> Legend of Zelda: New Grounds > by Lil Drabant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link was about to finish off the evil Dark Lord Ganondorf. He was locked in a battle with him, and when Link put Ganondorf on his back, he took this opportunity to finish him off for good, making sure he would cause no more deaths, and no longer kill anyone. When Link jumped up and did a front-flip, he was coming down to deliver the last blow, and a portal of some sort had opened up, and he and Ganondorf started to fall through. Link only panicked for a brief second, then realized he had faced much worse, and calmed down. Link saw Ganondorf falling, and he fell toward Ganondorf to finish the job. But when he turned him over, he saw that Ganondorf was out cold, and decided it was better to conserve his energy trying to find a place to fall into without dying, than to waste some of it on a doomed anyways person, so Link decided he was gonna leave him for the fall to kill, and Link pushed him away and continued to look down. He saw a lake, and it looked really deep, so Link decided that is where he was gonna fall. He knew that the fall into the lake would still knock him out, but if he was lucky, someone nice enough would pull him out and save his life. When he started reaching more toward the bottom, he pulled his legs up into a diving position, closed his eyes, and braced for impact of the water in the lake. Link dove in, and became very drowsy. He started to drift off when he saw a sort of skinny arm reach in and pull him out. the figure pulled him out, and pumped his chest a few times, and he spat water up. He didn't get a good look at the figure, but he could tell it was a girl, in a yellow sweater that revealed her shoulders, and had long, pink Hair. He wished he could see her face, wanting to see what she had looked like, he had imagined that she was very beautiful, but alas, he fell asleep, but not before seeing another one. "Rainbow Dash! help!" She screamed, wishing her friend would come quick. "take him to my cottage" she said, a rainbow haired lass laughing. She picked Link up, and carried him to an unknown place he had never seen, and he drifted off to sleep ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ganondorf had awoken with a sharp pain in his side. He cried out the same moment he felt it, but it was a dislocated bone, and he snapped it back into place, and he sighed in relief as it was a huge lift off his shoulders. He limply got up and started limping around the forest he awoke in. He came across a cottege and scoffed at the muscular man lifting very heavy weights on the inside of it. Ganondorf took a better look at him, then the world he was in, then he smirked very, very evily. Ganondorf was going to convince and manipulate him to his will and use him to take over the land he was in. So with that, he walked up to the door, and knocked. He heard the weights rack up and the bar holders, and heavy footsteps to the door. Once the man opened the door, he looked at Ganondorf, and frowned. "What is it? Iron Will is in the middle of his weight lifting session!" Said the man, very meaty voice. "calm yourself, i mearly wish to speak with you" said Ganondorf, very devishly "well about what?" "ever wanted complete power of this land" "well everybody does! especially Iron Will! and Iron Will will have it!" "would you be interested in a partnership?" asked Ganondorf with a creepy grin "are you strong?" After Iron Will asked that, Ganondorf put him in a chokehold he could not get out of, and he tapped out and called uncle. "ok, I know that you are now, so this shouldn't be such a problem" said Iron Will, still trying to get his breath back. "but if you see a boy in a green suit, and a skirt looking thing, destroy him" Ganondorf then shows him a picture of Link. "but he is just a boy, what could he possibly do?" "do not underestimate him, he is as strong as me, and he almost defeated me before I was teleported here, I highly doubt he is here, but we shall see" said Ganondorf. "I never asked your name" "Ganondorf" "Iron Will" he ended as they shook hands. This was going to be a big partnership. They were going to do all the things regular criminals would do, but they were going to a new level, a level that regular criminals would take it to even if their livelihood depended on it. They would try to take over the whole land of equestria. "where am I?" asked Ganondorf confused. "you my friend, are in the land of Equestria. This land has more love and compassion than any other place that has ever exsisted! and I believe that you and Iron Will are going to change that, aren't we?" "yes, change it to the land full of horror, sadness, and darkness, unless he stops it....." "do not worry about him, he might not even be here, lets just focus on trying to take over Equestria" "that's probably a good idea, plus in all this, I may grow stronger, unless he decides to do something about it, if he is here" "Iron Will will crunch him under his teeth!" "that's the attitude we need, now, we need an army of monsters" "Iron Will knows where to get that, follow Iron Will" he said as they got up. They walked out the door and Iron Will led Ganondorf to a small pond under the land "now we need a monster, and throw it in there" said Iron Will. Ganondorf merely pulled one from his pocket, and threw it in the pond, like he said, and two more came out. they continued to do so, and threw the rest in with more coming out, they rounded them and took them to a place far into the artic, and proceeded to make plans to attack and take over, but it would take awhile, with the noise of the monsters. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link awoke with a sweat, it was running down the side of his face, he had the dream again. He was standing in the middle of a field, he recognized it as Hyrule Field, the largest field in his world. He was only 7 years old at the time, so he didnt know his way around the field. He looked over to see himself the same age and appearance, with his mother holding him closely, and his father having a sword fight with a figure in black armor, and when Link got a closer look at the figure, he saw it was the Dark Lord Ganondorf. He got out of his thought from the ear-piercing scream of his father's he was stabbed through the chest. Link saw himself being put down by his mother, who was telling him to run for his life, as to the fact that Ganondorf was walking toward his mother. Link turned and ran into Faron Woods, and hid there. He saw Ganondorf ride past on his horse, but he didnt notice Link. The woods is where Link spent the night, and he awoke to a fairly large man standing over him, with an undeniably unique mustache. The man took Link to a small village, which they all called Ordon Village. Link had gotten out of his thought of his dream when he heard a door open, and he laid back, and acted asleep. He noticed he didnt have his Master Sword, but looked over and it was a good 4 feet from him, he saw the figure was the girl that saved him from drowning in the lake he super-dove into. Since he didn't know who she was, he considered her an enemy. He reached over for his sword, and ripped it and pointed it at the girl, who turned and dropped the cup she was carrying, and crouched down trying to protect herself defensively. Link saw her like this, and determined she couldnt possibly mean any harm to him. He set his sword down to show he meant no harm when the girl looked up. She slowly stood and Link got a good look at her face. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, she even beat Ilia from his home, and she was pretty damn beautiful. The sun coming through the window was reflecting of her hair, which made her that much beautiful. She stepped forward hesitantly and Link just stayed still to show that he wouldnt hurt her. "um, my name is Fluttershy....." she said quietly Link just looked at her confused, he didnt hear he name, mainly because she didnt say it loud enough, but also because he was mesmerized by her beauty. "my name is Fluttershy" she said in a normal tone. Even her voice was the sweetest thing he had ever hear. Link told her his name and a few things about himself, and promised he wouldnt hurt her, just as long as she didnt try hurting him. after they talked, he asked how long he was out, where he was, and what she had done. "well, you were out for about a week, i got really worried that you were in a really bad coma, and i really havent gone out to do anything, just sorta took care of you while you were asleep. You are in my humble little cottage secluded away from the town, and im sorry if it smells disgusting, i take care of animals, when i wasent taking care of you of course." she said. Link inhaled deeply, to get a smell of the place. It didnt smell disgusting at all, not even a smell of an animal lingered, it smelled like lavender and strawberries all the way. "as i said, i took care of you while you were sleeping, i fed you, but it was all mashed up and blended food that would slide down the hatch so you wouldnt choke, and i also gave you water every few hours, that is what was in the cup that i dropped. and um....i also..... bathed you....." she said, her face turning a bright red. Link's face flushed completely, and he looked away, clearly embarrassed. "i-its okay, i didnt look down there but.... you um, are kinda big...." she said the last part quietly. Link thanked her greatly for everything she did to help him, and asked if there was any way he could repay her. She just shook her head, but said thanks anyways. "all of my friends want to meet you, my friend Rarity thought you were adorable, and so did my other friend Pinkie Pie." she said. Link chuckled at that. Link got up and Fluttershy gave him the clothes he wore when he was teleported, his Hero's clothes, which was gifted to him by the spirit of Faron. Link put them on in another room, and walked out. Fluttershy looked and giggled. "im sorry, i still couldnt get over the skirt thing in your suit" she said, still giggling. Link walked over to his sword and shield, and looked down at them. They were shiny and clean. He lifted them and strapped them to his back. He sighed and smiled, as it felt natural to him, he loved his sword and shield, and fighting monsters with his athletic ability to allow him to do flips and such. "come on, lets go, if its ok with you, my friends really want to meet you." she said. Link nodded and they headed out the door, heading toward the town. "could i perhaps buy you some lunch?" Fluttershy asked kindly. Link shook his head and pulled out his wallet, and showed he had lots of rupees, in which to pay for lunch. Fluttershy laughed. "those arent currency here, i dont know where you came from, but those wont work for money, but Rarity would love you if you gave those to her" she said. Link sighed and nodded, he would give them to her, and Fluttershy was giving him a few bits, to get him started. Link could tell that they were going to be good friends. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "so Link, you ready to meet everyone?" asked Fluttershy, a little bit of excitement in her voice. "mhm, are you sure they will like me? i'm a little nervous to do this, i don't exactly talk a whole lot." said Link, nervousness clearly heard in his voice. Fluttershy giggled and said "don't worry Link, they came to get a look at you, they think you are rather kind of cute" Link slightly blushed. "are they evil of any sort?" Now Fluttershy was laughing "no they aren't evil, Rainbow is a bit of a smart alec that counts, but we each hold and represent an element of harmony, Twilight is magic, or she has a powerful aura, Rarity is generosity, Pinkie Pie is laughter, Rainbow Dash is loyalty, Applejack is Honesty, and i am Kindness" she said, blushing a little at the last part. "well i can understand the kindness part, i haven't met them, so i cant justify for myself" Link said. As they kept walking down the trail, Link noticed a few of the animals, and paid close attention to how they moved around and how their joints popped. Link had attained this crazy focus from fighting all the evil and attaining all the power and strength he has. Before too long, the town came into view. "alright Link, we are going to go see my friend Pinkie Pie first, and get a cupcake from Sugarcube Corner" said fluttershy "a cupcake?" asked Link, very puzzled. "oh, they must not have them where you come from" said Fluttershy "i guess not, would you mind telling me what they are? they sound quite tasty" said Link "well they are these little cakes with something that's called frosting on top of it" said Fluttershy. Link got excited and started getting jittery. They got into town and and they people were looking at Link like he was insane or something. Link did get friendly looks from some gentlemen that bore swords and shields on their backs like he. He did think it was strange that the people were fearful of them, and their jackets said "the Diamond Dogs". Link just shrugged it off and kept following Fluttershy. "okay now here we are!" said Fluttershy. They proceeded in and Link was greeted by a plethora of all different colors, and all of them made it almost impossible to see. When it cleared up, there were a whole bunch of people there, the first thing he noticed was how colorful everyone's hair was, and all the different styles too. All of a sudden, he saw a girl around Fluttershy's age rushing up really fast "DIDWESUPRISEYOUHUHUH?MYNAMEISPINKIEPIEYOUMUSTBELINKIAMSOOOOEXCITEDTOMEETYOU!" the girl said, seemingly all in one breath. "woah, slow down there" said Link. He was indeed suprised, no doubt, but what really got him was the girl that rushed up to him all of a sudden. "sorry about that, im just so excited to meet you! I'm Pinkie pie!" said Pinkie. "well hi Pinkie Pie, my name is Link, from Hyrule" said Link. "cool! well, since your my new friend, and your Fluttershy's friend, i'm gonna give you a very special discount here at sugarcube corner, but right now, you need to go and meet everyone" said Pinkie, all again in one breath. And she skipped off. "well that was uh, different" said Link. "well that just Pinkie Pie for you" said Fluttershy. "come on, lets go meet the rest of my friends, Applejack is over there, lets go" said Fluttershy. She led link over to a blonde haired girl with a red and white striped shirt, skinny jeans (bow chicka bow wow) and cowboy boots over them. And lastly, a trademark Hat on her head. She also had freckles. Link thought that she was pretty cute. "Howdy there, partner, name is Applejack" she said as she took Link's hand and shook it vigorously When she finally let go, Link popped his hand a few times, and said "Hi Applejack, my name is Link". Link saw Applejack smile kind of big, hearing that slight southern accent, and said "hey were you a farmer back where you are from?" "yeah i had a ranch that i ran with one of my friends, had a barn that held goats and some Pumpkins and a few other things, not too much" "well i know you just woke up and stuff, but if you got some time, could you possibly come buy and help me and my family with apples?" asked Applejack "wait your an apple farmer?!" asked Link excitedly "yup, we will pay you" said AJ "don't worry about paying me, could i just have some apples?"asked Link "well sure partner! Never seen someone as excited for apples as you are, well, i got to go and talk to rainbow Dash" said Applejack, walking off, shaking her rear a little at Link. This just made him excited, but he shook it off. "so Link, ready to go and meet Rarity?" asked Fluttershy, quite glad Link has been getting along with most of her friends. "yeah i am, from what you have said about her, i'm excited to see the look on her face when i give her my rupees." said Link. They walked over to Rarity, who was chatting away with Fluer de Lis, who was in town for a fashion show. As Link got closer to her, he started to notice a quite sexy outline and body on Rarity, quite curvy and very, very pretty. Link knew he was going to get along with her great, since Link was always with women, whether it was Ilia, or Midna, or even Zelda. "well hello dear, i am Rarity, owner of the Carousel Boutique" said Rarity. Well, Link sure wasn't expecting that, she had a British accent! That took him by quite the suprise, but it was rather........ sexy. "hello rarity, i am Link, i am please to make your aquaintence" "as am I deary" said Rarity. "your clothes looked absolutely terrible when you arrived, so i took them and fixed and stitched them up"said Rarity, feeling quite proud of herself. "Well i have something to give you for doing such things, and also cause they are useless in this country" said Link. "oh really? What is it?" asked Rarity, a little ecstatic. Link pulled the bag of rupees from his adventure pouch, and hands it to Rarity. "find out for yourself" said Link. Rarity got excited, as to the point of she LOVED surprises. She opened the bag and nearly screamed when she saw what was inside the bag. As soon as she wasn't mesmerized by the large amount of rupees in his wallet bag, she threw herself onto Link and gave him the biggest hug he has ever received. "Oh my goodness! thank you thank you thank you!" she said over and over again, clearly the happiest girl in Equestria. "your welcome Rarity, Fluttershy told me that you would probably like those, since they aren't currency here" "yes, we use bits, little gold coins" "i can see that" "well, thank you sooooo much. This makes me wanna go find some gems. SPIKE! COME ON! GEM HUNTING TIME!" she said, a kid around 13 or 14 running up next to Rarity. "hey there little guy!" Link said, giving him a noogie. Much to his surprise, this kid was much stronger than he thought, because he had gotten out of his arm lock without evem breaking a sweat. "wow, your quite strong" said Link. "Thanks! My name is Spike, i take it your Link?" asked Spike "yeah i am" "Nice skirt, Link" "Hey! These are the clothes of the hero that drove darkness away from Hyrule centuries ago!" "Hy- what?" Link sighed, remembering he was no longer in Hyrule, nor would he be going back anytime soon. "Hyrule is the vast land where i come from" "Oh, sounds nice" Spike said, sarcastically. "Yeah, evil and monsters everywhere" said Link. "Oh well i got to get going, see you later!" said Spike, running toward the door. "Well, he was........pleasant." said Link. Fluttershy laughed and said "C'mon, Twilight and Rainbow Dash are over at the punch table, lets go meet them" They walked over, Twilight offered a warm smile, which Link thought was really cute. 'damn, are all women here really beautiful?' Link thought to himself. He smiled back, and looked over at Rainbow Dash, who was also smiling at him, but hers was much more adorable. "Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, you must be Link, I'm pleasured to make your aqaintence" Twilight said. "And I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in all of Equestria!" said Rainbow Dash. "Fastest flier huh?" "Yeah! Fastest flier! Are you doubting that?" Rainbow Asked. Link indeed, was doubting that. "yeah i am!" "is that a challenge im hearing?" "Indeed! But not right now, party just started" said Link After a few hours, Link met and talked to everybody else, they all seemed like quite nice people, no one was really on his case about the skirt. A few made fun of it, but apolagized right after. After Link met everybody, Fluttershy called him over. "Link! Come here please!" Fluttershy said. Link got up, and when he got over, his mouth was assaulted by a certain pink haired girl shoving cupcakes in his mouth, and Fluttershy was laughing. "AHH! Pinkie Pie! What the hell!" Link said, getting the taste of the cupcakes. Pinkie was too busy laughing to answer. After alot of mouth work, he finally swallowed the cupcakes, and instantly became a happy person. After a few MORE hours, Link was stuffed full of treats. He and the other 5 girls sat and talked about stuff. "So yeah, thats how i knew i would be the fastest flier" said Rainbow, finishing her story. Right after she finished, Spike bursted through the door, panting. "WOODS RARITY! DOGS! SWORDS! TAKEN! SAVE HER!" Spike said in large fragments. without warning, all the girls jumped up and ran out, heading toward the mountain. Link instinctively followed, knowing they were gonna need his help. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link, Fluttershy, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack were running as fast as they can down a dirt path. Spike had come running, wheezing and panting as he bursted into Sugarcube Corner yelling at the top of his lungs. "What was he going on about?" asked Link to Twilight. "Rarity has been taken by a gang of men called Diamond Dogs, they are famous for kidnapping people and forced into slavery to find gems, and sometimes, they.......rape the women" said twilight, becoming sad during the last part. "OH HELL NO!" Link said as he began to sprint much faster than the rest, but realized he ran into a field of filled up holes of dirt. "oh no! They did it again! They filled the holes!" said Fluttershy. "Well we can't dig them out like last time without the popping up and pulling our feet from under us like last time." said Applejack. Link thought for a moment, and smiled, knowing exactly how to get the dirt out. "Alright, everybody step back." said Link. They all complied and stepped back to give link some room. He pulled out his larger than a usual boomerang, Gale Boomerang, pulled his hand back, aiming for all the holes to blow out, and threw it. After a second, the boomerang hit it's first destination, poofing all the dust up like a mushroom cloud the princess would make when making potions and talent enhancers. The boomerang hit it's second mark, and the same Happened. The boomerang hit all the marks, and the same thing happened to all of them, and it came back to Link, flying right back into his hand. "Woah! Cool! How did that boomerang do that?" asked Rainbow Dash, really ecstatic and amazed by the feat just performed by Link. "The spirit of the wind fairy is in this boomerang, causing it to be magic,and do stuff like that, which hole should we go down?" asked Link. "Any one of them, they all lead into the same room." said Twilight, as Link hopped down a hole. "Well, he isn't scared of anything it seems" said Twilight, hopping down after him, followed by Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. Once Link had hit the ground, he rolled, not affected by any pain that would have been caused. The girls landed all on top of each other, and he looked back. "Y'all okay?" asked Link. "yeah, we are good." said Pinkie. "So, you guys have been here, which way do we go?" asked Link. "If my memory serves me right, this way" said Twilight, begining to run down a hall, them all following. They had run a decent amount, when they saw a diamond dog hound, whipping a naked woman with a crop. Now.....the five girls saw something they hoped they would never have to see, Link had just simply walked up, and snapped his neck, making the hound fall to the ground. Without looking anywhere, Link untied the woman, and gave her her clothes lying on the table next to them. After she had got them all on, she threw herself at Link, giving him the biggest hug he had ever gotten. "Thank you so much! thank you thank you thank you! He was going to..... do things to me." she said. "Please don't go into detail, it will only anger me further, and that is not a good thing." said Link. "There are three more girls, you must save them, they are being held by the Diamond Dogs themselves!" said the woman, who began to run down the hallway. "Three more.....one must be Rarity!" said Link. He turned and started to run, and made a sharp turn and was greeted by a big fist to his face. Once he came to, he saw a big guy with quite a big head looking over him. "Well what do we have here? A hero? Me and my buddies saw you in town, angry? Maybe i will tie you up and make you watch me rape that poor girl over there, excuse me, my name is Gems" he said. This angered Link greatly. He leaned his legs up, and gave him a sharp kick in the face, making Gems stagger. Link got up, turned and delivered a swift punch to his gut. But he was to muscly, and Link's fist barely did anything. Gems reached for a long sword, and gripped it, swinging it at Link. But, Link was much quicker than him, he already had his sword and shield out, and deflected the attack, and back flipped, to gain some space, and he swung his sword down, signaling he was ready to murder Gems. He swung his sword at Link again, again, Link deflecting, but this time, swinging after deflecting. Luckily, Link gave him a pretty big gash in his chest. Gems yelped, and went for a punch. Link grabbed his fist, and hit Gems with his shield, making a brutal cut across his cheek, making him dazed. Link took this opportunity, and sliced him across the stomach, making a big gash. But even a gash like that, couldn't keep Gems down, and he charged at Link. Surprisingly, Link charged at him as well, and thrust his sword at him, stabbing him barely in the chest. Gems yelled, and kneed Link in the face, making Link stagger back. Gems charged again, and stabbed his sword through Link's chest, and Link slid off his sword, and fell, dead. Fluttershy gasped, and cried into Rainbow's shoulder. Gems smiled maniacally, but, saw a little pink twinkle coming from Link's pouch. Something came out of it, it was minuscule size, and had large wings, and it flew in circles around Link, sprinkling little pink sprinkles on Link's wound. Link's eyes shot open, and he back rolled up, confusing Gems greatly. Link Smiled, and said "everyone miss me?" making Fluttershy stop crying. Gems was too confused to process what just happened, and right when he snapped out of his daze, he was greeted by a kick to the face. Gems fell onto his back, all dazed and confused, when he came to, he saw Link jumping into the air, Master Sword in his hand, and it was aimed for Gems's heart. Link began to fall down, and delivered a brutal ending blow to Gems, making him scream, then die right after. Link back flipped off, and flipped his sword into his sheath. Fluttershy processed what happened, and ran to Link, hugging him. "Oh my gosh Link! Your alive! How is this possible?" said Fluttershy. Link pulled out a bottle from his pouch, the same thing that was there before, and showed it to them. "I had a fairy, you might not have them, but they bring the dead back to life, and that's what you just saw happen to me." said Link. They all were relieved, and Link walked over to the tied up, thankfully still clothed, girl, around 13 or 14. They hadn't gotten a good enough look at who it was, but Applejack ran over and untied her before Link got halfway there. "Applebloom! Thank Celestia your okay!" Said Applejack. "Yes, this was so scary big sister, please take me home please." Applebloom said. "Sorry y'll, i gotta take her home, see y'all later." said Applejack, walking the other way. The rest of them turned and ran the other way, hoping to run into another diamond dog. They were all shocked and surprised at Link for so swiftly killing the Diamond Dog before he did Anything to Applebloom, and snapping the hound's neck the first encounter. They all kept running, and came to a room, but no Diamond Dog in it, instead, there was another girl, around the same age as Applebloom, and she was naked. Rainbow Dash was the first one to realize her, and instantly ran over. "Guys, don't look, look away, its Scootaloo." said Rainbow, trying to the best of her ability to keep Scootaloo covered, and they all looked away. Once Rainbow got Scootaloo clothed, Scootaloo instantly started to hug Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash thank you so much, you have no idea what they did" said Scootaloo, crying. "What? What happened?" asked Link. "He.......he raped me....." said Scootaloo. This emitted a gasp from all 5 girls. Link was just shocked, who had enough of a cold, cruel, and black heart to rape a little girl? She was only 14, what did she ever do to anybody? Link could not let this go unscathed, he was going to murder whoever did such a thing, not just take out and kill like Gems and the other Diamond dog, no, he was going to murder this one. Murder. The thought of that made Link shutter, and made him think about how he even came to think about that. But he was going to do it anyway, and he knew it. "Which way did he go?" asked Link. Scootaloo pointed down a hall, still hugging Rainbow Dash. "down that way to Rarity and Sweetie Belle" she said. Link was already sprinting as fast as he could carry himself, the others were left in his wake, confused at how he was already running. The whole place looked, smelt, and sounded disgusting. He only concluded that disgusting people needed a disgusting place to live. He got down the hall, and he saw the most horrific thing ever happening. The diamond dog Scootaloo was talking about, was raping and beating Rarity, and what appeared to be her little sister. Link could only stand there and watch, his anger made him immobile, and he knew the second he moved, there would be blood splattered on the wall within a minute. Fuck it. Link walked toward the Diamond Dog, who had already seen Link, but kept raping, and grabbed him by the throat, and threw him int a wall. The Dog stuffed his junk back into his underwear, and grabbed a rather small machete. Link lunged at him, but the dog deflected it, and kicked his sword away. "Well well, think your gonna be the one to save these poor girls? Let me make you a deal, fist of all, my name is Trinket, second of all, i know you killed my two other dogs, and third, you can join me, your pretty good, me and you, we can take over this country, i'll even let you rape these girls with me if you accept." said Trinket. All Link felt was disgust at the man. He was going to kill him. "No." Link said, and lunged at the dog. Trinket knew what he was doing, and aimed the knife to go through Link's hand, but Link was quicker than that, and curved his hand, grabbing Trinket's wrist. He attempted to twist it around Trinket's back, but he delivered a swift bunch to Link's gut, and link staggered. Trinket took this opportunity, and kicked link in the face. Link fell back, but quickly recovered, when he looked back, trinket was running him, machete in the air. Link decided he had enough of these assholes, and when Trinket was in range, Link grabbed his machete arm, and punched him in the face, making him stagger. Trinket recovered quickly, but saw Link had knocked him on his knees, and Link had control of his Machete arm, and was pushing it toward his neck. Trinket tried to push back with all his might, but faltered, Link had the machete to Trinket's neck, and he violently slid it across, slitting his through, blood splattering the walls. After a minute of standing there, link walked over, without looking at the two girl's nude, and untied them, and gave them their clothes. After they got dressed, they hugged him and thanked him over and over again, and walked back down the cave. Everyone else was already gone, so they walked up and out of the gang, the Diamond Dogs have been wiped off this country. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Link, Sweetie Belle, and Rarity came up from the dog hole, the rest of the group were standing up there, all shooken up from some of Link's actions. Rainbow would be impressed, with the kind of person she is, but she was never for killing, never seemed right. Fluttershy thought it was just wrong, but he had reason, so she let it go. Link was pretty shooken up himself, he had just killed 3 men after all. When Link and Fluttershy's eyes met, they were locked, and Fluttershy ran to Link, hugged him, and cried into him chest, she hoped she would never have to witness death, but she had to. "Link.... you didnt have to kill those men" said Twilight, who had a shocked face. "I did, those men were disgusting, my anger got the best of me. I lost control of myself, if i see rape, im going crazy." Said Link, still stroking Fluttershy's pink hair. It was at that time, Pinkie talked the whole time. "I.......I killed people because i heard them talking about raping someone" Pinkie said. "I dont believe that for a second, Pinkie, your sweeter than candy, i don't think you could have the heart to kill someone. "You girls remember the story about Snowflake raping Cloudchaser and Flitter then he dissappeared?" Said Pinkie, the girls nodded when she said that. "Don't go looking in my basement unless you like seeing dead muscular men." Said Pinkie, in a bit of a phsycotic tone. "Pinkie! Why would you do something like that?" Asked Twilight. "My father.......he raped me on the rock farm when i was really young." Pinkie said, all the girls gasped at this. Link's face just turned red and he had a murdurous look on his face. "Where is this rock farm, im angry again" said Link, having a bit of a murdurous tone in his voice. Before Pinkie could answer, there was a light, cute sounding laughter. Link immediatly smiled, he knew exactly who it was who was laughing. After a second, a seemed to be a little girl came from Link's shadow, in her full form, and started flying around. The Girls weren't scared, more startled. "Girls, this is Midna, my shadow you could say" said Link, proud to introduce his friend. "Yes Yes, it's true, i am the one and only Midna, Twilight Princess. Link, i come to warn you of two things, one, Ganondorf may have had a long fall, but he is still very much alive, and now that he has seen what you're capable of, your amazing source of strength, He is building a massive army of monsters to fight you. He has also joined with a terribly muscular man named Iron Will" said Midna. Link had become even more angry, and Fluttershy came from the comfort of Link's arms when she heard the name Iron Will. "He was my assertiveness teacher about a year ago, he's nothing but a big bully." said Fluttershy. "I know, i looked at his history. Link, dont underestimate these men. Ganondorf is stronger then when you two guys last met, and Iron Will is just a bit stronger than Ganondorf the last time. They plan to kill you and take over this place, Equestria i think? yeah, Equestria, Kill the Two leaders, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, and take over! You gotta stop them!" said Midna, very serious for one of the first times. "And what about Hyrule?" Said Link. "Hyrule is fine, with Ganondorf gone, the soldiers were able to completely destroy the rest of the monsters. The Princess is working on a formula to bring you back, i've been talking to her. But before you go, you should finish Ganondorf's army." said Midna. "I will, but i have something i must do first. Girls, i must go." Link said, then he began walking off, Midna blending to his shadow. Once link had gone a ways, he summoned Midna from his shadow, and she came out. "I suppose you know where I'm heading and for what reason?" said Link. "Yes, i suggest changing to your wolf form to make it look like an animal attack, not a murder." said Midna, pulling out the Twilight fragment. "I do agree that is a good idea, but scum like him should be executed properly, like being beheaded." Link said. "I won't oppose to that idea, but i still suggest the animal attack. You can tear his throat out that way." Midna said. Link grunted and said "Fine, i'll do the wolf. Oh yeah, i meant to ask you, how are you here, i thought Ganondorf killed you?" Asked Link. "Oh, he didn't kill me, he just took my mask and threw me somewhere. It all returned to me when you fell through the portal. I just did a little bit of twilight magic and i was able to get here." Said Midna Proudly. "....Well good job" said Link awkwardly. Link reached out to Midna to touch the shard, but she flicked it back into her hand. "Ah, first, remember that if your ready to change back, just look at me with those big ol' puppy eyes and think it, i'll change it." said Midna, bringing it back up. "And screw you too, "puppy eyes", pft." Said Link, then touching it. He felt the familiar magic flow through him, and before he knew it, his world was black and white. He looked around, everything seemed to be in order. And with that, he took off down path. He felt Midna bouncing around on top of him, so he slowed his pace a little. "Arg! Slow down you stupid mutt!" Said Midna, folding her ears back when she heard a low, demonic growl. Link started sprinting down the path again, seemingly going faster to Midna. He stopped all of a sudden when he game to a large, open, plowed field with Large rocks everywhere. He looked around it again. He saw two women, they both had the face that resembled Pinkie greatly, and oh so beautiful, they smelled amazing, from what Link could smell from his position. "This must be it, Midna. Those girls over there look an awful lot like Pinkie Pie, or i'm blind." Thought Link. "I agree. You are color blind, to be fair, so you are right on both parts" Midna giggled. Link crouched down low and moved among the small rocks. Since he had such a blackish-grayish coat, he was able to blend in well, from a distance at least. He moved slow, barely making a sound. He noticed Midna disappeared from his back. "It's okay, i'm still watching you with a telescope from the top of their house, i'll warn you if i see anyone who isn't the father coming your way, it takes a special telescope to see you, nice coat." Said Midna telepathically. Link kept moving very slowly around the rocks, making his way toward the house. Once he reached the house, he crept around it in circles, going around slowly. He noticed the girls that looked like Pinkie went inside. Link stayed in his position and observed the scene, taking deep breaths. "Oh for pete's sake!" Said an appearing Midna before throwing a rock through a window then disappearing again. Link froze and kept very, very still. He could hear talking inside the house from his position. His ears perked up when he heard an opening door from the front of the house, out walked a rather older man, maybe in his late 50's, early 60's. "Hello? You damn kids, when i get my hands on you....." Said the man. Link Snarled, he smelled those girls working on the farm that had gone inside, on that man. And it was a very, VERY, strong scent, like he had been all over them. Link knew exactly what was going on inside. "You better be considering yourself lucky my eyesight isn't as good, or you'd get a good knocking around!" Said the man. Link growled very low, as if a demon were near. The man frowned and looked over at Link. Link took that opportunity to jump at him, The man barely got a scream out before Link's wide open snout was at his throat, tackling the man over. "Hel-!" Was all the man said before Link tore his throat out with his mouth. He watched as the man bleed out, looking at Link with pleading eyes, as if begging for mercy. Link licked the blood off his mouth, and started running toward the town, Midna appearing on his back once they were at a safe distance. Link ran behind a large tree, and Midna appeared in front of him, holding the Twilight Fragment. "Ready to turn to Reality?" Asked Midna? Link nodded and sat, Midna touching the fragment to him, and he turned back to a human. He stood up and Midna went into his shadow. "Alright, lets get back to town, before some soldiers show and see you with your sword" Said Midna. Link nodded and began down the dirt path. > Update > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, so, its been awhile since i've wrote, so i believe i've greatly increased as a writer, so sorry if all of a sudden it seems like a new writer, thanks! > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link saw the town peek over the horizon, still filled with people. He was still amazed that some had a pair a wings, and some had a nice horn that made them capable of magic, he knew magic back in Hyrule, but it was certainly different here. He kind of liked it, once he was able to go back to Hyrule, he'd definitely have to bring Zelda and some wizards back so they could study it. "Midna, I have a question" Link spoke aloud, following her appearing from his shadow. "What do you want, Link? Kinda busy." She said. "Doing what?" "I can do things in your shadow, dummy. I'm looking at some sort of bug-type thing here, a Parasprite i think its called, eats basically anything given to it, kind of interesting to look at and study, I might feed it a bottle of lava from Death Mountain." She said back. "Alright...So, I know you've profiled almost everyone here, and that girl, Rarity, she designs garments, right?" "Yeah, she does, and don't call them garments, they call them clothes here. Why do you need to know that?" She asked. "Well, look around, I feel so out of place here, its weird." Link said. "What's wrong with the clothes the spirits gave you?" "Tell me, does anyone in this place wear anything like this? I feel about out of place as a man in Gerudo Valley, but i'm not being arrested. And what's with those things I see police and soldiers with? None of them have swords, I see plenty of daggers and clubs, though." "Well, i guess you could have Rarity make you some clothes more "in style". You gotta remember, Link, you're in a different universe, this isn't Hyrule, they carry guns, something you should probably learn to use, i've read up on history, and The other side of Equestria is in a war with a militia-type group called "The Changelings", which is weird because the Princesses gave them a chunk of their nation so they could have their own, but they started attacking again, and they are slowly pushing toward Canterlot. They are under command of their "Queen Chrysalis, and I fear Iron Will and Ganondorf may form an alliance, you need to learn guns, I mean you are a master swordsman and hand-to-hand combat artist, you could do it." "Makes sense, who could train me in shooting these guns?" Link asked. "Well, it just so happens that Twilight Sparkle's brother, Shining Armor, is captain and leader of the royal guard and military, he could train you." She said. "Huh, convenient. You think I could get a bit more of a modern hero's clothing from Rarity?" Link asked. "Sure! I'll go explain to her, and set up an order for clothing, you go explain to Twilight and ask if she can set up a meeting between you and her brother for some training. You sure about Rarity? After all the things that sorta just happened to her?" "Damn, you're right. I did sorta save her, just, if she asked how she can pay me back tell her that all i require is the order, if she doesn't, just tell her I asked for it, and how much for it.." "Alrighty, no problem!" "Where should we meet up?" He asked. "Umm..., The fountain in town square" Midna responded. "Sounds good" He said back. Midna began heading toward Rarity's place. Link turned around and started toward the town again, seeing the large tree-type house over all the buildings, a light sun only a couple hours from setting and beginning night. As Link walked, he could smell the fresh maple leaves coming from the trees, it smelled like the brew Illia made back home in Ordon Province, she brought him some every Saturday morning before they walked through Faron Province to wash Epona in the spring, they often took a ride through the mass of Hyrule Field as well, but kept to where the soldiers were to keep away from Bokoblins, as much as Link loved to fight them. Until Zant invaded Hyrule, that is. Again, when Link entered the town, he felt weird in his tunic because no one wore anything like it, He saw people with thin, short sleeved shirts and some sort of denim fabric on their legs, and short boots, but he knew they had different names. The town was full of busy people going in and out of stores and shops, this definitely was nothing like Hyrule Town, people had stands set up, but these were individual buildings set up. Link saw some cars, which he learned about when he first got here and was talking with Fluttershy....'Fluttershy', Link thought, lightly giggling. He thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, even more so than the Princess back in Hyrule, or even Illia, he long, pink hair was the best thing he had felt. Link shook his head, and focused on the task at hand. He saw Twilight's house nearby, and he knocked on the door, having forgotten to take off his metal gloves, and creating a loud sound. Twilight opened the door, and smiled. "Oh, Link, it's you, come in.", she said, moving aside. Link entered her home and took a seat on the couch, Twilight sitting across from him and pouring some tea. Link looked around her house, it seemed cozy, a fire lit and brightly burning, easily keeping the house warm. It smelled of some sort of pastry. 'Blueberry pie', he thought, it was rather strong. "So, Link, what brings you to my home?" Twilight asked, starting the conversation. "Well, I actually need a favor. Midna told me a little bit about your nation, said you were in a bit of a losing war, and these 'Changelings' seem to be advancing?" ". . . Listen, I know the six of us aren't doing a totally good job of defending Equestria, but we're trying. So do not criticize is, okay?" Twilight said back, a bit upset. "No, no no! That's not what i'm saying at all!" Link said back to her. "I'm saying that i'm new here, I better get accustomed to your way of warfare, which is with firearms, i guess. I have less than no experience with them, and Midna says your brother is a leader in your army, and could train me with guns. If he's willing, and I came to ask if you could set something up so I could meet with him and talk with him." Link said. ". . . Oh, i'm sorry for my outburst, it's just. . . difficult right now. I will give him a phone call, one moment." Twi said, pulling her cell phone out and getting up and going outside. Link made a face at the device Twilight had pulled from her pocket. If he had to guess, it was supposed to be some sort of device that allowed communication from long distances, but much, much faster than sending letters back and fourth. He waited a little bit, and Twilight came back inside. "Alright, we're to go there tomorrow on the train, and he's agreed to train you with guns, he's actually anxious to meet you." Twilight said with a smile. Link finished off the small cup of tea that Twilight had poured him, got up, and smiled at Twilight. "I thank you very much, Twilight, i appreciate it. I must go get rested up, thanks again." He shook her hand, and began out the door and toward the fountain in the center of town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Midna kept floating along after her and Link had departed, and couldn't seem to stop thinking about what had happened to Rarity and her little sister, Sweetie Belle. 'How could someone do something like that? Are people in this country really like that?' She thought, still floating. She could float through walls, so she didn't bother going through the town, she just flew right to Rarity's shop. "The Carousel Boutique." Midna read aloud, Fashion wasn't really her thing, but she liked the name. She decided she'd have enough decency to knock on her door, see how she's doing before she explains the fashion problem and asks for the order. Midna raises her hand and knocks on he door, soft but loud enough to be heard. A Still beaten up, dirty Rarity answers the door, softly smiling at her "O-oh, Midna, hello" She says, a bit scared and alert. "Hi, Rarity, may I come in?" She asks. Rarity nods and moves to he side, Midna moving into her house and taking a seat, Rarity coming and sitting next to her. Midna had noticed that tissues littered her table and around the floor, she had been crying for obvious reasons. "So, you doing okay?" Midna asks, lightly patting Rarity's back. Rarity jumps a little, and responds with "Y-yeah...i-its okay...". "And Sweetie Belle?" "Sh-She went with our parents back home. . ." "You sure that you are okay? Link's kind of worried." Midna says. "I'm fine. . .Does he need anything? I'll do anything he needs, its the least I could do to repay him..." Rarity said a bit sadly. "Well, He needed something, it's one of the reasons I came over. He's going to be going into battle here as well, and he's like something a bit more...modern for a soldier, he said he'd pay for it as well." Midna said with a smile. "No, no! No payment is necessary, i'll get right on it, no problem, it will be done by tomorrow morning, pouches, holsters and all." Rarity responded, smiling as well. Midna got of the couch and headed toward the door. "Thanks Rarity, it means a lot, He felt out of place here wearing what he was, so it's a big help." She waved, and floated out the door, Hearing Rarity say "Goodbye" back. Midna didn't know her way around Ponyville, but she had a good sense of direction, and from the tour earlier, she was easily able to find the fountain. She saw Link there, and waved as he approached him, and they started toward Fluttershy's house. "Twilight set up a meeting between me and her brother tomorrow." He started. "Good, Rarity said she'd make you an outfit, and it will be ready by tomorrow morning." Midna responded. "How is she holding up?" Link asks, heading into the lightly wooded forest that had reminded him of the outskirts of Faron Province. "She's not too good, she had been crying when i got there, poor girl." She said, seeing Fluttershy's house. Link and Midna got to the door, Midna going into his shadow, and he knocked on the door, remembering that Fluttershy had said he could stay there. Link stood there a second, hearing some rustling. But no one answered. He heard a bang, and then a scream from the inside, and he kicked the door open, and what sounded like a portal was heard from upstairs. He sprinted up the stairs and burst into the room where all the noise was coming from. "Fluttershy!" He had screamed, seeing Fluttershy being pushed through a portal, a muscular man following, and Link saw something very familiar. A man the height of two soldiers had looked back at Link, smiling at him. It was Ganondorf, and he had already gone through the portal. "Link!" Was all Link heard before the portal had closed.