My one true mare..."

"My special some pony..." She whispered to herself. At first, she found this to be such a brave thing to say... But then she realised, something was going on and since Spike had been training so much, he and others must be preparing for something big... What if he gets hurt, or worse...? Her red face started to return to its normal white, but the blush was still there. Spike was a real gentleman, who she loved... She was sure this wasn't just puppy love anymore, but true love...

The other two couples smiled. Cadance found Spike's chivalrous attitude to be a charming part of him. She could tell that he truly fell for the young girl, despite pouring most of his early affections to his sister. Part of him probably expected that he would not be able to get Rarity and so he looked for someone just as good. Perfect in his eyes...

Shining Armour liked that Spike was willing to wait a little longer, so that both of them would be comfortable. It's not like they were splitting anytime soon, since the two seemed inseparable.

Adrian chuckled. "You two are probably the cutest couple to date. You take care of her, and you take care of him." He advised. "Love is all about trust..." He held Sundance's hand, the person he trusted the most in his life.

"Yeah..." She responded with a smile. She trusted Adrian very much.

Cadance caught the attention of the table by clapping her hands together. "So. Dinner! You don't want the food to get cold." Tonight on the menu: Tofu steak!

Spike found dinner good. Surprisingly, tofu steaks weren't had at all! It was hard to find real meat, or an abundance of gems that he could eat, but still, he was willing to eat anything at the time. It had been a few hours and they had returned to the room Celestia allowed them to stay in. The digital clock beside him read: '22:23'.

Sweetie was in the shower. He already had his, and was just relaxing on the bed, reading some books from Starswirl the bearded. The book consisted of complex spells that had long casting calls. "Hmm..." But with practice, any pony could conjure the spell without the need to say anything. This book had the most complex spells that he had encountered thus far.

A few pages later, he was distracted as he heard the shower door open. Sweetie exited the shower, wearing only a towel. It was odd, since she'd usually dress in the shower; she usually is very embarrassed to dress in front of any pony, even Spike and Rarity.

Something was odd... The look in her eye, intent on a goal, determined to fulfil it. Her stare towards the dragon was very fierce, but at the same time it was a call to him... Inviting him to something... "Spike..."


"Something big is going to happen... Right...?" She asked.

The drake nodded, but didn't give any details other than: "It could mean that I may get hurt... Perhaps more..."

The young mare understood. "I'm scared to lose you... You're the only person I've met that... That really offered your heart to me." She smiled sincerely. "No colt would want a girl like me... I have no talents, I have no cutie mark..."

Spike put aside his book. "I don't understand... You're amazing, you're cute, you have an amazing body, and you have a great personality!"

"But is it enough...? Is it...?" She asked.

Spike didn't know. He didn't understand why cutie marks were so important to ponies, but for most, they were. Without a cutie mark, some ponies feel like they've no identity, nothing to reinforce their existence within Equestria. As a dragon, he didn't need a cutie mark, but at the very least he was free to explore what talents he may hold. Maybe the same goes for Sweetie Belle, she was a free bird with no restraint to what she can or cannot do. "For me... You're perfect."

"You say that... But can you..." She allowed the towel covering her to drop to the floor, and she unveiled herself to the drake. "Can you prove... That I'm perfect to you?"

He said that he could wait... That he would wait for her to be comfortable... But she was confident and ready, and more so... He wanted nothing more than to prove her how perfect she was to him... The dragon was slightly nervous however... "You're offering your heart and soul to me... I'm scared I might shatter them... Or..."

She silenced him with her finger: "I won't break yours..." She promised. "I love you Spike, but I'm scared that I may lose you from whatever is going on... You're my perfect love, and no other creature could compare to the like..." Spike didn't know what to say... "I want you my one true love... And fulfil every need I want... And I want you to 'take' me..."

Despite the soft tone, the request was powerful... He couldn't resist the temptation... "I don't want things to change between us."

"I do..."


"Because I want us to be an even better couple after this... I love you Spike."

He kissed her on the forehead. "I love you Sweetie Belle..." He laid her on the bed... "I won't rush..." The drake promised.

Chapter 6: Inevitable Guests

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Sweetie Belle never felt anything so intense before... She had been so worried that she wouldn't have been prepared for what was coming. At long last, the drake and young mare are now expressing their passion for each other, beyond the kisses and hugs and cuddles... This was true intimate passion, and Sweetie Belle wouldn't have shared such a moment with no pony else.

"You know something Spike..."

"What is it?" The drake asked.

The young mare pressed a kiss on his cheek. "I once walked in on Rarity... With a colt... I was lucky to not have been caught but..." She stopped herself so she wouldn't upset Spike, reminding him of how he was put to second best by having to choose Sweetie Belle. It made her doubt herself, that she will never be as good as Rarity... As much as she understood that her sister as stolen the spotlight for the sake of her, Spike was the best thing she could ever want in her life. She was Spike's marefriend, but was she worth his true love...?

He noticed the grimace and assured her he was fine. "I know that look..."

"What look...?" She asked.

The dragon smiled as he returned the favour with a kiss on the lips. "We never liked each other that much when we were younger, did we?" He chuckled and continued on: "I know I had a crush on Rarity and I put everything on to that crush... Even so... That doesn't mean it would've happened..." There was a pause, a moment of silence. The two continued to stare at each other, making eye contact for a good minute or so... Felt like five...

"But do you still-" She was about to ask the important question, but she wasn't allowed to finish as she found her mouth ravished by a kiss that the drake stole... A kiss he didn't break for a good few seconds... The kiss was more passionate than any of the kisses she had before; it was full of need, full of meaning... After the kiss broke, Sweetie Belle felt herself trying to salvage the taste of his thin but tasteful tongue...

He predicted her question once again... She could see the question in his eyes: 'Does that answer your question?'

There was a question in her eyes... 'Am I yours forever...?'

"No..." Spike said but added: "I'm yours forever... I'm giving you a part of my heart and soul... I trust you more than anyone right now to bear it."

It was a responsibility that was so heavy, yet for him... She will endure the weight. "On one condition... I will give you a part of my heart and soul too..."

The drake considered it for a moment... He was scared that he may fail to bear the burden of his new responsibility... But if Sweetie Belle was willing to uphold what he is willing to give up, then he will do the same. It's only fair.

No experience, yet instinct was more important at this moment. He needed to relax her, inch her to the pleasures of love making, at the same time he also needed to take it slow for the same reasons. The drake's tongue searched for the sweet spots, sliding against them to lap up the flavour from it... The first sweet spot was the plump flesh; his tongue was thin, precise and strong to wrap around the hardened nub. At the same time, he had his paw squeezing the desirable flesh softly...

The mare took deep, gasping breaths at the feelings... Part of her wanted to compliment on how her lover can wrap his tongue around her nipples and pinch them, but the other part of her was occupied with the overwhelming feeling of soreness... That she grew fond of as it continued. "Nnggh... Spikey... Wi... Wikey..." It was hard to form words when she was still trying to adapt to the new pleasures.

"I want you..." He said with a hint of desperation.

"Then take me..." She said almost breathlessly.

It started off simple, slow and gentle. Neither were experienced, but after some adjusting to the feel, the pleasure of accomplishment and body pleasure as well, the initial pain had turned into pleasure for Sweetie Belle. As for Spike, the tightness of her walls was something he'd never felt before, but it felt great! Every gentle thrust, every withdrawal tingled his senses. It drove him forwards, hungry for more!

But the true motivation was from his dear mare's muffled cries of pleasure. He just couldn't help himself at this point. He held on tightly to Sweetie Belle as he continued to thrust, his pace fastening instinctively. "Oh Celestia..." He muffled under his breath. As the drake continued to work himself, grinding his thick member against the walls of her sex, Spike felt Sweetie Belle wrap her legs around him and anchor him deep into her.

"Sweetie..." He breathed as the pleasure building up within him became intense, overwhelming his body and at the same time his will and thoughts. All he could think about was his lovely mare, the one who he truly loved... Rarity was just a phase, a crush that he put a lot of time in to, but the reason why Sweetie Belle was his true love? Because it didn't take long to really fall for her... It was love at first sight for the both of them.

The mare tightened her hug and wrapped legs on Spike, unable to control the overwhelming senses within her... It was amazing! It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before! "Spike..." She breathed.

"Sweetie Belle..."

"Spike!" She cried again, hugging her tightest. His thick member, so deep within her... She never thought it could fit. He was well sized, just about comparable to a typical stallion. To think that it could fit and reach so deep, yet feel so right... "Oh Spike!" She said once again, trying to catch her breath. But as much as she tried to take as much air in, she couldn't help but cry out in pleasure, making her breathless!

The pleasure, the overwhelming pleasure was changing her... She was becoming addicted to it; it was a drug!

In the heat of the moment, Sweetie had turned the tables and was now on top. The young mare was having far too much fun, she just wanted more. "Oh Spike..." Despite the lack of experience, she let instinct guide her...

"Sweetie Belle..."

Slowly she set herself down on his member once again. He quiet breath escaped her lips, and she couldn't hide the smile of satisfaction. Her palm pressed above her rump, supporting her as she arched her back."Ahn! Yes..." She was in charge now, and somehow it still felt right. Spike didn't complain, instead he just held on to her hips to support her. Sweetie wiped the sweat trickling down her cheek and forehead, and smiled at her dragon. The young mare leaned forwards and kissed her drake with strong passion.

The drake was enjoying it as much as she was, and he also wiped the sweat off his face. He was speechless, though not quiet as the mare slammed her rump down on him. For a young pony, she probably made a lot of other mares jealous with her curvy figure, well sized breasts and great rump... At first it was a joke; before he used to compliment her with: 'Nice ass' or anything along those lines... But now he meant it. "You have a nice plot..."

"Is that all?" She slowed her movement, calming her nerves which were almost taxed from all the pleasure.

The dragon smiled. There were some many features he could comment on, but he didn't know where to begin. After a moment, he started with: "You have a great body... I bet a lot of mares would kill just to have a body like that."

"Your body is great too... Well toned, good muscles and... Ngh... 'Big'..."

"You're tight..."

With those words alone, Sweetie Belle smiled and continued at fast pace. Both were starting to lose breath again, as their bodies raced ahead of their threshold. The intense feeling started to grow stronger, beyond the pleasure she had felt from his powerful thrusts... "Ngh! Spike!" She cried out aloud.

The drake followed her rhythm, thrusting upwards as he felt his body race ahead at its fastest! The dragon could not hold himself, and tightly held on to the mare's hips as he continued to thrust upward his fastest and hardest! "Sweetie Belle!" He cried out!

"Spike!" She responded.

Both stiffened and cried out their loudest, as they both reached mutual climax! He filled her with his hot musky seed as her flower gushed... Their rapture, the true pleasure behind it... But it wasn't the pleasure that was the best part about this session... It was the intimate passion shared between the two. They were breathless, tired and taxed, but it was all worth it...

"I love you." The dragon said with a genuine smile.

The mare smiled. "You're my dragon forever..."

Adrian was sharpening the arrows for his bow. They were custom made balanced bolts, with a thin tip but still sharp. He formally used to use a traditional bow, but due to the fact that his clan have started to abandon 'primitive' weapons in favour of firearms and modern weaponry. He does use a pistol, but doesn't like to use any other firearm beyond that. His bow has served him well so far.

The bow he uses now is a modern form, known as the Predator bow. It has superior launching capabilities than a typical bow, allowing for faster arrows and superior stopping power against targets. To add more effectiveness to the fearsome weapon, he prefers to use carbon-impact arrows, which emit a sonic pulse.

Adrian prefers not to use modern technology to fight his enemies, but he considers his trusty bow and technological arrows as an exception.

Sundance embraced the introduction of firearms as the standard weapon of the Elite Guard, and Royal Guard for the matter. With threats towards Equestria becoming more powerful and difficult to overcome with magic and swords and arrows alone, the evolution of combat was now.

"So what's going on today?" Adrian asked.

Shining Armour shrugged. "I don't know. Princess Celestia told me that she'd like to see us and Spike." He found the request odd. Normally if she wanted to see Spike, he'd be called alone, but he had a feeling that something was wrong. Cadance was to stay behind and help Luna in organising the Royal Guard.

"Where is the dragon anyways?" Sundance asked as she bolted her Kalashnikov. "He should've been here by now."

Armour didn't exactly know the time, but when he last checked not too long ago, it was only ten past ten. But Spike knew his training schedule and he should've been at the camp by six; perhaps he slept in due to a late night. Another theory was that Spike was sleeping in because it was a night to remember for him and Sweetie Belle. It reminded him of how he and Cadance had their first and how he and her slept in for the next day.

Some people may find that Spike and Sweetie Belle as a couple wouldn't work, since Sweetie Belle was a pony and Spike was a dragon. But from experience, Armour knew that interspecies relationships work out well just like any other relationship. If Adrian and Sundance are able to be a happy couple of different species, then of course the dragon and his mare can share that same happiness themselves.

"He'll be here soon. I'll wait for him. You go on ahead." The Captain proposed. The other two nodded and didn't hesitate to leave the Captain behind.

Whilst he was alone, he continued to contemplate what would happen next for the new young couple. There were many different scenarios that he could picture, some seem absurd and others seemed more plausible. One scenario is that the couple will continue to be happy together, however, Spike had impregnated Sweetie Belle and both would eventually be fairly young parents. That scenario did seem plausible, but Shining Armour never heard of a dragon/mare crossbreed before, let alone a cross-bred mare. Perhaps it is possible...

Another scenario was that the couple would go down the same path as he and Cadance did, a happy couple but both addicted to sex. That wasn't a bad thing, at least when you put it into the context of he and his wife.

He doubted that the drake would leave his lover, he's far to enticed with her to just leave her for no reason. Of course, it's cliché to think that the two would be together forever like a fairy tale, but he believed that the two are capable for eternal love. Speaking of eternal love, he wondered if Celestia or Luna had ever fallen in love once.

Many ponies in Canterlot would consider it blasphemy to think about such a thing, but since he is part of the Royal family by technicality, he saw Celestia and Luna more or less as sister's in law rather than Princesses. Celestia and Luna are fairly casual when not in any Royal duties, but still he shows as much respect as he can as he is still only a Royal Guard.

Which was ironic, owing to the fact that he got his cutie mark for being an expert in board games such as Dungeons and Dragons and so forth, he never thought it really meant he was capable of enduring a real fight as a knight of some form. From high school nerd to one of the most revered soldiers of Equestrian history, Shining Armour had come a really long way.

After a while, the dragon and Captain had finally entered the throne room by Celestia's request, although a bit late due to Spike. However, neither were scorned by Celestia who sat on her throne, delighted to see that her student and friend had finally arrived. She stood and greeted the two as the approached. "It's good to see you both, Spike, Shining Armour."

Cadance and Luna were there too. All three of the Princesses wore fairly casual clothing, which was unusual since they would wear more formal garments. Celestia herself wore a denim jacket accompanied with a white polo shirt and denim jeans with short length boots. At the very least she wore her crown, but it still didn't seem natural for Celestia to be wearing something other than her royal outfits. Luna wore a black leather jacket, accompanied with a navy blue polo shirt and a black pair of trousers and black trousers. It matched her dark fur and mane. Cadance was no stranger to wearing casual clothing, and today she wore pink jogging pants and a pink hoodie to match.

"Don't mind what we're wearing today. I'll explain in detail." Celestia said. "I called you four here because I sense a great danger... The invasion is only a front to something far more greater..." She walked over to one of the blank windows to overlook the kingdom she and the other Princesses looked after... "I fear the worst..."

"What is it we need to do?" Spike asked, determined to serve his cause.

Luna stepped in for her older sister: "Have you ever heard of the secret of the 'Tree of Harmony'? The deep dark secret that it holds? That few ponies know?" None of the others responded. Princess Luna produced a black crystal, similar to a crystal that Sombra could spawn. Most fragments of the black rock was destroyed years ago, but Luna right now held one. "Sombra did not become evil for nothing..."

Shining Armour acknowledged the fact, but was also confused. "Does this mean Sombra had something to do with the Tree of Harmony?"

Celestia turned back to her subjects, and nodded in response to their question. She continued for Luna: "The Tree of Harmony was formed by very powerful creatures... In our youth, Luna and I were told stories of wonders, of powerful beings known as Angels and Demons... The many hundreds of years they fought each other for dominance... The different plains of existence they fought within... But we thought they were stories..."

"But we were wrong... Angels and Demons exist, and they can exist through us ponies, and other creatures too. Perhaps any one of us here could be an Angel, or a Demon..." Luna suggested.

"Angels and Demons...?" The stories of the two contrasting creatures have been passed down many generations of almost all families of Equestria. However, few believe the stories despite the acceptance of magic and all sorts of mysterious happenings that come over Equestria from time to time. Some considered such creatures to be far too strong to be real.

Celestia made it clear that she feared the worse... A being more powerful than she, her sister, the Sparkle family including Cadance, and Discord was very intimidating. But perhaps such creatures could help bring balance towards the whole of Equestria... Celestia was once very powerful, but as time passed, slowly, her powers weakened, and sooner or later she could not hope to defend even Canterlot alone... Her sister's younger age allowed her to keep her powers for longer, but it is inevitable that they will lose their powers.

There was nothing that Celestia feared more than losing the kingdom, or even the loss of hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of ponies... "The 'forbidden element' had been sealed off for years within the tree of harmony..."

"Why had it been sealed off?"

Celestia was quiet for a moment, but then she looked at Shining Armour in particular. "You love your sister, don't you...?" She didn't receive a verbal response, but rather a simple nod. She continued: "Your sister is the heart of the elements of harmony, spiritually linked to the tree of harmony... The forbidden element was sealed off, along with its properties. However, whoever finds it may be able to obtain its power. It refused to link with the Tree of harmony, and it is shrouded in darkness... Who knows what it is capable of." One of the more horrid scenarios would be Tirek discovering the power. Had Twilight and her friends not dispatched him with the power within the box, then Equestria would've been doomed.

Cadance stepped in: "It was sealed off because it was unpredictable. We suspect because this particular 'element' was formed by a demon..." Twilight's magic stem from light and good, but she had some experience with her darker side. The problem was that the 'forbidden element' provides untold powers that may change Twilight, or whoever attempts to gain its dangerous power. "We plan to retrieve it but continue to seal it off... But even then, there is no guarantee that we will continue to seal it off if Twilight is in danger. Even more so, we cannot allow anyone to take its power." Among others who sought out its power, the power the box had was not as destructive as Demonic or Angelic power.

The drake contemplated, and looked at Shining Armour who found the news a little worrying. Spike knew that his friend was very strong, but there was only so much she could handle even with support. If anyone were to get their hands on whatever Twilight was linked to, not only would they gain power, but she could lose her powers. "So what's the plan?" The drake asked. Adrian, Shining Armour and Sundance all agreed on the task at hand.

The three princesses smiled. "We'll leave at noon. The train to ponyville will be ready beforehand. Don't be late."

The soldiers all agreed to the plan. The Princesses all stood and lead the way to the exit. Adrian greeted the Royal Guards, but felt that there was something odd about the second guard. He did not respond like the other one, and his aura...

"Adrian, come on."

"Oh. Right!" He caught up with the others. But the changeling still couldn't shake the feeling that the guard he noticed was... Different. He had the perfect features of a Royal Guard: the strong muscles and proud look, but also the seriousness was slapped upon his face. For a colt, he was fairly attractive, and no doubt he could win many mare's hearts.

But that's when things started to feel even more out of place: his eyes, those emerald green eyes he stared into showed powerful devotion, but not to the Princess since he did not bow in her presence. If he remembers, he also caught a glimpse of what seems to be the edge of a tattoo on this left wrist. It reminded him of something, be he couldn't remember what...

The powerful stare, the seriousness on his face, the attractive features and perfect posture... Perfect... Too perfect...

Her army marched and continued to train under her influence... It was everything she dreamed of... There was nothing more desirable than the need for power. For years she harboured a grudge against the ponies... How they could freely love without the worry of hurting the one they fall for. She didn't believe a changeling could love a pony without the pony who loved the changeling easing their life force away. It was unheard of...

Even more so, why is her empire cast off into the depths of this wasteland!? Why did the ponies deserve everything good and her empire was given nothing!? The empire was once a peaceful settlement, but it grew too fast and the demand for food and important resources became too high. Unable to cope with the dwindling supplies, and even more so the lack of emotions to absorb, she staged multiple attacks to different areas of Equestria, but even when they were able to gather enough townspeople and use them as continuous cattle, the demand still outnumbered the supply available. The major attack on Canterlot was an attempt to remedy such demand, but the subsequent failure lead to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of changeling warriors, and further years of suffering.

Eventually, she decided that 'those who serve the cause' deserve the necessary food and water and emotions... And now her people continue to suffer, yet all she could do is watch...

"Is something bothering you my dear...?"

A voice echoed across the throne room. The Queen turned and saw a figure standing tall. "Nothing at all dear..." She feared to love a pony, but she dared to love something else... A changeling who has the love of a creature of such a high rank, or even Celestia, would never fall to the effects of their feeding, even if the whole army were to feed on their emotions. Shining Armour's love for Princess Mia Mora Cadenza was strong, but his resilience only lasted for so long.

The figure took a few steps closer, and allowed the moonlight to shine upon his face. He had the figure of a colt, but the eyes told different by the blood red pupils and the unnerving stare, that even Chrysalis found intimidating if she stared at them for too long.

The Queen fell for him years ago, and knew he was no mortal pony. But the emotions he keeps sending, she couldn't properly understand whether they were love or something else... She didn't understand him very well.

"Your kingdom will be fine. Why should you be worried?"

"My kingdom is suffering... Azazel..."

"Then what are you going to do about it?" He asked sternly. His stare shot through Chrysalis, as if he was staring into her soul... Azazel had this uncanny ability to persuade Chrysalis to do things that she doubt would succeed. She had become far too desperate to find a remedy to her dying kingdom, that she is starting to doubt whether any attempt to attack Equestria would actually work. No matter how strong her army was, there still was the possibility that they would fail.

But Azazel would never allow her to say no... But he was always affectionate towards her, at least it seems so. She couldn't tell... But with the strong emotions that he continues to feed her with, it seems like love... Is this what love feels like?

Azazel repeated his question: "What are you going to do about it?" He closed the distance, holding her chin up gently and keeping her gaze on to his face.

"I'll... I'll save it... No matter the cost..." She vowed.

"Good." Azazel smiled as he left her alone. A servant passed him, but was intimidated by his presence alone. The servant hurried to his Queen, whilst Azazel exited the throne room.

The Queen did not notice the servant entering the room, but was rather entranced by the marching of her soldiers; the rhythm of their footsteps in sync and it can be heard from afar. It wasn't just the marching, it was how all these soldiers joined, and were willing to die for her... How many changelings have died for her? How many names were written down and carved on gravestones and coffins? How many more would she have to remember...?

Years ago she would never question her actions, regardless of the consequences, but the loss of the many changelings, and the guilt of how much she had done to feed her kingdom was starting to catch on. When the footsteps had become audible, her attention turned to the servant. "Speak." She demanded, though her tone was soft.

The servant kneeled in respect: "We have a lead on the forbidden element. We are retrieving it as we speak."

"Is that all?" The Queen asked.

The servant shook his head. With a sincere look, he raised his head and looked directly at her. "We've received word that... 'She'..."

He did not complete his sentence as hesitated, but Chrysalis knew more than any pony whom the servant spoke about. She gasped in surprise and her look returned to the view of her kingdom. "She's alive?" When she heard that her daughter had fled to the portal, Chrysalis genuinely feared her daughter would've been hurt or worse... A changeling could never be accepted by a pony, not after what has happened.

"And she was seen with a few ponies... In particular, she was with this one pony..."

This intrigued the Queen very much... No doubt that her daughter is angered with her and the changeling empire... She would have no choice but to confront her. The changeling rebels meddling use to just corrupt imperial supply lines or demoralise them, but now that Crystal had returned, the might of the rebels may increase ten-fold.

The most interesting part of the news was how Crystal and a particular colt was mentioned, how they were seen together. "Where were they last seen?"

"Fled to the sewers, my Queen. Should I order a search party?"

The Queen shook her head. "No... I'll gather the men myself."

Erich was loading bullets into spare magazines for his M1911. It was quite a popular weapon around the town, even though many of the models on sale were illegally imported or crafted from stolen blueprints. Almost every changeling he saw carried a gun, men and women, though the children and teenagers didn't for obvious reasons. It seemed as though the changeling rebels were always worried of an unexpected attack, and would carry even a pistol just in case. He noted that other ponies lived within the town, and were former prisoners/cattle to the empire. They were rescued luckily by the rebellion who nobly risked their lives to save theirs.

They were friendly towards the ponies, and in turn, the ponies returned the kindness. The ponies were surprised by how well organised the underground town was and what facilities they have: Applejack helped tend the orchards, which was interesting since they were placed underground. The apple orchards were maintained through artificial UV lights and the sewer water, however, the crafty engineers found ways to purify the water for the town.

Fluttershy was interested in the animal care facilities, also rescued from captivity. The animals were tended to, and cared for. Some were given to others as pets and companions to others. Fluttershy really loved animals. But Crystal didn't want to mention that some animals such as chickens or cows, once they grow slightly old, are killed off and sold as meat for food.

Rarity, despite the slightly harsh conditions of the town, was excited by what the town had to offer. A market place! There were different stalls, some selling food and drink, some selling weapons, others selling jewels, and more importantly, garments!Clothing was well stocked with elegant dresses of different styles. Some were admittedly stolen, and others were crafted from stolen materials. Even so, she tried many different garments on. For the most part, few wore actual dresses, most changelings and the few ponies who lived here wore casual clothes with some extra combat padding and gear. Wanting to join the trend, she bought herself a holster and selected black combat trousers and an expensive long-sleeve blouse. In all honesty, she preferred her own styles, but for all practicality, the trend here was a logical choice.

She tried them on, but it didn't feel complete. She requested that the combats be encrusted with Sapphire. She personally bought from the jewel stall a hearty amount of Sapphire. After some time, Sapphire was encrusted around the upper left thigh of the left leg and right leg. It was fairly impressive, even for her standards.

Rainbow Dash found her form of entertainment with the races around the sewer, and of course the fastest is always the best! But after every race, she would check on Applejack and help a little bit with the underground orchards. Often they would 'disappear' when Twilight and Erich come to check up on them. Erich would remind her to check back later, and half an hour later the two would return.

Pinkie Pie was helping out at a bar, as usual, finding a way to bring the party out to others. In the state most of the dwellers were in, they were willing to party without question! Changelings and ponies come here to celebrate, to drown their sorrows and have fun for what it's worth! But with Pinkie's presence, it seems as though the party may even spread to the whole town! Hopefully that doesn't, otherwise they might attract unwanted attention.

The Princess smiled as the town she examined was the perfect example of harmony between pony and changelings. She'd have to write to Celestia as soon as possible!

Crystal herself was amazed by how strong the rebellion had grown. She was sceptical when she first found out of their existence, but now they have built a fully functioning underground home town, a fortress! And now they look to her as their true leader to lead them to liberty, salvation from Chrysalis' rule... She doubted whether she could be a ruler.

"Something wrong?" Twilight asked.

Crystal couldn’t deny it: even though she was very enthusiastic about helping the rebellion defeat the changeling empire, once they are defeated, can she be the perfect ruler? “How could I save the kingdom? How can I help them back up on to their feet? I don’t know how I… How I can rule all of it…?” She was no Queen, she was nothing but a changeling in disguise, a guitar player.

The Princess swayed her purple mane to its side and closed in on Crystal, lending a friendly hand to her shoulder. She smiled at the changeling, and that alone was reassuring. “I promise that I will do everything in my power to bring unity between our kingdoms… I couldn't rule alone, I had my friends to be there when I need it. So I will be there for you too.”

“Pinkie swear?”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Sparkle made promises several times before, and had failed very few of them. But this was important, far more important than any promise she had made before. Not only a friendship is on the line but the safety of both pony kind and changeling kind.

To swerve away from the grim subject, Twilight thought about how Erich and Crystal have not tried to talk to each other. Perhaps revealing their deepest and darkest vice of their love for each other was too embarrassing for them. “So…”

Crystal raised a brow.

“Have you spoken to Erich yet?”

The Rock Queen immediately shook her head. The change of subject was very welcome however. Turning to Twilight, Crystal formed a heart shape out of her thumbs and index fingers. “He’s my special somepony… I really have to talk to him.”

The Princess agreed, considering she was the only one to notice that Crystal and Erich were avoiding each other since yesterday. But she didn’t know how she could help; Twilight never had a ‘special somepony’ before and never in her life thought about it. Celestia and Luna certainly never had one to begin with, did they…? Cadance had Twilight’s BBBFF as her own eternal lover, and it was Twilight that helped bring them together. Perhaps one would be happier with somepony special to love. Cadance did claim that she does get bored of life at the Crystal Empire, but not bored of Shining Armour’s presence.

Twilight would like to know what it felt like to REALLY fall in love. She had a crush once, but she didn't know whether it was real love or not. Love seemed much more difficult to maintain, some were driven mad for losing it and others changed because of it. Her attention returned to the view of the city. "This is the start of something special." She didn't receive any form of response and eventually she realised that Crystal had already left.

Sweetie Belle was escorted to the train station by a colt going by the name of 'Black Gryph0n'. She received a scroll in advance about his arrival, courtesy of Spikey-Wikey. The colt helped to carry the small luggage that Sweetie Belle and Spike brought to the VIP room, whilst he carried his own heavy looking bag. The young mare wanted to help but Black claimed that he was fine.

It seemed so, since the extra labour didn't seem to faze the colt. They arrived at the train station not too long ago and were waiting on Spike. They would be returning to ponyville tonight, though she did wish they could've stayed a little longer. It's been a while since the drake had returned to his birth town and just like Rarity had said: "Canterlot is the perfect place for ponies like us." One day she'll come back again. This was the first proper visit to Canterlot in a very long time, and she would miss it.

It's not like she couldn't afford to go back and forth, it was just that her life, her identity, was formed in ponyville. She couldn't leave behind her friends and family, even if Rarity does travel a lot. The young mare wondered how Rarity was as of now...

"Sweetie Belle!" Hearing the drake's call, Sweetie Belle turned and happily greeted her love with an affectionate hug. After a tight hug, she then realised that there were others coming. Though they wore casual clothing and tried to disguise themselves but she could tell it was the Princesses (excluding Twilight Sparkle)!

Celestia and the other Princesses were surprisingly able to fool the other ponies who were at the train station. Their disguises weren't the best since they still preferred to wear clothes with their preferable colour schemes. There were even hints of their cutie mark sowed on to different garments that they wore, such as their trousers or jacket. Sometimes Sweetie Belle wondered how others fail to recognise people in disguise despite it being obvious it is them.

"It's a nice hot day today..." Celestia commented, who shot a quick glance to the sun with squinted eyes. Though she was able to control the sun, she couldn't exactly control how hot it should be. "I could really use a drink." She almost forgot that it was summer. The heat never really bothered her that much, but even so, she was parched.

"There should be drinks aboard the train. It is a long way to Ponyville, sister." Luna commented. She was pretty parched herself, and a cold drink would be very nice. It would be a lot cooler in the train too. A cold glass of lemonade with ice (not from concentrate) or perhaps an ice cold can of cola! It was cooler in the castle, but duty calls and she'll have to leave it for the while. The hot day reminded her of how cool the Crystal Empire stays even during the hottest of summers, and often Luna would go all the way there to stay for the season.

To some extent, Luna and Celestia were both a little jealous of Cadance, for different reasons. Princess Luna found herself jealous at the fact that Cadance had a special somepony to live with and love for the rest of her life. Celestia wished she had a special somepony. Luna did not have a special somepony, at least that's what Celestia knows of... But of course, there couldn't be somepony Luna had feelings for, she never really came out during the day!

Well now she doesn't. During Twilight Sparkle's earlier Princess days, Luna had to come out during the day to help with ceremonies and to support Sparkle whenever she needed it. Eventually however the young Princess had learned to handle herself, and the Princess of the night didn't bother to visit or even wake up during the day. She still did attend ceremonies, formal parties and her favourite night, 'nightmare night'. Celestia had to stay up late to converse with her dear sister, additionally they even shared tea and snacks like glutinous rice balls.

The Princess of the sun would always try to talk about things, 'girly things' as what they call it. They have lived very long and yet neither of them can say they had somepony they could share their affections with.

Somehow Celestia had lost track of time being distracted with all those thoughts. When she realised that she and the others boarded the train, she shook her head to snap out of her trance. It usually didn't take more than a few hours to fly to Ponyville, but the train ride would take longer due to the many stops in between. It would be too risky to take it to the air however, since she would be very vulnerable. Luna and Cadance may not be at risk as much as Celestia since they were younger and their magic was more powerful. Even so, they couldn't gain any unwanted attention, so this was the best solution to get to ponyville.

It had been a good few hours, but the train was still a little far from Ponyville. Celestia was able to catch some extra sleep during the train ride. It was relaxing that there wasn't anything stressful to hassle her, even for such a short period. It was surprising that she was able to get some sleep at all in such a shaky ride.

Like her, the others had fallen asleep in their seats, particularly Spike who was cuddled up with Sweetie Belle. It was cute, very cute. It surprised both her and Luna that the drake picked Sweetie Belle for his love. Her sister knew all about his infatuation and it continued to motivate the young dragon until he turned fifteen... The details are sketchy but both sisters believe it was something to do with Rarity finding another lover or turning the dragon down. Luna kept watch over the student for a while, monitoring his dreams of which were filled to the brim with sadness and despair. Eventually, the reptile accepted it was never meant to be and had moved on, continuing with his studies and life. But they must've missed some important details of how he was able to fall for the young mare.

They didn't need to know however, since the couple were happy to be together. Everypony is happy in their own way. In all honesty, the Princess considered the dragon to be far more luckier than either of the sisters, just like Cadance he had a special somepony. 'Lucky Bastard' She thought to herself, but even so she still thought highly of her student.

Sweetie Belle was very lucky as a blank flank to even have love. Most blank flanks are usually out-casted by others, even though she is against this and always encouraging her subjects to stop subjugating the blank flanks... She cannot bring herself to be aggressive to her subjects for such a small offence. But the support that Sweetie Belle receives from her drake is motivating, and from what she can see, the young mare has a lot of potential. Perhaps she could continue to live without a cutie-mark, and continue to live as a free pony without a specific talent but rather be the jack of all trades. Cutie marks can be restricting, but with society so indoctrinated with the idea that it is a require staple to be accepted, the young mare will still be rejected by others.

Controversially, the Princesses had made the dragon their student and though it has never been considered before, they had made the dragon eligible for royalty like Twilight Sparkle was as a student. The ponies may object to the idea of a dragon being of royal status, she is confident that Spike is capable of such royal duties akin to the fact he was very responsible as Twilight's former assistant. As her own assistant and student, he is very helpful when keeping track of things in ponyville and the Everfree forest.

Realising that she had distracted herself with a volley of thoughts, she shook her head and stood from her seat. Not wanting to wake the others, she slowly made her way out of the passenger car to the next one, and continued to make her way down the train, passing by many passengers who did not suspect that Princess Celestia had passed them.

Making her way to the next cabin she noticed how it was empty, and looking down to the next one it was empty as well. Something felt odd, the stench was different too. She put the thought aside, the parched tongue had irritated her enough. The next cabin down is where all the food and drink was kept, some ponies stay in to eat whilst others proceed to bring food back to their seats which may be a few cabins away. Empty as well.

As much as something felt wrong, she had already helped herself to a croissant and a can of soda behind the counter, her hands shaky out of nervousness. She looked out one of the windows, and from the top of her vision she felt she had saw something skim by. It was like a dark figure running past a doorway. It still didn't stop her from consuming but she slowly backed away to her cabin when she noticed more of the same phenomenon.

The sound of hoofsteps produced but it was slightly muffled as they came from the roof of the train! Panicked, the Princess ran back to her cabin when it felt like there were many pursuing her. Finally she made it, but she had to wake the others! "Wake up!! Wake up!"

Groaning at first, Adrian was first to awake before everyone else followed. It wasn't long before they realised the loud noise coming from the roof of the train... "What is that...?" The changeling in disguise said. Shining Armour decided to take a look for himself, moving to the back of the train with Adrian, he took a peek over the roof... "Oh my Celestia..." He dropped down and ran back to the cabin. "Changelings!!"

Just as he shouted that, the changeling hostiles quickly ripped open the ceiling. Spike quickly had Sweetie Belle behind him whilst picking up one of the bags of equipment. "We have to go!"

Adrian quickly opened another bag of equipment and threw an Assault Rifle to Sundance and Armour before picking out a pistol for himself. He picked up the bag and alongside his comrades, fired at the invaders. "The front! Get to the front!"

Celestia hurried Luna and Cadance first, also to be followed by Spike and Sweetie Belle. Urging the soldiers to retreat, she took the last bag of equipment. To stem the flow of changelings she attacked with a beam of light, but that did very little since they swarmed like a hive of insects. Finally the soldiers came through and she closed the door behind her as they ran through the next cabin. The hostiles were in hot pursuit! Closing the door of the next cabin, she improvised and disconnected it from the train.

It did slow them down, but the changelings could fly. "I only asked for a snack!" Celestia shouted as she continued her way to the front of the train.

Spike had Sweetie Belle go with Cadance and Luna to the front, but there was no conductor! The dragon quickly took arms his new toy and fired at the first hoofstep he hears up on the roof. It wasn't long before they punctured more holes in the ceiling to swarm.

Luna had no time to think and fired energy beams at the swarm, but some had magical barriers impervious to her own magic. Cadance and Luna had no choice but to search the bags. Finally getting her hands on one of the AA-12's with the imprint: "Big Daddy", she quickly joined the drake and fired a barrage of 12 Gauge.

Cadance took a pistol and accompanied Sweetie Belle. "Do you know how to work this?"

"No, this wasn't part of Twilight's lessons!" The young mare responded, randomly pressing buttons and switches in panic.

Gryph0n received word about a commotion on the train line that Shining Armour was on. He decided to investigate, only to see that the train was in peril. "Whoa!" Spotted by a few awaiting on top of the train, some changelings went after the Pegasus. He had to keep up with the train, so doing a loop around and flying back towards its direction he sped through in pursuit of the train. Just as he closed in, he saw one of the trams blown off by an explosion, sending it off the tracks. Barely avoiding the giant debris, he was able to cut a few of his pursuers off.

He was able to catch up to the train but so did they. Making his way to the front, he banged on a window when he saw Shining Armour and his posse shooting guns. "Let me in!" He cried. Luckily he did catch the stallion's attention, and so he shot through the window to shatter it. He quickly hurled himself into the cabin.

Adrian made short work of the oncoming changelings coming from the window but they were still being pursued. Sundance handed over her rifle to the Pegasus. "Glad you came but you should've stayed in Canterlot!" She procured a converted and chopped HK94. Bolt-slapping the weapon, she quickly looked out at the damage created by the grenade she stuck on to the hinge.

"Sorry for my abrupt entrance Princess!" Gryph0n apologised.

The Princess shrugged and ordered a retreat, taking the last weapon of the bag and a belt of 40mm grenades. An M79 Grenade Launcher, today it is a girl's best friend. "This is dangerous. But this is now mine." Making her way to the front end of the next cart she prepared to fire. "I'd advice to keep your long faces down!" Channelling her energy in to the weapon she fired the grenade down range, obliterating the cart and clearing another way of changelings.

They were down to the last two carts, both of them were being attacked heavily. Closed in, they were down to fists and brute strength. Celestia and Luna cleared the crowed with a powerful combined beam. The few who were left were the elites who were able to withstand the attack. "You have to be kidding me!" Luna exclaimed.

Shining Armour rushed the first one who was a large changeling, but the stallion's strength was enough to carry him and throw him through the hole of the roof. He made his way on to the roof to finish the fight. "Gonna send him a hundred metres!" He had a record to break that his wife holds. The two tussled together, despite his smaller figure his raw strength allowed him to hold his own against the large changeling.

The two's grip on each other broke apart, but this stumbled Shining Armour near to the edge of the train. Regaining his balance, he charged again, throwing his fist left and right at the large insect-like pony. Failing to even hit the creature, he attempted to use magic against his opponent. Able to conjure up a spell, it charged up his fists and they were burning with energy!

Again the two returned to fist fighting, but with this magic doing its job, the Captain was able regain the advantage. His punches were far more tougher than the changeling's, and he finally threw a strong uppercut to stun his opponent. "G'bye!!!" Grabbing the changeling by his chest, he span around before throwing him away like a javelin. Though it wasn't as good as his last hurl, it was a very good attempt nonetheless.

They couldn't hold forever and seeing no station in sight, they were as good as dead. Celestia however felt strange... A strong feeling in her gut. She made her way to the front of the train and looked on from the windshield that a figure stood there.

"Should we stop the train!?" Sweetie Belle asked in panic.

Celestia felt her mind enter a trance, as if she heard a voice calling out to her... But it was just whispers, incoherent voices trying to reach her. She couldn't make sense of any of it... As the train closed in on the figure she thought whoever stood there unaffected by the intimidating bullet speed of the train is suicidal.

It was then that she realised that this figure was there to stop the train as he produced a large scythe that he had mounted on his back. With one smooth swipe, he swung towards the train with a powerful shockwave, sending the hordes of changelings far away and at the same time, the train and its passengers flying above him.

The only pony who had a good look at this figure was Celestia... "You're... Not a pony." She deemed before the cart flew over and crashed away from the train tracks. The figure, clad in a red long coat and jester hat hid his face as he walked away from the crash site, leaving a rose behind...

Chapter 7

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It was afternoon. At least that's what it should've been, but Celestia had been out cold for at least an hour or two and in that time the sun still was afloat where it is. She wondered if it would concern her subjects, but to make up for it she slightly lowered the sun, as if she were dimming the lights in a bedroom. The others were thankfully fine despite the rough crash.

"Perhaps it's best somepony warn the others at Canterlot." She helped Adrian and Sundance up. Adrian dusted himself off and thanked Celestia with a bow. "No need to be formal Adrian. But right now I'm concerned. We hadn't predicted any other Changeling hives here besides yours."

The changeling nodded. "None of us knew. Their smell was masked, of course we couldn't have saw it coming." The changeling operative looked back at the wreckage of the train cart; he had never seen such power in one fell swoop like that. He had heard the stories but never up front had he seen it before. "Is there anything I can do for you Princess? I'm at your service."

She nodded. "Please return to Canterlot at once. We have to prepare the Guards and your Hive." The sun Princess helped up Shining Armour whilst the moon Princess tended to Cadance. "Perhaps it's best that you four make your way there. It's not safe as I had hoped."

The changeling, the elite guard, the Captain and Princess of love all agreed.

"Don't you want to come with us? We need the Princess of the day and Princess of the night." Shining Armour asked, the obvious concern in his tone was audible. When the Princess of the sun shook her head, he continued: "Are you sure? Like you said, it's dangerous knowing that rogue changelings roam Equestria."

The Princess was firm with her answer when she folded her arms together as she turned away to the path of a forest. Perhaps it led to the Everfree Forest. Perhaps not. "I have no other options, I have to do something. I cannot just sit by knowing that Equestria is in far more danger than we could imagine." Tirek's tyranny was far too short lived to be of an issue in the past, however, if Chrysalis were to dominate Equestria it would take years, decades even to retake and recover from such a blow. It has been long since she had done anything to protect her kingdom with her own will, and Twilight could not do it without support.

She turned to her left. Spike, Sweetie Belle and Gryph0n were fine as well. Luna also looked towards where her sister looked but then her attention turned back to her when Celestia made her way to the wreckage. The celestial pony searched through the debris and corpses until she found one of the bags of weapons. Opening it, there were a couple of pistols and Adrian and Sundance's personal bow's and arrow sets. "I owe it to Twilight... She has helped me for a while now and I have to repay the favour." She said with vigour in her voice. Princess Celestia then began to drag the bag towards the others who were to depart to Canterlot. She lifted the bag as she urged: "Please, stay safe..."

The four were at first hesitant, but none of them would disagree. Adrian and Sundance went for their bows and arrows whilst Shining Armour and Cadance went for two M1911's. Before they departed, the four wished the others good luck in finding what they needed.

Sweetie Belle was hardly surprised that Spike had been training for something like this, but to experience it first hand is a different story. The young-mare was glad that she survived such an ordeal, however she was now caught in the frying pan with the others. There were a lot of questions to ask, hopefully the Princesses would answer them for her. Spike probably would have some answers to some of the said questions as well, but the only thing she knew right now is that Changelings are after them and they have to venture into the forest to find the tree of harmony. Whatever that is...

As she were to stand, she felt a quick jolt of sharp pain as she put pressure to her left ankle. "Arghhhnn!!" She cried out, clutching on to her left leg.

The cry was loud enough to get the drake's attention as he rushed to her aid. He didn't bother to ask a stupid question and instead got to work. "You must've twisted your ankle during the crash." He presumed. "I'll carry you." The purple reptile decided.

Part of her wanted to say that she'll slow him down and she'd be nothing but a burden, but the other half just wanted to feel a bit like a damsel in distress being saved by Prince Charming. At the very least she was important to somepony (dragon).

He carefully turned his back to her, holding her left and right hands with his respective left and right paws and pulled her to mount him. "There we go..." He said as he wrapped his right arm around the back of her right leg. "You're so lucky today Sweetie dear. You don't have to walk and you have a hot dragon to carry you." The dragon said with satire. The only response was a childish giggle that he liked to hear.

Gryph0n looked ahead in to the forest. It seemed foggy in there, and perhaps the perfect trap awaited them in there if not deadly creatures. "Well. Seems like the only option we have." Flying would've given away their position and the changelings would definitely give chase. "Does anypony know how to perform a light spell?" He then realised that one of the ponies whom he addressed is the Goddess of the sun, and a Princess. Celestia raised a brow but lucky for the Pegasus, she laughed it off.

Most of the equipment was lost or broken during the crash, and the only bag of weapons were handed to the other group. It was best they lay low for the time being. Of course the surviving changelings will be looking for them and follow the train tracks.

"It is almost evening. I will have to raise the moon soon, sister." Luna said.

The older sister agreed. "We will have to hurry." The older Princess began to trot towards the forest, hoping that it indeed led to the Tree of harmony. The others followed her as she walked on. Discord probably would've reached the tree before any of them could, but he had left for some time to explore worlds outside of Equestria. The group she now relied on was fairly rag-tag but the best time to make friends is during a time of danger.

Sweetie Belle and Luna were very close, mainly because Sweetie Belle looks up to the Princess of the night who can console her with wise advise whenever possible. Another reason is that the young mare claims that Luna sounds a lot like her older sister. Beforehand she didn't notice the resemblance until the idea was implanted. Speaking of which, the excitable mare does share a close bond with her older sister, much like Celestia does with her sister Luna. Still, she worries about Spike's feelings about her... He couldn't just forget the feelings he had for her just because he dates the sister. All that devotion in his younger years to impress Rarity wasted on the little sister. Sweetie is glad that she had fallen for the charming dragon but even so, it was all chance. It wasn't the same as being worshipped for years...

It had been at least an hour, and it seemed that Sweetie was able to walk again. The pain in her ankle had subsided quicker than expected. Sweetie sighed out of the blue, but she hoped the drake wouldn't notice. The other ponies couldn't help but notice her since it was quiet beforehand. The purple dragon stepped in front of the young mare, halting before her. "Something is bothering you again?"

"It's nothing."

Spike assumed that getting involved in all of this so suddenly upset her somehow. He realised that it may not be the case since she seemed fine just moments ago before she overheard the Princess' conversation. "Not so enthusiastic about the moonlight?" Spike sarcastically asked.

"It's not that." Sweetie Belle assured.

Luna interrupted the two's conversation by placing her hand on Spike's shoulder, but only for the sake of Sweetie Belle. As usual, the navy mare was nosy and saw that the young blank flank had a nightmare. "Just don't think about it. It is not a good time to speak about it now." The mare of the night shot an assuring glance to Belle who nodded with a smile as a sign of gratitude. As a good friend, it was important to help a friend when they need it most.

Spike knew that the two were very close, but he decided to put the thought aside. Something bothered his marefriend, but as usual she shies away from admitting anything from her thoughts. It was much worse when they first got together, because Sweetie is the last 'Cutie Mark Crusader' whilst the other members gained cutie marks of their own. There was no doubt that she was happy for her friends, and they continue to support Sweetie Belle as well, but Apple Bloom was too busy handling the different apple orchards after becoming a well-known orchard inspector. Scootaloo barely had time to pay a visit to ponyville once she invented the new sport for Pegasi, Cloud Scooting. Babs got her cutie mark due to her strength, and is undergoing training as a new Royal Guard.

Sweetie Belle was unintentionally left behind. The last Cutie Mark Crusader. She continued to look for what her special talent was, but as the days, weeks and months past, she lost hope and confidence. When the drake stepped in and became Sweetie's lover, he had to deal with being extremely supportive. Of course he was as Twilight's assistant, but as a coltfriend of Sweetie Belle, it was challenging. Diamond Tiara continued to antagonise the blank flank, though Silver Spoon seemingly has gone against the spoilt pony. Silver Spoon became friends with Sweetie Belle when she felt that her cutie mark and her special talent didn't seem like much. Ironically, one of the CMC's former enemy brought back the last member's self-esteem.

Still, the dragon knows how much Rarity's sister just wants more out of her life. It was easy to compare the two, despite their differences in taste the two share interests here and there.

When he compared the two, he then realised what may be troubling his special somepony... Rarity...

For the rest of the walk, it was relatively quiet, though the group took note of how Spike and Sweetie Belle kept exchanging concerned looks. When they approached a large cathedral like building, Celestia remembered that she had it built over the tree of harmony to act as a protective layer. Courtesy of Discord, it successfully repelled dark vines, planted for torture testing. The doors only open specifically for the Princesses, though theoretically if one had enough power, they could open the door forcefully or even passively.

"We had found this dangerous element not too long ago, yet it seems as though its existence is far older than both Celestia and I." Luna explained.

Celestia continued for her sister: "A forged blade of pure darkness. As tame is it may seem, its power is strong and may consume the wielder." Neither sister could bear the blade, as it felt as they were being eaten away by the mysterious aura. The only thing they remember when wielding the blade: the need for power and the destruction of the surrounding environment.

The dragon was concerned, the fact that the Princesses were trying to gain control of something they weren't able to. He couldn't imagine Twilight handling it neither, as she was no stronger than Celestia, Luna or Cadance. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

The princess of the sun sighed. "I hope so..."

The two princesses prepared to open the door, but they stopped themselves from doing so when they heard rustling leaves, hoof steps and chatter. The group also noticed, and surveyed their surroundings. Celestia quickly cast a light spell, in hopes that it would repel the fiends that had found them. It did little to actually hinder them, as they continued to move fast around them. The changelings had found them, but not the ones they were previously evading.

One of them showed themselves. His attire was different to the typical changeling militant, as this one wore a mask and a long coat. He did not sport any weapon beside two katana swords, rarely seen in Western Equestria. "Our regards from the Queen and hive. A message from our noble Queen: 'Surrender the demonic relic, or your kingdom will fall.'"

The dragon scoffed at his opponent and charged in, his gauntlets spewing flames. "Allow me to retort!" Throwing a powerful punch, he was sure that the hit would've sent the changeling flying. What happened instead was his punch was blocked by the katana's still holstered in their scabbards. Definitely not a normal changeling soldier.

More revealed themselves, with similar attire and weapons though sporting different coloured masks. There were five in total. "We are the Elites..." They said in sync with each other.

"Sweetie, stay back!" The dragon commanded as he threw himself into the fray. Gryph0n and the princesses also joined the fight.

Spike continued to send volleys of punches and kicks at his opponent, the red masked Elite. When his opponent went for the draw, the dragon attempted to intercept, holding his arms in place from the hand guards. The two struggled as Spike continued to hold his foe in place, but the two broke apart as they threw each other off. The purple dragon threw another killer blow, though missing his opponent, his punch broke through an oak tree!

They continued to trade blows. In response to the previous chaos attack, the red mask slashed at Spike with his left katana. He also missed, but he cleanly cut through an oak tree, in contrast to how Spike messily smashed through the other one. The two took a moment to smirk at each other. The dragon took the opportunity to charge, throwing rapid punches and kicks, all barely blocked by his opponent.

The red masked changeling formed a scissor with his blades. The drake was quick to halt his attack by holding his arms apart, but the blades were on both sides of his neck. There was a lot of strength to fend off, and Spike couldn't hold off for long.

Sweetie Belle quickly intervened as she used a lump of oak like a bat to knock off the red masked elite from Spike's hold. He was fatigued by the sudden surprise attack, and it gave enough time for the purple drake to push his opponent off and allow his marefriend to finish the job with another powerful swing, with enough force to cave in a skull and shatter the makeshift bat into hundreds of tiny splinters. "Smashing..."

Gryph0n was busy tackling two elites of lower class, wearing navy and purple masks. Though he kept up with them, he couldn't properly attack neither without a weapon. "Spike! Throw me a bone!"

The late-teen drake quickly threw his downed opponent's katana's to the Pegasus who caught them and was quick to deflect an attack. Using his wings to create a gust of wind, he stumbled Purple whilst Navy held his ground. He flapped his wings again to create another gust of wind, stronger than the last, sending the unprepared Purple flying back before hitting a tree. It left Navy and him to fight each other.

The changeling was fast and precise with his blades, but his attacks lacked power. Gryph0n took advantage of this weakness and locked his katanas with his foes. The Pegasus had stronger muscle, and was able to throw Navy off before kicking him down.

Luna and Celestia battled with the last two elites, one wearing grey and the other wearing another red mask respectively. Grey was fast but had some strength behind his attacks, whilst Red seemed adaptive in her combat abilities. Red backed away from the fight to watch her peers. Celestia and Luna focused on Grey first, who tried to fend off the sisters. Celestia quickly cast a blinding flash, catching Grey off guard. Luna took charge and using one of Purple's discarded katanas, charged at the elite.

The two traded slashes at each other before Celestia flew in and kicked the changeling back. Luna finished Grey off with a dashing kick to the face, fracturing the mask and sending the elite flying back.

The second Red elite was the last one to stand. "Good. Very good." She applauded her foes. "But I doubt that any of you could lay a hand or hoof on me." This elite hand only one katana unlike her comrades, but her confidence alone intimidated the group.

Spike and Gryph0n were first to rush in, the drake sending high punches and roundhouse kicks whilst the Pegasus went for mid-slashes with his acquired swords. The female changeling kept her cool as she calmly dodged and avoided the attacks. The young unicorn attempted to rush the last elite with kicks that she had learned from Applejack. The three improvised a co-ordinated order of attack, before the Alicorns joined the fray as the finishing blow as they drop kicked the elite... To no avail.

The female elite had blocked the princesses’ powerful drop kick with her sword, and had them locked. She threw them off before using the handle of her sword to jab at her opponents with blindingly fast speed and heavy force. The five flew back and had a rough landing, but despite this they continued to attack. Spike and Gryph0n served a high slash and sweep kick, but easily dodged, Sweetie Belle attempted a spin kick which was blocked and deflected. The princesses again drop kicked, only this time Sweetie Belle took the opportunity to kick the changeling, with a successful hit.

The elite stumbled back and looked at her opponents with a surprised look. Spike turned to Sweetie Belle as he was stunned to see the unicorn so adept in combat. "Where did you learn to do that?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Applejack taught me some tae... tae... 'tie-kwan-dough'... I think that's the name." She couldn't remember exactly, but it was a crash course she learned on the farm when Apple Bloom was too sick to buck the trees. It was a new technique Applejack learned herself, and it was helpful that she took the time to learn some of its moves as well.

The five turned their attention to the changeling again as she charged this time. None of them were prepared, as she made short work of them by kicking away the princesses, sweeping and kicking away Gryph0n. Just as she was to stab the unicorn, the drake used his right gauntlet to halt the blade. Annoyed, she pulled the purple dragon by his right hand before throwing him at an oak tree with enough force for him to break through it. She attempted another attack at the young blank flank...

Just as things seemed grim, a loud crash of gunfire sounded and the elite was knocked back by the shot directed at her katana. She backed away from the unicorn, to prepare for a new foe. "Who was that? Show yourself!" The elite demanded.

"Quite the fight going on there. But don't pick on the little one. It's not a fair fight." The voice was unfamiliar, as was the figure who hid in the shadows of the trees. "You know I was expecting more from you alicorns. And that dragon, a lot of power, but not enough practice." The mysterious figure remarked before dropping down to reveal herself. She was an anthropomorphic rabbit with natural silver hair, a left blue pupil and right left pupil. The coat she wore had an upturned collar and short sleeves with black cuffs, with a primary design of Western and Italian accents prominent to the appearance, as were its red apparel as well. Anthros were a rare sight in Equestria, however, Celestia could sense that this one wasn't of Equestrian origin.

Red threw her mask aside and had a good look at her new opponent. "This is none of your business outsider. Leave, or die."

"Die? Well if you want me to. But you'll have to try and kill me if you want that." She jokingly responded before putting away her silver handgun on her left holster. She drew her own sword, a large double edged claymore almost her height and seemingly heavy. "Have you met my good friend 'Legacy'? Used to have a different name but gave it a more suitable name for it being a family heirloom." She explained.

Red was intimidated by her new opponent’s sword, but stood her ground. There was a moment of silence shared between the two, before Red made the first move. She swung rapidly at her new opponent, who blocked all attacks in time. She knew she was being played with; she quickly acquired one of her downed comrade's katanas and continued to swing at the rabbit who still blocked every attack despite the force put behind it.

The rabbit forcefully locked her sword onto her opponent's blades, her strength alone was superior. "You're fast, and strong. But you have to expect that from the likes of a demon."

Red could only guess that her opponent was indeed immortal in some way. "Of course. But they didn't expect it, and how could you expect it?"

"Just watched the fight."

The demoness realised that whilst she was fighting, the rabbit surveyed not only her style of attacks, but her speed and strength as well. "A keen eye..." She whispered to herself.

The rabbit threw the demoness' katanas off before kicking her away. Before the two continued their quarrel, the red coated fighter speared her sword on to the ground before standing legs apart and fists forwards, stiff and full of strength. The changeling looked at her blades once more before deciding that she wouldn’t need them either. She approached, bouncing back and forth (ironically); she sent harassing punches at her opponent’s curled right fist, and again. When she tried to kick at the leg, the rabbit was fast and placed her foot ahead of the leg, ricocheting the swung hoof.

The red coated fighter was unhinged by the physical taunts and only stood her ground. When the changeling demon threw a fist, the long eared fighter swayed it downwards with left arm and threw a punch with right fist. Again, she repeated her counter but reversed roles, and then once more, reversed again before sending a volley of fast and unrelenting punches to the torso. Despite her opponent swaying and out of balance, the rabbit took the changeling by her long hair and dragged her to the nearest tree before smacking her head on the hard surface.

There was no mercy, even as there was blood spewing. The changeling tried to throw a weak punch but her opponent took her arm and bent it over the shoulder… The cry of agony was ignored and she was kicked by the side of her torso, forced to retreat to another tree. She took another powerful blow, this time a kick breaking her leg, before finally being finished off with a thrust foot. The silver haired rabbit stretched out her arms, satisfied with the outcome of the fight. "Not bad." The rabbit retrieved her oversized blade before holstering it on her back; it seemed as though it holstered itself as the hand guard of a skull gleamed light. Even as the rabbit walked towards the others, it didn't seem to fall off from her back.

Lending a hand, the unfamiliar rabbit smiled as she helped Celestia up first. "So who did I just save? I would like a name." She requested with friendly tone.

"You don't know her?" The unicorn asked as she helped Spike and Luna up.

"Celestia..." The princesses answered. "Princess Celestia. And yours?"

"Nikki. Nikki Mason-Fox. Or just Nikki." The rabbit responded. "How about you guys?" She asked, referring to the other four.

Celestia introduced the others to Nikki, before asking about what the rabbit is looking for. "I'm looking for a demonic relic. It belonged to my sister, and before that it belonged to my uncle, grand-uncle and great-grandfather."

It couldn't possibly be the same one they had sealed away in the Harmony Cathedral, could it...? "Is the relic you're looking for a... Dark forged katana with a scabbard?" If it does happen to be the same one that they had found, it would explain why the blade was completely out of the princesses’ control. It was of another world, a power they're not completely familiarised with as of yet. The rabbit nodded as her answer, but Celestia was cautious as the rabbit may be another threat but in disguise. "I will only show it to you, if you hand over your weapons."

"Sure." She said without hesitation as she handed over her holstered handguns and large sword. Her smug look couldn’t be ignored as she folded her arms, the smirk and the cocky posture. That impish grin coupled with her relaxed stance already annoyed the others to some degree. Once she was unarmed, Mason stretched out her arms and yawned, her mouth gaping wide and her eyes squinting. After, she retained her previous composure. “After you.”

Princess Celestia led the group into the Cathedral as it opened the doors for her and Luna. It was dimly lit by candles, the stained glass however clearly made images of different events that had happened in Equestria. The banishment… The return… The first invasion.

Spike recognised the one where he saved the Crystal Empire from Sombra, among others such as Twilight's transformation into an alicorn, all were replicated from the castle in Canterlot. "Good times..." It had been a long while since then, and things had changed. For better or worse, Spike however couldn’t help but yearn for easier times, just writing response scrolls with a quill and sending them to Celestia on behalf of Twilight and co.

At the end of the hall was the tree of harmony in all of its glory, as well as the katana which rested on a built stand. Its strong glow of bright blue almost outshone the lights of the icons on the tree. "There it is... Is this what you were looking for Nikki?"

"Yes..." She said with solemn tone. Her face turned from smug to nostalgic. Nikki proceeded to approach the weapon, and as she did, the sword's protruding energy became more volatile, but the rabbit countered with her own strong aura which was red like her coat. It didn't take long before the blue aura faded from the sword, and when it did, the rabbit took hold of the lost blade... As she held it before her, she also fiddled with an amulet around her neck, with closed eyes she drew it slightly from the scabbard but re-sheathed it. "This is the sword."

Luna noticed how Nikki seemed almost distant, but when she came to she turned to the group. "Something troubles you…?” This new unfamiliar face was difficult to read, as were her memories and what she thought. But the odd stare was enough to show that it brought back troubling memories, something she’ll probably never know of. Her question was only greeted with a shaking head, and another moment of silence.

"I see..." Celestia acknowledged.

"You wouldn't happen to need it, do you?" Nikki felt as though that the princesses and the dragon all held back their full potential, and could've handled the changeling back there. Perhaps they needed it for something big.

Spike stepped in for the princesses: "A friend of ours needs it... We're trying to stop the changeling Queen from invading Equestria."

Nikki looked at the blade. She contemplated whether to intervene with the current event, but then again it wasn’t her fight. She took one look at the blade again before shrugging and pointing the handle towards the purple scaled drake. "I'll lend it for use. The sword was not the only reason why I'm here." The rabbit said.

"Are you some kind of mercenary, bounty hunter of the sort?" Luna asked.

"I'm a Private Eye, if you’d believe that. My employer traced a prominent demon to this world. Hence why I'm here." She looked at the glowing katana once more. "You bring it home back to me after all this.”

“We'll offer whatever pleases you, as long as you help us. Any way you can..." She offered Nikki's handguns and claymore sword back, noting how the claymore was heavy but her alicorn strength was enough to hold it.

The rabbit took back her weapons, fastening the handgun holsters back on the back of her belt, and the sword on her back. She held the katana by its scabbard and nodded. "The next time you fight a demon, don't hold back. You never know whether you are fighting one or not until you feel their energy..." The Private Eye walked towards the door, before waving once to note her leave. "Treat your girl right dragon-boy." She said as she walked off.